#trying to annoy my mom into letting me give her a music related name. i know she wont let me name her mustaine so im pushing for something m
sofarsogoodsowhat · 2 years
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little baby (homo for scale)
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Final part of the fwb forbidden affair trope
It was fascinating and exhausting of an experience 😭
Basically my friend saw my hickeys during my volleyball tournament so I invented a whole story on how I started seeing a guy that she didn't know and tried to keep the talk about that non existant guy short. What had me sweat buckets was that my scarf smelled like my fwb and she told me the perfume on my scarf was familiar. I tried to laugh it off like oh really??
But somehow everytime I left him my clothes and scarf and everything smelled like him and honestly he was the first and last guy so far that smelled just amazing and not in that heavy axe like smell.
I also soon found out I knew one of his relatives 🤡 she used to be in the same school band as me. One day we had gone to town together to chill and fool around when we went to a shop and all of a sudden I hear a female voice call out to my fwb. When I turned around I froze and I was like oh (insert her name) and I was just like please tell me this isn't happening. Basically that's how I found out these two were related (I would also see her on school grounds (I was still in high school at that time finishing my third grade) and I was terrifiedddd cause my then friend was with me and I was like what if she says or asks something?? Thankfully nothing happened)
That day we ended up taking the bus and goodness that moment has been engraved in my memory and I still get all flushed and embarrassed thinking about it. Basically I had some candy with me and asked him if he wanted some and he said yeah but soon after he would tell me not to move a bit and he started making out with me, passing to me that candy.... in front of the people that were in the same bus as us. He teased me afterwards cause I was so flustered.
There would be instances where he would come over to my place too. One of them was so hilarious cause I would often give him massages at his place and we would also cuddle together or sometimes I would take his dagger cause he liked when you would trace the blade on his back, so we would also make challenges with him trying to guess what I was tracing.
So at my place one time he asked for a massage since my door was closed and my parents were supposed to leave us for a bit. So he took off his shirt and I sat on top of him giving him a nice massage. Eventually we would end up cuddling and at one point there would be a knock followed by my mom opening the door and the speed with which he pushed me off of him, I almost missed the sofa next to my bed and landed on the ground lmfao but the funniest part was me sitting all seriously on the chair with my legs crossed and he was laying on my bed, on his side, supporting his head with his left arm as if he came straight of the "paint me as one of your French girls" meme 💀
Eventually I would end up to his place once and I would be a piece of shit once again tickling him to no end. He was getting annoyed and said that if I didn't stop he would finger me and not let me cum, to which I blurted out then do it. Dude lagged for a second and was like wait what? I said I wouldn't mind if you did so 🤷🏻‍♀️ so dude got excited and asked if I really was okay with it and so my first time took place on that day. He put some music in the background, grabbed a condom and we went off to funland. It was painful for me but he was so sweet and gentle that I melted. He would kiss me to help take away my attention from the stinging and later on when he was finally ready to move properly he interlaced his fingers with mine, my hands next go my head and damn did my heart melt at that point. Big minus cause I didn't come but he did warn me so I guess point on him but still I'm sulky about it lmfao
That was bold of me to accept to do it then cause his father was downstairs. So I had an introduction to him in the end like hey this is my friend and all. I also had forgotten to take the flower hairpin he handed me as a gift after we had finished our did 😭
So yeah our fun was cut short though cause on my birthday my friend asked for my phone to call my fwb to ride her home cause it was late and she had no phone battery (we were out to celebrate my bday) and I was like sure! Drowning in panic I erased all of our convo. Especially since she asked me that as I was about to go to the bathroom. In the end she found suspicious how we had no convo history on WhatsApp and I confessed to her and that's how our friendship ended.
For a while there would also be no communal with my fwb and when I reached out to him and we met I found out how there was an argument with her and asked him never to talk to me again. Spoiler alert we did talk for a while, hooked up again but then we left our own marry ways. We reconciled again with my fwb like a year or two ago and that's when we kinda ended our contact definitively cause he had found the right person and he actually finally became a dad 💕 he was the sweetest dude, very crazy when we had met but he matured a lot ever since. I will forever be grateful to that dude cause even if he didn't know it he actually saved me in a way cause I was going through a very difficult period and even though the issues continued even when we lost contact, the fact he was there at the beginning of it all and he was the one that marked my first everything helped me a lot 💭
So yeah that was it! Honestly fwb never last imo you always have one person seek for more, so it's really a situation where you need to willingly take the risk of potentially getting burned by it. I think I was the one who caught feelings with him, mostly cause of how important of a role he took at that time of my life.
Would you be interested to hear more of my shenanigans? If so would you want to a) hear about my guy friend that we tried to see if things could get serious between us b)the small story of the clingy to a scary point dude that collared me during one night, c) the story where I had a guys gf stalk my profile and reach to a common friend cause she thought her bf was cheating on her with me (honestly I would have thought too when I found out how he hid my existence to her) or d) the story of the right person at the wrong time (spoiler alert it didn't end with a happy ending 🥲)
He put some music in the background, grabbed a condom and we went off to funland. It was painful for me but he was so sweet and gentle that I melted. He would kiss me to help take away my attention from the stinging and later on when he was finally ready to move properly he interlaced his fingers with mine, my hands next go my head and damn did my heart melt at that point. Big minus cause I didn't come but he did warn me so I guess point on him but still I'm sulky about it lmfao///
What was the music he played? Please tell me it was something sexy related.
And omg that hand-holding bit sounds really cute, my heart awwed at that bit. It sounds like he was a sensual man and actually did make your pleasure a priority.
Thats why I wrote in my fics that they didn't come from their first time, it's rare because it's such a new and overwhelming experience for your body.
Mmm, I'm a sucker for angst and romance so I'm going to go for D.
Would you like to hear about my awkward romance experiences?
Would you like a) how i asked a dude out in high school and he told everyone about it? b) When a guy asked me out and then ended it two weeks later? c) how 5 men have rejected me? d) how I almost lost my virginity twice?
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robinofgothamcity · 3 years
♡ prompt: your relationship with Damian isn’t what is seems like.
♡ pairing: damian wayne (robin), bart allen (impulse) x fem reader
♡ lyric inspiration: “it’s just a little too late, you say you dream about me but you don’t like me, you just like the chase so be real, it doesn’t matter anyway.”
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes 
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you were blasting music into your headphones as you were trying to finish everything you needed to get done for the week. graduation was coming in just a few weeks and you had been neck deep in homework with essays and exams coming in from left and right. 
you had even been putting off even hanging out or going on dates with Damian because your lack of time. he kept telling you that it was okay but in the back of your head, you felt wrong for denying him every time he asked you out. 
Jon and Billy had been in the lair’s living room, lazying around until Nightwing or even Batman came in to give all of you times and coordinates for your patrolling tonight. you hadn’t even been hearing their conversation since your music was drowning out their conversations. 
when you realized that your coffee had ran out and everything that you needed in order to make a new cup was in the kitchen, you took off your headphones and grabbed your cup, walking slowly to living room. 
“where’s Damian?” Billy asked, kicking his shoes off, “oh, he’s training. ever since graduation for Gotham Academy came closer, ( your name ) has been putting him off to study so he’s been training to kill time.” 
your eyebrows fluttered in confusion, not knowing if what Jon was saying was rude or not. “I have to give Damian props though,” Jon continued, “he’s been with her for two months now! we even had a small bet going to see how long he would be able to date her and he’s clearly won since he’s been with her longer than the month we bet on. even a few of the titans had placed bets that it wouldn’t last as long as it did. Raven put in a measly two weeks,” Jon laughed. 
your eyes stared down at the ground, completely watery and stinging, “hey, that just shows Damian can commit to things that aren’t training although it’s like you said, it’s surprising they’re even together if she keeps putting him off,” Billy added on. 
not realizing that your cup had slipped your grasp, the metal collided with the ground, making Jon and Billy turn around. they could see the hurt in your eyes as you remained frozen in place. 
“hey ( your name ),” Jon murmured, “did you hear what we were talking about?” Billy asked, afraid at the answer. 
your eyes turned into rage as you picked up your cup off the floor, “tell Damian that since our month is over, we’re done,” Jon immediately sprang up, “hey! please, don’t say that! you’re completely not understanding what we’re saying!” Jon said frantically. 
Damian walked out of the solo training room, seeing Jon and Billy’s expressions as the tears ran down your face, “what’s going on?” Damian asked. you laughed, not wanting to even look at him, “great! you’re here! since our relationship was based on a bet that you had money on that would only last a month, you can count it as we’re over now!” you exclaimed.
you slammed your laptop and grabbed your backpack as Damian ran towards you. in a fit of complete rage, you turned around and punched him square in the stomach, making him fall onto Jon. 
“go fuck yourself! as a matter of fact, you can find another member for the Titans! I quit!” you screamed, slamming your mask down onto the table and leaving the lair, “wait! please, this isn’t how you think it went down, please!” Damian begged. 
you gave him the finger, “I hope you, right along with Jon and Billy, enjoy sitting on the shame that is playing with people’s emotions,” you said as Nightwing walked into the hallway, clearly lost on what was happening, “the next time you, Jon, Billy, hell! even the Titan’s decide to play with people’s emotion for the sake of getting money, make sure it’s someone who’s not on the same team as you,” you whispered. 
“don’t leave, please don’t leave. Nightwing, stop her!” Damian said in panic as you got onto your bike, “Nightwing, since the Titan’s are now down a member, you can tell whoever was fighting a place that my spot is now vacant,” you managed to say before revving your bike and riding onto the street. 
“what is going on?” Nightwing asked the three. he had never saw Damian so hurt, meanwhile Billy and Jon were left speechless, “my girlfriend just broke up with me!” Damian murmured, a feeling in his heart that he had never felt before, “she overheard a conversation Billy and I were having but I think she only heard a piece of it,” Jon tried to rationalize. 
Damian looked at the two, pure rage coming over his body, “it’s both your fault?” he screamed, charging them with his sword. Nightwing quickly grabbed his brother, taking the sword away from his grasp, “she only heard some of the conversation! we never meant for her to actually get upset.” 
Nightwing stood in between the three, “listen, whatever happened, all of you need to apologize. now, I can’t promise that she’ll rejoin the team,” he warned Damian, “if she decides to come back, that’ll be her decision....AND HER DECISION only,” Nightwing said, “but if she decides not too, I can’t force her to overturn her decision,” he added on, “no matter who you’re related too.”
Damian knew he was hinting at Bruce when he added in the last part. there was no way any of them could actually convince you to come back if you didn’t want too. they could try and persuade you but it was ultimately your decision if you wanted to rejoin the team. 
once you got back home, you felt as though your heart hadn’t completely accepted what happened. a part of you felt like it was some sort of sick joke and you needed to wake up from it. 
alas, it wasn’t and you knew that what Damian and you had was something that wasn’t going to happen again. it stung knowing that Jon, the one who seemed so innocent all the time, was actually in on the joke and was sitting there and laughing at you. 
you hadn’t known Billy for that long. the two of you became acquainted not long after you got with Damian and while you thought of him as a friend, it still hurt that he too was in on the joke. 
your mom was working late as she was helping Gotham Academy with situating for graduation planning. your mom didn’t know about you and Damian thankfully so even though you were completely heartbroken, it’s not like she knew about what you were going through. 
you flopped onto your bed, trying to control your breathing when the doorbell rang. tiptoeing to the front door, hoping it wasn’t any of the three idiots, you were stricken with relief when you saw that it was Bart of all people.
“hey Allen, what are you up too? wait a minute, what you doing here in Gotham?” you asked, welcoming him inside. Bart chuckled softly, “I’m here for some stuff on the behalf of my family. don’t worry about it,” he murmured, “I went to the lair looking for you and you were gone.” 
you hummed, not knowing if you were willing to tell him the actual story of why you weren’t there, “you okay? you look like you were crying!” he exclaimed, seeing the puffyness under your eye and the redness around it. you sighed shakily, “truthfully? I’m not but it’s nothing to worry about,” you tried to say calmly. 
Bart gave you a look, not fully convinced, “seriously? I can’t talk to you about the real reason on why I’m here if you’re upset. tell me!” he restated, looking at you dead in the eye. you dragged him inside, not wanting anyone to heart, especially if Damian was on his bullshit and spying on you.
you got Bart up to your room, locking the door and leaning up against the door. your back against it as you tried to contain your tears and running your hands through your hair, “I broke up with my boyfriend recently and I’ve been having a lot of issues with it since I found out,” you finally confessed. 
Bart’s eyes twitched in annoyance, “you were dating someone?” he asked, a bit hurt that the girl he had been crushing on not only had a boyfriend but you were now heartbroken over it. you nodded, “not that my identity was ever a secret but I was dating Robin,” your eye twitched this time, annoyed at mentioning Damian.
Bart stood in disbelief, not believing that Robin, the one everyone thought was perfect, had broken up with you. a part of him wanted to strangle the boy but he knew that Robin was a lot more stronger than he was.
“if you don’t mind me asking, can I ask what happened?” Bart played with his fingers nervously. you stared at the ground, scared if you looked at Bart, you would bawl your eyes out, “he started dating me as a joke. he had made a bet with a few other sidekicks about being able to date me for a month and the longer he dated me, the more money he made,” your tears fell almost immediately at the confession. 
Bart’s anger immediately rose as he tried to not say anything irrational, “are you kidding?” he asked. you shook your head no, not knowing what to say, “can I kick his ass?” he asked again, making you laugh for the first time in a while. 
“sorry Allen but you know I won’t let you...especially because you and I both know how that would end,” you giggled, making Bart agree. you sat down on the bed next to him, “now why are you here? although I think I might know why,” you murmured. 
The Flash family, especially Bart and Barry had taken an interest in you when you first joined the Titans. your powers had given you the ability to be as fast as the Flashes were. you weren’t exactly as speedy as Flash but your powers did let you have competition with Bart’s speed. 
“you know Central city has been calling your name,” Bart whispered, looking at you. “you know you’d have a position with us and you wouldn’t be around Robin if you weren’t comfortable being around him,” Bart added in the last part. 
you bit your lip, “come on, you know better than anyone that Gotham has nothing for you,” he tried to rationalize, “yeah, you have potential with the Bats but you know that joining us would make you an even bigger hero than you are here,” he said. 
“Bart, is this really the reason why you want me to join all of you?” you asked. Bart nodded, hoping that you were actually considering it, “of course! you can join us out for patrol tonight and if you like it, you can join us over in Central City when you graduate,” he exclaimed. 
“tonight? with who?” you asked. Bart pointed to himself with confidence, “with the one and only, Bart Allen!” he boasted. you laughed, “just tonight and if I don’t like it, I get to stay here!” you said, pointing your finger at his chest. 
“SERIOUSLY?” he asked surprised. you nodded as you saw the time, “sure but remember what I said!” you yelled as he ran around your room in excitement. 
the time you had ever went to Central City was when you went with Damian and Bruce on the behalf of Bat business so the feeling that you were now no longer going there with them felt a bit out of place. you looked at the time as Bart had told you that it wouldn’t take to long to get there with both your speeds. 
you grabbed you uniform out of your closet and looked at the time, sensing that both you and Bart should get to Central City before both of your patrol times started. you could see the excitement coming from Bart as he was basically talking your ear off the entire way back to Central City. 
through the following few days, you had actively ignored Jon, Damian, and Billy. it was harder for you to ignore Jon and Damian as they had known your home address but every time Raven had informed you on one of the boys coming and paying you a visit, Bart always seemed to come over and get you out of the house before they could. 
this time was no different but today, you couldn’t ignore Damian even if you wanted too. today was Gotham’s graduation and with both you and Damian graduating at the top of the class, you both had to sat on the stage, right next to each other. 
you had worn a plain neutral yellow dress with black shoes as you tried to follow Gotham’s school colors. the actual cap and gowns were not as cute as they had the tacky yellow cap and gown with black lining that made all of you look like bee’s. 
up until this moment, you still hadn’t decided on what your plans were for after graduation. you had a bunch of unanswered acceptance letters from different University’s around the U.S. and one of them was from Central City State University. 
they had personally reached out to you in order to attend their school. you had been thinking about actually accepting their letter for a while now and with Bart now offering to be your partner, you didn’t want to pass up the opportunity. you hadn’t told anyone besides your mother about the move to Central City and while she was upset to see you leave, she knew it was best to let you finally be on your own. 
you had gotten to Gotham Academy, a bit early and tired as you had stayed up late with being on Face Time with Bart. the two of you had gotten closer over the course of the last few weeks and while you were still extremely heartbroken over Damian’s actions, a part of your heart was starting to fix itself with Bart now mending that piece. 
you, on a very sporadic thought, had invited Bart and Barry to your graduation as you didn’t want to run into the chance of actually having to be alone with Damian. you wanted to make sure that you were either around your mom or Bart when everything was finished. 
the stage had been set by the time you got to the Auditorium as you had saw your mom along with Bart and Barry in the front. since you were moving to Central City, partially for college and partially to continue doing hero work there, your mom had to introduce and get familiar with the family that was soon taking you in. 
everyone knew that everyone who were connected to the Flash family had this flamboyant personality to them so when Barry and Bart introduced themselves to your mom, she was quite taken back. nevertheless, she did end up getting along well with them and felt safe with you moving there. 
Damian had saw you sitting in the chair, on your phone as everyone sat in their seats. what he hadn’t realized was that Bart and Barry were right next to your mom. he had heard about your endeavors with going over to Central City to ‘intern’ with the Flash family and while he didn’t want to believe it, a part of him felt as though that might’ve been actually true now. 
Damian looked at you with guilt crossing his face. you hadn’t been face to face with him since that fateful night and although it took every ounce of power to not scream at him, for the sake of his identity and the fact that all of you had to be professional, you gave him the side eye and turned to your headmaster who was approaching the stand. 
Gotham Academy’s graduation had felt like centuries before it finally came to your turn to speak on the behalf of your class. you smiled at the crowd, waving at your family and the Allen’s before looking down at your paper. you gulped in nervousness as you began your speech. 
“and although I have been keeping my college acceptance a secret, within the last few weeks, I’ve had the privilege of being scouted by a few schools and finally came down to the decision last week on which university I would attend. it is my honor and with grace to finally announce that I will be attending Central City State University in the fall! go Falcons!” you told the crowd as you opened up your gown to show off the school sweater. 
you saw Bart’s face light up with excitement as he realized that you had accepted the Flash’s invitation to work with them. Damian had also realized that the rumors surrounding you actually leaving the Titan’s to work with the Flash was actually true and he felt his heart break realizing that you were no longer a part of his life. 
you sat back down in your seat with a smirk playing on your face as you could basically feel Damian’s stare coming down on you. it wasn’t until after graduation when all of you got the chance to join your families again when you saw Bart and everyone else. 
“are you really joining us in Central City?” he asked excitedly. you nodded, giving Bart a hug. the hug didn’t feel friendly. not in the slightest. it felt almost romantic as the two of you remained in an embrace longer than you had realized, “than I’m so glad our plan actually worked out!” Barry said in relief. 
your eyebrows fluttered in confusion but he told you it was a surprise that you wouldn’t see until you got to Central City tonight. you nodded as all you had decided to take pictures before heading to eat. you had noticed Damian approaching you, a determined stare on his face but Bart quickly realized it and grabbed you by the wrist, making you join Barry and your mom again. 
the night finally entered as you had made your way to Central City in order to get settled into your new apartment by signing the final papers over to the apartment. Barry and Bart had offered to show you around your new home, as if you hadn’t already recognized Central City already but nevertheless, you complied and let them show you. 
you got into the core of the city, the lights twinkling and the noises of cars making you feel as though you were in a movie. Bart had covered your eyes with his hands as he told you your secret was coming up. a nervous feeling crept up to your stomach as you had no idea what was going on. 
finally, all of you stopped and that was when Bart took his hands off your eyes. you stared at the large billboard that was high up in the sky as you felt tears spring your eyes. 
“welcoming Central City’s newest superhero.” 
the billboard read as it had a picture of you right next to the lettering. you looked to Barry and Bart before engulfing them into a hug as you thanked them profusely. Barry shrugged you off, “we should be thanking you. you’re going to help us so much! it’s the least we could do,” he said as Bart agreed. 
Barry had mentioned that all of you were going to catch dinner at a restaurant and your reservation should be coming up soon. he had gotten the head start, whispering to Bart that he’d leave the two of you alone for a moment. 
“seriously, thank you so much Bart,” you whispered, giving him another hug. he chuckled nervously, trying to wave you off, “you have no idea how much this means to me,” you added on. 
you looked to Bart and got on your toes, hoping that your next action wasn’t a mistake. you gave him a quick peck on the cheek, making Bart go red in the face. it hadn’t fully set in that you kissed him until he realized that he hadn’t said anything back yet. 
Bart grabbed your hand, giving it a soft kiss before doing the same to your cheek. you smiled at him shyly, grabbing his hand before telling him that you were going to be late for the reservation with Barry. 
months had passed since you had started your new life in Central City. you hadn’t spared anyone in Gotham a second thought unless you were visiting your mom so you hadn’t contacted Damian or any of the Titan’s since then. 
however, you had to go with Bart to the Titan’s tower today. you had to meet up with Nightwing there to get information Barry needed for a case. you were hoping that you didn’t run into any of the idiots while you were there with Bart but luck was not on your side that day and upon reaching the Titan’s tower, you were met with not only Damian but with Jon and Billy. 
“where’s Nightwing?” you asked them. Jon gave you a sheepish smile, “he’ll be here soon,” he responded. you nodded, grabbing Bart’s hand and heading to the couch to say hello to Raven and Beast Boy. 
the four of you got into conversation until Damian walked in, basically dragging you into the kitchen as Bart immediately stood up, running to where you were. 
“what the fuck is your issue?” you yelled, snatching your hand back. Bart knew you could hold your own but he still wanted to make sure you were okay, “we need to talk,” he stated, looking to Bart. you laughed, “yeah, whatever you have to say you can say right now. I refuse to talk to you alone,” you said back. 
Damian growled as Jon and Billy stood up, “that night when everything went down, we want to say that it was all a mistake. you had only heard a portion of what we were saying. we never intentionally made a bet on the two of you. we had made a bet that was basically us telling Da-Robin that he couldn’t do anything besides train and fight. Robin had actual feelings for you and the bet was never intentionally set on you. we swear,” Jon explained. 
you looked to Damian and Billy as they both agreed. you rolled your eyes annoyed, “you think I’d actually believe that?” you looked to Bart and laughed before taking his hand, “the next time you actually want to make up lies, make sure they’re actually fucking believable!” you exclaimed laughing. 
Bart laughed along with you, “you think we’re lying?” Damian yelled, “yeah because why should I ever believe what any of you three have to say. all of you are a bunch of pricks that are so far up your own asses that no one with an actual working brain would believe that lie.” 
Bart’s mouth, along with everyone else, hung in disbelief and surprise. “seriously, the next time we see each other, make up a better lie and for the record, working with and in Central City has been actually been so refreshing! no offense,” you said looking over to the rest of the Titan’s, “especially since he’s been making it a lot easier,” you gave Bart a wink as he blushed slightly. 
“so unless we actually have to speak to each other on professional terms, don’t bank on me ever contacting any of you again.” 
you grabbed Bart’s hand as Nightwing had walked into the tower and the three of you walked into a solo conference room to actually do what Barry had sent you two for. 
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Random Berdly headcanons:
-His favorite candy is gummy worms.
-He is one of the people who eats chips with chopsticks.
-Due to the media he was exposed to and also because he's not the most social kid, he's not fully aware that boys and girls can be friends and JUST friends. So when he's in a positive relationship with Noelle, because he doesn't have any romantic feelings towards her, he thinks that she has romantic feelings towards him because "Why would a girl want to be friends with me if she's not interested in me that way?".
-Likewise, his 'crush' on Susie is him internally going "I think she's cool! Is that a crush is like??? Yeah, it's most likely a crush..."
-He's only good at puzzles when they're presented to him in the context of video games, literally ANYWHERE ELSE and he's floundering.
-Didn't like mountain dew until he discovered the different flavors like Live Wire, Voltage Raspberry, and Code Red.
-He and Noelle like to play horror games together. Sometimes they take turns, sometimes Noelle watches Berdly play, sometimes Berdly watches Noelle play.
-Does have a reddit account, but the subreddits he visits are usually r/aww r/memes and r/cursedcomments, along with a few fandom/video game subreddits he likes.
-If he could take one thing from the dark world into the light one, he'd take the Halberd because A. It's a freaking awesome weapon that he really likes. B. He likes to mess around with it when nobody's looking; twirl it leekspin style, toss it in the air and catch it, imitate cool video game combos he's seen but not actually attack anyone, etc.
-favorite genre of music is videogame soundtracks.
-His last name is Corvidae and he's the only blue bird in his family, everyone else (his mom, dad, siblings, extended family) have black feathers.
-He uh... Also doesn't have the best relationship with his family... They're not verbally or physically abusive, but they're also not great.
-On a related note, he has mixed feelings about Swatch and the Swatchlings, as well as thoughts like: "If I had a robot face like Queen wanted, would they try to dye my feathers black before folding me into their ranks or would they be okay with my blue feathers?", "Is Swatch embarrassed with me or is that just his personality?", "Do I unknowingly irritate them when I stand out from them?"
-Let's just say there's a reason why Queen didn't give him the robot face even if it could've made him "Less annoying"...
-He really likes all forms of fried chicken and doesn't see why people make a big fuss over him eating it. 'Birds eat other birds all the time guys. In fact, CHICKENS eat other chickens without hesitation when they get the chance because even they know how good they taste'
-But ONLY fried chicken, he doesn't like rotisserie chicken/chicken without breading. It's a texture thing.
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milkiane · 3 years
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photo booth picture
pairings: peter maximoff x reader
warnings: strictly follows the events of DOFP at the beginning, mentions of food
word count: 2193
note: ‘twinks’ is your nickname for each other. for @peterssweetpea and @sunflowergirl522 because i love the both of u to the moon and back <3
“how does the breakfast club sound to you, twinks?” you asked your best friend, flipping through the movie catalog of the newspaper.
he scrunched his nose up, “ehh,”
“oh, come on, pete,” you groaned, letting the paper fall on your face, “you’ve protested to every movie that’s showing in the theaters.”
“you know we could just go to new york in like a span of a minute to look for a great movie.” he shrugged, “or watch a production of that chick flick you’re waiting for,”
“i- wait, actually, that sounds like a great plan,” you grinned, sitting up.
but before you could even say another word, he shushed you and sped out, and back with a box of popsicles. he dropped it on your lap and went back to playing table tennis with himself.
“peter!” magda called out, “the police are here,”
“what? did they immediately know that you stole these?” you asked, unwrapping one.
“... again.”
“nope, and they’re not cops. i checked,” he said.
footsteps were heard as three men went down the stairs, you looked at them suspiciously but didn’t say a word.
“what d’you guys want? i didn’t do anything,” he said, before speeding around and sitting at the couch from behind them, “i’ve been here all day, ask her.” he nodded towards you, letting the tennis ball fall on the floor.
the three men looked at you, you waved your hand and smirked.
“just relax peter, we’re not cops,” one of them said, completely ignoring your existence.
“‘course you’re not cops, if you were cops you wouldn’t be driving a rental car,” he retorted, making you laugh.
“how’d you know we’ve got a rental car?” the long-haired brunette asked, you shook your head in disbelief, continuing on eating your popsicle.
“i checked your registration when you were walking through the door,” he said, “i also had some time to kill so i went through your rental agreements, and saw you were out of town.”
“are you the fbi?” you asked, peter looked at you and you nodded at him.
peter took the hint and sped around them, time slowing by as he did. he went through the scruffed man’s wallet, hoping to get some money while he’s at it, but instead of money, he saw a folded envelope with his and your name on it. the handwriting was yours, which confused him because as far as he was concerned, the both of you didn’t know who these men were.
he looked at your frozen states before pocketing it and grabbing the next guys wallet, “nope, you’re not cops,” he swiped through it and grabbed the crumpled card, “hey, what’s up with this gifted youngster’s place?”
“that’s an old card,”
“he’s fascinating.”
“he’s a pain in the arse,”
“what, a teleporter?”
“no, he’s just fast,” one of them said, “and when i knew him he wasn’t so… young,”
you looked through his mind, seeing all his emotions, his memories, and his crowded mind. he isn’t from here.
peter sat beside you on his bed, eating his popsicle as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, “young? you’re just old,”
you snorted before staring at the man whose name you found out was logan, “what’re you doing here, logan?”
the three of them blinked at you, finally acknowledging your presence. he spoke up, “you know what i’m here for,”
you squinted your eyes at him, trying to go deeper into his mind.
“stop entering my mind, y/n,” he growled, he knew that if you went in any deeper, he’d lose connection with the future.
“a telepath?” charles asked, looking at you with wonder.
“and a time traveler, creating portals to anywhere and anytime,” logan groaned, rubbing his head.
“so you’re not afraid to show your powers?” hank asked.
“powers? what powers?” peter furrowed his eyebrows, turning to look at you and ask, “do you see something strange here?”
“nothing anybody would believe if you told them,” you quipped, grinning as peter used his powers to speed over his pacman.
“so, who are you? what do you want?” he asked, eyes focused on the game.
“we need your help, peter, y/n,”
“for what?” you asked, sitting up straight.
“to break into a highly-secured facility,” he sought, “and to get someone out.”
“prison break? that’s illegal, you know.” he retorted, hands still aggressively pressing and pushing on buttons.
they looked around the basement, observing peter’s stolen stuff.
“what’s in it for us?”
“you, you kleptomaniac, get to break into the pentagon.”
this piqued both our interests, peter stopped playing the game and faced them. you sighed, creating a portal and appearing in front of them, “how do we know that we can trust you?”
“because we’re just like you,” he answered. you knew that he meant they were mutants like you, but if peter’s in, then you are, too.
“show him,”
slowly, sharp claws of bones started to appear in one of logan’s hands. you grimaced, turning around to wear your sneakers.
“that’s cool, but it’s disgusting,”
as soon as you’ve got everything settled and planned out, you and peter got into action. you waited in the elevator for the assigned guard as the others went on their ways.
peter messed with him as soon as he got in and grinned, getting the duct tape out. you immediately wrote a note and stuck it on the food tray.
peter went out, uniform-clad and the tray in hand. you sat on the floor, looking at the guard who’s been duct-taped against the wall, “so, you come here often?”
he started muffling out words you obviously couldn’t understand so you blinked at him, “what was that? oh, yeah, you’ve got tape on your mouth,” you hummed, feigning sympathy as you stood up, hearing the glass shatter.
in a blink of an eye, peter and erik, who looks like he’s going to be sick, appeared. peter immediately changed back to his clothes you handed back.
erik looked at you, and you smiled, “it’ll pass, it happens to everyone.”
“you must’ve done something serious,” peter commented, “what did you do? what’d you do? what’d you do?”
you ignored the annoying remarks of your best friend and offered the man a comforting look, “why did they have you in there?”
“for killing the president,” he muttered.
you and peter exchanged shocked looks, “shit!”
“you take karate? you know karate, man?” peter asked, doing some hand motions. you rolled your eyes, wondering why you couldn’t go watch a movie like the both of you had planned instead.
“i don’t know karate,” he groaned, “but i know crazy.”
“they told me you control metal,” peter said, looking at him curiously.
“they?” he asked, looking at you and peter worriedly.
you just shrugged, but peter didn’t stop talking, “you know, my mom once knew a guy who could do that.”
your eyes widened, looking back and forth from erik and peter, but before you could even go into his mind and see if he and your best friend are related, the elevator doors opened.
“charles?” he faltered, but before he could say anything else, charles gave him a right punch on his face, making him stumble, “good to see you, too, old friend… and walking.”
you shook your head in disbelief, waiting as the two of them bickered like an old married couple.
you leaned into peter, and whispered, “can you feel the sexual tension, too?”
“definitely,” he snorted, watching as the events unfold.
the shouts of the guards snapped you out of thought, “nobody move! hold it right there!”
“charles,” erik began. all of you stepping out of the lift as more of them slowly came in. peter moved you from behind him, you calculated each of their moves. you knew that you wouldn’t handle them all at once, especially if you haven’t fully controlled your powers.
“don’t move, hands up, or we will shoot!”
“freeze them, charles,”
“i can’t,”
you grabbed peter’s walkman, and carefully placed it in his hold as erik manipulated the metals around you.
in a millisecond, the guards are down and the bullets were away from you.
you smiled, making your way towards him and giving peter a high-five, “great work, twinks,”
he blushed, but a small frown on his face as charles and erik walked out without acknowledging him. logan smirked, patting him on the back, “thanks, kid.”
“c’mon,” you wrapped your arm around his waist, “how about that movie, now?”
as the rest of them boarded into the jet, you leaned against the car.
“peter, y/n, thank you very, very much,” charles said courteously, shaking peter’s hand, “you take care.”
charles looked at you and smiled, “do me a favor and return it for me,”
you grinned, catching the keys and going in the driver’s seat, “sure thing, charlie,”
peter scoffed in disbelief as you started the car, revving the engines to spite him.
“maximoff,” logan called, he patted down on his pockets for the envelope, but then realized that he’s got what he needs already, “open it with her, alright?”
peter blinked, “oh- uh yeah, sure,”
“come on, peter!” you beeped the car, and teased him, “mcdonald’s may be open 24/7, but i’m not willing to wait for you that long,”
“and peter?” logan added, “take it slow,”
peter chuckled, shaking his head as he got in the passenger’s seat. you waved goodbye at them and started to drive off.
“play some music, i’ve always wanted to sing obnoxiously loud in the car with you,” you said, flicking at the turning signals.
he connected the aux to your ipod and pressed shuffle play on yours and his playlist, another brick in the wall, pt. 2 by pink floyd started playing.
the both of you sang along (quite horribly), as you rolled down the windows, acting as if you didn’t just break into the pentagon, as if it was just the two of you and the rest of the world— how it should always be.
you lowered the volume, ordering by the drive-thru, and carefully parked the car.
you fiddled with the keys, turning the engine off but letting the music play as peter grabbed the takeouts and hopped on the hood of the car, you not too far behind.
you took a bite of your fries, and spoke up, “i know i’ve said it before but i really do think that you did amazing out there.”
he chuckled, “thanks, twinks. you did, too,”
“please,” you scoffed, “i barely did anything but be the moral support and the comic relief.”
he turned to look at you, but you were just watching the cars drive past you, “i don’t think i would’ve been all superhero-ey without you there, y/n,”
you smiled, “well, what kind of best friend would i be if i wouldn’t be there for you?”
the both of you chuckled humorlessly, because, oh, yeah, you were just best friends and nothing more. just secretly pining over each other and hoping that the other feels the same.
peter hummed, taking a sip of his soda before remembering what logan told him, “oh! hey, see. i knicked this from the big dude’s pocket,”
to y/n and peter
“huh,” you scooted over next to him and opened the envelope. in it was a photo booth picture of the both of you, but a bit older.
summer ‘83, peter and y/n
“hey, this is 10 years from now,” you pointed out. the two of you were smiling, plain and simple, but still adoring at the first one.
“how very y/n of us,” he joked.
“shut up,” you laughed, shoving him a bit.
in the second photo, peter had your cheeks squished in one hand, his eyes were crossed and his tongue out while your hand was raised as bunny ears behind his head.
“and how very peter of us,” you retorted, falling in love with the photo from the future.
in the third photo, your nose was scrunched up while you’re smiling as peter was kissing your cheek.
heat crept up on both of your faces, that’s fine, the both of you thought, friends kiss each other on the cheeks, too, right? purely platonic.
but the fourth photo had both of you choking on air. you and peter were kissing. like on the lips.
the both of you turned to look at each other but immediately avoided each other’s gazes as you were too flustered.
you cleared your throat, “well that’s…”
“yeah…” he muttered, “look, there’s a note at the back,”
just kiss already! and admit that you like each other so that you can finally watch a movie!
“oh,” you whispered, you looked at peter, “you, you like me, too?”
“i- well, yeah, for a long time now, actually,” he smiled softly, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“me, too,” you leaned in slowly as he did. and surely, your lips collided, all those years of mutual pining and shameless flirting came to a stop and a start of a new beginning for the both of you.
“so, how about the movie now?”
general taglist: @daltonacademia @inks-and-jinx @weasleyyy @oldschoolkiddo @accioweaslcy @inglourious-imagines @peterssweetpea @iwritesiriusly @fives-cup-of-coffee @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @band--psycho @marswilson24 @miraclesoflove @chokemepansy @spideyspixies @lolooo22 @justfangirlthingies @sw33tgirl @remugoodgirl @tatestripedsweater @gryffindorgirly @hellounicorn
marvel taglist: @marswilson24  @magicalxdaydream
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egyptian-sun-god · 3 years
Never Have I Ever (mildly critical lens)
1. BIG THING. NHIE is not a show that was made directed at me. Yes it has similarities with my heritage as Indian but I am not American. Not born there nor raised. I am a diaspora Tamilian though, and my schools throughout most of my life have had very little Indians and even fewer Tamilians in them. Usually its just me.  So while there is overlap, Devi and I would have innately different experiences and worldviews.
2. Why is her last name Vishwakumar and her Dad’s name Mohan? Where that coming from. Correct me if I’m wrong, but most to all Tamil people use patronymic's right? Like am I right or am I tripping? Someone correct me. I checked Mindy Kaling’s bio and she took her father’s last name so I might be tripping? 
3. Okay straight off the bat, Devi annoyed the hell outta me. Like no joke...I really dislked Devi. But she’s a traumatized teenager who has no common sense and too much hormones. I’ve seen ppl like her so I’m fairly happy we have a flawed and messed up portrayal of a POC and doesn’t feed into the idea of perfection. But also Devi’s mom is suprisingly lenient to Devi’s disrespect man. like I see why but woowowowowo....she’s uncharacteristically tolerant sometimes. 
Now even though I get that Devi is supposed to be flawed and unlikeable. Because she is immensely selfish and bitchy with shitty communication skills. Devi’s friends forgive her waaay to fast. Like ladies, what are you aiming for? SAINTHOOD? Like at least let her grovel a little bit for being such a bitch. 
4. Love interest. Y’all heard me. WHY THE FUCK IS BOTH OF HER INTERESTS WHITE or at least definitely white passing. Like they did Paxton dirty man. Like was it too much? Was it too much to wish for Devi to have more Indian friends or like an Indian/POC love interest? I feel personally that it is such a weird precedent that has been set with POC centric love stories. And this definitely should be a critic that has come up before. 
You know which love stories resonated with me? Nalini and Mohan. Because it represented the possibility of like marrying someone (going off the assumption they were arranged to be married) and falling in love after marriage. A very real scenario for many many couples. Kamala’s entire shenanigan with Steve and Prasanth and having to choose between the uncertain boyfriend situation but losing family but keeping family and going with an arranged marriage. Also props to Kaling for not demonizing arranged marriages. Please please let season 2 explore Kamala’s struggle more. Hell even that one off thing with Eleanor and the tech crew boy was funny. 
5. Kamala’s whole character was many vibes. Because counting down and stressing about marriage is such a goddamn relatable feeling. I ain’t that much younger than Kamala and let me tell you the anticipation/fear is REAL. And like her talking in Ganesh puja and like weighting the options of being a social outcast or going with the arranged marriage and with the hope that like you’ll find someone cool.
6. I don’t like how Devi tries to reject her Indian culture and I really really hope they develop that next season or something and get her to find a balance. Because at the end of that season she did get a good talking to about trying to be Indian enough or too Indian and finding that balance but it doesn’t feel like she’s finding that balance and her being jealous of the other Indian girl does not bode well for me. 
ALSO THEY FUCKING MISSED OUT SO BAD. You make a series about a Tamil American girl and you don’t name drop any famous stars. Thala Thalapathy, Superstar??? VJS?? Surya? Dhanush? Nobody? Why? Like Devi doesn’t know them...makes sense. But like Kamala is from town right? She has to have carried some of that. Like that scene when she called them for a movie right? Why not name drop some famous ass classic like Baasha or Sachein or Roja? Like a cool nod to the Tamil kids out there watching this series to see parts of their culture and language included. Like even the soundtrack and songs have no Tamil songs? Like not even one for the heck of it?? WHY? IS THAT NOT SO SO MUCH MISSED REPRESENTATION? Like typical Tamil things like making a beat out of random shit, Tamil kuthu songs, Typical Tamil mega serials, food and enjoying food together. Like why wasn’t the food stated or name dropped. 
Personally, NHIE was really really really white palatable and it didn’t really get it into any roots of our culture especially for a girl struggling to find roots as in where she fits. Like you gotta show both cultures and let the audience and Devi figure out where she fits. If you show long Netflix shows like Pretty little liars, show alternatives like mega serials such as Chitti or Mudiyaathu Karuppu or Mettioli? Or if you wanna be more modern name drop Tamil webseries’s? If you wanna show English pop hits, show Tamil album songs and kuthu beats. IF YOU WANNA REPRESENT, THEN ACTUALLY REPRESENT. Don’t pull this generic ass BS on me!
5. I hope the lack of tamil culture in the series gets corrected next season somehow. I don’t have ANY ANY faith that it will. But I can be hopeful. Also I lowkey like that Devi has like a “rival” of another Indian girl. I don’t like that is is rivalry cause brown sisters gotta support each other and that’s sort of been the general motto from where I’m from. But like I get why and it would make complete sense. 
I really really hope that Aneesha is like super super Indian. Proud of her culture and brings a lot of her culture and its facets to discussions and not afraid to make her culture a focal point of herself.  It would be a really good foil to Devi and it might spark some thought into her and accepting or at least recognizing the cool shit about being Tamil. I wanna see that mainly cause I used to be lowkey ashamed for having a strong accent when I speak cause I was made fun of and I didn’t like having different lunches or listening to different music and not being part of the more Western culture. But I learnt to ignore that and became like 3000 times more proud of being Tamil and wore like traditional clothes to school, ranging from kurti tops over jeans at first and eventually wearing full on chudidaars and saris (saris to proms at least, I couldn’t wear a sari on a daily, half sari probably, sari would be hard). Bringing traditional sweets and food and distributing them to anyone who would ask and trading lunches.  Please let me see a brown kid who is proud to be brown and straight up in your face about it at times. 
(Unrelated but to Tamil/Indian ppl who had other Indian/Tamil kids in your school like was trading lunches or like sharing lunches common? Like its a pretty common Tamil thing to do and I brought that culture of taking some of everybody’s lunch and giving everybody a part of mine everywhere I went. But like was that a thing? )
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mingmingfufu · 3 years
Can we just talk about the ending of KawoShin open discuss. *sort of spoilerish*
I feel like I’m the only one who’s like reallly disappointed LMFAO--ya’ll there’s so much “canon” alternative universe and merchandise for Kawoshin in Evangelion that it kind of makes me upset to realise this couple just went down the drain. Yeah, I can see how people were like, “Kaworu’s toxic” or “Kaworu has a hero complex for Shinji” to which I say are valid points. But the toxic thing I feel like can also be applied to pretty much everyone around Shinji tbh, except for Rei. I did NOT, like Asuka at all but I really love her character though, and I felt for her a lot throughout the series.
I did not ship them either because honestly, Shinji and Asuka seemed better off playing the sibling dynamic instead of trying to play bf/gf which honestly is kind of forced by their living situation. Also since they’re in a similar disposition non existent father and dead mother, you’d imagine they would rely on each other for emotional comfort. Though Asuka—her personality I feel like she can’t differentiate between familial love and romantic love and the affection she wants is a bit of both. But, her character tries to be “mature”; she wants romantic love more and does this through sexual means and romantic gestures e.g. like kissing. One of my friends told me that you can’t stay friends as a boy and a girl cause eventually you catch feelings. Which I say is kinda dumb cause I have a lot of male friends, and I definitely don’t harbour those feelings, but I guess it’s a common phenomena.
I think this is what happens in this case, of Asuka and Shinji. Even after rejection of instrumentality they actually are depicted as childhood friends. But knowing how they both were before to each other, it was not good tbh. Also to mention the choking like thrice— bro if anything, this showcases a really abusive relationship and I think this outstretches the idea of their character tropes. Which I firmly stand by saying they’re superficial to each other. AsuShin were never really there for each other and are using each other in a forced situation. However, you can’t deny that they didn’t at some point catch feels, also Shinji is pretty consistent how he still cares about everyone around him. Which I really like how they add that to his character because it reminiscent of Yui, because you see a duality of both his parents personality in Shinji throughout the series—it’s a really nice touch. But bruh, if we gonna talk about that coma scene—I’m out LOL.
Thoughhhh, she is a true definition of best girl I really like her arc, fighting drive, and her skills as an Eva pilot 😭💗--but bruh she’s still a toxic and sometimes annoying tsundere trope, but still she’s 14 what can you do. So I feel like Kensuke and Asuka are actually a pretty good combo, cause he’s always been pretty mature even without parents. Also Asuka was into older guys, so I guess this is a win win?? Also Rei and Shinji, I honestly cannot get my head around it cause that’s pretty much his mom—so in a way that’s like either his half-sister or mom-ish clone?? Idk but Yui is definitely the donor LOL.
Kaworu and Shinji I felt like brought a bunch of things out of each other. I don’t know which timeline begins first, but I’d like to think the manga, the anime (plus its movies), and then to the rebuild series. Because I think that order is kind of pivotal to observing Kaworu’s character development from being a person who’s trying to understand human feelings to then the kinder person we see in the final series. You can tell how he’s changed and he knows Shinji a lot more as well as being considerate to him e.g. giving him personal space or letting him work at his own pace. Also that “we’ll meet again.” Is an obvious nod to how he’s done this before.
His literal story in every timeline is always romantic LOL, like bruh I can’t remember which game it was but basically a bad ending of Kawoshin route is that you reject Kaworu and he starts the third impact 🤡. Also I don’t know why but I started to see a weird dynamic between those two, in the manga their interactions reminded me of Asuka and Shinji—which Shinji is the tsundere Asuka here. I don’t know if this is relevant but the older character relative to the character they’re with seems to play off a mature vs a childish person trope. Asuka is younger than Shinji and Shinji is actually younger than Kaworu. Then again I could be overseeing this but istg manga Kaworu and Shinji mirror the whole Asushin dynamic. Like he’s seriously agressive against Kaworu, then after killing him he admits liking him. 🤡 I don’t know which is funnier no homo Shinji, homophobe shinji, or just closet Shinji who needs to realise sexuality is a spectrum so he could’ve idk—come out as bisexual, but whatever manga Shinji lol that timeline is over.
Anyways the development of these two is real and I think the rebuild timeline shows them at their best bringing their own personage out from each other like how they both enjoy music together--WHICH I’M SO SAD WE NEVER GET TO SEE THAT CELLO AGAIN. Then there’s those feelings of humanity, love, kindness, etc. Which yeah an angel could represent those things, but Kaworu is still his own person, self-aware of a cycle and if you think about how he initially was there to USE Shinji, but ultimately turned on that plan set by SEELE because he loved Shinji (and a bunch of other things like him showing Kaworu humanity). I also can see the argument, how “ideal” Kaworu is to Shinji, but he’s more self aware of the time he has before he KNOWS he’ll die and knows how to act for himself in that duration to make the most of it. All with Shinji. At some point, I think he fell in love with Shinji tho I don’t know where it began tbh—considering that all those alternate universes do exist. Kaworu does romantically love Shinji--so, in some universe they both reciprocate their feelings to each other. 
In the last movie during that convo with Shinji. Like bREH it’s so emotionally moving because Kaworu remembers ALLLLL the timelines and how he’s been with Shinji and later Shinji himself recalls the events too. Where they show the scene from the manga and anime. Kaworu cries after being set free from the EVA cycle. Which, I definitely understood what he meant by him saying “it’ll be lonely” and how Shinji changed or that he’s actually different this time.
Either way, Shinji did right by him because it’s always Kaworu who has the purpose of “trying to save Shinji” but it always ends up the same. I thought that was really moving because Shinji tells Kaworu he’s gonna let him live a life for himself for once and he wants the same for everyone as well. Which was honestly so meaningful cause I think Kaworu’s character and like Rei too when they start to realise how to “live” like a person and not another puppet it’s truly liberating. Another thing I forgot, bruh Kaworu calls Gendo his father and ngl I feel like this is kind of a weird lore situation because I for sure don’t think he’s the donor. I think he calls him that as an insult because he knows Gendo’s whole doing and relative to Shinji—I kind of see it as a joke LOL. Like it’s equivalent to saying, “daddy chill”, or “hey look it’s daddy and his plans to end the world” also I kind of like to think of it as a father in law thing cause you know, Kawoshin *winks amirite*
The ending, I’m honestly hoping is just an open ending because it gives everything an actual start of their adult lives not being dictated by extraterrestrial forces. Though, I’m kind of wondering if the world doesn’t have EVAs does that still mean everyone else still has the same backstory, and do they remember? Maybe Mari really is just a coworker lmfao, and there’s still a chance for Kaworu and Shinji cause ngl, they did have a convo (presumably from the spoilers) about still remaining close afterwards and that stare at the ending seems very hopeful.
I call bs from Anno saying, “oh Shinji is based off him and Mari off of his wife”, like honestly any OCs made theres always some part of yourself made into that character. Which is probably why a lot of people relate to the characters in EVA because they’re based off real things (e.g. those war machines characters are named after and people around them). I think why Kaworu and Rei are together at the end, is bc they’re very much the same. They’re mass produced dolls—which oddly enough that’s the case for all the children except they don’t recall the loop. Kind of funny also how both Kaworu and Rei became farmers lmfao so ig it runs in the family (yes that’s right I like the idea that they’re siblings it was always noted that they’re like “the same”).
Another thing, i think why the rebuild really did well for Kawoshin and in my opinion canonised it—the convo with elder Ryoji Kaji (Misato’s baby daddy) that there was a time he felt incredibly lonely and depressed thinking Misato didn’t love him and so he started looking out for himself. So self love and found himself a hobby in farming which he suggests to Kaworu—basically saying he might feel like Shinji doesn’t love him but he’s gotta remember to take care of himself. if I go thru a breakup ill feel like it’s the end of the world but Kaji says y’a gotta self love broe and take care yo self gad dam fam 😭 💗.
Though, that look at the end from Shinji to Kaworu—I’d like to believe there is still hope that one day when they’re a bit stable in their adult lives, they’ll run into each other.
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Skyline Manor by GleefullyCaptainSwan Chapter 3/13
Read on AO3: | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
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Stacy's Tortured Crew: @teamhook @kmomof4 @stahlop @lfh1226-linda @ilovemesomekillianjones @itsfabianadocarmo @mariakov81 @qualitycoffeethings @zaharadessert @jrob64 @jonesfandomfanatic @natascha-ronin @tiganasummertree @xarandomdreamx @therooksshiningknight @batana54 @superchocovian @onceratheart18 @ultraluckycatnd @snowbellewells @karlyfr13s @the-darkdragonfly @xsajx
Chapter 3: Easy on the Eyes, Heavy on the Heart
Henry finished writing and heard the sound of the shower, knowing that his mother would be indisposed he quickly dressed before she was done. “I’m going to Will’s!” He shouted through the house before exiting into the hall. He walked quickly to 4C, knocking on the door.
The door opened and the man peered down at him with a towel draped over his shoulder. “Can I help you, Henry?”
“Hey, I got this for Smee.” He held out a small toy. “Can I give it to him?”
The man laughed and looked behind him at the dog. “Someone’s here to see you, boy.” He stepped to the side and Henry bounded into the room, squeaking the toy with his hands as the dog bounced up and down on his feet.
“I think he likes it.”
“Aye, he enjoys the annoying sound, I think.” He said with a slight groan. “How was your visit with your dad?”
Henry shrugged, “Eh, it was fine. My dad’s…” He bit his bottom lip. “He’s ok, he just doesn’t always know what to do with a kid.”
“I can relate.” He said awkwardly. Stepping into the kitchen to stir the food on his stove.
“You cook?”
“Of course, how else would I eat?”
“Well, I mean, my dad only orders take out. And I think Graham actually burned water the other day.” He rolled his eyes as he hopped up on the stool at the kitchen counter.
“Ah, and Graham is…” He asked softly.
“My mom’s boyfriend.” Looking around the kitchen he saw a familiar yellow bowl on the counter. “Is this my mom’s?”
Killian turned to look at the object he was talking about. “Oh yeah, I borrowed it last night.”
“So, you’ve met my mom?”
“Aye, for a moment.”
“She’s pretty, isn’t she?”
“Aye, I suppose so.” He answered nervously.
“Do you have a girlfriend?”
“Again, with all the questions, lad. Do you have a reason for all your inquiries?”
“Nah, I just like to know who lives here. I’m friends with everyone on this floor.”
“I believe that.”
“So, do you?”
“Do I what?” He turned toward the stove, stirring the pasta in the boiling pot.
“Have a girlfriend?” He repeated.
“Not exactly.” He said quietly. There was a soft knock on the door and Killian turned toward it. “I have a very good friend, who I date, often.” He opened the door and a pretty brunette walked in with a handful of bags.
“I got your groceries, and I was thinking we could have…” She stopped talking and stared at Henry. “Oh hello, and who is this adorable visitor?”
“My name’s Henry, I live next door.”
“Pleasure to meet you, I’m Belle, Killian’s friend.”
“Are you his girlfriend?”
She giggled and looked at Killian. “He is very inquisitive.” The man replied.
“We’re dating.” She smiled. “But no, I’m not his girlfriend. Killian doesn’t have girlfriends.” She smirked as the man walked back toward the kitchen.
“That’s weird.” He said as he narrowed his eyes at her.
She winked at him as she set the bags down, leaning toward him and whispering quietly. “I’ve gotten used to it, let’s just say I’m his #1 friend who is a girl, who buys his groceries, and eats dinner with him almost every evening, but isn’t his girlfriend.”
There was another knock on the door and Killian looked at the two of them. “This is a busy place tonight.”
Henry tossed the toy toward Smee and he chased it across the room, picking it up with his snout and prancing back toward him.
Emma heard her front door slam shut before she had finished her shower. Stepping into his room, she saw his bag slung across his chair and his clothes spilling out from his suitcase on the bed. She slowly unpacked his bag, putting his dirty clothes into the bin and taking the basket to the front room. She would need to do laundry tomorrow.
She was happy that Henry was home, even if he did immediately head to Will’s as soon as he got there. Sometimes she enjoyed the alone time that she was afforded during his visits with his father, but she was always anxious until he returned to her.
She placed the cheese on the buttered toast on the skillet, pressing the two halves together as she sang softly to the music playing over the speakers in the living room. Henry’s favorite dinner was Grilled Cheese and tomato soup. She plated the sandwiches and stirred the soup when she heard the front door open and close.
“Dinner’s almost ready.” She yelled toward the living room.
“Well, aren’t you the best friend anyone could ever have, mate.”
She turned to see Will walk into the kitchen, reaching for the plate of sandwiches which Emma quickly swatted away.
“Hey those aren’t for you.”
“Oi, rude.” He whined, pretending to be offended.
“Are you staying for dinner?” She asked, putting her hands on her hips, “I can put on another sandwich.”
“Nah, I just came to see how Henry’s time with dickhead was.”
“I sure hope you didn’t ask it like that.” She snorted.
“I’ll leave out the dickhead part when I see him.” He hopped up on the chair, digging into the bowl of candy she kept there.
“When you see him?” She paused. “Henry went over to your place while I was in the shower.”
“I can assure you he did not.”
“What?” Emma dropped the spoon and walked back to Henry’s room. She pushed the door open to once again reveal the empty room. “Henry?”
She came back to the kitchen, her eyes wide, “I heard him, he said he was going to your place.”
“Emma, I’m telling you, I haven’t seen him today.”
“What the hell, Will. Where did he go?”
Emma stepped out into the hallway, looking toward the elevator, and then turning toward the other end of the hall. Stepping toward Ruby’s apartment, she knocked on the door.
Ruby stuck her head out a small crack in the door. “What?”
“Is Henry here?” She asked anxiously.
“No, I have company. Haven’t seen him all day, isn’t he with Neal?”
“He got home an hour ago, I thought maybe he came here.” Emma sighed.
“Sorry, Em, but I gotta go.” The door shut in her face and Emma groaned. Where the hell did her kid go? She turned to head back to her apartment before she paused in front of 4C. It couldn’t hurt to ask her hot new neighbor if he had seen her son.
Not that she cared that he was hot. Or that any of that mattered.
She raised her hand tentatively and rapped her knuckles across the wooden door.
The door opened and Emma was unprepared to see the baby blue eyes peering back at her, and she had to stop herself from the instinct to run her fingers through his dark unkept hair.
Pull yourself together, Emma.
“Um, hey sorry to bother you, but you haven’t seen my son have you?”
He laughed. “Dark hair, about this tall, asks a lot of bloody questions?”
“Yeah that’s him.”
“He’s in my kitchen.”
“What?” She declared angrily. “Why is my way-too-young-to-be-hanging-out-with-strangersson in your house? Alone?”
He held his hands up in front of him. “Woah. What are you implying? The boy knocked on my door.”
“And you just let him in your apartment? What kind of man invites a kid into their apartment?”
“I’m offended by the accusation, love.”
“I’m not your love, and I’d like to see my son.” She demanded, pushing her way into his home.
“What is it with this family and barging into my house?” She heard him grumble under his breath.
She stopped immediately once she entered the kitchen. Henry was perched on a stool at the counter, tossing a toy with a dog who was jumping up and down in front of him. Seated next to him was a beautiful brunette who was talking to Henry.
“Henry David Swan!” She shouted and her son jumped as he looked up at her. “We are going home right now.” The woman sitting next to him frowned at the boy.
“It was nice meeting you, Henry.” She said softly as Henry slid off the stool.
“You too, Belle. See you around.” Her son walked toward her with his shoulders slumped forward, stopping in front of Killian. “Thanks for letting me see Smee.”
“Aye, lad.” He nodded at the boy and Henry stalked out of the apartment.
Emma glared at the man with her arms crossed against her chest. “Next time, try being an adult and not have my child in your home without his mother’s permission.” He opened his mouth to speak, and she retreated before he could utter a word, storming after her son.
“What in the hell were you thinking going into a stranger’s home?” She scolded her son as soon as they entered her apartment.
“He’s not a stranger, he’s my friend.”
“No, he’s a stranger, you don’t know anything about him.”
“Yes I do, his name is Killian Jones, he works at the harbor as a Captain on a boat, he has a dog named Smee who likes me a lot, and his #1 friend is Belle, and she’s very friendly and loves books. She works at the library downtown and even told me she could take me into the restricted section the next time I visit there.”
Emma couldn’t believe her ears. “You are not to go over there. Do you hear me? You don’t get to hang out with strange adult men.”
“I hang out with Will all the time.” He responded as he sat down at the table next to Will. Will shrugged his shoulders and took a bite out of his sandwich.
“He’s got your there.” He spat with his mouth full of food.
“Don’t encourage this.” She scolded her friend.
“He’s really a nice guy if you spent any time at all getting to know him.” Henry pouted.
“Kid, that’s probably not a good idea. I’m sure his girlfriend might have a problem if the woman next door and her kid keep coming around.”
“Belle’s not his girlfriend. She’s his #1 friend. Killian said he doesn’t do girlfriends.”
Emma laughed and shook her head. Just what she needed, another immature man in her life. “Kiddo, that’s just what men say when they are keeping their options open.”
After dinner, Henry retreated to his room, closing the door behind him, and walking to his desk to retrieve his notepad. He couldn’t wait for this coming weekend, he just needed to find a way to get his mom talking to Killian Jones. If she did, he was sure she would find him interesting.
Throwing himself down on his bed, he put pen to paper.
Captain Jones strutted onto the plank of the Jolly Roger, the fastest ship in all the realms. As soon as he was on board, he was approached by Lieutenant Smee. “Captain, are we to set sail?”
“No Smee, we will be here at least the evening, let the crew enjoy some time off the ship. But let’s keep the ship ready to sail.” He started to walk away before turning back toward the man. “Please send First Mate French to my quarters.”
“Aye, sir.”
He climbed down the stairs, pushing open the heavy door and shedding his leather coat. He reached into his cabinet, the dark bottle of rum waiting for him. Uncorking it with his teeth, he poured two glasses and set them on his desk. The door to his cabin swung open and his First Mate entered the room.
“Welcome back, Captain.” She dropped down in the chair, reaching for the glass of rum, swirling the dark liquid in the glass. “Are you going to tell me what the ole man wanted from you?”
“He had a lucrative offer, one that could be beneficial to us.” He took a swig from his glass, thinking over the plans for the evening.
“How lucrative?”
“Very. More than we have been offered in the last three ports.”
Her grin grew on her face. “So, what do we have to do?”
“We need to capture The Swan Thief!”
She gulped uncomfortably on her drink. “How are we supposed to do that? No one even knows who he is. He’s a ghost.”
“The King knows his identity; and he believes him to be in port already. He also believes that he will attempt to steal a diamond from the Queen at tonight’s ball.”
“A ball?” She groaned and Killian mused at her discomfort. “Does that mean I’ll need to stuff myself into a dress tonight?”
He stood from his desk, opening his wardrobe to find his dress coat. He hung the garment on his ladder and reached for the small chest stored in the corner of the room. Unlocking the chest, he grabbed a small bag of coins and tossed them toward his First Mate. “Sorry, love. I fear it does, indeed. You always did look stunning in yellow.” He grinned.
“The kid really likes you. Do you talk to him often?”
Killian looked up from his plate and locked eyes with Belle. “I’m not sure what I did to attract the kid’s attention, but he’s very curious, I wasn’t kidding earlier, I swear he works for the CIA.”
“I think he’s sweet.”
“I’m not interested in babysitting kids. You heard his mother she basically told me to stay away from him, I sense she was accusing me of predatory behavior.”
“Yeah she didn’t seem to like you very much. Did you say something Jonesy to her?”
“Something Jonesy?”
“Yes, you have a way about you, sometimes you say things that are…” She bit her lip. “Not exactly shining examples of your winning personality.”
“Those things seemed to work on you.” He mused with a smirk.
She cackled loudly. “Nah, that was just the rum.” She winked.
“Cheeky lass.” He sat his glass down on the table. “I’ll have you know that regardless of the things I say, women find me very attractive, some might even say devilishly handsome.”
“You’re easy on the eyes, Jones, but heavy on the heart.” She said softly, her tone suddenly full of melancholy, the ease of the previous flirting suddenly gone.
“At least I’m up front about who I am. You knew from day one what this was going to be.”
She nodded, sipping from her glass. “I know. I’m just saying, not all women are as understanding as I am.”
“Why are we even having this conversation?” He jabbed at his chicken, furiously sawing with his knife.
“I’ve known you long enough to know when you find a woman attractive.”
He dropped his fork to the plate. “I’ve barely spoken to this woman who just got done admonishing me for having her son in my apartment. I’m failing to understand why you are getting so upset right now.”
“You’re right. It’s nothing, Killian.”
“Then stop acting like a jealous lover. I’m not interested in this Swan woman.” He said louder than he had meant it to come out.
She finished her bite of chicken and sat her silverware down on the plate, wiping her mouth with her napkin. “I have an early morning; I should probably head out.”
“Belle don’t do this. I’m sorry for raising my voice.” She stood from the table and gathered her coat, walking toward the door. He stood from his seat and chased after the woman. Reaching out he grabbed her lightly by the arm. “Belle.”
She turned and looked at him with glassy eyes. “No, you’re right. I don’t have any right to be upset.”
“You know you’re my best girl.” He said with a smile and the corner of her lip turned upward in a sad smile.
“Good night, Killian.” She pushed up on her toes, pressing her soft lips against his mouth. “I’ll see you this weekend for the barbeque.”
He watched as she walked out the door, the sound of it clicking closed causing him to flinch. He cared deeply for Belle, he enjoyed being with her, the sex between them was amazing, and she was the first woman he had met who actually listened when he was talking and joined in the conversation.
She was a genuinely kind person and part of him felt guilty for keeping her hanging on. He should have ended things months ago; they had been seeing each other for much longer than any other woman he had slept with. She deserved better, but he enjoyed her company, regardless of the fact that he couldn’t offer her anything more than what they already had.
He had no idea why Belle reacted the way she did toward Emma. Yes, the woman was gorgeous, even a blind man could see that, and he could feel her passion in the way she carried herself. He was sure that sex with her would be mind-blowing, not that he had spent much time thinking about it. But he was still a man.
However, he had resisted flirting with the woman, had kept his usual innuendos in check in the times they had spoken. She did after all have a young child, an ex, and a current boyfriend. All things that spelled trouble and made her off limits to him.
His relationship with Milah had cost him greatly and was the reason he didn’t make permanent connections with women. He stayed away from women with current entanglements, he didn’t need the distraction when there were perfectly available women for the taking.
This Swan woman may be an angry goddess, who would probably rock his world, but he wasn’t interested in having his life blow up in front of his face.
Belle would come around, she always did. They weren’t dating or married, which is why as he stood in the steaming shower, water pouring around him, his hand gripping his cock, he tried not to feel guilty as he imagined his next-door neighbor, her milky white legs wrapped around his waist as he slid into her hot center. A loud grunt escaping his throat as he spurted against the shower wall.
Maybe he’d feel guilty tomorrow, tonight he just wanted to sleep.
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Greek Mythology and Julie & the Phantoms
My first watch through of Julie and the Phantoms (JATP), I noticed a few similarities and parallels to certain myths within Greek mythology. On my million rewatches, I paid more attention to see if there were others. This post is all my observations of the parallels, as well as a few possible theories for season 2 the writers could follow for certain storylines. This is a ridiculously long read, I apologize.
There are spoilers, so if you haven’t finished watching for the first time yet, don’t read this. 
The content in Greek myths can vary depending on the source. This is largely due to the fact they are just super old. So some of the myths might be slightly different. I did my best just to compare to the gist of the myth. 
I’m going to refer to Luke, Reggie, and Alex together as either Sunset Curve or the boys to save space. 
I apologize for any typos and mistakes; midterm season has left me with an empty head.
1. Orpheus
Obviously a major motif in the first season is the Orpheum. Orpheum literally means House of Orpheus. 
Background information of Orpheus:
His mother is Calliope (muse of epic poetry), and depending on the version of the story, his father is either Apollo (god of the sun, healing, music, medicine, archery, and poetry) or King Oeagrus of Thrace. 
Orpheus was considered to be one of the greatest musicians. He had a “divinely gifted voice that could charm anyone who heard it,” no god or mortal could resist his music. 
Let’s look at some of his myths.
Orpheus and Eurydice:
The basic summary of this myth is that Eurydice, Orpheus’ wife, died after being bitten by snakes while running away from a man, Aristaeus, or a satyr (depends on source) who wanted her for himself. Devastated, Orpheus began singing sad songs until he was advised by nymphs to go to the Underworld and bring her back. After singing to Hades and Persephone, they agreed to let Eurydice return to the main world. However, they warned him not to look back before they both entered the light of the surface. He happily began his trek back to the surface. When Orpheus reached the exit, Eurydice in toe, he turned around to see her, anxious to make sure it wasn’t a trick, that she was really there. Only, Eurydice was still in the Underworld, she hadn’t crossed over yet. Orpheus turning around when he did, caused Eurydice to remain in the underworld. 
So who’s who?
Julie = Orpheus (talented musician and desperate to save their love from the Underworld)
Sunset Curve = Eurydice (dead and trapped)
Caleb = Aristaeus and Hades (wants Eurydice/Sunset Curve for himself; controls the place the dead are) 
Hollywood Ghost Club (HGC) = The Underworld
How do they relate? Stand Tall (s1e09) is where it all goes down.
Like Aristaeus, Caleb is pursing Sunset Curve because he wants them for himself (and Caleb is also threaten by the power they have).
Caleb has the boys trapped in the HGC, just like Eurydice in the Underworld. 
Julie had to deal with the idea the boys died (again) when they didn’t show up before the performance. At first she couldn’t, she ran out until she had a sign from her mom, telling her to go on stage. You could argue this sort of parallels the nymphs telling Orpheus to plea to Hades, or that it parallels Orpheus on his journey back to the surface after Hades agreed.
This is where Julie and Orpheus differ. Julie goes onstage, fully believing in the sign from her mother; that even if the boys don’t come, she can do it. The lyrics of Stand Tall are pure genius. “Keep moving on, never look back.” That’s exactly what Julie does. Unlike Orpheus, Julie doesn’t look back. And the boys appear, no longer trapped by Caleb at the HGC. Julie breaks away from the Orpheus formula and wins. 
@multifandomterrors wrote an essay on how it relates too! She has three theories of how it fits and I definitely recommend you check it out!
Bonus reasons Julie is Orpheus:
Orpheus joined Jason and the Argonauts. When the ship was approaching the Sirens, Orpheus saves the crew from death by playing his own music, drowning out the Sirens’ Song. Likewise, Julie is able to save the boys from Caleb. You can argue that her singing Stand Tall acted as a beacon, beckoning the boys away from Caleb and back to her, saving them in the process.
This one is more of a long shot but oh well. Orpheus is said to have a “divinely gifted voice that could charm anyone who heard it,” that no god or mortal could resist his music. The boys say that Julie has “the voice of an angel.” Throughout the season, as soon as Julie starts to sing, people are generally drawn in, even Carrie by the end. 
Onto the next parallel...
2. Lotus Eaters
As soon as the slightest idea of the boys missing the dance was hinted at I knew it was going to happen because ~formulas~, but once they got to the HGC, I had a strong feeling it was going to be a Lotus Eaters situation. 
Summary of the Lotus Eaters:
In The Odyssey, Odysseus and his crew encounter the Lotus Eaters. They do as their name suggests, they eat the peculiar Lotus flower. When the lotus flower is eaten, those who eat it are “overcome with a blissful forgetfulness,” and want to do nothing more than stay where they are. The crew mates had to be dragged back to the ship, otherwise they never would have returned to their duties. The most well known adaptation of this is probably the Lotus Casino in Percy Jackson & the Olympians series, where the characters spend days/years there, only thinking it was a few hours/days. It’s a time warp per se. 
So what’s what?
Hollywood Ghost Club =  Lair/island of the lotus eaters (everyone there appears to have no other worries in life)
The music & dancing = Lotus flower (sucks everyone in)
How do they relate?
Once Caleb starts performing, Sunset Curve are sucked in. Eventually, they are overcome with a “blissful forgetfulness” and forget about Julie and the dance. They only get sucked back out once Caleb mentions it’s the witching hour.
Alex literally says “This place is some sort of time warp.”
When the boys try to leave, the dancers and then Caleb try to reel them back in. 
The next is not directly Greek mythology, but distantly related:
3. Disney’s Hercules 
The story in Disney’s Hercules isn’t exactly what the myths of Heracles are. It’s Disney, so of course the stories are romanticized and changed significantly. First of all, in the original myths, Hercules is really named Heracles, and Megara is nothing more than Heracles’ wife that ends with a tragic story.
In the movie, Hades wants Hercules dead since he is the only one that can ruin his plan to take over the world. He enlists Megara (or Meg, whose soul he owns) to get to know him and find his weakness. As Meg gets to know Hercules, they fall in love. Hades uses this as Hercules’ weakness, and once he outs Meg for working for him, Hercules is emotionally defeated. However, he still gives up his power for 24 hours, as long as Meg remains untouched by harm. Of course that doesn’t happen, and Meg dies while saving Hercules. Her soul is returned to the Underworld, and Hercules journeys down there to save her, even though he might die doing so. Except he doesn’t; he saves Meg, and it’s happily ever after. 
So who’s who?
Alex = Hercules
Willie = Meg
Caleb = Hades
How does it relate?
Like Hades wants Hercules dead, Caleb wants Alex (and the boys) under his control because they are too powerful. He’s threatened by them.
Even though Willie didn’t mean to bring the boys into the mess with Caleb, he still did (no hate, I love my son). Willie acts as Meg in this situation because Caleb still uses him to get to the boys. Caleb gets to put his stamp on them.
Willie, just like Meg, decides to not help Caleb anymore, though he’s still stuck. He cares about Alex, he doesn’t want him to be stuck at the HGC like him forever; he doesn’t want Caleb to own Alex’s soul. So, Willie helps Alex and the boys with their plan to crossover. 
In Stand Tall, right before You’ve Got Nothing to Lose, Caleb appeals to each of the boys’ weakness. Caleb says “Everything you want, including Willie, is right here.” Just like Hades uses Meg against Hercules, Caleb uses Willie against Alex.
Potential Season 2 Willex Storyline
The parallel to Hercules and Meg isn’t finished. Alex hasn’t saved Willie from Caleb yet, and Caleb hasn’t been defeated yet. We don’t see Willie after the Willex hug in Stand Tall. I think it’s safe to assume that Willie is not safe from Caleb, especially since he helped Sunset Curve escape Caleb’s curse. There’s a lot of things that could happen. One of my assumptions is that Caleb is going to use Willie as bait to lure Alex back in. Another is that, like how Hercules goes to the Underworld to save Meg’s soul,  Alex is going to actively choose to return to the HGC to try to save Willie from Caleb. 
And the last parallel to Greek mythology in season 1...
4. Cheyenne Jackson
He plays Hades in Descendants 3, a Disney movie, meaning he’s the same Hades as in Hercules. 
Caleb Covington, you could argue is the “king of the dead” in JATP
That’s it, that’s the parallel.
Possible Season 2 Storylines
Cephalus and Procris (I’m not as familiar with this myth, but it basically goes like this)
Cephalus and Procris are happily married and very in love with each other. One day, the goddess of dawn, Eos, kidnaps Cephalus because she wants him to herself. Depending on the version you read, Cephalus either sleeps with Eos, or he doesn’t, but regardless, his only concern is how much he loves his wife, Procris. Eos finds that annoying, and plants the idea in his head that Procris is cheating on him when she releases him eight years later. Cephalus returns to Procris, disguised as another man, to see if she would remain faithful. A disguised Cephalus continuously brings Procris presents, and slowly, Procris is swayed by the mysterious man. When Cephalus reveals himself, Procris runs away, ashamed, and joins Artemis’ hunt. Eos wins essentially. She get’s Cephalus... until Procris returns, trying to make amends with her husband. He takes her back, but not long after Procris hears rumors that Cephalus has been unfaithful. She follows him on a hunt, hiding behind a bush. Cephalus hears a bush move, and thinking it’s an animal, he shoots, killing Procris. In the end, Eos still wins as Procris is no longer in the picture, and she could theoretically be with him. Expect Cephalus exiles himself and Eos is never seen again.
How could this apply to JATP season 2?
Julie = Procris
Luke = Cephalus
Caleb = Eos
Caleb-Possessed-Nick = Disguised man
Since Caleb possessed Nick at the end, I assume his plan is to get Julie to pick Nick, thus pushing Luke away from her. Caleb wants Luke and the boys to himself, and as long as Julie is in the picture, that won’t happen. As Caleb-Possessed-Nick tries to flirt and get closer to Julie, Luke will see this and get jealous. His jealousness could lead to tensions between Julie and Luke, making the band a bit awkward, maybe even a big fight that pushes Luke to think about joining Caleb, or at least isolating himself where Caleb would have easy access. I think it would be a very loosely applied parallel, but the idea of Caleb working to cause a rift between Luke and Julie to get Luke by himself is a major possibility. Regardless, Caleb-Possessed-Nick is going to get in the way of Luke and Julie’s slow burn pining for each other. 
A General Thought Not Related to Greek Mythology 
Regardless of what the writers end up doing, I think Caleb’s best plan would be to target the boys individually; like the continuance of the Hercules parallel with Willex and potential Cephalus & Procris parallel with Juke. I don’t know how he would isolate Reggie, maybe something with his family, but targeting the boys one-on-one would be the most strategic move for Caleb. He could even get super manipulative with it. He could say something like “Alex already agreed” or something along those lines to try to persuade the boy he is talking to. 
Additionally, I don’t have any theories on where Carrie and Julie’s relationship may go, but i’m looking forward to a Carrie redemption arc. As far as where Bobby fits in, I read someone’s theory that Caleb may approach him, offering to help keep his reputation as Trevor Wilson, if he helps deal with the boys somehow. I’m sure there’s a potential greek myth that fits a potential Bobby and the boys storyline, but out of the ones I can think of right now, there aren’t. Betrayal is a huge theme in greek mythology though.
While the original target audience was kids and the show probably wasn’t meant to be this deep, as a screenwriter myself, I find it super useful (and fun) to parallel classic stories and myths when I write. It can add a sense of nuance to the story, especially when done right. I hope the writers (assuming at least the Orpheus and Lotus Eaters parallels were intentional) continue to parallel the season with some form of myth or classic story, only to then completely flip the ending. 
If you actually took the time to read ALL of this, my god, I applaud you, you amazing human. Thank you so much for reading it. I’d love to hear what y’all think or what theories y’all have as well!
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madzfm · 3 years
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˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ★ ⠀  JESSICA ALEXANDER  .   CIS FEMALE  .  SHE / HER      ⧽ ⠀ have  you  seen  the  786  latest  post  ?  sources  say  they  have  some  serious  dirt  on  the  child  of  a  big  time   COUNTRY MUSIC STARS  .   they  haven’t  revealed  who  it was  yet  but  my  best  is  on  MADISON  DARLING  !  ever  since  that  last  update  about  how  she  ALLEGEDLY GOT CAUGHT SPORTING A BABY BUMP LAST YEAR BEFORE GHOSTING EVERYONE  i  don’t  put  anything  pass  them  .  i  mean  ,  these  celebrity  kids  are  just  out  of  control  .   they  do  whatever  they  want  ,  whenever  they  want  and  are  ungrateful  in  the  process  !!  i  mean  take  MADDIE  for  example  ,  they’re  a  TWENTY THREE  year  old  DANCER  ,  and  what  did  they  do  to  get  there  ?  have  famous  parents  !  like  hello  ,  just  because  you HAVE BEEN IN MUSIC VIDEOS WITH A-LIST MUSICIANS doesn’t  mean  you  actually  deserved  it  .   i’m   glad   the   786   is   taking   them   down   a   notch   .   it’s   about   time   someone   does   .
hey ... hey ... how y’all doin’ ?  i’m sooo excited to be here , besties ! sorry i’m late with the intro , it’s been a looooong weekend for me but i’m eager to get the ball rolling . so here’s the rundown , the google doc has a full bio + more stats + headcanons but i don’t expect anyone to actually read all that nonsense so i’ve tried my best to sum it up below ( it’s still kinda long tho i’m sorry y’all i ramble too much ). i’m always down to talk plots & threw a few wanted connection ideas at the bottom , so feel free to hmu on discord any time <3 but yes okay let’s get into it
━━     ˊ     *     𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬  . .
𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞. madison dallas darling .   𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞(𝐬). maddie , mads .   𝐝𝐨𝐛. april 14 , 1998 .   𝐚𝐠𝐞. twenty - three .   𝐳𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐜. aries sun , libra moon , leo asc .   𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫. cis female .   𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬. she / her .   𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. bisexual .  𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞. nashville , tn .   𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭. 5ft 5in .  𝐞𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. high school diploma .   𝐨𝐜𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. dancer / realty tv personality .   𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐬. robert “robbie” darling - father . dixie darling - mother . delaney darling - sister .   𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬. compassionate , imaginative , family-oriented  , devoted , generous , sympathetic , idealistic , self critical , naive , competitive , indecisive , impressionable , elusive , sensitive .
━━     ˊ     *     𝐛𝐢𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐲 . .
tw : things like shitty controlling parents , injury , & pregnancy are mentioned
   born & raised in nashville , tennessee , madison is the daughter of two country music icons ( basically blake shelton & miranda lambert ) & has only ever known a life in the spotlight . her parents were a widely adored it couple who shared their lives with millions of viewers across the world with their reality tv show . at 7pm cst you could tune in to watch robbie & dixie raise their two daughters - having some good ol’ wholesome family fun while juggling responsibilities that come with being famous artists . to any outsider looking in , they seemed like the perfect family . a loving father , a supportive mother , two prim & proper daughters that collected accolade after accolade in every pageant & talent competition they ever entered . but you shouldn’t believe everything you see on tv , even if it’s deceptively labeled as “reality” .
   when the cameras weren’t rolling , the darling sisters were left under their mother’s restrictive control . dixie darling treated her daughters more like dolls than living beings , madison & delaney were basically pretty little accessories . while robbie never dared to mistreat his daughters , he was around a lot less than the show made it seem - often touring the world rather than spending quality time with his girls . plus , dixie & robbie seemed to endlessly fight with one another - nearly every childhood memory madison has of her parents involves them yelling . if she wanted to see them looking happy & in love , she’d have to tune in to the fabricated reality on their own show to get a taste of what a happy , loving family looks like . 
   you can’t be a child of dixie darling without being exploited in some way . while delaney was pushed into the music scene , madison was shoved into the world of dance . she took every class that was offered & practiced for hours upon hours to perfect her craft . her sister had taken after their folks with the singing voice of an angel & the looks to rival that of miss universe , meanwhile maddie was good for two things : dance & doing whatever her mother said . so when dixie said to twirl , she twirled , when she said do a grand jeté, maddie asked how high & then over performed like the good little girl she was trained to be .
   it wasn’t until her parents got divorced & maddie moved to miami to be with her sister , her father , & her father’s new girlfriend that she sort of came out ( or more accruately described as dragged out ) of her timid , non - confrontational , subservient shell . with a longer leash , she had more freedom to roam far & wide . no one tried to tell her what to do or who to talk to & considering she was just a privileged teenager with endless funds & the status to get away with just about anything , you can imagine how badly that went . every mistake she made was broadcasted onto people’s televisions or headlined in tabloids . it was stressful , growing up & messing up all under the watchful gaze of millions of people who felt entitled to berate her for her poor life decisions . just because they watched her grow up on tv didn’t mean they actually knew anything about her . & yet so many people shared their unsolicited opinions on her & her life . it drove her insame .
   maddie wasn’t handling the stress of being well known very well . she wanted a break from it all , to just go somewhere far away where no one knew her name & just live by herself . it was a silly dream . nothing she’d ever actively pursue . but the universe has a funny way of giving us a taste of what we think we want just to teach us a lesson . 
   so over a year ago , maddie found out that she was pregnant . it was a shock to say the least . she kept it a close guarded secret from everyone but her sister for awhile . not only was it a life changing development , but it was one thing that she was determined not to share with the rest of the world . with the idea of running away in continuous loop in the back of her mind , she came up with a plan to buy herself some time . she faked a really bad injury during a performance & let the media run with saying she might not be able to walk , let alone dance ever again . pushing the cover story even further , she claimed to be in need of intense physical therapy & sought after it in a luxurious private lodge in new zealand . that’s where she stayed during her year away , letting no outsiders come visit while she figured out how she was going to move forward with this baby growing inside of her .
   so maddie finally got the break she was looking for even if it wasn’t under the circumstances that she would’ve liked . but she adapted to the situation . in her time away , she went through the entire pregnancy but it was basically decided for her by her parents that it was best to give the baby up for adoption . the little girl would be in good care by a couple that was a family friend of the darlings . better to bless someone who wanted a baby but couldn’t have one than for maddie to keep her daughter when she wasn’t in a place to take care of her . it broke her heart , honestly . she had grown quite attached to the baby & even entertained the idea of being a single mom even though she knew her own mom would never let that happen - it would go against the strict narrative that they try to put out there about the darling family .
   after a year away , maddie is back in miami without anyone knowing what really happened . she keeps using the “injury” as the excuse for her absence from the spotlight . anyone really close to her might be able to tell that something’s off , but she’s trying so hard to act like everything is fine & nothing has changed at all . she might even be able to get away with her lies - if it wasn’t for that damn 786 website threatening to spill the tea & make her life hell .
━━     ˊ     *     𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 & 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 . .
   a wannabe good girl gone bad but harbors a deep rooted fear of being a disappointment & a failure due to her mom’s strict parenting style . so like she wants to be rebellious & come across as carefree but internally she’s panic screaming always ( honestly relatable like same , girl )
   well - mannered in a sweet southern belle kind of way with her please’s & thank you’s & calling everyone ma’am & sir out of respect & what not
   biiiig mom friend energy . she just wants to make sure that everyone is taken care of . she can get very protective & a little helicopter parent-y with her friends . it probably has something to do with control issues that she doesn’t realize she has but we don’t have time to unpack that rn akjsdbk
   before her year away i want to say that she was a lot more people please-y / overly eager to please ?? like rarely said no to people that asked for favors , always agreed to any plans people invited her to out of courtesy , & what have you . but now i see her as being a little less patient than before & a little bit more unhinged & quick to shut down or snap
   guillable ! naive ! dumb as hell ! believes that everyone was raised with the same values as her & has a big of a heart like she does so she’s easily subjectable to getting her feelings hurt & i say let it happen !!
   wants to be mysterious so bad but there is very little known about her & her life that isn’t public knowledge . she could get shit on by a bird & it’ll probably become a twitter highlight idk she just wants to believe she’s imperceptible & acts all evasive in order to keep her private life private but that rarely ever has the desired effect
    one of those annoying rich & famous people that’s like “i wasn’t meant to be famous . i was meant to have a normal life & be a normal person” but like !! she is actually so out of touch with reality & probably couldn’t tell you how much milk is at the grocery store because she has people to do mundane day to day things for her . spoiled little privileged rich girl , let’s be real . her dad tried to keep her humble , idk what happened
   dance style / career is pretty much inspired by maddie ziegler but also not really bc i am very picky & choosey about which aspects of her career i’m pulling from
   boring on social media because she hardly ever posts & is very short with her captions & tweets when she does make an appearance online every blue moon 
   dodges questions about what she’s been up to while she was gone like she’s in the matrix or something . all that pr training her mom put her through when she was younger is coming in handy because she has not given a single honest , straight answer in the months she’s been back . would rather talk about anything else than herself right now so don’t be surprised if she pulls some random subject changes out of her ass if people get nosy . i’m sure the common conspiracy is that maddie was so embarrassed by the fall on stage that she went into hiding 
   delaney is the kim kardashian & britney spears of the family while madison is the kourtney & the jamie lynn xoxo
━━     ˊ     *     𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 . .
ride or die , bad influence , frenemies , family friends , good influence , confidant , rival , girl squad , non judging breakfast club , childhood friend , unlikely friend , exes on good terms , exes on bad terms , neighbors , pr friendship , pr enemy , social media mutuals , party buddies , secret friend , secret hook - up , crush , friends with benefits , adventure buddy , enemy with benefits , dance partners , mentors , mentees , sibling like relationship , will they won’t they , people suspicious of her & her supposed “injury” , father of her baby 👀 jk ..... unless
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venomous--fics · 4 years
Summary: You're Cletus Kasady's younger sister, but you've never told anyone. Now his name is everywhere in the news and everyone wants your side of the story.
Warnings: Mentions of past abuse, panic attacks, swearing
Mood music: Lover is a Day- Cuco
A/n: Aaaaye, sorry if this is a dumb idea. I just haven't seen anyone write this type of story? If someone has, anyone wanna link me a fic? Feedback is appreciated and requests are open! My queue is filled with the last batch I got, so expect those soon!
You almost dreaded leaving the apartment anymore. All you saw was his big, stupid, ugly face everywhere. Oh, he did that, oh, he did this, let's remind everyone that he's a monster in prison! Oh, but there's a plot twist; You hated it because you were, unfortunately, related to the guy. Nobody outside your adoptive parents knew. 
You didn't like talking about, you didn't even like thinking about it. You had to put up with so much shit because of that guy. You were grateful that you were young enough that nobody knows or remembers what you look like now. You even changed your last name a few times. First, you changed it to Smith when your parents adopted you, then you changed it to Brock when you got married to Eddie.
It shouldn't bother you, you're a Brock, not a Kasady. However, you couldn't help but feel like that was just your identity. Once a Kasady, always a Kasady. You felt even worse because Eddie had taken up on the Kasady story as a huge part of his new job. 
You were proud of him for finally getting back to what he loved, but sooner or later his trail would come back to you. What were you supposed to tell him? It felt like the walls were closing in on you, and that there was an anchor slowing crushing you. You had to remind yourself to just take it all in one breath at a time. This is just some fad, some story. It'll all go away.
What if it doesn't?
Your head was spinning and you closed your eyes as you sat on your bed. Everything was so quiet, and even that was alarming.
"Babe? We're home!" Eddie voice rang through the apartment.
You sucked in a breath and hopped up and out of the room, "How was work?"
You just wanted to forget about it. 
"Eh, you know." he smiled as he hung his jacket up, "Same shit."
Venom appeared, looking a bit annoyed, "Easy for you to say."
"What's got you in a sour mood, big guy?" you asked, walking over and giving Venom a small kiss before turning to Eddie and giving him a kiss as well.
Venom hesitated for a moment, mostly out of embarrassment, "Well, nothing now, but some guy called us a dick."
"That wasn't very nice of them." you replied, "How about I make some dinner? I was thinking chicken nuggets or- Uh, chicken nuggets."
Eddie looked at Venom, "That's a tough choice. I guess chicken nuggets it is." You preheated the oven, "Why don't you two go get into something a little comfier?"
"Already ahead of you," Eddie said as he walked to the bedroom. 
There was barely any noise for a couple minutes before Eddie said, "So, you know that story I'm working on?"
"Of course," you said, feeling the anxiety building back up. 
"Well, I," he paused, you assumed he was putting a shirt on, "I've reached a dead end with it."
"Yeah, I was talking to Cletus- Red- Whatever the hell they're gonna call him.. And he was asking me if he knew anything about his sister." Eddie stumbled out of the room as he pulled up his sweatpants, "I mean, everyone was talking about that, but I figured it was a bunch of bs."
"Oh." you repeated.
"so, I spent a majority of my day trying to find any information on this poor woman- And it's almost like he just fell off the grid."
"Well," you awkwardly chuckled as you got the bag of frozen nuggets out of the freezer, "I guess when a serial killer is your family, you'd want to disappear too, right?"
"I suppose," Eddie said.
Venom, meaning no harm, but just wanting to be part of the conversation, "Maybe he killed her, Eddie. People said that too. Maybe that's why we can't find her."
Out of habit, you put your hand over a scar you had on your arm as a lump form in your throat. It wasn't a nasty scar by any means, it was barely noticeably at this point. It was just a constant reminder. 
You had lied to Eddie and told you that a biker had clipped you one day when you were coming home from work, but that was far from the truth. You wish it had been an innocent accident like that. The reality of it was that, before you and Cletus were removed from your home, he had attempted to, as he put it, saw your arm off. 
Lucky for you, and being the world's biggest crybaby, again, as he would've put it, your mother had heard you screaming. Of course, she always wanted to think that Cletus would just grow out of all of this horrid stuff. You always thought if she had changed her mind, maybe she'd still be alive.
Sometimes you wished Cletus had actually killed you too, it would've been less painful than everything else you had to go through. Growing up, with Cletus always on the news for the shit he'd done, and every thing inbetween, you were slightly grateful that people would make up the rumours that you were dead. Maybe then they'd leave you alone. 
You put yourself on autopilot, taking a trip down trauma lane as you put everything into the oven and set a timer. 
Cletus wasn't always outwardly violent, but that doesn't mean he was kind. He would always pick on you, or tell you that nobody even wanted you. He'd always take your things and ruin them, whether it be lighting them on fire or just cutting them up. 
You were so young, and you tried to believe that maybe older siblings were just like that. Maybe it was normal for them to try to leave you to die in the woods, or maybe it was normal when he'd 'jokingly' push you towards oncoming traffic. You had a lot to unlearn when you got adopted. You never wanted to be around other kids, and you barely spoke, even when you had gone to therapy. Sometimes you'd get angry at nothing and beat up pillows, and no matter what, your adoptive parents also responded with love and understanding.
You never had to deal with siblings again. Your adoptive parents are the only souls, outside the social workers, who ever knew what had gone on with your birth family. you were thankful for that.
The cycle still repeats it self, however. Some days you feel fine, you don't find yourself thinking about it, but then one little thing comes barging in and ruins it all. 
You had completely lost yourself in a memory, and not a good one. You could hear your heart beating in your ear, and you must've been staring off into space.  
The basement was dimly lit, and you remember your dad said he would replace the bulb, but he always forgot. You were stuck to a chair, and you couldn't stop whimpering. 
"You're such a crybaby." 
Cletus came into view with a roll of duct tape. He fiddled with it, trying to get it undone. You shut your eyes and tried to keep quiet. Maybe if you were quiet, he'd let you go.
He finally got a piece cut and he was going to put it over your mouth, but you kept shaking your head, calling out for you mom. You were even kicking at Cletus, which just seemed to annoy him more. 
"Stop it! Stop! Go away! Go away, Cletus!" 
There was something inside Cletus that just made him hate everyone around him. He had no regard for any other form of life. He didn't even feel bad about what he had planned to do to you. In fact, he had blamed you for it, he kept telling you that if you weren't so annoying, or if you were never even born, he wouldn't have to do this.
Finally getting fed up with your struggling, he grabbed your face and put the duct tape over your mouth. This made your crying worse. You could heard footsteps from the floor above you, and you were praying that whoever was up there heard you and was coming to your rescue.
Cletus proceeded to duct tape your arm down to the arm of the chair, making extra sure that it hurt. You were no more than five years old, and you were already telling yourself that this was how you were going to die. 
"You know that old bat can't hear you, stupid." Cletus spat as he turned away to get something.
That's when you remembered where you were. You were at your grandma's house for the weekend. You two would get left here every so often, normally when your parents had errands to run. This time, mom and dad weren't coming back. You were stuck here. 
You were thinking about all the small details of her house now, to distract yourself from what was about to happen.
Mary Poppins. Your grandmother had an odd obsession with her. She had all this little figurines that she decorated her house with. You were never sure why she liked Mary Poppins so much, but you found it endearing. 
She would always hum the songs when she was baking. 
A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.
You could practically hear her humming along.
Thats when Cletus turned back around and you saw the shimmer of the knife he had. You tried to just think of anything else, but nothing was working now. Everything was so quiet and the only noise was the sligh thum of the old light bulb.
"If you were never born, this wouldn't be happening," he sneered at you as he pushed the knife down onto your arm, "This is your fault."
He kept talking, and you wanted to keep crying, but you found everything so stressful that you were feeling tired. You didn't even have the strength to pay any mind to the burning pain in your arm. It was almost like you'd given up. 
Then you heard her voice. It was calling out for both you and Cletus. It was getting louder, Cletus huffed and dropped the knife on the floor. 
"One noise out of you and I'll make you suffer." he cackled a little bit, "Doesn't really matter, I was going to make you suffer anyways." 
You watched hazily as Cletus made his way up the stairs. You tried to wiggle out of the duct tape restraints, but it caused too much pain, so you gave up. The voices were getting more and more muffled. Cletus was leading her away from the basement. 
You wanted to go home. You wanted to be anywhere but here. You felt more tears welling up in your poor little eyes, and you closed them tightly. Just make it go away. It'll go away.
You remember hearing a lot of noise from upstairs. It sounded like things getting broken, and then several big thuds. You closed your eyes tighter. It grew quiet again. 
You heard the basement creak open, and you heard the soft whimpers of the family pet, Fifi. You loved Fifi. She was a good dog. Cletus came down the stairs, holding the dog by the collar, and you watched as Fifi wriggled and yipped as she tried to get free. 
You were tried to scream at him, but the duct tape muffled any noise that came out of your mouth. Cletus retrieved the knife and dragged the dog back a few steps. You wanted to look away. You didn't want to watch. You were frozen in terror as Cletus held the dog down and lifted the knife.
He was grinning so sadistically. 
You felt something warm wrap around you and you jumped ten feet in the air, pushing them away and yelling, "Don't touch me! Just stay back!" 
Eddie flinched and held his hands up as he took a step back, "Sorry! Sorry! Didn't mean to scare you." 
You tried to catch your breath as you stared at him. You looked like you'd just seen a ghost. Eddie looked a little startled as he lowered his hands and slowly walked over to you, "Are you okay?"
You took another step back as you tried to calm your nerves, "Yeah, I- No- Yes, I'm.. I'm fine. Sorry for- I." 
"Why don't we go sit down for a second.. You look like you're about to pass out." What do you do? What do you say? 
"Did I cause this?" Eddie sounded a little hurt, thinking that he'd unintentionally caused you any harm, "Baby, I'm so sorry." 
"It wasn't you. I just.." you needed to just think of some excuse, "The whole Kas- Cletus thing is just.. Stressful." 
Eddie gently put a hand on your lower back and you flinched again, causing him to move it. 
"I just mean," you sighed a little, "I see it everywhere. It's- I- Nevermind." 
You were fighting with yourself. You were going to say it.
"It's alright. We don't have to talk about it anymore." He sounded so sincere, "And it'll all go away after-"
"That's just it," you wrapped your arms around yourself as you tried so hard to fight those stupid crybaby tears back, "It won't go away."
Despite your best efforts, the tears came running down your face, and Eddie went to wipe your face, but you flinched away and ran into your bedroom. You slammed the door a little too hard behind you, repeating, "It just won't go away." "Y/n," Eddie said, slightly confused as he walked over to the door. He couldn't open the door because you were sitting in front of it, and he could hear you crying. "Baby?"
He crouched down and sat down on the floor. He didn't understand what was going on, and Venom sure as hell didn't know either. They wanted to ask what was wrong, but maybe you'd tell them on your own. 
"Sorry," you said between sniffles. 
"It's okay." Eddie replied, leaning against the door, "What's going on?" You took in a few deep breaths before wiping your face, "It's a long story." Eddie, being a smartass, leaned forward a little to get a peek at the oven timer, "We have time."
You chuckled a little because you heard the door creak with his movement. Eddie chuckled too as he leaned back into his original position. Venom poked out of Eddie's arm and looked at the door for a moment before looking at Eddie, who just nodded a little. The little symbiote wrapped around Eddie's arm and got comfortable as you started talking.
"There-" you shivered a little, "Eddie, there's a good reason why nobody can find Cletus' sister."
Eddie looked at the door, intrigued. Did you know her somehow? Maybe through work? Were you helping her hide somewhere?
"And why's that?" 
"Because, I-" you wiped your eyes again, trying to not burst into tears, "I'm Y/n Kasady." 
Eddie tensed a little as he continued to stare at the door. "You're Y/n Kasady?" 
You hesitated, "Unfortunately, but I mean, legally, I'm not really a Kasady anymore...Obviously." 
Eddie looked down to the floor, taking it all in. Everything made sense now. "How come you never mentioned it?" 
"You think I wanna talk about it?" you didn't mean to come off as bitter, "I just- I hated it. I hated everything to do with that name..Nothing good comes from being a Kasady."
"Nothing good comes from bein' a Brock either." 
"Eddie." you whined.
"Sorry, sorry. I'll try to save the jokes for later." 
"I just never wanted to talk about it." you continued, "Besides, what the hell would I even tell people? You think reporters want to hear a five year old talk about the most horrendous shit?"
"You were five?" Eddie's voice sounded so hoarse. He didn't knowing anything about the elusive Kasady sibling. The fact that it was you,and you were only five made everything worse. 
You couldn't seem to stop yourself, "Cletus was a monster. He killed our grandma- He- He.. Oh god, he tortured the dog while I was duct taped to a chair. Not to mention that he tried to cut my arm off right before all of that- Yeah, that scar? It wasn't from some stupid biker."
"Jesus," Eddie sounded mortified, "I'm..Sorry." 
"To make matters worse, I almost got lost in the system because he burned down the orphanage we were both at." you paused, remembering that day, "With everyone but us inside of it." 
Venom wasn't going to say it, but he felt a little mortified. He had never met a human who was capable of those awful things. 
"They had to separate us, because they thought it would stop him from acting out. That didn't work. Cletus just-" your rant broke off into another fit of helpless sobs, "He ruins everything he touches. I know It's been decades since all of that. I haven't seen him since I was five, but I still live in constant fear-" "He can't hurt you-" 
"What if he breaks out of prison again? What then?" you sounded very panicked, "I have always been on edge. Cletus is a smart man, Eddie- It wouldn't take much to figure out where I am- Or my parents.. Or-"
"Hey, hey," Eddie said softly, "That's not gonna happen. You wanna know why?" "Why?' you croaked, slouching against the door. 
"Because we won't let it." 
You did feel safer since Eddie and venom came into your life. You also knew that they'd rather die then to let anyone hurt you. Cletus was nothing but madman, and it wouldn't take Venom very long to put an end to him. "We love you." Venom said.
You slowly turned to sit on your knees as you opened the door. You looked at Eddie and venom with a weak smile, and Eddie held out his arms, "Come here." You crawled into his arms, and Eddie held you close to him, "I'm sorry you went through that, but I promise you that nothing will ever hurt you again." 
Venom untangled himself from Eddie's arm and wrapped around yours, "We will eat whatever tried to hurt you." 
You curled up closer to him, feeling a lot better, "I know you will...Sorry for being a crybaby."
"Don't need to apologize." Eddie said sweetly, "If it makes you feel better, I can make something up for the story. Just to get it over with." 
"You'd lose your job if they found out that you lied."
Eddie shrugged, "Plenty of other jobs in the world, love." 
"It's okay," you said, "I think, maybe, I..If it's you, I can talk about it. I'm just afraid of how people will see me after. They'll probably think that I'm just like him." 
Eddie rubbed your back softly, "Nobody will think that." 
"Who cares what a bunch of losers think anyways?" Venom looked up at you with all the love he could muster, "We think you are wonderful."  
"You guys are pretty wonderful too." you replied, smiling at them. 
You gave Venom a kiss before you cupped Eddie's face and gave him one as well. Everything felt okay again, and this time you knew they'd remain that way. A startling beep rang through the apartment and you all jumped a little. You then began chuckling as Eddie helped you up. It was just the oven. 
"You okay?" Eddie asked as he watched you get the food out of the oven. He saw you differently now. Not in a bad way, but in a good way. He know understood everything he needed to know, and he knew that you were doing everything in you power to get better. He was proud of you. 
"Yeah, actually." you said, "I guess talking about it really does help.. I was just afraid that maybe," you laughed a little, "Maybe you'd want a divorce, because who wants an infamous serial killer as an in-law?" 
Eddie, seeing the opportunity to lighten the mood with a joke, said, "A what as a what now? I thought you were an only child." 
You looked at him with the softest expression, "Thanks." 
He smiled as he came over and wrapped his arms around your waist, "Don't worry about it." 
You wanted to stay like this forever. Unfortunately, the moment was ruined when Eddie went to grab a nugget right off the tray and yelped as it burned him. "They just got done." you said, trying not to laugh, "You watched me pull them out." 
He went over to the sink and ran his hand under some cold water, "Yeah, but..Why are they still so hot?" 
"Eddie," you laughed, "They just came out of a piping hot oven." 
You got a couple of plates out of the cupboard as Eddie dried his hands. You were putting them on the kitchen island as you saw him go for another nugget out of the corner of your eye. Sometimes its good that not everything changes.
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padfootagain · 4 years
A Very Rose Mistake (IV)
Part 4: How You Became Lambkin
 Here we go for a new chapter! This is cute, but also, an important chapter for many reasons! The plot is now starting to unfold!!
No warnings of any kind to apply here, really, it's just rather innocent and cute. I hope you like this new chapter! Tell me what you think about it!
Word Count: 3911
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Holmes Chapel, 2007
 Shakespeare was a pain.
Maybe it was still relevant if you went to the theatre and saw professionals actually perform the play, but from the point of view of two 13 years old who had to read the plays for school… it was a pain.
Besides the language being old, there was also the fact that tons of the words on the page had just been made up. Or at least, it sounded that way. Because Harry had most certainly never heard any of those being used before and he had better things to do with his time than try and guess the meaning of these words. Playing football was one of them. And there was no way his mother would let him out of the house before he would have finished his homework.
There was only one way he could get to the pitch on time to play tonight with his friends. He had to ask for the help of the brightest mind he knew.
He got up from his bed where he was lying down with his copy of Henry V covering his face. He let the book fall on his bed while he reached for the piece of red glass that rested on the side of his window. He aimed at the sun, until the reflection of the light on the glass would dance over your own window. The perks of having his best friend living in the house right next to his: it was easy to reach you.
And indeed, it took you less than a minute to appear before you would appear on the other side of your own window. He couldn't help but grin at the sight.
Harry grabbed a piece of cardboard from behind his desk, that he had already prepared. One of the messages that you often used and both had kept, ready, just in case you would need them.
Help with homework?
He saw you laughing and shaking your head, but you grabbed your own cardboard, large enough to hide you completely behind it.
My place?
He merely nodded with a big goofy grin on his face, before grabbing his bag, his book and heading to the living room.
"Mum!" he called, thumping through the hall.
"Yes, I am not deaf," Anne laughed at her son.
"Can I go over to Y/N's to do my homework with her?"
"To do your homework or play videogames?"
"I have a match tonight."
"Ha… so it's really for homework then! Sure, you can go. Bring some snacks if you want, I bought some cookies, the ones she likes."
"Thanks mum! I'll go directly to the field when I'm done…"
"No, you won't. You're going to come back here to drop off your stuff and to get changed and then you'll go to the field."
He heaved a sigh, but complied without arguing.
"Okay. Bye!"
"Love you!"
But Harry was already slamming the front door shut and sprinting towards your house. Your mother was waiting for him with her door open and an amused smile on her face.
"Hello, Harry! How are you today?"
"Great! Thank you, Mrs. Y/L/N!"
"Y/N's in her bedroom. Do you want to bring up some snacks?"
"I've brought some cookies my mum bought today."
"How nice! Well, go ahead then!"
He took off his shoes, placing them in the space that was saved for him in the hall, before sprinting up the stairs to your room.
He closed the door behind him.
"Hey! Thanks, I'm struggling with this bloody play!"
You merely chuckled, resting your back against your wall as you sat on your bed.
"It's alright, I haven't started that one yet."
"Have you done maths already?"
"Yep! Just finished."
"Me too. But that English stuff… ugh…"
He climbed on your bed by your side, dragging behind him his notebook, pencils and his Shakespearean play.
Harry gave you some time to catch up with him on the assignment, although he hadn't done much yet. You then spent some time trying to analyse the text and answer the questions on your assignment about the scene.
Harry was annoyed to say the least.
"What are these words, even…" he groaned.
"Come on… some are cute… 'lambkin', that's cute!"
"Lambkin?! You think calling your girlfriend lambkin is cute?"
"I do. It's sweet!"
Harry rolled his eyes.
"Alright, then, I'll call you that from now on. We'll see for how long you find it cute."
You exploded in laughter, the sound enough to erase his grumpy frown.
"That's not fair! I would be the only one with a ridiculous nickname like that!" you protested.
"You are not calling me lambkin. Ever."
"Alright," you shook your head at his silly remark. "After we're done with this, we'll look for a nickname for you."
"I'm going to the field after, I'm playing with the guys."
"That just means I'll choose whatever I want to laugh at you!"
"Wow… scary… lambkin."
You narrowed your eyes at each other, and you considered his banter as a challenge.
"You're gonna regret that, Styles."
"Oh, am I, lambkin?"
But you could only keep up the serious act for a few more seconds, before you both let go and were lost in a fit of laughter.
You did manage to finish your homework on time for Harry to go play football with the guys. You spent the rest of your allowed time before a screen looking for old and ridiculous nicknames to use against Harry on your computer.
You eventually found the perfect one.
His phone beeped after he was back home, about to go to bed. He had changed in his pyjamas and was about to turn off the lights for the night when the sound rang through the room.
"Harry! Go to bed, you have school tomorrow," Anne ordered, as she was passing by in the corridor right at that moment.
"I am going to bed! It's Y/N!"
"If you're not in bed in five minutes…"
"I am going!"
He checked your text all the same.
Y/N: I've found your nickname. You are chuckaboo.
He snorted, answering once he was buried under his blankets.
Harry: What does that even mean?
He put his phone on silence to avoid his mother hearing your response.
Y/N: It's a term of endearment to call a friend. Fits just right. Plus, I think it suits you, chuckaboo.
Harry: You'd better not call me like that at school.
Y/N: Oh, I will :)
He laughed, despite feigning anger in his next response. You merely replied with another smiley face, and wished him good night.
He went to sleep with an amused smile on his face.
It was just a joke, it would last for a few days before you would both grow tired of it. Stupid nicknames that would make you laugh for a while. Or so he thought, at least.
Lambkin and Chuckaboo.
What a ridiculous pair…
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Loch Lomond, 2020
Harry kept on holding your hand as you settled around the large table that had been set for your family. The atmosphere was more relaxed as you waited for Amy and her family to join all of you over dinner. Your mom and you sat between your father and Harry, a protection of some sort against the nasty glances that your dad kept on throwing at your fake boyfriend. Dinner was merry, and Amy's family provided a nice distraction for your own family members to focus on. Harry spent most of the evening lost in a deep conversation with Amy's grandfather about 'the music back then', and he seemed to blend in just fine, not that you had ever had any doubt that he would.
One chair though had been left empty. In the large hall decorated with flickering lights, the view upon the loch growing darker and darker as the hours passed, until there was nothing left to see but the stary sky, there was one empty spot. It was for one of Amy's cousins, who had to work late at the hospital in Glasgow, where he worked as a nurse, apparently. Patrick, was his name, and he was set to sit right opposite you. It's only when you were waiting for dessert that he appeared.
And you struggled quite a bit to hide your reaction.
Because Patrick was handsome. Patrick was very handsome. Patrick was also 1000% your type.
And Patrick was set right across from you around the long, rectangular table.
He gave a kiss to his family, was introduced properly by an Amy that was on her way to getting from tipsy to drunk, and he seemed a little embarrassed by her antiques as she praised him for his work in medicine and called all who were single around the table to 'give him a ring'. And you found it cute.
You decided it was your duty, as you were the person sitting across from him, to make some small talk. Anyway, your parents were entertaining a conversation of their own that you weren't particularly interested in, and Harry and Amy's grandfather were lost in a vivid argument about Carole King's best song on Tapestry.
"I'm Y/N!" you introduced yourself with a welcoming smile. "Cassie's cousin."
"Oh, so we're the cousins then! Nice to meet you!" he greeted you with a warm smile as well.
And he had a nice smile. Very nice smile, indeed…
"So… you're a nurse then!"
He ran a hand in his hair, embarrassed.
"Yeah, I am. Sorry about her rant, I think she's had too much to drink."
"It's her wedding, I reckon she has the right to have a little fun."
"I guess. And what do you do for a living?"
You were interrupted by the dessert arriving, and you waited for the waiters to have left to answer.
"I'm studying for a PhD in history."
"Oh, wow."
He seemed genuinely impressed, which was always nice to hear. You waited for the next question to strike what do you do with a PhD in history, but it didn't come. Instead he asked another question, seeming genuinely interested.
"What is your thesis about?"
"The influence and impact of the XIXth century international exchanges and relations on modern politics."
"It's a mouthful," you joked, nodding your head.
"No, no! It sounds very interesting! Where do you study."
"California. But before that I got my degree in Oxford."
"Dear God… I'm sitting in front of the next Nobel Prize."
You laughed, shying away.
"No, absolutely not. Besides, I don't even think there is one to congratulate historians."
"A shame. I would have bet on you."
You did notice the way he shot you a shy smile. And you did notice the way he didn't look away, and didn't look for another conversation to settle into. He was focused on you while you ate your dessert, and you did the same.
Your conversation went on when the coffees and teas were served. And you had to admit that you liked it that way. He was charming, with a cute Scottish accent, and eyes that glimmered in the yellowish light of the room.
It's only when your cup of coffee was empty that Harry took your hand in his again, planting your feet right back to Earth, and reminding you of what you were here for in the first place.
He gave you a smile, before guiding your hand up to his lips to place a kiss over your knuckles, surprising you with the tender gesture and making your heart rush a little more as he looked at you with the tenderest of gazes.
"Are you tired, babe? Or would you like to take a walk with me? I could use some fresh air."
Your heart stumbled a little at the pet name, and you didn't like it. You didn't like it one bit, so you forced the organ to stop its little dance.
You bid everyone a good night -and did notice the disappointed look Patrick gave you as you abruptly ended your conversation in order to leave with Harry - and some other people retreated to their rooms at the same time as you, while you followed Harry outside.
It was cold outside, a heavy wind sweeping skeleton leaves to gather at your feet. You could hear the shushed rumble of conversations on the other side of the windows and the wind caught in the branches and lifting the water of the loch in clapping waves. Harry offered you his arm, and as you noticed that you could still be seen from the table inside, you took it with a grateful smile.
You walked along the shore in silence for a few minutes, your gaze distracted from the dark path by the shining lights above your head, but you weren't worried about falling, not when you were holding Harry's arm. He would catch you before you could fall.
He finally heaved a sigh.
"Well, that wasn't a complete disaster. It went better later on, don't you think?"
"Yeah, I reckon that once the shock had passed, it was alright," you nodded.
"Except for you father, of course. Judging by the way he was eyeing me all night, he probably will try to cut off my balls before the end of the week."
You laughed at that, the sound clear and joyful, luminous over the dark scenery that surrounded you. But the reflexions of the stars over the water was lovely all the same. They seemed brighter to Harry as your laughter echoed a little longer around both of you.
"He's not so fond of the idea. Don't know why."
Harry shrugged.
"Must think I'm not good enough for you."
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head.
"Anyway… I think we're getting away with it."
"Getting the hang of it, babe?"
"Oh, shut up, chuckaboo."
"Ha, here you are again, back to your normal self. Will you start punching me next?"
"I've never punched you!"
"But you've threatened to do so dozens of times."
"I am very good at boxing."
His smile grew more tender, a little melancholic as well, but you attributed it to the quiet of the place that surrounded you. You were away from the lodge now, enough so for voices to have disappeared. It was only you, Harry, and the whisper of autumn leaves now.
"You're good at everything, Y/N."
There was a moment of silence, while you stared at him. But then, his expression grew a little mischievous, and he faked to be lost in thought.
"Except at cooking, and singing, and playing guitar, and most definitely climbing, and gymnastics, and…"
"Yeah, okay, I get it, you jerk!" you stopped him, punching his arm, although your gesture wasn't violent enough to hurt. Still, Harry dramatically held his arm as if you had thrown him your stronger uppercut.
"See, I knew it! Knew you would end up doing it for real, instead of only threatening me with your punches!"
"Well, you should shut up before I do it again."
"You're so cruel, lambkin," he tried to sound convincing, but the goofy smile upon his lips betrayed his thoughts.
You shook your head at him, wheezing.
You walked in silence for a little longer, before deciding to go back to the lodge. You were still holding Harry's arm, even if no one was around to see the two of you pretend. None of you acknowledge the fact, merely choosing to act as if you weren't. Maybe, a voice in your mind explained it by acting in case someone would bump into the two of you. You knew it wasn't the truth though, but you pretended that it was for the few minutes more that the gesture lasted while you walked on the edge of the water and under the tall trees.
"So… Patrick?" Harry asked after a long silence.
"He's nice!" you answered with a smile. "He's a nice chap!"
"Hmm," Harry nodded. "You did seem to have fun with him tonight. Even thought that maybe you didn't need my services anymore."
"Pfft! Don't be ridiculous! I've just talked with him for 5 minutes."
"Almost an hour, actually."
You narrowed your eyes at him.
"You counted?"
He rolled his eyes at you.
"I just noticed it was a long conversation."
"You know, we can still tell the truth to everyone, and you can take your shot with Patrick."
You didn't know how to describe the tone he used to say the man's name, but it wasn't oozing with fondness, that was for certain. You looked at him suspiciously, a smirk creeping its way to your lips.
"Are you… jealous?"
"Jealous? Me?"
"You're the jealous type, don't deny it."
"And don't flatter yourself. We're not really together, remember? Why would I be jealous."
"I don't know, but you sound like you are."
"I'm not jealous."
"But do you like him?"
You shrugged.
"I don't know. I think he's attractive. I think he's nice. So…"
"You like him."
"He's alright so far. And he is my type."
Harry raised an eyebrow, before his features molded into a frown instead. His mind couldn't help but compare himself to Patrick, and point out everything that was different between them.
"Am I your type?" he asked after a long silence.
You laughed, taken aback.
"What kind of question is that?"
He shrugged.
"I don't know. Just wondering. I'm playing your boyfriend for a week, but… would I be your type? Had I not met you when we were five and crashed your ice-cream into your face… had you met me tonight instead of Patrick… would you have thought that I was your type?"
You looked away, finally letting go of his arm, and the lack of contact between your two bodies made Harry regret his question.
"I don't know," you lied, before finding back your composure, and shooting him a smile. "But you're my boyfriend for this week. So for the next seven days, you are most definitely my type, honey."
He laughed, shaking his head. You had walked back to the lodge, and he opened the door for you, dramatically bowing before you to let you through first.
"After you, my love."
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Harry went first to take a shower, and then it was your turn. Some warm water was just what your tired muscles needed to relax after your busy day. When you walked out of the bathroom, a little bit of fog following you through the door, Harry was lying on the bed, atop the blankets, scrolling on his phone.
He had changed into a comfortable jumper and a pair or pyjama pants that seemed warmed and soft. His curls were still damped, wetting his pillow, but he didn't seem to mind it at all.
He looked up when you stepped out of the bathroom though, and you didn't fail to notice the way his eyes settled on your legs before hurrying to your face while his cheeks blushed.
Your pyjama shorts weren't that short at all, stopping right above your knees. Still, it seemed enough to make Harry's cheekbones and ears turn crimson. You wore an old Treat People With Kindness jumper too, matching his grey hoodie.
"You're alright, Harry?" you asked, rather puzzled by his reaction.
"Sure, why?"
"You're blushing."
"I'm not."
"You are."
"It's nothing. I'm just tired."
You weren't convinced, but chose to drop the subject, your own fatigue weighing on you. So you shrugged instead, finishing to get ready for bed.
You slipped under the covers and heaved a sigh as your head hit the pillow.
"Tired?" he asked, and you could only hum and nod in response.
He hesitated for a second, while you closed your eyes.
"There's an extra blanket. I can sleep on top of the covers, and you under them, if you want."
You opened your eyes again to look at him.
"Would that make you feel more comfortable?"
He considered your question, and shrugged.
"I don't know. Maybe?"
"I don't really care. But… maybe for tonight, you can do that. Won't you be cold though?"
"It's quite warm in here. And the blanket looks cosy."
"Alright, but don't hesitate to get under the covers if you're too cold. I don't mind if you do."
"Okay," he nodded, before getting up to get the blanket.
He lied down by your side again, getting comfortable, before he would turn off the lamp on his nightstand, and you did the same, letting darkness take over every inch of the room, looking darker than it really was as your eyes got used to the shadows.
"Goodnight Harry."
"Goodnight, Y/N."
You turned to your side, trying to get comfortable too, and your foot gently bumped into his through the layers of sheets and blankets as you moved.
"Sorry," you quipped, moving your foot away.
"'S okay," he replied, his voice lower than usual.
You let silence settle for a while, but it felt strange. Awkward. There was something unspoken hovering above the two of you, you could cut the tension in the air with a knife.
"I feel weird."
"Weird? You mean sick?" he asked with worry in his tone now.
"No, I mean… it's a little weird sleeping next to you. Why though? We've done that since we were six."
He shrugged, but couldn't deny that he was feeling the same. His heart was beating so fast, he was worried you would hear it in the silent night.
"Maybe it's because we're not children anymore," he whispered.
You hummed in response.
"And we haven't done it in a long time too," you added, and he heard you nodding, your cheek brushing against your pillow.
He took a deep breath before speaking again, his tone hesitant.
"Do you… would you feel better if I took the couch?"
You considered his offer, but shook your head.
"No, I… I don't feel uncomfortable. It's just… strange."
It was his turn to hum.
"Would you feel better on the couch?" you asked him.
"No, it's… it's a nice weird."
"Yeah, it is."
"I'm just… it makes me a little nervous."
He made a face, that you couldn't see, but you would have found it adorable if you had.
"I'm afraid I'll wake you up with my snoring. Or speak some nonsense in my sleep. Or you wake up tomorrow morning and see me drooling, with saliva all over my face."
You laughed at him, reaching in the dark to touch his arm. You patted the muscles tenderly.
"Don't worry, chuckaboo. I've seen worse! Seen you throwing up a fair amount of time. Also, I'll just punch you again to wake you up if you start snoring too much."
He laughed, and both of your laughter mingling through the room made most of the tension in the room disappear.
"You're right. Besides, maybe you'll be the one waking me up because of your snoring!" Harry went on.
"I don't snore!" you snorted.
"You do. I've heard you before."
"Well, then, you can wake me up if I do."
You moved your fingers away from his arm, but they lingered on the mattress near him all the same, in the little space between the two of you.
"Sleep well, lambkin," Harry whispered, closing his eyes, and when you answered, you had the same smile on your lips as the one that he wore.
"You too, chuckaboo."
Taglist : @emcchi​​ @fishstick-knows​​​ @eldahae​​​​ @just-damn-bored​​ @retrouvailessx​​​ @marvelstudies2020​​​ @boxofteenageideas​​@ponycake27​​​​​​​ @horsesreign​​​​​​​ @xinyourdreamsx​​​​​​ @jbluevelvet​​​​​@notkeppeki @daynigt-dreamer-stuff @fudgeflyss​​​​​ @stuckupstucky​​​​​​@snek-shit​​​​​​ @suchatinyinfinity​​​​​​@i-padfootblack-things​  @buckybsarmy @heyohheyitsgabi​​​​​​​@jigsawlover10​​​​​​ @emyyjemyy​​​​ @addictedtofictionalcharacters​​​​​​​​ @staringmoony​​​​​​​@madamrogers​​ @cronias13​​​ @stylesfics-xx​​​​ @mellamolayla​​​​ @mariaenchanted​
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teamsarawatshusband · 3 years
Word Of Honor - 1st watch insta thoughts - Episode 6
First of all, as I gained a lot of new followers, just an FYI: This is me watching Word of Honor for the first time and writing down my thoughts as I go. Mostly it's me being confused as hell and giving all the characters weird names, because I can't remember the real ones. If this is not your thing, feel free to skip these posts and maybe blacklist "smirklord"
If you do choose to read along, please know that these are the most important characters:
Zhou Zi Shu = Baby Zi Shu/ Zhou Xu lord guy/alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy Wen Ke Xing = Smirky Xing/Smirky fan guy Gu Xiang = Purple Girl/my Purple Love/my Purple Queen Smirklord is my personal ship name for Zhou Zi Shu and Wen Ke Xing.
Previous episodes are here.
To anybody who was here before: Sorry that it took me so long to continue this. I accidentally came across a spoiler about my purple queen and I was pretty bummed about it. So I stopped watching for a while. Also, the show is getting more complex and I'm having a harder time remembering who everybody is. But anyway, let's go!
Episode 6:
LOL, Smirky Xing called Baby Xu Mom and wants to be carried. He's so cute when hallucinating.
Anyway, I'm glad Smirky Xing saved Baby Xu. Now, what's the thing he captured?
Baby Xu is hurt, thankfully he's also like a travelling pharmacist.
Oh, Smirky Xing, can I just point out that I have never before seen anybody accuse another person of being a serial killer with such a lovestruck expression on their face. And why do you keep insisting that you’re a good guy when nobody accused you of anything?
Oh, so the zombies and mummies weren't dead, but... living people controlled by someone? What?
LOL, "Do you have a dagger?" and Smirky Xing instantly pulls one out of his sleeve like it's no big deal, and who knows what else he keeps in there.
Ewww, is Baby Xu going to go stabbing at his own wounds? Please no.
Ewww, ewww, ewww. Oh, he's sucking out the poison I guess.
Waaah, what is Smirky Xing going to. - Oh. OMGOMGOMGOMG, eww, but also YESSS, you go for that shoulder kiss, honey, YES!  (Sorry, I had to rewind that moment a couple times). Let's rename Smirky Xing to Kissy Xing.
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Oh, and this once and for all gave Baby Xu's diguise away. He didn't put make-up on his shoulder.
'Can you show me your real appearance' my ass. He wants to see you naked. And Baby Xu reminds him of consent. I mean, trust. But, really... consent.
OMG, "you can touch it." Yes! Touch it Baby Xu! Touch it!!!  Kissy Xing gave his permission!!!
Oooooh, they're dancing again!!!
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OMG, they're going to the lake. Is this gonna turn into the dirty dancing lifting figure scene? PLEASE?
I don't even care, this 100% counts as the lifting scene.
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Dude, what? Can you not swim? Baby Xu? You okay? He fell into the water, okay. But why doesn't he get back to the surface?????
Does he want to be saved? Please tell me he's not drowning. :O Kissy Xing looks so worried.
Whoa, where did his mask go? :O :O :O
Okay, okay, okay. Clothes on the drying rack, they're basically in their undies. And kissy Xing can't stop staring at Baby Xu's real face.
Real face baby Xu looks so much softer. Still pissy though, did he seriously just wipe the bottle neck? Come on, man. You had his lips suck on your skin already. I'm sure you can take his spit.
So kissy Xing's name is really Wen Ke Xing. And his face is really his face. I do wanna trust him so much. His voice is so soft all of a sudden. Wahhhh.
Oh, so the item they captured was from hanging ghost? But not the real one?
Kissy Xing, you killed the ghost guy while Baby Xu wanted to interrogate him. You say it was a mistake cause you were worried, but you could still very well be nuts guy and make sure nobody gives you away!
I feel a bit like Brad Pitt in Seven. WHAT'S IN THE BOX???!!!!
Zhou Zi Shu! Kissy Xing said the name. HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT!!! He recognized him!!!! He knows who he is. But he doesn't say so to his face. Why is everything so confusing???
Should I call Baby Xu Baby Zi Shu from now on?
Noo, don't cut away from smirklord, I wanna keep watching smirklord!
Meh, some stupid guitar guy doing a Jimmi Hendrix impression and lots of dead guys, who might not actually be dead standing in line for the concert tickets.
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Some tall hat guy. Who is he? He gets VIP acess.
Is it just me or do you also find it annoying when they're playing instruments and the music doesn't match the finger movements?
Ok, Hendrix guy is scorpion king. Is he related to the scorpion assassins? Anyway, he's got really cool hair. Total rockstar vibes.
Tall hat guy is trying to be charming and coming across like a record label manager.
Okay, so they both don't know what happened and who killed the other ghost guy. Oh, wait, is tall hat guy the one who stole the glazed armor from uncle Zhao? Is the item that Kissy Xing and Baby Zi Shu captured a piece of glazed armor??? :O
Ok, tall hat guy is changing ghost.
Back to Smirklord! YES!
Okay, Baby Zi Shu figured out the item box thing? Is the blue glass thing the glazed armor??? Tbh, it looks a bit like the plastic part of some kid's braces.
Yooo, Kissy Xing coming in hot with the rabbit dowry.
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Whoa, Baby Zi Shu just throws the glazed armor over to Kissy Xing, like it's no big deal. He really really doesn't want it. Nice return gift, though.
Okay, what is this flirting? Baby Zi Shu keeps stating that he's a bad guy you need to be terrified of, much like Kissy Xing kept saying he's a good guy. And now he's calling Kissy Xing a trouble.
LOL, Kissy Xing agrees on the gift idea. He wants to carry it on his body. Nice.
K, k, it's uncle Zhao's glazed armor. The kid must have his own armor somehow. And the ghost guys are trying to play all the other parties and make them doubt each other. I see.
Kissy Xing is so whipped, wow. He'll do anything, including gutting the rabbits.
LOL, they're trying to give the kid food. Like that EVER worked before at all. No, uncle Zhao, you dimwit, he does NOT have a good appetite, lol.
Why is everybody giving the kid a hard time about crying. His family got murdered, his two adopted dads left him all alone with the two weird uncles... Of course he's gonna cry. Duh.
Ah, geez, Uncle Shen, just shut up. You know nothing. (he's not smart enough to be called a-hole guy anymore, sorry)
Okay, so, three glazed armor pieces have been stolen from their owners. But Uncle Zhao still has his? Then whose piece was stolen the other night? What? And who is brother Lu? Was that the kid's dad?
Now there's two more older guys, who are they? Oh, one is Lord of Broken Sword Manor. Wait, wasn't that magenta guy? Or was that his son? Somebody PLEASE fill me in here.
The other one is brother Yu, whoever that is.
Seriously, every time pleated skirt soldier boss jerk uncle shen a-hole guy opens his mouth I wanna slap him.
Kissy Xing and Baby Zi Shu are wearing new clothes. When and where did they change? Were they together when they changed? Hehe, I need to know. For science.
They are returning to the bamboo woods and the bodies from the previous night are gone. Kissy Xing asks why Baby Zi Shu had the antidote to the hallucination drug. Actually, good question. Baby Zi Shu, why DID you have the antidote? Oh, it's a Window of Heaven thing?
WHATWHATWHAT? The illusion makes people see what they WANT THE MOST? And Baby Zi Shu drops this knowledge just like that while WE know that Kissy Xing called him by his real name, i.e. saw HIM, whilst under the illusion??? WHAT???
Nooo, Kissy Xing, why are you lying? Why won't you tell what you saw when you hallucinated? I wanna know too, gah!!!
Yo, Baby Zi Shu DEVELOPED the illusion drug? As a sleep remedy, lol. Nice.
K, who's the guy in the carriage at Sanbai Manor? Han Ying. Who is that? Have we seen him before?
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Did Baby Zi Shu just tell Kissy Xing the truth about himself killing people, setting them on fire etc.? That came out super smooth.
They're talking about this heroes conference that was mentioned before, but I have no idea what it is, and what it relates to. I'm so bad at remembering TV series plotlines... I'm assuming that this conference is where the uncles take the kid to.
Aww, Baby Zi Shu keeps close by and watches over the kid.
Kissy Xing wants 30 copies of the glazed armor piece. And he is freaking rich, man.
Waaaah, my purple queen! I've missed her so much. And she's kept the other girls around. And they're playing strip mahjong, apparently, lol. Yes, good for her! Also, Bechdel test passed! Nice.
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Where are they anyway? Which town is this? Was this mentioned, did I miss it?
K, so Kissy Xing wants to pay the two girls out so they'll leave (very obviously), but they don't want to. Is he going to make my queen kill them after all? And she gives him nuts in return. Hmm. I mean, seriously. He MUST be nuts guy. There were SO MANY hints.
Oh, he lets them stay and become My queen's servants.
What? What is this secret plan? What are they gonna do with the fake pieces of glazed armor?
Noooooo, don't end here!!!!!
Okay, what have I learned: Baby Zi Shu's real name! And that Kissy Xing knows him from somewhere. Also learned what glazed armor pieces look like. My queen loves playing strip mahjong. And people are meeting up for some heroes conference.
Goals for future episodes: Find out how Kissy Xing and Baby Zi Shu know each other. Finally finish that name chart thing and add all the new people, omg.
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a-tale-of-legends · 3 years
Cooking and Gardening. Who knew
Summary: Alexis and Elliot found unexpected hobbies that isn't music related. Who would have thought?
Notes: This was supposed to be a fluffy sibling moment until it wasn't. I'm sorry.
"Gardening? Really?" Alexis questions, watching his younger twin take care to the small bed of plants near their house.
"Blame N," she shrugs, " Besides, it's not too bad. It's actually quite relaxing," Alexis rolled his eyes. Of course the man with Natural as part of his legal name would be interested in gardening. Though he never would have thought the fast passed, rowdy twin named Elliot would be interested in the slow, patient process of gardening. Then again, Elli had a surprising amount of patience. She told him herself she would have waited 10 years for him to come back home. Even if it means kicking his sorry ass whenever he does. He wishes that she didn't.
" Well, watcha gonna plant? Flowers?" Elli shakes her head.
"Nah. Berries. If I'm gonna plant somethin' it's gonna be useful," she points to the water spray next to Alexis' feet, " Could you pass that?"
" Your literally right there,"
"Yeah, but your closet. Pass it!" Alexis let out an annoyed sigh, but did push the watering can to his sister.
" Your incredibly lazy," he teases
"Says you," she retorts. Alexis grimace, but quickly tries to make his face seem neutral.
That shouldn't have hurt as much as it did. It's actually pretty stupid. How hurt he got by that. So fucking stupid. Arcues, why must he get so caught up in stuff like this? He hopes she doesn't notice.
Oh, who was he kidding, Elliot most definitely noticed.
"Alex if I cross a line, you can always tell me," she says, a deep frown on her face. Oh boy. Here we go.
" You didn't cross a line Elli. It's fine," And of course, she persists.
" It's not fine if your trying to hide it from me," she counters,her voice surprisingly even. Why does that still make his body shake?
" Y-yeah, well, it's a pretty stupid fucking line. So don't worry about it," Elli's eyes turn to one of worry.
"Can we not talk about this now? Please?" he knows that he didn't tell, but the words felt loud and hard, and his throat was starting to hurt. This was so stupid. So incredibly stupid. Why can't they just talk like normal? Why can't he just be normal? This was supposed to be her time to relax, and now she's worried about him. Fuck. Fuck.
"Mom said that you made me lunch today," Elli's voice cuts through his spiraling thoughts like a hot knife. It startled him a little.
"U-m. Yeah?" Elli rises from her mini garden, having already watered the seeds. She looks at him and smiles.
" It was really good!" She beams. Alexis raises a brow. All he did was try some tofu, and made a sandwich. Even then, he was sure he messed up on the tofu....
" Are you sure? I'm pretty sure I burned the tofu...."
"...Yeah, it was pretty bad. But those that weren't were still good! And I liked the lil' sandwich you gave me," He couldn't help but flush at her complements. The lunch he made wasn't much. Especially since it was his first time in a while cooking something that isn't ramen or something that can be popped into the microwave.
"....Really?" He asks shyly, with Elli giving an assertive, but affectionate nod.
"Really! And you should do it again,"
"...Make you lunch?" Elli shakes her head.
" No- actually yes. You should totally make me lunch," Alexis couldn't help but roll his eyes.
"But I mean cooking! You could try and get the hang of it!" She scratches the back of her neck, uncharacteristically shy, " Maybe you could use some of my berries from my garden. If ya want".
Alexis blinked. Him? Cooking? He never thought about that. It doesn't sound like a bad idea.
" Well if you can start gardening, I guess I can try.... but no promises!" He points a finger at his sister to emphasize his point.
"Yeah yeah," she says, walking up towards him and swinging her arms over his shoulder, and the two started walking back inside.
" But if your gonna start, can you make me a veggie burger? I'm starving-"
" I can hardly cook tofu right, what makes you think I can make you a burger?! Who says I'm cooking for you in the first place?!" Alexis cuts her off, but it only makes her laugh.
He knows that this conversation was a way to distract him from his thoughts. Elliot was always smart when it came to these things. When it came to him. She knows him better than anyone else, after all.
He'll start cooking. Even if he thinks it's silly. Even if he feels like he'll just mess everything up like he always does. If it means that his sister gets to smile and laugh with him once again, then he'll do it.
Maybe, hopefully, he'll do it for himself too.
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skyeofloxlay · 3 years
Personality / Brief history / important things about MC / Reader for my fanfics or when I make requests.
Okay, I decided to do this more for myself when I make a request to someone, but this is also useful to let you know a little more about the MC / "reader" of my fanfics.
The MC is a cis-woman of almost 1.60cm in height, (age may vary) but generally the age will be between 20 and 23. She is heterosexual/straight (I don't know if there is a difference between the two things, but I don't understand why I would have two words for the same thing) and usually in fanfics she has never had a boyfriend before the character she will be together with (be it Jake (Duskwood), Jason (Todd), Spencer (Reid) or any other character). 
She was born in Brazil and lived a large part of her life there, and depending on what story she is in, she makes an interchange trip abroad because of college, and because of that she lives far from her family and lives alone, but she has her faithful companion, a male Schnauzer dog (his name in fanfics is undetermined.)
MC has always been a lonely person, because after several events in the past she does not trust people easily, and the only people she does trust are her family, but she still has trouble talking about her problems to them.
Furthermore, MC is a very shy, introverted, anti-social person and suffers from social phobia, which of course, is a perfect combo to be an alien in society and not be able to make friends, even if she wants to.
MC also doesn't know where it all started from, but she does know that she has probably suffered from anxiety for many, many years, even though she only discovered it a short time ago, and went to get help even less time ago.
Because of anxiety, she ends up being stuck in her own world, or I should call it, hell itself. Her mind is a mess, bad, unreal and meaningless thoughts invade her mind all the time, and because she has been this way for so long without help and not knowing what to do, her situation has worsened to the point where her anxiety starts to change into a depressive anxiety.
However, as much as she has been suffering with her own mind for years, she can always count on her family whenever she needs them, even if they are distant from each other, they are inseparable. 
Her father, as much as he doesn't understand most of the things she goes through, supports her and wants the best for MC, and so he does what he can to help MC pay for psychological treatment, and even though he doesn't understand, he always makes her smile and laugh, even when the situations are bad, even though he was always busy because of work, he always did what he could to be together, even in the simplest things, like family lunch, playing video games, watching movies, shopping together.
Her mother, on the other hand, has been through similar things like MC, and always try to help her the way she can, always speaking encouraging words, helping MC to do her things when she couldn't, sleeping next to the MC when she couldn't sleep because of anxiety, always being by her side, always supporting any decision, no matter the situation, MC's mom will always be there to hear her, either to hear about something that MC wants to do a lot or when she has some fear. 
And there is also her younger brother (3 years younger), as much as they ended up arguing for silly things, he is her best friend, maybe her only true friend, always having fun together doing what they like, protecting each other, always being one for another, even when it was not known which words were right to say.
MC is blessed to have such an amazing family, and as much as she couldn't say "I love you, you are everything to me" to them, she loved them with all her heart and soul, and she couldn't say what would happen to her if she lost them, but probably something really bad would happen.
As much as it seemed that MC doesn't care about other people, maybe looking selfish and boring to others, she cares a lot about others, but she knows that this is also one of the big reasons why she suffers from anxiety, caring for others more than for herself, and for her own mental health, she had to try not to think so much about the problems of the world that she cannot solve. 
Some people may think that she was wrong in doing this, but she wanted to have some sanity, even if little and trying to recover, than to go crazy with things that are impossible to fix, at least impossible for her to fix.
(Some other things about MC, but now simpler, because I'm out of time and too lazy, help me)
- Very distracted
- Very clumsy
- Nerd
- Dreamer / lost in her own world
- Impulsive
- Impatient
- Think too much about everything
- Studious
- Lonely
- Forgotten
- Problems with deadlines, do everything at the last minute.
- Avoid fights / arguments with people she doesn't know, but if it's someone close and it's a silly fight, she'll defend that she's right until the end, if she's wrong in the fight, she'll just be quiet for a while. If it is a serious fight, she will argue for some time until the tears stop her from continuing, and then she will be silent for a long time.
- Too stubborn
- Sarcastic with the closest people
- Always try to look for the good in people, but it is impossible for her to achieve kindness in certain people.
- Pessimistic
- Very sensitive / hurts / cries easily
- Perfectionist
- Very insecure
- She cannot express in words what she feels for other people
Rainy days
Music (Mainly, pop and  rock)
To drive
Taking pictures (mainly of landscapes)
Old things, like things related to the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s, or things from centuries ago
Learn things
Horror stuff (games, books, movies)
Horseback riding
See the city lights at night
Games (both video games and board / cards)
Comics, Movies, Series etc about Superheroes
Mexican food
Psychology / Understanding the human mind
Buy drawing materials and books (even though she will never use / read them)
Big clothes
Ride a bike
Explore Abandoned Places
Hot days
Her mind
Who annoy her
People fighting
See things or people comment on things related to death or illness
Having to be patient
Who speak ill of her family
Working in a group
That people belittle her feelings
Alcoholic beverages
Buy clothes
Make up
High heels
Short dresses
Fears / Phobias / Things that bother her:
Falling / High height
To drown
Getting seriously ill
Dark / Night
To sleep
Speak in public
Losing her family
Stay alone
Closed places
Tight clothes (Because she feels they are suffocating her)
Arrive late
Forget things
Having a car accident
Never be loved / Stop being loved
May her fears come true
- To draw
- Write
- Cook
- Game programming 
- Sing
- Play keyboard and guitar
- To compose
- To dance
Basically, it's her skills + reading + playing video games + taking pictures of the landscape.
Usually she either works as a waitress in a coffee shop or works in a supermarket (working at the checkout or replacing products on shelves)
As much as many find it strange, MC is very happy in her work, and does not mind working in "simple" jobs (basically jobs that earn little), and as much as she doesn't have much money, just enough to live reasonably well, she is happy with what she has and doesn't care about the money.
She studies digital game design
I think that's it, there are some other things that I only do when I'm writing specific situations, for example, MC's opinions on certain subjects, and honestly I don't have time at the moment to make the MC's different opinions, and just say that she tries to be as neutral as she can, because she knows that extremes are never good, and that when asked which side she is in a situation (depending on what it is, but usually she says), she says doesn't have a side because it doesn’t identify herself by either side, because both are extreme, and this usually leads people to think that it’s on the fence, but it’s not like that, it’s more or less. "You were teleported to a place, there are two paths, one on the right and the other on the left, at the beginning of each of these paths there is a person, each talking about their paths and talking about why their path is the best of than the other and why you should follow their path. And then you must make a choice of which path to follow " But MC does not agree with either side, and will not wait there to see which side gives her the best benefit as many would do, she goes there and moves on, where there is no path, where there is no one, because she doesn't want to be on anyone's side, she wants to make her own opinions, and not follow what a group is saying. 
Oh, and one of the philosophies she follows is of yin and yang, which says something like "There is good and there is evil, both need each other to exist, there is no good without evil, and no there is evil without good, and that nothing can be completely good or evil, since, however small, there is evil in good, and there is good in evil. "
Some phrases she would say:
"You can say anything about me, but don't come and talk about my family"
"I can't always do it, but I always try to be balanced, because I know that nothing comes out of extremism, no matter which side."
"I'm a Christian, I may not have proofs but I believe in God, but I don't believe everything in the Bible because it was made by humans, and I know that many of them used and still use people's faith to do very bad things . "
"Sorry, but I suck at remembering names, in fact, I suck at remembering."
"Shit, I knew I was forgetting something."
"I hate logic, most of these things don't make any sense!"
"At least I have you with me here DN" (DN = dog name)
"There is nothing that is not so bad that it cannot get worse"
"I think I celebrated too soon"
"I sleep! But no matter what I do, I will be forever sleepy!"
"No matter what I do, my thoughts disturb me from the moment I wake up until bedtime, and even while I'm asleep. And it happens every day."
"Sometimes ... I think ... people would be better off if I didn't exist. I just hinder and hurt people." 
"I don't know when or how it started, I just know that I have been scared forever"
"I don't do it because I want to! It's not my fault if I'm easily distracted"
"I think writing is the only way to say what I feel"
"Yes, I know, I'm crazy, you don't have to tell me that"
"I'm not a normal person. Maybe I'm not even a human? What if I'm an alien and I don't know? A synthetic human? A robot with high artificial intelligence that is identical to that of humans?"
"I don't like to be afraid, but I love to see and read horror stuff."
"I love old things, they are so fascinating"
"What day is it today?"
"I just wanted to have a little courage that other people have"
"I have no hope of anything, as always, every time I had hope, very bad things happened, close people and pets died when I had hope that they would survive. For me, hope has long since died."
"I think, in a way, I am a miracle, just like my brother. I mean, it was almost impossible for my mom to have a baby, and look, here I am."
"I'm not cute!"
"I'm not short, I'm average height, it's the rest of the people who are very tall"
(Maybe I wrote a lot? Did I overdo it?)
Sorry if there is something confusing or errors in English 
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antihero-writings · 3 years
The Boy with the Unspeakable Name (Ch8)
Fandom: Harry Potter (and the Chamber or Secrets)
Fic Summary: Tom Riddle may have won his battle with Harry in the Chamber of Secrets, but there were a few unforeseen consequences; loss of Tom’s memory being the most obnoxious of them. Is it possible to stop Tom’s past from becoming his future? Or is the young Tom Riddle doomed to repeat his mistakes?
Notes: Hey! I'm so so sorry there was such a delay with this one! I was having a bit of a block with it. I hope you're still interested in reading! I'm hoping the next one will be a bit faster, as it's one I've been excited for. Cross your fingers everybody!
By the way, I changed that thing I said I would in the Snape chapter! It's towards the end, when Snape's looking into Tom's mind. It's not a big deal if you don't want to check it out, but it is related to this chapter!
I hope you guys like it!! As always, it's your comments, and interest, that keep me writing!! <3
Chapter 8: Only in Dreams 
Tom stared up at the ceiling in the hospital wing, his hand behind his head, thinking about all that had happened…and some of what hadn’t happened.
Sometimes that was very dangerous thing to do indeed.
An annoying woman by the name of ‘Madam Pomfrey’ kept periodically checking on him, and offering him food and medicine. He wouldn’t be surprised if she woke him in the middle of the night just to make sure he was sleeping well.
There was also a boy in the bed beside his. He kept asking him if he wanted to play a game with a strange name. Tom made it clear the only game he was interested in playing was one in which he shut up.
When he had arrived with Snape earlier, a group of students were leaving. Apparently they had been ‘petrified.’ Whatever that meant. That made it sound like they’d been turned to stone, but they clearly were still flesh and blood—(maybe he would have preferred stone).
Snape even pulled aside one of them—a girl with bushy hair. Tom tried to subtly listen, but Snape pulled her into another room, and Madam Pomfrey had deigned that moment as one of her thousand times to ask if he was comfortable.
Which left him here, with the annoying nurse, a boy who probably couldn’t hold in his own pee…and a lot of questions.
So many things about this whole situation weren’t quite right. Waking up in that chamber with the dead girl, the way she died, the way Harry and Snape reacted to his presence, and Dumbledore’s later denial that he had killed her, or that their hatred was all that serious. And though Dumbledore had explained the diary, he wasn’t satisfied there either. Not to mention the fact that everything else in that Chamber still was unaccounted for.
There were things they weren’t telling him.
He highly doubted a teacher would be so vehement against just a bully, not to mention the fact that everyone else he’d met so far hadn’t recognized him…He had to be something more than that.
There was something they weren’t telling him. In fact, he reasoned, there were probably a great lot of things. He wasn’t going to assume they were all on the same side just because they said so.
The idea that this was a magic school, and that he was a student…He wasn’t quite sure how to feel about it yet. They’d done magic in front of him, so he couldn’t deny it—not that he intended to. And the thought did send a certain energy through him…like that word was everything right in the world. And he was indeed excited to learn magic. Well, maybe ‘excited’ was too strong. But that was one of the few things that didn’t give him confusion, question and pause. Rather it create a form of what could only be called hunger within him. He wondered how proficient he had been at magic before he lost his memory. More than anything he wished he could remember the spells.
He was sure he could figure this, them, out—maybe even tonight, if he just stayed awake a little longer. But he was more exhausted than he realized and, in the midst of his pondering, fell into dreams.
“Wait, mom!” His voice sounded strange, high and young…too high, too young. Almost girly.
A plump woman with short red hair turned around at the last word.
“What is it, Dear?!” She sounded a bit put out. “Are you ready to go?”
“I’m missing my Charms book!” Tom’s voice was pained. “Have you seen it?”
She gave a forced exhale. “And you’re sure you checked your room? Didn’t miss any corners?” She inclined her head. “You’re sure it’s not sitting on your nightstand?”
“Yes! That was the first place I checked!”
“You checked under the bed?”
“The bookshelves and wardrobe?”
She sighed. “Talk to your father, Fear.”
“Did you say you were missing a Charms book?” A boy about his age with red hair like their mother’s came in front of him, along with an identical copy of him.
“We wouldn’t know anything about it, sure.”
“We’re just a little concerned”
“Of course, for our—” The last word got blurred.
“Boys. You didn’t take”—He was sure she said his name, but for some reason the word became murky, as if she was trying to speak through a veil of water—“Charms book, did you?”
“You know us, Mom, would we ever do something so terrible as steal a poor”—Another blurred word—“—’s charms book?”
“We’re good and virtuous boys.”
Tom looked at the woman who was apparently his mother, who gave him a knowing look. “Check your brothers’ room.”
The dream turned over, and now he was standing on a platform in front of a glimmering red train engine, the words ‘Hogwarts Express’ emblazoned on the front. Steam poured out from its many orifices, and it whistled with the shrillness of a bird being squeezed…though the sound was like music to his ears.
That wasn’t the only loud noise, in fact this place was extremely loud indeed. The whole platform was full to bustling with children, parents, and as many other assorted relatives as it could hold. But the strangest thing was, he wasn’t annoyed by their presence. He was feeling many things: nervousness to leave his parents, and about what house he’d get sorted into, and if the other kids would like him, and excitement, excitement for what the castle would be like, what house he’d get into, what the classes would be like, what friends he’d make…but no annoyance.
Perhaps more than anything there was a pit in his stomach about Harry and Ron. Were they okay? Why didn’t they get through the barrier? He had been so excited to ride the Express with them. His parents tried to assure him they’d be fine, but he could hear the fear lining their voices too. He tried to let the sight of the engine distract him, and the excitement about the coming year overpower him. They’d gotten safely through crazy situations before.
He gave his parents a giant hug, and his mom kissed him many times, and he could tell she was trying very hard not to cry. They told him everything would be fine, and gave him a number of quick quips of advice. He looked towards the engine, about to take his first steps towards it on his own.
The dream crossed over itself, and though he was on the same platform, he was alone.
Well, not alone alone, it was just as loud as before, and there were just as many passersby. Not the same people, still. But this time, the sound was muffled somehow, like he couldn’t completely hear or feel what was going on around him. Just a few loud shouts would break through, and each time they did, annoyance would strike him.
There were no parents to wish him luck, or kiss him goodbye. No brothers to steal his books.
Did he like it better that way?
He looked down at his robes, and felt satisfaction run through him. They were clean and sleek and new. The first clothes he’d had that fit that description in a long time. None of the other kids got those. Well, none of the other kids could do magic either. He was special.
Just satisfaction. Not really excitement or nervousness…Just that hunger. That hunger for magic, for prowess, for a better world. Nothing compared to the bursting geysers of emotion he’d felt moments ago.
He looked up at the engine, a small smile lining his features as he stepped up to enter it.
Tom woke up to the hospital room, and went from teetering to falling off the bed.
And for a brief moment he was dizzy with unsurity; unsurity of where, or even who he was.
After he took a moment to right himself, the questions restarted themselves:
Was that just a dream? Or were those his memories?
They can’t have been, could they? He didn’t wake in a flurry of remembrance of all the memories preceding and following those. Besides, Dumbledore had told him his family was dead.
Although the final dream, or memory, was so different from the first two…Maybe that was from another year, and explained what had happened to his family?
He could tell from context they were his family, at least at some point. Yet he didn’t recognize them, or remember their names, or much of anything else about them.
Yet, at the remembrance of their images, waves of emotion crossed over him, mostly comprised of loss, and longing. He didn’t know where those waves could have hailed from, when he didn’t remember or care for these people. But something inside himself wanted all this to stop.
It overwhelmed him. He wanted to brush it off…but stayed on the ground, leaning against the wall, digging his nails into his shirt.
He tried to feel normal…or even remember what normal was. He thought he felt normal most of the day. Right now he didn’t feel like…himself.
A line of light reached its hands out to him, and he looked up to see the door to Madam Pomfrey’s room open slightly. She must have heard him fall off the bed—(did she have owl hearing? The other kid was still snoring like a troll). Meeting her eyes was a mistake, because she gave a small gasp, and ran over to him with the speed of a rocket powered penguin.
As she helped him up, she quickly began bombarding him numerous questions, comforts, and recommendations—
“I’m FINE!” he yelled, pushing her hand away—(the other kid’s snores abruptly stopped, but he didn’t wake)— “Stop pestering me, Woman!”
Her eyes widened, apparently so shocked a student would speak this way to her, that for a moment she couldn’t speak. And at that look, before she could scold him, he muttered.
The words just came out, he didn’t really think about it. But as his tongue traced the words he tasted iron.
“My dreams weren’t very pleasant,” he added. “That’s all.”
She still proceeded to berate him heavily for his behavior, and checked more than once that his dreams really were the only problem, but he could barely hear her. He couldn’t stop thinking about how strange it was that, after all the foreignness both the day and the night had to offer, the most foreign experience of all that day, was the feeling of those two words leaving his lips.
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