#transfemasc culture is
Transfemmasc culture is having that classic trans experience of feeling like you were born in the wrong body, but in a "I should've been trans in the other direction" way, not a "I should've been cis" way
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genderqueerdykes · 27 days
you're allowed to love being trans if you:
just came out
havent transitioned and dont plan to
have known you are trans for years but kept it to yourself
don't want surgery or hormones
dont disclose your trans status or genders to other people
dont change your name
never have dysphoria
your transness is tied to your neurodivergence
your transness is tied to your nonhuman identity
dont feel like you have a gender or gendered experience
feel like gender isn't really that important
are intersex
are two-spirit, hijra, or have another cultural gender or expression identity, or "third gender"
are a person of color
are an afab demigirl
are an amab demiboy
have a complex identity
have a very simple identity
cant figure out your gender for the life of you
cross dress
do drag
present socially in ways that are "normal" for your agab
have crushing dysphoria
don't know how to pass
pass effortlessly
are a butch trans woman
are a femme trans man
are demigender
don't like to be reminded you're trans
have a very specific gender
have a gender that's specific to you and you alone
have hated being trans at one point
stopped transition and restarted it at some point
have had to change your gender, name, pronouns or presentation multiple times
change presentation a lot
have a gender that's hard or impossible to put into words
dont want to figure out what your gender is exactly
are plural/a system
are genderfluid, gnc, genderqueer, multigender, polygender, genderflux, neutrois, maverique or genderfuck
are xenogender
are a lesbian or gay
are transneutral
are transfemasc/transmascfem
..... are trans.
every trans person is allowed to love being trans. good day, love yourself today!
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goobersnart · 2 months
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Image description of flag is tba
I want to preface this coining post with the following:
This blog is not a discourse blog or a coining blog! We don't take requests for this stuff. If you start shit you will be blocked and ignored! ^_^
The emojicode (cus we're a sucker for 'em): 🌤️🌈
Feel free to do whatever the fuck you want w/ this flag, it's a pretty flag, have fun with it!
This is a long post, be prepared HELP
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Joyqueer is essentially a blankqueer term where one prefers to focus on positivity. They try and look on the bright side of things, even in the darkest of hours.
Even though Joyqueer focuses on the positivity, it doesn't condone toxic positivity. We're not naïve, the world isn't sunshine and rainbows 24/7. We look on that side when applicable to ease life and stress because focusing on the bad 24/7 and being drowned in misery is painful and hurts.
This stance is for good faith terms/identities, follows P.L.U.R (Peace, Love, Unity (and), Respect), and users might spread positivity and joy amongst others.
This stance is supportive & inclusive of/to the following:
Mspec queers (ie mspec lesbians, gays, biles, bipan, etc.), gender anarchy (being a girlboy, transfemasc thing, having no gender while having gender, etc), & relationship anarchy (being aplatonic, being loveless, having sex with your friends and or doing things with friends that others consider "weird", polyamory, being with objects and or stuffed animals, etc)
System inclusive with the respect of cultures and against spreading misinformation.
Inclusive of ones with cluster B disorders and to educate about them and spread joy to the ones with the disorders that are suffering. NPD abuse doesn't exist, and pw HPD/BPD/ASPD aren't bad for existing!
Anticontact paraphiles that are just existing in a world that sadly doesnt understand them. attraction isn't action and no matter how ""harmful"" the attraction is (attracts cannot be harmful as thought crimes dont exist), you aren't a bad person for something you cannot control.
Anti-censorship in art and storytelling; fiction freedom in the largest of sense. Fiction isn't on the same level as reality, characters are the dolls you play with.
Youth liberation; realizing that the youth isn't stupid and that children are people too.
Atypical dysphoria and the ones that're nonhuman and or alterhuman, extranthrope, altsex, therian, objectkin, conceptkin, etc. A means to spreading positivity and joy to the ones suffering with odd and unusual dysphoria. This includes transhumanism and the personal choice of deciding what one does to ones body; this includes things that you'd find personally uncomfortable/harmful.
This stance is not supportive & inclusive of/to the following:
Transitioning to harmful transids (transnazi, transracist, transblack, transasian, etc.)
any sort of harassment
antitheism/abolition of religion
Like I said above the cut, any sort of hate will get deleted. Spread positivity to the ones that need it, the world needs more positivity. If one has any questions, feel free to ask! :]
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IS culture is finally identifying as transfemasc because, what are dyadic people gonna do? stop you? they're dyadic their word doesnt mean anything.
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imoga-pride · 1 year
I've been looking for a transfemasc flag and was wondering if you knew of one and could link it for me because so far my search has been fruitless 😔
There are plenty. I will reblog some I know of. There's an archive at @transmascfem-culture-is
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transfemasc culture is watching rocky horror and getting gender envy from the entire main cast
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Transmascfem bigender intersex culture is tucking your attached dick in because you want to pack with a larger one.
It’s also getting Gynecomastia top surgery and getting excited because you can now wear the breastplates / breast padding sizes you want without your chest being hyper-sensitive (but still having the option to be flat when you want to be)
I love my modular body forever <3
transfemasc culture is...!
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Transfemmasc perisex/altersex culture is feeling annoyed and kind of sad when I see people say the label is intersex-exclusive. It wasn't coined that way, but half of tumblr seems to think it was :(
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Transfemmasc culture is not actually being transfem yet because the reason I want to identify that way doesn't apply to me yet (im genderfluid and planning to be a transexual male, but I haven't gotten to transition yet) (I still think of myself as transfem occasionally cause it helps with dysphoria sometimes for reasons I don't know)
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Transfemmasc culture is worrying that I'm too confusing or complicated and I won't find anyone who understands me in real life
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transfemasc culture is never knowing which flag to tell people to use (/pos)
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Transfemmasc perisex/altersex culture is adoring my transfemmasc intersex siblings and learning about intersex experiences and intersexism so I can be the best ally to them I can be
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transfemasc culture is being swag and awesome
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Transfemasc culture is..!
welcome to my culture blog! i tried to find a preexisting one to submit to, but after seeing there are none, i made my own!
-- about me --
im frankie, my main blog being @mogai-angel . my pinned post there has more personal information ^^
-- submitting --
just send an ask! all culture asks HAVE to start with "transfemasc culture is" (or the alternate terms transfemmasc or transmascfem). it can also be "transfemasc + insert thing culture is". you can also send non-culture asks^^
-- dni --
basic dni
anti mogai/xenos/neopronouns/etc
anti good faith identities like bi lesbian, gaybian, lesboy/turigirl, transfemasc, etc.
those who are actively anti endo (endo neutrals are fine for this blog)
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intersex culture is getting tired of being respectful of the dyadic binary, so you start referring to yourself as an afab amab cis transfemasc and feeling gender freedom for the first time
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