#trans youth usa
brickstorming · 7 months
I just realized that i never actually made a post about this film so here we are
the film ⚧ Trans Youth USA ⚧ was published june 2023 as a part of the brickbpard pride event.
It's really funny and cute but also really sad and scary.
The content warnings for homophobia and transphobia at the beginning of the video are appropriate, as it is a video that is in part about those things. So be mindful of that when watching. I personally would also add a warning for police, and depictions of fascists, in case you don't want to see that in your free time.
I interpret it as more a film for cis people, to get them to see what is going on with trans rights in the US (or rather, what was going on up until june. The film is not really up to date nowadays), but as a trans person myself i still really enjoy it, even if it makes me cry every time. (pro tip: watch citrus dizzle afterwards as a pallet cleanser)
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god bless America.
The land of the free.
Where your bodily autonomy can be decided by the government.
Where opportunity knocks at the richest's doors with the help of tax dollars.
Where you can work your whole life and die before you can afford to retire.
Where farms are managed by politicians to guarantee demand.
Where school districts can decide which children deserve to be protected (and still fail to do so).
Where obesity is crippling young adults, who are taught to not cook, but to buy cheaper, processed goods.
Where minorities are used as scapegoats to hide government evils.
Where children are seduced to join wars.
Such a powerful country. With shiny white teeth and a silver tongue.
The soil is poisoned.
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himmurf · 1 year
Transgender rights are still at risk.
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
Republicans think that their high profile homophobia can squeeze a few more votes out of their shrinking and aging base. But they are doing serious damage to themselves in the medium to long term with future voters.
The LGBTQ+ high school students and their allies will not forget for the rest of their voting lives the GOP “don’t say gay” laws, anti-trans persecution, and homophobic hate speech condoned by high ranking Republicans and their buddies in the rightwing media.  
About 1 in 4 high school students identifies as LGBTQ, according to a report the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released on Thursday, using data from 2021.
In 2021, 75.5 percent of high school students identified as heterosexual, the CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) found.
Among high school students, 12.2 percent identified as bisexual, 5.2 percent as questioning, 3.9 percent as other, 3.2 percent as gay or lesbian and 1.8 percent said they didn’t understand the question.
The CDC says the number of LGBTQ students went from 11 percent in 2015 to 26 percent in 2021.
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Here is the Obama White House after the 2015 Supreme Court ruling on same sex marriage.
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A President Ron “Don’t Say Gay” DeSantis would never allow that. More likely he would try to dismiss the Supreme Court for being too “woke”. The same is true of almost all the other GOP presidential candidates. The GOP is officially homophobic.
To preserve freedom and democracy in the US: Vote Blue No Matter Who. 🏳️‍🌈
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This map tracks the risk of anti-trans bills in the United States. It also has some safe states that have protections for trans youth (+ adults)
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pyrriax · 1 year
can i just say like.
im impressed with myself! i've hit my previous fic's goal length. in roughly the same amount of time it took me to get 1/3rd of the way for that fic.
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it's a huge difference and i'm so proud of how far i've gotten! i love this project and i love this story and i'm so happy <3
WTDS means so much to me. it's kinda funny that it's been written under similar circumstances as 1KPC but like. yeah!
WTDS is much more. me. it's vaguely informal, doesn't have to explain its world to the reader because it hinges off of canon events rather than a horribly complex web of AU nonsense that even i couldn't understand all the time.
i love both of these stories, but i'm happy that WTDS is genuinely on the path to completion.
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nerdykeith · 2 years
This is awful news and such an attack on human rights, because after all transgender rights are human rights. So Florida has banned all gender treatments for minors, this includes puberty blockers. Puberty blockers are not a permanent change and cause absolutely no harm to a minor. All this will do is put tans youth in a very dangerous position and increasing more problems with gender dysphoria. It's not about protecting minors at all, it's a full out attack on trans youth. Really an outrageous attack on human rights, but transphobia. It will only increase anxiety, depression and possibly suicide or suicidal thoughts. It's honestly unacceptable This should not be happening in a western nation in the 21st century.
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bumblebeeappletree · 2 years
‘The sheer amount of bills designed specifically to hurt me … means that I do not get to rest’ — As state legislators across the U.S. push for a slew of anti-trans bills, non-binary activist Indigo Giles is stepping up to put a face to the issue.
Anti-LGBTQ+ legislation focused on transgender youth were introduced by state legislators nationwide. These bills target an array of issues from sports bans to outlawing gender-affirming health care. Following the defeat of over a dozen anti-trans bills in Texas, Gov. Abbot and Attorney General Ken Paxton ordered the Department of Family and Protective Services to investigate parents of trans kids under claims of child abuse. Trans youth, their families, and allies are fighting back.
Indigo Giles is a non-binary student and activist at the University of Texas at Austin. They began their public advocacy during the 2021 legislative session. Giles was motivated to speak out on behalf of trans friends and youth who were too afraid or vulnerable to advocate for themselves. Giles was inspired by their parents, Mandy and Neil, who are allies and fellow activists. The Giles are one of many Texas families speaking out and advocating for trans youth rights. Their fight is long and challenging, but they are showing no signs of faltering.
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trans-advice · 1 year
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himmurf · 1 year
Transgender rights protections by US state
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notawraith · 3 months
The situation with Nex Benedict is so sad but I also want to point out that this bigotry is not just found in the USA
I am a queer Australian who just graduated high school last year and the treatment of gay and trans kids is still atrocious.
My first year of high school I lost all of my friends once I came out of the closet
My best friend also came out at a similar time and she was relentlessly bullied by another girl who would call her satanic
A trans man in my year was referred to as “It” when that was not part of his pronouns as a way to dehumanise him.
One of my friends who is a queer woman was also bullied to the point of dropping out of high school
Also in the year above me was a trans woman who was frequently misgendered by her family (as well as mine, our families were friends as our younger siblings were friends) and I have no doubt they were also bullied by their peers
We did have a club for LGBTQ+ students that met once a week and was run by an LGBTQ+ teacher which was our safe space
Once again a trans man in the year below was ostracised by his peers and frequently misgendered by those around him
A gay boy in a much younger year than I was came to our meeting once fuming and nearly crying because some boys in his class had called him both the F slur as well as racial slurs (He was Indian)
Edit to add more once I remember more incidents
A gay boy a few years below me was kicked out of his home after coming out to his father however he was taken in by some other family members and moved away. I don’t know what he’s up to now but I hope he has found peace. He was also bullied in our school for being an effeminate black gay boy
The right wing culture in our society is bleeding into the youths and making them more prejudiced against minority groups around them and its honestly quite sickening.
Even on my school camp last year we walked past a group of younger boys who i’d say would’ve been year 7 (grade 7) where one stated that “Women were dogs” as we walked past them and they were also hyping up Andrew Tate. They were not discouraged by their teacher (who was a woman) nor any of us who were older though all of us (as soon as we were away from them) were making fun of the audacity of these kids.
Without a change in the culture that has permeated society, change for the better will not happen and we will see more Nex Benedict’s and Brianna Ghey’s and other murders not just suicides, cold blooded murders
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queeryouthresources · 5 months
Tumblr Blogs To Follow For Queer Youth
If you would like to be added to or removed from this list please let me know!
I tried to sort by the blogs' main purpose so people can easily find what they're looking for, but there's obviously some overlap. If you think your blog is listed under the wrong category please tell me and I'll move it.
Community/Safe Space Blogs
@our-queer-experience and similar "our _ experience" blogs (masterpost here)
Advice/Resource Blogs
@transfloridaresources (usa, florida)
History Blogs
@makingqueerhistory (website here)
Sex-Ed Blogs
@hellyeahscarleteen (website here)
Political/Activist/Org Blogs
(currently mostly usa-based blogs)
@itgetsbetterproject (international) (website here)
@queeryouthassemble (usa) (website here)
@queerliblib (usa) (website here)
@transformationsproject (usa) (website here)
Queer Literature Blogs
@lgbtqreads (website here)
Just finding these blogs was difficult and I'm only one person so if you run/follow any helpful queer blogs not on the list already let me know so I can add them!
Especially blogs in the sex-ed category or the political/activist/org category that aren't usa-based.
Edit: Someone in the notes tagged some queer literature blogs, so I added a category for queer lit.
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intersex-support · 1 year
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Image description: [ First slide is a logo that combines trans and intersex flags by putting trans colors inside the purple circle. Text says #Trans intersex solidarity. The rest of the slides have text that reads: Gender affirming care for trans teens is under threat - and the same bills force surgeries on intersex babies. 90 of the 120 gender affirming healthcare ban bills in states across the USA have carve outs to permit nonconsensual surgeries on intersex infants. That's 75%! This is why we need #TransIntersexSolidarity!
Eradicating our sex traits, our genders, our bodies, is eradicating us.States are segregating trans, nonbinary, and intersex people into false sex and gender binaries by simultaneously forcing trans+ youth to detransition AND authorizing non-consensual interventions on intersex infants and children. We can’t let them. The accelerating gender and sex apartheid must be stopped. #TransIntersexSolidarity
Legislators: So you want to save the children? Here's how. Protect youth by preserving their rights to bodily autonomy and self-determination. Protect youth by letting them be their authentic selves. Let trans, nonbinary & intersex youth make their own choices about their own bodies, when they are informed and ready. #TransIntersexSolidarity
Solidarity from intersex communities with trans+ youth in the United States and across the globe! [body] Some people are trans and/or nonbinary. Some people are intersex. Some people are both trans+ and intersex. We are all united in our shared birthrights to be both free from interventions we do not want and to have access to the gender affirming care we do want. #TransIntersexSolidarity]
Sharing these graphics from @intersexawareness on Instagram. Trans and intersex communities have always been tied together, and right now both of us are under attack. Solidarity is more important than ever!
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nerdykeith · 11 months
These anti-trans bills and laws are getting out of hand. All they are is trouble, all they do is attack a minority. Protecting the children my ass. See this child wasn't protected until her mother sued the school for discrimination. So thankfully this school has been banned from monitoring student bathroom usage. Finally the trans community get a little bit of a win.
These transphobic bills are not working. We all knew they would be trouble the moment they were proposed.
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intheholler · 4 months
Donations for Appalachian/Southeast USA Queer Organizations
Here lies the sister post to my resource list.
Under the cut, you'll find a list of regional, primarily queer-focused groups to donate to, if you have the means.
If you've ever accused us of being beyond help, or have ever said we should be sawed off into the ocean, here's your chance to help the many helpers trying to make the southeast a better place--those that always go conveniently ignored in such conversations.
General Regional Links
Appalachian Outreach
STAY (Central Appalachia)
Help suspected transgender John and Jane Does regain their identities
Southern Trans Youth Emergency Project (STYEP)
Southerners on New Ground (SONG)
Campaign for Southern Equality
Trans Health Project
AIDS Alabama
The Knights & Orchids Society
Magic City Acceptance Center
Medical Advocacy and Outreach
Prism United
Shoals Diversity Center
Thrive Alabama
Carrollton Rainbow Inc.
Emmaus House
Feminist Women’s Health Center
First City Network
Georgia Equality
AIDS Volunteers of Lexington
Arbor Youth Services
Lexington Pride Center
Louisville Queer Youth
Louisville Youth Group
Kentucky Fairness
Kentucky Health Justice Network
Kentucky Youth Law Project
Sweet Evening Breeze
Louisiana Trans Advocates
PACE Louisiana
Capital City Pride
Gulf Coast Equality
LGBTQ Fund of Mississippi
The Spectrum Center in Hattiesburg
Violet Valley Bookstore
North Carolina
Charlotte Transgender Healthcare Group (CTHCG)
Down Home NC
Guilford Green Foundation & LGBTQ Center
Pitt County Aids Service Organization
Triad Health Project
Triangle Empowerment Center
South Carolina
Alliance for Full Acceptance
Charleston Black Pride
Harriet Hancock Center
Palmetto Community Care
Uplift Outreach
We are Family
We are Family Trans Love Fund
Launch Pad
Mountain Access Brigade
My Sistah’s House
Pride Community of the Tri-Cities
Trans Empowerment Project
Youth Villages
Justice 4 All
Side by Side VA
Virginia Home for Boys and Girls
West Virginia
Harmony House West Virginia
Fairness West Virginia
Holler Health Justice
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nerdygaymormon · 5 months
Bishops Council
In my stake, twice a quarter the bishops get together with the stake presidency. I typically do not attend this meeting, but stake president invited me to come since one of the bishops had added "counsel with LGBT youth" as an agenda item.
The stake president has a gay son and is fully capable of speaking to this, but I appreciate that he wanted to include the point of view of someone who is queer.
When we got to this topic, the stake president shared a few slides I had sent him earlier based on some research done at Utah State University.
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The stake president then spoke about things he has learned as the dad of a gay child. Primarily that it is his job to love, and his son is going to have his own journey. The things he has learned as the parent of a queer child has helped him be a better stake president.
One of the bishops shared that when he was newly called three years ago that I sent him an email with 10 suggestions. He keeps that email bookmarked and has referred to it several times over the years. It helped him understand his role and that he could be confident in meeting with queer individuals and help them feel seen, loved, and valued. Then he read the list while wiping away tears, and I also was moved to tears to hear him share how impactful these suggestions were for him
David's list of 10 suggestions for bishops
All LGBT members need a trusted adult in their life who loves, supports and sustains them, no matter which path they choose.
When someone “comes out” they should be greeted with love, validation and hope, not a lecture on repentance or reminder of the Church’s stance on same-sex marriage  
Create a safe culture for the LGBT person. This could include speaking to youth and YSA about what sort of conversation their bishop would have with them if they come out, that it’s okay if now is not the right time to come out, and there is no shame to the person or their family if they are gay/trans. There's a good chance there's some LGBT people in your ward, even if you don't know who they are.
Don’t use words like “struggling” or say they’ll be “fixed” in the resurrection
Our Heavenly Parents love their LGBT children, we should give them unconditional love and support and recognize they will bless the lives of others
LGBT individuals are more likely to be the victims of bullying and violence than any other minority group in the USA. Be on the lookout for youth or young adults who may be doing & saying unkind things.  
Know the signs of suicide and depression. LGBT people are at much higher risk. It’d be a good idea for youth leaders to have some training in this.
Encourage them to pray and ask if God loves them as they are 
Especially before or after lessons about marriage, say something like “I know there are people in this ward who cannot be married because of same-sex attraction or other reasons. I love you, and the Lord has a plan for you.”
Know that studies show that being active in the LDS church is often detrimental to the mental health and quality of life for LGBT people. For a person’s well-being, they may decide they need a break. Make sure they know they’re welcome to come back.
I then blurted out, "I'm gay, just in case anyone didn't know." A counselor in the stake presidency said, "Duh, we all know you're a happy guy."
Another bishop shared that he has a child who recently came out as trans and is in their first semester of college. This child hasn't fully discussed this with the family but is using this time away to experiment with what feels right to them. He loves this child and wants them to be their best and to be comfortable with themselves and it's taking some adjustments for him to understand and change his dreams for them.
Then my bishop shared that I had given him the same 10 suggestions when he was first called and he feels it has helped him be successful as a bishop to queer youth. He shared an incident that happened recently which involved a young women leader overhearing part of a conversation between two teens. He didn't share the specifics of the discussion other than it was about being gay. The leader was uncomfortable with what she heard and spoke about it at ward council.
Another bishop commented, "Oh yes, ward council, that's the right place to discuss that" as he rolled his eyes.
The stake president said a better approach would've been for the leader to ask the girls to share more with her, to be open to a conversation with them, rather than run to the ward council to share how shocked and uncomfortable she was.
I thought it was a good discussion even though I wound up saying very little. I had prepared some thoughts ahead of time that I could use as reference, and I sent them by email to the bishops (see below).
There are queer individuals who attend our congregations, many of whom aren't out to everyone, and so you speak to queer people even if you don't know who they are.
We are children of God, we deserve to hear good news, to have hope, to feel loved. Unfortunately that doesn’t happen often enough in church settings. People who interacted with Christ left feeling uplifted and that would be a good goal for us.
In 2019, the former stake president said this in Bishops' Council: LGBT individuals are some of the most patient people you’ll ever meet. They’ve heard more hurtful words than most any of us will hear in our entire lifetime. That doesn’t mean they’re immune to the words. There are LGBT members who come to church and they deserve to hear good words, to be welcomed and loved and be strengthened in the gospel.
Handbook 38.6.15 The Church encourages families and members to reach out with sensitivity, love, and respect to persons who are attracted to others of the same sex. The Church also promotes understanding in society at large that reflects its teachings about kindness, inclusiveness, love for others, and respect for all human beings.
Handbook 38.6.23 Transgender individuals face complex challenges. Members and nonmembers who identify as transgender—and their family and friends—should be treated with sensitivity, kindness, compassion, and an abundance of Christlike love. All are welcome to attend sacrament meeting, other Sunday meetings, and social events of the Church
When my bishop was first called, a member of the ward asked me if I thought the new bishop would be safe to meet with and share his orientation. I sent the bishop an email to find out and received this beautiful response:
David, Thank you for sharing this with me. I hope that the Spirit can guide me to treat LBGTQ members and investigators with love and respect. I’m not sure what your journey has been, but I would guess that it has included anguish, heartbreak and innumerable unintentional and even some intentional wounds. As far as I am aware, I am the only person called to be a judge in the ward, and I believe that office is to help everyone come to Christ, not send any away. I may not fully appreciate how or which traditions and traditional phrases may carry messages of exclusion, but I am open to learning a better way. I hope that I can “make the pathway bright” for LBGTQ members and friends. In hope, Bishop
One of the scariest parts of coming out is not knowing how the other person will respond. The previous stake president at a youth fireside shared how he would react if a person met with him and shared that they are LGBTQ.
I would thank you for trusting me enough to share this with me.
If you're willing, I'd like for you to share with me some about your journey up to this point.
I would offer to give you a blessing.
Regardless of whether you accepted or declined the offer of a blessing, I'm a hugger so I'd ask if I can give you a hug.
I'd invite you to come see me again when you want to talk some more.
Questions many LGBTQ+ members would welcome from their church leaders (these come from the fourth option)
What does being LGBTQIA+ mean for you at this time?
What has been difficult about being an LGBTQIA+ member of the church? What's been fulfilling?
What do you want your future to look like?
What do you believe or want to believe?
What revelation have you received, if any, about your path in life?
What's on your mind related to your sexuality or gender identity and faith?
How has being queer influenced your relationship with Christ?
How can we best support you?
Do you feel safe in our congregation? What can we do to make it safer?
Has anyone said or done anything to make you feel unwanted in the ward?
From what you've observed so far, how can we improve as a ward?
How would you like to be involved in the ward?
What callings would you feel comfortable with?
What skills would you like to use to contribute to our ward? 
What else would you like me to know?
Things ward & stake leaders can do (also from the fourth option)
Pray for guidance on how to make your ward safer and more inclusive for LGBTQIA+ members (out or not)
Call LGBTQIA+ members to callings in a range of auxiliaries
Invite LGBTQIA+ members to share their experiences in fifth Sunday lessons, firesides, ward councils meetings, etc
Encourage your stake to call an LGBTQ fellowship coordinator
Speak to LGBTQIA+ members over the pulpit and in lessons (move away from the "use vs. them" mentality; show that we're part of every ward, out or not)
Include LGBTQIA+ members in discussions about ministering and and outreach
Regularly check in with us to see if anyone is making us feel unsafe
Get to know us personally
Wear a rainbow pin or similar thing to indicate that you're an ally
Speak in support of LGBTQIA+ people and help others remember that we are children of God
Ask your ward or stake to start a support group for LGBTQIA+ members, families, and allies (volunteer to help if possible)
Pray for guidance on how to best minister to LGBTQIA+ individuals in your ward
Pray for God to reveal more about His plan for His LGBTQIA+ children
Correct people when they say uninformed or hateful things
Listen to our stories, sit in our pain, celebrate our joy
Studies show that on average gay men (and I suspect this is true of queer people in general) are more creative, have higher IQ’s and higher emotional intelligence, have more compassion and are more cooperative and have less hostility. Of course someone with these qualities is going to bless the lives around them.
We have a stake group for LGBTQ members, and their family, friends and allies, which meets about every other month. For more information, contact me.
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