#tom x abraxas
slyther-bi · 2 years
Teen Tom: Abraxas annoyed me today so I told him that I can’t wait to see what he has planned for our special day tomorrow.
Teen Eileen: There is nothing special about tomorrow.
Teen Tom: I know but there is something special about watching the color leave his face as panic takes over.
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kazuza-art · 1 year
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Last chapter of Metamorphosis is out and Im both overjoyed and heartbroken!
This fic is what brought back my will to draw for almost a year now! Got me into HP fandom, feed my need of riddledore and in general made me happy and inspired!
It s so hard to let this fic go, but what an awesome last chap. Happy ending are my guilty pleasure and I love the idea of Albus and Tom getting old together XD
Albus managed to get Tom on the muggle cruise ship and Abraxas kind of wonder if it s kidnapping while Tom knows better XD
Thank you somso much @metalomagnetic for this awesome last chap, for writting this fic and this pair that meant so much to me. You’re amazing!
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sachsoup · 11 months
Okay, I really like Drarry and Tombraxas because it makes such a silly parallel between Harry and Voldemort.
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reine-de-la-lune · 2 months
Tom: In fact, I hate Harry Evans
Abraxas: that's why you have a picture of him in your diary?
Tom: walk before I kill you
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slavicdelight · 6 months
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Pairing: Tom Riddle x f!reader
Summary: Metanoia - the journey of changing your mind, heart, self and way of life
Warnings: slightly ooc Tom, pureblood ideas, hits of murder
Tom Riddle was a name recognized by everyone at Hogwarts. The infamous Slytherin Head Boy commanded respect from every student and even from professors, thanks to the aura surrounding him. However, what most people didn't know, or perhaps didn't care to notice, was that there was something sinister lurking behind his captivating gaze and mannerisms.
His friend group, constantly present by his side, consisted of members from the most well-known pureblood families. Tom considered himself superior to them because he possessed the blood of the noble Salazar Slytherin. By the age of 19, he had already committed horrifying acts, such as opening the Chamber of Secrets during his 5th year, resulting in the death of Myrtle Warren. He also murdered his remaining family around the same time. Furthermore, he created Horcruxes in order to reach immortality, which was one of his goals and the initial step towards becoming the greatest dark wizard in history.
Tom was a skilled manipulator. He had the ability to hide his true emotions, always putting on a mask of politeness. In addition, he was brilliant and could be described as an over-achiever. Tom thoroughly planned everything and never allowed setbacks to hinder him. There was only one person who saw right through him - Dumbledore, the person Tom despised the most in the entire school.
Tonight, Tom was strolling through the hallways of Hogwarts, carrying out his patrols as a Head Boy. Although it was generally a mundane duty, it had its advantages. One of them was being out after curfew without anyone questioning it. The corridors were dimly lit, so Tom had to cast a spell to produce light to see clearly."Lumos." he muttered, before continuing on his way. It appeared to be another uneventful night, where nothing of particular interest occurred.
As he was heading back to the Slytherin dorms, someone bumped into him, causing both teenagers to fall to the ground. "I'm so sorry," said a girl who appeared to be about the same age as him, possibly a year younger. He was about to reprimand her for running into him and give her detention for breaking curfew, but then he looked at her and was instantly captivated by the most beautiful pair of eyes he had even seen. They were warm and welcoming, but what truly enthralled him was their enchanting violet color, which sparkled under the light emerging from his wand.
"I should've watched where I was going," continued the witch. He cleared his throat and gave her a cold stare, trying to hide his intrigue. "Why aren't you in your dorm? It's past curfew," Tom questioned the girl. Another surprising thing was that he had no idea who she was. He only noticed the Ravenclaw emblem on her robes, indicating that she was a member of the eagle house. The Slytherin prided himself on knowing almost everyone at school, from students to professors, yet he didn't know her. How could someone with such captivating eyes escape his attention? "Oh, right. I got caught up in the library and forgot about the curfew," she explained. "I'll go straight to bed." With that, she tried to pass him and walk away.
She wanted to end the interaction as quickly as possible, knowing that Tom Riddle was trouble. Despite his perfect student persona, she sensed a hidden darkness beneath the surface and wanted to avoid getting involved. "Now, now. I can't possibly let the witch with such incredible eyes leave without knowing her name, can I?" he asked, causing her to freeze. "I fail to see how my name is of any interest to you, Riddle. I would prefer you not knowing it and allowing me to go.”
Tom didn't expect his charm not to work, but he hid his surprise. He wondered if the girl was brave or stupid, perhaps both. She didn't know that she piqued his interest, and that was something dangerous. "It hardly seems fair that you know me, but I don't know you, don't you think?" He took a step closer to her but didn't predict what she would do next. "No, I don't," she said, while taking a step back and bolting in another direction. The Head Boy simply stood there and let her get away. 'Let her run,' he thought. 'I shall find her anyway.' And with that, he continued on his way to the dorms.
The next morning, during breakfast, he scanned the Great Hall in search of her. Tom tried to be discreet, but his best friend, Abraxas Malfoy, noticed. Abraxas was his most reliable follower, someone Tom could trust. "What are you looking for, Riddle?" he asked. The boy with raven hair turned to glare at him and said, "It's none of your business, Malfoy." He was becoming increasingly frustrated that the witch from the previous night was nowhere to be found.
Finally, the girl made her entrance, walking into the hall accompanied by another girl. They both headed towards the Ravenclaw's table and took a seat. He couldn't help but gaze at her. It was as if she sensed his gaze, as she turned and looked directly into his eyes. Their staring contest continued until Headmaster Dippet began greeting students and wishing them a good day.
After finishing his meal, Tom made his way to the Potions classroom, his first subject of the day. He enjoyed this class, despite Professor Slughorn being a bit overwhelming. Tom was the professor's favorite student, excelling in this class just as he did in every other. He was an exceptionally talented wizard.
It turned out he shared the class with the violet-eyed witch. He wondered why he hadn't noticed her before. He took his usual seat and waited for the Ravenclaw student to enter, which didn't take long. She sat two rows ahead of him, accompanied by a boy he recognized as the Ravenclaw's seeker. Shortly after, Slughorn entered and the lesson began. Today, they had to brew an advanced potion called the Elixir to Induce Euphoria in pairs. As always, Tom was the first to finish his potion, with the help of his partner, Rosier. The potions professor, impressed with their work, allowed them to leave early. Tom decided to wait outside the classroom to talk to the girl who had sparked his interest and learn more about her.
As the girl walked out, he quickly grabbed her hand and dragged her towards the abandoned broom closet across the hall. She protested, but wasn't strong enough to break free from his grasp. Tom pushed her inside and blocked the entrance.
"Hello again," he said, noticing the anger on the girl's face. "What do you think you're doing? Let me go!" she yelled, attempting to escape from the classroom.
"No, I don't think I will," Tom replied. "What do you want, Riddle?" she questioned, gritting her teeth. Her captivating eyes locked with his, and he could swear they had the power to melt a man. But he was no ordinary man, and he wouldn't allow that to defeat him. "I already told you what I want," he started, before she interrupted, "and I already told you that you won't have that." The girl had some nerve, he had to give her that. "Listen, darling, either you tell me your name yourself or I'll find out on my own. But I would prefer to hear it from your beautiful lips.”
"And what?" she spat, her eyes narrowing with a mix of defiance and fear. "Will you force it out of me?" If looks could kill, he would already be six feet under. Tom's lips curled into a malicious smirk as he leaned in closer, his voice a low, dangerous whisper. "You'll soon discover that I can be very..." He paused, relishing in the anticipation he was building. "...persuasive." The words hung in the air, sending a shiver down her spine. As he observed her reaction, he couldn't help but notice the subtle trembling of her breath, a sign that his presence and words were affecting her.
“If I tell you my name, would you stop pestering me about it?” she asked not looking into his eyes. Tom grabbed her chin and forced her head up, just enough for him to see her eyes. The Slytherin just nodded and took a step back. “Fine. My name is Y/N” she finally answered and moved past him, heading straight for the door. As Y/N was walking away she heard him say “Such a beautiful name, for someone with such extraodrinary eyes.”
Y/N felt a chill run down her spine as she left the broom closet, the encounter with Tom Riddle leaving her unsettled. She couldn't shake the feeling that she had just opened a door to a world of complications. Her day continued with classes, but her mind kept wandering back to the mysterious encounter with the enigmatic Head Boy.
Days turned into weeks, and Tom's fascination with Y/N only deepened. He started to make subtle attempts to engage her in conversation during Potions class or whenever their paths crossed in the hallways. Y/N, however, remained guarded, careful not to reveal too much about herself. She sensed danger around Tom, but there was also a part of her that felt an inexplicable connection, an undeniable intrigue that kept her from avoiding him completely. She didn’t like it, preferring to stay away from the drama that would undeniably follow her once she got too involved with the boy.
As time passed, Tom's pursuit became more relentless. He would show up unexpectedly in places where Y/N was, asking about her interests, her family, and her background. Y/N, althrough in the beginning sheltered and slightly annoyed, soon found herself drawn into conversations that danced on the edge of forbidden topics, and Tom, turn, discovered that there was more to Y/N than met the eye.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Tom found Y/N sitting by the Black Lake,reading a book . He approached her cautiously, and for the first time, his demeanor seemed less calculated, more genuine."You're a puzzle, Y/N," he said, his voice softer than usual. "I can't quite figure you out." Y/N turned to look at him, her violet eyes searching his face for any sign of deception. "Maybe some puzzles are meant to remain unsolved," she replied cryptically. Tom chuckled, a sound that sent shivers down her spine. "Maybe so, yet here we are. Both of us puzzling each other. But I do enjoy the challenge." he admitted. "And you, my dear, are the most intriguing challenge I've found at Hogwarts so far."
As the weeks turned into months, their interactions became more complex. Y/N found herself reluctantly drawn to Tom's charisma and intelligence, while Tom, discovered a more vulnerable side of himself. He couldn't quite understand why Y/N had such an effect on him, but he was determined to find out.
Their dynamic took a turn one evening in the Hogwarts library. Tom, managed to convince Y/N to join him in exploring the restricted section. As they looked through ancient tomes and hidden spells, Y/N couldn't ignore the growing tension between them. In the quiet space of the library, Tom leaned in, his dark eyes locking onto hers. "There's something about you, Y/N," he murmured, his breath sending shivers across her skin. "Something that both intrigues and unsettles me." Y/N looked at him curiously and asked “What is so unsettling about me?”. Tom only looked at her and leaning closer said “You’re making me feel things I’ve never felt before.”
As they continued their meetings, the lines between friend and enemy slowly became blurred. Tom’s past and his ambitions started to rub off on her, making her question everything. But she wasn’t weak and wanted to stay true to the right side. She wasn’t about to go down the same path as the Slytherin boy, and wanted to make him see that it was wrong. Little did she know that the choices made in the upcoming months would shape the destiny of the wizarding world.
As the weeks unfolded, Y/N found herself in a dangerous position. The more time she spent with Tom Riddle, the clearer it became that he was wavering on the edge of darkness. His thirst for power, his relentless pursuit of immortality, and the shadows of his past painted a grim picture. Yet, among all this darkness, Y/N saw moments of vulnerability, moments where the mask slipped, revealing a fractured soul. Y/N couldn't ignore the pull she felt toward Tom, a pull that went beyond fascination. Beneath his charming facade, she noticed loneliness that mirrored her own.
One evening, as snowflakes danced outside the castle windows, Y/N found Tom alone in the library. The fire cast a glow on his face, making him appear more handsome than ever. Y/N hesitated but she knew she had to ask the next question. "Tom," she began softly, "there's something I've been meaning to ask you." He looked up, his piercing gaze meeting hers. "Ask away, Y/N."
"Why are you so afraid of letting people in?" she inquired, her voice gentle but filled with genuine curiosity. Tom's eyes moved towards her, she could see suffering behind them. He took a deep breath before replying to her."People often betray and are fake in order to get what they want from you. After they get it, they leave and never come back.” Y/N took a step closer, closing the distance between them. "But it's also lonely, isn't it? To carry the weight of responsibilities on your shoulders without anyone to share it with."
Tom's mask wavered, revealing the boy beneath the facade. "Loneliness is a small price to pay for greatness," he stated, but a small amount of doubt could be seen in his eyes. "Maybe attaining greatness isn’t meant to be done alone." Y/N suggested. "Maybe it's in the connections we make, the people we let in"
In the days that followed, Y/N continued to challenge Tom's perspective. She introduced him to the joy of laughter, the warmth of genuine friendships, and the beauty of simple moments. As the walls around his heart slowly crumbled, Y/N became a beacon of light in his world, a reminder that there was more to life than power and darkness.
One evening, beneath the sky covered in stars, Y/N and Tom found themselves strolling through the Hogwarts grounds. Tom, usually composed, seemed uncertain, as if something was bothering him. "You don't have to be alone, Tom," Y/N whispered, her words carrying the weight of sincerity. "There's goodness in you, which you only have to choose." For the first time, Tom Riddle looked genuinely conflicted. The darkness within him warred with the flickers of light that Y/N had ignited. He was standing on the crossroads where the choices made would shape the future.
In the quiet of the night, Y/N extended her hand, a silent invitation to choose a different path. Tom hesitated, his gaze locking onto hers. And in that moment, the boy who had been consumed by shadows took a small step toward the light, changing the course of history forever. The journey towards redemption would be a long one, but with Y/N by his side, Tom Riddle was confident in succeeding. He realized that greatness could be found not in the pursuit of power but in the capacity to love and be loved.
A/N: let me introduce you to my first ever Tom Riddle imagine. The obsession I have with this man is unhealthy. Anyway let me know if you enjoyed it. Thank you for all the support ♡
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cherryslyce · 1 year
Holding Hands With Shadows | Tom Riddle
Synopsis: Being the Minister of Magic was not easy for Tom, but you are always there to keep chaos from erupting. OR, you are Tom's assistant and the babysitter of the group and Tom finally confesses.
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Pairing: Tom Riddle x Reader
Notes: Not canon compliant (sane!Tom, no Voldemort), Abraxas keeps insulting orphans, Y/N is tired (Knights of Walpurgis? More like Kids of Walpurgis)
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You could almost feel the grey hairs sprouting from your head, and not even in a fun, attractive way either. It was a wonder you hadn't even thought about drafting up your letter of resignation until right now.
"Abraxas, you may not buy out that land to raise your peacocks. The Department of Care for Magical Children plan to use it for future projects."
Tom shoots you an amused look from across the room, lips quirked up into a smirk at your exasperated tone. The infuriating man was leaning back in his armchair, far too at ease, as you tried to restrain yourself from slamming your head through the table.
"Frankly, that just seems like a waste of good resources. I mean why do they need it so bad? Could they not just simply find another plot? After all, these children grew up in austere conditions, so they won't even miss it."
"Get out."
"Now. Please."
The man looks over to his best friend for help, but Tom simply shrugs as if conceding that you were the one in charge.
"Fine. However, this conversation is far from over. I will see you both tonight, yes?"
"Of course. Safe travels, and please send Lady Malfoy my regards."
The man sends you a pleased nod before twirling on his heels, his cloak billowing dramatically. The door clicks shut behind him just as you drop your face into your hands.
"Stressed, darling?"
You huff and rub your forehead before answering with more bite than intended, "Perfectly fine".
The insufferable man, as unbothered as always, lets out a noise of amusement before slowly striding towards your desk. You slowly raise your head as his shadow falls over you, eyes narrowed in suspicion.
"Anything I can do to help?"
"Yeah, fire off your best hex at me and put me out of my misery."
"Abraxas‘ dramatics has rubbed off on you, my love."
The pet name sends a shiver down your spine and you try your hardest to school your expression. You had grown up with Tom at the orphanage, which basically made you his closest confidant, friend, and ally. At times it felt like you were a breathing, judgmental diary to him.
You were privy to all that was bad and ugly in his life, so it was only right that you were by his side when he rose to power and suddenly had access to all the material goods in the world.
And to him--whatever he had, you had by extension.
Of course, you fought tooth and nail to get to where you were now, rebuking any effort Tom made to give you preferential treatment.
Everything would be fine if it weren't for your affections toward him. Growing up, he never expressed interest in pursuing a romantic relationship, he had only ever wanted to subvert the stereotypes and malice aimed at the both of you during your years at Hogwarts.
The closest thing to romance that you could associate Tom with was when he wooed Druella Rosier in sixth year with his signature smile and a kiss to her hand in order to siphon information about her father from her.
The poor girl was an inconsolable lump of misery after Tom got what he needed and tossed her aside like a used handkerchief.
Tom's always been romantically inept like that.
Your spiral of reminiscing didn't cease, not even when you and Tom showed up to Malfoy Manor for their annual ball later that night.
When would it be socially acceptable to turn tail and run?
"Assistant L/N! What a pleasure it is! Is the minister trekking about nearby?"
You spin from looking out the window and come face to face with an older man who you recognized from around the Department of Magical Games and Sports.
His vest hugged him tightly and only served to accentuate his red, puffy face.
Was he about to hit on you or try and kiss your ass so he could get acquainted with Tom?
Merlin. Did you have enough in your savings to retire yet?
"Good evening. I believe Tom is busy discussing foreign deals with Lord Greengrass."
"Ah yes, Cyrus Greengrass is quite ingenious. You and Minister Riddle were friends with him during school, yes?"
Your lip twitched at how casual he was addressing Cyrus. Cyrus would be disconcerted by the man's informality, but Abraxas would surely become vexed on his friend's behalf if he heard.
"Yes. We are childhood friends I suppose."
"Wonderful! Well I was coming to you because I'm sure you're aware that the rules for Quidditch are being tossed into the air. The Ministro di Magia in Italy is trying to--"
You started tuning him out and looked around the room for one of your friends, starting to sweat in the formal wear you had on.
Luckily, Tom caught your eye. Unfortunately, he had somehow rounded up all of your friends and they were all looking quite entertained at your expense.
"Sorry sir. If you'll excuse me, it seems that the Minister is in need of me."
Without waiting for a response, you chugged what was left in your champagne flute before practically stomping over to the circle of men.
As you neared, Tom stepped out to welcome you, encircling a hand around your waist like it was the most casual thing in the world.
"Good evening boys. Thank you for throwing me out to the wolves."
"Y/N! So I assume this would be a bad time to try and renegotiate the land you're throwing away to those orphans."
Bloody hell, he was forgetting that he was saying that in front of two orphans.
Without answering Abraxas, you turned to Tom and let out a sigh, "I'm handing in my letter of resignation tomorrow, I promise it".
The hand around your waist tightened ever so slightly and you ignored the amused looks your friends sent each other, having picked up on your little school girl crush on Tom eons ago.
Damn them.
"Now, now, don't make hasty decisions. I could simply smite Abraxas‘ peacocks and the problem would be solved."
Abraxas let out an undignified noise while Parkinson and Bulstrode snorted into their drinks. Cyrus patted Abraxas‘ shoulder in feign pity, but he knew that Tom would likely make good on his threat if you asked him to.
"I hate you all. How is it that even after all these years, I still feel like an underpaid, underappreciated nanny."
Abraxas looked offended at your words and quickly reassured you, "We love you though. Underpaid, yes. Underappreciated? Never."
Your banter with the group went on for a while longer and as the night started coming to a close, Tom steered you away from peering eyes and towards a vacant balcony.
"Are you alright, darling?"
You only nodded tiredly to the man, leaning your elbows on the railing. You rubbed your eyes as you could sense the man behind you shifting in uncertainty (which was so uncharacteristic of him that you had half the mind to pull out your wand and threaten him to tell you where the real Tom was).
A few beats of peaceful silence pass before you're jumping up at the feeling of hands coming to hug your waist, a hard chest pressing against your back.
His chin gently rested atop of your shoulder, loosening his grip slightly to give you the opportunity to push him away.
"Are you unusually more clueless nowadays or are you purposely torturing me?"
"You're going to have to elaborate. Did you accidentally kill someone or do something I would disapprove of? This affection is quite sudden."
"But you don't hate it. Quite the contrary."
"That confidence of yours is going to get you into trouble one day."
"If it's you, I don't mind the trouble."
You don't bother responding, but your silence was satisfactory enough for him.
Clearing your throat, you awkwardly move your hands to rest atop of his, patting them gently.
It felt like the world spun on its head and was reborn anew before Tom spoke again, "Marry me."
His words threw you for a loop and you sputtered a choked, "What?"
"Marry me. I mean we're practically married anyway. You flounder around and make sure the boys are okay, and I rein them in so they don't blow up the country and make me lose face."
"Yes. We are a true dynamic duo."
Your dry response has his chest rumbling in contained laughter, tilting his head and gently knocking it against your cheek.
"We're the parents of the group, haven't you noticed? Abraxas asked me a few days ago if we would end their suffering and ours by just wedding each other."
"I was not aware we were even dating."
"Dating--being partners-- would not even come close to what we are. Don't you feel the same? We are in sync in everything we do. Even hundreds of miles apart, I breathe as you breathe, my heart beats in rhythm with yours, my mind does not simply revolve around you--it is completely infused with your every essence. It is a wonder we aren't already married with three cats."
"Three cats," Tom despised cats, "But...yes, I feel the same. You know I do. I thought that...well, I thought you weren't interested in romance."
"I am interested in pursuing anything and everything with you. Only you. If you'll have me, of course."
Your laughter comes out wet and heavy, filled with relief and disbelief. You turn your gaze upward and watch as the stars blink down on you, permeated across the sky the same way love begins to flow through your veins.
"It was always you, Tom. Thank you for telling me."
Tom pulls back briefly before gently turning you around to face him.
He leans down and nuzzles his nose against yours, eyes conveying a tender emotion that you've never seen until now. But now you knew, every time in the past when his eyes flickered across your face and softened, it was out of love.
"Tell me you'll marry me."
You don't give him a verbal response, but as you press your lips to his, he knows that domesticity together is all the both of you have ever needed.
"Tom...does this mean we have to make Abraxas the best man now?"
"Don't be silly, he'll give us no choice in the matter."
(And give them no choice, he did)
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ephemerasnape · 8 months
Tom Riddle Audios, #6
He Who Inspires With Fear
This ends tonight.
A selection of audios of Tom Riddle from part two of my fic He Who Inspires With Fear (Tom Riddle x Amy Benson) - now complete.
He Who Inspires with Fear Audios:
Part one. - Part two. - Part three. - Part four. - Part five. - Part six. - Part seven.
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daenakills · 1 year
His dark eyes.
Tom Riddle x reader, might delete.
Part 2
warning: obsession, angsty, mentions of death, tom being up for no good. tom being tom basically. short.
'The perfect couple' you were told by your classmates and even teachers when you walked down the halls.
Tom and you had started dating three months ago, three months ago when you declared your love to him and he with an expressionless face told you to date. At that moment, you were very happy, feeling like it was the best day of your life. You were sure many girls wished that they were you.
Before that, you looked at him from a distance, wondering why he stood out among the others. Little by little you realized that his presence invaded your senses, clouded your vision, and innumerable thoughts about him blocked your normal ideas.
The moment he said yes, you got really excited. He was beautiful, with those almost black eyes that looked at you intensely, with black hair that was styled in a very elegant way, and with an intelligence superior to the others.
You still remembered the first month of the relationship, those vacations he spent at Hogwarts since he didn't want to go back to that orphanage where he grew up. You convinced your parents to go on holiday to England alone, after all you went there every summer, and what better time to be with your boyfriend than on holiday.
In the afternoon you found a way to enter his room without some nosy coming, you sat on his bed while he was sitting studying some things. He had many papers on the desk, all neatly arranged by category. He hadn't even flinched at your presence, as if he was something routine. You got up from the bed and proceeded to approach him.
“What are you doing studying? It's the holidays, there are no subjects to study.” You put your hands on his shoulders.
“There is always something to study, wisdom is eternal.” he muttered, as if the words coming out of his mouth were normal for boys still going to Hogwarts. You tried to talk to him a few more times, and each time he found an excuse to answer you curtly but calmly.
You were like this all month, until he confronted you near the ladies' room.
“Look, I'll tell you a few things and I want you to listen carefully. I don't have time for you all the time.” Silence. Silence is what there was when he whispered those words to you.
You waited for that to be all, but he continued. “I don't want you there all the time, either. I thought it would be enough for me to say that I was your boyfriend and to talk to you. But no, it doesn't seem to be enough. This alliance suits us both. You, because you want to be with me and me, because it keeps the professor distracted, who thinks I don't feel anything. So, tell me once and for all if you want to continue.” You were paralysed, until you let your heart win, and you decided that yes, you were going to continue. “I'm surprised you don't cry. At least that's a change.” Yes, you too were surprised that you didn't cry. You had the feeling of crying the whole day, wondering how to hold back the tears and make the words come out.
Tom never specified which teacher thought he didn't feel anything, but after dating him for three months, you came to the conclusion that that professor, whoever they were, was right, Tom doesn't feel.
Now you walked with him through the halls, letting his henchmen (whom he called friends in front of the others, or well, they claimed to be his friends) were a few steps away from you. You didn't talk to Tom. The both of you exchanged the odd word from time to time, just to avoid suspicion.
You used to be unable to keep your feelings, but now you have your hiding place. Behind Tom's back, you had started dating Simon Buxton, from Gryffindor. At first, you avoided Simon since he was always giving you hints that he wanted to be with you.
You were afraid that Tom would find out and do something to you, which was not a surprise. Sometimes at night you would find Tom reading things that were not correct, things about sacrifices.
But after a while, you realized that Tom really wasn't interested in you or your life. So you started sneaking out with Simon, that's what you were headed for right now, you walked away from Tom telling him you were going to find your friends, he kissed you on the forehead and let you go. The other girls around made cute sounds, telling you that you were very lucky, you ignored them.
In a short time you arrived at your hiding place with Simon, that place where they saw each other when they didn't want to be seen, that is, always. You found him already waiting for you a few steps beyond his hiding place, without waiting for him, he pounced on you.
He started kissing you and touching every part of your robe, you tried to stop him, since they weren't in the hideout yet. Without you realizing it, someone else entered the scene. It was Abraxas Malfoy.
He saw you and Simon, and he only needed to see them to go out and report the event to Tom. You continued kissing with Simon, you didn't know what was waiting for you.
You made it to the room after all your classes, thank Merlin that Simon released you minutes after you told him to stop.
You started to open the door of the room when you realized that it was already open, you went in anyway, thinking that it had only been your mistake. Freaking out when you see Tom, standing up, staring at you in the middle of your room.
“Tom, what are you doing here? Or rather, how did you get in?” You knew the answer to that last question, what you wondered was why he was there.
He completely ignored your two questions, “Do you know what would have happened if it hadn't been Abraxas who saw Simon and you kissing? Total chaos, they'd be out there saying that the perfect couple isn't so perfect. Do you know how it makes me look?” So that's what it was about, how it makes him look.
“I'll be more careful next time.”
“You are funny.” He looked at you with a serious face, he didn't find a hint of humour in it. “It won't happen again because you won't see Simon any more, that disgusting blood traitor.”
“Don't call him that! Besides, if I'm careful, no one is going to find out and no one is going to ruin your oh so precious reputation.”
“It's not just that, darling.” You didn't know why, but that flattery felt full of poison. “You are mine” he came closer to you as he spoke, “You are mine from the moment you first looked at me. I remember your face when I told you that I would be your boyfriend. You looked so excited.” he'd say with fake preoccupation as he touched your face, and for some reason you couldn't bring yourself to remove it, “It doesn't deserve to see that.” His face changed from fake shock to looking completely serious, the more you looked at him, the emptier his black eyes looked.
“Simon pleases me, he listens to me and understands me. He does everything you don't. I think you should find another girl for this.” You said with teary eyes.
“I don't want another girl, I want you!” He grabbed your shoulders and slammed you against the door, a few steps behind you. “And I have you, and I won't let you go. Ever. Do you hear me? Ever.”
You ate your food while you listened to the other girls talk about how tragic the news about Simon were. He had been missing since the day Tom threatened you.
Since that, Tom has wanted to sneak into your room to bite your neck while you cry over Simon at night, taunting you with small whispers, “Are you still crying over the traitor? Mm, too bad, I think you should stop thinking about him, he's not coming back” as his hands encircle your entire body.
At that moment you realize that the professor was wrong, Tom does feel something, the problem it's that it isn't love.
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handercover · 6 months
Tom : *Sitting properly silently judging Abraxas and Y/N*
Abraxas and Y/N : *Spinning wildly in the teacups ride like there's no tomorrow*
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slyther-bi · 1 year
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This is a family tree of an au I've had living rent free in head for years.
Basically in the au there's no war, Tom doesn't go mad or kill anyone especially Myrtle, instead he just up and travels after graduation. Abraxas, his ex, ends up marrying some women and some time later Lucius is born. His wife mysteriously disappears when Lucius is 5 years old. *Abraxas killed her when she started becoming cruel to Lucius* Once Lucius goes to hogwarts, in his 6th year, he meets and befriends Severus. He invites Severus to attend the orchestra, during the weekend, and Severus agrees and that's how his fascination with violins begins. He invites Severus to his home during winter break and he introduces him as his new brother to his father, Abraxas quickly becomes attached to the boy.
As the years go by Abraxas learns, from Lucius, about the abuse Severus endures at home by his own father. He also learns that Severus mother had died when he was 5 years old, both Abraxas and Lucius suspect it was by Tobias but Severus neither confirms or denies it. Abraxas tries to adopt Severus but for whatever reason, mainly cause the child system and the ministry suck, he doesn't get custody of him. During Severus's fifth year, he invites Klaus Mulciber, Wes Don Avery, and Evan Rosier over to Malfoy Manor for winter break. Abraxas wounds up getting attached to an emotionally unstable Klaus and decides he's gonna adopt him too.
Once 5th year ends and during the summer Severus arrives home and finds his father dead due to alcohol poisoning. Severus contacts authorities and then Lucius, who tells Abraxas. With Tobias dead, Abraxas is able to adopt Severus, he then works on getting custody of Klaus. He has an easier time getting custody of Klaus becaus Klaus's parents owe the Malfoy's a dept and he's ready to collect. *He didn't know about it until the goblin handling his vault brought it up* He decides to blood adopt both Severus and Klaus before the summer ends, only Severus agrees. It takes until 7th year that Klaus asks Abraxas to blood adopt him during Christmas, it's the first time any of them *except for Lucius* sees Abraxas cry.
Severus's appearance changes drastically, his nose is less crooked more smaller, he practically looks like a doll, his hair has a bit of white strands and people think he's dyed strands of his hair white. *He still has his mother's blood in him* Klaus's appearance doesn't change all that much but his eye color turns lighter and his jawline sharpens. Somehow his hair stays Black. During their 6th year, Barty starts becoming a regular at Malfoy Manor. He spends his time in Lucius's presence due to the fact he's fallen in love with him when he first saw him at the age of 9. Barty hadn't a clue who he was and hoped to see him again and low and behold he's reunited with his true love all because he's somehow befriended Lucius's adopted brother.
Abraxas is protective of his children, especially Severus and Klaus due to their dark past. So he becomes cold towards Barty, Evan, and Wes who all seem to become infatuated with one of his children. Barty Loves Lucius, Evan loves Severus, and Wes loves Klaus. Now Abraxas spends his time testing Barty, Evan, and Wes to see if their good enough for his boys. Each test is passed with flying colors by all three boys, even tho they haven't the slightest clue they're being tested. Tho one christmas Abraxas tries to poison Barty, the reason for it he no longers remembers, and now it's become a tradition. Abraxas stopped one year and Barty got salty about it, this just becomes the new reason Abraxas poisons him because he can't believe his son has fallen for a moron. *Like he could complain*
At the start of Sev's and Klaus's 7th year does Tom come back. Abraxas is still upset him and Tom is doing his best to make up for his mistakes. Now Lucius, Severus, and have become clingy children upon Tom's return. Lucius does what he can to screw Tom over by feeding him lies, Klaus is back to expressing no emotion and glaring at, plus sometimes attacking as well, Tom, and Severus is practically glued to Abraxas side and refuses to let Tom near them at all. Abraxas finds the entire thing hilarious, the only time he intervines his children actions is when they try to kill him cause deep down he still loves Tom. Slowly with the help of Barty, Evan, and Wes *they miss spending time with their boyfriends* does Tom slowly gets on the good gracious and approval of Lucius, Severus, and Klaus.
The endgame is that Tom and Abraxas get back together, Evan gets with Severus after years of pining, Klaus after years of being in denial due to his parents ends up with Wes, once Barty graduates the first thing he does is ask out Lucius. Barty faints with happiness when he says yes. Years go by and they get married and have children. Tom and Abraxas don't have children, they're content with the children they got now. Wes and Klaus also don't have children, due to Klaus once being emotionally unstable he fears he won't love his children right, just like he fears he isn't loving Wes right but it's alright he's been going to therapy since his 6th year in hogwarts, so maybe one day they'll have kids. Severus has also been attending therapy after 5th year during the summer.
Lucius and Barty have one girl named Anastasia Thomas Malfoy, who is sorted in Hufflepuff.
Severus and Evan have 2 girls and 2 boys. They first have a girl named Sevana Mari Prince. A year later they have twin boys Aron Prince & Kalem Abraxas Prince. The unique about them is that they were born with different eye colors, Aron has blue eyes like Evan and Kalem has black eyes like Severus. Two years after the boys are born they have another girl named Eileen Prince. Myrtle is sorted into Ravenclaw, Aron is sorted into gryffindor, Kalem is sorted into slytherin, and Eileen is sorted into hufflepuff.
Also Lucius ends up becoming a politician, Barty is a stay at home husband, Severus becomes a lawyer and of course a potions master *he makes potions in his free time*, Evan becomes an auror, Klaus becomes a bartender and sometimes works as a bouncer, and Wes becomes a healer.
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lostmyremembrall · 1 year
Tom's Speciality: Manipulation &Manwhoring
Y/N: 10 galleons say you can't make Abraxas fall in love with you within the night.
Tom: *strips his robe to make you hold it*
Tom: Get ready to see manwhoring and manipulation at its finest.
Tom Riddle Incorrect Quotes
@buckysmetalhand @eclecticpatrolroadlawyer @percy-the-hufflepuff
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magicbystarlight · 4 months
Venomous - Part Ten
Masterlist, Part One
Summary: A wife. A mother. A witch with someone else's name. That’s the life you didn’t want. So Tom offered you more.
Word Count: 1.7K
Warnings: 18+, arranged marriage, age gap relationship, misogyny, terrible parenting, war, jealousy, small injury. Minors DNI.
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If you could Apparate, you’d have done it at that moment. Not even the fear of Splinching or censure from the Ministry would have stopped you. The only thing that did stop you from going was the shock of feeling a deep crack running along the length of your wand.
McLaggen was the one who finally stepped forward to disappear the unsightly mess as you stared stupidly with a hand in your pocket. He sat down the bottles to squat in front of you and, like earlier, reached out his hand. Not to check your forehead this time, but to use his sleeve to wipe at the corners of your mouth. "That happens sometimes with the fainting." He smiled in a way that tried to seem encouraging. “Completely normal.”
That seemed to snap Abraxas out of his disgusted haze. His wand, sleek unblemished hazel, was at McLaggen’s chest causing him to stumble over. He hissed, “Keep your filthy, Muggle loving hands off my fiancée,” venomously.
“Someone had to check on her,” McLaggen spit back, pushing the wand away to stand. “If you hadn’t been more concerned with your shoes—”
“If you ever touch her again, I’ll—”
“Oh, I’m quaking in—”
“Stop it!” Larissa stepped between them, uncharacteristic fury in her voice.
Abigail helped you stand, her arm wrapped protectively around your waist. “She’s been through enough, she doesn’t need the two of you getting into some pissing match in the middle of Diagon Alley!”
They looked as if they were going to continue, but then seemed to finally take in the people milling about and watching. McLaggen took a step back, clearing his throat, running a hand through his hair, and muttering a quick apology. 
Abraxas tucked his wand away and mimicked the apology. “Let me take you home, have a Healer come check you out.”
Abigail, with an uneasy glance at you, said, "She should have a drink first. She’s gotta get something in her stomach or she could faint again."
"I’ll call on a Healer," Abraxas repeated in a dismissive tone.
With her lips set in a grim line, Larissa turned her back on him, picked up a bottle, and popped off its top. "Drink one of these, okay?" She held it out to you before adding, "Please," in a softer voice.
You downed it without complaint. And then, as if the past twenty odd minutes hadn't been humiliating enough, burped. "Merlin, I'm sorry!"
“Nothing to be sorry about, love.”
“Ralph!” Larrisa sounded murderous.
Abraxas looked murderous.
It had been an awful evening. The Healer came and blamed the fainting spell on menstruation. You had to bite your tongue as the idiot explained how fragile the fairer sex was. It was better than explaining the truth. And when he was gone, you sat with the taste of copper lingering on your tongue as Hestia and Sixtus Malfoy made contemptuous remarks about poor health and its effects on childbearing. Abraxas said nothing, he barely even looked at you.
The relief as you finally sank into the bed was beyond words. Your body ached in ways you hadn’t felt since the days after flying lessons in First Year. The relief, however, didn’t extend beyond the physical discomforts.
War. It was still raging on around you and you hadn’t even known. Why? It’s not like you were uninformed. You read the every morning and evening edition of the paper. There should be some talk of it, but it was only ever mentioned when Grindlewald used the Muggle war to cover his own. And those instances were few and far between.
Why would they want to keep the community ignorant on something so critical?
It wasn’t something you could find the answers too stuck in Malfoy Manor and you were sure your mother wouldn’t let you out again. So you turned your attention to a more immediate situation. Hesitantly, you pulled your wand from your pocket. Frayed green hairs poked out from the split in the walnut wood. 
Your wrist flicked, other hand extended to catch the quill from the desk you summoned. Nothing came. Another flick. Another empty hand. “Accio,” you whispered. 
A hiss of pain escaped as the end of the quill embedded its tip into your palm and the wand slipped to the bed. You sat up, dropping the wand and pulling out the quill. Blood blackened from ink seeped slowly from the wound left behind.
“It was an accident, you know? I didn’t mean to crack you,” you said to the stick now laying listlessly on the bed. It still worked, at least. Resistant, angry even, but hopefully with time it would return to normal. You didn’t have to replace it. Wands broke all the time, yes, but this was your wand. It had chosen you. Discarding it would be an amputation.
For the moment, though, you feared if you tried anything more it would snap in half. Or retaliate. Even now, lying still, it seemed to protest at the mere thought of magic. You wouldn’t push it further tonight.
A knock on the door had you stuffing the wand under a pillow and wiping away the blood on a scarf.
You'd expected your mother to be there, ready to reprimand you for your unsightly display in Diagon Alley or for not trying harder with the Malfoys. But it was Abraxas who opened the door.
“Can I come in?” he asked, holding a bulging sweets bag up as a bribe. He made sure the door clicked shut behind him at your nod. The bed dipped as he sat on the edge, leaving only an inch between your crossed legs and his thigh. He didn’t say anything, his attention focused on rummaging through the sweets until he pulled out a box of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans and held it out to you. “Hope they’re still your favorite.”
You took them. Mother never let you have them growing up, but he’d bring you a box whenever he visited Rick. “No one says no to a Malfoy,” he’d whispered to you the first time he handed them over in front of her. And that one year you overlapped in school, the two would always bring you back a bag of sweets from their Hogsmeade trips.
“They are.” You peeled the box open and popped one into your mouth. The taste assaulted your tongue, pinching your face at the foulness. Nothing, it seemed, would go your way. “Rotten egg.”
“And that,” he laughed, unwrapping a chocolate cauldron, “is why I prefer these.”
You shook your head. “Where’s your sense of adventure?” The next bean wasn’t as bad. Mashed potatoes.
“Far, far away from my tastebuds.”
Silence lapsed as he chewed. The sight was reminiscent of dinner. You focused on the box, a nail digging into the corner of the flap. It split easily under the pressure.
“Little Bird?” His hand reached out and rested firmly on your knee. “How are you feeling?”
You tugged at the edges of the split. Some honesty was needed. “Overwhelmed. It’s been a lot lately.”
He let out a breath. “Our engagement?” 
The hurt in his voice had your head snapping up. “No,” you were quick to say, dropping the box to grasp his hand. “Well, yes,” you corrected. Some honesty. “But it’s not you or us, it’s—it’s everyone else.” Your mother, his parents, Rick, The Daily Prophet, classmates, Velena Fawley, Cantankerus Nott, McLaggen, Azar. Tom. This ring wouldn’t chafe as much if everyone else would stop twisting it. “And everything else around it. I still have N.E.W.T.s to study for in between trying to plan the wedding.”
He shifted closer. “We could always forgo all of it.”
“Of course.” He leaned in and kissed your cheek. “We can go to the Ministry tomorrow.” He kissed the other. “The honeymoon would have to wait, but we’d still have two nights as man and wife before you’re back to school.” His hands trapped your face and then his lips were on yours.
Would a kiss ever not taste like manipulation?
“Brax,” you protested against the kiss, pushing softly on his chest. “We can’t.”
“Can’t we?” It didn’t deter him, just encouraged his lips to trail down to your neck. “No need to plan a wedding if you’re already Mrs. Malfoy.”
Your fingers dug into the fabric of his robes. Child bride. A witch with someone else's name. Not yet. It was too soon. Say something. Say anything. “I want a real wedding.”
“We can have a reception over Easter.”
“I want a wedding with our families and friends there, with Rick there. I want the white dress, the beautiful venue, all of it.”
“We could still—”
He finally pulled away, the bluntness seeming to catch him off guard. Or maybe it was the word itself that staggered him. No one says no to a Malfoy.
“Is it because of McLaggen? Do you still have feelings for him?”
Resentment burned on your tongue. “I never had feelings for him.”
“Didn’t seem like that today. He was very comfortable touching you.”
“There seems to be an ongoing theme with people not respecting my nos.”`
He had the decency to look guilty. 
“I don’t know what you heard about me and him, but don’t believe any of it.”
“And what of what I heard about you and Tom Riddle?”
Your stomach dropped. Of course he’d heard the rumors that had swirled before your engagement. It was a wonder he’d never mentioned them before. “Riddle has a staring problem.”
Abraxas was silent for a beat longer, watching your controlled expression for a crack. Your mother had trained you too well for that to happen. A small, apologetic smile broke across his face. “I suppose I can’t fault him for that.” He heaved a sigh, taking your hand again. “It’s difficult not to be jealous when I have something everyone wants. I’m afraid one day someone will steal you away.”You know the words you need to say. You know the compassionate wonder you need to school your expression into. You know that you’re going to have to kiss him again. You know you don’t have the choice to walk away. You know it could be worse. “I love you, Brax. You’re the only one I want.”
HP Tag List: @bamboozledflamplant @squishytomatoes @benonlinear @byelannie @itsccc
Venomous Tag List: @pearlsofme @fck-this @ambria @sheeple @strangunddurm @weirdowithnobeardo @emberenchanted @iluvweasleys
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sicutpuella · 1 year
Desiderium [Tom Riddle x Original Character]
Chapter 0: Grim Old Place
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Within the somber confines of 12 Grimmauld Place, an ancient dwelling tinged with an air of mystery, Harry Potter stood with his senses heightened, attuned to every whisper and rustle that permeated the shadowed halls. This place, steeped in the ancestral legacy of the noble House of Black, seemed to hold secrets within its very walls. It was in this hallowed abode, at the dawn of a new chapter in his extraordinary journey, that Harry heard a voice—a voice that beckoned to him from the depths of the unknown.
Harry Potter, the fabled wizard of renown, turned swiftly, his emerald eyes scanning the room in search of the enigmatic voice that had addressed him. To his astonishment, he found himself beholding a woman, whose ethereal beauty captivated his senses. Claudia Rosier, a bewitching figure, stood before him.
"Harry Potter, finally in the flesh!" she uttered, her voice resonating with a blend of anticipation and delight. The words, a mere handful, hung in the air, carrying with them a weight that stirred within Harry an inexplicable mix of curiosity and fascination. Her tresses, a resplendent cascade of dark crimson, differed from the ginger hues known to the Weasley clan. It was as if her hair possessed a bewitching charm, casting its spell upon all who dared to gaze upon its allure. Yet it was her eyes that held Harry transfixed—a striking shade of electric blue, vibrant orbs that seemed to penetrate the depths of his very soul.
Though the passage of years had marked her countenance, Claudia's allure remained undiminished. Her visage bore the traces of a life well-lived, etched with lines that added a touch of elegance to her graceful face. Towering above most in the room, she possessed an imposing stature, her regal presence exceeding the height of Harry himself. It was evident that she hailed from a privileged upbringing, a scion of the uppermost echelons of society.
As she uttered his name, her voice carried a gentleness that caressed his ears. Yet her refined accent hinted at a pedigree steeped in refinement and opulence. Every aspect of Claudia's being exuded an air of meticulous grooming, while a captivating fragrance enveloped her, enchanting those within its proximity. Her posture, straight and commanding, radiated both power and wisdom, as if she had long mastered the arts of authority.
In this extraordinary encounter, Claudia Rosier embodied a mesmerizing presence, a tapestry woven from the threads of ageless beauty and refined sophistication. Harry found himself spellbound by her very essence, the allure of a woman whose charms transcended time itself. Claudia Rosier's presence did not go unnoticed by Harry's faithful companions, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger. As if summoned by an invisible force, they gravitated towards the enchanting figure that held their friend spellbound.
Ron, with his hair as fiery as the sun's golden rays, and Hermione, her countenance bright with intellect and determination, approached Claudia with a mix of curiosity and reverence. The twins, Fred and George, ever mischievous and quick-witted, joined the gathering, their eyes widening as they beheld the radiant beauty before them. Claudia's captivating aura transcended the boundaries of age, captivating all who gazed upon her with a mystifying allure. Her dark crimson locks cascaded like a silken tapestry, captivating even the mischievous twins, whose gazes momentarily faltered under her bewitching spell. Her eyes, an iridescent blue, seemed to hold within their depths a wellspring of wisdom and secrets, whispering untold stories to those who dared to look deeply enough.
Ron, his freckled countenance flushed with a mixture of awe and admiration, struggled to find the words to capture the essence of this ethereal presence. Hermione, her eyes sparkling with an inquisitive light, observed Claudia with an astute curiosity, her mind working tirelessly to unravel the enigma that stood before them. As the companions stood in the presence of Claudia Rosier, her allure resonated with an undeniable magnetism, evoking a symphony of emotions and intrigue. The air crackled with an undercurrent of anticipation, as if destiny itself had woven its tapestry around this meeting, entangling their lives in a web of unforeseen possibilities.
In this sacred gathering, amidst the aged tapestries and ancestral secrets, Claudia Rosier cast her spell upon the hearts and minds of those who beheld her, leaving an indelible mark upon their souls. The threads of fate intertwined, as the companions embarked upon a journey that would forever be intertwined with the enigmatic presence of Claudia, a woman whose beauty transcended the realms of mortal comprehension.
Sirius Black, with his boisterous laughter, shattered the silence that had settled upon the room, drawing the attention of the spellbound teenagers. His voice boomed with mirth as he spoke, bringing forth the revelation of the esteemed presence that had graced them all.
"Ah, I've seen you've met our special guest!" Sirius exclaimed, his jovial tone resonating through the ancient halls of 12 Grimmauld Place. "The honorable Claudia Rosier! The head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and the Head of Magical Artifacts!"
At the utterance of the name Rosier, a collective recognition flickered in Harry's mind. It was a name that bore significance, for it was etched in the annals of infamy, belonging to those who had sworn allegiance to the Dark Lord. The Rosiers, notorious for their unwavering devotion to blood purity, were revered amongst the ranks of the Death Eaters. Yet, there was a complexity to their lineage—an undeniable wealth and influence that flowed through their veins. The noble Rosiers, as they were known, had established themselves as pillars of the wizarding elite.
With a graceful inclination of her head, Claudia Rosier acknowledged the young ones before her. A subtle air of dignity surrounded her, as if the weight of her position and the legacy of her name lent her an aura of quiet authority. With measured steps, she made her way toward the beckoning dining room of Grimmauld Place, joined by the other venerable members of the household.
In the wake of her departure from the hall, a mingling of emotions stirred within the hearts of the young wizards and witches left behind. A tapestry of intrigue and curiosity unfolded, woven with threads of apprehension. The presence of Claudia Rosier, a living embodiment of the complexities that entwined pureblood heritage and dark alliances, cast an enigmatic shadow upon the path that lay ahead. As they prepared to partake in the familial feast, the air thickened with unspoken questions, and the companions found themselves drawn further into the intricate web of secrets and destinies that bound them together within the hallowed chambers of Grimmauld Place.
In hushed tones, Ron Weasley leaned toward Harry Potter, his voice barely above a whisper, as if fearful of disturbing the delicate balance of the room. "A Rosier, Harry? Is she not of the same kind as... you-know-who's followers? One of those staunch believers in blood purity?" Hermione Granger, ever the fountain of knowledge, displayed a similar reaction, her expression etched with a mixture of concern and curiosity.
The trio, accompanied by the mischievous Fred and George Weasley, advanced into the opulent dining hall of Grimmauld Place, where Claudia Rosier occupied the seat of honor. There she sat, an embodiment of elegance and poise, her back held erect with a refined grace. The atmosphere seemed to shift, charged with an air of anticipation, as if the very room itself acknowledged her presence and yielded to her authority.
Their footsteps faltered for a fleeting moment, halted by the weight of their contemplation. The mere mention of the Rosier name sent ripples of unease through their collective consciousness, for it was synonymous with allegiance to the dark forces that had threatened their world. The Rosiers, a family entangled in the web of you-know-who's gang, had long espoused the ideals of blood purity, their beliefs steeped in tradition and exclusivity.
And yet, even in the face of their reservations, the trio pressed on, curiosity mingling with caution as they approached the table where Claudia held court. The resolute determination that guided their steps belied the doubts that churned within. Inwardly, they prepared themselves to navigate the intricacies of this encounter, to glean what truths lay concealed behind the veneer of elegance and power.
As they drew nearer, the allure of Claudia Rosier's presence intensified. Her poised countenance, an embodiment of regality, invited admiration and respect. Every line and curve of her figure spoke of confidence and authority, a testament to the depths of her experience and knowledge. The trio, accompanied by the ever-watchful twins, took their places at the table, the gravity of the moment hanging heavy in the air.
Amidst the resplendent atmosphere of the dining hall, an air of reunion pervaded the space, embracing all who gathered within its opulent confines. Nymphadora Tonks, the ever-capricious metamorphagus, regaled the younger attendees with her remarkable talents, effortlessly transforming her countenance into a succession of creatures—a duck, a pig, a lion—eliciting peals of laughter and delight. Even Claudia Rosier, a paragon of grace and refinement, found herself captivated by the whimsical display. Meanwhile, a distinguished assembly had formed on the side of the table, where Claudia sat alongside Sirius Black, Harry Potter, Alastor Moody, Remus Lupin, and Kingsley Shacklebolt. Engrossed in earnest discussion, their attention focused upon the pressing concerns plaguing the Ministry of Magic—specifically, the obstinate denial of Lord Voldemort's resurgence by the deluded Cornelius Fudge.
"What purpose does it serve to sugarcoat the truth?" Moody interjected brusquely, his words reverberating through the hall and punctuating the conversation. The room fell into an uneasy silence, as the weight of his statement hung heavy in the air, casting a somber pall over the gathering.
"Alastor," Claudia chided gently, her voice a soothing balm that sought to quell the mounting tension. But Moody, unyielding in his resolve, persisted. "Show him! The boy will discover the truth soon enough, one way or another."
As if in response to their exchange, a gentle hand extended toward Harry, bearing a newspaper with the front page emblazoned by a striking headline: "The Boy Who Lies." The words cast a shadow over the young wizard's countenance, stirring a mix of emotions within him—an amalgamation of defiance, frustration, and an unwavering determination to confront the harsh realities that lay ahead.
Amidst the distinguished company gathered within the walls of Grimmauld Place, the weighty matters of the day weighed heavily upon their minds. Cornelius Fudge, a figure of authority wielding power and influence over the Daily Prophet, had employed his position to suppress any claims of Lord Voldemort's menacing return. Sirius Black, his voice resolute, interjected with an air of defiance, breaking the silence that enveloped the room.
"Why?" Harry Potter, his disbelief palpable, queried in a tone laced with incredulity, his faith in the integrity of those in positions of power momentarily shaken.
Remus Lupin, a sage presence amid the assembly, endeavored to shed light upon the perplexing matter. "The Ministry suspects that Dumbledore seeks to usurp Fudge's position," he explained, his words tinged with a hint of weariness. "They harbor a deep-seated fear that compels them to perceive threats where none exist."
"But that’s insane! No one in their right mind could ever—" Harry retorted, his disbelief tinged with a note of righteous indignation. The flagrant incompetence of Fudge and the Ministry's willful ignorance stretched the bounds of reason, testing the limits of their patience and resolve.
"Indeed," Claudia interjected, her voice carrying a measured tone that bespoke wisdom earned through the passage of time. "Fear possesses the power to distort minds and drive individuals to commit unspeakable acts. Fudge's faculties have been compromised, clouded by the very dread that should impel him to action."
With a somber gaze fixed upon Harry, Claudia continued her discourse. "The last time Lord Voldemort seized power, our world trembled on the precipice of destruction. We cannot afford to dismiss that grim reality, nor can the Ministry, in their misguided attempts to pacify the masses, ignore the imminent threat that looms before us."
Sirius, unwavering in his resolve, added his voice to the somber discussion. "We believe that Voldemort seeks to rebuild his formidable army, just as he did fourteen years ago. His followers included not only dark wizards and witches, but creatures of all kinds." Remus, ever the embodiment of insight, continued, "He has been aggressively recruiting, and we too seek to gather our forces. Yet, in the face of the Ministry's hateful and ignorant gaze, our efforts have been hindered at every turn."
"And yet, there is more," Remus stated with a measured tone. "We suspect that Voldemort's motives extend beyond the mere construction of an army. We believe he harbors unfinished business, a desire to complete what he failed to achieve in his previous bid for power." As the words lingered in the air, the gaze of Alastor Moody, Claudia, and Sirius converged upon Harry, a shared understanding etched upon their faces. The gravity of the situation had deepened, casting a shadow upon their hopes and filling their hearts with a sense of foreboding.
As the weighty revelations continued to pour forth, a voice pierced the air, cutting through the rising tide of information. Molly Weasley, her tone filled with maternal concern and protective instincts, interjected with a fervor born of love and apprehension. "No, that is enough! He is but a boy, barely of age! If we delve any deeper into this dangerous path, we might as well extend him an invitation into the Order!"
Harry, emboldened by his newfound resolve and a fire that burned within him, seized the moment to make his proclamation. "If Voldemort seeks to gather an army, then I’ll come with you!”
Claudia, her vibrant spirit undimmed by the gravity of the situation, found amusement in the audacity and courage displayed by Harry. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips, mirroring the playful spark dancing in Sirius's eyes. They recognized in Harry the same indomitable spirit that had guided them in their own battles against the encroaching darkness.
With Molly's intervention, the evening slowly began to regain its semblance of a joyous reunion. Conversations flowed freely, laughter mingled with whispers, and the atmosphere regained its familiar air of camaraderie. Each segment of the table formed pockets of dialogue, their words and laughter intertwining, as friends and allies found solace in the presence of kindred spirits. Yet, amid the din of jovial chatter, Harry's mind remained fixated on the enigmatic figure of Claudia Rosier. Her presence, though known to him by virtue of her position within the Ministry, seemed peculiarly timed. Questions formed in the depths of his inquisitive mind, a desire to unravel the mysteries surrounding her newfound association with the Order of the Phoenix.
As the evening progressed, Harry's curiosity simmered beneath the surface, a flame that threatened to consume his thoughts. The allure of Claudia's presence beckoned him, urging him to seek answers and uncover the truth that lay hidden within her crimson hair and electric blue eyes. In this union of destiny and circumstance, Harry resolved to delve deeper into the enigma that was Claudia Rosier, for he sensed that her presence held significance far beyond what met the eye.
As the night began its descent towards the late hours, Claudia Rosier, ever conscious of her responsibilities, gracefully excused herself from the gathering. With a gentle smile upon her lips, she delicately maneuvered through the clusters of conversation, offering her farewells to each individual in turn. Her departure elicited a collective murmur of appreciation and respect, for her presence had brought an air of wisdom and elegance to their midst.
Pausing momentarily before the trio, Claudia's eyes gleamed with a genuine interest as she addressed them. "You find yourselves embarking upon your fifth year, do you not?" Her tone carried a warmth that embraced both familiarity and curiosity. Hermione, ever respectful and poised, replied with a deferential nod, her voice laced with a measure of reverence towards the seasoned witch.
"Ah, the fifth year—a truly magical time," Claudia exclaimed, her laughter bubbling forth like a melodic symphony that echoed through the grand hall. Her words carried a hint of nostalgia, evoking memories of her own youthful adventures and trials within the hallowed halls of Hogwarts.
The brief interlude drew to a close, as Claudia's obligations beckoned her away. With a final gaze that held a promise of future encounters, she addressed Harry directly. "Tomorrow, Harry, we shall meet again at the Ministry. Until then, I bid you all adieu!"
Masterlist : Next Chapter
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ozai-the-bonsai · 15 days
For the Greater Good
| Part 1 | Part 2 |
Pairing: Tom Marvolo Riddle x Slytherin!OC
Summary: Growing up with the dream of joining the Alliance, Ophelia's only wish has been to take her place by Grindelwald's side. As Grindelwald starts losing power during her last year at Hogwarts, Ophelia desperately searches for a way to turn the tide one last time. Eventually, she gets caught up in Tom Riddle's radar, who starts delving into her past.
Warnings: Strong language
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: Well, this is a short story I have been working on from time to time since last December. I don't know if I will ever get to complete it; however, I didn't want the piece I have written so far to rot on my computer... If this finds anyone at all, I hope you enjoy the first chapter and please let me know what you think! I could as well start a taglist if anyone is interested.
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It was rather ironic that the first time her mother accompanied her to platform 9 ¾ was her last time taking the Hogwarts Express from King’s Cross Station.
Looking at her, Ophelia was once again absolutely mesmerised by her mother’s beauty -her flawless, porcelain face was adorned with her naturally turned-up nose and plump lips. Sometimes, with forty-four, she managed to look just a few years older than Ophelia, who was about to turn eighteen in a few months.
Such perfection cannot be achieved with magic, otherwise all the old hags wouldn’t be around, Ophelia thought. She must be bathing in the blood of Muggles.
Her mother turned her blue eyes at Ophelia almost immediately. “I won’t even let one of those vermin touch me -and you think I would defile my skin with their blood?” She clicked her tongue. “You disappoint me, daughter.”
“Stop lingering in my head!” Ophelia hissed between her gritted teeth as she quickly built up a mental wall using Occlumency. Of course, she knew she had to keep the wall up at all times -her mother was trying to make her get used to it -but still, she sometimes let it slip.
Her mother raised an eyebrow at Ophelia’s direction. “Then you have to be more vigilante, Ophelia.” She tried to enter Ophelia’s mind once again, only to hit the mental wall. The edge of her crimson lip curled upwards. “Impressive.”
“Father taught me well.”
“Speaking of which,” her mother said with a silk like voice. “He did want to come here to see you before you head off for the last time; however, considering how it would complicate the things, he wanted me to instead give you this.”
Ophelia snickered as her mother searched for something in her handbag. “I find it hard to imagine him standing here,” she told honestly. “But I would sure love to see the terrified looks on everyone’s faces.”
“Why terrified? He does have quite the supporters around here, dear, all the Purebloods would stand in a line to simply shake his hand.” Upon finding what she was looking for, her mother handed Ophelia a silver necklace. “For the greater good.”
Ophelia didn’t really need to look down in her palm to see what was on the necklace -it was the sign of the Deathly Hollows. As she put on the necklace and let it rest cold against her chest, her green eyes met her mother’s blue ones. “For the greater good.”
Vinda Rosier put on a questioning expression on her face when she saw her daughter placing the necklace under her white shirt. “Why are you hiding it right away?” She asked with a confused tone. “I thought you’d like it.”
“I do like it, mother,” Ophelia said and then lowered her voice to a whisper. “But I don’t want to wave it in front of Dumbledore’s face.”
A grimace appeared on her mother’s face almost immediately. “Oh, right, he still hasn’t given up on watching everything you do, has he?”
Ophelia shook her head, placing her hands into the pockets of her beige, pinafore trousers. “Nope,” she muttered. “Still like a hawk.”
From the moment Ophelia set a foot into the castle, Albus Dumbledore had been keeping a strict eye on her, observing each of her social interactions, watching every little action from her side. This still hadn’t been enough to keep Ophelia away from causing trouble or breaking the rules; however, she had to admit that it could have been easier.
In order to avoid being seen, one of the very first things she had mastered was the Invisibility Potion -which was not as effective as a real Invisibility Cloak but still allowed her to move around without being noticed.
Also, Dumbledore was the reason why Ophelia wasn’t made Prefect or Head Girl even though she was by far the brightest witch in her year. Dumbledore had quite the influence on all the other professors, hence he had successfully managed to keep them from giving Ophelia more power and influence over other students.
As if it was a better idea to give him all the power by making him Head Boy, Ophelia thought as her green eyes found a tall, pale-faced young man walking towards her, his Head Boy badge shining on his chest. Being the Golden Boy has its perks.
“Rosier,” Tom Riddle greeted Ophelia with a simple nod as he slowed down his steps. Then, he turned his dark eyes to her mother. “Vinda Rosier, I suppose?” Her mother nodded. Tom extended his hand. “Tom Riddle.”
Vinda Rosier shook his hand. “If my memory doesn’t deceive me, Ophelia has mentioned your success and extraordinary talent for magic.” She spoke with a voice as smooth as velvet, which she only used when talking with Grindelwald’s other followers. “It would be a shame to waste such a gift.”
Anyone that knew who Vinda Rosier was, could easily understand the hidden meaning of her words and judging by the look in his eyes, Tom was very well aware of what her mother was trying to imply.
“I do not intend to waste anything, Miss Rosier,” Tom responded with his Golden Boy attitude surrounding him. “However, my views on the matter are rather more radical than that of yours and his.”
Ophelia intervened quickly. “Mum, I hope you aren’t trying to recruit my classmate into the Alliance.” Her tone was mocking but still, she had lowered her voice.
A mischievous smile appeared on Vinda Rosier’s crimson lips. “Of course not, darling. However, I’d very much like to hear about his views on the matter sometime in the future.” She squinted, looking over Ophelia’s shoulder, trying to see more clearly. “Is that Francis over there?”
Looking at the same direction as her mother, Ophelia nodded upon seeing Francis Rosier -Vinda’s cousin -accompanying his daughter Aurora Rosier to the Hogwarts Express. “Yes, that’s him.”
“I shall have a word or two with him.” Vinda muttered, then she gave her daughter a warm hug. “Take care, darling and keep up the good work.”
“Thanks, Mum. Please tell Dad that I loved the present.” Ophelia spoke quietly before breaking off the hug. Vinda walked into the opposite direction, whereas Ophelia and Tom Riddle headed towards the train. “He is her cousin,” Ophelia said, causing Tom to look at her. “Francis Rosier.”
Tom nodded in an understanding manner. “I see,” he spoke with his usual, calm voice. “I figured you were related to Aurora and Augustus someway, of course, but I never knew you were distant cousins.”
Ophelia shrugged in a careless manner. “Well, Aurora herself figured that out in our fifth year, so yours is still acceptable.”
An uncomfortable silence ruled between the two as they got onboard the train and walked past numerous compartments filled with younger students on their way to the carriage inhabited by the Slytherins. Tom, however, decided to break it.
“You don’t carry the same, strong French accent as your mother.”
Ophelia chuckled lightly, she found it amusing that he chose this very detail to observe. “She was born and raised in France, also she spent most of her life there.” Ophelia responded as she pushed a strand of her chestnut hair behind her ear. “I have lived in Austria till I was 10. Then, we moved to Britain.”
Tom raised a questioning eyebrow as Ophelia stopped in front of an empty compartment. “So that you could attend Hogwarts?” He asked, only to attain a simple nod from Ophelia. “Why? You could have gone to Durmstrang.”
The young woman shrugged. “It was decided that I must attend Hogwarts.”
The edge of his lip turned upwards as Tom watched Ophelia take a seat by the window. “It has been seven years, and you still won’t let anyone get the slightest glimpse of what lies behind those icy walls of yours, will you, Rosier?”
Ophelia mirrored Tom his smile back while crossing one leg over the other. “You are a fine one to talk, Riddle.” Her voice had the hints of playfulness. “Don’t you have Head Boy duties to attend to?”
Tom shook his head in an unapproving manner and turned back to leave. “It is a shame you weren’t made Head Girl,” he said with a smooth voice as he let the compartment door close. “You’d be a better fit than Veronica Larch.”
Ophelia’s eyes widened with shock as she watched Tom Riddle walk away. They chose Veronica fucking Larch as the Head Girl and not me? For fuck’s sake, I cannot remember the last time she had better grades than I did!
Maybe she is better at sucking up to Dippet.
[Time Skip]
During the first half of the journey, Ophelia could swear she hadn’t experienced a more pleasant train ride before. She was completely alone in her compartment, there was no one bothering her with unnecessary small talk -she had absolute peace for the first time in a long while.
She had spent the summer holiday in Austria -in Nurmengard Castle to be more precise -along with her mother and Grindelwald’s other Acolytes. It was better than having to stay with her grandparents in Britain, of course -but still, it had been quite stressful at times.
When things were not going the way he planned them to, Grindelwald was not fun to be around.
However, she needed to get used to his bad side as well since she wanted to take her place among his Acolytes as soon as she was done with Hogwarts. This had been her biggest dream ever since she was a little girl -to help Grindelwald establish a wizard-led system the world desperately needed.
The greater good had been the only thing she had seen around her while growing up, her mother used to tell her bed-time stories about the new world they were trying to build -Grindelwald and his Acolytes.
That was why she had spent the summer in Nurmengard, training with her mother and the other Acolytes in their spare time. Hogwarts had been successful in teaching her most of the vital things she needed; however, it lacked the training in Dark Arts -which was by far the most important branch Ophelia had to master.
While Ophelia was lost in her own world, the door to the compartment was opened, causing the young woman to leap up in her place. “Sorry, we didn’t mean to scare you.” Abraxas Malfoy was standing at the door with Aurora Rosier and Emrys Lestrange behind him. Upon seeing the disturbed look in Ophelia’s green eyes, Abraxas spoke hesitantly. “If you want to be left alone, we could just leave.”
Ophelia rolled her eyes at him as she shrugged in a careless manner and took off the navy-blue scarf wrapped around her shoulders -it was getting warmer.
Emrys snickered at Ophelia’s reaction as he sat down next to her, Abraxas and Aurora took the seat across. “At the beginning of every year, we somehow hope for Ophelia to come back a little less distant, but it always ends in a huge disappointment.” His voice carried the hints of mocking.
“Just admit that you are in love with me, Emrys.” Ophelia crossed her arms over her chest, raising an eyebrow at Emrys’ direction. From the corner of her eye, she could see Aurora and Abraxas holding hands. So, they finally got together, she thought to herself. Not that it interests me, but it took them long enough.
Emrys let out a laughter this time. “For that to happen, one needs to get to know you first.” He shrugged. “I don’t see it happening even in our last year at Hogwarts, sunshine.”
The edge of Ophelia’s lip curled upwards, even though she wasn’t fond of small talk, sometimes she found it entertaining to bicker with Emrys. “Fair enough.”
“Are you two done?” Aurora asked with a somewhat annoyed tone. After taking a deep breath, the strawberry blonde turned her gaze at Ophelia. “How was your summer?”
Ophelia pushed her waves out of her sight as she responded. “It was nice, I got to spend more time with my parents this time and learned some interesting stuff. What about you?”
Aurora’s light blue eyes found that of Abraxas’ as a small smile formed on her lips. “I spent the last three weeks with Abraxas in France.”
“So this,” Ophelia pointed at their hands, “happened right after we returned home?” The couple nodded simultaneously. Ophelia sent them a fake smile. “Good for you.”
“But not so good for us,” Emrys muttered, “they will be making out all the time in the common room.”
Ophelia heaved a sigh. “Then simply look away.”
Abraxas chuckled upon hearing Ophelia’s remark. “I knew my second favourite Rosier would support us.” He said, causing Emrys to roll his eyes in an exaggerated way. “I have never seen you wearing a necklace.”
It took a few seconds for Ophelia to realise that Abraxas was talking to her. “Yeah, it is a gift from my… parents.”
Aurora seemed interested, too. “Can I see it?” She asked, only to correct herself. “I mean we, sorry, I forget how much of a little girl Abraxas becomes when it is about jewellery.”
The blonde-haired young man was about to come up with something clever to say to his girlfriend; however, the whole compartment went completely silent for a few moments as Ophelia showed them the rest of the necklace.
Everyone was familiar with the association between the Deathly Hollows and Grindelwald.
“Well,” Abraxas began to speak, “it is quite courageous to carry that around your neck at this time, don’t you think so?”
Before Ophelia could snap at him, Aurora took the word. “It has been common knowledge for a long time that Ophelia supports Grindelwald and his case -at least she has the guts to stand behind her words and her beliefs.” It was seldom that Aurora Rosier became that serious. “Unlike us all, who dare speak about our support only behind closed doors.”
Abraxas couldn’t come up with a response, Emrys turned his gaze to the ground.   
A warm smile formed on Aurora’s lips as she looked at Ophelia. “I think it is beautiful.” She said, pointing at the necklace. However, Ophelia wasn’t really there at that moment, instead her mind was drifting to a memory from her fifth year at Hogwarts.
Ophelia freed her arm from Aurora’s firm hold, who had been dragging her to the bathroom at their dormitory. “What the fuck is wrong with you, Aurora?!” Ophelia hissed between her gritted teeth.
“I should ask you the same question, Ophelia.” Aurora responded, her voice was becoming louder by the second. “How can you not tell me that you are Gellert Grindelwald’s one and only heir?!”
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reine-de-la-lune · 1 month
Orión: I think Harry's very cute *looking at a fly*
Tom: *glaze at him*
*Abraxas enters, observes, and leaves*
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ephemerasnape · 7 months
Tom Riddle Audios, #7 (Final)
He Who Inspires With Fear
A selection of audios of Tom Riddle from part two of my fic He Who Inspires With Fear (Tom Riddle x Amy Benson) - now complete.
He Who Inspires with Fear Audios:
Part one. - Part two. - Part three. - Part four. - Part five. - Part six.
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