#toh hunter x gn reader
ambrosiagoldfish · 5 months
Innocent and Touch-Starved 18+
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Hunter x GN! Reader
All Characters are written to be 18+
Warnings: Handjob, Incredibly inexperienced Hunter, First orgasm, First time Masturbating, Reader acts as a 'Teacher' to Hunter, Hunter may be slightly OOC but shouldn’t be too bad (he’s just a bit more submissive than normal)
If you don’t like, don’t read! It’s better for both you and me!!
Request Box: OPEN
As fluffy as smut could get
Word count: 1713
A/N: This was originally going to be NSFW HC's for Hunter but as you can see it turned into a small fic! If the writing style shifts part way through that's the reason why! This is set POST time skip when hunter’s 18
Not Beta read, We die like flapjack; could have missed some mistakes.
As we all know by now, Hunter really isn't familiar with the common concepts of affection or love. So something mildly sexual, let alone sex, is a completely foreign concept to him.
So foreign that if you started dating when he was still the Golden Guard, chances are you wouldn't have had any kind of sexual encounter with him due to him being overworked and generally touch-starved. 
It honestly wouldn't surprise me if he didn't even know what sex was as most of the information he learns comes from Belos, who,  being from the 1600’s, definitely has a warped view of sex. So him not wanting his “nephew” to be tempted by the desires of lust isn't all that surprising.  
But when he's free from Belos and living in the Human Realm is when he starts getting more open with you. 
It starts slow, he gives more kisses than usual, then he starts letting you hold him longer, closer.
He basically starts getting all clingy, and he's not really sure why. 
He thinks it's because he just really loves you (which is true) but in reality,  he’s just starting to get really horny after being touch starved for so long. 
Then eventually, you two are cuddling on the couch in the living room watching some movies. You both have been left to keep watch of the house while Camila, Vee, and the Hexside Quartet went out to buy groceries. 
Them being out of the house meant free hugs without any teasing from them, which was perfect for Hunter. So now here you two were, cuddling up in a blanket, watching a, honestly pretty boring movie marathon on TV.
Feeling a tad bit sleepy you lean further into Hunter’s chest, snuggling into the soft form beneath you. 
“I love you…” You Yawn out. 
His Ears darken with blush before he nodded.. 
He hasn't said I love you back yet, but it's fine for you, you know the kind of upbringing he's had, I love you's definitely weren't common place. 
Hunter’s face falls deeper and deeper into a crimson blush, the weight of your body, the warmth of your body is so close.
It's already way past the point of when His body gets a “tingling” feeling with you. He still has no idea what causes it or what it means.
Suddenly he feels you shift and let out a noise of discomfort.
“Are you ok, Y/n?” He asks, his voice low
“Yeah! Don’t worry Hunter, i uh, just felt something firm poke me and I was surprised hehe…” You chuckle awkwardly raising up to face him. 
Hunter’s confused “Something Firm?”
“Yeah, uh… there.” you point
Slowly, his magenta eyes follow the invisible line connecting your pointing finger and this “firm” thing, until eventually they land right on the bulging tent in his sweatpants.
He quickly covers his bulge with a pillow. 
“S-Sorry I didn't mean- This doesn't normally happen when we-” He stampers over his words
“Hey hey, don't worry Hunter, it's no big deal” He feels you lightly caress his cheek. 
Despite his face feeling hotter than the boiling sea, he calms down a little.
“Here, I can step out for a few so you can take care of it”  He sees you begin to leave
“Take care of it? What… Do you mean?” He asks sheepishly. 
He watches as you look at him in surprise. 
“You know.. Relieve it? By..  masturbating… “ You say awkardly.
“Mastur…bate?” Hunter says confused
He watches you walk back over and sit beside him
“Have you really never done that?”
He nods his head, more than a little embarrassed
“Well what do you normally do when it happens?”
“I just… Wait till it stops, it usually happens when I'm asleep and when i wake up it's already like this..”
He thinks back to all the times he would be late to training, meetings, and other Golden Guard business thanks to his ‘problem’ most mornings.
You both sit in silence before he hears 3 words leave your mouth
“I can help..”
He jumps back slightly 
“But only if you want me too… I would never touch you without your permission, you know that…”
 you pause 
“I can show you how to masturbate so that you will know how in the future…”
He thinks for a moment before nodding his head at you, “Ok Y/n, I trust you, please show me..” 
He slowly moves the pillow from his crotch revealing the tent in his gray sweatpants. He sees you smile warmly before you get to work.
Your light fingertips move to gently hold his face as you kiss him, freckling them all over. 
He watches you beneath him, slowly lowering yourself from the couch to the floor of the living room, your hands slowly making their way down his body as you plant your kisses, before they stop at the waist line of his pants.
He watches you pull back and look him in the eyes before asking
“Are you sure?” He nods sheepishly again. Slowly your fingertips creep under the elastic of his sweats before pulling them down in one toff motion.
From his sweats, Hunter’s Hard-on springs up, standing at full mass. Hunter looks away as deep crimson shades his face.  Having his ‘privates’ out in full view was the last thing he thought would ever happen, but here he was.
Hunter is afraid to see your reaction, but what makes him even more afraid is that he hasn't even heard you react yet. Slowly, he looks down to see your almost surprised reaction.
“Is… is it ok?” Hunter Asks, “N-normal i mean..” If he knew nothing about sex and masturbation, He certainly didn't know if his ‘privates’ were the same as other people his age or if he somehow differed. On top of that, being a Grimwalker came with many health related questions, this being one of them.
Hunter quickly calms down when you give him that soft smile and say, “Completely normal, and completely perfect.”
Your hand leisurely makes its way to his hard-on before your fingers wrap around it,
Hunter shutters at the touch and his back straightens “F-Feels good…”
“Good Hunter, just relax..” he feels your other hand knead his thigh soothing him to lay back.
Your hand begins moving up and down his shaft, your grip tightening and loosening every so often. Hunter’s voice began to come out, what were soft moans began to develop into loud groans that filled the room. 
“Y/n so g-good…” 
You sped up your hand at his words, “Try to pay attention to how I'm doing it ok? So You'll know later for later.“
Hunter nods his head, half lidded eyes watch down at you fisting his hard-on. The way your soft hand feels on his shaft, the wet slapping sound with each pump, it was all so much for him
“You’re leaking so much pre Hunter, you must really be backed up, huh?”
“P-Pre?” he moans out 
“Precum. It's what’s making your cock so slippery as I stroke it.”
“C-Cock?” All of this, all of this pleasure, this… experience, was really too much for him. 
You laugh “You really have a lot to learn Hunter,” You slowly lean up to his pointed ears,
 “Good thing I'm a good teacher.” you whisper seducticly.
With that, a knot in his stomach was tightening up rapidly, a feeling he has never felt before, to him it felt similar to anxiety, the anticipation of something you know will happen, but you're unsure what it is.
“Y/n! Something’s happening- it feels weird- I think we should stop-” 
He warns and tries to stop your hand pumping his cock but is stopped by your other hand holding his firmly. 
You quickly lean into him and begin kissing him. You start stroking faster, the slapping of wet skin echoed throughout the room as well as Hunter’s muffled moans.
Finally… the knot snaps, his body begins shaking, sending waves of pleasure through Hunter’s body. Hunter’s cock shoots load after load out, squirting on his stomach and your hand, as well as on the couch. The whole time you don't let up stroking his dick, making sure to pump as much of his cum out. 
After what feels like an eternity for Hunter, but couldn't have been a few seconds, his droopy eyes look down at you, exhausted.
“What… Was… that?” He huffs deep breaths inbetween words
“That was an orgasm or “cumming” and this is sperm or cum” you hold up your hand covered in the warm whitish clear liquid.
Hunter tiredly looks around noticing the mess on the couch and him
‘I… did all this?”
“Mhm, you must have been so bottled up” you give him a kiss on the cheek
“I need to clean it up before… Luz and the others… get back-'' Hunter says, huffing through his words as he tries to pull himself up but his body doesn't let him.
“Hey hey Buddy, shhh” You grab his head an softly lay him back
 “After such a big load, not to mention your first, you’re clearly spent out of energy. Let me do it, ok?”
“Nope. No buts” You kiss him. “Wait here”
You leave before returning with some towels and some of Hunter’s spare clothes, you began cleaning the cum off the couch and your cum covered hand, then slowly, you undress Hunter out of his dirty clothes and help him into some new ones, before throwing them into the washing machine and turning it on.
You return to Hunter, who at this point is nearly fully asleep. You slowly ease onto the couch with him, he feels the soft weight of your body rest on his, he tiredly moves his arms to embrace you, as you pull a blanket over the two of you.  
“Thank you Y/n… for making me feel… so good.” He says, clearly in between a state of consciousness and asleep.
“Of course, anytime Hunter.” You kiss his chest
“I..” He starts, you look up at him
“I love you Y/n…” He says before fully drifting off into sleep
You snuggle further into his chest, closing your drowsy and love-stuck eyes.
“I love you too Hunter”
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pycher · 2 years
while i work on personal (for now) toh projects, has anybody got a request they'd like to send me? i'm not in a position to reject much of anything people send seeing as i've just started this account, so feel free to send in honestly anything you want.
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frickingnerd · 6 months
hunter dating a medusa reader
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pairing: hunter x gn!reader
tags: reader is an outcast, reader has snake hair & can turn people into stone, friends to lovers, protective hunter
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a lot of people fear you, not only because of your appearance but because of the powers you inherited
it took you years to learn to fully control them and only when you lose focus do they activate and your gaze turns others into stone
even hunter is a bit intimidated when he first meets you, but quickly warms up to you as he realizes you are an outcast like him
hunter makes an effort to become your friend, as he sees the two of you as equals and wants you to have a friend you can confide in
though you two end up becoming more than just friends
hunter gets a lot of dismissive comments for dating you, but is always quick to defend you! 
he hates it when people call you creepy or mock your appearance, as he can't see where they are coming from
sure, you don't look like everyone else, but hunter loves the things that make you stand out from others
he loves to stare into your eyes, as they have such an intense look to it
and he isn't afraid that you'd turn him into stone, since he knows you can control your powers
hunter even loves your snake hair, though he took a while to get used to it
whenever he touches it, the snakes slowly wrap around his fingers, which scared him the first time it happened, but now he knows it's a sign of affection
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the-salem-devil · 2 years
so like, hunter with a vocal sub reader?
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-Boy, would he like that.
-Hunter’s very insecure, we all know it, and no matter what he’s doing for you whether it’s sexual or not, he constantly worries about not doing good enough and disappointing you.
-So a vocal reader would be a dream, it makes him feel like he’s doing a adequate job, that he’s actually proving his worth by supplying you pleasure, it gives him confidence.
-And when he gets confident, well, it just spurs him on harder if you get what I mean. 😉
-If you were embarrassed by the noises you made in bed, he’d reassure you with much sputtering and backtracking so he didn’t sound like a total creep, but basically giving you the message that he thought the noises were pretty.
-If you still tried to muffle them with a hand over your mouth or whatnot, he wouldn’t force you to remove it but might put “extra effort” into whatever he’s doing so it leaks through.
-In his eyes, he isn’t doing well enough until your a gasping, moaning mess, and anything less means he’s failed, and that just isn’t allowed when it comes to you, if he wants to be kept, he has to prove himself.
-Basically, it’d go something like this.
-He’d finally pull down your underwear, baring you after minutes of heated teasing from the both of you, patience was running thin.
-He was eager to make you feel good, I mean he always was, but tonight especially, after that scout tried to flirt with you, he couldn’t help the inferiority that always rises in him when a potential ‘better suitor’ makes themselves known.
-Licking a long, slow stripe over you he waited to bask in the loud breathy moan you’d always let out, but couldn’t help frowning softly when he didn’t hear it.
-His eyes flickered up, and much to his displeasure he saw your hand covering your no-doubt gaping mouth, muffling the noise until it was only a slight exhale.
-He knew you were embarrassed, insecure, and that made his heart ache, because although it was for different reasons, he was too familiar with those feelings.
-But he couldn’t, nor wouldn’t, force you into removing your hand, the only thing he’d ever feel alright about doing is coaxing those sinfully beautiful sounds from your mouth.
-And that, he does.
-He’d to all in, alternating between slow sucks and licking sloppily at you, he could get addicted on the taste of you, the sweet sweet syrup of your desire.
-But he was more addicted to the siren-like sound of your noises, and they were slowly building louder and louder as he parted you with his tongue, pushing as deep as he could.
-You couldn’t hold back the loud noises that were escaping your mouth, despite how hard you pressed your hand down, slurred words becoming incoherent.
-But it wasn’t enough, he wanted you debautched enough that you didn’t care enough for who heard you, he wanted your insecurity to slip away.
-He removed one hand from where they were resting on your hips and stomach, keeping you still as he pleasure you, and from the limited room he had available, he slipped a finger inside.
-You jerked with a gasp, your hand moving back slightly until it was hovering over you parted mouth, the electric shock of the added stimulation making your stomach tighten promisingly.
-He started bucking his hips against the mattress slightly, those delicious noises making his already hard length almost ache.
-He crooked his fingers, searching for that special bundle of nerves he’s reached for so many times, to push you over the edge into sweet bliss.
-You jerked slightly again, barely held still by his other hand on your waist, steadying but not controlling, and white filled your vision despite your closed eyes.
-The tightness in your stomach finally created with a shout, and you mattress rocked slightly as he rutted faster and harder, and despite his eager mouth licking up your pleasure some still managed to spill into the mattress.
-But don’t worry, the sound of your angelic voice made him make his own little mess, so he can’t complain.
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beanie-beebo-writes · 3 months
Living nightmares
TW: Unintentional self-harm, dissociation, PTSD flashbacks, anxiety/panic attacks, sensory overload
Pairings: None but can be implied
Category: Owl House, Reader insert
Note: Meant to be set before the timeskip but after Belos is defeated, but it can also be interpretted as being at the noceda house after the s2 finale. Can be taken in any way, your choice.
The world was spinning in a blurry dishwasher. When did that start?
A voice echoed from somewhere distant. He didn't know where he was, or what happened. It suddenly was hard to breathe.
"Woah, woah okay. Deep breaths, breathe with me."
The voice was close now, albeit still a bit muffled with his ringing ears. It pierced through his hearing suddenly like a flash forward, his vision becoming overly sharp and bright. Hunter squinted and whined softly at the overwhelming array of colors and structures around him, now in full focus.
"Hey, hey." (Y/N) said calmly with a hint of urgency.
Hunter felt a gentle touch on his shoulder, but it made his skin squirm. He gasped out softly and whipped his head to their face. He panted and took it in full excruciating detail. It at least made his lungs feel unblocked again as a wave of calm washed over him. (Y/N) was gazing at him with their sympathetic eyes that held a hint of concern behind them.
"It's okay." They began gently, removing their hand from his shoulder as they sensed his unease.
They held their hand placatingly at a short distance and began to breathe deeply. They were demonstrating how to breathe. Hunter followed almost automatically as his lungs craved oxygen. The deep breaths caused his head to feel airy at first, but (Y/N) continued to gently guide him even as he struggled to keep himself up.. on his hands. When did he get to the floor?
(Y/N) seemed to pick up on his confusion and slightly trembling limbs. "Just focus on breathing right now, nevermind that. Alright?"
They began to count with their fingers in between each deep breath since he couldn't seem to focus. Hunter followed weakly.
They had seen Gus demonstrate this to Hunter in times previous, but they didn't think their own hand would have the same effect as his friend's had before.
A few minutes went by and Hunter seemed to calm down rather quickly. He inhaled deeply and sighed. His limbs felt like lead; he attempted to move to a nearby cabinet with no progress. (Y/N) sensed the issue and swiftly sat him against the lower cabinets before he passed out again.
A beat of silence as they looked worriedly into one another's eyes.
"What.. what happened? Why can't I move?" Hunter asked, his voice creaking from the strain in his throat muscles.
"You had a panic attack I think. Just.. take it easy." (Y/N) said, sitting in front of him on the floor.
"You.. think?" Hunter said, panic seeping into his tone. "I don't.. I don't remember-"
"No no no, don't do that. Trust me." They warned gently.
They seemed to try grounding Hunter by putting a hand cautiously on his knee. He looked at them in confusion, trying to ignore the electricity at their connected limbs.
"Let's not.. go down that route again. That's what got you in this predicament in the first place. No thinking. Take a breather before you cause me to have a crisis too." (Y/N) chuckled nervously.
Hunter nodded and moved his leg onto the floor to rid of the horrible sensation. He's sure whatever happened, they would fill him in later. It seemed he really shook them up, and he didn't want to add to that any more than he already did.
"Alright." Hunter said.
He was happy to sit there for a moment. It's not like he really had a choice, seeing his limbs felt like jelly. But he couldn't help but ponder anyway, and it was clearly evident on his face.
"Hey, you promised." (Y/N) said firmly.
"Sorry, I just can't help it." Hunter said.
(Y/N) sighed and scooted next to him.
"If I tell you, will you promise to try and stay calm? I don't want you hurting yourself."
This worried Hunter. He hurt himself? He looked back to them, guilt written all over his face. He nodded. (Y/N) looked at his expression peculiarly but took a deep breath and continued anyway, shrugging it off for a later question.
"You... were hyperventilating and uh.." They paused, they had to be careful to not set him off again. "Something- something seemed wrong. I tried to snap you out of it, but you.. I don't know."
(Y/N) instantly knew they chose the wrong words when they looked back at Hunter. His eyes looked slightly haunted and he looked down at his hands like he did before he fell unconscious earlier. (Y/N) widened their eyes and hurriedly but gently took his hands into their own. They made sure to be firm in case he seemed to get lost again. Hunter looked up sadly, squirming his hands.
"You okay?" (Y/N) asked worriedly.
"Did I..? Did I hurt you..?" He asked, pulling his hands away.
Hunter looked like a kicked puppy just then, it broke their heart. They suddenly came to the realization of why Hunter looked at them like that before. Now they weren't sure if he was pulling away for self-preservation, or if something else was wrong.
"Hey, of course not. Sorry if I made you assume that. You were just having a rough time, okay? I think you were lost in your... thoughts, is all." (Y/N) said carefully.
"Do you promise? I'll never forgive myself if-"
"No, I promise. I just don't want whatever happened to happen again so I'm intentionally being.. choosy with my words."
This made Hunter calm down a bit. But then there was still one unanswered question.
"Is everything alright? Do you not want to be touched right now?" (Y/N) began.
"What happened? I can take it. Please, my head is spinning here." Hunter begged.
(Y/N) paused for a moment before deciding he deserved the truth, even if they thought he couldn't handle it right now. Their question could wait a moment.
"You were doing the dishes. And I was writing on my computer when you suddenly began to hyperventilate.."
(Y/N's) project was almost wrapped up. Only a couple more pages and they could send it in to the editor. They stroked the keys gracefully before a loud gasp brought them out of "the zone". They looked over to the noise. Hunter having done the dishes, had his back facing towards (Y/N). All they could see was that he was trembling with his head bent down, he was panting.
(Y/N) worriedly furrowed their brows and stood up slowly from the table to walk over to Hunter.
"..Hunter?" They asked.
No response, they were met with his rapid breathing.
"Hey sweetie, what's wrong? What ha-"
They gently turned Hunter around and froze when they saw the gushing slash on his finger. Fuck. (Y/N) rushed to grab the nearest dry, clean towel, pressing down on the cut that extended from his finger to his palm. Hunter was still panting harshly after a moment; they looked up at him now.
"Hey, it's just a little cut. It'll be okay." They said with a warm smile.
Hunter seemed to look past them, his eyes glazed over. With tears? From being in a memory? (Y/N) couldn't tell. They gently raised a hand to his scarred right cheek.
"Hunter? You with me?"
His eyes seemed to focus on them, but also right through them. Like he wasn't actually seeing (Y/N), but someone else. They didn't like that look in his eyes, it gnawed at them from the inside as if they did something horribly wrong. Hunter started to go pale under his sweat-slicked skin. (Y/N)'s worry grew, and practically skyrocketed, upon seeing his eyes roll back into his head and seeing his knees bucle before their eyes.
"Hunter!" (Y/N) cried out.
They managed to catch him, just barely. His body was limp in their arms before guided down to the cold, linoleum floor
"You were out for a few minutes. I was close to calling an ambulance or something. When you came to, I had no idea what had happened, not exactly. But then you started hyperventilating again, and I realized it was probably just.. a really bad panic attack or something of the sort. You really gave me quite the scare there." (Y/N) finished.
Hunter blinked. Well that would explain why they were being cautious about the subject. He truly hadn't remembered it. Based on what they were saying though..
"I think it was a flashback." Hunter said.
"What?" They asked worriedly.
"That's the only thing that makes sense. You said you've had them before, right? I remember when you told me about them, and your extensive research on them for your peace of mind, and it seems like that." Hunter said.
"Wait.. you don't.. remember?" (Y/N) asked.
"Remember... what?" Hunter asked.
"What was going on in your head? What you were feeling or what I did? None of it?" They asked, voice laced with concern.
"No, not really. I remember.. clearing my plate and going to the sink. The rest is... black. Blank." He said.
(Y/N) frowned. They recalled their own fits like this as a kid. Well, not by their own account of course, but from loved ones. This was long before they knew what was happening in their small little body. Long before they knew they had experienced trauma, and what it did to a person.
"Then that's exactly what that was, Hunter. I only assume from experience." They said.
"I really don't want to remember... what that was." Hunter said.
"And you don't have to, not right now. But someday.. you will have to face those things whether you want to or not. I know that sounds scary, but you'll always have me. Probably your friends too. You won't have to face them alone." (Y/N) clarified.
Hunter was afraid, but he smiled gently at the thought. But then there was the fact that he probably was in his head, alone.
"But.. you aren't in here with me. Yeah you understand but, at the end of the day it's just me in here. You can't.. you can't be there." Hunter said anxiously.
(Y/N) sighed.
"That might be true. We might be trapped alone in our meatsuits, this little thing we call a cranium. But guess what else? That doesn't mean you're really alone. I will always be within reach. Always." They reassured.
He smiled and (Y/N) took his hand gently.
"Promise." They said.
He noticed his skin wasn't as sensitive for a moment, he rejoiced in not feeling like he was being struck by lightning. He looked away for a second but then back to (Y/N), after he realized.. they meant it.
I haven't written in what seems like months and actually drawing?!. Who is this person and what have they done with Allison ehgetesgfsf
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cubicle-eyes · 1 year
Hunter Noceda x
Anon asked...
A request! A story where Hunter gets a bad itch on his back and is doing an absolutely terrible job of hiding it, and reader notices and scratches it for him :) He's kind of embarrassed at first but soon discovers that he really likes getting his back scratched (he's probably never had anyone do that for him before...wow I kind of made myself sad writing this request lol)
This is amazing and I feel this on a spiritual level . For the entire time I was writing this I was literally giggling
The Noceda's couch was the best place to be at two in the morning. Willow, Luz, Hunter, and Y/N had been previously locked in a heated Mario Kart tournament, while Gus and Vee pretended to be commentators on a sports show. Now, Willow had given up and went to bed, and Luz was passed out while Amity tried and failed to play for her, ending up with them eliminated too. Vee helped Amity take Luz up the stairs and just never came back down, and Gus fell asleep on the floor.
The TV's light cast a blueish glow over the pair, eyes still glued to the screen as they frantically steered around. Hunter shifted slightly, leaning back, and Y/N glanced at him. Hunter moved again, pushing his back against the back of the couch. Y/N paused the game, raising an eyebrow.
"Babe. What are you doing."
"I hate that name. It's either baby or the other one."
"What other one?"
"You know exactly what other one." Hunter huffed, pointing a finger at his boyfriend. Y/N laughed, then scoot closer to Hunter, forcing the blonde to uncross his legs as Y/N pulled them across their lap.
"But seriously, are you good? You keep rubbing your back against the couch like a bear."
"Yeah, I'm fine." He shifted again, scrunched his nose.
"Ohhh. Your back itch?"
Hunter flushed, opening his mouth to protest, but didn't get the chance. Y/N touched Hunter's arm softly before going to his back and scratching gently where Hunter seemed to have the worst itch, making the grimwalker lean forward slightly.
"Up. Right." He said it almost awkwardly, and Y/N chuckled at him, making the blonde sigh. He moved the controller and his legs, shifting so he laid across Y/N's legs, digging his nose into the space between the outside of Y/N's hip and thigh, hugging his torso.
"That feel good, sunshine?"
"Yeah. It's.. different."
"Mhm. My parents used to do this to help me fall asleep."
Hunter hummed and Y/N stopped scratching to run their hand from Hunter's neck to his hips, rubbing each scar carefully. Hunter hugged him a little tighter, sniffling, and Y/N sighed. They pulled Hunter up into their lap, hugging him tightly as Hunter sniffled again, blocking his tears with an awkward laugh. Y/N shook their head, scratching Hunter's back again as the blonde buried his head in their neck.
"Hey, Hunter?" Y/N said softly.
"Hm?" His voice cracked slightly and Y/N turned their head to brush their lips over his cheek.
"I love you."
Hunter smiled, pressing their foreheads together and shutting his eyes, giggling.
"You're weird."
"No, I'm heartfelt. You're weird, you big cat."
"I am not."
"Are too."
"Are not!"
"Are too!"
Y/N sang, tickling Hunter's side. Hunter laughed, fisting at Y/N shirt. The two fell sideways onto the couch with a yelp, then giggled again. Gus groggily blinked, then stayed silent as he watched the couple cuddle on the couch. He exhaled through his nose in amusement, and Y/N made eye contact with him above Hunter's neck. Gus winked and Y/N's smile grew. They kissed Hunter's cheek again and the blonde giggled.
"Hey, Y/N?"
"Yes, sunshine?"
"I love you too."
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A Small, Frail, Thread - Hunter x Non-binary/GN! Reader (Soulmate AU - Red Thread) - Part 1
Requested by Grape67 (AO3)
Word Count: 3.4k (3,469)
Request: i keep asking people for soulmate aus but they never finish them red string of fate perhaps??? angst?????????
Summary: Hunter awakens to realize he has a red thread tied around his finger. He is determined to find out what it means, despite not knowing where to start.
The young male breathed in deeply as he awoke, then exhaled. He sat up in his bed, his eyes still closed, and steadied himself. It was six a.m., and the sun was just barely coming out. Its golden rays crept over the land, spreading its gentle warmth over the world. A ray of gold gleamed through the window and onto the male. He rubbed his face tiredly, and then aggressively rubbed his eyes. He felt his eyes struggle to open, but forced himself to open them slightly. The male yawned deeply, closed his eyes again, and rubbed his face with both hands. As he opened his eyes, he saw a small, red thread with a neat bow tied around his pinkie.
He exhaled, utterly bothered by its presence. “Oh, very funny…” He muttered. He reached to untie the thread, but he couldn’t seem to feel it. He blinked in surprise and tried again. He tried pulling it, tugging it, and untying it, yet the thread did nothing. The young witch gave up and sighed again. He examined the thread closely, attempting to put together why he couldn’t take it off. He exhaled sleepily, remembering he had a job to do and duties to tend. Maybe it’s one of the scouts using an illusion spell as a prank. Ha! Very funny… They’ll see. 
As he got up and out of his bed, he realized the thread led a trail under his door. He tugged on it again but it only seemed to stretch. The male stared at his pinkie, his palm open, and then at the door. “Hmm…” He grumbled angrily, “This is no way to treat the Emperor’s nephew…” The male muttered.
A little, red bird flew onto his shoulder and chirped curiously. “Flapjack! Hey buddy.” The male reached out and pet the bird gently on its head, and the bird sang happily. “Hey, Flapjack, do you know who tied this thread to my finger?” The male raised his pinkie and showed it to the palisman. “I woke up and I saw it, I don’t know who put it here.” The little bird stared at his finger and chirped a response. “What do you mean you can’t see it?! It’s- it’s right here!!” He exclaimed, emphasizing with his other hand. The bird sang back to him. “I- I don’t know why you can’t see it. Maybe it’s a special illusion spell…” The male trailed off in thought, “Or maybe Belos is summoning me! Yeah! That’s probably it!” He exclaimed excitedly. The bird chirped, agreeing with him. 
The male smiled, “You’ll have to stay hidden though, okay?” He explained, raising his index finger, inviting the small palisman. The bird chirped happily and flew onto it. The male smiled and pet him again. “I love you, Flapjack. Stay safe for me, okay?” Flapjack sang to him happily and nuzzled his finger. Hunter smiled and continued petting the bird. “I’m going to find out where this thread goes- it might even be my next mission!” He explained excitedly. The bird replied with another song, and the young witch smiled again. “I need to get ready. I’ll let you come as long as you promise to stay hidden.” Flapjack chirped his promise and Hunter smiled. “Okay, let’s get ready then.”
The male changed into his black shirt, golden vest, and white cloak. He slipped on his black, leather gloves, flexing his fingers in them. Hunter looked at his desk. There laid a round, golden mask with two eye holes. It almost resembled an owl. Hunter glanced at it, reached out, then hesitated. 
The little bird chirped curiously, looking up at the young male. His hair dangled in between his eyes. “Not, yet. I want to know where this goes first,” He held up his finger and examined the thread again.  Flapjack cooed and sang. “C’mon, let go.”
The male reached for the doorknob, looking back at the mask one final time. His view shifted to the red thread, calling to him. I want to know what you are. He sighed, turned the knob, and pulled the door open.
Hunter marched down the halls of the castle, turning left and right, going downstairs, all as the thread demanded. He avoided looking at scouts or guards in the castle. If Flapjack can’t see it, they might not either.
Hunter looked up, realizing he had reached the castle’s gates. The male froze in the black shadow. He looked down at his finger, his eyes following the thread as it crept under the gates. He exhaled in disappointment. Damn.
“Hey, Blondie.”
The male snapped around, recognizing the voice. “Steve! Hey,” He said, waving at him.
“What are you doing out here? The emperor has been looking for you. He wanted you early this morning,” Steve explained smoothly.
His face flushed in embarrassment and his heart sank in terror. 
“I-I-...” He stuttered, not knowing what to do. He felt Flapjack shuffle around under his shirt. “I thought I was being called somewhere…” He admitted nervously. 
“How come?” Steve asked, his voice echoing behind his mask. 
Hunter held up his finger, “I woke up and I saw a red thread wrapped around my finger- I thought it was a prank at first,” he explained. Steve leaned forward and peered through his mask, empty eyes staring at Hunter’s finger. “Then, I realized the thread continued and led all the way... here… past the gates…” Hunter turned to look at the gates again, silent reminders of his restrictions.
“I don’t see anything, sorry man,” Steve replied, straightening his back. 
Hunter’s ears bent back in shame as his face flushed madly. “O-oh…” Hunter murmured. 
“I’ve heard people mumble about these things. Red string leading to another person and whatnot, but I’ve never seen them,” Steve explained, sighing sadly. “EVERYONE seems to have one… everyone except me…” He hung his head down sadly, staring at his feet. Hunter frowned uncomfortably at the scout before him. “Anyways you should get going, you know how Belos gets when his orders aren’t followed.”
“Y-yeah…” Hunter replied nervously. 
Steve sighed heavily, “All of it so much… Steve is beginning to regret. HIS. Choices…” He sang as he walked away from the young male. 
Hunter turned to face the gates again. They were like silent golems demanding him to stay put. His eyes traced the thread carefully as it slipped beneath the gates. Hunter shifted his gaze down the hall, knowing the exact path to the throne room. Something bothered him. Suddenly, he didn’t want to go, he wanted to find the end of the thread.
The young male sighed, shifting around, his eyes locked on the delicate thread hidden beneath the gates. He had left the castle the day before for a mission. It wouldn’t be until the end of the week that he would be allowed out again. The male turned and began to march down to the throne room, to the emperor waiting for him. 
Hunter had turned back around when he was halfway at his destination. He rushed to his room, hastily snatched his mask, and scurried back down.
The Golden Guard approached the open doors of the throne room, a tall, muscular male standing before him. A purple cape was elegantly draped over the right side of his body. His eyes glowed green and his pursed lips reflected the dancing firelight.
“If it isn’t the little prince,” He sang, looking down at the male. The Golden Guard blushed in embarrassment, feeling the mask reflect his heat back to him. “About time you showed up. What? Slept in today? You know better…” He grumbled, looking down at the Golden Guard in disgust.
“I thought I was called elsewhere, Darius-” He began.
“Oh, you thought? What a surprise, he thinks!” Darius exclaimed, smirking at the small male. “Hmph, don’t you know to do as you’re told?” He taunted, his purple hair bubbling up like the fire in the torches.
The Golden Guard curled his fists in embarrassment. 
“Go in,” Darius muttered. “The Emperor has been waiting for you…” He walked past the male, leaving the dark room and walking into the hallway.
The male made his way in. He followed the long carpet leading up to the throne. Scouts stood at attention along the walls, staring forward lifelessly like perfect statues. A large, black, heart beat above the throne steadily, filling the room with a gentle rhythm of beats and thuds. On the throne sat a tall, slim, masked figure. The Golden Guard made his way to the steps of the throne and kneeled before the emperor.
“Emperor Belos, I apologize for my tardiness,” He began, speaking boldly behind his mask. “I believed you had summoned me elsewhere and I had gone to follow,” He trembled slightly behind the mask. 
���Hunter, you know I called you here,” The emperor responded in his soft, mechanic voice. “I call you here after each mission, and after each mission, you come here,” He waved his hand at the boy. “Now, why did you think I called you elsewhere?” 
Hunter felt his face flush red. Fear filled his veins as his heartbeat quickened. “I saw a red thread tied around my finger. I-I believed you had left it a-as a sign for me to follow i-it,” He explained nervously, bowing his head forward before the emperor. “I apologize.”
The emperor tensed for a moment, clutching his throne harshly, and then rose. He stepped down from the throne and towards Hunter. “Come,” He said, and the male rose immediately to his side. “Hunter, it is good you have told me this. Never keep anything from me. Secrets are just as dangerous as wild magic,” He explained. Hunter tensed, feeling Flapjack’s gentle feathers against him. “Now tell me, where did you see this… ‘red thread’, Hunter?” He asked, stopping to face the male behind him. 
Hunter held up his gloved hand. He could see the thread around his finger despite the black leather. “It’s on my pinky,” He began, “I woke up this morning a-and saw it there, “I thought you were summoning m-me… s-so I followed i-it.”
Belos loomed down to examine his finger. “Where? I don’t see this thread.” Hunter felt his heart sink. “There’s nothing there, are you sure?” He asked, rising back up. “You haven’t been involved with any wild magic, have you?” He asked, his blue pupils glowing through the darkness of the mask. Hunter felt himself shrink as he stared into them. He began to tremble slightly in fear. His blue pupils stood out so that they appeared to be the only light in the room.
Hunter unfroze and shook his head, “N-n-no! Of course not!” He exclaimed, almost pleading Belos to spare his life. “I know how dangerous wild magic is! T-that’s why I asked you! I-I-I-” 
“Hunter, this is a good sign,” He explained merrily.  “This only proves that the Titan has big plans for you, Hunter,” Belos said. Hunter gasped in bewilderment. “You see, this thread doesn’t really lead anywhere. It’s just a reminder of the link between you and the Titan. Wherever you go, this thread will follow you, Hunter.”
The Golden Guard looked down at his finger proudly, feeling a sense of value fulfill him. 
“Just, keep this in mind, Hunter,” Belos murmured. “Tampering with wild magic will cut the tie between you and the Titan. The thread will never lead you to anything or anyone specifically,” He continued, placing a hand over Hunter’s shoulder. He loomed down, his eyes glowing a bright, menacing blue. “DO. NOT. Follow it.” He muttered harshly. 
Hunter trembled before the glowing blue, “B-but I saw it lead somewhere!” He exclaimed.
The Emperor’s grip tightened around the male, “DO NOT follow it, Hunter,” He hissed. “Those who have tried following this thread only find themselves a fate worse than that the Titan had planned.” He rose up, carefully examining the thread before looking at Hunter again. “Respect the Titan’s will and he will guide you. Do not tamper with it, DO NOT. Follow. It.” The Emperor made his way back to his throne. “I know you will not let me down, right, Hunter?” He turned his head to face the male behind him.
Hunter trembled as he straightened his back, and then dropped to his knee. Beads of sweat adorned his face behind the mask.
“I won’t let you down, Emperor Belos,” He replied mechanically in utter terror.
The Emperor smiled behind his mask, the blue pupils fading away. “Very good, Hunter. You are dismissed.”
The witch shuffled around their bed as they woke up. The golden sun had been illuminating the world for a few hours by the time they awoke. They shuffled awkwardly, sitting up and rubbing their eyes hastily as they prepared themselves for another day. The warmth of their blankets begged them to stay, to rest in their comfort, but they knew better than to sleep in.
(Y/N) fell back onto their bed tiredly, waiting for their mind to fully awaken. They blinked slowly, their eyes adapting to the warm gold of the sun filling their room. They reached their hand up to let the sun dance on their fingers and smiled slightly. The shining light radiated heat onto their fingers, and a small thread shined slightly as it reflected the sun’s light.
The witch shot up, wide-eyed, and suddenly fully awake. They dug their fingers into their bed with one hand as they steadied themselves. 
“What?!” They whispered to themselves, examining their pinky. They turned their hand over several times as they examined the thread. “What? What?! H-how?!” (Y/N) muttered to themselves in shock. 
They knew too well what the thread was. Their face flushed red as they realized they were wrong about everything. Ever since they were little, they lacked the thread so many others had.
 The thread was said to unite two souls together; two souls to form one. Many called it the “Red Thread of Fate”, others simply “The Red Thread”. (Y/N) had even heard it be called “The red pinky string or something”. The sacred thread would connect soulmates so they would always have a way to find one another. It was a thin, red thread tied to the pinky of each person. The thread would stretch and shrink, depending on the distance between the two souls, but it would never tear. 
(Y/N) had been sure they were meant to be alone, and they had accepted it. They never saw any thread tied to their finger. (Y/N) shuffled out of their bed and faced their closed door. The red string slithered under it, beckoning them to follow. 
They stared at the door, thoughts flooding through their mind. How did this happen? Why did this happen? Why now, suddenly, after all these years? They looked back at their pinky, the neat bow standing out. Who? Who could it possibly be? Everyone I know has a thread… (Y/N) sighed and turned away from the door, looking through their window at the golden sun outside.
The Golden Guard marched down to his room. He turned the doorknob and pushed the door open. He walked into the empty room, filled by the fading light of the sun. The male shut the door behind him and went to his bed, collapsing onto it, exhausted. He sighed deeply, covering his face with his hands. 
The little palisman crept out of his cape and onto his chest, singing gently to him. 
Hunter opened his eyes and tilted his head up. “Flapjack!” He smiled and lifted his head up. “Hey buddy, long day, huh?” He pet the bird's head gently and it whistled happily.
Hunter’s view shifted to the thread on his pinky. He knew Belos had told him not to follow it, but he longed to know where it led. Hunter recalled Steve’s words, “Red string leading to another person and whatnot”. He paused for a moment, could it really lead to someone else? Who? 
Flapjack noticed Hunter was staring at his hand and chirped to him. “Hmm? Oh, i-it’s just the thread.  I want to know what it is…” Hunter trailed off and continued to pet the little bird. Flapjack sang back to him. “Well, Belos said ‘The Titan had big plans for me’, but Steve says these can lead to people. I’m… not sure though. I’ve never heard of these,” Hunter explained to the small palisman.
The little bird chirped and flapped its wings excitedly, bouncing further along his chest. “What? Have you heard of these before?” Hunter sat up and beckoned for the little bird to hop onto his finger. Flapjack bounced onto it and sang. “You can’t see it, but you know what it is?” Hunter asked excitedly. The bird chirped happily, “Really? You knew someone who had a red thread too?!” Hunter leaned down to the bird as it continued singing to him.
Hunter’s eyes widened as Flapjack told him of a person who had claimed to see the thread, and how they found their soulmate because of it. Hunter looked to his door and stared at the thread that slipped under it. He sighed, remembering what Belos had said, and shuddered. Hunter turned to his window, watching the sun fade away into the hills. 
Hunter longed for an answer, for a reason. If this thread led to someone, why appear now? To who would it lead? What would be their connection to him? And if it really did connect him to the Titan, why would Belos keep that until now? What was his true purpose?
Flapjack chirped curiously as he watched Hunter. The boy turned to face the little bird and pet him gently. “I want to know where this thread leads- whether it’s to something or someone. I want to know what I’m meant for,” He murmured to the little bird. Flapjack watched him as he stared out the window again. “And if it really leads to someone… I want to know who they are. Maybe… maybe I have a soulmate,” He said hopefully, looking back to the thread.
Flapjack chirped excitedly. “I know, I want to go now too,” He pet the bird gently, “But we have to wait until the weekend. I’ll go out for a mission, and we can find out where this thread leads- together.”
A shadow swam around the walls, echoing laughter and mischievous giggles. 
“You were sca-ared!!” The boyish voice sang, giggling as it continued to swim. “I saw you! You were sca-ared! Sca-ared! Sca-ared!!” It twirled and jumped from wall to wall. 
The slim figure stood before the shadow, watching it with a slight smirk. 
“No, no,” The figure explained in a soft voice, “All it did was remind me of someone. That doesn’t matter though, I know how to keep him in line.” 
The shadow giggled, “Oh yeah?! Well, I saw you!” It chimed back, swirling next to the figure. “He’s just like your brother? Isn’t he?!” The shadow smiled at the discomfort of the figure below him. The shadow split into two figures on opposite walls, a thin thread connecting them. One was a masculine shadow with a strand of hair dangling in front of his head and the other figure was a feminine shadow with short, wild hair.
“A small, frail thread
Tainted by red
Connecting two
Unites, me and YOU!” 
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It sang loudly. It was the same voice yet it echoed as if it were two people chanting in unison. The shadow came back together, forming a boyish figure that appeared to be in sleepwear. “Heh, you WERE right! Out of all the Grimwalkers, he’s the one most like him!” It giggled in glee, swimming around and splitting into what seemed like a hundred shadows, all identical to each other. They were all the same; cloaked and masked shadows. They filled the room, swarming around one another.
“Yes, but that doesn’t matter, Collector,” He explained, “Hunter isn’t like the previous attempts. I say, 'The Titan has big plans for you,' and he listens,” The slim male spoke softly, feeling his blood run cold as he stared at the figures. 
“Hmm,” The shadows sang in unison, collecting back to form the Collector, “Whatever,” He muttered, “I’m just saying. He REAAALLLYYYY liked that thread,” He replied, looking down at the male.
The male felt his hands freeze and begin to tingle as he recalled his brother: the joy that overwhelmed him as he realized the thread he always talked about connected him to a mysterious witch from another realm. The joy they shared together when they finally united. The abandonment he felt when his brother left him for a witch.
A witch.
He snapped back and looked up at the boy, a gentle smirk on his face. “It won’t happen again, Collector. I’ll make sure of it.”
A/N: I wanted to do this one so much sooner and I lied when I said I was gonna catch up on my requests. I gOt hIt bY a CaR (i'm fine lol).
I also really wanted to get it started. My brain is scattered all over the place and I have some specific scenes planned out. I'm sorry this one didn't have much involvement with Hunter and the reader. I'm setting up the scene and I swear I'll have the next part out soon.
Also like I mentioned I haven't seen all of ToH so when I did research of how Belos treats Hunter I almost cried jhsdddhwkhdegj
Thanks for requesting Grape67!
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Hunter angst?? The main idea is basically everyone got a happy ending, except the "right person, wrong time" character. And that character would be y/n?
It's not my time (TOH Hunter x M! Reader)
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Apologies if this isn't what you wanted exactly but it was the best I could think of! Also sorry for the cliffhanger.
Characters: Hunter
CW: Angst, Internalized homophobia (from hunter)
Theme: Hunter Angst
Reader: Male reader
A/U: None
Premise: Hunter loves Y/n but he has no room for a relationship, or well he's not ready for one
It was hard for him to realize why his heart felt the way it did. Why it would pound louder and beat faster than normal, Hunter couldn’t place a word for it. At first he thought he was dying when he saw him. The boy that changed Hunter’s whole world view, it was odd. Hunter soon fell in love with the feeling that he felt when he saw that h/c haired boy walk by his jurisdiction that Hunter was in charge of.
It was hard for Hunter not to watch that boy walk by. But with that love and admiration for this boy, whom Hunter didn’t even know the name of, came sadness. Hunter often rationalized a lot of his thoughts when it came to this boy. Often thinking of the pros and cons of even introducing himself to this mysterious boy that has seemed to capture his heart.
Hunter often spent a lot of sleepless nights over thinking a whole interaction between this boy and how it would go. However, any time Hunter tried to confront this boy either Hunter would become really harsh as if he were talking to someone breaking the law or he would chicken out and just apologize. Hunter did learn of this boy's name though, and it was thanks to Luz.
It was during the first time Hunter met Luz, during the Selkidomus hunt. Y/n did go with Luz during this, and Hunter had taken capture of the boy along with King as a way to get what Belos needed. Y/n didn’t talk much but Hunter did oddly enjoy the boy's company. This was when Hunter’s feelings for Y/n developed. It was weird for him to take such interest in someone that wasn’t Belos and much less a human.
A human that wasn’t from Hunter’s world. That was one of the downfalls of his crush. However Hunter didn't even place it to be a crush at the time. Only ever thinking of the feelings that Y/n caused was admiration or some sort of feeling that was the same. Hunter knew that Y/n wouldn’t stay forever, much less stay in the Boiling Isles with him.
Hunter spent his days in daydreams of Y/n and what might happen if he even just said hi. All he wanted was to befriend Y/n. So why couldn’t he? What was stopping him? He always wondered and berated himself for becoming so scared about even just interacting with Y/n.
He was the golden guard. He’s fought monsters that were bigger and stronger than him. But his weakness was this h/c h/l boy. It made no sense to Hunter. And he really couldn’t go to anyone for answers, other than Luz. He wasn’t on good terms with the girl however.
So in all Hunter was alone. He was alone and he couldn’t find a way to go about even befriending Y/n. Y/n however, always admired Hunter. That admiration settled when he talked to the blonde a bit during his short time of being captured. Hunter somehow opened up to Y/n, even when he was a stranger to the boy.
It was odd for the two. Y/n learned about Hunter’s dedication to Belos and seemingly managed to understand that Hunter really couldn’t discover himself as a person during his time as the Golden Guard. Y/n learned that Hunter was just a blind follower and made himself to be whatever the others wanted him too.
It hurt Y/n a bit, he could only guess how old Hunter was just by his height alone. Y/n had never initiated any conversation so as not to disturbed the working Hunter. This displeased the blond guard a great deal. What hurt Hunter the most though was seeing Y/n with someone else.
Someone who wasn’t him.
It was a normal sunny day in the Boiling Isles, chaos was everywhere and there were wild witches to catch. Hunter was tasked with this near the town center. Just his luck because this was where he saw Y/n most of the time.
Today was going to be the day he was going to say hi and introduce himself. No more running away. No more being a coward. Here and now Hunter was going to befriend Y/n. His body stiffened when he heard a familiar voice.
“Oh yeah! I love doing that!”
Hunter felt his face heating up. What was this? Hunter felt weird that even hearing the melodic tone of Y/n’s voice had caused such a reaction from him. This wasn’t normal. The very few times Belos told him stories of love it wasn’t like this.
This sort of guilt settled in his heart. Hunter had turned around to find the familiar boy he had been seeing in the area for a long time now, even after the small capture. It was as if fate was giving him something good after years of torment, but with that good feeling settled more guilt. But then he heard an unfamiliar voice that followed Y/n’s. 
“It had me rolling over on my side! That’s how funny it was!”
Hunter ignored whoever was speaking to Y/n. They weren’t important in his mind. He was wracking his brain to find an answer for his feelings, for why he was acting like this. This jealousy in him wasn’t uncommon but the reason for it was new.
He didn’t expect to have fallen so hard for a human that wasn’t even from this world. So much so that there was this possessiveness in him for Y/n. He wasn’t even sure why he felt this way.
What made Y/n so likable to Hunter?
That question in his mind was the least of his worries. He was in love with Y/n! It didn’t feel right to him. He was making himself sick. But this sickness didn’t stem from his thoughts on him liking another boy. No. It was from the one who cared for him most of his life.
Belos put this self hate in Hunter, even when he tried his hardest Belos seemed to never be pleased. With those thoughts of not being good enough for Belos added to the thoughts of Y/n didn’t work well.
Under his mask Hunter was crying. Tears welled up in his red eyes, his vision blurring in the process. Y/n noticed a familiar figure that he had grown to be able to recognize from anywhere. Hunter froze as he saw Y/n walking up to him. 
‘Why now?’
Hunter’s mind was close to exploding. He didn't want to misplace this anger and hate to Y/n. So he did what he said he wasn't going to do. He ran. He ran from the one person who made him feel so many good things.
He blamed Y/n for how he made him fall in love with him. Part of Hunter wanted to hold Y/n's hand but those thoughts were suppressed. He couldn't go to any one, he didn't want to be labeled as something unpleasant.
Y/n was left alone. It would be a lie if he didn't admit that he was a bit hurt. The friend Y/n was walking with had approached him.
"Hey you okay dude?"
Y/n didn't respond. He only stared to where Hunter had ran away.
'What am I doing wrong?'
Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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ts4ritsa · 1 year
Hello. I really like your headcanons, I was wondering if you could make an owl house, hunter with a human female introvert s/o
Only if you're comfortable with it, of course 🩷 Thanks!
✧ hunter headcanons :
with an introverted human s/o (fem reader but is pretty gn)
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- As an introvert, you often find yourself struggling to open up to new people — but when you met Hunter, you found it easy to connect with him and you surprisingly got along very well
- At first, you were hesitant to pursue a relationship with him, but as it grew, you found that he was quite patient with you and understanding of your introverted tendencies
- Hunter also had a habit of admiring you from afar; you gave off an eerie yet ethereal aura when you so much as walked around in a garden as the sun set
- Hunter knows the feeling that sometimes you need alone time to recharge, so he would never pressure you talk or anything — he’s very much content to just spend time quietly with you, as he also needs a break from everything sometimes
- But Hunter would regardless love to hear you talk and just ramble about whatever, he doesn't interrupt or talk over you, and he always gives you his full attention when you're sharing your thoughts and feelings about anything
- If you're feeling overwhelmed in social situations, he’s got your back. He'll stand by your side and give you a reassuring smile, or take you outside with him if you need to take a break
- Hunter isn't… too afraid to take the lead when it comes to planning dates. He knows that you might feel overwhelmed by too many choices, or something too freaky even for a witch cause he definitely doesn’t want to freak you out
- But he doesn’t want to disappoint you by picking something lame, so he'll come up with a few options that he hopes you'll enjoy, obviously with the help of Luz and Willow — like a quiet picnic date at the park, or a day at the aquarium!
- Despite how you may be, Hunter would never force you to feel like you need to change — he loves you for who you are, and he appreciates the unique qualities that make you- you!
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Shamelessly jumping off that other anon's suggestion, could you write a short piece where Hunter receives some shoulder rubs? :) Thanks!
Yall really love Hunter dont you.
dw we love to see it (can be read as romantic or platonic)
WARNINGS: trauma obviously since it’s Hunter, other than that nothing
this is fluff btw hint of angst if you squint and look at this upside down
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Doesnt know how to feel about shoulder pats to begin with
there are a few scenes with Belos putting his hands on his shoulders so if he’s had a bad day emotionally it may bring back some memories
after sometime he learns to not exactly like it but find comfort in it
if you have warm hands he finds them soft and comforting
if you have cool hands he finds them calming and relaxing
he does like shoulder massages a lot, he’s got some serious tension in his back and shoulders so help knead them out
he likes you wrapping your arms around his neck putting your head on top of his
hes not against shoulder rubs he just needs time to get used to touch that isn’t malicious
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normal-internet-user · 9 months
Shared Headcanons:
Nothing yet...
Hunter With An ADHD Reader Who Has Sensory Issues
Amity Blight:
Nothing yet...
Gus Porter:
Nothing yet...
Luz Noceda:
Nothing yet...
Willow Park:
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
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hiddens-eden · 1 year
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frickingnerd · 4 months
late night love bets
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pairing: gus porter x gn!reader (+hexside squad)
summary: the hexside squad wonders when you and gus are finally going to ask each other out...
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“those two are painfully oblivious…”
amity sighed softly and shook her head, watching as you leaned against gus and slept soundly, while the boy had drifted off to sleep as well.
“how much longer will it take until they finally ask each other out? they're already acting like a couple…”
luz chuckled at her girlfriend's remark, peeking in your direction, before pulling out her phone.
“who knows…”
she shrugs and snaps a picture of the two of you, before turning towards amity, hunter and willow.
“but i'd bet that it'll be… within the next two months!”
“i'm betting it'll happen within this month”
hunter corrected her, slipping luz's phone out of her hands and pulling her away from you two, to let you sleep.
“the way that gus talks about them, i'm sure he's ready to confess soon…!”
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the-salem-devil · 2 years
*slowly slides you a $20* take out the Belos possession part, and let us get some cursed Hunter content bc hot
I’m a prophet, I’m doing both the lords and satans work simultaneously
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“What a good little pet you are, darling.”
His voice was dripping with sickly sweet, honeyed condescension, and you were ashamed of the way it made you squeeze your thighs together.
He put a hand on your head, running and tangling his fingers in your hair before tugging your head back, he didn’t pull but the slight sting felt so good.
“Will you keep being good for me, love?” His eyes darkened as he looks down at you, the iridescent blue of his eyes almost losing its glow when desire overtakes his face.
The look of hunger, like he’s only moments away from eating you whole, makes you whimper slightly, much to his satisfaction.
He raised a eyebrow at you, “Well?” he already knows the answer, but he wants to hear you say it, he always wants to hear you say it.
“..Yes.” when he stared at you expectantly, you bite your lip before following it with what he wanted to hear, something that never failed to make him grip your hair tighter, to thrust a little harder, to spread his fingers wider.
“Yes, sir.”
The smirk that toys along his lips is truly devilish, dark satisfaction overtaking his tone, “Well done, pet.” He untangled his fingers from your hair in order to stroke it instead,
You let out another whimper, desperately clenching your thighs together to try and relieve some of the heat between them.
“Take off my pants, pet, that’s just right, good job.”
He’d slip his hand from your head to your chin, using his thumb to coax your mouth open as wide as he wants, and you complied easily, almost eagerly.
His length was in-front of you, and despite his calm, collected exterior you could tell how much you were affecting him, he wanted you just as badly as you wanted him, but he had patience, patience that you did not.
You could taste the little leak of his desire when he pushed into your mouth, it dripped onto your tongue and down your throat when he pushed in further, filling your mouth.
You made a muffled sound around him, and he ran his fingers through your hair, almost comfortingly, “Shhh, don’t worry, just a little more, you can take it.”
He always said that, but it was never just ‘a little more.’
He pushed further inside, and you started sucking slowly, gentle pressure that made him let out a low, warped growl, “Yeah, just like that, good pet.”
You gripped his thighs as he recoiled back slightly, only to push in deeper, his head was thrown back slightly, but those dark, hungry eyes never left your face.
You could see the way he revelled in the small, pleasured tears that built in the corner of your eyes, the saliva that would roll down your chin when you sucked harder, the way your eyes rolled back slightly.
He let out a few deep groans, and you could feel him getting closer, he’d tense under the hands you placed on his thighs for support, the way his hands gripped your hair tighter.
You thought he’d finish in your mouth, he used to do it on your skin with your permission, but he’s taken a liking to shooting it down your throat, carrying a piece of him when you leave his side.
Keeping a part of him around when you left for work or school, a reminder that you belong to him when those filthy rats tried to speak to you.
But when he tensed even more, and you were sure he was about to finish, he’d abruptly pull from your mouth.
You were confused and slightly dazed, your mouth still open, spit running down your chin and flooding you mouth, your eyes hazy with desire.
“Awh, love,” He parted out, his voice nothing more than a low growl that send shivers up your spine, “Did you think that’d be it?”
You really didn’t, even if he finished in your mouth, you know from experience their would he pools of both his and your own pleasure following that.
“Ah, um.” Is all you could let out, finally getting your bearings enough to close your mouth, he raised both his brows at you, “N-No, sir.”
He crouched down, your hands came to rest of the carpet underneath you, and he took your face in his hands, those lustful eyes promising a night of a thousand sins.
“Get on the bed, on your hands and knees.”
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Windy night (golden guard x reader)
word count: 778 words estimate of reading time: 3 minutes
-you and the hexide squad go camping and Hunter has a nightmare 
-tw: none (I think)
-don’t be shy and correct any of my mistakes
-requests are open
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Luz put out the fire and the only light that was left was from a few light spells that just floated around. From your hammock you watched as her shadow slowly dissapeared into Amity’s tent and then gave your attention to the slowly fading light orbs. 
All focun on your surrounding or time was lost as you stared at them and let your imagination carry you away. It wasn’t until they completely faded away that you realised everyone else had gone to sleep. You looked around and checked everyone. 
Willow and Gus sleeping on the ground in sleeping bags, Luz and her girlfriend in a tent, Hunter in a treehouse on the tree where your hammock was tied and of course you in mentioned hammock. 
Everything was peacefull and quiet but you couldn’t sleep. You carefuly crawled out of your hammock and went to sit on a big rock where you could look at all the stars the night brought. You pointed out different stars and constellations to yourself and watched as clouds hid the moon and then revealed it again, time to time something shined with a stronger light, something with a weaker one and you listened as the breeze made trees dance. 
After a long time of this you finally felt the tiredness wash over you. You got up and walked back, ready to go to sleep. 
You carefully entered your hammock and closed your eyes, only shoot up with shock when Hunter upstairs fell of the bed, or at least you thought so. You sighned and went to check up on it. You climbed a ladder to the treehouse and opened the half broken door with a creak. 
There on the floor he sat in tears, his arms around his knees. ,,Hunter? What’s going on?” Softly you said and kneeled down to him. ,,Y/n?” He looked at you though them. You sat next to him and hesitantly put your arm on his back. 
,,Yea it’s just me.” He took a few deep breaths and tried to calm himself down. ,,It was just a nightmare. I’m fine.” He stated and whiped his tears away. ,,Hunter I know damn well you aren’t fine, otherwise you wouldn’t be sitting on the floor in tears.” You rubbed circles on his back and he looked for a right reply. To you the silence was getting a little awkward after a while of quiet so you spoke up. ,,You were in Belos’ mind again right?” He sniffed and nodded. ,,Wanna talk about it?” ,,No, i’m just tired.” This time you nodded and continued rubbing his back.  Hunter leaned into you and rested his head on your shoulder. You could feel his body losing it’s energy as he drifted off to sleep. 
You picked up his limp body and put him back to his bed. He rolled to his side away from you, facing the wall. You walked out of the treehouse and climbed down the lader, finally laying down in your hammock and falling asleep. 
As the night continued the wind picked up a bit and the treehouse creaked when the tree it was build on moved. Hunter, being a very light sleeper woke up from the creaking and sat up, confused. ,,Y/n?” He looked around for you but there were no signs that you were there. He whiped the sleep out of his eyes and let them adjust to the dark. 
When he could see at least something he stood up and left the treehouse, looking for you. He found your hammock in a bit and sat down next to it, leaning onto the tree it was tied to. 
The wind still continued in it’s midnight dancing and the trees danced with it, though it was getting a little bit cold and Hunter shivered, becouse he was only in his pajamas, sitting on the, quite cold, ground. 
He looked up to you in your hammock and the sight of you made him warm up at least a little. But then tha wind blew around him and he was cold again. ,,Y/n?” He poked a finger into your cheek. You  grumbled and opened your eyes. ,,What do you waaant?” You murmured half asleep. ,,Uh I was um wondering if I could sleep here.” You looked at him for with your half closed eyes. ,,Do what you want, just lemme sleeeep.” You finally said and closed your eyes again. 
He slightly smiled and carefuly went in your hammock, snuggling up to you, laying his head on your chest and you snaked your arms around him. Your body warmth warmed him up along with his blushing face as Hunter drifted off to sleep.
I feel like I haven’t done the best with this one but I was thinking about this for long tme and just wanted to get it done. Also when I proofread it it felt a little rushed but who am I to judge for others.
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asmallpinkfan3 · 1 year
woah woah WOAH, you write for toh too?? Didnt know thay holy cow
ANYWAYS, could i request a hunter x gn witch reader who is literally death straight up like in pib: tlw (appears to be a teenager and cannot change that, but age is immortal)
itd be funny because hunter is in his wolf phase and then he meets reader who is the embodiment of death as a wolf
maybe a little angst because reader has met every other version of hunter/caleb but is unable to take their souls to rest because of phillip :((
love ur stories stay hydrated <33
Awww poor hunter but ofc.
Also i didn’t know if you wanted romantic or platonic so I’m gonna go with platonic.
Hunter x reader who is the embodiment of death.
Song I listened to on repeat while writing this:paint it -black Rolling Stones.
Warnings: small angst of reader not being able to take hunters soul, swearing
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You were always called to take souls but one stood out from the rest.
Hunter, or as known as the golden guard was not able to have his soul taken.
You saw how his brother murdered him and when you went to take his soul his body was no where to be found.
Cursing under your breath you needed to find him and his soul before something bad happens.
Soon when you found his soul it was no longer there it was made into something for evil.
“Shit this is bad”. You mumbled to yourself as the golden guard stood beside Phillip.
Even after all of the ‘deaths’ of the past golden gaurds you still desperately wanted to set his soul free instead of being trapped.
So when hunter came along and found out the truth you felt a sort of relief thinking maybe now he could be free, wether it be living this life out as someone else, not the golden guard.
You saw how him and the others connected, he seemed happier with them instead of being threatened constantly for a slight mistake.
You wanted to end belos for all the pain he cause his own brother.
So when him and the hexsquad were sent to the human realm you followed just to make sure that he was gonna be ok.
After a couple of weeks you saw how he got better and seemed much more happier.
One day you were near by watching him see and he mentioned that he liked wolves to Gus his eyes wide with sparkle.
You took the chance and walked up to him while he was in the bathroom putting a bandage on a. Cut he had got on his wrist from getting scratched from amitys cat.
“Hunter.” You got his attention and he turned at the unfamiliar voice.
His eyes widened at you, you were a wolf after all how did you know his name?
He stumbled back, “h-how do you know my name”? He asked his hands grabbing onto the sink behind him. You put your paws up.
“I’m not here to hurt you hunter”. You said, your eyes soft and a small smile.
He furrowed his brows in confusion, “then what are doing here”? He asked desperately wanting to know.
“I just wanted to talk, I’ve seen all of your previous deaths and I can never seem to collect your soul”. You explained and his eyes went wide with confusion and fear.
We’re you gonna collect his soul now? You took the silence as a shock and continued.
“I’m the embodiment of death meaning I end peoples timer of life”. You said and he slowly let go of the sink.
“And I’m not here for your soul, i promise”. You added slowly putting your paws down.
“So your a wolf that’s the embodiment of death and your not here to collect my soul and you just want to talk”? He questioned.
You nodded and he slowly walked closer to you, you gave him a small smile and ruffled his hair.
“Wait you won’t tell the others I’m a grimwalker right”? He asked panicking you shook your head.
“No they don’t even know I’m here”. He breathed a sigh of relief and heard Willow calling his name.
“Hey I think Willow needs you I’ll talk to you later”. You said and he passed by you to the bathroom doorway.
“See you around hunter”. He turned back to you and smiled.
“See you around..” he didn’t even know your name.
“Y/n or death”. You answered.
“Right see you y/n”! He yelled walking to Willow.
Ok so I genuinely didn’t know where to go for this.
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