tickle-bugs · 1 year
coukd u maybe do a b99, maybe jake teases amy at work by just poking her sides then amy gets revenge when they get home ?
Poking the Bear
For the record, Jake loves his girlfriend. He just also really, really loves messing with her. She makes it easy. 
“Hey, Ames. Can you pass me that box? Yep, that one.” He points up at the upper shelf in the evidence locker, knowing damn well Amy can just barely reach it. She stretches up onto her tiptoes, pulling the box closer to the edge of the shelf with small brushes of her fingertips. Jake watches the movement of her hands for a little too long. 
When the box reaches the shelf’s edge, Jake crowds right behind her. She instinctively leans back into him--which, wow, that’s adorable--and uses his presence to keep herself from losing her balance. 
He pokes her sides. Her squeak echoes like a gunshot. 
“Jake.” She whirls around and grabs his hands. 
“Amy.” He gives her his most innocent stare. “Still need that box, babe.”
She narrows her eyes at him. He smiles. 
Amy slowly, slowly, reaches up for the box, eyes flicking rapidly over her shoulder to ensure Jake isn’t up to shenanigans. When she has the box securely in her hands, he pokes her sides again. She drops it with a yelp. He picks up the box as if nothing happened, as if she weren’t boring holes into the side of his head with her eyes. 
“Thanks.” He kisses her temple and squeezes past her, not even bothering to hide his smirk. 
“‘Scuse me.” Jake gives Amy’s sides a few pinches. Amy giggles--giggles!--and bumps into Rosa in her effort to escape. Rosa and Jake lock eyes for a moment. 
“Jake,” Amy hisses, her face blooming an adorable pink. She swats his shoulder. 
“Amy.” Jake holds an affronted hand to his chest. She glares, her nose scrunching just slightly as she tries to explode his head with her mind. Jake fights the temptation to kiss her nose. 
Jake slips some cash into the vending machine and gives it a good kick for an extra bag of chips. He tosses it to Rosa and she catches it one handed, popping the bag neatly at the top with the force of her grip. Jake pauses to admire her handiwork, pokes Amy again, and swiftly flees the breakroom. He just narrowly ducks out of her grasp, but her squeal tells him that she couldn’t escape Rosa’s.
Amy’s laughter follows Jake out into the bullpen. His heart soars with it. 
“Jacob Peralta.” The door slams open. Amy kicks off her shoes and leaps onto the bed. 
“Hey honey, how was your--Amy, we can talk about thihihis!” Jake cackles as Amy tazes his sides, moving up and down in erratic patterns. He grabs her wrists for something to hold onto. 
“Go ahead, talk.” Amy readjusts herself on his legs. Jake splutters and stares up at her, any coherent defense of his character lost to the sight of her hovering over him, her hair tumbling in loose waves down her shoulders. She rests her fingers in points on his stomach, still but threatening. God, she’s so pretty--focus, Peralta. 
She raises an eyebrow. Jake whines and covers his face. 
“That’s what I thought.” She vibrates her fingers into his stomach. His whole body jumps and he plummets into belly-laughter, the kind that makes him curl like a shrimp and wave his hands around. 
“You have some nerve when you’re the one who’s deathly ticklish.” Amy tries to sneak her hands up to his armpits, but he clamps his elbows tightly down. This only traps her fingers on his ribs, but he’ll take it. He’d like not to die tonight. 
“I am not!” Jake gasps, but the goofy smile on his face isn’t helping his case. Amy squeezes his sides. Jake makes a noise not unlike a squeaky toy, complete with a bouncy giggle, and Amy has the audacity to coo at him. 
“You sure? Because this--” Another squeeze, and Jake actually snorts-- “Says otherwise.”
“You sound like the Pillsbury dough boy.” Amy snickers. Jake lets out a garble of syllables and curls up again, but Amy pinches at his stomach until he uncurls. He throws his head back into the pillows and kicks his legs. She finds a seam of muscle near his sides and curls her fingers into it, scritching with reckless abandon. Jake squeals and flops around. 
“If you wanted me to do this, you could’ve just asked,” Amy murmurs in his ear, her smile curling past his pinkened ears. He squeaks in a way that would put their tea kettle to shame and hides his face again. 
This is one of the best parts of their relationship. The way she knows him inside and out. 
“Y-You are going to kill me, ohmygod.” His voice comes out at a higher pitch than he would have thought possible. 
“You’ll live,” Amy says sweetly, jamming her thumbs into the creases of his hips. Jake’s life flashes before his eyes as he shrieks. He arches his back near-snapping as his laughter plummets into silence. 
“Amy! T-Tickles!” His laughter rockets back to life, laced with hiccups. Amy laughs with him and it’s the only thing his melting brain can focus on besides her evil fingers. 
She slows her hands, indulging in the full-body jumps she can coax from him with a poke nearly anywhere. His giggles swirl around them both. He throws an arm over his face as he reacquaints himself with oxygen. 
Poke. Jake jumps and giggles, laughing more at himself and the situation than the touch. Amy must be able to tell too—she chuckles at him and smooths her palms over his chest. 
“I have seven brothers. You will not win this war.” She points at him very sternly. He leans up for a kiss and she indulges him, but that brings her finger right into his ribs and then they’re both snickering again. 
As Jake’s laughter dies down, the grin stays, morphing into something mischievous and a bit devilish. 
“Doesn’t mean I can’t try.” He flips them over, scooping a squealing Amy into his arms and plunging willingly into the throes of revenge for the sweet laughter of his love.
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potatohater · 1 year
Nervous Amy and Happy Jake
Fandom: Brooklyn 99
Characters: Jake Peralta and Amy Santiago
Words: 343
Really small drabble with my beloved Amy and Jakie :3c istg its gonna have like 3 likes (one of them is going to be mine)
“Are you? Oh my god you are!!” Jake exclaimed brightly. His face shined with a big grin and eyes lit up, looking at Amy.
Amy on the other side was terrified, she nervously shifted on the couch on which they were re-watching “die hard” when Jake accidentally grabbed her side - causing her to flinch.
“What are you talking about?” She smiled nervously. Eyes big, watching every movement of the guy in front of her.
He froze for a second, thinking about his life decisions. Screw it.
Amy couldn’t react properly because in a second he already put his arms around her, rubbing his knuckles into her ribs, causing the cutest giggles he has ever heard. Corners of her mouth went upwards until she broke into a wide smile, causing Jake’s heart to melt at this stage
“WhaaAAAt” He almost screamed over her laughing, he was too entertained by this.
“No way, how I never thought that you would be ticklish???” He overreacted as always, wriggling his brows. Making her laugh ever more, scrunching her nose in a cute manner
Her hands clung to his, trying her best to push Jake away, but she was too weak right now. Let boy to have his fun
“JaHhaeHEeke, sTHOhop IT” Of course he is not going to kill his girl. He put his hands away, now looking at her from upside down, as she laid on her back. Heavily breathing stopped and now she was all red, hair looked messy, eyes twinkling with mischief. He loved every second of it
“Come here” She waved her hand, showing him to bent down to her. Jake bented slowly, he wasn’t so sure what she wanted to do. Amy got up a little on her elbows and kissed him on the lips. He immediately melted into her touch, leaning forward.
She quickly raised her hand, brushing under his chin, making him broke the kiss and chuckle. He raised his shoulders as well. Such a cute sight for her.
They both forgot the movie for the looong time ;)
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lovelynim · 2 months
Bad day
Honkai: Star Rail - Aventurine x Dr. Ratio
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A/N: HAPPY (LATE) BIRTHDAY @fluffy-ami!! I'm sorry for being such a horrible friend and only noticing the date has passed me by almost two weeks later. I hope this humble mess can make up for my delay. Love you, *mwah*
Summary: Ratio had a bad day, so Aventurine came to the rescue!
Word count: 1153 words
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Ratio looked down at the hands wrapped around his chest, pondering whether he should question it or not. He was nearly sure he did warn that idiot gambler about the risks of pestering him tonight, so why, of all things, were Aventurine holding (or, at least, trying to) him down?
“Let go, gambler,” Ratio sighed, tapping the back of one of Aventurine’s hands with the vain hope it would be enough to convince him. “I’m not in the mood for your foolery.”
The only answer he got from the other man, however, was something suddenly pressing on his back. The doctor looked over his shoulder and could tell that the gambler was… leaning into him? Without moving his arms a single inch, Aventurine pressed his forehead on Ratio’s back, nudging slightly. “This isn’t ‘foolery’, I’m trying to be nice here, doc”.
“Then do it to someone else, can’t you tell I’m busy?”
“I can also tell you’re in a bad mood, doc,” Aventurine spoke softly, his words almost muffled by Ratio’s body. The doctor sighed, looking up to the ceiling. Oh Aeons above, what did he do to deserve this idiot in his life? “I thought someone as smart as you would be able to tell what a ‘hug’ is,” Aventurine teased, tightening his embrace.
Ratio wasn’t exactly restrained, but he couldn’t properly move either. Aventurine’s arms kept his won from moving all the way, leaving him in a quite difficult position. “Sigh, I’m serious, let me g-”
“So am I, doc,” Aventurine mumbled, leaning into the other as he tried to get closer to his face. The gambler stood on the tip of his toes, but still lacked a couple inches to properly reach Ratio’s. “What happened? Did you have a bad day?”
“Gambler,” Ratio warned, tugging at the back of Aventurine's wrist with a messed up grip, his fingers barely managing to graze at the other’s arm. “...why are you so clingy? Are you even sober?”
Aventurine couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle, planting his heels back into the ground. “Did you just hesitate?” He said smugly, tilting his head to the side to try to peek at Ratio’s expression.
His attempt to fend the other off with snark didn’t seem to work, Ratio noted mentally. Maybe it was the tiredness from work, but responding to Aventurine’s teases seemed to be a more difficult task than he first anticipated. “That was just another of your delusions, I’m afraid. Now, care to let me go?”
“Not until we work on this bad mood of yours, doc,” Aventurine insisted, pressing his forehead on Ratio’s back again.The scholar gritted his teeth, regretting not keeping in mind how persistent the other could be at times. “My mood will improve greatly once you let me go, gambler.” 
Against his expectations, what followed the short conversation was absolute silence. Almost as if he was actually pondering the matter, Aventurine only hummed quietly, making the doctor feel somewhat… uneasy.
Aventurine could be pretty unpredictable - an aspect of his that Ratio always despised utterly. Bold moves, careless thinking and an awful attitude, yes, that was Aventurine. On top of that, the fact that things always seemed to work in his favor only made it worse. 
The moments in silence seemed to drag on for hours and were making Ratio more anxious - to not say “curious”. The room was so quiet that he could almost hear the gears inside Aventurine’s head turning, plotting his next flawless plan. 
“Alright, that enou-ugh!” Ratio widened his eyes. If looks could kill, Aventurine would already be a better place by that time. “Gamb- ah! G-Gambler, don’t you d-dare.”
Aventurine laughed sheepishly, nuzzling the tip of his nose between Ratio’s wing bones. “‘Dare’ to do what, doc? I’m not sure if I’m following.”
Before Ratio could voice another retort, he felt those pesky fingers digging into his sides again. An electric sensation ran across his body, not to mention the fact that Aventurine kept his arms tightly wrapped around him, preventing him from moving. Damned gambler.
“Y-yohou know what I’m tahahalking about!” Ratio giggled against his will, moving his torso as much as he could inside the gambler’s hug, but his efforts were all in vain. If anything, whenever he moved, Aventurine would poke his sides again in an awfully tickling manner that would make him jump in place. 
The gambler pressed the tip of his fingers on the spot, taking advantage of Ratio’s fashion choice to rub small circles on the bare skin. “Come on, you’re too handsome to be frowning like that ~”
Ratio wasn’t sure if it was an extra measure to keep him moving away or something else entirely, but Aventurine was suddenly leaning on him again while his hand wrecked havoc against his half exposed side. Now, besides finding a way to deal with the annoying tickling, Ratio also needed to be careful to not make Aventurine fall to the ground or, worse, be dragged along in the other’s fall.
“Gahahambler! S-stop it!” Ratio hissed, his hands desperately trying to dislodge Aventurine’s, but he always seemed to be out of his reach. “You ihihidiot!”
“Ehh? How mean!” Aventurine chuckled, vibrating his fingers under one of Ratio’s ribs, making the scholar let out an uncharming, loud laugh. “I’m very worried about you, doc! N- now, could you squat a little?”
Ratio had been tickled by Aventurine before, yes. He also returned the favor a few times. And considering the history of episodes regarding this matter, this particular request became even more odd. It wouldn’t surprise him if Aventurine teased him or threatened him with more tickling, but… squat?
“I c-can’t reach your face, you’re too tall…” The gambler muttered shily, almost innocently, but his hand didn’t stop - not for a single moment. The contrast between his acts and his attitude annoyed Ratio even more. “C’mere, please ~”
“H-how cahahan I move with you hohoholding me, yohou imbehehecile!”
“Agh, fine,” Aventurine groaned, deciding to take the other’s requests in consideration and, at last, letting him go. 
Ratio gasped, quickly reaching for his abused side and trying to rub off the ticklish sensation. “You d-damned gambler,” he panted, turning around to face Aventurine, who wore that handsome stupid smirk he always used to.
“Nah-ah, before you scold me…” Aventurine ordered, pointing towards the ground as a reference to his demand. Ratio usually would’ve denied but, just this time, he decided to oblique.
Slightly bending forward, Ratio’s eyes were almost at the same level of Aventurine’s, waiting for the gambler to take action. “So, what did you want?”
“This, doc,��� Aventurine muttered, gently wrapping his arms around Ratio’s neck and planting a kiss on his cheek. “I hope you have a better day tomorrow,” he whispered close to Ratio’s ear, burying his face in the crook of his neck.
“...gambler,” Ratio called softly, letting out a pleased sigh.
“Yes, doc?”
“Thank you.”
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fluffy-ami · 2 years
Ticklish ears.
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That's it, that's the post.
(a "sequel" lmao)
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misswarmnights · 7 months
Everybody Loves Raymond (Tickle Headcanons)
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Ray: Ray is ticklish but very shy about it. His most ticklish spot would be the soles of his feet. That is the reason why we almost never see him barefoot on the show. It’s true that on the show, Ray is almost always wearing socks, slippers, or shoes. He even wears socks to bed sometimes. Why? Obviously because he is afraid of getting his feet tickled! Robert used to tickle torture his feet when they were children. Debra is actually unaware of how ticklish Ray’s feet are, and Ray hopes to keep it a secret from her. He also has a ticklish neck. Ray definitely prefers to tickle rather than to be tickled. His main target is Debra, but he likes to play tickle monster with the kids as well.
Debra: Debra is extremely ticklish (a fact made known on the show) and she is often tickled by Ray. She doesn’t usually tickle him back because she’s not into it as much as Ray is. She does enjoy being tickled but only when she is in the right mood. Sometimes, if she is in a bad mood, Ray will tickle her in an attempt to cheer her up. Sometimes it works, but other times it just annoys her. Debra’s most ticklish spots would be her armpits, ribs, stomach, and feet.
Robert: Robert is very ticklish (this fact is revealed on an episode of the show). His most ticklish spot would be his stomach especially in and around his belly button. He enjoys being tickled when he is in the right mood. He often plays tickle monster with his niece Ally and nephews Michael and Geoffrey. The kids love it when their sweet Uncle Robert playfully tickles them. He greatly enjoys tickling Amy during their intimate moments together and he always wishes that she would tickle him back, but she doesn’t always get him back. Sometimes Robert will ask her to tickle his tummy which Amy finds precious and will oblige. His deep, booming laugh is totally cute and Amy loves it.
Amy: Amy is most ticklish on her sides, which Robert discovered and was more than happy to take advantage of. She is shy about being tickled and a little embarrassed by her laugh, but Robert assures Amy that her laugh is adorable. As a child, Amy was tickled by her big brother who was playful but always gentle with her.
Frank: Frank is not ticklish and doesn’t have much interest in it. However, he does have a soft side and did occasionally tickle Robert and Ray back when they were young children. He still tickles Marie from time to time.
Marie: Marie isn’t super ticklish, but she is ticklish enough to squirm and giggle a bit. Frank will tickle her during times when he is being frisky and flirty. She used to tickle Ray and Robert all the time back when they were kids. From playing ‘this little piggy’ with their toes to blowing raspberries on their tummies. Eventually, the boys got old enough to the point where they didn’t want to be tickled by their mom anymore, but Marie still treasures those beautiful memories in her heart.
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ami-chat · 2 years
“You’re so beautiful…” you whisper softly in my ear. Your voice tantalizes me, igniting feelings I was not accustomed to and increasing the speed of my heart. Even more tantalizing still, your fingertips begin their exploration of my form, at first playing with the skin just beneath my jaw and then traveling down towards my collarbone, meticulously fluttering over the delicate flesh.
My breath catches, and I’m holding back as my neck is flooded with sensation. A tiny grin shows through, informing you with absolute certainty that it tickles and I’m trying not to react. Excitement flows through you, your own face gripped with a wide smile as you resolve to move forward to find the spot that makes me crack.
You let your fingers glide across from my collarbone to my shoulders, then they flutter gently underneath my arms, claiming the territory as their own. Just before they begin to dance freely, I gasp and clamp my arms down tight, trapping your hands in the most perfect position. The corners of your mouth creep up into a mischievous, yet smoldering smirk as you look down at me, seeing me blushing and nearly bursting with anticipation. You let your fingers twitch slightly, causing me to get visibly squirmy.
Your voice cuts through my focus like a knife: “Lift your arms up for me, sweetheart.” Willing to do anything for you, I slowly and hesitantly raise my arms up straight above my head, putting the hollows on display. You smile and give me a loving kiss on the cheek. “There you go, that’s my good girl. Now, keep them up there for me. It’ll be a struggle, but I know you can do it!”
With that, you begin your exploration, or exploitation, of the newly exposed area. Already, my defenses are broken through as giggles start to flow effortlessly, soon enough turning into laughter that fills the room with a lighthearted joy. I struggle to keep my arms up but want to do so for you, and I push through with that desire in the back of my mind. Anything to see your face light up, and though I won’t admit it so easily, I’m having the time of my life too.
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ficsandgiggles · 2 years
“I’d love some ler Amy Santiago! Don’t think I’ve seen anyone write for her yet. I’m not very good at prompts so do with it what you will!”
Ahh I love writing for B99, this was super adorable and I hope it’s okay!
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“C’mon Mac… it’s okay sweetheart…” you murmured as you held and bounced the sobbing toddler in your arms.
You had been doing such a great job in babysitting Jake and Amy’s son all night, but the second you mentioned to him that they’d be back soon, he started screaming the place down, and he has been inconsolable since.
You sat down on the couch and held Mac in your arms, rubbing his back and gently rocking him in hopes he could be soothed to sleep, it was way past his bedtime and despite following his nap schedule, he seemed more awake than ever.
All you wanted to do was give your two best friends a break, they have been working so hard at the precinct, as well as making sure they were amazing parents to their son, they deserved a night out together, so you offered to babysit.
As much as Amy trusted you, she just didn’t feel ready to leave her sons side for just a few hours, but after some encouragement from Jake, she caved in and let you look after him. You and Mac loved each other, he often called you by an adorable nickname which melted your heart every time he said it, but right now, he didn’t want anything to do with you.
Just as you were about to try and offer him a snack, the door opened, the two of you immediately looked over at the door and you soon saw a blur of a toddler run over to Jake and Amy. Jake immediately picked him up, a little confused as to why he was still awake.
“Hey lil man, you’re up late…” Jake told him softly, bouncing him and rubbing his back, just like you did earlier. He looked over at his wife, who brushed her fingers through his sons soft curls and kissed his head.
Amy then looked over at you, seeing that you were about to break down in tears and rush out the door. She told Jake to try and put Mac to bed and stopped you from going anywhere.
“Hey, what happened? You two seemed fine when I FaceTimed you earlier.” Amy asked you gently, showing you that she wasn’t mad by sitting you back down on the couch and pulling you into a side hug.
“I-I was putting him down to go to sleep and I told him that when he woke up you’d be back… he’s been crying ever since and I’m sorry he’s not asleep…” you explained with a sniffle, your face falling into your hands as you let out a helpless whimper. Your thoughts were all over the place, but you were quick to conclude that Jake and Amy were never going to trust you again, or they weren’t going to let you see Mac again, or even want to be friends with you. All these thoughts caused you to tense up and sniffle helplessly, you felt Amy give you a squeeze and rub your arm soothingly.
“Hey, it’s okay, this is the first time Mac has spent time with anyone for this amount of time outside of his family, he was bound to be nervous and he’s going to get separation anxiety sadly, just like Jake and I did.” Amy reassured you, but you just shrugged in response, not believing her words as your eyes gazed around the room, there were various toys and books you were meant to tidy up after Mac had went to sleep, but obviously, he had yet to fall asleep.
“I-I was meant to tidy up too… I’m really sorry, I understand if you’d never trust me again…” you sniffled, trying to hold back your tears as Amy was quick to pull you into a tight hug.
“Hey, you’re okay, the house is always a mess anyway, it would be a miracle to see the floor on any given day.” She chuckled, looking at the books and toys too, her eyes then gazed upon one particular book, and idea forming in her head. She reached forward and picked it up.
“He loves this book, I bet he made you read it a thousand times.” Amy giggled as she flicked through the pages. You snapped back into reality and looked down at the book she was holding, ‘The Tickle Monster’. She was right, Mac would make you do the voices and use the glove that came with it, you had read it to him at least 5 times in the last six hours, but you didn’t mind, it was fun to bond with him like that, and it made you miss being on the side where you were the one being tickled.
You often thought about the time you and Amy spent together, around ten years ago now, she often babysat you when you were little, much like you and Mac now, only difference being that you were around six when she babysat you. Amy was never afraid to bring out the tickle monster whenever you were pouty or upset from a rough day at school.
You were caught up in your thoughts so much that you almost didn’t notice Amy shaking you to snap you out of it, you looked over at her to try and give her your full attention.
“Hey, this book reminds me of something… do you remember what I did whenever you were grumpy whilst I was babysitting you?” Amy asked with a small smile as he fingers crept down towards your sides.
“I don’t think it would hurt to bring the tickle monster back now…” she whispered before gently wriggling her fingers up and down your sides.
You immediately flinched away and covered your mouth, trying hard not to giggle as you attempted to shuffle out of Amy’s hold, although Amy has reassured you that she doesn’t hate you after what happened, you still felt like you didn’t deserve to giggle and have fun.
“Y/N! Don’t you remember my binder which had all your information in? Your tickle spots were also included in there!” Amy teased, obviously, this wasn’t true, it would be a little weird. But she did have a binder with all of your information, like your favourite foods and activities to do. But that comment was fun to throw in there in hopes to cheer you up.
You believed her, but hoped that she somehow forgot about your number one tickle spot, but when you felt her fingers crawling up to your armpits, you knew you were done for.
“Wow, 28 year old me would never believe me if I said you were just as ticklish now!” Amy teased before scribbling under your arms, making sure you were trapped in her hug at all times.
You instantly slammed your arms down to your sides and cackled with hysterical giggles, you wriggled around from side to side. “Ahahahahamy!” You whined, hating how sensitive you were as you attempted to get rid of the sensation.
“Aw Y/N, you’ll always be so ticklish.” Amy giggled, giving you a small break by squeezing into the spot just above your knees, watching you as you kicked out and let out a stream of adorable giggles.
You kicked out and covered your face with your hands, deciding there was no point in defending yourself as you knew that Amy has managed to pin way more violent people down, so you’d be no match for her.
Amy smiled fondly at you as she moved to flutter into your belly, blowing a raspberry onto your neck to get you to squeal, but then tut when you did so.
“Hey, you’re gonna wake up the kiddo again!” She giggled, blowing another raspberry as punishment whilst scribbling back under your arms, smiling over at Jake briefly as you broke into giggly laughter.
Jake came over and sat on the other side of you, poking your knees and thighs. “What’s going on here then, huh?” He asked casually, watching as your laughter went silent, which signalled for Amy to let you go, instead just pulling you into another hug.
“Oh, just reminded Y/N that they’ll always be victim to the tickle monster.” Amy commented casually with a smile. “And that they’re a great babysitter who is a great role model to our son.” She added, making you bite your lip and look at Jake, he didn’t seem to happy when Mac was still awake earlier, so you hesitantly waited for this response.
“Oh yeah, once Mac calmed down he said he had a great time with you!” Jake smiled reassuringly, making you sigh in relief.
“So you’d have me over again?” You asked quietly, just to reassure yourself. The two detectives quickly nodded, with Amy kissing your head.
“Without a doubt, Y/N.”
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treysimp · 2 years
I don't know how else to say this, do you want to make out on my couch? (Explicit Remix)
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BOTH AFAB! and AMAB!Reader/Rook Hunt
First section has no pronouns or body description for reader, second sections still have no pronouns but do describe readers secondary sexual characteristics (breasts of unspecified size and a vagina for AFAB, and pecs and a penis for AMAB).
Trying a different format! We are doing a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure style fic with a smutty GN!Reader beginning that splits into AFAB and AMAB paths after the first section.
Let me know if you like this or the fully different pieces better!
The beginning of the fic is included immediately below if you want to read the whole thing, or skip to the second picture of (Groovy!) Rook to jump right to the steam. Tags: Explicit sexual content, oral sex (giving and receiving), slight snowballing, enthusiastic consent, praise-kink adjacent descriptions, incredibly bad French, porn with feelings, self-indulgent thirst from yours truly, ask to tag for more.
Want more TWST? Here's my Masterlist!
Thank you lovely readers, enjoy!
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“Oh? Mon trésor, do repeat that request?” 
You suddenly realized that you shouldn’t have turned your back to Rook when you felt one hand snake across your waist and the other brush behind your arm to grasp your chin. Startled but also more than a little excited at the close contact, you very much could hear each beat of your heart in your eardrums.
Hot breath fanned over your ear as you felt the skim of perfect teeth against your sensitive skin. Shivering excitedly, you stood perfectly still. Feeling as if you moved even slightly, took the smallest breath, or uttered the shortest syllable, the spell would be broken and he would disappear just as fast as he came into your life.
“You know, if you wanted to be caught by me, all you had to do was ask,” he murmured, each word tickling the baby hairs behind your ear.
The heat that crept up your neck was made of more than just embarrassment as you suddenly wondered if you did fall into a trap by asking this beautiful man inside of your house. The hand on your chin slowly turned your head to the side, and your eyes met with a sparkling crescent emerald green.
Feeling very much like every breath he took against your skin took away yours in turn, you closed your eyes for a moment. Feeling the thrill of him being so close and success being so close you could almost taste it. Building up your courage, you square your shoulders as you try to speak again.
“Is that a yes, Rook?” You ask. Your voice shook slightly more than you would have liked, but it certainly wasn’t from fear. 
“Ah, ma belle amie, I think you already know the answer.” He said, a soft kiss descending to the cheek you had tilted nearest to him.
The beats of your heart go into overdrive at the simple and relatively innocent act of affection, and this forceful kickstart to your brain finally enticed you to turn your head to him. 
Your eyes meet with one of the smuggest expressions you have ever seen in your life. You wanted to wipe it off of him.
“I suppose you’re right.” You say, taking the opportunity to surprise him for once by planting a passionate kiss onto the lips of the stupid, dumb, frustrating, incredibly hot, hunter.
With a soft hum, he reciprocates your kiss. A single strand falls loose from his ponytail and brushes past your cheek in a ticklish wave. The kisses are slow, soft, and so very tender. The romance that everyone wishes for when they dream of kissing the object of their affection for the first time.
Separating with a sigh, Rook’s cheeks are alight with a scarlet splash. “Oh! Mon amour! You do truly know how to stir the fondest fantasies of my heart.” He said, squeezing you ever closer. The embrace made you wonder if mice were this happy with the cheese they found before the trap clapped shut.
“… Rook.”
“Yes, my darling?”
“Can we go inside?”
Without a hint of embarrassment at being asked to let go, Rook loosens his arms to allow you to open the door you had been holding onto for the past couple of minutes. 
Without skipping a beat, Rook places his hand at the small of your waist and ushers you inside, closing the door softly behind you both. You are escorted forward through the living room until you sit on the couch. However, rather than sit beside you, Rook kneels on the ground.
“Ma lune, mes étoiles-!” He begins, holding your hands in between one of his, the other elegantly removing his baseball cap with a flourish and holding it to his chest. 
“Do you dare grant my fondest wish?”
You breathed in deeply, preparing yourself for what he may have cooked up in his french-speaking, romance-novel-infested brain.
“And what would that be, Rook?”
“For me to make a mess of you, my dear.”
You inhaled sharply, looking for any hint of a lie or facade in his glimmering emerald eyes. 
Maybe you were just naive, but no matter how hard you searched each curve of his elegant face, you could never find anything that ever so much as hinted at deceit. 
Well, you were down too bad to stop at this point anyway.
“I’m not convinced you’ve ever made a mess in your life, Rook.”
“Ohoho, well then ma cherie! Allow me the pleasure of surprising you.” throwing his hat into the air with an unnecessarily complex hand motion, Rook rises from his knees and uses his arms to box you in. 
As he descends onto you with the promise of more, you can’t feel even a trace of regret at letting this hunter into your den. For better, or for worse.  
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Looking up at Rook from inside his embrace felt like a dream come true. His smile was infectious, bright eyes searing a hole into your mind with their intensity. His kisses were fleeting, always forcing you to follow him as he pulled away over and over, like a fleeting memory you couldn’t quite catch. 
Each peck was punctuated with a soft chuckle, a compliment, a hair grab here, a caress across your shoulders there, he knew exactly how to leave you wanting more without ever making it seem like he wasn’t giving you enough in turn.
Your clothes left your body slowly and meticulously, it felt almost like he timed each button coming undone to certain breaths, each inch of skin exposed to the cold air being freed by the careful ritual of his perfected touches and pulls. You realized once all of your garments had made a perfect pile on the floor that the only thing that had been done to ruffle Rook’s perfect appearance was that the first few buttons of his shirt were undone. That wouldn’t do.
“Rook,” You admonished, holding him back from another flurry of kisses by the shoulders. “I expect you to start taking your clothes off too, you know.” 
Rook swallowed audibly and for the first time in a while, he looked pleasantly surprised. His eyes crinkled at the edges as he nodded, getting to work on unbuttoning, unzipping, and rolling fabric off of his body.
And… Oh damn. He was way more built than you expected.
You could have guessed as much from the prominent veins on his forearms that you could sneak a peek at when he rolled up his sleeves during gym, but this was on a whole other level. Slim yet sleek muscles with every dip and curve defined, you thought of the professional runners of your world. Rook hid his form very well under all of his layers, but seeing the rippling definition that went from the top of his shoulders to his back, and oh my God, is that a v-line? Do people even have those in real life? 
Your mouth was dry. Clearly beauty for Pomefiore was more than just the soft boyish beauties that defined most of the dorm populace. 
Rook’s eyebrow rose as he watched the way that you hungrily examined his body. The power of his smile could light a whole city, you thought. 
“Tu as perdu ta langue, mon couer?” He asked playfully, slipping his thumbs under the waistband of his boxer briefs to give you a single tantalizing inch more of his form. Oh my god, please, please take those off. 
You wished you had elected to take more French classes when you had the chance. Something about a tongue? Well, you could work with that, you guessed.
Tracing your fingers from his waist to meet where his fingers had been pulling at the soft fabric of his final piece of clothing, you held his hands in yours as you eased down the garment to finally get an entire look at him. 
Apparently, that thin underwear had been stronger than it looked. He sprung to attention right in front of your eyes and you couldn’t hold back your quiet squeak of surprise. 
Okay, you understood where his weird amount of confidence came from. 
He was big. The veins on his cock were pronounced, making you again think of how gorgeous those forearms were going to look strained and clenching with pleasure once you were finally able to have your way with him. His tip was a beautiful rose flush, the same color that his kiss-enflamed lips were. Said lips were being bitten rather harshly at this moment, the soft blush enveloping Rook’s face only serving to make his eyes look all the greener and emphasize just how poreless and smooth his skin was from head to toe. 
More of his hair had fallen sloppily out of his ponytail, some strands lightly curling in a way that made you wonder if his hair was naturally that straight. You were incredibly jealous of how thick his it was and his lovely honey-blonde color, that was for sure. Seeing that the windows matched the drapes in his case, soft curls of flax surrounding the base of his generous cock, you were pretty confident that he didn’t dye it.
While examining the beauty of his body, you were stricken by how much genuine emotion Rook had on his face at this moment. You were so used to his perfectly calculated smile, that you were unsure how many other expressions he had. 
Chest heaving ever so slightly, nails digging into his palms as he carefully watched every slight movement of your eyes scanning his body, you felt like his moment had turned him on far more than any previous. 
Getting back to the fact that the one word you understood in his gratuitous French speech was ‘mouth’, you decided it was time to get to work. 
Gently covering his velvet skin with your slightly chilly hands, Rook lightly hissed an inhale as he screwed his eyes shut from your first hesitant touches.
“Is this okay?” You asked, worried that said sound was from pain. 
“Yes… yes, please keep going.” He murmured, breath labored as you slowly increased the strength of your grip and the speed of your pumps. 
Swallowing audibly, you slowly leaned closer to him, gently rubbing his length against your cheek, nuzzling him softly as you began giving him fleeing kisses from base to tip. 
He was all out groaning at this point, even though you hadn’t felt like you had done much. You moved your palm to the head of his cock and began grasping his head in swirling circles while your mouth moved up and down to softly drag your tongue against his sides. 
Rook’s palm was slapped over his gaping mouth, spilling out a garble of compliments, your name, and French that you did not understand one bit. At some point, you thought you heard ‘mon chou’, which you vaguely remembered as translating to ‘my cabbage’? Filing that thought away for later, maybe it was context-dependent.  
Rook had slowly begun bucking his hips into your grasp, which you took as your cue to intensify your motions. You moved your hand to the base of his cock, trailing your tongue from the underside of his twitching balls to envelop his head in your mouth. You began moving your head to a slow bobbing rhythm, pulling your mouth off with a pop every so often like you were enjoying a particularly good sucker. The wet noises of your movement would have been embarrassing if Rook hadn’t moved his hand to the back of your head to gently pull at your scalp at that very moment. Fuck.
You tried different paces, strokes, bobbing without disconnecting from him, mouthing at him from the sides, below, it seemed to be working as his breath was becoming more labored, his eyes screwed shut and he couldn’t even will himself to speak any longer. 
It looked like he was close, and as much as you were enjoying this, your neck and your hands had begun cramping just a little (not to mention the guaranteed bruising on your knees from kneeling on your crappy hardwood floor). 
You sped up and intensified everything you had been doing, gripping harder with your hands, sucking more aggressively with your mouth, moving faster to a sloppy arhythmic beat. You were both shaking, and Rook began desperately pushing himself into your face in earnest, face screwed up in unabashed pleasure. 
Quickly separating himself from you at the last possible second, you felt a warm splatter on your face as you opened your eyes to see the end of Rook’s impressive climax. Wrinkling your nose slightly, you wished that he had asked before electing to cum on your face, but you really couldn’t deny how fucking hot that all was. 
Gasping, shaking, Rook holds his slowly drooping cock in hand, gaze fixated on the strands of his release on your face. 
Slowly kneeling to your level, Rook places a hand to cup your cheek as the other rubs a single drop of his cum off of your skin with a swipe of his thumb. He carefully laved the digit with his tongue, licking it clean while his eyes smoldered at yours. 
Rook drags his tongue down the trails that moisten your face, cleaning every bit of himself off of you. Once he has finished this painstaking process of clearing your face of him, he gives you a passionate open-mouthed kiss, gifting you the taste of him that you had missed from his choice of release. Musky, but surprisingly palatable, you wondered just what in the world he ate to keep his taste so light and unassuming.
Separating from your kiss at a deliberately slow pace, Rook’s eyes bore into you yet again. You feel even more naked than you already were.
“Mon trésor… please allow me to return the favor.”
(END OF Gender Neutral Section): 
For AFAB!Reader, go to the second banner, for AMAB!Reader, continue reading below. 
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(AMAB!Reader, start!)
Your gaze followed Rook’s as he unabashedly stared at your hard cock straining against your boxers, a wet patch of pre-cum creating a small splotch that indicated your overwhelming arousal.
“Please.” You asked, cheeks burning, chest heaving. 
After Rook made quite the show of cleaning you up after his climax you weren’t sure how long you were going to last, but you also might pass out from blood loss if you didn’t have his beautiful man touching you as soon as possible.
Rook reaches towards your waist and eases your underwear down, smile slightly intensifying as you lift your hips to allow him to take them off, legs slightly shaking from kneeling so long while you serviced him. Your erection jumped up from its cloth prison much like Rook’s did at the start of this encounter. You felt like you were getting impossibly even harder due to the way his gaze looked upon you so hungrily.  
Rook did not take the time to tease that you did, immediately gripping you firmly in his hand and beginning even strokes in earnest, eyes twinkling at the way you crinkled your nose in a combination of surprise and arousal from the sudden action. 
“I simply must see what your lovely face looks like when you cum, my dear.” Rook said with a dreamy sigh, “Will you grant me that foolish wish of mine?”
You nod dumbly, entranced with the ways the muscles of his arms flex while he pumps your length. It was impossible to tell just exactly what it was, but you could tell that every time you got yourself off from here on out was going to pale in comparison. You very much didn’t want to blow your load immediately, but Rook was making it difficult. 
Taking your length at the base, Rook started dragging his tongue up and around your balls in earnest, softly pumping with his hand as his mouth made effort to explore every visible inch of you. 
Your cock was visibly twitching, your legs spasming at each tiny variation of touch that he was giving you. How unfair was this? You felt like he was unraveling you thread by thread, knotting and unknotting the pressure just below your belly.  
“R-Rook…” You gasped. God, you wanted to last longer but…
Rook’s smile stretched wide as he took that moment to pull all of you in his mouth, bobbing his head, soft hair bouncing up and down like an angel’s halo. 
All of your restraint snapping in one instant, you grabbed Rook by the base of his perfect ponytail and began face-fucking him in earnest, nails digging into his scalp, unabashed moans spilling from your lips. 
Rook’s gaze met yours, strained breaths coming from his nose. He looked perfect like this, mouth around you, hair a mess, you wished you could take a picture to keep forever, but this memory would have to do.
With a final strangled moan, you came into his mouth. A hurried and sputtering release coated the inside of his mouth. 
Gasping, groaning, you bit your lip as you saw Rook swallow thickly, taking all of your finish with it. 
You briefly considered if it was worth trying to get hard again, but the ache in your balls said no dice. 
Rook slowly stood to full height, eyes beaming and a smile splitting his face in twain. 
“Give me just a moment, mon coeur.” He whispered, stealing his way down the hall and towards your room, returning momentarily with two pairs of your sleepwear, one for you and one for him.
Slowly, carefully, he pulled the shirt over your head and coaxed you into your sweats before putting on his garments with a flourish. 
Kissing you on the forehead as you stifled a yawn, Rook braced his arm behind the crook of your knees, pulling you into a bridal carry as you grabbed his neck in surprise. 
Taking you to your bedroom, Rook took his time to lay you down, oh so carefully on your well-worn mattress. He smoothed the sweaty hair from your forehead, beaming all the while. Seemingly satisfied with your comfort, Rook climbed in beside you, pulling your head to the crook of his neck as you heard his breathing slow. 
“...Hey, Rook?” you mumbled sleepily, pushing your head even further against his skin to smell the sweet fragrance of his cologne.   
“Yes, my dear?”
“Why did you call me a cabbage earlier?”
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(AFAB!Reader, start!)
You come to the sudden realization of just how sticky and constricting your panties were on your frame as Rook idly traces his finger down the hem that sits on the crook of where your hips and legs meet.
“I… would love that.” You reply shakily, eyes glued to the way Rook’s fingers teased along the sensitive skin that was just millimeters from where you wanted him most. 
Rook’s smile grew impossibly wider as he moved his hand to hook the edges of your bottoms and slide them off of your hips, slyly tucking them in his back pocket while you were distracted by the way his eyes examined every pore of your now visible skin. 
It was embarrassing, of course, being bare to him as he looked at you so intensely. You idly thought of how perfect and blemishless his complexion was and how very much not perfect your skin was in comparison. 
Rook didn’t seem to have those same thoughts though, as he was fluttering his touch around the edges of your labia, relishing in the different textures of your body. 
“...Tu es superbe… quelle belle femme.” He mumbles, which in this single case you can context clue your way to the fact it was a compliment due to how breathlessly Rook said the phrase. 
Rook moved closer to your core with a deep inhale, lashes fluttering and warm breath causing you to lightly writhe at the stimulation. 
“Please touch me, Rook.” You shamelessly beg, eyes slightly teary at the intensity you feel from even the barest of touches. 
Snapping his eyes to yours, you feel like if his eyes could suddenly turn ablaze they would. 
Rook dives into you with fervor, teeth nibbling at your soft lower lips and fingers lightly tracing your hereto-ignored hole. The sensation is overwhelming, so warm, so wet, his tongue expertly seeking out every erogenous zone that it could find. 
You had to restrain the instinct to buck your hips into his face, not wanting to lose contact with his body for even the barest second it would take you to twitch under his touch. 
The finger that had been tracing your entrance slowly started pushing inside you, and you had to bite your lip to silence the embarrassing moan that threatened to spill out of you. Rook removed his face from you and tutted, shaking his head back and forth vigorously. 
“That will not do, ma belle!” he admonishes, “If you do not wish for me to stop you must not temper your voice! Let me hear you!”
Nodding dizzily from the sudden revoking of his sensations, you agreed. Satisfied with your response, Rook returns to his salacious movements with even more fervor, clearly intending to undo you at the soonest opportunity.
“Oh… Rook…” You gasped. 
How in the world was he so good at this? To your knowledge, there wasn’t a ‘Pussy 101’ class at Night Raven (though on second thought, maybe there should be).
Rook was desperately pumping you with his fingers, he had added a second digit to stretch you, and shortly after, a third. His eyes were glued to your face, committing every blink and moan to memory. He was going to make you cum if it killed him, a gentleman would do no less. 
Desperately massaging your clit, Rook timed his thrusts with captivating twirls of his tongue. 
You felt so hot, so overwhelmingly hot, your legs were clenching, your fists balled up on the couch as they scrambled for purchase and found none. You saw sparks begin to pop up behind your closed eyelids and you knew it was only a matter of time. 
“Rook… Rook, please!” You almost screamed. 
Rook increased in intensity, pumping you faster, sucking harder, his again half-hard dick grinding uselessly into the leg of the couch. 
Gasping, shaking, a desperate clench and then the deepest relaxation you had ever felt washed over you. 
Still panting, you slowly lowered your legs from the vice-grip that they had subjected Rook’s head to. 
Rook himself was beaming, carelessly wiping the taste of you onto his arm before taking a moment to suck the essence off of the fingers that he had buried in you just seconds prior. 
“Oh, my love, we simply must make a habit of this.” Rook declared, eyes again sparkling dangerously from between your legs, “but for now, let me clean you up, dearest.” 
Heaving your naked form over his shoulder like you weighed nothing, Rook carried you to the bathroom, wiping you clean with a wet washcloth.
He spent his time looking intensely at every drop of water as it caressed itself down your body, tracing his eyes to mentally make a map of where he still had yet to touch himself. 
“…Rook?” You whispered, enchanted by the way he gently cleaned your body before gracefully swiping the same cloth over his own. 
“Yes?” He replied, face again alight as the sound of your voice. 
“Why did you call me a cabbage earlier?”
And here is the conclusion for the most frequently requested character, Rook! Y'all surprised me with your thirst for this one, but I 100% agree with you that this man is a whole-ass meal.
Let me know what you thought, send me prompts, or tell me who I (we) should do next.
(Should I do a poll? Do people even like polls?)
Love you, reader!
Requested Tags: @readinganas, @yandere-kou, @daeda21, @buckketboy, @stygianoir, @kxhyuns, @aikochan4859, @naniky, @kashasenpai, @the-mermaid-of-the-stars @destinationdesignation, @ninjas-are-the-shit, @prince-zukohere,
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rmd-writes · 11 days
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thanks for the tags @kiwiana-writes (even if they told heinous lies about me) @heartstringsduet @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad! With Call Me now fully written and posting, I’ve gone back to writing my June fic:
The next time June sees Alex emerge from his room, dressed to go running, she tells him to wait and she’ll come with him. It becomes a regular thing, Alex even starts asking her if she wants to go. They don’t talk, just run, but he slows down and allows her to keep up with him.
The first time though, Alex ties on his ratty old sneakers and runs, fast and hard; so fast that June can’t keep up. When she catches up to him at the end, lying on the grass sucking in oxygen, she lies down beside him, staring up at the clouds floating across the blue sky.
“Bear,” June says eventually, breaking their silence.
Alex looks at her then back up at the sky. “Fuck off, that’s a duck.”
June follows his gaze. “No, not that one, over there.” She points. “That one is a bear. Yours looks like a dinosaur.” She pokes him in the ticklish spot on the left side of his ribs.
“Don’t,” he whines, squirming and rolling over to poke her back.
She grabs a fistful of the manicured grass, tearing it and throwing it into Alex’s face before standing up as quickly as she can and taking off towards the Residence at a run.
Alex catches her as they run inside, giggling as they catch sight of Zahra glaring at them while she’s on the phone when they run down a hallway, shoving each other as they walk towards their bedrooms.
Tagging in the RWRB fam so as not to bug everyone else with my beloved June @welcometololaland @indestructibleheart @three-drink-amy @orchidscript @maxbegone
@sherryvalli @hearitinthesilencesilence @happiness-of-the-pursuit @liminalmemories21 @lightningboltreader
@celeritas2997 @porcelainmortal @leaves-of-laurelin @cha-melodius @cricketnationrise
And an open tag for anyone else who wants to play 💖
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missamyrisa2 · 3 months
(That cleaning ask made me want to pull this mini story back out and write some more~!!)
I don't want to post it here because I'm sure it'll get flagged but you can view the artwork I had done for this scenario here:
Miss Amy struggled and squirmed. She tried and failed to stifle her voice again, and such futile fighting only encouraged her tormentor further. Her outfit hung neatly on a rack nearby. The gentle fuzzy fabric of her cropped sweater and the flirty short length of her denim skirt with the wide belt and flower buckle were by no means a tickle-proof outfit, but anything would be better than the total exposure she faced now.
At times in her giggly delirium the reflection in the many video feeds offering multiple angles of her plight seemed so far away, like it was another helplessly ticklish girl ensnared in this fiendish machine. "Navel cavity is at 43 point! tooo percent lint coverage. Proceeding with water cleanse" the robotic voice chimed with child-like enthusiasm and feminine flirtations. "No not again! Not the waterrrr!!"
Amy pleaded as with a mechanical wind a thick arm lowered and extended a metal nozel, carefully positioning itself as the padded cuffs on Amy's wrists and ankles moved her gently. She summoned her strength to wiggle away from the tip, but the incoming tool simply recalibrated. Amy watched in giggly horror as the water flowed freely into the attached tube, and with a little kick, the apparatus began blasting her sensitive divot with a concentrated stream.
It was like an endless parade of poking fingertips, with droplets scattering on her outer belly like teasing after touches. She shrieked and struggled, the jet following a strategic pattern to clean every tiny bit of her bellybutton. A familiar chime dinged into the bathing room and Amy shook her head, wiggling her toes and fingers.
"No no no!!"
"Feet. And Underarms. Have become layered in sweat. Recommend additional scrub."
"Don't scrub me again!!"
"Scrub approved. Cutie."
Amy shook her head as the cleansing machine's teasing voice and digital face smiled brightly. Mechanical whirls started up as spinning soft brushes spun into view and targeted her feet. The machine gently bent her legs back to hold her soles up for the incoming tools. She cackled out feeling the suds dripping from high into the crevice under her toes, and squealed madly as the brushes moved in to work their tickly cleansing magic.
Next, a gloved hand appeared in front of her and wiggled its big fingers. The robotic hand mercilessly coated her sensitive underarms with soap, careful to ensure the deepest crevice and all the edges were coated before moving to the next as a scrubby brush whizzed down and began merrily shuffling in circles.
How long had the cleaning been going on? Amy lost track a while ago. Certainly a trap set by one of her archenemies, the machine was possibly designed with noble purposes. But whoever set it here loaded a routine which Amy could not break, goals it couldn't fulfill. The cleaning at her belly caused sweat. The cleaning at her feet and underarms put dust and bubbles into her midsection.
Maybe the machine was purposefully doing so? Was it sentient? Such thoughts were lost when she realized her body was giving away a secret. She tried desperately to keep it down, her mind flooding with awful imagery to resist the touch, that soft tease. But it was a losing battle.
Another mechanical whirl as a scanning eye passed down her belly and between her legs with a tingly pink beam. Amy blushed hotly, she didn't want to acknowledge what all this slippery tickling and teasing had been doing to her body, and certainly couldn't hide it.
"Miss Amy is aroused. Controlled ticklegasm is recommended."
There was no doubt the intent of this cruel cleaning machine now.
"Erotic hydrotherapy approved."
The machine dinged happily as two new implements sprung out from under the digital smirking face. A gentle sponge began slowly grazing her royal jewels, and a fluffy cloth on a robotic appendage started draping against Amy's swollen princess part. She squeaked a gigglemoan, pulling uselessly against the padded cuffs. Her body gyrated and tried to resist the soft supply slick affections.
The soft cloth draped up to the underside of her tip and mercilessly stimulated it with the tickliest of touches, like the flirty kiss of a lover. The sponge kept moving back and forth, cleansing again and again under her most royal areas. Her thighs quivered. The robotic hands began buffing her nipples with detail brushes, and occasionally sneakily tweaking and rubbing earnestly to make her really let out throaty moans.
Her resistance worn down, Amy soon tumbled into a soft ticklegasm amid the flying suds, gigglemoaning herself silly. Her head lay low, body going loose as the sensations rocketed all over her body, her royal milk coaxed out in perky spurts. Every peak of the ticklegasm had her screaming, struggling in the cuffs, and the machine never relented its gentle cleansing extraction and tickly touches.
And the beeps continued as scans rolled over her trembling body.
"High likelihood of residual ticklegasm honey. Engage drainage procedure."
Amy gasped and squealed out her words, trying madly to find any strength to stop as her body was moved into another position.
"Don't you dareeee you ffffff nnnnhh stupid bucket of boltss turn it offfff!!"
But she was helpless to resist as the machine flipped her around and gently spread her legs. From above a large vibrating began descending, and from the side a soft flexible tendril spun into view. Both were shiny and pink, both emblazoned with cute names. The wand was labeled "Finessa" and the tendril named "Caressa".
"Oh what the actual fuuuuuuuuuuckk~!! fuck fuck fuckkk!!!" She started whining and was soon nothing but a stream of desperate laughing moaning f-bombs as Finessa quickly went to work buzzing the underside of her still-throbbing princess part while Caressa was glistening with lubricant applied by the robot hands before diving in between Amy's legs to probe up to her honeyspot.
Her body shook and shivered and struggled and bounced, the sister tools working in tandem to tease Amy along into a further fuzzy ticklegasm with their vibrating tickly touches. As Amy bucked up, Finessa followed and grazed that death spot. When she pulled back, Caressa was there gliding along inside to stroke carefully on that most hidden of tickle spots.
All around, the cleaning tools gradually re-engaged. Scrubbing brushes taunted at Amy's feet. Sponges slid along her ribs and under her arms. The jets tauntingly sprayed whenever Amy was in the middle of a deep belly moan, targeting her navel and thighs mostly but also making sure to get her nipples and toes too. The sudsy jet floated freely, almost whimsically depositing its sparkly tingly bubbles all about this teased helpless body.
This time around, the machine made Amy ticklegasm hard. She was nothing but nonsense and cussing, her body quaking with overload, stuck in an arch as Caressa relentlessly dipped in and out while Finessa held taut but barely touching on the underside of her tip. They tickled and tickled until Amy released all her princess milk, indeed draining every bit.
"Ticklegasm has resulted in a messy Miss Amy. Recommend an extension of cleansing procedure."
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tickle-bugs · 1 year
So I had a prompt for b99, I was thinking with Jake and Amy and Amy notices that Jake’s all jumpy and smiley and she Knows. Maybe with a dialogue bit of like “come on, we have a common goal here!!” or “don’t even try to fight me right now.” sry if ur prompts are already closed. tyy
This prompt made me melt fr I adore them ;w; this is so fucking CUTE. It put me in a rly intense ler mood but that's ok we make sacrifices for peraltiago <3
Proof in Patterns
Amy likes to think that she’s always known Jake well. From the minute she set foot in the precinct, she had had him at least 60% figured out. Though Captain Holt likes to call Jake predictable as a method of chiding him, he isn’t far from the truth--he’s not hard to understand, if you take the time to learn him. 
It’s sort of an open secret that Jake likes to roughhouse. He’s over the moon any time Terry decides to toss him around like a sack of potatoes--unless it's out of rage, which then the entire precinct begins to make funeral arrangements. Whether Jake realizes it or not, and Amy’s almost certain that he does, his mischief more than often gets him hoisted, chased, or launched by his friends. 
Only a smaller group of people--two, to be exact--know about the secret nestled within that one. Herself and Gina, the latter of which is a given, since she’s known Jake since they were little. 
“Jake!” Rosa’s tone could slice glass. Amy looks up from her computer, and—ah. Seems Rosa’s glare could slice glass too. Which means whatever happened is undoubtedly Jake’s fault. 
“Rosa!” Jake parrots gleefully. Rosa forcefully spins his chair to face her.
“Where is it?” 
“Where is what?” He crosses his arms, smug. She narrows her eyes. 
“Give it back or I’ll make you,” Rosa hisses, grabbing a fistful of his hoodie. Amy catches the way Jake’s eyes light up before he tries to play it cool. Cute. 
“Gonna have to be more specific, Diaz. I don’t have your stuff.” Jake shrugs. 
Rosa grins.
“Oh god, why are you smiling?” He whispers, leaning away. 
“Last chance, Jake.” Rosa raises her eyebrow expectantly. He swallows nervously. 
“I don’t have—“
Rosa tickles his stomach with a vengeance. Every time he tries to grab her hands, she jumps somewhere else. Jake slides down in his chair, giggling faster than his lungs can keep up with. She pins him in that awkward slump with just her tickling hands and an evil smile. 
“Top drawer! Rosa!” He yelps, hysterical, and curls away from her. Still tickling with one hand, she opens the top drawer and pulls out a brand new chocolate bar. 
Rosa doesn’t even tell him off, she just pockets the chocolate bar and saunters over to her desk to enjoy it. Jake quietly puts his head down on his desk, hiding his face in his arms. His ears flush a deep red. 
Alright, apparently three people know. Interesting. 
“You doing alright over there?” Amy laughs softly. Jake mumbles something and gives a weak thumbs up. 
“Jake, Holt wants you.” Gina announces herself by tazing Jake’s sides—with her fingers, thankfully. Still, he yelps and swats at her hands. 
“Couldn’t resist. Not sorry.” Gina saunters away. Jake buries his face in his hands yet again. Amy pats his shoulder. 
“Peralta!” Holt’s voice carries easily through the bullpen. 
“Coming!” Jake’s voice cracks. Amy muffles her snickers into her hand. 
Evenings are companionably quiet in their household--Jake’s murmuring reactions to the TV are white noise to Amy now. The combined softness of their pajamas defines contentment. 
Jake’s head rests in her lap. Amy’s arm rests across his waist. She traces her fingers idly over his t-shirt as she reads, occasionally fiddling with the hem. Every time her fingers brush over bare skin, he shivers and scoots a bit closer. 
“Hey--” She pokes his chest to get his attention. He jumps and rolls over quickly. She slowly bookmarks her page and sets the book aside. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Jake chuckles.
“I think you know,” Amy whispers with a mock-graveness. His eyes widen comically. He starts scooting down the couch but she drags him back towards her. 
“Ames. Amy.” He tries to grab her hands but she swats them away.
“Don’t even try to fight me right now.” She swivels so she can sit on his waist. Even as she poses a threat to him, his hands comfortably find her hips. His smile is near-blinding. 
“I feel like you’ve been waiting for this all day,” Amy laughs. Jake lets out a hilarious groany-whine, something gutturally flustered, and she laughs harder. 
“You know I love you, right?”
“Debatable,” He grumbles. She pinches his side and he yelps.
“Okay! Y-Yes, I do.” 
“And you know I think this is cute, right?” Amy drawls. Jake turns a pretty pink and refuses to meet her eye. He normally basks in flattery--his ego is usually a problem, even when endearing--but something about this context makes him shy. It’s adorable to watch.
“Would you just do it already?” Jake’s voice pitches high with embarrassment. Something devious in Amy wants to make him ask properly, but she saves it for another night. 
“You should be nicer to me, Jake--” she leans down and kisses his neck-- “considering we share a common goal.”
His face is so hot that she can feel his blush. She squishes his cheeks to cope with how cute he is. 
“You are so mean to me,” he mumbles through her hands. 
“No, babe, I’m about to be mean to you.” Amy grabs a delicate handful of his sides and he goes boneless on the couch. As her fingers crawl higher, he curls more, squirming fervently. When she gets to his ribs, he nearly throws them both off the couch. 
One of Jake’s most endearing qualities is how much he wiggles. 
“Stay still!” Amy laughs and shifts to pin him better.
“I can’t help it!” Jake squeaks. She spiders her fingers at random over his torso, dodging his every attempt to protect himself. It’s not hard—Jake’s a man of patterns and Amy loves to analyze. 
He slams his head back into the couch and clamps his arms uselessly to his sides. She tickles rapidly, incessantly at his stomach until he just has to reach for her hands. Once he does, she smirks and shoves her hands under his arms. He makes it so easy. 
“Shit, fuck, Amy!” His voice jumps when she vibrates her fingers under his arms. He tries to clamp his arms down harder but it doesn’t help matters much. 
“You keep saying my name like it’s going to stop me. You know your safe word.” Amy presses her thumbs in again. “Can I have my hands back?”
Jake narrows his eyes at her. 
“Are you sure?” She wiggles her fingers. He lets go with a cackle. She gives him a chance to breathe. He looks up at her with a dopey grin. 
“Amy, Amy, Ames, hold on—“ He works himself into a giggle fit so fierce he snorts— “we can talk about this.”
“I’m not even touching you!” She snickers. 
“Title of your sex tape—“
Amy vibrates her fingers into Jake’s stomach and he lets out a very satisfying scream-laugh. She chases it, tickling along his waist and back up his sides. He manages to buck his upper half off the couch and kicks his legs like his life depends on it. All this does is ruck up his shirt. 
“I still think we can talk about this.” He holds his hands up between them with a giddy smile. 
God, she loves him so much. 
She shoves her hands into the pockets of his Die Hard sweatpants and tickles his hips ruthlessly. Having slipped off the couch proves to quickly be his downfall—there’s nothing he can do but laugh himself into silence. 
“Ah, okay, okahahay! Gruber!” Jake wheezes, grabbing for Amy’s hands. She immediately helps him up and kisses his forehead. He pulls her back down for a proper kiss. 
“Still think Nakatomi should be the safe word.” He huffs, little chuckles floating free. 
“Yeah? When you manage to say Nakatomi through laughing, we’ll talk.” Amy tweaks his nose. He reaches up to do the same to her, she tickles under his arms briefly, and his laughter once again lights the quiet corners of their apartment. 
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carlos-in-glasses · 6 months
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Thank you for the tag @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut and @heartstringsduet 💘
Chapter 6: One Tequila, Two Tequila, Three Tequila, Floor of Where All This Love Comes From is now on Ao3 - so I'm sharing this from Chapter 7: A Boy's Best Friend. It's more than seven sentences, but TK and Carlos are feeling cuddly, so I'm taking the cuddle allowance that I just made up as a thing:
“That wasn’t so bad, was it? Living with my dad?”
Carlos smiles. “I just wish he didn't hear us having sex that time.”
“Oh yeah. I mean, you weren’t talking dirty – you were screaming dirty.” TK nudges his foot up the side of Carlos’ calf.
“Exactly,” Carlos whispers, reaching down to shove TK’s foot away. “Stop. You know that tickles.”
“It’s such a weird thing to find ticklish.” TK knocks his foot against Carlos’ ankle and resumes his journey.
“TK.” Carlos fumbles his way out of the booth in a hurry, stands by TK’s side and motions for him to scooch up farther. “It’s impossible to sit opposite you. Move over.”
TK slides from the middle of the seat all the way to the rain-mottled window. Carlos sits next to him, looking at him like he’s in trouble, then rests his arm along the backrest of the seat. TK smirks, sucks at his lollipop, bides his time as if weighing his options. Ultimately, he decides to be cuddled, so re-scooches close. Carlos drapes his arm around TK’s shoulders. Side-by-side, they watch the rain.
Open tag and tags below:
Tagging: @lemonlyman-dotcom @paperstorm @liminalmemories21 @ladytessa74 @alrightbuckaroo @inflarescent @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @jesuisici33 @redshirt2 @herefortarlos @lightningboltreader @orchidscript @goodways @louis-ii-reyes-strand @inkweedandlizards @carlos-tk @thisbuildinghasfeelings @wandering-night19 @freneticfloetry @noxsoulmate @chaotictarlos @bonheur-cafe @reyesstrand @strandnreyes @welcometololaland @rmd-writes @eclectic-sassycoweyes @three-drink-amy @mikibwrites @basilsunrise @theghostofashton @taralaurel @chicgeekgirl89 @sanjuwrites @never-blooms - if you want to share/haven't already - no pressure ever! ❤️🩷🧡💛💚💙🩵💜
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toweroftickles · 22 days
Tickle Tier List: 100 Random Characters
And I mean RANDOM. This may elicit a WTF or two. Some of these are famous, some are obscure, some are literal background characters. Whatever popped into my head over the last few days, I added it. No thought, just instinct. Take it as you will.
This isn’t necessarily a measure of how ticklish these characters are; just how they react to the idea.
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*Handy dandy guide:*
Krystal, Jellylorum (Cats 2019), America Chavez (MCU), Inigo, Hero of Brightwall (Female, Fable 3), Natsu, Elise (Nodame Cantabile), Nightcrawler, Rouge the Bat
Sakura Kasugano, Palutena, Jenny Wakeman XJ-9, Wii Fit Trainer (F), Princess Anna, Princess Celestia, Isabelle, Peni Parker (Spiderverse), Otherin (Slow Life Isekai)
Barbara Gordon (The Batman 2004), Ahsoka Tano, Balan, Lisa (Ponyo), Shantae, ROLL.EXE, Alita, Harmony Faith Lane (Kiss Kiss Bang Bang), Kiri, Jaden Yuki, Wonder Woman (DCEU), Luffy, Alicia Lopez (Astral Chain), Lisa Minci, Beast Boy, Robin Hood, Neteyam
Kiki, Deku, Coraline, Victoria (Cats 2019), Ellie, Laurel Lightfoot, Ian Lightfoot, Lena Oxton/Tracer, Yip Gaming, Frogger
Ahmanet, Mowgli, Amy Rose, Midna, Ben 10, Gwen 10, Josha, Gella Twins (Star Wars prequels), Kairi, Sora, Jeanne, Rottytops, Drew Saturday, Miles "Spider" Sorocco, Lilith (Darksiders)
Alexis Rhodes, Dust (An Elysian Tail), Booster Mbube (Speed Racer), Berecca (adult, Ninjala), Jonathan Morris, Korra, Wii Fit Trainer (M), Kazuko Suda (The Night is Short, Walk on Girl), MEGAMAN.EXE, Elemental Hero Burstinatrix, Sly Cooper, Mayday Parker (comics), Princess Atta, Vignette Stonemoss (Carnival Row), Melusine (Final Fantasy XV), Zakumi (FIFA mascot)
Gwen Stacy (Spiderverse), Pit, Kate Bishop (MCU), Nefer (Mummies), Arcee, Tiffany Case (Diamonds are Forever), Knuckles, Big League Chew girl, Nightsister Merrin, Munkustrap (Cats 2019), Suki, Fish Lady, Momohime (Muramasa: The Demon Blade), Dr. Madeline Bergman (Metroid: Other M), She-Hulk
Neith (Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown), Risky Boots, Kisuke (Muramasa), Phoebe Spengler, Toph, Veran (Zelda), Sabe (Padme’s double), Zuko, Buttercup (older, FusionFall)
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reveluving · 14 days
Thinking about Stephen lately... I need him.
Includes: allusions to s~mut (minors DNI!), but really, pure fluff!
» j.k. m.list , or check out my full m.list!
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You need him.
The same way he needs you.
Kissing the nape of your neck and shoulders, brushing his facial hair along your skin. His hands roaming all over your pretty body, like the mere feel of a fabric, be it your bra or even the thinnest blouse, was enough to make him clench his jaw.
You don't know what's gotten into him. A case went wrong, someone giving him shit, hell, maybe even the gloomy weather. You weren't sure but nothing was going to stop you from giving him what he needed.
There was a smooch after each kiss, his pace a little quick but the passion remained, as if he was making sure the kisses would stay there. Every time you arched, almost squirming out of his hold at the ticklish sensation, he'd pulled you back in, closer than ever.
And when you turned your head to the side, he surged forward, pressing his lips onto yours and savouring your breathy exhale.
It all felt like a little dance, a sensual kind, his whispers ranging from the sweetest promises to the nastiest confessions into your ear. His heartbeat was palpable against your back, and so was his silver chain. The coldness sends shivers down your spine at every touch.
He would 'overstimulate' at times; jerking each time he pressed you against him or nibbling on you just a tad bit harder than usual, his senses hit with a spark of joy whenever he realized he truly had you in his arms.
You would know, you could feel his smile against you each time.
˚ · . f i n . · ˚
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a/n: This piece has some Kali Uchis, Deantrbl, Lee Hi, Amy Winehouse-type shit?? ;; gorgeous rose divider by the amazing @firefly-graphics ♡
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brights-place · 1 year
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A/N: Me when I first watched Marble Hornets, Tribe Twelve and Every Man hybrid ^
Anyways these are some funny Headcannons for the cast of marble hornets that popped up into my head sooo hope you enjoy them!
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Marble Hornets Head Cannons
Timothy Wright/Masky
-he has a limp due to masky not wanting to rest when he is injured
-The mom friend
-gives big bear hugs
-trust issues
-likes taking naps
-has road rage
-socially awkward around strangers
-neglects himself
-makes really good pancakes
-likes to annoy his coworkers
-very ticklish
-has some bandages and bruises due to masky
-when singing karoke he rocks the stage
-Rollerskating on them haters
-the last thing Tim said to Alex as he stabbed him to death was "This is for everything you took away from us" by 'Us' he mean't Jay,Brian,Seth,Jessica,Amy and his alternate split personality Masky along with Brian's split personality Hoodie.
Yes Masky and Tim are two separate people stuck in the same body. Tim is the man being caught up in a crazy situation and Masky being his crazy murder version, thats why Tim forgets everything that happens when Masky is taken control.
-major adhd
-usually pretty chill but when he gets angry, he gets violently angry
-throws tantrums sometimes
-likes climbing trees
-sneaky, but not as sneaky as Hoodie
-loves throwing stones and pebbles at Alex then running away
-jumps onto Hoodies back and clings to him to get on his nerves
-he changed the way his mask looked four different times before he was satisfied with it
-has a habit of tackling his problems (literally)
-hes ticklish, but not as much as Tim
-he was jealous of Jay at the start because Hoodie insisted on protecting him
-Also Roller Skates and flexes on the other proxies about it cause he can do tricks.
Brian Thomas/Hoodie Brian:
-social butterfly
-therapist friend
-sunshine boy
-good grades
-probably the most athletic of the group
-laughs at his own jokes
-always planning fun little road trips
-Mama's boy
-he makes sure to smack anybody who disses on there mother
-Is a Gentleman
-overprotective of his friends
-he once let Tim copy his homework in middle school
-pays for other people's things
-loves playgrounds. Like a lot. When he sees one, he HAS to play on it
-likes taking photos
-under his bed he has a nerf gun stash... Tim and Alex Have been victims when they come over to Brian's
-has a BIG love for nature
-unpatient as hell
-does parkour
-secretly clingy
-easily annoyed
-enjoys bossing Masky around
-listens to music while doing a job/task or just walking around
-has a habit of chewing on spoons
-His gloves where a gift from his mother...
-He's a mama's boy
-great at hide & seek
-breaks into Alex's apartment and moves stuff around to mess with him (once he rearranged the whole apartment while Alex was sleeping)
-Records the others doing random shit
-has blackmail of everyone
-Always plans everything out
-Hates when they rush in without a plan it pisses him off so after the mission he stares at the group intensely and starts signing in sign language to piss the group off.
Alex Kralie
-Listens to classic music
-Alex Understands and knows sign language due to his mother being deaf so when brian signs he understands whats he's saying
-Laughed when he called Tim 'A man Who's ass is even bigger then his fuck brain'
-Him and Brian have nerf battles when they feel like messing around
-Top student in his collage class
-Allows Amy to put makeup on him cause he loves his girlfriend but is annoyed when someone brings it up.
-Good with Computers
-Theater Kid
-Equal rights = Equal Fights
-He has a video of everybody doing dumb shit
-A Rihanna Fan
-Sleep Talks & Walks
-Major Anger Issues
-Send Help to Seths Dog
-Hates dogs (Cause they loud)
-Knows how to play guitar
Jay Merrick/Skully
-Also A Theater Kid
-Keeps to himself alot
-Tired 24/7
-Doesn't eat a lot so the group have to remind him.
-He was on Set design
-Wrote some Scripts for other Projects
-There all in a box somwhere
-gets cold easily
-Collects random stuff
-Wears lots of comfy clothes
-Likes Abba
-Sings his heart out to disney songs when they all are drunk
-Jay's alter
-Fast Runner
-Introverted until you get to know him more
-becomes an extrovert when he feels comfortable -More annoying than scary but can be scary
-Jay doesn't know about skullys existence until years later.
-I feel like he acts like he's on drugs without actually being on drugs, you know?
-Like either crackhead energy or just really caffeinated (same with Jay sometimes)
-Tried Smoking once
-he was in a coughing fit
-Knows Basic Medical treatment
-best delivery person
-She and Tim gossip alot
-Feels like she owes Tim & Hoodie for saving her
-The Cool Aunt
-BEST music taste
-Always brings extra stuff to wherever they go.
-Fights with everybody on who pays for dinner
-Can ROAST the shit outta you
-Her and Amy likes doing girls night
-Amazing Actor
-Knows how to play Piano
-Played Rush E to convince Alex for her and Amy to go out
-Did costume design in highschool
-Loves Baking
-Did violin, piano, flute and drama in highschool
-Amazing Singer
-Knows how to multi-task
-In Med School
-Gossiping with Jessica and Tim makes her laugh
-Use to drive without a Licences
-Very Flexible
-Goes on picnic dates with Alex
-posts photos of her days on her social media's
-Alex was so shocked when seeing Amy do an Gymanstic trick
-Girl is SKILLED
-Likes pet sitting for seth
-Alex gets pissed due to Amy not letting him have a say
-Loves his dog -Best uncle figure -Has dozens of photos and videos from trips
-Did cinematography in high school, still doing it in collage -makes music -Met Jay freshman year in high school
-Knows how to make drinks
-being a Bartender was a side job
-Plays with his dog and wants to cry leaving his dog
-Seth has a smirk when dropping off his dog
-Knows how to play Instruments
-Was in the school band
-Fluent in English,German and Dutch
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drechastory · 1 year
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The post is going well.
So now I add my head cannons.
Amanda: she is an adventure all on her own. She loves her friends, Woolie on the other hand, she could care less. Obviously she loves Wooly and Apples. She is the tallest in the friend group. She refers to Au wooly as Woolie, pronounced wool-Ai.
Wooly: he is the smallest in the group, and ticklish, obvi. He is the therapist friend, and has seen everything. He view Woolie as a brother, cause he’s caring but also chaotic. Wooly loves space more than anything, he respects boundaries, but the others don’t for some reason. He views Au Amanda as a little sister who needs to be protected when Woolie is not in a good mood.
Woolie: Most chaotic one, but he a,ways gets away with it cause he’s so stinking cute. I mean look at him, you wouldn’t think he’s capable of anything evil.
Also he can’t wear his vest properly cause his wool is very thick and fluffy. He truly cares about Au Amanda, and tends to be over protective when it comes to her being with Amanda.
Au Amanda/Amy: she is referred to as Amy to avoid confusion. She is the sweetest little girl you’ll ever meet. She is the only one who talks to the Butcher often, since she views him as a father like figure. Her bond with Amanda and wooly is adorable, she loves them like family. But often uses wooly as an anxiety dinosaur.
Their relation all together is Wooly and Amy keeping Amanda and Woolie from marking each other. Which is actually how they met in the first place.
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