#thrawn x anakin skywalker
dimicomi · 7 months
Shin's thoughts while fighting Sabine: I have my orders, but I don't like them. Morgan can't be trusted, and neither can Thrawn. My Master is wise, but maybe he can be wrong too. Why do I keep thinking about the Jedi Order? I have to stop Sabine, but I can't kill her. Not yet.
Sabine's thoughts while fighting Shin: Goddammit if I could just use the fucking Force I would've murdered this bitch four episodes ago
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phantomstatistician · 5 months
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Fandom: Star Wars: Ahsoka
Sample Size: 578 stories
Source: AO3
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marroniere · 16 days
the worst twink death award should probably go to anakin skywalker
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machiavellli · 1 month
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Main masterlist🕊️
Cal Kestis ⭐️
In the HEAT of the moment (Cal Kestis x chiss!jedi!reader) MDNI
Clone Wars ⭐️
Pixel men obsession
The Bad Batch ⭐️
Omega and Crosshair meditating at sunset (S03 E08)
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revanknightwoman · 5 months
4 Star Wars fanfictions considered by me masterpieces about:
Vader & Exar Kun
Thrawn & Chimera Crew
Thrawn & Karyn Faro
Revan & Bastila
Do you have any favorite fanfictions about these characters?
Please let me know in the comments down below
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violetjedisylveon · 7 months
Ahsoka Series, But Kaeden Is There, The Final Part!
spoilers for Ahsoka Finale
*Sabine and Ahsoka talk things out*
Kaeden, tearing up hugging both of them: aw, my girls are finally getting along
Ezra: this will slow us down
Ahsoka: only if we let it
Kaeden: maker I love it when you do that
Kaeden sits behind Ahsoka on the croco doggo horsies and they use it as an excuse to cuddle, they can still have quality time while trying to save the galaxy.
*zombie troopers happen*
Kaeden, watching the others not decapitate the zombies: go for the fucking head you fools!
Sabine: you aren't fighting!
Kaeden: Morai won't let me!
Ahsoka fights Morgan and Kaeden fights off the trooper zombies.
They absolutely kiss a couple times while fighting, it's good for shocking the enemy.
Morgan: you will die here, alone
*Morgan gets hit in the head with a rock*
Kaeden: hey I'm here too >:(
Sabine: and me!
*Sabine & Kaeden high five*
Ahsoka, affectionately: you're such dorks.
Morgan: can we get back to fighting?
*Thrawn talking(i can't remember what he said sorry)*
Kaeden: uh huh, I think you're just too scared to face her yourself you blue bastard.
Ahsoka & Sabine: whoa!
*Thrawn hyper spaces away to avoid answering that question*
Kaeden: fucking coward.
*Back in the hermit village*
*Morai points Sabine in Shin's general direction cause Morai ships all the gays I guess*
Kaeden, leaning against Ahsoka: we'll have three kids once we get off this planet.
Ahsoka: three? Where are we getting three kids?
Kaeden: we've already got Sabine, we'll get Shin through Sabine, and we've got the little shit that's been using my organs as instruments *gestures to her stomach*.
Ahsoka: ... Are you saying you think your pregnant?
Kaeden: I know I am.
Force Ghost Anakin materializing out of nowhere: Ahsoka! You're gonna be a Mom?!?!?! :D *hugging both of them* I'm so happy for you!
Sabine, overheard everything: how'd you get Kaeden pregnant?
Ahsoka: Force Fuckery bullshit
That's it, Kaeden's been preggers the whole time.
Speaking of Force Fuckery bullshit babies and Kaesoka, check out this thing I am writing. It's 20 year old Kaeden and Ahsoka being new parents and struggling but they've got two older gays to help them + Morai helping and being best babysitter. It's super fluffy and cheesy but very fun.
And next week is when I observe the event called Kaesoka Week, there's no official Kaesoka week account, not one that's active but I took their date and have been celebrating for the last couple years so yeah, Space Gays!
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Hello lovelys! I have a question/request.
So I've read a few Thrawn fics (sadly not to many, but I'm getting there) and as Im reading one now it occurred to me this question "why not do a fic where the reader/character that attracts Thrawns attention is the complete opposite of him? A "nobody" that works in a restaurant or something like that, someone who's not a genius (but also not dumb), someone who knows their limitations and doesn't pretend to be more then they really are? A very normal and common person. Pretty much a opposite attract thing ".
Maybe there are fics out there like these, if so please let me know. If not, and someone is interested in writing also let me know please.
You all have a good day!
(I made these tags so it gets to more people)
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myevilmouse · 1 year
Thrawn:Alliances is the only one of the three canon Thrawn(2017) books that I do not own. It is my silent protest over the loose ends & roads left unexplored that embodied that hot mess of a book.
At the same time, I consider Alliances to be Zahn’s gift to the fertile minds of the fan fic authors of Thrawn Fandom. It is basically the Thrawn repository of What If’s.
Welcome back to the Asker’s Studio™️, Mouse, it’s been a while.
In your fic Uneasy Alliance, you do exactly this: you explore a stream of consciousness that Zahn comes so close to developing, but instead, drops it…at your feet. He suggests an attraction of Padme to Thrawn at every turn, but never allows it to surface. You, my friend do the heavy-lifting for us.
A brief summary for those of you unfamiliar with the fic:
This fic draws VERY heavily on the actual scenes and dialogue in the book Thrawn: Alliances.
100% of Anakin's actions and dialogue are directly lifted, I made up absolutely nothing where he is concerned except in description and perception. Perhaps 80% of Padmé's and Thrawn's dialogue and actions are directly from the book, with slightly more liberties (necessarily) taken.
The story is built around Padmé's introspection and reactions, and I have added detail and dialogue to already existing scenes where they were alone and Zahn didn't tell us what they were up to... with the aim of making the scenario as possible as...possible. This could have happened in the book, so if you ship it, I get why!
This summary does not do justice to the passages and the sensual overload that is Padme’s Thrawn (as we see him through her eyes) or the just plain too-hot-handle moment when the the hormones finally seize control:
Defiant, Padmé lunged for his mouth, lips biting and tugging at his, daring him to stop her. With a growl, Thrawn slammed her hard to the wall, drawing a grunt from her throat. One knee drove between hers, his thigh shoving and pressing against her crotch. Instead of stopping her this time, Thrawn’s kiss turned savage.
Okay, now that I have everyone’s attention, let’s get to it!
I discovered this fic quite accidentally when another Tumblr post was lamenting one of my many complaints about Alliances: how could Padme not be attracted to Thrawn?!
Our lamentations were answered with a simple paste of this fic address. All was good in the universe 😁
So, let’s talk about Alliances, this fic, and revisions in general.
Did you read Alliances as I, and come away with the same unsatiated feeling that I did?
There were many avenues one could have explored with this book (a bane & a boon it was) What made you decide on the Thrawn/Padme theme?
This was an unusual approach for fic: it was almost line and verse accuracy to the original text! In your notes, you specify that this format was quite intentional. Do I interpret correctly that this was done to emphasize that, indeed, Zahn was suggesting the same thing all along: there was chemistry between Thrawn & Padme?
As I thought about it, perhaps the same scenario could be explored with Thrawn/Thalias? (I’m not a huge fan of Ascendancy Thrawn, so maybe leave that 🤣)
Finally, was it harder to write this fic with the stricter format hugging so close to the actual text of the book?
In conclusion, I vote that we replace the original Alliances your version, because it was such a more satisfying meal.
It’s been too long, Mouse, I hope to have you as a guest more frequently (when I finish this move 😖)
Dear @beebee-76! 
This is a fabulous ask and a wonderful break from the holiday prep for me this morning.  Thank you first of all as always for reading my stories.  We have a lot in common (this was already known) and obviously that now extends to our opinions on Thrawn:  Alliances.  And it’s always a pleasure to be featured on the Asker’s Studio™️ 😊
So let’s jump to it 😊  And thank you again for the very kind words about my fic.  It’s fabulous that you loved it so much and it inspired this ask.
Did you read Alliances as I, and come away with the same unsatiated feeling that I did?
I know I still have an unanswered ask from you in my inbox about the differences between “the Thrawns” as in Rebels Thrawn, Ascendancy Thrawn, The Thrawn Trilogy Thrawn, and what I would call 2017 Thrawn.  Someday I will have the mental fortitude to tackle all that, but let it be known that Thrawn:  Alliances really disappointed me when it came out.  It was, as I said earlier, unforgivably boring, or as you say up above “a hot mess.”  Hard agree there.  I thought all the bits with Padme were just excruciatingly slow, and saw the entire story as squandered opportunity and a waste of time.  After 2017 Thrawn, who is my favorite Thrawn, to call this followup a letdown is an enormous understatement.
There were many avenues one could have explored with this book (a bane & a boon it was) What made you decide on the Thrawn/Padme theme?
I don’t write gen fic really, I’m all about my men (Luke and Thrawn) getting with the ladies.  And I’m always open to exactly who those lucky women may be…Rare pairs are a fun place to play for finding new partners.  I used to participate more frequently in fic exchanges, and naturally one of my faves is the Star Wars Rare Pairs, as often the requests there fired the imagination.  Some of my favorite stories started because of prompts there, including my Aesthetics series and my Luke/Guri fic, which wasn’t an assignment got, I but the ship haunted me until I wrote it for the requester anyway.
Another rare pairing on the list was Padme/Thrawn.  I found this intriguing (although I wasn’t ultimately assigned it) because they do actually meet in nu!canon… I read a few frustrated fans’ comments (like the tumblr post that I responded to) about how Padme would never choose Anakin over Thrawn, and why didn’t she just get on Thrawn’s ship and leave behind her loser husband at the end, etc. and I thought hmmm….maybe maybe maybe…
Whenever I write a fic I try to make it as plausible as possible.  I find spots for missing scenes (like in my Luke Skywalker/Mon Mothma fic) where we know people were in the same place at the same time, or find a canon-divergent way to set a story in a believable timeline (like Luke/Sabine or even Thrawn/Sabine).  So I went to my copy of Alliances with nothing more than this goal:  find a spot in the book where Thrawn/Padme could happen, or find something—a hint, a clue of a future opportunity for Thrawn/Padme to happen.  I’m not a fan of cheating in real life or in fic, so the latter option was my preference at the time.  A Padme Lives AU, perhaps, where Chiss envoy Thrawn comes to rock her world after her husband is out of the picture. 
In short, I had no idea what I was going to write, but was looking for openings.
And boy, the openings I found.  As you righteously point out, when you are LOOKING for it, you realize that Zahn has basically already written the fic between the lines.  He gives us SO many opportunities to read an attraction, while also helpfully making Anakin the most annoying, unsympathetic, and immature he’s ever been.  Zahn keeps separating them—Anakin going off his way and Thrawn and Padme having another adventure together.  Sometimes he tells us what they were up to, sometimes he doesn’t.  Imagine my eyes growing comically wider as I scanned the text and realized I didn’t have to write a missing scene, I just had to tell you what happened when Zahn didn’t.
This was an unusual approach for fic: it was almost line and verse accuracy to the original text! In your notes, you specify that this format was quite intentional. Do I interpret correctly that this was done to emphasize that, indeed, Zahn was suggesting the same thing all along: there was chemistry between Thrawn & Padme?
You do interpret correctly.  Instead of my original concept, I decided to simply remix the novel, filling in those blanks and using Padme’s pregnancy (which is not at all mentioned or implied in the book) as an excuse for her oversexed response to the handsome alien that is repeatedly shoved in her direction.  (Much as I am not a real believer in the Padme/Anakin chemistry, I didn’t really want to make Padme an unfaithful hussy, so the prenatal hormones were a convenient way to abet her reactions.)
I think Zahn has progressively fallen more and more in love with his blue man, to the point where Thrawn has gone from Villain to Antihero to straight up Hero in some of the newer books (which is why I find him less and less interesting to be honest).  It’s clear in Alliances that he wants Thrawn to outshine Anakin in every way.  I couldn’t believe Disney let him get away with it.  Anakin’s decisions are wrong, Thrawn is always right—even Padme sees this and acknowledges it in the text.  Anakin isn’t as smart/rational/creative/cool etc.  Zahn gets to hold up Thrawn as capable, honorable, resourceful.  All things Padme recognizes.  He even has Anakin confront her at one point with the “now you’re taking his side”.
In order to achieve this—and let’s be clear, I’m not a huge Anakin fan—I think Zahn did some serious character bashing/warping of Anakin in the book.  After working so hard to find his wife, do I think right away he would send her off with a guy he barely knew to retrieve his lightsaber?  Hell no I don’t.  I think the “real” Anakin would be more jealous, more possessive, and more cautious than this version.  Zahn’s Anakin is stubborn when it suits the story, and relents just as conveniently.  In my fic, Padme has quite a bit of introspection about this—WHY is her husband sending her off with this stranger so often?  She was in mortal danger, he came to save her, but is more concerned with destroying shit and having some weird revenge against no one in particular than overseeing her personal safety. 
Sorry Zahn, your motives are super transparent here.
…was it harder to write this fic with the stricter format hugging so close to the actual text of the book?
It was the opposite!  I loved uncovering this story from the clues in the novel.  It didn’t take long to write at all, once I got started.  I scanned the book, identified the key scenes I could use to make Padme/Thrawn happen, and the bones of the fic was done in about a day.  The research/rereading took longer than the writing, I think.  I found out in the meantime that one of my talented artists friends @sometimesartmostlychaos, was a low-key Padme/Thrawn shipper, so the story was a gift to her upon its completion.
Zahn’s version of Anakin allowed my fic to take shape, as you mention, using total accuracy to the text, dialogue, and repeated separations he inflicts upon the newlyweds.  While I don’t 100% buy it (more reasons why the novel just was an overall mess), I certainly see what Zahn was doing, and what he was doing was making Thrawn better in all aspects than Anakin.  How could a smart woman like Padme NOT notice, particularly when she’s having so many traumatic experiences? 
I compounded it with hormones to serve my own nefarious purposes, but as I said in the author’s note, I didn’t really have to do a lot of work to get there.  Zahn laid it all out and I just had to massage the attraction from latent to overt.  It was a super fun exercise and I absolutely enjoyed it.  Making it better, making it INTERESTING, if I do say so myself.
As I thought about it, perhaps the same scenario could be explored with Thrawn/Thalias? (I’m not a huge fan of Ascendancy Thrawn, so maybe leave that 🤣)
I too am not a huge fan of Ascendancy Thrawn (understatement, I kind of hate him) see above about how the more perfect and heroic he gets the less interesting I think he is… I don’t care at all about these new books although I read them out of a completist sense of obligation…I don’t know.  I loved Outbound Flight Thrass… and Aralani was cool and all (not anymore though ugh) but Thalias is SO ANNOYING and always has been, I’m sorry.  She has this hero worship thing going on with Thrawn and it’s sort of icky and not inspiring for smut.  And clearly Zahn is trying to use her to swat away the slash fanfic but it’s not working.  I mean…he LITERALLY SHIPPED THEM in a shipping container overnight I can’t even…
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In general, I find Thrawn’s solicitude towards Thalias contrived, I don’t like daddy!Thrawn to Cheri (god really?! That’s the name we’re going with?!), and I should probably just stop there.  But in brief, I’m not the person to write Thalias/Thrawn.  If I did, it would be super dark, not this let’s drink hot cocoa and eat cheese platters playing cards in a little shipping container.  Maybe have him be like “oh you think you want this?! Muwahahah evil laugh proceeds to wreck her completely in every sense” ah what a digression.
In conclusion, I vote that we replace the original Alliances your version, because it was such a more satisfying meal.
I adore you for voting this way, and am humbled by that assessment!  I have threatened at times to remix my remix, in essence write a “what if” where Padme jumps on Thrawn’s ship last minute instead of just wistfully watching its departure.  I probably will never write it, but I think it could be done and done well.  Thrawn in this case would be the hardest to twist (he was, as  you see in my story, under no illusions about what was going on with those wacky humans), but in fanfic all things are possible.  Which is why we love it!
Thank you again so much for this ask @beebee-76!  I am grateful for the chance to explain my process for this fic.  Never wrote anything like it before but absolutely loved the chance and the writing exercise and ESPECIALLY the reactions of readers who, like us, saw the plausibility and enjoyed what I did with it.
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somethins-art · 2 years
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Star Wars art dump from April 21st-30th 2021
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kimageddon · 2 years
Sins of the Father - 1:5
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-|- Page header by space-b33 -|- Masterlist -|-Prince of Dathomir Masterlist -|- Sins of the Father Masterlist -|- Art Masterlist -|- Check out my : Ko-fi / AO3-|-Prompt Challenges-|- Art Attack Weekly Challenge -|- Join my tag list -|-
Maul x OC - Modern/Crime AU - OCs from A Prince of Dathomir
Word Count: 1200
Contains/Warnings: Callous talk, mentions of abandonment
Maul x OC
Word Count:
Chapter Summary: The powers that be discuss the plans for the future and the opposition arising in a young challenger to the 'throne'.
Notes: Just curious do you guys like word counts on the chapters? Do you want me to include that more? If there anything else I should include in the beginning, warnings, content etc? lmk!
(More notes at the end)
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Master of Puppets
“I do not understand what she thinks this will do, other than make a few simpletons smile for a few minutes,” the bearded man in black snarled. He and two other men present stood in a luxurious office, watching one of the large screens on the far wall. It was a newsreel of the mayoral candidate Padme Amidala at some charity event, handing out bottles of water to people on the street. “She has no substance, she’s a weak idealist.”
“Commissioner Serenno,” the oldest of the three men spoke. He looked up from his place behind the desk, while he too felt disdain for the woman, he was not overly concerned. “She may be an idealist, but there are more sympathisers to her flowery speeches. They want the fantasy she pedals, despite how unrealistic.” He waved a wrinkled hand toward the screen. “We need more than just the knowledge that she is a child playing at the game of politics. We need to show the people of Coruscant how foolish she is. That she cannot be relied upon.” 
“It should be relatively simple, sir.” The Police Commissioner sat proudly, his crisp black suit, white hair and beard were enough to give him a formidable and angular silhouette, even his almost regal appearance, he could easily have been a noble Lord in centuries past. Likely he had some background that held themselves aloft with pedigree. He was matched with the appearance of the man with striking blue skin opposite him, neatly dressed in a white suit, swept back and cropped blue black hair, his crimson eyes were ever calculating and focused. With such a handsome profile, he could easily have been a Chiss Prince. 
Contrast to both tall broad shouldered men, the Mayor himself was more hunched in frame, white hair and deep wrinkles were telling of old age. His skin marred with moles and age spots. He was clean shaven, weak-chinned and bore a downward turned mouth. His watery blue eyes stared at the screen before his thin upper lip curled in disgust. 
“If it is so simple, why has nothing been done?” Mayor Palpatine rasped, he stood and laid his small hands on his desk, fingers outstretched. He did not have the same regal bearing as the others, it made people believe the old man; to think him harmless but trustworthy. One talent he did have was a charismatic manner, able to sway others to his line of thinking with a few well-placed suggestions.
“I have my best people on it,” the Commissioner assured. Palpatine’s brow twitched, he was so impatient these days. Especially with the election coming up, he did not wish to lose his seat of power, that was where his two associates came in. 
“See that you do, Dooku, you would not want anything to befall that pension of yours should you fail,” Palpatine warned him. More of a thinly veiled threat, though indirect. If this Amidala girl were to take office, her stance on wiping out corruption would mean that so much of his best laid plans would be destroyed. He had learned from mistakes of the past. There was much that he still had to accomplish, but it seemed that his hand was being forced into accelerating his schedule. He would have to make a few more calls. The more chaos, all the better for him and his administration to look like stability. 
There was a knock at the door and the air in the room brightened. 
“Mayor Palpatine? I believe you wished to see me?” came a familiar voice on the other side of the door. 
“Ah yes, young Skywalker, of course, come in my boy,” Palpatine called. The russet haired young man entered, he too with a tall and broad frame, though such a young face, he was blind to Palpatine’s motives, moldable, trusting and leaned on the Mayor for advice. He was a far more suitable candidate than the boy Maul. The zabrak had been useful for a time, but too intimidating, too untrustworthy, he didn’t have the look he wanted for a proper son. Anakin was a far wiser choice for his image. The young man smiled as soon as he saw the older and closed the door behind him quietly. 
“Have I come at a bad time?” Anakin asked. 
“Not at all, I believe you have met my Deputy,” Palpatine gestured to the blue skinned, red eyed man, the two men nodded to each other and Thrawn raised his glass of wine slightly as Anakin approached. “Have you met Police Commissioner Dooku Serenno?” 
“I can’t say I’ve had the pleasure,” Anakin replied politely. The Commissioner stood and he was almost a full head taller than the already tall young man
“You must be young Master Skywalker, Mayor Palpatine speaks very highly of you,” the deep baritone of the older man rumbled through the room as he extended a hand. Anakin shook it firmly. 
“I am flattered to hear it.” The boy gave a charming smile, friendly as always. 
“I understand you two met through the ‘Homeward Bound’ program, is that right?” Dooku asked. A look crossed Anakin’s face at the name of the program. He didn’t like his past to be mentioned. 
Homeward Bound was just meant to be one of those little side projects that was the focus of the media to divert attention away from his other dealings. Who would have known that the orphan he had sponsored would have been the perfect substitute for his first son. It was foolish to have brought Maul with him to begin with. Though the child had faith in him, Palpatine should have discarded Maul long ago, he was just a relic of a past that he did not need to remember. There might have been one or two moments worth his time but the majority was a waste. Pathetic little place and pathetic little people. 
“Young Anakin has been my greatest success,” Palpatine smiled pleasantly, hiding his true thoughts behind a kind expression. He laid a pale wrinkled hand on Anakin’s shoulder in support, the younger man seemed to settle. 
“I see you’re watching the campaign,” he gestured to the television, the footage showing the rather pretty young woman speaking at some rally for charity. Another of her ‘good works for the people of Coruscant’. Palpatine refrained from sneering. 
“Indeed, we were admiring the young Miss Amidala’s tenacity, she certainly brings a spark of youth to the city, doesn’t she?” he chuckled. “I believe she could do much good for the people… though I do have concerns for her inexperience,” he mused, giving the young man a side-eyed expression. Anakin had not yet torn his eyes from the screen. 
“I suppose…” he muttered, distractedly.
“Oh yes,” Palpatine said as though he had just remembered, “ you know her quite well, don’t you?”
“Padme?” Anakin turned back and made a face as if he’d been caught. “Oh, uh, well Miss Amidala and I knew each other in college.” He looked like a young blushing schoolboy. It would be very useful indeed. Now he simply had to figure out a good way to use this to his advantage.
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Here it is! The new SIN-sational chapter (sorry not sorry)! I hope you liked it, and yes I gave Dooku a last name and ewies Palpableovaltine is just being his usual nasty self. Gross. I need a shower after writing that.
For anyone keeping up with my other series, A Prince of Dathomir, you will know I have moved house! So I have been so so busy and stressed but things seem to be looking up and hopefully I will be able to get back into writing and focusing on this story I am very excited to tell! I hope you are all liking it so far and if you do, then please please please, write me a comment and let me know, it really helps to know that people are enjoying this.
As always, I hope you are well, and I shall see you in a fortnight! Next time, Zaiya ventures to a certain law practitioner to get some assistance in finding Maul.
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illuminatedquill · 7 months
Sabine x Ezra/Anakin x Padme:
It's Like Poetry, It Rhymes
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I'm already falling I couldn't help it, didn't think of the risk I got a problem, problem when I look in your eyes You're mine and you know it I'd still do it even if we were cursed Won't you be my problem? It's okay with me if it hurts - BANKS, Under the Table
George Lucas has a phrase that I always come back to regarding his work: "It's like poetry, it rhymes."
He said this in reference to Luke's battle with Vader in the Emperor's Throne Room aboard the second Death Star. During the climax of the duel, Luke faces the same choice his father did so many years ago.
And Luke chooses differently. Instead of killing Vader, he tosses aside his weapon and chooses to stop fighting. He wins the battle without violence and claims the mantle of Jedi Knight, which helps Anakin return to himself fully and turn on the Emperor.
For this post, I'm using this phrase to another interesting similarity within Star Wars: the relationship between Sabine Wren and Ezra Bridger having echoes of the doomed romance of Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala.
There's no way that Filoni is not aware how he's setting these two up.
Sabine, clearly, has resemblances to Ahsoka's former master; it doesn't surprise me that Ahsoka immediately cut Sabine's training short after the Purge of Mandalore.
Sabine is messy, angry, reckless, impulsive, and obviously depressed after experiencing so much trauma in her life. Despite her efforts to keep up appearances that everything's fine with her, we can tell in the Ahoska premiere that she still keenly feels the loss of Ezra and her family.
Anakin was the same way. We know his story; I won't re-hash it here.
Because of Sabine's inability to reflect on her problems - much like Anakin - they tend to influence her decisions. She can't focus on what needs to be done, versus what she wants to be done.
Love versus duty. The age old conundrum.
She should have destroyed the map to Thrawn. She didn't. She could not face returning to a galaxy without Ezra Bridger in it.
Anakin prevented Jedi Master Mace Windu from finishing Palpatine because he wanted the knowledge to save Padme from death.
Anakin's decision, I also want to remind, led to Padme's death being realized. In doing what he did to prevent it, he ended up causing it to come true.
Sabine's decision to save Ezra . . . well, we've yet to see how Filoni plays this out. But I think there might be a similar outcome here; some sort of consequence for Ezra due to Sabine's actions.
The galaxy - both times - shifted on its axis and began to spiral towards darkness. The Empire rose. Thrawn returned.
The seeds of darkness have already been planted in Sabine. Her decision to hand over the map to Baylon was a failure of temptation. And once you go down the path of the dark side, it's incredibly hard to turn away. Yoda told this to Luke and he failed to heed his advice until it was almost too late.
Lucas, with Luke and Vader, had them face the same dilemma in their respective journeys to show how different their choices would be and how their characters, despite being so much alike, were ultimately different.
So Filoni, with Sabine and Ezra, is - at least in my point of view - doing the same. He's going to have these two reckon with what Sabine did only for them to choose differently than what happened with Anakin and Padme.
We never really saw Anakin and Padme reconcile after his fall. That's the tragedy of their relationship.
But with Sabine and Ezra, there's still hope. They can choose better and not end up cursed like their predecessors.
For one, Ahsoka is literally right there. I'm uncertain as to how much she knows about the reason for Anakin's downfall but if she does know (or Anakin's Force ghost reveals it to her) then she's perfectly armed with the knowledge to make sure Sabine doesn't follow the same path.
Sabine and Ezra also have much more of a personal history with each other. Their foundation is built on stronger material than Anakin and Padme's. There's a lot of trust and respect and love already built into it.
But, admittedly, Sabine's actions threaten to unmake that relationship. I've talked about it before in a previous post; that she could end up losing Ezra due to her selfishness.
And that's not even mentioning the reactions from Hera. Hera, thinking of her son, Jacen, and her desire to raise him in a galaxy not at war. Now it's being threatened by Thrawn's return.
All because of Sabine's need to save Ezra.
I really don't know how, but I'm excited to see Sabine and Ezra work it out. Because we've never seen a proper redemption arc in Star Wars. Anakin was redeemed, yes, but he died shortly afterwards.
Sabine has to put in the work to make up for what she did. She's already started on the path by staying behind with Ahsoka instead of going home with Ezra, but being open to the Force now means that there's only more trials and temptations ahead.
I can't overstate how worried we should be for Sabine. She messed up so badly before being able to tap into the Force. And now she has it.
I know she's on the path to set things right but that temptation will never go away. It will only be amplified, going forward, and I'm sure that there will be more opportunities for abuse considering the inevitable conflict between Thrawn and the New Republic.
And then there's Ezra, of course. Her desire to keep him safe.
Because he wouldn't sit on the sidelines, even if he wanted to. Sabine's actions, like it or not, have involved him in ways that he cannot understand. He'll be at the center of this fight.
I expect Sabine is going to experience some troubling visions soon. I'm thinking similar to what Luke faced in the cave on Dagobah, or even what Anakin saw during his encounter with the Mortis gods.
There's nowhere to hide anymore now that she's stuck on Peridea.
The Force, I'm sure, is going to have a lot to show Sabine about herself that's been hidden away. I hope she's ready.
Much as I want to see these two together and living happily, it can't happen until Sabine and Ezra work through these issues together.
Because if they can't, well . . . we've seen how that story ends.
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twinsunstars · 8 months
Thoughts on Ahsoka Episode 4 - Fallen Jedi - A Discussion Post
Luckily, this week's episode was a bit longer than last week's, and there was a lot that shocked us. Let's go explore!
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Hera defies orders and leaves with Jacen, Chopper, and a few pilots to help Ahsoka and Sabine fight. Nothing will stop her from helping her family, and having a chance to find Ezra and stop Thrawn from starting another war.
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Sabine faces off with Shin, and Ahsoka faces off with Marrok. Marrok had kept Ahsoka busy with his blade, but it didn't last very long. I don't think anyone expected Marrok to turn into dust once he was struck with the lightsaber. They really got us thinking with all those theories about him being Ezra only for him to turn into dust and die. Sabine fights as a Mandalorian with her gadgets, but once the helmet is thrown off, she grabs her lightsaber and fights with all her strength. Shin tells Sabine "You have no power", but that doesn't stop a Mandalorian like her.
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Ahsoka meets Baylan face-to-face, who states that "Anakin spoke highly of you." I love the fact that Baylan has met Anakin and he talked about Ahsoka to him. (Anakin loved his padawan so much it hurts.) The two engage in a graceful yet forceful fight.
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Sabine watches Ahsoka fight with Baylan, which ends in Ahsoka falling off the cliff. Sabine gets angered and is ready to destroy the map with her blaster, but Baylan had a few manipulating tricks up his sleeve. He brings up Clan Wren, who has apparently died back on Mandalore. This was truly a shocker, and I want to know what happened on Mandalore that led her family to die. Sabine is alone, no one there to hold her back from making the wrong decision. But she has the chance of finding another one of her family again, and she does not want to give it up. I loved Natasha's facial expression in this scene; Sabine knows it's wrong, but it's the only way to get Ezra back home. At the end, Baylan destroys the map with his lightsaber, ensuring that no one else finds the coordinates.
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The Eye of Sion spent the episode calculating coordinates and getting the hyperdrives ready for departure. At the end, with Sabine captured, Morgan and her crew descend into hyperspace, ready to find Thrawn in the other galaxy. They leave Huyang behind, alone and clueless to where his friends have gone. Sabine's helmet lays in the grass, left behind.
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Hera and Jacen watched the Eye of Sion launch into hyperspace, destroying a few X-wings in the process. Hera manages to get the Ghost stable, and Jacen tells her he has a "bad feeling". If Jacen, the son of Kanan Jarrus, knows something's wrong, then something's wrong. Hera has this look of fear on her, potentially feeling that something isn't right either. She has no idea what has happened to Ahsoka, and where Sabine has gone.
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Ahsoka wakes up in the World Between Worlds, a setting that was first and last seen in Rebels when Ezra had pulled her out. She stands, wondering how she got here. All of a sudden, she hears two words: "Hello, Snips." She turns to see her master, Anakin Skywalker, standing in front of her with a smile. I am so happy of how Hayden Christensen has come so far as Anakin Skywalker, coming back for Kenobi and being loved by all the fans. He truly deserves everything.
This week's episode really got me thinking critically and dropping my mouth open in shock. I am really excited for next week's episode, as Dave Filoni has directed it. It is now likely that Ezra may come home next week and we could see Thrawn, but still not trying to get my hopes up too much. Just in case, let's be ready to celebrate.
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sendpseuds · 6 months
WIP fic tag game!
Thanks for tagging me @tideswept
If you are tagged, post a picture or write out the names of your fics/WIPS as they are in your computer/phone. (Explain the names if you think it's necessary)
SO, turns out I have a lot more WIPs than I thought... some of these will probably never happen but I figured I'd list them all anyhow.
Feel free to ask any questions you'd like!
In no particular order...
Smutty Sith!Obi-Wan [one-shot] Jedi!Anakin captures Sith!Obi-Wan and through a liberal application of truth serum, realizes the Sith got himself captured on purpose.
Dalliances with Death [multi-chapter] Obi-Wan Kenobi finds himself before Death several times in his life. Death finds he likes the man. A lot.
Dark!Obi-Wan [multi-chapter] Deathwatch has found a new ally: a powerful Sith hellbent on helping them take over Mandalore. Meanwhile, just outside Sundari, a man is pulled from the wreckage of a crashed ship — a man long thought dead — Obi-Wan Kenobi.
I Would Die For You [one-shot] Obi-Wan does not remember his deathbed confession, but Anakin definitely does [started because I could not stop listening to this song]
Girls' Night [one-shot] Thrawn and Eli spend a night eating popcorn, drinking wine, watching romcoms, and giving each other makeovers. Among other things...
Perfect Spiral [multi-chapter] Veteran Quarterback Obi-Wan Kenobi must defend his position on the Tatooine Raider from hotshot rookie Anakin Skywalker. Rivals to lovers.
Dinner with Dex [EIYWT one-shot] Obi-Wan takes Satine to meet Dex — a woman he apparently has already told the diner owner about... years ago, and extremely drunk [lots of Qui-Gon-related angst going on in this one]
Ventress WIP [one-shot] Obi-Wan returns Ventress’s lightsabers after the Ahsoka debacle [which is RIGHT after Satine's death] and immediately she can tell something is… off. They have a few drinks, spar a few times, until Ventress pushes too far, and things get out of hand. Fast.
Broadway Cody WIP [Resolute Theater one-shot] over a long weekend in college, Obi-Wan helps Cody explore his sexuality.
Con Artist AU [multi-chapter] Con artist Obi-Wan's apprentice thinks he's ready to strike out on his own, Obi-Wan disagrees [inspired by the insane 2001 film Heartbreakers]
I think that's all of them??
ANYWAY! I'm happy to chat about any of these, maybe it will get the words flowing again!
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emeraldspiral · 23 days
Looking at the history of the Hottest Star Wars Man polls and it seems like Obi-Wan topping is the only consistency.
Round 1 - Obi-Wan had almost 29% of a 12-option poll with 2411 votes. 2nd and 3rd place were Poe Dameron (15.5%) and Din Djarin (14.4%). Anakin took 4th with 11.5% and 5th place was "What about X?" (7.3%). Qui-Gon was in last place with just under 2%, just barely behind Hux (2%) Thrawn (2.2%), and Ben Solo (2.7%).
Round 2 - After the first round Qui-Gon was eliminated and Han Solo and Cassian Andor were added, making it another 12-option poll. The poll received far few votes, totaling only 1523. Obi-Wan's lead slipped slightly to 26.2%. 2nd and 3rd place this time around were Cassian at 12.7% and Din Djarin once again at 12%. 3rd and 4th place were Anakin (11%) and Poe Dameron (10.2%). Finn fell from 5.5%, leading over Hux and Ben Solo, to only 2.8%, tying with Luke Skywalker for last place. In the Luke vs Finn elimination poll, Finn came out on top with 55.5% of the vote.
Round 5 - For some reason it seems the polls skipped straight from Round 2 elimination to Round 5. Or maybe OP deleted previous polls. Or maybe Tumblr search is just broken. Anyway, this was a 9-option poll. This poll received fewer votes than the first two, only 1290. Obi-Wan's lead slipped further down to 22.9% despite less competition. Cassian remained in 2nd with 13.7% and 3rd went to Poe (12.4%) while Din Djarin (8.8%) fell from the top 3 all the way down to 6th with Anakin taking 4th at 11.2% and Ben Solo shooting up to 5th with 9.9%. Rex took last with 5.5% and was eliminated.
Round 6 - In this 8-option poll there were only 10 more votes cast than previous, totaling an even 1300. The results however, were quite different. Obi-wan dropped down to 19.7% and for the first time his lead was barely more than 1% over Ben Solo, whose stans showed up to bring him up to a close second of 18.3%. Cassian took 3rd with 16% while Poe was in 4th with 11.5% and Anakin took 5th with 9.5%. Han Solo took last with 6.8%.
Round 7 - In this 7-option poll there was significantly higher voter turnout at 2143. Obi-Wan's lead rose to 22.1% while Ben Solo fell from a close second to 3rd place at 13.1%, behind Din at 14.1%. The remaining four were incredibly close and not so far behind Ben Solo and Din with Hux taking 4th at 12.8% just ahead of Poe (12.7%) and Cassian and Anakin, who tied for last at 12.6%. So Cassian and Anakin, who'd previously been far closer to the top fell behind Hux, who'd been closer to the bottom for most of the previous rounds. In the elimination round, Cassian soundly defeated Anakin with 60.1% over 39.9% of the votes cast.
Round 8 - As of right now, round 8 still has a few hours left to vote for our beautiful Ben Solo, the man with the galaxy's finest hair, eyes so pretty a Jedi would open themselves up to the dark side for them, and tiddies so fat they became a meme. We got him up to just a smidge behind Obi-Wan before, we can dethrone him just like our boy dethroned Snoke.
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tljisthegoat · 7 months
Do you ever think about how we have the perfect setup for an Avengers Infinity War level movie with Luke, Anakin, Ben, Dark Rey, Cal Kestis, Thrawn, and Ahsoka?
We could see Cal meet Ben, Anakin meet Rey, Ahsoka meet Ben and just have an epic storyline that really gives The Skywalker Saga, a proper conclusion.
I'd call it Star Wars X: Destiny's Embrace & then two years later do Star Wars XI: Solitude's End
Both would have Rey as the main character. Ben would come back, but at what cost?
Disney has one of the best fictional stories ever created and they'll never deserve it. They've done nothing to prove they truly understand & cherish the unlimited potential it has. Quite the opposite. They've done soooooooooooo much damage to Star Wars since getting it.
Rian Johnson was the man that could've saved Star Wars but unfortunately, Disney didn't just let him take over doing the movies after TLJ.
That movie will go down as the most underappreciated Star Wars movies of all time imo. The amount of things in that movie that still to this day make me wanna actually bother buying Disney+ & watching it at least 3 or 4 times is insane.
Rey & Ben's storyline with Luke is masterfully done. Snoke is handled great & I wish we had Rey interacting with him more tbh. The little smirk she gave him that really screamed "I'm gonna make you pay for what you've done to Ben Solo." Really hit like a train.
Long Live Ben Solo
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Reylo is the future & will remain so forever.
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thisiseditsandstuff · 2 years
Star Wars EU / Legends timeline - post A New Hope
BBY = Before the battle of Yavin 4 ABY = After the battle of Yavin 4 Text in ( brackets ) indicates the relevant book
0 ABY- Star Wars: A new hope / Battle of Yavin 4, destruction of the death star
3 ABY - Star Wars: The empire strikes back / echo basis destroyed, Han Solo is captured by Boba Fett
4 ABY - Star Wars: Return of the Jedi / death of Jabba the Hutt, destruction of the second death star, death of emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader, the New Republic is established
7.5 ABY - Begin and end of the Bacta Wars ( X-Wing: The Bacta War )
8 ABY - Wedding of Leia Organa and Han Solo ( The Courtship of Princess Leia )
9 ABY - Birth of Jaina and Jacen Solo, start and end of the Thrawn campaign, death of grand admiral Thrawn ( The Thrawn trilogy )
10 ABY - Emperor Palpatine is reborn as a clone, Luke Skywalker falls to the dark side but is eventually rescued by his twin sister, birth of Anakin Solo ( Dark Empire I & II )
11 ABY - Luke sets up his Jedi academy on Yavin 4, Leia becomes chief of state of the new republic, Luke’s student Kyp Durron is possessed by the Sith spirit of Exar Kun and destroys the entire Carida system ( Jedi Academy trilogy )
14 ABY - Disciples of Ragnos crisis takes place ( Jedi Knights: Jedi Academy )
16 ABY - The Black Fleet crisis happens ( Black fleet crisis trilogy )
17 ABY - The Corellian crisis happens, Han’s cousin Thrackan Sal-Solo threatens the new republic with the use of Centerpoint station ( Corellia trilogy )
19 ABY - Caamas Document crisis eventually leads to the end of the galactiy civil war between the New Republic and the Imperial Remnant, discovery of the Empire of the Hand, ( Hand of Thrawn Duology ) wedding of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade ( Union )
23 ABY - The Second Imperium raids the academy on Yavin 4 in the Second Imperium crisis ( Young Jedi Knights: Jedi under siege )
25 ABY - Begin of the Yuuzhan Vong war ( New Jedi Order: Vector Prime )
26 ABY - Birth of Ben Skywalker, destruction of the academy on Yavin 4 ( New Jedi Order: Edge Of Victory II: Rebirth )
27 ABY - Mission to Myrkr, death of Anakin Solo, Jacen Solo becomes a prisoner of war, Coruscant falls to the Yuuzhan Vong in the battle of Coruscant ( New Jedi Order: Star by Star )
28 ABY - The new republic is restructured into the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances ( New Jedi Order: Destiny’s way )
29 ABY - End of the Yuuzhan Vong war ( New Jedi Order: The unifiying force )
30 ABY - Jacen Solo begins his five year journey, the Jedi officially reclaim the old academy on Ossus
35 ABY - Begin of the Dark Nest crisis ( Dark Nest I: The Joiner King )
36 ABY - Birth of Allana Djo Solo ( Dark Nest II: The Unseen Queen ) , Luke Skywalker becomes grandmaster of the Jedi Order ( Dark Nest III: The Swarm War )
40 ABY - Begin of the Second Galactic Civil war ( Legacy of the Force: Betrayal ), Jacen Solo falls to the dark side, becomes Lumiya’s sith apprentice and chief of state of the galactic alliance, death of Mara Jade, Jacen accepts the name Darth Caedus, Luke Skywalker kills Lumiya ( Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice )
41 ABY - Jaina Solo kills Darth Caedus, end of the Second Galactic Civil war ( Legacy of the Force: Invincible )
43 ABY - Luke Skywalker is exiled, the Jedi are plagued by a mysterious force psychosis, the dark side entity Abeloth wreaks havoc on the galaxy, the Lost Tribe of the Sith is rediscovered ( Fate of the Jedi: Outcast )
44 ABY - The Jedi stage a coup against chief of state Natasi Daala, the Sith seize the Jedi temple on Coruscant, Abeloth is ( temporarily ) destroyed, the Sith are defeated, wedding of Jaina Solo and Jagged Fel ( Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse )
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