#thomas brainrot pretty much
suntoru · 1 year
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summary: genshin men being huge simps and spoiling u every chance they get <3
feat. diluc ragnvindr, kaeya alberich, childe, kazuha kaedehara, scary mooch, xiao, thoma, ayatoe, al-haitham, kaveh
a/n: i swear i was working on the masterlist but the brainrot finally got to me hnghhhh
warnings: gn but feminine implications (ie. princess treatment, reader wears heels and makeup, passenger princess), simping for reader, maybe ooc? swearing, fluff, some are modern aus, maybe innuendos?
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─ ✰ DILUC is the gentleman we all deserve in our lives. if it’s raining outside, he’ll make sure to protect you from the wetness! he makes sure you’re fully bundled up in his coat, and that when he’s walking you home, the umbrella is fully covering you. oh, his shoulder’s getting wet? that’s fine, a little bit of water never hurt anyone. but if it happens to you? all hell breaks loose. what if you get sick from the rain? are you feeling alright? do you need medicine? a doctor? and if you’re in a modern au, he’ll definitely let you be the passenger princess 🥰 you can take naps, eat snacks, and pick all the songs! you don’t ever have to worry about giving him directions, you can just do whatever you want. he even installs led lights in his car so you can take asthetic pictures <3 if you’re tired, don’t worry about him, he’ll be fine alone, take your beauty sleep :) he drives you anywhere you want, no questions asked! you want to go to his mansion? you’ll be there in ten. grocery store? sure. nail salon? he’ll even accompany you to get your nails done just so you won’t be alone, pays for everything too!
─ ✰ KAEYA is absolutely whipped for you. to most people, he’s the town flirt, and a drunkard, but to you, he’s the most caring and softest person you’ve ever met, even if it’s hidden under layers of hurt. if you go out drinking with him, and come back drunk, he’ll carry you bridal style back home. pressing your body closer to his, he makes sure to prop your head so your neck won’t get sore. and if you wear makeup, he won’t put in the low effort to wipe your face with a makeup wipe, he’ll do your whole skincare routine for you! first, he uses makeup remover to take everything off, then, gently, he massages the cleanser into your skin and washes it off. he applies your creams and serums, making sure to be as tender as possible, even if you whine that all you want to do is go to sleep. he soothes you, whispering that all he needs is ten more minutes to brush your teeth and get you changed so you’ll feel clean in the morning. and for the hangover in the morning? he makes you special soup and showers you himself so you don’t even have to lift a finger.
─ ✰ CHILDE loves spoiling you whenever he gets the chance to. other people might think it’s just another sugar baby dynamic, but in truth, it’s far from it. it’s a selfless love, not just based on materialistic items. but even then, he’s willing to sacrifice his time and money for you. you’re his baby and his top priority always, no matter what. are you hungry? well, get ready, because he just booked a reservation at the highest star restaurant in town! you’re having a bad day? no problem, he’ll send one of the lower ranking fatui members to do the dirty work and he’s coming home early! he’ll bring home a large bouquet of flowers and a cute stuffie to match. you need new clothes? he’s driving you to all your favourite stores on his card <3 his wallet is practically bottomless, so don’t be afraid to spend what you want! a couple thousand mora is nothing to him if he can see your frowning pout turn into the pretty smile he loves so much. he even carries all your bags for you without asking! he can’t have his darling getting tired after all :(( just as long as after you give him a smooch on the lips and an hour of cuddles, the only payment he’ll accept (´∀`)♡
─ ✰ KAZUHA, even after years of being in a relationship, still finds ways to give you butterflies in your stomach. when you come back into your quiet home after a long night, too exhausted to take care of yourself, he leads you to a chair and sits you down. he ever so delicately unlaces your heels for you, taking his time doing so, but don’t worry! you won’t ever be bored. if the silence is too much, he’ll ask you how your day was, talk about his, and spill all the tea that happened on the crux. and if your feet are tender, he’ll massage them gently so they won’t be sore in the morning :(( he’s putting the utmost care and effort into whatever he’s doing for you, and that never fails to make your heart skip a beat. he still opens doors for you, dedicates hundreds, if not thousand of poems and haikus to you, and never fails to make you feel loved. he’d never forget an important date, even if you don’t mention it for months before! he always asks for your hand, and when you place it in his with a knowing smile, he gives you a fairytale-like kiss on the top, making sure to peck every little fingertip in the process.
─ ✰ SCARAMOUCHE never thought he’d bow down to anyone again in his lifetime. he’s trained every little bit of himself to be the most powerful, the strongest being he could so he’d never have to go through that humiliation. but yet here he is, tucking away his ego and pride, bending down on the ground for you. yes, he may grumble, telling you to hurry up, and that he doesn’t have all day, but the fact that he’s basically submitting to you speaks for itself. you taught him what love meant, healing, and promised that you’d never leave him, and for that, you have his eternal loyalty. as you climb on his back, he gently hooks your legs against his arms as he stabilizes both of you. the proximity of your face resting against his neck causes him to go up in flames, throwing his oversized hat on your head, telling you to hold on to it for him. but really he’s hoping the large structure obstructs his rosy cheeks. he does every little ‘embarrassing’ thing for you, from painting his nails barbie pink to being shrek for your matching halloween costumes. if his younger self were to look back at him, he simply wouldn’t believe it, but now, he wouldn’t even consider the possibility of even saying no to you.
─ ✰ XIAO never, ever, takes you adventuring with him, simply because he believes someone as precious as you shouldn’t risk getting hurt and scuffed up. so instead, he brings you little gifts that he sees while adventuring. a glaze lily, protective adepti charms, and almond tofu are all gifts that he’s brought to you before. he’s also much softer with you, never raising his voice and being cautious about his choice of words. if you ever get caught in a physical situation with him, automatically he moves to stand in front of you, one arm protectively circling your waist, pulling you closer to him. being xiao’s s/o, you also get special privileges. while he answers most who call his name, if you even utter his in a whisper, he’ll be there in a heartbeat, no matter if it’s an emergency or not. whether you called him to join your tea party, or if you are in the slightest bit of danger, he’ll be there. he also trusts you more than his logic, even if everyone else is against you. if you’re in a scuffle with other humans, he makes sure to hear both sides, but his heart already knows who’s right. whether there are 100 witnesses who all say you’re wrong, he’ll still believe you anyways.
─ ✰ THOMA is absolute malewife material, no questions asked. sometimes, if he’s not busy in the mornings, he’ll surprise you with breakfast in bed without a special occasion. he’ll peck your cheek and give you a soft ‘good morning’ as to not break the sleepy trance you’re in, carefully placing the tray onto the nearest nightstand. whenever he’s around, he does all your chores too, from washing the dishes, to dusting the house and sweeping the floors. you wom’t even have to lift a finger, he goes as far to make lunch too! since he’s not home by then, usually somewhere in the kamisato estate, he leaves handwritten sticky notes on each lunch box he gives you. he fills them with messages like, “the perfume you wore smells good today!” “your smile is blinding, my ray of sunshine” or “you’re gorgeous always, my lovely.” never once is a message repeated, he believes someone as special as you deserves to hear something unique each day. he even goes as far to make your food cute! he’s made panda shaped onigiri’s, cat-like dango’s… all because you asked him once, it’s become a tradition now.
─ ✰ AYATO never leaves you bored when he goes to one of his meetings. his maids set up a spa day, complete with a makeover and evening gown to go with it, but it’s just not the same without your husband :( thankfully, being the significant other of the head of the yashiro commission has its own perks. for instance, you can walk around like you own the place and join in on in his meetings, albeit later you might get punished by ayato for interrupting, but really, he doesn’t mind. seated on his lap, you play with his fingers and let out a quiet huff. why did you think this was a good idea again? what they’re talking about is so boring, you’re beginning to regret your desicion to join ayato, wishing to be soaking in the tub with a face mask again. thankfully, shortly after, he cuts the conference short, apologizing and telling them he has more pressing matters to attend to. you lead him straight home holding his hand, giddy that he’ll join another one of your salon days. he makes sure to pamper you, giving you a massage and washing your hair for you, praising you for being so patient, even if you were the reason the meeting ended early.
─ ✰ AL-HAITHAM, i headcanon, thinks he’s being subtle with putting up with your shenanigans, but he couldn’t be farther off. he might seem indifferent on the outside, but he cares much more than you might think. can’t sleep? just wake him up at 3am, he’ll wrap you in a blanket burrito and read to you until you fall asleep! just got your nails done? he’ll carry all of your books, what else would he need his giant man boobs muscles for? he revolves around you, as if you are the sun and he the earth. and god forbid if you’re ever mad at him, his whole life comes tumbling down. although if you can’t see it in his facial expression, all of his rationality goes flying out the window. he’s snappier than usual, getting annoyed at the littlest of inconveniences. even if you’re in the wrong, he’ll still apologize first, he just wants you to start talking to him again 😢 if you have conditions to making up, he follows them all to the tee. give you one kiss for every hour he’s made you upset? done. buy you the newest line of makeup or skincare? absolutely. cook dinner for the next two weeks? he already does that.
─ ✰ KAVEH is placed 1st on the list of simps. just pout your lips and whimper a “pretty please?”, he’s down bad. he lets you braid, curl, and play with his hair whenever you want, even if it was already styled in the beginning. he lets you steal all of his clothes, who cares if he’s worn the same thing five times in the past week? you look so adorable in his white shirt, he can’t complain. oh, and if you don’t like his style? he’ll let you pick out his clothes and style him yourself, he’ll stand there patiently for you like a mannequin <3 technically it’s not allowed, but he shows you all of his top secret projects and all the cool things he’s doing, you’re the only one allowed in his office! oh, what’s this? you want him to do your makeup? just give him a week, he’ll perfect cat eyeliner, lip liner and blending eyeshadow colors for you! after you’re done, he lets you do his makeup too, praising you for your talent. even if the blush is patchy, foundation cakey and lip gloss smudged, he still thanks you endlessly with unlimited cuddles and a new handbag matching his briefcase!
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©hawkssimpsblog 2023.
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kazumist · 6 months
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✩ — the filipino high school genshin au that no one really asked for.
✩ — various x gn!reader. fluff. no cws. wc: 722. this got pretty lengthy oops it was only supposed to be four characters but i came up w more brainrot as i continued to write on. reblogs are highly appreciated !!
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albedo, the one you always look for in the crowd. he was never a student who got all the attention, but there’s a few times when he’s called up on stage because he won a place in the art contests held. in the canteen, during the flag ceremony, or even when school ends, your eyes would always be looking for his figure in the ocean of students that would be flooding the school grounds. 
lyney, the flirtatious one who never seems to give up. this guy is dead set on flattering you. from pulling up some simple tricks from his sleeves (literally because he managed to pull a bouquet out of his sleeves once and you still don’t know how that worked) to smoothly slipping flattering words into a normal conversation you two would have. he just doesn’t know when to give up! but when you finally give him a taste of his own medicine, he’s the one stuttering with red ears.
wriothesley, the varsity player that you didn’t expect to fall for. he was out of your league, in your opinion. wriothesley had his popularity, and it was certainly deserved because of his talent, smarts, and looks. but it doesn’t matter if the majority of the school’s population fawns over him. after all, at the end of the day, he still comes home to you.
kazuha, the poet whose hands are never tired of writing for and about you. it started with him slipping some simple anonymous notes that wished you good luck for the day and that you shouldn’t forget to eat your meals. it was a sweet gesture, especially when you had a rough day. but it soon turned into poems about the things he noticed about you, like how he admires the way your eyes would sparkle in joy when you see a stray cat around campus or how he admires your loving personality, which makes him fall even harder. kazuha would never get tired of this. after all, it is you who he is writing for anyway.
neuvillette, the student council member that you couldn’t help but like. he had everything! the leadership skills, the smarts, the talents, the personality, and god, don’t even start with his looks. he was way out of your league with that! but admiring from afar simply wouldn’t hurt, right? not that much attachment, just him being a source of motivation for you to get up and go to school.
childe, the class clown who never fails to make you smile. but even if he’s typically known with the title "class clown", there is a different reason as to why he makes you smile. he’s good at reading the room and can easily detect if someone is feeling down; hell, he even makes the effort of being inclusive to everyone and making sure that they’re not feeling left out. and that’s just a really nice thing to notice. of course, it’s no surprise that childe would notice that you’ve been having a bad day as well. from passing on stupid, silly notes to cheer you up to lending his ear to listen, he’d break his back just to make you break a smile.
xiao, the one who would always wake you up. no matter the time or place, he’d always find you sleeping. and he secretly keeps you company if you’re alone. oh, you accidentally slept in the library while studying? don’t worry; xiao already took the chair next to you and decided to work there. but as the time ticks on the clock, the library has to close now, so he wakes you up. it was always the same, but you never knew who would wake you up in the end.
thoma, the guy who gets along with everyone (especially with you). one could probably misinterpret his actions as romantic because he’s just… really nice to everyone. not that it’s a bad thing; it’s sweet, really. but you can’t help but overthink if his actions have meanings. from him waiting for you at your locker, you and him playfully nudging and joking around each other without even noticing that there are others around the two of you, and his words probably have some implication—it’s complicated. it’s like, you’re friends, but you’re also not sure if your feelings for him are reciprocated.
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kazucafe · 10 months
⌗ genshin boyfriend hcs.
characters: diluc, kazuha, xiao, thoma, zhongli, & venti x gn!reader
genre: fluff, very tiny hint of angst
author's note: allow me to indulge in my genshin men brainrot <3 if you enjoyed reading, likes and reblogs are highly appreciated :']
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diluc ragnvindr.
a gentleman, is always polite with his gestures.
if you visit him while he's on his shift at the tavern, he'll walk to where you're seated and greet you with a kiss on the forehead.
"hi, love." yeah *swoons*
would drop everything in the blink of an eye if you asked him to.
there will be at least one day when you'll be spending your time with him horseback riding and he'll sit behind you and help you control the reins. <3
he comes home late at night after he's finished patrolling the premises undercover, and opens his room to you having fallen asleep awaiting his return.
plants a gentle kiss before proceeding to lay down and holding you in his arms. he likes to nuzzle into the crook of your nape.
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kaedehara kazuha.
will write poems for you <3333 will also leave handwritten love letters for you to find.
probably has secret spots where he always loved to rest whenever he was alone, but nowadays, he shares these places with you bc he'd be the happiest man alive if he had two of his favorite things at once <3
camping and stargazing dates >>
he would introduce you to his family (if he had one)
you’d find that they’d already heard so much about you and have been waiting to meet you!
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a lot of the time, xiao's days will consist of fulfilling his duty to honor his god and protect the people of liyue.
but no matter how busy he can get, he will not hesitate to rush to your side if you so much as whisper his name.
if you ask for something simple like wanting a hug or giving him a kiss, he'll look away and grumble, "you shouldn't call me for such a mundane request."
it's funny he says that when he still complies and sends you a look, silently hoping you'll give him another kiss.
make him wear a flower crown !?
if you successfully persuade him to get some rest, he'll sleep on your lap or lean on your shoulder.
rest assured that the nightmares he dreads to face each time he closes his eyes will never make an uninvited entrance. not as long as you're by his side.
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HE !! WILL !! COOK !! FOR !! YOU !!
his schedule is packed, but he'll always make time for you. if he has only a five-minute break, he'll immediately look for you, even if neither of you have anything to do.
if you get sick, he's the best person to take care of you.
he worries a lot :( will probably nag your ears out, but that's fine because regardless of how heightened his emotions are at that moment, you can clearly hear the softness of his tone. that's how you know he loves you. <3
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another gentleman, always walks you home
IS SO GENTLE and will greet you by kissing the back of your hand
enjoys sharing his thousands of years' worth of memories with you
he's not one for extravagant things; his ways of showing affection are subtle but consistent and never fail to tug at your heartstrings.
loves travelling and tasting different kinds of wine with you
isn’t it just so pretty to think maybe you could live forever by his side?
also very doting <3 always ready to shower you with hugs and kisses
he'll serenade you every night because he says he wants "to win your heart over and over again" and remind you that he belongs to no one else.
he'll take you with him everywhere he goes, letting you touch the clouds as you ride on dvalin's back.
he's right beside you as you fall asleep at night, looking at you with so much love, like you're the most wonderful thing that's ever happened to him.
and you are.
he thinks you’re the closest thing to freedom he’s ever been.
and he wonders what he's done to deserve all the happiness you've made him feel.
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nubisaureus · 8 months
preferred titles
Not that he wants to be a real dad or anything, but every time you're so obedient for him and reply with a submissive «Yes, daddy» it goes straight to his cock, intensifying the urge to make you bounce up and down on it, making you mewl for him like the needy mess you are. «That's it, pretty girl. Keep it up, I need to hear how much you're losing your mind for me.»
WRIOTHESLEY, Zhongli, Welt, Alhaitham, JING YUAN, Blade
He's used to being in a position of power over others, and it's no difference with you. Just be pretty for him, drool like a good pet and get on all fours, looking at him towering over you. He'll gently stroke your head, and if you're really good, you'll get to be used until you're oozing with his cum. «Aw, you're so adorable. Come over here. You've earned yourself a nice treat~»
AYATO, Baizhu, Albedo, Luocha, Dan Heng - Imbibitor Lunae, Kaeya
One day you jokingly called him "Sir" and he discovered he likes it. It just makes him feel so powerful, to be able to make you feel so good, reducing you to a whimpering mess for his cock. So now whenever you want to trigger his dominant side, you know exactly what to say. «Feeling submissive, are we? Seems like you need to be put in your place.»
CHILDE, Gepard, Dan Heng, Cyno, Neuvillette
doesn't particularly care
He's not very fond of titles, he's okay with whatever you wanna call him: love, master, honey, whatever goes. All he cares about is making you feel good, wanted and most importantly LOVED. Most of the time you're also the one taking the lead, so he'll let you do whatever you want with him. «So good, love. Take your time, I want to feel you all over me, and I want to make you feel good.»
Kaveh, DILUC, Thoma, Tighnari, Xiao
──────────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────────────
NSFW, minors do not interact please
On a completely unrelated but also not so much note, I'm having a major Wriothesley brainrot/simp era, so expect something interesting very soon hehe
As always, a shorter post cause uni exists unfortunately
hope you enjoyed! &lt;3 reblogs and comments are always appreciated *^*
ps: not proofread!
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starglitterz · 2 years
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you're the youngest scion of the world's most wealthy conglomerate owner, and with your older brother next-in-line to come into the role of chairman, you're free to run as wild as you like. and for you, that equates to getting into dating scandals nearly every other week, much to the chagrin of your management… though it’s not like they can say anything since you can get away with everything when you’re this beautiful & dirty rich.
✧ feat ; albedo, arataki itto, childe, diluc ragnvindr, gorou, kaedehara kazuha, kaeya alberich, kamisato ayato, scaramouche, shikanoin heizou, thoma, xiao x gn!reader
✧ warning(s) ; reader wears a skirt + heels at one point, alcohol mentions, drunk!reader, kinda suggestive
✧ a/n ; i have been brainrotting this concept since Forever and now i am forcing all of u to think abt it too >:) spot the xiao favouritism LMAO
please reblog + leave comments ! it helps a lot :)
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✦ ALBEDO. [ kreideprinz ]
“you've got a press conference tomorrow afternoon at one,” albedo lists out your itinerary for the next day as you spin around in the chair at your desk. “and then lunch with lady ningguang at two.” “how about scheduling some time for us to go on a date instead?” you tease, a smirk curving your lips. “it's too late to change your schedule, mx y/n,” albedo answers without missing a beat. it's become a pastime of yours to attempt to fluster your cool personal assistant, and it's a common occurrence for you to flirt with him only to be immediately shut down. “what about kisses then? those are pretty quick.” albedo sighs, “may i remind you that you have barely a minute to spare tomorrow?” “a lot can be done in a minute,” you wink, and he stares at you, “i highly doubt even you can do much in the span of twenty seconds.” you groan, sliding down in the seat, “'bedo! would it kill you to play along sometimes?” “it won't kill me, but it might kill your schedule,” albedo shuffles the papers in his gloved hands. “and why is that?” “because,” he says simply, “i'd be too busy thinking about everything you've asked to do with me to get any work done.”
✦ ARATAKI ITTO. [ hanamizaka heroics ]
arataki itto is someone you shouldn’t be caught dead interacting with. despite that, you still find yourself picking up his calls and responding to his texts far too frequently. it started the day you were doing fansigns, as your autograph was highly coveted, and he was the only face that stood out to you in the sea of fans. itto had started by yelling a greeting, prompting your bodyguard to tense as if preparing a fight. you had laughed and returned it, and he had continued to explain that you were his idol and he had formed his own group in the hopes of reaching the same level of fame as you. the green-haired girl beside him scolded him for his antics, but you found him endearing, and for reasons only the archons know, you scribbled your number below your signature. which leads to now, where you now hear his enthusiastic voice through the speakers of your phone nightly as he rambles about his day and updates you on his progress with his gang. it’s a breath of fresh air for you to be exposed to someone so down-to-earth and honest about everything in comparison to the corrupt world you interact with daily. and if you start looking forward to these conversations? nobody else has to know, it’ll be a secret for you two alone.
✦ CHILDE. [ tartaglia ]
“idiot, there are cameras over there!” you tug childe behind a wall, flattening yourself against it as if to make yourself invisible to the paparazzi. “y’know, when you invited me out, i didn’t expect us to be running from the press the entire time,” he laughs, and you elbow him in the stomach, “hey, this time it’s your fault! everyone’s freaking out over the beloved snezhnayan boxer tartaglia returning from his special training in the abyss.” “ow! as if they wouldn’t die for a picture of the world’s hottest heir,” he winces and retorts. “you’re hotter, though, for sure,” you reply without looking back at him, peeking out from the wall to check if the reporters have left. “really? you think so?!” childe’s tone doesn’t betray how happy he actually is to hear that - he’s been in love with you from the day you enrolled in the same boxing class as him when you were both still learning to talk. “hmm…” you turn around and look him up and down, fixing him with your infamous judgemental stare, “objectively speaking, i think you are pretty hot. maybe a 7 on the ‘totally would spend the night with’ scale.” “only a 7?! whyyyy?” childe whines, and you laugh. you’d never admit how handsome you really think he is, and how it’s probably impossible to rank him on the aforementioned scale when you’ve been wanting that since forever. “anyways, i think this place is a no-go. maybe we should just head to your place instead,” you sigh, realising the eager paparazzi aren’t going to leave anytime soon. “sure! i’ve got a new bottle of firewater we could crack open too.” “then what are we waiting for? i can practically hear it calling my name already,” you skip off and childe rushes after you, “no fair, i was planning on doing that first!”
✦ DILUC RAGNVINDR. [ the dark side of dawn ]
the sound of clinking cutlery is the only thing audible at the table you're sharing with your potential suitor, diluc ragnvindr. “i'm diluc,” he attempts to break the silence, only for you to coldly reply with obvious apathy, “i know.” he swallows, unsure of how to continue with your clear lack of interest in the date, so he falls silent once more. guilt begins to prick at you for being so harsh, and you cave, “i’m sorry, diluc, that was rude of me. i’m just not very interested in getting married right now, or anytime soon if i’m being honest, so i don’t see the point of this dinner.” diluc blinks; once, twice, thrice before a smile begins to curve his lips, “thank goodness!” now it’s your turn to be confused, “what?” “i don’t want to get married either, this dinner was my manager’s idea. i wasn’t sure how to tell you without hurting your feelings,” he explains, and you beam, thanking your lucky stars that the crisis has been resolved, “then, why don’t we get out of here?” “what do you mean?” diluc tilts his head in confusion, and as his features are illuminated by the chandelier hanging above the two of you, you can understand why he’s often voted the most eligible bachelor of teyvat. “we can just hang out without all this formality! i promise it’ll be a night you’ll never forget,” you grin, reaching out your hand to pull him out of his seat. “sure,” diluc returns your smile, and to hide how flustered you are after realising that his smile is actually very pretty, you wink, “if you’re lucky, a deal with my brother’s company won’t be the only thing you leave with tonight!”
✦ GOROU. [ canine warrior ]
“mx y/n, that’s the third dating scandal this month!” gorou scolds, rushing after you as you stride down the corridor. “nice, new record!” you cheer, and gorou thinks you must take pleasure in driving him to an early grave because, “that isn’t a good thing!” “shame, because i was planning for my next one to be with you,” you wink before whipping out a compact mirror and reapplying your lipstick. gorou's stunned silent, mouth opening and closing like a goldfish for a few seconds before he composes himself, blocking out any and all thoughts of you ever dating him. but just as he's about to speak again you cut in, placing your hand on his shoulder and pulling him close, “imagine the headlines; useless scion elopes with their own public relations head! crazy, right? the public would eat that up.” gorou is this close to spontaneously combusting but thanks to his sheer willpower he manages to keep it together. but when you continue, “i bet stocks would rise like mad too, then you'd finally be able to get a better job than hounding me all the time, gorou,” that's when he speaks up with a passionate outburst, “no! i enjoy working for you, and i wouldn't change it for anything.” now it's your turn to be shocked, but you recover quickly as you grin, “what about in exchange for me never getting involved in controversy again?” gorou flinches before smiling, “you drive a hard bargain.” “you know it, gorou! and by the way, i was serious about what i said earlier. you can be my next scandal!” “what?!”
✦ KAEDEHARA KAZUHA. [ scarlet leaves pursue wild waves ]
kazuha’s been topping the charts ever since the release of his debut album, and with his dashing looks and charmingly flirtatious personality, he’s captured hearts across the globe - yours included. you know you’re bound to bump into him sooner or later with all the high-class events you both attend, but when it actually happens, you’re caught like a deer in headlights. it’s your birthday function out of all things, except this is the boring one you’re forced to host for the sake of maintaining business relationships and a popular image with the public, so you’re about to doze off at your table when someone plops into the seat beside you, “happy birthday!” upon recognising his voice you jerk your head up at once, “kaedehara kazuha?!” “y/n l/n?!” he imitates your tone, and you can’t help but beam, “i can’t believe you’re here, i love your music!” “thank you! and it’s wonderful to meet you, mx y/n. but it seems like you aren’t having a good time at your own party,” he raises an eyebrow, “why?” “this party is just for formalities, so it’s super boring,” you sigh, but then you smile, “i’m holding another one tomorrow night just for my friends and i though, if you’d like to come!” “it would be my honour,” kazuha says, “but how about we hype this party up too?” “how?” “i’ll perform onstage right now. a super special love song for y/n l/n’s birthday,” he deepens his voice so it sounds more dramatic, and it makes you laugh, “i get to see kazuha singing live? maybe this birthday isn’t so bad after all.” kazuha lifts your hand to his lips and presses a kiss to it with a wink, “i’m about to make this your best birthday ever.”
✦ KAEYA ALBERICH. [ frostwind swordsman ]
it’s been a while since you last saw kaeya. he’s incredibly elusive, showing up at the most random events when he feels like it, but the tabloids eat it all up and treat him like one of life’s great mysteries. to be honest, even you’re more than a little curious about the man with blue hair and the ability to do as he pleases without a care in the world. “looking for me, sweetheart?” you look beside you with surprise, and you’re met with the icy eye of the one and only kaeya alberich. “awfully arrogant of you to assume that, mr alberich,” you reply smoothly, matching his piercing gaze with one of your own. handing you a glass, he smirks, “call it intuition.” “i didn’t take you for a telepath,” you deadpan, taking it and nodding a thanks. “i wish i was, so i could understand what’s going on in that pretty head of yours,” kaeya drawls, “or even better, your heart.” “moving rather quickly, aren’t we?” you step nearer, and his enigmatic smile deepens, “isn’t that your style?” it seems like kaeya alberich is getting way too ahead of himself, and as the resident flirting monarch, you feel it’s your job to knock him down a few pegs. “no, this is,” and with that, you grab his tie and tug him closer, pressing a featherlight kiss to his cheek before pulling away as if nothing happened. “come find me later if you figure out how to match my style, kaeya,” a catlike smile graces your features and you disappear into the crowd on the ballroom floor, leaving a starstruck and quite possibly lovestruck kaeya behind.
✦ KAMISATO AYATO. [ pillar of fortitude ]
“you seem tense,” the famed model murmurs, tilting his head slightly to face you. his lips brush against the shell of your ear in the process, and you swear you’re about to melt into a puddle as you swallow, “who wouldn’t be, in a pose like this?” you’re pressed up against ayato’s torso, his arms wrapped around your waist with his chin resting on your shoulder, and for some reason the heat of his hands seem to be branding your skin even through the layer of fabric. “true. though with your long list of dating scandals, i expected you to be relaxed about this sort of thing,” he glances at you, and you can hear a note of amusement in his tone. “what’s that supposed to mean?” you roll your eyes, though you can’t help but be pleased that he seems to be aware of your reputation. “nothing in particular. i’m just wondering if i could be added as the latest on the list,” ayato replies teasingly, and your eyes dart to his with barely concealed surprise, “really?” his gaze dips to your lips for a millisecond that seems to last far too long, “yes.” “slow down, pretty boy,” you regain your composure enough to smirk, “how about you start by just giving me your number?” ayato mirrors your expression, mischief glimmering in his irises, “yeah, i can do that.”
✦ SCARAMOUCHE. [ kunikuzushi ]
“you’re planning on going out wearing that?” the disgust in your stylist’s tone is obvious, he’s not even trying to hide how he feels about your outfit. “yeah, what about it? it’s cute!” you spin around, admiring how the skirt flares as you twirl. scaramouche would rather die than admit how cute he actually thinks you look as you show off the outfit, so he settles for scoffing, “cute if you’re going for a ‘just picked this out of the trash’ aesthetic.” “fuck you,” you laugh, “this is from the latest liyue collection!” you never take his insults seriously, and scaramouche has a love-hate relationship with how his comments are like water off a duck’s back for you. on one hand, if he actually did hurt your feelings, he might just collapse, but on the other hand it also feels like you’re always laughing at him. “liyue designers lost their touch last century,” he rolls his eyes and offers you his hand to pull you into your walk-in closet, “c’mon, if you really want to go out, i’ll pick an outfit for you.” “ooh, scara, you should totally come with me! then we can match outfits,” you lean into him, raising your eyebrows suggestively, “we could look like a couple~” scaramouche desperately hopes you don’t see the red blush darkening his cheeks right now or he’d never hear the end of it from you, so he turns away, “fine, i’ll come. only so you don’t look awful if we bump into paparazzi.” you giggle, seeing an opportunity to tease him further, “then it’s a date!” “no it isn’t!”
✦ SHIKANOIN HEIZOU. [ analytical harmony ]
for a bodyguard, shikanoin heizou sure does talk a lot. whether he’s analysing your every interaction for a hint of dishonesty from the other party, or making flirty comments whenever the two of you are alone, he never shuts up. it was your brother's idea to get you a personal guard, and out of all the candidates, he picked the playful one with mischievous olive eyes and a smirk always tugging at his lips – you don't understand why. you're confused until the first time you see him in action, which happens to be at a fashion event where some creep snuck in. in one swift movement, heizou pulls you behind him with a whisper, “i’ll deal with this,” before darting forward and incapacitating the stalker with a few well-placed punches and a final kick to his stomach. after handing off the weirdo to the gawking security personnel, heizou rushes back to you, “are you okay?” “yeah… i just didn’t know you could fight like that.” “well, i wouldn’t be much of a good bodyguard if i couldn’t fight, would i? anyways, you can praise me now,” he strikes a pose as if expecting applause. “don’t let it get to your head, dumbass,” you laugh at his antics, “but you were pretty cool.” “i know,” he smirks, “and now you know i’m good with my hands.” “heizou!”
✦ THOMA. [ protector from afar ]
you’ve never seen the cleaners of your penthouse. sure, you pay them, but you’re almost never at home to see who they actually are and to thank them for their hard work. just your luck that the one time you’re having an awful day and crying at home is the day one of them come in. he walks into the room humming, hands shoved casually into his pockets until he catches sight of you, “huh? wait, mx y/n?! i’m so sorry for intruding, i didn’t realise you were at home.” “it’s fine,” you brush it off, well aware that you look like a total mess right now with your puffy face, “but i’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell anyone about this.” “of course not!” he blurts out before falling silent again. this has got to be the most awkward moment of your life. someone walked in on you sobbing your eyes out and looking like you just left a horror movie set, and to top it off it's someone you don't even know – it's enough to make you want to burst into tears again, and unfortunately you're currently so emotional that you actually do. “hey, hey, hey, what's going on?” the person from earlier is in front of you in a flash, “do you want to talk about it?” “i don't even know your name!” you manage to hiccup while crying. “oh, right! i'm thoma,” he introduces himself. “it might be easier for you to rant to a stranger, and i can promise you,” he mimes zipping his mouth, “my lips are sealed.” honestly at this point you so desperately need a shoulder to cry on that you'd take anyone, even the incredibly handsome man you met around five minutes ago. so you launch into a huge tirade about your insecurities and problems, and throughout it all thoma listens intently with a straight face, nodding at intervals and offering advice only when you ask – you might just need to marry him after opening up so much and receiving such a good response.
✦ XIAO. [ vigilant yaksha ]
it seems like xiao never talks. it’s not exactly a bad thing, especially since he’s kept his mouth shut about more than a few shady places he’s dropped you off at, but you find yourself wanting to know more about the mysterious driver with the amber eyes. however, you’re greeted with silence whenever you attempt to start a conversation or ramble about your day, and you’re beginning to think you’ll never get to talk to him. until one night, when you stumble into the limousine later than usual reeking of alcohol, clutching your heels in one hand and your bag in the other. xiao’s already surprised enough by how you’ve clambered into the passenger seat rather than the spacious rear lounge, but when you lean over to him and clutch the lapels of his crisp white shirt, he’s pretty sure he’s on the brink of a heart attack. “xiaooo~” you whine, slurring the syllables of his name, “why do you hate me?” he thinks you won’t remember this the next morning, so it should be fine to reply, “i don’t hate you.” “liar! you never want to talk to me!” you pull away, tears brimming in your eyes and threatening to spill down your cheeks. “no, no, no, don’t cry,” xiao doesn’t know how to comfort anyone, but the sight of you crying is something he never wants to see, so he quickly wraps his arm around your shoulder, rubbing circles on your back, “i can’t talk while i’m working, that’s all.” “then… what about after?” you sniffle, “after work?” “yeah!” “i could probably talk then.” “okay, good, because you’re super handsome, and i love your hair, and your eyes, and your face,” your eyes light up, and you tousle his hair, moving to poke his cheek and cup his face with your hands, “and just everything!” xiao’s face is practically a tomato right now, and he tips his hat down to hide his expression, “i like everything about you too.” “yay! then let’s talk after work!” you cheer, sliding back into your seat. “sure, if you remember,” he replies with a soft chuckle while starting the car again. “of course i will! it’s a promise~”
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yet another formatting change bye but this is cute i think i'll stick w it :> // general masterlist
© starglitterz 2022. do not repost or modify in any way.
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♡ Imagine Thoma sending you very lewd pic's ♡
!● warnings: gn!reader, modern AU, slight yandere!thoma, smut but not very smut, probably a bit fluff?, weird relationship, kinda NSFW🔞 no minors or I’ll eat u alive
Note: I had this brainrot for some time now in my mind, I'm happy to have finally wrote it 🥵💞 Also, fun fact, I did commission an artitst for Thoma doing a selfie (not lewd) but this was the idea which came into my mind ~
What can I say? You and Thoma had a very interesting relationship going. Everyone on the campus knew it. It was very obvious from the beginning.
The way he looks at you when you're trying the best to concentrate on the lecture. Your furrowd eyebrows, the little nibbles inside your mouth which he notices right away... just everything makes this man's heart melt with so much love for you.
But he also love to do to make your head spin harder. After finding out your number he has send you some very lewd pictures of him while you are with friends minding your own business. He was standing in front of the mirror. Showing off his abs, his hand under his pant almost letting you see his crotch. Usually he would send you some before asking so you can hide your phone from others to look at and blush very hard when you do receive the best nudes from him. Thoma always send you different position of him, almost naked and needy for you. A surprise which led to a very interesting relationship with him. It was as if he made you his.
Well, this time Thoma and you were going out with some friends to a new bar. They told you guys this one is especially good since there was a special program going on every week. Something about a cute little dude singing songs, but you did not pay much attention. Since both of you didn't had much time to be together, all the college stress is a wall between you guys, it was a perfect opportunity for Thoma to send you some new nudes of him while the both of you were out together with friends. This time it was more provocative than his usual pictures. On the picture he sat down on a chair, spread legs, completely naked. Only one hand covering up his member. A cheeky grin was covering his face. Thoma adored when he saw you were trying to hide your cute blush. And if the nude was even better, he did noticed your trembling voice, after one of your friends asked if everything was okay. So pretty and cute just for him~
Occasionally you also would send him some lewd pictures of yourself. Making him blush while he was trying to lecture younger students. Just one second he looked at his phone after seeing your message, oh boy, his head would turn into a red tomato, trying to hide his blush with a chuckle. Pretending not to have seen the most beautiful person alive. ♡
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pearlywritings · 11 months
Seeing your latest post on Kaveh pushed me to share this brainrot I've been having over the last couple of days about another lovely pyro man, Thoma.
Imagine if you are Thoma's spouse and you get along with Taroumaru. He is always excited to see you because you give him treats and headpats whenever you visit. He recognizes you as important to Thoma.
Imagine Taroumaru with you when you are pregnant. He would just become so protective and never leave your side. When you are sitting down, he would sit next to you, near your belly. Imagine if you have to go out to town alone, he would definitely be stopping you from leaving the premises. He just wants to be with you, to protect you and your unborn child.
And once the baby arrives, Taroumaru would be over the moon. He would be jumping to see the baby in yours or Thoma's arms. He would never leave that baby's side.
I just love those videos of dogs and babies getting along.
Sorry for my late answer, my lady 😭. This idea is so so cute, I couldn't help but write my own thoughts 💜💜💜
Thoma x fem!reader, mentions of pregnancy, 1k+ words
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Long before you and Thoma got married the owner of the Komore Teahouse was aware of your existence. Moreso, the Shiba Inu loved when you came over - alone or with your sunshine lover, always greeting you with a bark and a wiggle of his curled tail.
Though the first few times Thoma brought you to the Teahouse for dates, the dog seemed to watch you closely, you could clearly see the guarded stance of him and the way his nose was twitching as you were passing by with your hand clasped in the blonde’s bigger one. You also noticed how the male talked to the almost humanly dressed animal - like he was a human too. Which you quickly realized wasn’t so far from the truth.
Taroumaru is very intelligent. And sensitive. It took him little time to realize the importance of you, the kindness of your expressions, the softness of your words, the sparkling in your eyes whenever you were with Kamisato Clan’s housekeeper. You also treated the Shiba Inu well - greeted him with respect upon arriving, bringing him treats he liked, smiling and speaking to him as if he could answer you back.
And Taroumaru liked it. He liked you.
The only thing you were very hesitant to do was to pet him. He overheard how you told Thoma that you were afraid it’d offend the esteemed owner and you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable. So the dog took it upon himself to jump off the counter and walk to where you and your lover were enjoying your tea and the sweets, gazing at each other lovingly. Until you felt the nudging of your elbow and looked to the side to see Taroumaru bumping his head against your arm, demanding something from you. Softly chuckling at your confused look, Thoma explained that the dog was pretty much asking for headpats. When your expression turned stunned, your boyfriend moved to your side and took your hand to carefully place it on top of a fur-coated head, letting your fingers sink a little in the sand-colored softness.
That day you not only got closer to Taroumaru, but it seemed that to Thoma as well.
From that moment the bond between you and the dog was unbreakable. It was not a surprise when you delivered a proper invitation for him to your wedding, resulting in a rare show of pure dog-like emotions, as the Shiba Inu practically jumped on you and Thoma, licking your faces and wiggling his tail madly, fueling both of your feelings even more. I mean, you would feel this way when someone like Taroumaru is so excited for you and your union.
By the way, it was him, who brought the rings to an almost wedded couple after the vows were spoken, sitting there in front of you, watching the golden bands be slipped on each other’s fingers and the kiss seal the deal.
Before and after your wedding your visits to the Komore Teahouse were steady - maybe like twice a week, depending on your boyfriend’s - now husband’s - free time. However, when you got pregnant - and the dog very early knew you did - you would come almost every day. 
Usually Taroumaru stayed on the counter all day long, rarely leaving it to sit with someone, even if it was you and Thoma. With your pregnancy everything changed - he was glued to your side from the moment you entered the establishment. He’d lay his head on your thighs, letting you pet him, he’d personally be bringing you more tea or treats - whatever you desire, he’d gently poke your belly with his nose - seeing his surprised reaction when something poked him back during the later months was so funny.
But also he became very overprotective. Oftentime he would bite on the hem of your dress and tug to make you stay when you try to leave - having little desire to let you go without your husband coming to bring you home. It always took a lot of time to convince your furry friend that you'd be fine and there were always people of the Yashiro Comission in town with an order from none other than the Kamisato Ayato to assist his housekeeper’s lovely wife whenever he was unable.
Still, he would exit the Teahouse with you, and stand outside for as long as he can see and hear you. Only after losing sight of you would the Shiba Inu return inside.
When you were not visiting for two months - Taroumaru got very worried, even his employees noticed it. They would write Thoma letters, asking, if you are alright, what should they tell their master to ease his mind. In return your husband assured them that everything was perfect and that soon the two of you would visit with a little surprise, to which the dog could do the only thing - wait.
And Archons was the wait worth it. When a windbell chimed and the pair of yours appeared at the entrance, Taroumaru leaped. Only to be caught by Thoma, hoisted up and in his arms, unable to escape and reach you. 
Soon he understood why the precaution was taken - in his state of joy the dog did not notice the bundle in your arms. Upon closer inspection his ears perked - the smell was familiar. Prodding the blankets with his nose, he sniffled and explored, still tightly held in your husband’s arms, which, honestly, looked really cute.
When a tiny hand bumped against the nose, the dog experienced the greatest deja vu, finally realizing what was going on - your baby was here.
Taroumaru would be enamored with your little daughter - the third important human of your family. I bet that it’s in his power to train another Shiba Inu to become the girl’s protector - but also a great pet companion. It saddens him that he can’t see the three of you every day, but knowing there is someone 24/7 by your side to protect you is more than enough for him.
Well… Maybe when his retirement comes you’ll be willing to accept him in your house. Yes, that’s a nice thing to wait for in the future.
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eldaryasharbinger · 4 days
MCL New Gen Ep 4 Review
I played the episode on early access so now it's review time! Like last time, I'll give a more generic and spoiler free opinion and leave all the spoilers below the cut!
First thing I want to say is that this might be my favorite episode so far, I've gasped in surprise A LOT while playing it, due to all the information we get to know about all the other characters, like there's a lot to unpack from this episode... I can't wait to hear what others will think of it when it's avaible to everyone!
The episode costed me exactly 1716 APs, uncle Archibald included! (I also finally found him and got the right answer! I forgot to look for him in ep 2 and 3 and missed taki's costumes :( )
So far I've only seen Jason's, Amanda's and Devon's illustrations so I'm really curious about the others. Amanda's is very very pretty and the special scene was soo good,, Devon's is pretty cute as well, I liked the idea and I wonder what the interaction was like!
Jason's kind of let me down, I didn't have much expectations and I'm not saying that it's bad, I just wish it was a little bit... more? Still the special scene was so good it fit the way I see Petronilla's personality/way of thinking if that makes sense?? Also I really enjoyed the story so me being low-key disappointed by illu is probably a me-only problem because it was perfect for the context
I'd say more but idk what others might consider spoilers or not so I'm playing safe and leaving all the other details below the cut, spoilers ahead! From the future: It's super long I really had so much to say, so if you're stopping here, remember to come back after playing the episode!
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OKAY BUT THE GASP I GASPED WHEN I SAW LYNN?? Absolutely loved seeing her animated, or yk, seeing her in general! I wasn't really expecting it but I loved the surprise!
Also lmao not Thomas just telling Lynn that he loved her as a kid I WAS SHOCKED but simply because the possibility never crossed my mind... Consider my flabbers, gasted...
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Like when I said we'd be learning a LOT about the others, I MEANT IT!! I didn't know how we'd even end up in the situation to talk about love and relationship with our coworkers in the first place (which was the premise of the episode) but it basically started after Thomas randomly revealed he loved Lynn as a kid, Elenda teasing him and him revealing (kind of) that she had a childhood crush on someone as well which is, well, DEVON!! It was so much because at that point anything could've happened... I was already so surprised and impressed by what was going on... BUT THEN !!
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I love how everyone was going crazy about Roy and Brune being in a relationship when these two have been together for two weeks, never kissed, slept together or anything
And we just have to watch these two having a the realization and simply breaking up like it was nothing...
To be honest I didn't even find it strange or weird although the other characters were kind of annoying about it, and that just because they were so chill with it?? Like, not every break up has to be screams and tears idk, maybe I didn't find it strange because I've only had good breakups? (lots of heartbreaks from relationships that never even started too ofc) Like, once two people both agree that the love is gone/was never there or anything like that I think it's only normal for it to go ok? idk I found it very icky how literally no other character said anything like this, they were all shocked because of the lack of drama? Honestly, Brune is a queen for saying "go watch a soap opera if you want drama" lmao, I love her (unpopular opinion?)
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Yeah you guessed it, I gasped AGAIN when Jason arrived at the café!
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AND I GASPED AGAIN WHEN THOMAS SAID THIS??????? HELLOOOOOOO??????? LMAO IDEK WHAT TO SAY I'm on cloud nine y'all with how the story with Jason is going, I'm THRIVING, my brain is getting back into brainrot, like everything I could've wanted, like this kind of silly fanfic trope, I'm loving it
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Okay Brune, ouch, but I still love you, you can call me anything lol
AND ELENDAAA!! SAME AS THOMAS !!! Yes keep saying these things as if we're teenagers/pos it's so so funny to me it gets me giggling and kicking my feet,, Like oooo he has a crush on you hehehehe hohohoho,, yeah I think it's the worms writing rn, they got control of my brain ;w;,
Okay so next, after we all saw Jason, we stayed on theme and Thomas started talking about how he follows him on insta in secret and how he's seen him with A LOT of women but never twice with the same one... then...
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I kind of felt bad for him because seriously, they not only started talking about his private life, they were also saying bad things about him and were so judgemental, and I get not liking the guy but at the same time it felt uncalled? all he did was go to cozy bear cafe at the same time as us and he didn't even approach us,, come on y'all no one taught you how to behave?? There's this saying that basically says "don't speak about those who are not here to listen" or something like that and I believe in that, if I'm with people who start doing this I either stay shut or remind them that they're being mean, they're supposed to be adults but some of them really think in a rather "twisted" way, like Thomas for instance, he said that since Jason uploaded those pictures himself, it was public (therefore they were allowed to talk sh*t) and man... that's such a scary way to think (I'm not calling him a creep, I get why he might htink that way), I've already stated before that I'm very paranoid and knowing that some people actually think this way (with evil intentions) is the reason why I feel so scared to post anything online, I want my life to remain private,, (these are just my experience with the situation, I'm not trying to make it sound like a big deal it just made me uncomfortable because of my personal beliefs)
Imagine "poor" Jason going for a coffee and then finding your rivals gossiping about your love life etc, and honestly the fact that I like Jason so much isn't even important because I swear I would've felt compassion for him even if I hated him with all my guts... BTW I'm not complaining about the writing, the story was very intresting and I wouldnt've wanted for it to go any diffrent!! "But Kaf! How can you say you liked it if it made you uncomfortable?" you see, I'm a weirdo and got questionable taste, I love me a pityful, loser and not really evil character, this is only making me root for Jason more, as well as making me want to put him in my mouth (means nothing I say this about all things I like so much that I just feel like I have to eat them,,)
Now get ready because next up we have the answer to Candy's question "why do we hate Jason?"
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They werent even friends to begin with, Jason was just this random guy who worked there, probably done with his job he saw Devon's file and decided to Plagiarise and try to get a chance at a better job, got caught, fired and decided that he was now enemies with this other random guy as if he didn't literally steal from him because HE IS A SORE LOSER!!!!!!!! He's unsufferable on purpose, probably very very sad inside and he kind of showed that when he caught them talking sh*t because he looked very serioius, no smile or anything
today is a great day for me, because I've now decided that I'm 100% right and this is how the story goes for Petronilla's story, even if in the future we might a diffrent story, this is how it is in my mind :D!
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I love how she's like "i'm just investigating the rival! I'm totally not zooming in on each and every picture!" she's so real this is 100% 'Nilla behaviour (me too)
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This is Jason's illustration and now you can understand what I meant with "I wish it were more"
More than a picture of a picture on my phone!! It's still accurate so I can't really complain about it too much, in the end I think it's good to have different perspectives (Also how pretty is he... wow...)
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Girl you're cooked
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yeah well, in my head I've already estabilished that Jason saw that and that he'll be overthinking it so much or he'll be like "ha ha, of course she liked this picture of me on purpose to send me a sign, she wants me, but of course cause she can't resist my charm! no one can!" and then feel so confident etc (a loser)
Now let's fast forward to sharing a taxi ride with our beautiful Amanda!
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do you want to kiss already or
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I don't even know why I thought that but with how things were going... the atmosphere yk... And yeah, I gasped about this too
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;A;, (yes, that's all the commentary I have left)
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The illu is so cute and I loved the outfit, just like last time I ended up buying the illustration becase the outfit was different for Jason... Although I think that this one is pefert for Petronilla! (I unlocked it in the shop with 150 hearts at the end of the episode)
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aaand this for last! to back up one of my recent reblogs talking about how Amanda isn't that bad and had her reason to be upset (in case you had the party at your house, I didn't)
That's all and wow, it's a lot
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soupbabe · 1 year
Trans Joy with Transgender! Slashers
Featuring: Thomas Hewitt, Stu Macher, Vincent Sinclair , Otis Driftwood
I've been wanting to make a post like this 🥰 literally this is just a post of trans adoration and joy. going with a slightly diff format because it's how my brainrot makes sense
Tagging: @rottent33th, @slaasherslut, @bugginbeetlew
- Transman! Otis Driftwood who believes his body to be divine- and it is. He revels in how no man is ever going to be like him. His expression in masculinity and experience is so uniquely him, he loves being seen a self made man. His ego grows when you lay soft kisses along the botched scars that decorate his chest. You let your fingers glide over the pink scar tissue, taking your savoring the rough texture beneath your fingertips.
- Your actions are never in vain however, as Otis is one to quickly notice and reward you for your dedication to him and his body ♡
- Imagine doing Transfem! Thomas Hewitt's makeup for the first time. God, she was so nervous sneaking Luda Mae's makeup into her room, but she couldn't help her curiosity. She always preferred wearing more feminine faces, but ever since you mentioned her real face in makeup, she hasn't stopped thinking about it. She sits still with her eyes closed as you use your finger to color her eyelids and swiped on a red lipstick that hasn't been used in years. She feels her long hair being toyed with before you tell her to open her eyes.
- Staring back at her reflection, Tommy saw her eyes painted blue and a braid cascading her shoulders. She's never felt so pretty before, never felt so glamorous. For the first time, she really felt like a woman.
- Transmasc! Stu Macher who loves his binder. He knows he looks hot, he loves the way you look at him when he walks around his house in sweatpants and a binder. His smile goes wide when you're all over him for it. Hell, he might even buy some crop tops to show it off more. He's early in his transition, but it doesn't bother him at all. Stu faces his insecurities head on, embracing them to the fullest to get over it.
- Though he's careful when binding, he has a tendency to forget how long he's been wearing his binder. But that's what you're for: to remind him to take breaks and gently massage his sides if it got too much
- Non-Binary! Vincent Sinclair who constantly experiments with their appearance. Vincent who plays with the androgyny of their appearance. No one knows who or what they are with their variety of masks and they love it. One day, it would be the cast of Bo's face, while the next day they might wear a mask that resembles a rosy cheeked cherub. They love baggy clothes, they want to resemble nothing and everything at the same time. Their creativity extends past the wax figures and shines through their gender expression.
- Call Vincent for what they are, ethereal, and they're putty in your hands. Sit by them while they're making a new mask, decorate it with them, and you'll have their heart in no time.
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cocksucker6000 · 2 years
No parts mentioned genderless reader with sub Thoma ?????? Good boy Thoma brainrot help me please 🧔‍♀️
thank u so much for requesting ashshs i love thoma
sub thoma + dom gn reader
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such a pretty puppy, and he was all yours.
thoma whined against you. you were sat over top of him, pressing your knee into his strained cock. you left dark, assertive marks all over his neck, trailing down to his chest. you flicked his nipples from under his shirt, coaxing small moans from his mouth.
“love, mmh, please…i-i can’t take it…”
using your free hand you held the back of his head, tangling your fingers in his golden hair, out of it’s usual ponytail. you put your head next to his, nipping on the lobe of his ear and kneeing him the slightest bit harder.
“you’re so beautiful when you beg.” you sat up and looked in his eyes with reassurance. “y’know, sometimes i wish you weren’t so docile so you’d have to do it more often.”
“i only want to be—mmg…good for you…” you felt him twitch as you rubbed your knee at a different angle.
“i know, baby. and you are.” you leaned in to gently rub his hip and press your lips against his, reminding him of how he even found himself in this position. you slid a hand behind the waistline of his pants, caressing his toned v-line. “i want these off, ‘mkay?”
thoma nodded and hummed, eyes lighting up in excitement. he quickly got them off, leaving him in nothing but his boxers and shirt. a little tent was visible, your gaze on him musing. “you’re so exited, what a good puppy.” you spoke as you leaned in towards his neck again and began to palm his still clothed dick.
“mmgh-! (name)…”
“hm? is something the matter?”
“no, p-please keep going…” he turned his head to the side, away from your’s.
you trailed a finger up, now hooking on the waistline of his boxers. “i hate this barrier. ugh. take these off for me too, hm?”
thoma hastily took tiff his last lower layer, the pair ending up somewhere on the ground. he shivered at the exposure, continuing to look away.
“hey, it’s okay, darling.” you trailed a hand down from his chin to his collarbone. “you’re so pretty. my beautiful boy.” you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
“i want your legs spread and feet on the bed, mkay?” he nodded, finally turning his head towards your’s.
you smiled. “there we go.” he squirmed as you dragged two fingers along his cock, toying with the head. you shoved two fingers in his mouth in the meantime. he coated your fingers in saliva, knowing exactly where this was going.
you soon pulled them out, brining the same hand down to his cock and picking up a bead of fluid as it fell. “look at how much you’re leaking, baby. it’s adorable.”
thoma whimpered as you prodded at his hole. “please—p-put them in…”
you couldn’t help but let a small chuckle fall from your lips. “there’s that beautiful begging again.” you pushed your fingers into him down to the knuckle.
“i can’t wait to ruin you. my good boy.”
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wri0thesley · 1 year
i. i have more yan ayato brainrot. where he wants thoma & reader. nsfw‼️
just. waking up tied to one another, chests pressed, on some soft bed. ayato with his legs spread and thoma between them, while he holds your legs apart. each thrust into thoma causes thoma to push upwards into you. yan ayato revelling in the simultaneous moans with every movement he makes. pushing your back downwards to ensure you're all pressed together with little wiggle room.
he'd probs have incense and petals on the bed too. such a romantic
my favourite kind of dynamic between thoma and ayato and reader is reluctant thoma going along with things because ayato wills it so; oh, you might be frightened to have awoken like this, and thoma is at first . . . and then it's ayato's voice murmuring against thoma's ear, ayato's familiar long fingers petting at thoma's long limbs, whispering about how pretty you both are for him . . . and the housekeeper relaxes. he understands service. he does not think ayato would ever hurt him - and he owes ayato so so much, does he not?
and in return for this, thoma tries to calm you with gentle words. tries to tell you how well ayato will treat you, soothe the fear that bridles your spine . . . every soothe ending in a pleasured hiccup as the movements of ayato's hips allow thoma to explore you fully, tight and hot and wet and yielding for him, thoma's arms an extension of ayato's as he pulls you down against him so there is no escape from either of them.
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Suggestions for drunken confessions (if they inspire you): blushy thoma, shy kazuha, smug itto, soft albedo, cheeky ayato 😏
Hahah yesyesyessssss
Thoma doesn't know where to put his hands so he just lets them live in front of you, palms open, fingers spread but eyes trained on you. He made you drink a lot of water but it didn't help much, "Th-ma ... You cute, like ... No wait ... Handsome. Like really hamsome." He's laughing but his cheeks burn, "I like hamsom ... Thma .." he pushes you along faster so you don't pass out ... And neither does he
Kazuha, oh man, you know he's already had a few with you. Instead of the confident stride, he's walking a little more loose and finds himself staring a little too much at the person wobbling ahead of him. You stop, look to the sky and breathe it in but he bumps into you and doesn't know what to do while you fix his hair and let sweet confessions tumble from your mouth
Itto's hand barely leaves your shoulder, your arm, the top of your head as he directs you back toward your house. He's impressed by the amount you put away (small or large, it sends him reeling). When you see something on the notice board and explain to him how much you like this person, he bursts into pride-filled laughter and decides to leave this particular wanted poster up for now
Albedo is used to drunkenness. He's seen Kaeya stumble into the knights headquarters often enough, but to see you out of sorts like this has gotten him a little worried. His mind is already calculating what to brew for you, what solution will being you back to your senses, but when you lean across the countertop and brush his hair from his face, your cheek smooshed against your arm, he feels himself at a loss and his heart a flutter when you hum, "you're so pretty" in soft laughter
You've learned your lesson. Out drinking Ayato is not an option. It's hard to see and concentrate but Ayato doesn't seem to mind your wandering thoughts, drifting eyes over his loose clothes, or seem to care that you've been inching toward him throughout the night. He especially didn't mind the secret you whispered in his ear as he helped you back to your room, "I have feelings for you," Ayato glances at your lips and asks if you'll be brave enough to tell him again in the morning
(continuation of this brainrot lol)
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genshrineimpact · 2 years
Brainrot number two, let's go
Reader who is traveling teyvat a few months before traveler, but instead of fighting monsters, they are a pacifist. Like in Undertale slightly, they just dodge attacks and talk it out with the enemies (or if they are of lower intelligence, they pet them or give them snacks or anything to avoid a fight). And it works on boss enemies, like they ventured into azhdahas lair and just talked with him, or petted abyss mages, slightly chaotic but well meaning reader. They then start to accompany the traveler and leave them astonished at how good we are at avoiding a fight and making friends
Like during first encounter with ei, as thoma and traveler were escaping, we stayed behind and just offered rather baffled ei some sweets lol
ohhhh interesting!!
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you who know about hilichurlian language (a penpal of ella musk from mondstadt, perhaps?), who befriended the traveler on their journey and decided to tag along with them in exploring teyvat. you who smacked the traveler across their head when they see a hilichurl camp and an unclaimed treasure and reflexively pulled out their sword, scolding them and telling them it’s not nice to rob people.
traveler and paimon who watches with concern and awe, when you saunter up to one of the humanoid monsters that’s guarding the post, speaking fluent hilichurlian and showing them some sort of charm on your necklace... and suddenly they find themselves sitting on a bonfire surrounded by dancing hilichurls, roasted meat in hand, watching you trade tips about controlling your elemental energy with an abyss mage. oh, and they ended up giving him the materials he needed to upgrade their weapons, along with some artifacts they found, too.
well, now the traveler feels like the scum of teyvat for killing all those hilichurls.
they continue to see weirder and weirder things as you continue tagging along with them. although you weren’t able to make them avoid fighting all of the enemies throwing themselves at your friend, having you around certainly does make it easier for them.
“hi bud, yeah, it’s me again, listen- remember my friend kazuha? yeaaah, he needs more marionette cores… can we trouble you to hand over a few more of those? how many? oh, you know, like... twenty of them… haha, i know i know, but look, we found these really nice strings that you could use! the ones you have now looks pretty worn, after all! hehe, thanks, we really owe you one!”
yep, traveler loves having you in their party.
(i imagine if you were a character in-game, you would be always available to pull in the standard banner, but your probability of coming home decreases with the more enemies you kill lol you would be a nightmare for us programmers to code and writers, because of all the branching you add into the story sldkfjlsdf)
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© genshrineimpact / shourin | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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crys-sp · 1 year
Thanks to @ovrarches because im starting a brainrot here.
Thomas Jefferson being Angelica Schuyler's idol. So much a fan that it's even embarrassing for her. And you know, Angelica's expectations are gonna be BIG.
They happen to meet in Paris.
And you know, Angelica is intelligent and very pretty.
And Thomas is handsome and talentuous.
And they're very passionate about a lot of subjects in common.
So, its natural they have a thing. Very cliché indeed.
But they're not perfect, Thomas is an ass to people in general and Angelica would dying before admitting she's wrong about something.
In Paris, they keep "break up" but stay in contact, sometimes "fucking" help to not think about their miserable life. And they find in each other a listening ear and an honest word.
Imagine Angelica tell Thomas about his "sacrifice" for his sister, imagine Thomas telling her that she is stupid to believe that she does not have the right to happiness either.
Imagine Angelica tell Thomas "he cant understand", she's right he can't understand that, but he keeps hugging her when she cries, she can confess to him that she would have liked to be more selfish like him.
He would say to her that that he admires her love, and Angelica would think he's just trying to flatter her. But yes, she's too good for him.
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catboyrichardkarinsky · 10 months
you should talk about Howard the Duck!!
okay okay okay
so today is the 37th anniversary of the howard the duck movie!! it's like.. a lot-
it's a really weird movie for sure I guess i should list the pros and cons. let's start with the cons so we end on a positive note :
-it's really not a faithful adaptation. like the writers straight up pretty much admitted they don't understand the source material which is veeeeery questionable
-the movie just can't decide what age it's for. like it tries to be a kid's movie but there are too many weird sexual references for it (i guess nothing too blatant just duck boobs for a few seconds, Howard's weird duck condom, that infamous scene that ultimately never went beyond kissing and well okay the worst one is probably that weird bathhouse scene. i legitimately don't understand why that even exists.)
-the weird genre switch. it's SO out of nowhere and it's just.. a really jarring transition. one second you're watching a romcon about a duck and singer and the other second you're in a high stakes sci fi and you get basically no time to adjust you just have to accept it
-phil blumburt tends to be the most annoying man sometimes. and then sometimes he's just a funny guy. they can't decide i guess.
-sometimes the duck puns can be a lot
okay but of course I don't hate this movie at all it's actually a big comfort for me so
-Lea Thompson as Beverly Switzler is such a casting choice she SLAYS it genuinely changed my life her version of Beverly is the most iconic to ever
-also Chip Zien voicing Howard. can't get better than that. he's a damn good voice actor tbh. people say they wish the movie kept Robin Williams but tbh? they're cowards. Chip Zien Howard is best Howard i take no criticism
-the howarly plotline is definitely the heart of the movie and it's set up so well. it's a liiittle cheesy but it also makes me squeal every two seconds. they've got the angst the fluff and everything in between and you KNOW I'm a sucker for them! seriously they made a point to show how much they understand each other and care for each other and Howard basically makes it his life mission to fix all of Beverly's problems while Beverly makes it her life mission to protect Howard from this wirld that tries to hurt him and they're just so soft and i love them they have SO MANY big moments in this movie and it feeds me
-THE. MUSIC. OH MY GOD. between John Barry's score (the howarly leitmotif titled you're the duckiest is genuinely BRAINROTTING to me) and Thomas Dolby cherry bomb songs (ughhh they're all perfect) the music is such a strong point in this movie
-speaking of: cherry bomb!! they don't have a big part in the movie unfortunately but Ronette, K.C. and Cal are just so charming i want a sequel just focusing on the band without any of the alien stuff. i want more spotlight to my girls!! and of course also Howard and Beverly and even Phil but i need my girlies to get something!!
-this is bit of a minor thing but every single outfit Beverly wears is iconic
-there's some very explicit acab messaging and Beverly aims a gun at a cop <3
-just. the vibes. they're fun. i wish people would just accept this movie as a fun time instead of expecting some kind of deep philosophical whatever because then of course it will disappoint them! take it for what it is! because for what it is it's cute and fun and comforting! and i love it.
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borbsbirbs · 2 years
I'm still not used to writing on Tumblr, so if you have any advice, go ahead and tell me!
Don't be an asshole
that's basically it.
Requests, questions, brainrots, and pretty much anything is fine! I may not get to it, but I'm sure I'll respond!
Masterlist below the cut!
Truth or Dare! (Coming Soon)
ACTOR AU(Meeting the actors)
Part 1
Part 2
Chat Log 1 "A totally Normal Chatfic"
Chat Log 2 "Sibling Fight"
Chat Log 3 "Movie Time"
Chat Log 4 "Where's Venti?"
To Dream of Reality
"And Live Within Dreams"
exhaustion, and affirmations
visitor, and message
encounter, and closure (+Diluc)
encounter, and closure (+Venti)
hugs, and teasing (+Xiao)
fate, and interpretation
lantern rite, and festivities(ft. Ningguang)
hugs, and teasing (+Kaeya)
reflection, and wounds (+Kazuha)
reflection, and wounds (+Zhongli)
nightmare, and comfort (A/N: This is the first work in the series and horribly short. It mostly defines the vague outline of the TDOR series. I might revamp this.)
to save, and name ft. Traveler-Aether
meal, and rumors
Genderfluid Aether Ventfic
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