#this post took me too many days to finish because of my broken wrist -.-
delunesnumberonefan · 2 months
sketch time
you will sit down. you will look at my horrible little women. And You Will Appreciate Them
no this is NOT going under a cut you will see the blood sweat and tears i put into belialah's demon form and you will appreciate it, me, and saskia's off the charts world class monsterfucker status
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we got saskia. we're familiar with saskia--or at least you should be. go look at the art by korppipoika and give them so many notes--this post will wait. and while you're out, look at the post about the matriarchs too. and if you're not up to date on saskia and belialah, here's another one for your list. i'll be here when you get back.
up to date? excited? horny? me too!!
so we got those two. in order for the images: saskia (recent), belialah (first draft, still happy with this and haven't been able to capture this vision since)
we got their dynamic:
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saskia being a bitch and belialah being, despite everything, head over heels. still can't quite nail belialah's human face, but we're learning
...it took me a long time to nail down belialah's demon form. it went through a lot of drafts---many of which i am not sharing. this one is the oldest one i'm willing to share:
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i believe this is draft 3? patch notes from earlier drafts: 4 fingers instead of three, took out "humanoid" eyes, added floaty halo bits. other than that, this is what it's mostly stayed true to. chase gave me an inspo and i remixed it and made it worse because i love body horror. so we have this! extra joint between the wrist and elbow, loads and loads of eyes, sharp teeth (yum!), wings, and a broken halo plus the big horn. love her. she has spider legs below her waist--she has "skirts" that are made from her skin that she usually wears (has?) over them.
made some eensy sketches for ideas:
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i tinkered on size, proportion, posture, etc. it's vague, but not exact for either of them. i want a bigger height difference and this is for me first and foremost
i settled on this body type for saskia:
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no nipples so she's not naked :) this is for anatomy reference, tumblr. ANATOMY. be so nice to me ;-;
ignore the stuff at the edges, this is part of a larger project idk if i'll finish where i look at all the matriarchs and their body types. saskia is the most...well, besides ethalind, the most hourglass shape. this is the most recent drawing of her i have besides the one at the very end, this is the one i would say is most canon. hence why it is included--the last one i have doesn't quite hit right for me. still working on consistency.
as i improved my art, i wanted to take another stab at belialah. which meant figuring out her lower half.
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i did these ones reeaaally recently. i looked at so many things for inspo: crabs, spiders, human pelvises, centaur speculative biology, drider speculative biology, an introspective look at how much of a monsterfucker i am, etc. until i found something i was happy with. these are within the last few days. the lil sketches at the far bottom right of the first page are what i settled on. after that, i tinkered with how she looks with skirts vs no skirts---ignore the sword, it's no longer accurate to what it actually looks like, but that's endgame shit and no spoilers :)
i'm really happy with how she's turned out and i think she's kickass and awesome and i can't wait to beat her and saskia into the ground.
and then we have:
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team gaslight gatekeep girlboss :)
i drew this last night!! really happy with how my art is coming along. i hesitated on whether to draw the skirts, because i think the spider legs are so fucking cool and i know logically the skirts are there but tbh its funner drawing the spider legs than the skirts :(
i want to make it very clear: belialah is submissive in the way a guard dog is submissive, to quote a post i once tagged as gilt and lost. belialah is loyal, devoted, willing to protect--but will wait for an order before acting
btw, to make something else clear: saskia? saw the demon form first. is more attracted to the demon form than the human form. is far more willing to smash with belialah in demon form. i love my weirdest little freak of a woman <3
ok that's all bye
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violetvenom · 4 years
What’s wrong with Quackerjack in DT17 in my opinion.
I don’t make a secret about it how much I dislike the DT17 style and hey, it’s okay if you disagree and the majority likes it. It’s a preference after all.
But I already saw how fans got attacked by other fans for simply not liking DT17. This is childish and pathetic behavior...I won’t accept that. Be better than that.
Now for all those who are curious why I think so, let me pin it down a bit.
When my bestie showed me the newest screens of the appearance of the F4 I didn’t know what to think first. Now after I literally stared at the one with Quackerjack long enough I think can explain what on that style..on him... bothers me so damn much.
I totally understand how all the fans are hyped and trust me, I would love to join that hype...DWD get’s some love after all those years and this is great....but I simply can’t. I look at the show...I look at screencaps... and I only can find mistakes after mistakes which not only bothers me but make me very sad and hurt my lil’ fan-heart. :(
Just look at this:
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I circled the main things which I can’t wrap my head around.
Why did they not fill in the fool’s cap between his eyes?
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It’s clearly something the changed on his design since the white gap is visible in every sneak-peak of him. But that’s not how his -or any other fool’s cap which covers the eyes- work...
Also what is going on with the edgy emo eyeliner? I thought we left this behind in the 00s? And eyebrows OVER the fool’s cap?
And do the animators actually know how a ruff works? It looks like Quackerjack has some kind of plate around his neck and not something out of fabric.
Look at the difference in the DWD cartoon:
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That thing is made out of fabric and MOVES with the shoulders. Depending on the fabric it moves more or less, but it would never behave like a plate!
Back then they sure made their homework about such details. Those details make cartoons lively in the first place. That’s why I think DT17 looks overall very stiff. And that everything is so angular sadly doesn’t help with it.
And speaking about details...why are the folds in his pants missing in the first place? That’s also not how his pants work.
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Also that pose in the robot (Why does it even look like him? His robots ALWAYS were toy inspired. He is not that narcistic!) is so bad I‘m not even sure how to redline this mess. I tried..I really tried but...I can’t! How does Quackerjack need to break his arms or dislocate his shoulders to make that work? It seems a part of his upper right arm is even missing!? Where is his elbow...where is the rest of his upper arm? And since the ruff behaves like a massive plate and Quackerjack’s left arm is coming from behind..it looks like his arm is way much longer than the right one and seems to grow out of his back!? @_@
And while I wrote this I noticed the screenshot of his first cameo isn’t that better. What are those arms? Why does he have the stature of Bernd das Brot?
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Also why is his (and of the other F4 members) design in the art style so inconsistent? The most notable change is the beak. You can see without a second glance it got changed. I can’t even say it changed for the better or got worse since I overall think the beaks are drawn ugly in DT17.
I mean, changes can be good and sometimes are needed but usually you create a character sheet long before the cartoon is even created and then all animators stick to it. I just can wonder how consistent it will be between the scenes if the special comes out.
I can’t even really compare it to the old cartoon since back in the days a lot more studios were needed to draw and animate a cartoon. So don’t get me wrong. I’m totally aware that stuff like this happened back then:
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Same characters, different episodes but same studio.
Yes, even the same studio couldn’t be consistent between the episodes, but they managed to somewhat be it in the episode itself.
So why does this bother me with DT17 so much, when even back then they couldn’t get their shit together and be consistent? Easy..it’s because back then everything was drawn and animated by hand. It was a lot more effort. Back then they couldn’t just use paste and copy. There was no eyedropper tool to get the right color quickly. There were no programs who can break down a model to seperate their parts so you can animate their limbs easily. There were no programs for simulating facial animation or lip-syncing. Everything was much more complicated. I don’t say animation became easier but it became different. That’s why it’s hard to compare old cartoons with new ones in some aspects.
But since cartoons nowadays are most solely made on computers...why are color mistakes still happening?
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I want to believe this is a ref to the purple hand recolor mistake Quackerjack also had in the original next to several others because that would be hilarious. But seeing stuff like this
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destroys that belief.
One would assume that such mistakes get reduced with all that modern computer programs, but it doesn’t seem so. Tbh color mistakes and wrong layering is something which I can forgive easily, but not breaking a characters whole anatomy and change his overall appareance to such a degree you just can wonder how this is supposed to be the same character. I look at DT17 Quackerjack and see Quackerjack but also do not see Quackerjack at the same time. It’s like my brain full on goes “this is Quackerjack...wait no...this is more a manic Quackerjack imposter with dwarfism but not the real deal.” and this each single time I look at him. The way he is shown to be portrayed actually makes it worse.
@raeloganthesonic06fangirl​ jokingly made a post how he got his spine finally fixed, but isn’t that terrible posture one detail why we loved that dork in the first place? :(
Also his facial expression. He already had a major character shift once.
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...sure there were reasons but the comics were another can of worms I won’t open in this post here now. And pls don’t get me started on how ridiculous it is how Silvani draws his beak.
I just can hope DT17 will at least get his character right but...
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looks more like
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lepusrufus · 3 years
Wrong victim
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Pure comedic self indulgence because we all need a funny break before shit starts to really go down in To bargain for immortality. Set quite a few years after the game events, around 2025, and is pure ridiculousness so enjoy.
Her response to being unceremoniously shoved in the back seat of a car that looked like it's seen far better days was merely an annoyed grunt. It turned into an eye roll when the man that climbed in after her pulled everything out of her pockets. 
"Wouldn't want you calling anyone," he said with a toothy grin while waving her phone in front of her. 
"Trust me, that won't be necessary," she replied in a deadpan voice. It's not like she would call the police, she wanted them involved even less than her kidnappers probably did. As for other people she could reach out to, a phone call would be redundant really. "Do be careful with it, I'd hate to lose the photos of Daniela sleeping upside down." 
After maybe ten minutes of driving down the barely illuminated outskirts of the city, and having her pockets emptied, dagger included, the burly man driving pulled up inside a parking lot. It was large and overgrown with weeds and vines reclaiming spaces that had been left without human activity for who knows how long. The lamp posts were nothing more than useless concrete pillars as they provided no illumination, resulting in her pitiful captors having to use flashlights as they made their way into the dilapidated factory. 
Nicole sneered at the sight of collapsed walls and rusty metal walkways, reminding her of the one particular Lord she couldn't stand the sight of. She decided a distraction was needed from unpleasant memories. 
"Abandoned factory?" She whistled. "How many cliche movies have you guys watched?" 
She let out a chuckle when the man that had previously taken her phone shoved her ahead. Hopefully they wouldn't tape her mouth shut, there was so much fun to be had by mockery alone. 
It didn't take long before all three of them entered a dimly lit room, numerous candles placed all around, either on desks or candle supports nailed to the walls. The three more people inside were wearing long black robes and white masks covering their faces. Nicole had to laugh. 
"Oh so you're that kinda crazy." 
"Shut the fuck up and stay put," the man holding her hands behind her back said while pushing her into a chair. 
He then moved to a table and Nicole couldn't help but scowl at how unceremoniously her beloved dagger had been thrown on the wooden surface. Afterwards, he put on a mask not unlike the others, except with red streaks going down from the eye holes, and started to prepare something in the middle of the room. The others joined in on the task, all but the one man that had been put in charge of making sure Nicole stayed put. Because of course she could easily escape five people much bigger than her at any given moment. 
She decided to take a look around, at the various dusty books opened on pages she couldn't quite make out from where she was sitting. A few pages were laying around, either with diagrams or with scribbled notes. Had she really stumbled upon a cult? She couldn't wait to have a laugh about it with her family. 
"So," she started, craning her neck a little so she could see her captor's face. "Who you gonna sacrifice me to huh? I wanna know before you slice up my throat or whatever you're planning on." 
A confused and suspicious look was thrown her way, surely due to the complete nonchalance she spoke with about what would surely be her untimely death. "The… the devil," was his unsure reply. 
Nicole let out a small laugh. "Oh trust me, you do not want to meet her. Though devil is not quite the word," she continued despite a few other pairs of eyes landing on her. "Maybe a pissy fungal overlord with an unhealthy obsession for crows. Yes that's more like it," she finished with another chuckle. 
The man with a slightly different mask, who seemed to be their self appointed leader, got up from where he was nailing something to the floor and walked up to her in a few long strides. His eyes were barely visible, but anger was clearly distinguishable. 
He pulled out a knife, old, rusty and with a black worn out handle so typical of a kitchen utensil, and so incredibly ugly compared to the beautifully ornate daggers that decorated her home. She had to laugh when the dull blade got pressed to her throat. 
"Will you shut up for one minute?!" He raised his voice slightly, as much as someone who was doing something they didn't wish to be caught doing would dare to. It didn't deter her though. 
"Oh sweetie this is just what foreplay looks to me," she started with a grin that made her wish she had fangs like the better part of her relatives. "But please do me a favor and stay quiet, there's no fun in hunting if my darling finds you within five seconds due to you screeching like a broken squeaky toy." 
The man blinked for a few seconds, taken aback both by the words and by the apparent passivity towards having a knife at her throat. He stayed like that until one person that was working with some ropes behind interjected. 
"Of all the people you could've taken, how did you find this unhinged bitch?!" 
"I'll take that as a compliment," Nicole said, bending slightly to the side so the person that had spoken up would have a clear view of her sickly sweet smile. 
After that exchange, her captors seemed happy to move things along quicker, working in silence and begrudgingly ignoring any remarks she would throw their way, including an observation on the downright dreadful quality of the rope they had. Quality that she regrettably got to experience when her wrist and ankles got tied to the nails in the floor, having her lay down in a starfish position. It kind of reminded her of sprawling on the bed she shared with Cassandra simply to annoy the brunette. 
After loudly reciting something in latin, the leader bent down, same rusty knife in hand, and tipped her chin upwards to expose the neck. She did let out a wince when the blade sunk deep in her flesh and got dragged downward, towards her chest, leaving behind a choking sensation and the taste of copper in her mouth. The knife however only made it to the base of her neck, before the sound of metal crashing caught everyone's attention. 
"What the fuck," the man whispered, thankfully pulling the blade out so her skin had the time to begin stitching itself back together. She still had to turn her head around and spit some blood that made its way into her mouth. 
Before anyone else had a chance to speak up, the door was kicked open, one of the rusty hinges breaking completely, to reveal a rather angry Cassandra with her sickle in hand, ready for bloodshed. 
There were a few seconds of stunned silence before the blade was unceremoniously thrown into the first person's skull, spinning through the air for only a few meters before getting embedded into the bone with a sloshing sound. Anyone else trying to escape through the one door was met with a similar fate. One person had their knees kicked inwards before a knife held at the same belt as the sickle came down to slash their throat. Another had their head smashed to bits against the nearest wall in the blink of an eye. And last, the burly man that had driven and kept an eye on Nicole, had his heart ripped through the bottom of his ribcage when Cassandra shoved him against one of the tables, scattering the books and papers that were by then stained crimson. 
The remaining man, the leader, got grabbed by the shoulders and forcefully shoved into the same chair she had been sitting in not too long ago. 
"Stay put and I'll let you live," Cassandra spoke, all the cruelty polished over decades upon decades of sporting the title of the family's most sadistic coming through those few words. 
He gulped and nodded, eyes glossed over by the pure human terror now so unfamiliar to both of them. 
She then turned around, expression softening like a switch had been turned behind golden eyes. "Nicole," she started, barely an edge of concern and irritation at the sight of her wife's bloody skin. 
"Hi babe." The self satisfied grin almost had the brunette chuckling while she retrieved her sickle and Nicole's things. 
The weapon was used to cut her free, a grimace pulling the corners of her black lips downward at the same quality observation her wife had priorly made, no doubt. A hand was offered to Nicole to pull herself up, while the other presented the familiar dagger that was gifted to her so many years ago. 
"Will you do the honors love," Cassandra asked, with that beautifully sadistic smile. 
"Of course," came Nicole's reply as her hand wrapped around the leather covered handle. 
With some of the wretched ropes gathered from the ground, Cassandra made quick work of the man's hands and legs, securely tied to the chair and voice frantic. 
"You said you would let me live!" 
Cassandra laughed, a low ominous sound, while grabbing the mask and throwing it on the floor. She did love to see the terror in her victims' faces after all. 
"Unfortunately my wife made no such promises," she finished with a forceful pull of hair that kept his head in one place as she moved to the back of the chair. 
Nicole approached with the dagger already out of its holster and tapped the blade's point against her lips in thought for a few moments. She could simply slice his throat and be done with it, or stab him and leave him to bleed out, choking on his own blood. A hum made its way past her lips. No, no that would not do. 
She grabbed a fistful of the man's shirt, pulling it up almost to the neck. After a few mental measurements and approximations were made, the tip of the blade finally found its way into muscle, drawing thin trails of blood and pained screams. It took a good five minutes to carve all the intricate details she wanted to, the swirling patterns cutting cleanly through skin, courtesy of her wife keeping the blade sharp and in top condition. 
After she was content with the level of detail, and screams subsided to pathetic sobs, she took a step back and, with a hum, looked at Cassandra for a reaction. 
"Oh dearest," the brunette said, looking over the man's shoulder and down at the bloody cuts on his abdomen and chest, forming a crude yet not unfitting replica of the Dimitrescu crest. 
At the adoration that made its way past the cruelty in her wife's eyes, Nicole smiled and gingerly took a hold of her unoccupied hand, bringing it close to her lips and leaving a small kiss and a barely visible blood imprint on each knuckle. 
"I take it that you approve of my… design choice," she asked with another glance down at the jagged lines that formed their family's symbol. 
"It's wonderful," Cassandra replied, fangs shimmering slightly in the low light, exposed from the proud smile that tugged at her lips. 
A gorgeous smile, really, that made something swell inside Nicole's chest no matter how many times she saw it. Truth be told, her rendition of the crest was quite lacking, never having had the artistic skills to quite capture the intricate details that formed it. Nevertheless, if it brought a smile to her wife's lips, she was more than content with it. How unfortunate that it had to be ruined. 
She let out a sigh, still holding Cassandra's hand. "Too bad those pigs at the BSAA would quite disapprove of us leaving such things behind. Oh well," she shrugged, bringing the hand she was holding over to the man's abdomen. "Better it be ruined at your hands." 
The next second, claws dug deep into flesh, slicing the muscle and everything underneath all the way up to the throat. It left five deep gashes over the fine cuts of her dagger, but the satisfaction did not dwindle. On the contrary, when the gurgling sounds finally stopped and the body went limp, her smile was still there, turning into light laughter when Cassandra licked her fingers only to visibly cringe. 
"Say what you will about the dungeons, but at least we feed our livestock well," she spat, taking out a napkin from a pocket and wiping her fingers clean. "But with that disgusting thing out of the way, let me help you with that," she continued, grimace morphing into a sly smile when her eyes landed on Nicole's still bloody neck. 
She gave her no time to disagree, not that she would, before she pushed her backwards slightly into the edge of a table. Nicole wasted no time in lifting herself up on the wooden surface, bringing their faces just a tad closer to being on the same level. 
Cassandra dipped her head down, lips leaving teasing feather-like kisses on her jaw before lowering even further so she could drag her tongue up the length of her neck. It made a shiver run down Nicole's spine, that turned into an impatient tug of her wife's hair when the motion was repeated again and again, until no traces of blood could be seen on her neck, save for the crimson stains that made their way to the hem of her shirt. 
Their lips met in a hungry kiss, full of fangs and smeared lipstick and the taste of copper so familiar to the both of them, albeit for different reasons. When Nicole's hands went to the first buttons of Cassandra's blouse, their kiss was broken with a sly smirk. 
"This is such a dreadful place for such things, don't you think," the brunette said, all too amused by her wife's exasperated sigh. 
"You started it," Nicole complained, but before the words were fully out of her mouth, she was tugged off the table and on the way out, ready to get back home and have a laugh about the irony of her capture. They would have to pick up where they left off at a later time. 
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imthatchishiyasimp · 3 years
Loses and promises
hi!!! I'm back hehe
It took me a long time to wrap my head around this idea, but I think I like how it turned out. I've been busy with work and I didn't get to post anything this week, I'm sorry.
Also: BIG THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT, THE LIKES AND REBLOGS AND FOLLOWS!!! I didn't, in a million times, thought you would like this THAT much. I really appreciate it, love you so much.
Without further ado, enjoy the read!!
TW: Blood, death and injuries are both mentioned and described
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I knock on his door, hard and fast. Jumping in one foot, I try to keep my balance while I tie my trainer. I rest my back on the door to prevent the obvious fall, and I finish tying the shoe. Except the door suddenly opens and I fall backwards pretty fast with a little scream.
“What the fuck?” He says, catching me by the shoulders and stepping back. “What do you want?” The question rolls with scepticism as he turns me around to face me.
I arch my eyebrows and point my finger to my wrist, simulating the time in a wristwatch.
“Already?” Chishiya hums and crosses his arms. “I must have lost track of time. Have they already made the teams?”
“Yup, and guess who’s going to annoy you for the rest of the night…”
He makes a face that’s supposed to look bothered. And he sure is bothered, he hates having to deal with me during games. But I can see through that. He’s not the only one that hates pairing in games; I do too. Not only because he’s annoying and always acts like he’s the only one worthy of winning, but because I would hate to be involved in a heart’s game with him. I know he would do anything to survive, anything, even if it kills him. And I would too. And he knows it.
“We are leaving in a few minutes. Get ready, you lazy ass” I turn around and head to my room to finish getting ready. I hear his breathy laugh just as he starts closing the door of his room. I might need something to protect myself, or something to get rid of people. Who knows what we will be facing tonight.
The car is full of people and smells like alcohol, drugs and sweat. It’s disgusting and I try to get my face as far as it can go through the window.
“Will you stop moving? It’s pretty uncomfortable and I hate the smell as much as you, so either you make me a place in that window or I throw you off my lap” Chishiya says, calmly and quietly near my ear. My hair blows as his breath leaves his lips and chills run through my body, keeping me so still that it seems as if I turned into rock.
Indeed I am in his lap, and indeed I have been moving. But just because I want to breathe fresh air. Just because of that. Sure. No reason behind.
I laugh, in silence, but I laugh. There were too many people in need of refilling their visas, so we had to pair in greater groups. And I was so not gonna sit in the laps of the horny people overbooking the Beach. So , after a huge fight, I made Chishiya sit under me, in exchange of looking for white hair dye.
I move just a bit more to play with him and I feel him tense under me, his hands coming to my hips. “Okay, okay, I’ll stop” So I move to the edge and get comfortable on his knees, leaving him a small place on the window to put his face.
We watch as the city moves in darkness, leaving behind flashes of light holding game’s arenas. I can hear distant music and screams, gunshots and creepy sounds. Maybe it’s real, maybe it’s my imagination, but I would swear on my visa that they won’t stop when the sun comes up. It’s been so long that even when I close my eyes I can still listen to the people dying in their games. I try to silence them with other things, and sometimes it works, but I’m getting tired of it.
The doors of a forest garden awaits us as we arrive. It’s a closed part of the outskirts of the city, enclosing a private area huge enough to get lost wandering around.
The tables at both sides of the door have the phones and some weapons. There’s no limit entry and it looks like there might be enough phones for the lot of us. There are five other people alongside Chishiya and I. I only know two of them: Hiro, the cook at the Beach, and Ume, a bookish girl that’s always lounging in the silent rooms. The rest look kind of familiar but I don’t remember talking to them.
I get off Chishiya’s lap with a hop and take a phone off the table. It beeps with the facial recognition and just says to wait ten minutes to close the entry.
“Want to bet on the game?” Chishiya asks, nodding to the doors.
“Probably a physical, given that we are so far from the city. So I would say a spade one” I guess. It looks like we will have a big arena, and probably something to run from, if we take into account the weapons.
“Looks like your brain hasn’t died yet” He moves before I can get him with a punch.
All of us gather at the entrance, some of us already with weapons in our hands. I’ve chosen a blade big enough to protect me and some small knives hidden in my top and trainers. I don’t like guns and they run out of ammo quite quickly.
The doors open and we enter the maze. There are several “starts” written on the floor at the entrance of different passages. The walls are so high that I can’t even try to guess what’s at the top. It’s too dark to see more than a few meters from your hands, and the cold is starting to get annoying.
The seven of us position ourselves one next to each other on the central passages and we wait. No sound can be heard, no light can be seen. It’s creepy as hell. I look sideways and I spot Chishiya lowering his hood and lifting his sleeves. He totally hates running, but you can bet he’s gonna give it all.
Without hesitation, I sprint into my passage.
I’ve been running non stop since the beginning, and this maze is big as hell itself. People always tell you to stick to the left or right and you will get to the end, and that I’ve been doing. But just when I could. There are so many traps around, it’s like they didn’t think we could survive this, so they threw everything they got.
From knife floors, poison ponds, holes… My feet are done for the day, my legs are bathed in blood from the knives and spikes, and I feel kinda dizzy because of the poison gas. But I keep running. The time is halfway gone, and I don’t think I’m even close to the exit.
I haven’t heard any of the other players since the start. I’m a bit worried, and I keep going back to their faces at the car, at the entrance and the moment I lost sight of them when I started running. Will I see them again? How many of them? Will someone make it?
I turn to the left and get thrown to the floor with a nudge on the nose.
“Holy fuck!” I scream in agony, holding my bleeding nose. I would bet my visa on it, it’s broken for sure. Oh God it hurts too much. My face feels heavy and it stings deep inside.
“Jesus, where the hell are you going without looking? Are you stupid? You could have met some kind of trap, idiot”
I look up and catch a glimpse of white hair. But just a glimpse, because the whole rest of Chishiya is covered in ashes. The bastard just stays there, looking down at me without offering a hand. Totally expected that, to be honest.
I get up and punch him straight in the chest. He howls and gets away looking angry. “You deserved that, you totally smashed your elbow on my face on purpose. You were just waiting there to punch me”
“What the fuck? Why would I?”
I study the situation and try to look for lies, but it’s a lost cause with him. “Shut up and start running, we have a long way to go”
So both of us pair up and keep on running together, helping each other in a few traps to minimize the damage. We still get burned and sliced, but we manage to stay together for a good twenty minutes.
Until we don’t.
We are on an empty corridor surrounded by bindweed. What I thought was going to be a calm and peaceful section turns into a nightmare. From nowhere, ropes start to come out and try to catch our feet, arms and trunk.
Both of us jump and get down to escape from the ropes, sometimes getting too close to the bushes and winning new bruises everywhere. The strength that these things have is incredible and intolerable. It feels as if my bones are breaking under the knots. I grasp Chishiya’s hand to keep from getting sucked into the wall, and he takes me out of it. His hand grips mine with a strength I didn’t know he possessed, and I dwell on the feeling of his cold and soft fingers around mine, enjoying the safety his presence gives anywhere he is.
Lost in his eyes, which are making sure I’m not caught into any ropes anymore, we get pulled away in an instant and Chishiya disappears from my sight into the wall, his eyes not leaving mine.
“No! You bastard! You don’t get to abandon me here! Come back!” I scream into the bushes. I slice the ropes with my knives and get away from that corridor as fast as I can.
My face still hurts from the nudge, and my arm feels funny. Both my legs are covered in bruises and cuts from the ropes and the falls. I’m a mess. Everything hurts. Everything is a mess.
I go back to the feeling of finding him. Maybe I didn’t dwell on it, but I felt safer, I felt relieved to have some company; I felt happy to have him there with me, to back me up and get me through difficult things. Will I see him again? Is he okay? Will he be there?
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. You better be there when I get off this fucking maze, or I will search for you to cut you into pieces” I whisper to the night, running again, looking behind me from time to time to check if he’s behind me, stoping just before a turn to prevent another hit. He totally did that on purpose.
I step into a two paths corridor. Both of them are covered in darkness and I can’t say which one looks better. Not wanting to lose any more time, I take the right one, although it doesn’t take me long to return. The blood covers the floor and gets sticky when I step into it. I bend over to see what’s in front of me and gulp down seeing the body of Hiro full of insects eating him alive.
He’s whimpering in pain and coughing blood, moving just a bit, probably paralyzed. I don’t know when he catches me, but his eyes get full of tears and he mouths a silent plea, tears streaming down his face and mixing with the blood. I remember when I met him, asking for a bite of something after a run through the city and hungry enough to eat whatever. He made me a simple sandwich, but I swear it was the best one I have ever had. He stayed in the kitchen with me, talking about his life and asking too many questions. Ever since then, he’s always been there when I needed to disconnect from the games, from the people, from the world. Always with a smile and a new recipe to try.
Now all that is left is pain and suffering.
Getting as close as I dare, I whisper a silent sorry and goodbye before ending his suffering. I run away and don’t look back at all, his face and pain engraved in my mind.
When I get to the exit I almost scream in relief. It’s a big door made of small bars with a big “EXIT” written in red above it. The time is almost up and I can’t see anyone here. The place where I came from is not the only way of getting here, there are three more corridors ending in this place.
The thing is, the doors are closed, and they have a huge key hole in the middle. I look around and I spot a key shining on the top of the door. It’s hanging by a thread, laughing at me from up there.
I scoff, tired as I can be, and I stop in front of the door. Guessing from the place where it is, I must need to climb through the door and it doesn’t seem dangerous at all, but I still don’t trust it. Checking the time I decide that I can’t risk it on trying to search for another way of getting the key, so I grasp the bars.
The heat burns through me and paralyzes me in the spot. I feel as if my hand is going to come off right now. I let go of the door and caress the palm of my hand, blowing air as kindly as I can, tears streaming down my face of the pain.
“I hate this. I hate it so much” Curses leave my lips as I get higher and higher, once again at the door and burning my hands and feet in the process. I can’t feel it anymore, I just know it’s painful and it’s going to leave ugly scars. I grip the key and rip it from the thread and throw myself to the floor, not caring to limb down properly.
The floor meets my back and I roll over. I would have stayed there, I swear. I was done with everything. My whole body was hurting, my mind was going blank and kept screaming.
“Tsk” I hear some rustling near me and then a foot nudges me on the back of my head. “Are you alive there?” I moan in response and turn over, glaring at the clever smirk of Chishiya. “Do you mind handing over the key? I’m in desperate need of a shower”.
“I don’t know, would you mind stopping hitting me on purpose?” I mumble through moans of pain.
He sighs and bends next to me, placing his face just above mine, our noses almost touching. I can feel his breath, the quick rhythm it still has, the cold and the smell of sweat and toxic reaching me.
“For the last time, I did not hit you on purpose” He whispers looking straight at me.
“How do I know you’re telling the truth?” I question. You won't ever know with him.
“Trust me, if I had hit you on purpose, I would have done it a lot harder”. His eyes hold that smart look, the condescending vibes all around him, but I think I can see worry and relief and…
“Oh fucking hell, yes! You guys made it! We are saved and alive and… Oh God, two minutes left, tell me you know how to open that door or I will kill myself right here” One of the guys we came with sprouts from a passage, holding Ume’s limping form and followed by another guy who’s gripping a tourniquet around his arm. I’m glad to see most of us are alive after that hell.
Chishiya takes the fey from my hand with caution to not touch the burnt parts of my palms and fingers. He quickly pushes the key into the lock and pushes the door hard.
I don’t know why, but I was scared of it not opening. Silly, I know, but after so many games with tricks at the end, I didn’t know what to expect. The phones beep immediately, and I struggle to get up to a sitting position.
Relief flows inside all of us, dropping to the floor and crying happy tears. Is it really a win? It doesn't feel like that anymore. I think I've lost some things inside those walls and darkness.
I thought I was hurting, but in just a second, all the injuries I have, start to really hurt and the pain makes me close my eyes and shake like crazy. I might need a whole week of rest after this.
Arms come from behind me and take me up. I’m lost in the sudden change of position and it takes me a while to realize Chishiya is holding me in a bridal style. He quickly gets ahead of the rest, not caring to check if they are following us, and heads to the place we left the car.
It’s a long way until we get there and I nod off a few times, resting my head and hiding in his soft tingling hair, taking his scent apart from all the other ones. I don’t dream at all, it’s all blank, but I wake up startled looking for Hiro or Chishiya, afraid they’re not here anymore. I get sad and I cry silently when I remember Hiro’s body and scared face, pleading for mercy; and I sigh with relief when I feel Chishiya holding me tighter after I wake up shaking, crossing our eyes and making me feel safe with just a look.
“Don’t ever disappear like that again. Don’t even dare. Promise me” I angrily say after one of my nightmares. He doesn’t say anything, and I don’t need him to. He just needs to know. I pretend I don’t see the almost imperceptible nod he does once I return to put my head on his chest.
The ride back is a blur. We have more space now that two of us are missing, but it’s heavy inside. I keep next to Chishiya, him holding me while I rest and sleep in between nightmares. None of us has said anything since we left the forest. We are all relieving our paths along the maze, the things we saw and the hopelessness we felt, the fear of being left there forever.
The sunrise marks our arrival at the Beach. People there are waiting for the cars still gone and they welcome us with joy and worry. We are rushed to the medical room to get checked up on, and although I try to walk there, pathetically I must say, I can feel Chishiya is ready to ame me in case I fall. He leaves once An puts me on a bed and starts treating my wounds.
But I know he will be back. He always comes back. He promised.
Hope you liked it!! Give me some feedback and love if you might, I would love to hear from you.
As always, I'm still open to requests and comments. If you want me to tag you on the next post, do tell me!
Be safe and take care!!
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deluweil · 3 years
So this is a way Way overdue prompt that I got ages ago, but didn't have the time or muse-cooperation to write.
But I finally managed to write it!!
The prompt was given to me by the lovely @coffeeflavoredcookies : Chris all snuggled up to Buck as he tells him bedtime stories with Eddie standing at the door looking at them fondly.
This is fluff all the way, hope you like it ❣
The house was dimly lit when he got back, at this point Christopher would have usually already been in bed - post bedtime story.
But Buck has been staying the last few days with them after getting hurt on a call. Nothing too bad, mild concussion, some bruised ribs and a now relocated shoulder still stuck in a sling, so things aren't exactly on the normal side.
Buck had trouble understanding Eddie’s insistence that he stays with them, not wanting to be a burden (earning him an eye-roll from Eddie) and reminded him that he shouldn’t have to look after a grown-ass man while having an actual child of his own to take care of, (which resulted in Eddie calling Christopher and asking him, on speaker, what he thought of Buck staying with them for the next few days. Christopher cheered and Buck glared at Eddie, mouthing ‘traitor’ at him.)
The thing is, Buck seems to be unable to understand that whenever he’s hurt, physically or emotionally or just generally off-balance, Eddie is thrown to a loop right with him. Eddie would rather have him near and safe than wonder how he is, if he’s sleeping, eating - taking care of himself.
Back when his leg was crushed, so close to losing Shannon, Eddie was very close to saying to hell with Ali and then Maddie and just take him over to their place.
But Buck wasn't his to keep back then, and to be honest he's not his now, but Ali is long gone and Maddie is super pregnant, giving Eddie the best excuse to bundle him into his truck and take him home.
Sore and tired, Buck mostly slept, crashing on the couch, no matter how many times Eddie tried to get him to crash in the master bedroom, at least during the day.
Eddie got used to returning home from work to find Christopher sitting in the living room either doing his homework or playing or watching TV while Buck slept on the couch. Sometimes Christopher could be found nestled to Buck's side as they both nodded off watching some nature documentary.
Eddie has an album in his phone containing multiple pictures of his boys together. He will never get tired of snapping pictures of them, moments frozen in time, forever.
Eddie took his shoes off at the door and dropped his bag next to them. He showered at the station so he wouldn't waste time with Christopher in favor of washing the day off, he quickly rinsed his hands with soup, a habit left from crazed Covid days, then went in search of his boys.
The house was quiet, and the normally occupied couch was empty. Eddie made his way to Christopher’s room, already recognizing Buck’s low gravel voice, reading what sounded like “I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew”, Buck got Christopher the book a couple of weeks prior to his injury.
He told Christopher that Maddie used to read it to him when he was younger. They read it so many times, that both of them knew it by heart at one point. This is the first time he got to read it to him, if Eddie is not mistaken.
Eddie quietly made his way to the bedroom and stopped to lean on the door frame, taking in the sight in front of him. Christopher was lying in bed snuggled up against Buck’s uninjured side, he was already fast asleep, but Buck kept reading quietly leaning against the headboard.
“Then I dreamed I was sleeping on billowy billows
Of soft silk and satin marshmallow-stuffed pillows.
I dreamed I was sleeping in Solla Sollew,
On the banks of the beautiful River Wah-Hoo,
Where they never have troubles. At least very few.”
Eddie was so caught up in the cute picture presented before him, that he hadn't noticed Buck’s stopped reading and turned welcoming eyes on him, “Hey Eds.” he greeted with a soft smile.
“Hey Buck.” Eddie greeted back with a smile, slowly making his way inside, gently detangling Christopher from Buck to lay him properly on the pillow, and freeing Buck to rise and stretch carefully.
The blonde nodded gratefully at his friend, with a last look down at Christopher, he smiled and left Eddie to tuck Christopher in safely and say goodnight. Eddie’s eyes followed Buck as he left the room, making sure he’s steady on his feet and also because he couldn’t really look away.
When Buck was out and on his way to the living room Eddie turned around, pressed a kiss to Christopher’s forehead, turned on the nightlight and left the room, closing the door behind him.
Eddie noted Buck’s absence in the living room and followed the sounds to the kitchen, standing at the door, he inquired “Should you be without your sling?”
"Honestly, no." Buck admitted with a sheepish smile, "But my neck is killing me and doing everything one handed is driving me crazy." He complained, handing Eddie a beer and leaned back against the counter while drinking the Gatorade he started earlier.
“At least you’re not drinking beer.” Eddie rolled his eyes. Buck scoffed “I wanted to, Christopher said no.” he smiled at Eddie’s laugh.
“Sounds about right.” Eddie nodded. “Did Carla make dinner?”
Buck shook his head, “No, she had to leave early, I told her I got this.”
“Tell me you ordered dinner.” Eddie demanded.
“There are waffles and Eggs in the microwave for you.” Was Buck’s sole reply.
“You’re supposed to be resting.” Eddie protested with an exasperated look.
“I have been resting, Edmundo!” Buck rolled his eyes, “And I’ll go back to resting now that your kid is fed, ready for his day tomorrow and has fallen asleep in his own bed for a change.” Buck retorted and was about to move past Eddie when the latter grabbed the wrist of his good arm and turned him around, bringing him flush against Eddie’s body.
Faces a hairbreadth away from each other, Buck met Eddie’s eyes with a curious look, “You gonna teach me to dance Eds?”
“I thought you already knew how to dance, Ev.” Eddie replied with a soft smirk, voice barely beyond a murmur.
“Hmm.. So wha..” Buck didn’t finish the rest of the sentence because Eddie’s lips were on his, and the finally in his head was so loud, it took him a second to sigh contentedly and kiss back.
Eddie’s hands strayed to Buck’s waist bringing him even closer as he maneuvered them carefully out of the kitchen and into the living room, stopping when the back of his knees hit the couch, his palms framing Buck’s face with one last kiss before breaking apart, chuckling at Buck’s protesting whine.
“What was that for?” Buck asked as Eddie rearranged the pillows on the couch before situating himself with his back to one side and reached to gently pull Buck down so he could lie back on Eddie’s broad chest, framed between his stretched forward legs.
Buck went pretty easily, not even questioning Eddie’s tactile display, it’s been known to happen, it just didn’t usually start with a kiss. Buck turned his head to one side looking up to meet Eddie’s eyes, Eddie’s brown eyes were soft and fond, Buck couldn’t help but smile back at him when Eddie offered him a grin.
Before Buck could open his mouth and ask again what’s going on, Eddie wrapped a long arm across Buck’s broad chest and threaded the fingers of his other hand with Buck’s, resting them on Buck’s stomach. “I’m done overlooking the pink elephant in the room.”
“Is that a veiled reference of your dislike for that shirt?” Buck quipped, squeezing Eddie’s hand reassuringly.
“That too.” Eddie played along, he really did hate that shirt, but Buck kept insisting it defined his muscles, which it did, but literally most of his size-down shirts already did that. “But also because coming home to the sight of you and Christopher every night, was pretty much wearing me down.”
Buck’s face broke into a smile that was a complicated mix of self-consciousness and contentedness, which Eddie found adorable, “So what broke you tonight?” Buck asked, bringing Eddie out of his reverie “I mean, it was a pretty standard evening in the Diaz household.” He pointed out with a teasing smile.
“You made sure Christopher fell asleep in his own bed.” Eddie said, chin resting on the top of Buck’s head gently.
“Well, It felt like some normalcy was needed.” Buck replied, his voice soft. “Both of us injured and out of commission in the short span of five months seemed to be taking a toll.”
“And the fact that you’re the one who managed to find a way to stir him back into the right direction is what broke me, I guess.” Eddie admired quietly, “That, and the cute picture you two presented when I got into the room.” He smiled, pressing a kiss to Buck’s temple who was blushing endearingly.
The moment was broken by an exhausted yawn from Buck, “Sorry, been a long day, and you’re too comfortable.” he accused jokingly.
“Bed?” Eddie suggested.
“You sure?” Buck asked, it’s not like they haven’t shared a bed before but this was semi-new territory. “I've already bonded with the couch, I’m good sleeping out here until we figure this out.”
Eddie rolled his eyes, “Bed.” he determined with a growl.
Buck chuckled amusedly as he rose carefully to his feet along with Eddie, “Caveman.” he teased.
Eddie shook his head with a laugh, “brat.” he retorted, pecking Buck’s lips before taking his hand and leading him to the master-bedroom.
That's it :) I hope you like it!! 💖💖
ps. That book Buck is reading to Christopher is a story my dad used to read to me and my sisters when we were youngers, we all know it by heart, to this very day. 🤗💕
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kimistorm · 3 years
Late Night Shenanigans [Minho x Reader]
Fandom: Stray Kids
Pairing: Lee Minho x GN! Reader
Warnings: mentions of really drunk people
When Lee Minho invited you to the house party on Friday night, you didn’t expect it to end up with you staring in shock as he absolutely teared up the dance floor. Which, when looking at the grand scheme of things, was an underwhelming patio in the backyard surrounded by drunk people shouting with excitement. You watched in awe as he executed sharp moves that matched perfectly with the beat. Never over-dancing and always looking clean and awesome. When he started bodyrolling you had to put a hand up to your face to hide the blush (not that anybody was looking at you).
The song ended and with a raucous cheer and an epic final pose, he sidled away from the crowd, finding his way next to you. “How long have you been hiding that?” you asked as you gave him a light punch with the hand that wasn’t holding the cup full of dubious liquid.
“Hiding what?” he questioned easily as he leaned against the wall next to you. He didn’t even break a sweat, not that it was easy to tell from the feeble porchlight several feet away.
“Your sick dancing skills?” you gestured to him wildly.
He had a devious smirk on his face as he looked at you, “you thought they were sick?”
“I mean yeah,” you busied yourself with taking a sip of your drink, “that was amazing.”
His smile softened and he shyly ducked his head like one of his cats that he adored, “thanks. Not many people think so.”
You choked on your drink, “what?” you wiped some of the liquid from your drink and let out a couple coughs, “who am I beating up?”
He let out a laugh, “with your scrawny arms?”
“Hey!” you shouted in protest and tried to tackle him into a head lock, “these scrawny arms are gonna drag you back home!”
He continued laughing as he easily batted your arms away, “you can hardly lift your backpack half of the time!”
“Shut up!” your cup was sitting abandoned on the table next to you as you tried to tackle your friend. Key word being try.
Eventually you gave up and you fell into a comfortable silence as you watched a guy in a horse mask attempt some kind of noodle-arm wave in the center of the dance floor. Most of the crowd was too wasted to even notice how bad his dancing was as they excitedly cheered him on. “Hey,” you poked Minho’s side and he immediately flinched back with a light squeak, “when was the last time you drank water?”
“When was the last time you drank water?” he countered.
“You’re the one who just had a dance session over there,” you jerked your head to the rowdy ‘dance floor.’
He sighed and pushed himself off from the wall, “all right. I’ll find some water,” he glared down at the liquid in your cup, “don’t drink that. I’ll get you some water too.”
“Thanks,” you smiled as he left your side and you put down the sketchy cup. He did have a point, it was not a good-tasting drink, but you wanted something to do with your hands. You watched the party rage on in silence. The sky was dark and the lights from the porch drowned out most of the stars. The last time you checked, the party inside was getting a little out-of-control as people started chugging beer and throwing the empty (and not empty) bottles around. You decided to save yourself from a potential injury, you’d flee outside.
“Heyyy,” you cringed as a drunk fellow made themself comfortable in the place where Minho was standing, pushing themself closer into your personal space.
“No thanks,” you replied and inched towards the light. You’d brave returning into the house if that got you away from this creep.
“Aww come on,” you could literally smell the alcohol on their breath, “you’re alone. I’m alone. How about we do something fun.”
Now you were taking actual steps back towards the house, “not interested.” You told him as forcefully as you could.
“Your boyfriend,” you felt a hand grab your wrist and your heart rate jumped. You twisted your hand around and used the flat side with your pinky as leverage to force his hand off of yours, “he doesn’t need to know.” You had to give him credit for being able to finish his sentence, but a lunge towards you made you leap back in fear.
“Too late for you,” you turned and felt security wash over you as you saw Minho standing by your side with two sealed waterbottles in his grasp, “because he already does.” Upon seeing Minho’s dark glare the drunk person scampered away.
“Thanks,” you replied with relief as he handed you a waterbottle.
“Do you want to head out now?” he asked as he jerked a thumb in the direction of the front door.
“If you’re ready.” You shrugged non committedly, not wanting to take the fun out of his night, especially since he was the one who invited you.
He gave a nod, “let’s go.” The two of you made your way through the house out the front door, waving goodbye to friends (Seungmin seemed to be the only sober one left out of all your friends) and stepping carefully away from fallen cups, cans, and people. “Thanks for coming with me,” he smiled as the two of you walked through the streets back to your homes.
You smiled, “thanks for inviting me! It was fun!” He fixed you with a disbelieving look, “okay, the most fun part was watching you dance.” You finally conceded.
“Are you okay with crashing at my place for the night?” he suddenly asked and it was your turn to fix him with a concerned look, “it’s closer.” He offered, and after a second of you contemplating it he added, “Soonie, Doongie, and Dori miss you.”
You couldn’t help the squeal from your lips as you thought about his three cats, “aww, I miss them too!”
A hand slipped into your own and the two of you carelessly swung your hands around, enjoying the quiet night and the calm, dark atmosphere. It wasn’t long until you arrived at his apartment and he quickly unlocked it, the click of the deadbolt almost echoing down the hall.
As to be expected of cats, when the two of you entered his home, they were nowhere to be seen. Making you doubt Minho’s statement that they missed you. “Do you want to shower first?” he offered after the two of you ditched your shoes at the rack near the door, “I’ll find you a towel and you can borrow some of my clothes.”
“Are you sure?” you were nervous about feeling like you were intruding and he took a moment to fix you with a deadpanned look.
“Why else would I offer?”
You ducked your head in embarrassment, “okay. Thank you.”
He let out a sound that was somewhere between the click of a tongue and an adoring coo as he pulled you in for a hug, “don’t worry about it. You’re not a bother.” You comfortably wrapped your arms around him, burying your face in his hoodie that only slightly smelled like sweat. “Now go take a shower,” he gave you a light shove in the direction of the bathroom, “I’ll find the towel and clothes and put it outside the door.” It wasn’t your first time in Minho’s apartment, so you easily found your way to the bathroom, and as you shut the door behind you, you could’ve sworn you heard him mumbling things under his breath.
You quickly changed out of your clothes and hopped into the shower, wanting to go quick so Minho didn’t have to wait as long. The warm water felt nice, it washed away the chaos and sweat from the day and the bodywash you used felt like a warm hug. Probably because it smelled like Minho and he reminded you of warm hugs.
When you emerged from the warm stream of water and into the foggy room, you found he had already slipped in a small stack of fabrics with a toothbrush on top. The shower curtain was opaque, so you didn’t worry he saw anything. Plus, the way it was crumpled made it look like he shoved it in without looking at what products it knocked off the sink.
You quickly finished cleaning up and came out of the shower wearing one of Minho’s hoodies and sweatpants. You found him preparing the sofa with some pillows and blankets, while Dori supervised. “Hey there,” you smiled as you made a beeline for the gray cat and began running your hand over Dori’s soft fur.
“Told you they missed you,” he gave you a soft, somewhat tired smile as he watched you play with one of his babies.
“Where are the other two?” you asked as Dori purred in your hands and you couldn’t help but smile and coo at the youngest cat.
“Soonie’s asleep over there,” he pointed to the scratching post with a little house perched on top in the corner of the room, “Doongie’s eating food.” He vaguely pointed towards the kitchen, where the cat food also had a permanent spot. “Jisung is going to show up at some point.” He explained as he got off the sofa to take a shower
Ah, that explained why he set up the pillows and blankets, “what’s wrong?” you asked as you curiously tilted your head to the side.
“Something about being scared of the dark and Chan not having enough sofas.” He shrugged before disappearing into the bathroom. You planted yourself on the sofa with one hand still absentmindedly petting Dori before turning on your phone and browsed through the chat messages from the group chat.
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There was an annoyed meow from Dori before the gray cat scampered away, probably upset from you removing your hand to send the text. “Doongie!” you called out into the apartment, getting off of the couch to find the ginger and white cat. Just like Minho mentioned, you found the cat by the food, eating some of the dry pellets. “Hey there,” you smiled as you rubbed the striped cat, who happily nuzzled into your hand.
Your attention was broken by a knock on the door and you quickly headed over to retrieve your drunk friend. When you opened it, you saw Chan looking bedraggled as Jisung clung to his side. “At this point maybe you should let Felix crash here.” You frowned as you took note of how tightly Jisung was holding onto Chan.
“He’s passed out in my car,” the dark haired man explained, “I don’t know how he’ll take waking up to a place he didn’t expect to be in.”
You gave a shrug, “I mean, he’s been here before.”
“Are you telling me I dragged his butt up here only for you to tell me to get the other kid?” Chan joked as he shook his arm that was captured by Jisung.
You laughed, “no, I won’t make you do that. Hey, Ji,” you tried to shake Jisung awake as Chan led him through the apartment to the sofa. The dark haired boy grumbled a bit and clung to Chan’s arm as he tried to pry him off.
You sniggered at the situation and tried to help with the situation, “I’m glad I won’t be Jisung in the morning.”
Chan let out a sigh as he finally got himself free by replacing his arm with one of the pillows, “me too.” Jisung let out another groan and buried himself into the corner of the sofa as you took the blanket and pulled it over him. “Thanks for taking him.” Chan mentioned as you walked him back to the door.
You shrugged, “it was really Minho. Good night Chan.” You gave him a quick hug in farewell.
He gave you a little wave as he headed back down to his car, “night (y/n)!”
The door to the bathroom opened the same time you locked the door to the apartment and you turned to see Minho smirking at Jisung, “he called me rhino.”
“It was more like ree no.” You disagreed as you went to the kitchen to fetch a cup of water and a pain killer. Chances are you and Minho would wake up before Jisung woke up, but you decided it’d be easier if he didn’t have to scrabble around the kitchen.
“How much do you want to bet that we’ll be woken up by something breaking?” Minho asked as you filled up a cup with water and he rattled a bottle of pills around to get out a couple.
“Let’s not entertain that thought.” You muttered as you switched off the tap, “I got a plastic cup for a reason.”
“Okay, then it’ll be the sound of him falling off the couch.” Minho snickered after the two of you placed the items onto the coffee table and headed farther in the apartment to his bedroom.
“That I believe.” You laughed as the two of you crawled into his bed.
Minho let out a content hum as he wrapped his arms around you, “good night (y/n).”
You smiled and tried to burrow into his hug, happy to be in his warm embrace, “night Minho.”
Shoutout to hanniiesuckle17 for helping me find an app for the text posts!
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fatefulfaerie · 3 years
A Century Apart Part 1/2
Kakariko without the stench of blood in the air was frankly sickening to Zelda’s lungs. 
She had trouble breathing in the air that took so long to clear, that had forgotten the war of a century prior, that was normal to an entire country of people that had become accustomed to a post-apocalyptic Hyrule. 
When she had first arrived here, Link draped as best as she could manage over his horse, she was frankly overwhelmed with nausea, some of it due to her worry at Link collapsing moments after an unanswered question, some of it due to the blood caked on his tunic, and some of it due to her terrible, terrible, stomach twisting guilt for making it here alive. 
It was night now, and the twelve hours that Link spent recuperating in his slumber had felt to Zelda like an entire week. She tossed around a circular slice of orange carrot as she sat with worry twinging her heart. Normally sitting on the floor to eat as the Sheikah were accustomed to would have made her back hurt, but she paid little mind to her back.
Impa cleared her throat, and so Zelda looked up and across the table. The noise was so familiar that she almost expected to see the Impa she knew, in her twenties and incredibly agile.
Yet this Impa had eyes that had aged, eyes that had faded from a red as bright as cranberries to a hazel, a common side effect of Sheikah aging.
“You’ve hardly touched your food,” Impa said, wrinkles and all, her face more spotted and much more round nowadays. “I know the carrots aren’t your absolute favorite but you always used to love when I made Seafood Rice Balls.”
Zelda nodded, and faked a small smile, although it came off as a simple pursing of her lips.
“Yeah, I…I remember,” she muttered quietly as she tore away her glance, looking back down at her plate. The scientist within her knew that she was, in fact, hungry and needed food to sustain herself, yet the princess with her wasn’t quite ready for such indulgence, for such luxury. 
She began with a carrot.
It was soft, obviously well-cooked as her teeth bit upon food for the first time in a hundred years. It was buttered and salted and spiced with something she didn’t recognize, something they wouldn’t have typically served at the castle.
She almost forgot how to swallow as the chewed-up orange mush threatened to trail down her throat, but she gulped the single slice of carrot down nonetheless. 
It felt strange, eating, and it felt strange that it felt strange.
She could tell Impa was watching her eat, especially as she dove the chopsticks into the Rice Balls that, over a hundred years, she forgot she missed.
“When was the last time Link was in Kakariko?” Zelda asked, reacquainting herself with the texture and taste of the white rice, the seasoned fish on top of it, the leafy seaweed around it. She didn’t dare to meet Impa’s glance.
“About a week ago,” Impa said. “He came to restock, as he does occasionally. It wasn’t a long visit, though. I suppose he had places to be.”
Zelda nodded, using the cloth napkin on her lap to wipe away any stray particles of food from her mouth. It was almost an instinct, the way she was trained to always be proper, the way her back was straight were she sat, the way she refused to let herself be and just put her elbows on the table. Paya obviously had no problem with it when she ate earlier. Zelda envied her casual manner, living decades upon decades away from a kingdom.
Zelda didn’t expect Impa to reach out and grab her hand, and thus she almost ripped her hand away she was so unaccustomed to it. Zelda looked up.
“He is going to be okay,” Impa insisted slowly and calmly with eyes aged with wisdom. Zelda had no choicest to truly trust them. “He pushed himself very hard to save Hyrule and to bring you back. I would wager he hasn’t slept in days…and the injuries he ignored, well, it’s about time they caught up to him.”
“S-sorry to interrupt,” Paya stammered. Zelda didn’t even hear her come back down the stairs. “It…it’s Link.”
“What’s wrong?” Zelda asked standing up completely panicked. “Is he okay?”
“Oh gosh I shouldn’t have phrased it like that,” Paya said. “He’s fine, he’s just stirring. You said you wanted to be there when he woke up?”
“Yes,” Zelda said, nodding, her hand lightly fisted at her chest. “Y-yes, of course. Please lead the way.”
He didn’t look any different when Zelda finished the last steps of the stairs, Link coming into view. His face was still terribly scratched up and bruised. The only difference now was that Paya had-and she would have to ask later how a Sheikah could be so stealthy as to wrap a person’s chest without waking them up-dressed Link in bandages to brace his broken ribs. There was a fair amount of blood on the bed from the gash on his leg, but it seemed to be well-sewn up now, the wound cleaned and covered with a fresh bandage. There was also a half-empty bottle of a familiar dark purple elixir, a common painkiller among Hylians. Zelda used to use it for headaches.
She could she the way his blue eyes had begun to shine through eyelids. The room was dark, lighted only with candles that smelled of lavender and honey. It seemed so long ago that they had brought Link in, Zelda suggesting they keep the main lanterns in the room doused so that Link could perhaps sleep sounder.
“Link?” She asked as she stepped forward, the combination of her lack of stealth and her thin brown sandals making the wooden floor creak.
She knelt at his bedside and repeated her query.
“Link,” she said. It was now a whisper, like she was pretending to be the lover she never was to him.
The fatigued hero hummed as he blinked open his eyes lethargically.
“Zelda,” he said, softly in his half-awake state with a small smile. The former princess assumed it was because he knew of her presence before his head rolled over to her and he flipped out with wide eyes. It was as if someone had put smelling salt underneath his nose, the way he bolted upright.
“P-princess! I…” Zelda watched with equal parts awe and glee as he ignored the extremely likely pain in his ribs to fix his messy bedhead. Not to say he was in any way successful. “I’m sorry, I…”
“Link,” Zelda said, in such a soothing way that Link froze immediately. It may have also been because she placed a hand on his cheek. Zelda gently guided him back down to lay on the pillow.
“You look fine,” she assured him. “And you are in no condition to do anything but rest.”
Link’s icy blue eyes pleaded for something Zelda couldn’t place. They looked at her, studied her in a way Zelda wasn’t used to.
“Princess, I…” he began, but his words faltered, as if his intended sentence just walked off a cliff, accidentally ran out of room on the ledge and was now falling and forgotten. “I would like to call you Zelda,” he finally said. “Is that all right?”
Zelda nodded, and had to keep from tearing up.
“Yes,” she said, water making her green eyes shine like emeralds. “I would actually prefer that.”
It looked as if Link had something else to say, and yet he hesitated with a hitched breath. Zelda hesitated too, not what to say, but whether or not it was fair to reveal that she could read him like a book. It was a byproduct of their time together a hundred years ago, a time he may not have any recollection of at all, a time he may even be scared of. It was for those reasons that she demonstrated her patience instead, taking his hand and fooling herself that she was conveying her care with her eyes.
“I remember you, by the way,” Link said.
Zelda shifted slightly. There were so many memories between them and so many things that could be assumed between the memories that she couldn’t help but fear what story he had construed.
“I remember you not liking me,” Link continued, Zelda sighing, opening and closing her eyes with a slight cringe. Of all the things for him to remember. 
But he didn’t stop there.
“I remember you warming up to me and us becoming friends…at least I think.”
Zelda had looked down at her hand, the way her thumb ran up and down his palm.
“Do you remember anything else?” Zelda asked, tilting up her head. Link seemed genuinely out of answers and that’s what broke her heart the most.
“Is there something I should remember?” Link asked. Zelda shook her head.
“No,” Zelda said quietly, detaching her hand from Link’s. “It’s nothing of consequence.”
She moved her hand to his forehead, brushing aside a lock of his dirty blonde bangs. 
“I’m glad you’re recovering well, Link,” she said softly. “I’ll leave you to your rest. We can talk more later if you’d like.”
She stood up to leave but didn’t get far, Link’s hand grabbing her wrist and seizing her heart.
“Wait,” was the word he spoke to explain himself. Zelda turned her head to look over her shoulder. She couldn’t help but be surprised that Link had indeed, meant to grab her, was entreating her with those soulful blue eyes, deep as an ocean and filled to the brim with conflicting emotions.
“There’s more to it than what I remember,” he said. “There’s…well there’s how those memories make me feel.”
“What do you mean?” Zelda said, turning her body but refusing to kneel at his bedside, her cautious heart already shattered enough to not risk being broken even more.
“Whenever I remembered something that happened between us,” Link began. “I would try to draw you, would try to capture your beauty, but the image of you was always fleeting. Sometimes I forgot whether your hair was truly blonde, whether your eyes were brown or green, whether or not freckles dotted upon your nose, your cheeks, what the shape of your face was. But each time I tried to draw you I felt like I was getting both closer to and farther away from perfection.”
“Link,” Zelda said as she shook her head. “I don’t understand.”
“I didn’t either at first,” Link continued. “I didn’t understand why I was so enthralled by your beauty, why the sound of your voice twinged my heart, why the thought of your touch made me feel the warmth of my blood.” 
Zelda knew what he was describing, and she knew it well. It was for that reason that she couldn’t believe his words, that she searched within her lungs for the ability to breathe.
“Link,” she said breathlessly, finally kneeling down. “A-are you saying…?
She couldn’t even finish her question but Link nodded nonetheless.
“Once I realized it was a crush,” he said. “I tried to ignore it, telling myself that nothing in my memories indicated anything more than an obligatory friendship, that it was disrespectful to think in such a way of someone who was royalty, but…” He bit his lip. “No cliff was as easy to descend as the one that dictates love. I fell quickly and I fell fast. It felt familiar too, like something was in ruins inside me but this time, it was simple to salvage, to rebuild and to…” Link chuckled. “I can’t think of another word.”
Zelda was speechless, her mouth slightly parted and her eyes frozen. Link didn’t expect his declaration of love to be so paralyzing.
“I-I guess I,” Link said, continuing in the absence of Zelda’s words. “I kind of got the feeling that you also have similar…” Link looked for another word, but it didn’t exist in his brain “…feelings…” He inwardly cringed. “So I figured I would bring up the subject...but maybe I...shouldn’t...have?”
Zelda was quiet, almost too quiet, before she stood and finally said five words, five words that left Link in the dust of such an anticlimactic response.
“You never talked this much,” she said, before shooting him with green eyes filled with conflict and pity and turning around to walk back down the stairs.
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alone together
summary: you can’t make it home for Christmas, but neither can Elias, and suddenly you aren’t too upset about it anymore. 
warnings: mentions of alcohol, drinking
word count: 2.1k
tagging: @bqstqnbruin @laurenairay @calgarycanuck @sorryjustafangirl @tayella13 @wastedheartcth @kiedhara @writinghockey @unfoundtreasure @nolanscheeks @hockeyallthetime​ 
masterpost of my christmas fics
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The holidays were supposed to be spent with family. And you had planned to do just that—except, the entirety of your family had planned vacations without you. For a week and a half you moped around about your ruined holiday plans. You would be alone, in Vancouver, while all of your friends were back home. You thought you’d be all alone, except—
“I’m staying in Vancouver for Christmas, too.”
Apparently, not all of your friends would be gone. Though, Elias wasn’t quite just your friend. With him, it always felt like there was just something under the surface between you and him. You were friends with Brock and Quinn too, but your heart didn’t race the same way it did when you were with Elias.
“You should stay at my place.”
“What?” The suggestion caught you off guard. Elias said it so casually, like he wasn’t offering to house you for the holidays. He grinned at you from over the top of his takeout container, your brows tugged together in confusion.
“Come stay with me, I know you’re just going to be here alone.” He explained with a shrug. You thought about your other options, not that you had many, and quickly realized that staying with Elias was much better than spending the holidays alone.
Really, what could go wrong with spending the holiday with the guy you were half in love with.
You showed up two days before Christmas, duffel bag in hand and smile on your face. The first night was quiet, a movie and takeout before you each parted ways to sleep. It was strange, at first, to be staying in his guest room when you could have just as easily been in your own apartment across town.
You realized you could quickly get used to his presence when you woke up the next morning and found he was already in the kitchen, cooking breakfast as if he was a regular chef and not someone who had nearly the entirety of his meals made for him.
“Merry Christmas Eve.” You chimed, taking a seat at the kitchen table to watch him cook. Scrambled eggs weren’t a hard dish to make, and you knew Elias was a bit more competent than some of his teammates, but the supervision wouldn’t hurt, and you couldn’t exactly pass up the opportunity to pretend for just a moment that the domestic moment was much more than it really was.
“Merry Christmas Eve, to you too.” Elias grinned at you over his shoulder, allowing you to get a look at his messy bedhead and sleepy smile. You would have sworn your heart skipped three beats at the sight, and with a grin of your own you propped your head up and admired him as he worked.
The rest of the day passed by in a blur, filled with Christmas movies and games, and after hours of fun with Elias you slipped into the guest room to FaceTime your family. You battled the teasing from them that you were staying with a boy, and denied vehemently that there was anything going on between the two of you. By the time you got off the phone with them, it was nearing dinnetime, so you wandered into the kitchen in search of either Elias or at the very least a snack.
“What’s all this?”
You weren’t sure you had ever actually seen Elias cook anything more than the basics, but when you walked into the kitchen you were met with various pots and pans scattered across the counters. Once more, Elias was standing at the stove as he cooked, and you decided that you really could get used to the view.
“Christmas Eve dinner.” He said casually. In all honesty, you hadn’t thought about what you would be doing for dinner, since nearly every meal you had ever had with Elias was over a takeout container or at some restaurant he insisted on trying.
“You’re cooking breakfast and dinner? What did I do to deserve this?” You teased, moving to stand at his side and watch him stir. Elias shot you a grin, the playful one that only came out when he was in the company of people he knew well and loved.
“If you play your cards right, I’ll even make you pancakes tomorrow, too.” He said slyly, a teasing lilt to his tone that had you chuckling to yourself. “Grab some wine?”
“Don’t need to tell me twice.” You grinned, slipping away from your post at his side to search for the bottle of wine you had brought as a gift for him letting you stay with him. Grabbing two glasses, you perched yourself on the counter. Luckily, the bottle had already been broken into, so you were able to get the cork out with ease before pouring a generous amount into each glass.
“Cheers.” The corners of Elias’ lips curved upwards as he clinked his glass against yours. You matched his smile as you lifted the glass to your lips to take a sip. You watched as he turned back to stirring the sauce, an action that shouldn’t have been as attractive as it was.
One glass of wine turned into a bottle shared between the two of you on the couch while a variety of Christmas and action movies played on the television. Eventually you drifted into sleep in your spot, tucked into Elias’ side while listening to him mumble about the movie on the screen you hadn’t even attempted to pay attention to.
The next morning, Christmas morning, you woke up in an unfamiliar and not-totally comfortable position. But as uncomfortable as you were, you knew Elias must have been worse, because he was lying on his back on the couch while you were half on top of him and half tucked between him and the back of the couch.
“Good morning.” Elias mumbled, drawing your attention to him. You rested your chin on your arm as you looked up at him, blinking tiredly as a sleepy smile made its way onto your face as you admired him.
“Good morning.” You repeated his sentiment, smile only widening when you felt Elias’ hand start to drag up and down your back soothingly. “Sorry I fell asleep on you.”
“I don’t mind.” He said seriously, though the corners of his lips were quirked up in a tiny smile that had you reaching up to brush a few strands of his hair off of his forehead before you really knew what you were doing. He smiled at the action, quickly grabbing your wrist before you could retract your hand completely and pressing a kiss to your palm before you could really understand what was happening.
You sucked in a breath at the intimate moment, having been caught off guard. It wasn’t unwelcome, the display of affection, but it took you by surprise and without a second thought you smiled.
“I think I was promised pancakes today.” You hummed, grin on your face. Elias’ chest rumbled underneath you with his chuckles, and though you wanted nothing more than to stay cuddled up with him for as long as possible you knew you were falling harder and harder for him with each smile and every brush of his hand up and down your back. So with a sigh, you carefully pushed yourself up and retreated into the spare room to get a change of clothes.
When you returned, Elias had already started with breakfast and it was only a few moments later when the two of you were sitting at his kitchen table sharing sleepy smiles over chocolate chip pancakes.
“I like having you around.” He commented casually as you focused on pouring syrup onto your pancakes. It took you by surprise, his sweet words that made you melt, and with a teasing smile you shot him a playful look.
“Even if you’re always cooking for me?” You joked, taking a bite of your pancake as if to emphasize the point that he had made not only one, but three meals for you in the past few days you had been staying with him.
“Especially when I’m cooking for you.” He commented cheesily and you snorted at his words. You rolled your eyes, though your heart raced and in order to hide how flustered he made you, you turned your attention to the cup of orange juice you poured for yourself.
Eventually the two of you made your way into the living room in order to exchange presents, and though you settled back onto the couch there was much more space between the two of you than when you had woken up.
“Merry Christmas.” You told Elias, handing him the gift bag you had gotten for him. It was a bit of an expensive present, a nice watch you had seen him eye in the store on more than a few occasions.
“I love it.” He grinned, thanking you for the gift with a smile that made butterflies erupt in your stomach. Nerves flashed in his eyes as he handed to the small, carefully wrapped box, but you pushed the look to the side and started to pull the paper away.
Inside was a jewelry box, and when you lifted the lid you were met with a gold chain, an engraved bar necklace. You recognized the engraving as coordinates, but you had no idea as to what the location was. With furrowed brows, you looked up to Elias, only to find him only watching you with a nervous smile.
“It’s the coordinates for Ånge, Sweden.” He told you, swallowing thickly and you felt your heartbeat in your ears.
“Where you were born?” You connected the dots with an astonished sigh. Though your words came out as a question, you knew they were a fact, and he nodded once in confirmation. There was so much you wanted to say, so much you needed to know, but any and all words died on your lips in that moment. He was giving you a part of him, his hometown, to wear and to have and you knew that it just had to mean something more than a Christmas gift. “Elias, what…?” You couldn’t finish, but you didn’t have to, because he knew what you needed to hear.
“I love you.” Elias told you earnestly. You gasped, the words catching you by surprise even though they shouldn’t, not when he invited you to stay with him during Christmas and not when you were holding the necklace that held so much importance to him. Not when you felt the same.
“Say it again.” You felt breathless, setting the necklace on the couch beside you to give your full attention to him. On instinct, you stood to your feet as if you couldn’t believe him. And really, you wanted to make things completely clear, not wanting to assume anything and break your heart by a misunderstanding.
“I love you.” Elias stood to his feet, then, too.
“Are you sure?” You asked, brows tugged together and hopes rising as the corners of his lips quirked up in amusement.
“Pretty sure, yeah.” He chuckled breathily at your comment, taking a step closer so that his hands settled on your waist. Your smile grew, twice as wide as it had in as long as you could remember, and in an instant your hands moved to the back of his neck.
“I love you, too, so much.” You breathed, leaning into his touch more. At your words, Elias dropped his forehead against yours, and your eyes fluttered shut as his nose nudged against yours. “So much.”
Finally, after what felt like forever, Elias pressed his lips against yours in a long awaited kiss, one that made your head spin and knees weak. Your fingers threaded into the hair on the back of his head as his dug into the flesh of your hips to hold each other in place. You had him, finally, and you didn’t plan on letting go of him anytime soon.
After what honestly was one of the best kisses of your life, you pulled back to catch your breath with a smile that made your cheeks sore. Elias was smiling, too, and before either of you could say anything, the two of you broke into giggles that could only be brought on by happiness and feeling of total love that warmed you from your head to your toes. Elias broke the silence first, mumbling his words against your forehead before pressing a kiss there.
“Best Christmas ever.”  
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GAMES. — Zed Necrodopolis
Pairing: Zed X FEMALE Reader
Requested: Yes / No
Requested By: @gummybee12 Thank you so much for being my first submission. Sorry for not posting immediately i recently transitioned semesters so i had too focus on school the past two weeks but i hope you enjoy it! Also, their might be an extensive part to this one-shot so please don’t be worried if it ends abruptly! 
Summary: When Y/N moved to SeaBrook she is warned by her friends to stay cautious of Zed, who’s only goal is to get with every girl and then drop them. One night at an annual zombie mash could change her expectations.
Prompt: #64 — “Your who they warned me about”.
Warnings: regular teens cursing. 
IT HAD BEEN ONE DAY SINCE ZED had called it quits with Addison. The blonde girl was utterly heart broken as she sobbed quietly in the beige colored stall in the SeaBrook High girl’s lavatory. Bree stood outside of the small stall consoling Addison and trying to comfort her sad friend. Bree’s arms crossed over her chest in annoyance she breathed out a huge huff and began slowly pacing around the sink area. “I’m going to kill him”. Bree spoke in a utter tone as her white teeth gritted together in anger at the thought of the green haired zombie.
Zed Necrodopolis. Everyone at SeaBrook knew the name if you’d ask they’d point you in the direction of the sly zombie who stood at 6’3 with vibrant green hair, piercing brown eyes and mahogany colored converse. He was your all average stuck up playboy. You’d either find him at raging house parties and annual zombie mashes completely sucking the face off some human girl in the corner while loud music blasted over the speaker, practically trying to get her clothes off.
 Zed arrived at SeaBrook High as transfers from zombie town along with other students almost 2 years ago, and since then the disgusting misogynistic peer pressures of being popular has taken over his mind. He had bright goals and ambitions to make SeaBrook a better place dude to the wide discrimination and violence against zombies — he had joined the football team, became student body president and from their, Y/N knew it was only a matter of time before her childhood best friend dissolved into the crowd.
Y/N was a hybrid. She was born to a human father and zombie mother, which at the time of her birth wasn’t a normal thing that was looked upon in the town of SeaBrook. She had human like features, her eyes, nose, teeth although her hair was born and curly the other half of her head was a vibrant neon green and she inherited a diamond shaped birthmark on her wrist. 
She learned from an early age how to stand up for herself due to growing up in an all human town and going to a human elementary school. The kids laughed and taunted her but scaring them off didn’t stop her. Instead of being forced to wear a bulky wrist band that has to be covered in plastic every time a zombie takes a shower, Y/N was given a green jeweled necklace handed down by generations in her family to help contain the full zombie impulse.
She and her family moved to SeaBrook back in the summer — which was about a month ago, on her first day she was utterly lost and couldn’t find her way around the school she soon befriended Addison and her friend Bree, who quickly accepted her with open arms. With Addison out of sight, who was still dating her at the time made sure to warn Y/N about Zed’s sick tendencies. “He just broke up with Zia about 3 weeks ago”. Bree told Y/N as she sat with her at lunch surrounded by Bree, Bonzo, Lacey, and Bucky. Y/N squinted at the laughter to green haired teens shared sitting at the back table in the cafeteria while eating lunch. 
Zed not failing to flirt and compliment Addison every second only causing her to swoon more and more. “He’s going to break her”. Bree spoke taking a bite of her pizza , to which the group murmured in agreement. “It’s only a matter of time before he continues the cycle so it’s best we all stay away from him — including you Y/N”. Bree tried to lecture but only earned a scoff from Y/N who rolled her eyes.
“Pfft, as if zombie boy over there even has a single chance”.
It had been three weeks since Zed had broken the blonde’s heart. The last bell for the hour rang as Y/N took her seat on the small wooden stool in the science class. The bell had rang and Y/N let out a content sigh pulling out her lime green spiraled notebook and a mechanical pencil. “Good Afternoon class”. Y/N’s eyes adverted to the welcoming voice of Mr. Eeurk, the science teacher who stood at about 5  feet and 9 inches with very pale skin and brown eyes a bright smile on his face as he walked over to his large desk and set down his leather bag taking a sip of his coffee. 
20 minutes had soon passed when Mr. Eeurk was lecturing the class about the plants cycle of photosynthesis. The large door creaked open as a tall built figure walked in flashing a shiny white smile. “Hey Mr Eeurk sorry i’m late i was using the bathroom!” Mr. Eeurk didn’t seem impressed - or amused at the fact that one of his careless students was late to class -- again.
“I don’t want to hear it Necrodopolis, take a seat and get out your worksheet”. Mr. Eeurk nonchalantly answered with his back turned to the 6 feet 4′ athlete reading the answer pages on his clipboard. Zed sighed and scanned the room for a place to sit his eyes met the eyes of the quiet and innocent looking students -- most of them the zombie knew because of his high popularity on school grounds, but some he did not.  
He smirked to  himself as he eyes down the candy that was Y/N. He didn’t care about anything except keeping his name in check which meant staking out the class for fresh meat. He was an asshole, which meant he cared about no one, only himself and his needs. 
Y/N had felt an unusual pit of wary grow in her stomach, a light finger tapped the upper right of her shoulder. Breaking her attention away from her science worksheet that she had almost finished she eyed a paled face boy who she had heard many things about. Y/N was smart, so she knew he was up to something the minute he batted his eyes innocently and said; 
“ can i sit here?”
he licked his lips and smiled like an angel. ‘So he thinks he’s really fooling me huh? Yeah not today dude.’  Y/N chuckles lightly and shakes her head picking up her finished worksheet. She gave him a moment of ambition and curious silence when she flashes a flirty smile and spoke, “no but you can go sit your ass in the back”. 
She giggled evilly as she watched the sly expression on the player’s face immediately drop to disappointment. He nodded slowly and pursed his lips not expecting the ‘ohs” and enjoying laughter from his football buddies and classmates. 
Y/N had stood up from her seat and slowly strutted up wards towards the small plastic paper box that laid on the teacher’s desk. Placing her completed paper in with a smile she made her way back to the small desk in silence. Zed’s eager eyes following her every move, he licked his dry lips in anticipation. Y/N however, smirked at her recent actions, proud of the rejection she gave the notorious fuckboy moments earlier. 
The time had somehow consumed her thoughts as the last school bell for the day finally rang as a release for the captive students. Packing up her things Y/N walked out of the science room and up the grey stairs of SeaBrook High feeling like she had just won a grammy. She chuckled swaying her hips as she made her way over toward’s Bree’s pink colored locker. 
Two can definitely play at this game. 
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all gone, all gone, all gone
part 4: well, no, i don't feel lighter
my crackfic is back, y'all!! and here to break my 3rd-chapter curse, in which every fic i've ever written ever, i've given up after exactly the 3rd chapter. hopefully the amnesia fic and the 5+1 can follow suit. i wanted to post something for thomastair week/alastair appreciation day, and this doesn't fully fit but i have too many WIPs and this was the closest thing. I've written most of part 5, which has some great thomastair action, so maybe i'll try to post that tonight as well
content warnings: suicide attempt, magical manipulation, implications of domestic violence
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Masterlist | AO3
They will never help you. Not even your sister takes your side, not in many months, years even. Do you think they would take you back now, like this? They preferred you floating dead in the Thames than fighting beside them even before I got my hands on you. They would use you and discard you in seconds. You are nothing to them, you never had been. Do you think your own mother would take you back knowing what you’ve done?
Alastair was clean again, free again. Those were the first words Belial had said to him after giving him a second chance. They repeated in his head now, deep in battle with the people he’d betrayed, the people who would betray him without hesitation. The people he should hold no loyalty towards.
But something else played in his head as well: a memory. He was 11, maybe 12, his sister slightly younger. They were playing hide and seek in the forest beyond Cirenworth. Alastair knew it was because his father was drunk and angry, and his mother had told him to get his sister out of the house. He was worried that she would get hurt attempting to calm him down, but Cordelia wasn’t. She was happy, she was laughing. She had no idea that anything could be wrong. She was elated for her brother to be playing with her. She wanted to run around and pick berries and eat them next to the lake a mile from their house.
He held tightly to the memory, as if it were a street he was sprinting down and if he made a single turn, he would never be able to find it again. It was the last thing he thought of before Belial returned to him, and it was a message he easily understood: this was the reason he was loyal to her, even when she betrayed him.
He had been so focused on his anger, his death wish, all of his own pain and heartbreak that he’d lost sight of what had sustained him all of his years: his sister. He survived on the knowledge that whatever happened to him, whatever abysmal fate was before him, his sister could have better. She deserved better. He could give it to her in whatever way possible.
He’d become distracted in his own pain, and Belial had preyed on that. Now, Alastair understood. It didn’t matter if Belial killed him or if he was sent away to the Basilias to waste away for the rest of his days or if he was stripped of his marks and never allowed to see his family again as long as Cordelia walked away in one piece.
Belial twirled Cortana in the air. “Good thing we have another Carstairs to wield it. Take care of her.” The blade flew into Alastair’s grasp. Cordelia winced and Lucie shrieked, charging towards Belial. They locked each other in a battle of magicks, but she wouldn’t last long, not against a Prince of Hell.
Alastair thought back to that memory, to the sound of her shrieks of laughter, of the flashes of deep, dark red hair between the trees as he chased her. He would rather die a thousand agonizing deaths than hurt her again. His mind told him that it was illogical, but he knew that it was correct. “You always wanted to be a hero, isn’t that what you said?” She looked hurt and confused, but more than anything, terrified. She needed to understand. There was only so much he could do; she needed to believe. “Do you believe you are a merciful hero?”
Realization flickered in her eyes of that memory from many years ago. “I try to be.”
Alastair couldn’t throw a sword and expect it to land safely in Cordelia’s grasp and without any demonic interception, nor did he wish to be within slashing distance of his sister with Belial in his head. Instead, he threw the sword upward.
Cordelia held out her hand and the blade flew into it, just as it had back in Devon. It fit firmly into Cordelia’s grasp just as Lucie collapsed.
“What-” Belial began. Alastair felt himself lifted into the air by an invisible hand around his neck. “-did you do?” Before he could answer, Cordelia started to move forward. The grip around his throat tightened and he couldn’t stop the strangled sound that followed. “Move another inch and I’ll snap his pretty little neck,” he warned. Cordelia froze.
“You should- have killed me-” Alastair choked out. “After Thomas.”
“You tricked me.”
“You wanted me- to give up. Should have known- I’m a talented- actor.” He could feel himself getting lightheaded attempting to speak, sacrificing the little air that he was still able to breathe.
“You think you’re so brilliant-”
“No. You’re- a fool. You- miscalculated.” He heard a shout down the corridor. If Cordelia was still holding Cortana when James arrived, there would be no way for Belial to win. Now was his only chance.
He heard a shriek as he flew through the air, colliding with a brick wall in a sickening crunch. The next thing he knew, he was on the ground. He opened his eyes just in time to watch Belial disintegrate at Cortana’s blade.
The world was blurry, and everything hurt. His body, but also - him. He was free. He was dying, but he was free.
Each breath hurt more and more, and he could taste blood in his mouth. He had at least several broken bones and a concussion, in addition to broken ribs and any internal injuries. He attempted to sit up but the bit of effort made his vision go black. Perhaps more than a concussion.
Suddenly, his sister's face was above him. "Stay with me," she begged. "Please, I need you. Please, hold on. Everything will be okay. We'll get you to the Institute and they will heal you and then we will figure out the rest. Please, I need you. I'm so sorry. I love you. I can't do this without you. Please, hold on, for me."
She should not be apologizing, he thought. I was the one who left her.
He tried. He tried to hold on. He had brief memories of the carriage riding, slipping in and out of consciousness.
Stay with me, she repeated.
I will, he tried to tell her, but no words came.
Then, he saw nothingness. The emptiness with which he was so familiar.
Then, he woke. He was in the infirmary. His whole body ached. He felt his stomach lurch as he remembered all that had happened the past two weeks.
Cordelia was sitting in a daze, not fully asleep, but not fully awake.
"I suppose this whole ordeal means that I am either very hard to kill or very bad at dying," he said weakly, startling her out of her stupor.
She glared at him. "Don't joke about such things! I would smack you were you not injured. I still might yet." She hurried to him and embraced him tightly. His body ached at her pull but he did not comment.
"How long has it been?"
"Three days since the fight."
"Is Lucie okay?"
She nodded. "It took her a bit to recover, but she's alright. There were other injuries, but somehow we all made it out in one piece."
"I'm so sorry, Cordelia," he said quietly.
"Shh, don't start that. It's alright. I just-" Her breath hitched for a moment. "I wish I had been able to see how much pain you were in. I wish I could have helped."
He shook his head. "No, I wouldn't have accepted it." He reached to cup her face in his hand but realized that his wrists were bound to restraints. Of course. He'd worked for Belial. He'd carried out unspeakable deeds for him. He'd kidnapped Thomas, even if he had freed him as well.
"They- they said they had to, that until you woke and they could assess the situation it would be necessary. I-"
"It's okay," he told her. "I understand."
"What are you going to tell them? About how... about what happened with Belial?"
He exhaled. "The truth. I will simply tell them the truth."
* * *
The Consul was apprehensive about allowing Alastair to take the Mortal Sword so soon after waking from his injuries, but he insisted that he would not speak without it. He only wanted to do this once. She reluctantly agreed, bringing the sword to the infirmary, along with the Inquisitor, the head of the Institute, and Sophie Lightwood as witness. He was unsure of how she’d gotten involved, but her presence somehow terrified him and soothed him at the same time. Cordelia was allowed to stay as well, as long as she did not interfere with the questioning.
The Mortal Sword burned through his body, aggravating his many wounds, but he’d felt worse. He answered their questions, explaining how Belial had held him over the Thames, threatening to drop him into the river as he brokered a deal with him. He conveniently left out the part that preceded. He attempted to describe what it was like to be under Belial’s spell, under his curse. He told them that he never wanted to hurt anyone. It was the truth, even under Belial’s influence.
“Thank you, Alastair. We’re almost finished,” Will told him. Alastair was unsure why he was asking the questions, he was sure that was meant to be the task of the Inquisitor, but whatever Will had done to earn the privilege, it seemed like he regretted it now. He was simply too empathetic. “Please allow me to clarify a few details. Belial, using Jesse Blackthorn’s body, pushed you off of Tower Bridge?”
Alastair grimaced, his answer burning in the back of his throat. He had hoped they would overlook this part. “No.”
“What do you mean?”
“I was already over the edge of the bridge.”
“I don’t understand.”
Alastair looked over to Cordelia who seemed ready to jump in on his behalf, though they both knew she was not allowed. “I- I jumped,” he confessed, relief washing over him, though he did not know if it was because of the sword. “I attempted to kill myself, but Belial stopped me.”
The Consul and Will Herondale looked at him in shock. Sophie Lightwood appeared guilty, but he had no idea what for. The Inquisitor was indifferent.
Will attempted to speak, the pain breaking through his eyes, but could not. The Consul stepped in instead. “I see. Is there any other information relevant to this ordeal?”
He was about to respond when Sophie spoke up. “What did Belial tell you about Barbara?” Ah, he realized. That was why she was here. That was why she was guilty.
“Sophie!” the Consul scolded.
“Mrs. Lightwood, that is entirely-” The Inquisitor began, but it was not a question Alastair was opposed to answering.
“Nothing,” he told her. “But I overheard him speaking to Tatiana. He called Barbara’s death his gift to her.”
Sophie’s solemn expression did not hold the surprise of the Consul’s or Will’s. Alastair was merely confirming what she already knew.
The Consul nudged Will forward to take the sword back from Alastair. “I believe we’re finished here. We will discuss the matter and return to you shortly.”
There was an uncomfortable silence as Will put away the Mortal Sword and they left the room, Sophie casting an apologetic glance back at him. The silence stayed between him and Cordelia as they waited. He believed before that if he could skirt around the truth, there was a chance he would walk free, even if he did not deserve it. Now, knowing that they knew the full truth, his stomach twisted at the thought of their decision.
Cordelia looked pale, and he knew she was thinking something similar. “I’m going to go get some water,” she said finally. It wasn’t even a convincing lie.
“Cordelia, what are you doing?”
She didn’t answer as she left the infirmary.
if any of this seems unrealistic, i don't care! i made this mess and i can deus ex machina it if i want to!!!
taglist (ask to be +/-, this is a different taglist than most of my content because of the triggers): @jem-nasium @littlx-songbxrd @fortheloveofthecarstairs @cant-think-of-anything @shadowrunner2000 @writeforjordelia @jurdan-my-beloved
Part 5
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zevlors-tail · 3 years
Good Enough (Villain Deku)
A/N: This was meant to go with this scenario as an extra add on, but I wasn’t able to finish it in time and so here it is by itself! This was extremely personal and self indulgent, so apologies if it’s not really relatable. I pulled straight from personal experience for this one. I really just wanted to vent have something I could come back to for myself, but maybe this will also help others. I’m still trying to get the hang of the comfort part of comfort fics. 
Also, I’ll be posting some original content soon and normal requests as well. I do really like writing emergency requests, but they also take a lot out of me.
TW: Self harm, mentions of a lighter, burns/burn wounds, treating burn wounds, negative thoughts. PLEASE MIND WARNINGS!
In this au, Vil!Deku and the reader are part of the LOV. 
Never enough.
Nothing you ever did was good enough. No matter what you did, said, or how you acted, you could always do better. Your family had instilled that thought into you, and your teachers and peers had only continued to nurture it until a small sprout became a blossom, that blossom eventually blooming and taking root in your mind. No matter the grades you brought home, you could have- no, should have -done better. No matter what you said, there was always something wrong with the tone in which you said it. Don’t talk back to me, you were told. Watch your tone! If you passed your test with anything less than a B? You’re smarter than that, you just need to apply yourself better. Are you paying attention in class? There always had to be something, always had to be an if, and, or but at the end of every backhanded compliment you got- if you even received any. More, they demanded. You need to work harder. You could have done better. It’s your fault that things happened this way, why are you like this!?
Why were you like this? You didn’t know. All you knew was that everything you touched seemed to crumble right in front of you. You never failed to ruin things, to hinder someone in the process of trying to enjoy your existence. Maybe you just weren’t cut out to feel and have good things. Maybe you didn’t deserve them. After all, where were all your “friends” and family now? The only ones left who tolerated your existence at this point were the villains you chose to align yourself with instead. And even then you were an outcast amongst outcasts, the weakest link between them all. The notion that you would never be good enough had been drilled into your brain so many times that you believed it now. Truly, really, wholly believed it with every fiber of your being. And so, when you’d fucked up during this morning’s mission, it came as no surprise to you.
It was supposed to be a small meeting between allies to exchange goods. You knew beforehand that the other group planned to start a scuffle, and so all three of you- you, Deku, and Dabi -had come prepared for that. But hidden weapons and strategies aside, you still managed to get yourself injured in the process. That wouldn’t have been so awful had it not caused any other problems, but of course that wasn’t the case- whenever you were involved, something always seemed to go wrong. In this instance, it just so happened that Dabi had to step in to cover for you during the fight while Deku helped you get away, and consequently you’d barely had time to grab any of the supplies you were after. 
Shigaraki was less than happy about the outcome. He didn’t tear into you, but you got a good scolding while getting patched up, and it hit you hard. You should have been used to it. You’d been told for so long that things were always your fault for not doing enough, so why weren’t you immune to the terrible feelings that came along with that fact? The words stung like salt in an open wound every time you heard them; they never failed to make you hate yourself. And of course since you were injured, you were put on bed rest for a while which only served to make matters worse for you. Why should you get to rest when Deku and Dabi did all the work for you and had to continue with their normal tasks? You were the one who fucked up- you deserved punishment, not a reward. 
And so...here you were.
You lied awake in bed, your head tilted back on the pillow while you stared at the ceiling fan spinning idly above you. It had to be some time past one in the morning, the normal sounds of daytime long gone and a tiny sliver of the moon visible through the window to your right. On the nightstand to your left, a little rectangular black object taunted you. The damage had already been done, punishment dealt by your own hand and yet- it wasn’t enough. Was it ever, really?
The sound of knuckles rapping against your door frame interrupted your train of thought, a familiar messy mop of green hair coming into focus as you stared at the person in the entryway to your room. 
Deku entered and shut the door behind him with a soft click before making his way over to you and taking a seat on the edge of your bed. He took a quick look around your room for a second before turning his gaze on you, and you propped yourself up to get a better look at him while he spoke.
“How’s your leg?”
“Still broken,” you teased with a halfhearted smirk. But it fell soon after, the reminder of what happened earlier in the day bringing back bitter feelings and memories. Deku scrutinized your face, eyes seemingly searching for something, though you couldn’t tell what.
“And how are you holding up after what Shigaraki said to you this morning?” His words were careful, voice calm as he asked. You took a long pause before answering.
“Nothing I do is ever good enough, is it?” A heavy feeling settled in your chest, your voice cracking in frustration as you reached up to angrily run a hand over your face. “I’m always causing problems for others and fucking everything up. There must be something wrong with me.”
All that self hate inside of you burned, doubts and insecurities stoking the raging fire within. For so long you kept in everything you were feeling, and now it was all spilling over in front of the one person you were supposed to keep it together for. Why couldn’t you just do something good for once? Why did you always have to taint everything? You didn’t want Deku to see you cry. You didn’t want him to feel any pity. You were supposed to be strong, and brave, and everything you knew at the back of your mind you weren’t. 
“I disagree. You’re being much too hard on yourself, doll.” Deku scooted back some and climbed his way up the bed to you, his back coming to rest against the headboard while you moved over to give him some more room. He gently patted his lap, and you leaned over to rest your head in it.
“But I’m not. I don’t deserve this; I don’t deserve to lay here and rest while the two of you have to pick up all of my slack because of something that was my fault. I’m such a fuck up.” 
Deku let you ramble on while his hand rested lightly on your neck, his thumb rubbing slow circles against your skin. When you were finished, he gave you a hum of acknowledgement and nodded a few times, his legs shifting a bit under you as he sat up straighter. 
“Now, doll, that’s simply just not true. All of those things you said were lies.”
“But they’re not-” you started, frustration evident in your voice.
Deku didn’t give you a chance to finish. “Yes, they are,” he said firmly, leaving no room for you to argue. “Are you really insisting that you’re supposed to be up and doing work on a broken leg? It seems I wasn’t clear enough the first time, so let me remind you again. You’re being much too hard on yourself. What happened this morning was purely chance. Sure, we had the upper hand, but that doesn’t always mean we’ll come out on top, and it wasn’t your fault things turned out the way they did. I was supposed to be in charge of strategies, are you saying I should have strategized better to avoid the outcome? Or that Dabi’s flames should have burned hotter so they could do more damage?”
“No,” you answered right away. You didn’t need to think twice about it; it wasn’t their fault, it was yours. “Those are things you can’t control. You only had so much information to work with and Dabi can’t change the temperature of his flames that much, at least that I know of.”
“So then why on earth would you ever think the same about yourself? The same principle applies to you as it does to us.”
You didn’t miss a beat as you replied, “Because I could do better. I need to do better. I need to be better. But I feel like there’s something missing... Maybe if I had all the missing pieces then I wouldn’t screw everything up! But I don’t, and I just keep ruining things!”
You curled in on yourself, your hands moving around animatedly as you spoke. For a moment, you forgot there was a reason you’d kept your wrists turned in for the majority of this conversation, and as your sleeve slipped down a little when you raised your arm, your self inflicted burns were momentarily exposed. Your heart stopped as Deku’s hand shot out to catch your wrist, and before you could pull away, he was inspecting the burn marks carefully.
“Did you get burnt in the fight as well? I thought Dabi was the only one there with a fire-related quirk...” You were in too much of a panic to answer him, but it turned out you didn’t need to; he seemed to be talking to himself. “No, these are much too new to have happened in the morning. This is recent, maybe an hour ago... How did this happen, doll?” 
“Cooking accident,” you mumbled under your breath.
“Really?” He sounded skeptical of your excuse, and for a good reason; there was no way you’d been up today to cook anything for yourself with your broken leg. He stopped to think for a moment before his eyes darted to your nightstand, your lighter still laying on top of the hard surface. You watched as the gears turned in his mind, and you knew the moment everything clicked- he made a quiet noise of understanding, and a sigh followed shortly after. “This isn’t just about the mission and what Shigaraki said, is it?” He let go of your wrist, and you turned to bury your face in his lap.
“I don’t deserve to be on bed rest right now. I deserve to be punished.”
A moment of silence passed between you while he waited to make sure you were done before he responded.
“That’s not true,” he warned.
“It is! I fucked up!” You had never sounded so desperate in your entire life. You were convinced that you had done something wrong, and your voice reflected that fact. Why couldn’t he see it too?
Deku tried to argue with you, his patience thinning with every cruel word that fell from your mouth. You could hear it in the way he spoke. “You did your best, love. That’s all that matters.”
“But it doesn’t matter; it wasn’t good enough! I’m not good enough!”
You sobbed into his lap, the crushing weight in your chest getting the better of you as you let go and broke in front of him. You were embarrassed, ashamed, and angry with yourself for experiencing something so raw in front of him, but there wasn’t anything you could do to stop it at this point either. Above you, Deku shifted slightly to get more comfortable before pulling you up into his chest and gently cradling you in his arms while you cried.
“Y/N, doll... You’re perfect to me; I love every single thing about you. You are enough- just existing is enough. And you deserve to exist and feel okay without having to punish yourself for it. You can have good things and you don’t need to suffer for them. You’ve always been enough, and you always will be. But this-” He gently turned your wrist over and lightly traced a finger around the edge of a burn. “This has to stop. It doesn’t do anyone any good, and you’re only destroying yourself little by little. It’s not a healthy coping mechanism.”
“I know,” you agreed quietly. “But I’m not sure I can stop-” It scared you to admit that out loud; saying it turned the thought into something real, something you had to really deal with now that you couldn’t just push the idea to the back of your mind and ignore it.
“We’ll find you an alternative. Everything’s gonna be okay.” You nodded silently while Deku continued to look at the burns. Suddenly he seemed lost in thought, eyes glossing over for half a second before he was moving to get up. “Stay here. I’ll be right back.” Not that you could go anywhere anyway. He gave you a lingering kiss on the top of your head and then disappeared from the room, grabbing the lighter on your nightstand and pocketing it on the way out while leaving the door cracked open. You were confused until he returned with ointment and bandages and a determined look on his face. “Alright,” he started, sitting on the edge of your bed once more, “give me your arms.”
He worked silently at first, his brows furrowed in concentration while his skilled fingers carefully and delicately rubbed ointment into the wounds. It burned and left an unpleasant sensation afterwards, but it felt like nothing compared to the sting of the wounds themselves and the reasons you’d given them to yourself in the first place. You let him take his precious time, and when he was down to the last couple of spots, you caught his concerned gaze accidentally.
“You have to let me in, Y/N.” He moved on to bandages next and gently wrapped up your wrists, his hands warm against your rapidly cooling skin from the medicine. “This won’t be easy by any means, but if you let me be there for you, I’ll show you every single day that you’re good enough. You’ve been told so many times that you’re not; believe me just this once when I tell you that you are. What happened on that mission was not your fault. There was nothing you could have done that would have made the situation any better. And I’ve worked with you before; I’ve seen what you’re capable of. You’re always giving your best at everything you do, but sometimes doing our best means different things on different days. It’s not possible to be perfect all the time.”
He finished up shortly after that, and you thought long and hard on his words while he boxed the supplies back up and set it off to the side. Maybe he was right. You were tired of feeling like you had to be perfect all of the time, like you had to live up to unrealistic standards. But this had been going on for so long that you weren’t sure what to do anymore or how to fix it.
“I don’t want to feel like this anymore...”
Fresh tears welled up in your eyes as you leaned into Deku. He pulled you into his arms before laying down with you in the bed with your head tucked under his chin.
“You don’t have to, doll. You’re safe here, even from yourself. Everything will be okay. I won’t let you tear yourself apart like this any longer.”
For the first time in a long time, you did feel safe. Maybe Deku was right; you deserved to enjoy life and feel good without consequences. Maybe...you were good enough as is, right here in the arms of someone who loved you for you. And maybe, just maybe...things were going to be okay.
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ramp-it-up · 3 years
Fresh Squeeze, Chapter 7
Pairing: Daveed Diggs x OFC Linden Marshall
Set in 2023, post-pandemic
Warnings: Lots of pics, Cursing, Angsty Angst, Mention of Death, Lots of Plot, Anthony Ramos, Afro Samurai, Clothes altering, SMUT: Fingering, Thumb sucking, Fluff. 18+.
Word Count: 6.6 K 
Plot: Linden Marshall just finished law school at Columbia University in NYC. Daveed Diggs is still creating magic with his platonic life partner Rafael Casal and nursing his broken heart post pandemic. 
Linden’s boyfriend WAS Mark Monaco, movie star.  They were together for years, and her trauma and his addictions were chaotic. She knows now that wasn’t love. 
Read the Previous Chapter.
Thursday night/Friday, May 6-7, 2023
After Daveed heard what you said, he stood stock still, trying to decide whether or not to go back into your room.  He clenched his fists and concentrated intensely to not break the fucking door down. All he needed was for you to call his name…
You stood in the middle of your room, naked except for the towel.  You closed your eyes and prayed for strength to not go running after him. You had to stay in control.  
But if you saw him turn your door handle, you would fuck him right there on the floor of your room.
After a few minutes, you both turned around and went about your business, Daveed to his room and you to the shower. You thought of Daveed in the shower and fell into bed still thinking of him. 
What did you want for your birthday, if not Daveed?
Daveed, alone in his bed, thought of all the feelings involved.  He knew you were fragile, but it seemed you were relaxing a bit, deciding to trust him if just a little.
He resolved to give a little bit of chase. You just needed to feel safe and accepted. 
You dreamt of each other so deeply that all that was left when you woke up was a wisp of a memory.
Daveed did not sleep long.  Even though it was after 4 o’clock when he went to sleep, he was up by 10, hard on raging under the sheets.  
He’d be damned if he jerked off, but he remembered your voice through the door of the room last night, and he had to strip the sheets away, as he was making a mess at the thought of you.  
He decided to go for a run on the beach. He pulled on some basketball shorts and decided to go shirtless, as the temperature outside was already 80 degrees.
Daveed ran with his music blasting in his ears.  He played out song lyrics and lined up preparation for upcoming roles.  Before he knew it, he was three miles down the beach from the house.
He turned around as the tropical heat and the sun was getting to be a bit much. He went back in and went to his room to shower and put some clothes on. You didn’t know the sight you were missing.
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When you woke up at Noon, you pulled on Mark's t-shirt and basketball shorts and made your way to the kitchen which had floor to ceiling windows and glass doors facing the ocean. It was breathtaking. The doors were open and the ocean breeze felt amazing.
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"Good morning, Sunshine!" 
You turned to see Daveed at the stove, greeting you and smiling. 
He was wearing an orange Oakland tank top and some pajama pants slung low on his hips. You smiled at his hair, which was tied up in two curly puffs at the front, with the back down in his wild curls.  
Even though it was an odd hairstyle for a grown man, you knew the curl life. And it did not take away from his masculinity.  
Not. At. All.
Besides, his curly puffs gave you a place to focus rather than on his well-muscled arms.  
Daveed’s hair reminded of when your mom did your hair only to have Dell try to pull your pony tails out as soon as she dismissed you from the kitchen chair. 
Ya’ll would get into so much trouble for fighting yet again. The thought gave you a warm feeling at the memory as you smiled wider and patted your own pineappled hair. 
‘Damn, her smile is a killer,’ Daveed thought as he watched you look around the kitchen for other signs of life. Now he was glad that he couldn’t sleep, and that he decided to be productive.  
He would have the chance to talk to you. As friends. Yeah.  He nodded to himself, trying to emphasize that last thought.  Friends.
Fuck.  He was in serious trouble.
Noticing that you and he were the only two humans in the kitchen and sniffing the air for the delicious smell that was wafting over from the stove, you finally greeted Daveed.
"Good morning, D.  Looks like everyone else is still knocked the fuck out.” 
Your other four friends were nowhere to be found.
You laughed, yawned and stretched.  Daveed turned back to the stove, cursing to himself. You were so damn fine.
“Calm the fuck down boy,” he whispered.
“What’s that?” 
You ventured over to see Diggs making French toast and bacon. Your stomach rumbled.
"I said sit down. Sounds like you’re hungry, haha. We gotta feed you. Grab some fruit over there and I'll serve you right up."
You grabbed something and sat down at the bar facing the windows. When Diggs turned to offer you some fresh oj, you didn't notice him watching you eat your banana. 
Your lips were a problem for him. When you looked away from the ocean, Daveed turned back to the stove and looked over his shoulder to smile at you.
His smile made you feel some kind of way.
"Why do they call you ‘Smiley?’" 
Daveed laughed, a sound that was quite nice.
“Because I started out as a clown. A professional clown.” 
You tilted your head, convinced that he was fucking with you. But maybe, he and Rafa always talked about the random shit they did to make money before they made it.
When he winked and turned back to the stove to the food, you just shook your head and ate the rest of your banana, positive that Daveed was fucking with you.
Meanwhile, Diggs was trying to stop himself from thinking about fucking with you. He did not need to watch you eat a banana. He licked his lips as he thought of how your lips tasted.
You smiled at Diggs’ broad back. He seemed different this morning.
He turned to plate some food for you and smiled again, shaking his head.
“Most times it’s a nervous tick.”
You were confused. “What’s a nervous tick?”
“My smile. I'm actually a really shy person.  Most times my smile is a defense mechanism.”
You were not sure about all that. Daveed had to know how he affected people.
“I’m not sure I believe that. Man. You are famous for performing in front of hundreds of people a night.  You’re on tv, movies, for goodness sake! You do live rap shows with your shirt off. I ain’t boo boo the fool.”
Daveed’s laugh filled the kitchen.
“How many clipping. shows did you watch on YouTube?  Or did you only watch the ones where I'm shirtless?” 
His look was hungry, and surprised, like he couldn’t believe he’d said that out loud. Then he barrelled on.
“I am shy, but I get my energy from crowds. I'm an introverted extrovert. Ya feel me?"
You nodded, understanding. You noticed that he was fiddling with the spatula he had in his hand. Uncertain again. He really was awkward. It was sweet. And hot.
Diggs continued.
"When I perform, I'm probably under the influence."
"Hold up. What?" 
You flashed back to Mark. You couldn’t be around this again. Daveed caught your panicked look.
"Oh, it’s not like that, haha."  
That laugh and that smile. It automatically put you at ease. 
"It just takes a little. Drink; like last night at Criag’s Adrenaline; when I used to run track. Now it's performing." 
Daveed watched you carefully, gauging whether or not to continue. Fuck it, he thought. He felt as comfortable with you as when he first met Rafa.
"You know what the best drug is?" 
You cocked your head to the side, intrigued despite yourself. That smile. It was angelic and so opposite of what came out of his mouth next.
"Fucking. You know? When it's that good good. Or even better, that feeling when you haven't smashed, but the sexual tension is everything?"
There was suddenly little air in the room. You had to open your mouth to get oxygen. Oh. You knew the feeling alright. You gulped down your orange juice and continued eating.
"Hard-dick dopamine delivers every time." 
He said it so casually. He was playing innocent, but he was going for it.
You choked on your bacon. Daveed came up beside you.
"Raise your arms above your head.”
You turned toward him, held your arms up and he helped you, his hands holding your hands up. You stopped coughing pretty quickly but you stared at each other with your small wrists in his large hands. Daveed shifted on his feet and cleared his throat.  
“You good?" His voice had to be a couple of octaves lower. 
You gaped for a second, mouth still open, then laughed and nodded, pulling your arms slightly to get him to release them.  Daveed let go, stepped back and laughed along.
"But yeah. Back to what we were talking about...It just takes a little high, and I'm a completely different person." 
You watched him as he crossed his chocolate arms. 
"So what's your drug? Your motivation?"
That was something you didn't want to think about too hard. You tried to avoid his eyes. You cleared your throat and took another drink.  
“You got any vodka for this orange juice?”
“C’mon. I made you this gourmet breakfast and everything…” You could hear the smile in his voice even though you were looking down. You didn’t feel pressed, you just felt like telling D this would open up so many things to him.
"Well, I don't do hard drugs if that's what you mean. No pills, or coke. Don't need molly," you winked and filled your mouth with French toast. 
"Gosh. This food is amazing!"
Daveed could barely make out the words through the food in your mouth.  He shook his head.
"Thanks, but don’t play me Lindy. Is french toast your motivation?"
Diggs wasn't letting you off the hook. You thought about it.  He was being very cool, and you felt safe with him.  You plunged ahead.
"I think about how fragile life is. How it is not guaranteed from day to day. How it can be taken away in a moment." 
You tried to push the emotions down and took a deep breath.
"I lost my twin brother when we were 17 in a car accident. I think a lot about what he didn't get to do. And that motivates me to do better with my life."
Daveed just looked down at the counter, mortified that he had pushed you to share something so personal. Then he finally looked up at you.
"That's a good reason to be motivated. I'm sorry for your loss." He looked down at his plate again.  "Look, I didn't mean to press you...."
Telling Daveed about Dell just felt right, even though you really didn’t know him like that.
"Don't apologize.  You didn't know. And I'm glad I told you." 
Diggs looked up at her and smiled. You smiled back.
He got up and stood next to you to grab your plate. Daveed smelled like coconut. It was nice. You closed your eyes and sniffed him.
"You done?" He was laughing at you.
"What? Oh, yeah. Thanks."
"Where is the fooood?"
Craig padded in the kitchen, with a wide smile. 
"There you are." You grinned at your cousin.
"Goood morningggg peopleeeee! I smell the Diggs Special. Hey. You two fuck last night?”
Rafa came in already on one this morning. Unlike his best friend, his confidence seemed to seldom waver.
He ignored your shocked looks and Craig’s laughter and went to get some food.  He continued as if he just walked in and said, “Good morning.”
"Ay, D, you gonna go check out this venue in town with me?"
Daveed shook his head at his friend. But he was chilling.
"Sure, what up?"
"I figure we can turn up on stage tonight"
"Cool. Let me eat and chill a little bit before we go." He looked at his watch. "About two?"
Jasmine walked into the kitchen. 
“Lindy needs to go shopping. We should come with.  You down, Craig?”
“You know it. That reminds me, we gotta fix you up.  Start destroying Daveed’s pants, since Lindy won’t do it for real.”
“Y’all gonna get enough…” you were getting swole.
“Calm down Ms. Fussy pants. Let’s go.”
Craig grabbed some shears from the kitchen and went toward Lindy’s room.
When you got to your room, Craig gave you the business.
"You are so tiresome."
“You just need to fuck the man. We are all tired of feeling this sexual tension. It’s bothersome.”
“Leave me alone, Craig.” You watched as he worked his magic on the jeans. “What if I don’t want t…”
“What if I’m not read…”
“Fuck that.”
“What if he hurts me? What if I hurt him?”
Craig put the shears down and turned toward you.  
“Listen, stop over thinking and do what you feel. What you want. Turn up. It’s your birthday. Anybody can see that man is all about you.”
“I’m scared.”
“I know. But you deserve…” He didn’t say it. 
“You deserve. Now put these clothes on, bitch.”
You emerged from the room and no one paid any particular attention to you, no one but Daveed. 
His eyes swept from your feet, which were housed in some of Jasmine’s high heeled sandals, to your long, brown legs which were highly moisturized and seemed to go on and get better from your juicy calves to your generous, muscular thighs. 
Craig had cut and distressed some jeans that Daveed didn't particularly love to garments that he felt he could not live without. 
On you. 
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Damn, Daveed gaped as he remembered that you probably didn’t have any underwear on. 
His eyes moved up to notice how his blue Oaklandish t-shirt was huge, but the way you had it tied up let it accentuate your waist, breasts and shoulders.
‘Good God,’ he thought. As his eyes moved up to yours, he saw that you noticed his reaction and were smiling at him. He smiled back. He wanted you to wear nothing but his destroyed and altered clothing for the rest of your life.
“OKAYYYYYYY, you look cute as hell.” Jasmine admired your outfit.  
“Thank you!”  Craig responded. 
“Yes, you did that!” Jas laughed.  “And the model ain’t half bad.” Jasmine got up, took your hand and had you twirl.
“Got DAMN!”  
Everyone turned and looked at Rafa as he yelled.  He put his hand over his mouth. “Oh, did I say that out loud?”
Daveed was so grateful that you did not have any of your own clothes. Your ass in those distressed shorts were everything. He gulped and you and Jasmine giggled.
“Be quiet!” 
Anthony shushed everybody and then gave you a double take. 
“Nice, Lindy,” but then he turned back to the tv. He was used to Jasmine’s glorious ass, so he was nonplussed. 
“Let’s just finish this episode before we go. It’s my favorite,” he said as Jasmine went back over to sit down with him.
Black Dynamite was on the tv while they were waiting. It was the alien episode. 
Ant and Jas were curled up in a big white overstuffed chair, Craig was on the other,while Daveed and Rafa were on the couch. You sat down in between them. 
You leaned your head on Rafa’s shoulder, looking at Daveed. Rafa put his arm around you, watching the show, as you put your legs up on Digg’s knees. 
You didn’t see Rafa wink at Daveed, who just smiled at you and turned toward the screen. After a couple of minutes, he put his hand on your shins, looking over to see if it was okay.  
Your chill smile indicated your assent.  He started lightly rubbing, looking down at your caramel skin. Your legs were so soft. 
Diggs peeked up at you relaxing and accepting his touch, and snuggling into Rafa’s embrace.  The way you were looking at him was everything, even if you were in Rafa’s arms. 
Rafa was his boy. And he knew what you wanted. As for Daveed and you, you two were watching each other and not the screen.
Daveed decided to move his hand up your leg, but a flash went off and he stopped. He hadn’t noticed that the show was over and that Craig was taking pictures. 
"This is so cute! Family love!" 
He was cheesing as he snapped a wide-angle selfie and some pics. Jasmine came and sat on your lap, the couch becoming a crazy twister game. 
Anthony came behind the couch and snuck in the pics with the crazy eyes flipped a double bird behind Rafa’s head. You were all being so silly.
"What is this, a orgy?” Rafa with the jokes. 
“Not that I’m saying there’s anything wrong with that.” That devilish smile. Everybody laughed. 
“Y’all are some beautiful people, but ain’t nobody got time for that. Let's go."
Anthony seemed hype.  He slapped his hands together and then rubbed them.
“Okay, we have a choice, since we are going into town we can drive….” he looked around at everyone.  “OR, we can go over in my new boat!”
Everyone sensed that there wasn’t really a choice, so they all said, “Boat!” and laughed.  
Anthony’s grin was wide as fuck.  Jasmine harshed the flow.
“The only thing is, it only has four seats…”  Everyone looked around and counted six people. Ant spoke up.  
“I’ll be piloting, so I will stand, but it takes about 20-30 minutes, soooooooo…..”
“Sooooooo, Lindy… would you mind sitting on D’s lap? We need to get creative.” 
Her eyes sparkled as she smirked. 
“Would that be okay with you Diggs?”
Rafa coughed “Setup” into his hand.
You looked at Jasmine and Anthony and Daveed, who was looking at you expectantly.  You were in agreement with Rafa, but you weren’t mad. It seemed that everyone was looking at you.
“Sure…” said Daveed whose eyes were fixed on you.  “Is that okay with you, Lindy?” 
You smiled and nodded your head.  “I’m cool with it.”   Daveed smiled wide, eyes crinkling with happiness.
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Jasmine and Anthony led you all out onto the back deck, where you and Jas took off your heels, and down to the beach, a little ways away to the boat dock.  You and Daveed brought up the rear of the little ensemble.
You were watching the waves and the beautiful surroundings, trying not to focus on the awkwardness. 
Daveed was watching you.
“You good Lindy?” 
Daveed’s voice broke your reverie.
You two stopped and looked at each other.  Your head was tilted back, looking into D’s eyes. He smiled down at you and you felt warm.  Must have been the sun.
“Heyyyy youuu guuuysss!”  
Daveed nodded his head toward the boat. 
You smiled and followed him. Ant was at the helm, Jasmine and Rafa were at the front, and Craig was in the second row.  
Daveed stepped on the boat and turned around offering you his hand. You flashed back to that January night.
You swallowed, smiled and tried to board. And immediately fell when you misjudged the deck while stepping on the boat.
Daveed helped you up, chuckling, while Craig howled and Rafa shook his head. Jasmine just stared, open mouthed, said “That’s not funny,” then burst out laughing.
Anthony was busy getting the boat ready but had a grin on his face.
“Fuck all y’all!”
“No, not all of us, just D…”
“Shut the fuck up Craig.”  You gave him the gas face and then turned and smiled at Daveed.
Daveed was seated and spread his arms out so you could sit down.  Anthony started the engine, so you got settled in on his lap as carefully as you could.  
“You okay?” you asked him softly, turning on his lap and feeling the muscles in his thighs. And maybe something else. 
You tried to adjust your shorts to cover your core adequately, because like this, he would easily be able to ascertain your situation.
Daveed looked into your eyes and whispered, “I’m perfect.”
You agreed silently as you stared back into his big browns. 
You were thrown against Daveed’s chest as the boat gained speed. You were able to feel his abs through his t-shirt and your rear shifted and came into contact with his crotch. 
‘This is going to be a fun ride,’ you thought, smiling to yourself.
Daveed put his arms around you, one at your waist and one on your legs, to try and hold you steady.  The movement of the boat allowed him to feel you, just as he wanted.  
He turned his head and looked at the water, concentrating on keeping his hands in neutral locations.
Jas looked over at you.  “You okay?” she mouthed.
You smiled and nodded, giggling a little.
D turned his head back quickly to look at your face. You looked at him and winked. He smiled and unknowingly started stroking your leg.
You stopped laughing and all of your attention turned to his hand on your leg. You adjusted yourself in Daveed’s lap. You were getting a little moist and could feel his cock becoming hard. 
Your lips parted and you started breathing a little faster.
The feel of you on his lap was what was up. There was a definite heat from your core. Daveed happened to look down at his t- shirt on you and saw that your nipples were hard.  
All he wanted was for them to be in his mouth and to be enveloped in your heat.
Daveed turned his head to look at everyone else to see if they noticed you two, and his lips brushed your shoulder.  He heard your sharp intake of breath.
Geez, he felt like he could take you on the boat in front of everyone. By the way your body was reacting, he thought that you would let him.  
He finally noticed he was stroking your leg and stopped himself.  He sat up straighter and tried to get control.
You closed your eyes and moaned a little when Daveed pulled away.  All you wanted at that moment was him inside you. When you opened your eyes, Daveed was looking at you.
“You sure you’re comfortable? I could sit on the boat deck if you want.”
“No!” you said a little too loudly.  Craig smirked at you.
You blushed, then relaxed again in D’s arms. How could a moment be so awkward, yet so perfect?.  
After about 20 minutes, the view of the pretty little town of Isabela became clear.  It looked like a neat spot to spend the day, but you were sad that the boat ride was over.
As the boat came to a stop and tied off at the dock, you and Daveed let everyone get off before them, then D climbed out, turned around and held out his hand for you.  
You took it and stepped out onto the dock. You didn’t let go and Daveed didn’t either. No one said anything, just exchanged glances as you and Daveed concentrated on being casual with it.  
Truth be told, each of your hearts were pounding in your chest.  
This is another world. You could be free and do what you wanted to do.  And what you wanted to do was to hold Daveed’s hand.
Daveed’s chest was puffed out, proud that you decided to show affection. In front of the crew. 
This was a big step but he tried not to make it a big deal.  
You strolled together and admired the architecture, holding his hand until you walked to the shopping center on Barbosa Street.
They were going to check out a venue to do a show later in the weekend. Daveed didn’t want to let you go.
Rafa and Ant just walked on and let Daveed handle his business. 
“Go to work.” 
You smiling at him was everything, as Daveed played with your hand, moving it up to lace his fingers in yours and press your palm upright.
Jas and Craig went into the store.
“It’s not work. Having fun creating with friends…”  
Daveed really wanted to create fun with you. He felt like he should kiss you goodbye, but he didn’t want to push it.
“Bye Daveed.  See you in a few.” 
You laughed, cause it was like he was going off to war. This was too much.
“Bye Linden…” 
He finally let your hand go and then backed up the street in the direction that his bros went, not wanting to let you out of his sight. 
When you disappeared into the store, he turned and ran to catch up.
Rafa and Anthony were talking to the club owner in Spanish, Daveed following along, but not very well.  He thought they were talking about lighting and sound, but couldn’t get the entire conversation.
“Tienes tu propio gaffer o tenemos que hacer nuestra propia iluminación?”
“Nosotros tenemos un capataz, pero él cobra una tarifa separada.”
Daveed zoned out and planned how he was going to get closer to you.
Rafa turned to him and said something, and Daveed nodded. 
“Oh, absolutely.”
 He had not one clue what was happening in this club right now.  His mind was on you.  Rafa and Ant looked at each other.
“So, when they bring up the pigs in tutus, we cut one open and smear the blood all over you…” 
Anthony wanted to see if Daveed was paying attention.
Daveed smiled. “Sounds dope.”
Rafa and Ant shook their heads at him.
“Listen dude, your head is not in the game right now. You need to get right.”
They didn't have to tell him twice. 
You were going to town.  Craig and Jasmine had abandoned you and were already down at Pinkheart and Loft.  You were not moving from H & M.
You didn’t mind being alone in the store, as you minored in shopping in undergrad. You were in the zone. And zoned out from what was happening with Daveed. You needed some headspace.
Your hands were full of clothes and your heart was feeling light as you headed toward the dressing room. 
You could barely see over your pile when the cute top you just recently grabbed off a clearance rack fell on the floor as you rushed ahead.  You walked past it before you realized, then went back to try and pick it up.
You jumped as soon as you turned around.
Daveed was standing there with your top in his hand.
"Drop something?"  That smile was everything.
You stared at him wide-eyed. 
‘Fuck. Me.’ Daveed thought. 
"Here, let me take your pile, I'll help you to the register."
You smiled at him again. He'd do anything to see that smile forever.
"Oh, ok. Thanks." 
You handed over the clothes to reveal a handful of sandals underneath which you kept. Daveed slowed himself to appreciate you fully.
“I really like that shirt on you.” Daveed bit his lip. “And those shorts..”
You saw him checking you out and you watched him, your eyes fixed on his lips. 
You recalled the talk about what mouths could do from months ago but were thinking about his succulent lips. And you couldn’t stop.
You needed to remain in control.
"I'm not going to the register, I'm going to try these on.  You can drop them at the fitting room." 
Daveed looked around to tear his eyes away from you.  He caught you checking him out when he swung his eyes back around.  His stomach flipped a little.  
He smiled.
You were at the fitting room, the attendant eyeing Daveed as he gave you a number and pointed you to a stall.  
You took the 10 garments you were allowed and started to go into to your fitting room, looking back at him over your shoulder. You disappeared into the room.
Daveed just stood there.
He made a decision.
You stood there for a minute, shook, before you thought you had yourself together. You were about to take off his shirt when Daveed opened the door at came in.
The look on your face was everything.  The wide eyes, that mouth in an "O." So damn fuckable.
"The guy out there said I could bring you the rest of your clothes."
That was true, after Daveed paid him 20 dollars.
He got close to you, reached behind you and put the clothes on the hook.
You could smell him. He smelled like the coconut and his cologne, and your dreams.  You closed your eyes.
Daveed wanted your lips. He wanted to own them, to command them, to hear them command him.
You opened your eyes and he backed up.  He tried to contain himself despite your proximity.
“Look. Daveed. That night. The launch party. I was wasted. I usually don’t lose control like that… I don’t want you to think that’s really me.”
You were keyed up and stressed because you were losing control.  He could tell.
God, he wanted to put his hands on you. In a good way. You’d calm down then.
He knew you had baggage.  And that he should probably stay away.  But he didn't want to.  Hell, he had matching luggage. 
"Well, I think it is you. I have a theory that people are more their real selves when they are drunk or high. Inhibitions are gone. They get to act out like they want to. Do what they want to."
Daveed looked into your eyes.
"What do you want to do, Lindy?"
You wanted to do a lot of things.  To Daveed. In this fitting room. You almost gave it all up for him right there.
Then you got mad. At Daveed or your feelings, you didn’t know.
"That's just it, adults don't get to do what they want to do all the time. It's called adulting, you know. Responsibilities...?" 
You fired back at him.
He opened his mouth and spoke.  To himself as well as you.
He said it gently, not raising his voice at all, but the force behind it made you shut the fuck up. 
Your knees were weak and the small of your back was acting up again. Your body was reacting without your permission. You shivered.
Daveed could tell you were reacting to him physically.  But he wanted inside your mind, not just your body. He was going to give you some space. 
He backed toward the door of the fitting room. Leaning against it, his long body in jeans and t-shirt delectable.
“What do you want, Linden?” 
His voice was deeper, more commanding now. You swallowed. You were exhausted from fighting it. Maybe you could have a taste.
“I-I want a kiss. Just a kiss.”
Daveed felt triumphant.  He smiled and looked down at his shoes, then back up at you.
“Come get it.”  
He was going to let you make the first move.
You bit your lip through a smile.  You walked the five steps toward him in slow motion it seemed, as you raised up on your tiptoes to reach up and peck his lips, your hands behind your back.  
Your lips met his pillowy goodness and you leaned back to look into his eyes.  
Then, you put your hands on his shirt, tracing his abs all the way up and going back in for more, Daveed’s tongue prodding it’s way between your lips, and your tongue dancing with his.
You moaned as Daveed put his hand on your hips and then slid them up the sides of his shirt, skimming your breasts, and resting under your arms as you two went for it. 
He lifted you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist, as he backed you into the wall. 
He palmed your ass in the shorts, his long fingers reaching inside the distressed rips and squeezing your ass. He spread you apart and squeezed you closed, so that his fingers barely grazed your core and drove you crazy.  
When you reached up and pulled his hair, that’s when he stopped kissing you, leaned his head against your forehead and breathed, “Fuck, Lindy. You don’t know what you do to me.”
You just looked at him and craned your neck for another kiss which he couldn’t deny, but then he stopped and let you down.
“What do you want Daveed?”
Daveed put his hand on the wall above your head. You looked up at it and at him and he had to remember to breathe.
“Fuck it. Linden, I want you. You know that.” 
You raised your eyebrow and smiled up at him, then bit your lip, playful. Daveed’s throat became dry.
“And I think that I know that you want me too. But I know it’s hard.”
Your eyes swept down his torso to his pants, and damn, well…if it wasn’t hard right now.
He cleared his throat.  “It’s hard for YOU.”  You smiled wide. 
He rolled his eyes.
“You know what I mean. It’s hard for you to be vulnerable, but Linden, I won’t hurt you. I promise.”
The way he looked in your eyes. You couldn’t go there with him, but the physical was okay for now. You decided to indulge yourself.  It was almost your birthday.
“What if I want you... to hurt me?” 
The innocent look in your eyes masked the devilish intent in your words. Daveed, stomach flipped again and he screwed his eyes shut. He masked a whimper and opened his eyes again.
“Huh. Don’t play with me Linden.” The menacing tone of his voice was making you wet.
“But what if I want to play with you, Daveed?” 
You reached for his belt buckle; Daveed stopped you, grabbed your hand and put it above your head against the wall, his arms now caging you in. 
You raised your chin, meeting his glare with yours. His eyes were fucking you so rough right now. You had to open your mouth to breathe, your tongue darting out to wet your bottom lip.
Daveed was looking as if he was going to devour you..  That mouth. He wanted to take it, but he restrained himself.  He had to know.
“Tell me. What. You. Want.”
You held his stare, the air around you crackling with energy.
“I want you Daveed.”
His smile was wide. Then he bent down, grabbed your thighs in his hand, picked you up and carried you to the mirror and pressing you against it, running his hands back down your body to your ass, cupping and grabbing it to memorize how it felt.
“We are NOT about to do this in the fitting room at H & M.  But somebody is going to cum. Right now.”
You kissed him as he ran his hands under your shirt to your nipples, pinching and rolling them in between his fingers as he kissed you again.
You started whimpering in your throat as you let him make you wet. 
“God, Daveed.”  
You kissed him again, but he did not stop what he was doing to your breasts.
“What?”  Daveed asked when you came up for air. “You wet?’
“Fuck yes.”  
You moaned as you threw your head back and huffed.
Daveed pulled his shirt up off your waist and exposed your breasts.  
“So fucking beautiful.”  
His mouth watered at the sight. Daveed licked his lips and leaned toward those beauties.
“Can I?”  Daveed paused.
“Please!” You whispered.  
He leaned down. His mouth got so close that you could feel his hot breath. Then he paused again.
“Please what?”
At first you could not think of what he was talking about. Then you got it.
“Please. Sir.”  
Your eyes sparkled under your lashes as you looked down. His dick got even harder.
“Such a Good Girl for me Linden. Fuck.”  
Damn, he had the key to your pussy.
Your wetness was leaking down your thigh, now reaching the tips of Daveed’s fingers.
Daveed proceeded to alternate his attention to each breast. Delicately at first, he kissed your nipples, then suckled them gently, then harder, more insistently, until his mouth was pulling at them rhythmically and firmly, to the point of almost hurting you.
You were groaning pretty loudly and Daveed released a nipple from his tightly clamped lips with an almost painful pop.
“Suck this,” he said, and put his thumb in your mouth, pushing your head back into the mirror. 
While still suckling you, he then moved his other hand down your body to your crotch and stuck his hand into the jean shorts, his long fingers grazing your folds, feeling a small patch of hair and your oh so slick lower lips. 
He looked up at you and how you were enthusiastically sucking his thumb, fellating it like it could cum down your throat.  That sight and feeling, combined with how you felt at your core, was fucking him up.
“Damn, Lindy? All this. For me? You sure?”
You nodded vigorously, his thumb deep in your mouth as he kept you pressed to the mirror. He found your clit and started rubbing, while inserting a finger into you. 
You were so fucking tight, it was a stretch to fit two in, but you were humming with pleasure now, your eyes rolling back in your head.
You nodded again, and as he pried your mouth open, your sounds became louder before he put his mouth on yours and kissed you, muffling your moans as his thumb and fingers worked in concert to bring you close to the edge. 
You tried to reach for his belt buckle again and he moved out of the way.
“Unh unh, it’s not about me right now.” 
Daveed grunted. He spun you around and had you face the mirror, his hand in your mouth and your pants, and his cock pressed into your ass.
It was big and your eyes matched it. You two stared at each other.
“Look at us.  Don’t we look good together? This should be a thing.”  
You watched what he was doing to you and it did look hot as fuck.
He pressed deeper into you through your pants.  He could feel you quiver on his fingers. 
“You want it Lindy?”
Daveed could feel your clit harden and vibrate like a guitar string.
“Maybe later, but you could cum… not now…” 
You whimpered around his thumb, but he sped up.  
“Not now…”
You were almost crying now. Daveed was smiling, his teeth bared against the shell of your ear, whispering his commands to you.
“NNNNot now….” 
Your legs were shaking from holding it.
“Good girl. Now cum.”  
Daveed spoke into your ear and you exploded from the inside out. It had been months since anyone else made you cum.
He reached down and grabbed you under your knees and sat down with you on the fitting room bench. You were draped around him like a vine, exhausted.
D held you for a few, taking care of you and waiting for his hard on to go down. You clung to him, eyes closed, trying not to panic. This was good. You wanted this.  And you told him so.
“Me too, Lindy.”  
He helped you stand and stood himself, standing behind you and watching you straighten yourself out in the mirror.  He pulled you back against him, wrapping his arms around your front and putting his chin next to your forehead.
“I meant what I said, Linden.  We look good together.  Let this be a thing.”  
You just smiled at him as you thought about the weekend to come.
Read the Next Chapter
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with Johnny ‘Coco’ Cruz.
Request: Can I request a fluffy Coco imagine?? From his POV about their 1st date and his thoughts abt her and stuff? I really want some coco fluff lol. ❤❤🔥
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Word count: about 1.7k
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: to the author.
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“Brother, just be yourself”.
Angel thinks that Coco is giving it more importance than it really has, after trying different outfits, without finding the perfect one. He doesn't have many clothes, because he doesn't really need it. But now, he's really pissed off.
“If I act like usually, she'll kick ma' ass in fucking seconds”. He grumbles sitting over his bed, rubbing his face with both hands.
You two met at the hospital some week ago, when he suffered some kind of accident that left him blind in one eye, for some time. He felt his heart pumping because of love for the first time, when he saw you after cleaning his healthy eye. And before that, he was already truly fascinated by the way you had to calm him down using your voice. A sweet and honeyed tone that he could be listening to his whole life. He couldn't help but think how good falling asleep every night hearing you talking would be. It took him almost two weeks to ask you out, but he couldn't feel more happy when you said yes without letting him finish the question. Coco felt strange when he left the hospital after it, experimenting a bunch of sensations stuck in his chest that made him feel better than ever.
Now, his insecurities are coming into the light. Everything he touches ends up destroyed, broken. You are too pure for his shit. You don't deserve to take that risk. Taking off his phone from his pocket, he searches for your number. Gilly and Angel are looking at him intrigued, until they find out what he's going to do. The big one takes the phone off from his hands, while the oldest Reyes holds him to guide him towards the door.
“You're not gonna flake on her, pendejo”. He grunts, pushing him outside his house.
His brothers follow him to the meeting place, watching you sit on a bench waiting for him, after twenty minutes standing up and walking around the big fountain. You look beautiful, dressed with a pair of shorts, a baggy white shirt with the sleeves rolled up on your shoulders and black sneakers. He turns around, trying to run away from your life again, facing his friends.
“I can't”. He just says, with his hands almost sweating. “She's too much for me”.
“She's perfect for you, man!” Gilly rolls his eyes.
“C'mon, Coco, don' be a chicken and get the girl”.
Licking his bottom lip, he just nods in silence, trying to find the perfect words to encourage himself. Turning over his Vans, he starts his way towards you, doubting for some seconds. And he's about to leave when you raise your eyes from your phone. The smile you draw with the corner of your lips gives him a heart attack, knowing that he could die full of happiness right now.
“Hey, I thought you weren't coming”.
Maybe it wasn't the greeting he was expecting and he feels so sorry for having made you wait. Stroking the back of his head, he forces a grin.
“Yeah… I was… 'bout to not comen'”.
Your gesture turning from enthusiasm to disheartening, causes him some bitter shivers inside his chest. He has already fuck up the good vibes between you two, that borned in the hospital. Seeing you nod in silence, shrugging your shoulders, makes him feel out of air; trying to think something to fix it up.
“I really… appreciate that, at least, you came to tell me that this isn't going to happen… It would be… humiliating”. You whisper putting your gaze away from him.
Coco can see the way your lips are trembling, as if you were about to cry, and it's painful. For him, it's painful.
“No, mami, lis—”.
“It's okay, Johnny, you don't have to excuse yourself”. Waving a hand on air, you try to make it easy for him. “I get it”.
He's missing the boat, watching you turning around and focusing your attention on the screen of your phone again. Maybe typing to some friend to pick you up, maybe about to call anyone else. But finally, the orders from his brain move his body to stop you.
“No, wait!” He says somewhat loud, grabbing your left wrist. “I wanna date you. I wanna have a lot of dates with you. This ain't you, mami, but me”.
Looking at his hand confused, you travel his arm until finding his dark and desperate eyes, talking to you in silence. Begging you to listen.
“My life is a shit. A mess... A chaos. I… had this accident with my eye because… of a dogfight with another gang. I didn' wanna lie to you, you know? I think you're smart, and pretty and… you don' deserve a guy like me who is… always in fuckin' trouble and that… used to ride a bike that probably would never ride again, just… with a shitty work on a scrapyard”. Coco is getting more and more nervous because you're not saying a single word back. He gulps with some difficulty, taking a step closer to you. “I ain't a good man, I don' do good things, but… I really wanna date you, mami. I've never been so true in ma' life”.
And he's about to give up with a crappy sensation running his body, when you tangle your finger with the ones that were gripping your arm.
“Maybe you can teach me to drive a bike, so I can ride for you”. You just say, hoping that it's enough for him.
“That sounds good, ma'”. He replies with no hesitation, feeling like for the first time he's having a good opportunity in his life.
Watching you smile again it's like seeing a rainbow after a destructive storm, putting his arm over your shoulders to start a low walk.
“Do you like pizza?” You ask then, raising your head toward his.
“Yeah, 'course”. He answers with an incredulous gesture on his face.
“Okay, do you know a food truck close to the hospital, with red and blues stripes?”
“Seriously?” You almost scream, breaking into laughs. “You like pizza and you have never tried it before?”
Coco shakes his head, falling in love a little more after hearing your laughter. That simple gesture has made him feel more happy than ever before.
“You're gonna really, really love it”. You say with emotion, moving a hand on air to highlight your words.
“I'm sure”. He chuckles nodding. “You look pretty convinced”.
And you weren't wrong. Maybe not everybody would think that sitting on an edge of a sidewalk, eating pizza, it's the perfect date. But for him, it's the perfect one. He can ask for anything else that hearing you talk for hours about your hobbies, about what you would like to be in five years, about the things the two of you have in common. And he has never talked this much, either. But it's too easy for him to follow the conversation and flow it into another one, until the night falls over the town.
Coco insists on walking with you back to your home, just to be sure that you come safe. And even if he has had so much fun, he's doubting if you would like to repeat it. Maybe at the end you were just trying to be kind with him, because he seemed so desperate for being with you for a couple hours, to not make him feel bad. And maybe that was the reason why you didn't want him to take you home. But the real reason is that your housemates are waiting on the porch for you to tell them how it was. As soon as they see you coming closer, they run into the house ashamed and laughing, making your cheeks burn when Coco notices what is going on.
“Sorry, they're like children…” You say hastily, stopping your steps and placing yourself in front of him.
“It's okay, ma'. My… friends are waiting too”.
Between the two of you gets installed an uncomfortable silence for some seconds, until he sees you holding your bag, looking for something inside it. He breaks into loud laughs when his healthy eyes focus on the heart shaped lollipop, that you're offering him.
“I heard you the day you visited the hospital, so… there's your reward for being a good boy”.
Coco takes it, shaking his head and showing you a funny smile, before catching you between his arms. Embracing you tightly, he places a kiss on your cheek. A lovely one. Pulling himself away, he opens the candy to tuck it into his mouth.
“The best one”. He says tasting the strawberry flavor of it.
“Okay, ah… I have three kids to take care of”. You joke about your friends, pointing at your house for a second. “I had so much fun today…”
“Yeah, me too… We can repe—”.
“I'm free tomorrow”.
Hearing you interrupt him, after realizing that he wants to have another date with you. Taking off the lollipop from his mouth, he leans forward to press your lips with his, shortening the distance between both. Feeling your fingers getting tangled in his shirt give him some pleasant chills, ending up pecking your lips gently.
“What about breakfast? I know a place with the best pancakes”. He proposes then, giving you an eskimo kiss.
“I like it”. You nod, kissing his lips a last time.
“Pick you up at ten?”
“Pick me up at ten”.
“Have a good night, mami”.
“You too, pirate”. Puckering your lips, he laughs again. “Enjoy it, you're gonna see again in a couple months”.
He frowns a little confused, drawing slowly a huge smile on his lips.
“Spoiler of your next doctor appointment”.
“Is tha' why you told me tha' I could teach you?”
Walking backwards to your house, he sees you happily nodding.
“'Am gonna marry you one day, you know'et?”
These words may have been somewhat precipitate, or at least that's what he's thinking until seeing you nod again.
“I hope it”.
“Shit”, he thinks to himself, licking again the lollipop; not leaving your hood until you're inside your house.
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fuckingfuckityfuck · 3 years
Aftermath - Part Two
A/N : It took me too long to post this,saw it on my drafts and decided to finish it
Warning/s : too much emotion i swear,also there might be some minor mistakes because i wrote this in the middle of the night i was so sleepy but i knew i have to write it down
Pairing: Negan x reader
Click here for Aftermath - Part One
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It has been days after your encounter with Negan.
You were busy with your schedule and you heard that Negan is going on his first supply run.
You couldn't but think that maybe they are letting him go.Maybe they thought it would be for the best.
Especially for Maggie and Hershel Jr.
But definitely not for you.
You remembered how he offered to walk you home after your deep conversation.Both of you were silent as you walked side by side to your home.
Then you heard him say "i miss you,darlin" in his deep raspy voice.
He probably didn't expect you to hear it but you turned around and asked him what was that.
"Oh,nothin,I was just hoping if you'd like to have dinner with me just like the old times?" He asked with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.
You weakly smiled and nodded.You saw how happy it made him.
He was a monster to them.They wanted him dead.They wanted nothing to do with him.
You saw how everyone will look at him during his garden work,how everyone will whisper around him,acting like he wasn't even there.
But he knows it all.And it hurts you to know that you couldn't do anything to lessen the pain he's been feeling since the war ended.
Gabriel was the only one who fully accepted Negan after Rick had apparently died or who knows he might still be alive.
He made sure to let you know everything that Negan says or do.
This past few weeks has been harsh on Negan.He refuses to eat every morning,bashed his head on the wall mutiple times and attempted to kill himself with a nail on his wrist.
You remember Gabriel running to you yesterday and telling you that Negan needed you.
"Woah there,bud,what's the catch" You asked as you saw Gabriel running to you.
Catching his breath,he said "Negan needs you now".
You gave out a confused look and he rolled his eyes.
"I have no time to explain but he really needs you now"
You both ran to Negan's house to see him leaning on his couch,a cut on his wrist.He was crying.And it broke your heart into tiny little pieces.
"Hey,Gabe said you needed me here?" You softly said,trying to get his attention on you,away from the small blade he's staring at.
He stayed in that position for a few minutes and Gabriel whispered to wait outside,so that you two can have your own moment.
Slowly,Negan dropped the blade and you hurriedly went to pick it up.
After placing it on the table,you sat down beside him on the couch.
Placing your cold hands on your legs as you awkwardly wait for him to calm down.
"You know,I'm here to stay,Negan.This is not just me being nice to you just because I pity you.Because I don't.I want you to know that I'll be here even when things aren't going the way we dreamed it to be" You said in a small voice.
You felt a huge lump on your throat and looked at him.
He was still looking down,his hair was crumpled and everywhere.He was wearing his white shirt and grey pants.You didn't need to see his face to see if he's tired.He was tired from everything.
"Won't you atleast let me try to make things get things better?" You asked as you moved from your sit and kneeled infront of him.
Then you saw his eyes staring back at you.His soft hazel eyes full of hurt and pain.This man was once full of power and confidence.Either way,you loved him.
"It's not going to get any better,y/n.I tried.You saw how I tried.This is not just for me.It's killing me everyday to know that I killed someone's father,or someone's husband or their family.I am a monster." He whispered as he look at you.
Your heart broke for the man infront of you.You remembered Gabriel telling you that Maggie almost killed Negan after visiting him once in his cell.Negan asked her to kill him and put him out of his misery.
Negan was a powerful leader before,he fought for his people,he did things what a normal leader would do.
He cared for them,he made rules to keep the place going and it was a great thing they had.Their sanctuary.But now,it's gone.
How do you help someone who doesn't even want to help themselves?
"If you're so sure that killing yourself will be the answer to taking away the pain,then I'm coming with you." You said and looked at him as you held his hand.
You felt a tear slide down to your cheek.Negan wiped it with his left hand and gave you a weak smile.
"I'm not asking you to be fine,Negan.You're the only one left I have here,you give me hope to fight everyday.It's hard but I will be fine knowing that you're here"You softly cried as he stared back at you,tears already streaming down his face.
"Darlin',you always ask me why I think you were different from them.You know,I was a bastard before.I should've picked you.I should've picked us." He said.
You took a deep breath and nodded.
"I know Negan.We all did mistakes that we regret every single day.But maybe this is how things are meant to be.Maybe,at the end of all this chaos,maybe you and I are meant to be." You said and you felt him pulling you up to sit on his lap.
A thing that you like to do before when you were at the sanctuary.
"God,you'll be the death of me,baby.You saved me so many times from myself,you still fight for us.And still,you look at me like I'm some kind of god." He cried as he hugged you.
"I love you too,Negan.More than you'll ever know.I know it's hard but I'm here.I will always be here for you.And I know that you do the same for me,I knew that it was you who leave me breakfast by my door every morning.Giving me sweet notes on my office.Sometimes,you give me this wild flowers and I knew it is you.You're not a monster,Negan.You're just like me,like everyone else.We're just surviving this broken and chaotic world." You said as you held his face.
He was crying,but he was smiling also.And that moment,you knew you got him back.
"I am so damn proud of you,baby.Everything that you went through,it made you this kind of man."You reminded him.
"I've missed you so much,darlin.I love you so much"Negan said and you felt him pulling your face near to his,then he kissed you on the forehead.
"We will be fine,Negan.We will always be.Maybe not now or tomorrow,but one day." You said and kissed him softly.
Okay i feel like I need to write atleast 3 more parts of this.
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pansyslut · 4 years
draco x reader
warnings : none just fluff
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everyone is born with a simple tattoo on their wrist. it could be a dot, a line, a circle. whenever you meet your soulmate, it starts to get more detailed. everyone’s tattoo was different. and you wouldn’t know you have met your soulmate until your tattoo started to expand, slowly over time.
meeting draco
it had been late, at a slytherin party. there was no particular celebration- just an excuse to get drunk. you knew of draco. everyone did. but you had only heard what everyone knew. draco malfoy: slytherin prince, obvious daddy issues, don’t get on his bad side. before that night, you had never really given him a second glance. tending to stick by yourself, or with your small group of friends.
you had drunkenly been walking back to your room as you smashed into a very drunk draco. “watch where you’re going, y/l/n.” he said with disgust and walked off, taking another swig of his beer.
not thinking anything of it, you walked off and went about your day. you hadn’t even thought to look down at your tattoo. it was always there, it never changed. you had grown accustomed to it.
the next day, you were in the library studying for the O.W.L.S. it was late so there were only a few students scattered throughout.
“is someone sitting here?” you look up to see draco malfoy himself. wondering what he would want to do with you, you just shake your head.
“what’s with the change of attitude? not sure if you were even sober enough to remember but you were the biggest ass not even 24 hours ago.” you said with your nose still in your book.
“i’m sorry, y/n.”
“wha- what? draco malfoy apologizing to me? are you feeling alright?” you said jokingly while feeling his cheeks for a tempature but he swats your hand away.
it was then you had realized that there were little pettles starting to form on your tattoo. how long has this been there? it could’ve been growing for days and i hadn’t even realized.
you had completely forgot draco was even there. you just sat there, infactuated with your growing tat. draco had broken you out of your trance by grabbing your wrist and putting his wrist next to it.
you begun to realize what he was trying to say. your tattoos were identical. a single flower on both of your wrists.
“y/n? say something.”
you continued to sit there, gaping with your mouth open in silence.
“i meant what i said.” draco continued on, “i’m sorry for being an arse. it was my fault. i just- i’m a twit when i’m drunk- i know. well… i’m a twit when i’m not drunk as well so i guess that doesn’t mean much” he says quietly. sounding like he was really just thinking out loud rather than talking to me. you giggled and took his hand and his eyes went wide, realizing he had said that last part out loud.
“anyways... what i mean is...” he struggled to get his words out, “go out with me.” he finished. the last part was more of a jumble of words rather than a scentence like someone had forced it out of his mouth.
“i would love to, draco.”
first date
you had spent the rest of the week giving little glances and secret blushes at one another. who knew malfoy could blush? i most certainly didn’t. his friends teased him about it relentlessly.
the weekend approaching, you decided to confront draco yourself this time. he had been sitting next to a tree, eating an apple, with a book in his hand.
“good afternoon, dray”
“y/n, dearest. do sit with me” he said patting the patch of grass next to him.
you both made small talk while trying to keep the undying tension at ease. it was obvious neither of you saw this coming. you don’t even remember a time you had even talked to draco or at least had a full blown conversation. it became natural to talk to him. it felt as if you had been old friends and were casually catching up.
“i’m glad you found me, y/n/n. i was about to come get you. i have a surprise for you.” he said getting up and grabbing your hand. “should i be worried?” you said.
“not at all. i think you’ll like at. at least- i hope you will.” he said. if you didn’t know any better you would’ve thought he was nervous. but the draco malfoy never gets nervous- especially not for a girl.
he walked you over to the lake, where you saw an assortment of foods on a little picnic blanket, out looking the sunset.
“draco, this is beautiful.” you said pulling him into a hug.
“really? i was worried you wouldn’t like it. i’ve never really done something like this for a girl.”
you spent the next hour eating, telling each other childhood stories, stories about doing stupid things with your friends. he made d everything seem so easy. so effortless. he calmed your nerves down within minutes as you laughed together.
a month later
you and draco had begun to gain a lot of attention from surrounding students. i guess that comes with the territory with him. you had expected many girls to be mad but at the end of the day, you were soulmates. no matter how annoying pansy or any other girl would bug draco, there was nothing they could do.
slowly but surely draco had started opening up. sure, he had told you many things about his family and a few stories about his childhood here and there but you could tell he was always holding back. like he was trying to filter every little thing he would say.
he also began showering you in gifts. you realized very early on that that was his love language. flowers, neckaces, you favorite foods. he thought of everything. he even got you matching snake rings that you both wore on your middle finger.
your tattoo had grown tremendously. blooming into several little flowers, forming a bouquet. everytime you looked down at it a smile formed on your face.
you and draco had come so far. from not talking to him insulting you to him being the sweetst boy to now a year together. his mother had said you were still in the “honeymoon phase” when draco had pointed out how perfectly everything worked out. you rarely fought, you meshed together perfectly, not too much, not too little. just right. it felt perfect.
he was your soulmate and you were his. you couldn’t help but thank the gods above. there was nothing you would change.
a/n : okay so... i am very well aware that this isn’t my best story. but i really like soulmate stories and i wanted to get a story out today. i’ve been on a roll!! i’ve posted twice the past two days so it felt wrong not posting today. i should probably space out my posting more hahaha. please send in requests because i would much rather write something i know people would enjoy. i’ve noticed that certain things flop. you are welcome to view my prompt list or even just send in a little summary of an idea you have would be great :)
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wanderinginksplot · 3 years
Soft Fic: Tup + Teaching Mechanics
This is a fic I wrote a while ago for this post, but I realized in a conversation with @asiamnow that I never posted it! So enjoy!
“And that is how you fix a LAATi’s main motivator drive,” Tup finished, tapping at the freshly-repaired mechanism. The ring of his gauntlet striking against the hollow metal made you wince. You didn’t know much about mechanical things and, from everything he had just shown you, neither did Tup.
“Very impressive. Do you want to get something to eat” you asked, steering him gently toward the mess hall at GAR’s headquarters. While you walked, you made a mental note to send one of the engineers to check out the motivator drive before the ship was cleared for use. “Where did you learn to do that?”
As you both stepped into the mess, Tup scrubbed a hand over his scalp, the movement dislodging his hair from where it had been confined in his neatly-tied ponytail. “Err… I mostly taught myself. You don’t get many chances to cross-train out here and I never got the chance to be in the mechanic corps. I was marked for infantry since I was decanted.”
Well, there was certainly a lot to unpack in that, but now you didn’t feel like you could order him not to fix anything in the future. “Do you want to learn about mechanical processes? It may not be how you want to spend your leave, but I could get you a shadow day or two with some of the mechanics.”
“Really?” Tup asked excitedly, piling his tray with more food than you had ever seen anyone eat in one sitting. These troopers and their enhanced metabolisms.
You shrugged a bit at his question. You oversaw most of the GAR’s administrative tasks on Coruscant, but you were still low-level enough that you knew a few of the mechanics. They liked to chat for a bit when you gave them the lists of work orders for ships that needed repairs. “Probably?”
“I would love to do that!” Tup grinned, and the conversation paused as you both took your trays to a table and settled facing each other.
You ate in silence for a few minutes before Tup gave a small, almost self-deprecating smile. “I mostly work on electronics now, but I really want to learn more about mechanical things.”
“Electronics?” you asked, perking up a bit as you stirred at the soup you had chosen for some reason. It was always awful, but you got it every now and then to see if it had magically improved. “Do you think you could you fix my comlink?”
He seemed bewildered by your question, the blinking he did accentuating both his long lashes and the teardrop tattooed under one eye.
Your face heated a bit. “Sorry, that was a weird thing to ask. It’s just been shorting out lately and repair shops charge so much-”
“No, no, it’s fine!” Tup hurried to say. “I know a bit about comlinks from when I’ve had to fix them in the field. I’d be happy to take a look. Do you have it here?”
“It’s up in my office, actually,” you explained. "Maybe I could run up and get it?"
"I'll come with you," Tup offered, standing from the table only a moment behind you.
"No, you should stay here and eat," you told him. “I’ll be right back.”
"I'm already done," he said, taking a bit of a piece of fruit. Startled, you glanced down at his plate. Where it had been absolutely piled with food only minutes before, it was now empty. The fruit Tup was holding was indeed the last thing left from the plate.
While you were staring at the lack of food on his tray, Tup had been eying your barely touched soup. “Do you want to bring that with you? I’m sure they’d have a container for it if you want…”
“Nah, it’s terrible,” you said with a laugh.
“It always is,” he agreed, smiling so widely that his eyes crinkled at the corners. It warmed your heart to see it and you were a little sad when he turned toward the administrative offices.
You followed Tup, amused to see where you would end up, but he led the way unerringly to your office.
“How did you know where this was?” you asked. “You’ve never been here.”
“Oh, uh… Well, you know troopers,” he hedged. “We all talk, share information. Some of the guys have been here, so I know where it is.”
You frowned, trying to think of a single time when a trooper had visited the admin offices, but nothing came to mind. Too bad, because it certainly would have made your day more interesting. “When did-?”
“Now, where is that comlink?” Tup asked loudly.
“Uh, right over here…” you said slowly, pulling open a drawer and bringing out the malfunctioning piece of equipment. “It’s just having trouble making outgoing calls.”
He hummed a bit, turning the comlink over to study it, then shrugged. “Easy enough to test. Let me put in my frequency and try to make a call…”
Tup typed in a code and his wrist comlink chimed right away. One of his eyebrows shot up and your face heated again. It wasn't as if you had made up a broken comlink in order to get Tup's frequency, but it probably looked that way to him.
"Let's try one more time," he suggested. You nodded, grateful that he wasn't going to start teasing you.
You didn't think you had ever hoped for a comlink malfunction before, but stars, it would really be great if Tup could see the problem with his own eyes.
He typed in the number for his frequency again, hit the button to connect, and nothing happened. At least, nothing happened for a split second before his comlink beeped at him.
Tup grinned and you braced for a teasing comment, but he had stifled the expression only a half-second later. “Well, that’s strange. Maybe it’s fixed?”
You frowned at the odd behavior. Most of the troopers never hesitated to mercilessly tease someone, and Tup was no exception. You had seen him absolutely roast Hardcase about his new relationship with an administrator aboard the Resolute only last week, so the fact that he wasn’t teasing you was a cause for concern.
“It really is broken, though,” you insisted.
“I believe you,” Tup said quietly, without a trace of the grin he had worn only a moment before. “You have no reason to lie. But I’ll tell you what: you have my frequency now. If it keeps giving you problems, use a working comlink to call me. If I’m planetside, I’ll come take another look at it, okay?”
“That sounds wonderful, thank you,” you agreed, still on-edge. You never thought you would have wanted to be teased, but this was strange behavior.
“And…” he cleared his throat. “And if you ever want to call for another reason, even if you just want to talk, you can. I’ll pick up. I’d be glad to listen to you.”
You stared at him, knowing your eyes were bulging like a particularly deranged mynock’s. “You would?”
“Of course I would,” Tup’s blush at the admission showed even through the smooth brown of his skin. “I always like talking to you."
"I like talking to you, too," you replied, feeling a bit dizzy at the conversational turn. "You're probably my favorite person to spend time with."
"Really?" Tup asked, perking up a bit. "Then… do you want to come to 79s with me? Maybe tomorrow night?"
"79s is a dance club..?" you guessed slowly, trying to remember what little you knew about the place. You weren't really the clubbing type, but for Tup? You would gladly try to be.
"Yeah! A lot of us clones go there. Some guys won't go anywhere else," Tup explained. "Do you want to come? No pressure…"
"Of course I will!" you insisted. "Are you sure none of the others will mind me tagging along?"
Tup blushed a bit, rubbing at the back of his neck. "There, uh, won't be any others. It'll just be you and me. Like a… a date. It is a date. I mean, will you go on a date with me?"
You had been putting so much effort into following Tup's train of thought that you stared at him for a long moment after he had finished speaking. He stared back, dark eyes intense, and you snapped back to the moment.
"Yes!" you agreed loudly, winced, and corrected yourself to a more natural volume. "Yes. Tup, I would be thrilled to go on a date with you."
Tup looked so excited that you forgot to apologize for shouting in his face a moment before. "That's great! I'll come get you here- I don't have a speeder. I can meet you here and we'll go together? Or I could just meet you there, or-"
"Let's meet here," you offered.
"That seems easiest," Tup agreed gratefully. With a shy smile, he said, “Thank you for agreeing to go. I’ve wanted to ask you for a long time.”
“I would have said yes months ago,” you admitted before you could censor yourself, and felt your face grow hot.
Tup’s eyebrows shot up his forehead at that, then a wicked smile spread across his face as his eyes heated. In a voice that was a full octave lower than you were used to hearing from him, he murmured, “Sounds like we need to make up for some lost time, then.”
You nodded breathlessly. You didn’t know where that sudden wave of confidence had come from, but it was a good look on him.
“Seven?” he asked.
“How about six,” you suggested.
He grinned and pressed a kiss to your cheek. “It’s a date.”
You watched him leave your office, an unfamiliar swagger in his step. You shook your head and smiled, cheek still warm from his lips.
Six couldn’t come soon enough.
A/N - thanks for reading this silly little fic! I'm still taking requests, so feel free to request something or see similar works on my masterlist.
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