#this is the same man who introduced me to the beatles as a child then banned me from listening to them as a teen
skunkes · 7 months
Answering dis ask chopped up too
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thank u, but my situation isnt that dire! Thats where half the problem comes from, i struggle because its really not that bad here, i just would like to leave for the regular reasons anyone would wanna leave home (+ being trans), that joke about what you dont pay in rent by living with your parents, you pay with your mental health etc etc
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yournameyn · 3 years
Feeling Deeply: Chapter 3
Genre: Fluff so much fluff. Arranged Marriage Fic.
Pairing: Namjoon x OC
Summary: The story of two deeply feeling nerds who find themselves in an arranged marriage. Something neither of them really wanted but are now discovering just how much each needed. Away from their childhoods, their families & their homes, Namjoon & Brishti (the OC) are privileged immigrants who slowly build a home, a family & a true sense of self, together in 1960s London. Please note this is not the typical immigrant experience of that timespace and I’ve taken many-a-leap to write the fluuuufffiness I wanted to write.
A/N: It’s unabashed fluff. And eventual smut but I hope you’re okay with a really slow burn. Like, reaaaally slow. Both our characters are introverts & met as strangers so it’s going to take them a while to get the *ahem* fire going.
Big big big love to @sahmfanficbts, @mintjoonlep, @holdinbacksecrets, @sunshyngal, @xjoonchildx - who give me so much love and encouragement & whose straight up genius writing makes me swooooon!
Characters: Brishti is our OC. She’s a feminist, obviously. She’s Indian, wheatish in colour, curvy & slightly short. Brishti is bengali & her name means ‘Rain’. Her pet name is RimJhim which means the sound of rain. (Namjoon calls her Rim & she calls him Joon) This whole story is a tribute to Forever Rain.
The Namjoon in this fic is what I imagine he would have been had he not followed his dreams at the age of 13. Hopefully, I’m able to do justice to the idea as I write ahead.
Current Chapter: London, late 1963. Brishti & Namjoon meet her colleagues. They listen to the then-rising band The Beatles & take a strong liking to one particular track, if you know what I mean. Again, sorry to spoil but there’s no smut yet. I was not kidding when I said it’s a slooooow burn. Next chapter, it’s happening. There's not much conversation in this chapter, either. Is this almost 3k words of just CONTEXT to the actual smut or just a tease - you tell me!
Also, someone else we love is also introduced in this chapter!
Previously in Feeling Deeply: Preface Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Namjoon loved his weekends now. They were like a real couple, Brishti and him… setting the never ending “final touches” in their home, together. They went out to pubs and gardens, libraries and cafes together. And yet, to both their secret dismay, they hadn't moved ahead from that one hug they had shared. They'd played, instead, with words and been more and more intimate in their conversations.
Brishti introduced him to her colleagues - her group among the staff at the British Library. Working there was her pride & these folk were her joy. This was nerve-wracking for Namjoon because he knew how much she loved them. These were her people. Her true tribe. It was almost like he was meeting her parents. Instead of two indian elders (whom he had spoken to on the only international call she had made since their wedding), he found himself faced with a weird band of strangers. An English couple Harry & Kate who had adopted the library instead of a child, an elder woman from Japan, Sayuri-san - whose stories Brishti narrated to Namjoon all the time, a Korean guy (his age!) & Yana, a girl, Brishti’s age who was half English, half Iranian & completely in love with Sam, the black historian from America, as Brishti had reported. As they settled in for their picnic in Hyde Park, Namjoon tried his best to hide his shock when he found Sam was - one, a girl & two, as tall as him. He wondered which attribute threw him off more. Still, he was completely enjoying himself with Brishti’s Unlikely Gang of Weirdos that Will Save The World. That’s what she called them. Sayuri-san agreed - They were all groovy outcasts who had somehow clawed their way into the (apparently) cutthroat world mainstream librarians.
Brishti was glad to see Namjoon really hit it off with the only other Korean she knew, the guy who’d told her about the only place in London that sold black bean noodles, made the right way. Namjoon had almost cried when she had brought them over from work. The two of them spoke as if they had been thick as thieves for years. They talked about Korean poetry and the folk music they had to participate in their childhoods. They spoke about the music archive section of the library, which was heaven for Min Yoongi. The passion in Yoongi’s eyes when he spoke about maybe someday taking a class about world music appreciation was something Namjoon wished to have too, but wasn’t yet ready to admit.
As they were packing up their picnic, the conversation flowed to a new band in the country. Brishti spoke about how every young girl she had met recently just could not stop talking about how groovy The Beatles are. The elders in charge of the music archive brushed them off as a fad but she was insistent to bring it up every meeting - after all, it was teenage girls that had popularised & helped usher in the lyrical music of Vivaldi. Or of Lisztomania - that popularised the soft romantic tones of Liszt which formed the base of the modern love song. Namjoon loved to see her almost up in arms, struggling to find a better word for the admiration that girls had for music and musicians.
“It’s not hysteria… or fanaticism… it- it’s just love.” She had said. No one disagreed. In fact, everyone in her group was persuaded to (at least) give The Beatles a listen over the weekend.
And so, This evening, A Hard Day’s Night played as they arranged books & records at home. Brishti was arranging the books, apparently not having had enough of the task despite working as a full time librarian. Namjoon’s heart ached when he thought about how Brishti loved her job. Thankfully his mind never stayed on that thought for long. Namjoon wished he could pay attention to the song. These days, paying attention to anything but Brishti was almost impossible. The smallest movement in her, the smallest stir intrigued him.
Meanwhile, Brishti had been trying to figure out a way of getting him to touch her &… as silly as that sounded to her rational mind she couldn’t really come out and say it. Night after night when they’d stayed up talking about things or listening to music or just simply reading their respective books, on the floor or by the window with their legs sprawled out in front of each other, she wished he’d touch her… that somehow maybe he’d notice her feet. Strange as it was, she kept thinking about his hands, his fingers tracing the contour of her ankle while she didn’t turn one page of her book for almost an hour.
She understood the problem - both of them were so hyper-aware of each other while pretending not to be that an accident couldn’t really occur. Things had to be done & Brishti thought about how she shouldn’t let tradition dictate who makes the first move. She also kicked herself for not following tradition and stopping him from taking his pillow & blanket away to the couch on their wedding night they were supposed to sleep on the same bed. It made her heart race that she could sleep next to this Korean Greek God-like feminist man. Ufff. She was covered in tense knots everywhere and anytime she even thought of making a move, the fear in her would make her do something else - like unpack all the books into a makeshift bookcase.
They were facing in opposite directions in the same room and Brishti couldn’t help glancing back at Namjoon again and again. The broad expanse of his back made her long to hug him again. They hadn’t touched each other since she let go of the hug. It made her ache, the memory of him moving away from her. Next time they touch, she wouldn’t let go first - of this she was certain.
Brishti looked at him again & smiled, wondering how someone so tall could look so tiny & cute. Namjoon did look surprisingly tiny, poring over the vinyls & neatly arranging them. She smiled thinking about how he had spent some time wondering if the records should be kept chronologically or alphabetically.
Finally, he had announced, “Ofcourse! I have it! The category has to be mood! The...” Brishti loved the small pauses Namjoon took to find the perfect word. “The story of each album and the feeling it brings out!” The way he smiled, pleased with his decision created a flutter in her heart.
Looking at him poring over each song in each album trying to discern what the overall feeling of it was, she felt an unbearable urge to tease him, to disturb his cataloguing. She would go over and irritate him… probably tickle his waist or blow in his ears. Or maybe just nuzzle his neck. Brishti wondered if these things would actually irritate Namjoon or perhaps lead to something else... The thought made her blush so fiercely, she turned to face her pile of books. Brishti wished she could walk over, silently demand a space in Namjoon’s lap, he would throw out anything that crowded his lap & she would sit there, being cuddled, enveloped in him & talk about songs… if she could talk, at such a moment that is.
She needed to stop staring at him and yet, she couldn’t help but look... She was a warm-blooded woman after all. And Kim Namjoon was a particularly delicious man. It wasn’t so much that he was tall… plenty of men were tall. (She rolled her eyes thinking how most everyone was taller than her.) Unlike other men, though, Namjoon was not awkward or gangly. He had wide shoulders and a gorgeous neck. She had to actively keep her eyes focussed on something else when she could see the contours of his chest.
In that first week of them living together she wanted him. She felt the heat of being seen by those sharp beautiful eyes that held a deep fire in them. Brishti found herself thinking more and more about how his back looked, how it would feel to be cuddled up against that broad beautiful chest, how it would feel to touch him and to be touched by him. She blushed & laughed to herself when her spontaneous thought was that she’d like to “climb that tree” - whenever Namjoon stood up after being scrunched over his table, writing. That yearning awakened a much fiercer part of Brishti -
Why couldn’t she?! He was her husband. They have to come closer at some point, so what was she waiting for? Without a second thought, her body moved to get up & walk over to him. But as it had happened every time, her mind caught up to her at the very last minute. As Brishti walked over, bent, stretched out... for a pile of books close to him. She was close enough to touch him. And still, she just picked up the books & walked back. Thankfully for Brishti, she had a natural sort of nonchalance. Something Namjoon envied. Brishti did not know what this little stunt of hers did to him. Namjoon, with his fists balled, had to hold himself back in that moment. He had to stop himself from grabbing her; from pulling her into his lap and having his way with her.
The gentle thread-like tug he had felt when he’d first seen Brishti’s photos... it had become a magnetic pull now. Shocking and also somehow inevitable.
It had been more than a month of them living together and Namjoon was wrestling with something. An idea, apparently. It was as though an idea was caught in a vast net that he had laid out across the ocean of his mind. But he was having trouble fishing it out. He understood there was no point forcing it, that the idea, the thought would emerge when it, or when he was ready.
Taking his time, slowly, Namjoon was understanding how he had done the perfect thing for her, accidentally. He was confused too, when his instinct told him to let his bride sleep alone on their marital bed the first night they had moved in this flat. He had reasoned that it was the decent thing to do. Unknowingly, he gave her the time to explore, to own that space; Not crowding her with his body. Not invading her with expectations that, no matter how silent, would be blaringly evident. That was the right thing to do. Then.
Now things felt different. Now, it felt like she had made that space, this whole home hers. But then that’s where his thought-net felt stuck. The thought he wanted to fish out kept pulling at him, telling him she needed something else now. Like Brishti craved something else now. He wondered if she, like him, craved touch. Was that why her body instinctively moved, stretched, inched closer towards him these days. Was this why he’d found his shirt among the blanket instead of the laundry basket the other day?
Namjoon tried to shake off these thoughts again - they felt dangerous, explosive. What was happening? He looked back at his beautiful wife and saw her stretch her arms, then her abdomen, all the way till her hips and then bend forward to touch her toes. She mewled, very softly when she did that. Namjoon felt the familiar flip in his stomach again. This time, thankfully, the thought leapt up within reach too.
Namjoon suddenly understood just how feline Brishti is. Somehow, it was a key he needed. The idea surged through him & made him stand up. Because it wasn’t just an idea, it was an epiphany. Brishti looked at him, her eyes asking, saying, expecting something he didn’t understand fully.
The tingle that ran down his spine told him he was about to.
“You okay?” Brishti asked, concerned & embarrassed because the move she expected hadn’t come. But then again, it was probably too much to think Namjoon had stood up to carry her & throw her on their bed. Wasn’t it?
He was standing awkwardly in the middle of the room looking confused. Namjoon recovered & asked, “Coffee?”
Brishti smiled & nodded. Namjoon rushed to the kitchen. The catching of this thought excited him. Because after living with her for almost a month, he had just now realised it is this attribute - of being feline-ly feminine or femininely feline - that is what makes his body almost overpower any semblance of restraint his mind had imposed.
At first it seemed silly but soon Namjoon realised it isn’t. Not at all. It really clicked in place like the right key, the precise note does - he understood how to BE with her. Be there for the feline creature-like woman that Brishti was revealing herself to be: The way she walked, slowly almost moodily… letting her feet touch and caress each surface her feet felt. She would be walking across the room but would stop just to walk back and forth, softly, in a way that one can’t really call pacing at all. And everytime she touched something she liked, or saw or tasted something she loved, she made these small sounds that would make Namjoon’s heart melt. They were always half-way between a purr and a moan and they made him wonder what pleasure would make her sound like. Namjoon thought about how Brishti is graceful but her grace, like the curves of her beautiful body, aren’t timid; How, it’s a grace that announces itself... sometimes even before she walks in.
It isn’t the only thing that attracted him to her, not by a far cry. Namjoon thought about how he loves her mind, her words. But this felt, somehow, more… more visceral or... wanting to be. Could something formless long to be touched?; To become tangible, touchable? This feeling, in his chest and his gut. This feeling within him, it jumps, flips every time she walks by. These days it seems like Brishti walks by closer and closer each time she passes him. Like she needs to feel the texture of his skin the same way she needs to feel the slight drag of the rug on the soles of her feet. And it just adds more depth to this deep cavernous feeling within him. Instinctual whispers echoing within-
Why does it feel like he needs to touch a fragrance?
Like all he needs to do is reach out?
Like the moment he will reach out, an essence, an aroma will become an experience?
It felt like Brishti was calling out to him silently. That magnetic pull was stronger than ever and it was pulling him, drawing him to her, telling him to reach out, so she can find her way to him. That feeling, the way he was being pulled… that was feline. Like she needed him to reach out so she could make him hers too. And then, then it happened. The first four notes of ‘And I love her’ played and pulled him to her.
In that moment, in their 7th week together, as Brishti was tracing the lines of Namjoon’s back, gawking at him, thinking about this man - this gorgeous, curious, wonderful man - as her husband… a thought so fantastical it would make her squirm in her seat. Just as she was recovering from the thought, releasing the tension in her shoulders. The knots he didn’t know he caused, Namjoon kept the cups of coffee aside and extended his hand.
‘I give her all my love, that’s all I do…” To him, the instant she did it again, - the stretching her arms all the way up. The little moan she made every time she did that, the way her back arched and highlighted all her curves… it drove him, his body, his instinct to reach out.
“And if you saw my love, you’d love her too.”
The stomach flipped, again. This time, though, his instinct acted before his mind knew what he was supposed to do. Thankfully, his mind caught up -
He had just reached out. Reached out for her to claim him. But to one who didn’t know everything that had been going on inside both their hearts, it would look like he was inviting her to dance. Brishti looked at his hand and then at his eyes and suddenly Namjoon understood the reason for this magnetic pull... these lyrics is what she was saying all along -
“A love like ours could never die, as long as I have you near me...”
She took his hand & left no distance between them. Brishti realised there was music playing in the room only after she took Namjoon’s hand. Before this, she could only hear her own heartbeat, sharpened to an intensity never before experienced. Sharpened to a glint in a way that only love can. Love… and unmistakable, undeniable lust. Her heart had been beating with so much longing it had clouded everything else.
Now, in this moment, with his heart so close to hers, she could finally hear the music. This is what she had needed. This is what her heart had been pining for. And she knew. Without the shadow of a doubt she knew... he had heard her.
Brishti moved to the simple guitar strings that were tugging them both. The melody deepened each time the same four notes played. And each time they rooted deeper in the soil of her heart, she moved him too. His hands on her waist, caressing her curves everytime the four notes played. And they played over and over again… Namjoon followed the lyrics and sang along with his beautiful deep dark chocolate voice in her ears, saying -
“And I love her...”,
And his strong arms around her. How could she… Brishti, even if her name didn’t mean the rain, how could she have resisted pouring?
“Bright are the stars that shine, dark is the sky, I know this love of mine will never die...”
This evening was the first time they’d really touched each other. Stood so close to each other. Moved together.
Oooooh god you read it?! Thank you so much! Please let me know what you think! Get into my messages about it! I would love to hear what you felt about this!
This is the song that's mentioned here in case anyone is curious.
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honeyandmagic · 3 years
Snape is half korean half slavic in this fic. Checks in on Harry, goes right WTF is this, kidnaps “adopts” him :) Going to be dark, and angsty, and sweet in a way that hurts.
There was a child in front of him. One that looked more like the man he hated than the woman he loved (the same woman he made that thrice damned promise to, the same one who went beatle hunting with him in their backyards when they were still fresh-faced youths, who he had introduced to a whole new world--the very one she’d die for). He had his hair, his face, his everything, but Merlin, he had her eyes. They were larger and greener than hers had ever been, he knew that shade of green; a tainted shade of emerald that only avada kedavra could produce. He wondered briefly if it was a possible side effect for doing the impossible. He didn’t want to know. 
The scrawny brat was staring at him. Eyes too big, body too small. Too small for a seven year old. (He was too a lot of things, too alive when he should have been dead with his mother and bastard of a father, too feral looking for a brat that was supposed to--nay, promised--to grow up spoiled, too everything and yet not enough.) He knew what a malnourished child looked like and the boy clearly was just that, but he had a funny feeling the child would have always had abnormally large eyes that were both too green and too curious. He avoided looking above his eyes, not wanting to see the now legendary scar. 
He was still staring at him. He was starting to attract attention from the other parents picking up their spawn from primary school. He knew he was dressed like the muggles, but that didn’t help his already off-putting appearance. His skin was pale, he himself was too thin, his hair dark and too long to be in style. He himself was too dark. Dark. The last thing he needed was to attract unwanted attention. The fucking brat wasn’t as stupid as he had originally hoped.
Before he even had the chance to say anything, the kid sneezed, knocking his glasses loose on his nose. 
“So,” He shuffled his foot on the pavement. “Aunt Tuney doesn’t want me anymore?” 
That was one way to interpret his speech. He had spent weeks figuring out an appropriate enough story with enough details but not enough to make anything confusing, just for the damned brat to not even care that he was being “adopted” by a complete and bloody stranger. The boy was being kidnapped for Godric’s sake and the kid is looking at him like he was expecting it to happen. 
“She always said she’d drop me off somewhere. Musta been inna good mood to find someone to take me, I reckon.” 
He looked at the boy. 
The boy, despite the tension holding him stiff at his shoulders, looking ready to dart (or bite) at any second, was undaunted when he looked him in the eyes and asked, “What’s your name again?” 
He could answer that. “Severus Snape Wanja.” A pause. “I am your godfather. It took me a while to find you, but we’ll be going home now.” Another pause. Here, he had to swallow a scowl and a shiver of disgust. “To be. A. Family. Again.” 
A flicker of emotion crossed the brat, no, his ‘godsons,’ face, the tension draining from his small body (oh Lord, he was so small) before launching himself into Snape’s arms. It took him a moment to realize the boy was hugging him and the gibberish he was speaking into Snape’s shirt were actually words. (Thank you! I knew if I wished enough times and I knew that if I listened to my heart I would get a family. I asked for a mum but a godfather is just as a good--). 
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tyrantisterror · 3 years
I did a four part series of trivia posts when ATOM Volume 1: Tyrantis Walks Among Us! came out, and that was pretty fun!  You can see that set of trivia posts here if you’d like.  I thought it’d be fun to do another now that ATOM Volume 2: Tyrantis Roams the Earth! is out - just one this time, because a lot of the trivia I talked about with Volume 1 still applies.
I’m gonna divide this into two sections: non-spoiler trivia, for things that really don’t give a lot of plot points away, and spoiler trivia, for things that DO give away major plot points.  I recommend not reading the spoiler trivia until after you’ve read Tyrantis Roams the Earth!, for obvious reasons, and will put the spoiler trivia under a cut.
Ok, let’s go!
- So if you read ATOM Volume 1, you probably noticed that the book is split not only into chapters, but “episodes,” which consist of four chapters a piece.  It’s kind of a nod to how the series owes a great deal of its DNA to various monster of the week shows, with Godzilla: the Series and The Godzilla Power Hour being obvious influences.  It also allowed me to pepper in some illustrations and cheesy b-movie style titles into each volume.
- The first “episode” of Volume 2, Tyrantis in Tokyo, pays explicit homage to the giant monster movies of Japan, perhaps even moreso than the chapters that came before it.  Given how much Japanese media influenced ATOM - from tokusatsu like the Godzilla, Gamera, and Ultraman franchises to anime like Digimon and Evangelion (hell, the title of this episode itself is a tip of the hat to Tenchi Muyo by way of one of its spinoffs) - it kind of felt obligatory that Tyrantis visit Japan and pay his respects.
- Tyrantis in Tokyo also fits in a tribute to another staple of Atomic Age pop culture: Rock and Roll.
- Kutulusca, the giant cephalopod that appears in Tyrantis in Tokyo, is one of the oldest kaiju in this series, dating back to the first iteration of Tyrantis’s story that I put to paper back in 2001 or so.  It’s changed a lot since then, but its fight with Tyrantis goes more or less the way it originally did.
- Old Meg, the giant placoderm/shark, and Nastadyne, the bipedal beetle, both owe their existence directly to Deviantart’s Godzilla fandom.  Old Meg originated as a dunkleosteus monster I submitted to a “create a Godzilla kaiju” contest held by Matt Frank, while Nastadyne is based on a Megalon redesign I made during the “redesign all the Godzilla kaiju” phase of DA’s kaiju fandom.
- The second episode, Tyrantis vs. the Red Menace, gets dark as we visit the USSR, which had enough REAL horror with atomic power in its history to make creature features seem a bit defanged by comparison.  It’s probably the episode with the strongest horror elements - ATOM’s always been influenced by Resident Evil, and this is probably where that influence shows the most strongly.
- It also features the first fully robotic mecha in the series, the mighty Herakoschei!  Its name is a combination of “Heracles” and “Koschei the Deathless,” with the former part being added by its Russian creators to make it seem a bit more international as they offer it to the U.N. in hopes of gaining aid for a very extreme kaiju problem they’ve developed.
- Most of Tyrantis vs. the Red Menace takes place in the Siberian Monster Zone.  Its name is a reference to the Lawless Monster Zone in Ultraman, which is such a cool fucking name I wish that I wish I could go back in time and steal it.
- The next episode, Tyrantis’s Revenge, is... full of spoilers, so we’ll move on for now.
- The penultimate episode, Tyrantis vs. the Martian Monsters, is a love letter to MANY different sci-fi stories that involve life on Mars, though the most prominent of them is of course The War of The Worlds (one of my top 3 favorite books) and its various adaptations.  From its tentacles sapient martians, the tripodal leader of the titular monsters whose name includes the word “ulla” which is uttered by said sapient martians, the plant monster made of red vines, the cylinder-shaped spacecraft the Martian monsters are sent to earth on, the copper-skinned stingray-esque flying martian who shoots lasers from its tail, and the fact that every chapter title in this episode is a quote from the book, the H.G. Wells influence is STRONG.
- The final episode, Invasion from Beyond!, is shamelessly inspired by Destroy All Monsters, although there’s a dash of “To Serve Men,” Godzilla vs. Monster Zero, and The Day the Earth Stood Still mixed in as well.  It’s also sort of a tribute to my first “published” bit of a kaiju fiction - a rewrite of Destroy All Monsters that included EVERY Godzilla monster that had appeared at the time, which my middle school self wrote back in 2002 or so for Kaiju Headquarters, a kaiju fansite I’m not sure exists anymore.  Invasion from Beyond! is just as ambitious (but hopefully better executed) as my DAM Remake, with dozens upon dozens of different kaiju duking it out, earthlings vs. aliens.
- There were three different documents I made to outline the final battle of Invasion from Beyond!  It’s the largest episode of the series so far and more than half of it is that fucking fight.  My inner child is pleased, though, so hopefully you will be too.
Ok, that’s all I can share without spoilers.  READER BEWARE WHAT FOLLOWS BELOW THE CUT!
JUST MAKING SURE you know that SPOILERS will follow from here on out.  Read at your own peril!  YOU WERE WARNED!
(I’m gonna start with lighter ones just in case you scrolled too far and want to turn back)
- There’s a number of explicit Spielberg homages in ATOM Volume 2, from a “we need a bigger boat” joke during a chase with a giant shark to the fact that Invasion from Beyond! opens with a group of people flying to an island of monsters to review whether or not it should get more funding.
- When Tyrantis appears in the first chapter, I snuck in modified lyrics of The Godzilla Power Hour’s theme song.  “Up from the depths”... “several stories high”... “breathing fire”... “its head in the sky”... Tyrantis!  Tyrantis!  Tyrantis!
- The two rock bands in Tyrantis in Tokyo have real life inspirations ala Gwen Valentine, albeit a bit more muddled than hers.  The Cashews are inspired by The Peanuts (see what I did there), while The Thunder Lizards are a mix of The Rolling Stones, the Beatles, Buddy Holly, and the Big Bopper.  I wanted The Thunder Lizards to be more akin to the myth of a famous rock and roll band than the reality - less the real Beatles and more the Yellow Submarine cartoon version of them.
- The song The Thunder Lizards write for Tyrantis was written to fit the tune of “The Godzilla March” from Godzilla vs. Gigan, though ideally if someone made an actual song of it it would be its own song.  I got the idea from Over the Garden Wall, which used the Christmas song “O Holy Night” as a a starting point for “Come Wayward Souls.”
- Perry Martin, UNNO reporter and peer of Henry Robertson, is a nod to Raymond Burr, with his name being a combination of two of Burr’s most famous roles: Perry Mason, and Steve Martin from Godzilla King of the Monsters (1956).
- Dr. Rinko Tsuburaya is a few homages in one.  Her name comes from Rinko Kikuchi (who played Mako Mori in Pacific Rim), while her last name is obviously in homage of Eiji Tsuburaya.  Her being the daughter of an esteemed scientist is inspired by Emiko Yamane from the original Gojira.
- Nastadyne’s Burning Justice mode is named after a similar super mode from various Transformers cartoons, though it’s more directly inspired by the Shining/Burning Finger super move from G Gundam.
- Martians sending kaiju to different planets via shooting them out of cannons (with or without cylinder spaceships around them) is another War of the Worlds shoutout.  So is martians living on Venus after their homeworld was made uninhabitable, actually.
- Kurokame’s vocalizations are described as wails in explicit homage to Gamera.  His name can be translated as either “black tortoise” (a reference to the mythical guardian beast Genbu, which can also be construed as a Gamera reference thanks to Gamera: Advent of Irys implying Gamera and Genbu are one and the same) or a portmanteau of the Japanese words for crocodile and turtle - “crocturtle.”
- Burodon’s name is just a mangling of “burrow down.”  It also sounds vaguely like Baragon, who Burodon is loosely inspired by.  AND, since Burodon is sort of a knockoff/modified Baragon, that kinda makes him a reference to various monsters in Ultraman!
- The final battle of Tyrantis in Tokyo is sort of a hybrid of the finales of Ghidorah the 3 Headed Monster and Destroy All Monsters.  
- The Japanese kaiju teaching Tyrantis the art of throwing rocks at your enemies is both a joke on the prominence of rock throwing in Japanese kaiju fights AND the tired trope of an American hero learning secret martial arts from a Japanese mentor ala Batman, Iron Fist, etc.  In this case, the secret martial art is throwing rocks at people.
- When introduced to Herakoschei and its pilot, we are told that the strain of piloting this early mecha is so intense that many pilots have died in the process, with the current one passing out on more than few occasions.  This is of course a Pacific Rim homage - sadly, no one invents drifting.
- Herakoschei’s design is a loose homage to Robby the Robot and Cherno Alpha, because big boxy robots are cool.
- The Writhing Flesh and ESPECIALLY Pathogen are both hugely influenced by Resident Evil and The Thing.  Giant body horror piles of raw flesh, tendrils, mismatched mouths and limbs may be a bit outside the main era of monster design ATOM homages, but they fit the themes and bring a nice contrast.
- I came up with Pathogen long before Corona but MAN it definitely feels different in 2021 to have a giant monster whose name is a synonym for disease driving other creatures crazy in a quarantine zone than it did when I plotted out the story in 2016.
- The chapter title “Hello, Old Foes” is a riff on “Goodbye, Old Friend”
- Minerva, the kaiju-fied clone of Dr. Lerna, is meant to be an homage to Attack of the 50 Foot Woman, which is a genuinely good giant monster flick.  I am sure many of you will also believe I included her because I’m a pervert whose into tall women, but you’d be wrong!  I included the seven foot tall Russian mecha pilot Ludmilla Portnova because I’m a pervert whose into tall women.  Minerva’s inclusion was just coincidental, I swear!
- Since Promythigor is a play on the archetypal ape kaiju to contrast Tyrantis as a play on the archetypal fire-breathing reptile kaiju, their fight has a lot of nods to King Kong movies.  Promythigor attempts the famous jaw-snap maneuver of Kong (with less success), J.C. Clark paraphrases the “brute force vs. a thinking animal” line from the King Kong vs. Godzilla American cut, and Tyrantis slides down a mountain to knock Promythigor off his feet in a reversal of Kong doing the same in King Kong vs. Godzilla.
- Tyrantis sliding down a mountain on his tail doubles as a Godzilla vs. Megalon homage.
- Though Promythigor is the archetypal Ape and Tyrantis the archetypal Fire-Breathing Reptile, I think it’s fun to note that in some ways, Promythigor is the Godzilla equivalent in their matchup, and Tyrantis the Kong.  Promythigor has a slight size advantage, was scarred by humans performing unethical weapons technology, and is associated with violent explosions.  Tyrantis is a good-at-heart prehistoric beast who humanized in part by his unlikely friendship with a human woman.
- Of course, in the context of the famous quote from the American cut of King Kong vs. Godzilla, they remain in their archetypal lanes.  Promythigor is the more intelligent of the two (though not necessarily wiser), and Tyrantis is in many ways a brute reptile.  Their battle is a rebuttal of sorts to the assertion that Kong is the “better” animal because he is closer to human.  Promythigor’s near human creativity and emotions don’t make him the kinder/more benevolent monster, but instead fuel a very self-centered and destructive attitude that makes him the far more dangerous threat.  On the other hand, Tyrantis, who is less intelligent, limited in communication with others by his reptilian mindset and instincts, and simple in his thoughts and desires, is nonetheless a sweet creature that is easily dealt with when others consider his animal needs and mindset.  There’s a quote from Hellboy I love that probably sums up all of my writing thus far: “To be other than human does not mean the same as being less,” and that’s what the matchup between these two in particular tries to illustrate: the “less” human Tyrantis is nonetheless more benign than the “more” human Promythigor.
- Kraydi the psychic lizard began life as a soft sculpture I made of the Canyon Krayt Dragon from The Wildlife of Star Wars.  The sculpture didn’t look much like the illustration, but I liked how it came out, and so I made it an original monster named Kraydi (see what I did there).  Figuring out an explanation for that name in ATOM’s world was possibly the most difficult kaiju naming task in the series, but it worked out in the end.
- Kraydi and Promythigor having psychic powers is a result of my time on Godzilla fan forums in my middle school years.  Most of the forums had OC kaiju battle tournaments, and SO many of those kaiju had a wide array of beam weapons and psychic powers just to win the tournaments by beam-spamming and mind controlling their foes into oblivion.  There’s a special kind of rage you get when your original creation is beaten by “Fire Godzilla” because he has a genius level intellect and the power of unstoppable telekinesis.  Kraydi began as (and still is I suppose) my attempt to do a psychic kaiju well, while Promythigor’s villainy being tied to psychic powers being forced on him is sort of my passive aggressive commentary on people foisting powers on a monster without any real thematic reason for them.
- Henry Robertson and Dr. Praetorius chewing out the laziness of people giving kaiju completely unaltered names of mythic beasts will probably be seen as a jab at the Monsterverse and/or the numerous writers in the kaiju OC scene who do the same, but it’s ACTUALLY a jab at my past self, who had DOZENS of kaiju whose names were just Greek mythological figures verbatim.  There are dozens of kaiju named Hydra, Scylla, Charybdis, Chimera, etc., past me, try to make the names stand out!  Oh wait you did.  I mean, don’t pat yourself on the back too much, you still went with “Mothmanud” as a canon name and never came up with something better, but, like, good on ya for trying I guess.
- Dr. Praetorius takes his name from the evil mad scientis in Bride of Frankenstein, who basically has all the wicked traits that Universal’s Frankenstein downplayed in their take on Dr. Frankenstein.  Ironically, ATOM’s Dr. Praetorius is a bit less evil than his fellow mad scientists in ATOM.  I really like how his character turned out, he surprised me.
- Isaac Rossum, the pilot of the USA mecha Atomoton, is named for Isaac Aasimov, whose robot stories are to robot fiction what Lord of the Rings is to high fantasy.  His last name is a reference to Rossum’s Universal Robots, which is where the word “robot” came from.
- The unfortunate pilots of MechaTyrantis in ATOM Volumes 1 and 2 are all nods to Jurassic Park.  John Ludlow = John Hammond and Peter Ludlow, Ian Grant = Ian Malcolm and Alan Grant, Dennis Dodgson = Dennis Nedry and Lewis Dodgson.
- A good way to pitch Invasion from Beyond! would be “what if the staff and monsters were able to fight back when the Kilaaks tried to take over Monsterland?”
- Ok, here’s a fun joke that no one will get but me because it requires a very specific chain of logic based on some obscure and loosely connected nerd bullshit.  There’s a rocker in ATOM’s universe named Sebastian Haff, right?  One of his songs, “Darling Let’s Shimmy,” is referenced right before a mothmanud larva emerges from the ground in both ATOM Vol. 1 and 2.  Ok, so, in the Bubba Hotep, an aging Elvis impersonator named Sebastian Haff claims he is actually the real Elvis Presley, having changed places with the real Sebastian Haff as a sort of Prince and the Pauper deal that went wrong.  Got that?  Ok, so, in UFO folklore, a common joke is the theory that Elvis didn’t die, but was rather abducted by aliens (or he actually WAS an alien the whole time - the whole “Elvis didn’t die, he just went home” joke in Men in Black is a good example of this).  Ok?  Ok.  So, in ATOM’s universe, we can surmise that their equivalent of Elvis, whose name is Sebastian Haff, WAS abducted by aliens, and that his song “Darling Let’s Shimmy” is subconsciously influenced by his repressed memories from his time aboard the Beyonder spaceships, which is why it accidentally awoke a Mothmanud larva in Volume 1.  There’s a lot of bullshit jokes I put into ATOM, but this is perhaps the bullshittiest of them all.
- One of the most common bits of feedback on ATOM Volume 1 I got was “I kept waiting for something to eat Brick Rockwell, he’s such an asshole.”  And I had to smile and go, “Oh, yeah, guess he never got his, huh?” the whole time without letting on that he was going to die here all along!
- Dr. Lerna and Brick Rockwell’s nature as foils to each other is probably most apparent in Invasion from Beyond!, where both are given fairly similar situations - a nonhuman approaches them with a solution to a global crisis - and react to it very differently.  I worry that some people may think they both made the same choice and got different results, and that that’s hypocrisy on my part, but I hope I wrote it so you can see how their choices and situations actually differ in key ways, and why their decisions, while similar on the surface, are ultimately very different, and thus result in almost opposite outcomes.
- So, when I planned out this book in 2016, I swear I didn’t know about the Orca from 2019′s Godzilla King of the Monsters.  Having the plot hang around Dr. Lerna deciding whether or not to use a sonic device to rouse all the kaiju to save the earth was not INTENDED to be a Monsterverse reference - it came about from me looking at Pathfinder’s take on kaiju, who are all explicitly influenceable by music, and thinking, “Oh, wow, music and songs DO have a major connection with kaiju in a lot of media, I should do something with that.”  Whem KOTM came out a few days after Volume 1 came out I realized I was kinda fucked here, because the comparison was definitely going to be made, but I’d also set this all up already and you can’t just change suddenly to avoid looking like a copy cat and make a good story, so... I dunno, I leaned into it a bit, but it is what it is.
- While most people will probably think they’re a reference to the Reptoids of UFO folklore, the Reptodites are more inspired by the Dinosapien of speculative evolution fame and, even morso, by the Reptites from Chrono Trigger.  Me wanting to avoid the “lizard people control the government” conspiracy theory trope is one of the main reasons why Reptodites have this non-interference clause with humanity.
- Lieutenant Gray is a bunch of different humanoid aliens rolled into one - a little Hopskinville goblin, a little classic gray, a little this one weird alien with five-fingered zygodactyl hands, etc.
- There’s some Beyonder Mecha in this volume that are basically kaiju-fied versions of the Flatwoods Monster.  The species that built them ALSO engineered the Mothmanuds, because connecting Mothman and the Flatwoods Monster is fun!
- Pleprah is, obviously, a one-eyed one-horned flying purple people eater.
- Tyrantis’s brush with death, in addition to being so very anime, was inspired by my dad outlining how mythic heroes often have to travel to the underworld/land of the dead before they can finish their journey.  It’s one of the plot points that I’ve had planned for this series since middle school.
- I’m sure some will view it as hackneyed and corny, but as a person who’s battled with depression for decades, having Tyrantis’s choice to live be the big heroic turn of the finale was very important to me.  Tyrantis incorporates elements of a lot of imaginary friends I made as a kid, and in many ways he’s kind of the face of my more positive side in my head.  He’s been telling me to choose to live for a while, and while maybe to an outsider it may seem hackneyed, it’s just... very Tyrantis.  He chooses life and kindness in the face of pain and struggle.  That’s Tyrantis.
- Tyrantis’s powered up form is called “Hyper Mode,” which is another Gundam reference.  Originally it was a lot gaudier and involved him turning gold like a fuckin’ Super Saiyan.  I opted for something a little more toned down here.  
- Also, speaking of KOTM references, I decided to make Hyper Mode Tyrantis’s final duel with Pathogen be a sort of foil to Burning Godzilla’s final bout with Ghidorah in KOTM.  Instead of ravaging the city, Hyper Tyrantis’s pulse of energy rejuvenates his fallen allies, and as a result he is “crowned” not out of fear for his supremacy in the wake of killing a powerful enemy, but in gratitude for his kindness.  See?  Leaning into it!
- And now I can finally reveal that Yamaneon is ATOM’s equivalent of The Monolith Monsters - that is, a kaiju that is also a mineral.  I took the “strange continuously growing rock” thing in a very different direction, though, as unlike The Monolith Monsters, Yamaneon is actually alive.
- At various points in the pre-writing process, either Promythigor, MechaTyrantis, or both were going to die fighting Pathogen.  I ultimately decided to let them both live, with MechaTyrantis even getting his flesh and blood body back, because I think it’s more interesting and thematically consistent that way.  They get a chance to heal their wounds by changing their ways.
- The Great Beyonder and Dorazor both almost didn’t make the cut, as I felt they didn’t have the same pull as villains that Pathogen, Promythigor, and MechaTyrantis did.  But then I thought that could actually be the gag - build them up as the final boss, only to have Pathogen take their crown.  I want to explore post-face turn Dorazor a bit more, though.  We’ll have to see about that in a later volume.
- Volumes 1 and 2 make up what I call “The Ballad of Tyrantis Arc” for ATOM.  I call it that because Tyrantis’s storyline in these two volumes was patterend after Chivalric ballads like Yvain the Knight of the Lion.  Tyrantis, a heroic warrior who is kind but dumb of ass, learns of strange goings on outside his home and investigates.  During his journey into the unknown he falls in love with a powerful woman, whose favor he tries to win.  Through happenstance he is separated from his love and, distraught, wanders around fighting various foes to prove his worth, before finally returning to his love a better hero.  Invasion from Beyond! could even be seen as a sort of Morte d’Artur, with Tyrantis and a bunch of other kaiju heroes (including Nastadyne and Kemlasulla, who are built up as Hero Kaiju of Another Story) take part in a huge battle that threatens their idealic kingdom (of monsters).
- Volume 2 isn’t the end of ATOM, but it’s designed to work as an ending if you want to tap out here.  As a reader I feel a definitive ending is important, but as a writer I’m always tempted to revisit my beloved characters, so I feel giving closure while leaving a few doors open for possible future adventures is a good compromise between these positions.  There will be more ATOM stories, some (but not all!) following Tyrantis and Dr. Lerna, but if you want to know that Tyrantis and Dr. Lerna get an ending and the resolution to their arcs such a thing promises, here you go.  An ending, if not THE END.
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Omfg thank you for your precious answer you're my favorite tumblr !! I have so many things I'd like to ask you bc you explain so well lol, first of all what do you think of the story of Tony Manero ? Do you think he tells the truth with his story ? Again thank you for your answer love youuuu
Hey again, dear anon! (I’m assuming you’re the one from before) Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m truly happy you're enjoying the blog, and that it is engaging enough to make you want to ask questions. I’m more than happy to try my best at answering them because I learn a lot in the research for these posts too!
For context, Tony Manero was a Brooklyn singer/dancer (who claims to be the inspiration for the main character in 1977′s Saturday Night Fever, though no movie-related source mentions it).
He comes up frequently in Beatles’ fandom circles as a “key witness” in the ongoing case of John Lennon’s sexuality. His testimony appears in Geoffrey Giuliano’s Glass Onion (1999), where he is interviewed on his encounter with John Lennon on the streets of New York City, on May 1974:
New York, Summer 1992
Question: Tell me your story about meeting John Lennon.
Tony Manero: It was back in May of 1974. I saw three guys walking down the block. John was always my idol. I went up to him and said, "I know a lot of people hassle you, but I just want to thank you for your music. I've enjoyed you and you've helped me through a lot of emotional times." Outside Jimmy's Bar in Greenwich Village he said, "Why don't you come inside for a drink?"
Question: Who else was with him?
Tony: Harry Nilsson was also there. After we ordered drinks, John switched seats to be next to me. He said to me, "Are you gay?" When I told him I wasn't, he looked really disappointed. He could have been joking, but he wasn't. My initial reaction was fear. And yet I wouldn't leave because it was John Lennon. I said to him, "No, man. I don't go that way." "Are you sure?" he said, "Look, I'll take you to Hollywood." John was calling me "the pretty one." He told me, "You're the prettiest chick I've seen all day." He said, "You look like a pretty little Indian or Arab chick," because of my color skin. I remember Harry was borrowing one hundred bills from him.
Question: Then what happened?
Tony: At one stage I went out, and when I came back he was talking to this woman and he said "She said, 'I thought he was Paul, meaning McCartney.'" So John turns around and says, "No, he's prettier than Pauly. He's got a nicer mouth than Pauly. Pauly's got a small mouth." Then he turned to me and said, "Let's go get some chicks." This man was giving me a dream to pay millions for. I hung out with him. John almost admitted his gay tendencies. He put his arm around me. He said, "It feels good to hold someone. You know what I mean?" Prior to that he said, "There's nothing wrong with being gay. Two people exchanging feelings is not wrong. Did you ever try it?" People were following us. We were wasted and he put his arm around one girl and said "Suck my cock." He stuck his tongue down her throat. We were loaded. Somebody stole the hat right off his head! He was so nice. I remember we had a hamburger. Later we went to his hotel rooms, 1608, -9, and -10. There was Harry's bedroom, John's, and a living room with a keyboard. He gave me a guitar, but it was later stolen. He propositioned me in the street. Hassled me if I'd ever made love to a male. "Will you give me head, man?" he asked. But I wouldn't do it. "Come on, Tony, why won't you give me head?" We went back to his hotel and he propositioned me again. After John died I wished I'd done it. He tried to kiss me. He put his arm around me. He was making moves on me like a guy would make on a woman. We were on the couch and we lay down. I said, "Wow, maybe I should have." I never asked him if he'd had sex with a man, but it was obvious to me he had. I was at the hotel for a few days. But he never bothered me in the middle of the night. He never attempted it again. There were feelings and looks. He was very loving, like when a guy is very lonely. The man was bisexual - there is no two ways about it. He was feeling me out.
Question: What do you say to people who might not believe your story?
Tony: John did come on to me. He did try to make love to me. He asked me to perform a lewd act - that's the truth. The man was bisexual - there's no two ways about it. Any of his fans who can't dig that, I'm sorry, because if you listen to his music, sensitivity and experiencing is what it's all about.*Tony Manero was the inspiration behind the seventies film Saturday Night Fever and a successful New York businessman.
— in Geoffrey Giuliano’s Glass Onion: The Beatles In Their Own Words (1999), part Seven: Friends (pages 315-317).
Concerning Manero’s recollections, some familiar elements pop up.
There is "It feels good to hold someone. You know what I mean?" which seems to echo Paul’s recollections of his last hug with John, where the latter commented, “It’s good to touch.” It is a classical example of John craving physical affection.
"There's nothing wrong with being gay. Two people exchanging feelings is not wrong. Did you ever try it?" reminded me immediately of the poem John submitted for Len Richmond and Gary Noguera's Gay Liberation Handbook, on 30 May 1972.
Why make it sad to be gay?
Doing your thing is O.K.
Our bodies our own
So leave us alone
Go play with yourself - today.
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Also, there are his comparisons to Paul, "No, he's prettier than Pauly. He's got a nicer mouth than Pauly. Pauly's got a small mouth." 
First, there’s the use of the adjective pretty, which he’s used for Paul before:
I remember we were going down to the studio [...] and there was a great crowd pressing against the car. John was sitting in the back and he said, “Push Paul out first. He’s the prettiest.”
—Victor Spinetti, in the documentary You Can’t Do That! The Making of ‘A Hard Day’s Night’ (1995).
Also, there’s “that Paulie business” (note that’s it’s Paulie, not Pauly; and John will object if you use it, especially in a condescending way!).
Moreover, to me, the whole exchange strikes the same tongue-in-cheek tone as this late 1975 interview:
John: Yes, all your best friends let you know what's going on. I was trying to put it 'round that I was gay, you know-- I thought that would throw them off... dancing at all the gay clubs in Los Angeles, flirting with the boys... but it never got off the ground.
Q: I think I've only heard that lately about Paul.
John: Oh, I've had him, he's no good. [Laughter]
— John Lennon, interviewed by Lisa Robinson for Hit Parader: A conversation with John Lennon (December 1975).
John had already insinuated his relationship with Paul in a similar way in this humorous self-interview:
Q. Have you ever fucked a guy?
A. Not yet, I thought I’d save it til I was 40, life begins at 40 you know, tho I never noticed it.
Q. It is trendy to be bisexual and you’re usually ‘keeping up with the Jones’, haven’t you ever… there was talk about you and PAUL…
A. Oh, I thought it was about me and Brian Epstein… anyway, I’m saving all the juice for my own version of THE REAL FAB FOUR BEATLES STORY etc.. etc..
Q. It seems like you’re saving quite a lot for when you’re 40...
A. Yes, there might be nothing better to do, tho I don’t believe it.
— John Lennon, interview conducted by/on John Lennon, and/or Dr Winston O’boogie, for Andy Warhol’s Interview Magazine (November 1974).
I introduce all of this because if there’s one thing I at first found odd in Manero’s account, it was John’s forwardness. John doesn’t strike me as a guy to openly proposition another man. Was he really just super keen on it? Was he getting liquid courage from all the substances? Was he trying to get those rumours off the ground? A mix of all three? 
But perhaps it’s wrong to look at 1974 as just a normal year. 
Lennon’s Lost Weekend was the time of his life where we can see him be the most publicly vocal about his curiosity. He was open about being open. 
And striking friendships with gay musicians like Elton John probably gave him someone who he could talk to, or at least explore the world of gay bars with. Whatever gets you through the night, it’s alright, after all. 
One of those “dancing at all the gay clubs” episodes has been recounted by musician and music producer Mark Hudson. In a “weird but beautiful” moment, John urged the group to join him on the dancefloor, when The Three Degrees’ ‘When Will I See You Again’ came playing through the speakers and he exclaimed, “I love this song!” 
Because it’s always informative to pay close attention to the songs that were resonating with them at any particular time, I’ll provide the lyrics to ‘When Will I See You Again’ (released in the US on September 1974):
Precious moments
When will I see you again
When will we share precious moments
Will I have to wait forever
Will I have to suffer
And cry the whole night through?
When will I see you again
When will our hearts beat together?
Are we in love or just friends?
Is this my beginning
Or is this the end?
When will I see you again?
May Pang reports in her book, Loving John (1983), that after she and John left LA to go back to NY — where, after some time at The Pierre hotel, they moved to small penthouse apartment on East Fifty-second Street, around July 1974 —  the McCartney’s had paid them a visit.
John would spend the next two months recording Walls And Bridges, before releasing it on 26 September 1974. It included tracks such as the aforementioned ‘Whatever Gets You Through The Night’, ‘#9 Dream’ and also the beautiful ‘Bless You’:
Bless you wherever you are
Windswept child on a shootin' star
Restless spirits depart
Still we're deep in each other's hearts
Some people say it's over
Now that we spread our wings
But we know better, darlin'
The hollow ringIs only last year's echo, oh-oh
Bless you whoever you are
Holding her now, be warm and kind-hearted
And remember though love is strange
Now and forever our love will remain
As a song, I think it's the best piece of work on the album, although I worked harder on some of the other tracks. In retrospect, that seems to be the best track, to me.
— John Lennon, interviewed after the release of the album, cited in John Blaney’s John Lennon: Listen to This Book (2005).
(I’m sorry, I got sidetracked by their love for one another...)
But getting back to Manero’s story, you asked me if I think it is the truth or not. And honestly, there’s really no way to be completely certain of the veracity of these accounts. Having said that, I don’t really see this story as the scandalous, explosive news it is often made out to be. Not because I think it might be untrue, necessarily, but because I personally feel like John’s interests in homosexuality come through in his own words, as we’ve seen in the previous post.
For me, it seems clear that there was an attraction there. Now, an even more interesting question, I feel, is how much of that attraction was about the physicality of the male body; how much was about the contact with one’s softer, more sensitive side, not allowed in the classic moulds of toxic masculinity; and how much of it was seeking sexual contact as a way to epitomize emotional intimacy? 
And with the complexity of human beings, it is fair and likely that there were little bits of all three elements involved. But perhaps, it’s best to continue that line of thought in another post...
But what do you guys think? I'd really like to hear your thoughts on the subject!
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noroger · 5 years
Can you write a lil story with 22 and 25 with the Beatles? Maybe you are American and meet the boys and they all fall for you? You could add whatever you’d like :))) Thanks! ❤️🥰
22. “that’s it, i’m marrying you”
25. “come back here you little shit”
Thank you for your request love,, i really hope this is okay for you:)
Being in liverpool was fantastic, you had only been here for 2 days and you had already settled in quite nicely.
You were currently situated on the grass under a tree of a park you wandered to when you went exploring a little, the wind blew softly and the sun was shining brightly.
You sat under the tree with your sketch book which had all your current ideas in. Your new idea consisted of a gold fabric jacket with flower patches on it.
As you zoned out of your surroundings you came more focused on your detailing work.
You almost didn’t notice the brown haired boy who had found himself a seat beside you on the grass, until you heard a voice speak up which startled you.
“Hello there love” The accented voice spoke.
When you flicked your eyes over you noticed a man squinting his eyes from the sun to look at you as a cheeky smile was placed on his face.
“Hello” Another voice spoke from your opposite side from where the other boy was, there sat another man with the same hair and accent but a slimmer face.
“Oh um hi” You shifted a bit as you felt both their eyes on you.
“Ahh an beautiful American, didn’t think i’d seen you before” The first one spoke.
“What ya got there” The second one asked as he peered over your shoulder and when he couldn’t see it properly he took it from your hands.
“Oi George give that back!” Another voice spoke which made your eyes widen, how many of these boys with the same haircut and accent was there.
But the demand of giving it back didn’t go to well with the man who had took your sketch book as he took off with it telling the other man to come get it.
“I’m terribly sorry about this madam, im Paul” The first one who was originally beside you spoke has he held out his hand which you slowly slotted yours in place to fit his, you were still a bit baffled at what was even happening.
“The one who’s just took off with your book is George, the one who’s running after him- oop never mind, the one who just fell over is John and” The man who introduced himself as Paul stopped to look around with a confused gaze as he scanned the area.
“Ahh there he is, the big man on the seesaw is Ringo” He pointed off into the park at the man who was currently sat at seesaw that was far too small for him.
“It’s nice to meet you, i’m Y/N” you smiled at the nice gentleman which he returned.
A loud yell of pain interrupted your conversation which made Paul roll his eyes.
“Excuse me a moment please” he spoke as he got up and walked away.
You saw the the men he said was George and John, John had George in a headlock as he scrambled to get free from Johns hold with your sketch book still in his grasp, you hoped it didn’t have many damage or grass stains on it.
“Lads! Stop acting like fools and come meet the nice lady” Paul smacked John over the head and ripped George from his hold. “And give me that” he took your book.
“Ringo! Let the child have the swing!”
One by one they all joined Paul and started to walk your way once again.
“Hello again i’m Geor-“
“Already told her”
“Sorry about this idiot taking your book” John spoke has Paul handed it back to you which made you breath out in relief that it was unharmed.
They all sat down at the grass beside you with crossed legs as they all looked at you with bright expressions.
“What brings you to liverpool then?” Paul questioned which made the other boys squint in confusion not knowing that you were American.
“I’m looking for new inspiration, i’m a fashion designer” you answered.
“Think you could design something for us?”
“I don’t think that would be very difficult seeing as you all are wearing black suits” you giggled quietly which made all their hearts swell with the beautiful sound.
“That is very true” John laughed as he slid his glasses back up the bridge of his nose.
“How about we all go get some ice cream, George’s treat from stealing your book” Ringo spoke which made George groan in annoyance for having it pinned on him, he didn’t mean to make a bad impression on you he just wanted to annoy John.
You nodded in agreement and Paul held out his hand to help you up which you grabbed it and thanked him.
You all made your way into the ice cream parlour and all of your eyes searched over the flavours to choose from.
“Hello sir could i please have a vanilla cone please, oh and with a flake!” George spoke to the man.
“Vanilla. how boring” John mocked him which led to another bicker which made you roll your eyes in amusement.
“Oh yeah and what flavour are you getting huh?”
“Strawberry obviously” John spoke as pushed pasted George to tell the man his order.
“That’s still boring John” Ringo copied his actions by ordering a Chocolate cone.
“You all are boring, all of your orders are plain” Paul said. “I’ll have mint chocolate chip please sir and what about you my love?” he asked you.
“Yeah let Y/N decide which flavour is the best!” John crossed in arms and glared at the other guys.
You laughed at how silly they all were and gave your order of a vanilla cone.
“That’s it, i’m marrying you” George rushed out with a big smug smirk and cocked his eyebrow at all the other boys as you sided with him on the best flavour
After you guys had ordered your ice cream you sat on the benches outside of the blue shop and spoke for what seemed like hours, about their band which you faultily hadn’t actually recognised, and about your plans for staying here.
You told them that you should probably start heading back to your place since the sun was starting to get lower and you had a moving van coming to your apartment early in the morning to deliver all your belongings.
You said that you’d love to meet them again and hopefully see them perform which made then happy that even though their first impressions weren’t the best, they still scored.
“Could I have your number then love?”George winked
“Yeah me too-“
“She obviously only wants to talk to me-“
“I was the one who suggested the idea-“
“How about I write it down on one piece of paper that way you can all have it, i don’t see it making sense writing it down four different times” You interrupted their bickering with an amused tone in your voice.
You took a piece of paper from your sketch book and wrote your number down on it and outstretched your hand for one of the boys to claim it.
“Give me that-“ George exclaimed as John took the paper and tired to stash it in his pocket for himself.
“Come back here you little shit!” Paul exclaimed as Ringo snached the paper quickly and ran off with the number they had all been bickering about letting out a big laugh as he did so.
The boys were something else you shook your head with a laugh as they all took off after the boy, all yelling their goodbyes.
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crockettmarcel · 4 years
Call the Midwife Thoughts 9x02
Vi!!!! he’s just touched it don’t make him put it back!!!!
Lucille having the only brain cell
Also I love how much time she spends in Val’s room... she loves her girlfriend
is someone stealing their milk I-
oh that woman is Yellow. her poor liver
Fred standing by the memorial omg
damn someone please give Trixie a cigarette
I am: in love with Val
she left the child??
“you’ve grown a whole half an inch” damn no one ever says that to me #5footlife 🤘🏼😔
“he’s my third favourite beatle”
I like to think that Phyllis has that face because she’s jealous that she’s not the one going on the date w Miss Higgins
Val has such nice eyes!!!!
“put the kettle on” okay Val we get it you’re English :)
wow! two girlfriends going to visit the man that neither of them love because they’re actually in love with each other
damn this is really messed up
Val’s dressed like a TfL seat and I’m living for it
there’s no way that woman’s as young as 58 omg
“I remember that mascara” oh dang my mum’s Old old
everyone’s struggling with lent omg
“I think those who struggle with temptation are far more interesting” okay then trixie
can dr turner not see how yellow she is
I know I say this every episode but Val is just so kind and sweet and I love her
“the whites of her eyes have gone yellow” yeah and the rest of her face has been yellow since the beginning of the episode does no one else have eyes
pretty sure this girl’s a pathological liar...
Trixie’s hair!!! her whole outfit!!!
Val in that stripy sweater!!!!
bitches be lesbians (I’m bitches)
fruitcake sucks but I must say that sneaking down for cake in the middle of the night is a mood
this feels like an episode of house with Laverne’s mum
his prognosis was far from encouraging?? :((
they can’t kill sergeant woolf :(
he knows what it is!!
blood letting?? let’s get some leeches in this bitch
damn I wish I had a relationship like that with my mum
Tina reminds me of a girl who used to bully me in school
Sister Frances is baby
Kew or Richmond??? damn that’s near me
I think they should go for a romantic walk in Kew Gardens
yes I’m choosing to ignore the fact that he’s very sick
AH! so he’s breaking up with Miss Higgins and she’s going to be heartbroken and go crying to Phyllis and then they fall in love :)
why does every husband on call the midwife look exactly the same. I swear Laverne’s mans has been in like 100 episodes
Miss Higgins’ flowers have bloomed :)
“I was expecting a cafe... or a tearoom” my mum said the same
the lesbian undertones here *chefs kiss*
goddamn it Tina
how has it taken this long for anyone to notice she’s gone
oh she left out the back
ectopic pregnancy!! I don’t think we’ve had one of those on here before
u know what,, good for Tina for doing what’s best for her kids
sister mj: when I was a novice...
my dad: I think that was when Jesus had just gone back to heaven
I like Trixie’s belt
also!!! sister julienne’s growth!!! bc I remember back when the contraceptive pill was first introduced and she was super against it,, and now she recognises its use and I think that’s good of her
Vi got a card from Reggie!!
Patrick burnt the toast,, nice job pal
it’s the thought that counts I guess
Nurse Crane and Miss Higgins are on a first name basis!!! next episode they’ll be married :)
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uribo-in-space · 4 years
Star Trek TOS First Time Viewing  Reaction - S2E2: Who Mourns for Adonais?
DISCLAIMER: I have seen some TNG and Voyager when I was a child and later the AOS movies as a teenager. I felt quarantine time was the right moment to begin the ambitious project “Star Trek marathon 2020/(2021?20??)”, meaning I’m going to watch all of Star Trek starting with TOS finishing with Disco (or maybe we have Strange New Worlds by the time I catch up haha). I started TOS last month and I AM LIVING. IT’S AWESOME and sparks so much joy. I decided I could just write up my thoughts as I am viewing it for the first time as a memory of the experience, not knowing most episodes at all. So, there we go.
Spoilers obviously - just in case somebody else is 50 years late like me, haha.
Opening scene: Scotty flirts with a female lieutenant on the bridge. So far so cute. What about the dialogue from Bones and Kirk accompanying this scene though?
MCCOY: I'm not sure I like that, Jim. KIRK: Why, Bones? Scotty's a good man. MCCOY: And he thinks he's the right man for her, but I'm not sure she thinks he's the right man. On the other hand, she's a woman. All woman. One day she'll find the right man and off she'll go, out of the service. KIRK: I like to think of it not so much losing an officer as gaining SCOTT: Come along. (He and Carolyn enter the turbolift.) KIRK: Actually, I'm losing an officer.
like - what? I had to rewatch this scene to fully understand what they’re saying. I think it’s interesting that, despite TOS being like 50 years old now, I find it easy to forget we’re actually in the 60s/70s when binge watching. Watching it now is sometimes a weird meta experience as you tend to overlook elements that were considered super futuristic in the 60s but are perfectly normal now, so that you actually miss some FUTURISTIC elements because you’re living those aspects of FUTURE already. Yes, of course women quitting their jobs after marriage still happens, but it is not considered a “rule” or “natural order of events” anymore, and is (talking from a western perspective) more of a choice and you would not assume this happening automatically. Especially if you produced an utopian sci-fi series today, that concept would probably not be included. Anyway, it’s pretty interesting that female Starfleet members seem to drop out of service after marriage and it is not considered something a captain or anyone can do something about in the future (I mean, apparently the men still continue their service? I only have divorced Bones for reference so far though). Anyway, TLDR, I am not judging the 60s relics as they are a product of their time, I think they are rather an interesting addition to the viewing experience in 2020, considering the writers did think this concept would persist in the far future. Back to the episode.
I love that Chekov casually assumes he has hallucinations - like bro do you have reasons to believe that and what did you do in your free time
This hand really kills me. I also could not believe what I am seeing but I love it
Spock stating he is not offended because you need emotions to be offended - interesting, Spock, so what happened when Kirk pulled a yo mama joke on you in that Paradise Hippie Love Romance Pollen episode (man that was a gem of an episode)
Chekov has one of the most HILARIOUS lines in that episode (next to having one of the most hilarious hairstyles, his hairstyle looks like an interesting over the top take on the Beatles haircut and his head looks so much like a mushroom I feel like he has a side job in Mario Kart):
APOLLO: Search your most distant memories, those of the thousands of years past, and I am there. Your fathers knew me, and your father's fathers. I am Apollo.
CHEKOV: And I am the tsar of all the Russias.
KIRK: Mister Chekov.
CHEKOV: I'm sorry, Captain. I never met a god before.
Chekov be sassy to gods
I can’t let this haircut go, as it got me thinking: Is there a hairdresser on the Enterprise?
That’s a thing to explore
What gossip that person might hear sign me up
So, the guy really is the God Apollo huh
Costume note 1: That toga Apollo wears is SO SMALL like - “SIR nice to meet you but you’re REVEALING THINGS please sit with more modesty OR - NO NOT LIKE THAT”
Costume note 1, addition: Nice to see the ratio of revealing costumes of men & women wearing sexy revealing clothing in this episode is very equal
Apollo really has a worshipping kink huh
But as a Greek god you probably have that
Also where ARE the other gods? Like he just casually says they are all gone... “with the wind” but... why? Did they suffer from worship withdrawal like he does now?
Also: I really LOVE the concept they introduced that the Ancient Greek gods were just a bunch of space travellers visiting Earth who decided to chill there for a while and be all powerful and worshipped. But as Kirk says in the end they were a huge factor for mankind to move to the Golden Age, which is a cool thought.
Seriously what a fun premise? I would watch that as a series. Hera, Artemis, Zeus, Apollo etc. all chilling on their ship and having fights and romances and space adventures on strange planets. I imagine them being a really chaotic and high-maintenance bunch though
Thinking about it, Apollo said he was a demi-god with a human mother (if I understood that correctly) so basically he was born on Earth and never saw (what I assumed is) their home planet until he was an adult and they returned (why did they return?)? But the Enterprise crew defeats him by finding out his “god powers” are actually originating from the temple structure on the planet, so does that work long distance then?? Like they could access their home planet powers from far away...? And not the powers themselves are passed down by genes but rather the access to it? Or is it that they need worship to thrive (like that’s why it worked on Earth and they just need a temple?) Questions over questions. Love the concept overall.
Kirk, Scotty and Chekov talking about energy patterns and science and how to defeat Apollo (also Chekov you’re such a smart boy! and he says he is only 22 in this episode awwW and the others are looking at him like - wow a child is with us) and Bones just randomly... grabs a bowl of fruit, holds it a bit and puts it aside - as I saw no note for that in the script I think it was improvised by Kelley... but why? Like was somebody from the staff whispering last minute “oh no that bowl is ruining the shot take it away subtly if you can”? It really startled me but it’s kinda funny.
Chekovs hair is even more FLUFFY and voluminous in this scene like did they bring the Enterprise’s hairdresser with them? (It’s cute)
CHEKOV: Perhaps if I assisted. KIRK: How old are you? CHEKOV: Twenty two, sir. KIRK: Then I'd better handle it.
Also I like protective Scotty in this episode. I think it is one of the first times he really gets some character development and proper screen time
Kirk being choked by Apollo is on the thin line of really intense acting and passing into Shatners school of overacting but - it works so I am giving a thumbs up for very INTENSE acting
Lieutenant Carolyn is kind of a weak character and is pretty much the embodiment of a 60s ideal of a woman but HELL she is beautiful
Costume Note 3: I actually like the cut of her costume, it is an imaginative take on the toga and also sexy - I was surprised they aired it like that tbh - like from one side it looks like she is topless really
Costume Note 3 addition: but then HOW did they fix it? Like she’s not wearing any kind of bra and the fabric is not attached to anything so I guess they glued it to her skin in a lot of places huh - also there is a scene with a storm and a strong wind where I feel the way she tries to protect and cover herself is not just acting but really an attempt by the actress to catch her costume from flying away and not trusting the glue the costume people used
I don’t want to imagine how many wardrobe malfunctions she had with that costume and how many times she stood there topless in front of everyone so... idk
I guess same goes for Apollos costume lol so fair
On a more positive note on the portrayal of women is Uhura’s role here. Her in that mechanics uniform building a bypass circuit in that crammed space under her console (she still has her full hairdo which gets all squished oh NO and the hairdresser is down on the planet fixing Chekovs mushroom!) - you go girl
UHURA: Mister Spock, I haven't done anything like this in years. If it isn't done just right, I could blow the entire communications system. It's very delicate work, sir.
SPOCK: I can think no one better equipped to handle it, Miss Uhura. Please proceed.
Thumbs up for the supporting Spock.
Also I love every time Spock takes over the Bridge. It’s so cool.
So that’s all! Overall a campy episode at first look but I was pleasantly surprised by the concept of the Greek Gods being space travellers etc. Thumbs up for that giant hand too (pun intended). I like to imagine that like with episodes that play in a middle-age setting they just had a set from another movie lying around and thought - how can we make this a strange planet - but that’s really part of the charme of it for me.
This was a long text huh.
BONUS QUOTE (or rather BONES QUOTE?) - as it was my favorite:
MCCOY: To coin a phrase, fascinating. 
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tagged by @foxmagpie (💖)
Rules: Put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that come up. then tag 10 others to do the same!
So...I don’t really have a “music library” as much as I have...10 billion music stations I listen to. So I’ve randomly clicked on each station to see what pops up first on Pandora (I have recognized approximately 1% of the music you all have been listing on this)
Black Swan - BTS (I discovered them like...a month ago and I am OBSESSED. I also just really like listening to a lot of music in languages other than English. 10/10)
La Camisa Negra - Juanes (First introduced in high school Spanish. I’ve loved him ever since. 9/10)
Can I - Alina Baraz & Galamitias (This song is one of those vibey, chill songs that I listen to when I’m in the mood to relax. 7/10)
Take Me to Church - Hozier (This man’s voice SENDS ME. He could say literally anything and I would melt. 10/10)
Cosmic Love - Florence + The Machine (This song isn’t my fave from this album (go listen to Lungs RIGHT. NOW. If you haven’t). I usually skip it, but sometimes I’m in the mood for the harp and the drums. 5/10)
Tearin’ Up My Heart - NSYNC (I am a child of the 90s, okay! If I didn’t have at LEAST ONE boyband on this list, I would be ashamed of myself. While I love this song for the nostalgia, it’s normally when I’m in a goofy dance mood that I really enjoy it. 7/10)
Thriller - Michael Jackson (It’s a cult classic. If you don’t get up and JAM to this song, I don’t know how to help you. 9/10)
Black Balloon - Goo Goo Dolls (Again, child of the 90s. I STILL love this band, even though this song is no longer my fave of theirs. “Name” is probably my all time fave from them. 8/10)
Chambermaid Swing - Pavlov Stellar (A band my husband introduced me to, that I didn’t even remember I had on here. So....meh? 3/10)
We Can Work It Out - The Beatles (I love all types of music, and a lot of the time growing up I would lament I was born in the wrong decade because I LOVE 60s and 70s music. This is an oldie but goodie for me that stands the test of time. 9/10)
Tagging @blainesebastian because I’m so curious to see what your music taste is like!
Also tagging @johnisntevendead, @kylorenvevo, @hereliesbethboland because I don’t think I’ve seen y’all do it yet, but anyone else who wants to do it, consider yourself tagged by me!!
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queensdivas · 4 years
Family Christmas!
Alright Alright! Just got done watching 6 Underground and Jesus so many shorts and fics are coming. But of course after the requests and update on the great mazzello are updated. But doesn’t mean I can’t start the outline!!!
Thank you @not-john-watsons-blog​ for this request cause I thought it was super cute and just in time for the season!!!!! 
If you’d like to request something please do so and if you want to be tagged let me know!!!!
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday this year!!!!! 
@leah-halliwell92​ @mexifangorl​ @i-live-for-queen​ @its-funny-til-its-not​ @brianmydear​ @bonafiderocketqueen​ @filmslutt​ @queenwouldyourathers​ @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels​
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The House of Christmas
By G.K. Chesterton
This world is wild as an old wives' tale,
And strange the plain things are,
The earth is enough and the air is enough
For our wonder and our war;
But our rest is as far as the fire-drake swings
And our peace is put in impossible things
Where clashed and thundered unthinkable wings
Round an incredible star.
To an open house in the evening
Home shall men come,
To an older place than Eden
And a taller town than Rome.
To the end of the way of the wandering star,
To the things that cannot be and that are,
To the place where God was homeless
And all men are at home.
Do I regret our elopement? No. Never in a million years do I regret our elopment in Blyth during his tour up around there. But I regret not being able to sit down to meet the rest of his family besides his mother. According to what I’ve seen in his photo albums. He’s got a bunch of aunts and uncles because his family is known for ummm. A lot misfire is exactly what I think is the right word for it. Now one of his Christmas presents I’ve unveiling tomorrow would be considered a misfire to most but to me I’m extremely excited. 
Our three hour drive was coming to an end as we reached his home just right outside Leicester England for some big Christmas Eve tradition that’s been breaking since he started with Queen. Which was three years ago so not only am I meeting most of his family for the first time, and not being around for three years, we’re kind of screwed! 
I rubbed my eyes a little as I sat up in the car to see John was tapping his hands on the steering wheel at the light. Gosh, it was only a three hour drive yet I felt like I’ve been asleep for about two weeks! 
“Well good morning sleeping beauty.” John had his cheeky smile on as I looked over at him to then pull down the visor to make sure I didn’t look like absolute shit. We’re good! 
“Sorry I fell asleep. The car was toasty and you know that listening to really jazzy Christmas piano always makes me relax.” Going into my purse to apply a fresh layer of lipstick. 
“Relax Iris. You look absolutely beautiful.” 
“Yeah well I’ve never had to meet a family before with us being married already so you can understand my nervousness!” Growing up in an orphanage then not being adopted can cause a little different mentality. But no sob story! It’s family time! 
“Iris. They’re going to love you no matter because you’re the only women who has stuck by my side longer than most. Like c’mon you already survived a tour schedule like mine so I knew you don’t plan on making a run for the hills.” 
“That you’re aware of Deaks.” Smirking at him as we turned into the driveway of the house to see a bunch more cars were all lined up. Before we even climbed out of the car he leaned over to cup my face to start leaving kisses all over my lips then trying to make his way down my neck. Going to be honest we haven’t done the deed since I found out because I’ve been getting cold feet, not sure why. 
“John I don’t want to smell like sex meeting your mother.” I pried him off me with a little disappointment groan coming from him. He’ll know tonight and hopefully he’ll understand especially after the idea how I’ll be unveiling this idea. I got John pair of baby shoes, and his mother a cute onsie that says “Grandma’s spoiled angel”. Thought it would be appropriate and hopefully if things go well tonight they’ll enjoy the surprise. 
We climbed out of the car as we heard the house was blasting with Christmas music, laughter, and even the sound of popping champagne bottles. What kind of parties does this family enjoy throwing for the holidays? He grabbed the box of gifts as I wrapped my scarf around my neck as we began approaching the house. Before we walked inside I stopped in front of him as I grabbed the box from him, putting it down on the ground then giving him one long kiss. 
“I love you John. I know I’ve been acting a little funny these past few weeks. I promise it’s nothing you done because you couldn’t do anything. Except when you accidently dropped the coffee machine right next to my feet.” 
“For the hundreth time Iris it was a complete accident!” I always remind him that because seeing him so angry just makes me giggle! I cupped his face again for a quick peck as we saw the light coming from the house. 
“HEY! YOU TWO LOVEBIRDS GET IN HERE!” A women screamed as we let go of each other to then begin our journey into the world of what most people say a family hell hole. Never experienced one of these before so get ready Iris, a cultural shock is about to happen. 
We walked inside the house to see everyone condensed into the living room, children running all around the place, and what looked like an old man sleeping soundly on the recliner. How is that even possible. 
The whole room went dead silent as every single person looked directly at John and I with our layers of coats making us look stuffed. I gulped as I began unzipping my coat till a little girl came running down the stairs. 
“UNCLE JOHN!” She screamed as she wrapped herself around his leg. 
“My goodness Aurora you have grown!” He laughed as an elderly women came out of the kitchen in a minnie mouse apron. She starred down John as she came marching out of the kitchen, even the child walked away from John. Is she his mother? I’ve always been told (by Chrissy) that if a mother doesn’t approve of their chosen girlfriend then it’s game over oh my god! 
She stood directly infront of John as we both looked at her in absolute fear from the fact she might pounce at us! I light wrapped hands around his arm just incase I have to use him as a human shield to protect our child. Sorry John I love you but this baby is a whole lot more important and I know you’d do the exact same thing for me. 
“John. You’ve gotten much skinner.” Ya know what no! If I can carry a baby in my body for nine months then I can handle any mother come at me! Okay! Here we go! 
“Mrs. Deacon. I’m Iris. I’ve heard such wonderful things about you.” Coming from behind John to hold my hand up to her ready to shake it. She looked directly into my soul as she manuvered herself infront of me with a facial expression I couldn’t even read. She gripped my hand then placed her other one ontop of it. Is his when the mother pile drives you into the floor!? Oh dear God she’s going to kick my ass!
“It’s very lovely to meet you Iris. Please come and get acquainted with everyone. And please call me mom because Mrs. Deacon makes me feel so old.” She began walking me through the living room to see everyone making room for his mother and I to sit down. Looking back at John as he just stood there with his bag of presents in complete utter shock. 
“So Iris. I’ll try to quickly introduce everyone before I have to back to into the kitchen to make sure dinner isn’t burned to a crisp. Sitting on the reclriner is great grandfather Phillip. To the left of you is who you would consider your cousin Jessabell and her husband Thomas. They’ve got their children running around here somewhere by the names of Ezekiel, Nathaniel, and Esther. And then to your left is great aunt Piper and great uncle Samuel. Now their children are Booker, Sam, Tara, and then their youngest being Natalie. I’d tell you more but I have to get back into the kitchen.” Trying to remember all these names makes me feel drunk I can’t even drink a glass of wine to help me with this whole meet and greet. God is it weird I kind of need John to bring some sort of easiness at the moment. 
“It’s lovely to meet you all.” I squirmed out of my coat for John to grab it and place it behind the couch. He then sat down next to me as I grabbed his hand as he began smiling and greeting the aunts and cousins. 
“Wheres your family Iris?” I believe Aunt Piper asked if I remember correctly. 
“I umm. Never really had a family till I met your nephew..er if that’s the right word.” They leaned forward in their chairs so eager to listen. 
“Let me guess. It was one of those situations where you rebelled from your parents because of them not liking the beatles.” They laughed as my grip around John's hand went a little tighter. I know this stuff still shouldn't bother me but there’s a reason why I don’t enjoy talking about my past because I sadly don’t have one. But at the same time when I do have to meet family and they these kinds of things, I just enjoy coming directly at their necks with this line. 
“Well I wouldn’t know teenage rebellion since I never had parents.” With the biggest smile on my face as they sunk back into their chairs as I believe Aurora brought us two cups of water. She climbed up on top of Johns lap. 
“Are you my new Aunt?” She asked as I gave her a small nod. 
“Yes. I plan on being the coolest Aunt you’ve ever had in your life!” Grabbing her from Johns lap to put her on mine. I bounced her on my legs a little as she was laughing her little head off. 
“Dinner is ready!” His mother yelled from the kitchen as she darted off my lap into the kitchen. Everyone went into the kitchen as I sat on the couch with my thumbs going in small circles. I’m still extremely nervous and the fact that ham is now the main course and me being pregnant is making me nauseous. And trying to hide this from John is just the greatest idea I ever had in my existence! 
“Feeling better?” Nodding as the smell of that ham slithered its way into the living room and around my nose. My stomach twisted in every possible way but I took in a deep breath to try to hold it back. 
“Iris. Is there something you’re not telling 
“Are you two planning on joining us or run off?” I think that was one of his uncles came into the room as we got up from the couch to walk in. 
I sat down next to his mother as everyone began passing around the serving bowls of mashed potatoes, cranberry, ya know the usual Christmas meal. The rolls were placed infront of me as I grabbed one then the ham appeared before me. Oh boy. I bit the inside of my cheeks to grab one thing of meat and passed it along. Just keep it down! Crap I can’t even have wine to help with the whole stomach thing! 
“So John. How’d you find Iris?” The green beans were next as I scooped some onto my plate as John swallowed his roll he had in his mouth. I think they’ll enjoy our little meet and greet story yet I somehow find it a little embarrasing still. 
“I was out with the boys one night with a few of our first performances. She was at the bar with her friends and I noticed her from the stage. When we got done I started talking to her and well.” My cheeks were beginning to turn red from what was going to come next. 
“This guy came up and was trying to tell me that he already had eyes on her from the other side of the bar.. She punched him in the face when he tried to take my seat.” My hnads covered my face as all the eyes landed on me in complete embarrasment. He kept trying to take his seat what was I supposed to do? Just John get pushed around? Dear God. 
“You punched someone?” His great aunt asked as I slowly nodded my head. I promise I don’t believe violence isn’t the answer for everything. But he was literally going to throw John from his seat and I couldn’t just let that happen! 
“Awesome!” I moved my hands away from my face to see everyone nodding and then his uncle clapping at what I did. Phew. 
“So Iris. What do you do for a living?” His mother asked me as I ripped off a piece of my roll. 
“I’m an art teacher at St. Gerard in Basingstoke.” I began diving into the green beans as the rest of the table began chit chatting. 
“You know something Iris. It’s been quite sometime since I’ve seen John so bubbly and happy. Not sure if he’s told you that his father died when he was young, and when it happened he changed. Became a brand new person who was afraid to get too close to people. But now to see him here playing with his cousins, it’s really wonderful to see him smile. Enough about that depressing matter, you’re an art teacher?” I nodded as I leaned forward to watch John laughing with the cousin that I don’t think I’ve put a name to a face. 
“Yes. At first I just wanted to be an artist for most of my life, but found teaching much more fun.” 
“I used to be an artist. Maybe after dinner we can swap some sketches.” She smiled which made my heart feel all warm. 
“I would love that.”
The rest of the dinner was getting to know his family, turns out John wanted to be a race car driver as a kid, had a very large interest in all kinds of flowers, and threw his cat down the stairs to see if it would land on all fours. It worked of course because that cat lived on to hate John for the rest of his life. While they were telling me this, I could tell John was completely embarrased but I still found it absolutely hilarious. 
“Now John was a lovely child of course, but also extremely sassy which he got from his father more than me. I assume you know about his sassiness?” His mother turned to me as I smirked on his face. 
“Of course. Our first date was to see MASH and when the ticket person asked if he needed two tickets. He straight up told him. “Oh my god you can see her? I thought she was just a figmant of my imagination.” Then did that stupid cheeky smile and the guy almost wouldn’t let us in.” John nodded as his mother chuckled a little as I finished the last of my Christmas pudding on my plate. 
“Alright I say it’s time for presents!” 
We sat down in the living room where himself and his mother sat down with me on the couch as everyone grabbed their gifts. They all began putting their gifts in the middle of the room but no name much be attached, consider it a secret santa yet John and I had no idea. That tends to happen when you’re busy with music and being a primary school teacher. None the less were about to be a very busy family. 
The little girl began passing out presents to everyone as she was eager to open hers and even everyone elses. She placed Johns in his lap as he was eager to open his since his curiosity was going absolutely wild. I was given a small box that even got me a little curious as well because truth be told i wasn’t expecting to get anything from anyone. 
“We want you to open yours first Iris.” His mother told me as everyone was starring at me again. I ripped apart the wrapping paper apart to see it was a jewlrey box which kept me in even more suspense. 
“Even though you just became apart of the family with the rest of us, we’re glad you became apart of it. We thought John was going to grow old alone.” It was a beautiful cameo necklace with a dark gold chain, the pendent was a dark blue with a white marble cut out of a woman on it. I was almost brought to tears as no one in my life has ever given me anything like this before. 
“You..you..you’re going to make me cry.” I laughed a little as I got it out of the box to hold it up. 
“John. Should’ve told me you’re family was going to make me cry.” I laughed as he helped me to clip it as I kept looking down at it. 
“Alright let’s keep going! By the way. I’m cousin Booker from Exeter.” He crawled infront of me as he passed John his gift as he recognized the wrapping paper from our little apartment. The rest of the presents were passed out to everyone as John was in complete curiosity of why giving him the present now instead of on Christmas. His mother had the same wrapping paper as well as I sat there waiting for them to open it. 
We finally made it over to John who was eager to open his box. He tore the wrapping paper to shreds immediatly as I kept my smile at bay as much as I could. He’s not expecting this and I know damn well the rest of the lot isn’t as well! Please find the little shoes adorable please find the shoes absolutely adorable!
He opened the box as confusion waved over him as he picked up the little white baby shoes. Looking at me. Back at the shoes. TO me..the shoes..to me..the shoes! C’mon John I know you’re smart! The shoes dropped as the rest of the room waited for him to say it or for it to finally click! 
“We’re..you..we..” It looked as if he was going to pass out right infront of us till he pratically threw himself ontop of me as everyone began freaking out. 
“I’m going to be a dad!” He smiled as I moved the hair out of his face as cousin Booker pratically pild ontop of us. 
“Now do I get to be the cool uncle or what?” Wait what? That..that’s not how that works..at least that’s not how I think it works. Oh well! 
“Wait get off don’t squish the baby!” John barked as we looked over to see grandma holding up the onsie in front of her. 
“It says Grandma’s spoiled Angel!” Mother cried as I managed to get John off me to see her just starring at it. 
“Hope you enjoy being a grandma!” I told her as she put the onsie on her lap to give me a very big hug!  Her only son to have her first grandchild has completely made the fact that him and I didn’t have a true wedding has been completely forgotten! Phew. 
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okietrish · 5 years
Darling. Chapter 1.
This is chapter one of a fic I’ve been messing around with lately. I’m obsessed with it already and have many MANY ideas and theories in mind for how this could go. I’m proud of this. Please enjoy and LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK.
I love you all, thank you for you kindness and support.
Please enjoy.
Your morning started out with the usual blasting alarm sending you quickly into the normal routine. You know the drill, it begins with an exasperated groan, then you get up and get dressed, makeup, hair, the usual “simplistic but kinda trying” look. After you’re finished, undoubtedly rushing after procrastinating on the internet for far too long, you get picked up and head to your interview of the day to talk about your new single and what you have in store. The fact that this is normal now, mind boggling, but normal... Extremely new, but this is what your life has become. Writing music, playing music, talking about music, and you get paid to do it! The thought alone brings butterflies into your stomach. This is all you’ve wanted for so long.
The drive to the radio studio was simple, an iced coffee was placed in your hands to perk you up; the sheer excitement coursing through your veins was enough for you to get going, but turning down a coffee is sacrilegious, so you accepted the caffeine kick with a smile. You were giddy, to put simply, there’s no other way to describe it. 
Being guided through places like this, a very professional environment in the center of the music world, was always fascinating. The walls were lined with pictures of rock legend after rock legend, you couldn’t help but gawk as you walked by. The people you idolized staring down at you judging as to why you’re walking the same walls as they once did, intimidating. They most likely have sat where you are about to sit. Your ass will be where many rock god’s asses have sat before. Giggling aloud at the thought caused a few people in front of you to turn around with a questioning look. You shrugged it off and continued to appreciate the intimidating place around you, trying to forget how crazy you seemed for giggling at the walls...
The room you were placed in was set up with two large desks pressed against each other creating a giant table in the middle of the room. Chairs were littered among the many sides, microphones stretched out like tree limbs, one landing right in front of the seat you were instructed to sit in. The large, two monitor computer faced away from you. The walls were lined with sound buffering fixtures and small trinkets and decorations. You only felt at home in this room. An apparent ease washed over the room as James, the man who was interviewing you, walked in and greeted you and the room of people. 
James, a kind man much older than yourself, most likely in his mid 60’s, was a rock fanatic who was well listened to across the country. A man well respected all around; his opinion was impressionable. Without any hesitation James eased right into the interview by welcoming the listeners and introducing you with passion and a shocking amount of energy for 8am.
“Good morning Los Angeles! You’re listening to 98.5; a rock station for old ears.Today we have an up and coming artist, one of my personal favorites in the scene right now. She has a single out now called “Exposition of a Lonely Man,” which we will listen to in a little bit. It’s a psychedelic vibe, sounds as if Janis Joplin and Stevie Nicks had a love child and it produced a song. This is the wonderful and very talented Y/N Y/L/N. Good morning Y/N, how are you feeling today?”
“Morning James! I’m feeling wonderful, you’re throwing me some very kind compliments plus I’ve got a coffee, so I can’t complain much.” You couldn’t help but smile at the realization of what’s going on. As you leaned into the microphone more you discovered the faint smell of lavender filling the room, it was naturally calming.
“Coffee is the key to my heart! Now Y/N you’re fairly new in the public eye, so let’s get some background info. You have a sound to your voice that is, well, seemingly archaic these days, and yet you’re only 20 years old, what influenced that?” James looked at you kindly, evident in how much he loved his job and took pride in his skills. His smile brought a sincerity to the conversation, like you were talking to an old friend, confiding in a loved one.
“Being completely honest, and I’m slightly ashamed to say it, I grew up listening to bubble gum, pop 40’s junk...” James’ jaw physically dropped in shock.
“What?! How does that make any sense?” He laughed as he spoke. Conversation was seemingly effortless for him. You noticed he picked a good career.
“I know, I know. And I loved it too...” You laughed along. “I can pinpoint the exact time where my love for ‘good’ music blossomed. I was 12, in the car with my dad when he finally got fed up with my pop B.S. He demanded to have the aux cord. I complained, but quickly shut up when he played this long, chaotic song that I was having a hard time keeping up with. I remember thinking ‘how does he know all of these words?! This is insane!’ That song ended up Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen!” You laughed at the memory, how seemingly ridiculous it sounds to not know anything about rock music, specifically the arguably most well known song in history. You took a deep breath before watching James intently as he laughed.
“That’s amazing! So did you both just start listening to old music? How did it develop after that?” James was obviously intrigued by the odd beginnings of your life. You continued with a nostalgic smile.
“It became our thing, ya know? Every time we got in the car he would play different artists ranging from Queen, The Beatles, Sinatra, The Temptations, he even had a crush on miss Etta James! We would play this game, he would play a song and I had to guess who was singing, then we would switch and he would have to guess. My dad was a lovely man who had a passion for music and the history of rock and roll. He didn’t play any instruments, but he sang at the top of his lungs with passion and love. My musical ear began because of him. I owe a lot to him.” 
The smile you showed was genuine, though the memories of your dad still ripped a whole in your heart. No matter how much time has past, losing him was the worst thing to have ever happened to you; two years felt like it lasted a lifetime, but only five minutes at the same time. He was the most important person in your life, your confidant. Life without him was normal now, human beings are creatures of inept adaptation skills, so you got use to it. It’s bizarre to think about, but it’s how life works.
You continued talking to James about your double EP that was going to be released in a week’s time. You spoke with passion and electricity while describing your life’s work and the meaning behind it all. The fire within you was enchanting. Music was the reason you lived. It is everything you do, everything you think, you’re even convinced your breathing pattern has a good rhythm to it.
Interviews were some of your favorite part of the whole music industry ordeal. Getting to discuss your dictations, other artists you adore, and being able to just sit for a few minutes and sit in the success you’ve made for yourself was always a breath of relief. 
Signing off of the interview, you said goodbye to the listeners and to Jame’s as well, quickly followed by a genuine goodbye off the record.
“Y/N thank you so much for coming in, you’re a kind soul. You’re not just honest in your music, you were so open with everything. You’ll make it far kid, no doubt.” James gave you a quick hug. He reminded you of Santa Claus a bit, his rosy cheeks were quite the contrast to his stark white hair and stubble. What an adorable old rock enthusiast.
“Thank you, that means so much. And thank you for having me, It was so much fun!” You spoke with him for a few more moments before getting called away by your manager Chelsea. With a final goodbye you found yourself walking quickly through the maze of hallways once again. The rock legends staring at you from the walls seemed to have a softer look to them now, perhaps they welcomed you into their exclusive club of wretched rock history shenanigans after your interview. You smiled at the thought of being a rock star, but just singing was enough for you. The idea of actually having music out there in the world, having an effect on other people’s lives, it made you nauseous in the most exhilarating way.  
Pulling you out of your thoughts, a fresh iced coffee was placed in your hands as Chelsea began her daily speech. 
“Okay Y/N we have one more interview across town in about 2 hours and then you’re done for the day. I know you’re friend Matt is throwing a party tonight, just please be careful and mind what you post.” 
You stared at her as you sat down into the backseat of a black Ford Explorer, shocked by the lack of expectations coming from the trusting New Yorker sliding in next you you.
“Mind what I post? What do you think I’m going to do Chels? Get on his kitchen counter and flash the room?” You snorted a laugh at the idea. Quickly cut off by Chelsea snapped her head in your direction giving you a wide eyed look? 
“Really? Like that is so unlike you?” She laughed as she continued to glare at you. Your cheeks perked up as you smile seemed to take up your entire face.
“You’re right, sounds like something I would do...” The cackling from the backseat was uncontrollable now. Chelsea was 27, a little older than you, but much more like a sister than anything else. She was kind, knowledgeable, but most importantly didn’t put up with your bullshit. It was a lovely friendship.
Chelsea took a deep breath before beginning again as the car began to drive through the streets of L.A.  “Also, I have a phone meeting tonight with potential tour options for you.” She smiled proudly at your shocked look. “And before you even ask, I’m keeping it to myself for now. It’s a late meeting due to time zones, but I’ll call you as soon as I can if I hear anything worth sharing.” You stuck your pinky out for her to grab, an undeniable childish way to stick to your word, but it was a habit you couldn’t break. 
Chelsea grabbed your pinky smiling at your confusing nature. An old essence of life radiated from you; an old soul was the basic way to describe your mantra, but it was far more complex than that. You carried yourself with strife that was disassociated with people your age, but at the same time you did things like make pinky promises in the backseat of a car while sitting with your legs crossed and having the childish smile plastered on your face. The balance between innocence and spirituality was enticing.
Matt’s party was in full swing. All of your friends were here, the four of them sticking to one corner in the massive house, your small circle stagnant is the chaos. Nonetheless, the house was full. Alcohol was flying into shot glasses, people forgetting their lives for a few hours, apparently forgetting their limitations as well. 
You were feeling good, properly drunk, but still very much in control. Music was blasting through the speakers, though muted by all the noise coming from the mass crowd of young adults. A few hours had passed since you first arrived. Matt was sprinting around like a mad man attempting to keep some sort of organization in this madhouse. He was a loud guy who loved everyone, a perfect host for a memorable party, or a black out party depending on what road you chose for the night! 
You were sitting on your Jack and Dr. Pepper combo while talking with your friend Em when you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. You quickly glanced down at the name, trying not to be rude to Em while she told you all about the girl she is talking to and apparently in love with. When Chelsea’s name showed up you had to excuse yourself.
“Em I’m so sorry! This is my manager and I have to take it. Excuse me.” Em smiled at you and gestured that it was fine. You began to quickly move through the crowd, bumping into what seemed like every single person; maybe you were drunker than you thought. After moments of being lost in the forest of tall college boys you finally made it outside. It was quiet in the backyard, a few people gathered around a fire, but nothing too distracting, so you accepted the call.
“Chelsea! What’s up bitch!” You screamed into the phone while pulling some surfer/LA local accent. A giggle suppressed from the other end of the call.
“Jesus Christ Y/N. Sounds like your having a good time!” There wasn’t any judgement in her voice, only amusement.
“Of course darling, I know how to party. Anyways, what’s up? Why are you calling at...” you pulled the phone away from your ear to check the time, “...1:00 AM? Woah! How is it one already?! That’s crazy.” You trailed off immediately forgetting what you were even going on about. Chelsea caught on to your drifting mind. 
“Okay. Y/N. I have good news. You know the band Greta Van Fleet?”
You scoffed at her question, suddenly becoming extremely sassy, “Do I know about Greta Van Fleet... psshhhhh.” You continued to babble, your New York accent coming out in your quick words. “Girl I talk to you about them all the time! We stan Greta in this house bitch. Iconic legends with that good hair... Becky with the good hair... WATERMELON!” 
“Fucking hell Y/N stop babbling!” She snapped at you, obviously suppressing her laughs at this, or at least what was suppose to be, business call.
“My bad. Okay, but Chels why are you asking me about Greta right now? Did you call to fangirl?” Genuine confusion flooded your mind as you began walking along the side of Matt’s pool. It was nice out, a cool brisk breeze was cooling down your Alcohol induced heat.
“Y/N I just got off the phone with their management...” she drifted off towards the end, waiting for you to cue in.
“Okay, how was that?” You asked, more confused than before. You slurped the end of your drink, obnoxiously shifting the ice around at the bottom in attempts to get every last drop.
“Fucks sake. You’re going on tour Y/N. Greta wants you to open for them for 2 months. If it works out well, then they will sign you for longer.” She was yelling into the phone at this point.
A numb feeling rushed through your body quicker than anything you’ve ever experienced. The red cup previously holding your liquid crutch was discarded to the ground, forgotten about completely. You began pacing even quicker, grabbing your hair in attempts to ground out self in some way.
“Jesus Christ.... oh fuck. ARE YOU SERIOUS?!” You were shouting now too, distracting the people around the fire from the joint they were passing around.
“Yes. Completely serious. You’re going on tour with Greta Van Fleet!” She screeched into the phone, obviously excited about the whole ordeal as well.
“Chelsea they are a real rock band! They have the stage lights and the tight jeans and the screaming fans and mysterious ways about them! How am I suppose... how did I... WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW?!” You were shifting your feet back and forth, some sort of happy dance naturally possessing your limbs.
“Y/N I love you, alright? I’m so beyond proud of you. I’ll talk to you more about this tomorrow Okay? I just wanted to tell you tonight. Have a safe night, call me when you wake up?” You smiled even wider at her words.
“Alright. Okay. Ummm thank you? Thank you for this. This is amazing. Absolutely sick. I’ll call you in the morning! Jesus Christ... Okay. I love you, bye!”
To say you were a bumbling mess was an understatement. The news you waited for arrived. A tour, you were going on fucking tour! A tour with a band you idolized and admired. Your shock faded a bit as pride took over. Music was the one thing in life that you made for yourself, an industry you ventured into alone after your dad’s death. You did this. 
You shoved your phone back into your back pocket, picked up your discarded solo cup, and sprinted into the house. Slamming the sliding glass door drawing attention to yourself by both your friends and the strangers scattered around the room. There was a quick pause in conversation as all eyes turned to you.
You took a deep breath before making eye contact with Matt from across the room, a look of concern present on his face. You broke out into a giant grin before shouting at the top of your lungs.
“I’M GOING ON TOUR BITCHES!!!” Matt looked at you in shock and began sprinting towards you. Your other friends escaped from the corner of the room and ran as well. Matt grabbed you by the waist, picking you up and pulling you into a death grip of a hug. Everyone cheers surrounded you. Friends, strangers, some folks who just walked into the party and had no idea what the hell was going on, they all cheered and poured some drinks. Any excuse to drink right? Except this was the start of something insane. 
You looked around at everyone who were still buzzing with energy. The bottle of Jack Daniels was passed to you. Taking a giant swig from the bottle, you lifted it into the air and screamed out in a mix of excitement, terror, nervousness, but mostly happiness. You’re life was changing, you felt the shift in the air during the rest of the night. This is it. The rest of your life is beginning.
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Thank you for reading! I appreciate and love all of you!
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glitterdreamsz · 5 years
Scandalous (part 3)
Roger x Reader
Summary: Reader is an emerging actress who met Roger at a premiere of one of her movies. They immediately clicked and now they have been in a relationship for almost a year. There’s only one big problem: the reader isn’t the only woman in Roger’s life. In fact he is married and has a child. That makes them keep  their relationship a secret to the world. In the series I imagined Roger to be 32 years old while the reader would be 27. A/N: Aaand it’s finally here. I would define this chapter transitory as nothing tooo major happened. You have to wait the next two chapters and I will give you A LOT OF ANGST. English isn’t my first language so I’m sorry for any mistake. Hope you like it and don’t be afraid to let me know what you think!Have a nice day xx Oh! And if you want to cry while reading it I suggest you to listen to Say Something by A Great Big World, Save Me by Queen and Homesick by Dua Lipa (you can also find them in the series playlist) Warnings: a little of angs, a little of fluff Words: 2,1k+
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“I guess someone needs some drinks here” Freddie appeared behind you and you jump lightly, scared by his voice which took you away from your thoughts about Roger. “I don’t know Fred, I’m not in the mood.” You mumbled reaching for your bag. “Come on darling, you have to celebrate, we both have to.” He grinned  “Freddie, not today, I’d rather do it tomorrow.” “Well” the singer said picking his stuff “You have to drive me home anyway, I came here with Roger and you just made him go away” he pretended to be offended by your previous decision which made you chuckle. “Come on diva, let’s get you home.” You already knew what was in Freddie’s mind, he wanted to talk, he wanted you to talk. He was a great friend to you and you knew he only wanted to help, but talking about your situation with Roger was the last thing you wanted to do for the rest of the night. That’s why as soon as you got in the car you put your Beatles cassette on and turned up the volume as A Hard Day’s Night came out from the speakers. You were humming the song and tapping your fingers on the wheel “So, are you going to talk?” there he was, you pretended to not hear what he was saying due to the loud music in the vehicle “You know” Freddie said turning down the song volume “For being an actress you are pretty shit at lying in real life.”
“Freddie, what do you want me to say?” You sighed and stopped at the red light. “I don’t know, maybe how things are working with you and Roger? Where are you guys?” “I guess it’s pretty clear to everyone where we are, after what happened today we have the proof that maybe I will only be a secret lover for him. I don’t know Fred.” You turned to look at him “I feel like our relationship came to the finish line”. And that was the first time you left Freddie Mercury without a word to say. Once the light turned green again you started to drive again, The Beatles singing to the notes of I Should Have Known Better, what a coincidence for such a moment. You could have stayed silent but you decided that once you started it you could as well finish it. “I don’t know, I feel like we will never have a normal relationship. I don’t want to be a secret but I guess that this is all I will ever get from him.” “(Y/N), he’s a married man, what were you expecting? You knew from the first moment that you slept with him what you were going through.” Freddie’s frankness almost brought tears to your eyes. But after all he was right, you knew it since the beginning and his words were what you told yourself everyday. “You introduced me to Roger, it’s also your fault if I’m this shit situation” you chuckled trying to ease the moment. “Oh no darling, don’t try to use that card.” “(Y/N), I think I never introduced to Roger” Freddie said as his arm laid around your waist. You went to see a Queen concert as your friend Freddie asked you to attend one since you both were in the same town. The blonde drummer smirked as he got closer to you and Freddie. “No Freddie, you kept her all to yourself” he said “I’m Roger” he introduced himself holding his hand out. “(Y/N)” you replied shaking his hand. In that moment Freddie waved to a person who was distant from you “I will come back soon, I’ll leave you two here.” But before leaving he turned around looking at you “Be careful (Y/N), Roger does bite.” “What should that mean?” You asked  chuckling while looking at the drummer. “Oh, I have no idea” But both of you knew what Freddie meant. Roger was well known for his reputation with women, even his marriage didn’t stop his bad habit of flirting with girls after a concert and then eventually bring them in his hotel room. What you both didn’t knew was that it wouldn’t have been a one night stand, it wouldn’t have been a fling. After that night Roger would have kept calling you every night, asking if you were free, if he could see you, if you would go to see his concert. Then he would come to see you on set, making sure that no one would see him he sneak on your trailer. “I was bored and thought that a quick shag wouldn’t be a bad idea”. What you both didn’t know was that you would have end up falling for each other.
As you walked down the hallway of your flat complex you could recognize the figure of a blonde man sat on the floor right in front of your door, his back against it. You sighed recognizing Roger. “Roger-” you said taking the keys of your flat from your bag, but before you could continue he stopped you. He knew you were about to tell him that you wanted him to go to his family, so he just said “We argued.” It took you a minute to get who the “we” was referred to and then you understood, it was him and his wife. Hearing him talk about his problem with his wife was really the last thing you wanted to do in that hell of a day, but how could you tell no to him? So, after opening the door you gestured for him to walk inside. “Do you want to talk about it?” You asked taking off your coat and putting it on the hanger, Roger mimicked you “She didn’t believe you were only Freddie’s friend, she kept saying that you came there with me.” You nodded walking to the couch and sat down, you wanted to be sure that you had something to hold you for the conversation you were about to have. “I kept telling her that it wasn’t true, that you were there only for Freddie and nothing more but she continued stating that I was lying. So i stormed out of the house” he stopped for a few seconds to see your reaction but you said nothing. “I told her I would have spent the night at Brian’s.” But he wasn’t at Brian’s house, he was there with you, he would have spent the night, again, at your place. Roger moved to the couch and sat down. “I couldn’t tell her the truth.” You nodded, again, that was killing him, he kept talking just to see a reaction from you. Your silence was the worst feeling, were you giving up on him? “It wasn’t the right way to tell her the truth, not while arguing.” His fingers reached for your hand which was laying on your leg, he needed you to do something, even just playing with his fingers, an usual habit of yours, you did it any time your hands brushed against each other. But nothing, you just nodded once more. “I couldn’t end my marriage in that way, you understand right?” “I do” you said softly, those words sent vibrations throughout Roger’s body, finally you were speaking, yes, they were only two words but they were enough for him. He moved closer towards you laying his head on your shoulder, your hands started to play with his hair and Roger smiled kissing softly your neck. “But I will eventually do it, I will tell her about us.” The blonde man looked up at you. “You know it, right?” he needed confirmations from you. You looked down at him, your fingers playing with the locks of hair that touched the back of his neck “I know” But you knew he wouldn’t do it, he was about to leave for the tour and stay away for two months. His wife would have stayed at home and he surely wouldn’t tell her that he was having an affair with another woman the day before leaving for a tour. You were pretty sure he wouldn’t do it even after that he would have been back. “You’re still coming on tour, right?” he asked taking you away from your thoughts. “Of course I am” you looked at him with a reassuring gaze. His hands found your waist pulling you closer and making you sit on his lap. You straddle him to face him, your hands on both sides of his neck “Good, cause I was afraid that after what happened today you might have changed your mind.” You shook your head as your fingertips drew lines on his skin. “I didn’t. You know how long I’ve waited for this tour to come. I want to stay by your side all day and night, you may even get annoyed for how much time I will stay next to you.” You chuckled lightly getting the same reaction from Roger. “I would never get bored of you” His face hid on the crook of your neck as his hands were on your back holding you as close as possible. “I don’t want to lose you” Your heart ached, his voice was trembling. You could hear the fear of losing you in his words and you only wanted to reassure him, tell him that you were going nowhere and that you would stay with him forever, but you knew this wasn’t the truth. As for now you couldn’t promise him that you would stay always by his side. So you just held him against you tightly, your lips against his temple leaving tender kisses. “If you leave me my heart will break in million pieces.” “I won’t leave you” you wanted to say that while looking him in his eyes but you couldn’t, you couldn’t lie while looking at him straight in his blue eyes. How could leave someone who wasn’t even yours? You were both lying down on the couch, facing each others. You were both silent for at least ten minutes, Roger’s arm didn’t leave your waist. Your fingers were tracing his outline, going up from his arm, then his shoulder, his neck, his jawline, his cheek, his forehead, as they traced down his nose he closed his eyes just to open them when he felt your fingertips on his lips. He left sweet  kisses on your fingers and you smiled not looking away from his eyes. “What are you thinking?” Roger asked putting a lock of your hair behind your ear, Your brain kept telling you not to answer his question as you would only end up harmed. But your heart was so light yet filled with love for that man in front of you at the same time, and in that moment you decided to listen to your most irrational organ. “Today, when I saw you with your son...I never saw you in that scenario.” You intertwined your fingers with his “And it made me think if, if we could ever have something like that.” And right there you felt the most stupid person in the planet. Were you really asking Roger if you would ever have children? Were you really talking about babies with your secret lover? “Of course we will love” Roger replied to you, and to him it wasn’t a stupid thought, he was serious and the fact that you were thinking about children with him gave him hope that he wasn’t losing you. “I will give you everything you’ve ever wanted. We will have our own family.”  He didn’t even give you the time to reply that his lips were on yours, a kiss full of love and both of yours and his hands were roaming each other’s bodies. The way he could take your breath away just by small gestures was still inexplicable to you.
You alarmclock advised you that it was time for you to wake up, even though you didn’t have to work you had plenty things to do like packing your stuff for the tour and then you promised Freddie you two would have met, and you knew that would have take your whole afternoon. Still with closed eyes you brought the sheet up to your naked back as you felt a cold shiver down your spine. You stretched your arm to the other side of your bed finding an empty spot. Your eyes opened at this time but, unlike the previous morning, you didn’t looked around the room to find some evidence that Roger were still in your house. You already knew he was gone back to his family.
Taglist: (tell me if i forgot someone) if you want to be tagged write me an ask, comments on the post or dm won’t be considered. sorry, but it’s easier for me in that way @closertothesunwhenimwithyou @thewinchesterchronicles @borhapqueen92 @rogerfxckingtaylor @richiethotzierz @sleepretreat @stephrivno99 @starryoddity @discodeakyy @dccomicnerd-world @whatismylifeman @rxchel1999 ​ @dreamer7black @ziggysstarrdust @yourealegendroger @alien-alibii @nataliekilla101 @killerrogerina @crying-over-bucky @magicwithaknife @llaroztac @cosmiclunas @justonks @fuckinghurricanesoul
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f4nc4stl1fe · 4 years
OSCARS 2020: Parasite Wins Big Including Best Picture
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Parasite shined at the Academy Awards 2020, taking away all that it is nominated for, including Best Picture. Parasite is the first non English film to win a Best Picture award. Parasite’s director Bong Joon Ho also took Best Director and said that he wished he could cut the award in 5 parts and share it with the other 4. Parasite also won Best Foreign Language Film and Best Original Screenplay. 
Meanwhile, Joaquin Phoenix took home the Best Actor award presented by Olivia Colman and shared a moving speech. “I do not feel elevated above any of my fellow nominees because we share the same the love of film and this form of expression has given me the most extraordinary life,” he said. “I don’t know what I’d be without it.”The actor, 45, called out speculation about his past, including that he’s been perceived as difficult to work with.“I’ve been a scoundrel in my life,” he said. “I’ve been cruel at times, hard to work with. Many of you in this room have given me a second chance.”He also spoke in-depth about “the distressing issues we’re facing” including gender, equality, racism, animal rights and environmental issues.“We’ve become very disconnected from the natural world,” he said. “We feel entitled to artificially inseminate a cow and when she gives first we steal the baby and then we take her milk that’s intended for the calf and we put it in our coffee.” (nypost)
Renee Zellweger won best actress (presented by Rami Malek) for portraying singer Judy Garland in the movie Judy. Cynthia Erivo performed Stand Up live on the stage while Elton John played the piano while singing to Rocketman. Elton won an Oscar for best original song (I’m Gonna) Love Me Again presented by Sigourney Weaver, Brie Larson and Gal Gadot, the most unlikely trio which we suddenly all love. Taika Waititi brought home a Best Adapted Screenplay Oscar for JoJo Rabbit presented by Natalie Portman and shoved it under his chair, which Brie Larson posted on social media. Brad Pitt won the Best Supporting Actor for Once Upon A Time in Hollywood and Laura Dern upstaged 4 fellow actresses to win Best Supporting Actress for her role in Marriage Story. Stephen Spielberg presented an In Memoriam tribute to those who died last and this year, including Kobe Bryant, Kirk Douglas and Peter Mayhew, etc. Yesterday by the Beatles was sung by Billie Eilish to remember those who left us forever.
James Corden and Rebel Wilson dressed up as cats (an obvious nod to their movie Cats which was snubbed for Oscars, as was Uncut Gems and many more) to present the awards. Meanwhile, Kristen Wiig and Maya Rudolph sang a musical medley introduced by Lin-Manuel Miranda and Eminem revisited the past 17 years back after he famously won an Oscar for song and he was at home, napping while his child was watching cartoons by performing Lose Yourself in front of millions. This was Billie Eilish’s reaction to the musical medley.
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Avengers star Mark Ruffalo posed with future Marvel star Mahershala Ali at the 2020 Oscars, where Ruffalo presented the Academy Awards for Best Documentary and Best Documentary Short Subject. In Ruffalo's photo shared from the Oscars red carpet, the Hulk actor is posed with Little Women star Timothée Chalamet — who was once on the reported shortlist to play a rebooted Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, a role ultimately won by Tom Holland — and Ali, who starred as Cottonmouth in Netflix's Luke Cage before winning the role of Erik Brooks, a.k.a. vampire hunter Blade, in Marvel Studios' upcoming Blade reboot planned for Phase Five.
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Hildor Guonadottir won Best Score for Joker, Toy Story 4 deservedly won Best Animated Feature, American Factory handmade by the Obamas, won Best Documentary, 1917 won Best Cinematography, Best Visual Effects and Best Sound Mixing and Ford v Ferrari took home Best Film Editing and Best Sound Editing. Jacqueline Durran won Best Costume Design for Little Women, Once Upon A Time won Best Production Design, Hair Love won Best Animated Short Film, The Neighbors’ Window won Live Action Short Film, Bombshell won Best Makeup and Hairstyling and finally, Best Short Documentary went to Learning to Skateboard in a Warzone.
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justkending · 5 years
Knock, Knock. Part 20.
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Chapter Summary: It’s time to meet the parents.
Pairing: (single) Jensen x Reader
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 2211
A/N: Yes, this one is kinda short, but it will get more interesting next chapter! I just need you to get a feel for the family dynamic. Enjoy!
Part 20:
“You guys are going to be staying in Y/N’s old room.” Your mom said, opening your door and gesturing inside.
“Mom, there’s only one bed.” You said, looking in your old room.
“And?” she said crossing her arms in the doorway.
“And…” you said raising an eyebrow and turning your eyes toward Jensen without moving your head.
“You know what? I’ll take the futon in the office.” You turned to Jensen, “You can have my room-“
“I sold the futon.” Your mom said cutting you off.
“What? Why?” you turned back to her.
“It was tacky, and was taking up space.” She shrugged.
“Don’t ‘mom’ me missy. This is the only bed we have available. Your sisters twin bed is too small for two people, so you can’t sleep with her, and Charlie and them are staying over tonight in his old room because their heater isn’t working. You guys can share a bed, it’s not that big of a deal.” she said turning to walk away before you could fight her on it. “I’m going to get some coffee started.” Once she was down the hall and in the living room she shouted again. “Don’t forget to go get your dad in the shop once your unpacked!”
You let out a loud and long sigh in response. You turned back to your room looking around. It hadn’t changed a bit. You had your built in vanity on the same wall of your bed. It was the first one you made with your dad. Then a table that you had built as well on the wall along side your door, that held your old record player, and some records you left behind. There were posters of world maps, and bands like: The Beatles, Eagles and Rolling stones hug up. Your bed was neatly made, and still had an old quilt that your grandma made when you were younger on top of your comforter.
As you were reminiscing over all your old things, Jensen saw the worry in your eyes.
“Hey, I can sleep on the floor or couch if you want. It’s not that big of a deal.” He said looking down at you.
“What?” you said snapping out of your thoughts. “What? Oh, no. No. I’ll sleep on the couch. I wouldn’t hear the end of it from my mom is she saw you on the couch.”
“It’s fine really-“
“Jay.” You cut him off. “Don’t argue with me, cause we both know who’s going to win the fight.” You smirked. “Besides the couch is pretty comfortable.”
He was kinda hoping that you would just give in and sleep in the bed with him, but he also still didn’t know if you and Cole had actually broken up. He had a theory that you guys had, but you hadn’t told him what went down the other night.
“Ok, as much as I want to fight you on it, I guess I’ll take the bed.” He said going in and putting his bag on the bed.
“Good.” You said with a victory smile, and went to put your bags on the ground at the end of the bed. You sat down on the corner of the bed, and Jensen followed. “I have not been in this room for years it feels like.”
“Really? When’s the last time you came up here?”
“Probably since last Christmas.” You said thinking back.
“Yeah. They tend to come visit me in Austin. They like the city, and love to travel down there so I don’t fight them on it.” You were looking at the table that held your records and jumped up noticing something. “Oh. My. God.” You ran over picking up a yellow vinyl cover with a bow and a note on it.
“What is that?” he said getting up and following you to look over your shoulder.
“It’s the Flash Gordon Album.” You said running a hand down it. You pulled the note off of the cover.
I thought I would get you one early Christmas present so we could listen to it sooner rather than later.
“Awe. Thanks dad.” You said softly.
“Flash Gordon, huh?” Jensen said snapping you out of it.
“Hmm Mmm. It’s kinda an inside joke with my dad. The movie is awful, but we love it anyway. Plus, the whole album is by Queen.” You smiled. “Speaking of my dad we should go check on him.”
Jensen nodded, and you both got situated before heading out to the shop.
He followed close behind as you opened the door, and saw your dad sawing away at something with the giant power saw that was extremely loud.
“Dad!” you yelled knowing he probably wouldn’t hear you. “Dad!”
Still nothing.
Your big chocolate lab came running over, and you crouched to rub her head.
“Belle! Oh my goodness! Look at you girl!” you said giving her a big hug around the neck. “Well, you’ve gotten older haven’t you? Still as gorgeous as ever though.” You said tapping her nose before standing. You looked at Jensen who was grinning at you. “That’s Belle. She’s a sweetheart and also thinks she owns this shop.” You smiled.
He crouched and started rubbing on her which caused her to roll on her back so that he could pet her belly better.
“I’m taking it that she likes me?” he asked smiling up at you.
“Actually yeah! She’s never that relaxed with people she first meets. She’s usually on guard all the time.” You said kinda shocked.
“Monkey? Is that you?” your father asked as he turned off the saw.
“Hey Dad.” You smiled, walking over to him.
“Well come here sweetheart, and give your old man a hug.” He said taking off his headphones and opening his arms.
You rushed over and gave him a long and strong embrace even though he was covered in sawdust.
“I miss you honey!” he said in your ear as he rested his cheek on your head.
“Miss you too dad.” You pulled away with a big grin. “What are you working on now?”
“Oh, the usual. Neighbor down the road wanted some corn hole boards for a Christmas gift, and I’m just now getting ‘em started.” He said back looking at his creation. “Hey, your mom said you were bringing home a boyfriend. Is that right?”
“Um actually-“
Before you could finish your dad looked over you and saw Jensen standing up from where he had been petting Belle.
“Oh. My. God.” He said pushing past you.
“Dad, hey!” you said stumbling out of the way.
“Jensen Ackles.” He said walking up and putting his hands out in shock. “Jensen Ackles is in my shop.” He said going star struck. He turned to you for a split second. “Dean Winchester is in my shop.” he turned back to Jensen.
“Dad, please try to act normal.” You mumbled walking over to him.
“Hello Mr. Y/L/N. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” He said shaking you father’s hand.
“Well, the pleasure is all mine son!” you dad said shaking his hand back.
“Dad-“ you tried cutting in.
“Y/N didn’t tell me she was bringing you!”
“Well, mom was supposed to tell you, but she failed to mention-“
“I’m a big fan of your show Jensen. Lots of good music, stories, mysteries, and OH the car!” he said getting more excited with each thing.
Jensen laughed at the excitement your father was eliciting.
“I’m glad you like it sir. It’s made a big impact on my life, and I wouldn’t change it for a second.” He said looking to you. He wasn’t just talking about the show.
“Oh, I’m sure!” he said finally letting go of Jensen’s hand. “So you’re the one dating my daughter.” He said switching to dad-mode. “I got to say, if anyone is going to be with her, I’m glad it’s Dean Winchester.”
“Dad!” you shouted swatting his arm.
“What?” he said confused at the hit.
“We aren’t dating. Jensen and I just live together.” You said crossing your arms and standing by Jensen’s side.
“Living together? Don’t you think you missed a step?” he said
“Dad we talked about this-“
“If I may,” Jensen said looking at you before looking back at your dad. “Your daughter needed a place to stay when her apartment complex went under, and I just happened to have some spare rooms in my house. I asked her if she wanted to borrow one when Jared and Gen introduced us. We’ve become really great friends since.” he said smiling down at you, and throwing an arm over your shoulder. You returned the smile.
“Oh, I see.” Your dad said nodding his head and taking off his work gloves. “So nothing… romantic-“
“Sorry, just checking! Your mom said boyfriend so…”
“Cole couldn’t come.” You said in a sadder tone. You quickly recovered. “I had an extra ticket, and Jensen was going to be by himself for Christmas so I invited him instead.”
Jensen looked down at you wanting to know the answer behind why Cole couldn’t come. You still had a talk that you needed to finish with him, and he was hoping to hear it soon.
“Well, I’m not complaining!” he said patting Jensen’s shoulder. “While you guys are out here; want to help me cut this last board? It’s too big for one person.”
“Sure.” You said going to the work bench to grab gloves and safety glasses.
“I would love to help sir.” Jensen said following by your dad’s side.
“Please. Call me Wayne.” Your father said patting his shoulder again.
“Wayne.” Jensen repeated. “Got it.”
“Are you guys going to help me or what?” you said shoving the other set of glasses and gloves toward Jensen.
“Sorry, boss.” Jensen said with a sassy smirk.
“She is pretty bossy, isn’t she?” your dad whispered.
“I heard that!” you shouted going to grab a side of the board. “Dad you better hurry too. Mom was the one who sent us out here.”
“Oh shoot. Then we don’t have time to mess around.” Your dad said picking up the pace.
You and Jensen laughed as you helped your dad finish the job.
“Ok, I need someone to explain the nickname Monkey for me?” Jensen said as he walked into the house behind you.
“Oh, that’s-“ you started, but were cut off by your dad.
“She use to use people as human jungle gyms. Was always climbing on everything she could. Me included.” He said going to grab a cup of coffee. “Hey, honey. Did you get that paper done?” he said giving your mom a kiss on the cheek as he sat by her at the kitchen table.
She nodded before continued the story of your nickname.
“Y/N here, was our wild child.” Your mom said giving you a pointed look.
“Still is.” You dad mumbled taking a sip.
“She use to run outside for hours on end just climbing on trees, rocks, in the creeks, you name it. She would invite the neighborhood friends over in the morning, and we wouldn’t see them till supper cause they were running around and constantly finding new places to explore.” She laughed.
You hopped up on the counter taking a seat, and grabbed your coffee as Jensen came and stood by you and looked toward your parents at the table.
“She’s always been an adventurous one. Constantly trying to find new places to discover.” Your dad said winking at you.
“Very true.” You said smiling as you drank your coffee.
“Can’t say I’m surprised.” Jensen said looking at you with a loving look, and leaning on the counter by you, slightly brushing his shoulder on your arm.
You blushed just at his stare, and looked away quickly not wanting it to show.
“So dad!” you yelled. “Why don’t you tell Jensen what you’re building? How you got started on it and all?”
“Oh yeah!” your dad exclaimed.
You knew that if you got him started on that kick it could go on for a while. You just wanted to direct the conversation away from you.
“While you two talk about that, I’m going to go wash the airplane musk, and saw dust off me.” You said hopping down from the counter.
“Yeah, you got some in your hair.” Jensen said ruffling your head as you walked by.
“Hey!” you laughed as you pushed his hand away. “Now, I don’t feel as bad leaving you here with these two.” You motioned to your parents.
“We aren’t that bad!” your mom defended.
“Sure.” You said just loud enough for them to hear you. Your mom swatted your back as you ran past her. “I’ll be back in 20 minutes’ top.” You turned to Jensen just as you were going through the doorway. “Thank you can handle it?” you said with a smirk.
“Get out of here stinker!” he waved you off. “Besides you smell awful.” He teased.
“I do not! You were on the same plane as me, who’s to say it’s not you you’re smelling?” you shouted as you walked away.
You just heard them laughing at you as you walked into the bathroom and started getting undressed for the shower.
Part 21
@shamelesslydean @sleepless-sin @unabashedsoul97 @sandlee44 @gripmetight-raisemefromperdition @cabbagewithissues @supersleepygoat @anotherwaywardsister @spnwoman @ravengirl94 @carryonmywaywardcaptain @ezilyamuzed @thosekidswhohuntmonsters@purpleskiesandcherrypies @anise-d-castle6 @adoptdontshoppets @casper57x @tailsoflightning @spookycowz @eve05glee@snffbeebee @angelessquirrel @mirandaaustin93 @natura1phenomenon @tftumblin @gh0stgurl @screechingartisancashbailiff @kersumgen
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letsdothistom · 5 years
Air Guitar and 85 MPH!
I was going to spend my second “blog” discussing pretentiousness in Santa Fe or New Mexican food and green chile in general.  But since I came up with something a little more fun, I guess I’ll save the talk about ordering water in a bowl and drinking it with a spoon for a different time.  On my drive back to Oklahoma I thought of a topic that always shows its face when I’m on a road trip.   I often forget about it until the next time I’m in the car or just don’t put much thought into it once I’ve opened the car doors and let the dog out to deal with his pent up energy as I unload the car.  Not to mention the obligatory hour I have to spend re-aquainting myself to the cat, who is certain that I have disappeared forever this time.
The topic that came to me is road trip songs.  
I love road trips.  You may think I’m crazy but settling into the driver seat, snacks on the passenger seat,  the basset hound panting in my face, his front feet on the console, anticipating our newest adventure, is the best.  Within a pretty short time, he tends to realize that this is just another day-long roady and roughs up his blanket in the backseat and settles in for the ride. Giving me weird basset hound glances in the mirror.  Not sure if it’s the music or he just wants some pork rinds.
Now these road trips of mine usually arent extravagant or exotic.  Unless you consider driving state highways through Kansas, Oklahoma, Wyoming or any other of the fly-over states I tend to travel as being exotic. (Personally I’d choose these drives over just about any other you could propose to me).  The great thing about these road trips, aside from seeing so many wonderful historically relevant places (as well as plenty of non-relevant places), and feeling a oneness with wide open spaces, is the time you get to yourself to hone your listening skills.  
Those of you that know me, know that I have many preferences when it comes to music.  As Cheech says in Up In Smoke, “we play everything from El Chicano to Santana”.  I love it all.  Some more than others, but I probably have a song or two from every type of playlist or genre that you can think of.  Add to that the fact that if there is a specific location I’m aiming my car to (often there is not), I will jam songs from or about that location.  For instance, while driving the empty roads of New Mexico it will be Ennio Morricone and The Good, The Bad and the Ugly soundtrack.  Wyoming is of course Chris LeDoux country.  On my way to Kansas City to eat BBQ, it’s Joe Williams singing “Kansas City” or Charlie Parker and K.C. Blues.  Memphis is Sister Rosetta Tharpe (you can keep Elvis, I am not a fan.  Yeah, I said it).  West Texas?  Marty Robbins Gunfighter Ballads, of course!  Down south, it’s Big Maybelle, Lightnin’ Hopkins and Muddy Waters.  You get the idea.  It may seem strange but there is something that touches my soul in listening to those songs that are native to an area.  Whether or not I actually do learn anything, it feels as though I have.
With that weird little eccentricity out of the way, let me add that of course there are some staples of any road trip, for me at least.  These are songs, albums and artists that I listen to, to fill in all the  empty spaces of those relatively uneventful miles, musically or otherwise.  Maybe it’s Def Leppard or ACDC or Beyonce or Ariana Grande for you.  For me these are easy.  I can not even begin to guess how many miles have been eaten up by Merle Haggard, or The Count Basie Orchestra.  I am not scared of extreme opposites.  Hundreds upon thousands upon tens of thousands of miles have been chewed up by these two musical groups, and yes, I’m aware that I am probably the only person living who can claim that.
The millennials reading this will have no idea about this next category.  There use to be these things called albums.  Albums were a group of songs, recorded (usually around the same time), and released as a unit to the masses.  These units were sold as vinyl records, cassette tapes, 8-tracks, or CDs.  Those of us a little older can attest that 90 percent of these albums had 2-4 songs that we liked and a bunch of other average or barely tolerable songs that you listened to whether you liked them or not (if you didn’t have control of the radio in the car).  Sometimes, you even grew to enjoy a few of those songs.  On rare occasions though, you found an entire album, yes the whole thing! that you enjoyed.   For all of us oldies, these albums are near and dear to our hearts.  They vary from person to person, but these are a few I can put on and just let them play, enjoying almost every song:  Van Halen-1984, Blood Sweat and Tears-Greatest hits, Nirvana-Nevermind, George Strait-Strait From The Heart, Muddy “Mississippi” Waters-Live, Art Blakey-Moanin’,  U2-Joshua Tree, Miles Davis-Kind of Blue, Steve Miller Band-Greatest Hits 74-78, IceT-Greatest Hits to name a few of my favorites.
All of these categories are important to a good road trip.  You must have a combination of all of them.  Yeah, I know, all of you XM/Sirius users are claiming that you don’t need any of them.  You got genres on every channel, and all you ever need with all those fancy channels.  To those of you in that camp, I say “HOGWASH!”  Why Hogwash?  Well no matter how specific these channels are, or how much you enjoy the carefree toggling between your favorite genres, no road trip is complete without those irreplaceable, epic, nostalgic songs that nearly blow out your speakers and get your ears ringing whenever you choose to rock them.  And how the hell are you supposed to play these favorites 2, 3, 10 times in a row with your XM radio?!  You can’t. So without further palaver, I’m gonna lay my favorites out and would love to hear some of yours.  
Rich’s top 20 Road Trip Jams (if you have any sense, you will build this playlist!-yeah I know it’s not gonna float everyone’s boat but if nothing else, listen to it, you might find some music that you don’t normally dig.)  And for the record, none of these songs ever get bumped off the list, new ones just get added to it occasionally.  As weird as it may be, here is my list:
Honorable Mentions.  These songs get me thinking about all the great road trip songs and my musical wheels start turning.  It’s on when I hear any of these songs.
Runnin on Empty-Jackson Browne, Hello Walls-Faron Young, Blues in Hoss Flat-Count Basie, Night In Tunisia-Ella Fitzgerald, Gimme All Your Love-Alabama Shakes, Miles and Miles of Texas-Asleep at the Wheel, China Grove-Doobie Brothers, Come Down-Anderson Paak, Crosstown Traffic-Jimi Hendrix, El Paso-Marty Robbins, Ida Red-Bob Wills and Sunshine of Your Love-Cream.  Those get me started but here is when it gets real.
20-16  These are like the kindling for me.  Getting the fire lit, and starting my descent into the next hour of driving, without really remembering the road I’ve just driven or the scenes outside the window.  
20)  Suavecito-Malo   Ok, Ok, it wouldn’t seem like a fire starter, but...
19)  Magic Man-Heart This one should get your blood flowing
18)  Keep on Rockin’ Me-Steve Miller The best roady to choose from SMB
17)  Watermelon Man-Herbie Hancock You might not have soul if you don’t love this
16)  When My Train Pulls In- Gary Clark JR Great Long Jam.  incredible guitar riffs
11-15  These are a small step up, adding logs to my fire
15)  Me and Mrs. Jones-Billy Paul So there’s always a song that you love to sing while you are alone in your car, and you think you sing it just as well as the artist
14)  Stairway to Heaven-Led Zeppelin Ok so of course I have it, but this is a really, really great song no matter how many times it is played.
13)  Ev’ryday I have the Blues-Count Basie and Joe Williams The definition of a foot stomper.
12)  Luckenbach, TX-Waylon and Willie One of the best country songs translates to a great road song.
11)  The Story- Brandi Carlisle Not a song liable to be on many lists, road trip or not.  My sister introduced me to this years and years ago and it barely misses the top 10
6-10  Ok, we are really cookin with gas now.  These are legendary roadies in my book.  The dog gives me a look, here we go again.
10)  Rooster-Alice In Chains Gets my grunge on.  I love everything about this song.  Probably one of the biggest contributors to hearing loss in my right ear.
9)   Six Days on the Road-Dave Duncan All those over-the-road truckers can’t be wrong, this is the best of all truckin’ songs.
8)   Tonight The Bottle Let Me Down-Merle Haggard   My favorite country singer and a whole lot of my favorite country music instrument, the steel guitar.  Damn I love this song
7)   Ticket To Ride-Beatles There are tons of Beatles songs to choose from and this isn’t my favorite, but it is my favorite on the road
6)   867-5309-Tommy Tutone This is my favorite 80s song.  And when I hear that guitar riff at the beginning...Jenny, Jenny who can I turn to?
2-5  These are huge, the fire is roaring and I have no concerns as to what is going on at this point.  I’ll be singing, playing drums, air guitar.  The dog has now tried to cover his ears due to the volume.
5)   Jamie’s Cryin-Van Halen Im not sure why, because there are tons of Van Halen songs to choose from, but for whatever reason, this one is my favorite while on the road
4)   North To Alaska-Johnny Horton   Ok, another one you may not expect at all but damn this is a fun song.  I physically can’t help whaling “big nuggets they’re finding” every time!
3)   Pink Houses-John Cougar Mellencamp    Im not a globalist. ‘Murica!!
2)   Sweet Child of Mine-Guns and Roses    This should be on everyones list. Road songs or any other.  Simply one of the best songs ever.  
Number 1!!!
So all the previous songs are great.  I love them all, and many, many more.  This is an elaborate list for me.  If you know me, you know I love lists, and don’t make them without deep thought.  But Ironically, the battle for the top spot isn’t even close.  I LOVE Sweet Child of Mine, and Pink Houses.  I might play them 2 or 3 times in a row, but the battle for number one isn’t much of a battle.  Not because these others arent great but because number one is so unbelievably spectacular in the car.  I can’t help singing to it, playing air guitar, drum solo in my car, volume literally turned up 3 or 4 times during the song, ears ringing and can’t even hear myself singing, and just when you don’t think it could be any better, it gets better!!!  There are times I may play this song 5, 6 times in a row if things are cookin.  I can barely keep the needle under 85 mph! The number one song for the road is:
1)  More Than A Feeling- Boston  I really built it up, and with good reason. Rock ballad, guitar anthem, unbelievable vocals, harmony soft, loud, louder, high, higher, drums...what else can I say?  This is simply the best road trip song ever!!
Ok, that’s it.  Maybe it was anti-climatic for you, but I got jazzed just listing the songs.  I may go take a drive just to hear the playlist!  I’d love to hear everyone else’s playlist that they take on every trip.  Maybe I’m missing some good road trip songs!  
I hope the dog never figures out how to jump out of the car while it’s moving.
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thatswhenyourefrom · 5 years
Cotton teeth - the snake the cross the crown
My freshman year of high school was a highly formative time in finding music. I completely understood what a record label did. Less on day-to-day business type of way and on more of a curation level. I understood that record labels exist as touchstone for a scene or a style of music. You could regularly find new artists by simply going to the website for the record label of a band that you currently like, look at the roster, and bam, you’re full up on new music. Hit one of those band names into Limewire or PureVolume, and you’re rolling. This is exactly the method I used to stumble upon The Snake, The Cross, The Crown.
It was kind of undeniable that in the mid-2000’s, there was a scene that existed that was all about screaming and teens with bangs in their face. [Call it emo, screamo, i don’t care. It’s hyper timely and that scene as a whole is long out of style. But that’s okay. If you like it, enjoy it. It rocks it’s exciting.] Plenty of these bands landed on the same few record labels like Victory and Equal Vision, to name a few. I would scroll through websites and just listen and try to find something that spoke to me. Every once in a while, I’d find something that I liked, but usually it would be more of the same. I was sitting in an echo chamber of the scene. Occasionally there would be a weird signing that would be vastly different than everything else on the label. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t. When I got to the S’s on the Equal Vision page, I found the band with the long name and their song “Empires”. And I was captured.
The song is twangy and dark. I thought it a good skateboarding song for some reason. (I made a skate video for a high school video project and this was the song. Also looking back, this is not at all a good skate song.) The song offered a perfect bridge into the folk music I would learn to like. The singer croons over a guitar that is slow, but carries momentum. Not sad or desperate; just sentimental. (I wish I could speak on this lyrics in the song, but even after a decade of knowing this song, I have no clue what they are or what they are about.)
For a year or two, I kept this single song on my MP3 players (not always iPods in my day). This was another band I was afraid to venture into in the event that the rest of their music was not very good. I was afraid of shattering my perception of something I held so true to myself. This song lasted as such for a long time, until one night I realized i was a glutton for punishment. I went to the band’s PureVolume page and found another song on the page; “The Sun Tells the Moon”. I genuinely stared at the computer screen for minutes contemplating clicking play or not. Finally, i decided to tempt fate, convincing myself that if it was something I didn’t like I would call myself a glutton for punishment. I clicked play and a kick drum started a tempo, and when the singer rolls in with a high pitch, pulled back wail, I knew I had another song to add to my list.
I was in love. “The Sun Tells the Moon” is a much bigger aggressive song than “Empires” but still not angry like one would expect from mid-2000’s Equal Vision band. At this point, I knew I needed more. I’m two for two. Let’s go. So I found more. I tried two songs that are the two most folky songs from the album, “A Brief Intermission” and “On The Threshold of Eternity.” These two songs clicked with me.
“On The Threshold of Eternity” is a great song with Beatles-esque vocals. Constant acoustic guitar strums keep the song going. The song I take to be about standing in the front of existence trying to make sense of “why am I here”. (Personal interpretation) This is a huge concept to bring into a little folk song. “A Brief Intermission” is a much more folky, storytelling song, but a sorrowful one of a family splintering and a son (child) not really understanding what is going on. Beautiful songs that kept me hooked for years.
It’s not a big secret that I am a fan of The Early November and thus, the lead singer Ace Enders. Once upon a time, he went on tour with The Color Fred (Fred mascharino of Taking Back Sunday) and Craig Owns (Chiodos, Cinematic Sunrise, a million other bands). Mike and I went to go to this show at The Pike Room in Pontiac to see Ace Enders and no one else really, but what we did not know was that Enders dropped off the tour right before hitting Michigan. We go to the show, he’s not there, we are bummed. Trying to find th best in a bad situations, the best part of the night was actually that a local band called The Silent Years opening the show, but that’s another story for another time. After the show, broken hearted, we tried to get as much cheap merch as possible. I bought a Color Fred EP on CD and got an Equal Vision sampler from Craig’s table. You know how car rides home from shows go; you look for something to listen to on the way home, so you grab your new merch and put in the sampler. I saw that there was a TSTCTC song on this sampler that I have never heard. A new song. This song changed my life.
In the rough of young people expelling feelings about girls and being a teen, there’s a gem of a folk song on this sampler that starts off with a deep folky voice that goes “Well if both of these horses just lay up and die…” It starts off with voice and an acoustic guitar. It tells you a story. It’s a father. A song about a dying man (possibly from war) who, as he realized death is upon him, is sharing an ethereal experience with this loves and family in understanding his own passing (personal interpretation). The song walks you through this story and is peppered with explosions of full band performance. After the first explosion, we ease back into more story from dad. It heaves and ho’s until it ho’s on a story beat about everyone coming to terms with the passing and then builds into death catching up to the man. At this point, the song crascendoes into a partial repeat of the first verse and a brand new verse crossing and complementing each other in a loud, open, cohesive mass of music. The song is a masterpiece.
There are more to come.
I believed this song fully. I didn’t change any paths to go get this cd, but I always looked for it when I went cd shopping. Not long after hearing that song, I was at FYE at Great Lakes Crossing, back when it was large enough to cut through the middle of the mall. [Side note, this was a heaven. Such a beautiful place for media. Second and Charles is a spiritual successor.] While flipping through the S’s, i saw a whole divider for The Snake The Cross The Crown. This blew my mind enough. Seeing the new CD, “Cotton Teeth”, blew what was left. Literally the only Equal Vision release with that comes with a sticker on the front to tell you to listen if you’re a fan of The Band. Could anyone ever imagine that? Incredible. I remember telling my dad this is the CD i wanted and he looked that the recommendations sticker, and gave out a little chuckle. He is a fan of The Band. (We are a fan of The Band.) I bought the CD and was so excited to listen to it. Pop it in and guess what: all folk.
“Cakewalk” starts the album with some slow guitar plucking and the singer letting out a direct song about wanting to play music forever (keep this in your pocket). “I want to live on a stage. I want to play the guitar. And I wanna get paid.” All of the lyrics. So simple beautiful. The song starts lonesome and grows into a full band performance with a great drum pattern that includes the whole band. This song is to sing along to. The next song “The Great American Smokeout” reminds me of a campfire song. It sings along in such a fun foot-tapping way, but also has it’s own personal progression. Throughout the song, it sets up patterns and changes them up to keep the song exciting. It would still be fulfilling even it just played through, but the dynamics are so enjoyable. Track three, “Gypsy Melodies” is the usual one you show people when you introduce this band. Again, feels like a campfire song or a road song. Take your pick. I heard the song on a rainy day. I was at Mike’s house once and I showed him this song on a rainy day where we were inside playing cards and when I heard the song I thought “this is it; this is how this song is meant to be experience.” The title track continues the folk tradition set by the last songs. Songs about or at least from the perspective of families. This song is much more involved from the full band. Slide guitars and bass right from the beginning of the song, all the way into the finale with guitar solos and the whole lot. An amazing continuation. “Electronic Dream Plant” is not a song I was prepared for.
Track five is a seven minute epic that lands every beat it tries. It starts off with a piano. The singer comes in and softly calls over the keys. Drums and harmonies build the song more. By the second verse, guitars, bass and drums are singing along with the singer. After the second verse, you know this song is going to get huge. A reverb laden guitar solo, cooling you down with the melody of the verse three. The rest of the song builds on what is established and tells the love “I don’t want to go without you so I just wanna go with piece of mind.” Then tells them “Save your sorrow.” The song plays out and gets larger and bigger and maintains beauty. Never abrasive. A masterpiece in my own opinion. (There’s some “na-na-na’s” at the end that tend to remind the listener of The Band’s “The Night They Drove Ol’ Dixie Down.”)
Track six is the aforementioned “Behold the River”. Name another album that has two massive masterpieces in a row. We then go to “Hey Jim”; a darker, guitar rock song. I have no interpretation on what the song is about, but it feels like a night drive through the south. There’s these beautiful glowing keyboard sections. After the first verse, they emanate sound. As per usual, they know how to crescendo. This band knows how to write an amazing melody to repeat and keep on. If this crescendo doesn’t get stuck in your head, you don’t have a head. “Floating In And Out” sounds like it comes from the progressive era of Mander Salis, but also tends to transcend that this album. The song has this incredible section where it stops and starts a new drum pattern that the singer sings over. “Maps” is a fan favorite. This song epitomizes the entire album. Family perspective. Growth into a crescendo. No matter how you look at this song, it’s powerful. This song sounds like less of a story though. It feels like it’s personal. And it cuts the same way. The last song is a song that still dumbfounds me but I never skip it. “Back to the Helicopter” is a noisy experimental finale. But it still feels like the band. It’s like they sucked out all of the beauty and story from the first nine tracks and were left with this Eraserhead-like fetus that was birthed of the band. It has power. Aggression. But it’s a bastard of everything from “Cotton Teeth”. Oddly beautiful.
I bought this CD in 2008. I still hold this CD very close to my heart a decade later. It is one of the few CD’s that stays in my car. The real shame of this album is that it doesn’t know where it belongs. Certainly not with Equal Vision. It belongs with me. But everyone I’ve shared this album with doesn’t feel a thing. I have an intense connection with this entity and I want the world to know but they ignore it. Imagine if it were a person. I am annoyed.
I gave up trying to share it years ago, but instead let it be my friend. I sing with it in the car. I lay down with it. I spend time with it. It’s my imaginary friend.
The band would continue to have one more release in 2009, but not a standard album. A documentary.
In 2009, the band was the subject of a documentary called “On A Carousel of Sound, We Go ‘Round”. The film documents the band on tour (if I recall with mewithoutyou and Manchester Orchestra; an insane tour), playing live songs in different places, and an set of entirely new songs which comprise the album of the same name. [You can see this release as a doc with a soundtrack or a new album with a documentary.] In the documentary the band plays these songs with such emotion and power in such an intimate way. Once you know the songs, you need to see the documentary. The band also speaks out on being where they are in life without ever really making it (again maybe because of the market) and how difficult it is to be touring. I ‘m really left with the sense that there was a bit of defeat from this group. And I do not blame them. I have tried to vouch for them.
Since the release of “On A Carousel of Sound….” the band has gone quiet. They have not released a lick of music or any update since then. They have disappeared. They are ghosts. But what they have left me is a brother. If it is a ghost, they still haunt me and always will. “Cotton Teeth” is baked into me. Without it, I would never have found the love for The Band, Songs: Ohia,Right Away! Great Captain, Townes Van Zant, and many others that I can call folk. I will celebrate this album forever, even if it is only ever me and him celebrating.
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