#this is my bd treat to myself lol
pan-de-queer · 11 months
ngiti mo'y 'di ko na makalimutan (supercorp)
Genre: Philippine AU, Uni AU, Fluff (and sweat)
“I wouldn’t be a very good protestor if I left a damsel in distress now would I?”
“I didn’t know protestors were knights in shining armor now.” Lena quirks a brow, enjoying the way the other woman grins and teases in a way that makes her forget the sweat clinging to places Lena didn’t even know could sweat.
“Well, of course we are! We fight for those in need, have a strong set of morals, and take down bad guys when we can.”
“Well, when you put it that way…”
Or: Lena joins a protest (by accident), Kara joins a protest (on purpose), and they still fall in love.
Author’s Note: since today is a “treat yo’ self” day for me, here’s the supercorp philippines uni au that runs constantly on my mind on loop. tbh i consider this fic pretty rough but i wanted to post something before the day ends! so, here’s a rough glimpse of life in metro manila during 2016! title from Anghel by The Juans (thanks to my babe for picking this!!!). translations for everything (including the title) at the bottom 💕
ngiti mo'y 'di ko na makalimutan
Lena may not be the best at speaking the language just yet, but she knows enough to know that the crowd marching the streets are not happy.
“Makibaka!” The front of the group yelled, signs and flags and fists raised under the humid Philippine heat.
Still, the rest of the crowd replied, “Huwag matakot!”
Lena understands the latter half of the chant, but considering her Filipino tutor didn’t really account for protest chants in her vocabulary, she doesn’t really understand what the entire call-and-response is about.
She can see signs—can hear the current president’s name being thrown around every now and then—but she doesn’t understand much of the local news even when she makes an active effort to watch the morning reports.
Which is a shame, really, because then maybe she’d know how to pass through the sea of protestors (boarding school never prepared her for this). But Lena was nothing if not stubborn as hell, so she squared her shoulders, tightened her grip on her backpack, and tried to weave through the crowd of angry, sweaty people.
Trying is as far as she gets, though.
“Marcos! Duterte! Diktador! Tuta!” the crowd chants around her as she finds herself moving forward with the group instead of through them. No one pays much attention to her other than a quick tilt of the head, but that also means that no one tries to make way for her to get through.
She tries the first phrase her Filipino tutor taught her, but her “tao po” is drowned out by the angry chants and yelling.
She marches for a good five minutes before she finally hears someone speak English.
“Oh, hi!” the girl is tall, tan, and blonde. Absolutely gorgeous and not very Filipino-looking, but Lena knows better by now than to guess someone’s nationality in this country. “Are you part of one of the youth organizations?”
Lena sighs in relief at the pretty friendly face. “No, I’m not a part of any organization. I’m not actually supposed to be at this protest.”
“Ooh, secret protesting? Respect,” the woman nods and Lena feels a little bit like she should just go along with it. The woman’s got broad shoulders and a dazzling smile and Lena’s pretty sure she could spend a whole day watching the way the sweat rolls off this woman’s sculpted arms.
Lena’s also sweaty and hot and all around very confused and uncomfortable.
She thinks she can sacrifice this pretty girl’s respect (and gorgeousness) for the cold comfort of her apartment (maybe).
“I meant, actually, I’m not supposed to be part of any of this? I kind of got swept into the crowd when I was trying to pass through to get to my apartment.”
The woman pauses, brows furrowing into a deep cute crinkle before a lopsided smile twists her lips. “Are you telling me that you’ve been marching along this protest for almost fifteen minutes because you haven’t been able to walk your way out?”
Lena huffs and rolls her eyes before she pauses and lets that sentence play again. Smirking, she asks, “You’ve been watching me for fifteen minutes?”
The somehow blushes despite her cheeks already being red from the heat and she laughs awkwardly, very obviously caught. “I mean—not, like, stalkerishly. I was just—I noticed you. Cause, like, you look new. To this whole protesting thing—which I was right! But not like I thought. So. Not a stalker!”
Lena laughs, endeared and a lot less bothered by the heat when it looks so good on this woman. “I’m teasing, but thanks for the assurance. Now, can you help a girl get out of a protest march?”
The woman taps her chin with a hum. “I don’t know… All this teasing’s made me forget my north from my left.”
Lena does her best not to laugh, valiantly schooling her features to jokingly grumble, “Well, if you can’t help me.”
“Woah there, now hold on,” the woman laughs, smile wide as she shakes her head. “I never said anything like that. I wouldn’t be a very good protestor if I left a damsel in distress now would I?”
“I didn’t know protestors were knights in shining armor now.” Lena quirks a brow, enjoying the way the other woman grins and teases in a way that makes her forget the sweat clinging to places Lena didn’t even know could sweat.
“Well, of course we are! We fight for those in need, have a strong set of morals, and take down bad guys when we can.”
“Well, when you put it that way…”
They share a laugh as they continue to march forward, comfortable despite the angry yelling all around them (Lena doesn’t bring up getting out again. She thinks she can handle a couple more minutes. They couldn’t be marching that far, right?).
“Oh, what’s this protest about anyways?” Lena asks after another few minutes have passed with the woman joining in the chants every now and then.
“Oh! You don’t—okay, so, like, how much Philippine history do you know?”
“Little to none.” She answers honestly. She’s read one textbook and a half to prepare herself for the move and that was about it.
“Right, okay, so, we're protesting Marcos's burial in, uh, the National Cemetery for Heroes. Normally, that’s the cemetery for, like, military veterans and national heroes and such, but Marcos—yeesh. He’s like, a Grade-A dickhead. Ever heard of Ferdinand Marcos?”
Lena shakes her head—no. At least, not that she remembers. The name sounds familiar, at least.
“Ferdinand Marcos is the country's ex-president that declared martial law, plundered the country into horrible debt that’s still being paid off today, and then was banned from ever returning to the country."
“Big yikes. But the new president is friends with the Marcos family—who also did a ton of shit stuff, especially the wife—and so he’s the one who declared that the ex-dictator be buried in Libingan ng mga Bayani.”
Lena was captivated by the way the woman spoke—passionate but casual and warm. She knew so much about the country despite looking a lot more like Lena did than the people she was protesting with, and yet she spoke with such a faint accent that Lena wondered if she grew up here. Wondered if the passion she had came from personal experience. Wondered about her past. Wondered if she could fit into the woman’s future.
A square shadow  hanging over her head interrupts her thoughts, and Lena looks up to see the woman holding her protest sign over her head.
The woman simply smiles and shrugs. “For the heat.”
They continue to march on with the crowd for a few more minutes, the woman explaining a few of the chants being shouted and some of the organizations part of the protest. Lena learns that the woman is from the University of the Philippines—all the way in Quezon City. She learns that the woman is a journalism major and was technically attending the protest with some classmates, teachers, and friends. Lena learns that she grew up in California but that her parents used to work in the Philippines before she was born. Lena also learns that she’s been studying in the Philippines since she was in high school. But in the moment, the most important thing Lena learns is that the woman’s been marching for more than forty minutes and that the march is heading towards EDSA station to take a bus into Taguig City.
The woman explains, “It’s around a 40 minute walk.”
"Fuck,” Lena mutters, realizing she’s fucked herself into a corner all because she got distracted by a pretty girl.
“You okay?” the woman asks.
“I don’t think I can walk another 40 minutes.”
“Oh! Oh, right! I’m so sorry,” the woman apologizes, wrapping a strong arm around Lena’s waist and pulling her through the crowd to the other side. “I forgot that’s what you first asked me. I’m so sorry, really. I got dis—anyways! Do you need me to book a Grab?”
Lena blinks at the way a strong, sturdy arm had enveloped her one second and was gone in the next. She doesn’t really understand what just happened. But she isn’t opposed to it happening again.
“At-Miss?” Lena shakes her head, trying to get her bearings. “Ma’am are you okay?”
“Lena,” she finally breathes out after a long, slow minute. “My name’s just Lena.”
“Lena,” the woman repeats, her soft voice somehow audible past the last few protesters at the end of the line. “I’m Kara.” The woman—Kara—lets the word soak in the air before asking, “Are you okay? I didn’t pull you around too hard, did I?”
She bites her tongue from saying anything inappropriate and shakes her head. She barely knows this woman. She can’t just go around flirting with every pretty blonde girl she meets. Even if they have the sweetest smile and biggest heart.
“Good,” Kara sighs, smile flitting back to her lips before she pulls out her phone. “Let me book you a Grab. What address do I put?”
“Oh, no, it’s okay. I can book one for myself.”
“No, let me! I’m the one who forgot to help you even if it was the first thing you asked me for.”
“Kara.” Lena can’t help but smile—the name tastes sweet on her lips. “It’s fine, really. You’ve been kind enough to give me shade and keep me from getting crushed by all the protestors.”
“Nope! No buts.” Lena pulls out her phone and makes a couple swipes and taps. “There, see? Grab booked.”
Kara puts down her phone with a roll of her eyes, a smile still quirking her lips despite the dramatic huff she just let out. “Alright, alright. But I’m staying with you until your ride arrives!”
Lena agrees, because she doesn’t actually want this day to end just yet despite knowing that she’ll be redder than a lobster for the next couple days. Spending this time with Kara was worth it.
They sit on a parking curb under the tiny shade of Kara’s protest sign and talk about anything and everything. Lena’s degrees, Kara’s sister, Lena’s latest engineering project, Kara’s last news report, and on and on they go until Lena’s ride arrives with a shrill phone call.
Lena pulls out her phone to see the driver calling and she answers just to hear the driver say the usual “nandito na ako ma’am.”
She stands and sees the orange Toyota Vios waiting by the side of the road. She waves at the driver to let her know she sees him before turning to Kara and ending the call.
“I have to go,” Lena sighs, hitching her bag strap higher on her shoulder. “It was really nice to meet you, Kara. Thanks being my protestor in sweaty jeans.”
She’s teasing, but she means it as well. Definitely worth the sunburn she’s pretty sure she has.
“It was my pleasure, Lena.” Kara ducks her head, smile wide as she shrugs.
“I hope this isn’t the last time we meet,” Lena adds, already backing away towards the tiny sedan, knowing the driver can’t wait forever.
Kara looks like she wants to follow her. “I hope not either.”
And then Lena gets into the car, focus divided between the driver’s questions and Kara’s puppy-like stare.
With a sigh, Lena leans back in her seat and closes her eyes. She’ll just have to find an excuse to text Kara something one of these days so she could see her again. Yeah, that was a good plan. A solid plan.
Except, as Lena drove closer to her apartment and further from Kara, she realized she forgot to ask for one important thing.
Kara’s number.
Well, fuck.
She’s going to need a Plan B.
Translations (roughly done by me):
ngiti mo'y 'di ko na makalimutan  - Your smile is something I’ll never forget again
Makibaka! Huwag matakot! - a common political chant used during protests. “Makibaka” means to get ready to fight or stand together to fight. In a number of instances it can also just mean “fight.” “Huwag matakot” means don’t be afraid/scared.
Marcos! Duterte! Diktador! Tuta! - another political chant that was originally “Marcos! Hitler! Diktador! Tuta!” in which ferdinand marcos was compared to hitler, a dictator (hence diktador) and also calling him a “pet” of the USA (tuta means puppy). In this new protest chant (which is real), Duterte replaces hitler to show that he’s just as much of a fascist dictator as the president he wants to bury in the national heroes cemetery.
Tao po - it’s what we say instead of “excuse me.” Although a direct translation would be “i’m a person” or “is there a person/human there?” (used to be asked/said to ensure that when you visit someone’s house or when someone’s visiting, the person who answers is actually human instead of a folk creature (i will not go into detail on that bc i’m a city kid so those stories were rare to me))
Libingan ng mga Bayani - National Cemetery for Heroes
Grab - Uber but not (uber used to exist here but I can’t remember if grab bought them out or they just decided to leave SEA???)
nandito na ako ma’am - I’m here ma’am/I’m here already ma’am
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thingswhatareawesome · 9 months
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roguemaki · 4 months
Hey! I hope your week is going great :)
Like everyone else, i wanted to send you a heartfelt thank you for your immense efforts and time that you take out of your day to translate and type set these interviews and videos.
It always brightens my day when i get a notification from you and i know I’m in for a treat so it’s really truly appreciated from our end 🙏🏼
I was also wondering that when the asticassia school assembly BD comes out, if you could consider uploading it somewhere so that people who can’t purchase it would be able to watch it as well? I was really looking forward to seeing the VAs performance on stage and also some of the comedic moments like Suletta rapping but unfortunately, money is a bit tight for me right now. 😞
If you could consider it that would be awesome but if you rather not do jt, that’s totally fine as well :)
I also wanted to ask for your advice regarding learning japanese. I took some classes in college but haven’t kept up with it. Do you know any resources that you felt were really helpful to you when you were learning the language? I really want to dedicate myself to it this time! I’d really appreciate any tips, thank you! :)
Hey hey~ I actually got some fantastic news at work, so my week's off to a great start. :3
And you're very welcome! Thank you for enjoying and supporting my TLs.
I pre-ordered the School Assembly BD and am planning to subtitle it in parts, similarly to how I'm doing the Ep 24 Character Commentary… but for an upload of the full thing, I have to be more circumspect: I'll post when the rip is available and give contact info so interested folks can reach out directly. Just trying to avoid getting Eye of Sauron'd by Bandai-Namco, lol.
Regarding Japanese study: we're in similar boats! I also took classes in college and got back into serious self-study after not practicing for a while.
Here are some self-study resources I find useful:
For daily Japanese practice…
Renshuu for vocabulary and grammar. WaniKani for learning kanji. Ringotan for kana and kanji writing practice.
Renshuu is a site (also available in convenient app form) for building up vocabulary and grammar with quizzes, games, and community activities. It's by-and-large free - premium provides some enhancements (like more listening/pitch tools), but isn't necessary for most of the content. WaniKani is a fantastic resource for learning kanji. They use some truly memorable mnemonics to teach radicals/vocabulary and schedule lessons/reviews in a way that promotes real retention. Give Levels 1-3 a try since they're free, and if you like the teaching method, a lifetime premium sub is reasonably affordable when it goes on sale (like on Black Friday). I use Ringotan, a free phone app, to supplement WaniKani (which is focused on reading/recognition) with writing practice.
Other resources/tools...
Install Yomitan, an in-line dictionary extension, on your browser.
Dokusho Bookclub is a site for finding reading materials targeting specific JLPT levels.
Out of the many resources available on YouTube, I want to highlight Kaname Naito's channel - he teaches in depth vocabulary and grammar used in actual conversational Japanese.
I have a routine of always doing my "dailies" and just try to read/watch/play as much Japanese media as possible... Thankfully there's so much good stuff available online nowadays. :>
Hope you find something useful for you in this list. Good luck with your studies!
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misc-obeyme · 24 days
Oh that would be so hard... like what the hell of course the answer to a question like that would be a Barbatos essay??? There's so much to say about him! Plus, don't they want you to be honest? Well, I dunno, maybe they don't lol. But if I was a teacher and my students answered questions like that with fictional characters, it would fill me with happiness.
it's a religious school too😭 the fact that I am still not excuted yet is hard to believe. but sometimes people get lucky🙇...... they're like: K-Kian are you.. QUEER?😦GAY?😱 Ssimp for a DEMON💀💀 in MY ISLAMIC😇 School??? 😡👿👿
that didn't stop me though. you can't stop me, even god can't-
I'm finding the new birthday event to be very interesting. I'm not used to having to wait to read the story. Like maybe I could unlock the whole thing in a night, but the AP regeneration kinda requires you to do it a bit at a time. I don't hate it or anything, actually it's kinda nice. But I'm not sure how I feel about the story yet 'cause I haven't unlocked it all.
My advice is to not read it till last. skip it and read it when you've fully unlocked it.. I once made a mistake of reading a Barb's devilgram and while I could've gotten the card in the next three days. well, let's say I spent about 1000 dps to get him earlier. 💚💚💚 not regreting anything
You have a counter for Barb's bday? I love it! We still have some time, but it draws ever closer!! I'm always prepared to lose my mind over his cards lol. I'm excited to see what his birthday event is like!
I just hope it's not his usual artist I Simeon's artist to draw him pleaase😭😭😭 + we share the same BD so it helps me keep track of time because i tend to forget it. I want to treat myself this year after ignoring it for so long....... so I need to track the days lol.
It's a religious school?!!? I'm sorry, but that makes the whole thing even more entertaining lol.
OH of COURSE how did I not think to just skip the story parts and then read them all at once when it's fully unlocked?? That's how I do lessons. I always do all the battles first and then go back and read the story parts so I don't have to be interrupted!! LOL duh. I do events like that sometimes, too, but that just depends on how much time I have. Anyway for some reason that did not occur to me with this new format of thing, so thank you for the suggestion as I have now begun doing it that way! Still working on unlocking it all, but I think I'm gonna make it.
If Barb's card looks anything like Asmo's or Simeon's this year, you can say good bye to any and all resources I have saved up at that point. Not that I wouldn't spend them all to get a Barb bday card anyway, but I fear it'd be much worse.
YO you have the same birthday too?!?! Wow, that's a sign of fate right there~ it was meant to be~
I always use my birthday as an excuse to take the day off from work. I'll get myself something tasty to eat, too. Nothing fancy, but I think it's really important to do nice things for yourself sometimes. And since it's easy to forget, a birthday is a good reason to do it. So I hope you do treat yourself this year, you deserve it!
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alphabetboyluvr · 5 months
holly. holly i need to desperately live inside your brain like you don’t understand.
it’s been a while since i last dropped by. life got a bit chaotic at the end of the year but the excitement of the holiday season + new year persists. i find myself in a constant state of giddiness recently.
coming back and seeing what has been waiting for me MY GOD IT FEELS LIKE CHRISTMAS ALL OVER AGAIN! i’m writing after immediately finishing imposter syndrome and YOU HAVE ME BY THE THROAT🧎🏽‍♀️ this is ur impact. my insanity. thank you & ur welcome.
that chapter. wow. time and time again blown away by the heart you put into your writing. honestly, how did we all get so lucky to experience this little world of yours? seriously can’t praise you enough. and the fact thank i have two more chapters to catch up on? ugh, now i know what they mean when they say life is the gift that keeps on giving.
no but really, thank you. and now that i’ve gone crazy, let me properly greet you lol.
happy new year holly˚ ༘✶ ⋆。 how are you? are you staying warm this winter? anything exciting you’re looking forward to? what’s something that made you happy recently? i’m excited to hear all about it.
i hope you’ve been well and taking care of yourself. hope you continue to indulge in all the things that make you whole. rooting for you in all your endeavors. may all your wishes come to fruition. sending you love and light. excited to see how you’ll orbit the sky this year🌠
here’s to new memories🥂
hello again 🥹
I won't lie, I saw you mention imposter syndrome and was like... I don't think I have anything by that name?? and then realised it was a bd chapter name hahahaha - my brain is very smooth, it's not a very good place to set up camp!!
I hope you've enjoyed the following chapters too <3
it always amuses me how well-put together your asks are and how I'm just like :D he he :D. I think you'll make a far more eloquent writer than I am!!
Happy new year to you too lovely - we're a little way into the year so I hope it's been treating you well 💕✨️
I'm doing well! this winter hasn't been too cold thankfully (though I'm sure this is indicative of terrible advances in global warming, so perhaps I shouldn't be too happy about it). I've a trip soon to see one of my best friends in the whole wide world in one of my bucket list countries and so that's mega exciting. this year is full of variables and I'm so excited to just experience the unknown.
how have you been?? 2024 treating you well?? anything you're looking forward to?
thank you for your kindness. I'm really lucky to be afforded with such grace and consideration, and will eternally be grateful for it.
and also sorry for a delayed response - I'm not on here much!! but its so lovely to be greeted with asks like these when I do check back in 🥹💕✨️
all my love!!✨️
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papersparrows · 1 year
How do you cope up on a bad day?
Oof. I'm not sure if I'm the right person to ask about this as I literally suffer from bipolar disorder hahaha. Bad days are extra harder because it's hard for me to regulate my emotions in a better & healthier way. I just kind of suffer from getting so overwhelmed that I wanna explode and I often go through some kind of episode hahahajsksksk 🥲
But if you wanna know what I do when it happens anyway...
1.) Rant to someone I trust lol. Reklamadora mode ganon hahah. Someone I know who will always listen and give me sound advice and would just let me get all my emotions out about a certain thing that happened. It just helps to get it out of your system, at least for me it does. Of course do it with someone who is willing and emotionally available to be there for you. I don't want to burden somebody else with my troubles.
2.) I stress eat hahahaha. Not the best thing to do but whatever na lang treat yo self ganon char. Would cook something good for myself o kaya pag masyadong stressed or tamad, oorder na lang lol. I have terrible eating habits so pls don't listen to my advice but anyway that's what I do. And of course, iced coffee. I get super irritable pag di nagkakape. Yes I am fully aware that I am actually literally addicted to caffeine and that's a symptom of caffeine addiction pag masyadong dependent yung mood ko sa kape... pero wala ganon eh HAHA. Medyo survival mode kasi ako with my BD so I just have to do something that will make me feel better instantly and help my mood kahit na di siya magandang habit.
3.) RELEASE. I would either watch a show/movie to cry to. Or listen to music that would make me cry. Or pleasure myself and cum looooool. Or all of the above ahahaha. Hey, it works!!
4.) If I'm not looking to cry or release my emotions and tension, and if I just want to feel comfortable, I would watch my comfort shows lang plus food :) Usually sitcoms, cartoon shows that I love (spongebob or the amazing world of gumball are my go-to), or adult swim type shows, o kaya I just watch whatever shows up sa YT feed ko hahaha usually game plays or cooking vids pinapanood ko.
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twinstarlovers · 6 months
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Omg a forest photoshoot- need but bro I am so drained. So so drained. Like I cannot text nobody & idk how ima even be able to get energy for work. If im still like this ima push myself to meditate cus the way I be feeling when im drained is ima collapse which sounds dramatic but it’s actually that deep. I think yesterday was a long day & after work I was emotional about some things & then I came home to my sister eating all my bread like the inconsideration knowing it wasn’t even yours & that was last straw so I had a mini breakdown over bread but more than bread lol, the bread just triggered me to cry hella of what I needed to cry about & im glad that bread thing happened cus I needed the cry. I feel like crying & talking is my #1 outlet. Mostly crying tho & even tho I cry easily, my earth moon has trouble getting the push to cry sometimes which irks me cus cry tf so that bread thing did it for me. One thing you don’t do is play about food too fr like that be hurting my soul. Any of my possessions or food like I don’t playyy. Especially cus I was told she wasn’t gonna eat all the bread so I expected to see bread when I came home & didnt. Man I tried so hard not to go off on her. I was in my room crying & punching pillows LMFAO. I hate being angry bro cus what do you even do? I panic on how to release my anger. Sometimes I get a journal & scribble on it like crazy too. I scream into pillows. I don’t punch pillows always but yesterday was like I needed it idk. Mmmm yeah. Bruh my secret Santa would be the lady that talks shit about me. I’m gonna waste my money on humbling gifts for her. She wants candles??? I’ll get her a cheap one or maybe not at all cus who tf is you? Whooooo do you think you are thinking you deserve genuine gifts from me after talking shit about me at work when I never even talk to you & judging me about getting surgery like tf. The universe KNEW 😭. They doing tooooo muchhhh. I wonder if the universe wants me to be nice fr cus that would make sense but are you fr? All ik is you got me fucked up thinking ima put effort. Im gifting my 2 other workers gifts that aren’t even my secret Santa cus they was nice to me when I came & their gifts will be sooo much better cus duh im a great gift giver. The universe love to playyy like BYE. Anyways im going Christmas shopping w them next week for our secret Santa’s. I’ve never really done secret Santa ever or gave anyone a real Christmas present till this year so it’s exciting considering it my first Christmas but not really cus im not doing anything for Christmas. Hopefully someone invites me to their Christmas thing. I feel like Christmas is never Christmas without your real family & Ik that’s sum I will never get so Ik I will have to create one for myself in order to achieve the Christmas tradition. I be crying at other people’s birthdays or celebrations cus it’s like must be nice to be loved by your family yk & Ik my family loves me but it’s just how it’s shown to you on your bd that I never got. I be feeling special being there as if it’s my family so I be crying over that too but then I be crying cus ik it’s not real & Ik they don’t gaf about me as much as I wish they would. Im specifically talking about one family LOL my ex best friends family, I was there a lot for holidays & bds & I loved it for me but I guess them as people were never as loving as I wished they were like they liked me but they didn’t love me or treated me like a part of the family but they considered me sometimes but idk effort means more & I shouldn’t expect that much from them when their kids & daughter ending up the way they did lol. Anyways bye now
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calilili · 11 months
(via 21st Century, A Time of Useful Consciousness ; Wouldn’t it be AweSOHM Ohm ☯️🪷🕉️📿🙏🏽☸️ 🌸🦋 11:11 am 11:11 pm Invitation to Unite in Meditation for Multiverse Global Wellness in Love with Kindness Culture, Democratic Freedoms, Blue Planet Mother Earth, Sister Ocean, Sealife , Wildlife , Humanity, Civilization OHM ☯️🪷🕉️📿🙏🏽☸️🌸🦋)
🪷Resting Happy Face 🪷🦋🌊🐬
#Unite 21 st Century 🪷
Global #meditation  #méditation #meditacion
11:11 am 11:11 pm ☯️🪷🕉️☸️🙏🏽📿
Resting Happy Face 🪷🦋🌊🐬🌊🪷
all time zones or UTC
The 21 st Century is a
Time of Useful #Consciousness
Wouldn’t it be awesome
what if
We Unite
to heal
#Ohm    ☯️🪷🕉️📿🙏🏽☸️🌸🦋
11:11 am
11:11 pm
(All time zones or UTC )
Invitation to Unite in Meditation
#yoga #yogapractice
for the
Global #Wellness
in Love
with #Kindness #Culture
#BluePlanet #MotherEarth
Sister Ocean
#OHM  ☯️🪷🕉️📿🙏🏽☸️🌸🦋
🪷 “resting happy face 😊🪷 “ by cali lili @CaliLiliIndies™️
#surf The Cali Lili Indies ™️ #movies #music & #publishing
everywhere  @calililiindies
read this meditation here :
#calilili #calililiindies #calililihauser #wingshauser #calihauser #evengodthisfemaleisnotyetrated
🪷Resting Happy Face 🪷🦋🌊🐬 Unite 21 st Century 🪷 Global Meditation 11:11 am 11:11 pm ☯️🪷🕉️☸️🙏🏽📿 Resting Happy Face 🪷🦋🌊🐬🌊🪷
The 21 st Century is a
Time of Useful Consciousness
Wouldn’t it be AweOhm
what if
We Unite
Global Meditation
to heal
Ohm  ☯️🪷🕉️📿🙏🏽☸️🌸🦋
11:11 am
11:11 pm
(All time zones or UTC )
Invitation to Unite in Meditation
for the
Global Wellness
in Love
with Kindness Culture
Democratic Freedoms
Blue Planet Mother Earth
Sister Ocean
OHM  ☯️🪷🕉️📿🙏🏽☸️🌸🦋
🪷 “resting happy face 😊🪷 “ by cali lili @CaliLiliIndies™️ Currents
As a kid, yoga brought me healing from the “toxic stress” of an abusive childhood home. As a dancer I had already found tremendous joy in my art but something about the rabid competition in the entertainment world led me to seek solace in yoga, not as a replacement for dance, but as a companion for life as an artist in the 21st-century.  Yoga also accompanied me on many NYC subway rides and it was a land-based version of surfing my beloved oceans, whenever I am too far away from water. I am a water creature and yoga helps me cope with land based behaviors.
Ironically it seems that yoga has now become a competitive space in some social media and live places. LOL the joke will always be on us if we choose to worship disposable culture we will continue to be treated as disposable humans. There is so much more value in honoring timeless eternal values, we ignore our own inherent non-commercial value at our own peril.
As soon as I saw the  “asanas” (yoga poses) from photos in hatha yoga books I knew this ancient body architecture was for me, especially when I found myself too far from the sea. Whenever I’d practice the meditative technique of dropping my mind into my heart space, I’d visit my voice box and I’d discover sadness but still, I was happy for no reason. Eventually I discovered my speaking and singing voice too.
Some people told me that I was being “phony “ if I was just generally a cheerful person. Those types of negative haters would tell me I was just “acting” because I’m an actress  (fyi good acting is not lying ). Now that I’m sort of a grown up it’s easier to spot the negative types even from a distance. These are the people who will immediately criticize the lifestyles of others, even if those lifestyles don’t impact their own lives. They are the people who will immediately put down ideas they don’t understand, instead of asking questions, or opening up a moment of curiosity. Those who drive by something unique like a unique house, built in an unusual style, and they will immediately begin petitioning against it in order to destroy it. I’ve encountered these people often because there are several areas of my life where I don’t conform to norms whether it’s clothing or speech or lifestyle. Gentrification in Venice Beach, Los Angeles brought us into proximity with such ugly haters who actually attempted to take people’s homes away from them in order to suit both the empty-handed bullies and the billionaires who fund the bullying. In some cases, they succeeded but not when people united and stood up to them.
While it’s quite possible to learn how to fend off such rude, loud haters, and refuse to allow them to deter us, they can potentially waste our valuable time and affect our health, both of which are our most valuable resources. The bully’s intention is to throw a wrench into our peace and into our family’s sacred spaces.
That’s why fending off bullies should not be left to individuals alone. This kind of thing is mutating as the virus it always was, now encouraged by craven bestial whistles from public servants who mirror and goad outrageous, psychotic, sociopathic, behavior in places like school board meetings, and other places that are meant as civilized constructive public spaces. Their intentions are corrosive to healthy cultural societies.
We need public service announcements incorporating history lessons, showing the very simple trajectory from the loosed arrow of normalized public malevolence into its ultimate target bullseye destination : authoritarianism, which is abuse.
Abuse of power is the same as any other abuse : child abuse, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, animal abuse, environmental abuse etc … In a democracy with rule of law, all abuse requires intervention.
Doing Nothing is not an option because the law requires protection of the vulnerable among us. These days that group is growing but we can turn this toward our mutual advantage by uniting against the bullies.
During my yoga practice, as a kid, I worked through the sadness in my heart, placed there by abuse until recently, I was able to practice the meditation technique of dropping my mind into my heart space, as taught by my first Thai Buddhist friend and suddenly a new journey began.
As a result of so much chaos in the world I reclaimed my meditation practice and recently I dropped my mind into my heart and a very funny thing happened – I felt so ticklish that I literally burst out giggling then, laughing as in “laugh out loud” until I realized that ticklish feeling is just plain bliss! That same feeling I get when I’m in the ocean! Pure bliss! From within. I was familiar with this feeling, but it never occurred to me to try to call it up consciously. Now it felt like a superpower.
The spiritual practice of meditation, whether it be in yoga - or other disciplines - is a healing practice that re-aligns us to our internal compass and reconnects us to our natural born joy.
It doesn’t matter anymore if anyone thinks of this meditation joy or any other joy – female joy, black joy, multi-cultural joy, lgbtq joy, intellectual joy etc … You know, the joy that always seems to get on the authoritarian abusers’ nerves, is “phony “ or “acting “ (again, the art of a good actor is working from a sense of truth not a bunch of lying).
The lesson I discovered in meditative “bliss” is equivalent to the lesson we must all learn as we grow up. Remaining unperturbed or at least undeterred as result of abuse or criticisms & unreasonable cruel negativity expressed by others.
Unfortunately we live in a time when some of us condone, even encourage the kinds of abusive, even violent behaviors that would previously have caused most communities to unite and fight back together, in spite of political differences.  
It’s time to unite.
As I’ve written elsewhere :
The 21st Century is “A Time of Useful Consciousness ”
Cali Lili
Published in Cranky Yank Magazine
In my Oscars Contender “eVe N’ god this female is not yet rated” many images and concepts explore these themes, posing questions and positing hopes for healing.
I hope you will check it out and give us a good rating / review on any and all platforms including IMDB, Youtube Movies, Apple TV, iTunes Store Movies, Google Play Movies and Vimeo.
Cali Lili ‘s
“ Eve N’ God
This Female Is Not Yet Rated “
Oscars 2020 Contender
🎼 Soundtrack available everywhere including Apple Music
Lyrics to my debut album / original soundtrack “Cali Lili This Female Is Not Yet Rated” also explore these themes and songs can be heard everywhere music streams including Youtube, Apple Music, Spotify, Tidal Music, Pandora music, iHeart Radio etc…
Movie Review 🎬 📰
Of CaliLili  ‘s
Oscar’s 2020 Contender
“ Eve N’ God
This Female Is Not Yet Rated “
Movie Trailer
snippets of the songs can be found on social media sites like instagram, tik tok, tumblr etc …
As we work on the NEXT movie and album we so appreciate your positive likes and shares!
Please help us share my sustainable, empowering projects
We are “HandMade To Make A Difference” ™️
And we invite you to join us, share the love, join us already underway surfing the waves in Currents Leaps N’ LandingZ️ ™️ onward toward our next release.
And we invite you to our Global Meditation
Ohm ☯️🪷🕉️📿🙏🏽☸️🌸🦋
Cali Lili
@ Cali Lili Indies ™️
Motion ™️
Cutting Edge Of The Pacific ™️
Thanks for reading Cali Lili Indies ™️  Currents Leaps N’ LandingZ ™️! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.
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esther-dot · 3 years
OMG I forgot about sending that ask LOL The first thing I saw yesterday after waking up was your reblog of another mockery of that Barbrey D post, and I just couldn't help myself. Sorry for receiving a weird rant. And it seems I'm not done yet.
That post was one of the dumbest thing I've seen in a while. Though I applaud the originality of it. That was definitely a new approach to this fandom's immemorial crusade of downplaying Sansa's importance. I actually think BD will play a role too, but in Sansa's court. I haven't extensively studied or theorized but I have always had the impression that she'll be one of the first who'll back Sansa's claim bc Manderly gets the other Stark. She needs her own Stark so to speak, and the only free one around will be Sansa. But to think that she'll play the MAIN role in defeating Boltons, leading the North after their fall??? Will she rebuild the Winterfell too? Because it means so much to her I'm sure, the seat of the Starks...
Then again how am I supposed to take someone who thinks Dany will have nothing to do with burning of KL seriously? That Chekov's gun will not go off, really? The character who has dragons (and got those dragons by burning her slave alive for revenge) will never use them for their main purpose? They seem to like quoting GRRM but conveniently ignore how he called the dragons nuclear weapons. He was just joking, I guess.
I didn't know the op so I looked around their blog to get a sense of where that post is coming from, just to be sure. And oh boy... You know the GRRM interview where the reporter asks what Ice and Fire means and he refers to both the Others and Dany as threats to Westeros, right? Like it's literally right there, it's from his mouth, he says things going on north of the Wall and Dany with her dragons on another continent are much greater and more dangerous threats Westeros ignores. And what did they get from that interview? "OMG I knew it! It's going to be Ice vs Fire, Others vs Dany! She is going to destroy them and save the world!!" *doublefacepalm.gif* It's really sad seeing education system failing people in action, look at them, they can’t even comprehend simple answers given in interviews. Yet they have such confidence that despite their egregious media illiteracy they are absolutely sure if themselves that they are the ones who understand ASOIAF and think other people who don’t follow their interpretations are actually the ones who can’t read.
No take backs. I’m a Fat Walda as QitN fan now. 😂
I really like your take on it. I think in general we focus so much on the POV characters it’s easy to overlook the secondary ones who help advance the plot in their way. That’s my issue with people who act like Robb’s Will means Jon will inherent Winterfell and Sansa is disinherited (and some think she’s delegitimized?) because, uh, what will the Northerners think about this? They’re going to have opinions, they’ll get dialogue. Anyway, your view incorporates the impact of these characters, so I love that.
Full disclosure: I’ve had that blog blocked for a while, so I only saw that post because it was reblogged onto my dash and when I realized who it was, I just scrolled on by. They’re part of the group that simultaneously says the Dark Dany theory is all about shipping and also make jokes about how Dany should do war crimes as a treat. It annoys me that so many seemingly neutral ASOIAF blogs fill the tags with posts about how awful Sansa fans are because some of us are cool with Dark Dany...even though they also kinda know it’s happening? If you accept Dany burning KL, how are we haters for talking about it? How is it sexist for us to say if you burn a city, murder women and children, you’re going out a villain? How is objecting to burning people alive about shipping? 🤷🏻‍♀️
And this:
“The character who has dragons (and got those dragons by burning her slave alive for revenge) will never use them for their main purpose?”
Is a really good point. I don’t mind if Martin has Jon believe he needs Dany (I just realized if we’re looking for who got what from the books I can make an argument for Jon getting Aemon’s belief in Daenerys “Daenerys is the only hope”— and hell, let’s just toss in boatbang as being stolen from Sam and Gilly while we’re at it), but, there’s just no way the dragons are actually the answer. Even if Dany goes North (I honestly don’t see how there’s time for that), but even if she did, it would be about her losing her armies/dragons and being driven to take drastic action in the South because she’s suffered catastrophic losses, making her desperate.
As for Martin calling the dragons nukes, I saw this take in the tags and had to take a screenshot:
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I think there’s no reasoning with people this determined to misunderstand what the author clearly stated. Just like you said OP took the Martin quote out of its context. They don’t want to believe it, so they refuse to hear it.
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bellaslilpapercut · 3 years
Eclipse reread part 3 bewr bewr bewrrr! Covering the entire rest of the book in ONE post so buckle on in baybee: 
1. Absolutely everything about chapter 15 (wager) is disgusting. To a certain extent I appreciate how successfully meyer captures how frustrating assault is as a woman, how futile it feels to fight against it. But at the same time the way she handles the aftermath is unbelievably disappointing and infuriating. Charlie doesn't get up to help his own daughter, Jake trails after Bella into the house and sticks around, there's just no relief or reflection that feels satisfying. Bella can ask where the justice is when she finds out Jake isn't aging but just ignores Charlie defending her assailant? And to some extent I get it, I've shut down after assault before to the point where it took years to recognize that some of the things that happened even were assault. But when there's a pattern within the series of men being narratively rewarded for assault and abuse and women being punished for reacting to abuse it feels like the narrative is reinforcing the status quo of women<men. I'm not stupid, I understand when a book is trying to make me uncomfortable and I don't need villains to be punished to know that they're villainous. This doesn't come across that way at all. Meyers handling of misogynistic abuse and violence lack the nuance to make me believe that she sees this violence as something to be critical of rather than something that just happens to women. And again, because it's a pattern in her writing, women getting no reprieve from gendered harm, I don't believe she's making a statement. There's just no self awareness and that's the key difference between a story like Brave New World or Lolita and Twilight.
2. Also this quote that precedes the assault is just so so frustrating:
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Bella is not mean for setting boundaries! She isn't stringing you along! I would love to hit meyer in the head with a rolled up newspaper. Anyway.
3. Bella keeps saying things like "this would be annoying if it weren't so scary" in regards to having her clothes stolen by vampires that want her dead and having to lie to people around her, again because dozens of vampires want her dead. And y'know after the third time she said she would be annoyed if she weren't scared I'm just left to believe she isn't scared at all. I don't feel rising tension, the newborn army feels like a minor nuisance and even after they connect it to victoria (who still hasn't shown up at all) I'm just like...okay well get on with it then! Meyer makes bella "shudder" (I'm still tempted to make a comp of every time she shudders in this fucking book lol) instead of showing us her actual fear. I don't believe she's scared, I don't care about the "threat," and I don't believe anything bad will happen to Bella. There are Literally No Stakes here. I'm not invested in this story at all.
4. Alice is a bad friend lmfao
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Girl, you're psychic you know she wanted to wear red why are you just dressing her up for your brother.
5. Okay returning to point 3 because I read chapter 17 and had an epiphany: Bella says she isn't scared for herself and I get that I do. But smeyer also hasn't shown us that she's selfless- just that she doesn't care if she dies. If bella actually cared for her human friends, in any way, I would believe that the newborn army was a scary threat because the people she loves might get hurt. But I don't believe that she cares about that I only believe that she- like Edward- has a weird martyr complex.
6. The Mirror chapter also reinforces this. I can’t stop thinking about how much more impactful it would have been narratively if it had been Angela in Bree’s position (because she’s the only human friend Bella seems fond of but if Bella showed interest in any of the other humans, honestly any of them would do). Imagine the moment where the newborn vampire first lifts her head to look into Bella’s eyes and it’s someone she knows. Someone she cares for. There should have been consequences for Bella beyond “Jake got some bones broken and now I feel bad :(” which was also a shitty punishment because smeyer is inflicting physical trauma on an indigenous character just to make Bella feel bad. Okay. Anyway, it would have built the tension I was missing for- quite literally- over 300 pages of this book if Bella’s friends and classmates and Fork’s residents had been going missing the whole time. Suddenly, at the end of the battle, there’s Angela. Or Jess. Or Katie fucking Marshall. Someone Bella knew should have been there and maybe I would have cared about this book at all.
7. Going back in time to this quote which comes before the battle:
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UGH!!! SHUT UP SMEYER! She literally poisoned Jake’s character from the moment she made him a main character and she has zero self reflection to see the damage that she’s causing here. I’ve said before that I don’t think Jake’s actions were a romantic deal breaker and that stands out now more than ever after reading Eclipse. THIS is the moment that Bella realizes she’s in love with Jake too. Smeyer not only sees abuse and aggression as romantic, she also lacks the braincells and reflection to see that she’s playing directly into racist stereotypes. Edward got to grow up- marginally- but Jake had to remain aggressive. I still don’t think she ever once meant to villify Jake- I think that there was no way in a hell a racist woman could ever successfully portray an indigenous character. His tenderness is tainted by the aggression she forces on his character and in the end he never had a chance because- again- he was being written by a racist woman with fucked up views of indigenous people.
8. Okay, I get it. They’re like Cathy and Heathcliff. Fine. I buy it.  
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This isn’t even the last time she compares them to Cathy and Heathcliff. Kate Bush isn’t gonna write a song about you, meyer! Give it a rest! (Also lol at “like wuthering heights”)
9.  Jumping right to the end here because to be completely honest the only actual event in the entire book was the newborn battle. Jane was a bitch, fine. Edward talked at Victoria and bored her to death (presumably) and the action never felt very action heavy. I knew if from the “best friend (and werewolf)” line that this book was presumably written for idiots given how little is left to the imagination at any given time. I can’t stand when books treat the audience like dummies and I especially can’t handle YA books that do this. Teenagers aren’t stupid!! Young adults can pick up on subtlety in literature!! AND young adults can handle suspense and action. smeyer doesn’t do either well and the editors never once said “hey you know teens aren’t stupid right? like your audience will pick up on hints that you scatter you don’t have to forcefully explain everything?”  
10. Smeyer can’t stop interrupting herself even in the very last sentence of the book proper:
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What, pray tell, is wrong with “Where it would stay for the rest of eternity.” Why did you have to sow doubt in the sentiment right after Bella made her For Real Final Decision???? And why the em-dash!? Again: the editors of the twilight saga are my nemeses but also my favorite conmen. What were they paid for?
11. Back to the editors real quick: if i was given a draft of eclipse I would instantly say: this story is almost 400 pages of nothing, you need to play with the structure of the story. You need to build suspense and if that means playing with POV like you randomly start doing in the epilogue, then do that. Or you can play with the plot. Nothing happens for 300 pages. It takes 300 pages to get to the newborn battle and nothing that happens before the newborn battle makes me feel worried about it. Again, kill off some humans, raise the stakes, do SOMETHING. This was so painfully slow to read because meyer tried to center this book on a love triangle that I didn’t even believe in myself. And even then, it took 14 chapters for the love triangle to get real action (as in an Event, not necessarily physical action). 
12. The epilogue. Oh man. Was the r-slur really so acceptable in 2007 that not one single editor questioned its use? I won’t type the quote in full but Jake refers to his fake arm sling as r-word. Like??? What? And THEN smeyer has him call Leah a “bitter harpy.” Shut up. 
In conclusion, nothing felt like a bigger waste of time than Eclipse. Genuinely, to be completely honest. Two (2) important things happened, at least in Bella’s narrative (I agree with Vinelle that the Volturi debacle was important from Carlisle’s perspective, it adds nothing to Bellas and Bella learns nothing important from it.): 1. Bella made a decision, she chose Edward. Who could have seen that coming? Whaaaat? 2. Rosalie told Bella her backstory. Not that Bella even used that to reflect on her decision to become a vampire but hey, at least it felt like an important moment. Jasper’s backstory only mattered for the newborn battle which didn’t matter at all (and it never informed his character and no one ever brings up that the confederacy was a terrible dark stain on US history (along with the rest of US history but that’s a full dissertation or two on its own)). I can’t imagine a way to improve this book as a standalone book. You could split up the plot (using that term loosely) so that New Moon and BD are both a little longer and BD a little more organized. But without completely changing the plot beats in Eclipse, its just pointless.
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zerochanges · 3 years
Robotech: Unboxing + Rant
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Anime licensing and localization has come a long way since the dark ages of the medium where you had to track down old fan subbed VHS tapes or hope you can catch some heavily edited version of a show on one of your local networks before cable was even a thing. The latter describes the place in history that Robotech holds, and for many it was a landmark experience and a gateway into anime--and that should have been its legacy whole stop but well, corporate greed is a bitch. I’m sure I don’t have to sit here and explain the myriad of ways license holder Harmony Gold has more or less been super scummy. From downright patent trolling, to blocking any attempt at localizing certain series and even preventing video game releases; they have become infamous in the anime fandom--so much so to the point where I just don’t want to talk about Robotech anymore. 
Which is a damn shame! Robotech is legitimately a fairly fascinating and well crafted attempt at bringing over anime for its time. The writing is sharp, the voice acting holds up surprisingly well--and it is some of the earliest known roles for a bunch of now prolific voice actors in the anime dubbing community like Tony Oliver and Wendee Lee. Most importantly however the material is treated with respect, and while a bit clumsy at times, there is an obvious love from the staff being put into the work. It’s easy to see how generations grew up with this Frankenstein of an adaptation and became lifelong fans of anime. 
For me personally Robotech will always occupy the same part of my heart that loves the work of Ted Woolsey and other earlier localization figures who took a mess of bland too literal translations (sometimes ones that didn’t even make sense in English) and reworked them with a lot of character and charm despite some really insane restraints of the time. It’s not for everyone, but I do enjoy these early localizations for what they were.
Sadly it seemed Robotech would only be remembered in infamy for Harmony Gold and its (very well documented) downright criminal powers-that-be. Until this past April, where out of nowhere anime fans’ prayers seemingly have been answered. Now the agreement between the three companies is still not fully understood, and it’s hard to say for sure where this will go but for now I like to have goodwill that things will be different from now on. Which is what I want, I easily do love Robotech, and this new agreement brining new Robotech blu-rays is great, but I also want Macross blu-rays too! Hell, I don’t want just that but also Southern Cross and Mospeada releases too, even if they have to be on SD-BD. Over the recent years we have seen blu-rays for all kinds of tangentially related Robotech properties: Megazone 23, Zilion, Orguss, it would be great to have all of Macross as well as the main three series that comprise Robotech to go alongside with them on my blu-ray shelf.
With all that out of the way, I will stop ranting now and show off the most recent Robotech Collector’s Edition from Funimation as well as some comparisons to a past set I posses. 
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The box itself is absolutely gorgeous and the contents inside of high quality too. The asking price may be a bit steep but for fans it really does pay off. 
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I was especially impressed with the figure which I had no real interest in (and will still keep stuffed in the box lol) but was shocked to find out it can indeed transform between the three iconic forms of the Veritech fighter.
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The blu-rays themselves are housed in a nice sturdy chipboard box and each set has unique art separate from the standard retail release.
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Anyone familiar with Funimation’s previous release of the anime series Zillion will easily notice the similar “retro” (or maybe even VHS???) look of the packaging. 
I was somewhat annoyed at this graphic design choice when Zillion came out. I love older anime art and want to appreciate it for all its worth. I get how the vintage VHS look is a fun idea but still! Despite saying that however I ended up really liking it for this latest Robotech set. Probably helps that the o-cards aren’t made of the usual glossy paper stock and are instead really heavy and thick cardboard giving them an almost old book type feel. 
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The interior art for the amaray cases as well as the disc art are all great looking. I was especially impressed with the art used for the Masters Saga set which opted to feature protagonist Dana instead of a mech.
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The earlier mentioned chipboard box. The entire set looks great in it but it does lead to my major complaint for Funimation about the packaging; it’s all Macross. Yes, the Macross Saga is great, hell it’s a common sentiment amongst fans that “The Macross portion of Robotech is the best part”. But really what makes Robotech what it is was the mixing of multiple shows. Really bummed out that Southern Cross or Mospeada got no love this time. 
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The Collector’s Edition blu-ray standing next to the 2013 A&E DVD set, which was the only one I could really find laying around at the time of this writing. 
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The first of these two images is a screenshot directly taken from the 2013 A&E DVD set, and the second of the two is a screenshot taken directly from the 2021 BD from Funimation. This pattern will be followed for all subsequent comparison shots; DVD on top then BD below it. 
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The colors really pop when the image is done right--with darker frames advantaging the most while brighter ones are too oversaturated.  
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Overall there is greater detail and the colors presented better reflect the original animation work in the BD but it isn’t too uncommon for it to look a bit garish and oversaturated at times too. 
I’d still say this BD upscale is a noticeable improvement at least from the 2013 DVD set I had on hand but well any fan of DBZ will know the song and dance with Funimation and how they remaster old footage. The similar issue of them working off a copy of a master and not the original film itself probably also is equally in play here as it is for their many botched DBZ sets. I’d also argue this set is a bit too heavy on grain (and I say that as a huge lover of grain) but the oversaturation may be the true culprit behind that feeling. 
Overall Funimation’s BD is a nice upgrade but I don’t see myself dipping any more into Robotech unless they actually can recreate the show from the original film master, by this point any more work will just be negligible.
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It’s a steep price tag, and the entire series is fairly easy to stream now too if you have a Funimation account, but for the right kind of fan it makes a great piece for your collection. Until next time, let us all hold out hope for potential Macross, Southern Cross, and Mospeada blu-rays.
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thebibliosphere · 5 years
I know everyone and their mother has been asking about lupus, but have you ever heard of Behçet's disease?
Yep, it’s likely something I’ll talk to my rheumatologist when I get to meet him next month. I actually used to have a client when I worked the holistic fields who had BD. It was one of the first things I thought of when I first started developing the mouth ulcers, but everything I read about BD said they would last only a few days and come and go with flares. I’ve had mine since January, which is when I also started developing muscle spasms and ticks that are more commonly associated with pernicious anemia, and I’ve also started losing words. Like I’ll go to type one thing and type something like “banana” instead. It’s made writing really hard. Editing is fine cause of all the fail safes I run it through, but yeah, even the blog has been interesting. I keep catching myself inserting the wrong words or putting the words in back to front.
But of course my folate tested just fine, so no one found the b12 deficiency till March when I specifically asked for the b12 serum test and several other markers to be checked. And then when they tested it again this last week and it had dropped even lower and some other markers were even higher, then, then it became a matter of urgency cause you’ve got a finite amount of time to treat pernicious anemia before the damage to your nervous system becomes irreversible.
And my levels have likely been low for years at this point, but now I’ve entered the stages when symptoms are becoming harder and harder to attribute to things like “anxiety” because it’s manifesting visibly. Which is uh, not what you want to happen.
We’ll see what rheumatology say though. I feel like every new specialist they bounce me to finds something lol even if it’s just another person to send me to cause they’re not sure what to do with me.
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anndienloan · 4 years
It seems wrong as I always have problems with my friends. It's in my mind, but I see through their actions. What’s wrong with me? I wondered If I’m so mean or which kind of people are they or why did they treat me like that??? I don't know. No one explain for me.
To me. Not just Friendship but all relations based on the respect among each other. Am I wrong? We”are friends till 13 year old. I really hate sending me just a link, a pic, or something like that without text. Are you busy that couldn't text more characters for me??? No, no one can. The disappointed feeling follow me whole day. And I remembered something in the past.
When we’re at University. I thought I visited you 1-2 times from QN to Hue, but you didn't, even 1 time. When we went to Ninh Thuan to make own travel, one man hit me, but you just go out with the other and swim. When you’re in hospital, I come with you, but have you ever asked me about my health status? As you are in BD, I could drive from SG to your home just for a meal, to see you, but even two of us are living in SG, you don't wanna book a Grab bike to have a dinner with me, just 10mins to travel.
I don't know how can I treat so bad myself, how can I take a bad relationship for a long time like that? For what???
Fucking bitch.
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ohsoethical · 7 years
A Can’t of Coca Cola
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I used to be addicted to coca cola as a child and teen. I had to drink it almost everyday probably. I’m pretty sure my milk bottle as a baby was filled with coke instead of milk (lol jk). I weened myself off coke and if I ever have it now it’s so disappointing. To be honest that happens with everything that I’ve reduced eating. You have very high expectations of how unethical food should taste if you haven’t had it in while.
But anyway!!!!!! This isn’t about how Coca Cola tastes (rubbish). 
This about how Coca Cola acts (Rubbish).
So let’s get straight into it, shall we?
In India, farmers have protested against Coca Cola and more than a million traders are boycotting Coke and Pepsi. It takes 400litres of water to make a bottle of coke which is about 1690 cups of water in layman terms. Although who can comprehend that.
Well lets see.
If we should drink 8 cups of water a day, its about 211 days of water people!!! Please consider this the next time you order one with your meal.
Considering that India is having one of the worst droughts in 140 years this is not something to be brushed under the carpet. The low levels of water have caused a thermal power station to shut down in February, wilted harvests have led to higher food prices, water has had to be delivered to homes and tens of thousands of people queue daily for water.
It’s not just coca cola that have to clean up their act. Hotels in India are being judged on the type of shower heads they use to conserve water. But Coke and Pepsi are fiercely opposed with hundreds of farmers demonstrated against them when they planned to build a $75 million bottling plant. The authorities approved cokes request to withdraw 4 million litres of groundwater a day. After 4 months of opposition the plan was cancelled. But when Pepsi proposed a plant and were authorised to draw 1.5 million litres a day, not only was it approved but protesters were beaten by the police.
In the past Coca cola bottlers have been closed for extracting groundwater above legal limits and because of water pollution and for violating mandatory environmental requirements.
Protesters have rightly accused the authorities for “acting as agents to foreign capitalists” and that “the common good was being sacrificed to foreign corporations” while “farmers were flying from water shortages and crop failures”.
“Coke and Pepsi are the best-known agents of water privatization and commodification of water,” said Nityanand Jayaraman, a journalist and activist in Chennai. “It is unethical and immoral for a resource that is so vital to life to be commodified. The two companies also stand accused of questionable practices. They make excellent poster boys, framing the issue of water scarcity as an actionable one of private greed causing the decline of a valuable public resource.”
Brazilian government officials have recently accused two coca cola production and distribution centers for treating workers like slaves according to a Reporter Brazil. The following discoveries were made after a 7 months inspections:
179 truck drivers were forced to work 80-140 EXTRA hours per month
They were often denied sleep between shifts 
This led to “a variety of physical and mental health related issues, such as “body aches, stress, lack of interaction with family members and almost no leisure time.”
in 2013 and 2014 truck drivers successfully sued Spal (a licenced manufacturer of Coca Cola).
Boycott Divestment Sanctions
The BDS movement has placed a priority on boycotting coca cola because of the factories that are in illegal settlements in occupied Palestine lands, breaking international law. “Coca cola has at large ignored calls to abide by international law.”
“In 2009 the company had also hosted a special reception at the Coca-Cola world headquarters to honour Brigadier-General Ben-Eliezer. Under the presidency of Ariel Sharon, Ben-Eliezer served as Israeli Defence Minister presiding over 2002 storming of Jenin, a refugee camp, leaving hundreds of Palestinians dead.’
Coca Cola’s water and electricity demands are likely to be given preference over the needs of Palestinian people based on reports from around the world which show that their bottling plants usually adversely affect the communities living around them. People in Gaza only have access to 30% supply from the only power plant in Gaza, hospitals run on emergency generators and Palestinians in Gaza face a chronic shortage of fresh water. “Access to water is limited on average to 6-8 hours for 1-4 days a week for the population of Gaza.”
“The settlements help to sustain Israel’s illegal occupation making it impossible to create peace and an independent Palestinian state. The settlements are also considered illegal under international law. Israel’s yearly expansion of settlements has created an extremely difficult situation on the ground for Palestinians. Settlers get away with land theft while attacking and harassing Palestinians on a daily basis for simply being Palestinians.”
Be careful of buying coke disguised as another brand
Here’s a list of coca cola drinks:
glaceau smartwater
minute made
5 alive
dr pepper
kia ora
Further reading and sources http://www.circleofblue.org/2017/world/right-life-water-drought-turmoil-coke-pepsi-tamil-nadu/ http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/Brazilian-Coca-Cola-Manufacturer-Accused-of-Slave-Labor-20160826-0007.html https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/society/2017/5/7/coca-cola-donated-thousands-of-dollars-to-extremist-zionist-group http://www.foa.org.uk/campaign/notinmyfridge/ http://www.coca-cola.co.uk/drinks
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word vomit -read if you please i guess
I hate being surrounded by people who probably think I’m a nuisance and can’t do anything right. I think one of the worst things for my self confidence has been becoming a drum major, and yet it’s afforded me some things I couldn’t live without. I’ve had people be down my back from day one criticizing my every move, and it’s never been people “I shouldn’t care about” it’s always the people who I thought would support me most. I thought things would be different from last year with how horrible a singular person treated me but now things are bordering on worse. At least last year there was a “villain” somebody with clear cut malicious intent that could be blamed and you could go “yep it was them” but its different this year. People who were supposed to come out of the dark with me ended up pushing me farther in while it feels like they get to leave. I get nagged on for everything. everything. I don’t understand. I’m one of band directors favorites, or at least I tell myself that because he’s also one of my favorite people and has helped me through a lot so i think i just want to think that. I’m president of my music honor society, I get nagged about that all the time even though im doing better than last years president. and a drum major, who is inept at being a leader i suppose. the one my band director used to go to all the time. Now I feel like ive been pushed out of the frame and i do nothing! And i think a lot of its in my head but my fellow high leadership nag me so much about every little thing and its like!! I guess i can’t do anything. Im a child incapable of individual thought and agency. And the worst part is theyre my friends. They arent bad people, they take care of me. Which is why i can’t and probably never will say anything.It feels like a circle of debt. How can i be unhappy with them when they buy me snacks, or drive me places. They’re more like extensions of parents at this point because i just get nagged so much. They argue everything i do or say. Im always wrong. Ill always be wrong, when am i not wrong? Ill never know. I make them laugh so they keep me around. Im like a court jester who they drag around and when im not making them laugh at a time that suits them im a fucking dipshit! That’s all I am.
And ive been pushed out and away from the one person who made my four years of high school bearable. It’s dumb but im super sad I dont hang out with my band director like i used to. Theres always so many people in his office all the time and i can never get a moment, but when I do it always boosts me up and im my happiest ever when im just hanging out with him. I feel empty when I make other people laugh, but my comedic qualities never feel soul sucking around him. Im happy to make him laugh!! He’s the true mentor I never had growing up. My parents christened themselves as examples of what not to do, though they still inspire me and have positive qualities and traits ill pick up. But my bd (band director) was the person I saw and said “I want to be like him when I grow up” and now it feels like im not special to him anymore. Like its stupid, hes a teacher ill stop talking to in essentially a month when i graduate but the thought of not having him around is unbearable. My band room used to be home but its not very much like that anymore. My bd is the best ever because I feel like he believes in me. He always tells me I need more confidence because he says he knows i can do more and be more. That means the world to me. I just couldn’t hurt him or break his heart though by telling him that the reasons my confidence is an empty shell of what it was because im in band right now and the people surrounding me. I just cant do anything right. I dont mind criticism, it is necessary, I understand it is, but everything. Everything is argued. I cannot do anything right, no good is done by me. 
And my friends can be under the guise of “we just want to help/we care/etc.” all they want but every time. every time i say or do anything. im never right. its grating and draining. theyre grating and draining. I bet if they saw this right now theyd just correct my grammar and disregard everything else, despite my writing this fervently with hot tears, because thats pretty symbolic of how things are for me right now. I think im not as effective of a leader as i used to be anymore either because theyve pushed me out of my spot. Not literally or even in the context of my band/clubs leadership. Like mentally and emotionally. Like i dont do things like i used to because im so used to being wrong or argued or something. I dont trust myself like i used to. WHich is why my bd always tells me to  be more confident but he doesnt know why im not. I cant do anything right. I dont want to hang around them anymore. 
They also make fun of me for my interests. theyre into cool and worldly shit like space and science but i like music. Music is the one thing im good at. Im of the best in our band and dammit i am fucking better then them at music but they still argue me on my music. i tried to give a presentation in english class about music in poetry one day and my one friend tried interjecting with music shit that they thought they knew but i ended up correcting them back DURING my presentation because i was talking to inexperienced people and i didnt want to spread misinformation. And yet they didnt interrupt anybody elses presentation. And like I cant like my anime or my art stuff without it being written off as stupid all the time. Like i use the term weaboo/weeb all the time and it never really bothers me except from them because anytime at all i mention something about anime/manga its immediately “Lol weeb” so i just dont talk about a very big thing that makes me happy. But they never shut up about space or science, and i listen because its noble, its cool to be into space and science, but the arts are just wholly less important i guess. I just live my life around them written off, useless. They “take care of me” so i dont talk back but if they knew how i really felt which theyll never understand, theyd know im just floating along. Its their world and i live in it i guess. I can feel them peeling away from me and just being friends with each other, and im not even mad about it. I hope it happens, theyre probably better for each other than they are with me at all and i hope i find people in college who will listen to me. 
i know its unfair to blame them for not understanding when i also say im not going to tell them anything, but theyve set a precedent in the past for not listening, its not like i havent tried. I just think things have run their course. 
I love music, my bd is the main reason i want to be a music teacher like him, the kids i teach at the middle school are also reasons i want to teach music. I just want to leave school already and then maybe i can start rebuilding myself into what i used to be. Just a humorous person who loves music. 
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