#this is from the app btw
f1-birb · 9 months
"AA HAHAAAA LETS GOOOOO!! Fuck I hit the wall!"
"Haha yep, just bring it back carefully!"
"Great job guys. Awesome. Let's keep pushing. I love you!"
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biscuitboba · 21 days
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Luffy maintaining his title as THE number one zoro fan, what's new?
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petitesmafia · 7 days
hc Chuuya was devastated when Dazai left pm but not in some angsty way. it was bc Dazai owed him at least $4,429.97 from using his credit card countless times (Chuuya always paid for their post-mission meals bc Dazai conveniently “forgot” his wallet every single time)
Chuuya: where is he. Kouyou: Chuuya, I understand ur upset— Chuuya, pulling out his bank statements: that mf said he’d pay me back wdym he’s GONE?!
Kouyou: we believe he may be in hiding underground Chuuya: bastard better be in hiding bc if I find him he’s gonna be put underground. do u know how much money he spent on MY card
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And three! Smiles go for miles!
(split under the cut for better viewing!)
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ghouljams · 11 months
Not to add another au to my pile, but...
You have lived by a very simple rule while on your "last summer" vacation: the best travel recommendations come from dudes that are down bad.
Your tinder has one sentence on it and all your best pics, "in town for the week, looking for fun." So far you've barely had to pay for anything, you've had some of the best food you've ever eaten, gone to the coolest clubs you'd never have found on trip advisor, and gotten laid more than you could've dreamed. At least half of them were pretty good too.
You hover over a profile, over the name "Ghost" and some choice shirtless pics. These types of profiles always go one of two ways: fake or fantastic. You swipe right, if it's fake you'll know quickly. Your phone lights up green. It's a match. Your fingers hesitate before typing out a quick message. He gets to you first.
"Down for some fun this weekend?" You laugh at the eggplant emoji and start typing your response before another message rolls in, "we can walk around/grab drinks before."
You smile a little wider, "what a gentleman."
"Always, gentleman in the streets, wild in the sheets"
"That line work for you?"
"You tell me."
You hate to admit it, but he's funny, and funny works for you. There's something about the way confident guys flirt that really gets you going. Not to mention this sort of confidence tells you the profile is real enough for you to send a loose itinerary of your time in London.
"Drinks on Saturday then," he tells you after a minute. You let your heart flutter a normal amount.
"Where are we going?"
"I'll send you the address, you send me your number."
Alright maybe your heart flutters a little more than normal. You like a man who knows what he wants.
Part 2
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goobygnarp · 3 months
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i just wanted to complain about a music player app throwing screen-covering ads at me, and I guess Santa also disliked the change as well.
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riality-check · 2 years
“What was it like? When you and Steve were together?” Eddie asks.
Nancy’s face takes on a grave seriousness that, honestly, scares the shit out of him. She’s Nancy Wheeler, and she’s always serious, but this is the kind of serious she gets when Eddie’s seen her talk about how awful the Hawkins Post is or the best way to aim for the kill.
This is Nancy Wheeler at her most serious. If Eddie were a lesser man, he’d be shaking in his boots. Instead, he’s only slightly aware of the way his feet are going numb in his high tops.
“Loving Steve is the easiest thing you’ll ever do,” she says. “And he’s going to find it so easy to love you back, because that’s what he does.”
Eddie wants to nod or say something to acknowledge that, but he doesn’t. He keeps sitting on the couch next to Nancy and waits for her to continue after she takes a sip of her Coke.
“Being loved by Steve is the hard part. He’s going to see you in a way that doesn’t line up with how you see yourself.”
She takes a deep breath. Unlike Eddie’s, hers doesn’t rattle in her lungs.
“Because he is only ever going to see the best parts of you, and he is going to love them with everything he has.”
She looks at him for the first time. “Do you understand?”
Eddie nods, and he wants to leave it at that. Instead, he opens his mouth and asks, “Do you think you’d still be together? If it weren’t for the monsters?”
Nancy downs the rest of her Coke like a shot. Maybe she wishes that’s what it was.
“I don’t know. I don’t know what could have been, but I do know we’re different people now.”
“I think,” Nancy says, because she’s not done and she’s a hell of a lot better with her words than Eddie is, “that people want what they didn’t have growing up. I want to make it big and get noticed and get the hell out. And Steve wants things that are big for him but little for me.”
She levels Eddie another look. Her big eyes are imploring.
Do you understand? they ask. Do you blame me?
Yes, Eddie thinks. No.
“So, as long as you can handle him loving you, and if you want the same things, I think you’ll be fine.”
“Just fine?” Eddie asks, trying to bring some levity back.
Nancy smiles for the first time. “More than fine. You’ll be better to him than I was.”
And with that, she gets off the couch and leaves Eddie alone.
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mbmbimbo · 6 months
Here, an android apk for spotify premium. (via bestforandroid.com. this only works on androids btw) you dont have to remake your account, and you dont have to give that terrible company your money anymore
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milkbreadtoast · 9 months
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the top beauty of the Divine Kingdom...😇
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iceicewifey · 2 months
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so um... i found a pose reference that gave me big vanishay vibes, but then i got carried away then tried to turn it into a lore moment for some reason? 😭
i don’t totally like how his arm looks plus i couldn’t get him low enough because the height difference was making it a really awkward angle, but that’s what i get for copying the anime style again... it’s janky but close enough lmao full disclosure vanilla's bangs and face are heavily referenced bc they were giving me the most grief to copy, no thanks to all those damn little LINES. reference + transparent vers. under the cut!
𝚝𝚊𝚐 𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 :: @goblinselfshippr、 @over--heaven、 @spookysinner45、 @little-miss-selfships | join my tag list ᡣ𐭩
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can’t find a direct link since i saw it on pinterest (💔) but it’s by mellon_soup!
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alonelystargazer · 6 days
something I've been thinking about recently is whether people still use custom ringtones
they used to be really popular in the 2000s but seemed to have slowly faded away over the years, and now I hardly hear anyone's phone ring (but it could just be considered rude), and if it does it's usually a system default ringtone, so I'm curious:
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misspoetree · 2 years
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hychlorions · 1 year
good news guys they sell klapollo at ikea now 👍
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werewolfsonpage211 · 6 months
det är för få kotte appreciation posts på tumblr
allt ska man behöva göra själv
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translation: there's too few kotte appreciation posts on tumblr have to do everything myself like LOOK AT HIM
WHATS THIS SHOW?? for non swedish people, sweden has a "julkalender" (christmas calendar) on tv every year with one episode a day from december 1st until christmas, its a kids/family show and its one of my favourite traditions. its a different story every year and this year its about tiny trolls who live in the woods. its free to watch from any country but its only in swedish rn :/
WHOS KOTTE??? kotte is a ray of sunshine, he's the best older brother there is, he's the friend that always brings a backpack, he can build literally anything, he's the clumsiest peson alive, he invented simping for a powerful pretty woman, he has zero understanding of social cues or norms, he's terrible at lying, he always says what he means, he's the only one with some common sense when it comes to danger but he will do anything to help his little brother, he's literally 🥺, his hat is made out of a pine cone which is also what his name means (pine cone, not hat), he's increadibly autistic, and the first time he tried sugar he ate an entire sugar cube, had what must have been the craziest sugar rush in history, took a nap, and is now obsessed with eating sugar again
this has been a kotte appreciation post
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bonefall · 8 months
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mistystar n who
I think fratboy Podlight who sends his powerful grandmother stupid texts is a VERY funny concept.
"My dad didn't love me because he could never move on from the lover he had in his 20s. My sister is up to no good. I party hard at Aftergatherings about it, are you rockin' with me?"
He is 38 cat-years-old.
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vivisectedvitality · 9 months
ok so my personal thought is that ghost and soap don't get married til their like mid fifties after they retire and even then it's just legal documents they don't have a wedding. and they don't really tell anyone because it doesn't really change much. and then one day 141 meet up for drinks or smth and someone else recognizes soap and goes 'oh hey mr mactavish' and he goes 'hey! n it's mactavish-riley now actually' and holds a whole long bench conversation while everyone else is fucking flabbergasted. and when he finally turns back around theyre like 'repeat that pls' and soaps smug ass is sat there grinning n he goes 'i say again. 's mactavish-riley now'. and everyone loses their mind
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