#this got way longer and less structured than i expected but yeah.
transmalewife · 10 months
been thinking recently about that dichotomy of hairless, skinny, smooth, genderless, "pretty" androgyny that's seen as attractive and acceptable vs. the hairy, fat, rough, genderful androgyny that's labeled ugly, deviant, wrong. never beautiful, at most it can be sexy, and how that ties into infantilization of nb people.
The only established image of a genderless human in western society is a child. small, hairless, with no secondary sexual characteristics. innofensive. There is no archetype of a fully grown adult who is not a man or a woman, no normality to aspire to, only monsters, demons and murderers in media.
So it makes sense for this to become the acceptable face of gnc (trans, intersex and more) people. "see? this isn't a dangerous sexual deviant, it's a sexless baby." it proclaims. similar to the (largely dishonest) idea that homosexuality would be/is more accepted as long as it remains child-friendly, non-sexual, hidden.
But some people are, and want to be, hairy and genderful. Sooner or later those smooth chests grow hair or start to sag or both and what then?
Anything feminine enough is seen as inherently sexual. To a lesser degree anything masculine enough is seen as inherently agressive. To opt out of either is one thing. You are still seen as a threat to society, but less so. But to embrace both? To allow yourself to grow and age and become an adult with all those signs? It's unnacceptable. it's unimaginable even. A beardless man is just young, a flat-chested woman is skinny. But a bearded woman ringing up your groceries? Surely she should be in the circus. A man wearing a dress at the office? He must be performing, or satisfying some sick sexual fetish, he must have an agenda, he can't possibly be just existing.
There's this insidious idea that the first type, shaved and flat chested is a passive kind of rejecting gender norms, one that you might come into naturally, one that you'll grow out of sooner or later, while the second is an active subversion, a political statement, a dangerous challenge to the status quo, when in fact a body with with body hair, that's fatter than the current ideal shape, with longish hair, is just what happens when you exist. when you don't dedicate hours to grooming yourself to an external standard.
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hikennosabo · 10 months
random knives thoughts (trimax vol 7)
my vol 7 post is getting long and i have so much to say about knives that i think he deserves his own post, lol. and this got way longer than i expected it would.
not sure how to structure this though. i guess i'll just... go in chapter order.
this volume is a LOT to take in, in general, but also with regards to knives specifically. we see past and present versions, and the difference is night and day.
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^ i love this scene of rem scolding knives so much, because it's just so... normal. a normal mother and son interaction. he was just a normal kid.
i also love this next scene, and i want to go through it slowly.
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knives is so worried about conrad's reaction to them. he can't make eye contact. his face is red. he's trying to talk politely. he's trembling and sweating. compared to vash, who looks a little concerned, but relatively nonplussed.
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i love how this is the only question conrad asks, and the two of them immediately answer. that's all that's needed.
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i love the panel of knives crying so much. i can't imagine him crying like this as an adult... he's so emotional about all this. and i love vash comforting him by putting his arm around him. vash has to say "thank you" because knives is crying so much he can't even speak. knives was such a sweet kid, y'all.
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and then there's this. now conrad is scolding knives like a parent, too. it's just. everything about this interaction is so sweet. it almost paints a picture of what could have been. things could have been different in another timeline. ugh ugh ugh
knives being the sensitive one, and the one with so much hope and confidence that plants and humans can get along, it hurts. it's almost hard to believe that the twins basically swapped in their outlooks and attitudes from being kids to adults.
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^ that being said, put a pin in this.
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^ not posting this one for any particular reason other than i think that knives being a little hackerman is so cute
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^ i NEED to include these panels, though, because it's such a sibling moment. if you couldn't tell (lol), i love the bits of normal familial interactions we see, and the twins' scenes specifically just serve to emphasize how wrong everything is in the present day.
"since when have we been so different?" ...the line in tristamp which kills me the most. (if this line appears in a future volume i might actually just climb right into the microwave.)
and then we get the tesla scene. it's already been discussed at length, but knives being so traumatized that he passed out is just. so much. it broke him. it broke him!! and he slept through everything after that. it seems like a small mercy, compared to vash's self-starvation and suicide attempt, but in the long run... it wasn't. he wasn't able to work through his emotions with rem like vash did. he didn't hear the blank ticket story, or see rem cry.
aaand then he wakes up and immediately pretends to have amnesia. i'm gonna be honest, i wasn't actually sure at first if he was lying or not. but his anger and grief and fear are too extreme for it to be a reaction to simply "rem calmly explaining what happened." although i also thought the twins Forgetting Traumatic Events could be like. a running thing here. maybe.
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also his "?" face is so cute. (somehow i forgot to include this one in my knives baby pictures post...)
the chapter 3 title kills me btw.
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"i thought it would be better if he still knew the truth." i wonder if vash blames himself for knives's breakdown because of this. (he would've had a breakdown anyway...) and there's something to be said here about vash thinking this when he's the one who ends up blocking out traumatic memories in the future. thanks to knives, no less.
his conversation with rem kills me, also. "are you trying to bear all of this by yourself?" "yeah. i am." he just. admits it. and his expressions are so muted now compared to previous chapters. rem is trying but unfortunately she didn't try hard enough.
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the mom-son hug... :( the way he clings to her. he's thinking about revenge, but it's so clear that he still loves his mom.
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and that leads right into this. it's still a little while in between this and knives making the ships fall, but, i don't know, with the way he breaks out of the hug, then turns away, then turns back to say thank you, it feels like this is knives's goodbye to rem. like this is when he steels his resolve, almost. maybe i'm reading too much into it, idk. plus he looks so tired. he looks more like his adult self now.
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it's more like he's telling himself this, rather than telling vash. he's choosing to be angry instead of afraid. (or acting like it, at least.) and with his face in shadow like in the flashbacks earlier in the story...
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^ PAGES THAT KILL ME. the last sense of normalcy right before disaster. knives's expressions don't seem insincere here. maybe he was allowing himself some happiness before the execution of his plan.
and then, of course, we see him having a fucking breakdown.
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they hurt to look at, but i love these pages so much. his face divided in two by shadow, tears on one side, blood on the other... he's. conflicted about his actions, to say the least.
but when he succeeds, he has no choice but to lean into it, yknow? no time for regrets.
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^ me when i lie. honey, you don't look rational.
and then we smash cut to the present day.
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i love this panel. knives looks so small here.
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and i ADORE this page so much. it's gorgeous; poignant, even. and we've never seen knives kneel like this before. man, this volume has such good knives images. (also i was rereading this chapter with my music on shuffle and 'take me to church' started playing while i was looking at this page. interesting experience)
there is. so much in this scene. knives expresses regret for killing plants in the big fall. knives saying - STILL saying - that he's angry rather than afraid.
a lot has been said about knives's hypocrisy already, but there's something to be said about knives criticizing humanity, and saying that humans will selfishly consume plants "like parasites"... and then essentially doing that himself. absorbing other plants so he can use their energy instead of his own.
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i think the phrasing he uses is interesting, though. it's almost as if he's asking the plant rather than using force. the gentle way he puts his hand on the glass, too. showing more respect to her than to his own brother. i mean, i guess it doesn't really matter because non-independent plants don't have free will anyway(?), and maybe that's exactly why he's acting like this(??), but. idk. it's interesting.
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^ including this page for no reason other than it fucks severely.
and then finishing the chapter and seeing the chapter title again is just. ugh. like, so much happens in between the start and the end that you kinda forget what the title is and then it hits you like a truck. king of loneliness.
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^ another page i'm including for the sole reason that it fucks severely.
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^ yet ANOTHER spread that i absolutely adore, but i have more to say about it this time lol. i'm obsessed with how beautiful this page is, it's a renaissance painting to me. it's just the contrast of it all. knives, the villain, in a delicate pose, juxtaposed against the body horror, sleeping peacefully with fabric draped all around. the majority of the spread being white creates a sense of purity and also contrasts beautifully with the use of black in the other two knives spreads i posted above. instantly one of my favorite pages in the manga. and he's absorbed, what, three or four plants by now? making his aura so powerful even when he's asleep. which makes this image of him snoozing even more uncanny in context.
...now that i think about it, knives sleeps a lot, doesn't he? he's essentially "asleep" at the beginning of the manga until he gets resurrected, he passed out from trauma as a child, there was that time in volume 4 when he was soooo eepy and yawned in legato's face, and now this...
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:( it's been said already, but knives has turned tesla into a symbol, much like vash with rem. if tesla had this power, what would she have done? we'll never know.
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"i won't let you," he says. knives. honey. some self-reflection, please. whose fault was it that he ever used those powers at all. i'm begging you. LOOK INWARD.
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^ more like millions guns lol. but actually i just wanted to point out he manifests 13 guns! thirteen, like the ghg! or it's just a coincidence.
knives insisting that this is a war... things to say when you're definitely not afraid of humans you swear. and then we get the dialogue from tristamp episode 12 from the scene that kills me the most.
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at this point i said to myself (which isn't the first time i've had this thought reading trigun, and won't be the last), "why can't they just talk to each other like normal people?" LOL yeah so we're taking that pin out from way earlier in this post: "we can work through a few little differences if we just talk to each other." but if knives was capable of doing that, well the story wouldn't be happening at all, now would it? the concept of talking it out became impossible to him the moment he and vash discovered tesla.
also damn that post about knives seeing vash as an extension of himself wasn't kidding! i don't think i can add anything else to that, just. yep, it's literal!
aaaand anything else i have to say will have to be in my volume 7 post proper because i've hit the image limit LMAO. i just. wow. knives. what a character. what a villain. i'm rotating him in my mind like a rotisserie chicken.
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made-nondescript · 1 year
Lore guy anon returns! With question answers! (I love answering questions so feel free to ask any)
The whole him traveling thing is. Complicated to explain due to a big giant piece of worldbuilding I did that is, basically, long story short: oopsie! The fae realm is all over the ocean now and it's messed up almost all sea travel! (The pirates (or at least their captains) are fae, don't worry about it its a whole thing)
But it basically means that when people leave the continent, they aren't really expected to return. Doing some worldbuilding on the spot (since your questions have revealed where this backstory idea conflicts with the family idea), maybe Scott's parents croaked (since I just haven't bothered with them so might as well shove them out of the picture) and that's what prompted scott to go on his travels, cuz ya know might as well see the world. I've also given him vague sisters (sisters to contrast qith the brother he had in xornoth in s1) that also left not long after him, siting better opportunities outside of chromia and the continent as a whole.
(((Oh wait I just remembered he's mentioned his parents (as his dad was where he got the hat from, and he was a traveler as well), so maybe that's also why he decided to leave. He also prolly saw most of the continent on family trips and such, so beyond was the only place to go that would be new)
But scott eventually did return (after being literally robbed blind), and became the talk of the town because of it! With the sisters being a useful writing thing to show that aspect of the culture more directly, because like. They haven't come back. Most don't.
And again on 'questions providing useful jumping off points for building', I haven't got much for the family fueds (I'll have to make the families and their fueds first. I've been on holiday so I haven't quite managed to), I imagine scott, now an adult rather than just a child hearing gossip, prolly doesn't see much of it. He'd be like, the last member of that branch of his family, so he can kinda do what he wants. But since he became Important by happenstance, the other families might even try to get in his good graces, get him to agree with them and get trades and allies that favor their laws. Weither or not he's aware of their attempts, who knows, not me! (yet).
Also on the topic of his family, the llamas are less a chromia thing and more a smajor family thing. I say this cuz i find the llamas being more a scott thing to be halarious, but like theres still a whole park dedicated to them. Although scotts definitely particular about the llamas, in a very rich animal kid kind of way. Like, say, when the bar needed a new barkeep, scott was all like "Oh! Owen could do it!" "Good! Who's Owen?... scott that's a llama..... eh ya know what, better than our last guy!"
Also I'm liking the idea that the whole no central leadership thing in chromia is a big source of pride. They don't need someone to order them around, they can simply come together to agree on things! They ignore how the Important Families are still a similar concept (although again on pride, those families also tend towards making sure that they care for their communities. If they aren't, they aren't being proper citizens! And if they become cruel, the people can always just. Stop listening to them, due to the structure of the laws and all that. (Obviously a bit more complicated than that but yeah))
This ask is even longer than the last :D! (Haven't even mentioned the ancient capital!!) But like feel free to answer more questions. For other empires I also have some slight stuff for Sanctuary (although it's more in how it relates to the other empires), I've got some concepts for Stratos (and how it contrasts the other empires, including its nearest neighbor, in both local and culture, chromia), as well as two seperate ideas for tumble town??? One of which, the more recent one, I believe was prompted from musing on your blog! (Like tumble town being a gold rush town who's mines have run empty)
FAE PIRATES OMG... that is very unique. I really dig that and the idea that like, leaving the continent is kind of expected to be the end of you. Scott's whole eye situation very nicely compliments that attitude towards venturing off continent too, because he may have come back but like, at a cost.
The llamas being a Scott thing IS so funny I love that. They just like their llamas okay!! the real question is whether the whole family treated animals like they're capable of human tasks or if Scott is just Weird. EITHER way, Owen would have to be very well trained to stay behind the bar for a suitable amount of time! so! Scott's affections are not misplaced.
Imagining in this society that the affluent families kind of apply pressure on one another to be good maintainers of their communities as well. Like it's a status symbol or something to have a particularly well cared for community.
Which, on the subjects of communities being clustered around the more affluent families, does that mean that Scott's family (or rather, Scott and his sisters?) was kind of negligent by leaving? Regardless of responsibility - if any - to their community, did they (temporarily or permanently) redistribute their resources before doing so? Was somebody else in charge? Maybe dynamics vary a lot between communities (which would no doubt be infuriating to foreigners). Did they simply not amass very much in the way of traditional resources? Ohh maybe their affluence comes from a non-traditional source, due to their travels.
Additionally, on no centralized leadership being a point of pride: I can imagine that getting very frustrating for Scott very fast. Not that he wants to be leader or anything, but he's basically being made to do the job of one without having the power to actually make decisions. So someone from another Empire asks him a question and he just sighs and says he'll get back to them after the 5 to 25 business days it takes for everyone to chime in on the issue.
These are so awesome thank you for sharing!!! All of those ideas sound wonderful frankly!!!! Specifically staring really hard at what you said about Stratos and Tumble Town omg ??
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kashacreates · 2 years
Leaves, ghost, and candy for the October asks!
🍂 leaves: what does your editing process look like? how does your wip typically change as you work on it?
I like to it print out and read over it with a few different coloured pens and highlighters. I look for worldbuilding, plot, structure, and style issues and mark them out for me to work on.
My wip typically ends up a lot longer as a result of editing. I end up adding a lot of scenes to glue the plot together and slow down the pacing.
👻 ghost: can you tease some wip ideas that have been haunting you/something you want to write in the future?
There is so much, but I was thinking about the fall of Ayla. A mobile herd of cities on a forever twilit planet succumbs to a nightmarish scourge. Think like werewolf rage zombies. Kind of a love story with a bittersweet ending. Kind of want the book to flip between the fall of Ayla and the freezing of Lutskylla (a story of survival and betrayal)
🍬 candy: share a sweet or fluffy scene from your wip!
From Friends, Part 2. Vocatia finds Torque asleep near the Bat and decides to wake him up. Of course, he immediately ruins the moment, but it was cute before he opened his mouth too much.
Once the girls were home, Vocatia came back to the little liquor shop and the sleeping Warlord.  She touched a glittering hoof to his tail and shoved it out of the way.  Approaching him, she had to straighten her legs to pry the bottle from his fingers.  A true Vactyr vintage, a gift from the home world.  And much stronger than one would expect.  She plucked a golden feather from her cape and stuffed it into the neck of the bottle as payment.  Then she set it in the crate. 
Her tail swayed as she turned to her sleeping friend. She stretched up to pat her palm against his chest plate.
A soft yellow glow came from his eyes as they opened.  They flickered as he got his bearings and found her soft smile staring up at him.  A small smirk played at the corner of his tusks.  “Oh, good,” he hummed, lifting his fingers to caress her hand.  “I was meanin’ to chat with you.”
“Oh yeah?” She asked with the soft encouragement of a patient mother.  Vocatia grabbed his hand and started to step back to help him onto his hooves.  “It’s gotta be important, you’ve been out here for hours.”  He staggered once he got upright, the side of his tail smacking against the booth.  Wrapping her arm around his thin waist, Vocatia steadied the drunken, chuckling Warlord.  “Ain’t you supposed to be on the Stryker today?”
He tried to shoo her off him, gently prying her arm from him and dancing around.  “Oh no, this was too important to wait until my next patrol.”  Cupping her generous horns in his palms, he made her stare up at him. 
Vocatia lifted a brow, becoming less amused by his slurred antics the longer he held her in place.  “Somehow I don’t think you’re gonna tell me you’re leavin’ the service.”
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maddilynmuse · 1 year
Nanowrimo Experience
This year I tried Nanowrimo…
As a total rebel lmao. I thought about trying to get through Book 2 and brought it up to my writing group to be met with a unanimous and resounding “FINISH BOOK 1!”
Well, I could try to argue with that, but naaaah…
So I aimed to edit more or less an hour or two a day instead, though ngl some days I more or less just used writing word count because I had to make scenes from scratch due to playing the Cupid shuffle with mu plot structure until it resembled something good.
Most notably, well, I had a scene from near the end that I really liked. Problem was, at this point that scene was a relic of sorts, no longer serving much purpose. So I looked at the parts I liked about it: a cool sea monster fight/introduction, and getting to show off Gayle (my amnesiac water magic user) being a fucking nerd… and maybe a few more things I can’t tell y’all because spoilers >:3c
So I was like, “hey, showing Gayle having an interest in books and history is good character set up actually” and moved that scene earlier, and while I had to change the context, I still got my sea monster fight later, just in a different place. Ngl not as fond of the new one, but maybe that’s nostalgia. I’d clung to the prior scene through quite a few drafts.
Of course, that meant I had to change parts of the beginning/middle of the book to accommodate, but that was honestly easier than expected. The harder part was basically rewriting, like… uh. Not exactly the last parts of the book, but a majority of the lead up and plot twists.
Guess who found out em-dashes DON’T have space on each side lskhcjlajdlal
Yeah I was doing them:
Like — this
When they should’ve been:
That was a loooooot of cleanup ^^’ in retrospect, I maybe could’ve left it. I’m sure some people might’ve said it was artificial padding, but honestly I just thought they worked that way for some reason??? This thing got longer than expected anyways lol. Still on the shorter end for the average fantasy novel, but oh goodness many words.
But yeah. I am a lot happier with it now, though still a bit unsure about the ending. My previous editor(s) didn’t seem to like it much, but, well…
I’mma risk sounding pretentious but hold with me lol.
I don’t think they understood it.
Like, I really don’t. Long story short, well, it might’ve been a genre mis-match. I didn’t realize at the time, but the pair I had editing it don’t actually work in fantasy most of the time, and seemed to have problems with, y’know… magic showing up.
At the time I thought it was a me thing, but my beta readers who do like fantasy are picking up on things they never seemed satisfied with.
I won’t say they were awful. They did help me find some other relics/artifacts of previous drafts that I left scattered nonsensically all over the place, and do think they caught a few things that I had gotten so used to that I forgot to explain them—like character walking on roofs because the roofs are flat and connected and serve as makeshift pathways when storms and floods occur.
But yeah. Takeaways?
Iiiiiii need to plot better and also need to stop changing the plot midway through writing.
Em dashes work: like—this
Make sure your editors work in your genre
Kill darlings, but also if you really like something, figure out why and take those aspects and reuse them
And hey… gotta find a system that works for you. Not every day was equal. Some days I was chomping at the bit to put in the New Scenes, some days I basically just edited grammar, and some days I didn’t feel up to actually working on the manuscript (particularly the days I was feeling most critical of it and myself) but instead used that time to take a step back and figure out what I needed to work on next.
If you’ve read this, well, thank you. ^w^ I’m just rambling, feeling like a gramma on the porch with youngsters coming by aljxlalhdlaljs.
But hey, sometimes you just wanna talk
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
81 of 2022
Wrath Who did you last get angry with?
I don’t remember, actually. Must have been a long time.
What is your weapon of choice?
Would you hit a member of the opposite sex?
How about the same sex?
Nope, but it has happened a few times.
Who was the last person who got really angry at you?
My husband. He took my words too personally and he’s been offended about it for the whole day.
What is your pet peeve?
Slow-walking people.
Do you keep grudges, or can you let them go easily?
I don’t overthink it usually, but I tend to take my revenges after longer time, when they don’t even expect them.
Sloth What is one thing you're suppose to do daily that you haven't?
Track the progress of my rehabilitation in the journal.
What is the latest you've ever woken up?
I was in my early 20s, I woke up around 7pm and went back to bed shortly after. Oops.
Name a person you've been meaning to contact, but haven't?
My parents. I forget to call them sometimes.
What is the last lame excuse that you made?
Short memory, but it’s actually the fact.
Have you ever watched an infomercial all the way through?
Nah, too boring.
How many times did you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock this morning?
I don’t. I wake up as soon as I hear the alarm. And today I woke up before alarm, too.
Gluttony What is your overpriced yuppie beverage of choice?
Does wine count?
Are you a meat eater?
Nope, I don’t like the taste or structure of meat.
What is the greatest amount of alcohol you've had in one sitting/outing/event?
Two bottles of wine. How on earth did I even manage to do that.
Are you comfortable with your drinking and eating habits?
No, but it’s stronger than me. As soon as I realise I forgot to eat something, I’m both guilty and happy.
Do you enjoy candy and sweets?
No, I don’t like sweets.
Which do you prefer: sweets, salty foods or spicy foods?
Spicy foods.
Have you ever looked at a small house pet or child and thought, "lunch"?
...what? Is this question even serious?
Greed How many credit cards do you own?
None, but I own three debit cards.
If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?
Exchange them to euros.
Would you rather be rich or famous?
Rich, but I don’t care about either. Fame is definitely not for me, though. I wouldn’t want to be recognised anywhere.
Would you accept a boring job if it meant that you would make megabucks?
No. I want some spice in my life.
Pride What's one thing that you have done that you're most proud of?
Overcame death.
What's one thing you have done that your parents are most proud of?
Graduated university.
What thing would you like to accomplish late in your life?
Get my hand back to its motoric skills.
Do you get annoyed by coming in second place?
Only if the winner is less smart than me lol.
Have you ever entered a contest of skill, knowing you were of much higher skill than all the other competitors?
Yeah, and I actually won.
Have you ever cheated to get a better score?
No. I always go by intuition on that.
What did you do today that you're proud of?
Cleaned the house.
Lust How many people have you seen naked (not counting movies, family, strippers, locker rooms)?
How many people have seen you naked (not counting physicians, doctors, family, locker rooms, or when you were a young child)?
Have you ever caught yourself staring at the chest/crotch of a person of your chosen sex during a normal conversation?
Not really. I struggle with looking in the eyes of people I don’t know, but it’s just an exception, and I usually don’t look anywhere else, especially there.
What is your favorite body part of a person of your gender choice?
Arms. And eyes, if he has beautiful eyes, the rest of his face doesn’t even matter to me.
Have you ever had sexual encounters (including kissing/making out) with multiple persons?
Not at the same time.
Have you ever been propositioned by a prostitute?
Envy What item of your friends would you most want to have for your own?
Good health lol.
Who would you want to go on "Trading Spaces" with?
What is trading spaces even?
If you could be anyone who existed in the world, who would you be?
Baas B, seriously :P
Have you ever been cheated on?
Yeah. My 1st ex was cheating on me because I didn’t want to have sex with him.
Have you ever wished you had a physical feature different from your own?
Yeah. I have somewhat of a marfanoid face, not to extreme level, but some of my facial features are quite typical for my disorder. Funny thing is that people find me either exceptionally handsome or exceptionally ugly, and I don’t even know how to relate to it.
What inborn trait do you see in others that you wish you had for yourself?
Verbal expression.
What deadly sin... Do you do the most often?
Pride, greed and wrath, it seems. Not in particular order.
Do you do the least often?
Lust, definitely.
Is your favorite to act on?
Pride, I can’t deny it.
0 notes
heliads · 3 years
Patch Me Up
Thomas can’t help but set his heart on the prettiest Med-Jack in the Glade, Y/N L/N. The only problem is that Thomas is fairly sure that she’s way out of his league.
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The first time Thomas winds up in the med-jack clinic, he’s kind of embarrassed about it.
It wasn’t like he really meant to injure himself, anyway. It just so happened that he was really behind on clearing the weeds from whatever woebegotten section of the gardens the track hoes had allowed him to use, and Newt and Zart had stepped away for the time being, so Thomas got the bright idea to grab a longer blade from their casual resting place in the grass and try to lop all of the vines down before his friends saw. It was a great idea, of course, until his shins happened to be in the way.
Now Thomas is standing in the middle of his garden plot, blood leaking down into the soil, and all he can think about is the fact that he has no idea where to go from here. The vines have all been savagely cut away, which is perfect for him, but it’s too late to hide the bloodstain on the blade or the smear of red on his leg. He doesn’t really know what he expects Newt to say when he finds out, but he definitely doesn’t expect the blond boy to start laughing.
“Jeez, Greenie, you really are a klutz. First you trip while running to the Maze when you’re not even five minutes out of the Box, then you manage to stab yourself while gardening. How do you do it?” Thomas glares at his friend, who’s almost doubled over laughing now. “It’s not like it happened on purpose. Besides, I didn’t stab myself, it’s just a scratch.” Newt attempts to control himself. “Right, I’m sure about that. Not sure why you would go around slicing yourself, but I’m not about to question you. Come on, then, you’ll have to get the med-jacks to see to that.”
Thomas frowns, but follows Newt as the blond second in command starts to lead him away from the gardens and back towards the buildings of the Homestead and the center of the Glade. “The med-jacks?” Newt nods. “They’re what passes for doctors around here. They’ll fix you up with some bandages and antibiotics and you’ll be good to go, so long as you don’t stab yourself when trying to pick the tomatoes.” Newt was expecting Thomas’ attempt to hit him and dodges easily, which is unfortunate.
Eventually, Newt and Thomas enter a door into a structure that’s less a building and more just a hut. A roof is propped up on logs and twigs and whatever else the Builders could find, and Thomas can see rows of beds and tins of medical supplies lying around. It’s a mess, that’s for sure, but what isn’t in the Glade? Thomas has to hurry over to Newt, who’s already disappearing around a corner. 
When Thomas catches up with Newt again, he’s surprised to see the blond boy talking to someone, a bright smile on his face. Newt, upon seeing Thomas approach, beckons for him to come over. “This is Thomas, by the way. Thomas, this is Y/N. She’s the one who patches most of us up around here.” 
All of a sudden, Thomas feels like he’s been caught in the middle of a sunspot. There’s a girl in front of him now, a beautiful girl that makes Thomas wonder how on Earth he hasn’t seen her around before. He’s sure that he would remember her- even now, he’s doing his best to carefully memorize every detail of her face and hands and smile so he can cherish the memory for the days to come. She’s gorgeous, that much is certain, and she’s looking at him with so much happiness over just him that Thomas wants to grin stupidly.
However, he can’t just stand here gaping like an idiot, so he closes his mouth and manages a nod in greeting. Newt, watching with a raised eyebrow, seems to be enjoying this. “Don’t get too infatuated, Greenie. Y/N’s used to all of us and so she won’t ever go out with any of us. That’s just how it is.” Y/N laughs. “Maybe I’m just sick of the rest of you coming in here all the time to bother me.” Newt shrugs. “That too.”
They talk for a few moments, then Y/N claps her hands together, almost startling Thomas. “Right, Greenie, what’s your problem? I mean, what happened that would bring you to the med-jack hut?” Newt grins first at Thomas, then at Y/N. “I’m going to let you explain that one, greenbean. I’ll meet you back in the gardens.” With that, and a parting wave, Thomas is left alone with the closest thing to an angel he’s ever found in his life.
He doesn’t have time to sit and think about this, though. Y/N’s still regarding him expectantly, and Thomas can feel his cheeks start to heat up at the ridiculousness of his injury. Of course, the first time he meets a girl like Y/N he has to do it by the stupidest of means. Thomas gestures roughly towards his leg. “I, uh, accidentally cut myself.” Y/N raises an eyebrow. “While in the gardens?” Thomas nods. “While in the gardens.” 
He half expects her to laugh at him like Newt had, but instead she shrugs and reaches for a roll of bandages and some ointment. “Not the worst injury I’ve seen, or the worst story. You should have seen the things Newt used to come in here for. I think he once twisted an ankle when he was walking too close to a tree and forgot to move out of the way.” Thomas almost snorts. “He what?” Y/N looks up at him, halfway through treating his cut. There’s a laugh dancing behind her eyes that makes Thomas’ smile widen in spite of itself.
“Yeah, he tripped over a tree. We all thought it was hilarious and wouldn’t stop teasing him about it for weeks. Ask him and he’ll deny it, of course, but it happened nonetheless.” Thomas’ cheeks almost hurt from smiling this much. “Is that why he limps all the time? He hurt himself doing something like that?” All of a sudden, Y/N’s smile slips away from her. There’s a look in her eyes that tells Thomas that something happens, something bad that she can’t seem to shake. “No, not that.”
She stands up now, pressing a roll of bandages into his hands. “Here, that should hold for a while. Change your bandages before you go to bed, you don’t need me for that. It’s a shallow cut, so you’ll be fine.” Thomas wants to curse himself. Why’d he have to bring that up and make her feel so bad? “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have brought it up.” Y/N forces a smile, which is almost as bad to see as if she’d just started glaring at him. “No, it’s fine. You should probably go back to the gardens, though. I think Newt is waiting.”
Before he knows it, Thomas is standing outside the med-jack hut, staring at the door closed right in front of him. For a moment, all he can do is just stay there and think about what just happened. Thomas thought that whatever had happened to Newt was old, an injury that happened a while ago. Judging by Y/N’s reaction, though, it’s still fresh in her mind, and now he’s gone and reminded her of it. What does he do about that?
The second time Thomas finds himself in the med-jack hut, he does his best to avoid it.
It wasn’t like this injury was all that bad. Still embarrassing, still ended up with blood on his hands, but he didn’t need to go to the med-jacks, he’d be fine. That’s what Thomas tried to tell Minho, anyway, but his friend wouldn’t listen. “If you end up getting that cut infected, it’ll be a lot worse and Y/N will kill us all. Just go, you’ll be in and out in ten seconds and it’ll be fine.” Thomas tries his best to protest and come up with excuses to stay away from the flimsy hospital room, but in the end, Minho won’t take no for an answer, practically dragging him towards the hut anyway.
It’s not like Thomas has a particular aversion to getting medical treatment, it’s just that he’s afraid to see the girl there waiting for him. Ever since that day, when he’d mistakenly brought up Newt’s injury, Thomas can’t help but feel guilty. He can’t figure out quite what it was that would make Y/N’s seemingly ever-bright eyes darken like an approaching storm, but it was definitely something he’d said. He’s not sure that Y/N will really want to talk to him, as she’d more than given that impression by shooing him out of her workplace, so he’s done his best to avoid the med-jack hut.
However, he can’t exactly tell all this to Minho, so all Thomas can do is try his best to argue his friend out of a trip to the hut. Minho refuses, of course, and Thomas finds himself waiting in the med-jack hut a few minutes later, arms crossed over his chest in annoyance. He sends up a silent prayer to whoever is listening that he’ll get Clint or Jeff, but when he hears someone say his name in a surprised voice, he recognizes it as Y/N and Y/N alone.
She walks over to them, holding a thermometer from where she’d been organizing a box of supplies recently arrived from the Box. “What’s up, you guys?” Minho jerks his thumb towards Thomas with a grimace. “This shank went and cut himself on the walls of the Maze while we were out running. He tripped and caught himself, but his shoulder bit it. It was kind of funny, actually.” Y/N playfully swats Minho while she walks by. “No making fun of injuries, Minho. We’ve talked about this. I’m the only one who gets to do that.”
Now she’s standing in front of Thomas, grimacing in sympathy at the small bloodstain over his shoulder blade. “You’ll need to clean that up pretty soon. Minho, you go ahead to the Map Room. I’ll take care of Thomas.” Minho flashes her a thumbs up, already starting to jog out of the room. “Don’t have to tell me twice.” Y/N grins as she watches him go, then turns back to Thomas, who’s still standing there with apprehension rising in his chest. What is he supposed to say now? Sorry I brought up what might have been a traumatic incident in your past, I didn’t know and kind of felt loopy whenever you smiled at me? Yeah, that wouldn’t really work out too well.
As it turns out, he doesn’t have to think at all. She’s already conjuring up a fresh grin for him, an inquisitive expression on her face. “You know, usually whenever Greenies show up, they go through the same routine of showing up here with fake injuries just to see the one girl in the Glade, but seeing as Minho had to physically drag you here, I don’t think that’s the case. Bandages again?” Thomas manages to nod. “Sure, that sounds great.”
Y/N’s already spinning back across the room to grab the roll of bandages, but she holds up a finger in the air just in case. “That’s good, because I wasn’t asking. That’s a little check, just to make sure you aren’t out of your shucking mind.” Thomas snorts. “Who isn’t?” Y/N laughs as she starts to dress the wound. “Well, I was kind of wondering if you were. You’ve practically been avoiding me ever since we met.”
Thomas has to admit that this is true- in all of his fear to misspeak again, he’s been constantly passing up opportunities to talk to Y/N again. He doesn’t sit next to her at meals, he doesn’t cross the bonfire to say hello. Looking back at it now, it does look as if he’s been trying to distance himself, even if that couldn’t be further from how he felt. Thomas scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. “Maybe I’m still a dumb Greenie who doesn’t know how to talk to the one girl in the Glade.”
Y/N rolls her eyes. “That’s a lie and you know it. Are you going to tell me or am I going to have to guess?” There’s a hesitancy in her question, like she’s second-guessing herself. Thomas almost rushes over himself in his haste to convince her that this isn’t her fault. “No, it’s not like that. It’s just- I know I upset you the last time we talked, and I felt bad about that. I guess I just kind of figured that you wouldn’t want to see me for a while.”
Y/N looks up at him in surprise, bandages forgotten. “What are you talking about? Thomas, that was a one time thing, I swear. It was just a hard day and a hard memory, nothing more. Shuck, you’ve been guilting yourself over this the entire time?” Thomas shrugs, a slight smile on his lips. “Well, not the whole time.” When Y/N raises an eyebrow at him, he clarifies. “Maybe a little bit more than most of the time. Okay, a lot.”
Y/N giggles, and Thomas almost wants to make a fool of himself a few more times just to hear it. “Consider this whole thing over and done. I officially forgive you for something that I forgot about an hour after the conversation.” She grins, and Thomas grins with her. “That sounds good to me.” Y/N nods, taking a step backward to consider her work. “You know what would sound good to me? If you stopped injuring yourself all the time. I mean, I go through a roll of bandages like every hour.”
Thomas scoffs. “That’s because there are more shanks in the Glade than just me, Y/N. I’m not the only one getting hurt.” Y/N points at him to further her point. “Yeah, you’d better not. In fact, simply stop being injured. Easy as that.” He can’t help but laugh, and Y/N’s eyes sparkle triumphantly at this. “You’ve got a nice laugh, Thomas.” As with anyone else, Thomas’ laugh dries up slightly when he hears this truth, like the second he’s complimented he has to hide that very thing.
He doesn’t know what to do now, where to go from here. All he can really do is stand here and watch her smiling at him. To be honest, Thomas is fairly sure that’s all he would ever want to do. He knows it’s time for him to leave and stop bothering her, but Y/N’s looking at him like she just might give him a chance, so he decides to offer her one. “I hear they’re having a bonfire later tonight. Want to go with me?” Y/N’s grin broadens. “Absolutely.”
Just like that, Thomas’ day is made.
maze runner tag list: the a-maze-ing (haha) @underc0vercryptid​, @ellobruv
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dreamingofaizawa · 3 years
Powerful Ch. 3
Yakuza! Shouta Aizawa x Fem! Reader
*Mafia AU*
Warnings: Misogyny (not from Shouta), a dagger, kinda fluffy
Word Count: 3k
Author's Note: This took too damn long but here we are. Definitely coming out with another part or two, but the next one is gonna start at a huge timeskip so yeah. That'll be fun.
Anywho, Enjoy~
For Reference, this is the dress I describe in here.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 4
For your second night with Shouta you find yourself lost in thought, staring out at the stars. The stress from before the meeting never disappeared, only delayed. Now it’s all catching up, and your brain is struggling to sort everything out.
Shouta could be on the receiving end of some very misogynistic and traditional clans’ anger very soon. You’re relieved that your future husband is nothing like them, but the backlash he could be getting just by bringing you to a meeting so soon after the announcement is frightening, not to mention some irrational clans may decide to split off and find a rival Yakuza to adopt them. Even so, that’s probably the worst of the outcomes. It’s unlikely you’ll have to worry about either of your safety, though there is still a small chance.
For the second time Shouta wraps his arms around you, surrounding you with his scent and body heat.
“I hope this won’t become a habit, little one.” He presses his cheek to the side of your head, kissing your temple gently. His presence is calming, helps your overactive brain slow down.
“I just needed space to think.” He hums, the sound reverberating through your body.
“What could you be thinking about so late at night?” You don’t really want to tell him, but you figured it’s better than keeping it all in.
“I just worry about the backlash you’ll be getting after the meeting today. This organization is a traditional one, and women have always been kept away from the violent and criminal side of it for centuries. To suddenly name an onna-oyabun, and a woman that previously held a low rank at that, you’re bound to feel some sort of repercussions.” He squeezes you gently, kisses your temple again.
“That’s what you’re worrying your pretty head about? I’ll be fine, little one. Let’s go to bed.” He’s right, you suppose. There isn’t a lot that can affect him or his position, so there isn’t a lot you need to worry about. You nod, taking your weight off of him to go back to the room. You’re a little surprised when he picks you up again, scoops you off your feet and carries you to bed. He tugs you into him just the same as the night before, and once again you fall asleep to the soft thrum of his heart.
The next morning you’re woken by Shouta again. This time you don’t immediately pull away, instead choosing to bask in his embrace a few moments longer. It feels like you’ve known Shouta for years rather than hours, having seen some of the most intimate and private parts of him, and all you want to do is dig deeper. But of course, there’s time for that later.
“Come on, little one. It’s time to wake up. We’re going to see your parents today, and then we’ve got another meeting to attend.” You hum lightly then push off of him, taking a glance at his handsome face before getting out of bed to prepare for the day. You choose a dress you hadn’t worn in a while, one that felt like it would fit today’s events, a flowing black sundress with a halter neckline. Simple black heels pair nicely with it, as well as a small black clutch purse.
You aren’t anxious about Shouta meeting your parents. They aren’t as traditional as most, ideals and views closer to Shouta’s. All parties involved gave their bows in greeting, even Shouta, and brunch went by without a hitch. It wasn’t the usual cringey romcom scene where the parents ask ‘why do you love our daughter’. In fact, they know that the marriage is strategic. Of course, Shouta had made his thoughts clear, that he intends to ensure the union is enjoyable for the both of you. His honesty made a small smile worm its way onto your face, though you managed to hide it well enough.
Soon you’re on the road again, en route to the second meeting. You aren’t too surprised that Shouta already has two scheduled meetings back-to-back after the gala, he is a busy man after all.
The venue is another restaurant, this one not quite as high-end but just as beautiful, the entire massive building shaped like a circle and a koi pond around the perimeter. A bridge is all that connects the sidewalk with the building. You and Shouta are guided through by a host, and out a back door where another bridge connects to a separate island in the extended pond, the structure enclosed with sheer beige curtains.
Again, conversation abruptly stops when you enter. You’ll have to get used to it, you suppose. You sit, and the meeting begins. The subject is mostly territory disputes, bargaining for territory extensions or swaps with the others, all of them trying to work out strategies that benefit not only themselves but other clans as well. You keep silent throughout, listening carefully and learning, taking information and analyzing it. There must be someone Shouta doesn’t like in the meeting, because when the most important details are worked through, he excuses himself to the restroom once again.
You wonder, briefly, why he’d choose to play the same trick a second time in a row. If he does it too often his plan would become transparent, though one could argue not doing it enough would be just as easy to read. You don’t know how often he excuses himself from these meetings, so you decide to leave it in his hands.
Fortunately for you, it would seem no man here is willing to speak about your presence. It’s been almost ten minutes and none of them has said a word to or about you, choosing instead to discuss territories a bit further. Though you were beginning to question why Shouta hadn’t yet returned. Surely one would get suspicious, and one did, glancing toward the main building. It was then you all shifted your attention to Shouta, who stood at the opposite end of the bridge speaking into his phone. So that’s why he’s taking so long.
And unfortunately, that meant these men were relatively safe.
“So what’s the woman doing here?” It was barely a whisper, but you could hear it even over the sounds of the pond. A glance up shows the blonde to your right had leaned over to the man next to him. He’s much younger than the man from yesterday, maybe in his mid-late twenties, his hair clearly not natural. The one he’d whispered to flicked his gaze up, catching your own, and shouldered the blonde who subsequently looked to you. He cracks a cheeky smile, a poor attempt to cover himself really.
“Ah, Onna-oyabun, it’s good to finally see the Black Dragon’s wife-to-be.” It would seem news travels fast, and the blonde is much less bold than the older man. You crack your own smile, a sickly sweet show of teeth that hid a venomous bite.
“The woman has a name. Please, do not be afraid to use it in discussion. And I will tell you exactly what I told the previous oyabun who questioned my presence. I am here because Shouta wants me to be.” His smile doesn’t falter, but his eye visibly twitches at your response. It’s almost amusing to see his composure slip. It’s less amusing when he glances back to where Shouta is still on the phone.
“With all due respect I’m not afraid, I simply do not feel the need. And my question was not directed at you, but at my associate here.” He loops an arm over the shoulder of the man he’d asked, the dark-haired man wide-eyed and nervous. You aren’t sure how to answer his quip without rising tension, but Shouta made it clear you’re to be commanding a room just as he does, so you choose to strike a nerve and stir the pot. For added effect you let your face drop into a deadpan, tilt your chin up just a hair and glare.
“Most would feel it necessary to use a person’s name or title when discussing anything regarding them, especially in their presence. Therefore I can’t help but feel you may not have any respect for me when you clearly should.” You could see the muscles in his jaw clench as he ground his teeth, his nostrils flaring with his anger. You nearly let a smile crawl onto your face at the satisfaction of knowing you’d angered an asshole like him with only your words.
“Maybe I don’t respect you. What are you going to do about it?” The man still under his arm stiffens, a hand slapping the blonde’s chest, his eyes locked on the entrance to the room. Shouta stands there, but the blonde seems to either not notice or not care. You aren’t given time to answer his rhetorical question.
“Nothing. You can’t do a thing about it, because you hold no power over me.” He’s elbowed this time, the dark-haired man trying harder to get the blonde’s attention off of you and onto the man he should be fearing right about now. To be fair, Shouta stands almost behind the blonde, who sits to your right, so it isn’t hard to believe he doesn’t see him. You just let him dig his own grave.
“And you hold no power over me because you’re a woman. A woman out of her place and on the wrong side of business, let alone holding a rank much lower than mine.” The man beneath the blonde’s arm had given up, choosing to bow his head down and stay silent. It’s Shouta who speaks next.
“I believe it’s you who holds a much lower rank than her.” The blonde’s face goes pale, his shit-eating grin dropping faster than a sinking stone.
“In case you hadn’t heard the news yet I’ve assigned her a title, and I expect you to use it. She may have asked you to use her name, but you should address her as Onna-oyabun any time she is brought up in discussion, regardless of whether or not either of us are present.” He strides up behind you and places a hand on your bare shoulder, just like yesterday. You can’t help but feel his positioning is on purpose, physically placing you in front of him.
“Are you ready to go, little one?” You nod, rising from your seat and taking a small bow signaling your leave. Shouta lets a hand rest on your lower back, guiding you out, but you overhear the same blonde whisper under his breath. You’re definitely not meant to hear it.
“The Dragon can’t always be around to save you, brat.” You both freeze in your tracks, Shouta’s eyes wide and nostrils flaring with anger. Before he can turn to react you lean in and whisper in his ear.
“My turn.” He raises an eyebrow at you, then nods, crossing his amrs and leaning against the beam at the entrance. You pivot, pinning the blonde in place with a glare. If looks could kill, he’d be in a casket. Slowly, you begin a steady pace around the table.
“I do not rely on Shouta to help me in these situations. In fact, I could just as easily take a piece of your tongue myself.” You’re on the opposite side of the table now, still taking long, slow strides and glaring down at the man.
“But it is so glaringly obvious that you lack the same level of intelligence I hold, and therefore I would feel guilty to rob you of a muscle that you clearly haven’t learned to use properly,” you stop, standing stock still behind the blonde, “However.” In one swift movement your dagger is stuck in the wooden table directly in front of the blonde, your manicured fingers curled around the handle delicately.
“Should I hear another demeaning or degrading word out of your mouth, I will not hesitate to stain my fingers with your blood.” He doesn’t seem to be reacting at all, whether he’s afraid or not you can’t tell, but you don’t let that affect your performance. You lean in, your lips nearly grazing the shell of his ear.
“You probably wouldn’t even get to taste my blade, but I don’t mind taking my time if you want to savor the tang of steel.” You yank the blade from the wood and sheath it, straightening your posture.
“Had Shouta chosen another woman for his wife you may have been able to actually hurt her feelings with your childish words.” You turn, striding back to where Shouta holds his hand for you to take.
“Unluckily for you, I’m just as volatile as my other half. Be grateful that either of us are merciful. You get to keep your tongue. For now.” It’s cathartic, letting out your anger like that. It’s unlikely that the threat will get you any sort of respect, but fear works just as well in your favor. Respect is something hard to find and even harder earned as a woman in a man’s world, but fear works better against an enemy that dreads change. You can’t help but smirk as you walk away from the chaos you left behind, and as you glance up you see the faintest smirk worming its way onto Shouta’s face.
His chest swells with something akin to pride as he waltzes away from the restaurant. He was wrong to assume you were averse to violence, had taken your level-headedness and cool temperament to mean you are not a violent individual. To assume you were either incapable of violence or unable to handle the intensity was obviously a mistake on his part. Watching the blonde freeze up and pale under your hard gaze was extremely satisfying, and he had to admit seeing such controlled rage and sharp words pour from you was enjoyable and, among other things, wildly attractive.
Shouta thinks he should let you handle these situations more often, let you have your fun, maybe even plot to have you purposely go just a little too far and have him reel you back in. Maybe then people may start to understand that you aren’t to be treated lightly, you aren’t just a means to an end, just a glorified housewife. No, you’re much more than that and if it takes bloodied words and bloodier actions to get it through some thick skulls, well, he’s sure you know he’s willing to go there and farther.
But for now, he’d settle with the occasional threat of taking a body part.
Once again you stare out at the stars, thinking about the day’s events. You’re almost bouncing on your feet, adrenaline still flowing through your veins. You feel light now, knowing you can take control of an escalating situation. Whether or not you can do it all on your own isn’t a real question. Of course you could do it without Shouta present. His existence alone is enough to ward off any violence directed at you. But it’s your own actions that determine how people will perceive you.
You let Shouta control the first meeting incident, mostly because you had no clue what was going on and no information to work from. Now that you know Shouta is listening and that there’s a purpose behind his absence, you can use it to your advantage and weed out the worst of the bad apples. With that information, and confidence that Shouta will not reprimand you--but will in fact support you--for getting mouthy with said bad apples, you could let loose some of the rage that made your blood boil. It’s freeing, taking entitled men off their precious pedestals and knocking them down a bit.
Shouta wraps his arms around you for the third time, burying his face in your neck and breathing in your scent. He kisses you lightly, feather light presses of his lips against your skin. It really does feel good, being so close to someone.
“I thought this wasn’t becoming a habit.” You sigh and lean into him.
“I’m not quite tired. Honestly I’m thinking about today. I’m still on an adrenaline high just replaying it in my head, the thrill, being able to finally get a word in.” He chuckles, squeezing you a bit tighter to him.
“I’m going to assume you’d never really been allowed to do that sort of thing before.” You nod, a small smile curling your lips. Up until now you lacked any sort of standing or power, and the rush is amazing, for lack of better words. Shouta hums then nips at the shell of your ear, his voice sultry and deep.
“Well if you’re looking to burn energy I think I could help you with that.” Your breath hitches, not prepared for such a suggestion. For a second you believe it, believe he’s really suggesting what you think he is, but you can feel his hands moving and before you can react he’s digging his fingers into your sides, making you giggle uncontrollably.
He’s laughing with you, enjoying watching you try to squirm from his grasp. He releases you, and you run over to the bedroom and duck under the blanket in an attempt to hide, but he only laughs.
“You silly girl, now you’re trapped!” He finds your waist through the thick blanket and doesn’t relent until you’re gasping for air and crying for mercy. He stops, finally, and pulls the blanket off your head. Your face is flushed, your hair splayed wild over the sheets and your chest heaving for oxygen. For a moment his mind drifts to dirtier thoughts of a similar expression he’d like to see. He pushes those thoughts away as you beam up at him, your smile reminding him of sunshine. Rough fingers brush away the hair that had fallen over your face.
“Are you ready to try sleeping now, little one?” You lean your head into his hand, nuzzling your cheek into his palm. The way he’s gazing down at you now, you know you’d never felt so adored in your life.
“Let’s sleep.” He lies down and you get comfortable on top of him, resting your head in the crook of his neck and wrapping your leg around his waist. His arms lock around you, holding you in place and he kisses the top of your head.
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gwynrielsupremacist · 3 years
Read at AO3
if you want to be tagged in my fics, please tell me! 😗💖
yeah, it's all smut, so if you don't like it, please don't read it and refrain from posting hurtful comments, thanks <3
Gwyn swallowed hard, noticing how the little alcohol she had drunk rose throughout her body, clouding her mind.
Was her crush… asking for a second round?
Obviously she knew the double meaning of that, but she couldn't even get the idea that Azriel wanted to have sex with her enter her head.
I mean, yeah, she knew she was kind of attractive, but he?
He was a fucking Greek god.
Emerie ended up going to Morrigan's house, according to her, because they had arranged to finish a project at Morrigan's Design College, although Gwyn guessed they weren't just going to do the design work. She had watched Emerie choosing a set of red lace underwear, one of Mor's favorite colors.
Insecurity entered her body when she remembered how boring the set of underwear she was wearing was.
Perhaps Azriel expected… something more seductive?
"Gwyn, he hasn't even seen you yet, don't freak out." She told herself, but it was of little use.
Right now she was cursing anyone who was listening to her mind for choosing such uninteresting underwear.
Cassian and Nesta went to his room, taking a bottle of tequila and another of vodka, smirking as they left the two alone in the living room.
They were alone.
Azriel and Gwyn were alone.
The crush that she had heavily flirted with less than 30 minutes ago.
She was going to pass out, she wasn't going to take much longer with that mood.
She had to do something, even if she later regretted it.
She couldn't die without having tasted the perfect lips of her instructor.
She looked at Azriel, her eyes slowly dropping from his face to his abs, being somewhat visible thanks to the white T-shirt he was wearing.
She felt waves of heat go down to her core when she saw the long bulge that squeezed the gray sweatpants.
Fuck, was that… thing going to fit inside her?
"Do you like what you see, Berdara?" He asked seductively, running a hand over his shirt, pressing it closer to his hot body.
She felt her mouth salivate the moment she saw the fucking show he had under that shirt.
Shows like this shouldn't not be hidden.
Obviously not.
Grinning lasciviously, she got up from the couch, her hips swaying as she walked over to where Azriel stood, gazing shamelessly over her body.
She knew that blouse easily showed much of her breasts, and she felt fucking good when his gaze fell on them, his eyes darkening with sexual desire to find everything she possessed underneath her clothes.
She stood in front of the boy who stood with his legs half open, looking at Gwyn with delight and sensuality.
He patted his shapely thighs while he looked at her, running his tongue across his lips, asking Gwyn to sit on them.
However, she had better plans.
She swung one leg up onto the couch, swinging so she wouldn't fall off there - it would be fucking embarrassing to fall in such a situation - and after feeling like she wasn't going to fall if she made that move, she flopped down on top of his crotch, both of them groaning as her core came into contact with his hardened member, furious for attention.
She suddenly lost track of time, there was nothing more important than the wonderful sensation of fullness in her pussy.
God, she hadn't even gotten into her, he was going to break her.
She linked her arms around his neck, caressing the fuzz located in the area.
Azriel grunted, laying his head on the back of the couch.
Gwyn purred in satisfaction when she saw that he left the surface of his throat and neck at her disposal.
She approached him, shyly kissing the area.
Her eyes rolled back as the perfume that had apparently been applied entered her nostrils.
Fuck, there was no way anyone could smell that fucking good.
She continued kissing, now with more effort when she saw that Azriel allowed himself to be done, sighing at the attention of her lips.
Smiling, she bit the base of his neck, licking it repeatedly, then nibbling it again.
Azriel's cock pulsed dangerously close to her clit, sending waves of pleasure all over her body.
She felt how the heat was settling in her stomach under her.
Fuck, was her orgasm building now?
The throbbing of her clit was fucking painful, she needed more friction.
She needed that man to give her the attention she deserved.
She began to sway slowly on his dick, slow and sensual movements, while she continued to pay attention to his neck, noticing how shivers ran down his body.
A lascivious smile decorated her lips painted with carmine, seeing how that man shuddered at her touch.
She began the movement of her hips again, combining it with small bounces on his lap, noticing that his erection pulsed and moved violently in his pants.
Azriel grabbed Gwyn's chin, forcing her to separate her lips from the surface of his neck.
"Do you like to see me like this?" He whispered, biting his lip as he gazed at the spot where their bodies nearly met. "You like to know that this fucking erection is for you, right?"
She couldn't think, she couldn't try to speak when that man talked dirty.
Fuck, she loved when men talked dirty.
It was so… exciting.
She nodded quickly, trying to restart the friction in both bodies, however Azriel's palm rested on her hip.
"Speak up, Berdara. You can use that wonderful little mouth you have to talk." He advised her, slapping her buttock hard.
She moaned loudly, dropping her head on his shoulder.
God, did he just... spank her?
He massaged the area, over the fabric that covered the skin, running his fingers over the sore area, then hitting it again.
"Yes! I love knowing that I am the one who provoke you that erection!" She screamed, burying her face into his neck as she waited for another spanking.
However, he stopped.
Gwyn pulled her face away from his neck, frowning as she expected more pounding.
Azriel held up a dark eyebrow, giving her a crooked smile as he rubbed her buttocks, patting them.
"Do you like to be spanked?" He whispered into her ear, gently hitting her on the backside.
"Y-Yes." She moaned as she felt Azriel's large hands on her body, touching her however he wanted.
He smiled seductively, but didn't comment on her fetish.
What he did was get up from the couch with a grunt, lifting Gwyn, who was quickly linking her heels on the small of his back, positioning herself well on his body.
She didn't want to fall, as well as she didn't want to part with that man.
Searching for his mouth, they stared until Gwyn decided it was enough.
She needed to get those lips, if only once in her life.
Therefore, she brought their lips together in an explosive way, their teeth and tongues colliding with each other, battling who entered deeper, who managed to dominate more part of the other's mouth.
Everything was so hot, she noticed how her nipples were eyeing the situation over her blouse.
They were a mass of mouths, teeth, bites, licks.
Gwyn didn't realize when they had started up the stairs, but the fact was that they had started up them.
She assumed they would go to Azriel's room, since Nesta and Cassian would be in their own room.
Anticipation boiled inside her body, moisture beginning to stain the thong she had put on.
Fuck, she needed that man so bad ...
She listened, as she felt Azriel biting hard on her lower lip, as a door opened, entering a room.
Separating to breathe some air, she analyzed where she was.
There was a fucking huge bed, where perfectly Gwyn could sleep with Emerie and Nesta and they wouldn't get to touch all night.
There were two bedside tables, with a table lamp and a white clock.
She couldn't watch much more, as Azriel pulled her gently into the center of the bed, bouncing slightly as she landed on it.
Azriel leaned back on top, careful not to put too much weight on Gwyn, as he kissed her wet, red lips effervescently, feeling the heat settle back on her belly, drowning out her moans as she groped Az's shirt, tucking her hands inside it.
Azriel pulled away, gritting his teeth and closing his eyes as Gwyn continued to stroke whatever skin she could, delighted at the wonderful feel of his abs.
Gwyn began to smile, doing a maneuver that Azriel himself had taught her, grabbing his arm that was near her head and turning it.
Suddenly, Gwyn was the one on top, Azriel smiling at how perfectly his student had made the key.
Gwyn's features lit up with happiness as she saw how her instructor was proud of her.
Azriel put a hand on Gwyn's neck, lowering her head to begin kissing again, more slowly this time, savoring the alcohol and chocolate taste of the dessert they had had less than 20 minutes ago.
The kiss was slow, enjoying the sensation of both mouths in sync as their tongues began a lascivious dance from their mouths.
Azriel ran her hands up Gwyn's torso, massaging her toned belly, then lowered it to her thighs, squeezing masterfully.
His hand was inserted into her inner thighs, so close to where she really wanted him but so far at the same time.
She knew her thong was completely drenched from her fluids.
She supposed she should be embarrassed to react that way to him, but please, it was Azriel they were talking about, nothing was enough with him.
Parting both lips, Gwyn grabbed the hem of Azriel's shirt, pulling it over his arms to remove it.
She gasped as she watched the spectacle the man had under his shirt.
A row of perfectly built abs, well-structured pecs, and a V that disappeared into the elastic of the pants.
It made Gwyn's mouth water to think how well Azriel would be gifted in some other intimate parts.
To try to find out, as they devoutly kissed again, Gwyn gently laid her whitish hand over his dark pecs, squeezing softly..
She continued to descend, tracing random figures on his skin.
She smiled into the kiss as shivers ran down the guy's spine, deepening the kiss as he tightened his grip on her thighs.
She lowered her hand a little lower, until she felt the prominent bulge at his crotch, twitching under her hand, demanding immediate attention.
She had done orals on multiple occasions, although she much preferred that the oral be done to her.
However, she needed that cock to be in her mouth.
She needed it badly.
"Gwyn…" He growled through his teeth, guessing what she was thinking right now. "You don't have to do it if you don't want to."
She began to slide back, smiling challengingly until the bulge was very close to her lips, his pants soiled with precum.
"The problem is..." she began, while grabbing the hem of his pants. "I just need to have your dick in my mouth." She pulled down the fabric, his cock coming out of it.
Her throat went dry when she saw Azriel's member.
Fuck, seeing him hidden in his pants was one thing, but seeing him in reality was another thing completely.
It was dark, with veins on the shaft while his head was drenched with precum.
She locked her hand around the base, beginning to move up and down her hand, noticing how Azriel began to tremble dangerously.
"Fuck…" He growled, staring at Gwyn and then at his cock in her hand.
It was so big, even with her mouth and hands around it, she didn't cover the entire area.
She noticed how her clit trembled deliciously, causing her to massage his cock more quickly.
She wanted that wonderful dick inside her. She wasn't going to wait a single moment.
"It's not fair…" Azriel began, pointing to Gwyn's still-on clothes. "You can see me and please me, but I can't do the same."
She looked up at her body and realized it was true.
Her blouse was a little baggy at the bottom, but her pants were still in place.
Masterfully, she unzipped the zipper and unfastened the button that kept them closed, pulling them down until she gave them a shake, throwing them somewhere in the room.
Then she passed the blouse over her head, tossing it in the same direction as her pants.
She was only in her underwear.
She watched as his eyes roamed over her body, locating in the soaked thong, doing little to hide what she was feeling down there.
Having quickly undressed, she resumed her attention, as she massaged it with the palm, she began to lick the tip delicately, savoring the bitter taste of the precum.
Azriel grunted, one hand grasping Gwyn's scalf.
She relaxed her throat, assuming he wanted to fuck her throat, but he didn't do anything else, just let his fingers slip through her coppery hair.
But then she felt Azriel's other hand travel up her ass, grabbing the strap of her panties, pulling it away to give him easy access to her hot, soaked, throbbing slit.
"Please…" Gwyn moaned, wiggling her hips, trying to shove those long fingers she had always fantasized inside her.
"Please that?" He murmured, laying the strip on one buttock as his ring finger circled her slit. He tsked, muttering: "So wet…  are you always so wet for me, Berdara?"
She noticed how more moisture came out of her inside at those words.
But she didn't answer, and Azriel, apparently, wanted her to use that little mouth she had.
She lowered her mouth onto his cock, licking the shaft slowly, running her tongue over the throbbing veins, while Azriel played with her pussy lips, groping but never entering her.
"I asked you a question, Berdara. Answer." He ordered her, slapping her pussy with force.
She screamed out his name with pleasure, sure that her vibrations and voice had done wonders on his cock.
She wanted to see how much more she could tempt him.
The more she could provoke him.
Ignoring his command, she put his cock in her mouth again, sucking the tip while rising from it and lowering her hand with force, listening to the grunts of pleasure that he let out.
Smiling, she clicked her tongue at the tip, noting the wonderful taste of precum flooding her papillae.
She was close to coming.
But of course, Azriel didn't want to come in Gwyn's mouth.
The hand that was still taunting Gwyn's entrance finally inserted two fingers into her slit.
Gwyn moaned with his cock on her throat, noticing how it shuddered inside her mouth.
He was poking his fingers in and out of her quickly, at breakneck speed.
She closed her eyes tightly, letting herself be carried away by the pleasure.
With the hand that had previously been tending to Azriel's shaft, she lowered it to her clit, pinching and moving it from left to right, combining speeds to make her orgasm come faster. .
She needed it faster, it was not going to last much longer, the well of pleasure was increasing so fast and she would soon overflow.
But that seemed exactly what Azriel wanted to do, inserting one more finger inside her.
Not being able to breathe well, she pulled his cock out of her mouth, moaning loudly as she began to move her hips, looking where his fingers were thrusting in her, glistening with her arousal.
She felt so good. Those fingers were fucking thicker and longer than her own.
She needed it to go deeper.
She needed his cock inside her. Now.
She saw how his dick was twitching violently.
He didn't have much more left to orgasm.
So she slapped the hand that was playing with her pussy away, freeing up the space, and grabbed the shaft of his cock with one hand, lining up to finally unite both bodies.
However, Azriel grabbed Gwyn's arm quickly: "Condom."
She denied, explaining: "I'm taking the contraceptive pill. And I'm clean. If you are too, we don't have to do it with a condom."
Azriel nodded, confirming that he was clean, and moving his hips up, he lightly tucked the tip into her pussy.
They both groaned at the delicious sensation.
Azriel watched her closely, as he let Gwyn sit, taking his cock deeper, parting her inner walls with a point of pain.
She stopped, opening her mouth for air. It was so fucking big.
"Fuck. You're so tight." He whined, slowly comforting her waist, hoping that she would get used to his size.
However, she needed him now. Even if he broke her in two.
She needed to have him inside her.
So, taking a breath, she dropped completely on top of his cock, crying out loudly when he hit that spot that made her see stars.
Azriel growled, squeezing the flesh of her thighs as he dropped his head to the head of the bed, closing his eyes at the wonderful experience.
"Oh my God, you take me so damn well." He moaned as he watched the point where they connected, his cock disappearing into the folds of her pussy.
She waited about 10 seconds to get used to the fucking size.
It wasn't the first time she'd had sex, but none of her former lovers were as gifted as Azriel was.
She placed her hands on Az's pecs, lifting her hips slightly and then lowering them, getting used to the small thrusts.
Fuck, that felt so damn good.
"Gwyn, damn it, don't stop baby." He asked, lifting his pelvis, accompanying her thrusts, helping her to enter more inward.
The speed of the thrusts was increasing. The pain was still there, but it was almost imperceptible.  Now there was only the pleasure that Azriel provided her.
"You feel so fucking good…" He groaned, slapping one of her thighs hard.
She lifted a hand to her breasts, squeezing and pinching her nipples.
She needed more friction. She was so close to orgasm... She was so close...
"Az…" She moaned. Her legs were sore. She loved and hated riding her mistresses alike.
Understanding what was happening, he rested his hand on her belly, letting it fall until she was hunched over, her hands resting on his legs.
"Hold on." He warned him, grinning lewdly.
Then, he began to thrust like a soul carrying the devil.
Gwyn cried, screamed the name of her lover, moaning.
She knew it was impossible that Nesta and Cassian weren't listening, but she cared little.
The only thing that mattered was how fucking good it felt, Azriel's cock coming out of her and into her pussy with breakneck speed, spreading her fucking wide.
"Azriel!" She screamed when he reached that sweet spot, rolling her eyes up as waves of pleasure came down to her clit.
She lowered her gaze from her body, sweaty from work, to her clit and pussy.
Her clit was damn red, begging for immediate attention, as her slit slipped in and out of his cock, glistening with her fluids.
Leaning his hips down, he hit that spot again.
She was going to fall, she couldn't stand the pleasure that guy was giving her.
It was too much. It was all too much and too little.
It was perfect.
"Are you going to come?" Az asked her, eyes clouded with pleasure as he punched over and over and over the point of her, causing her to rave with pleasure. "Are you going to be a good girl and are you going to cum on my cock?"
She nodded, in those moments she was not able to form any kind of coherent sentence, only little whimpers came out that didn't make any kind of sense.
However, Azriel was satisfied with it, hitting deeper and harder, while a hand lowered towards her clit, granting it the attention that it had been demanding all along.
"Good girl ... Now I want you to cum all over my cock and cry out my name, so the neighbors know exactly who you belong to." He demanded, slowly tapping her clit with his fingertip, teasing her.
He began to wrap his thumb around it, pinching and catching it with two fingers, pulling at it and then letting go.
It only took three thrusts for Gwyn to fall into the abyss of pleasure.
Screaming his name out of her, she touched her breasts forcefully, while wave after wave of pleasure were coursing through her body, Azriel helping her to carry out her orgasm.
She noticed how Azriel let out a growl of pleasure between his teeth, jets of cum spilling into her pussy.
Exhausted, she dropped onto Azriel's chest, both of them gasping for air after the overwhelming orgasm.
She whimpered as Azriel pulled his limp dick from inside her, the feeling of emptiness overwhelming, but Gwyn had no desire for anything other than to sleep on the chest of that man who had made her feel stars.
His hands began to tangle in the sheets, finally covering the two lovers with them, still trying to catch their breath.
"It was…" He started, having to grab some more air.
Gwyn nodded, hiding in the crook of his neck.
She didn't want to leave. She knew she should, but she didn't want to.
Everything had been wonderful to pass up.
Besides, it was her coach, what was she going to do?
"Gwyn?" Her name pulled her out of her thoughts, looking at Az, who was looking at her worried, "Are you okay? Does something hurt? Have I been too harsh?"
A goofy smile appeared on her lips when she heard those questions.
He had been such great at fucking her, and now he cared about her health.
Her heart was beating happily. She was happy.
Shaking her head, she gently kissed his chin.
Azriel sighed, wrapping his arms around her waist, staying that way for a few minutes.
However, that question kept passing through Gwyn's eyes.  She must ask him.
"What will happen to our… friendship?"
Gwyn was afraid that this had screwed up their friendship. Perhaps she was attracted to him, but she did not want to lose her friendship.
Besides, maybe that tumble had been just that, a tumble.
"We can remain friends, obviously."  He whispered, tangling his hand in the strands clinging to her neck, stroking lightly.  "But we can also… take our friendship further, if that's okay with you…"
Gwyn nodded, smiling against his skin: "Does that mean I'm your… girlfriend?"
Azriel smiled alike, looking at her as his entire face lit up with happiness: "I'd be the happiest man if you were."
They both smiled foolishly, staring into each other's eyes. They brought their mouths closer, giving each other a small beak, which led to their mouths joining in a much more passionate kiss.
"Apparently I'll have to thank Nesta for thinking about playing Twister." Gwyn thought, but she put it on the back burner.
Now only Az's lips mattered, both hearts beating at the same rhythm, forming a symphony that ran through the entire room, blocking out any sound other than that of the two lovers.
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moonstruckbucky · 4 years
The Recruit (8/?)
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Summary: Becoming a SHIELD agent had been your dream and finally, you’ve achieved it. You’re at the top of your class in every field except one—hand to hand combat, and it doesn’t impress Captain Rogers in the slightest. Instead, it seems to convince him you’re useless, setting off a tense relationship between the two of you. In an effort to bridge the gap, Bucky offers to help you train to earn your way back into Steve’s good graces. What could possibly go wrong?
Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!Reader x Bucky Barnes (not Stucky)
Warnings for Chapter: Angst, pouty Steve. More soft Bucky. That’s it, that’s the warning. 
Notes: Thank you all for the feedback of the previous chapter and for your patience while real life took over for a bit. Someone mentioned that they felt like Bucky/their relationship wasn’t featured enough, so I hope this chapter fulfills that for you! x
Also, a giant thank you to @marauderskeeper​ for this beautiful artwork!!! I’m so fucking in love with this! How perfect is this artwork, y’all?!
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Steve finds patterns in the ceiling, shapes. It’s near-silent in the room save the sound of peepers through the open window, the soft breathing beside him. The weight against his chest shifts, sighs, rolls over, and he swallows thickly. Traces the lines of her body even though they’re all wrong, catches the scent of her hair - the wrong color.
He isn’t a stranger to the modern concepts of love and relationships, but it’s an indulgence he doesn’t frequently partake in. The women he meets are great, just none seem to strike that chord in him. None that seem to challenge him or intrigue quite like you.
The woman leaves with a friendly smile, an easy exit with no lingering questions of another night together or anything. He remains in bed for a little while longer, hands tucked up behind his head as he connects constellations in the ceiling. Training begins in thirty minutes, and he inhales deeply to quell the raging in his belly. He’s nervous; it’s the first he’ll see you after his apology.
He’d heard about your successful mission and he’s proud, almost excited for you, even though he knows he has no right. His treatment of you only serves to prove he’s failed as Captain; he’s meant to lead and guide and encourage. Instead, he judged and ridiculed and humiliated, drove you to the point of persevering to prove him wrong.
And you did. He’s embarrassed, ashamed - but proud all the same.
He dresses slowly in the SHIELD-issued black tac pants and navy t-shirt, the SHIELD logo emblazoned on the breast. Someone like Nat or Bucky or even Sam might accuse him of stalling as he carefully and meticulously laces his sneakers, but to anyone else he’d appear sluggish. To anyone else, he’d say he’s tired, that he’d had a late night, but if it were any of the aforementioned three, he’d pointedly keep his mouth shut.
He’s nervous - he’s man enough to admit it. He’s unsure of what to expect, unsure if he’d imagined his apology and your reluctance to believe him. He hates not being sure, not being confident, hates being thrown off his axis, out of balance. Structure, routine, and control is weaved into his DNA, and by apologizing, he’s given up that control, given a piece of him away for someone to do with as she pleases.
He hates it, loathes the way it makes his movements slower, stiffer, like he slept on a bad mattress all night instead of his cushy pillow-top next to a warm body. A warm body he really had no business bringing back here last night, but he brushes that thought away.
He takes a little longer than usual brushing and inspecting his teeth, snarling into the mirror and using floss of all things until he looks at the time and knows he can’t put this off any longer. Schooling his features into impassive steel, Steve sweeps from his room. The ride in the elevator down to the training room is spent building up a wall in his mind, a wall away from her - from you.
You’re already there when he enters, along with Bucky and a few other recruits. You’re smiling, teasing Bucky, and it puts lead in his chest. Absolutely scorches when you notice him and your smile promptly drops. He feels his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows heavily, and the burn in his chest lessons only a little when you offer him a respectful nod.
He returns it, catches Bucky’s eye and his friend gives him a reassuring smile. Steve’s not sure it helps. Mentally shaking it off, he begins the session, starts them off with running laps while he and Bucky spectate.
Steve can’t help but watch you; you’ve got near-perfect running form and you seem unbothered by your knee. You keep pace with everyone, even set it once or twice, and his scrutiny of you means he catches every little side-glance you give his best friend. The little curl at the corners of your lips, a darting glance away.
He catches the same expression on Bucky’s face - and he knows. How could he not know? The way he’d intervened when Steve was being unreasonably harsh, the easy, gentle teasing between you just now, the ever-present smile on Bucky’s face whenever he looks at his phone, the secret glances now as you increase the pace and pull ahead.
As Steve moves the group on to sparring sessions, the looks between you and Bucky become less sneaking and more appraising, and Steve has to dig hard beneath to find any joy that his friend has found his own happiness. Steve knows Bucky deserves it, after all he’s been through and yet.
The obvious connection between the two of you makes his chest hurt and jaw clench so tight it aches. When Bucky calls on you to demonstrate with him, Steve has to hide his curled fists in the pockets of his sweats.
His mind is muddled; he has no reason to be this angry - jealous, surely - but angry? No. Aggravated enough he wants to knock Bucky’s teeth out, sick enough at the sight of the two of you, moving in such synchrony, that he almost looks for the closest trash barrel.
Instead, he pushes the recruits hard, calls out tips to avoid making his previous mistake again, and offers assistance where it’s needed. An adjusted position here, a tip about roundhouse kicks there. He can almost ignore you and Bucky grunting and shouting only feet away.
You, meanwhile, are almost hyper-aware of Steve and the one-eighty he’s seemed to have made. He’s keeping his distance, though you don’t miss the pinched expression to his face or the underhanded glances he shoots you. Probably anticipating a snarky reply or otherwise prove you aren’t trying to remain civil.
He��s made his way over as Bucky pulls you into a headlock, the position warming something deep within you. His arm is loose enough around your neck that he isn’t cutting off any air, but his pelvis is flush with your backside and you even think he’s grinding it - imperceptibly enough that it goes unnoticed by the others. He’s fresh, you’re learning, pushing boundaries wherever he can.
Normally, you’d play along, dig and push a little back, but not with Steve watching the way he is. Arms crossed, feet hip-width apart in his typical Captain stance, but he’s far less rigid than he was. You execute S.I.N.G. (solar plexus, instep, nose, groin) with anxious butterflies, but you manage to successfully complete the move, spin, and move to jab Bucky again. 
Steve’s voice is even gentle when he tells you, “Move your feet. Don’t lock up or remain stationary.”
It’s such a far cry from his previous gruff behavior that it throws you, knocks you slightly off-kilter so that you stumble into Bucky’s chest. With heat in your cheeks, you push away from him, try to resume as if you didn’t fumble at all. You’re meant to be the picture of indifference and yet Steve’s one-eighty has you completely floored.
Should you be, though? He did promise you he’d be better, and so far he’s kept that promise. Perhaps a part of you hadn’t believed him, hadn’t had any reason to believe him - about anything. The fact that he’s trying stirs something in you, and it leaves you open to wind up face-down on the mat.
“Shit,” you grunt as the wind rushes from your lungs.
“That’s what happens when you get distracted,” Bucky teases before reaching with his metal hand to help you to your feet. “Your enemy won’t hesitate to exploit that opening if you give it to them.”
“Yeah,” you agree on a sigh, “yeah. Let’s do it again.”
The warmth in your cheeks doesn’t cool as you run through your spar again. This time, you manage to block out Steve’s close scrutiny and get Bucky on his back, a knee pressed into his chest. You know he can toss you off without a hitch but he lays there, lets you have the win.
“Better,” Steve compliments with an approving nod. You can’t bring yourself to meet his eyes, so you stare at his chest - which, to your shocking admission, isn’t all that much better. The intrusive thought forces you to duck your head, busy yourself with your water bottle as Bucky and Steve begin a rundown of the next exercise.
If either notice you take a little longer to collect yourself, they don’t say anything. After a few more moments of distracting yourself with your water bottle, you return to the group as the Captain and Bucky begin a mock-mission to sharpen your skills.
By the time you’re released from training, you’re covered in a layer of sweat that shimmers under the overhead lights, your mind is tapped, and your entire body feels like it went a round or five against Mike Tyson - super soldiers in your case, but they’d pulled their punches. The muscles in your back pull taut as you stretch, a tightness that makes you wince, expel a tiny whimper.
A gasp as a set of hands lands on your back - one warm, the other just slightly cooler - and the thumbs dig in, find the tightest muscles and press.
“Fuck,” you hiss, arching against Bucky’s skilled hands. A pained smile over your shoulder and, “Hi.”
“Hi.” He grins and leans forward to drop a kiss to your temple. “You did good today.”
“Feels like I went ten rounds with an MMA fighter, but thank you.” Another hmph as Bucky digs his knuckles into your lower back, and a sigh as the tightened muscles release. You slouch against him, disregarding the slight dampness to his compression t-shirt, and turn your face into his neck.
“Feel better?” he asks, throat vibrating against your forehead. Wordlessly, you nod.
“Until tomorrow when it really sets in. You’ll have to carry me everywhere,” you retort cheekily, tilting your face to meet his glimmering eyes.
“Oh, will I?” A teasing upturn of his lips and your eyes dart to them, hold there for a moment as your heart trips over itself in your chest.
“Uh huh.” A pause, then you shrug. “Or you can just stay in bed with me.”
The darkening of his eyes is offset sharply by the awkward look that suddenly shadows his face, cheeks going rouge as he quickly averts his eyes. It’s an odd reaction, and you tilt your head, mouth popping open before he overrides you.
“Whatever you want, doll,” he assures with a smile, all traces of bashfulness gone.
It’s a bit disconcerting how quickly his charming, easy-going demeanor is back in place, but you chalk it up to his former status as an assassin. Give nothing away, a mask he can flip off and on. He further pulls your mind away by lifting your hand to his lips and dotting small kisses across your knuckles.
“C’mon. Should take an ice bath for those muscles.” And he tugs you down the hallway.
“Mother of fucking SHIT.”
Bucky chortles, applies pressure to your shoulders to keep you from popping out of the bathtub he’s filled with ice and water. There’s a burn in your limbs from the cold, and your nails scrape at the ceramic of the tub, squeaking in the small space. Breath rushing in and out as you try to relax, loosen your sore, tightened muscles to let the coldness do its job.
But it’s hard, your mind whines, and your verbalize said whine pathetically.
“It’s so cold.” It’s a whisper, because speaking any louder is downright impossible as your brain works overtime to warm your body.
“I was frozen in ice off and on for seventy years,” he reminds you teasingly, “you can handle it.”
You hiss a laugh, and it makes his mouth twitch. He recalls the first time he ever made a joke about his history with HYDRA. Steve nearly shit a brick before chiding him about how he shouldn’t joke about such things.
“Steve, it happened to me,” he’d reminded, “I should be able to joke about it all I want. Better than going into total shutdown every time HYDRA is mentioned.”
Steve hadn’t said anything after that, but each time Bucky made a jab at HYDRA, he didn’t miss the disapproving gleam in his friend’s eye.
He feels relief that you laugh, feels, well, normal, and like he’s made progress if he feels he can confidently joke about his trauma. He knows he’s made progress, but there are still instances where he feels the others aren’t so sure.
With you, though, he doesn’t have to second-guess it. You don’t treat him like glass, like he’s going to shatter at the first sign of distress. It’s refreshing from the overbearing manner with which Steve treats him on most occasions. He’s thankful you hadn’t known the Bucky from before, the one Steve grew up with, the ghost of a time that’ll never come again. You’ve nothing to compare him to, nothing to miss like Steve does. It’s as refreshing as ice cream on a hot day...or an ice bath following a rigorous workout.
“C-Can I g-ge-get out yet?” Your teeth are chattering, arms crossed tightly over your chest and rubbing at your arms, riddled with gooseflesh. Your lips are even turning slightly blue as they wobble with the cold. 
“Can you feel your muscles?” he asks, reaching for the towel he’d placed on the toilet seat.
“I ca-can’t f-f-feel my lips, never m-mind my mus-muscles.” The snark is lost amongst the clicking of your teeth, but it gleams heavy in your eyes. Smirking, Bucky holds out the towel and helps you stand on shaky legs, like Bambi on ice.
Leggings and sports bra plastered like a second skin, they in no way help to warm you even out of the ice, and after you’re wrapped in the towel, Bucky gives you your privacy to strip down and get changed. Movements unsteady, your wet clothes are plopped into a pile on the tile floor and new, warm, dry clothes are hastily thrown on. Despite the rigorous workout this morning, you feel freshly invigorated, like maybe you could run a mile - once feeling comes back to your legs, that is.
Burrowed in the new clothes, you step out of the bathroom to see Bucky reclined on your bed, looking quite at home. It puts a warm, fuzzy feeling in your chest as you approach, and it only grows when he opens his arms for you to burrow into the heat of him. His arms wind around you, the metal one a comforting weight against your back.
It’s silent for a little while, a peaceful blanket pulled over the two of you in the small space of your room. Bucky’s chest rises and falls gently beneath your cheek, slow breaths, and you almost think he’s asleep until he speaks.
“Whatcha thinkin’ about?”
You ponder for a couple beats. “What’s your favorite part of the 21st century? I mean, you were frozen off and on for so long, you didn’t really get a chance to enjoy anything right?”
He hears the trepidation in your voice, the slight intonation that you might actually be crossing a line by asking. He smiles, chuckles a little so you know you haven’t offended him.
“Is it predictable to say the food?” At your head shake, he goes on, “I mean, in the 30s and 40s, we barely had nothin’. Sometimes we’d all go to bed hungry with no dinner, and sometimes I gave my sisters my portion of food. I was the oldest, you know? Had to take care of my family. But now...now there’s just, so much. And so many different kinds! You know, when I first came to the compound, after Shuri fixed my noggin, I didn’t eat a lot. Ate only what I thought I was allowed to eat. One small serving.  Was still going to bed hungry even when all this food was at my disposal.
Then Steve came to talk to me. Told me he was the same way, when he first came out of the ice. Said he had to take it slow because even though he was bigger, his body wasn’t used to eating so much. Neither was mine, even though I was healthier when I... before. HYDRA didn’t feed me, not really. No hot, home-cooked meal for the Fist. It was MREs, or a feeding tube - if I was awake long enough at the base. My system got used to it, and then when HYDRA fell, it was always...Ramen or canned meat, some fruit, if I could afford it. Nothing real substantial. Even in Wakanda, I was still only eating small portions. My first three-course meal here, I puked it all up. I was so astounded by the fact that I could eat as much as I wanted to, but my body wasn’t ready for it. It was used to rationing itself on small meals, used to fasting sometimes, too. But it got better. I ate a little more at each meal, got my body used to eating three times a day. Started working out more, too, to up my hunger. Eventually I could put away three servings at each meal and still have room for dessert. I’ve got a wicked sweet tooth.”
The last line is so unexpected, it makes you snort, choke on the breath, before you can laugh for real. It’s short, though, when you take in the entirety of his story and realize there’s so much you still have to learn about one James Barnes, so much of himself to reveal, so many layers to peel back so you can see who he truly is. A little skip in your heartbeat betrays your excitement to find out, if he’ll let you.
"I’ve got a list,” he then says, “of things people have recommended I try. Maybe you can help me cross some of them off, huh?”
“Bucky Barnes, are you officially asking me on a date?” you tease, leaning your head back to aim a cheeky smirk his way. 
His chest rumbles against with that warm chuckle that warms you to your bones. “Suppose I am. You gonna leave a guy hangin’?”
“Hm, I suppose then I could assist you with this foodie bucket list. We’ll make a cultured man out of you yet.”
1K notes · View notes
aquillis-main · 2 years
Misery Tastes Chapter 1
Effing finally. I’m nearing the end of this.
Wait, didn’t I say that I would only post if I actually finished this multi-chapter series? Yeah, well... I’m actually getting as impatient as you guys about it, so I’m going to release a chapter or two as I write out the last two or so chapters. I’ll also be doing edits as I write out the chapters as well.
Any ways, Misery Tastes!
In this chapter: Jingle Bells, Harold smells, Eggman ran away!
And Ovi breaks his leg, thus kickstarting the problem of Ovi getting stuck back at the one place he DIDN’T want to be at with no way out.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 (1/2) | 14
Ovi sighed as the recent sect of Egg Pawns was smashed into by his escrima, looking over the scene in full. They were near the centre of Obsidianna, a bustling city on the West Coast of Northamer. A mishmash of a city, the megalopolis is planned right from the bottom up to have multiple structures of different eras, creating the disordered and hodgepodge nature of the city. While the city itself was disorganized in it’s structure, all the roads and paths connected to one another, allowing every part of the city to be interconnected. Ovi himself had sat on top of his pile of Egg Pawns, looking over a park area that had been nearly trounced by Eggman’s latest scheme. One hand on his chin and sitting at the topmost Egg Pawn on the pile, Ovi couldn’t help but glare at the building just a little further away from the park.
It was the most grandiose building in the area, a true building meant to mark the epicentre of the city. Its sleek design made Ovi want to gag at it -- yet held a certain fondness for the very thing he was glaring at.
“At least we’re on the side that doesn’t display it’s name.” Ovi thought, getting up and dusting the pants of his leotard, before carefully walking off the pile of Egg Pawns.
Eggman had been eyeing this company for reasons that have yet to be found out, but the idea of letting this location be trashed by the mad doctor made Ovi even queasier.
Once the changeling got off the trash pile, he decided to look for the most damaged/destroyed area of the park. Just as Ovi was looking for the fight, a supersonic pop came through the air, a blue hedgehog tumbling on the ground towards Ovi. As soon as the hedgehog got close to Ovi’s feet, the momentum of the hedgehog’s descent subsided, leaving the blue hedgehog half-burrowed into the ground. Ovi, feeling a bit cheeky, crouched at the hedgehog’s face to mock his friend.
“You seem to be doing well today.” The orange haired changeling stated, smirk getting wider as the hedgehog glared at him. Instead of following up his comment, he immediately held out his hand, which the hedgehog accepted immediately. Once the hedgehog was not half-submerged in dirt and mud, Ovi switched to being serious. “He’s really persistent lately.”
“It seems that whatever Eggman wants this time, he really needs.” The hedgehog stated, dusting himself off before stretching and relaxing his muscles. He turned towards Ovi, and winked his gorgeous, beautiful lime green eyes. “It’s not like it’s going to be super long, anyways.”
“Yeah, it’s just you’re taking longer than you usually do.” Ovi remarked, catching the hedgehog off-guard with the persuasiveness of someone who wasn’t blushing madly. The hedgehog smirked, turning back toward the fight he just flew from.
“Why don’t you come, then? It’ll take less time than staring at that building across the way.” He held out his gloved hand, expecting Ovi to be as eager to join in the fight. However, what he got instead was an intense stare and a nervous bite on the lips, before Ovi decided to accept the hedgehog’s offer – slapping his own gloved hand into the hedgehog’s.
“Well, we shouldn’t be dawdling long, Sonic.” Ovi commented, yet it didn’t feel like the natural flare of his usual remarks. Sonic frowned a little, but immediately zipped along towards where the fight with Eggman was taking place, filing the strange behaviour for later.
After all, it wasn’t right to ask when Eggman’s being his usual self.
The two had arrived at the location where Eggman’s latest mech was tearing through the street, it’s drills going all out against the concrete. It looked like the giant version of Eggman’s original mech in Emerald Hill, only more mole-esque, with the front claws and snout of the mole being replaced by drills. The rest of the machine wasn’t up to Eggman’s usual flare, instead looing like it just only rolled out this morning. Amy was currently trying to hammer one of the front paws into the ground, with Tails staying back and analyzing the situation. Sonic, thinking of the consequences of just placing Ovi near the robot, opted instead to have Ovi get off next to Tails instead.
“Tails, what’s the down-low?” Ovi immediately asked as Sonic got close to drop Ovi, with the latter instead opting to vault off Sonic like a horse vault. The hedgehog grumbled as Ovi stuck the landing, moving his shoulders to get rid of the pain. Tails looked at the two with a slight smile, before showcasing the Miles Electric screen to Ovi.
“It seems that this ‘Egg Mole’ Eggman’s got is meant for more underground work – simply drawing it to the surface has severely damaged most of the mechanisms.” Tails stated, pointing to a line of code that specified this information. Ovi nodded, finding that code correct in Tails’ assumption. “There’s a whole area underneath one of the paws, and Amy and Nebula are trying to figure out which one.”
Just as Tails said that, another blue blur shot off like a rocket from the Egg Mole, the missing ‘paw’ of the machine being the culprit. The bullet managed to hit the tree Tails was nearby, before sagging down to have their butt touch the ground.
The bullet was a light blue dragoness, with a purple skirt and top. When her eyes opened, they revealed a pink so bright it hid any iris or pupil from the outside world. Her head was framed with two horns stuck to the tree itself. The horns themselves go straight to a sky-blue hair like mane that flowed straight down to her tail. Ovi hissed as the dragoness immediately shucked her horns out of the tree, causing a large amount of damage to it.
“Nebula, are you alright?” Tails asked, trying not to look as the dragoness removed herself from the tree. Nebula dusted herself off before replying.
“I’m fine, Friend Tails.” She stated, honey voice dissonant with her tone and glare at the robot. “It seems I might have gotten lucky on which ‘paw’ it was.”
“Good, that’ll make it easier to get Eggman out of here.” Sonic cawed, winding up his arms and preparing for his next attack.
Just as Sonic was about to attack, Amy was also thrown towards Nebula, whom caught the fastball right into her hands. “Ohhh! I think I found it…” Amy dizzily said, getting up before falling back into Nebula’s arms. Tails hummed quizzingly.
“That’s… That’s strange. That’s a bit too easy…” Tails said, before a blast of dark blue and orange ran off toward the Egg Mole. “Sonic, Ovi! Wait!” the fox kit tried to warn the two a second too late – they were already out of earshot.
Sonic immediately stopped in front of Eggman’s newest toy, whistling out a long note for Eggman to hear. The mole-mech turned towards Sonic, whom waved cheekily.
“Eggman! You’re making a mountain out of a molehill! Why don’t you try and pick someone your speed?” Sonic yelled out, confident smirk taking most of his face. The mech immediately slammed one of it’s paws into the area that Sonic was just at, the hedgehog using the arm to climb up to the back where the egg-shaped scientist was seated, the iconic Eggmobile situated within the mole robot.
“Ah, Sonic. Been wondering if you would return after I threw you off earlier.” Eggman stated, not believing a word he said as he pressed a few buttons. “Then again, you’re a persistent little pest, just like the animal I based my current masterpiece off of.”
“Last I checked, I’m a hedgehog, not a mole.” Sonic irritably stated, clenching his teeth. Eggman grinned wider at the testiness of his enemy.
“Now, now. You going off on me might not be the best option for you. After all, claw drills aren’t the only thing I installed.” With that, Eggman pressed a button, bringing out huge machine guns and rockets.
With another press of a button, the rockets went flying off, having targeted Sonic. Sonic broke out into a run at that point, dodging the machine gun fire and dancing around the rockets that got close. In a moment’s notice, Sonic used the rockets to try piercing the metal without success – at best leaving a scuff mark and not much else.
While Eggman and Sonic were having their ‘talk’, Ovi tried his best to handle the feet of the machine. However, no matter how much he tried to line up the pressure points with his escrima, the ‘claws’ kept on moving about thanks to Eggman being preoccupied with Sonic. “Damnit, it’s hard to get a decent hit.” He muttered to himself as he tried again – this time, with a hit.
The machine reared backwards, nearly throwing Sonic off. Ovi yipped and hollered at the hit, getting Eggman’s attention immediately.
“Oh, so you brought the rich brat along?” Eggman callously sneered, pressing another button immediately. “Perfect.”
Sonic realized what was going on, and jumped off the robot to grab Ovi before –
Ovi’s scream pierced the air before Sonic managed to jump off the Egg Mole entirely, his eyes widening as he saw the damage from the treadmills from the Egg Mole’s hind legs.
While Ovi had been fast enough to get out of the total crush zone of the detached arm, he hadn’t been fast enough to get his left leg free from the falling debris. While the leg didn’t seem to be pierced at all, at least as far as Sonic could tell, he could tell that Ovi was unable to get himself out if Eggman were to try to escape now.
Sonic clenched his fists, not even noticing Tails, Amy and Nebula working together to lift the debris off Ovi, nor did he notice a new human trying to pick Ovi up. Sonic needed all that he had to trounce Eggman right then and there, but as soon as he decided on his plan of action, the contraption started to buckle and sway a load, forcing Sonic to jump off the robot.
“Do leave a space for me! I’ll be paying the family home a visit soon, after all!” Eggman chirped, malice dripping off every word. “His father is who I plan on going to collect from! Ta-ta for now!” Eggman waved as the Egg Mole rolled into the hole it came from, shaking the ground as Eggman fled the scene. Sonic growled, wanting to chase after Eggman, but flashes of Ovi’s scream just minutes before made Sonic reconsider, turning back to find everyone sans Ovi and the mysterious human.
Rushing over to where the trio were, Sonic immediately searched for their wayward friend. “Where’s Ovi?” Sonic asked, keeping himself collected as best he could. Amy and Nebula immediately went into a tirade that Sonic, for the life of him, couldn’t follow. And it wasn’t for lack of trying – both girls were doing their best to inform him about what happened when he was too focused with Eggman, but their constant interjections made it impossible to follow, even at the best of intentions. Sonic instead turned toward Tails, hoping to get a bit of info on what was going on.
Tails’ ears drooped as Sonic got closer, and then hung his head when his brother asked the question. “The man that was here earlier…” He trailed off, before becoming resolute in what he had to say.
“He just took Ovi and left.”
Ovi sighed as the recent sect of Egg Pawns was smashed into by his escrima, looking over the scene in full. They were near the centre of Obsidianna, a bustling city on the West Coast of Northamer. A mishmash of a city, the megalopolis is planned right from the bottom up to have multiple structures of different eras, creating the disordered and hodgepodge nature of the city. While the city itself was disorganized in it’s structure, all the roads and paths connected to one another, allowing every part of the city to be interconnected. Ovi himself had sat on top of his pile of Egg Pawns, looking over a park area that had been nearly trounced by Eggman’s latest scheme. One hand on his chin and sitting at the topmost Egg Pawn on the pile, Ovi couldn’t help but glare at the building just a little further away from the park.
It was the most grandiose building in the area, a true building meant to mark the epicentre of the city. Its sleek design made Ovi want to gag at it -- yet held a certain fondness for the very thing he was glaring at.
“At least we’re on the side that doesn’t display it’s name.” Ovi thought, getting up and dusting the pants of his leotard, before carefully walking off the pile of Egg Pawns.
Eggman had been eyeing this company for reasons that have yet to be found out, but the idea of letting this location be trashed by the mad doctor made Ovi even queasier.
Once the changeling got off the trash pile, he decided to look for the most damaged/destroyed area of the park. Just as Ovi was looking for the fight, a supersonic pop came through the air, a blue hedgehog tumbling on the ground towards Ovi. As soon as the hedgehog got close to Ovi’s feet, the momentum of the hedgehog’s descent subsided, leaving the blue hedgehog half-burrowed into the ground. Ovi, feeling a bit cheeky, crouched at the hedgehog’s face to mock his friend.
“You seem to be doing well today.” The orange haired changeling stated, smirk getting wider as the hedgehog glared at him. Instead of following up his comment, he immediately held out his hand, which the hedgehog accepted immediately. Once the hedgehog was not half-submerged in dirt and mud, Ovi switched to being serious. “He’s really persistent lately.”
“It seems that whatever Eggman wants this time, he really needs.” The hedgehog stated, dusting himself off before stretching and relaxing his muscles. He turned towards Ovi, and winked his gorgeous, beautiful lime green eyes. “It’s not like it’s going to be super long, anyways.”
“Yeah, it’s just you’re taking longer than you usually do.” Ovi remarked, catching the hedgehog off-guard with the persuasiveness of someone who wasn’t blushing madly. The hedgehog smirked, turning back toward the fight he just flew from.
“Why don’t you come, then? It’ll take less time than staring at that building across the way.” He held out his gloved hand, expecting Ovi to be as eager to join in the fight. However, what he got instead was an intense stare and a nervous bite on the lips, before Ovi decided to accept the hedgehog’s offer – slapping his own gloved hand into the hedgehog’s.
“Well, we shouldn’t be dawdling long, Sonic.” Ovi commented, yet it didn’t feel like the natural flare of his usual remarks. Sonic frowned a little, but immediately zipped along towards where the fight with Eggman was taking place, filing the strange behaviour for later.
After all, it wasn’t right to ask when Eggman’s being his usual self.
The two had arrived at the location where Eggman’s latest mech was tearing through the street, it’s drills going all out against the concrete. It looked like the giant version of Eggman’s original mech in Emerald Hill, only more mole-esque, with the front claws and snout of the mole being replaced by drills. The rest of the machine wasn’t up to Eggman’s usual flare, instead looing like it just only rolled out this morning. Amy was currently trying to hammer one of the front paws into the ground, with Tails staying back and analyzing the situation. Sonic, thinking of the consequences of just placing Ovi near the robot, opted instead to have Ovi get off next to Tails instead.
“Tails, what’s the down-low?” Ovi immediately asked as Sonic got close to drop Ovi, with the latter instead opting to vault off Sonic like a horse vault. The hedgehog grumbled as Ovi stuck the landing, moving his shoulders to get rid of the pain. Tails looked at the two with a slight smile, before showcasing the Miles Electric screen to Ovi.
“It seems that this ‘Egg Mole’ Eggman’s got is meant for more underground work – simply drawing it to the surface has severely damaged most of the mechanisms.” Tails stated, pointing to a line of code that specified this information. Ovi nodded, finding that code correct in Tails’ assumption. “There’s a whole area underneath one of the paws, and Amy and Nebula are trying to figure out which one.”
Just as Tails said that, another blue blur shot off like a rocket from the Egg Mole, the missing ‘paw’ of the machine being the culprit. The bullet managed to hit the tree Tails was nearby, before sagging down to have their butt touch the ground.
The bullet was a light blue dragoness, with a purple skirt and top. When her eyes opened, they revealed a pink so bright it hid any iris or pupil from the outside world. Her head was framed with two horns stuck to the tree itself. The horns themselves go straight to a sky-blue hair like mane that flowed straight down to her tail. Ovi hissed as the dragoness immediately shucked her horns out of the tree, causing a large amount of damage to it.
“Nebula, are you alright?” Tails asked, trying not to look as the dragoness removed herself from the tree. Nebula dusted herself off before replying.
“I’m fine, Friend Tails.” She stated, honey voice dissonant with her tone and glare at the robot. “It seems I might have gotten lucky on which ‘paw’ it was.”
“Good, that’ll make it easier to get Eggman out of here.” Sonic cawed, winding up his arms and preparing for his next attack.
Just as Sonic was about to attack, Amy was also thrown towards Nebula, whom caught the fastball right into her hands. “Ohhh! I think I found it…” Amy dizzily said, getting up before falling back into Nebula’s arms. Tails hummed quizzingly.
“That’s… That’s strange. That’s a bit too easy…” Tails said, before a blast of dark blue and orange ran off toward the Egg Mole. “Sonic, Ovi! Wait!” the fox kit tried to warn the two a second too late – they were already out of earshot.
Sonic immediately stopped in front of Eggman’s newest toy, whistling out a long note for Eggman to hear. The mole-mech turned towards Sonic, whom waved cheekily.
“Eggman! You’re making a mountain out of a molehill! Why don’t you try and pick someone your speed?” Sonic yelled out, confident smirk taking most of his face. The mech immediately slammed one of it’s paws into the area that Sonic was just at, the hedgehog using the arm to climb up to the back where the egg-shaped scientist was seated, the iconic Eggmobile situated within the mole robot.
“Ah, Sonic. Been wondering if you would return after I threw you off earlier.” Eggman stated, not believing a word he said as he pressed a few buttons. “Then again, you’re a persistent little pest, just like the animal I based my current masterpiece off of.”
“Last I checked, I’m a hedgehog, not a mole.” Sonic irritably stated, clenching his teeth. Eggman grinned wider at the testiness of his enemy.
“Now, now. You going off on me might not be the best option for you. After all, claw drills aren’t the only thing I installed.” With that, Eggman pressed a button, bringing out huge machine guns and rockets.
With another press of a button, the rockets went flying off, having targeted Sonic. Sonic broke out into a run at that point, dodging the machine gun fire and dancing around the rockets that got close. In a moment’s notice, Sonic used the rockets to try piercing the metal without success – at best leaving a scuff mark and not much else.
While Eggman and Sonic were having their ‘talk’, Ovi tried his best to handle the feet of the machine. However, no matter how much he tried to line up the pressure points with his escrima, the ‘claws’ kept on moving about thanks to Eggman being preoccupied with Sonic. “Damnit, it’s hard to get a decent hit.” He muttered to himself as he tried again – this time, with a hit.
The machine reared backwards, nearly throwing Sonic off. Ovi yipped and hollered at the hit, getting Eggman’s attention immediately.
“Oh, so you brought the rich brat along?” Eggman callously sneered, pressing another button immediately. “Perfect.”
Sonic realized what was going on, and jumped off the robot to grab Ovi before –
Ovi’s scream pierced the air before Sonic managed to jump off the Egg Mole entirely, his eyes widening as he saw the damage from the treadmills from the Egg Mole’s hind legs.
While Ovi had been fast enough to get out of the total crush zone of the detached arm, he hadn’t been fast enough to get his left leg free from the falling debris. While the leg didn’t seem to be pierced at all, at least as far as Sonic could tell, he could tell that Ovi was unable to get himself out if Eggman were to try to escape now.
Sonic clenched his fists, not even noticing Tails, Amy and Nebula working together to lift the debris off Ovi, nor did he notice a new human trying to pick Ovi up. Sonic needed all that he had to trounce Eggman right then and there, but as soon as he decided on his plan of action, the contraption started to buckle and sway a load, forcing Sonic to jump off the robot.
“Do leave a space for me! I’ll be paying the family home soon, after all!” Eggman chirped, malice dripping off every word. “His father is who I plan on going to collect from! Ta-ta for now!” Eggman waved as the Egg Mole rolled into the hole it came from, shaking the ground as Eggman fled the scene. Sonic growled, wanting to chase after Eggman, but flashes of Ovi’s scream just minutes before made Sonic reconsider, turning back to find everyone sans Ovi and the mysterious human.
Rushing over to where the trio were, Sonic immediately searched for their wayward friend. “Where’s Ovi?” Sonic asked, keeping himself collected as best he could. Amy and Nebula immediately went into a tirade that Sonic, for the life of him, couldn’t follow. And it wasn’t for lack of trying – both girls were doing their best to inform him about what happened when he was too focused with Eggman, but their constant interjections made it impossible to follow, even at the best of intentions. Sonic instead turned toward Tails, hoping to get a bit of info on what was going on.
Tails’ ears drooped as Sonic got closer, and then hung his head when his brother asked the question. “The man that was here earlier…” He trailed off, before becoming resolute in what he had to say.
“He just took Ovi and left.”
8 notes · View notes
incarnateirony · 4 years
Someone dropped this in my submission box instead of ask box, “So I’m trying to genuinely understand what you’re saying is you understand corporate execs at the CW had a hand in the ending of supernatural? I’m not judging not attacking I swear I’m just trying to make sense of it because I had no idea about any of this up till now because I had stayed out of online fandom because well for years it felt big but anyways am I getting this right?”
The CW has a hand in everything. Here’s how this generally works.
The authors have ~relative~ freedom on a show. That is to say, the execs really don’t sit there splitting the nuances of the storytelling the fandom is receiving. They generally don’t even identify major markers that any of us would know (see: not even recognizing what the Roadhouse is.) -- we all knew the original ending had TFW at the Roadhouse as framed and spoiled by 15.04 among other details, and the whole “heaven/mental bar” theme from DSOTM, Nihilism, and Last Call all amplified this as an inevitability--but when you ask about “hey, is there a bar in heaven?” and get a “no?” that tells you they don’t even understand *ancient* plot beats like the Roadhouse, much less the ramifications of what it’s supposed to entail. Oh look at that, the roadhouse was just in fucking heaven like we said, but you identified it as a “cabin” because of filming locations and your basic notes.
Corporate has very basic compliance demands. They expect X, Y, and Z. What X Y and Z are across different shows vary depending on their markets. As long as the authors operate within X Y and Z, the corporate face essentially works off of synopsis of pitches and ideas.
This is also why I’ve talked about queer writing history and people being careful what they call queerbait: you don’t know what their X Y and Z are. The WB for example does not really CARE about representation. I’ve blogged about this often. We’re dollar signs. If they can package a new product to market it explicitly as LGBTQ fare, then they’ll turn you into a revenue machine by feeding you that particular fodder. When it comes to legacy shows--which is funny, because when the suit went off in my DM about this, they used the exact same phrasing as me--they’re going to play it safe, especially if they don’t truly understand the returns from the demographics they’re observing.
The space between X Y and Z is where the authors have liberty to push and, the longer and harder they push, the louder the content is allowed to get.
Here! I’ll even quote them directly, somewhat truncated because they ranted for fucking PARAGRAPHS.
“In reference to the media landscape, on a corporate level we do not distinguish fandoms. [...] That said, legacy shows such at Arrow, Supernatural, and even Flash are relics and we never really endeavored to reinvent the wheel on a corporate level, we are more focused on shows that are newer and still in our pipeline to premiere. [...] As for social media like all businesses and brands the engagement itself is key, but the content of the engagement is mostly irrelevant, though every show does have certain keywords that are often used in conjunction with harsher interactions blacklisted.”
The funny part is, they thought they were preaching to me like this was new information, but those of you that have been around my blog will PROBABLY RECOGNIZE this is almost VERBATIM exactly what I have told everybody over the years. Enough I half-suspect some trolls out there will think i wrote it myself and made it up and lob that accusation around. But there’s about 50 people that watched this conversation as it unfolded.
If you guys get mad? You’re still giving them PR. If you engage the content? You’re giving them PR. If you guys get bitchy ENOUGH? They completely blacklist a certain kind of engagement. I have literally been telling you all of this for years.
They don’t care who you are or what you want, just if you’re watching and what they at-best roughly estimate your demographic as desiring. So for example, Supernatural reading as a largely non-urban white demographic in its viewership, especially with a heavier lean in red states than most shows on the network, they presume to cater to what they perceive that demographic wants, rather than individualizing the understanding of the content, because they do not distinguish the shows or fandoms. “Oh, heavier republican white non-urban demographic” is where their understanding ends at, which is why they’re going to be utterly mystified why even my trump-voting republican neighbor from rural Alabama looked at the end result and went “what the fuck?” -- they weren’t expecting a big gay confession, but they were expecting a different sort of final tone.
Of course they’re never going to take that on for themselves and go “wow, we’re giant blazing dumbasses that understand nothing about the show!” -- they’ll, for example, claim they don’t leave network notes, when they’re still the ones passing material along about demographics and expectations etc etc. Their notes are *basic*. They do not leave *extensive* notes. Because extensive notes require extensive understanding of the content.
So for example: Berens spent since S9 slowly gaying up our show. Since they do not pay attention to the fine details of the story contents (lol no bar in heaven lolololol just a cabin lololol), he never got a note to *stop*. But it was not within the original structure plans and didn’t technically fit the demographic notes. The show continued to get aggressively gayed up, and Berens never really signed a note like “hey, I’m gaying it the fuck up” so even fandom reporters were going “THERE’S NO INTENT THERE!!!!!” -- berens operated in his very basic X, Y, Z landmarks to expand content within a story the suits literally do not pay the fuck attention to.
Corporate’s understanding is basic: dudes stabbing monsters and brothers against the world. Play in that box and keep these demographic notes in mind. You’re good.
They’ll NEVER mention blacklisting issues directly beyond what they admitted in the above quote but I DO remind you I have ranted ON AND ON AND ON how much Destiel fandom shot themselves in the goddamn foot with a fucking bazooka with the Chad Kennedy incident years ago. Others like Emily handled it intelligently to inform the *authors*. No, the network will never tell you if they blacklisted Destiel, but I informed you pretty heavily years ago that odds are, yeah, they probably fucking blacklisted Destiel.
Add in paying attention to the things Berens himself liked (if you don’t believe, scroll to Nov 5 on his tl)
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Like, listen. berens knows exactly what he did and did the best he could do in the situations that were set up for him. And, frankly, I had been talking about this season as a writer room rebellion all year--just like corporate DID leave them a note in S11 that they couldn’t kill god. But if they couldn’t kill him or cage him, they would find another way. In 17 we said goodbye to Meredith and, in a way, to a MAJOR portion of Dean’s substantial story. In 18, we said goodbye to Bobo, and frankly all the parts that grew into queer Castiel that came with it. 19 and 20 became residual notes of hitting expected plot beats on the head on a rhythm, tying off godforces, and then just sliding into the Dabb subversion of them having learned to grieve, let go, and process emotions-- just the surrounding delivery left the feeling of more ~wanting~ on that front which is understandable.
But these are the kind of things people don’t even ~think~ about. This is WHY I’ve turned myself into a bulletshield protecting Berens’ work for YEARS while people yelled about queerbait not understanding the years of process he used in his unbabysat space to make something unable to dodge.
More posts he liked:
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This isn’t a solo story. At the same SDCC he leaned over to my friend and grinned, whispering, “I hope you like what I did this year.” -- he knew. He knew and he fought his ass off but there was an end of the line.
That end of the line having an extra note or two to drop in the finale--never a big gay confirmation, just a “everyone’s there together, assume what you want” --is its own thing. As it is, Jensen even remarked how much of his dialogue got cut in final draft out of 18, and if the brazil dubbing footage leak tells me anything, they got the raw version before it was cut. And before they ADR’ed Dean’s sniffling collapsed against the wall. They had everything right, beyond the fact that there was supposed to be more dialogue from Dean along the lines of, “You can’t go”, or “you can’t leave” (difficult to determine what a ESL person seeing an english draft then yelling in portuguese then translated back to english meant, specifically, but something in that ballpark -- just like “don’t do this” came as “no it’s not” through the translation pipeline), and other similar minor bartering about this. And we’re not even gonna get into Dean’s hilariously loudly ADRed sniffling on the wall. Here, Jensen, breathe IMMEDIATELY into this microphone.
But they’re never going to tell you this. Of course they’re not. 
Summarily, corporate had half a year of having to re-manage scheduling everybody’s flights and planners during covid rewrites to stare directly into the huge gay abyss and fuck things up. 
It’s all about the unmonitored space vs the monitored space. Of COURSE they’re never going to fucking tell you these things. 
FRANKLY I am DYING to see the Portuguese dub of the show to see what the fuck they do with it, all things considered. I’m pretty sure the suit in my inbox that’s trying to vagueblog around things sideways now never accounted for the fact that there’s copies of the raw available in some parts of the world. I’m... pretty sure they thought they were my only leak source in fact. 
Either way--it’s not that corporate micromanages and passes constant notes. It’s that they gloss over vague summaries and plans, drop a few base expectations and performance boxes. It’s up to the authors how to kick up dust inside those boxes. 
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him-e · 3 years
what did you think of shadow and bone? have you read the books? i only read the duology
Thoughts on Shadow and Bone, now that you've probably seen it?
I think the show is alright? It lacks a real wow factor as far as I’m concerned, but it’s enjoyable. It’s especially enjoyable in those parts I didn’t anticipate to like / didn’t even know would be there. 
Whereas the main selling points leave a lot to be desired.
The good stuff: the visuals. The aesthetic. The overall concept. Production, casting and costumes are excellent, the setting is fascinating. The worldbuilding isn’t perfect and is sometimes confusing, which is probably due to the show jumping ahead of the books and introducing elements that happen much later in the book saga, but I’m loving the vague steampunk-y vibe of it mixed with more typical fantasy stuff and slavic-inspired lore, the fact that it’s set in dystopian Russia rather than your usual ye olde England.
I find it interesting that in this ‘verse the Grisha are simultaneously superstars, privileged elite, legendary creatures and despised outcasts, according to the context and the type of magic they wield. It’s A Lot, and so far it’s all a bit underdeveloped and messy, like a patchwork of different narratives and tropes sewn together without an organic worldbuilding structure. (there are hints to a past when they were hunted, but how did they go from that to being, essentially, an institutionalized asset to the government isn’t clear yet. There’s huge narrative potential in this, and I hope future seasons will delve into those aspects)
Many of the supporting characters are surprisingly solid. I appreciated that Genya and Zoya eventually sort of traded places, subverting the audience’s assumptions about them and their own character stereotypes, despite the little screentime they were given.
Breakout characters/ships for me were Nina/Matthias, and even more so the Crows, i.e. the stuff I didn’t see coming and knew nothing about (having only read the first book). (I thought the entire Crows subplot was handled in a somewhat convoluted way, at least in the first episodes; it was hard to keep track of who wanted Alina and why, but the Crows’ chemistry is so strong it carried the whole Plot B on its shoulders).
HELNIK. As an enemies to lovers dynamic, Helnik was SUPER on the nose, I’d say bordering on clichéd with the unapologetic, straight outta fanfiction use of classic tropes like “we need to team up to survive” and “there’s only one bed and we’ll freeze to death if we don’t take our conveniently damp clothes off and keep each other warm with the heat of our naked bodies” (not that I’m complaining, but i like to pine for my ships a bit before getting to the juicy tropetown part, tyvm). And then they’re suddenly on opposite sides again because of a tragic misunderstanding - does Bardugo hate high-conflict dynamics? It certainly seems so, because between Helnik and Darklina I’m starting to see a pattern where the slow burn and blossoming mutual trust is rushed and painted in broad, stereotypical strokes to get as fast as possible to the part where they *hate each other again* and that’s... huh. Something.
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^That’s probably why I’m almost more interested in Kaz x Inej, because their relationship feels a bit more nuanced, a bit more mysterious, and a bit more unpredictable. (I didn’t bother spoiling myself about them, so I really don’t know where they’re going, but it’s refreshing to see a dynamic that the narrative isn’t scrambling to define in one direction or the other as quickly as possible)
Now, as for Darklina VS Malina... I found exactly what I expected. 
Both are ship dynamics I’m, on principle, very much into (light heroine/dark villain, pining friends to lovers) but both are also much less interesting than they claim to be, or could have been with different narrative choices. I’ll concede that the show characters are all more fleshed out and likable than their book counterparts, and the cringe parts I vaguely remembered from the books played out differently. And, well, Ben Barnes dominates the scene, he’s hot as HELL, literally every single second he’s on screen is a fuck you to Bardugo’s attempts to make his character lame and uninteresting and I’m LOVING it, lol.
But yeah, B Barnes aside, Darklina is intrinsically, deliberately made to be unshippable. 
It makes me mad, because it’s - archetypally speaking - made of shipping dynamite: yin/yang-sun and moon, opposites attract, COMPLEMENTARY POWERS AND SO ON. And what does Bardugo do with these ingredients? A FUCKING DELIBERATE DISASTER:
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^ Placing the kiss so early on (season 1, episode five) effectively kills the romantic tension that was (correctly) building up until that point, and leaves the audience very little to still hope for, in terms of emotional evolution of the dynamic. 
Bardugo lays all the good stuff down as early and quickly as possible (the bonding, the conflicted attraction, the recognizing the other as one’s equal, etc) only to turn the tables and pull the rug so y’all sick creepyshippers won’t have anything to look forward to, because THEY’VE ALREADY HOOKED UP AND THAT BELONGS TO THE PAST, IT’S OVER, THEY’RE ENEMIES. This, combined to the fact that she falls for him *without* knowing who he really is, is the opposite of what I want from a heroine/villain ship (it’s basically lovers to enemies, and while that can be valid too, I wanted to see more pining and more prolonged, tormented symbolic attraction to the Shadow/Animus on Alina’s part). 
But here’s the trick: it’s not marketed as lovers to enemies - it has all the aesthetics and trappings of an enemies to lovers (the Darkling is, from the get go, villain-presenting, starting from his name), so it genuinely feels like a trollfic, or at the very least a cautionary tale *against* shipping the heroine with the tall dark brooding young villain, and I don’t think it’s cool at all. It makes the story WAY less interesting, because it humanizes the villain early on (when it’s not yet useful or poignant to the story, because it’s unearned) but it’s a red herring. The real plot twist is that the villain shouldn’t be sympathized with, just defeated: there’s a promise of nuanced storytelling, that is quickly denied and tossed aside. So is the idea of incorporating your Shadow (a notion that Bardugo must be familiar with, otherwise she wouldn’t have structured Alina and the Darkling as polar opposites who complement each other, but that she categorically refutes)
Then we have Malina. The good ship.
Look, I’m not that biased against it. I don’t want to be biased on principle against a friends to lovers dynamic that antagonizes a heroine/villain one, because every narrative is different, and for personal reasons I can deeply relate to the idea of being (unspeakably) in love with your best friend. So there are aspects of Malina that I can definitely be into, but it troubles me that in this specific context it’s framed as a regression. It’s Alina’s comfort zone, a fading dream of happiness from an idealized childhood, to sustain which the heroine systematically stunts her growth and literally repressed her own powers, something that in the books made her sickly and weak. But the narrative weirdly romanticizes this codependency, often making her tunnel vision re: going back to Mal her primary goal and centering on him her entire backstory/motivation, to the point that when she starts acting more serious re: her powers and alleged mission to destroy the Fold, it feels inorganic and unearned. 
Mal is intrinsically extraneous to Alina’s powers, he doesn’t share them, he doesn’t understand them, he has little to offer to help her with them, and so the feeling is that he’s also extraneous to her heroine’s journey, aside from being a sort of sidekick or safe harbor to eventually come back to. People have compared him to Raoul from Phantom of the Opera, and yeah, he has the same ~magic neutralizer~ vibe, tbh.
The narrative also polarizes Mal’s normalcy and relative “safety” against Aleksander’s sexy evil, framing Alina’s quasi-platonic fixation on the former as a better and purer form of love than her (much more visible and palpable) attraction to the latter. This is exacerbated by the show almost entirely relying on scenes of them as kids to convey their bond. I’m sure there are ways to depict innocent pining for your best friend that don’t involve obsessively focusing on flashbacks of two CHILDREN running in a meadow and looking exactly like brother and sister. LIKE. I get it, they’re like soulmates in every possible way, BUT DO THEY WANT TO KISS EACH OTHER?
Which brings me to a general complain: for a young adult saga centering on a young heroine and full of so many hot people, this story is weirdly unsexy? There are a lot of shippable dynamics, but they’re done in such a careless, ineffective way that makes ZERO EFFORT to work on stuff like slow burn, pining and romantic tension, and when it does it’s so heavy handed that the viewer doesn’t feel encouraged at all to fill the blanks with their imagination and start anticipating things (which is, imo, the ESSENCE of shipping). The one dynamic that got vaguely close to this is, again, Kaz and Inej, and coincidentally it’s also the one we didn’t get confirmed as romantic YET. Other than that, where’s the slow burn? What ship am I supposed to agonize over during the hiatus to season two? Has shipping become something to feel ashamed of, like an embarrassing relative you no longer want to invite in your home?
Anyway, back to Alina/Darkling/Mal, this is how the story reads to me:
girl suspects to be special, carefully pretends to be normal so she can stay with Good Boy
the girl’s powers eventually manifest; she’s forcibly separated from Good Boy
the girl’s powers attract Bad Boy who is her equal and opposite but is also a major asshole
girl initially falls for Bad Boy; has to learn a hard lesson that nobody that sexy will ever want her for who she is, he’s just trying to exploit her
also, no, there is no such thing as a Power Couple
girl is literally given a slave collar by Bad Boy through which he harnesses her power (a parody of the Twin Scars trope)
you know how the story initially suggested that the joint powers of Darkness and Light would defeat evil? LOL NO, Darkness is actually evil itself and the way you destroy evil is using Light to destroy Darkness, forget that whole Jungian bullshit of integrating your shadow, silly!
conclusion: girl realizes being special sucks. She was right all along! Hiding and suppressing her powers was the best choice! She goes back to the start, to the same Good Boy she was meekly pining for prior to the start of the story.
... there’s an uncomfortable overall subtext that reads a lot like a cautionary tale against - look, not just against darkships and villain/heroine pairings, but also *overpowered* heroines and, well... change? Growth?
Like, it’s certainly a Choice that Alina starts the story *already* in love with Mal. That she always knew it was him. The realization could have happened later (making the dynamic much more shippable, too), but no. 
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Pollux No HB AU content where? 😌 (rude they won’t lemme ask from my sideblog)
It’s extremely rude sjsjdjdjd
but! I have been thinking for a hot minute about this and had a coherent Thought or two
—pollux would keep being a vigilante. mostly out of personal choice, but no doubt ortega would keep trying to get him to be official. but, the ranger system is too restrictive, he would never join the guardians and he would rather die than become a corporate hero (yuck!) I don’t think he could reasonably end sponsored either, considering his flippant disregard for rules and behavior fitting that of a “hero” he’s too….grey area/wild card to ever be shaped/coached into that sort of position. he still works closely with the rangers however.
—extremely tangilental, but Pollux as Marshal of the Rangers is a fun thought and one that would go about as well as a dumpster fire. Pollux could handle the leadership aspects of it well—working as a team and knowing the strengths and weaknesses of others to have them all work together. He’s the sort of leader where he has high expectations because it’s required to work as a team, not because he needs to have his ego stroked. Sadly he’s got none of the correct kind of charisma like ortega, chen or hood have in public relations. and he doesn’t like office work either. although the marshal of the rangers being a five foot little nothing asshole is deeply endearing to me.
—at some point he would get the courage to pony up and talk about being a regene with ortega and get it through their “very thick skull” what exactly that means/what he went through/what it means for the inevitable of him being discovered. There’s a lot of contingencies put in place and maybe Pollux would end up trusting ortega to go poking their nose in things without getting blown up. That’s a big Maybe though. All of that is very need to know and a lot of people don’t need to know.
—Maybe take down the Farm—I dunno weird explosions and fires out in the middle of Nevada that’s really odd huh? oh wow genitech is failing entirely look at that wow all the higher ups and scientists died mysterious and their research was all “lost” wow that’s Weird Huh? Oh a bunch of government officials died too Wrow.
—messy ortega relationship in a completely different way than it is now LOL a very much dance around the feelings with the added complication of a sexual relationship to boot. It’s…very intense with a lot of unspoken stuff going on. Like secret crush but fwb but one of them has definitely said they are in love but the other one hasn’t said it yet but it’s FELT and yeah. basically lovers but in bff sorta way. There’s loads of tabloid/rumor mill stuff going on since neither of them will ever talk about their relationship with each other beside “we’re friends <3” and pollux’s added bit: “if you think otherwise im gonna rearrange your guts <3”
—ends up becoming good friends with Chen, funny enough. They come around as they both get older and Pollux gets less a stick up his ass about how chen treated him lol
—he gets several different suit upgrades over the years, eventually moving up to a very light style of armor (lighter than his current villain suit). A sort of sports model with little jump jets but one that allows him more flexibility in hand to hand. It helps fuel the image that he’s modded and not boosted, a rumor he actually likes. He keeps the color scheme over the years and the design remains practical, but keeps up with his needs and the design trends, much to his chargin at time. It’s all very durable as Pollux is really rough on his gear. His favorite of the gear was when he was making the transition to more armor and he had a bit more of a streetwear/techwear look to the suit and coat. Durable structured jacket with built in hood and hidden pockets + exposed armored forearms + legs. Longer coat in the back—almost like a cape. Armored mast with LED display in the front under glass. More classic modern Nike running shoes sort of vibe—narrow legs. A more top heavy silhouette—big androgynous vibes. (Now I’m getting villain armor designs in my Imagine That). Maybe perhaps it ends up just a bit heavier on the white to almost compliment the Ranger’s color palette. Again much to his chargin.
—maybe, and BIG MAYBE, pollux tracks down where aleksi and quyen are. If they’re still alive, what has happened to them, etc. that’s a complicated chapter of his life and pollux has a lot of regret tainted memories of the two of them.
—he ends up retiring in Los Diablos in a very nice row house. Some architect from San Fran thought the row house style was cool enough to bring to Los Diablos. He actually splits his time between there and the Ranch.
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viking-raider · 4 years
The Immortal Sky - Part V *MATURE*
Summary: You’re more than half way to Bristol, when Henry finally chases up to you. The reunion doesn’t go how either of you had expected.
Pairing: Henry Cavill/You
Word Count: 10,705
Chapters: I II III IV
Warnings: Futuristic!AU, Dystopian!AU, Language, Angst, Fluff, Slapping, Name-Call, Arguing, Conflict, Hurt/Comfort, Dirty Talk, Loss of Virginity, Smut - Fingering, Penetration, Cowgirl, Cream pie, Praise Kink
Inspiration: I’ve always wanted to write a Futuristic!AU
Author’s Note: Thanks to @wondersofdreaming​ for being a fabulous Beta and Brainstorm buddy! Please, tell me what you think!
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You had managed to reach, what had once been, the town of Cherhill, whilst still being utterly oblivious to the fact Henry was trailing after you. The two of you had been playing a complicated game of cat and mouse, since you snuck out of his flat in London.
Frustratingly for Henry, he struggled to keep up with you, almost always an hour or more behind you from the last stop over you had taken. At one point, he had even been a mere thirty minutes behind you, in Froxfield, and was sure he'd catch up to you at the next safe house, only to spend an hour checking the two safe houses there and asking people if they had seen you, only to learn you had stopped in the mini-town long enough to replenish your supplies and get a thicker coat, before moving onto the next place.
“At least, she's keeping warm.” Henry said to himself, as he stepped out of the supply store and headed on his way to the next town, two hours away, in Marlborough.
Making it to Marlborough, Henry went to the only safe house the town had, a residential home, that was also the supply location for the area. He walked down the cracked and uneven sidewalk of the neighborhood, most of the houses on the street were dilapidated, boarded up or charred remains. So, it made finding the house easy, it was the best kept house on the block, but still in a level of disrepair.
“What do you want?” Asked a man standing outside the rough picket fence that bordered the dirt lawn.
“I'm looking for someone, a girl.” Henry told him, pulling his mobile out and showed him. “Have you seen her?” He asked, looking up at the windows at the second floor of the house.
The man leaned forward, squinting at the screen of Henry's mobile. “No.” He shook his head and pulled back. “We haven't had any girls come here in about a week.”
Henry sighed and rubbed at his gritty face, his temples throbbing, then turned away from the man. “I swear, when I get my hands on that girl.” He grumbled the empty threat, for the millionth time.
Pulling up the map on his mobile, Henry calculated the distance and time to the next mini-town of Cherhill, and how much time he had in the day. It was an almost three and a half hour walk to Cherhill from Marlborough, with two hours of sunlight remaining. So, sucking it up, Henry decided to chance it and walk there through the night.
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Getting into a room in Cherhill, you gingerly peeled your shoes and socks off your feet and rubbed at the raw skin and fat blisters that covered them. You weren't accustomed to walking for so long, for so far, and they felt like they had been worn down to your ankles.
Luckily, this pit stop was a little more accommodating, and you had a little bathroom in the room you were put up in, with the most absolute, teeniest tub you had ever seen in your life, and you lived near the bottom of London! But, you filled it with hot water and removed your clothing, sitting down on the dark stained toilet seat and soaked your feet into the water. Dipping a threadbare washcloth into the water, you used it to rub away some of the grit and dust that was caked into your skin. Once you soaked your feet for a little while, you rinsed your hair out in the sink, wishing you had some shampoo or soap, but settled for the plain water. Semi-refreshed, you redressed, nibbled on something for a late lunch and rested back against the bed, staring up at the water stained ceiling.
“Eric, how far is the next checkpoint?”
“Three hours, Ms.”
“When's sunrise?” You asked, rubbing at your eyes and pinching the bridge of your nose.
“Four hours, Ms.”
You laid there for a long moment, considering the sanity of walking yet another ten kilometers to Chippenham. “Oh, what's the worst that can happen?” You sighed, getting up and packing your things. “At least, I got to rest my feet.” You quipped to yourself, going out into the hall.
“Shit!” You snapped suddenly, looking down the long hallway and seeing the very last person you wanted to see, before dashing back into your room, in a complete panic. “How the fuck did he find me! How did the fucker even know I had come this far?!” You paced the room, shaking.
“Of course!” You berated yourself. “He's a goddamned High Marshal! It's all he does! All day, for years on end. But, why is he even bothering to come after me?” You shook your head, trying to clear the panic. “I'll worry about that later, I need to get the fuck out of here, before he sees me.”
You frantically looked around your room and spotted a godsend.
“Praise the gods.” You huffed, relieved for this room actually having a window.
You dropped the room key on the bed and rushed the window, pushing it open and looked out. You were on the third floor, so it was a fair drop to the ground outside. But, luckily there was a small metal balcony outside the second floor window of the room below yours. So, wiggling out your window backwards and hanging from the window frame, you dropped yourself the meter down to the balcony with loud clang and a shake of the rickety supports bolting the balcony into the red brick wall of the building.
Crouching there for a moment, to give the structure a moment to settle, you dropped the last meter to the ground at the first level of the building, then tucked tail and ran. Just as Henry's head popped through the open window of your abandoned room, he caught sight of you as you dashed around the side of the building.
“Fuck!” He barked, charging out of the room and down the hall, stomping down the six flights of stairs to the main lobby, then out the entrance door, calling your name as he chased after you through a cluster of trees.
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Henry had made it to Cherhill an hour before sunrise and exhausted as all hell. He had already decided to get a room, whether or not you were there, to take a power nap, before he fell flat on his face. He was no good as spent as he was from looking for you, then to take you back to London, for the trials. He still didn't know how he was going to get his hands on Mikey, but part of him didn't give a fuck about your brother, it was you, he was worried about.
Entering the safe house, a rundown, three story hotel, Henry took a deep breath in and out as he approached the front desk and the male behind it, reading some cover-less and water damaged book, and readied himself to hear that he had never seen your face before. The guy looked over the top of his book as he heard Henry step up to his counter, slowly setting it down on the desk on the other side of the counter, and stood.
“Wanting a room?” He asked, looking Henry over.
“Yeah.” Henry nodded his head. “Can you tell me if you've seen this girl?” He asked, turning the screen of his mobile towards him.
“Oh yeah, I have.” The guy nodded at your photo. “She got a room here not that long ago, a couple hours maybe.”
Henry's hope went up a teeny bit. “Is she still here?” He asked, in suspense.
“Uh..” He turned his back to Henry and stepped into a little room for a moment, before returning. “Her key is still gone, so she must still be in her room. Unless, she forgot to return it, it happens more than you could realize. But, it's not a surprise, many people up and leaving out of the blue around here..”
“What room is she in?” Henry asked, interrupting him, even more antsy.
“Third floor, room six.”
“Do you have a master key to open the door?” He asked, chewing on his lip.
“Yeah, but I can't just go up there and open her door for you.” The guy protested. “It's against policy.”
Growling, Henry turned on his heels and headed for the stairwell leading up to your room. If he wasn't going to open your door, then Henry would just kick it in. He wasn't going to go up there and knock, so you would have the time to figure out how to slip by him again.
“Hey!” The hotel worker yelled, running around the counter and rushed after Henry.
Stomping up the stairs, the guy managed to get ahead of Henry and block the doorway that led down the hallway of your floor. Standing his ground as Henry stopped before him, huffing angrily, like a bull just entering the ring to fight the matador.
“Get the fuck out of my way.” Henry hissed, between clenched teeth. “Now.”
“It is against Hotel policy to disturb the guests. If you don't leave this instance, I will be forced to call security.”
“Oh really!” Henry snapped, brows lifting. “And who is the security in this shit hole?” He asked, folding his arms over his chest.
The guy gulped as he watched the biceps of Henry's arms bulge through his clothing. “I-I am.” He squeaked, like a frightened mouse, facing down a panther.
“That's what I thought.” Henry chuckled, as a door slammed somewhere in the building. “You'll be getting out of my way.” He said, grabbing the front of the guy's shirt and jerked him out of the way, before storming down to your room door.
Henry thrust his size eleven boot through the flimsy door of your room and stormed in, feeling the cool breeze bellowing in through the open window. “Goddamn it!” He hissed, stomping to the window and thrusting his head out and watched you dive around the corner of the building.
“Fuck!” He barked, charging out of the room, down the hall and down the six flights of stairs to the main lobby, then out the entrance door, calling out your name as he chased after you through a cluster of trees.
Whether or not you liked it, Henry was there chasing after you, no longer just missing you at every mini-town from London to Cherhill. He was in minutes of you, charging through the thicket of trees to the East of the hotel you both had bolted from. Henry could just see you ahead of him, maybe half a soccer field away from him, so he started pushing himself and closed the gap between you, within a few short minutes.
“Stop!” He yelled, reaching out and grabbed the back of your backpack, yanking and sending you backwards, before locking his arms around your upper body, trapping you against his chest; both of you gasping for air.
“Just stop.” He panted softly, dropping his forehead against the crown of your head. “Please, just stop.”
You growled, almost sounding like an angry cat, as you kicked your legs out and struggled in Henry's embrace. But Henry's thick arms only held onto you tighter, not picking up his head as you did, but grunted as you fruitlessly tried jabbing him in the side with your elbows and stomp on his foot.
“Stop it.” He barked into your ear.
“Let go of me!” You screamed, half hoping someone would hear and come help you, giving you the advantage to run again.
“I'm not.” Henry rumbled, spinning you around to face him and keeping a firm hold on you. “I tracked your butt for nearly a hundred and sixty kilometers, to take you back to London, and that's where we're going, as soon as we can.” He told you, with a heavy sigh.
“I'm not going back to London, so you can get fucked!” You barked at him.
“Ah!” He snapped and just managed to block your attempted knee shot. “Yes, you are.”
“Then, I'll run again!” You hissed, still struggling with him.
Henry sighed again, squeezing his eyes shut, taking a hold of your elbow and marched you back to the hotel. “Room.” He growled at the hotel guy, who looked like he wanted to protest, but gave Henry a key anyway.
“What are you doing with her?” He called after the two of you.
“Mind your own business, shithead.” Henry barked over his shoulder as he pulled you up the stairs to the second floor. “Sit down.” He ordered, carefully pushing you into the room and pointed to the chair.
You stood in the middle of the room, arms defiantly crossed over your chest. Henry stared back at you, a war of unsaid words flowing between the pair of you through looks alone.
“Why did you run?” Henry asked, finally breaking the tense silence.
“My business.”
“Your business is my business, since you want to act like a fucking brat and run off in the middle of the night, without word or reason. Especially, since you've gotten me in hot water with my boss. So, out with it.” He scolded you, his body tense.
“I know it's about your brother.” He said, when you remained silent. “I know that he's a Runner, working for Jaxon Quinn in Bristol. That he's going there to get training to be a big time Runner, and you're terrified that he's in some sort of trouble.”
“Congratulations.” You smirked at him, smugly. “Now, get the fuck out of my way!” You barked, starting for the door, but Henry blocked it. “Get out of the way!” You yelled, pushing at him, but he didn't move.
“I'm not.” He told you, softly, but firmly, shaking his head.
“You're going to get him killed!” You screamed, your voice breaking.
Henry blinked down at you, shaking his head again, and reached out to cup your face in his hands, tilting your head back to look up at him, seeing the furious and frightened tears in your eyes that you had been trying to keep at bay since having the nightmare. His thumbs smoothed over your cheeks, wiping away the dripping tears from your lashes, his face pinched with concern and confusion at how upset and desperate you were to reach not only Bristol, but your brother.
“You have brothers, Henry.” You sniffled softly, voice weak. “Wouldn't you do anything in the world, that you could, to save and protect them, if they were in danger?”
You tried to reason with him, pleading to his sense of family and the protective nature you knew Henry harbored in his soul, the reason you knew was why Henry wanted to be a Marshal; he couldn't protect people as a Cleric and Royal, the way he could as a Marshal. Henry's face softened, so did his heart, he would do everything he could, including giving his own life, to save one of his brothers, if they were in danger and trouble. He understood, mostly, what you were doing with running off and trekking through dangerous lands to reach Mikey.
“What trouble is he in?” He asked, blinking at you.
“I-” You frowned, you knew Mickey was in trouble, terrible trouble. But, you didn't know what that trouble actually was, and sighed. “I don't know exactly.” You admitted, gulping. “But, I know he is.”
“I just—I just feel it, Henry.” You told him, choked up.
Henry sighed, feeling the space between the rock and a hard place he was currently trapped in, get a whole lot tighter. He didn't know what to do with your brother, but he saw how deeply you felt about it and couldn't ignore that. So, he moved back a couple spaces and just focused on you, now that he had you.
“We'll figure it out.” He told you, softly. “But, for now, why don't we just rest. I'm sure we're both drained after all of this.”
“That's an understatement.” You laughed, nodding your head and letting your shoulders melt under the weight of exhaustion and stress.
“Give me your shoes.” Henry said, suddenly.
“What?” You snapped back, your nose wrinkling in confusion as you looked up at him.
“I said, give me your shoes.” Henry repeated himself, pointing down at your filthy trainers. “You can't run without them.”
“You wanna bet!”
“We both know you can't, love.” He chuckled, smirking at you, smugly. “So, take them off and give them to me”
You sighed. “Henry, I'm not going to run again, I promise.”
“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” Henry quoted, lifting a brow at you.
Rolling your eyes, you sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled your trainers off, tossing them to land at Henry's feet. Henry bent and picked up your shoes, shrugging his backpack off of his back and opened it, taking a couple of things, then shoved your shoes into his pack, zipping it up and connected the zipper to the hook below it, locking the backpack closed with a combination number; that wasn't his life pin.
“Why are you here, Henry?” You asked, narrowing your eyes at him as you flexed your sore toes.
“To get you.” He replied, uncapping his water bottle.
“Why?” You asked, drawing it out. “You wouldn't just chase me because you wanted to. What, you worried about losing out on your six thousand credits? Wanting them back.”
“No!” Henry barked, enraged at the thought that all he wanted out of you was money. “I was worried about your fucking safety.”
“I made it here in one piece.” You said, gesturing around.
“That's not what I meant.” He mumbled, moving across the room to the window. “Completely.”
You narrowed your eyes at his broad back. “What aren't you telling me?” You asked, feeling the vibe fill the room.
“What am I not telling you? What haven't you been telling me?” He hissed, turning back to you. “You ditch out in the middle of the night, without a word or note telling me to get fucked, to trek across this barren waste, risking your safety, for your drug dealing, crime running brother, because you feel he's in trouble.”
“Don't mock me.” You growled back at him, your own anger bubbling. “I knew you wouldn't believe me, if I woke you up to tell you that I had a dream about him being killed. I knew you'd fucking mock me about and tell me it was just a dream and to go back to bed. That you wouldn't understand the deep gut feeling I have that it isn't just some random dream I had.” You paused, trying to get a hold of yourself.
“It's a deep and hot feeling in my gut, like a sharp knife to my bowels; that hurt so much. That bond between him and I, vibrates with it. I couldn't just sit in your flat and ignore it, and I sure hell wasn't going to tell a High Marshal about my brother being an Adjutant Runner for Quinn. That would be a career maker for--”
You froze and stared at him, wide eyed, feeling the pieces fall into place. Henry knew about your brother, he knew everything about him and his activities, and knew that you were running straight for Mikey. It was perfect for Henry, follow you to Mikey, drag both of you back to London and turn Mikey into the Supreme Marshal and the Clerics. He'd be hailed a hero, given a promotion and a medal and who knows what else for it.
Oh, you felt like clawing his beautiful blue eyes out of his smug fucking skull.
“You fuck.” You said, your voice dripping with barely contained anger and slightly sibilant. “You're just using me to get to Mikey.”
Henry pressed his lips together and pushed his jaw forward, then nodded his head. He grabbed the back of the chair and set it down in front of you, plopping down on it. “I was going to come after you, before I knew anything specific about your brother. I figured, since you were heading for Bristol, that he was into some sort of crime, people don't tend to go there if they're not. I was afraid you would get hurt, and god knows what else.”
“I didn't give a fuck about the money I spent to get you out of Twist's hell hole, or the money you took for the mobile and backpack you have.” He said, eyeing them. “Just you. But, my boss, Supreme Marshall Dylon Reyes, called me, while I was out looking for you. To tell me that the Council of Clerics were starting the trails on Twist and his associates for their operations, you're a witness in that case.” He explained to you.
“A witness.” You echoed.
“Yes. You were there, one of the victims. So, the Council would want to talk to you, ask you questions and take your statement about anything you saw or heard there, the things you went through. My purchase of you, was done to verify that Twist was indeed selling people as Slaves and Servants. Keeping you, was, I don't fucking know. I was just told that it was final and I had too.”
“So, you did.”
“Obviously.” He snorted, lifting a brow at you. “But, it was also to keep an eye on you, to make sure you were kept safe from any of Twist's allies and higher up bosses.”
“Why would they care, I'm not the only one that was there.” You said, narrowing your eyes at him.
“Of the fourteen people we took out of that warehouse that had been kidnapped, just like you, under the same pretenses, you're the only one that had a buyer. So, you're considered more high profile.”
The muscles in your jaw twitched and your skin tingled with the hot heat of your fury, that unleashed with rock solid slap to Henry's tired and scruffy cheek, actually jerking his head to the side, from the force. Henry grunted and hissed at the searing pain of the slap, like lava had been splashed in his face. His hands gripped his knees and he shook his head against some of the pain, before looking back at you, his blue eyes darker than a stormy ocean and jaw tight.
“This is your fault.” You barked at him, trembling. “If it wasn't for you, if you had just purchased someone else in that line up, I would be home right now! I would have been able to convince Michail into not going to Bristol with that damn handler, months ago. Months ago, Henry!” You screamed, wanting to strike him again, but his hands shot out and gripped your wrists, pinning your hands to your thighs.
“I fucking hate you, dear god! I fucking hate you, so much.”
“I can live with that, if it means keeping you safe.” Henry growled through a tight jaw.
“I don't need you to protect me!” You snapped, jerking against him.
“Like fuck you don't!” He hissed, bringing his face closer to yours. “Your dear brother works for Jaxon Quinn, the second worse fucking Crime Boss this country has!”
“I know who the fuck he is!”
“Did you know he's the one that helped Twist fund that little warehouse you were imprisoned in?” He asked, lifting his brows at you. “Did you know that he's got people out here wanting to kill you? Because, if you can't make it to that interview with the Clerics, everything about Twist and that operation won't end well. They'll just get stuck with a few millions in fines, a couple of banishments, maybe someone getting sent to the Iron Tombs prison or executed. All of which people like Jaxon Quinn don't fucking feel, cause millions of credits is pocket money to him, just like the lives of the people that will be ruined and snuffed out, because there's thousands of people waiting in line to take their places.”
“Such as your brother.”
Your blazing anger turned to ice in your stomach and you nearly puked your guts out at the thought of a hit-man around some corner, waiting to kill you, or your brother taking the place of someone that had been killed by the justice system of London for their part in Quinn's business.
“That's why I came after you.” Henry said softly, easing the pressure he was putting on your wrists. “People are out here, wanting to kill you. You have a price on your head, and you're about to walk into the house, where every last one of those dirt-bags, live. Do you understand the danger you are in? Your feeling about Mike being in trouble could be true, but it also could just be the realistic feel of a nightmare.”
“But, the danger you are in is real.”
He tried to make you understand, he was desperate that you understood that your life was in danger and you being out here and heading for Bristol was only increasing that danger and making it easier for them to find and kill you.
“It won't stop me.” You said, softly. “I have to get to Mikey before something happens to him.”
“I'll tell you what happens to him.” Henry said, frustrated and tired. “You find him, his handler finds out that you're his sister and they kill you both.”
“No questions. No begging. Just both of you dying.”
A chill raced down your spine, the revelation spiraling around your brain. “That must be it.” You said, eyes flaring at Henry. “What if he does find out about Mikey being my brother, somehow?”
Henry let go of your wrists and rubbed at his face, hunching over his chair. “I don't know, maybe.” He huffed into his palms. “Is there a shower in this place?” He asked, looking up at you.
“I don't know if this room does, but I had a micro-bathtub in my room.” You retorted, looking towards the half open bathroom door.
Getting up with a tired and sore groan, Henry pushed open the bathroom door and found it did indeed have a shower and another micro-bathtub, so much to his relief. He turned back to you, studying you for a long moment, before taking off his jacket, shoes and socks, then pulled his sweater over his head, tossing them all onto the chair.
“I'm going to take a shower.” He told you, his voice measured with the still rocky trust the two of you had for each other.
“Okay.” You replied, staring back at him.
Henry slowly turned towards the bathroom, like he expected you to suddenly bolt for the door or window, but you stayed where you were on the edge of the bed. Sighing, Henry entered the bathroom, but didn't close the door all the way, in case you ran and he needed to go after you; possibly naked and wet. He spun the loose hot tap and the shower head sputtered to life, he stood there for a long time, waiting for the water to heat up, as he stared at his exhausted reflection through the spiderweb cracks running through the broken mirror, before removing his jeans and boxers, dropping them on the tank of the old toilet and stepped under the weak spray, with a loud groan.
You sighed, hearing the shower turn on and moved your backpack into your lap. Unzipping it, you removed your water bottle and a package of food you bought at the last supplier's. You sat there eating your food and drinking your water, trying to block out the thought of Henry naked just mere feet from you, and being able to catch a glimpse of his body through the fogged up mirror above the chipped sink and the open door.
“You know, Teddy Wang said you held him up at knife point.” Henry said, coming out of the shower in nothing but socks and his jeans, as he rubbed a hole strewn towel over his dripping head; still chuckling at the thought.
“Because, I did.” You retorted, glancing out the window and not his warm and pink torso.
Henry stopped and blinked down at you. “Really?” He laughed, a grin of amusement spreading across his lips.
“Yes.” You snapped, looking back at him. “He wouldn't tell me what I wanted to know, so I took out the knife my dad gave me and told him what I would do with it, if he didn't.” You informed him, angry at his amusement.
“Lord, I can only wonder what you told Fynn, to make him talk.” He roared with laughter.
“I told him, I would use his own door to bash his head in.” You replied, narrowing your eyes at him.
“I was sure you could take care of yourself, but I didn't take you as such a violent little thing.” Henry said, still unendingly tickled. “I mean, maybe I should be surprised. You did nearly take my head off with that slap of yours.” He chuckled, rubbing his cheek at the residual sting.
Letting out a frustrated growl, sick of people not taking you seriously, and the situation period, you launched off the bed and towards Henry, catching him off guard enough to send both of you into the wall. But, Henry recovered quickly, turning and pressing you up against the wall.
“Easy there, little nugget.” He grinned at you.
“Don't call me that!” You barked, struggling against him.
“Call you what?” He chuckled, enjoying your little rampage. “Nugget?”
“Yes!” You hissed, pressing your palms against his bare chest and tried pushing him off of you.
“Or what, Nugget?” He continued to chuckle, barely teetering as you pushed against him. “Hey now!” He snapped, squeezing his legs shut, planted his hands under your arms and pushed you up the wall, until your faces were level. “That's the second time you tried kneeing me there. That's not very nice, Nugget.”
“Oh my god, stop calling me that, you big brute!” You huffed. “Or else!”
Henry smirked at you, bringing his face close to yours. “Or else, what?” He said in a low and deep voice.
You knew you should just give up, he had you out matched in nearly everything, your feet were dangling above the dingy carpet, as he held you up against the wall, like you weighed less than the wallpaper peeling off of it.
So, you did something he wouldn't expect.
Licking your lips and taking advantage of how close his face was to yours, the tips of your noses lightly brushing, you tilted your head and kissed him on the lips. Henry nearly dropped you, in shock of feeling your warm lips against his, his mouth falling open and his pupils dilating. You didn't pull back, but you didn't deepen the kiss either. Henry slowly closed his mouth, his full lips cradled your bottom lip for a moment, before he pulled his head back and looked at you, licking his lips and tasting the sweetness of yours on his tongue.
He let out a shuddering breath, eyes darkening as he stared into yours. He saw a look eclipse your face and brought his lips back to yours, kissing them with a soft smack echoing in the room. You let out a soft breath through your nose and whimpered, eyes half falling shut. Henry smirked and chuckled softly against your mouth and kissed you deeper, his arms moving to wrap around you, pressing you closer against his body. You wrapped your arms around his neck and picked up your hanging legs to wrap them around his waist, nudging your mouth against his, feeling a growing bubble of desire and need for him.
One arm hugged around your waist, Henry planted a hand on the wall by your head, swirling his tongue against your mouth as his head tilted to the side, moaning deep in his throat and chest. His hand went to tangle in your hair, as the pair of you heatedly made out. The kiss was hungry and almost sloppy, you panted as Henry kissed down your mouth and chin to your neck, nibbling and biting at the pounding pulse under your jaw. You pushed your head back, letting your eyes finally fall closed as he sucked on your throat, whimpering softly as he sank his teeth into the bruised skin.
“Fuck.” He huffed and pressed his forehead against your temple. “I want you.” He moaned against your cheek, out of breath and gasping for air, as his blunt fingers and nails clawed and tugged at the waistband of your pants. “I've wanted you.” He admitted, eyes rolling shut as his clothed cock rubbed against your covered pussy, begging to be buried in the heat it knew was there, like it was sonar.
Chuckling, you nudge your cheek against his, amused by the turn of events. You had only kissed him to see if he would let you go and quit calling you, Nugget; not have the two of you melt into a heated and passionate lip battle, leaving both of you breathless and clearly wanting for the other. You would be lying, if you didn't admit that you had thought about Henry like this from time to time, wanting to see what he looked like naked, all in a hard pant, his skin damp with sweat and a pink glow from his spent effort; the feel of him inside of you. But, it also gave you qualms, deep in the pit of your stomach as well, a soft shyness washing over you for a moment, before you felt the nudge of Henry's hips against yours again, throwing it out the window and into the dying sunlight.
“Me too.” You admitted into the shell of his ear, nose brushing the still damp curls around it. “I want you too, Henry.” You whispered, breathless, and hugged your legs tighter around his hips.
Henry let out such a growl against your neck, that you let out a needy whimper, as he pushed you both off the wall, taking a step back and turning towards the bed, laying you down on it. He unhooked your legs from around his hips and fumbled with the button of your pants, before shoving them and your underwear down your hips and thighs; so you could kick out of them, while he removed his own jeans. Henry was attacking your mouth and throat again, his hands diving under the hem of your shirt and going straight for your breasts. You moaned at the feel of his lips against your skin, his hot hands squeezing and kneading your breasts in his palms, and the free feeling of his cock rubbing shamelessly against your bare folds, making the muscles of your thighs tremble from how good it felt.
“You like that, don't you?” He asked, in a husky voice, loving the sounds you were making as he humped against you.
“God, yes.” You mewled, dragging your nails down his broad back.
He chuckled, bracing his arms at either side of your head and looked down at you, watching you melt into the mattress beneath you. “You're still a virgin, aren't you?” He asked, his head tilting as he shifted his weight to one arm and glided his fingertips over your stomach.
You looked up at him and gave an audible gulp, nodding your head and looking up at him like a frightened rabbit. A smirk grew on his scruffy face, fingers circling your navel before dipping low, to rub the pads of two fingers against your sensitive clit. Henry wasn't put off by your virginity, but he didn't want to ruin it by succumbing to his animal desire to thrust his, well-endowed, cock into your tight, little hole and fuck you within an inch of your life, either. You whimpered and bucked up against his fingers, crazy for more friction. Henry clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, shaking his head at you and grinning like a hungry wolf.
“None of that, Nugget.” He cooed at you, removing his fingers from your wet folds and licked them clean; his eyes never leaving yours. “Have you ever touched yourself?” He asked, tilting his head at you.
You nodded your head, mutely.
He reached out and took your hand into his, pulling it down between your legs, and flattened two of your fingers down on your clit, and pressed them down with his own, gently guiding both of your hands in a slow and easy motion against it, watching your face for a few moments, before removing his hand, letting you continue touching yourself on your own, and looked down between your bodies. You had heard enough about sex from Mikey and your co-workers to know, this wasn't how you did it, but you did know about touching yourself, you had done on and off since you were a teen. But, you had never done it in front of anyone before, and doing it with Henry leaning over you, his eyes intent on your fingers, made you incredibly self-conscious.
“Henry..” You moaned out, trying to put the sound of a question in it, but your brain couldn't form it.
Henry's eyes flickered towards yours and smirk. “What, you just want me to shove my massive cock in that tight and little hole of yours?” He quipped, teasing you softly, his fingers brushing the skin between your breasts. “If I did that, you wouldn't be walking anywhere, for a very long time.” He chuckled, kissing the tip of your nose.
His fingers moved down your torso, skirting around your still working hand and teased a fingertip between your folds, ringing it around your entrance and coming back with a thick string of come. “Take that finger,” He tapped your middle finger. “and slip it in that sweet hole of yours for me.” He said, nodding his head at you, encouragingly.
“I--” You choked up, eyes wide, and gulped. “I've--” You gulped, flustered.
“Oh,” Henry chuckled, brushing your hair off your sweaty forehead. “You're a button rubber.”
“A what?” You squeaked, confused and caught off guard.
“You rub your little button.” He cooed, tapped your clit, with a smirk. “To get off. Without touching your core.” He gently pushed the very tip of his thick finger into your entrance. “A virgin, in almost every way.”
“That's okay, you can do it.” He encouraged you. “Nice and easy, Nugget.” He purred, moving his finger out of your way.
Gulping again, you slowly inched your hand away from your clit, fingers cupping your folds for a moment, as you hesitated, trying to muster the courage off of Henry's face and into yourself, before, very slowly, parting your folds with the tip of your middle finger and towards your entrance. It felt strange to push your finger into yourself. It was deep, wet, so much warmer than you thought, and soft. You touched something deep inside of your cunt and gasped, toes curling.
“Oh, someone found her sweet spot.” Henry chuckled, playfully tapping you on the nose.
“It feels so good.” You whimpered, rubbing at it a little bit more, biting your lip.
“That's good.” He smiled, watching you start to mindlessly thrust your finger in and out. “That's it.” He encouraged you, basking in the sight, rubbing his palm up and down your quivering thigh, before turning his hand to join yours. “No, no.” He murmured as you started to remove your finger. “Keep that finger right there.” He said, the tip of his finger brushing the underside of yours.
Henry tickled the edge of your folds for a moment, before slipping it under yours and gingerly pushed it in to join your own finger inside of you, stretching you wide open. He leaned down and pressed his lips to the corner of your mouth as you whimpered, uncomfortable at the almost painful stretch of your combined fingers. He shushed you and timed his thick digit with your smaller one, gently joining the tip of your finger at your sweet spot, and added even more pressure to it, making you cry out loud, throwing your head back.
“You're doing so well.” He praised you, nuzzling the side of your face with his. “I can't wait to have my cock inside of you.” He panted, eyes rolling shut at the idea. “Let's see if you can take one more.” He said, curiously. “Pull your finger halfway out.” He instructed you, rubbing his next finger in the juices dripping from you, then poising it at your hole.
“Just like that, good girl.”
Carefully shifting his first finger around yours, Henry pressed his new finger through the ring of muscle surrounding your entrance, taking it slow.
“Just relax.” He cooed at you, pressing his knees against the edge of the bed to shift his weight and used his now free hand to caress the side of your hot face and rubbed his palm over your chest, trying to help your relax. “Deep breaths. That's it. Very good.” He smiled at you, his finger halfway in.
“Henry, please.” You mewled, chewing your lip to bits.
“Hush.” He whispered, caressing the pad of his thumb down the bridge of your nose. “Gotta get you nice and open for my cock, love.” He told you, breathing heavy has the rest of his finger slide home with the first. “It'll hurt so much more, if I don't, and I don't want to hurt you, darling.” He said, a rush of icy goosebumps racing over his body at the sweet whimper that left your parted lips.
“Put your finger back in.”
“I can't.” You whimpered, shaking your head at him.
“Yes, you can.” He said softly, nodding his head and holding your eyes. “Come on, sweetheart.” He cooed at you, sweetly. “You can do it for me, can't you? Don't you want me to be inside of you?” He asked, coaxing you. “Keeping you nice and warm.” He added with a chuckle, feeling the creeping cold of the night outside coming through the thin walls and windowpane, chilling the sweaty skin of his naked body.
You gulped at the tone of his dirty talking, feeling it going straight to your pussy, making Henry chuckle as he felt the pooling wetness growing around your combine fingers. Whimpering softly, you pushed your finger back into the tight space above Henry's big ones.
“There, see.” Henry smiled, kissing your forehead. “Not so bad, is it, love?” He asked, crooking his, and your, fingers into your sweet spot and rubbed at it, with measured experience. “How's that feel, baby?” He asked, leaning in to kiss you, lazily.
“It feels so good, Henry.” You moaned against his mouth. “So fucking good.”
“Just wait til you have my cock in you, it'll feel a million times better.” He promised.
“I want it now.” You whined, nudging him.
“Just a little bit long, honey.” He cooed, kissing your hot cheek. “There's a little something I want you to give me first, just to make sure you're nice and relaxed, and comfy, for me to nestle inside this sweet little hole of yours.”
“Ah-Ah, Sshhh.” He interrupted you, shaking his head and starting to work his fingers in and out, taking your finger with them. “Enjoy it, darling.”
You moaned aloud, licking your lips and pushing your head back, eyes rolling shut at the phenomenal feeling of the teamwork your joined fingers were pulling off inside you. You rocked your whole body down on your and his fingers, driving them deeper inside of you and stretching you wider with each motion. Henry smiled down at you, watching you lose yourself in the motion and moment; and he hadn't even given you the best part yet. He slowly slipped his fingers free of your core, you blissfully unaware of the change as you continued to fuck your own finger.
“I can't wait to have you squirt all over my cock.” He said aloud, his eyes glued to your finger, then watched the change slowly wash over you as your orgasm neared. “That's it, sweetheart. Fuck that finger good, come all over it.” He said in a husky and arousal dripping voice, feeling himself get even harder at the sight, and started rubbing your swollen clit.
“H-Hen-Henry.” You gasped, breathing hard, as your toes curled against the amazing hot flood rushing through your sweaty body; rubbing your clit alone had never felt this good.
“Come.” He hissed, eyes huge and focused on you. “Come for me. Soak the the bed, baby. You can do it, come on.” He encouraged you, a free hand moving to his hot and swollen cock, giving it a few pumps.
“Fuck! Oh, fuck!” You mewled, face contorting as your orgasm started to peak. “Henry!” You cried out, before finally falling into your orgasm and drenched your finger, leaving a damp spot on the duvet beneath you.
Henry licked his lips, the heavy and pleasing aroma of your arousal filling his nose; it made him hum. “See that? Told you, you could do.” He said, when you were halfway recovered. “And you didn't even need my fingers.” He added, with a sly grin.
“Huh?” You squeaked, looking down your heaving body to see his fingers still resting lightly on your clit, and your own finger still inside your core. “Oh fuck.” You chuckled shyly, your face heating up.
Henry chuckled and kissed you deeply. “Now, you can have my cock, sweetheart.” He smiled slyly at you.
“I don't know what—” You cut yourself off, feeling self-conscious again, and looked away from him.
You didn't know what to do once he was inside of you, you hadn't known what to do with your own finger inside of you, if it wasn't for Henry's fingers there as well, and him instructing you. But, Henry was very experienced in the art of lovemaking, and wasn't surprised or bothered by your inexperience in it; he had his own solutions to such things. So, he wrapped your heavy legs around his waist and your arms about his neck, before putting his arms around your waist. Henry lifted you up, so he could stand to his full height, slipping an arm beneath your bottom as he did, to keep you from slipping.
“It's all right, sweet girl.” He assured you, moving to the head of the bed and sat down. “Take your shirt off.” He told you, tugging on the garment.
Biting your lip shyly, you grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled it off over your head, tossing it to the floor. Henry smiled and smoothed his palms up your back to the clasp of your bra and popped it free. Slipping the straps of your bra off your shoulders, Henry tossed the undergarment to the floor with your shirt and leaned forward to place open mouthed kisses to the supple skin of your breasts, nuzzling his face between them and leaving, almost painful, love bites in their wake. You whimpered, hugging your arms around his neck and hiding your face into his hair, feeling the solid and hot flesh of his cock press up against your thighs and ass.
Moaning against your skin, as your shifting rubbed your ass down against his cock, Henry turned and laid back on the bed, his head on the dingy and flat pillow, all the stuffing flattened from years of use. He held you in his lap, as you straddled him, and pulled up his knees to give you a little more stability. Henry gripped your hips to move you, so you knelt on your knees over him, then reached between your legs to take himself in hand, lining up with your sticky entrance, and pushed his hips up enough to press the fat and swollen tip of his cock just into you, then held his hips there.
“Very slowly, push yourself down.” He instructed you, nodding his head at you, as he broke out in a sweat, that plastered his curls to his forehead. “That's good. Keep it up, baby.” He said, breathing hard.
You pushed your hips down on Henry's cock, feeling how hot and hard it actually was as it filled you more and more. There was only a little bit of extra stretch as he entered you, but it wasn't uncomfortable and the slickness left over from your orgasm helped make it easier to do. It took some slow patience, but you finally had your fill of Henry inside of you, shifting in his lap.
“That feels so different.” You whimpered, feeling like he was deep inside of your stomach.
Henry smiled up at you, chuckling. “I'm sure.” He replied, nudging his hips upwards. “I'm nice and deep into your cervix.” He commented, feeling it wrapped around his cock. “Are you okay?” He asked, taking a few deep breaths, to keep a handle on himself.
“I'm-I'm fine.” You assured him, flustered at the feeling of him rubbing up against your cervix. “Wh-what do you wa-want me t-to do?” You asked, gulping thickly.
“So eager.” Henry teased, kneading your hips in his palms. “Just follow my motion.” He said, looking up at you.
Gripping your hips more securely, Henry started moving you back and forth on his cock, keeping himself firmly housed inside of you, while hitting all the right places, including rubbing your still sensitive and swollen clit against his belly. You gasped aloud, your hands gripping his wrists, and rocked faster, but Henry held you off, keeping your motion slow and steady, not wanting either of you to rush it.
“Easy, baby girl.” He cooed at you, letting go of your hips and rubbing his palms up and down your thighs. “We have all night, sweetheart. Take your time. I'm not going anywhere, I promise.” Henry shifted his hips as you continued to ride him in an easy pace, feeling the sticky smear of your juices all over his stomach and cock.
Henry had dreamt about this, in the lone times he didn't have crippling nightmares.
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You would come into his bedroom, like you would when he was having a bad dream. Running your hand up and down his chest, touching his face and playing with his hair, before moving your hand down his taut stomach and into the elastic waistband of his pajama pants; rubbing his soft cock and fondling his balls, making him slowly grow against your warm palm. Wrapping your hand around the base of his then swollen cock, your hand would slide up and down the long length, swirling your thumb around his sensitive head; smiling so sweetly at him, when he moaned deep in his throat and thrust up into your grasp. Your pace was maddeningly slow compared to the hot need Henry had to be inside of you; spilling his load as deeply as he possibly could into you, and hear you call out his name as you orgasmed.
It didn't take long for that to happen as you lifted away the fabric of his pants, his eyes dropping to your still stroking hand. Smirking, you let his cock fall heavily to his abdomen and stomach. Henry gulped as you moved over him, straddling his waist and kneeling over him, hands braced against his broad chest for a moment. You reached back with one hand, taking up his cock again and bringing it to your weeping pussy, sliding him into the comforting, eye fluttering, warmth of your core, making Henry call out and grab your hips, planting his feet and thrust into you with one fluid motion, burying himself so completely inside of you.
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“Oh!” You gasped suddenly, bringing Henry back from remembering the dream. “Henry.” You whimpered, as you felt the intoxicating build of a second orgasm.
Henry's hands moved from your thighs to the back of your arms, pulling you down on top of him. Wrapping his arms around you and kissing the top of your head, he kept his knees bent, using his planted feet on the squeaky mattress to push up into you. Keeping the same easy rocking, but driving himself so much deeper, that it sent spasms of pleasure throughout your whole body. You moaned into his neck, panting opening mouthed against the skin of his shoulder, sounding so soft and sweet in Henry's ear.
It wasn't long before Henry felt the unraveling snake of pleasure overcome him, his cock pulsed and throbbed inside of you, his natural instincts kicking in and made his movements involuntary as he continued to wildly thrust, his balls tightening in preparation. You could feel every muscle in Henry's body tense up, his loud, uncensored and lewd sounds grunting and moaning into your ear and hair, both of you could feel the rapid beating of your hearts pounding together with your chests pressed together; the feeling of his cock throbbing into you keeping in time with each heartbeat. He was at the point of no return now, with a few more thrusts, he push himself as deep into you as he could, scrunching you both up in the process, and came.
The strong and hot spurts of his come going off inside of you, drumming your cervix like a demolition hammer. You let out one sound, then came and squirted around Henry's still spewing cock, drenching his abdomen and balls with your release; leaving yet another puddle on the bed. Both of you became dead weight, spent from all the walking and stress, magnified by the mind-blowing orgasms you shared. Henry's hands slowly came to life, rubbing up and down your back and sides, head turning to kiss your temple as he did.
Neither of you said anything, neither of you needed to say anything. It had all been spoken in that intimate moment, saying what words could not. You sighed softly, the scent of his sweaty skin in your nose as you nuzzled his neck, feeling the deep tug of sleep take over you. Henry smiled softly, brushing his fingers through your hair, kissing your forehead as he felt you fall asleep, the soft change of your breathing, chilling his skin. He pushed his head back into the pillow and mattress, staring up at the stained drop ceiling with a huge grin crossing over his face, he hadn't felt this satisfied and relaxed in a very long time, he had never felt this complete either, as he fell asleep with you.
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You woke a little while later, still laying on top of Henry, his soft cock still buried in your sore pussy. Biting your lip, you carefully sat up, freezing as Henry moaned and shifted in his sleep. You reached out and gently soothed his curls off his forehead, until he relaxed and dropped back off into a deep sleep, before carefully moving off him, biting back a moan as his cock slipped free and you could get off the bed.
Henry stirred again, and you again played with his hair.
“Ssshh.” You whispered to him softly, heart pounding. “Sleep sweet, Henry.” You cooed at him, using your other hand to rub his chest, knowing how well it calmed him. When he finally relaxed again, you tiptoed into the bathroom, carefully feeling for the toilet in the darkness, not wanting to turn the light on and wake Henry up. Finding it, you groaned as your butt touched the ice cold seat, and relieved yourself with a sigh. Stepping back out of the bathroom, you glanced around and spotted Henry's backpack. Every nerve and cell in your body told you to grab it and break into it, taking back your shoes and the rest of your stuff, and bolt out of the room; nighttime be damned, you needed to get to Mikey.
You almost did go for it, before you heard Henry softly mumble out your name in his sleep. He was dreaming about you. So, it wasn't only you that dreamed of him, that your mind-blowing and intense sex wasn't just because you had given him an opening to do so. Henry actually wanted to have sex with you, because he was in love with you.
“Goddamn it.” You huffed softly, your breath coming out in a light fog in the chill of the room, feeling the chemicals of your flight mode die away as you watched him sleep from the foot of the bed, and he mumbled out your name, yet again.
Shaking your head, you grabbed the first shirt like object off the floor and pulled it on, before stepping over to the curtain-less window. You were so conflicted, you wanted to leave and get to Bristol, it was only a ten hour walk from Cherhill, and according to the antique clock on the wall, it was only three in the morning. If you left now, you could power walk it to Bristol, gaining more time between you leaving and Henry potentially waking up. Then, by the time he reached you again, you would be in the heavily populated city, making it a million times easier for you to hide from him, as you searched for your brother.
You looked over your shoulder at Henry and sighed, but you couldn't just abandon him again either. Especially, after the night you both had. It would have been a kick to his trust if you had ran again, but an even bigger drop kick to his heart, ruining whatever was potentially happening between the pair of you. He would never trust you again, he would never love you again. He would either finally treat you like the Slummer Slave he had purchased, or he would just throw you to the Council of Clerics, letting them do with you as they pleased. Sighing again, you rubbed at your tired face, turning back towards the window, and looked out over the back of the hotel, the half moon resting on the tips of the trees beneath it, throwing a eerie silvery light through their branches.
“What am I going to do?” You asked yourself, breath fogging up the windowpane in front of you, oblivious of Henry starting to stir on the bed behind you.
The slow alarm sounded through Henry's skull as his body realized that your weight was no longer on top of him. His unconscious mind's first attempt to remedy this, was to roll over onto his side, figuring you had simply rolled off of him in the might. A hand sluggishly moving out over the mattress in search of you, but came up empty. He moaned in his sleep, brow furrowing, before his alert blue eyes popped open and panned around the room in front of him, the bathroom door was dark, but open, a quick glance to the room door showed it was still locked, but you could have taken the key and locked it behind you as you ran again.
His heart started to pound, with the anxiety of possibly losing you, and anger that you had broken your promise not to run again. He rolled onto his back, to get up out of bed, but paused, finding you standing at the window, wearing nothing, but his knit sweater, to keep the chill of the room at bay, to some extent. He was relieved to see you hadn't run after all, but he could tell by the way you stood and hugged your arms around yourself, that you were having a mental war with yourself. Frowning, he sat up, reaching out for his boxers and pulled them back on, before standing up to move behind you.
You gasped at the touch of Henry's hand on your hip. “Christ.” You let out in a frightened huff.
Henry smiled softly at you. “I'm sorry.” He chuckled softly. “I didn't mean to scare you.” He said, kissing the back of your hair and wrapping his arms around your shoulders, hugging you back against him, to share the extra warmth of his body, and rested his chin on the top of your head.
“Anything interesting?” He asked gently, looking out the window.
You knew what Henry meant, he wanted you to confide in him, tell him what you were thinking and what was clearly bothering you. You sighed and squeezed your eyes shut, your stomach was in knots, as you thought about him and your brother, torn between the two men. Did you tell Henry you weren't going back to London with him, no matter what, breaking his heart and incurring his wrath? Or, did you let your brother reap his choice to work for dangerous people, potentially getting himself kill? It had been Mikey's choice to work for Jaxon Quinn, he knew the risks and rewards of doing so.
Everyone did.
You sighed again, the weight of your conflict sounding with that outtake of air. Henry took a soft intake of air through his nose and let it out again, your body was tense against his. He really didn't need to ask what you were thinking, or really how you were feeling, he could sense it, and had known about it the moment he learned all the facts in the matter. He just figured it would help you relax and come to a conclusion on what to do, if you talked about it.
“He's my brother, Henry.” You whispered, leaning your head back against his chest, but kept your eyes out the window.
“I know.” He replied, gently.
“But,” You frowned at the faint reflection of you both in the window, a new knot twisting in your stomach.
“But?” Henry frowned back.
“But, I-” You chewed on your lip for a moment, mustering up some courage. “I also love you.”
Henry felt a tingling warmth in his chest, hearing your words, pressing his lips together as he tried controlling the smile on his face. “I love you too.” He confessed, feeling a weight lift off of him.
“I don't want to choose.” You added, almost soundlessly.
Henry sighed, the smile turning into a frown as he heard your words. “I know you don't.” He said, softly, and closed his eyes, feeling the swell of conflict fill him as well.
He honestly didn't want to make you choose between him and Mikey, knowing that whatever choice you did make, you would end up regretting it, because it wasn't the other option. He felt you get squeezed into the same rock and hard place he was currently trapped in.
“Come back to bed.” He said, finally. “It's cold.”
Neither of you moved for a moment, before you let Henry pull you back to bed, slipping under the thin duvet with you and curling his body around yours to keep you warm, letting you use his arm as a pillow. But, as you both, slowly, drifted back off to sleep, Henry had already made the choice of what the two of you were going to do next, when the sun finally rose again.
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imagineddworld · 3 years
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader
Summary: After serving detention with your favorite teacher, true feelings get revealed. 
Word counter: 3,5 K (3500)
Author’s note: I made Remus a new, young teacher, and the student just turned 18. There is still a 5 years difference, but I tried to make it a bit more comfortable for people who don’t really like big age gabs.
I also tried to make it gender neutral, so if you guys have any tips; that would be great. 
Didn’t proof read this, as lack of time with my exams very near. But I wanted to post something. As expected it turned out longer than I had meant to
Hope you enjoy xx 
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The time had come where the seventh years were learning how to make Amortentia. A potion well known to most curious students as the love potion. But it was a very tough one to make. You got all the ingredients right, but the brewing method messed you up every time. Same for today, it had started to fog an odd green smoke. It was at least better than the time where it had blown up in Snape’s face. You had never received such a big punishment as then. You were given 5 essays to write and served detention for a whole month. 
“Detention Miss/Mister (Y/L)”, you heard the cold, monotone voice from behind you, “You can serve it with Professor Lupin after class. He needs help with grading essays”. You already had predicted this outcome to happen, but tried to argue anyway. “But-”, you silenced yourself as soon as you saw his cold glare. You sighed, slumping back in your chair. “Okay”, you mouthed silently, while making a mocking face. “That will be two detentions”, you heard him say angrily. You threw your arms in the air as a sign of annoyance, but didn’t say anything else. You started to clean your cauldron, hoping in the last minutes of class he wouldn’t give you more detentions or worse, gave you another essay to write. He really hated the living hell out of you. As one of the new teachers, together with Professor Lupin, you hand’t expected to be hate so much. You rarely did anything. Perhaps even breathing was too much for him. But there was not much you could do about it. You realized that the hard way. Most of the time you argued with him, but one particular time he had enough of your snarky comments. He had given you detention for nearly two months, making you clean all the little, dirty places of Hogwarts. All magic was forbidden, you needed to clean it all by hand. And as bonus to top it all off, he overloaded you with essays to write. Every week you needed to give two writer essays of 10 pages at least. After that event, you didn’t bother arguing much. 
The rest of the day went by as normal, mostly spend with your nose in your books. As your final class ended, you quickly dropped off the unnecessary books at your dorm that couldn’t fit in your bag. You only kept the ones you needed for your essay. The one you were planning to write after your detention. Your dorm seemed further away from Professor Lupin’s office, resulting in you needing to sprint through the halls. Luckily the halls were less crowded. Only a few students were chatting in the hallway, laughing with their friends and keeping each other up to date. When you reached the door, you were out of breath. Partly from the running and partly from your nerves. Your heart was pounding too, and you hands were shaking the slightest bit. You took in some deep breaths and tried to calm yourself. 
Detention with Remus Lupin made you more nervous than you had expected. He wasn’t just your favorite teacher, because of his amazing teaching skills. But also due to his kind character and beautiful looks. You had unexpectedly started to grow feelings for him. He had an amazing sweet and kind soul. His blue eyes sparkled every time he taught your class something new. Every time you got mesmerized by them, losing yourself into the beauty of the blue irises. Fascinated by the swirls of colors that came out when the light captured them from a certain perspective. His smile never failed to make your heart flutter. Every time he called your name during class, your face became beat red. His scars were a beautiful contrast against his slightly reddened cheeks. 
You had thought the fact that he was your teacher, would disgust you. But technically he wouldn’t be your teacher anymore in 2 months. And also the fact that there were only a few years between the two of you, made it more acceptable. He was a fairly new and young teacher. A lot of girls probably had crushed on him, so you weren’t to blame. It’s not like you could control your feelings. As long as you kept it hidden, you were fine. 
Your hands were shaking more, as you realized what was about to happen. Your heart started to pick up its beat up again, hammering against your chest. You softly knocked on the wooden door. “Come in”, his muffled voice could be heard form inside. With a little creak of the door, you made your way into his office. “Hello Professor. I’m here to serve my detention”, your voice was silent, and a bit shaky. He looked up from his desk full of papers, eyes lighting up the slightest bit. He gave you a sweet smile: “Ah yes, (Y/N). I was surprised when Snape me you were the one who had gotten detention. You never do anything wrong”. A light blush crept up your cheeks. His eyes were entrancing you, making your knees weak. “Well, I messed up the method of my potion, so you know how Snape is. Then I mocked him for his ridiculous behavior and got myself a second detention. So you will be stuck with me again tomorrow evening”, you smiled more confidently now. You didn’t regret your behavior. Snape really was a living hell. It was just your overthinking mind and overwhelming nerves that were bothering you now. As they were most of the time. 
“Oh, Don’t worry about that, dear. I don’t mind your company”, he smile seemed even brighter. The soft candle light really gave him a certain glow that had you mesmerized. It was a soft yellow light, that showed off all his features even better. This soft look in combination with his sweet words really made you swoon. These detentions might were going to kill you. This man couldn’t get any lovelier, at least you thought so. Every time you saw him, some new details had you drawn to him. Another little piece of him you could adore. Like whenever the light hits his eyes right, they looked almost yellow. As if a sun was glowing behind them. That might explain why they gave such a warm and loving appearance. Or the soft shadows that were cast on his face, pointing out his fine bone structure even more. His jawline standing out the most. The combination of his messy hair and wintery sweater, made him look very cosy. He gave off a feeling of home and trust. As if you truly could be yourself around him, even if there were certain boundaries. Maybe that comfort drew you the most to him.
“Well..., you can start with that pile over there”, his voice woken you from your daydream. He pointed to a chair in front of his desk with a smaller pile of papers on it neatly stacked. Your cheeks were flushing a bright red, as you realized he must have seen you stare at him for who knows how long. You placed your bag against the wall, and hung your robe on the hanger that stood in the corner. You carefully picked up the stack of papers and placed them on the desk, so you could sit. Lupin made some room for your pile, as his was literally scattered all over his wooden desk. He mumbled soft apologies in between soft, heartwarming chuckles. After he gave you a pen, some ink and instructions of how to rate these essays, you went to work. 
You had to be honest, it was quite hard to concentrate when you were sat in front of this beautiful man. You often glanced up, admiring him in this soft light and closer perspective. You didn’t dare to look up, but had a feeling his eyes were on you as well. But that could’ve been your feelings sparking up some deeply hidden hope for him ever being interested in you. Every time he leaned over to help you on a certain problem, you could feel your breath halt in your throat. You had trouble keeping your heart rate in control.
“I’m all done, Professor”, you said when you rated the last essay of your pile. He looked up with that loving smile of his, making your heart flutter for the umpteenth time. “Brilliant. Thank you for your assistance today”, he gently took the essays from your hand, and placed them on his big pile of already marked homework. “Maybe I could help you with that potion you were having trouble with?” You smiled widely at him: “Oh, that would be lovely, sir. I really could use some help”. He nodded happily, while his eyes seemed to spark that particular sparkle whenever he got passionated with teaching and helping people. “Do you have your textbook with you?” You mumbled a quiet yes, as you went to grab it from your bag. You handed it over to him, standing by his side on a formal distance away from him. “What potion were you working on?”, he asked while going through the pages of your book. “Amortentia”. As soon as the answer left you mouth, he started to cough lightly seen that he had just took a sip of his tea. “Are you okay, sir?”, you asked him worriedly, placing your hand on his arm. You were a bit unsure if you should touch him or not. But you had acted upon it like an instinct. Luckily he didn’t really reacted to the soft manner, meaning he probably didn’t mind. “Yeah, yeah. I’m alright, dear. Just chocked a bit on my tea, is all”. He cleared his throat and straightened out his back, adjusting his position as a way to recover from his small coughing fit. “So, Amortentia...”, he started off, sounding it bit absentmindedly. “Yeah, I have all the ingredients right. It’s the brewing method that messes me up every time. It always seems to go so well, until it suddenly doesn’t. And I don’t know why”, your explanation sounded like a rambling of quick words put together, making you unsure if he actually understood you. He nodded his head, as he read over the page. “Hmm, well. I’m here to help you. We just need supplies”.
The two of you snuck around the halls, if you even can consider it that. It was still a few hours before curfew and you were with a teacher, so not much trouble could happen. But you still sort of broke into Snape’s classroom, which he wouldn’t appreciate at all. “If we get caught, I am going to blame you. He already hates the living hell out of me”. The tall man next to you chuckled at your comment. “Trust me, love. He hates me plenty, you just don’t see it”. You raised your eyebrow questionably at him: “Why? You are such a lovable person”. The words left your mouth before you registered fully what you had said. His silence made you fear your previous statement even more. Did you mess up? But as you sneaked a look at him, it seemed like he wore a light blush on his cheek. Brighter than he usual reddened cheeks. Indeed it also could be the incidence of light, hitting his skin differently and creating an illusion of colours. 
As you reached the classroom, you quickly mumbled a spell to unlock the door to Snape’s ingredient collection. “Alright, get what you need. I’ll keep watch”, he said quietly, not really looking at you. You listed off all the ingredients you needed, having remembered them from the plenty of times that you had read over the page. You had placed the ingredients on the desk nearest to you, not risking to drop any in the searching process. But as you looked at the amount of pots and bits, you weren’t so sure if every item would make it back safely. “Could you give me a hand, sir?”, you said a bit louder, so he could hear you from the doorway. His head turned quickly to where you were standing. “Oh. Of course, darling”, he smiled, rushing over to your side. He took the bigger part of the items, stressing that it was only right. He could carry them all with only one arm, the other softly placed on the small of your back as he guided you out of the classroom. It must have been a protective, kind manner he always had had in him. You shouldn’t overthink such an innocent thing. But you had to be fair, it really made your heart melt and your skin burn where he hand was placed. It gave you all sort of tingles. 
He opened his door for you, opening his arm to allow you into his office. “Such a gentleman”, you teased, even if your cheeks were burning up. He glanced to the floor, hiding his face from your view. You set all the ingredients on the table, setting them on order of how you would need to use them. Remus placed his cauldron on the table and started to go over the instructions. He mostly gave you the lead, but stepped in wherever you were going to make a mistake. He also gave you useful tips for future potions. “You are doing a great job, (Y/N)”, he smiled form your side, keeping a respectable distance from you. “Well, you are helping me a lot. So, you could say we make quite a great team”, you smirked lightly, not really daring to look over to him. You just focused on stirring in the cauldron. A weight fell of your shoulders when you hear him chuckle: “If you say so, it must be true”. He sounded a little more playful. 
As you added the last ingredient, the liquid turned a beautiful pastel pink. The aroma that came from it was way better than all your previous attempts. You leaned over the cauldron to take a whiff of the odor. “Oh wow, this smells good. It’s way better than all my other attempts. It’s smells like man’s cologne and chocolate”, you said with an excited smile, but it fell soon after. “Or is it just you?”, you asked a Remus with a sad tone. You really wanted to succeed, but after all your failed attempts you didn’t know what Amortentia smelled or looked like. 
Lupin’s eyes were switching between your face and his hands, as if he were unsure of what to say or do. “Normally it smells like what you’re attracted to, miss/ mister (Y/L/N)”. Your eyes widened the slightest bit. Of course you knew that. You were just so enchanted by the smell, that you forgot you were actually outing your secret to the person you wanted to know the least. “Oh, yeah. I know that. But as my other attempts smelled so awful, I thought maybe Amortentia had an actual odor”, you tried to safe yourself. It was partly true, but you tried to cover up the fact that you had outed your secret. You had admitted smelling him, admitting to liking him as the potion had succeeded. “It- It’s alright”, he spoke quietly. A short moment of silence fell over the two fo you. But before it could get any more awkward, you decided to speak up again. “So, uhm. What do you smell, sir”. He seemed to swallow a big lump that had formed in his throat. Slowly he came into movement, leaning over the cauldron as well. He closed his eyes to focus on the scents that he smelled. “Old books and (a scent linked to you)”, he said absentmindedly. He reopened his eyes, but they weren’t focussing on anything particularly. He seemed a bit fazed out, but so were you. Maybe it was the potion, or it was the sudden awareness of your feelings and the position you found yourself in. You were trying to register what he had said previously. Did he smell you? it could be anyone, right? A lot of people must smell like that. You didn’t want to get your hopes up. It would only lead to heartaches. 
You fell back into reality, shaking your head lightly. Once your eyes were focussing again on the room you found yourself in, you realized how close you stood to one another. You must have subconsciously moved closer towards him. When you found the courage to look up, you found his clear blue eyes already trained on you. You felt very nervous underneath his gaze, as if you were being put on spot. You licked your lips as a sign of nerves. Your eyes roaming through the whole room, trying to avoid his gaze. You didn’t know what to do. “No, I can’t do this”, he whispered, stepping a few steps back. “What do you mean?”, you were really confused. Did he meant to do something? You knew nothing could happen between the two fo you. It was wrong in many ways, but you couldn’t help your feelings. You didn’t really expect him to feel anything back. So this came as a hit in the face, as if there had been actual hope all along. “You- you’re my student...”. You nodded slowly, still not getting exactly what he was on to. You had some speculations, but needed confirmation. You couldn’t trust your intuition. 
“I know.. In two months I won’t be. At least if I graduate”. He shook his head lightly, going with his hand through his hair. “Still.. I’m 5 years older than you. We can’t do this..”, he pointed between the two of you. At that moment it hit you. Your speculations were confirmed. You were somewhat embarrassed for how long it had taken you to realize what was happening. “You- you were considering that anything could happen between- between us?”, you stuttered, still not registering it completely. You were feeling like your ears were playing tricks on you. “Maybe...”, he said unsure. Even if you didn’t had your hopes up for anything to happen, still somewhere deep down the sparks of it had hidden. Knowing that he had considered it, but refused to follow through with it, hurt you more than expected. Your eyes started to water, but kept the tear in. Of course he noticed the change. He stepped closer to you and wiped away the single tear that had fallen from your eye. “I’m sorry, love. Please don’t cry”. You forced a small chuckle, smiling at his loving face. “No, it’s okay. Honestly, It’s okay”. Both your voices were quiet as they spoke, not willing to hurt the other even further. 
You couldn’t blame him for this decision. You couldn’t ask such a thing, couldn’t expect such a thing. It was against the rules. He needed to keep a certain distance with his students. The least you wanted was him to lose his job, because of your foolish crush. You respected his decision, even if it hurt. It would be for the better. 
His hand was still on your cheek. It was soft and warm against your skin. You wanted to cherish this moment, even if it was going to break your heart as soon as it ended. His other hand comfortably rested on your waist. “Screw the rules”, he mumbled. Before you registered what was happening, his soft lips were capturing yours in an unexpected but loving kiss. It was soft and tender, but all the while it was full of love. Once the shock wore off, your hands fell to his chest. You softly grabbed the fabric of his sweater. You could feel his rapid heartbeat underneath your palm. He pulled you closer to his body, deepening the kiss. His hand went to the back of your head, not willing to break the kiss yet. Eventually you needed to do so, as you were running out of air. You kept your closeness, both recovering from the unexpected kiss. 
“You are going to be the death of me, love”,he said breathlessly. You chuckled at his comment, leaning in to his chest to cuddle him. You enjoyed the warmth and feeling of being wrapped up in his arms. You looked up at him, being met by his sweet smile and enchanting eyes. “Likewise, sir”, you said before you captured his lips in a second kiss. This time even more passionate. The both of you smiled into it, feeling complete. It felt right. Even if you broke some rules, it was all worth it. 
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