#things i want luke to know
swedenis-h · 5 months
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These two, man… (X)
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rogersstevie · 6 months
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lorelai and luke + pieces of each other (insp.)
- rachel's sweatshirt - william's hardware - max's daisy - the huppah - lorelai's heel - luke's truck - liz's earrings - the dragonfly inn - liz's matching necklace - the horoscope - william's boat - luke's flannel shirt - lorelai's dollhouse - luke's spatula - the character reference - liz's necklace 2.0
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phoenixkaptain · 9 months
I love Luke who is beloved by his students, but I also, at the exact same time, love Luke who is feared by his students.
Master Skywalker whose reputation precedes him. The galaxy as a whole believes that he killed Darth Vader and the Emperor both. The tales say he faced them both, entirely alone, and then got out unscathed.
Master Skywalker who floats through the halls, appearing like a specter, invisible to all but the most proficient at finding Force signatures. He speaks to Jedi of old and meditates unmovingly for hours and his stare pierces through to the soul of whoever receives it.
Sometimes, Master Skywalker vanishes into thin air without a trace. His students either find themselves faced with Leia Organa, a fearful person in her own right, an older student, or some random, wandering Jedi that rumours have claimed to be long dead. Master Skywalker vanishes and reappears without explanation, only offering a smile when asked where he was, his responses always vague.
Master Skywalker who is always fully covered, only one hand remaining bare. Nobody has ever seen him look disheveled. Nobody has ever been able to catch him unaware. Whenever anybody knocks on his door, no matter what time it is, he is always sitting in pristine robes, ready to scare off any troubles that find his students.
Just. Master Skywalker who once faced a black hole and won. Master Skywalker who killed a rancor. Master Skywalker who blew up the first Death Star. The most terrifying man in the galaxy, and he’s only more mysterious the more time one spends around him.
The comedic potential of this scenario is unparalled.
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edge-oftheworld · 2 months
real talk though how much of their success was facilitated by the fact liz hemmings sees 'child with adhd' and thinks 'future world renowned musician' and just invested so much love and time and money into nurturing not only her own child's ambitions but also these two kids he brought home from school and the table drummer from her year 9 math class of 2009
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layla-carstairs · 2 months
thought about it some more and if nobody else will hype up the Luke & Jocelyn story i will. especially if the "in the past" is referring to the circle era like. I'm always excited for circle content they never fail to make me insane
think about it!! Valentine from their perspective, the two people who loved him the most, while they're in the thick of it is going to be crazy. his wife and his parabatai. also I'm fairly certain there's a quote where Jocelyn says if she knew that Luke loved her back then she wouldve made a difference choice like this story is going to be great i can feel it. just the fact CC is going out of her way to include it over something more popular means that it's something she really wants to share & that makes me really excited. I hope it rewires my brain <3
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book finding the bolt:
Percy: give us the bolt!
hades: what??? I don’t have the bolt, you have the bolt. Give me my hat back!
Percy *finds bolt in bag*: oh shit did I take the bolt??
show finding the bolt:
Percy: whoa the master bolt is in my bag
Grover: Ares must have put it there
Percy: I concur, we should see if hades is working together with him
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ilostyou · 3 months
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dailydragon08 · 1 year
All of my Luke x Reader ideas clamoring around in my head like
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allonzy · 2 years
el hopper is luke skywalker, will byers is leia organa and mike wheeler is han solo. i will take no criticisms because i know i am right.
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themyscirah · 2 months
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But look at us Luke, we're the ones left alone, holding some rich monster's pain. All of existence, built on his violence. All of space-time, humming to life with a single inviolate rule. Give the hero something to punch.
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thought-42 · 2 months
Somebody has to leave first
Star Wars, 1400 words,Ezra Bridger Something something growing up something something ded parent something something Ezra Bridger in the Chiss Ascendancy. I've never heard of canon in my life.
Ezra Bridger talks to dead people.
They do not, it should be noted, talk back.
He knows all things are possible within the Force, so he's always gotta keep in mind that his monologues run the very real risk of becoming dialogues, probably at the most embarrassing or inconvenient times, but honestly if a ghost has nothing better to do than listen in on his diary entries to the beyond that says more about them than it does about him.
He doesn't talk to Kanan. It seems like the obvious assumption, follow in the shuffling footsteps of Obi-Wan Kenobi and claw out frantically for a point of stability to serve as compass in a world gone upside down. And there was a time where a smile or a few words of pride from Kanan was all Ezra needed to reinforce his foundations and stand tall and ready. But the truth of it is, he doesn't know if Kanan would be proud of him, which would be less of a problem if Ezra himself had any uncertainty about his life choices.
Besides, even ten years on every time he thinks about that last glimpse of Kanan, wreathed in flames, he wants to dig his fingers into his skin and deeper and pull and pull until the memory and the sick feeling in his stomach are gone. He cannot think about it. It is an impossibility, it is not something his mind is capable of bearing, the idea of another living person who he loves burning and burning and burning is not something that can live inside of him sustainably. He thinks of Kanan and he feels sick and sad and selfish for not being able to focus on all the good memories.
No, Ezra doesn't talk to Kanan. Ezra talks to people he has only ever known in death.
He talks to  Master Mace Windu and tells him he wishes he knew how to see shatterpoints. Ezra is good at building connections, building bridges, yeah yeah yeah, but every web has one thread at risk, one point where a quick pull will unravel the whole thing. Ezra's had his entire life shattered twice before with no warning, he would really love to know how to prevent the inevitable third round. . Shouldn't this skill just come free with the lineage?
He talks to Thrass-- "can I call you Thrass?" Everybody says Thrawn needed a brother, and yeah, ok, his older brother died and Thrawn went off the rails there for a hot eighteen years, but Ezra's here now, reporting for little brother duty twenty years late with caccoleaf; but better late than never, right? It feels right, picking up Thrass's flag in the relay of Sky Walker investigation and running hard and fast with it as far as he can go. Feels kinda like when Zeb would start a repair project on the Ghost and then leave the second half for Ezra to finish off with no need for explanation or request, just the trust that Ezra knows what to do. ...Thrawn kinda feels like one of those handed off projects, too, but Ezra doesn't even say that part to the dead, just in case they really are listening and decide to tell on him. Ezra never had an older sibling by blood, but they seem to adopt him everywhere he goes. He figures it's his turn to adopt one back, even if it is posthumous.
He talks to Master Depa, because, as his grandmaster, she's legally required to think he's doing a great job. He talks to her about being a teacher on a warship, asks how she delt with knowing every time she ruffled Caleb's hair over breakfast it could be the last.
He tells her every time he wonders if he permanently stained his soul with the dark he remembers that she came back as strong a Jedi as anybody could ask, and it really does make him trust in himself.
He thanks her for raising Caleb, although would it have killed her to teach him just a biiiit of Vaapad?
He tells her he understands, fundamentally, like a burning cole lodged in his ribcage, her desperate need to protect her student, to die so that he could live.
He tells her she would be proud of the man Caleb became, but that it probably wasn't what she expected. Caleb didn't grow up into Caleb. Caleb grew up into Kanan, and secretly Ezra always wonders if Kanan would have been someone who would have fit back in with the Jedi of his childhood.
Ezra's cabinet of entirely metaphorical ghosts all roll their eyes at this transparent attempt at obfuscation, because all the ghosts Ezra has made up to talk to are assholes.
Ok, fine. So maybe Ezra's pretty sure that the found family who gave Ezra Bridger, Jedi Padawan a home might not know what to do with Stybla'ezra'bridger, Jedi Navigator.
It had taken Ezra and sacher actual months, long nights  of sitting at Ezra's kitchen table with big sheets of paper and cheap wine, tossing potential names for their brand new program back and forth. They settled on Jedi Navigator mostly because Thrawn told them they had three days before the official paperwork had to be filed, and they hadn't come up with anything better that they could both agree on. Ezra hit submit on his part of the project proposal and that night he'd laid awake imagining a scenario where he got to tell Hera and Kanan-- "See? Jedi Navigator. Something from each of you."
He's heard the war is over. The Rebellion won and turned right back around to build another Republic. He's heard there's another Jedi --not Kanan, miraculously returned like Ezra dreams at least once a month-- and he's going to start a new order. And he's tried to imagine himself somewhere in all of that and it doesn't fit. He fit on a bunk bed in the Ghost with his family around him, doing their part to beat back the constant press of fascism. But there's no more Empire, no more family all squished together in one little ship. Even if he wanted to climb back into that bunk he knows his head would bump the top now.
The space between eighteen and twenty-eight feels like a lifetime. At eighteen Ezra had just gotten all his clay together and ready to be moulded into a person, and then he'd flung himself half way across the galaxy and wound up being moulded and fired in a different kilmn entirely. There's an Ezra somewhere out there who grew and changed right alongside that cramped little family, who moved forward in their orbit, chose his path and his place on the same game board. He probably knows how to fit in. He's probably working at the Jedi school or part of the reconstruction efforts on Lothal or a commander on a Republic ship stamping out the last remnants of the Empire.
Ezra's not jealous of this other version of himself, this what-if world he built in his own imagination specifically to hurt himself. He expected to be struck by the longing for home, by the bitterness of lost possibility. He isn't.
He can't tell Thrawn this because Thrawn spent eighteen years becoming something monstrous, shredding himself and everyone around him in an increasingly desperate dancing of 'I can fix this I can fix this I can fix this' and when he’d come back the hole his departure had left had long since healed over.
He can't tell Kanan this because--- the force of the explosion, maybe, was enough to make it quick--
Hera's a General now, apparently, and Ezra's certain it suits her just as he's certain even in a world where he'd stayed he wouldn't be asking a General for existential advice at 3:00 AM. Every thing he learns about what's happening in Lesser Space is a double-edged blade.
They aren't really supposed to know much at all-- not relevant, but Theliva keeps offering Ezra little nuggets of info about the Spectors like an awkward stepparent offering candy to win affection from a recalcitrant child. To which Ezra says, 'did you know it was actually just so easy not to join the Empire?' If Ezra's parents had been alive and he could have carried on their family legacy-- well. Isn't that what his whole life's been about, at the end of the day? Hauling around other people's legacies, trying to build something new out of the scattered pieces.
He offers himself up, everything he is on open palms to the gallery of ghosts, living and dead:
This is all I have to offer. It is enough.
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starlooove · 18 days
Duke should have a chain with a lil bat on it and that’s all I can really say about fashion
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bellysoupset · 2 days
Ooh, and another question (this is not me at work, having a shit ton to do but not being able to concentrate). Can you talk about each of your OCs losing their virginity? Or first sexual experience beyond kissing if that’s better. Was it positive or negative? Does their current partner know the story? Just feeling like hearing the steamy stuff, lol.
Lis you got no idea of how this ask caused me to spiral lol. So I knew I had answered something like this a while ago, but I couldn't find where in my blog because the search function is useless. So I ended up downloading all of my answers and putting them into one big document... ANYWAY
None of my OCs lost their V card with each other. I really don't much care about the "concept" of virginity, besides how it would affect them, so I do make a point of not having any of my characters be each other's first anything, unless we're talking feelings.
Wendy: Wen's sexual history started very young, she was precocious AF, living in NYC and going to private school. She barely remembers her first encounter, but it was at the turn of fourteen and with a boy that was seventeen and wanted to keep her as a little secret. Safe to say not the best experience. (Reminder this was before her transition). It got quickly pushed aside by many many other encounters, since Wendy hooked up a lot in her early teens. Vince does know about all of this, she opened up completely when they went to NYC.
Vince: Vin's first experience was with a boy actually! Which caused him to totally spiral! A boy from his high school's football team (Corey), they didn't even date, just hooked up and that made Vin suck it up and come out to his parents as bi, who were so supportive despite him being sooo scared. After that the first girl he was with was Miranda, who was older by a year. They dated during her senior year and then she stomped on his heart when she broke up with him to go for college across the country. Despite knowing the relationship wouldn't have lasted, Vince still holds a grudge. Both first times were positive! Wendy knows only about Corey, she's still under the assumption "Vin's high school gf" was just a little dating that lasted two dates, instead of a full year.
Bella: Bella never had a steady boyfriend before Luke. She kissed around a lot as a teen, but lost her V-card to her HS best friend, Gabriel, in his car when she turned 18. It was okay, not amazing, not the worst. They both left town for college soon after. She had hook ups with girls and boys after that, but honestly, and it pains her to say it because it'll go up his head, Luke is IT. Anyone she hooked up with before him or during their break simply doesn't compare. Lucas does know about Gabriel and he's pretty fucking jealous, which Bella thinks is very silly. Most people don't believe Bella only had sex at 18 btw.
Luke: Lost his v-card to a neighbor in their gated community, named Maya. They were both 14 and had no idea what they were doing, so it was technically pretty bad, but overall a cool positive experience. He hooked up with his roommate Gian at 15, when he went to boarding school. Also nice experience. Bella knows about Gian and Maya and dislikes them both, but Maya specially because she feels like competition. Maya's a ginger too, to make everything worse. Luke knows he cannot win when the matter is jealousy, Bella is insufferable, so he never lets the convo go there.
Leo: I think everyone will boo at this. Leo was dating a guy from 15 to 17 (until his father's death), but he lost his V-card at 15 with a much older dude (like 23). Yes, it was cheating. Yes, the guy had no business being around a 15 yo. Yes, Leo also shouldn't be in a bar at 15. Overall though, the dude was super nice and Leo doesn't regret it?? The boy he cheated on never learned about it and Leo lowkey stomped on his heart when he hit 17, so. Jonah has uh. no idea. He knows Leo broke some boy's heart at 17, but not about all the rest.
Jonah: First experience at 16 with a boy named Konstantin, who spoke mostly German, and that's where Jonah has his few german words from lol. It was very nice, but only fun and never went beyond that. Jonah also hooked up with Theo, that I brought up in this fic, and he has never told Leo because his fiancee is crazy-ex-boyfriend levels of insane. Besides, it was just once. Luke knows about Theo. Leo only knows about Konstantin and hates him on principle.
Max: soooo Max is actually the late bloomer of my OCs! (Well not really, but compared to the others he is). He lost his v-card in college, at 22 🙈 and he made no efforts to tell the girl he was with that he was a virgin. If she figured it out, she didn't say anything, but she also didn't call back so. It wasn't bad, it was just completely unremarkable and Max was left with a is that it? sensation. He has fucked around a lot since, but since he only has casual flings, he still is left with that is that it? feeling.
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mxdotpng · 11 months
i genuinely dont know how tales of the abyss did what it did because ive never had a game hurt me so much with like sixteen separate character relationships. all at once.
#.text#tales of the abyss#besides the fact ive (obviously) been thinking abt jade and luke#ive also been thinking about tear and asch. and how im disappointed they only speak like once to each other#because they. are like. so insanely similar it is. surprising to me they dont meet.#but tear in general is so underused. like.#tear. she doesnt want to kill her brother but she must. he is everything to her. but she knows her duty.#she is calm and collected on the outside even as she breaks on the inside. she is a soldier. she doesnt let her emotions#dictate her actions or her words. and she is kind.#and then. like. asch. he wants to kill his replica but he knows that he cant. his emotions get the better of him to the point that#he disregards everything about luke and paints him as the enemy. for as responsible and mature he is all of that#disappears the second luke is involved-- because his emotions control him. he wants to be kind but i dont think he knows how anymore.#i dont think they would get along but there would be an understanding between them.#with tear. understanding means kindness. if she sees herself in others or understands them completely. she becomes. so kind.#its almost shocking to see that side of her one moment and the stone cold soldier the next.#its a matter of what she allows herself to be#but i think with asch she'd become the opposite. because she sees too much of herself in him - unlike luke it is not#the good things. nor is it the things they could bond about. it is the fact that asch wants to kill the only person in the world#who is not responsible for what happened to them. and probably the only person in the world who could truly understand asch.#like i know tear says she believes some things must be done. including killing family. but i dont think she truly. truly believes that.#she is in anguish over having to kill her brother. so i think her seeing asch completely disregard and even attack luke at times#when it ISNT necessary. like it is with van. she would not be kind to him.#which is like. asch is really only Neutral at times - even with luke he sometimes cant keep telling himself everything is lukes fault.#besides being defensive. i think thats really the only thing he could be around that type of tear.#like a. 'you dont know anything.' type of deal. a quiet anger. not the loud stuff he shoves at luke or van#they are fascinating to me.#how would they act in my twinswap au.................#i wonder...
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prophecyofgray · 8 months
i know i say this like every time i consume a new media but guys. guyyys. in other lands is somethign that can be soooo the underland chronicles
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Hm hm hm... I miss obey me. But my brain cant handle four games at once. Too much lore my brain cant keep up with genshin,HSR, OM and OM!NB With that said here's a small snippet of a brain blurb I got from missing obey me content. It actually is the beginning technically? But I also already have the backstories and stuff. Umm this obviously doesnt follow canon altho the important bits happened..except nightbringer.... just obey me stuff.
It felt quick like lightning as MC blocked a hit meant for the seraphim. As Blood spilt out of their lips they gave out a smile looking behind them as they fell slowly to the ground.
"Ah... even if I say I hate you... I still..." their breaths started to become shallow as Michael watched in horror. Hurriedly cradling their body as if he is holding someone precious.
"MC! Please stop talking..." he begs the human.
"Heh... Don't cry Michael... it... it's my job as your shadow afterall...." Michael was frozen as he tried to put pressure on MC's wound. He didn't even acknowledge the brothers behind him nor Simeon and the demon prince and his butler.
"Please.... I-" whatever Michael was about to say was interrupted by MC.
"There's no use..." MC took a labored shuddery breath obviously having a hard time breathing. They laughed as if seeing something funny.
"I already knew I would die early..." Michael only tried to heal them but with no use. MC reached out a pale hand stopping him.
"After everything... I take back what I said. " Smiling softly up at Michael.
"Thank you for being my brother and raising me" mustering a smile they continued speaking. "I forgive you..." MC seems to have something more to say however it was cut off. MC looks fondly at the the brothers and Diavolo and the rest.
"No..." In a split second decision Michael fed her food from the celestial realm before they took their last breath but it was simply too late. MC was gone. Everyone there was quiet. Michael still tightly cradling MC's still warm body. His wings covering them was stained at the tips with MC's blood.
No one dared to move however that was until Lucifer in all his glory faced Michael with a simple word. Anger lacing his voice paired with confusion shock and hurt.
"Explain..." Michael looked at the angry demons with eyes that looked ready to kill.
Meanwhile in the celestial realm an Angel woke up from what seems to be a long slumber. Opening their eyes they look around in confusion that is until they heard a deep voice adressing them.
"Welcome my child... you have slept far too long." Staring dazed at where the general direction where the voice came from they answered back.
"Thank you Father..." the voiced hummed pleased.
"You'll do well here..." the voice paused for a bit as if thinking about what to say next.
"MC." All according to plan...
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