#theyre always in a decision crisis
nymexyl · 2 months
I humbly request that the zodiac nerds don't murder me for potential inaccuracies(/silly/j)
A while ago I posted a libra OC from the TSAMS universe, but that was more of a rounded Castor & Pollux shaped little guy. I was too horrendous at humanoid anatomy at the time to make a more "accurate" (judging by Gemini) one. But now they are here! The indecisive, creative, and wonderful libra themself! (Genderfluid ofc because why have a gender be the only thing you can decide on?)
Might post stuff about them later, who knows! Like last time, they're given bird features because I made a really big stretch between "oh libras and scales" and Anubis putting a feather on a scale. I'm so smart guys
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And there goes the quality! I accidentally drew it on a small canvas T-T
Here is another version kinda:
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There's a version with wings also but im tired
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kingcunny · 2 months
When do you think Viserys stopped giving Aegon II attention and why? Because in episode 2 it's clear Viserys is giving that little boy attention but then he neglected Aegon and the other children...
i think it was really the hunt that made viserys decide to start distancing himself from his kids with alicent. but its not just one thing, its a culmination
viserys doesnt often make his own decisions, but when he does he Sticks By Them. rhaenyra being his heir was one of the few decisions hes made. i do not think viserys likes being questioned, it makes him start to doubt himself. he sees how, now that he has a son-that hes showing attention and favor too, his lords are expecting him to disinherit rhaenyra and name aegon his heir. theres nothing, necessarily, malicious in this, theyre just expecting him to follow tradition. but to viserys, self conscious and low self esteem, this feels like a challenge.
theres, of course, his crisis of faith. when aemma died, when viserys named rhaenyra his heir. he did not expect or want to get remarried. rhaenyra Was going to be his only child. hes stopped believing in his dream. but then he does remarry, does have a son, and those inklings of doubt start to come in. if this was what he was supposed to do, if rhaenyra was supposed to be his heir, why is it all so *hard*? why does everything feel like a fight. what if he was *wrong*?
when they tell viserys that the white hart has been spotted, otto says he is not one for signs and portents… but we know viserys Certainly Is. losing the white hart, especially after viserys night of heavy drinking and crisis of faith. would be a pretty clear sign to him that aegon is not his prophecy baby hes been obsessed with creating. i think this might be the moment viserys gives up on his dream (again)
AND rhaenyra directly telling him she feels like hes trying to replace her. that now he has the ‘son hes always wanted’ she feels like he doesnt need or want her anymore. and is just going to ship her off to the highest bidder. this guilt, (especially towards his living shrine to aemma) (combined with everything else that happened during the hunt) is of course going to make viserys start to distance himself from his other kids. to really start to treat them like spares.
i think theres maybe also a factor of, viserys has chronic baby fever, but *baby* fever. he likes his kids when theyre little and cute and dont know anything so he can just carry them around and show them off like fun little party tricks. once they start to grow up and assert themselves as a person and not just an accessory, viserys starts to loose interest. the hunt was to celebrate aegons second birthday… and if i know anything about two year olds :/
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nyxi-pixie · 2 years
ok i KNOW im reaching here dont tell me but
is it too out of line to say that will looking to mike for how to deal w snowball girl lowkey parallels mike looking to will for how to deal with el😭😭😭
like (sorry in advance for shit gifs i made them in like 5 mins flat okay)
oh dear a crisis! how should we respond to this woman???? we dont know😟😟
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ah a masterplan has formed i shall take advice from my best bropal!!
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that worked so well i will now follow said advice only bc they gave it to me while they look sadly on bc theyve just fucked over their own chances in the name of doing what they think is best for me (and/or others)😁😁😁
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and obviously these scenarios vary A FUCK TON in how serious they are. like obviously els like straight up passing away so thats yk a lil more high stakes. but like reaction wise???
thats. they. they just naturally respond to each others 'wtf do i do' moments by reassuring each other. which is so🥰 i love them theyre so attuned to each other
BUT ALSO they react by encouraging each other to pursue straight relationships. bc when it comes to their feelings for each other theyre both fucking stupid but also very self sacrificial. obviously we see this more with will. bc like. ofc we do that boy fr hates himself like
this man is fully ready to throw out every chance possible w mike to keep the milkvan on the road. (hes literally their mechanic. like without him it wld have fully exploded and all the mouldy milk wouldve just gone all over the road and probably really screwed up the local ecosystem. ok the van analogy is going too far im so sorry back on topic.) and i think this Is definitely motivated by a care for mike and a genuine want for him to be happy (no matter who he finds that happiness with) But i think its also important to realise that mike isnt the only one with internalised homophobia.
wills insistence on mike loving el despite the fact that mike has implied otherwise to wills face several times kinda shows that wills mindset on this is partially based in the whole "he Needs to stay in his safe straight relationship bc otherwise i would have a chance (in that mike wouldnt be restrained by having a gf and thus wld be able to date other people) and that would just be so terrible and awful"
and we literally see him do this. mike is going to this man basically being like 'omg our relationship is so broken i dont think we can come back from this fight Will!! u Definitely shldnt tell me to break up w her or anything that would be so crazyyy😁😁(PLS TELL ME TO BREAK UP W HER PLS I DONT LOVE HER)' and wills just like "🙃😁yeah um u can tell her u love her when we see her again😁😁😥😥😥😥😥😥"
like i know we joke abt will being the reason melvin are together. but. he literally is. bc mike honestly seems (n maybe this is just my insane delulu interpretation) like he wants to break up w her and was looking for support on that decision from will. and els on her slay arc which is why she doesnt give a singular shit abt mikes cringe monologue. will fr the only one invested in microdickvan because hes Intentionally Sabotaging his chances w mike.
which brings me to the actual fucking parallel bc MIKE DOES THE SAME FUCKING THING AT THE SNOWBALL. he pushes will into accepting a dance w a girl bc then he doesnt have to keep thinking abt how He wants to dance w will. (and we know he does bc he and dustin are sat there with Identical 'my crush is dancing w someone else😥' faces. so like. rip to mike but his very intelligent foolproof plan of not thinking abt dancing w will absolutely flopped)
anyway both of them have the exact same 'if i push bestie into relationships w women then i will magically resolve my gay feelings and not have to confront them' mindset. i think people forget that will Does sabotage himself a lot just bc we always talk abt mikes internalised issues. like will canonically thinks of himself as a mistake and thinks he deserves to get treated like shit🙃🙃🙃
anyway this kind of makes the whole shit writing point of making will the 'sad gay boy pushing for the love of his life to have a happy straight relationship' make sense in a way that isnt totally awful. the diffused shitbags could never.
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quodekash · 1 year
the eclipse os2 episode commentary continued (bc i ran out of images in the first part)
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its so boring
and yeah, theres not as much exercise in golf as there is in other sports like footy and cricket and stuff
you have to move back and forth and all around to collect the golf balls
idk much about golf tho
im not sure if ive ever played actual golf
i dont think id like it tho
the only golf i like is the director of the eclipse
and golf on the wii, thats fun
i got sidetracked talking about golf
shARING ROOMS BASED ON THE TEAMS??? damn wat, you're brutal
hes probably just trying to keep his mind as clear as possible, which wont happen if the couples sleep in the same rooms as each other lmao
"to be honest, im worried about thua" well what on earth does that mean
are you just referencing all the times you were worried about thua when he was hanging out with aye
cos if so
i. i picked up on that. and that feels important for everyone to know. and now you know.
"aye. dont touch thua" lmao calm down bro
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(read this to the tune of the sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g song from when we were like 12) WAT AND NAMO, SHARING A ROOM. F-U-C---
"so what did you and aye argue about?" "...we didnt" bro dont lie
in all honesty, aye gives great advice. like, he always seems to know the right thing to say to help someone make a decision and stuff
oh no
communication issues
why must there be communication issues
pls guys just talk to each other
akk, all you gotta do is tell aye how youre feeling
thua, all you gotta do is tell kan what you would like and need
aye and kan, listen
its really simple, guys, its really not hard at all in the slightest
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jeez thats a standoff and a half (note: wat is leaning on namo's shoulder. just something for everyone to observe.)
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bro why do you have to be shirtless
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thank you namo for saying what we're all thinking
aight theyre all playing in the water now, and playing in the water tends to make akk and aye feel better and stuff
noooooo namo dont have an existential crisis about graduating and growing up and saying goodbyes and potentially never seeing your friends again, you'll set me off into one of my own
"will you forget me?" "we will." lmao rip namo i guess
damn that phone is loud, how can they hear it over the river. its almost like... like it was edited in in post or something. hmmmmmmmmm
its fine tho bc aye knows its akk's birthday. right? he knows, right? im sure he knows. hes gonna surprise akk. r i g h t ? ? ?
i like these funky little friendship bonding sessions, its very nice
sponsorship timeeeee
i know they probably bought them at the same time from the same store or something but thats not the point its still super cute
YOUVE BOTH LITERALLY SAID TO EACH OTHER 'youre allowed to be weak. at least around me.'
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is song the way that they communicate
i knew this would happen. i literally know this would happen.
just cos theyre assigned different rooms to their partners, it doesnt mean theyre gonna actually abide by those rules. theyre just gonna switch. badabing badaboom everyone is gay
"can you stop asking already?" "why?" "if you dont stop talking, how can i kiss you?" brooooooo
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but its all good now
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okay theyre talking to each other, finally
its gonna end in another argument probably but at least akk is getting towards telling aye how hes making him feel rn and theyre communicating and working it out
aye, ily, and i know youre tryna make him feel better, but this isn't solving the problem
yeah hes cute when hes angry, but he doesnt like being angry with you because (as he has just tried to tell you) it makes him feel like youre aggravating him on purpose for no reason and makes him question your relationship.
akk, youre also at fault here because you didnt talk to him sooner about your thoughts and feelings
but right now in the current moment aye is being a little bit mean and a little bit silly (but not silly in the fun way)
theyre making out now tho. but they still havent made up.
its fine, theyll get to that tomorrow.
well, technically tonight. it's 2am.
talk about time blindness, it takes me three times the amount of time that the episode actually takes to watch it
final thoughts: i am excited for tomorrow (tonight??), this episode was very very very good, the eclipse makes me happy, happy is good, i need to go to sleep
goodnight folks! this will be even more incoherent next episode because ill be even more exhausted than i am now! byebyeeeeee
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alinktoana · 1 year
thoughts on playable faves getting older, the people who make them and the people who play them
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because comfy tracksuit slider dad kiryu is peak character design
spoilers for ps2 Y1/K1, Y5, assumptions about Y6 + Y7 + Y8 + Yakuza Gaiden
why is RGG so afraid of Kiryu getting older? I havent played Y6 yet but I have a feeling RGG is ok with Kiryu being middle aged. They did show some uncomfortable feelings about him being single in his 40s on Y5, but him behaving as a more mature individual is there, same as the rest of the cast (yes, even Majima, lmao).
And i wouldnt go into this tangent if they hadnt dropped that Y8 footage
(correct me if im wrong, lmao) but it’s not often that people get to play franchises that span through decades of people’s lives, like (you guessed it) Yakuza. I love that. I had been avoiding the newest RGG trailers, and I still havent fully watched The Summit™️, but I watch highlights a couple weeks ago, and it took me some more time to work on this puzzle. Most Japanese people (and other ethinicities, as far as i know) look youthful well into their 50s, when compared to white people (I’m Brazilian, so I see the ethnic mix and match everyday (on my own body lol) and how that affects people’s looks). Of course there’s levels of overall self-care, sun exposure, yadda yadda. I’m fairly certain Kiryu doesnt have a skin care routine other than washing his face everyday lmao but he takes care of himself, he exercises constantly (lol), so that helps. His face is fine, awesome beautiful skin (even though i much prefer the Y5 style, compared to dragon engine botching everyone*, but he looks great). If everything is fine and dandy. Why is that a thing?
Not only are they still bringing him for 8, and we dont fully know what that will be like, but 7 was already a cameo, so giving him more screentime on 8 doesnt make sense at all but go off, i guess. We will never fully understand why RGG has been saying goodbye to Kiryu for 6 games already and not fully letting him go. I say 6 games bc I’m considering the last 6 mainline games (6, 0, K1, K2, I’d say Y7, and apparently 8?). Gaiden and Ishin are fine, and I’m so happy about those decisions. I honestly think it’s a much better decision to keep them in spin offs if they still want bank on his brand, and give space to new characters and adventures in the mainline games (and judgement!). But then I look at that grey haired mess and im so puzzled.
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And we’ve joked about him looking like a boyband member, whatever that is. *We still dont know if that’s a disguise or a midlife crisis. And if it is a midlife crisis, and they actually take that angle of him struggling with age, i’d give them all the kudos. That would actually be a bold, beautiful move.
Is milking Kiryu just a marketing tactic, or is it something deeper within RGG? Again, correct me if I’m wrong, I’ve speculated about this before, about them being uncomfortable with their character’s age. But are they also uncomfortable with handing the story over to new characters? Do they feel trapped with Kiryu being the (middle aged, totally not elder) face of the franchise?* Or maybe theyre afraid the franchise is not gonna be relevant anymore because it isnt full of lolis and shotas? When that’s never been their goal in the first place? Yakuza has always been about having fun well into your 40s, because life isnt over once you turn 30. And japanese people fully know that. The west is very anxious about the teenage dream, the live fast die young mentality. Majima has that underlying feeling, he has talked about it here and there. And I would love if they went in on that. It’s not like Y7 wasnt successful, it was the introduction to so many people to the franchise. We know it made bank. We know people love Ichiban + the new crew. We know RGG is moving on. The bat has exchanged hands already. So Kiryu being on Y8, looking like that, on promotional material? It’s such a step back…
As of 2022, Kiryu is 54 years old. Majima is 58. There’s only so much flashbacking RGG can do so they can hide their anxiety about their mascot almost being an elder. Are they afraid of growing old themselves? NPCs have been calling Kiryu an old men since yakuza 1, and that did bother me bc *I was just playing as this baby on Y0, how dare you call him old? he’s 30 D: And I’m almost 30, so I understand my own qualms, so I can only imagine what goes on on the majority of the 50 yo department heads on RGG. And for gods sake, we know they can model awesome older characters.
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The most beautiful model Kashiwagi has ever had is his Y7 one* (Sources are kinda confusing because apparently he was born in 1948? So he’d be 71 in 2019? I mean, good for him if true!! lol) (also yes, this is the asterisc. As far as I’ve looked, Kashiwagi is by far the character who’s aged the most beautifully. I cant do anything but clap lmao) Kazama is also very handsome, and he was born in 1945, so he is 60 in Y1/K1. A more apt comparison would be Sera, who was in his 30s in Y0 and 49 on Y1. He has some streaks, you know. And then there’s Kiryu, botoxed to the gods at 51 on Y8.
We know they can do this. Majima talks about being an old man in Y5, and he was 40 then. If you wanna tell me Majima dyes his hair black because he doesnt wanna see his reflection greying, I’m 100% ok with that. But it’s about time. We’ve been playing those characters for almost 20 years, we have seen almost 40 years of their lives. These are conversations we* could be having at this point, even if it’s substories. But not all hope is lost though!
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I dont know if it’s the lighting, but his model on Gaiden does have some some grayish bits. And that’s 2018 (before Y8 even but we can let that slide bc technology, lol they can retroactively grey him). And given that Gaiden seems to be a lot more personal and small, maybe we could have that age talk then. I can only hope. TLDR: RGG. Buddy (lol). We are still gonna love Kiryu even if he’s no longer young (he is still beautiful). Please recognize the fact that we are all aging up, our bodies and our skin. And so are the characters we play with. Kiryu isnt gonna stop being a good avatar because he’s older. And also, let go. Ichiban is the new avatar. And people love him. Move on. We all have. If you (as people who make the company) are uncomfortable about getting older, use that opportunity to talk about that aging anxiety. We (the fans) will need that when we get to that point (whether we’re pushing 20, 30, 40, 70, 80). Because that white haired monstrosity needs to mean something, you couldve gone without it. Pls. Dont let that be a hair disaster like Y4 Saejima. You had the ps3 excuse then, you dont have that now, you know how to do hair lmao. Pls lmao
TLDR2: All I’m saying is. That white hair on the Y8 raises way too many unnecessary questions but then again Gaiden looks fine? I’m lost&confused pls help lol PS: I've rewatched Our Flag Means Death 4 times now (lol) and gray hair as a topic was never something I really thought about in entertainment, but when we think about ageless character on animation/games, I dont know, it seems like a relevant topic. Because, again, we've known Kiryu + Majima + the gang for almost 20 years. We've seen 4 decades of their lives. This is a longer timespan than... I dont know, british soap operas that go on for ages lol.
edit: Anyway yeah lol thanks for reading this long ramble! let me know what you think bc yeah, loads to think about
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a-froger-epic · 2 years
Unpopular opinion (a long and serious one): most people see children as commodities and as objects that satisfy their own emotional needs and desires. See: infertile parents being told it’s okay if they can’t have bio children bc “you can just adopt”! These people don’t see children, especially children in crisis who end up in foster care, abusive situations etc as people with their own rights, who need to be protected, nurtured, loved and cared for, whose needs need to come first. People are not entitled to children. Parenthood is a privilege, not a right. Just bc you can’t have children of your own for whatever reason does not mean you are entitled to other peoples children, who are often separated from their bio families bc of reasons they can’t control, like poverty, war, etc. So very few children in the system are actually orphans. And there are so many parents out there who would have never given up their child if not for the unfortunate circumstances they are in, not to mention the children who are forcefully taken by the state. (I remember when russia invaded Ukraine at the start of this year, people talked about buying the refugee children bc “it’s cheap”. No regard for the fact that theyre often just separated from their parents back home bc their country was INVADED. No, they just wanted the cheap “orphaned” children. They think they’re saving the child out of the goodness of their hearts. That is not helping the child. That is human trafficking.) anyways So many people want children to either fix their marriage, fill the empty void inside of them bc of infertility, to simply “start a family”. They don’t seem to understand these children have suffered from trauma being separated from their families. That it should be about the child, not about them. If people can’t put the child’s needs at top priority, they do not deserve that child. A lot of times, adoption means buying a child to own them, regardless of what that child actually needs. Many people adopt for their own selfish reasons. They rarely want to help the children. Bc if they wanted to do that, they would’ve focused on helping support families in crisis and poverty, teen parents, foster teenagers in the system, etc. most people want to buy an infant ripped away from its mother through privatised adoption. I guess what I want to say is that this mindset of “people who want children naturally deserve children” and the narrative that adoption is this great happy process that involve saintly good Samaritans saving all the poor children from their bio parents - these big bad evil people who either abandoned them or abused them - and providing them a loving home with little to no problem need to be eradicated.
[ Agree ]
Justification: I agree, up to a point. You make a solid argument about children being treated as commodities and the fact that many parents have to give up their children even though they don't want to. It's absolutely true that adoption is not always a happy ending and comes with a lot of psychological problems. I agree with those parts. However, you say having children isn't a right but a privilege.
I disagree. It's neither. Having children is a biological urge humans have, like all other mammals. The desire for children is biologically programmed into us by design. I will honestly say I don't think anybody has children for non-selfish reasons (unless someone is being a surrogate for somebody, but those cases aside), people have children because they feel that it is their biological need to procreate. And that is not a bad thing, it's simply a fact of life and part of being human. Some people make the decision not to procreate and are happy with that. For others, it could be an insurmountable grief to never have children which they cannot get away from, no matter what.
Controlling who should or shouldn't have children will never be entirely possible, and I don't think anyone should have that kind of control. What is important, is pushing for better support for mental health issues for all, children and adults. What is important, is the notion that children are human beings worthy of the same respect as any adult. What is also important, is support for caregivers of young infants, and I mean financially, parental leave.
Anyway, these are all pretty many-layered, complicated issues. But I do agree. In many situations, and by many adults, children are seen as lesser, as property even, as commodities. Sadly, the same can be said for women in some parts of the world, too.
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toestalucia · 1 month
uhh up to ch177 lines again
Noa: Captain… Are you sure about this? Are you okay with enduring this sort of tragedy as long as it means saving the world? Choice 1: No, I'm not. Vyrn: That goes for all of us. Losin' friends is a tough pill to swallow. But… everybody who died is gone. There's nothin' we can do… Choice 2: We just have to accept it. Lyria: We're not the only ones who suffered in this battle. But everyone was trying to move on. Even if it meant turning away from reality or hiding their true feelings.
Loki: I have to ask… Do you genuinely think it's right to do something like that? Let's say someone dies of an illness. It's obviously a heartbreaking thing. You could even call it a tragedy. But is it really okay to bring them back to life on a whim? You know the answer, but you're choosing to turn a blind eye. In the past, I have no doubt that you would have intervened to stop anyone who was trying to bend the laws of nature. So that no matter what tragedy they had faced, they could look to the future and live on. Loki's tone is genuine, without a hint of mockery. Loki: If you guys say you've changed, that's fine with me. I just want to know what you've got your sights set on for my own sake—so I can walk my own path.
Lyria: I tried to accept it at first too. I told myself that the dead don't come back—that's just how the world works. But if there's a way to make the impossible possible, whatever it is… Loki: You want to travel with your friends again, even if the world may not view your actions as "correct".
loki fan is still surprised we have arrived at a place where loki has this much screentime. anytime the loki parts are always on my mind. personally i rly like the direction of the ppl whos been helping the world going against the world, & that while the side thing of the broken sky Is concerning enough to look for a solution for anyway, theyre pretty obvious with the 'even if that wasnt a thing, we still wouldve done this'. like lokis 'I guess that was a pretty silly question, considering how many times you've come face-to-face with the world in crisis.' line........
but especially considering katalina asking them to travel for themself rather than the whims of the world. having this be their decision issssss auughhhhhhhh......running from the empire...defeating freesia.....having to leave phantagrande 1) cuz theyre wanted 2) they need to get to the next sky realm for the sky pieces anyway. and nalhegrande ends in falling to the bottom of the skies, and oarlyegrande has them swept up first in blf and then otherworld. something about the decision they make is to travel with their friends again. you know
anyway brief loki posting but the way he talks about having met beings similiar to current captain. gods born from beliefs. giving them forms as primal beasts. cuz i feel its been established loki wasnt a researcher? 'im as infamous as those researchers'. but byleistr is also the person who had access of akasha...................next update loki lore for sure. copium. ive waited for so long for them to piece together what theyve alrdy said about his past
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cleromancy · 7 months
god i fucking hate dixons writing
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(still tec 720)
im sort of struggling to put into words what i found so irritating from a writing/pacing/character perspective but its like. an unpredictable guy with a gun got trapped under some rubble after killing one of the group he had threatened into following him out of the wreck, right. and shes leaving him there (which. yahoo, yipee, etc) but the way its told is like. not only is it lingering over it emphasizing that shes doing it as if she cant be bothered to ~save scum like that~ when its an entirely reasonable decision to leave him there--like limited resources aside, the guy having already murdered one of them and risked the others lives ASIDE, theyre in the tunnels after an earthquake. Dixons like always trying to frame anything she does as if shes making petty personal choices about whos good enough to save when sometimes its an entirely pragmatic decision. like the narration and how dixon thinks she would think about her actions doesnt line up with her actual actions
and i mean "had to be a good girl" obviously. and like all her choices have to come back to b&r. long loud fart noise
and to be clear i do think it would be fine abd fun if she did refuse to save people for petty reasons. i don't agree with it being framed like that in this case (tbh in most cases!!!! almost all cases!!!!!) or how dixon thinks she would see it yk. esp bc before she walked away was like
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like xjckcldjdjdk im sorry but this is an incredibly practical choice sticking around to dig this guy out would be dumb and put everyone at risk and theres a major crisis* (*not that kind of crisis) going on and dixon wants me to believe shes preoccupied by remembering the 14 year old telling her she's gonna get in Big Twouble.
i simply do not believe you chuckles. you told it wrong.
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whatamidoingqueer · 3 years
just saw a gif of two guys kissing and immediately felt weird about it.
thought i just had a relapse of internalized homophobia. but then i thought about it, and i wouldve felt weird if it had been anybody of any gender. thought about it some more and realized that i havent seen two people kiss at all for months, on screen or irl.
and ive kind of been questioning if im on the aro spectrum??? and?? now im having a crisis??
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titsthedamnseason · 5 years
going ✈️haircut tomorrow
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calangkoh · 3 years
i saw someone say 03 ed is meaner than fmab ed and thats just...false to me? or if not false, its at least a shallow assessment. 03 ed is quite honestly, and i dont mean this at expense of fmab ed because theyre just different stories (fmab is an epic fantasy type story while fma 03 is an intimate character study), dealing with more than fmab ed.
fmab ed is dealing with something BIGGER, yes (an end of the world issue), but 03 ed is dealing with something much more personal and emotionally difficult/tramatizing (consequences of his own mistakes, his morals and worldview being challenged and broken, very VERY difficult decisions that fmab ed never has to make, etc).
And the way the two series TREAT these things are different, too. fmab ed is protected by the genre, so what would be traumatic irl isnt as traumatic in his universe, while in 03, it’s a huge deal that ed is a child soldier who deals with serial killers and homunculi. those things for 03 ed are treated as traumatic as they are, while in fmab theyre motivators (think how in 03, ed has a breakdown after almost being killed by barry, freezes in his tracks when scar kills a state alchemist in front of him, while in fmab ed more consistently acts competent and like an adult in crisis situations because he’s a hero to be admired—03 ed is meant to be very human, very flawed, and someone who while not always a good role model, is always relatable and sympathetic, according to the writers, which is a direct contrast to how fmab ed is written)
so of course 03 ed is a little rougher around the edges, but i would never call him mean. in fact, i think fmab is meaner than 03 ed. fmab ed is characterized by his rudeness, even toward winry he’s very rude and dismissive of her feelings. and unlike in 03 where the same characters are often more antagonistic (like mustang), his rudeness is often undeserved. fmab ed is mean, and its just a character trait of his. 03 ed even at the most stressful moments in his story, is still kind towards others. look at how he talks to rose in the final few episodes! he’s not at all mean, he’s actually very sweet! any meanness of 03 ed is either at the beginning when he’s cocky and hasn’t yet grown as much as he does by the end (aka its part of his arc, and fmab ed acts the same way), or its meanness that is very well justified, because his situation is so different from fmab ed’s.
03 ed is also objectively a more sensitive character. comparing shared scenes or just their personalities/demeanors at the same time in their journeys between him and fmab and it’s obvious 03 ed is just...softer. he cries over nina and his near death experience with barry, he talks about his feelings of being scared or feeling guilty openly with winry and al while fmab ed never does, he starts his journey more appropriately shy and insecure than fmab ever shows with its portrayal of ed, and more. this doesn’t make him a better character, per se, because i know some people find 03 ed’s sensitivity a downside to his character (althought when they call him “whiny” i strongly disagree. i think he acts realistically, but realistic doesnt objevtively mean better, and an idealized strong hero character like fmab ed is just as welcome as a vulnerable and flawed one like 03 ed), but it does soften his character more by showing vulnerabilty.
and that vulnerability makes it very hard to consider him “meaner” than fmab ed, when fmab ed doesn’t have good Reason to act mean. when 03 ed is mean (and his meanness isnt even “mean” imo, it’s just his appropriate reaction to shitty situations), it makes sense. When fmab ed is mean, it’s just because that’s his personality. but it’s not 03 ed’s personality to be mean or rude. he’s dealing with a lot more and reacts appropriately, but even then i never find him to be mean.
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creacherkeeper · 3 years
AAAAA SAME ANON AND I LOVE UR THOUGHTS ON THIS AU SO MUCH!!!! hskdhdkdbd PLEASE ignore this if u don’t want to talk about this au of course, but honestly i only have more !!!!! about it with every piece of info. like the line about fabian and riz’s jaeger being “unstoppable. almost.” and about how adaine joins the fray specifically bc they’re down and adaine and aelwyn are the only ppl who can fill in their place right now. also how kristen is drift compatible with everyone im!!
NO NO NO IM SO HAPPY TO TALK ABOUT IT!!!! like pacific rim really blessed us by not only being an AMAZING movie but also the best au fodder of all time??? god pacific rim au my beloved <3
some additional stuff because i cant stop:
i think ayda and adaine are totally drift compatible, but never tested together, as ayda only joined the program to pilot with fig
penelope, dayne, and ragh actually triple piloted until fig signed up. everyone thought it was better to separate penelope and dayne because they were ... not always team players when together. but after it came out everything that had been happening between dayne and ragh, that decision was heavily regretted. ragh got ... a lot of counseling after dayne was kicked out. when he was moved to combat trainer, he got a lot happier and became good friends with tracker, who'd been on base long enough to see everything go down
ayda and aelwyn actually knew each other in undergrad. aelwyn became friends with her mostly for strategic purposes, because she was the daughter of the head of the jaeger program and aelwyn wanted to build jaegers. ayda became friends with her because they were both the youngest in the STEM program and she was desperate for someone she could relate to, at least a little. they got along okay but didn't really keep in touch after graduation. they didn't start getting closer until aelwyn became a pilot, because then they COULD actually relate to each other, as scientists-turned-fighters
ayda still found out she was autistic through jawbone, once she finished school and came to base to study kaiju. she opened up to him about how hard it was to relate to her peers, and he was like kiddo youre probably autistic?? like over half of the scientists here are?? and she was like. OH. after everythings over and fig goes back to being a musician, she donates a lot of her touring profits to autistic-led advocacy groups because like. she's literally felt what it's like to live with an autistic brain, and it makes her the biggest ally of all time (and ayda being a very prominent autistic scientist AND pilot actually does like. SO MUCH for autism acceptance. she frequently gives lectures on fig's touring routes)
after they close the breach, fabian gets into a huge blowout fight with bill. cause bill makes his money by selling kaiju parts, so without the kaiju, he doesn't have a job. and by that point fabian has had enough distance and experience that he's like. i would have died for you but i fucking made a name for myself that was better than anything you've ever tried to do, now i get to live for me. and even though he wasn't expecting it, bill actually completely accepts and supports that
yeah so pok actually died cause he got eaten by a kaiju after drifting with one using the pons system he invented. its extremely difficult to hear but riz is also like. that is the most badass thing ive ever fucking heard oh my god (they name the neuroscience program at riz's college after pok. sklonda starts law school there the year after they close the breach)
kristen literally proposes to tracker the day after they close it, barely conscious, with a giant hole in her chest, from her hospital bed. everyone is like. my dude. tracker thinks its extremely romantic
(they end up adopting a bunch of kids who were orphaned because of kaiju attacks)
gorgug goes to college and becomes a high school social studies teacher. zelda runs a local gym. they have an extremely quiet life and are happy to, most of the time, not be noticed or bothered. every once in a while an extremely nerdy kid will recognize gorgug's PARENTS as jaeger mechanics and completely ignore gorgug and zelda thinks its hilarious
after they close the breach, the abernant parents reach out to BOTH aelwyn and adaine to ask them to come back home to visit and be celebrated. and theyre like. mmmm fuck that actually?? but adaine does have a BIT of an existential crisis cause shes like OKAY WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO WITH MY LIFE NOW?? they actually end up getting a little apartment together somewhere and aelwyn pays the bills as an engineer making advanced prosthetics. she encourages adaine to just try out as much as possible, and she takes a ton of classes at the community college, the community center, and at various local businesses. but its actually jawbone who inspires her to go back for another degree and become a psych researcher. she makes waves in the trauma and ptsd field
theyre all pretty happy that kalvaxis, category iv, and nightmare, category v, got blown to hell at the bottom of the ocean
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jazzpurr-jay · 3 years
im still not over voltron, so here are some of my head canons for the characters. 
part 1, part 2 (?)
first off, the main seven’s pronouns, sexualities, and overall romantic types:
- lance: he/they, he's not opposed to exploring his femininity and after learning that pidge is non-binary, he started to questions his identity and realized that gender is a societal construct that can fuck off. they’re my gender queer child. he's also bi. he doesn't necessarily have a preference when it comes to men or women or anything in between, so but they do see gender when they are thinking of dating someone, and it does play a role in his romantic decisions to some extent. 
 -keith: he/him, our local trans man, and he's homoromantic and demisexual. he's never had any experience ever when it comes to relationships, so it took him a long time to realize if what he's feeling towards men was gender envy or romantic/sexual desire (cough cough relatable). he does eventually settle on a label, and he'd pretty cool with that. post season 8, he'd start being more ok with exploring his femininity in a way that doesn't make him feel dysphoric. so what im saying is that post canon keith would totally wear makeup, crop tops, and skirts bc he can (lance probably helps him with this bc by the time keith starts being ok with this stuff, lance has already been out and proud about their gender queer-ness for quite some time. he's also a very good bf/partner) 
-pidge: they/them, non-binary, sapphic-romantic (is that a term??? idk, i'm trying my best tho i promise. basically, theyre romantically attracted to women), definitely asexual though. didn't really know/realize they were non-binary until they got to the garrison bc when they cut their hair and started using a gender neutral name that they realized that the uncomfy-ness they've been feeling all their life has been to do with their gender. so then they come out to the voltron crew as being non-binary in place of when its revealed to the crew that they’re katie. this then spurs the gender conversation with allura and coran, both of which have no concept of gender bc their aliens so why would they, and its all chill. they also help lance a lot with his gender crisis.
- hunk: he/him, cis man, pansexual. not much to say about him, he's just a super loving guy whose lowkey always having a pan-panic bc he thinks a ton of people are so attractive and it's terrifying. he also has anxiety™️, but i think that's a given. 
-shiro: he/him, trans man, this is one of the main reasons that he and keith bonded so much when they met, bc shiro was a very out and proud trans bi man, and keith respected him a lot for that (also gender envy™). shiro's bisexual, bc shallura is a really good ship, but shadam is also chefs kiss. 
-allura: ALIENS HAVE NO CONCEPT OF GENDER. so she uses she/they/its, mainly she/her, but they/its is pretty cool with them. i'm not gonna stray too far into neo-pronouns with the aliens bc i figure that their pronouns in their language are equivalized to something earth people can understand (bc of translators), plus i don't know enough about neo pronouns to get too into it, but yeah, allura is genderqueer, get over it. allura is also queer, bC LIKE I SAID, ALIENS HAVE NO CONCEPT OF GENDER BC WE GOT SCAMMED BY LIVING ON EARTH. so basically anyone they find romantically/sexually attractive is on the table.  
-coran: he/they, they're cool with with any pronouns tbh, but he/they is their main preference. coran coran the gorgeous man(?) is queer, and he definitely married to someone and had a child before the fall of altea, but that's besides the point bc the family would have perished anyways. oR CORAN WAS IN LOVE WITH ALLURA'S DAD, ALFOR, BUT WE'RE NOT GETTING INTO THAT RIGHT NOW.
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flowerslightning · 4 years
Have you heard about PFA and MFA?
or the full name is ‘Psychological First Aid’ (PFA) and ‘Mental Health First Aid’ (MFA)
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Can we relate it with Cloud Strife? As we all know, Cloud had mental illness and was struggling alone. Let’s take a quick look on this topic then and see if characters in FF7 ever give PFA/MFA to Cloud or to each other. This is going to be a looooong post although I tried to simplified it, so, yeah. Good luck reading this !
Disclaimer : I’m not a psychologist. I’m still a student and psych is not my major field. During my intern, other than we got exposed a lot about psychiatric disorders and ways to deal with them, we also got trained psychological first aid in emergency department. If it wasnt because of this quarantine, i would have finished my training in emergency field. There might be false interpretation here or there, forgive me for that and pls correct any mistake in this post
This will probably trigger LTD. Sorry, but I had to, Pls read this post with open mind. Keep in mind I like both Tifa and Aerith, i have no grudges agaisnt Barret, Vincent, Nanaki or Cid so I am not being bias with any of them. I forgot a lot of stuff in OG (I played it when I was really really small), so I will be using lots FF7R and AC references here (and a bit from OG, depends whatever I remember)
Good to go? Allow me to rant. Read it slowly and if u skip some of it, u’ll probably mislead my actual words, and u’ll be triggered af. Don’t come at me with madness if u dont read the whole post properly
What is PFA and MFA? Generally speaking, if Basic First Aid is about covering the wound to prevent further bleeding, then PFA (Psychological First Aid) and MFA (Mental Health First Aid) is like applying a bandage on ur mental to avoid u continue being distress. 
Usually, PFA is often associated with disaster event or terrorism, where large number of people got affected. Meanwhile, MFA focus in one person who is developing mental health prob or already in mental crisis due to certain traumas, such as vehicle accident, house burned and etc
 Pls note that, certain people NEED MFA while the others may NOT NEED it. It is important to respect their needs/wants. Some victims may refuse verbally but they ACTUALLY NEED it (CLOUD STRIFE) and maybe some victims look like they dont need it, but they want it, and its super fine to give it
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PFA/MFA not only done by the professionals and it is not a professional counselling, although necessarily training is needed if u want to approach deeper in this field. PFA/MFA is also not a psychological ‘debriefing’ - in which MFA/PFA doesnt need to involve a detailed discussion of the trauma event with the victim, but instead, it is an alternative way to psychological debriefing that helps for long-term recovery. (unless if ure a pscyhiatrist, then u have to forget about MFA and ask detailed questions regarding the events to help the patient to recover)
MFA and PFA both almost the same, but I will mention more about MFA here.
MFA (Mental Health First Aid) is not just about comforting “Oh, are u alright. I’m sorry for what u’ve been through”, but it is also about assessing their needs and concerns, protecting them from harm, provide practical support and support them feeling able to help themselves and others.
The main key for these two term is RESPECT - respect victim’s dignity, respect both parties safety and respect victim’s rights to make decision. Even without the PFA, we should respect these three in whatever circumstance we are in. 
A lot of us honestly were born with natural skill of MFA bcause of our own empathy, instinct or experiences and some got trained professionally. Some of them already had MFA due to high common senses they have.  
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Some of the Do’s and Dont’s when giving MFA include;
Do’s : 1. Be trustworthy | 2. Respect their decision | 3. Be aware of and set aside ur bias | 4. Make it clear to them u are available for help even they push u away | 5. Respect their privacy and personal space | 6. Do remain calm and soft when the person in distress | 7. Listen and don’t interrupt their talking | 8. Help in terms of basic needs | 9. Create connection the person with others | 10. Give hope to them | 11. Provide private place to talk about the event | 12. Respect their strenght | 13. Advice small necessary matters or give simple words of encouragement | 14. Acknowledge positive features of what victims have done
Dont’s : 1. Rush in whatever the thing theyre doing with u | 2. Be dismissive | 3. Make promises u know can’t keep | 3. Ask anything in return for helping them | 4. Exaggerate ur skills | 5. Force help on people, being pushy | 6. Pressure them to tell their story | 7. Judge that person | 8. Put the person in risk of harm as result of ur actions | 8. Force them to accept ur idea/Listening to ur rant | 9. Talk rough | 10. Being bias with the people | 11. Touching that person too much | 12. Talk with the person in negative terms | 13. Abandon the person’s feeling
To simplify, there are 3 ways for MFA to begin, and I will only talk about one of them, the one that is the hardest to do, that is when u notice someone looks distressed and ure concern about them, and leading u to approach them first without them noticing ur concern. [Am I putting the right words here?]
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In Cloud’s case, who do u think the first noticed Cloud behaved oddly and went to help him first ? - yeah Tifa. U probably would say “OFC she went to help him, she met him first at the train station. That guy looked sick af, who wouldnt ask if he was alright. If Aerith/Yuffie/Jessie met him first, they would do the same”. Okay guys, that was not my point. 
Let’s focus one by one characters and see what Do’s and Dont’s MFA (Mental Health First Aid) they’ve done to Cloud and other charas. Keep in mind, none of them know what Cloud had gone through, but Cloud had showed some obvious sign he was unwell and only a few of them noticed that and took action for it. 
The symbol [X] means the Dont’s in MFA and ( ✔) means the Do’s in MFA.
Biggs Jessie Wedge -
I know there’s a thing about man helping man’s psychology and Jessie being flirty with a guy.They [X] thought Cloud was like how they saw Cloud. and they considered it as normal. They didnt see Cloud under distress so they dont have the need to concern his mental status. The good thing about them was, the three of them (✔) respect Cloud’s strenght, giving Cloud the confident to be in action. But, Jessie [X] had zero respect on Cloud’s personal space
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I wanna highlight about Biggs. Biggs had an attitude of overthinking stuff, but it wasnt so bad that would cause him harm, he just cared too much about his friends. So I believe Biggs was the type that would notice immediately when his friend being strange and would give MFA (Mental Health First Aid) with his own instinct even without the person asking it.
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During the Sector 7 Plate attack, where Biggs was severely injured, when Cloud said he was not a fan of kids and Biggs said Cloud had so much in common (in common of what? Cloud with the kids or Cloud with him?), Cloud gave him ‘a sad look’ and Biggs reached out his hand to Cloud’s head. Biggs (✔) remain calm and soft when dealing with Cloud’s feeling (who faced traumatic event but Biggs didnt know about it) on that moment despite his current physical status. And also he (✔) wished goodluck to Cloud, leading to prevention distress on Cloud
Marle -
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Marle [X] judged Cloud for someone who had no skills, but she entrusted Cloud to take care of Tifa’s well being. Not knowing who Cloud was, Marle noticed Cloud looked glum, she (✔) offered her ear for Cloud to rant and knew right away he was not having enough sleep, then (✔) advising him to sleep more . Lol, she was [X] biased with Cloud and Tifa. Not her fault, she only knew Tifa’s story, not Cloud’s. After the Sector 7 plate fall, we saw her being the most active member to help with the remaining citizens there. Marle without a doubt had given the citizens there PFA (Psychological First Aid) , by helping them with their (✔) basic needs, (✔) create connections, (✔) put away bias, (✔) remain calm and soft. 
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Barret Wallace -
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Barret was the same like Biggs Jessie Wedge. I’m sure Barret thought Cloud was just fine. Barret saw Cloud as a mercenary with stinky attitude,[X] judging him like that causing Barret to gave him the same attitude too. But overall, he (✔) respected Cloud’s strength a lot
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However, after the Sector 7 plate fall, Tifa and Barret were the one that hurt (mentally) the most, Tifa as usual locking her emotions, there we could see how Barret comforting Tifa by (✔) giving words of encouragement and proceed on (✔) hugging her to show his empathy. Barret also (✔) remain calm and soft spoken when talking to the survival victims of Sector 7 citizens. He also (✔) acknowledged what the citizens had done to survive
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Vincent Valentine - 
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Don’t be surprise Vincent was listed here. This guy here was like another version of Cloud but more mature. In addiction, they both kinda share the same pain. So, I personally think Vincent understands Cloud pretty well. In AC, where Cloud was mentally ill, Vincent saved Cloud from Kadaj and brothers and (✔) took him to safer place. That was a common thing to do. But let’s go deeper, Cloud never told him about himself, but Vincent already  (✔) aware of Cloud’s trouble with the geostigma stuff and Cloud’s current mental status. Vincent, (✔) calm and soft like always (✔) didnt hesitate to asked if all of these were just about ‘fighting’ and it made Cloud to ‘re-think’ further about his problem. He (✔) didnt pressure Cloud here, instead he was (✔) helping Cloud to understand the condition he was facing, and this lead Cloud to avoid distress.
Aerith Gainsborough -
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I know Aerith was special. She was an important character and devs created her to be ‘loved’ by the fans so that her death would be tragic. Aerith did almost all the things that shouldnt be done when giving MFA to mentally ill person. Some of u may say “Duh, Aerith didnt know anything about Cloud thus she had no intentions of giving him MFA”. Yup, ure right. Aerith didnt know about Cloud’s mental status but so as all the other characters in the series. 
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Aerith was [X] being pushy with Cloud, in lots of ways, from making him as a bodyguard for free to forcing him to wear a dress. She [X] forced Cloud to accept her idea about meeting Andrea, dance and gown. She also [X] forced Cloud to help picking the flowers. Aerith [X] didn’t let Cloud to have his own decision [X] neither giving him a chance to talk,  and [X] abandon his feelings (cough..uhm, Aerith resolution). She also had [X] no respect on Cloud’s personal space and [X] too much touching and leaning to him. Aerith also [X] put herself in danger and that worried Cloud.  She [X] looked down on Cloud in someways too
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However, at the Sector 5 slum, where the hooded man appeared, Aerith noticed Cloud was having trouble with himself, she (✔) encouraged Cloud to keep himself together. Also, throughout the entire game, Aerith always remind the team to (✔) have hope in everything. Her positive vibrant attitude was what (✔) made everyone able to believe in themselves. She also (✔) ensure Marlene’s safety and protected her. She was able to (✔) remain soft and calm when approaching Marlene. Remember Betty? Aerith took her time to helped her out and she even (✔) respected the little girl’s strength, (✔)slow and steady when saving her and (✔)soft spoken
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Tifa Lockhart -
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Tifa met Cloud at the train station, saw him being ‘not-so-fine’ state despite Cloud claiming he was completely okay. Tifa didn’t know what Cloud had gone through and  she (✔) didn’t pressure him to talk about it. She even helped him to (✔) find a place to sleep even when Cloud never asked for it. Tifa unconsciously was the first person to give Cloud MFA without knowing what Cloud had faced previously. And Cloud, on that moment, he really needed a help. Tifa also (✔) stated that if Cloud need anything, she would help him with it
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Tifa (✔) remain calm everytime Cloud had sudden headache, she didn’t leave him alone and (✔) didnt put any pressure on him by asking question. During the (✔) Alone At Last, they had privacy Tifa asked about what happened after he left Nibelheim. She (✔) listened and didnt interrupt him, (✔) neither pushing him to talk more. Moreover, Tifa (✔) put a distance with Cloud, dunno if she was the one who was being uncomfortable or she actually (✔) respect Cloud’s personal space and privacy. Tifa (✔) didn’t force him to stay at Midgar, she asked him and was glad Cloud would stay for a while. Tifa was no doubt (✔) respect all Cloud’s decisions too. Also, don’t forget, Tifa also helped Cloud to help (✔) make ‘close connection’ with the Avalanche members and people in Sector 7 slums. She also (✔) didn’t do much touching with Cloud (Well, I mean, she didnt touch him in clingy way)
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In AC, Tifa (✔) encouraged Cloud to have hope for Geostigma and the family
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Tifa did [X] put herself in danger by becoming Corneos bride participant and that gave Cloud trouble (but Tifa ensured him she would be fine on her own previously) And btw, in OG, I read about the fans questioning why Tifa [X] didnt tell Cloud the truth. I would like to argue this matter. TIFA IS A CHARACTER WITH REAL HUMAN FLAWS, she too had her own traumatic event and was not really sure of herself on what to do. However, considering what Tifa had done for him, Tifa had helped with Cloud’s psychology the most.
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I know Cloud was putting up a font, and that made him to have condescending attitude, and people couldnt see what Cloud was hiding behind the the bravery face. However, all of us as fans acknowledged the pain Cloud was suffering in the entire FF7 story. Some of the characters like Tifa, Marle, Vincent, Biggs noticed it and they took actions for it, while others, I do personally thing, they were hurting the Real Cloud’s mentality more. 
Long story short, Tifa was the one who gave mental health support the most to Cloud, followed by Vincent (AC), Biggs and Marle. Aerith did the worst with Real Cloud's mentality + she then died, mking Cloud be more miserable,
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However, Aerith actually had the best way to give MFA/PFA to children, but maybe the worst to Cloud. While Tifa gave the best MFA to Cloud which helped him to get himself together through out the entire time
Alright thats the end of my talk. Thank you for being with meee
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corescorner · 5 years
So That New Video Huh?
Okay holy shit, I’m gonna do an analysis for it. I’ve never done this before and no one literally has ever asked me to do this but youre getting it anyway cause this is the only place I can gush about this so freakin deal XP
First off, I woke up at two AM cause I’m A Disaster like that, and was greeted with this wonderful video. So naturally I make a pot of coffee and some Crofters toast and get on with my analysis.
Also! THE SWEATERS AND SCARVES! I WANT ALL OF THEM! On that note huge preesh to my Mum -even though she’ll never see this- who’s helping me buy one of the sweaters even though she doesn’t have to cause I’m a Grown Ass Adult ™ with my own money. Kind of. 
Anyway on with the analysis! Under the cut cause Daaaaaaaaaaaamn is it long.
- Thomas' jacket! I want it.
-That ad intro though XD 
-I be a real floozy XD
-Don't trust an old viking like me: Thomas Sanders (you know, the youtuber)
-PIrateS DiDn’T ReallY TAlk lIke ThIS! Reexamine your cultural biases!
-'what the hell is that accent?' going a liiittttle Remusy voice there Tommy.
-his ears scrunched down by the helmet and the beard string...
-Hahahahahaa, masculinity is a prison!
-OKAY SO, this is literally the first thing I did when waking up and my mind was not ready for them TO BE HANGING OUT ON THE COUCH, suffice to say I had a mini freakout to myself and then excitedly continued.
-a florida dwelling man, who never leaves his house. Good point XD
-Romans immediate Sass™ Love It 
-Virgil’s Just As Sassy Thumbs Up. Hyello!
-*gasp* ohmygoodness it’s all Frozen. Oh whoever could have predicted that! Roman... Please.
-Virgil’s eye squint at Roman when he announced 100% of the votes were frozen and Pattons excited cheering even though he just said he didn't vote for it so there's no way it could have been 100%
- Now that I think about it, if Roman didn't rig it, I think they'd probably be at a standstill with, ya'know all their votes being on what they wanted to watch. 
-mmnnmmmnnn falsehood. It was so calm this time. soft falsehood.
-Paton’s incredulous 'too childish?!' he says this like he's recently seen Logan wear his and he's like 'what, but what'
-how can Thomas feel B.A.D with his inner D.A.D We👏 Get👏 It👏 You're 👏Adorable!
-redirecting his attention to something good.... or neutral.
-Who among us can forget the absolute bop that is...... this weird ice cutting song. Roman with the sarcasm. 
-Pat: pretty cool/what it’s a chilled out groove! Lo: I might need you to leave. 
-Virgil's constant just Overthinking™ and not actually paying attention to the movie really. Mood.
-some things need time.... Like evolution! Cute Nerd Alert.
-Patton blowing on his drink
-I ALso LOve you Olaf!
- no you’re mine now
-I love that Roman commentates on movies he watches cause that is 100% Me
-’the heart is not so easily changed’ Lo: No it isn't. Pat: Hmm? 
-’but the head can be persuaded’ Ro: Can it though?
-’fear will be your enemy.’ Virgil’s looooooook T.T
-Pat and Ro: JOOOOAN! Virgil and Lo say nothing. Thomas:..... Joan... 
-it’s making me too aware of the passage of time! Ooooooof big Mood™ bro.
-REMUS!!! :D
-Of course he's naked, cause why wouldn't he be, they're all in their comfortable clothes.
- they're gonna die at seea! :D
-I sleep in the buff. Thank you Remus. No seriously, good to know.
-Virge: Did i screw everything up? Ro: No I threw out your vote so you couldn't do that. ROMAN!
-Patton’s head bob in agreement about missing the hand drawn movies
-Roman’s actual misunderstanding that virgil wasn't talking about frozen being the wrong decision.
-Verge: How are you telling me to settle into something right now when you've taken your sweet time to settle into things that you were uncomfortable with in the past? Virgil with the shaaaade.
-Pat: I just think we should all relax. Virge: You do realize who you’re talking to  right?
-Virgil's genuine confusion if Lo is asking him that question cause hes always so literal and then proceeds to tell him the number anyway.
-’why have a ballroom with no balls?’ Remus’ snicker, same.
-Just give in to the raunchy jokes Thomas, it's funny.
-Roman imitating Hans’ 'evil plotting face'
-Ro in Dude Bro Voice: aw man yea I’m so fucked up on chocolate fondue I don’t even know what im sayin right now
-All of the others smiling at that. Is Roman doing this to make them smile?
-Patton whines, Logan: Is something wrong Patton? UM Logan asking about FEELINGS Cute.
-there's no way shes coming out of this situation without trust issues. Mmmmmmyea.
-Ro: except for the footprints behind you. Lo:HEy YEa!
-Pat, quietly: don’t let them in don’t let them see. PATTON! SOMEONE HUG DAD PLEASE
-Virge: he may have been an idiot back in the day, but hes not anymore... Virge, are we talking in double meanings here?
-Lo: she shouldn't let go of more of her clothing that’s for sure, shes gonna freeze to death. Lo, she has ICE POWERS. I'm sure she’s fine. The cold never bothered her anyway.
-Logans confused, what about a bridge? Metaphors Lo.
-Pat: let it go! Ro: lie low in our kingdom of ICEolation, come on paton don’t go for the low hanging fruit.
-Lo: There’s a storm out tonight!? Well, obviously Thomas has to stay home why are we debating this. No, Lo honey, it’s still a metaphor.
-Lo: you think this castle has a lavatory? Pat: ICE TOILET! Ro: or a bed? Pat: ICE BED! Lo: this place sounds awful.
-Pat: his thing with the reindeer? Lo: outside of nature's laws? Re: he DEFINITELY FUCKS THE REINDEER! I THOUGHT THE SAME THIIIIIING.
-Ro: If OnLy ThErE wAs SoMeOnE OuT ThErE wHo LoVeD YoU 'hans evil plotting face'
-Logan pointing out Romans constant shade at he movie.
-Romans complete legit reason why Ana should have been saved by Olaf.
-Virge: I bet he’s talking about you right now. THOMAS' FACE.
-Pat: Thomas has talked about him to other people. Patton likes gossip?
-Logan AGREEING that they’re gossipy bitches XD
-Patton pointing a logans points in agreement
-VIRGIL IS SPIRALING, deep breaths kiddo!
-Virge: just think about it. Thomas: LIKE I HAVE A CHOICE
-Virge: he trusted you enough to share a history that he wasn’t proud of with you. Again talking in double meaning here Verge?
-Virge: ‘he wouldn’t have gotten around to some of the stuff you wanted to know about on his own. More backstory to unlock mayhaps?
-Logan doing the countdown thing to help with the anxiety.
-Thomas going along with it without question, Virgil.... kinda going along with it?
-Virgil’s soft ‘.... blinds...’ after naming things that were like existential crisis things XD
- Thomas and Virgil tasting the same thing? Do they all taste what Thomas tastes? Or were they eating together?
-Lo: You are safe. T.T Loooooooogaaaaan
-Virgil’s soft look when Thomas is talking about adjusting and then saying that he still thinks theyre friends! UM again with the double meanings?!
-Thomas: things will be alright between us. PATTON LOOKS AT VIRGIL Cuuuuuuute
-Roman’s metaphor that makes no sense to the situation.
-Thomas: thank you Roman, that’s barely applicable.
-and then his look of 'you're welcome' XD
-Logans list of Elsa’s powers
-Patton nodding along to it and then his 'yea it all checks out' XD
-Logan’s thoughts on Arendales military being just Elsa cause of her powers.
-Virgil’s soft smile and sigh.... ‘Too bad we didn’t go to that party.’ VIRGE!
-Anxiety music starts, what if your soulmate was there and now you’re never gonna get another chance to meet him
-Ro reaching in Virgil’s direction OH SHIT OH SHIT!
-Oof youre freaking out princey there Virge
-Lo: watching a film is too passive of an exercise to allay Thomas' troubled thoughts, Virgil’s cute shrug and thumb nail biting like 'welp'
-Dee: I was looking for this! So he doesn't always lie, that’s good to know.
-Virgil’s HISSING! Okay sure, but he wasn't even talking to you man calm down XD
-Dee: DONT TOUCH MY SHIT *finger waggle*
-Romans face! Like, yep I saw this coming and i did it anyways, and I’m probably gonna do it again in the future.
-Logans interest in rewriting Frozen
-Ro: no. yes. I don’t know what you’re asking. Roman, it was kinda self explanatory XD
-everyones expressions when roman is talking about how he’s gonna rewrite it.
-Virgil’s little ‘aw hell yea’
-I’m going to bed. IN THE BUFF. Yes, you’ve stated this before XD
-everyones contributions to the fic
-Pat: I see your point Virgil, but how about this: nobody dies.
-Joan at the end XD Joan should do more ads with Thomas, they’re great.
-Thomas: you just do it XD
-So this is obviously after DWIT, cause of Remus’ appearances and Logan’s ownage of being called cool. But is it right after? Or is there gonna be a prequel type video next that happens before this and exactly after DWIT?
-Thomas being sad hurts me.
-Logan drinking his... coffee? Kinda drinking it. If they taste what Thomas tastes(??) does it happen the other way around? Probably not right? Or is it one of those things where it’s a phantom taste or craving type situation?
-Roman lounging on a bean bag chair in front of an actual chair, yea same.
-BUT ALSO VIRGIL SITTING ON THE BACK OF THE COUCH. I do that too much, or like on the arm.
-Logan just fuckin wearing dress shoes like they’re not just at home on the couch watching a movie.
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ch 78: thoughts & parallelisms with ch 39
as per usual i have a lot of thoughts about this month’s chapter, and not all of them fit here. but before we get into that, there’re a few interesting parallelisms between chapter 78 “Progress” and chap 39 “Self-Blame” that i’d like to point out
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in both chapters, Phos is broken into pieces by someone: Jade breaks Phos in chap 39 cause Phos was shattering themselves out of grief, and most of the earth gems attack Phos in chap 77, resulting in them being shattered when chap 78 begins.
jade’s change of attitude is interesting, since breaking phos in ch 39 sent them spiraling into an existential crisis while now they’re fine burying pieces of phos around the island
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other (more superficial) parallelisms are that both chapters feature Watermelon Tourmaline and Hemimorphite (which are side characters, so they appear quite sparingly). 
both chapters also feature Sensei being unable to pray: in ch 39, Cairn’s voice is superimposed on a few panels with Sensei almost conjoining his hands in prayer and Cairn saying “I’m tired of praying,” while in ch 78 the gems ask Sensei to pray and he says he can’t
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also, in ch 39, Cairn tells Phos to call them what Phos wants when they’re hurting. it’s like they’re telling Phos Cairn’ll be there for them and it’s what truly starts their friendship. Now, in ch 78, Cairn doesnt even mention Phos, even as the moon gems and Aechmea discuss about how they were shattered by their friends (there’s still smth fishy about this tho, so i might speculate on this further)
78 is 39x2 and this might be a coincidence, but these chapters do look quite similar.
what i find really interesting, tho, is the change from this:
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to this:
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we know rutile went back to their ‘feral’ state after phos took padparadscha away from them, still their attitude in ch 78 is in stark contrast with what they said last time phos was severely shattered in front of them.
in ch 39, Rutile admits that each time phos loses consciousness, rutile has no idea if they’ll wake up again, their body is unique and rutile doesnt know how it works. Rutile explicitly asks Phos to make an effort not to get shattered so often.
in ch 78, Rutile wants to toss phos into the ocean. Rutile, along with most of the earth gems, attacked phos each time they came back on earth. and, like most of the earth gems, they see Phos as an enemy or a threat.
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the variables havent changed though: phos’ body is still unique and there is still no saying when and how they’ll wake up each time they get broken to pieces. It’s actually curious how cinnabar forgets to take this into account, seeing how smart they are.
we know that the last treasure is coming and we know that it took Phos 102 years to wake up after their last major accident (losing their head). If ch 39 and 78 are meant to be read in tandem, will Rutile’s words prove true?
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red-dia and a couple other people have already pointed out how piecing phos back together will be what causes them to acquire the last treasure. One of the pieces (possibly part of the torso) will be irretrievable and it’ll have to be replaced.
could it be that the faulty piece will be the one Rutile was responsible for? it’d make sense since they were the one responsible for piecing phos back together so many times. 
Still, what if the missing piece is the one Cinnabar and Bort hid in ch 77? the first piece to be taken away from phos. Or Morga’s piece. Its location was incredibly specific and significant (on the beach of beginnings, the place where phos lost antarc and acquired their golden arms).
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finally, the same sense of failure permeates these two chapters. “I can’t undo what’s been done” phos says in ch 39 “after all i’ve tried, nothing ever [works]” and it definitely looks like it. 
Phos failed, aechmea says so in ch 78: they’ve been broken into pieces, something that leaves Euc puzzled cause they recognize how this is just a temporary solution. talking with phos’d have been the best thing to do. And yet, just like sensei, euc remitted the decision to the group. 
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still, ch 78 is titled “Progress,” which leaves me thinking: what kind of progress? 
progress for the lunarians toward becoming nothingness? Not likely, Sensei shut down. Progress for the earth gems in learning about phos and the moon people’s objective? Still not likely: Euc laments not being able to talk with Phos. 
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it’s definitely a progress toward the last treasure, but the title is most likely referring to Yellow Diamond’s ‘epiphany’ and the fact that they’re not tired anymore now. 
After a long time spent thinking, the text box below the last panel of the chapter mentions Yellow gazing upon “a certain objective” now and rinboz pointed out how their pose is the same of Gautama Buddha. 
Maybe yellow will speak to Padparadscha, or do something about the earth gems or the gems that are being restored right now on the moon. 
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It’s also significant that theyre donning different clothes: changes of clothes or of hairdo always signify an interior change in HnK (and in stories in general). 
By purposely arranging their sheets in a robe, yellow is deliberately choosing to dress like a Buddhist monk. Putting aside both their past as earth gem and their history with the lunarians and Phos. Alex mentioned Barbata becoming a new sensei to the gems a couple of pages earlier, what if that role falls on Yellow?
this is just speculation ofc and this post is already long enough, but id like to know your thoughts 
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