#they're freaks your honour
angelsberrymilk · 5 months
watched the siren episode for the first time. what the actual fuck is wrong with the Winchester brothers??? like uhh "Dean doesn't want a bitch in a g-string, he wants you, [his baby brother]"
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von-karmas-a-bitch · 10 months
something you have to know about me is that i am obsessed with the unexplored dynamic between franziska and sebastian after the events of investigations 2. another thing you have to know about me is that sometimes i write ace attorney scripts in my notes app for funsies. and yet another thing you must know about me is that i am a trans sebastian truther first and a human being second
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(transcript in alt text)
#obsessed with the idea of franziska learning the hard way what patience and kindness is required to be an older sibling#and thus becoming more (silently) apprecative of what miles has done for her#and also learning things about herself via sebastian asking her when no one else will bc they're scared of her#bc sebastian is kinda clueless and very curious and he looks up to her a lot and he just has so!! many!!! questions!!!!#btdubs if someone wants to draw this and @ me i would love that. bc i do not have the energy to draw this whole exchange#ace attorney#my scripts#aai2#sebastian debeste#franziska von karma#oh btw fun fact that drawing i did with sebastian saying ''the prostitution is ready your honour'' was originally gonna also have franziska#i didn't have the energy to draw anymore but she was gonna be behind the prosecutor's bench with him with her head buried in her hands#and it was gonna be a short comic where when informed of their mistake sebastian was gonna start freaking out#internally being like ''oh jeez i messed up already...... maybe i can't do this...........'' and franziska was gonna Notice That#and be like ''you only made one little mistake sebastian debeste it's not the end of the world now present your argument''#and then she catches herself saying that and starts having her own existential crisis#bc she just admitted to herself that it's ok to not be perfect#and sebastian's like ''ohhhh you're right i can DO this!!''#and franziska realises that she's become the kind of mentor she needed as a kid and she has broken the cycle of abuse#and she watches sebastian absolutely SLAY in the courtroom (malapropisms notwithstanding)#so yea that drawing is actually also part of this concept where franziska becomes a mentor to sebastian#edit: oh god tumblr really fucked up the quality on this one sorry#maybe use the alt text if you're struggling to read
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monstriiss · 9 months
The Corinthian, like its master, can learn but can never change: it sidles up alongside her, this time not looking to snatch prey from her jaws. Unshaded, its eyemouths are open, panting. He seems to be breathing her in.
"You," he drawls, "smell like despair tonight."
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FOR ONCE THE little rat isn't trying to steal her kill, granted, she has her hands buried within their ribcage high above his head at this time. " It is not my own, I assure you, " comes her dull reply, unperturbed by the otherwise unsettling display of the Corinthian tasting her scent, all too focused on the task at hand. He wasn't the only one who had an affinity for savouring the aromas of others, the monster's blackened tongue flickers between ruby lips to taste the air at that very moment. Scents were oft stored in her memory should she decide to track them later. There is a heavy, wet plop of innards hitting the earth, cast aside with the intent of being left to rot.
Of course, when she smells @nightmarecountry there are the usual smells of a corporeal form, flesh, blood, and bones, but the Corinthian's scent is dry- arid. Almost like chalk; perhaps even SAND. She steps back from her work; the corpse of some sorry soul impaled upon the branches, almost reminiscent of a crucifixion, their torso split open and ribcage pried apart like an open book to reveal an empty cavity. Turns out her kill wasn't for eating, more so becoming a fresh no trespassing sign to join countless others among the trees.
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" Not that you would be concerned if it was. Right, little one . . . ? "
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ily-tothecore · 17 days
buddie fic recs - all completed
everything (nothing) has changed by bizarrestars - buck gets therapy and tells eddie he's in love with him. eddie has no idea what he's doing, but he gets there in the end.
said i couldn't stay, but it's different now by hattalove - they go to a whole bunch of weddings, slow dance, and realise they're in love. this was so fucking cute.
drawstrings by browney3dgirl6 - eddie fixes bucks drawstrings and ends up in his lap. they're in love, your honour.
the persistence of memory by withmeornotatall - a time-loop fic. buck gets shot and eddie has to live the day over and over again. this fic made me feel things.
i'm addicted to disastrous thinking by spaceprincessem - 'buck and eddie kiss in a photo booth, mutually pine, and finally get together exactly in that order'.
baby, you were my picket fence by spaceprincessem - 'maddie wants to propose to chimney. she gets buck involved. buck can't tell anyone. he somehow proposes to eddie instead'.
'tis the damn season by spaceprincessem - 'eddie asks buck to the holiday fireman's ball. It goes so much better than he could ever imagine'.
(i got you) out on the water by lecornergirl - eddie notices buck, and then he can't un-notice buck. this fic puts evan buckley in a wet, white t-shirt, enjoy.
the last shred of truth in the lost myth of love by lemonzestywrites - 'buck is worried he's lost his charm in bed. eddie eagerly offers his services to prove otherwise'. did they really think they could do this and not realise they're love?
got weird by daisies_and_briars - eddie kisses buck, freaks out about it, and then keeps kissing him. they're so in love.
hope you enjoy!
also, can you tell i love spaceprincessem? i've literally read every single 911 and teen wolf fic they've ever written. they're so good.
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laatteheart · 18 days
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they're all freaks, your honour
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Azz is taking a picture of her?? Just her, no Iruma in frame, it's just Clara looking adorable?????? ASKING HER TO MAKE A POSE???? HE LOVES HER SO FREAKING MUCH YOUR HONOUR
Iruma is not even embarrassed anymore to compliment her, it's just a fact of life: Clara is cute and Iruma is not afraid to let everyone know?????
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An attractive stranger even just talks to Iruma and these two go into guard dog mode.
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beaniegaebie · 3 months
i don't really have any solid conclusions about this yet but i noticed A Thing in a rewatch and i haven't found it mentioned elsewhere yet so here we go
(apologies for the appalling image quality you're about to see, i can't screenshot easily rn pls bear with)
OKAY so in the scene where crowley confronts gabriel about "shut up and die", something about the arrangement of book stacks caught my eye a little
the majority of the books are angled so that we mostly just see the page edges and not the spines clearly, EXCEPT for a particularly shiny and familiar colour combo right here-
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but nothing too weird going on there, i thought, crowley coloured books in a bookshop so what? right up until i registered crowley's line when we get a closer look-
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hhhhmmmmMMmmmm yes yes "everything just the way you wanted" huh, very interesting considering that we know how much thought goes into props huh
and for most of the shots we get of crowley in this position those freaking books are just quietly nestled right there in the corner-
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look at that god damn framing i fuckin see you, you glorious bastards
so i paused to see if i could figure out what the hell was up with those fuckers and this is when i absolutely lost my mind, your honour
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A and C you say?? in crowley colours???? framed like this?????? localised entirely within your kitchen???
anyway long story short they're two books from an Agatha Christie Crime Collection set (24 volumes, three stories per volume) and guess whats on the mfing front covers I'm-
(its a rant for another post but when paired with this other set of initials spotted in s2 i want to scream actually)
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ANYWAY back to the books, through an absolutely unhinged comparison of the formatting of gold text blobs i reckon the two we have here are:
(on top) The Pale Horse; The Big Four, The Secret Adversary
(on bottom) 4:50 From Paddington, Lord Edgeware Dies, Murder in Mesopotamia
(I'm fairly confident but if anyone has a better image to confirm/correct this pls do)
now here is where I'll need a bunch of help from some Christie-heads out there bc I haven't read any of these and I've only seen the tv adaptation of one of them, so i dont know for sure if these are like A Clue, or A Cool Thing, or if I've just fully brainrotted myself into a fun lil corner here? wa-hoo
but here's some initial stuff that jumped out at me after skimming the basics:
(some of) the titles: Pale Horse/Big Four - death's horse ofc, the four horsemen mayb? the them+adam?? ; Mesopotamia is a very biblical choice bbz ; 4:50 From Paddington- azi likes trains i guess? idk that one's tenuous lmao ; honestly no idea with the other two but Secret Adversary feels a tad ominous
iirc Big Four just has kind of an unusual history, it was initially twelve short stories that she later compiled into one, and it was published fairly soon after christie's mysterious disappearance/reappearance
in Big Four, poirot fakes his death at one point and doesnt even let hastings in on it and I'm hoping sure its totally irrelevant to the ineffable bois
part of the Pale Horse story is a group of assassins that basically try to pass off all their murders as being actually caused by like ✨satanic powers✨ which is interesting
christie knew a fUCkton about poisonings thats why she wrote so many into her work and, while i don't believe the poison coffee theory myself, it sure is an interesting link with how cyanide is associated with almond smell/flavour and that metatron chooses almond syrup in particular
(ALSO random side note that is mostly meaningless but I've worked in a good few uk coffee shops and have never worked anywhere that stocks almond syrup; almond milk yes, hazelnut syrup yes, but never almond syrup...? prob just the places i worked though lmao)
EDIT forgotten point: I've seen some speculation that the bently's plate reading "CURTAIN" could be a reference to poirot's last story, along side that alternate scene of crowley ordering the sherry for "miss marple", its just one too many agatha christie references for my melted brain to handle and I'm SUS
so this is where i run out of idea steam and hand it over to you lot because i have no clue what this could mean, if it even means anything other than a cool set feature
is there something here actually or am i yelling into the void just for fun?
who knows, who cares!
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holdmytesseract · 2 months
Greetings Bestie, I am here with a Magnus blurb request
How about a piece where Magnus realizes he's in love with his partner, and it's at a funny & inappropriate time and place? Like they're in an interrogation or maybe undercover?
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Perfectly Bad Timing
Warnings: fluff, police things, more fluff
Word Count: blurb
a/n: Bestiiie, thank you so much for this! I really hope you're going to like this lil' story! 🥹💖
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Magnus's eyes were glued to you. Something you didn't seem to notice. If the young man across from you and him noticed? Perhaps. Perhaps not. Anyways, the policeman wouldn't care. He always had just eyes for the wonderful woman he gad the honour to call his girlfriend, but today... Today was one of these days on which he got reminded by himself how freaking much he actually loved you.
During an interrogation in the first case Kurt allowed you and Magnus to be leading inspectors was admittedly not exactly the right moment, but what was he supposed to do?
You two worked at the Ystad police station for almost five years together now and he had never... Never seen you interrogate a person. This time was a first - and to Magnus, it was stunning. You were stunning. The way you talked. How you always found the right words to say against the snappy, arrogant and pubescent teenager. Your smart and witty nature...
Magnus would even go as far and say it was dominant, and he couldn't deny that he found that to be pretty hot.
The palm of your hand slamming down on the wooden table everybody sat at, caused the young policeman to snap out of his daydream. At least a little.
"Stop lying to us, Nils. We knew you were at the boathouse. We found your goddamn fingerprints!" You accused the eighteen-year-old across from you. By now you were utterly frustrated and kind of angry. Not just because the disrespectful young man just wouldn't cooperate, no... You were also angry because you already sat inside this constricting, small room for almost an hour and your colleague/boyfriend hadn't said a single word!
You gritted your teeth and slowly turned to face the curly haired man. "Magnus?" He shortly blinked and looked up; oceanic blues meeting your Y/E/C ones. "Yes?" You nodded at the door. "For a word..."
Magnus nodded in agreement; noticed immediately that you weren’t in a good mood. His chair scratched over the polished floor as he stood up and followed you outside in the hallway wordlessly.
You had crossed your arms and waited for him to close the door shut. "Magnus..." You started and took a deep breath; trying not to snap at him right away. Perhaps he had a reason why he didn't say something yet. "We are in there for almost an hour and after five minutes you kind of zoned out completely. Baby, you are absolutely no help! That's shitty. If you're just sitting beside me and staring holes into the wall, I might as well do this alone."
Magnus swallowed hard. You could see his Adam's apple bobbing. And he was blushing. "I-I know, I-" "Then why are you doing it?" You interrupted him. "This isn't working without you! Nils might be the key to solve this case! We can't let this opportunity sl-"
The policeman had heard enough. He knew what this was about. His head told him that repeatedly. But his heart... His heart just wanted one thing... For his lips to kiss you. So, he did.
Magnus interrupted you with his mouth on yours; hands on your hips and pulling you against his body.
You were shocked at first - like frozen, but then you couldn't help but to melt against his touch. Against his sinful kiss.
"Mags..." You panted, once he broke the kiss to get some fresh air into his lungs. "W-What... What was that about?" A boyish smile grazed the curly haired man's face; cheeks reddening. "Me, realising how much I love you, min älskling. I'm sorry for not doing my job, but... All I could focus on, was you."
Your expression softened. He was so cute and kind. How could you possibly be mad at him?
"Aww..." You hugged your boyfriend tightly; burying your hands in his wild, blond curls. "I love you so so much as well." You kissed him again and again and again; the ongoing integration forgotten... At least for a few minutes.
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Tags: @muddyorbsblr @mochie85 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @multifandom-worlds @jennyggggrrr @huntedmusicgardenn @hisredheadedgoddess28 @stupidthoughtsinwriting @fictive-sl0th @loz-3 @javagirl328 @icytrickster17 @jaidenhawke @eleniblue @lou12346789 @lady-rose-moon @km-ffluv @herdetectivetheorist @lokiforever @crimson25 @simping-for-marvel @cakesandtom @vanilla-daydreaming @kimanne723 @glitchquake @lulubelle814 @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @buttercupcookies-blog @november-rayne @mandywholock1980 @lokidbadguy @smolvenger
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sammyche · 5 days
Marc has the prettiest and most needy fuck me eyes I've ever seen in a man in my life
He teases the shit out of Vale, licking his lips, brushing past him, dragging out his name while he speaks about him in interviews/press cons, maybe even consciously talking more or staying a bit closer to people he KNOWS drive Vale mad (yes Dovi I'm talking about you, we've opened the Pandora Vase of dovquez during break up and I'm holding onto it)
then once he's close to Vale (but still they're not alone) he looks up at him with his pretty eyes who just say "come on show me what you can do" and if Vale could he would literally fuck that twink on the press con table, in front of everyone just to show the world he's his, no one else's
in my mind your pfp is the PERFECT Marc "fuck me" eyes moment, THAT gaze right there your honour is that of a SLUT
i mean
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the images speak for themselves.......that's a grade A slut your honor
if that's not some fuck me daddy eyes then idk
you can understand why vale is as crazy for marc as marc is for him. truly matching each others freak every step of the way.
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f1-giuki · 2 months
i'm here again. lestappen chussy smut with touch tank by quinnie <3
Caro have I ever asked your hand in marriage? 🥺❤️ FINALLY HERE WITH THE CHUSSY!!! it's been 84 years but I managed to write some chussy action😭 Hope you like this, even if it's long af😭💖 The song choice was amazing and I hope I did it justice!!!!!!!💖💖💖
touch tank - prompt post
“Where has Charles gone? This is supposed to be her championship pool party!” George complains, holding his Martini glass tightly in his hands.
Lando rolls his eyes.
“It's her championship party, if she wants to sneak out with someone, it's her right to do so…” Oscar argues.
“That's why we can't see Max!” Carlos snickers, making the others laugh.
“Max? Did she invite Max, of all people? I thought they were mates on track only!” George asks, confused.
“Have you been living under a rock, George?” Oscar asks with a small smile.
“I beg your pardon?” George asks after taking a sip of his drink. Alex, on his side, has to keep a loud laugh from escaping his mouth.
“Mate, they've been dating for the past season, what is wrong with you?” Lando asks, disgusted that he finished his concoction of rum and Capri sun.
“Actually, they're together now, since the competition between them got tighter,” Carlos explains, proudly showcasing his knowledge.
“Since the Tuesday of Brazil, I think, Max asked her before the Sprint,” Oscar points out.
“How the fuck do you know this?” George keeps on asking.
“We have eyes, George…” Alex laughs.
Max and Charles are not far away from the party going on in the garden and adjacent beach of the Dubai villa Charles rented. They're on the roof of the building, where the sunspots are, giggling and sneaking away to have five minutes where they don't have to shake hands, accept congratulations for the championship! and sorry for the championship! or withstand some teasing. Five minutes where they can be freaks in love.
The 2025 season was one for the books, with Charles becoming the first-ever woman to win a Formula 1 world championship and Ferrari winning the title again after 18 years. Italy turned completely red, with people and celebrations filling the streets during the day and fireworks illuminating the night. The dream came true for Charles. Win with Ferrari. Against Max. Her boyfriend. She ticked off every point from her list, except having a moment for herself.
The party on Sunday was crazy and the sex with Max in the bathroom of the club was crazier.
Monday felt like a fever dream littered with soft kisses, with realisation slowly sinking in, as all the journalists left in the Emirates asked her all types of questions. The president of the Italian Republic and the Prince of Monaco also asked her for official events where she could be honoured as a champion by the local institutions.
Tuesday was calmer, in a way. Charles wanted another celebration, with just her friends, so she rented a villa in the morning for the afternoon. Her wish was everybody's command. She's a Ferrari world champion. But the party felt stuffy after a while, and Charles, in her bright red bikini, wanted nothing more than to feel Max's cold lips on her skin, looking at his messy hair and sunburned face, so they disappeared on the rooftop of the villa, where a few sunbeds were waiting for them.
Max doesn't bother closing the door to the rooftop, he's too preoccupied kissing Charles, with her legs wrapped around his waist, and trying not to fall as she keeps rubbing herself on his dick.
Max gently lowers her on the soft towel covering the sunbed and kneels between her legs. Charles Leclerc is a sight to behold, splayed out underneath him, her short and curly hair creating a delicious brown halo around her head. She thinks about all the religious imagery created with her face. If she's the Virgin Mary, then he shall be God. Maybe she shouldn't think about him putting a baby in her. Maybe later.
“No reward for the champion?” She asks, with a sly grin on her lips. The red lipstick she wore has moved all over her lips and on Max's.
Max laughs and rolls his eyes. They can hear laughter coming from two floors down, where the party is still going on. Max blushes a little.
“What? Are you afraid they will find out how good you can eat me out?” Charles asks, slowly undoing the strings of her bikini bottoms on her hips, baring her pussy to him. Shameless. Max loves her too much.
She knows he's salivating at the sight in front of him. He's thirsty, no matter how many times he quenches his thirst at such a source.
She watches him kneel on the ground and pulls her closer to him from her knees. Max feels such a deep hunger inside of him.
Charles moans in anticipation and Max licks a fat stripe over her cunt, making her laugh. The Max show is about to begin.
He leaves kisses all over her pussy, keeping eye contact with Charles. When she throws her head back Max sucks her clit lightly, enjoying how she writhes under him. He starts licking at her folds, savouring and claiming, sucking, as his hands keep her thighs spread. Charles moans and Max laughs, reverberating on her pussy. She fists his short hair, pushing his face closer to her core.
Max moves one hand to her labia, toying with the wetness he finds there as he goes back to her clit, sucking and flicking it with his tongue. Charles is always so sensitive, so easy for him to take apart. He gently bites her folds and enjoys when she clenches over nothing. He teases her again with kitten licks at her entrance and when she tugs his hair meanly he grins and starts fucking her with his tongue.
Charles moans and the thought of all the people downstairs comes blaring in her brain, making her impossibly wetter. Max, slurping and sucking, is the only one who doesn't make her feel like a maniac. He gets it.
He coats his middle finger in her arousal and starts teasing Charles’ entrance, looking up at her, covered in spit, searching for consent, breaking his rhythm and driving her crazy. She groans and nods and Max slowly replaces his tongue with his finger, moving up to kiss her mons Venus.
As he pumps his finger in and out he places his other hand over her lower belly, claiming the soft skin there. Charles sobs and undoes her bikini bra, playing with her breasts, pinching her nipples and pulling them, moaning louder as Max inserts another finger in her and fucks her.
He looks so good, gentle and devoted, with his baby blue linen shirt open, matching his ice eyes. Charles could come on the spot, thinking just about her lover. So big and safe and brave. She feels like just a girl when she's with him, in the most positive sense. She's just Charles, whether on an F1 track around the world, in an ice cream shop in Italy, or with her tits out in the Emirates afternoon sun. She's not some kind of circus animal with him.
Charles comes, squirting on his face, as he curls his fingers inside her, licking at her cunt and stimulating her clit with his nose.
He licks her clean and she sobs happily. Before it gets to be too much, Max lets her go, sitting next to her. She hugs him from the side and Max holds her with a big and dumb smile, as she inhales his scent, mixed with the salt in the air.
“I love you,” he says, stupidly in love, and she grins, with her forehead against his bicep.
“I love you too,” she says, laughing as Max drags her on his lap, making her sit there gently, lending her back to the sun.
“Oh God, Oscar, mate, you were right! They were fucking on the roof!” George shrieks in the garden, making her and Max laugh.
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eclipsedrgn · 10 months
They're Monsters!
Pair: Bayverse!Donnie x reader
Summary: The Turtles infiltrated Police Headquarters and get caught. One police officer insulted them and that's not going by (Y/N) that easily.
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Being Donnie's girlfriend, the Turtles figured you'd be calm and collected like him. But in reality, your like Raph in a tiny, human body. So when times like this happens, they have no idea what kind of (Y/n) they're gonna get.
"Are you freaking kidding me?!" You hissed at Donnie as you go around from your hiding spot, Mikey running the other way to tell Raph what he heard.
You knew the Turtles were starting to struggle not being accepted, especially since they're growing up and hatred being stuck in the sewers.
Raph was getting more hotheaded as ever around his brothers, Mikey was starting to get annoying, though the orher two brothers were calmer you can still tell they wanna be above ground.
Leo and Donnie looked at you, Leo sighs "We can explain"
"No, no. Its the lying for me" You said. "Leo, your gonna lose their trust. Especially Raph's"
"They don't need to know every decision I make-"
"But a big change like this?" You sighs. "Forget it, forget I said anything"
You walked away towards the homemade pizza box couch and collapsed. Sighing, you take out your phone and scrolled through Instagram.
Leo was practicing his katas when Raph came out of his gym, he walked slowly towards the leader, ready to let out steam.
"Pop quiz" Raph says jumping onto the platform. "What are the three most important traits of a ninja?"
Leo gave him a small grin as he continues his kata, "Speed. Stealth-"
"And honour. Where's the honour in keeping secrets from your brothers?" Raph accused.
"I don't know what your talking about?"
"Oh now your adding lying on the list" Raph accused.
You walk over to the two, pushing them apart by their plastrons. "Enough"
You raised a finger as Raph silence, a clear annoyed look on his face.
"This isn't fair Leonardo. Lying to your brothers about a life changing event. What is with you?" You sternly spoke.
If you two are referring to what Donnie told me about the purple ooze, it's called compartmentalization of information," Leo replies closing up on Raph's face.
"If there's even a chance that ooze can make us human-"
"We're turtles, whether you like it or not," Leo says in aggravation.
"It's not about what I like, it's about what people up there are willing to accept!" Raph gestures to outside.
"True acceptance only comes from within," Leo recites.
"Don't give me that fortune cookie muck" Raph glares.
You backed from the two, shaking your head as you turned and walked away. Donnie rushes after you, worried about your reacting to all of this.
"You have to believe me when I say this isn't the outcome I wanted" Donnie said.
You shake your head, "Why didn't you tell me, or consult me? Why Leo?"
"I... I get guess I got too excited" he sighs. "This is something I thought everyone would want. To be normal and living above grouns. You know? To be a normal couple"
"Honey" you coo, reaching out for his hand. "I'm so sorry"
"It's fine-"
"It's not. Donnie, you should have told me this is how you felt. I should've took it into consideration. I shouldn't have gotten mad" you said.
"I'm sorry, I-" his device on left wrist beeped, Donnie paused to take a look and gave you a sincere look. "I'm sorry honey, there's a break in-"
"Say no more" you smiled. "Go be a hero"
"Leo. Leo, an alarm just tripped at the Hayden Planetarium. We have to get uptown" Donnie reports rushing towards the blue and red clad.
"Gear up, Donnie" Leo commands. "You two stay here"
"You're benching me?" Raph yells out as the two left.
"What did I do?!" Mikey asks.
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Raph had a plan. He had a plan to infiltrate the Police Headquarters with Mikey to get the last of the ooze they got in custody. He called April and Casey down to the lair with a plan in mind, the problem is how to get (Y/n) into the plan without getting much trouble.
He approaches you slowly, as you sat at Donnie's surveillance room watching as your boyfriend and the leader in blue arrive at the museum.
"Hey (Y/n), do you have a minute?" Raph asked.
You turned the chair around, "Sure. What's up Raph?"
"I know Leo and I got into an argument about the ooze-"
"Let me guess you wanna go into police headquarters to find it and use it for yourself?" You said crossing your arms.
"I-I wouldn't say it like that" Raph replied shyly.
"The blue prints are printed. Do not tell Donnie" you said with a smirk. "I'll be reckon. Watch from the outside"
"Thanks" Raph sighs and turns to walk away, but paused. "Why are you helping me?"
"I... I guess I never considered how Donnie really felt. He never told me about his desire to be normal and when he did... I guess I wanna make it up to him" you said.
"You're a good girlfriend (Y/n). Don't forget it" he smiles.
(Y/n) gathered the blue prints and pens, as the rest gathered around the dinner table. April and Casey arrived and sat next to each other, (Y/n) sat next to Mikey who dug into the pizza.
Raph clears his throat as everyone looked up at him, "We need to break into Police Headquarters"
A pause.
A really long, awkward pause.
"So, you want us to break into Police Headquarters?" April repeats.
"Uh, yeah" Raph states obviously. "Donnie said he needs more of the purple ooze to track Bebop and Rocksteady. And you said the cops would've logged it into their evidence control room by now"
"Okay, and Leo is good with this plan?" April questions skeptically.
(Y/n) clears her throat. "Actually, Raph is in charge of this one. Right Mikes?"
"U-Uh right" Mikey says unsure.
Raph places the blueprint down the table. "So, we can take the elevator shafts and vents. We need you three to stay on the ground-"
"Whoa I can't just walk into Police Headquarters" Casey refused.
"What are you? Chicken?" Raph teased.
"Hey!" Casey stood, closing up to Raph. "Who are you calling chicken, turtle?"
(Y/n) chuckles, her temper rising carefully. She reaches out pulling Casey down back his seat. "Listen, do you want to get Beebop and Rocksteady or not?"
Another pause, Casey says. "So we're breaking into Police Headquarters"
"We got one last boondoggle. We need to find someone to sneak you guys in past security checkpoint" Raph says looking at Mikey is disgust as the youngest turtle made a pizza sandwich with pizza. "Only plan I got so far may be a tad less appetizing"
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After convincing Vern to break into the police, everyone got to their spot. (Y/n) sat across the headquarters, looking through the binoculars. Her heart jump out of her chest as she sees the two mutant turtles breakthrough the ceiling. She tossed the binoculars and rushed into the headquarters, seconds before Leo and Donnie arrive.
"Raph, what're you doing with that?" Leo accuses.
"Honey?!" Donnie exclaims seeing his lover.
"Freeze! Don't move! Don't move!" An officer shouts, gun pointed.
Raph's eyes widen repeating, "No, no, no, no, no, no!"
"Freeze right there!"
"Don't move! We'll shoot!"
Raph and Mikey looked at each other as they slowly kneel, (Y/n) rushes towards the two as the officer raises his gun shooting. Pain filled (Y/n)'s right shoulder as she places herself in front of the youngest turtle.
"Don't shoot them" (Y/n) pleads, she winces her shoulder bleeds out.
"Move girl!" An officer shouts.
"No!" (Y/n) shouts. "You don't understand!-"
(Y/n) didn't know how quickly it happened. A shot was fired and she placed her body between Raph and Mikey, no matter how small she still blocked them. She felt a huge pain on her chest, she struggled to breathe, she barely registered her body hitting the ground as the four yell out for her.
She saw the color purple as her eyes dropped close.
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stem-sister-scuffle · 4 months
Winry Rockbell (Full Metal Alchemist) vs Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum (Adventure Time)
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Winry Rockbell is an Automail Mechanic!
Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum is a Bioenginner, Chemist and Roboticist!
Why you should vote for each contestant:
Winry Rockbell:
"The best automail mechanic in the whole of Amestris: need I say more? She’s also the only person who can really get Edward Elric to listen / scare him"
"She's super smart and is crazy about mechanics, but she's also so kind and compassionate! She helped deliver a baby, she cares really deeply for her friends and family! She truly rocks!"
"i’m a biomedical engineer so she is the best women in stem"
"she’s extremely skilled and dedicated to her craft, her work is very high quality (she’s also the personal mechanic for one of the protagonists) and she has a dedication to improving the lives of the people around her in any way she can (and she has so much autism swag about automail, it’s a joy to watch). i love her your honour"
"She's so good and so fun and she's trying her best. She makes sure the prosthetics work and they're super plot important!!!!!"
"She can build and repair robot limbs AND attach them to human nerves"
"She’s only 15 and is repairing magic-infused heavy machinery for fun"
"Spunky, kind, and smart as hell... one of the shounen manga girls of all time."
"At age fifteen she could build a whole metal arm in 3 days (pulling all nighters)! She geeks out over the work of other prosthetics engineers and earned herself an apprenticeship where the shop's costumers began to prefer her after only a few months! She's kind but takes no shit and narratively symbolizes the goodness of humanity. also she read medical textbooks as a kid (her parents were both doctors) and was able to apply that knowledge for successful impromptu midwifery years later!"
"She is practically a child engineering Genius! Designs and makes prosthetics. She takes her work very seriously and geeks out over other people's designs. She is such a beautifully written strong female character that holds her own in a fandom full of amazing strong female characters and a great role model. She's Hella cute"
"She is considered a prodigy in her field, and is known as the “Automail Otaku” because of her unending interest of any machines and tools in the building and repairing of automail. She is incredibly smart, sincere, and passionate. She works hard for what she wants, is full of optimism despite what she has suffered, and is very loyal to her friends."
"built a fully functioning prosthetic arm for her friend when she was TWELVE basically by herself and has been his regular mechanic since. also heavily dabbles in the medical side as well as the mechanical side (for example: she successfully delivered a baby single-handedly at fifteen having only ever read about the subject before). she is so skrunkly she’s an icon a legend and she is the moment"
"Listen any girl who can master mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and biology in order to build prosthetic limbs by the age of 12 is Impressive. She’s the one that got me onto an engineering career path I’m very biased"
Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum:
"She’s a freak about it! she is committing horrors in there but just lowkey, and she’s having fun doing it which is what matters"
"She cares about her people to an absolute fault and all her evil science is for them (when it’s not simply for sciences sake) and that’s why she’s a girlboss <3"
"She’s unethical. She’s a mother. She’s a monster. She lives in a world of magic but only believes in science. She was even a lesbian. PB for the win!"
"she is a pink lesbian!! she has committed war crimes!! she is much more complex than the audience's (and the main character's) initial impression of her!! she created an entire kingdom that she rules and when she gets voted out she loses her sense of identity!! and loves her subjects and also spies on them!! she is trying not to be so mean!! she is passionate about her science work and she loves her girlfriend!!! SHE IS SO GREAT. her gf Marcy is actually my favorite but bonnibel's relationship with family and home is super compelling, everything from her abusive/controlling uncle who tried to force her into a het relationship to her (metaphorically) intellectually disabled younger brother who she loves so much because people get built different! we don't need to know why we just need to respect them! thank you. I love her"
"Organizes conferences for people to present their scientific findings, created life forms when she was lonely, has committed so many war crimes (including intergalatically) using tech she invented, lost an election because she assumed people would care more about facts than charisma (they did not), is gay. Spent a thousand years pining for her rockstar vampire ex-girlfriend. 💕💞💕"
"She has a RAT named SCIENCE. One time in the comics she also did a flip and kicked a door down while saying ""physics I swear to gob if you don't work now I swear physics I SWEAR"" she was literally threatening physics. Anyways physics worked good for her! She has built an entire kingdom from the ground up INCLUDING its life forms. She HATES wizards with a passion. Magic to her is just science with silly presentation. It's implied she's been to wizard prison a lot of times before. HOWEVER she also has a vampire half-demon girlfriend so yeah. Oh yeah she's gay too. "I have a disease that makes me like vampires and titties its called being a fucking genius""
"She is the best woman in STEM because she LITERALLY created and genetically engineered the people of her kingdom, built incredible robot guardians to fight off intruders, and continues to experiment (including an experiment gone wrong where she was trying to resurrect dead citizens) in spite of being a busy princess (and lowkey dictator) ruling her kingdom solo. She created/built her own family (aside from her brother), and eliminated them when they tried to rule over her and stop her from being an independent scientist. She is multitalented, hardworking, and just unethical enough to keep things fun and entertaining! She has no ethics board, so the experiments get wild! She is so Blorbo, you know? Also people don't acknowledge her science stuff enough, I want her to get more recognition as the insane, wonderful mad scientist she is."
"She’s an unethical mad scientist who experiments on her subjects. What’s not to love"
"Invents gadgets/devices and even created her own citizens"
"For the realness of working in the lab endlessly without sleep (Ignore that she set up a police state I guess)"
"Literally built an entire kingdom citizen by citizen"
"She bioengineered an entire country . Kinda fucked up, but that's okay"
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cptapathy · 5 months
My takeaway for the new UK guidance on gender transitioning in schools
Please, everyone, respond to the guidance and call it out as how shit it is, don't just accept this shit.
Here is the link to respond to this attack on trans youth
1. If you are under 18, are doubting/exploring your gender and wish to involve the teaching staff but not your parents, then explicitly say to them, "if my parents find out they will beat me"
This is the only way to prevent the teacher from having a legal duty to inform your parents
2. The guidance is rife with "G3nder Cri1ical" terminology, but what do you expect from the equality minister for Britain?
3. Unsupportive teachers will be able to justify their prejudice as "watchful waiting" as laid out in the guidance as step 1
Just to clarify, if a 16yo comes to ask to be referred to by a different name or pronouns step 1‽ is to not honour those requedts for an indeterminate period of time to "make sure." This will be standard across an entire country
4. A direct quote
"Does the child feel pressured to identify differently because they simply do not align with stereotypes associated with their sex? This is relevant as some people think gender identity reinforces stereotypes about men and women"
They need to spend some time on tumblr, ain't nothing about you freaks that reinforces gender stereotypes
5. Another quote
Schools "should not unilaterally adopt any changes, including using a new name or new pronouns, unless or until this has been agreed by the school or college in accordance with the proper procedures and... parental consent"
So, any time a child considers their gender identity, there must be a school meeting about accepting it. They then go on to talk about "contested views"
But if anyone has contrary views, those are protected and "must be respected," not period of denial, and informing the parent to then hold a meeting of if those views are necessary for the school to honour.
6. "Agreeing to a child’s request to have others use different pronouns about them is a significant decision."
No it fucking isn't
7. Children under the age of 11 are not allowed to have different pronouns. It's just an outright blanket ban on using gender affirming pronouns for Under 11s.
8. Over 11 well, now we have to decide if using they/them is a large enough benefit to you that it "outweighs the impact on the school community."
Idiots the lot of them
8. But if we do accept a pronoun change, you will still be referred to as "girls" or "boys" collectively, and we won't stop teachers or other students from not using your pronouns. Did you think this was to enforce your pronoun use? No, no, no, this is just to allow YOU to use those pronouns, god forbid a student decide for themselves how they want to be referred to!
9. Literally just explicit transphobia
"Schools and colleges should exhaust all other options, such as using first names, to avoid requiring other individuals having to use preferred pronouns"
10. The first and only mention of bullying, in full
"In all cases, bullying of any child must not be tolerated. No child should be sanctioned for honest mistakes when adapting to a new way of interacting with another pupil"
Why does that feel like they're defending transphobes from bullying? Oh, right, because that's what they are doing.
11. Did anyone expect anything different to this?
"Responding to a request to support any degree of social transition must not include allowing access to these spaces"
So, it will be a legal requirement for teachers in England to prevent trans people from going to a toilet or changing room designated for their gender.
12. This one is not a legal requirement but rather a "should" statement, which is trans children "should" be held to the same uniform status as other children of their AGAB.
I'm running out of commentary here
13. No one is surprised that trans people are once again banned in sports
The full doc for anyone willing to go through it
Boys, girls, and the genders we aren't allowed to mention, that is my summary of the UK government proposed guidance on trans students.
Please help stop them.
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popquizhot-shot · 5 months
i was inspired by @allysunny 's fic where miguel watches snow white and i loved it so much its literally so wholesome. GO READ IT.
and after that i watched a lotr fanart reel with the evenstar theme and i began to wonder how mig would like Lord of the Rings. cuz he has to if the relationship is going to work im sorry-
So here's the product of my labour lmfao im doing the first movie only because this would be way too long if it was all three
MIGUEL WATCHES LOTR(extended edition ofc)
-I feel like he'd come across you either looking at fanart or edits of the characters and be intrigued.
-"what's that, tesoro?" nosy mf he'd smush onto your shoulder from behind, your hair ticking his nose lightly.
"it's lord of the rings, babe. how have you-"
and you realise mans is from 2099 how tf is he going to know what lord of the rings is.
and thats how you end up sitting in front of the tv at 8am in the morning with tea and breakfast and the shire theme playing from the tv.
-"They're dwarves?" Miguel asks when he sees Frodo next to Gandalf
"No, they're Hobbits."
"But Hobbits are basically dwarves?"
"Nope, different race, honey." you kiss his cheek as his eyes squint in confusion.
=Merry and Pip remind him of ahem certain spider people
-He gasps when Bilbo disappears and is like wtf when he sees him reappear and have a meltdown over the ring.
-He gasps AGAIN when you tell him that gandalf actually left frodo in the shire for 17 years and not like a few hours or days
-gets annoyed at merry and pippin AGAIN
-fucking loves samwise but thinks he needs a bit more spine(give him a chance wait till the end of the series)
-he will raise an eyebrow at you trying to stop your squeal when looking at the first glimpse of this strider and his pipe.
-i feel like the nazgul would freak him out(just a little but its the horses)
-THE HORSES i feel like he wont give af honestly about them because he can co exist with widow on the team but since he has the phobia he wouldnt fawn over them(not me pssh i love the pretty horsies)
-absolutely thinks frodo is going to die when hes stabbed by the nazgul
-his eyes widen when arwen our queen rides in and you squeal again
-he admires arwen and her abilities, that scene with the river and the nazgul makes his jawdrop.
-"tesoro i like this movie." "slut" "im YOUR slut" *mwah*
-he loves the rivendell and the set design is honestly breathtaking he gets so into it
-arwen and aragorn are adorable and he holds you tighter when the flashback scene between them is shown
-you clap when you see legolas ride in and he sideeyes you yet AGAIN
-sees the appeal tbh
-he loves that you're so passionate about something and want to share it with him and he sees it as an honour that you're willing to do this, spend an entire day watching a movie series with him its baffling to him
-you on the other hand get worried that he finds it boring but then when he gets into it youre ecstatic that he likes it too and you both can enjoy something thats so close to your heart.
-it can be hard to relate to someone who's so different from you, like mans is spiderman, a geneticist, leads an elite strike dedicated to the multiverse-
-but you both gel in a lot of ways (which is why dude loves you and would die for you and kill for you either way what bliss)despite leading such different lives and now there's one more thing you can bond over and it fills you with happiness and you have to snuggle into him and he holds you tighter in response, smooching the top of your head
-absolutely despises boromir at first(it changes)
-thinks elrond is bossy asf(look whos talking babe)
-he gets worked up when boromir starts coveting the ring and is like he should die
-sniffs when the man actually dies in such a heroic way
-i think he has to cover his mouth when aragorn finds boromir and kisses his forehead because its such an emotional scene and this man has gone through such loss and probably similar things in his own battlefield except he wishes he could have given his teammates better goodbyes.
-when the movie ends yk the way it does he immediately puts on the next one.
-"babe wait i have to pee!" "pee fast then and come back!" *pats your ass as you walk past him and you try to swat him because that doesnt help after holding in your pee for like 3 damn hours
-he really likes it and he loved experiencing it with you, listening to your commentary sometimes, rolling his eyes lovingly when you grin at aragorn or legolas or sam or arwen, but he loved it even more because it was a piece of you that was bared to him and he accepted it and loved it too because it was YOU
-and because its a legendary piece of art.
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vylad243 · 3 months
Alpha/beta/omega dynamics.
During one of their fights, Vox's suppressants fail, and his lovely scent of petrichor, magnolias, and peaches fill the air.
Alastor is in shock because he thought Vox was an alpha, and for the last 35 years he's been using Alpha on Alpha courting engagements and rules to let Vox know that he's interested and has feelings for him...only to find out it was all for naught.
Vox himself is freaking out, wanting to find the perfect nest and to relax and bunker down now! He wants to make sure his cub (Velvette) is safe in their nest too!
Alastor moves forward, gently purring to calm the upset omega, and informs Vox he can come make a nest at the hotel. He can also call Velvette there, too. Vox agrees, reaching out and taking Alastor's hand, allowing the Alpha to teleport them away.
Velvette immediately comes to the hotel, the limo filled with familiar soft blue blankets and pillows that are folded and sealed shut into vacuum bags. The youngest overlord had the bags all stuffed in a large box, which she grabbed once the limo stopped at the hotel's entrance.
Slamming the door open, her eyes flickered towards the Princess, who merely nodded and said "They're in Alastor's room. Niffty's with them. Vox is having an awful time making a nest."
Velvette chuckles, hurrying up the stairs and barging into Alastor's room, easily ignoring the rather frazzled and upset alpha (who she knew was trying their best--and whom she knew had been harboring feelings for Vox for over 2 decades.)
"Hey," she murmured taking in the mess of clothes and blankets Vox had made of one corner of the radio demon's room, a number of said demon's shirts and coats being used as bedding.
Smiling as Vox turned towards her, and how a pleased chirp left the panting omega, Velvette began to open the vacuum sealed bags and pass the soft Blue blankets to Vox, watching as the Omega completed his nest, putting a blanket roof on it before crawling into it and crashing.
She grinned, gently setting a stuffed red deer plush right beside Vox, before looking at Alastor. "Since he built his nest in your room, it looks like he chose you to be his heat partner. It'll only be about three weeks, but I'll have Vox's usual catering company quadruple his order so everyone in the hotel gets fed....and thanks for helping him earlier--you could have left him in the streets but you didn't, so...thank you."
Velvette is such a good daughter! This is really cute, also love the magnolias. Alastor would be fighting so hard against the scent because deer aren't really a big fan of the scent, but he doesn't care! He only wants Vox to be happy and safe
Alastor would feel honoured to be chosen as Vox's heat partner, but he would completely panic first and no know what to do for the first few days. Luckily Vox is very low maintenance and mostly wants to be protected and fed
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sirludox · 5 days
please tell me all about your zosan pony verse i love them!
Oh my god it would be an honour! I'll start off by mentioning that the reason I chose Sanji as a pegasus was I see his more flamboyant personality fitting that better and i just could not imagine a horse wielding 3 swords without some sort of help so I tinkered how unicorn magic works slightly with it being more closely related to mental and physical strength rather than just being a sort of cheat code haha! Also it was fun imagining a more brutish unicorn compared to the usual elegance of one! Zoro did in fact lose his horn with his first meeting of Mihawk! I was debating making him lose it when he lost his eye but I felt like him dedicating himself even more to training and meditation to make up for what he's lost fit better with it occurring much earlier on than randomly off screen like his eye. Sanji also witnessing him lose his horn yet still declare his loyalty and never losing a fight again would push Sanji to join the crew since he cant fly Sanji, like I said, can't fly mostly related to a) the deformed genes from the poison and b) his wings were bound down when he was a kid by Judge while he was imprisoned much like how he had the helmet on. While their growth wasn't affected, having no prior training on top of the messed up genes means as much as he can do with "flying" is gliding off of tall places or high up but even then that's limited. His "sky walk" is still done with his legs like in the original, so while he can technically "fly", he can't feel the wind between his wings like he normally should for having wings and so he often enjoys spreading his wings out on windy days to ease the desire of "freedom"! He uses his wings primarily as he would hands now, using them to carry food and dishes out and express emotions with them, and absolutely hates having them constricted (it begins to freak him out slightly). Sanji then learnt to use his legs (mostly his back ones) for fighting from Zeff (whom im still debating lost a leg or a wing) and the rest is history! These two still bicker and are the exact same as they are in the original, just with the bonus addition of them bonding over them missing their core "features" of their kind, a broken horn and useless wings. They never ever bring these aspects up in a way to offend/insult the other, as they know they're both rather sensitive topics, but they both use what they've lost to their advantage and dont let any of it hold them back Some more unique quirks they have now are:
Sanji preens/grooms his feathers a LOT and takes a lot of care with them. These days (20's), he's allowed Zoro to preen him when he can't from injuries, and Zoro is good with it/surprisingly gentle after learning from Kuina
Unicorns usually rub/touch horns gently in a comforting manner between family or extremely close (wink wink) others, and butting heads/clashing is more aggressive (which is why zosan often bump heads when arguing). As a trade off for the preening Sanji will often gently touch his head to Zoro's as thanks, or when he's in a particularly bad spot (be it physically or mentally) as a way to comfort him without words being needed to be said. Sanji doesn't know the more romantic connotations of it <3
Sanji tends to "fluff up" during preening as subconsciously finding it extremely relaxing and pleasing and Zoro pokes fun at him for it a little but not too much to avoid scaring him away
40 year old Zosan here has Sanji much more comfortable asking Zoro for a preen or "demanding for it" and Zoro finds it "so annoying" but does it anyway (theyre grossly in love)
Sanji will tease Zoro for being so "brute" as a unicorn, and Zoro teases Sanji for being a "dumb peacock"
Sorry for so much of a ramble haha they're just so much fun to work with, and included a couple sketches to kind of go along with things and explore other characters! If you (or anyone) has any other questions I'll be happy to answer ❤️ (sorry if some of this doesnt make sense haha)
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