#they ran the same tests which still came back negative
maridotnet · 1 year
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fallingintolife · 1 year
Mother Knows Best
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Request: hi, i'm the anon that requested the sam winchester shopping fic ft dean! i hope you don't mind me requesting another sam one lol ( i don't see a lot of sam ones tbh so when i saw that you write for sam too i got excited :'D ) could the reader be a hunter that ran away from home because they have a narcissistic / manipulative mother ( kind of like mother gothel from tangled ) and started traveling with sam and dean because they felt safe with them , as well as dating sam ? one day while being out it turns out the reader's mother was in the same town , looking for them to try and bring them back home , and reader gets all scared because they don't want to go back which sam and dean notice just some good old fashion angst and hurt / comfort :)
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader
Warnings: Abusive mother, panic attack description
Summary: Dean said it best, "Monsters I get. People are crazy!"
Word Count: 1,875
A/N: Let me start off by saying I am so so so so so sorry this took as long as it did for me to post! I really have enjoyed writing on this prompt unfortunately life just got in the way but I hope that you do end up seeing this and reading it. I do hope that it was worth the wait...
Sending love 💕, hugs 🥰, and positive vibes ✨
When it came to being a hunter, there were a few unspoken rules. One of them being that no one asked anyone about their past; such as: how they got into hunting or any personal questions period. So when Sam met you while doing research in a public library for a hunt, which you helped solve, none of those questions were asked. Of course they made sure to test you to make sure you weren't a werewolf or demon or any other monster but after all the tests were negative you came along with them on hunts. At first you stayed in the motel room next door, but after a couple months you stayed with the boys in their room.
You'd been with the boys for eight months now, dating Sam for four of them. Even though Sam and Dean didn't ask you about your past they both had noticed different little habits that you did that showed them that your life wasn't all rainbows and sunshine. Sam noticed that you hated giving your opinion or making any decisions. Dean noticed that any time he would yell or even just raise his voice in the slightest you would go into a complete panic. Noises in general seemed to send you into high alert. You were also very timid, not just in public but even still with them to an extent. And touching. You didn't like to be touched. Dean had gone to ruffle your hair once but after he saw you flinch and even braced for, what he assumed was for him to hit you…they avoided touching you. After that Sam let you initiate any kind of touch or affection that you wanted. He had gathered that you must have been in an abusive relationship at some point in your life and that maybe you were running away from them when they found you.
You were starting to open up some though. Sam was really happy to see you for you. He got to see what movies you liked and what kind of books you liked to read, and also just hear you talk about anything and everything.
You loved being with the boys. Even though the hunting itself was scary, living the hunter lifestyle was somehow better than your life before. You didn't remember a lot from when you were young growing up. (probably because your mind thought it was too much and too traumatic…) It had always just been you and your mom. She always hated you. You didn't know why, she simply just did. That was how it had always been. She knew how to cut you down in a second, how to quickly make you doubt yourself, and shit was she a master at guilting you! She knew you; all of your weaknesses and she used them against you anyway and any time she wanted.
The day you had run away was when you realized she had taken all the money you had hidden away and she had found it and spent it; all of it. She has ransacked your room looking for money and when you confronted her about it she didn't apologize, (which part of you knew she wouldn't, she never had before) she actually turned the tables on you, gaslighting you up, and playing the victim. For whatever reason that was when you had clarity: she was a narcissist and no matter what you did it would never be enough. So you ran. Now, eight months later you were traveling with the Winchester's helping on hunts.
You hadn't even been hunting, or rather researching, for long but when they saw you as an asset they let you come along with them. (After some begging and pleading and then the promise of taking them to the best diner in the city…) Sam intimidated you at first but then you realize that he was just a sweet/awkward/loveable goofball. Dean was also very caring towards you. They both made you feel safe, but Sam was your safe place.
Sam had always been so patient and understanding since you both had first met. Sam didn't ask questions or say that you were overreacting or being a drama queen when you would start to panic about something, he would just calmly apologize (which in itself was always quite startling since your mom had never done that once in her life…) and help you calm down. Sam never made you feel like you were a burden or too much, he and Dean on many occasions, would remind you that you were none of those things and they were happy that you decided to travel with them.
You and the boys were on your way back to Bobby's after a hunt when Dean stopped at a diner for lunch.
"Dean, you realize every diner is going to advertise they have the best pie." Sam stated as he rolled his eyes. You tried to hide your laughter, as you hid your face in his jacket.
"Yes and as a pie expert Sammy it's my job to find the best one." Grinning back at Sam, Dean went to the hostess so they could be seated. Just as you were about to joke with Sam was when you saw her. You froze. How did she know you were here? Had she been following you? No no no. This couldn't be happening…
Sam immediately felt you tense. He looked down at you puzzled, when he saw the look in your eyes. Terror and fear. Was there a monster in here? Or…was the person that caused you so much trauma here?
"Y/N?" He felt you tremble against him when you spoke his name but your eyes remained locked on whatever was the cause of your current state. "It's okay baby I've got you. I'm right here. You're safe." Speaking softly to you, he gently wrapped his arms around your back hugging you to him. Your entire body was quaking underneath him. He needed to get you out of here; now.
"Hey love birds, come on table's re-" Dean stopped sentence when he saw you both. His hunter instincts kicked in immediately. He followed your locked gaze to see a woman staring back at you. Dean walked back over to the two of you while looking at Sam.
"I don't know, I just want to get her back to the car." Dean nodded as they all got back in the Impala, this time Sam with you in the backseat.
You knew the boys were talking about you, about wherever had just happened and what to do next but it sounded like they were underwater. Your chest felt like it was being crushed by an anvil and your vision was really fuzzy…
"Y/N!" You tried to focus as you looked up at Sam. He was talking to you, or at least you thought he was because you could see his lips moving. You squinted trying to read his lips, "Breathe. I need you to breathe baby." Oh. You were having a panic attack. You put your head against his chest as you tried to breathe in sync with him. After what felt like hours you began to crash from your adrenaline rush wearing off.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry Sammy. I don't- I don't know how she found me. My fault…it's my fault." You mumbled, eyes closing before you could hear Sam ask what you were talking about.
Sam had just gotten you into the motel room that Dean had found just two minutes down the road. You had been in a full panic in the car, having one of the worst panic attacks he had seen you have in a long time. When Sam noticed you were about to pass out was when Dean made the decision to drive to the motel. Just as Sam tucked you in was when Dean walked in.
"She okay?" Shaking his head as he recklessly ran his fingers through his hair, Sam began to pace.
"I don't know. I've never seen her react like that Dean, never. And she, she was apologizing about someone finding her?" Dean walked over and led Sam back to the bed.
"We'll figure this out, okay? She's gonna be okay Sammy." Sam nodded, laying down next to you and hoping Dean was right.
After a couple hours you woke up with a start, sitting straight up.
"Whoa, whoa! It's just me Y/N! It's Sammy." When you heard Sam's voice you immediately leaned into him for comfort as you took in your surroundings. "We're at a motel." You nodded, relaxing a bit. Dean was sitting on the bed watching a western, after twenty minutes went by when you finally spoke.
"My mom. My mom was who…who I saw in the diner." You admitted quietly, playing with your fingers you were more starting down at. Dean raised an eyebrow.
"Your mom was who scared you?" You nodded, still staring at your fingers. Sam gently rubbed circles on your back as he softly whispered, "It's okay. You're safe. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." A few minutes of silence went by when you gathered up the courage to speak.
"When I met Sam in the library, I was doing research about demons. Not because I was a hunter but because I thought, well…kind of…God this sounds awful." A bitter laugh left your lips as you shook your head, tears steadily fell down your cheeks. "I had run into hunters before, heard my share of stories about demons and so I was hoping there was something I missed, something that I didn't test on her right because there was no way she wasn't a demon. I mean who could just treat their child so, so awful unless they were a demon?"
Shit. Sam and Dean had both had it all wrong. You weren't running from an abusive boyfriend. You were running from your abusive mom. Sam pulled you into his chest holding you tightly against him as he tried to calm you.
"I'm so sorry Y/N. I'm so sorry." He whispered.
Dean just shook his head in disgust.
"I've said it once and I'll say it again: demons, hell even monsters I get! But people," He shook his head as he laughed bitterly. "People are crazy."
An hour went by before everyone seemed to settle when you sat up and began to speak.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys from the beginning about what was going on…"
"Hey, there is nothing to apologize for. You didn't have to tell us anything." Shushing you, Sam pulled you back into his lap, gently placing your hair behind your ear.
"Sam's right. Look, whatever happened is in the past. You've got us now." You looked from Dean to Sam confused.
"You mean…you want me to stay?" Sam looked at you befuddled before his face softened.
"Of course, but only if you want to." A smile slowly grew on your face.
"Yes. I most definitely want to." You wrapped your arms around him. Like Bobby had always said, "Family don't end in blood." And these boys, they were your family.
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princessisfinethx · 1 year
Recom Miles Quaritch x FemReader Pt.2
Jeez Louise Papa Cheese, you guys really liked that first one huh? Here's a part two, hope ya'll enjoy!
By the way did you know red twizzlers(cherry and strawberry) don't have licorice but are still considered a licorice type candy?
No warnings apply
A03 Account<3
As soon as you walked into the viewing room, Miles had eyes on you. Only for a second. He was looking away before you could notice, getting the rest of the heart monitor sleeves on his arms. One of the other recom soldiers, Lyle, smirked his way and Miles didn't say anything, not needing to. Lyle chuckled and looked down to finish what he was working on. You took a seat at the table along with two others, looking through the two way glass.  
The door opened and two new faces appeared in the viewing room. They seemed like higher ups more involved in the military side of things. The female gave you a short nod, which you gave a quick tight smile back. The male simply sat down and examined the screen. Once in a while these higher ups would sit in and make sure the reanimated bodies were still working fine. The thought made your nose scrunch up. Of course they still worked. You sigh and pull out the sheet you needed, having the usual checklist for Colonel Quaritch's charts as well as his background papers. There was a concerned frown that stained your lips after reading his papers. You read what he had done, what he was capable of, and only heard whispers of what he was going to do. Or, what he was willing to do.
His training began, a scientist in the room was asking him to do such and such. He ran a treadmill, lifted weighted items for x amount of seconds, and stretched certain limbs to certain points. He never faltered. His tests were all the same as the ones before him. The training and tests only lasted an hour and a half. You eyed as the higher ups in the room quietly left, not saying a word. Usually this was a good sign. They never really showed negative signs before leaving. You wouldn't know what to expect. The two other scientists in the room were making their way out and one of them, Alex, stopped and smiled at you. "Another successful transfer."
Alex was a scientist in the lower levels, learning about the environment of exomoon Pandora. They were above training level and they were great at holding a conversation. Most in the area of study were not.
You half smiled. "As always. Now they just need to keep alive out there in the jungles." You chuckled and Alex smiled uncomfortably. You were shuffling the papers away, still uneasy about the information held within them. "I'm sure they'll be fine though. They always are..." Your words came to a slow halt when you turned your head. Quaritch was leaning against the viewing glass and smiling at you. A towel was thrown over his shoulder but he didn't seem out of breath. He knocked on the glass and said something, making you sigh because the intercom wasn't on. You walk to the desk and press the button. "Colonel, the button to your left."
He turned his head, then walked to the wall and pressed the button, looking back at you and speaking. "So about that candy bar."
You shake your head and press the button once he lets go. "We still have some paperwork to finish up. Meet me at my office in the next,” You lift your wrist up to spot your watch. “20 minutes. And if you can keep your trap shut and we get along, then maybe you can pick out the mystery box.”
"Understood Doctor." He grinned and turned around to walk out of the room. When you turned around, Alex had raised an eyebrow at you from behind their thick glasses. 
"What?" You got your papers together and waited for them to speak.
"Are you giving them candy? Like actual sugared candies?" They started to chuckle, covering their mouth with some papers. "Like uh, a real doctor’s office would?"
"Look, it keeps most of them behaving when they're in my office, you'd be surprised at how childish soldiers really are and it's not that strange." You walk to the door with a giggling scientist behind you. "And, it helps with building better friendships. It is not that weird." You hold the door open for them to exit into the hallway. They hummed and turned to you. 
"Yeah? I don't know if I could, you know, work with the recoms. I know they're just people in Na'vi form but it's intimidating don't you think? Not that you aren't capable of handling that, I think you're the most capable of these sorts of things..." They paused and gave you a small wave. "I'll see you at the meeting in a few days." With that, Alex turned and left. You gave a short wave back. You remembered they like coffee as well, so you had to remember to bring a cup for them at the next meeting. 
Once you were back at your office, you set the papers down and unlocked a drawer beneath you. From inside, you took out an old, old telegraph machine and quickly hooked it up. After finding the correct channels and setting the machine down beneath the desk you began to send a message:
There was a knock at the door, causing you to jump and quickly typing “Z”. This lets the receiver know that you were interrupted.  You disconnect the wires quickly but let the machine sit under the desk. “Come in!” You flinched at how loud you shouted, knowing anyone could hear clearly through the door. 
A year ago, upon arrival on this planet you knew a few men and women who had already been living here. What they were doing to help keep this planet alive and healthy, in your eyes, was the only right thing that came out of this operation. Getting into contact with them was tricky but you all managed. You were never able to see them due to the risk of getting caught. What was conflicting was hiding beneath a desk and secretly sending out rations when they were out there, fighting for their lives against the wilderness and against you. Technically, you and the rest of the humans here. You had almost stopped responding to their call after security became harsh and even some interrogations were conducted. However after hearing they had children with them… You couldn’t let them suffer. For months now, late in the night you would send out a service bot with coded locations to them. Inside the bot would be medicals, batteries, drinks and food. You knew they had food of their own but for just in case. 
There were a few times you were sure that you’d been caught. All false alarms of course. The door to your office opened and the familiar blue body ducks inside. You try to relax your shoulders and give your best smile. Miles had looked you up and down, his jaw moving as something processed in his thoughts. “Don’t give me that smile.” He pulls the chair out and sits down across from you at the desk. “That fake one you give everyone.” At this, your face dropped into annoyance. 
“Fine, I won’t.” You respond while getting out the rest of the paperwork. You just knew. You knew he could find out. If anyone in this whole operation could find out you were helping the enemy, it was him. Sure, anyone could see through your ‘I love my job!’ facade and the awkward smiles you give but something about how he studied you and spoke to you sounded some alarms in your body. He was toying with you, but you aren’t as imbecilic as he may think. 
He leaned forward so his elbows rested on his knees. “It just seems like you’re hiding something with that smile.”
Your eyes flickered up but you played it off, giving a scoff from your nose and taking out one of your favorite pens. “If you’re talking about the mystery box, I do keep it locked up for good reason.” You raise your eyes up towards him, your best poker face on. Quaritch on the other hand was giving you a hard stare, one you didn’t back out of. You could see his ear twitch and it dawned on you that he was listening to your heartbeat. One of the upgrades you designed the soldiers to have. 
He was listening to you lying.
You wanted to laugh. You wanted to chuckle at this predicament you found yourself in. If this is how fate would play out then you would play. Carefully, and coordinated. You broke eye contact first, looking down at his lips and back to his eyes, glancing at his chest then looking at the papers. Simple and sweet. When you cleared your throat, you could see in your peripheral vision he sat up and turned his head. “So the next half of these papers are about the same as the questions I asked before. Most are going to be about your training from today. Yes or no questions, or unsure. Ready?” When you looked up at him again, he was sitting back with his arms folded, tail swishing. He didn’t look you in the eyes this time when he nodded. 
Your questions were the same, he answered the same, without any muscle spasms this time. They seemed to go by fast, something you were hoping for without complaint or remark. Once that was done you stood up and walked to the closet behind him. He turned his head to watch but didn’t say anything. You unlocked it, pulled out a shoe box and walked back over to the desk to set it down. A smile formed on his lips and he eyed you, seeming to forget about a few minutes ago. You cross your arms and lean against the desk with your hip. He scoffed. “This is what all that excitement was about? This little shoe box?” He slowly opened it, half expecting it to be filled with snakes or something to pop out and succion to his face. But as promised by the others, it was filled with plastic wrapped candies. Some chocolates, some hard candies, even a few familiar red liquorice ropes. The Colonel let the lid close and looked back at you. 
You sigh and reach up to rub the back of your neck. “Our first meeting ended off rough. I blame both parties for that-” He scoffs. “ -But I am a doctor, and I’m supposed to be professional and helpful. You apologized and I did not, so Colonel Quaritch. I apologize for my behavior yesterday and I hope that you’ll understand my reasoning for such. I’m hoping we can put it behind us and start fresh.” You straightened up and held out your hand. Miles eyed it and you could see him thinking. He looked at you again and took your hand. You both shook and dropped your hands away. 
“Thank you, doctor.” He smiled, then leaned over to the box and dug around. “Now which one should I pick?”
“Oh I already know which one you’ll pick.” You casually shrug, walking behind your desk with a conceited smile. You look at him as he raises an eyebrow at you. His hand was in the box and you pointed at it. “Without seeing it on this side, you’ve got the red twizzlers packet in your hand right now.”
That grin grows on his face and he slowly pulls his hand out, proving you correct with the small red packet between his fingers. You let out a brief laugh and sit back down in your chair. His ears flick and he shakes his head. “If I may ask, how did you guess that?” He closed the box and sat back in his chair. 
“1, it's one of the first things the recombinant soldiers go for. I tally most of the picks.. And 2, you’re mentally 51 and older gentlemen love licorice.”  At your second reasoning, he let out a good laugh. 
“Older gentlemen huh? 51 ain’t that old..” the last part he mumbled. Finally he got up and walked to the door but stopped before leaving. “Thank you again doctor. Oh and I liked that smile you gave me a second ago. A real genuine one.” He smiled towards you again before finally leaving your office. 
And for some strange reason, you felt your heart skip.
 Miles didn’t need a diploma to know that something was up. He knew that, obviously. At first he thought you just hated your job and that was that. But now he was growing a new suspicion. He didn’t want to jump to conclusions just yet, but for now he’d have to keep a close eye on you. He looked down at the red licorice in his hand. The image of you leaning against your desk on your hip, the glance you took at his lips. And then that laugh. That laugh that made his cheeks heat up. You had to be doing this on purpose, right?
He’d have to keep a very close eye on you. 
Once back at his room, he found a note on his desk to be in the conference room in an hour to discuss plans involving the Na’vi still hiding. He couldn’t remember much from his death, but he could remember who was there; Jake Sully. He knew that he had something to do with his death, and he knew that Jake was alive.Hopefully this next meeting will help clear things up. 
He set down the note and picked up the candy again. He unwrapped it and tore a piece off to eat it. His tail began to sway at what you had said earlier and he scoffed. Not that old, it’s just a good piece of candy, he thought to himself as he ate the rest.
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darkenamour · 4 months
Warnings: NonCon, Kidnapping, Rope Bondage
Summary: After a blind date gone wrong, you find yourself with an opportunity to break an eight year dry spell. Only catch is that you don't remember who they are, or if they even want to sleep with you. Too bad for them, because you want to end that day spell no matter the cost.
You were up bored and drunk one night while trying to get home. When you passed an alley you saw a girl sleeping on a pile of newspapers. You don't remember much after that. When you woke up in the morning, you had a pounding headache. It was the beginning of the weekend so you decided to sleep it off your hangover, until you heard something shuffling in your room. Sitting up on your bed, you look around your messy room, then you see her. The girl in the alley.
She was filthy, had matted hair, looked to be a teenager, and was completely tied up in thick rope. She looked at you with wide eyes and tried to scoot away, but her arms and legs were tightly bound. Her muffled screams came from her taped mouth, as tears ran down her face. You tried to remember what exactly happened last night.
Yesterday you were set up on a blind date by your friend. They told you to try to get your dick wet, since the last time you had any action was at least eight years ago. The date started off great until they heard about your job. Apparently your friend lied to them and said you were a serious office worker. She left you with a large bill and blue balls. The bar across the street looked inviting, so you stayed to drink until the bartender cut you off. After that, it was all a blur.
Muffled crying caught your attention again. Why did you bring a possibly underage girl, a homeless girl, into your house to tie up? You got up from bed to free her, until you noticed the pattern of the knots. It looked exactly like the knots in a bdsm magazine you had. Sure enough, that same magazine was laying next to the girl. It was a knot that would immobilize the person, trapping them in place. What was drunk you thinking about that made it seem like a good idea to tie up a girl?
You got closer and noticed that the girl was completely naked. She was so caked with grime that it looked like she was wearing clothes. Your cock twitched, there was a naked girl, tied up, and in your room. Now you know what drunk you were thinking about. Here was a homeless girl, someone no one would probably look for if she went missing, that you could take advantage of. Sober you really wanted to let her go, but your cock needed to sink into something soon. Your phone rang.
Answering the phone had your friend's voice greet you. “Hey, man, I got those results you asked for.” Your friend was a doctor at the local hospital, so you took advantage of his degree. This time though, you don't remember asking him for anything recently. 
Your friend laughed. “I knew you were fuck faced last night, but forgetting that you had me testing potential pussy? You must have been fucked!” You gave a weak chuckle back. “Anyways to recap, you had me test the stoned homeless chick, which like you must have been desperate.” He stresses. “So her results came back all negative. Meaning that pussy, even if the outside is dirty, is squeaky clean. Though personal I would still wear a condom, bro. Anyway, if you still have the stoner, homeless girl, have fun.” You thanked him and hung up.
So now you know that originally this was consensual, but something happened along the way. You decided to rip the tape off her mouth. She cried as it came off.
“Please, I sucked you off already. Let me go.” She begged. “I don't want the money any more, let me go.” 
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killed-by-choice · 1 year
Angela Belinda Scott and Delores Jean Smith, 19 and 15 (USA 1979)
Normally I would do a separate profile for each of these girls, but the cases of 19-year-old Angela and 15-year-old Delores are tightly connected. The same abortion facility lethally injured two teenagers in less than an hour, killing them both.
The date was June 2, 1979. Angela and Delores were taken to Atlanta Women's Pavillion, a member of the National Abortion Federation. The co-owners of the facility were Jacob Adams, Otis Hammonds and Olly C. Duckett.
The first to go under the knife was Angela. Adams carried out the abortion while Angela was under general anesthesia. She was sent to the recovery room and Delores was brought in for her abortion. Nurse Teresa Stearns administered anesthesia to 15-year-old Delores even though she was not certified or trained to do that.
While she was in the recovery room, Angela went into cardio-respiratory arrest. Stearns ran to check on Angela, leaving Delores unconscious and unsupervised with an IV anesthesia drip still running.
Angela had no heartbeat and was not breathing, but the facility didn’t report the problem as an emergency, leading to a 15-minute delay in the arrival of the ambulance.
Angela was resuscitated and loaded into the ambulance, but at this point Delores was also in cardio-respiratory arrest. She had been left alone the entire time with the anesthesia drip still going. Now she was dying from a lethal overdose while abortionist Jacob Adams rode in the ambulance to the hospital where Angela would spend her last few days of life in a coma.
The ambulance could have taken both teenagers to the hospital immediately, but the facility refused to release 15-year-old Delores until Adams came back from the hospital, which meant it took an extra half an hour before the dying girl was taken by an ambulance.
Both teenagers spent the rest of their lives in comas. 19-year-old Angela died on June 9 at the hospital. Her mother sued the facility, the three owners and the nurse for $12.3 million, calling Atlanta's 10 or so outpatient abortion clinics "unregulated assembly-line abortion mills." (She or her lawyer may have been the one to coin the term “abortion mill”, but this is not confirmed.) At the time, the only regulation for Georgia abortion facilities was a requirement that they had to be overseen by a licensed physician. They really were almost entirely unregulated.
As for Delores, she was comatose in the ICU until she was transferred to a nursing home where she died that October. Her mother also sued the facility for $12.3 million when she found out that the pregnancy test done by the facility was actually negative. Not only was Delores dead, but she had been scheduled and charged for an abortion even though she was not pregnant to begin with.
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ellie-e-marcovitz · 2 years
White Wedding... Of Chaos
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Part 2 @lifeofkaze
A/N: I generally love Molly Weasley. I also think she has some ...issues regarding her want to control her kids’ lives.
early February 2000
Ellie’s pov
Apparently, on top of loving and motherly, Mrs Weasley was also the suspicious type. That, or she was just really ready for grandkids, never mind most of her kids weren’t thinking that far ahead. That was the only reason I could think of when she confronted me about the (negative!) pregnancy test several weeks before.
We were barely two years out of a several year war, and I was just finishing up schooling that I had delayed during most of it. Charlie had been in Romania since the day after New Year’s, which meant he had largely avoided his mother’s wrath, if she hadn’t already sent him a Howler before confronting me.
It had taken …more than a little explaining to Molly Weasley, both what a muggle pregnancy test was, and why I had been taking it. Which had been more than a little exhausting. Both physically, and emotionally, and it left me with an appreciation for Fred and George and what it must’ve been like to survive the hurricane that was their mum.
But clearly, she didn’t fully believe me, which hurt quite a bit. And which led to this point.
For a Weasley wedding, it was actually put together quite quickly, though I suspected some emotional blackmail had been used. Both mum and dad were coming, and had plenty of questions as to why.
Jacob and Olivia were also invited, and they were set to arrive the day before. Mum and dad had set up a tent at the edge of the orchard, as they didn’t feel entirely comfortable taking a room at the Burrow, especially as the other Weasley children were coming home as well.
Charlie was one of the first to arrive back in England, hackles up over whatever Mrs Weasley had sent him. None of it was helped by Mrs Weasley trying to keep us apart since he arrived as well.
It honestly wasn’t the best time for a wedding, in my opinion. I preferred July over mid-February, too much snow and frost, but also allowing for more relatives and friends to come as well.
So I waited until the day of to set my newly forming plan into action.
15 February 2000
I had managed to talk Ginny, my mum, and most importantly, Charlie, into helping me with this. Jacob and Olivia had arrived the day before, pitching their own tent a little further into the orchard for some privacy. I also managed to persuade them as well.
On top of all this, and I’m really not sure how they managed this, Olivia was going to be meeting the family officially as Jacob’s girlfriend/wife (?). She’d met the twins, not long after the war, and they loved her. But, for whatever reason, mum and dad still though she was just a really good friend of Jacob’s.
Now that everyone was here, though, mum might’ve caught on that there was more going on, helped on by my plan for today. Which was slowly coming together.
Mum, Olivia, Ginny, Audrey, and I took over Ginny and Hermione’s room to get ready, and I shared the plan. Olivia would take my place, with Jacob taking Charlie’s. No one would know exactly what was going down until it did.
Luckily, me and Olivia were roughly the same height, roughly the same colouring, and a quick colour change charm took care of difference in accenting colours. Jacob would be standing up for Charlie until the time came for the switch.
I had even managed to rope Fred, George and Ron into helping collect the invitations from the guests, and making sure to mark whose was who’s. Bill was helping keep his mother from blowing it, helped by Fleur, Alicia, and Angelica, who I briefly remembered.
Mr Weasley, Percy, Harry, and Hermione were mainly helping as well, by being out of the loop. I figured my dad knew something about it, considering mum, but not everything. I needed to keep it that way.
All in all, I thought it ran pretty smoothly, considering I flexed my rarely used cunning. I suspected Mrs Weasley had fainted when we deployed our switch, the gasps from the majority of the assembled guests startling her even more.
I almost fell, the perils of both skirts and injuries, though Charlie managed to dramatically sweep me off my feet in front of the assembled group, somehow managing to hold me through the entire rest of the ceremony.
After getting over their shock, the assembled group cheered as they kissed, before we moved the chairs into the reception layout. Tables were pulled/conjured, complete with tablecloths, and the party kicked off.
I thought Murphy would be proud of the chess moves metaphorically played, considering I still sucked at chess itself.
The reception was a happier form of chaos. Someone, and I wasn’t sure who but I also had my suspicions, had nabbed the couple cake topper depicting me and Charlie and traded it for a pair of nattily dressed phoenixes. But they had also cheekily stuck mine and Charlie’s topper about halfway down the cake, much to everyone’s horror and hilarity.
There had to be pictures of it sitting on someone’s camera.
I also suspected that the phoenixes were left over from the last Weasley wedding, which was either the twins’ double wedding or Percy and Audrey’s unconventional nuptials. The number of weddings that had occurred over the last year and a half was staggering.
And while the band wasn’t the Weird Sisters, more of a cobbled together affair of Weasley cousins, they weren’t half-bad. Their repertoire a little limited, but they were eager.
Jacob and Olivia allowed us to share their first dance, a rendition of the Blue Danube, bouncing light hearted jokes off each other during the dance.
I did keep an eye on Mrs. Weasley throughout the reception, nervous about how she would react face to face. I hadn’t needed to worry, apparently.
We both apologised, as the reception wrapped up, recognising that we’d both screwed up to get to this point.
But I also managed to surprise her. Having done this, it felt almost like a test run, finding out what I liked and didn’t like, and in some ways, and compiling at least part of the guest list in the process.
It also helped Jacob and Olivia to tie the knot officially, which no doubt pleased our parents and hers, who had been wondering why they’d been invited to the  wedding which, until the switch, didn’t concern them. There had been some good natured ribbing from Jacob and Olivia, moreso from Jacob, about it as well.
There was some heartfelt affection in there as well, just buried, under several layers of sass and sarcasm. Olivia was much more straight forward, but no less heartfelt.
What a hell of a way to meet the in laws, though.
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altruisticenigma · 6 months
I am now legally
That Bitch™️
Just kidding,
Today I legally changed my name to Miyerkules; Myr for short 🇵🇭❤️
❤️‍🔥12/15/23 ❤️‍🔥
I already have my court order document and sped ran through SSA updates. Now I’m just waiting on my card in the mail 💞
Name ramblings and queer pride below this cut:
I chose the name Miyérkules for several reasons:
1) I never knew what name I wanted to change to, just that I desperately wanted to get rid of my birth name. Every time someone called me by my birth name I internally cringed. I was picky and never found anything I liked. Last March after returning from the Philippines, I figured out I wanted a Filipino name to honor my culture. “Miyérkules” means Wednesday in Tagalog which is the day I was born. It also is as far removed from any Christian or Spanish influence as possible, save from the fact the word is the same in Spanish just spelled differently lol.
2) Wednesday is the middle of the week. Kind of a crossroads. Hekate is my patron Goddess; in a way this is a nod to her.
3) I was surprised to find the word Wednesday originated from “Woden’s Day,” or Odin’s Day. I also worship Odin casually, and my last name is Norwegian in origin. My name was somehow a crossroads of both my Filipino and Nordic heritage now without me even intending.
4) Since it’s a day of the week, it’s also as gender neutral/ambiguous as it can get. Being non-binary it’s nice to not have a name that leans either way, or any way at all.
Miyerkules may be a mouthful and a half to say (I tell everyone this when I introduce myself with my new name lol), but it’s very significant and has a lot of thought put into it. 💕 I just tell people to call me Myr but some select special few call me my full first name which I adore and prefer.
Changing my name came with a lot of fear, doubt, and second guessing. Half of my family is Christian, the other half is Filipino- I was and still am worried to get criticism and judgement from both. The name I chose is definitely not common nor is it an easy name to pronounce. I’ve been afraid to draw attention to myself in a negative way.
But a couple of things pushed me forward with courage. First, testing my name with close people was a way to ease into it. My partner and friends of course had no problem.
My workplace is safe enough so I began to “transition” there later on- I changed my screen name in some systems and told people my new name. I was very surprised to find out that no one questioned my name change; they just took to it and only asked how to pronounce my name. Some even reached out to find ways to make me more comfortable.
I was even more surprised to find that when I started introducing myself to customers as my new name (nickname), they never made comments or questioned it either. I even had one customer who asked me what my full first name was which delighted me.
Changing my name has been miraculously easier than I thought, and blessed with more support than I thought possible. I have PTSD and struggle a lot with assuming the worst. I had a lot of hypervigilance going into this. Instead I’ve been more than reassured that in my everyday life I’m going to be okay. ❤️‍🩹
I still have to tell my extended family that I’ve legally changed my name, which is scary, but not so much now that I know I have support behind me to go back to. My parents already know (they’re one of the first I told and the people whose judgement I feared the most), and their reaction was completely tame. I’m ready to live my life the way I want to.
And that’s just what this is mostly about isn’t it? More than anything, I’ve realized this is my life and I get to live it the way I want to. I’ve lived for so long accommodating other people’s comfort levels and living in their comfort zones. I’ve made moves that restricted me but kept me safe. I want to live my life authentically, and I can’t keep waiting around for either a fear that isn’t there or for people to tolerate or accept me. I deserve to take up space and exist alongside other people, even if that inconveniences them.
Someone I loved died before they could live their life the way they wanted. The way I now live doesn’t just mean I honor myself, I honor their memory because I know that’s what they’d want for me. ❤️
Being queer isn’t just about finding your niche and existing in opposition- it’s existing DESPITE opposition. It’s powerful and so much more. I’ve learned a lot about myself this year; while the fear is still there, so is the determination and pride.
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fluffy-critter · 11 months
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fangirlshrieks · 3 years
a/n: Feeling dominant and breedable. Yes this is a lot self indulgent. I don't need to explain myself. 😌
Word count: 4,047
Parings: Neville Longbottom x wife!reader
Warnings: dom!reader, sub!Neville, softdom!, mommy! kink , chastity cage 🔐, collar kink, leash kink, breeding kink, ice, pregnancy 
Summary: Y/N and Neville have been married for a few years and are now ready to expand their family. They begin to try for a baby. Neville thinks they are going to try the old fashion way and leave their usual sub and dom dynamic out of the equation. Boy was he wrong!
You and Neville had decided it was time to finally add a new member of the family a few weeks ago. You couldn't be more happy about your decision to start a little family of your own. When you and Neville had decided to become pregnant you had figured it would be a good time to bring in something new to the bedroom to help your chances at becoming pregnant.
A chastity cage. 
The cage was just a precaution of course. It would prevent him from masturbating, which was known to lower speed count. And you were going to need all the sperm you could get out of Neville. Not a single drop was to go to waste.
Yes, Neville was your very good boy and would never touch himself without your permission but the excitement that ran through your veins at the thought of locking up what was yours was all the more reason to go through with it. 
You and Neville had been trying for a baby for the past week as you were ovulating that week. When the week was up you checked multiple pregnancy tests, which all came back negative. You and Neville knew it could take months to get pregnant but the disappointment still hurt. But there was always a chance the next time round. 
The next day after you had taken your pregnancy test you went out to buy a chastity cage for Neville. You wanted to be absolutely sure that he didn't touch himself for the next few weeks until you were ovulating. You bought a steel cage for his size. It was perfect. 
You wrapped it up in a present box for Neville when he got home from work. As an auror he worked long hours and would come home very late sometimes. But today he arrived home about the same time you came home from work. 
"Hello Darling." You kissed him on the cheek as he came in the front door. "How was work?"
"Stressful as always." He kissed the top of your head. "How about you?" 
"Writing papers as always." You gestured to the pile of interviews and articles on your desk waiting to be revised and published. 
The two of you headed to the kitchen where you had his favorite meal prepared. The table was already set up and you had even lit a few candles to set the mood. You were definitely trying to butter him up to the idea you were about to propose. 
"What's all this for?" He asked bemused. 
"We're trying to make a baby remember?" You said, giving a little wink in his direction.
He laughed at your response. "I appreciate what you've done but you honestly didn't have to do all this for me. You're the one who's going to be the mother of my child. I should be the one doing all this."
"Yes but I just want to spoil my good boy while I still can. You know… before our lives are changed forever." You walked up to him and wrapped your arms around his middle and reached up to kiss his lips. He returned your kiss with a smile on his face. 
"Changed in a good way though." He confirmed.
"Of course in a good way." You smiled back at him. "Now let's eat." 
Over dinner the two of you talked about your day. Neville mostly talked about this case that he had been working on for about a month. You talked about how you had met with one of the wizarding world's most famous musicians for an interview that day. Neville was more interested in what you had to say than his work as his job made him stressed. 
By the end of the night you had summoned the gift on the table and placed it in front of him. 
"What's this for?" He chuckled. He was sure you were trying to seduce him for another night of fun.
"Want to find out?" You said playfully. "Open it."
You watched as he untied the ribbon that neatly tied into a bow at the top of the box. His smile never left his face as he opened the top of the box. In the box was the gift wrapped in colored tissue paper. He quickly unfolded the tissue paper to reveal the chastity cage. 
At first he had no idea what he was looking at and even turned the box at different angles to try and make out what it was. Then his eyes went wide and you knew he had figured out what it was. 
"Oh my god." He swallowed hard and unbuttoned the top of his collared shirt for some air. You had mentioned previously about wanting to use a chastity cage and he had admitted to liking the idea but he never imagined you would go through with it, let alone right now when you two were trying to get pregnant. 
You loved the effect you had on him even after all these years. His face hadn't become so red in a very long time. You missed the shade on him. 
"I thought you were trying to get me to sleep with you tonight." He admitted. "And why now? I thought we were trying for a baby." 
"We are trying for a baby but only when I'm ovulating "you reassured him. "This is just so you won't masturbate. You have to keep your sperm count up. And this… " you said, reaching to grab the cage from the box and displaying it in your hand. "This guarantees me that you won't be able to cum." 
"I…" he was at a loss of words. 
"Come on, let's get ready for bed and get you cleaned before I lock you up." You said getting up and heading towards your bathroom. 
That surprised Neville. "Wait, you want to start now!? As in right this second?" He quickly followed you. 
"Yes" You said, taking your clothes off and hopping in the shower. "Take your clothes off and join me.
Neville reluctantly joined you in the shower but was all more focused on not being able to cum for who knows how long. 
"How long do I have to keep it on?" 
You thought about it for a while and then decided. "Until the next time I ovulate, which is about a month away." You spoke casually. 
"Neville it's not that long." You smirked at him.
"A month without sex. How does that make any sense? We're trying to have a kid." 
"Well I'm more likely to get pregnant when I'm ovulating. And who said we can't have sex?" You cocked an eyebrow at him.
"Oh I just thought. Well you said I have to keep it on for a month." He stated a little confused. 
"You do. We can still have sex other ways." You smiled mischievously. 
Neville knew this was going to be a very long month. But he also knew that there was no getting out of this. To make matters worse, your casual way of talking about him being locked up in a cage turned him on. He had no way of releasing himself before you put him away for the next month. 
After the shower you had Neville lay on the bed. This made his erection worse as he waited for you. You had gone down to the kitchen to get something. He pondered on whether or not he could jerk off as fast as he could to get one final release before you came back. But before he could even get the courage to move his hand towards himself you returned with a bowl of ice. You sat next to him on the bed near his crotch. 
"You won't fit in your cage if you're already hard." You said.
His heart was racing at your words. Then you grabbed an ice cube from the bowl and started to rub the ice cube on his dick. He made a hissing noise as the cold came in contact with his hardened dick. After a few ice cubes he was now soft and numb. He was whining now and a few tears fell from his eyes. 
"Mommy… " he cried. "Please don't lock me away." He gave you the biggest puppy eyes he could muster.
You rubbed his stomach all the way to his thigh to sooth him. "Shh… It will only be for a little while." 
He nodded and watched as you slipped the chastity cage on him. It was a bit snug and cold to the touch. He watched as you locked it with a gold padlock. You casted a spell so that only the key that you wore around your neck in a chain necklace could open it. No "alohomora" could save him now.
"There" you said, giving his balls a little pat. Now you can't touch what's mine." He twitched at your words. 
Feeling was returning to his nether regions. He was still horny from before but couldn't get hard. The pain from not being able to get hard or even relieve himself was bearable but annoying.
But your words had aroused him even more. He was your property. He belonged to you. You owned him. And what you owned you kept safely locked away. 
That night the two of you slept nude. Well, you slept peacefully. Neville hardly got any sleep. You would tease him with your body and he couldn't do anything about it but whine. You gave him a firm warning when his whining became too loud for you to sleep and he was quiet the rest of the night. 
The first day at work Neville was a complete mess. He became embarrassed more easily and refused to look anyone directly in the eye. He felt like everyone knew his secret. Being an auror he could never let anyone know about his secret. That's why he made sure that no one was in the restroom stalls when he used it. He also made sure to lock the door so no one could walk in when he used the urinal. Yes, Neville had matured and became the confident Gryffindor he always was on the inside but you had him tightly wrapped around your finger. And he would do anything you asked of him. 
About 2 weeks in he became more used to the idea of chastity. At work he kept his composure as best he could but once he arrived home he was going mad. His balls were always swollen and he was always aroused. Just thinking about you all the time made him burn for you. 
You were spoiling him more often as he couldn't get any release (you made sure of that as he wasn't allowed to shower alone). You would cook him his favorite meals, draw him bubble baths, massage his back, let him be the little spoon, and as a special reward for being such a good boy you would let him eat you out. You'd even let him hump your leg like a puppy because you knew it wouldn't help his situation.
You noticed that Neville was more compliant these past few weeks and was obviously more sensitive. Just the lightest touch from you and he was leaking through the cage. Seeing him needy and begging turned you on more and he was always eager to lend a helping hand. 
When your period came Neville was more than happy. That meant that he would be free soon and would be allowed to fuck you. That week, Neville was needier than ever. He wanted to be around you more often and called you frequently at work just to talk about mundane things. It was honestly really sweet. He had been such a good boy for the past month that you thought he deserved a reward. 
The day had finally come for when Neville would be released from his chastity cage. You waited until he came home that day to tell him. You had worn the key to his cage around your neck to tease him. You had set a leather collar in front of his plate on the kitchen table and a matching leash in front of yours. 
When Neville arrived home he was welcomed with kisses all over his face. He was surprised to see the key hanging just above your breasts. Then a wave of excitement rushed over him. He picked you up and kissed you on the lips. 
"Today?" He asked, with a little desperation in his voice. 
You brought him down to kiss the top of his forehead. "Don't get too excited, we still have to make food and eat dinner."
"Forget dinner." He tried to persuade you. "Please… I need you." He hugged you tightly, then dropped to his knees. He hugged your legs with all his might so you wouldn't move. 
You loved how desperate he was for you. You decide to skip making dinner and go straight to dessert. 
"Since you've been such a good boy I guess we can skip dinner." You said brushing your fingers through his hair. He sighed with relief and at the feeling of being touched. "But we still have to go to the kitchen." You instructed him to stand by lifting his chin to look up at you. He quickly stood up and followed you into the kitchen. 
You took a seat in front of the leash and directed him to sit in front of the collar. As he sat down he could feel the pain in his balls from being blocked from having an erection. 
"I'll meet you in the bedroom in 10 minutes." You said looking him directly in the eye. "When I get there I want you in nothing but this collar around your neck and the chastity cage of course. You'll wait for me on your knees at the foot of the bed. Got it."
Neville swallowed hard at your words. "Yes mommy." He replied. 
"And a few more things." You smiled devilishly. 
His cock twitched in his pants. 
"I'm giving you permission to cum whenever you want. But you are only allowed to cum inside me. You still have to tell me when you're cumming but you have my permission to cum when you feel like it. Under no circumstances are you allowed to hold it in. Do you understand?"
He tightened his grip on his thighs and his breath got caught in his throat. You never let him cum without permission before and he was almost always edged. He was very excited. 
"I said, do you understand?" You raised a warning eyebrow at him.
"Yes! I do… I do mommy." He was so caught up in his thoughts he forgot to answer you. 
"That's my darling boy." You got and grabbed the leather leash and went to get ready. "I'll be waiting." 
As soon as you left upstairs to the bedroom, Neville practically tore his own clothes off of himself. He quickly threw his clothes into the hamper and washed up as much as he could. His hands were shaking as he tried putting on the collar. He cock twitched in his cage as it strained against the metal. 
He quickly ran upstairs to the bedroom and closed the door behind him. He got on his knees and waited for you to get out of the master bathroom. His heart was racing as he waited in anticipation. 
You walked out in a sheer bra and panties with the key hanging around your neck. Saliva was practically falling from the side of his mouth as he watched you sit on the edge of the bed with the leash in your hand. You clipped the leash to the collar and wrapped the end on the leash around your hand. 
"Your mine." You pulled the leash harshly towards you and hovered your lips above his. 
"I'm yours." Neville whispered back leaning closer to you. 
Then you grabbed a fist full of hair and pulled him into a wet kiss. He opened his mouth to allow you entrance and your tongue licked the top row of his teeth. He moved closer to you and touched your calves. He twitched in his cage and his tip began to leak as you scratched his nape with your nails. You moved his lips to your neck and he began to suck, kiss, and lick everywhere. He sucked lightly at your collar bone until a light hickey appeared. He wanted to take off your bra and panties but knew better than to act like he was in control. All that you were letting him get away with right now was touching your calf. 
He didn't have to wait long before you took off your bra. You pulled the leash so he was pulled off of you and you quickly unclipped your bra from the front.  
He whined at the sight. All he wanted was to touch you anyway you let him. 
"Suck" You command as you pulled on the leash. 
He brought his mouth to your tits and wrapped his lips around your nipple and closed his eyes in delight. He moaned as he sucked on your nipple and you continued to scratch the back of his head. 
"Mommy…" he moaned against your breast.
"What is it baby?" You cooed. 
"Mommy please" he rested his head against you. 
"Please what. Use your words." You gently grabbed his chin and lifted his face to yours. 
"Mommy it...it hurts. Please unlock me." He begged. 
"Since you asked so nicely." You cooed into his ear.
You took the necklace off and grabbed the key. He eagerly watched as you placed your attention on his locked cock. First you grabbed his balls and gave them a light squeeze. 
"Ahhh…" he moaned at the pain and a blush appeared on his cheeks. 
Then you fiddled with the padlock. You inserted the key into the lock and unlocked it. You took the padlock off and gently took the chastity cage off of him. 
A sigh of relief escaped his lips as you set the cage on the side of the bed. He rested his head on your chest as you caressed his cock. His chest was heaving as his dick became hard. You felt him grow in your hand, which made you wet with pleasure. 
"There, there." You whispered in his ear. "You're doing such a good job. I'm so proud of you. Such a good boy." You said kissing his ear lobe and sucking lightly. 
He mewled against you and squirmed under your touch. He wanted to be inside you already. 
"Good boys get rewards." Your tone was as seductive as possible. 
He twitched in your hand as you spoke. Then you let go of him, making him cry at the loss of contact. You stood up in front of him so that he faced your panties. 
"Take these off me." You instructed, gesturing to your panties. He gently pulled your underwear down to your ankles and you stepped out of them. He leaned in to kiss your front. 
"Ahhh…" you moaned at his sweet kiss. But you quickly pulled him away. 
"Get up." You ordered. 
He quickly got off his knees and stood on his feet. 
You pulled on the leash so he was mere inches away from you. "I want you to put a baby inside me."  
"Yes,  please…. Please let me." Neville begged. 
You pulled on the leash and kissed him harshly. Neville rested his hands on your hips and pulled you close to him. He started to rub up against you. 
You pulled back from the kiss and turned to get on the bed. Neville waited for instructions as you didn't pull on the leash for him to join you. He watched as you landed down on your stomach and lifted your ass up into the air with your knees. You kept your head up as you rested on your elbows. It was always a real treat when you let Neville hit it from behind. When you waited long enough for him to stare straight into your pussy you pulled on the leash hard and he fell onto the bed. He got up to adjust himself just above your vagina but didn't enter you. 
"Can I touch you, please?" He begged. 
"Yes" your breathing became more ragged.
As he placed his hands on your ass you moaned in delight. He massaged your ass gently and a shiver went down your spine.
"Fucking breed this pussy!" You said turning your head to face him. Your voice was commanding and urgent as you pulled on the leash.
Neville instantly started fucking you. His pace was irregular but desperate. He was like a bunny fucking it's mate, fast and wanting. You pulled on the leash so his body draped over you. His hands pushed your hips up more so he could get a better angle and be deeper inside you. 
"Mommy…" he cried into your ear. He kissed your shoulder as he fucked into you. 
"You're doing so good." You cooed. "So good." You moaned as he hit your g spot. 
"Mommy… I'm… I'm gonna cum" He said, shaking above you. 
"Already… well I did say you could cum whenever you needed to. Go ahead, it's alright baby." You reassured him. 
You felt the warmth of his seamen fill you as he continued fucking himself in you. Neville kissed across from your left shoulder to your right shoulder as he let all of his cum leak into you. You wiggled your ass and moaned at the feeling of him twitching inside you. 
You pulled the leash so he was pushed farther up into you. Then you turned your head back to look at him.
"I'm not done with you." You said pulling the leash until his face was close to yours and kissed him passionately. 
"Your gonna fuck me until I tell your to stop." You whispered against his lips. 
He shivered above you when you licked his lips. "Yes mommy."
"Now start fucking this pussy." You said through gritted teeth. "And don't forget to make me cum." 
He fucked deep into your pussy over and over. He was already so sensitive but continued his desperate pace. With his hand wrapped around your waist he reached his hand down between your thighs and circled your clit with his fingers teasingly. He sucked on your shoulder lightly until a light bruise formed. 
"Ahh… you're doing such a good job baby boy." you praise him. 
Neville played with your clit until your walls clenched around his throbbing cock and you came hard all over his cock. This sent Neville over the edge again and he came a second time. You had him fuck you until he had came 5 times and you then some before you stopped him and turned to lay on your back.
"Don't forget to clean your mess." You taunted him with your legs spread wide. 
He obediently lowered his head and used his tongue to lick away his own cum that gushed out of you. 
After he had cleaned his mess (and the mess you had just made on his face while cleaning you) he rested his head on your stomach and hugged you tightly. You combed your fingers through his hair as he whispered "thank yous" He curled up against you as much as possible and rubbed your belly like it was the most precious thing in the world. You took the time to take the collar off of him and gently massaged the areas where they had left small indents in his skin. 
"You're going to be a mommy." He whispered to your belly with eyelids half closed and a dopey grin on his face. 
You smiled down at him. "And you're going to be a daddy." 
He hugged you tighter around your waist. " Thank you." 
Of course you had no idea if you were pregnant or not then. You would have to wait to take the test and see. But even if you weren't pregnant this time there was always the next month and the next month and the next month. You and Neville were going to be busy for a while. 😉
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youlackconviction · 2 years
warning - the following nonsense might cause psychological injury or confusion as your brains struggle to reconcile this utter claptrap with what they already know to be canon fact about the thor/LOKI franchise:
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article source: https://screenrant.com/loki-thor-dark-world-death-survive-illusion-explained/
the article title is speculative clickbait, pure and simple. marvel has made no new statement about LOKI's survived deaths (not the same thing as a trick, by the way) in either original film to contradict what has already been established in canon AND confirmed in many press statements by directors, writers, kevin feige himself i believe and of course tom hiddleston himself as well, at the time the original films were screened.
this nonsense has no more substance than the prevailing fan theory when infinity war was released that LOKI wasn’t killed by thanos at all but escaped and hid himself from thor, which abounded at the time that installment was screening in cinemas. all kinds of claims tossed about that there was some flicker or shadow outside the statesman that "proved" LOKI had got away... no doubt fuelled by disappointment at the loss of his character AND rage at how stupidly and pointlessly he’d been killed off. *glaring at you, russo bros*.
that same fan theory was retroactively used in the LOKI series by classic LOKI, to explain how he survived facing thanos - but we know that he was a variant of the LOKI we saw die for his brother in IW, not the same person. that was richard grant’s LOKI. so it still changes nothing about tom hiddleston’s LOKI, who we’ve all been watching for the past eleven years. he actually did die, so it’s completely irrelevant.
marvel confirmed LOKI attempted suicide at the end of thor 2011, and, that instead of dying in the void he ended up in “some of the worst places of the universe”, and “the people he met were not kind”. tom hiddleston likened his probable experience to being kidnapped by a terrorist cell:
“I think he went, like with everything else, to a sort of... it was just like, the worst place imaginable. I think he went to all of the darkest recesses of the universe. I’m sure he had a brush with—several brushes with death. I think he ran into the shadiest characters you can find in the Nine Realms. I think he had to rely on his wits to protect himself. It was really, really, really unpleasant, I think. I don’t have any frame of reference for that, except for imagining what it might be like to be kidnapped by a terrorist or something and have to survive a very, very frightening and precarious existence. But whatever it was, it was important when Loki came back for The Avengers, that whatever compassion he had left was absolutely shriveled to a minimum because of the experience that he had. Harrowing, I think, and scarring for life—in a way that Thor and Odin and Frigga find very, very difficult to understand.”
src: Let's Talk Loki Popcorn Taxi Q&A With Tom Hiddleston (thanks to @nikkoliferous​ for researching this quote)
but sure screenrant, tell me again how LOKI did any of that on purpose? how he chose to fall into the clutches of the black order, that he intended all along not only to prolong an existence that had become emotionally intolerable for him but make it a thousand times more terrifying and painful?
the branches and roots of yggdrasil ONLY extend across the nine realms, like that’s the whole point of that piece of mythology. and LOKI telling thor in avengers that he'd been to worlds thor had never dreamed of indicates that they were far beyond asgard’s domains. remember the convergence, anyone? the whole plot of thor the dark world?
as for LOKI “faking” his death (honestly fuck off with that bullshit) in 2013, again, marvel confirmed the scene was filmed as a real final death, and because of test-audience negative responses to LOKI’s death, adjusted to a severe but survivable injury when the additional scenes were shot. an injury that not only fooled thor and jane but LOKI himself - and imagine how he must have felt when he woke up alone after suffering so much for his brother. there was no hint of it being an illusion or a disposable body double at the time.
the illusion came at the point that LOKI assumed the appearance of an einherjar and took the abandoned skiff back to asgard to report to odin, depose him and reclaim the throne - a much better alternative than being returned to the prison cell for 4,000 years. the same throne incidentally that LOKI offered to his brother at the end of that film, but was refused by him. “LOKI for all his grave imbalance understood rule as i never shall” were thor’s words as he walked away from his birthright and his responsibilities.
“Loki's death on Svartalfheim was written as a death, and I would say Chris and I played that scene for real. That was meant to be that he redeemed himself, he helped save his brother, he helped save Jane Foster but that he, in the process, sacrificed himself.“
src: tom hiddleston for Empire magazine
in actuality, the series script addresses none of this, and the article is reaching at best - and blatantly bullshitting at worst. screenrant is not a legitimate source of verified information, this is just one article-writer’s fan-theory and unfortunately for clarity’s sake, it’s completely wrong on so many levels.
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humansofnewyork · 3 years
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(4/11) “There was a two year stretch where we didn’t even see our mom. Of course it hurt. But we just kept on livin’. There was always something to look forward to: when’s the next Knicks game, when’s the draft, when’s free agency. For G it was when’s the next dinner. For me too, actually. If there’s three things I love in life, it’s: ‘Italian Food, The Knicks, and my little sister. G came with me everywhere. My barber told me she was the only girl who always came in for a cut. Every single time. It’d be a bunch of guys arguing about sports and hip hop, and there’s G. But nobody ever questioned it. That’s just how it was. I brought her to her first Knicks game when she was four. I can’t say it was love at first sight. G was more into the hotdogs than anything. But she loved watching me cheer. She loved seeing me happy. I wanted her to be a bball player so bad, I will say that. I’d get her into these camps. Got her some Jordans. Dope Nikes. She liked to pass. She’d pass me the ball. But she did not like to play. That’s the funniest thing about me and G, we had almost nothing in common. G was a grandmother. She knitted. She loved drag queens and Harry Potter. It was mainly hip hop for me, but G listened to 70’s and 80’s music. Her favorite was Cindi Lauper. We had none of the same interests. But it didn’t matter. We were peanut butter and jelly. Ant and G. G and Ant. No mom, no dad, but even with all this madness around us, we just kept livin’. One night when G was ten years old, I heard her throwing up in the bathroom. At first I wasn’t too concerned. Because we ate a ton of pizza and pasta, and I’m thinking it’s the pizza and pasta. But it just wouldn’t stop. For days and days she keeps throwing up. Eventually I brought her to the emergency room, and the doctors think it’s dehydration. Which made sense, because it’s summer. But it just kept happening. They ran all kinds of tests. Everything’s coming back negative: negative, negative, negative. Finally they’re like: ‘we need to test her brain.’ It made no sense to me. Because Dr. Anthony is still thinking it’s the pizza and pasta. But what the fuck do I know? So I’m like: ‘Sure, whatever, do the brain test.’”
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misscarolineshelby · 3 years
Roommates – Part Sixteen
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Fluff, Smut
Note: This plays in 2020. It’s all fiction and not based on Cillian’s real life and family.
A week had passed since you told Cillian that you loved him and, whilst you were strongly under the influence of pain medication, you remembered it.
You had, in fact, developed strong feelings for him and whilst the words left your lips accidentally when you were drowsy and half asleep, you were somewhat disappointed by the fact that he didn’t say anything.
Of course, he didn’t share the same feelings for you, you knew that much. You’ve been friends for so many years that you could hardly be surprised that he liked you as a friend and for sex, but nothing else. But, what you had expected was that he would say something, anything at all, even if it was simply confirming what you already knew.
You did tell your sister about it and, whilst you were surprised by the feelings you had so suddenly developed for your long-time friend, she wasn’t surprised at all.
She saw it coming as soon as she found out that you were sleeping with each other and she believed that you always had some sort of feelings for him.
In the same vein, she was sure that he felt the same about you and was probably reluctant to tell you and, with that in mind, you continued on as usual and acted as if nothing had happened.
You weren’t willing to give up your friendship and the amazing sex you have for maybes and thought that, if your sister was right, he would come around eventually, at least so you hoped.
Then, another week had passed and nothing had changed. At least so you thought.
Cillian asked you whether you wanted to travel to Cork with him to see his parents now that Ireland, once again, came out of lockdown and visits to family were permitted provided that you had a permit.
‘I don’t think I can Cillian. Only spouses’ you said, pointing to the pamphlet he had printed out from the Irish Covid Information website.
‘Well, we are living together, you can pretend to be my girlfriend if the police pulls us over’ he chuckled, before pleading with you.
‘You just want me to drive, don’t you’ you then said and he nodded. He hated driving long distances and it didn’t help that he had only gotten his drivers licence five years ago and failed his driving test three times when he moved back to Dublin.
‘I suppose it’s safer if I drive…so yes, I am coming’ you said somewhat amused.
‘Should I ask Ma to prepare two or one room for us?’ Cillian then asked and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
‘Your mother is strictly catholic and I suppose that the answer to your question depends on what you are willing to reveal to her about our little arrangement’ you joked and, of course, Cillian hadn’t even thought that far.
‘Two bedrooms’ he then confirmed before picking up the phone to let his mother know that you would be coming with him.
Three days later, you hit the road for the three-and-a-half-hour drive to Cork after you both had received a negative COVID test result which you took as a precaution.
As usual, Cillian’s mother was excited about the visit and you were excited too. You hadn’t seen her for about 18 months and the last time you saw her she had cooked you and your fiancé a lovely a meal.
Things were different then and you talked about your wedding and all the plans you were having in the future.
There was no pandemic to worry about and you weren’t aware of your fiancé’s indiscretions at the time while Cillian was still happily dating your somewhat crazy friend.
Now, your engagement had ended but your friendship with Cillian had evolved into something else entirely.
After a smooth three-and-a-half-hour drive, you pulled up in front of Cillian’s parents’ house.
They both greeted you with excitement and told you to come in quickly as it was raining.
Cillian’s father quickly carried your small suitcase to one of the guestrooms while Cillian placed his into the other. There wasn’t much space in the house and, whilst the house had four bedrooms, the corridors were rather narrow and the living area was small.
‘It’s so good to see you Y/N’ Cillian’s mum said before offering you a cup of tea which you gladly accepted.
‘The last time you visited Cork was under better circumstances, but I hope you will enjoy it nonetheless’ she then said and you thanked her for her hospitality.
You had always gotten along well with Cillian’s mother and Cillian was simply happy to see his parents again after such a long time, even if it meant that his siblings couldn’t visit them at the same time as him due to the visitation limits imposed.
As you were sitting on the sofa with Cillian’s mother you soon noticed that Cillian was gone and so did his mother.
‘He better not be stealing food’ she then huffed out sternly and, sure enough, Cillian had found the freshly baked scones in the kitchen and couldn’t resist.
‘But they are so good Ma’ you heard him argue as his mum told him to get out of the kitchen and leave the scones alone, which made you laugh.
‘He will never change’ you chuckled and his mother nodded in agreement.
‘No, he won’t’ she then said before informing you that she had made a roast for dinner.
After dinner and a few glasses of wine with Cillian’s parents, they headed to bed at around 8.30pm as usual, leaving you and Cillian to watch TV in the living room.
You were quick to spread your legs out over Cillian’s laps, getting yourself more comfortable but being vary that his parents might walk in on you.
But, Cillian seemed to think that, once they went to bed, they would pretty much go to sleep right away and proceeded to pull you onto his lap.
‘I missed this today’ he said before he caressed your face and kissed you gently.
‘Me too’ you then giggled before returning the kiss rather quickly.
‘Do you want to go to my bedroom or yours?’ he then winked and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
‘Your parents are in the house Cillian’ you then said and, just as you did, you heard some footsteps in the hallway behind you.
You quickly jumped off Cillian’s lap and sat on the lounge like a well-behaved schoolgirl as his mother walked by to get a glass of water while Cillian covered up his erection, poking against the denim of his jeans, with a cushion.
‘Night Ma’ he then said and she couldn’t help but laugh before saying ‘good night’ again.
‘I am not going to have sex at your parents house’ you then huffed out quietly when his mother had left.
‘Alright, let’s go for drive then’ he suggested.
‘A drive? And how will you explain this to your mother tomorrow?’ you laughed and Cillian suggested to tell her that you forgot some toiletries and he drove to the shop to get them.
‘Supermarket closes in 30 minutes, let’s go’ he said and you couldn’t really say no to him.
Ten minutes later you arrived at a secluded area near the beach and you could just tell that Cillian had been there before.
‘Is this where you used to take your girlfriends when you were at high school and snatched your parents’ combi even though you didn’t have a driver’s licence?’ you asked, having heard about these stories from his brother before.
‘Yeah, it’s a good spot, nice and quiet’ Cillian winked as he reclined his seat and you quickly stripped down to your bra and panties.
‘Oh my god Cillian I feel like an 18-year-old again, sneaking out of the house to make out’ you laughed and, just before you could protest, Cillian reached inside your panties and slowly stroked your mound.
‘Just that, this time, it will actually be worth your while’ Cillian smirked as he ran his forefinger between the crease of your pussy and noticed the moistness which had already built there.
‘Hmm yes, it will be Cillian’ you moaned as he was rubbing your clit with his left hand and with his right hand was caressing your breasts.
You were quick to release his hard cock from his jeans as well and began jerking him in time with his clitoral stimulation and the heat inside the car was palpable.
‘So naughty…what if we get caught?’ you huffed out, knowing that Cillian had a kink for semi-public sex.
‘It’s worth the risk’ he groaned and, before long, you were gazing up from the seat with that wanton look in your eyes, pulling Cillian closer and uttering cues while he fingered your pussy and mouthed your firm nipples with his welcoming mouth.
‘I need you inside me Cillian’ you moaned as you were welcoming two fingers into your waiting slit and could not be distracted, even by the crackling sounds outside and the sound of the radio.
‘Come on then’ Cillian groaned as you continued to stroke him and, just as he invited you to take what you needed so badly, you let go off his cock and climbed on top of him.
He pressed the head of his cock against your awaiting pussy and you slowly sank down on him.
‘Oh god yes fuck’ you moaned as his cock disappeared into your tight vagina, expanding your love tunnel while he met your lips with his. Your mouths parted and your tongues communicated the instant of union as Cillian’s cock drove slowly into your warm pussy. You were lost in their unity while your reality transformed around them.
‘You feel so fucking good’ Cillian groaned as you were moving in perfect motion with Cillian’s penetration and your thighs were even perforated with the moisture that was coming out of your pussy.
Your rocking continued and you were now joining orally with diatribes as Cillian’s cock bottomed out again and again inside you. ‘Fuck’ you uttered as his big balls pressed against your bottom.
Your warm tunnel was wide for his cock and your eyes were fixed on the mechanistic ramming of Cillian’s body in its hedonistic role.
‘I am cumming…fuck’ you moaned with the ever fastening in and out rhythms that Cillian was delivering to your womanhood. Cillian too was groaning and you put a hand underneath his balls while he pounded you and the car shook.
With your screams and loss of control inside erotic orgasm, Cillian too lost control and filled your cavity with his warm seed.
‘Fuck, Y/N, I love…’ Cillian began to say but, just as he did, there was a nock on the window of the car on the driver’s side next to Cillian, interrupting what he was about to say.
‘Please lower your window…’ a man said from outside and you could see some flashing lights behind where the car was parked.
 Tag List:
@lilymurphy03 @deefigs @theflamecrystal @desperate-and-broken @weepingstudentfishhorse @livinginfantaxy @rosey1981 @atomicsoulcollecto @peakyboyslover @nerdy4itall@elenavampire21 @hanster1998@mariapaiva13 @fairypitou @harry-is-your-sunflower @zozeebo @lauren-raines-x @kasaikawa @littlewierdalien @sad-huffle-nerd @theflamecrystal @peakymalfoyscullymulder @themissthang@0ghostwriter0 @stylescanbeatmyback @1-800-peakyblinders @datewithgianni @momoneymolife @ntmynouis @lilymurphy03 @mcntsee@cloudofdisney@missymurphy1985@peakymalfoyscullymulder @otterly-fey @janelongxox @uchihacumdump @basiclassy @being-worthy @chaotic-bean-of-smolness @margoo0 @chocolatehalo @vhscillian @ysmmsy @littlewierdalien @crazymar15 @stickyknightflowerbailiff @im-constantly-fangirling @goldensunflowe-r @tellingyouastory @captivatedbycillianmurphy​ @namelesslosers​ @littlewhiterose​ @ttzamara​ @ttzamara @cilleveryone ​
@peaky-cillian @queenyshelby ​
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The Last One
The Court - Throne of Glass x FRIENDS - Fic Series
S10, E17/18 : Rowan, after realizing he's still in love with Aelin, chases her down, refusing to let her go. Meanwhile, Elide and Lorcan welcome their baby...or babies, into the world.
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Episode chosen for Rowaelin Month 2021. Day 12: Delayed Love Confession
Fic Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Read on Ao3 | Rowaelin Month Masterlist
Warnings: Language, Mentions of Sex, Mentions of Birth
7860 words
Rowan woke up to the bed shifting. He cracked an eye open, still cloudy with sleep, and watched Aelin sit on the opposite edge while she pulled her shirt over her head, concealing the bare expanse of her back.
“Hey.” He croaked, voice still rough.
She turned and gave him a soft smile, whispering, “Go back to sleep, I have to go home.”
Rowan wanted nothing more than for Aelin to never leave his bed, but he knew she had things to do so instead he said, “Oh, okay.” He reached a hand across the sheets and grabbed hers, “Last night was amazing.”
She finished putting on one of her shoes and looked back at him with that same soft smile, “It really was.”
Rowan tried to read the emotions that flashed across her face but then she was standing and bending over to draw him into one last kiss. Her palm rested on his cheek while his gently cupped the back of her head before they pulled away. Rowan kept his eyes on Aelin as she left his room and he didn’t fall back onto his pillow until he heard the sound of his apartment door clicking shut behind her.
Elide was scared. Scratch that—terrified. Elide was terrified, but she kept her calm as best as she could while she held Asterin’s hand.
Elide had thanked all the gods she could name for Asterin coming into her and Lorcan’s lives. After getting married and enjoying the first few months of bliss, she and Lorcan decided to try having a baby, but after months of negative pregnancy tests and too many doctors visits, they were told it likely would never happen for them. Devastated, they thought through their options and settled on adoption. But even then, they knew it would take some time.
Elide remembered some afternoons spending hours sitting by the phone desperately hoping it would ring and be someone from the adoption agency to tell them they’d been picked. When they’d finally gotten the call and met Asterin, a young woman who was looking for the perfect parents for her baby, they knew it was meant to be.
Now, standing in the delivery room, Elide held Asterin’s hand as the woman powered through another contraction.
“Breathe, breathe, breathe,” Elide coached encouragingly, “good.”
“Are you fully taking over, or do I get to say breathe?” Lorcan asked as he walked to Elide’s side beside the bed.
She scoffed and tilted her head to meet his eyes. “No. Last time, you said it like a sociopath, and it creeped her out.” She turned back towards Asterin who looked tired, “Can I get you anything? Ice chips?”
“No,” Asterin shook her head, “I’m okay.”
Elide nodded and smiled, “Alright, I’ll be right back.”
As she started to walk out of the room, Lorcan’s hand shot out and gripped her elbow, stopping her.
“Where are you going?” He asked. She could almost detect a hint of nerves as he spoke.
Elide raised a brow, “To the bathroom.”
Lorcan lowered his voice so that only Elide could hear. “You can't leave me alone with her.”
“What?” She asked incredulously.
Lorcan ran a hand through his long hair, and now she could definitely see nervousness etched across his face. “This is exactly the kind of social situation that I am not comfortable with” he grumbled.
Elide snorted, “What kind of social situation are you comfortable with?”
He leveled a stare at her. “It's just that we've never spent any time, you know, alone together.”
Elide rolled her eyes at her husband, “You’ll be fine,” she took a step and turned back, giving him a small smirk, “No, you won't, but I'll be back in two minutes.”
Lorcan sighed but grumbled okay.
He walked back over to the woman lying in the hospital bed, trying his best to seem calm, but by the grimace she shot him, he wasn't doing a very good job.
“So, uh,” He grasped for something to say, “any plans for the summer?”
“I don't know, maybe travel? I wanna do some flying again.”
Lorcan hummed, still not sure what to say. If Elide had still been in the room, she’d have laughed at how ridiculous he looked. Standing well above six feet, with his hands fidgeting and swaying on his toes from being so uncomfortable in the moment.
“So, you ever wonder which is worse, you know; going through labor or getting kicked in the nuts?” Lorcan asked the first thing that came to mind and immediately regretted it. He should've just kept his mouth shut.
“What?” Asterin asked, her eyebrows scrunching in disbelief.
“I mean, uh,” He rubbed the back of his neck, “One of life's great, unanswerable questions. I mean, who knows? Maybe there's something even more painful than those things?” Lorcan cringed and suggested, “like this.”
Lysandra walked into Fenrys’ apartment to see him holding two small fuzzy animals.
“Good morning,” She said hesitantly.
“Hey!” Fenrys grinned, lifting up the creatures.
“What's that?” Aedion asked, following Lysandra into the room.
Fenrys grinned, “It's my house-warming present for Elide and Lorcan.”
Lysandra and Aedion shared a look.
“It's a baby chick and duck,” Lysandra said, unnecessarily. “You know they’re living in the suburbs right?”
“Uh-huh,” Fenrys nodded, “And I named them Chick Jr. and Duck Jr.”
Aedion snorted, “I didn’t see that coming.”
“Yeah, I figure they'll love it at the new house, you know?” Fenrys set the animals down, “It has that big backyard. And then, when they get old, they can go to that special farm that Lorcan took the other chick and duck to.”
Lysandra raised a brow at Fenrys and hummed, unable to say what she actually wanted to say.
Aedion barely held in a grin as he nodded sagely to Lysandra and mocked, “Yeah. It's a shame people can't visit there.”
Fenrys was cut off as Rowan showed up and joined them in the apartment,
“Guess what?” Lysandra whirled on Rowan, smiling, “we’re almost all aunties and uncles!”
“What?” Rowan asked, confused.
“Yeah,” Fenrys said, “Asterin went into labor last night. Elide and Lorcan are at the hospital right now!”
“Oh, my gods.” Rowan grinned at the thought of a massive Lorcan holding a tiny baby. He shook his head, glancing around, “Is Aelin here?”
Fenrys glanced towards Aelin’s room, “Uh, I think she's still asleep. Hey, how did it go with you guys last night? She seemed pretty pissed at you.”
Rowan couldn’t—wouldn’t—suppress his smile as he thought about the night before. Being with Aelin again was better than he remembered, and he cursed himself for all the time they’d missed out on.
“Yeah, we, uh, we worked things out.”
Lysandra’s eyes widened as she watched him, “What's that smile? Did something happen with you two?”
Rowan chuckled, “Hey, I'm not one to kiss and tell,” then he muttered, “but I'm also not one to have sex and shut up.”
Apparentally, his last words weren't as quiet as he thought.
Aedion groaned, wincing “Dude, that's my cousin.”
Rowan ignored Aedion as Fernys laughed, “Oh my gods, You and Aelin?”
“I know, it's great.” Rowan didn't think his grin could get any wider.
Lysandra hugged him, squealing, “So what does that mean? Are you guys getting back together?”
“I…” He trailed off, frowning. They hadn’t actually talked about it before Aelin had left earlier that morning. “I don't know. We didn't really get to talk about it.”
“But do you wanna get back together?” She pushed.
Rowan didn’t hesitate as he said with certainty, “Yeah, I do. it just felt so right. When I was holding her, I mean, I never wanted to let her go. I want to be together.”
Lysandra, Aedion, and Ferys all had matching smiles as they listened to Rowan.
Then Fenrys spoke up and Rowan felt himself deflate.
“So is she still going to Paris?” He asked, still holding the small animals.
Rowan had been so caught up in the happiness of last night and that morning that he’d completely forgot the reason why he and Aelin had been so emotionally worked up their argument caused the tension to finally snap, leading them to spend the night together.
Aelin had been offered an amazing job. A perfect job. Perfect, except for the fact that it was in Paris and not New York
She'd had said goodbye to each of their friends. Except him. She’d cried and laughed and reminisced with all of them. Except for Rowan.
He’d been so upset, so angry. How could Aelin not have anything to say to him, after all these years, after all they’d been through?
When he’d confronted her, she’d told him, devastated, “If you think I didn't say goodbye to you because you don't mean as much to me as everybody else, you're wrong. It's because you mean more to me.”
He’d stopped her, not needing to hear anymore as he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her in for a searing kiss. She’d been shocked, unprepared for Rowan’s actions. She’d stepped away, searching his face, before pulling him towards her and kissing him again.
Gods, how could he have forgotten that she was leaving?
“Wow, I hadn't thought of that. I hope not.” Rowan didn't know how he would deal with Aelin leaving now. He’d just realized that he still loved her, and now he might lose her. But how could he expect her, or ask her, to stay? What kind of person would that make him? A desperate one? A man in love? Or an overreaching, entitled one who thought he could step in the way of one of the best opportunities she'd ever been given?
He would have to talk to her before he spiraled any further.
“Oh, this is so great!” Lysandra exclaimed, unaware of Rowan’s churning thoughts, “You guys might get back together, Elide and Lorcan are getting their baby, and there are chicks and ducks in the world again!
They all looked towards the sound of a door opening to see Aelin emerge from her room.
“Good morning,” She smiled at them and ignored the pointed looks and wiggling eyebrows of her friends.
“Hey,” Rowan smiled at her.
She walked up to him and greeted him quietly, “Hey.”
“How’d you sleep?”
She smiled, “Good, you?”
He matched her grin, “Good.”
Fenrys snorted, “I bet you did!”
Aelin flipped him off, shooing him, Lysandra, and Aedion away. Once they’d left, Rowan cupped her face and swooped down to kiss her. It felt like coming home.
When they broke apart, they both wore soft smiles.
“Last night was wonderful,” Aelin told him, rubbing a hand down his arm.
“Yeah, it was.”
She kept her eyes on his as she told him, “I woke up today with the biggest smile on my face.”
He tried to keep the satisfaction off his face but failed and she huffed a laugh, rolling her eyes before softening her features again.
“I know, me too,” Rowan told her, moving one thumb to brush along her cheek. “It was...you know, it was like one of those things you think is never gonna happen, and then it does, and it's everything you want it to be.”
She nodded, “I know,” Aelin leaned up to press another soft kiss to his lips before pulling him into a hug to say into his ear, “it was just the perfect way to say goodbye.”
In that moment, at her words, Rowan felt like his heart shattered into a million little pieces.
The hospital room buzzed with excitement.
“It's just a little bit more, honey.” Elide held Asterin’s hand as the young woman pushed again.
She sobbed, more in frustration than anything else “Help me! This hurts!”
Lorcan stood a step back and asked, “Is it really that bad?”
Both women glared at him with a ferocity that made him want to be swallowed up by a hole in the ground.
“Yeah,” Asterin answered through gritted teeth, “I think it's time to kick you in the nuts and see which is worse!”
Elide sighed as she was reminded of the words Lorcan reluctantly relayed to her earlier. She looked back at him, “No tact.”
The doctor cleared his throat, drawing all their attention towards him, “The baby's head is crowning.”
“Oh my God!” Elide cried, walking around to see, “That is the most beautiful top of a head I have ever seen! Lorcan, you have to see this!”
Lorcan had never looked more uncomfortable. “I'm okay.”
Elide whirled on him, “Lorcan, you don't wanna miss this. This is the birth of your child!”
His child. The words rang through him and sparked some sense of resolve. He shook himself of his discomfort, outwardly at least, and stepped up behind Elide to see what she was seeing.
“Wow.” He murmured reverently, “Disgusting.”
Elide scoffed but Loracn gripped her shoulders and kissed her forehead.
“Here we go,” The doctor said, glancing back up at Asterin “Start pushing.”
A shill cry broke through the air and Elide and Lorcan watched as the doctor held up a beautiful little baby. When Elide ripped her eyes away from the infant as the nurses cleaned it, she looked up to find Lorcan already staring at her with tears in his eyes. They didn’t have to say anything, they both felt the same overwhelming sense of love.
“It’s a boy.” The doctor said, leaning back and adjusting his gloves.
“A...a boy!” Elide beamed at Lorcan as he stood open-mouthed before showing her the widest smile she’d ever seen on the man.
“A boy.” He breathed.
“Oh, you did it!” Elide went back to Asterin’s head and wiped the sweat from her forehead. She leaned closer to the girl and whispered, “Thank you. Thank you so much.”
Asterin smiled at them both, “I'm really happy for you guys.”
“How do you feel?” Lorcan asked.
She sighed, “So tired.”
The doctor sat back into position, saying, “Well, you don't have that much time to relax. The other one will be along in a minute.”
The hand Lorcan had been rubbing down Elide’s back froze, as did both of their breathing as they slowly turned to face the doctor with eyebrows up to their hairlines.
“I’m sorry,” Elide said slowly, aware that Lorcan hadn’t resumed breathing yet, “who should be along in a what now?”
The doctor gave them a weird look, “The next baby should be along in a minute.”
“One.” Lorcan finally regained his ability to speak. “One baby. We signed up for one baby.”
“You know it's twins, right?” The doctor asked slowly
Elide laughed hysterically, “Oh, yeah! These are the faces of two people in the know!”
“I…” The doctor trailed off, “I can't believe you didn't know it's twins! This has never happened before.”
“Oh wow,” Loracn snorted incredulously, “That makes me feel so much better.” He ran an agitated hand through his hair.
“Wait,” Elide faced the doctor, “did you know it was twins?”
He nodded slowly, “Yeah, it's here in the paperwork we got from the clinic.”
Elide then spun around to Asterin, “Anybody tell you?”
Asterin furrowed her brows, “I don't think so. Not explicitly.” she insisted. “they did mention something about two heartbeats. But I thought that was just mine and the baby's. They kept saying both heartbeats are really strong, and I thought well, that's good 'cause I'm having a baby.”
Elide let out a shaky breath trying to wrap her mind around what was happening. “This is unbelievable.”
Lorcan gripped Elide’s arm and tugged into the corner of the room. “Can I see you for a second?”
Elide had never in her life seen Lorcan look more unsure of what to do. His hands were shaky as he gripped hers. “What do we do?”
She took a deep breath and looked directly into his eyes. “What do you mean what do we do?”
“Twins.” He stated urgently, “Twins!”
Seeing Lorcan so frazzled oddly calmed Elide down. “Lorcan, you’re panicking.”
“I sure as fuck am, join me!”
She cracked a half-smile, “Lorcan, take a breath, it’s going to be okay.”
“Elide, we are not ready to have two babies!” his eyes were still wide in shock and fear.
“That doesn’t matter!” she hissed, grabbing his arms and making him focus on her. “We have waited so long for this. I don't care if it's two babies. I don't care if it's three babies! We are taking them home because they are our children!”
Lorcan’s face softened and she watched as a steady resolve found its way across his face and through his body. They took a breath together and he pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead gently. When he pulled away, he had a small smile reserved only for her. “Okay.”
“Okay,” she repeated, her arms still wrapped around him.
“Okay!” he laughed, and this time it wasn’t fear clouding the sound, but joy.
“It looks like we're about ready over here.” the doctor called, and Elide and Lorcan walked back towards Asterin.
When another cry sounded, the doctor lifted the second baby, declaring, “It’s a girl.”
“A girl?” Lorcan asked quietly, a smile growing.
“Indeed.” The doctor replied, passing her to be cleaned up.
Spinning towards Elide, Lorcan said excitedly, “Well now we have two different ones!” then he whirled back to the doctor and put on his stoniest glare, “And that's enough!”
Lysandra, Aedion, Fenrys, and Rowan sat in the coffee house, Cadre Coffee, as Rowan told them what Aelin had said earlier.
“And then she hugged me and said it was the perfect way to say goodbye.” Even repeating it now, felt like chewing on broken glass.
“What did you say?” Fenrys pried.
Rowan sputtered, “Nothing. What do you say to that?” What could he say to that?
“Rowan,” Lysandra pleaded, “you've got to tell her how you feel.”
“I can’t do that to her.” He sighed, defeated. “I can’t lay that on her right before she’s supposed to leave.”
“Rowan,” Aedion leaned forward, making sure he held the silver-haired man’s attention, “Aelin doesn't know that you wanna get back together. If she did, she might feel differently. She might not even go.”
“You really think so?” he asked, trying not to sound too hopeful.
Just then, Aelin breezed into the coffee shop.
“Hi, guys!” She waved before walking up the counter.
Rowan watched her a moment. “Alright, you know what? You're right. I should at least tell her how I feel.” He could do that. He had to do that.
"Rowan, wait!" Fenrys called from behind him.
Rowan spun around, "What?"
Fenrys grinned, "Can you get me a muffin?"
Rowan gave him a one-finger response and took a step towards Aelin.
“Aelin?” Nox, the barista who’d worked at the coffee house for as long as any of them could remember, got her attention.
“I know you’re leaving tonight, but I just have to tell you. I love you.”
Rowan stood frozen in place, mouth open, as he watched the scene unfold.
“I... I don't know if that changes your plans at all, but I thought you should know.” Nox nodded earnestly.
“Nox, Oh,” She placed a hand on his shoulder, “I love you too. Probably not in the same way, but I do. And, and when I'm in a café, having coffee, I'll think of you.” She kissed his cheek before waving towards the group and leaving the coffee house.
Rowan sat down, meeting the shocked gazes of his friends. “Oh, my gods!”
Lysandra snorted, “Unbelievable!”
"Hey," Fenrys leaned forward, "you know what might help?"
Rowan glared at him and scoffed, "I'm not getting you a muffin!"
“We're going to take Asterin to recovery now.” The nurse told Elide and Lorcan as they each held one of their babies.
“Oh wait,” Elide caught Asterin’s hand, “There's something that we want to tell you. We decided to name the girl-baby Asterin.”
She smiled, “Oh, that’s just like my name!”
Elide held in a laugh. It was clear Asterin was either still on some medications or just very, very tired.
“Okay,” the blonde woman said, “I'm gonna go and get some rest. I'm really glad I picked you guys. You're gonna make great parents. Even Lorcan.”
Despite his eye roll, Elide saw the pride and gratitude in Lorcan’s eyes.
“Bye, Asterin.” Elide called as she was pushed out of the delivery room.
Moving closer to Lorcan, Elide cooed, “Oh look at all their teeny fingers and toes.”
“I know,” he smiled widely, making him look younger, “You ready to trade?”
“Okay!” They tried maneuvering a few different ways but eventually gave up. Switching babies when you only have two hands is not an easy feat. “Alright, let’s see…”
“Maybe later?” he suggested.
At Elide and Lorcan’s apartment, Lysandra found Fenrys hunched over the coffee table.
“Hey, what are you working on?” She asked, walking into the living room.
He grinned, “It’s a ‘Welcome Home’ sign for the baby.” He held up the large sign which read Welcome Home Baby in red paint beside a funky-shaped red blob.
“Uh,” Lysandra squinted, “Is that supposed to be the baby?”
Fenrys rubbed the back of his neck, looking sheepish. “No, I sat in the paint.”
She snorted just as Rowan walked in.
“Hey,” He nodded at them.
“Hey, so did you talk to Aelin?” Lysandra asked.
Rowan ran his hand through his hair and sighed, “No, and I'm not going to.”
“What?” Lysandra asked incredulously at the same time Fenrys jumped up and asked, “Why not?”
Rowan dropped into a seat at the kitchen table. “Because she's just going to shoot me down. You guys saw what happened with Nox.”
Lysandra scoffed and lightly hit him upside the head. “How can you compare yourself to Nox? I mean, sure, he's sexy in a more obvious way.” She smirked as Rowan glared. “You have a relationship with her, you slept together last night. For gods’ sake, you’re Rowan and Aelin! You’re Rowaelin!”
Rowan huffed, standing up, and told her harshly, “Yeah, and she still wants to go! It's pretty clear where her head is at.” He sighed, shoulders slumping. “Look, even if I were going to tell her, I don't have to do it now. Okay? I'll be seeing her again. We've got time.”
“Gods, Rowan!” Lysandra tried to make him see reason. “No, you don't! She's going to Paris! She is going to meet somebody. Do you know how many hot guys there are in Paris?”
The door opened before Rowan could get another word in and Aedion strode in carrying a rolled-up paper.
“Hey,” He said as he walked over to Lysandra to kiss her before setting the paper on the table.
“Hey, babe,” Lysandra smiled. “Whatcha got?”
“Oh,” Aedion brightened and unrolled the piece of paper. “I made a little something. If I had more time to work on it, it'd be better, but.” He shrugged, revealing a precisely drawn sign reading Welcome to the World, Baby Lochan.
“Damn, Ashryver,” Rowan nodded appreciatively “that’s really good.”
Fenrys scoffed, still standing next to his sign, and rolled his eyes, grumbling, “You know, the baby can't read, Aedion.”
Lysandra laughed as Aelin opened the door and strode in.
“Hi. You guys, my car just got here,” she said dejectedly. “I can't believe they're not home yet! I have to catch my stupid plane. I wanna see the baby!”
Fenrys spoke up, “Elide called a few minutes ago from the car. She said they should be here any minute. And apparently, there's some big surprise?”
As if on cue, Elide carefully pushed the door open and stepped inside carrying a small baby.
Aelin couldn’t hold in her gasp and none of them tried to hide the misting in their eyes.
“Oh, my gods!” Aelin beamed as she walked to Elide, resting a hand on her shoulder.
“Oh, El!” Lysandra gushed, rushing forward.
“So tiny,” Rowan murmured, coming up next to Elide as Fernys and Aedion joined the small group, too.
They turned as they heard another set of footsteps enter, turning to see Lorcan walk in carrying his own small bundle.
“What the—”
“Oh, my gods!”
“Holy sh—”
Five different exclamations happened simultaneously as all their eyes darted between the two babies.
Rowan shook himself and clasped Lorcan on the shoulder, “Okay, awkward question. The hospital knows you took two, right?”
Lorcan glared at Rowan but neither man could keep the grins off their faces as they looked down at the infants.
“Yes, Whitethorn, it’s twins.”
“They’re precious,” Lysandra cooed, making funny faces at the one in Elide’s arms. Aelin, having said hello to that baby, stepped next to Rowan to gaze down at the one Lorcan held.
“This is a boy,” Elide told them, gesturing to the one she held. “And that’s a girl,” she nodded to Lorcan’s.
“Her name is Asterin,” Lorcan told them, not looking away from his daughter’s face.
“Oh, hey, that pregnant lady’s name was Asterin.” Fenrys nodded.
Aedion snorted, “It’s a shame you two didn’t spend more time together.”
Aelin aww’d and patted Lorcan’s arm, the two of them sharing a rare, warm smile.
“The boy we named Cal, after my dad.”
“Oh, you guys,” Aelin whined, “I can't believe this. But I have to leave now, or I'm gonna miss my plane."
“I’m just so glad you got to meet them,” Elide said, watery, pulling Aelin into a hug.
“Me, too,” Aelin told her. “I'm just sorry I'm not gonna be around to watch you two attempt to handle this! Alright, I can't say goodbye to you guys again. I love you all so much.”
I love yous were exchanged and Aelin walked to the door.
“Rowan?” She caught his eye, “come here.”
He nodded and followed her into the hall, shutting the apartment door behind him.
“Rowan, I,” She paused, grabbing his hands and looking into his face with such genuine sadness it made his heart crack and made him want to pull her into his arms and not let go. She took a breath and continued, “I just want you to know, last night...I'll never forget it.”
He cleared his throat, willing the lump in it to disappear. “Neither will I.”
He cupped her cheek and she leaned into the touch. Aelin pulled him in for a hug, holding on tight. When she pulled away, Rowan used every ounce of strength to unwrap his arms from her body, to step away as she walked down the hall and away from him.
When Rowan walked back into the apartment, Lysandra sat next to him and asked, “So, you just let her go?”
Rowan couldn’t reply, he just replayed the last two days over in his head.
“Maybe that's for the best.” Fenrys chimed in, taking up the empty chair. “You know? You just... Look, you gotta... You gotta think about last night the way she does, okay? Maybe sleeping together was the perfect way to say goodbye?"
Lysandra groaned, “But now she'll never know how he feels!”
Aedion walked over and said not unkindly, “Maybe that's okay. You know? Maybe, maybe it’s better this way? I mean, now you can move on. I mean, you've been trying to for so long, maybe now that you're on different continents…”
They kept talking but all Rowan could hear was a buzzing in his head.
“I don’t want to move on.”
He said it quietly but they all stopped talking and looked at him.
“What?” Aedion asked, unsure he heard Rowan correctly.
“I don’t.” Rowan shook his head and stood up. “I want to be with her.”
“Really?” Fenrys asked, excitedly
“Of course really!” Lysandra answered for him.
Rowan kept nodding. “Yeah, I’m gonna go after her. I have to.”
“Yeah, you are!” Lorcan cheered from the living room. Rowan didn’t even have time to find his friend’s enthusiasm funny.
“Finally!” Elide added her own cheer, smiling between Rowan and the babies.
“Come on,” Lysandra urged, standing up and following Rowan to the door. “My car’s downstairs, I’ll drive you to the airport.”
“Okay!” Rowan faced his friends again, “wish me luck!”
A chorus of Good Lucks followed him out the door.
“Hey,” Fenrys called excitedly to Lorcan and Eide once Rowan and Lysandra had left, “can I give you guys your house-warming present now?”
The couple shared an amused look before Elide told him, “Now, that you can do.”
“Great! Hang on a minute.” Fenrys left their apartment to walk across the hall to his.
“Okay, my little feather babies where are you?” he muttered as he caught sight of the empty box he’d put them in earlier. “Oh shit.”
He hastily looked in the kitchen, living room, and bedrooms. “Chick Jr? Duck Jr?” he called, running a hand through his hair anxiously. “Don’t hide from mama!”
“Lysandra, slow down!” Rowan urged as they almost took out a bicyclist.
She rolled her eyes, “Do you wanna get to Aelin in time?
“Of course I do, but I want to be alive to do it.”
Lysandra huffed at his dramatics but eased up on the gas. Slightly.
Finally arriving at the airport, Rowan and Lysandra rushed past the hoards of people, trying to maneuver their way towards Aelin.
“Rowan!” Lysandra called as he made to run down the hallway. “Where are you going?”
“To talk to Aelin.” Obviously.
“What?” She grabbed his arm, pulling him towards the ticket counter. “What, are you just gonna walk up to her at the gate? Have you never chased anyone through the airport before?”
“Not since the last time I chased the love of my life—no I haven’t Lys!”
She rolled her eyes as she kept dragging him away from the terminals. “You have to get a ticket to get past security, Idiot.”
Oh, right.
“Shit, we’re never gonna make it.” he hissed as they got caught behind the human embodiments of snails on their way to the counter.
“Miss, your boarding pass, please.” The gate attendant asked Aelin as she approached.
“Right, of course.” She dug through her purse then frowned, not seeing it. Flashing an apologetic smile to the people behind her, she took her purse off her shoulder and rummaged through it frantically. “Shit, shit, shit.”
The attendant cleared his throat. “Your boarding pass.”
Internally cringing, she put on her most charming smile. “You know, I had it,” she forced a chuckle, “Oh, you wouldn’t believe this—”
He looked unimpressed. “Miss, if you don't have your boarding pass—”
“I have it, I have it! Okay, I don’t have it, but I remember that I was in seat 32C,” she leaned in closer and winked, “because that’s my bra size.”
He sighed again. “Miss, you must have your boarding pass.”
Aelin huffed and stepped out of the line. “Okay, fine! But you know what? If I was in 36D, we would not be having this problem.”
Muttering to herself, Aelin scoured all her bags, finally brandishing the ticket and rushing back to the counter. “Here it is!”
Finally getting up to the ticket counter, Rowan slammed down his wallet, demanding, “I need a ticket.”
Lysandra pouted. “Just one? I drive you all the way down here, and I don't get to see how it works out?”
“Fine, fine,” he corrected irritatedly, “two tickets, I need two tickets.”
Lysandra sighed dramatically and leaned into Rowan, giving him her most overexaggerated doe-eyes. “We're on our honeymoon” she stage-whispered to the woman behind the computer.
The ticket agent merely raised a manicured brow and asked, “Destination?”
Rowan already had his credit card ready, “whatever’s cheapest.”
Lysandra sighed again, “I’m so lucky.”
Rowan leveled a glare at her and she tried not to laugh.
Once inside the terminal, Rowan sprinted toward the first departure timetable he could find. “Okay, flight 421 to Paris. I don't see it, do you see it?”
Lysandra stood next to him, eyes scanning the board. “No, did we miss it?”
“No, no, no. That's impossible,” Rowan told her. “It doesn't leave for another 20 minutes.”
“Maybe we have the flight number wrong? Hang on, let me call Elide.”
She stepped aside, impatiently waiting for Elide to pick up her phone.
“Hello?” the new mom answered.
“Hey! It’s me. Here’s Rowan.” Then she thrust the phone into Rowan’s hand.
“Elide, do you—”
“Oh, my gods, Rowan, wait until you hear the cute little noises the twins are making. Listen.”
“What? No, Elide.” Rowan cursed as he heard unintelligible baby sounds. “Elide, Elide, Elide, Elide—”
“Oh sorry,” she said, “They were doing it before.”
“Elide! Listen, please. I need Aelin’s flight information.”
“Oh, sure, hang on.” he could hear ruffling paper as he paced back and forth. “Here it is, it's flight 421. Leaves at 8:40.”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought, its not on the board.
“Flight 421,” Elide repeated, “leaves at 8:40, Newark airport.”
Rowan froze, his heart sinking. “What?”
“Newark airport.” Elide gasped. “Where are you?”
But she already knew the answer.
“JFK.” he breathed, utterly defeated.
If Rowan wasn’t so upset, he would be fearing for his life as Lysandra sped through the streets at breakneck speed.
“Lysandra, forget it, okay? Newark is like an hour away. There's no way we're gonna make it in time.”
“She’s got her phone,” Lysandra braved a glance at him, narrowly avoiding another car, "you could call her.”
Rowan scoffed, “I am not doing this over the phone.”
“You don’t have any other choice!” She insisted before reaching for her own phone and calling Aelin.
It rang once. Twice.
“Hello? Lys?” Aelin’s voice rings out from the speaker and it was like a tether Rowan desperately wanted to hold onto.
“Aelin?” Lysandra answered, relieved. “oh, good. Hey, by the way, did you just get on the plane?”
“Yeah, I did.”
Leaning over, Lysandra hissed, “For what it's worth, we would have caught her if we were at the right airport.”
“Fan-fucking-tastic.” Rowan sniped.
“Uh, Ae, hang on,” she tried pushing the phone into Rowan’s hand but he adamantly refused to do this without being able to look Aelin in the eye.
“Lys? Is everything okay?” Aelin asked, worriedly.
Glaring at Rowan, Lysandra struggled to find a reason for calling. “Uhm, actually no. No, you've...you have to get off the plane.”
“What? Why?” Aelin sounded bewildered.
“I just,” Lysandra sighed, shooting another glare at Rowan, “I have this feeling that something's wrong with it. Something is wrong with the, uh,” she paused again before snapping her fingers and declaring, “with the left phalange.”
“Lys, babe, I'm sure there's nothing wrong with the plane. Look, I have to go. I love you, and I will call you the minute I get to Paris.”
On the plane, Aelin hung up the phone only to feel the man beside her tap insistently on her shoulder.
“What was that?” he asked, looking anxious.
“Oh,” Aelin waved a hand dismissively, “that was just my friend. She told me I should get off the plane because she had a feeling that there was something wrong with the left phalange.” She chuckled, sure it was just Lysandra’s way of finding an excuse to talk to her again before the flight took off.
But the man started to fidget. “Okay, that doesn't sound good.”
“I wouldn't worry about it.” Aelin again waved him off, “She's always coming up with stuff like this, and you know what? She's almost never right.”
“But she is sometimes?”
“Well…” Aelin trailed off, thinking about all the things Lysandra has had an intuition about.
Her hesitation was apparently enough to send her seatmate into a tail-spin because he instantly got up and tried to grab his suitcase, only for the flight attendant to stop him.
“Excuse me, sir, where are you going?” The woman asked, curtly.
“I have to get off this plane, okay?” he insisted, then gestured towards a wide-eyed Aelin. “Her friend has a feeling something's wrong with the left phalange.”
He said it loud enough that other passengers began to panic, while Aelin sheepishly shrugged at the annoyed flight attendant.
“There is nothing wrong with the plane, sir.”
He finally got his bag down and cried, “The left phalange!”
The attendant looked incredulously between the man and Aelin, “There is no phalange.”
“Oh my God. This plane doesn't even have a phalange!”
Aelin watched, wincing, as more passengers overheard and insisted they, too, get off the plane. Person after person marched out the aisle and soon Aelin loosed a long breath, “This is ridiculous,” she watched another two people leave. “Yeah, okay.”
Grabbing her own bag, she followed the crowd off the plane.
Rowan doubted he’d ever felt as frantic or desperate as he did right now.
He and Lysandra finally made it to Newark, bought another ticket, and raced to Aelin’s gate.
“Where is she?” He muttered, almost pulling out his hair with how forcefully he raked his hands through it.
“I don't see her,” Lysandra answered.
“Aelin!” Rowan shouted, not caring about the stares he garnered. “Aelin Galthynius!”
“Oh!” Lysandra gasped, pointing towards a crowd, “There she is!”
“Aelin!” He yelled again, pushing past people as he tried to run onto the boarding gate.
“Woah,” the gate attendant stopped Rowan, “excuse me, sir, do you have a boarding pass?”
“I just need to talk to someone,” he pleaded.
“I’m sorry, you cannot go any further without a boarding pass.”
“Gods, please, I just need—”
“AELIN!” Lysandra shrieked, getting everyone’s attention including a specific blonde who rushed back out the gate and stood gaping at Lysandra and Rowan.
“Oh my gods,” she looked back and forth between the two before her gaze locked and held with Rowan’s as she breathed, “What—what are you guys doing here?”
“All you,” Lysandra nudged Rowan then made herself scarce
“What? What is it?” Aelin demanded, pulling Rowan aside, “Rowan, you're scaring me. What's going on?”
“Aelin,” Rowan didn’t know where to start. “Okay, the thing is,” he trailed off again. How could he tell that he loved her? How could he wrap up ten years—more than that—of falling in love with her, even at times when he didn’t know it. How could he explain that to her?
He took a deep breath. “Don’t go.”
“What?” Aelin asked, shocked.
“Aelin, please, don’t leave. I am so gods damn in love with you. Please, don’t go.”
Aelin stood open-mouthed, her eyes shimmering with an emotion he didn’t dare name. “Oh, my gods.”
He groaned, “I know, I know. I’m an idiot and a bastard, and any other name you want to call me. I shouldn't have waited until now to say it, Hellas, I shouldn’t have waited until now to realize it, but,” he shook his head, locking his gaze with hers. “That was stupid, okay? I'm sorry, I’m so sorry, but I'm telling you now. I love you. I’m in love with you. Please, do not get on this plane.”
“Miss?” a throat cleared behind them, making Aelin blink and drag her watery eyes away from his. “Are you boarding the plane?”
“Aelin,” Rowan took her hand, urging her to stay, “Aelin, please. I know you love me, too. I know you do. Don’t go. Stay.”
“I,” Aelin looked between Rowan and the gate attendant with shock and regret etched across her face. “I have to get the plane,” she whispered.
“No, you don’t.” Rowan held tightly to her hand.
“Yes, I do.” despite her protests, she didn’t pull her hand away.
“No,” Rowan stepped closer, cupping her cheek and reveling in the fact that she leaned into his touch. “You don’t.”
“Rowan,” her words barely louder than a breath, “They're waiting for me, I can't do this right now, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.”
He couldn’t understand what was happening. Rowan couldn’t accept that she was walking away.
“Aelin.” he pleaded, one final time.
She took a shuddering breath. “I’m so sorry.”
Rowan stood unmoving, felt his breathing freeze and his heart cease beating if just for a moment as he watched Aelin walk away from him and board the plane.
He wasn’t aware of people moving around him or of Lysandra coming to stand next to him before pulling him into a hug murmuring I’m sorry. He wasn’t aware of his surroundings as he walked towards Lysandra’s car or his walk back to his apartment. All he knew was that he’d just watched the love of his life walk away and there would soon be an ocean between them.
Lorcan sealed the last box of his and Elide’s things.
“Wow,” Elide sighed, looking around the bare apartment. “Everything’s packed.”
“It’s weird,” Lorcan replied, looking around the space he and their friends had occupied for so many years.
“I know.” She stood on her toes and he leaned down to meet her for a kiss.
“So, uh,” Fenrys spoke up from the kitchen, “does this mean there's nothing to eat?”
Elide snorted while Lorcam tried his best to reign in his smirk. Turning, Elide told him, “I put three lasagnas in your freezer.”
He beamed, “I love you!”
She chuckled as the door opened and Lysandra walked in.
“How’d it go?” Elide asked
“So did you guys make it in time?” Aedion spoke at the same time from his place against the fridge.
“Yeah,” Lysandra sighed, “Yeah, he talked to her, but she got on the plane anyway.”
“Where’s Rowan?” Lorcan asked her, knowing Rowan would be hiding away, brooding.
“He went home,” Lysandra frowned and leaned into Aedion’s embrace. “He didn't want to see anybody.”
Sitting on his couch, Rowan noticed his answering machine beeping. More out of muscle memory than an actual urge to listen, he pressed the button.
“Rowan, It’s me.”
Rowan jolted, a mess of emotion flying through him as he listened to Aelin's voice filter through his machine.
“I just got back on the plane. I feel awful. Gods, Rowan, that was so not how I wanted things to end with us.”
End. Rowan braced himself, he had to get through this message.
“It's just that I wasn't expecting to see you, and all of a sudden you're there and saying these things...and now I’m sitting here thinking of everything I should’ve said that I didn’t.”
Rowan heard her take a shuddering breath.
“I didn't even get to tell you that I love you too.”
His breath caught, and hope filled him for the first time since he’d been standing in front of her.
“Because of course, I do. I love you. I love you. Gods, Rowan, I love you.”
He held his breath, he almost couldn’t wrap his brain around what he was hearing, what he’d longed to hear.
“What am I doing? I love you! I need to get off this plane—”
“Oh my gods,” Rowan listened, wide-eyed as he heard Aelin argue with a flight attendant.
“Excuse me? I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, but I need to get off this plane, okay? I need to tell Rowan I love him.”
“Miss, can't let you off the plane.”
“Let her off the plane!” Rowan screamed at his machine.
“Oh, please, you don’t understand. Isn’t there any way you can just let me off—”
The message ended and Rowan was left sitting on the edge of his sofa staring disbelievingly at his answering machine.
“No!” He jumped up, carding a hand through his hair, “No! Aelin! Oh, my gods, did she get off the plane?”
“I got off the plane.”
Rowan whirled around so fast he thought his neck might snap. Aelin stood in his doorway, suitcase in hand, staring at him with a watery smile and eyes that blazed with surety.
“You got off the plane.” Rowan breathed and strode towards her, holding her face in his hands as she grabbed his arms, each clinging to the other, not able to let the other go.
Rowan wasn’t sure who moved first, but the next moment he was kissing Aelin, It was as if all the years of pining, love, heartbreak, and friendship, barreled through them and into a kiss full of promise. All the mistakes of the past, all the time wasted, was over. Now, they could finally be Rowan and Aelin. Finally.
When they pulled apart, still unable to let the other go, Aelin leaned her forehead against his and told him, “I do. I do love you.”
Rowan brushed a tear from her cheek and smiled down with all the warmth he could gather. “I love you too, Fireheart. And I’m never letting you go, again.”
“Good," She nodded, gripping him tighter, “because this is where I want to be, okay? With you. Always with you. No more messing around.”
“That’s right,” he agreed, “we’re done being stupid.”
Aelin kissed him again. “You and me, alright?” She looked him in the eye and saw everything she felt mirrored there. “To whatever end.”
“This is it. To whatever end” He echoed, pulling her in for another kiss.
The seven of them stood in the now-empty living room of Elide and Lorcan’s apartment. The new parents each held a baby, Fenrys sat with Lysandra and Aedion near the large window, and Aelin leaned into Rowan who had his arms wrapped around her as they stood to the side.
“Wow,” Aelin murmured, looking around the bare space.
“I know,” Rowan said into her hair, “It seems smaller somehow.”
Fenrys glanced at the walls a minute before asking, “Has it always been purple?” His answer consisted of several snorts.
Lorcan and Elide strapped Asterin and Cal into their stroller. Elide sniffed, facing everyone else, “Oh, uh, I promised the landlord we’d leave our keys.”
She said it to Lorcan, but each of them walked toward the counter to place their own keys. Elide laughed, looking at seven pairs of keys to a two-person apartment.
“I guess this is it,” Lysandra commented mournfully.
“Yeah,” Aedion wrapped an arm around her shoulders, “I guess so.”
At Elide’s sniffle, Lorcan pulled her into his arms. Through the fabric of his shirt, they could hear her say, “This is harder than I thought it would be.”
Gathering herself, Elide unwrapped her arms from Lorcan’s middle before turning to hug Aelin who’d come to stand next to her.
“Do you guys have to go to the new house right away?” Aelin asked, “Or do you have some time?”
“We have some time.”
“Okay,” Rowan grabbed Aelin’s hand, “should we get some coffee?”
“Sure,” Fenrys smirked. “Where?”
They all laughed as they walked out of the apartment that had become so important to each one of them. Aedion helped Lorcan carry the double stroller down the stairs, followed closely by Elide. Lysandra and Fenrys were bickering, but smiling as they walked. And Rowan and Aelin had their arms wrapped around each other, not daring or wanting to let the other one go. They shared a smile, and with one last glance at the closed apartment door, they left.
@acourtofsnakes @allthebooksunderthemoon @astra-ad-mare @becarefuloflove @bisexual-genderfluid-loki @booklover41802 @charlizeed @cookiemonsterwholovesbooks @danibutterr @doubt-less @emily-gsh @enormousbooklover @foughtconquered @fromthelibraryofemilyj @hakunamatatazz @i-have-but-one-brain-cell @in-love-with-caramel-macchiato @jorjy-jo @lemonade-coolattas @mariamuses @mayhemories @midsizewitch @miserablesmusings @morganofthewildfire @nehemikkele @rowaelinismyotp @rowansfirebringer @sayosdreams @sheharahu @sleeping-and-books @stardelia @story-scribbler @superspiritfestival @surielandiareendgame @swankii-art-teacher @tomtenadia @westofmoon @whimsicallyreading @moodymelanist @angelic-voice-1997 @realbookloverproblems @gracie-rosee @julemmaes @yesdreamblog @the-regal-warrior @rowanaelinn @thestoriesyoutell @autumnbabylon @sunflowermoonshinewrites @maastrash
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kk095 · 3 years
Alyssa in Trauma
*hey everyone! I wanted to try writing a story with original, recurring characters with more of a 1st person perspective. Let me know what you think! Enjoy!*
It was a slow weeknight in our small community ER. It was just me, the head veteran nurse Nancy, nurse Ashley, nurse heather, and Dr Lindsay. The 5 of us were doing our part holding down the ER that night. We had a few minor cases- a kid who sprained his ankle skateboarding, back pain in exam room 2, and one of our frequent fliers in exam room 3 for who knows what this time.
A little after 8pm, the nurses station gets a call from dispatch. I can see Nancy nodding and responding to the voice on the other end of the phone, but I couldn’t initially make out what was being said. After the brief call, Nancy looked at me and gave me a rundown of the situation: “listen up everyone. We have a 26 year old female involved in a single car crash, possible chest and abdominal trauma. She’s hypotensive and tachycardic, and EMS intubated her on scene. ETA is 5 minutes.”
All of us quickly sprung into action at that point. I ordered the nurses to prep trauma room 1 and gather whatever supplies we may need for this particular case. While the nurses were getting things ready, me and Dr Lindsay put on a yellow trauma gown and a fresh pair of gloves. “make sure we have some unmatched o-neg, FFP, and platelets. And make sure surgery and radiology are on standby for us.” Dr Lindsay told the team, to which nurse Nancy nodded.
The following few minutes came and went quickly. We could hear the sound of the ambulance’s sirens grow louder and louder as it approached the hospital. The trauma room was quiet- the calm before the storm I suppose. We knew the patient was in rough shape, but we didn’t know what exactly to expect. Regardless, we were prepared for whatever was going to be thrown at us.
The ambulance pulled just outside the ERs main entrance and the medics wheeled the patient into the hospital and into our trauma room. To our surprise, one of the medics was performing CPR on the patient upon arrival. “26 year old female, restrained driver in single car MVC. Blunt chest trauma, lost vitals en route. Down 4 minutes, shocked ×2, meds ×1. PEA on the monitors.” The lead medic told us while the other delivered deep, violent chest compressions. “ok, let’s transfer her on my count. 1… 2… THREE!” I called out.
The patient was now on the table and under the overhead light. I looked down at the battered young woman lying on our table. Her name was Alyssa. She’s a 26 year old blonde with blue eyes, with a pretty face and a chubby build. She was just driving home from work when she swerved to avoid hitting a kid that ran out into the street, oblivious to Alyssa’s car, but slammed her car into a light post in the process.
Once Alyssa was on the table, the medics left the room and we began running our trauma code. Nurse heather resumed chest compressions, nurse nancy was ambu bagging, and nurse ashley got the next rounds of epi and atropine ready. Dr Lindsay and I decided to order some tests: STAT trauma labs, a chest x ray, and a FAST scan. After ashley injected the next round of meds, she drew the trauma labs while Dr Lindsay got the ultrasound machine ready. While that was going on, I set up the portable x ray for the chest x ray. The chest x ray showed sternum and rib fractures associated with CPR, but nothing else noticeable. Dr Lindsay then performed an echo. “oh boy, look at all that blood in the pericardium. Massive cardiac tamponade.” She said, shaking her head looking at the ultrasound monitor. “let’s do a pericardiocentesis.” She continued. “I disagree. She’s already in cardiac arrest and that’s a huge tamponade. I think we need to do a thoracotomy.” I responded to Dr Lindsay. “I don’t know Dr Kenny, I think we should do a pericardiocentesis and see if her condition improves. If not, then we do a thoracotomy.” Lindsay replied. “I don’t think we have time to wait. Thoracotomy is the way to go here.” I said, standing my ground. There was a pause for a moment. “I agree with Dr Kenny.” Nurse Nancy said, breaking the silence in the room. Nurse Nancy has been an ER nurse for over 20 years and she’s seen it all, so everyone trusted her judgement when she spoke up.
Dr Lindsay and I looked at each other for a moment and nodded in agreement. “Ok, let’s get a thoracotomy tray set up please.” Dr Lindsay ordered. Once the order was made, Ashley and I began setting up the proper equipment. Meanwhile, nurse Heather kept performing deep, strong chest compressions on Alyssa. The patient’s chest caved in and her belly bounced outwards. Her eyes were half open, staring blankly above while one of her arms dangled off the side of the table, bouncing in sync with each individual compression.
I picked up a 10 blade scalpel off of the thoracotomy tray while Ashley splashed Alyssa’s chest with betadine. While heather kept delivering chest compressions, I made a quick, decisive incision in the 5th intercostal space starting at the sternum. I extended the incision laterally across the young woman’s bare chest. Ashley retracted Alyssa’s large, d cup left breast to give me room to continue the incision. Once I extended the incision past the breast, I continued across to the mid axillary line, just a few inches shy of her left armpit. I had to make a 2nd incision I the same general area to separate the underlying fat and tissue. Once the tissue was adequately separated, I placed a rib spreader into the incision area and began twisting the knobs, forcing the young woman’s ribs apart. A loud popping and cracking sound filled the already hectic trauma room from Alyssa’s ribs being forced apart.
After her chest was adequately opened, heather stepped away, stopping CPR. I took my scalpel and made a vertical incision into the pericardium, performing a pericardiotomy in order to release the tamponade and deliver the heart. After cutting the fibrous lining of Alyssa’s heart, there was a collection of thick, gooey, coagulated blood that came out. Ashley suctioned away the coagulated blood, only for my line of sight to be filled with a large amount of fresh blood. “what a mess.. let me take a look.” Dr Lindsay said, forcing herself into my position, reaching into Alyssa’s exposed chest cavity. While Lindsay was sorting things out, I placed a vascular clamp on the descending aorta in order to redirect bloodflow to the heart, lungs, and brain- a common practice during ER thoracotomies to limit damage elsewhere and to potentially buy the patient time during the resuscitation.
Ashley suctioned out the blood that obstructed the line of sight, revealing Alyssa’s motionless heart. “starting cardiac massage.” Dr Lindsay called out. She wrapped her hands around Alyssa’s motionless heart, placing her thumbs on the left ventricle. She then began squeezing the heart, pushing her thumbs in an upwards motion in the process. “1… 2… 3… come on hun…” Dr Lindsay said, looking down at Alyssa, as if she was trying to convince her patient not to die. Lindsay continued internal massage while nurse Nancy stood at the head of the bed ambu bagging. “let’s get another dose of meds in. Hopefully we can get a shockable rhythm that way.” I called out to the team. Nurse heather went over and got the meds and injected them into the patient’s IV line. Meanwhile, Lindsay continued internal massage. “something doesn’t feel right. Her heart feels almost empty.” She said to me. “let me take a look.” I replied, inching my way closer. Lindsay continued internal compressions while I probed around in the young woman’s chest, trying to see if I can figure out what her injuries were. While I was examining the area, her heart began to fibrillate in Dr Lindsay’s hands. “ok! She’s in v-fib. Let’s get the internal paddles and charge to 20.” She called out.
Nurse Ashley charged the internal paddles to 20 joules, and handed them to me. Everyone backed away from the patient while I placed the paddles around Alyssa’s weakly fidgeting heart. “ok. Everyone… CLEAR!” I called out, delivering the shock. A dull, wet thump was heard from the shock. Alyssa’s torso flopped and her breasts jiggled in response to the jolt of electricity. “no change. Let’s shock again at 30.” I called out. Once the paddles were recharged, I lowered them back into the 26 year old’s chest, and delivered the 2nd shock. Alyssa’s toes curled at the other end of the table in response to the shock, showing off thick, silky wrinkles throughout the soles of her size 10 feet. “No change Dr Kenny" heather tells me, shaking her head while looking at the monitor. “ok. Let’s recharge the paddles to 30 and shock again.” I ordered. Nurse ashley recharged the zoll internal paddles to 30j and handed me the blood stained paddles for the next shock. Everyone backed away before the shock, knowing what was coming. This particular shock caused Alyssa’s torso to jolt sharply on the table, but v-fib persisted. “Damn it… still v-fib. Let’s push another dose of meds and shock again. This time we should shock at 40.” I told the team. Once again, we recharged the paddles, lowered them into Alyssa’s chest, and shocked her again. The same dull, wet thump was heard. Alyssa’s lifeless body twitched sharply on the table in response to the more intense shock, but her heart stopped in its tracks after that shock. “shit. Asystole on the monitor. Resuming internal massage" dr Lindsay called out, acting decisively.
Dr Lindsay reached hands back into the young lady’s chest and began pumping her heart manually. “1… 2… 3… come on Alyssa…” Dr Lindsay said to herself, thinking out loud. Alyssa’s heart felt flaccid and empty in dr Lindsay’s hands. There was a definite contrast between feeling Alyssa’s warm heart and her cold, clammy skin. Her complexion faded rapidly, and her beautiful blue eyes remained half open, with a blank expression on her face.
Dr Lindsay messaged Alyssa’s heart for several minutes to no avail. “let’s push another round of meds. And dr Kenny, how about you take over internal compressions for me? Maybe you’ve got the magic touch.” She said with an undertone of sarcasm. I nodded and took over compressions for my coworker. I reached my hands into Alyssa’s chest. I looked down and saw her heart motionless in my hands- something that’s odd to see in a previously healthy 26 year old. I started pumping her heart with my own 2 hands, desperately trying to bring the young woman back. But I knew the odds grew less and less likely as time went on. “hey, we’re out of FFP. Should I get another unit?” nurse heather asked us. “no honey, let’s hold onto it for someone we can actually save. You know how fast that blood bank can empty out on a busy day.” Nurse nancy replied, implying that Alyssa was pretty much a goner. “She’s young though, we should keep trying at least a little longer.” I said to the team, trying to improve morale.
I massaged the patient’s heart for several minutes to no avail. We maxed her out on meds in that timeframe, and nurse nancy noted that Alyssa had fixed and dilated pupils. At that point, I held compressions and the monitors went flat. “alright… does anyone object to calling this code?” I asked everyone in the trauma room. I was met with silence and a couple people shaking their head “no.” I then nodded and said “ok. Time of death, 20:46. Thank you all for your efforts.”
Nurse nancy detached the ambu bag and shut Alyssa’s eyes for the final time. Nurse heather switched off the flatlined monitors and began removing the EKG electrodes from the patient’s bare chest. I removed the thoracotomy equipment from the patient’s body, while dr Lindsay started removing her gloves and trauma gown, walking out of the ER feeling defeated. Nurse ashley removed all the IVs and started filling out the toe tag. On the blank tag, she wrote: “Collins, Alyssa. DOB 8/26/95, DOD 10/3/21, time of death 20:26, cause of death: Blunt SVC dissection. After filling out the tag, she placed it on the big toe of Alyssa’s left foot. The tag tangled in front of her soft, wrinkly soles while a sheet was placed over her battered body. At that point, I began to remove my equipment and head out of the room. Nurse nancy and nurse Ashley then wheeled the stretcher out of the trauma room to transport alyssa to the hospital morgue while heather stayed back and cleaned the trauma room and prep it for the next patient. It’s never easy losing a patient, but it’s par for the course when you work in trauma. We have to compose ourselves and move on to the next patient.
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wandsandwheezes · 3 years
WARNINGS // 6.9k // SMUT 18+, George x Reader // Fred x unnamed OC, Angry Fred, Racer!George, light angst, fighting, rough sex, soft sex, breeding kink af, mentions of alcohol, cars, sex, possession, praise kink, a (tiny) amount of degradation, oral, unprotected sex, one ass slap.
A/N // the series that nobody expected to become a series has now officially done just that. @darthwheezely​ and I do be hoes for these racer boys xoxo 🏎🦋 ILYSM PHIA MWAH <333
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“Fred, have you seen my jumper?”
“Yeah, it’s on the bed, baby” he called. Fred was not often a meticulous man, but (as Lee said) ‘if the fit called for a bit of work, it was always worth it.’ 
And to Fred, going to a press conference with his exceptionally hot fiancé warranted at least basic perfection, right?
Fred made a low whistle as she came out of the bathroom, a towel around her. “Well, aren’t you just a sight for sore eyes.” She came to stand in front of him, pressing one, two, three kisses to his mouth, the flavour of fresh toothpaste still on her mouth. He hummed in contentment and wrapped his hands around her waist.
“Love, it’ll be fine, this will be my tenth, glorious win-“
“-and you almost got in a crash last time because you were being a tosser, remember?”
“Mmmm, that’s in the details,” he said softly. He searched her eyes and sighed, pulling her flush  into his body.
“I promise I’ll be okay this time, you know I’m a great driver and that this isn’t anything different...I still intend on marrying you in one piece, you know.” She chuckled at that and he tilted her chin up, pressing a kiss to her forehead and murmuring:
“I love you, you know that?”
“And I love you, Freddie...even though you are a tosser.” 
He slung her over his shoulder, rolling his eyes dramatically, and threw her on the bed, her giggling at the action.
“There’s my saucy little minx, now how about a pre-press test drive, yeah?...”
“I can’t just not go, babe.” George sighed, pushing the hair from his face, a sudden clammy feeling of his clothes against his skin indicating just how nervous he was for the up and coming press conference. 
“You’re running a fever, George, I’ll call Lee and tell him that you need the rest and that–” You rambled, pressing the cool back of your hand against his forehead, then neck and chest, feeling that thin veil of sweat forming against his hot skin.
“Don’t.” He mumbled all too abruptly, cutting your flow of words short. Furrowing your brows, you looked down at him before shaking your head. He recognised the tone at which he had spat his word, immediately pulling your hand into his, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. “I’m sorry I snapped, I know you’re only looking out for me.”
“It’s okay, Georgie, I still think you should stay here with me.” You sighed, climbing over his legs to be sat in his lap as you breathed out softly, watching as his eyes softened only for his eyebrow to raise, a smirk soon finding his lips while his hands rested on your waist.
“Any old excuse to keep me at the hotel then, eh?” George licked his lips, pulling you closer into his chest as he eyed your expression, the giggle that fell from his lips like pure music to his ears.
“I just want you better for the race, idiot.” You rolled your eyes, pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose, his lips finding your cheeks to pepper kisses there with a smug grin on his face.
“I think I could win this one you know, regardless of me being sick or not, I have a good feeling about it.” He hummed, forehead pressed against yours lovingly.
“What makes you say that?” You prodded, running your hands through the hair at the back of his head.
“I have one thing nobody else has; you.” He praised, only for you to bury your face in the crook of his neck, taking a deep breath as his hands ran up your back. “I love you so much, angel.”
“I love you too, George, more than you’ll ever know.”
The conference room was packed - that’s an understatement, really. Every journalist alive came to talk to the new dominators of modern NASCAR racing, George and Fred Weasley. Although, as George spitefully knew:
He was somewhere because of Fred. Again.
That familiar feeling of resentment threatened to bubble in the younger twin’s throat, and he immediately began to push it down. The fights, the mutual disgust and disdain - that was done now. Ten wins for Fred should mean legitimately less than nothing but excitement for his older brother. 
So why was that feeling still there? 
“Hello, everyone, I’m sorry I’m late!” Fred entered from the back of the stage, nothing but glimmer (and gloat) in the elder twin’s face. Good mood Fred could always either be an impending disaster, or one of the best things the world has ever seen.
Of course he’s late, he’s always late, George thought, before guilt immediately settled in. 
Fred took a bottle of water, winking playfully at the young lady who got him one, before settling in his seat next to George. 
“Right then, questions?” Fred boomed, that familiar sunshine of a smile very evident on his face. The man behind them, George’s manager was directing questions, and George swallowed at what questions would appear. 
“This is for Fred, do you predict another victory in this race?” The journalist asked.
Fred leaned a bit forward in his seat and dipped his mouth into the microphone:
“Does the pope wear a big hat, love?”
George however sniggered to himself at the question, holding back a laugh at Fred’s answer. Of course he would answer in the cockiest way known to man, only lighting a fire under the younger twin’s arse to kick into gear and take the baby driver down a few pegs. 
“Something funny, Georgie?” Fred turned his head slightly to the side, the smile still there, but dark eyes venturing into icier territory.
“Nothing, Brother, just think you should remember there is always tough competition, no matter how cocksure you are.” George murmured loud enough into the microphone for his words to reverberate around the room, some reporters eyeing each other before vigorously taking notes. 
Fred had been taking a sip of his water and nearly choked, eliciting a “sorry everyone!” into the microphone. He gave George a brief side eye, but no - he wasn’t going to let him ruin his moment again. They’ve moved past this, George can have his own fun, why couldn’t he be a little confident for a change?
“Hi, this question is for George,” Fred only heard that much before a brief but very definite prickle of resentment tingled at his skin. He started to feel a bit warm but was determined to brush it off, turning towards George a bit.
“You’ve had a fantastic season these past couple years, and although you’ve lost the past ten races, you still stick to the top five - will we get our own Crimson Wonder back, or is that Fred’s title now?” 
George held back on his instinct to bite at his brother’s ego, instead taking a sip of water to collect his thoughts before speaking, his mind trailing back to the words he had said this morning; ‘I have a good feeling about this one’.
“Fred and I both train hard, as does every other racer out on that track,” George swallowed thickly before continuing his sentence, “But I think my own winning streak is far from over, who knows, as you say, you may get your Crimson Wonder back yet.” 
Fred attempted to register and probably stop the inherently blank expression on his face, but honestly? It was too much. Yes, George was great, and yes, he was proud of him but.
Why was there a deeply unsettled feeling in the pit of his stomach? Twintuition as they called it was something not out of the ordinary at all - but why was it that somewhere in the back of his mind he just felt this...this negative foresight.
There was one thing Fred didn’t like more than avocados (Fred hated avocados) and that was losing.
“My baby brother, so inspirational isn’t he? Gets it from my mum, absolutely.” Fred curled his lips into his mouth, gnawing on his bottom lip, in complete understanding of what he just said. The reporters didn’t have to know that any time he brought up their age or said my mum instead of our mum, it kind of lit a match in George. 
In short, Fred knew exactly what he was doing. And George didn’t really like that, but he wasn’t about to stoop to Fred’s level and ruin his public imagery, not with his wife-to-be and his sister-in-law-to-be watching and murmuring to each other with pained faces: they knew the tension was there too, of course they had.
“I think we should leave the rest of the heat for rubber burning on the track.” The moderator cut in, taking final questions from the press aimed at the others on the panel, letting the twins simmer in their own jealousy toward one another as the conference came to a close.
The boys’ demeanours had completely shifted, George staying behind to take pictures and leave autographs for fans, smile on his face and a sense of pride in his chest, while Fred had made a swift exit in just the way he arrived, looking absolutely miserable.
“Georgie,” Fred called out from the locker rooms, “just what the fuck was that?” His bare chest red while he angrily scrambled to get his uniform on.
“Please,” George scoffed, zipping his uniform up calmly, before pushing his bag into his locker with ease, “I could ask you the same question.” 
“I was actually trying to give the press what they wanted, a good show, you, on the other hand, just wanted to be a proper arsehole in front of everyone.” He slammed his locker door shut, his knuckles on his hand against it surely white now from childish rage.
George closed his locker with force, not so much anger, running a hand through his hair before picking up his helmet, his tongue truly in his cheek, the angel on his shoulder begging him to stay quiet while the devil paralleled telling him that it was about time he spoke his feelings. “I’m the arsehole? Check your own actions first, mate.” 
He breathed but he wasn’t done, the words flowing like vomit as he finally let go all of the bottled aggression, “You don’t know the first thing about being a racer, how fucking tiring it is and you use it against me like its something I’m not good at and I’m fucking tired of it.” 
George went to continue, but the guilt of spitting every thought in his brain suddenly overcame him, instead he clutched at his helmet a little tighter, taking a deep breath before muttering as he walked away, “Good luck out there, you’ll need it.”
Fred stood there watching him walk away, something a bit more unfair that self-loathing and resentment lingering in his chest. It was dizzying, it was a feeling he altogether hated and actively tried to pretend he didn’t have.
Fred Weasley, in short, was guilty. 
The Arizona sun was beating down on the track, everyone watching on with baited breath as each car lined up on the Phoenix Raceway, engines revving in anticipation of the start of the race. Fred was clutching at his steering wheel tightly, blinkered only on one thing; winning this one. George however, knew the racers he was up against; some of the best in the NASCAR cup and even some that had been driving as long as he had been alive, was lucky to find himself there, taking a deep breath. George wasn’t a religious man but in that moment he was praying to whatever god to grant him some good luck. 
The green flag waved, signalling the start of the race, each car zooming by as the engines roared. The race was a tough one and everyone watching on knew that. The first ten or so laps went just as smoothly as planned, a backhaul crash in the 18th lap just missing the twins, but nevertheless cutting the number of racers pretty much immediately in half. 
George grew more confident as he crept up the rankings, sitting comfortably in about 6th place for a grand majority of the race, while Fred trailed much behind him in about 8th place. The tension of the conference had truly stumped the older twin, pushing him to want to be up in the top dogs, but to no avail, every attempt was blocked for him. 
The final three laps, George was in fourth and Fred was nowhere to be seen, well sat in his 11th place, seething at his inevitable loss. The younger twin was content with his placing, watching the third place drop down to 5th pushing him into the top 3. George swore he felt every single beat of his heart as he zoomed past the lap line. Two to go. Third place was enough for George, especially in a race like this. He zoomed past the lap line again. White Flag. Last chance.
In a flash, a car from behind George pushed forward, striking the first place car, sending three cars spiralling off the track leaving behind only dust sparks and fire in their tacks. It didn’t click for George that he had passed the finish line in 1st place until it blared through his headset.
“I fucking did what?” He shouted as he continued speeding around the track, the confirmation of his win ringing through his ears as he let out a loud but satisfied yell, the stress of weeks of losses finally leaving him in an exhale, welcoming the new feeling of pride. 
Fred in the heat of the crash had fallen to 12th place, pushing him to be the last of all the cars on the track past the finish line - a loss he was not ready to accept no matter how much pride beamed from him hearing the news that the winner had been his own twin brother. 
“George, how does it feel to have a trophy back?” 
“Honestly, it feels so surreal - I’m so grateful for my team, crew, and absolutely amazing fiancée, Y/N - I love you so much, baby,” he shouted over the noise, cameras completely swamping the victory stage and hallway down to the bar. He had everything he could’ve wanted, you, a real win again, happy sponsors - but there was one thing missing.
Fred. Where was Fred? Did it really matter? He knew he hadn’t placed very far, but surely he wouldn’t be that angry would he? But then - no. No, George won, he deserved to win again after Fred had been hogging all the sunny days and he was still supportive. So where was his twin now? Even after everything.
He stopped you on his arm and said: “actually, there is one more person I really do have to thank.” He faced directly towards the camera, you utterly confused.
“Thank you, Freddie, for being the best supportive big brother a guy could ask for. You’ve always been a winner to me.” And with a shaky swallow, knowing he wasn’t here, knowing he probably could give a shit whether George thanked him or not, he went off with you on his arm to have a drink.
God knows he needed it.
The older twin sat in the lockers, his elbows resting on his knees, his bare arms and chest tensing periodically with pure and spiteful rage. What the absolute fuck had he done differently? He had been on his highest alert, his most pristine focus, what went wrong? 
He didn’t crash, he didn’t bitch and moan to his pit crew, he didn’t fly off the handle - yet - so why did he get the curt, “I’m sorry, son, we all lose sometimes,” from Vinnie, his new manager like it was just normal. 
Fred Weasley didn’t lose. Especially not after a ten time winning streak, no, he refused. 
So there he sat, knowing his fiancé was probably making excuse after excuse as to why her husband had fled the cameras and the questions, why he wasn’t congratulating his brother on his fantastic win - but he didn’t have the energy to feel guilt. All he felt was loathing. He barely didn’t register the soft clicking of his soon to be wife’s heels clacking against the tile floor. 
“Fred Weasley, what the fuck are you doing naked in the locker room, I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” she said with great exasperation. She looked stunning, in that pretty little two piece skirt and black crop number, not at all like a woman frantically in search of her formula 1 MIA husband. 
“You look great, sweetheart,” he mumbled, barely looking up at her before getting up and turning to his locker, getting out his change of clothes. She watched his back ripple with tension and at the sight alone felt her thighs break for a second.
“So were you planning on telling me where you were or just sulking in here?” 
“I was taking a shower, actually...I don’t get why you’re so pissed at me.” He snapped, not even bothering to turn around. 
“I’m ‘pissed’ at you because your brother loves you and you’re in here acting like a five year old who got his teddy taken away from him.” She retorted. Fred turned around then, slamming the locker door shut for the second time that day, the sound echoing in the bathroom. 
“I’m sorry, what did you just say to me?” He seemed to punctuate every word in the sentence, but his voice very quiet - too quiet. 
“You’re - just get your clothes on and knock it off, Weasley,” she scoffed, trying to walk off the very minor but very palpable fear she felt, and the evident arousal pooling in her thighs. Fred, unfortunately, knew this, and in Fred fashion, was feeling quite a good many ways about this. 
“Get your ass back here, right now, sweetheart,” he snapped, his volume gaining to a low roar. When she kept on walking to the door, his long legs loped to a brisk walk in front of the doorway, right in front of her. She didn’t realize that she was holding her breath for a second until she exhaled, and his thumb came up to grace her bottom lip.
“Open,” he said quietly, and then she did listen, her lips opening up to his thumb immediately. He always did this mannerism, when he said open he’d open his mouth too, almost showing her how she needed to be before usually saying “theeere, it is” but right now, he was silent, his mouth pressed in a thin line. 
But then she bit. And hard. Pushing him off her and making him gasp, her heels clicked down the tile as fast as she could walk. But Fred wasn’t going to let her get away that easy. In an instant he threw his elongated and toned arm out to grab her waist, pulling her back into the wall, caging her in his hold.
“You’re being an absolute twat, you know that?” She spat. He delicately slapped the side of her face and squeezed her cheeks to form an o.
“And you’re being a prissy little bitch, but I’m still here, aren’t I?” He said harshly, scanning her eyes before yanking her in for a kiss. She immediately released a desperate moan into his mouth and he slid his hand through her hair and all the knots and tangles possible to reach the back of her head. His other hand slid down up her skirt to grope her thigh, hoisting her legs around his waist. 
“You’re so fucking hot when you’re mad, I swear,” she breathed out, before his lips messily met hers. He always kissed with his jaw, she noticed that, when he’d hit his strong jaw out to move with her and nuzzle her face and then she always moaned like she was doing now.
In an instant he was carrying her back towards the shower, the shuffle of so many movements causing the towel around his waist to fall off.
“You ready to take a winner, baby?” 
After a couple of drinks it was safe to say that you and George had gotten a little closer than you usually would have sober. He wasn’t even tipsy, feeling no more than the pride of his win but even with that he wasn’t going to ignore the fact that his girl was practically purring for him while clinging to his arm. You were so desperate to pull him in for a kiss, hell you probably would have let him have you in the hall out of pure lust for your husband-to-be.
It had been so long since you’d seen him smile the way he was now, pride radiating off his skin alongside the heat of his lingering fever, making you remember that not only had he won the hardest race he’d ever driven, but he’d done so while sick. A smirk spread over your lips as you went to push up on your toes, lips pecking a gentle kiss to his jaw.
“What’s that for, angel?” He smiled down at you, his lips now ducking down to press a loving kiss to your forehead. 
“Just a taste of how I’m gonna congratulate my winner later.” You mumbled playfully as his arm snuck around your waist to pull you in tighter, leaning to whisper in your ear as his lips grazed over your earlobe.
“Guess I should think about getting you to bed then, yeah? That what you want bub?” He pulled away from your ear with a grin stretching from ear to ear.
You nodded bashfully, letting him tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, the rosy hue on his cheeks apparent just from being close to you, in this moment. George didn’t care about the press or his manager or really even the win anymore, not when he had you right in front of him, begging him short of being on your knees. 
He made an excuse, whatever it had to be to get you alone, to get away from the champagne, cameras and chatting. His jacket was draped over your shoulders as you found your way out of the celebration lounge, giggling like teenagers as you walked hand in hand to his car, the echoes of laughter humming around the underground car park before he had you trapped between his body and the passenger side door.
“I can’t wait to get you back to our room.” He mumbled, lips just hovering inches away from yours. His hand slipped just under the hem of your top, his hot touch sending sparks flying through you.
“The things I want you to do to me, Weasley.” You breathed out, hand reaching behind his head to pull his lips down to yours, letting him leave no gaps between you, him and his car. 
“Oh yeah?,” he murmured breathlessly, nose knocking against yours, “Like what, princess? Don’t be shy, we have a whole journey for you to run that pretty mouth of yours.”
“You’ll ruin me one day if you keep talking like that, George.” 
“I think I’ll ruin you tonight instead, love.” 
“Freddie, please-“
“No, I’m not stopping until you cum on me, princess, I deserve that much,” he snarled, his cock rippling through her over and over. He had intended on fucking all his anger out on her ever since he pushed her into the shower, everything only mouths and melded hands. 
“Feels - feels so good, Freddie” she whined, her legs barely able to sustain being wrapped around him. His hips whipcracked into her at an entirely new angle, prompting her to mewl and claw at his back like a cat. 
“Oh my poor baby, can she not take my cock? Would another racer do a better job at - “ he pushed deeper into that new spot, her mewls and whines turning to wanton cries. “ - stretching you out instead of me?”
“No one can do this, Fred, I promise, love,” she murmured, her eyes rolling vacantly to the back of her head. He sensed her climax was arriving soon, she was like butter under his hot embrace.
“Look at me,” he growled, squeezing her face and tilting it upwards. “I want to see my prize when she makes a mess everywhere, you hear me, princess?” Her widened eyes bore into his deep chocolate ones and when she finished, she truly could not look at anything else except him, it was always him and only him that made her feel like this. 
“Thaaaat’s it, baby, look at you, being such a dirty little girl for me. You like making messes for me, princess?” He cooed, his soft and caring tone a total opposite to the way he pulled out and slammed back in, making her scream and be flush against him. 
“M-mhm,” she murmured, Fred shaking his head as he chuckled, carrying her dripping out of the shower, still inside her. “Do you want me to take you off?” He whispered, the anger still in his throat, but...she would always be more important. Making her feel safe was always important, even in the worst of his rage. Fortunately, she nodded at him and kissed his jaw, a soothing gesture that always meant she loved him, everything was okay, he didn’t hurt her. He smoothed the top of her wet hair down and gave the top of her head a kiss, his ring finger stroking against the centre of her spine.
But then, a certain thought excited him blackly. 
“Baby…who put that ring on you?” He asked pensively. No, he didn’t win that idiotic fucking race, and no, he didn’t beat his brother in this race but - he still won her. He suddenly felt his dick twitch deep inside her and he groaned, clenching his jaw at the sudden awareness of her engagement ring digging into his shoulder. He fully stopped looking at the ground and the towel on the locker hanger, reaching for it and dropping it flat on the ground.
“F-Freddie?” She asked weakly.
“What - what are you doing?” She released a high pitch whine at the feeling of Fred twitching again, and at that he flipped her over on the towel, backside up, his cunt and his ass being fully presented to him like that. And then he moaned, his eyes shutting after and his jaw rolling when he saw her buck her ass up to try and meet him wherever he was behind her. 
“God, you are just a good for nothing little Formula 1 whore aren’t you?” He breathed out, his hands sliding to cup her ass and squeezing, relishing in the scarlet rash of skin that came and went with a blink of an eye. 
“You’d like to think so,” she quietly quipped, his hands suddenly freezing on her ass.
“Oh...is that so? Well, then…” and at that he slowly began to squeeze again until she was squirming, then bringing his hand down to the centre of her ass, a loud smack echoing in the room. She cried into the towel and bucked her ass towards him once again. 
“Yes, yes, I’m a Formula 1 whore,” she wept, Fred chuckling and positioning his cock at her entrance, just barely letting his tip brush her cunt.
“What if I just stayed here, hmm? Didn’t even let you have my cock, just gave you a taste of what it would be like to get fucked by me and go use another checkered flag slut instead, that sound good, baby?” He said crisply, trying not to let the tortured feeling of his cock get to him. 
“Fred, I-“ and with a final growl, Fred pushed himself to the brim inside her once more. She cried out his name into the towel, his free hand not bracing himself from behind pushing her head into the towel. He was devouring every noise that came from her mouth, mostly strained cries and pants that registered with every crack of his hips inside her. He felt her near her release again, his as well, his hips losing tempo.
“Gonna marry you and stuff you with aaaall my babies, isn’t that right princess? Gonna make my trophy wife swell up, you won’t be able to even fathom seeing that pretty pussy of yours in the morning” He panted, groaning at the sight of his cock disappearing and reappearing in her - in his - cunt. 
“Please, wanna be so full, of your...of your babies, Fred,” she whimpered, his name falling from her lips like alphabet soup as she, with a final rock of her ass against him, came undone around him. He gripped her hips and with a sharp “I love you, fuck” followed her in the same way, his hips rolling ever so gently back into her to soothe their highs.
After a moment he pulled out of her, dismantling the baby hairs sticking to her forehead out the way, pressing kiss after kiss there. 
“Weasley, you got any car plush toys on you by chance?” She quipped, prompting a grin from Fred and a chaste kiss to her lips and nose.
“No, but the Babies R Us near home might…”
The second you were parked up, George had his hand snaked around the back of your neck pulling you in to peck your lips over and over, warm and comforting giggles slipping from your lips between every kiss. The trip up to your room took twice the time it would usually take, stopping frequently to evade the hotel staff, as well as missing your floor entirely in the elevator; too distracted by the taste of his lips and the way his hands gripped desperately at your hips.
Once well inside your hotel room, you found yourself underneath him, hair sprawled out beneath you as he marvelled at your beauty. A toothy grin spread across his lips before his head ducked down to press a kiss just below your ear, sucking a deep purple mark against your warm skin as a giggle erupted through his throat, the vibrations causing you to do the same, hands pressed against his shoulders to push him away. 
“Good lord, woman, I love you.” He breathed out, his lips moving to press a kiss to your forehead. You sighed out a moan as his fingers slipped underneath the hem of your shirt, bunching the fabric up as he pushed it up your torso and over your bra, exposing the plain but gorgeous lace.
His lips soon pressed against your exposed skin, sucking mark after mark down the valley of your breasts, humming in satisfaction at the way you writhed beneath him as your hands wove through his soft, ginger locks, tousling them perfectly as you giggled together.
“You may have won today, Georgie, but I’m winning now.” You whined, keeping him pulled close to you as his free hand snuck just underneath the hem of your skirt, fingers brushing against your sensitive clit as he swallowed each and every moan, taking pleasure in slipping the flimsy lace to the side to sink his fingers into you quickly and with no mercy, letting you chant his name as you begged for more. 
It didn’t take much for him to oblige, hardly pulling away from you to slip his cock free, teasing your entrance for a moment before he was pushing slowly into you, letting you get used to the feeling of the first few inches, only for him to pull back out, chuckling darkly at the way you writhed against the sheets. “Baby please, don’t tease me like that.” 
He pouted mockingly, dipping his head down to press a slow and intimate kiss to your lips, nose nudging against yours before he mumbled into the kiss, letting you lean into it. “As you wish, princess.” 
Almost all at once, you felt him move your hips to the right position, continuing to tease you as he sank slowly into you, not daring to pull away again as he eyed the way your face contorted with pleasure, your hands slipping under the thin t-shirt, he wore, pulling it over his head and tossing it across the room, your nails dragging down the freshly exposed skin, pulling a groan from him.
“I’m gonna fuck you so deep, bub, gonna make you scream and give you a baby.” He groaned, hands pressing your head down to the mattress as he cradled it, hot breath fanning over your face as his slow thrusts pulled moan after moan from you.
His strong arm hooked underneath you, pulling you up and into his chest, as his hips continued in pushing in and out of you at the most antagonising pace. He smirked at the way your head immediately fell to rest on his shoulder, your eyes squeezing shut from the new angle. 
“Bet you’re loving this aren’t you? Not so bold anymore, angel.” His gravelly voice rumbled through your ear, hand gripping that little bit tighter as he felt your small shallow breaths growing deeper at the intensely slow lovemaking you were far from expecting tonight.
“I’m still bold.” You whispered, nudging forward to pull his earlobe between your teeth before peppering sloppy, wet kisses along his neck.
“Funny one, love.” He smirked, beginning to pick the pace up a notch, enough to bring the hanging release down on you, pushing you to be clenching around him as you begged for it. “I knew you’d like that.”
He had a way of completely dumbfounding you, making you lost for words, finding yourself against the sheets fully again, this time he had hooked your legs over his shoulders only to lean down and press his lips to yours, all the time his skilled fingers toyed with your clit. 
You felt as if every sense had been awoken, stimulated by his very touch like a fire had been lit around you, pulling you into the embrace of the flames as you found yourself screaming his name, the inevitable high falling over you.
“That’s it, baby, doing so good for me…” He breathed heavily, his lips pressing to your forehead as he continued to ride out your high, his own release painting your walls as he fucked it into you, pulling true on his promise of filling you up.
You felt so full, his love washing through you from head to toe as he lazily kissed you, slipping your legs off his shoulders to pull you back into his arms, keeping himself bottomed out inside of you. 
“I’m dead serious about giving you a baby, princess.” He chuckled, hand trailing up and down your back as he traced languid shapes into your soft skin.
“Good, I’m dead serious about having your baby.”
Fred knocked on the door, his foot tapping on the carpet outside George’s hotel room. He was always a fidgety man, but today would be all too different for the eldest Weasley twin. 
He knocked once more, altogether considering just going home and leaving a lengthy but probably nonsense voicemail, if not entirely fueled by alcohol then by sheer force of nature that was his fiancé alone. 
He had decided on giving up, his legs stretching as he turned around. But then the door opened, the equally messy haired ginger behind it looking so much calmer and more serene than Fred ever could. 
“Heya, Georgie,” Fred breathed out. George would never have said it out loud, but Fred looked like absolute death. He could tell his older brother had gotten little to no sleep, his eyes sunken in. He knew Fred was hurting, and George never was one to rub it in. If anything, George would always be the one who understood him the most, they rarely ever had to apologize to each other for things like this, their souls simply understanding when pain was evident. 
“Morning, Freddie…” George spoke warmly, crossing his arms over his chest for a moment, smiling lazily at his twin as he pondered his next move. “D’you wanna come in?” 
“Yeah...yeah, that’d be nice,” he swallowed, smiling softly at his slightly younger (but in many ways, much older) twin. 
George stepped aside, letting his brother in as he shut the door behind him. He rubbed his hands together, a smile that rounded his cheeks on his face as he sensed the awkwardness in the room. This wasn’t like them at all. “Everyone missed you yesterday, Fred, parties aren’t the same without you.”
“As in, no one drank all the rum and Coke at the party without me is what I’m hearing?” He cracked a small smile, attempting to avoid as much eye contact with Georgie that wasn’t necessary. 
“George, I’m so sorry.” He said softly, his jaw stilling. 
“You don’t have to apologise, Fred.”
“No, but I do. I...I know how special being behind the wheel is to you, and you’re right. I don’t know what it means to win, at least not like you, and...George, you’re my best friend, stupid.” He aggressively wiped under his eyes. “I want to be happy for you and lately I haven’t even been thankful for you and that isn’t fair, mate, I...I love you. So much.”
“I feel like I was losing you there, Freddie, I’ve hardly seen you, we don’t talk unless it’s a press conference and just… Fuck I hate this, I miss being able to call you and talk about all the dumb things we can do together.” George sighed, looking up to the ceiling to stop the tears from falling.
Fred’s, however, were already hitting the ground. “I hate it too, Georgie...I hate it so much. It’s fun, being a racer like you - with you - but I just...I want to fix your tires again, man” he tearfully chuckled, watching George do the same. “I want to say stupid shit like ‘baby brother, your blinker fluid is out’ over the headset and listen to you cuss me out, and I want to be able to know I’m still on your team at the end of the day.” He curled his lip inward. “That’s all I’ve wanted. Is to be on your team.” 
“You have no idea what it’s like to win without you, when you’re out there making sure that everything is okay I just know my big brother is there looking out for me and I miss it, I miss telling everyone that it was you who made it possible, Freddie, you’re my star man.” George smiled, scratching his arm nervously, wanting nothing more than for things to be like old times.
Fred let out a breathy laugh, his eyes still brimming with fresh tears. “I’m the last one to thank, you big wanker, I don’t drive the damn thing constantly, that’s all you and your foolishness.” He swallowed. “I just...if you’ll have me back, I already talked to the Wood Brothers and everything but um...there’s a deal where I would be able to also drive once a month or so, and be your Pit Crew Pit Bull the other races. If that was okay with you - I want to be there with you again.” His knee bounced in the silence, his guilt and fear bouldering in his throat.
“I’d want nothing more than to have you back, I think it’ll be good for you to still stay driving, you have to get that adrenaline fill somewhere… I don’t say it enough, but I’m proud of you, proud of what you’ve achieved.” George smiled, the toothy grin brightening up the room as the awkwardness seemed to fade. “Even though you do become a cocky bastard sometimes.” 
Fred scoffed and rolled his eyes. “One does not become a cocky bastard, Georgie-kins, one is a cocky bastard...also, I have to be,” he said getting up and moving to where George was sitting. “if I’m going up against my snot-nosed little brother who’s getting married and is going to expect me to babysit for a thousand hateful children,” he waggled his eyebrows and threw a pillow at him. “But thank you...I mean that. You know you’re easily the best on that track every time. Every time. I’m...I'm proud to be your twin, Georgie.”
“I don’t know how I survived without your brilliant humour gracing us all, Freddie, I truly missed the inspiring wit,” George chuckled, gently nudging his twin with his fist, “After all, you’re not too bad of a brother to have, not everyone can be me but you’re as close as anyone’s gonna get.” He smirked, eyebrow raised as he looked over to his twin.
“I truly am so distraught I did not destroy you in the womb when I had the shot, but here’s to the wish anyway,” full on slamming George in the face with the pillow and howling at the action. “Top that, bitch,” he barked.
“It’s on now.” George laughed, throwing the pillow back at his brother, sending an eruption of laughter echoing around the hotel room, the two boys flinging cushions around like there was no tomorrow.
But the laughter didn’t end, only continuing as loud roars and giggles as time passed. You found yourself swinging your legs out of bed, trudging towards the source of the noise, only to find feathers everywhere and the twins laughing together in a childlike manner. “Could the two of you be any more loud?” 
“Sorry, baby… didn’t mean to wake you up.”
“Yeah, sorry, Y/N.” Fred chimed in.
“You’re damn lucky it isn’t early, Weasley.” You sighed, rolling your eyes as you shuffled off towards the warm embrace of the morning shower, thankful to see the twins as they should be, happy and together once again.
A/N //  so phia and i have pretty much decided that we’re gonna keep this going so... part IV coming sooooon ;))))
taglist // @slytherinsunrise @gcdricreads @theweasleysredhair @vogueweasley @vivianweasley @feetoffthetablee @thisismynerdyself @witch-and-a-half @loony-loopy-lupinn @rip-us @hopemalfoyweasley @whizboingies @pansydaisy @darthwheezely @lumos-barnes @starlightweasley @valwritesx @weelittleweasley​
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mrs-hollandstan · 3 years
Welcome Home || Harrison Osterfield
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Warnings: language I think, mentions of pregnancy, kiddos, Tommo and Haz being cute little loves, minor angst
Word Count: 2,913
Author's Note: I was so torn between this and a dad!Sam fic that I'm O B S S E S S E D with so I still might post it. This one was written a while ago, but with the magic of editing I've made it a little better haha. I hope you guys enjoy!
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Harrison's schedule made it hard to be apart. You had seen a lot of time away because he and Tom are best friends. The two of them used to always travel together and that excluded you most of the time. But with that, it was always Tom working and Harrison sitting off to the side, facetiming you until his phone literally ran down to the last percentage. But when its him that's working, and he misses his wife and his little boy, it is the hardest thing ever. Hearing him bawl over the phone because you sent him a video of your son being tickled is so so sad. When he facetimes you, he won't even look at the camera, thinking you'll react negatively to him being gone so much, your son growing up without him there most of the time. When he finally did look up, his eyes were red and he kept rubbing tears from them. 
The day he finally came back was sooner than expected. He was expected back on Friday and was back by Tuesday. At first you thought it might be an intruder creeping into your son's room but upon further inspection, you found that Harrison was the more logical explanation and finding his car parked in the driveway confirmed the suspicion. Slowly standing and blinking the sleep from your eyes, you wander down the dark hall to Jackson's room. You smile when Harrison comes into sight, his hair still parted and gelled off to the side, the body of your two year old cradled to his chest. He rocks the little one who's still asleep in his arms, Harrison's head laid over Jackson's. 
"Welcome home soldier." You say gently, Haz's head snapping up, his baby blue eyes sparkling in the moonlight. His hips don't stop swaying methodically, but an exhausted smile crosses his face. Gently laying your little boy down, he takes the few strides forward, dragging you into his arms and dipping you to kiss you. You giggle into his lips, holding his broad shoulders. He stands you straight after a moment, 
"You're so cheesy." You rasp out, covering your mouth and squealing when he raises you in the air, your legs binding around his waist. He chuckles low in his throat, 
"My god I missed you so much." He growls, letting you run your fingers through his hair. You lean in to kiss his nose, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
"We missed you too my love." When your son groans and whines quietly, tossing and turning in bed, Haz sets you down, eyes wandering to the little two year old, 
"If he wakes up can he come to bed with us?" He asks, like he's a second child. You shrug, stroking his shoulders over the long sleeved shirt that sticks to his muscular arms, 
"Sure." Crouching beside the bed, Harrison looks down at his little boy longingly. You remember that look as the same he had on his face the day Jackson was born. The curiosity, the fear, the love; he felt it all, mostly all at once. The way Jackson wasn't planned but you both wanted him. The way you both craved to hold this little human in your arms. And the way when this little baby was laying in Harrison's arms, he was absolutely in love all over again. And it was just the three of you for the longest time, and still. You eloped in secret, keeping it from even your closest friends and family once the stress of having a baby was over. Of course Tom was pissed he wasn't gonna be a best man, but holding Jackson overpowered that. Uncle Tom was just as in love with the little boy staring up at him as Harrison was, and when that little one started to whimper and whine, Tom was on it, calming the baby back down to a neutral temper like only he and Harrison could do. 
"You should go take a shower. I'll bring him to bed for you." You softly say, walking forward and wrapping an arm around him. He smiles, stroking the little one's cheek again as he's broken from his thoughts, 
"Yeah. I'll be right there okay?" Standing and kissing your forehead, he exits the room just as swiftly as he entered, leaving you to lean in and  kiss Jackson's forehead. He whimpers again before his eyes flutter open, blinking a few times before he frowns slightly at the sight of you before him, 
"Momma?" You smile, stroking the sandy colored locks of hair from his eyes, 
"Hi baby. Daddy's home, you wanna see him?" He's suddenly fully awake, sitting up and nodding as he holds his arms out for you. Lifting him, you carry him down the hallway, following the noise into the bathroom where Harrison is vigorously washing his hair,
"Who is that?" You quip down to your son, Harrison quickly rinsing his hair and peeking from behind the frosted glass to smile at the two of you. Jackson makes grabby hands at his father leaving you to giggle as Harrison's eyes flash in panic, 
"Daddy!" Haz swallows, 
"Ahh shoot uhm, just give me one second baby. Lemme finish my shower." You lean against the counter, pressing your lips to Jackson's temple in soft, almost non-existent kisses, 
"We can wait huh? Just stay right here?" Jackson nods, resting against your chest and tucking his thumb in his mouth. You kiss his forehead, 
"We've waited long enough now, huh lovebug?" He nods again, looking up as Harrison turns the water off. Quickly drying himself and wrapping a towel around his waist, he holds his arms out, taking the overexcited boy into them. Jackson snuggles into his father, letting Harrison kiss his hair, 
"I missed you so much buddy. I thought about you every day." You smile, rubbing Jackson's back softly as they just hold each other. Harrison follows you out into your bedroom, watching as you walk to your closet to fetch him a pair of boxers, crouching and letting him step into them before dragging them up his legs. Taking the towel, you gently ruffle his hair and toss it in the hamper, pushing him back against the bed. He practically falls onto it, cradling Jackson to his chest. He holds an arm out when you crawl in beside him, ducking under the covers and wrapping your arms around both boys when he lays Jackson between the two of you. You kiss the back of Jackson's head, finding Harrison's eyes, 
"He missed you so much." You murmur. He nods, moving hair from in front of Jackson's eyes, 
"I know. I missed the both of you so damn much." Wrapping your legs around one of his own, you sigh, rubbing his chest, 
"I love you." He smiles, leaning over your little boy to kiss your forehead, 
"I love you too. I swear to you that if I have to be gone that long you'll come okay? Just for a little bit at least. No more leaving you for that long again." You nod, closing your eyes as he kisses your cheek. He rubs your arm, humming gently to Jackson. When you open your eyes again, he glances up at me, 
"Babe?" He poses softly after a moment. You nod, reaching out to stroke his cheek, 
"Yeah?" He licks his lips and kisses Jackson's forehead, 
"Can we have another baby?" He asks. You smile, his crystal colored eyes searching your own. He sighs, looking down at Jackson, 
"I just want another one. I really want a baby girl. I just want another baby honestly." You nod, running your thumb over his cheekbone, 
“You’ve asked before silly.” You incur. He smiles when you lean in to kiss his nose, 
“And you’ve never told me yes. I just keep shootin blanks.” You giggle again, his lips trapping yours in, 
“I do want another one. I love Jax and I’m not gonna push but-” 
“Yes.” He looks up, his mouth hanging open as he looks between your eyes, 
“Yeah?” You nod, 
“I’ve been thinking about it while you were gone.” You admit. He smiles, 
“You’re amazing.” You giggle, 
“Yeah yeah, go to sleep Mr. Osterfield. All of us are exhausted.” You murmur, leaning in to kiss Jackson's forehead. He nods, rolling on his back. Lifting Jackson, he switches sides with him, laying himself between the two of you. Jackson whines, laying his head over Haz’s shoulder. Haz tsks and kisses his forehead as you drape an arm over Haz's waist, 
“I’m not goin anywhere Jax.” Snuggling into his back, you sigh, 
“I’m glad you’re home Hazzabear.” You mumble in his ear. He hums,
“Me too love, me too.” 
Harrison didn’t let the two of you out of his sight for the next few weeks. He was constantly playing with Jackson, insisting that you all be in the same room. Jackson slept in your bed for a few more days after Haz returned, Harrison holding the both of you. The only time it was just you and him was when Jackson was in his room taking a nap, Harrison having set aside this time for the two of you to focus on getting pregnant with baby number two. And around two and a half weeks later he had reshoots during the day which was when you'd discovered his wish had come true. Most times Jackson wanted to go with him which Haz quickly obliged to. One of the days Harrison had reshoots, you were terribly sick, nausea and morning sickness halting any plans you'd made. Growing excited despite the circumstances, you took four pregnancy tests and squealed and jumped around the room when all four came back positive. Quickly running to your local store, you got a few unisex onesies and pacifiers, setting up a small box with the tests and clothes you'd gotten. Nervously cleaning the kitchen, Harrison and Jackson came barreling into the house shortly after, giggling. You smile, leaning in to kiss Haz when he enters the kitchen, 
“How was it?” You ask. He nods, sitting Jackson on the island, 
“It was good. Uncle Tom stopped by so Jax was pretty happy. Got him to play some games we're normally too preoccupied to do.” He explains. You nod, Harrison leaning on the counter on his hands, bumping into the box. He glances back at it and frowned, 
“What’s this darling?” He asks inquisitively. You shrug nonchalantly, 
“I dunno… why don’t you open it, find out.” He quirks an eyebrow before turning to it and taking the lid off. Looking over the contents, it takes only a moment before his eyes widen and his head snaps back up to meet your eyes, 
"Are you serious?" You nod, 
"Found out this morning." You inform. He crumbles to his knees, pulling up your shirt as you giggle. Jackson giggles along with you, looking down at his father, 
"What doing daddy?" He poses sweetly, 
"Mummy's pregnant Jax." Harrison whispers breathlessly, running a hand over your belly. He looks up at you, his eyes sparkling in tears and a soft smile crossing his face when you pinch his chin, 
"Congrats daddy, you've got another baby on the way." He chuckles, sniffling and looking back down at your skin as if he could see the baby. You smile, stroking his hair, 
"Can I tell Uncle Tom too?" You pose. He chuckles again, 
"You'll give Uncle Tom a heart attack." He murmurs. Picking your phone up, you send a quick text to Tom, telling him you'd love to have him for dinner. He replies almost immediately saying he'd love to and he'd be over in ten minutes. 
When he arrives, he hugs you, kissing your cheek and cheerily saying, "'ello darling." He turns to Jackson, lifting him into the air,
"Hey Tommy, there's something for you in that box." You chime, jutting your chin out to the same box Haz had opened. Holding Jax on his hip, Tom struts over to the box, pulling the lid off and peeking inside. Much like Harrison had, it took just a moment and a furrow in his brows for him to understand, his eyes widening as he looks up at you, 
"Jax is gonna be a big brother?" You giggle and nod, 
"You're getting another niece or nephew Uncle Tommy." He gasps, rushing forward and drawing both you and Harrison into a hug, 
"Oh my God guys, congrats!" He cheers. You giggle once more, 
"Thank you." Pulling back, he runs a hand over your belly, 
"Great, another kiddo to spoil. God Harrison, thanks mate." Tom jokes. Harrison smiles and shrugs, 
"I want a little girl." He informs. Tom tsks and cocks his head, 
"I'll steal her. I'll steal that little girl. She'll be the cutest little thing ever and I won't be able to resist her." He tells the both of you matter-of-factly. Harrison shakes his head, 
"You're not stealing my little girl." Harrison murmurs. Tom bounces Jax on his hip, 
"Just imagine it Haz, the cutest baby girl ever layin in a lil Spider-Man onesie her Uncle Tommy gave her." You smile, Harrison laying his hand over your hip, 
"You hear this guy babe?" He asks. You nod, 
"I do. I think he could sneak her out. You know how he is." You joke with a wink shot Tom's way. Tom chuckles, 
"Just saying that if you get a little girl and she ends up missing then there's no need to panic, she's with her favorite uncle." Harrison tsks again, not responding to Tom's pestering. Tom grows bored, looking down at Jax, 
"Are you gonna be a good big brother J?" He asks,, fixing the little boy's shirt. Jackson nods, playing with Tom's watch, 
"You want a little brother or a little sister?" He asks. Jax shrugs, giggling when Tom tickles him, 
"I think you'd do really good with a baby sister little man. I think you'll be a good big brother." He adds. Leaning in, you kiss Harrison's cheek, 
"I think we gotta worry about Haz here. How good of a daddy are you gonna be to a new baby?" You ask. Tom snickers, 
"I mean I can take over your family Harrison, it's no big deal." Tom jokes. Haz frowns, 
"Uhm no. This is my family." You smile, leaning into Harrison, 
"We are your family, regardless though. No matter what, Uncle Tommy is always welcome." You inform. Tom smiles, taking the step forward to wrap his arm around you. Rubbing your back, he leans in and kisses your temple, 
"Thank you love. I love your little family. Its like you're my wife and these are my kids too. You're the sweetest." He tells you. You smile up at him, crinkling your nose and laying your head over his shoulder, 
"Someone's gotta be here when times get tough. And that's the Osterfield family." Tom tsked, 
"You're the sweetest." When the potatoes behind you boiled over,you gasp and turn in their arms, both men chuckling as you pull them off the stove, 
"Why don't you guys go set the table while I finish dinner." Haz nods, leading Tom and Jax off, a steady stream of giggles and the clanking of silverware ringing through the air softly. As you dish the food up, you smile, listening to Tom growl at his nephew, making the little boy squeal,
"Need some help beautiful?" Harrison quizzes quietly, poking his head in the kitchen, 
"Yes please, can you grab these two bowls." He nodded, grabbing the two bowls and following you into the dining room. Tom looks up, smiling as you set a plate before him, 
"Technically you could've left after I told you I was pregnant." You tease. He chuckles, bouncing Jax in his lap, 
"I was invited to dinner, I'm staying for dinner." He mumbles. You smile, sitting between him and Harrison. Looking between them you smile, 
"I love my boys. All three... maybe four of them." You tell them. Tom smiles, laying his hand face up on the table. Placing your hand in his, you take Harrison's too. He smiles, bringing your hand to his lips to kiss the back of it, his eyes glistening in love, 
"I'm so in love with you baby. You put up with all my shit and you put up with my best mate's shit. You married me and had my babies and I don't think I can thank you enough. It's tough, especially when I'm away, but you make coming back so much easier. I love you." Harrison lectures. Tom rubs your knuckles with his thumb when you click your tongue and reach forward to stroke Harrison's cheek, 
"I love you too baby. There's nowhere I'd rather be, no one I'd rather be with than you. You're an amazing husband and father and..." You look to Tom, "assistant." Tom smiles and nods, 
"You're amazing Haz." He concurs. You smile, watching a blush rise to his cheeks. You hold your glass up, 
"To our Harrison. A brave, strong, amazing man." Tom raised his glass, making Jax raise his sippy cup to be just like his uncle, 
"To Harrison." He kisses Jax's forehead, "and daddy huh little dude?" Jax nods, Tom chuckling. Harrison raises his own glass, 
"To my family. My gorgeous wife, my adorable little boy, my new sweet little babe... and my brother." Tom smiles, holding his glass against yours, Harrison clinking the three of them together, 
"To our family." 
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