#they need to hold hands. they need to embrace. Marvel is a bunch of sick cowards
strangerinthelight · 5 months
The way Mobius and Loki say each others names. That is all
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samadiw · 3 years
Knickers - Part 05 - We need to talk 🤐
D : "You smell good."
Hermione jumps
H : "Shit, you scared me, Malfoy."
Draco smirks and leans in closer.
D : "Didn't you ask me to meet you here?"
Hermione nods nervously.
H : "I did...."
She eyes him in his all black ensemble.
Merlin, he looked sexy as fuck.
H : "Umm, why aren't you in uniform?
Draco smiles fondly.
D : "My mother asked to see me, she misses me."
Hermione's heart melted.
H : "Oh, is she okay?"
D : "Yes, she's doing quite well, thank you."
Draco trails Hermione's bottom lip with his thumb.
D : "Its been hours since we kissed."
Hermione leans into his touch, her lips part and she whispers.
H : "Yes, I think it's time you refresh my memory, Malfoy."
Their lips touch and Draco deepens the embrace oblivious to their surroundings.
The sound of books falling to the ground interrupts them, they break apart and turn to the source.
A frightened 1st year stares at them.
Draco narrows his eyes menacingly.
D : "Move along, repeat what you saw to no one."
The terrified boy nods vigorously
Hermione rolls her eyes.
H : "Must you scare them."
Draco puts his hands in his pockets and raises a brow.
D : "Must we hide?"
Hermione looks at the blonde intently.
H : "I thought we agreed to keep our encounters secret."
Draco grins mischievously.
D : "Yeah, it does add to the fun, doesn't it?"
He closes the gap between them and traps her with his body.
D : "Meeting up randomly and snogging in forbidden places."
His fingers travel up her thigh and disappear under her skirt.
Hermione gasps but let's Draco do as he pleases.
Draco drawls seductively.
D : "Makes you feel dirty and adventurous, doesn't it?"
He presses flush against her.
D : "You get off thinking about me, Granger?"
Almost every night, but she wasn't going to tell him that.
Hermione rolls her eyes.
H : "Oh please, I have better things to do than masturbate every single night.
His long practiced fingers push aside the cotton underwear that covers her sex and strokes her inner folds.
Hermione whimpers and throws her head back in pleasure.
Draco grins in satisfaction
D : "Plenty wet now."
Laughter from the next aisle brings Hermione crashing back to her senses, she steps away from Draco and warns.
H : "Stop, there's alot of people around."
Draco chuckles.
D : "Why did you want to meet in the library, Granger? Is there a fantasy you've suppressed and want to bring to life?
Hermione averts her gaze and blushes.
H : "I, umm, have something to discuss with you."
Draco eyes the nervous Gryffindor.
D : "Go on, I'm listening."
Hermione's cheeks redden further and she stares at her feet.
H : "So, umm, Valentine's day is coming up and...."
Draco brings his hand up and interrupts.
D : "I'm going to stop you right there, I don't believe in fucking Valentine's day."
D : "It's a money making bloody ridiculous day."
Hermione's face falls in disappointment but she hides it well.
H : "Oh, I see, then this conversation is quite pointless."
Draco frowns.
D : "Granger, finish what you started to say."
Hermione grabs a large book and holds it tightly to her chest, she averts her eyes again and mumbles.
H : "Umm, no...I have to go."
Draco watches in confusion as Hermione hurries away from him.
Over the next few days Hermione ignored Draco and his advances.
She gave him various bullshit excuses.
What he did however see was Michael Corner (The sodding Head boy and shite Quidditch player.) Chatting up the witch he had been secretly snogging.
In frustration Draco walks towards The Great Hall and sees a bunch of people crowding around a bright red poster.
He walks upto Blaise and Theo
D : "What's going on?"
Theo grins excitedly.
T : "Valentine's day party."
Draco frowns and leers
D : "You can't be fucking serious."
Theo rolls his eyes and retorts sarcastically.
T : "Yes, yes, we are well aware of your crazy feelings about the day."
He smacks his forehead.
T : "Fuck, I've got to ask Luna."
Blaise nods in agreement.
B : "Good idea, mate, I'm going to ask Patil before some other fucker does."
Theo raises a brow and quips.
T : "Will you be joining the festivities with your mystery witch or are you going to drown your quacker ideologies in a bottle of firewhiskey?"
Draco sneers.
D : "First of all, theres no bloody mystery woman and second, well, yeah...maybe I'll ask someone."
It dawns on him.
Fuck, was this what Granger wanted to talk to him about before he rudely interrupted her?
Malfoy, you fucking donkey.
He had to find her
Draco looked around wildly, Granger was nowhere in sight.
D : "I have to go."
Theo asks suspiciously.
T : "Where?"
Draco glares sternly.
D : "None of your bloody business."
Theo chokes back a sob mockingly.
T : "It's like we dont know you anymore."
Draco rolls his eyes
D : "Stop acting like a possessive girlfriend, Theo."
Theo pouts and sticks his tongue out.
T : "You used to tell me everything."
Blaise rolls his eyes
B : "Stop your moaning."
Draco turns to sprint down the corridor to find Hermione but bumps into Corner instead.
D : "Watch where you're going, you insufferable git."
M : "Mind your attitude, Malfoy."
Hermione steps out from behind Michael and bends to pick the books she dropped.
M : "Are you okay, Hermione?"
Her eyes dart from the poster to Draco
H : "Yes, I'm fine."
Draco rounds on Hermione and asks desperately.
D : "Granger, can I speak to you?"
He throws a look of disgust at Michael and demands.
D : "In private."
Hermione puts her books in her bag and shakes her head.
H : "Sorry, I'll be late for class, let's catch up later."
Did she just disregard him like he was some unworthy piece of shit?
Hermione disappears into the Hall and Michael high fives Terry Boot.
Boot asks at once.
TB : "Did you ask Granger to the party?"
Michael frowns and shakes his head.
M : "I didnt get the chance, she's always got something going on."
M : "What I wouldn't give to tap that."
Draco heard word for word, he balls his hands into fists and controlls his raging temper.
Terry laughs.
TB : "You better get a move on then."
Michael nods enthusiastically.
M : "Yeah, I'm going to do it now and get it over with."
Draco almost drops his books and bag.
What the fuck?
What was this weird feeling of icy cold doom he felt in the pit of his stomach?
It slowly turned to blinding rage and he tried to tame it.
What he wanted to do was grab Corner by his robes and beat the mediocre wizard into a bloody mess.
Draco doubles over and fights the bile that rises.
Blaise eyes his best friend in concern.
B : "Er, you okay, mate?"
Theo frowns.
T : "Fuck, is he going to be sick?"
Blaise quips.
B : "Chill, hes feeling several emotions at once."
Theo raises a brow in question
T : "What?"
Blaise starts to count.
B : "1, 2, 3...."
It hits Draco like a ton of bricks.
He fucking liked Granger...alot.
Hook ups and random kissing aside, he wanted more.
Draco straightens with renewed purpose.
D : "I need to go."
Blaise smirks and nods.
B : "Yeah, you do that, mate."
Draco rushes into The Great Hall
Theo stares after Draco's distraught figure.
T : "What the fuck is going on?"
Blaise lazily points to the Hall.
B : "Let's go watch, shall we?"
Michael reaches the Gryffindor table first and taps Hermione on the shoulder.
Everything happens so fast.
Draco runs at breakneck speed and tackles the unsuspecting Ravenclaw, they go crashing to the ground.
Everyone around them gets to their feet and stares at the struggling men on the floor.
Theo takes a step forward but Blaise holds him back.
B : "Let Draco handle this."
Michael groans and rubs his bruised side.
M : "What the fuck is wrong with you, Malfoy?"
Hermione crosses her arms over her chest and asks impatiently.
H : "What the bloody hell are you doing?"
Both men get to their feet and try to adjust their tangled school robes.
Michael opens his mouth to speak, but Draco waves his wand effortlessly and places a silencio charm over the Head boy
Corner glares sternly and makes obscene hand gestures.
Draco clears his throat quickly and blurts out.
D : "Granger, will you go with me to this stupid Valentine's thing?"
Hermione blushes and grins triumphantly.
H : "People are staring at you."
D : "Fucking let them, I don't care, go with me?"
H : "I'll think about it."
Michael grins smugly.
Draco is indignant.
D : "Really? Are you fucking serious?"
Hermione steps closer and kisses Draco lightly on the lips.
H : "Of course, I'll go with you."
Theres pin drop silence, the entire body of students and teachers were staring at them with their mouths hanging open and eyes wide, except Slughorn.
He continued to eat his breakfast.
PS : "Minvera, my dear, I believe, you owe me hundred Galleons, did I not tell you the unlikely duo were a couple of sorts?"
McGonagall stares at Draco and Hermione in shock.
PM : "You did indeed, I just never believed it."
Draco smiles fondly.
D : "Marvellous, see you in potions, Granger."
Michael stares at the scene before him dumbfounded.
Draco mutters the counter spell.
D : "Oh sorry, Corner."
Draco slides in next to Theo at the Slytherin table.
His housemates gossip around him.
Theo continues to stare at his best friend and asks in disbelief.
T : "Granger?"
Its Blaise who answers.
B : "Yes, Granger, you need to learn to be more observant, Nott."
T : "Hermione Granger?"
Draco bites into a piece of buttered toast and grins.
D : "She's brilliant, mate."
The second Hermione sits down, Ron expresses his rather colourful feelings.
R : "Malfoy??"
Ginny snorts into her pumpkin juice.
G : "You are incredibly thick, Ron."
Harry laughs.
Ha : "I knew you were doing something, but I didn't think it was Malfoy."
Hermione blushes.
H : "No, umm, we haven't."
Ron looks at them in disgust.
R : "She kissed the snake."
Hermione smirks smugly
H : "I've been kissing him for weeks."
Ron looks like he's about to vomit.
R : "That's disgusting, you know that's Malfoy, right?"
Hermione rolls her eyes exasperatedly.
H : "Yes, I know, now drop it."
She looks around and scolds
H : "And that goes for the lot of you."
Ron bites into a sausage savagely.
R : "The world is going bloody bonkers."
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kim-monsterlings · 4 years
Bellamy - GN Cursed x F Human (Reader)
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The pictures do not belong to me. I only created the mood board. Do not repost my work anywhere.
Content: SFW/Lime, haunted mirror, moving reflection, ghost touches, minor angst, fluff, affection
Wordcount: 2040
Antiques had always been a subject of whispers in your town. Charmed or cursed, and for so long you had presumed them only stories. Nobody had ever been harmed by an antique - aside from a slight scare, often declared as imagination gone awry, which led you to the shop at the centre of Dew’s Cross, barely a day after settling in your new apartment.
The mirror had been the first dust-riddled antique to glimmer from your peripheral. Charmed or cursed, or even just an old mirror, it came home with you, balanced in the corner of your room. Its glass had bronzed, but it stood a foot taller than you and by far, you realised, on twisting to look over your shoulder, it did you only favours.
Blessed, it seemed. Not cursed.
Nothing out of the ordinary happened. Each day you dressed before it, marvelling at the sudden warmth in your face, the volume in your hair or how the old dresses you swore had stretched now seemed to fit perfectly, before leaving for work and returning, somehow looking just as beautiful.
Nothing had happened, until the night two months from moving in. It was late and you would swear it was imagination - it always was, but the wisps of white flitting behind you showed only in the reflection. This had been what you sought, so you could only tense, forcing yourself to stay still.
When the wisps of air fell to curl at your fingertips, there was no sensation of a weight against you. Only a sudden warmth blossoming across your palm and gliding gently up from your wrist, where it soon fell away into nothing again.
Imagination, obviously. Work had been draining. You woke Saturday with a tingling warmth in your chest, and denied it all you could. The mirror remained without your stare until evening, when you stood before it once more in your short nightdress, and swallowed back any traces of nerves. Each lie you told yourself of it being imagination left a bitterness in your mouth, and you wanted for it to be more than just imagination. Maybe your apartment was just a little quiet, but it wouldn't have been so bad to have company of some sort.
It came again without any coaxing. Tendrils tickled at your ankles though when you looked down, there was nothing to be found. Maybe it was a ghost, or a hallucination. When its wisps crept against your shoulders, the warmth fell to where your stomach knotted tight and your lids fell low.
Until what felt like a hold crept your throat. You gasped and staggered back, tearing yourself from the white air of the reflection and throwing a blanket across the glass.
Nobody had ever experienced harm and you refused to be the first. That night you spent sat straight and staring at the unmoving blanket, eventually falling asleep upright. When you woke, the room remained the same, and you remained just as unnerved. The shop had a strict policy of no returns, certainly no take-backs, and you couldn't blame them.
You didn't have the heart to throw away such a beautiful mirror, either. Nobody had been harmed - though a little part of you couldn’t help thinking, yet. The wisps had fallen away last night from your first cry, which was your only rationale for why you clenched your jaw and stood still before the mirror. Even with your hair a mess, eyes thick with sleep dust, you held yourself steady.
Whatever it was, it didn't return. Not for many minutes, enough that you swallowed and loosened your stance. "Come back," you whispered to the reflection unchanging. "I won't run again. You scared me last night, touching my throat. You could… you could hold my hand?"
That day was when you first began to think of the wisps not as an it, but a they, a something - be that a ghost, maybe an enchantment - stuck in the glass. When you spoke without faltering, the smallest brush of warmth stroked across your fist until you softened. So you could see them move, gentle brushes curled against your bare arm before your fallen strap was nudged back to your shoulder.
Without pause, you immediately shrugged it back down. "Do it again," you gasped, and laughed at the hesitance in the wisps before they lifted it back. To your delight, warmth curled up your cheek before a curl was tucked back behind your ear. It was like a touch formed of a light breeze in summer, like laying in the sunlight, and you felt them straightening your other strap, too, brushing away your tousled hair.
They would warm you on cold mornings in the next days of winter. An embrace, it felt like, while you frowned and turned to scrutinise your outfits. They would tug at a collar and stroke your cheek, a choice for the day made. Sometimes when you plaited your hair, it almost felt like they were there behind you, catching stray hairs and soothing you when slight knots snagged.
It was nearly new year when you stumbled home and fell on your bed. Anywhere in the room was within their reach, so long as it was in range of your reflection. When you would scream at your disappearing keys, gentle touches slipped against your palm and led you to your coat, where they always were. Or when you would toss and turn, a softer warmth would press at your temple - and you told yourself it couldn't have been, it was dangerous to trick yourself like that - but it almost felt like a kiss, before the duvet rose to your neck.
The button on your nape popped free. The dress loosened and what felt like hot breaths fell across the dip of your spine, easing you deeper into the blanket with every lower touch. They stroked across your waist and up to press against your ribs, stroking the marks left by your bra away.
If you hadn't whimpered, twisting to catch their touch, the illusion wouldn't have broken. They fell away and left you cold and alone. Only they could touch you, barely more than a hot breath, but never you them.
For a sofa, it wasn't too uncomfortable. Sleeping out of sight gave you both peace and let your sift through the weight of whatever this sinking feeling meant. They were something, and something you ached to hold and feel, like they could to you. Times when they tickled you rushed through your mind after you came home weak, teasing a smile they traced with wisps of air you could only see in the glass, and occasions when, on days you couldn't help sitting cross-legged and recounting gossip, they would curl back your hair and pinch your cheek as you rambled too fast, before falling to trace the lines of your palms as you spoke softer. It was enough then to have them listening, but you needed them now.
Wanted them.
Your room was dark but for the soft glow of a streetlight nearby. It was enough for you to see your dim reflection, and a tendril snaking around your knee. Tentative, slow, but you saw the way your thigh trembled from their touch in the reflection.
"Hold my hand," you whispered. "One squeeze for no. Two for yes. Can you understand me?" Nothing. Nothing, and your chin trembled. The glowing numbers told you it was nearly three a.m., and you were desperate for sleep but this was too important; you could call in sick if you really had, but right now, you wanted them. When you spoke again, it was with a crack to your voice. "Do you understand me?"
Gentle, pinching your thumb. Yes. Their embrace flitted at your hip as your fluffy dressing gown bunched together, holding you when your knees nearly buckled.
"Are you a ghost?" There was a pause, then no. "Are you an… an enchantment? A curse? A-" yes. Before you could think of whatever the cost may be, you inched closer to the glass. "Can I free you?"
At that you turned, rushing to find the heaviest boot you had. Sudden heat snatched at your hair and you choked, spinning to the mirror. Desperate wisps were pinching at you; your thighs, your arms, your cheeks, until you croaked out a breath and dropped the boot.
"I can't break the glass?"
Hard on your shoulder, no.
"I can... I," you bit hard on your lip, ignoring the rush of air to soothe the ache, and crept closer to the mirror again. Tiptoeing, you traced the thin frame of silver. "Can I take off the frame?"
"I don't know what else to do. I don't…"
The gentleness of their touches only twisted your chest. After all their kindness, when it came to helping them, you could do nothing but sniff and bring your forehead to the cool glass. Your palms laid flat and with all your heart, you begged for them to be free. There was even a part you that would trade yourself, now, just to free them from their curse.
"I'm sorry."
The tear running along your cheek fell away. You sniffed as the tender wisps stroked beneath your eyes. It was them looking after you as they always did. It was them softening back your tangled hair and closing warmth around your fingers, sliding together, and-
And it must have been their warm lips so soft against yours, not the cold sting of glass. Through your strained whimper, you lifted your chin to the firm touch of lips, soft and hot, kissing against you, gentle in drawing on your lower lip.
"Is this real?" You asked, gasping at a flick of a tongue at your throat.
Fingers strong and still so kind stroked beneath your dressing gown and cradled you at your ribs. Two pinches, then a low, rasping, "yes."
You collapsed into their white shadows. Wisps swept beneath your thighs yet their body was there, firm and nestling between your legs when they laid you back on the bed. They dwarfed you entirely, lips fluttering up to your cheeks and temples, a hand of tendrils gripping your thigh and tracing up the dimples.
They nudged into your throat with a soft whine, a desperate kiss on your pulse teasing just as pained a whine from you. "I am here, lovely. I am here."
No hair fell from their head, but you could hover your fingers in wisps dizzying their form. Your vision blurred until you pressed gently on their shoulders and caught your breath. They were a being purely of shadows and light, trembling and moving wisps, each reaching out and straining for one touch of your bare skin against them.
Only when you reached up could you feel the curve of wide lips. Two, glowing and grey eyes that were nothing more than lights on a moving form fell to you, and a smile curled beneath your thumb.
Later you would flush with embarrassment, and Bellamy would tut. They would tuck against you, kissing gently at your eyelids until you muttered the cause of your shame being your sudden timidity, when you all found yourself whispering was, "hi."
They nestled closer until you were embraced by stroking shadows, melting into them. "You freed me," Bellamy whispered. Their touches seemed made of endless tendrils, but their right hand cradled your head and then some, so much larger than you. "My soul is yours, my lovely."
Nobody was ever harmed, and you were as thankful for Bellamy being your reality. Now when they woke you with a soft touch to your cheek, you could whine and lean deeper into their chest, searching for the heavy thud of a heart. When they brushed at your back and muttered in your hair "please, lovely, not that old shirt," instead kissing your pulse as they breathed "oh, this one is beautiful," you could scowl and hit away their touch as often you liked, because when you turned, Bellamy would always be there to smile and bow to meet your lips.
The mirror stayed with you wherever you went, and Bellamy, too.
So, my workload has really drained my motivation, but Bellamy came to me in a sudden rush of inspiration, and I had to write them immediately. I might make a little collection of stories from Dew’s Cross about the antiques shop, who knows! Let me know what you thought - hope you liked them!!
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animegenork · 4 years
Sorry to interrupt regularly scheduled ignoring my random, but I wanted to put these somewhere, so I figured I’d put him here on my blog!
Basically, I wrote these short drabbles for each LI from @andromeda-six some number of months ago (I have no idea what time is anymore, but I think this was in July), around the time when Episode 4 was still blowing my mind. I did it as a sort of comfort thing and to do something nice for some friends, but I actually kinda liked them? So I figured I’d share, if that’s okay... If not you can just unfollow me like a bunch of people have been doing LMAO
All below the cut! :D
For my fellow Damon stans
If Calderon Hadn’t Cockblocked in the DLC 
"Yeah..." he says. "Stunning." 
 I realize he's not talking about the fireflies anymore as I turn my head to see him staring at me. My body starts to hum with the attention he's giving me; of course, he's looked at me before, but something about this is... different. 
 "Traveler," he murmurs, his voice quieter than I've ever heard it. He's not one to be quiet, I realize. It's either silence or full volume with this one. 
 My breath stops in my throat as his hand lightly touches my chin, as he has many times before. As he leans closer, I feel the logical part of my brain trying to push me away. He's bad news, it says. You shouldn't get involved. 
Screw logic. 
 His lips touch mine, and I feel something inside me melt. It's like he's some sort of poison, tearing me apart from the inside out. But somehow, that's good in this case. I decide I like poisons named Damon. 
Briefly, he pulls away, searching my eyes for any signs of protest, though I can't imagine ANYONE'S ever protested a kiss from him. Except maybe Calderon. 
"Was that stunning?" I nearly choke out, and the smirk that creeps up his face makes the stupid joke worth it. 
 "In a way," he replies, leaning in to kiss me again. 
I should volunteer to do the laundry more often.
For the Bash-ers (wait no that sounded wrong WHAT I MEANT WAS--)
Bash is waiting for me outside my room. He's in the process of hanging up one of his outrageous doodles, but he smiles despite being caught in action. "Sleep well?" 
"Ehhh," I reply, though my nonchalance is definitely offset by the dark circles under my eyes. It's hard to sleep when you have the weight of a galaxy resting on your shoulders. 
He studies my face for a moment before grinning. "Alright, come on." 
Grabbing my hand, he drags me through the hallway to the loading bay, until I can see the stars out the window, like I did the first day I woke up on the Six. A smile lifts the corners of my lips. The stars, as always, bring some sense of comfort to me. Looking at them, it's like there's nothing that could bother me.
I smile up at Bash. "Thanks, Bash."
"Oh, come on." I look up at him quizzically, and he wraps his arms around me, lifts me off the ground, and spins me around. "SMILE WIDER!" he practically screams, and I laugh at how weird he's being about something as simple as a smile. But that's Bash, I suppose. That's just the way he is.
He stops spinning me and looks up at me with his gleaming green eye and glinting yellow one. This time, my smile is more genuine. "Thank you." 
Setting me down gently, he kisses me on the forehead, which surprises me and delights me all at once. "Anytime, Traveler."
It takes all my willpower not to melt to the floor in a puddle as I blush myself silly.
Now Juuuuuuune (baby boy)
Hold My Hand
At first, I was just determined to meet June's lizard. Then, I find him in one of the storage closets, frowning at the wall as if it had just insulted him. "June?"
He doesn't answer, not at first. Then, slowly, he turns, and from the haunted look in his eye, I can tell he was just in a dark place. That wasn't this closet, that is.
"Traveler," he says hoarsely. He steps out of the closet and closes the door behind him, leaning heavily against it. "What's up?"
I can't possibly ask him about his lizard right now. "I, uh... just wanted to say hi."
June manages a weak grin. "Hi."
"Hi." We're silent then, and I see that something is still weighing on him. So I do something a bit drastic.
I hold out my hand. "Hold my hand, June."
"What?" He shoots me a questioning look, but, seeing the look on my face, he obliges and gives me his hand. Unsurprisingly, it's a bit calloused and rough, and a part of me just wants to hold it there and pretend time isn't passing around us.
But no, this isn't about me. This is about June. He's hurting, and I want him to feel better. It's not right for such a sweet man to be hurting this much.
I lift his hand to my lips and kiss his palm gently. Then, I close his fingers over his own hand and look up at him. "If you need someone to talk to, I'm here, June."
A light blush is spreading across his cheeks, but his weak smile softens as he murmurs, "Thanks, Traveler."
He wraps his arms around me in a hug, and I embrace him back. Sometimes, we all need to remember that we're not alone in this fucked-up universe.
For Cal-ers? (Was that funny? No? Okay I thought so)
Lynch the Cal-y Cat
Pushing Calderon's buttons shouldn't have been as amusing as it was, and yet, it continued to amuse me. Perhaps Damon and Aya were rubbing off on me too much, or perhaps a part of me had always been this mischievous.
I wasn't quite sure what possessed me to do it, but I acquired a pair of cat ears, yellow, like his hair, and I was trying to sneak them onto his head without his noticing. As I tiptoe up behind him, I realize with a sudden clarity that there is no one else around, and so, he is that much more likely to hear me coming. Dammit.
And indeed, he turns around before I succeed, a scowl upon his face. I have a split second lead on him, so I slip the cat ears on his head before he can protest. 
"What the hell?" he grumbles, rolling his eyes up, as if he can see the top of his head by doing so.
I start laughing uncontrollably, doubling over and practically not breathing anymore. He watches me enjoy his annoyance with a dark expression on his face. Even if he's pissed, the sight of him with kitty ears is priceless.
After a few moments, his face softens into a more neutral expression. I glance up at him, still shaking with the force of my laughter, and ask, "Cat got your tongue?" I bite my lip before I start rolling on the floor.
"You're smiling."
What? "Huh?"
Calderon looks away, as if saying something like this was a nuisance. "You're not moping around anymore. It's good to see you out and about."
Had he been WORRIED about me? Well, that was all sorts of embarrassing. "Uh, yeah, um, thanks, I guess...?"
He gives me a curt nod and continues down the hallway. "Oh, and Traveler?" I turn and raise my eyebrows at him. There's mischief gleaming in his eyes, and I'm not sure what to think about it.
"Be prepared for my payback." And then he leaves.
Oh, man. Why does that make me smile wider than I was about the cat ears?
Now for Aya <3
So About That Pole...
It's weird to consistently think of a sorta-sexy pole dance a friend of yours did just for fun, right? Right.
But I was undoubtedly thinking about that pole dance all the time, and I knew I wouldn't be able to look Aya in the eye until I'd had some semblance of a normal conversation with her again.
So when she surprises me at my room, I think perhaps karma or something is out to get me.
"Traveler! So Bash and I are planning this latest prank-" she begins, and then she sees that a blush is spreading over my face. "Are you sick? Should I take you to Ryona?" She puts her hand on my forehead, and I can't believe I haven't completely lost my shit yet.
That pole dance is on fucking repeat.
"You were saying?" I grit out, ignoring my clammy hands.
Aya cocks an eyebrow. "Oh no, you're not getting out that easily." She leans forward and rests her forehead against mine, and I stare, wide-eyed, into her eyes. Such proximity is really not good for my heart, considering how much I've been thinking about her.
Finally, she narrows her eyes. "Wait. What are you thinking about?" I don't answer, and she starts to grin. "Don't tell me after that dance, you've fallen for me?"
I blush.
She laughs, lacing her fingers with mine. "I'm flattered, Traveler. I'm sorry I didn't prepare you for that." With a kind smile, she winks at me. "But hey, lemme know if you want a repeat show."
Of course, my language skills return at that moment. "I just like that you were having so much fun."
Aya's eyes glitter with some emotion I can't read, and she leans in and whispers: 
"Good. Because I have fun when I'm with you." 
It's a miracle I don't drop dead on the spot.
Ryona, darling heart
Kiss to Make It Better?
I walk around the infirmary, marveling at all the plants Ryona has placed around the room. They really do give the room a homey touch, much better than I assume most infirmaries must look. At least, my perception of them has been anything but this.
Behind me, the door opens, and I turn to find Ryona, eyebrows raised. "Traveler? What's wrong?"
Now was my chance. I hold up my finger. "I got a bad cut."
Ryona starts to chuckle, and I grin awkwardly as she comes over and inspects the cut. "How did this happen?"
"I was practicing with the knife Damon gave me--"
"Say no more."
Okay, good, cuz there was no way I'd admit to Ryona that I kinda-sorta did it on purpose.
But of course, she somehow knew anyway. "You didn't do this to yourself on purpose, did you?" She looks up from the cut to my face, raising a stern eyebrow and pursing her lips. I swallow. How is she so good at that?
So I tell the truth. "I wanted to see you." Wait, shit, I didn't mean to be so blunt about it--
Her chuckle returns as she begins wrapping a bandage around the cut. I watch her nimble fingers work, fascinated by how efficient they are when I can barely do any similar activity without messing up at least once. Which is why I thought it would be believable that I hadn't done this on purpose.
When she's done, Ryona smiles at me. "Need anything else?"
It's childish, but surely she won't mind...? "Maybe a kiss will make it better?"
Ryona's blue skin flickers a bit as a reddish tinge spreads across her cheeks. Nevertheless, she lightly kisses my bandaged finger, and I grin triumphantly. "Does it feel better now?" she asks tightly, as if she's trying not to melt in a puddle like my heart already has.
"Yes. Thanks, Ry," I whisper, leaning forward and resting my forehead against hers. We smile at each other. At my side, my finger tingles.
And now we have reached Vexx-point! (Was... was that a pun? I don’t know...)
Don’t Worry, I’ll Save You
It's hard to watch someone you love suffer, even if that someone broke your heart not too long ago.
Maybe it was pointless for me to keep my hopes up when it came to Vexx, but I knew, from the moment he told me he hadn't cared, that something was up. Even if it had been all an act, I knew that what we had was something, and it certainly wasn't nothing.
So as I sit here, watching him sleep fitfully in the room where we're keeping him prisoner, I can't help but wonder what that manic look in his eye is all about. What did Zovack do to him? How can I fix it?
Suddenly, Vexx's face crumples into a forlorn expression, and I can't just sit by him anymore. I scoot over to him and put his head in my lap, stroking his red hair. Then, a thought occurs to me, and I take out my music box and open it, letting its lullaby soothe Vexx, even in the midst of his nightmares.
I can't help myself; I lean down and gently kiss his forehead, knowing he won't remember it when he wakes up. "Don't worry, Vexx. I'll save you. I promise."
Though he can't hear me, his lips turn up slightly in a smile, and I have a feeling his bad dreams have shifted to something better.
It's up to me to make that a reality for him.
Wow I forgot how short that last one was, I’m a bit embarrassed ;w;
But anyway, if you read these, thank you for the taking the time! <3
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melodyalanaroster · 3 years
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What Do I Do?
Disclaimer: This is a sequel to Study Session.
Alana opened the door to the Gym and immediately zeroed in on the punching bags. Nathaniel looked at her and smiled. “That was quick.” She set her bag down, walked over to him and hugged him. Nathaniel looked concerned. “What’s wrong?” Alana looked around. “You have the Gym to yourself today?” Nathaniel nodded. “Kim is taking a personal day, so she lent me the key again.” “Good. Because I don’t want any eavesdroppers. I’m still not in a position for outsiders to see me weak.” “Alana, what happened?”
Alana proceeded to tell Nathaniel what had happened with Morgan, and everything that Morgan had told her. Nathaniel looked shocked at the news of what had happened with Rosalaya. Alana looked down. “I was so hell bent on being mad at them for abandoning us. For trying to turn me against you when I got back. For trying to get me to do stuff that I wasn’t comfortable doing. For making everything about them and refusing to listen to me. Now… Now, I just feel selfish.” “There is nothing wrong with you being selfish. You know that, right?” Nathaniel cooed as he held her. “Everyone keeps telling me that, but then, why do I feel guilty for not helping them?” Alana buried her face in his chest. “Because you have always been the helpful type. You always put others first and when you do take time for what you want, you feel guilty because you’re not helping someone else. And now, you’re in a position where you’re being told by all the people you believe have power in your life to take charge and be selfish. The thing is, now, not only is your helpful nature making you feel guilty, but certain people who are so used to you always being there are now having to deal with the fact that you are now only providing your help to those who are there for you.” Alana looked at Nathaniel, shocked. “I forgave Amber! I forgave her and am there for her… Why can’t I do the same for Alexy and Rosalaya?” She asked. “Love, you’ve already answered that question for yourself. Amber came to you, proved to you that she’s changed and grown up and then she apologized for her juvenile actions. Rosalaya and Alexy have committed acts that you cannot forgive. What makes things worse is that, while Leigh has left you alone on the subject, Alexy’s boyfriend has now called you into question.” Nathaniel explained.
Alana sat down on a bench and sighed. “This was not how my final year of college was supposed to be… I was supposed to come back to town, get back with you, finish college, then have us start our real adventure. My reputation is supposed to be so damn fearsome that no one would dare question me or my motives! For fucks’ sake! I spent the better part of the last five years becoming one of the most deadly people on the planet! I come home and Alexy and Rosa just expected me to be the same, sweet, little Alana!” She cried. Nathaniel sat down next to her and wrapped his arms around her. “I can sympathize with them on that… When I first saw you in that Alley with those guys, I couldn’t comprehend that you, you, had become a monster of the Black Tower… That they were afraid of you… And that the fear and respect you command was rightfully earned. I didn’t want to believe it. How could I? The kind, caring, sweet, woman I fell in love with ultimately embracing her dark side and becoming a sadistic, cruel, beast that the monsters of this world fear? It was unheard of.” he explained. “Everyone has a dark side. You know that.” Alana commented. “Still. It was definitely more of a shock to see your transformation. You left to care for your mother, then you went off the grid, then you came back as this. Love, I’m not justifying their actions, but I can see why they can’t wrap their heads around it.” Nathaniel had a point. She hadn’t been as honest with Alex and Rosa as she had been with him, Amber and even Castiel. However, she had stuck with her convictions and decided that they weren’t worth the truth. “I get that it’s a shock for everyone who knew me from before to see that… I never really showed you guys how much I love those cool, long coat wearing, boot stomping, weapon wielding, badasses like in Aeon Flux, Resident Evil and Underworld.” Alana sighed. “No, I knew how much you love them… You showed everyone that by dressing up as Black Widow at that Marvel Exhibition in High School… It just never occurred to me that you would actually turn into one of them.” Nathaniel grinned. “My transformation didn’t shock Viktor and Rini… Then again, they ARE my best friends and have known me the longest….” She commented. “Did they expect it?” Nathaniel asked. “No, but it was a bit easier for them to accept.” She replied. He kissed her forehead. “I can probably guarantee that they had trouble accepting it. They probably talked to your family and had a better support system than the rest of us.”
After a few minutes of Nathaniel holding her, Alana sighed. “I still don’t want to forgive them.” “You don’t have to. Alana, you don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to do. You told me that Armin has even stopped trying to get you to talk to his brother, so the fact that Alexy’s boyfriend has done this only proves his naivety.” He cooed. “I’m still upset…. They claimed to be my best friends, and yet they did all this, all while my ACTUAL best friends are genuinely helpful. The only problems that I have with Viktor and Severina are their fathers, and Viktor’s jealousy towards you.” She stated. “Why do you hate their fathers? And why, after all this time, is Viktor still jealous of me?” He asked. Alana went on to explain the events pertaining to the Chevalier incident, her suspicions that Achille Mekina had something to do with inciting it and the fact that Viktor still loves her, despite knowing full well that he will never be with her again. Nathaniel sat there, shocked. “He really waved a gun at you?!” He blurted out, angrily. “Calm down. He didn’t shoot…. As it is, I’m starting to wonder if his mentality was caused my another factor…” She pondered. “What do you mean?” He asked. “It’s a lot of bullshit… Achille has been acting like more of an entitled asshole lately. Viktor and Edgard have been developing a sickness that is quite odd… So, whenever I’ve been visiting Rini, I’ve been investigating her father.” She explained. “You think he’s behind this?” Nathaniel asked. “I think it’s a good possibility.” She replied. “Are you gonna get the organization involved?” He asked. She shook her head. “Only for resources and if I need to wield my power. Other than that, Severina, Verity, Viktor and Edgard will have to deal with him in their own way.” She sighed. “You’re really not going to handle it for them?” He raised an eyebrow. “I want to. Trust me, I do. But you and I both know that if I do everything for them, they won’t learn to take care of themselves. Not to mention how they’ll thank me for doing it, then give me those big “sad eyes” and tell me how I need to save myself and stop saving the world. It’s best to just do as much as I can while I allow myself to rest on that front….” She explained.
After several more minutes of talking, Nathaniel changed into his normal clothes. “Are you making progress with your situation?” Alana asked. “Its slow, but the officer I’m working with is doing everything he can to help me.” He replied. “I hope you know, I’ve already put my backup plan in to place. The Red Death has approved of it, and should anything happen to you, we will take over your situation.” She asserted. He looked at her shocked. “Already?” He asked. “Yes. It wasn’t that hard. It was simply a contingency that could be added to Protocol 216.” She stated. “Are you ever going to tell me what Protocol 216 is?” He asked. “Only after its been implemented. Until then, it’s best if you just know that it involves you, and gives you access to the Black Tower.” She explained. “Alana, why can’t I know now?” He asked. “Because you’re still involved with that cartel. Technically speaking, you’re a loose end. You may be important to me, which makes you important to the organization, but, if the cartel finds out the gravity of that fact before we’re ready for them to know, then it will make things more complicated for all of us… So, its best to wait until you’ve either gotten yourself out of it, or until we take over.” She admitted. “Oh.” He looked down. “Look, love, there are a lot of things that its best if you don’t know for now. As it is, you already have sensitive information inside your head.” She added. “Are you really threatened by them?” Nathaniel asked. “Not really. But, I have to think of every possibility of what could happen. One of those possibilities is that they could use you to get to me. We don’t need that happening.” She replied. Nathaniel looked down, a wave of shame crossing his face. “So, I’m putting you at risk.” He muttered. Alana shook her head. “Don’t think of it like that. There are plenty of things put into place for what happens if people come after me. They typically don’t survive long…” She assured. “Really?” He asked. “You think I got to where I am without making a few enemies? A bunch of people have tried to kill me. They were swiftly dealt with.” She explained.
About an hour of discussion and explanation later, they decided to go out to eat. As they waited for their food, Alana couldn’t help but think about what was going on with Alexy and Rosalaya. Her brain refused to truly leave the matter alone. It was eating away at her. “Nath, I can’t get over it. They were supposed to be my friends… Yet, they abandon me, pour drinks down my throat, negate Lysander and Armin, try to coerce me to be with that waiter from the Cozy Bear, leave you without a support system, and try to turn me against you.” She rambled. “Alana, it is okay if you don’t want to be their friend anymore. The only ones who will judge you will be them, and clearly Alexy’s boyfriend.” Nathaniel took her hand and held it, gently as he spoke. She looked at him and thought for a bit. She knew that he knew what was going through her head… The same thing that she had talked to him at the gym about. She thought to what her other friends had said about the situation. “What cunts! Kick those sad little bitches to the curb! You know who your real friends are!” Derek had boomed. “After all they’ve done and refused to do? Yeah, they’re not your friends.” Lyra had remarked. “Don’t give them the time of day, Mels. They’re not worth it.” Severina had huffed. “They don’t deserve you.” Viktor had shot. Armin was disappointed but not surprised when she had told him of his brother’s conduct. “If you really feel like it’s detrimental that you remain friends with him, then maybe you should cut ties. I can’t deny that they abandoned you.” He had said. Of course, Priya wanted her to give them another chance, and was fully intent on scolding her, until Castiel stopped it. “Do you really expect her forgive them? Do you not remember her telling us that they weren’t talking to her when she was in Toronto? Do you not remember how she was asking us what she did wrong?” He had asked Priya. “I remember. But…” Priya had begun. “No “buts” Priya. This is her choice. If she doesn’t want to forgive them, then we shouldn’t judge her for it.” He had cut her off. Alana knew she was still upset with Castiel for what he had done in his apartment, but she was grateful that he was defending her. Even her mother and sister were disgusted. “If they’re not worth your time, then they’re not worth ours. I hated how Alexy wouldn’t leave Ken’s ass alone anyway.” Sam had remarked. Most everyone she loved and cared about were all saying the same thing. She knew they were right, and that this was her choice. No matter how it made her feel in the short term, she knew it would make her feel better in the long run. Her mind then turned to what had happened at the beach. She remembered the fury she felt as she slapped Rosalaya. The hatred she felt in that moment. It all came rushing back to her in a wave of resentment. Alana looked up at Nathaniel and noticed the plates of food in front of them. “Nath! I’m so sorry!” she blurted out. “It’s fine. It’s a good thing I know what you like… The waitress was worried when I ordered for you.” He smiled. “I love you.” She beamed.
“Do you want me to come with you?” Nathaniel asked as they got up from the table, and dumped their trash. “Yes please, but keep a safe distance. I don’t want them pulling you into something that they should know is my choice.” She replied. “Okay.” He smiled. As they walked towards Leigh’s shop, she explained what she was so focused on at the restaurant. Nathaniel clenched his fists when Castiel’s name came up, but she reassured him that she was still mad at him for what he had been pulling, although, she was happy for his defense. “Priya, always so self righteous.” He commented. “It’s okay. She’s easy to handle.” She sighed. He laughed when she brought up what her family had said. “I knew Sam didn’t like what Alexy was pulling, but I didn’t know she hated it to this extent!” he chuckled. “Yeah, even mom is upset with them.” She replied. When they got to Leigh’s shop, the sign was turned to “CLOSED” and they noticed that Leigh, Rosalaya, Alexy, Morgan and Rayan were talking casually. “Was not expecting this level of audience.” Alana muttered. “You can do this.” Nathaniel whispered in her ear.
“I’m sorry, but the shop is closed.” Leigh called as the door opened. “I’d say I’m sorry for barging in, Leigh, but that would be a lie. This is important and needs to be taken care of immediately.” Alana announced as she walked up to them. Nathaniel leaned against the doorway. Morgan looked at her and smiled, hopefully. “You might wanna go ahead and wipe that smile off of your face.” She shot at him. “Alana? What’s the meaning of this?” Rayan asked. “I see you’ve had time to think about what we discussed.” Morgan commented. Alexy and Rosalaya looked at her, a flicker of hope flashing over them. Alana stood firm in a position facing Alexy and Rosalaya. She looked at them solemnly. “What I am about to begin saying is a monologue, not a dialogue. So, no one will speak until I am done. Is that clear?” She started. “But, Alana…” Alexy began. “I SAID, IS THAT CLEAR?!” Her voice boomed. “Crystal.” Rosalaya began to shake. Alexy nodded. “I was not expecting a lecture and pleas for me to forgive you from Morgan. Perhaps my perception has deteriorated a bit since my return. I thought that, when he asked me to study, the conversation would be a lot more simplistic. Go figure, someone who is connected to you that actually asks for my attention wants me to do something for you. At least Armin and Leigh have gotten the hints. Then again, they know the biggest reasons why you two are recipients of my ire. They may not like it, but they understand it. Hell, even Lysander understands it. The past few months, I’ve wracked my brain over this situation. I begged and pleaded for your attention when mom and I were in Toronto. I contacted Leigh and Armin, asking them what I did wrong to make you two stop talking to me and they came up empty handed. I called, texted, tried to video chat, and got nothing. I even asked Lysander, Castiel, and Priya and they came up short. I had just lost Sylvester, I was in a constant state of fear of losing my mom, I had pressure from mom’s doctors and Carol, and I was alone in a foreign country half way around the world. Yes, I had everyone else, but I wanted to talk to you two. And what did you do? You abandoned me. You know? At least Castiel did his damnedest to try to keep up with me when mom had to relay information between the rest of the world and me. At least Lysander knew I still cared when I had the family get flowers and food to his and Leigh’s parents’ funeral. Sure, I couldn’t be there, but I did my best to make sure they knew I was there for them in some way. What did you two do? Essentially, you acted as if I had already died and you forgot about me… That is, until I returned. When it was made known that I was coming back here, you two popped up and acted like nothing had changed… Despite everything having changed. I get home and you two started pouring drinks down my throat, trying to set me up with Hyun, wanted me to get in on your crazy schemes and let me know that you completely disregarded the ONE THING that I had asked you to do when I first left! You not only abandoned me, you turned your backs on Nathaniel! Then you had the AUDACITY to try to turn me against him! You told me “he’s dangerous”, and to not worry about him. Even AFTER I told you that he’s a primary reason why I even came back in the first place! I made it very clear that I am one of the most dangerous things in this world, and you two still treated me like I’m some frail little princess. I KNOW what Nathaniel is a part of! And trust me, it wouldn’t take much for me to extinguish it! Literally, just a handful of orders! I thought I was done with this decision when I bitch slapped Rosalaya at the beach… But, apparently not. Between Morgan judging me and trying to guilt trip me into reconciling with you two, and my own brain trying to get to me, it’s eaten me alive. However, every time I talk to someone about it, they all say the same thing… That I don’t have to be friends with you two. Almost everyone else I care about agrees that you’ve been shit excuses for friends and that what you’ve done shouldn’t be forgiven. And it’s been solidified in my head and heart that I agree with that. You don’t deserve my forgiveness, and you sure as hell don’t deserve my friendship. After this, there will be no more confusion. You two are not my friends anymore.” Alana spoke with absolute conviction.
Alexy, Rosalaya, and Morgan looked at Alana, shocked. Rayan looked a bit surprised and Leigh looked disappointed but not surprised. “Alana! We’re supposed to be friends!” Alexy bleated. Anger flashed over Alana’s face. “That’s right! We’re SUPPOSED to be friends! But, when I was doing everything in my power to reach out when I was at my weakest points, you two turned your backs on me! When I was crying out and trying to get to you, you ignored me! When I came home, you rejected my requests and treated me like a pawn! THAT IS NOT HOW FRIENDS ACT!” She boomed. “But Alana we…” Rosalaya started. Alana turned to Rosalaya. “Don’t get me started on YOU! You go around acting like you’re everyone’s “mommy” all the time, telling them what to do with their lives, yet the only thing you’ve ever truly done to get what you have is be with Leigh all this time… And guess what? Did you forget that, not long after I enrolled in Sweet Amoris, you begged me to help you with him because you two were on the rocks? Yes, I feel sorry for the reason why you were in the hospital recently. I would only wish that on someone as a mercy for the innocent child who shouldn’t have to put up with shit parents. But that’s no excuse for how you’ve acted! You know what I’ve done to get everything I have? I’ve bled, sweated, cried, nearly died multiple times and have worked extremely hard. I have put in the effort! Hell, I’m still putting in the effort to get what I want! I train, go to therapy, work on documents and my “peacetime job”, try to hang out with friends, work on my connections, go to school, and give Nathaniel my attention. I MAKE AN EFFORT! Hell, I even make sure to keep in contact with Lysander and Armin! Which is more than what either of you do!” Alana cut Rosalaya off. “Then why did you ask me about Lysander when you got back?” Rosalaya asked. “We all know he’d lose his own head if it wasn’t attached. He hadn’t responded to my letters and texts in a couple of weeks and I figured that, since you’re gonna be his sister-in-law, you’d know something. But, no! You only ever told me to “forget about him”! Wow, you must REALLY love Leigh if you’re willing to disregard his little brother like that! The guy got into a car accident, got temporary amnesia, lost his parents, and took over his family’s farm and you just go out and tell people to forget about him? Then again, that’s how you are. You claim to be this “kind, sensible, compassionate, woman”, but in all actuality, you’re none of those things… You act that way to the outside world, but its easy to tell that you’re only, truly, like that to Leigh. What makes this even sadder is that, when I first knew you, you really were a “kind, sensible, compassionate, woman”. You were more mature than me at the time. You really were the “mom” of the group. But, between then and now, something has turned off. You’re more preachy, more hypocritical, more insufferable.” She then turned to Morgan. “You say that I’m a “good person”, but what you haven’t really gotten through your thick skull is that even good people have their limits. Please, take what I told you in your dorm to heart.” She sighed.
As she began to walk away, both Alexy and Rosalaya stepped forward. “Alana, please don’t do this.” Alexy’s voice cracked. “Please.” Rosalaya pleaded as she reached for Alana’s hand. “I judged people guilty and watched Derek execute them for much greater crimes who have pleaded for forgiveness much more convincingly than you. They offered me money, power, and other items in an effort to save their own skin. I have watched them bleed, sweat and cry as they even began to ask their gods for forgiveness and to be spared. Your lives may not be on the line, but you are still not begging me to forgive you in any way that sounds like you’re remotely sorry for what you’ve done. You show no remorse. And that makes this much easier… I will never forgive you. I will never be your friend again. Your existence in my life these past few months is a stain that only time will wash out.” Alana jerked away and looked at them, angrily. Alexy and Rosalaya stood back, their hands still slightly reaching out. Alana turned away and walked towards the door. “Let’s go Nathaniel, we’re done here.”
As the shop doors closed behind them, Alana felt a wave of relief wash over her. “You really shouldn’t have done that.” her subconscious tried to tell her. She looked at Nathaniel. “I did the right thing.” She stated. “How do you feel?” He asked. “Do you remember how, when I found you on the stairs at the beach, I said that I had performed “small surgery”? Well, this feels like I just cut out two tumors out of me. And, honestly, even though part of my subconscious is upset that I did that, I feel like a massive weight has been lifted off of me.” She explained. “I never thought I’d see the day where you’d do this.” He sighed. She looked at him and sighed. “There’s a lot of things I’ve done and am doing that you never thought you’d see. But here’s the thing… For years, everyone has made expectations for what I should do, how I should act, and who I keep in contact with… At this point, I’m ready to throw those expectations out the window. I need to. Not doing so will be detrimental to me. I need to start doing what I want, when I want, and with who I want. While I have been working towards that for nearly a year now, I’m not to where I need to be. Formally cutting ties with Alexy and Rosalaya is a big step in the right direction.”
I was actually quite torn about writing this one... I was torn simply between having her go to the Gym and confide in Nathaniel or go to the Break Room and having her confide in Rayan. But, as Nathaniel is one of the only people outside the Tower that she is the most open with, I thought it would be best to have her talk to her one true love.
This also closes the door that is opened in Study Session. I was going to give Alexy and Rosalaya a chance to reenter Alana’s life, but then I decided that it would be better for her to completely shut that down.
Timeline wise, I’ve decided that this takes place in between Episode 10 and Episode 14. I know, this is a lot of dialogue and little actual action.... But, I had a lot to cover here. 
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Love Finds A Way
(sequel to “See You Again” ( A Harry Hook x reader story)
Part 7
Back at the hideout the five where trying to come up with other options to not give Uma the wand but we're falling short.
“ There is no way we're giving Uma the wand.” Evie said, pacing. “ We can't just let her destroy Auradon.”
“Uma doesn't get the wand, Ben and Ruby are toast, guys.” Carlos stated defeatedly.
“ So we're going to give Uma, of all people, the wand?” Evie fired back.
“ Wait, you guys! Your 3D printer!” Hadley spoke through the argument.
The other three looked at her.
“A phoney wand” Carlos realized what she was insinuating.
“Yeah but the second Uma tests it, she'll know it's fake.” Evie retorted.
“Okay, so then we get Ben and Ruby out really fast.  We need some kind of diversion” Mal spoke from behind Hadley.
The rest thought for a moment, when Jay spoke up.
“Smoke bombs.” 
 “ That's perfect! I can get the chemicals I need from lady Tremains place.” Evie said as she walked over to Mal and Hadley.
“ Oh and sick hair by the way. Evil stepmom really stepped up her game.” Evie said running her fingers through  the ends of Mal's newly dyed purple hair.
“ Ok you wanna know something, Dizzy did this!”
“Little Dizzy? No way!” Hadley gasped.
Jay cleared his throat as the girls kept rambling about Mal's hair.
Jay shot the girls a look when they turned to him
“Right.  Jay, Carlos, meet us at Pirates Bay no later than 12 o'clock.  And you guys, losing, not an option.” The others nodded.
“Cause we're rotten…” 
“To the core”
The five split up outside the hideout. 
Hadley, Evie and Mal walked their way through the winding streets and dark alleys to “Curl Up and Dye” owned by none other than Lady Tremaine.
Hadley and Evie pushed through the tall plastic curtain that lead on to the floor of the salon. Multiple colors of paint splatters cover the walls and broken mirrors sat in front of styling chairs.  A white claw foot bath tub sat in the very back corner, full of hair potions and colors, bubbling away. 
At the desk at the very back of the salon, with her back turned to them sat little Dizzy, daughter of Drizzella.  Dizzy is young, about 11 or 12, she wore a black paint splattered dress and a blue paint splattered apron.  Her hair was perched in two messy buns on top of her head and her purple cats-eye glasses sat far down on the end of her nose from having been hunched of the desk. The desk was cluttered with gold and silver jewelry, gems of all shapes mostly Ruby and sapphires, some skulls and tiaras litterd around as well. Dizzy always made the jewelry that Hadley and Evie wore.
Hadley and Evie looked at each other and smiled, to them Dizzy was like a little sister, there where many times they hung out with dizzy creating new dresses and playing around with hairstyles. 
They snuck over, careful not to make any noise and crouched down next to the desk.  It took Dizzy a moment to realize that there was someone next to her.
“Evie? Hadley?” Dizzy jumped from the chair and grabbed the two in a waist high tight hug.  The two older girls embraced her tighter.
“You guys came back!  Is it all just like we imagined? Do they really have closets you can walk into? Have you been to a real swimming pool? What does ice cream taste like?” Dizzy spit out question after question and evening and Hadley laughed.
“It's cold and sweet. And if you eat it too fast you get a headache.” Evie tapped her nose.
“I saved your sketchbook for you!” Dizzy ran off to another part of the salon.
“You did?”Hadley beamed.
Dizzy came back a few seconds later carrying a large blue book.
She set the book down and Evie sat at the desk with dizzy and Hadley looking over her shoulder. Evie opened up the first page and marveled at the sketch of a dress.
Hadley gasped “We made that dress out of safety pins and an old curtain”
“It reminds me of the dress you made for Mal when she met Jasmine.”
“I spilled curry all over that” Mal inquired. 
“You did” Hadley laughed.
A look of realization crossed over Evie's face.
“You're totally right Dizzy. This was…. This was totally the inspiration for that.”
“I knew it! You can take the girl out of the isle but you can't take the isle out of the girl”
Hadley and Evie looked a Dizzy sadley.  They both knew how bad Dizzy wanted to go to Auradon.
Changing the subject and adding more light to the room, Hadley picked up a small blue  skull shaped sapphire and a silver arm band and held them together.
”is this too much or is this fabulous?” 
“Hand me the glue gun!” Dizzy held her hand out and Evie placed it in her hand.
She excitedly glued the two pieces together.
Mal then cleared her throat gaining their attention.
“Smoke bombs?”
“Right.” Hadley looked over at Dizzy, “is it alright?”
Dizzy beamed at her.
“Sure take what you need!”
“Dizzy you are the best!” Evie gave her a side hug and the three got to work creating the smoke bombs.
After two hours and five smoke bombs later, Hadley, Evie and Mal were ready to leave.  They carefully placed them in Mal and Evie's bags.
Evie turned around,as Mal placed the last smoke bombs in the bags, holding a gold circular band encrusted with Ruby hearts over her head.
“H, how amazing would this look with my shredded tee and my heart purse?”
“Very amazing!” 
“Take it! Take a bunch!” Dizzy exclaimed from across the salon.
Dizzy scooped up a bunch of the jewelry from the desk skipping over to the three girls.
Hadley quickly grabbed Evie's bag and opened it up for Dizzy. 
“Oh Dizzy!” Evie squealed.
“It would make me so happy to know that you were wearing something of mine in Auradon.  It's almost like me being there myself.” Dizzy smiled.
Evie and Hadley both exchanged looks and pulled Dizzy into a hug.
“We really wish we could take you with us.” Evie said.
“At least two of us had our dreams come true, right?” Dizzy said as they pulled away.
The two girls looked down.
“E,H we gotta go.” Mal quipped from the back.
The two nodded and followed Mal to the front of the shop where Evie and Hadley turned to look back at Dizzy who had sat back down at the desk looking through the sketchbook.
“She's gonna be okay” Mal said.
Hadley sighed.
“Yeah.  But she could be so much more.” Evie whispered.
Hadley gave a tight lipped smile. 
“Let's go.”
The three walked out the salon and back into the cold Alleyways.  The walk back to the hideout was filled with the three girls linking arms and laughing at ridiculous stories from Auradon gossip. 
“I'm serious! Ruby told me She turned her mother into a bear. All because she didn't want to get married.” Hadley laughed.
“yeah okay H” Mal remarked
“It's true!” 
Mal held her hands up in defense.
Evie had a small smile on her face but it looked more like a grimace.
“Evie, you okay?”
Mal took this as her que to leave, heading up the stairs and into the hideout.
"E.. you can tell me" Hadley took both of Evie's hands.
Evie let out a drawn out breath.
“You and Ruby are getting pretty close hu?"
"I mean yeah, she's a good friend"
"Good enough to ditch me for her?" Evie questioned looking up the alley.
"what are you talking about?" concern flashed through Hadley's features.
"You know what I mean, your always running off with her anymore, ditching me in your path.." Evie removed her hands from Hadley's. 
"Evie… I am so sorry.. honestly.. I didn't know I was doing that." Hadley pleaded.
" I feel like I'm losing my best friend" Evie hung her head.
"Evie, you're not my best friend…" Hadley stated stated shaking her head.
Evie's face fell.
Hadley took her hands again. 
"You're not my best friend…you are so much more than that..you're my sister…"
Evie grinned wildly and pulled Hadley into a tight hug. 
"Im sorry I've been ditching you.  I promise when we get back, we'll spend time together.. just you and me." Hadley smiled as she pulled back.
"I'd like that" Evie smiled. 
Yo, my best friend, best friend til the very end
Cause best friends, best friends don't have to pretend
You need a hand, and I'm right there right beside you
You in the dark, I'll be the bright light to guide you
'member the times, times, times sneaking out the house
All of the times, times, times that you had the doubts
And don't forget all the trouble we got into
We got something you can't undo, do
Laughing so damn hard
Crashed your dad's new car
All the scars we share
I promise, I swear
(Hadley and Evie)
Wherever you go, just always remember
That you got a home for now and forever
And if you get low, just call me whenever
This is my oath to you
Wherever you go, just always remember
You're never alone, we're birds of a feather
And we'll never change, no matter the weather
This is my oath to you
I know I drive you crazy, mm, sometimes
I know I call you lazy, and that's most times
But you complete me, and that's no lie
You are my tuxedo, and I'm your bow tie
We in the car, sing, sing, singing our song
Rocking the building, tear it down, like we king kong
And in my eyes, you can't do, do no wrong
You got the best friends sing, sing along
(Hadley and Evie)
Laughing so damn hard
Crashed your dad's new car
All the scars we share
I promise, I swear
Wherever you go, just always remember
That you got a home for now and forever
And if you get low, just call me whenever
This is my oath to you
Wherever you go, just always remember
You're never alone, we're birds of a feather
And we'll never change, no matter the weather
This is my oath to you
I'll never let you go
Whoa, this is my oath to you
Just thought that you should know
Whoa, this is my oath to you
Wherever you go, just always remember
That you got a home for now and forever
And if you get low, just call me whenever
This is my oath to you
Wherever you go, just always remember
You're never alone, we're birds of a feather
And we'll never change, no matter the weather
This is my oath to you
Oh oh
You should know, you should know, you should know, you should know
Yeah oh
Whoa, this is my oath to you
Whoa, wherever you go just always remember
You're never alone, we're birds of a feather
Whoa, this is my oath to you
The two girls held their interlocked hands up in the air at the top of the stairs. 
"Come on.. i think Mal needs someone to talk to" Hadley nodded her head towards the door to the hideout.
Together they went in and talked until they dozed off.
The morning sun crept of the isle the next morning, the light breeze from the surrounding ocean giving the isle a slight chill.  The docks where busy and crowded as Umas crew prepared for the trading of the wand.  
 Uma had stationed Harry and Gil to watch over their royal captives. Not like they could go anywhere though.  Uma had ordered Ben and Ruby to be tied, separated, to each  mast of the ship for the night so they couldn't try to escape. 
Harry jumped down from the upper deck and stalked around the tied up King, he stopped leaning in uncomfortably close to Ben as he could.   Harry lifted his hand up and scratched under Ben's chin cooing at him.
"Coochy, coochy coo." Harry chuckled wildly 
Ben just looked at Harry.
"How's it feel to be King now,  eh?"
Harry smirked wildly, showing off the insanity behind his eyes.
He sauntered around the mast again ready to say something else but Uma beat him to it.
"Give it a rest Harry. Give it a rest" she sat down on  a crate in front of Ben.
"We don't want damaged goods"
Harry climbed up the rope ladder and was hanging on by on hand.
"You said that I could hook him" he sneered through gritted teeth.
"I said at noon" Uma reminded him not taking her eyes off Ben.
Harry jumped down and made his way up to the King, holding out his small pocket watch.
"20 more minutes now" 
"That says 11:30" ben looked at Harry concerned.
"You better hope you're Girlfriend comes through" uma smirked.
"She's not my girlfriend anymore." Ben looked down at the planks in the ship.
Uma looked surprised.
"Leave us alone Harry."
Harry looked at Uma, he tuned and held the pocket watch up again.
"19 more minutes now and then you're gonna pay for takin' away me Haddie."
Harry strutted away swinging the pocket watch and whistling. 
Ben looked at Uma confused. 
"He means Hadley. You know, blue hair, a bit of a hot head"
”Were they.. together?” 
Uma chuckled “He wishes.  Nah, they were just friends, that both had major crushes on each other”
Ben tried to turn his head catching a glimpse of the red leather jacket.
“What happened?”
“You happened.” Uma deadpanned.
Ben looked back at her.
“Look, when you took Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos over there, that's as mad as I've ever been. And trust me I've been plenty mad. But when you took Hadley from Harry, I've never seen a rage like that boy threw.  Hadley was the one thing keeping him sane over here on this trash heap. And when she chose to stay over there, he snapped. Lost a few crew members because of it.” Uma looked around at her crew on the docks and the ship.
“You mean he…” Ben gulped.
Uma scoffed “We ain't that bad.  No, he just scared them away”
Ben sighed and looked down for a moment then at Uma
“The plan was to start with the five and bring more over from there.  I guess I just got so caught up being King, I know that sounds lame.”
Uma hummed.
“ I guess that's why Hadley always mentioned Harry or you around me.  To get me to realise, I am so sorry Uma.  Please come with us, be part of our solution.”
“oh so now we get the invite!” Uma looked up from her nails. “I don't need your apologies, were going to get there on our own, let's see what this baby can do.” She fiddled with her mother's shell necklace.
Wooooo!!!! Part 7!! i cant believe that were already this far... if you liked this part and would like part 8 please like and comment! as always you can read the illustrated version over on my Wattpad (@phelpsphan).  if you would like to be added to the tag list please message me!!!
Summary: You would think that six months in Auradon would do any villain kid good.  Well, not Hadley.  After the events of the Coronation, Hadley's mood took a downward spiral; and for one reason, guilt.  She'd broken a promise and left her best friend on the Isle of the Lost.  How will she handle seeing him again when certain circumstances bring her back to the Isle? Will she finally tell him what she really feels?  
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters in Descendants.  Hadley and the plot between her and Harry are mine. 
Tag list: @unded-bride
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platypus-quacks-too · 5 years
Hi!!! I'm asking again for another prompt cause I'm a big fan of your work, my prompt is about the new episode, the reason why Amy planted the book is because she is already pregnant and she wanted Sheldon to be ready...
Note: I did not forget about the older prompt from you and others, it’s just this one clicked more with me and I had a better idea. Clearly, fluff is the way here. I am happy I managed to write anyway, but I hope you guys will enjoy it. You can also find it on ff net as The Dreamlike Progeny Revelation.
Amy closes her eyes and tries to put herself to rest. She’s a bit envious of Sheldon, who fell asleep so quickly after their goodnight. She assumes physics is not as good as her worries to keep someone awake. There is so much going on in her mind right now to even hope to sleep anytime soon.
Her hand naturally goes to rest on her belly as she relives the past day. She loved to see Sheldon getting more comfortable around the younger Wolowitz just as she was pleased with the ingenious way she had found to bring him there. On the other hand, her plan had worked only part way through: it didn’t give her the chance to tell her husband about their own progeny currently growing inside her.
Sure, he really did have fun with the little ones today. She almost burst Into tears watching Sheldon rocking Michael to sleep, or melting in a smile because the baby had taken his finger. And while that book was only meant to be a way to reach her goal, she has to admit it has a few very interesting experiments. As a neuroscientist, observing and testing the wonder of the human development was absolutely fascinating, and she had been the first to suggest to Sheldon how their offspring should have the potential to be even so remarkable.
Now everything is different. Only a few inches below her hand there is a baby. Their child. Will she probably think to carry out some test or closely report all of its progresses growing up? Very likely so. But now she mostly sees its bright eyes and tiny hands, and all she can think of is to keep it safe from the world.
She knows Sheldon is going to love their kid immensely. She also knows how her husband works. He had never been comfortable around little humans, so it felt natural to try to have him relating with babies more gradually than hitting him right away with the news of the upcoming parenthood. What better occasion then spending some time with their friends’ little bundles of joy? Sheldon can get used to them first, and maybe stop considering toddlers and infants merely as test subjects that cry and poop.
So far so good, except of course for the fact he still insists about multiplying like rabbits. She squeezes her belly slightly as a funny thought popped into her mind. What if there are actually twins down there? Or maybe triplets? Having one baby is scary and exciting enough. Three? It is way more than she thinks she can handle.
Sheldon mutters something in his sleep.  “Professor Einstein, you are forgetting your coat…!”  He adds then.
Amy shakes her head before looking down, “Four of you? It sounds fun…!”
She turns toward Sheldon and smiles. “I probably better try to get some sleep now,” she says again to her baby, “We will think of something else tomorrow.”
She moves closer to him and snuggles into him, her face buried in the crook of his neck. The smell of baby powder is already soothing her as she pulls him closer. He seems to be sleeping sound; nevertheless, Amy feels his hands moving on hers and his legs entwining with her own. In no time she slips into sleep, feeling safely enclosed with her little growing family.
Einstein left a while ago, so now Sheldon is wandering around not sure on what to do, or where he is. He has been walking down a long corridor for what it felt a lifetime, until he finally finds something worth mentioning: a pink door with a tiny cartel saying ‘Subject #1’. More intriguing, someone drew a line over the writing.
He decides to enter the room, and it gets… odder. A toddler is sitting right in the middle of it. She looks busy with a bunch of building blocks.
“Hi Daddy,” the baby girl greets him.
She doesn’t seem to be bothered by his father’s puzzled tone. “I am your child, Marie,” she informs him, “Don’t you recognize me?”
Sheldon tentatively shakes his head. “I have mama’s eyes, the Cooper’s hair?” She tries, “I am named after your favorite female scientist but you tell grandma it’s after her?”
Sheldon takes a moment to better observe the little girl. Amy’s green eyes sparkle over an angelic face framed by chestnut curls. He doesn’t know many toddlers except of the Wolowitz ones, but definitely he can say she is a very pretty little girl.
He moves closer and it suddenly occurs to him she shouldn’t be talking the way she does.
“How old are you?” He asks abruptly, “You shouldn’t be talking this well already.”
She switches the two blocks she was focusing on over the last minutes before answering, “I am two, and I can properly talk because I am super smart, obviously.”
Sheldon can’t hold a satisfied grin. Too bad Marie contradicts him already, “To be honest, I can talk because this is a dream, and I am just an expression of your subconscious. You didn’t believe I was that smart, did you?”
“Don’t you get sassy with me, little lady,” he scolds her, “I am your father after all. Or the conscious to your subconscious, you name it.”
“I get the sass from mama. You like that in her.”
Sheldon sits with Marie. What better proof it is a dream than the fact he willingly sits on the floor?  “I do, but we don’t tell her,” he then admits. She smiles in return, and Sheldon thinks that’s another thing she got from Amy.
They remain silent for a little while. Marie continues to handle her blocks while Sheldon observes her mesmerized.“So, haven’t you figured out it yet?” She finally asks once she has done.
“That you have been writing our super-asymmetry equations with those? Of course I have.”
“I don’t mean this. It doesn’t even take this much imagination to figure it out,” she replies, “I meant something else. Look at that,” she adds, pointing somewhere behind Sheldon. He turns and looks in that direction: a calendar?
November 7, 2021.
“It’s almost three year in the future,” Sheldon observes, “I got it! We are inside a virtual reality simulator! Can I get to the commands?”
Marie sighs. “To be exact, we are two years and eight months from your present, and no, this is not a virtual simulation. C'mon daddy, it is so obvious! Are you sure you are a genius?”  She mocks him.
Sheldon is too disappointed to be bothered by the snarky remark. “What else can it be? I can’t think of anything better.”
Marie insists, “For instance, have you noticed anything weird with mom lately? Like stumbling upon a book about experimenting on babies.”
“I realized she did want me to find the book,” Sheldon confesses, “But I know it was only because she didn’t want to admit she wanted to experiment on Halley and Michael. Sometimes people tell us it isn’t really moral to conduct trials on our friends. I know, they are crazy,” he adds once he sees Marie is shaking her head again.
“It wasn’t because of this. Well, it wasn’t only because of this,” Marie concedes. “Think harder: have you noticed mom felt sick almost every morning in the last couple of weeks? Any emotional lability?”
“Oh, what a nice word, lability. You don’t hear it enough.”
She ignores the unrequested parenthesis and continues, “And have you noticed she went missing for most of yesterday…? Do you remember what happened six weeks ago?”
Marie has stressed the last question weirdly. Well, as weird as it can possibly sound for a toddler who is talking like an adult. Trying to focus on her question, Sheldon takes a moment to remember. He quickly turns pale when he realizes what she is hinting at.
“You and mom made love, and you were so into the role of a reckless Gryffindor that-”
“Don’t say it!” Sheldon interrupts her, “I won’t discuss such things with… well, with you.”
“Remember I am not really your daughter, but only your subconscious,” she answers back, “Don’t be shy.”  
“I am not shy. It’s just-” It is a bigger deal than discussing coitus with a self projection of himself in the form of his future daughter. What she is implying… No, it can’t be. Even in the robe of a reckless wizard, he knows he has been careful, especially when Amy does her best to bewitch him.
But even admitting he somehow lacked on precautions, has what they are suspecting really happened? Sure, Amy lately complained of some morning sickness and ate a whole bowl of chocolate ice cream in one lump. Yes, she did disappear for whole day and behaved weirdly even since she got back home. But what is weird anyway? She is weird enough to have married him.
“So, you got it?” Marie urges him.
Sheldon takes a deep breath and still hesitates before being able to say that. “Are you saying you- Amy is pregnant? With you?”
Marie casually shrugs. “You are saying that,” she says. Sheldon remained speechless.
“I am hungry,” she adds then, “You should feed me,” she declares standing up and reaching out to Sheldon.
“You cut some watermelon for me and then let an airplane fly in my mouth. I may be a product of your mind, but I still need to be fed like any other toddler.”
Marie’s big eyes stare at him. She may be talking like a 40 year old, but those puppy eyes are those of a child. His child. Now everything he can think of is landing watermelon cubes into her mouth.
He stands and takes the hand of his little girl. Lord, she is so tiny next to him. He realizes she is looking up at him.
“I can’t wait to meet you, dad.”
It feels bittersweet waking up. He hates to be taken away so abruptly from his girl- um, that marvelous product of his subconscious. On the other hand, he has found himself wrapped in Amy’s arms, who breathes peacefully on his neck and holds him tight in her sleep.
Just as he closes his eyes back to enjoy his wife’s embrace, Marie’s words echo in his mind. What if she is right? All those things he noticed himself but didn’t pay attention to before…
Carefully, he turns around to face her and plants a kiss on her lips.  
“Mmm, I like this,” she mutters with a grin, “You should wake me up this way more often. How’s that?”
“I will. I- I had a dream,” Sheldon starts saying, even if he realizes that saying out loud what he is thinking is so scary.
“Marie appeared in my dreams. She was writing the fundamental equations of super-asymmetry with building blocks and made me think about the book we found in the library, and your morning sickness, and that whole bowl of ice-cream you had the other day…”
Amy is pretty sure her heart stopped for a short while. Did he find out…? Also, why Marie Curie is making her husband realize she is pregnant?
“Marie? You mean Marie Curie?” It’s all she can ask back.
“No. I mean, I saw her earlier with Einstein-” he interrupts as soon as Amy raises her eyebrows, “Anyway, it wasn’t her. It was our daughter.”
The very way her eyes widen… oh boy, Marie is right. “Amy… she implied a thing. She suggested that last month, when we made love-”
“She told you the truth.” She doesn’t even know how, but the words just flow out of her. “She- he, whatever… it’s here already.”
Good thing he is lying already or he would have been falling down like a sack of potatoes in no time. Even if a part of him knew it before, her explicit admission is a lot to deal with.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He eventually manages to say.
She can’t help but feeling a little guilty because she hid her pregnancy for two whole days. She kisses him before apologising, “I- I am sorry. It’s just… you always say how sure you are we will have super-smart children, and today you reiterated the idea we will be able to follow their growth on a scientific point of view, and making experiments with them…”
“Maybe they will be super-smart,” she continues, “And the experiments are fun and I can’t wait to redo a couple of the ones we tried today. But before telling you… I needed to be sure you will want to hold our baby in your arms, or feed it, or change the diaper, and love it no matter what.”
Maybe he wasn’t ready for all of these just the same. Maybe he will never be. Or maybe she was wrong the whole time and he just can’t wait to sing Soft Kitty to the little thing currently living in her belly.
“I dreamed she asked me for watermelon and that she wanted me to play the little airplane to land it. Once she asked me- That’s all I wanted to do then.” Sheldon thinks he wants to caress her belly but eventually takes her hand and gently squeezes it, “She also took my hand and I think my heart almost exploded. I didn’t care about her intelligence or any trial I could even try with her. I only wanted to hold her and eat watermelon together.”
This is enough for Amy to dispel all her doubts. Oh, silly Amy. If marrying Sheldon ever taught her something, it is was how full of love her husband is. Today is no exception. He will be a great father, won’t he? Even if there will be a cognitive test from time to time.
He holds Amy closer and kisses her forehead. “Do you think there’s a chance for twins?” He asks hopefully.
Amy sighs. Here he is again…! Of course, she won’t admit to him she had the same thought.
“We won’t have twins because you need a control group,” Amy jokingly scolds him.
“I wasn’t think of that…Well, that’s a positive side effect,” he confirms, “But I mostly want to have many little versions of us… of you.”
“Very good save,” Amy concedes, and Sheldon smiles back proudly.
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Penguins, Tigers, and Elephants
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“Everything alright, pet?” Frowning, he strokes over your aching back. It’s a beautiful day. The sun is shining and no clouds are in the sky. It’s the first time you can go out with a blouse and ballerinas. But you’re wearing your old sneakers because you want to walk comfortably even if you don’t feel comfortable at all.  
You’re glad that the weather allows you to go out with your daughter; the winter time was exhausting. Playing inside is not the same as playing with the other kids on the playground. You were delighted as Harry took her out for some fun in the snow. The two built a snowman, drinking hot cocoa afterwards,  and she was sad as the carrot was missing the next morning.
She’s a little whirlwind and nobody is safe, not even your vases and the Christmas tree. One Christmas ball fell victim to her. Thank god you used the old Christmas balls and not the pretty ones which your mother gave you once.
You hold your daughter's hand as she starts to pull you forward.
“Just a little tired,”  you smile at him, closing your eyes. He kisses your forehead, sliding his hand down your arm until he grabs your daughter’s hand. She looks with surprise up to her dad as he takes her hand.
“Want to show mummy the penguins!” she exclaims.
“Oi, don’t want to show them to daddy?” you can see how his eyebrows lift up under his sunglasses. Her little bunches wiggle; tilting her head, she observes him.
“Guess mumma needs a short break.” he adds, bending down to your daughter and lifting her peppily up. She squeaks jauntily. She sits on his left inked arm and with his right hand he slides his sunglasses up into his curly hair.
You’re glad that he takes care of her; you walked for two hours around in the zoo, and you haven’t seen all animals still. You’re exhausted, but you would never admit your condition to Harry. He would leave immediately, stick you into the bed, and your daughter would be sad that she could not see all the animals.
She stands in front of every cage, looking in it, searching for the animals. If there was a crowd in front of the cage, Harry lifted her up and showed her the animals. Every time she found the animal she giggled in delight. Her little furrow between her eyes when she didn’t find the lynx, but Harry tried to explain her where he sits behind the bushes, makes Harry’s and your hearts melt. With concentrated eyes she followed his finger, the pure happiness which reached her eyes as she spotted the lynx.
Your legs are hurting and your back is aching. Looking around, you spot a bench. Carrying your daughter’s little jacket and the old leather backpack with some drinks and food you waddle towards the bench.
With a groan you fall down on the bench. Thank god the bench is half in the shadows. Sliding obliquely your butt over the bench, you lift your heavy legs up, putting the two thick hurting pieces on the bench.
The warm breeze blows through your ponytail and presses your blouse tighter on your big bump. Searching for something to drink you rummage in the backpack. Apple juice. You would die for apple juice. Licking your lips you take a deep slug of the golden liquid. Three and a half years ago you would had died for cherry juice. Funny how things can change.
As you screw the top of the bottle, you hear the light giggles of your daughter. They wave to you, and you wave back with a big smile on your face. You have to squint against the sunlight to watch them. Harry turns around with her in his arms, stretching out his free hand and pointing at some penguins. You guess he is telling her some obscure  stories about the penguins. Smiling at yourself you close your eyes, holding your face into the sun, stroking preoccupied over your belly.
You feel a warm big hand on your belly and you slowly open your eyes. Recognizing his cross tattoo you grab his hand and slide yours tenderly over it.
“Where is she?” you ask him.
“Right there,” he points at her and you nod.
“How are my girls feeling?” Harry strokes gently over your  bump.
He sat in the chair as the doctor slide the ultrasound transducer over your belly. Harry was nervous, although he knew everything. He grabs your ankles and looked from the screen to the doctor and to you, biting his lip. She grinned and said “ Congratulations Mr. Styles for your little baby girl.” He sat back in his chair, his face white like the wall, scratching his head.
“Another girl” he whispered to himself. You wiped the gel from your belly with the fleecy towel laughing as the doctor joined you with her laugh.
“IT’S A GIRL” he jumped up from his seat, hugging the doctor, embracing your face with his hands and pressing a big kiss on your lips.
“So you can change there” she points to the folding screen. You nodded, stood up and walking towards the room divider. He swallowed, pointed at the door.
“I will wait outside” he said quickly, pulling out his phone and you can hear how he exclaims in delight.
“Mum! It’s a girl!”
You smiled, behind the folding screen and thanked god for your second daughter.
“She’s very active.” Leading his hand to a special place on your bump he can feel his daughter. “Can you feel her?”
Harry nods, smiling still in fascination that something marvelous matures in you. He feels the kicks on his palm which rests on your belly. You breathe out loud as your daughter gives you a new kick. He looks up immediately.
“Do you want to go?” he asks you, worried. It’s your second pregnancy, and he is acting still like a mother hen. Rolling your eyes, you gently touch his face.
“Harry, it doesn’t matter if we go home or not, she will kick at home in the same way as she kicks here.” You narrow your eyes to look at him against the bright light of the sun.
“Thought it would be better if you lie down,” he adds in a small voice, kissing your forehead.
“I know,” taking his hand, you press a kiss on his cross.
“Don’t torture your mumma like this, little troublemaker,” he bends forward whispering the soft words against your bump. He calls her ‘little troublemaker’ since the beginning of your pregnancy. Your first pregnancy was a dream: you could eat everything, smell everything, if you hadn’t gotten a bump you literally wouldn’t notice that you were pregnant. But now… you felt horrible the first three months. Sick and weak; on some days you went straight back home after you took her to the kindergarten. Not able to go to work. But the most annoying part is that you can’t smell Harry’s shower gel without rising nausea.
“Darling, please, if someone sees us, they will think we are doing something different.” he laughs. He squatted in front of you, but now he stands up, touching your shoulders, twisting a strand of your hair around his finger. Your head leans against his muscular but still soft tummy. Closing your eyes, you run your hand between his legs and cling around his thigh. He presses a kiss on your hair and smiles slightly.
“What are you doing, pet?” he asks you, his mouth still on your hair but you sense his cheeky grin. You hadn’t the purpose of a sexual touch, but sliding your hand to his butt you pinch his butt.
“What are you thinking, Mr. Styles? I look like a whale, and I can’t move with my bump,” you look up to him, shaking your head. His cheeky grin is still on his lips.
“So I guess Mrs. Styles should know that I adore her in every way. Especially when she carries my child.”
You are so rapt in your togetherness that you nearly forget your daughter.
“Harry! Where is she?!” you squeak. You try to look through the gap between his legs.
“Don’t panic, darling. She’s right there,” he laughs, turning around, stretching out his arm, followed by your eyes, like your daughter did it.
She’s playing with some other kids at a penguin statue.  
“I guess I will fall asleep here if we don’t move on,” you mumble against his tummy, your forehead resting on his tummy and your hands lie on his butt.
“Excuse me?!” you look up to him. He smiles in amusement. His hands leave your shoulders, and he strokes gently over your mouth with his thumb.
“Mummy didn’t eat?” your daughter giggles and your eyes widen. You release Harry like a hot potato.
“Yes, sunshine, but I guess mummy is still hungry.” he says, fixing your pupils. Shaking your head slowly you slide your legs from the bench; touching your belly, you giggle.
“Mummy, did she hurt you?” you hear the worried voice of your daughter.
“Oh no, darling, give me your hands,” you smile softly as you see the soft, dirty little hands, putting them on your belly. You see how the eyes of your daughter widen and Harry’s too.
“Can you feel her?”
“Mhmm” she’s nodding and her bunches of hair wiggles. She puts her ear against your belly and her hands grab tighter on your big bump. Tenderly, you stroke over her head and back. It’s such an intimate scene, right here in the zoo, on a bench. Yes the zoo; you don’t know what’s about the zoo but something mystical is it.
You saw him the first time here in the zoo. It was like today, the first warm day in the year after a row of rainy days. You had a special art project which you had to finish in several weeks. So you decided to go out and draw something else. With your easel under your arm and your pencils in your old leather backpack you greeted the gatekeeper at the entrance of the zoo and he smiled at you. Strolling through the zoo without any destination you landed in front of the tigers. Heaven knows why. You adjusted your easel, your backpack leaned on the foot of the wooden rack. The screams and the giggles died as you put your headphones on. Pure solitude. *** Music** Only you and the empty paper. Your art professor said once that he cherishes your talent, that you’re not afraid of an empty canvas. Although you are biting your lower lip, you aren’t cognizant of this movement, but so many people tell you that you bite your lower lip when you start drawing. You made the first stroke. The fur of the tiger shone in the sunlight, as he dozed in the mid sun. Your eyes flew from the tiger to your paper, from the paper to the tiger. From time to time his paw twitched, the movement made you smile a little bit. It was such a peaceful scene, his big paw seemed so soft and smooth, but so deadly.
The music changed to a faster song as you inclined your head and your ponytail waggled.
It happened as you put your pencil behind your ear; with a loud bang your easel fell down, followed by something big. Both things fell on the ground and you jerked, jumped two steps backwards, holding your hands up, your eyes wide open.
He landed on his knees, hands on your painting, the easel under him, the pencils spread over the pavement. His head was bent; he looked down, and his long curls covered his face. You were shocked, unable to move for a few seconds. You pulled your headphones out with such a fast movement that you thought you pulled your ears out with your headphones. Bending forward, you wanted to help the guy lying on your equipment. Squatting in front of him, you watched as he looked up a crooked smile on his lips. The sun shone on his face and his green eyes sparkled in the late afternoon sunlight. You never saw such intense green eyes, and those lips with that smile. Overwhelmed, you lost your balance, arms spiraling for support, probably with a stupid expression on your face as you landed on your butt in front of him.
You looked at him, and he looked at you, and you both burst into laughs. His whole face was smiling, and you recognized the dimples. You love dimples on people; you think it’s an idiosyncrasy, a beloved attribute. You never loved drawing portraits but you felt the urge to draw his face, even though you didn’t know him. But it’s like déjá vu, you’ve seen him; his face was familiar.
He picked himself up and tapped his hands on his thighs, which were clad in tight black jeans. You were still sitting on your butt, looking at him with a stupid grin. Before he stretched out his hand, he slid it through his curls. Who was the curly head? You had seen him before but you didn’t know where.
You grabbed his hand; it felt strong, soft and his grasp was powerful. You saw the little cross tattoo on his hand as he pulled you up. Nervously, you tried to organize yourself, stroking some loose strands behind your ear, only the strands fell back in few seconds.
His smile got brighter as you stood in front of him, still holding his hand. It felt so familiar, so pleasant. Quickly, you removed your hand from his.
“Ugh… I…, “ he started his excuse. “I didn’t see you here, and I came from there,” he turned around pointing wildly in any direction. You didn’t listen to him; you studied him instead. He is tall, his shoulders are broad and you can see his muscles and his veins while he is turning around. His curls are untamed and wild, and as he looks at you again you get lost in his green eyes. You saw lots of people, lots of faces but he had something in his eyes that caught you.
“...didn’t saw your backpack and yeah…” he slid his fingers nervously through his hair again.
“I’m Harry.” he introduced himself. Yes, you knew him. As you had shaken his hand and revealed your name you bent down to pick up your things. Your wheels were turning in your head, from where did you know him? Harry picked up your drawing, regarded it, and then he bent down with a pencil in his hand. You didn’t recognize it, and then he started to write something on your painting.
“Your drawing is pretty good!” he said as he handed you the drawing pad. You looked at it and you saw his name written there. Harry Styles. You had a weird expression on your face as you looked at his name and then to him.
“I thought you would like to have an autograph.” he winked.
“Are you an actor?” you frowned. You thought there was a little bit disappointment in his face.
“Ohh, no you’re a singer.” You pointed at him. ”Yes, yes!! I saw you on the TV!” you exclaimed,shaking your finger. “Thank you for the autograph, but now I can’t use my drawing anymore!” you shrugged. “But if you like it you can have it.” You smiled at him, giving him the sketch. Again, you bent down to collect your things.  
Your hands touched again as he helped you setting up the easel. It was like an electric shock.
And yes, since that day, it’s not possible one day without him.
Until today he never told you, that he saw you from across the enclosure and that he fell over your leather bag on purpose. And as he lay on his knees in front of you he heard your worried voice, closing his eyes for a few seconds. His eyes saw you closely now and he loved what he saw. The deep furrow between your eyebrows, how your lips opened a little bit and how your eyes widened as you landed on your butt. And then, it hits him, you flashed him with your laugh. He wanted to record it, to hear it again and again. Your soft hands in his, and obviously you relished his touch, because you held his hand longer than was necessary. But he was so embarrassed as he signed your drawing. He wanted to disappear immediately. You smiled at him and he forgot his embarrassment; the picture was beautiful and he took it.
The drawing is folded in his journal, and every time he is alone in a hotel room or he feels alone sitting in the air plane, flying miles away from you, missing you, he pulls out the drawing. Then he touches the tiger, which head is on his thigh, and he shakes his own head, smiling in amusement as he sees his signature.
He shoulders the backpack, holding your daughter’s hand in his, his right hand resting on your back. It feels so pleasurable; it’s like you get new energy for the next stage. Strolling down the path which leads you to the elephants, you slide your hand into his back pocket.
“Do you have the peanuts?” he asks you, looking down at you. Raising one eyebrow, you look at him. “Did I ever forget the peanuts?!”
“ ‘course not” he kisses your forehead, fluttering your eyelashes as he removes his hand from your back and pinches your nose. You stick out your tongue as your daughter makes a loud shrill noise.
“MUMMY!” she exclaims “Mummy that’s not nice! You aren’t allowed to do that!” she stands in front of you her little hands resting on her hips and her head is bent to the right. Flummoxed you stop walking, looking down at her, and then to Harry. He has a big smirk on his lips and purses his lips.
“Darling,” you try to squat, but that’s not a good idea and you make a weird movement, pulling you up on Harry’s arm.
“Sometimes, darling, Mummy and Daddy make fun and then… Daddy did understand it! It wasn’t mean. Mummy made fun.” you look up to Harry, searching for help.
He nods and your daughter looks doubtfully to him and then to you. You give your agreement that she’s allowed to run to the elephants. You’re toddling behind her, seeing her pigtails waggling.
Harry slides his hand to your back again and squeezes your hips.
“So Daddy understands it?!” the stupid smirk appears again on his pink lips and you roll your eyes.
“Don’t squeeze my fat.” you say and remove his hand. Now it’s him who rolls his eyes.
“You’re not fat, you’re pregnant! Besides I love your fat!”
You hit him on his chest, shaking your head. He grabs your waist, pulling you closer, kissing you. His soft lips press softly against yours and you close your eyes, relishing the kiss from your husband.
“Let us feed the elephants,” you say, releasing his lips, stroking one wayward curl behind his ear. He nods, sliding the backpack onto his chest, searching for the peanuts.  He pulls out the bag with the nuts, and you take it from him. Your daughter is waiting for you at the corner and you grab her hand, stroking over her head.
Harry gives her some peanuts, and she stretches out her flat little hand. He holds her up so the elephant can take the peanuts with his trunk from her hand. She giggles as the trunk touches her little hand.
“Mummy! He has such a big trunk!” she giggles, turning her head to you. Now, you have the stupid smirk on your lips as you nod and Harry’s and your eyes meet. After a few times, where he holds your sunshine up to the elephant, he puts her down, strolling to you.
“Honey, don’t climb on the wall!” you command. She nods, holding her hand up to the elephant.
“Did you see the big trunk?” he whispers in your ear. The evil smile appears and you purse your lips, which you moisturize with some chapstick.
“We ALL know that’s huge.” you smile at him innocently, stroking lightly over his fly. He grabs your waist.
“Not here, pet!” he presses. Your eyes widen and for a moment your pupils fix on his and you feel a tingling between your legs. You open your mouth a little bit. Hhis eyes sparkle and you can feel the electricity between the two of you. Slowly he releases your wrist, and you hook your forefingers into his belt loops. Your bump touches his tummy, and he strokes over it with such a caressing and tender movement that you want to kiss him like the first time. Your hormones freak out. You don’t know if it’s your daughter kicking inside your belly or if it’s him who makes you woozy and tingly.
You spend another hour in the zoo before you leave. Your daughter babbles and babbles. As you stand in front of the tigers she tells you proudly that she knows that daddy has a “thiger”. You roll your eyes and he laughs, kissing your neck in adoration.
“Do you think the thiger is still there?” you ask him as you walk past him stroking with an intimate gesture over his thigh. He gasps for air but it wouldn’t be your husband if there were no cheeky response.
“I don’t know. I guess you have to look for it.” he winks, and you bite your lip. You saw him naked the last time in the morning as he climbed out of the shower, but you didn’t feel it in a sexual way. It’s part of your morning routine and to be honest you felt uncomfortable in the last month. You were glad when you got some sleep, so he gets his biological needs in line.
She falls asleep during the drive home; he carries her little body to her bed. You sneak in the room, kissing her forehead.She turns around, snuggling into her pillow. You’re standing there for several minutes watching her as you hear the water running. Sneaking out of the nursery, you close the door silently. You’re tired, rubbing your eyes as you stroke over your bump walking into the bathroom. He’s sitting on the edge of the tub, his right foot behind the left leg and the hand in the water, checking the temperature. His rings lie on the sink except your wedding ring, he never removes this ring. Dreamily you take your favourite one in your hand. He looks up, seeing you there, leaning against the doorframe with his ring in your soft fingers. He closes his eyes, trying to banish the imagination of your hands on him, he knows you don’t feel comfortable with your bump.
“Thought a bath would be a good idea.” he smiles. You raise your eyebrows.
“I know it could expedite the contractions, but the water is not too hot.” He grins.You kiss him on his cheek, stroking over his shoulder and his chest as he looks up to you, putting both hands on your belly, kissing your bump.
You start to unbutton your blouse as he stands up, and he walks past you towards the door, kissing your forehead and stroking some strands of hair tenderly behind your ear. You have  your hands on your button border still as you look over your shoulder; the water is still running. He’s standing in the door frame, one hand on the door handle with the other hand on the door, looking at you with a little smile on his lips. You might see a little bit of sadness in his eyes. You appreciate it, that he lets you take your bath alone. You know he would sit in the living room watching “Friends” with a glass of wine in front of him, and you know that he would take care of his needs under the shower. You could unwittingly hear him a few times.
“Don’t go,” your whisper is scarcely audible. His eyes widen. He hesitates for a few seconds, but as you smile softly he enters the room, closing the door with his foot. Strolling towards you, he looks down.
“You don’t have to do this.” he whispers, looking in your eyes, sliding his hands behind your neck, stroking over your cheeks with his thumbs. It’s a deep furrow between his green eyes as you start to unbutton his shirt.
“Harry, I need you… right now.” you bite your lip as the words slip out of your mouth. Harry swallows looking into your eyes, which sparkle with desire. His lips touch yours, gently, but in a few seconds the kiss is demanding, urgent, and a moan escapes from your lips.
“God I missed you so much.” he says as he releases your lips, rubbing his nose in your hair. Sliding your hands over his shoulders, the shirt falls on the tiles. He closes his eyes and relishes your touches. You peel yourself out of your blouse gazing seductively at him as he touches your waist. Kissing your neck, he reaches your bra he slides the straps with his forefinger tenderly down your shoulders. Closing your eyes, you savour the touch of his hands. The light brush of his fingertips on your skin as he opens your bra. He kisses your décolleté. Running his fingers over your breasts you moan, supporting yourself with one hand on his skin.
“Is that ok? Do they hurt?” he whispers in your ear, his hands still embracing your boobs. You can only shake your head from the sensation of his touch. Slowly he kneels down, caressing your tummy. His hands run to your hip, slowly he pulls the maternity trousers down. Burying your hands in his hair you gasp for air.
“You look wonderful.”
You want to respond but the expression on his face forces you to stop.
Love. Pure, genuine love. His eyes wide open, the green sparkles in the twilight of the room, and his lips are curved in a light smile. Your hands are still in his curls as you step out of your trousers. His hands glide over your belly to your breasts as he caresses them with soft moves. The tub is nearly full and you stop the water. Your legs feel heavy but you don’t want to destroy the moment.
“Harry..” you start. He nods, standing up, undressing himself. As he disrobes, you stroke softly over his butterfly, and as the briefs falls down you know you missed him in the sexual way too. You missed the feeling which he gives you when he enters you, the feeling of his fingers when they glide over your clit. Biting your lip, you stroke over his hard cock.He hisses and you smile provocatively.
Quickly he climbs in the tub, sitting down, leaning back looking at you. You lean forward to kiss him and his wet hands touch your nipples, another moan escapes your lips.
“Hurry up, pet! I feel lonely,” he gently squeezes your breasts. Walking to the toilet, you sink down on the lid, trying to pull off your socks. Harry observes you with an amused smile. Finally you are naked and ready to enter the tub. He stretches out his hand to help you to climb into the bathtub. You take his wet hand as your heavy swollen leg enters the tub. You stagger a little bit, gripping tighter to his hand and with the other hand you support yourself on his shoulder.  With a loud splash your other leg enters the tub and he has some splatter in his face. Sinking down you whisper an excuse, and he giggles.
With a sigh you lean back against his chest, taking his hand in yours, kissing the little cross.
“I love you,” you mumble against his hand. You can sense his smile against your shoulder blade, feeling his lips on it as he presses a kiss on your shoulder, wandering further with his kisses. Kissing the soft spot behind your ear you pull up your shoulders and giggle. Turning your head you want a kiss. He leans a little bit forward to press a kiss on your lips as you slide your tongue between his lips. Your one hand rests on his knee; the other one on his “thiger”. You can sense his cock on your back, and as you shift backwards he moans. His hands run up your arms, leaving a wet trace there.He embraces your breasts with his hands again. The water drops tease your nipples, and you’re overwhelmed by the sensation. You see how the cross on his hand wanders down, skimming over your belly, reaching his destination. His finger presses gently against your clit as your head tilts back against his shoulder. Kissing your throat he senses how you swallow and he spreads your labia with his fingers. Squeezing his thigh another moan comes over your lips.
“Ha..” you start. He soothes you, biting on your earlobe as you feel the tingling rising in your belly. That’s definitely not your daughter, that feeling is caused by his long fingers which enters you steadily, but slowly. Holding your breath he pinches your nipple with his other hand, kissing your throat, as his lips feels the moan in your throat. A smile runs over his face and his eyes sparkle.
“Mhmm.” he hums in your ear. “I guess you like that?!” he kisses your ear as he moves his thumb over your clit. Panting, you nod. The ends of your hair are wet and glued on his chest as he slides a second finger in you. You feel the knot in your belly, the bubble will burst in a few seconds. His thumb cycles steadily over your clit, makeing you crazy. As he withdraws his fingers only to thrust into you the sensation gains the upper hand. Drilling your fingertips in his flesh, your head plunks against his shoulder and your mouth falls open, letting out a howling groan. Your whole body is trembling, you see only stars for a few seconds, and you forget everything around you:the fact that the water splashes on the tiles and on the bath mat; the fact that your daughter is sleeping at the end of the hallway.
Feeling his hands on your tummy, you come back slowly. Opening your eyes, your cheeks are red and your eyes twinkle.
“I can feel her,” he whispers.
“I guess she enjoyed it too,” you have an amused smile on your lips, trying to turn around to face him. He presses a kiss on your shoulder, pushing you a little bit forwards, because his cock is hurting and your back is pressing against it.
You try to reach behind you to catch his cock but you fail.
“It’s ok, darling,” he kisses your head, but you pout.
“I’ll fix dinner, you can stay here for a while.” he says kissing you as he climbs out of the tub. Biting your lip as you look at his cock.
“Harry!” you exclaim, demanding. He frowns, turning around. Puckering your lips you want another kiss from his sweet lips. He supports himself with both hands on the edge of the tub as he bends down to kisses you. Chasing a water drop with your fingertip you slide down his chest as you reach his cock. Sliding completely on the edge of the tub you press a kiss on his right laurel branch. He holds his breath as he feels your cheek on his cock. Opening your eyes you look up to him, seeing that his eyes are closed. You raise your hand out of the water, with a loud sound your hand appears, touching his hip, pushing him closer. Licking your lips, you stretch out your tongue to touch the tip of his cock. You feel the soft skin on your tongue as he moans deeply. Your hand slides to his butt, squeezing his cheek as you enfold his cock with your mouth. Searching for support he grabs your shoulders and you feel his weight. Closing your eyes, your tongue runs over his rock hard cock and you can taste the pre cum.
“Pet..” he pants, as his right hand buries in your hair. You feel the pleasurable pressure on the back of your head. You caress his penis with gentle licks and soft sucks. Releasing his cock with a loud smack, you grin at him with your red cheeks and your wild hair.
“Da..darling” he starts, but he can’t end his sentence because you embrace his manhood again with your mouth. Your hand rests on his butt with the same pressure like his hand on your head. You feel how his body tense and his cock starts to pump in your mouth. He pants and moans as his hand pulls on your hair and his other hand drills in your shoulder.
Your mouth feels warm and full and his moan comes deep from inside him as he shoot his seed in your mouth. His eyes are shut down and he has a deep furrow between his beautiful eyes as you look up to him. His thighs are shaking and he slowly walks backwards. His cock slides out of your mouth. He reaches you a towel but then he only sees your throat how your larynx jumps up and down. He freezes in his movement, the soft towel in his hand which falls on the ground, seeing how you wipe over your mouth with your wet hand.
“God.. Pet!” he says still in shock.
“mhmm?” you look at him through sparkling eyes and with swollen lips.
He kneels down in front of the tub grabbing your hands kissing them, looking at you. For a long time he says nothing. He opens his lips and his green eyes are so intense that you feel how he looks deep in your soul.
“I love you. I love you so much.” he says, pressing your head against his shoulder and you don’t know why, but some tears well up in your eyes and you feel so happy right now.   
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calicoteacups · 7 years
I was tagged in the 11 questions game by the amazing peeps @booklette and @coffeefrenchandhistory. Since her questions have been answered a bunch, I’ll answer coffee guy’s questions! 
RULES: 1. Answer the new questions given by the previous person 2. Write 11 new questions (This is why I’m only doing one lol) 3. Tag 11 people (not even all of my mutuals have realized this is my new blog yet so there aren’t even that many people on here)
1. What’s your biggest regret? Damn, Josh. My biggest regret would be allowing the people who hurt me to make me shut down. I blamed myself for being so sensitive and open to pain that I completely turned inside myself. That year where I was being harassed by someone after a bad incident, I became spiteful to the world for hurting me.     Afterwards, I realized my over sensitivity was why I was able to help people and that if I stayed shut down that I wouldn’t be able to connect with people who might need help. This past weekend we had a speaker who summed this up perfectly, “We all have the capability to be soft-hearted and hard-hearted. Let us choose to be soft and accept to feel things in life. Treat others with softness” which is what had me thinking about the past and something I struggle with sometimes. This question had weird timing; good job. 
2. What do you do in your spare/free time? Try to focus on writing, sleep, daydream outside, make desserts, aggravate my cat. Mostly the last one. 
3. What do you want to be when you grow up? I really want to work for a publishing company, or maybe work with really old books like restoration, or translation. I’d love to be a translator but I don’t think the languages I’m interested in have a high demand. Something that let’s me travel. And then have time to write for fun too!
4. Congratulations! You just won the lottery, and now you’ve got 40 million dollars (or whatever currency your nation uses)! What do you do?  OKAY SO-  despite my career interests, there’s another thing that I’d love to do but I’m not sure how to get started. I’d really love to be a speaker that goes around to high schools (and maybe middle schools) to bring awareness to the signs of an abusive relationship for both girls and guys. A lot of teens don’t realize what’s actually considered abusive, what the signs are that it’s becoming unhealthy, or that teens even get in abusive relationships as we tend to imagine adults who are married or have a child with someone. OneLove is a good organization for college aged individuals, but we need to start younger before growing kids can internalize bad behaviors. 40 million would allow me to do that or at least set some sort of program up. The more selfish things would be getting to travel and pursue my hobbies.
5. What’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you? “I can count on you”
6. What’s something you’ve wished for repeatedly?  To actually date the right person for me, and that I can make happy. To take care of each other. That someone will embrace me for who I am instead of wanting me to change and that I can embrace them too. 
7. What’s the story of your first kiss?  My first kiss was with the first guy I ever dated. I was fifteen, and my friends had pressured me into dating because I was super shy. This poor dude was so sweet despite the fact I was literally terrified to even hold his hand. We were hanging out at the picnic tables before the first class of the day started and he just swooped in like a hawk to plant a wet one. Sad to kill the romance, but my stomach knotted up and I wanted to pass out before I got sick. Sweet guy, but he had guppy lips (he got better; it was just from him making sure they weren’t dry from nervousness I guess. Ugh).  Bless him.
8. How many countries have you been to? Which ones do you want to go to? I’ve only traveled within America. I’d love to see Japan, South Korea, China, Egypt, Israel, India, France, Italy, Greece, Brazil, and there are other’s but basically everywhere. I want to go everywhere. 
9. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done drunk?  I have actually have never had alcohol. Ever. Sorry to be a bore in that regards.
10. What are your plans for the summer? Write, practice art after this long hiatus, finish my summer classes, and I’m trying to find a martial arts to get back into but I don’t know which to pick!
11. What’s a random fact you know? This is gross, but it’s the one that popped into my head first. There is actually a leech that ONLY sucks near a hippo’s butt hole. There. That’s a thing you know now. Be cursed with it.
And that in the Wizard of Oz, they bought Professor Marvels coat from a thrift shop. It ended up being a coat that was owned by the WoO author L. Frank Baum! They gave it back to his widow after filming. 
My 11 questions:
1. What’s a weird talent that you have?
2. Is there an invention/ creation that you absolutely hate? And why?
3. Is there a food thing that you really love, but other people think is weird? 
4. If you could get rid of one thing in existence, what would it be?
5. Ever had something backfire in a funny way?
6. What language would you mentally download if you could?
7. Coffee or tea? (And what kind)
8. What age would you freeze yourself as if you were immortal?
9. What mythical being would you be?
10. What would you do differently if you could go back to high school?
11. What book world would you live in if you could?
This is a new blog so I don’t have 11 mutuals to tag, sorry!
@no-longer-humann   @myotisx2  @pimpmamasupreme (gee, thanks for not adding me back Amber, I’ll remember when we hang out this weekend  :P )  And @uorodin if he ever realizes this is my new blog. 
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faithfulnews · 7 years
Thanksgiving from the Upside Down . . . and Stuffing
Today I am preparing a message for New Day Community Church in Stockton that has a special Thanksgiving Day Service tomorrow, followed by a Thanksgiving meal, and I have been invited to speak. I am not sure if I am more excited about talking during the service or presenting my Thanksgiving stuffing at the meal. And since I am preparing both at the same time, I thought I would add notes on both. Besides, my chef daughter Elizabeth asked me yesterday for my stuffing recipe so now is a good time to share my thoughts on my stuffing and also my message which deals with a spirit of thanksgiving when things go wrong, go upside down, as they did for me last year when I lost my wife of 29 years to malaria in Africa.
First of all, the stuffing. It’s different for me every year and I don’t have exact measurements but I can tell you that the first thing I do is roast a chicken. This gives me the stock I need to add the right taste long before the turkey turns up. And I put the heart/liver/neck etc in a pot and boil it for 20 mins to get even more stock which gives taste and moisture.
And since I am roasting a chicken, I might as well roast a few potatoes also.  I will get a separate meal out of this – roast chicken and potatoes for my family, but no gravy because all the juice and stock will go into the stuffing.
The big players for the stuffing are celery, onion, and meat. I sautée each one separately in butter and throw them into a large bowl. I usually do bacon and mushrooms but don’t have any right now. And my kids hate mushrooms so I am used to not cooking them, but I totally recommend them.  For the meat, I like to mix it up with bacon and different minces, pork is good. I have used some rabbit before for a more gamey taste. But today is beef because its all I have.
The other big player, apart from croutons (which I will talk about in a minute) is parsley. I used a big bunch of it, cut roughly but not chunky. And rosemary needs to be present – thyme might suffice – but rosemary is a necessity. I had to sneak into my neighbor’s yard to steal some but I told them 6 months ago I would do this on occasion and they were cool with that.
But what about that message. Ah yes. The text is Ephesians 5.
8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light 9 (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth)10 and find out what pleases the Lord. 11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. 12 It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. 13 But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. 14 This is why it is said:
“Wake up, sleeper,     rise from the dead,     and Christ will shine on you.”
15 Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. 18 Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit, 19 speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, 20 always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Paul borrows here from Isaiah 60:1 but takes a little license in adding his own spin. I want to do the same thing with this passage. Most people read it in a prescriptive way – a list of do’s and dont’s, which is fine. Giving thanks is a command. Yes. An argument can be made for that and I could make it also. But there is a deeper layer here that I see as descriptive – a pattern, a journey, a teaching on not only what to do, but what happens when you do that. And this is what I want to share tomorrow.
It goes like this.
As you step into the light and embrace God (does that sound too SHIRLEY MACLAINE for church? HA HA) and as you are embraced by God (oooh ok this is WAAAY TOOO SHIRLEY), something will happen to your mind and your heart
Your mind
You will gain perspective, you will be illuminated, enlightened. You will understand what God is up to and you will speak out on behalf of that truth. This will affect your life – you will recalibrate your life, your actions, your habits to align with what you know of God and what he is doing. What is good, what is right, what is true. This will be your new default setting.
Your heart
God will put a song in your heart. That song will play even through the most difficult circumstances. You will have a soundtrack, and its called “thanksgiving” and that will spill out into encouragement to others. Thanksgiving will also become a new default setting. Just like a drunk person is controlled by alcohol, you will be consumed with and controlled by God’s Spirit. This will change your demeanor, alter your posture, define the way you hold yourself and the way you relate to other people. You will be a person characterized by thanksgiving and not a person who bickers, judges, fights, complains or sees life as half empty.  This god-filled-ness will also spill out into other relationships including the way you relate to others, as one who uses your song to encourage and uplift others who need to hear, and as you relate to your spouse and your children and parents – you will be someone who easily surrenders and submits and finds common ground, seeking unity, rather than fighting for or defending your ego.
OHHHH I just took the potatoes out of the oven. They are lovely and crispy. Nothing to do with the stuffing but this will be a great compliment to the roast chicken tonight.
Speaking of the stuffing, I spruced mine up with lemon juice, sauteed garlic, and raisins. I usually add orange zest, and to be honest it really needs it, but don’t have any oranges today.
For the liquid, which is really important because you don’t want your stuffing dry, I added orange juice, white wine, stock from the liver/heart, and stock/juices from the chicken itself. Melted butter also works and I waited until the very end until pouring some all over the top and over the cranberries so they would turn golden brown and not burn.
This is really lame. I spelled the word “THANK-FUL” with the cranberries. You can’t even read it. You need to ask for the gift of interpretation to even see it. But thats OK. I know it’s there and its a teaching embedded into the stuffing that will impact people, even subconsciously, but the most important thing is that it has meaning for me.
Oh yes, those croutons. I took the rest of our bread, cut it up into cubes, and baked it in the oven until it was firm and a little brown. They need to be robust enough to handle the liquid. And I added herbs – whatever I had. Sage is awesome. Thyme is marvellous. I had neither, but, as I say, I used what I had. I also ran short on bread so I scraped off the pizza toppings from the pizza I made last night, cut up the bases and threw them in also. OHH and speaking of leftovers, I only ate half of that amazing Cubano sandwich from Cuban Kitchen in San Mateo yesterday so the ham and pork was also cut up and added to the stuffing. HA!!!!!
Back to my message.
This is my story
Last year I lost my wife. She died of malaria and other diseases. It was the darkest time of my life. I couldn’t sleep alone in a bedroom. I couldn’t make decisions. I lost the other half of myself and after 29 years of oneness with a single person, that is pretty much most of my life and certainly the life I was used to. On top of that I was really sick for a really long time, surviving the diseases that took my wife but basically unable to function for many many months.
And yet, throughout the entire time, I felt God’s presence in a calming way, knowing deep in my heart that He is good, He is faithful, He is patient, He is caring and He will look after me. He knows whats up and that spirit of thanksgiving that permeated my mind and heart was not a drummed up motion of obedience but rather the overflow of truth, of what was real.
Some people think God is distant and occasionally invades earth to bring disaster or tragedy. I see God as near, intimately connected to us and everything else, constantly enlivening and sustaining His creation, always standing guard and protecting us, and yet occasionally and empathetically removing his hand when He knows the time is right.
This is my song
The name of my song was thanksgiving. It was there all the way through the devastating process of losing my wife and explaining to my youngest daughter that she no longer had a mother. I am not being chirpy here. I am not being naive or brainlessly religious. Yes IT HURT. IT HURT MORE THAN ANYTHING IN MY LIFE and I was hurled into the Upside Down world of darkness, solitude, confusion, fear, GRIEF, emotional pain, and loss of hope for the future. I was BROKEN, plunged into grayness, emptied of life, emptied of hope. I am not reducing that reality or downplaying the significance of what happened to me. I am just saying that there was a soundtrack playing the entire time, a song of thanksgiving. And at my best moments, my grief gave birth to gratefulness.
I am still thankful.
I am thankful for so many good friends.
I am thankful for 29 years of marriage to the most wonderful woman on the planet.
I am thankful that I got to say everything to my wife before she went.
I am thankful that my wife got to finish her race and go out in the way she always imagined, in the country she loved.
I am thankful that my daughter was spared from disease and that I have 5 wonderful kids.
I am thankful for a softer heart and new wave of consideration for others. I am a different person  – more in tune with suffering and more empathetic to those who are going through loss.
I am thankful for the next season that is coming upon me and that I have the freedom to enter in. 
This is my dance
Grief has become my friend and my reminder of a wonderful life with a wonderful woman. My grief is warmer now than it was last year. My grief and the grieving process I have embraced has allowed me to push forward into new levels of understanding and awareness. That has given me a softer heart, as I said, and it has also positioned me to be of help to others who are also grieving. God comforts us so that we can comfort others.
When you lose someone, a lot of other people, more than you can imagine, also lose someone. Grief is a shared experience. Our friends feel the pain of our loss but they also struggle with their own loss. They find it awkward to talk to us about it. But the healing we experience is for them also.
A few months ago one of my wife’s best friends lost her husband. This is what I told her.
It’s a strange dance this grief of ours. We hold our own sadness and allow the processing to continue thru it’s various stages, knowing it moves forward step by step, finding firmer hold with each telling of the story, with each new person entering into the story and at the same time we become priests for others who find it awkward to enter, but know that they need to. We hold the keys for them. We give permission. We invite them into the dance and make it easy for them, we suggest, we put their words out in front of them, we show the appropriateness of the conversation, the shared hurt of loss, the rightful pace and flow of what needs to be said. Being closer to the pain and further along in the process, we hold out our leading hand and invite others into the dance, into the spiral of healing.
My hope tomorrow, at the church, is that other people who have experienced loss, whether the loss of parents or children or spouses, divorce (which can be far more devastating than the loss of  a spouse), the loss of dreams, whatever it is they have lost, that they might enter into that spiral of healing, and find themselves in that dance, with God, where the juxtaposition of pain and joy, of grief and thanksgiving, of tears and laughter, might come together to find healing, wholeness, hope, and a song of thanksgiving that will play on and on. Amen.
This is my stuffing
The stuffing is ready. Its not completely cooked with that attractive blackened burned look but I need to take it to Stockton tomorrow and they will heat it up right before the meal and I think it will come into its own at that moment. I might bring some parsley to freshen it up on location. If you look really carefully, you can almost see the word “THANK-FUL”. Almost.
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