#they are not relevant to this post but i WILL tag them for exposure
andonutty · 11 months
my first draft of this post had me sounding like an utter maniac, so this is take two, where i’m going to attempt to not sound as absolutely insane as i am actually on the inside. so the as dusk falls promo trailer took over my life a few weeks back and i managed to stop myself from obsessively (and i mean obsessively) rewatching it for a while, but then i rewatched it twice in the last few minutes and barely resisted the urge to start open-mouth sobbing. because it makes me emotional! and so as not to repeat the mistakes of my last draft i will end that line of thought right here.
there are a lot of things that make me scream cry throw up etc about this trailer, but i am going to talk specifically in this post about the thing that i am MOST composed about and LEAST prone to start vomiting about. which is jim.
it feels wrong to start out with this post, since i haven’t actually talked yet about how masterfully composed this trailer actually is. but tl;dr: everything about this promo is fucking phenomenal and it makes me violently ill (mentally physically spiritually etc). but the one thing that’s really relevant about the composition of the trailer here is the shots they chose for it. and again there’s a lot to say here, but let me just put it this way:
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the promo trailer is for whatever game was being advertised in this poster. the only character on this poster that is not featured prominently in the trailer is joyce, and i can kind of get why that is. but it’s important and striking to me that bear and jim are neither on this poster nor are they ANYWHERE to be seen in this trailer. (sidenote & tangent i’m so relieved that bear is not present in any promo materials that i know of, since his inclusion in the story is one that i think was always meant to be shocking and jarring, and having bear in the promo stuff would sort of cheapen that impact. people should not be going into this game going omg sam douglas!! they should be entering this game invested in the story and the characters and then sam douglas jumpscare like a freight train) this is especially true for jim, since there are a lot of scenes in the promo where we know that he’s supposed to be there, but he’s purposely obscured from us. when zoe’s voiceover says “we were on our way to start a new life”, it shows her and her parents in the car, with no indication that there is a whole ass joe biden behind vince.
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then, in the trailer, when the family’s approaching the motel, we get this shot:
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vs. in the game, where that shot is actually...
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... cutely including jim’s ass. and then here, we get:
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where the trailer frames it like vince is alone, when in reality, dale’s already knocked jim to the floor. in the scenes where we see vince’s family, it’s always heavily focusing on vince, michelle, and zoe, who seem to be the three main characters of the walker family. (similarly, and this is why i wanted to make the main characters post before this one, but we live and we learn, the holt boys are shown in the promo trailer to be the three main characters of the holt family.)
so jim is just like casually missing. he’s just not there. and that is intentional, imo. because i remember the heart attack this man gave me when vince and zoe are going back to the car and we just see THIS:
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jim FUCKING jumpscare. now okay, let me backtrack a little because this is IMPORTANT. when i was first obsessively watching this trailer, obviously the first thing i noticed was this little ditty, set to jay’s voiceover of “it was a long-forgotten secret buried in the dark”:
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now obviously my first reaction is (beyonce meme) JIM1?!?!?!??!?!?! because i’ve already played this game and i know that jim admits to being the reason why the desert dream happens. jim clearly has a history with the desert dream and with two rock in general: paul recognizes him right off the bat and slowly remembers him as being a “travelling salesman” that went to sharon’s bar fifteen to twenty years ago. jim also, when he hears jay say that his mother is coming inside, immediately reaches for a cap to obscure his face. if the player chooses to send jim out instead of zoe, jim also stumbles to the ambulance specifically because he doesn’t want dante to see him. and when jim is concussed, if you ask him where he is, he calls the desert dream by its former name. so it’s made really clear that jim’s been to two rock before and that he’s interacted with these characters before. and he’s clearly afraid of being recognized by these people, always dodging questions about him looking familiar and doing everything in his power not to interact with key players like sharon and dante.
and something i have always noticed about jim is that whenever he’s outside, the shots he has usually include the water tower. and i noticed this because... well <3 the sniper that shoots at dale is on the water tower. so it was interesting and important to me, so seeing it in the background of, like, every jim shot was a little interesting. they are not really subtle with it! like, we see it in a bunch of different places for jim. we obviously see it in the jim jumpscare, and then we see it again when he’s approaching the desert dream:
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and then if you decide to go talk to jim instead of michelle, you get this shot right after vince and jim walk out of the motel room:
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and i can’t find a playthrough on youtube where someone lets jim go, but i have a feeling they include a shot of the water tower there too. so when im seeing that person digging something and they’re kind of tall and lanky and the water tower is in the background, i am like. that has to be jim walker right. like it has to be. but then im looking at this picture and i’m like ... no wait that TREE. i recognize that TREE too. and what do you know! right after zoe finishes her opening monologue in book one, what is the FIRST shot we get?
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i’m like oh my GOD. the rest stop. the FUCKING rest stop on route 66 that weird ass abandoned little rest stop.
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in the GROUND?!?!?!? under a TRE???e?!?
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and then. and t. AND. look at this. these are the shots from the trailer.
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tell me why the tree is so emphasized. tell me why the water tower is there. do you know what we get in-game? do you KNOW?!?!?!?!
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like my personal theory is that jim killed someone and he is digging a grave in the trailer. like he does offhandedly mention to zoe that he had a car he really loved and he just got rid of it one day, and as dusk falls experts (aka bluffmotel dot tumblr dot com) have theorized like okay maybe he moved the body in it so he had to scrap it. and it would make sense since it parallels jim to bear, since bear um ... killed someone! and then buried him alive! or at least tried to. like idk it says something TO ME that the only two characters who must die in every playthrough of as dusk falls are dale and jim, and both of them are heavily defined by the water tower. IDK! i think jim killed someone. and that something related to them is buried under the tree in two rock by the rest stop. and idk who the stalker is. maybe it’s eddie.
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hi :) TL:DR please stop posting mcyt content in the #minecraft and the #mineblr tags.
long explanation under the cut
#minecraft and #mineblr are for minecraft content. this is anything from modded, to builds, to OCs, to art. it's about the game at its core.
if you post about minecraft content creation, please do not post in these tags. please. you have your own selection of tags to post in — mcyt i believe is an umbrella category for all minecraft content creation, and sub tags, like creator names and actual SMPs exist also.
they are, at the end of the day, two different fandoms with different sub-fandoms, and mcyt is bigger and louder and (sorry) more annoying. if you're a twitter/reddit refugee and genuinely didn't know this, fair! please just cut the tags out. if you just don't care about it and want more reach you're a dick, and if it's something you've forgotten about then please start doing it again <3
i realise it's maybe hypocritical of me to put this in your tags btw but it's you guys i'm talking to. so.
this is what drove me and many other people out of mineblr and y'know. it's got to the point where minecraft is no longer an umbrella tag, but a completely different fandom, and i'd appreciate if people would treat it as such!
and then there's the even deeper rabbit hole of the fact that some mcyt content is. eh. uncomfortable. and there's people who post shipping content in mcyt and you guys get annoyed! because it's completely different content! and it's the same thing here — we don't care about mcyt because it's not relevant.
keep them separate, please. and if you're posting to minecraft because it's a big tag with more exposure then your brain has been fried by twitter and you sound insufferable
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rmstitanics · 2 months
List 5 topics you could talk about for an hour without preparing any material.
With Malice Toward None: a Musical of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War. I’ve been developing this musical since summer 2020. With Malice Toward None focuses on exploring the mental health struggles that Lincoln experienced during his presidency. The musical is narrated by Robert Todd Lincoln, who recalls the storyline’s events with complete omniscience while at the 1922 Lincoln Memorial dedication. Relevant themes for the show include mental health, public history, teams that become brotherhoods, compassion, the stages of grief, leadership, and a bunch of other concepts that I’ll probably end up yapping about on here at some point. Orchestrally, the show can be described as “if Les Misérables, Hello Dolly, and Evita decided to have a threesome in my brain”.
all of my original characters. seriously. I have SO MANY OF THEM that I’ve developed over the years, mostly for historical fiction. 😭 the ones that are living rent free in my head the most right now are Anastasia Andrews-Ismay (the human personification of the Titanic), Lieutenant General Ethan Clay, and Dr. Constance Pierpont Morgan. Honorable mention goes to my Star Wars OC Shi’al Valorum 💅 if any of these muses seem familiar to you then we’ve probably either been in a discord server together or you’ve somehow stumbled across one of my roleplay blogs.
the rms titanic. literally EVERYTHING about this ship and her sinking is my Roman Empire. I’m particularly fond of yapping about Captain Smith, Thomas Andrews, Wallace Hartley, William Pirrie, J.P. Morgan, or any of the officers — but if you get me talking about the vilification of Bruce Ismay by the sensationalist yellow press in the aftermath of the sinking, then I WILL NEVER SHUT UP.
star wars. my first exposure to the Star Wars franchise was when I was a sophomore in high school and I got to see a screening of A New Hope where the soundtrack was played by a live orchestra. suffice to say, this altered my brain chemistry and I’ve never been the same since. I’m a Prequels girlie and Jedi apologist to my CORE; my favorite characters are probably Yoda, Dooku, Mace Windu, and Bail Organa.
film and tv soundtracks. …the fact that I once did a TWENTY FIVE MINUTE LONG presentation on the film score for Titanic (1997) should tell you everything that you need to know about this silly fixation of mine.
HONORABLE MENTIONS: ghost hunting, tarot cards, classical music, Taylor Swift, creative liberties taken by Lin Manuel Miranda for Hamilton, historical fiction as a genre in an era where media literacy is on the decline, Antebellum America, the Great Triumvirate (Henry Clay, John Calhoun, Daniel Webster), the Lost Cause of the Confederacy, and public history.
TAGGED BY no one. I stole it from the for you tab LOL
TAGGING: @viellohi, @the-rmstitanic, @man-i-dunno, @allysah, @charmwasjess, @quicksiluers, @aceofthyme, @tipsywench, @macaron-n-cheese, @meerawrites, @elisabeth515, @its-rmstitanic, @mattaytchtaylor, @tommy-288, @chamberlainswifey, AND YOU.
* make a separate post. do not reblog.
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loudestcloud · 3 months
Outing myself but my favourite pastime is to annon ask strangers why they use the Vinsmoke tag just to get them to openly say why to their followers so that everyone knows exactly where they stand. I say it neutrally so I'm not the angry guys you'll see beating tf outta ppl verbally, I genuinely just wanna know. Unfortunately, in most cases, its people having NO clue as to why it's even wrong so! I do feel slightly bad because I guess then they have to look it up and get spoilers but also I still stand by the fact that A. you should unfortunately expect that with One piece specifically but B. If you post about a character, you should know about the tags you use, yk? Mostly because that can also get you spoilers of a much bigger kind. I saw this discourse a year before i even know what Whole cake was so thats probably why i don't understand not knowing and using it anyway. Also, the want to tag it for exposure is huge, I get that but if it's not relevant, it's not gonna help you more than any other tags. By relevant I mean AUs and even then tagging Sanji as that is basically useless because you have other Vinsmokes in the tags.
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yandere-sins · 1 year
Wow, I didn't think I'd have to say it but:
If you have beef with someone for their believes or actions, settle it on your own.
On your own blog, tagging them by yourself and calling them out for their shit. Don't come to my inbox (on anon), send 9 asks with the same text, and try to force me to reveal doxxing information on someone I don't even know? I have nothing to do with them? I have never interacted with them as far as I know, and even if I did, it couldn't have been beyond hello and bye, otherwise I'd remember.
I have my own opinions and I don't condone being an asshole to any race/gender/group or whatever you want to call it. But I also won't share real life information on a person I don't know and don't have anything to do with just because some anon claims they are xyz. I don't even have proof or evidence that they actually are what you claim them to be.
In fact, if I disagree with someone on the internet, I block them, warn my friends, and move on with my life, I don't give them even more of my time or exposure through my blog. And even if they deserve to get what they give, I won't doxx them? What are we? 15? They won't learn just because you call them out either, why give them more room to spout their hate and defend their ugly believes. We're better than that. Wiser and above those things. People, both the ones in the right and the wrong, need to mind their own business. Leave what makes you unhappy alone. I don't even have time to deal with haters, much less fight battles for others.
Anyway, if you want to doxx and cause a stir with someone do it yourself. Don't make other blogs do your dirty work for you when they aren't even involved. Stop spamming my askbox because you feel slighted (rightously so if it's true what you are saying, but again, how would I know? Where's the proof? I don't have time to waste on blogs I have nothing to do with, skimming through them until I find something) and go make an elaborate post yourself. If you want to bite back then don't be a coward, running to others to hide behind them and use them for your revenge and hating on. If you make a post and I see it and find it relevant to share, I will. But I won't doxx someone and reveal who they are and where they live/work on the off-chance that some anon just wants to send hate to that person by using me. Be responsible for your own actions, as I am for mine, and others have to be for theirs.
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dulcesiabits · 8 months
genuine question what did you do in order to get so much attn and stuff on fics? like writing skills aside cause obvs you're really talented but is it like the way you tag stuff or did you join networks or smth?? cause no matter how hard i try my stuff doesn't really get notes🥲
Hi!!! I'm going to be honest and say that getting attention to your writing is a combination of a lot of different factors, but a majority of it boils down to luck. Success, too, looks differently for each person, so what does it look like to you? What does engagement mean? 50 likes? 100 likes? A heartfelt anon ask?
But don't feel bad if you don't think you're getting any notes! It's not a reflection on your writing skills at all. When I was just starting out, it took me a while to gain attention. However, I can give you a breakdown of how I, at least, think gaining traction works! I have been writing for a long time now. Under the cut for length.
1). Time. This may not be the most immediately helpful advice to you, but I've had this blog for four years. I've had time to establish myself as a writer and gain followers. That means people "know" or "recognize" me, and though I wouldn't say I'm popular (that is hard to gauge, after all), that does mean I have had time to establish myself. If you're a newer writer, then you've had less time to build that sort of credibility or rapport than an older blog has. Also, sometimes it takes a while for a piece to kick off! A lot of my posts have accumulated notes over the years, not just all at once.
2). Networks/mutuals. I'm not in any networks (though I have considered joining some), and I'm a bit of a private person, but it does help to talk to other writers. I can't verify for networks and how helpful they are, but I can verify making friends with other writers and interacting with them. If nothing else, having the support and being able to support people with similar interests as you is really sweet! It means you don't feel like you're writing alone in a void, and I personally treasure my writing friends dearly. Bouncing ideas off of other people is super fun!
3). Tagging. I don't think I tag my fics in a particular way, but it is nice to have consistent tags, so readers know what to look for, and can easily filter out the writing they do or don't want to see. So, I have a general writing tag ("liya writes"), but I also tag things like "character x reader" and "character name." I would recommend that you only tag things that are relevant to your fic, if only for courtesy. Trying to boost your fic by adding unrelated tags might see like a good idea, but it will be inconvenient for other people who, for example, didn't want to see a Childe fic in the Diluc tag, and turn people off from your writing.
4). Formatting. This may seem like a small thing, but I think the appearance of your writing is important. Do you have a consistent theme or organization? Do you have summary, word count, warnings, and the name of the characters who appear in the fic? Most importantly, if it's a long fic, do you have it under a read more? How is the writing itself separated? Bullet points? Paragraphs? Is it easy to read, or is it one long block with no differentiation? A pop of color never hurts, either! I personally keep my posts simple, with blue and pink dividers for a bit of color, and all the necessary information at the very top of the fic. Consistency and ease of reading are important to consider! Is this something that attracts a reader's eye?
5). Promoting. How do you promote your fics? This falls under a similar vein as "tagging" and "networks/mutuals," too. Sometimes it's good to reblog your own fic at different points of time, so followers who are new or don't dig around in your masterlist can see it! And sometimes, having other people (especially writers) reblog your work can give it the exposure it needs! I would warn against asking writers to reblog your work, though, especially if you don't know them, just out of courtesy. I might ask my friend to reblog a piece if I don't feel confident it'll do well, but I would never ask a complete stranger who I don't know.
6). Posting time. When do you post your fics? Weekend? Weekday? Afternoon, or night? I think there is a particular time when people are on tumblr the most, so it might be helpful to look those statistics up to maximize the coverage your writing receives. Time zones are something to keep in mind, too. Additionally, are you posting when the fandom is at peak popularity, or are you posting after hype has died off? The engagement you receive also depends on how much people are into the current fandom you're in.
7). Content. What sort of fandoms do you write for? Are they older fandoms, newer ones, smaller ones, or bigger ones? Who do you write for? Popular characters? Less-known ones? You might find less engagement with a smaller fandom, or a less popular character. Additionally, what do you write? Longer fics? Headcanons? Drabbles? I think, in general, that longer pieces might take off a bit more slowly, but tend to linger more, but short pieces will explode immediately, but might not be something people come back to as much. This is only because of the length of time it takes to read, and different readers are attracted to different formats.
8). Luck. And no matter how well you follow all the rest of my advice, there's still a chance your writing might not take off. Again, that's nothing on you, but more so to do with the fact that engagement is ultimately unpredictable. There's no set way to predict what sort of writing your potential audience will resonate with you. I'm sure plenty of writers can tell you about fics that they laboriously poured over, only to receive no comments on it at all. On the other hand, sometimes posts blow up when you didn't expect them to!
I'm not going to tell you that notes don't matter; after all, it's not wrong to want engagement or acknowledgement over your craft. We post things online for a reason. But it is important to ask yourself what you ultimately want out of sharing your writing: do you want a community? To connect with others? For clout? To hone a skill? Or just for fun? Maybe there's a variety of reasons you post. I can't say tell you how to feel, and there is no "wrong" reason to want to write. But notes also aren't everything, and I hope you have enjoy what you're doing at the end of the day!
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redtail-lol · 10 months
Actually though fuck people who think you're supposed to reblog things. I don't owe you exposure. I don't owe you a boost in visibility. I don't owe you shit.
I have 3 blogs now. This one is my personal blog and MOGAI blog. It's for MY terms, MY ramblings, and MY content! If I think something deserves visibility I'll reblog it. If I really like something I'll reblog it. If I agree with a statement I'll reblog it. If I have commentary I'll reblog it. If I reblog your stuff, that's a nice thing I did for you. I don't have to reblog your art, your fanfic, your flag, or anything you made if I don't want to. I reblog what I want to be on MY blog. I also have bilesproblems. That's for all things bi lesbian related, and I'll reblog things that are relevant to mspec lesbians but basically nothing else. Then there's my redtail arts blog, which I rarely use and was mostly to not expose this blog to my friend. I'll reblog art occasionally but it's mostly going to be MY art because it's MY art blog!
There are blogs that mostly reblog stuff related to a certain category and if you need more reach, tag them! I tagged queer-love-for-women on my lesbian flag because I knew QLFW is a prevalent reblogger and dedicated the blog to reblogging things related to queer love for women. You can also tag your posts. Don't make salty posts about how someone liked your post and didn't reblog it. You're lucky someone liked your post at all. When you get mad about likes without rbs you literally are acting like a spoiled child and if I see one more post on my dash about how reblogs matter more than likes I will start blocking y'all at adding "thinks reblogs are more valuable than likes/gets upset when someone likes a post and doesn't reblog it" to my Do Not Follow list.
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jerek · 6 months
Half-answer to a QOTD bot question, posted here to conserve space in the relevant discord
(cw: I don't even know where to start. I'm explaining what's going on between Midha and Wrathion. Remember what Dave Kosak said about black dragons.)
Currently, Midha's found family includes Zafirria and Wrathion. Once, it included Anduin and Wrathion. For the purposes of this post, I'll be excluding Zafirria and regarding Anduin as a supporting character.
At the start, when it was only Midha and Wrathion, Midha was a maladjusted preteen girl. Not understanding what she was doing, she (and in some part Wrathion) created a sort of double-sided parental affection:
Midha as the 'mother' to Wrathion because of her age, her willingness to listen, and her ability to carry out his plans.
Wrathion as the 'father' to Midha because of his emotional sway, his seeming authority in Ravenholdt, and his ability to provide gold and shelter.
This morphed in Pandaria to something more like a brother/sister relationship.
Here, Midha adapted more to Wrathion's perception of her as the 'little sister.' If she had any questions about his plans, she asked them privately. She tagged along, part of a package deal with the Black Prince, and she was debatably kept closer emotionally than his guards were physically. By this point, someone like Kairoz could start to spot what developed in Cataclysm: Wrathion was using Midha as a comfort object.
Then Wrathion disappeared, and Midha vanished in his absence. This might have been a warning sign for future developments, if anyone else were privy to their dynamic. Not even Anduin was aware: he might have thought of Midha as Wrathion's favorite champion, but probably not his first.
Moving on to BfA. Crucially, BfA Midha doesn't meet Wrathion any earlier than the player would. In fact, she meets him later.
In MoP, the invitation to meet that Wrathion sends Midha is different, and other 'cutscenes' are added onto her legendary questline.
In Cataclysm, Wrathion knows her by her presence beside his eggshell in the Vermillion Redoubt.
By contrast, Wrathion and Midha's dynamic in BfA is comparatively restrained:
Wrathion finds Midha having joined a raid into Nya'lotha, and having struck the final blow against his false copy. By this point, the Sha (possibly from exposure to Sha-touched items?) has taken over her. This is the first point at which Wrathion calls her family: speaking to her as he would "any sister in the grip of the black flight's madness."
Midha's restraint shows in not trying to contact Wrathion earlier. She even consults Yu'lon, asking what it is about her that makes her feel as though she'll ruin him by her presence: to which Yu'lon confronts her inner 'monster,' her loneliness, and eventually reassures: "There is no monster here. Only your heart."
Wrathion's restraint shows when, despite his doubt in himself, he allows her to leave after killing N'zoth. In fact, he brings her to Stormwind Keep, and takes quiet relief in Anduin inviting her to stay while he finds a way to cleanse her of the Sha for good. (This ends up not working.)
Before we move on to Dragonflight, let's also mention some other people in Midha's life. Chronologically speaking, Midha's romantic interests are as follows:
Shannox: Midha had a stint in Hyjal during Cataclysm. She started first 'noticing boys' around this time-- or, as the case may be, noticing men. We see here the exclusivity of Midha's love: Midha responds to her strange new feelings by systematically poisoning the all-male flamewakers which make up the rest of the hierarchy, trying to force Shannox to the top by default (in much the same way as she went after the remaining black dragons.)
Her kill count was over two dozen. Shannox was intrigued, but nevertheless did not take kindly when he finally met her.
This was the nail in the coffin for Midha prematurely neglecting her innocence and abandoning her role as 'child.'
Anduin: They were acquaintances in Pandaria who rarely spoke more than two sentences to each other. Midha held a passing fascination with him, as any common girl might with the crown prince of Stormwind. There was a rumor that his inner Light caused plants to bloom where he remained for long enough, like a red dragon.
Vyneia: Even Wrathion knew about Vyneia, though he didn't notice any romantic chemistry until they'd already split. They were fellow champions of his, thick as thieves. Vyneia had an advantage over Wrathion in being a girl Midha's own age, even if, being that Vyneia was a blood elf, they were on opposite sides of the faction war.
Eventually, something happened between them. Only the two of them know exactly what it was, but afterward, Vyneia was presumed deceased-- until she resurfaced as a void elf, having joined the Alliance.
Kairoz: Anduin was the only one who knew. He envied her for it. He saw Kairoz dab at her scrapes after a bout against a Celestial, reverse wounds, and speak to her like a peer. Like a woman to his man. He saw him teach her to dance. Nobody ever treated Anduin like that.
But that, too, would pass.
Deep down, Anduin had always viewed himself as the moral object: perpetually acted upon, unable to meaningfully impact the world on his own. He had a feeling about Midha, falling in with rogues, no fixed home beyond Wrathion's side.
That feeling utterly failed to stop him. And Midha liked to come to his room when she couldn't sleep: she must have known he couldn't either.
He had one week of stolen touch, stolen dreams, a future he was sure he'd wrest out of Wrathion's hands. Anduin was older, after all, and Wrathion really had no idea what he was getting into.
In any case, she was Anduin's champion now. Maybe Wrathion would come back for her wedding. Maybe Wrathion would envy Midha like he did. Maybe Wrathion would settle down, too.
A week later, when his trajectory faltered and his heart had finally started to slow down, he went out to Lion's Rest.
He asked his father for guidance, and heard the wingbeats of the Mawsworn.
...Now we arrive at Dragonflight.
There are two factors which shift the dynamic in Dragonflight: first of all, Wrathion has a family. The days of being asked whether Midha's a black dragon too are largely over: the other black dragons are right there at the Citadel.
Second of all, Anduin is gone. Wrathion's lost the devil he knows, and replaced him with a dozen devils he doesn't.
In Dragonflight, the relationship between Wrathion and Midha can best be described as overt.
Baskilian pulls Midha aside to warn her about Wrathion, and Wrathion responds by inviting her out on a canoe trip. He asks about Anduin, and when Midha explains in the politest, vaguest terms possible, he breaks aloud: "What he's done to you, he's done to me."
"I could still look through your eyes if I wished to, champion."
"All the care you should have for yourself is mine."
"Our two comprise the only one on Azeroth."
"If it must be someone, then let it be you!"
It's only one night. He holds Midha for so long she nods off against his chest. In the morning, they've washed ashore near the Ruby Life Pools.
Of course, he isn't the only black dragon anymore. And even if he were, his isn't the only flight. And even if it were... there's still Stormwind.
After another long excursion, Midha returns to the Citadel and apologizes. "There's the Mother Oathstone, and Stormwind, too."
He's not sure if what he does next is premeditated.
In what Wrathion calls a 'fit of the dual soul,' he breaks into an outraged laugh-- and then grabs Midha and forcibly kisses her.
"Tell them. Tell whoever would do the same to you: that I've fully lost my mind. That I've laid claim to you, and I will not allow so much as a word to spread against it.
Some will be revolted, yes! But they will revile me, and count you as a casualty."
When he comes to, he goes to bathe in lava.
He does it again, of course. Midha doesn't know how to stop him, or if she even should. There are broodmothers smaller than Wrathion: drakes are always enlisted where dragons are scarce. And she suspects it's nothing but jealousy: pure, white-knuckled loneliness, and maybe it's the fault of the knuckle-white Sha that seems to ruin everything she doesn't leave behind.
He kisses her so often that Sabellian catches him, and scolds him: "You flout nature like a hand-reared pigeon after its master."
And Wrathion responds: "She is my sister, Sabellian."
"How fortunate," Wrathion says, "that you may never understand. To be a son of one's daughter. A creation of one's creation."
Wrathion's prayer: It will have to be someone. Let it be her.
Midha's prayers have stopped.
Of course, there will always be more to complicate the dynamic. But that's for when I talk about Zafirria and Anduin.
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thirdmagic · 8 months
@spank-the-villain replied to your post “אני ידעת שהשבועיים האלה הייתי מאוד עסוקה בבגידה...”:
This you should translate and post, probably
ah, i was offered by friend to reblog it with translation to english and after talking about it with him i was kind of like 'lets put a raincheck on that and come back to it later', so i figure it's worth to give my reasons/thoughts on that here too where like. it is a sentiment that i feel strongly about and one that i would want to see it shared and be more available. including for diaspora jews since i know its not something relevant to only israelis either. but. to be blunt, i don't want the westerners to appropriate it lol
and like granted i dont know if this one specific post would even get enough traction to be appropriated so maybe this is me getting ahead of myself or giving myself too much credit, but i've just over the years seen how any kind of sentiment or any moment or any exposure to the dynamics here are instantly used as a justification for their hatred it's kind of the same way that y'know white americans like to absolutely gleefully jump at the display of any kind of racism or predjuice within communities of color between/directed at each other because of how validating they find it and how it makes them feel better about their white guilt, i've seen posts like this a few times talking about racism in very strong words and usually with the disclaimer or tags to the vein of 'white people, this post is not for you, do not reblog it' which i thought was pretty fair to just have there as a reminder even if it wont technically stop them from doing so
so i guess my through process of keeping it to hebrew was just in an effort to remove goys from the conversation entirely because i do think we need to have this conversation in general. just, only between ourselves, but also you know there is definitely room for diaspora jews there too. so maybe it is worth it to add a translation with just a big ol' 'hey goys this post is not for you' disclaimer somewhere there, i don't know
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falmerbrook · 2 years
Pinned post!
TES themed blog. Just call me Harvest or Brooke.
Some introduction things:
I'm 23 years old, and may post or reblog NSFW here (but it will be tagged properly)
My main "thing" is art and animation, but recently I've been getting more invovled in fanfic writing and sewing
(mildly) Autistic, and TES is currently my special interest.
I'm very shy and nervous about social interaction, but I'm trying to be more active in fandom as sort of a exposure therapy. I will be very awkward and I'm sorry if I'm weird.
I answer all asks publicly by default, so if you want them answered privately please say so in the ask!
I've played Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind, Redguard, and a little bit of ESO. I post mostly about Morrowind and Skyrim right now though!
Some relevant links if you want to find me Elsweyr elsewhere:
ToyHouse (for OCs)
ArtFight (for OCs)
I'm excited to get more involved in the community!
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Tags I use (under the cut):
I tag each tes game if it's relevant to the post (Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind, Redguard, Daggerfall, Arena, ESO)
not tes: for stuff that isn't elder scrolls related
mine: any of my own original posts
my art
my writing
my animation
my ocs
others ocs: posts featuring other user's original characters
headcanon: headcanons, worldbuilding, and/or theories that I like
reference: creative references images/tutorials
vent: my caterwauling about stuff that doesn't matter
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Hi! I'm someone who has been homebrewing for 5e for a while and have recently opened a blog to put my creations, and I plan on also sharing some of my thoughts about the process of homebrewing.
I'm very new to this site in general, so I'm wondering if you have any pointers on how to get started with a blog. My posts also don't seem to be showing up in the public search, and I checked my content sharing settings, so some guidance with that would also be appreciated.
It's nice to see new faces on the scene! Getting to look at new ideas and the thoughts behind them is always fun, and analysis is something that we can't get enough of around these parts.
My advice might be a little scattered, but I hope it helps. If anyone else has thoughts, feel free to add on!
Tumblr can be a little finicky; I've found that posts often don't show up if you have external links. You'll want to make posts directly to tumblr rather than autoposting from elsewhere, and also put any links (i.e. to Homebrewery/DNDBeyond) in a reblog. And then reblog the reblog so that people can find the reblog with the links in the reblogs.
I tend to use a lot of tags for my own posts, both for organization as well as for exposure, but I'll admit I only rarely look at any tags other than the "homebrew" tag. I'm sure other people operate in their own way, though.
In terms of the tumblr homebrew meta, balance and formatting and all are always important. But even more important is PRESENTATION!
(Imagine I'm saying that in a Megamind voice. I don't have the time to find the gif.)
A lot of the time if you just have, like, a link or a readmore to a text dump, people will just gloss over it without giving it a second look regardless of how cool a concept is or how meticulously balanced it is. An evocative picture and image stains for formatting can go a long way in turning heads. You're on a site that loves images; style accordingly.
If you have a lot to say, adding a readmore can help you not flood readers in walls of text. Tumblr does it automatically now, but it's still polite to do it after one or two paragraphs if you're going to be writing much more than that.
Blog maintenance... Posting consistently and frequently is good, if it's relevant to your blog's niche (if I'm following you for homebrew, I'd rather not also get flooded in your love for, say, Superwholock Undertale crossovers; that's what sideblogs are for). That being said, there's diminishing returns; more than 1 post a day and people might miss them entirely just due to scheduling. Having a queue set up for that is helpful.
Combining related things into a compendium is worth considering if you have, say, 10 rogue subclasses that you want to publish at once, but you tend to get more attention if you post them one by one. A compromise could be to post them one by one to build hype and make another post with the compendium. Haven't made enough of those to really say how effective that'd be.
Also remember to keep your followers list clear of bots. It's your tumblr civil duty.
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celestial-alignment · 10 months
Hi! I hope it’s okay to hop into your ask box to talk about tagging. I feel like we’ve been on tumble for a similar amount of time, and I just wanted your thoughts or opinions on what I feel like is incorrect tagging. The 2 main sides I’ve seen have been on people that are tagging their content but they are tagging it as “s*x” or “p*wp*w” or something with a cutesy name that makes it more g rated. But they do not tag it as sex or gun violence as well. Which in turn mean that people are not able to filter this content or make an informed choice on weather they want to engage with that content. And then the second is where people are tagging with specific tags, such as character a x character b with the goal of getting as many people to read or engage with their content, but it has nothing to do with this character. I’ve been comparing it to false advertising. And I understand that tagging on Tumblr has never been great (it’s not AO3), but I really feel like with the fall of other sites Reddit and Twitter being the main that come to mind and this resurgence of Tumblr that the issue has become more pronounced. I feel like the 1st is a safety concern and the second is just rude/inconvenience especially when creators are called out multiple time by different blogs and refuse to except that the way they are tagging is not the way that tagging works on Tumblr or otherwise. I guess I was just wonder if others were seeing the issues or if I was just becoming the grouchy old man screaming at the neighbor kids to get off the lawn. And if it’s not just me, if you or your followers have come up with a way to filter these out. I’ve just resorted to blocking accounts that refuse to tag in a safe or appropriate manner.
It’s always okay to hop in my ask box!
I’ve definitely seen other discussions about the problems of tagging, or lack thereof.
If I’m totally honest, I need to preface my response with saying that I’m perhaps one of the lucky ones in that it is very rare for words or content to trigger me in some debilitating way (I might be too numb to the world, which is concerning in its own right but a topic for another day), but I have loved ones who have had genuine traumas and have been subjected to unexpected triggers. Having not experienced the extreme of it first hand (for me I usually feel strong annoyance at the worst), I have seen how damaging it can be to other people and that makes me very aware of it online, especially Tumblr.
That being said, I wholly agree with you that censoring words in the tags defeats the whole purpose of tagging. You can censor all you like in the post itself or text images, whatever, but the tag blockers simply won’t work if the word in its proper spelling isn’t there. So when people are using asterisks in place of vowels (like s*x) with the intention of being careful and protecting someone? It’s doing the exact opposite.
I agree with the second thing too, about characters and their ships being tacked on to a buttload of other tags for the sake of exposure, even though it isn’t relevant. It’s definitely false advertising! It’s basically click bait. I’m sure there are cases where it was not intentional, perhaps the characters and their ship have a small role in a longer fic, so the author or op thought it was important to include them, but if they aren’t the focus, and if they aren’t important enough to the rest of the story if it’s a fic, I think it’s probably best to leave it out of the tags. Worst case scenario for not tagging it is the people who like it will be pleasantly surprised. The people who don’t like it can keep scrolling or for fics will just have to tolerate it for the small part that it’s included in the story.
Tagging on Tumblr is very much a unique animal. I never see it translate well onto other platforms, so a lot of newbies on this site probably go the Tik Tok or Instagram route where the more tags the better, even if they’re just barely relevant. I once put my own comments in hashtags on Instagram, and someone called me out on it not understanding why I was writing long tags that don’t even exist in the algorithm. LMAO oops
Block tags when you can, block accounts when you have to. I’ve done it here and there, because in a place like Tumblr, the more comfortable you can make it for yourself the better. It’s not always worth the fight or the argument in this wild west site.
Also, I know I am not always the best at tagging things. Usually I get lazy when it comes to tagging specific fandoms, but I do try because I know some of the things I like may not be everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s okay!
I am also always open to anyone who needs to kick me in the ass to tag better or something. Scrolling Tumblr half awake most of the time does not make for a conscientious reblogger…
Thank you for the ask! I don’t always voice my opinions on things here, but I don’t want you to be the only old man screaming at those kids on your lawn. I’m right there next to you shaking a fist at them. You’re not alone in this, Anon, I agree all the way around and I know there are others who agree as well.
I’d love to hear everyone else’s thoughts on this too!
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eternalfrowning · 2 years
Hello! Do you have any advice on how to get followers for an art blog? I’m just a beginner and it is really disheartening to have no feedback on my work :(
Anything helps! :)
Hello ! your question is a difficult one for me aaa;;, but i'll do my best !
i remembered i replied to an ask a bit similar to yours some years ago actually, maybe it can be helpful? (copy/paste bc link doesn't work aaa) :
" Anonyme said: "whats your advice to beginner artists wishing to get a bit more exposure"
im not sure to be the best person to ask, i see exposure like some kind of accident really. like, you make a drawing that may suddenly fly far away and then lots of people can see it and among them some will maybe enjoy looking it as well, etc etc! but ofc, and you probably know it, if you make fanarts, your works have higher chance to visit lots of blogs, because they are in the tags, and the person seeing your works is also already invested in the original manga/book/game/…, so it’s always super nice to see fanarts of it! That being said, it wouldn’t be interesting to draw things just bc you know they are popular or something. Draw for yourself. If you’d like to draw a fanart of this or that, then do it and enjoy it ! and if you don’t want to, do not force yourself.
tbh, i think if i have an advice for beginner artists, it would be to continue to draw, simply. exposure will come with time. There is the undeniable luck factor, and there is also the fact that, with your drawings becoming better and better, more people will come see them and share them. Make it easy for people to find your works with relevant tags on platforms you like, and either you draw only original / fanarts / …, you’ll definitely reach people who will enjoy your works. Be patient, be happy with what you draw, and work hard. if you need advices or constructive criticisms about your drawings etc, don’t hesitate to ask ! everyone is learning and every artists had to begin at some point. and yeah, i’d say that, if you’re beginner, don’t rush and think that what matters when you share your art online is the number of this or that etc. don’t mix up your works’ popularity with the value you grant them yourself. Be proud and fairly, kindly, critical about what you draw. focus on getting better, and have fun!
I don’t know if my reply is answering your question, it’s not an easy subject and yeah that’s just how i see things for now. i hope you still find some useful things in this ! and if you dont mind me talking a lot like this and still have questions, i can try answering them as well
i wish you the best on your art journey! " hehe sorry for the novel omg,, also about followers, and maybe it's annoying to read this but i need to say it as it is important : numbers don't matter much ! you can have millions of people following you and still get no feedbacks; while having 2, or 3 people following you, who interact often ! and those are the people that makes posting so much more fun and make it an even more happiest place for you ! there are always artists and art enjoyers close to your tastes and 'art-worlds' (sorry im not good with explaining;;), if they don't find you, don't hesitate to look for them! we're all the same, sharing our lil posts! also, the most important i'd say is, remember that your first public is yourself !! Draw what interests you, what makes you happy. The people liking the same things as you will come with time ! you're in no rush, and art is a never-ending journey! i hope you could find some helpful things in all this ?;; this is just what i think for now, i'm no expert, and i have difficulties explaining my thoughts also;; And don't forget that making an art blog is firstly for you, and be proud of yourself for having the courage to share your creations ! i know how stressful it can be (i still have stomach cramps everytime i post, im not exaggerating ToT) ! be happy of this space you created ! and i wish to you as well the best in your art journey <3 <3 !! have fun, enjoy what you draw today, look forward to what you will draw tomorrow!! you got this!
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gloomstudy · 2 years
Hi Katrina, my name is Liv, and I am a college student on the east coast who is new to Tumblr. I am looking to run a successful blog and gain a fun little online community. Do you have any tips about how to run a successful Tumblr account that you could share? Also, I hope you are well - your blog is very beautiful and well-organized! Thanks, Liv
hi liv! welcome to tumblr :) i’m doing alright! thank you so much for visiting my blog~ i'm glad you like it!
everyone's definition of “successful” is different, but here are some tips (from my experience) that can help guide you:
1. what is your blog about? think about what kind of content you want to share with others. this could be a hobby, a tv series, a person, a particular subject, or any of your interests. perhaps you have multiple interests that you want to share. that's okay, too! personally, i have 3 blogs and each one has different content -- this one (studyblr), my main blog (personal/multifandom with a pale/pastel/black and white aesthetic), and my aesthetic blog (pretty photos with warm colors).
2. who is your audience? think about who you want to share your blog content with, or who you think your blog is best suited for. perhaps it’s a particular age group, or it may be a larger and more general audience. for example, most studyblrs aim to share their content with students around the world, including high schoolers, college (university) students, and graduate students.
3. be active! you don’t need to be on tumblr 24/7, but i would still suggest being here when you can. if you’re here every day, that’s great! if not, that’s okay. while you’re here, you don’t have to post original content unless you want to. you can simply like/reblog other posts and interact with others. if you need to take a break, go ahead! you may let your followers know that you’re going on hiatus and tell them (approximately) when you’ll be back. you can also set up a queue (read more about queued posts here) so that your blog stays active while you’re gone.
4. if you decide to post original content, post it consistently. this is one of the best ways to gain recognition in the tumblr community. when you decide to post is entirely up to you. this may be once a week, once every other week, twice a month, etc. if, at some point, you end up posting inconsistently or not at all, that’s okay. we understand that you may have other priorities and commitments outside of tumblr. additionally, you can pin your most recent original post to the top of your blog so that it can get more attention, and it becomes the first post that people will see when they visit your blog (read more about pinned posts here). most importantly, DO NOT REPOST OTHER PEOPLE’S CONTENT WITHOUT PERMISSION AND WITHOUT CREDIT, AND DO NOT CLAIM IT AS YOUR OWN!! this is a serious problem (not only on tumblr, but also on other platforms) and we’re tired of seeing it happen over and over again. you will most likely be caught and reported if you do so. you have been warned.
5. use tags wisely. when i say tags, i mean hashtags, not @’s. you can put up to 30 tags on a post, but for original posts, tumblr indexes only the first 20 tags that you use. after that, your original post will NOT show up in tumblr’s search for the rest of your tags (please refer to this post). i recommend the first 5 tags to be the most relevant to what your post is about. the remaining 15 tags can also be related to your post. you can also tag “big” blogs (again, related to your post and similar to your blog) that track a tag so that they can see your post and like/reblog it to share with their followers! for example, i track #gloomstudy, and other studyblrs can tag their original posts with this tag so that i’ll be able to see them and reblog their posts to help them gain exposure.
6. quality over quantity. you’re welcome to post original content and reblog other content as often as you like, but in my experience, most people want to see good quality content. in other words, put care and effort into your blog (and your original content, if you post any)! make it look nice and easy to navigate! you can find several free custom blog themes/pages and tutorials for how to install them right here on tumblr.
7. support, follow, and interact with other blogs and your followers. this includes liking and reblogging other posts, commenting on/replying to posts that interest you, replying to messages that you receive, etc. PLEASE SUPPORT OTHER CONTENT CREATORS BY REBLOGGING THEIR ORIGINAL POSTS!! i cannot stress this enough. we appreciate the likes that we receive, but we’re also tired of seeing the number of reblogs being significantly less than the number of likes, which leads to less exposure and, for many of us, less motivation to create and post new original content. most importantly, PLEASE BE KIND AND RESPECTFUL!! constructive criticism/feedback is okay if someone asks for it, but other than that, please be nice! you never know what someone is going through, and one of the best things you can do is to offer your kindness and respect.
8. be yourself and have fun! most of us are here to share similar interests, support each other, and have a good time. it’s okay if your blog doesn’t become “successful” right away. try not to worry too much about the numbers, and please don’t be discouraged if the success of your blog is moving slowly. remember, everyone here has started at zero. you’re not alone!
✨ BONUS TIP!! ✨ for an improved tumblr experience overall, i highly recommend installing xkit! it’s an extension that provides a lot of options for customizing your dashboard and posting more efficiently. here are links for new xkit and xkit rewritten. be sure to install the correct one for the browser that you’re using! i use both of them simultaneously (although i find that xkit rewritten is better for tumblr’s current web interface; you can use one or the other, or both), and they really help me a lot!
ultimately, your blog belongs to you, and it’s up to you to decide how you want to run it. i can’t tell you exactly how to run a blog because that would be unreasonable, but i hope you find these tips helpful! again, please keep in mind that this is from my experience, which may be different from others. if anyone else has more tips, please feel free to reblog/reply to this post! ^_^
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aracelisco · 1 year
Progress Reflection - 4/10/23
Posting has been going steady, and it's especially interesting being able to see the numbers that I'm collecting personally and the stats that Instagram provides for their business account setting! Here's a peek at the last two weeks of posting and engagement.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
For my data I'm keeping track of engagement (likes/comments/shares/bookmarks) as well as post insights (exposure to followers and non-followers which when added together creates total reach and recording total impressions).
So far it has been steady with the impression that Reels are the best way to gain attention to grow a new audience as consistently I've been reaching high engagement and reach with them. The lowest engagement and reach I've received for a Reel is 33 and 111 respectively, while the highest is 150 and 870 respectively.
As for regular posts, the lowest engagement and reach I've received is 0 and 9 respectively, and the highest being 12 and 10. For the impressions of my regular posts, they completely consist of who is currently following me as opposed to my Reels where majority of the reach are non-followers.
Not recorded in my sheets--but screenshotted from the data of my individual posts--I've also come to realize for regular posts utilizing hashtags doesn't seem to bring extra attention unless I'm going about them the wrong way. I make sure to use hashtags that are relevant to what I'm posting, especially if it's fanart of a game or show I'll use multiple tags in relation to it. But under the Impressions detail most of the views are coming from the Home page aka those who are currently following me. Unfortunately, for Reels they don't share a similar data record to show where people are seeing my videos whether it's through the home page, explore page, hashtags, or others means.
Aside from data collection--I've actually come to really enjoy creating Reels as it's become a fun experience after getting past the "cringe" factor I was facing when I first started. Video recording and editing was never my forte, so going through the process felt embarrassing like I was doing something wrong at a new job. But now it's fun, especially doing the transitions between clips!
Other than that, I have this week and next week to complete my posting and data collection just to try to get as much information as possible about my posting experiences.
I've also finally completed the mockup for my website design, it took me less than an hour and a half, who would've imagined how easy it was? Shout out to executive dysfunction for that one! Here's a glance at it.
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Thanks to having a posting matrix I won't have to worry about posting this week or the next, so I can focus my time into writing out my website copy for my main pages and developing visuals and graphs alongside of them. Once that's completed I'll be able to create a final mockup and receive approval/feedback from Sharla.
I'm not too concerned about getting this done as long as I really use my time wisely as once I have all the elements together, it's as simple as copy and pasting it onto the actual website builder I'll be using. If anything, I'll just be worried about the completion of my "Research" page as I'll only be able to partially complete it until I finish my posting on my Instagram page to go over all of the data I've collected. I'm aiming to get most of it done by the ending of this week, I think it's manageable for sure.
Thanks for reading!
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adomainname · 1 year
Social Bookmarking and Free Advertising Platform.
Are you bamboozled by gobbledygook and tired of these websites that retire or drop off the map after you have put in huge amounts of effort to find and submit you link?. You want to just submit a link and have it permanently shown for years to come without any hassles or broken pages and endless 3rd party advertising obscuring the buttons you need to press?
I want a place where submission is easy with only one form to fill in as text only without any html and where there is nothing technical that I need to understand or learn. I just want to do it quickly and move on the the next thing where ever that may be as passing on link juice for seo purposes is the whole reason for it all.
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to use our micro blogger. You can quickly and easily share anything you like and link to anything you like from gardening, cooking, shopping, travel to space in any group category, simply tag your post with a hashtag like #apples and this post will additionally be placed into list containing other posts with the same tag, this tag is the keyword used for search engines to find.
Easy to use.
Fast loading pages.
Following communities.
Popularity index.
Do follow outbound links.
Free advertising platform.
Search engine friendly.
Encrypted by industry standards.
Status posts in your microblog can be thought of as a journal, diary or log which are collated together after using a single submission form, enter text only in 255 characters or less without any html or the need to select any other options like categories or meta keyword tags.
Auto urls Automatic url generation caters for ahrefs just add http:// in front of any url
Hashtags Enter any search term as one single word without spaces like #hashtag, .
Rss After a post Rss feeds are generated for every page that has status updates, so aggregator's can pick up on that post instantaneously.
Follow Wall Your posts can be followed which display to your followers immediately, additional exposure, click throughs, free advertising, the more followers you get the more clicks you get. It is an inbox like you have in gmail or hotmail, when you follow you are opting in to receive status broadcasts and vise versa those that follow you will have your posts in their inbox as and when you post them.
Popular Wall Members can like a post and these will get shown in order of most liked. If your post trends you go straight to the top of the page and will stay there until another status post gets more likes.
Profile This is your microblog, you can post a single status or build a relevant page related to the subject of your choice to pass on better more relevant link juice to your own website.
Publishing New posts go live instantly there is no admin approval process and each post is uniquely optimized for seo, you can check the entry after submission and manage it yourself at any time.
Email Am I going to get spammed? No, after you signup and confirm your email address the only other email that leaves our platform is for when and if you forget your password. Two emails in total, that's it.
All actions that are taken have the potential for future growth meaning things don't stay stagnant when you are doing other things, it will build and grow while you sleep. You can follow 100 people wait and return at a later date to see who has followed you back, remove those that have not followed, rinse and repeat. Then post another status for your new followers to see in an easy simplified way. In essence its like waiting for the sun to shine, planting a seed, adding some water, letting it grow and every now and then tending to it by way of clipping pruning and tidying.
You might think you don't have time to write a lengthy blog post as every thing else may need to be put aside for you to concentrate on getting it right, unique and cleaver. However, putting things aside may be more difficult for some that others so nothing may get done even if your intention is to do it. Building a microblog is not a time consuming event, a page can be put together in bite size chunks a bit here and a bit there which will eventually accumulate into a page full of content.
Content that can be absolutely laser targeted to your chosen subject for the search engines to find, being found in search engines is free and search engine optimization is necessary to get the best results from what Goggle, Bing, Yahoo offer. What is SEO? it is the process used to optimize a websites technical configuration, content relevance and link popularity so its pages can become easily findable, more relevant and popular towards user search queries and as a consequence, search engines rank them better.
Visit the site today
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