#these rank up there as some of my absolute favorite shots of her
simplykorra · 1 year
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endless alba 10/∞
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recurring-polynya · 27 days
I reblogged that great meta post the other day about Renji filled the role of a heart character, and then I happened to be flipping past this page, which I've probably read a million times before:
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I think the takeaway from this panel is supposed to be some neat and ominous foreshadowing about Urahara's bankai. There's also sort of a recurring theme in Urahara's arc of regret that he isn't able to act directly (or perhaps that he has to send/endanger others on his behalf). Urahara-enjoyers can go run with that, if they want, because, as is my way, I will be talking only about Renji.
Bleach is a battle shounen, so of course there is a tendency to rank characters and to tally up Ws and Ls. Renji never fares well in these conversations. Orihime doesn't either, which is absolutely inane, because her primary power is *healing*, and none of the main cast would still be around if it weren't for her. It was suddenly interesting for me to read this line, and think suddenly think of Renji in the same light.
Urahara isn't the only captain who holds back using his bankai. Ukitake jumps into Kyouraku's fight with Stark because he doesn't want Kyouraku to have to go to bankai. Shinji can't use his when other people are around. Unohana went to the trouble of becoming one of the best healers in the series in order be able to fight with her bankai for more than 0.6 seconds.
On the other hand, shit starts to go down, and Hihiou Zabimaru is out, immediately. Hihiou Zabimaru is an accessible bankai, a familiar bankai. They can run down 16 Menos in a row, but they can also crash through a wall, or work as a mode of transportation, or you can even use them for a surprise attack. They are good for training and giving people strength, whether it's helping Chad learn his powers, or giving Ichigo something to beat on when he needs to work his way out of a depressive funk.
Color Bleach+ notes that Squad 6 admires Byakuya, but they like Renji. I think that's just a microcosm of a larger theme though-- in Bleach, power sets you apart, makes you remote, makes you something different from those around you. Aizen and Stark are noted to be profoundly lonely. Urahara and Kyouraku have to send people they care about to their deaths as they hold themselves back for strategic reasons. Gin and Hitsugaya poison their relationships with their favorite people because of their devotions to their own separate duties. The one-shot reveals that captains can't even go back into the resurrection cycle and have to go to Hell instead.
Renji gets pretty powerful by the end of the series. He even replaces Hihiou Zabimaru with Sou-oh Zabimaru, who is better for killing guys, but you can't hitch a ride on them. He never becomes a captain, though. The longer I've thought about this, the more I love this ending for him. He gets to marry the woman he loves and have a kid, he gets to keep running his squad with his weirdo captain/bestie, he still gets to go drinking with the other lieutenants. It's exactly parallel to Ichigo's ending, in the sense that he chooses his friends and loved ones over the pursuit of power. Like, Kubo was really not fucking around when he superimposed those images of Ichigo and Renji swearing on their souls as Renji is fighting Byakuya and decides that dying while doing his best to save Rukia was worth it, even if he never ends up surpassing Byakuya.
He doesn't die, though, he gets to live, and help out his friends and train people with his bankai and make them stronger and I think that is very fucking based of him.
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babyzzz · 2 years
Hellooo my lovely <3
May I request a NSFW one-shot with Akaza obsessing over a powerful female demon slayer he has come across? We all know he won't fight women but maybe he's been watching her and he's absolutely obsessed with the thought of turning her into a demon so they can fight alongside each other forever. NSFW with Akaza dominating fem reader please :)
hiiii, finally I finished writting. Thank you for being kind and patient with me <3 So, like I said, this got longer than expected, but I tried at it! Hope you enjoy it <3 ah, she is in pillar rank here, hope you don't mind it.
summary: You're a strong and skilled pillar who almost knocks the head off the upper moon 3, and as a result, he becomes immensely obsessed with your skills and… with you. And he won't settle down until you become a demon and make you his.
warnings: dub-con (be cautious), shameless smut, slight masochism, slight (really slight) mention of gore, cunningulus, kind of dry humping, cum in face, kind of blowjob, and more... (sorry for the lots of "howevers")
Of all the memories you had of your mother, the most significant of them – the one that would make you grow up as a cautious person in all aspects of life – were the warnings about the evil that lurked in dark corners and waited for the right moment to attack. She used to say this, always accompanied by one: “The night is made for evil to reveal its true essence.” You didn't know if she just wanted to scare you or it was because she was too protective and always put your safety above anything else.
You never knew, you were only five when she was brutally murdered in broad daylight, contrary to everything she wanted to teach you.
Even though you grew up trying to legitimize all her beliefs, the night became your favorite time after that fateful tragic event. The first night you spent alone and sleepless – away from the pitying eyes of people who cursed your mother's name in life – you discovered that the darkness wasn't as scary as your mother told you, because it was peaceful and calm. Also smelled of dewy earth that penetrated through the cracks in the wood of your house – a detail that you never noticed during your happy and sunny days – and the only sound that cut through the emptiness of the night were the frogs in the lakes, the crickets crouching in the grass from your garden and owls perched on trees in the distance. They were sounds of life continuing its course, not the screams of people's terror and the blood in the throat, choking your mother to death.
However, you kept all the care that an immature and helpless child was capable of having. Perhaps what guaranteed you to survive during all the following years, was your smartness and skills that were emerging as adversity cornered you and you needed to act to escape all of them; like grown men hunting you like you were an animal to throw you into some brothel in the Red Light District because, according to them, you were kind of cute, maybe you brought them some reward, which sounded a red alert in your subconscious reminding you of your mother telling you that as long as she lived, you'd never know what it was like to be in that Red Light District, because that was the place where all the evil things were concentrated. Panic seized, you felt everything around you slowly move and your field of vision became strange, it was as if you could see all the vital points of your pursuers and become invisible to them, making you manage to escape to the forest unnoticed.
Such a skill was only perfected when you learned to focus deeply, and after that, your survival went from being just a hope to something definitive. You could go back to dreaming of a better future, like you did when you were a child and could hide under your mother's wings.
However, even if you dreamed of a good world to live in, you still weren't able to achieve it. Lonely and always living in the forest or by the lakes, you could only hunt and swim. Sometimes, unconsciously, you tried to meet death. You'd immerse yourself in the water and hold your breath until you felt your lungs burn, but from doing that so many times, you acquired another skill: being able to concentrate on your breath and being able to hold it for several minutes. You also liked to throw things, usually rocks, into the lake. With these hobbies, without you knowing it yet, you were already heading towards your good future that you dreamed of and also a prestigious title within a corporation that would make your mother immensely proud.
When the day came when you would be faced with evil incarnate in the form of an indistinguishable being who smelled fresh blood and had a gleam of murderous intent in his eyes, you couldn't lift a finger. Paralyzed with fear, you just closed your eyes in a failed attempt not to see the moment it'd attack you. Before saying goodbye to your dreamed future, you asked your mother to come and save you.
You were saved, not by your mother, though. The guttural scream of that being after the one of a blade tearing the flesh made you open your eyes, making you come across a shocking scene at the very least: the creature cursing as it crumbled into dust, slowly revealing the silhouette of a young woman wielding a sword .
“Are you hurt?” she asked as soon as it had completely vanished into thin air. You answered a barely audible 'no'.
 “Why are you in this demon-infested forest alone? Where do you live?"
"Everywhere, I don't have a fixed place," you replied on automatic, still stunned.
She took your hand firmly but gently, and took you with her. However, you noticed that the scent of fresh blood had not passed, the murderous intent did, but the presence of the second demon was still so poignant that you felt your chest sink. The danger came from this demon, not the one killed by the girl. However, what intrigued you was that this demon didn't interfere, not at least at the time of the other's death, he simply snuck into a dark corner and waited for the other to die before turning around and leaving.
You didn't understand why he intended to murder that demon that was trying to get you. Maybe you should be grateful, but you just couldn't, not when his eyes gleamed with the same evil as the eyes of the man who killed your mother did.
You wished you never saw him again.
But you should have known that life wasn't so kind to you and would never give you that wish.
"For someone who had a haughty posture and oozed arrogance, you look like a frightened kitten now," you said as the blade of your sword scraped the neck of the demon trying to defend himself from your offensive.
“I just wanted to know why those fucking Demon Slayers Corps sent a female pillar to this shitty weakling rescue,” he snapped to himself, using martial arts moves to try to get you to drop the sword.
“What do you have against women, demon?”
"Reply!" You were angry with him. Was he underestimating you? Why didn't he try to attack you and just dodge your blows?
The kanji in his eyes said he was 3rd in the rank of the 12 moons, meaning he was strong for a fucking lord, so what was the problem with him?
“Look, the sun is about to rise and I'm getting pissed off, so get that fucking sword off my neck. I don’t want to have to hurt you, pillar!” he was looking at you aggressively as you ran at full speed to try to cut his neck again.
Your one-sided fight was making you physically weaker, and although he showed no sign of exhaustion, you could tell from his blood flow that he was getting more tense as the minutes wore on. He was afraid of the sun and not of you.
Damn bastard. You'd make him regret having underestimated you.
But you didn't have time. He finally used an attacking blow against you, knocking you into a tree trunk. You gasped in pain, but you didn't have time to think straight as he was soon cornering you with his own body.
"Let me go!"
"I told you to back out of this fight, but you insisted and it really pissed me off," he spoke dangerously close to your face. His strong arms sported bulging veins, and his bared fangs looked like they were about to rip your flesh apart. You felt a shiver run through your entire body.
However, looking into his eyes, you didn't see that same intention. It wasn't murderous intent, it was just… desperation.
And you hesitated. He noticed your hesitation and took the opportunity to make you drop your sword on the ground.
In a fraction of a second, he walked away from you far enough away that you wouldn't attack him again. He was much faster than you.
“As a reward for this pointless battle, I must commend your skills. You really managed to make me worried, so I apologize for underestimating you at first. Although I don't have much time to ask your name, I ask you not to worry because the next time we meet, I will make you mine and we'll be companions in battle and we'll fight side by side forever.” And without saying anything else, he disappeared into the forest.
After the confrontation with the upper three, you started to feel watched. Everywhere you went the feeling of stares piercing your back became more and more intense. You even thought about the possibility of only training during the day.
It was too irritating for you to do things while you felt your every move being watched. If you were meditating on a rock, you weren't concentrating on your breath to get into a deep state of relaxation. If you went into the water to swim, you feared looking up to the surface and seeing those demonic eyes smirking at you, hoping you would drown. And if you wielded the sword, you always thought about the possibility of throwing it at a target in the woods and it would suddenly disappear, leaving you totally unarmed.
But most irritating of all, was the feeling of euphoria that having someone stalking you brought you. You knew exactly who was watching you. And you could no longer tell yourself that you just kept training at night, in the same place, purely because you liked the peace that this time brought. Because peace didn't exist anymore and you knew the reason was that you liked being watched by that demon.
It was no longer possible to strangle all the attraction you felt for him. The stupid words reverberated through your mind for days, leaving you angry, frustrated, and… aroused.
“I will make you mine.”
What the fuck did he mean by that? And why did you feel your heart racing every time you remembered him telling you that? And why did he get more and more attractive each time?
You were going crazy. Not just because you were attracted to evil, but because you liked the feeling it brought. Because boredom no longer existed in your life, only the feeling that you were really going crazy for wanting to have more of that feeling. And by that inconsequential desire, your actions were being guided and made you undress completely to enter the lake and with the little sense in your head, you closed your eyes before sliding your hand between your legs, and under moonlight and the demon's insistent watch, you touched yourself to orgasm.
Regret came as soon as you sank into the hot tub. The warm water made you rethink your actions, but you knew it was too late. You saw your stalker really enjoyed the private spectacle you gave him, but he held back enough not to reveal himself.
Now, about the shelter of your home, you could understand the madness that was all, but you couldn't do anything else.
Despite your fear, you returned there the next night. You were hoping he'd appear to you at last – this time, you'd definitely rip his head off.
But, the demon that appeared wasn't him. It was an inferior, who pursued a man.
Too stunned, you didn't pick up the sword the moment you looked into that man's face.
Many years ago, when you were still a child, you saw that same face staring at your mother's dying body on the floor after he had thrust a dagger into her throat.
With your body all tense, you didn't stop the demon's attack.
"Help me..." the man asked you desperately. “I recognize your face… you grew up well… you are as beautiful as your mother…”
You felt anger to see him talking about your mother. He had taken her life and thrown you into the world to your own devices, while he lived his life normally after letting you die too many times to live. For that reason you were not moved by his screams as he was devoured by the demon, nor did you do your work until not a hair of your mother's murderer remained.
The moment your sword blade separated the demon's head from the body, you realized that your life was dedicated to seeing justice done.
And there was nothing left. Boredom would surely take over and your will to fight would have evaporated.
If it weren't for the existence of that demon that watched you in the dark.
In the days that followed, you still felt his presence. But unlike before, you just spent the whole time lying on the ground, not having the energy to train or go hunting demons. In fact, nothing else made sense. What kept you standing no longer existed, you felt empty. But the reason you came back to that place was still lurking in the woods, watching your every move, and that too was starting to irritate you.
Was he really a coward for only watching you from afar? Did he know you were willing to rip his head off? Well, you hoped so, because it was time to make evil appear.
With sword in hand, you raised the blade upwards, towards the sky, and with your total concentration, you calculated the exact distance from where you were and where he was hiding. Focusing your strength on your arm, you turned your wrist to the left and threw your sword, which cut through the wind at full speed until it hit a tree trunk, millimeters away from the demon's neck.
And the silence was broken by a giggle that turned into a loud laugh.
And finally, he came out of hiding, appearing to you.
“Ara, I missed the target”
"No. You hit the exact spot you calculated,” he replied with a smile lining his lips. His eyes looked brighter than usual.
“So, my mother was always right in saying that evil lurks in the dark to stalk its victim before attacking,” you said with false surprise in your voice.
"In fact, even more so when the victim serves the best entertainment. But, I don't remember attacking."
You wondered what entertainment he was referring to, but you chose to remain ignorant.
You looked at the tree trunk where your sword was stuck and calculated a route to get to it without being noticed by the demon, however, he seemed much smarter than you now.
“Do you want to take your sword and try to cut my neck like that fight we had? I feel like I'm afraid I have to thwart your plans now,” he said, approaching you dangerously.
Before you felt cornered, you dodged him and managed to grab the sword, and with it in hand, you pointed it at him.
"And I feel like you're going to need more than defensive attacks, because today I won't hesitate to turn you to dust, demon."
“You can call me Akaza.” He widened his smile. "But before you try to rip my head off, tell me your name too."
"It won't be necessary, you won't even have time to memorize it."
And then your body moved against his, which, as expected, only dodged the blow. But, you noticed that he didn't keep his distance, on the contrary, he seemed inclined to stay close to you.
"Looks like you're braver today..." you made the remark as you saw him leaning sideways, back and forth, from the blade.
“I just studied my opponent too much and discovered her weak point. Today I'll fulfill my promise.”
And you felt your body tense and your hands start to sweat. Shit, you had to learn not to fall into his traps and with sweaty hands it would be hard to keep your sword steady.
“Are you bluffing?” you asked, not showing apprehension.
"Why would I be? You know, it's been several weeks hiding behind trees or bushes reading your every move, seeing every demon you've killed and memorizing your techniques. You are quite skilled, pillar, and it really turned me on.” And he dodged to the left of your sword that cut accurately through the void. Now he was really close to you. "Oh, I saw something really interesting too... as well as being skillful and powerful, you're also capable of being a fucking tease." And by his sly smile along with a not-so-discreet look at your body, you knew exactly what he was referring to.
“Shut up,” you huffed, stepping back as he took steps forward.
"Why? Was it not for me that you did that?”
"No? So why did you look at the exact spot I was hiding and smile?”
He was getting closer and closer to you, leaving you disconcerted to feel his warm body so close to yours.
“Tsk. Shut up and let me cut your head off already,” you snapped, swinging your sword in the air to place it at his neck.
“You're not even giving your all in this fight. It's kind of frustrating to know that you're not using your truly powerful abilities. You Just look like a rookie demon slayer.” With a sigh, he rushed to your side and finally cornered you in a tree. “Now we are in the same position as we were at that time. It's your last chance,” he warned, looking you straight in the eye.
With no escape, your nerves on edge, your heart pounding in your pulse, you brought the sword to the side of his neck, placing the blade there.
But your vision only focused on his defiant eyes that didn't let go of yours. And before you could make another move, you felt your left knee bent in the blink of an eye and your body was thrown to the ground, causing your sword to fall away from you.
“What the fuck are you doing?” You asked as soon as you felt his body land on yours, trapping you there.
“You know, I wonder why you're so distracted. Was it after you let that human be eaten alive that you lost all your will to fight?” Now he was holding both of your hands above your head. And you saw him lean towards you, afraid he was going to kiss you, you turned your face to the side before you felt his lips sticking to your ear. “Or is it because your strength only works over long distances? You're afraid of hand-to-hand combat because you don't have enough physical strength to deal with a demon of my rank." He didn't ask, he just pointed out.
You swallowed hard and tried to wriggle out of his grip, but you knew it was useless and he was completely right.
You fell right into his trap. He never revealed his demonic techniques, only used self-defense techniques, preventing you from knowing how he fought seriously and along with his studies of your skills, he left you at an almost cowardly disadvantage.
“Get off of me.” You struggled under his body, unintentionally, spreading causing him to fit between them.
And the result of that was already starting to grow inside his pants.
"Why? It's so much better to see your face up close like this and feel your warm body under mine." He laughed and it made you feel your face burn.
“Stop being cheeky!”
"Sorry, but it's impossible for me not to be while I'm between your legs."
You tried to push his body with your own, causing more friction between you and making you feel his erection.
"Yeah, keep doing this to get me off you." He licked his lip and weighed more against yours, making you groan in annoyance. “And moans more often like that too.”
You were silent and still.
"Are you a virgin?" he asked out of nowhere, making you stare at him dumbfounded.
"Why do you want to know that?!"
“I need to know if I'm going to need to be careful when I fuck you,” he replied like it was no big deal.
"Are you crazy?"
"A little. But so, are you a virgin or not?”
“I refuse to answer that!”
“Just answer yes or no, what a bore,” he sighed wearily.
"You won't need this information because nothing like you want will happen!"
And you started to shake again to get him off you, but you no longer had the strength to get rid of him, and your body reacted against your will.
Though that frantic friction of his bulge against your covered crotch warmed you from the inside out and filled your mind with the most reckless and sinful thoughts, you feared. You were afraid; no, you were terrified. Seeing that you wouldn't do what he asked, he himself started moving on you, generating all this tension in your subconscious. The first time he pinned you against the trunk of that tree there wasn't a glint of malice in his eyes, it was just desperation to flee death, but now it was different. His heavy body moved over yours, your intimacies locked together, his breath ragged, it was the prelude to what would come next. And you feared that it would really happen regardless of your will.
However, what paralyzed you was the feeling you repressed surfacing with each passing second. You intended to give him everything he wanted.
You already felt your juices leaking without discretion from your folds and the moans of pleasure were shamefully made up by those of discomfort. That was how you tried to deal with the forbidden attraction you felt for the darkness that surrounded that demon's existence.
"Why are you acting like a prude now? Are you that hard to catch? I know you want it as much as I do. I've seen how much you want it and you knew I was seeing it," he said with his lips a few millimeters away from yours, you were able to feel his breath. And he yours.
"Get the fuck off of me," you spoke in a thin voice, trying to break free from his grip, but with the heave of your body, the friction between you increased and your uniform rose, leaving your thighs beautifully exposed.
"You won't be able to get rid of me, you know that. You're skillful wielding a sword, but without it, you're just a frail human fighting the inhuman strength of a demon," he said, showing his sharp fangs in a malicious smile. "You don't really want me or are you just afraid of enjoying being fucked really good by a being you have an obligation to kill?"
You turned your face to the side, and your field of vision was taken over by the bush in which he was hiding to watch you. And in your mind all the memories of that damn time when you undressed before his eyes and touched yourself to orgasm. And that's what he was talking about.
"I didn't say you could look the other way, pillar. You don't even know how to be honest with your own feelings and you want to rid the world of our evil?" He teased you as he slid the tip of his nose down your neck until he almost reached the valley between your breasts. From the way he breathed in, you knew he was smelling you and it chilled you and made you involuntarily spread your legs wider and let him fit even more between your thighs. Consequently, you felt his erection better against your intimacy.
And he sighed and cursed.
Your wrists were already burning from the grip of his hands, and you'd already given up trying to free them, because the more you pulled on your arms, the harder he squeezed and it hurt like hell.
"Why are you so interested in me?" Perhaps, in your naivety, one conversation would be enough to bring him back to consciousness and then set you free.
"Because you're strong. And..." he lifted his own torso, still keeping your wrists firmly against the cold floor with his hands, to look down at your body, as if sizing you up, "...fucking hot. " And he licked his lips as his gaze shifted to your spread legs, one on either side of his waist. "I'm going to be good for you. I really don't want to hurt you," he said as he went back to laying his torso against your chest. He was heavy and almost made you gasp with all that pressure on your weak human body.
'I'll be good for you.' Those words reverberated in your mind making you wonder what he was talking about. You weren't a virgin, but you didn't know much about sex because your dead husband only cared about his own pleasure. And the sex were so fast that you felt almost nothing but the uncomfortable burning inside you, but with this demon, who carried the blame for many tears and innocent deaths on his back, everything seemed so intense that it suffocated you. The way he looked at you, touched you and even persuaded you was fuel for dirty thoughts to occupy your mind and an almost suffocating pleasure to intoxicate your senses. He hadn't done anything that significant, but just feeling him so hard with lust was enough to make you feel good… unintentionally, he was already being good to you.
And before you could do anything stupid, you tried one more time to get rid of him. With a force that you had taken from your common sense, you managed to escape through the sides of his body, still with your wrists tied to the ground, you twisted your body and with your knee bent, you hit a knee in his stomach, which only closed the eyes and made a pained expression.
"Do you still have strength? How strong can you be, pillar?" he broke into a satisfied smile once the kick wore off. "And say your name, I don't like to call strong people 'pillar', you deserve to be addressed by name," he said with a certain regret in his voice.
"It doesn't matter what my name is, just let me go!" you were already panting with anger and exhaustion.
"I won't let you go until you've spelled out why you teased me like that."
Deftly, he trapped your leg between his thighs, mobilizing you almost completely. Dammit, why did he have to be so strong?
"Who said I intended to tease you, you deluded demon?" lucky for you, your voice came out aggressive enough to mask the lie.
"It wasn't? Then why did you smile at me after you came?"  He arched his brow and released one of his hands from your wrists to massage your exposed thigh.  And you froze from the touch of the callused hand on your sensitive skin.  "For a woman who deny to death that she want to fuck me, you get goosebumps too easily..." he said provocatively, running his finger over your skin until he reached almost between your legs.
The position you were in was uncomfortable and it was hurting you.  With half of your body lying on the floor and the other half twisted – with your thigh trapped between his legs – you could already feel your spine burning and it was starting to really freak you out.
 "Let me go... it hurts..." you complained with a whimpering voice.
He looked right at you, taking in every feature of your face.
"I only let go if you let me touch you or touch me," he said at last.
You shivered, took a deep breath, smelling the earth beneath you, and exhaled with the same intensity.
"You really aren't going to leave me, are you?"  you were already dismayed.
"No," he smiled and squeezed your thigh.
"I let you touch me..." you said so quietly you thought he hadn't heard you.  Deep down you hoped he had.
But you wouldn't admit that you wanted him to pleasure you.
Akaza's eyes gleamed and he felt his cock tug inside his pants in anticipation.
"Once I let you go, you can't go back," he said menacingly, looking you straight in the eye.
"I will not."  You bit your bottom lip in apprehension.
He kept his gaze fixed on yours and then let go of your hands.  You felt the place numb and knew that it'd take some time for the blood to circulate normally again.
Without you realizing it, you were under his body again.  His arms gripping your thighs tightly and forcing them to encircle his waist, you just let him do what he intended. The palms of his hands against the bare skin of your legs sent a wave of pleasure deep inside you and the way he moved his hips against yours, simulating penetration, making your sexes rub with agony against each other made you move your own hips to keep pace with him.
He was silent. Observer. Looking at you from above, you followed his gaze as he scoured every part of your body. You weren't able to see him clearly, but your heightened senses told you how much he planned to make you beg him. His frustration was so much that he wouldn't be satisfied with just touching you, he wanted so much more than you were willing to offer, and that was too dangerous.
But also stimulating. You felt like you were going crazy along with him, because his every move was a trigger in you, killing your common sense.
He finally stopped moving over you but went to start undressing you. You broke into a cold sweat, but you could no longer try to stop it. So you used all your energy to massage your still aching wrists as you felt his fingers nimbly unbuttoning each button on your uniform. The night wind made your skin tingle and your exposed nipples ache, but soon his lips welcomed one of them into his warm mouth and another by his hand that was squeezing your breast, making you gasp.
"You said you were only going to touch me..." you argued softly, breathing in and out, making your chest rise and fall and your breasts even more in contact with his tongue and palm.
He ignored you and continued to pay attention to your breasts, sometimes sucking hard, sometimes pinching your nipples or simply sucking the skin around them to leave marks there.
When he played with your breasts enough, he released one of them with an audible 'pop' and kissed down your belly until he reached where the uniform still covered. Quickly, he undid all the buttons and left you only in your underwear.  He didn't take it off right away, he just held your thighs and made you stand with your legs bent, wide apart. He took one look at you in that position, although his face was serious, his eyes betrayed how much he was enjoying that image.
And then he made the same path of his lips, but with his fingers until he reached your entrance, under the fabric.
"Did you really dare say no to me while you were wet like this?"
His eyes locked with yours, dangerously bright. Leaning his torso and with his face close there, he finally took off your panties and ran the tip of his tongue along the entire length of your dripping entrance. You saw the moment he clenched his jaw and forced air into his lungs, he looked like he had just experienced the best thing in the world. He didn't say anything, and slightly turned his face to the side, and kissed the inside of one of your thighs before taking a painful bite there, which made you scream and grab his hair. You felt a teasing giggle coming from him at the breeze that had escaped his nostrils.
Damn demon.
And without warning, he returned his attention to your pussy, where he gave a generous lick there, stopping at your clit, trapping it between his lips and sucking carelessly, making you shudder and cringe and your hands fly to his hair, pulling them hard.
He didn't seem very patient in stimulating you with his lips, he looked hungry. It was as if by sucking you he regained all your strength and that only made you roll your eyes and get restless in the place where you were lying.  Your hands didn't know where they were, sometimes in his hair and sometimes closing against the ground, picking up some grass and dirt.
"I'm close..." you moaned desperately, trying to get rid of him, but he hugged your waist and kept you there, penetrating you with his tongue or sucking your clit until you came noisily, while scratching his shoulders with force.
When he finally let go of your waist and took his face between your legs, you weren't thinking straight. You could feel the sweat running down the sides of your forehead, neck and in the creases of your knees, while your body was still shaking.
“I'd spend eternity eating that delicious cunt,” he said, while he ran his fingers over his lips, wet from your fluids.
Not caring if you were panting, he pressed his mouth to yours.  His lips molded perfectly to yours and his tongue explored every corner of your mouth, making you feel your own taste. In contrast to the painful grip of his hands on your thighs, which he'd returned to forcefully entwined around his waist, the kiss was gentle.  Affectionate even. And, little by little, all your barriers being totally broken down, you started to respond. First it was a longer sigh of satisfaction as you touched your own tongue to his and then a shy groan as you felt his teeth catch on your lip and bite down carelessly, drawing a complaint from you. But you didn't pay as much attention to the pain it caused, as there were so many sensations he was arousing in you that the task of staying neutral under his touches became increasingly difficult.  He had watched you long enough to read even what was hidden in you.
When he ended the kiss, he stood up and looked at you for a few moments before starting to undress too. You felt the shame take over you, but you didn't look away when his dick popped out of his pants, big and thick, making you afraid of when it was inside you.
"Keep your legs wide apart like this," he ordered. You felt the shame take over you, but seeing him looking at you with such desire, while his hand made quick and short movements on his own dick, which shone with pre-cum, your horniness also increased and disinhibited all your shyness, making you show off for him. He ran his tongue over his lip as he looked directly at your pulsing pussy and the sounds of him stroking himself were an addition to set you on fire inside.
He was too attractive. Almost ethereal. And seeing him in all his glory made you sick with the desire to have him inside you, to feel his dick tearing you apart. You were so needy that you felt like getting down on your knees to beg him.
But now he was the one who wanted to tease you. He was using only the tips of his fingers on his cock, working his way along the veiny length until he reached the dripping tip, where he held it with his index finger and thumb and cupped it in the palm of his hand, making circular motions.
"You like what you're seeing, don't you?"  the voice loaded with malice and vanity made you sigh. "You're so craving my cock that it takes no effort to spread those legs and show that wet, delicious pussy to me." And a few more movements later, he returned to the starting position, on top of your body.
He didn't lie fully on top of you, he kept his torso slightly raised, allowing you to see his hard and heavy cock almost touching your entrance, making you anxious to finally have him inside you.
But he wanted to torture you some more.
He slid lazily over your body, only for his cock to temptingly graze your pussy, making you whimper.
"So needy... Now I get it... is that what you were afraid of? Did you deny it because you didn't want me to know you were a cockslut?" His face was millimeters from yours, and he ran his mouth over yours, licking your bottom lip. "A lovely liar, I would say."
You welcomed his tongue into your mouth as he forced it against your lips. The kiss was now greedy and you no longer felt your own taste on his tongue every time it touched yours. It was soft and agile, sometimes it curled up on yours and then escaped to walk all over your lips and when their mouths parted, he kissed your chin and went towards your neck and you only knew how to mutter disconnected words every jolt your body gave every time you felt the tip of his cock grazing your clitoris. Until you felt him heavily on you, resting one of his hands on your shoulder but realized that it was just for him to hold his cock to finally rub twice over your clit that ached with agony for attention.  You gasped and screamed in pain when you felt him bite your neck at the same time he was slapping his cock three times over your entrance and with just one thrust, he sank himself inside you and growling along with you.
"So fucking warm, sweetheart. You feel so good squeezing my cock," he practically growled in your ear.
You moaned at the burning sensation his cock caused as he entered you, and you hadn't even told him if you were a virgin or not. "Oh, I actually forgot to ask you again if you were a virgin, my bad," as if he'd read your thoughts, he said, stopping to move.
“I'm not…” you replied greedily.
"Excellent.  Tell me, how many men have you had sex with?”  He slowly thrust himself back into you, going deep into you as he ran his hands down your thighs.
"What?! What makes you think I've had sex with more than one man?” You were truly offended. "I was married!"
He took a good look at your face and ran his tongue over his own lip.
“What happened to your husband?”  And he slid his hands around your waist, lifting your torso a little so he could hold your breasts.
“Don't you think this is a bad time to talk about these thing- oh, fuck, yes…” You rolled your eyes as you felt him thrust hard into a very sensitive spot in you.
“Indeed, but it doesn't matter anyway, I'm the one fucking that pussy right now,” he said smiling, taking your nipples and twisting them between his fingers, making you gasp.
“You should know when to shut up,” you snapped on a gasp, feeling him withdraw from you.
He released one of your breasts to hold his own cock and rub it on your clit. With the friction of the tip wet by pre-cum and your wetness, you felt your body heat up. And before you could even feel the orgasm, he'd slammed back into you in one strong thrust, making you jerk and moan loudly.
After a few more thrusts, he came out of you again.
"Let's change positions, I want to see you riding me," he said, already taking you around the waist and sitting down and making you sit on his lap.
In that position, you wouldn't see him going in and out of you, but you would see him looking at your body, which made you anxious.
"Put my cock inside your pussy again, pillar," he ordered, placing kisses on your neck, forcing your hips up, causing his cock to rub against your belly. "Don't be afraid to hold my dick, it really likes you." And he ended with a crooked smile, making you arch your eyebrow.
Reluctantly, you took hold of the thick base of his cock and lifted a little to position it at your entrance and with a groan of pleasure, you descended, feeling him in every corner of your insides.
He also grunted and squeezed your waist, making you start moving.  As horny as you felt, it didn't take long for you to start moving your hips slowly on his member, drawing from him and you gasps and moans of delight.
"As I thought, you are graceful even when you dance on my dick." He moved his hands up your neck and down to your breasts until he reached your waist. "Don't stop, keep going at that pace."
Then he tipped his body backwards, laying his back on the floor, just looking at you from above.  His cock in and out of your pussy and your tits bouncing as you moaned and rolled your eyes from loving riding him so much was definitely his favorite thing from then on.
"While I'm doing all the work, you're just chilling," you said breathlessly, feeling the sweat trickle down your skin, noticing that Akaza had his hands behind his head, watching you twerking on him.
"But the view is so beautiful..." he licked his lip and took his hands from behind his neck and brought them to your breasts where he squeezed at the same time that he launched his hips up, making his cock hit deep in you, making you roll your eyes and see stars.
"Oh, fuck…" you whimpered.
As soon as he let go of your breasts, he put his right hand on your chest and pushed you back slightly, you only held on to his arms when he lifted his torso and leaned over yours to put you under his body. Half of your legs were suspended in the air, with your ass in his lap, as he held you firmly by the waist and hit you hard. His cock was going so deep into you that you couldn't even make a sound, you could only hear his balls slamming hard against your ass.
 "Hold on to me," he demanded, stopping his movements, still connected to you.
You did what he said and then you felt yourself lying flat on the floor. He grabbed both of your calves and placed them on either side of his shoulders, making his entire length hit an unknown spot on you. It hurt like hell and the pain got worse as he pounded deeply.
 "It hurts... This position hurts," you complained softly, your voice shanking with annoyance.
He stopped and stared at your face, still with his hands firmly on your waist.
"How boring was sex with your husband?" he asked genuinely in disbelief. You didn't like that and you refused to answer, but you knew he would make you talk. "I asked you a question, girl." He pushed himself inside you and squeezed your waist with an inordinate force, making you gasp in pain.
"We didn't innovate in the positions..." you replied at the time, brokenly.
"Hmm... and what was your sex like?"
"Hey, I'm not going to answer that!"  You were stunned by his cockiness.
"I'm just curious."  He shrugged and brought his hands up to your thighs, which were partially resting on his chest. "What was it like? You better answer..."
You grumbled.
"He would just lift the hem of my nightgown up to my belly, take off my panties and penetrate me until he came," you replied, feeling stupid.
Akaza arched an eyebrow.
"Even having such a feast served at home, he didn't even have the decency to taste it properly? What kind of loser did you get to be your husband?"
His rude words awakened your anger and without thinking twice, you slapped his face.
Realizing what you'd just done, you braced yourself for retaliation, but it didn't come, because all that happened was he heaved a sigh.
"Is it a weak slap like that you want to save that asshole's honor? Put more strength in that little hand, make my obsession with your strength assert," he said in an almost affectionate way.
And you slapped him again, a little harder.
And yet another slapping sound was heard.
"Weak human. That's why you weren't so well eaten-" and his sentence was left unfinished as his face fell to the side with the hard slap that hit the left side of his cheek.
There were a few seconds of silence. You watched his reaction, which didn't come right away. He remained with his face down, in the same position your slap had placed, and only then did you notice a trickle of blood running at the corner of his lip.
And he looked at you.
His eyes glittering dangerously and a macabre smile lining his bleeding lips.
Without saying anything, he took your legs from his shoulders to wrap them around his waist.  Three strong, deep thrusts made your body jerk and the groan strangled in your throat in surprise.
One of his hands went to the back of your neck where he gripped your hair tightly and made you lift your head to face him.
"You are my best girl," he said before taking your lips in an aggressive kiss.
The thrusts were strong and deep, your tits swaying painfully with the aggressive rhythm of your bodies. The skin on your waist that was in contact with his hand was already burning from the grip.
It was so intense that you felt as if millions of little fireworks burst in your chest, intoxicating your senses and leaving you only muttering unintelligible things, showing him how good you were feeling.
He no longer measured the volume of his own moans or held back the expletives that escaped. Your pussy crushing his cock was just ammunition for his hips to move with more speed and firmness next to yours.
The erotic dance only came to an end when he grew more inside you and you felt him stretching you more and giving you errant thrusts, no longer taking care not to hurt you.  You wanted to complain, but the pain mixed with that avalanche of sensation just made you want him to fuck you like that forever.
And then everything calmed down. It came out of you, leaving you feeling empty. You almost swore at him, but he put two fingers over your mouth and without thinking or receiving orders, you welcomed them into your mouth, sucking hard, looking straight into his bright eyes.
With his free hand, he was jerking off his cock, making a wet noise that was pleasant to hear.  And then he took his fingers from your mouth cavity just to bring his groin closer to your body so he got up and lifted your torso by your hair, still without stopping masturbating himself, he put the wet tip of his cock on your lips, silently demanding you to open your mouth and you obeyed without blinking, feeling his taste mixed with yours on your tongue.
But contrary to what you thought, he didn't try to shove himself fully into your mouth, he just rubbed the tip over your tongue and forced it into your cheeks, making you feel your skin tighten.
You noticed the moment his moans became grunts and his whole body shuddered and he took the wet cock of pre-cum and saliva from your mouth, without stopping with the strokes and without letting go of your hair, to then release the jets of cum against your face and neck. You just closed your eyes and let your own digits work over your pulsating clit in an attempt to cum along with him. Your orgasm arrived soon after, before his eyes. He was still affected by his release, but he still held your cum-stained face and stuck his thumb inside your mouth, which was bitten hard as you came. He smiled and pulled you by the arm so that you got up and leaned on him.
"Will you be my mine and let me turn you into a demon so we can fight forever by each other's side?" he asked as he had you sitting sideways on one of his thighs, keeping your legs apart to massage your thighs, right next to your entrance numb from frantic fucking.
"Do you still have that in your head?"  your voice is broken.
"Of course. Now you have nothing left to lose. You said you don't have a husband anymore, you let a human be devoured by a demon and took pleasure in it, and now you let an even worse demon fuck you. Or is there something more in your worthless human life?"
You knew he was right.  But a part of you still wanted to honor your mother's memory and her effort to protect you from evil.
However, while you made Akaza lie on the floor again and put your cunt in his mouth, you closed your eyes to ask your mother's forgiveness for having given in to evil, because you knew that this evil did not only inhabit the darkness, it also always has been inside you.
a/n: considere reblogging it, cause it helps a lot! <3
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poochiray · 1 year
10 OffGun-ish fics you should read
So I’m coming up on my anniversary soon. This month it’s been a year since my first OffGun story I’ve published. Within this year, I’ve read and wrote a ton of OffGun. So I thought I’d celebrate the occasion by recognizing some of my favorites from the fandom. These are not really in any particular order, so please keep that in mind. I’m not ranking one over the other. And each story has its own special things I like about them. Some of my favorite tropes I tend to gravitate towards are slow burn, pining, angst, smut, humor, switching (be it sexual position or partner), happy endings, & getting together stories. Almost all of these stories have a couple of these things in them. So without further ado, the list~
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1) Picking Flowers by allourheroes | 13.3k, Explicit, Pick/Rome
Ya’ll, it was so hard to pick a story by this author. I like a lot of their stories and honestly anything you read by them is going to slam. But there are two stories I think back on even months later. This is one of them. The synopsis of this story is that Pick (as a veterinarian) sometimes has to take care of supernatural creatures. And as such, he comes across a half-pixie named Rome. It’s just such a unique take on Pick/Rome and even though it’s a fantasy AU, their personalities still shine through. It’s cute, romantic, a little angsty, and honestly I remember it being a little slow burn too. Just a very very cute story and definitely worth the read.
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2) our hands speak for us by Rioana | 12.1k, Explicit, Off/Gun
K this author has three works, and honestly you should read all of them. I’m not even kidding here. Rioana just gets Gun. Her first story is basically an extensive character study on Gun and as you read through it, you just accept it as reality. Her stories just make sense as plausible explanations, and the same can be said for our hands speak for us. The premise of this story is set during Puppy Honey era, and Gun casually decides to give Off a blowjob to get him to be more comfortable to work with. Then things go from there. I won’t spoil it too much, but be forewarned, Off is not painted in the best light here. This is during his earlier filming career with Gun. As such, there is real situations referenced and the whole thing feels like we’re just going back in time. It’s very real. But very good. 
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3) A Savage Gang by piningbisexuals | 53.4k, Explicit, Khai/Third
Maybe an unpopular opinion, but this is my favorite Theory of Love story. It’s definitely a darker, more gritty tale. This was inspired by the Not Me trailer and what resulted was an amazing story where the Savage Gang are actually...well, a gang. There’s drugs, there’s sex, there’s the typical Third pining over Khai. It has everything I ever wanted in a story and the slow burn is just ughhh. So well done. This is a story that sticks around and stays in your head for weeks later. If you’re going to read any Theory of Love story, read this one.
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4) make a wish by Feyrelynn | 7.7k, Explicit, Off/Gun
This was the very first OffGun story I bookmarked, so it kinda has a special place in my heart. I’d been dabbling in the fandom, going absolutely feral over edits of these two clingy men, and then I stumbled across this story and that was pretty much it for me. This is a birthday fic, with a very simple concept. Off places a wish on his birthday to see what life would be like if he was really with Gun. And then he gets his glimpse into that reality. Short, simple, and adorably sexy.
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5) Provocation by hedgielettuce | 5k, Explicit, Third/Khai
Ok, if you are at all familiar with the things I write/read, this one won’t come as any shock to people on why it’s listed here. This is by far the sexiest Theory of Love story I’ve ever read. And why? Because this author embraces BOSSY THIRD. One of the reasons I love Third so much is because he calls the shots. He instills fear into his hot shot playboy boyfriend. He’s not playing.  And this story expands on it, going so far as to show a jealous dom side to Third that makes perfect sense and leaves Khai in shambles.    
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6) love and eggs are best when they are fresh by pancakelady | 10.7k, Teen, Sean/White
Making this list made me realize I’m sorely lacking on Sean/White stories to recommend lmao. I think the reason being is that I just love their canon story so much. So, I don’t feel the need to read more about them? Does that make any sense? I dunno. But either way, this story stuck out more than any other for this particular pairing. It’s the classic high school AU where they are partnered to take care of a “child” for a school project. The “child” being an egg. This is just a very fucking cute story and pretty wholesome too. I think it’s the only story not rated E that I’ll be reccing, so there ya go haha. 
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7) The Initiation Series by pallidvixen | 30k+, Explicit, Pick Your Not Me Pairing, it’s all there
Now for the complete opposite of wholesome because I’m fucked up like that lmao. Wow. What’s there to say about this one? Well, for one, it’s a series. You have to read each story because it gradually builds up and gets crazier as it goes. But the basic premise is that Gumpa has an initiation ceremony that all the members of the gang must undergo to prove their loyalty and devotion to the cause. The ceremony? Group sex. It’s everyone fucking everyone. Gumpa with big dom energy, Black just pissed off and not wanting to be there, Gram being an eager fluffer for Black, Sean the virgin, Yok the slut...it’s just. It’s so fucking amazing. And shocking. And I could write so much more but I’ll stop. I get it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but ya’ll. This is the story I think about more than any other, it’s so fucking messed up and perfect.
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8) Meant to Be by lililyyli | 76k, Explicit, Maetee/T-Rex
Ya’ll. I have a specific need, and it’s more of this pairing. I started this story because on the word count alone, ngl. Finding longer OffGun stories in general is such a rare treat. But to have one for this pairing too? Sign me the fuck up. The plot on this one was super cute too. Maetee has magical powers and is an exorcist, meanwhile T-Rex is a demon. Together they run into each other as kids and grow up as friends. Things happen, they part ways. They come back as adults and slowly fall in love with each other. I just remember binge reading this entire story in a day, it was so interesting and cute and lovely. And I still think about Maetee getting to dress up as a princess.
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9) How Old My Heart by Xagan | 44.3k, Mature, Khai/Third
Ok one of my favorite tropes to read is pining. The thing is with this story is that all the pining is off screen. It's in the background. And it's fucking brilliant. As the reader, you get to piece it all together. You get to watch Khai wait and wait, always playing off as this fuckboy friend. You get to watch Third fall in and out of love with someone else. You then finally get to watch them both come together and create something beautiful, only for one to think it's all casual, the other not. It's a slow burn story, but well worth the read, and the ending was just perfect.
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10) there’s a word for it by smyx | 8.7k, Explicit, Yok/Everyone
Lol so this story isn't even technically OffGun focused. This author has written some spicy stories that do feature more OG pairings, but, y'all. This story has a special place in my heart and there's a reason I'm reccing it over the others. It has charm. It is hilarious. Yok is basically a flirty slut who works his way around the gang. Yet in the end, he ends up attempting a threesome with SeanWhite and lol. It's so bad. I just like how sometimes the sex isn't omg amazingly mind-blowing. There is a realness there that I appreciated reading. And Yok's casual approach was just adorable and had me roaring with laughter throughout.
💚 If you've gotten to the end, thanks for reading my list! I'll probably be creating a new list for next year. Drop your recs in the comments! I'm always looking forward to reading new content of OffGun and their associated ships. 💚
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dragonologist-phd · 6 months
Jumping in on the trend started by @mightymizora and doing self-promo for some of my favorite stuff I’ve written/worked on this year!
Midnight Black and Paris Green (BG3)
Shadowheart isn't accustomed to placing her trust in other people. Neither is Naia. But these are interesting times, and stranger things have happened.
(Tav/Shadowheart, 15.3k, ongoing)
“The way you write Shadowheart makes me oddly happy. It just feels... right in every way. Her internal musings and conflict, the dialogue, the longing, the banter, the prescence of her Shar worship and how its affecting her and Naia's little affair all just fits together so nicely. You're doing her such justice and I'm so charmed by Naia!! She's so lovely. Just a silly and whimsical girlie trying her best.”
The Weight of Silver Linings (BG3)
Wyll’s pact is broken, his father saved. All should be right with the world…but of course, things are never so simple as that. After a tense reunion with his father, Wyll and Naia find themselves contemplating the day’s events as they discuss forgiveness, family, and the twisting path into the future.
(Tav & Wyll, 2.4k, one-shot)
“That's really beautiful, and I love the snapshot of Wyll and Naia's friendship and the contrast in their perspectives”
Her Tongue So Mean (PWOTR)
Lilith is busy. Wenduag is bored. A battle of wills ensues.
(Commander/Wenduag, 1.4k, one-shot, smut)
“Oh, this was SO GOOD! I love the way you write Wenduag, and the back-and-forth she and Lilith have is so captivating to read ❤️”
“Incredibly hot AND a good character read”
Love & War (PWOTR)
Galfrey was a queen, a paladin, an icon for all that was righteous and just in the Crusades. Cleo was a barbarian, a tiefling, a personification of demonic chaos. By all rights and logic, the two should have been at each other's throats- and often, they were.
But somehow, through war and struggle and sacrifice, they ended up finding more in each other than either ever expected.
(Commander/Galfrey, 27.8k, ongoing)
“I absolutely love your characterization of Galfrey – her awareness that she’s no fun, but also her awareness why. Her doubts and hopes about this new Knight-Commander and her reaction to her insubordination. That hand kiss was so charged…I am also in love with how you describe Cleo. She totally comes to life already in this first chapter.”
Of Diamonds And Dust (DA:O)
Marja Aeducan and Darvis Brosca lead lives as different as one could possibly imagine. Marja Aeducan, a member of the nobility and second in line for the throne, has spent her life maneuvering the dangerous political machinations of the Diamond Quarter. Meanwhile, Darvis Brosca, a Casteless dwarf rejected by society, does whatever it takes to survive on the streets of Dust Town.
When a Grey Warden arrives in Orzammar, the lives of Marja and Darvis are forever changed. Driven from the city by misfortune and betrayal, the two must join the ranks of the Wardens in order to save their own lives. But the surface has far greater dangers than they realize. The noble and the thief will need to stand together if they're going to fight against the oncoming Blight, the brewing civil war, and the strange surface malady called "sunburn".
(205k, longfic, ongoing)
“Ooooh! What a wonderful idea! The dwarf origins are my favorite and to have them both brought together in a single adventure honestly has me excited! And such a great writing flow you have here! The episodic parallels work so well to showcase the characters and how they grow into their own people! Love it!”
And So They Burned (DA:O)
The world was not a kind place to those touched by magic. Haunted by whispers of demons, fear of the Templars, and memories of the lives taken from them, three apprentices in Kinloch Hold turned to each other and made a world of their own.
(Amell/Surana/Jowan, 56k, ongoing)
“Everything from the characters to the writing is so good. I genuinely couldn't put my phone down and just binge read it. I especially love the whole poly aspect, I haven't really seen fics that explore that. Also wanted to add, the dynamic among all three of them is just so amazing, I want to put them in my pocket and run, they don't deserve this circle life. This story is amazing 😊”
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mermaidsirennikita · 8 months
So I saw your tags about how the Ravenel series is a bit mid, and I don't disagree despite liking some of them a lot? Marrying Winterborne was my first intro to Kleypas, and it fucks real hard, I love it. I have a soft spot for Chasing Cassandra because I enjoyed Tom in previous showings, and I found their dynamic compelling.
But I didn't even finish Ethan's book because I couldn't be arsed, and I bought West's and wished I hadn't I was so incapable of getting into it. Anyway, this is all to say that you're not wrong, and are in fact generally right.
(In positive news tho, re: Marrying Winterborne, never gonna be over the scene where she agrees to fuck him and then after she's in the bath and he's like "I'm changing her agreement" before realizing "Oh shit, I've made this woman panic, fuck shit". Anyway, have a great day.)
"you are not wrong, and are in fact generally right" I sincerely love this lol, it sounds like something I would say to a friend of mine
Marrying Winterborne DOES fuck so hard, and I think that because of this, the series in general gets a strong rep than maybe it should...? Because in terms of popularity, I think Rhys is absolutely up there with some of Lisa's top heroes--people like me who prefer her older books love him, people who prefer the Ravenels adore him (generally). I don't think I've met a Kleypas fan who doesn't love that book, though I'm SURE some don't. And you do really need to read Cold-Hearted Rake for the background of MW (the first time I tried to read MW I did it without CHR and was like "this fuck is this"). I wonder if this is why CHR gets so much flack? Even though, and I will die on this hill, it's PROBABLY better than Devil in Spring and definitely better than Devil's Daughter and Hello Stranger? (I really need to give Chasing Cassandra another fair shot because I remember very little of it; I think the one-two punch of Hello Stranger and Devil's Daughter, two of my least favorite Kleypas books, made me very burned out when I read it.)
Ethan's book was very disappointing to me because I actually was very excited about Garrett as a heroine beforehand. And I do.... wonder if Kleypas changed plans, the way she famously did with Scandal in Spring. Because there's a scene in... MW I think? Where Garrett and Tom have like, an arm wrestling moment, that makes me wonder if the original plan was Garrett/Tom. Again, I need to reread Chasing Cassandra to really experience THAT pairing again--but I do think Garrett/Tom would've been more interesting than Garrett/Ethan.
I mean, HS was also fucked from the jump because it had that really racist "Ethan got his sexual education from an exotic Indian woman" thing, which shocked people into calling Kleypas out, and I think triggered the Great Kleypas Editing Hackjob. Which, by the way--it does speak to how much name and expectation matters, because while what Kleypas wrote into that book is absolutely awful and unacceptable, I feel like it's portrayed as this shameful anomaly when I can think of at least one smaller name (but still notable) author who wrote a historical with a MUCH worse depiction of India around the same time. Which doesn't excuse what Kleypas did, I just dislike the idea that Kleypas was the only one doing that in the 2010s, when that's faaar from true. Historicals still haven't figured that out, and sometimes I think the recaps of how the Hello Stranger issue was handled read very "look Patrick, we saved the city" because the biggest name got dogged into apologizing/editing. Either way, Hello Stranger is mid without that content and it's gross with it, so I usually put it at the bottom of my rankings. Either way, it ain't up to par and I can't judge it fairly in its edited form at this point.
Devil's Daughter is just Not Good. And I will take my lashings from everyone who loves that book, because everyone loves Kleypas soyboy West Ravenel, and I just have to say--do these people like THE BOOK? Do they like PHOEBE? Because everything I see is all about West West West and even if I was into West, which I Am Not, I feel like there has to be more to a book that's being upheld as one of her recent bests than "I love him". Sorry, the plot of DD is boring at best and lame at worst. Phoebe hates West because he was her dead husband's childhood bully, and I do mean childhood? And sorry to Phoebe's dead husband, but he's dead and fictional and I never met him and I don't care. And West is a less interesting Leo Hathaway. He stopped drinking and realized booze was giving him the dad bod, so he's hot now (my kingdom for a dad bod historical hero). And now he's boring because he's not a rake anymore and has responsibilities, but like? He just sounds like a fuckboy before his redemption lmao. Like a bit of a wastrel. Leo Hathaway was out there crying in a public sphere and giving great advice to Kev Merripen like "if you don't get with my sister, one day you're gonna wake up covered in tears and your own come and realize you have nothing but regrets" to which Kev goes ".... is that what.... you do...?" Leo Hathaway readily admitted to waking up on the regular covered in tears and semen. That's a true wreck.
And Leo is in itself the softer Kleypas hero type--other "redemption" heroes are like, Sebastian, who kidnapped his wife's best friend and threatened to rape her! Derek Craven, who was born in a drainpipe and fucked for money for years (not that this is anything to feel bad about, but he does) and owns a degenerate gambling hell lol. John McKenna, who comes to find his childhood sweetheart with the explicit intention of like, filling her belly with his fetid seed and siring a bastard on her so that she'll be humiliated forever I cannot. Why would I be impressed with West going "I was kind of a loser tbh" YOU ARE FINE. THIS IS BORING. GIVE ME ANOTHER THING TO CARE ABOUT.
But yes, I love that scene in MW so much. To me, a lot of MW's charm is that Rhys severely does not know how to talk to women, or romance them in a tender way (him fucking shit up with Helen with the flower situation is hilarious sorry). And he also does get legit douchey with Kathleen, lol. He very much gets a little threatening and is all "SO YOU WANTED A BIT O' ROUGH" and Devon has to do a mild Westcliff moment. Kleypas heroes: always mad when their best friends get sexually aggressive with their women, always ready to forgive after like a week.
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tadbitfooled · 5 months
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so, since my brain says all my Tavs and my Durge exist together, I guess I'll give a break down of what that means if anyone wants to get involved in that chaos. And how they get along with each other.
Talilah is the designated leader because she's just like "Fuck this let's get this done." She's decently smart and clever, able to come up with plans, but has some mild impulse issues and very much a "I wonder what that does." Very fearless and willing to step up when need be.
The others
Briza - there are tensions at first due to Talilah's sun elf genes being very strong and sun elves tend not to ask questions first when meeting drow. But they eventually get along, especially because Talilah catches onto her dry humor quickly and they play off of each other with that.
Durante - absolute chaos enabler duo. They enjoy being a bit jesty with each other and maybe pick on the other members of the party together as a team. They have running bet pools on the most random of things and you'll see them toss a coin between each other, depending on who won the bet. At the most random moments.
Frits - She likes to play pranks on him. Not anything mean, just a few things here or there because he's got a good nature about it. What she doesn't realize at first is he's very intent on returning the favor, and does take her by surprise when he does. Sometimes she finds his habit of going on about something tiring but she'll humor him and he appreciates it.
Gwenifar - Gwenifar plays a bit of a right hand for Talilah, as she's probably the most qualified for being leader, but Talilah jumped at it first. She helps to control Talilah's impulses and keep her on track when she needs to be reminded of what needs to be done.
Tavinkas - Talilah rescued Tavinkas from a pod on the ship. This has caused her to have his undying loyalty because, well, first person to be helpful to him in a while, all things considered. He's definitely protective of her and Talilah's intent on pushing him out of his comfort zones and helping him find himself.
Takes on the roll of leader if Talilah is unable to. She's basically second-in-command and able to keep everyone on track with what needs to be done besides Durante. She tries to keep peace in the party but isn't afraid of putting her foot down and showing a rather terrifying sternness.
Briza - The two get along decently, with Briza maybe even having found Gwenifar attractive in some instances, but nothing more. They both enjoy animals and spend time discussing the best care for Scratch and the Owlbear.
Durante - Durante's favorite hobby is getting under Gwenifar's skin. He has no issues taking cheap shots at her and ruffling her feathers, to which she finds him irksome and childish. The pair often clash due to Durante's attitude and he's lucky she's a cleric of Ilmater some days.
Frits - The pair are both academically minded and with Frits's family having been florist, also have a shared interest in herbology. The two will spend time talking about plants and different theories, and are good friends.
Tavinkas - There is something about Tavinkas that makes her uneasy and Tavinkas realizes this. When it comes to light, it makes sense, and Gwenifar does what she can to help him and he appreciates it. It takes a bit but they do eventually become friends.
I would list him as third in pecking order of my muses of who's the leader (I would rank Wyll or Gale above him in the overall pecking order though). He has the skills and the capability, it's just he has so much on his plate with his amnesia and urges, he prefers someone with a constant level head to handle things while he works himself out.
Briza - they bond over being the ones less involved in the group and observing, as well as a similar morbid humor. They're often seen standing by each other and making dry remarks about the others in the party.
Durante - Tavinkas is probably one of the few that can actually get Durante to listen and behave. A stern word and a dark look from him is enough for the tiefling warlock to rethink what he's doing. It could due to a slight attraction on Durante's part, though.
Frits - Tavinkas finds Frits to be utterly fascinating. He doesn't quite understand how someone can be so bright and optimistic about...Almost everything. In turn, Frits is quite interested in Tavinkas's ailments and often has some idea to try to work out what it is, often coming up to Tavinkas and suggesting options.
A reliable intellect, who's gracious and willing to discuss what may need to be done and help plan out things which may require a higher level of learning. While not the strongest, he does try his best to be of as much assistance to the party as he can.
Briza - He finds Briza to be a bit intimidating, to be honest. But he doesn't let that stop him from attempting to befriend her. He can't tell if it's worked or not, due to her attitude. (It's worked. If anything happened to Frits, Briza would kill everyone in this room and then herself).
Durante - Despite Frits's attempts, Durante seems to lack any interest in having more than a working relationship with him. He says he finds most of Frits's topics of discussion to be a bit dull for him. Save for when Frits mentions a past flame of his, which Durante finds hard to believe to be true.
Briza prefers to act as a scout for the party, taking orders as needed and finding out information for the path forward. She's not one for pointless socialization and prefers to consider what needs to be done next.
Durante - She finds him insufferable and takes any chance she can to remind him of that. In turn, Durante tries to push her buttons when he sees a chance but does avoid her otherwise. It takes some time for any chance of warm feelings to even start to glimmer between them.
This man has no desire to have any responsibility and just wants the tadpole out of his head. He pulls his weight as need be, but prefers to be in the backseat and let the others deal with decisions and other issues. It may come from past trauma and how he feels about his contract, though.
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felixcloud6288 · 9 months
Fullmetal Alchemist Chapter 37
Who would have thought the heist was a setup for the Super Heist?
It's been three days since the breakout heist. Poor Falman has been dealing with Barry and Lin for too long.
This chapter has a lot of reread value just in itself. We have Roy using a military line to make a personal call to a woman named Elizabeth. On a first read, this is an absolutely shameless and tasteless scene of Roy. He murdered Maria Ross just a few days ago and he's gotten over it to the point that he's hitting on other women. The personnel in the room reflect how the reader should feel.
Then on a reread, it's still shameless and tasteless, but at least he's not actually trying to flirt with a woman after everything that's happened. (I mean, he probably is genuinely enjoying flirting with Hawkeye, but he's putting on an act.)
Roy mentions wanting to go fishing. And then on a reread, we understand what he's fishing for.
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Ed still doesn't know how to move forward after what happened with Hughes and Maria Ross. His table is covered in notebooks and paper. There are some wadded up papers as well. He's been trying to figure out how to proceed but has no ideas.
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For the first time, he's asking someone else for some guidance but all Winry can think of is to confess she wishes they'd stop traveling. She's afraid they'll leave one day and never come back. But she doesn't want them to give up on getting their old bodies back.
How careless of Ed to dent his automail like that. How kind of Alex Louis Armstrong to escort Ed to Resembool to get it fixed.
And now, the Super Heist begins!! This whole thing is amazing because we get to see Roy's team show what they can do. 2nd Lieutenant Havok shows off his skill as a close-range combat officer, Lieutenant Hawkeye shows her sniping prowess, and we see how Master Sergeant Fuery's communications rig.
Hawkeye and Havok have several food cans lying around, implying they've been on stakeout for the last few days.
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My favorite detail of Fuery's setup is he has two phone receivers tied to each other to create a something like a three-way call.
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And this is the first non-bonus chapter where we meet the Good Boy. If he's going to be part of this operation, he needs a rank. Since he's a new recruit, I'll give him the rank of Private.
Poor Warrant Officer Falman is instead showing how inexperienced he is. He was quick to act and fired his gun without hesitation, but he was shaky during the whole encounter with Barry's body and he blew Havok's cover.
Also if you didn't notice, everyone's code names were based on their actual names. Riza Hawkeye is "Elizabeth". Jean Havok is "Jacqueline". Kain Fuery is "Kate". In the bonus material for chapter 10, Arakawa more or less points this out. It also mentions Vato Falman's code name is "Vanessa", and it's implied Hawkeye came up with the names. She named her black-furred dog Black Hayate (hayate means wolf) so overall, we can infer that Hawkeye is bad at coming up with names.
Barry realizes the whole situation that they're being attacked by his original body which has been fused with some animal soul. He thinks his body is trying to regain its soul and he can feel his own soul tingle with the same desire. Although his own twisted mind is translating that ecstasy as a desire to chop his old body up. Barry seems sad to see what happened to his old body.
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Hawkeye does a similar eye thing to Roy, but her moments don't seem to linger as much. They changed color when she had to fire her gun, but then they went back to normal right after. But when she noticed Gluttony, her eyes changed in preparation of taking the shot. Sniping is stressful.
And Roy's eyes did the thing when he panicked that something might happen to Hawkeye.
The chapter ends with Lanfan confronting Envy and stating she can detect Envy has multiple souls in them. She launches a signal flare telling all parties in the super heist to converge.
Spoiler Discussion
Let's talk about the Super Heist!!!
First off, who are the primary conspirators? Based on all the conversation prior to it, we can assume Roy is the sole mastermind and the only people he purposely brought into it are Hawkeye, Havok, and Fuery. Meanwhile, Falman and Barry were unknowingly involved.
HOWEVER, because this spun off from the jailbreak heist, he had to bring other people in to support this operation and take care of the aftermath of the previous heist. Lin Yao and his retainers must have gotten clued into it because they're helping smuggle Maria Ross out of the country.
Meanwhile, Roy brought Armstrong into the Super Heist by having him take Ed out of the picture. When Ed and Armstrong meet Breda in the East area, Breda was fully expecting Ed, so Armstrong wasn't using Ed as an excuse to head east. He was instructed to bring Ed with him.
The biggest thing I'd like to know is whether or not Lin Yao was a direct conspirator in the Super Heist or if he figured out something was going to happen. On the one hand, Lan Fan didn't know if Havok was an ally so they were not clued in on some of the details. On the other hand, she was ordered by Lin to send a signal if anything happens, so they were expecting something and Roy is following the signal at the end of the chapter.
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inexplicablymine · 9 months
happy nice ask day!!
i come to you with a task: you need to go underground right now, and this requires you to create an undercover alias and backstory. please tell us the story of the new you 👀
I am assuming, considering that I have an undercover alias and backstory that money is not necessarily of object so… without further ado
My hair is incredibly distinct so that’s the first to go, a chop and a dye job, I would truly be unrecognizable with those two choices alone.
I will live in New York City, plain sight but also incredibly easy to blend in.
My name is now Eleanor Belfonte. I go by Ellie sometimes, but really Eleanor seems to suit me.
My Alias: I am a second shooter for high end event photography, weddings, catwalks, the parties you wish you were at, and the magazines that fill your news stands. I am not the main photographer so I’m never a billable name that is mentioned, but I’m still there in plain sight, hiding between layers of black behind a lens more expensive than your last two months of rent.
My new Background: I grew up going to private schools on either coast in the states, but I never spent more than a year at each because family was moving around (#militarybrat of some high ranking parents that I would never be so gauche to disclose) so if you don’t remember why I was in your top circle it’s because I was only there for a few months, but yes, I was absolutely at that party in highschool with you. I spent summers in Santa Fe, New Mexico in the art community there studying under the Majors who took the photos on all of your favorite posters growing up. I spent a year between my non traditional art school experience and starting up under a mentor backpacking around Central Asia gaining experience and building a portfolio. One of my shots was sold to a private buyer for an undisclosed amount of money, NDA’s darling of course. I now have my pick of events and which of the Who’s Who of the city I want to listen in on tonight. I am a fly on the wall. Everyone loves “that second shooter you had for that last party I don’t remember her name” and that’s why I keep getting hired. I’m discreet and good enough to get the shots while letting the main photographer shine.
I keep to myself in my small apartment, collecting stories, always alert. If the walls of these buildings could talk they would share the secrets I am already keeping.
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missdeepend · 1 month
Erza Scarlet and Elsie Crimson
A warning as always: This is going to mention scenes from chapters of the Edens Zero Manga as well as 100 Year Quest. If you are not caught up or have not read these, I highly recommend you do before continuing this post.
Erza Scarlet and Elsie Crimson have always been rather, vague in my heart. I don't mean like forgettable by any means. We all know how memorable Erza's scenes especially are. However, them as characters never quite sat right with me.
I know I'm about to piss off a lot of Erza fans... but I gotta say I don't like her. I mean I do, but she isn't even in my top five. I do have many moments that I enjoy of her and she is one of the funniest characters. I feel like her character has just been downgraded into something of comedic relief or destroy the enemy after some to little trouble. Especially in 100 Year Quest she doesn't have the feeling of the original Erza, though in many cases it is like that for all the characters.
There are moments I do enjoy of Erza. Her moments of seriousness when she takes the lead in team Natsu in plans are great, even when they go awry. Her fight against Minerva and Kagura is one of my favorites and can we just say how amazing Tower of Heaven and her backstory was when it was first presented. I feel though that many of these moments have been stripped away and given us nothing but moments of absolutely bodying an opponent for the sake of "badassery". I will die on the hill that Erza's battle with Irene was absolutely amazing until Wendy was no longer involved.
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Then there is Elsie Crimson, oh boy. When she first came out I remember how crazy the fanbase went. Sure we had Plue return from Rave Master and Jellal had a similar person in Rave Master, but something felt... different. In the anime their voice actresses were the same. Their power was almost identical and... it was Erza. I passed Plue for just being a mascot and the same for Happy. But Elsie will always be.... Erza to me.
That isn't to say that there aren't good moments of Elsie. Her moments reminicing with Shiki about when she was taken in by Ziggy hurt my soul and her and Justice had great potential. But that was all it was, potential.
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Erza and Jellal are still great in my opinion. Their dynamic is cute and embrace the friends to enemies to lovers that can't really be together. In a way I see it as Erza having honor to hold onto while Jellal has his own honor to find.
Elsie and Justice... I like them... but I can't help but to feel I like them because they are just... Erza and Jellal switched. They have a different backstory of course but its the same structure. To me it seemed like Mashima just used our heart strings tethered to Erza and Jellal to carry Elsie and Justice. Not to mention, while I enjoy Jellal as a character in his many moments, Justice is not a good character. But thats a discussion for another day. I will rant about him eventually. I feel like pieces of their characters work so well as they are, if only the other didn't exist. Elsie works to me because without Justice her scenes (other than that one allowing Ziggy to live) work so well for her. Her character being an unstoppable force high ranking in society that even Valkiyrie struggles against works because she isn't a main character. She doesn't swoop in to save their day unless Justice is involved or Ziggy. We couldn't pray for her return to defeat Drakken or Shura because...it was never going to happen. That is who Elsie is. So the moments where she one shots someone we know are deserved. The fights we see she struggles in we know that person is a force to be reckoned with.
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Meanwhile, Erza works because she is like the big sister character, especially in the eyes of Wendy, Natsu, and Gray. She is there when you need to count on her. The reason her fights tire us out or seem unreasonable are because we see her as a main character. She just has main character syndrome attached to her.
If you could take Erza's relationships with people and her good bond with Jellal. It could be the story of Elsie and Justice or her original story and mesh it together with Elsie's perk of being a side character hardly seen I feel it could work wonderfully.
But I'm curious about what you all think about Erza and Elsie. If either got into a duel who would win? My bet is on Erza because the main character syndrome.
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Anyways, I'll see you all later in the Deep End!! <3
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lethargicwizard · 11 months
So I watched "Bullet Train" (A while ago but that's not important)
Since it's been a while since the movie came out I feel pretty safe but never the less Spoilers!
If I had to describe "Bullet Train" I'd call it Hollywood's greatest attempt at emulating less conventional methods of storytelling. With the original text being written by Kōtarō Isaka as a novel (and that end, I have no idea what liberties were taken with its production, and adaptation compared to the original story) and because of that fact it may be cringe to say that on my first viewing, I thought the film felt like something that would do well as a single season 12 episode cult classic anime from the mid-nineties to early two-thousands. Everything from the film's setting to the characters screams that sort of slightly absurdist charm that you'd usually see from that era of anime and manga. A collection of assassins board a bullet train in Japan for a myriad of different yet interconnected reasons strung along by a well-foreshadowed central antagonist and a mysterious yet charismatic dark horse, all taking place in a black humor thriller.
Yuichi Kimura is a father out for the blood of the person that put his son on life support struggling with his position as a father demands of him. Not knowing that his decision had left him as a pawn in a dangerous game he does not completely understand.
Ladybug (which is what I will forever refer to this character archetype as) is a charismatic if oafish thief who seems to live in a state of perpetual bad luck however never fatally succumbing to it. returns to work after a stent away from attempting to reevaluate his choices and steer himself away from some of the more unsavory aspects of his profession and more often than not failing miserably at it.
Lemon/Tangerine, a dynamic duo of hitmen who share a familial bond that goes deeper than blood. The former of the two possessing a humorous yet undeniably advantageous character quirk iconic of the film. While the latter becomes an instant fan favorite due to his relatable yet enviable personality. Both of which serve as the poster children for the film.
The Wolf, a self-made legend of the Mexican cartel who shot up the ranks of his organization with his charisma, intellect, and brutality finds himself in Japan to find the murderer of not only his beloved but his partners in crime. An impressive back story for someone who dies within ten minutes of being introduced.
Hiroyuki Sanada, a disgraced former yakuza and the father of one of the other characters also comes to find the would be assassin of his grandson only to be presented the chance to settle a grudge thats haunted him for the better part of his life.
Last but not least The Prince, the dark horse of the film whose motivations and origins tantalize the viewers the entire runtime. The character you love to hate and a secondary antagonist who far outshines the main one. My hat goes off to Joey King for her performance from this absolute menace The Prince is one of my favorite aspects of the film, the fact that the vast majority of situations she's faced with go her way which helps her be more hatable yet interesting as a character. I'm especially fond of her aesthetic as a character she's not a traditional fem fatal but she still leverages her femininity to achieve her goals falling into that gap-moe of having this adolescent schoolgirl design yet being this conniving machiavellian character.
Now after hearing that line up tell me this doesn't sound like an instant cult hit of a dark comedy. Overall I'm quite fond of the film and if you haven't seen it and didn't heed my warning at the top please watch it its quite the treat. for those who have watched the film and just wanted to read this for yucks, I suggest you read the source material Kōtarō Isaka's Maria Beetle if you can find it.
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bryhaven · 1 year
Top 10 Films
Thank you for the tag, @onigiri-dorkk! I've been tagged in a number of challenge posts, and I will try to get to them soon ahah 😅
This was supposed to be a discussion of films but then again, I managed to find AOT/SNK and RivaMika parallels while going through this list 😂
This challenge has been fun and it was hard to pick only 10, let alone rank them! But for the sake of the game, I tried 😌
10. The King and I (1999)
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A musical animated adaptation of a Siamese (now called Thai) King who hires an English schoolteacher to have his country learn western modern ways. It was very amusing and enjoyable that the villain and accomplice here are written as comedic. And the added young love story between the crown prince and the servant girl is endearing. And I'm actually fond of forbidden love tropes ahaha. Plus the musical scenes are fun and brilliant! A great family movie! 🥰
9. Troy (2004)
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A story focusing on the Trojan war and the heroes in it. I've always enjoyed historical and legend-type movies as they give a glimpse of life in ancient times. I appreciate Achilles (Brad Pitt) and Hector (Eric Bana) in the movie so much that I included them in my AMV tribute to heroes and legends. The Iliad, which is the battle between Achilles and Hector, is one of my favorite legendary fights. Plus one of Achilles' last scenes and the line, "You gave me peace, in a lifetime of war." is so heartwarming. And now that I think of it, it's something that Levi could say to a certain special someone during post-war. 😏
8. Unknown (2011)
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An action-thriller revolving around seeking the truth, hence the title. Liam Neeson always delivers when it comes to action and suspense-filled scenes (plus he is the namesake of my Ackerchild OC 😌). The story progression will keep you on the edge of your seat and leave you wondering until the plot twist turns into an answer with a shocking revelation. His character is also badass, brooding, and serious, while also suffering from injury and trauma. Reminds me too much of a certain someone in SnK. 😄 Plus the way that the two main characters develop from reluctantly working together to understanding and caring for each other is just *screams in RivaMika vibes*
7. Brother Bear (2003)
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A story about literally walking in another's footsteps to learn a valuable lesson by seeing the other's point of view. It showcases brotherly and familial love in a lighthearted adventure. Watching the movie has a significant and special meaning to me for personal reasons. The plot twist is absolutely heart-wrenching and beautifully executed. Plus the original soundtracks gave me chills, were perfect for each and every exhilarating scene, and hold the rare honor of making me cry. 😭
6. Taken (2008)
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Another one of Liam Neeson's action-packed movies. This revolves around the rescue of his character's daughter from human trafficking. As always, his character is badass, brooding, and serious. Some daddy issues, wherein his character struggles with fatherhood to a growing teenage girl. Fatherly love 💖 and gotta love the brilliance of how he tracks down his daughter and saves her. His style and strategies blew my mind, it's amazing! Plus that line in the GIF is iconic!
5. Entrapment (1999)
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A story of two thieves, skillful in their own ways, working together to steal an ancient artifact. I love how they came up with brilliant spy-like strategies and synced together to accomplish the task. Recollecting this reminded me as well of @chaosisbeauty23's "Are you in?" two-shot spy story. It gave me similar vibes. Sean Connery's character trained Catherine Zeta-Jones' character, they had trust issues and conflicts, and they grew close through the duration of the preparation until they eventually got to trust each other enough to continue working together. Plus the age difference! Rings a bell? *screams again in RivaMika vibes*
4. Kiss of the Dragon (2001)
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A story of a cop helping to crack a major drug ring and ending up having to save a prostitute and her daughter to ultimately resolve it. I guess I have always been fond of unexpectedly-working-together and damsel-in-distress tropes, and this movie has two of those tropes in it! 😂 Recollecting this reminded me of @nuri148's "Not a Pirate" where Mikasa has a child. I love the chemistry between Jet Li and Bridget Fonda here, you can feel the tension and awkwardness ahaha. Plus the height difference! *screams again and again in RivaMika vibes* ghad seriously why am I associating these films I watched years ago with the current RM fics I've read bahaha 😂😅
3. Con Air (1997)
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A story of an ex-convict trying to get home to his family after he's been finally freed. I always go soft whenever strong, badass, brooding guys show tenderness and affection with regard to their families or the people they care for. Levi Ackerman as a father, anyone? 😌 This story hits with both the action and the feels. Plus the "How do I live without you?" performed by Trisha Yearwood is just *chef's kiss*
2. Brave (2012)
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A story of a princess struggling with life as a royal and trying to find her own path. Merida is my favorite Disney princess and I find her relatable in ways. I enjoyed the adventurous-type songs here as well. I absolutely love her unconventional and strong character which deviates from the typical dainty and girly princesses. She's spirited, stubborn, and won't take any BS 😂 Plus she's great with a sword!
1. The One (2001)
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And finally at the top 1 spot is coincidentally "The One" released in 2001 bahaha 😂 another one of Jet Li's action-packed movies which I love. And there are two Jet Lis in here ahaha. The story revolves around Yulaw (Jet Li) traveling across the multiverse hunting down and killing all his counterparts or other selves until only two of them are left. With each counterpart killed in every universe, the energy and power get divided between the remaining surviving counterparts resulting in them having increased strength, intelligence, and speed. I've mentioned this in a post before that this is similar to how Levi's and Mikasa's superhuman powers came to be.
I absolutely love the plot and story progression in this sci-fi setup, which makes you wonder, what if we actually have alternate personas in other universes (and we just don't know about it because there are people who make sure that we don't know in order to ensure peace and balance)? Plus Jason Statham's character as an ally here was unexpectedly funny!
I also appreciate the romance factor in the movie in the sense that, it is shown as trust, comfort, and care. Doesn't need to have all the kissy scenes or so to show genuine love. And one of Jet Li's character's lines about his love here is just 💖
Jet Li always delivers as well when it comes to action and suspense-filled scenes. Plus just look at the parallels below (The One vs AOT S3):
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Using a dead person as a shield then obliterates everyone afterward.
Jet Li's characters in movies are usually brooding, badass, serious, and aloof from people. Plus he is charmingly handsome and rather short in stature IRL too! Yep, Jet Li is a real-life Levi Ackerman 🤣😌
I swear I watched all of these way before I even encountered Attack on Titan. I didn't mean for this to be too long and to include much RivaMika and AOT, but it was fun recollecting the movies and then associating them with my brain rot 😂
Now that I have this list, I realize I tend to gravitate towards action movies and familial ones. Plus most of these movies have that one badass, brooding, serious guy who is insanely skilled and strong, and has a reputation but also soft for their loved ones. Geez I already have a type way before Levi Ackerman bahaha 😂🥰😌
None of these movies are focused on romance but the couple GIFs are intentional bahaha 😏
Tagging: No one, no pressure. 😅
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asirensrambles · 1 year
CAUTION: Signal Crossing, Watch Your Wires (pt. 1/2)
Sienna, Mi-an, and Elsie are celebrating the Commerce Guild end of month results at the Blue Saloon. Alcohol and a raging crush on the Saloon's proprietor go about as well as expected.
This fic was SUPPOSED to be about my builder telling Rocky she would die and kill for him, then spiraled into whatever this was.
Although commissions were posted over the weekends, Sienna did her best to take it slightly easier on Saturdays and Sundays. She'd finish her guild inspections, see if there were any quick and easy commission postings that she could fulfill with materials on hand, then try and relax a bit or catch up on some sleep and the little tasks that piled up throughout the week.
Saturday nights though, were set aside completely for story night at the saloon. It was the one day of the week Sienna knew for sure she'd get to hang out with Mi-an, Elsie, and other townsfolk. This particular Saturday, they were celebrating last month's workshop rankings. Sienna had kept her top spot, and Mi-an had finally been able to pull past Yan, despite his best efforts at sabotage and underhanded manipulation.
Owen had asked what they were celebrating when Sienna had ordered a full bottle of wine for the three girls. When they told him, Owen had brought out a round of shots along with the wine, telling them both were on the house. He was one of Serena's favorites for a reason. Sienna made a quick mental note to bring him a fresh bunch of sandfish later in the week as thanks, as she picked up her shot glass and said,
"I'd like to propose a toast! On this, the momentous day of Mi-an and me taking our rightfully earned places as the top Sandrock builders, I'd just like to say, fuck Yan!"
"Fuck Yan!" Mi-an and Elsie echoed before taking their shots and hitting the glasses back on the table.
The exclamation drew a few curious eyes, but Sienna absolutely did not care. It was what he deserved, the shit bag. Having started the night on a high note, the girls dove into the bottle of wine. It was polished off in somewhat short order as they chatted together. Mi-an and Elsie were pretty tipsy, well on their way to drunk after the wine was finished, and decided to call it there. Sienna had a good four or five inches, and many more pounds on both of them, giving her a much higher tolerance. Deciding tonight was a night worth getting much more drunk for, she signaled Owen over,
"Hey, do you have any of that Highwind beer still?" she asked.
Owen raised an eyebrow and grinned at her, "You looking to get hammered, builder?" he teased.
Sienna replied with a grin, "I wouldn't say hammered, but definitely not sober."
"You got it!"
There was a commotion by the door to the saloon. Looking over, Sienna saw that Rocky and his crew had come in for their end of the month celebration. Apparently it was a tradition that Rocky took his folks out the last Saturday of the month for a couple rounds on him, then a longer period of the Eufala Salvage crew drinking on their own tabs and shooting the breeze. Seeing them sent a twinge of jealousy through Sienna.
What would it be like to have a boss like Rocky?
The man had certainly made a strong first impression. The first time she'd seen him, he was towering over Yan threatening to grind him into paste. One of her eternal regrets was not letting Rocky do just that. Unfortunately, Sienna had done the morally correct thing and completed the lift for Rocky on behalf of Yan. Nothing she did was for Yan. Seeing him towering over her shit stain of a boss, Rocky had stolen her heart without even knowing it. Unfortunately for Sienna, he was happily married and doted on his wife and child.
One of the largest glasses Owen served beer in suddenly plopped in front of Sienna, startling her. She looked up at Owen, who was grinning widely.
"One, 'not being sober', builder."
She rolled her eyes, "You know my name's Sienna, you goof."
"Yeah, but it doesn't rile you up the way 'builder' does, and that's more fun," Owen replied with a smirk, "Enjoy not getting hammered," he said with same emphasis she'd used earlier before throwing Sienna a wink and walking over to take Rocky's crew's orders.
Sienna let her flaming face fall onto the table. Elsie and Mi-an were oblivious to what had just happened, too involved with each other. Suddenly way too sober for everything that was going on, she took a sizeable pull from the massive stein she'd been gifted. Knowing Owen, he'd probably put it on the house too. Sap.
If she didn't know any better, Sienna would think Owen was flirting with her. Which would be ridiculous, he was just polite and doing his due diligence as a good restaurant and bar owner, making sure the patrons were taken care of. However, the smiles he gave her always seemed to have something in his eyes that made her stomach flutter, and the comment about riling her up - nope not going there!
Raising her head just enough to take another long pull from the glass, Sienna looked over to where Owen was gracefully filling glasses and trading quips with Rocky and his people. Seeing Rocky and Owen next to each other made Sienna groan to herself as she realized, contrary to what Nia believed, she did in fact have a type. That type just so happened to be competent men with beefy arms, easy smiles, and massive hearts of gold.
The table seemed oddly silent, Elsie and Mi-an hadn't said anything in a while, which was more than a bit suspicious, considering how those two talked constantly. Looking over, Sienna saw the two of them were very involved in each other.
"Oi, get a room!" she barked.
The two broke apart visibly flustered. Mi-an just giggled before standing up and pulling a dazed Elsie along with her. Sienna raised her stein at them with a smirk; it was about time those two did something about all the pheromones swirling around them. However, it left her drinking alone on a Saturday night, which suddenly felt much more pitiful than it had other times she'd done it. While weighing the options of leaving early to preserve what little pride she might have left against the desire to use story night as an excuse to stare at Owen without it being weird, a warm arm draped over her shoulder, along with an aura of sweat, dirt, and salvage. Looking up, Sienna saw Venti's warm chocolate eyes sparkling down at her,
"Come have a drink with us builder! We wouldn't be having the successful months we are without your lift!"
Sienna would never admit how much she melted at the offer of inclusion. Beaming, she picked up the still mostly full beer and brought it with her over to the raucous bar. The small group cheered at her arrival. Warmth spread through Sienna at the enthusiastic greeting, although it was tempered by a slight twinge of something more melancholic, knowing she was just a visitor for the night. Still, for the time being, it was nice.
Sienna let their easy banter wash over her, adding a few jabs herself here and there. Things were starting to get fuzzier, the Highwind beer finally kicking in. As she was nearing the bottom of the glass, Sienna watched Rocky throw his arm around Peck and give the man a solid hug. Draining the glass, she slammed it down on the counter, drawing more than a few stares. Ignoring them, she pointed at Rocky and declared,
"Rocky, I would die and kill for you," the other patrons' stares were joined by dropped jaws. For his part, Rocky nodded solemnly, walked over to Sienna, clapped her on the shoulder firmly, and replied,
"I know this, and I love you. I would never ask you to do either of them though."
Sienna nodded sagely, "That's fine, I just needed you to know."
Rocky pulled her in to a crushing hug, which Sienna returned with as much strength as she could muster. In that moment, for whatever reason, Rocky acknowledging her willingness to commit violence on his behalf and flat out saying he loved her, squashed what little remained of her small crush. It defied all reason, but his hug felt like something she might get from a brother or an uncle, effectively writing off any romantic inklings with it. When he finally let go, Rocky gave her a clap on the back and a wide smile. Sienna beamed back at him, then turned to look for Owen or Grace. Her beer was empty, and it would probably be a good idea to have something a little more hydrating.
Owen had just slid behind the bar, presumably to get drinks for another table. Sienna waited until he turned around to call,
He looked up at her with a strange look she couldn't place and didn't feel like sorting through the buzz that had finally made itself known to figure it out. In a moment, his face was back to its usual pleasant expression. Which was strange too, cause usually he was smirking or grinning at her, or something.
"Can I help you, Sienna?" he asked politely.
She stared at him. What the fuck? The last time Owen had used her name was...hell, she couldn't even remember when. And the way he said it was so professional and impersonal, completely at odds with the man who had plopped her drink down in front of her however long ago she started it. It ate at her in a way it really shouldn't. Well, to heck with it. If he wanted to be the polite and proper one now, she could be the smirking flirty one in his stead. Leaning onto the bar and cupping her chin, Sienna said,
"I could use a tall glass of water after all that alcohol. And if you're not available, well then a large sandberry juice will do."
Owen dropped the glass he was holding.
Sienna's eyes widened as she tracked its descent, unable to do anything to stop it. Owen just managed to shake himself enough to catch it before disaster struck. You could not have paid Sienna to explain why such a stupid line had come out of her mouth. Probably because she was closer to drunk than buzzed, and when had that happened? Regardless, Sienna's little quip had put a bit of that something back in Owen's eyes, but he still looked more guarded than usual. For her part, Sienna was fairly certain a fire extinguisher was going to be needed for her flaming cheeks.
"Thought you weren't getting hammered, Builder," he said slowly, setting the rescued glass back down. Hearing Owen revert back to the usual nickname flooded Sienna's veins with relief.
"Still not hammered."
Owen closed his eyes for a moment, and took a deep breath. He opened his eyes, filled the glass with sandberry juice and slid it across the counter to Sienna. The whole time, he avoided eye contact. Somehow, no one else in the Blue Moon seemed to realize what had just happened. Still without looking at her, Owen said,
"I think we should talk after the story tonight."
Sienna swallowed hard, "Okay," she managed to get out. That sounded immensely ominous. The lack of eye contact was also throwing her for a loop. Thankfully, the nearly drunk buzz she had going on dulled the anxiety building up from what Owen said. Did she cross a line? Had she misread him, and it wasn't actually flirting? Before Sienna's thoughts could spiral any further, Venti was clamoring for her opinion on extracting raw ore versus breaking down scrap and which was more effective for maximum resource acquisition. Grateful for the distraction, Sienna plunged into the conversation head first.
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enbyleighlines · 6 months
Leigh plays Tellius prt 11
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It's time to push around some priests!
I absolutely adore how Tellius has so many cartoonishly evil villains. Schaeffer especially is so much fun to hate.
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Regrettably, I underestimated the boss, and wound up losing Boyd to a crit from his killer bow, so I had to do this map twice. Whoops...
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On my second go, I hatched a plan that would allow me to take down Schaeffer without any risk of getting one-shot by a critical hit. I first left an unarmed Soren in Schaeffer's killer bow range, knowing that he's immune to critical hits so long as Ike is adjacent to him. Then on my next turn, I had Ike deal the finishing blow, with Reyson hovering nearby in case I needed someone to make a hasty retreat.
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Schaeffer's defeat lines are so funny. You don't get more cartoonishly evil than this.
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Here's a visual of what everything looked like. I actually had to use Reyson to give Ike a second turn, because he wasn't able to kill Schaeffer in one round. I also had to put that priest in the lower left corner to sleep at one point, because I accidentally left Boyd in his range with a two-handed weapon.
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Now it's time for this scene! I wonder if the writing on the wall actually translates to anything, or if it's just random gibberish that's been copy and pasted.
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Do we ever find out just how many siblings Reyson has? Is having a ton of siblings a heron-only thing? Or was Lorazieh and his wife just overambitious? I feel like, with how canonically frail herons are, that childbirth would be difficult for them.
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How does one translate a name into a different language?
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Ranulf has returned!!!
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I think this may be my favorite thing Ranulf has ever said. He is such a fucking charmer. Ugh, my heart.
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I snorted at Ranulf calling Soren a "nervous little staff officer". Most people consider Soren moody and detached, but I think this is the first time someone has described him as "nervous". But I think it makes sense if Soren always seems nervous around the laguz.
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And now we finally get Ike and Soren's relationship to A rank! Huzzah!
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I also got Mist and Boyd to B rank at long last. And it looks like Boyd is the one who started crushing first. Unsurprising, really. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Boyd's love language is dunking on people and being dunked on. It's only natural he would fall in love with Mist, who dunks on Boyd like she's getting paid for it.
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Yay! The infamous Aimee and Soren scene! I always wondered about this bit, though. What do you mean, there's only one of these in all the world? Then how does one also exist in Radiant Dawn? Is this a mistranslation?
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Next was the bridge map! I could have looked up a map about which squares to avoid, but I was too lazy to do that, and instead relied on my memory. Which turns out was a bad idea, because I still fell into a bunch of holes! Even so, I didn't have any problems with this map.
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Lucia! Behold, a true bicon.
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I had to get Petrine and Soren's dialogue. I am a little sad we never get to learn more about Petrine being Branded. How does she feel about it? Has she experienced discrimination before? Surely her experiences have influenced her fanatic hatred of the laguz. And perhaps her overconfident personality is her overcompensating for a secret self-loathing? Idk, I think it would be interesting if they explored that.
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I decided to give the killing blow to Boyd, as a bit of an apology, both for letting him die to Schaeffer, but also for putting provoke on him so he would take all the hits from the ballistae.
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Ike and Ranulf's C-rank conversation was immediately available after this map, so yay! And man, maybe it's just my shipper goggles blinding me from the obvious, but um, how else am I supposed to interpret this line other than Ranulf hitting on Ike?
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Ike being so unbelievably tickled by Ranulf's stupid puns gives me so much life.
And that's part 11! We are getting into the endgame, and I'm starting to get nervous. Will I defeat the Black Knight? If I don't, does it count as letting Nasir die? Does that go against my "no deaths" rule?
Ahhhhh, let's hope all goes well.
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suolainensilakka · 6 months
favorite kingdom hearts characters. for science
WELL, gently taps the current pinned post of this blog, that one's a freebie ^__^
Anyway. BOY ranking them all is really hard bc so many characters in the series have permanently set up camp in my head by now and arent particularly inclined to leave any time soon, but if I had to list off just a couple examples that have caused me the most brain damage so far, itd be:
- Terra, hands down my number 1 most specialest guy in the whole world. Instantly became enamored with him from the moment I first set eyes on him and then proceeded to have all of my ribs carefully and meticulously pulled out of my chest one by one throughout the entirety of bbs and the entire rest of the series after that. Its so dire man I literally cannot look at any images of him now without physically having to hold myself back from making a long strangled whine Out Loud With My Mouth every time
- the entire Wayfinder Trio as a collective unit + Vanitas also tbh. Terra's obviously my Primary Favorite but the wayfinders as a whole also make my heart hurt so fucking bad man. My partner and I choose to interpret them all as siblings bc it leads to some exceptionally delicious and painful rs dynamics to explore imo and something abt it just makes The Miseries hit that much harder in ways that have literally had me writhing on the couch with a thousand yard stare rapidly cycling through the five stages of grief on loop. I'm also counting Vanitas as part of the unit bc he's just so closely tied to Ven in my brain that separating them (lol.) feels Wrong (lmao.), and. God. Vanitas might just be one of THE most tragic characters in literally any media I've experienced and I say this without a single hint of irony. The current total wordcount of the rps that I've written abt the wayfinders with my partner so far has probably shot past 50k by now. Why am I hurds
- Kairi. I was originally mostly ambivalent/neutrally intrigued abt her but kept getting increasingly more pissed abt her treatment and constant sidelining by the writing to the point where I got to kh3/mom and something in me snapped entirely, and from that moment onwards I decided to love her entirely out of spite. She instantly shot up to become one of my favorites after that and if I think abt her meta and story potential for longer than five minutes at a time I start frothing at the mouth
- Sora, naturally. I have so so so so many thoughts on this little darling boy that could easily double the wordcount of this ask just by themselves but the most important thing to mention here in lieu of that, for now, is that he's is the One (1) and ONLY child ive ever seen, whether real or fictional, that has made me experience emotions anywhere Close to resembling baby fever. I want to dribble him like a basketball but also gently pinch his cheek affectionately and also spoil him silly like a grandma seeing her beloved grandson again for the first time in months
- Xigbar. This fucko is the one I'm the most mad about ending up liking as much as I do, not because hes a bad character, absolutely far from it I fucking ADORE this terrible bodyhopping little cunt, but because it happened by complete accident after I realized he shares a lot of (surface) similarities with my favorite blorbo from another entirely unrelated franchise and I then got mad about realizing I have a very easily clockable Type (which I've affectionately dubbed the Guys That Suck category. I have more too obv but its the funniest one I have). He's also infuriatingly fun to write. Get me OUT of here
- Xemnas, Terranort and Ansem SoD. Everyone in the Nort Collective counts tbh but those three are the ones I lose sleep over the most, particularly the first two; Xemnas bc he makes me feel an unfathomably deep and haunting sense of grief (brought on by me finishing bbs and then realizing days later the exact way his creation connects to Terra's story and hearing the sound of fucking glass shattering at the back of my head instantly), and Terranort bc I'm fucking terrified of him and he also makes me want to eat gravel whenever I think abt him in context with him interacting with the rest of the wayfinders. He's also really fun to write and this fact Upsets Me. Ansem's listed bc you can never go wrong with the ol reliable mad scientist. The rest of the norts I would probably also be a lot more insane over once I actually get off my damn ass and start picking through the mobile games but that's an endeavor for Future Salty (i am very excited and terrified)
- the Lingering Will. I'm counting it as a separate entity from Terra and the rest of the Terra Collective on a technicality bc (LOUD TELEVISION STATIC AS I GESTURE FRANTICALLY AND FURIOUSLY @ THE JUMBLED BALL OF YARN LABELED "my thoughts on the physical and psychological effects of being a guy who got his soul and entire being shattered into like five million distinct pieces for over 10 Whole Entire Years" THAT I HAVE NOT EXPLAINED THE ENTIRETY OF TO A SINGLE OTHER SOUL ON EARTH) but. Eah. This fucking haunted hunk of metal has been eating holes through my brain tissue ever since I first saw the kh2 secret superboss and I'm distraught over it every single day of my life. This thing is like a weird bug to me. Do you understand. (tearign up) Do you get me. Do I have to pull out the Lingering Will/The Hollow Knight venn diagram
And as for the other fuckos haunting my cranium on the daily I can only mention a couple other honorary picks that honestly could also very well have made it to the main list if not for the fact that this post is already long enough as it is, and these following characters are therefore mostly delegated to Sleeper Agent Blorbos who I don't think about QUITE as often as the ones listed above but whenever I Do I get just as distraught and ailed over them. Anyway, shoutout to the entire Seasalt Trio, Demyx, Riku, Repliku, Naminé and Saïx and probably many others I'm forgetting rn bc it is currently 2 am and I'm running on approximately 5-6 hours of sleep and a prayer 👍 god bless and amen
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2xplusungood · 9 months
Some thoughts on Charlie and The Chocolate Factory (2015)
So this movie came out when I was in middle school and I remember absolutely despising it because it was different from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. WW has and will always will have a special place in my heart and is still one of my favorite movies of all time.. but in terms of adaptation, its very bad. Its no secret Roald Dahl hated it and I see why.
But now rewatching Charlie almost 20 years later, I have to say its an amazing movie and a wonderful adaptation of the original book.
I've seen people criticize the opening becuase Willy Wonka's opening is absolutely ICONIC. The footage of real chocolate being made makes you hungry for a chocolate bar as you see liquid chocolate cascade over itself vs. Charlie's cold CGI opening. So WW's is better right?
Well, not necessarily. WW was made to sell chocolate first and foremost, so having such a chocolate filled opening is really just doing its job of advertising for Quaker oats by showing a very realistic portrayal of chocolate while also setting the stage for a fun romp in the world of candy.
Charlie's opening is cold because its also setting the stage. Its simultaneously fantastical and nonsensical while also being foreboding and ominous. Its a fun romp to be sure, but it does have its dark side as children are being picked off one by one in factory accidents. Its whimsical but its not SAFE.
You can see a clear inspiration from old Fairy tales in Dahl's writing, where things are magical but have a clear dangerous, darker side to them. Matilda was the story of violent abuse by an authority figure. The BFG had giants that ate people. And Willy Wonka's chocolate factory almost acts as a portal into a fairy world where the foolish are punished if they do not heed the warnings.
WW, for all its magic and nostalgia seems to miss this (Which is why the boat scene is just so JARRING). I LOVE Gene Wilder as Wonka, but does he act like someone who's been isolated inside of a factory for the last 15 years due to his own paranoia? He's insane to be sure, but he's also suave and is an amazing showman.
Charlie gets Wonka a whole lot closer to the source material. He almost seems completely disconnected from reality, and while he has a showman's spirit, his social skills are as horrendous as you'd expect a eccentric recluse's to be.
The other ticket winners are also handled a lot better. WW's does alright with setting up their flaws when showing they won, but until they get bumped off, aside from Veruca, none of them really have much of a personality.
WW's Augustus Gloop just straight up does not have a character. The most he gets is cracking a joke about how much chocolate he's going to be eating and getting overexcited about a room where everything is edible and then... gets punished for drinking from a chocolate river in a room where everything else is fine to eat. Honestly I just feel bad for him
Charlie's Augustus Gloop absolutely nails him being a glutton. In just about every shot of him he's shoveling chocolate in his mouth and goes outright BEAST mode in the candy room grabbing everything he can and shoving it in his mouth and almost CHARGES into the river. His punishment feels a lot more warranted as he's also kind of a dick as well.
WW's violet has a somewhat competitive nature.. but not really aside from the gum record, which honestly comes off more as a silly game between her and a friend. Otherwise shes just kind of a smartass (I'd honestly rank her just behind Veruca. Overall just kind of... alright as a character.)
Charlie's Violet is EXTREMELY competitive, and thats reinforced throughout the film as she tries to suck up to Wonka to win the grand prize and has a very unhealthy dynamic her mother (reinforcing the core themes that the children are not at fault, its the parents for making their kids like this)
Veruca Salt's great in both movies. No complaints.
Now Mike Teevee. I have a lot to say about him.
WW's Mike Teevee is an extremely, EXTREMELY lukewarm take on the character. While he does make a couple references to violence things that happens on TV, he's just kind of an excited kid who gets overexcited becuase he loves TV and wants to be a part of that world and literally does.
Charlie's Mike Teevee is an absolutely AMAZING modern take on the character. Roald Dahl hated what TV did to children (Anyone who's read the book and seen how long the Oompa Loompa song is for him could probably guess that) and Mike is a great reflection of that. He's not stupid but his overindulgence in media has robbed him of his innocence and turned him into a cynical know-it-all, making him an amazing foil for both Charlie and Wonka as he constantly points out how all this whimsical fun makes no sense, and theres a clear parallel to anyone who's read the book or watched WW and were like "ackshully thats not how that works." He ultimately meets his fate due to his own hubris, thinking he's a genius for figuring out that the TV room is basically a teleporter, but really he's foolish for not realizing he's completely out of his element in such a fantastic setting.
As much as I love WW, the one thing that does not sit right with me is the Slugworth plotline. Charlie and his family live in extreme poverty to where even a loaf a bread is a luxury. He's essentially given the choice between making sure his family is taken care of financially for the rest of their lives, or... not doing so, so that some rich business tycoon can get even more rich. I mean sure, it would suck for Wonka's one good deed in making a candy specifically for poor kids being corrupted, but thats a lot to put on a child.
Charlie in WW is also alright as a character. Like he's a genuinely good kid, but it makes it a point that he wants to win more than anyone else, but you don't really get that feeling. Sure he has a passing glance at the factory and is very curious about it, but Charlie's Charlie does a lot more to show that the factory and Wonka has always been a part of his life as he's been basically living in its shadow. Chocolate is a rare treat for the bucket family, and you can tell just by the way they slowly nibble at the corner whenever they have one that they want to savor every crumb of it.
I don't think I even have to go over how bad the grandparents are in WW. Theres an entire subreddit about Grandpa Joe while the rest are just kind of silent props. Charlie's Grandpa Joe is a lot more fun, still young at heart despite how old and weak he's gotten, Grandma Joesephine is a sort of reflection of that and is very encouraging, Grandpa George is an AMAZING character despite his little screentime, being the more cynical one of the family while at the same time being very wise, advising Charlie to not squander a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a bit of temporary financial security. Grandma Georgina is just sort of comic relief but is still genuinely sweet.
Charlie's father was killed off in WW, but in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory he plays a small but important role in the story, as despite him having what might be the most boring, mundane job you could think of still finds small joy in it, something that is clearly passed down to Charlie.
As a result of Charlie's father being dead in WW, his mother does a lot more heavy lifting in the story, being very cynical but in a way that makes it clear shes just trying to protect Charlie from the disappointment in the overwhelmingly likely scenario that he never finds the ticket, reminding him that his family will always be there for him regardless of what happens.
However, this means that Wonka ends up being a sort of father figure to Charlie which.. doesn't really work narratively. Wonka is a very whimsical person, but he's also not a great role model. As much shit as the plotline with Wonka's father tends to get, I think it really does make him a more interesting character and gives context for why he's so reclusive and disconnected from other people and the found family aspect of the ending really ties everything together nicely.
Overall, both movies are amazing in their own ways Willy Wonka for a more lighthearted comidic take of the story and Charlie for one that is much closer to Roald Dahl's original vision. Now wheres my adaptation of Great Glass elevator I wanna see Wonka talk about the genocide of the rest of the solar system.
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