#leigh plays tellius
enbyleighlines · 5 months
Leigh plays Tellius prt 2
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We got Soren's first crit on this map! Btw, this stupid pirate map took me THREE tries. Once I lost Mist, and twice the houses were burnt down before I could get to them. Ugh. This was the first map that gave me any trouble.
And unfortunately, it wouldn't be the last.
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The prisoner's map! I decided not to do the stealth thing, and just killed everybody. I think I took a little too long, though, so I didn't get much bonus exp from this map. But it's okay, because I now have Nephenee and Kieran, two more fruits to add to my basket. And Brom, too, of course. I love him, but I'm sorry, I will probably never use him. Armored knights and I don't get along too well.
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Gosh, I absolutely love the dynamic between these two characters. I 100% believe that Kieran has a crush on Oscar, and that's why he took Oscar's discharge from the military so personally. One day, Kieran will realize why Oscar's squinty-eyed face makes his heart go all pitter-patter. Until then, I will fully enjoy getting these two to A rank.
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Yeeeee, Nephenee!! I have said it before, and I will say it again. I love how there is just a series of chapters in early PoR where you get to recruit a new anime waifu each map. In any other FE game, these would be Ike's love interests. But not in this game! I just love how Ike collects this group of cute girls with fun, quirk personalities, and then remains platonic friends with all of them. And of all the "recruitable waifus", Nephenee is definitely my favorite. She's just too damn adorable.
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I made a terrible error on this map, and accidentally put Mia within the boss's range. Thankfully, she survived with 1 HP, and I was not forced to redo this map. Whew!
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It's Port Toha time! I love that Ranulf pays such close attention to Soren. Apparently, in the Japanese version, it's implied in this scene that Ranulf knows Soren's secret, which explains why Ranulf keeps such a close eye on him. I wonder if this is Ranulf's first time meeting someone like Soren. I really wish the game had expanded on this. I bet Ranulf and Soren would have some really interesting conversations. If they ever remake these games and add support convos to RD, I hope Soren and Ranulf have a support chain.
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The fucking humor in this game is so great.
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I don't even know what to say about this line, but man, does it make me feel a certain sort of way. Mackoya is not the only character who expresses this sentiment, but I do believe it is the first we see it, this idea that soldiers will become weak without "a steady diet of war". It's a key aspect of Ashnard's entire philosophy. I like how this completely contradicts with what Mist says later, about "Doesn't everybody want peace?" Because no, they clearly don't. There is no use for soldiers in a world without war, after all.
Someone much smarter than me could turn this into an entire thesis paper.
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I respect Zihark 100%, but man, his introduction is wild. Entirely unprompted, he's just like "how many men do you want me to murder? Give me a number and I'll start hacking!" It's a shame I never use him, because I love him as a character. I do wish we got to learn more about his past, or had his past tie into the plot.
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I always snort out loud at this line, because like, what steps are you taking, Nasir? There are two defining features of dragon laguz, which are the forehead markings and the pointed ears. You have decided to conceal neither of these things. You could easily hide your ears in your hair. Your hair is long enough. And what is the point of those things around your forehead? Could you not put some dangling gem or something to cover up your forehead marking?
I will accept that most beorc probably don't know what dragon laguz look like, but still. Nasir has taken exactly 0 steps in concealing his identity.
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This might be my single favorite line from Ike. Gosh, he's so funny, I love him.
And that's it for part 2! Next time, we fight some pirates!
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randomnameless · 8 months
Considering that the English translation prettied up Caspar's endings for Flower (changing "often out of control to "sometimes reckless" and removing the text confirmed Caspar's career involves invading other countries), while vilifying his non-CF ending (saying he had victims), yeah. Same with turning Rhea restoring the Church to her rehabilitating it. There's definitely reason to side-eye the changes made by the translation team.
(bcs i didn't enjoy FE14)
FE16 and Nopes (and all Fodlan content) seriously made me reconsider my stance on the localisation.
After FE Tellius I knew (I mean after FE10) that changes/omissions existed but never thought they were deliberately made to push one character by destroying others, the general feeling was the same at the end of the game (we are supposed to worship Ike, the localisation played it up to 11, but FE10 does it on its own).
Now, FE16 ?
I was pleasantly surprised with FE15's voice acting so I thought the dark eras of lolcalisation were behind us...
But then Rhage popped up.
And with Rhage, I started to notice all little tweaks here and there made in the localised (some at least) scripts, that added end up with the result that "maybe Supreme Leader isn't that bad" that is pretty different from the JP/og version.
When FE10's loc said "Ike is the most awesome dude ever" instead of the jp FE10 saying "Ike is the most awesome dude", the Fodlan lolcalisation tries to give a different meaning to the solution/story given by the game!
As you pointed out, Caspar doesn't invade countries and is "sometimes" reckless, instead of being "out of control while invading the rest of the known world", his non uwu endings are worsened, Rhea was swapped by Rhage, the church needs to be "rehabilited" instead of "restored"...
I don't want to be overly critical and dissect everything when I'm playing a game, I'm playing first and foremost to enjoy myself but when I listen to Leigh's voiced lines and see this :
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or this :
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even if you're not thinking about localisation too much, you can see there is an issue in voice direction, which leads to discovering issues in script localisation and then... you start to ask "why", and come up with sad answers.
So, because Fodlan verse really disappointed me lolcalisation wise, even if I made exceptions earlier for FE14 and FE15, I can't be assed to trust the lolcalisation at all, so if a game has audio but no dual audio, it will be a hard pass.
Even if a kind soul, like the ones who made the FE Datamine site, compile and upload the script with the different audios to compare, it's a big no-no.
I know jp audio will not solve everything (especially if i still don't understand the jp script lol) but at least when the localised script tries to sell me the apple that is orange in the original script is akshually purple I'd have some clues about something being wrong.
More power to you if you like purple apples, but if I was supposed to get an orange apple, I would like to get this orange apple (or maybe red or yellow if needed), and not another product.
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enbyleighlines · 4 months
Leigh plays Tellius prt 29
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Gosh, I love this image. It's so unnecessarily sinister. Plus that whole "my master" shit? I feel like I've been calling everyone in Tellius fruity but c'mon. Ugh. Love these two.
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And I was riding that high until I got to this part.
And I stopped. And I stared. And I stared some more.
New's flash: I screwed up! Hard!! I thought I only needed one clear file saved to the game in order to unlock all NG+ stuff. Turns out I have to start a new file OVER the clear file.
Which I did not do. Because I am an idiot who misread the directions.
So all that work I did?? Training up Heather so she could steal the meteor tome? Stranding Soren in a lake surrounded by wyvern riders so he could attack Micaiah?? Ensuring that Ike fought the Black Knight and lived???
All for nothing. Nada. All that time and effort... WASTED.
When I reached this point, I seriously considered just... deleting my file and starting from scratch. Or maybe taking a break from Radiant Dawn entirely. I was so distressed.
However, I eventually sucked it up. And I murdered Pelleas.
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Sweet dreams, my beloved spineless noodle. I vow to save you on my next playthrough.
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And then after dealing with that heartbreak, I had to go through this map. Thank Ashera that Ike doesn't start moving until the second to last turn. And that Soren doesn't move at all.
My Dawn Babies were not prepared to fight this many laguz. However, I did manage to survive.
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This is such a cool cutscene, but knowing how weak Kurthnaga is as a unit (at least when you first recruit him) kind of ruins this one for me, at least in retrospect. You're telling me that he can topple a watchtower with one breath? This man can barely deal damage to bishops.
Yes, I am exaggerating for effect. But it's really not that far off from the truth.
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Aww!!! Another Rafiel and Micaiah hug! My heart? Warm. My crops? Watered. This is too dang cute.
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*insert obligatory "they said the thing" joke here*
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I feel like we don't talk enough about how fucked up Almedha is. Like, sure, she's a super hot milf with a tragic backstory and we all love her design and story. I'm not denying any of that; it's true. But man, she might not have loved Ashnard, but her views certainly did line up with his in a lot of areas.
And that's it for this post. All I have left of part 3 is the epic epilogue. Despite the lingering disappointment of not being able to unlock the secret ikesoren conversation, I am highly anticipating the absolute hype of part 4.
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enbyleighlines · 4 months
Leigh plays Tellius prt 19
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We are in the final arc of part 1 of Radiant Dawn! Which starts with this terrifying scene of Tormod almost losing his surrogate father all because Izuka is up to his racist bullshit again. I'm so glad that Rafiel was around for this.
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That said, I feel like this is sort of beside the point, Tormod. I do know that he goes on to say that the feral drug destroys a laguz's sense of self, but I feel like that part should have gone first. That seems like the more important bit. Anyway, the fact that Tormod chose to stick around after this is baffling. If someone tried to turn my surrogate parent into a mindless zombie, I'd probably be committing murder.
I am kind of interested to see how the feral drug might affect one of the Branded. We know how they affect laguz, and how they affect beorc (via Renning), but how would it affect someone of mixed decent? I like to imagine that it would transform them, but instead of turning them into a full dragon, bird, or beast, it turns them into something in-between, kind of like a werewolf situation.
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Here comes the biggest douche in town. I feel like his character art in this game is drastically different from his art in PoR. In PoR, he gives off the vibes of a grumpy chef. I much prefer this art, because it makes him look like the self-righteous bastard we all know him to be. I cannot wait to destroy him.
Next was the solo Micaiah map. I did have to redo this one once, only because Micaiah failed to dodge a series of hits, despite the enemy's low hit percentage. Ah, but that's Radiant Dawn in a nutshell.
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Alder always bewilders me. He doesn't seem to be much of a character, but then here he does this, and even has this arguably touching bit of dialogue with Jarod. If only Jarod wasn't an absolute monster of a human being. Otherwise I might feel something other than disappointment that we don't get to kill Jarod here. I know this would make an anti-climatic ending to part 1, so he has to survive here so that we can do the big battle in the next chapter. But man. The fact that he could have died here but doesn't is such a tease.
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Micaiah, I love you, I really do. I know your core character trait is your compassion. But this man is responsible for all the pain and suffering of the Daein people. Just let the Black Knight execute him. Again, I know it would make the story less interesting, but Micaiah. Jarod needs to die.
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Oh Pelleas, you adorable awkward bean. But I have to give credit where credit is due. This takes a lot of courage, courage his spineless body does not usually possess. And though his speech starts out rocky, in the end he does a much better job that I could have done. So kudos to you, Prince Pelleas!
The next chapter is the finale of part 1! But before getting to the map, I'd like to go through my Radiant Dawn babies to compare their stats to their averages and see how they're progressing, so I'll do that in part 20.
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enbyleighlines · 4 months
Leigh plays Tellius prt 16
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It's been a while, but I'm back! I wanted to take time to focus on my Big Bang fic, but I found that the promise of playing Radiant Dawn motivates me to write, so... Here we go!
Here are my goals for Radiant Dawn:
Beat the game without losing any units
Unlock Ike and Soren's special base conversation
Take Ranulf to endgame
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And here we go! I'll probably just speed through the first few chapters without much commentary, because there isn't much to say. I will say that my personal theory is that Edward and Leonardo were initially intended as one character before being split into two. Because they gave Edward a personality but no backstory, and they gave Leonardo a backstory but no personality.
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Ahhh, Jarod. I do love to hate Jarod. He's just such an asshole. And he makes for a great antagonist to Micaiah, because he's everything she's not. He's power hungry and sadistic, while she wants to help others but is nervous about being the center of attention.
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This is random, but I just wanted to take a second to appreciate that donkey they added to the left. Too cute.
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I think the implication is that Micaiah foresaw the fact that she would run into Jarod, and so she decided to split the party so that the others would have a chance to avoid capture, but I still think this is a terrible idea. And I am surprised that Sothe agreed to this plan, considering how overprotective he is of her.
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(Insert gagging noises here)
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I love Micaiah and Sothe's dynamic. With everyone else, she is polite but distant. With Sothe, Micaiah isn't afraid to be more honest about her thoughts and feelings.
Also, this was the first map that gave me trouble in RD. There are just so many reinforcements! And my Dawn babies were just not strong enough to keep up. I'm so glad I got Ilyana all those transfer bonuses. I don't know how I would have gotten through this map without them.
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I did get my first perfect level up on this map, though. And it was for Micaiah! Go, Micaiah!
And I think that's where I'm going to end it for now. From now on, the actual plot starts kicking in. Overall, I had fun with these chapters, despite the frustration of trying to keep Edward, Leonardo, and Laura alive. There are so many squishy characters in the Dawn Brigade! At least my Nolan seems to be doing well.
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enbyleighlines · 5 months
Leigh plays Tellius prt 10
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It's time to lay siege on Daein Keep!
Also, I love how quickly these racist Daein men change their tune as soon as they have a dragon on their side. Keep in mind, they believe the entire reason they went to war with Crimea was to apply sanctions for the Crimean nobility creating an alliance with a "sub-human" nation. But it's okay as long as the laguz is on their side, right? I love how this game isn't afraid to show just how hypocritical people can be.
Ena was super brave for this, imo. She couldn't be certain that they wouldn't all turn on her the second they realized that she was a laguz. I really love her character.
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Damn, I always forget how OP Mist is once you give her a sonic sword. It's too bad there aren't swords that do magic damage in RD, or else Mist would have swept the floor with everyone.
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It was here that I had my first perfect level-up! Oscar, my man, you never disappoint. He continues to be at or above average for all of his stats, except for strength. Gosh, I love this guy. I mean, I'd love him no matter what, but the fact that he's succeeding so hard is a wonderful bonus.
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I kind of hate the implication that Tauroneo assumes that Mist cannot learn or pass down Gawain's style of swordsmanship. Not only is it sexist, Mist can use a sword!
But whatever. I have Tauroneo now I guess.
In any case, this map was smooth sailing. I swiped all the treasures, and wiped out all of the enemies without issue.
I did intend to draw out the Ena fight to get as much exp as possible, but Ike decided to Aether her TWICE in the first round. So that was a touch disappointing.
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Here we go with Ashnard's core philosophy again. I do kind of find it ironic that, according to how the game works, Ashnard is 100% accurate. If I want to win the game, I need to get my characters exp, which comes from fighting enemies. And if I leave a unit on the bench too many times, they will fall behind, because the enemies we face get a little stronger on every map.
That being said, I still want an essay on Ashnard's world philosophy, how it relates to certain philosophies in our world, and the way the story handles it.
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I love how absolutely petrified (heh) Petrine is in this scene. In every scene before this one, Petrine is a villain with the utmost confidence in herself. But in this scene, Petrine is so intimidated by Ashnard that she can barely speak. It's interesting to see a different side of her.
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Yes, Ashnard is irredeemably evil. I do appreciate his sass, though. This line always gets a hearty chuckle from me.
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Zelgius!!! Honestly, I could barely take this scene seriously, because I kept remembering the ongoing bit in Jello's PoR stream where Ike has a huge crush on Zelgius. For all Tellius fans, this is a must-watch.
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Titania continues to be tired of Soren being a sourpuss all the time. I love Soren with all my heart, but I do imagine his constant cynicism can get annoying, especially in such a tense atmosphere.
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That being said, Soren is right as usual. Really, Soren's main role in this game is to speak the truth that no one else wants to hear. And luckily, Ike actually appreciates Soren for it.
Like, sure, a lot of what Soren says is harsh, sometimes even cruel. But it all comes from a place of him wanting to protect others.
Aaaand, that's the siege on Daein Keep!
Next time, I get to play some tetris with some knights and finally, finally, FINALLY recruit Ranulf.
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enbyleighlines · 5 months
Leigh plays Tellius prt 9
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It's time to get the knight ring from Naesala!
I love Ike's attitude here. That being said, I did make the decision to have Janaff talk to Naesala, because there's no way that I'm going to fight Naesala. I like to imagine that Janaff did it of his own volition.
This map took me waaaay too many tries, because I was determined not to kill any crows. The crows did not make this easy for me. Additionally, drawing Naesala out without him destroying any of my units proved to be... a bit of a challenge. Finally, I just used Tanith's recruitment skill to summon some nameless NPC's to do that job for me. Sorry, random pegasus knight! Your sacrifice will never be forgotten.
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A man with a killer axe attempted to attack Nephenee, but I gave her vantage, and she decided to one-shot him with a crit of her own. Oh, Nephenee, you absolute bloodthirsty menace you.
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Time for the big reveal! I forgot this happened so soon.
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Gosh, such a powerful visual. Poor Elena and Greil. They both deserved so much better.
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Some people typecast Titania as the team mom, and I have no objections against it, but I think her sass is terribly underappreciated. I love how often she beefs with Soren, who at this point in the story looks like a literal child.
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Two points here:
First, I (ironically) love how Mist's medallion is stolen the morning following Ike and Volke's conversation. If only Nasir had stolen it a little earlier, Ike would have had a very different reaction. Like, yes, family heirloom, it sucks that it's gone, but it's not the end of the world.
Second, I (sincerely) love how Ike is allowed to be a bit of an asshole sometimes. Like, when he gets stressed out, he lashes out at people. He gets cranky and irritable, like in that conversation with Jeorge about battle tactics. And it makes sense. He has a lot to shoulder during PoR, and he never asked to be put into any position of leadership in the first place. He's allowed to be angry and bitter about it.
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I always forget that, on top of their prejudice against laguz, Daein is also anti-immigrant. Really, the toxic patriotism of Daein feels so painfully familiar at times. I feel like someone could write an entire essay on this subject. Additionally, I wonder if Jill has experienced anything like this, or is it different because she was born in Daein?
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Man, I both do and don't feel for Shiharam. Like, okay, he's a good man. But he's also a man who allowed his daughter to participate in laguz hunts. I know it was all for the purpose of gaining the king's trust, but still. He kind of made this bed for himself. I don't know. It's such a complicated matter, and I like that he's a complicated character. My feelings about him just keep flip-flopping all over the place.
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Gotta love Soren's pragmatism! I love how he deeply understands how society functions, while also being critical of the systems in place. I feel like you usually see this sort of pragmatism from characters who are rich and full of themselves, blaming the underclass for their own misfortune. Soren knows why things are the way that they are, knows that, because the people rely on nobility for protection, there is a huge power imbalance between nobility and the common folk. As he says earlier in Begnion: "From the moment of our birth to our final dying gasp, we commoners know we are not allowed to defy the upper classes."
So while Soren's lecture here is extremely brutal, I don't think it comes from a place of bad intentions. In his eyes, Elincia is naive and inexperienced, and has thus far been ignorant of the true horrors that the average Crimean has had to endure. He is angry because he cares. He is angry because he's worried about the future of Crimea.
I'm just... I love Soren. As Ike says, deep down he's a big softie.
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And I finally got Mist to second tier! With this, I have officially gotten all of my main units to class up.
The Talrega map was a walk in the park compared to the previous one. I basically had a small group (which included Jill, Ilyana, Rolf, and Astrid) squat by the houses in the upper left section of the map, and their only job was to destroy as many wyvern riders as possible.
Everybody else just rushed towards the boss at top speed.
Next time: time to lay siege to Daein Keep!
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enbyleighlines · 5 months
Leigh plays Tellius prt 8
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It's time to get everybody's favorite racist uncle Shinon back on our side! I only had to restart this map once, and it was because I forgot to bring Volke to open the chests. Otherwise, it was pretty smooth sailing.
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Never change, Ike.
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There he is... I honestly have such conflicted feelings about Shinon. He's one of those characters that I hate as a person, but at the same time, I appreciate him as a character. He adds a very important element to the Greil Mercs, in that he creates conflict, because he's an instigator by nature, like in the beginning when his values conflict with Titania's. Plus, the Greil Mercs call themselves a family, and you can't have a family without at least one racist asshole, right?
And okay, yes, his relationship with Rolf is cute. Apparently his support conversations with Janaff are really interesting, but I've never read them. Maybe I should do that sometime.
I don't plan on using Shinon in PoR, though. Rolf has exceeded my expectations, so he's going to remain my one and only archer. I'll probably use Shinon in RD, though, at least in part 3. I doubt I'll be bringing him to endgame, but we'll see.
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Shinon said "give it your best shot" and Ike said "okay" and killed him with a critical hit on the first try.
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I love this little contest these two set up, and I also love how we never hear about the conclusion, because we all know who came out on top in that 1v1 fight. And I just love Ike's growing confidence!! He's really growing into his role. This interaction is such a contrast from that battle in chapter 4.
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Ahhh!! The confrontation between Soren and Nasir!!! This scene always hurts me to read.
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I know that Nasir apologizes to Ike, but I believe he also owes Soren an apology for this. Threatening to out Soren if Soren doesn't agree to look the other way? That's so cruel. Nasir, I love you, but wtf.
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Fuck, I always forget how dumb Homasa looks. At first glance, it looks like he has short hair, but no, his hair is actually long in the back. Like, what is that supposed to be? A mullet? Why doesn't the hair from the top flow into the hair that goes down his neck? Why does it look like he has two separate hairstyles going on at the same time? The game wants me to be intimidated by this high-crit rate swordmaster, but then they make him look like this.
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Jill and Mist's A support! I know I said I wanted the Mist and Boyd A support, and I am going to do that in RD, but I decided to go with this support in PoR. Why did I make this choice? I guess I was paranoid about Jill deserting, even though I know she doesn't unless you have her talk to her father.
Anyway, I know Mist is saying this because of her own issues regarding her recently deceased father, but man. Knowing what I know about Ashnard, this line hits different.
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Why are mandolin and manicotti the two first words that come to Ike's mind? I had to google what manicotti was. Apparently it's a type of Italian pasta.
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Reading this conversation, I was struck by how closely the laguz's approach to leadership aligns with Ashnard's whole philosophy about strength determining a person's worth. I wonder if this inspired or at least influenced Ashnard's worldview at some point? Perhaps it was something that he discussed with Almedha, back before their friends with benefits situationship turned sour.
The major difference, I think, is that laguz society don't expect obedience from its people. If they think the leader is worthy, then they will follow. Or so Ulki seems to imply. I wonder what happens when an unfavorable leader becomes king?
Hmmm... much to think about.
Anyway, that is part 8 over and done with. Next, I need to get the knight ring from Naesala.
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enbyleighlines · 5 months
Leigh plays Tellius prt 6
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It's time for the 4-part exp extravaganza that is Day Breaks!
I love how they imply that Soren's heritage gave him pro navigation abilities. Sure, Micaiah gets to see the future, read minds, and heal mortal wounds, but hey! At least Soren doesn't have to worry about getting lost.
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I present this without comment.
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I'm kind of sad that this forbidden bird magic never gets brought up again. All we know is that it's a song called the Dirge of Ruin. I imagine it's like a magic nuke of some sort? But sadly, we shall never know for sure.
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This was the SECOND TIME I had to restart because of Ilyana. And look, I'm not foolish enough to rely on Shade, but twice I accidentally left Ilyana in the danger zone, and both times I was like well maybe she'll be okay. Shade has to trigger sometimes, right?
The answer is no. It never triggers. Shame on me for hoping.
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I know what Ike means, but out of context, this line is so funny.
Also, for those of you who are wondering, this is Ike's reaction every time someone tries to set him up on a date.
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Is this an unpopular opinion? Maybe it is. But I genuinely love Boyd's stupid Viking helmet and high fur collar. Also that custom-made axe? I named it Throwd.
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That was a low blow, Boyd. I love how unamused Mist looks. She already knows he's about to say some dumb shit. I love Boyd, but he does have terminal foot-in-mouth disease, and he 100% deserved the smiting he got from Mist here.
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Ike's growing exasperation with Oliver during this scene is so damn funny. I wish I had gotten the satisfaction of killing him, but unfortunately, Janaff swooped in to land the finishing blow before I could even get most of my units over the middle swamp.
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I love Ike's genuine wonder during this scene. It's a nice callback to the base conversation with Devdan, where Devdan lectures Ike about slowing down to appreciate the simple pleasures of life, so that he doesn't get burnt out before the war even begins. Ike is a character who ultimately fights for the world and the people in it, because he genuinely cares. He's far from naive or optimistic, but his capacity for love, admiration, and respect for life is so wholesome. The horrors of war and the loss of his father initially makes this difficult for him, as he loses sight of anything but revenge, but Ike's journey is about ultimately remaining true to his character, even as he grows and matures.
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I love how Sanaki phrases this: "You will resign yourself." It's clear to her that this is the last thing Ike wants, and doesn't bother to convince him that it's an honor.
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Oh, Ike. Even as he resigns himself to receiving peerage, he cannot help but make his disdain for nobility crystal clear. This is another aspect of Ike I love so much. He absolutely despises the upper class, and he does not once try to hide it.
And that's the end of Day Breaks! I managed to get most of my A-team into second tier. I'll probably include an update of everybody's stats in the next post, since this is the halfway point of the game, and I want to get a sense of how close I am to achieving the goals that I set in the beginning.
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enbyleighlines · 5 months
Leigh plays Tellius prt 5
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More of Ike mentioning Soren's bad mood. I forgot to screenshot it, but right before this map, Ike also mentioned Soren's bad mood to Sigrun in a base conversation. So this is the third time Ike has mentioned Soren not acting like himself— two times in conversations that weren't even about Soren, and once to his friend here. The game really wants you to read those Ike/Soren support convos.
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The Grann Desert map! I didn't have any issues with this map, per se, it was just long and tedious. I attempted to avoid killing as many laguz as possible for that bonus exp, but I failed more often than not. I did manage to pick up most of the hidden treasures, though.
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And of course I picked up Stefan! I don't plan on using him, but I do want to recruit every character in this playthru... plus, that free Occult scroll! So thank you, Stefan. I do think it's weird you can't recruit him with Soren, though.
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I love the amount of detail they put into Oliver's mansion. I mean, it makes sense; but I don't think they had to go this hard. For this reason, Oliver's map is one of the best maps.
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Ohhh, Devdan. I really don't know how to feel about this character. The fact that he speaks in third person — while also being the only person of color in this game — is, umm, problematic, to say the least. I don't think the intended implication is that he's dumb— at least, not in the original Japanese. I think in Japan, referring to oneself by name is seen as cutesy and feminine, rather than a stereotype used to imply low intelligence. However, it doesn't translate well into English.
That being said, I like his philosophy about slowing down to appreciate the simple pleasures of life. He seems like an all-around good person... just, slightly problematic, especially in a game that is supposed to be about how racism is bad.
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More fantastic details! I honestly kept ignoring what was going on in the battle, because I kept getting distracted by the backgrounds. They could have just used one or two pieces of art for this, but no. There was a whole range of different artwork to gawk at.
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Spoiler alert: Yes, yes it is.
Next time: Day Breaks! The insane four-part map where almost everybody classes up.
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enbyleighlines · 5 months
Leigh plays Tellius prt 3
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It's time to fight the crows!
This map took me several tries, which was super annoying. The rules of where the crows can and can't attack are confusing, and every time I thought I had it figured out, I wound up putting someone vulnerable in danger. (Usually Mist. Sorry, Mist.)
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I finally used this square strategy where I just put all my characters in a square, so that the crows could only attack someone in one of the four corners. Also, I love that Ike says this. I'm sad we don't get to see Ike have a similar conversation with Soren— surely the two of them discussed that incident at some point, right? Or did Ike just trust Soren enough not to say that slur again?
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I watched this scene very carefully, because I know that at some point Soren supposedly leaves. However, you can see his sprite in this cutscene, watching over Ike as he interacts with the dragon laguz. I was interested to see if there was a certain point when his sprite disappeared.
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It's Kurthnaga! Such a cutie pie. I'm glad he has a bigger part to play in the sequel.
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I love Ike and Mist's sibling dynamic. They have such fun teasing one another. And I love how Ike's expression changes to this unamused glower whenever Mist teases him.
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Ike moved, showing that Soren is yet again standing in the same spot. I wonder if this was unintentional on the writer's part, but I do like to think that Soren, despite being terrified by the dragon laguz, made sure to stick around long enough to see Ike return safely to the boat.
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And here it is! The beginning of Ike questioning everyone about Soren's whereabouts, inviting the player to unlock all of Ike and Soren's supports. I adore how often Ike brings up Soren in conversations that didn't have anything to do with him. I think I will keep a counter.
Now for some supports!
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Kieran, my dear, you were so heartbroken by Oscar's absence... even if it took him a long time to finally notice that Oscar had disappeared. What Kieran lacks in brains, he makes up for in heart.
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Mia is so damn funny. I love her character. She's just so high-spirited and passionate about her 1 interest. She's like if Don Quixote was a genki anime girl.
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Tanith!!! She has such strong yuri vibes. I mean, look at that haircut, and that unimpressed demeanor. In a GL, she is absolutely the type that seems all cool and put-together on the outside, but who becomes an illogical mess around her crush. (Which in this case, is Sigrun.)
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I always laugh out loud at this line. I love that, for all that Ike and Soren love and trust each other, they are not above roasting one another. It's an important aspect of their dynamic.
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Elincia you absolute Cutie Patootie.
Anyway, this post is getting long. Stay tuned for part 4, where I play the map that gave me the most trouble thus far.
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enbyleighlines · 4 months
Leigh plays Tellius prt 17
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Into the desert we go! I was super excited to meet Pelleas, but first, we have to pick up some other puppies.
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It's Meg! I actually really like her design. She's an overweight character who is really cute. As far as I remember, her weight is never used as a punch line. Plus her personality isn't just about being clumsy or eating a lot of food, so yay! I know she can be a good unit, so I was hoping that I would roll a good Meg.
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I'm sad we never actually get to see this conversation play out in PoR. According to this conversation, Sothe held prejudice against the laguz until meeting Ike. As we all know, Ike does not tolerate anti-laguz sentiment within his army.
That does make me wonder, though. Micaiah, if you knew Sothe held such strong prejudice against the laguz, why didn't you try to educate him? Sothe would have listened to you.
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It's the beautiful man and the two puppers! I really love Nailah and Rafiel. The strong wife / fragile husband dynamic never gets old for me. I could take or leave Volug, though. He doesn't seem to add much to the story imo.
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Nailah! I just love her design. She looks so cool! And with the eye patch, I think the implication is that that's the eye she uses to turn people to stone? So she has to cover it in order to prevent turning people to stone on accident?
What a completely random and OP power they gave her for seemingly no reason. I'm not complaining, mind you, just bemused.
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This line is so funny. I know it was added in the English version, but I actually love its inclusion. I wonder if she genuinely thinks that Sothe has a bit of a crush on Ike. No one would blame him if he did! But either way, what an interesting bit of dialogue. I like to think this is the part of the story where Micaiah starts questioning whether her feelings for Sothe are as pure and platonic as she initially believed.
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Micaiah, this is no time to get all preachy. You're literally fighting in a revolution. You need funds for your army. I do honestly love Micaiah but she does annoy me from time to time.
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Omg, I love Nailah's sense of humor.
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Yay! I barely managed to survive this map, but it's okay, because I have reunited with Jill! Oh, and Tauroneo and Zihark are here, too. I really wish I had managed to get Jill to level 20. I feel like those transfer bonuses would have made this and subsequent chapters a whole lot easier.
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Izuka is also back, of course. I do love how blatantly evil he is, and how much everyone else seems to despise him (excluding Prince Pelleas, of course). Even though he's terrible, I do appreciate the humor he brings to part 1 of Radiant Dawn.
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And there he is! The supreme limp noodle sadboy! I love how his theme song is called "Sorrowful Prince Pelleas", and how it sounds so damn depressing. He is just so pitiful. I cannot help but adore him.
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And behind every wimpy sadboy is a helicopter mom! It's Almedha! Such an interesting character. So overbearing, so smothering... Not that Pelleas minds at this point. He's been without a mother's love for so long that he's starved for validation.
And that's it for now! The revolution is underway, and it's time to add our final (and least helpful) member to the Dawn Brigrade.
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enbyleighlines · 5 months
Leigh plays Tellius prt 1
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Alright, I did it! I started playing Path of Radiance! Starting out, I have a few goals for myself, namely:
No one dies
Get Ike and Soren to rank A
Get Ike and Ranulf to rank B
Max out Soren and Ilyanna's speed
Get Ranulf to his max level with as many capped stats as possible
Will I manage it? I haven't a clue, but here we go!
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Immediately I am so sentimental over the interactions between the Greil Mercs. Mist is so dang sassy, and I love it! I'm also going to try to get Mist and Boyd to an A support, but it depends on whether or not Boyd manages to keep up. In my experience, he tends to be a bit of a wild card; good on some playthrus, and terrible on others.
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Ahhh, the mercenary fort!! Also, how have I never noticed the small houses around the fort? Do you think that's where the mercs live, or do other people live there?
By the way, I adore the way the story starts off slow, introducing only 2-3 new Greil Mercs per chapter, to get the player invested in the dynamics of the group. To me, the Greil Mercenaries are really the emotional core of this game, so I'm glad that they give us so many various interactions between the characters before the plot even kicks in. It gives the player a sense of the Merc's values, as well as foreshadow the inner conflicts that will spring up later.
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There he is!!! That's my boy!!!
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Baby boy's first level up. We are off to a good start!! Let's keep that good luck rolling!!!
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It's my girl!!! I honestly didn't even realize how much I loved Mia until she showed up and I immediately had the goofiest smile on my face.
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And here's Ranulf!!!! I'm so excited to see him~
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I was so nervous starting this map. I remembered it being a LOT more difficult than it ended up being. Ike, Mia, and Soren were able to manage the left side all by themselves, whereas I had Titania, Boyd, and Oscar kind of take turns guarding the other two chokepoints, with Rhys offering healing to whoever needed it the most. Boyd did super well on this map, so I gave him the honor of killing the boss.
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As much as I adore PoR's writing, I do have one complaint, and it's this scene. I feel like the conflict escalates too quickly, but even more than that, it resolves itself waaaaay too easily. I adore Soren, but he was absolutely in the wrong here. Lethe did not have to forgive him right away. In fact, I would have preferred it if this conflict maintained some tension for the next couple of maps, before being resolved in a base conversation, the way they handled Jill's character arc.
Aaaaaand, that's part one! I am going to be tagging these posts as "leigh plays tellius", so I can keep an archive of them.
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enbyleighlines · 4 months
Leigh plays Tellius prt 23
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Ugh. Featured above is what I believe to be the most frustrating decision Radiant Dawn made. Astrid had so much potential! She's from a noble family, but left to become a knight so that she could escape an arranged marriage! (Likely inspired by seeing her elder sisters enter into unhappy marriages.) She's timid, but determined to become stronger. She starts out weak, but grows fast, due to her special skill. The fact that she becomes demoted to Makalov's devoted groupie is so disappointing.
I mean, in comparison to her original betrothed, Makalov is a vast improvement. But that's more of a comment on Lekain than Makalov.
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And here we have the most baffling decision Radiant Dawn has made. I don't hate it, I'm just... confused. Why did Devdan change his name? Why is he pretending to be a different person? Did he actually lose his memory or is this a bit? Or is it a poorly designed scheme to keep himself out of trouble?
I don't know. I do wish Devdan/Danved had more story importance. He seems like a cool character. I especially liked his base conversation with Ike in PoR. If only we could have had more of that.
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Crimean Royal Knight Fifth Platoon Captain Kieran hath returned!!! I am so happy to see this absolute buffoon. He just reads as so fruity to me. I can't wait to pair him with Oscar again. Those two were monsters in my PoR playthrough. And with Oscar's avoid bonus, they were nearly untouchable, too.
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Man, this map took me so long. I went into it thinking that it would be easy. After all, most of the enemy units are fairly weak. Surely my units won't have any issue staying alive.
Oh, how wrong I was. The amount of times Marcia got sniped by an crossbow, or Geoffrey got crit by a sniper... I didn't keep count, but trust me, it was a lot. And it didn't help that the enemy and ally turns took so long, so redoing this map was a trial of patience.
At long last, however, I managed to pull through.
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This part of the game is so heartbreaking. The fact that Ludveck actually sent Elincia Lucia's hair... like, that's serial killer behavior right there. And while I do think Lucia looks better with short hair, I would have much preferred it if she didn't have it chopped off against her will by the world's most evil Southern gentleman. That's a massive violation of Lucia's bodily autonomy, meant to humiliate and degrade her, and I'm again sad we don't get to murder Ludveck for this.
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I've always wondered what all the people gathered here think. Are they predominantly on Elincia's side, or Ludveck's? I hope it's the former. I know Elincia isn't enjoying much popularity from the nobles, but I hope she at least has a devoted following among the common folk.
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And how I pray to remove your head from your body, Ludveck. God, he's so creepy. Why are all the male villains in RD so creepy? They all have such terrible incel energy.
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Gosh, this isn't my favorite cutscene in the game (that happens in part 3), but man this one is SO HYPE. My own complaint is that Soren is the only one who doesn't seem to have a voice actor assigned to him, aside from maybe Rhys. Even Gatrie does a little grunt at one point. But Soren is a main character! At least hire someone to do some quiet chanting in the old language. They did that for Micaiah in the first cutscene.
Oh, well. I'm too happy to complain any further. I'm just relieved to finally get the Greil Mercs back. Part 3 is probably my favorite part of the game, though part 4 is also a lot of fun. It has some of the best cutscenes in the game imo. I cannot wait to see Ranulf animated. His smooth voice and subtle little ear twitches... ah, I'm in love!
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enbyleighlines · 4 months
Leigh plays Tellius prt 24
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Skrimir!!! I love his character arc in this game. He starts off so hotheaded, so non-receptive to any type of feedback, so certain that he can use brute force to solve all of his issues. He's a doofus for certain, but I love that about him. I also love that he doesn't stay that way forever.
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I love that this absolute paranoid wreck is actually right for once. Such irony. His men must be so sick and tired of him. And they must really hate that he bails out partway through this battle and leaves the rest of them to die. I do like that we're already getting hints about how the leadership in Begnion is in terrible shape.
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Oh, it is good to be back! Mia, I love you and your high crit and dodge rates. Imagine if I had gotten her some transfer bonuses. She would be unstoppable!
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Soren, not to be outdone, triggered a crit on a 4% chance. Gosh, I missed the Greil Mercs.
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Overall, this was a fairly easy map. I did have to restart once, only because I forgot Mist doesn't become super dodgy until later, and left her in the danger zone. But I managed to take Ike to the boss before Skrimir could, which was nice. And I love Ike's no-nonsense personality, it's so good. He gives even less of a fuck than ever before!
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And thus begins the part of the story where Skrimir and Soren begin butting heads. Soren is immediately unimpressed with this red-haired himbo. I love how Soren is more open about his thoughts in this game. Like Ike, he has no fucks left to give.
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This might be my favorite Soren quote. He's just so exasperated with Skrimir's idiocy. I feel like I can hear the dry sarcasm in his voice whenever I read this line.
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Shinon is still an unrepentant racist asshole, but I have to admit that this is one of the funniest lines in the game.
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That's high praise coming from Soren! I also love how proud Ranulf was when he went over this plan during the meeting. I bet he feels like the cat who got the cream. And yes, I only included that because it feels like something Ranulf would enjoy.
Anyway, that's it for now! I know I've said it a dozen times before, but man, am I super happy to have Ike and the Mercs back.
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enbyleighlines · 4 months
Leigh plays Tellius prt 30
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It's time for the epilogue of part 3!! I really love the concept behind this map so much. That glowing number up at the top right of the screen, going up with every kill... It's so ominous. And I love that the game kind of misleads the player by making the victory condition "rout enemy" even though that's not actually possible. It just adds so much tension, and allows for a genuine surprise for first-time players.
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It wasn't long before the map was over. Since I didn't have to worry about attacking Pelleas with Soren, I just kind of took my time, focusing more on defense than offense. And before I knew it, it was time for this climatic scene!
I do think it's a bit odd that Mist also seemingly has a deep connection to the medallion. Does that just come from her having grown up with it always nearby? But that wouldn't explain why Elena and Mist are both able to touch the medallion in the first place. I don't know where I read it, but I think someone headcanoned that Elena actually has heron blood, which... idk. It might be possible? Perhaps she is even related to Altina somehow? Her hair is rather purplish rather than pure blue... Except obviously the heron blood never manifested in a brand with either Elena nor Mist.
I'm unsure how plausible this all is, but it is interesting to think about.
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Savage, Tibarn, but entirely fair.
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I love how Ike is just always himself. No matter the situation, he can't help but be his usual nonchalant, rude, no-nonsense self.
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Gosh, she's so intimidating, but in a really enjoyable way. I also love the feather motif. Both Ashera and Yune seem to really like birds, huh? I do kind of have to wonder why, though. Why did the writers choose birds to play such a large role in the story (at least thematically)?
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RANULF!!! Ugh, I cannot get enough of Ranulf in cutscenes. I know I've gushed about it before, but he is too cute. I love the delivery of the lines, the subtle twitches of his ears to indicate his mood, the way his movements are all vaguely feline... They did such a great job with the cutscenes in this game. They're such a vast improvement over the ones in PoR.
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This is such a minor detail, but I love how Ike gently strokes this laguz's head. Because despite all of his stoicism, rough edges, and blunt honesty, Ike is a person who cares deeply about the people around him. You really get to see that in this moment.
And that's that for Radiant Dawn part 3! I am sad that it's over, but I'm eager to choose and train up my units for endgame.
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