#theres no actual time i think thats the closest
samtheplatypus · 2 months
How I love my angsty AUs
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I made this one with some friends and well... I love angst and they just encouraged me to made this thing worse with every second
At least things go well for this two, in the end
The only thing Arcana related here is Julian so, yes XD
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scrambled-eggsed · 1 year
#okay well im unwell#this might be long#im so stressed and i dont know how to explain this#i almost tried explaining this to a friend but eventually i didnt bc its so. stupid slash worrying slash. worrying af#basically. yesterday i saw someone i knew. in an unlikely circumstance#and for DAYS before i told myself she was gonna be there and theres no way she wont and shell definitely be there#i cant stress enough how much this is a result of a stupid/fucked up obsession thats been going on for nearly two years#there was LITERALLY NO WAY to know that shell be there at that time and i tried telling myself that#but the thought was still there for genuinely a week? two weeks? more?????#and then she was there. like i walk into the Place and bam she walks in right after i do#PURE COINCIDENCE. I haven't spoken w her in almost a year. it was a random place and a random time and the chances of us both going there#on the same day at the same time is so so. unlikely....#and its been eating at me since i saw her yesterday morning. this really is a LONG obsession and sunday was a hard day and ive been feeling#basically unstable as shit all week since. and now this and i dont know what to think#its not like i have any history of hallucinating shit but this is making me so nervous and i dont have anyone who knows the full story#(like full full story and its a LONG story and its either complicated or just difficult to tell)#that i could talk to and they could talk me out of panicking rn. so im inching ever closer to a panic attack#itd be unreasonable as shit to text her and ask if she was actually there. like theres a billion reasons thatd be a stupid thing to do#but this is really upsetting to me and ive got nothing to do but think it over and over and make myself even more stressed out#the closest ill be able to actually talk to a person about this would be Wednesday and even then it probably wont happen bc id have to#fill them in about the whole story that led to me being super fucking nervous about coincidentally meeting someone somewhere#i might cry
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coriphallus · 9 months
The Dark Urge thoughts (and prayers)
anyone whos been following me knows im absolutely not normal about durge and i wanna share some tidbits that are implied, but not necessarily canonised, from their story;
I already made a post about it but it seems like bhaal has a degree of control over whether they live or die. he can deny them death, if they fail the duel with orin.
bhaal can command the slayer. he forces orin to transform if you talk to her about sarevok and the scene makes it clear that its against her will.
bhaal manipulates his kin in a subtler way. in the colony you can find a letter from old durge thats apologising to his father for 'liking' gortash. you can interpret their relationship as something deeper but even if it wasnt, this reads to me as terrified and desperate.
the reason being, if you have a LI in act 2 you get the famous bondage scene. coupled up with the letter above makes me think this is a pattern. bhaal can use their feelings against them. he did it with sarevok and orin's mother, orin's mother and orin, etc... it's not as straightforward as 'if you disobey ill kill the one you love'. you will. durge will.
bhaal is testing them in act 2, he revels in chaos, sure, but in the grand scheme of things he doesn't care about isobel. even if you tell scel that you'll kill her you're told that youre too late, you ignored your urges. from durge, bhaal doesn't expect calm calculated murder, he expects blind obedience. failing to receive that his first punishment is to take away something they cherish. there are no half measures, theres no bargaining with a god.
we get so many snippets of information that this has happened before, their foster family being their first victims. theyre made to kill their support system with their own hands, with no one to blame but themselves. they are actually apologising to their father for being fond of gortash because (in my humble opinion) theyre genuinely afraid.
how many times could this have happened, how many nights durge couldve woken up covered in the blood of someone they love until they gave in, became daddys obedient puppet?
durge is groomed for murder. scel says 'you always failed to conduct yourself without me' and given who he is i dont think hes talking about table manners when he says 'conduct'. durge needs 24/7 oversight to set themselves right lest they get tempted by softer things. lest they dare to step away from bhaals grand plan.
durge do have a choice. just as shadowheart had a choice, just as wyll or astarion had a choice. its a choice only in name.
theres no ending besides refusing bhaal that their friends and LI wont die by their hands. the entire lore of bhaalspawn is that theyre meant to conquer the world in his name and slit their own throat a top the mountain of corpses. as cazador aptly put, 'theyre made to be consumed.'
you can pray to bhaal and the narrator says he won't accept [any offering] but the entire world.
durge (and bhaalspawn) do get some sort of euphoria from murder. they crave it like an addict, but bhaalspawn (on prev games) don't constantly have to grapple with these urges as durge does.
now durge is a slightly special case but not in a good way. its implied that theyre not like a regular bhaalspawn, that theyre made by bhaal directly -so to speak-. which is to say, if youre playing a drow, they are bhaals closest approximation of a drow rather than a drow flesh and blood.
thats why theyre fighting tooth and nail against these urges every step of the way, they are literally bhaal himself(in essence). the personality they develop, the person who calls themselves 'tainted' and 'wretched', the character thats making choices throughout the game, theyre the tumour.
theirs is the story of cycle of abuse cranked up to 1000 and it is in parallel to all other origin companions.
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enzoarweq · 8 months
(im talking about the characters q!, not the cc!)
imo no one else seems to understand the landduo/foolhalo relationship is much much deeper than "he's a friend who annoys me and i love to annoy him" or "they are secretly in love" in fact i might be as bold as to say NO ONE does till this day. which is pretty funny how they understand and notice the littlest things about each other but no one can see their deep bond despite that... tho to be fair Bad has said multiple times that he praises Foolish till high heaven from his skills, smarts, to his good looks but he would never ever admit it or say it to his face. (he RARELY does actually so when it happens, we all cheer and die) same for foolish.
Jaiden, who is probably one of the closest to Foolish rn said recently no one else takes Foolish srsly or that they are like outcasts of the island or that no one cares for Leo (para). and im like um theres literally Bad who cares a lot for Foolish and Leo. and has said multiple times that he is much more intelligent than ppl have granted him to be (but ofc she doesn't know, she doesn't know the early moments where they would hang out together almost all the time, constant banter, she doesn't know of THE convo where Bad literally for his advice and was treating and talking to him like two gamemasters in equal footing talking about the games they will play, she doesn't know should anything happen to Bad, he left Dapper in Foolish's care, Foolish constantly leaves Leo in Bad's care, she doesn't know that Leo loves and adores his Tio Bad, she doesn't know a lot of their "true hidden" relationship/sides, she doesn't know how easy Foolish can read Bad like an open book like that mine roulette game which i think she participated but not when both bad and foolish were playing iirc etc etc) not to mention theres also Roier who cares a lot for Leo and vice versa and constantly thinks about her (but this post about foolhalo so i digress)
There was also that moment with Bagi and Tubbo where they were like go ahead and cage Foolish or smtg. like daring Bad to do it. Bad was like aww thats no fun, its boring (cuz yk theres no song and dance, theres no arguing back n forth, it was just that). so when foolish shows up and bad was like hey could u step in ig *shrugs* Foolish was like urgh ok ig. I still remember Bagi's and Tubbos reaction, they were like mildly surprised. like ok what now. Bagi then said to Foolish, hey Bad is insane. Foolish then replied, yeah i fcking knew that already (in a so what tone) and again, Bagi seemed slightly taken aback. Tubbo then went on a rant about them being in love or smtg idk.
or the time when Bad would make a torture chamber for Foolish which he willingly went along cuz why not. and ppl were making angst about it as if Foolish didn't just walk into the torture chamber willingly to play a fun torture game with Bad smh.
also the time when Foolish was hiding his hurt over Leo's absence but Bad knew deep inside he feels deeply. that time where Foolish will run away from everyone else when confronted about his feelings but finally stood silently besides Bad in comfort, instead of a hug. (wasn't Jaiden there for that?)
theres soooo many foolhalo landduo moments where so many fans just blatantly ignore, like they have selective memory. genuinely confuses me everytime, like are we even watching the same POV.
theres also a lot of moments where ppl were gen mad at bad for the pranks n shit, like its 2023 ppl, we've been thru with this already in dsmp, do better pls. (ik them be new fans but still urgh)
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ghcstao3 · 11 months
Hi ! since I have no one else to tell this to and I really like the way you write ghost and soap I'd like to tell you. OK so as we know of ghosts backstory he was buried alive, so I was thinking of in the future soap goes through the same thing because of the song "like real people do" by hozier (honestly theres a lot of hozier songs that fits them, like it will come back but thats for some other day). I think it'd really fit them
not often i write hurt/comfort actually so this. this was good. even if both are vague and also minimal (oops)
hope this is okay ;-;
Ghost has always understood the fear of being just a second too late.
Sure, it comes with the job—but it also comes with a lifetime of unearned misery and experience only the most cruel would wish upon their worst enemies.
He understands it too well, the suspension of a heartbeat in anticipation of finding out he’d taken a moment too long. The sharp breath sucked between teeth, the mental plummet that follows intense uncertainty—that fear is his closest friend.
And it’s that fear that kneels with him now, a weight, an arm around his shoulders as he claws at dirt with a ferocity that drives through the ache in his muscles and pounding in his head.
The smell of earth will linger in Ghost's senses for weeks to follow, the dark and soft soil will settle beneath his nails for an eternity. He's requested help but they'll never make it in time—but he can try. He will try. Because if he doesn't, there is no question of being too late. It's a guarantee that will carve out his heart and replace the pit with guilt, festering, everlasting.
He keeps digging.
Handful by handful. It stains pale hands, fine grains embedded in the lines of palms and circling prints of half-seared fingertips. Ghost can't breathe—but he has air. He has air. The coffin he's been promised by intel does not. Will not, if he takes too long.
Will not if the man he had tortured for a location only lied to escape an inhuman wrath when Soap was not found. When after weeks, months, Soap was still not found. Because they arrived on the day he was meant to die.
The day he was buried, as Ghost had once been. With one last lungful of air and a hammering heart, beaten and broken and stripped bare of everything.
As Ghost had once been. And he'd been lucky.
Finally, miraculously, his fingers scrape against old, roughly cut wood. Ghost doesn't care if he runs them bloody—he can only keep clearing dirt, praying thanks to a God he hasn't acknowledged in decades for Soap's captors not having left him entombed so deep.
Several feet down, still. But not so deep. Not so deep.
From inside, there's banging against the lid of the coffin. Curled fists working with a shared determination, but breath kept minimal, lips pressed firmly shut, nostrils flared. He knows better than Ghost ever had.
Ghost helps pulls him out. Lets Soap collapse against him when they've found ground away from the grave.
Help finally arrives. Soap clings to Ghost even as he's urged to get medical attention, and Ghost lets him. Would always let him. Fights to stay by his side as the sergeant's frail body is checked over, as he's stuck with needles and wrapped in bandages and doted on in a way Ghost never was.
And that's the difference, isn't it? The good and honest difference—Soap gets to survive because he has people who love him. People who expect him to return. It's impossible to arrive at his side too late because it simply isn't built into Soap's bones to be left behind. Discarded.
Like Ghost was.
Ghost waits at Soap's hospital bed until the sergeant wakes. He had made a promise to himself, long ago, never to let Soap suffer like Ghost in his previous life. Like Ghost prior to everything John MacTavish. And in part, he bemoans his failure—but so long as Soap is still breathing, his promise is kept. He knows this. Owes it to himself.
And without even knowing his entire history, Soap would want the same.
So Ghost waits on Soap to blink his bleary eyes open, blue eyes wide and vibrant despite the deep and purpling bags beneath them, and kisses him softly in renewal of that promise.
He presses his lips to bruised knuckles and smooths the creases of furrowed brows, speaks whispered vows and gentle words; reassurances to them both that never again would Ghost commit such a careless and stupid mistake as letting Soap out of his sights again.
One day their bodies are meant to be returned to the dirt. But not like this.
Never like this.
And Ghost will make sure of that.
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Propaganda why Dean Winchester is insufferable:
Really mean to Cas (called him a child, zero respect for him, calls him family and casts him out when the angels are looking for him), and an absolute dick to Jack (threatening to kill him CONSTANTLY)
>Was a misogynist (loved to call women skanks, bitches, hoes)
>Used gay as an insult multiple time during the show's run (idc if he's gay an homophobic, that's still insulting)
>Beat up his brother for being possessed
>Beat up his brother for losing his soul (not his brother's fault)
>Used dubious consent to get his brother possessed in a different unrelated possession incident after possession was being used (badly...this is supernatural after all) as a metaphor for SA
>Threatened to murder his brother when he was hallucinating (yay we aren't ableist)
>Locked a child up in a box
>Threatened to kill the child he locked up in a box
>Made a creepy, sexual comment about a barely-legal high school girl
>Got the woman and kid he was living with memory-wiped
misogynistic scumbag. theres also a few different times that dean finds teenagers sexy with the most recent and prominent example that i can recall being the scooby doo crossover episode in season 13 where hes super into daphne who in the version they chose for the episode is 15-16 and is interacting with her as if shes a real person cause they got magicked into the episode. he treats everyone around him like shit and the only time the narrative agrees that thats a bad thing is when he has the mark of cain put on him and hes acting no differently than he does usually its just now acknowledged that hes treating others like shit. ive been rewatching the show for shits and giggles with a friend and wow he really does not treat anyone well but i wanna focus on how he treats sam for a second cause dude's hobby seems to be ignoring what his brother wants and lying to sam about doing stuff that directly concerns him the demon blood and souless things are reasonable cause those were both Bad for sam but theyre still part of a wider pattern and the most prominent example of this being when dean tricks sam into letting gadreel possess him and actually gaslights sam about it with the whole ordeal ending when its revealed gadreel lied about who he was and while possessing sam murders a friend of theirs. his voice is just also stupid as fuck im sorry this is just petty but he just sounds like hes trying so hard to be gruff n intimidating but he just sounds like a kid pretending to be batman
Dean’s list of sins is crazy long because of how long the show ran, but the key thing for me is that post-locking Sam in the bunker (season 4 I think?), I just can’t enjoy their relationship anymore. I normally love their sibling dynamic, but Dean’s ultimate worst past-the-point-of-no-return moment for me was demonizing (pun intended) his little brother for being “addicted” to demon blood, which only happened because of a series of events that were either Dean’s or someone else’s fault, not Sam’s. I also really dislike how the fandom treats Dean like this angel (pun intended) who has done no wrong and even tries to justify the MULTIPLE times he’s beaten up and otherwise abused his little brother. Canon Dean is like the polar opposite of fanon Dean: he’s homophobic and racist (jokes about a Black man being sexually assaulted in prison), misogynistic (take a shot every time he calls a woman a slur and you’ll die of alcohol poisoning), and abusive.
Propaganda why the Tenth Doctor is insufferable:
They’re so *edgy*
That one time he committed a genocide by drowning the last children of a near-extinct species (Racnoss) because their mother was evil. The closest anyone ever got to calling him out on it was when Donna noted that his take on a *different* set of weird alien babies (the Adipose) was a lot nicer than last time.
A combination of hypocrisy, sanctimony, and an equally insufferable fanbase. And the dissonance between what he actually does and how the narrative presents it.
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sophaeros · 6 months
golden trunks theory but i've forgotten how to do literary analysis:
so i think much like a lot of tbhc golden trunks is about a juxtaposition between intimacy/desire and the facade u have to put up as a public figure
like the opening verse/chorus are so starkly plain in the mental image they describe. it's just a simple portrait of an intimate night falling asleep together, and theres a very secretive tone created by the words "whispered" "admit". so from the get go we know immediately that it's about "true love" → romantic connotations, and this true love is associated w the night ie secrecy
this is a stark contrast to the second verse and bridge but esp the bridge where he plainly says "in the daytime". usually the day and light are associated w truth and revealing things but here he uses the daytime to talk about "a fresh new pack of lies", in contrast to the nighttime's "true love". the fact that the bridge is about being a celebrity and contending with lying for the sake of public relations is made very clear w how he says "bendable figures" → public figures who just bend/conform to the narrative crafted by pr managers, and most obviously w the use of the word "publicise". in an interview w la times hes asked if he enjoys being a pop star (w all the pressure and attention that entails) and he says "i have very little basis for comparison. the band has been going on for a larger fraction of my lifetime than it hasn’t." so as a very private person even leaving conspiracy theories about sexuality aside hes obv familiar w trying to keep the details of his relationships out of the spotlight. + this idea of the nighttime being the time for truth has been used before in diwk so it's a consistent theme
lots of people say the song about politics bc of the second verse cuz they say it's about (eugh) donald trump but i feel like thats a very surface reading. it's very out of place to me for him to have this randomass political commentary in a love song that he never brings up ever again which is why i dont think it's actually political commentary (or well, not Just, the pitchfork interview shows that is Is aware of politics obv it's just not the Point) it's just another angle to illustrate the idea of a public facing facade. he states in an interview that he thought of the wwf, which has given us the very interesting concept of kayfabe: the fact or convention of presenting staged performances as genuine or authentic. the public persona, like a wrestler w a dramatic theme song, is larger than life, rehearsed, beloved and famous, and also very much fake. 
this next part i said entirely as a joke making shit up while talking to my mutuals but then i was like wait maybe i was cooking. we're getting into more speculative rpf territory here but essentially i thought it was very interesting how he specifies that this is "the closest thing to a love song on this record", and also that the character it's centred around is one that he "made". many of his past love songs everyone knows are about his real actual love interests (eg shes thunderstorms was about alexa. alexa was a tv presenter) and now here's this song that is about simple, straightforward admittance of desire towards someone that doesnt exist. summed up in my og message to my mutuals, "hes singing to the amalgamation of his lovers an imaginary ideal to whom he can be simple and honest with in a way he can't quite bring himself to be in real life". i honestly feel like this gels well with the ultracheese's last two lines; a vague admission of guilt, of complicated feelings, vs capitulating to honesty and tiring of lying for the sake of pr ("i'm sure you've heard about enough"). + i find it interesting that golden trunks is that only tbhc song that has never been performed live
++ this idea of duplicity and lying has come up a lot in his discography but in tbhc specifically the bside anyways has the line "what a place for both the opposite sides / of my double life to finally collide"
and finally. the absolute funniest part of golden trunks.
Let me set the scene: sometime between Axl Rose getting braids (2002) and People Just Do Nothing jumping the shark (right now), those brothers in melodic yarns Turner and Kane, plus “another human being” – let’s call her “The Girl”, shall we, to save her poor mother’s heart condition? – are intertwined among the postcoital flotsam of an upmarket hotel room. “Hey, I’m glad you came,” Turner is alleged to have said, forever on the right side of etiquette and politeness in such matters. While Kane, in his sludgy Scouser lilt acknowledged, “Ah, thanks, man.” At which point Turner sat bolt upright in his sparkly gold briefs (unconfirmed) to stress who, in fact, his grateful aside was aimed at: “Not you, you wally. Her!”
sauces: - quotes curated by genius - la times - gq magazine / tumblr post
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mobblespsycho100 · 14 days
👍 kabru, heh
thank you so much mwahaha
1. Bottom Line by Dom Fera
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I think this song is very Kabru in a this has big "customer service" vibes, lmao.
"Drive me somewhere you've been liking" -> hes a people pleaser, letting someone take the reins while he supports them and hangs back is kind of his thing. Even though he plans stuff out and chooses his words deliberately, sometimes he goes along with ppl's wants and expectations for him a bit too much...
"Order something I don't want, I'll drink it anyway" -> basically Kabru when he had to eat the harpy eggs Laios offered lmao. 'Right, i hate this so much this is Monster. okay. wow i need to kill you' hes literally triggered (in the ptsd term sense and not the. warped internet meaning of it) and he's still like okay ! i will dig in ! to prove a point ! so laios likes and trusts me! (... what point kabru . cmon man. )
"Take a little time, it's funny how you're fine when I'm away -> he needs to be needed. He needs to help others, save them even, to protect them from the tragedy he has experienced. He's used to being dismissed and he does swallow it and take it but ik he was so 🤨😧😠 abt laios ignoring him and all the attempts to get to know him... so its like take a lil tine its funny how ur fine when im away ... Kabru knows Laios is the closest to conquering the dungeon. and hes like. I rlly wanna help u do this but . ik ur probably fine without me (... man he makes me . so 😭)
"It's natural to see a bottom line with me / A bottom line I'll be" -> A bottom line in business is like the final total right. The sum of everything thats written at the bottom. The ultimate outcome... the core. The fate of the dungeon is something he wants to decide and get a say in as well. Even though he knows he isn't the one thats going to conquer it, he chooses to stop Mithrun from beating up Thistle and grabs him and they free fall into that pit. Because he decided, yeah, the fate of this dungeon the one to conquer it has to be us short-lived races/humans. He is such an action oriented character . He makes such decisions. He is so determined to make sure that Utaya doesn't repeat itself. Man.
Anyway that's song 1. moving on to song 2.
2. Smoke and Mirrors by Gotye
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This entire song is So Kabru coded its insane to me . but I grabbed these lyrics from Verse 3 Because the last line specifically makes. me go crazy.
"You're a fraud, and you know it" -> the freaking masker . he is such a liar and he knows it... theres not much else to say here. Playing the hero, the saviour, while knowing he doesn't actually have the skills to defeat the dungeon but hes just so desperate . man
"And every night and day you take the stage" -> he should get an acting award fr... always adjusting his personality and carefully planning his steps with each person he interacts with man... also inchtresting to me that he gets to be more #real with Mithrun. thats a whole nother analysis can of worms I won't get into but like they rlly drove each other's character development...
"And it always entertains, you're giving pleasure" -> To quote Holm, Kabru is the typa guy who would do anything to get someone to like him akdjskhf hes so real for that...
"And that's admirable, you tell yourself" -> (kabru voice) im so cool for this ahaha everyone loves me (guy who genuinely fucking loathes himself) /ref
"And so you'd gladly sell yourself to others" -> smile of pain. I just think hes a real business man sometimes . Goodness Kabru stop being a charismatic salesman of your own personality im going to explode .
Right. we're on to the last one I guess...
3. Dear Arkansas Daughter by Lady Lamb
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GENUINELY cannot really do this analysis lyric by lyric or I will go ... well. I'll go into the deep end but . like . right. anyway. this set of lyrics above aka the most popular line is very Kabru appearance. (Goodness i need to make an AMV of this. I will one day once the executive dysfunction stops fighting my autistic hyperfixation ass)
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THIS WHOLE . SET OF LYRICS IS JUST BIG KABRU VIBES (SOURCE: JUST TRUST ME BRO)... His heart is full of swords... the sword fighter (he is proficient in many weapons)... im not big into tarot (or well i havent researched it much) but the annotations for these lyrics said that its referencing the Three of Swords tarot card, which represents painful sorrow. and like.. man like a fundamental sorrow in Kabru is so oughh its just so . real. and again i need a whole nother analysis post for this since this is already So long
Tie my hands & knock my knees. he is so stressed he is so . nervous all the time and these r like. the freeze . trauma response. to me. he goes freeze and fawn a lot (fawn not specifically with abusers per say but like people pleasing tendencies again) and like kind of visibly looking nervous and stressed out up before saying smth next is smth he does a lot I feel.
And like the vibe of like sinking to the sea with a heavy heart but also being someone who brings hope in a way to others (ex: Rin and Mithrun, he ends up being their anchor and helping them start like living with their lives after the burden of their traumas and hellish experiences) but Kabrus own traumas are so immense and then the person who rises . who foils him and who brings him hope is Laios. like a ripe red apple like. something bright and tempting and also dangerous (smth smth the forbidden fruit symbolism. theres so much . like Kabru that I can dissect with like Biblical symbolism themes but like anyway he sees Laios as both the key to humanity's victory against the dungeon and as sin / a distraction from his goal because Laios makes him do selfish things and its just AAAAHGHH rahhhh. man. im normal)
ANYWAY YEAH ... that wraps this up. Thank you for sending this ask ❣️💌 I am very normal abt Kabru of Utaya dungeon meshi
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i swear to fucking god im not a hater but if i see another fucking badly-made thumbnail boring neurotypical straight guy with lame monotone voice talking over buncha mfb clips video of the worst metal fight beyblade takes ive ever seen with the unfunniest jokes im gonna rearrange the DNA sequence of the closest person to me to that of a Doto greenamyeri nudibranch because i swear to god just shut the fuck up.
how the fuck do you meatheads base how much you like a character over powerscaling and win ratio. would you prefer a wild bear over your own mother because the bear is stronger than her? thats how you fuckin sound like. i gotta rant this shit out because i had enough if i hear another fucking "ryūga da goat🥶🐐" "beyblade really is that serious🤣" "This show is so acoustic😵" "did you know that moses split the sea with a be-" WE FUCKING KNOW THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS AT THIS POINT. ALSO IF YOU DEADASS USE AUTISM AS AN INSULT LET ALONE USE THE WORD ACOUSTIC OR ARTISTIC FOR IT STAY 7 KILOMETERS AWAY FROM ME AND ALSO DONT WATCH METAL FIGHT BEYBLADE EVERYONE IS GAY AND AUTISTIC YOU KNOW WHY⁉️ which cishet neurotypical out there makin spinning tops fight with neon green or blue whateverthefuck hair half the cast looks like they been hiding in closet before their debut episode.
PRIME example of these bad takes is , because of powerscaling again the hate on masamune ? i thought people hated him because they thought he was annoying (like how i did when i first watched it when i was little) (FOUR YRS OLD) and like id get that as in he talks alot or whatever but people hate him because. fucking. "he has a low win ratio and claims to be the number one blader" BITCH THATS A 15 YR OLD. or like around that age somewhere you get the point. so what if the taco doritos colour palette guy a little confident in himself bitch you hate fun you hate sillyness. people also use him as like a tool to praise kenta? constantly i see takes like "kenta is like masamune if masamune didnt suck" or something as in they both try to rise to the top and get stronger but one of them doesnt talk shit like did you know you can praise a character without putting down the other one motherfucker. another one is "masamune isnt a legendary blader because he talks shit but cant actually back it up" Hey my brother in Allah lets play a little game. which one of the fucking legendary bladers talks big about himself. you have ten seconds. 10...9...8....KING. KING IS RIGHT THERE .
also saw someone say damian shouldve been a legendary blader⁉️⁉️mf that boy was on rearrangement stereoids the effects of that wouldve already worn off by the time of metal fury how does that even WORKK😭😭 he was probably off with 3 big fucking pet dogs to eat custard pudding or sumn idk .Ryūga dickriding has been a thing for for ever but right now for some reason people decided they didnt talk about that guy enough. theres so many videos on him guys there are other characters to talk about i can write a three billion word essay on damian but i dont think i can say anything about ryūga that hasnt been said at this point. also the people who claim hes alive BECAUSE hes alive in the manga is crazy like yall cant see those as two different universes? im not saying wether if i think hes alive or not this isnt about that dont miss the point. i wanted to make text posts about mfb for forever but i was embarrased for god knows why so i just posted my mfb fanart on my main but i cant take it anymore (eatina burger with no honey mustard) must speak this time im afraid
also sorry if this is hard to read im not good at ending sentences where i should punctuation jumpscare. powerscaling mfs will hear u say u like a character like for example tsubasa or sumn and immediately bring up ryūga like shut the fuck up this shit happened on twitter i dont even use twitter i opened the app for 000.1 seconds. you just jelaous ryūga will never serve like did mf also im not a ryūga hater anyways i reached the character limit fuck
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helioshellion · 3 months
hello helioshelion.. i wonder what ur thoughts are on majima's (absence of) backstory up until age 20 and how u deal with it canon compliant-ically or in aus. i find it frustrating like everyone else but at the same time any kind of explanation people come up with to fill in the gaps doesnt land for me... i am unsure why. maybe becuase theres so little to go off so its basically entirely made up? or maybe because its not in the vein of his character? anyway i think you are the yakuza man so i would like to know what u think happened in that time. snake eyes is kind of narratively satisfying to me because patriarchs being father figure adjacent and imparting traits and shaping their subordinates is the closest thing to kind of. growing up i think?? that majimas story has. so having sagawa and shimanos influence transposed onto his actual developmental years actually feels like the most character accurate backstory to me even if it is removed from canon. (i dontknow very much sorry if i got anything wrong) butyeah anyway love ur models im like OH SHIT!!!! HES FUCKING MAKING!!!!!!!! ok thats it have a good daaaaayyy
I think what's important and vital to this narrative is for Majima to not be the central focus. Of course I believe the most interesting concept for Snake Eyes is Majima's exploration and coming into his own in a way that justifies who he is within what we DO know of his past, aka Y4 and 0. I believe it is within Dead Souls' cabaret where Majima tells the hostess that if he could go back to any time to redo things, it'd be 14, and therefore it's where I landed on a timeframe- the moment Majima meets Shimano. I believe Majima is at his best as a character who is reactive, but not focused on. He is entirely a character who is shaped by the people around him, both within the lore and within the meta itself, he is not the main character. He is swayed and changed by the events around him, with little to no control in changing this, because he is simply an NPC, and that's the small tragedy of Majima. A character who is so strongly tied to the idea of control, of shaping his own future, when really he has no agency, not within the narrative, not within the game. Anyways, that is the central focus on Snake Eyes. What kind of man Shimano Futoshi is, and by extension, what that says about Majima Goro as a boy. Is there any parallels I can make between the men Majima would later on follow in life and the man he swore his name to? I wrote earlier about agency, and that's something I think that's very important to Shimano's character as well. Present day, you wouldn't exactly compare Shimano to Kiryu, or Saejima, but that's what I find to be the most interesting thing to explore- if I can make a case that there are those similarities, what would change so drastically that Shimano would become the man you see in the series. Sagawa is merely a pawn in this exploration, just the same as he is a pawn in 0. I really enjoy connecting narrative within gameplay. Majima's a stone in the tide, I'd say, stuck on the bottom to be shaped over years and years and years.
So yeah! Snake Eyes is about Shimano, and how he changes the people around him, and how that changes him. Uroboros or whatever.
I think what's funny is that despite being the AU guy, I try to keep myself strictly to canon compliancy, and the things I do change I need to justify. Like me making the decision to have Sagawa be Yasuko Saejima's birth father. We knew her dad was an Omi man in Sotenbori, and that he was money focused. It was a loose comparison, but the idea of exploring that was so interesting to me. Yakuza is all about fatherhood sometimes, so why not.
Majima's character in Snake Eyes, again, meant to justify who he is later on, but also I do not want this idea of Majima being wholly good and brought into evil. I do not think it's black and white. There's something in Majima that was probably there long before Shimano, something that brought him to the point that men like him were to be followed. In the right light, even the worst actions can be seen as heroic, justified, admirable, especially to a kid. Kind of like Ichiban, I guess!
Another funny thing is that I tend to steer away from the idea of Majima needing a backstory. I believe how he is is perfectly suitable and fine for who he is. I do not want to see where he grew up, but I do like using implications to paint an idea of how and why he is who he is. It's sort of why I have an OC who exists as Majima's birth father in Snake Eyes, meant to sort of paint this all literally. Discarding this past for the sake of the role you are meant to play. Maybe it's a nihilist perspective, but I believe Snake Eyes is a nihilist's story. It's a perfect parallel for Forever Yours, an optimistic exploration of fatherhood and how that shapes a person.
This was a lot. hope you enjoy to read.
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felix-lupin · 2 months
also sometimes hms doesn’t like the crossing of boundaries but sometimes, in a sick twisted way, they really do and they want more and they would like the other to invade their boundaries more until their ribs are being pried open, sometimes they want to be Filled with the other, they want to entwine. sometimes the fact that the other discards all their protests is utterly beautiful. do yiu undersyand
YES i understand so so much
theres a few things that could play into that. like the 'violence being seen as love' thing, or, well, the closest that they think they can get. and how there are times where they can't acknowledge the times when things were better, but they still want that closeness. so this is all they can get. this violation of boundaries. this forced entwinement. this twisted, funhouse mirrors version of closeness and intimacy.
and sometimes they don't like the crossing of boundaries, but sometimes. sometimes. the fact that the other wants this, wants them, enough to ignore all of their protests or wants about it is something beautiful to them. maybe even relieving.
mind pries heart open and heart hates it sometimes but isnt this what he wanted? isnt this what heart asked for? mind is showing emotions and desires, experiencing and showing them strong enough that he's willing to completely ignore heart's own in the process. didnt heart ask for this, really? isnt this what heart has been trying to drag out of him for so long?
and for mind its like. he cant really admit to himself to having any wants or desires. so while he usually hates it, he does, maybe sometimes theres some part of him thats a little relieved, or thankful. that heart is willing to ignore his protests enough to commit this act of violation in name of the closeness that they both long for. that all he has to do is put up his protests and struggles, but he can rest assured that heart won't actually listen, that he can have this closeness.
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calebwittebane · 14 days
also, finished my new vegas campaign. Leigh Has Achieved Her Mission or at least the closest approximation of it that the game let me achieve, which of course is the independent ending with a full securitron army and the support of the followers of the apocalypse. the only thing is i Fackin Forgor to deal with the fiends so they caused some problems but well the trouble they caused was to the ncr so i kinda dgaf. also i was surprised some khans showed up to help me at hoover dam! i actually felt kinda bad about it like no no... ive got this... you guys have been thru enough... you shouldnt have to protect the ncr from Anyone even the legion... please oomfies stay safe....
i think some of the remnants died??? idk only cannibal johnson was still with me at the legates camp. did they die?? im so sorry arcade i think theyve died. idk how. they were in power armor shooting gods lightning at enemies. whyd they die but boone didnt. boone was with me the whole time partially because earlier he was helping me with the kimball speech mission (which btw was the most awkward thing ever. love the uncoordinated animations and the crowd of 5 people. the speech that was impossible to understand like wtf is that guy saying. topped off with every npc involved getting locked in combat/fleeing at the end. love it) and i thought hed have fun with this too. well he did and he also had fun picking up rifles off of every legionnaire corpse. why does he do that. i check on him see his carrying capacity looks weird and there he is holding 8 rifles. boy drop it. drop it. now.
anyway. i kind of dont understand what happened with the brotherhood of steel, i think i had confused the game badly. i became besties with them rather early on, i even convinced mcnamara to let me join them (which like. youd think thatd have some curious implications but again, Unfinished Game) but i never talked them into making a truce with the ncr or anything. but for some reason i told mr house i did? like right before i decided i would Not be Trying The Mr House Route after all, a decision i made specifically over his insistence that i eliminate the brotherhood actually. and then yes man also acted like the bos were gonna help the ncr at hoover dam. and mcnamara kept saying he couldnt believe he would be helping the ncr even though again the subject had not once been breached. i was like ok. and then they did not in fact help the ncr. they didnt show up. wtf was that about. lies and treachery. after all i did for you. after i fixed your air conditioning. oh im sorry, was it the robots. did you not like the robots? scared of them?
and not only that, the boomers also didnt show up even though they were supposed to. motherfucker... what did i get you bastards that airplane for... you people were so annoying and unkind and i still helped you. because i thought i could count on you. for everything i did for you. loyal i hope your solar arrays break immediately. that guy who works with loyal idr your name i hope your gf breaks up with you and then you explode. i hope all of you explode. i shouldve known. i shouldve known better.
like thats so funny. of all the factions that i had recruited the ones that actually showed up to help were 1. The Elderly Ex-Soldiers Of The Horrid American Regime 2. the great khans, Unexpected And Unannounced. oh well. we still mowed through those bastards. thats right. thats right. all you centurions and other creeps, you stood no chonce. no chonce against this hungry hungry woman. she ate caesar, shes gonna eat all of you. thats how you deal with enemies and opponents and adversaries.
as for legate lanius i fully buy into the Legate Lanius Isnt Real theory. i mean yes ostensibly theres a guy, whose name Allegedly is lanius, and hes a legate. but hes just a propaganda figure. legate lanius The Cruel Merciless Force Of Destiny Itself, The Devil, Unpredictable, Cares For Naught But Victory, with all those crazy stories of how he became part of the legion. well thats not real. hes just a tall guy in a scary mask and he doesnt really wanna be here. like the fact that you can just talk him into retreating. like hey man this campaign has already cost you your leader and youre gonna keep having a bad time around these parts. take that taste the pain. and hes just like Yeah ok Theres wisdom in what you say Youre a worthy opponent indeed. Goo Bye Bye. and sprints away. ok. scariest guy east of the colorado river you guys. had to stay holed up in the little baby camp away from any fighting until the last big battle and even then he didnt leave the aforementioned little baby camp. he wasnt leading anything or anyone. he was in his tent scared and fingering himself. scram.
felt kinda bad throwing general oliver off the dam. it was an impulsive decision and i was like man i shouldnt have done that. i barely knew the guy. kind of a gruesome way to go. sure he pissed me off and was overall a bad person but i shouldnt be doing shit like that. doesnt inspire others' confidence in my Collected Trustworthy Nature. i think.
im really glad about the good endings i got for all my companions. they just all got really chill ending slides. theyre all just kinda hanging around the mojave helping people and being cool. arcade status: chillinnnng 👍 boone status: chillinnnng 👍 cass status: chillinnnng 👍 lily status: chillinnnng 👍 raul status: ghost cowboy. veronica status: chillinnnng 👍
anyway. i had fun. and so, this concludes the epic tale of Leigh The Hungry... Leigh The Water Drinker... Leigh The Devourer Of Armies.... Leigh The Hacker.... Leigh The Dubious... Leigh The Thief.... Leigh The Sleeper, The Taker Of Naps. and what a journey it was. in a perfect world women like her would not exist. but this is not a perfect world.
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b0nerf4rt · 2 years
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what its like to share a bed w/ the cky crew. platonically ofc 😋. jk.
warnings : swearing, afab!reader
dico, raab, rake, novak, bam, ryan
WARNING : swearing , afab!reader , really bad my b my b
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dico :
- forces you to sleep on the floor with him if theres not enough beds left in the hotel room
- cuddles you without asking
- hes very touchy when hes tired
- likes to sleep w his head between your tits 🫢
- out of everyone on this list, hes probably the best to sleep with if you want to actually get rest
- curls up in a ball before he falls asleep, or he cuddles you like your a stuffed animal, and he doesn't let go until he wakes up
- likes to be that small spoon
- will wake you up if he can't sleep and talk about like tomatoes or something
- likes to mess around with your hair
- in the morning, he forces you to get up with him and go down to get breakfast
- will literally jump on you or the bed until you agree to go get breakfast with him
- for some reason he gets like frost bite cold at night
- he like completely latches onto you during the night so he can stay warm
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raab :
- dont tell me this man wouldnt fucking snore right in your ear the entire night
- like completely on purpose
- hed situate himself with his wide open mouth that could catch flies as close to your ear as possible
- sometimes he sleeps in the hotel closets and he makes you sleep in there with him. no one knows why he sleeps in the closest.
- i lowkey feel like he brings a stuffed bear with him to the different hotels he stays at, but he keeps it hidden so the other guys dont mess with it
- your the only one who knows about his bear, it's name is reggie
- devious little man made it his mission to make it hard for you to sleep
- from the snoring to him farting in your face when your not paying attention
- but in the morning he brings you coffee and breakfast from the hotel dining room to make up for it
- refuses to let the other guys prank you while you sleep, only he can do that 👿
- tickles you just for funnsies
- turns the tv up to the loudest setting just to listen to the cops theme song, which annoys everyone in the room
- draws on your face with sharpie if you fall asleep before him, and ofc you do the same to him
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rake :
- 100% ends up hogging the entire bed and youd wake up with him literally suffocating you because hes laying completely on top of you
- expect to find his hair strands in the most fucking weirdest places
- yknow when you get that one hair you find in your asshole in the shower, yeah, thats rakes
- yawns in his sleep ??
- i also feel like sometimes he falls alseep with his eyes open
- hes like a fucking heater during the night, and it doesnt help that he basically uses you as a mattress
- not much of a cuddler when he sleeps, but he does hog up the entire bed and the blankets
- youd probably fall asleep back to back and wake up with him sprawled completely over you
- he laughs about it when he wakes up, but in all honesty he couldve killed you by suffocation
- and you cant even wake him up when he does this because he sleeps like a fucking log
- sleep walks sometimes, so you have that to look forward to ig
- when he sleep walks he mostly just goes to the kitchen to sleep eat 🧍‍♀️
- one time you took fifty dollars from his wallet while he was asleep and he didnt even notice until the next night, you told him he left it at the hotel until he saw you buying like ten large pizzas for yourself
- after that he slept with his wallet in the pocket of his pajama pants
- sleeps with his socks on 🤮
- hes a fucking diva when hes tired.
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novak :
- i feel like he sleeps with sunglasses on. idk why. but you find it fucking weird.
- likes to spoon you. gives you kisses on the back of your neck when he thinks your asleep
- all in friendly fun tho 😸
- makes you check for bed bugs before he even touches the mattress 💀
- he talks in his sleep a lot, like full sentences
- hates it when you touch him with your cold fingers
- late night make our sessions if your up to it
- the other guys in the room dont appreciate it tho
- still all fun and games he says 😸
- scratches your back if you ask for it
- you'll have to slap him sometimes because hes got wandering sleep hands
- doesnt wear pajamas and just sleeps in whatever he was wearing that day
- hogs all the pillows by 'accident'
- sometimes he strangles you in his sleep, also by 'accident'
- purposefully coughs or sneezes on you cuz he thinks its hilarious
- suprisingly not a very heavy sleeper
- very inconsiderate about letting you get to sleep or staying asleep 😒
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bam :
- he totally sleeps naked and just becuase your a girl and sharing a bed with him doesnt mean hes going to change that
- hes either naked or falls asleep in his tight jeans
- expect to wake up with him in the most weirdest positions. like laying the opposite direction of how he fell asleep. or his ass up in the air and his face smooshed against the mattress.
- hes not much of a cuddler but sometimes you wake up with his head laying on your stomach
- also dont expect to get much sleep with him, he thrashes around so fucking much
- always gets a bed no matter how many are sleeping in the room because hes a drama queen
- uses your ass as a pillow a lot
- wakes you up by screaming in your ear sometimes, other times he wakes you by giving you kisses behind your ear. its either a nice awakening or a bad one.
- the second his head hits that hotel pillow, hes out like a light, so whatever position he fell asleep in he stays in, its like physically impossible to move him yourself, your just going to have to wait until he thrashes to another position
- tried to suffocate you with a pillow one night just to see your reaction
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ryan :
- tries his best to not let the other guys mess with you while you sleep
- literally stays up half the night till the rest of the guys are asleep, watching over you so you wouldnt get pranked
- man is lowkey a gentlemen when it comes to women sleeping
- kisses your temples when your asleep, but only when your asleep
- keeps his distance from you unless you tell him it's okay to sleep next to you
- hes a big sleep cuddler
- so fucking awkward the first time, well it wouldve been awkward for you if you werent so fucking tired
- when you wake up during the middle of the night its probably from ryans beard tickling the back of your neck
- the first time he had to share a bed with you he built a wall of pillows so you wouldnt feel uncomfortable
- which you thought was ridiculous and used the extra pillows that made the wall as something to cuddle
- touches you with his cold feet when your on the verge of falling asleep because he thinks its funny
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eyefocusing · 1 month
might be a random question but do you have any neurodivergent headcanons for the aerialbots?
im not immune to hcing all of my faves as autistic....
ok but like in every superion bio theres mention of him tamping down/blocking out his components to become the cold, focused combiner that he is, and i feel like "supressing yourself so you can actually function" is just sooooo on the nose, yknow?
skydive obviously has a special interest in history and war strategy. helpful, when you're the strategist of the team. hes like, a genuine savant when it comes to flying, but he can easily get caught up infodumping abt the pilot who created the technique theyre trying to practice, instead of actually practicing. hes the kinda guy who has to make Everything about his special interest, but stays pretty quiet if he cant.
slingshot is SO classic Cant Regulate Emotions At All. he makes up for it by being a showoff and a compulsive liar. neither of these things make anyone like him much. he tends to have meltdowns with some frequency, which hasnt done much for his reputation either. his meltdowns are usually overwhelming for the other aerialbots too, so they end up scattering and leaving silverbolt to fix the situation.
many many feelings about fireflight autism bc he gets woobified a lot (i remember poking around the tf plotbunny lj a year or so ago and seeing a bunny from like 2008 abt him "suffering from autism" so hes at least always had That Vibe). hes just very observant. doesnt really have a lot to say! but not really a good listener either because he WILL start thinking abt that interesting rock poking out of the wall or that bird he saw while he was out earlier, and just completely misses whats being said to him. he and skydive are a good mix bc skydive can just talk and talk abt his jet fighter blorbos and fireflight can do fireflight things and theyre both fine with this. also think abt this ⬇️ kind of scenario a lot
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hes also most likely to collect Weird Stuff. his whole personal shelf is full of bins of strange twigs or scrap metal or basically anything that catches his interest. hes a bit of a corvid tbh
if fireflight is the guy that everyone assumes is autistic, then air raid is absolutely the guy everyone assumes has adhd. his attention span doesnt exist, unless hes doing something he wants to do. hes the closest thing to an adrenaline junkie the team has. raid doesnt go off on his own the way fireflight does, but the odds of him actually following through on orders and plans are slim. he tends to run into walls and corners and doorways a lot (he and flighty both have spacial awareness issues, but fireflights are more obvious in alt mode, and air raids in bot mode).
silverbolt. has to manage all of them and himself. and its incredibly overwhelming. from the outside hes got the vibe that hes one bad incident away from shutting himself in a broom closet for the rest of the day to get away from it all. hes got a bad habit of getting stuck in his head, and his thoughts tend to doom spiral after awhile. but thats like half the reason the other aerialbots are so annoying at him, and he can uh. appreciate. their methods of getting him away from himself. most of the time. i like putting everyone in a planepile because i think bolt would like the feeling of the others weight on his wings. it makes him feel grounded
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mamadarama · 3 months
I wanna know more about Rei and Madara relationship but don't really know where in the story did they interact ( i read the whole goddam main story and still find nothing ) can you tell me more about them?
ya sure! their relationship was mostly established during ! era, so thats why you didnt find anything in the !! main story, assuming thats the one youre talking about having read. off the top of my head i know they interact in learning from the past and aquarium. (these aren't the only stories they interact in, theyre just the only two i can remember immediately)
the most notable thing about their relationship (particularly on madaras end) is that rei is one of madaras closest friends, and just like with his other close friends, he would both kill and die for him. (which hes mentioned before, in aquarium. in a rather dramatic fashion, actually.)
when madara was disowned by his family , he stayed with the sakumas for awhile until he was back on his feet. rei looked out for him a lot during that time and all through their school years. madara also apparently spent a lot of time at the sakumas house before they graduated. even now, rei still encourages madara to come to him if he ever needs anything (which he doesnt, because hes stubborn and doesnt want to be a burden) its also worth noting that both rei and madara (and i think maybe ritsu at some point but dont quote me on that) have referred to madara as reis "successor", but last i checked its never been elaborated on so no one really knows what that means or entails. even tho we dont know what exactly hes succeeding, it does follow with rei being a sort of mentor to madara . madara says most of the tactics he uses to manipulate situations and people were taught to him by rei . clearly theres a lot under the hood about their relationship that hasnt been revealed yet , so hopefully we get to see more of that in the future....
also not completely relevant but i think its really interesting: during the war, to get madara out of the way of kanatas "execution", keito used a similar method to how he got rid of rei (send him overseas to put physical distance between him and the school) which i think says something about how keito views madara and rei as individuals
anyways tldr; theyre best friends with a long history, madara is reis right hand man, and together they could probably build the scariest mafia on earth
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boiledbirdy · 1 year
Duke Thomas Headcannons
⭐️He is either insanely talkative quoting memes sarcasm dripping out of his ass or completely silent
⭐️Duke is the type of person and leader that doesn’t need words to have an impact on people, but does use words primarily
⭐️He’s a people watcher, the type of guy to order one blue berry scone and a vanilla cream coffee and sit there for hours, barley noticeable scone half eaten and sits in seeming focus while watching the ins and outs of the coffee shop
⭐️Is the type of person to have everything but the one specific common thing EX Duke has a mini magnet chessboard, tissues, hair ties, flashcards, a few extra snacks for his friends, pens every color of the rainbow (except for black) like hoW?
⭐️Has doctor hand writing (very ineligible)
⭐️Relating to the one above takes most of his school notes in doodles that just make sense to him
⭐️Is the kid who can do really cool pen tricks when no one notices, if you ask him to do it consciously he cannot
⭐️Detective wise he cannot use the professional terminology that Bruce has tried drilling into him for hours upon hour, case notes are various ways of typing thing or thingy that Duke has to translate before entering into the database cause his brain just can’t compute
⭐️Low-budget Sci-Fi movies are his shit, its on a sketchy ass website or youtube 50/50 on whether you can recognize the costumes from JC Penny
⭐️He is as scared of villains as he is of his own powers
Sticks his tongue into his cheek when he’s thinks really hard
⭐️Authority figures have failed him to many times that he just does not trust them.
⭐️after yr 1 with the Waynes he knows that they aren’t family in his eyes but more the closest friends which makes him scared of what happens when his parents get back conscious. - will he ever be the stereotypical family that’s been driving him for all these years. - will he actually be a child or just be a caretaker to his own parents????
⭐️Love and Family aren’t words he likes much but trusts more through actions
⭐️I think he may have 3c or 4a hair???
⭐️Knows seemingly everyone in Gotham??? Like oh thats Richard he’s a plumber yeah he has two little girls and he’s a single dad (gives a whole flashback for this middle aged man)
⭐️His room decor is really obscure band and movie posters and the live laugh love like signs that he found in hobby lobby, thrift shops, or tjmax
⭐️In spars and in real combat will bite people if he needs to or feels trapped
⭐️that being said Duke motherfuckin’ Thomas is feral like the type of feral where you get a shiver up your spine before he comes in a room
⭐️Chronically listens to Pearl Jam, Red Hot Chillipeppers, Joy Division, 2Pac, and Drake (theres more but thats short hand)
⭐️He has tumblr and has announced to the world through twitter that he sees all of the Wayne posts on there and supports those accounts especially the more bizarre ones
⭐️Favorite color is that deep deep lucid blue that seems to just be the paint of clear night sky (#030640) is the hex color code
⭐️he texts like a psychopath with the correct grammer everywhere but spell check is off and the short hand acronyms are constant
⭐️favorite soda is probably mtn dew which I disapprove but it’s the fact of my brain
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