#the worldbuilding even?? like rn I’m not that far in but.
apollo-just-ice · 9 months
Been replaying pokémon mystery dungeon explorers lately and it’s been on my mind sm,,, my childhood game of all time it’s still so good??? Mannnnn <333
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hoolay-boobs · 1 year
I need your help.
Ok so, How to write?
I told you that I write, right? Well actually I didn't write them properly. I wrote them in screenplay format.. Now I want to write them properly but I don't know how 😭😭 my mind is blank.. Even when I manage to think up on how to write, it's so shit.. I have so many ideas but I have no clue on how the heck am I supposes to put them out.. Do you have any advice? How do you usually write? Please help.
*casually implodes* alright. Okay. Excellent.
This just might be the best ask I’ve ever received. I’ve always wanted to teach others how to write, I’m really passionate about writing stuff, and I’m majoring in education in university rn, so I sure hope I can answer this well lmao
But, nevertheless, I finally have the opportunity:
✨ Mari’s Writing Crash Course that I may or may not have composed while tipsy: a short guide to novel formatting ✨
There’s only, truly, three factors that are the most noticeably important: Formatting, Dialogue and Writing Voice.
You said you’ve been writing in screenplay format? Immaculate. You’re already halfway there. If you know how to write ANYTHING (short stories, novels, screenplays) you already- hopefully- understand the basis of composing stories. Character arcs, plot lines, worldbuilding, etc. I’m not getting into ANY of that, bc your ask referred to formatting and formatting only. I gotcha luv.
The Step One: The Key to Novel Formatting
You’ve already written in screenplay format before. That’s great. You’re already, like, more than halfway there. I’ve tried screenplaying before, but I never got that far in. Not my best medium.
I’m assuming what you’ve worked on before looks like this (format wise, not content wise lmao)
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Caps lock indication, space down, and dialogue.
Well here’s the neat thing: novel writing, while very different from screenplays, is much closer to screenplays with more detail:
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Caps lock indication, italicized setup, space down, and dialogue.
OTHER THAN describing the camera angles, this has very similar content to a novel: describing portions (sometimes equal portions, usually not) of both dialogue and descriptions.
So! Remove the caps lock indication on who’s speaking, make that italicized setup into the flow of a paragraph, remove all the stuff on camera angles, and put that dialogue under quotation marks.
Now it looks like this:
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Don’t overthink it: you just take your same thoughts from your screenplay format, and then… transfer it. Piece of cake 🍰
The sub-category of Part One; Part One Extended I guess: Present or Past Tense
What tense do you want your novel to be written in? Present tense? Past tense?
I used to say, “ ALL books are written in past tense. Because as the reader, we’re looking into a story that has already been written. If a book is in present tense, that means the story is unfolding, that means the author is writing it while we’re reading it, and that’s impossible since we’re holding the copy of the book in our hands. NO books should be written in present tense 😡👎”
And then I opened up The Hunger Games and saw it was in present tense.
So it looks like I’m just wildly wrong about that.
I will say tho, most books are written in past tense. And that might, or might not, be more comfortable for the reader and writer. However, it is up you. Contrary to my former opinion, there is no right or wrong tense for your book to be in.
Here is a visual guide:
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Once you pick one, though, stick with it. Jumping between past and present these, UNLESS it’s for any stylistic choice (character’s flashbacks, time travelling, etc.) will most likely be awkward to read.
The Step Two: The Importance of properly formatting dialogue
Quotation marks go THROUGHOUT a sentence.
“Why don’t you guys go look at my taco salad post” and “she said” is all ONE BIG SENTENCE.
“Why don’t you guys go look at my taco salad post.” She said. ❌
“Why don’t you guys go look at my taco salad post,” she said. ✅
Each dialogue before the end of the sentence completes with a comma instead of a period. Exclamation marks and question marks can be used in whatever dialogue format, since they’re tone indicators. There aren’t strict rules for tone indicators.
Commas and periods aren’t really tone indicators, so there’s a quick key on how to write that stuff:
Remember, if dialogue ends with a “she said” “she exclaimed” “she spoke” etc. etc. etc. it’ll be part of the same sentence. But, if dialogue ends with an action “she walked to the door” “she took a forkful of that taco salad” etc. etc. etc. it’ll be an entirely new sentence.
THIS is what it looks like:
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Also, not every set of dialogue needs to have an end quote to it. This is what that looks like:
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I mean, you could but brackets in dialogue. But I just want to warn you: I read a book like that, can’t recall the author’s name, and it distracted me greatly from the characters, plot, atmosphere, etc. I’d stay away from that.
The Step Three: The Writing Voice
So what is narrative voice, anyways?
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This is essentially how you form your entire story. The tone, emotion, and descriptions of your story.
I know, I know, the idea that every single word you use reveals your writing style might sound daunting, but trust me, writing voice comes naturally. As long as you let it come naturally.
Essentially: people who know you really well, your closest friends and family, who recognize your quirks, your colloquialisms, and your speech patterns, will most likely recognize your writing style. Because it will sound like you.
And that’s all writing voice is. Your own style. Even this answer I typed out for your ask, it’s in my writing style. It’s in my voice. It’s a blend of eloquent words, long sentences, and a dash of humour here and there. My novel, albeit sounding obviously much different than me making a post on tumblr, also sounds like this. To an extent.
You write like how you speak, even if you’re writing from a specific character’s perspective.
An example is Rick Riordan’s writing sounds wildly different from Becky Chamber’s writing. Even though they’re both talented and hard working, excellent writers. Every book looks different Every book sounds different. Every book feels different.
So, how do you find your own writing style?
Of course, a published novel of yours will sound different than your personal diary. But, those differences aside, they both have your voice. So let yourself speak, let yourself write.
Your story is going directly from your brain, to your laptop screen, or pen and paper, or whatever. Let yourself get into it. Sometimes I read what I’m writing out loud. Sometimes I don’t. Do not overthink your writing voice, or try to force your novel to sound more formal, or more casual, or more poetic, or more or less descriptive, or more wordy. Just let it be.
The more you write, and the more drafts you create, you’ll find your writing voice without even needing to search around for it.
There is a website called, I Write Like This. You can copy and paste passages of your writing, a few hundred words at a time if you want, and it’ll analyze your flow of descriptions, dialogue, punctuation, and match it up with whatever famous author your voice sounds similar to.
I copy and pasted my entire second chapter, a few thousand words, and this is my badge:
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My writing voice is similar to our beloved @neil-gaiman . Of course, our writing voice is not identical, as no two authors ever are, but the flow of the writing, the mood, the tone, the energy… it’s a little bit on the same page.
The bonus step four: write shit 💩
You said you write shit?
Write shit.
This is odd advice to give, I know. But when I say write shit, I mean as a start.
If you had sent an ask saying, “I’ve NEVER touched a pen, paper, or laptop in my life, I don’t know how to write!!” I’d be… daunted. Not an impossible task, but a daunting one. Just slightly harder to get into, slightly harder to give advice for.
I’d much rather you write like shit than not write at all. The hierarchy goes like this:
Good writing >>> shit writing >>> not writing at all.
I can’t remember where I heard this from, but to quote, “you can edit a poorly written page, but you can’t edit a blank page”.
So go, my lovely Sana. Be free. Write all the shit in the world. Fill up your pages. Get writers cramp. Get writers block. Recover from writers block. Make typos. Make messes. Write glorious, delicious, silly, stupid, and beautiful things. Your first draft is not supposed to be perfect. The time will come for pristine, polished, ready-to-be-published writing, and you do not need to rush into there. At all.
Write shit 💩 New-writing is the most necessary shit in this world.
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phightinghottakes · 23 hours
I see a lot of people saying that phighting story is bad bc the devs keep adding new stuff instead of expanding the pre existing lore, and while I do agree that having not a lot of lore available can be frustrating, u guys need to understand that phighting is in ALPHA. A lot of the world-building/characters are gonna be underdone at the moment because of this. The current plan from what I’ve read is to finish making 26 phighters before starting on story mode, which should reveal most if not all the lore. On top of this, soda is writing a comic to reveal a lot of other lore related things that won’t be relevant in game. Another thing is that last I checked (correct me if im wrong), phighting currently only has 3 DEVS working on the ENTIRE GAME. I think that’s crazy!!!!!!! the dedication to make a whole ass game with 3 people of this quality without getting paid just for funsies is insane!!!!!!
It’s ok to point out the worldbuilding flaws but I think it’s kinda annoying to point them out when a lot of the worldbuilding isn’t actually there. That’s like critiquing a half baked pie. It’s not finished yet!!!! And, personally I think it’s really cool and actually a good thing that they’re prioritizing the actual game instead of the lore. They’re adding new characters to make the game better, and the lore for all of them will be expanded eventually. Also also, if they were to finalize the lore now, they wouldn’t be able to add new stuff at all!!! Adding new characters is kinda the best thing they can do until they start on story mode. I think it makes perfect sense esp from a game developing stand point. Rushing them or telling them to work on lore is just kinda redundant and unhelpful. They’ll get to it eventually and I’d rather have a good game than sooner lore reveals. I think it speaks to the integrity of the devs (game development wise, ik soda defended a groomer 💀) for them to continuously put the quality of the game over the lore for it. Not saying you can’t have both but again, if they started finalizing and honing in on lore rn they wouldn’t be able to add new stuff later. also like,,,not trying to say u can’t criticize the game but at the end of the day this is their project, they can take their time with it and write the story however they want, and some of y’all need to sit the phuck down cuz I’m tired of seeing lectures attacking the devs for honestly good design choices. At the end of the day phighting is currently a pvp game, not a story game, so the lore shouldn’t be their first priority at all anyways?? And really, I hate when ppl say that bc I think we all know how much the writing can make or break a game and how important it is, but u guys are being way too serious about this, esp since the devs already plan on adding more lore. This level of criticism is srsly unjustified imo. Even if they gave up development all together (it is a passion project afterall), I still think they would’ve made a great game and it definitely wouldn’t have fallen into the issue of adding too many new features without expanding upon the main stuff. Everything added so far seems to just be improvements. This even applies to choices outside of the lore. ok this rant was long lol oops ily take care
Hate to break it to you but they canned story mode sorry
Now we have to get all the lore from my least favorite character (Broker)
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altruistic-meme · 11 months
okay so updates on captive prince, finished the first book pretty quickly and I’m on prince’s gambit rn
laurent and damien’s dynamic is so interesting to me, they’re both so smart but I am uh not looking forward to the fallout when he realizes who damen is (honestly surprised they made it through an entire book in the palace without anyone recognizing him) on a side note the way I had to hold myself back from screeching in the scene with the sex drug bc my mom was right beside me WHAT was that 😭😭😭
the worldbuilding is fun though even though the courtiers have interesting (to put it lightly) ways of entertaining themselves rip
also is laurent literally only a bitch to damen bc I feel like everyone else only half takes him seriously or trusts him with their lives while damen has compared laurent to three reptiles and counting so far??? 🧍🧍fuck his uncle and everyone else though I don’t trust more than five people so far ;-;
(also YES you’re watching kinnporsche send me updates on that too >:D)
prince's gambit is most peoples favorite, it flips for me between that and kings rising :')
they are both SOOO SMART YEAH way smarter than me and it took me a lot of rereads to understand a lot of what was happening sjndjs also OMG yeah this series is maybe best read Alone
Laurent is described as a "cast-iron bitch" (I think this comment is in prince's gambit, so you should run into it soon if you haven't already) so it's not just to damen!! though he is incredibly mean to Damen specifically djjajdjsj it's just that the courtiers still see him as juvenile and his guard sees passed his bitchiness
also losing my mind that you are counting what Damen has compared Laurent to jsjfnjajd there are some more, but I can't remember if there are any more reptile comparisons
I'm curious who the 5 people you trust are 🤔 also that's probably a good amount of people to trust, most of them are not trustworthy
(YESS I will make sure to keep you updated as well 💜)
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shukakumoodboard · 5 months
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anon i hope you are able to find this because you asked my original blog and i’m trying to stealthily migrate so my irls can't find me dkgjhfkjl
answers below the cut <3
would you like some fandomy thoughts?
1. list 3 positive things about your current fandom(s) [which ofc im answering for gaalee]
the discord i'm in for it is the highlight of my day and forms approximately 65% of my social life! who knew you could hyperfixate on some gay ninjas and as a result, end up visiting people irl and getting christmas cards and making incredible friends all over the world? pretty sure i have standing invites to homes in at least 3 different countries rn. incredible
fic quality is fuckin'. superior. and i'm not saying that because i write, i'm saying that as a reader. it's a smallish fandom and yet there's folks who can write full-length novels like @sagemoderocklee and @the-moss-project, people who can write every possible trope and au greyson's georg @ghoste-catte and @urieskooki and so many others i couldn't list them all. it's beyond obvious that the authors who write the gaalees are SO passionate about them. writers i lov you evryday
seguing from that into art!?!? pleas i have a dragon hoard of fanart only for my fics and there's over 100 pieces. A HUNDRED ARE TIOYU GIKISDINDIGME. giving u all a kissy rn. also the way i can get on discord and get immediately smacked in the face with bespoke paneenis liike every day help. gheelpp don't look at me. i will save my money and commission every one of u if its the last htign i do
2. a headcanon you weren’t sure about at first but have come to like!
oho! ready for this one? i was initially not super on board with hairy!lee. what was i on actually. me, a Wrong, and now i will purposefully include it in every fic as a sign of penance for my sins
3. answered!
4. say something nice about a ship you don’t ship (it can be another ship in your fandom, a mutual’s OTP, etc)
those who know me know that i strictly see leesaku as a brOTP, like those dudes are buddies to me. but that being said, i think leesaku as a romantic pairing is far healthier for sakura than her canon partner. lee is capable of so much love and forgiveness and they do parallel each other so much as the like... "underdog"/non-gifted member of their respective teams. she deserves love and support and understanding and lee would be genuinely ideal for it.
5. something you see in fics a lot and love
sunans (and team gai) being multilingual. oml one of my fave headcanons. you cannot tell me these different countries with different isolated villages are all casually speaking the same language when in big chunks of nart they didn't even like. get along properly. i loooove the concept of a shinobi common tongue and regional languages. further on that same thing, given team gai is pretty chinese-coded, i think it makes sense that they'd also be speaking another langauge, whether taught by gai or just because of their own independent histories or whatever. @sagemoderocklee has some truly stunning worldbuilding and it where i got my love for this hc from <3
6. something you see in art a lot and love
ok joking aside i refuse to believe gaara made it past like 5'3" that man did not sleep for his whole adolescence. conversely lee was probably on the Optimum Macros and that healthy eating would 100% contribute to maximum height gains etc. that man deserves to be 6 feet tall, that's my opinion and im right
thank you so much for the opportunity to gush about my blorbos <3
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asimplearchivist · 2 months
What’s your preferred way to write? On a PC, laptop, phone, in a hardcover notebook? Something else entirely?
Also, how do you organize worldbuilding, references, outlines, and other stuff for your projects?
Don’t mind me, just taking notes… 📝 👀
Hi, Sofie!😊Thank you for popping into my inbox!
I almost exclusively write on laptop/PC/iPad/even my phone when I get the chance. (When I was a waitress I was in my Dragon Age kick and would write on my tickets front and back so I wouldn’t “be on my phone” the whole time. I have the majority of the future scenes of The Smallest of Deeds transposed from those tickets, and I still have them in an envelope tucked away.) Otherwise I’m a tech/cloud enthusiast haha. I have enough blank notebooks that I want so very badly to get into the habit of actually using them, though…one day!🙏🏻
As far as my notes…they’re usually chaos lol. Most of the time they end up just being billeted lists at the start of my documents. Plot points and twists, character details, etc, all lined up so I can check them easily. I add them as I think of new things, like snippets of dialogue or scene ideas and the like.
I am currently in the process of transferring all of my Docs to a platform called Dabble, which is also cloud compatible, since Google decided to allow AI to delve into that space. I need to save a bunch of my old college/uni assignments into my Word Documents, but my PC is still out of commission for the time being so that process has been on hold for a while, unfortunately.
(I digress.) Dabble has character cast, plot grid, and worldbuilding notes features that help me to organize a lot more effectively, which is why I like using it so much. You can pull up your “notecards” within whatever chapter or scene you’re writing in at the time, and it’s enough of a blank slate that I don’t get overwhelmed with feeling like I have to fill everything out. (I swear I’m sponsored lol, but it really is nice if you can afford to pay its subscription fee. It just feels a lot more secure than Docs, runs more efficiently without lagging, and has features that allow for importation and exportation. It structures the document itself like a manuscript for easier transferral, and it has cloud syncing and allows for others to comment and access for beta reading and the like. I’d highly recommend checking it out!)
In the Morning Light (or, currently, That Poison, Reconciliation) is the first fic that I’ve really invested in organizing since I’ve had a bunch of different documents over the span of ten years keeping track of all my ideas. I’m exclusively writing it in Dabble rn.
Speaking of which…I’m a week late for an update, huh🥲I have some free time tonight, so I’ll try to work on the next chapter!
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vacantgodling · 1 year
I've been keeping up with your stuff but I gotta know... how many stories do you have planned out? Your creativity is astonishing & I'm curious what all irons you have in the fire rn
aww well, firstly thank you for keeping up with them bc i know it’s a lot and it probably seems like i’m just pulling ideas out of a hat at this point 😭 however i will offer you some insight to my madness:
tl;dr i’m an idea hoarder
planned however isn’t like always the case with all my stories. i generally separate my ideas into 3 camps:
stories where i have the characters + plot thought out or planned out (most developed and ones i usually write for and ramble about)
stories where i have a half baked idea—so it’s usually either a bare bones plot, bare bones characters, or a little bit of both
stories that are mostly vibes. even if i have certain aspects thought out there’s like entirely too many holes to make anything coherent & i need to think on them more lol.
so with that in mind here’s the (technical) list of all my ideas, ig with a lil summary for the ones i haven’t really mentioned before, as a treat! my goal is to make proper wip intro posts for all of this shit at some point LOL but it’ll take a bit 😅
PARAMOUR (including requiem for the monochrome, prim and provocative, and empire)
VAMPIRES DON’T TAKE ROAD TRIPS / vdtrt (including laurent and the one human he fell in love with)
THE LIMINAL SPACE SERIES (including donut wip, noi alone, jenna the reaper pts 1&2, jenna the witch king, and mason at the airport)
THE CHRONICLES OF LATHSBURY / tcol (including historical shit, the evondra conflict & the labyrinth collapse)
NAD (one day this will get a good title) — what do a forcibly turned psychic nurse (nyseah), a college student who works as a secretary of a large conglomerate (alona), and a jaded detective investigating the murder of a up and coming pop singer have in common (donte)? more than you’d think lmao. these three intersecting storylines take center stage in the corrupt city of new mananza, leading to the exposure of a horrific plot that’s been in motion for near as long as the city’s been around.
CELESTIAL WEDDINGS — dagmar of dattenmaow from a young age is one of the eight hopefuls chosen to have a shot at becoming the next celestial ruler, as the previous one, rava, died extremely prematurely. in order to have a chance, he and the other hopefuls must travel to each of the eight spheres (or lands) to woo a member of the royal family for their hand in marriage, discovering what lead to rava’s death along the way. this is a poly story so dag ends up with 8 partners & everyone is nb with rotating pronouns so it’s fun :)
PURPLE HAZE (including the sequel blue jeans) — calvin and jake have been best friends since they were 5, next door neighbors always attached at the hip. at the end of their hs years everything that they had going for them suddenly comes crashing down, between jake’s suicide attempt and calvin’s long time gf hailey breaking up with him suddenly and without warning. 2 years later the two of them are on complete opposite sides of the world trying to pick up the pieces and get out of these dark spots. purple haze is a super personal story to me cuz it does take some direct inspo from my life and i’ve had cal & jake as ocs since i was 8 lmaooo. the sequel blue jeans follows their younger sisters; the twins penny and jenny (cal’s sisters) and katia (jake’s sister) and how they slowly enter adulthood. there’s a bit more emphasis on penny and katia bc the two of them have some romance to sort out, meanwhile jenny is the most well adjusted of all of them 💀
AZAB AND THE HERO’S SHADE — this is a story en progress but tldr i have a self insert oc for legend of zelda (and a side blog for it here: @breath-of-reincarnation ) however i thought it’d be cool to make an original story with some of the concepts. i haven’t gotten too far into worldbuilding but the chosen one character is azab, his love interest/the stand in for my oc is jas & zelda is princess narindi
SHROUDED IN DARKNESS— alessandra of the kingdom of darkness has always felt as though she’s been denied her people’s birthright; the ritual blinding of oneself under the light of the moon (their goddess), this is bc of a vision her mother saw when she had her. alessi doesn’t understand why she must stay sighted until she is proposed to by their sworn enemies the empire of light to end their endless war through political marriage. it seems unfair all things considered, as the empire of light has been carrying on a genocidal crusade against the kingdom of darkness for as long as anyone can remember. but it is with this proposal that alessandra realizes her purpose: she must keep her sight until she brings the empire of light to its knees by killing the entire royal family. this is very much a vengeance story and touches on a lot of dark themes and it’s pretty gory but i’m excited to write it one day
NOBLE — a heavy scifi story this is. noh bell wakes up adrift in space, with no knowledge of himself (apart from his name) and where he is. he’s found and taken in where his name suddenly flashes across a news reel as being a wanted fugitive but he can’t remember why. so he has to figure out why he’s wanted, who he is, and how to stay alive. while i don’t know everything 100% i do know that noh was a former member of the space governments police special ops super soldier program thing called the JACK&JILL project, where basically super soldiers are taken as babies, enhanced, and then assigned in groups of two to deal with shit. jacks are the brains of the operation and jills are the brawn. noh is also mute (from these experiments) & he uses sign language :)
GOD EATER — this story is mostly vibes but from what i’m understanding basically the life force of the cyber world that exists has been stolen and heaven has to descend into the underbelly to catch the culprit who stole it. in their descent, they become nevaeh and among the many cast of divine concepts and characters they meet, they find an ally in thei, the god eater, the last in a race of terrifying beings who can literally snuff out the light of gods (by eating them LMAO). this confirms the suspicion that a god is responsible for the theft of “the sun” (which is what ig we’re calling it) and so nevaeh, their guardian little bear, thei, and thei’s keeper taj along with others possibly set off to do the thing. cuz basically if the sun isn’t returned the whole world will collapse into a singularity or black hole LMAOOOO
TRAIN MASTER CHIDORI — vibes for my boy chidori!! still trying to work out the actual plot and happenings but it’s cyberpunk and fun pfff
THE VIRGIN OF MOUNT HEREDOSA — nyoka has been a ward of “the temple” (can u tell i’m great with names 🙄 this will get a better name eventually) since they were young, with the express purpose of one day fulfilling their duty of becoming a sacrifice to the gods. but nyoka REALLY does not want any part of that shit. after trying to sneak out for the millionth time, nyoka is pulled before the council of elders and is told they are next in line to be sacrificed. the only way nyoka can void this situation is if they lose their virginity basically lmao. so they start on a quest to do that & end up meeting an outcasted god who offers some “help” ahem. this story is gonna be pretty explicit and monster fucking is gonna happen tm.
THE WHITE SHIRTS — a couple of decades removed from ww3, twins prosper and jane live out their day to day lives in a small town. their life is disrupted when out of the blue men in convertibles wearing white button up shirts and black shades show up and start slaughtering people—but prop and jane are able to escape. being hunted by the white shirts (since that’s what they start calling them) leads the two of them to meeting a slightly older teen, marin, who has had a run in with these white shirts before and is making his way to the east coast. there are rumors that there’s a boat there that can take you away from the ruins of america and obvs away from the white shirts. while jane is more trusting, prop is wary of this stranger suddenly helping them but he has no choice. so the three of them start heading east and yknow. fight to survive all that.
BOYS UNDER FLOWERS — this is based off of the k drama boys over flowers bc i HATE IT. i don’t have ocs yet but basically instead of the actual storyline when that rich guy starts being shitty towards the mc, they’re just gonna plot to kill him lmaoooo
MARVIN & LINDA (or the spy story) — marvin and linda (code names obvs) are two secret agents who have just completed a job together and are waiting for extraction. they however get blindsided by a notice from marvin’s company that they won’t be extracted for two months and now they’re suddenly stuck in this hotel room together until then. it’s less about them being spies and more about two private people opening up to each other A LOT due to the close proximity with a bittersweet ending lol.
SACRIFICE — mostly just vibes. i know edgar and naja are step siblings and i think they’re on the run from a cult???? but what else is going on i have no clue lmaooo
and this doesn’t include all the ocs that i have kind of… lounging about with no real purpose yet, or any of the stories i have with my partner either lol
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Vera I'm so sorry you are still shadowbanned! I wish tumblr would get their stuff together.
For the fanfic writer's asks: 1,5,12,25,55,69,71
Hope you have fun answering them <3
Hi, yeah the shadowban is….ugh, annoying. Definitely annoying.
Thank you for the questions!
1. Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike?
Oh wow…I think I daydream more than I write. I daydream all the time and I’m pretty sure half the stuff that’s in my head I’ve never even started writing. But if I finally start writing then I’m not stopping till it’s done lol
I’ll sit the next few days on a one shot or chapter or whatever and I need to finish it. 😂😂
5. How many wips do you have?  What fandoms/pairings are they for?
Fuck I- I don’t know
Let’s see
The au’s with @jamneuromain “broken bones and broken hearts” ( Steve Rogers x reader) & “together or not at all” (Steve Rogers x reader, Nick Gant x reader, Johnny storm x reader, Jake Jensen x reader) in the second one is a lot ready and there’s also a loooot of smut lol just so y’all know
Then there’s “drownin siren” Steve Rogers x mermaid reader
I’ve planned a sub!mafia!Bucky Barnes x reader one shot
A meet-cute for Stucky!! Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
I have a Lloyd Hansen x reader smut Drabble ( ready to post actually)
Oh Noise pt 3, Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes x Reader smut, which is nearly finished [ pt 1 is here pt 2 here ]
I’m planning a grumpy!roommate!Curtis x reader au :) but haven’t started one this one yet
Oh god there’s also pretty boy pt 2, sub!Steve Rogers x reader smut [ pt 1 is here ]
Omg i still have more; mean!dom!steve Rogers x villain!(sub)reader
Is it weird that I’m already planning my kinktober list? But yeah I’m doing that too
I have also a pt two to the Lance tucker shot “stretch you (out)” that I think I haven’t posted yet?
I’m working on so many things rn fuck I hadn’t noticed until now
12. Do you outline your fics?  If yes, how detailed are your outlines?  How far do you stray from them?
Sometimes yes, I definitely some background stories and I like planning how every character met or if they had any relationships before with them etc
Definitely also about their family history or school
But I don’t think more than that
25. What’s your favorite part of the writing process (worldbuilding, brainstorming/outlining, writing, editing, etc)?
I love making moodboards hahhahaha
I like writing because of all the possibilities i have!
And also interacting with people. I know many people don’t leave feedback and that’s okay BUT when i finally see Someone comment or reblog something even with just a emoji or gif I’m in heaven. It makes me so so happy to talk about my work or answer questions. Idk, I just love interacting with others. I’d say im really shy in rl and it’s just so much better on tumblr. Here I feel like I found my people and I can be myself:)
55. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics?  Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
“He felt blood rush to his cheeks, making him blush”
I use this often or always the -ing verb form
I feel like there’s also always some kind of misunderstanding? There are definitely a few oneshots and fics with this trope
There was something else I wanted to addd but I forgot what
69. What are your favorite fic at the moment?
Ohhhh I love “in the snow” By @postmodernmulticoloredcloak
71. Do you spend more time reading or writing?
Id say it depends on the day. Sometimes I’m writing all day long and the next day I’m reading all the time:)
Thank you for all these questions!!!!! Love you!!!!!!
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euphor1a · 10 months
💞 & 🍭 hiiiiii~~~ ☺️👋🏻
Moon!! Hihi 🥺, thank you for the ask!
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💞 what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language.
→ Whoo boy 🤓, I’m gonna ramble a lot so hold awn! First of all, I think all the aspects of writing are pretty important, but since we are humans, we are bound to have favorites and preferences. And I’m one of them! I think I focus on the plot, characters and worldbuilding almost equally, but I do tend to prioritize characterization more than often 🤭! I think it majorly comes from the fact that I, as a reader, try to connect with characters and put myself in their shoes. So yeah 🙈! Also, plot is definitely another important aspect I try to focus on (even if I’m writing straight up p*rn 😭)! You will find some sort of plot even in my thirst drabbles kshdbjdk. I just think it’s hard for me to keep the plot ambiguous because when I’m planning, I do have specifics in my mind for that certain fic. On that note, worldbuilding is something that I enjoy, but it can be seen in some specific works only. I think in my imagination when I’m planning out fics, I focus on worldbuilding a lot, but sadly, it’s not that prevalent once I start typing 🤕. The technical stuff... I’m actually very self-conscious about grammar & other errors. And that hits me especially hard after posting something. So like, I read and reread fics like a madman after posting, just in case I left some embarassing mistake 😭! If I find any, I fix them immediately and hope that no one noticed it kshdbjdk. Figurative language though... It’s kinda hard to tell because I never use it consciously(?) If that makes sense! As I mentioned before, my grip on English isn’t good enough for such writing qualities and my style is relatively simple and straightforward. But sometimes, I do get poetic while explaining emotions and such.
🍭 why did you start writing?
→ Uhhhhhh this isn’t exactly gonna be sunshine and rainbows. So tw//// just in case!!
I think I was 16-ish when I started writing, as far as I can remember. And it was purely an emotional let out to me. Back then, I was growing up in an environment that was toxic and abusive, and I was a very scarred human being who was forced to mature at a very early age. My writing used to be extremely, extremely angsty, reflecting the pain, anger and helplessness I felt. All my works used to have this similar base of either betrayal, trauma, depression, heartbreak and other similar experiences. It’s crazy to think that I was churning out chapters after chapters without any of the problems I face now. But then again, I’d really rather not go back in that place. Now, I just write for funsies (mostly)! Sure, there are times when I write to process difficult emotions because I know writing it out can help me, but that’s not so often.
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— let’s get real! fic writer asks ✉️ ( inbox )
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flfverse · 1 year
I love reading your worldbuilding posts! It’s so fun to have that extra context for the story. Your recent post about sub-circling got me thinking about the issues trans-oriented subs might run into trying to join something that is designated Strictly For Subs in such a deeply-rooted biological and cultural way. I guess I wanted to poke you for your thoughts on like, HOW ingrained in biology and instincts that kind of thing is, bc I think it’d be kinda fun to examine the particular nuances of that kind of inter- and intrapersonal conflict 🤔 It also got me wondering if there would be any anti-trans orientation movements who see that as like a predatory endangerment to sub spaces? I guess I’m just recreating terfs tho lmao. Er sorry if that’s too heavy or invasive of a topic? You can feel free not to answer that one 😵‍💫
Also not related, but it was such a treat seeing Aizawa in your recent chapter and I love how you write him! I was curious if you were ever thinking about writing an erasermic fic in this verse, since their relationship is so unique for your au! 💓
ahhhh thank you!! i usually dislike worldbuilding bc it feels so overwhelming, but i’m having fun with it here so far
i….actually had not thought about trans rights vs the sub-circle tho, THAT’S a thought. i will say chapter 8 of Free Falling will have a little bit about sub circles in it, and i did include a line where someone asks twice (trans switch, bio dom in this au) if he’s going to stay. twice declines, but the offer is there. HOWEVER, that is the league and not society at large, so in a less trans-accepting space it would probably be different.
i haven’t written about it directly (and probably won’t, tbh? at least, i have no plans to rn, never say never), but i DO imagine there are both run of the mill transphobes and a terf-adjacent group in this ‘verse. hm. like actual terfs they’d probably be very “submissive rights” but be so transphobic that it loops back around to oppression.
i’ve done a fair amount of waffling on how biologically ingrained stuff is, because on the one hand it’s fun if the answer is “very,” but on the other hand, i’m trans and i’m wary of bioessentialism.
so my current stance is that it’s not as biologically ingrained as subspace/domspace itself, but it’s still important for things like social development. think of it as a kid growing up isolated from their peer group for whatever reason. they’re probably going to have trouble connecting with people their own age, they might pick up some strange habits, they’ll likely have gaps in their knowledge like not knowing pop culture. but overall (assuming nothing else bad happened), they’ll be okay, physically and mentally. not to trivialize that experience as i’m sure it’s very difficult, but there’s nothing life-threatening about it. and like i mentioned, a sub circle takes some level of intention; it’s not something you can trip into or be forced into against your will like subspace.
that said, it is Very culturally important. not something enforced, but if you told someone you never had a circle as an adult they’d probably give you a “wtf” look. a lot of the importance comes from the defensive aspect and how dangerous it can be to break a circle up. they’re respected because not respecting them is a good way to get attacked.
so anyway all of this is very long-winded and a bit stream-of-consciousness, but in conclusion i don’t think most people would welcome a trans sub/switch into a circle. like women’s bathrooms, except there’s no cultural expectation of politeness/not rocking the boat (also since when are women’s bathrooms some super culturally important place….but i digress). i feel like a trans sub would also have a lot of internalized Feelings about it even if they were allowed to join bc of all the messaging about how a dom near a sub circle is the Worst Thing Ever.
…..and now i’m thinking that would be fun to write. hm. back burner.
but!! yes!!! very cool questions defo a lot of food for thought. and to answer your last question about erasermic—i definitely want to write about them in this au!! i don’t have any specific ideas at the moment but i do adore their relationship and i very much want to delve into it. since they’ve adopted hitoshi i could also explore what raising a teenager in this world looks like….very fun
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llycaons · 1 year
now that I’ve gone through the entire tag (some pages twice) it’s time to settle down and sort through the one thousand, eight hundred (!!!!) works in my marked for later. not-so-quick note on my personal preferences, and what you can expect to be included or excluded from my rec list
so, in general my favorite fanfic tropes can be categorized as hurt/comfort and angst with a happy ending. as reflected from the source material, I read and may recommend works containing graphic, disturbing, or potentially triggering content, including writing related to sexual assault, grief/mourning, trauma, and suicide. I will summarize each work, but please note the tags and warnings on any fic listed here if that’s a concern for you.
on the flipside, I do not read works that end unhappily - all these end hopefully at the very least. no main characters will die who aren’t already dead in canon, wx will always be together or getting there (or, in the case of sad flashback-era fics, will eventually get there), and many of these works reflect themes of healing, recovery, and finding peace. I’ll make note of any exceptions, but there are pretty strong preferences for me, so there won’t be many. and I like sweet and fluffy things too, as well as humor and interpersonal drama and worldbuilding and action - there will be a mix of various types or works
this is an 18+ rec list! explicit works will be on here in any category. additionally, what else the author has written may or may not affect whether I rec something, but I’ll make a note if I know there’s an issue. I also can’t guarantee all authors will be vetted, but I can make a note for authors whose works I trust completely not to be weird or gross
fics recommended in this list are guaranteed NOT to have the following, and please let me know if I mistakenly included anything containing them:
pedophilia/csa, teacher/student relationship, sexual ageplay, or any couple with a canon age gap (even nhs with mxy, or lxc with jc)
incest, including wwx with jc, and jin ling with lzs (the canon incest may be mentioned, but I find that comes up rarely in works I read)
romanticized rape (incl. sex under duress or when unable to consent); everything under the umbrella of ‘noncon’, ‘dubcon’, fuck or die, sex pollen, sex curses, drunk sex scenes, warprize, nonconsensual (or even consensual) somnophilia, necrophilia, etc - unless treated as a traumatic experience - I have several SA recovery works bookmarked and in my MFL
*note on novel ‘canonical kinks’ - a couple of fics do obliquely reference rape fantasy, but they’re few and far between, and there are no actual scenes depicting it. I will mark them so readers will know
abusive wwx or lwj (or anyone not already abusive)
dark!wwx or lwj (🙄)
xy/xxc unless it’s treated as fucky
fics feminizing wwx - some gray area since he’s gnc in the novel and I really do like seeing that explored; there is one exception to this rule and it will be marked
cop AUs
CEO wwx or lwj (except for parody)
character x reader
h*rry p*tter
asexual or demisexual wwx and/or lwj: I don’t have an issue with any other characters being aro or ace but they just didn’t come up very often
plus more that I habitually avoid and assume everyone following me does too, but I’m drawing a blank rn. feel free to message me to add more
due to personal preference, there will be also be no, or very little of the following:
meet-cutes, hook-ups, breakup fics (even if they get back together), friends with benefits, fake dating/relationship
self inserts
soulmate AUs
age regression (even if non-sexual)
camboy/stripper/sex worker/brothel/courtesan AUs (they’re usually awful but I do have one exception)
kinky stuff besides bdsm. not what I’m here for
*bdsm fic is not something I particularly seek out or enjoy, but since it’s kind of unavoidable so you can expect a fair amount of that
*like I really dislike reading orgasm delay/denial but it’s everywhere so *shrug*
*spanking and more specific kinks like petplay, watersports, inflation, tentacle shit, etc. will not show up since I don’t like them
any reference to the PM kiss unless it’s treated with the gravity is should be
time travel
youtube/socmed, high school, robots/androids, sports, office, assassin, spy, royalty, science fiction, idol, shapeshifting, reality tv, celebrity, mafia, actor, professor, military, or fairy tale AUs
significant canon divergence AUs
significant fix-its
junior-centric (and anything where they’re shipped with each other or anyone else)
fics over 3 chapters (with a handful of exceptions)
Hanahaki disease
mpreg: obviously trans men and and do get pregnant, but I’m wary of anything tagged mpreg since generally speaking, this type of fic is quite weird about trans men. also some mpreg is literally about cis men getting pregnant which like...???
threesomes...sorry, there are just no good ones that people write very much about
podfics/video format
fics that try to pretend like myu was a good mother lmao
I have the tag ‘oblivious wwx’ blacklisted so that might tell you something
if jc is there, people are probably bullying him, but I dislike fics written by jc haters as much as by uncritical jc fans
drawn-out miscommunication for the sake of romantic angst. super annoying
juniors shipping wx 🙄
I have ‘possessive lwj’ blacklisted but this is also something else that’s sort of everywhere; if it’s present it’s either recognized as a flaw and well-controlled, or isn’t very significant
also, the only couples I really read about or rec are
wx (number one, baby - most other couples are usually background sorry but nothing overshadows Them)
yanqing (MAYBE)
nielan (background only)
xiyao (as a toxic or past relationship only)
cssr/wcz (background only)
ONE instance of wq/jc
one-sided nhs/wwx
yaoyang lmao
wq/wwx, sexually but not romantically. like platonic BM-era comfort sex
+ random one-offs like wlj/wq, jc/jzx, and others, perhaps (??)
if you’re still reading, thanks <3
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atlabeth · 10 months
i probably will also be sucked into the grishaverse. likely very far into the future though cause everyone so far has told me they’re hard to get into lmao and i already have the worst time trying to get into books
oh my god yeah so much of my interpretation of characters (especially nikolai) comes from the fics i read. and LMAO i mean you must be doing something right then. who needs to watch several seasons of shows to know the characters anyway?? 100k is so impressive either way i can barely put out a few thousand myself. i have a wip that’s 17k but i haven’t touched it in months tbh
i’m also tempted to write my own nikolai fics but i’m too lazy to google stuff about the world building and i have a need for making things somewhat accurate :’)
i think they are a little difficult to get into because s&b is a lot more stereotypical YA series but i still loved them; after there’s the crows duology and then a nikolai duology!! six of crows is incredible
i have 2 100k+ long fics rn and idk how i’m functioning i have too many things bouncing around in my head lmao. my one shots have been getting steadily longer, after i ended up with 40k words that stemmed from one line of dialogue ive just accepted i can’t write short things anymore
definitely write nikolai stuff!! he’s so much fun to write for. but i totally get it i was so intimidated to write for the grishaverse even after i finished the books because there’s a lot of worldbuilding but eventually you get into the groove and it’s fun
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the7thcrow · 1 year
i just finished reading natgig and I. Am. Going. Through. It. (inserts gif of the joker)
i srsly can't even try to explain how amazing your writing is. the worldbuilding, the narrative, the honesty and caution when portraying the characters.... the absolute THIRST im feeling rn for more words, more histories the characters have to tell, more discoveries, and etc etc !!!!!! i'm rlly sorry i can't elaborate more about how i'm Actually Feeling™️ rn, i just hope you have an amazing day/night and i hope you know how amazing you are. you're one of the writers that makes me wanna swallow down even the littlest syllables (and i swear i mean it in a good way). hope you know you're a inspiration, that you're incredible.
omg hi there! firstly you’re my first like, actually named anon so tysm in general for just stopping by and sharing your thoughts🤍🤍🤍 i hope you stick around <3
but also i’m happy you’re so excited about natgig. she’s my baby, and to see someone enjoy reading it so much means the world to me. you’re far, far too nice🥹 tysm for all your kind words, i’m feeling like a pile of mushy feelings rn.❤️
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troglobite · 2 years
tfw you’re starting to get the feeling that only one or two of your friends are actually interested in playing the game you’re spending countless hours world building and preparing for and that by the time you’re done and ready to DM these sessions that almost no one is going to want to play the game :)))))))
anyway if that ends up happening, lemme know if you’d want to join in. by the time we play (probably still a few months out, though i’m moving along at a nice clip rn) one of the players who i think still wants to play will be in VA but she stays up late no problem. the rest of us are west coast/PST. 
the game premise is that i, the dm, am playing an insert character named Miss Frizzle. she’s an owlin. the players characters are all miss frizzle’s students, but just in this one course. 
everyone is attending, in some fashion, the school of strixhaven--but i have SERIOUSLY rewritten it and added onto it to make it my own. i’ve built the world of arcavios around it. i’ve done almost everything so far and it’ll all be homebrew. i’m also using a 5e companion book that i supported in a kickstarter that involves monster tracking, hunting, and crafting, and has a lot of fun spells, items, playable character ancestries, and new monsters. it’s not complete yet, but i have several PDFs with the WIP of all of these things.
each game session will be the weekly class session for Miss Frizzle’s class. she has hand selected the students for the course, as she does every section that she teaches it. 
the sessions could be dungeon crawls, escape rooms, diplomatic problems, etc. but each time, she’ll be teleporting everyone to somewhere--perhaps another plane of existence, somewhere else on campus, a pocket dimension that she made, or somewhere else in the wider world of arcavios. she’ll have set up a particular challenge for the students to do, and then she’ll just bounce. exactly like the tv show in that regard.
it’ll play like a typical dnd game and there won’t be any like cheesy over the top lessons to be learned, but the whole point is PC character growth, to learn things and develop and have fun. every session or two (so every other class or so) the characters will level up. we’re starting at level 8 so that things are really interesting to begin with, and to let everyone have interesting character development and backstory before we dive in. 
if nobody ends up wanting to play, or only a couple of them are Really Interested, i am straight up just going to ask other ppl i know online if they want to join in long form. the campaign WILL have a predetermined end-date: the last day of class for the section. so 16 or more sessions in total, because there are 16 weeks in a section at the school (listen, i made an entire fucking calendar system for this planet--like, don’t look at me, the detail is ridiculous, i’m going overboard, but i also feel like i have to, in order to feel comfortable helping guide several players through this world, even with the major bumpers on by forcing them to only interact with one thing per session)
so anyway if that you, if you’re comfortable getting on zoom and playing with relative strangers (whether you know me or not, you probably wouldn’t know the friends who would play) just lemme know. bc uh. i refuse to have put in all this effort with worldbuilding only for ppl to not be very interested. 
and i also refuse to have one or two friends who are REALLY invested in their characters not be able to play just bc no one else wants to. and i wanna share this world bc i think it’s fun and i think ppl could tell some really fun stories with characters here. 
also i have access to fun new spells and subclasses and monsters and other shit and i just think it’d be neat. 
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pdaliceliveblogs · 2 years
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asdfghjk oh my god it wasn’t, I was too emotional for punning just then omg
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Yeah!! Bump has been really growing on me; he’s a shockingly good dude.
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asdfghjklkjhgfd I mean that is hilarious. Right now my assumption is that he was right there when Kikimora cocooned up Raine, felt really prickly and weird about the coven sigil on his own wrist, and went “yep okay not going to be part of this anymore”.
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That also seems plausible! I’m so excited about this whole twist tbh. Raine is such a fuckin’ badass I love them so much, and also Darius is very fun to watch so. I’m having a great time all ‘round. 
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Mn, technically him being the principal for at least some of her havoc works (and is even likely), but I’m still side-eyeing that photo bc he has his current design in it and they made him look way younger in the flashback :p
Yeah though!! Ever since Raine said Belos needed all nine of the coven heads for his plan, it’s looked like the whole coven system was set up for this plan, and that draining spell just confirms it.
And thank you so much!!
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thank you for informing me. I... am so fuckin’ oblivious sometimes. I genuinely did not realize that until Banshee told me and then I was like “...shit I better go see myself getting clowned on” so I checked the notes of that post to see all the people going IT’S AN ASS
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Yeah! I love that kind of worldbuilding, it takes the cheerful “savage” Isles we saw in E&E and shows us the way Belos is just starting to corrupt them but hasn’t gotten very far yet. It was really well done.
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I mean, they knew she was cursed, just not the details, which she was working pretty hard to hide. As to not being in the audience at the intended-to-be-a-duel, in the fic I’m working on rn I explained it away as them being back at the Knee visiting their grandmother; it’s not impossible, just needs a little writing around.
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Ah yeah, Mike told me that was probably Perry and while I don’t think I’d have noticed on my own I can totally see it! And I was told Gilbert’s name a while back though I thought it was the other one, and so I’ve just been placeholder calling the other dad Sully in my head... but Harvey is a very cute name too~ Thanks for letting me know! I will have to update... both their tags....
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friendofhayley · 3 years
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It's back to your scheduled programming, with a multifandom monthly fic rec! My hyperfixations have taken it slow, so strap in for recs in multiple fandoms and ships that I read this month! Thank you to all the fic creators of every fandom for freely giving us the headcanons from your mind and fingers! This fic rec includes 14 fics from Harry Potter, My Hero Academia, the Witcher, and IT fandoms.
Drarry (Harry Potter)
1. A Crack In The Wall by facewithoutheart | Lily & Draco brotp - time travel - Potter crushes are a hassle - eventual happy ending - 38k
Hogwarts finds an unconventional way to heal the scars of war, using the power of love and a crack in the wall.
2. Bloody Knuckles by meshtams | I usually can't stand No Magic AUs but this one hits - trans boy Harry - the Dursleys are their own warning - side Wolfstar - 10k
Stonewall high and living with the dursleys... didnt work out, so when harry is adopted by his godfathers remus and sirius, and even better they are actually supportive of him, its like a dream come true, especially when his new school is so much better than his old one and he actually has friends there, but apparently it can't last. he's outed as trans to the entire school, and he has very few people on his side, but for some reason, Draco Malfoy, the boy who has been tormenting him since he started at Hogwarts, is completely silent on it. Until he isn't, and Harry has to re-evaluate his entire perception of him.
3. Reparatio by astolat | this is a classic that I recently reread - my favorite part is the lack of seduction before the sex haha - worldbuilding - misunderstandings - 17k
Draco snorted. “I’m not reduced to penury. I want something considerably beyond money, and I rather think you’re the only one can give it to me.”
“You want the Invisibility Cloak,” Harry said, flatly. He’d half expected as much; it was the only thing he had that Draco could want—
“Don’t be stupid, Potter,” Draco said. “I want my reputation back.”
Class 1-A Found Family (My Hero Academia)
4. Through Thick and Thin (series) by AoKoiClem | this series has it all: Bakugo & Midoriya omega friendship - Aizawa dad feels - genderfluid Yamada - CW: neglectful Inko - 12+ parts
Izuku isn't too sure exactly how to be an omega...so in the middle of the night while suffering and barely able to stand he goes to the one omega he knows that doesn't hate him.
5. katsuki's ua adventure (series) by wonhaebunny | this series has it all: Bakugo & girls of 1-A bonding - people standing up for Bakugo - Bakugo the feminist king - verbal take down of Endeavor by Class 1-A - 9+ parts
aka five times katsuki has his classmates' backs, and one time they have his + more
6. (Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder) FALSE by dragontrappedinhumanskin | Kiribaku ft. Class 1-A - they're pining and stupid, your Honor - be prepared for slow dancing and other cavity-inducing fluff - all the tropes - 46k
When Bakugo and Kirishima get hit by a quirk that forces them to literally stick together or face the less then desirable consequences, how the fork is Bakugo supposed to keep his crush hidden?!
Well, turns out he never needed to.
Aiden/Lambert (the Witcher)
7. Pat-a-Cake by @inexplicifics | this ship is the closest thing I have to a hyperfixation rn and if Aiden is dead I will die - modern AU - mutual pining - love language of gluten free cake - 6k
Lambert, proud owner of Wolfe Bakery, realizes he's made a dreadful mistake: running a bakery means talking to people.
Aiden needs a job.
Sometimes, two problems solve each other.
8. The Viscount (series) by minutiae | Lambert gets the childhood he deserves - de-aged Lambert - side Eskel/Jaskier - non-binary Aiden - 2 parts
Post mountain, Jaskier has been traveling alone. It hurt to walk away, but being blamed for everything that went wrong in someone else's life was one step too far. He'd been a traveling bard for over two decades, both with and without Geralt by his side. He didn't need the witcher, didn't need much else besides his lute.
Destiny had other ideas, however. A chance meeting in a forest with a small, angry child gave them both a glimpse into a life they didn't think they'd ever have or want. But in adopting this feral kid, Jaskier finds himself irrevocably tied into a life he thought he'd left, with a family he didn't know he wanted.
9. A Cat Among Wolves by @inexplicifics | this fic has it all: misunderstandings of drastic proportions - a/b/o sex and cuddles - fanon hot springs - healing from trauma - 23k
Aiden is always far too thin and miserable in the spring when they meet up again, so Lambert invites him up to Kaer Morhen for the winter. Good food, good company, a nice warm bed, and the option of very good sex - what's not to like?
Aiden left the caravan and its brutal alphas as soon as he could survive on his own. He is heartbroken when Lambert suggests he come to Kaer Morhen to be the alpha Wolves' newest toy - but he'd do anything for Lambert, even this.
...There's a miscommunication in there somewhere.
10. Two wolves, a cat and a bard walk into a tavern by Beginte | Witchers are bad at feelings, surprise - side Geraskier - idiots in love - miscommunication - 6k
"Aren't you going to introduce us?"
A smarmy look crosses Lambert's face.
"Aiden, this is Jaskier – the famous bard whose songs make life easier for us witchers on the Path, the only person ever to win the Oxenfurt Academy bardic competition twice in a row. And this is his lover, Geralt."
11. The Kaer Morhen Book Club (series) by @jackironsides | this series has it all: the best concept - main Geraskier - Witcher erotica, bc if you don't want to sing praises, write something spicy - winters at Kaer Morhen - 1+ parts
It’s a tradition the three of them hold. Whenever one of them finds a book of the right kind, he brings it back to Kaer Morhen to share with the others. They keep the books on a shelf in the library that they inexpertly installed themselves. Eskel drags a chair up to form their little semicircle in front of the library fire. Lambert opens the first bottle of krupnikas. ‘Well?’ Lambert says. ‘Either of you find a good one this year?’
12. Songbird (series) by WhoopsOK | oh fic, how might I recount the ways I love thee? - Jaskier gets adopted by the Cats (+ Lambert) - poly relationship + found family - what-if fics in the universe - 3+ parts
A bard singing in the woods is nothing much worth paying attention to, he’s done it for years without interruption. So, he makes up a song on the fly—a very thinly veiled warning about conniving nobles and traps set for hissing creatures. It’s the best he can do.
Apparently, his best is good enough this time, because when he turns around to head back to his room for the night, he nearly smashes his nose into a witcher’s chest.
Reddie (IT)
13. the mind's a funny fruit by @joldiego | Eddie gains a family at the Farmer's Market while Richie stays traumatized - it's super easy to accept your gayness if you live with old lesbians - the ultimate queer fantasy: lose your identity and live in a B&B - the Turtle can help us - 22k
A man wakes up in Derry, Maine with no memory and a hole in his chest.
He names himself Richie and moves on from there.
14. RICHIE TOZIER IS...THE COMEBACK CLOWN by owlinaminor, tinypersonhotel | literally Richie just hanging with the funniest comedians (inc. McElroy family) - literally everything you never knew you needed - Tan France giving Richie a makeover? - fix-it - 11k
Griffin: You’re like, Richie, you’re like on a weird career roller coaster only you switched the ride up halfway through. Like, before it was a shirtty wooden roller coaster that you think is gonna collapse right as you get to the top of the big hill, but now it’s, like, sleek and has real seatbelts, and you can go upside down, and you’ll throw up after—
Richie: You’ll Throw Up After. Title of my Netflix special.
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