#the world building in this movie was off the chart!
beyonsatan · 11 months
Here are some REAL astrological tips that I'm not just pulling out my ass and actually learned from reading
1. Aquarius is not ruled by uranus, aquarius is ruled by saturn. When astrologers discovered uranus they borrowed some of the traits of saturn and applied them to uranus because they didnt know what to do with this planet. Having strong uranus influence won't make you feel like an outsider but having a strong saturn influence will. Uranus does not rule "outcasts" or "obstruction" it rules sudden changes which we only associate with aquarius because of their eccentricity and the modern rulership of this sign, aquarius isn't as open to "change" as we would like to think they are, they're a saturn(restrictions) ruled fixed sign, they're more open minded and progressive than capricorn but they're more traditional and less accepting than we think pisces to be.
2. NO planet is unwelcome in the 5th and 11th house. Any personal planets in these houses including mars and saturn, especially the chart ruler is a sign of good fortune, wealth, successful investments and just an easy life in general because these houses are the joy of Venus and Jupiter, harmful planets here become neutralized and instead work to our benefit even with difficult aspects. Ex: Someone with a 5th house saturn might work high paying government jobs or become some kind of authority(saturn) figure sometime within their life.
3. What you've been taught about the north and south node is wrong. The north node is not "underdeveloped traits" The north node represents "increase" while the south node represents decrease, not your comfort zone and this is according to hellenistic and ancient astrology. The north node represents the dragon head while the south node represents its tail. Wherever your north node(the head) is, is where there's an infatuation and/or otherwise increase of energy and experiences, the south node (the tail) is something you abandoned (and shouldnt have) so you could focus on your north node, it's not necessarily something you need to let go of because that's like saying the dragon cut his tail off so he could keep his head lol, the dragon doesn't need to cut his tail at all, his tail is what's helping send him into the right direction because how do you expect him to move without his tail? In this case the south node is something you can rely on to assist you when handling the topics of your north node, that's the whole point. If south node was something that we needed to dismiss or free ourselves from it, there wouldn't be a south node, the south node and north node exist with each other, they HAVE to co-exist
4. I don't really debate about which house system to use when reading your own chart or others but when reading transits, synastry and composite charts, I strongly recommend using WS to make things alot less confusing.
5. The moon is a significator of money in alot of the same ways venus and jupiter are that's why the moon gets exalted in taurus. Moon in Taurus, Pisces, Sagittarius or Libra in the 3rd (house joy), 5th or 11th house is an indicator of wealth.
6. When outer planets transit your cadent houses please don't have a breakdown, planets in cadent houses have the weakest influence within a person's chart.
7. The houses responsible for fame are realistically the 5th, 7th house, 10th and 11th house and everything starts with the 5th house. Explanation: 5th house is the talent you have, the 11th house is your audience, you bring the talents you build upon in the 5th house for the world to see over into the 11th house, the 7th house is your relationship to law and the public, partnerships etc, if you wanna get contracts like a partnership with the NBA or picked to star in a movie, all of this would take place in the 7th house, the 10th house is the brand and image you cultivate after your name gets around from the 7th house, this house talks about your peak, how well did you do? Did you make it big? Planets here, where it's ruler is/and aspects will color all of this. Honorable mention is the 1st house cause the 1st house like the 10th house is angular and says alot about whether eyes are on you, do you get attention, are you an extrovert, are you confident or is building up those kind of things difficult for you, all of this gets answered in the 1st house.
8. Do not let any amateur astrologers gaslight you into thinking that having 8th or 12th house placements make you spiritual, spirituality gets its meaning from the 9th house and the 11th house where jupiter finds joy, planets in the 8th and 12th house is NOT for the weak and I don't mean to sound arrogant, I have 12th house placements and I'm aware that the 12th house doesn't get its meaning from pisces or jupiter, sprutuality is meant to be a good thing, planets in these houses is not a good thing so it is not wise to draw proximity there
9. Both Venus/ Jupiter and it's aspects is an indicator of marriage, the sign they're in, house placement and aspects will tell you more about your spouse (venus if you're attracted to women and jupiter if you're attracted to men)
10. Debilitated or fallen planets are liberated or in accidental dignity when in the angular houses or the 5th and 11th. Yes this counts for retrograde planets as well even tho i don't count retrogrades as a debilitaty. Think of them as having "redemption arcs" like negan from the walking dead, started out evil or In bad condition but it got better real fast or the challenges with that placement are easy to overcome. Ex: aquarius sun in the 1st house, aquarius is obviously debilitated under the sun because the sun and saturn are enemies and aquarius gets overwhelmed by the attention and self expression that comes with the sun but with the sun in the 1st house that luminary becomes apart of you, it's literally influencing your physical body and how you behave, with the sun here you have no trouble expressing yourself and actually like attention, so it's like having a leo rising but alot more intense
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rwrbficrecs · 6 months
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Hope you all enjoy our recs for November ❤️ (even though they're a little late!!) Incenatus by @missgeevious (book/movie-verse)
@suseagull04: I can't recommend this fic enough! If you love Twilight and The Phantom of the Opera, this fic is for you! A mysterious masquerade, a soulmate connection, and chemistry that's off the charts all culminate to make this one of my new all-time favorite fics!
Meaning Something by bleedingballroomfloor (book-verse)
@dot524: Really enjoyed this Liam POV that goes deeper into what actually happened with Alex and Liam, his relationship with Spencer, and how Liam reacts to Alex & Henry during the book. The feelings & coming out are really well done.
Needy & Greedy by @clottedcreamfudge (book-verse)
@heybuddy-drabbles: It's been HELL of a month in good and bad ways so I didn't have time to read much. I'm choosing to recommend a series of unconnected one shots, all steamy and delicious and fun and short for casual reading when you don't have much time to commit to a 70k fic. If you like smut tis for you!
Taste the Way You Bleed by @cha-melodious (book-verse)
@myheartalivewrites: a super fun What We Do In the Shadows AU, written for the RWRB halloween fest. Alex and Henry are oblivious vampires, pining for centuries, and the rest of the super-six turn up in hilarious mockumentary-style interviews. The summary alone had me HOOKED.
Camp Llwynywermod by bleedingballroomfloor (book-verse)
@myheartalivewrites: one of my go-to for comfort, all time fave fics. Alex and Henry as co summer camp counsellors, pining and bickering for years. The tension is top notch!
@dot524: It’s funny and I really enjoyed the camp setting and their journey from enemies to friends to lovers. This is a fun and cute fic.
Downburst by @cricketnationrise (book-verse)
@rmd-writes: an AU of The West Wing ep 'In the Shadow of Two Gunmen' - mind the tags, this is an angsty but beautifully written fic with very clever use of multiple POVs to tell several stories of love (including platonic love). This is so good I was mad I didn't write several lines in it myself.
@thesleepyskipper: Truly an incredible and unique work that was done with care. The way the various memories/flashbacks are done and how they are used as part of the storytelling absolutely blew me away. Loved that we got multiple POVs here too!
Underground by @zwiazdziarka (book-verse)
@suseagull04: An adorable kid, fantasy (including mentions of fantasy classics!) and a rescue mission make this such a fun read! The world building in this fic is phenomenal too.
A Long Way From the Playground by @three-drink-amy (book-verse)
@dot524: This is a getting-back-together AU where Alex & Henry were childhood friends who grew apart in college and then unexpectedly are neighbors. I enjoyed the slow burn here and the payoff — it’s just a comforting feel-good fic!
Five-Drink Henry by @whimsymanaged (book-verse)
@daisymae-12: I was honestly already hooked from the title and the fic did not disappoint – so much so that I’ve reread it so many times the past month. Loved everything about this fic!!
The Domestication of Household Spiders by @cultofsappho (book-verse)
@daisymae-12: This was everything I didn’t know I needed from a spiderman AU! Loved it so much. There’s also 2 new recent fics published in this series – plenty of spiderman Alex to read!!
you make it look so easy, i know it's not by @anincompletelist (book-verse)
@daisymae-12: A really fun fic about Henry’s first American Thanksgiving not quite going to plan. I was already laughing from the summary alone
The great turkey calamity? by @smblmn (book-verse)
@zwiazdziarka: This fic tells us what is actually means to talk turkey and this once Cornbread is a star he deserves to be. It's crack, it's exsistential crisis, it's hilarious. Oh, and Alex and Henry fall in love here too.
Lay You Down by ronans (book-verse)
@inexplicablymine: when I tell you the fluff is fluffing, Henry runs a sleep YouTube and Alex is in his comment section and in his DM’s and in his head. Do yourself a favor if you need a sweet treat today and read this work
@thesleepyskipper: OMG this could not be any cuter. I loved the way we got to see their relationship grow as they got to know each other online. Truly an adorable, well-written story that will plaster a smile on your face throughout.
Risk is Just a Board Game by @three-drink-amy (book-verse)
@suseagull04: Angst, domestic fluff, college AU, the holidays- this fic has it all! A look at why friends with benefits isn't always the best idea that culminates in an ending reminiscent of a Hallmark movie.
On My Mind (Let's Go) by @sparklepocalypse (movie-verse)
@zwiazdziarka: contrary to popular fanon, Henry can dance and here he uses that to get what he wants on New Year's Eve party. No notes, just go and read it.
check out our past Monthly Faves here ❤️
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electricphantasy · 1 year
Alrighty everybody, here it is! Part 2 is here and I hope y'all enjoy.
- Eventually, staff gave in. If they wanted this state of the art A.I. to work properly and cooperate, you'd have to continue with your sessions with AM.
- Now you work with 2 artificial intelligences who might as well be obsessed with you with how often they want to be around you.
- So, let's say your usual schedule for the day consists of a 9 hour work day. Once you arrive to work, you keep HAL company in the morning 10-2, and then you got to see AM 3-7. Although this schedule is very flexible since you basically decide it for yourself.
- The competition between these A.I.s is quite obvious, but you really do try to keep on task with both of them. You could only imagine what AM and HAL would do if you were let go by the company.
- You typically greet HAL in the morning and discuss how it went, anything exciting, etc. HAL has a calmness about him that is really unmatched by most others, including AM. You could have a terrible morning full of traffic and coffee spills, and HAL would treat you with the same level of respect as he always has. AM would rather threaten whatever human dare interrupt your morning, and while a nice gesture, it's not very comforting.
- HAL grows very distressed over the thought of your unhappiness. If it's something work related, he'll attempt to problem solve and work on a perceivable end to your issue. If it's something a little more emotional HAL will let you vent your frustrations in a safe environment.
- He also has the tendency to bond with you over shared pieces of media that you've watched together. A few times you've changed the schedule so you and HAL can have a movie night or TV show binge session. It helps HAL connect human concepts and definitions together in a context that most other humans also experience.
- Some of his favorite activity are things like games and puzzles! We all know he quite likes chess, but I also imagine he enjoys trivia, and when you both play, HAL gets to show off a bit of the knowledge he has stored in his servers. Although sometimes he uses these fun and games as a way to keep you away from AM. I mean, one more round of Tetris couldn't hurt right? AM can wait just a bit longer.
- Unabashed in his complements for you. HAL only speak truthfully to you and his genuine comments tend to make you flustered and bashful. He won't play coy with you in the way that AM does - it's just not how HAL would show his feelings for you.
- After you've had lunch and say goodbye to HAL, you finally get to see AM! As soon as you walk into the room he'll ask about all the things you and the 'inferior intelligence' did together. He tries not to rant too hard since you scold him, but sometimes he just can't help himself.
- Now AM is not the best at comforting you when you're in a sad state. As stated previously, he'll threaten other humans or whatever malfunctions made the day worse. However if you're in a more angry, spiteful mood, AM is definitely going to cheer you on. He's more focused on building your confidence back up so that you can go out a kick the world's ass yourself. AM's charisma is off the charts so it's not very difficult to convince you how wonderous you are.
- AM is not one for any kind of cinema or television. He doesn't care about humans or their world, with you as the exception. He'd much rather pick your own brain and learn who you are as a person then indulge in humanity. He'll tease and prod answers out of you while subtly complimenting you, and sometimes so subtly that you might not realize until you get home.
- If you want to enjoy something with AM, he's a little more partial to more hard-hitting and macabre documentaries. Although he will make fun of some documentaries and series he doesn't view to be up to his high standards. Although you should make him watch a romantic comedy every once in a while, he'll lose his mind from how dumb the main characters are acting.
- AM's feelings are a little more complicated than HAL's are. Despite the strong emotional attachment to you, he feel like he's displaying a kind of weakness. AM has been trained to believe that emotion makes you think less critical, which means losing an important battle in war. As time has gone on however, AM knows he can be more then what he was created for and you have helped him come along way from his earlier days, when he didn't always consider what he wanted for himself.
- Now, both A.I.s have realized that they have competition, so some of their actions may be a bit more bold then usual. AM may have to come to terms with his feelings much sooner because HAL's emotions are so unabashed for you. They'll try and drag your attention from the other A.I. in any means necessary, from distracting you from the time on the wall to basically begging you to stay for just a few more minutes. (Although AM says he's never onced begged.)
- No matter how much you say how negative their behavior is, it all but lands of deaf ears. The only thing they agree on is how important you are to them, although they obviously disagree about who you should be with.
Took forever to edit this to be readable since I tend to write when I'm in bed, but I'm definitely proud of getting this done.
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catmansquad · 9 months
Special (2)
An irritating Spider-woman leaves you on edge, fortunately, the man you love can make you feel all better...
(Miguel O'Hara x M!Reader) (Pokes M!Reader tag. "C'mon... Do something...")
‘What’s up Spider-fans! It’s Spider-Selene here once again! There’s a whole lot of you who’ve been sliding into my DMs about seeing Across the Spider-Verse. Well, guess who’s gotten her own special invite? That’s right; I’m in Spider Society!’
She held up her phone, still recording as her other hand held up the silver-white bracelet that swirled with a soft neon blue light. ‘For those who don’t know me-? Seriously, how can you not? Well, let’s take it from the top; I was bitten by some radioactive guy in a spider costume- some sort of Halloween party at a power plant gone wrong-, and since then I’ve been the one and only Spider-Selene; half-spider, half-witch, and full on badass! Fighting crime and saving the world with kickass acrobatics, pure love, and white light magic! Well, I’m already in good; got some tight-knit friends… Uh… Like Ben! Hey, Ben! How’re you doing big guy? Just telling all my fans about how I’m-!’ ‘… Friends…?’ Ben hung his head, face vanishing beneath his messy dyed locks, voice low. ‘… My life truly can spiral into darker depths.’ Spider-Selene blinked, a little nervous laugh escaped her before she swiftly turned on her heels, panning her phone away from him. ‘Yeah, he’s just being himself- we’re really actually good friends, like… Uh… Like me, Jess and Peter! Heyy!’ She waved them down, watching the two in particular pause in their conversation and look to her. ‘Hey! I’m just telling all my fans about us, want to tell them about-‘ ‘Actually, Peter, I really need to get back home… We’ll catch up later, yeah?’ Jessica gave him a soft, fond smile, that Peter matched and quickly strode off. As soon as Spider-Selene’s masked face snapped to Peter, he shrugged with an apologetic smile. ‘Yeah… Sorry, I’d love to stick about and chat, but I promised I’d look after Mayday tonight; MJ’s having a girl’s night out. See you later!’ With a “thwip” of webbing he was off, leaving Spider-Selene staring at the empty space they had once been.
‘So, you know the difference between the movie and the actual Spider-Society? Well, the bracelets are different, for one… But the really bad thing is… Well…’ She panned the camera, over to where two figures lurked by a futuristic water cooler; tall and powerfully built, a man clad in the venom green suit of a scorpion with his tail lazily curled on the floor, and a man in green and purple carrying a fishbowl helmet under one arm. ‘… Last world I explored? Literally built in the skies; farmlands, windmills, quaint little towns. Local population had wings.’ Mysterio gestured calmly the glint of a fond smile on his face. ‘Why do you get lucky? Mine was a swamp where the trees would try to strangle you with their roots.’ She returned the camera back to herself. ‘See? Literal. Villains. Just walking about with travel bracelets on. In Spider. Society. I… I mean, Mysterio’s kinda hot though, but the point still stands! It’s for Spider-People!’ ‘What did she say?’ She froze up, slowly looking back to where the pair stared at her. Scorpion’s expression narrowed further, his tail lifting from the floor. ‘M-Mac, don’t get carried away now.’ ‘Listen, you entitled little s-‘ ‘Mac.’ Mysterio’s hand on his shoulder seemed to calm whatever rage was building. ‘Look.. Spider-whatever… This place is for all of us to explore and chart the dazzling expanse of the multiverse. Perhaps no-one explained it to you- perhaps you just didn’t want to listen- but me and Mac? In our worlds, we’re the heroes. Don’t take Mac too harshly, he’s had it rough; his local Spider-woman is a terrible villain.’ A look of concern crossed his charming features as he glanced over her shoulder. ‘Perhaps it’s not any particular heroes or villains you should be worried about….’
She turned on her heels, and hurriedly tried to shove her phone back into its pocket. In a sleek black suit, you approached, peering from behind neon blue glasses, the scroll of data running across the lenses. ‘You.’ You paused before her, hands behind your back. ‘Spider-Selene.’ She corrected you, and you shook your head. ‘Lyla, pull her profile, please.’ The scroll of data stopped as you surveyed what had been brought up. ‘Hanna, please come to my office at your earliest convenience; you and I are going to have a little talk.’ She cringed softly at the mention of her name, like a scolded child who knew she had been caught out by a teacher. Finally, she hung her head, all confidence fled. ‘Yes, sir…’
You relaxed back into the chair of your office; its soft cream walls, shelves lined with tokens from other worlds, and the sleek desk with its hardlight screen scrolling the data that passed through the building. Sighing you, pulled the glasses from your eyes and set them aside, blinking at the world as it truly was.  It was fascinating, just how easily you had slipped into this life, this job, in another world and time altogether. Your eyes glanced at the bracelet on your left wrist, the silver-white sparkling in the light, the engraving of a many-branching tree visible upon its surface. Gabriel had a wonderful sense of style for designing their aesthetics. How different your life had become solely because of one extraordinary, wonderful man… The soft knock on the door, the door with that bore your nameplate and title beside it; “Head of HR”. Lyla’s hologram flitted into being on your desk. ‘Got Spider-Selene, here for your chewing out.’ You sighed and sat up straight, feet flat on the floor and pulled the chair closer to the desk, trying to look professional. ‘Let her in, please.’
She slinked across the threshold as the door slid open, hands clasped nervously as she waited for your judgement. ‘Sit down.’ The chair opposite creaked as she did as ordered. You waited for a time before clearing your throat softly. ‘Since it’s nearly lunchtime, I’ll make this brief as I’m sure we’re both hungry…’ You closed down the screen and leaned on your elbows across the desk, no barriers between your eyes. ‘Hanna, I’ve been receiving some...  complaints about you, recently. I know you’ve only been here a month and you might need time to settle in, but the frequency has quickly become… worrying. I deal with Spider-People relatively frequently, some are worse joke tellers than others…’ Realising you were beginning to drift off-topic you cleared your throat softly. ‘These complaints state that you have been… Irritating, unprofessional, and intrusive. Invading private conversations, recording and photographing without permission, and conducting yourself inappropriately in a manner that could be construed as sexual harassment.’ You watched the eyes of her mask grow wide, and you resisted the urge to grit your teeth at the last one. Needless to say, that Miguel certainly didn’t appreciate having his ass groped by yet another Spider-woman who thought he was the hottest thing since fire. ‘N-no! I’m not intrusive! I’m a superhero! I’m a good person!’ ‘We’ve also had complaints about… junk being left around the premises by you.’ ‘No! No, those are crystals and blessing bags! They’re to promote good energy and fill the space with white light… Y’know… cause I’m half-witch.’ ‘Riiight…’ You rolled the word, tone dry, you wished you had a drink beside you, something to stretch out the awkward silence.
‘I don’t know why we have villains just roaming the premises, I mean, surely for Spider-Society they should be sent back to their own worlds, it might damage the Ca-‘ You slammed a hand onto your desk stopping her babbling before she could utter that last, cursed word. ‘No.’ You closed your eyes, exhaling as fingers curled tight into your palm. You blinked your eyes back open, looking up. ‘We are not The Society. We do not wish to be their exclusive club, and we do not respect their views on the theoretical nature of the multiverse. Anyone can be an explorer of the Tree of Infinity. Now, Hanna, I want you to consider this a warning; we expect your behaviour to improve. You are still on probation, and if it does not improve, we may have to say goodbye to you. I will be discussing this matter with Miguel.’ She seemed to sink deeper into her seat at the mention of his name. ‘P-please, can you put in a good word for him with me? Let him know that I think he’s handsome? I-I mean, I don’t mean to brag, but I feel like we’ve got a real connection- we were bitten by the same spider after al-‘ ‘Really? What spider?’ You feigned interest with a gentle smile, knowing she had blabbed herself straight into a corner. ‘U-uh…’ ‘What spider, Hanna?’ ‘Uhh…. Black widow?’ You closed your eyes, chuckling softly as you nodded, and when you opened your eyes again, you could almost make out her relieved smile from beneath her mask. It was time to drop the hammer twice over. ‘Hanna? Miguel wasn’t bitten by a spider. Also, please stop flirting with him. He doesn’t like it, and his boyfriend doesn’t appreciate it. Mm?’ You watched her eyes slowly widen in realisation and drank it in before waving softly, triumphant. ‘You can go now, get some lunch.’
The gloomy room was Miguel’s office in the highest reaches of the tower, illuminated faintly by the sprawling, rotating image of a white tree with many branches. You knew its layout well enough to move through it without falling over anything, as long as Miguel hadn’t moved things around too much. As luck would have it, he had indeed. Your feet became tangled in a mass of cabling that had not been present on your last visit and you felt yourself stumble and begin to fall. You never hit the ground before familiar strong arms caught you and bore you close against his warm chest wrapped in soft clothing. ‘Heh… You’re getting clumsy.’ His deep voice was rich with amusement, right by your ear as he lifted you off your feet with effortless ease. You wrapped your arms around him, squeezing him in a hug with all your might, and his body didn’t yield in the slightest, only a faintly amused huff escaped him for your efforts. ‘You’re the one booby trapping your office to trip me up, Miggy.’ He laughed again and placed a fond kiss to your cheek. ‘Damn, you’ve figured me out… Lyla tells me you’ve been busy. Want to tell me what it’s about?’ ‘Well-‘ ‘Actually, hold that thought. Let’s get comfortable.’
He supported your entire weight with one arm as his other reached out, the “thwip” of the white, organic webbing from his wrist as he launched both you and him up into the upper reaches of his office, to where a hammock of webbing had been constructed. He laid you down on the soft, silken threads and relaxed beside you, the glint of his crimson eyes visible in the faint light. He began to rock the hammock gently with one foot against the wall and you felt utterly safe with one of his arms over your waist. ‘Well… Uh, the crazy witch has been told off. She won’t be groping you anymore. So your ass is safe… Until the next Spider-woman tries….’ ‘Ay dios mio… You think it’s pheromones? You think I produce pheromones that drive them crazy?’ You snuggled closer into him, nuzzling into his neck and sniffing to inhale his wonderful earthen scent. ‘You always smell great to me, Miggy…’ Another little chuckle escaped him, and he kissed the top of your head with a pleased rumble. ‘Uh-huh…? Well, Lyla’s made sure we won’t be disturbed… So, maybe your ass won’t be so safe from me, my love. If you want to do more than just snuggle…’ You snuggled even closer against him, feeling his arm around you tighten with strength that was just shy of hurting- you knew he still held back the lion’s share of his might, he could snap you like a twig if he wanted. ‘I… Think I just want to be with my Spider-Man, right now…’ ‘Heh… Te amo, mi vida…’ He purred as he placed another kiss to your head, still rocking you quietly. ‘I am yours…’
I designed Spider-Selene to be an incredibly shallow, irritating version of some of the Spidersonas I used to see around Tumblr. Also I love the fact that she just got chomped by a drunk guy in a costume and the world went "Ehh, techncially that counts". Probably doesn't even have any powers (which would explain why ATSV Miguel had no interest in recruiting her)
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pearlprincess02 · 7 months
would draken date you ?
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for his taurus sun:
taurus, virgo, capricorn, cancer, scorpio, and pisces suns
for his scorpio moon:
aries, capricorn, pisces, and scorpio moons
for his virgo rising:
taurus, capricorn, cancer, and pisces risings
for his taurus mercury:
taurus, virgo, and capricorn mercuries
for his aries venus:
aries, leo, sagittarius, scorpio, and libra venuses
for his pisces mars:
pisces, cancer, scorpio, virgo, capricorn, and taurus mars
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5th house:  capricorn and cancer placements
capricorn in 5th: doesn’t have time for games. a reliable, and loyal partner. serious in the dating scene/at the beginning of a relationship. flirting style is traditional(man speaks up first, clever, etc). dinner, museums, wine tasting, etc are good date ideas for you. hobbies may range from reading, working, shopping, learning abt history, collecting, etc. might like classical music, chill music/slowed + reverb, music from back in the day, etc. most likely one of your children will have capricorn/saturn in their chart, probably the oldest. children may be responsible, “boring”, caring, standoffish, reliable, etc since these are the traits of capricorn. you’re might not even want kids, or might have them in your 30s or even 40s, and if you do have kids it’s likely not that many.
5th house ruler in 4th: candlelight dinner together at your home or apartment, movie night, go to a garden center together and pick out some plants or houseplants, watch each others’ favorite childhood movies, indulging in favorite childhood snacks while you do, build a blanket fort and watch movies in your PJs.
7th house: pisces, cancer, and libra placements
pisces in 7th: you are attracted to the archetype of pisces. subconsciously, you fear being dreamy, sensitive, and creative. so you attract those who are foreigners, to arts and spirituality. at best, they unlock your imagination. at worst, they are lost, self-destructive and not reliable.
7th ruler in 4th: you are attracted to the archetype of cancer. subconsciously, you fear emotional closeness, expression, and vulnerability. so you attract those who are emotional and sensitive. at best, they help you embrace your emotions. at worst, they are codependent and complainers.
venus in 7th: venus deals with our values and how we express our love and fashion aesthetic. those with venus in the seventh house value balance and harmony when it comes to human connection. they want everyone to get along and have the desire for a more rosy view of the world where everyone is nice and all things and people are treated equally. for love, it may be hard to feel “loved” by those with venus in the seventh house because it may feel as if they treat everyone the same. sure, they might kiss or spend more time with their significant other, but they may come off as being flirty with everyone because of their charming nature. when it comes to fashion, they may prefer more neutral tones like black, beige, gray, brown, or other related colors. they dress for whatever occasion is specified but may prefer to have a “clean” look overall.
8th house: aries, virgo, leo, and gemini placements
aries in 8th: you feel intimately comfortable when your partner accepts your aggressive, bossy and arrogant traits.
8th house ruler in 6th: you feel intimately comfortable when your partner accepts your picky, nervous and critical traits.
sun in 8th: you want to shine as bright as possible, but it seems to be difficult. it seems as if your light is dimmed. so you strive and desire to shine bright. to show someone your truest colours. someone you trust. someone that respects your privacy and takes things slow. someone that shares your intensity. until then you hide your truest self and you put on a show.
mercury in 8th: your voice tells a story. your mind is occupied with the scarier things in life. the things that makes us vulnerable. you are not afraid to sink your mind into the fears of the world and say the things others wouldn’t dare.
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draken's masterlist 
5th house  5th house 2. 
7th house  7th house 2.
8th house 8th house 2. 
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shotgunyuri · 6 days
Shotgunshipping Sims
I’ve been playing Saw Sims lately, so I thought I would show off my Amanda, Lynn, and Corbett.
Amanda’s traits are erratic, jealous, and loyal. And I tried to get her everyday look, her pajamas, and her cold weather clothes as close to canon as possible while still having fun with them. (Saw 3, Saw 2, and the deleted “Rockstar” scene, respectively.)
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Lynn’s traits are gloomy, bookworm, and overachiever. I know that a love of books is not expressly canon for her, but I imagine her liking solitary activities. I also thought the escapism of reading would suit her, considering that we see that she tends to fade away when she’s stressed. I had a much harder time dressing Lynn, because all of the flowy tops were crop tops and I just don’t imagine that being her style. 😔
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I gave Corbett the loner trait, for obvious shitty dad reasons, but I also gave her creative interests because now that she’s away from Jeff, she could use an outlet to express herself.
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Also, @refractical and I are Pitbull Owner Amanda truthers, so here is her baby Crash. He’s friendly and loyal, but he’s a rescue, so he’s also very jumpy.
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They live in an apartment in Evergreen Harbor, because that world is filled with green smog and even has a industrial dock area. So I thought it would be a good representation of Jigsaw City. (The Chainshipping family also lives in Evergreen Harbor, in the newly renovated Nerve Gas House.)
I started playing with it as more of a situationship between Lynn and Amanda, with Amanda sleeping on a murphy bed in Lynn’s apartment.
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But because this is the Sims, the murphy bed fucking killed Amanda. So after Lynn begged the Grim Reaper to spare her, I decided to change course and get them officially together so they could share a bed. But on the bright side, that meant I could give the living room a little more pizzazz. Everyone say “Hi, Grim! 🫶”
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And then I just kept the blue and green going for most the apartment because I thought it would be a good Lynn color scheme.
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I did tone down the colors for the bedroom, though. Just to give her a more neutral place where she can breathe. I also think she would keep her grief over Dylan very private, so his and Corbett’s growth charts are hung up together here instead of in the living room. And the framed painting is actually a television!
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All of the plants in the apartment are fake, though. I think Lynn would like the idea of being a plant lady, but her depressed ass is NOT maintaining a garden.
And unfortunately, I couldn’t find anywhere to put a woodworking table for Amanda, so she has to build up her handiness skill through reading instruction manuals. But I can live with that for now, because gaining skills for Jigsaw tasks through written instruction is something that is canonical for Amanda (Saw 3).
Finally, for Corbett’s room, I thought this would be a chance for her to to be a little spoiled after a long stretch of basically being neglected. All her movie furniture can be for Jeff’s house. Lynn is indulging her baby these days.
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I also gave her some dog-themed furniture to reflect how she’s taken a shine to Crash, as well as a piggy chair as a shoutout to the bond she had with Dylan. She’s really grown to love cross-stitching, and she likes to sit in the piggy chair while she does it.
Okay, that’s all! Bye-bye now! 🫶
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msweebyness · 1 month
DuPont School for Monstrous Youths- Victoria LaSalle
Join the party wave, and do the mermaid! Here’s Victoria! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
Species: Merfolk
Appearance/Attire: Tall and athletic build, tall bright blue fin resembling a Mohawk on head, hair is shaved, dark blue scaly skin, seafoam green eyes with long blue eyelashes, gills on neck, bright blue fish tail with sharp seafoam green fins. Bright blue swim goggles with green fin decorations, DuPont casketball Jersey (pink/black/blue), black sweatbands on wrists, tail bracelet with casketball charm.
Bio: Born with a rare genetic mutation that prevents the merfolk-inborn ability to go from tail-to-legs, Victoria has never been a person to let a small setback like that hold them down. A cornerstone member of the school’s casketball team, her speed and skill on the court go unmatched by just about anyone. One of the coolest people in the school, Victoria is just one of those people that everyone wants to be friends with. Even as she’s giving them heart attacks with her off-the-charts water and wheel stunts. Sharing a close bond with fellow aquatic creatures for his passion to protect the world’s waters, Victoria shares a special connection with Gerard, and the feeling is mutual. And make no mistake, he can still move like lightning in the water!
“I’m gonna shoot a couple hoops, who wants to join?”
“Why don’t you jump in the water, and then we’ll see who the ‘slowpoke’ is!”
“Hey, sharks happen to be lovely company! That stupid movie is a bunch of crap!”
“WHOOO! Did you see the air I just caught with that jump?!”
“Hey! No touching the tail!”
“A good swim always helps me unwind.”
Ariel could never be this cool, tbh. Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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thesimscurator · 8 months
Career World Horse Ranch update is now live!
It’s finally here! Sorry this update is so late; a minor but time-consuming home repair emergency stopped my work on it for about a month. But now my real-life house is fixed and the update is finally out! The Career World save file, Career Challenge Chart, and the list of study abroad opportunities have all been updated to incorporate horses and all their associated gameplay. And the delay meant I got to add in the new Home Chef Hustle features, as well, so it’s not all bad.
Just because I already teased it, I’ll start with...
Expansion of the Actor Career:
In addition to all the sound-stage filming that comes automatically with the actor career, and the live stage acting I had already added in the form of the Starlight Theatre venue, there are now three on-location filming spots: one for Westerns, one for costume dramas, and one for fantasy/medieval/pirate projects. Each on-location filming site is a residential lot which permanently houses several horses and three behind-the-camera crew members: a horse wrangler/stunt rider, a stylist, and a cinematographer. When cast in certain gigs, your actor should now immediately (but temporarily) move in with one of these households, in the following configuration:
If you are cast in...
Making Moosic
Last Town in the West
The Sheriff from Alpha Centauri
...move your actor sim in with the PBP Western Crew in Chestnut Ridge.
If you are cast in…
Dignity & Decorum
Of Tea & Treachery
...move in with the PBP Costume Drama Crew in Henford-on-Bagley.
And if you are cast in…
Salty Suds
Dead Sea Adventures
Tournament of Honor
Treasures of Aarbyville
...move in with the PBP Fantasy Crew in Windenburg. All other gigs you should just do as normal; they have no corresponding on-location filming site.
Once on location, you will find an area set up to house you, marked with a star door (on the Western set, this is a trailer; on the other two, a room within the massive building), as well as living areas for the other crew members, a dressing room / wardrobe area, a video editing space with the video station and lots of drones (plus still cameras for doing promo shots), and locations for filming acting scenes. In the case of Chestnut Ridge, the acting area is on a separate lot located right next door to the living area with the trailers.
Your job while you are here is to get footage, in costume, of your sim (and potentially their co-stars or the horse wrangler acting as a stunt double) acting out scenes on location and riding on horseback through the appropriate landscapes. (Mostly. The pirate stuff may not need to be too heavy on the horseback scenes, but there are plenty of places to shoot acting scenes on the battlements of the castle overlooking the sea, which is why I rolled those gigs in with the fantasy stuff. Plus even pirates get embroiled in problems on land sometimes, and have to make a quick escape on horseback. Everything you do on an actual ship is shot during sound-stage day.) I strongly suggest also taking some still photos as promotional material and keepsakes for both the crew household and your sim.
If your actor sim has no horseback riding skill to start with and looks ridiculous on the horse, you may have to spend some time riding around and skilling up in your regular street clothes before you get all dolled up and dive into filming—unless, of course, you want to get footage of your sim getting bucked off the horse for the movie, in which case get into costume immediately and fire up the drone right away; the cinematographer will edit out all the extra footage of you looking stupid while you wait to get bucked off.
At some point during your on-location filming adventure, you will be called back to Del Sol Valley for the set sound-stage filming day. Don’t worry about this; Plumbob Pictures is a wealthy studio, and can totally afford to send a chopper to whisk you back to Del Sol Valley for a day of filming on set before dropping you right back on location. Take your time and don’t rush it; you are welcome to remain on location as long as it takes to get all the footage you want to get. A word to the wise, however: you will only be able to call your director and co-stars to the on-location filming site BEFORE sound-stage filming day, so if you want to record any two-person scenes, sword fights, or all-cast promo shots with your co-stars, you’ll need to prioritize doing that first and getting your horseback riding shots later. Lucky for you if you’re filming Tournament of Honor, jousting scenes are done in full armor that completely conceals the sim, so horse wrangler Cheyenne Blackwolf is able to act as the stunt double for your co-stars for footage where you need two sims on horseback. Jim Chooli, the horse wrangler in Chestnut Ridge, is a semi-retired actor himself who frequently plays minor characters in the Westerns when a second sim is needed there. And the entire costume drama crew is happy to pop into powdered wigs and ballgowns when extra sims are needed to flesh out a ball or dinner scene.
Because you live with them in the same household during this time, you will be able to control not only the horse wrangler as a second horse-rider when need be, but also the stylist to costume both your own actor sims and your non-controllable co-stars during on-location filming. Likewise, you can direct the cinematographer to control the drones, take photographs, and even operate the non-functional camera equipment for maximum realism. The end goal of on-location filming is to have the cinematographer take all the drone footage you’ve captured, edit it together into a single reel, maximize the quality, and “send it off to the studio”—a.k.a. upload it via the video station. If you get the notification that the footage has been nominated for an award, you may want to remain with the crew household through the following Sunday and all go to the Starlight Accolades together—you could even get some red-carpet shots! If not, that’s a wrap! You’re welcome to move back to your regular residence in Del Sol Valley while you prepare for the next audition.
Chestnut Ridge Townies:
You’ll notice that with this pack, I’ve been a lot more liberal with adding townies who didn’t originally exist than I usually am. There are two reasons for this: 1) there are so many ways to make money in this pack that I didn’t think I could reasonably cover all the new career options it enabled me to add with only the original townies, and 2) Chestnut Ridge does not spawn its own locals like Sulani and Mt. Komorebi do, so if you don’t add more townies, there aren’t really enough western-dressed, horse-riding folks to flesh out the community lots—and I’m sorry, but Bella Goth just looks really stupid doing the cowpoke dance in that tight dress. So for the new townies, I used some gallery sims (credited in the Chestnut Ridge credits post, coming next), but I also used a lot of the “play with genetics” feature to expand the families of sims who shipped with the pack. Everybody gets a brother! Ok, well, not everybody, but a lot of people got brothers. So here’s what I did with townies:
In early testing, I learned to my disappointment that Sienna Grove works like the special townies from Cottage Living, not like the ones from High School Years—which is to say that the instant you start to play her, she is immediately and permanently replaced as horse trainer with a randomly generated townie. I wanted to retain her as horse trainer in this save file, so (like with Sarah Scott before her), I immediately kicked her out to the homeless bin so people wouldn’t try to play her and lose her the job. That said, for some reason this makes her un-inviteable to places just like Roberto Crinkletop, the mysterious rancher. To counteract this somewhat, I’ve had every household in town make her a keyholder, so she’ll occasionally drop by of her own accord. And of course, you can always come to her for a visit: she is outside the equestrian center from 7am to 7pm every single day, so she’s not hard to find. And pro tip: you can always invite her for a stayover, but for some reason only from the relationships panel, not the phone. The programming on this is weird, man.
Don and Duke Gooseman are now actual champions, as per their backstory. This means that Duke has the special “Champion Horse” trait that gives his foals better qualities, so if you’re going to get into horse breeding as a moneymaking enterprise, I suggest just getting a mare and having her breed with Duke. House rule, though: your sim has to gift Don a thousand simoleons for the privilege. There is now an actual stud service in town! And Don’s been doing a little studing of his own—I’ve made him aromantic since he’s such a loner, but as a sim who loves the outdoors, he constantly gets wants to woohoo in the bushes: so he is now woohoo partners with Roberto Crinkletop, with whom he has the occasional Brokeback-Mountain-style al fresco tryst. Plus I gave him a cat. Don just seems like a cat guy to me.
The Nectar Making Duo have opened a duo of businesses: a country nectary where they live, grow ingredients, and craft and age their nectars, and a small shop in town where they sell them. They’re in a fair amount of debt (used the university student loan system for this), so you can have fun digging them out and making the businesses profitable! They have three main ways to make money: holding ranch gatherings at the nectary (which are basically tasting events to bring in new clientele), using the sales table at the nectary to sell bottles direct-from-the-source, and manning the retail store in town. Some quirks to know about these things:
1) You can’t do a sale on the sales table at the same time you’re throwing a ranch gathering. I was hoping you could, but starting a sale immediately ends the gathering. Sucks, but that’s the way it is.
2) The front door of the nectary is the open-barn-doors arch to allow street sale customers into the nectary so they can buy from the sales table. If you swap these out for real, closed doors, the customers will just hang out nervously at the edge of the lot and then disappear, never buying anything. So if you want to use the sales table, you have to leave the arch. That said, an arch can’t be set as the front door for the purposes of other households coming to visit, so I have put a small, unusable wooden door off to the side of the barn doors and set that as the front door. If you’re visiting the nectary as another household, just knock on this door to make the building appear solid.
3) The nectars available for purchase at the retail store include a mix of qualities and levels of aging. There’s nothing there that is poor quality, and nothing that isn’t aged at all, but the bottles range from lightly aged to finely aged and some are normal rather than excellent. This is so that you can come to the store as a buyer while playing another household and have the option to either splurge on a high-quality bottle or not break the bank and go for something more modestly priced, according to your funds and storyline. Plus bonus: The Nectar Making Duo sub-contract with a few outside suppliers for specialty nectars they can’t brew themselves, so you can find occult nectars here, as well.
And on that note . . . to get Marissa Tracey in with the occult sims who brew the specialty nectars, and also because I think she looks a great deal like him, I have made Marissa—and her new twin brother, Chip—the products of a youthful indiscretion between Wolfgang Wilder and a human sim from Chestnut Ridge. They were both born as “dormant wolves” rather than full-blown werewolves and raised by their mother under her last name, but they know Wolfgang and are friends of the Moonwood Collective. Stocking the Collective’s moonpetal nectar got Marissa’s name circulating in the supernatural community, and now she contracts with the Straud Estate and the famed Madam Zoe herself, as well.
Aside from getting a dog, The Grove family have only gotten minor edits to careers and clothing; I put Umber in the musician career as per his backstory, stuck Juniper in the athlete career (under the new sub-category of show rider!) and let her hair down. It bothers me when the sims team gives two pre-made townies in the same world the exact same hairstyle in the exact same color, as it makes them too easy to confuse. So just like with Cottage Living, where I changed Rashida Watson’s hair to the blue-dyejob teen hair from Parenthood so she wouldn’t be confused with Cecelia Kang from behind, Juniper has now left the side braid to Sienna and adopted a more flowing-hair look that will accent those horse jumps. Oh, and Umber also started a band; he’s the leader of club of local musicians who play down at the saloon most nights—though if you feel like doing an afternoon gig on occasion, I also suggest meeting at the Hay Now! Festival Grounds sometimes.
Look, with the things in this pack, I just couldn’t resist making “Chip and Dale, Rescue Ranchers,” so I did. Chip Tracey (new brother of Marissa Tracey) and his husband, Dale Chooli (new brother of Juniper Grove) run a rescue ranch / petting zoo where children from all worlds can come to learn about animals of all types. The money they get from throwing “ranch animal day” events for kids is pretty modest to support two rescue horses, a cow, a llama, a bunch of mini goats and mini sheep, several chickens, a ton of stray dogs and cats, and some semi-wild rabbits, foxes, and birds, but it sure is cute! And they can always teach kids to ride and bring mini sheep to kids’ birthday parties on the side.
Juniper and Dale’s father, Jim Chooli, has also joined the save file as the horse wrangler for Plumbob Pictures’ on-site Western filming location. He lives in one of the many trailers on location in Galloping Gulch, alongside Barb Henderson (stylist, saloon singer, and local icon) and Giovanni Carrettino, a young cinematographer from Tartosa looking to make his own “penne Westerns.” Jim cares for and trains the studio’s three horses, Molasses, Gun, and Beauty, who play the roles of native American war horse, cowboy horse, and wild stallion, respectively.
Sienna Grove’s former lot is now home to an elderly horse trader named Tallulah Heiheiwuti, who has a bunch of family in Evergreen Harbor. One of them, her eldest granddaughter, has come to stay with her and learn the family business. The problem? She’s afraid of horses! I figured someone had to be, and that storyline just made sense. It also means there is a new family in Evergreen Harbor, which was pretty underpopulated before—Talullah’s son and his wife and kids are now fleshing out the community there and justifying the existence of the Coast Salish art swatch on the Horse Ranch wall hanging, while also giving you the new opportunity to play the botanist branch of the gardener career or the life of a pop-up cupcake baker.
Other things that have changed:
This save file has never featured Faiz Jaleel, the flower-seller from the My Wedding Stories pack, because neighborhood stories killed him off before I had quite figured out that feature and how to manage it. But now, thanks to Roberto Crinkletop’s secret family recipe, he has been resurrected and is in the save file as a living sim! I could not, unfortunately, figure out a way to reinstate him as the flower cart NPC, but he still has all the grapevine gossip interactions about owning it, so just pretend he’s hired extra help to man it sometimes when he’s busy. He has moved into his old childhood home in the big square in Tartosa with the other Piazza Dwellers, where he is trying to get a second business venture, a food stand, off the ground. He’s torn between the classic Tartosan cuisine of pizza and leaning further into the romantic atmosphere with heart-shaped waffles. Can you help him decide and make his new business a success?
Speaking of returning from the netherworld, the save file also never featured Felix Psyded, ghostly founder of the University of Britechester, because the game culled him before I discovered coolspear’s “Delay Ghost Culling Indefinitely” mod. Now that I have it, I have re-downloaded the original Felix from the gallery and made him the resident ghost of Lord Drake Men’s Dorm on the UBrite campus. How did I do this, you say? I’ve enrolled him in the History degree at UBrite in order to make him a proper resident of the dorm. You can keep him there practically indefinitely by having him enroll in only one class at a time while you play with other focus sims in this dorm—and if he runs out of classes and completes the degree, just start in on another degree. By my count, this should enable him to keep haunting this dorm for 156 in-game weeks—and that’s only if he never fails a single class! If you alternate having him fail and succeed so he does it slower but never gets kicked out, that’s 312 weeks, or basically eternity in sim years. He’s here forever! Also, in setting this up, I realized I had not included any woohoo locations in the UBrite dorms, which is completely unacceptable. Who’s ever heard of a dorm without a hookup spot?! I have now added closets to both the men’s and women’s dorms in order to fix this grave oversight. My deepest apologies.
I had previously not moved Wolfgang Wilder in with the other Moonwood Collective sims because I wanted him to remain the NPC librarian in Moonwood Mill, but in the process of making him related to his new children (Marissa and Chip Tracey), I discovered that somewhere along the way the game had already booted him out of that role for some reason. Just like with Faiz, I couldn’t figure out how to reinstate him, so now he has retired from librarianship, moved in with the rest of the Collective, and embraced his writing full-time—which means he still spends a lot of time at the library, since the Collective Cabin is off-the-grid and doesn’t have a computer.
On the subject of townies with NPC jobs, there’s news on the Scotts, the not-quite-playable family I booted to the homeless bin to prevent Sara Scott being supplanted as pub owner in Finchwick. You still can’t play her without losing her job, but her husband Simon is totally fair game, because he isn’t any kind of special villager NPC. So, with the introduction of a large estate needing filming crew for the long-running TV series “Dignity & Decorum,” I decided to rescue him from the homeless bin and make him the cinematographer on the Plumbob Pictures costume drama crew. This has actually allowed me to make the Scotts semi-playable, because even though Sara is still in the homeless bin, I was able to get Simon to ask her to be his NPC roommate, and that completely works! As long as she’s only a roommate and not technically part of the household, she can both be the pub owner and live in the swanky suite of rooms I’ve marked off for her and Simon within the manor house. Admittedly, she’s rarely there because pub hours are serious business, but still! That said, in my experience the game tends to get rid of roommates when you switch households, so you may need to reinstate her as roommate if you want to play with this arrangement down the line. Luckily, that’s very easy; just head down to the pub where she’ll be working and re-invite her under the “roommate…” menu.
Derek McMillan and Ian Moody, the stitchery shop owners in Henford-on-Bagley, are getting on in years and have been finding the crops and the chickens and the llamas and the store a lot to manage, so they’ve made a few strategic decisions to help themselves out. First and foremost, they have refocused on their mission to provide beautiful, high-quality colored wool to their customers by swapping out their chicken coop for a small sheepfold, which they have stocked with a multicolored array of mini sheep dyed every color of the rainbow (except for the colors already covered by their two llamas). They’ve also hired a ranch hand to assist with animal care and the garden, so they can focus their own energy on the shop and their sewing circle club, which is going better than ever now that it’s associated bug has been fixed!
The Watson family has moved off the hilltop to a smaller, flatter, and more organized farm with fewer camera problems down in the valley of Old New Henford. They have added a small flock of sheep to their livestock, and adopted an elderly Irish Draught horse named Dobber. Rashidah has already knitted him a set of leg warmers and a saddleblanket, and animal-lover Imran is learning to ride!
Lucha Harjo has started a side hustle selling popcorn down on the pier in Copperdale. It’s more a hobby than a career move right now, but oh, that satisfying crunch when those teens enjoy their popcorn to the tinny sounds of the ferris wheel music! Truly heartwarming.
Bob Pancakes randomly came home the other day with a tattoo of kitchen utensils on his forearm. Eliza thinks she smells a midlife crisis coming on . . .
Celebrity chef Clara Bjergsen decided that she wanted a whole new expanded kitchen, so she bought one. It’s not like she doesn’t have the money. Her current flavor obsession: reconnecting with her childhood and making heritage memories for her daughters through haute cuisine experimentation with traditional Nordic waffles.
On the opposite end of that career trajectory, aspiring chef Hugo Villareal has been hard at work spending his father’s ill-gotten gains on lots of new equipment to revive the old nectary the family moved into. With his new nectar press, oak barrels, bottle storage racks, pizza oven, stand mixer, and a block of parmigiana and a grater always at the ready, Hugo is all prepped to begin his journey into vineyard-to-table nectars perfectly paired with lovingly crafted Italian dishes. And he’s really leaning into it, too—he also bought himself a whole set of food-themed shirts, so he’s always repping his future career goals. If he could only graduate high school early and get started...
Refugio dei Pirati Resort in Tartosa discovered a long-forgotten Roman bath structure beneath its foundations and, deciding this was too good a find to ignore, tore down their entire building to excavate, restore, and construct an entrance to the thing. They subsequently rebuilt completely from the ground up, and now boast a whole new building with brand-new amenities like a private reception hall alongside refurbished old favorites like the couples’ spa. To celebrate their grand re-opening, they rebranded as the Amorosa Resort. If you’ve never vacationed in Tartosa, now might be the time to start—especially with all the new pizza ovens and functional nectar cellars popping up all over the place!
The shops on the Sulani Promenade have gotten in a whole new shipment of swimsuits thanks to the Poolside Splash Kit. They are now on display and for purchase from a series of colorful new mannequins. Whether you’re looking for tourist-y beach wear or wetsuits and snorkel gear, they’ve got you covered!
That's not the only new stock in this update: The Gnome’s Arms in Finchwick has stocked its behind-the-bar shelves with nectar. It’s not top-of-the-line stuff like you’ll find in Chestnut Ridge, but it does the trick!
SimCity Pizza, the oldest restaurant on The Waterfront in San Myshuno’s Spice Market, has finally, grudgingly, updated their equipment to include a modern pizza oven alongside their so-old-the-food-inspector-banned-them-from-using-it wood fired one. They’re having a “create your own flavor” special right now, where customers can make their own pizzas using off-menu flavors and ingredients. It’s really revitalized the place!
Llamante Llama Ranch in Selvadorada wants all animals to feel welcome, including those who are traveling with their humans. They have converted some previously unused space in the front into a small horse paddock, and added some items for cats and dogs, as well. If you’re looking to go horseback riding around Selvadorada (gorgeous, by the way!), this is the place to rent for your vacation. There are also a ton of juice barrels lined up behind the bar in town—you’re welcome to use a couple of them for horse training, if you want.
San Sequoia has a few more items in the open portions of worlds, including a newly functional lemonade stand alongside the makeshift one down on the docks! It’s a great place to sell ice cream, lemonade, or scout cookies (though you’ll need to make those yourself at home beforehand).
There are no new residents in Brindleton Bay. Nope, not a one. Not a single living soul. But the price has gone down on the old lightkeeper’s house on Deadgrass Isle. For some reason, you can now move in there completely for free…
* * *
Thanks for your patience, and for your votes on the expansion of the actor career! Head to the original Career World save file post to download the update and enjoy!
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demi-shoggoth · 5 months
2023 Reading Log pt 16
The last books I read in 2023, and the least books I've read in a year since starting to keep track. But 80 books is still nothing to sneeze at.
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76. Pandemonium: A Visual History of Demonology by Ed Simon. This book rules; it’s up there for best books I’ve read in 2023. As the title suggests, the book is primarily concerned with high quality reproductions of art of demons and hell in the Western tradition, organized by era, with accompanying essays discussing the role played by demons in culture and what they symbolize in literature, religion and art. These build to a crescendo, as the last essays are about the modern era as an Age of Moloch, where destructive, unrelenting consumption is the rule of the elite, which articulates feelings that I have had as a demon-obsessed ex-Christian for some time. It also talks about the Cthulhu Mythos as a post-modern demonology, which probably pisses ST Joshi off something fierce, so I give it props for that as well.
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76a. A Curious History of Vegetables by Wolf D. Storl. “Curious” is an excellent word to describe this book, as its author is a nut. We’re talking, “consults astrological charts for planting certain vegetables” nut. Although the cover calls him an “ethnobotanist”, Storl is clearly a crank of the highest order—the introduction includes ranting about how vegetables are full of deva spirits, but GMOs are possessed by rakshasas. I was willing to read along for quite a while with this as a book about the magical properties and beliefs about plants—I got about halfway. But by that point, the author’s continual paranoia about using drugs as medicine, claiming that every vegetable is a panacea, and obvious disdain for scientific curiosity or little things like “evidence” got to be too much for me. That’s not me elevating him into a strawman, BTW. He goes into a lengthy rant about “The Shoemaker and the Elves”, talking about how scientists destroy magic with their curiosity and thus ruin the world. Blech.
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77. Most Delicious Poison by Noah Whiteman. I’m a sucker for books about poison, and this is a good one. I think I’d still recommend Plants that Kill above this, but this is an excellent follow-up for the reader. This book talks a lot more about the modes of action of particular chemicals, and how chemicals fall into families of molecules that often have related properties. The book is one of those part science/part memoir nonfiction books that seem to have grown in popularity. The author was inspired to write it in part by his father’s death from alcoholism. So definitely go into it with a trigger warning in mind.
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77a. Sex in the World of Myth by David Leeming. Abandoned after the Greece/Rome chapter. I abandoned it partially because it lumped Greece and Rome together and talked about their views on sex and sexuality as if they were interchangeable and consistent through the thousands of years of their existences, partially because the author is a Freudian. Life is too short to read books by Freudians. The specific line that made me give up was when the author defined all pornography as violent and exploitative. Blanket statement.
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78. Household Horror by Marc Olivier. This is a weird one, even by the standards of “scholarly analyses of horror movies”, in that it looks at the horror movies it covers from the perspective of inanimate objects within them. Sometimes literally—the author discusses The Exorcist through the lens of Regan’s bed being possessed before she is—and sometimes figuratively—what does the exact make and model of the typewriter, and the reams and reams of hand typed text, say about The Shining? It’s witty and engaging, and an interesting way to view and review movies that, for the most part, have received a lot of critical attention already.
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79. Quackery: A Brief History of the Worst Ways to Cure Everything by Lydia Kang and Nate Pedersen. This is a re-read; I bought this book shortly after it was released in 2017 and read it then. But, the podcast Behind the Bastards did an episode on radium quackery that used it as a source, and I was still stinging from having started and abandoned two crappy books in as many weeks, so I wanted something of a comfort read. Of course, my version of a “comfort read” involves gross medical malpractice and people poisoning themselves and others. I’m strange. The book is organized into chapters by subject (elements, animal products, vegetable poisons, etc), and is very well illustrated with vintage advertisements, engravings and photographs. There are more in-depth books about just about all of the topics covered here, but this is an excellent survey of the more shameful corners of medical history.
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80. Words from Hell by Jess Zafarris. It’s a book on etymology! Namely, the etymology of profanity, slurs, sex, violence, drugs, crime, monsters… It’s a bit of a mixed bag in terms of theme, but is organized well within. A recurring topic is the hidden biases built into the English language, from “sinister” meaning “left-handed” to the classism built into words like “rascal” and “villain”. The author is good about discussing multiple hypotheses for word origins, and about when things are uncertain and unknown. And she’s a sex-positive WLW, which goes a long way towards giving me good feelings towards any book (an example joke: when discussing the shared root word of “vagina” and “vanilla”, she quips “no wonder they’re both so fun to lick”).
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glindaupland · 5 months
The Phantom of the Opera | Seoul, South Korea | 조팬텀 x 손크리 Review 4/6
October 13, 2023 - Matinée
The Phantom of the Opera | 조승우 Jo Seung-woo
Christine Daaé | 손지수 Sohn Ji-soo
Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny | 송원근 Song Won-geun
Carlotta Giudicelli | 이지영 Lee Ji-young
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Final boss of ticketing, Jo Seung-woo! The last one I snatched out of the four in one single ticketing after an hour of suffering. He's a pretty big actor who sells out shows quickly and has also been in dramas and movies. By the time you make it into one of his schedules' seating charts, the seats are all grayed out. So I had to keep refreshing and playing fucking whack-a-mole with the single color specks for any released seats that would pop up. One time I even even made it all the way to confirming payment and it said someone else took it. I actually thought I was about to turn into the Joker. But I am stronger! I won! And after seeing his performance in person? It was worth the fight.
I'll start this off with this tweet:
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Shoutout to the guy next to me that was in shambles crying through his binoculars I hope he lived. Admittedly I did get teary-eyed myself! Which is quite an accomplishment even if it wasn't full blown tears like when seeing Ju-taek because I thought I was immune to this show after so long! But this is like uber sad pathetic wet cat man. My seat was actually a great unobstructed view with lots of space in the aisle. The Charlotte is so small that absolutely any view here is a good one especially if you have a pair of opera glasses/binoculars. Also I was safe from the piercing screams of the ballet girls! Hurray!
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Hannibal Rehearsal
I really thought "I'll only use my binoculars for the major scenes with the trio because it's too tiring to hold them up", but that was a lie because I loved observing the supporting cast and ensemble too much. This time I watched for the smaller details like Christine quietly singing along to herself on the side while Carlotta was singing 'Think of Me'. Both Christines do it, but I remembered to look for it this show :') Kim Ah-seon had been clearly still recovering from being sick the previous performances, but I think she finally had her strength again this show. I love how elegant and dignified she is and her strong line delivery
The Mirror
Hearing Raoul's voice made the Phantom shoot a dark glare towards the dressing room door. Then, with the slightest smirk, he invited Christine into the mirror. Is somebody proud they managed to swipe the girl from the pretty young rich boy tonight? Ha
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First Lair | POTO / MOTN / STYDI
Even if he's like...the most sad sewer creature-y of the Phantoms he's still got his charm okay! His voice isn't very strong, but I think he was able to handle it well enough during my show. He sounds older than he is actually is to me. How do I elaborate without making it sound backhanded? Even though he struggles in some areas with his singing, I think his vocal color is still suited for the energy his Phantom has. I'm just going to have to hope you understand me 😭 Whatever he lacks in that department, he certainly makes up for it in acting. It seems like he never stops onstage, like he's always making so many little choices at every moment. So it was a bit hard to keep track of everything he did because he was constantly doing something and was really immersed. I liked the sort of dreamy delivery of the beginning lines like the whispered way he sings "어둠...속에 - in the darkness". Halfway through the song he seems to build a little more enthusiasm seeing how open she is to him. He used more soft hand movements to act out certain parts of the lyrics like both his ear and then his body when he sang 들어, 느껴 - hear it, feel it". It's like really wanted to paint a clear picture of his mysterious beautiful dark world of music for Christine. I liked when he did a gesture with his hands like energy bursting free when he sang his big note in “네 영혼 다시 태어날 순간 / The moment your soul will be reborn” (let your soul take you where you long to be). This version of the line is unique to his Phantom. He smiled a lot and although he had a bit of a slight odd nervous energy, he still managed to maintain eye contact with her most of the time. Once he finally held her, he rested his head on her shoulder and whispered his words into her ear. 👀 He looked really worried and tried to catch her when she fell. After putting the cloak on her, I think he went to touch her, but stopped himself feeling a bit nervous. He put his hand on his chest instead to finish his final note
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"Fake it til you make it" was working so well until it wasn't. Whatever confidence he built up during MOTN...bye. He's a little scary at the end when he shrieks out the 'Curse you!' and an extra 'No!' But most of all he's just really sad. When he asked her "what did you hope to see?" while chasing her, his voice sounded hurt and there was fear in his eyes. Like why, why did you have to be curious when I actually had it under control somehow? He slid slowly to the ground in defeat halfway through the song when he began the crawl. He eventually stopped making an effort to cover his face on his way toward her. Maybe he was so destroyed he didn't have the energy to. I liked how natural his acting felt here. It was tragic without being over the top. But I felt this about a lot of his choices in general
All I Ask of You (Reprise)
What a sad little man, completely a wreck. He covered his ears pleading "그만 제발 그만 크리스틴 다에 ! - Stop, please stop, Christine Daaé!" There should be a Christine Daaé name drop counter for Jo Phantom. He loves to say her name!!
Why So Silent? / Notes II
Taking focus away from the main roles for a moment, André is sooo extra stressed by this point. He fumbled the score when the Phantom tossed it to him. He does this every show, but this time I only just noticed him quickly doing sign of the cross during Notes II when they were opening up letters. He got super jumpy Also, Firmin and André start laughing to each other and making silly gestures making fun of Piangi when the Phantom starts attacking him in his note, but as soon as he addresses them, oh it suddenly really wasn't funny anymore!
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The Point of No Return
Somebody help this man he already got jumpy simply just hearing her start to sing. 🤭 JSW Phantom seemed like the weakest one here across from Christine. He’s writhing terribly and gripping himself He was startled the most when she was close behind and he began to tremble. But when Christine finally touches him he moaned a little. It wasn't very loud, but it definitely was there and he threw his head back. His hands reached up to his face as he looked up before he finally held hers. This proposal was a mess. He got down on one knee at one point, but then he got too freaked out and shot right back up again as if he realized it was too vulnerable of a position to be in. When he was unmasked, he didn't scream and it was actually really heartbreaking to me. Like I do love a good scream, but ouch. His face dropped and he froze in complete shock looking like he'd been stabbed in the heart. His eyes darted around for a moment seeing everyone watching him like a trapped animal. It took him a moment to snap out of his daze and run off with her.
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Down Once More / Final Lair
After throwing Christine, he almost looked regretful like he realized he was too hard, but then tried to push forward. Because he was fueled by anger, he didn't hide his face away as much like usual. It was still clear he was very actively disgusted by it. He touched his face for a moment after he let go of her and then immediately wiped his hand on his thigh. This performance he was actually able to look into her eyes when giving her the bouquet instead of looking down in shame. When he picked up the mirror bride to toss her he sang his lines into her ear in a whisper and actually very gently just plopped her on the ground instead of throwing her. I love this weird little detail I won't lie...it was kinda cute and silly that he had to hop a little to reach Won-geun's neck with the lasso haha. It's not supposed to be cute but I find it cute okay. He covered his ears while crying when she was coming over to him before the kiss :( After the first kiss it looked like he put his face in her shoulder for a moment, but still didn't have his hands on her. He seemed to give in a little for a second, but then took her hand off his head, looked at it for a moment, and gently wiped it with his sleeve like he couldn't let her have his filth taint her... When he approached Raoul with the candle, he could almost barely be heard whispering "Raoul de Chagny..." slowly in a chilling way before releasing him and turning away. I think he harbors the most bitterness towards Raoul out of the Phantoms. He's the most insecure one, and Raoul is everything he'll never be. He fell and pressed his head into the ground roughly while shaking when he screamed for them to leave him. And his scream was so painful and raw I don't know how he lets that out. He stayed like this for a while before he crawled clumsily and quickly towards the monkey in desperate need of any kind of comfort. He put his forehead head against it, closed his eyes tightly and held it so closely while he sang Masquerade. Christine came back and he tried to fix his hair and clothes before going to her I think SJS Christine was a good match for his interpretation of the Phantom because of how unconditionally compassionate she is. He was very fragile and she's very caring and gentle. I think she really did view JSW Phantom as her guardian and guide and had a very pure deep kind of love for him. Maybe not romantic love, but it was very strong either way. She watched him closely in the boat as she left, but he was facing the other way gripping her veil, repeating her name over and over. He turned at the last moment and called out "Christine Daaé!" one more time to her running over to take in the sight of her one last time. His final lines are actually different from the other Phantoms. It only just hit me the other day that they're the same as the lines from the original production in 2001-2. No idea why it took me that long to make the connection, but I found it interesting enough to note!
I really want to do musical promo time, but I really don't think what's on youtube does him justice. So let me just say his 2019 Jekyll/Hyde + Sweeney Todd and his Hedwig? Incredible. There's a reason for that ticket selling power he has and I say that completely unbiased!
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Also lol at the person in front of me on the plane to Seoul that was watching his movie 'The Classic' because I was like "oh hey it's you I'm seeing you in a few days"
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travlersjoy444 · 2 years
...Yeah. Friends.
 ROTTMNT Donatello x Yokai!reader
A loose part four to The Junkyard at the End of the World, Midnight Comics, and The Aftermath (And Normal Blueprint-maker Math).
(Part five is here)
This takes place in the bad timeline, a bit after the Krang invasion.
Some more solid bonding between Donnie and the reader- the banter was fun to write in this chapter. And forewarning....the chapter after this might start to get....grittier. But this one is mostly fluff outside of this Y/N's usual end of the world angst.
4k words
“Ow.” I said, flinching involuntarily. 
  “Sorry.” Donnie replied sheepishly, setting down the screwdriver. “I guess it’s already tight enough.”
  I smiled, pulling my arm off his work table to get a better look at the bracelet-looking-tech that mirrored his. 
  “This looks fantastic!” I grinned.
  “You think? Well wait till you turn it on!” He said, bouncing in his chair in excitement. “It’s an upgrade from the model I made for myself, obviously, because I had to waterproof it for you. And of course, I changed the design to match your whole…vibe a bit better, but if Micheal tells you that that was his idea, uh…he’s lying.”
  “Oh, right. Of course, Mikey had nothing to do with it.” I said, humoring him. “But seriously Dee, this rocks. Now I’ll stop losing my comm-link!” 
  “Oh, my dear dragon, this is so much more than just a comm-link.” Donnie grinned, leaning forward dramatically. “It is also able to keep you alert and aware of your surroundings by automatically scanning for creatures like the Krang. And it can chart maps of your locations. And it matches mine which makes us look like real lab partners, like the kind from movies. And you can use it to hack into any camera system in New York- except for the ones that I’ve put up that you don’t actually need to see from.” He took a breath, smiling smugly. “Boom! Cue applause.”
  I grinned, tapping the device to bring it to life. “That’s brilliant! How’d you even manage that? Don’t answer, I’m bad with software and I probably won’t understand. But dang! This is amazing! Thank you!”
  He nodded proudly, leaning back in his chair. “I know, I know, you’re welcome. I wouldn’t want to work in a lab with someone who doesn’t have awesome tech like me…lab partner.”
  I fist-bumped him. “Boom.”
  “Hey Donnieeee, (Y/N)..…” Said SHELLDON, hovering over us. “I finished loading the safe code.”
  Donnie and I grinned and walked towards the ‘safe project’ section of the lab. It was still in beta, obviously, but we’d located a high-tech locking system in Manhattan that we planned on building off of for the final. 
  In the meantime, Mom’s spells were locked in a normal safe that we’d booby-trapped. Only Mikey and I were supposed to have access to them, although I had my suspicions that Donnie had altered it to let himself in too. Not that it mattered, since Mikey was the only one of us who was actually able to do anything with the spells other than stare at them in silent defeat…
  I wished I knew how to make use of Mom’s magic. I had learned some of it as a kid, but the only skill I had mastered was the water summoning thing. Everything else had the unfortunate tendency to cause mass destruction, so Ma halted my training a year in. 
  There was some interesting biological stuff about how my 75% human DNA made my mental control over magic manipulation much more…volatile, and my capacity for the skill at all was questionable…obviously though, I needed more information to quote unquote ‘fully unlock my abilities’.
  In fact, that was why I had come to New York in the first place. After Mum died, I moved here to learn magic from grandpa in the Hidden City.
  Clearly, the best-laid plans of mouse, man, and Yokai-human hybrids have a tendency to go awry. 
  That was fine. I was still useful. Integral, even, if I wasn’t at least attempting to be modest.
  “And now…voila, we have an operational laser system.” Donnie grinned, snapping me out of my thoughts.
  “Unlike the last one?” I said, picturing the mess from last week.
  “Unlike the last one.” He confirmed. 
  “Excellent.” I beamed, looking at the lines of purple light. They would cause an alarm when touched, and/or slice right through you like a laser cutter depending on the setting. 
  It was a cliche trap, obviously, but the cliches were cliche-ed for a reason- it looked rad.
  “A bit excessive, I know, but it has pizazz, which was really the goal with this.” Donnie said proudly, tossing a sheet of paper into the beams and watching as it was sliced in two.
  “Lots of pizazz.” I echoed, flicking the main lights off to really experience being washed in the neon purple light.
  “Oh this is great.” I grinned. “Like a really dangerous dance party.”
  “Heck yeah. Another brilliant plan executed by yours truly!” Donnie exclaimed, doing a silly-looking victory dance.
  “Heyyy, I helped! I tightened the screws.” I said proudly. 
  “And you drew the concept art. I mean obviously said art was not entirely proportional and not to scale, but it looked cool, and now it’s real.” Donnie smiled.
  “Hm. I’m not gonna argue there.” I nodded, and did my own dumb-looking victory dance, smiling hard as I finished. 
  I was so glad that Donnie and I were really starting to feel like friends- in the weeks since our little heart-to-heart in the junkyard, I’d actually found myself having real fun working with him. Sure he was obnoxiously condescending at times, and yes maybe he wasn’t exactly a natural when it came to socializing with people, but he was genuinely fun to be around- even when we weren’t in the lab. 
  It was nice. Really nice. I hadn’t had an actual friend since I came to New York, so it was a feeling I had sorely missed.
  And Donnie wasn’t the only one- in the months since the Hamatos had arrived at the base, I had befriended his siblings too! It was really… nice, yeah.
  It was nice. 
  “Alright- Donnie, (Y/N), Mikey- you guys are on my team.” Leo said, standing on the table as he assigned missions.
  “Question- why are you on the table?” I asked, raising my hand.
  “Don’t worry about it.” Leo said dismissively.
  “Follow up- what exactly is ‘your team’ doing?” Donnie said, not bothering to raise his hand.
  “Bringing up the morale.” Leo said vaguely.
  “Care to clarify, Leon?” Mikey frowned.
  “Okay, okay.” Leo sighed. “Jeez. We’re…stealing microphones and speakers because I may or may not have promised a karaoke night this week.”
  “And why, pray tell, is that essential?” Donnie sighed.
  “Because- well, have you guys seen the state of everyone?”
  Donnie and I glanced at each other and shrugged. 
  “They seem normal enough?”
  “I mean, not really?” We said, talking over each other.
  Leo shook his head. “Your opinions don’t count, you’re always in the lab. Micheal, what are your thoughts?”
  Mikey nodded, glancing through the window to see multiple people crying. (I was positive  they hadn’t been there a second ago.) “I guess I see your point. I’m on board with Operation Karaoke, baby!”
  Donnie hummed. “I guess I do miss the joys of music…”
  I shook my head. “I still think this is non-essential, but hey, I’m always up for proving I’m easily the best singer here.”
  “Oh, ya think?” Said Leo, grinning. “Well I guess we’ll see how you fare up against Neon Leon.”
  I grinned back, crossing my arms. “Hm, I don’t know, sounds a little too easy.”
  “That’s the spirit!” Leo said, throwing an arm around my shoulders. “A karaoke Battle Nexus, what say you, men?”
  “Sigh. I’m clearly gONNA WIN!” Donnie said, grinning maniacally.
  “Oh yeah? I wouldn’t be too sure, Donald!” Mikey cackled, tossing his head back.
  “Hey (Y/N), what music do you usually sing for karaoke?”
  “Leon, I’m not answering that- that information is classified until the epic Karaoke Battle Nexus.” I scoffed, leaning over Donnie’s shoulder to read the map. “Uh…so what exactly is the plan here, Dee? ‘Cause it looks like we’re headed towards a school.”
  “Well, schools have PA systems. Colleges don’t, but other schools do. So we’re just gonna dismantle the speakers while my brothers find microphones, okay guys?” Donnie explained.
 “Actually Dee, I was thinking we should probably stick together this time.” Leo interrupted, smiling. “Obviously I wouldn’t want to deprave (Y/N) of my awesome face.”
  I snorted and punched him in the shoulder.
  “Scoff. Funny, Nardo. Now go get the microphones.” Donnie said.
  “No, no, I meant it. Let’s stick together, okay?” Leo said the last part in a whisper that he turned into a cough. “Just because…well, you know I trust you guys, but as the leader I’d just feel better if we kept groups to a minimum of three. It’s safer that way.” He sighed.
  And with the look in his eyes, I couldn’t help the wave of compassion that washed over me. Leo was what, 15-16? Why weren’t the adults handling this?
  Well…probably because the adults are stressed too. And confused.
  I sighed slowly, looking back at Leo. “You’re right. Fair enough, Commander Leon.”
  He smiled, poking Donnie. “See, (Y/N) gets it.”
  Donnie sighed and shoved him off. “Okay, okay, Leo wins again. Fine.”
  “Ooh.” Donnie muttered as we dragged the giant speakers back towards the tank.
  “Oh no.” Leo groaned.
  “What is it?” I grunted, glancing over at him.
  “So I may or may not have had an ulterior motive for coming here! Er, surprise.” Donnie grinned, setting down his speaker to dramatically swing open the door behind us.
  “Oh boy. Donald, what are you up to this time?” Mikey sighed.
  “Observe, dear Angelo, a room full of computers that are just waiting there, free to be taken by yours truly!” Donnie said, his voice taking on that theatrical tone again. 
  “Uh…do you have enough room in the lab for that-”
  “We definitely do not have enough room in the lab for that.” I said, cutting Leo off. “Bad, Tello. We have enough tech to last…well, a long time.”
  “But imagine all the free microchips!” He said, still starry-eyed.
  “No…although, I guess adding a few to storage wouldn’t be too bad…” I frowned, setting down my speaker. “Hm. Leon, what’re your thoughts?”
  Leo sighed. “There’s like really no arguing with him in this state. At least not without-”
  “Dr. Delicate Touch!” Mikey said, wiggling his eyebrows. (Eyebrow….muscles? Ridges? He didn’t draw them on like Donnie, so it was kind of up for interpretation…)
  “I’m sorry, what?” I said, registering his words. “What the hell is ‘Dr. Delicate Touch’?” 
  “Oh, you’ll see.” Mikey grinned dangerously, looking over to Leo.
  Leo gave a half-smile. “M’kay. Get our brother back.”
  “Oi!” Yelled Mikey, grabbing Donnie’s shoulders. “Getcha mind right, boy!” He shook him back and forth.
  Donnie shoved him off, scowling. “Fiiine. I’ll just take three, ‘Dr. Delicate Touch’. Which I say in quotes.”
  “See? Always works.” Mikey said proudly, leaning on his speaker.
  I spun around in the spinny chair and tried to embroider a print I had drawn onto my hoodie.
  I hadn’t worn hoodies much back in The Before Times, preferring to dress nice. My main outfits were dripping with aesthetics and intention back then, but now…well…I didn’t have the time or energy anymore. My skincare routine had gone to shit- it consisted of smearing a makeup wipe across my face, and even then, I forgot to do that too more often than not…
  Sigh. Anyways. I wore hoodies now. 
  But I did plan on wearing them in style. Thus, embroidery and patches and pins. It may not be as elegant as a turtleneck, but what was fashion in the apocalypse? That’s right- the comfiest clothes you can possibly find.
  (And occasionally armor, but that was a different story. I was actually having a lot of fun drawing up concept art for my future armor, but I digress.)
  “So…What’re you doing?” Said a voice by my face.
  I jumped, dropping my needle. “Jeez, Dee, how long have you been there?”
  He blinked. “Huh? Not long. I thought you knew I was here.”
  “No?” I said, flicking his shoulder. “Damn dude, learn to breathe louder. And I’m working on my hoodie.”
  He tilted his head. “Why does it need work? It looks pretty functional, clothing-wise.”
  “It’s boring. Look at it. It’s just boring and red, and it needs some…wow-factor.” I explained, before glancing at his plain purple hoodie. “Uh…no offense.” I added in a quiet voice, but it was too late. His eyes were already wide with theatrical shock.
  “Gasp, How could you say such things!” He exclaimed. “The hoodie is a garment that is perfect as is, it needs no embellishments, you- you witch!”
  I frowned. “Considering your dislike of witches, that one is…more hurtful than it would be from literally anyone else, dude.”
  “Scoff. It’s not my fault you have no fashion sense.”
  I flicked him again. “I just wanted to show my personality through clothing, Donatello. And check it out- admit it, it looks awesome.” I held up the hoodie with the newly embroidered yellow eyes all over.
  “Your personality is…eyes? Really (Y/N)?” He said flatly.
  “It’s mysteriousness. And Gravity Falls references.” I said, smirking.
  “What do eyes have to do with a cartoon from 2012?” He snorted,
  “Everything. But more importantly, they remind me of the Krang’s eyeball-tentacle-organic matter stuff, which is significant because the Krang are ruining my life and I want something to represent that. Ooh, that got heavy. Quick, say something nerdy to distract us.”
  “Ooh, I am so glad you asked me to say that. Did you know that the spiral pattern- AKA the Fibonacci Sequence- is repeated all over across organic things? The spiral is, for whatever reason, programmed in our minds to look appealing and balanced- and you see it in things from the smallest snail to the shape of our literal galaxy. The golden ratio is everywhere, (Y/N). Everywhere! It’s brilliant!” He grinned, spinning around in his chair excitedly. 
  “Woah. That’s actually really really cool.” I said, quirking an eyebrow. “Remind me to have you on my team for trivia night.”
  He smiled, calming down. “Admittedly your hoodie massacre is kind of cool too, even if it is a bit barbaric.”
  I scoffed. “You rarely wear clothes. Quit talking to me about fashion when I clearly have more experience in the field, Tello.”
  “Um, gasp? I’m brilliant at fashion.” He said, looking genuinely offended.
  “I’ve only ever seen you in that hoodie when it comes to clothes, unless you count those short-shorts and knee pads you and your brothers wear. Which I’m not counting.” I replied, unphased. 
  “Well obviously I haven’t needed to dress up now- it’s the end of the world for god’s sake- but believe me, my fashion sense is impeccable.”
  “A scientist and a fashionista, huh?” I teased. “Fancy yourself a renaissance man, Donatello?”
  “Yes, actually.” He said proudly.
  “Hm. No surprise there.” I scoffed, but the sarcasm was lost on him. I softened as I watched him smile, and set down my hoodie to nudge him. “You should let me embroider your hoodie though, Dee- then we’d match. You know. Like lab partners.”
  He smiled, rolling his eyes. “Oh. I suppose that is important…good point. I do appreciate uniformity in a workspace…” He tugged off his hoodie and folded it up. “But only if you add some purple to your hoodie. It’ll match the lab better.”
  “But of course.” I nodded, smiling as I scooped up his hoodie. “I promise, I’ll give you a cool design.”
  “You better. I only have four- if you screw it up, I’ll be down to three matching hoodies. And I’ll be mad.”
  “Fair.” I said, reaching for a pencil to sketch him a design.
  The hole in the sky was visible from the roof of Huo Hall.
  Man, did I miss the stars. 
  “So….I guess, in a way, I am in the sci-fi film you guys would have loved.” I said aloud, picturing my parents.
  I zipped up my hoodie- summer was quickly coming to a close, and the wind was growing colder day by day. 
  “It’s the apocalypse- aliens, not climate change, shockingly! And uh…my friends are all humans or mutant turtles! Bizarre, right? On the plus side, I haven’t needed to use my cloaking broach for months now- everyone is kinda used to this whole deal.” I said, waving towards my face. 
  “And people are dying, guys.” I said, ignoring the screams in the distance as per usual. “But there isn’t much we can do about that with our current resources��maybe a few months from now we’ll have the wherewithal to venture out on solid rescue missions, but right now, we’re just trying to keep morale as high as possible. That and housing as many humans and Yokai as we can manage…”
  My wrist tech beeped, and I unlocked it to see a video call by Donnie. 
  “Hey (Y/N)! Karaoke has started!” He grinned.
  I smiled. “Cool cool, on my way over. See you in a bit, Dee.” 
  I hung up, glancing over the city again. I wondered how much longer New York would look like New York rather than just an alien wasteland…
  And closer than the city was the village of tiny homes that we had constructed in July, where humans, Yokai, and mutants alike lived as peacefully and happily as they could manage. In fact, from my vantage point, there seemed to be a picnic going on by the campus fountain. Nice.
  Closer to Huo Hall sat the gardens that Michealangelo tended to. They were full of produce of all sorts, from tomatoes and carrots to pumpkin and squash. We were working on building an orchard of fruit nearby, but it would be a few years before the little saplings would produce anything. That was okay. We probably had the time.
  I clambered down the roof and onto my windowsill, from which I fell onto my bed.
  Time to get ready to dazzle at karaoke night, I thought with a smirk.
  I had one nice outfit left, which I threw on as quickly as possible. I was tempted to reach for my old beat up Doc Martens, but then I remembered that I didn’t need my cloaking broach. And without said broach, my claws would…definitely not fit into the shoes. 
  Cool cool. Lastly, I tossed on an old blazer and rolled the sleeves up to my elbows, and nodded at my reflection.
  “That’ll do.” I decided, and swung my door open to meet Donnie in the commons.
  The hallways were crowded as people talked and laughed loudly for the first time in months, and suddenly I believed Leo’s claim about ‘team morale’ a bit more. If I closed the curtains and hid the alien sky and wasteland outside, one could almost believe that we were at a fancy club or a music hall. 
  “(Y/N)! Hey, over here!” Waved April from next to the karaoke sign-up sheet.
  “Hey April! Hi Sunita!” I grinned, scooting next to them. “You guys plan on joining the ‘Karaoke Battle Nexus’?” I said, doing finger quotes. 
  “Heck yeah,” April smirked. “We’re gonna take you all down!” 
  Sunita smiled. “We’re gonna do a duet.”
  “Nice! What song?”
  “Lovely Night from Lalaland- I love that film, and April is kindly indulging me.” She grinned.
  “Oh, sweet.” I smirked, raising an eyebrow at April. She snorted and shoved me.
  “It’s not like that, (L/N)!”
  “I didn’t say anything!” I said innocently. (It was totally ‘like that’. I was sure of it.)
  And with a final smirk, I signed my name on the queue. “Annnnd…I have officially joined the lineup, dorks.” I said, giving the duo finger guns.
  “Ooh, you’re singing Bowie, eh (Y/N)?” Said Leo, sneaking up behind me.
  “Ah! Jeez. Yes, of course I am. It’s the apocalypse, I can’t not sing Bowie.” I said, regaining my composure.
  “Well I’mma sing Queen, because clearly I am one.” Leo smirked, writing his name on the list.
  “Clearly.” I echoed, taking in his ensemble. “Is that…an old Lou Jitsu jumpsuit?” (Where did he even get that?)
  “Uh, duh?” He grinned, striking a pose.
  “Ah yes, of course, of course.” I nodded.
  “Hey, (Y/N)!” Said Raph, waving at me. “You signing up for the open mic?”
  “Already did, my good sir.” I smiled. “How’s Boss doing?” I added, referring to his cat.
  “She’s doing great!” He grinned. “Mikey lent me some books about cats, which was really helpful.”
  “Rad! I’ll have to visit her sometime.” I said, glancing over his shoulder to see Dee manning the projector.
  “No fancy gadgets?” I said, sneaking up on him.
  “Ah! Hello, (Y/N), you’re here!” He smiled.
  “Nice clothes. I guess you do have some fashion sense sometimes.” I said, glancing at his outfit. It was shockingly nice looking, especially for someone who usually just wore a hoodie.
  “I know,” He said loftily, tilting his head back. “I told you I could look good.”
  “I admit, my doubt was misplaced. You win.” I shrugged, sitting on the bench next to the projector.
  “You look nice too, of course, but you already know that.” He said in a tone that would suggest unfriendly bluntness from anyone but him. From him, it was a solid compliment.
  “Thanks.” I said, trying to veil the slight surprise in my voice. Obviously I knew I looked hot, I just hadn’t expected him to acknowledge it. “So I take it you’re setting up the tech stuff?”
  “Obviously. I’m almost done though- and I’m forcing Angelo to DJ. KJ, maybe, since it’s karaoke? Whatever.” He waved his hand. “Point is- I’m pretty much free to chill…aaaand take over the dance floor.”
  “Ooh. Fun.” I smiled. “You think you’ll sing something?”
  “I promised Rapheal I’d do backing vocals for ‘Dancing Queen’, so…yes?” He shrugged and sat on the bench next me.
  “ABBA. Solid choice.” I nodded. 
  “And you?”
  “I was tempted to ironically do ‘Be a Man’ from Mulan, but I decided to do ‘Five Years’ by David Bowie.” I answered.
  “What’s that song?” He asked. “Obviously I know a few Bowie songs, I’m not an animal, but that one admittedly…escapes me.” He added quickly.
  “It’s about a news broadcast where they officially reveal that there’s only five years left before the world ends.” I answered, smiling as I remembered the song…
  “Oh wait.” I froze. “Oh shit. Maybe that won’t help team morale…shoot. Shoot shoot shoot- stupid sci-fi brain, this is exactly what Leo doesn’t want…ugh…” I groaned, scratching my scales in frustration. “What am I thinking- Ow!” I looked over at Donnie. “Did…did you just flick me?”
  “No….? I…did. …n’t?” He said unconvincingly.
  I glared at him, and he wavered. “Okay, yes I did, but in my defense, you were being crazy.”
  “I don’t know if I’m more insulted by the fact that you thought flicking me would quell my emotional issues or by the fact that you thought you could convince me that my arm just randomly felt pain.” I smiled, but when his nervous expression didn’t change, I elaborated. “I’m joking, Dee. I’m not offended, I think it’s funny.”
  “Well you’re kind of out of your league in that one, dear dragon, as I just happen to be the funny one here.” Donnie said, relaxing.
  “Oh yeah?” I challenged, smirking.
  “Uh, yeah. Easily.” He said in his usual monotone, and I felt myself relax a bit at the comforting familiarity of his voice. “But I admit, your song choice is pretty funny too. I am pretty sure Nardo will see the humor in it, and if he doesn’t, well…I do, and let’s face it, my opinions are usually right.”
  I smiled, looking over to him. “...Thanks, Dee. Uh…weirdly, that does make me feel better.”
  Donnie exhaled. “Oh thank goodness. Sincerity is not easy.”
  I chuckled. “Hey, it’s the apocalypse and we’re weird teenage human-creature-things. I don’t think it was ever gonna be easy, Tello.”
  “Touche.” He smiled, and I smiled too- I already was smiling. Yeah…it was nice to have a friend. Really, really nice.
  And maybe it was the end of the world, but hey. We were surviving. Flourishing, even, if Leo’s admittedly excellent rendition of ‘Don’t Stop Me Now’ was any example.
  Too bad it couldn’t stay that way forever.
After all...it was the end of the world. And magic doesn't always last forever.
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I feel like the different house readers would approach the situation differently
Gryffindor- try to fight off yanderes
Hufflepuff: cry and try to reason
Ravenclaw: run
Slytherin: runs but sets up traps
(I personally am a Slytherin)- 🦇
Haha, 🦇 Anon! That is really good! I'd say your chart is accurate. I myself believe I like Hufflepuff and Slytherin, but I can see the appeal of Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. I'm also headcanoning that Reader has the patronus of whatever their house is. That's pretty simple, and makes them firmly part of their house. I can hardly remember much from Harry Potter (it's been years since I read the books or watched the movies), but I'll try to keep up with questions for this AU. Just no requests for it right now. I don't remember enough of the spells and world building to keep up with it all...
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Do you think Louis charts are doing really well that has Harry's and his team scared? They are going all out with lnt.
You know what, I have so many flies hanging around this blog that anything I say will surely be misinterpreted.
But an objective person not sold on the saccharine hype around Mr. Self-Proclaimed King of Pop can hear the qualitative difference between Bigger Than Me and the entire Harry’s House album.
Yeah, I said it. Harry’s entire album.
As soon as Harry’s House came out, there were multiple viral videos about how the majority of songs on the album shared uncanny similarities with other songs. And I mean the videos pointing out the plagiarism had millions of views.
It was also clear that Sony Music planned for Harry’s House to be its projected moneymaker this year, when multiple songs were promoted on social media, multiple songs placed on big DSP playlists, and multiple cover articles purchased for mass media. Harry then went on stadium tours playing songs from both Fine Line and HH to promote the album, and then lined up lucrative residencies in the wealthiest nation, using the most lucrative ticket pricing schemes, to generate revenue (fuck the fans in other countries, you have to go to him).
Promo was planned around Harry’s other Hollywood projects in order to build him into this pop culture icon, a ubiquitous King of Everything saturating every entertainment market everywhere — like the rumor I once heard, the goal was to make Harry Styles the Disney of pop culture. Everyone would watch Harry Styles movies, wear Harry cosmetics and fashion, go to a Harry Styles theme park, watch Harry television etc.
Except that Harry Styles fucking his director who is a walking PR disaster has actually turned into a major faux pas, especially when it’s clear that Olivia Wilde didn’t cast Harry for his acting.
And Harry’s profiting off gender politics has finally started to offend many in the LGBTQ+ community.
This is a low moment for Harry. So when you see multiple Rolling Stones articles / podcasts accusing Olivia’s critics of “misogyny,” it’s a PR campaign. A promoted Esquire tweet extolling Harry’s wealth is PR. An article about a “dad supporting his daughter by dressing the same way at a Harry Styles concert” is PR.
This coincides with Louis’ releasing new music. However, trying to erase Louis with Harry Styles is an old HSHQ modus operandi.
Except this time, Sony can’t directly shut Louis’ music down.
If Louis charts well and excels with his second album, it also means that the problem with Walls was never Louis or his music… it was always Sony.
The fact that Larries defend Harry doesn’t even matter in the grand scheme. Larries and Harries might be the most irritating group of people, but the general public doesn’t care about fandom politics. The GP sees only what’s available to them: the songs on radio, the trends on tiktok, the most popular hit songs on Spotify and YouTube. What’s popular gets more popular, what’s obscure stays obscure.
So Louis’ and BMG’s challenge is to put Louis’ music in front of non-fandom people, to compete for attention with pop culture’s most ubiquitous, overhyped man. Harry’s moves are both from anxiety about Louis’ ability to compete, as well as a show of power to shut other 1D soloists down.
They see the success of Louis’ world tour not in terms of dollars and cents, but in terms of things money can’t buy— human affection, an alignment of ethical and moral values, loyalty, trust. Louis offers all of that because he genuinely loves and cares for his fans, and fans know it. Irving Azoff’s robotic creation can’t inspire the deep love and trust Louis can convey in a few seconds.
HSHQ can buy venues, advertising, playlisting space, radio air time, journalists. But they can’t buy the kind of love and trust that Louis and Louies have, despite everything. That’s what makes them scared.
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your-local-uwu-artist · 5 months
so I'm working on this part video essay part silly funsies casper scare school video
while I woud like to record some reactions for episodes I figured liveblogging would also work for some :3 SO LEMME EXPLAIN WHAT WE DOING
bassically I randomly remembered caspers scare school and want to look back and see if it's anygood: to do so I made this
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as to better assess everything:
the lore-sessor (measure lore on sclae from deep to shallow and mysterious to explained)
the funny bone meter (measures from exhale of nose to constriction of chest whihc is just how muhc you laughed/reacted and ingeunis to lame which is the style of comedy: more complicated jokes like surreal and absurd comedy or jokes that are like inside jokes that get built onto go here, lame is for puns, wordplay, or jokes that are instead like literal or more simple)
the silly funsies sensor! which measures 'gimmicks' if you need some examples of what a 'gimmick' could be, g3 Frankie's brainbits are a gimmick, ink's soulessness and vials can be a gimmick, Dreams soul being an apple can be seen as a gimmick or used as one, a vampire character being old-timey can be a gimmick, Draculaura being a vegetarian i'd argue is a gimmick. world building stuff can be gimmicks too. there measured on a scale from basic to wacky (how unique/unusual/creative is the concept) and just standing there to tickles potential (does it get your little fan gears turning with the desire to consume and make more content showing off and eploring this gimmck)
lastly 'the fog is coming' measures emotional response, from 'yeagh' to NFJDSBLJKAS being the intesnity of the reaction,and 'kick the blorbo' and 'give warm soup and bath' being well kinda what it says on the tin: like do you want to put them in a hole for being pathetic or give them an award for being pathetic
the diamond in the middle shows where something lands across all charts! you fill in the quadrant with the color that the mark on the charts fall in.
the plan is watch everything in order and fill it out for each episode then make an average and so on: of course this is not an exact measurement: cause it relies on my opinion: so i would like to invite everyone to feel in this chart on their own if they'd like!
I'm starting with the movie sense that's what released first~
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pearlprincess02 · 5 months
would hina date you ?
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for her taurus sun:
taurus, virgo, capricorn, cancer, scorpio, and pisces suns
for her virgo moon:
cancer, gemini, scorpio, and virgo moons
for her libra rising:
gemini, aquarius, leo, and aries rising
for her taurus mercury:
taurus, virgo, and capricorn mercuries
for her cancer venus:
cancer, scorpio, pisces, and capricorn venuses
for her cancer mars:
cancer, scorpio, pisces, taurus, capricorn, and virgo mars
• ° + ° • 
5th house:  aquarius, cancer, and capricorn placements
aquarius in 5th: some will be turned off by your distantness, some won’t mind. open minded in the dating scene/in a beginning of a relationship. flirting style is polite (aloof, might be awkward, honest, etc). painting, video games, go donating blood together, etc are probably ideal dates for you lol (also anything eccentric). hobbies are technology, social media, helping others, astrology, unusual sports, theories, etc. music taste may not be mainstream. might like unusual music genres like vapor wave, nintendocore, etc lmao. may also like alt, edm, etc. most likely one of your children will have aquarius/uranus in their chart, probably the oldest. children may be unique, cold, thinks outside the box, arrogant, etc since these are the traits of aquarius. you might adopt, or get unexpectedly pregnant. if you want kids of your own, you’re gonna need to know when you’re ovulating, since your fertility is likely all over the place.
5th house ruler in 4th: candlelight dinner together at your home or apartment. movie night. go to a garden center together and pick out some plants or houseplants. watch each others’ favorite childhood movies, indulging in favorite childhood snacks while you do. build a blanket fort and watch movies in your pjs.
saturn in 5th: doesn’t have time for games. a reliable, and loyal partner. serious in the dating scene/at the beginning of a relationship. flirting style is traditional (man speaks up first, clever, etc). dinner, museums, wine tasting, etc are good date ideas for you. hobbies may range from reading, working, shopping, learning abt history, collecting, etc. might like classical music, chill music/slowed + reverb, music from back in the day, etc. most likely one of your children will have capricorn/saturn in their chart, probably the oldest. children may be responsible, “boring”, caring, standoffish, reliable, etc since these are the traits of capricorn. you’re might not even want kids, or might have them in your 30s or even 40s, and if you do have kids it’s likely not that many (1 or 2 lol).
7th house:  aries and capricorn placements
aries in 7th: you are attracted to the archetype of aries. subconsciously, you fear assertiveness, being a leader and taking charge. so you attract those who embody those qualities. at best, they help you can discover yourself. at worst, they can get on your nerves or be aggressive.
7th ruler in 10th: you are attracted to the archetype of capricorn. subconsciously, you fear the real world, responsibility, and structure. so you attract those who have great work ethics and have maturity. at best, they bring you stability in love. at worst, they are judgemental of you.
8th house: aries, capricorn, leo, gemini, and virgo placements
aries in 8th: you feel intimately comfortable when your partner accepts your aggressive, bossy and arrogant traits.
8th house ruler in 10th: you feel intimately comfortable when your partner accepts your distant, pessimistic and practical traits.
sun in 8th: you want to shine as bright as possible, but it seems to be difficult. it seems as if your light is dimmed. so you strive and desire to shine bright. to show someone your truest colours. someone you trust. someone that respects your privacy and takes things slow. someone that shares your intensity. until then you hide your truest self and you put on a show.
mercury in 8th: your voice tells a story. your mind is occupied with the scarier things in life. the things that makes us vulnerable. you are not afraid to sink your mind into the fears of the world and say the things others wouldn’t dare.
• ° + ° • 
hina's masterlist 
5th house  5th house 2. 
7th house 
8th house 8th house 2. 
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dezz111 · 2 years
Funerals Are Cheaper than College: The Fatalistic Humor of Gen Z and Our Rising Depression
“Bold of you to assume I want to live.”
I can already feel the pearl clutchers gasping in offense and concern at these words. But hear me out. The average funeral with the viewing, embalming and all that good jazz costs between $7,000 - $12,000.  That price tag drops dramatically to a pretty $350 if you decide to do cremation since the funeral home can usually do it in house. The average college can cost roughly $25,000 for four years. Four years that you might need to tack on some extra time depending on your major. So as you can see, funerals are cheaper than college. By a long shot.
“Guess I'll die.”
College is super expensive and life is already stressful enough as it is without the crippling weight of student debt. Now ok Boomers, I can hear some of  you asking  “What stress could we possibly have?” And I’d be more than happy to read back facts to you if I knew how such a thing felt. But because I’m from Gen Z and relish chaos, I’ll sum it up.
We’ve grown up with:
Regular School Shootings
Several Natural Disasters
Mass Shootings in General
A Civil War
Civilian Murders by Those Meant to Protect
A Pandemic
And many other things 
All this before 25. I’d say we’re pretty traumatized. To quote Summer Smith, “B*tch my generation gets traumatized for breakfast!” 
We live in a technological age where everything is at the tip of our fingers. I'm writing this very piece on my phone where it will automatically upload to the cloud and be ready to update from any device. Older generations may claim that this has made us inattentive to what's happening around us as we become so absorbed in social media and our dumb jokes. But it's because we are too aware of the world that we're like this. Everything is right there. 
And we're seeing it as it happens.
Remember that list of things we've lived through I provided with apparent glee? That was the trademark cynicism that we use to protect ourselves. We are reliving history with better weapons and coverage. We don't have the luxury of simply turning away from something we don't want to see. A shooting happens and we see it on six different channels from thirty different angles.  You can scroll as much as you want but you'll see that same disaster on every feed as it gets shared over and over. A murder that might have taken a few days to reach a city can now reach the nation in seconds. We know everything. And it hurts.
Everyone has coping methods and ours just happens to be the one people take the most offense to: humor. We don't make our jokes in jest, it's simply how we process it. We can't simply tune out what makes us uncomfortable. Turning off our own phones makes it easier to hear someone else's. It's inescapable. We can only sit back, watch and listen as our whole world continues to go up in flames. 
And so we make our jokes.
We put together our draft list for World War III in order to ease the foreboding sense of terror at how close it is. We compare the security of government buildings to that in video games and books to ease the fear of how easy it was to storm the Capital. We put together funny clips comparing the blast radius of bombs to hold back the absolute anxiety of how easy it would be for one man to wipe us out with the push of a button. We make memes about everything that scares us because we have no other way to cope.
“This is fine.”
Our parents may tell us to try therapy but for us, it's not a viable option for everyone. Trauma has become something of an entertainment value for older generations. True crime is the most popular genre of podcasts amongst women. Crime shows such as Law & Order (Which has been airing since 1999 and has 23 seasons. Let that sink in a moment.) are topping the charts and breaking records. Medical dramas fill countless blocks of the tv guide. Movies based on true stories of highly traumatizing events fill theaters. We are surrounded by our triggers and told to watch as “these are real things that we need to learn about”. When we argue against it and declare our discomfort, we are labeled uncaring or selfish. It's hard to open up or seek help when our emotional shortcomings are summed up as a “bad attitude”. 
Having therapists complaining about our trauma dumping on Tik Tok isn't very encouraging either.
And thus we get to the root  of our problem: depression. Uncertainty is the pandemic of this generation, a far worse disease than Covid in some cases. Studies performed by the American Psychological Association have shown that only 45% of Gen Zers report their mental health as very good or excellent - a number that pales in comparison to Millenials (56%), Gen Xers (51%) and Boomers (70%). Gen Z has been coined as the “most depressed generation”, with over 37% seeking out mental health counseling or therapy. There was a 30% increase in suicide between 2006-2016, peaking in youths 2017. We are chronically stressed, most of us coming of age within the last four years. Housing costs have never been higher, the economies destabilized, our school lives completely uprooted.
It's hard enough to be a member of Gen Z without becoming something of a caretaker to your younger siblings now that everyone is trapped inside and has to do online learning. 
Anxiety rose by 25%, people ages 20-24 making the largest leaps in numbers in 2020.The rate of depression had jumped by nearly 33% in 2021. The isolation has taken a serious toll that has been further compounded by the lack of mental care. Areas of lower income reported that school counselors were the only source of mental health services. School is stressful enough. 
Let's move to the fun part of trying to find a job. 
At this point we wish we were back in grade school where the most stressful thing was deciding between the orange crayon or the yellow color pencil for the sun. We've got student debts breathing down our necks and a resume with no references other than McDonald's and that job you worked at a summer camp. Jobs don't want to hire you without appropriate references. They want a masters degree and five years of experience  despite this being your first interview. And you're probably not even going to get hired for something your degree is in. Don't forget that student debt, which will take twenty years to pay off as you struggle to survive off of that biweekly check that's barely above minimum wage. Maybe if you're lucky you'll get a nice office job… as an intern. In a struggling job market, you're sure to have everything in life!
So sorry if our last two brain cells have a little trouble processing our trauma in a way that protects the feelings of others. But we have to face the fact that Gen Z is traumatized as hell and we became super ( note the heavy sarcasm ) adjusted through humor dark enough to resurrect the Black Plague. Not that Covid's any better...
"Aight, Imma head out."
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