#the whole climax of the movie was amazing
illiana-mystery · 10 months
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This scene is so damn cute to me.
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Can I request more 2012? I really like your table tease story with Donnie BTW! My request is what do you think would be good turn ons and turn offs for the 2012 turtles.
Turn Ons and Turn Offs (18+)
2012!Turtles x reader
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A/N: Of course you can!💚 And I’m happy that you liked it😘💜 These focuses mainly on the spicy stuff, but there’s also some general relationship aspects in there. As you know, not all turn ons has to be strictly sexual💙❤️ 💜🧡 (Btw, thought you all should know I wrote this while listening to Shady Lady by Ani Lorak).
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All characters are aged up.
Warning: Talk about sex, and possible break ups. And spelling. My head did a upsi every once in a while.
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Turn Ons:
Your admiration for his leadership skills is evident, and Leonardo is drawn to your determination to better yourself, just like he always tries to better himself. He finds your disciplined nature and eagerness appealing, often finding himself lost in admiration as you dive into whatever you’re passionate about.
Your respect for tradition and loyalty to your friends resonates with his own values. Your ideas of a relationship matches up with his, and both of you found that you had the same goals for your love lives.
When you let him geek out and take an interest in his sci fi series, board games and martial art rants. It made him weak in the knees to have you sit next to him, listening intently to all his words.
Leo likes to view himself as an independent leader with a mind of steel, making the decisions and leading the flock. But, he did like it ALOT when you took control in the bedroom. It gave him a change to relax, and, well, you looked hot as fuck on top of him.
But as much as Leo LOVED it when you took control during intimate times, it made him feel like a true man and a real leader, whenever you looked to him for protection or help. It made you look so small and cute, and he could just eat you on the spot.
Training you. More than once a small training session between you and Leo had turned into a heated makeout.
Calling him Sensei. Leo will lose his shit and become dominant very quickly.
Your eyes. Leo loves to watch your eyes during sex. Both of you made a big deal out of looking into each other’s eyes during your climax.
Teasing. Him or you? It didn't matter. Leo just had a thing for teasing and foreplay, finding it amazing the longer it lasts.
Turn Offs:
If you did not understand his role as a leader and what it meant to him, Leonardo was OFF. Leo is committed to his given role, and he can become frustrated if he senses any disrespect towards their mission or disregard for his orders. That same goes for his partner, if they decided not to see how important it is for Leo.
He values structure and organization, so if you're too spontaneous or disregard the importance of training and preparation, it might put a strain on your relationship. It’s not that Leo doesn’t like a few spontaneous things, but he has a daily routine that he needs to follow.
Leo doesn’t like it when it gets too messy in the bedroom. Sure, he can get into the kinky stuff, and bodily fluids tend to get involved, but it has to be easy to clean. So it’s a big no when it comes to bringing food into the bedroom. Maybe something to drink so you can keep going, but other than a few snacks for movies, no food.
Degradation. Leo likes it when you call each other things; good boy, good girl, Sensei, slut has even been used, but he will never talk down to you. He’s not against talking about how much one of you was loving it, but peeling each other apart with words. Never ask or expect him to call you dumb, stupid or something worse, because he won’t do it.
If you bleed, either from a bite or Leo being a little too rough with you, he shuts the whole thing down. You can say you liked it, but Leo wasn’t having it. Blood meant pain, typically a pain that was way stronger than any pleasure. Leo did not like it, fearing that he was hurting you too much.
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Turn Ons:
Your fiery spirit and unwavering determination catch Raphael's attention from the start. He's drawn to your confidence and independence, finding your willingness to stand up for what you believe in incredibly attractive.
Raphael appreciates your straightforwardness and isn't afraid to engage in some friendly banter and teasing with you, loving the challenge you present. Nothing could get Rapg in the mood, like when you returned his comment with an even fiery one, continuing back and forth until one was the ultimate winner. That winner tended to be the dominant one that night (even though Raph tended to take that role from you very quickly), or some very hot brat taming.
 Just like playful banter, playful fighting could rail Raph up so easily, trying his best to keep you pinned to the ground. He found it adorable to watch you struggle against him, and at times he would let you think you had the upper hand, before he pushed you to the ground, smiling mischievously at you, your flustered expression keeping him going every time.
Rough sex is his favorite kind. Though he would never try to intentionally hurt you, he did have a thing for hearing you whimper and plead for him, often turning into a whole game of dirty talk.
Begging has Raph spinning. He could lose his mind, just to the sound of your begging. However, if you really want him to enjoy it, don’t beg straight away. Make him fight for it. That’s the most fun part.
This man LOVES spanking. It is the sound, and the way your flesh jiggles afterwards, and the reddening of your skin, almost matching the color of his bandana. Raph loves watching your ass turn red during doggy style, calling it proof that he has been the one doing this to you.
Sex outside the bedroom? This man will do it anywhere with you. All you have to do is ask, and he will do it.
Turn Offs:
While Raphael admires your independence, he can become frustrated if he feels like you're shutting him out or keeping secrets. He values honesty and loyalty above all else, so if he senses any deceit or manipulation, it could lead to some serious clashes between you two. He can easily become insecure, overthinking very quickly, and make up ideas in his head, based on things you once said. Just talk to him, it makes everything easier.
Raph’s not a fan of overly clingy behavior and needs his space to process his emotions. That does not mean that he doesn’t want you around, but sometimes, when he’s mad at his brothers, he just needs to punch a punching bag first, before he tells you what's going on.
Raph loves to choke you doing sex, but if you choke him, he will pull away. Make sure he’s okay with it before you do it, otherwise he will start gaining some real trust issues when it comes to your intimate activities. He may be open for it one day, but he NEEDS to know it before you get down and dirty.
Stay. AWAY. From. His. ASS. No finger, no nothing. He ain’t doing it. Nope. Nuh-uh. Your butt, hell yeah! But his butt? FORGET IT.
His tail too! Ask first, otherwise, he will get aggressive or just walk away.
If you as much as joke about getting down with one of his brothers, his done. Leave. Raph is a pretty insecure guy, so a small joke can easily break him. Don’t do that to the poor guy. He’s trying his best.
You can get your ass spanked and your throat used and choked, but he will never make you bleed. He wants you to enjoy it just as much as him, so as soon as you tell him you don’t like it, he will stop. He will shut the whole thing down, even if you protest, deciding to spend the time cuddling instead.
As much as Raph loves to do nasty things with you, don’t you dare tell anybody. It’s not because he doesn’t want people to know that you two are intimate, but he just doesn't want people all up in his and your very personal business.
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Turn Ons:
Donatello is captivated by your intellect and curiosity, often finding himself engrossed in deep conversations with you about science, technology, and the mysteries of the universe.
He's drawn to your creativity and innovative thinking, appreciating your unique perspective on the world. Your passion for learning and exploring new ideas resonates with his own interests, creating a strong intellectual connection between you two.
Donnie is a BIG fan of phone sex. Masturbation together over the phone or sexting when you couldn’t be together. He loved it all. If you’re in the mood, just send him a pic and he is ready. He can fix whatever he was working on another time.
He has a thing for seeing you in his color. A purple shirt, or maybe even surprise him with purple underwear, and he will be ON. Sometimes he will even let you wear his bandana, maybe even wrapping it around you during sex. He just loved the sight.
Donnie LOVES dirty talk. All of it. He can be so sweet and caring on any other occasion, but during sex, he can talk so nasty to you, making you wonder where all that came from. But in truth, he had always been like that. It just took a person he trusted to bring it out of him.
Neither you or Donnie have a set role when it comes to sex. You feel like being submissive? Sure, then he’ll dominate you until your world starts shaking. Or let’s say that you feel like dominating, Donnie will happily be submissive, begging and pleading for you.
Let him watch you. Please! He finds it so hot!
Your purple genius turtle likes to try out news in the bedroom. He has a very open mind when it comes to your sex life, and will pretty much try anything you bring up, and things that has been thinking about for some time.
Turn Offs:
Donnie doesn’t have a lot of sexual turn offs, most of them having something to do with the maintenance of a relationship. But he will NEVER do anything you don’t want him to! Never ever! If you don’t want to, he will throw the idea away, prioritizing your comfort way more.
Donnie values honesty and transparency in a relationship, so if he feels like you're hiding something or being evasive, it can cause some tension between you two.
When it comes to relationships, he's also not a fan of recklessness or impulsiveness, preferring to carefully analyze situations before taking action. He wants to talk to you first, going through all the pros and cons, making sure that both of you are on the same page, and that nothing is left in the unknown. If you disregard safety protocols or act without thinking things through, it could lead to some disagreements.
Donnie is not always available, even though he really wants to be. Since he’s the only one that knows how to fix a toaster, his help is often needed in the lair. Therefore it would really discourage him in the long run, if you didn’t come down to visit him.
Cut him off during his long rambles about the newest thing he was working on, or show a general lack of interest in his work, and Donnie will quickly find himself rethinking the entire relationship. It’s not a lot he’s asking for, and his trying his best to make space for you in his life, so if you can’t give him that, is it even worth it?
Break some of his work on purpose, and he will feel like you have betrayed him.
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Turn Ons:
Your fun-loving nature and sense of humor immediately click with Mikey's laid-back personality. He's drawn to your adventurous spirit and willingness to join him on spontaneous escapades around the city. Mikey loves your positive attitude and ability to find joy in the simplest of things, often finding himself laughing and smiling more when you're around.
There’s many ways to get Mikey in the mood, one of the easiest ones being just telling him. Whisper in his ear and tell him you’re in the mood, and you’ll find that he too will be in the mood. It doesn’t take much more than that.
Something as simple as cuddling could get him going. Hug him in a certain way that reminded him of how you would press yourself against him, and his mind would go wandering until he couldn’t contain his excitement anymore.
Dress up in something revealing, and Mikey will not be able to keep his hands from himself. Especially something that puts focus on your chest. It will definitely help with this boob man.
There’s no way around it, but Mikey will bring food into the bedroom, and he will find a way to involve it in your acts. Licking syrup off of each other, or maybe eating ice cream from your chest. If Mikey can think of it, he will do it.
Mikey genuinely wants sex to be fun and enjoyable for both of you. It is a light hearted and pleasurable affair, and he will not see any reason to stop before you and him are satisfied… for the time being.
Sneaking around in the lair and in the city above can also really get him going. Mikey can’t help it. The thought of getting caught did some very interesting things to him.
Does Mikey like to be a little submissive sometimes? Yes, yes he does.
Roleplay? YES! This man LOVES it! Anything creative in the bedroom and he is hooked!
Turn Offs:
Mikey is not a fan of negativity or pessimism, preferring to surround himself with positivity and optimism. He understands that not everything is a dance on roses, but if you continuously point out the negative, he can find himself growing quite bored or maybe even tired of the relationship.
If there is one thing Mikey can’t stand, it is when he is forced to put a damper on his imagination and creativity. Tell him no to a good roleplay one too many times, and he will become quite agitated.
Mikey understands that sometimes life gets serious, he does not like it when his sex life has to be serious too. Mikey is not against intense intimacy with eye contact and all that, but let him have fun dammit! Can’t he have fun, then what is the purpose?!
Stick to one position for too long, and Mikey will get bored. And once Mikey is bored, the mood is gone. Keep it interesting, listen to his suggestions and have fun.
Keep Mikey stuck in the bedroom for too long, and he will - you guessed it - get bored. If you won’t sneak around with him, he will feel utterly lost in boredom. It takes a lot to make Mikey rethink a whole relationship, but with everything combined, he may be getting close to that point.
And the worst of them all. Probably the one he would put as the base for a break up; make him feel or call him childish. Now, Mikey wouldn’t care if his brothers called you and Mikey immature and childish, but if you called him that, along with sucking all the fun out of his life, Mikey would call it quits. He wants to have fun with his partner, and if his partner refused to do that, he wouldn’t want to be with them.
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toaarcan · 6 months
Hi, hey there, did you know that the whole "Jedi can deflect blasters so Mandalorians used solid-shot weapons to kill them because blocking a bullet with a lightsaber just results in molten metal spraying the Jedi" meme is actually bullshit?
Like, first thing you have to know about that lore is that it was written by Karen Traviss. Traviss is fairly infamous for writing a shitton of military wank and really hating the Jedi, portraying them as cruel, cold, fascist idiots, who are much, much lamer than the cool Mandalorians, who are badass military types and definitely haven't carried out multiple genocides in the past (they have). She was also known for not exactly playing ball with other writers, and ultimately ragequit the franchise when TCW started to include Mandalorians and portrayed them differently. This was not a detail that basically any other writer in anything Star Wars ever actually backs up.
And like, here's the thing... this exists.
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That's a Jedi using the Force to deflect bullets with her bare hand.
This is Tutaminis. And/or Force Deflection, it's not really clear whether they're the same thing or not. It's a pretty standard Force ability that a bunch of characters have demonstrated. Obi-Wan blocks both bullets and a flamethrower with it in the 03 Clone Wars microseries. It's how Yoda catches and redirects Force Lightning during his duels with Dooku in Attack of the Clones and Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith. It's how Vader absorbs Han's shots with his hand in The Empire Strikes Back.
It's also evident from the amount of times that the Mandalorians fight the Jedi with normal blasters instead of breaking out their "anti-Jedi" weapons for their ancient enemies. And the fact that the Mandalorians lost their wars against the Jedi.
If solid-shot guns/slugthrowers were the amazing anti-Jedi weapons that totally always worked against Jedi, then we'd see a lot more slugthrowers and a lot fewer Jedi. We see the CIS' Droid armies fight against the Jedi for three years, we see the Clones being designed from the get-go to kill the Jedi at the end of the war and being highly successful at it, we see the Empire hunting Jedi for the next 19 years and the rest of the Galactic Civil War after that, and y'know what they have in common? None of them use slugthrowers. They all just keep using blasters.
The answer to "How to kill a Jedi" equation has traditionally been depicted as "Use more blasters than they can actually physically deflect."
There's also the detail that Jedi are precognitive space wizards who can move with superhuman speed. If you're actually in range to shoot one with a gun, they'll sense you, evade or block with the Force, close the gap before you can chamber the next round, and revoke your Hand Privileges.
Even the "You'll kill them with a spray of molten metal from the melted bullet!" thing doesn't actually track with what we see on-screen. At the climax of Revenge of the Sith, we see Obi-Wan and Vader fight in the middle of an active volcano. They get splashed with showers of lava a couple of times, and at the end of the fight, both of their clothes are scorched and burned from the embers. Obi-Wan continues to wear his charred robes throughout the rest of the movie. And he's fine. No lava burns. Neither of them actually gets hurt by the lava until Obi-Wan cuts Vader's limbs off and he can no longer move or protect himself, and even then, Vader survives getting burned to a crisp by being really fucking mad about it.
So yeah, it's nonsense. A dumb "Hurr, Jedi are so lame and my unproblematic genocidal warrior race could totally kill them super-easy" take written by Star Wars' own version of Ken Penders.
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the-modern-typewriter · 6 months
Hello! I've been reading through your blog for the past few days and everything you write is so amazing. I was wondering if maybe you would consider writing something about an aro high schooler who gets asked out by this person they've convinced themselves that they like, but when they're actually asked about it, it just feels wrong? (Bonus points if they think kissing is gross because imo it is) - sincerely, an aroace teen writer who is very inspired by you
"River kissed you!?" Their best friend shrieked, with all of the excitement that the protagonist had expected to feel.
They managed a weak smile. Their stomach squirmed.
It was supposed to be great, wasn't it? A first kiss. People wrote novels about them. It was the epic climax of the episode. It was fireworks and a fluttering stomach, it was the whole world narrowing down to a single moment, it was heart pounding love.
It was gross.
"...was it bad?" their friend asked, catching their expression. Their face fell. A smashed plate of disappointment.
The protagonist swallowed. "It was...wet."
"I mean, it takes a bit of practice to get good at it. Even with the right person. Did they stick their tongue down your throat?"
"No. I don't think so? I mean - it was fine." It would be fine. It would definitely be fine. Maybe their first kiss hadn't exactly been what they were hoping for, but it would get better. Wouldn't it? Their throat suddenly felt horribly tight. They pressed their lips together to keep their voice from wobbling and took a breath. "You're probably right. I mean, I don't know if they've ever kissed anyone before either. Maybe I was really bad at it."
"It's okay." At least, if they were bad at kissing, that was something they could improve upon. At least it wouldn't always feel so...
It wasn't like it was all some elaborate ruse the whole population was in on, anyway. That would be ridiculous!
It had been a nice night otherwise. The movie had been good, and their hands had touched over the popcorn, and they'd got into a great discussion about the plot after.
It would get better.
...it did not get better, though.
They started to find excuses not to kiss River; "Let's take it slow."
A kiss on the head or the cheek wasn't so bad, or like a one second peck on the mouth. It was all the other kisses.
When it didn't feel wrong, they felt nothing. They counted the awkward seconds for it to be over, then vowed to do much better next time when they caught a glimpse of the confused sort of hurt in River's eyes.
"I know you're shy," River said, one day, in a trying-to-be-casual voice. "But you like...never kiss me. It's always me kissing you. Did I..." Their voice dropped, agonised, "am I really bad at it or something?"
"No, no!"
"Oh, good."
"I just - I don't now." Their stomach squeezed. "I'm not sure I really like kissing," they confessed. "It's - I don't know." It felt rude to say ew.
"Oh," River said, in a tone of less good, but trying to be chill and non-judgy. "Okay."
"It's okay." River took their hand, squeezed. "Kissing isn't everything, I guess. There are other things."
For a second, just a second, they were sure they'd never loved anyone more.
They liked River. Didn't they? They certainly thought they had. They had those cheekbones, and those pretty eyes, and they were always nice to everyone. They made the protagonist laugh, at least when there wasn't kissing involved.
It should have all been perfect.
They'd always wanted to fall in love.
In the end, they broke up after about three months.
The protagonist didn't ask what they'd done wrong, because it felt obvious, even if River wasn't cruel enough to say it. Maybe they should have ended it themselves, instead of forcing River to do it. Probably.
But what could they possibly say? It's not you, it's me. Nobody would believe that even if it was true. Oh, I know I said yes to dating you, but I'm just not that into you. That felt far too mean. It wasn't like River had done anything bad.
Their best friend held them while they cried, wracking things that choked up in their chest.
"What if I die alone?"
"Don't be stupid." Their best friend hugged them hard. "Of course you're not going to lie alone. River wasn't that great anyway! There's clearly something wrong with you if they don't want you."
The protagonist didn't quite dare say that wasn't exactly how it happened.
They kissed a few other people over the years, normally around the time when everyone else did. New Year, at the strike of twelve. If there wasn't any fireworks in the kiss, at least they were popping and fizzing outside and a new year was a new slate. They tried once after a few too many cocktails, with a friend, because maybe it would feel a little better when they were tipsy. With someone who definitely knew what they were doing.
It wasn't, though.
"You'll find the right person," their best friend said. "It's different when it's the right person, you know? Like me and Willow. I didn't think, but then..." They were happily in love; exuberant on it, nonstop on it.
The protagonist didn't want to resent it. They didn't want to be that person, spitting bitter like the villain in a fairytale.
"Romance novels are very exaggerated," their best friend said. "It's not always butterflies. It doesn't have to be butterflies to be real, you know? It's just someone you really want to spend time with."
But, the more the protagonist thought about it, the more they weren't sure that was quite true. There were plenty of people that they liked being around. It still didn't make them want to kiss them.
They weren't even sure they wanted to fall in love anymore. It wasn't like they spent most of their life miserable or anything. It was just...sometimes, when everyone else in the room had someone, or their parents asked them yet again if there was anyone they'd been seeing. Even in the height of drama, it all seemed so much easier for them.
They were twenty when they first came across the words.
Aromantic Asexual.
It was the second time they'd cried over the whole kissing thing.
That time it was relief.
"Oh my god," they left their best friend a message, vindicated. "It is an elaborate ruse!!! I'm going to bite something!!"
It got better, after that.
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doll-elvis · 7 months
~ my thoughts as an elvis fan
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(credit to @urpinkstargirl for the photo)
so I saw it last night and I’ve been stewing on it ever since as I wanted to be 100% sure in myself before saying this publicly
**brace yourselves**
After just one viewing… I feel confident in saying that I preferred this film over “Elvis” 2022 🤧. It was just so immersive and so deeply intimate that I walked away from the theater feeling like I had just lived a life with Elvis, and experienced all the ugly and wonderful things that came with it
I am seeing it again tonight and possibly tomorrow just to recapture that feeling (which made me cry… three times…)
And although I’m not the biggest fan of Sofia Coppola, there is simply no denying that she has perfected showing “girlhood” in film, and making the most unique experiences, like being Marie Antoinette and being Priscilla Presley, somehow universal to everybody. I haven’t felt being “14” since I was 14, which was a whole 5 years ago, but WHEW… I most definitely felt 14 again when watching Priscilla navigate life in Germany
Also- we all saw how Austin Butler was completely cheated out of an Oscar and so I’m begging that we do not do that again. Give the Oscar to Cailee Spaeny (who played Priscilla) right now 😤 There are no words besides “immaculate” to describe her performance. Her future is so bright as an actress, I just cannot wait to follow her career + she just seems like the sweetest person ever??
And I know it might seem insane to say that I preferred “Priscilla” over “Elvis” and some of y’all might crucify me for that take but my preference solely comes down to the fact that I appreciate Priscilla’s perspective much more so than the Colonel’s, who to me, has always been the least interesting aspect of Elvis’ story
My biggest gripe with having the Colonel narrative/tell Elvis’ life in the 2022 film is the fact that it made the film feel rather impersonal to Elvis as I don’t think the script or the storytelling ever fully allowed for Austin Butler to explore what he was like beyond the stage
And personally speaking, I have a much deeper love for Elvis the person as opposed to Elvis the performer, and I think that “Priscilla” showed the human side of him far more than “Elvis” ever did (like y’all we actually get to hear and see him reading his philosophy books in this!!!)
But before I get into what was actually depicted in film, and all my praises, I thought I would briefly state what I thought could have been done better. Don’t get me wrong, this movie was beyond amazing, however, it was definitely not without its’ faults:
1. If you have seen a lot of reviewers talk negatively about the pacing in this film- just know that they are unfortunately, completely right in that assessment. The whole timeline of Germany felt literally five minutes long, and the 70s also, felt maybe 10 minutes long which just made both the beginning and end feel rather rushed. Also there were at least 5 scenes that just faded to black before going onto the next one, and some very abrupt cuts in scenes which felt a bit awkward
2. Because this is a biopic, and because it’s based on a real life, there is no climax like you would be accustomed to normally in a film and so I think that the average viewer, like someone who may not really care about Priscilla or Elvis, will probably walk away from the film feeling unsatisfied- possibly bored. I saw it with my mom and my sister, and my mom was asleep in like 45 minutes 😭. The movie definitely got repetitive at some points but I acknowledge the fact that life is repetitive, especially for Priscilla in the 60s while Elvis was off making movies
3. While Priscilla (played by Cailee Spaeny) aged realistically and seamlessly, Elvis (played by Jacob Elordi) was essentially the same person (physically) for 95% percent of the film. For some reason, his hair was already dyed black in the Germany scenes, although we know it was brown at that time, and so there was no real transformation for him until Lisa Marie is born. The height of the actor was definitely jarring at first but eventually I got used to it…however…I damn near busted out laughing when they showed him in the Comeback special outfit 💀 His performance was nothing but incredible (ESPECIALLY THE VOICE) and so I learned to get over the physical disparities rather quickly
4. The ending of this film, particularly the song, was overwhelmingly sad and impactful but I was really disappointed that we didn’t get to see Priscilla’s and Elvis’ relationship after the divorce. This film ends with Priscilla leaving Graceland, starting her “new life”, which didn’t make much sense to me considering this movie was adapted from her book, which very much explores that part of her life, especially with Elvis
I would have really love to seen moments like this from Priscilla’s perspective ⬇️
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excerpt from “Priscilla, Elvis and me” (avoid this book)
5. NO CIRCLE G RANCH!!! It is borderline criminal to make a film about Priscilla and Elvis and to not include their time spent at Circle G ranch ** which Priscilla has always said were their happiest times together **. I assume that this was likely an issue because of the budget and the fact that they only had 30 days to film but god… I would have really appreciated some of the domestic bliss that Priscilla and Elvis shared while living in the trailer on the ranch. There were many happy moments/sequences (y’all are going to die when you see the rollerblading/go cart scenes) in this movie, but I think their gradual separation/withdrawal from one another (post marriage) would have hit harder if we saw how happy they were together during their ranch phase
6. For those who have read “Elvis and Me”, we all know about the famed LSD scene that takes place and unfortunately, Coppola heavily missed the mark on it. We don’t see Lamar Fike making out with a tree, we don’t see Jerry Schilling in a closet- instead we see Priscilla and Elvis just kind of rolling around, laughing amongst themselves while the room around them turns different colors
There were definitely many key moments/stories like that missing from the film, and I honestly wish that the movie was an hour longer so that we could have seen the book more fully fleshed out
Lastly, here’s just a general synopsis of the scenes in Germany… I was going to do the whole movie but I don’t have the stamina to type it all out 😭. If y’all want to know something specific please feel free to comment below and I will let you know <3!!
After the beginning credits are shown, the film starts with Currie Grant (who was renamed as Terry West) approaching Priscilla in a diner, inviting her to a party at Elvis’ house. After talking with her parents and assuring them that Priscilla will be looked after by him and his wife, it cuts to her in the back of a car, on her way to meet Elvis. The scene is exactly like how it is in the book, Elvis asks her how old she is, he remarks that she is “just a baby” and so on- Elvis then plays “a Whole lotta shakin” at the piano and that is one of three musical performances we see from him
Priscilla is then re-invited by Currie aka Terry via Elvis to comeback to the house again. Elvis invites Priscilla up to his room, she looks around and sees letters from Anita Wood, and a poster of Bridgette Bardot just like in the book. After Elvis talks about Gladys and how he is still reeling over her death, and how lonely he has felt since then, they share their first kiss to the song “Crimson and Clovers”
There are some scenes of Priscilla at school and some scenes of her sort of convincing her parents to let her continue to see Elvis. And they do agree, but just like in the book, they want to meet him first. Elvis is questioned by Priscilla’s father on why he wants to be with her to which Elvis replies that she is very mature for her age and that he likes talking to her since she is from home aka the United States. He then assures Priscilla’s father that she will be taken care of. After that we see them going to the movies where Elvis expresses how much he wants to be a serious actor, and then they share another kiss on the car ride home. It then cuts to Christmas time where we see Elvis giving Priscilla a watch and then BOOM- Elvis and her are on the way to the airport where they say their final goodbyes as he leaves for the United States
The film really does follow closely to the book (at least from 59’ when they meet to 69’- again the 70s were really rushed) and so I really recommended to read that prior to watching the movie
As for the more sensitive scenes-
There is no explicit sex, no graphic nudity, and no scene where Elvis forces himself upon Priscilla. He does say “this is how a real man makes love to his woman” but all he does is kiss her before she pushes him off. There is a rather long “polaroid-taking” sequence where it shows all the outfits that Elvis would Priscilla dress up in but other than that, we only see Elvis and Priscilla make out
And it did show when Elvis accidentally hit Priscilla in the eye during the pillow fight scene in her book, along with the scene of him throwing a chair in her general direction after she expressed she didn’t like a demo of one his songs, and the scene where he grabs all her clothes from the closet and tells her that she should go visit her parents. I don’t think that the scenes made Elvis look abusive: Coppola was surprisingly nuanced in showing that he had reasons for his sometimes bad temperament i.e the pills he took along with the fact that he was frustrated with his film career
It also shows Elvis’ infidelities but really only through movie magazines that Priscilla sees. So it’s never explicitly shown, I would say it’s more hinted at than anything
And there are two scenes of Priscilla with Mike Stone but again, nothing that is explicitly shown, it’s just hinted at
Finally, to finish this up, this is what I wrote on my Instagram account which I very much stand by ⬇️
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Just please give this movie a chance y’all, it was so beautiful and so sensitively done… I cannot wait to watch it again <3
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yunacoeur · 1 year
a/n: gunwook is p05 and war is over 🫶 also zb1 is a wack name and jay was robbed but anyway!! in order of rank but i might change it to order of age. send me requests if u want lol
content: zb1 x reader, tooth-rotting fluff, technically food is mentioned in yujin’s, literally that’s all this is so cute pls 🥹🫶
zhang hao
he confesses to you. it’s not some big dramatic moment, not the climax of the movie, but somewhere in your guys’ storyline, he says his ‘i love you’ means more than what you’d say to a friend. he tells you how fond he is of you and how he hopes to stay by your side forever.
“you know, i don’t think this is how friends are supposed to act. i think i might like you more than that.”
sung hanbin
he confesses to you. unlike hao’s, his is the big dramatic moment, the climax of the movie. it’s full of suspense and tension, he thinks you feel the same but he’s not really sure of anything these days and his stomach is doing cartwheels. he gives you this big, overdrawn speech about how perfect you are in his eyes and how happy it makes him to be in your life and how he would never take this opportunity for granted- and you use the then the only method you know to shut him up.
“stop playing dirty! that was unfair… okay fine! kiss me again!!”
seok matthew
you confess to him. he’s a love bug, but he’s shy. if you wrote him a hand-written letter confessing feelings for him or told him after getting him a small gift, he will never be able to get over you. he’ll keep that letter or whatever you give him forever. only then will he admit that he feels the same, and maybe leave a post-it note inside your phone case for you to find someday.
“it’s really true? you love me? me?! well.. i guess i have something to confess, too.”
he confesses to you, in all his shy cat glory. he tries to make this whole elaborate scene, filled with charm to completely blow you away, leave you starstruck. unfortunately, it doesn’t go how he plans, and he’s left to tell you, simply, that he has feelings for you. even in all his embarrassment at his plan not working, he’s the cutest when he’s bashful.
“ah, i.. i meant for that to happen… you know what, forget it- i have feelings for you. there, i said it.”
park gunwook
you confess to him. he wants to confess so badly but every time he tries he just freezes up! he just gets so flustered around you. if you catch him when he’s trying to, just being direct and honest about your feelings will help him to do the same. he’s easily flustered too, but given the opportunity, he will seize it. maybe not in a super ‘cool’ way, but hey, he’s charming at least.
“you like me too??… ah, i already gave myself away, didn’t i? yes, i have feelings for you too.”
kim taerae
you confess to him. he’s a romantic, and he can’t help but want to be romanced, so unfortunately that means you have to go first. the upside is he’ll look at you the whole time with those lovestruck eyes he gives everyone, but this time they’ll be real, have real passion and desire behind them, and you’ll notice. even if he never said a word, you’ll see all of taerae’s feelings plainly laid out on his face.
“you… you have feelings for me?? i- yes, i accept your confession! i want to be with you!”
kim gyuvin
he confesses to you. he’s a fun guy, probably wants to take you out on a date first and show himself off as ‘boyfriend material’ before he confesses to having feelings. he wasn’t even nervous until the last second before he confessed, and then once he did, all those feelings spilled out of his chest.
“i just really like you, okay! you’re so perfect to me and every moment i spend with you is amazing and i don’t ever wanna live without you!… was that too soon?”
kim jiwoong
he confesses to you. doesn’t make a big deal out of it, just tells you and gives you an out of you don’t feel the same. reassures you that nothing will change if you don’t feel the same. but, of course you do, and that silly little smile of his just lights up.
“i think i’m starting to develop feelings for you… let me know if you need time or don’t feel the same, but if you do, i wanna give us a try!”
han yujin
he confesses to you. something small and cute and stereotypical, like leaving a letter in your locker or giving you chocolates. he’ll get flustered and it’ll take him a couple tries, but he will tell you all the little things he loves about you. things you don’t even notice.
“so yeah… i know it’s sudden, but … i think i like you…”
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cleolinda · 1 year
When I was a child in the '80s, I absorbed some kind of cultural truism that disco was ridiculous, embarrassing, cheesy, a cultural relic to be mocked at every turn. Remember, I'm under ten years old at this time, and I still manage to get this impression. There was another, milder sea change when grunge overtook the hair metal of the late '80s, so I never questioned the idea that disco should be dead and buried. We like silly things, I thought in my 13-year-old wisdom, and then we get over it.
Then I saw The Last Days of Disco (1998) while I was in college, and suddenly I realized that disco was fun, and it was like—it was in the roots of—music I already loved. And the end of that movie also—hints? tells you? I can't remember how explicitly—that disco didn't just fade like most trends; it was killed off.
I watched a lot of VH1 in those days, the late '90s, with a little TV sitting on my tall university-issue dresser, its corner overlooking my computer desk while I struggled with piles of assignments. This was the heyday of Behind the Music, so it was great background TV. And then one day (1999) they ran a Donna Summer—the "Queen of Disco"—concert special. The video up there is the song that immediately became my favorite of hers. It’s just instant serotonin to me, any version of it. I bought the whole VH1 album on CD, and "This Time I Know It's For Real" may genuinely be one of my all-time favorite songs, now, still, more than 20 years later. You can hear the original version (1989) here (the backing instrumental that I just found today is lovely), but the live version ten years later, the video up there, has a really special comeback—joyous, gracious survival—energy to it.
Watching the whole concert, I got it. Why the fuck did I ever think disco wasn't amazing? It was always the kind of thing I loved; we had all just been pretending that it was embarrassing glitter trash.
And then I found out why we were pretending. From densely-footnoted Wikipedia:
Disco Demolition Night was a Major League Baseball (MLB) promotion on Thursday, July 12, 1979, at Comiskey Park in Chicago, Illinois, that ended in a riot. At the climax of the event, a crate filled with disco records was blown up on the field between games of the twi-night doubleheader between the Chicago White Sox and the Detroit Tigers. Many had come to see the explosion rather than the games and rushed onto the field after the detonation. The playing field was so damaged by the explosion and by the rioters that the White Sox were required to forfeit the second game to the Tigers. [...] The popularity of disco declined significantly in late 1979 and 1980. Many disco artists carried on, but record companies began labeling their recordings as dance music. [...] Rolling Stone critic Dave Marsh described Disco Demolition Night as "your most paranoid fantasy about where the ethnic cleansing of the rock radio could ultimately lead". Marsh was one who, at the time, deemed the event an expression of bigotry, writing in a year-end 1979 feature that "white males, eighteen to thirty-four are the most likely to see disco as the product of homosexuals, blacks, and Latins, and therefore they're the most likely to respond to appeals to wipe out such threats to their security. It goes almost without saying that such appeals are racist and sexist, but broadcasting has never been an especially civil-libertarian medium." Nile Rodgers, producer and guitarist for the disco-era band Chic,
(who survived the disco era to make half the music I loved in the '80s)
likened the event to Nazi book burning. Gloria Gaynor, who had a huge disco hit with "I Will Survive," stated, "I've always believed it was an economic decision—an idea created by someone whose economic bottom line was being adversely affected by the popularity of disco music. So they got a mob mentality going."
The DJ who ran the whole thing, Steve Dahl, complains that it was VH1 itself—you know, those Behind the Music specials I was watching—circa 1996 that labeled the whole debacle as bigotry when it so totally was not, you guys, and he is so tired of defending himself. But I'm gonna tell you, Steve, I don't really care. Maybe Disco Demolition Night was your fault; maybe you were just a part of something so much bigger and uglier that you couldn't see the whole size of it. Can you draw a direct line from the weird bigoted vitriol directed at those dance records to Ronald Reagan, elected the very next year, not giving a single fuck about the AIDS crisis? You probably don't want to, but I will.
And I don't care because I can look around the U.S. right now and tell you, nearly 45 years later, people are trying to demolish a lot more than disco. The Club Q shooter was sentenced to life in prison just a few hours ago. It's Pride Month, and we're all sitting here holding our breaths. That's a terrible way to end a post about a beautiful happy song I love, I guess, unless you turn it around and say, that should have been the whole point of this post in the first place. Listen to this song and think, people wanted to destroy this music, this sound, this joy for some reason. They want to stop people from just living their lives, from dancing. And yet, disco is still here. It was there in 1979, and it was there when Donna Summer released this song in 1989, and it was there when she returned in 1999. The Queen of Disco passed away in 2012, and it's still here. I feel a lot of joy when I listen to this song, but I don't think I'd ever thought about it being the joy of grooving with something just because it’s beautiful, the joy of just being here, still.
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 5 months
Here With Me - Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
hi!!! i wanted to request an ethan x fem!reader fic with some fluffy smut.
I was thinking along the lines of the friends to lovers trope: just a lot of mutual pining and sexual tension that’s built up over the friendship, which all comes to a climax (get it? 😅) when they break the tension and finally sleep together and admit feelings.
Please and thank you!!!! 😊
I didn't know my anon requests weren't on, they are now:)
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Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
This contains SMUT - Minors DNI
Summary: A rainy day leads you confessions with your best friend.
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You and Ethan have been friends for years. He’s always there for you, you’re always there for him. You have movie nights on a weekly basis, if not multiple times a week. You’ve spent so much time with him lately that you don’t really have any time left to find someone to have a romantic relationship with. Sometimes you miss sex, sometimes you miss waking up next to someone, but that bond you have with Ethan, and the time you get to spend with him, overpowers any of your other wants. You’d been hoping that Ethan could be your best friend and boyfriend in one, but you haven’t had the courage to make a move. You two flirt with each other all the time, but you couldn’t shake the thought that he only did it because he had no one else, while you did it because you were head-over-heels in love with him.  
It started to rain as Ethan walked you back to your apartment. It felt amazing on the hot summer day, and you both didn’t care that you were getting soaked. You both laughed at each other’s appearance; his hair slightly less fluffy, and your mascara running down your face. As the rain got heavier, you decided to try to wait it out under a huge oak tree.
“Maybe we should just go to my apartment, it’s closer,” he suggested, the rain showing no signs of letting up.
“I don’t want to walk in the rain, though,” you sighed.
A mischievous smirk appeared on his face, as he scooped you up in his arms, and ran with you through the rain. It was only a block to his apartment, but it seemed like those gym sessions with Chad were starting to pay off. That boy carried you with ease, up to the main door to his building.
“Put me down!” you laughed, as he tried to still hold you and enter the code for his door.
“No, I think this is where you need to be,” he smiled, as your eyes connected. You saw something in them that you’d seen several times before, but you’ve never been able to figure out what it means.
Once you were inside of his apartment, he gently sat you down on your feet. You gave him a light shove for causing you to get even more soaked by the rain, as he plastered a fake-hurt expression on his face.
“Do you want some clothes to change into? I can put yours in the dryer,” he said, as he walked towards his room to change out of his wet clothes.
“Yes, please,” you said, walking into him putting on a dry shirt. You caught a glimpse of his abs. Yep, the gym has been good to him.
He grabbed a pair of sweatpants for himself and you and gave you a huge T-shirt to wear.
After you both had changed, you decided to go to the living room and watch a movie. It was scary, of course, and filled with many jump scares. You jumped in his lap at one point as the villain of the movie popped on the screen, the loud sounds adding to the jump scare. Ethan looked down at you, smiling. He noticed the paths that the raindrops took your mascara on, the way your eyes got big once the music sped up as someone was being chased, the way your lips looked like they’d fit perfectly with his.
“Did you see that shit?” you yelled, after the most gore-filled scene in the whole movie played out in front of you.
“No, I missed it,” he laughed a little, glancing back at the screen.
“How did you miss that? It was crazy!” You said, eyes still glued to the screen.
He noticed that you still hadn’t moved off of his legs. He was enjoying the feeling, too scared that if he moved, you would too.
You turned your head away from the screen, another horrific death scene playing out. Ethan looked down at you, and that’s when you realized that you still had the mascara dried on your cheeks. You tried to wipe it away with your hands, a grin playing on his lips.
“Why didn’t you tell me this was still on my face? I’ve been sitting here looking stupid for the last hour,” you laughed, as he frowned at your words.
“You don’t look stupid, you look beautiful,” your heart started to race, so you tried to play it off.
“Oh yeah, I’m sure I look beautiful with these streaks all over my cheeks,” you said, but he had that same look on his face as earlier, the one you can’t figure out.
“You’re always beautiful. It doesn’t matter if your makeup is messed up. It doesn’t matter if you’re drenched in the rain. Fuck, you could walk in here wearing a trash bag and I’d still think you were the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.” he said, as he started to turn red at his own words. He meant everything he said, but he didn’t know how you’d feel about it.
“Well, if you feel that way, kiss me,” you said, as his eyes darted between your eyes and your lips. He hesitated, and you started to think that he might think you’re beautiful, but that doesn’t mean he’s interested. “…or not…” you trailed off, sitting up so you were no longer on his legs.
“No, wait,” he said, pulling you back to where you were before. He leaned down, placing a kiss to your lips.
As both of your mouths moved together, he started to get hard. You could feel him through his sweatpants. Your hands roamed his body, as his roamed yours, but he pulled away. You were confused, he seemed as into this as you were.
“I need to tell you something,” he said, distracting himself from your stare with the tv.
“What?” you asked, your hand reaching for his face, turning it towards you.
“I’m in love with you, always have been,” his words flew out of his mouth at a quick speed, you almost didn’t catch what he said.
“You’re in love with me?” You asked, smiling at him. He nodded, a small grin playing on his lips. The relief of you knowing his biggest secret lifting a huge weight off his chest.
“I’m in love with you too,” you said, pulling him back down to continue. This kiss felt a lot different than the other one. You could feel the love and didn’t question the intentions when his hands started to roam your body again.
You reached down to touch him through the sweatpants, him grunting into the kiss as you rubbed him. His hands went to the bottom of his shirt that you were wearing, lifting it up. Once he got it over your head, his eyes glanced down to your bare chest. He stared for a few seconds.
“My bra is in your dryer, remember?” you giggled, as he kissed down your neck. His hands roamed your chest, just like he’d fantasized about many times before. The sighs falling out of your mouth every time his hand over one of your nipples made him even harder. His hand trailed lower and lower down your body, rubbing you through the sweatpants.
“Fuck, that feels good,” you whispered. His hand moved back up a little, his fingers tugging at the waistband.
“My panties are in the dryer, too, by the way,” you whispered, his blown-out pupils connected with yours.
“You sure you’re okay with this?” he whispered.
“Ethan, if you don’t touch me, I’ll explode,” you laughed, as you took his hand, sliding it under the waistband.
His fingers wandered the new territory, especially your clit. The way your back arched when he brushed it over made him wonder what other reactions he could get out of you. He trailed his fingers a little lower, sliding one of them inside of you, before adding another. You’d been touch-starved for so long that it was hard to control yourself. He pulled his hand out of your pants, hooking your legs around his waist. He stood up with you wrapped around him, walking you to his room. Your lips were connected; your bare chest pressed against his clothed one. He tossed you on his bed, then pulled the sweatpants off you. He’d imagined you naked in his bed many times, but this was better than he ever thought it could be.
“You’re beautiful,” he whispered, placing kisses up your thighs.
Once his mouth connected with your clit, you made eye contact. Your mouth fell open as he circled the bundle of nerves with his tongue. He was intently watching you as your breathing got heavier, and your whines got louder.
“I need you inside of me,” you moaned out, his hard cock still confined to his sweatpants. He slid them down his legs, grabbing a condom out of the top drawer beside the bed. He put it on, and wasted no time slowly sliding inside of you.
He took it slow at first, before you really wanted him to pick up the pace.
“More,” was all you could get out. He started to thrust faster, letting a few moans fall out of his mouth.
“I have an idea,” he grunted, before stopping his movements. He pulled out, and walked to his closet. He grabbed another pillow out and walked back over towards you.
“Lift your hips for me, baby,” he said, as he put the pillow underneath you.
He quickly slid back inside you, the new position helping him hit that special spot inside of you.
“Oh my god,” you moaned, feeling your orgasm building. One of your hands traveled down to your clit, rubbing it quickly as you chased that high.
Once you started to squeeze around him, he was a moaning mess. It was hot to see him let his noises go.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he said, thrusts becoming more erratic.
He slid out of you and disposed of the condom, then snuggled up next to your naked body.
“That was better than I ever imagined,” he said, his fingers lazily tangling with yours.
“I agree,” you said. He started to smirk.
“You’ve thought about us doing this before,” he asked.
“Yeah, but my vibrator does nothing compares to this,” you said with a laugh.
“I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you, too.”
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xaharadesert · 6 months
10 of my Favourite Horror (Adjacent) Movies and Why You Should Watch Them
(Not in any particular order or subgenre. TW are super vague, spoiler-free, and from my memory, but I would recommend looking up more specific ones before watching any of these if you are easily triggered. Not all triggers are listed because these are horror movies, so stuff like death and murder is to be expected.)
Let me know if y’all want a part 2, because I’ve got about 7 more! (It could have been one post if Tumblr didn’t limit my images to 10)
1. Parasite
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A struggling lower class family slowly integrates itself into the household of a rich family without their knowledge.
Most of you have already seen this one, or been told to watch it. I am no different: this movie is popular for a very good reason. Divided into 3 clear acts, starting with comedy, and making its way through drama into horror. Also, great commentary on classism, very psychological at times and makes you wonder who you should really be rooting for.
Scary: 2/10
Gore: 3/10
Disturbing: 5/10
Psychological: 6/10
Actual genre: Dark comedy thriller
2. The House That Jack Built
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Serial killer Jack recounts some of his most influential murders.
A bit infamous and controversial for being very messed up, but still really good. Highly psychological, with a lot of narration and use of metaphor. Especially fun if you have any knowledge of Dante’s Inferno. Definitely not one to watch if you want a protagonist to root for.
Scary: 3/10
Gore: 6/10
Disturbing: 10/10
Psychological: 8/10
Actual Genre: psychological horror art
TW: sexism, corpse mutilation
3. Creep (1&2)
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A man is hired to help film messages from a dying man to his son.
I’m usually not a fan of found-footage, but there’s something special about Creep. On top of that, this is one of the few movies where I can confidently say I like the sequel more, which is shocking because the first one was amazing. Very funny and off-beat, with a sense of foreboding underlying the whole thing.
Scary: 3/10
Gore: 1/10
Disturbing: 3/10
Psychological: 4/10
Actual genre: found footage psychological horror
4. Mother!
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A woman and her poet husband live quietly in a secluded house away from society.
Very metaphorical and highly feminist; definitely not a movie that everyone appreciates, but if you enjoy analysis or just being really weirded out then this is a good for you. Starts slow and snowballs toward the horrific climax.
Scary: 3/10
Gore: 7/10
Disturbing: 7/10
Psychological: 8/10
Actual genre: psychological horror
TW: cannibalism
5. Perfect Blue
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Mima is a young pop star looking to join the acting industry.
Brutally realistic to the point where I had to stop watching and take a walk at one point. Very much “female rage” and a protagonist that will live in your head rent free for the next 6 years (or maybe that’s just me). Very triggering in a lot of ways, but worth it if you’re not sensitive to the topics it covers.
Scary: 5/10
Gore: 4/10 (animated)
Disturbing: 8/10
Psychological: 10/10
Actual genre: psychological thriller
TW: depersonalization/derealization, nudity, stalking, rape scene (she is acting in a tv show but it is still the most uncomfortable scene of the movie), inaccurate portrayal of DID
6. Midsommar
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A couple and their friends go on a vacation to their friend’s remote hometown for a Midsommar festival.
Probably the best-known out of this list, and again for a good reason. 90% of the film takes place in broad daylight, and the visuals are absolutely gorgeous. Once again will bring up the question of who is in the right and who is in the wrong (I have the answer to this question and I will fight you in dms if you’d like).
Scary: 3/10
Gore: 8/10
Disturbing: 8/10
Psychological: 7/10
Actual genre: folk horror
TW: long and graphic sex scene, nudity, close up and graphic gore, cult stuff, suicide
7. The Call
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A woman moves back to her childhood home and receives a call from the woman who lived there 30 years prior.
I got really into modern Asian horror films a few months ago and this is one of my favourites. The dynamic between the protagonist and antagonist is one of my favourites, and finishing this movie felt like finishing a 3 season TV show because of how well paced it was. Really hoping there will be a sequel with the same concept, even if it is not likely.
Scary: 6/10
Gore: 3/10
Disturbing: 6/10
Psychological: 6/10
Actual genre: psychological thriller
TW: abuse
8. Incantation
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A cursed woman takes back custody of her young daughter and does everything she can to keep away the effects of her curse.
This one was popular on TikTok for a while, and for good reason. Another found footage in a more traditional sense, and a bit confusing at times, but overall a really solid scary story. Very cool effects as well.
Scary: 6/10
Gore: 4/10
Disturbing: 6/10
Psychological: 5/10
Actual genre: supernatural horror
TW: derealization
9. Pearl
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A farm girl dreams about leaving home and living as a show girl.
Mia Goth is a national treasure, but we all knew that already. I watched this one before X (the actual first movie) because I didn’t know they were connected, but I much preferred this one. The Wizard of Oz vibes combined with Pearl’s unsettling behaviour made is a really creep film to watch.
Scary: 4/10
Gore: 4/10
Disturbing: 6/10
Psychological: 5/10
Actual genre: horror
TW: porn
10. The Platform
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A man is stuck in a prison where a platform of food is lowered through the layers of cells for inmates to eat as they please.
I’m a sucker for psychological movies that take place in a very limited space. If you’ve ever played and enjoyed the game Presentable Liberty then I’m gonna go ahead and say you’ll like this too. Not every question is answered, but the film is more about the human condition than the prison they inhabit, so it’s not too much of a problem.
Scary: 2/10
Gore: 9/10
Disturbing: 8/10
Psychological: 9/10
Actual genre: social science fiction horror
TW: cannibalism, suicide
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axailslink · 1 year
Fucking embarrassing
Shuri Udaku x poc plus size reader
A/n: not me accidentally deleting your request so sorry love @troiichiimera also like your thing would not @ so hopefully this finds it's way to you. Also if you are not fond of the term "big girl" please don't be shy let me know I just couldn't think of a better term. Sza like big boys I like big girls 👀 okay I'm done I'm done.
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Summary: Shuri enjoys taking you out on expensive dates but sometimes less is better so you both are cuddled up on the couch when you express that you want to sit on her lap.
Shuri's kissing all over your face instead of watching the movie but it doesn't matter because neither of you ever watched the movie on movie dates. You cannot name one time where you and Shuri actually watched the whole movie. "Oh shit who died?" Shuri's eyes finally catch the screen causing you to look back with wide eyes "oh shit they killed his aunt?" You both look at each other and burst into laughter "that's not funny but why does she look like that?" You imitate her dead body pose and Shuri rolls over in laughter planting her face in your thighs. "I hate you, that's so not funny!" You laugh and gently caress her head "yet you're still laughing princess" She nods "indeed indeed." You smile at her as you both let the laughter die down and you're just staring at her. "What?" You shake your head dismissing the passing thought but she looks at you and hugs your waist. "Don't do that I'll be thinking about it all day" you stare at the TV to distract yourself from the possible embarrassment that could come rushing through your body from this question "can I sit in your lap?" She doesn't take long to reply " yeah" which causes you to look at her unsure. "The black panther can hold up to 800 pounds I am the black panther" she can see that you're still a bit unsure "I've tested it I can hold 800 pounds over my head you are nothing on my lap. So stop worrying about it and just do it." You still don't move until she grabs your waist and guides you to her lap "no difference in breathing not much strength being used my leg might fall asleep though." She smiles at you reassuring you as you sit so the way down. "See?" She avoids talking about it after that not wanting to say or do anything to make you uncomfortable but it's something about her being able to pick up more than 800 pounds that has you thinking about many things. As if she can read your mind her hands gently grip your ass "we should be watching the movie" you hum as you look down at her she just smiles "we've been watching it for an hour the movie can watch us for a bit" you're only wearing a large black T which barely covers your ass and your favorite underwear. You feel her hands rise to your waist and she gently kicks her knee up as she slowly rocks your hips against said knee. Every time you and Shuri get intimate it makes you realize just how needy you might actually be if you don't have her touch for too long. "Shuri" she shushes you as she continues to slowly guide you but you absentmindedly start to grind onto her knee yourself your head in her shoulder as you let out light whimpers and moans. She kisses down your neck gently as she feels your body start to shake and come to a slowed pace but she doesn't let you as she continues guiding you back and forth your pussy throbs and clenches around nothing as you feel your climax nearing with each passing second. You repeatedly mumble her name throughout your choked moans but she kisses you quiet as one of her hands reaches forward and rubs your clit through your underwear as if the constant rubbing wasn't enough. You come undone on her hand soaking through the cloth between you and her fingers and she kisses you. "You did so well" you can't stop the smile that spreads on your face as you look away "stop with the praise" she laughs at your immediate shyness and kisses you again "fine I won't say anything else on just how amazing you did how you kept going when you felt your climax coming or h-" you cover her mouth and shake your head "stooooop that's fucking embarrassing."
A/n: holy shit is this smut? I don't really know either way enjoy. This does not mean I'll do every smut request aight? Some of y'all mad nasty or I just ain't comfortable writing that yet.
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sassylittlecanary · 1 year
Superman (1978) and the Female Gaze
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In honor of Superman’s 85th birthday, I got to see the 1978 movie in theaters (!!!) and I realized how much it appeals to the female gaze, which I would NOT have expected for a male-led superhero movie from the 70s.
To elaborate:
I’ve always cringed a little at Lois’ cheesy voiceover during the flying sequence, but I realized it’s actually a whole scene from Lois’ perspective. It gets in her head and explores her thoughts and feelings. It doesn’t portray her as “Superman’s girlfriend” from his perspective, focused on his viewpoint. The entire scene is Superman from Lois’ perspective.
Even the cinematography (especially in that scene but also throughout the movie) caters to the female gaze. There’s so much focus on their hands — Lois and Superman holding hands, Superman gently cradling her face, etc. There’s a focus on eye contact, on body language. Superman’s muscles aren’t emphasized — instead the camera lingers on his eyes and his smile. Through the visuals, both leads are very humanized instead of gratuitously sexualized like many superhero movies ever since.
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Also, Christopher Reeve’s Superman emerges as such an unexpected example of positive masculinity. In the late 70s, Family Feud’s host was kissing every female contestant on his show, consent be damned. ERA and the feminist movement were losing ground to the New Right. The macho male hero was already a staple thanks to characters like James Bond and advertising campaigns like the Marlboro Man. Men Were Manly.
In contrast, while Superman is held up as a quintessential “manly male protagonist” admired by many, he very pointedly does not fall into the action hero male power fantasy stereotype of “I’m a tough macho man who affirms my masculinity by harassing and sleeping with lots of women and who expresses emotions by hitting things and yelling at people. Wow look at me punch things and shoot guns! I’m so strong!” Instead, he’s always gentle. He smiles brightly, he laughs, he cracks jokes, he waves as he flies off. He’s a huge guy, but he’s not intimidating unless he wants to be because he’s just so kind and down-to-earth. He’s much more in line with a stereotypically feminine fantasy of a “kind, respectful, warm guy who makes me laugh” rather than the male power fantasy more common in this genre.
There’s also the way female characters are treated. Lois is Superman’s love interest, but she’s also more than that. She’s her own character with her own voice. She’s a tough, snarky, take-charge, no-nonsense, competent career woman who goes after what she wants fiercely. She grouches and rants with her signature attitude, and Clark just stands there smiling at her because he thinks she’s amazing exactly as she is. It’s the fantasy of an independent woman with traditionally “unfeminine” traits who’s loved and celebrated for being herself. Clark doesn’t want to tame her — he adores her and supports her.
In addition, Miss Teschmacher is stereotyped as the villain’s “sexy but a bit dumb” girlfriend/sidekick, yet she’s still allowed some depth. Superman’s treatment of her stood out to me because this woman has helped Luthor endanger innocent people and nearly kill Superman himself, yet he’s still kind and respectful toward her. Because he always treats women like that, no matter who they are or what they’ve done to him. She wistfully says “Why can’t I ever get it on with a good guy?” instead of a toxic one, and he touches her face tenderly and gives her a reassuring smile. He has compassion for her, as well as hope that her life will improve.
There’s also the climax. There really isn’t much violence (it’s all natural disaster stuff). The whole “hero does something dramatic to save his love interest” is a time-honored action movie cliche, but this feels different somehow. It feels more like the climax of a romance movie than an action movie in some ways. Maybe it is, again, the focus on tenderness. On the way Superman cradles Lois’ dead body so gently and then cries. On the way he allows himself to feel, to express his emotions, instead of heading out to punch something as an outlet for his grief. Lois isn’t a love interest to be won — she’s a person to be cherished, which is 100% consistent with the female gaze.
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After continuously pushing the day I'd finally watch it, I eventually watched Kung Fu Panda 4 today and... I'm so sad to confirm that it's exactly as disappointing as I feared it to be
Of course it has some little good points and I'm sure that it found its audience. Kids could identify themselves, laugh, adults had their fair share of action and humor.
But everything else was a pile of disappointment. The plot barely stands. There are plot devices at every corner. It's not as steady, original, and compelling as the 3 previous movies, its story and animation quality doesn't even come close to Kung Fu Panda 1, 2 and 3... It's like they decided to make the movie at the last minute, or were forced by Dreamworks execs to do it at the last minute which could... Actually be true?
There are too many tropes that have been seen before and again and again: the splitted screen, the predictable betrayals, the emotional talk under the rain, the adorable kids who actually are violent, the anti-climax end, the easy ways, the pep talk shortcuts... It's crazy that such a resounding and deep and dazzling saga as Kung Fu Panda has such basic fight choreography and scenery in its 4th film.
I've said it before and I'll said it again, this is always what is doomed to happen when a studio makes a movie that 1) literally nobody asked for, not even the biggest fans, 2) releases 8 years after the previous opus, 3) has a story happening after what is generally and objectively seen as the final closure of the main character's story
of course I get the whole "We conclude the saga further with Po choosing a successor" thing but doesn't it destroy the entire premise of the Kung Fu Panda saga? Oogway chose the next dragon warrior when his time was not far off! Why does Po have to chose the next dragon warrior now?
I'm so sorry but I can't let this movie pass, the Kung Fu Panda trilogy is amazing and this is just a masquerade
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sytokun · 1 year
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Watching the Spider-verse crunch discussion going on in relation to RWBY and the whole #GreenlightVolume10 thing has been interesting to say the least.
Of course, there's many fucked up people who don't care about the crunch, and even endorse it since ATSV did so well; but from what I've seen, most people have been sympathetic and acknowleged that waiting for the third movie to be finished in due time and treating the workers well is far better than rushing the conclusion to what could be one of the greatest animated film trilogies of the decade.
You make your best work when you don't have the gut-curling dread of unemployment and impossible deadlines hanging like a sword over your head. ASTV could have been even more amazing without the crunch.
Good God, if only we had voices this loud in the RWBY fandom. If only the RWBY fandom's loudest voices were the ones who advocate for ethical treatment above everything else, and not the ones pushing to get more RWBY content made above everything else, fighting tooth and nail and lining the parasitic company's pockets to see their beloved franchise continue, regardless of who would be ground to dust to make it happen.
I've seen many animators and artists saying they worked on shows most people look down on like Big Mouth and Mulan, and saying those productions treated them far better and they felt way better working on them, in spite of the end quality of the product. It made me at least respect the work more, because even if it was disliked, at least the people making it didn't have to suffer making it, or even gained much from it.
But with RWBY, it's a lose-lose game. The show's writing and animation quality is fleeting at best -- certainly nowhere near the level of Spider-verse. Its great moments are always undermined by the absolute worst writing decisions and character derailment in modern fiction. Outside of its core fandom, RWBY is the fucking laughing stock of the greater anime community and this is sheer fact. Nobody takes it seriously and every Tuesday a RWBY fan is going around picking fights with other anime communities or with other RWBY fans. I love RWBY but it does no favours for its own reputation at all.
If the workers making RWBY were treated well, I could care less how many Volumes they make and their quality, or how much of a laughing stock it is. But this is Rooster fucking Teeth we're talking about. Do you really think if they cared about RWBY's quality, they'd wipe out their entire animation department all at once after V9? This means every Volume's production is a literal coin-flip because there's no time to build a functioning team there with established lead animators.
So you guys want to bleed these animators and artists dry, just to get the same mediocre product anyway? Rooster Teeth had 2 years to perfect the script of Volume 9 to the finest detail and still somehow took a page out of GEN: Lock's universally hated suicide plot for their climax. We had the goodwill to give them 2 years to make V9 the best it could be, and they took that goodwill to cut episodes from it and go make the JL crossover movie instead. And even if we still get the same mediocre product, we fucking know like 80% of everyone who's worked on it are going to be crunched to the bone and left without a job afterwards, so there's not even the comfort of the staff having a good work experience or stable employment from it.
Every single thing I liked about Volume 9's action scenes, environments or characters, I have to live with the fact that the person responsible for it may never return to RWBY's production to keep making it better. There was a fight animator you really loved? Too bad! RT didn't find them valuable enough so they went elsewhere to offer their skills to Trigun: Stampede or Spider-verse instead. Oops! Those animated stories ended up doing really well are are praised for their amazing animation! Sucks that we didn't keep them around for RWBY, huh?
So, why the fuck is the fandom fighting so hard for Volume 10 then? Certainly it's not for the now non-existent animators occupying their empty offices, which as we speak Rooster Teeth is clamouring to fill job openings for. I wish the RWBY fandom knows that by pushing for Volume 10 just out of sheer stubborn attachment, they are not on the good side here, and never will be. No amount of emotional music and stellar fights are going to justify knowingly putting animators through the grindstone for another year or more, only to be tossed out until they are needed again.
You think I like this either? I really fucking don't. I believe RWBY deserves to see itself through to the end. I love its cast and world and want more people to give it a chance, if only to properly understand what they're dismissing. But real people are the cost here.
I don't care how "complicated" or nuanced you think it is because you have some imaginary box of who you think in CRWBY are good or not, or what scraps of representation you think people's livelihoods are worth ruining over -- it really is not. Either the workers are going to be sacrificed on the altar of your attachment to a fictional show, their mental health and compensation only a secondary concern, or you think that this shit is evil and should never be allowed to fucking happen.
And if the Spider-verse situation hasn't made that line clear already, then I seriously ask you to reevaluate whatever sliver of humanity you have remaining.
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Unpopular opinion (somehow?):
Nimona wasn't a very good movie. It was just okay and very surface level. On the positive side, the animation was wonderful and it had an important and relevant message, good voice acting, and a diverse cast, but it was executed poorly. It had a lot of potential that they just did nothing with. There's a lot of issues with the world building and a ton of gaps in the story if you actually look into it. If you boil the movie down to its core, there is a lot of good in it, but that doesn't hold up when you look at the whole of it together.
The climax didn't have any impact due to the emotional speech basically being said almost verbatim earlier in the movie at a low stakes moment. It's honestly my biggest issue with the storytelling. In a similar vein, I find that the very end scene of the movie is unsatisfying. A bittersweet ending would've felt more fitting (impactful?) than a forced happy one. For her to finally achieve the love she wanted, and on a grand scale, but at a cost (though I suppose they did leave some ambiguity?). But it's a kids film, so I get why they went the route they did.
The society that the director was so dedicated to protect and keep from changing (to the point of mass murder) was barely more than a mention. We weren't shown how the world and community function. The whole knighthood being the pinnacles of keeping society safe was empty and never really conveyed by the citizens who supposedly loved them. There was a lot they set up that never really had a follow through.
There was never a monster to begin with, and there certainly weren't anymore attacks from the outside, so why is the wall needed? In the time it took for all of this to be created and implemented, they would have seen there was no danger from the outside. Even seeing Nimona as a monster shouldn't have been enough to base a whole society around keeping evil monsters out when she is all that they've ever seen and she never actually hurt a single person.
How did Glorith even become leader? She was a random village girl too young to be of any help to the village as it rebuilt and developed. Especially if lineage is supposedly very important in this world for those of high rank. There's a lot of things that don't really make sense on how they've gotten from point A to point B. This is just an example.
The mix of fantasy-esque things and a more modern and scifi world is super interesting and could have been explored more deeply. There were a lot of things they could do with this premise to bolster the themes of the movie or simply round out the world. But it was merely a inconsequential backdrop.
Overall, I feel like the movie is just a superficial, feel good type movie. There's nothing necessarily wrong with that, but people seem to think this is some super amazing movie and it's just not. It's very surface level and very much a simple children's movie (dont get me wrong, there are movies aimed at kids that are fantastic and deeply meaningful, but this just isn't one of them. I get the message it conveys, but the storytelling of the movie doesn't do it justice.). Its cute and has a very positive message. It's not bad, but I'm super let down by how much hype surrounds it. I think people are honestly putting the meaning they want to see into it when it's not really there. I've seen a lot of takes that just honestly have no backing in the actual film. I just think it's a lot of undue praise for things that the film never actually touches on or even tries to convey. I'm glad people see things they can relate to and make them happy. I just don't think the movie deserves all the credit it gets.
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orchidbreezefc · 7 months
reposting my old twitter thread regarding venom (2018), which a friend once said should be printed on the back of the dvd case. screenshots aren't working but they'd be redundant with the image ID anyway. if you want the 🌟Full Experience🌟 the original thread is [here].
[1/10] ok i just watched the venom movie for the first time and yall? let me level with you. real talk. full frontal honest hot take.
shit was amazing.
[2/10] like you know that whole shit with video games where people just get so into it and the completionism and the competitive scene and the graphics and whatever and youre like yeah ok but is it like. fun
thats me with venom vs mcu
[3/10] like goddamn. i had fun. i loved it. i saw it and it was an enjoyable experience for me and i liked watching it.
with mcu im all no i get that this is an installment of a series that has a greater overarching plot and shit but like.... am i gonna enjoy it? at all?
[4/10] me looking at mcu movies like am i gonna feel an echo of an iota of entertainment anywhere in my being at any point during this movie or nah?? and most of the time its a solid nah!!! but tom hardy just showed me a good goddamn time!!!!!
[5/10] like man. you talk about disaster characters? i thought i had seen disaster characters. eddie turbofucks his life into the ground with great prejudice. he makes dysfunction an art form. he hits rock bottom and pulls out a jackhammer and thats BEFORE the alien
[6/10] like i spent the front half of the movie going dude. who even allowed this dude to be a protag of anything. who said yep lets make this guy the main character, that seems acceptable
and then around the climax i realized that they HAD to for the plot to work
[7/10] like just imagine how shit wouldve gone were eddie not an eighteen wheeler fucktruck tire fire. if the man were capable of catching a whiff of a phantom of the dessicated corpse of his own common sense none of this would have worked
[8/10] like any human being who is even .0005% more functional than eddie (i.e. anyone on the planet) would not have responded like 'hey actually? i LIKE having this cannibal monster alien controlling my body. i think this is GOOD. im gonna KEEP IT.' like eddie what in the whole fuck.
[9/10] this guy is not even there!!! the whole time!!! nothing behind this dude's eyes. he started dissociating shortly before meeting the scientist lady and he just never fuckin stopped. the lights are all off upstairs. this dude is checked out and he is NEVER coming back.
[10/10] final point the dialogue was just fucking phenomenal start to finish. just absolutely batshit nuts what was coming out of everybody's mouths. and the delivery was stellar, like the wack shit they were saying was completely normal and fine. i'd like to shake that writer's hand
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[ID: a graphic that reads, in all caps: "disclaimer: black panther and thor 3: ragnarok are exempt from this statement" and in lowercase: "(captain america 2: the winter soldier you're on thin fucking ice)". end ID]
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I went into this movie completely blind not knowing the premise or seeing a trailer for it. I was completely blindsided by the premise and how good this film actually was. The intense feeling of dread crept through the whole movie and made it an overall intense watch. Sydney Sweeney did a pretty incredible job of portraying the naive and meek Sister Cecilia and her slow corruption and loss of religion. The labor scene, in specific, was so raw and animalistic that I felt her screams in my very soul. There were a few amazing jumpscares, and while this film wasn't very gory, the effects and makeup were still fantastic. I would however liked to have seen the aftermath sister Gwen's torture scene. if she lived through it, it would have been nice to see how it affects her personality and approach towards God. if she didn't live, I would have liked to see Cecelia trying to find information about where her friend went, only to find it was like she bever existed. I also had a few problems with the portrayal of water breaking and contractions during the climax of the film, but I'll keep that rant for another day. Overall, the film is definitely something you should check out it's the pro choice film you didn't know you needed
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