#the tattoo is expensive so i don't know if i'll be able to
nerves-nebula · 1 month
So this is only tangentially related to your turtles but the idea of Mikey as a tattoo artist in the hidden city is so fascinating to me. Because like! In a world where half the town has fur, is there, like, special ink for different species? What about avians? Reptiles? Anyway. Such an interesting concept.
i imagine that when tattooing someone with fur you have to shave the surrounding area, so if you want a badass face tattoo you have to suffer the indignity of having a weird patchy spot on your face for a while.
same with avians, except if the want it ON the feathers, like their wings or something. which might be more expensive/require a fancier kind of ink.
i dont think the equipment is separated by species so much as by use. feather and fur ink is probably pretty similar, if not the same, but the way it's applied is way different.
idk how you'd tattoo a slime monster, you'd probably need some heavy magic for that. might be a two person job.
also, unrelated to any of this, but i like the idea of Mikey tattooing Abe and not knowing it and getting along with him. I have to resist the urge to have them run into Abe in the future because it's NOT THE POINT and usually I'm not interested in it, but this one instance would be fun. Not for the characters, i don't think they'd even know since Donnie wouldn't be around for it, but it would be interesting for US THE VIEWERS.
i might be able to give myself a pass on this one since it's not the whole "Abe comes back and they all get revenge" thing, he's just another customer at Mikey's shop, and only WE THE VIEWER knows to agonize over the interaction. so maybe I'll do that. idk.
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charminggirl512 · 2 years
calendar // chibs telford x oc
Chibs Telford x F!OC
Warnings: 18+, smut, language, little bit of angst, mentions of pregnancy, jealousy
Word Count: 1,393
A/N: Enjoy some jealous Chibs. Absolutely adore that man.
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"Will you stop fidgeting? I think you're more worked up about this than I am and I'm the one in the pictures." 
"Well, it's not your wife getting photographed nude on your bike, now is it?" 
   It was Juice's idea to create a calendar with all of the old ladies of the Sons in Charming and Chibs had been a nervous wreck ever since I eagerly agreed to do it. It was the day of the shoot and they were going all out for it; lighting, fancy cameras, even a wardrobe department despite none of us actually wearing clothes in the photos. I was covered in a short silk robe but if Chibs had it his way, I would've been in a nun's habit. 
"I asked you if you were okay with it when Juice asked me and you agreed to it. It's a little late for me to drop out, hun." He glares at my use of the pet name but he knows that I'm right. 
"I knew I should've given you that 'Property of Chibs' tattoo when you asked for it when you were drunk," He mumbles under his breath. 
"Do it, and I castrate you, Telford." My sickly sweet smile tells him that it is not an empty threat and he's quick to move on.
"All of the clubs around the country are gonna see this! I'm never gonna hear the end of it," He continues to grumble under his breath. I stand on my tiptoes to speak into his ear.
"Keep up the nagging and I'll make sure that Tig is on that bike with me," I whisper before settling back on the balls of my feet, smiling until he leans down to whisper to me.
"Watch yourself, little girl, or you won't be able to sit for a week."
   The photographer conveniently calls me over then, so I grin up at Chibs before walking into the center of the lights where they've placed Chibs' bike. All of the Sons are in the room as well as some of the old ladies, the rest of them getting ready for their shoot. 
"Alright, Ellie, if you can just take your robe off for me and hand it to my assistant then we'll get you situated on the bike." I wink at my husband before undoing the knot keeping my robe closed to the sound of whistles and hoots from the crowd. 
   I've always been in pretty good shape, despite having two boys that wrecked my body for a short period of time. My Scottish genes are strong, giving me wide hips, a tiny waist, and tits that are bigger than Chibs' hands can hold, further enlarged by two pregnancies. My dark brown curls hang down almost to my ass, complimenting my bright blue eyes that sparkle under the beaming lights. I have no shame about hiding my body and don't really care that all of Chibs' brothers are seeing it right now because, at the end of the day, I'm going home with my Scotsman. 
   They carefully position me so that my back is arched to display my ass, the side of my arm hiding my nipples where my hands are holding the throttle. The photographer first has me throw my head back so that my hair flies through the air as I bite my lip and she snaps a million pictures. 
"That's it, baby!" I hear Chibs smack Tig upside the head and laugh despite not being able to see the two of them. Next, she has me stare sultrily at the camera, giving my best sex eyes. I glance over at Chibs in between shots and he's biting down on his hand as he focuses on my body, never once shifting his gaze. 
   The next pose that the photographer puts me in actually makes me a little nervous, but I don't hold back. I flip my body over and carefully balance my hands on the seat, my back towards the throttle as I rest my feet clad in four-inch black heels on the seat of the bike. Normally, my husband would be getting onto me for putting my heels on the expensive leather, but all I hear is him choking on his breath as I do the traditional pin-up girl pose completely naked (with the exception of his silver cross necklace) on his $50,000 motorcycle.
"Oh, Jesus," I hear Jax say before Tara smacks him on the arm.
"Jackson Teller, you better not be looking at Ellie like that," Tara scolds as she stands there in a robe similar to the one that I had on.
"You were looking too," He whines and she smacks him again. 
   The final pose that she has me do is squatting down next to the bike, one hand on the seat and the other on my thigh. The bike protects the people on the other side from seeing between my spread legs as I look over my shoulder at the camera. As soon as the photographer says that she's done with me, Chibs races over and throws me over his shoulder like a caveman. I squeal as he bands one of his arms around my thighs, his hand squeezing the muscle there. 
"Don't be too loud! It'll be distracting for the rest of us," Tig calls after us as Chibs carries me into the Chapel of the clubhouse. 
   He slams the door behind us before dropping me onto the table to turn around and place a chair under the handles of the doors to ensure that no one enters. He pounces on me as soon as he's done, already throwing off his kutte and white t-shirt as he assaults my lips. 
"I'm gonna fuck you hard and quick right now, baby, and then later, I'm gonna fuck you nice and slow on my bike to remind you that while you may get to show them your body, you're mine." I moan at his words and get even louder as he abruptly shoves two fingers inside of me, his thumb rubbing quick circles over my clit. I try to clumsily undo his belt as he already brings me on the brink of an orgasm. 
"You almost made me come in my pants like a teenage boy, lass, seducing me on my bike like that. If I had my way, I would be fucking you on it now, but it's best not to let them see you break over and over again on my cock." 
   His words are my undoing and I bare down on his fingers, screaming his name as he continues to fuck me with his hand. When I finally can take a deep breath, I reach into his pants and pull out his cock, come already leaking from the tip of his thickness. I spit on my hand before quickly jerking him a few times until he takes over and thrusts into me. He briskly sinks into me all the way, quickly thrusting back into me. 
    He picks up his pace as I squeal his name over and over again into his neck. My heels dig into the base of his back as he plunges into me again and again, seeming to get deeper every time. I come again as he bites into my neck and massages my ass before slapping the thick flesh. I hold onto his ass and press him into me as much as I can as he shoots into me, repeating my name over and over again into my chest.
   He collapses onto me as we both take deep breaths. I run my hands through his disheveled salt-and-pepper hair, knowing that my hair probably looks even crazier. He stands up and gently pulls out of me as he grabs his phone out of the back pocket of his jeans. He snaps a picture of me, the Grim Reaper behind my messy sex hair, bite marks all over my chest and neck, and Chibs' come leaking out of my pussy.
"Now that's what they should've taken a picture of."
   We get a copy of the calendar a couple of months later. They ended up picking the pin-up style picture of me for the month of June. Chibs stands behind me in the kitchen as we look at it, pulling out his phone to order three more from Juice.
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inkofamethyst · 3 months
March 3, 2024
It's so weird to already know what instrument I'm going to learn next (and also to have purposefully selected a time to learn it). Like, I didn't know I was going to want to teach myself the saxophone in high school, it just kind of happened (though these days I do lowkey wish I had gone for alto rather than tenor (will not make the same mistake with the bass, will prob go for a short scale)). Same with the uke--I was just bored one summer. But knowing that the bass is coming up (but that I'll be waiting over a year for it still (not a bad thing, as I'll be able to use this summer to learn more about my community at large)) makes me a bit antsy to just start playing. I'll be listening to music and will have to make a mental note of a cool baseline I'd like to learn (the "Life Will Change" bridge !!!!!!!!! (though I'll prob have to learn something like "Mask" from P5 before that if I want to play while singing (supposedly notoriously difficult on bass which is lovely)--slower, more repetitive)) but like, that's over a year away. I mean the wait gives me time to save and plan, sure, but I also just want to play something sometimes.
Speaking of planning, when I get to that fateful day next May of picking a bass (not sure if I want to go the cheap route and grab something used online or the Main Character route and have some hot guy in a guitar shop help me pick one out based on his expertise and then offer to give me lessons and then we fall in love (can you tell that Hadestown has pushed the dial right back over to R??) (though the guitar shop plan makes more sense for my first one (of one? of many? who knows) since I don't know any bassists and I don't know what I'm doing (yet))), I'm also going to have to decide whether I want to go for lessons. Honestly? I'm considering it. I know my whole deal is like "hur hur hur im a self taught multi-instrumentalist" (!!!! I'm a multi-instrumentalist !!!!!) but also if I can't find good videos on/am unsure about technique, might as well talk to a professional.
God I'm so excited to learn that instrument. Can you tell?
Speaking of saving, one thing about my savings goals notion page is that I wish it was more.. dynamic. In that, sometimes I save extra towards a goal one month, and it'd be nice if the suggested monthly savings amount went down to reflect the new minimum needed to reach that goal by the desired date. Or alternatively, change the end date based on the amount saved if the minimum payment stayed the same. I don't know how to code either of those, but they'd be a nice touch.
Though, kind of on a similar note, saving so aggressively in January and February has meant that, after typical spending habits, I've been left with basically nothing at the end of the month lol. Everything else taken into account, I've got ~$200 for random discretionary purchases monthly. That's been perfectly fine (aka just enough) but it also feels a little tight? Idk. I suppose I can rationalize it by the fact that it will keep me from overspending and will allow me to reach other goals quicker but it still feels like I'm livin paycheck to paycheck hehe. But this will only last as long as my ultra-aggressive saving strats do, so for about another year, then I start letting up (if all goes to plan).
Also, went ahead and did the per-day calculations because I've always heard that it's cheaper to make your own food than to buy it, and I am actually saving so much by making my own meals every day*. Like, so much. Now, at my uni, getting breakfast or lunch a la carte isn't terribly expensive, but it certainly can and likely would add up.
*Granted, I do benefit from the occasional free lunch or dinner.
Can you tell I'm rationalizing anxiety with over-strategizing? I truly do not make enough money to be so focused (rationalization: start good habits early). The moneydiaries subreddit has fried my brain I think.
Thinking about putting on some fake tattoos at the end of spring break. Partly because they make me immensely, unreasonably happy, partly because I'm curious if anyone would ask about them hehe. The last time I did a full sleeve and met up with some friends (years ago) they were a lil shook.
Today I'm thankful for.. a lazy weekend. And nighttime rain storms.
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armpirate · 1 year
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Pairings: tattoist!jk x fem!reader
Genre: smut, angst, friends to lovers, tattoo au, virgin reader.
Summary: You were awful on anything related to flirting, guys and sex. He was the perfect ladies man. You wanted to get rid of your virginity. And he was there to help you with everything you needed. You didn't have the best start, but that didn't mean you wouldn't have the best of the endings.
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My eyes have been exploring the place ever since I arrived, still looking for someone to hit on and put to practice everything I learned this evening before I pulled some strength and finally got here. 
I've walked past this pub way too many times. Always filled with fancy people sharing interesting conversations while drinking a glass of the most expensive combination of alcohol, and low jazz music playing in the background to set the mood. So when one of the tips said "Go to one comfortable place, and put all the skills i taught you to test" the place I had to choose was pretty clear for me.
Although it's been one hour and a half -or three Cosmopolitans-, I'm still in the exact same spot. And I'm doing the exact same thing since I got here. I'm supposed to be reaching out to different people, hit here and there, and try to get a phone number for once. But I haven't found the guts to do it. For some reason, all dudes in here seem so... inaccessible? Could be it's not exactly them, but the process of reaching out to them right now seems so intimidating, I just can't find myself doing it.
Almost all of them are the same, anyway. Expensive shirts, pleated beige pants and loafers -although maybe I saw one of them wearing a brilliant pair of derby shoes. It's no help. I'm not attracted to either of them and, even if I were, I'm sure we'd have nothing to talk about. Maybe I should've gone to the pub in the other side of the street, where they serve you the best beer while blowing your ears with the hardest metal.
And actually, I'm just five minutes away from leaving and head to that place. Even if I don't end up getting someone's attention, I'll still enjoy the rest of the night by jamming to some music -not caring of how I look or how loud I seem.
This just isn't my place. Or so I thought.  
My eyes feel captured by a pair of pitch black eyes staring at me from the distance. And one quick look at him makes me wonder how the hell I didn't see him before, among all these people? He's the only one standing out with that bad boy aura.
When he gets caught looking, he doesn't look away. He just doesn't care. So I decide I won't care either, before I look at him from head to toe. He is carelessly resting his full sleeve tattooed arm over the counter, his fingers holding his glass filled with liquid. His other hand is resting inside the front pocket of his black cargo pants, that fit into his legs way too fine. My eyes keep going back up through his black t-shirt and silver chains, hanging around his neck. The perfect fit.
He's been following the move of my eyes over his body with his doe eyes, but he's far from bothered by it. Actually, the way he looks at me and throws a sided smile kinda convinces me he likes to have my attention right now. 
But he still doesn't move from that place, and the heavy environment growing where I'm sitting right now forces me to look away. It almost felt like I needed a short break, to pull myself together, before I decide what's the next move to make.
What did the video say?
"Different words can make a sentence" Yeah. No shit, Sherlock. No, it wasn't that. Something along the lines "Let the other person know you're interested, but don't make it seem like you're too desperate". No, that was later in the video, for sure. I'm missing the part where the dude gave tips to get up and head to the person you want to flirt with. 
God, I can't even remember. My mind seems to only be able to think about that vicious smile, and that lip ring just making it even more tempting to head where he is and play with it shamelessly.
Focus, Y/N.
I shake my head again, giving a sip to my drink before I turn to that hot stranger... Ha, who's now busy talking to a breathtaking brunette. The girl twirls her hair on her finger, tilting her head and swaying her hips. She's doing exactly what I should've done the moment we kept the eye contact for so long. 
Kudos to her confidence, that encouraged her to go and talk to the only interesting man in the whole pub. Although, if I had her body, I'd probably have that vast amount of confidence as well. No, actually not.
I'm so immersed in my own thoughts, so deep in my mind and my own rant, I'm not aware my eyes are still on the couple flirting on the counter. And when I do realize, it's way too late. His eyes catch mine in the middle of his conversation, he's speaking to her, but looking at me with a malicious smile.
I move my eyes away from them way too late. And probably he thinks I'm a weirdo. Or maybe he doesn't mind me at all, which is the most possible since he already has something else to drive his attention to. 
I give my drink a long last sip before taking the glass and heading to the middle of the counter, just to leave the empty glass there. Time to go back home, and feel sorry for myself another night. 
—Have a good night —the bartender smiles when he notices me.
—You too —I give her a smile.
The relaxing jazz music from the pub is replaced by honks and loud crowds from the street. Well, welcome back to New York City, the city that never sleeps and that will never let you catch a break. Unless you need a cab to drive you back home when you most need it. In that case, take the longest break and brace patience. 
I cross my arms over my chest, trying to warm myself a bit when my body finally realizes I'm in the middle of the street, when it's 15 degrees, and I'm only wearing a thin short sleeved blouse and a pair of jeans. I should've known better. When I arrived, it was still hot, and what I'm wearing was still appropriate for the weather. Now? Now it's the best outfit to kill yourself of hypothermia.
I should've stayed in tonight. Fuck that video. Fuck the creator. And fuck me for thinking it would work, when the previous sixteen videos made no change whenever I tried to open up and break my comfort zone. Fuck my shyness and fuck that cab that's prolonging this shitty night.
My mental rambling gets interrupted by a voice on my back.
—Do you need a ride?
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inlocusmads · 11 days
For any/all characters...
Marker: what's one thing your character would never tattoo on their body, even if they were paid a million dollars for it?
Copics: what is this character's most expensive habit or hobby? Do they ever feel guilty about the money they spend on it?
Photography: What's one moment from any of your fics that you feel is preserved in your memory?
Felting: how often do you include soft moments when you write? Do these moments play a role in the main plot, or do you include them as an escape from the rest of the story?
Creative!: free space! share something you've been dying to share about your writing! Could be an OC that never gets the limelight, a moment you were proud of, or anything else you'd like to share
I've been in a very Trys/Nora mood lately lmao, so I'll answer for them!
OC writer asks
Marker: what's one thing your character would never tattoo on their body, even if they were paid a million dollars for it?
Nora -> Any fandom tattoos/one of those song lyrics/ quotes or something? She's pretty open to tattoos, but doesn't know where to start but will definitely not start with anything pop culture (-> mostly because she's very out of the loop)
Trys -> Getting people's names tattooed. Doesn't matter if it is an ex-partners or a current partner an old friend or "I love Mom" or whatever, no. People's names aren't his jam. As a matter of fact I think they'd probably go for designs and such.
Copics: what is this character's most expensive habit or hobby? Do they ever feel guilty about the money they spend on it?
Nora -> Granted movie tickets aren't in the hundreds per person, but Nora does love visiting the cinema whenever she gets an opportunity to. And it's pretty frequent. She doesn't feel guilty all that much, but cuts down if she has to. And she used to collect DVDs too at some point.
Trys -> A massive patron of the arts. Having run around in Sonja's group of friends for a few years, Trystan got into collecting pieces of art and supporting galleries and artists he liked. Of course, they were able to afford it (and no, he doesn't feel guilty lmao, they love art). Books too. Funding some art restoration projects, sponsoring some film festivals (after learning Nora's love for everything movies) and so on.
Photography: What's one moment from any of your fics that you feel is preserved in your memory?
I still think about Nora badly playing charades/pictionary signalling Trys if they could leave the party sooner in this fic. No matter who she is, this is the most human she's ever been and in her natural form (the epitome of girlfailure).
Felting: how often do you include soft moments when you write? Do these moments play a role in the main plot, or do you include them as an escape from the rest of the story?
I honestly don't know lol. I guess these days I don't include as many soft moments as I'd like to, but if it does it definitely plays a role in the story. I love to talk about how it manifests in Trys & Nora - in Trystan, he is at the peak of his unadulterated kindness that you have ever seen - they carry an insane amount of empathy. In Nora, soft moments are when she's articulate, she says what she means, she offers a lending ear first. It is so intertwined with their respective character arcs and I don't really see soft moments as constrained to like, 'hurt/comfort', etc. etc.
Creative!: free space! share something you've been dying to share about your writing! Could be an OC that never gets the limelight, a moment you were proud of, or anything else you'd like to share:
A trope/mechanic that gets me invested and seated everytime is the "character is borderline supernatural-y good with a skill but it's the most useless thing you've ever seen". Nora has a precise, picture-perfect aim when it comes to tossing things but she never gets to use it unless she's playing a game or something. Trystan is a overlord at sleight of hand tricks, esp with dice but doesn't get much use out of it either (and it's a hit or miss sometimes).
I love giving characters completely useless skills sometimes. For eg, my VoS mc, Aloka can differentiate between different types of crows but only crows. Rowan (Mah) does a lot of wheelies on her bike (only wheelies) but in the future wouldn't even need a bike to commute. Killian has a very good memory but only in ballad/song-form, so she'd have to come up with complicated rhyme schemes to remember anything.
I feel like every character needs a useless skill or two.
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trippygalaxy · 10 months
(i was not thinking at all when i wrote this — 🐈‍⬛)
when the new tenant first moved next door, you had no intention to meet him.
when you had peaked through the curtains and shades of your window after hearing the unmistakable slam of a moving truck's sliding door and ramp, you had seen the back of a rather muscular man.
from what little you saw of his face when he turned told you it was tattooed like one of his friends that was helping him bring boxes in, solidifying your apprehension.
the following night was rowdy.
the nine of their voices had easily carried into your apartment through the thin walls. they had referred to each other by (what you hoped were) nicknames and shared their continued support of time's new apartment until the latest hours of the night.
it was only when the loudest of them fell asleep that you were able to call it a night.
it's afternoon when you wake up. you have to force yourself to work through what should be your morning routine before any more of the day slipped from you-- you couldn't let your new neighbor and his loud friends ruin it when you'd been so good at staying on top of it.
you're about to make yourself a lazy lunch when there's a heavy-handed knock on your door and you couldn't be more glad to have freshened up as early as you did. no one that you knew in the complex had a knock like that and meeting your new neighbor with morning breath would've been hell.
he's holding a basket filled with flowers, milk from a brand you recognize as lon lon, sweets, an expensive bottle of wine, and a few other cheap housewarming items you buy when you don't know anything about your neighbor.
not only that, but you realize you had grossly underestimated how tall he was. that brief view from the window didn't serve him justice.
he had given you his own up-and-down with his one eye if the way it lingered every time it roamed up was anything to go by.
you're shaken from your thoughts when he says "hey," in a low, raspy voice filled with timbre. you'd say it was gone from the night before if you hadn't heard him speak in that same voice the night before.
"i-- erm.. didn't realize you were in last night, so sorry for the noise."
it's not as though each apartment had a specific parking space and you were the only one he shared a wall with, so you'd give him that.
he brings your attention back down to the basket he held when he holds it out to you. "i just moved in yesterday, so i'm sorry if i make a lot of noise because of unpacking and whatnot."
"you're fine," and you can't figure out whether or not you meant that you forgive him or because he was an attractive man. "a heads up would be nice, though."
the man hums in acknowledgment, watching as you retreat a few steps into your apartment to place the basket on a nearby counter. "i'll keep that in mind."
when you turn back to face him, he looks like a lost puppy standing at the door.
he shifted his weight ever so slightly on his legs to the point it would almost be unnoticeable if you weren't actively paying attention. he had his arms behind his back, but you could tell he was fiddling with something behind him by the way the muscles of his arms flexed and relaxed.
the lack of sleeves on his fitted t-shirt did him no favors in revealing the movements.
"did you want to come in?" you don't know what prompted you to ask. either his pretty face, or nervous body language? it was both, more than likely. "i was just making myself something to eat."
(you don't know where you got the energy to make something bigger than a sandwich and a few fruits, but it was there now. it'd be a waste not to use it.)
you're almost self-conscious of your apartment when he steps in and closes the door behind him. the way his eye looked over every piece of furniture and the various trinkets that littered the shelves would've made you run away if it weren't your home.
he's quicker to notice you watching him when he's a few steps away from you. "i like it," he voices with a vague gesture, "it's nice. it's very-- uhm.. unique, in a good way."
you don't bother prying a better answer out of him. it'd be painful for you both.
"are you allergic to anything?"
"no," he's quick to respond, glad to have the topic change. "i don't have any preferences either. i'll eat anything."
"even poison?"
his tongue shoots around in his mouth. he looks like he wants to say something, but he instead settles on "maybe," with a playful expression.
(you think a root of hope takes place within you.)
conversation comes easily after that. he tells you about his work on the same farm he got the (shockingly high quality) milk from and a few things about his group of friends (who called themselves the chain, funnily enough) from the night before, additionally mentioning how they were all significantly younger than him and how one of them-- the other one with face tattoos-- was his son.
"what's your name again?"
he looks up from the plate of food you had long since placed in front of him, brows raised when he realizes that neither of you had, in fact, exchanged names.
"the others call me time." he huffs out a laugh when he sees your brow raise. "like father time because i'm so old. my name is link."
"the others..?"
"they're link as well."
"and so you, in good conscience, made your son a junior?"
"in my defense, i didn't realize he would make so many friends with the same name."
"which should i call you then?"
"whichever you like more," he hums. "just know it might be confusing around the others depending on which."
when he gives a belly laugh at your response of "how fun, sir," you couldn't help but be thankful that he and his wife separated.
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I love the idea of reader slowly being introduced to the other boys, either they run into eachother in the hall/street OR Time brings them to visit when thr pair becomes closer!!
Also love the thought of Time just taking but the majority of a door frame?? Its so funny to think of him shrinking in on himself as he tries to waddle his into his/others houses.
Also very very very sweet of Time to give them a basket as an apology!!! Kinda made a shit first impression but INSTANTLY made up for it <33
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themculibrary · 2 months
Fics With Titles That Start With I Masterlist 2
part one
I don't know what's happening (but I know you) (ao3) - BrilliantlyHorrid phil/skye T, 14k
Summary: As weird as it was, if Daisy was going to be stuck in a bizarro universe, married to anyone, there were way worse options than Phil Coulson.
If At First You Don't Succeed (ao3) - SonnyD sam/bucky T, 8k
Summary: Bucky finally gains the courage to tell Sam about his feelings. He comes up with a list of methods to woo him that were bound to succeed. He didn't account for each and every one of them failing in unexpected ways. The five times that Bucky attempts to woo Sam and the one time that Sam returns the favour.
If I Only Had A Heart (ao3) - Paint_Stained_Heart steve/bucky T, 48k
Summary: T’Challa’s tried to be neutral. “Leave him, take him, I do not care. Just don’t let him injure another soul,” he’d said in one of his rare contributions to the discussion. Steve knew, though, that T’Challa’s hand was being forced; his advisors don’t want to hold the Winter Soldier in expensive, high-security, high-voltage facilities for much longer.
The arguing has, eventually, come to consensus. Bucky’s coming out of cryo today and being shipped back to the United States, to the Avengers tower in New York. The doctors say it’s for further evaluation. For adjustment. For prodding and intel. For one of the most interesting case studies in the history of POW recoveries.
But for Steve, it’s simply time to bring Bucky home.
if you're still breathing, you're the lucky ones (ao3) - Charlie_Balle M, 11k
What if Yelena was just a bit younger? Still a teenager. What if the Red Room cracked down when Natasha escaped? Yelena was plunged into hell. She comes out colder and bitter. She won’t be so forgiving this time.
Basically, what I feel should have happened if Black Widow wasn’t restricted to a PG-13 rating
I Get a Kick Out of You (ao3) - attice steve/tony E, 3k
Summary: He looks Steve over. He's flushed—red-faced, tousle-haired, and completely out of breath. Something is definitely wrong. Tony's first thought is this isn’t possible, quickly followed by how does this pick-up line go again?
Ignore the Story and See the Soul (ao3) - MarcellaBianca steve/bucky, sharon/sam, peggy/angie E, 43k
Summary: Steve Rogers is doing great. He survived a tough childhood filled with illness and childhood asthma to become the owner of a lucrative "box" in Brooklyn, New York, alongside his best friend, Sam Wilson. He also works as a freelance artist and is slowly finding success in that side of his work. Overall, life is pretty awesome.
And then he gets dragged to a yoga class, and a man with a full tattoo sleeve and a devastating smile just might upend Steve's great, normal life.
Or - the yoga and Crossfit AU literally nobody asked for.
i'll always look best in your head (ao3) - ghoultown wanda/vision T, 308k
Summary: “I’ve been searching for half the day for an indication of humanity and life within myself, but there seems to not be any.” He folds his arms over his chest, defeated, “All of humanity seems so probable, so able to change and communicate and connect and live. So possible. And I just feel so...“
“Impossible?” Bruce points to the screen.
Vision follows his finger. He reads the words at the top, large and bold and simple, feeling his body lurch forward to get closer.
The Impossible Man by Wanda Maximoff.
Vision doesn't have a heart, but he could swear he feels his pulse quicken.
Wanda has begun to write a story about a man who cannot exist. Vision is searching for an explanation as to who he is. They seem to meet in the middle.
i'll bring you flowers in the pouring rain (ao3) - censored peter/harley T, 6k
Summary: Peter Parker knew that he didn’t live up to the expectations of people.
Harley Keener knew that he didn’t live up to the expectations of people.
In which: Peter is a tattoo artist and Harley is a florist. Somehow, luck is on their side.
I'm Right on Top of That, Tony (ao3) - DyslexicSquirrel E, 92k
Summary: “Excuse me.”
Two heads turned toward him, Ms. Potts standing with a practiced, professional smile. “You must be Mr. Rogers. I didn’t realize the time.”
Stark looked from her to Steve and back, his eyes widening slightly. He got to his feet, shaking his head. “No, uh-uh, not happening, Pepper. Is he even old enough to work? If he says ‘I’m right on top of that, Rose,’ I’m jumping out the window.”
In Every Universe (ao3) - MagicalTear tony/stephen T, 16k
Summary: Tony Stark had been working for the Illuminati for years, doing his share to make the world a safer place as he worked alongside Earth's strongest heroes. He had his inventions and he had Stephen, and for a moment everything was perfect...until it wasn't. Until the Illuminati tore Stephen from his side and left him with a hollow heart.
The last thing Tony expected was for the multiverse to come knocking on their door so soon after Thanos' demise, throwing none other than Stephen Strange at his feet once again. He might have been a genius, but he was not equipped to handle a magic book chase, a teenager in distress, and one mad Scarlet Witch.
Perhaps it was time for Earth 838 to go through some changes.
(Or...grab the second half of Multiverse of Madness and make it IronStrange)
Inked (ao3) - WhoLetThisHappen wanda/natasha, steve/bucky T, 9k
Summary: Wanda had never really paid much attention to the tattoo parlor across the street that Pietro seemed to frequent. The thought of marking one's body in such a way seemed too unnatural for her to care much about the neon-lit building. That was, until the owner of said tattoo parlor came stumbling into Roger's Floral Gifts with an admittedly strange request.
A mix of the Tattoo Artist/Florist AU and the Tumblr prompt: Person A owns a flower shop and person B comes storming in one day, slaps 20 bucks on the counter and says “How do I passive-aggressively say fuck you in flower?”
i really (really) like you (ao3) - onsolsix sam/bucky T, 10k
Summary: The date so far is playing through Sam’s mind like one of those old movie reels, and he’s pretty sure his mistakes have overrun the good things. “I stranded him in the middle of this place, spilled his drink over him, and I almost let him go hungry!” Sam pauses and shakes his head, running his hand over his hair before it comes down over his face. “I almost starved my date, man!"
Sam's has a blind date with a friend of a friend of a friend. There's a reason he keeps to the swipe right kind of lifestyle.
Irreparable (ao3) - aslightstep G, 131k (WIP)
Summary: Forgiveness is a journey, or so Tony was maybe told a long time ago. He doesn't know about any of that and doesn't particularly care to. In the wake of civil war, the Avengers remain, as do their enemies. And Tony Stark rebuilds, as always.
He destroys the phone, he burns the letter. But he can't (he won't) eliminate Steve Rogers from his mind.
I Said I Would Never Fall Unless Its You (ao3) - coolpointsetta tony/stephen M, 112k
Summary: “It took me a long time, but I realized my situation wasn’t entirely hopeless,” Strange’s voice was gaining confidence, bit by bit. “In my scouring of the multiverse, I realized that Christine Palmer wasn’t my destiny, but he was. It is written in the fabric of every universe, it is set in stone: Stephen Strange and Tony Stark are meant to be together. No matter where they begin or where their journeys end, they are meant to love each other…”
His voice trailed off a little as he became absorbed with watching his variants dance with different versions of Tony. The looks of happiness on their faces made Wanda’s heart break and her resolve crack, and she was beginning to understand more of where he was coming from.
“But Tony Stark is always destined to die.”
I Saw You Smiling At Me (ao3) - ChibiSquirt steve/tony E, 13k
Summary: Steve and Tony have (finally) gotten together! Now it's time to explore some of their kinks...
I Think We Need Each Other (ao3) - nataliasromanoff bucky/natasha N/R, 27k
Summary: Natasha doesn’t want to work with him.
Bucky doesn’t want to work with her.
But they have orders and a disgruntled boss and a high profile target that just might make these next few weeks worth it. The job, exactly?
Marital bliss.
AU where Natasha and Bucky are partnered up for a mission neither of them want to be on. There's arguing, insults, anger, and the constant, irresistible urge to rearrange the angle of someone's nose. But it's when Bucky gets horribly injured does Natasha realize that she might need him more than she thinks.
It's all in the way you touch me (ao3) - antigrav_vector bucky/steve/tony E, 25k
Summary: This is pretty much shameless threesome smut. Plot is present but minimal. Consider yourselves warned.
It's A Secret To Everybody (ao3) - Snapdragon_in_the_Snow T, 97k
Summary: “I have kids," Clint said. "I know dad behavior when I see it.”
Tony blinked multiple consecutive times, processing the statement. “Excuse me?”
“Tony,” Steve said now, “how long have you had a son? And how come we’ve never known about him?”
“Yeah,” Clint spoke again, “I thought I was the only one with a secret family. Turns out you’ve had one longer than me!” ------- Peter gets to spend all summer living in Avengers Tower with Tony. When the Rogue Avengers get pardoned and come back to live at the Tower too, they're confused as to who Peter is. However, once they see how Tony acts around Peter, that confusion goes away, as they know for certain who Peter must be - Tony's secret son. Tony and Peter decide to make the most of the situation, and play along. They hope they can keep up the act all summer. But they soon learn that they barely have to act at all.
It Takes a Village (or a team of superheroes) (ao3) - aven_garde T, 33k
Summary: Three months after the Chitauri attack, Tony received a phone call that changed his life. (Or, the one in which a group of remarkable people come together and balance battling villains and raising a child).
i would shower you with roses if only they didn't make you need an epi-pen (ao3) - Anonymous steve/tony G, 3k
Summary: Tony has a plan to woo Steve, and is determined not to let Steve's health issues get in the way.
Which is hard, because giving him flowers make him have a sneezing fit, they have be careful about food because it seems like Steve is allergic to everything, and they end up spending most of their dates in the hospital after something goes wrong.
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thechaoticcheese · 1 year
I present to you, PFP of Karma, her basic info and her lore.
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Basic Info
Name- Karma
Age- 27
Species- Human
Gender/Pronouns- Female/She/Her
Height- 5'6
Weight- 169
Clothes- Karma usually wears her Mando armor (seen above) and black sweats with dark brown boots.
Body Build- Buff
Extra- Karma has tattoos, but no one ever sees them. She has wings in her back, underneath that are 2 symbols of Mando'a, both 8s with a dot between, and arm sleeves with flowers, left arm has flowers symbolizing death and life while the right is of rebirth and strength.
Karma was raised by Mandalorians, her parents were Mandalorians, but disappeared when she was young. Karma was born with 2 colored hair, blonde and brown, heterochromia eyes, green and yellow, and showing Blaschko lines. She was often teased so around the age of 8 she started to fist fight everyone who made fun of her looks after the ghosts of her parents offered advice, unfortunately it would be the very last time she saw her parents.
Karma did get in trouble for fighting kids before she told them if the adults weren't going to help her she'd help herself, and the talks stopped.
At 13, Karma was undefeated by most people she fought. The only ones she couldn't, were those responsible to make sure everyone was ready to start bounty hunting for the group. Though that day fatefully came.
When she turned 18 she went into the ring to face the Guardians. She easily defeated all of them, except for the last one who proved to be a slight challenge, but she ultimately won. She got her armor, requesting it to be a male helmet with a vocoder that made her voice gender neutral, wanting to confuse her enemies, which sometimes worked. Her coloring came from the paints that were rarely used, cotton candy pink and blue. Karma was ready to start bounty hunting. She was really good at it too, able to get bounties in quickly and effectively.
When she turned 24, she returned from a bounty mission and her group was gone. It was as if everyone was taken on the spot. She mourned everyone before going to a very slowly growing planet where she still did bounties, but with her home base more hidden, she wasn't worried about it being destroyed.
On one of her bounties, she met another bounty hunter who was after her bounty as well. After a combat battle, the two agreed to take the bounty together and split the reward. They did this successfully.
The Bounty Hunter wanted to learn more about Karma so asked if they could meet outside of their jobs, surprised to find out they lived on the same planet.
Karma went on their first meeting in her armor while the other party was in a nice dress. She introduced herself as Andro, which shocked Karma a bit, assuming that Andro was male. Andro then explained the reason she was doing bounties was to get the body she wanted, which unfortunately, had to be done on another planet which not only is expensive, it also takes a while to get there. Karma listened thoughtfully to Andro's story and smiled, glad there were people out in the universe that cared.
Andro and Karma soon started to date, but it took a year after they started to date for Karma to finally show Andro her face.
"I don't understand why you keep the helmet on... Sometimes it feels like you're staring into my soul wanting me to die. I don't even know what you sound like! How do I know that you aren't changing out with people?!" Andro expressed with sadness and a bit of anger, her eyes were on the bed sheets between her legs, then over at Karma, widening. She had messed up. "I'll... I'll go". It was their one year anniversary and this was crossing a line Andro knew well about.
Andro stood up, and started to leave. She reached the door before she felt something warm against her wrist which made her stop.
"Please stay." It was a feminine voice, not the normal gender neutral vocoder of Karma's helmet.
Andro turned around and teared up her beautiful girlfriend stood there, in shock, sadness and horror, but without her Mandalorian helmet and gloves, them resting in the bed.
"I'm.... I'm sorry." She whispered before Andro pulled her close. "I never wan-"
"Shhh... It's ok... It's ok my sweet treat." Andro's voice was soft, but something chocked her throat as she was finally able to kiss her girlfriend's forehead. "You're beautiful. I don't want anyone to tell you differently." She looked down at her heterochromia eyes, there was something mischievous about them, despite them beginning to water.
The next thing Andro knew is the two were on the bed making out.
After that, the two were more prone to going out, Karma slowly not wearing her armor, but still wearing long sleeved clothes and using her cape to cover her head except for a slit for her eyes.
For their 2nd year anniversary, Andro was planning to propose, but both were weary due to reports of a local mob becoming more violent for supposedly no reason.
The two were walking through a flower field with a few very walked on trails, making it clear those who walked cared about the floral life that lived there. Large bushes spotted here and there in the field, and an occasional huge tree. The couple were smiling and laughing.
A nearby bush was rustling, and without a second thought, Andro drew her pistol and shot at the noise as a trandoshan stumbled through the bush, right into the blaster's bolt. It hit him square in the chest, him falling over into the grass as a few other sentient creatures came out with wide eyes and raising their hands, but informing the two about their horrendous boss and needing to leave.
Instead of the two leaving, they requested to see the boss, and when they were granted that permission...
Karma walked in with her new normal wear. Her eye slit the only thing showing any identifying features, her heterochromia eyes and showing Blaschko lines were the most obvious. The two creatures led her and Andro through the town and down an alley way that turned into stares, and at the bottom were two armed guards and a door, a big insignia covering the door in purple and red. One of their escorts flashed a card then the door opened.
The inside sounded like a bustling city, but looked like the underside of a house. They had to snake their way through the crowd, sandstone pillers holding up the ceiling, carvings being filled with some sort of plaster that could be easily seen as they walked by. Andro and Karma held hands, not willing to let go of each other.
The four had arrived at a giant metal door, the same insignia being more vibrant than the one outside. One of the people opened it. They walked in and the two lovers kneeled down, bowing slightly before looking at the mob boss. It was another reptilian species, but definitely not a Trandoshan. Whatever he was, he was fat, snacking on grapes, staring dully at the two.
One of their escorts went and whispered what happened, his expression hardened. He sat up straight and waved, someone quickly grabbing the plate he put his grapes on, the clacking of chains making Karma tense a bit.
"You killed one of my goons, what brings you here in front of me?" He asked with a booming, enraged voice.
"Forgiveness sir." Andro responded level headed, bowing down. "He had spooked us and without warning I fired." Karma glanced over at her lover with concern, but Andro wasn't looking, her eyes closed. "I ask for your forgiveness and we will pay for his life in any way we can."
There was silence in the room. Karma has leaned forward a bit to mimic Andro's bow, but she was entirely wary of what would happen.
"I decline your request human. You killed a member now it's your turn to pay with your life, but since you had the gull to ask me for something, I will give you until the moon is at the highest point in the sky to flee this planet, if we find you here after then, you will die."
Karma was about to get up, but Andro squeezed her leg before speaking, "We accept your offer graciously. Thank you for the opportunity of life." With that, Andro got up, and made Karma follow, the building now buzzing softly with what just transpired. Thousands of eyes tract them leaving.
Karma wasn't happy, but left with Andro as they went to pack...
They were nearly done packing as the moon was starting to rise.
"I need to go grab some stuff from the kitchen. I will be back princess." Karma said before gently kissing Andro on the lips. "Always loved your lipstick, maybe I can steal it on the next planet." She joked softly, gently wiping her thumb over Andro's lips as if to attempt to take some of the pomegranate colored lipstick for herself.
"In your dreams sweet treat." Andro teased back before Karma left with a wide smile.
In the kitchen, Karma opened a secret compartment that held something dear to her, a bunny-like stuffed animal from her home planet. Carefully, she got up and headed back to the room with that and a few plates.
Creaking open the door, Karma took a few steps in, smiling before looking up. Her heterochromia eyes widened as she dropped the plates and the stuffed animal. The plates broke as they shattered to the floor, cutting up the fabric of the stuffed animal a bit, but that didn't matter.
(TW: Gore, skip to the end of this section of squeamish)
In front of Karma was Andro, propped up with her back against the wall by their only window in their room. Andro sat there, holding two things, her own still beating heart in her right hand, and a black rose in her left. Her heart was trying to pump blood, but that wasn't happening. What was, was blood softly gushing out of it, along with blood pooling out of the human's chest where her heart used to be.
Karma ran over and kneeled by her, tears streaming down her face as she noticed Andro was barely alive, a single tear drizzling down the side of her face before her head slightly leaned forward, as if to be thankful Karma was here in her last seconds as life left her body.
Afterwards, Karma put Andro back together before building a fire and burning her body, noticing that the moon had just risen from the horizon and started to plan revenge.
This would be something she would get a year later, but it started with Karma signing herself up to join the mob, wearing her Mandolorian gear instead. She fought her way to the top, beating everyone that was pitted against her. This was something done in the mob to see where you'd be best, but when Karma was placed, she was placed way lower than she was supposed to, the mob boss being suspicious of her. Many people were upset about this, but not knowing the reason she wasn't promoted higher.
It didn't matter to Karma. Over the next year, she rose through the ranks, gaining a group of people who started to follow her. The Mandalorian having a secret code phrase to indicate those with her.
Once the mob boss finally went on his "yearly mission", Karma struck. She staged a coup with most of the mob, easily overthrowing those who outranked her and waiting for him to return, already enacting changes to the mob.
Then the mob boss came back. He found the symbol was repainted and the place was clean and organized. He arrived in his room to Karma sitting on his chair, staring to the left. His close friends were being held against their will in a line. When he went further in, they were dragged out and the door was closed behind them.
It was just him and Karma now. Karma stared at him, a kiss mark in pomegranate colored lipstick on the left side of her helmet. She then got up and beat him until he couldn't move, before executing him with Andro's blaster.
Karma dragged his body out, tossing it in front of the crowd and demanding those who wish to live leave if they were a part of the old mob boss's rule and catered to his corruption, otherwise they'd be killed. Most left, a couple stayed and were executed exactly like the mob boss.
Karma became the new mob boss, and everything was fine for a few months. Then the Separatists attacked a scouting squad Karma had ordered to check out a mysterious spaceship that had landed.
During this attack, the group radioed it into Karma and she was quick to get to the location, her bringing along a few others. Though when she got there with the others, she found the squad dead with blaster wounds, dead clones and droids.
Something moved from her peripherals and she raised her blasters and turned around to see a clone with his hands up, a few others near him with theirs up as well.
Karma was outraged and demanded to know the situation, not sparing to mention that their lives would be wasted if she wasn't told. That's when she found out that the group was first attacked by droids, then clones. The clones had gotten confused from a miscommunication about who to shoot and during the firefight it was hard to see who shot first.
The armored woman was filled to the brim with emotions. She demanded to speak to whoever is in charge and when she was refused, she shot a clone's shoulder and demanded again, stating she would hit his head next. She was granted permission before discussing it with a jedi, who apologized for those who died and agreed to try to get her voice heard to leave the planet alone.
For a while, it was a work in progress. Karma having the clones stay in a certain area and refusing them to access any of the planet. Her having ordered her mob to check the planet carefully and more battle training just in case.
Karma watched the clones carefully until they were approved of the planet being left alone. The Republic did offer an alliance, which Karma reluctantly agreed with due to it being the only way the clones would be forced to leave, but check in every so often.
Things having calmed down since then, but Karma is now on edge with everything, being more caring of her mob and hating almost everything that isn't on her planet. She still does bounties here and there, but mainly stays on her planet to help protect them if any Separatist forces strike again.
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on-noon · 8 months
Calista came home to her mom sitting tired at the table, a sandwich half-made in front of her.
When she saw Calista enter, she hurriedly put together the sandwich. Calissta made herself one as well, and sat down across from her mother.
"Calista, I have a hard request to ask of you. Someone who I know from the academy called me today. He asked that you go on a date with his son. I'm sorry, I couldn't say no, he didn't leave me any time. And you know how hard it is for me to go against anyone from the academy."
"I'll do it. I can handle one date. What time?"
"Tommorrow. At seven, at the Restraunt Sivario"
Calista nodded, and they ate the rest of their sandwiches in silence.
Sebastian knelt before his father, Llynel.
"Tommorow you will be having a date with the daughter of one of my friends from the academy. You will be at Sivario at a quarter to seven."
"Yes, father." Sebastian said. Right upon leaving his father's study, Sebastian's brothers came up to him.
"So, Chin, I heard you got a date. Finally," Aster said.
"Only because dad set it up for you," Raythier said.
Sebastian smiled his awkward smile.
"But the date will still be up to him. Need some pointers?" Aster said.
"I'll be fine, thank you."
"We at least need to help you get dressed," Jochlan said. Sebastian nodded.
Calista was walking home from her long shift at work. She was thinking of all the homework she had to do. She looked at her watch. 6:40. She had a good few hours to get a chunk knocked out. Oh. The date. She had to get all the way downtown, a thirty minute walk.
She turned around and picked upon the pace. The quicker she got to the stupid date, the quicker it would get over.
Sebastian arrived in a new tailored suit, with a sword at his side at Sivario at precisely 6:45. He walked in.
"Table for two, please. In the best table for date," Sebastian says.
The server leads Sebastian to a table secluded in the corner.
"Could I ask for the name of the person you are waiting for?"
"Calista Porthos."
The server nodded, and turned to leave.
"Could you bring out the best wine you have?" Sebastian asked.
"I will warn you. Our best wine costs ten thousand coin, more expensive than a young person such as you should be spending on a date."
"I have room for it in my budget, worry not."
The server nodded.
Calista arrived at Restraunt Sivario at 7:12, in her sweatshirt and pants, her hair a mess.
"Can I help you?" the server asked.
"I'm supposed to be here for a date. I'm late." Calista said.
"Are you Calista Porthos?"
Calista nodded.
She followed the server back to a corner of the restaurant. She sat down across from Sebastian, in his full suit. She hurriedly brushed back her hair.
"Hello, Calista," Sebastian said. "It is great to meet you."
Calista nodded and got seated. "I don't think I know your name. And sorry I'm late, my shift went longer than scheduled."
"No worries about that, I'm glad you were able to make it. I'm Sebastian Ernos."
Calista looked at the wine glass in front of her, and the wine glass in front of Sebastian.
"I don't really drink," she said.
Sebastian nodded. He waved the waiter over.
"Could you please take away the wine?" Sebastian said.
Both of them sat in silence as the waiter took away the glasses and the bottle, and then they watched him carry the tray away.
"What hobbies do you have?" Sebastian asked.
"Reading, although I haven't read a good book in a while," Calista said. "What about you?"
"I'm not sure. I'm on a quiz bowl team and I fence." He brushed his hand through his hair, showing his Academy tattoo on his forehead.
The same tattoo Calista's mother always tried to hide.
The waiter brought out two menus.
Sebastian looked at it quickly, then set it down.
"Manwa al Lain, is that some sort of sheep meat?" Calista asked.
"I think so. It's a meat that's covered in sauce with herbs sprinkled on top, I've never been certain of the meet, but it has a texture consistent of that of lamb."
The waiter returned "Are you ready to order?"
After Calista nodded, Sebastian did as well.
"I'd like the Scalia Noodles," he said.
"Could I get the Chicken Lamni?" Calista asked.
The server nodded and wrote down the orders.
After the server left, the two started talking about their respective schools, starting with what classes they were each in.
"Linear algebra is my favorite class I've ever taken, although that might just be because we get to do some very cool proofs in it at my school," Calista said. "It's a lot of work though."
"I have to take it next year, and I'm not looking forward to it. I prefer the more concrete subjects to math."
"If you don't like math why are you taking linear? I really enjoyed it, but that's specifically because I enjoy math."
"The Academy requires it to graduate."
"Of course it does," Calista says.
The server brings out their food.
Calista unrolls the silverware napkin to find three forks, two of which are identical, and the third a smaller version. She decided to use the small fork, for fun.
Sebastian ate his meal, trying to match the pace of Calista. She was awkward in eating it, poking at it at first, and so Sebastian ate small bites, and took breaks so that she wouldn't still be eating long after she finished.
Calista ate fast once she had tried everything, she found it all to her liking except whatever leaf they put on the side of the meat.
Sebastian than ate faster, trying to match Calista's speed. But, bound by the constraints of manners he had learned, he found he could not reach her pace.
And so, caught in this dilemma, Sebastian had to make a choice. He took bigger forkfuls of noodles, put them into his mouth even with noodles already there.
"You really love those noodles, huh?" Calista asked.
Sebastian waited while chewing the huge glob of food inside his mouth. Once he finally swallowed, he replied "They're my favorite thing at this restaurant."
By this point, Calista had finished three-quarters of her meal, and Sebastian two-thirds. Sebastian had forgotten just how many noodles the bowl held.
He ended up taking an extra two minutes to finish after Calista had scraped the last of the sauce off her plate.
The server came by and took the plates, "Shall I bring you a desert menu?"
Sebastian looked at Calista.
Calista was staring at Sebastian.
"What would you like?" Sebastian asked.
"Nothing tonight," Calista said.
The server nodded, and left to get the bill.
"Would you like me to walk with you to your car? I know the parking around here is a mess," Sebastian said.
"I walked here"
"If you want, I could drive you home."
"That would be nice, thank you."
The server brought out the check. 10,321 coin. Sebastian took the receipt and signed it. He touched his wrist to the chip reader, the standard tip he gave automatically deducted. He nodded his thanks to the server and they left.
Sebastian and Calista walked outside to the side of the building. While calling his car down, Sebastian also increased the tip percent, as he had found the server very helpful.
His car floated down from its parking spot on the roof. Immediately once it rested on the ground, Sebastian opened the passenger side door for Calista.
Once they were both in the car, and Calista's address was plugged in as the destination, Calista apologized to Sebastian.
"I'm sorry for cutting the date short, I've got a lot of homework to get caught up on."
"It's alright." Sebastian said. "It didn't seem like you were enjoying the time either."
"The restraunt was too fancy. I felt like I didn't fit in there."
"Really? My brothers agreed that it was the best place in the city for a date. But I guess they can be wrong."
"How about this," the words were slipping out of Calista's mouth before she had thought them through. "I'm free this Saturday for lunch. I'll show you my favorite date spot, it's a little sandwich shop."
Sebastian and Calista exchanged phone numbers, and the car beeped that it had reached its destination.
"I'll text you the time and place, thanks for driving me," Calista said while exiting the car.
Once she entered her house, Calista texted her friend, Iris. "i think i've got a second date with a guy on saturday"
Sebastian drove away, thinking about Saturday. He'd have to skip the award banquet, but he'd sat through the three previous years' ceremonies.
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obsessedwithegos · 2 years
Emil, have you ever considered changing your appearance to symbolize your escape from Tael, and your new life? Laser tattoo removal, a hair cut, something like that?
Emil nodded "I have. Laser removal is expensive and it usually takes multiple sessions, even with my increased healing. I don't have the money for that, and if I did I don't know if it hurts or not. I'd like to avoid more pain if I can, which is why I won't get cover ups."
"My hair has always been really important to me, I'm glad Tael never cut it and I don't think I'd be able to cut it." He answers your suggestions. "Piercings are also out the window. I have considered getting fang coloration! I found a company that sells temporary tints so I can try out different colors before deciding on a permanent one. I already know I won't get blue, teal, or red. I look forward to getting to try them out to see if I like them."
He thinks for a moment "I think for the most part I want to get better about how I think and feel about how I currently look before making any permanent changes. That way I'm less likely to be impulsive about it and end up with something I like even less."
"Maybe... Maybe I'll try temporary hair dye."
gen: @emmettnet @thebluejaysworld
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Posting this a day late, sorry sorry.
The visit went well ... I think. I brought her some cake and jam I made while stressed and some of the ceramin pieces I made that I thought she'd like. She seemed to like the pieces, and she sent me a text saying the cake was good so ... I'm hopeful that this means we'll be able to move past everything.
Also saw her mom and brother while there. Didn't speak to them a lot, really just said hi. But they seemed friendly towards me so ... yeah.
There's only 1 more week of break before classes start so idk if I'll be able to go back to see her before school starts. I took uber to get to her house from campus and the first driver told me that they (uber) scammed me. He noticed the price I paid when dropping me off and stopped me from getting out to ask me if I had given a tip or not. I said not yet but was going to and he said not to give him a tip, they charged me an extra $15! He started then started telling me about other trips he made - pickup at my school further into the same city - for half of what I paid. I've never taken uber by myself before so that was my first time paying for it and omg ... I'm so pissed about that. The trip back to campus was around $20 more expensive than the first trip so ... yeah. The combined total was almost $100. So not happy about that. And really not sure if I can pay that to see her again before break ends.
She did say, as I was leaving, that she'd like to see me again before break ends but if that doesn't happen, then we can try to plan to meet on campus at some point.
I didn't tell her about almost making another attempt and how her calling me stopped me, don't know if I can tell her that. She also asked me if I wanted to get another tattoo, something I briefly mentioned wanting to do a few months ago before everything really blew up. I said I wasn't planning to get it any more but now ... I kind of want to get it again. There a few tattoos I really wanted to get, some personal some for fun because they make me happy. The one I was talking to her about, but didn't actually tell her what it was, was a tattoo of the pineapple can from Chungking Express. In the film, the pineapple can is meant to symbolize running out of time and ends. Cop 223 buys one with an expiration date of May 01 every day of April with the intention of accepting his breakup if he doesn't hear from his ex by May 01 (very rough summary of it lol). The whole film explores themes of love and lonlieness in a bustling city, so it's become a comfort film for me. Personally, my pineapple can would be my depression and consuming it would be ... not existing anymore.
I wanted to get a tatoo of it because my struggles with "it" have been such a prominemt part of my life and who I've become. Ever since things blew up with my friend and my latest attempt just a few days ago ... I have been very close to just calling it. After how things went with the visit with her yesterday, I'm starting to feel the tiniest bit more hopeful that things can change for me for the better. It took the initiative to ask to visit her and it seems to have been a good visit. Today, I finally managed to actually properfly eat a meal for the first time in days and I had enough energy to actually do chores. I'm just beginning to feel a bit better about things now.
So ... yeah, didn't tell her what the tattoo I wanted was because I didn't plan on getting it anymore. After thinking about it, though ... might be worth looking into getting it done.
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lifeonhardmode · 8 months
day 6
Bad news is I'm extremely lonely and bored. Good news is I stayed focused and got a lot done today. After I finally got out of bed at 10:30am, that is.
I've decided that if I get through my daily list I can do second workouts on the weekends to make up for any I skipped during the week. Did so today. Went to the gym and did calisthenics at home. I also went to the store and did some meal prep for the week, cleaned my place and worked at side job.
I didn't make 100% on my goals because, again, the saving money thing. I purchased 3 things that were not groceries, and I've decided to classify nail polish remover as an elective purchase, and TP and paper towels as necessary. Arguments can of course be made about my categories but I'm the one both making the rules and following the rules here.
Details on the goal to save money:
Necessary expenses are exempt, but try to pick less expensive options. (Examples of necessary expenses from this week: renter's insurance, toilet paper)
Elective spending breaks the rule, so give it a good thought before spending that money. (Examples from this week: nail polish remover, jewelry downsize)
Groceries are exempt, obviously I generally try to strike a balance between cheap and healthy but as long as I don't binge eat, whatever groceries I decide on are fine.
Eating out breaks the rule. That's not to say I won't occasionally do it, of course, like to visit with a friend I don't see often, but it will count as elective spending.
Credit card payments don't count because I'm counting each purchase as it is made.
Necessary items for the trip will be categorized as necessary expenses because the point of saving money is for the trip. (Examples: bug spray, plane tickets, cat sitting)
We shall see if I maintain the time/motivation to keep this up, but I've made a spreadsheet with color-coded pie charts to visualize my spending & saving. So far, it seems motivating.
I will probably go grocery shopping again tomorrow to do some more meal prep (necessary spending), and I will probably also go to the fancy pet store to spoil my cat for his birthday (elective spending... but he deserves it ok). This week's spending overall was a bit high because my renter's insurance for the year was charged to my account. I should be able to keep next week's spending low.
Other large expenses I foresee between now and the trip:
October, November, December rent
I'm conflicted on a tattoo session... the artist prepped the designs already before we had the trip planned, I just tapped out halfway through my session so I was supposed to go in again quite soon to finish... but tattoos are not really necessary. I feel like I should just do it. It won't be a super long session.
I'm planning to get dinner with a friend in 2 weeks. Last time I bought 4 drinks as well as dinner (yikes!) (but! it all added up to only about $30 including tips.) This time I will restrain myself.
There are a couple of classical performances in November that I'm interested in. I'll think about it. Usually I would buy my ticket as well as that of whomever I invite; maybe I'll just buy my own this time?
I know I said things that are for the trip don't count but oh man those plane tickets are going to be spendy indeed. And that's before the hotel/ car rental/ activities/ dinners out. Just... try to remember that this is exactly why I'm trying to save as much money as possible.
Small steps first: tomorrow I will spend money on my cat (sorry not sorry), and I'll aim to do 2 workouts (thus making up 100% of that category for the week), and I'll do plenty of work at side job. After that, this week should be low expenses. Just focus on work1, work2, and workout.
So today's score is 80%, and my week average so far is 87%. I expect tomorrow will be the same.
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journallingftmsurgery · 9 months
Top Surgery
It is 14 days until my surgery, and I keep coming up with more questions.
Must write a list and email them to my surgeon's secretary.
I am having double incision, with no nipple grafts, with Guy Sterne at the Nuffield Wolverhampton. Total cost somewhere in the region of £8500 (awaiting invoice - must include invoice request in email to secretary).
No nipples is a personal choice largely down to the prevalence of breast cancer in my family. The surgeon is taking ALL the breast tissue. As such, I won't be having the "masculinisation" effect that surgeons usually aim for.
I have no emotional attachment to the nipples, so it doesn't bother me. In fact, I know it will reduce the duration of the surgery, and I hope it might have a positive impact on my speed of recovery.
I do plan to get some nips tattooed on at some point, after a year or so of healing. And I have seen temporary tattoos of nipples that I will try out for funsies.
One of the benefits of going with Mr Sterne is that he doesn't use drains or post-op binders. Although this does mean I am going to have to follow the rules absolutely to the letter, if I don't want fluid build up. (He said that a small amount of fluid can build up, but the body simply reabsorbs it, whereas draining fluid encourages the body to produce more.)
About me: I am within the healthy weight bracket for my height, work out three times a week, and have no underlying health conditions (except some allergies). As such, I am optimistic about my recovery, and hope to get away with 3 weeks off work, followed by a phased return (week 6 would be a week off anyway, so I figure I can cope with a couple of weeks before that at part time).
I have started stocking up on paracetamol - I'm allergic to ibuprofen and codeine backs me up. I have also bought some of the silicone scar strips, and plan to purchase BioOil. I have already started using a serum oil on the chest area to make sure the skin is in as good a condition as possible.
Looking into buying a mastectomy pillow and seat belt cushion but they are really expensive. Surprised there aren't any secondhand ones for sale on FB marketplace.
Not entirely sure how I'm getting to or from the hospital yet. It is over an hour's drive away. I'm hoping my partner will take me, although that means our son will have to come with, and we'd need to leave the house around 6am...
And as I don't even know if I'll be discharged on the same day (email secretary...) I don't even want to start worrying about how/when I'll be getting home.
Words cannot express how excited I am. And while I am disappointed that there were delays, and this hasn't been the binder-free summer I was expecting, I am now counting down the days of binders and sports bras. I'm looking forward to being able to breathe properly when I go running, to being able to take my son swimming, and to sunbathing in just a pair of shorts.
I want this so much.
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servin-up-surveys · 1 year
survey #120
When was the last time you spent over $100 in one transaction? What did you buy? Uh... I don't remember? I'll do that soon though for my first tattoo appointment.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Would you judge a grown adult for doing so? No to both.
Would you rather read an erotic novel or watch an erotic film? I mean, honestly neither, but if I had to pick one it'd be a novel.
Do you still have both of your parents? Thankfully, yes.
Do you play video games? Yeah, but not nearly as much as I did as a kid and teenager.
Does your significant other boss you around a lot? Hell fucking no, he knows I wouldn't allow that and I also know he doesn't want to do that to me.
Have you ever been put to sleep for surgery? Twice, yeah. I recently learned that I WON'T be able to be put to sleep for my wisdom teeth extraction because it is just impossibly expensive for us, and one especially HAS to come out because it has a very deep cavity that is going to kill the tooth and cause me hell if it stays in.
[TW: SUICIDE] Have you ever attempted suicide? Yes.
Have you ever skipped class before? No, not just one specific class. I'd rarely skip school by staying home, almost only ever because of mental health or more rarely being absolutely insanely tired, but Mom normally wouldn't allow that. Oh, I think I also usually did get to stay home on my bday.
Who, in your life, makes you feel discouraged? Myself, more than absolutely anyone else. I don't let (other) people stay in my life anymore that do that to me.
Have you ever lost anyone close to cancer? Well, my grandmothers died of different cancers, but neither I was very close to at all (I actually hated Mom's mom) for multiple reasons. Did Dad's dad die of cancer too? I can't remember, but I barely knew him either.
Have you ever been in a car accident? Yeah, when I was way younger. We actually got real close to big trouble on the road Friday; we were the first in line at a stop light and across from us, an 18-wheeler carrying some metal stuff turned in front of us, but way too sharply, and he tipped entirely onto two wheels, very barely managing to get back upright. Both Mom and I nearly had a fucking heart attack and both of our anxieties were very elevated for a while, like she was about to shift the car into reverse to back the hell up.
What was the last film you watched, that made you feel emotional? I have no idea. I basically never watch movies.
Does anyone you know ever recommend books to you? No.
What traits/behaviors do your pets have, that you find cute? Strongest is Cookie's tendency to get EXTREMELY excited when she merely suspects Mom or both of us are leaving. She is crazy for car rides, and she'll immediately start running between us, pushing our legs, doing this weird hyperventilation thing chihuahuas do when they get so excited their tiny bodies basically can't handle it haha, and will jump right into her carrier and stare at Mom, waiting to be picked up. Cookie also tends to prefer toys that are bigger than her, and watching her try to beat up like her big sloth or cow is the cutest shit. As for Roman, when we get home, he'll saunter into the living room and just plop down onto the floor in this uniquely content way, like he's just happy we're home and wants to chill with us. He stretches out and will frequently start rolling around/playing on the floor basically, lol. Also since being a kitten, he loves to sleep like as close to my face as he can get, normally. Lastly, Venus. This isn't exactly super unique to a snake, but it's still cute: when I handle her, oftentimes she loves to try to go into my shirt to be against my skin and stay warmer (I'm very convinced this literally saved her life once in a power outage we had), and back when I used to use my laptop in bed, she was great about snuggling up against me and just chilling there for basically ever, lol. She's a sweet girl.
Is there anyone who "likes" a lot of your posts online, but you don’t talk? Yeah, ig.
What was the last song that you recall singing along to? Pretty sure it was "Love Stuck" by Mother Mother the other day.
Have you ever been in your kitchen naked? No.
This time last year, what was your relationship status? I was still with Girt.
Did you reject or accept your last friend request? Reject, I think. Pretty sure it was some random guy I'd never met and had no mutuals with, gotta love those.
Are you sure of your sexuality? I AM sure I'm at least queer, and while I'm quite certain I am specifically pansexual, I don't think I'd ever truly know until I had a legit sexual experience with a feminine person.
What was the last compliment that you got? The person who worked with me for PT today told me I did great.
Do you know anyone with a really weird name? In almost all cases, I don't like to think of names as "weird," because generally they are given with great love and consideration and are important to those who named them, so I think it's pretty mean to consider someone's name weird. Now yes, there are exceptions, there are rare cases where names are given carelessly or even as a "joke," but generally, you get my mindset.
Has a boy/girl ever cheated on their boyfriend/girlfriend for you? Basically.
What’s the worst hangover you’ve ever had? I've never had one, actually.
Who in your family are you closest to? My mom.
Ever sat in someone’s lap because there were no more seats in a vehicle? I remember doing this with Jason once.
What do you tend to drink a lot of? Flavored carbonated water.
If you were going out for a meal, what restaurants would you typically AVOID going to? Seafood and foreign, generally. There are times I'm fine with some foreign food, but on your average day, if you ask where I wanna go, I'm gonna pick American cuisine.
Name a song you enjoy that’s in a language other than English. Basically Rammstein's entire discography lmao but for this question I'm gonna go with "Zeit," I think the vocals are fucking fantastic and sincerely beautiful in it. I feel like German has a rep for being an ugly-sounding language, which I don't agree with in general, but I cannot imagine someone calling the vocals "ugly" in that one.
Did you ever have head lice as a child? Quite positive no.
Do you like/listen to Queen? Do you have a favourite song by them? I adore Queen; Freddie Mercury is my favorite vocalist to ever live. This is probably like, EVERYONE'S answer, but I adore "Bohemian Rhapsody," but also "Killer Queen" and "Headlong" are high up on the list.
Do you have any idea when you’ll next attend a wedding? Whose will it be? Nope, but if I had to guess I really do think it's probably gonna be my own lmao. Girt visited his grandmother two days back and she's officially joined the party of asking when we're getting married haha.
What was the best job you’ve ever had? I've never had a job I even liked.
Do you have a troublesome medical condition? Above all, severe depression and anxiety. My AvPD is also very noteworthy with how it affects my life, and I still deal with the effects of relationship trauma. OH, I was so focused on my mental stuff that I almost forgot uh hey, my leg health also MAJORLY affects my life and what I can do, etc. Lastly, my weight plays a massive part in my poor self-image and super severely contributes to my depression.
Magenta, aqua, or coral? Coral; I consider that my second-favorite color. I love all of these, though.
Do you like the color orchid? Yes! I love basically every conceivable shade of pink, haha.
Would you rather be a wedding photographer or a nature photographer? It's my literal dream to be a nature photographer. Once upon a time I was aiming for wedding photographer, but only for the pay; I'm just not social enough for that shit.
Have you ever had an ulcer? None other than those you sometimes get in your mouth from like, biting your cheek.
Do you enjoy writing essays? I actually do, quite a lot.
What is your favorite name that starts with a "Z?" Probably Zane.
Do you believe that God’s plans for you are better than you could ask, think, or imagine? "God's" plan involves giving kids cancer and allowing pre-teen girls to be knocked up by rapists, fuck his "plans."
Would you want your first child to be a girl or a boy? If I decide I want children, I want a girl so much more than a boy that I'd almost be tempted to do IVF so long as my husband was still the biological dad, I've no idea how the rules of that process work. Super unlikely I'd actually do it though because I don't care quite enough to invest money in that.
Do you think you have what it takes to be a good salesperson? I've been in this position and I can ASSURE you I am the worst salesperson imaginable lmao.
Which name do you like better: Jessica or Jennifer? Jessica.
To you, what is especially distracting? People talking when I'm trying to count something. I physically cannot do it. Numbers just DO NOT store in my damn brain.
Have you ever contemplated cheating on anyone? Nope.
Who do you go to when you need comfort? Mostly Girt or Mom. Sometimes Tez and Mazzy.
Has anyone you know started a new job recently? Do they seem to enjoy it? Uh I feel like somebody has, but idr who.
Have you seen a butterfly at any time recently? No.
Have you drunk any fruit-flavored beverages today? Yes; the water I drink is usually strawberry-flavored.
What carbonated beverages do you have in your fridge at the moment? None, not even my aforementioned waters right now.
Has anyone you know got into a new relationship lately? Um maybe, idk.
Do you have any sisters? How is your relationship with them? Ashley, Nicole, Katie, and Misty. Katie and Misty don't live here and I barely ever see them, but I am A LOT like Katie (more than any of my other siblings) so connect to her a lot, though we don't talk enough. I like Misty enough, but she can also be incredibly fucking stupid and self-important as hell. I get along fine with Ashley and Nicole too, but we also don't talk a lot and I've never in my mature life known how to properly interact/connect with them. Nicole and I were very close as kids, but not anymore.
What was your favourite class in high school? Art.
Do you have any plans to buy any furniture in the near future? No.
Do you know anyone who has a matching tattoo with someone? (including yourself)? I'm sure I know more than I think I do. I know Ashley and her husband Nick got each other's first initial tattooed on their ring fingers on their honeymoon. Colleen and I each got "ohana" tattoos dedicated to each other (which I now want to rip directly off my fucking skin, especially when you consider I don't even believe in unnecessary loyalty to family just because they're family), but they were styled entirely differently and in different spots.
What type of milk do you like to drink? Either 1%, 2%, or whole.
Do you have a first aid kit at home? Yeah.
Are your parents dog or cat people? Is that different or the same as you? I know Mom's a dog person, and I think Dad is too. Since leaving us though he's never owned another, just cats because of Kim, and he's loved both of them very much.
Are there sounds that bother you on a visceral level? Vomiting.
Would you ever get a matching tattoo with someone? I will never, ever, get another tattoo that will lose meaning if that person leaves my life. It's a terrible fucking decision. I'm perfectly fine with getting one with somebody that will still be a perfectly relevant, important tattoo to me if our relationship spoils, though.
What would be worse for you, unplanned pregnancy or cancer? Gah, I guess cancer, but both would fucking suck. I'm pretty sure the abortion I would inevitably get would traumatize me, but cancer could straight-up kill me.
Have you ever popped another person’s zit? oh my fucking god no
Have you ever told a friend to dump their SO? Did they? Yes, and eventually, yes. She was my best friend and her boyfriend (who I knew via school) was an ABSOLUTE piece of shit. Summer's always had a thing for people who aren't good for her... Even now, her partner she's been with for many, many years is complete trash, but it really does look like they're staying together no matter what.
What do you think is the coolest piercing on someone else? Generally lip kinds.
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Happy Saturday
After Monday's drama, the work week ended rather well. I was able to make a new work connection and I managed to sound smart during a meeting with one of my directors. It's still hard to make peace with not being in school, but between program work and work work I just don't have the time.
I planned on bleaching my hair tomorrow, but since I have a work presentation due Monday that I haven't started, I will start the bleaching process this evening so that tomorrow can be spent focusing. The plan now is to submit what I have even if it's trash so that I have the option to revise and re-present.
It may be a bit of expense, but I really do think I should give lexapro a try. I think I could get a 90 day supply for $100 so I'll take care of that with next week's check.
I put in for time off for my birthday. I've usually worked it in the past, but I'm taking advantage of life's opportunities and I want to really enjoy myself this year. I know I'm starting my hand tattoos but I can't decide if I want to go back to the piercing place or go to this BK based artist I follow on IG. Or I could just find someone in my city. There's loads of talented artists here I'm sure.
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I saw my therapist today and then I had time at school to use the equipment and work on a school project. It was a nice session, we talked about something else than what we did last time and I'm happy about that but I did not expect us to talk about this subject out of everything that I've written down in my diary. It's often like that with my therapist, but then again I sort of prefer it this way. He gave me some sort of homework too. I'm gonna have to make comics with Octobre and I guess learn how to draw at the same time. I don't want to stress it but I want to do something at least, ecen if just one panel.
I talked to my mum. I told her about me having bpd, about my meds, and about why I also wanted a cat. She still agrees I can have one. I told her I might go see a breeder if I can't adopt for now and she's ok with it. It felt weird but good to finally say it all out.
I've been thinking about them as well. So so much. Almost everyday of my journal is about them in some way. I've ttold my therapist about wanting to contact them again but feeling like I'm not ready because I am not sure I have done enough work. Especially interpersonal stuff, and direted at this relationship specifically. No answer from the other one, but I've contacted someone I've seen from behind a glass door for now and it went ok. I don't know what I'm doing but this is what is going on and honestly I don't have enough mental energy to search further than that.
I've seen a really cool tattoo that reminds me of my rage and I'd love to have it on my leg. I'm not sure I have enough money but I can ask how much they ask for it and then start saving. I also need to save for if I want to be able to see the concerts I want to see (and maybe my birthday little holiday?), all these trips are gonna be expensive and I don't have that much money left. I should try and find another job. First I'll contact the dude from the premiere and then maybe cafes and bars. I have 200 from the insurance and my therapy sessions but I don't think it'll be enough haha. Plus the cat is expensive too.
I managed to open my cassette corder and make it work but I think my cassette is too big and I can't close the lid...But it's made me want to make that mixtape so bad. I have a few songs. Some that remind me of them but some I want to give them. I need to work on it.
Listening to : This Far by The Land Below
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