#the support for this story so far has blown me away
simplykorra · 1 year
golden hour - chapter seven
Something is off.
Ava…Ava’s off.
She has been for a few days now.
Beatrice tries not to dwell on it, she has the right to be distant or have a bad day. Is it strange to see Ava like this? Absolutely, but she’s not rude or mean, just quieter.
Three straight nights Beatrice hasn’t had Ava come by for dinner. The second night she dropped by to check on her but Ava was busy playing her games and didn’t seem all that interested in company.
It was disappointing, but again, she understands. Beatrice has had her fair share of bad days as well.
Now, four days since the last time she and Ava had a meal together, Beatrice decides to be a little more proactive.
She finishes her morning routine and makes a quick trip into town for a new water basin as the one she uses for the cows is cracked and has a leak.
The morning heat is slowed quite nicely by a flurry of clouds that roll in - it looks like it might rain but even if it doesn’t, the wind keeps things cool.
Beatrice wants to invite Ava over for dinner, to catch up and check in. She wants to be her friend more than anything - even more than the desire that keeps striking up every time she catches herself staring.
The night she came over to Ava’s to check on her, when Ava was gaming, she found her sitting at her desk in only an oversized t-shirt that hung loose over one shoulder.
Ava didn’t even have pants on, her legs bare and resting on the floor after she’d moved her footrests out of the way.
She looked tired, eyes red and she told Beatrice it was from staring at her monitor for too long.
So yes, Beatrice is a little worried and she wants to make sure everything is okay.
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itjazzbicch · 8 months
The Way You Are
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Pairing:  MK1!Kenshi Takashi x Reader 
First time writing for Kenshi so I hope I did well! 
Summary: Returning home to the reader who was worried about his travels with Lord Lui Kang and his fellow champions, the reader is in shock when they see that he not only has Sento, sees what Sento can do, and also learns why Kenshi came back wearing a red band across his eyes...
Warnings:  MK1 story mode spoilers (If you don't know what happened to Kenshi in story mode lol) Slight swearing, established relationship, little flirting toward the end (And that's it, pretty much!)
Word Count: .9k 
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Kenshi setting out to find Sento already worried me since he was going on this conquest alone, being his only support, and learning how it turned out to be much more than finding Sento put me in distress.
It took him some time, but he finally came back to me, telling me over a phone call; his low tone built up more anxiousness, but I was glad he was finally back.
Learning about the realms and how he was being sent to Outworld was a lot to take in as it was all new knowledge to me, and I was relieved when I saw the hilt of a new sword out the window.
He must've gotten his hands on Sento! Hearing the door open, I nearly jumped for joy but came to a slow halt once I saw a blindfold covering his eyes.
"I did it, Y/N," He started smiling at me, pulling out the centuries-old sword to show me, "I have Sento."
"I never doubted you, Kenshi," I smiled back, nervous to ask, "What's with the blindfold?"
"About that," He sighed, hand caressing the red band, clearly nervous to explain why he was wearing it, "Don't worry. I can still see, sort of."
"What happened while you were gone?" My voice grew stern as I approached him, wanting to know what he was hiding, going to touch the band, but he gripped my hand:
"You don't want to see. Don't worry about it. I'm fine."
"I do," I said more sternly, showing him that I was acting out of care, "I want to know what happened because if someone did this on purpose, I'd gladly visit them."
"That's not necessary," He huffed, letting my hand go, "It wasn't intentional."
"Please, just let me see," I whispered with a sweeter tone, his deep sigh a signal to allow me to lift the band, seeing how his eyes were gouged, "Oh my goodness."
I covered my mouth with a hand as tears filled my eyes, angry at the thought that someone would do such a thing to him, someone I cared about more than anyone.
"This wasn't intentional? Are you kidding me?" This disbelief was strong, unable to accept that this was somehow an accident.
"It truly wasn't, Y/N," Taking my hand to provide comfort, he assured me, "But as I said, there's no need to worry. Sento gave me back my sight in its own way."
"What do you mean?" I knew Sento was a mighty sword but didn't understand until he entered my living room.
"See how I can move around with no issues?" He pointed out, watching and beginning to understand, blown away as he wielded Sento, "Just watch."
Going to a fake plant I had in the corner, he sliced the leaves into pieces, my jaw dropping at the blue aurora that flowed around Sento's blade, not believing my eyes:
"What the hell? What was that, Kenshi?"
"Sento has my ancestors within it," He explained, "They guide me, make me stronger. I can finally free my clan from the Yakuza and their crimes."
I still couldn't believe what I witnessed, but I knew it was true. I ran to hug him as he put Sento away, hugging him tightly and praising, "I knew that you could get Sento back. You will fulfill all your goals. I know it."
"Thank you, Y/N," He hugged back, squeezing me as he whispered, "Thank you for always being the one by my side."
"Forever will be, Kenshi," I vowed, holding his face, staring at that blindfold and only able to imagine the hell and pain he went through to make it this far; there was still a far way to go.
Tears swelled in the corner of my eyes again, and he quickly noticed, trying to apologize:
"I know that I worried you while I was gone, and seeing me like this-; I'm-"
"It's okay," I assured, swallowing a breath to shake off the sad tears and mean wholeheartedly, "You came back to me, and if Sento brought back your vision in a new way, that's all that matters. I'll always love you the way you are."
My last sentence made him smile, his embrace warming with his words, "I may have lost my eyes, but I'm not easily defeated. Don't stress over me. I'll always come back to you."
"You better," I teased but meant firmly, bringing his lips to mine, filling our connection with all the passion in my heart that I had for him, making him chuckle some as our lips briefly parted, "Or you better take me with you."
"You'd be in for culture shock. I'm not even sure if that's what I should call it," We laughed more, but I was serious despite my giggles:
"Maybe, but I'd still go and kick the hell out of anyone who even thinks of harming you."
"So protective," He joked, smirking at me while gripping my hip, "I still have skills, you know?"
"I am protective, and I own that," Kissing one more time as I hugged him again, I made sure he knew all my actions and words were made from love, but also trying not to be too serious and play along, wiggling the hip in his hand, "And trust me, I know you have all kinds of skills." 
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome 
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yellowbunnydreams · 6 months
Mechanised Devotion (Part 12) FINALE ~Steve Raglan/William Afton x Female Reader~
~Thank you so much for all your support on this project of mine guys! I really am blown away by how many of you have been enjoying the story and I can only hope that my first attempt of 'X Reader' has been written well! Also this one gets spicy Sorry this one is so chunky!~
Word count so far (all parts:) 25,162
Tag List!: @ruh--roh-raggy @likoplays @perfectlycraftychaos @kawikami @dilfity
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
CW: Minors DNI, (18+ ONLY), Female Reader, afab reader, legal age gap (Reader- 20's, William - 40's), mention of crimes and violence, blood, mentions of child death (it's FNAF, what did you expect?), past trauma; abusive relationships. Stalking. Religious imagery? Dub-con if you squint, knife play? Biting. Torture? BDSM? Oral (female recieving), multiple orgasms, creampie
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William Afton stared at the mugshot that had been placed on the table in front of him. His younger, less bearded self who didn't need the glasses as much and had less lines to betray his stress. A cock-sure grin on his face even back then, it was undeniably him.
"Where did you get this?" He asked, swallowing dryly as he managed to tear his silver eyes away from the flash from the past. Seeking out yours as he held out his arms, palms up as he took a slow and deliberate step towards you, feeling his own stomach turning as you took an equal step back from him. It hurt something inside of him as he watched you purposefully avoiding his eyes, keeping your distance. "Sweetie-"
"Don't call me that." You snapped, choking on your words as you hugged your arms around yourself. Feeling yourself shake as you realised you had been clinging onto some scrap of hope that he would deny it, or joke about how it was some stupid prank he'd pulled when he was younger to try and appear tough to his friends. But there was nothing of the sort falling from his lips.
He sighed your name, taking another step towards you and side-eyeing Vanessa whilst he moved. Scowling his disapproval at her as he knew she must have been something to do with it all. He felt cornered, trapped by his own actions. Afton did not like to be prey.
"I asked, where did you get this? That's all I want to know." Trying to keep his voice as the warm one you knew, but you could hear some of the bass and gravel breaking through as the mask slipped further from the image you knew.
"I'm not going to tell you that Ste-..William." You fumbled over his name again, but spat his name with venom he never would have expected. Like it soured your tongue just to say it. He'd dreamed of hearing you say his name, his real name, but after that kiss that you had initiated, he only thought it would be spoken with tenderness or cried for when he introduced you to his pleasures and pains.
It really riled him up that none of this had gone to plan.
"Please, please just tell me. I just want to know where you got it from, and I can clear all of this up. It's a misunderstanding! A silly little thing gotten out of hand, but we can't have stupid things like going around and ruining my, our, reputation can we?" He cooed, taking another step towards you and feeling that stabbing pain in his chest as you continued to move one back.
"Our reputation?" OUR REPUTATION?!" You found yourself shaking in fear and rage as he tried to pin it on the both of you, weasel his way between the cracks of your question and turn it back onto you. You realised now that it had always been that way with him, how much had you even known about the man before you before you kissed him? You knew what he said his favourite pie was, you thought you knew he was kind and considerate. You thought you knew he was real. "Fuck you, my reputation was with a man who never existed." Feeling your eyes prickling with hot tears, turning your back on him after a few steps, noticing Vanessa giving a sympathetic smile as she gestured towards the door with her head.
Following behind the blonde, you heard the heavier footsteps behind you, calling your name softly, then firmly. Growling it when the sweetness didn't work on you anymore. Hearing him say your name was almost too much, almost made you want to stop and tell him you were sorry. But you kept putting one foot in front of another. Vanessa already outside the front door and waiting for you, her hand extended slightly as if to guide you back out into the forgiving night air.
Behind you, William collapsed to his knees, hitting the wooden flooring with a heavy 'thud'. Feeling his eyes become hot and stinging in a way he didn't enjoy. He hadn't cried many times in his life, and he wasn't sure why he wanted to now, not entirely. Having you ignoring him was frustrating, but it also hurt. There was something undeniably attractive and charming about you, even when you weren't afraid or in pain. He had found himself drawn into your own web when you kissed him and to have that sensation suddenly ripped from him was almost too much.
But he was an Afton, he was William Afton, and that meant he endured.
He put his hands on the floor, head bowed and his breathing turned ragged and shuddering, eyes closed for a moment before he looked up again, watching as your foot was about to cross the threshold out of his home. Out of his reach.
"Doll please, please I-" He choked on his own words as his deep voice began to crack with emotion. "I wanted to tell you. Please," he called your name again, watching as you paused and turned your head, watching over your shoulder. His hands raising up and pointing to his own chest, feeling the rattling breaths in his chest as he tried to blink back tears. "don't make me beg. I never meant for it to go this far, but you.. oh you my doll were too precious for me to lose." He let his guts spill in his words, voice continuing to crack as he fought to hide his shaking hands as he reached out to you again.
"Don't you see? I knew you would see the monster everybody thinks I am, that I- that you deserved better than me. Some freak who felt for the first time in years when you kissed me." He couldn't see you clearly anymore as his cheeks and beard suddenly ran warm with tears.
It was almost pathetic, watching him on the floor with his arms upstretched towards you like a man in prayer. Begging for some deity to save him from himself. Something broke in your heart as you watched tears spill down his face and listened to his voice cracking, babbling between begging you to understand and painting himself in pity. You could see the way his calloused hands trembled, and in that moment, he looked frail, broken and lost.
"He's lying, come on. If you stay you'll die." Vanessa whispered harshly, tugging at your arm as you watched the giant of a man behind you curl into himself on his knees, hands covering his face and taking deep rasping breaths as he tried to contain himself. Rocking back and forth slightly in place.
"Please, please just tell me why you want to leave?" He begged you, and you felt Vanessa's grip tighten on your arm.
"Come on! You can't seriously believe anything he's saying."
"Why have you left me here like this? Why now?"
"Please, he's having a tantrum, he'll wipe away those tears as soon as you turn your back."
"Didn't you love me, even just a little bit?"
His final plea broke you and you began to cry openly. Tears streaming down your face as you looked back at Vanessa, freedom from the monster on the floor just footsteps away.
"Forgive me." You whispered as you wrenched your hand from her grip, causing her to gasp out as you stepped back and locked the door. Hearing her pounding it from the outside before you turned to look at the mess you had made. Drowning out her voice as you cautiously took steps towards William.
He heard you steps approaching, his glasses fogged up and streaked by his tears, sniffling as his hands moved from his face, holding them open to you once again almost in prayer. To be saved from himself, from the loneliness that such a life of sin had led him into. Carefully, as if he might bite, you took his glasses and placed them to one side. Looking clearly at his face and placing your hands on top of his open ones. Feeling the callouses beneath your smooth, soft hands. You were the saint to his sins, uncorrupted, soft and hurting.
But who in all the centuries of religion had anybody prayed for the devil?
He pulled you in as your hands touched his, unable to resist his strength as your body slammed into his. His strong arms wrapping around your smaller body in a tight embrace as you felt his hot, sticky breath against your head and neck, one hand cradling against the back of your head so that your forehead rested against one broad shoulder. Your hands pressed against his chest, trapped between your bodies as he squeezed you tightly, shaking softly and taking deep, rattling breaths as he tried to compose himself.
"Didn't I tell you once, I wanted you to answer my questions when I asked them?" He whispered into your ear, his lips brushing the gentle curve and letting his breath move across you skin to create Goosebumps. Although you took a moment to recognise the words, you had heard them in a more demanding tone before.
He's been there since the very beginning. And suddenly the fact he had found you wondering the roads didn't seem like luck, but cold calculated planning. You began to struggle against him, trying to separate yourself from the embrace but he only held on tighter, his thick fingers moving through your hair as he made soothing noises.
"Do you really think after everything you've made me feel, after everything I have done for you...Everything I will continue to do for you, doll, that I would let you go?" He asked, feeling the grief of loss turn into a cold, hungry anger in his chest as he had you pressed against him.
"Please I-"
"Please what, my darling?" He cooed, still gravelly and voice more even, cracking less as he turned his head and bit your earlobe gently, making you gasp and jump, eliciting a satisfied hum from the giant man.
"Please William, please just let me go. I-I promise nobody will know about-" Another bite cut off your words as he progressed from your earlobe to along your jaw, causing another gasp to fall from your lips as you tried to push him away, yelping as he bit harder as a punishment for not remaining still in his arms.
"You see, I really want to believe that doll, I really do. But I have too many things I want...no, I NEED, to do to you. I told you that you were too precious to me, and I meant it." He pulled back from his attention on your jaw and smiled ruefully at you, fingers tightening in your hair and forcing your head back for him. Groaning and feeling his cock twitch in his slacks as he studied the bruises already showing on your skin from his teeth. "But you hurt me, you hurt my heart, you hurt my trust, and you hurt me physically."
Controlling you by the back of your head, he used his teeth to unwind the bandages around his right arm, revealing mostly healed, sunken pinkish-white scars in a strange pattern of dots and rings like those you had seen on his back whilst he was shirtless. Confirming what you knew about him being the one in the Spring Bonnie costume, the one who had hurt you. Saved you. Made you melt. Made you freeze.
"So how about this? I get to mark you up and show the world who you belong to really. Steve Raglan would never do such a thing to a pretty cry-baby like yourself, but I, William Afton, am a great believer in symmetry." his voice was husky as he unfolded himself from beneath you, making you cry out as you were dragged up by the back of your head, feeling his heavy footsteps carry you easily across the floor despite your kicking and fighting protests.
He led you up the stairs, still holding onto you before taking you to the end of the hallways which you recognised as his bedroom. You struggled against his vice-like grip, but he was far bigger and stronger than you as he opened the door and flung you on the bed like you were nothing to him. Not quite recognising the yellow tube that bounced as you hit the mattress, but as he quickly straddled your thighs as you tried to sit up, you saw the dark hunger back in his eyes. Grabbing something from behind the headboard as he loomed over you.
Pulling out a length of rope, he worked quickly, pulling on your left arm and sliding the thick heavy tube over your arm. Cold metal filled the inside and you swore that you felt what you would have called knives lining it, his large hands expertly tying your smaller wrists above your head and leaving you no option for escape from him.
Leaning in, he brushed his nose against yours, speaking slowly and softly, but in that hungry tone that made your core heat up even as the hairs on the back of your neck stood up.
"That doll, is part of a springlock costume. You've seen me wear it before, well, inside of that beautiful piece of kit is lots of metal holding back the animatronic parts. You should remember what happens when you set it off." He chuckled, gesturing to his forearm as you got the cold realisation that he had placed the same thing on your arm. "So what I'm going to do, is I'm going to give you matching scars with me darling. Consider it a belated punishment for hurting me." He smirked, his breathing hitched and excited as he looked at you, vulnerable and helpless beneath his larger body.
You sobbed as you tried to pull against your bindings, but William looked down at you and felt himself aching, you looked so pretty beneath him. Manoeuvring off of your thighs, he seemed to drink you in with dark eyes, almost all of the sweetness you had know gone from them. His large hands gripped your thighs, lifting them easily and sliding them along your body, across your hips and pausing as his thumbs slid up your hoodie, feeling your warm skin beneath them and he took a moment to look back up at you before his fingers moved deftly, unbuttoning your jeans and pulling them down in a swift motion. Another tug and they were thrown into the corner of his room, and you felt the shame burning in your chest as the cold air hit your body that you were turned on by him. Your hands clenching into fists as you tried to squeeze your thighs together and hide yourself from him.
William was stronger and faster however, levering them back apart at the knees and taking a shuddering breath as he looked at the black lacey thing you had on beneath. Growling lowly in his chest, his rough hands moved up the inside of your thighs, setting the skin afire despite your sobs and the fear burning through your mind. Feeling small parts of it replaced with arousal as you looked down at the man, watching him lean in closer to your body.
"W-William please, what are you doing?" You sobbed, watching as his eyes snapped away from your core to your face, giving that warm, lopsided smile that made your heart flutter as he crawled up your body, hands either side of your chest and his hips sliding into place between yours, letting his weight fall against your smaller body as he leaned in and licked your cheek following the path of one of your tears. One hands reaching up and wiping the rest from your cheek with his thumb as he seem to contemplate what to say.
"I'm proving to you I'm not as much of a monster as you think I am, sweetie. See, if I was a monster, I would have brought the whole suit and let you experience everything all at once! But instead, I'm only letting you have a tiny bit," tapping the suit piece on your arm and making you wince as you imagined it going off then and there "and I'm going to give you pleasure even. Won't that be nice? Pleasure and pain all mixed together so perfectly?"
His hand snapped to your throat, holding it up and humming, squeezing just under your jaw and making your head spin as he avoided crushing your windpipe and instead just restricted the blood-flow to your brain. Making your head spin and throb as you were forced to stare into his silvery eyes, trying to figure out what he was waiting for when you recalled something from earlier. Swallowing desperately as you tried to speak.
"I-I'm scared William, this i-isn't how I wanted it to be." His eyes softened for a moment as he released his grip on your neck, allowing blood to rush back to your head and see stars once again as he lovingly stroked your neck, trailing down your chest and gripping one breast through your hoodie, rough and harsh, making you cry out as he hummed again.
"Good girl, you remembered I hate having questions not answered. I know you're scared sweet girl, but I don't want that feeling to go away. This isn't how I wanted to take you either, I mean, I had so many plans. There was going to be a whole time-line, stripping away pieces of myself until you fell in love with the real me. But you had to ruin my fun and make me act, didn't you? You pretty little thing."
William pressed himself against your core and watched as you bit your lip, fighting back making noise as you wanted to moan for him. Your shaking body beneath him was exquisite, and he began to kiss down your body, taking time to feel through your hoodie how the valley of your breasts fell along your sternum, the dip and curve of your stomach as you tried not to hyperventilate. The flare of your hips under his hands as his fingers hooked into your panties and pulled them down swiftly. A mix of eager and patient that seemed just right to him given the circumstances you were both under.
Even under the low light, William could see the slick coating your lips and shuddered as he knew you had been being turned on by his sick actions. Grabbing your hips with a growl, he lifted you up, barely supporting your lower back with one massive hand as he swung his body round. Pulling at your restraints as he positioned himself correctly, just how he wanted it to be. Laying on his back with his mouth beneath your dripping pussy, breath hot against your skin and his beard tickling the inside of your thighs. He grinned as he noticed how your back had to remain arched, pulling up his knees so you could lay your back against them should you fall back.
You jumped when his tongue slowly, teasingly lapped against your skin. Biting back a moan as he paid attention to the sensitive folds and unable to hold back a gasp as he pressed his lips to your swollen clit, kissing and sucking the sensitive little bundle of nerves and making your body shake more above him. His hands on your hips and holding you in place as he watched your expressions intently, arms still somewhat extended above your head by the rope. The older man focused on your pleasure, letting his tongue flick across and roll around the bud just to hear your gasps and repressed whines of desire.
Your eyes stung from crying, your shoulders and arms hurt from the position he had pulled you into. But the pleasure running through your core and sending shivers up your spine as you tried not to give him the satisfaction of hearing you made you melt.
Denying yourself to him was an almost fruitless exercise.
He growled into your body as he slipped his tongue from your clit to your hole, pressing it in and moaning as he fully tasted you for the first time. The grip on your hips tightening to an almost bruising force as you failed to stop a moan falling from your lips. The hungry fire in his eyes sparking at the sound and making him almost feverish to hear more, redoubling his efforts as he subtly pulled your hips back and forth, grinding you across his face as he lapped at your walls, wanting to hear you. To feel you give yourself over to him.
You tried to hold yourself together as William Afton worked to unravel you on his tongue, somehow knowing that as soon as you came undone, you would never be able to leave him again.
"William." His name fell from you like a whispered plea, a bitter prayer to an unfair god and you felt the vibration running through your body as he growled beneath you hearing his name in such a way. Removing his tongue from you and causing you to whine needily as the pleasure stopped, your legs forced apart further as he moved and slipped you over his shoulders, laying you back against his legs.
"Say my name again, doll." He demanded, sitting up and licking at his lips, letting the taste of you linger on him unlike your first kiss with him, his hands stroking your thighs as you laid against his legs, feeling your back being forced to arch by his slightly bent knees.
"William." It slipped out without thought, the walls of your resistance crumbling as your fear was replaced with arousal. You knew it was wrong, you should be attempting to escape, fight, anything but-
The thought was cut off as he slid his middle finger inside of you, making you moan as the thick digit stretched you with a rough intrusion. Hearing his shuddering breaths as he admired you under his control, under his spell once again even as you tried to deny it. A grin spreading across his face as he forced a second finger to join the first, relishing in the cry that came from you. Eyes watering as the stretch was painful and oh-so-good at the same time, your walls clamping around his fingers as he seemed to stroke at a part of you that made your body convulse and his fingers become crushed by your insides. William bit his lip as he too held back, trying not to snap and lose control as he watched your expressions, how your brow furrowed and your eyes fluttered for him, your lips parting and quivering as you gave him his own symphony of noises which only served to encourage him more.
You could feel your orgasm rapidly approaching, and your eyes fluttered back into your skull, clenching tighter around his fingers and more frequently, the lewd sound of your wetness finally reaching your ears as your brain finally gave in, desperate for release even if it was at the hands of monster.
"William I-... Oh god please I want to..."Your words cracking and broken, making William smile as he pushed his bottom lip out in a fake pout, looking down at you and the mess you were in his lap. So pretty. So vulnerable. All for him.
"Can't you use your words sweetie? Tell me what you want." He cooed, making you whimper as you tried to pull enough breath into your lungs so you could answer him.
"I need to cum, please William, please make me cum?" It had meant to be statement, but the whining, breaking tone in your voice made it sound like a request. One that the man was all too happy to oblige.
Rapidly changing his position, he laid besides you on his side, making you shake and gasp as suddenly the heel of his large hand had a chance to meet with and grind against your clit and you cried out. Feeling his warm breath against your ear and making you turn your head, the other arm snaking around your back and squeezing onto your shoulder, pulling you closer as he whispered against your lips.
"Give yourself to me."
And you came undone.
Your back arched as you cried out, hands clenching and unclenching as you squirmed, your wetness coating his fingers and hand. As the dopamine and euphoria washed through your body, you suddenly screamed as pain shot through your left arm, making you spasm harder and your eyes snap open, your hand clenching against it as you looked up, watching the white pillows become red as blood seeped from within the springlock suit. William's fingers pressing a thin rod into a small hole on the sturdy outside structure. You realised as your body convulsed from the searing pain and the orgasm that William prolonged by continuing to finger and palm your clit, that he had waited for your euphoria to inflict the pain on you.
He removed his fingers from you and brought them up to his face, cleaning them off and moaning as he tasted you again, looking down at your pained, confused expression as your body registered more pain than pleasure. Cuddling his face into your neck, he kissed along your ear as he whispered sweetly to you.
"That wasn't so bad was it? And you did so well for me. You make me feel so fucking hard when you call my name like that sweetie."
Moving again, he forced your legs apart again with with knees, reaching back and forcing off your shoes before focusing on you again. His large fingers worked deftly to tie your wrists, admiring the roped pattern they still held in pale bruises afterwards, then working on removing the springlock from your arm. Careful and considerate as he managed to move the pin and get them to reset, freeing your now bleeding arm. With your arms free, he made quick work of pulling your hoodie off and unclasping your bra, throwing both articles of clothing off into a corner to join the rest. His hungry gaze wandering your naked body as you cradled your injured arm against your chest and quietly sobbed.
And now, you were just like him. An angel and the devil bearing the same marks, more bonding than any ring or vow.
He took his time removing his shirt and undershirt, revealing his broad, muscular and scarred chest to you again. Your eyes naturally following the trail of hair down his chest and to his waistband before you even realised what you were doing. The smile on his face was almost cocky as he noticed it too, and his hands quickly worked on undoing his slacks, watching with relish as your eyes went wide at seeing his bulge for the first time.
Standing for a moment, he stripped off fully, his erection pulsing even without touching it, although as he looked at your bleeding, bruised body laid out before him, he couldn't help as he gave himself a few languid strokes. Groaning as his eyes fluttered before he finally crawled back onto the bed.
His knees forced your legs apart again, and he laid his weight against you oh-so carefully, like he was afraid he would crush you despite the fact he had just hurt you. Letting you feel his size lined up against your stomach and where it would reach inside you as he pulled your arms from your chest. Making you shiver and squirm as he licked up your bloody arm and he eyes darkened, moaning as he tasted you in a different way.
"Is there a part of you that doesn't taste good?" He asked, whispering your name as his nose rubbed against yours sweetly before he brushed his lips against yours.
"I-...William it hurts."
"I know sweetie, and you're going to hurt for a bit longer, but I know you're not going to make me hurt you like this again." He reassured, before you felt his lips capture yours again. Biting at your lip and making you gasp as he took to opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. Your arms automatically wrapping around his back and scratching your nails across his skin, making him moan and move his hips against you. His cock sliding between your folds and collecting your arousal, making you shiver each time he moved over your over sensitive clit, moaning into the kiss that tasted like iron and your arousal.
The weight of his body was reassuring, and the way he moved so sweetly against you almost made you forget about how your arm stung and felt too warm and wet. That hand moving into his hair and lacing into his greying hair, holding on as one of his hands similarly cradled your head, the other roaming your body as if committing it to memory. Squeezing and groping with a bruising intensity across your breast and hips. His tongue met with yours and letting them battle for dominance even though you knew that there was no way you could win. His kisses became sloppy, desperate as he growled and moaned, his hips rubbing against you faster as you felt the hot drool of precum smear across your stomach before he reached down from your hip.
Your breath was stolen as he slammed himself into you, a silent scream as he bottomed out in one motion and moaned your name. His fingers tightening in your hair as your nails scratched down his back. You could feel his cock pulsing inside your tightness for the brief moment he paused to savour you before he began fucking you with a burning intensity.
The lewd sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room as both of you prickled with sweat under the intensity. William released your hair to sit up, kneeling on the bed and gripping your hips, pulling them up his lap as he slammed into you, knocking the breath from your lungs as he stretched and filled you in a way you had never felt before.
Even though he seemed to fill you everywhere, each stroke of his cock against your walls seemed to stoke another fire in your stomach, watching where you met for a few moment as his cock disappeared inside you. Hitting the spot that made breathing and thinking hard repeatedly as he moved feverishly, an intense look on his face as his brow furrowed, lip curled up into a snarl as he growled and grunted. Focused on how good you felt wrapped around him.
Noticing your lack of attention on him, he snarled and moved forwards, one arm caging you in whilst the other held your throat again, squeezing tight as he forced you to look into his dark eyes. Wide and wild as he felt himself coming closer and closer to his own orgasm, wanting to claim you utterly as his.
You were his. Utterly and entirely, and he would kill you before he let you go.
"William I'm... I'm going to cum again." You whined out, making the large man snarl. No words escaping him as he held your throat tighter and redoubled his efforts, slamming his hips into yours with furious intensity as he watched your face, glancing to where his cock slammed into your pussy and moaning, feeling his body shudder as he released your throat and leaned in, biting your shoulder harshly and making you yelp between the moans and whimpers that drove him into becoming feral.
"Fucking cum for me,... be mine. Never leave me again." He growled into your ear before biting at your skin again, being sure to leave painful hickeys across your skin as he slammed into you. Hearing you crying out his name as your body spasmed and arched under his, William's name falling from you like a pleading chant as you were wracked by your second orgasm. Coating him in your slick as he continued to thrust into you, becoming sloppy as he reached his own peak.
He moaned your name into your shoulder, holding you close with his arms wrapped around you, pressing you into his body as you felt his thrusts slow and become jerky. Feeling him filling you with thick, hot ropes of cum and making you shudder more as even as the ropes finished, he languidly rolled his hips into yours a few more times.
Laying together, both of you breathless as your bliss washed over you. He began to kiss your neck softly, paying attention to where he had bitten and bruised, trailing it over your arm and onto each deep cut that the springlocks had inflicted, making you wince before he brought his now red lips to yours. Kissing you softly, as gently and slowly as you had imagined your first kiss would have gone before your world fell apart and was rebuilt again by the same man.
Carefully, he pulled himself out of you, watching your body shiver as he reached over to the bedside table and pulled out a roll and bandages and gauze. Sitting on the bed and pulling you carefully into his lap so your back laid against his, kissing your head and shoulder before taking your arm and wrapping it carefully. So gently your heart fluttered that he was taking care of you, making sure he was soft after being so rough with you before.
"Never leave me, please sweetie? I wouldn't want to have to teach you another lesson if you tried to leave me again, I don't want to hurt you like this again. I want you to enjoy me, stay with me." William whispered as you turned your head to look at him, letting your lips meet in another soft and slow kiss before you rested your forehead against his.
"I promise William. I won't leave you again." and you meant every word of your mechanised devotion. Automatic, intense and everlasting, as you remained in the arms of William Afton and whispered sweet nothings to each other between kisses and bandages.
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coffehbeans · 3 months
Gt WAC Day 23
"A story with a nonhuman/ monstrous character"
THIS, this was a challenge to write ahsushus I'm so nervous cause it took me SO long and as per usual I'm still unsure about it.
This story is based on a dream I had a month ago, I was writing it since then so i could post it on day 23 of gtwac. So yep, new character. It's different from what I've wrote so far, but I hope you guys enjoy it!
Depending on the reception of this story I will continue it, but fair warning that it'll not be a happy one (IF I continue it).
I'm not sure if I'll rate this chapter in particular as above PG-13, but general warning for overall spooky, unsettling vibes.
Edward Becker has not seen his wife in seven years.
People called him crazy for waiting for her return. "She's done for", someone mentioned. "Why don't you find another one?", someone suggested, all falling in deaf ears as every single day, he'd go back from work, sit by the porch, and wait for her until the sun went down. A useless effort, as they said, a delusional hope, or the sign of going mad. But for Edward, it was his strength. The only support for his failed attempts at finding her. His last pillar of sanity that made him get up every morning and wait for her until nightfall. His wife would come back, like she always did. She would come back to his open arms, embrace him gently like she used to, cover him with kisses as he pulled her close. They would giggle and enter their home, enjoy a nice meal they cooked together, talking about their day during dinner, about plans for rebuilding their house, plans for a new job he wanted to get, plans about their future children. When night falls, they would sleep holding each other tight, relishing in their shared warmth.
All he had to do was wait for her by the porch.
One day, she did comeback.
It was past midnight. So dark and cold outside, most animals have gone to sleep, making the woods around his remote home dead silent. The cows and chickens of his small farm uttered no sound as they slept, and the wind billowed the wheat fields outside, his plain wooden house colored pitch black by the late-night sky. It was a weathered home, well kept indoors but in need of repairs, with ripped, dingy furniture and leaks on the roof. It was protected by a measly three-feet-tall fence that threatened to fall apart, and over the backyard, where the overgrown grass was blown by the wind, laid a simple wooden shed meant for storing farming equipment. Tossing and turning on his bed, Edward sat up with a jolt, sweat dripping on his face as anxiety threatened to eat him whole. He sighed, holding his face in his trembling hands, and letting out a shaky breath. He couldn't fall asleep in those nights, where the memory of Cordelia haunted his mind in his dreams, ones where she wore desperate expressions as she's dragged away from him by detached, withered hands, and no matter how much he ran, he didn't reach her. Nightmares where he found her dead body, pale and laying limp, lifeless eyes staring at him. Nightmares where he found her hurt, bleeding and beaten up, face covered by bruises ­– in most nights, those visions would plague him.
With a shiver, Edward got up, lighting up the oil lantern. He trudged for the kitchen, on his way to do the same as usual: put some water over the wood burning stove, boil it, try this new tea his friend had brought for him, and drink it aimlessly, hoping in vain for sleep to come back.
He sluggishly put wood pieces inside the firebox, reaching a hand for the lighter on the table. A flicker, two, and the fire was lit. He put the kettle over the stove with a clank, and stared at it blankly, waiting for bubbles to form. The house was pitch black, only the flickering flames of the stove and the lamp’s dim glow illuminated the room.
A loud sizzling of the kettle snapped Edward out of his torpor as the water boiled. He picked the hot handle, feeling its heat burning his skin, lifted it from the fire and — THUMP. A loud thud by the window behind him sent him jumping, fumbling with the kettle in his hands, heartbeat skyrocketing. He banged it on the table. Hot droplets prickled his hand. He turned around with rapid breaths. A blurred shadow dashed away from the window, sending a cold chill down his spine, the wind howling and heavy thuds echoing outside the house’s walls. Rhythmical and constant. Pounding on the ground. Edward sucked in a breath, head ringing against his skull. He stomped towards the cabinet containing his shotgun. There were thieves? In the middle of the night? Were they finally coming to steal a poor and mad man's house? He wouldn't allow it.
He can’t die yet. Not until Cordelia comes back to him.
Loading the gun with precise clicks, Edward aimed it at the window, darting his aim from window to window until he reached the door, the last place he heard the strange sound. With trembling hands over the trigger, his eyes focused on an invisible target. He held his breath, standing still. Not a single sound. Ears trained on any disturbance. THUMP. THUMP. A shadow passed by the window to his right. BANG!
He twisted his body and shot, missing the shadow by an inch.
"W-who's there!?" He shouted in a trepid tone.
No answer. Not even a sound. Maybe the sound of breathing. He couldn't tell. He couldn't tell if it was someone's breathing or his own.
The “sshhhs” and “thuds” echoed around him, heading towards the backyard. Edward adjusted the position of the gun in his arms.
He took a deep breath.
Edward ran to the back door and slammed it open with a kick, pointing the trembling shotgun towards the field. The sky was pitch-black outside, engulfing the horizon with its inky tint, and the stars didn't dare approach the darkness. The faint moonlight was partially obscured by the clouds, its glow too weak to lighten the outdoors. He huffed, feeling the weight of his gun, and headed further into the backyard with measured steps. His shoes crunched the grass below, the dry air amplifying the sound of his stride. Deadly silence filled the field. A puff of smoke left his nostrils as warm exhale met with the frigid air. Tightening the grip around the gun, he aimed it at the decrepit shed. Waiting for movement. Eyes trained forward. The dark blur of a large silhouette shifted behind it.
He shot. Once. Twice. The sound of the bullets making his ears ring, metal creating holes in the aged wood. A loud, high-pitched, and definitely human scream cried behind it.
He stopped shooting, heart leaping to his throat. A weight plunked in his insides, making him loose the tight grip on his gun. Behind the shed, he heard it. A gasp. A whimper. A sob. Clearly feminine. Edward lowered the gun, furrowing his brows as the cries made a lump form inside his throat. A trick to let his guard down? A trap? It must be a trick for sure. No way an innocent person would show up in the middle of the night. No, there's no way. Goosebumps trailed down his back as the cries reached his ears. Why was there even someonehere?
The sobbing got louder, echoing in the cold, dark night. He shivered when the shrill voice reverberated in his ears, an uncomfortable knot twisting in his stomach at the thought he could have shot an innocent woman.
"Who... Who's there?" He repeated, cautious this time, as if talking to a cowering animal.
The sobs dwindled little by little. He didn't dare move. The figure was hidden behind the shed, not even the faint moonlight giving a glimpse of its appearance.
Finally, he heard it: that feminine voice. Frail, faint, and so utterly scared.
Its familiarity so potent, something clogged in his throat.
"... Ed..."
That voice. The voice he waited for so many years by the porch. The voice he dreamed of in his sleep. Screaming. Crying for help. Calling for his name.
"... Edward..."
The same voice that recited sweet words of so much care, so much love and adoration to him every day. The voice that followed a gentle embrace, the smell of perfume and a prolonged kiss. The same voice that said "I do" by the altar over 12 years ago, that whispered close to his ear, giggling with joy. The voice that chatted to him relentlessly, which he couldn't get enough of. The voice that laughed, cried, shouted, only to say sweet words of gentle love again. That melodic yet striking voice. Edward didn't notice the tears falling from his face. Didn't notice the gun falling to the ground. Didn't notice his feet moving on his own, towards the shed, towards the faint possibility that she was behind it. He stumbled faster towards it, raising a trembling hand. "C-Cordelia?!" "NO! DON'T COME CLOSER!" The powerful shout made him stop dead on his tracks, ears complaining from its sheer force. He never heard his wife sound so... Desperate. In panic. "... H-honey...?" "Pl-please... D-don't come closer yet." She said, her voice returning to its normal pitch, but shaking with trepidation.
  "W-what's wrong...? Did I –"
Then he remembered it. The gun. The shootings. The fact he almost killed his own wife. His heart sank, face turning pale, his voice hoarse.
"Oh God. It's - it's really you, it was you and I almost, I-I a-almost... A-are you hurt? Are you bleeding? I –"
Edward took more shaking steps towards it, the nightmare of his dead wife still clear in his mind.
"NO!" - He stopped again. - "I-I'm fine! I'm not hurt, you d-didn’t hit me."
Edward covered his face with a hand and stopped himself from wanting to vomit.
"Cordelia I'm- ... I-I'm so, so sorry I thought it was a thief, I..."
He lowered his head, and took a shaky breath.
"Am I going crazy? Is – is it r-really you?! I, I waited for s-so long – I thought you were dead —!"
Tears poured desperately from Edward's eyes, his attempts to stop his sobs coming in vain. He hiccupped under his cries, breathing rapidly as reality came crashing down and years of restrained emotion leaked out. The voice sounded just like her. The voice could really be her.
‘Then, if it’s her, why is she hiding?’
"Please, d-dear, if it's really you..." - he whispered, his voice croaky and dry. Tears continued to fall.
"Please let me see you..." The shed grew eerily silent. Cold air made him quiver. A silent second spread throughout the night, the sounds of his sobs echoing through the pitch-black darkness. "I... I can't."
She whispered back in a shaky voice. Unsure. Afraid. Edward raised his head, glancing to the fallen gun on the grass, a realization hitting deep inside his stomach. "Are you scared of me...?" A pause. He heard her sucking in a breath. A long, deep exhale was carried by the wind. Her voice faint and trembling. "N-no... Dear, I... I'm not scared of you." The shed's wood creaked, like something was gripping it and scratching it down. "...I'm scared of myself." Edward's guilty expression changed to confusion. He furrowed his brows. A part of him wanted to giggle. His adorable wife, scared of herself? Why? She always had some impatience and anger she was discontent about, but even so... That made no sense. The way she acted, hiding from him, made no sense. Another part of Edward felt an odd sense of dread. As if something was not right. "Honey, why are you hiding from me? I... I waited for so long... I-I searched everywhere for you, and when I couldn't find anything, I waited. And when I couldn't wait anymore, I prayed. I hoped. I-I never paid attention to what the others said, even if they called me crazy." He took a step towards the shed. She sucked in a breath. Edward didn't notice more tears started to pour from his face. "And it's you, r-right? It's you who's behind here, right? Alive and well? Please dear... Don't let me think I've gone crazy!" He took another step closer. Then another. She whimpered behind the decrepit barn. Edward's vision was blurry from his own tears, but he didn't care anymore. He just needed to see her, even if it wasn't true. Even if he died.
Gosh, he just wanted to see her.
"Honey, DON'T!" The sheer loudness of her rigid voice made him stop dead on his tracks again. He opened his mouth, ready to protest, but Cordelia interrupted him.
"It's n-not... It's not that I'm not alive and well, Edward..." "So why are y-"
"...I-it's that I don't know what I am anymore..." He paused. That uneasy sense of dread sank heavier inside him. "What...? Cordelia, what do you mean-" "If I," – She interrupted, taking a deep breath. – "If I really come out of this shed, Will you promise, promise me that you will not run?" A shiver ran down his spine. Heartbeat rocked harder against his chest. Something's not right. Something's clearly not right. But Edward planted his feet firmly on the ground. It was his wife's voice. He lost her seven years ago. He doesn't know what happened to her in that time. She could be different from how she looked back then, hurt and bruised from whatever abuse they inflicted on her. Rage bubbled up inside him. Whoever did anything to her, he would kill them in cold blood. They would pay for taking her away from him. Being hurt and disfigured by her captors… That was probably what Cordelia meant.
There was no need for him to feel so nervous.
"You know I love you, dear... No matter what. You know I'd never run away from you... So why would you even ask that?"
"Please, Edward." She said louder than he expected. Desperate. Too desperate. "Please promise you won't run." The moonlight cast over the shed, the little gaps between the wooden plates showing a faint shadow behind it. A hulking mass, piled up like a bundle of hay, a head peeking out of the lump as if there was no body attached to it. Edward's eyes widened, heart drumming faster in his chest. Cold sweat scurried down his forehead. 'What is that?' And yet, he couldn't deny the pleading voice of his wife, sounding exactly as she did seven years ago. It couldn't possibly not be her. Something grave must have happened when she was gone, and that's why she was so afraid. Yes, that's most likely it.
So Edward gulped his nervousness down, and wiped the sweat from his face.
"Honey... I promise I won't run away from you... I would never run away from you."
A light, quiet wail whispered in the cold night, slowly dwindling down. A sniff sounded behind the shed. A long inhale and exhale belonging to powerful lungs.
"... Alright."
And the heavy sound of something dragging over the earth.
A form encased in shadow peeked from the wooden walls over fourteen feet above him. Edward took a while to notice the large silhouette was a head. His wife's head. It was truly, truly her! Looking just like he remembered and – pale. So sickeningly pale. A dark and somber expression covered her face. Her eyes were baggy and downcast, white lips trembling. But more importantly, he couldn't understand why she has so high up.
"P-please..." - she uttered, almost to herself. - Please don't run..." Gargantuan claws appeared next to her, black, sharp nails curling over the creaking wood. A long, bony hand covered by charcoal scales. His wife pressed her eyes firmly shut. Edward took a step back, his mouth going dry. The sinking feeling in his stomach cut deeper. And then he saw why she was so high up.
The rest of her appeared under the pale moonlight, her form triple of a human size. A gigantic torso loomed over him like a small tree, covering him in her shadow. She wore nothing on her, long, mahogany hair covering her chest.
Then he looked down.
Black and yellow scales jutted out of her skin, covering her lower half, legs attached together in a single, cylindrical body that twitched and writhed as it came closer. The thick tail uncoiled behind the shed, extending further and further to Edward's right, so much so it could envelop around him if it moved. With loud thumps, Cordelia's massive form fell on the ground, hair obscuring her downcast face. Black talons gripped the soil as she pushed herself forward. Rough and coarse scales scraping against the earth as the hulking, round tail crunched the grass and lugged over it like a corpse dragging on the dirt. Rocks broke with a sickening "crunch" under its weight.
Edward's face contorted in shock. He took one, two steps back, eyes widening in horror, shaken to the core as his heart jumped in his throat. Pounding harder against his ribcage.
It was a gargantuan something, half snake, half something that resembled human. Resembled his wife. He mumbled incomprehensibly. Primal fear took over him. A crying, shaky voice resounded from the creature's mouth. A clawed hand the size of his head reaching out to him. "P-please... Edward..." He ran. He screamed bloody murder and dashed back towards his house, hearing it holler back his name. Tears fell from his eyes, desperation taking hold of his body. A deafening sound of thumps and scratches came from behind him, growing closer, coming for him.
"WAIT–!" Tha thing can’t be his wife. Whatever it was it could not be his wife. It shouldn't be his wife. It shouldn't be human. He ran through the house's corridors, left became right and up became down and the crunches behind him grew louder and louder and he had to hide, he had to hide but there was nothing in his room aside from the cold, old bed so he bolted, ran and ducked under it, mumbling shaky prayers, begging to heavens for his life. Begging that he was hallucinating. To not die to someone who looked so much like her.
That couldn't be real. He heaved. It can't be real, can't be real can't be real it can’t – He's gone crazy. Yes, that must be it. He's finally gone mad and that’s why.
But the cracks of the floorboards under the creature's weight sounded far too real for him to doubt. The scratching of the claws over the ground as it dragged its gargantuan body caused a fear too intense for him to doubt. The cracking of the walls as it squeezed itself inside felt too real for him to doubt. Edward clamped his mouth shut with a shaking hand, curling up under the bed and closing his eyes tight. If he remained immovable, if he remained silent, maybe it wouldn't find him. Maybe he wouldn't die. He gulped down a whimper that threatened to escape from his throat. Cordelia's voice resonated from the creature's mouth again. Weak, raspy, and grieving. It was a strategy to lure him out. Yes. That was probably it. It couldn't possibly be something else. Because that huge monster with crude scales couldn't be his wife, with soft skin and flowing hair, with her dress that billowed in the wind when they walked over green fields together. No. That thing could not be her. "Edward... Please, I-I..." She whispered under her heavy sobs. Loud thumps echoed outside the room. "I won't hurt you... Please believe me!"
The sobs that sounded so much like her broke his heart in half. But he remembered to what it belonged to. He would not fall for it. Even if he wanted to scream for help, knowing that no one would come. Even if a part of him wanted nothing more than believe it was all true and run towards its scaly arms. He gulped down his screams of fear, and remained silent. Frozen. Unmoving. He would not fall for it
The scrapes and scratches got louder. Scales hissed over the floorboards that chirred in protest.
"I'm not a monster. I'm not –" A claw unhinged itself from the floor and the creature raised itself up. A loud bump thundered on the ceiling, a shocked gasp echoed in the dry air. Edward clutched his eyes shut. Dust and debris fell on the ground. The monster laid down again, a heavy bang thundering in the silent house. The floorboards groaned as it settled on the ground.
"If you... If you look at me like that again, I-I think I'll go crazy... I can't stand it!"
Loud sobs filled the house. Edward flinched and clutched his eyes shut, breathing heavily, curling further inside himself. He resisted the urge to break down into tears.
The dragging and shuffling got heavier. The floorboards of his bedroom, the ones he was currently laid over, creaked in complaint of the weight being placed upon them. The sound got louder. Closer.
It was entering his room.
He sucked in a quivering gasp. Heart threatening to escape his throat, he shook as if the room was freezing cold, tears cascading down his face at the thought that he really could die now. He would die. He would die. Maybe he should. Maybe she should just end him.
He saw it. The black and yellow scales, shimmering as it moved. The snake body crawling as it reached the door, so massive it got stuck in the door frame. A push or two and it got free, the walls around it cracked, dust fell around him and a crunching sound reverberated in the room. Black claws scraped the ground, wood screeching in the deafening silence. A towering human body, pale torso as tall as him, laid down, auburn locks of hair trailing on the floor. The face obscured by its raised head.
It stopped moving. He looked at its skin with heaving breaths and widened eyes.
They remained still for what felt like an eternity. The only sound was his own heartbeat, his breathing and the creature's. The tail twitched and thumped against the walls with a loud noise. He flinched as his eyes darted back and forth, hearing the friction of scales against wood.
She sniffed. And spoke first. "... When the civil war happened, we hid here once. You would wrap your arms around me, and we'd curl up together under the bed, praying that it'd protect us." – she whispered.
"– But even when I cried, even when we thought we would die, I still felt safe with you. Do you remember that, dear…?"
The sorrowful voice spoke of memories that a monster should not have. Edward felt cold. So cold, alone under that bed.
He closed his eyes tightly shut. Maybe, after a while, he wouldn't see her when he opened them. Hugging himself, Edward shuddered as a shiver crawled up his spine. Maybe he could still return to a normal life, where he didn’t hallucinate. Maybe he could still pretend none of this happened.
There was a shifting sound, and he sucked in a trepid breath. A thud, right in front of him. With his lips trembling, and teeth grinding against each other, Edward wondered if his death would be quick. But time stretched as the room fell into stifling silence, the monster's breathing ruffling on his face. It was right in front of him. He knew. He knew that he should just keep his eyes closed, waiting for his death. He knew that. His heart hurt inside his ribcage from pounding so hard, and his stomach sank lower with fear. He should close his eyes more firmly. He should just wait a while longer.
But instead, he opened them.
Her face. Her same crying face, if not for the magnified size and its greyish blue eyes with slitted pupils. A shadow of what once was her. His wife. The one he waited for so long. The one he imagined walking back to him as he sat by that porch every day. It did come back, as a monster, a ghost ready to haunt him, blame him for the pathetic man that he was, for not being able to prevent her from going missing. A reflection of what he lost. Evidence of his cowardice. A sign that he has gone mad.
That's what he wanted to believe.
But the face that resembled his wife so faithfully mirrored his expression of dread and grief. It covered itself in such humanity, with the exhausted eyes dripping with tears. With the mouth, when its pale lips parted as it sucked in a shaky breath, even if it revealed sharp teeth underneath. With its thick, auburn hair as it clung to her sweating face. It looked so distinctly human. So distinctly real. Not at all like a ghost. Not at all like a monster out to hunt him.
In that closeup by the gap under the bed, it just looked like his wife.
Edward’s breathing got less exasperated. His heart rocked less inside his chest. His tears dried as his widened eyes remained frozen on the figure before him. He glared at its mouth, as it opened to speak.
"Edward..." It whispered. So silently, so tender yet certain, just like the time when he had her by his side.
"... I am real."
The tears resurfaced, a mix of fear, hope and despair turned into quiet, then loud sobs, then muffled screams as Edward cried and curled up further under the bed, letting out years of frustration. Years of guilt as it made his chest hurt and his breathing to narrow. He couldn't hear her, who was sobbing on her own, as he drowned in the sorrows that leaked out of his weathered body like a dam that has been broken. Did he have her back? Could he really put a stop to this? He felt guilty. So guilty. Was that his fault? If he found her, would she have turned out like this? No, she wouldn’t. He knew she wouldn’t and that was why the tears wouldn’t stop. If the monster wanted to hurt him, Edward wouldn’t blame it, not even a little.
When he started to calm down, he didn't realize the creature was still there, in front of him, with tears gathered on its enlarged face. He regained his breath, steadily and gradually, refocusing his eyes on the grey blue irises. Her gaze softened, just like when she greeted him home after a tiring day, eyes inviting him for peaceful rest.
He needed that rest. More so than any other day.
"If I... If I move away, will you come out?"
She whispered so quietly Edward struggled to hear it. But it still sounded the same, that sweet, honeyed voice that said “I love you” with so much earnest and ease. But a part of him still doubted. His body still trembled under her alien gaze. Doubts echoed in his mind, and adrenaline pumped in his veins. If this was her, then how? Why? What kind of degenerate devil would do this to her?
But still, he wanted to believe... He did, but... He didn't want to die.
"Dear... If I wanted to hurt you, don't you think I'd already done so?"
There it was, her bolder side, the one that always made her win an argument, that scolded him sometimes but he always loved it when she did. The one that now made him snap out of it, and helped Edward realize that he didn't have any power in this situation from the very beginning. The creature was huge and could see him. Indeed, if it wanted it would have hurt him long ago. Edward repeated this in his head over and over until it was enough to clear his mind.
In a glimpse of calmness, he managed to speak in what was left of his hoarse voice. "Yes... You're right, honey." And she smiled. A relieved, sad smile, one that did not have any hope in it, but that was glad he at least spoke to her like a person. Like his wife. Even if it was only for a little bit.
  She got up, the long claws visible for a second in Edward's field of vision. They recoiled towards the snake creature's chest as if it had touched a burning kettle, knowing he had seen its intimidating appendage. It shifted its body away and the scales glistened as it slithered towards the door. After a while, it stopped. The area in front of Edward was free to move now.
His heartbeat rocked louder. What if the moment he leaves it slices him open with those claws... – No. 'Snap out of it. Snap out of it.'  he repeated in his head, recalling the events and the fact that if it was a predator after its prey, he was already too difficult to be bothered with. He would be fine, Edward assumed. He had to be.
And if all of that was a lie, then it was better that he died anyway, granting the sweet release of death instead of sinking into his madness.
Because if all that he saw this night was not real, then he really has gone mad.
Edward took a deep breath. One... Two... The snake creature remained still.
He scrambled away from the bed and sat up in a hurry, heaving like he had run a marathon. Eyes closed. Waiting for the inevitable.
It never came.
So he opened his eyes, coming face to face with the creature's scales stretching in the distance. His heart throbbed.
"I-it's okay, honey... You're doing great." She whispered, voice clogged by her own desire to break down into tears.
Edward took another deep breath. In… And out. No closing his eyes now. And slowly, he raised his head up, searching for the face of his beloved. Even if he was shaking from head to toe.
His eyes trailed up her body. Nervous and slim hands, covered by black scales, interlaced over her lap. The scales of her tail became thinner and thinner as he looked up, their color contrasting against the ivory skin of her human upper body. It was ashen, slim, the torso alone was as tall as he was. He looked to the chest concealed by her hair, mahogany and wavy, just like he remembered, although the strands were much longer and thicker than before. And finally, he reached it. The same sweet, tender face, looking down at him. The trembling lips struggled to show a reassuring smile, forcing her mouth shut in order to cover the fangs underneath it. Those elongated eyes, with thick eyelashes that fluttered, blinking away tears. The same straight nose. Those previously beautiful blue eyes, now a greyer shade and with pupils like a reptile's, yet with that human, longing glance, darting around Edward's face as she analyzed his every expression.
It was her. No doubt about that now.
Edward opened his mouth and closed it, struggling to form words. Thoughts spiraled inside his mind. Feelings of guilt, frustration, anger, indignation. Fear. Sorrow. Pain.
Yet hope. Above all it was hope.
Edward got up, not taking his eyes off hers.
That was no monster. It was, indeed, his wife.
"Oh, Cordelia, what have they done to you?"
His voice whispered, thick with sorrow. He looked up to see pools of tears splashing from Cordelia's face, a clear expression of relief. She sobbed, burying her face in her clawed hands, relieved that her husband called her by her name again. Relieved that he was here. Relieved that he didn't see her as a monster, at least for that moment. A piece of humanity she lost, a piece of her previous life that she missed, a piece of hope that was snatched away from her seven years ago and that she never thought she'd have again. It was returning for her.
He was returning for her.
Cordelia was surprised by a warm touch over her scaled lap. She wiped the tears from her eyes with the rough back of her hand, looking down with a gasp. Her husband was rubbing his hand over it, tiny and shaking, comforting her. An attempt to reach out.
"D-don't. They are hideous..." Tears flowed on her face.
‘Indeed, they were’, Edward thought. He never liked snakes, their scales always making his skin crawl whenever he found one in the farm. The feeling wasn't any different as he trailed his hands over her, goosebumps raised the hairs on his skin and he shuddered with each motion. Edward exhaled shakily. No matter how much he looked at it, even if everything felt unreal at the moment, he couldn’t deny who was in front of him.
"They are still you." He said.
Cordelia widened her eyes and Edward looked up at her with compassion on his face. Love, longing. They both yearned for that. For the same feeling to return to them. For the same life, that was so cruelly snatched away from them, to return as if nothing had gotten between them in the first place. Even if it was a pointless dream.
They fumbled awkwardly at what to do.
Edward wasn't sure how to proceed. His mind conjured images of him holding her tightly, back to her human form, like a dream manifesting. Yet the reality loomed over him and the long tail that filled his bedroom in multiple coils covered his skin with goosebumps, a knot tightening on his throat.
He looked up and confirmed it, Cordelia's unsure face was there. He’s not crazy. All of that was still her.
She looked away under his apprehensive gaze, turning deep red and ashamed of herself. Edward took a deep breath; she didn’t feel well and he needed to fix this. He looked down. Then looked up again.
"Can I hold you?"
The question took Cordelia aback. She backed away from him and widened her eyes. Her tail bumped on the cabinet and he twisted his neck towards the source of the sound, clearly flinching from the movement.
He was still terrified of her. Then, why...?
"You don't need to do this, Edward. You did great already –“
"No. I want to do this. If you're really you, I want to do this."
Cordelia looked down and saw Edward's determined face. Her heart broke silently inside her. Why he was so adamant in dealing with her, Cordelia didn't know. But gosh, if it wasn't for his fear and for her disgusting claws, she'd have held him close a long time ago. She missed it so much. How much she missed his strong embrace.
So she nodded, and he came closer.
Edward couldn't quite contain how much he was shaking. Couldn't contain his jolt when he touched her frigid skin, chills crawling down his spine. But despite this, he pushed on forward, kneeling over her scaled lap, glancing at how they shone even in the partial darkness. With silent fascination, Cordelia let her arms hover around him.
A moment hung between them.
And Edward latched onto her. He rested on her torso and enveloped his arms around her, as much as he could, as they barely reached her back. Cold. She was cold like a corpse. He rested his cheek against her stomach, shivering upon contact. Gosh, it was so cold. He wanted to pull away. He wanted to hold her closer. Cordelia didn't remember the last time she sensed so much warmth. She felt herself getting hot inside even when she thought she was not capable of feeling warm anymore. Edward snuggled closer to her chest, and she sighed, relishing in his contact. Gently, like she was cradling an injured bird, Cordelia enveloped her arms around him, careful not to hold him too tight or not to loom over him, either. Gosh, the way her arms completely engulfed him... She felt monstrous. Edward shrank upon contact and she started to let him go, fearing this was a bad decision, but the feeling of his hug getting tighter made her arms remain still.
They stayed like this for an amount of time, taking in each other’s presence. Edward heard his wife's strong heartbeat against him, which grounded him in his current predicament, but still... Maybe he'd blink and she'd be gone, or maybe something would finally reveal that he'd made all of that up. Cordelia's embrace got a little tighter, not in a way that was hurting him, but she shifted around and her shadow loomed over as she curled around him. Her arms closed the hug in, and his heart skipped a beat.
"I missed you." she croaked.
She leaned over Edward, pulling him closer. He sighed in sweet relief upon hearing her melodic voice, feeling exhaustion weighing down on him as his body relaxed. He sank in her gentle embrace, kissing the surface of the freezing cold skin.
"I missed you too, dear."
They were laying on their backs under the early morning light, on the floor of the same bedroom where everything happened. Cordelia's tail stretched way further outside the room, disappearing through the door. Edward rested on top of her, not after much insistence that he wrapped a warm blanket around him. He ran his fingers through her hair, dazed, letting the reality of the situation sink in. He wasn't exactly afraid now, but the memories of the night made his heart twist with a mix of dread and guilt. Edward needed to know. How bad was everything that happened to her? Too much happened, she was gone, and now he had her back. It felt unreal and too real at the same time. And yet, Edward needed answers. Maybe, just for a few minutes, he thought, they could stay like this, and pretend that nothing had happened, but he knew that curiosity would get the best of him. Cordelia looked down at her husband with tenderness, watching as he caressed her hair, as she avoided touching him with her claws. She noticed his pensive expression and frowned.
“Is something wrong?
Edward hesitated, looking for ways to phrase his question. "What happened that made you turn into this?" He asked finally, tone even, yet with seething rage building up inside his chest. "Who did this to you?"
Cordelia sighed, closing her eyes. All the memories surfaced in her head like a messy conjecture of disfigured images and sounds. She took a shuddering breath, and spoke.
"I regained memories of you first before I remembered my own name..."
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ikatakoirl · 1 year
We need to normalize criticizing our favorite works, pointing out shortcomings in representation while simultaneously celebrating how far that representation has come. I’ll go first.
The Riordanverse (Percy Jackson and its spin-offs) is hands-down one of the best examples of mainstream queer representation for kids. It was probably the biggest formative element of my early queer journey, and I am so grateful for everything Rick Riordan has done for the community. I will continue to support him and his works with all of my heart.
That being said, he has a problem with squeezing his representation into the very last pages of the book, confirmed but not explored. We have three confirmed queer relationships involving demigods:
Nico and Will, confirmed in the last chapter of the series
Piper and Shel, confirmed on the very last page of The Burning Maze.
Magnus and Alex, confirmed in the last chapter of the series (they did kiss a bit earlier)
P.S. I forgot about Lavinia until just before posting, but her entire lesbianism also is introduced and concluded in the span of about a page.
As you can see, it’s extremely consistent. Like I said, these are the only three examples of queer teenage relationships over Riordan’s five series, and they all happen right at the end. We also find that most of the straight pairings (Percy/Annabeth, Frank/Hazel, Jason/Piper, Tyson/Ella, and even things like Hedge/Mellie are confirmed in the middle of the series and given room to grow our at least be referenced back to.
It’s unclear whether this was a conscious or unconscious decision. Perhaps Riordan felt constrained by his publisher. Perhaps he was afraid that he didn’t have the proper background knowledge to accurately write the details of a queer relationship. Both of these are understandable and valid, if a bit disappointing, and I would much rather that he wrote them as he did than not at all.
The good news is that it seems like he’s trying to fix it! He sprinkled in enough of Will and Nico in the first book of the sequel series Trials of Apollo for me to forgive him for their lackluster confirmation in Heroes of Olympus. But then he surprised us all by making Nico and Will two of the five main characters on the Trials of Apollo’s finale (The Tower of Nero), and I can tell you that the fandom ate it up!
But in case that wasn’t enough, soon after the release of The Tower of Nero, Riordan announced The Sun and the Star, now set for release this May! In this book, Nico and Will are the protagonist and deuteragonist, meaning the story will be entirely focused around them! And just to make sure Riordan absolutely knows what he’s doing, he’s decided to co-write it with a gay author Mark Oshiro to make sure they can represent the characters accurately!
And… and the best part… Riordan has done his fair share of novellas and short stories, and ever since the announcement I had assumed that that’s what this was, but no! It’s a full-length book with 480 pages! To compare, that’s strangely enough the exact same page count as The Tower of Nero! I’m so blown away by how much Riordan has gone above and beyond with this book, and I’m insanely excited for it. Sorry this turned into The Sun and the Star propoganda, I didn’t know that the publication date was so close or how long it was until just now.
Anyway, where I’m going with this is that I have extreme respect for a creator who’s willing to listen to feedback from the kinds of people he is writing about and constantly grow from those mistakes! He’s still by far my favorite author of all time. Love you, Uncle Rick!
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freefromthecocoon · 2 months
Gaslighting in the fandom
I have some very hot takes here that may piss off a lot of you, but I can't not say anything anymore.
I have been quiet for a long time about a certain member of the Caryl fandom. This person blocked me a long time ago when I dared to disagree with her and the collective because I felt like we did not know the whole story of what went down when TWD ended and the spinoff changed. But I have kept tabs on her misguided rantings though. I have long had a theory about this particular member of fandom. I believe this person had good intentions to begin with, but now it almost appears as an ego trip to prove that her theories were correct when almost all her theories have blown up in her face. (AI Melissa anyone?). I also question whether someone who spends as much time on Tumblr writing bad theories and answering an incredible amount of asks has true ties to the entertainment industry. I know there are others who feel the same way and if you choose to block me or ignore me I understand. I will rejoice when Caryl goes canon by myself if need be.
"You are absolutely right that, so far, what AMC is showing us instead is that they allow insecure men to punish talented women and gaslight fans who threaten their vision. "
A direct quote from her most recent post. I do agree that AMC marketing has gaslit fans at times and yes there have been instances when women have not gotten a fair shake. But I heartily disagree that they "punish" talented women. If you think that then you really have not been paying attention to the marketing for The Ones Who Live. Danai has been front and center in interviews and seems to have had full creative control over directions of the story for Rick and Michonne. Same with Lauren C when Dead City promo was going on. I truly hope we hear from Melissa soon, but I also know that Melissa has never been a fan of having to do press, most likely because she doesn't like all the attention. I hope that with the upcoming months we see more of her interacting in the public, but I would not be surprised if we did not.
Another quote: "That's not a show I can support. I admire Carol and Melissa because they rise above everyone who puts them down. I love Caryl because they represent the light at the end of the tunnel. Gimple, Nicotero, and Zabel are 100% NOT on our side and never will be, but I need AMC and Norman to show me that they are."
Honestly...I can't disagree about Gimple. I have been totally glad he has been far away from Daryl Dixon being distracted by his being showrunner on TOWL. But Nicotero and Melissa McBride are incredibly close and always have been. The rumors were rampant about tension on the set the last day of filming TWD and then a few months later, we got these pics from BTS.
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Along with Norman laying his head in Melissa's lap. All seemed very much at ease.
I know Zabel has not always chosen his words carefully but it also seems that he is very excited to be working with Melissa as well as Norman. As far as being shipbaity with other female characters....well he talks in typical showrunner speak about that. Let us not forget the whole 10C debacle with Leah being introduced in a 20 minute flashback scene. And that was EVERY BIT on Kang, so spare me the righteous indignation that a female showrunner knows best, because obviously Kang did not. Norman and Melissa both hated that storyline...it was not fun as Kang always likes to say it was. I am glad she is gone from the spinoff.
Well, I think I have said enough now to get the rest of the fandom pissed off at me, so I guess I will sign off for now. Believe what you want, but don't fall victim to someone who is trying to reclaim a self-perceived power position by claiming an authority she clearly does not have. Enjoy the show or don't. But I will be around to spread positivity as we get new promo and interviews with hopefully both Melissa AND Norman.
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nightghoul381 · 10 months
Jude Jazza~Luxury Liner Event~Premium End
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This a fan translation so it is definitely not 100% accurate. I do not own anything related to Ikemen Villains. Support Cybird by buying their amazing stories!
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(Ugh… It’s heavy…)
I ran out of the casino carrying the chair and ran in the opposite direction of the people screaming and running away.
I finally found Jude and Ellis, who were confronting the gangsters, in the center of the hall.
(…This is, certainly.)
(A ‘brawl’)
The two don’t use their abilities, probably because they’re worried about being seen in a brawl in broad daylight.
(On the contrary, Jude and Ellis didn’t even draw their weapons.)
Despite this, the two seemed to have the upper hand against the knife-wielding gangsters.
Man in hunting cap: “Ugh, guaaah.”
Jude: “Shut up. Yer not even hurting me and yer causing a scene.”
Stepping on the downcast man, Jude put a merciless smile on his thin lips.
Jude: “Yer the one who went to all the trouble of jumpin’ in to be tortured. I did as ya asked, so you should be grateful.”
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Jude: “Don’t I get a ‘thank you’?”
Man with stubble: “You lickspittle…!!”
(Watch out--!)
He narrowly dodged a knife from behind and his fist sank into the attacker’s abdomen.
Man with stubble: “Ugh, oof…”
Jude: “Yer supposed to be a ‘gangster’? Oh my God, yer so glum.”
Jude: “Why don’t ya change yer name to ‘ragdoll’?”
Ellis: “Jude, behind!”
Jude: “…!”
Jude caught the strong man’s fist with his arm as it flew at him from behind.
There’s a dull sound, like bone hitting bone.
Strong man: “…I’m gonna smash your clear face into a million pieces.”
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Jude: “You’ve got good taste.”
(I can’t watch…)
The series of movements that could have been fatal at any moment make me want to close my eyes.
However I forced myself to keep watching the frenzy unfolding before me.
(--It’s scary, but)
(If I close my eyes, there was no point in following them.)
(That said, I’m still scared…)
I was feeling worried and impatient, and then—
Man with glasses: “…shit…!”
A short distance away from the scuffle, I spotted a man hiding in the shadows.
Judging from the appearance, he was probably a member of the gang.
(is that—a gun?)
My heart makes an unpleasant sound.
The muzzle was set on –Jude.
(J-Jude and Ellis, you might not have noticed!)
(But there’s no way to check… if something happens, it’ll be too late.)
Kate: “…mm”
I slowly move forward, though my legs seem frozen in fear.
(Jude is the kind of person who uses people as gambling commodities, puts them in handcuffs, and leaves them by themselves.)
(But I can’t let you die.)
So, I approach the man’s back.
There’s no indication that the man has noticed me, his focus is set on aiming at Jude amidst the mix of friend and foe.
(What am I doing…?)
(But now that I’ve come this far, I have no choice but to do it…!)
With the remaining strength in my tired arms, I lifted the chair—
(I’m sorry…!)
I swung down with all my might.
Man with the gun: “Guah!?”
Kate: “Ouch!”
The handcuffs twisted in a strange way, rubbing, and hurting my wrists.
The man collapsed on the spot and the pistol fell out of his hand and slid across the floor.
But the gun unfortunately hit another gangster’s foot.
Slender man: “What the hell--!”
My eyes met with the man who picked up the gun.
(This is bad.)
Even though I know I have to run away—my legs freeze.
Slender man: “What the hell did you do to that guy?!”
Kate: “Ah…uh…!”
The moment when the gun is pointed at me and fear wells up—
The man’s body is blown off to the side
Kate: “Huh…”
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Jude: “… What are you doing?”
While slowly lowering the leg that kicked the man away,
Jude was staring at me with a stunned look of exasperation and a little annoyance.
(Oh…that…it’s gone quiet.)
When I looked, the hall had been taken over and all the gangsters had fallen,
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Ellis: “Jude, we’re done.”
Kate: “It’s finished…?”
Jude: “You can see it. Why’re you askin’?”
(It looks like both of them are safe.)
I feel relieved and my shoulders start to relax,
Involuntarily, I collapse on the spot.
Kate: “I… I’m glad…”
Jude: “…”
Ellis ran up the stairs to call a sailor and hand over the gangsters.
Jude: “…”
Jude- gingerly stepping to my side,
Crouched down and pulled my wrists, which were still handcuffed.
Kate: “I…”
The pain is so intense that it causes me to cry out when he traces his finger over the bloody spots where the handcuffs had rubbed against me.
Jude: “…It hurts, does it?” 5435
Though it’s obvious, Jude asks anyway.
(I followed you on my own… I’m sure Jude doesn’t like it.)
The pain is due to ignoring his advice. That’s what he’s trying to say.
I don’t know this chaotic world as well as he does.
It’s not like I have any special abilities or a lot of experience.
Even the pinch just now was an everyday occurrence for Jude and the others.
I’m sure they would have made it through without me doing anything extra.
(But I …)
Kate: “…It doesn’t hurt that much.”
Jude: “It does hurt, doesn’t it?”
Kate: “It doesn’t hurt…”
(I don’t regret chasing you.)
(That’s why… these wounds don’t hurt.)
I didn’t want to be thought of as a princess who couldn’t do anything anymore.
(Not to this arrogant, cold, lousy…person who lives in a world so different from mine.)
(I want you to recognize me.)
(I want to stand in the same place and see the world.)
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Jude: “…What’s there to be desperate about? Yer dealing with people (Crown) who hold yer life in their hands.”
Jude: “Ya shouldn’t be riskin’ yer life to save ‘em.”
Kate: “Whoever it is…letting them die would leave a bad aftertaste.”
Jude: “…Ha.”
Jude took out the key and unlocked my handcuffs.
Kate: “Hmm…”
The fingertips that traced my wounds earlier touched my wrists gently, as if teasing me, and my shoulders trembled involuntarily.
He softly strokes the edge of the wound. The ambiguous stimulation causes a sweet, fidgety tingle to well up.
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Jude: “…the bad aftertaste, I’m with ya on that.”
Kate: “Hmm…?”
The words that spilled out for a moment were strangely quiet, and I instinctively listen for them again, but,
Jude looked up, his usual, merciless smile on his face.
Jude: “Well, I don’t care how you feel.”
Jude: “You chased after me while carryin’ a chair, and the way ya looked at me when I played with yer wounds, not bad.”
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Jude: “Yer so cute, yer worth torturing.”
The cold amethyst eyes staring down at me made my heart beat like mad again.
(Compliments like this don’t make me happy at all…)
(I mean, it’s not a compliment to say I’m worth torturing in the first place.)
(And yet…)
Why does this gaze, this arrogant whisper, make my heart flutter so much?
It must be the feeling of being recognized, just a little bit.
(…I’m just still on edge from the brawl earlier.)
(I’m sure that’s it.)
Even though I want to think that, the inside of my chest is strangely hot to blame it on fear.
Jude: “If ya keep hanging around me, yer gonna get hurt worse than this.”
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Jude: “…when ya do, show me that pretty face of yers.”
I don’t know why, but my heart is disturbed by that cruel smile.
I didn’t want to admit that, so I stared back at Jude as sharply as I could.
Kate: “…I have no intention of complying with such a lousy request.”
Jude: “Ha, keep up the good work.”
Jude’s sadistic smile deepened as he arrogantly uttered,
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Jude: “If ya cried too easily, that’d be boring, wouldn’t it?”
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Premium End | Epilogue
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katlakitty · 9 months
There are 12 more chapters to go and 6 more days of posting left until my fic Together we grow will be completely posted.
So far there are 151 comments on 30 published chapters and I'm still blown away by all the feedback I've been getting on AO3 and here. The fic has 53 Kudos (aaaah!) and 1141 Hits (how, guys, how? Omg!).
I didn't expect to get a lot of attention and I'm still trying to process that y'all seem to like my story so much! I can't even state that you like it even though you keep screaming at me in the comments, I still have to add a 'seem' to that sentence. xD
Anyway, before I go off and continue to ramble about how blown away I am about your ongoing support and lovely comments, reblogs and tags - thank you!
Six more days to go to the finale! Hope you're ready for this story of Gavin and Connor to end. I'm not.
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anne-chloe · 5 months
Darling Girl
Draco Malfoy x F! Reader [With slight x Harry Potter]
Summary : [Name] Darling is the youngest daughter of Aurora and Maximus Darling - two powerful witches and wizards who aided in the downfall of The Dark Lord himself.
When [Name] turns 11, she finally gets the chance to attend Hogwarts. During her 7 years of studying and learning to become the greatest Witch possible, [Name] must overcome a series of challenges, dangerous situations and the possibility of loving the enemy.
{This story has intense slow-burn. There is basically zero love for Draco in the beginning. Some sparks of feelings half way through. And basically full blown romance at the end. There may be drabbles of some Harry x Reader, but for plot purposes.}
01 | Darling
Year One
Stepping onto the London train platform, you listened cautiously to the bustling noise. New and returning students congregated around The Hogwarts Express steam train, sharing goodbyes with their families before hustling their trunks onto the loading train.
Your palms sweated as you gripped the trolley handle with complete nerves. Your heart thumped wildly. This was it, you thought with darting eyes, taking in your surroundings, my witchcraft journey starts today.
Behind you trailed your adoring parents, both of them sharing loving whispers and laughs, unaware of their nervous child in front of them. They spoke of their fond memories at Hogwarts only a decade earlier. While they spoke, they were also oblivious to the excited whispers of the wizard community surrounding them.
"Mummy," you finally said, coming to a halt as you neared the loading bay of the train. You spun around to face your parents, hair billowing over your shoulders in a graceful manner. Your bottom lip wobbled, fear striking your chest and making it almost difficult for you to breathe.
You would be embarking on this journey alone. Without the constant support of your parents. They would be so far away, on the other side of the country. How would you possibly cope?
"Mummy," you repeated, voice trembling, "I don't know if I can do this."
Aurora paused her conversation and shared a worried stare with Maximus. Aurora moved forwards and crouched down, taking your hands into her own and rubbing her thumb in soothing circles on the backs of your hand. You relaxed at the loving touch, trying to focus your mind on the comfort.
"My darling daughter," Aurora cooed, "nobody ever achieved anything without feeling a little fear. Have faith in yourself. Explore this new chapter of freedom and growth." Her hand released yours and reached ho to touch your cheek; you melted into the caress, tears glossing over your eyes. "Write to me about your adventures, about the memories you shall make and the friendships you will form."
You straightened your back, puffing out your chest in an attempt to embody some bravery. You felt a little more eased than a few minutes prior, but your knees still felt like jelly.
Maximus crouched next to Aurora, a bright smile stretched across his face. You were in awe at how beautiful your parents looked together. "Do not fear, little darling, we might not be with you at Hogwarts, but we are always at the other end of paper and quill."
Your mother leaned forwards and placed a gentle kiss upon your forehead. "Be extraordinary," Aurora whispered, her eyes full of love and adoration.
The final whistle sounded from the conductor. Aurora and Maximus shared an excited smile before they stood to their true heights. You bid your parents one final farewell, a restored excitement and confidence urging you to board the train alongside your fellow peers.
You rushed to the nearest window and immediately peered out in search for your parents. They stood where you had left them, fully in view and crowded by many other families. They caught your stare and waved, your mother blowing kisses and your father shooting a supportive thumbs up.
And as the train began departing from the station, you found your anxiety returning. This entire journey would be new and unfamiliar. You would experience new things by yourself, and you were trying to remain positive for the uncertain future.
It was roughly ten minutes later before you finally detached from the safety of the window. The other students had settled down into cosy cabins or train carts full of tables. Everyone had found a place, meanwhile you were struggling to discover somewhere to sit. You didn't recognise anybody; anyone who briefly glanced your way didn't offer much of a friendly smile.
Then, just as you were losing hope, you came upon a slightly empty cabin. Inside sat a lone blond boy, his attention diverted outside the passing scenery through the window. He glanced up as you opened the door, his blank canvas of an expression painting into surprise. He caught his composure, a small smile lifting his mouth upwards.
"Hello," you greeted nervously, stepping into the cabin with fleeing eyes. "My name is [Name]. [Name] Darling. May I sit in here with you? Everywhere else is particularly full."
The boy gestured to the empty seat opposite him. Relieved, you sat down. Your hands fell immediately into your lap, fingers twisting nervously around.
"Draco Malloy. Your surname is familiar, have we met before?" Draco inquired with a raised brow.
You thought for a moment, scouring your memories for any recollection of ever meeting Draco before. But you couldn't think of ever seeing him, or hearing of his name. Despite this, Malloy seemed familiar, so you assumed that perhaps he was part of an upper class wizarding family.
You shrugged nonchalantly. "I don't think so. But your surname also sounds familiar, perhaps our parents are friends?" You suggested.
"Who are your parents?"
"Aurora and Maximus Darling."
At this, Draco seemed to brighten. "We should be friends," he immediately suggested, his eagerness catching you off guard. You knew your parents names would have a large influence on your social life given their status as legendary wizards, mostly due to their incredible input during The Dark Lords reign of fear. Draco stuck out his hand, and while got eyed it suspiciously for a moment, you shook his hand firmly.
"Friends," you repeated softly, enjoying how the word sounded. "Yes, I think we should be rather good friends."
As the train ride continued, you spoke with Draco about many things. Two more individuals of your age entered the cabin, joining in to the conversation. Crabbe and Goyle, as they introduced themselves, and you found them rather interesting as they sucked up to Draco. It became quickly clear that Draco knew them from before joining Hogwarts, and it was also clear that Draco was the 'leader' of their little group.
"I'm going to be in Slytherin," Draco announced into the conversation. You had been discussing almost everything you knew about Hogwarts. "Everybody in my family has been a Slytherin, so I have no doubts that I will too."
Draco then turned to you, his brow raised expectantly. "And what about you, what house do you think you'll be sorted in to?"
You shuffled in your seat. You hadn't given the sorting ceremony much thought. Your mother was a Ravenclaw while your father was a Gryffindor. Their love story was incredibly comical - your father was head over heels in love with your mother, and he chased her down with his love until she eventually caved in. Having said that, your older sister was a Slytherin, too.
"I'd be happy with any house," you finally said, much to the disdain of Draco.
Draco scoffed, rolling his eyes at your answer. "We all know Slytherin is the superior house to be sorted in to!" He smirked, then added: "but I suppose I'd even prefer Gryffindor to being sorted as a Hufflepuff."
You hummed. "What's wrong with being a Hufflepuff?"
"They're utter wimps," Draco sneered without missing a beat. "None of them have a single backbone in their body. They'd all rather run away and hide. Useless."
You fell quiet after that. You were quick to realise that Draco harboured strong opinions that he valued close to his heart. Your sister had warned you that many Hogwarts students had their opinions heavily influenced by their parents, and it seemed as though you'd witnessed one first hand.
But it also made you think about your own opinions and values - were they influenced by your parents? It surely couldn't be a complete bad thing to value your parents thoughts, because didn't they know better? They had experienced events that you hadn't, which shaped their thoughts around serious matters in the world. Your parents weren't particularly bothered about which house any of their children belonged to, and they supported the outcome regardless. They were overjoyed that Bonnie was sorted into Slytherin, expressing emphasis that anyone can achieve anything with the resources and support they are given.
Night had fallen when the train arrived at Hogsmede Station. You clambered off alongside everybody else, watching with anxious eyes as the taller students walked freely down the path that would lead them to Hogwarts. You had already started to follow them before hearing a booming voice shout: "First Years this way!", to which you changed course and followed like a lost sheep.
A giant man stood incredibly taller than you and the other students. Even compared to the older students, he would still tower above them. You admired him with a mixture of awe and fear, but you tried your hardest to not show it, instead whispering "be brave" under your breath to still your unease. Eventually, once the station had cleared out of all students, the giant man lead the awaiting first years down a rocky path, where he encouraged everyone to board the boats that were docked on a river bed.
You sat inside one of the boats alongside Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. They chatted amongst themselves while you kept your eyes glued to the castle that loomed in the closing distance, it's shadow cast large from the moon rising behind it.
Soon, you arrived at the school. Again, you blindly followed the giant towards the front of the school, where an older woman stood patiently waiting. Her eyes scanned the crowd of students carefully, as if searching for a particular face. Whether she spotted them or not, you couldn't say, because she then started to speak:
"Welcome to Hogwarts," she greeted. "I am Professor McGonagall, the Deputy Headmistress and Head of Gryffindor House..."
You eyed the witch closely. She wore robes of a stunning dark green with a pointed hat that sat proudly on her head. Her hands were folded in front of her as she spoke firmly and clearly to the group of new students.
"Now," she cleared her throat, "if you'll follow me."
The flock of students walked closely behind Professor McGonagall, most desperate to keep up with her sharp pace. Her robes billowed behind her as she gestured to many hallways and rooms that the group passed through or by, explaining what they were and what they were for. The information shot straight over your head as you scanned the intimidating halls, watching as paintings and knight statues waved, nodded and gave subtle greetings.
Standing outside large double doors, the students watched Professor McGonagall curiously as she turned to face the students once more. "Once inside we will conduct the sorting ceremony to discover which house you will belong to: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Slytherin or Ravenclaw. Your name will be called out and you will be encouraged to the front of the Hall."
While Professor McGonagall spoke, you realised Draco was suddenly speaking to another boy. His hair messy, glasses slightly too large for his face. You zoned in to their conversation curiously.
"Draco Malfoy. You'd be wise to make friends with the right sort," Draco said with his hand jutted out for the unsuspecting boy to take. "Unlike a Weasley , who would only damage your reputation."
You felt bad for the boy.
"No thanks, I think I can tell the right sorts for myself."
At this, Draco's smile morphed into a deep scowl. Before he could snap back a nasty response, Professor McGonagall clapped her hands to regain the wandering attention of the students, just in time for the doors to swing open. She gestured for the young group to follow.
You felt all eyes fall to the group. Professor Dumbledore stood at the very front of the school, looming over the podium with a sincere smile upon his face.
While walking down the centre of the hall, you discreetly tried to search for Bonnie. You found the Slytherin table with ease; the serpent insignia hanging proudly above the long table with its silver and green colours. However, names were already being summoned to the front of the hall, where students were started to be sorted, giving you less time to search for your awol sister.
"[Name] Darling."
Your attention snapped to the front. A few murmurs and whispers flew about the hall as you found yourself automatically shuffling out of the crowd of students. You blinked owlishly at the hat sitting upon the stool, it's creases morphing into some sort of grin as you came closer.
You swallowed nervously. This is it, you thought as the hat was lifted and you perched yourself onto the stool. You stared straight ahead, finding Draco's eyes staring straight back at you from the crowd. The hat settled upon your head, and you tried not to squirm under its weight.
"Ah," it spoke, it's voice sounding loud in your ears. You fought back a shiver. "Another Darling!"
You couldn't help but wonder what your sisters thoughts were at this very moment. Would she be bothered if you were sorted in to Slytherin or not? Would she care? You couldn't imagine she would seek you out after she abruptly left home midway through the summer holidays.
You desired her support for you, yet with the way she left on such a sour note, you felt as though you would have to be brave for yourself.
Be brave, you chanted, fighting back the urge to cry, be brave.
"Be brave," the sorting hat repeated, basically mocking you as you let out an audible gasp. Was it somehow reading your thoughts? You were in awe at the type of magic. "Youngest daughter of Aurora and Maximus Darling; a brilliant Ravenclaw and a daring Gryffindor... your heritage is certainly one to live up to! You're brimming with ambition, knowing what you want, but you're uncertain of how to get it. Perhaps... Hufflepuff would suit your needs? But, no, you don't entirely play fairly, which you must have inherited from your sister..."
Where was Bonnie? You searched almost desperately for her kind eyes, but found yourself only gazing in to the unreadable stares of the awaiting students, who all listened with a certain intensity to the sorting hat as it spoke of your qualities and what you lacked.
You wished your parents were here to support you. You didn't recognise any of these students. You felt almost like prey to a predator. You felt lost and alone. You needed to be brave, to have confidence in yourself - you'd already made a friend, Draco, and despite him slowly showing his truer colours as the train ride went on, you valued your friendship for him regardless.
"Interesting... very interesting indeed..."
You squirmed upon hearing the hat chuckle to your thoughts.
"Bravery. Yes, indeed you value bravery. Which is why you must be..."
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theonethatyaks93 · 1 year
A Discussion on Pinky's Sexuality/Gender (Day 3 of Pinky Week)
(Quick Note: Ahhh! Sorry about the delay on this! It's just that I've had a lot on my plate and with that new Pinky and The Brain trailer thing, I've been kind of stressed out. This is mostly because I've been trying to lower my expectations as far as they will go so I won't be disappointed or I'll be blown away. I just don't know what to think. Also, burnout is real. I'm making it all up this week, I promise!)
(Another note: I didn't expect this post to be delayed so much! Oh god! Anyways, the next few days will be a makeup week where I finally finish Pinky Week and get prepared for Brain Week coming up. This was supposed to come out last Wednesday, but I had absolutely no time! Also, I had to do a LOT of re-watching clips and research for this! Way more than I had thought. Sorry!!!)
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Hi everyone and welcome to the third day of Pinky Week! For those who are just joining me, here's the gist of what's going on. Since there's going to be a new set of Pinky and The Brain shorts on Friday and Pinky's narfday was last Saturday, I decided to dedicate an entire week to talking about Pinky. Every day, I'll be making a new post about a different aspect of him, discussing things such as his character. I've already made a happy birthday and a more personal story about Pinky so go check those out. Ok, so let's begin today's discussion.
3/22/23 Discussing Pinky's Sexuality/Gender- Listen, most of this will just serve as possible headcanons/theories on events. I personally think that Pinky is pansexual and genderfluid; obviously not everyone will agree with me. This post is just a celebration on the things that I have noticed during the course of the reboot and spin-off series. I'll be tracing his evolution from loyal assistant to best friend to possible love interest for Brain. I will also be talking about how his gender identity transitioned from an interesting little joke to a realistic and admirable portrayal of a character who's not afraid to be himself. I am trying to cover as much ground as possible so let's give it a shot.
Pinky's Sexuality: Pansexual
What Does Being Pansexual Mean?: Pansexual can be defined as a romantic attraction to male, female, and nonbinary people; so basically, you like everyone. While seemingly not as common as being gay or bisexual, pansexual characters have been getting the respect and love they deserve.
Why Does Pinky Embody Pansexuality?: Pinky being pansexual has been tossed around as a kind of fan theory for a few years. Some people think that he's bisexual (like Brain) and some think he's just straight up gay (read below section for further information). However, I fall under the group that says he's pansexual because it fits his character the best. Pinky is the kind of mouse who would love just about everyone, no matter their gender or species. His kindness for anyone knows no bounds and though his heart gets constantly broken, he always gets back up again. Pinky is always determined to support Brain in everything he does, no matter how upset his friend makes him. His unbridled affection for Brain is honestly a pretty big giveaway to Pinky not being straight in the slightest.
Could Pinky be Just Gay?: This really depends on the person you ask. If you were a new fan of the series, only starting to watch during season 3 of the reboot, then yeah. Pinky is basically gay in those final ten episodes with him never mentioning a female love interest for the first time (I think) ever. It's insane. Also, he hints at his attraction to Brain in several ways such as dressing up alongside him in feminine clothing (he didn't have to do that) and even holding his hand tightly (much to Brain's surprise). He also does that little hand gesture at least five or six times and showcases his more extravagant personality. So, my conclusion is that if you were to only watch season 3 of the reboot then Pinky is nearly 100% gay. However, when you watch the rest of the franchise, this changes his sexuality to pansexual since he has a few female attractions earlier on.
Setting Things Up (Animaniacs 1993): Below is the first time Pinky gives Brain a compliment. It's from their debut episode "Win Big."
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The first "gay stare" from the entire franchise in the episode "Where Rodents Dare."
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Although we don't get too many Brinky moments from the earliest era of the mice's existence, we do get to see that even from the beginning, Pinky really cared for Brain in many ways. He gives his friend compliments, admires his work, and even tries his best to follow his plans, (though Pinky can get distracted easily). In "Win Big" Pinky gives a seemingly content reaction when Brain pulls him by the tail. "Where Rodents Dare" gives us the first official gay stare in the series, done by Pinky after Brain talks to him about the plan. Pinky is often seen acting in a very positive way around Brain, no matter what his friend says. While this was the point in the series where the two's relationship could only be seen as a partnership/acquaintanceship, Pinky still seems to call Brain his friends without hassle. Brain seems more reserved here and is often more brash when it comes to Pinky and his behavior.
Pinky Gets Flirty (Pinky and The Brain): Below is a screenshot from the infamous "colleague" line from episode "That Smarts"
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Pinky doesn't know what to say to Brain on their "dinner date" in segment "Brain's Night Off."
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This well-known frame from segment "Beach Blanket Brain" (which coincidently is paired with the previously mentioned segment).
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A flirtatious line from "Brain Noir."
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Pinky consoles a distraught Brain in episode "You'll Never Eat Food Pellets in This Town Again."
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Pinky playing around with Brain from "Pinky's Plan."
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Pinky in his adorable sweater from "Megalomaniacs Anonymous."
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Pinky trying to save Brain from an avalanche in (one of my favorite episodes) "This Old Mouse."
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Things began to escalate quickly after the mice got their own spin-off show. Pinky's more flirty tendencies and his relationship with Brain began to grow stronger and stronger. He showcases his feelings more often here as well. For example: when Brain calls Pinky his colleague, Pinky gets all giddy and he swoons a little. When Brain compliments Pinky after his mindless TV watching proves beneficial to the plan, Pinky tells Brain to stop it as Brain's making him feel all gooshy. This moment is complete with Pinky looking flustered and there's even a music swell to compliment the entire ordeal. Pinky is shown on multiple occasions to take great pleasure in flirting or teasing Brain, giggling often. His loyalty to his friend is also shown in excess. When Pinky sees that Brain is going to perish after an avalanche in episode "This Old Mouse", he goes all the way up north to find him. Pinky does manage to save Brain, not only proving his dedication to his companion, but convincing Brain that the future can in fact be changed. Pinky even says things like "I can't lose you again" and when Brain tries to get him to leave for his own safety, Pinky repeatedly denies doing so, wanting to save Brain. It's incredibly heart-warming. In episode "Broadway Malady" Pinky sings a song after he and Brain split-apart about how much he misses him (and Brain hears the entire song and begins crying!). Pinky even gets the entire world's supply of important musical critics to watch Brain's show, much to Brain's surprise. Pinky's dedication to Brain is admirable, and the bond the two share is precious in every single way. Pinky is always there to comfort Brain in his darkest hours. He also gives meaningful gifts to his best friend including the globe keychain from the Christmas episode. Even when Snowball tries to convince Pinky to join him, he remains loyal. Despite the many flaws in their relationship, Pinky truly believes that Brain is the most important mouse in his life and he would do anything for him.
Secret Intentions (Pinky, Elmyra, and The Brain): Below is a picture of Pinky staring at Brain from "The Girl with Nothing Extra."
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Pinky imagining him and Brain as a married couple! This is from my favorite PEaTB episode "Pinky's Dream House."
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Despite being poorly received by fans, Pinky, Elmyra, and The Brain gave us a few new, very obvious signs of Pinky's possible attraction to Brain. Though he has a gained a massive sassitiude, he still maintains most of his core character traits from the spin-off. The most obvious case of a romantic hint was in the segment "Pinky's Dream House." This gives us an extensive view at Pinky's desires, which include being a housewife to Brain and living a perfect life. He even goes on to sing a song about his dream (the song is really good and well written). This is one of the most ambiguously gay moments in the entire franchise; it's actually stunning that they managed to sneak this past network censors. Pinky wants this to happen, and it isn't a version of him that is female. It's just Pinky wanting to be a housewife to Brain in one of the sweetest segments from this mixed bag of a show. Pinky's wish does come true and he does get to live with Brain for a while, but it doesn't last. It's a darn shame too because it seemed like Brain was starting to enjoy this lifestyle as well. Aside from this, there are a few cute gay stares and a compliment or two on occasion. It's really admirable how Pinky's dream of being a housewife was taken very seriously, and that he still cares for Brain's needs no matter what.
A Troubling Conflict (the Brinky vs. Pinky x Phar Fignewton feud): Below is a picture of Pinky and Phar Fignewton (you get the idea of Brinky by this point).
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Yeah, this was a thing. Back before the reboot was made and nearly everyone became a Brinky shipper, there was a small conflict within the fandom between two well-regarded ships. Brinky fans were just starting to migrate their way onto various internet platforms and the ship was gaining steam. However, there were a few people who stuck with the canon ship of Pinky x Phar Fignewton instead. Their reasoning was that the two were essentially "soulmates" with their designs being similar and their interactions all the more precious. For those who aren't aware, Phar Fignewton is a character that was introduced in the segment "Jockey for Position." She'd later appear as only a cameo in Pinky and The Brain segments "The Third Mouse" and "A Meticulous Analysis of History." She made her return in the movie Wakko's Wish, where she had a more extensive role as Pinky's love interest (or so we think). After this movie, she never appeared alongside the mice again, fading into the realm of obscure Animaniacs characters. A lot of people really liked this ship though and fanart made its way onto sites like DeviantArt. However, Pinky x Phar Fignewton fans would often denounce Brinky for interfering with their ship and Brinky fans would do the same to them. It was a giant mess. Unfortunately for the fans of the horse-mouse couple, their ship was laid to rest in non-canon during 2020 when the Animaniacs reboot came out, as she only appeared in a brief cameo. Pinky was now more focused on Brain and Brinky shippers rejoiced as the mice came close to being canon. Though many of us out there do ship Brinky, it's important to remember our fallen alternate ship and the cuteness it brought us. Brinky did win in the end, taking a lot of Pinky x Phar Fignewton shippers away from their previous ship and into a larger group of the fandom.
Put to the Side: (Reboot Season 1): Below is Pinky staring at Brain yet again from "Ex-Mousina" (I wanted to put the cute moment from "Future Brain" here but I think it's more suited to Brain rather than Pinky).
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This adorable exchange from episode "Babysitter's Flub."
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Here we are, the Animanics reboot. This is where Pinky's sexuality stops being questioned and instead becomes somewhat confirmed. Much to the delight of many people, Pinky's interactions with Brain become a lot less platonic as the series goes along; there are also less straight routes to fall down as well. However, things didn't kick into shape until later seasons. Cute Pinky and Brain moments were put to the side in exchange for focusing on re-introducing the mice to a modern audience in season one. There wasn't a complete non-existence as we got a few adorable stares and even a near-kiss (wait until we get to Brain Week to hear about that one!). The mice did have their fair share of gay scenes such as the X and O confusion bit from "Babysitter's Flub" and the ending of "Future Brain" where Pinky saves Brain from falling into a portal. Pinky's loyalty to Brain is stronger than ever, with Brain being the one that has to go through the test in his relationship with Pinky. Sure Pinky feels a twinge of jealousy when Brain essentially abandons him for a robot, but that ends up in complete disaster. While this season did a great job of re-establishing their relationship, Pinky's presence as a character had to be sacrificed. He barely has any major roles in these first segments, almost seeming like a side or background character at times. He still proves to have a close bond with Brain, always listening to his feelings and offering comfort. Luckily, better things were on the horizon.
New Developments: (Reboot Season 2): Below is a picture of an underrated embrace from "Narf Over Troubled Water."
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An extremely popular moment from "Happy Narfday."
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Pinky caught gay staring YET AGAIN in "Wakkiver Twist." (It never ends!)
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Hand holding from episode "Narf Over Troubled Water." (This episode just has too many moments to count!)
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This season managed to blow everyone's expectations out of the water. Not only did we get more undeniable moments of Pinky showcasing his possible feelings for Brain, but Brain seemed to recuperate those affections. Pinky was more used here, him having at least four times as many gay moments as he did in the previous season. He often lovingly gazes at Brain, gives him tight embraces, holds his hand, and even mentions attending a traffic light party and wearing yellow, seemingly implying that he doesn't entirely know what their is relationship at this point. The number of moments in season 2 that made people scream in delight are nearly impossible to count. Here are a few notable ones. In "Backwards Pinky", Pinky often makes vaguely flirtatious comments about Brain, to which Brain responds in annoyance. In "The Flawed Couple", Pinky is seen in the first pilot playing a housewife to Brain in a similar situation to "Pinky's Dream House." Pinky's loyalty to Brain comes full circle in "Run Pinky Run" where he would do anything to save his best friend. "Happy Narfday" probably has some of the most obvious interactions including Pinky calling Brain "darling", Pinky moving Brain around and holding his hand, and even an adorable hug at the segment's end. Pinky compliments Brain and makes pleasant statements to him in "Plight of Hand" and "Mouse Madness"; in the former, he even fights against his own hands in order to save Brain. "Narf Over Troubled Water" was probably the most famous episode when it came to Brinky moments. There was just so much to comprehend at once; it's extremely difficult to try and mark down it all. Pinky comforting Brain after he starts doubting himself, Pinky coming back for Brain after their split-up, and that ENTIRE ending sequence were the most noticeable. These moments were impactful to Pinky's character as they showed his displays of affection and kindness and that their co-dependent relationship was not only important but entirely necessary to the franchise.
Pinky's Sexuality Confirmed? (Reboot Season 3): Below is a picture of Pinky posing in a seductive manner while Brain watches in annoyance. From the segment "How The Brain Thieved Christmas."
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A clip of Pinky kissing Brain from "Groundmouse Day!"
A picture of a picture of Pinky kissing Brain from "How to: Friendship."
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Pinky holds Brain by the shoulders in an attempt to steady him. From "How The Brain Thieved Christmas."
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Pinky after Brain mentions the current situation being "too romantic." He heavily implies that he thinks that he and Brain are also in a romantic situation. I'm not kidding! From segment "Royal Flush."
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Pinky is so proud of Brain for taking over the world. From episode "Groundmouse Day."
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Pinky touches Brain's image on the screen in an precious manner! From "How to: Friendship."
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Pinky holds Brain's hand tightly after destroying AI Julia (the entire moment will be shown when we get to Brain Week!). From episode "All's Fair in Love and Door."
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Season three had easily the most on-the-nose segments when it came to hints at Brinky. This is also the season that confirmed to a lot of people that Pinky was not straight. In fact, if you were only to watch this season and nothing else, Pinky could be considered gay. Not only does he never mention a female love interest but he seems to have taken his flirty and more romantic tendencies with Brain to another level. There is an intimate interaction between the mice in every single episode, whether it be settle or extremely suggestive and obvious. Pinky in particular starts to showcase his feelings in a more outrageous way. These moments are just precious. In the first few segments, Pinky is seen doing various things, including staring at Brain, rubbing his head when he gets stressed, touching Brain's image on a screen, envisioning Brain in the stars, making an adorable macaroni photo of him kissing Brain, implying that he thinks that he and Brain are having a romantic moment, relying on Brain to calm him down in a car, and resting his head on Brain's head. The second half of the season showcases Brain seemingly responding to these actions in a not so settle manner (at least from an audience perspective). From Pinky kissing Brain goodnight in one of the most hyped-up moments from the entire reboot to Pinky getting somewhat jealous and hurt when he sees that Brain was married to Julia in an alternate world, these precious scenes come in abundance. The final four episodes contain more development for Brain than Pinky, but they're still noteworthy. In "All's Fair in Love and Door", Pinky looks very surprised when Brain sacrifices himself to save Pinky from AI Julia. After Pinky saves Brain in the end, he even holds Brain's hand tightly, much to the latter's surprise. "How The Brain Thieves Christmas" was more of an exploration of Brain than Pinky, but the taller mouse has some fun moments. He poses "seductively" in front of Brain when modeling for the toy. Pinky gives Brain a meaningful gift: the thing he needed to take over the world. Pinky even says "love you!" to Brain in a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment in the second part. The ending was also quite sweet with Pinky making a ton of gay stares and starting lots of embraces with Brain. In "International Mouse of Mystery", the whole song shows Pinky dropping essentially compliments towards his friend. Pinky also seemingly wants Brain to kiss him at one point, only for Brain to throw him away. Pinky is almost definitely at least some form of LGBTQ+ at this point, due to his relationship with Brain being very strong. Seeing these kinds of interactions between best friends, male best friends nonetheless, is interesting and unique. It makes their friendship/possible romantic relationship all the more special and this is why they have an extensive fanbase of people who really care for them.
Pinky is a Genderfluid Icon (An Overview from "Noah's Lark" to "International Mouse of Mystery"): Below is the very first time we see Pinky in a dress from segment "Noah's Lark" from the original Animaniacs.
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Pinky in a dress inspired by the movie Gone With the Wind in episode "Brainie the Poo"
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A collection of Pinky's many outfits from the Animaniacs reboot. These are from episodes "Mouse Congeniality", "Royal Flush", and "International Mouse of Mystery."
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Pinky is honestly one of the most influential and important characters when it comes to gender identity and just being yourself, at least in the modern media. The running "joke" of him wearing dresses went from being a little gag in various episodes to being an actual part of his personality, revealing that it is something he enjoys quite a lot. And no one every belittles him for his decisions, especially Brain, who only gets annoyed with Pinky's actions rather than his appearance. In fact during some segments, Brain seems to have a reaction to Pinky's looks, especially in "Mouse Congeniality." While many characters characters have cross-dressed in old cartoon such as Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, they were usually to evade the capture of a foe. Pinky does this in a lot of plans, sometimes because he wants to, other times because it's necessary for the plan to work. He didn't have to dress up in "Royal Flush", but he chose to do so. That's amazing. He also doesn't dislike being referred to by she/her pronouns. At first, things didn't start out so revolutionary. Pinky's first time in a dress was in the Animaniacs segment "Noah's Lark." Rather than looking sophisticated, he looks like he's only wearing this as a disguise to go along with Brain's plan to sneak onto the ark. It's portrayed in a silly way, as if Pinky was forced to do this. He does this again in episode "Meet John Brain" when he tries to play the role of Brain's first lady. When the spin-off series was introduced, Pinky's feminine side was exposed in a more natural, less comical way. The dresses he wore were more elaborate, more colorful, and cuter. He'd be seen playing with lipstick in episode "Of Mouse and Man", showing that this was something he did for fun. After that, he can often be seen in dresses during various parody episodes, often playing the female character. He also posed as a female in episode "My Feldmans My Friends" alongside Brain as his spouse. However, in the song "The Really Great Dictator", Pinky is seen in a pink dress in what has become one of his most beloved appearances in dress. Not only does he not wear any makeup or wig for the very first time, but in the context of the song, Pinky didn't have to wear a dress at all. It was his personal decision, rather than one made by force. Despite wearing a ton of dresses, Pinky could rock the masculine wardrobe as well, being seen in suits, tuxedoes, sweaters, and swim trunks throughout the series. In Pinky, Elmyra, and The Brain, Pinky would add more outfits and looks to his collection including he (and Brain!) wearing lipstick and earrings, a Hansen inspired getup, and of course, the well-known headscarf and apron from "Pinky's Dream House" which was discussed earlier. Pinky in dresses would become a popular part of the fandom; however no one was prepared for the glory that would be given in the reboot, around 22 years after Pinky was last seen in feminine clothing.
The reboot would give us incredible moments when it came to Pinky as a character. He could finally be himself and showcase all his marvelous beauty. The first instance of Pinky in an outfit was in season 2 episode "The Flawed Couple" where Pinky is seen in typical housewife attire for a parody of the show The Honeymooners. His most iconic, popular, and recognizable dress was in the episode "Mouse Congeniality" where Pinky joins in a beauty pageant to help Brain in a plan for world domination. Pinky outfit here goes all out, even to the point where Brain is impressed with his work. Pinky is seen here in a blonde wig, has purple eye shadow, long eyelashes, lipstick, a pink dress with sash, long pink gloves, and high-heeled shoes. This is perhaps his most elaborate outfit to date, with him sporting a completely new and impressive appearance. He is also seen in a few alternate costumes including a bikini (finally!) and a baby costume (I don't know you guys). Pinky even manages to win the pageant, albeit not by vote. Him winning the pageant is a very heartfelt and genuinely happy moment. Pinky stating that he wanted to be the most beautiful human woman on the planet was so precious and sweet. It also offers a great look at Pinky, showing that cross-dressing is something he genuinely enjoys and wishes to do. Even though he doesn't wear another dress throughout the rest of the season, Pinky will sometimes randomly have eyelashes or act in a feminine manner. It's so adorable. In season 3, Pinky continues to push and break boundaries, blessing us with two new looks, though they are similar to his previous outfit in "Mouse Congeniality." In "Royal Flush", Pinky is wearing a red version of his previous dress along with purple long gloves, high heels, and another blonde wig. In a few scenes towards the beginning, Pinky has eyelashes. However as the segment continued along, those disappeared permanently, leaving him again without any makeup. He still looks incredible though. It's quite intriguing to see Pinky without makeup in a dress because that hasn't been seen since the 90's. His final outfit comes from the segment "International Mouse of Mystery", which has also gotten some attention after a frame from this cold-opening was leaked in early February 2023. This outfit contains elements of the previous two looks with Pinky wearing a red dress, though it's a darker shade, having dark purple eyeshadow, eyelashes, lipstick, high heels, and a red wig. It's really cute how he tries to play the Bond girl seen in a lot of spy films and he looks really good. Throughout, the entire song portion (Pinky has an angelic voice), Pinky is seen in his getup with Brain even "saving" him at one point. It's super cool that even though three different studious animated these episodes (Digital eMation, Titmouse, Saerom), the dresses and design remained consistent. Though it would've been nice to see Pinky get more dresses to wear, the ones he got proved to be good enough to leave an impact on the community. Every time Pinky is seen in a dress, he's treated with an enormous amount of respect and is showered with praise from all angles. He is a genderfluid icon, and can be inspiring to people in the ways he expresses himself in such a natural way. Even if this show is forgotten, there remains some hope that Pinky will be remembered as an important figure in the realm of gender identity and positivity.
Conclusion: Overall, Pinky exemplifies true greatness when it comes to representation in the LGBTQ+ community. Even though things started off in a nuanced manner, things began to become more obvious as the series went along. Pinky began to showcase his feminine side, wearing dresses and makeup for enjoyment. His apparent attraction to Brain becomes more exaggerated in the reboot. It's so wonderful to see this kind of character in our ever-changing world. Even though most of this involves things that haven't been outright confirmed, it's still important to look though all this change and growth. There are a lot of individuals out there who could and do latch onto Pinky, including myself. While he may seem like a surface-level mouse at first, if you take a deeper look, you may find that he's not as simple as he appears. I hope you took something from this, whether it be some random person on Tumblr charting Pinky's relationship with Brain and with his character growth, or a bit of information you never knew. I look forward to continuing Pinky Week in high spirits. I'll be focusing on specific moments of character development in the next three installments, so be prepared. Anyways, have a great day and/or night and I'll see you next time! Narf!
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negativepeanuthoarder · 3 months
yeah i think fandom accs and maybe some ccs from the UK group might be using this to turn attention away from the other stuff (qsmp employess and beau situation) but not caiti Friends themselfs. They problably are just using the situation for clout more than to hide anything bc i Saw them say gnf and dream's names more than caiti's every time they talk about this and not Even once try to talk about her as a cc and send support to her projects
I think it's a scummy situation all around tbh. Caiti seems genuinely hurt and George isn't at fault and instead of everyone coming together to help support them both in finding peace with their own experiences...
...they need to fight over whether or not Dream and George should be taken to the vet and put down and ignore the abuse in their OWN circles because that would mean acknowledging that this situation isn't black and white and sometimes bad things happen to innocent people without anyone being at fault.
Idk if it's a clout thing - obviously that's a possibility but it seems more likely that it's the twitter culture of 'supporting victims means endlessly harassing abusers' then it is 'these people are intentionally being dingdongs for clout'!
The worst part is that this situation being blown so far out of control is that Caiti's reputation as well as George's is ENTIRELY ruined. She's never going to get invited to creator parties again, because people won't be able to trust her, a lot of ccs who aren't already close to her will likely distance themselves to avoid getting caught in a sticky situation. Don't even get me started on that text and how it potentially being faked has already lead to people ripping into her and her story like vampires searching for blood.
On top of all this I don't even know wtf Caiti even does!? I wasn't familiar with her or her content beforehand and all I know is that she's a streamer. I don't know what she streams, I don't know who she streams with, what her content looks like, etc, because so many people have taken this as an opportunity to shred George instead of uplifting Caiti as anyone other then 'helpless victim at the whims of evil man :(('
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senorabond · 5 months
Psst - Chapter 7 is coming!
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I'm so excited!! I've finalllllyyyyy finished chapter 7! I'll be posting it either tonight or tomorrow; I can't decide if I want to give people some recovery from last night's Primetime Emmys or not.
I'm still having so much fun with this story, and this chapter was no exception. It's much plottier than usual, but I had to get these lumps moving somehow, and it feels like we're entering Act 2 (if I had actually bothered to outline a 3-Act plot). More of my musings below the cut.
I'm learning so much about writing through this experience, which feels like a dream come true. Not just writing in general, but my own style of writing, my process, what works/doesn't work for me (and my ADHD), and so on. The caliber of writing in this fandom, the spiciness (!!!), it's all so inspiring.
To put things into context, this series is a lot of firsts for me: the first time I've written in the Pedroverse, the first I've ever posted this much of my own writing online to share, the first I've ever stuck with a fic idea for this long, and the first time I've ever written any kind of series at ALL. My ADHD, anxiety, chronic health conditions, and lack of self-confidence have all been obstacles I'll just have to learn to work around (or over, under, alongside).
The response I've received to this story has been overwhelming, and overwhelmingly positive. I've been brought to tears by the support, encouragement, and kindness I've received so far. Every now and then I'm still blown away that people are actually reading this, enjoying it, and recommending it! (Thank you, @morallyinept!!)
And I don't intend to stop! I've got a running list of fic ideas, and I'm excited to experiment with different Pedro characters and really challenge myself.
But for now, we're stuck with Rumor Has It! I don't want to ruin the momentum I've got going with the series and story line. That being said, if my ADHD isn't getting the dopamine hits it needs I might try switching it up with a one-shot or drabble to keep things interesting. @kilamonster - gird your loins, I'm still dying to write that Pikeford (Marcus Pike x Tim Rockford) fic dedicated to you.
I hope you all enjoy Chapter 7!
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maybankiara · 7 months
summary: Addie Mallory is just your average economics student when she meets Drew Starkey at her local Target in Atlanta. This is where the story is supposed to end – a short meeting and a picture to go – except Drew accidentally leaves with the wrong phone, and the story begins, instead. w/c: 3.3k a/n: addie and holden having a sweet moment at last...or are they? read on wattpad previous part | series masterlist
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Virgin Mary | 3:47am what are the odds on this being a big mistake
Me | 8:02am 0:1000000000 Me | 8:02am stop freaking out, you’ll be fine
Virgin Mary | 8:30am Addie Virgin Mary | 8:30am i am going to Tom’s Virgin Mary | 8:31 amfor all of the fucking holidays 😩
Me | 8:35am Marianne Me | 8:36am my beloved Me | 8:36am you said you wanted this, you said that this is the best for your relationship, you said that this was the right thing to do Me | 8:36am and Tom said he wants to take this step Me | 8:37am you’re just scared bc it’s a big deal
Virgin Mary | 8:38am AND WHAT ABOUT IT 😡
Me | 8:40am it’s okay to be scared Me | 8:40am but you’ll be fine ❤ Me | 8:40am let me know when you land
Virgin Mary | 8:42am supportive bitch Virgin Mary | 8:42am ❤
It’s evening time at the Weatherby-Mallory residence, and there are nearly half a dozen’s worth of cups scattered over the living room. Some are on the TV stand, next to a framed photo of the roommates and their friend group that Wes got Marianne for her birthday; some are next to the wall, far enough to avoid potential spills; and some are on the coffee table, nearly hidden between pages and pages of files, all compiled into little folders with corners sticking out.
  It would be an ordinary evening for Addie, except this tends to be the setting of her bedroom, not the living room. With Marianne gone for the next few weeks, though, Addie’s life has already consumed even the shared areas of the flat, and Addie finds herself to be a bit spoiled by the newfound commodity – she doesn’t see how that tiny space was ever enough for this much work. Although, now there are Holden’s files, folded away between and over and under her own, so she may be overestimating it a little.
  Her phone dings, somewhere in the pile. She drops down from the couch, a little ungracefully – her foot gets stuck in the pillow and she nearly kicks Holden’s shin tugging it out. He chuckles and she groans, and then she’s rummaging through the files until she finds the phone, its screen still lit from Marianne’s text.
  ‘They landed!’
  ‘Oh, good,’ says Holden.
  ‘Mhm. I’ll tell her you say hi.’
  Addie’s fingers are fast at typing, even though she needs to fix a typo here and there. She asks Marianne how the flight was – it’s always a necessary question, seeing as Marianne likes flights just about as much as Addie likes clowns. Maybe even less. The one time they’d flown together to Boston, Marianne had a full-blown panic attack during one of the turbulences and Addie spent the rest of the flight trying to calm her down.
  But it’s good, she tells herself. She had Tom with her.
  (Or that’s why it wouldn’t be good, her thoughts say, and she shoves them away.)
  ‘You look worried.’
  Addie huffs. ‘I’m not.’
  ‘You sure?’
  She glances at her phone once more before putting it down, on yet another pile of papers still needing to be looked at. She gets back up on the couch, draws the fuzzy scarlet blanket back over herself, then pulls her knees close to her chest; Holden’s eyes don’t leave hers.
  ‘I don’t know,’ she admits. ‘Should I be? I mean, Marianne and Tom… You know they’ve not been on the best of terms. Even if Marianne says things are better now.’ She lets out a little sigh, stretching her legs across the couch, almost far enough to touch Holden’s thighs. ‘I hope they don’t kill each other.’
  ‘They’ll be fine,’ he says. Addie half expects him to put a reassuring hand on her leg—it feels like one of those moments—but he doesn’t. ‘They have their ups and downs, but so does everybody.’
  ‘Yeah, but this will either make or break their relationship.’
  ‘I thought you said they’ve been doing better since after her birthday.’
  ‘They are,’ she says. She pulls her legs back, wrapping her arms around them and resting her head on her knees. ‘I just don’t know if that’s enough.’
  ‘Still, it’s more than likely that this will improve things between them.’ He gives a smile that’s both soft and the sort of smile you give when you’ve said all there is to say about something. ‘Come on, work will distract you from worrying about them.’
  Addie bites her lip. ‘Yeah.’
  His gaze drops and he’s fully immersed into a Balance Sheet that Patty asked them to look at. His red pen is quick to run across the paper, and it’s as if any thought of Marianne and Tom has already vanished from his head. 
  She tells herself that Holden’s right. She’s too subjective. 
  But she doesn’t manage to convince herself of that, nor does she manage to get back to work. The papers are staring at her – notes upon notes of information about a client’s accounts and receipts of purchases of property involved, as he is suing a property investment company for scamming him out of about a hundred grand. At this point, Addie’s looked over the case so much that the numbers are starting to merge, the calculations are dancing on the page, and some of them even look like the letters M and T until she blinks it away.
  Usually, Addie loves catching scammers. She loves fighting for the good side. She loves when she can be crunching numbers and putting them into actual economic trends of property values and similar – but it’s just not coming to her. 
  So she puts the papers back on the coffee table, picks up her mug, instead. 
  ‘They were arguing a lot last night,’ Addie says and waits for Holden to look up at her before continuing. ‘He came over because they were leaving together and I heard them yelling all the way from my room. Neither of them really wanted to go like this, but they bought the tickets back in, like, October. Before all this shit went down. And they didn’t want to waste them.’
  Holden glances down at the papers, then back at her. ‘Is that the only reason why they went? Because of the tickets?’
  ‘I don’t know. That’s what Marianne hinted at, but I still think they’re both hoping for fresh air to do them some good.’
  ‘What do you mean, fresh air?’
  ‘Metaphorically,’ she explains. ‘Different country, different setting, different circumstances. I spoke to Tom the other day and that’s kind of what he said, too. Changing where they are might be the thing they need.’
  ‘That’s not really how things work, though.’
  ‘Why not?’ Addie cocks her head. ‘They’re getting a new perspective on their relationship. Taking the next step, with her meeting his family.’
  Holden lowers the files onto his lap, running his hands through his hair. SHe knows that look—the I’m going to give you all my attention now look—and waits for his eyes to meet hers, heavy and unwavering. He takes a deep breath before he speaks, his lips shut tight until he’s ready, and she’s seen him do this so many times before. Always before he says something he’s convinced is right about.
  So Addie is waiting. Expecting. Not sure what she’s going to hear. 
  ‘Look, you can’t fix a relationship that’s not really going anywhere,’ Holden says, at last. ‘Both people need to put the effort in. To be the people they need to be in this relationship, for the other person. You can change the environment the relationship’s in, sure, and maybe it works for a while, but it doesn’t change that if they’re not a good fit, they’re not a good fit. Marianne keeps the issues between them from you for a reason, and that’s because she knows the truth.’
  He gives her a tight-lipped smile and then his eyes and hands are back on the file in his lap; if Addie wasn’t a part of the conversation, she could’ve been fooled that it hadn't happened. Over. Just like that.
  ‘Well, I think they’re a good fit. They care about each other enough to at least try to be the partner they need to be for one another.’
  Holden glances at her, but doesn’t say anything other than ‘Fair’.
  Addie just stared at him.
  ‘I’m going to make myself a cup of tea,’ she says, getting herself out of the blanket. ‘You want some?’
  ‘Sure,’ says Holden, not looking up from the paper he’s scribbling notes on.
  The walk to the kitchen is brisk. It’s a little bit chilly out of the blanket, and she thinks she should probably turn the heating up a little – but the tea will warm her up enough. She fills the kettle and turns it on, rubbing her upper arms as she leans against the countertop. The sight of snowflakes moving in the wind past her window makes it feel even chillier.
  Addie’s mind replays Holden’s words, over and over again, as she hears the papers rustling in the living room. She wonders if he’s right – if she’s just hopeful and naive, thinking that her best friend could come out of this victorious. Marianne is fighting for it. Tom is fighting for it. They’re trying, and Addie feels like that’s the bit that Holden is missing. They’re not just accepting the status quo – they’re trying to find the issues and fix them. 
  Or, really, Addie is starting to think that it’s the effort to be the right person for someone that is worth more in a relationship than just being the right match from the beginning. It’s about growth, and most importantly, growing with the person. 
  That is why she thinks Marianne and Tom will stick it out. Will see how far they’ve come when all the worries are stripped away, once in England, and why they’ll be able to bring it back all the way to Atlanta. 
  The kettle brews to a halt, steaming their kitchen window until she can no longer discern the snowflakes. She thinks of Drew, and how excited he was for the snow, and wishes she could go out and have fun in it – anything not to have to think about things. 
  She doesn’t think Holden would be too keen on it, though, so she abandons the idea. Really, maybe it’s a good thing. It’s the most productive she’s been in ages, only coming to the kitchen to brew tea or coffee, or eat, in between hours-long bursts of working on cases. She’s burned through more tea in the past few days Holden’s been here than she has in months, it feels like, but she’s also burned through as many cases. She can’t think of the last time she was so productive. 
  Or so tired.
  Addie calls out to Holden. She pours water into the mugs, one for his coffee, and one for her tea (she doesn’t think she’ll ever fully forgive Marianne for getting her so addicted to tea when coffee is right. there.) and get back to work in the living room. Everything ends with getting back to work.
  If she gets all the work for the internship done today, she could spend the next few days focusing solely on fixing up the loose threads from her thesis, and then hopefully things will remain at a constant level and she’ll manage to get everything done and over with before she goes home.
  Her plane ticket is booked for less than two weeks from today, yet she can hardly picture herself coming home. She’s not been since last Christmas, and even though her family came to visit back in May, it’s not the same. She was working on her Master’s, even then, and maybe Addie is just a little bit tired of working.
  ‘We’re having tea in the kitchen,’ she announces. ‘We need a break.’ 
  Holden argues they can keep working. Addie reiterates her statement, holding the mug to her chest, and he drags himself into the kitchen a few moments later, frowning at her lazily as he leans his side on the doorframe.
  ‘What’s the long face for?’ Addie asks.
  ‘We have a lot of work to do.’
  ‘Yeah, but we also deserve fifteen minutes of not doing it.’ She nods towards the dinner table, where his coffee sits, steaming. ‘Fifteen minutes for a cup of coffee won’t kill you.’
  He walks over to the table with a defeated sigh and Addie follows. He takes a sip and huffs at the temperature, and she can’t help but laugh as she holds her hands over the steam of her tea – and when he blushes, she presses her palms to his cheeks. 
  ‘Addie,’ he says, smiling. ‘Your palms are wet.’
  Addie just shrugs. ‘They’re also really warm.’
  ‘They always are.’
  ‘No,’ she says, ‘they’re always cold when I’m working because my blood circulation is terrible and stress makes it worse.’
  His hands are over hers for a couple of moments before he brings them all down, and she’s back to holding her tea. Her thoughts grow calmer and the tea warms her up on the inside as much as it warms her hands – Addie feels lighter. Watches the snow fall, and enjoys the moment of peace.
  ‘I’m really excited to get home,’ she says, feeling a smile coming on. ‘My sister, Liyah said she’s got a bunch of things planned for us and my dad apparently has a list of things he wants to teach me before I’m gone again.’
  ‘Things like?’
  ‘Cooking, I think. Even though I have Marianne for that – or, actually, probably because of that. Probably car stuff, too.’
  ‘What, like changing a tyre?’
  ‘Ha-ha. Very funny.’
  Holden shrugs, like he’s trying to say he had to do it. Even the self-satisfied grin is starting to break through, and she can’t help but smile back.
  ‘He wants me to get a car,’ she explains. ‘To be less dependent on other people and public transport.’
  ‘That’s not a bad idea.’
  ‘But I like public transport,’ Addie argues. She thought she knew that – that he’d be on her side in this. ‘It’s better for the environment.’
  ‘That’s a fair point.’ He glances around the kitchen. ‘You’ve still got leftover lasagne from Marianne left before she left, right?’
  Addie nods, accepting that the conversation is over. ‘You wanna heat some up?’
  Holden nods and she spends the next few minutes watching him struggle with navigating his way around the kitchen. It’s amusing, really, and she doesn’t feel bad about it – she laughs into her cup every single time he tries to find anything, and looks for it in the wrong place at least five times first.
  ‘I don’t know if I’m going to stay home for long,’ he says then, once the oven’s on and the lasagne is finally heating up. There’s an expression on his face that Addie doesn’t recognise – heavy. Conflicted. ‘My brother’s in his teenage destruction arc and it’s driving my dad crazy.’
  ‘Shouldn’t you help him out?’
  ‘He can handle it better than I could, even with his Parkinsons.’
  Addie finds herself staring at him, comprehending this information – information that she feels like should’ve come up at least once in their just-under-two months of being together. ‘Your dad has Parkinsons?’
  ‘Early stages,’ he says. ‘It’s not really a big deal. They caught it early and he’s on medication, so he’s doing alright.’
  ‘You never said.’
  ‘Didn’t think it was important.’
  ‘Holden, it’s your dad.’ She waits for him to say something, but he’s just staring at his cup. ‘I feel like that’s more of a reason for you to stay longer. To help him out.’
  Holden sighs. He leans back into the chair and she feels his legs brush hers before finding their own space under the table. ‘He’s been going fine. Jack’s only fourteen, so it’s not that bad. Besides, if I’m home and having to look after Jack, I can’t concentrate on work. I can’t risk the quality of my work dropping because of that. Don’t want to reduce my chances of Grubson giving me the job at the end.’
  Addie didn’t even know that was what he wanted – but she doesn’t have the energy to deal with another bombshell. ‘It’s nice that you’re so determined and hardworking, and it’s one of the things I like about you most. But at the end of the day, no one should put work over people they care about.’
  ‘Well,’ he says, slowly, as if choosing words carefully. ‘Work’s what puts bread on my table.’
  Addie’s jaw clenches. ‘Work won’t be by your side if things go sideways and you need someone to help you out.’
  Holden has a confused face, then frowns. ‘Am I meant to read between the lines?’
  ‘No, I’m not—I wasn’t talking about us,’ she clarifies, feeling her heart thumping in her chest. ‘I was talking about choosing work over family.’
  ‘Right,’ he says.
  He doesn’t say anything else. Addie wishes he would.
  The oven timer runs out and he tends to the lasagne, leaving her to ruminate in her own thoughts. She refuses to – she’s thinking about Holden’s relationship with his family and his work, the fact that he hasn’t felt like sharing the fact that his single father has Parkinsons and a teenage son to look after, or the fact that he wants to stay at Grubson, even though she thought he’d said it wasn’t where he could put his degree to best use. But money talks, and so does stability, and Addie feels like she neglects to think that’s one of the most important things for people who grew up in unstable households like he has. 
  They eat the lasagne and her thoughts don’t shut up. 
  ‘So,’ he says, ‘have you found any evidence of the scam in the Magellan v The State case yet?’
  ‘I don’t feel like talking about work,’ she says.
  He helps her clean up the kitchen once they’re finished and tells her to thank Marianne for making the lasagne. They’re back to work, but Addie’s motivation is long gone, and it’s taking a lot more effort than it should to get things done. To read. To make notes. To sit by Holden and bite her tongue before she asks questions that’ll probably reveal more things he hasn’t told her. 
  She glances out of the window and notices the sky’s gotten too dark to see the snowflakes anymore. Her heart clenches, and she realises she’s done. She’s tired. The kind of tired that tries to drag you down with gravity and not let you get up until a year has gone by.
  ‘I’m going to bed,’ she announces. ‘I can’t think anymore.’
  Holden looks up from the heap of papers he’s holding, taking out the pen from between his lips. ‘That’s fine, I was thinking about going home soon anyway.’
  ‘I thought you were staying another night?’
  ‘Yeah, sorry,’ he says. ‘I need to keep working, and I don’t want to bother you..’
  Addie lets out a surprised chuckle. ‘Don’t be ridiculous. You’re not bothering me. You can keep working in the living room as long as you want, I don’t mind.’
  ‘Yeah…’ he looks around, then leans forward and kisses her on the lips. ‘It’s better I go. If I stay, I’ll just want to join you, and I’ve got too much left to do.’
  ‘Okay,’ she says. He kisses her again, and she feels her cheeks heating up.
  In the end, she walks him out, and lies in bed alone, knowing she’s going to be alone in the entire flat, and she’s going to wake up alone, too. Thinking about everything Holden said. Think about the things he didn’t. Not only that, but Marianne is on the other side of the planet, and Addie is unable to do anything if things take a turn for the worse.
  It’s not a good feeling.
most people on the taglist have left/changed their urls, so lmk if you’d like to be tagged in future chapters!
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archiveikemen · 20 days
Morganatic Idol Prologue: Chapter 8
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. All original content and media used belongs to Cybird. Please support the game by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Warnings and FAQ
The members of exe Creed were gathered behind Sakura.
Hitaki: Oops. I was hoping we could get closer to her.
Miu: What the heck, our talk was going well.
Rina: E-Everyone…!
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Ivy: Huh? Aren’t you that girl from just now?
Jace: The staff member from Aegis? Why are you here?
Rina: Um, Mr Sakura brought me here…
Finn: What’s this about?
Hugh: … Who?
Sakura: She’s an employee of Aegis. She did a presentation of her project plan earlier today. 
Xeno: … It doesn’t matter who she is. Why did you have to specially gather us here?
Sakura: Because the young lady has some things she has to say to us no matter what it takes. … Right?
(Right, I’m here to redeem myself for what happened today…!)
Rina: I sincerely apologise for my actions earlier today during my presentation! 
I gave them a vigorous bow. 
Rina: I said some disrespectful things… such as calling everyone cold and lifeless.
Jace: … Huh? Is that what you wanted to say?
Finn: You came all the way here just because of that?
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Ivy: Raise your head. We don’t mind about those things.
Rina: That’s not all. … There’s also the drinks.
Hugh: … Drinks?
Xeno: What about them? 
Rina: It was me who bought the drinks given to you during the presentation.
Finn: Oh. That big bag of stuff.
Rina: At that time, I didn’t ask who our guests were. I only did as instructed and bought hot coffee from a cafe.
Rina: But…
Rina: First of all, Xeno’s favourite coffee is a special blend from the high-end cafe ‘Delta’ in Ginza.
Rina: Ivy isn’t a fan of black coffee and prefers a latte, right?
Rina: Rather than coffee, Jace prefers to drink black tea.
Rina: Finn prefers iced coffee over hot coffee.
Rinn: Hugh only drinks sweet coffee with milk.
Rinn: The drinks I bought were entirely different from everyone’s preferences.
Rinn: Had I known beforehand that our guests were exe Creed, I would’ve made better preparations… 
Ivy: You’re amazing. That information was never officially revealed, and yet you managed to know our preferences so well.
Nagi: Are you a fan of exe Creed?
Rinn: No, sorry… I’m not into idols.
Rinn: I did a thorough data collection because of this project plan. So…
Miu: Hmph, so that’s what happened. No wonder she knew exe Creed well, but had never heard of us.
Finn: You researched us to that extent for your project planning?
Hitaki: I see. You’re a hard worker, it seems.
Hugh: … This is bad.
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Xeno: …
Rina: I noticed during the presentation that no one touched their drinks. I’m really sorry. 
Xeno: … A trivial matter. There’s no need to go that far over drinks.
Ivy: Don’t say it like that. She’s just being considerate of us.
Hugh: … Excessively considerate. … Thank you, regardless…
Jace: Fufu, girls who take good care of others are nice.
Finn: You’re weird. You even bother about that? 
Sakura: This shows how sincere she is about the project planning.
Sakura: … Miss Kawanaga, do you want to make this plan a success?
Rina: Yes! 
Sakura: exe Creed only accepts projects they personally approve of.
Sakura: Therefore, I’m giving you this special opportunity to directly talk them into approving your plan.
Rina: Um… I’m very honoured. But why are you giving me such an opportunity?
Sakura: The reason is… this.
The item Sakura took out was…
(Is that… my memo that was blown away by the wind previously!?)
5 notes · View notes
tillthelandslide · 2 years
Happy Birthday Indeed
Plot: Band mate! Y/N’s birthday during LOT
Authors Notes: I was looking through Pinterest for some photos to use for my Instagram concepts and I came across a photo of Harry in the champagne coloured suit and… well this happened. I hope you enjoy it, if you do please consider reblogging :) this is my first Harry piece in a long time so please be nice - L x
Warnings: pure filth basically… enjoy
Every single show she played felt like the most extraordinary and other-worldly experience. She felt extremely lucky that her good friend and long time crush had invited her to join him on tour. They had first met when one direction had initially split, Harry was looking for a band of his own, to support him on his solo tour. A friend of a friend had recommended her, she was multitalented: an amazing singer, a sick drummer and an even sicker pianist. The two met, alongside his manager, she explained that although she did play drums, piano was her forte, she also explained (prior to their initial meeting) that her schedule for that year was a little blurry, she wasn’t 100% sure she would even be able to join him on his first tour. He still begged her to play for him, so she did.
Harry listened to her play piano and then drums and was blown away by both. He explained that they unfortunately had already filled the position of pianist (although Harry thought y/n was far better, contracts had already been signed). To cut a long story short, the position was offered but due to bad timings with her university degree, y/n was unable to accept (a decision she still regrets to this day). Y/N gave Harry the contact details for her best friend: Sarah and the rest is history.
Until the position of pianist opened up again for this tour: Harry called her before he even discussed things with Jeff. The two had grown closer and closer over the years, she finished uni and was invited to join them on tour whenever she got the chance. The pair soon became good friends and Y/n began helping Harry with all sorts: she dabbled in helping him write lyrics, come up with melodies and even recorded some demos with the star.
She blew him away every chance she got and to say she had him hooked was an understatement. She was beyond excited to be joining him on tour, which leads us to now.
There she was on stage, her fingers playing the last notes of “As It Was”, the crowd erupted with screams and she could see Harry’s face light up, she smiled alongside him. She turned to Sarah and she smiled widely at her too, with a slight mischievous smirk on her face, making y/n question what she was smirking about.
Her eyes found Harry’s again and she found him already looking at her, the fans began to scream again, some questioning why Harry was staring.
“Before we start the next song, I would like to say a few words” Harry said, looking away from her.
“Today is someone very specials birthday” he said making the crowd “oooo” as he turned to face her.
“Crap” she said, not loud enough to be heard. Harry read her lips and chuckled to himself.
“This wonderful lady right here” Harry began, gesturing to her, making her blush, especially when a spotlight was placed over her.
“Has saved my arse more times than I can count. No only did she introduce me to our wonderful drummer: Sarah!” He continues making everyone cheer.
“She has helped me with some of the songs you hear today” he said, sharing some information that the fans maybe didn’t know.
“She also stepped in last minute for this tour and I will forever be grateful to her for that” he says, his hands coming together, resting under his chin as he bowed his head slightly and thanked her. She smiled widely at him.
“She is not only one of the most talented people I know, she is undoubtedly kind in a world that isn’t always so. She is a brave, beautiful soul and every single person on this tour is lucky to have her” he says, facing the audience until the last second to look her deep in the eyes.
“Especially me. I love you, we love you!” He says walking towards her.
“Happy birthday darling” he says, stepping up to her level of the stage and meeting her in a hug. The audience coo and whistle.
She hears the band and Harry start to sing as someone backstage begins to bring a cake towards her. The fans begin to join in and tears fill her eyes. Harry doesn’t let go of her, one arm still holding her tightly against him as he sings, only loosening when the cake is placed in front of her.
“Make a wish sweetheart” he says, only so she can hear.
“I don’t need to, I have everything I want right here” she says, gesturing towards him and the band and his fans too.
“Go on, make a wish, for me” he says, and his words hit her in a way she didn’t expect. That is the only thing she could possibly wish for that would make this situation even better.
“I wish for you” she thinks to herself. She wants him, she wishes she had him, in more ways than just a friend.
She blows the candles out and to her upset, Harry let’s go, but not before squeezing her tightly once more, she feels a kiss land on her head before he leaves and returns to his spot. The spotlight moves back to him and the show continues as normal.
She’s more smiley than usual throughout the show, just being so content and unbelievably happy to be there. Harry’s fans were screaming for her as well as him and it was baffling to her.
He kept gravitating towards her, singing words directly to her. He also was throwing her compliments throughout the night.
“Isn’t she amazing?” He kept saying to the fans making them scream and making Sarah and Mitch wink at you, to which she either rolled your eyes or laughed at them, shrugging it off.
The last song was played and adrenaline was running high, she stood up to bow. Harry found a place next to her, his arm wrapping around her shoulders, he placed a kiss on the side of her head, which again made all the fans scream.
“Wait for me yeah?” He said and she nodded. Sarah and Mitch found each other’s hands and walked off stage together. The rest of the band left too, but she waited at the side stage, just like he asked. She spotted some fans that could see her taking pictures but she simply smiled or waved at them. Harry did his bows and his kisses and then ran off towards her.
He found her and took his hand in his, the both of them began running the route around the arena that took them to backstage. Jeff and a person from security followed.
“You were amazing H” she said and he smiled at her as he ran.
“As were you darling, truly” he said. No other words were exchanged until they were backstage. Harry paused outside his dressing room, she wondered why but didn’t question it. He waited for Jeff and security to walk past and join the others before he opened the door and pulled her inside.
He closed the door behind her, lightly pushing her against it, making her breath bitch. His hand was placed above her head and although she couldn’t see him, she felt him looking at her, smiling.
“I’ve wanted to do this for the longest time y/n” he whispers “will you please let me kiss you: a birthday present” he says and she smiles. Maybe wishes do come true.
“I’d love that H” she feels him lean forwards more, their lips graze and she sighs. His strong hand comes to cup her face and she feels him smile against her lips. A knock on the door interrupts them and Harry all but groans, taking a step back, bringing y/n with him as he opens the door. The light that comes in snaps her out of her trance and she sighs again, this time in disappointment. However, Harry’s hand finds her back and rubs lightly, letting her know that he’s sorry.
Jeff stands there, a look of shame on his face. He knows Harry has wanted to make a move for years now but ultimately chickened out, so he feels unbelievably guilty for breaking it up.
“Um- sorry guys, everyone was asking for the birthday girl, we’re thinking of going out to celebrate, how does that sound?” He asks awkwardly and the couple smile and nod.
“Sounds great Jeff, thank you” she says and then he looks to Harry.
“Good idea mate, promise you’ll have her in a minute, just give us a second yeah?” He says and jeff nods before scurrying off quickly.
The door is left opened but they both turn to each other and smile.
“Sorry about that” he says, awkwardly itching the back of his head, he’s not entirely sure if the moment has passed or not.
“It’s okay H really” she says, smiling up at him. Their eyes lock and he has a “fuck it” moment.
“Come here” he says, his own smile resting on his lips as he grasps her jaw in his hand, pulling her gently to him, their lips moulding against each other. They both let out a sigh as their lips finally meet. It’s a soft and sweet kiss, perfect for their first and she wishes against all odds that it’s not the last.
His lips are soft and he tastes like mint but also like him. She can’t fully explain it but his taste is undoubtedly him. He holds her tighter against him, quickly pausing before pressing his lips against hers again, firmer this time, his lips capturing her bottom lip. She leans into it, his strong embrace lifting her slightly.
“Happy birthday sunshine” he says as he pulls away. She doesn’t reply, simply pecks at his lips again, not being able to get enough, her feet touch the ground again and she feels like she’s back on earth again, a little more with it and grounded.
The night continues at a club they found, Jeff had invited lots of people, all whom were close to Y/n and/or Harry. Harry hadn’t bothered to change, still adorning his champagne suit, the tuxedo of which only had three buttons and revealed most of his chest, covering all but the top of his butterfly tattoo.
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Harry Lambert had managed to find y/n something more fitting for the birthday girl, a champagne dress which matched Harry perfectly.
They took up most of VIP section, people buying her drink after drink. Harry had pulled her into his lap the moment they had sat down and to their surprise no body reacted, even when he had placed a daring kiss to the corner of her mouth, surprising her more than anyone else. That was the only real time they had got to spend with each other.
She wandered between the booth and the dance floor. She felt like she was being pulled left right and centre, anybody and everybody, Harry was happy to see it at first but slowly started to feel impatient and jealous. He knew tonight was about her but he also wanted nothing but to have her all to himself.
He found her again after what felt like an eternity, she smiled a goofy smile when she found him, she grabbed onto his shoulders and he giggled at her, she was being handsy not that he minded. He had been keeping a close eye on her throughout the night and one thing he realised that she wasnt drinking many of the drinks that had been handed to her, choosing to pawn them off on somebody else. He had wondered why but didn’t question it, little did he know, it was because she was hoping more would happen between then and she wanted to be at least mostly sober for it, the same reason he hadn’t drunk much either.
“Hi sweetheart” he said, wrapping his arms around her and placing a kiss atop her head. She took a step back so she could look at him. He looked so good, he always looked good but tonight… well he looked divine, simply ravenous.
“Feel like I haven’t really got to see the birthday girl much” he said and she giggled, he knew she wasn’t drunk, not even nearly tipsy, she was just happy and excited to be there with everyone, high from all the attention.
“What do you want to see Harry?” She joked making a suggestive comment that had him laughing too, pulling her back to his chest and pressing another kiss to her head. Harry decided to bite, trying get a reaction out of her.
“More than you know my love” he mumbled against her hair, their chests were flush against each other and he could feel her heart beat pick up on her chest.
She pulled back again “take me somewhere?” She asks and she sees Harry gulp heavily, making her smirk up at him. He quickly took her hand, leading her away from everyone, leading her into a private toilet. Everyone was a bit too far gone to realise either would be missing.
Harry pressed her against the door again, just like earlier and her hand twisted the lock until it clicked. Her hand then found it’s way up the fabric of his shirt, slipping past the open buttons, resting against his bare chest.
“Can feel your heart beating” she states as he looks down at her. She feels her eyes watering at the way he’s looking at her: as if she’s the only one for him, like she was made for him.
“Do you know how lucky I am to have you sweet?” He asks and she shakes her head.
“So unbelievably lucky” he says, leaning down to peck her lips, the first time since earlier that they shared another kiss.
“Kiss me properly Styles” she commands.
“As the birthday girl wishes” he says and it makes her giggle like a school girl. Their lips meet again, this time in a much steamer kiss than the ones previously shared. His lips massage hers, moulding against each other perfectly as if they had done it a hundred times over. His tongue grazes over her bottom lip, as if begging her to just open up for him. She does, of course she does, he thinks, she’s an angel he thinks.
Their tongues meet in a passionate battle which has the both of them gasping. Nothing had ever felt more perfect yet so natural. He pulls her closer to him, if possible. There’s no room left between them as their lips continue moving against each other.
“I’ve wanted this for so long, you have no idea” he says, his lips moving to her neck.
“I think I have some idea H” she says and of course she does because she’s wanted this just as long.
“Wait a second” he says pulling back from her, she frowns slightly as he continues to step back, his mouth agape, the only part of them that is touching now is their fingers.
“Wait a second” he says again.
“What H?”
“You’ve been wearing this the whole time? How did I not realise” he says, leading their hands above their heads and spinning them. The fabric of her dress catches in the light and sparkles.
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She finds her self smirking at the effect she has on him.
“Wow Y/N” he says “how did I not realise sooner?” He asks himself again.
“This old thing?” She jokes and he pulls her against him again. This time away from the door.
“You are stunning Y/n. Completely ethereal” he says and the word choice stuns her. She spins them round and pushes her hands against his chest, this time pinning him against the door. He doesn’t even resist and continues to stare, mouth agape from the distance she’s now created. He’s about to complain about the distance before she closes it, hands still on his chest.
“Ethereal?” She questions and he nods simply.
“Oh yeah love. Ethereal” he confirms and she giggles. She leans forward and just when he thinks she’s above to place her lips back on his, her lips are placed against his chest, just above his heart, her hands that were there previously move downwards, gliding against his torso until they reach the buttons, she undoes them slowly, eyes trained on his as she reveals the rest of his butterfly tattoo.
“Hey hey hey. You’re the birthday girl” he says as her hands continue southward, he grabs them before she can continue her ministrations. She begins to pout and he chuckles at the look.
“Such a pouty baby” he says in a baby voice, lips brushing against hers as he speaks.
“What if the birthday girl doesn’t want to stop” she says as he lets go of her hands, them finding there was back to his stomach. Their darkened eyes meet and: as if someone switched a flip, he has her in his arms again, spinning her so her back is to the door again, he grabs her thigh and pulls it up harshly, coming to stand in between her legs, slotting himself against her now exposed centre.
Their lips roughly fight against one another and their hands explore every bit of skin they can find. One of his hand is squeezing her thigh as the other holds her in place by the opposite hip. Their grunts and moans and sighs fill the room, so thankful for the loud music playing the other side of the door. His hands tug at the top of her dress, pulling it down slightly, revealing her breast, his mouth envelopes her nipple as his hand grasps the surrounding flesh, she moans against him, swearing and gasping.
His lips move to her neck and he almost begins marking her.
“Careful Harry. Wouldn’t want your fans speculating about that now would we?” She teases.
“Fuck it” he mumbles, lips and tongues meeting again.
She rolls her hips forward against him and they both groan at the feeling.
“Fuck y/n” he says, his cock straining painfully against his trousers, pulsing against her covered centre. The both of them know this isn’t how they want their first time to be but Harry is insistent on giving her a gift.
“Let me please you” he says, his hand sliding inwards from her thigh, she keeps it wrapped around him as his fingertips graze her inner thigh. She shivers as he gets closer and closer to her entrance, he’s so close: so dangerously close. Her breathing is heavy as his finger tips graze her folds, just as he’s about to touch her centre, he stops. She tears her lips away from his and her eyes find his.
“Will you let me?” He asks and in the next second she’s nodding her head profusely, almost begging him to continue.
“Use your words love” he commands.
“Yes H, please” she says and his fingers pull down her underwear. The air meets her wet entrance and she gasps and so does he.
“Fuck you’re so wet” he says, fingers finally touching her, gathering her wetness so he can get a taste.
“All for you H” she says and he doesn’t think he’s ever heard anything so perfect. “Fuck” he mumbles. His fingertips move away from her making her whine, they slips past his lips and she moans at the sight.
“Mhmm. You taste so good! Let me taste you properly yeah? I want it.” He asks and she nods. He doesn’t indulge straight away, his now glistening fingers find their way back to her pulsing entrance again and she moans as he fondles her swollen clit.
“I need you H”
“Patience is a virtue my love” he evilly smirks. Shit she should’ve known this would happen, the man who speaks about edging on stage in front of millions of people has his fingers in between her thighs, what else did she expect.
“It’s my birthday H and I want you” she reminds him and he groans, lips smearing against hers suddenly as he dips a finger into her.
She moans as he eases a finger into her. He groans at how tight she is and he smiles against her lips.
“Everyone out there is probably wanting to spend time with the birthday girl” he continues as he slowly works her up on his finger.
“Meanwhile I’ve got her pinned up against the door with my fingers in her cunt” he utters the dirty words as he thrusts another finger into her pussy making her moan loudly and her thighs clench together.
“Yeah that’s it love” he says as he picks up his pace, curling his fingers at the end of every stroke, rubbing against her g-spot deliciously. No one had every managed to find it that quick, if they even found it at all.
“Fuck Harry” it’s the first time she’s moaned his name and it goes straight to his cock.
“Shit” he groans “fuck you’re so tight” he says and she continues to moan. Two fingers continue to pound into her as his thumb finds her clit.
“Oh- my- ugh- god H” she sighs, her head falls backwards against the door as he back starts to arch. He pulls out of her suddenly and she’s just about to complain when he drops to his knees. His hands hold the bottom of her dress up. She looks down at him and she swears she’s going to cum just from the sight alone. Her bottom lip is taken in by her teeth and she feels her core tightening at the sight of him on his knees for her, about to worship her. Harry licks his lips, eyes snapping away from hers to look at her glistening heat before they find their way back to hers again.
“Happy birthday love” he says again before his mouth lands on her, she gasps loudly. She had never felt anything like it before, she couldn’t tear her eyes away from him despite the overwhelming pleasure coursing through her body. His skilled tongue massages her folds before it dips into her, curling upwards to reach that spot that his fingers had claimed only a few minutes before.
He switches between pushing the tip against her g-spot, sucking on her clit and toying with the bud with his tongue.
“Fuck H” she says, her hands grasping his hair tightly in her hands. The groan he lets out has her flinching against his tongue, the vibrations adding to the mix and nearly overstimulating her.
“Careful love” he says before he chuckles against her, sending the vibrations to her core again.
“Shit Harry” she moans again.
“Like that love?” He says cockily. All she can do is nod and squeeze his hair tighter in hopes he groans again. The tighter she pulls the harder he moans into her and she nearly screams at the staggering pleasure he’s bringing her.
She can tell he is loving it just as much as she is and that turns her on even more.
“Hold this my love” he mumbles against her, and his hands that are holding her dress find hers, the dress drops momentarily but she quickly finds it and holds it up, wanting to see his face.
He licks his glistening lips, and brings two fingers up towards her.
“Suck” he demands before returning to sucking her clit. He feels her pulse pick up at her centre.
His eyes find hers and her mouth is open in shock.
“I said. Suck.” He says, harsher this time and a split second she has her lips wrapped around his fingers, sucking them until they’re wet. They leave her mouth with a ‘pop’ and he brings then back down to her core. He thrusts them harshly inside her, making her moan loudly her head shooting backwards at erotic feeling it brings her.
His mouth works on her clit as his fingers thrust up into her, curling against her g-spot again.
“Harry, Harry, Harry” she chants, lost in everything that is him. He knows she’s close when she tries to escape him a little, he holds her against his mouth, applying more pressure against her sensitive bud.
She needs him closer, if it’s possible, she transfers the material of her dress into one hand the other finding its place in his hair again. She pushes against his head, sending him further into her
“I’m so close h” she moans. He moans into her again as she tugs his hair. He moans louder and louder the vibrations sending her into overdrive.
“Fuck Harry! FUCK!!” She screams. She feels herself reaching ecstasy when he slows his movements and she gasps, looking down to see him smirking up at her. Tears well in her eyes, not because she’s upset but because she’s never ever felt this good before.
“You little shit” she continues to moan, her orgasm being drawn out in the best way and he chuckles against her.
“Ohhh Harry” she moans and Harry swears it’s the most erotic moan he’s ever heard.
“Hold it for me my love” he says. His tongue makes slow, deep, sensual movements against her sensitive bud. He’s edging her beyond belief and her thighs are tightening around his head as her body continues to spasm. She knows this is the longest yet most amazing orgasm she has ever had and will ever have.
He drinks up everything she has to give him and he thrives off it, devouring her until her orgasm comes to an end. She feels like she’s on cloud nine and she gasps when he doesn’t stop his movements, sucks her clit until she feels herself cumming again.
“Fuck Harry I can’t” she says, her eyes finally closing as she feels the waves of pleasure pulling her under again.
“Yes you can my love. There you go” he says and he feels her clenching around his tongue as it dips inside her, he leaves the tip of it against her g-spot massaging it until he can feel her body go slack against the door.
He quickly leaves her wet centre, standing up to quickly get ahold of her body before she fully falls.
“I’ve got you, I’ve got you” he says, placing gentle kisses against her cheeks and her eye lids.
All she can see is white, she’s in subspace but she can feel Harry holding her, and she can smell him.
“Hmm” she signs against him. She feels him lift her and place her somewhere, her bottom resting against something cold. The toilet they were in was spacious and had a leather couch, not that she remembered that in her current state.
Harry sits holds her, gently playing with her hair as she comes back to him. He sees her eyes flutter open a little while later, still blissfully dazed.
“Hi” she says, her voice spaced out still but sounding more like the y/n he knows.
“Hi” he says, chuckling. She leans forward and kisses him.
“That was… fuck that was heaven” she says and he blushes deeply.
“No wonder you wrote a song about that… Jesus” he chuckles and kisses her again, bringing her back to him slowly. She takes him in fully, the swollen glistening lips, the dishevelled hair, the unbuttoned shirt… the painfully hard erection that sits strained against his trousers.
“Harry” she purrs and his eyes darken: she utters one word and he feels like he’s about to combust.
“My god you’re fucking amazing” he replies. She pulls him to stand in front of her. She now realises she is sitting on the leather sofa. Harry follows her instruction and stands, her hands find the zipper of his trousers and he pauses her.
“Lovie you don’t have to” he says, grasping her chin in between his fingers.
“I want to H, really I do. It’s my birthday” she reminds him.
“Can’t use that for everything my love” he chuckles.
“Please” she pleads, her eyes giving him an innocent look despite begging to suck him off. He doesn’t speak but he sighs and that’s enough of a sign for her to continue her ministrations. Her hands make quick work of his zipper, tugging down his trousers and boxers in one quick movement.
Her mouth opens in a gasp as his member snaps against his abdomen. He lets out a sigh of relief, no longer confided by the tight fabric of his boxers.
“You’re huge H” she says in disbelief, she sees him twitch at her words. His fingers toys with her chin and his thumb makes it’s way into her mouth, her lips close around it, she sucks and moans around his digit and he groans at the feeling.
Her petite hand reaches up to him, lands on his abdomen before slowly, tantalising making it way to his member, her doe eyes never waver, staring into his soul as her small hand wraps around him. He gasps deeply, a deep groan escaping from his lips. Her hand runs along the full length of him and she moans, her lips snaps between her teeth and his thumb pulls it back out, tutting at her.
She starts slow, her hand grasping him, massaging him gently, his hard enough as it is already and she can feel him pulsing in her hand. He’s heavy and she moans at the realisation.
“What’s going on in that pretty little head huh?” He asks, thumb running along her jaw .
“You’re just so perfect H” she said before she finally took the tip of him in between her lips. The warmth of her mouth was heavenly, and the suck she delivered nearly had his heart pounding out of his chest. She was being a right tease, one harsh suck and then she held him there, batting her eyelids up at him.
He chuckled darkly and grabbed her by the hair. She was testing him, that much he knew. Her tongue played with his tip, pressing against his slit, precome coating her tongue. She showed him and he groaned loudly, throwing his head back to distract him. Otherwise he’d thrust into her mouth like no tomorrow, but for now he had to be nice.
“Patience is a virtue my love” she threw his words back at him and he looked down at her again.
“Oh you’re such a little shit” he said before she let him have it. She took him fully into her mouth, bobbing her head up and down his length at an unforgiving pace. His moans filled the room and he gripped onto her head, his eyes never looked away from hers and hers continued to flutter up at him.
“Oh fuck you’re perfect” he moaned. She held her mouth tightly against him, bringing her mouth all the way down his length until her lips rested against his pubic bone. He swore loudly at the sight, she didn’t falter, she didn’t gag, and he groaned loudly.
“Oh you’re my angel. Oh shit you’re my angel” she sucked him harshly before moving back to the tip of him, allowing herself some time to breathe. Her hand continued to move against him as she sucked his tip.
“Oh fuck I’m not going to last much longer honey” he said, throwing his head back. She saw his abs clench and she had to clench her thighs at the sight.
“Want you to come for me H” she said, her voice was like velvet and he had to stop himself from coming undone right then and there. She wrapped her lips around him again switching between bobbing up and down and hollowing out her cheeks. Her hands came to gently squeeze his balls and that was Harry done for.
“Pull off” he said just before his hips started to falter. She shook her head no and took him to the back of his throat. She pulled back quickly and the words she uttered next shocked him.
“Fuck my mouth” the dirty words were uttered and Harry didn’t give it a second thought before his hands were placed on the back of her head, leading her movements. She moaned against him and once against she had proven to him that she couldn’t be more perfect.
“Fuck y/n, god you are a gift” he grunted. His hips snapped, sending his cock further into her mouth.
“I’m going to come” he said and she moaned against him, he pulled back slightly, her lips now wrapped only around his tip, not wanting to make her gag as he came.
She could feel his cock twitch and he began to release his load into her mouth. Her hand found his at the back of her head and she pushed her hand against it, forcing her own head further along his cock. This only made him come harder, his hips shook and he came; hard.
“Oh fuck. Oh my god you’re perfect” he repeated the phrase he had said so many times this evening. He swallowed every last drop and pulled off him with a ‘pop’.
He helped her stand as pulled up his trousers, tucking himself back in.
“Happy birthday indeed” he said making the both of them chuckle. His thumb wiped at her mouth, cleaning off some of his juice that had managed to escape her mouth. She looked at his thumb and sucked it clean making him groan again, which made the both of them laugh.
“That was-“ he said “amazing” she finished.
“Will you let me take you on a date?” He asked and she nodded, smiling widely up at him. He leant down and kissed her sweetly.
He wanted nothing more to tell her that he loved her, he had loved her for so long. She knew just by the look in his eyes that he loved her and she loved him too; so much. She had for a long time, but that could wait to be said another day.
“Better get back to the party, birthday girl” he said smiling.
“Willing to share me now?” She said.
“Never” they laughed heavily at that. Returning to the room of people, not one of them noticing how long they pair had been missing.
It took two weeks before they were officially a couple. Harry continued to tour the world: with his girlfriend. Fans speculated that the two were together, longing looks on stage were exchanged, lingering touches and nothing but hints were thrown their way. The didn’t confirm nor deny it. They just basked in each other’s love, always.
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nyx-umbrakinesis · 14 days
This is an A/N post, why my writing is delayed currently, CW: health issues, (heart), mental health, mentions of trauma.
I am trying to write, most of you don't know but amongst my health issues I've recently been having heart problems, and when I get an attack it literally feels like I'm having a heart attack, I had one such attack late last night and early this morning (as well as last week which means the frequency is increasing) and I had to medicate myself as when I go to the hospital they do nothing (also I can't sit in A and E in agony for hours on end to receive no help and be sent home again, and I'm too anxious once the pain is gone to call the GP the next day to try to find out why I keep having these attacks as I always get treated poorly at the doctor's and I don't have an advocate🥺) but the meds I took, they make me so drowsy so I can barely focus for more than five seconds intervals right now before my eyes keep closing, often times it's either my health or mental health that slows down my ability to release content quickly, but I am trying guys, life permitting I really am and I haven't forgotten about you all.
I just feel guilty that this week has been a rather bad one for me (I have alot of trauma based around my birthday too which was last Friday and the days surrounding it so my mental health also spiralled and caused a burn out over the weekend, plus I had alot of socialising with people I'm not comfortable around who aren't always very nice to me which was another thing that set off the burn out as it was for several days I had to be around them...
Sorry if I'm rambling or being too erratic I can hardly focus for more than five seconds at a time as I've said earlier, so writing this is difficult, but I want you all to know, I haven't abandoned my works, I will still be doing them, I'm just experiencing a lot of issues simultaneously rn...
Thank you to everyone who has been supportive and enjoy my work, I can't believe how many people have liked my stuff so far, especially as a new writer I feel so humbled at how many of you have left me notes, I honestly never thought I'd be any good but I've been blown away and emotional about all the love I've received for my little one shots and even the little quips I occasionally post and I just wanted to say I love you all so much.
(please excuse grammar, spelling and punctuation issues in this post as I've said I'm not with it from the prescribed tablets I had to take to stop the pain).
(If anyone wants to send me anything to brighten my day I'd really love that 💜💜💜, it can be anything, art, a meme, a short message, a short story, even an ask, on here or on my main blog (@nyx91 where you can see a pic of me if you wonder what I look like and there's posts on there too more personal where you can get to know me better if you're interested in me as a person and not just my content 💜 if you're not that's fine too 💜💜) even a message to get to know you or me better, I'm just feeling rather mushy and vulnerable so no doubt when I'm back in the right mindset I'll completely cringe at this post lol. 💜💜💜💜)
Anyway thank you for listening to me ramble, if you got this far because it's not actual content thank you that means so much to me. 💜💜💜
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