#the red potion has his blood instead of urs
ultchaebugi · 6 years
forgotten ; chw
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summary: you can travel through time, bring people back to life, have countless types of power- but it isn’t free. the payment? your life.
genre: angst?? idk pairing: hyungwon x reader word count: 1.1 k warnings: this is so confusing and dumb? also read the tags if u don’t understand the end... i love u all <3 a/n: i took the prompt from @writing-prompt-s​
You’ve been here before- you can feel it somewhere in your body. The scents you automatically perceive before anything else, the way your skin bristles at the familiar ambiance. It’s not exactly clear what it is, or why you feel the way you do about this magical place, but you can’t seem to brush it off. This situation it’s not like those times you feel stuck in a deja-vu because of similar perfumes and auras, no; this time you know you’ve been here before. It’s like a lost memory, something living inside of you that desperately wants to come out.
You’re not quite sure how a voice can be sweet but raspy, and passive-agressive at the same time. You perceive his voice as sweet, but with a dash of rush in it. It completely shakes you off your daydream.
“I’m sorry, what?” your voice comes out as high-pitched as it possibly can- a sign that you’re nervous, effectively. He looks directly at you for a brief moment and closes halfway his eyes, like he’s examining you, reading your mind. You feel naked and uncomfortable- like he’s actually reading your mind. You gulp out loud.
Finally, he breaks the silence. “If you feel like you’ve been here before, it’s probably because you were.”
Wait… what? You tilt your head and he laughs sweetly at your cuteness. You have weirdly cute habits.
“My name’s Hyungwon, by the way.” He reaches for your hand, and you undoubtedly shake his.
“I’m-,” Before you can finish your sentence, he’s locking eyes with you. He stares directly at your eyes and they don’t move, but you notice how little stars begin to form on his dark brown irises. The cologne he put on today, brought bad good ol’ memories from a past time you can’t possibly remember.
“Y/N, I know,” he smiles sweetly, his teeth showing in the most adorable way. You’re astounded, and you try to find in the back of your mind clues, why does he know your name?- but most importantly, why do you know you’ve been here before?
He notices the slight marks of fear on your face, and walks right behind the counter where countless artefacts lie. Blue-ish and purple potions hugged by carefully decorated wicker, retouched with a sligh but still noticeable layer of varnish.  A piece of mustard-colored paper with a fancy quill, and you notice a carmine stone attached to it- everything’s carefully arranged, there isn’t a single trail of dust, like he cleaned just before you entered the shop. You’re not completely weirded out by the fact- but you just can’t bring yourself to believe in those comments that pictured the boy in front of you as a rude, careless person.
He knows you’re wondering how he knows this about you. He stares at you, the way your eyes roam around the room. The way you play with your hands, nervous but amazed to the scenery. For a moment you seem confused, and he looks your way- you’re staring at a framed photo. Your sight catches a tall man holding the hand of someone that looks slightly familiar- though you can’t quite see well who it is. Before you can reach for the frame, he’s taking it and putting in inside his drawer.
He clears his throat. “If you’re wondering how I know your name, I can read the minds of my clients,” he lied. He had to do this again- he never had a choice.
Silence filled the room.
“So, what brings you here?” his voice became tougher, and you start to feel a little moved by it- but you try not to overthink. After all, he can read your mind.
“I’m… I’m looking for an enchantment that can make me travel through time,” you finally said, the words coming out of your mouth as quick as they can.
“You want to go back in time?” he sighed, in his mind.
“You realize that’ll shorten your life and take a few memories from you?”
“Yes.” you repeat, and you gulp out loud. No matter how tough it’ll be- you’re willing to do this.
“Okay,” he stood up and accomodated his chair- and for the first time -even though you’re sure you’ve seen him before- you get to fully admire his figure. He’s tall, his reddish-brown hair falls perfectly without any effort and the blue velvet overall he’s using just complements perfectly his features. You’re wondering if he’s a wizard- you know they’re known for their uncomparably beauty. You’re sure it’s not possible for an ordinary human being to be this gorgeous- so it has to be a magical criature.
Like the world suddendly speed up, the noises he made woke you up. He’s looking for something inside a drawer behind him. After revolving practically everything- he hands you something wrapped in a newspaper.
The moment your hands touch the product, you can feel glass and it sounds like water inside of it.
“Here. There are 2 potions inside of this. Drink the blue one first and the red one later. The red one will keep you safe through your travelling- and you’ll fall asleep. When you wake up, you’ll be able to choose 3 destinations. Use them wisely, please.” he instructs, and your notice he’s stiff. He sighs.
“Should I pay?” you ask before he can sit down.
“No, the government will take care of that,” he lied. It takes a lot of himself to maintain this shop- but he can’t bring himself to make you pay. You’ll have enough with the thought a shorter life and a piece of your memory taken from you.
You smile, and shake his hand. At first he doesn’t take it, but later on he’s squeezing it. “Thank you for the service. I hope to see you again soon.”
Tears begin to form in the corners of his eyes, letting go of your hands.
“Go. The earlier you drink it, the less days of your life will be taken.” He said like if dying younger wasn’t a big deal.
You exit the shop with what you were looking for, a smile in your lips- you’ll finally be able to save them from fate.
He looks inside of the drawer for something that’s utterly precious to him. He caresses the glass that’s protecting the picture as if it was a real person- and it was, to him. The memories only he had. Your framed face is now wet with his tears.
“I can’t stop you from your life-wishes. I just wish you’d remember us one last time.”
He feels his heart heavy, his lungs are pressed like someone’s hitting his body with the force of a thousand bricks, but still he smiles. He knows you’re drinking the red beverage- and he remembers your cutely wrinked noise the fist time you did; his blood did taste a little acid, even though you blamed your eating habits. Silence fills the room, and his heart finally stops trying. He’ll hopefully see you soon, too.
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dr3amofagame · 3 years
yk, I always thought of c!dream to perfectly fit the saying “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.” and every time I think about it I get even sadder send hepl
hello !! it’s been a bit, so sorry anon, but ty for ur patience :D 
but yeah !! that saying REALLY fits c!dream - he’s someone that has done a lot of awful, unjustifiable things, but they were all for a Reason, as much as people like to think otherwise. he’s said so before, repeatedly - it’s all for a vision of the smp as it “used to be,” one “giant family” that can be happy again. and obviously, what he does isnt right, and will never be right - but in the end it’s all in a very twisted attempt to find a home he lost, which makes his character all the more twisted and tragic, yknow? 
sometimes i wonder what an earlier dream would say, after seeing how far he’s fallen, which is what really led to this oneshot - it’s a bit messy, but i like it nonetheless. c!dream is a disaster that makes me Very Sad 
tw: derealization, implied torture, hallucinations, injuries, dark content, mentioned abuse, manipulation, emotional distress, implied suicide, panic attacks, self-hatred  
“Was it worth it?”
Dream blinks, looks up; this is new. He’s no stranger to hallucinations, of course - they’d started somewhere around the first week or two of solitary, and had only grown in frequency and duration as time went on, but this has never happened before.
The figure standing - well, sitting in front of him is hazy at the edges, indistinct, little more than a splash of green and grey, blown out at the edges by the bright white highlights from the lava lighting them from behind. Even so, Dream is all too familiar with the craftsmanship of the iron armor they wear, with the bright green hoodie tucked underneath that he’d once worn like a second skin. The figure’s face turns just enough to catch the slightest sliver of a mask.
“You’re me,” Dream says - breathes, really, his throat too sore for the words to be much more than a labored exhale. The other Dream turns, the lava throwing shifting shapes in orange and red all over his chestplate, his mouth visible and pulled into a frown underneath the bottom edge of the mask. Dream touches the cracked surface of the one sitting on his own face reflexively, feeling the jagged hole on its left side surrounding his eye, the edge pulled over his chin to keep as much of his face obscured as possible.
“Well, I mean,” the other Dream’s hands come to the edges of his mask, easing it over to the side of his face in a practiced motion; his eyes burn brilliantly in the dark room, green and furious and bright. “I wouldn’t exactly say that, now.”
Dream knows that this man isn’t him - well, isn’t him anymore, doesn’t have the burn scars that trail all over his body, doesn’t know the feeling of his stomach turning itself inside out in pain and emptiness, doesn’t know how it feels to have an axe dragged painfully, slowly over his skin over and over and over and over until he’s screamed his throat raw. This is the ghost of a man that has not lived and died a million times, that does not know the feeling of blood on his hands better than he does kindness, that can think of other faces and feel something other than shattered ribs and remembered pain.
“Was it worth it?” The other Dream watches him, eyebrows furrowed, insistent. It’s hard to remember that this was once him, that he has a face made of skin and muscle and bone instead of porcelain and leather even with the bruises and dried blood beneath his mask reminding him otherwise. The expressions on his face, the ones that must be on Dream’s own face, feel foreign, like they belong to someone that isn’t him. Maybe that’s the point.
“You’ll need to get more specific,” Dream’s voice cracks, throat protesting at the strain pulling at the still healing wounds from within it. Dream takes the pain, boxes it up, files it away; he’s becoming pretty good at that. “Was what worth it?”
The other man throws his arm out in an arc, gestures vaguely at the entire cell. “This! All of this- this prison, what you did to Tommy, what you did on Doomsday, what you did in the vault.” His words burn with a dangerous fury, and Dream closes his eyes. It’s not real. It’s not real. “You ruined everything! You destroyed our home! Everything is gone and it’s all your fault!”
“Don’t-” Dream’s voice cracks, shatters in on itself, and he swallows around the pain and pushes on. “Don’t act like you wouldn’t do the exact same thing as me.”
The other man scoffs, a fiery light dancing in his pupils. “As if. This is all your fault. You didn’t have to exile the kid. You didn’t have to blow up the community house. And you sure as hell didn’t have to manipulate a fucking teenager, you sick fuck.”
The voice morphs, overlays with the echoes of voices he hasn’t heard in what feels like an eternity. His back burns, stings; his head pounds furiously and threatens to plunge his world into darkness. Through it all, green eyes stare at him, twin flames in his ever blurrier vision, looking for all the world like a god handing down judgment.
“You know you would,” Dream mutters, each word dropping and shattering on the ground like broken glass, “if you had to sit in here for just a chance at bringing them together, you would. If you had to burn the whole damn server down for them, you wouldn’t hesitate.”
The other Dream shakes his head, teeth bared. “Don’t you dare pretend that you did this for them. Don’t you dare pretend that you don’t deserve this.”
I deserve this. I know, I know, I know. “But you would.”
The hallucination’s shoulders rise, fall; it’s hazy, shimmering from the heat, but the eyes glow ethereally and feel more real than anything in the cell.
“You’re an idiot, you know?” He laughs, and Dream tastes iron and ash and salt. “You’re so fucking stupid. You- you thought that the problem was Tommy. You blamed everything on Tommy because you couldn’t see him as anything other than the person that ruined our server and you’re so fucking stupid.”
The voice distorts, echoes in on itself; a half-hearted whisper of wrong wrong wrong rises in Dream’s mind and melts under the fury of the other’s glare. The image shimmers, shifts, and the other Dream- is he even Dream, anymore? - smiles humorlessly, stepping closer. It’s not real, Dream knows, because the image is hazy and flat and wrong but his mind echoes with the sound of shoes scuffed against obsidian and a netherite blade dragging against stone and the book, Dream, and we’ll stop-
“The real problem was you. It was always you. You were the one that ruined the server, you were the one that blew up the community house, you were the one that destroyed L’manburg. You are the one that everyone hates, that everyone fears. You are the villain, Dream, a monster. You’ve always been a monster. Now that you’re gone? The server is finally at peace. You were the problem.”
“And- well, Dream,” The figure leans over, lips right by Dream’s ear, and when they speak their voice is sweet-sharp, all-too-familiar. Quackity. “I guess you should’ve fuckin’ offed yourself when you had the chance.”
He flinches back, eyes squeezing shut, hands scrabbling around his neck. His lungs heave and he tries to suck in air but he can’t there is lava in his chest like everything inside has been torn apart like the words have ripped through him like he’s no more than wet paper and he chokes and stutters on the exhale and it’s not real it’s not real it’s not-
(That night, long after Quackity leaves with a fresh bouquet of bloodstain blooms splattered over his shirt like a field of blooming poppies, after the Warden leaves from forcing another round of health potions down his throat, Dream curls around his ribs in the back corner of his room, watching the lava fall.
Was it worth it?
He laughs, low, bitter, every inch of him feeling scaped raw and open and hollow, thinking of a world without himself in it, of a sky and earth and family with the ugly parts cut neatly away. He thinks he must be a wither skeleton, watching as everything his fingertips touch crumbles away into black rot and ash, breathes in and out and hears the same echoing rattle from deep within his chest. Was it worth it?
It must’ve been, he tells himself, even as the sound of a drop of brilliant purple magic falling against the obsidian makes his muscles seize, leaves him cowering under a blow that does not come. It must’ve been worth it, because-
What was this all for, if it wasn’t?)
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oatmilkslytherin · 4 years
maybe (d.l.m)
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description: slytherin!reader and draco broke up after lucius found out about her blood status. months later, draco writes her anonymous letters which she slowly pieces together as a confession of his true feelings after all this time
requested: yes / no
warnings: none
a/n: this one’s long sry but also ur welcome<33
y/n’s pov:
it was the fourth of october. time seemed to move so much slower after he left, but also much too fast for my liking. one minute, he had his arms enveloped around me, protecting me from the world; and the next, all i had were the ghosts of his hands grazing against my waist.
life got easier eventually. i found solace in my friends who reminded me of all i still was with and without him. it didn’t mean that his absence was entirely forgotten. in fact, all i really thought about at this point were how desperately i wished he would’ve stayed. i understood, however. lucius was not the kindest man, but draco would’ve done anything to please him. 
i had only met lucius and narcissa a handful of times, the first being during our first christmas holiday together. i had spent a few days at the manor with draco and his parents, and upon hearing that i was in slytherin with draco, his parents seemed overjoyed at our newly formed relationship. 
the truth about my blood status came out eventually. it was strange to be one of the only muggle-born slytherins; it rarely ever happened. i couldn’t understand why the sorting hat made the exception with me, and i felt as if i found my answer when i met draco. soon, all of that was washed away, along with his sweet words of comfort and terms of endearment. now, it was like we never were. 
i lingered in the courtyard for much longer than i was anticipating. so long, in fact, that i hadn’t even noticed the absence of any other hogwarts student amongst me. i found myself in situations like these often: lost in thought to the point of disregard for my surroundings. 
i sighed outwardly, leaning against the stone pillar behind me and moving my hands back slightly to lean on them. just as i had positioned my hands comfortably behind me, i heard a crinkle under my fingertips. my eyes darted to my right hand, my gaze falling upon a folded up piece of parchment that wasn’t there before. i furrowed my eyebrows in curiosity, taking the note in my hands to read it. 
dearest y/n,
do you know how effortlessly captivating you look when your thoughts consume your senses? maybe i can tame your reeling mind one day. 
sincerely, someone who cares
my eyebrows furrowed further into the center of my face as the letter left me utterly confused. i didn’t know if i should have thought the note to be endearing or utterly creepy. i shook my head, folding the parchment back up and shoving it into the pocket of my robes. i stood up, figuring i had been lost in my senses for far too long out here, and retreated back towards the common room. 
i would have thought that first letter to be the only one i received from my “secret admirer” as pansy called it. i only laughed at the idea, knowing that no one has bothered to look my way twice since draco and i broke up. i was a lost face in the crowd of witches and wizards once more. and sometimes, i preferred it this way.
that thought was quickly dismissed, however, when i received another letter two days later while i was in the library. i had been studying for my upcoming potions test, my face buried in my textbook as i messily scrawled notes onto a piece of parchment. as i reached behind me into my bag for another piece of parchment, i instead grabbed the letter protruding from the surface of my belongings. 
this one was a bit longer, detailed with the same messy scrawl as the first one. the handwriting was indistinguishable, as if someone had enchanted their quill to write the letters for them. 
dearest y/n,
i wish you would spend more time taking care of yourself rather than skipping dinner to study. the library can wait for you, but dinner is only so long, darling. your smile doesn’t reach your eyes when you stress yourself out like this. maybe i can relieve your stresses one day.
sincerely, someone who notices your absence
this note had made me smile, unlike the last one that only dug me into a cavern of confusion. it was almost like this person knows me, or had known me previously. the way they wrote was almost comforting, but i couldn’t figure out why exactly.
just like the last one, i had folded the parchment up and tucked it away in my pockets, already knowing that i was going to stash it in my bedside drawer along with the other.
dearest y/n,
i think about your infectious smile and your sparkling eyes. they haunt me when i try to sleep at night, only in the best ways possible. how can you captivate so much of my mind when you’re so far? meters have felt like kilometers recently. your laughter is like a melody. i’m glad you’re laughing once more. maybe one day i can be the one who makes you laugh so effortlessly.
sincerely, someone who loves to see you happy
pansy and i read over the letter time and time again, a hue of red creeping onto my features as pansy’s brows furrowed in attempt to decode the anonymous letters. 
“any ideas?” she asked, her ears tearing from the parchment in front of us. i shrugged my shoulders, taking a bite from the apple in my hand. she looked deep in thought as she contemplated the options; sometimes i felt as if pansy was getting more enjoyment from these mysterious notes than i was. 
i folded the third note carefully, placing it in my robe as my gaze averted aimlessly around the room. as much as i have missed draco, it was nice to feel this sudden interest from the sender, no matter who it was. it made me feel desired and cared for, something that i have not felt since our end. 
as my mind was lost in the possible outcomes, my wandering eyes suddenly fell upon a familiar pair of blue eyes that i haven’t looked into in far too long. i felt my heart skip a beat when i realized he was looking in my direction first, his fantastically blue eyes piercing into mine as my gaze fell upon him. 
just as our eyes met, his widened and darted away frantically. he made it painfully obvious he was staring. not that i minded, but i could only wonder why?
letters now protruded from my bedside drawer, filling it to the prim with sweet words on parchment. i read over the letters often, hoping that one of them would lead me to figuring out who this secret admirer was. pansy and i had tried a multitude of times, but to no avail. we ruled out the majority of our housemates, as they all had alibis whenever i questioned their whereabouts after i received another letter.
students from other houses were also completely out of the question. after draco and i had gotten together, rumors circulated that i was just as malicious as him, completely depleting my reputation amongst the other houses. i didn’t mind it much at the time, i thought it was worth it if it meant that i got to be with him. seeing how it ended up between draco and i, i wondered if people still thought the same about me. 
as i sat on my bed in contemplation, the soft patter of footsteps could be heard just outside of my dorm room door. i thought nothing of it until i saw another piece of parchment slide effortlessly under the door. i stood up quickly, rushing to the door and wrenching it open in hopes of catching the sender. 
much to my disappointment, i was met with an empty hallway. i sighed slightly in defeat, allowing myself to close the door and return to the letter than now laid on the wooden floor. i picked up the parchment, gliding my fingers across the edges as i carefully unfolded it.
dearest y/n,
i know you are wracking your brain trying to think of who can be sending you these letters. i wish it was simple enough to tell you who i am, but truth be told, i’m fearful that once you know, nothing will be the same. maybe that means for better or for worse, but i’m entirely unsure. i think about you a lot when i look at the moon, your beauties are quite similar, darling. so fragile and mysterious, yet so powerful and captivating. maybe one day you can look at the moon and think of me too.
sincerely, someone who hopes you forgive them
my stomach dropped as i read the letter. it had been so obvious the whole time, and i have been oblivious to all of the terms of endearment, the familiarity of the writing, the comfort of the inked lines. 
i quickly pulled a pair of shoes on, folding the letter up as i darted out of my room. i knew exactly who it was, and where exactly i could find him.
i knew sneaking out this late past curfew was risky, but i had to know if it truly was him. i quietly snuck around the corridors, my head frantically moving to make sure i wasn’t being followed or could be seen by any wandering professors or prefects. 
i braced myself as i softly made my way up the winding stairs towards the top of the astronomy tower, a place draco and i often snuck out to at hours such as these. my heart was beating rapidly out of my chest as i wrapped my cardigan tighter around my body. my feet padded up the last bit of stairs, the skyline just barely coming into my view as i emerged from the staircase.
and there he was. sitting on the ground with his back facing the staircase, his gaze set on the vast night sky peppered with dancing stars and the luminous moon. i crept up quietly behind him, biting down on my bottom lip in anticipation. 
he didn’t say anything as i sat next to him, bringing my knees close to my chest as i stared into the darkness with him. 
“i see you decoded my letters. you’ve always been too smart for your own good,” draco spoke softly, his eyes still trained on the full moon. i smiled to myself, letting my gaze fall from the sky to him. 
“so, why did you send me those letters?” i asked, my curiosity clearly getting the better of me. draco only smiled as i asked this, his gaze now meeting mine. his eyes seemed even brighter in the moonlight.
“i was scared to talk to you. i thought you hated me...” he trailed off, looking remorseful as he spoke. my gaze softened as he spoke, fully knowing that i could never bring myself to hate him.
“i could never hate you, draco. no matter what,” i assured him. i reached my hand out slightly, placing my fingers over his. he sighed in relief from my actions, letting his fingers move upwards to lace with mine. he placed the back of my hand to his lips, leaving a small fluttering kiss there. 
his eyes never left mine as we soaked in each other’s presence for a moment longer. he moved closer to me, his eyes pouring into mine as he inched our faces closer together. my heart was beating rapidly out of my chest, my breath hitching in my throat as our lips grazed against one another’s. he brought his other hand up to cup my face softly, finally pulling our lips together to meet in a longing kiss. 
it was so familiar, and so desired. my worries melted away along with the past few months of our separation. i let our lips move in synchronicity, relishing in the moment where it felt like he was finally mine again and i was finally his.
much to either of our dislikes, i pulled away slightly, allowing our lips to graze against each other’s once more as draco’s hand remained delicately caressing my cheek. he looked into my eyes, smiling widely.
“maybe we can try again?” he asked hesitantly, looking rather sheepish as he posed the question. i smiled in response, placing a feather light kiss on his lips.
“i’d like that.”
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foulserpent · 4 years
ned has the most fleshed out history of any of my OCs. i typed it out over the past couple of days, theres some stufff missing but its over 2000 words as is.
here is neds life story prior to the oblviion crisis
ned was born in a village near falinesti’s summer rooting site. his father died before ned was born, and ned was raised by his mother and various farmhands in the community.
his mother was a farmer (though she had a shady past he was always peripherally aware of but never privy to), and they raised hogs and chickens for milk/meat/eggs and would be part of falenesti’s supply chain every year. niviiran also lived nearby, and the two were close friends throughout their childhood and adolescence.
“nasty ned” was in fact his birth name and a name he continued to use, though going by the latter part. he was never able to find out why his mother named him that. the name came in handy, given that ned is transgender and already had a fairly “masculine” name. he was recognized as a boy since he was around 10, but his mother was unable to afford the hormone replacement potions until his later teens.
when ned was 16, he started taking jobs at falenesti, mostly as a bouncer at its taverns. he had been a bit of a nervous child before that and to this day isnt sure why he chose that line of work, but it toughened him up considerably.
when he was about 20, his friend niviiran was being heavily pressured into marrying off to secure her family’s inherited silk business. niviiran saw this as the only chance to escape her emotionally abusive parents, and proposed the notion of entering into a (false) marriage with ned until she could get away. he agreed, both desiring to help his friend and hoping to benefit from niviiran’s far wealthier parents.
during this time, he had his first Actual intimate relationship, but it only lasted about a week. he had picked up a girlfriend at his job, but being emotionally immature and a bit of a dick, he thought that he did not need to inform her that he was TECHNICALLY married, since the marriage was fake and him and niv both did not mind. she left when he found out.
this marriage fell apart within a year, largely as a result of ned panicking and letting it slip while drunk at a gathering with niv’s family. this caused a huge commotion mostly directed at him (and was worsened by his continued panicking), and culminated in niviiran’s brother beating him and attempting to run him over with a horse as he fled. his leg was badly crushed and was saved by his mother.
though their marriage was fake, niviiran and ned had a real falling out as a result of this. both obviously felt bad for the harm to the other, but niv was very angry at ned for having let it slip and putting her in the position of having to run away from her controlling parents rather than leave freely. ned at the time was surprised and hurt that she was so mad, having taken her friendship for granted, and responded in kind. they separated angrily and did not see each other again after that point, and the way he treated niv is one of his first and biggest regrets.
after his leg was mostly healed, he decided he wanted to leave valenwood, at least for a while. he had developed some skill as a bodyguard, and managed to get himself hired to guard a merchant caravan that looped through valenwood, elsweyr, and cyrodiil. this was the time where he really came into his own in mercenary type fields, learning to use swords/shields/armor and how to hold his own against much larger foes. he also learned how to cook at this time, and had his first boyfriend. this relationship was not serious and did not last past ned’s contract with the caravan, but was significant and fondly remembered.
he chose not to continue as a caravan guard, and became interested in mercenary work instead. he joined up with cyrodiil’s fighters guild, and spent the next decade or so working for them. late in this period, he was subcontracted out to mainland morrowind on a longterm job as a hired guard. during this time, he met and began a relationship with yaksha gra-dralas, a morag tong agent. their relationship lasted about three years until ned’s contract ended. it was somewhat serious, but neither felt it was working out well enough to continue (and neds ass was too small). they went their separate ways, and ned returned to cyrodiil.
ned continued working for the fighters guild for an indeterminite amount of years, culminating in the events of oblivions fighters guild questline occurring. when ned was demoted for the death of the guildmaster’s son that he had nothing to do with, he decided that the guild was going to shit and that he was leaving. he resigned, and spent a few years hiring himself out independently as a mercenary or whatever else was paying.
eternally bad at settling, he became unsatisfied and decided to move again. he moved to vvardenfell, where he would live for the next 30 years or so. during this time, he joined their chapter of the fighters guild, took many odd jobs, and became more radicalized against the empire than he had already been (which was a lot).
notably, in the latter half of his time there, he met the disowned son of a hlaalu nobleman named ondryn. he and ondryn were assigned together on a longterm fighters guild job out in the wilderness, and began a relationship that would last a decade. it was ned’s longest relationship, and also the first one that he seriously considered the possibility of being permanent and settling with. he had loved all his partners before this, but ondryn was very special to him and brought out something much more serious in him.
it was this relationship that would also lead to ned’s involvement with daedric cults. ondryn was dissident against the tribunal and a follower of azura, boethiah, and mephala. this was just casual everyday worship, but the two joined an active sect of boethiah worshippers (at least partially trying to impress each other). ned had never been religiously motivated and believed that gods were not owed worship any more than anyone else, but was drawn to the “good daedra” for their seemingly mutually beneficial relationship with mortals.
ned was never the most devoted of boethiah’s sect, but through skill and luck he continuously proved himself worthy, and eventually was challenged to and won a tournament of 10 bloods. he was granted a title as champion of boethiah, and bestowed with the artifact goldbrand.
for a while, he proved himself worthy by continuing to maintain his position and defeat any challenger who came his way. but at one point, he was successfully kidnapped along with a fellow boethiah worshipper to be sacrificed to molag bal. he managed to free himself of his binds and escape, and came back with reinforcements to slaughter the rest of molag bal’s faithful, but it was too late for his friend.
this was the first decidedly traumatic incident of his life, and marked the beginning of a slow downturn of his life and his mental health. he was wracked with guilt at having left his friend to die, and was beginning to realize he wasnt really cut out for the whole champion of boethiah thing, rightfully fearing that he had lost favor for this weakness. in a stupid move (that would turn out smart in the long run in bargaining for his soul back), he kept goldbrand but fled with ondryn from the cult, ghosting boethiah and just hoping it wouldnt come back to bite him.
the blight was also worsening in vvardenfell at this point, with things beginning to get pretty scary. ned had repeatedly expressed desire for him and ondryn to flee vvardenfell, but the latter saw all this as just another crisis that would pass with time, and ned accepted this. around the time of the beginning of morrowind’s events, ondryn fell sick after an encounter with one of the ash creatures from red mountain. when it became obvious and undeniable that it was corprus, ondryn resigned himself to dying and asked of ned to help him be properly cremated and interred in his family tomb. all of ondryn’s living relatives had disowned him, but he still desired to be buried in his rightful place.
agreeing to this was the hardest thing ned had ever done. ondryn said goodbye and took poison, and ned was left alone to burn and lay his body to rest. he almost couldnt bring himself to do it, but eventually succeeded. after it was done, ned remained in the tomb for a few days, catatonic and just waiting to see if he would show symptoms himself. when it became clear that he had not contracted corprus, he considered suicide but became disgusted with himself and decided against it.
he remained in vvardenfell for a short while after this, but when his beloved guar (“jelly”) passed away of old age (mercifully peacefully), he decided enough was enough, and returned to cyrodiil. he had a couple of brief encounters with a person who he would later learn was the nerevarine, and left only weeks before the defeat of dagoth ur.
upon returning to cyrodiil, he was in a rut. he had become near-broke, had newly acquired mental health issues, had a constant fear of boethiah sending prospective champions after him, and had nothing to do with himself. he settled into the imperial city waterfront as a squatter, and attempted to join the thieves guild, but failed the initiation. desperate, he began thieving on his own, sometimes doing jobs for others and sometimes just to have money to get by.
he took a very large risk in agreeing to steal and imperial watch captain’s heirloom sword, and was captured in the act. he resisted arrest and injured the captain, and the captain personally intervened to get him a much steeper sentence than he otherwise would have. he was put into the imperial city prison for a few weeks, before being transferred to the arena and being put to work as a gladiator.
this was essentially a death sentence, with no determined ending besides dying in the arena. he met shap-mota here, a bard who had been blamed for a string of brutal assaults in spite of being pretty unquestionably Not the culprit. the two of them had an intimate relationship throughout this time, and struck up a friendship, but they were under a painful and unusual situation and it could not really be called a romantic relationship.
for a time, ned was managing well. he managed to get some serious dirt on one of the guard captains and effectively blackmail him. he wasnt able to secure his freedom, but was able to force his hand into giving him his sword (goldbrand) back and giving him and shap a bit more leeway as prisoners. having goldbrand is likely the only reason he survived and won all his death matches, but his uncooperativeness and humiliation of a few of the guards gave them a massive grudge.
after about 5 months, shap narrowly won a match, but had been gravely injured in the process and collapsed. ned last saw him being dragged out from the arena, and never saw anything that would indicate shap being alive, and had to assume he died. things got really bad after that, with ned having no buffer against the ire of the guards and other prisoners. he lost his blackmailing opportunity (though was allowed to keep goldbrand, due to the crowd loving his signature flaming sword) and was given absolutely terrible treatment from his captors.
he became incredibly disgusted with being forced to kill other prisoners and enraged at challengers who fought willingly. as he rose in the ranks, he was kept going by not knowing what else to do and by a grim satisfaction at murdering people who willingly chose to be combatants. this was very traumatizing.
ned achieved champion rank, though he almost lost his final match. his opponent disarmed him and instead of killing him, gloated and slashed at him with goldbrand, ripping his abdomen open and giving him his biggest scars. ned managed to take him by surprise and kill his opponent before passing out from shock and blood loss.
he woke up a day later to find he had been released. evidently, no one expected him to live that long and it was decided he might as well be let go. ned already had trauma to deal with, but was suddenly experiencing very unusual and new symptoms (which was ptsd and an anxiety disorder) that he had no idea what to do with. he was also convinced that his challenger was there on boethiah’s behalf, though he cant be sure of that, and the fear of being killed and left to the daedra who probably owned his soul took hold of him again.
he had been given some prize money, and he collected himself and left. he moved into kvatch, and rented an attic from some dunmer in exchange for proofreading his stupid “opus” about him killing all the cliff racers or whatever.
ned spent a few years in a haze, kind of just drifting through life, getting into shit here and there. there was an “incident” involving the towns blacksmith at the general store, and he was not arrested but was considered to owe a favor to the town’s watch captain due to the chaotic results that few dare to speak of.
this favor was finally cashed in when kvatch was burnt down by mehrune’s dagons invasion force and they needed someone to try and close the gate, and lo and behold here comes ned “owes a favor” nasty and some argonian from out of town who just kind of wandered in.
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theweasleyslytherin · 4 years
i knew you (ron weasley x reader) part 9
part 1/masterlist
summary: Ron inexplicably broke up with Cassiah Black just days before their final year at Hogwarts, leaving them both with broken hearts and no future plans, but too stubborn and too proud to fix things. The centuries-old rivalry between their Gryffindor and Slytherin houses only make things worse, and friendships are truly put to the test. Will they find their way back together before the year ends, or will the end of their time at Hogwarts be the last time they ever see the each other?
warnings: angst, drug/alcohol use
CHAPTER 9 - sight for sore eyes
We're lying on the moon It's a perfect afternoon Your shadow follows me all day Making sure that I'm okay and we're a million miles away
The Moon Song, beabadoobee ________________________
Ron had actually had a really good time at the party, despite the fact that he remembered only about 30 minutes of it and had spent the entire next morning yacking into a bucket instead of getting breakfast with everyone else in the dining hall. At least Harry had brought him back a croissant as an offering... but he'd thrown that up, too. Bloody firewhiskey.
All of that had been worsened by the fact that all he wished was for Cassie to be there to take care of him, and that she was with someone new and it fucking hurt. After that morning, the nausea faded, but the aching feeling in his chest persisted for the coming weeks.
It only worsened when he was sitting in Potions class a few weeks after his fight with Cassiah and, just before class was dismissed, his graded exam landed on his desk in front of his upside down. He hadn't expected to get an A – the panicky, humiliating feeling he'd had in his chest while taking it had been enough of an indication – but he'd had hope that he'd done alright. Ron had always struggled in school, but this year, he'd made a promise to himself for things to be different. He didn't need to check the grade to know what the result would be – he already knew.
He took a deep breath and flipped the paper over, trying to be subtle about it so that Neville wouldn't look over and see.
An F.
F as in failure. And it was all his own stubborn fault for refusing Cassiah's notes. Sure, they'd just been an empty gesture probably to assuage her guilt over dating Draco, but they would've made all the difference and Ron knew it. He always self-sabotaged like this because he was too damn proud... It must've been the Gryffindor in him.
He felt the tears prickling in the corners of his eyes and he willed them away – not in public, he told himself. He let his eyes flash to Cassiah, who was quietly smiling down at her paper. She never wanted to let on just how easy school was for her – she was always downplaying her talents or successes to make other people feel better, including Ron – but Ron knew. He was reminded of how he'd been able to be vulnerable with his emotions with her. She was so unashamed about expressing everything she was feeling, which could sometimes get to be rather annoying for Ron, but that was one of the many amazing things about her. When Ron was with Cassie, there was nothing embarrassing about feeling all his feelings as they came. Now he didn't have that outlet anymore, and he could feel it taking a toll.
Meanwhile, Draco was sitting with a smug look on his face, showing off his graded test to anyone who would look at it. Stupid bloody prefect, Ron thought, his blood boiling and his freckled ears turning red. Draco had always had everything – wealth, smarts, you name it – except for the most valuable thing: a person like Cassie. And now he had her, too. Ron couldn't help but think that Draco could never fully understand just how lucky he was. He had best treat her like the blessing she was. Merlin knows Ron hadn't, and now he regretted it so deeply.
He thought back to the day he'd let Cassie go. That hadn't been the first time he'd seen her cry because like he said, Cassiah was truly a serial crier, but it had been the first time that he'd been the reason for her tears. However, while it had crushed him to know that he'd made a girl he loved so deeply feel so horrible, he'd been a bit numb to at the time just based off of the fact that there was so much adrenaline pumping through his body and he was trying not to throw up or cry or faint.
Ron had intrusive thoughts about that day ever since, but he'd always pushed them away. It was too difficult to relive it all, and he knew that if he let himself, he'd be crushed with regret. He couldn't do that, because all he would want to do would be to crawl back to her, but that was the one thing he could never do.
But lately, he'd found himself wanting to revisit those feelings... Not that he'd ever admit it out loud.
He'd seen Cassiah cry once since that day, and it had been when he'd discovered her in Draco's room. Had that night, just a week after the breakup, been the beginning of her relationship with Draco? He felt sick at the thought.
Cassiah had told him that night that he'd given up the right to be concerned about her, but even though Ron was as angry with her and he'd ever been, he couldn't stop himself from caring about her, even if he had to do it from a distance for both of their sakes. Seeing Cassiah cry that night had broken his heart because not only had Ron made her cry, but more selfishly, it had implied the possibility that perhaps Cassiah cared enough about another guy to cry over someone else.
For the first time, Ron let himself try to look at that night from a different perspective. Maybe Draco hadn't been forcing himself on Cassiah. Perhaps he had actually been comforting her when she was...
Bloody hell.
The classroom was clearing out Ron could feel himself being overtaken by impulse, which in all honesty was usually the driving factor in most of his actions. He grabbed his failed test in his fist, crumpled it into a ball, and shoved it into his pocket before taking off in pursuit of a certain blonde Slytherin. He was sure that this was the first time he was going to purposefully interact with Malfoy but hey – it was a different world than it had been before.
"Malfoy, wait up!" he called, approaching the blonde boy but not daring to reach out and touch him. That somehow felt like crossing a forbidden line.
Draco slowed to a stop, murmuring something to Crabbe and Blaise before sending his friends on their way and carefully turning around. "Weasley. What gives me the pleasure?" Draco smirked, raising an eyebrow and crossing his arms over his chest, "Oh! Or have you come to accuse me again?" His tone was playful but his words were harsh.
Ron sighed, biting the inside of his cheek awkwardly. "About that. I really hate that I have to say this, but maybe I was... wrong. I don't know what on Earth has possessed Cassie that she would be shagging you, but, nevertheless, I uh–" he shuffled uncomfortably between his two feet, "I kind of wanted to ask you something."
"Well, go ahead and ask then. I haven't got time for your mindless rambling," Draco mocked. Merlin, what did Cassiah see in him?
"Okay. I have to say, I bloody hate that you two are... whatever you two are doing. But, I'll feel a lot better if I get this off my chest–"
"Spit it out, Weasley."
Ron stuttered nervously before continuing, "Do you care about her? You won't hurt her?"
Draco finally uncrossed his arms, suddenly less hostile as his face softened. "Of course. What kind of question is that?" he replied as if it were the most obvious thing in the world and he hadn't spent the last seven years torturing Ron and his friends, "Although I have to add that my relationship with Cassiah is different than you seem to think."
Ron frowned. What was that supposed to mean? He couldn't help but wonder if Draco meant that it was more than a rebound – that there were real feelings involved – but he couldn't let his mind go there at the moment. He composed himself and asked his real question:
"So, considering you care about her, I can guess that you didn't intentionally make Cassiah cry that night." Ron felt a hot shame rising in his chest as he came to the realization that his worst fears were true. But he still had to ask, "You said it was me who made her cry that night. But that doesn't make any sense, because she's moved on with you. Why would she be crying over me if she doesn't even care about me anymore?"
Draco's face shifted into a complex expression that Ron couldn't read. His eyes flicked away for a moment before sighing and looking Ron dead in the eyes and saying, "It really isn't my job to mediate between the two of you, and quite frankly, I'm not overly concerned with helping you." Ron nodded and turned to leave but Draco quickly grabbed him by the sleeve and added, "But you and I both know that people don't stop caring about each other altogether overnight. Sometimes, people never stop caring about each other, in some capacity or another."
Ron stood there staring, flabbergasted. He had not expected Malfoy to be so insightful. This was truly a side of the blonde boy he had never seen before in all their years of hating each other. Ron wasn't sure what to make of any of it, so he just reached out awkwardly and grabbed Draco's hand to shake it and gave a short, "Thanks, Malfoy. Seriously."
As he turned to walk away, his mind began spinning and going through an uncountable amount of emotions.
Cassiah still cared about him. But then why would she do something as cruel as she had on the night of the Quidditch match? Then again, Ron cared about Cassiah as well, but had hurt her pretty badly, too – hurt her enough to make her cry again. How many times had he made her cry without his knowledge? Probably at least as many times as he'd secretly cried over her when he was alone, and he hated himself for that responsibility. He couldn't take any of it back, but he could be better going forward.
If they both cared about each other so much, then why were they putting on an act of disinterest. That would only hurt themselves, and each other.
He had to find Cassiah.
Cassiah was tucked into her favorite, quiet corner of the library, hidden from the rest of the world by an enormous stack of books. The large majority of the books she'd pulled from the shelves were about Divination – which she'd always had a fascination with from the day she met Professor Trelawney. Something about the warm feeling she got in her chest in that classroom stuck with her, along with careful, mindful practices she learned there. Many people were skeptical of the practice of Divination, but Cassiah had always been a stellar, devoted student in the class.
However, she wasn't reading the Divination texts she'd found at the moment. Instead, her nose was buried in a piece of classic fiction she had brought from home. It felt amazing to get lost in another fantastical world for a while. She'd always loved to read as a child, but as she'd grown older, she'd grown out of the habit. After her breakup, though, she'd been devastated and had turned to fiction for comfort for the first time in so long. When she was reading one of her stories, her mind couldn't focus on what Ron might be thinking, or if Hermione and Ginny were hanging out and talking about her.
Truth be told, she thought a lot more about Ron than she did about her friends because he had become her best friend above anyone else.
She was so entranced in her fictional world that she didn't hear anyone coming, and she certainly couldn't see anyone over the tower of textbooks she had around her. That was on purpose. None of the people she actually wanted to see – Draco, Blaise, Pansy, the whole lot – would be in the library and she didn't particularly wish to talk to anybody else.
A gruff voice startled her out of her trance and she gasped, dropping her book and cursing, "Bloody fuck–"
Her words got caught in her throat the second she looked up and saw red.
Red hair, to be exact. Her jaw slacked with realization as she stared up at freckled cheeks and blue-green eyes.
Ron chuckled nervously, looking a little too much like he might throw up for Cassiah's usual liking, and ran a hand through his hair nervously. "Still got that mouth on you, I see," he offered, a sheepish half-smile forcing its way onto his face.
"I–" Cassiah stuttered, completely and utterly shell-shocked. Out of all the students at Hogwarts, Ron was the last one she expected to come find her in the library. She'd completely given up on ever speaking to him again, if she was being honest. She shook her head, "What are you doing here?"
She could practically hear Ron's heart beating out of his chest, but it gave her comfort to know that he was just as terrified as she was. He should be terrified – he'd broken her heart like she never even knew was possible.
Ron was speaking quietly with nerves, the same way he had when he'd first told her he wanted to be with her. "I knew I'd find you here," he said, sounding rather out of breath and now that Cassiah was looking closer, rather red in the face, "Well, I actually ran over practically the entire grounds before realizing that I knew exactly where to find you."
From Ron's breathless tone and rosy complexion, Cassiah was inclined to believe that he quite literally meant the entire grounds.
"Ron," Cassiah said just as quietly, not fully trusting her voice to not show her nerves or emotions, "Why were you looking for me? We haven't really been speaking at all ever since the breakup." Saying the words break up out loud to Ron made Cassiah choke on a lump in her throat she wasn't even aware was forming until that moment. She ducked her head, silently cursing herself for tearing up. He hadn't even said anything bad yet, but just looking at his face in person made her heart hurt. She had once loved this man so much, and now he hated her so terribly.
"Yeah, I- I know," Ron huffed, "Do you mind if I sit?"
His mannerisms were reminding Cassiah of when he had broken up with her. His breathing was ragged with fear and his voice was so low and soft and unsure.
"No, of course," Cassiah replied, stumbling to clumsily push some books aside to make space for him at the table. When Ron took his seat beside her – but not too close, she noted – the tower of books was now concealing both of them from anyone else's view. They had complete privacy. It was like they were alone, for the first time in months.
"I'm sorry that I made you cry," Ron blurted, "The night that I walked in on you and Draco, and any other time really. I'm really sorry."
Now Cassiah was truly shocked. She thought he'd come here bearing bad news. "It's okay, Ron, really."
"No, it's not," Ron said definitively, "I always told you when we were together that it wasn't okay for people to hurt each other, and it's still not okay now. I don't want to hurt you, Cassie."
At that, she let a tear slip out, and she looked over at him through glassy hazel eyes as she desperately tried to keep the waterworks in. "Well then I guess I owe you an apology, too," she said, just barely above a whisper because that was all she could manage at the moment, "For what happened at your Quidditch game. I– I know that was a really, really big day for you and I hadn't considered how much my actions would really hurt you."
Cassiah took a deep, shaky breath, staring directly into his eyes. She felt the prickling sensation in her nose and her eyes, and she decided to let her quiet tears fall. "Even if we're not together, I can never be mad at you. I still care about you so much and I hate that I did something that made you think otherwise."
She could've sworn she saw Ron's eyes shining, but he ducked his head just quickly enough for her to not see. "I care about you too, Cassie," he said, reaching out to grab her hand.
Instinctually, she started to pull her hand back. She hated being touched when she was upset. But she knew that this was his love language, and it would only make things worse if she rejected him, so she forced herself to stay in his grasp. It felt so wrong, after everything that had happened between them.
"So what do we do?" Ron asked. Cassiah felt a glimmer of hope in her chest, but then she remembered something Ron had said to her many moons ago.
"When couples break up, I don't think they should get back together. Unless it's been years and they both have fundamentally changed, they need to remember why they broke up in the first place."
Cassiah had thought it was bullshit at the time but had never thought it was be relevant to her and Ron, because she thought they would be together forever.
She shoved that glimmer of hope down into a dark, faraway place – as faraway as the kingdoms in her stories.
"We were always friends. We... We said we'd always be friends. And I really miss being your friend," she conceded, deciding that settling for friendship was better than not having Ron in her life at all, even if she would always ache for more.
If she hadn't been staring at her won fidgeting hands, she would've seen how Ron's face fell for just a second before he plastered a soft smile back onto his face.
"Then let's be friends," he concluded, smiling at Cassiah wistfully, "How hard can that be?"
Cassiah giggled quietly at that. She finally felt brave enough to look up at him. "Okay. So, when do we start? Being friends, doing friend stuff," she joked, biting her lip playfully.
"I mean, Seamus and I were gonna get high and spy on Neville's date with Luna if you wanna come?" he offered.
Cassiah gasped and punched Ron lightly in the arm, "Merlin, I am so out of the loop. Neville and Luna are finally together?"
"Yup," Ron smiled. He and Cassiah had been shipping Neville and Luna for years. "This is their second date. He's taking her into Hogsmeade for dinner. If we hurry back to my dorm, you can take a few hits before Seamus gets there," he tempted her, "I know you don't like to smoke in front of other people." The wink he sends her is telling of their years of friendship and she can't help but smile brightly back at him.
"Hey! I'm not like that anymore," she defended, crossing her arms across her chest in mock-offense, "But I will take you up on the offer."
"Yes," Ron did a little fist pump, "I really thought you were gonna say no. It's fun when you smoke."
Cassiah smiled shyly, not quite sure what to make of how natural everything felt between them. She knew there was still so much hurt buried on both sides, but she supposed it was easier to pretend that none of it had ever happened. Maybe some things didn't need to be talked about; maybe it was better that way.
They hurried back to Ron's dorm, finding that they had, in fact, beat Seamus there.
Ron made quick work of rooting through the drawers under his bed, poking his head up and holding up a bag of rolling papers and a pipe. "Blunt or bowl? Lady's choice," he questioned, raising his eyebrows at Cassiah with the goofiest look on his face.
Cassiah smiled shyly, biting her lip, before finally answering timidly, "Bowl." She never really smoked blunts. Well, she didn't smoke much at all, actually, but she felt more comfortable this way.
"Alright," Ron replied, pulling out his grinder and setting about his business. Cassiah watched him working with such expertise. As good as it was to be hanging out with Ron, it was nice to not have to talk for a moment and just wrap her mind around what was happening. She sat on the bed next to him, letting her feet dangle just above the floor and kicking them softly back and forth.
"Okay, c'mere," Ron said.
"I can light it myself," Cassiah challenged him, raising an eyebrow. She knew he'd be surprised to hear her say that.
"Ooh, big girl," he joked back. He motioned for her to closer anyways, "For old time's sake."
Cassiah huffed, "Okay, fine," but secretly she was relieved.
Ron held the pipe up to her lips and he smiled down at her. "Ready?" he asked, and she nodded. He used to wand to cast a charm and suddenly there was a flame.
Cassiah was looking up at him through those thick, long eyelashes, and her hair was tucked so cutely behind her ears. She looked so beautiful that Ron could feel his heart melting as he stood there. What a blessing it was to be this close to her again, studying her beauty from just inches away. She was the prettiest creature he'd ever seen, and he'd almost forgotten all of the little details that made her so special. But sitting there, watching her, it was almost like things had never changed between them.
"I'm excited," Ron said with a goofy, toothy grin.
"Merlin, don't make it into a big deal, Ron," Cassiah shot back, blushing madly with embarrassment.
"My little Cassie's first time smoking," he mocked, pinching her cheeks. She swatted him away, but her laugh let him know she wasn't too pissed off.
"I would've done it before, I just," she bit her lip, "I don't know, I want it to be just me and you. It's embarrassing, I don't want Fred and George or the guys here to make fun of me."
Ron knew she hated people seeing her do things she wasn't good at. "I won't make fun of you, " he reassured, and she raised an eyebrow. "Promise," he said, offering her a pinky.
She scooched closer to him and let him light the bowl for her, his wand radiating heat from the flame that made her want to shy away. She breathed in the smoke and then released it in his face.
She paused, and after a few moments declared, "I don't feel anything."
"Baby, you've gotta inhale it."
"That's what I did!" she insisted.
"No, honey," Ron explained, like try to hold it in your lungs for a second, don't just keep it in your mouth." He studied Cassiah carefully, seeing how her ears were pink with embarrassment, "You wanna try again?"
Cassiah nodded wordlessly, so Ron repeated his actions. She inhaled a decent-sized hit, and Ron smiled down at her,
"Atta girl," he said proudly, "Took it like a champ."
Cassiah smiled at him as she exhaled, and coughed loudly.
She'd taken one or two more hits, and then Ron had finished off the bowl himself. Sitting on the bed next to him, Cassiah just looked for beautiful. She always looked so beautiful. He couldn't resist and leaned over to kiss her hungrily, and she giggled as the kiss made her head spin.
"Do you feel good?" he asked after a few minutes of heated kissing.
She nodded shyly and responded a quiet, "Yes. Very good," a continued kissing him. And if that wasn't some of the best sex of Ron's life, he'd be damned.
The sound of Cassiah coughing barely audibly shook Ron out of his stupor. He handed him a glass of water he had sitting by his bed.
His friend, Cassiah.
He never thought he'd be calling her that again. It was a bit of a disappointment. He'd thought for sure for a moment that she was going to ask to start things over, but he loved her so much that he couldn't turn down an offer to have her in his life. At least if they were friends he couldn't keep hurting her.
Hey guys! I'm sorry it's been so long but hopefully this 4000 word monster makes up for it a bit. Sometimes this book is hard to write because I'm kind of using it as an outlet for some things that happened in my own previous relationship. yikes!
Finally, a break from the angst and some happiness! :)
I hope there's not too many typos. My mental health said absolutely not to any proofreading tonight. I'm terribly sorry if this is a mess.
i love you all so much. i hope you loved this chapter. i can't wait for you guys to see what comes next <3 <3 xx tag list: @theamazingspideraj @girl22334 @mariellelovescupcakes @lateautumn
Published on my Wattpad (halebscallison) and my Tumblr (theweasleyslytherin).
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every1studio · 5 years
REQUESTED: “ateez x harry potter”
genre: misc.
ficstyle: bulletpoints + analysis
requested: “ Can u do an ateez Harry Potter au like ur ouran post?? “
note: I’m almost at 3K followers and was wondering what to do to thank all of you /:
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(house: Gryffindor)
(being: half-blood)
has a huge sense of leadership; lets other rely on him 
takes risks; is a talented student but is curious one, which makes him a troublemaking heart-throb 
his playful nature makes him extremely charming; everyone’s eye candy 
speaking of charming, he really enjoys charms and flying
you can catch him reading his book of charms while flying on his back while listening to music 
actually that’s how you encountered him
you were munching on a pastry as you sitting on the rooftop of your dorm; going through your astrology homework 
UNTIL he comes crashing down right in front of you 
Hongjoong starts to tumble off the roof as his broom had already rolled off 
you reached your arm with your wand in your hand to help bring him up
but he grabs your hand instead; you had to rely on physical strength to pull him up
when you both were safely seated on the roof, you couldn’t help but scold him 
“don’t you have ANY idea how dangerous that was?!”
your furrowed brows had softened when he looks up at you; red hair was tousled, chest huffing and puffing, sweat running down his raised brows, and his smile SHOT right through your heart
“yeah, it was.. but you’re okay?” 
you couldn’t help but nod
“then I’ll be on my way.. see ya Y/N~” he charms as he steps off the roof
a gust of wind rushes by as he flies away on his broom
you don’t know how he knew your name
or how he charmed his way into your heart 
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(house: Ravenclaw)
(being: half-vampire, half-wizard)
is led by logic and reason
known for being straightforward; speaks as if he is a walking book 
bores the ladies with his speech but they’ll still listen to him because he’s so ethereally handsome 
because he’s half-vampire, you can find him leaning on the railing of his window at night
he has permission by the headmaster to roam around as long as it was on school grounds 
which is a plus for him, since he has a love for astronomy
it’s the one of the rare studies that connects the wizardly world to the Muggle world; he’s always been intrigued with Muggles 
you were sneaking out to collect herbs for a potion, one to keep you awake to study
you were picking herbs in the school’s garden under the moonlight; the starry night sky distracted you from your picking 
then you felt a cold sensation followed by a pair of beady, red eyes; you almost ran for it until you felt the being’s cold hand being placed over your mouth
“Seonghwa? is that you?” the ground’s keeper called out
“yes sir, it’s just me..”
“don’t do anything I wouldn’t do~” you both heard the ground’s keeper footsteps retreating
the moment his hand fell from you mouth, you gasped for air
Seonghwa felt apologetic, “I apologize.. I did not want you to get in trouble..”
he looks at your bundle of herbs, “potion making?” 
you nodded, scared to look into his eyes, but his gentle voice pulled you in 
“I know quite of amount of potions.. would you let me help you?” his bangs fell over his eyes and the scary red softened into a glowing reddish amber 
“what’s in it for you?” you managed to squeak
“I would like to know more about the Muggle world... and to get to know more about you...”
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(house: Hufflepuff)
(being: 1/4 giant, 1/4 Muggle, 1/2 wizard)
the STAR of his Quidditch team; the Seeker
with his agility and long limbs, getting the Golden Snitch was always in his favor 
this guy is just about the most perfect guy in the whole school
everyone either wants to be his friend or want him to be their boyfriend
literally has a heart of gold; like a golden retriever  
the class clown but does pretty well in his classes; who has a secret love for herbology 
you caught him tending some plants as you were making your way to the school garden to sketch 
“awh.. look at my babies-”
you both accidentally make eye contact
“oh.. I-uh.. didn’t mean to interrupt.. I’ll just be on my way-”
“Y/N, WAIT!”
your eyes went wide when you heard your name
you didn’t think that one of the most popular boys in school would know YOUR name
Yunho didn’t know what to say or do next, but he didn’t want you to leave so soon
“uh.. wha-whatcha doing there?” he points at your sketchbook 
“was planning on sketching..”
Yunho smirks at his idea, “wanna sketch me?”
you smirk back, “sure”
little does he know that you’re gonna draw him with his “babies” and blackmail him just to tease him
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(house: Hufflepuff)
(being: Muggle-born)
the sweetest-looking boy that ever walked the corridors of Hogwarts 
it doesn’t help that he loves taking care of magical creatures 
always seen with a creature following him or perched on his shoulders; like his admirers, even the animals love him
unlike you, even though you like to look at them, they don’t really like you 
so in Care of Magical Creatures class, you all had to touch a hippogriff 
you tried to be careful but the hippogriff rose up to try to strike you
Yeosang jumped in front of you and distracted the hippogriff from you 
when he succeeded, he turned to you; face full of worries
“are you alright, Y/N?” 
you two had one of many classes together; everyone knew each other’s names
“yeah.. thank you Yeosang..” you were clearly upset because you truly admired these creatures but you can never get close to them
it was like Yeosang read your mind, “I could show you some tricks and tips with dealing with creatures, it’s not as hard as it seems..”
his voice was gentle the whole time; it was quite soothing
you nodded 
and that was a bloom of a friendship
maybe it might be more
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(house: Slytherin)
(being: pure-blood)
excelled in all of his classes; especially alchemy 
Slytherin’s top student and model student 
if looks could kill, they’d belong to Mr. Choi San; he always had a stern, icy cold demeanor about him that made his admirers fantasize about him
but every time you were around him, you could catch him innocently smiling and laughing with his friends 
he can’t have ANYONE just catching him when he’s showcasing emotions; this is what his parents told him 
but he couldn’t help it, he really fell for you
the way you slept in class but aced all of your classes, the way you tucked your hair behind your ears when you were irritated, just everything you did made him fall more in love with you  
so he confronted you; to make sure that his feelings for you was just an illusion  
San puffed up his chest before calling out to you, “hey Y/N!”
but the moment you turned to face him, it was like the ray of sun that warmed up his cold, scaly heart 
it was weird for someone like him to talk to you; a Muggle-born, frankly you were a little scared
not knowing what to say, he declared war on you, “you better watch out dirty-blood, don’t come crying to me for help when I get 1st on all of the classes!”
you smirked as you placed your chin on the hilt of your hand, “you can definitely come cry on my shoulders when I beat your ass AGAIN~”
maybe you both had feelings for each other 
but maybe there was too much pride for either of you to admit it 
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(house: Ravenclaw) 
(being: half-blood)
he’s pretty clumsy and is kind of an airhead 
but he’s actually pretty smart; which is quite a switch from his personality 
is a very curious student, always asking questions 
the class clown; more like the cunning jester 
and if he was the cunning jester; you were the ice princess 
it was his goal to melt that iron heart of yours  
everyday he sent you flying notes filled with riddles and puzzles; which you adored 
you loved mysteries and discovering the unknown 
you didn’t know who was sending you these notes 
but it didn’t mattered
because you fell for the quirky, mysterious side of your secret admirer
Mingi was used to just being your secret admirer, so he really didn’t have endgame of how he was going confess to you
or even appear in front of you 
that all changed when you caught him in the act; it was the moment he cast the spell and it flew straight into your hands
you both made eye-contact; for the first time, Mingi could see the warmth in your eyes
“you’re the one sending me these?” you didn’t mean to sound so cold but that’s how you talked
Mingi cowered his head, “they must’ve been annoying and a waste of your time.... I’m sorry, I’ll stop sending them..”
he turns to leaves but you grabbed him back, “wait..I.. I really have been enjoying them. I look forward to them everyday..”
Mingi turns around to see the school’s ice princess blush for the first time
maybe he should start sending them more often 
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(house: Gryffindor)
(being: pure-blood)
the school’s sweethearted prince
looks like a bad boy but he’s quite the gentleman 
you didn’t like him at first; you thought he was a pretentious, typical jock 
one of the rare pure-bloods who wasn’t a Slytherin and you thought it got to his head 
the Gryffindor Quidditch team always tried to get him on their team because he was basically one of the best athletes in the school
but he always declined and opted for potion making 
you thought he liked making potions to use it on girls 
everyone said he was nice but you thought otherwise
every time he tried to talk to you, you ignored him and walked away
it was early; you couldn’t sleep yet you were so tired so you went to the library to shake off your tiredness  
you didn’t expect to see Wooyoung there 
you sat as far as you could from him
he could tell that he made you uncomfortable
but he couldn’t help but notice how tired you looked
he makes his way over to you and you didn’t want to deal with him so you were packing your things 
“hey.. Y/N..I know you don’t like me but you don’t look too well..” Wooyoung takes a little bottle from his bag, “it’s for tiredness.. you don’t have to take it if you don’t want to..”
you didn’t know if it was a good idea to take it or not, but you did 
and with a blink of an eye, your tiredness was lifted
Wooyoung smiles to see the dark bags under your eyes disappear, “I hope you get some rest tonight..”
he shoves his hands in his pockets and walks away
knowing that the only way to get to your heart the right way
and that was with baby steps      
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(house: Hufflepuff)
(being: Muggle-born)
his grandparents were wizards but both of his parents were scquibs 
his parents were so ecstatic to find out that their son was a wizard
he was good at everything but he was humble about it
his teachers told him that he was one of the most talented wizard they’ve ever seen
but he didn’t want the glory of being “the most” anything
he just wanted to make his parents proud 
you didn’t mean to eavesdrop on his phone call with his parents
“I could stop going to school and get a job to help with mom’s hospital bills- no, dad... just.. just gimme some time..”
Jongho ends up the phone call and meets eye-to-eye with you
you didn’t know if you should apologize or walk away
but when you saw him leave first, you held him back
“I didn’t mean to listen into your conversation.. but I can help.. with your mom’s hospital bills...”
he tried to find any hint of deception, “how do I know you’re not lying? to use me for blackmail..”
you were a pure-blooded Slytherin; by the books, you were suppose to hate his kind 
but like you, he cared for his family and it didn’t mattered what house he was in and who he was
you wanted to help him; you didn’t know how fragile is heart was but you’re willing to make sure it doesn’t shatter into a billion pieces 
and he was going to let you  
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secret-engima · 4 years
Title thingy if ur still doing that, my friend. Not Everyday Is A Good Day (Live Anyway)
Ohhhhh. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
So many things I could DO with this title. *squints*.
Did I ... ever do that ffxv naruto crossover I came up with at like 3AM?
Let’s assume I didn’t and roll with that.
It ends with dying.
It starts with waking up after dying, and finding a world gone bloody and primitive and strange.
It starts with a little boy from a village no one knows opening his eyes one day and ... remembering. Feeling the burning Light under his skin that tangles with the energy in the world around him and realizing he is alive once more ... and the world is completely different from what he remembers.
It is not a good beginning. Because the world has more than fallen apart since he was last awake, and people are superstitious and afraid of odd things.
And there are few things more odd than a little boy with too old eyes and a too sharp mind. A little child with no fear of death, with a birthmark on his front and back that looks like a blade went right through his heart, who dances in the storms with the rain beating his skin and a grin that is two shades too wild to be human.
It is not a good beginning, and there are a very many days that are even worse.
He lives anyway. He lives and he learns. Of ninja and clans, of a world where all have a fragment of magic, a tamer version of the Thing in his veins. Where the powerful wage war and technology is long, long lost (stolen, he thinks, by the paranoid, or perhaps forbidden by them out of fear of another Niflheim).
He lives, and when he is only eleven, he takes what few things he has to call his own and he leaves the village behind. No one misses him.
He walks and walks and walks, deeper and deeper into the wilds. At one point, he meets a giant orange fox who burns with old anger and simmering indifference. Their eyes meet, an old King and a newborn Astral, and the fox dips his head in silent, surprised acknowledgment of the truth men have forgotten. He keeps walking. Living off the wilds like he has done a thousand times in memories not his own, unafraid of the beasts, for they are not daemons, and nothing is scary after facing down daemons.
He finds a nice little nook in an unassuming wood, and there he builds himself a home. There is a village a few days walk away, and after growing bored with making too many potions to place even in his massive armiger, he goes to the village and sells them as herbal remedies. They taste terrible to drink instead of crush against skin, but they work just as well when swallowed.
The people of this village are superstitious too, but they do not know him as a boy turned suddenly too old, only as a mysterious wood hermit who looks too young for his eyes and sells miracle medicine for a pittance, who will save lives from incurable fates with a touch of green hands and a flicker of burning feathers and ask nothing in return.
It takes him a long time to realize the little house they’ve built him for when he comes to visit is actually a shrine.
Yoru, they call him. Night. For his hair and his quiet, for the shadows that walk in his steps. He thinks it’s funny, that even now, in another life, he still ends up with a name that means Night.
And it is a very lonely life, to be held as a friendly, if strange spirit of the woods by other humans, to be alone in his memories and his ghosts in a world that remembers his sacrifice when the humans there do not. The Astrals he has always known are deep in slumber, and for all he is lonely he is reluctant to wake them. Not everyday is a good day.
He lives anyway.
He is thirteen, he thinks, maybe fourteen, when she finds him. She is only his age, and she is so very, very pretty. A rarity with hair the color of pale gold and eyes as blue as the sky.
Funny how they look the same as they did in their last life.
She is a noble’s daughter, and she is too young to be out of her family’s care, but she is not the daughter of the nobleman’s wife, and the son who IS is deathly ill.
Heal my son, says her father with desperate eyes, and I will give you my daughter.
He is angry at the thought of it. At seeing her, who has saved the world and holds his heart even now, being used as a bargaining chip with what these people think is a wayward forest spirit. He could do anything to her in their minds.
And they do not care.
The son matters more.
He accepts and he heals the son they have brought of his illness (something simple, something the non-magical medicine of his era could have healed).
The nobleman, his son, and his escort depart. They leave her behind.
She takes his hands in hers and whispers that she is glad, they touch lips, brief and chaste, and she laughs when he names her Tsuki. His Moon.
Maybe it is a good day after all.
The locals acclimate to her quickly, whisper over the powers they think she has gained by becoming his bride. He does not care, he has his Moon and his little forest home. If his brothers find him ... then life would be perfect, but until then, he is content.
And then a ninja sets his house on fire.
Well, the village shrine really, but it’s the same thing now after Luna talked him into moving in permanently so as to better treat the villagers.
There are five of them, three with black hair and fire licking their bones and two with brown hair and magic like water or earth. They are fighting, and while one of the black hairs sets the shrine on fire, it is one with brown hair that knocks down the lovely Tori gate he’d grown rather fond of.
His magic unfurls, heavy and displeased, and all five drop to their knees with gasps of shock and fear. Two struggle to their feet, collapse again when he presses downward with his magic. They have more magic than the villagers, but compared to him and his Moon, they are raindrops in an ocean.
“Leave this place,” he snarls, his voice layered with a hundred others, and the ninja blanch as they flee.
Except one. The brown haired one who knocked over his Tori gate and is apparently bleeding very badly from his torso, struggles to stand and then collapses.
The other brunette leaves him behind.
He sighs as his magic curls inward and it’s the work of a moment to drag the man inside the crispy house and see what’s wrong. A few potions set the man to rights, and when he wakes up hours later, stupefied and wary, his Moon laughs as he sends the ninja on his way with a scowl.
Three days later, two ninja arrive in the village. All the villagers glare, they are still trying to figure out how to fix the gate on such short notice, but the ninja make no trouble as they approach the shrine home.
“I am Hashirama, leader of the Senju Clan,” the elder says with a low bow, so low his long brown hair touches the ground, “and I came to offer thanks and apologies for my clansmen.”
The white haired one just scowls, skeptical as he stares at the shrine and its inhabitants.
“I am Yoru,” he answers, all of maybe seventeen now, “and this is Tsuki. Your ninja knocked my gate down. And three more set my house on fire.”
Hashirama winces, “I am sorry for the gate, I can fix it if you like.” Yoru tilts his head and Hashirama takes it as an agreement.
Tsuki makes a noise of surprised delight when a new gate grows up from the ground, living wood in the desired shape. Yoru makes a pleased noise, his magic couldn’t do that. He looks back down at the Senju in interest, “I’ve never seen a ninja do that before,” he muses, and the man laughs a touch nervously.
They have come to make amends, but as far as Yoru is concerned, the gate has paid their tab. Even so, he asks questions and when he learns of the Senju’s war with the Uchiha, he frowns.
“Leave my village and my forest alone,” he says, “So long as you are within twelve miles of the village, you are not to fight.” The white-haired one protests, but Yoru will not budge.
It doesn’t take long for him to have to enforce that rule.
He hears the burning of wood and the feels the flare of magic and sighs as he warps over there. A glance proves it’s the brunettes and the black hairs again.
He lets his magic surge out and flatten them in their surprise, snuffs the flames with an ice spell, and glares, “I said,” he intones darkly, “no fighting near my home.”
“You dare-!” snarls the leader of the black haired ones, only to falter when Yoru turns his gaze on him. Speechless under the weight of the gaze.
Most people are when facing eyes the color of age and blood.
“I don’t know what war you fight,” he says slowly, “but you will not fight it here. If you do this again, there will be consequences.”
He looks over at the Senju, silent warning that his message applies to them too. Then he sighs and folds his arms over his chest, “Are you even fighting for a cause? Why are you so determined to kill each other?”
Both sides break out in shouting, accusations of death and vengeance that makes him feel weary. Tsuki touches his shoulder from where she has caught up, her eyes solemn, and Yoru scoffs, “What a pointless reason to fight.”
“And what would you know?” Snarls one of the Uchiha as he stalks forward, moving under the weight of Yoru’s magic only because Yoru is not projecting it all. The sword lashes out for Yoru’s neck, and his armiger flairs to life, blocking the blade and pointing four more at the man’s throat.
The leader of the Uchiha hisses a name, it sounds like “Izuna”.
Yoru looks into red eyes with black marks and crushes the attempt at an illusion (so pathetic compared to Ardyn’s a lifetime ago) with barely a thought, “What would I know?” he muses softly. “What. Would I. Know?”
His magic begins to rise, shifting into visible spectrum, crystalline shares and licking blue fire, an armiger of dancing blades risking in ghostly white. He can feel his skin cracking open and gleaming, mortal skin fracturing under the pressure of angry magic, he lets it form, lets his skin turn grey and terrible, lets his magic coat the summer field with ice and his shoulders with ghostly blue fire.
He watches as the Uchiha who lashed out at him pales, eyes flickering frantically, trying to see through a trick that does not exist.
“Do not presume to know me,” Yoru growls, “do not presume to know my heart or my ways. I have seen what vengeance wreaks. I have walked through its graveyards, I have stood beneath its blackened skies and tasted its ash as the world rots beneath the endless night. Vengeance will eat you alive and hunger for more, it will demand more blood than the world contains and at the end of the day, the dead you claim to be avenging Will. Not. Care. Vengeance is not a reason to fight. It is a reason to die. And if it is death you want, then I will give it to you. I will burn your home to as he and stand upon the bones, and when I am done and the world goes quiet, there will be none who look upon them and will be able to tell your bones from those of the Senju you despise. Is that what you want, little ninja? To paint the world brown with your dried blood? To rouse what lies sleeping and destroy what yet breathes?” All the ninja have gone dead white and Yoru snarls, old, tired fury in his blood, memories of Conqueror-Fierce-Warrior-Mystic stirring him toward violence, “Well? SPEAK and it will be so. Speak and I will SHOW YOU what vengeance is-.”
Tsuki’s- Luna’s- arms rest on his bicep, unflinching from the heat, and she whispers, “Peace, my love.”
His anger cools. His skin heals over. His armiger fades.
Yoru steps back from the white-faced ninja, those who have heard of the supposed healer guardian of the forest but not believed it until this moment, and he warns with dark exhaustion, “Leave. Leave and think about what it is you really want. For your world to burn? Or for your children to be able to grow old rather than lie forgotten in shallow graves and crows’ bellies. Fight here again, fight anywhere with in fifty miles of my home, and I will end your blood feud for you, and neither side will celebrate my intervention.” Yoru turns away, ignoring the wide-eyed Hashirama, the spinning red eyes of the Uchiha, “go away and cease playing at war.”
Tsuki leads him home and he lies on the floor for a long time. Letting the cool of the wood leach into his bones, letting his magic curl lazy patterns in the air as his Moon and his Love curls patiently against his chest, waiting for him to rise out of the memories howling in his head.
Today is not a good day.
Tomorrow might be better, when it comes, but even if it isn’t ... well.
Not every day is a good day.
He lives anyway.
And he will never forget what a blessing that is.
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mfingenius · 5 years
i jUST found ur Veela au and im already invested!! how did harry react to being Draco’s mate?!??
Part 1      Part 2      Part 3
Harry is freaking tf out 
Draco’s still asleep and part of harry wants to wake him up bc HOW DARE HE drop this sort of bomb and then just sleep??
but madam pomfrey tells him that if he wakes mr. malfoy she’ll make him suffer bc he needs to sleep
and that harry needs it too and if she sees him still awake in a couple hours she’ll give him a sleeping potion
so after she’s tended to his wounds (which were thankfully minimal apart from fucking dying) he places his infirmary bed next to draco’s and falls asleep holding his hand 
he wakes a long long time later (understandable, this boy hasn’t slept well in like a year)
Draco’s staring at their still linked hands, frozen, bc he remembers what he said and he thinks harry won’t want him anymore bc veelas mate for life and they’re seventeen ffs
he hasn’t noticed harry’s awake
draco snaps his eyes up to harry’s face and immediately goes red
‘i’m sorry, harry, i didn’t mean to tell you like that. it’s alright if you - if you don’t want me right now. i know i’m not - i’m damaged now and-’
‘and i swear i tried to fight them and every day i thought of you but i couldn’t stop the crucios and-’
‘and i know i don’t deserve you-’
Draco finally shuts up
‘i don’t care what happened at the manor’
it’s a lie
harry does so care about what happened at the manor but not bc of the reasons draco thinks 
he just cares bc he wants to know who he’s sending to azkaban first 
‘and i never want to hear you say you don’t deserve me again. you deserve everything. i love you.’
draco’s at a loss of words
he was so convinced harry was going to break up with him 
‘can you explain the mate thing to me?’
so draco tells him everything 
about how he knew in fourth year and that was why he joined the order and the ridiculous care-taker instincts that have been driving him insane 
he tells him all of it 
down to how he felt him die 
harry frowns and cups draco’s face
‘i’m so sorry’
and they kiss 
cut forward to when madam pomfrey practically kicks them out of the infirmary (as soon as draco can walk bc apparently the spell did some good damage but it was mostly blood loss) bc other people need the beds
neither of them knows what to do then
everyone is still mourning for friends or family so thankfully they’re allowed to sneak away 
remus and tonks have already gone home to teddy 
draco and harry go to grimmauld place to stay with sirius for a bit 
the news about their eighth year come out a few months into their stay there and neither of them are sure whether they want to go back or not
the aurors have already made it clear they’ll take harry (and all of them) newts or no
but harry doesn’t think he wants to be an auror anymore
he still has nightmares of the war 
and so does draco 
he sees how they leave him shaking, and how he won’t let harry touch him for hours afterwards curled up in a corner of their room
and honestly he thinks they’ve both had enough 
but he doesn’t know what else to do 
it’s not like either of them need to work 
harry’s filthy rich bc of his parents 
draco’s filthy rich bc since he was a spy for the order the malfoy fortune has gone to him without being touched by the ministry (lucius malfoy is in azkaban fucking finally)
but harry also doesn’t want to just not work 
but he sure as hell doesn’t want to go back to hogwarts as a student bc he doesn’t think he could ever do that again 
draco does want to go back for eighth year 
in the whole year he was captive he didn’t do magic at all and he’s been struggling a lot with it 
neither of them want to be apart 
it’s mcgonagall who delivers the answer to them 
she goes to grimmauld place personally 
and before harry can even speak she tells him ‘i know you don’t want to come back as a student’
and then proceeds to offer him the defense against the dark arts position 
although harry hadn’t thought of it before he sees now that it’s perfect
mcgonagall proceeds to turn to draco
‘and i know you want to come back to study. this way you’re both there and you’re both doing what you want’
she mostly wants them to come back bc she thinks they deserve one last chance to be children and learn silly spells and have feasts and not be the adults they were forced to be 
they both agree almost instantly 
then they’re going to hogwarts and they’re in a train compartment together
and then they’re at the feast and draco keeps batting his eyelashes at harry from the eighth year table and mcgonagall can see how this was a bad idea 
and then they’re in class and everyone respects harry as a teacher - even his own classmates - bc somehow he just fits 
and if at night draco sleeps in harry’s teacher quarters instead of the eighth year dorm then no one needs to know 
(everyone totally does but no one says anything)
and then it’s the winter holidays and they’re lying in bed together, harry petting draco’s wings (they’re always there lately and madam pomfrey tells them it’s permanent now that draco’s finally with his mate and feels safe)
and he brings up the subject of getting their own place
draco kisses him before he can even finish the question
before eighth year is over they’re already looking at flats and houses 
now that the war isn’t as fresh in everyone’s minds reporters are constantly bothering harry or draco or hermione or ron 
harry’s taken the worst of it obviously 
they never leave him alone 
and so it’s hard to find a house bc every realtor wants to be the one to sell to harry potter and his boyfriend 
so eventually they get tired of it and go have lunch in muggle london (after placing a strong disillusionment charm on draco’s wings) 
‘why not here?’
‘why not here? why don’t we find a flat here? in muggle london. no one will bother us. we can connect the chimney to the floo network.’
harry stares at draco for a whole two seconds and then kisses him senseless
‘i love you’
looking for apartments in muggle london is much easier than in magical london 
it takes them a few weekends but finally they find one they’re both in love with
it’s a small one bedroom apartment on the top floor of an apartment building that has huge windows - draco needs those, bc he’s developed a deep fear of the dark and small rooms bc he feels too much like he’s in the dungeons at the manor again - and a lot of sunlight and it admits pets and a big kitchen - draco’s hopeless cooking but he’s been trying to learn and harry loves to watch the pinch of his eyebrows and mouth along to the muggle on the telly as she dictates the recipe - and it’s small and it needs some work but it’s theirs and harry could just cry 
they move in as soon as eighth year is over 
draco becomes a model for parvati patil’s clothing line 
harry’s not at all surprised
his boyfriend’s fucking gorgeous 
he makes sure to tell that to anyone who has the bad luck to sit next to him in the fashion shows he attends for draco
harry continues to teach at hogwarts 
after all of two months of living together harry proposes 
draco says yes ofc
they get married
and now harry can say ‘that’s my husband’ excitedly whenever he goes to one of the fashion shows draco’s modeling in 
and then time passes and they’re every bit as happy as they ever were
and ofc it’s not perfect
harry still has nightmares
so does draco
draco still has days where he hands harry a coat and then kicks him out the door bc he needs time alone 
harry still has nights he wakes up with a curse on his lips and his wand pointed at the wall 
but they’re together, and they’re happy bc it’s what they fucking deserve
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coolandspicy · 6 years
Lost Fantasia recap
This is crazy long so i’ll put it under the cut!
Pre concert they play most of VIXX’s mvs on the big screens which is fun. (Super Hero and Rock Ur Body are suspiciously absent lol)
About 5 minutes before concert start time there’s this super loud count down...but after a few seconds it fades into a song? It scared me both nights tho lol!
1st Vcr - its all in black and white, people walking around in animal masks, and we see the members one by one, frozen in place seemingly?
The big curtain falls and the members are lowered from the raised platform while intense music plays
They’re wearing these sparkly Silver zigzag jackets and matching pants, they get into formation to perform and the first song is Odd Sense! It starts awesome with really cool lighting (all the lightsticks turn red) but a few seconds in the backing vocals totally cut so its just vixx singing live and the music is a bit quieter, they keep going a little longer but then suddenly the whole song cuts and Hakyeon apologizes and asks if they can start again. The lights go off and the members exit the stage.
We ended up waiting about a full hour for the technical issues to be resolved and the atmosphere was super tense; starlights were so upset and they were kind of cursing at jellyfish? At one point they chanted for an apology 😅I was seriously worried that if the problem wasn’t resolved something terrible would happen...
But the concert finally resumed and the members appeared exactly were they had been when the music cut; they performed Odd Sense, followed by Escape (during the the “run away” part starlights were even louder than ravi) and then Silence!
1st Talk session: first the members apologized again for the issues and Hakyeon asks for starlights to give them strength/energy by still cheering loudly. They go on to talk about hair colors; Hongbin has purple hair (at fans request!) Leo has blond instead of silver bc he couldn’t take any more bleach, Ravi dyed his hair to be the same color as Hyuk? Hakyeon pokes Ravi insistently waiting for Ravi to talk about his gray highlights (Ravi ignores him for a while but then finally they acknowledge Hakyeon^^)
The next song is Fantasy, after which the members disappear but Ravi stays (he took his jacket off and has the white shirt and black harness on) and does a mini solo performance (I’m calling these solos ‘mini’ bc they’re really not quite as long as the usual solo performances we see?) Ravi performs with female back up dancers and then at the end walks back upstage where the other members are waiting ( and also wearing the White shirts, black pants + harnesses)
They perform Into the void, while seated/standing with these two props shaped like some kind of rocks. After the song the members walk down stage (Leo, Ravi and Hakyeon go to the middle; Hyuk and Hongbin go all the way to the left side of the stage; and Ken goes all the way to the right) they perform Six feet under — its so hype live, I really loved it!!
2nd talk: Hakyeon complements Ravi’s performance, and asks Ravi shoot hearts to each floor/section of the audience. Then they ask what song starlights would like to see next, because the audience is not really in sync (some people are asking Leo to shoot hearts also)  Leo shoots a powerful heart before they start Trigger. This choreo oh my god!! Everything from running gun hands down their long legs, the members circling round Hakyeon poised to shoot + and the killer moment: Ravi grips Ken from behind and shoots towards the audience 👀
Then they do Beautiful killer (with even more gunhands) and descend into the stage
2nd Vcr: solo scenes!
Ravi is in the rain holding an umbrella, but the then he drops it and just lets the water soak through his jacket, then he takes of the jacket and his shirt is all wet and see though;; he throws the jacket at the audience/camera and disappears!
Hyuk has an aesthetic scene in a phone booth & with the ground covered in rose petals?? He steps out and holds a blue potion and disappears when the rose petals fall around him
At an aesthetically neon bar Hakyeon surveys the scene, looking #opulent. He considers different wines but then he snaps his fingers and a bottle of champagne appears. He pours a glass, holds it close to smell the aroma, and tosses it in our face, causing him to disappear.
Leo appears draped in sheer tapestry, wearing a blindfold(?) which he takes off. Then he just, rolls around pressing into the mattress and stuff, and disappears (I can’t describe this okay, he was a hoe and that’s all you need to know)
Ken walks into a room with bathtub & candles, he looks seductively at the candles and drips some wax into the bath water. Then he blows out one of the candles and disappears
Hongbin is in the forest at night, surrounded by mist, he disappears in the mist
Finally the screen says simply “What exists is the scent of the soul”
Hongbin appears in red and does a mini solo with female back up dancers,
The members appear in formation for Scentist, wearing red fringed jackets with no undershirts — also Ravi’s has a cut out in the back 👀
During Scentist lots of mist stuff came out, idk if it was actually scented but it looked cool!
Members descend into stage again, but Leo reappeared to do his mini solo with two male back up dancers, they grind on the floor and other things;; priming us for the next performance Circle. There are mic stands and the 6 people standing behind them are clearly intimately familiar with sin
3rd Talk: mostly they talk about the performances they just did, especially Hongbin and Leo’s solo parts, move on to the next song
They perform My Valentine (who knew chairs were actually the sexiest prop possible) Love Me Do is next, and the members disappear at the end, but Hyuk reappears to do mini solo reprise of Love Me Do with male back up dancers
3rd Vcr: all the members are together at a cute bar; eating drinking, reacting to vixx old stages and music videos. They talk about their memories and Hyuk gets emotional 😭
Ken rises from the stage, sings a beautiful mini solo ballad. He’s wearing all white with a long, sparkly blue coat
The VCR screens fill with constellations, and six boxes appear in the back. The members appear one by one to sing their parts of the ballad medley (which includes On A Cold Night, 닮아, 12345, Bad Bye, and maybe more?) wearing the same outfits as Ken. When members appear their box lights up and the screen behind them has their birthstone (Same as from Shangri-la birthstone version!)
The members reappear but sitting on the stage and this time they sing Us Now, near the end of the song Starlights on the second floor do their prepared event -- they hold up sheets of paper that are either yellow or blue. Together it spells out 우린 영원을 믿어 (We believe you forever) I think its especially powerful not only because it was unexpected but because of the difficulty starting the concert today. After all, isn’t that always how it’s been for VIXX? So many struggles since the beginning but they’ve worked so hard to prove themselves to us; I know I would never leave them for anything.
4th Talk: they talk about how surprising the event was, and after getting over the surprise joke around about how Starlights were bickering whenever someone was unsure/about to put their paper down. Hakyeon talks about how funny he thinks Starlights are when they accidentally make mistakes, the confusion over the fanchant for My Valentine is especially funny to him. He asks Starlights to keep confidently making mistakes ^^
They take off the jackets and perform Chained up (This is a song that I have so much fun seeing live? Its never my favorite to listen with headphones, but on a huge stage oh my god!!) The follow up with Black out, and then the members walk off but Hakyeon stays. When the lights go back on he is surrounded by female back up dancers and has blood dripping down his chest. He does a really intense dance to scary music with lots of creepy smiles and scary expressions throughout.
The members reappear and they perform Hyde altogether (it’s made even better by the fact that Hakyeon still has blood on his clothes!)
5th Talk: Hakyeon exits (to change) and 5VIXX discuss the previous performances, and how tired they are. Leo especially looks like he’s so tired ^^; Hyuk says something about being able to keep going and he does the leg popping part from the Hyde choreo; the stage directors give him some flames to go with his leg pops which encourages him to do a bunch; the other members scold him saying he’ll burn the whole place down. Hakyeon comes back freshly changed and talks about his performance -- he asks if it was scary (we all answer 네!!!! as always but slightly unsure lol bc we’re not sure if we should say that our beloved leader was scary lol) He says that means he succeeded ^^ Then he tells us it’s time for the last stage and we all whine but Hakyeon shushes us.
They perform Desperate (how we’re all feeling at this point lol) Then they disappear and male dancers appear in the outfits from the Wind of Starlight performance. The members enter wearing silk cloaks decorated with red flowers to perform Shangri-la. 
After the members disappear, Starlights cheer 사랑해 (while the overhead logo pulsates like its charging lol) until VIXX returns to perform Milky Way. They enter in the second floor carrying balloons with the letters of their stage names. Then they do Navy And Shining Gold, after which Hakyeon says its time to go but Starlights insist (One more time!) and they start doing Heaven (which of course means doing it a bunch of times lol) the boys were super cute, running, jumping, pouring water on each other lol. Hakyeon sat down and took some selfies with fans phones
After many runs, they finally said it was time to go and for everyone to go back safely, and lots of other sweet things
The end credits was a behind the scenes video with Good Day as the bgm (which means every song on EaudeVixx was featured ^^)
I’ll forever be jealous of Starlights on the second floor but ultimately I feel so grateful to have had this opportunity and I thank VIXX and Starlights both for making Lost Fantasia the best concert possible!
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thatlittlered · 7 years
My Snivellus | Severus Snape
Words: 1,494
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairings: Young Severus Snape x Reader
Warning(s): lots of intense kissing (I guess?)
Requested by anonymous:  Snape request: y/n is best friends with the marauders (specifically James and Sirius could even be Jame’s sister or like a sister if you’d like) and she secretly starts to date sev. They get caught making out (or more if ur okay with nsfw) by the marauders who are in a state of utter shock.
A/N: Oh my God, Louis Garrel as young Snape is everything I ever wanted in life. The man is so perfect, I can’t! Anyways, I hope you liked it and that I got your request right. I love writing about my Sevvy sooo much! Lots of love and kisses! 💖
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You were chatting with one of your friends in the courtyard, when your eye caught a glimpse of a tall figure running back inside. Immediately, you recognized his identity and ran after him.
After struggling to reach him, you finally see him enter an empty corridor and follow him. “Severus! Wait!” you cried after him.
Before he could get any further, you snatched his sleeve and cornered him into the wall. “Sevvy, what’s wrong? Why are you running?” you looked up at him, concern written all over your features.
He sighed at your use of nickname, if only you knew the effect you had on him. You gently used tilted his chin back to get a better look at his face and gasped at the sight.
There was a garish bruise under his left eye, as if someone had punched him and it wasn’t hard to tell who did it. Yet again, he had fallen a victim of the infamous Marauders.
The boys were your friends but honestly at times you wondered if they even had a heart. How could they do something so cruel and unjustified?
“What happened?” you traced over the bruise with a feather light touch, careful not to hurt him.
“I don’t wish to talk about it.” He avoided your gaze but it was something else that caught your attention, his knuckles were red and swollen and there was blood dripping on the stone floor.
You quickly grabbed his hand, inspecting the cuts. “Sevvy…” you whispered brokenly, “Did they do this to you?”
He didn’t answer you, but his silence was enough to make you understand before he quickly pulled his hand out of your grasp. “Can I go now? I have class.” he didn’t give you time to respond before he started walking away again, only for you to run to him and hug him from behind.
It was painful seeing him this way. You wanted to help him more than anything, but if he kept pushing you away there wouldn’t be much you could do.
He froze at the contact as you clang onto his huge form but you felt him shift in your arms and face you, hugging you properly this time. It was comforting for him; your touch, your smell, your very presence somehow made it all better.
After staying like that for a while – simply holding each other as your breaths were the only thing that could be heard – you were the first to pull away. You took his hand again, gently touching the cuts and making him wince.
“Sorry,” you muttered, “We need to get this cleaned up.”
“Why? So that Madam Pomfrey can start asking questions again?”
With a sympathetic smile, you brushed your lips across his knuckles and right then he could feel his heart thud against his ribcage.
His eyes searched for yours. “Why are you so nice to me?”
You smiled again, the most beautiful sight he had ever witnessed – he wished he could make you smile all the time. “Because you’re my friend…” You replied with that sweet voice of yours that took his breath away but he couldn’t help but cringe at your words. A friend was not all he wanted to be to you.
“-and because you don’t deserve any of this.” You caressed his hand gently.
He scoffed at your statement and you raised an eyebrow, “You don’t! And just because you’re in love with Lily doesn’t mean that James has a right-“
“You think I love Lily?” you looked up to see his eyes that had widened in shock.
“Well, yes! I mean, I think even Lily thinks you love her. Why, don’t you love Lily?” you cringed at the way you stuttered and before you could process what was happening, his lips crashed on yours.
Frozen in place, all you could do was stared at him wide-eyed as his lips moved on yours and seeing your lack of response, he pulled away quickly.
“I’m so sorry, I don’t know…Bloody hell, I messed up!” he rubbed his face in frustration.
”W-what about Lily?”
“For Merlin’s sake, Y/N! I don’t love Lily, I could never love Lily. It’s been months since she even talked to me last. I want you! I-I love you…”
You couldn’t find the words to answer him as you saw his hurt expression at your rejection. “I knew this was a stupid idea. Just forget I ever said anything, alright?”
You watched as he quickly grabbed his bag from the floor and motioned to leave but before he could go anywhere, you practically jumped on him, causing him to fall against the wall for support but his hands quickly found your hips as he balanced both of you.
You wrapped your legs around him and he held you close, closing the distance between your bodies as you kissed each other fervently. Your kisses were hungry and sloppy and your noses bumped every time but it was perfect.
You tangled your hands in his ebony locks as you felt his tongue tracing along your bottom lip, asking for permission that you quickly granted him. Your tongues moved in perfect sync, taking the time to explore each other’s mouths.
Finally, you parted for air and your foreheads touched as you both panted. You tilted his chin up a little to get a look inside his onyx black orbs that were so uniquely beautiful.
You smiled at him, making him stumble over his words again. “I…I didn’t think you felt the same…”
Instead of answering him, you nuzzled your nose against his and he shut his eyes, cherishing the pleasant warmth your body emitted.
Suddenly, Sirius and James burst into the corridor and their mouths fell open when they spotted you in Snape’s arms. James’ first instinct was to pull out his wand, pointing it at Severus who quickly let you slide back on the floor.
“Y/N? What-“ the boy with the glasses yelled but he was interrupted by Sirius.
“I swear you greasy bat of the dungeons, if you don’t back off from her right now…” he immediately hurried to attack Severus but you stood in the middle, pushing him back with a force you didn’t know you possessed.
“What is wrong with you?” you screamed at them and you must have looked pretty intimidating, because you could see both their faces drain of color. They had never seen you so angry before, it was scary really.
“What is wrong with us? What are you doing with Snivellus?” James yelled back at you, but Sirius kept his focus on the black-haired boy next to you.
“What did you to do to her?”
“Leave him alone, he’s done absolutely nothing wrong!” you yelled back and you could feel tears sting your eyes. Why couldn’t the people you loved just get along for once?
Taking a deep breath to calm down, you lowered your voice. “I love him.” You spoke more confidently than ever, your hand reaching for Severus’ and you interlaced your fingers with his longer ones.
Sirius looked at you in disbelief and then back at Severus, “You slimy git, you did something to her! Slid some kind of love potion into her drink, did you Snape?”
You huffed, “For Merlin’s sake! Why can’t you accept it?”
“You? And Snivellus?”
“Snivell-dammit, Severus! Severus is a great person, the only good person in this room right now, to be honest! And my life is none of your business!” you finished triumphantly and grabbed the tall boy’s hand, pulling him away from the two idiots you called friends.
You walked back to the Hufflepuff common room in silence, but your hold on his hand never broke. When it was time for you to go inside, he plucked up the courage to speak.
“Did you mean all that?” he asked you in a whisper while you opened the door.
Grinning from ear to ear, you turned to him. “Of course I did, Sevvy.” You stood on your tiptoes to place a kiss on his jawline, where you could reach.
“Come on, let’s get those cuts cleaned!” you guided him inside and thankfully the room was empty, not surprising though considering you should be at class right now.
Pulling out a healing kit, you used alcohol to make sure his wounds wouldn’t get infected.
“But they are your friends…” his voice was lower than usual – he sounded so vulnerable.
“Well not for long if they continue acting like this.”
Hearing your answer, his face lit up with one of those rare smiles he kept only for you and he kissed the inside of your wrist.
“They won’t stop bugging me, you know.”
“Sevvy, if they touch you again, I will hex them into oblivion.” You poked his nose lovingly and you both laughed.
“My badass Hufflepuff.” He smirks at you, “I love you.” He said again, this time with more confidence.
“I love you too, my Snivellus.”
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 I couldn’t resist putting in a second gif, he’s sooo handsome!
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