#the opening about 3 years ago to see how i'd improved and the difference was insane. i was so proud of that. maybe i'll do that again
gladfang · 6 months
i don't think my fanfiction is lesser than my original work in terms of quality but i definately think i've neglected improving my ability to create my own stories BECAUSE i've been writing more fanficition than original work since i was a teenager. like there was definately a more even balance of the two when i was in highschool but its only in the last couple of years i've gotten back into writing my own stories for my own characters (such as 'as you like' and 'litter') and its a harder transition than i was expecting, which is embarrassing in a way but also i'm still enjoying it and that's what matters. idk. these aren't vent posts really i'm just dumping all my thoughts in one place. maybe i'm focusing too much on trying to write these massive thought-provoking stories when i should start smaller and work up? i like the idea of that
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katsy-kitty · 10 days
ok I'm gonna be vulnerable for a moment
I'm prescribed Xanax* and while I know it can cause amnesia when taken in too large amounts, what happened yesterday is a bit different
I took one pill in the late evening because I'd only slept for less than 3 hours the night before and wanted to fall sleep earlier and also was feeling anxious. I waited for some time and decided it hadn't done that much of a difference, so I took two more. So, three pills in total - not that much.
Well... I don't really remember going to bed, but:
I woke up in my bed fully clothed - not bad; I sometimes do that even when sober
I left the computer, music, the TV, and the bathroom light on - not THAT hard to imagine; has happened before when sober
I apparently forgot to take my daily evening medication, which is a bit of shame because it improves my sleep quality and also should be taken daily
THE MILK WAS OUT OF THE FRIDGE EVEN THOUGH I DIDN'T EVEN USE IT (also it was my last one and I doubt it's still good so RIP milk...)
THE MICROWAVE DOOR WAS OPEN BUT I DON'T REMEMBER MICROWAVING ANYTHING (I WOULD have noticed because the light is on in the microwave when the door's open and I have a long corridor leading to the kitchen with the microwave at the end of it - that's how I noticed IN THE MORNING WHEN IT WAS LIGHT, so at night it would be extra visible)
I'd opened a pack of crisps, left one on the countertop and just left the rest OPEN on the countertop without eating almost any of it (I know this one doesn't seem that bad, but I'd never leave crisps wide open because they get stale)
THANKFULLY, when I checked in the morning, I DIDN'T MAKE ANY TUMBLR POSTS WHILE BEING A ZOMBIE (so all the deranged posts from yesterday are just me)
1.5 year ago, when I was doing reeeaaally badly, I took way more and then went to a birthday party of a person close to me, where I met some of his friends whom I'd only heard about before and had been excited to meet, AND I DON'T REMEMBER ANYTHING ABOUT THAT PARTY OR THE PEOPLE I MET EVEN THOUGH I ACTED AND TALKED NORMALLY AND IT WASN'T APPARENT TO ANYONE THAT I WAS FUNCTIONALLY A FUCKING ZOMBIE. And I cannot ever recover these memories afaik. Do you know how fucking scary it is to not remember what you did the night before? What if I did something reprehensible? What if I was outside and broke the law and got arrested? What if I did something extremely reckless? I DON'T KNOW WHAT KIND OF PERSON I WAS WHEN THIS WAS HAPPENING. I DON'T KNOW IF I WAS MYSELF AND HAD MY NORMAL VALUES AND OPINIONS OR IF I TURN INTO A DIFFERENT KIND OF PERSON. All I know, because someone close to me has told me, is that I am meaner and more egocentric. I DON'T WANT TO BE MEAN
btw for anyone wondering: amnesia IS a legitimate side effect of Xanax and not something specific to me. I'm not sure if all leaflets list it (I'm not in the US), but you can check Wikipedia for more info
*generic Xanax, to be exact, which is the same in effect btw
PS. I don't abuse Xanax anymore and even when I did, it didn't ever any feel-good effects for me; I only used it to numb myself / make myself go to sleep. I don't even see why people use it recreationally (apparently) because if I wasn't extremely anxious, like having a panic attack, it wasn't very helpful or pleasant to take.
All of the above doesn't mean that I am against Xanax. I think it's a great medicine for panic attacks because it (a) works, (b) acts extremely fast for something that's a pill ingested through the mouth.
But it's extremely important that people don't abuse it, and that's why doctors should be responsible when prescribing it and inform patients of the side effects and the harms of abusing it.
Xanax is also very addictive and the addiction is hard to break (not from personal experience this time). And abusing it can lead to long-lasting (I'm not saying "permanent") cognitive impairment even once you've stopped taking it.
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blindedguilt · 7 months
Blindedguilt's 2nd Anniversary + Ask Game
//Hi there!! Today's this blog has turned 2 years old :3 Which is honestly insane when I really think about it, 2021 doesn't seem like two years ago but when looking at how different things were then (I was still living in Germany, for god's sake lmao) it really does seem remarkably different. Since then, to briefly sum it up, I've made a lot more bonds, lost some, and deepened some! //It's been in a bit of a lull, lately, but one I've been fighting to get back into. Even if I've been struggling with writing nowadays, Leonard is just one of those muses where if I'm not actively writing him, I'm thinking about writing him. Things have been quiet, lately, though (No thanks to Tumblr's complete bastardisation of itself and life simply moving on as it does). With that in mind, I'm really hoping to try expanding my horizons this next year coming by making new connections, possibly forming news verses (Though I have only a Dark Souls verse I'm chewing on at present), and of course being more active on this blog! Please wish me luck <3 As always, any help would be greatly appreciated! //It really blows my mind, though. Just looking back at my writing from when I started this blog, putting aside my cringing at it, it really does just blow me away how much I've been able to improve through my interactions with all of you! //That said, I'd really like to go back to these old posts and rewrite them - both as a sort of look back through old memories, and as a comparative project to give them a bit better writing than they originally had.
//So if you'd like, this will be open till the end of the week - Feel free to send in a 🔁 for a rewrite of our first interaction, or specify what you'd like rewritten if there's another you'd like to see redone in particular! Thanks so much for 2 years! :)
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kerra-and-company · 1 year
I am surprised it wasn't asked yet for the ask-game ;?: Either Kerra or Rel? 🥰
Nope, you're the first one! Everyone's managed to ask for someone different this time, which is actually pretty incredible (not that I ever mind doubling up on folks, to be clear--that's fun too!). And absolutely--why not both of them? :D <3
01. Full name: Kerralind
02. Best friend: Rel
03. Sexuality: biromantic, demisexual, polyamorous
04. Favorite color: purple (in general, but also did you know there's a color called Tyrian purple? because I didn't until a minute ago!)
05. Relationship status: taken (by Canach and Nisha)
06. Ideal mate: cares a lot, willing to joke but also to be sincere, fierce but not uncompromising
07. Turn-ons: standing up for others/for your beliefs, just...doing badass things (I was trying to find a general category that includes giving a speech to rally the Pact as well as casually blowing up towers in Kourna), open affection
08. Favorite food: has a few, but the peppermint Wintersday cakes are definitely on that list
09. Crushes: if current partners work for this, then them (and
10. Favorite music: varies--songs/music that she connects with due to the lyrics/themes, things that Rel's written (and ones they wrote together), songs with complicated musical accompaniment
11. Biggest fear: failing to protect the people she loves, and the world (or, phrased differently, being helpless to protect the people she loves--and the world)
12. Biggest fantasy: never having to step in to save the world again because it doesn't need to be saved anymore, just improved a bit maybe
13. Bad habits: she's self-sacrificing as all hell, so that definitely goes here; so does her tendency to stop talking about her negative emotions when she's having a hard time (though the second one's definitely less of a problem now than it used to be)
14. Biggest regret: you're asking the monarch of taking too much responsibility for things what she regrets? what she feels guilty about? that's going to be a long list, friend
15. Best kept secrets: the exact amount of blame she was putting on herself for the first year and a half or so of her existence
16. Last thought: "I think I'll pick up hot chocolate on the way home."
17. Worst romantic experience: the assorted times she's almost lost her partners, I'd say; from a different angle, the fact that the first person she had a crush on basically managed to disappear off the face of Tyria
18. Biggest insecurity: she's not always certain of her decisions and does the best she can, but aside of that, I can't think of anything super major she's insecure about
19. Weapon of choice: any combination of sword/dagger/torch, and longbow as well
20. Role Model: Caithe (in some ways), Almorra
(Rel's is under the cut because this got long!)
01. Full name: Relethen
02. Best friend: Kerra
03. Sexuality: gay
04. Favorite color: emerald green
05. Relationship status: taken (by Trahearne)
06. Ideal mate: curious, dedicated, kind, willing to have discussions about assorted topics
07. Turn-ons: righteous anger, genuine enthusiasm, anyone he already has feelings for actively trying to flirt in whatever way
08. Favorite food: sugar cookies, chocolate omnomberry cake
09. Crushes: again, if current partners are viable here, then Trahearne (and as far as past things go, he had a crush on one of his friends in Maguuma before he and Nisha left)
10. Favorite music: songs that tell stories, in some way or another
11. Biggest fear: that his child will somehow end up with a childhood that is in any way similar to the one he and Nisha had
12. Biggest fantasy: to have a quiet and "normal" life forever, or at least for a very long time, with his family and plenty of books
13. Bad habits: drinking too much coffee, not getting enough sleep
14. Biggest regret: not truly seeing how badly Nisha was doing (or how badly he himself was doing) until their mother died and neither of them could ignore it anymore
15. Best kept secrets: Mordremoth's relationship with the sylvari (up to HoT; mostly kept hidden by accident); his feelings for Trahearne (not really, but he'd jokingly say this if you asked him this question personally)
16. Last thought: "The children never put the sheet music back in the folders. Maybe we should color-code them?"
17. Worst romantic experience: probably the entirety of HoT--though it does end well in my canon, the whole airship crash and not knowing for sure if Trahearne was even alive or not was a whole thing--but secondarily, coming back to his old village and finding out that his first crush and the rest of the population had been absolutely wiped out can also be included here if you stretch a bit
18. Biggest insecurity: his capabilities as a fighter--right up until HoT, at least; nothing like being dropped into a jungle full of Mordrem to prove to you that you're capable of surviving
19. Weapon of choice: scepter/warhorn, as well as a battlestaff that he and Nisha designed together
20. Role Model: Nisha (in some ways), his mother (previously, not currently), Ceera
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rookflower · 2 years
ok, so. i drew every warrior cat! here's a long rambling sentimental reflective-type post on the blog i guess.
I started this blog when I was 15, in 2018. I was bored at a summer job, scribbled Onestar on the back of a sticker sheet, and thought "huh, there sure is a lot of Warrior Cats characters! I've seen some design blogs around, I think there's a "draw 100 cats challenge" people do, wouldn't it be fun if I gave that a try?" I had nothing going on art-wise at the moment, I was losing steam on my Pokemon webcomic and had given up askblogs a while ago, so I quickly fell into it.
Starting out was weird- I'd only read up to about Power of Three at the time, and hadn't read TPB or TNP in quite a while. I vivdly remember someone sending me a request to draw Tawnypelt about 20 cats in or so, and I genuinely couldn't remember who she even was. I think I got a request to draw Jagged Peak before I even knew DOTC existed? I wasn't working off of a specific list, and would miss certain cats out entirely due to forgetting them which frustrated me. Drawing cats was fun, and once I got to 100 eventually I found myself going "well, now what? I haven't even drawn Sorreltail, Nightstar, Appledusk, Spiderleg..." so, i kept going!
Then 2020 rolled around and lockdown hit, and I was suddenly stuck in my house with no plans, seemingly unlimited time, and a desperate need for some kind of outlet that offered escapism from the world.
Drawing Warrior Cats was something mundane and rhythmic but creative and enjoyable, and I found the aspect of looking at it as a challenge alluring, the same way I had when the goal was "100 random warrior cats". How far could I get before having to stop? I couldn't do over 1000 cats, right?
I could!
sunk cost fallacy or whatever, I guess?
Lot has changed in my life over the course of this. I started the challenge just after leaving high school, and now I'm headed into my third year of uni. Some family's moved around, we have a cat now, I started playing video games again, my bedroom's been revamped, I met some internet friends IRL for the first time, I'm more or less publicly out as gay, all different kinds of stuff. It's fucking wild to consider that one of the biggest constants in my life these past few years has been drawing goddamn warrior cats. I've had the Warriors wiki list of characters open on my computer basically forever, and finally closing it feels like a goodbye.
So what's happening with this blog? Well, I'm not upkeeping a daily queue anymore, that's for sure. There are some cats here I KNOW I'm going to want to go back and redesign at some point though, so this isn't over! Even if I'm less active here, for now, I'm not going anywhere. I'll probably also use this for any general warriors art/posts I want to make, as well as those "send me asks" request meme thingies. those are fun.
I'm hoping to be maybe more active on my youtube now, as well as just generally experimenting with my art more. One of the biggest downsides of spending 3 years drawing fullbody flatcolours of warrior cats and not that much else is that my improvement on every ground except cat anatomy and character design has become pretty fuckin stagnant lmao. I need to make art with backgrounds and shading and non-cat characters again or i think ill explode. time to get out of this comfort zone!!
speaking of, very lucky this thing ended right at the start of Artfight. I'm @/RioBlitzle there and I try to revenge back attacks! Will probably put my energy into that for a wee while.
@daily-mario-characters might come back,, eventually but I'm not promising anything, and if I haven't learned anything from running this blog you might see me on a "drawing every pokemon" streak in a few months. it is how it is.
Anyways, thank you all so much for your support. Massive shoutout to everyone who's ever left nice comments in the tags of my posts, I don't really have a way to respond but I read every one of those and please know that they absolutely make my day.
Thanks for sticking through this challenge with me!
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stellawolfe30 · 1 year
Hey I got a question, as a more or less new artist trying develop their skills, I am having trouble liking the art I make. Like my motivation depletes as I am drawing, cause I feel like I'm not drawing right. Do you have any tips for getting past this? If not that's absolutely okay, just wanted to ask cause you're a skilled artist, and asking questions gives insight.
im honored you'd ask me this anon, genuinly bc....i went through the SAME THING.
so first off yep i am an experienced artist at this point in my artistic journey but that still means i have doubts...many. about my art. doubts never really go away, they always stick but i can say they do lessen.
now that thats out of the way.
there was a time where i HATED my art, hell still kinda do sometimes. just a couple months ago i hit an art block bc i was so jelous of others people's art that i just couldnt make anything i felt worthwhile. and even before that i used to constantly hate my art simply because i wasnt very skilled and still new to art stuff.
the best thing to do for yourself is to accept how your art is right now and continue learning. how i always overcome days where i absolutly despise my art (i do that alot) i grab a couple references from pinterest and from my favorite artists and start learning. when i see my art improving (and u need to keep an open mind to this not doubt every line) i feel better. i feel more confident.
you also have to accept that your art will NEVER look like thiers. not because of skill but because art is a personal thing for everyone. just like everyhuman is different your art will be different and beautiful in a brand new way.
Basically what I'm saying is, give yourself a break. take a moment to breathe when u feel like ur art isnt right. then try learning something new. when u see development, be proud and accept that you're still learning. if i would have given up when my art was...man it wasnt good, i never would be where i am today with my art. im proud of my progress and i promise you as long as you keep going you will be proud of it too. draw what u love and hey if u like my art i tottally encourage u to reference it. i did the same with other artists alot and still do.
also dont think too hard when doing art, trust me it makes everything worse. have fun while drawing get exited! when im upset and drawing it doesnt ussually end up right. so have fun with it and try not too worry too much when something isnt right. you can always redraw it and...please please please reference lol it helps SO MUCH
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okay so its really small but ohmygod eeeewww
this was before covid like 2-3 years before covid
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Maaaan my art wasn't great. But here I am now..satisfied with where I am as an artist when I used to think I'd never get here. trust me all you need is patience with yourself and an open mind to continue learning.
wish u the best of luck anon
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yapposrantcafe · 5 months
Grab a chair, a beverage, and get ready to either love or hate me.
This blog is a place for me to be honest about how I feel about many things I find disturbing in the world or society these days. You see I'm a disabled middle-aged woman with a grown daughter and eldery mother living with me.
Stress, conflict, and different ways of seeing the world prevail daily here. I'll let you guess which one of our residences likes to stir the proverbial pot and cause the other two to be miserable. This person finds it fun apparently. It's not a happy place to live. Simply being family doesn't automatically equal happiness when amongst each other. It's simply a roof over our heads and a place to survive.
We are not rich but we manage to never miss a meal. Two of Three of us have college degrees that aren't being used. One on social securitiy, one on disability, and one working part time paying only for gas my car.
I should mention that my daughters father died 3 yrs ago and left her financially well off. Not like Trump, Bill Gates, or other stupidly rich people. But enough to put a roof on my house before it became serious, level garage before it collapsed, new fence in backyard to stop dogs from escaping after losing one on the road, and some of the property cleared so we could expand yard. Some invested for her senior years means it's one less thing I need to worry about.
I don't charge my daughter rent because of the money she spent to save the house, I forgot windows and gutters she had replaced, but I would appreciate some help with the housework.
Again, I'm disabled. Seizures, Daily migraines causing my brain to eat it's white matter like MS but in different areas, random weakness of limbs, Central Nervous System (CNS) that short circuits and throws my motor skills out of sorts, anxiety, panic attacks, and depression, all that to be topped off by a pretty much non-existent immune system that's kept me on antibiotics for the last 6 months.
Now you know my situation. I live with people whom I seem to annoy by my mere presence and I'm starting to feel the same way about them. I can't open my mouth without being wrong even if the dog I'm petting is blond, and I call him blondie. I'm not sure how this is wrong but wow does it set off my daughter. Now my mother just says what she thinks is wrong with my daughter, and myself, and how we should act and what we should be doing that we're not.
I feel stuck. I'd sign this house over to my daughter in a heartbeat and rent a tiny apartment somewhere but I'd have to take my mother and both pomskies so it'd not be much of an improvement since I can't drive, and neither can my mother who has bad sight.
Now you know a bit of my situation and the reason I want, no need, to write this blog. You see i keep a journal for my personal stuff to try and help me stay sane but there's another problem that involves the people around me, even those who aren't related. If I have an opinion or thought on a topic they become aggressively upset and it starts a conflict.
I don't do conflict unless absolutely needed. It stresses me out and causes my health to deteriorate rapidly. So, I try to avoid it when possible. This would be the reason I'm sitting in my room with the dogs napping on my bed writing this someplace no one will likely find it or give a damn if they do run across it.
This, my personal journal, meditation, and other stress management techniques in my room are my only solace these days. I'm fighting to correct my health and waiting to find out if I qualify for IVIg therapy to boost my immune system. It's expensive so if insurance doesn't ok it I will live on antibiotics till I build a resistance and finally pass from some respiratory something.
Everything is so full of stress I will take any outlet to depressurize it and wait till I've hopefully saved enough for another long weekend just by myself in 6 months if I don't have another seizure.
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shubaka · 7 months
1, 12, 24!
1. what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
Stories. I read a lot as a kid and back then I'd play pretend with my best friend, so there was a lot collaborative story-telling and improv going on there haha. Anyway, I think having stories being such a big part of my life made me more curious about things. I'm always open to learning and trying new things and hearing/seeing different opinions and perspectives.
Racism/Assimilation. Uhhh okay so like I won't go into too much detail, but my Cantonese is pretty shitty now (and essentially all of my Hokkienese is gone) because you're a kid and you're a minority trying to fit in, so you use English more and more and you start losing your ability to speak in other languages, and all my regrets surrounding that has grown into a desire to learn more and more languages.
Music. Ahhh, the transferable life lessons from learning an instrument... hahah. The whole realization and attitude that you start from the beginning. If you suck, that's fine. You just gotta practice. What did you expect? That's how starting something new is. And sometimes even if you know the song there are days when your playing is awful because you have an off day. That's fine. That's normal. You'll play it better another day. It's definitely something that has taught me to be more patient and kinder in my expectations of myself (even if it's a struggle sometimes) and others.
12. what's some good advice you want to share?
asdlkfja;wl i feel like that last point was kind of "advicey" hahah but hmm...
it's not too late to start something new. sure, you might need to adjust your expectations a bit if your current situation in life might have some physical, mental, or financial limitations that could affect your experience with this new thing you want to do, but if it's something you want to do and would regret not doing, i say give it a go. especially if it's something that is going to better your life in some way.
experiences aren't limited to a specific timeline in a person's life.
24. what's one thing you're proud of yourself for?
Ahhh actually performing in a theatre/dance show during our local Fringe Festival a number of years ago. Thank god I didn't have to actually speak any lines though. Just dancing. :')
Thanks for the asks! :D
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It is so important to find a good therapist. It truly is.
Personal vent about my therapist moral of the story is if you think something's weird, it is 💀
This dude..
For one, bro like plain doesn't take notes which would be fine if he remembered like... ANYTHING I said. I said I took pills, he asked what kind, I said dph, dude said oh that has alcohol in it then diagnosed me with mild alcohol abuse COMPLETELY UNRELATED TO WHAT TF I JUST EXPLAINED just cause I said I drink on rare occasions. Like mf.. I drink so little you can't even count it against me. It's so few and far between. Single digits per year probably. And I'm around my family when I'm drinking so it's not like they'd let me get blackout drunk anyway. Why diagnose me off of that instead of the fucking addiction that ACTUALLY impacted my life?
But I'm like okay maybe that's a technicality thing that's not fair to him.
So then I keep on coming. Everyday i come in and he has me fill out this depression and anxiety screening form. I think its weird since it's just a screening form and he's already diagnosed me with anxiety and major depressive disorder.. so why are you screening me twice a week.... we've already established that i have it. But what makes it sting is how he sits there and compare the numbers everytime as if that's the end all be all of whether or not I'm still struggling. I swear this one time I marked a few 2s instead of 3s and after scoring a whopping 2 points lower than my previous one, he was all talking bout oh see I think therapy is good for you you're already seeing improvements. Like nigga. Do you understand how mental illness works..? It's a general screening form. That I'm filling out. TWOOOO. TIMES. A. WEEK. If I filled it out like it's printed I'd have the exact same answers every single time. What's the point of screening me that often?
But I'm like okay cool. Maybe that's protocol and I just know from here on I have to do it by the letter. Doesn't matter if it's completely useless atp.
So then he started having me do "meditation" in the beginning that lasts like 10 mins. It gets so aggravating after like 3 but I'm thinking maybe he's dragging it that long cause I'm really seeming restless. So I try to sit completely still and breathe like I'd expect him to want me to. But then he goes on and on and on to the point where Im opening my eyes and just scanning the room atp. Just bored. And dude still got his eyes closed breathing
He finally just pissed me off today when I said I ghosted all my friends a while ago and haven't spoken to anyone in a while. And dude later gon ask me if I have any non alcoholic friends Ive talked to this week. Like okay. Fuck off. It's not even a thing of you just forgetting after having patient after patient! YOURE JUST NOT LISTENING. I said i ghosted my friends 2 weeks ago WITHINNN this one hour long appointment. Did you really not care to remember that? Did that not ring any alarm bells? And I can't think of a single scenario where it'd be acceptable. If you don't know what ghosting is, ask. If you didn't hear me, ask. If you don't understand why I did it, ask. You don't get to brush past that as a professional. Why am I even here if we're just repeating the same questions over and over again with you only paying attention to the parts that you care to talk about?
Fuck this dude. I have two more appointments scheduled that I'm not gonna bother to slither out of. I'll say it'll be my strike two and three appointments. If I still feel no different towards him, I won't schedule anymore. I feel like ive given too many chances atp. But at the same point, maybe it really was an off day every other time I've had other paperwork to fill out too which maybe effected the quality of the appointments. I think it's only fair to have a few test appointments lmao. Plus I have a psych evaluation coming up so I don't wanna stop going and have dude take back his referral 💀💀
Wait... damn. I only have the strike three appointment my fucking jobbbbb. Whatever ig. I want to just miss but I'm not gonna bother. I'm gonna bring it up tho. Maybe he'll learn from it and be better for other people
I think that was too fundamental of a problem to come back from. I only have one hour a week to somehow someway stop being angry at him? And to start trusting dude again at that. I still get bitter over my friends bs how tf do I find the positive to make me stick around when it's just some random dude.
Oh well that and the first appointment I had with him?
Dude said talk therapy doesn't usually work for people with long term issues like mine.
I shoulda just took the hint and dipped. Wanted to give dude the benefit of doubt so bad.. 😑
Okay nvm never going back did not realize I wasn't even following my own damn advice. Why was I still gonna give him more chances
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livingforthewhump · 2 years
I've got to request Empathic Healing :3
Also, may I be on your tag list? If you've got more than one, I'd like to be on them all!
this accidentally took months to get to. my bad
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Blue for requested; red for posted
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“What’s wrong with her?” Hugo demanded, watching Paladin anxiously from where he sat in the corner. Obviously, what was wrong with her was that she had been savagely beaten with a cane. But she was feverish and delirious by morning of the next day, so something else had to be wrong too.
“One of her fractures is infected. You’re going to need to help her heal; I won’t be around much this week.”
“Can’t you heal her?”
“It doesn’t matter what I can do, it matters what I’m asking you to do. Do you want her to die from this?” Paladin waited expectantly, straightening his watch in an infuriatingly casual manner.
Hugo’s heart sank somewhere near his stomach. “No.”
“Then I’d better see improvement when I get back.” And he left the door open behind him.
Hugo stood shakily and walked over to Caroline, kneeling beside her. “Hey. How do you feel?”
Her eyes cracked open, staring distantly at him. “H-hurts.”
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I need to lift up your shirt to see where you’re injured. Is that okay?”
She whined, squirming slightly. “’ugo?”
Hugo paused and pursed his lips. “Yeah?”
“’m glad it wasn’t you.”
His eyes stung. “You don’t deserve this, Caroline.”
“Neither do you.” Her brow creased, like she was having trouble putting her sluggish thoughts together. “You shouldn’t have..gotten involved.”
Seemingly finished, she let her eyes flutter closed.
Hugo grit his teeth. That was a debate for a different time. Very carefully, he lifted up her shirt, hissing at what he saw. The skin was red and inflamed beneath a mosaic of bruises that spanned across her entire torso.
“I am the least qualified person to deal with this,” he breathed. Then he stood up and walked into the hallway. It felt weird to be walking through Paladin’s base, even more so than it used to. He had to keep reminding himself that Paladin had allowed him to, and he wouldn’t get in trouble for it. Most likely.
It wasn’t too difficult to find painkillers and bandages. Paladin kept stashes around from when he got injured on the job, or got a bit too excited with him and Caroline. He hated the blanket of safety and comfort that fell back over his shoulders the minute he entered his and Caroline’s room. She wasn’t even shivering anymore, pupils dashing back and forth behind closed eyelids and chest barely moving. He would have to act quickly.
Dropping to his knees beside her, Hugo bandaged her wounds as well as he could with how much his hands were shaking.
He glanced at the pain medication he’d found. He didn’t trust himself to be able to administer it to her while unconscious, and he definitely didn’t need to deal with any attempt of that going awry. Besides, as much as he hated to acknowledge what he was about to do to himself, he was going to need it more. Hugo closed his eyes against the fear burning in them and swallowed heavily.
It was okay. This is what he wanted.
He swallowed a couple of the pills dry, but knew that he had no time to wait for them to come into effect. He set to work right away.
Hugo had only done this once before. His youngest cousin had scraped her knee a few years ago, when she was barely five. It wouldn't stop bleeding, and she wouldn’t stop crying, and he had to try something. With a couple touches and a bit of intention, he made the cut vanish. In return his own knee stung for a few days, as long as it would have taken to heal, but not a mark appeared on him. His cousin was sworn to secrecy, and he had never told anyone else about that particular gift. He was afraid he would get in a habit of belittling himself to help people, and not be able to say no when something was too big for him to handle.
Which is precisely what he was doing right now. But, hey, Paladin had ruined him this far. What was a little more?
Placing his hands lightly over Caroline’s flushed skin, Hugo closed his eyes and pulled the heat into himself.
It took more energy than he was expecting. It almost felt like it drained out of him and into Caroline, instead of the other way around. Maybe that was what it did. That would be one more thing David was right about.
Time started to slow down, like everything around him was encased in sap. Like his insides were made of claws and spikes, desperate to get out of him. They forced their way out through burning tears, shuddering sobs rubbing the back of his throat sore as each second introduced a new hurt somewhere. He was only vaguely aware of when he collapsed to the floor weakly.
Through blurred vision, he could see Caroline’s face at peace in her sleep. She was going to be okay. Relief burned through him equally as fierce as the pain. This probably wasn’t even the worst thing she had been through.
The scary thing was, he wasn’t sure how long it would have taken Caroline to heal from that, so he had no idea how long this would last. It could be months.
He should have taken more painkillers.
Paladin series taglist: @lonesome--hunter @whole-and-apart-and-between @writtentodeath @moonflowers-and-sunrays @villain-enthusiast @hurting-fictional-people @kixngiggles @whumpfessional @tropes-for-my-md-daydreams @1phoenixfeather @chartreusephoenix @kemonoinuzuka @sunflower1000 @1becky1 @multifandoms-multishipper @shadowylemon @onestopheroxvillain @freefallingup13 @basica11yg33ky @whumptakesthecake @some-random-person-hi @susanshinning
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kalopsiadaemon · 3 years
Hi tumblr, been a while!
I rarely post here now compared to how much I used to and I'm sorry about that.
So I've decided to make a post to let you guys know, who are still following, what I'm up to right now!
Work update:
For the last year I have been working full time as a freelance animator working on a new League of Legends game! Pretty cool right? I haven't been able to share any of the work I've been doing due to NDAs but as soon as I have the go ahead to share things I will! I'd love to show you all the cool stuff I've been doing!
However after today I will be done with that contract and back to being self employed again. So for anyone who may have been wanting to request a commission during my long break from them, you should have a chance to soon! I will be taking a short week break from any work though before I do to take some time off but I'll update here when they're open. And to those I've already been in contact with about commissions, I'll reply via email with an update!
Also because I was working full time this year I haven't had much time off to work on any personal art, fanart and projects so that's why posting on my socials have been super spotty! So I'm hoping to start posting more again soon.
Health update:
To those that don't know I'll give a short TLDR; basically I have had chronic knee pain since I was 13, so 10/11 years ago, and in 2020 it got drastically worse to the point where it effects my daily life and I am in constant 24 hour pain. I'm have been in the long process of having my knee examined and have seen many different specialists with no real answer. But I may finally have an answer now that makes sense and am on a waiting list for an MRI to verify it! It's taken a very long time to get to this point but having a solid answer as to why I have daily chronic pain, and then possible avenues to start getting better is a huge relief.
Once the diagnosis has been verified I will update you all on what the result is and what further treatment I may need, including possibly surgery.
But for now, thank you to those that have sent me words of encouragement on this over the years, it really means a lot!
Other health issues I have, including my fatigue issue, have been put on the backburner this year due to my knee being more serious of a concern, but tbh it has been a lot better! And it may actually be directly linked to stress from my chronic pain. But we'll see when it comes to getting treatment, how much that'll improve.
General life update:
On a more happier note, for those that don't follow my twitter where I update most often, I actually moved out this year in May and have been living in my first apartment!
It has been such a huge change that was much needed and I truly have been thriving here. And I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for everyone who has supported my creative endeavours over the years so honestly, thank you guys so much <3
Also I have been on a bit of a witchy/spiritual journey this year too and have thrown myself into tarot! Which has very eye opening for me and a really cool experience. And I may have some fun creative projects in mind...such as making my own tarot deck...so stay tuned for that if that's up your alley
So after that huge update, if any of you guys would like to ask me anything or just say hi, please feel free to send me an ask! I would love to connect with you all again. I've really missed it here~
Also if you'd like to support me on other platforms, I am most active on twitter @kalopsiadaemon! And occasionally post to insta. But from now I'm hoping to be more active over here and on my other platforms!
Thank you all again for still continuing to support my art over here despite my practically year long absence. It really truly means the world to me. I hope you all are doing well <3
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tuiccim · 4 years
Terrigenisis (Part 3)
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Pairing: Avengers X Inhuman!Reader
Words: 2916
Summary: Your life is torn apart after undergoing terrigenisis unwillingly your life is turned upside down when you are deemed too dangerous to return to civilian life. You are put with the Avengers team to train and rebuild your life.
Part 1  / Part 2 
Before you leave for training the next morning, FRIDAY asks you to meet Steve in the conference room. You walk in the room to see him going through some paperwork. 
“Hey. Good Morning.” You smile at him. 
“Morning.” He smiles back at you. “I’ve been working through your evaluation for field work. Can you sit with me for a few minutes?”
“Absolutely!” You are excited that he is working on some goals for you. You sit and he goes through each part of the eval. Technically, you’re field ready in every area except one. Firearms. Apparently, your aim has not improved enough according to Bucky. You are proficient enough with handguns, but using larger weapons throws your aim. 
"I'm sorry. We can't put you in the field, yet." Steve frowns.
"No, this is great, Steve. This is what I need to know. Now, I have a goal and I know an excellent teacher." You smile at Steve.  
"Bucky will keep working with you. He says your handgun skills are great. Your hand to hand is excellent. Just a matter of time, Doll. Uh, Agent, I mean, Y/N." Steve puts a hand on his face and takes a deep breath. 
You giggle. You can’t help yourself. “It’s okay, Steve.”
“I didn’t mean to call you doll.” Steve says.
“Really, Steve, it’s okay. I didn’t think anything of it.”
“Thanks.” Steve stands and you follow his lead. 
"Well, back to training, then." You smile.
"Right." He smiles back.
You give him a quick side hug and head to the training room.
The team went on another mission and you were left alone on the compound again. As you are training with Redtail one day you really take notice of her sight. The colors and distance she perceives is incredible and so different from your own vision. You carry the information with you as you go through your routine. While in the range you make an incredible discovery and you can't wait to tell Steve and Bucky. 
The team returns and you are giddy with excitement. You temper yourself and make a huge dinner for everyone knowing how exhausted they are when they return from long missions like this one. That night as you head to your room after cleaning up the kitchen, you hear Bucky’s voice coming from Steve’s room. A low moan and the whisper of Steve’s name. You freeze in place when you realize what is going on between the two. You pull yourself out of your stupor and grope for your headphones as you continue to your room. It takes you a few minutes to truly wrap your mind around the relationship between the two men. You had absolutely no issue with their relationship, but it was obviously not common knowledge. Or at least not a topic of discussion among the team. 
It actually made you feel a little more comfortable. You firmly believed the two to be out of your league, but comments from Sam and Wanda had made you question if one or both had an attraction to you. It put into perspective, also, why Steve felt the need to clarify why he had called you doll the other day. He clearly did not want you reading anything into it. It was sweet really. The two falling in love with each other after being the only thing still tethering them to their pasts. You were happy for them. 
The next morning, the team immediately fell back into their routine. You were excited when Bucky entered the range and Steve followed with him as you had asked FRIDAY to request his presence. 
“Thank you for coming, Steve. I want to show you both something.” You smile at both. You had already set up for the demonstration you had planned and handed them each safety gear before you started shooting. Picking up one handgun you hold it in your dominant hand and shoot center mass. Without a break, you grab the second gun with your non-dominant hand and aim for headshots. You set both guns down and press the button to bring the target up for inspection. You look back and see both men’s brows furrowed as they stare at the target. Center mass is a perfect cluster of shots forming a small hole, as are the headshots. 
“How did you do that?” Bucky asks. 
“Now watch.” You pick up Bucky’s favorite gun that normally throws your aim considerably due to the sheer size and velocity of the weapon. Moving to the second target you shoot and again bring the target up to reveal a dead center grouping. 
“Doll! How did you do that?” Bucky says emphatically. 
You set the gun down and remove your safety gear. “I was working with Redtail the other day and I noticed how sharp her eyesight is. It got me to thinking if I could somehow use it to my advantage on the range when shooting. I spent the next couple of days trying to hone in on the distance sight when shooting and it just worked. It’s like I can see through her eyes even though I’m not warging. Can you imagine what this means? I think it’s just like my ability to comprehend vocal communication. I think I might be able to absorb their abilities. I don’t know if it was because of my long term exposure to her or what, but this could mean so many things if I could learn to do the same with other animals and senses. If I can hone my hearing and sense of smell it would make me even more useful.” Your words are tumbling out in your excitement. 
“Whoa, whoa. Hang on.” Steve rubs a hand over his face. 
“Did I say something wrong? Isn’t… isn’t this a good thing?” You ask nervously. 
“No, yes, no, ugh. Nothing’s wrong. Let’s just go over all of it again. Slowly.” Steve says. 
You start over from the beginning, explaining each step you took to get to your conclusion, and how it affected you. Bucky and Steve asked several questions and you answered as well as you could. When you're done you look between the two nervously. Their expressions gave nothing away. 
"I have to report this to Fury. We need to update your file and do some work with you to see if this skill is something you can adapt to well. Bucky, work with her with every gun. See if her aim crosses over for all of them."
"It does. Also, throwing knives and bow and arrow. I tried everything while you guys were on the mission. But, I'm happy to go through it all again." You say.
"Thorough.' Bucky smirks.
"I'm a planner." You wink at him and smile.
"Go through it all again with Bucky," Steve turns to Bucky, "and I want a full report after." 
Bucky nods and Steve turns to leave.
"Steve. One more thing. I found a dog I'd like to adopt. She's 3 years old and fully trained. I'll pay for her myself but I'd like to have her to work with." You fidget as Steve looks at you with raised eyebrows. 
"You really have been busy. I'll check into it." Steve says with an indulgent smile on his face. "Find me this afternoon and we'll talk."
"Okay, thanks." You turn to Bucky with a grin. "Ready when you are." You bounce on the balls of your feet with anticipation.
Bucky smiles as he starts pulling weapons.
"FRIDAY, where's Steve?" You ask that afternoon.
"Captain Rogers is in his room." FRIDAY responds.
"Is he alone?" You ask hesitantly.
You knock on Steve's door a minute later and smile as he opens it. He's wearing a tight t-shirt and sweatpants making him look ready for a run. 
"Hey. Is now a good time?" You ask. 
"Sure. Are you okay if we talk in here?" He smiles and holds his door open for you. 
"Sure." You echo him as you walk in. 
He pulls out his desk chair for you and then sits on his bed. He looks at you and you look at him and there’s an awkward silence. Both of you waiting for the other to begin
“So, um, you said we’d talk?” You fidget. 
“Right. Tell me about the dog.” Steve says.
“Her name is Dizzy. She’s a three year old Belgian Malinois. Fully trained. I met her two days ago and she handled the warg very well. Highly intelligent. She’s perfect for training and a total sweetheart. What do you think?” 
“Dizzy?” Steve chuckles.
“Yeah. Her litter was named after characters from Starship Troopers. It’s a really campy space war movie.” You smile. 
“Haven’t seen it. I talked to Tony. He’s okay with the dog since it’s for training purposes. Get the rest of the team’s consent and we can give it a test run.” Steve says.
“Great. Thank you!” You jump up and give Steve a hug. 
“You’re welcome, Doll.” Steve says. “I mean…”
“Steve. Really, it’s fine. It’s cute actually.”
“You like being called doll?” He asks. 
“Yeah. It’s sweet.” You smile. “I’m not offended by it or anything.”
“I’m glad. You’re a sweetheart.” 
“So, are you.” You hug Steve’s waist again and head to the door. “I’ll see you later. I’m going to talk to everyone.”
“See ya later, Doll.” Steve chuckles.
You make the rounds to your teammates and receive consent from each of them. You are giddy with anticipation and call the owner to make arrangements to get Dizzy. As you're getting off the phone you hear a voice from behind, “Hey Doll.”
You turn to see Bucky. “Hey. Did Steve tell you to call me that?”
“He might have mentioned that you like it.” Bucky chuckles as he sits next to you on the couch. 
“It’s cute.” You smile. 
“You’re cute.” Bucky smiles back.
You laugh and nudge him with your shoulder. You feel much more free and easy with Steve and Bucky since learning of their relationship. You wish you could tell them you knew but you didn't want to force a confindance. “You two are goof troops.” 
“What does that mean?” 
“Silly and sweet.” You grin.
“Nah. He’s a punk and I’m a jerk.” Bucky says.
“You are not a jerk, Bucky! You are a sweetie!” You laugh. 
“Aww, thanks, Doll.” Bucky leans over and kisses your cheek. 
“See! So sweet!” You squish Bucky’s cheeks in your hands and then dissolve into giggles at the silly face he mugs.
“What are you two doing?” Natasha asks as she enters the common room with Wanda, Clint, and Vision on her heels. 
“Just being silly.” You say. “What are you guys up to?” You catch the glance and smirk exchanged between Nat, Wanda, and Clint and roll your eyes at them. 
“Just looking for some food.” Clint says.
“When are you not, Clint?” Natasha jokes. 
“When I’m watching your six.” Clint snarks.
“Wanda, I can pick up Dizzy tomorrow. Want to go with me?” You ask.
“I can’t! I’m sorry.” Wanda frowns. 
“No worries.” You say.
“I’ll go with you, Doll.” Bucky says. 
“It’s an hour drive.” You want him to know what he’s getting into. 
“I don’t mind.” Bucky smiles.
“Great! I’m leaving at 9.”
“I’ll be ready.” Bucky says and gets up to leave.
You join the others in the kitchen and chat for a while. 
“You and Bucky looked cozy.” Clint says.
“Don’t read anything into it.” You shake your head.
“I’m reading plenty.” Clint says. 
“Stop. He’s my mentor and friend.” You say.
“Yeah, you two seem really friendly.” Natasha says.
“Seriously, guys, it’s not like that. Stop.” You say quietly.
“Okay, okay. But don't dismiss it outright. You two would be good for each other.” Wanda winks at you. 
“Uuugh.” You close your eyes and bang your head on the counter. “I’ll see you guys later.” 
“You’ll definitely see Bucky later.” Clint whispers.
“I can hear you, Legolas!” You call back. 
“I meant for you to.” Clint whispers again, chuckling.
The next morning you and Bucky leave from the shooting range to get Dizzy. You are so excited you can barely contain yourself. 
"Why don't I drive, Doll?" Bucky says.
"Only if I get to pick the music." You smile.
"Just no more disco." Bucky grouses.
"Oh, come on, Buck. You don't want to 'Shake, shake, shake. Shake, shake, shake. Shake your booty'" You sing and dance around. 
"Maybe if you keep dancing." He winks.
"That's a little difficult in the car. How about some rock?" You say and Bucky nods.
"Are you gonna keep the name Dizzy?" Bucky asks.
"Yeah, I think it's cute. Plus I like the movie. It's hilarious."
"We'll have to put it on the list for movie night." 
The drive takes less than an hour with Bucky at the wheel. When you arrive the woman seems a bit wary of Bucky but she relaxes when she sees Dizzy's reaction. Dizzy immediately runs to you and then sniffs Bucky before practically jumping in his arms. You are laughing as Bucky kneels down to play with her. His wide smile and low voice with the dog is endearing. 
"Well, she certainly likes your boyfriend." The woman says. 
You chuckle at the woman's assumption but decide it's not worth the energy to explain. 
"I'm glad Dizzy likes me, too. Huh, girl?" He ruffles the dogs head before standing. Dizzy moves to stand at his side. 
You conclude business with the woman and leash Dizzy before heading to the car. Once inside, you turn to Bucky and laughingly say, "Did you steal my dog already?"
"What can I say? I have a way with women." Bucky chuckles. Dizzy tilts her head and lets out a little whine at the noise.
"Chill, girl, you'll see him around plenty." You reach back to pet her head. "You're gonna have lots of friends." You say.
"Have you had a dog before?" Bucky asks. 
"Charlie had a pit named Brutus. He was a big baby." 
"Where is he now?" Bucky asks.
"He crossed the rainbow bridge about six months before Charlie. We were just starting to talk about getting another dog." You look at your hands suddenly feeling the sadness and loss all over again. "Sorry." You say softly.
"It's okay, Doll."
"It just hits me sometimes that he's really gone."
"Grief is a process. You always feel the loss of those you love. He was a good guy, huh?"
"Yeah. He was. You and Steve remind me of him sometimes. He was an Army Ranger. Served three tours. Did I ever tell you that?"
"No." Bucky gives you a sideways glance.
"He had just discharged when I met him. Still adjusting to being back in civilian life. It took him awhile but he did it. He was brave and smart and really, really loving." Your voice breaks. 
Bucky reaches out and takes your hand. "I'm so sorry you lost him, Doll, but I'm glad he was good to you. You deserved that."
"Thanks, Bucky." You hold hands for the remainder of the trip and your melancholy slips away the closer you get to the compound. "Okay Dizzy, ready to see your new home and meet the rest of the family?" 
Dizzy's ears perk up and her tail wags. You and Bucky take her around the compound. Dizzy is very well-behaved and everyone seems to take a liking to her. When you introduce her to Steve she reacts in much the same way she did with Bucky. Practically rolling over for him. You are elated at how Dizzy and the team seem to immediately bond. 
That evening as you are bringing her back from a walk when you overhear Bucky in Steve's room, "Did you know he was an Army Ranger?"
"No. I don't remember her ever mentioning it." Steve says. "She was crying?"
"No, just sad." Bucky says. 
Dizzy obviously hears their voices too and swivels her head. "Wanna check in with the guys before bed, Dizzy?"
You knock on the door and smile when Steve opens it. "Hey. We heard you guys still up and Dizzy wanted to check in before bed."
“Hey Diz.” Steve pets the dogs head. “How, uh, how much did you hear?”
“Um, Bucky telling you Charlie was an Army Ranger. That was really it.” You shrug. 
“Can you hear me a lot?” Steve asks.
“I usually have my headphones or earplugs in. I try to be respectful of everyone’s privacy.” You say. 
“I know. I just forget how good your hearing is sometimes. You okay? This jerk didn’t upset you today?” Steve smirks as he gestures to Bucky. 
“Watch it, Punk.” Bucky grouses. 
“I’m fine. Like I told Bucky, it just hits me sometimes. I mean, I know Charlie’s gone. I’ve come to terms with that. It’s just sometimes… I’m sorry. You guys probably know better than anyone.”
“Doesn’t make it easier for you. If you ever need anything, we’re here for you.” Steve says. 
“Both of us.” Bucky says. 
“Thank you. I’m really glad to have you both as friends.” You smile. 
“Who’s a good girl?” You hear from Bucky a minute later.
“She is!” You smile at Bucky who is on the floor with Dizzy practically in his lap. Dizzy’s tongue lolls out of her mouth as Bucky scratches her ears. “Alright, Dizzy, let’s let the guys get some sleep. Come on, girl. Night guys.”
“Night, Doll.” Bucky says.
Part 4
“Sweet dreams.” Steve says.
Part 3 1/2 (A smutty Stucky Vignette)
Or go to
Permanent: @bubbabarnes @badassbaker @thefridgeismybestie @strangersstranger @cherthegoddess @drunkbucky @sherlocksmanwatson @cap-n-stuff
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impaladolan · 4 years
Control Freak - Grayson Dolan
summary: after Choff production lines CEO (finally) retires, a new boss makes his way into Y/N’s world..
warnings: sexual references/undertones
a/n: another Grayson series, i can’t help myself :)) enjoy!! also, ily <3
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Ugh, he was in one of his moods again.
The office cubicles were hastily bustling with nervousness and terror. At any given moment, the infuriated man, so-called boss, will be bursting through the double doors with a dark red tint across his cheeks and maybe even smoke out of his ears, if you're lucky.
Mr. Kidman has never been good with the whole "patience is a virtue" thing, he's a ticking time bomb at all hours of the day. Nothing ever satisfies him, nor remotely excites him, he just finds something to yell and scream about at some poor unfortunate soul and then continues his merry day. But today, he was furious. He had no empathy for anyone, even his favorite two little secretaries that wear push-up bras like a side-job. Apparently someone had brought him the wrong breakfast order and everything just went downhill from there.
Unlike all the others, you seemed calm and composed amongst all this mayhem, but only because you, and maybe two others, knew that 'Old Angry Kidman' was finally retiring. Yep, freedom at last. Well, unless the new guy, or girl, has terrible anger issues.
So you just sat at your clean and pristine desk, typing another draft and adding it to the plentiful piles saved on your work computer, while soundlessly chewing on a mint piece of gum that substituted for the absence of a tooth brushing the morning of. But your quick finger movements were hushed once Mr. Kidman, as predicted, flew straight through the doors with his signature fiery red face and sweat droplets dotting his thinning hairline. "Every body fucking up! I've fucking had it with all of you." He demands, majority of the room raising from their seats with caution. With his teeth tightly gritted and his lips in a fine line, he swirls his index finger in the air, motioning to all of his terrified workers.
"If it were my fuckin' decision, I'd have each and everyone of you pieces of shits fired and on the streets in point ZERO-TWO seconds. You all are fucking lucky that this is my last day here, son's of bitches." A man of few nice words, that he is. The nicest thing you've ever heard him say was thank you, and that was two years ago. His vulgar and aggressive attitude truly brings the worth of working this job down. If it weren't for the good pay and lack of any other remotely feasible company jobs, you would've quit a long time ago.
But alas, you still endure the inevitable fiery reign of his obstructive wrath on the daily.
Dolan is his name.
The new boss, that is. That's the only information you and the rest of the staff knew, besides that he's a male. He hasn't shown up for work yet, or even formally introduced himself. Hell, you don't even know what he looks like. But you were certainly nervous for his arrival.
What if he's just like Kidman, or worse?
It most certainly made you nervous to think that this new guy could ever be worse than Kidman. You were hoping and praying that the he'd at least value his workers and employees.
Everyone, on your office floor, was anticipating the days and hours of his big arrival. No one was certain of when he was going to show up, or if. But nonetheless you were one of the most nervous ones. You held the highest title among your coworkers, except CEO of course, but you were pretty up there when it came to business standards. Everyone seemed to like you as well, your kind nature and natural non-brutal attitude sure did make up for other people's. Of course, you didn't really have an office of your own, because you enjoyed the time spent with the people around you. You truly loved the relationship and humbleness you gained from it. At least you weren't a snotty bitch, right?
There were plenty of little rumors around the workspace that you'd become the new (and improved) owner of this whole entire manufacturing company. Specifically a well known fashion line, Choff. The floor that you, and many of the other leading workers, were on was basically the information database. But from time to time, you'd find yourself strolling through the other, more clothing/model filled areas. Just to see how things were flowing.
Which is actually what you're doing in this moment; running your fingers along the racks filled with hangers that held all the fitted clothing items. It seemed like fun to be down here, measuring and sewing the different outfits to the men and women, but it also seemed stressful. Everyone's always in a rush, with their exploding New York accents and their flailing around all over the place. It's pretty amusing to watch from afar, but you'd be scared to get in anyone's way. They'd probably just run you over and continue their day unaffected.
With that thought in mind, you abruptly come to a stop when you run into the muscular backside of someone, startling you from your stare on the tiled flooring. You uttered a few apologies, taking a step back and straightening your pencil skirt from its newfound wrinkles.
"Lost, darling?" Your eyes trail the floor before you until they're stuck on a pair of shiny dress shoes, attached to a pair of long legs and a broad chest. Your eyes finally landed on the remarkably handsome face, of someone you didn't quite recognize. It wasn't uncommon to stumble across unknown employees, but could it be him?
"Frankly, no." You shortly answer, studying his jaw-dropping features. He was indubitably perfect, without a doubt. With a nicely trimmed beard decorating his beautifully shaped jawline, and big hazel eyes that stared right back at your own, he seemed unearthly. Like he was God's favorite angel sent down from heaven, just to show you a glimpse of what it'd really be like inside the pearly gates. "Are, um, you?" You weren't exactly nervous, just mystified. His recent smile grew into what seemed to be a smirk, while his right side's dimple grew more prominent.
"I'd like to say that I'm not, but I sadly am." He shrugs with a chuckle, sending a wave of unbeknownst pleasure through your ears and fluttering down your spine, until the ends of your toes were satisfied with his deep and raspy voice. "Could you maybe show me around this gigantic place? I've been in need of assistance for the last hour or so." He questions you, dropping his shoulders back and letting his eyes roam your stature before drifting to the interior of the long hallway the two of you are currently standing around in. "I very well could, but I have a dreadful meeting to attend to within the next five to ten minutes." Actually, the meeting was in fifteen minutes. You just simply wanted to see the man's reaction, which wasn't what you though it'd be;
"Perfect, I'll be in attendance for that as well. If you'd so kindly lead the way, I would most appreciate it." He smoothly negotiated, stuffing his right hand, which was tightly wrapped with an expensive looking watch, into his pocket with another grin. He seemed very eloquent with his words and the way he addressed things, it has to be him?
"Do you mind me asking of your name?" You began as you started your trek back to where you came from, your heels quietly clicking from beneath you as you lead the way, him following close behind. "Dolan, Grayson Dolan." He quickly answered. Indeed you were right in thinking he was the new (and maybe improved) CEO of all Choff productions. "New head guy?"
He only nods, to yet another one of your endless questions. "And what's your name, darling?" He asks as the two of you stop at an elevator, his quick hand beating yours to clicking the slightly worn down button. "Y/N Y/L/N, direct head management under you." You relay before boarding onto the empty elevator, the doors closing moments after the two of you were stood side by side. You fidget with the ends of your skirt, staying as calm as possible under his stare that you couldn't help but shrivel under.
"Under me, huh?" You almost gulped at the sound of his double meaninged phrase. Smart guy, hm? Your heart started beating a bit faster the more you thought of his little statement. Your mind became a whirlwind of visuals and fantasies before you could even stop it. Just those two little words had made you all sorts of a mess, and he hasn't even done much of anything. "Don't get too worked up darling, we have a meeting to attend." He chuckles as he steps off the elevator that had opened only seconds ago. You just scoff, your cheeks reddening as you stride right past him, maneuvering through the expanse of people that had just left the staff room, in order for the upcoming meeting to advance.
The moment you were sat in the room and time had passed to where everyone had finally shown up, you felt that lingering feeling of eyes on you. A pair of hazel eyes to be exact, who was sat far from you at the end of the long table. For meeting him not too long ago, he sure did seem comfortable around everyone. It was entirely too soon for you to be liking him already, better yet imagining different scenarios with him as someone boringly rambled. You decided that you'd forget him for the time being and focus on your job, as much as possible.
Though it would be granted as difficult as time moved on..
"That's the conclusion of this meeting. I thank everyone for being here, and I especially appreciate your appearance, Mr. Dolan. I'm happy to say that things around here will continue a lot smoother than it did in the past. And I know most others would agree." Burt Wallace, one of the coordinators, concluded after standing from his seat to dismiss everyone with a nod. While everyone dillydallied in conversations with one another, you in the other hand, hustled straight out of that room and towards the same elevator you had used earlier. The moment you clicked the button, the doors opened wide and you hopped in, tucking yourself in the corner while you gained your breath. You smile to yourself at the successful 'escape' from any questions or perhaps a witty comment from a certain CEO on the loose.
You sigh happily to yourself, watching the doors close again until a hand is stuck between them, pushing them straight back to reveal the man you were somewhat avoiding. "Care if I join you again?" He asked, but he still entered otherwise, clicking one of the many buttons to make the door close. "Did I have a choice?" You almost scoff, feeling his shoulder brush against your own as he stood in the same spot he had previously stood in. "Nah, not really, but I like to seem like a little bit of a gentleman." He answers, the roll of your eyes substituting for the internal scoff that you hadn't let out. The two of you rode in silence for what seemed to be eternity, only the faint sounds of your breaths being heard. As soon as the elevator door clanged and opened, you made a beeline out of there and hustled toward your organized workspace like there was a snake chasing you.
"What's the rush?" Ana Rita, one of the only tolerable women in this entire building, asked as you ducked under your desk. Even though you hadn't looked back to check, you had a feeling he'd follow you, or worse, ask you to meet him in his office. You weren't exactly sure why you were hiding from him, he seemed pretty nice. But he truly intimidated you. Not in a competitive way, more so a physical way. "And why the fuck are you down there?" The redhead crinkled her brows as she looked down her long nose at you. "Just, shhhh!" You bellow quietly, covering your pursed lips with your index finger.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck. Hot man, six o'clock! Get your ass out of there!" She violently whispered at you, frantically tidying herself for the "hot man," presumably Mr. Dolan as you had predicted, approached your desks. You tightly hug your knees from under your desk, praying to god that he wouldn't somehow see you. "After noon, sir, may I help you?" You cringe at the seductive tone lined in her voice, something that Mr. Dolan unfortunately probably gets a lot of. "I'm looking for Ms. Y/L/N, I have some issues to discuss with her." Yet again, his girthy voice made you sigh with comfort. It's extremely calming to listen to.
"She's actually right here—" Ana, the little asshole she is in this moment, points straight at you as you plead with your eyes and shake your head vigorously. You suddenly see his handsome head peer over at you, his brows scrunched with confusion. "Uhm, cords were messed up, gotta fix them." You awkwardly chuckle, patting the outlet box stuffed with all your monitor's cords. You bring yourself out from below your desk as the two stared at you, dusting your front side and settling down in your office chair with a nervous smile.
"I'd like to have a word with you, in my office."
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damejanai · 4 years
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S:Probably, when this episode goes on air, it won't be the case anymore but
K: Uh huh
S: But recently, I've had quite many spiritual experiences recently
K: Oh i was scared right there
S: ?
K: I thought you were quitting or something
S: No no no no, why would i do something like that?
K: That scared me, thought you were going to say, 'when this goes on air, i won't be here anymore'
S: Hhahahaha that blew up
K: I was so shocked
S: That's funny, but you know, I often say I see feathers, right? I still see them now and then, but recently, I'm not kidding, crickets keep coming to me. When i'm watching TV at night... well I'm not watching TV but
K: What are you talking about?
S: You know like, my TV is like...that...
K: You are just watching the screen
S: Ah yesyes, that's scary! It's like I'm a psychopath or something!
K: So Soma san you were just watching screen when..
S: When I watch movies at night, there would be the tapping sound on my window, there would be nothing, and after a while i would hear it again.
K: Uh huh
S: And when i open the window, the crickets would be like, 'Let me in!'
K: That's so dramatic
S: I think there is a huge tree near my window, and so there would be tons of them there growing.
K: Ahhh, they would fall nicely at a 45 degree angle
S: And it's easy for them to come in but not go out. I realised that recently, they are not really coming anymore. I was wondering why, and it has been hot recently, so I've not been going into the veranda much. When I went out, I realised that the tree, wasnt there
K: Ehhhhh!??
S: It was totally trimmed, I guess there were tons of complaints coming from other residents about crickets coming into their houses too
K: Would they trim it because of complaints?!
S: It has a very clean haircut now.
K: I don't know if I should probe into it this much but is that tree within the estate?
S: Yes yes , it is, so it comes under their management. And actually I dont miss them at all and, i feel lucky in fact
K: And also it's nothing spiritual at all, just that the bugs are gone
S: Ahahahahaa
~About year end times and visiting their parents'~
S: It's hard for me to move around, like my hometown is in Yamanashi
K: Actually my parents home was in tokyo but they have moved to kanagawa actually, so they're like telling me, not to come back
S: Ahahahaa
K: And they got a cat, when I'm allergic to cats. And also since they're in Kanagawa, they might have some resistance to come to Tokyo. So, I can't go back!
S: Are you in contact with them?
K: Ahhh well yes
S: So that was when they told you that, they were getting a cat and stuff, and therefore
K: Telling me not to come back
S: I don't think that's what they think wwww
It's a tough time huh
K: Yes it's a tough family situation
S: Ahahahaaa what's that
K: Why are they going further away though...
S: I actually talked on the phone for 2 hours with my parents, after a long time, they seemed really happy i think. After that I think i heard from my sister that my parents told her about how i called them
K: Ahh
S: I'm usually the kind that doesnt contact people. So i guess this situation sort of makes us try to keep in contact. So not all's bad
K: I see, when i go back home, I'm like doing a radio show alone for 2 hours
S: Ahahahaaha
K: When i go home, I talk non stop, for like 1 hour and we laugh and laugh and then I'll be, 'Okay, I'm off'
S: Ahahahaa you're providing them one slot of entertainment
K: I'd be like, 'wasn't it fun?' , 'bye bye'
S: Does your style of talking take after any of your family members?
K: Nope
S: Ah
K: Totally no one. I'm the only one who talks this much
S: Ah, so they're rather quiet, all of them
K: My dad would talk when he's excited but is usually the listener. I don't really understand what my mum says at all
S: wwwww what does that mean?
K: Maybe we're similar?
S: Ahahahhaa
K: My younger sister doesn't ever come out of her room
S: Stop that
K: My elder brother keeps bullying others
S: wwwwww ok but
K: Maybe it's a hybrid, I'm all of those things at times
S: Well but you're nice on the inside
K: Yes I am! So is my family! Hahahaha
S: Haahahha
Q. There are not many events nowadays but it seems like there are many recordings and filmings these days?
K: No?
S: wwwww well in general for voice actors, probably all the recordings that were halted have resumed  maybe
K: By recording, what kind of recording do you mean?
S: wwwww what do you mean by what kind?
K: Well there's after recording
S: Ah ah ah, Ok then count it in
K: Ah, okat then Yes, it has increased
S: Ahahahaa
K: Yes, it's great. I don't really have recording for like songs
S: I think ive gotten more reading jobs nowadays, and I've always said i liked reading, but i had one where i had to read out everything myself, it was, really difficult
K: I guess you have to create and ups and downs right, that's tough right
S: And i think, it's not too good if you create too many ups and downs
K: Ahhh, it's difficult to decide when to hold back
S: Yesyesyes. And usually i would read books for leisure and books for work differently.
K: I see
S: And recently I end up thinking a lot when reading, like how should I make it more interesting
K: Ahhh that doesn't sound fun
S: Totally
K: When I have fun doing YouTube, versus when I use some editing methods because I feel it's good for my videos
S: And it goes on for hours, well it happens for radio as well, like 3-4 hours, to be immersed in one story for rhat long, we don't have it that much
K: Uh huh
S: Like... i want to improve my concentrating ability
K: Ahhh that...
S: Well....Kaito kun are there any types of jobs that you have more now
K: Not really... anything... it has been the same
S: So it has really gotten back to normal
K: Yes. I think I've had more free talk sort of gigs now
S: wwwwww
K: So, what do they see me as?
S: Well but you know you are able to do freetalk for 2 hours at your parent's house
K: No no no but well the freetalk at do at my parent's house goes like, 'this and this happened at work, haha, my partner for radio is this sort of person, he's really irritating
S: Wait wait, stop stop, can i rewind?
K: Ok ok ok, so like what i say at my parent's house goes like, 'my partner for radio is really irritating' something like that
S: wwwwwww
K: Hahahaha, just a little
S: You simplified it huh, from just now
K: I don't even remember what i said
S: But Kaito kun is someone who can just talk about something interesting when the time needs to be dragged a little
K: Really?
S: Isn't that so?
K: Freetalk is like... if there's nothing interesting that happened in your daily life, there's nothing to talk about so
S: Yes, that's true
K: So, i only say what comes to mind at that point
S: Yeah yeah
K: So, sometimes i read comments like, 'Kaito kun said this and this some time ago but now he's saying this and this'
S: Uh huh
K: But what i say is different at different times. So, recently I felt the need to accumulate things to talk about
S: Yes, that's also what you thought of due to this increase in free talk related gigs
K: Yes yes
S: And so you're actually
K: I wanted to note down stuff so, use my secret twitter account that I use for ego searching
S: Wait wait, why, why? Just use a notebook or something
K: Well but, I feel like tweeting them
S: Ahahahhaaa I don't get it! Your ego searching account
K: It has 0 followers, is unlocked, and has no interaction with anyone
S: I see I see
K: And I would tweet photos of my animal crossing game for my own keepsake
S: Ahahahaha huh? That's kinda scary
K: So I'm using it in place of a notebook now. My recent note was 'Human nails degenerate too fast, don't they?' They break all the time and it's painful and bloody', and I don't even remember what that was about
S: Oh my god
K: Scary right?
S: Totally scary, Posting animal crossing photos and leading to this is also scary. What's that about human nails?!
K: The fact that it's scary... already becomes a topic
S: I see I see, you noting down things and don't remember anything about it
K: And the fact that the first tweet was something really scary
S: Ahahahhaahaa
K: Hahahaa
S: But it's an account you would like to keep lowkey
K: If it gets circulated due to a bug or something that would be real bad
S: Please be careful!
~ Dame raji photo studio ~
Topic: Please express your favourite 4 word idiom with your body as much as you can 
Please download from this link:
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scrawler-jay · 3 years
of mice and artblock
So, midterms happened and I abandoned this blog for a while. But now I’m back, and I come bearing mice.
I’ve been really struggling with finding subjects I like to draw. I’m happy to work on skeleton studies until Judgment Day to better understand anatomy, but I know I need to balance “homework” art with “for fun” art, or else risk losing motivation for learning to draw -- and I’m so used to writing fiction at this point that no subject really appeals to me artistically unless it’s got 5,000+ words of story attached (or at least some narrative/character ideas, yanno -- something for my brain to pick at). The obvious solution is to draw concept art and characters from my written stories, but I feel really intimidated by that because I’m such a beginner artist that nothing I create now will do justice to the vision I have in my head.
I need art OCs and concepts – things that I will only draw art of, and have never written a story about. Stuff that doesn’t have to match a previously established, written story, and that I can change as I learn more and my skills improve.
I ended up drawing a bunch of mice.
This was initially just a whim. Human anatomy requires a lot of skill to pull off, especially faces and hands, but mice felt more beginner-friendly to me. Admittedly, I was going for a more cartoony style as opposed to photorealism, so if you’re looking at this from a realism perspective then these are pretty poor mice. However, I don’t feel ashamed of them, which I am taking as a good sign.
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I kept drawing one mouse over and over. I ended up calling him Leo just because it was funny – “leo” refers to lions, but here Leo is just a little mouse. But of course, giving him a name (and a gender, incidentally) is the start of a story. Via a flight of fancy, I got it into my head that I wanted to do a painting of Leo trying to catch a big snowflake. I made some thumbnails of what I wanted the scene to look like, and then cut out a roughly 7 inch x 7 inch piece of watercolor paper from a big sheet that I had under my bed, sketched the scene in pencil, and then finished with watercolor pencils (and a white gel pen for the snowflakes). The process probably took 2.5 to 3 hours.
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So, now the lore is that Leo is a mouse living in a little house in an old tree at the edge of the woods, and he wears a red scarf. I did not like this painting. It seemed over-saturated and the colors didn’t quite work the way I wanted them to. I ended up watching a tutorial on color theory, and decided to redo the painting using my newfound knowledge of color schemes. I used this color palette tool to get an idea of what kinds of colors would look good together, and settled on a complementary scheme with bluish green and brownish red.
And then, everything went wrong.
I tried to redo the painting, still working traditionally. I rushed the sketch because I was so eager to get right into working with color. This time, to avoid over-saturation, I used watercolors out of a pan rather than in pencil form. Mixing the colors in the lid of the pan took a really long time because I was so picky about shades, and because I continued rushing I didn’t allow the layers enough time to dry. Leo’s scarf (now green instead of red) bled into his russet fur, and the mailbox was the wrong shape, and I tried to erase a pencil line and created a dark blotch over an area that was supposed to be white with snow – and then I gave up.
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I had downloaded Krita, a piece of digital drawing/painting software, a while ago, but hadn’t had any success using it because my desk isn’t big enough to accommodate both a laptop and my small tablet. Using my lap to hold the tablet was an exercise in frustration, and I knew so little about how digital art works that I just felt really overwhelmed and lost whenever I opened the program.
However, Krita (like most digital art software) has an undo button that I find very alluring, so I decided to try it again, now on a shiny new desk from Ikea that is actually big enough to support tablet and laptop together. I think just the space on the desk really made all the difference, but also I was determined to get this artwork of a mouse to a place where I felt satisfied with it.
I spent a solid 5 hours working on what ended up being a very simple colored drawing of a mouse catching a snowflake outside his little house. I barely blended anything at all, and there’s no light source that required me to shade anything – it’s just flat color. However, I really like these colors, and I think I did well (for an absolute beginner). I want to go back and add textures/shading to give an impression of depth, but I'm not sure how.
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Leo – like all of my figures – feels really stiff, so I also want to work on gestures/studies of mice doing things. And, thanks to the popularity of mice as lab animals and pets, there are way more reference photos of mice than I expected! Most refs depict the house mouse, Mus musculus, but I did find the work of a wildlife photographer named Dean Mason who spent 15 years photographing harvest mice (micromys minutus).
Unfortunately, all of the prior artwork in this post I had drawn almost purely from imagination, and I think it shows. I studied two mice from photos in pencil, then erased the lines until they were barely visible and tried to do the fur texture in ink (with a dip pen, so there is some unevenness when the pen was extra inky).
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Left is my first attempt doing the fur texture. I was more cautious with layering pen strokes, so you can see the lines of strokes fairly evenly. Right is my 2nd attempt, where I was bolder with the pen. I like these mice more than the one I created in the digital painting; these ones (especially the right) feel more Beatrix Potter-ish, which is a vibe I like.
Do I want to go back and fix the anatomy in my digital art of Leo? Yes. I also want to take another stab at doing this piece traditionally, but this time, I'd go monochrome and try to do everything in brown. However, part of me is exhausted from drawing ten million snowflakes and does not want to relive that experience with a gel pen -- I've already done it once with a tablet pen, and that was enough.
I have a hazy, far-off goal of creating a comic of Leo having adventures with another mousy friend, but that’s so far in the future that it’s not worth spending time considering right now. In the nearer future, however, Leo’s friend might become a reality – I know he’s an albino mouse (name TBD) who either escaped from a drug-testing facility (I loved The Secret of NIMH movie as a kid) or else is a pet who was dumped into the wild by a human owner who no longer wanted him. Leo is outgoing and adventurous, and this friend is shy and cautious.
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captaincatwoodson · 3 years
3 Events in 3 States: 2014 race reports
State No.1: PA (beginning May) UPMC Health Plan Pittsburgh Half Marathon. PR'd again for this race with a finishing time of 2:29:09 (11:22 ave. min/mi), training was heavy in the cross training department with more weight lifting added to my regiment.
I competed in the the Pittsburgh Half Marathon, in Pennsylvania, in May as well as the Rock Hall Triathlon, in Maryland, later that month and the Decker's Creek Trail Half Marathon, in West Virginia, in June.
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State No.2: MD (early June) Rock Hall Sprint Triathlon.
Sprint triathlon consists of a 750 meter swim (0.5 mile), a 20k bike ride (12.4 miles), and a 5km run (3.1 miles). This was my first triathlon ever (I’ve done plenty of biathlons and multi sport events but nothing like this)! I dove into training, very confident in my biking and running fitness/endurance but I hadn’t done any swimming (pool or open water) in years so knew I would have my work cut out for me.
To help tackle the swim part, I got a swim coach. Good news: I was ahead of the game than most people. My form was spot on (guess I remembered something from swim and dive team all those years ago). Basically I just needed to get use to being in water again then work on my breathing for competitive, open water swimming. No big deal, right?? I had swim lessons 1-2x a week and followed this training schedule as best I could, customizing it to my daily schedule.
Weekday Training: Mon = biking, Wed= running, Fri = swimming, Tue & Thu = weight lifting, yoga and stretching
Weekend Training: alternated b/w swimming then biking, biking then running, swimming then running
Race Day Recap - Swim Segment: I didn't have a wetsuit but luckily I didn't need one as the water turned out to be really warm. I wore my bike shorts and a quick dry, compression-like fit, no sleeve shirt plus my swim cap and goggles (which fogged almost immediately and were useless after that).
The Chesapeake Bay was our open water arena, up to this point all of my swimming took place in a pool (trained over the winter) and I attempted to make up for this by for swimming longer amounts of time and going further than the race distance to help build up my endurance. Nothing can really prepare you for open water swimming, other than actually swimming in the open water though. The temperatures are different & vary greatly plus the current can really exhaust you if you’re not use to swimming with a current.
In training it looked like I was trying to run/bike in the water, and apparently I don’t use my arms as one would expect a swimmer to do but rather I’d use my legs much more heavily. I also predominately used the back stroke while training as my goggles kept fogging up. Another big difference between pool and open water is pools are clear and have that nice line at the bottom to see where you're going, and you are usually in a lane so you have bumpers to keep you on track. Open water doesn't have that advantage lol.
At one point it was just me and I hadn’t even made to the first buoy, a kayaker rowed over to me to try and help me maintain direction, but foggy goggles and back stroking in open water makes for difficulties maintaining course. I pretty much swam in the least efficient way possible: little spirals looping round and round trying to head toward the buoys. For a TRI, each sport has a time limit in which you must complete as well as a time limit for the whole race. I wasn't going to make it in time for the swim so I ended up accepting a lift back to shore. You're allowed to continue on to the other segments of the race if this happens but your time chip is removed to keep things fair.
Race Day Recap - Bike Segment: as soon as I hit land, I was golden. I ran to the transition area, dried my feet, put socks/shoes on, grabbed my helmet and put that on as I walked outta the transition area. I had to borrow a bike since I was unable to bring my own This of course goes against the "don't try new stuff on race day" or "do on race day what you do in training" lol. I did test ride the bike the day before the race to at least familiarize myself with riding with drop bars (I ride with flat bars) and the shifting mechanics (I have the trigger shifters). All in all, while I generally dislike the type of bike I had to ride, I did really well and fortunately the course was relatively flat meaning I didn't need to shift often.
Race Day Recap - Run Segment: just like I had to walk the bike out then hop on and I ride, I had to dismont a bit before the transition area, run the bike to my spot then take off to do the run! I didn't to do much from bike to run since I don't use clipless pedals/shoes but I did grab some water on the way out. The running was pretty chill, again relatively flat with a couple rolling hills. I kept a pretty even pace till the end when I kicked it up and just flew through the finish line.
Training Time Trial: finished all segments in ~2 hours with the swim in 30 min, bike (15 miles) in an hour and run (5km) in 30-32 min.
Race Day Times: finished everything in less than 2 hours but did not complete the swimming; I did about 10 min of swimming before I was scooped up, I finished the bike (14.53 miles) in 53 minutes and finished the 5k in 31 minutes - absolutely crushing the last couple hundred yards. I mean I was running so fast and so hard, the Race MC did a double take and made a funny comment on how fast I was going. My times are rough estimates since I didn't have my time chip and I’m not sure how long my transitions in between in segment were.
My goal going in was to finish and to be at or under 2 hours. My goal moving forward is to improve my swimming game, really build up that endurance and improve my aerobic and anaerobic training.
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State No.3: WV (a week later, June) Decker's Creek Trail Half Marathon, half number 6, first trail race
This was a great race to end the summer with, primarily a trail course (couple paved spots), gradual downhill grade, and I finished strong with my best half marathon PR yet. I crossed the finish line with a time of 2:15:03, (10:19 ave. min/mile).
Training for this was different than what I had done for the Pittsburgh Half (a road run). Instead of a lot of hills with the focus on the incline, I worked on controlling my pace and form running down hill. I also needed to run on actual trails and get use to that vs. the paved road I am accustomed to.
Fortunately, Pittsburgh has a number of trails pretty accessible for training. 1-2x a week I'd run 3-6 miles on trails and 4-10 miles in a cemetery lol. I've found cemeteries are great place for race training due to its variety of hill training, little to no car traffic, and mixture of grass and pavement course. On days I couldn't get outside, I'd hit the treadmill to get some speed work and general mileage in. I up'd the weights in my weight training and focused on compound movements such as with the bench press, dead lift, bent rows and squats. I attempted some Olympic lifting as well, using dumbbells or kettle-bells to keep good form.
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