#the maki supremacy chapter!!!
rmorde · 3 months
Bantering with Sukuna like Gojo during their fight.
Wait... if Sukuna is using CE as some sort of heart pacemaker, does this mean his CE will be even lower now or just plain gone? 🤔
Nevertheless GO MAKI GO!!!
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stsgbrainrot · 1 year
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Just MAKI MFING ZENIN sneaking up on Sukuna like the absolute Queen she is 👑
Who needs that loser Toji anyway
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shipwreckd-0 · 2 years
Maki being all badass and unhinged always makes me feel some type of way
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anreill · 3 months
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just maki rolling the big bad with a flick of the wrist no big
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anisespice · 15 days
“ the fuck-it list ” || hq! pt. 4
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one || two || three
synopsis: there’s a list going around consisting of hot guys on campus that are deemed “fuckable” with theories as to what they’d be like in bed. it’s all fun and games until somehow your boyfriend ends up on this list. 
pairing: seijoh4 x gn!reader [ oikawa, iwaizumi, mattsun, maki ]
warnings: mature content. MDI. cursing, suggestive language, mild objectification, the word “dick” said over a million times lol this chapter is basically bigdick!4 supremacy, corny behavior, camboy!maki, slight mentions of degradation, iwa’s is the shortest (I’M SORRY), some minor errors probably and i think that’s it :] !!
notes: I AM SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT :'))) life was kicking my ass and the last thing i could think about was getting metaphorically dicked down lol but hope you enjoy, thank y'all so much for your patience, and the last couple parts coming soon!
tagged: @daedaep69 , @ahahadumbo , @viktoryn , @mdsb , @ourgoddessathena , @ushygushybaby , @hyori2 , @lumpywolf , @fantasycantasy, @captaincyberqueen , @tsukiran
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OIKAWA would be the reason the list even exists, let’s be honest. 
But, for the sake of the plot, we’ll pretend otherwise.
Once again, without fail, after another grand win for the great king, he’s swarmed by his devoted groupies—Shoving their phones, gifts, and themselves in his face hoping to catch even a sliver of his attention.
And once again, you stood on the sidelines, impatiently waiting for him to leave the spotlight; irked your soul sometimes.
It’s not that you were against him being praised or anything, even though his head was fat enough to begin with, you loved the admiration people had for him. But there’s a fine line between being a fan and being a straight-up weirdo. 
And right now, they’re tap-dancing on that line something fierce. 
“Tooru!~ will you sign right here?” 
One pulled down the collar of her shirt, exposing more of her breasts that were pushed up damn-near to her chin whilst wearing a sultry smile. You caught a small glimpse of panic flash across his features before he covered it with a nervous laugh, eyes subtly shifting over to you as he replied. “..How 'bout a photo instead?” 
Things went on like that for the next few minutes. Someone would even take it a step further by flat out asking for his number, or if he was single. They already knew the answer to that, it was the same every time, yet they continuously tried their luck as if someday, through the power of delusion and manifestation, his answer would miraculously change despite you always attending his practices and his games, wearing his spare jersey, holding his hand, shoving your tongue down his throat, didn’t matter—Them hoes were relentless.
But, so were you. 
“Oh, Tooru!~ If you don’t wrap this up, you’ll be walking home!~” You sang, mirroring the tone of the girl from earlier. The semi-empty threat made the setter perk up like a hound, eyes wide as that same panic returned as well.
Although this time, he wasn’t so quick to play it off. 
“U-Uh,” he squeaked, then immediately covered by clearing his throat. “Yes, uh, well, it’s been great chatting with you all tonight. Thank you again for your love and support for the team, it's always appreciated. I hope you’ll continue to cheer us and myself oninthefuture—WAIT! [____]-chan! Don’t leave, y’know my poor legs won’t survive the walk back! Baby, c'mon, wait up!” 
Oikawa whined as he scrambled to catch up to your retreating form, no longer concerned with the crowd of disgruntled faces he left behind as they watched their object of affection slip away yet again. A small part of you wanted to turn back and stick your tongue out at them in petty victory, but you refrained. The sound of their great king pleading for your attention was satisfactory enough.
You barely made it outside before his long arms wrapped around your front, locking you to his chest as he leaned almost his entire weight on you. You could feel his heart thrumming against your head as he panted. Eventually, he huffed, no doubt pouting as he gently swayed you in his arms. “You’re mean.” 
Keeping your gaze forward, you frowned. “And I have the right to be. You said you’d tell some of those ‘fans’ of yours to chill out—it’s getting way out of hand, Tooru. That one girl practically flashed her damn tits at you, and you gawked like a virgin.” 
He chortled, incredulously, “I did not! She caught me off guard..!” 
“And yet, you rewarded her with a photo instead of calling out her inappropriate behavior. Make it make sense.” 
You attempted to shrug him off only for his hold to tighten, spinning you around to gaze at you with chocolate brown eyes resembling that of a puppy out in the rain—One of the unfair tactics of Tooru Oikawa to get back on your good side. You had full intent of ignoring him, standing your ground…but how could you possibly stay mad at that adorable face? 
Easy. By not looking directly at it. 
“Nuh uh. I don’t think so,” you gently pushed away the setter’s face, earning another whine in protest. “You’re not getting off the hook that easily. I’m really upset with you.” 
“Buh I dinit do anyfing,” he said through smooshed lips. 
“And that’s the problem. You need to set boundaries with them, Tooru. Things’ll only continue to get out of hand the longer you enable it. Next thing you know they’re clawing and biting at your flesh so they can take a piece of you home with them under their nails and in their teeth.”
Oikawa grimaced, leaning back. “Ew. Graphic. They’re fans, baby, not rabid animals. I think you may be exaggerating.”
You cocked a brow. “Am I now? Well. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
The team had never seen their captain move so fast in their entire season. This was the first time he’d just straight up avoided his entourage and head straight for the showers after practice, scurrying off like his ass was on fire. Questions would spark around the gym about this drastic shift in behavior.
“What’s his deal?” One player voiced. “Usually he sticks around at least another hour to entertain his cult.”
“Not sure. After our last game, he’s been skittish.” Another replied.
A third jumped in after taking a swig of his water. “Think it’s got something to do with that..thing we saw the other night?”
The small group thought back to when all of their phones went off at the same time, social medias in a frenzy about their very own star player. At first glance, they figured it was just highlights of their game, specifically highlighting Oikawa. But, upon further inspection…it was something else entirely.
'Tooru Oikawa. 6’3ft King of the Court, and also our hearts. Being notoriously known as the campus pretty boy, loved by many and envied by the rest, it wouldn’t be far-fetched to consider him the blueprint—The default setting of everyone’s wet dream. He’s a tall, talented, smooth-talker with playful eyes and a panty-dropping smile, a textbook definition of  ‘Prince Charming’. Everybody and they mama, daddy, even bald-headed granny would kill to jump this man’s bones. Many would see him as the romantic type, but there’s something more…unhinged hidden beneath the pretty-boy persona. After much debate, our beloved setter is to be dubbed a whole SWITCH, no nintendo. At first he’ll play the dominant role, but edge him long enough and you’ll bring the Great King to his knees, quivering, drooling, you name it. He’s shameless. 9.5/10 - half a point deducted for his inferiority/superiority complex. Get some therapy, babe. ♡’
They didn’t think much of it at the time, when it came to their attention whore of a captain, it wasn’t completely unexpected, especially if his groupies had anything to do with it. The players looked at one another, then back at the gaggle of hormones waiting for the brunette in question by the doors. It was unanimous.
“Yep.” “Uh-huh.”
The third player snorts. “‘bout time it sucked to be him for once.”
When Oikawa eventually exited the locker room, he did everything in his power to appear small, tip-toeing across the floor with his head down and shoulders hunched in crouching tiger-like fashion. He would’ve gotten away scott-free…if not for his petty teammates.
“See ya tomorrow, captain!”
It bounced off the gym walls, the setter grimacing as his devoted followers instantly looked in his direction, predatory gazes stunning him like a deer caught in headlights. Oikawa shot the players a nasty glare over his shoulder, flipping them off and continuing for the exit. He attempted to stiff-arm his way through the hoard, ducking and dodging their grabby hands and shutting down their…bolder advances.
“Tooru-chan!~ Let me show you what I’m capable of, I’ll have you begging in no time, just say the word!~”
“Unhinged men are so my type—Step on me, spit on me, call me names until I cry, I want it all!~”
“I bet it’s bubblegum pink, right? Does it curve to the left or right?”
Oikawa blanched. “Ladies, please, this is ridiculous! You all know I’m in a relationship with-”
“They don’t have to know.”
One had tried reaching out to touch him, but was quickly thwarted when the setter grabbed her wrist. Not tight enough to hurt, but enough to get the message across—Too far. Everyone came to a hush at the sudden display, cowering slightly at the intensity that pooled in his eyes, dark and cold as he fixed the whole group with a stern expression. You were right (obviously). Things escalated the second they were given an inch, with complete disregard to his boundaries and what you meant to him.
These weren’t fans. Not real ones, at least.
Oikawa deeply exhaled through his nose, calming himself down to keep from saying something he’d regret. Releasing the girl’s wrist, the setter gently moved her out of his personal space, resadjusting his bag and sporting a rather disinterested expression.
“It appears you all have misunderstood your place. I’ll forgive that disgusting comment only once. But, if this obscene, rude, and down right shameful behavior continues, I’ll have no choice but to inform the coach of your harassment and have you banned from future practices and games. Do I make myself clear?”
When you arrived to pick up Oikawa per usual, you were surprised to see that he was already waiting for you, not a single group ie in sight.
Skeptical, you looked around as you approached him, thinking those buzzards were still in listening distance, just waiting to pounce. But, when all you’re welcomed with was a big hug and kiss, you relaxed. Oikawa pulled back and gave you a sheepish smile. He explained everything that had happened, rubbing his the back of his neck in embarrassment. When he finished, he looked down at you with those same puppy eyes he gave you the other day.
“Please don’t say I told you so?”
You cooed, reaching up to fiddle with his hair at his nape. He leaned into your touch, content. Until you said, “I told you so.”
He frowned. “You’re MEAN.”
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Once IWAIZUMI learned it involved Oikawa in any way, that’s all he needed to know to have no interest in the list. Sort of like Sakusa, if the topic gets brought up, he finds himself tuning out. The last thing he needed was to get dragged into whatever mess his dumbass best friend got himself involved with. But, unfortunately for him, one doesn’t simply choose to be on the list…the list chooses you.
And one afternoon, the former ace was the unlucky winner.
‘Hajime Iwaizumi. 5’10ft hunk made of pure Husband Material. We’re talking the man who’ll open doors for you, pull out chairs, hold your bags without fuss, give you massages, cook you hearty meals, the whole nine yards. With that information in mind, you can’t tell me he’s not an absolute DOG in the bedroom. I’m talking about a man who’ll bully your insides, manhandle you and call you his “favorite cocksleave” or his “pretty little whore”. He’s the type to say the nastiest shit in your ear and tease you for the cute reactions you’d give him before shoving his tongue down your throat, while his dick kisses your appendix. Definitely a Hard Dom who only rewards good behavior, so if you plan to be a brat to this man—Good luck. But, as soon as he’s fucked that attitude outta you he’s back to being such a sweetheart! So so so attentive, so devoted, and will do anything for you. He’s God’s favorite. 1000000/10.’
“Oh? .. Hey, babe.” You said, curiously. Iwa grunted in response. “You know that list thingy Oikawa-?”
“Nope.” He easily answered, eyes focused ahead and he continued bench pressing the heavy bar.
You slap his chest. “You didn’t even let me finish!” He responded with a playful smirk, making you lightly slap him again.
Straddling his lap while he pumped iron was routine. It consisted of him doing what he does and you keeping him company, soaking up his presence until you inevitably left for your next lecture. Sometimes you kept count for him, other times you’d happily just be a distraction; today you did both.
“Haji,” you whined, wiggling a little. He ignored you on purpose, stubbornly refusing to indulge the topic. But that didn’t deter you from pestering him. “Ha-ji-me!”
“Ba-by-doll,” he echoed, grunting shortly after when he placed the heavy weight back on the rack, finished with the set. Panting, he sat up and readjusted you in his lap, hands resting on your thighs as he finally looked at you, amused at your scowl. “I don’t get why you’re so interested in that shitty list.”
“I’m not…until now.”
Turning your phone screen to show him the updated post, Iwa’s eyes scanned it before his brows furrowed in confusion, then tightened with irritation, jaw clenched and annoyance clear on his face. He let out a heavy sigh, closing his eyes to unsee it and merely laying back down on the bench. “Block them.”
You gaped. “What? No way!”
“It’s nothing but perverts with too much time on their hands,” he grunted, lifting up the bar and beginning his set. “It’ll rot your brain. Or what’s left of it, anyways.”
With a dramatic gasp, you retorted with, “Jerk. I’ll retweet and tell them you also love sucking on toes, how ‘bout that?”
Iwa paused mid-push. He eyed you from his laying position, voice dangerously low as he said, “Try it and I’ll bench press you next.”
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Through squinted eyes, MATTSUN briefly scanned the bright screen of Maki’s phone displaying the updated post that started circulating around their group for the past few minutes. Without much reaction, one would think he was too buzzed to be able to even comprehend it.
But he understood all too well.
‘Issei Matsukawa. 6’2ft lazy ass with a third leg. Doesn’t matter if he looks like he uses 5-and-1 body wash, he smells DELECTABLE. And don’t get me started on the gray, low-hanging joggers he usually wears around campus—He needs to be arrested walking around with a concealed weapon in those sweats—sir, put it in me AWAY. The literal embodiment of “If it slaps his thigh when he walk, I’ll listen when he talk.” The ultimate brat-tamer tbh. You can’t get under his skin, he’s so nonchalant and laid back, your attitude would just be foreplay for him (HIS FREAKY ASS). And if you think he’s already big on soft??? Bitch. Gon head and call outta work for tomorrow. 50/10.’
“Uh..congrats?” Kindaichi gave an awkward thumbs up.
Maki snickered, tongue in cheek. “Yeah, man, how’s it feel being ‘dick of the week’? They’re even givin’ it nicknames ‘nd shit.” He scrolled further into the depths of debauchery. Peering from over his shoulder to see for himself, Kunimi‘s face scrunched in mild disgust.
“Someone called it ‘The Door-Knocker’? Fucking cringe.”
“Fucking retweet.” The strawberry blonde hummed in approval. “Oo, I like this one—‘The Punisher’. That’s badass.”
Yahaba snickered only to then start choking on his drink, snatching Kyotani by the front of his shirt for support as he hacked for air. The wing-spiker merely glared, winding his hand back to beat the shit out of his back. “Ack! Kyo—fuc-! BRO STOP.”
“I’m helping.”
“You’re killing me!”
“Same thing,” he grunted.
Mattsun snorted, taking another swig of beer. After skimming through the thread, he lowly drawled out, “Cool, I guess. No big deal.”
He didn’t know much about the list, only that if you ended up on it you were pretty much an ace in the game of dick-slanging. But, he didn’t need some thirsty randoms on the internet telling him that he fucks. He had you to attest to all that, and your opinion was the only one that truly mattered. Not that either of you would kiss and tell.
His friends, on the other hand, felt otherwise. As far as they were concerned, Mattsun was a single man. And right now, he was shitting on a blessing sent from the gods. Maki halted his sip to eye his best friend, beer can lowering suspiciously. “No big deal?”
Mattsun shrugged. “t’s what I said.”
Yahaba finally caught his breath, chiming in with a winded, “Yeah right…you’re probably itching to check your DMs. Tell me ‘m wrong.”
“Ok. You’re wrong,” he replied, chugging the remainder of his beer can before crushing it. Yahaba went to argue, but Mattsun cut him off by speaking through a burp. “Don’t got the energy…to entertain someone who just wants my dick.”
“Don’t you mean, ‘Door-knocker’?” Kunimi teased.
“I thought it was ‘The Punisher’..?” Watari asked, uncertain.
“I saw ‘Horse Cock’ on there.” Kindaichi grimaced.
Mattsun shook his head. “Whatever. Point is, ‘m not interested in racking up my body count anytime soon, so those DMs will just go unanswered. Hell, maybe even deleted.”
“Bullshit,” Maki challenged. He points an accusing finger. “There’s another reason. It’s ‘cause you’re already screwing around with someone, aren’t ya?”
A silence fell upon the group, all eyes instantly honing in on the taller male with metaphorical ears raised high in scandalized curiosity, some (read: Kindaichi and Yahaba) more obvious about it than others. Mattsun merely gave a halfhearted shrug, neither denying nor confirming the information. “Aha! See, see, look at ‘em, dodging the question! He’s so cuffed.”
“No shot,” Yahaba deadpanned, “mister ‘Noncommittal’ himself?”
Mattsun glared. “Oi. I commit to stuff.”
“He’s gettin’ defensive.” Kunimi pointed out with a wry grin.
“Must be true, then.” Kyotani nodded, mischievous glint in his eye.
The others hummed in agreement, theorizing about his type in partners and how there could be a potential special someone in their senior’s life, while the bastard behind it all watched smugly on the couch, sipping his drink like a gossiping old biddy. Mattsun squinted in annoyance at his best friend. “Et tu, dumbass?”
Maki raised his hands, “Hey, don’t get mad at me. You basically told on yourself. No guy in their right mind would ever pass up on that many opportunities unless he’s A) Stupid, B) Aro/Ace, or C) Spoken for. Now, my vote’s between A and C, but feel free to update me on your sexual orientation.”
Mattsun flipped him off, sporting a sarcastic expression.
His phone then began to vibrate on the table. As quickly as they looked at the former middle blocker, everyone’s gaze shot toward the offending device, then back on him; expectantly. Despite his calm exterior the brunette felt his heart-rate spike, brow twitching at the childish looks and jeers he started getting, borderline peer-pressuring him to pick it up.
After a few seconds of continuous ringing, Kunimi huffed in mild annoyance for him to, “Answer it, already.”
Maki added fuel to fire by saying, “Unless you want one of us to answer for you-” Mattsun snatched the phone off the table.
With the grace of a gorilla, he stood from the couch and quickly shuffled to the corner of the room. Answering it, he cleared his throat, face flushing at the chorus of snickers coming from behind him as he greeted you with a simple, but elated, “Hey.”
“Hey, ‘sei!”
“Hey,” he said again, breathing out a small chuckle. “Can’t sleep?”
You responded with your own chuckle. “Yeah, actually. I was wondering if you’d wanna maybe…ride around with me? I’m thinking McDonald’s. Oo! Or that wing place by campus, y’know, the one with the teriyaki flavor you liked? I think they don’t close until, like, 2am. Or…was it 1am?”
Mattsun snorted at your rambles, leaning against the wall as he let you continue. Unbeknownst to him, the guys were practically stacked on top of each other, stretching their ears to hear your voice. From what they could pick up, you sounded so upbeat, animated as you spoke. They watched in awe as their senior barely spoke but was engaged in whatever you were saying, nodding along and humming to let you know he was still listening. If he wasn’t faced the other way, they were certain they’d see a smitten expression on his face.
“Mhm.. mhm. Yeah, ‘m sure that squirrel really appreciated you sharing your almonds, baby.”
“BABY???” The group exclaimed.
The brunette jumped slightly, completely forgetting where he was for a moment there. He briefly looked over his shoulder before turning back towards the wall with a groan—Every single one of those bastards were either grinning or gaping in shock. Mattsun cursed under his breath. You made a noise of confusion.
“Are you with the guys? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt! We can totally chill another night if you-”
“Nah, was just about to leave. Think I’ve entertained these assholes long enough.” He grumbled, walking over to grab his jacket, but not before thumping Maki on the head; the latter hissed through his teeth in pain as he held the throbbing spot. “Rather be with you anyways. I’ll send the address, lemme know when you’re outside.”
“O-Oh, okay then!” You giggled, flattered. “I’ll see you soon. Love you!”
He turned back to look at the group, smug as they still watched him with disbelief painted on their faces as Mr. Non-committal was ditching them to hang with his commitment. Like he tried to tell them before, he didn’t need some thirsty randoms on the internet. He had you, and that’s more than enough.
“Love you too, [_____].” Then, he walks out. Leaving the room in even more chaos compared to when he first answered the phone, immediately on his ass as the scrambled after him for answers.
Who would’ve guessed their sweet, beloved volleyball manager from high school was the one getting visits from “The Punisher”.
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Within his inner circle, MAKI is usually overlooked. He’s not popular like Oikawa, nor jacked like Iwa, and he’s doesn’t have the whole ‘sexy aloof’ vibe like Mattsun. He’s just…tall. And funny—The ‘Pete Davidson’ of the group. At least, that’s what your friends called him. Somehow, once again during your outing with them at the mall the topic of your relationship became the focal point of the conversation, stretching their brains for why you were so enamored with a guy like him.
“He gotta be packin’. Like, I’m talking anaconda.”
“Type shit. Y’know what they say about them tall and skinny ones.”
You rolled your eyes, wry smirk spreading across your face as you busied yourself sifting through a clothes rack. The conspiratorial discussion had been going on for the past ten minutes, throwing anything and everything at the wall until something stuck—Meaning, waiting for you to confirm. “[_____]. Be honest. It’s ‘cause of his dick, right?”
A lady standing on the other side of the rack gasped in shock, face twisting up in revulsion as she clutched her purse before stomping away, scandalized. You snorted, peeking over your shoulder to raise an eyebrow at them while they struggled to suppress their childish merriment at the poor woman’s embarrassment.
“Quit it before they kick us out.” You attempted to sound stern, but there was no hiding your own amusement. One friend playfully nudged you while the other began to snicker. “And no, it’s not because of that. It’s a bonus, though.”
The first gasped, then exclaimed, “So it is big!”
“’m not finna start with you,” you replied looking back at the clothes, pretending not to know them as nearby customers gave the side-eye. Neither one paid any mind as they continued to gossip. “We have this conversation every time we go out. Give it a rest.”
“Not until you tell us what you see in him.”
“I mean, I get it, but then I look at his friends and…” she hissed through her teeth, shaking her head. “I’m just saying. You fumbled.”
“I’m not taking that from someone who slept with a door dasher just because they got the restaurant to put extra sauce in your bag.”
The guilty party gaped, “It wasn’t included in their instructions, they were a real one for that!”
“Still don’t know why you did it,” the other friend sighed. “The food was cold, and I’m certain they took some of my fries.”
“Shut up, we’re not talking about my poor life choices, we’re talking about [_____]’s.”
“Fuck you,” you laughed. “You two need to get off my man. You haven’t even properly met him yet. He’s a sweetheart, he treats me like royalty, and I don’t care what y’all say, that man is fine.”
“Please. You’re just dickmatized.”
“Enough about his dick already!”
Your outburst drew the attention of a nearby employee; the store manager. Even though she wore a professional smile, you could see death in her eyes. With a nervous smile, you gave an apologetic wave before quickly grabbing your friends by their arms and escorting yourselves out before you got banned. Your closet was getting full, anyways.
“Look…I know the guys I’ve dated in the past were…questionable. But, I really like this one. And I swear the pictures I showed you don’t do him justice, his goofy ass just never sits still.”
They looked skeptical, having heard that one before. You huffed.
“Alright. How about I invite him over tonight? That way you have a chance to get to know him better. And if you’re still iffy, then…then you’ll have to get over it because you love me dearly and want me to be happy and just because you don’t think he’s attractive doesn’t mean I don’t, he is very gorgeous to me-!”
“[_____], honey, breathe.”
You stopped to inhale, then concluded with a small, “Please?”
They exchanged another look of skepticism, until the second added one condition. “He better not show up empty-handed.”
When the doorbell rang, the mood instantly shifted in the room, your friends going silent and gazes sharp as they looked at your door. Unbeknownst to all of you, on the other side of the door, Maki shivered, confused where that sudden chill came from. You gave them an eager, though strained, smile before scampering over to greet your awaiting guest. Upon opening the door, your smile slowly dropped at the sight of Maki sipping out of a large styrofoam cup with the words 'Big Gulp' written on it, dressed casually in sweats and a beanie, appearing very empty-handed.
After he swallowed, he gave a drawled, "Yo."
Your eye twitched. "Takehiro." He hummed, taking another sip of his drink. "Remember that important thing we discussed over the phone? Literally the only thing I asked you not to be when you got here?"
He thought about it, taking note of the daggers you were shooting at his cup. Maki made a noise of realization. "Oh, right. I bought snacks too, buuut I accidentally ate ‘em all on the way. My bad. But, look," he shook the cup, "technically still not empty-handed."
A small part of you wanted to be mad, frustrated at the least...but there was no hiding the giggle you rewarded him with, of which turned into more giggles. With sigh, you stepped forward to wrap your arms around his middle in a hug. "You’re so dumb."
"Missed you, too." He playfully rolled his eyes, returning the hug and craning his neck to kiss your forehead. The two of you stood there for a moment, just basking in each other's warmth. But, the moment was short-lived when he gave a long, exaggerated exhale through his nose before murmuring, "Ready?"
"...No." You groaned.
"Damn, do they bite or something?"
"No, they’re just...unfiltered. I love them, don't get me wrong, but they can work on your nerves to an olympic degree. You'll see once we get inside...They're gonna ask about your dick, by the way. Just ignore it."
Maki snorted, bewildered. "I'll try my best."
"Also...try not to mention that...other thing."
"What other thing?"
"You know," you raised your brows, looking over your shoulder in case they were eavesdropping before softly continuing, "that post."
It took a second, but he eventually caught on to what you meant.
‘Takehiro Hanamaki. 6’0ft shameless manslut (affectionately) who’s taken the campus by storm with his rather...interesting side hobby that pretty much has every student reaching for their wallets and switching to incognito mode on their browsers. Who would’ve guessed that lanky, low-eyed beanpole had the talent to film such erotic content and put a whole industry to shame with just his smartphone and a couple LED lights? After getting past the paywall and binging his videos (for research) it’s safe to say this man is very much a power bottom, maybe even a top depending on his mood, with a fowl mouth that’s not afraid to moan like a porn star. Best $200 I’ve ever spent (FOR RESEARCH). Highly recommend if you’re interested in having the best guided orgasm of your life—Link is in the thread! Get that bag, king. 10/10.’
A shit-eating grin stretched across his face instantly. He bounced his eyebrows, leaning down to teasingly say, "Ohh. That post. What? Don't want 'em to know how I make my living? Or, you scared they'll find out you're my number one supporter, always touching themselves just behind the camera-"
"Hiro!" You hissed, face set ablaze as you looked over your shoulder again, anxious. He found your reaction cute, using the straw in his cup to poke your cheek. You huffed at him. "I don't want them to pry. I doubt they've seen it since they go to a different uni, and I'd like to keep it that way. Okay?"
He easily shrugged. “You’re the boss.”
You exhaled, relieved. “Thank you.” You turned to head back inside, knowing your friends were just itching to bombard Maki, however you were stopped when he grabbed your arm.
“I’ll let the dick-related questions slide and keep my side hustle under wraps, but you have to do something for me in exchange for my good behavior.”
You tilted your head, nervous. “Like what?”
His grinned mischievously, eyes half-mast as he used his free hand to hold your jaw, making you gasp softly when he tilted your head back. “Instead of being behind the camera in my next video…my number one supporter has to be the star.”
You rapidly blinked, heat traveling throughout your body once you registered his words. Fumbling over your own, you didn’t have time to protest when the door behind you opens wide, revealing your impatient friends. Maki let go of your jaw and settled for wrapping his arm around your shoulder, pulling you close as he waved at them with the hand that still had the large cup in it.
“‘sup.” He flashed them a sly grin. Maki took in their shocked faces, hoping they were a good sign as he introduced himself. “[_____]’s told me a lot about you guys. Hope you didn’t mind me crashing your get together.”
They absolutely did not mind.
You weren’t lying—Those pictures you showed did him dirty. Nothing could’ve prepared them for the uno reverse that was Takehiro Hanamaki. From his lax posture and cozy demeanor, sleepers build and cute smile, it’s no wonder you were drawn to him. Plus he’s funny with a big dick (allegedly)?????
After you composed yourself, still reeling from your conversation earlier, you eventually mustered up a triumphant smile at your friends as they gaped up at Maki, speechless. “So? You guys still think I fumbled?”
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© 2023-2024 anisespice ッ all rights reserved. likes, comments & reblogs much appreciated!
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astral-from-afar · 1 year
Disclaimer: This is all in good fun and was mostly inspired by the upcoming jjk poll. Will not tag this in jjk as I am not here currently to start fighting people.
Ok the latest poll got me thinking about what characters were on that list last time. So this is basically me side eyeing everyone for their choices last year
Megumi - I get it. Megumi’s pretty cool. Took me a while to get to that point but I’ve accepted this man’s popularity and I just go along with it. Really don’t have anything else to say about him.
Gojo - Can’t believe he was still in the box during this. You can tell how strong the Gojo fans are because he has not been seen in action for YEARS yet you’re still voting for him. Props to you I guess. Good luck beating Gege and getting him 1st in the next poll
Yuji - Ok my boy was not fighting in the TRENCHES to become 3rd in his own series. Yes he should have gotten 1st yes I will stand by that until the day I die and yes I still can’t believe he got outdone by a guy in a box.
Geto - I know you’re all coping bc of his death with him being in top 5 and honestly me too. Gege still won’t let this poor man rest so you won’t let the anyone else in the fandom rest as a consequence. Don’t expect him to be in top 5 again but who knows.
Nanami - Overtime sorcerer SUPREMACY. I best see him here again because he does not miss. Nanami fans are the real ones so I’m not dragging on him.
Inumaki - Salmon Salmon. For a man who also hasn’t been seen in 2 years he did pretty well all things considered. I’m still waiting for him to show up so until then you go Inumaki fans.
Choso - Ok I’m just salty here but you lot really put HIM here on the top 10. How much screen time did this man really have. He did not deserve to be placed that high and if I see him being placed higher than Yuki then we know it’s on sight. He’s great and all but really? Just really?
Yuta - As a resident Yuta has never done anything wrong, I am disappointed in all of you. Did vol 0 mean nothing? Was his interactions with Yuji nothing to all of you. To the point of Choso overtaking him. Smh
Toji - I’m going to assume it’s the horny and leave. You did not drag the no child support, fugly grey sweatpants, boring ass guy into the top 10. Just admit that he’s hot and take your leave. Ok being fair he was a good antagonist during the hidden Inventory arc but istg if I hear more Toji stuff we are not going to see me again.
Naoya - OK LISTEN UP HERE EVERYBODY. HOW MANY PANELS DID THIS FUCKER HAVE. WHAT IN THE ABSOLUTE HELL DID HE DO IN THE ENTIRETY OF THE MANGA OTHER THAN BEING COOKED BY MAKI. IM WAITING. This just feels like fandom misogyny as the next two people are in the manga for 10x longer and did more things overall, to then be overshadowed by this dickhead.
Nobara - My beloved you did not deserve to be snuffed out of top 10. I am still on that copium that she’s still alive but honestly you really had to do her like that :(
Maki - Ok this is where I really question some of your tastes. So she had one of the PEAK arcs in all of the manga, went to hell and back and served us in every shape and form and this is what she gets. Losing to Naoya. Telling you lot to sort your misogyny out for the next poll because if she doesn’t reach top 3 Istg
Sukuna - Right, he’s a bit of a guilty pleasure as he is one of the funniest characters in this series after Kenny and Todo. Am suprised that he didn’t hit top 10 but he’s been binding his time to skyrocket to the big numbers especially in the recent chapters.
Todo - AYYYYYYY. Kyoto student found in the wild quick catch them before they get into the sea of irrelevancy. Ok that was too harsh but I’m proud of the Todo fans for getting him up there. He truly is the homie of the jjk world hopefully he keeps his placement because he’s too cool to not be on this list.
Utahime - OMG OMG OMG OMG. This was very unexpected. I thought Shoko would be here (she’s 24th) but I am grateful for it. The voice at the back of my head is trying to say that it’s cause of the shipping but I am ignoring it to focus on my girl entirely. Congrats everyone. If she manages to get in the top 15 again, do you think Gege will add more to her character. Nah he’ll probably just put her on the hit list which is not what we want to see here.
Yeah I think the poll overall was alright and obviously was for fun but after the placement of certain characters you know I’m side-eyeing you lot.
Characters I want/hope to reach the list : Yuki,Riko, Kirara, Hakari, Higuruma, Angel/Hana, Kenjaku, Uruame
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gontagokuhara · 11 months
I just read the most recent chapter... PERFECTION. I'll talk more about it when I leave a comment, but it was so worth the wait. I'm so interested in the lore of this story, it's definetly transcended both source materials and become its own unique thing! I have so many questions, but I just want to ask the ones that probably won't be revealed from the story itself to try and prevent me from bombarding you with them all😭
For now I'm gonna guess that Kaede knows Peko from a camp visit or something! I think it was also alluded that she/Tenko knows Chihiro/Chiaki as well. What's it like when the other Gods visit (or when the triplets visit)?
Also, I'm not sure how to phrase this, but how were the demigods born to established couples like Naegami/Sakuraoi? [Bc like, gay supremacy, obvi, but like, idk how😭] And also also, why did all the gods decide to reproduce like rabbits all at once 😭 I know that in Greek mythology they were all just freakin but like I'm wondering what caused it in pointy objects, did the y2k craze also get to them
(I wanna save most of it for my comment on ao3, but I really liked how we got an update on so many outside characters, as well as new characters! What happened right after everyone at the camp realized they were gone? I feel so bad for the other half of the kids💔)
hello hello!!! i very eagerly await your comment, but that's for later — for now, there's a few other things!
first: your interest and passion for my writing is so incredibly appreciated and enjoyed and inspiring and just !!! it means more than you know, and since *im* crazy insane about this fic too, i am more than happy to answer questions because my god the brain worms are so bad and they've been there for YEARS.
second: the answers to your current questions! for anyone who may not want to see (for spoiler or length reasons) the rest shall be under the cut <3
i love offering little insights on things that i just don't physically have space to put into the main fic, so that's where i'll start with your first question! godly parent-birth child interaction is a big no-no under junko, so the gods have had to get creative in how they make contact with their children. in the case of peko, kaede is familiar with her because tenko lives with her (with their relation being aunt-niece) except during the summers. as an aside, tenko and himiko also attend the same boarding school during the year, and so when it's summertime, it's often been peko that's dropped the both of them off at camp. however, kaede is also privy to maki's family situation in a way that no one else at camp really is, so she's aware of fuyuhiko being maki's 'godfather' and that he and peko are very close, and work together.
in mentioning chiaki and chihiro as examples, there's a few reasons for the other campers to be aware of them enough to like them. lots of phone conversations, first off — junko can do a lot of things, but monitoring every possible means of communication for every demigod is unfeasible — and boring (at least when not considering certain gods she has specific vendettas against). chiaki and chihiro are all around "better" parents than some of the others, and that naturally lends itself to them coming by camp on very rare occasions to visit their children. other gods also will (very occasionally) visit to speak with hajime and nagito, but the barrier and its ability to keep them from interfering is most of the time enough that they'd rather call a meeting. so, tldr: gods come around camp sometimes, but in very limited circumstances. it's mostly phone conversations, texts, and facetimes that are used between the demigods and their parents (though not everyone has that privilege. i'll leave it at that <3)
and VERY good questions, about the logistics of all these damn kids LOL. there are a lot of reasons for this, so i'll use a few specific examples to expand upon.
makoto and byakuya are first-time parents with rantarou. in godly terms, they've been together for a long time (though not nearly as long as others like hajime/nagito or sakura/aoi, whose relationships are actually ancient). however, for various reasons — hesitance on byakuya's end that he may be a poor father, hesitance on makoto's end to not only have a child as a Big Five god, but also to have a mortal child that he will outlive — they put off having children until relatively recently. sometimes it's as simple as they're just waiting for the right time, and that's what they did. in rantarou's case, he is byakuya's biological child, and his conception was the result of a very rigorous process of finding a surrogate both byakuya and makoto were comfortable with. and it worked out; they were given the child of their dreams, the center of their whole universe, and the very well taken care of surrogate is paid for all of the work she does and more, and she retires richer than god.
aoi (as angie's godly parent) had her in a very similar way — sperm donor, from someone she trusts on her home island where she lives with sakura and a few hundred mortal islanders that know of their status as goddesses and worship them accordingly.
and finally the VERY good question of Why The Fuck Are There So Many Demigods. there's a few reasons for this! a lot of the kids we see are the first children that a god has had — this is true in the case of gundham's child, rantarou, tenko, and a few others that will become important to the fic itself later. there were also several couples between the gods that developed relatively 'recently', which plays a role as well. others, who have had children before, grieve the ones they've lost and decide if/when to have another child in very different ways. this is a non-exhaustive list, but sonia, chihiro, leon, komaru, aoi, hiyoko, mahiru, and nekomaru are all examples of gods who have had children more than once. some — like sonia, chihiro, and aoi — make the choice to have more children despite the issues that arise regarding their immortality. and in the case of those three, all of them just happened to feel ready enough to have kids again at the same time a few spring chicken couples were popping out their firsts, and a few others were making questionable parenting decisions, and some had kids...without knowing they did.
BOY this sure got fun! but it was so fun to write. if this hasnt made it clear, i'm more than happy to talk about this fic for literally ever and ever — so long as i'm ducking around spoiler territory. your last question, about what happens immediately following the gang being discovered as missing, will come up to at least some degree in pointy objects. however, for years i've maintained a list of possible one-shot ideas that don't fit within the main pointy objects narrative, and that has been on there for ages. so if it's not expanded upon enough in-verse for my liking, i'll definitely either write something supplementary (WAY in the future tho LOL) on ao3 or lore drop here. we're a ways off from that, though!
but thank you again, and i hope you enjoyed this little offering! i certainly did <3
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darsiared · 1 year
Himitsu walked alongside Gojo in silence as he directed her through many gates and passages protected with strong cursed energy that let only the recognized people in.
He pushed through every gate, unlocking them all with just the touch of his hand and lead the way for her.
The place was pretty huge to just be a high school, and too tightly secured. No wonder it formed one of the main headquarters of the Jujutsu society of Japan.
She continued to examine the barriers and architecture of the building and how it was perfectly fortified against any and all potential attacks.
But what she was looking forward to the most were the Jujutsu techniques that the sorcerers of outside had developed while the Shizuka were holed up in their own proud, believing in their supremacy over all others.
After witnessing Toji slice the curse of such strong level with just one swing of his sword and the fact that Megumi could already manifest domain expansion, meant that the other three clans were not as weak as her ancestors made her believe.
She was deep in thought, observing and absorbing all information she could, as her train of thought was interrupted by the white haired idiot.
"What's your name by the way?" He asked, as if it was completely normal to ask that to someone you're helping infiltrate your home ground.
"Are you serious?"
"I'm usually not. But right now I am."
He looked at her jokingly only to receive a disgusted look back from her.
"No, I mean I know you're from the Shizuka clan but what's your full name? I'm gonna have to know your name so that I can introduce you to everyone else." He added, trying to sound smarter than he was.
"Shizuka Himitsu. That's my name. Not that you can introduce me as that."
"Why not?"
"Well yeah, your friends are gonna be really accepting of a member of an ancient clan in hiding to just walk into their place as if it's nothing. Sure. What can possibly go wrong?"
"They don't even know that the Shizuka clan exists." He said, waving his index finger as if correcting a toddler on a stupid mistake.
"Your clan has been in hiding for so long that the only proof of your existence is in some ancient texts only available to the top elite of sorcerers that are either now dead or don't care about you anyway. All attempts to find you in the past had been proven to be in vain and they lost interest in what they could acquire from you a long time ago. The rest of the majority doesn't even know that there used to be four powerful clans in Japan rather than three." He concluded, proud of himself.
She let that sink for a moment. She knew that the knowledge of her clan would be scarce and distorted in the outsider's minds after a thousand years but to think they completely vanished from their memory was quite unexpected.
They continued walking as the sun started rising until reaching the centre of the building that looked like a training ground that was too similar to the one Himitsu used to have back in the clan.
In the middle of the ground was a spectacled girl in training gear, swinging a cursed polearm and practicing techniques of one handed combat. Her long green hair that she had tied in a ponytail swirled with her every movement.
She stopped at sensing them approaching and eyed Himitsu keenly, her hand resting on her polearm.
"Good morning, Maki!" Gojo exclaimed in an annoying sound many scales higher than his normal voice.
"Who might you be?" Maki asked Himitsu, completely ignoring Gojo.
Gojo seemed to be used to that treatment, yet feigned to be upset at her behaviour.
"Come on Maki, you can at least wish me a good morning once in a while. I am your teacher and I work so hard for you and your classmates." He said, pouting at her.
"Shut up, you're noisy. Go cry somewhere else." She replied, once again disregarding his presence, her forehead lines curling up in irritation.
Well, it seemed that the strongest wasn't as respected as Himitsu originally deemed him to be.
Gojo kept on mumbling some complaints, acting like a baby but both the girls were too busy analysing each other to pay him much mind.
Maki was tall and athletic and had skeptical eyes that didn't seem to take much bullshit from anyone. A no nonsense type of a hardworker that didn't look like someone you could fool easily.
People like her were rare but what made her special was her lack of cursed energy.
Another one like Toji.
Well, not exactly like him though. She still possessed a very little amount of her own cursed energy which kept her from becoming a bearer of heavenly restriction.
Her innate cursed energy may be just a little more than Himitsu's own cursed energy and just like her she used cursed tools to see and fight curses.
Himitsu bowed and greeted her while looking her straight in the eyes that didn't seem to trust her.
A good intuition.
"My name's..... " Himitsu started to reply to her earlier question, but was cut off by the delighted call of the boy that just came out of what looked like the dorm building.
"Sensei! You're back!" Cried the boy with spiky pink hair, whom Himitsu recognized as Itadori from the cursed spirit encounter.
"Imagine being so excited to meet the blindfolded jerk that everyone else tries to avoid all the time. Only Itadori can pull that off." Scoffed the orange haired girl following behind Itadori, dressed in school uniform just like the other boy.
And after her, he appeared.
He was in school uniform just like the other day and walking slowly towards them, looking directly at her with his beautiful green eyes, immediately noticing the presence of someone new.
He walked confidently yet quietly and was quite silent and aloof.
Itadori scooted towards Gojo smiling from ear to ear clearly pleased to meet him.
"You've been out for so long, you missed so many things. I'll tell you just yesterday Kugisaki.... Oh, who are you?" He asked, just noticing Himitsu.
"She's Shizu - chan. My distant cousin." Said Gojo.
"She just came here to Tokyo from Hokkaido and I was showing her around the place. This is Maki Zenin, my student, second year. And these are my first year students Itadori Yuji, Kugisaki Nobara and Fushiguro Megumi. Shizu say Hi. " He informed, while smiling and casually placing his arm on Himitsu's shoulder.
"Seriously! How many secret cousins do you have Gojo?" Maki asked, looking at Gojo with an exasperated expression. To which Gojo replied with a grin.
Maki Zenin. She was connected to Toji then.
Himitsu greeted everyone in the group and they were pretty welcoming. Especially the Itadori guy.
Sukuna's vessel.
After arriving to the outside world, she did some research on the current happenings of the Jujutsu world only to find out that it was in utter turmoil.
Samayo had filled her in on all the knowledge he had managed to gather in all these years and Sukuna being contained in a teenage boy who was a perfect vessel for him was the most startling news.
Now standing next to him the immensely malevolent cursed energy surrounding him could belong to none other than that of the king of curses.
The cause of the birth and death of the Shizuka clan.
She continued to observe Itadori talk animatedly to Gojo as all of a sudden his right cheek split open into a mouth grinning maliciously causing everyone to take a step back.
"It's been a while since I saw one of you."
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foldable-mattress · 1 year
Chiaki, peko, or kirumi?
Feeling silly so why not all three
Favorite Thing: I love everything about her. Her design is so cozy and cute, she is so neurodivergent with her hyperfixation on gaming and her accidental bluntness, ahhh I love her!
Least Favorite Thing: The fact that she dies twice, I sob. I also really hate how the fandom portrays her as boring with no personality but that's not a character thing.
Favorite Line: Sobbing while going through Chiaki voice lines but I like "Hey, Hajime... This isn't for the sake of anyone else. You... You have to do this for yourself. Now then! It's about time you show me your cool side, Hajime. C'mon, I'll help out too..." I was looking for a nice quote but found this honorable mention on the Wiki "Apparently Mikan has never played video games before. She's totally missing out on 90% of her life."
BrOTP: Her and Kazuichi, I feel, would be such a fun dynamic as well as her and the other female supports/mains.
OTP: I already mentioned Komahinanami for Hajime so I'm gonna say a different one. I love Sonia and Chiaki as well as Ibuki and Chiaki. Chiaki is just one of those characters that you can put her with almost anyone and I would appreciate it.
NOTP: I don't think I've seen any Chiaki ships that I outright hate? Maybe TeruTeru? We'll go with that one
Random Headcanon: My friend and I have an AU that we've done absolutely nothing with where everyone helps Kaz build a robot to put Chiaki's AI in so she becomes very Kiibo-esque. Just a happy little AU where the world is in peril, but at least she's somewhat alive. Since that's not really a headcanon though I must add that I believe in fat Chiaki supremacy.
Unpopular Opinion: I actually find her to be a super interesting support character. She has the wits and bluntness that Kyoko and Maki have while also being super nice and supportive like Kaede and Komaru.
Songs I Associate Them With: Goodbye To A World by Porter Robinson and I'd Rather Sleep by Kero Kero Bonito (also just a lot of video game music, especially from games like Undertale)
Favorite Picture: Her splash art is super cute! I also love that one scene in the anime where Chisa has her over her shoulder, and she's just lazily waving to Hajime while still playing her game.
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Favorite Thing: I love Peko! Her talent is super interesting and I love how she has a soft side (plus she gets flustered fairly easily which I find adorable)
Least Favorite Thing: They could've done so much more with her character than they did. The role she plays in the Chapter 1 trial had the potential to be really great with her keeping guard, but instead, she's reduced to a bathroom joke. I was not a fan of the Sparkling Justice thing either. I get it was for a cover-up as well as a reference to her Japenese VA being Usagi from Sailor Moon, but it's meh at best.
Favorite Line: During her introduction where she says she'd rather not kill someone and Hajime points out that her sword is bamboo to which she responds "Though it may seem impossible to kill someone with this, a misaimed blow can be fatal. Well, an aimed blow can be fatal, too."
BrOTP: Gundham and Peko, hands down. I want my secret softies that love animals to be besties, right now! I'm so sad their friendship is only really mentioned in one of her FTEs
OTP: I love love LOVE Pekobuki. Their sun and moon dynamic is so good, and the bonus scene they're in is just chefs' kiss! (Also love Fuyupeko but that has been clearly overshadowed)
NOTP: Again, Teruteru. He just needs to get disciplined a lot before I even consider shipping him with anyone.
Random Headcanon: Chiaki got her hooked on Beat Saber, and now she's a God at it. Fuyuhiko also convinced her to go to therapy (they all should be going to therapy), so she's slowly starting to appreciate herself as her own person.
Unpopular Opinion: I haven't seen any popular opinions that I disagree with. Maybe that her and Fuyuhiko aren't technically siblings since not only were they raised with a power imbalance but Peko mentions a childhood crush in her FTEs that lines up pretty accurately with Hiko. Fuyupeko is a popular ship though so idk how much that counts lolol, I've just seen a lot of people use that against the ship (see them how you want though, no hate)
Songs I Associate With Them: As The World Caves In by Matt Maltese and Killer Queen by Queen
Favorite Image: Look at her. Everyone is so happy because of her! (Also found the gallery image of her and Taka, which I feel is an honorable mention)
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Favorite Thing: She's so patience and kind compared to the absolute chaos in her class. It's nice the see
Least Favorite Thing: I think we all agree that her Prime Minister background is weird at best
Favorite Line: Her screaming, "I WILL NOT DIE!" at the end of the Chapter 2 trial will forever send chills down my spine
BrOTP: I feel like she would get along well with Rantaro and Kiyo if given the chance
OTP: I honestly don't really ship her with anyone
NOTP: Hmm, I'd say maybe Kokichi for this one. It might be the fact that he calls her mom a few times, idk
Random Headcanon: I like to think that she enjoys listening to classical music while working. Just something soothing to keep her focused.
Unpopular Opinion: I don't have any, at least not that I know of
Songs I Associate With Them: Ahh, this one was really difficult for some reason. I think I'll go with My Time by bo en or & by Tally Hall (idk why, purely off vibes here)
Favorite Image: There's not a whole lot of good images with her that I can find but I like her splash art
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strawberri-draws · 2 years
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silly dr doodles lol
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moonboohoo · 3 years
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—— wild rose (part one) 
pairing: kugisaki nobara x zenin maki
summary: for once, she believed in herself. and then, she convinced herself that the best people all have some kind of scar, and perfection is ugly. 
genre/tags: kugisaki nobara centric, contains spoilers, slight gore warning, insecurities, emotional hurt/comfort, self-esteem issues, suicidal thoughts, a pinch of fluff, philosophical themes, psychological trauma 
word count: 3.5k+ 
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Kugisaki steps backwards, her eyes staring straight at the white concrete walls. Playing mind games with the devil is certainly a bad idea. Kugisaki is not dumb, she is well aware that it’s impossible to leave the problem unsolved. Roll the dice, she thinks. It was not like she had never gambled in her life before, she just had to pick a number to win against the devil. Kugisaki slips her nails between her fingers and squeezes her eyes shut. After 3 seconds, she opens her eyes and murmurs to herself, give everything.
Adrenaline washes her over in waves, the left side of her face burns as though it’s on fire. Memories of her past events flood her mind like a running movie, she sees Fumi waving at her, she sees Saori making her favourite star-shaped cookies, she sees Itadori and Fushiguro bickering with each other, she sees Inumaki and Panda eating noodles together, and she sees Maki sitting beside her, tracing delicate patterns on her forehead lovingly.
Maki Senpai.
Kugisaki ignores the ache of her heart and forces herself to face the reality. It is by no means clear what jujutsu sorcerers gain after saving humanity - Kugisaki often asks herself, if preserving civilization and society resulting in catastrophic destruction in the jujutsu world (which means she will either die or lose all her friends), then it’s basically a hollow victory.  She thinks —— they lived, they lost. they smiled, they cried. they were happy, they were empty. Kugisaki has strong beliefs, beliefs that send powerful messages to her brain that guides her throughout her life and - she realises that it’s too late to change her ideals, and it’s too late for her to let go of the rope.
Itadori calls her name - his voice pleading, almost anxious. Kugisaki bites her bottom lip as she raises her head high, preventing the secret tears from spilling out of her eyes. Kugisaki cursed herself, she has once again failed those who counted on her.
A promise is a promise, she had sworn to herself that she would pick up the puzzle and build the most perfect picture of her life. No one has ever challenged Kugisaki regarding her personal philosophies and central values because she only believes in herself. She creates her own bubble and expectations, she needs no approval from anyone else, she’s comfortable in her perfect imperfection —— and to Kugisaki, this is the true essence of beauty.
It is the courage to continue that counts. Kugisaki is trembling, she can feel the fear in her chest waiting to take over.
Kugisaki steadies her breathing before she turns to Itadori.
“Tell everyone...it wasn’t so bad!”
Itadori’s eyes widen, confusion vying with terror.
Straw Doll Cursed Technique: Hairpin.
Before she falls, she blinks.
IN A PARALLEL UNIVERSE —— a world without cursed spirits, Kugisaki thinks. Strings that wrap around her fingers so tightly that it bleeds, releasing the first blood that makes her heart sing. There are many other beautiful things that she has yet to discover, and she has been given an opportunity to explore other things with her heart still whole. In another life, in another world, when the flower blooms, she will fulfil her promises.
And then, she’s falling.
There is no beautiful corpse. Death is death. If she were to die in the most beautiful way, her remains would still be transformed into shreds of decomposing flesh, and her bones soon crumbling to dust. Kugisaki convinces herself that her values are more important than her self-image. She has sacrificed her beauty to save herself, but the shattering agony of her body makes her almost rethink her decision. When her nails finally hit on the left side of her face, excruciating pain sheared through every nerve of her left cheek as it tears the tissues of her skin. Kugisaki had never felt such pain before, it feels like someone is pouring melted wax on her face over and over again until it becomes so raw that she can literally feel her face muscles twitching involuntarily.
She has no time to scream.
Her left eyeball gushes out before she can react. Her blood spurts on Itadori’s cheek, splashing on his shirt and hair. Kugisaki can’t help but feel terrified about her current state, she must have looked awful - the ruined geometry of her face and the empty socket that had once held her left eye, gone. She has no choice but to suffer such a miserable fate, but everything that she did - is staying true to herself.
She can hear Itadori yells her name before her body hits the ground.
Kugisaki thinks that she’s dead.
She opens her eyes and blinks from the brightness. Once they adjust, she finds herself standing in the cavernous space. Kugisaki scrunches up her face when she sees everything - the walls, the ceiling and the floor tiles are painted a crimson red. She feels different. This is no ordinary space, looking at the structure and its intersection, Kugisaki concludes that she is trapped.
She let out a small disgusted groan and proceeded to explore the entire place. There are no windows, no doors, in a silence so profound that she can almost hear the echo of her breathing. Kugisaki rubs her shoulders with her hands to make herself feel comfortable as she desperately tries to shake the creepy feeling moving up her spine. The atmosphere is filled with an eerie, ominous sensation - Kugisaki suddenly remembered all those nights that she had watched horror movies with Itadori and Fushiguro, clinging with both hands to their arms when she had a feeling that jump scares were coming out in this scene.
“Never knew that you’re scared of ghosts.”
“Shut up, Fushiguro!”
“But Kugisaki, cursed spirits are more terrifying than ghosts anyways?”
“Shut your trap, Itadori!”
And Kugisaki also remembered that one summer night in Fushiguro’s room. It was nothing special, really. They had classes, they had sparring sessions with their seniors, and they ate their meals together. Even though the stars seemed smaller and farther off than usual, and Maki senpai was still oblivious - (the flirting, though subtle, was unreturned). Kugisaki wiped down his face and pushed his hair back with a headband. Fushiguro raised his eyebrows, unamused.
“Not again, Kugisaki…”
“It looks cute on you!” Kugisaki twisted the bunny ears before she poured some toner into her palm. The green curtains were flapping from the night breeze outside and the two of them were sitting on the bed. They enjoyed the silence for a few minutes as they basked in each other’s presence. Those times were rare, their time was rare - in which their hands were clean and not stained with blood. Kugisaki let out a satisfied hum as she applied toner on his face and waved it dry with both hands.
“Kugisaki, I just realised something,”
“What? You’re in love with Itadori?” She put a dab of moisturizer on his face and rubbed it in, ignoring Fushiguro’s heavy glare.
“Stay still, don’t move. Or else your arms are going to hurt again.” She snorted, massaging his face gently.  
“I just realised that life has no formula,” he mumbled. “Everything happens for no reason, and sometimes it happens because it’s bound to happen. I can’t rest, I can’t be happy, because I’m too cautious about everything. I’ve always wanted to walk on a safer route, but there is no guarantee that my surroundings are safe. Rather than putting up my own barriers, why can’t I just...live my life to the fullest?”
“Because when we die, we die alone. We have nothing. Only if we create illusions through love and friendships, then - it may or may not make our lives a tad better.”
Kugisaki whipped her head around and kept her eyes firmly on the walls. It’s not changing. Everything is not changing. She blinks her eyes once, and then twice, thrice - she clenches her fist and forces herself to think of a solution. Kugisaki reassures herself, there’s absolutely no reason why she can’t do this. Every problem has a history. She takes a deep breath and reorganizes her thoughts, bringing back memories of past situations of similar problems.
Kugisaki runs through her hair in frustration, because the real Kugisaki, in this particular situation, doesn't have the ability to think.
The strings on her fingers have disappeared without a trace. There is no attachment, no marks, nothing. Kugisaki loathes the fact that she’s free from responsibilities, everything just slips through her fingers like ropes of sand, and the aching emptiness starts to bubble up to the surface. She is lost, and completely clueless. If possible, Kugisaki just wants to be bound with something - something that motivates her to rack her brain when it comes to life situations.
Because with responsibilities, Kugisaki puts in the extra effort to survive. If she managed to exorcise the curse without any trouble, she would bring something back to her college and distribute the gifts to her friends (she buys expensive stuff for Maki, though). Her responsibilities and promises are intertwined, woven together. Because as long as she was alive, she still had the power to protect the others.
“If I don’t wield my hammer, I can’t protect them.”
“But if I keep wielding my hammer, I can’t embrace them.”
And without responsibilities, Kugisaki is just an empty shell. She thinks and walks like a living corpse —— (she has done herself so perfectly, instead of wearing skeleton, she masks her imperfections by stitching the rotten parts of her body with strings, and convinces herself that she is still perfectly fine, perfectly functionable). Kugisaki is neither real nor fake, neither illusory nor real, if the habit of acting becomes the habit of action, it becomes her true self. But if she wears the mask for too long, she forgets who she is beneath it.
“Because when we die, we die alone. We have nothing. Only if we create illusions through love and friendships, then - it may or may not make our lives a tad better.”
Kugisaki just stands there, biting her lip until she can taste the metal sting of blood.  
And she thinks: She’s all alone now.
This is a perfect chance for her to sink into the floor and die. Kugisaki sees the entire universe collapse in the blink of an eye, everything seems no longer necessary to defend, to protect - and then, a mixture of emotions toppling over one another like the spin cycle of a dryer. Her entire body weighs like a feather, and she can feel her dreams slowly seeping their way out of her body and disappearing into thin air.
Kugisaki wants to die again, not just for her friends, but for herself.
Her thoughts are interrupted when she sees something large emerging from the floor.
Kugisaki has her mouth agape and her eyes wide in disbelief. There is a bright portal standing high in front of her, and a strange message board floating beside it.
She reads the message carefully.
They are everywhere, lurking around the shadows, and they said - it’s a great way to blend in the unfruitful works of darkness. Anyday, anywhere, anytime, they follow your steps gingerly, but you cheated on them again, again and again. They have no choice but to disguise themselves as an angel of light, feeding your little soul with venom, until you can feel your bones ache, like fire.
Just embrace it, it’s a cycle after all.
Alas! What a sombre world you lived in!
GODDESS OF HOLLOW —— griaper rem
Kugisaki’s lips twitch in annoyance.
“What the fuck did I just read? Some Shakespeare poem? I can’t understand a single thing! And who is griaper?!”
The whole space begins to shake as she can feel the gravity turn on high, drawing the portal to her. She has nowhere to run and there is nothing for her to grab hold of. Kugisaki shouts profanities and blasphemies when something wraps around her body, her facial expression twists in pain and her stomach churning in disgust. She groans in frustration as she struggles to break free, trying to find a way to take out her hammer to smash the living shit out of this creature.
“Oh great! This is the best day of my life!” She spits sarcastically.
After passing through the portal, she expects the worst. Maybe there will be snakes all over the ground, banshees swooping through the sky, wailing, crying and screaming until her eardrums burst, and then, maybe, there is a demonic nun with gouge out eyes waiting for her arrival...and -
She is glad that her assumptions are wrong.
Because Kugisaki had never seen such a beautiful place in her entire life. Compared to Tokyo, she only loved the carnivalesque atmosphere every time she marched down the blazing streets. It was true that Tokyo was filled with splendid places, but Kugisaki got bored easily. The brilliant artificial lights that glow in the city were nonsensical, only relishing her new life as a traveller. Sometimes, she felt as if she didn’t belong here.
But this place, Kugisaki thinks it’s heavenly.
There are no landscaped vistas and pedestrian walkways, only a (magical) place which is surprisingly, equal to the size of a pacific ocean.  
She sees wads of fleecy clouds streak the evening sky, with a pastel wash of pink, orange, red and purple that creates an almost canvas-like view that reminds her of an oil paint animated film. And Kugisaki tries to reach out - unknowingly and innocently, unable to stifle her desire to touch the clouds. But she soon realises that it’s out of her reach.  
She sighs softly, Kugisaki is oddly disappointed that there are no stars dotting the beautiful sky, but only a yellow crescent moon hanging in the middle.
When Kugisaki takes a step forward, she hears a wet squelching sound beneath her feet.
Kugisaki goes into a fighting stance, preparing for an attack, she curls her thumb around the hammer as she quickly whips her head down, only to see her own reflection on the water.
She blinks her eyes in bewilderment, not because she has the ability to stand on the surface of the water, but the fact that her face is perfectly fine. Such a nostalgic feeling, she thinks. Kugisaki feels bits and pieces of memories filling in the beautiful line of her face. She pinches her cheeks and takes big gulping breaths. Is this for real?
“Oi, Kugisaki.”
The familiarity of this particular voice has to be her imagination, there’s no way she could be here.
Kugisaki tries to calm her nerves, and then, very slowly, a pair of profoundly orange eyes rise to meet her golden ones (and Kugisaki declares she has discovered her world in the universe). Everything feels like a vivid dream. Maki tilts her head to the side and looks at Kugisaki with a blank expression.
“Are you okay?” Maki pulls her up, tucking her arms around her waist. Kugisaki doesn’t shy away from her touch, instead, she feels an uncanny sensation bubbling inside her. Maki’s fingers are so cold, the kind of cold that reaches deep into her bones that makes her skin crawl. She smells like cheap perfume too, probably mixed in with a little bit of earth - and that’s strange, because Kugisaki knows damn well that Maki has never worn perfume.
Kugisaki feels something around her hand, when she looks down, she sees a silver bracelet set with four tiny (dark greyish blue) diamonds that secure her right wrist.
This doesn’t seem right.
“Maki san, I-”
Maki wastes no time and grabs her hand, “C’mon, follow me.”
Kugisaki stays silent for a few minutes. She wants to bombard her with questions, but there is something holding her back. If the person beside her is a curse, she will certainly sense it and perform an exorcism immediately. But the feeling is different, it’s so much more, much more sinister than that. She grits her teeth and tries to keep her cool. Her hands have started to get clammy, her heart is pounding so hard that she can see her own palpitations through her uniform.  
Think, Kugisaki, think. Search for clues.
“Uhm, Maki san?”
“Are...we dead? Or, perhaps, are you dead?”
The person chuckles and looks at Kugisaki attentively, “Well, I am. But I’m always here, you know?”
Kugisaki smiles and nods her head, “Then, where are we going?”
They ignore her question and make their own inquiry, “Kugisaki, can you see the crescent moon in the sky? Do you know it actually symbolizes a bow hanging in the heavens?”
Kugisaki hums, “Well, what about it?”
Think, Kugisaki, think.
A sudden memory pops into her head. The message board. She doesn’t understand what the message is trying to tell her, and she tries hard to understand the meaning of them. Kugisaki finds this insufferable; she hates to dissect those metaphors. The message has mentioned “cycle” in the second paragraph, which indicates a regularly repeated sequence of events. And then the messenger, goddess of hollow —— griaper rem. The name itself sounds ugly, who the hell will name themselves griaper?
A light bulb pops up above her head, maybe she can rearrange the alphabet!
GRIAPER REM. What an ugly name... calm down, Kugisaki, you got this.  Like a puzzle, she carefully rearranges the torn pieces. She studies the letter inside her mind, trying to make them spell something recognizable.
Kugisaki glances over her shoulder. The person is still thinking, not looking her way.
Then, suddenly, it comes to her like a bolt from the blue. Something has clicked into her mind like the pieces of jigsaw. Her heart is ticking like a clock gone haywire.
If I’m not mistaken, this is probably the correct...term.
Cycle. Embrace the cycle. The cycle of life and death, this makes sense now.
“You know, there is another way to explain it.” They say, a cruel smirk on their lips.
Kugisaki feels a shiver pass through her when they turn their head around, looking at her.
The person seems amused when Kugisaki gives them a perplexed look. They pause for a moment, placing one finger on their chin in exaggerated contemplation. Kugisaki feels the bracelet tighten around her wrist, the sudden pain sucker-punching her. She scans her surroundings and calculates the success rate of her escape. She has to get out of this place. Kugisaki estimates that she only needs to run for 2 minutes to reach the portal (hopefully it’s still there when she arrives).
The grim reaper is a spectral entity, she probably can’t destroy them.
“Watch closely.” The sky turns blood red and blood red clouds appear after they snap their fingers.
“A scythe also represents the crescent moon, Kugisaki-”
“Cut your bullshit, you fucking grim reaper.”  She snarls, removing the cursed bracelet and tossing it on the ground. In one swift motion, Kugisaki takes out her hammer and smashes the diamonds into pieces.
“Four diamonds, four means shi, right?” Kugisaki asks coldly.
“Aw man, I actually thought you would take the bait...”
They let out a low laugh as their voice suddenly changed into a deeply masculine tone that reminded Kugisaki of a demon-possessed doll in a horror movie. She almost screeches when their body splits open and reveals dusty naked bones, and ribbons of yellow slime gushed over her hands and wrist like blistering flames.
Kugisaki runs until her sweats pour down the back of her neck. The flames are chasing after her, she must run faster and faster, she can’t give up yet, not yet - she still has the energy to keep going, she just needs to reach the portal, and then -
“I thought you wanted to die again, Kugisaki?” The grim reaper asks in a sardonic tone, “Are you sure you want to go back?”
The strings are attached to her fingers, again. Kugisaki sees it with her own eyes. Suddenly, a wave of memories flooded through her veins like an electric river. The intensity of her feelings causes the strings to tighten around her fingers, till it bleeds. And then, the tears roll one after another down her cheeks and her heart hurts like hell.
Kugisaki will try her best to live, she wants to live, she wants to see the world again, she wants to see them again.
“Fuck off! I don’t care anymore! I want to live!”
When she finally reaches the portal, the grim reaper says their last words.
“How are you going to survive when your face is ruined like that?”
Kugisaki doesn’t hear them, so she doesn’t answer.
The portal sucks her in like a tornado. Her mind is spinning as she’s being tossed around like a paper bag, twisting and turning, and Kugisaki feels like her guts might fall out when it suddenly spins faster and faster - then suddenly, a light covers her entire face, and her eyes go blank -
Kugisaki can only hear the subdued murmur of voices. When she finally opens her eye, she sees Itadori sitting beside her.
“Fushiguro, f-fast, please ask Shoko sensei to come over,”
“She - she’s awake...Kugisaki is awake!”
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kiyooooo2 · 3 years
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JJK chapter 151 redraws
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onigirim1a · 3 years
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SFW- Maki Harukawa x FEM reader 💕💕
Lets go bois..
this was a request but i lost it lmao. but i still hope you like it <333
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Warnings: Mentions of Breaking up, tooth-rotting fluff.
Notes: Fem s/o.
Soft maki supremacy 🛐🛐
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A = Affection: (How affectionate are they?)
-she does struggle to show affection, which is understandable.
-she doesn’t mind holding hands tho
-will let you rest your head on her shoulder, she actually really loves that.
B = Best friend: (What would they be like as a best friend?)
-the quiet but loyal friend.
-will definitely stick up for you
-but also hardly says anything.
C = Cuddles: (Do they like to cuddle?)
-Maki isn’t big on cuddling
-so you’ll have to make the first move.
-she probably stiffens up at first
-but she eventually caves in
-100% blushes the whole time.
D = Domestic: (Do they want to settle down?)
-yes, and no
-she wants to quit the whole ‘assassin’ thing ofc but
-she doesn’t really know what else she can do
-a little bit of existential crisis, but she’ll get through it
-she secretly just wants to make you happy.
E = Ending: (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
-short and sweet
-she doesn’t want to spend too much time thinking about it
- and she doesn’t want it to end in tears
-probably won’t talk to you too much after.
- so sad rip.
F = Fiance(e): (How quick would they want to get married?)
-two or three years
-she needs to figure herself out a abit before she can really settle down
-but she 100% will commit to you
-will work non-stop organizing your wedding
-she knows how much you want a perfect day
-so she’ll make it perfect for her wife < 3.
G = Gentle: (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
-not extremely gentle
-she tries her best tho
-she does really want to get close to you
-but it’s pretty hard
-but again, she’ll always try her best for you. ( so cute)
’H = Hugs: (Do they like hugs?)
-no way
-if you want to hug, she’ll push you the fuck away
-until she feels bad
-very VERY awkward lmao
-she’ll get better for her amazing girlfriend tho ( wow wholesome )
I = I love you: (How fast do they say the L-word?)
-the wedding day
-when no ones around
-running her fingers through your hair
-its very casual and its lowkey kinda terrifying.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get?)
-yes and no
-honestly depends
-if you’re gone out for a while she won't question it.
K = Kisses: (What are their kisses like?)
- small ones really
-nothing too extra
- kissing isn't really her thing
-she’d rather hug. ( ace maki slayy)
L = Little ones: (How are they around children?)
-surprisingly good
- I mean, she did pretend to be the ultimate child caregiver for like 3 chapters.
- she says she hates them but
-we all know the truth.
M = Morning: (How are mornings spent with them?)
- maki is usually pissed when she wakes up
-she’s so done rn
-but after a few minutes she'll go downstairs, make you breakfast and ask what you dreamt about.
N = Night: (How are nights spent with them?)
-nighttimes are pretty plain
-if you want to hug her, you’ll have to make the first move
-she’ll be too tired to object/
O = Open: (When would they start revealing things about themselves?)
- by force honestly
-she really doesn't like talking about it
-if kokichi tells you something and you bring it up she’ll have no choice but to tell you
-otherwise you’ll probably never know.
P = Patience: (How easily angered are they?)
- has almost no patience
-she can tolerate you, but around everyone else she’ll lose her shit
-she screams every time you end up in traffic
-she fucking hates it.
Q = Quizzes: (How much would they remember about you?)
-almost everything
-she’ll remember whatever she thinks is important
- which is enough to let you know she loves you < 3 ( wholesome )
R = Remember: (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
- the wedding day ooovejvoiengisg
- it's the like the moment she realizes
- “oh shit, this is actually happening.
-will not let anything go if something wrong happened on that day.
-make sure it's perfect.
S = Security: (How protective are they?)
-very,very,very protective over her s/o
-whenever you two go out she watching everyone 24/7
-is not gonna let anyone give you that look. (gross af)
-she will also throw hands (silently of course).
T = Try: (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
-would try really hard
-without letting anyone know
-like secretly planning everything
-not letting anyone know
-then bam, an incredibly cute 3-course meal at your fav restaurant (even if it's just mcdonalds)
U = Ugly: (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
- as said before
-she's a total road rager
-someone cuts her off while shes driving
-my god
-you’ll never hear the end of it
-rip your ears after she's done screaming her lungs out lmao.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
-doesn't really care
-she goes through phases of wanting to look perfect to not giving a fuck.
-but she loves to be told she's beautiful.
-its her favorite compliment.
X = Xtra: (A random headcanon for them.)
-has one giant bunny rabbit plushie
-she just does
-dont ask me why
Y = Yuck: (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
-*cough* kokichi *cough*
-how is that even a ship?
-anyways mostly people who are fake
-is it slightly hypocritical?
-does she care
Z = Zzz (What are their sleep habits?)
-hogs the blanket
-as much as she loves you she will take 100% of the blanket.
-also she moves a lot
-like a lot
-it's pretty common for you to wake up on the floor
-she’ll definitely apologize tho.
Hope you enjoyed < 3
-Mod Mahiru
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sixeyesgojo · 3 years
Mai and Maki - Zen'in twins (chapter 148)
Jujutsu Kaisen manga spoilers - chapter 148 - the very first panel!
Do not proceed if you do not wish to be spoiled.
TRIGGER WARNING: pregnancy, mentions of asphyxia and hypoxia
tl;dr: Maki and Mai Zenin supremacy.
I saw this thread on twitter. While I also analyzed this panel, the thread only further spurred me on, so once again, sorry for being a loud bitch on this app-
Also, I would like to say I am nooooo doctor, so of course I'm not going to write this in super-medical depth.
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Maki and Mai are, according to this panel, monozygotic twins, identical twins.
There are three types of identical twins (I won't explain this here but I also included some sources below) and Maki & Mai happen to be monochorionic monoamniotic twins (MoMo twins). I've seen different websites stating different things about this happening but it ranges from 0.5% probability to 4% - so, just know it's super rare.
What does that mean? That means they share the same placenta, where the umbilical cord is attached to (monochorionic). A normal baby for reference:
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Monoamniotic means that the twins share one amnion, instead of two. There is no membrane that separates them and both of them have an individual umbilical cord attached to them. However, sharing one space (refer to depiction D in the image below) proves to be risky.
As you can see, theoretically, the twins can move around freely within the amnion, which is dangerous because the umbilical cords either face compression or get entangled - and it does, as shown in the manga panel.
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This means that every movement in the womb could have been deadly for either of them in the womb. Either of them or even both could have died from hypoxia or asphyxia.
Entangled umbilical cords essentially mean risk of cutting off oxygen and the nutrient supply.
Generally, there is a very high mortality rate among this type of identical twins.
Another complication that might occur is the Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome. One of the twins basically transfers their blood and a majority of the nourishment to the other twin.
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Relevance to Maki and Mai?
It's nothing short of a miracle that both of them were born healthy.
Their bond seems to be very close, that is shown by them already sharing one amnion from the very beginning. Despite the complications with their umbilical cords, they made it through and are connected in ways nobody can fathom: not only are they connected in life (being conceived and born together) but also in death (high mortality rate among MoMo twins).
They have always been together from the beginning and will be until the end (cue Mai asking Maki not to let go of her hand).
The Japanese fan's theory I linked mentions Maki's Heavenly Restriction and I thought that was pretty interesting in relation to the Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrom. In this case, it would be Maki giving all her cursed energy to Mai in the womb, leaving herself with nothing. See it as a bigger sister looking out for her little sister, if you want to. We know Maki does that, as her reason for wanting to overthrow the heads of the Zenin clan is to create a place where Mai feels like she can belong.
That leads to Mai being born with a cursed technique and Maki, who didn't have anything, being born with Heavenly Restriction.
I think it's amazing how Gege implemented this in their relationship, on top of the estrangement Mai feels towards Maki because the latter never communicated clearly about her actual goals.
As all of us know, Mai's cursed technique is Construction, an ability that lets her construct anything she wants to without it fading away after she deactivates her technique.
Contrary to that, Maki uses cursed tools in order to be able to do her job as Jujutsu sorcerer.
Keep in mind that cursed tools are imbued with cursed energy... and Mai's bullets have to be imbued with cursed energy too or else she wouldn't be able to exorcise curses.
That means, theoretically, if Mai advanced her technique more, she would be able to create the perfect cursed tool for Maki to use.
Their abilities (and lack thereof) complement each other very nicely and I think that's beautiful.
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Sources: a case of MM twins | types of twins | about MM twins and TTTS
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Taglist for theories and explanations??? @chosonore @aceilora @assbuttbaek @megumifushi @delammi
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saintobio · 3 years
pain all i feel is pain, your angst is just 💥👌😦☝️😭🤯💔💢🩸*chefs kiss* i havent read such angst in sooooo long now chapter 8 pulled at my heart like the first time i read a shitty angsty fic and i love it so much, ive been craving this feeling for so long and ive finnaly got it, listen i know i sound kinda 🤪 but your writing is just you really get the point across like i have no words to describe how good it is brilliant 😩 also at first i really liked sera like when she was first introduced but now im just like cut the bitch🔪🩸, also gojo can just go to hell literally like hated him from the start and i still hate him and i probably wont be able to read a normal gojo fic for some time but its alright its worth it, yea i just want yn to thrive in her money and success and drinking with toji and shoko and also maki and mai best girls they would 100/10 beat gojo up if they knew what was happening just make him suffeeerrrr, make him feel such agony and pain he deserves it like i know he got his own issues but idc just suffer he doesnt deserve yn go live with ur sera that will never truly make you happy and youll feel miserable for the rest of your life for losing yn yea just make her thrive in life pls, anyways yea i love ur writing <3
the replies on the chapter and the asks i got were all saying it’s the angstiest they’ve read 😭😭😭 it’s fulfilling to hear as an angst writer tbh so thank u sm <33 i’m glad !! and yes yn supremacy
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