#the luthor girls out clubbing???? I AM HERE FOR IT
agoodluthor-blog · 7 years
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          ❝ I DON’T NEED NO MONEY as long as i can feel the beat. i don’t need no money as long as i keep on dancing. ❞     @12thlevelintellect ❤’d. ( cheap thrills--sia )
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I Thought You Should Know 2
Part 2.
Part 1 HERE.
Notes in part 1.
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This time when Superman caught you he held you close and wrapped his arms around you before flying away with you clinging to him and crying because you couldn't hold it in anymore.
Awareness came with a background of arguing and a sinfully - sinfully - soft mattress. Tugging the blankets up and over your head you snuggle into your pillow and doze.
    You've grown up with yelling and lived in places that were noise 24/7 and presumed the arguing was the neighbors. A quiet falls over your cocoon and it hits you... your hotel room had a  mattress that was as stiff as plywood. 
    The bed dips and you tug the sheet down from your face and take in the warm tangerine color walls, dark wood molding and the bedside table was a rustic style piece of furniture. Turning over you're startled to find Clark Kent standing with a tray of food but more surprising was the man sitting on the bed in a sharp charcoal suit. 
    Curious, you lift the blanket and peer down at yourself.  You were wearing your underwear... you guess it was bettered than being naked. "Rest assured Miss ****, your virtue is safe."
    "Lex!" Snapped Clark with a glare before he turned to you and floundered for what to say before pushing the tray out, "Coffee?"
    "What happened?" Your brain felt muffled and you can remember bits and pieces and jumping off a ledge... "Shit, did I try to kill myself again?" You sit up and the blankets pool at you waist uncaring of your bra that was all lace and completely inappropriate for your type of job. 
    "Again?" The tray is set down on a bedside table and Clark was crawling to you, grabbing your arms, checking your bare wrists, as if he hadn't seen them before you were tucked in half-naked. "**** we talked about this."
    "Settle down." Lex heaved himself up with a sigh and peered down at the two of you, "Clark brought you here, you were hysterical and I gave you a sedative and while you were high out of your mind you chose my,"
    "Our." Clark snapped but the other man continued on without missing a beat.
    "Bed to make your nest. You had this loon," a finger pointed at Clark who look aghast, "Rip off your corset because, and I quote, I can't catch it rip it off. As you spun in a circle trying to reach for the laces."
    "I kind of panicked and ripped it off. Sorry." 
    "He's not sorry, he burned the thing in the fireplace."
    "Secrets Lex! Married couples know how to keep secrets!" Clark glared and you watched them bicker back and forth, lost. 
    "Can we not? As hot as it is, I'm too nauseous to join in on your makeup sex." That cut through the weird foreplay the duo had.
    "Get out." Lex tries but you ignore him as usual.
    "Here have some coffee!" Reaching for the tray Clark held onto it without strain. 
    It was a giant mug of black coffee, a small plate with an oversized croissant, little jars of jelly that was a mismatched set from various fancy hotels you knew Clark had a habit of stealing from, a bowl of yogurt topped with fruit and granola, a whole tomato, a cow shaped creamer, and a pig shaped cup with sausage sticking up. 
    "Remind me to never request breakfast in bed. You forgot silverware and cutting the dam tomato." Lex clapped his hands, "I'm off. Don't overstay your welcome and you're barred from all future events." And then he was gone. 
    "He does have a nice ass." You mumble into your coffee that was sweet and perfect. 
    "It makes up for his bad bedside manner." Then Clark is gone... and back with a spoon and knife, a knife he uses to cut your tomato. "There's a bedroom here for you." It's spoken softly and your eyes flick up to meet his then away, the croissant butter soft. "****?"
    "I'm sorry."
    Now you remember, quite convenient when there's a knife in arms reach, "You're not." Strawberry jelly smears heavily. It's flavorful and you chewed slowly, savoring the rich taste. A sip of coffee and a your slurp breaks the silence. 
    "I am. I shouldn't have said that."
    "You thought it and you spoke it. Simple logic."
    "You're a whore." You pick up a tomato slice, "You fucked all the girls you cheered with and you bottomed for half your fraternity." It tasted juicy, "Lois Lane wasn't your only fuck buddy at the paper and Green Lantern misses your dick something fierce." From your peripheral it was interesting how embarrassed his face colored.
    "Now Lex," you interrupt. "Lex is a slut but he's a slut with standards like myself. Dick pics help weed out the useless ya know." Sip, "Men - woman - don't care." Sip, "It helps when you get really lonely and you can leave. No strings, no questions." Sip, "If you speak to me that way again," your gaze meets his, "I won't need kryptonite to kill you." 
    "Refill please." You hand over your mug that's half filled and Clark takes it. Quietly he moves off the bed and walks out. 
    The tray is settled at your side and you manage to shuffle over to the edge and stand by the time he comes back. Meeting him part way you ignore the way his eyes rake over you, "I'm..."
    You were tired of apologies and hugged him. He was tall and you settled for wrapping your arms around his waist and hugging him tight, "Leave it."
    It's never brought up again.
    The formal gala was beautiful. Lights, cameras, ice sculptures, bottles of champagne flowed as did the money for the secret auction, so secret no one was aware there was an auction.
    At least that's what the news had said.
    Lounging on a couch with a tub of ice cream your face is covered in an organic green tea mask, your body has been massaged by a last-minute goddess with hands that deserved to be preserved in the Vatican vault, and your feet was resting on Clark's lap where the man was massaging your left foot with a hand as the other hand tossed Gummi bears.
    You were horrible at catching them with your mouth but the colorful bears decorated the carpet and sofa with a certain pizazz. Elevator doors opened and expensive loafers dragged, "Why are you still here?"
    Spoon dangling from your mouth you pull it out and point it at the tired man who was being rerun on the massive television. "Did you have fun at your party?"
    "That party brought millions to Saint Jude charity foundation."
    "Uhu... and how much really..."
    Lex dismissed you to turn to his husband, "Why is she still here."
    "I'm not putting her out, you can do that." It was said matter of factly with a hint of try it, go on, I dare you.
    Oh this was good, not as good as the ice cream but good.
    "****." You blink up at the tall bald-headed man, "Leave."
    "But the make-up sex."
    You think his eye is twitching, "There is no sex!"
    A pout twitches your lips and your spoon stabs at the ice cream, "But Dom Daddy Master sex is the best sex." Beside you Clark chokes on a gummy and Lex is a thundercloud as he steps closer and closer to you until he's close enough you can smell his cologne. "See," and you glance over at the coughing man who was thumping his chest, "That's hot. You're hot, we should...."
    "Shut up!" And you shut up, sitting back. "Your jokes are not appreciated. Pack your shit and run back to your Captain America. The epitome of all that's righteous and leave..." you snort and quickly cover your nose as ice cream somehow went up there. "Me and mine alone!"
    A napkin is passed to you, "Ignore him. He saw what's in the box and is not too happy right now."
    "Couldn't you have left it behind?" Wiping your nose you take in all that was Lex Luthor and processed what he said, "Why would I run back to that asshole?" Of course Lex had bared his teeth in a very animalistic way and stormed off so you turn to the quiet second half and said, "What was in the box?"
    "A dress." His face loses trace of all humor, "The accessories are a problem, my nose is quite good and you're not that type of person to..." Clark cuts off as Lex returns and all but flings the box at you and Clark catches it and settles it on your lap while taking away your ice cream. 
    You ignore the argument that's caused by that stunt and take in the dented and dirty box that was lopsided and the tissue paper that hung half out. Clark was right, there was a dress balled up on top and you pull it out... it was a familiar dress.
    Black, shiny, skin-tight, one side would cover down the length of your thigh while the other was cut in a way to barely cover your vagina. 
    You knew this dress.
    This was a similar dress you had in your closet from ages ago. It had been the dress you met Steve Rogers in when you had worked another undercover mission as a singer in an underground club. The lights on stage would make the material nearly sheer and showed off your curves and the nipple piercings you had gotten done for the gig. 
    Well... "He knows." Or at least presumes who you are but how? Dropping the dress to the side you go through the rest of the stuff and pull out a pair of killer heels in your size, "Nope." And drop them both atop the dress. Next was a scrap of fabric that took a moment of turning it here and there to realize it was panties, "What the fuck is this?"
    Clark looks pink while Lex scowls but answers, "Thong."
    "This," you shake it like it's flag. "Wouldn't cover an ass cheek. I have a fat ass... the strings would cut across my hips and make me look like a ham hung to dry." That too was dropped and you rummaged around the jewelery, the hair extension that sat wrapped, and an empty clutch. "Stockings? It's cold, these fucker really think I would waltz around and freeze my clit off?"
    "The point was to entice me, your target, or that idiot." Confused, you glance up at the taller man. "Your choker. There's a mechanism that releases a pheromone when you get close enough to your victim. It's potent, it's an ingenious way to get me to leave and hand me over to SHIELD or attract that asshole who was there, dressed to impress and also wearing a wrist watch that had the same scent, my intel says he was hoping to use it on you if you had arrived. Fucker doesn't realize all phone calls are tapped, that was a mistake."
    Rummaging through the box you find rings, bracelets, a pair of studs for nipples - which what the fuck - but no choker. Glancing over at Clark you said, "You said your nose. How does it smell?
    "Musky. I only know about it because HYDRA is interested so they tried to use bait, young bait, to entrap my husband in a scandal. It didn't work, girl scouts don't make penthouse calls at 1am. Thankfully I was home and tossed the girl in the closet before dealing with him."
    "I could have raped that girl." 
    "Lex, no." And Clark was off the couch and crowding his husband who leaned into the embrace with a miserable face and you felt upset. Box plopped on the oddly shaped coffee table you make your way around the duo and bare foot you walk to the elevator door that opens with a soft ping and step on, finger jabbing on the button to the ground floor.
    It was a short trip of quiet, you ignore the dried and cracked gunk that was on your face and stepped out into a lobby with its shiny floor and gold accents. 
    There weren't many people about at this hour except a janitor that was windexing a window and a concierge who stood once he caught sight of you. "Ma'am!"
    "Phone?" You gesture to the old-fashioned looking thing that sits behind the desk. You knew it was a thing installed by Lex that was as private as you could get, and one that no nosey AI could hack into. An alternative option in case he was too lazy to take an elevator to the top floor.
    "I'm sorry but..."
    "Great, thanks, sit and be a good boy as mummy handles something." The man is a stuttering mess as you reach over and take it, plopping it on the high ledge. 
    "Ma'am you can't!"
    Fingers presses into small holes and drag clockwise with each number. "Phone the penthouse, I'm sure Mr. Luthor would be ecstatic over us meeting."
    The concierge, who had his hand on separate phone and was calling security faltered, "Lex Luthor?"
    You smile, green tea dust falling, but before you can utter a comment the line picks up without a greeting, "Brucie poo, remember that favor you owe me? Well I'm collecting." 
    The concierge moves away to stand with the Janitor who had been quick to call him over and tell him to keep his eyes down. Which was for the best since you were walking around in flannel that was oversized, courtesy of Clark. Switching to a different language and lowering your tone you spoke with an unamused Bruce Wayne, while not friendly with Lex, had been highly upset over the use of children as pawns.
    You weren't surprised. 
    The elevator dings and you wave at Clark who jogged to you and you were quick to say your goodbyes, "Why didn't you tell me?" Frowning at the taller man.
    "You're not here, why would we tell you?" And that, that hurt.
    The elevator doors closed and you knew you needed to do something, time was wasting.
    Solid black, it matched the coal around your eyes and the contacts you had struggled to put on. Boots were comfortably strapped up to your knee and you waltzed across a manicured lawn. 
    The cameras were down.
    The dogs had been knocked out.
    Security had been scarce since a good portion had all come down with a mysterious stomach bug. You can't really protect your benefactor if you're shitting your intestines out. 
    Striding up the marble steps that led to a wrap around porch, you tried a door handle and found it locked. A laser took care of that, a nifty little thing you dropped on the ground and waltzed inside, smoke curling into the air from the burned brass and wood.
    Having had memorized the layout you strode to the kitchen, up a flight of stairs, down a hall, up another set of stairs, down another hall and to a bedroom door where you put yourself in a position that your com had instructed. Gun in hand you aim a degree left, swooped right, down center, each bullet piercing through the door and wall.
    Stopping only when your com had said so. 
    You open the door and lean against the door jamb, the bodies on the ground paving a way to a lone man pressed against the corner of a wall holding a gun.
    "Hello honey." He aims and pulls the trigger. The gun jams. "Poor baby," you stalk over. "Let mommy kiss it better."
    From a distance away Superman removes the com in his ear cutting off the scream of the HYDRA operative who had tried to set up his husband. 
    Maybe if your com hadn't been knocked off and landed in a puddle of blood you would have found yourself here, in a chair, at the SHIELD headquarters. 
    Great, just great.
    The chair was uncomfortable so you chose a nice corner to lay down, cross your ankles, and try for a nap. 
    You had gotten as much as you expected from Mr. HYDRA guy which was meh. Not enough info compared to what you had but if you were honest, you weren't there for intel.
    It was just a great excuse to inflict as much pain as you could and death. 
    You hated getting your hands dirty but... yea... getting caught on the back lawn with SHIELD agents storming up to you with guns and K9 was a weird experience. 
    "****." Confirmation that Steve had a really good guess you were you. Ugh. The door closed behind him with a thump and the man strode over. "You can cut the act, I know who you are."
    You sign WHO.
    "I thought you were dead." You yawn, "I knew it was you when I heard you laugh." He pauses as if he expects you to talk. "Superman knows who you are, how do you know him?" Quiet. "Answer me." He sighs, voice changing to one of concern, one you had believed was his true self. "I miss you."
    A hand lifts and you sign QUEEN.
    Middle finger, no two fingers, point in his direction.
    A hand grips your ankle and you're dragged from the wall, your other free foot hits the ground with a thump, you curl your toes - triggering a nifty backup - and out pops a short knife. Steve let's out a shout as you stabbed him in the leg, once, twice, and his arm that swings to stop you before the man let you go.
    Blood coated the ground and the super soldier stumbled back, "What the fuck ****!" The security that patted you down didn't take all your lovely toys. 
    Hopping to your feet you waved a finger at him and signed BAD BOY. The doors open and two men with guns enter, they try to get Steve to leave but he's a stubborn fuck, "Back off, I've had worse." 
    Just to fuck with him you sign, POISON.
    His eyes go wide and he stumbles out with the two guards and you're left alone once again.
    The fuckery begins when the vents turn off, it takes a while for the air to get stifling and hot but you don't remove your uniform and lay on the ground sweating through your material and the pungent stench of blood has you breathing through your mouth. 
    Stubborn to death you try to ignore the nausea that roils your stomach, a migraine forms at the back of your skull, and your mouth was dry and throat parched.
    Time churns and it's hard to focus so you keep your eyes closed but it does little to help. Maybe this was it? A smile quirks your chapped lips, at least you got to stab Steve, hopefully your knife was dirty and he got an infection.
    When did you close your eyes?
    Breathing was like choking on sand and you can hear the ragged sound of you inhaling deeply and sharply. A shadow hovered above you and you felt a tug and your body lifting before dropping. It's dizzying when your head lifts upwards but thankfully you're gently settled down
    "Shit's adhered to her skin." 
    Was someone talking? No, let you sleep. Closing your eyes you hate that you're jostled as your legs are lifted and plopped on someone's knee.
    "Get me water and ice, her legs up will help with blood flow to the heart."
    Cold seeps through your uniform and the lip of a bottle entices your tongue to move and swish by swish cool water washes away the sandpaper feel of your mouth.
    "Cut it off her." You recognize that voice.
    "The first layer was easy, this is adhered to her skin." Pause, "I've seen this before Captain. You'll rip her skin off, best to wait until she regains conscious and..."
    "She's not HYDRA."
    "But you said..."
    "I know what I said, now get out!" There's a scuffle and a slam. Hands are tugging at the edges where the suit left your skin exposed. Someone had removed your boots and gloves... a sharp tug of pain at your temple reminded you you're wearing a mask that showed off your eyes and your mouth once the second layer was pulled aside. 
    "God dammit." Steve growled, "Fine! We'll do this the hard way!"
    Your fingers curl and you try to move but your legs are heavy and a prickling sensation runs up and down. Move you tell yourself but you can't.
    "All I wanted was a simple yes or no." Something cold presses against your cheek, a pointed tip digging, trying to dig, beneath the seam of material and skin. "This is your fault ****." 
    Pain causes your back to arch and your right calf to seize, you choke on a scream trying to move away from the slice of the knife as it digs under your skin and not the material but Steve has a firm grip on your chin.
    Blood seeps out and there's a swear from the man and the knife is pulled out. He ignore your whimpers of pain to move a single hand down your body. Skimming over your breasts, sides, sternum, waist, and back up to your throat, "A little less pressure eh?" The blood stained tip pops through the layer, Steve needing to push harder as the material - as thin as it was - was strong.
    The knife carefully drags downward, blood seeping from between the black material, and stills just under your bust line where your waist cincher catches the blade. "Hmm." Cutting straight down, the blade knocking through fabric and the hooks.
    The suit material was adhered to your cincher leaving your stomach bare. His free hand settled on your too warm skin, fingers tracing over the indentations left from the boning and material. 
    He tries to tug at the material but your body shifts with it, "I'll get this thing off you even if I have to skin you."
    Shouting catches his attention but Steve ignores the sound of gunfire, secure in the knowledge he was locked in. The knife veers direction and he slices down the side towards him, gripping the cincher for leverage. 
    Mid thigh Steve is startled when the door to the room flies across the room, knife jerking and slicing deep causing you to cry out, a pitiful cry. "Fuck!" Steve scrambles to cover the wound with his large hand but it does little to stop the blood.
    A hand grips into the back of his neck and tosses him as if he were a rag doll. He hits the wall leaving a crumbling indentation in the concrete. Shaking it off, Steve is prepared for a fight but once the disorientation is shaken off he manages to catch a glimpse of red before realizing he's alone.
    You're gone.
    The bandage on your face and the butterfly band-aid running down your body to yet another oversized bandage at your thigh made it look as if it was bad. "I'm fine." A nurse stands idly to the side and you glance at her, "Tell him I'm fine."
    The him was Clark who was trying to take your temperature for the fifth time in the span of an hour. "You're not fine!" He also sends a look to the nurse who looks on amused, "Tell her she's not fine, a high fever is a sign of infection, God know what germs that cell had."
    "It was a clean cell." You try but Clark takes the opportunity to plop the thermometer into your mouth and you roll it under your tongue. 
    "It went up a degree!" 
    "For fucks sake. Lex!" You yell the other mans name.
    The phone rings at your bedside and you pick it up and hand it Clark who scowls. "Yes Dear." 
    The nurse tip toes closer to fluff your pillows as you settle back. The past few days a whirl wind of adventure. Between SHIELD putting out a warrant for you - both your identities - and fighting with Lex that no he shouldn't call a war against the organization and that you had a plan. Of course bumming it at the Luthor's meant you had a lovely nurse and a personal chef.
    The high life.
    "The husband requests I should leave you alone less I suffer a dry spell." He side eyes you and you hold a hand out to him which he takes and crawls beside you, careful of your body under the sheets. The nurse leaves and the two of you are left alone. "I was so scared. Seeing you there... bleeding..."
    "Me too." You admit, "I shouldn't be surprised but I am. Steve... that's not my Steve."
    His arm pulls you closer, dragging you off your pillow and into his arms. "He was never yours." It hurt but it was the truth. He gently brushes away your tears - it's not fair you still cried for this man - and gently turns your head so you can gaze at him, his touch soft as it hovers above your bandage. "Give us a chance ****."
    "Clark..." your eyes burn with more tears, afraid, you're so afraid. "I can't."
    "He could have killed you and yet he still holds a place in your heart."
    What? "No."
    "He's still there, he lived everyday content with another woman while you were left alone and bitter. Everything you've done to get to this point was because of him. He's still there, in your heart, a parasite, keeping you from moving on and taking a risk." You're  quiet and his normally stoic self turns frustrated and says, "The asshole stabbed you, doesn't he deserve to suffer?"
    "Yes. He deserves to suffer." The anger surged and you used your arm to prop yourself up, "Steve humiliated me. They all knew, fucking knew, and... I still have the fucking dress." Clark frowned, "How could he do that to me, why Clark. Why?"
    "Because he can." You flop back on the mattress and cover your eyes with the heels of your hand and will the hurt to die and your tears to dry. "He's  heartless but you're not."
    "No. He never cared ****, he used you while Sharon was away. If it wasn't for the other asshole, Steve would have dumped you at the alter or killed you off and you know that's true. Look what he did to you, you don't think he would have that spy take you out?"
    "No." You choke out and you sniff before a grin curls your lips. "He would have done it."
    "Or the..."
    "No." Sniff, "I hacked his journal. He was going to cause a car accident." Clark went stiff and in the distance you hear a crash, a slam of a door, and you glare at Clark, "You didn't hang up the phone!" It wasn't a question because a moment later the door to your bedroom swings in and the very tall, very angry shadow of Lex Luthor fills the doorway. 
    "****." It was your full name. Your full legal name and you went absolutely still. 
    "Babe..." Clark tries but Lex is a storm cloud as he saunters forward and ignores the pet name only his husband was allowed. 
    "Are you soft in the head?" Lex loomed over you and for the first time you were scared of him. 
    "Car accident? You knew he was planning on killing you and you still did nothing." The man didn't have to shout but each word was laced with venom that had your heart skip a beat.
    "Swallowing a bottle of pills isn't what you do when someone plans to murder you." Oh shit, "Jumping head first into missions without backup or extra ammo is not the way one plots revenge." Fuck. "Running off and putting yourself in suicidal situations does nothing but get you killed!"
    "I know."
    "Then why must you be so stupid!"
    "Because I needed to feel something!" You shout, it hurts to sit up but you scramble to do so as Clark assists. "I was stupid, is that what you want to hear? How stupid I was to believe that someone  could love me? Me? That someone would want me for something other than sex? That I was beautiful? Smart? That I was more? Stupid of me to think that a person could think I was worth a commitment and kids and a last name, a home, I was stupid to think I was worth a home, someone who can... can love me..."  it was hard to breath and see as the old hurt rear its ugly head and you can't be strong, dropping your head, spine hunching you press your hands against your eyes, the pressure easing the headache that was throbbed steadily. 
    "Lex, ease off." Clark rubs circles on your back.
    "No. She needs to deal with this and not wallow in self pity."
    Sniffing up the snot you wipe your nose and say, "It's not wallowing. I'm not a victim, read the definition asshole."
    "Of course you're not love but crying doesn't get back at someone who wants to cut your break cords."
    Sniff, "Drunk driver." Your eyes itch and you rub them again, "A t-bone."
Clark takes in your red eyes and the flush to your face before looking up to his husband, "Kill him."
    "Already on it." Lex says matter of factly. 
    Again you say, "No. Death is too good." 
    Lex sighed, he was ready to snap at you again. "He's enhanced. What's your plan? You can't get close to him like before."
    "He's a conservative man, his reputation is everything to him." You say, "I got a plan to get SHIELD off my back and I'll make public his journals and porn crap."
    Lex frowns, "No maiming? Missing limbs?"
    You shake your head, "No. There's some heavy shit in those journals and secrets about the team. I'll black out the intel from missions but Steve gets off on knowing that the world sees him as this perfect man. A God amongst mortals. He won't know how to deal with it."
    "Alright, ok, we can work with that." Hands continued rubbing circles on your back, "Can I punch him at least?"
    "You're getting your hands dirty?" Surprised, Lex glanced down at you, "Guess he loves you more than me." In response Clark lugged a pillow at him.
    "Punch him twice. One for me and one for you." It comes from you.
    "Break his leg for me." Lex sends you a look but you don't say a word, "Payment for the stitches."
    "Mhm." You'd probably scar too. "Break both legs." You rub at your thigh where it itched.
    "I smell blood." Clark leans over and moves the blanket aside and patches of red bloom on your bandage, your shorts hiked up to V of your thighs. "Lex, get the nurse. You might have popped a stitch."
    "It's ok, I'm ok."
    "No, you're not." 
    The nurse comes in with a first aid bag and your bandage is removed showing that yes, you popped a stitch. It doesn't take long to fix it but you do lean into Clark for comfort. 
    SHIIELD's system is down.
    Their backup of a backup doesn't work, nothing works. Cards danced on the screens, Queens of spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs bounce up and down, left to right, in no specific direction. 
    They all know whose calling card halted all communications and in a solo room where a group of people who had complete access to everything were privy to a badly drawn cartoon of a queen of hearts card threatening to release sensitive information to earth and Google Earth images of all their safe house locations including their own. 
    Less than a day later SHIELD pulled all their warrants and people in the search of you. 
    An email was immediately sent with your resignation and quickly after that a website was made public with Captain America Secrets on full view and no A.I. or hacker could tear it down. 
    Not with the insane amount of protection you encased it in. Still, you had fail safes in case it was taken down plus the internet where nothing died was quick to copy and paste and you sat back in your hello kitty onsie as the world burned Steve Rogers and the Avengers.
    Tony's PR team was quick to claim it was a hoax and the others had denied all allegations against their own humiliation but you had finally let it go. 
    You had to.
    Looking up as a set of floor to ceiling windows slid open and you watched as Superman flew in and landed. His hair was in disarray, a portion of his suit was torn and blood was splattered on his cheek, not his blood you're sure. "Had fun?"
    A grin is tossed your way and the papers on the coffee table ruffled as the man sped to you and was right there, making your eyes cross. "Beautiful. Perfect. Brilliant. Patient. Crazy. Lovely."
    "Clark, heros say no to drugs." You interrupt his rambling.
    "I'm sober."
    "Sugar?" There's seconds, time for you to turn your head as Clark leans in, but you hold your breadth as he kisses you. A soft and gentle pressure and it's so sweet.
    "Let me love you ****." his brows press against yours, "Let us love you. Give us a chance."
    Just no.
    You don't need the extra heartache.
    "Okay." It slips out and you can't take it back. Do you want to take it back? 
    Clark's face is one of excitement and his eyes shine with something that you've seen before, when he looks at his husband and you were a sucker for pain. You can't take it back, "You won't regret it I promise." And with that Clark picks you up and you hold on. 
    "I'm not having sex so you can put me down." You kick your legs because you're almost sure you wouldn't.
    "Oh I know." He walks confidently to the still open window, "We need Lex for that. He has a sturdy desk and sound proof office."
    And he jumps, flying off in the direction of his husband's company. It would be a pleasant surprise but at least he was right, that desk was sturdy. 
I can't write sex scenes so there you go. Use your imagination. I picture a spit roast scenario and a very slippery desk.
 I can confirm that Superman kicked Steve's ass, broke his legs - twice - and punched 3 times. Which is why Clark arrived looking disheveled. Also Steve did give as good as he got but Superman is a pretty boy with hopefully good dick (for you the readers sake ;)
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hains-mae · 4 years
Flowers - Pt. 2
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 (end)
(Damian x Reader) Soulmate AU
Rating: T
Ages: Damian and you are 16, everyone’s ages follow after.
Summary: Soulmate AU where the wounds on your soulmate turns into a flower tattoo on your skin, if it heals with no scars the tattoo goes away, if it heals with a scar then the tattoo stays. You know who your soulmate is. It’s Robin. The vigilante. The crime-fighter and protector of Gotham who runs along side the Dark Knight himself – Batman. And you’re still you. This couldn’t possibly work, could it?
Notes: I did not expect my last fic to gain as much popularity as it had, and I am so thankful. @grincheveryday said there had to be a part 2, and although I wasn’t planning on it – I relented. And now here we are, with part 2.
Anyway, thank you again so much for the lovely comments. I hope you guys enjoy it.
Disclaimer: I do not own DC. If I did, I wouldn’t make it as confusing as it is now.
Metropolis. The convention was to be held in Metropolis. The city of Superman! I was more than excited when the school informed us, and it turned out that Lex Corp. was sponsoring our transport and accommodations.
Gotham Academy instructed us to pack a week’s worth. The actual event was going to run for a total of one week. 3 days to try and impress during the showcase. After that they scheduled a meeting for students and companies who were interested in internships and mentoring, which would last another 2 days. On the last day Wayne Ent. promised a gala to finish off with a bang.
“Oh, my baby is growing up.” Mom said as she helped me pack.
“It’ll only be a week, mom. You’re not getting rid of me that easy.” I laughed.
It was a decent trip going to the big city of Metropolis. What I noticed first were the clean streets and bright colours. The sun was actually out of the clouds (something that only happened a handful of times during the year back at Gotham). There was a lot of excited chatter on the bus as soon as we entered.
“Alright children, you know the rules. Keep close and stay in sight.” Our science professor spoke up over the murmurs.
“Ah, Gotham Academy I’m presuming!” A boisterous voice caught our attention and successfully made us all quiet.
It was Mr. Lex Luthor.
“Mr. Luthor, it’s an honour. May I just say on behalf of our school we’d like to thank you for the generous hospitality.”
“The honour is mine.” He replied to our guide and professor as he shook her hand. “With such young and brilliant minds, how can I refuse?”
It felt surreal to be there. To be meeting with one of the most famous inventors and businessmen on the planet. I thought about pinching myself but if this was a dream, I didn’t want it to end.
We were ushered into the building that we were going to be staying at for the next week. It looked amazing on the inside just as it did on the outside. The receptionist smiled warmly at us when we entered. As the adults talked about where to place us, my schoolmates and I were left in a waiting area with large, soft sofas. I sighed in delight thinking this day couldn’t get any better.
The briefing was short, and we were sent to our rooms to freshen up before dinner. If I thought the lounge was awesome, the bedrooms were 5 times more. The walls were cream in colour, and the furniture’s light tan tint complimented the aesthetic. Two queen sized beds since were to stay in pairs. Bright yellow flowers on beautifully painted vases stood on each of our bedside tables.
I took the bed closest to the window, and placed my bags on the floor. My roommate didn’t mind as she unzipped her suitcase and began to make herself at home. As we shuffled around placing our belongings in their respective areas, I couldn’t help but wonder if Robin would be here. It was a million to one chance since many schools from Gotham were involved, but still, I hoped.
You don’t even who he is, or even how he looks like under that mask — my inner muse said pointedly. I sighed, knowing it was right.
That evening I opted to go to the dining hall a little earlier than expected. I didn’t have any friends around, since it was limited to one student per section. So I found myself alone sitting on a table with my name printed all fancy on a card. I sighed, pulling out my phone and going over the slides of my presentation for the invention.
“Good evening.” A presence alerted me and I fumbled as my phone slipped from my hands.
They caught it in one swoop.
I looked up and found myself face to face with a pair of clear forest green eyes.
“Apologies, I didn’t mean to startle you. My name is Damian Wayne.” His tone was clipped as he handed me my phone, like he wanted to be anywhere else but here.
I swallowed thickly, I’m sure I looked flustered, he seemed like he was in a bad mood. Quickly clearing my throat I took my phone from him and introduced myself as quickly as I could.
“Pleasure to make your acquaintance.” He said stiffly and sat down beside me.
There must’ve been a mistake on the placement of the name cards. Usually they would assign our seats in accordance to our sections. Mine should be at the last... and oh my god his name is next to mine?!  How did I not notice this???
“The - the pleasure is mine.” I said nervously and tucked my phone back in my pocket.
I may not be part of any of his (or his brothers’) fan club, but I wasn’t living under a rock. Damian Wayne. Son of Bruce Wayne; the one who organised this entire endeavour. The son of a multi-billionaire business man. The prince of Gotham! What in the world was he doing here — next to me?!
There was a painfully thick awkward silence between us, or maybe it's just me — I bit my lip and looked everywhere else in the room but the boy who was sitting beside me.
Taking deep breaths to calm myself down, I noticed a pleasant aroma in the air. I must’ve missed it after our surprising introductions, but his perfume smelled good. It wasn’t a scent I would normally smell nowadays, but I immediately recognised it.
“Arabian oud.” I said out loud. Unintentionally mind you, to which I mentally facepalmed.
I quickly covered my mouth and apologised. Great, now he’ll think you’re a creep, way to go.
“Yeah.” Damian cocked a brow at me and narrowed his eyes. “It is, not many people know.”
“My dad. He liked those kinds of scents. Came a cross it one time during a case he was working on. I guess it grew on me too.”
Talking about my dad to a complete stranger, it was nerve wrecking but at the same time the memory calmed me, and the scent dancing between us only lulled me further into memory lane.
“It sticks better than regular perfume.” He said nonchalantly.
I had to giggle at that. “Well you get what you pay for.” He scoffed, and I reminded myself that this guy was probably rolling in money every day.
There was silence again, but this time a little less awkward. I still hoped everyone would be here soon though.
My wish was granted. Not five minutes later, the room started to get filled. Everyone took their respective places and made quick chatter. Damian and I stayed quiet though. Perhaps his friends weren’t able to come either, well we had that in common.
Damian was introduced to us before the waiters served our food. Apparently he wasn’t part of the convention but because Wayne Ent. was the one sponsoring, Mr. Wayne deemed it necessary for him to make an appearance.
I sighed to myself and looked around, this really was nothing like I expected it to be.
Dinner was delicious. Everyone was happily stuffed and ready for bed. Everyone but me. I couldn’t relax after sitting next to Damian the whole night. I felt his stares multiple times but every time I try to catch him I fail.
As soon as we were done an old man wearing formal attire came to pick him up. Didn’t know where to, but I heard “father” and “penthouse”. Rich kids...
Maybe it was just me who was getting a little paranoid. Maybe it was because of all the rumours I heard of how fan clubs treat other girls who even dared to talk to him other than a polite hi or wave. I shuddered at the thought. Our professor was droning on about the rules (again) and the importance of the buddy system. I briefly wondered if I could sneak out for a small walk around the block or something to release some energy.
And that was exactly where I found myself later that evening. I managed to pass the receptionist and walk a couple of minutes around the area. Not too far, the hotel was still in view. There were people around minding their own business, which was new for me since around this time in Gotham, everyone would be at home. The crisp air felt good, and I was finally able to relax. It was too stuffy being next to him. His smell, it reminded me too much of dad. The memory made a lump form in my throat.
I looked up at the starless sky and blinked back tears. Mom said he’d be proud, I wanted to believe it was true.
“Aw little girl. Why so upset?”
I whirled around and saw a man all dressed in baggy black clothes inch closer at me. “How about you come with me and I can make you feel all better.”
I took a step back as my heart started to race. This was probably not the best idea, even though this was Superman’s City, it didn’t mean crime didn’t exist.
A heavy hand gripped tightly at my shoulder and I realised with utter dread that I was surrounded. Only one way to run and it was through the alley. Every instinct in me shouted that it would be a really bad idea, first off I didn’t know the place, and if I just ran I could very well get lost.
But the grip on my shoulder was worse than anything I could’ve imagined at the moment.
“You’re a pretty little thing aren’t ya.” Another man came in and slid his hands across my cheek before covering my mouth.
His breath smelled of alcohol and smoke. It made me gag.
“I’ve got some great ideas on what I can do with you.” He snickered and dropped his other hand lower onto my chest. I gasped in fear.
No, this isn’t happening.
They pushed me further into the alley, away from prying eyes, and into to the shadows. The man started to grope my waist and hips.
This isn’t happening!
I wanted to fight back, wanted to bite his hand and shout, but my body was frozen. I was in shock. My inner voice was yelling at me to do something, to do anything! But fear clasped me tight and hard.
Then he forced his dirt calloused hand under my shirt and touched my breast.
That snapped me out of it.
With a sense of need to survive I dug my elbow into the man who was holding me and shoved the one in front with as much force as I could muster, exactly how dad taught me. They grunted in pain, and their hold on me lifted. I bolted down the dimly lit passage as soon as I was free.
But they didn’t stop. They called after me, swearing and cursing slurs as they ran. Their footsteps echoed along the tight alley. How many of them were there? 4?
They chanted along what they were planning on doing with me once they catch me. It was horrible. My throat tightening in disgust. I couldn’t even begin to comprehend how their minds worked. The tears were beginning to fall as every turn I took only lead deeper into the maze.
I kept running, taking quick sharp turns in the hopes to loose them. I refused to go like this. But my heart plummeted as soon as I faced a dead end.
They were all laughing at my demise, taking their time to get to me so the fear really soaked in. They strolled and taunted. Taking out their ropes and knives from their coat pockets.
“This was a really stupid idea...” I whimpered to myself, wiping my wet cheeks furiously as I did.
“No shit.” I instantly recognised the voice. “We really need to stop meeting like this.”
A figure dropped in front of me, clad in familiar colours. I felt my knees go weak and a new wave of tears started to fall. I sobbed in relief.
Robin pulled out his katana and growled at the men.
“Do not touch her.” He spat at them.
“Robin? But isn’t he supposed to be with the Bat?” One of them questioned, but he was outright ignored.
Their leader, the one who groped me, laughed. A loud barking sort of laughter.
“Don’t touch her?” He mimicked. “But I already have. Must say, she’s quite soft.” He leered at me, I could feel him undressing me with his eyes and I instantly clutched my jacket tighter.
“Bastard!” Robin shouted and threw himself into battle.
They didn’t look worried though.
“You’re just a boy!” They yelled at him as they aimed to kill.
It didn’t phase him as he attacked with the same precision as he did before. Their bullets were evaded with his quick movements. I protected my head with my arms and dashed behind a corner full of crates.
“Excuse me.”
I turned to the person next to me.
He offered a smile, and I noticed his feet weren’t touching the ground. He was hovering over the air.
“Quit stalling Superboy!” Robin grunted. “Take her someplace safe!”
“You heard him.” He told me, and carried me bridal style before flying away.
I clutched on to him as the ground became further and further away.
“Wait — what about Robin?” My voice sounded weak but I didn’t want to just leave him behind.
Superboy looked at me and grinned. “He’ll be okay.”
He set me down on the roof of a building just above the fight.
“Can you wait here a moment? We’ll be right back.”
He looked a few years older, dressed in his father’s colors and symbol proudly plastered on the middle of his chest.
I managed a small nod before he zipped back down and joined the fight. With a bit more courage I peered down and watched as they bravely fought the men. Superboy withheld from using his lasers too much, I suppose since they were in such an enclosed space. Robin on the other hand looked like he was putting everything he had out there.
It ended quite fast, with the men tied up in a rope. Robin seemed to be talking to Superboy, the metahuman nodded once and pointed up where I was standing. I quickly looked away and walked back.
A grappling hook shot up before hooking itself to the side of the building. Robin swung forward and landed gracefully in front of me. He looked angry.
I tried not to look at him straight in the eye, hoping to make myself smaller.
“Did they hurt you?” He asked, his voice filled with concern but still laced with a little venom.
I bit my bottom lip to keep it from quivering, I felt so ashamed, and so used. I felt dirty.
“He touched me...” I chocked out, trying to keep the tears at bay and failing.
Robin clenched his fists.
“What were you doing outside at this hour?”
“I - I just wanted to take a walk. I didn’t - it wasn’t -“ I was shaking. All I wanted to do was go back home and hide under my covers.
He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. I heard him walk up to me and hold my chin, turning it towards him as he wiped the tears.
“Stop crying.” He said. “You’re safe now.”
Not being able to help it, I threw my arms around him and hugged him tight. I wasn’t an overly physical type of person but I needed something solid, something safe, to clutch on to after what just happened. I wished my mom was here, but then I also didn’t since all this would do would only worry her more. I dreaded the fact that I needed to tell her what happened. But for now I just breathed in and out, trying to calm myself. Robins arms slowly encircled me, and he patted my shoulder awkwardly.
Wait — this smell…
Arabian oud.
I tensed, and pushed back. Robin looked a little confused at the suddenly change but loosened the hug.
My heart started to race as I looked up at his face. No way, there has to be hundreds with the same perfume, right? I couldn’t, or rather didn’t want to believe it. Was it really him under this mask? I wish I could give myself an answer but I was terrified of what I would find if I looked. I was both mad yet relieved that I didn’t look too closely at his face during dinner or else it might be too easy to pick apart his features. The mask only hid so much. I must’ve been eyeing him for too long because Robin gave me a questioning look.
“I -“ I quickly put a slight distance between us and cleared my throat, hoping the heat on my cheeks would cool down, and my head to stop spinning. “Sorry, and thank you! I... probably should get back.” I finished lamely.
The time it took us to get from where we were to the hotel was filled with silence. I made sure not to make eye contact for too long and when I had to I made sure to ignore everything else. I still wasn’t sure if I wanted to piece the puzzle together... It felt risky. I thanked him again, and asked him to thank Superboy.
Sneaking back into my room was a lot more difficult that sneaking out. Thankfully my roommate and I had separate keys so going in was a breeze. She was already asleep when I got there much to my relief. I headed straight to the shower, eager to scrub off the mans filthy hold on me. I grimaced as I caught my reflection in the mirror, my skin was bright red from all the scrubbing and my eyes were puffy. I sniffed and looked away.
I didn’t sleep that night, not well anyway, but that was to be expected.
... to be continued ...
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sapphic-luthor · 4 years
It's late and I should be asleep, but instead, I'm on Tumblr so here is a headcanon: Kara and Lena have had a stressful week so Friday night they decide to hang out and have a few drinks at Kara's apartment. Lena drinks wine and Kara has her alien alcohol. They end up having a few more than expected and end up tipsy which leads to Kara accidentally destroying things with her powers and confessions that they normally wouldn't be brave enough to say while sober.
“In college? Please,” Lena scoffs as she downs the rest of her glass. “We definitely never would have been friends.”
Kara gasps in mock-hurt from across the room. “Okay, rude.” She pulls a water bottle from the fridge, holding it in the air toward Lena as an offering.
Lena nods her thanks. “Kara, be realistic. I was the spoiled little rich girl— the spoiled little rich Luthor— and half of the board of directors was in my mother’s pocket. I was a pariah. But you were probably off joining clubs or playing sports or—“ Lena gestures widely with her hands as she speaks, and the back of her hand makes contact with the near-empty wine bottle with a loud smack.
Kara, unthinking, crosses the length of the room and catches it before it falls.
Lena blinks. Her eyes travel from the righted bottle on the table up to Kara, who is now suddenly standing very close.
“Did you just—“
“Wouldn’t have wanted to spill red on the carpet, right?” Kara blurts, forcing laughter. “That probably would have been a nightmare to try to clean up!” She takes a step backward, weighing her options. Was Lena drunk enough to think it was a trick of the eye? Could she just force normalcy and hope they never talk about it?
“Yeah…” Lena agrees slowly. Her eyes narrow. “It would have been super difficult, huh?”
Kara gulps. “I can explain.“
“Oh my God,” Lena lets herself fall back against the couch, mouth wide in disbelief. “You are her.”
“Listen, I was trying to figure out how to tell you—“
Lena’s props her elbows on her knees and drops her head into her hands. “Oh my God. I’ve had way too much wine for this.”
Kara hurries around the coffee table, dropping quickly onto the couch next to her friend. “I know this is a lot, and I promise I will answer any and all of your questions, but please, please, know that I have wanted to tell you for so long.”
Lena says nothing for a long moment, and then suddenly her head snaps up.
“Oh my God,” she whispers. “All the times you let me talk about how much of a crush I had on Supergirl…”
Kara flushes. “That… okay, that was, admittedly—“
“Oh my God,” Lena continues, horror dawning on her face. “You watched Sam and I play ‘fuck marry kill’ and argue over the merits of sex with Supergirl for an hour.” Kara goes bright red. Lena groans, covering her face again in embarrassment. “I am so, so, sorry.”
“For objectifying me?” Kara asks, and the playfulness in her tone makes Lena turn to face her. The blonde smirks. “Or for never working up the nerve to ask me out and test your theories?”
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kassies-take · 4 years
A Page From Maggie’s Book
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Can you do a Maggie Sawyer x best friend reader badass team up where reader is new to superhero work and decides to go on a ride along with Maggie to see how police handle threats or something? 
A/n: Sorry it’s taken awhile for me to do this
Warning: Rape, violence
Maggie Sawyer x BestFriend!Reader 
Word Count:  1747
“Do I get a gun?” you asked after putting on bullet proof gear. 
Maggie scoffed, “you think I am going to give you a gun? That’s funny.” 
“It was worth a try,” you shrugged. 
“You don’t need a gun when you’ve got force fields.” 
“Are we going to stop a robbery? Car chase? Ooh a...”
Maggie chuckled. “You’re cute, I’m a detective officer not a patrol officer.”
“So what do you do?”
“First off, you don’t need this.” Maggie gestured to the bullet proof vest. “till necessary. Second detectives don’t have your typical police cars, we’re stealthy, we find information. Our ride is unmarked cars.”
“What information do you find?” You asked leaning against Maggie’s desk
“We find anything and everything about suspects, their high school, the clubs they join, the name of their family pet, their sister’s name, parents name, job, friends. Everything.”
“So what do we do now.”
You tapped a pen on your knee continuously. The constants ticks made Maggie look at you with a raised eyebrow. She rolled closer to the right side of her desk, took out a key and opened the bottom cabinet. The detective pulled out a thick beige folder and handed it to you.
“What is this?”
“Victims? Of?”
“Look through them.”
The file revealed multiple women with rape at the bottom.
“All of these women were rapped?” You flipped though several pages.
“You’ve worked with Alex and Kara before, they both go way to fast into action. Punching their way into things. We go the whole way, we want the man responsible to rot in hell. We find evidence and we don’t hold back and we do it for them.”
“Kara and Alex catch the guy. Kara’s a reporter so she has to get evidence.”
“Most of the time, Alex or Kara catch the guys but they get away from lack of evidence. Little Danvers may have evidence but she does not get to control the jury, or how the other side uses the evidence.”
“Sawyer, come have a look at this.”
You followed Maggie down the hall. The other officer played a footage. A view over the city.
“Real-estate, so what.”
“Wait,” The camera flew closer towards a window. Past the window was a girl changing.
“This is disgusting,” you glared at the screen.
“We’ve got a peeping Tom,” Maggie crossed her arms.
“It gets worse,” the screen cut to a bed room corner showcasing the whole master bed room.
A blond millennial woman in a pink shirt and grey sweatpants, walked from what was assumed the bathroom towards the bed. Seconds later a man in a mask pushed her onto the bed. There was obvious signs of struggling from the girl. You turned away as the man ripped open her sweatpants and began thrusting into the woman.
“He’s not a peeping Tom, he’s a serial rapist.”
You sat in Maggie’s passenger seat blankly staring at the the dashboard.
“Feet off the dash!” Maggie was as equally as pissed as your were.
“He clearly is the one in the video! Why can’t we use that?”
“We know it’s him, but for all we know it could be a man in a mask.”
“Ugh!!!!” You kicked at dash board. “You know what makes this more frustrating!”
“You kicking my car?”
“No, it’s that parents are more afraid of their kids being gay than they are of their kids being rapist or sex offenders.”
“At least your parents didn’t kick you out of the house.”
“You’ve got a point.”
It has been a few days since you and Maggie saw those tapes. You were currently twirling your pen going over notes Maggie took home. You had refused to play any games, even when the rest of Superfriends told you it would be a good way to destress.
“Everything is a dead end right now.” Maggie sighed, explaing to Superfriends about the case.
“Did you guys talk to any of the victims?”
“Yeah we did, one of the ladies said he took her necklace.”
“Did he take anything else from them. You know beside this whole thing?”
“We’re looking through it now. We did find that he went to this coffee shop frequently.” Maggie responded.
“Any of the victims connect there?”
“No nothing. I’m gonna check it out tomorrow see if any of the employees notice him or look through cameras if they have any.”
“Bring me along?”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“I know this case is important but can we get on with the game?” Alex frowned.
You opened your mouth to say something but Alex stopped you before you could.
“I’m not being insensitive (n/n). I’m very annoyed and as pissed as you are. But the point of tonight was to get your mind off this and have a mental break.” She picked up the dice.
“Lena’s on her IPad going through projects, and Kara is writing an article.” You pointed your thumbs to the side.
Nia peeked over Kara’s shoulder. “Actually they’re sexting each other.” She sipped her wine.
“What now?” You peeked at Lena’s IPad.
“Little Danvers,” Maggie smirked.
“What! Let me have a moment with my girlfriend.”
“That moment better be CONSENSUAL!” You threw popcorn at Kara.
“Why are you only throwing popcorn at me! Not that I mind.” Kara popped a few piece into her mouth.
“Cause I expected it from Lena and not you.”
“The workers say he comes often but doesn’t usually stay.” Maggie sighed.
“The other regulars say he just gets coffee and leaves.” You rested your chin on one hand.
“It’s not a dead end yet we can still check the cameras.”
The black and white video showed the suspect parking his car, walking into the coffee shop and leaving in the opposite direction. After several videos of the same action you and Maggie got up from your seats.
“Where ever he goes it must be in walking distance if he doesn’t take his car.”
“Mags... you know how in shows people rent out a storage unit to hide evidence or dead bodies.”
“Yeah what about it?”
“There’s one across the street.”
“Get ready with your shields.” Maggie pulled out her gun from her holster.
“We’re not calling for backup?”
“By the time backup gets here he could be gone.”
You followed after Maggie. Your heart beated against your chest. Clear honeycomb like patterns surrounded your two hands.
Besides a couple of people and a few boxes the units were sickenly quiet. The two of you reached a corridor with flickering lights. The circuit was either cut or it was done on purpose.
Your hands were shaking at the thought. Fear flashed across your face and the shields began to glitch. Maggie on the other hand pulled out a flashlight and sneaked with it over her gun.
Maggie slowed her steps as one of the units were opened. It was deserted yet filled with a twin bed, a few boxes, a blue bike, what seems to be a beaten teddy bear, water bottles, paper towels all lightened by a desk lamp.
“Dispatch this is 129F40, I’m gonna need back up at Studio Self Storage on Conova and Mar-”
A loud yell and a slam against metal met the officer and dispatchers.
Maggie joined kicking the man away after he threw a punch at your face. He was not giving you any time to recover and use your shields.
He moved his attention onto Maggie after you struggled to stand from the two head traumas you recieved. Maggie was good but he wrestled the gun out of her hands. He overpowered her and slammed her against another metal door.
Maggie pushed maneuvered her legs up against the wall and pushed him back against the other side. She threw punches.
You got up, crossed your arm on your shoulders and pushed forth a shield to move the man away from Maggie.
“All officers and firefighters calling all back up, officer is in distress. Officer 129F40 is in distress.”
Dispatcher said over the radio. Alex immediately looked over at J’onn. “That’s Maggie’s number!”
They heard several grunts, as they immediately recognized Maggie and your voices. They also heard a whooshing sounds knowing that that was you and your shields.
Alex reaches towards her ear to activate the com.
A gunshot echoed around the room before it went silent.
Kara rushed towards you and Maggie as she reached the self storage. She led the police and found Maggie sitting next to you. Kara rushed over scanning your body for the gunshot wound.
“She’s fine. She has a concussion and a few bad scratches.” Maggie said.
“A few? Her eye is swollen shut and her shoulder is dislocated, don’t forget to mention the other cuts on her face.”
You grinned at Kara. “We got him.”
Kara took a look further down the corridor and found a glaring bloody man with his hands cuffed through the bed frame.
You sat on the bed at Luthor Family Children’s Hospital. You got most of the injuries from the first surprise attack. Your arm was in a sling and several bandages on your face. Maggie only had a busted lip.
“I can’t believe you two went in with no back up.” Alex scolded.
“To be fair, they did catch the rapist.” Lena said from one of the chairs. “And without the help of Supergirl.”
“What took you so long anyways Kara?” Alex looked over at her sister.
Kara turned red.
“You weren’t!” You looked between Kara and Lena.
“Well we still proved that National City does need police officers and detectives after all.”
“No we proved that Superfriends is a good team. Half of this duo doesn’t even get paid.” You were still upset. “But Kara could take a page from Maggie’s book, instead of ogling at Lena.”
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TEASER - “Eyes of Army Green” - Part 1
https://www.patreon.com/posts/49681142   War is nasty. Watching this brute buzz Kara's golden curls off is a goddamned crime. The boys on the bus gave them a lot of shit—girls can't be Marines—and Alex politely reminded them that any alpha can volunteer if she so fucking chooses and on a bus full of college boys whose number came up, that was all it took. Now a man with a face like a clenched asshole and a haircut made entirely of right angles is walking up and down the bunks. "I am Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, your Senior Drill Instructor. From now on, you will speak only when spoken to, and the first and last words out of your filthy sewers will be 'Sir!' Do you maggots understand that?" "Sir, yes, sir!" "Bullshit! I can't hear you. Sound off like you got a pair." "SIR, YES, SIR!" ..... Alex expected bad but even Jeremiah's warnings didn't prepare them. The first thing Hartman does is take their names. Alex becomes Private Rusty, after the sprouts of red hair still visible. James Olsen becomes Private Eightball. Kara seems to be a particular project of his. He spends a full hour yelling at how she ought to be in Playboy, or a strip club, or anywhere other than in 'his Beloved Corps' so the next day she annihilates the obstacle course, setting a record for recruits from Able Company's barracks. Now she's Private Supergirl. A shy young man from Texas named Winn becomes Private Cowboy, and Hartman makes a point of making fun of his Cross of David necklace three times a day. Alex stuffs hers into her footlocker, figuring she'll take it out when they graduate. Winn's an omega, which is in nearly as short supply as female alphas here. ..... Alex develops a knack for quiet kills and clearing enemy tunnels. Kara develops a knack for following her somehow, and the moment their captain sees her photos from the bush, they forgive Kara for going semi-AWOL and give no more punishment than latrine duty. After that, someone has the brilliant idea of putting Kara with Alex's squad and making celebrities of them. Night after night in the rainy, reeking jungle with James, Winn, and a man the size of a refrigerator named Animal Mother. She takes the advice of the nastiest marine they meet and tells her team to strip Vietcong corpses for their weapons. Whoever builds their guns knows how to build something that mud, muck, and just pure wet don't affect. So they squirrel away enemy guns in their rucksacks and keep their M-16s handy for inspection day. ..... It happens fast. Alex's sprinting past the marker she planted, counting down in her head. The explosives in the tunnel go off one second early, buckling the ground under her and spearing her leg on a tree branch. Looking down, she sees a knife-sharpened point and some nasty brown slime on the spike.
Shit-smeared bamboo, and it went straight through her thigh. They do this, then they swoop in and kill the medic that comes to get her. Nail her sergeant’s chevrons to her skull and leave the body to be found if they're feeling creative. 
Three rifle shots ring in close succession.
“That's all of them," her radio crackles. "Cowboy! Pretty Boy! Grab her!"
..... Small but strong hands shove her back to the bed. "Goddamned alphas," she grumbles. "Trying to get out of bed to skull fuck whatever injured them. Hold the fuck still, or I'll dose you. We clear, leatherneck?" A wave of omega scent washes over Alex, communicating in no uncertain terms that the omega will be very unhappy with her if she keeps fighting. The omega in question smells so delicious that Alex yields instantly. Even the deepest, darkest parts of her alpha brain soften up. Anything to preserve her chances...anything to preserve the possibility of that omega. It's painfully bright, but against her better judgement, Alex opens her eyes. She almost wishes she hadn't. The nurse hovering over her is so beautiful. Women this beautiful shouldn't exist, and shouldn't smell so good, in places where Alex can't be with them.  Her nametag reads K. Olsen. ..... Her camera got spattered with rain, and she had to puff-puff-puff to push a bug off rather than killing it and smearing the lens. Her camera has fired 6,000 shots by her estimate. Cameras can save. Someone donates to a charity. A Green Beret unit decides that this village would be perfect to train and brings a truck of rice and pork with them. They reprimanded an officer for prisoner treatment. An orphanage scoops up starving child orphaned by chemicals and fire. Without her photos, none of that would have happened. Kara is proud of her photos. Likes to think they saved lives. ..... "Where you going?" 
A rookie across from Kara shouts.
"Da Nang!"
"Lucky bitch! What for?"
Kara glances back at her orders.
"Protective detail. Senator Luthor."
"Fuck," the boy hisses. "Better you than me. He's an asshole!" ..... "Welcome to Da Nang!" Kara hollers over the falling whine of the PanAm jet’s turbines. "I'll be watching your back and I’m also a photographer, sir! They sent me in case you need anything documented." "An artist?" Lex scoffs. "Send her with Lena!" The senator and his wife lean close to each other, whispering back and forth. "Good idea, son!" Kara isn't sure what a 'Lena' is, but if it is farther away from the Luthor patriarch and his prayers and the son and his salesman's grin, Lena it is. Five minutes later, she finds out what a Lena is.
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i was tagged by @c-nan for this interests tag game :) thank you for the tag <3
MUSIC Favorite Genres: some modern day pop (like taylor swift and olivia rodrigo) and not-depressing-alternative (like florence welsh and hozier), 70s pop/rock, romantic era and later classical music, jazz standards (like ella fitzgerald and nat king cole)
Favorite Artists: abba, billy joel, donna summer, ella fitzgerald, fleetwood mac, florence welsh, the guess who, hozier, nat king cole, ola gjielo, olivia rodrigo, the orion experience (but only for cosmiccandy), stevie wonder, sugarloaf, taylor swift, and a lot more!
Favorite Song: oh gosh i have so many, but for now i'll say: treacherous by taylor swift
Most Listened to Song Lately: we built this city on rock and roll by starship
Song Currently Stuck in my Head: the day before you came by abba
Five Favorite Lyrics:
just. the entirety of treacherous by taylor swift.
dress in love, she lives for life to be / green-eyed lady feels life i never see (green-eyed lady by sugarloaf)
address the letters to the holes in my butterfly wings / and when the clouds won't iron out / when the monsters creep into your house / well, i hope you know how proud i am you were created (hope ur ok by olivia rodrigo)
the autumn chill that wakes me up / you loved the amber skies so much / long limbs and frozen swims / you'd always go past where our feet could touch / and i complained the whole way there / the car ride back and up the stairs / i should've asked you questions / i should've asked you how to be / asked you to write it down for me / should've kept every grocery store receipt / cause every scrap of you would be taken from me / watched as you signed your name marjorie / all your closets of backlogged dreams / and how you left them all to me / what died didn't stay dead / what died didn't stay dead / you're alive, you're alive in my head / and if i didn't know better / i'd think you were singing to me now (marjorie by taylor swift)
hey, look up / you don't have to be a ghost / here among the living / you are flesh and blood / and you deserve to be loved / and you deserve what you are given (third eye by florence + the machine)
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or quiet volume | slow or fast songs | music video or lyric video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on
Favorite Book Genre: niche non-fiction! and fic <3
also gonna add my Favorite Fic Tropes/Tags: hurt/comfort, slow burn, fake dating, roomates au, there was only one bed!, college au, enemies to lovers, idiots (pining) to idiots (togther), established relationship, sports au, royalty au, fantasy au, friends to lovers, and many more!
Favorite Writers: marguerite bennett
Favorite Fic Writers: ayeti, bigmamallama5, coffeeshib, drfitzmonster, ekingston, jazzfordshire, littlemousejelly, lovedandliked, robie, searidings, shipsandglitter, takarter, wtfoctagon, you_get_to_exhale_now_cyrus, zedpm, and so many more!!
Favorite Books: the poet x by elizabeth acevedo, 1984 by george orwell, rebecca by daphne du murier
Favorite Book Series: the babysitters club by ann m martin, the mother-daughter book club by heather vogel frederick, mercy watson by kate dicamillo
Comfort Book: robie's wedding date au
Perfect Book to Read on a Rainy Day: jazz's 70s au
Favorite Characters: the second mrs de winter (rebecca), mercy watson (mercy watson)
Five Quotes From Your Favorite Books:
mi boca no puede escribir una bandera blanca, nunca será un verso de biblio. mi boca no puede formarse el lamento que tú dices tú y dios merecen. tú dices que todo esto es culpa de mi boca. porque tenía hambre, porque era callada. pero, ¿y la boca tuya? cómo tus labios son grapas que me perforan rápido y fuerte. y las palabras que nuna dije quedan mejor muertas en mi lengua porque solamente hubieran chocado contra la puerta cerrado de tu espalda. tu silencio amuelba una casa oscura. pero aun que riesgo de quemarse, la maripose nocturna siempre busca la luz. (the poet x by elizabeth acevedo)
but if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought. (1984 by george orwell)
but by degrees the flood of music drove all speculations out of his mind. it was as though it were a kind of liquid stuff that poured all over and got mixed up with the sunlight that filtered through the leaves. he stopped thinking and merely felt. the girl's waist in the bend of his arm was soft and warm. he pulled her round so that they were breast to breast; her body seemed to melt into his. wherever his hands moved it was as yielding as water. their mouths clung together. (1984)
but you could not have pure love or pure lust nowadays. no emotion was pure...their embrace had been a battle, the climax a victory. it was a blow struck against the party. it was a political act. (1984) (this quote is so gay lol.)
he did not stir, because julia was sleeping with her head in the crook of his arm. most of her makeup had transferred itself to his own face or bolster, but a light stain of rouge still brought out the beauty of her cheekbone. a yellow ray from the sinking sun fell across the foot of the bed and lighted up the fireplace, where the water in the pan was boiling fast. down in the yard the woman had stopped singing, but the faint shouts of children floated in from the street. he wondered vaguely whether in the abolished past it had been a normal experience to lie in bed like this, in the cool of a summer evening, a man and a woman with no clothes on, making love when they choose, talking of what they choose, not feeling any compulsion to get up, simply lying there and listening to peaceful sounds outside. (1984)
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | read at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature | listening to music while reading or in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVs | judging by the covers or by summaries | rereading or just once
Favorite TV/Movie Genre: .........ones with actractive actors...
Favorite Movies: pretty woman, muppets from space
Comfort Movie: i don't really watch movies that often lol. i find them hard to get into since they're so short
Movie You Watch Every Year: the year without a santa claus
Favorite TV Shows: supergirl, batwoman, legends of tomorrow, parks and rec, the good place, veronica mars, andi mack, diary of a future president, arthur, word girl, closer to truth, martha speaks, cyberchase, curious george, the king of queens, and probably more that i'm forgetting!
Comfort TV Show: the king of queens, arthur, parks and rec
Most Rewatched TV Show: the king of queens, martha speaks, word girl, cyberchase, parks and rec
Five Favorite Characters:
kara zor-el
veronica mars
leslie knope
zari tomaz
lena luthor
tv shows or movies | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging | one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on or off | rewatching or watching just once | downloads or watches online
this was really fun to do fhsdhfkd. tagging anyone who wants to try this!
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returningwriter · 4 years
A Night at the Lux
So this was posted before over on AO3 but because I don’t think I’ll be able to post much here today I present to you my weird little Supergirl/Lucifer crossover to tide you Tumblr folks over. Roll the intro hype!
"...Kara Zor-El what is it that you truly desire?”
A short and sweet story wherein Kara, while on assignment for CatCo in Los Angeles, finds herself at a nightclub called Lux and draws the attention of its annoyingly charming owner. There will be admissions of desires, singing and Kara deciding to stop being so weak about confronting Lena. Supergirl is about to dance with the Devil.
“You... at the end of all things, I thought about you..."
All in all, Kara felt that this trip to Los Angeles had been a roaring success and there had not been a single Supergirl emergency that required her attention. CatCo had sent her to cover a video-game convention something she had jumped at the chance to do. Especially after the last few months being one disaster after another. 
The Red Daughter and the dark mirror she’d been forced to stare into. The Crisis and carrying the burden of hope as Oliver had sacrificed his life for the multiverse and then coming back from that with Lena still hating her freaking guts thanks to Lex’s machinations and her own stupidity. It had been a rough year, even by her standards and she'd fought World Killers and evil Nazi Doppelgangers.
It hadn’t been all doom and gloom though, the Crisis and the following universal reboot meant that Kate and Barry were now only a phone call away and she had more masked friends than ever before with Nia and Brainy around. Alex was happy with Kelly and her extended family was strong even though it was missing a key member. None of that was the reason why she was in a nightclub called Lux with some of the reporters that had been covering the convention. No, she was here due to good old-fashioned peer pressure.
Truth be told, this place wasn’t her scene at all, she was a dive bar kind of girl and this place well it was too loud and glitzy. People watching from her safe spot in the corner while sipping her virgin Virgin Mary she counted down the minutes until she could go back to her hotel room.
Watching the club's patrons dance and drink the night away while wondering why there was a grand piano in a nightclub did take her mind of Lena though. Now, by her estimations, it was two more hours of this. Then she could make her exit without offending her peers and get back to the hotel to mope in private.
“Now I know every regular that comes through my doors, but I don’t think I’ve seen you before,” a British accented voice said and when she looked up she was faced with what could best be described as a tall, dark and handsome man in a black suit with piercing eyes. How she had not heard him approach her private corner? She thought before she found herself strangely compelled to explains why she was here.
“I’m not from around here, actually, I’m in town on business but would really love to be back on the couch at home and... why am I telling you this?” she asked as the words fell out of her mouth and on a hunch she used her x-ray vision to be sure that this wasn’t an alien. But what she saw confused her more than anything. Because upon using her enhanced senses, he appeared like a glowing being of light.
“It’s a gift, people always seem to want to tell me things, Lucifer, Morningstar,” the man introduced himself while taking a seat across from her.
“Kara Zor… Kara Danvers,” she said almost saying Kara Zor-El before finding the willpower to resist the man’s annoyingly soothing voice and piercing gaze.
“Oh, you’re impressive Miss Danvers,” he laughed, and she wished she’d paid more attention to when Eliza had been trying to teach her about Earth religions because that name was so familiar.
“Lena doesn’t seem to think so, she thinks I’m downright vile right now,” she said and that was it. Who was this being? Because he, sure as heck wasn’t human or alien and she sure as heck didn’t need her mind probed right now. Especially by some smooth-voiced club owner and she felt anger and rage rising in her chest.
“What are you?” she demanded with a bit more steel to her voice while letting the mask of Kara Danvers, good-natured reporter, slip.
“Oh, hello there, I must say this whole duality of being you got going on here is very interesting, Kara Zor-El, and I told you already my name is Lucifer Morningstar,” he laughed and greeted her again.
“As in the Judeo-Christian devil? The one that fell?” she asked in disbelieve when it finally clicked, but she'd always been more of a science guild girl herself anyways ever since she was a kid on Krypton and Krypton didn't really have a devil analog in their pantheons aside from Vohc the Breaker.
“The one and only and you look like one Constantine’s little friends, you know... one of those cape-wearing demi-gods that popped up after that little universal merger the other day,” he replied without any hint of not being serious while waving off the Crisis like it was just another Tuesday.
“How… how do you know all this?” she demanded and drained her Virgin Mary in one big gulp while her mind tried to process who she was sitting across from. Rao help her, not even going out clubbing albeit against her will could be simple.
“Let’s call it my unique outlook on the world, now Kara Zor-El what is it that you truly desire?” he asked and again those eyes bore down on her with the weight of ages behind them.
“I… want…” she stated saying through gritted teeth as she fought tooth and nail against what she wanted to admit. It was like a mental block, she knew what she wanted, but three years of denial wasn't easily overcome.
“Oh, this is fun, humans usually come right out and blurt out their darkest desires right away. I must admit, I haven’t had to work this hard for a confession in ages,” he laughed and clapped his hands together with unbridled glee.
“I want Lena Luthor! Now get out of my head Vohc!” she roared out switching from English to Kryptonian as she tore off her glasses and flashed her heat-vision at the insufferable being in front of her.
“My, my, my, that is a lot of pent up rage and emotions,” he chuckled and got to his feet seemingly satisfied with having gotten her to confess her desire for Lena.
“I want… Lena,” she whispered to herself while looking down at her hands and all of a sudden, memories of every touch, every gesture and every shared look between her and the raven-haired beauty came flooding back.
“How about a song? I bet you have a wonderful singing voice Miss Zor-El,” the infuriating devil, well literal Devil, asked her and offered her his hand.
Glaring up at him, with half a mind to fry him with a blast of heat-vision but judging from his personality he’d probably like that. Screw it, she thought to herself and took his hand with as much force as she could, which to her considerable pleasure made him wince.
“The Devil Went Down to Georgia, I assume you know it?” she asked with a smirk as he slithered behind the grand piano and then the club went oddly silent.
“Cheeky… I like it,” the Devil laughed and started gliding his fingers over the black and whites keys of the piano.
Devil Went Down to Georgia, sung with gusto, gave way to All Along the Watchtower at Lucifer’s request which then slipped into Moon River before her requesting that they sing Running Home To You which she had sung at Barry’s wedding. By this point, some of her colleagues from the other outlets had started filming the impromptu concert on their phones but she paid them no heed. This was fun and Lucy wasn't half-bad on the piano or when it came to singing.
“This next song is for a very special girl, her name is Lena,” she said softly before launching into Total Eclipse of the Heart and when the notes died down Lucifer was looking at her with something akin to sympathetic sadness. While she was pretty sure she was crying as she took off her glasses and placed them on the piano.
“It isn't simply a desire that you feel for this Lena is it?” he asked her as she looked around the club, then down at him before giving a small smile and shaking her head.
"Well providing distractions is something I'm very good at, how about another song, something more upbeat? We make a pretty good duet you know," the said with a devilish grin.
“Yeah, we do, but you for the record are still a jerk,” she said and accepted another drink from a passing waitress who was kinda cute and this drink wasn't virginal at all, no she was pretty sure this one fucked.
“Then let's do another song, what will it be?” he asked without missing a beat and she grinned at him thankful for the distraction and for some reason this particular cocktail was working freaking wonders for her.
“Piano Man! Scoot over!” she exclaimed and the groan and the look of horror on his face made the lame suggestion so totally worth it as she sat down next to him.
“Oh, you play too?” he asked sounding impressed and gave up the keys to her for which she flashed him a beaming smile.
“Didn't you know? I’m all sorts of impressive... Lucy,” she assured him with a tipsy giggle.
The night passed in a blur of drinks, music, dancing and an impromptu bar brawl when someone got too handsy with one of the cute waitresses. Thus, both her and her new best friend, the Devil, had stepped in to settle things. With her being a bit tipsy she might have gotten a bit too excited but Lucy assured that the hole in the wall could easily be patched up. Along with the handsy bro she'd thrown through the wall
"Your waitresses are all so cute!" she giggled with her glasses off and forgotten on top of the grand piano as they danced together. Oh yes, she was tipsy, potentially drunk and dancing with the Devil, but she was having the best time without any expectations weighing her down.
"And you are very drunk Miss Zor-El," he laughed and twirled her around before letting her go but he made sure she bumped into one of the said cute waitresses.
"Hi I'm Kara... you're like super cute!" she giggled to the waitress and the girl in a very short dress actually smiled back at her.
"And I'm... off the clock," the girl said with a grin before taking her hands and placing them firmly on her hips. Oh, this was new and she kinda liked it.
When she woke up the next day, she was back in her hotel room and thankfully by herself although that waitress had been cute, her endgame was Lena. Cracking her eye open to see that on the nightstand there was an apple and a bottle of water along with a handwritten note that read: You’re heavier then you look, come back for an encore anytime. L. p.s. Emily says hi
“Of course… an apple,” she chuckled but that made her head hurt. What had been in those drinks she wondered as she picked up the apple and took a bite. By Rao it was delicious, but then again Lucy would know a thing or two about apples.
Then she made the mistake of looking at her phone and to say it was blowing up would have been an understatement. Barry, Kate, Alex, Kelly, Nia, Brainy, Eliza, and even J’onn had messaged her while she slept. What had she done? What had she texted?
“Not good…” she muttered to herself as she checked the first message which was from Barry along with a link to a video.
Can’t believe you had a concert without me! I thought we were Super Friends and isn’t Lena that girl who hates you though? The message read and she clicked the link with a sense of dread.
“This next song is for a very special girl, her name is Lena,” she heard herself saying before Lucifer started playing the first few bars to Total Eclipse of the Heart.
Watching the video it was clear as day from her body language and singing how special Lena was to her and while this was a good thing, she did want the greeny-eyed genius, she hadn’t intended for her singing to the absent beauty to become quite so public.
“Oh shiitake-mushrooms!” she cursed and opened the message from Kate which was not as, let’s say, tactfully put as Barry’s.
So how was Narnia? Also how come I didn’t know you could sing sunshine? So much for me being a detective I guess. Call me if you need to talk the text from her cowled friend in Gotham read followed by a winky face and she wanted to crawl under the covers and die.
Love you and I’m here when you need to talk the message from Alex read. It was in a reply from one she'd sent at 4 AM which read, I'm bi or maybe pan and drunk and dancing with a girl! Don't tell Lena!?! and she smiled despite how gosh-darned awkward this all was.
The rest of her friends' messages were more along the lines of lovably mocking in their comments or outright praising her performance, but the one person who hadn’t texted her was Lena. Not that she’d had a text from the former CEO in ages anyways.
“I want Lena,” she repeated what she’d confessed to Lucifer the night before to herself and it still rang true in her heart and mind.
But if last night had taught her anything, it was that she didn’t just want to be friends with Lena again. No, she wanted to fly there and kiss the stubborn woman senseless after talking some sense into her thick skull. They’d both made mistakes but for Rao's sake, they weren’t teenagers.
Thinking about how to best approach getting to Lena as she munched on her apple before rolling off the bed. Giving a loud groan before gabbing the water bottle and chugging it to try to relieve her hangover because whatever was in the drinks at Lux wasn’t of this Earth that was for sure. Then a hot shower and room-service by an open window with the sun on her skin took care of the rest of her hangover.
Making the tactical decision of ignoring her phone, aside from sending a thank you text to Alex and sending ones that read something to the effect of; I’ll get you next time you do something stupid to Barry and Kate. It was almost time to leave the safety of the hotel room, so she packed up her carry-on and got on the flight back home. Of course, she would have preferred to fly home under her own power but CatCo was paying for her tickets and it would look weird if she didn’t use them.
Admittedly, the radio silence while on the plane was a welcome diversion too because it gave her time to think and to plan out her next moves. Getting Lana to see that she was truly sorry would require more than moping around like some heartbroken teenager, she was Kara Zor-El for Rao’s sake and it was time to act like it. Once she landed in National City, she headed straight for the nearest place to change into her Supergirl suit.
Lena would still be at work of course but that meant that she had time to put her plan into action. Drawing in a deep breath before taking off towards the sky she rose higher and higher until she broke free of the bonds of Earth. Her destination was a small asteroid, though covered in eons worth of dust it was in fact made of a special type of crystal and she needed one. Cutting a piece from the astroid using her heat-vision, she turned the crystal over in her hands and inspected it, this would do nicely.
Looking at the stars and then to the Sun, she smiled, feeling the rays of the yellow sun kiss her skin. Lena was her Sun, and she's been in an eclipse for far too long. It was well overdue she fixed that.
Returning from near-Earth space, she crashed through Earth’s atmosphere on course for the Fortress of Solitude. Lena had been here not so long ago and even in the cold of the Artic the woman had been stunning and she swore that one day she would bring her back here. Shaking away her day-dreams, she took her freshly harvested crystal and plugged it into one of the pillar style consoles that dotted the Fortress.
“Format this crystal and download all data on Krypton to it along with all information on my personal history,” she instructed the Fortress’s system and the crystal started pulsating with a faint blue light.
While the crystal was being prepared, she started zooming around the fortress, constructing a small device that would be able to read and display the information on the crystal. Combing information in the Fortress’s archives with her own living knowledge from Krypton the small metallic device took shape.
“Data upload complete Kara Zor-El,” the Fortress droned and the crystal now pulsating with blue light popped out of the console.
“Thank you,” she said slipped it into the reader she’d constructed. The entirety of Krypton’s history flashed before her along with her own family’s history.
Time for the final steps of her plan. Flying back to National City she stopped at a cute little stationery store while in full costume. There she bought a card and a box along with some red ribbon. The star-truck cashier was very helpful and as a matter of fact, so was the florist across the street when she asked him for a single longstemmed red rose.
It was getting dark so Lena would be back home by now and she had everything ready. The gift was wrapped, the card was written, and the rose would indicate that this wasn’t just a friendly gesture, she hoped. Taking another one of those deep breaths she flew to Lena’s apartment and landed gently on her balcony.
Through the glass, she could see the raven-haired beauty bent over her laptop with her hair up in a tight ponytail and wearing a blue dress minus the heels. If there ever had been any doubt about her wanting Lena, the sight of the raven-haired goddess working dispelled those doubts like the first rays of the sun when they hit the morning dew. She wanted Lena with all her Kryptonian heart but she had to approach this carefully.
“Here goes nothing,” she said to herself and knocked on the glass while hiding the gifts behind her back.
The knocking made Lena jump and then frown at the sight of her but she was used to being frowned at by now. Waving through the window, she watched the woman walk across her apartment and slide the door open.
“Kara I…” Lena started saying no doubt going to ask her to leave but this wasn’t about being nice or polite, she had something to say and she wasn’t going to be stopped or sent away. Supergirl didn't back down from a challenge or a fight and this was a fight for the most precious thing in her life.
“Lena, all I ask is that you listen to me and then I’ll go,” she said with as much authority as she could muster while being in the presence of Lena like this.
“Very well, speak then,” Lena said with a raised eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest.
“I messed up badly and I know that I’ve told you that before, but last night in L.A. I realized something and well these are for you,” she said and pulled the long-stemmed rose and wrapped gift from behind her back.
Lena looked at the rose and the small white box with the red bow and then back up at her. The look of confusion on that beautiful pale face was clear as day and she smiled back at her friend while holding out the gifts silently begging her to take them.
“I want to make amends for not telling you about... well everything, so this is everything,” she said and slowly Lena reached out and took the rose and then the small box.
“Everything?” the ever-curious raven-haired beauty asked and pulled the ribbon of the box to open it. The crystal pulsed when the box was opened bathing Lena's face in ethereal blue light.
“That crystal holds the entirety of Krypton’s history and knowledge and everything about me. It’s who I was and who I am, Kara Zor-El, everything,” she said softly, and it felt like she was introducing herself to Lena for the first time.
“The rose, it’s a thank you and something I should have given you a long time ago. A thank you... for filling my office with flowers back when we met... for buying CatCo and for believing in me and letting me be myself... for letting me write my Pulitzer winning article at your desk… for well everything,” she said stopping herself before going on too long and smiled at Lena again with hope in her heart because those memories were among her most cherished.
“Kara, what are you saying?” Lena asked in a moment of genuine confusion from the usually on-top of things woman followed by dawning realization.
“I’m saying that I get it now and that I want to start over again but do it right this time,” she said and leaned in placing a kiss on Lena’s cheek as softly as she could. Hold it together Danvers, she reminded herself, you're here on the hope that she will hear you out
“You… can’t just do that... not after…” Lena protested but didn’t push her away and Rao she smelled good.
“I am sorry, I will keep telling you that I’m sorry until the end of the universe. But Lena, I’ve seen the end and you want to know who I thought about when all seemed lost? What gave me hope? ” she asked and looked deep into those Kryptonite green eyes.
“No... please...” Lena tried to refuse but with her voice choking up and she could see fear flashing in those lovely green-eyes as those red lips trembled.
“You... at the end of all things, I thought about you and how I would never get the chance to see you again... to say I'm sorry again... to hold you again,” she spoke in almost a whisper with her lips almost touching Lena’s ear.
“You’re… not playing fair Kara,” Lena whispered back and she felt Lena's hand on her arm. They were the shaking hand of someone who was overwhelmed and afraid but she was getting through to her, she knew it.
“I’m telling you the whole truth. What you decide to do with it is up to you and when you want to talk things out I’ll be ready,” she said and as much as she wanted to kiss Lena right there and then, they weren’t there yet.
After a moment of silence with Lena holding onto her arm, she turned away while wiping away a tear and she got ready to fly off. Lena would need time to think and analyze as she always did but she’d said her piece and made her peace offering. But before she could go, Lena, pulled at her cape.
“Stay...” Lena asked in a very small voice while holding onto a handful of her cape and she smiled her happiest smile at the raven-haired woman who had always been the one. She knew that now.
“Only if you want me too,” she replied and turned around with Lena not letting go of her cape which pulled them dangerously close together. It was only when Lena started touching her cheek that thinking became very hard.
“I want you to stay… you’re not off the hook yet, but you’ve raised some interesting points that we need to explore,“ Lena said with her voice slowly gaining some of that confidence that she so loved and there was that smirk. That gosh-darned smirk and she felt herself melting inside from the look she was being given.
“That’s why I came... oh and in the name of full disclosure, there is a video online you should watch... then we can talk all night long if you want,” she said as she felt a small blush creeping into her cheeks. The Lena problem was not solved, not fully, but progress had been made and progress was something she could work with.
"Is that a promise... come on darling let's watch this embarrassing video of you, together," Lena said with her voice sounding husky and wait was she teasing her? It sounded like Lena Luthor was teasing her, then those ruby-red lips were pressed against her cheek and there was that kapow that Winn had told her about all those years ago. From just a kiss on the cheek, she felt those elusive fireworks go off and she allowed herself to be led into Lena's apartment for a long night of talking. Hope had been restored with a little help from the Devil.
Want to find out what happens next look right over HERE!
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fernwehbookworm · 4 years
Woke The F*ck Up- Chapter 23
April 26th, 2018
Instead of flying back to London, Lena books her and Kara first class tickets back to National City. Kara was probably the best distraction Lena could have right now. They were able to settle in the large chairs and have breakfast while everyone else was boarding. Kara quested a movie on their private viewing screens. Kara was shocked to learn Lena had never seen Fight Club. Kara excitedly started explaining the plot and then quoting lines along with the actors. About halfway through Lena leans over and whispers in the ear that Kara doesn't have the earbud in.
“Is this even realistic? I mean, who would start something like that? And then it just spirals into crazier and crazier things.”
Kara shifts slightly in her seat before clearing her throat. Nervously, she rubs her hand on her jeans and makes a face. Lena watches her fidget and raises an eyebrow at her and that seems to make Kara settle.
“I actually, may have, slightly, joined a Fight Club-like thing.” Kara says softly, not to be overheard by the wandering flight attendants or the other passengers.
“You what?!” Lena says a little too loudly, causing heads to turn.
“You what?” She whispers harshly.
“I...I was in a pretty dark place, Lee. I mean I know you didn’t cope with the break up well, and you know I started drinking. It was just something stupid I did. Most of the money I didn’t need for bills went to charities.” Kara pleads with Lena to understand. Lena sits there and stares blankly at the movie.
“You, the vigilante superhero, went to underground fight clubs, for money,” Lena says slowly. Kara bites her lip and nods.
“Wow… I mean… wow. I don’t really know what to say. That’s… wow. Were you good? I mean of course, you were good. I’m sorry, I don’t know what to do with this information.” Lena sits back in her sit and furrows her brow. Kara chuckles softly.
“I was very good. Undefeated, in fact. But Alex found out and flipped, then she dragged me to therapy and I never went back.”
“Aren’t you afraid of repercussions. I mean those things are like really illegal. The people who run them don’t like people just walking away.”
“Nah, I was careful. I always wore a mask. Not the Powergirl one. This one covered the lower half of my face like a ski mask.” Kara pops some more cashews in her mouth, relieved to get that off her chest.
“I never got jokes about airplane food. I mean I guess I never had it before you but this is great!” Kara pops some cut fruit in her mouth and hums contentedly.
“Darling, it’s first class. Of course, the food is good. Are we really just blowing past the illegal fight club?”
“There’s really not much else to say. I mean I did it, won a lot, then I quit. Did you need to talk about it more? Sorry, that wasn’t supposed to sound sarcastic. Really, if you need to talk about it more then please let me know. I just promised I wouldn’t keep secrets anymore so I thought you should know.”
“No, you’re right. I guess there really isn’t anything to talk about. It was just a shock I guess. And you’re sure no one will know?” “I’m positive.” Kara settles back in her seat to watch the end of her movie. Lena just stares blankly as she processes this new information. Somehow it all made sense in all the crazy that had become Lena’s life. Lena flags down the flight attendant for a whiskey and a pen and paper. She had to clear her head in the best way she knew how.
Once back on the ground it was easy for the pair to grab their carry-ons and Lena to rent a car. In no time they were at the nearest five-star hotel and Lena was checking in under an assumed name. Kara immediately crashes on the couch, complaining of jet lag, and Lena gathers some stuff to take a shower. By the time she finishes, Kara is snoring softly on the couch. Lena smiles softly at the sight before grabbing an extra blanket from the closet and draping it over Kara. The bed calls her away from the peaceful sight as her eyelids grow heavy.
The next thing Lena is aware of is Kara gently shaking her shoulder. She’s still dressed in the clothes from the day before. Lena peers at the alarm clock on the nightstand and groans as it reads four-fifteen.
“Hey, Lee. I’m going to take a Lift to the gym, I have to teach a class. Also, there is a tournament tonight that I have to finish getting ready. Just text me later.” Kara whispers softly. Lena can barely register the words but nods and grunts. She’s already falling back asleep when she thinks she feels Kara’s lips pressed to her forehead but she can’t even be sure or react before she’s deeply buried into sleep again.
Lena doesn't rouse until nearly eleven. Her new assistant had sent a personal shopper out to get Lena clothes for her and her impromptu trip after Lena had asked Eve to book the tickets. The sharp knocking woke her and she stumbled to the door to let the preppy blonde in. She dropped the arm full of bags while Lena went to grab cash to tip her.
“Is there workout clothes in there?” Lena asks.
“Yes, Miss Luthor. Miss Tessmacher mentioned that you have been frequenting The Power House when in National City.”
“Perfect. Thank you…”
“Haley” The woman supplies.
“Thank you, Haley. I’ll let you know if I need anything else.”
“Anything Miss Luthor. I am a huge fan.” Lena smiles and nods as she goes through her normal reactions to those statements.
“Thank you. Oh, but Haley, please don’t tell anyone I’m here.”
“Of course Miss Luthor, we all sign non-disclosures due to who we shop for.”
“Good to know.” Lena waits and her eyes flick from Haley to the door and back.
“Oh, right. Yes. Goodbye Miss Luthor. Let me know if you need anything.”
Haley disappears back out the door and Lena begins to sort through the clothing. Lena made a mental note to send another tip to the girl because she did a wonderful job. Lena sends a text off to Kara that she’s up and then begins to get dressed. She receives an enthusiastic reply to come to the gym when she's ready. Lena just laughs and shakes her head at the absurd amount of emojis, and how much she missed seeing them on her screen.
In twenty-five minutes Lena is walking in the front door to the Power House and it is chaos. Very few people are actually working out. Most stand in groups talking and laughing. It looks like the crowd is spilling out from The Box. Through the doors, Lena can glimpse a boxing ring set up.
“Hey Miss Luthor,” the girl at the desk says. Lena recognizes her from last time.
“Hi, Taylor. Where’s Kara?”
“I went ahead and checked you in and Coach K is through all that trying to get the tournament started. Good Luck.” Taylor waves Lena through the crowd and Lena groans. Taylor just laughs and then helps the next person check in.
Lena struggles through the growing crowd of hot, sweating bodies to reach The Box. It takes a good five minutes to reach the door and another five to reach Kara. She stands on a raised platform with a table and a giant bracket behind her, concentrating hard and sending her employees scattering to one task or another. Lena smiles as she watches Kara just be in her element. She also feels slightly aroused at the way Kara commands the chaos around her. Bright blue eyes lock on Lena and it steals her breath away. Then Kara smiles and Lena’s feet carry her forward.
“This is insane!” Lena yells over the chatter.
“Yeah! But it’s great! We hit our fundraising goal an hour ago and we haven't even started yet.” Kara shouts back.
“That’s great! But what is all this for? You never told me?”
“Oh, right!” Kara hops off the platform to stand next to Lena instead of leaning over her. Kara stands closer than normal so she doesn't have to shout but it makes Lena’s breathing a little shallow.
“This is an Ameture fighting tournament. We are raising money for a scholarship to send a student in need to college, full ride, to Nation City University. Winner still gets five-thousand dollars. We already made enough for the yet-to-be-determined student’s first year. That was the goal and now we have a head start on the second year. Tomorrow the applications open up and Winn and I will be working with a couple of admissions officers to sort through them.”
“Wow Kara, that is amazing!”
“I know, I am so pumped. The winner also gets a chance to fight me At the end. But now, I need to get things started. You can go sit with Winn if you want or in the bleachers. If your hungry there are concessions being sold in that corner. Enjoy the show.” Maybe it was adrenaline, or a lapse in judgment, or something, but Kara kissed Lena on the cheek before disappearing into the crowd and climbing into the ring, pulling a mic from her back pocket and turning it on. Lena is frozen in shock and she gets light headed as she forgets to breathe.
“Lena! Come on, have a seat. It’s one of the best in the house.” Winn calls to her from where he reclines in his own seat. Lena swallows hard and nods.
“Actually, I’m going to go grab a hat from Kara’s office. I’ll be right back.”  Lena weaves her way back through the crowd, Listening as Kara begins her announcements.
“Welcome Ladies and Gentleman and Everyone in between!” A loud roar makes Kara pause. Lena slips into the office and grabs one of the Power House ball caps Kara keeps in there and makes her way back after pulling it snug over her head.
“I would like to personally welcome you all to the Power House!” Another roar.
“Before I get us started, I want you to all know, we have reached this year's goal but please do not stop you from donating! We are want to continue to build this scholarship up!” Stamping feet join the cacophony of noise. Lena jumps up next to Winn on the scoreboard platform.
“Now, without further ado, our first match up! Okay, I’m sorry, a little further ado, just for the general public knowledge. There are no Men’s and Women’s categories today. Points are based on form and execution, not hits. Not knockouts. This is an educational gym and these are first time fighters. So please take it, easy folks, this is a charity event. Now our first fighters. Jumpin’ Judy in the red corner is squaring up against Slammin’ Sara in the blue. Let’s make some noise!” Kara grins so wide Lena thinks it must hurt. Kara leaves the ring and the referee takes her place and the two women take their corners. Kara takes a seat next to Lena.
“Don’t you have to judge or whatever?” Lena asks.
“Nah, see over there,” Kara points to a table on the other side of the room that Lena had missed, “Those are my four of my coaches. They are doing the scoring. I get too invested sometimes. Best if I don’t judge.”
The bell dings and cuts off any further conversation. Lena watches as Kara is immediately absorbed into the fight. Lena watches as her eyes focus intently and she sits forward. Kara is in her element. After one particular hit Kara turns to Len to share her excitement and sees the raven-haired woman staring at her.
“Nothing,” Lena shakes her head. “I just don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this. The more I learn about you the more I realize how shallow our relationship was.” Kara’s expression softens.
“We just had limitations before, that’s all. It’s like one of those Zero Entry pools. We walked in but didn’t get much past our knees before the whistle was blown for a break. Now we have a chance to actually go swimming when we’re ready.”
“Right. When We are ready.” Lena confirms, a cheer erupts and Kara refocuses on the match.
The rest of the day is filled with Kara cheering for both sides of every match, the noise becomes a constant buzz as Lena listens to Kara’s sideline coaching. Lena cheers with the crowd and makes idle chatter with Winn as Kara is constantly out of her seat to put out one fire or another.
“All right, this is the last match. Then I fight the winner. I need to go change but sit tight.” Kara bounces back over in giddy excitement that makes Lena smile.
“I’m not going anywhere,” Lena says in a voice just the right side of sultry. Kara blushes and nods before bouncing away again.
“So, when is the elephant in the room going to be addressed?” Winn asks.
“It’s been addressed, but we are just leaving it there for now. We are taking it slow this time.” The bell rings and the final match begins. Somehow the room grows even louder. All of it is hard to follow for Lena. Punches fly and most land in one shade or another. Both the competitors are on their fourth match and the weariness shows. Blocks are sluggish and the footwork looks less sure. But that is just the big stuff that Lena has picked up from hearing Kara talk all day. At the end of the three minutes, the bell rings and the final score is tallied. The judges tell the referee and Kara arrives back on stage, changed into an outfit similar to the one she wore in the first fight Lena watched. Lena’s breath catches at the sight of those abs and the pure confidence oozing off of her. Lena tries to subtly cross her legs to ease the feeling shooting through her. The ref holds up the hand of winner, a small but fierce woman named Addison. Kara had told Lena earlier that she was on the police force but loved coming here. Kara took ten percent off her membership every month, she did the same for the rest of the firemen and police who came here to work out.
“Congratulations Addison! You are today’s champion. Now, you can walk away now, or, take a thirty-minute break and take on me! If you get just one successful hit, you and a person of your choosing get a free year-long membership. What do you say?” Kara holds a hand out to Addison for her to shake, the woman takes it.
“You’re on Coach K.,” she says a little out of breath.
Lena resigns herself to at least another forty-five minutes sitting in a plastic chair, but then Kara is in front of her and pulls her away from the platform and Lena quickly forgets the small annoyance of discomfort. Kara laces her fingers in Lena’s and pulls her through the crowd and into her office.
“What are we doing?” Lena laughs.
“I need to warm up, and if I know you at all, you need some quiet.” Kara opens her secret entrance and descends down.
“Kara I’m fine. I am used to loud venues, you know.” Lena laughs but follows anyway.
“Yes, but then you like to hide in your dressing room until the ringing in your ears fades.”
Lena doesn't have a comeback for that. Except that it used to be accompanied by drinking and maybe something more to take the edge off. Instead this time she settles for grabbing water from Kara’s fridge and sitting at Winn’s central command and watching Kara. She starts with a series of stretching, reminding Lena just how flexible the Maiden of Might is. Kara seems oblivious to what she is doing to Lena and engages her in idle conversation.  
“So I was thinking we could go get dinner after this, maybe a movie. Something quite. I mean, I’m a social person but this has been a lot today. I just need to relax.”
“Um, yeah. Sure. Or order in and just watch a movie at my hotel? We can get that Chinese place you love and extra pot stickers.” Kara started to jog around the room.
“Sounds perfect.” Kara starts short sprints bending and touching each line of the five evenly spaced out on one side of the room before sprinting back to the first.
“Is this even a fair fight? I mean you are a professional.” Kara drops to do push-ups, sweat starting to bead on her skin. Lena takes a long drink of water.
“Hey, I’m not heartless, she’ll get her free membership. But it’s good publicity for the gym.” Kara grabs a jump rope and begins a fast-paced rhythm. Lena averts her eyes, this was doing nothing for the rational part of her brain saying to take things slow this time. Luckily, Kara hangs up the rope as Lena finishes the water.
“Ready?” Kara asks.
“Uh, yeah. If you are.”
“I was born Ready,” Kara says with a wink before gesturing for Lena to go back up the stairs.
Some of the crowd has dissipated but it’s still very crowded. People still make way for Kara as she approaches the ring. Lena resumes her perch next to Winn and Kara takes the mic into the ring.
“All right everybody! This is it! I encourage you to record this and share it with friends. This May be Atomic Addy’s debut fight! Here she is, the Winner of the First Annual Power House Power Racket! Atomic Addy!” The woman hops up next to Kara, still slightly flushed but mostly recovered from her previous fight.
Kara hands the mic off to one of her judges and shakes Addison’s hand before the separate to their corners. The referee counts them down before the bell rings.
Addison is wary of Kara, slowly shuffling forwards with her arms in a guard like Kara had taught her. Kara bounces from foot to foot and looks like she’s just talking to Addison, encouraging her, coaching her. But Lena can’t hear through the noise of the crowd. She does see phones held up as people record.
Addison throws one punch that Kara dodges with ease.  Kara says something and Addison squares her shoulders more.
Addison begins a quick series of punches, not going for power anymore, just a quick tap. Kara must have reminded her that she doesn't have to go for a knockout, just one hit. Kara dodges most and deflects the last. Kara takes a slow swing at the other woman’s head and she ducks it. Addison sends an uppercut towards Kara’s stomach but Kara jumps back enough to avoid it. The two women square off again. Kara says one more thing and Addison nods her head in confirmation of something. Lena thinks Kara says something like ‘Give it everything,’ but she can’t be sure. At least until Addison begins firing punch after punch at Kara, each faster than the last, Kara managing to block every one, until a block glances off her hand and hits her shoulder, spinning Kara away and too off balance to block the punch already following to hit her ribs. Kara is quick to recover, hardly phased by the impact, but both fighters still. It’s over. Addison stands painting, hands still up in a guard. Kara drops hers with a laugh and holds out a hand to shake. Addison grins and shakes it to the cheers of the room. As soon as the cheering stops the adrenaline of the day seems to fade and Lena is exhausted. She gets Kara’s attention and points to her office. Kara nods and Lena retreats there. She collapses in Kara’s leather rolling chair and sighs into the quiet.
After a few minutes, she calls the Chinese restaurant so that hopefully it won’t take it too long to get there after they leave, but she left instructions to leave it with the front desk just in case. After another ten minutes, Kara peeks in with a small smile, changed into sweats.
“Ready?” Kara asks.
“Yes, food is ordered.”
“Good, ride is out front.” Kara tosses Lena a helmet, which she just barely manages to catch.
“Don’t you have to clean up?” Lena asks, replacing her hat with the helmet.
“Nah, I promised Scott, Zach, Valerie, and Susan overtime pay to do the cleanup and next Friday off.”
“Oooo, look at you. Delegating like a champ.”
“Hey, I can afford it now. Which is something I don’t think I ever thought possible but between the gym and my art I can pay time and a half to my employees to clean up. And I can go eat food and hang out with my… friend.” Kara hesitates on the term but Lena decides to let it go. For now.
“Sounds great. I’m proud of how far you’ve come, even if you are still basically homeless.” Lena teases.
“Hey! I like it down there, and it is very convenient.” Kara holds the door open for Lena.
“I’m sure it is.” Lena lets Kara get on the bike then climbs on behind her.
“I hear the sarcasm but I’m ignoring it. I have potstickers on my mind.”
“Potstickers? I thought you said Kale.” Lena teases and Kara gasps.
“Don’t tease me, Lena. You ordered potstickers, right? Right?!” Lena just shrugs at Kara’s pleading.
“Maybe, maybe not. You’ll just have to see when we get there.”
“You better hold on then.”
Kara flicks down her visor and kicks the bike into gear. Lena squeals and tightens her arms around Kara’s center. She feels Kara chuckle as she weaves through the traffic.
“Yes, ma’am. I am sure. That is Andromeda. The fighting style matches the little footage we still have of her. Plus Kara Danvers has the background to do it.”
“Excellent. Miss Danvers needs to be taught a lesson. No one just walks away from my fight club.” Roulette sneers. Either the fighters left too broken to continue or moved up in her service. Personal bodyguards, hired hitman, escorts, and the like. Andromeda just disappearing after the amount of money she had taken was like spitting on Roulette's pride. It would not be tolerated.
“Find out where she lives, find out her routine. She will not be easy. Make sure all my best men are available for this.”
“Yes, ma’am.” The man nods his head and exits the room. Roulette settles in her padded chair in the dark back room of the fight club. Everything has to go perfect. Andromeda must be taken by surprise.
April 27th, 2018
Alex was nervous. Her palms were sweating and her stomach was fluttering. Her mouth was dry and she was very aware of her tongue and how it didn’t seem to quite fit between her teeth. She couldn’t believe the text message she received this morning. She paced for about half an hour thinking about how to respond and after responding she went for a very long run just to do something. The day had seemed to stretch out before her like an endless maw until just this moment as she stared at the handle of the bar door. Now the day seemed to collapse in on itself and shrink to the small point of the threshold.
Sam waited on the other side of that door. The woman Alex had a major crush on and hadn’t seen since Lena’s rescue. They did live on different continents and all. But they had texted and called their conversations always edged on the flirty side of suggestive. Well they had slept together once too. And that may be the problem. Alex knew what lay hidden under Sam’s expensive clothes. She had spent hours mapping out her skin with kisses and tracing patterns in a trail of goosebumps. Because Alex knew what that was like she couldn’t stop thinking about it. And she couldn’t stop thinking about why Sam was suddenly in National City.
With a deep breath, Alex squares her shoulders and runs a hand through her hair. She tucks her helmet under her arm and opens the door. Alex scans the room for the woman she came here to meet and finds her in a back corner booth, sipping red wine. As if feeling Alex’s eyes on her, Sam looks up. When their eyes lock, Alex’s breath catches. Then Sam’s lips curl softly in a small smile and Alex is gliding across the room to sit across from her.
“Hello, Alex,” Sam says as she slides into the booth.
“Hey, Sam.” Alex sets her helmet on the seat beside her.
“Aren’t you Danvers sisters a gay dream. With motorcycles and leather jackets. Makes me wonder what’s in the water of that small town you come from.” Sam sips her wine and Alex’s mouth goes dry. Thankfully she is saved from responding by a waitress asking for her drink.
“Whiskey, neat. Thanks.” Alex says and shrugs off Sam’s raised eyebrow.
“So what brings you back to National City?” Alex asks Sam.
“No small talk huh? Well, Ruby is at a two-week long summer camp and Lena was supposed to come home but I received a text yesterday that she had decided to come here instead after the trial. I figured I might as well use up some of my vacation time and come be with my best friend. I also thought I would stop in to see the woman I can’t seem to get out of my head.” Sam says very plainly as she shifts to cross her legs. Alex almost jumps at the feel of a foot stroking her calf under the table. Thankfully, the waitress drops of Alex’s whiskey just in time for her to take a big gulp of the burning liquid.
“Is Lena expecting you anytime soon?” Sam shakes her head slowly.
“No, she doesn't even know I’m here yet.”
“Want to get out of here?” Alex asks.
“Very much so.” Both women polish off their drinks and Alex leaves plenty of cash on the table before grabbing Sam’s hand and eagerly pulling her towards the exit, all her earlier nerves forgotten now that she knows Sam wants her too.
“I think I was too hard on the two of them. Especially Kara.” Sam whispers, her finger tracing patterns on Alex’s stomach, using her chest as a pillow. Alex has one arm wrapped around her while using the other to prop up her own head.
“What do you mean?” Alex feels Sam take a deep breath.
“Back before I met Kara, when she kept canceling on Lena, before we knew what she was doing, I said some not nice things to Lena. About Kara.” Sam pauses and Alex waits patiently for her to continue.
“I said that Kara was just using her for the fame and the free trips and then was bailing because she had her fill of it. I wasn’t supportive at all.” Alex is quite a moment.
“I don’t blame you. You hadn’t met Kara. All you saw was your friend being hurt, over and over. And with Lena’s fame, I’m sure there are probably plenty of people who would do just that. You had to protect her. Do you still feel that way?”
“A little I guess. I mean, I’ve met her now and she's like this ray of sunshine. But I still worry that she’ll build Lena up again to tear it all away again. Maybe its the mother in me. I don’t know. I want to support them. I do. But that doesn't stop the worrying.”
“I constantly worry about Kara. It never stops. She went to a dark place after everything with Lena. She’s had the darkness buried deep in her for a long time, since her parents, and then my dad, she buried it deep. Now I worry it’s too close to the surface. My only comfort is that they are doing it right this time. Taking it slow and getting help from Kara’s therapist.”
“That is true. But the way Lena has been talking, I think they will snap soon. Like pulling a rubber band further apart until it either breaks or springs back together. Hopefully, it’s the springing back together.” Sam’s hand has been slowly tracing lower and lower as she and Alex spoke, unaware of the fact until she feels Alex’s breath shorten and feels the soft tufts of hair just peeking out from the sheet.
“Can we...umm… stop talking about my sister now?” Alex swallows hard.
“Hmmm, thinking of ways we can spring together?” Sam teases. Alex rolls over and immediately begins to kiss her way downwards.
“You have no idea,” Alex growls out.
“Show me.”
April 28th, 2018
“Babe, hurry up! We are supposed to meet Kara and Lena in ten minutes!” Sam calls from the kitchen island, waiting for Alex to choose the right leather jacket to go with her all black outfit, something Sam had already teased her about.
“D-did you just call me babe?” Alex peeks her head out from her closet.
“Suppose I did. Is that a problem?”
“N-n-no. No, of course not. Just seems like a couple-y thing to do. Something maybe we should talk about?” Alex pulls a jacket from the closet and walks toward the woman who is looking fantastic in borrowed clothes.
“Maybe, but I also am not ready to have a conversation like that. But your reaction to ‘Babe’ is too good to pass up on.”
“Is it the same at how turned on I am to you in my shirt?”
“Probably.” Sam settles her arms on Alex’s shoulders as Alex’s settle on her hips. Alex leans in for a kiss, only to be stopped by a hand on her chest.
“We are going to be so late if I let you kiss me,” Sam whispers.
“Ugh, fine. But I will try and bring you home with me tonight.”
“Well, Miss Danvers, I don’t just go home with anyone.”
“Oh, you want to be wooed? I can woo. Us Danvers are natural charmers.”
“Now that, I can believe. Come on. Let’s go. Lena is going to kill me for being late.”
Lena did not kill Sam for being late. She was too engrossed in how Kara stood behind her, one hand on her hip, the other guiding her hand, as Kara showed her how to throw darts. Lena is trying to pay attention to Kara’s words, she really is, but Kara’s breath on the back of her neck raises goosebumps and makes Lena shiver.
“That was great!” Kara exclaims and a spattering of clapping pulls Lena’s attention away from the joy in Kara’s eyes.
“Well done, you just may be able to beat me next time.” Sam teases.
“Sam!” Lena rushes to hug her friend, Sam laughs and squeezes her back.
“It’s good to see you too Lena.”
“I’m so glad you came.”
“Me too.”
“Okay- you, me, shots.” Lena drags Sam towards the bar to catch up with her best friend. Tonight they had no worries about tomorrow and Lena was going to take advantage. Alex watches Sam walk away, eyes raking over her from head to toe. Kara nudges her.
“So Sam is in town.”
“And she’s been here since yesterday.”
“And didn’t text Lena until this afternoon.”
“And is wearing your clothes.”
“Kara… leave it be.”
“Leave what be? I’m just pointing out facts. And I haven't seen a grin that big since after your first date with Maggie.” Kara says innocently as she sips her club soda. Alex groans.
“Look, don’t make this a big deal. We are just enjoying each other's company. We still live on different continents.”
“I won’t. I won’t. I’m just glad you are doing something besides working.” Kara takes another sip before her eyes bulge out at Alex’s laugh, realizing what she said.
“Yup, doing something besides work. That is for sure.”
“Hey, you started it. Oh yes, Sam brought me alcohol.” Alex excitedly reaches for the glass in Sam’s hand and Sam deposits it in her hand with a kiss on the cheek. Sam ignores Lena eyeing the action and elbowing Kara in the process.
“Okay, so what’s the plan tonight?” Sam asks the table.
“Darts here, pool at the next bar, then the Karaoke bar.” Kara excitedly explains.
“Great, so I can be plenty drunk for karaoke,” Alex grumbles.
“Exactly.” Kara ignores her sister’s negativity.
“But not too drunk for after karaoke.” Sam whispers in Alex’s ear, sending shivers down her spine. Alex glances at her sister but Kara is already distracted again as she helps Lena at the dart board.
Kara may be the sober one tonight, but that would not stop her from singing the opening song to High School Musical as a duet with Lena, who was not so sober. But Kara was having a great time. Alex seemed to be having a better one as Kara tried to ignore where her sister’s and Sam’s hands were in the dark of their booth.
Now who'd have ever thought that
We'd both be here tonight
And the world looks so much brighter
With you by my side
I know that something has changed
Never felt this way
I know it for real
This could be the start of something new
Kara saw Lena’s eye twinkling with happiness and what Kara distinctly remembers as lust. It makes Kara’s skin heat all over in a way she knows is not from the stage lights. Lena sings in perfect harmony with Kara and Kara is in awe of her talent, as always.
And now looking in your eyes I feel in my heart
That it's the start of something new
It feels so right to be here with you
And now looking in your eyes I feel in my heart
The start of something new (The start of something new)
The start of something new
A late night spattering of drunken applause follows their last note. The pair bounce back to the bar to get more drinks then back to the booth. Sam and Alex break apart from their lip lock to acknowledge Lena and Kara’s wonderful performance. They leave shortly after that and Kara does not ask questions. Lena finishes her drink before asking Kara to leave as well. Lena orders a Lift on the way to the door. The stand outside and a slight chill in the air makes Lena shiver.
“Oh, I left my jacket at the table,” Lena says as she rubs her arms.
“I’ll get it. Stay close to the door and don't get in the car before I get back. Can’t have you getting lost.” Kara teases as she guides Lena to lean against the wall next to the door, Kara glances up and sees the little red light on the security camera over the main entrance.
Kara wonders back inside towards the booth they had been sitting in. It’s already occupied by new patrons who hadn’t seen the jacket. Kara tries the bartender who directs her towards a back hallway where the manager's office is. She knocks but there is no answer so she tries the handle. It twists and opens. Lena’s jacket is hanging on the back of the chair and Kara steps inside to grab it when she feels a prick in her neck. Too late she registers the squeak of floorboards. Too late she notices the looming presence behind the door. Too late she turns to swing a punch at the person drugging her. Too late she sees the face that looks almost familiar before darkness descends.
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easybrieseymovies · 4 years
Top 10 Movies of this Decade –– A Biased Reflection By Conner Miller
As this hellish decade draws to a close it only felt right to list the ten films that made it a little better. Do not expect to find all critical darlings on this. This is a place for my personal top 10 –– not Joker. Lettuce Pray:
10. Short Term 12 (2013) dir. Destin Daniel Cretton
Chances are you’ve seen Captain Marvel, Atlanta, Booksmart (more to follow), Brooklyn 99 or Bohemian Rhapsody. There’s almost no chance you’ve seen this intimate 2013 SXSW selection. Before Brie Larson was terrifying alt-right women haters and winning Academy Awards she portrayed Grace, a supervisor at a group home for troubled teens. Typically in indies like this one mid tier star is all the budget can afford. Director Destin Daniel Cretton took chances on barely known actors who used this film as a launching pad to stardom. Between Brie and Rami Malek alone there’s Academy Awards for Best Actress and Best Actor. Add in LaKeith Stanfield of Atlanta and Someone Great fame, Kaitlyn Dever of Booksmart and Unbelievable and Stephanie Beatriz from Brooklyn 99 and you’ve got enough to make a Knives Out sequel.
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The shocking thing is with the immense talent featured the film’s budget was under a million dollars. Larson’s performance as Grace is layered, empathetic and revelatory. She is one of the few actresses that lets you in without words. You can see the grief and longing to help her kids she mentors in her eyes. The relationship between her and troubled teen Jayden (the magnificent as always Kaitlyn Dever) forms the film’s emotional core. Grace and Jayden lean into each other and find their tribulations aren’t dissimilar. Cretton shows a deft touch in letting the actor’s play to their strengths and allowing the camera to be still and messy allowing the group home to become a character. The film crackles with humanity and everyone involved shines bright.
There’s not an excuse to miss this one. Hop on Amazon Prime and catch it!
9. The Social Network (2010) Dir. by David Fincher
Before their ill-fated runs as Lex Luthor and Spider-Man, Jesse Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield headlined this snappy masterpiece about your grandmother’s favorite app to share slightly racist boomer memes. While Facebook has aged like milk, the film has only grown more relevant. Screenwriter Aaron Sorkin’s whiplash paced dialogue is the highlight here. There’s not a day that goes by I don’t try to work my “fuck you flip-flops” into casual conversation.
For a film about such a now mainstream app, there’s more weird shit to shake a stick at. Brenda Song (withholding calling her London Tipton) as a crazy ex who likes to burn trash! Justin Timberlake with a strange haircut as Napster founder Sean Parker! Not one, but two Armie Hammers! Early career Dakota Johnson! All of these welcome turns are grounded by Sorkin’s bubbling script. Even in limited screen-time each character’s dialogue is so unique they feel lived in and real.
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For all of David Fincher’s acclaimed films, I find this one the most accessible. This isn’t Fight Club or Se7en. His most human film by far TSN takes everything great about Fincher and condenses it into one highly enjoyable package. Sometimes his films become meandering and Sorkin’s dialogue helps dial this in. The result is a film that feels dangerously ominous considering its 2010 release date. In some ways it feels the film that defines and bridges the distinctly different presidential administrations this decade brought.
8. A Star is Born (2018) Dir. by Bradley Cooper
On paper this film looked like a dead on arrival disaster. Bradley Cooper’s directorial debut? A fourth remake of a classic movie? David Chapelle in a dramatic role? This movie rose above the memes and truly kicked me in the teeth. There’s so much to love so hey let’s get another look at it!
Blistering hot take, but the cinematography in this film by Matthew Libatique might be the best of the fucking decade. When he shoots scenes with Cooper’s Jackson Maine the camera is frenetic and unsteady. As he begins to let Lady Gaga’s Ally into his life the camera grows steadier and symbolic of their bond. Nearly every wide shot in this film looks like a painting. The concert scenes are slathered in lights that make the viewer feel like they’re on stage with Jackson and Ally.  Exhibit A:
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Elite framing aside the songs in this film are eternal and will always loom on my Spotify waiting to strike. “Shallow” is the ultimate karaoke song and I will always attempt to howl Lady Gaga’s eternal AHHH AHHHHH AHHHH until I am lowered into the ground.
Parks and Recreation fans will be pleased to see Hippie Ron aka Sam Elliott in an utterly dominant supporting role as Jackson’s older brother. I still write angry letters to the Academy asking why he didn’t win Best Supporting Actor. I am very PASSIONATE about this film and it is on HBO. Grab a six pack and prepare to sob.
7. “The Spectacular Now” (2013) Dir. by James Ponsoldt
This originally was going to be Whiplash, but Tyler needed to take the floor on that as a young student living in Manhattan. We do stick with Miles Teller for number seven with one of god tier studio A24′s first hits: The Spectacular Now. Admittedly any film that features Brie Larson and Kaityln Dever already has me interested, but bias aside this truly is a beautiful ride.
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Late film critic Roger Ebert famously gave this film a perfect 4/4 in one of his final reviews. I’ll do Roger one more and give it a 5/4. Between the grainy film stock, the small scale stakes and the authentic characters this film just feels achievable. There’s no beam in the sky or city to save, but the stakes feel just as dire. As the main character Sutter navigates alcoholism, love and trying to understand his parents you feel for him. He’s a proxy for which everyone in high school else felt. There’s a gentle innocence in how sweet the movie is. If it is ever taken off Netflix I will be ready to storm their server room.
6. “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” (2018)
You thought you were going to escape without a Marvel film and you were almost right. The various reboots and remakes of Spider-Man this decade all featured high and low points. This animated tale, however, was transcendent. Moving the character into animation and featuring a Spider-Man of color in the lead injected much needed life into the character. I never thought i’d see the day that Spider-Man won an Academy Award, but lo and behold deviating from a cis caucasian Spider-Man brought it home.
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Between the film’s electric soundtrack, unique frame rate and snappy animation it truly is the closest thing to living in a comic book. Miles’ first swing sequence is by far one of the greatest scenes in cinema – animated or non-animated. The voice acting is superb and without a doubt this film will be heavily played when I have kids over Frozen. Another one right there on Netflix waiting for you to check out!
5. “Waves” (2019) Dir. by Trey Edward Shults
One of three 2019 selections on this list (it has been a hell of a year for cinema) Waves is by far the hardest film to find on this list. Despite an extremely limited release last month I was able to catch it in cinemas. I haven’t experienced a film that better captures the dynamic of a family. The vibrant colors of South Florida evoke shades of Moonlight as the viewer is introduced to son Tyler masterfully played by newcomer Kelvin Harrison Jr. We see him navigate his senior year of high school amidst the pressures of a girlfriend, competitive athletics and the constant weight of his overbearing, but layered father (a brilliant Sterling K. Brown of This is Us fame).
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To say much about the plot is to spoil the film, but it is powerful to say the least. The film’s soundtrack is simply a miracle. The brilliant hues of neon and ocean pastels burn images in you mind as Frank Ocean, Kid Cudi, Tyler, The Creator and numerous other beloved artists weave in and out. This film literally has more than five Frank Ocean songs in it. If that isn’t convincing enough you’re on the wrong blog.
4. “Uncut Gems” (2019) Dir. by Josh and Benny Sadfie
Infinitely rewatch-able, this film is the closest simulation to living inside a pressure cooker. Adam Sandler plays the neurotic Howard Ratner with the conviction of man of his hair on fire. Even in the scenes he isn’t present his gravitas is felt in every frame. There’s really something here for everyone. Howard owes people money from his diamond store in Manhattan. As he ramps up his debt with a series of increasingly risky bets the viewer follows him night and day. Each time he seemingly as a way out the stakes only increase.
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The frantic and gritty way the film is shot paired with its masterfully tense score have the film dialed up to 120 the entire runtime. It is the film equivalent of “Why are you so sweaty? I was watching Cops.” in Stepbrothers. This one just went wide release on Christmas so get out there before it leaves theaters.
3. “La La Land” (2016) Dir. by Damien Chazelle
Don’t let the infamous Best Picture swap with Moonlight fool you about the quality of this film. In his follow up to Whiplash, Chazelle takes command from the opening musical number on the overpasses of the 405 in LA. This love story of ambition between aspiring musician Seb and actress Mia has heart that few films have. It isn’t about boy meets girl. Similar to A Star is Born it is about finding the person you need to reach your dreams.
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There’s few films with this level of direction. Each camera movement, lighting choice and story beat is tactile and purposeful. Emma Stone delivers a career defining performance and the Academy thankfully awarded her Best Actress. Every song on the soundtrack is an absolute banger and there’s really no excuse for not watching this one. A true gem even on my twelfth rewatch and four papers/presentations I gave on it in film school.
2. “Booksmart” (2019) Dir. by Olivia Wilde
These final two movies on the list exist on their own personal Mount Olympus. Olivia Wilde, in her directorial debut no less, creates an honest coming of age movie that’s actually a love story. Molly (Beanie Feldstein) and Amy (Kaityln Dever) are honor roll students on their final day of high school. When they realize the kids who partied and didn’t study religiously also got into Ivy League schools they set out to correct that over one crazy night.
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You really won’t find a sweeter or more hopeful film. Dever and Feldstein bring electricity to their roles and won’t fail to make you laugh and cry. In a news cycle filled with hate and fear, films like this are needed. A film that’s sexually, politically and morally progressive without getting on a soapbox is nearly impossible and that’s exactly what Wilde achieved with this instant classic. I literally only have a Hulu subscription to rewatch this endlessly. I also own two different shirts of Amy and Molly. Enjoy.
1. “Lady Bird” (2017) Dir. by Greta Gerwig
If you’re still reading this far you likely know me and know what’s number one. Gerwig’s Lady Bird is nothing short of perfection. A riveting and relatable story of titular Christine “Lady Bird” McPherson’s journey navigating her senior year of high school in Sacramento at surface, but really about parents and children.  Between Sam Levy’s grainy cinematography that makes the film feel like a memory, Jon Brion’s understated score and Saoirse Ronan’s dynamo performance as Lady Bird there’s so much to love. You’re this far. You don’t need to read anymore. Take a breath, pat yourself on the back and let’s hope the next decade is even better. Also Lady Bird is on Amazon Prime. Don’t forget that.
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(P.S Larry McPherson is the best movie dad of all time –– fight me.)
IG and Twitter: @connerjmill9
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@ligaratus asked me for Superman recommendations, which presents the rare opportunity that someone other than my girlfriend has provoked me to pull out my extensive knowledge of great Silver Age (1956 - 1969) Superman stories. Now, Superman has been in publication nonstop since 1938, but if we're being realistic, if you want the best of the best with the character, you're just going to be reading that decade of comics from beginning to end, but here are my highlights:
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Action Comics #162 (November 1951) - "It!": Superman fends off a seemingly incomprehensible fourth-dimensional entity. This one gives a solid basis for what Silver Age Superman is like, in that he lives in a world where hes already taken extensive measures in making it a better place, and so you really arent going to see him fending off the various forces of evil, but rather do increasingly weird and complex problem solving. Of course that sort of status quo gets us to now, where the only half-decent Superman villains are Lex Luthor, Brainiac, Bizarro...Mr. Mxyzptlk...Metallo...?...yeah.
Superman #76 (May 1952) - "The Mightiest Team in The World": This one is a pretty easy recommendation, as it's the very first team-up between Superman and Batman. Even though we had been getting Superman and Batman stories since World's Finest Comics started publishing in 1941, we had never gotten a story starring both of them until a decade later. This one is mainly interesting for historical reasons, but I'm not going to mention any more stories involving DC characters outside of the Superman mythos starting now.
Superman #101 (November 1955) - "The Rainbow Doom": Superman has a rainbow stuck around his body that causes whatever physical objects in his close proximity to turn to glass. This one is pretty solid because it's an early example of how engage in incredibly preposterous hoaxes to get the edge in an ongoing battle, which is to say that this is a story that involves Superman tricking everyone into thinking he's turned Lois Lane into glass i.e. killed her as one of the steps that allows him to win.
Adventure Comics #247 (April 1958) - "The Legion of Super-Heroes": This isnt a Superman story, rather a SuperBOY story. Which is to say that Superman started his heroic adventures as a child in Smallville. Anyhow, I motherfucking LOVE the Legion of Super-Heroes. This story is their first appearance, and essentially they're a club of children from the 30th century that love and adore Superboy, and go back in time to put him through arbitrary trials to see if he's cool enough to hang out with them, which they intentionally sabotage, because these are the shenanigans that elementary schoolers frequently engage in. I'm not going to bring up any other Legion appearances here because honestly I'd say read every Silver Age Legion story.
Action Comics #242 (July 1958) - "The Super-Duel in Space": This is the first appearance of Brainiac, and he's a great science fiction/horror concept of a super-intellegent computer that must learn everything and shrinks down organisms so as to extensively study them, that also just happens to fight Superman on a regular basis. This is also the first appearance of the Bottled City of Kandor, the last piece of Kryptonian civilization, and it presents one of the great dilemmas of the Silver Age, in that Superman cant figure out how to restore it in size.
Action Comics #252 (May 1959) - "The Supergirl of Krypton!": This is the first appearance of Supergirl, and she's going to occupy a similar niche as the Legion of Super-Heroes on account of the fact that I have an intense love for the character and am not going to mention any more stories involving the character because then I'd have to mention all of them.
Superman #129 (May 1959) - "The Girl in Superman's Past!": Clark reminisces about a girl he was in love with in college, Lori Lemaris, which makes the third ongoing love interest of his following Lois Lane and Lana Lang. The difference being that Lori is a mermaid from Atlantis.
Action Comics #254 (July 1959) - "The Battle With Bizarro!": This is the first appearance of Bizarro, there's not much more to it.
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Superman #141 (November 1960) - "Superman's Return to Krypton!": Superman travels through the time barrier and ends up being stuck on Krypton and struggling to find a way back before it explodes; basically one of the great tragic stories of this era.
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #48 (November 1960) - "The Mystery of The Tiny Supermen!": Jimmy Olsen's solo series is ANOTHER case of me having to restrain myself from mentioning every issue, but this is a special case for introducing an important part of the mythos, the Superman Emergency Squad, which is where a group from Kandor all dress up like Superman and do his regular duties while he's incapacitated.
Superman #143 (February 1961) - “Bizarro Meets Frankenstein!”: Now THIS is a great Bizarro story.  Bizarro sees in a television broadcast that Frankenstein’s Monster is referred to as “The World’s Scariest Monster” and seeing as that title should belong to him, he decides to do something about it.  Which manifests in Superman having to protect the actor that plays the Monster from Bizarro.
Superman #147 (August 1961) - “The Legion of Super-Villains!”: I know I said I wouldn’t mention the Legion again but I’ll make an exception for here, where Lex Luthor travels to the future to get the assistance of their counterpart team.
Superman #149 (November 1961) - “The Death of Superman!”: This is the first Imaginary Story I’m bringing up i.e. one that isn’t “canon”.  As much as I’m not a giant fan of this incarnation of Lex Luthor, I can’t deny that this is the character at his very best.  Luthor pretends to have finally reformed so as to get an opportunity to get in close to Superman and kill him, which he actually does, leaving the rest of the world to pick up the pieces.
Superman #156 (October 1962) - “The Last Days of Superman!”: All the wacky shenanigans I’ve already written own aside, this is without any doubt the best single-issue Superman story ever written.  Superman is infected with Virus X from Krypton and given 30 days to live, and spends that time carrying out all the missions he planned to officially make the world a better place.  The moment where he carves his final words into the Moon?
Action Comics #300 (May 1963) - “Under The Red Sun!”: This is another great tragic story.  The Superman Revenge Squad (I’m not getting into them after talking at lenght about Comet) sends Superman into the year 1,000,000 A.D., with him being unable to return to the past on account of how the now red sun has stripped him of his powers.
Gets me every fucking time.
Action Comics #293 (October 1962) - “The Secret Origin of Supergirl’s Super-Horse!”: Yeah I just wanted to take this opportunity to talk about what is undoubtedly the strangest comic book character I have ever seen, Comet the Super-Horse.  He was first introduced as one of the Superpets, a legacy that got started with Krypto the Super-Dog, but here we, uh.  Learn that Comet was actually a centaur named Biron from ancient Greece who was accidently turned into a horse by Circe who tried to make up for it by giving him the powers of “ Jove, Mercury, Athena, and Neptune”, and then he’s sent into the distant future (our present) and outer space by an evil wizard.  Also sometimes a comet comes by the Earth that turns him into a complete human with amnesia that goes on to date Supergirl even though most of the time he’s a horse that she owns.  Yeah.  Any time someone tries to bring up how weird comics are without knowing who Comet is, they ain’t seen shit yet.
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Superman #162 (July 1963) - “The Amazing Story of Superman-Red and Superman-Blue!”: This is probably the most famous Imaginary Story, with Superman being fed up that he can’t solve all the world’s problems, so he uses a machine to increase his intelligence that ends up splitting him into two separate Supermen that are now capable of doing everything Superman wanted.  Also one marries Lois and one marries Lana.  It’s great.
Action Comics #304 (September 1963) - “The Interplanetary Olympics!”: This one is pretty simple, Superman is chosen as Earth’s representative in the Interplanetary Olympics where it seems everyone is stronger than he is.
Superman #164 (October 1963) - “The Showdown Between Luthor and Superman!”: Another simple one; Superman and Lex Luthor engage in a boxing match on a planet with a red sun.
Superman #167 (February 1964) - “The Team of Luthor and Brainiac!”: Says it in the title.
Superman’s Girlfriend Lois Lane #51 (August 1964) - “The Three Wives of Superman!”: Last Imaginary Story, and this one’s a doozy.  Superman marries and becomes widowed to Lois Lane, Lana Lang, and Lori Lemaris in a quick succession.
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There was a girl, and I accidentally fell in love Chapter 1: It was summer when I saw your face, looked like a teenage runaway
You know how sometimes in the movies the first scene is the climax, and then the protagonist goes “To explain how all of this happened, I’ll have to take you back a few months, back to where Blah-and-blah did bleh-and-bleh, and consequently, I’m here”?  
Well, here I am, up on stage on Prom night, in front of a huge crowd of students, holding the hugest Teddy Bear in my right hand, an extremely colorful bouquet of flowers in my left, and just about to start declaring my undying love for the prettiest girl in the world, and I bet you’re wondering how I ended up like this.
Would you believe me if I told you it wasn’t my fault?
Probably not. You shouldn’t, that is. A lot of this story happened because I was an idiot, an insensitive idiot, a stupid insensitive idiot, and other unflattering descriptions of me that you will probably hear from my friends’ mouths. But I will say this: it did not start with me. I was not responsible for kicking over the first domino that resulted in this clusterfuck of lives in National City High crashing down on top of each other. That person, was Lex.
See, the thing is, despite all of it, I still love him. He’s my brother, no matter how much of an asshole he is. He likes starting fires and he can be terribly mean, but he’s always been sweet to me. He is the closest thing I have to a loving home, seeing as my real one consists of a Basilisk for a mother, and a ghost for a father. He’s the reason I am up at the very top of the food chain at school. His Jock-reputation carried over to me, and made it easier for me to not only survive, but thrive. I am Lena Luthor, sister of Lex Luthor, and life, is easy for me. I wouldn’t go as far as claiming that people threw flowers at my feet when I walked down the corridors, or that they bowed whenever I passed by, but it is true that I was untouchable. Even the fact that I was a lesbian didn’t get me any bullying. One stare from Lex and his huge biceps was enough to stop any in its tracks.
All in all, Lex is a pretty good brother. The only character flaw he possibly has is his utter loathing of Clark Kent.
That brings us to Clark Kent. Charming nerd. The best actor in our school. Voted Student with the most beautiful eyes in the world two years in a row. Falls in the category of Not Exactly Popular but Everyone Lowkey Likes Him. And the arch-enemy of Lex Luthor.
Nobody knows how it started. Rumor has it Clark once made the winning catch in their Little League team, and Lex hated him getting the attention. Rumor also has it that it started when Clark got to play Superman in the school play, back in fifth grade, winning the part from Lex, who had been harboring dreams of playing a superhero since, well, forever. People say a lot of things, but nobody knows exactly why they hated each other so much, me included. Every time I’d ask Lex about it, he’d smirk it off, and distract me with something else, and after a while, I gave up on asking, and accepted it as one of the enigmas of National City High.
Either way, that was the relevant bit of backstory that was needed for you to understand this entire sordid tale of romance. It all started when Lex Luthor opened his mouth, during lunch, and asked who the girl trailing behind Clark was.
Imagine the scene. It’s lunch. There’s a lot of people milling about, eating. People talk about the classes they have attended, the classes they have yet to attend, the teachers who made an idiot out of themselves and the ones who made idiots of the students. I was sitting at the table with the most Popularity per square area in the cafeteria, with my brother at my side, Sam sitting in front of me, juggling two apples, while Jack sat next to her, frantically completing his AP Math homework. Half of the football team players with their cheerleader girlfriends filled up the rest of the chairs
“Look at them,” Lex mused, biting thoughtfully at a Tater Tot “High School hierarchy in action. The geeks sit with the geeks, talking about Star Trek or Dungeons and Dragons or whatever the fuck they’re on these days.”
Settlers of Catan, I thought, but keep my mouth shut.
“There are the less-popular cheerleaders, the AV club nightmare freaks, the Glee club rapping like idiots, and there he is, the King of the assholes himself.”
I looked up to see Clark Kent walked into the room, and five of his fan girls trail behind him, swooning and giggling. I rolled my eyes at them, but I had to admit, I did see the appeal. He had that Lord of the Nerds thing going on, with his glasses and a pen tucked into his perfectly ironed shirt, and every straight girl in the college had, at least once in their life, been charmed by his smile. But that wasn’t what was bugging Lex today.
“Who is that?” he nudged my side, bringing me back from where I had been staring into space.
“That girl, behind Kent,” he told me, impatiently.
I saw Alex Danvers, stomping past all the annoying girls, looking as though she was just about one hair away from ripping everyone in her immediate vicinity apart.
“That’s Alex, dude,” Sam told Lex before I could open my mouth.
“No, you idiot,” he muttered. He took my head between both his hands, and physically turned it “Look. There.”
It took me a minute, and then I saw her.
You know those movies where guys see the girl, and it’s like a light bulb goes off in their heads, or violins start playing in the background, and the world slows down? It definitely didn’t happen for me. She was pretty. Blonde hair, tied up in a ponytail, large glasses over her face, and a humongous pile of books in her hands, she did the opposite of stand out.  She seemed to be in deep thought, and as we watched, tapped Alex’s shoulder to tell her something.
“That’s Kara,” Jack spoke up, suddenly, and all three of us turned to him “She’s in AP English with me. She’s Alex’s sister.”
“Since when does Alex Danvers have a sister?” Lex asked.
“Since her parents adopted Kara,” he said, then sighed at our dumbfounded faces “It’s like none of you have any idea what’s up.”
“Start. Speaking. Now,” Lex growled at him.
“So she is Clark’s cousin, and she’s apparently very tight with him, because her parents, the Danvers’ and the Clarks were really close. Her parents got into a car accident when she was young, and she’s been brought up by the Danvers ever since, and she was studying in some private school until now. She just transferred here.”
“How did we not know Alex had an adopted sister?” I wondered aloud.
“Because she’s Alex Danvers. Nobody knows anything about her.”
I nodded, and closed my eyes, topic already forgotten in my head. But Lex apparently wasn’t.
“Did you say she was close to Clark?” he demanded of Jack.
I opened my eyes when I heard him chuckle. It wasn’t his nice chuckle. This spelled more doom than anything else.
“So hurting her would be hurting him?”
“Lex,” I warned him “Please don’t tell me you’re planning on killing a person. Because I will not approve.”
“No, no,” he rushed to reassure me “But think of how devastated he’d be if someone from Lex’s circle dated her and then broke her heart.”
There was a beat of silence, then both Sam and I chucked the objects in our hands at him simultaneously. Lex ducked both a pen, and a half-eaten apple.
“What?” he asked, bewildered.
“Nothing,” I said, and walked away.
Now, in a perfect world, that would have been the end of matters. Not this one, though.
I’m still not sure what it was exactly that triggered both of them, but I got out of Physics just in time for a random kid to come running up to me and show me a video of Clark punching the lights out of Lex. I watched it for half a minute, and then I was off and running towards the principal’s office. They were both sitting outside, Lex bleeding from his nose, Clark with a black eye, already done with Principal Cat, by the looks of it. I heard my mother’s rising voice from inside and winced.
“She called Lillian, huh?”
Lex mumbled something that sounded close to an affirmation. From the corner of my eye, I saw Clark scowl at us, and move even further away.
I asked Lex what had happened, whispering the question to him.
“I don’t know,” he shrugged, eyes still burning with righteous fury “But I hate him. God damn it, I hate him so much. I cannot walk this earth without having revenge.”
Well. That’s drama.
His voice had started rising, so I calmed him down by rubbing his back “I know, I know. Calm down, okay?”
He turned to look at me “Please tell me you’d do that?”
“Do what?”
“That thing I was talking about earlier.”
It suddenly clicked and I started shaking my head vigorously “Lex, no, no , that’s…..”
“Please, please, please, Lena,” he implored “I’ll do anything for you, I’ll……..I’ll get you that trip!”
I paused. There had been this science competition coming up in a city nearby, and I had an idea for a great project lined up, but Lillian, being mother of the year, had no intentions of letting me go.
“You can’t,” I told him “There’s no way you can convince her to let me go.”
“Lena,” he told me back, just as seriously “If there is anyone in the world who can convince her, it is her Golden Boy, aka me.”
I took fifteen minutes “Three or four dates. There will be no prank. No humiliation. I’ll just call it quits before it gets serious. But I’m serious, Lex, no humiliation.”
“Eh, I’ll take care of the rest,” he said which didn’t really sound promising, but I convinced myself I’d just break it up before she developed feelings for me. And it was a very good possibility she wouldn’t even want to date me. That would leave me off the hook.
“We have a deal,” I admitted, grudgingly, and he wrapped me up in a tight hug.
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Cat Grant’s superpower
Cat has a superpower We already knew that. She is Queen of All Media, after all.
But specifically, in relation to Supergirl.
No one knows how she does it. All Steve From Accounting knows is one day he saw Kara Danvers push past him with a hurried “sorry!” And yank open her shirt as she ran into That Deserted Alley by CatCo, and the next day, he was being summoned to Cat Grant’s office.
She sat him down on the couch and sat down opposite him and fixed him with this Look. He shifted uncomfortably. She kept on with the Look for an incredibly long, uncomfortable minute. He would have been squirming more, but he honestly felt that she would have fired him by now if she were going to.
“Stefan, it’s come to my attention you witnessed something yesterday that could have potential national security interests compromised if you were to share what you saw.” Steve starts to sputter. He can’t think of anything he might have seen. Nothing, nothing at all. The only weird thing he saw was Kara but, like, he doesn’t look at girls when they do anything with their shirts, cause he’s gay, like gay as hell but not in the fashionista way, his boyfriend always says it’s lucky when he can dress himself decently in the mornings, but Cat seems to plow right onward.
She continues with a withering stare and Steve doesn’t hear a word. He’s too busy trying to figure out how she knew he saw what he saw—and what he even did see. He finally puts it together, or at least part of it. Whatever weird stripper urge or medical condition Kara Danvers has that requires her to get fresh air on her skin at odd times, he’s not gonna say anything. He had asthma until the fourth grade, and while it’s not the same, he feels a little solidarity.
Steve tunes back in in time to hear Cat finish up, “needless to say, you can grasp the importance of secrecy here Stefan, and if you are ever tempted to forget that importance, well...” Cat stalks back to her desk and leans against it, picking up a handful of chocolate and picking out a blue piece. “Also needless to say I am fully capable of making your life a living hell with a twitch of my fingers.” She levels him with a stare and Steve gulps. She waves said fingers in a shoo-shoo gesture and he trips over his feet in a hurry to leave.
Katie From Digital smiles sympathetically when he steps into the elevator, shaking a little still. “So you saw, huh? Don’t worry, Cat’s just protective of her. It’s honestly not that big a deal anymore. I think half the building knows simply out of dumb luck.”
Steve nods, and Katie goes on her way. She sighs as she passes Ricky From Art. She can’t believe someone else knows Kara’s the one that broke the revolving doors in the front of CatCo, twice (at least).
She chuckles as she tells Ricky, “Steve From Accounting knows.”
“Steve? Aw, he’s a softy. I hope Cat was easy on him.” Katie shrugs as she hands over the prints she came to deliver, and she’s gone, leaving Ricky to his work and humming softly as he wonders precisely how many times Cat’s gonna deny that she bought Kara a whole new wardrobe and that’s why Kara’s clothes are always lying around—the big boss can do what she wants, right? What’s the big deal, honestly?
Ricky mentions to Nathan The Reporter and Lara From IT later that Steve knows now too, and they crack a grin before heading out to lunch, leaving Lara wondering how long before Cat stops covering for Kara dating Lena Luthor and Nathan wondering why Cat’s still trying to explain that Kara has her own office and no other reporter does.
(Melanie From Editing thinks Kara is a huge nerd who does Supergirl cosplay and Jackie From General Counsel thinks she cosplays to visit the Children’s Hospital because she looks enough like Supergirl. Cat has chatted with them both about keeping it quiet. She’s chatted with everyone. It’s like being part of a club. No one knows how she does it.)
Some not-too-bright private investigator down the wrong trail clues in that there’s a Big Secret surrounding Kara Danvers and half of CatCo seems to know It. But when they poke around, no one will say for fear of Cat Grant.
They finally give up when Cat hears about it and summons them to her office and gives them the chat (this time, with a specific promise it’s nothing illegal or related to their client). Whatever the secret is, Cat Grant is genuinely protecting this girl.
“Well,” they sigh as they leave her office reluctantly, “I’ll give you this, you’re really good at protecting her. It’s like your superpower or something.”
Cat doesn’t even blink, her face the exact same. “What an apt description,” she says, and then shoos them out of her office.
Kara smiles brightly at them as they leave, completely oblivious to the discussion they just had.
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kassies-take · 4 years
A Hero In The Making
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A/n: Supercorp’s daughter takes a chapter out of Kara’s book and wants to be a hero. But both Lena and Kara don’t want her to be one. Reader is a Luthor after all, and Luthors get what they want.
Warnings: rebel, heroism
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Alex Danvers x Reader, Dansen
Word Count: 1542
“Baby! Get down here, now!” Lena called from the kitchen, this morning’s breakfast starting to get cold.
Kara sped into the kitchen, Lena’s hair blown into her face.
“Sorry,” Kara walked over to Lena and gently fixed Lena’s hair. She met the ‘I am not amused’ Luthor glare before she gave Lena a small kiss.
Not a second later you sped into the open living room across from the kitchen island. A lamp knocked over and broke on the floor.
Lena sighed, rested both her elbows on the island counter and hid her face in her palms. “What did I say about powers?”
“Not to use them in the house.” You and Kara both answered.
“And what did you do?”
“Use powers in the house.”
“Kara, don’t use your powers if you’re not in your costume. You don’t know if someone could be watching. And (Y/n) I don’t want you to use your powers either.” Lena explained looking between you and Kara.
“What good is having powers, if I can’t use them.” You pouted.
“I agree with your mother on this one ukiem, there are dangerous people out ther-”
“But with these powers I can protect myself, ieiu.”
“Using your powers can cause tougher, more powerful enemies to go after you.” Kara explained.
“You could train me.”
“No, I’m not going to train you! This is not up for discussion!”
“I’m going to Aunt Alex’s,” you grumbled.
You grabbed your motorcycle keys, your helmet, leather jacket and headed out the door.
“Kar, we are only protecting her.”
 A small knock was muffled by the brown wooden door. Unlike the Luthor-Danvers, the Olsen-Danvers were barely starting breakfast. The door opened with a redhead dressed in a black leather jacket, a black T-shirt, grey leggings, and black combat boots. 
“Hey we’re ready to go!” Alex called out for Kelly. 
“Breakfast will be done before you come back,” Kelly kissed Alex and greeted you. 
You and Alex raced towards Lightning’s Boxing Club with your motorcycles. As you made your way towards the private boxing ring in the back, chains rattled and grunts echoed. It reeked of old musty foot locker and thank god you were yanked into a neighboring room or last nights dinner would be on the floor.
“Unfortunately I can’t train you on your powers. But I can train you with hand-to-hand.” Alex opened the duffle and pulled out four crystal like cylinders .
“Kryptonite emitters?” Your face lit up as you went to inspect the gadget.
“You are so Lena’s daughter,” Alex chuckled and extended her hand out for the emitter in your hand. She placed them in each corner of the boxing ring. “And because you are so much like your mother, we should see if you fight like her too!” Alex threw a pair of batons at you.
As the two of you circled around each other the emitters glowed a sickly green. You slashed the baton as Alex bobbed under your arm and returned a roundhouse kick as you ducked under it. Every time you or Alex made contact with the other, the other would grunt, resulting with a grunting battle as well. You hissed as Alex kicked you in the torso pushing you back a few feet with shuffles and taps to catch your steps.
You swung the baton once again as Alex grabbed your wrist to cross your arm over your body and pushed the baton out of your hand. The baton clanged around the floor, before Alex turned to elbow you in the face. You pushed the back of her knee as she stumbled and you extended your remaining baton with a smirk. Alex charged towards you opening herself with a roar, with two thumps afterward, one from hitting Alex in the bicep with your baton and the other when you flipped her over your leg.
You were going in for the finishing blow when Alex kicked her foot up at your wrist. A crack and your yell filled the room, tears blurring your vision. Alex had jumped up to check on you as you held your right wrist. When she neared you, you butterfly kicked over her head and spun to trip her as your legs wrapped around her arm and held her captive in a hold as you cried.
Alex tapped out as you rolled into a ball sniffling , sweat and tears mixed with your mint carmex chapstick was a strange taste.
You received a pat on your shoulder, “Fighting even when you’re in pain, takes a lot of willpower. That makes a hero. I’m proud of you.”
“If only my moms will agree,” You joked.
“Let’s get you to the D.E.O and put you under the sun lamps for a bit.”
“What about Kelly’s breakfast?”
“You’re hurt and all you can think about is breakfast? Definitely Kara’s kid.”
“What can I say?” You said through pained gasps. “A Luthor and a super.”
“Thank god the D.E.O is two blocks away,” Alex pulled you up and wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
You laid flat on your back with the yellow sun lamps hovering above you.
“I feel like a plant,” you said groggily, the warmth of the lamps and your broken wrist making you sleepy.
“Well you’re not wrong kiddo, but you’re also human, although you have accelerated healing you won’t heal as fast as Kara would.”
You hummed in response. “With my half Kryptonian structure, I don’t get sunburned. And Kryptonite affects me less than it does with ieiu.”
The glass doors hissed beside you as a whoosh flooded the room. Your mother with her signature red, blue and gold entered the room calling for Alex until she noticed you and gasped.
“What happened? Who did this to you?” Kara’s hand immediately flew to your hair, a habit she picked up when you were bed rest to comfort you.
“We were sparring with kryptonite emitters, (Y/n) had the advantage, my reflexes kicked in and I kicked her in the wrist. It broke.” Alex explained.
“It broke!” Kara turned towards your hands and squinted to see if it were true. “Alex! You didn’t have to go that hard! Why were you sparring anyways?”
Alex opened her mouth to explain again when you interrupted. “Aunt Alex wasn’t going hard, in fact I was beating her. We were sparring because she was training me.”
“Training!” Kara’s eyes widen in shock. “Alex, Lena and I don’t want her training.”
“She’s going to have to learn to protect herself one day, Kar. You and Lena might not be around someday.” Alex defended.
“And that’s when you’ll protect her!”
“I have to protect Kelly and the city too.”
“Ieiu, don’t be hard on Aunt Alex. I’m the one who asked her to train me.”
The door hissed open once again as you froze when heels echoed with it.
“Kara! Brainy called me earlier saying my Kryptonian was hurt! I came as fast as I could!” A slight wave of relief surfaced on Lena’s face before it turned into panic once again.
A worried mama Luthor pushed Kara out of the way as if she had super strength. Kara crashed into the medical tray table, but Lena could care less.
“(Y/n)! (Y/n). Are you okay?” The CEO looked around your body for any injuries.
“I’m fine.” You raised your right hand out of instinct and winced in pain.
“What happened to your wrist?” Lena gently placed your wrist back on your stomach.
“It broke. When Alex and I were sparring.”
“She was training our little girl to be a hero.” Kara crossed her arms.
“I’m 16. I’m not little.”
“I know, baby girl. You’re probably in a lot of pain, we will let you rest.” Lena smiled at you and kissed your forehead before she glared at the two Danvers sisters like she did when businessmen annoyed her.
The trio made their way out of your room before Lena constantly hit Kara in the shoulder.
“What are you hitting me for!” Kara gasped.
“You and your powers are the reason my daughter wants to be a hero.”
Lena left no room to respond as she slapped Alex in the shoulder.
“Ow! Kara can’t feel pain, I can!” Alex held onto her shoulder.
“You had no right, training my daughter without my permission!” Lena slapped Alex once again. “How could you break my daughter’s wrist!”
“Look superpowers or not, she should at least know how to defend herself.”
“Defend herself?” Lena questioned. “She has super strength, she wouldn’t need to defend herself. She could run away, or fly away.”
“Lena, she’s yours and Kara’s blood,You know damn well that (Y/n) is not going to run away. And would you rather have her powers under control now, or when you get that call that (Y/n) broke someone’s nose?”
Lena’s jaw was slightly ajarred before she crossed her arms and glared at Alex for giving her a reason to train you.
“Fine. But only when I’m around. Even if she trains with Kara,” Lena pointed at the two sisters before she walked back into your room.
“Your wife is scary,” Alex mumbled.
“Yeah, sometimes I forget that I’m the one with powers.”
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SNEAK PEEK: Eyes of Army Green
An upcoming patron exclusive story series.  Omegaverse Alex and Kara as Marines in Vietnam, where Kara is assigned to Guard Senator Luthor’s daughter and Alex meets a cute nurse named Kelly... If people like it enough, I might do one of them back stateside getting caught up on the whole ‘peace, sex and drugs’ thing. More goodies at:  https://www.patreon.com/alephthirteen?fan_landing=true
War is nasty. Watching this brute buzz Kara's golden curls off is a goddamned crime. The boys on the bus gave them a lot of shit—girls can't be Marines—and Alex politely reminded them that any alpha can volunteer if she so fucking chooses and on a bus full of college boys whose number came up, that was all it took. At least they got sorted to the same barracks. Kara even has the bunk above her, which is so lucky it feels like her birthday, Christmas, and the first time an omega sucked her off all at once. Then again, that may be because there's only three women here, them and a dark-eyed brunette who seems ready to stab anyone and everyone here. The stranger is bunked with a massive black recruit with a shaved head.  Now a man with a face like a clenched asshole and a haircut made entirely of right angles is walking up and down the bunks. "I am Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, your Senior Drill Instructor. From now on, you will speak only when spoken to, and the first and last words out of your filthy sewers will be 'Sir!' Do you maggots understand that?" "Sir, yes, sir!" "Bullshit! I can't hear you. Sound off like you got a pair." "SIR, YES, SIR!" "If you ladies leave my island, if you survive recruit training ... you will be a weapon, you will be a minister of death, praying for war. But until that day you are pukes! You're the lowest form of life on Earth. You are not even human fucking beings!" "Because I am hard, you will not like me. But the more you hate me, the more you will learn. I am hard, but I am fair!" "And my orders are to weed out all non-hackers who do not pack the gear to serve in my beloved Corps! Do you maggots understand that?" "Sir, yes, sir!" "Bullshit! I can't hear you!" "SIR, YES, SIR!" Alex expected bad but even Jeremiah's warnings didn't prepare them. The first thing Hartman does is take their names. Alex becomes Private Rusty, after the sprouts of red hair still visible. James Olsen becomes Private Eightball. Kara seems to be a particular project of his. He spends a full hour yelling how she ought to be in Playboy, or a strip club, or anywhere other than in 'his Beloved Corps' so the next day she annihilates the obstacle course, setting a record for recruits from Able Company's barracks. 
Now she's Private Supergirl. A beta with a movie stars jaw and a growly voice—Lockwood—becomes Private Pretty Boy. A shy young man from Texas named Winn becomes Private Cowboy, and Hartman makes a point of making fun of his Cross of David necklace three times a day. Alex stuffs hers into her footlocker, figuring she'll take it out when they graduate. Winn's an omega, which is in nearly as short supply as female alphas here. Worst are the Graves twins. The one bunking with James—Mercy—doesn't get a degrading nickname and given all the talk about killers, that's terrifying. Her brother Otis becomes Private Pyle, and he can't do anything right. Hartman takes it out on them and Kara adopts Otis to 'unfuck him' as the Sergeant so delicately puts it. It works a charm...until it doesn't. Alex is assigned to recon and Kara to military journalism. The day after they get their assignments, Alex finds Otis in the toilets with the top half of his head missing. Every single thing about his rifle is perfect. Polished. Oiled. Maintained.He could barely figure out which end the bullets came out of until Kara taught him. Private Pretty Boy says he's her first confirmed kill, and Kara beats the smug-faced beta so hard he has the limp two weeks later at graduation. Alex looks up at Jeremiah and Eliza.  Both beam down at her and Kara. Her stomach leaps into her throat the moment they board the plane headed for Vietnam and stays there for two days until they're touching down in Saigon. Alex develops a knack for quiet kills and clearing enemy tunnels. Kara develops a knack for following her somehow, and the moment their captain sees her photos from the bush, they forgive Kara for going semi-AWOL and give no more punishment than latrine duty. After that, someone has the brilliant idea of putting Kara with Alex's squad and making celebrities of them. Night after night in the rainy, reeking jungle with James, Winn, and a man the size of a refrigerator named Animal Mother. She takes the advice of the nastiest marine they meet and tells her team to strip Vietcong corpses for their weapons. Whoever builds their guns knows how to build something that mud, muck, and just pure wet don't affect. So they squirrel away enemy guns in their rucksacks and keep their M-16s handy for inspection day. James stays back to back with Alex, his shotgun clearing whatever Alex doesn't with her rifle. Winn proves to be a competent sniper after he gets ahold of a Soviet rifle. Kara somehow scores a zoom lens the size of an artillery shell and acts as his spotter while taking her photos. She has killed no one yet, and that suits Alex just fine. They've been in Da Nang for three weeks now. The Sea Tiger is changing leadership and they park the whole so that no one takes any photos or writes any articles that the brass wouldn't care for. Kara loves it. She's eaten sixteen types of noodles in the last week and taken photos of each. "You do realize that some of these cooks are probably VC, right? Any one of those could be poisoned," Alex huffs as she scoops her rations into her mouth. "I'd smell it." "How?" "Supersenses. Didn't you hear? I'm Supergirl!" One thing that they don't have to deal with is the whores. They seem to avoid female alphas like the plague. The men aren't so restrained, and the shed behind the motor pool reeks of omega, jism and stovetop cooked perfume. Alex jokes that their balls might be blue as a Navy dress uniform, but at least they haven't gotten the clap.  Kara jokes that she'll probably meet the love of her life over here.  
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It’s funny that I keep seeing things that act as if Lena would be the helpless one out of her and Kara and I absolutely adore Kara and the girl is a damn genius with super powers and picks up things fast, but growing up she also had to deal with extreme culture shock, PTSD, and along with powers sensory overload, to name just a few of the things about her childhood on Earth. She comes from a dying planet with insanely advanced technology and science—not really survival skills, and more so just trying to adapt and heal.
Lillian was teaching Lena chess at the age of 4. And say what you want about the Luthors, and there’s plenty, we see Lena working weekends, nights, hell Thanksgiving—she’s a CEO by 24, probably more than a few degrees. That kind of work ethic and drive (regardless if it’s actually healthy, it’s huge) didn’t come from nowhere. Every single skill Lionel and Lillian could cram into Lex and Lena, they probably did. Regardless of how Lillian might feel about Lena she’s going to have expectations, and at the absolute least if she’s going to have to be this girl’s mother she might as well make her useful, or someone for Lex to compete against, and Lillian loves Lex.
There’s no point to giving him a rival if that person isn’t pushed and given the same kind of preparation and training and education that he receives. And Lillian is someone who can be on the run from everyone and not get caught—that’s going to take more than just money, that’ll take skill. Not to mention running a black ops program with no one the wiser isn’t exactly on the list of things that a rich housewife can do.
Kara is from a technologically advanced planet—maybe a few days is fine but she’s probably so horrified not to be around any tech she only likes camping for the difference in her senses and all the pretty nature and landscape. Imagine if you went back to a time before indoor plumbing—and sure a week of it is fine but months and months???? No. It’s probably worse for Kara. She was p well supplied with tech, if the spy beacon that Astra had that had a signal that could be received anywhere was simply a child’s plaything—or if it wasn’t, and it was something she had because of Astra’s military connections, then who knows what else she had access to? She’s probably good with mechanics, to a certain extent because of her father the scientist—who created a damn rocket and taught her plenty about mechanical engineering—but they would have had different elements on Krypton. It’s hard to know how to build something when all the materials are different—Lena would be just as screwed if she was given Kryptonian materials from the get go.
But my point is, Lena is probably actual fucking MacGyver, or even better yet, the Supergirl version of Elliot Spencer. The Luthors definitely seem like the kind of people who have their kids be in Boy/Girl Scouts, because you never know when you might need those skills—they’re Luthors, they have people gunning for them from the cradle. You never know when you might need some of those skills, especially if you need to go off grid, or have to dump everything in a moment’s notice. Like I’m not making a definitive statement, except yes, yes I am if you gave Lena a knife and some decently warm clothes and set her off into a forest she’d probably be fine for however long she’d be there for. Lillian and probably Lionel seem like they would definitely hire a swim coach to make sure their strokes are textbook perfect, but first they’d absolutely and quite literally throw them in the deep end to teach them how to swim—the coach is about achieving perfection, and this is survival. And Luthors don’t depend on anyone else for that—the sooner they learn that the better.
A powerless Kara, on the other hand, would be absolutely fucked. She may have gone camping w alex but lbr kara definitely used heat vision to start a fire and has no idea what kind of clothes to pack or what to do about bug bites and maybe knows how to pitch a tent and some useful things that don’t rely on her powers but 5 minutes after losing her powers she cuts her hand on glass and breaks her arm—it’s not a matter of intellect, but it’s kind of like how astronauts look up when they drop a pencil—you get used to a certain baseline. Kara could definitely learn, but Lena already knows what she’s doing. Lena was taught she couldn’t trust on anyone but herself to survive and Kara was taught stronger together. This isn’t to say this is a failure of Kara’s that this isn’t her mentality—Kara has plenty of knowledge about science and alien cultures and technology and language and religion and understanding of people that Lena probably struggles with, especially in comparison. Kara was doing calculus at least since she was 4. Honestly out of the two of them she’s most likely better at science and math—but it’s probably painful for her bc it reminds her of Krypton, and it’s not like humans are going to be very accepting of a 15 year old trying to correct them on widely accepted theories. That would bring attention.
Kara was told to hide—Lena was told she wasn’t allowed to, that she had to be extraordinary because that’s what Luthors are.
We see in her very first episode she’s a marksman, able to shoot the man that had Alex hostage without even hesitation. We also see her Gerry rig that device at her charity under the table with a tiny bit of help from Winn, but not that much—that’s not exactly a lab setting.
The Luthors have so many back up plans and hidey holes that their family motto almost seems to be “be prepared.” Like Lena does not like Roulette and has 0 plans on ever going to her fight club but she knew exactly where the address was from the top of her head, without consulting a planner. And the fight clubs most likely rotate where they’re at—sure Roulette has connections but the DEO took Leslie Willis—if they don’t know about her she’s not going to bring her to their attention. And still Lena knew where it was, because it’s important to be prepared.
Or better yet—the Luthor motto might be all knowledge is worth having.
Lena probably picks up new skills in her “free time”—or really whatever time she has that she’s not working at her company, not able to simply lay around and do nothing. “You never know when you might need to know how to wrangle a crocodile kara” “You never know when an assassin might try to kill me while I’m on ice Kara” “You never know when you might need to know this very obscure and esoteric language Kara” “It’s a very distinctive sound and one day I might need to be able to distinguish between the sounds different guns make when cocked Kara” “Who knows if you’re ever in the mountains with only a paper clip and a hair tie Kara” “Kara it’s always useful to know how to be able to get out of a straight jacket without any help”
Kara is very confused about her strange nerdy friend but Lena feels such vINDICATION the first time something she’s been practicing requires her expertise you said it was weird to know how to competitively duck herd AND YET HERE WE ARE WITH A DEADLY ALIEN SPECIES THAT RESEMBLES IN SEVERAL WAYS DUCKS
tl;dr Lena would be absolutely fine wherever she’s dropped up to and including the woods or a farm with only the clothes on her back and a used tissue and after a week or so Kara would be clutching her phone wondering where the wifi is
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