#the julian and emma energy is strong with them but also
thevagabondexpress · 10 months
i really appreciate how you bring up 'james and matthew are spiralling together in their parabatai bond' like it's the most obvious thing ever. their friendship, since academy days, gives 'i'm hurting and this is the only person who kinda gets it and i can fully be myself around' vibes (yes matthew does withdraw with the events of cls, but the vibe's still kinda there). to me they stay relatively healthy given everything due to four lightwoods; lucie sometimes; and when cordelia comes she quickly joins the select 'i don't have to pretend around you' few for both of them. james has that just-instinctively-getting-each-other friendship with thomas which mirrors jem and will in some ways and is less one-sided. james and christopher have this neurodivergent synergy where james gives a reason for christopher to do what he loves (hey i'll try your experimental weapons) and gets new weapons and that kind of validating normalisation for him to pursue his own interests, albeit more quietly. matthew is a bit of a carer for those two and he hasn't quite broken out of that yet in tlh (a bit similar to how james is still Protective Older Brother to lucie and not quite vulnerable) but he is close with anna and does get close with eugenia. all meaning they don't go completely echo-chamber.
anyway, this is an ask and not a ramble. so i want to know where you think this goes in time to come. to me, both of them make a new friend in chain of thorns: matthew realises he and alastair actually have a lot in common and can slowly build a genuine friendship around Everything, and james discovers jesse is the Most Relatable and Admirable Person Ever (not replacing the way he relates to and admires his wife and parabatai of course, even thomas in some ways). and so the support system is going strong. i still want both of them to be in therapy and at least gaining an understanding of What Is Going On and This Might Help You Cope. but it's a good reminder of how even today that's not always accessible. you can answer this is in a christopher-positive world, i'll be nice. (and think it gives more thought fodder). keen to hear it!
also, since this is something that has been happening quite often in parabatai pairings across tsc, do you think that feelings for someone can be contagious in a way through the parabatai bond? especially when they refuse to acknowledge them so it kinda just bubbles up and takes over and neither realise it's happening to the other too? if so, bonus question, how do you think that plays out when they catch feelings for each other? is it a confidence boost that becomes Magical Mania (because i swear the buzzed feeling i had for years at a time once came from an empathy mirror like that, not quite parabatai but it was feelings for me in someone whose feelings i always felt myself) amplifying so much power within a closed system that it explodes from it and makes Angel Giants whose power might burn them to death? (and side note while we're here, given that james survived belial's Very Powerful Presence in his body and julian is assumedly descended from lucie do you think that's partially why he and emma survived being Angel Giants? and jace heavenly fire aside from his angel blood?) like i know you've talked about this parabatai curse theory, i'm just fishing for/feeding you details to take or leave.
and do you think, when they feel such discouragement and hatred towards themselves as we sometimes see (going back to heronchild now) it does the opposite--drains the energy for both of them, turning the bond into a bit of a vacuum and a rut that's many times harder to get out of--but survivable because of the company there? and also do you think that, as awful as this is, it could be harnessed somehow for mood regulation (going off bipolar matthew headcanon the fact that he always has james there to anchor him in his rapidly changing moods). then, on the flip side, do you think this could've amplified whatever went on with james in the midnight heir if matthew was similarly deranged? sorry for the long and multiple-interconnected-things ask!!
(also i did just follow you on wattpad but i rarely use it these days and will not read anything without your express permission)
okay, so: a) don't worry about the very long ask, you have given me some interesting questions, and b) i'll try my best to answer them but excuse me if it's an incoherent ramble.
i think the biggest difference between james + matthew and will + jem is that james and matthew have other people, something that will and jem do not (which is actually so sad because they do, they really do, but they can't see it). which is really good; they both have support systems, both together and individually, outside of their parabatai bond. even people they might walk on a little bit unintentionally in the process still choose to be there for them because regardless of how they're treated, they care and they're worried and there are ultimately more good memories to be made than bad ones. they're held up by their friends, by their families, by the people they love and the people they are in love with. whereas, though i'll accept other shipping and not-shipping headcanons for them, i think a lot of the weird not-wholly-platonic feeling will & jem give off is a side effect of having had nobody but each other to be anything close to open around for so long.
and i do think there's definitely a likelihood that parabatai start crushing on each others' crushes. it makes sense within a bond where one of the factors is that you're sharing emotions. and a bouncing back of their feelings for you onto yourself could definitely be something that happens when parabatai fall in love. ultimately i think the more dangerous reason that parabatai romances are prohibited is not being Angel Giants but all of the toxicity that's likely to come out of a romantic relationship between people who share this kind of a strong empathic bond. regardless of whether it makes Angel Giants or not.
and so yeah. it does make sense that when you've got parabatai who collectively have less self-esteem and/or sense of self-worth than dorothy's companions on the way to oz, they would sink into that quagmire together. i do think it could no doubt have been a factor in something like the midnight-heir-weirdness. and while i do think that you could harness it to help keep each other stable, it'd be something that would require years of practice and trial-and-error and could potentially be dangerous in the meantime.
(and we'll see)
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wingedshoes · 2 years
i found out about layover because of you! thank you <3
You're most welcome!!
which is your regular favorite of the three and whose ending did you love the most in layover??
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thechangeling · 3 years
Brought to you by the same person who did neurodivergint headcannons for the tsc characters. Let me now introduce you to my queer headcannons for the tsc characters!!
Obviously I'm not putting in all the ones that are already canon. I'm not explaining what all these terms mean, you have access to Google. Or just use the resources here on tumblr.
Kit: Bi (I think that's basically canon), sex favorable ace. Also genderfluid. Uses he/they pronouns.
Ty: I think due to the shadow wiki apparently pronouncing him gay plus some alleged tweets of CC's alluding to him being gay, I need to cave and avoid risking the wrath of the fandom. I thought it might be cool if he was unlabeled but fine he's gay. Also Demiromantic I will die on this hill. He doesn't really label his gender but he is nonbinary. Uses he/him pronouns though.
Drusilla: I'm gonna say Pansexual. Uses she/her pronouns.
Julian: He is cannonly Demisexual but I also headcannon him as Demiromantic. He is fine with any pronouns.
Emma: Listen I will argue with you over this one, the girl is bi. She 100% thought Cristina was hot and honestly who wouldn't. Uses she/they pronouns.
Cristina: Bi and Demisexual. Argue with the wall. Demigirl. She/they pronouns.
Mark: I'm actually gonna go crazy here and say bigender. Uses they/them pronouns.
Kieran: Gender is fake. The gender fuckery is strong with this one. Uses he/they/she.
Gwyn: Bisexual (I think that's basically canon) He/him pronouns.
Helen: Demigirl. Uses They/them. No I am not projecting why would you say that?/s
Aline: Genderqueer. Uses she/her.
Clary: Gives me bi energy idk why. I'm gonna say nonbinary but no specific label. Uses she/they.
Alec: Demisexual! I really strongly feel this one. Also Demiboy who uses he/him.
Magnus: Listen...Magnus Bane makes gender his bitch ok? I'm gonna say they use Genderqueer and any pronouns.
Simon: Transmasc. Uses He/him.
Isabelle: Bisexual. Uses she/her.
Lilly: Genderqueer. Uses they/them.
Tessa: (This is basically canon but just in case.) Polyamorous and Demisexual. Uses she/her.
Will: Bisexual. He/him.
Jem: Bi and Demisexual. Uses he/they. (I headcannon he started using he/they after Kit gave them the idea.
Charlotte: Demigirl. Uses she/they.
Henry: Agender!! Uses they/them.
Sophie: Demiromantic. Uses she/her.
Cecily: Pansexual. Uses she/her.
Jessamine: Demigirl. Uses she/they.
Alastair: Demiromantic. I feel like we all agree on this. Genderqueer. Fine with any pronouns.
Thomas: Demisexual. Demiboy. Uses he/they.
Cordelia: Bisexual. Nonbinary. Uses she/they.
Lucie: Demigirl. Demisexual. Biromantic. Yses she/they pronouns.
James: Nonbinary. Uses he/they pronouns.
Matthew: Genderfluid. Uses he/they/she.
Grace: Aroace. Uses she/they.
Christopher: Aroace. Demiboy. Uses he/they.
Anna: Genderqueer. (It's basically canon.) Uses they/them.
Kamala: Demiromantic. Nonbinary. Uses she/they.
Eugenia: Pansexual. Genderfluid. Uses she/they.
Anush: Gay. Uses he/him pronouns.
Thaís: Lesbian. Uses she/her.
And everyone else is cishet as far as I'm concerned except for people's canon queer sexualities and gender identities that I did not mention like Diana and Charles. Diana is straight and Charles is cis.
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alma-berry · 4 years
Timeless Horizons
A sweet little Kitty fic, with a special surprise! This is a collaboration with the amazing @toka-sketch​, who made two beautiful illustrations for this story. 
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Here’s a little sneak peek of Dru and Ty! You can see the full illustrations of them and Kit down at the bottom, as they are filled with spoilers!
Enjoy ❤
Dru is hiding.
Yes, it’s practically comical by now. She’d spent far too much time trying to avoid closing herself from her family and be more present, but today… she can’t help herself. The institute is just swamped with people, with preparations, with the shadow of old ghosts. The only ghost she actually wished to see was Livvy, who by all means should have been present for her brother’s engagement party. Instead, she dreads of meeting the more corporal ghosts of her past… plenty of whom was invited.
Hens, the hiding. Dru wasn’t stupid enough to do it inside the institute, where early guests and the battalion of her siblings were probably itching to make her fold napkins or whatever if any of them laid eyes on her. She was hiding outside the sanctuary, running her bare toes over the sandy concrete stairs that lead to a road connecting the highway.
In a mundane scenario, this wouldn’t have been the brightest choice for a hiding spot, but everyone uses portals these days anyway… it’s not like Magnus Bane would make a road trip out of it and drive all the way from New York to Los Angeles. Dru was sure he doesn’t even drive to the grocery store, not that he even needed to when he could just snap his fingers and voila!
Dru sighed in frustration, she would have loved to be able to summon up some Carmel corn right about now… hiding is dull work.
A loud sound of something like crackling grew closer to where she sat.
Dru sprang to her feet, not intending to be caught in a welcoming party of any sort. But when she started to head back into the institute, a single dark figure became visible right in front of her.
It was a man, climbing down off his motorcycle. There was something familiar about the fluid movement of his body that made her stop in her place and stare.
Long, strong thighs wrapped in tight dark gear stretched as they lifted themselves off the massive bike. Dru arched her eyebrows and let her gaze linger over the soft leather of the rider’s jacket with quiet appreciation, and latched onto the strands of fair hair that peaked out of the helmet that still lay on his head.
A ring of recognition went through her, and it wasn’t long before she connected the dots. This was Jace Herondale.
She ran towards him, avoiding the questions that his abrupt appearance brought up - where was Clary? How did he bring his motorcycle from New York? And most importantly, was it the one that could fly?
Before she could call for him, the man lifted his helmet and a curtain of long, golden curls fell on his neck. Dru’s breath caught in her throat as long, elegant fingers pushed back the tangle of hair and made way for two lucid blue eyes.  
This was not Jace Herondale. This, Dru realized with a sharp pang in her chest, was Kit.
“What,” her voice pitched, “the hell are you doing here?”
The shock made her words sharp and shrill. She blushed with sudden guilt, and it was a moment until she remembered she was more than entitled to be upset to see Kit Herondale.
Dru wasn’t supposed to be so surprised to see him. Jem, Tessa, and their cute little peanut, Mina, were already there, but when they said Kit would probably be joining them later, Dru assumed it was just an excuse for Kit to bail on them. Again. She was angry with him, for leaving them, for lying to her. And above all, for leaving Ty.
She cleared her throat and sharpened her gaze on his eye, but the look she found in them silenced her. Kit looked at her like he was afraid she’ll put a blade between his teeth. He also looked like he would have let her. Maybe that look, of a convicted criminal, was what made her soften her expression… and when she did, Kit visibly relaxed, but kept his distance from her all the same.
“I was invited,” Kit said. His voice was husky, hard, but his body was all discomfort. He looked at his boots, his hands twisting down his front like a complicated pretzel.
“I didn’t want to come, I know you probably don’t want to see me,” Dru could feel the acid, eating away the iron of his voice. “But Emma threatened to shave my head while I sleep if I missed this, so… yeah. I didn’t have much choice.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Said Dru.
Kit’s brows rose alarmingly high, his body closing in on itself. Dru knew animals from years of watching her older brother bringing all sorts of creatures inside the institute, so she had seen her fair share of cornered animals. Kit looked like one, so Dru schooled her face into a soft, neutral expression.
“Listen I’m, I’m sorry about-“ He was panting, fighting so hard to get the words out. From his expression, every syllable was a knife to the chest.
Dru silently took back every bad thought she had about Kit. If even after all of this time he reacted like this to the mere sight of her, he couldn’t have been so cold and indifferent like she convinced herself he must be. She hated the times when she caught herself doing the things she criticized most in others, like twisting the truth into an opinion. Like ignoring facts, knowledge, experience, and boxing them into a mold born of hurt.
Searching Kit’s half-shut eyes, Dru let herself remember the boy who lied to her only to keep her brother’s secret safe. The boy who lied only because he had to, not because he wanted to.  
“I’m sorry I ditched you and-“, Kit’s voice was small and his face was a patchwork of pale and blotchy. Dru couldn’t take it anymore.
“It’s okay, Kit. I know why you left, it’s…” Dru swallowed hard. “I understand.”
“You do?” Kit paled. He looked honestly startled before his face settled into a frozen non-reaction.
“Yeah… I know about Livvy, and how it, umm, didn’t work out.”
Kit’s blank expression didn’t change, it was as empty as the desert’s sky. Something pulled up Dru’s stomach. She opened her mouth, but between one blink of an eye to another, Kit’s stone face washed under by a strange reservation, and he mumbled “Yeah, okay. Umm, thank you.”
He wouldn’t meet her eyes. He was scanning the institute behind them so intensely she wondered for a minute if someone was approaching, and then she realized - he must be thinking about Ty.
Kit radiated with coiled-up energy, tense and unforgiving. Dru wasn’t sure if he was afraid, expectant, or both.
“He’s not here.” She said in a small, soothing voice.
Kit stayed still, but Dru detected a slight tightness in his jaw. Was he disappointed? It must be confusing for him, being here after so long, in his hometown, in the first place he learned about being a Shadowhunter. He must be completely overwhelmed. She remembered how pained Kit seemed to be when he tried to apologize to her just a minute ago, and it was just her. He probably would’ve had a fit if it was Ty here in her place.
“He’s still at the Scholomance.” She said into the silence. “They have this super-secret, highly sensitive, just for elected few stupid mission.” Dru let out the exasperated mixture of pride and annoyance her brother’s stories usually made her feel, and although Kit has just nodded once, she was sure his lips had twitched upwards a tiny bit.
“So... a motorcycle, huh?” She smiled at him. “Very Herondale of you.”
Kit let out a full-fledged smirk at her comment, and Dru felt a familiar tap on her heart. This was the Kit she remembered, and the feeling made her push a little more. “I knew they called it Grand Theft Auto for a reason. I can’t wait to hear what else you managed to steal from the head of the New York institute.”
Her taunt was a downright success. Kit barked a laugh so genuine, Dru felt thirteen all over again. She would poke him some more if it made him this cheerful. “It’s not considered theft if it was given you freely... just don’t tell that to anyone. I don’t want people to think I lost my touch.”
Dru felt her eyes widen in surprise. “So it is Jace’s motorcycle? I knew it!”
“Yeah…” Kit rocked on his heels and glanced over at his bike lovingly. ”He gave it to me for my eighteenth birthday.”
That is one legendary gift, Dru concluded. She wouldn’t mind a cousin that gifts sexy automobiles, but the thought of Julian approving to let her near a thing like that was less likely than her becoming the youngest consul in Shadowhunters history.
“So... how did you get it here?” Dru asked. “It’s not exactly a short ride from New York or Devon.”
“Magnus,” Kit answered with a shrug. “He portaled us and then just... did that thing he does where he poofs things out of thin air, like chocolate-chip cookies or... tents. Magic is so...”
“Yeah.” Dru sighed in agreement, thinking about that caramel corn.
“So where were you?” They began to trail back towards the institute. She could feel Kit tensing up with every step. She didn’t know if it was just because it brought up memories, or if it was something else. She still debated herself whether to pry into that subject, while she pried into others.
“Umm... I just,” Kit’s fingers roamed through his long curls in a somewhat nervous gesture. “I thought I’d check out my dad’s old place. See if there was anything left.” His sky blue eyes seemed clouded with memories, and from the little she knew or remembered, they weren’t all good. “I didn’t really get a chance last time, after, umm,” Kit cleared his voice. “After he died.”
He sounded stiff, and a bit drained. She almost forgot he was an orphan, like her. Of course, she had Julian, which was an amazing brother-father, and Kit has Jem and Tessa. She didn’t know Johnny Rook at all, but from what she heard, the Carstairs were definitely an improvement.
“And did you find anything?” She asked, carefully.
Kit took a long moment to answer her. They were already at the sanctuary’s doors when he finally answered.
“No. There was nothing left.”
Kit’s appearance didn’t make her want to join the herd of party planners all of a sudden, and by the looks of him, Kit wasn’t up to a large reunion yet. So she offered him to go practice in the training room and was pleasantly surprised when he agreed.
Kit wasn’t a regular Shadowhunter, in the way that he didn’t have to endure rigorous training for his entire life the way Dru was. So when she picked up her favorite misericord and gotten into a fighting stance, she felt rather confident that she could give Kit a run for his money, even with all of his bulging muscles and chiseled arms.
She was absolutely, painfully, wrong.
Kit might not have been raised as a Shadowhunter, but whatever it was they were feeding him in Devon, it made him a beast in a fight. Well, maybe not so savage as it sounded, but he whooped her ass in a matter of seconds, flipping her on her back without breaking a sweat.
“Damn it, Herondale.” She gasped. “Aren’t you supposed to be inexperienced? Why are you so good at this?”
Kit’s face lit up like a campfire. “Am I?”
Dru blew out a whine. “Don’t get all modest on me, you’re ruining your brand.”
There was nothing modest in the grin Kit shot her back. He flashed his teeth wide, like a Cheshire cat, and ran up to climb the training room’s pitched roof until he balanced himself lightly on the highest of the rafters. He didn’t pause to look at her and just jumped gracefully, somersaulting in the air like he was a goddamned acrobat.
Right before he straightened up, his black shirt, which had a Deadpool logo, a fact that made her enormously happy, having it being another thing that looked like the Kit she knew, rose up a little and flashed the tip of a black pattern that was inked into his lower back. Dru wondered which rune it was, and who put it on him. It was such a strange location for a rune, not somewhere you can mark yourself. It must have been Jace, but that left the question of which rune Kit needed Jace to mark him with, that he couldn’t do himself?
“Was that sufficiently Herondale?”
She stared at him, completely dumbfounded until she caught herself and shut her gaping mouth. “I’d say so… yeah. You caught in quickly, haven’t you?”
Kit brushed the dust off his gear pants and shrugged.
“Jace. That man is… relentless.” Kit flopped on one of the training mats, making a loud poof when he did. “You know, he almost threw me off a tree once, when I refused to jump? Twisted my ankle three times. He said if I won’t make it, he’d disown me. Still not sure what I was supposed to be disowned off, his rusty collection in the armoire?”
He had a British lilt to his voice. The way he pronounced certain words, round and elongated, was something he didn’t used to do back then. It was charming, Dru thought. He was charming. A bit self-conscious, still, with the way he occasionally tugged down his shirt or bite his lower lip, scrunching it to one side.
Dru always thought that if she ever met Kit again, she’d let him have a piece of her mind. But he was so… Kit. Quiet, sarcastic, familiar. The things about him that felt foreign to her weren’t really foreign, but more of an enhancement of what he used to be. There was something bright about him, almost luminous. He wasn’t particularly happy at the moment, so she couldn’t blame it on his mood. But there was something in his features… they were fine, delicate. He was all muscle, but the way his hair fell on his skin, gold on gold, felt fragile, almost monochromatic.
Kit must have sensed her staring, and his eyes narrowed at her in a silent question.
She put the misericord back on its hanging and placed her hands over her hips.
“So, wanna sneak down to the beach?”
The infinite stretch of water in front of her was shining bright like there was a blanket of diamonds spread all across it. The sun was low, and every ray hugged the waves with bright whispers.
They weren’t so sneaky as she hoped. Giving Kit a sideways glance, she hid a smile, remembering how Emma crushed him in a tight embrace.
“You are so big, Kit! I haven’t seen you in a year and you became Godzilla. I do not approve, Jem. He’s not allowed to be stronger than me.”
Kit choked out a bruised laugh. “You don’t have to worry about that, Em. Just… lay off with the hugging, you’ll crack a rib if you won’t let go of me.”
Mina’s answering giggle was more than enough to break the two apart. She reached her arms for Kit and he tugged her to him without a second’s hesitation.
He reminded her of Jules so much, of how he used to hold Tavvy when he was her age, nuzzling his baby hair and murmuring soft words to his ear.
There was something so vulnerable about this Kit, but when he was with his baby sister, she could see how he simply glowed. The love that he felt for that little girl was so evident, so undeniable, it made Dru’s heart play a low, painful beat.
He seemed troubled now, his brows screwed together, as he stared into the sunbathed horizon.
“How is he?”
It was almost a whisper, but Dru heard.
“Alright.” She answered. “Tall. Taller than Julian.”
Kit’s shoulders hunched inwards, and the grip on his arms was so tight, she could see his knuckles whitening.
“But, how is he? With Livvy, and,” he choked on the last word. “With everything.”
Of course he wanted to know about that. She almost forgot he knew at all. Dru was so accustomed to having to keep the slight shifts of Ty’s attention to herself, knowing he must interact with Livvy in a way that was reserved to them alone, even after death.
“He’s okay, she’s… okay.” She said. “Not that I could really say for myself. He doesn’t say much about her. He’s better now, with me.”
Dru loved her brother fiercely. All of her siblings, but Ty… Ty was something else. She didn’t love him more, but she loved him differently. In him, she could sometimes see her Livvy, and wondered whether it’s a twin thing, or was it just her presence, revealed and kept only by him. They were better, now. There were things he only said to Dru, like the story of how they found his Lynx.
“Oh, he has a cat! Well, she’s not really a cat. She’s a Carpathian lynx. Scary as hell, doesn’t like anyone other than Ty.” Dru said with her nose screwed. She liked cats and didn’t appreciate Irene’s snobby attitude, even if she gave her the creeps.
Kit muffled a laugh. “Sounds like Church. That cat gives all other cats bad reputation, devil creature.”
Dru’s hands flew to her mouth. “Church! Awww I miss that furball!”
Kit snorted. “You can have him.”
Dru let herself look at Kit’s eyes. The smirk on his lips didn’t reach them.
“And you? How are you, Kit?”
Kit seemed startled by the question. For a second, the guard he kept up slid off him, and an endless sorrow spilled away from him like ink, staining his face with shadows. It didn’t linger, but it didn’t really keep away.
“I’m okay, Drusilla.” He put a calloused hand on her arm and squeezed. “So are you, it seems. I’m happy to see you again.”
The smile Dru gave him was wide, silently trying to convey that so was she.
She patted his arm and rose to her feet, dusting sand off her black velvet overalls, which were an unfortunate choice for the beach.
“I’ll head up to see if they need some last-minute help. Can’t pull the hostess trick for much longer, I suppose.”
Kit only nodded and fixed his gaze back onto the sinking sun.
When Dru was halfway to the institute’s doors, she noticed a tall, dark figure headed her way. Her breath caught in her chest, and she ran towards him, blessing the sand for muffling the sound of her feet.
It wasn’t long until she reached him, her eyes tingling with excitement and apprehension. Ty reached for her shoulder, grabbing hard. He didn’t even look at her, her face set ahead, on the black and gold figure sitting a breath from the water.
“Ty! When did you get here? I thought you weren’t coming, Jules and Em almost called this thing off!” She was jabbering, she knew it, but she wanted to distract Ty so she could wage his mood, see if he could handle Kit’s presence.
“The mission was over,” Ty answered. “I texted Julian a few hours ago. When did he get here?”
Dru stared at her brother until she realized he was talking about Kit.  “Oh! Umm, a few hours ago? We trained together a bit and then we just… hung out here. I was just heading back, do you…” she hesitated, “do you wanna come with me?”
Ty averted his gaze to his left hand, which was when Dru noticed the agitated movement.
“No.” He said. “Did he, umm,” Dru wasn’t used to seeing her brother so hesitant, one of his hands fluttering, one clutching her shoulder in an iron grip. “How is he?”
His tone, his words, the exact mirror to what Kit had asked her moments ago. Ty didn’t try to mask his feelings, Dru guessed he wasn’t aware enough of her presence to try.
So she weighed her words carefully, before answering. “Sad. I think he’s sad.”
Ty’s breath hitched, and for a moment, she thought it was a reaction to her words. But when she looked into his stormy eyes, she saw that he was looking down at the waters again. At Kit.
Dru turned to see Kit has risen to his feet. He was chucking his jacket away, unbuckling his pants. She’d never seen him swim when he was staying with them, but the salty smell of the ocean and the light breeze was intoxicating enough for her to understand the urge to plunge inside the ocean.
Kit reached for the hem of his shirt and started to lift his shirt up. Dru tensed, suddenly remembering the rune she glimpsed back at the training room. She straightened her back, readying her eyes to catch the mark from the large distance. But when Kit’s shirt rose up over his neck and his fair hair slid sideways, she could hear the air escaping her lungs, echoed in the stunned gasp that came from Ty’s direction.
Kit’s entire back was inked with an intricate pattern, looping from the nape of his neck, down his shoulder blades, and all the way to his lower back. A beautiful arrangement of vines, tracing the dips and ridges of his muscled back, the black, thin shapes draping his skin like skeleton feathers. It wasn’t a rune at all, it was a tattoo.
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“Thorns.” She whispered, disbelief marking every syllable.
She turned back to look at her older brother and was startled to find a fierce smile blazing through his lips.
His hand left her shoulder, and he was walking slowly towards Kit, who had already lost his gear pants and was paddling through shallow waters.
Dru just stood there, her thoughts an incoherent tangle inside her head. She watched Ty making his way towards Kit, and found that her heart understood before her mind did. It was unexpected, to say the least, but it also wasn’t.
Memories washed over Dru as she watched Ty closing the distance between them, three years worth of distance, and felt the past washing over her at once. It was the way it was always supposed to be, the two of them together.
With one last glance towards the strange painting of past and future, Dru turned her back to the sunset and headed back home.
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searchforthescars · 6 years
okay but consider??? au in which livia DOESNT DIE???
also sorry for this lol @helen-blackthorn might kill me but oh heckin well
It burns.
Something is twisting and writhing under her skin, red-hot and angry, all-encompassing and terrible.
Dimly, she thinks she might be screaming, straining against something she can’t see, something that’s holding her down as she tries to break free, to get away from this ugly thing burning her alive.
She floats like that for days, trapped and scared, nerves raw from the pain. Sometimes she hears voices, low tones she doesn’t recognize, whispers that remind her of home. Once or twice she hears her name. At least, she thinks it’s her name; she’s been reduced to a mass of pain and ache and burn for what feels like centuries and even trying to breathe hurts.
When she wakes up - really wakes up, not the half-dream state she floats in and out of during the rare times she’s not burning up - there’s something heavy resting on her stomach. 
She reaches down to touch it and it moves, so she jerks back, then lets out a bitten-off howl of pain as the scar on her chest flares white-hot.
Oh, she thinks dimly over the pain that washes over her raw nerves, so that’s what hurts.
“Livvy!” It’s Julian, his warm voice and large hands comforting her, smoothing back her hair and straightening her covers the way he always did when she was sick. “Livvy, it’s okay, you’re okay.”
He sounds like he’s about to cry. She tries to tell him that she’s alright, but the words die in her mouth. Her tongue feels like lead. Her throat aches. She has so many questions - where am I? chief among them - but the energy it would take to summon the words is altogether out of her reach.
“You’re at the Citadel,” Julian explains. “The Sisters knew what to do.”
She nods, the exhausted acceptance of a wounded warrior. Julian moves his chair from down by her torso to up by her head. She lifts her arm to touch his cheek, then raises her arms in the childish hold-me gesture she gave him nearly daily when they were young. She’s suddenly cold, the kind of cold that goes bone-deep, and she just wants her big brother to warm her up and keep her safe.
He gathers her halfway into his arms, keeping her lower half on the bed while he wraps her arms around his shoulders - she ignores the pain in her chest this time - and holds her head to his chest. She can feel his heartbeat.
“You’re so brave, Livvy,” he murmurs. “So strong.”
“And stupid,” she mutters. Her voice is the rasp of nails on glass, but Julian laughs out loud nonetheless. When she looks up, she sees his bright smile, however false and fleeting, and wants to cry. “I shouldn’t have done that.”
“It’s okay,” he tells her. “You saved us. You saved me.”
He presses a kiss to the crown of her head. She feels seven again. “You’re going to be okay,” he whispers. A tear falls onto her hair. “It was a close call, but you’re going to be okay.”
She stays with the Iron Sisters for two months, healing and regaining her strength, rolling her eyes as they fuss over her and squirming away when they test the effects of blessed metals on her. The Mortal Sword had disastrous effects on those that survived it, they said, and they needed to make sure she wouldn’t be a danger to herself or others.
“They probably think you’ll spontaneously combust or something,” Julian had muttered in her ear. She had laughed and it had hurt, but it felt like the first ray of sun peeking through the clouds after a storm.
Julian was asked to leave after her third day of consciousness. The Sisters had allowed him to stay as a courtesy, but she needed time and he needed to go home. Livia could barely stand to watch him walk through the Portal, and was comforted only by the fact that he could tell the others she was alive.
The first night Livia was alone, she felt it: a wave of sadness so strong, and yet so distant, washing over her, tugging on her heart, making her cry.
“It’s the twin bond,” an elder Sister says sagely as Livia brusquely wipes her tears because Institute heads don’t cry. “You feel strongly when he does, just as he suffered with you when you nearly died.”
The thought stops her cold. He had hurt too? Was that why he collapsed when she was stabbed?
The memory flashes back to her: the shock and pain of the mangled sword through her chest, Ty’s anguished cry, Ty, Ty, I-
She nearly slams into a closed door, then sags against it instead, biting down on her fist and pressing her other hand flat against her chest, feeling the raised scar against her palm. 
He had suffered. The thought is as unforgivable and inexcusable as her weakness.
She turns, pushes her way past a training group and into her room, stops in front of the mirror and yanks down the collar of her shirt.
It’s the first time she’s seen the scar properly. It’s hideous, bright red, puckered and angry, like a vicious fissure left over from an earthquake or a tectonic plate shift. She sees herself cringe at the sight of it.
It doesn’t matter, she tells herself. It’s superficial. It doesn’t matter. But, no matter how often she tells herself so, she looks at the still-healing wound and sees the broken sword, feels the pain, hears her twin cry out once before collapsing onto cold stone.
It’s hard to say what hurts the most.
When she comes home, nothing and everything is as it was.
Everything is as it was. The house is noisy.
She lets herself in with the key Julian keeps hidden under the third porch floorboard from the left and lets the noise wash over her. She hears Emma and Julian taunting one another, the crash of a door banging open and the patter of Tavvy’s running feet. She also hears the steady thunk of a knife landing on a target. She follows that sound.
Nothing is as it was. Ty is standing in the center of the training room, throwing knife after knife with deadly accuracy, barely giving one time to land before Kit is handing him another.
His eyes are dark, laser-focused, and only Livia, with her practiced eye, can see the slight tremor in his hands. The cord of his headphones swings with every toss. He’s so focused he doesn’t notice Kit shooting to his feet and dropping the knives until there isn’t another weapon to grab.
“Kit-” he starts, annoyed, and then turns to see what Kit is staring at.
“You’re back!” Kit shouts, obviously delighted, at the same moment Ty drops his knife and runs to her, wrapping her in a hug so unexpected she actually squeaks in surprise.
“Ty, what-”
“I missed you,” he whispers fiercely. His hands are steady now. He pulls away and looks her dead in the eyes. “I missed you,” he says again. 
His ever-observant eyes cut down to the scar on her chest. She moves her hand to cover it, and Ty grabs it, pulling it away. “Does it hurt?” he asks, almost childlike.
She shakes her head. “It’s more the reminder that hurts than anything.”
He frowns. “Why? You were brave. You saved Julian. You saved us.”
“The scar,” she says softly. “It’s hideous.”
“I think it’s badass,” Kit interrupts.
Livia grins, reaching out to sling an arm around Kit’s shoulder. Ty links his pinky finger with hers. “I’ll explain later,” she tells Ty, joy bubbling up in her mangled chest when he rests his head on her shoulder and says quietly in their shared language that he still wants to be her parabatai.
For now, she is happy.
42 notes · View notes
astro-crab · 6 years
Aries Sun/Rising: These natives have angular faces, with wide-set eyes, high, arched, ram-like eyebrows. Prominent forehead and nose, sharply drawn and compressed mouth. Clear, steady, and penetrating eyes. Tan, sometimes ruddy complexion. Curly, wiry, sandy or red hair. Intense color contrasts in eyes and hair. Broad shoulders, narrow hips, average height, athletic build, strong posture. Rugged, masculine features. These native possess an energetic, loud, and eccentric vibe. Movements are quick and sharp, they hold themselves high. They possess prominent personalities in some way. Red is often worn. 
(Observe the effect that each rising sign has on these Aries individuals. Most undoubtedly possess Aries qualities with a noticeable blend of his or her rising sign.)
Aries Sun + Aries Rising: 
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See Aries description above.  (Heath Ledger & Lucy Lawless)
Aries Sun + Taurus Rising:
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Taurus Risings have sweet faces with full features. The shape of the face is oval or square, and broad regardless. Button nose, enlarged nostrils, full lips, dark eyes. Fair complexion with thick, dark, shiny hair, which can be wavy. Whilst these individuals have an appearance of softness to them, they also look sturdy and well-proportioned. Thick necks are common, as are long necks. Well defined calves. These natives give off a strong sense of calm and stability. They possess a heavy step. Their style is classic and stylish, choosing long-lasting clothes. Earthy colors are often worn.  (Julian Lennon & Claudia Cardinale)
Aries Sun + Gemini Rising:
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Gemini Risings have small, doll-like, centered facial features, with thin, pouty lips. Expressive, bright, light eyes, and long eyelashes are common. Arched eyebrows, narrow nose, larger ears. Pointed jawline, reserved chin, long face. Textured, light or dark hair. Slender build, average to tall height with a short trunk and long limbs. Expressive faces that show their mood. Fast talkers, often with their hands. May be seen tapping their hands or feet, as they have a nervous energy. They are changeable, and can adapt to different styles with ease. Yellow and silver are often worn.  (Gerard Way & Kristen Stewart)  
Aries Sun + Cancer Rising:
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Cancer Risings tend to have round, moon-like faces with apple-cheeks. Large, almond shaped, luminous, dreamy eyes, often light in color. Pleasant smile. Dark, thin hair. Small noses with a prominent tip, round chin, and fair complexion. Small hands and feet. Prominent chests. Average height, can be stout or even prone to weight gain. They walk in a guarded manner, very cautious. There is an energy of eagerness, empathy, and naivety to these natives. Black and white colors are often worn.  (Paul Rudd & Miranda Kerr) 
Aries Sun + Leo Rising:
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Leo Risings have strong features, wide forehead and high cheekbones. Darker, rounded eyes. Ruddy or flushed complexion, and may tan easily. Sparkling smile with full lips. Button nose, smaller ears. Thick and fair hair that is often red or blonde, often well kept. Good, strong proportions, tall height with long legs, well defined hands and feet. Often muscular or toned. They have a lot of swagger in their walk, chest out, big steps, chins up. These natives give off a noble, powerful, warm, and elegant energy. Can be very showy, enhanced with jewelry. Yellow and orange are often worn.  (Robert Downey Jr. & Reese Witherspoon) 
Aries Sun + Virgo Rising:
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Virgo Risings have small, regular and refined features. High forehead and straight, angular noses. Very defined jawline. Soft, almond shaped eyes, gentle and clear. Lips are curvy and well shaped. Fair, clear complexion, with sensitive skin. Hair has a mixture of colors. Body shape is slender, lanky, with average to tall height. An awkward walk. Shy, polite, nervous energy. Do not like to be noticed, and may blush often. They often appear very serious, preppy, and youthful. They are neat and kept, very orderly. Yellow and green colors are often worn.  (Adrien Brody & Emma Watson)
Aries Sun + Libra Rising:
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Libra Risings have very pleasant, symmetrical facial features. Ovular, ample face with a cleft chin, and dimples are common. Well rounded forehead. Heart shaped lips. Straight teeth, sometimes with a gap in the center. Charming and penetrating eyes, gray-blue or brown. Smooth, glowing skin. Silky, curly, light hair. Average to tall height with an average build. They carry themselves with grace and class. These native give off a calm, harmonious energy. Often a balance of feminine and masculine features. Their look is sophisticated with a carefully chosen wardrobe. Blues and reds are often worn.  (Ewan McGregor & Natalie Dessay)    
Aries Sun + Scorpio Rising:
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Scorpio Risings have square faces with sharp, stubborn features. Prominent cheekbones, chin and nose, which is striking, possibly with a hook. The eyes are always piercing and magnetic, framed by steady eyebrows. Firm mouth with sensual lips. Dark complexion, potentially oily skin. Thick, brown or dark hair, frizzy or wavy. Average height, powerful physique. Bigger, longer hands and feet. Are often sturdy individuals with broad shoulders. Quick, seductive walk. They have fast speech and quick wit, blunt and intense. Their energy is charming, provocative, and secretive. These native do not need to dress over the top to demonstrate their power. Reds and blacks are often worn.  (James Franco & Joan Crawford)
Aries Sun + Sagittarius Rising:
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Sagittarius Risings have generous, open features. Long, oval face with rounded forehead. Big nose. Blue, hazel, sparkly eyes. Often wide smile, showing a large top row of teeth. Thick hair, brunette or golden-red brown. Strong, and often tall individuals. May be stout with powerful legs. Can be scruffy and unkept, as well as clumsy. Often play with their hair, and talk with their hands. They are enthusiastic, independent, playful, and eager. Outfits are often casual, but these natives can adapt well to any situation. Reds and oranges are often worn.
Aries Sun + Capricorn Rising:
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Capricorn Risings have fine, chiseled, and well-cut facial features. Broad skull, high forehead, prominent eyebrows. Smaller, piercing eyes, long and bony nose. Thin neck, compressed mouth. Dark, black hair. Small to average height or tall and lanky, it varies. They walk in a slow, calculated manner and give off a humble, stern, and mature impression. Often times they appear neutral and orderly with a dry sense of humor. They aren’t known to give much thought to their appearance. Blacks, grays, and browns are often worn.  (Christopher Meloni & America Ferrera)
Aries Sun + Aquarius Rising:
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Aquarius Risings have larger bone structure, and round heads. High, defined forehead with shapely, curved eyebrows. Features droop down towards the chin. Sharp noses, and a tight mouth. Subtle smile with articulate speech. Sparkling, vivacious eyes, always on the lookout for unique experiences. Dark and thick hair, though can be blonde, with sometimes unusual hair styles. Often slim and tall, but can be short. Broad hips and shoulders, shapely legs. They move in an easygoing way. Kind facial expression with a touch of seriousness. They often dress to appear different, and eccentric. Indigo and blues are often worn.  (Russell Crowe & Sarah Michelle Gellar) 
Aries Sun + Pisces Rising:
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Pisces Risings have full or square faces, depending. May possess dimples, nice cheeks. Wide mouth, and graceful neck. Larger ears and flat nose. Large, light eyes, can look slow and glazed over. Delicate skin. Healthy, soft, fine hair, sometimes naturally wavy. Rounded shoulders. Tranquil expression, with a mischievous grin. Often short and plump in stature. They walk with grace and ease, and possess quick movements. This sign can take on many different appearances due to its mutable quality. There is a hypnotic energy given off by these natives, they are very elusive. Purples, blues, and greens are often worn.  (Robert Carlyle & Clotilde Courau)
51 notes · View notes
newsfundastuff · 5 years
(Bloomberg) -- The unofficial end of summer kicks off a more intense phase of a Democratic presidential race that has been led by moderate Joe Biden, with progressives Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren in a battle for second as the rest of the sprawling field struggles to break through.“There’s a real sense that time is running out after Labor Day,” said Alex Conant, a public relations consultant who was a top aide on the 2016 presidential campaign of Senator Marco Rubio, a Florida Republican. “Voters become more engaged. Before Labor Day most voters are content to watch the show. After Labor Day they start picking a team.”He added, “Especially if you’re a second- or third-tier candidate who’s been waiting to make a move, the time is now.”Democrats have essentially culled the field to a four-person race with a few wild cards showing signs of life and others hanging by a thread. Party members are eager to nominate a candidate they believe can beat President Donald Trump, keeping Biden atop polls even amid concerns about his age and propensity for gaffes. Sanders and Warren are behind, splitting Democrats hungry for swift and far-reaching progressive change, while Kamala Harris has settled into a distant fourth place.No one else is polling above 10% in a field that has in recent weeks dwindled from 24 to 19.At the same time, the economy remains strong but shows signs of sputtering that make Trump allies nervous.The upcoming debate Sept. 12 in Houston will be the first time all the front-runners are on the stage together. Many are anticipating a confrontation between Biden and Warren, who’ve never shared the podium but have a contentious history and represent a stark choice between the moderate and liberal wings of the party.Over the summer, Warren was the only top-tier candidate who avoided any clashes with her main rivals, steering clear of the fights over Medicare for All and 1970s segregation that saw Biden, Sanders and Harris all squabbling.Can Biden’s Lead Hold?So far, Biden’s resilient lead has defied critics who suggested that the third-time presidential candidate was on track for another flameout. Unlike during his previous campaigns, defeating Trump is the overarching goal for many Democrats and Biden benefits from a perception that he’s best-positioned to recapture the swing states that Democrats lost in 2016.Voters “kind of know he’s the guy who can win important swing voters,” said John Anzalone, Biden’s pollster and adviser. “They feel like there’s too much risk in some of the candidates who might be considered more left.”Some Democrats roll their eyes at Biden’s “electability” argument, saying the lack of intensity behind his campaign risks the party being unable to galvanize voters behind a fresh vision.“Oh, Democrats. It’s so painful. We’re so inside our own heads,” said Rebecca Katz, a progressive strategist. “Democrats are so desperate to win that we don’t even trust our own judgment. Maybe instead of making some giant calculation of who could win what vote, vote for the person who inspires you.”After Harris, there’s Pete Buttigieg, the 37-year-old mayor of South Bend, Indiana, who has raked in vast sums of money but remains stuck in fifth. Five other candidates will complete at the Houston debate but they’re all placing under 3% in the polls.Another candidate could yet vault into the top tier. Lower-polling candidates on the September debate stage – including Cory Booker, Julian Castro and Beto O’Rourke – are better positioned to create or take advantage of an opportunity.Several candidates who might have been formidable in a different climate have already dropped out, including Washington Governor Jay Inslee and New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand.No Repeat of 2016The Democratic National Committee has eagerly tried to prevent the perception that it’s putting its thumb on the scale like it did for Hillary Clinton in 2016. But that hasn’t stopped some struggling candidates from grumbling about its rules.“I feel very excited about where we are now. We’ve got a deep field, we are talking about the issues and that’s what we’re supposed to be doing,” DNC Chairman Tom Perez said in an interview. “The energy is everywhere.”Henry Singleton, an NAACP member from New York City said Harris is “a force” but he worries she’d suffer the same fate as Clinton did in 2016.“Our people are very comfortable with him, with his demeanor,” Singleton said of Biden. He just has a flair. And I think he would be the one to really, really go after Donald Trump in the debates.”Democrats could come to demand more of Biden as a growing number of polls show other Democrats could beat Trump.In a recent Quinnipiac University poll, 54% of registered voters said they’d vote for Biden, while 38% said they would vote for Trump. But Sanders would also win the popular vote, 53% to 39%; as would Warren at 52% to 40%, Harris at 51% to 40%, and Buttigieg at 49% to 40%.“One of the overwhelming things I hear about Joe Biden is that he definitely acts and talks his age — which isn’t necessarily a bad thing for some voters, but for other voters, especially for younger voters, is not appealing,” said Bryce Smith, the chairman of the Dallas County Democratic Party in Iowa, just outside Des Moines.“He might have some really good ideas,” he said, “but the way he talks about them may not be as motivating or energizing as Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders who are similar in age.”\--With assistance from Emma Kinery.To contact the reporters on this story: Sahil Kapur in Washington at [email protected];Jennifer Epstein in Washington at [email protected] contact the editors responsible for this story: Wendy Benjaminson at [email protected], John HarneyFor more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
0 notes
(Bloomberg) -- The unofficial end of summer kicks off a more intense phase of a Democratic presidential race that has been led by moderate Joe Biden, with progressives Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren in a battle for second as the rest of the sprawling field struggles to break through.“There’s a real sense that time is running out after Labor Day,” said Alex Conant, a public relations consultant who was a top aide on the 2016 presidential campaign of Senator Marco Rubio, a Florida Republican. “Voters become more engaged. Before Labor Day most voters are content to watch the show. After Labor Day they start picking a team.”He added, “Especially if you’re a second- or third-tier candidate who’s been waiting to make a move, the time is now.”Democrats have essentially culled the field to a four-person race with a few wild cards showing signs of life and others hanging by a thread. Party members are eager to nominate a candidate they believe can beat President Donald Trump, keeping Biden atop polls even amid concerns about his age and propensity for gaffes. Sanders and Warren are behind, splitting Democrats hungry for swift and far-reaching progressive change, while Kamala Harris has settled into a distant fourth place.No one else is polling above 10% in a field that has in recent weeks dwindled from 24 to 19.At the same time, the economy remains strong but shows signs of sputtering that make Trump allies nervous.The upcoming debate Sept. 12 in Houston will be the first time all the front-runners are on the stage together. Many are anticipating a confrontation between Biden and Warren, who’ve never shared the podium but have a contentious history and represent a stark choice between the moderate and liberal wings of the party.Over the summer, Warren was the only top-tier candidate who avoided any clashes with her main rivals, steering clear of the fights over Medicare for All and 1970s segregation that saw Biden, Sanders and Harris all squabbling.Can Biden’s Lead Hold?So far, Biden’s resilient lead has defied critics who suggested that the third-time presidential candidate was on track for another flameout. Unlike during his previous campaigns, defeating Trump is the overarching goal for many Democrats and Biden benefits from a perception that he’s best-positioned to recapture the swing states that Democrats lost in 2016.Voters “kind of know he’s the guy who can win important swing voters,” said John Anzalone, Biden’s pollster and adviser. “They feel like there’s too much risk in some of the candidates who might be considered more left.”Some Democrats roll their eyes at Biden’s “electability” argument, saying the lack of intensity behind his campaign risks the party being unable to galvanize voters behind a fresh vision.“Oh, Democrats. It’s so painful. We’re so inside our own heads,” said Rebecca Katz, a progressive strategist. “Democrats are so desperate to win that we don’t even trust our own judgment. Maybe instead of making some giant calculation of who could win what vote, vote for the person who inspires you.”After Harris, there’s Pete Buttigieg, the 37-year-old mayor of South Bend, Indiana, who has raked in vast sums of money but remains stuck in fifth. Five other candidates will complete at the Houston debate but they’re all placing under 3% in the polls.Another candidate could yet vault into the top tier. Lower-polling candidates on the September debate stage – including Cory Booker, Julian Castro and Beto O’Rourke – are better positioned to create or take advantage of an opportunity.Several candidates who might have been formidable in a different climate have already dropped out, including Washington Governor Jay Inslee and New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand.No Repeat of 2016The Democratic National Committee has eagerly tried to prevent the perception that it’s putting its thumb on the scale like it did for Hillary Clinton in 2016. But that hasn’t stopped some struggling candidates from grumbling about its rules.“I feel very excited about where we are now. We’ve got a deep field, we are talking about the issues and that’s what we’re supposed to be doing,” DNC Chairman Tom Perez said in an interview. “The energy is everywhere.”Henry Singleton, an NAACP member from New York City said Harris is “a force” but he worries she’d suffer the same fate as Clinton did in 2016.“Our people are very comfortable with him, with his demeanor,” Singleton said of Biden. He just has a flair. And I think he would be the one to really, really go after Donald Trump in the debates.”Democrats could come to demand more of Biden as a growing number of polls show other Democrats could beat Trump.In a recent Quinnipiac University poll, 54% of registered voters said they’d vote for Biden, while 38% said they would vote for Trump. But Sanders would also win the popular vote, 53% to 39%; as would Warren at 52% to 40%, Harris at 51% to 40%, and Buttigieg at 49% to 40%.“One of the overwhelming things I hear about Joe Biden is that he definitely acts and talks his age — which isn’t necessarily a bad thing for some voters, but for other voters, especially for younger voters, is not appealing,” said Bryce Smith, the chairman of the Dallas County Democratic Party in Iowa, just outside Des Moines.“He might have some really good ideas,” he said, “but the way he talks about them may not be as motivating or energizing as Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders who are similar in age.”\--With assistance from Emma Kinery.To contact the reporters on this story: Sahil Kapur in Washington at [email protected];Jennifer Epstein in Washington at [email protected] contact the editors responsible for this story: Wendy Benjaminson at [email protected], John HarneyFor more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2ZLx4yy
0 notes
(Bloomberg) -- The unofficial end of summer kicks off a more intense phase of a Democratic presidential race that has been led by moderate Joe Biden, with progressives Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren in a battle for second as the rest of the sprawling field struggles to break through.“There’s a real sense that time is running out after Labor Day,” said Alex Conant, a public relations consultant who was a top aide on the 2016 presidential campaign of Senator Marco Rubio, a Florida Republican. “Voters become more engaged. Before Labor Day most voters are content to watch the show. After Labor Day they start picking a team.”He added, “Especially if you’re a second- or third-tier candidate who’s been waiting to make a move, the time is now.”Democrats have essentially culled the field to a four-person race with a few wild cards showing signs of life and others hanging by a thread. Party members are eager to nominate a candidate they believe can beat President Donald Trump, keeping Biden atop polls even amid concerns about his age and propensity for gaffes. Sanders and Warren are behind, splitting Democrats hungry for swift and far-reaching progressive change, while Kamala Harris has settled into a distant fourth place.No one else is polling above 10% in a field that has in recent weeks dwindled from 24 to 19.At the same time, the economy remains strong but shows signs of sputtering that make Trump allies nervous.The upcoming debate Sept. 12 in Houston will be the first time all the front-runners are on the stage together. Many are anticipating a confrontation between Biden and Warren, who’ve never shared the podium but have a contentious history and represent a stark choice between the moderate and liberal wings of the party.Over the summer, Warren was the only top-tier candidate who avoided any clashes with her main rivals, steering clear of the fights over Medicare for All and 1970s segregation that saw Biden, Sanders and Harris all squabbling.Can Biden’s Lead Hold?So far, Biden’s resilient lead has defied critics who suggested that the third-time presidential candidate was on track for another flameout. Unlike during his previous campaigns, defeating Trump is the overarching goal for many Democrats and Biden benefits from a perception that he’s best-positioned to recapture the swing states that Democrats lost in 2016.Voters “kind of know he’s the guy who can win important swing voters,” said John Anzalone, Biden’s pollster and adviser. “They feel like there’s too much risk in some of the candidates who might be considered more left.”Some Democrats roll their eyes at Biden’s “electability” argument, saying the lack of intensity behind his campaign risks the party being unable to galvanize voters behind a fresh vision.“Oh, Democrats. It’s so painful. We’re so inside our own heads,” said Rebecca Katz, a progressive strategist. “Democrats are so desperate to win that we don’t even trust our own judgment. Maybe instead of making some giant calculation of who could win what vote, vote for the person who inspires you.”After Harris, there’s Pete Buttigieg, the 37-year-old mayor of South Bend, Indiana, who has raked in vast sums of money but remains stuck in fifth. Five other candidates will complete at the Houston debate but they’re all placing under 3% in the polls.Another candidate could yet vault into the top tier. Lower-polling candidates on the September debate stage – including Cory Booker, Julian Castro and Beto O’Rourke – are better positioned to create or take advantage of an opportunity.Several candidates who might have been formidable in a different climate have already dropped out, including Washington Governor Jay Inslee and New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand.No Repeat of 2016The Democratic National Committee has eagerly tried to prevent the perception that it’s putting its thumb on the scale like it did for Hillary Clinton in 2016. But that hasn’t stopped some struggling candidates from grumbling about its rules.“I feel very excited about where we are now. We’ve got a deep field, we are talking about the issues and that’s what we’re supposed to be doing,” DNC Chairman Tom Perez said in an interview. “The energy is everywhere.”Henry Singleton, an NAACP member from New York City said Harris is “a force” but he worries she’d suffer the same fate as Clinton did in 2016.“Our people are very comfortable with him, with his demeanor,” Singleton said of Biden. He just has a flair. And I think he would be the one to really, really go after Donald Trump in the debates.”Democrats could come to demand more of Biden as a growing number of polls show other Democrats could beat Trump.In a recent Quinnipiac University poll, 54% of registered voters said they’d vote for Biden, while 38% said they would vote for Trump. But Sanders would also win the popular vote, 53% to 39%; as would Warren at 52% to 40%, Harris at 51% to 40%, and Buttigieg at 49% to 40%.“One of the overwhelming things I hear about Joe Biden is that he definitely acts and talks his age — which isn’t necessarily a bad thing for some voters, but for other voters, especially for younger voters, is not appealing,” said Bryce Smith, the chairman of the Dallas County Democratic Party in Iowa, just outside Des Moines.“He might have some really good ideas,” he said, “but the way he talks about them may not be as motivating or energizing as Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders who are similar in age.”\--With assistance from Emma Kinery.To contact the reporters on this story: Sahil Kapur in Washington at [email protected];Jennifer Epstein in Washington at [email protected] contact the editors responsible for this story: Wendy Benjaminson at [email protected], John HarneyFor more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2ZLx4yy
0 notes
45news · 5 years
(Bloomberg) -- The unofficial end of summer kicks off a more intense phase of a Democratic presidential race that has been led by moderate Joe Biden, with progressives Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren in a battle for second as the rest of the sprawling field struggles to break through.“There’s a real sense that time is running out after Labor Day,” said Alex Conant, a public relations consultant who was a top aide on the 2016 presidential campaign of Senator Marco Rubio, a Florida Republican. “Voters become more engaged. Before Labor Day most voters are content to watch the show. After Labor Day they start picking a team.”He added, “Especially if you’re a second- or third-tier candidate who’s been waiting to make a move, the time is now.”Democrats have essentially culled the field to a four-person race with a few wild cards showing signs of life and others hanging by a thread. Party members are eager to nominate a candidate they believe can beat President Donald Trump, keeping Biden atop polls even amid concerns about his age and propensity for gaffes. Sanders and Warren are behind, splitting Democrats hungry for swift and far-reaching progressive change, while Kamala Harris has settled into a distant fourth place.No one else is polling above 10% in a field that has in recent weeks dwindled from 24 to 19.At the same time, the economy remains strong but shows signs of sputtering that make Trump allies nervous.The upcoming debate Sept. 12 in Houston will be the first time all the front-runners are on the stage together. Many are anticipating a confrontation between Biden and Warren, who’ve never shared the podium but have a contentious history and represent a stark choice between the moderate and liberal wings of the party.Over the summer, Warren was the only top-tier candidate who avoided any clashes with her main rivals, steering clear of the fights over Medicare for All and 1970s segregation that saw Biden, Sanders and Harris all squabbling.Can Biden’s Lead Hold?So far, Biden’s resilient lead has defied critics who suggested that the third-time presidential candidate was on track for another flameout. Unlike during his previous campaigns, defeating Trump is the overarching goal for many Democrats and Biden benefits from a perception that he’s best-positioned to recapture the swing states that Democrats lost in 2016.Voters “kind of know he’s the guy who can win important swing voters,” said John Anzalone, Biden’s pollster and adviser. “They feel like there’s too much risk in some of the candidates who might be considered more left.”Some Democrats roll their eyes at Biden’s “electability” argument, saying the lack of intensity behind his campaign risks the party being unable to galvanize voters behind a fresh vision.“Oh, Democrats. It’s so painful. We’re so inside our own heads,” said Rebecca Katz, a progressive strategist. “Democrats are so desperate to win that we don’t even trust our own judgment. Maybe instead of making some giant calculation of who could win what vote, vote for the person who inspires you.”After Harris, there’s Pete Buttigieg, the 37-year-old mayor of South Bend, Indiana, who has raked in vast sums of money but remains stuck in fifth. Five other candidates will complete at the Houston debate but they’re all placing under 3% in the polls.Another candidate could yet vault into the top tier. Lower-polling candidates on the September debate stage – including Cory Booker, Julian Castro and Beto O’Rourke – are better positioned to create or take advantage of an opportunity.Several candidates who might have been formidable in a different climate have already dropped out, including Washington Governor Jay Inslee and New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand.No Repeat of 2016The Democratic National Committee has eagerly tried to prevent the perception that it’s putting its thumb on the scale like it did for Hillary Clinton in 2016. But that hasn’t stopped some struggling candidates from grumbling about its rules.“I feel very excited about where we are now. We’ve got a deep field, we are talking about the issues and that’s what we’re supposed to be doing,” DNC Chairman Tom Perez said in an interview. “The energy is everywhere.”Henry Singleton, an NAACP member from New York City said Harris is “a force” but he worries she’d suffer the same fate as Clinton did in 2016.“Our people are very comfortable with him, with his demeanor,” Singleton said of Biden. He just has a flair. And I think he would be the one to really, really go after Donald Trump in the debates.”Democrats could come to demand more of Biden as a growing number of polls show other Democrats could beat Trump.In a recent Quinnipiac University poll, 54% of registered voters said they’d vote for Biden, while 38% said they would vote for Trump. But Sanders would also win the popular vote, 53% to 39%; as would Warren at 52% to 40%, Harris at 51% to 40%, and Buttigieg at 49% to 40%.“One of the overwhelming things I hear about Joe Biden is that he definitely acts and talks his age — which isn’t necessarily a bad thing for some voters, but for other voters, especially for younger voters, is not appealing,” said Bryce Smith, the chairman of the Dallas County Democratic Party in Iowa, just outside Des Moines.“He might have some really good ideas,” he said, “but the way he talks about them may not be as motivating or energizing as Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders who are similar in age.”\--With assistance from Emma Kinery.To contact the reporters on this story: Sahil Kapur in Washington at [email protected];Jennifer Epstein in Washington at [email protected] contact the editors responsible for this story: Wendy Benjaminson at [email protected], John HarneyFor more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
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teeky185 · 5 years
(Bloomberg) -- The unofficial end of summer kicks off a more intense phase of a Democratic presidential race that has been led by moderate Joe Biden, with progressives Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren in a battle for second as the rest of the sprawling field struggles to break through.“There’s a real sense that time is running out after Labor Day,” said Alex Conant, a public relations consultant who was a top aide on the 2016 presidential campaign of Senator Marco Rubio, a Florida Republican. “Voters become more engaged. Before Labor Day most voters are content to watch the show. After Labor Day they start picking a team.”He added, “Especially if you’re a second- or third-tier candidate who’s been waiting to make a move, the time is now.”Democrats have essentially culled the field to a four-person race with a few wild cards showing signs of life and others hanging by a thread. Party members are eager to nominate a candidate they believe can beat President Donald Trump, keeping Biden atop polls even amid concerns about his age and propensity for gaffes. Sanders and Warren are behind, splitting Democrats hungry for swift and far-reaching progressive change, while Kamala Harris has settled into a distant fourth place.No one else is polling above 10% in a field that has in recent weeks dwindled from 24 to 19.At the same time, the economy remains strong but shows signs of sputtering that make Trump allies nervous.The upcoming debate Sept. 12 in Houston will be the first time all the front-runners are on the stage together. Many are anticipating a confrontation between Biden and Warren, who’ve never shared the podium but have a contentious history and represent a stark choice between the moderate and liberal wings of the party.Over the summer, Warren was the only top-tier candidate who avoided any clashes with her main rivals, steering clear of the fights over Medicare for All and 1970s segregation that saw Biden, Sanders and Harris all squabbling.Can Biden’s Lead Hold?So far, Biden’s resilient lead has defied critics who suggested that the third-time presidential candidate was on track for another flameout. Unlike during his previous campaigns, defeating Trump is the overarching goal for many Democrats and Biden benefits from a perception that he’s best-positioned to recapture the swing states that Democrats lost in 2016.Voters “kind of know he’s the guy who can win important swing voters,” said John Anzalone, Biden’s pollster and adviser. “They feel like there’s too much risk in some of the candidates who might be considered more left.”Some Democrats roll their eyes at Biden’s “electability” argument, saying the lack of intensity behind his campaign risks the party being unable to galvanize voters behind a fresh vision.“Oh, Democrats. It’s so painful. We’re so inside our own heads,” said Rebecca Katz, a progressive strategist. “Democrats are so desperate to win that we don’t even trust our own judgment. Maybe instead of making some giant calculation of who could win what vote, vote for the person who inspires you.”After Harris, there’s Pete Buttigieg, the 37-year-old mayor of South Bend, Indiana, who has raked in vast sums of money but remains stuck in fifth. Five other candidates will complete at the Houston debate but they’re all placing under 3% in the polls.Another candidate could yet vault into the top tier. Lower-polling candidates on the September debate stage – including Cory Booker, Julian Castro and Beto O’Rourke – are better positioned to create or take advantage of an opportunity.Several candidates who might have been formidable in a different climate have already dropped out, including Washington Governor Jay Inslee and New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand.No Repeat of 2016The Democratic National Committee has eagerly tried to prevent the perception that it’s putting its thumb on the scale like it did for Hillary Clinton in 2016. But that hasn’t stopped some struggling candidates from grumbling about its rules.“I feel very excited about where we are now. We’ve got a deep field, we are talking about the issues and that’s what we’re supposed to be doing,” DNC Chairman Tom Perez said in an interview. “The energy is everywhere.”Henry Singleton, an NAACP member from New York City said Harris is “a force” but he worries she’d suffer the same fate as Clinton did in 2016.“Our people are very comfortable with him, with his demeanor,” Singleton said of Biden. He just has a flair. And I think he would be the one to really, really go after Donald Trump in the debates.”Democrats could come to demand more of Biden as a growing number of polls show other Democrats could beat Trump.In a recent Quinnipiac University poll, 54% of registered voters said they’d vote for Biden, while 38% said they would vote for Trump. But Sanders would also win the popular vote, 53% to 39%; as would Warren at 52% to 40%, Harris at 51% to 40%, and Buttigieg at 49% to 40%.“One of the overwhelming things I hear about Joe Biden is that he definitely acts and talks his age — which isn’t necessarily a bad thing for some voters, but for other voters, especially for younger voters, is not appealing,” said Bryce Smith, the chairman of the Dallas County Democratic Party in Iowa, just outside Des Moines.“He might have some really good ideas,” he said, “but the way he talks about them may not be as motivating or energizing as Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders who are similar in age.”\--With assistance from Emma Kinery.To contact the reporters on this story: Sahil Kapur in Washington at [email protected];Jennifer Epstein in Washington at [email protected] contact the editors responsible for this story: Wendy Benjaminson at [email protected], John HarneyFor more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2ZLx4yy
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worldnews-blog · 5 years
(Bloomberg) -- The unofficial end of summer kicks off a more intense phase of a Democratic presidential race that has been led by moderate Joe Biden, with progressives Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren in a battle for second as the rest of the sprawling field struggles to break through.“There’s a real sense that time is running out after Labor Day,” said Alex Conant, a public relations consultant who was a top aide on the 2016 presidential campaign of Senator Marco Rubio, a Florida Republican. “Voters become more engaged. Before Labor Day most voters are content to watch the show. After Labor Day they start picking a team.”He added, “Especially if you’re a second- or third-tier candidate who’s been waiting to make a move, the time is now.”Democrats have essentially culled the field to a four-person race with a few wild cards showing signs of life and others hanging by a thread. Party members are eager to nominate a candidate they believe can beat President Donald Trump, keeping Biden atop polls even amid concerns about his age and propensity for gaffes. Sanders and Warren are behind, splitting Democrats hungry for swift and far-reaching progressive change, while Kamala Harris has settled into a distant fourth place.No one else is polling above 10% in a field that has in recent weeks dwindled from 24 to 19.At the same time, the economy remains strong but shows signs of sputtering that make Trump allies nervous.The upcoming debate Sept. 12 in Houston will be the first time all the front-runners are on the stage together. Many are anticipating a confrontation between Biden and Warren, who’ve never shared the podium but have a contentious history and represent a stark choice between the moderate and liberal wings of the party.Over the summer, Warren was the only top-tier candidate who avoided any clashes with her main rivals, steering clear of the fights over Medicare for All and 1970s segregation that saw Biden, Sanders and Harris all squabbling.Can Biden’s Lead Hold?So far, Biden’s resilient lead has defied critics who suggested that the third-time presidential candidate was on track for another flameout. Unlike during his previous campaigns, defeating Trump is the overarching goal for many Democrats and Biden benefits from a perception that he’s best-positioned to recapture the swing states that Democrats lost in 2016.Voters “kind of know he’s the guy who can win important swing voters,” said John Anzalone, Biden’s pollster and adviser. “They feel like there’s too much risk in some of the candidates who might be considered more left.”Some Democrats roll their eyes at Biden’s “electability” argument, saying the lack of intensity behind his campaign risks the party being unable to galvanize voters behind a fresh vision.“Oh, Democrats. It’s so painful. We’re so inside our own heads,” said Rebecca Katz, a progressive strategist. “Democrats are so desperate to win that we don’t even trust our own judgment. Maybe instead of making some giant calculation of who could win what vote, vote for the person who inspires you.”After Harris, there’s Pete Buttigieg, the 37-year-old mayor of South Bend, Indiana, who has raked in vast sums of money but remains stuck in fifth. Five other candidates will complete at the Houston debate but they’re all placing under 3% in the polls.Another candidate could yet vault into the top tier. Lower-polling candidates on the September debate stage – including Cory Booker, Julian Castro and Beto O’Rourke – are better positioned to create or take advantage of an opportunity.Several candidates who might have been formidable in a different climate have already dropped out, including Washington Governor Jay Inslee and New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand.No Repeat of 2016The Democratic National Committee has eagerly tried to prevent the perception that it’s putting its thumb on the scale like it did for Hillary Clinton in 2016. But that hasn’t stopped some struggling candidates from grumbling about its rules.“I feel very excited about where we are now. We’ve got a deep field, we are talking about the issues and that’s what we’re supposed to be doing,” DNC Chairman Tom Perez said in an interview. “The energy is everywhere.”Henry Singleton, an NAACP member from New York City said Harris is “a force” but he worries she’d suffer the same fate as Clinton did in 2016.“Our people are very comfortable with him, with his demeanor,” Singleton said of Biden. He just has a flair. And I think he would be the one to really, really go after Donald Trump in the debates.”Democrats could come to demand more of Biden as a growing number of polls show other Democrats could beat Trump.In a recent Quinnipiac University poll, 54% of registered voters said they’d vote for Biden, while 38% said they would vote for Trump. But Sanders would also win the popular vote, 53% to 39%; as would Warren at 52% to 40%, Harris at 51% to 40%, and Buttigieg at 49% to 40%.“One of the overwhelming things I hear about Joe Biden is that he definitely acts and talks his age — which isn’t necessarily a bad thing for some voters, but for other voters, especially for younger voters, is not appealing,” said Bryce Smith, the chairman of the Dallas County Democratic Party in Iowa, just outside Des Moines.“He might have some really good ideas,” he said, “but the way he talks about them may not be as motivating or energizing as Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders who are similar in age.”\--With assistance from Emma Kinery.To contact the reporters on this story: Sahil Kapur in Washington at [email protected];Jennifer Epstein in Washington at [email protected] contact the editors responsible for this story: Wendy Benjaminson at [email protected], John HarneyFor more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
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thechangeling · 3 years
But like ive had people ask so im gonna ask (sorry if this is rude)
The ennegram us the name of the album, which is based on a pshycology theory
So its not just the songs! If you already knew ignore me pls!
So I always thought Ty was a five
Im biased on kit I WANT him to be a 4 cause i relate to him and im a 4
But 6w7
Ty a 5w4 in my head
Cristina feels like a 2
Mark like a 7
And the res i'll do when I have braincells!
I did already know that the songs were based on the psychological theory.
Sooooo I have a feeling we're gonna fight about this because I disagree with most of what you said 😳😂 except for that Ty is a five because he is. And Mark is a seven I agree.
But I dont really see Emma as an eight, more of a three. The Achiever. The Success-Oriented, Pragmatic Type: Adaptive, Excelling, Driven, and Image-Conscious. She's INCREDIBLY driven and adaptive and pragmatic. We see this especially with solving her parents murder. As for image conscious. She's the one whose worried about what people will think about her and Julian where Julian just wants them to be together. Also she wants to be seen as "the next Jace Herondale."
As for Kit....listen....I know he doesnt neccesarily meet all the criteria, but I think of him as an eight. I listened to the eight song and I instantly thought of him. Because it's about learning to let people in.
"Here I am, pry me open
What do you want to know?
I'm just a kid who grew up scared enough
To hold the door shut
And bury my innocence
But here's a map, here's a shovel
Here's my Achilles' heel
I'm all in, palms out
I'm at your mercy now and I'm ready to begin
I am strong, I am strong, I am strong enough to let you in."
You can't tell me that doesn't make you think of Kit.
Cristina I guess I could see as a two but I see her as more of a nine honestly. The Peacemaker. The Easygoing, Self-Effacing Type: Receptive, Reassuring, Agreeable, and Complacent. It makes sense. Also the nine song makes me think of her.
Dru I guess I could see as a six or a seven. Honestly I wasnt really sure about her.
I'm still making my list so we can compare notes after.
Btw I hope this doesn't sound too harsh lol sometimes I struggle with tone 😊
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beautytipsfor · 5 years
‘Time Is Running Out’: The 2020 Democratic Race Is About to Get Serious
(Bloomberg) -- The unofficial end of summer kicks off a more intense phase of a Democratic presidential race that has been led by moderate Joe Biden, with progressives Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren in a battle for second as the rest of the sprawling field struggles to break through.“There’s a real sense that time is running out after Labor Day,” said Alex Conant, a public relations consultant who was a top aide on the 2016 presidential campaign of Senator Marco Rubio, a Florida Republican. “Voters become more engaged. Before Labor Day most voters are content to watch the show. After Labor Day they start picking a team.”He added, “Especially if you’re a second- or third-tier candidate who’s been waiting to make a move, the time is now.”Democrats have essentially culled the field to a four-person race with a few wild cards showing signs of life and others hanging by a thread. Party members are eager to nominate a candidate they believe can beat President Donald Trump, keeping Biden atop polls even amid concerns about his age and propensity for gaffes. Sanders and Warren are behind, splitting Democrats hungry for swift and far-reaching progressive change, while Kamala Harris has settled into a distant fourth place.No one else is polling above 10% in a field that has in recent weeks dwindled from 24 to 19.At the same time, the economy remains strong but shows signs of sputtering that make Trump allies nervous.The upcoming debate Sept. 12 in Houston will be the first time all the front-runners are on the stage together. Many are anticipating a confrontation between Biden and Warren, who’ve never shared the podium but have a contentious history and represent a stark choice between the moderate and liberal wings of the party.Over the summer, Warren was the only top-tier candidate who avoided any clashes with her main rivals, steering clear of the fights over Medicare for All and 1970s segregation that saw Biden, Sanders and Harris all squabbling.Can Biden’s Lead Hold?So far, Biden’s resilient lead has defied critics who suggested that the third-time presidential candidate was on track for another flameout. Unlike during his previous campaigns, defeating Trump is the overarching goal for many Democrats and Biden benefits from a perception that he’s best-positioned to recapture the swing states that Democrats lost in 2016.Voters “kind of know he’s the guy who can win important swing voters,” said John Anzalone, Biden’s pollster and adviser. “They feel like there’s too much risk in some of the candidates who might be considered more left.”Some Democrats roll their eyes at Biden’s “electability” argument, saying the lack of intensity behind his campaign risks the party being unable to galvanize voters behind a fresh vision.“Oh, Democrats. It’s so painful. We’re so inside our own heads,” said Rebecca Katz, a progressive strategist. “Democrats are so desperate to win that we don’t even trust our own judgment. Maybe instead of making some giant calculation of who could win what vote, vote for the person who inspires you.”After Harris, there’s Pete Buttigieg, the 37-year-old mayor of South Bend, Indiana, who has raked in vast sums of money but remains stuck in fifth. Five other candidates will complete at the Houston debate but they’re all placing under 3% in the polls.Another candidate could yet vault into the top tier. Lower-polling candidates on the September debate stage – including Cory Booker, Julian Castro and Beto O’Rourke – are better positioned to create or take advantage of an opportunity.Several candidates who might have been formidable in a different climate have already dropped out, including Washington Governor Jay Inslee and New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand.No Repeat of 2016The Democratic National Committee has eagerly tried to prevent the perception that it’s putting its thumb on the scale like it did for Hillary Clinton in 2016. But that hasn’t stopped some struggling candidates from grumbling about its rules.“I feel very excited about where we are now. We’ve got a deep field, we are talking about the issues and that’s what we’re supposed to be doing,” DNC Chairman Tom Perez said in an interview. “The energy is everywhere.”Henry Singleton, an NAACP member from New York City said Harris is “a force” but he worries she’d suffer the same fate as Clinton did in 2016.“Our people are very comfortable with him, with his demeanor,” Singleton said of Biden. He just has a flair. And I think he would be the one to really, really go after Donald Trump in the debates.”Democrats could come to demand more of Biden as a growing number of polls show other Democrats could beat Trump.In a recent Quinnipiac University poll, 54% of registered voters said they’d vote for Biden, while 38% said they would vote for Trump. But Sanders would also win the popular vote, 53% to 39%; as would Warren at 52% to 40%, Harris at 51% to 40%, and Buttigieg at 49% to 40%.“One of the overwhelming things I hear about Joe Biden is that he definitely acts and talks his age — which isn’t necessarily a bad thing for some voters, but for other voters, especially for younger voters, is not appealing,” said Bryce Smith, the chairman of the Dallas County Democratic Party in Iowa, just outside Des Moines.“He might have some really good ideas,” he said, “but the way he talks about them may not be as motivating or energizing as Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders who are similar in age.”\--With assistance from Emma Kinery.To contact the reporters on this story: Sahil Kapur in Washington at [email protected];Jennifer Epstein in Washington at [email protected] contact the editors responsible for this story: Wendy Benjaminson at [email protected], John HarneyFor more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
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Remember, Deadpool 2 Is Not for Kids
New Post has been published on https://funnythingshere.xyz/remember-deadpool-2-is-not-for-kids/
Remember, Deadpool 2 Is Not for Kids
Two years ago, a certain Ryan Reynolds superhero action comedy debuted and, to almost everyone’s surprise, broke a bunch of box office records and earned a Certified Fresh 83% on the Tomatometer. But despite its comic book origins, Deadpool was decidedly not for kids. We warned parents about it then, but just in case your memory’s gone bad, Christy is here to remind you again not to take your little ones to its follow-up, Deadpool 2, and offer three slightly more innocuous alternatives that are also steeped in pop culture references.
Rating: R, for strong violence and language throughout, sexual references and brief drug material.
If you saw the original Deadpool in 2016, you know what you’re in for here. Director David Leitch’s film really earns its R rating, with a nearly non-stop cavalcade of gory violence, harsh language and crass sexual humor. The red-suited Marvel character may look like a lot of fun – and in Ryan Reynolds’ expert comic hands, he definitely is – but he’s also not for kids. This time, Reynolds’ Wade Wilson (a.k.a. Deadpool) hooks up with some of the lesser-known X-Men to form his own team. Their mission is to take on the powerful bad guy Cable (Josh Brolin), a soldier who has traveled back in time to right a wrong (and wreak havoc in the process). Kids are frequently in danger, but one kid in particular – a fire-throwing teenage mutant named Russell (Julian Dennison) – is as inappropriate and profane as Deadpool himself. But he also becomes Deadpool’s sidekick and pet project, which adds some tenderness to balance out the wrongness. It’s intense and boundary pushing, but Deadpool 2 also has an emotional undercurrent that gives the film more substance than you might expect. Fine for older teens and up.
Part of what makes the Deadpool movies so funny is that they’re crammed with rapid-fire pop-culture references. Since the vast majority of kids probably shouldn’t see this sequel, here are some other movies you can share with them that gleefully wallow in meta movie and music influences.
Rating: PG, for action and rude humor.
Basically, every LEGO character you could possibly imagine – plus a few truly inspired ones you never knew existed – co-mingle in this high-energy extravaganza, making it the ultimate pop-culture mash-up. From Batman and Wonder Woman to Shaquille O’Neal and Abraham Lincoln to Lando Calrissian and C-3PO, the characters cross time, space and storytelling boundaries to interact in this animated adventure, and it’s a blast. You couldn’t possibly catch all the references in Phil Lord and Christopher Miller’s movie in one sitting, but that’s OK. Revisiting The LEGO Movie and noticing new details each time is part of the fun. (If you have kids who are anything like my 8-year-old son, you’ve probably already seen it several times. “Everything Is Awesome” will eventually get unstuck from your head, I promise.) Chris Pratt (himself a superhero as Star-Lord in the Marvel Cinematic Universe) lends his voice here as an ordinary construction worker named Emmet. He goes on a hero’s journey with the rebellious Wyldstyle (Elizabeth Banks) when he’s mistaken as the Master Builder who will lead his people to freedom from the evil Lord Business (Will Ferrell). There’s a ton of action and danger here, but it’s mostly playful. A great choice for all ages.
Watch now on: Amazon, FandangoNOW, iTunes
Rating: PG-13, for sex-related dialogue and some teen use of alcohol and drugs.
The main characters are high school students named Cher (Alicia Silverstone) and Dionne (Stacey Dash), “after famous singers of the past who now do infomercials.” And that’s just the beginning in this generation-defining comedy that’s packed with a panorama of pop-culture references and influences. Writer-director Amy Heckerling’s film as a whole is inspired by the Jane Austen classic Emma. But it’s very much of its time with jokes involving Luke Perry, Ren & Stimpy, Calvin Klein, Kenny G and Mark Wahlberg (back when he was still rapping as Marky Mark), plus some older references to Barbra Streisand, James Bond and Sammy Davis Jr. It’s got quite a bit of teen partying and some sexual references, but on the whole it’s a light, sweet movie about finding out what’s important in life. Silverstone’s Cher is a materialistic Beverly Hills queen bee, but she’s loyal to her friends and her heart is in the right place. A solid choice for viewers around 11 and older.
Watch now on: Amazon, FandangoNOW, iTunes
Rating: PG-13, for thematic elements including strong language and some bullying behavior, a suggestive image, drug material and teen smoking.
This movie is a complete charmer, and if you didn’t catch it when it came out a couple years ago, now is the time. Irish writer-director John Carney’s semi-autobiographical film is an excellent choice for the teens and tweens in your house, capturing vividly the longing ache of adolescent first love. The performances are all lovely, but the ‘80s-inspired music is what really makes it sing. Ferdia Walsh-Peelo stars as Conor, a sweet teenager who finds himself an outcast when he transfers to a rough new school. Along with the few friends he makes, he starts a band to impress the beautiful and mysterious older girl (Lucy Boynton) who lives across the street. Early MTV videos are a major influence on Conor and his pals as they hone their look and sound, from Duran Duran to The Cure to Hall & Oates. Sing Street is full of insanely catchy, original songs – and the accompanying music videos the band shoots are hilarious — but the poppy sound of the era is pervasive. Conor also has the benefit of an older brother (Jack Reynor) who helps shape his musical tastes, and their intense conversations about what’s good (the Sex Pistols) and what’s bad (Phil Collins) are consistently amusing. There’s quite a bit of bullying, language and smoking, but for the most part, Sing Street is a total joy.
Watch now on: Amazon, FandangoNOW, iTunes
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clockworkopera · 7 years
Disclaimer: My theories are built not just on the Dark Artifices, but from all the previous books as a whole, and will contain SPOILERS if you haven’t read them. These ideas are based solely on book canon.
(edit: This was written before LoS was released. Some ideas might be a little outdated, but still interesting! Especially on the Nature of Parabatai Magic--we still don’t have an explanation for that)
On the Nature of Parabatai Magic – Mirror Magic (This is in some ways a continuation of Part 1)
Will in TID: “You were the mirror of my soul. I saw the good in me in you. In your eyes alone I found grace.”
Theory: The reason their bond so powerful because they mirror back to each other’s angelic power through love. The stronger the love, the more power is reflected. This is good to an extent. Philia and agape are both good loves and that love allows for the magnification of rune power. That’s why runes on parabatai are ten times stronger, or the reason they can wear runes normal Shadowhunters can’t. But, drop the barriers of Eros and then it becomes exponentially greater. Ten to the tenth.
When Emma and Julian are on the beach: (LM pg422) “they were kissing as if they were trying to tear down the bars that held them inside a prison.” (LM pg424) “Fire raced up and down Emma’s veins as the barriers between the vanished;”
Passion, or a magical upgrade? Afterwards, they slept through Malcolm’s presence. Julian dressed her in sandy jeans and she still didn’t wake. Did a new power settling through them render them temporarily unconscious and they thought it was sleep? (LM pg425) “Emma slept, by the side of the ocean. And she had no nightmares.”
Fear drops the barriers too. When Emma saved Julian’s life with a rune, (LM pg272) “Something in her chest seemed to split and crack; she marveled that it wasn’t audible. Energy raced along her veins and the stele moved in her hand…” and “they’d been children in the dark together once but now they were something else, something intimate and powerful, something Emma felt she was touching only the very edge of as she finished the rune and the stele fell from her fingers.” This followed by Emma: (LM pg275) “I feel dizzy.” And: “Her skin felt supersensitized too, as if she would jump or scream the moment someone touched her. She nearly did scream when the waitress returned to get their orders. She just stared until Julian ordered…looking at her worriedly. A-R-E-Y-O-U-A-L-L-R-G-H-T?”
I’m still not sold that this will lead to madness, although the seeds of possibility are there.
(LM pg659) Jem: “It was not long after the ritual had been in use for some generations,” Jem said, lowering his voice, “that it was discovered that if the bond was too close, if it tipped into romantic love—then it would begin to warp.”
***But, doesn’t this mean that everything was also fine for a few generations? So, how could it go so wrong?
Cassandra Clare answering a Parabatai question on Tumblr: “Yes, Valentine came to hate Luke and even wanted him dead, while they were still Parabatai. Parabatai who are bitter enemies are an interesting phenomenon, since it inverts the purpose of the ritual and turns something angelic into something borderline demonic.”
But, what if they mirrored back mutual negative attributes?
For example, if Luke wasn’t the kind of person he was, and he and Valentine loved each other with a passion no barriers could hold? How powerful would Valentine have been then? Would even the Angel, Raziel, have been able to stop him in that case?
Every person and every couple has a range of good and bad in them. Love tempers hate, but even Emma and Julian aren’t wholly immune:
(COHF pg143) “I hope they catch him alive, (Sebastian)” said Emma, her eyes on Julian’s. “I hope they kill him in Angel Square so we can all watch him die, and I hope it’s slow.”
              “Emma,” said Helen, sounding shocked, but Julian’s blue-green eyes echoed Emma’s own fierceness back to her without a hint of disapproval. Emma had never loved him so much as she did in that moment, for reflecting back to her even the darkest feelings in the depths of her own heart. ***
There are additional dangers as well: Fast forward to LM when they are going to the Lottery:
(LM pg327) Emma pushed the passenger-side door open and whistled. “Mark. You look amazing.”
              Mark glanced down at himself, surprised. A surge of prickly heat ran up the insides of Julian’s wrists.
--And when it was time to rune up… (LM pg330): He started on the second rune, and Emma felt a slight biting sting as the stele moved. She frowned. Usually, though runes could sting or burn when applied, runes placed on you parabatai didn’t hurt. In fact, they were almost pleasant—it was like being wrapped in the protection of friendship, the sense that someone else had sealed their dedication to you onto your skin. Strange for it to hurt.
How easy is it to twist? Emma is telling Julian lies and that will invoke guilt. Julian is jealous, but also betrayed. They both need to hide their feeling from everyone they love in addition to the Clave. They aren’t going to have an easy time navigating this and the exponential mirror of those feelings could easily warp what could have been a purer love.
The seeds are absolutely there, both for love and for destruction. Julian and Emma will need to decide what to nurture and what to weed out.
Alt Theory: The reflected magic becomes too strong for either of them to control and if they are caught in a feedback loop of ever increasing power that will eventually destroy them. If not caught early enough and separated their only choice is to go to the Silent Brothers and Iron Sisters, where their runes work as magical circuit breakers and the excess power is bled off to power the Shadowhunters weapons.
Alt Theory: It is just as Jem said and they have no choice but to go mad. But, the Blackthorns study the Greeks: “The greatest blessings granted to mankind come by way of madness, which is a divine gift” (Socrates).
Alt Theory: One could become a downworlder. No one considers this idea because to be a Shadowhunter means everything to Emma, while being able to stay with his family means everything to Julian. But, Julian could die to become a vampire and that could be one of CC’s deaths
DISCLAIMER: Cassandra Clare warns of becoming too attached to any one theory; that we can’t enjoy the reality when it comes. I’m guilty here because in my head I can’t let go of a link with the Silent Brothers and Iron Sisters so I came up with a possible historical scenario. If you like that kind of stuff continue reading: but it reads more like an outline for fanfic. Further down the crackpot road we go…
Jonathan Shadowhunter and David were the first Parabatai. And the words of the oath reflect more of marriage vows. They were in love and able to do great things and create the first version of Shadowhunter society with that power. Much of the early Shadowhunter’s magical history is in the care of the Silent Brothers and the Codex is very vague as to where their magic came from. They did not keep this blessing to themselves though and offered it to others in the form of the Parabatai ceremony.
Things were fine for a few generations.
Then a pair went bad. It would have been devastating to their society. A lot of people probably died trying to stop them, much in the way a lot of people died trying to stop Valentine and Sebastian. At that point, were they even too powerful to be killed?
The remaining matched Parabatai sacrificed themselves in order to contain the rogue pair and the best solution they could think of was prisons beneath the City of Bones. (Codex pg214) “The prisons of the Silent City can hold the living, the undead, and the dead; they are designed to constrain all creatures, however magical.” The Clave couldn’t take the risk of another potential disaster and made the law banning Eros love between parabatai.
In a combination of 1) We need wardens strong enough to hold the prisons sealed and 2) what do we do with all these other matched pairs: The Clave created the Silent Brothers and Iron Sisters.
David, a leading by example sort, became the first Silent Brother—maybe sending Jonathan Shadowhunter out to find an alternative solution. (Abigail also became the first Iron Sister, so it makes me wonder if they were in a triumvirate) Up till now, none has been found. And if Julian and Emma want to remain together and be Shadowhunters they will be the ones who must figure it out.
The magically upgraded Parabatai power of the Silent Brothers and Iron Sisters are still essential to Shadowhunters. They make the steles for marks, the seraph blades, the wards, witchlights. What would happen if they weren’t there to make those things for the Shadowhunters?
(Codex pg194) For the Silent Brothers: “In exchange for their special abilities, they have given up some of their humanity…”
If a piece of their humanity is amputated from them; they’ve been permanently separated from their parabatai; they’ve lived long enough by centuries to watch all their family die; all the while searching for an alternative that never materialized. How long can hope survive?
All these factors twist something that may have started as noble into something else. Their physical appearance is mutilated and monstrous (especially to Downworlders and Mundanes who have not been indoctrinated to think any differently), but does the outside appearance reflect of what’s going on the inside?
(Codex pg216) For the Iron Sisters: “In the floor is a black circle in which is carved the sigil of the Iron Sisters: a heart pierced by a blade.”
***I’m grappling with Emma and Julian (and presumably the rest of the Blackthorns) forgetting Jem and Tessa’s wedding for Part 5. I have vague thoughts of my own, but would like to hear what other people think.
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