#the jealousy trio
peligrosapop · 29 days
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my fav trio is back OMG.
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sakurm · 2 months
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it's a feeling i don't like
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katstrange · 2 months
Jealous, Jealous, Jealous Boy (Patroclus hcs)
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Patroclus x Fem! Reader / GN reader (I don’t think it really matters but still, just in case)
🌿- Patroclus is usually always so calm. He never really makes it obvious when he’s jealous unless you really pay attention to his mannerism.
🍵- He always talks about how he’s sure he’s fine but yet does little things that hint to you that he’s being a bit possessive.
🌿-Again, he’ll try to be polite, but sometimes it just burns him to see people being touchy with you, especially if Achilles is being all flirtatious with you and seductive.
🍵-He knows how charming Achilles is, and he hates to admit it but he’s a bit worried that you’d leave him for the warrior prince.. he’s trying to work on it.
🌿- But it’s not his fault entirely…most times he’s gets overshadowed due to Achilles. After all- it’s his name that is mainly heard- not Patroclus..
🍵- He knows that you truly love him and wouldn’t play with his feelings but he’ll occasionally just come up to you, place his head on your shoulder and you’ll hear him mumbling something along the lines of: “I love you…so much…”
🌿-It’s his way of saying to you that he’ll never leave you and he hopes you feel the same (of course you do)
🍵-You don’t have to remind him a lot- he’s not that insecure. But sometimes he just needs a little reassurance. His confidence isn’t low, but we all have those moments, y’know
🌿- Sometimes all he needs is a little hug and a kiss and he’s all smiles once more. He’s such a sweet man.
xX🍓🍵 reblogs, likes and comments are appreciated 🍵🍓Xx
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kaya-fandom · 2 months
Alastor : So… I’ve seen you’ve been spending a lot of time with Vox recently.
Kaya : No, Alli, it's not what it looks like, I swear.
Rosie : Oh really? So no reason for us to be jealous?
Kaya : No! You two are the only one for me.
Alastor : Is that so?
Kaya : I promise! Vox and I are just dating, okay? He’s my boyfriend.
Rosie : So there are no best-friends-feelings involved?
Kaya : You are still my two and only best friend! He’s just the love of my life, nothing more!
Alastor and Rosie : But we're still the platonic love of your life, right?
Kaya : Of course guys!
Alastor and Rosie : Kayou...
Vox : What the-
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riacte · 6 months
the false-ren-martyn previously-imaginary trio is so funny because it is like 80% fanon and 20% canon. i think we all know what happened with the fanon and how it was a bunch of copium people making shit up based on arbitary connections, but the 20% that is canon is just..... kinda wack???
martyn jokingly saying he would get jealous of false then saying he would get a king and queen in dogwarts. martyn solemnly saying he would avenge false in mcc after she got punched off in tgttos. false killing martyn gleefully while martyn screams at her like "i thought we had an agreement!". the three of them standing next to each other bc false and ren stand together and martyn is clingy to ren. whatever the fuck went down in the decked out stream. the fanon people are crazy and we know it, but the crumbs of canon are still somehow worse?? 😭
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broken-glowsticks · 5 months
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What Once was Mine
Chapter 8 - She was mine
Genre: Childhood friends, Eventual Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Love corner/love triangle, love rivals, Series. Not all chapters will be proofread!!
Warnings: 18+, mdni, mentions of sex and alcohol consumption, additional warnings will be added to individual chapters as needed.
Additional tags: Slight angst if you squint, this chapter is more melancholic for a second.
Previous ● Main ● Next
It has been four days since your date with Changbin. You hadn't heard from him, and you had been screening Hyunjins calls. You didn't know what to do. What did Changbin mean by Hyunjin being “in the way”? He said he liked you, but he hasn't even read any of your texts. How are you supposed to talk to him? You had thought about just going to his place, but something about that felt wrong, and you didn't really know his work schedule anyway.
To put it simply: You missed Changbin.
Naturally, Jisung had noticed the slump you were in. He'd have to be blind not to. But the morning following your date, he had called Changbin and got his side of the story. It was tough, but Jisung had decided that this was a good time to butt-out and see where the chips fell. Besides, you hadn't come and talked to him yourself yet. If you asked, he would gladly help. He would just have to wait until then.
Another few days passed when a knock came from your door. You had opted to let Jisung answer it. Other than going to work, you had been keeping yourself cooped up in your apartment, only getting social interaction when Jisung called Chan and Felix over to help drag you into the living room to spend time with them. Those days helped, but you could feel an emptiness that was supposed to be filled by Changbin every time.
“What are you going here, Hwang?” Jisungs voice cuts clear through the apartment air, causing you to tense.
“I came to see Y/N. She hasn't been answering any of my calls.”
“Maybe she got sick of you,” Jisung quipped but still moved aside so Hyunjin could enter.
“Ha ha, very funny Han,” Hyunjin replied flatly, eyes scanning for you. Once he saw you on the couch, he bee-lined for you instantly.
You held your breath. You had been avoiding Hyunjin for days, not wanting to face him. You knew the moment you would see him again you would get hit with so many things at once: your still lingering feelings for him, the hurt you'd feel having to end things physically, the pain that would come from having to push him away enough for you to get over him, not to mention that he was still one of your best friends and you wanted nothing more than to cry to him about what Changbin said, about how despite what Changbin said - because he hasn't been answering you - you still felt rejected in a way. You also wanted to know if Hyunjin could help you understand why Changbin felt like Hyunjin was always being an obstacle. There are so many contradictory feelings that you didn't want to have to feel all at once. But you didn't get to sort them out because the moment Hyunjins arms wrapped around you, the dam broke, and you began to sob.
“What's wrong, Beautiful, why the tears?” He asked gently, soothing your hair down and holding you tightly. “Is the reason you're crying the same reason why you haven't been answering my calls?” You nodded.
Jisung frowned but decided to quietly make his leave. He didn't know why, but he felt like it would be best for him to leave than just wait this out in his room. Besides, he can't deny that sometimes Hyunjin can be a good, supportive friend to you.
“Let it out, then we can talk, okay?” Was all Hyunjin said as he let you cry. You cried for what felt like hours before the body-shaking sobs settled into sporadic sniffles. When you were calm enough, Hyunjin brought you a glass of water, letting you sip before he spoke again.
“So what's going on?” He asked, pulling you close, “did… Did Changbin do something? Do I need to go kick his ass?” He joked, but he didn't get any kind of laugh from you.
“Baby talk to me,” he said, tilting your chin up so you would look at him, “don't clam up. I can't help if you don't tell me what's going on.”
“I just… it's so much, I don't even know where to start,” you whimper, your hands tightening around your glass.
“Start wherever you want, I'm here,” he murmured as reassuringly as he could, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to your lips. You pulled away before your lips could meet, standing from the couch and making your way to the living room window, Hyunjins confused gaze following you.
“We need to stop,” you blurted. You felt like you might break your glass with how much you've been gripping in.
“What do you mean, Beautiful?” Hyunjin asked, a waver in his voice. He knew what you meant.
“The sex, Hyunjin, the pet names, the kisses, all of it. we need to stop,” you downed the rest of your water, using the empty cup as an excuse to escape to the kitchen. Hyunjin scrambled from the couch and followed you closely.
“Why? Was it because of something I did? Was I too rough with you last time? If I was, I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean-”
“I like someone!” You shouted, slamming your cup on the counter with more force than you intended. A part of you was surprised the glass didn't shatter against your skin. Another part wished it did, that at least would feel better than the agonizing stretch of silence as Hyunjin stared at your back.
“Who is it?” He asked, his voice hoarse. He knew who it was.
Hyunjins' hands balled into fists. He knew it. He fucking knew it. Hyunjin could see Changbin had his eyes on you that day the two guys met in your apartment. He knew that Seo Changbin was after his girl. Hyunjin could feel the swell of anger and jealousy swallow him whole, and he wanted nothing more than to haul off and slug Seo Changbin right in the face, then and there But the soft sound of you beginning to cry again dragged all his attention back to you.
“He likes me, Hyunjinnie,” you whimpered tentatively, “he actually likes me back. But he says he feels like he can't do anything, that you're in the way, so he won't do anything. He's not even reading my texts. What should I do? I like him so much, Jinnie. What do I do?” You shoved your face into your hands, your shaky voice causing Hyunjin to instinctively wrap his arms around your middle, pressing a soft kiss to your shoulder.
Hyunjin felt a sense of pride, knowing that his efforts of letting Changbin know you were his was successful, but he also hated himself. Hyunjin wanted to keep you all to himself, to take you home, and to never let you lift a finger. But more than anything, Hyunjin wanted to make you happy…
“Give me your phone.” He sighed, dragging a hand through his hair.
“Wh-why?” You asked between hiccups and sniffles.
“I'm getting out of the way.”
“Who the hell is this random number?! It's called me, like, three times already!” Changbin shouted, grabbing his phone from his pocket again.
“Dude, just answer it already. If the same number keeps calling you, then I doubt it's a spam number,” Jisung replied, his eyes glued to the TV. Changbin sighed, knowing Han was right. When Changbin answered, he wasn't expecting the voice that was on the other end.
“We need to talk.”
“Hwang Hyunjin? Is that you? How the hell did you get my number?”
“I stole it.”
Changbin almost hung up on Hyunjin then and there. What the fuck was this guy doing, calling him? Was he calling to tell Changbin to give up on you? As if Changbin would ever do that.
“What do you want?” Changbin asked instead, obvious irritation lacing his voice.
“Look, I'll be blunt. I know you don't like me, I've made it a point to show you that Y/N is mine and I know that just gets under your skin,” Hyunjin said with a grin, leaning against the railing of the bridge he was on before continuing, “but, even though you don't like me and I certainly don't like you… Y/N does. She likes you so much, and even though I don't want to give her up… I could never be the person who kept her from being happy. I love her too much.”
“But as a friend,” Changbin said. Hyunjin paused, unsure how to answer for a moment.
“Yeah…” he finally spoke, closing his eyes to the breeze that drifted past him, “as a friend.”
“So what are you telling me? That I have your blessing?”
“That I'm stepping back. I'll never stop calling her “Beautiful”, there's a lot of meaning behind that, but I'm not going to butt into your relationship with her anymore. Be good to her. Otherwise, I'm taking her back, and I'll never let her go.” There was another stretch of silence before Changbin finally spoke.
“You don't just love her like a friend. A friend wouldn't say half the shit you do.”
Hyunjin couldn't help but laugh. Was he really being that obvious? Or was it just obvious to Seo Changbin? Hyunjin leaned over the railing and looked down at the pond the bridge was suspended over, staring hard at his distorted reflection in the water.
“My feelings don't matter. She's never liked me the way she likes you... At this point, I don't think she'll ever love me the way that I want her too, in the way that I love her, so, now, I just want to do what I can to make her happy. Even if that means stepping away and giving her up to you.”
There's a lot Changbin wanted to say. There's a lot Jisung- who was so obviously eavesdropping he stopped his game to sit by Changbin on the couch - wanted to say. But they each kept these things to themselves. Jisung, however, had a whole new perspective on this guy he always thought could never, ever commit to anyone.
“Seo Changbin, I'm asking you formally, please, take care of my Y/N.”
“I'm not marrying her,” Changbin chuckled, hoping his little joke would give some levity to Hyunjins uncharacteristically heavy mood. “But I promise you, I'll do my best.”
Hyunjin didn't think this conversation would make him want to cry so bad, but it did. It did, because this was real. He was letting you go, and he hated it, the only thing bringing him any comfort being that he'd still get to stay by your side and make you happy. That's the only thing he ever truly wanted, ever since he could remember.
It was too bright. You had forgotten to draw the blinds last night. With a groan, you rolled over, searching for respite by attempting to hide your face against the wide back of your boyfriend only to find yourself alone in bed.
“Changbin?” You called out, your arm continuing to search the bed, as if that would make him magically manifest back into the bed. “Binniiiiie!” You whined, but still no answer. Now annoyed, you finally squint your eyes against the bright morning sun, sitting up. You stretch your limbs and heave a deep sigh as you force yourself out of bed. Making your way out of your boyfriend's bedroom, you searched for Changbin. You searched everywhere, the bathroom, the living room, his small office, he wasn't anywhere. When you finally meandered into the kitchen, a small scrap of bright yellow paper caught your attention.
‘Gone fishing. I'm never coming back.
hahaha just kidding. At the gym, be back soon.’
Rolling your eyes you playfully scoffed at the note but smiled fondly at the silly face blowing a kiss Changbin had doodled on the lower, left corner. It was just you and yourself for breakfast this morning it seemed… Or you could bug Hyunjin.
You debated over calling your bestie for a few minutes as you prepared yourself your breakfast. Despite your plans of sleeping in until late the sunlight, beaming directly into your eyes, caused you to wake up at a modest few minutes to nine. You weren't sure if Hyunjin had work today, you didn't want to bother him, but as soon as you settled into a cozy couch alone, in an apartment that wasn't yours, you decided to call him. He answered on the first ring.
“Hello, Beautiful.”
Your face broke out into a smile.
“Hi Hyunjinnie.”
“What's my favorite girl in the world doing this morning?”
“Nothing, just eating breakfast, alone.”
“Alone?” Hyunjin parroted incredulously, “I thought you had spent the night at The Boyfriend's house?”
Ever since he was told about the official change in your relationship status, Hyunjin almost never referred to Changbin by name, always as, “The Boyfriend”.
“I did, but he's at the gym and the stupid sun woke me up before he could come back,” you gripped, shoving food into your mouth.
“The sun needs to learn to let people sleep,” Hyunjin chuckled. He had to bite his tongue to keep himself from telling you that he would never leave you alone if you had stayed with him. That if he woke up before you he'd only leave your side to make breakfast, any other plans be damned. He had to remind himself that you're not his. He's been having to remind himself of that a lot lately. The sound of your chuckle eased the pain in his heart, oh how he loved hearing your laugh.
“Are you going to tell off the sun for me?”
“Hell no, I don't want my pretty face to get burned,” he shot back, causing you to scoff.
“What?! No, you're supposed to say ‘yes, Beautiful, anything for you’!”
“Mmmh, nah. Get The Boyfriend to do it. He's buffer than me,” Hyunjin joked, although it kinda poked at his ego a bit to admit that.
“You mean he's more expendable?” You corrected, Hyunjin coughed, you knew him too well.
The two of you spoke on the phone for a while longer, allowing you time to eat your breakfast, wash your dishes, and get ready for the day. It wasn't until you heard the front door opening from the bathroom that you let Hyunjin know you had to go.
“Binnie’s home now.”
“Yeah, alright. Tell The Boyfriend he can work out any day. He should be there to spoil you when you stay over.”
“I'll do that,” you giggled. “Bye Jinnie, I-...” You trailed off without meaning to, but you couldn’t bring yourself to say it. It was odd, for years you always told Hyunjin you loved him at the end of phone calls, but after you started dating Changbin - after you stopped sleeping with Hyunjin but never confessed to him - you couldn't bring yourself to say those words so casually anymore.
“I know, Beautiful, it's ok,” was all Hyunjin said before hanging up, a small ache sinking into his chest.
He understood, he really did, you were someone's girlfriend now and he was the guy you used to sleep with. It's not really appropriate for you two to say those words so freely as you used to, even if he did feel jealous that you still said them to Han. He knew that was different, but it still hurt.
Heaving a sigh Hyunjin suddenly didn't know what to do with himself. He could just imagine how pretty you must look right now, how you must have greeted The Boyfriend with a kiss - regardless of how sweaty the guy was, how the two of you would get to spend the day together doing anything you two wanted. Another twinge of jealousy spiked within Hyunjin and he suddenly went from crippling indecisiveness to agitated restlessness. He had to go do something, anything. He couldn't just lay around all day torturing himself with fantasies of what you could be doing without someone who wasn't him. Especially when all he wanted to do was be with you.
Deciding to get out of the house Hyunjin had driven himself to Minho's. He knew the grump had the day off too, although he wouldn't be too pleased that Hyunjin had decided to drop by unannounced. It's a good thing Hyunjin had stopped by the store and picked up some cat treats.
“Minho! Let me in, I'm sad and bored and need someone to cheer me up!” Hyunjin shouted as he pounded annoyingly on the cat man's door. He jumped slightly when the door suddenly opened ajar, just enough for Minho to shoot out a glare at Hyunjin.
“Why don't you bother someone else? Don't you have any other friends?”
“I do, I just like bothering you the most,” Hyunjin grinned, pushing the door open further and holding up the bag of cat treats. “Now let me in or the kids won't get any presents.”
With a sigh Minho allowed Hyunjin to enter, following as Hyunjin made a bee-line for Soonie, Doongie, and Dori.
“You're lucky I'm so nice Minho, who else spoils your cats like I do?” Hyunjin said as he petted the cats before opening the bag he brought, “look what awesome Uncle Hyunjin got for you guys,” he cooed as he gave the cats their treats. Meanwhile Minho had gone to start up some tea.
“So, I'm guessing the reason you're sad has something to do with Y/N?” Minho asked once the two guys had settled in with their tea and the cats.
“Yeah… was it that obvious?”
“In the almost four weeks those two got together, you've come to see me about six or seven times. I would say it's a pattern now,” Minho stated bluntly, but his tone held no annoyance or malice. It was more, he was making an observation as he answered his friend's question.
“It's seriously been almost a month since they started dating?” Hyunjin groaned, pressing his palms to his eyes, “it's felt like it's been so much longer than that.”
“If you're suffering this much, why not just tell her how you feel?” Minho asked gently, scratching behind the ear of the cat closest to him.
“And risk a rejection that could ruin everything? No way in hell!”
“Then at least get yourself a hobby, preferably one that doesn't involve you coming to my house at all hours or whoring around. Well, no more than you usually do,” Minho said with a sigh, standing to refill his cup.
A hobby, huh? It had been a while since Hyunjin had time for a hobby. His days were usually filled with work, friends, and you. Whenever he had spare time he'd find himself prowling a bar or club looking for his next hook up.
Damn, Minho was right. When was the last time he spent an evening just by himself? When was the last time he painted? He used to love to paint, mainly with you, but he would also do it plenty on his own. Nothing felt better than a late night locked away in his room as a teen, nights when he wasn't in the mood for parties but for paints and getting lost in the swirling of colors on canvas. Those were the moments he truly let himself feel, only so he could capture those emotions within the strokes of his brush. He sat up abruptly, startling Minho, who was returning with his refilled tea.
“What's with you suddenly?” Minho asked, annoyed, as he gently kicked Hyunjins back.
“I've decided, if I can't love her, then I'll paint my love for her,” Hyunjin declared, reaching for Soonie and holding the cat up in the air.
“Don't you dare drop my cat,” Minho threatened, but Hyunjin barely listened.
“I'm going to get all my feelings for her out on canvas and then maybe I can pretend I'm fine.”
“That just sounds like emotional repression with extra steps.”
“Shh, no, it's not. I'm coping. Look, I don't plan on faking it forever, I just…” Hyunjin gently put Soonie down, giving the cat a treat and a scratch behind the ear before turning to Minho. “I just have to pretend when I'm around her, then I can go home and process my feelings through painting.”
“And you're just going to do that until…?”
“Until…” Hyunjin sighed, “Until I'm over her.” That was the goal, but in reality Hyunjin was unsure if he would ever be over you. Minho stared at Hyunjin for a long while before silently standing from the couch, nudging Hyunjin with the toe of his slippered foot.
“Come on, let's go.”
“What, where?”
“To the art store, we're getting you supplies, hurry up,” Minho said gently, his face calm but his eyes soft with kindness. Hyunjin smiled.
“Yeah, I'm coming.”
So... thoughts on that little time skip???? 👀 everyone doing okay??? Lol, I specifically tagged this for both Changbin and Hyunjin for a reason. Don't worry, though. There's still plenty of more fic to go 😈
Taglist: @groovygroovyhyunjin @hhwangsmoon @luvyblossom @doggezz
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schumiatspa · 6 months
I didn't realise how much Carlitos used to be friends with Luca Nardi until I found some of their old insta posts yesterday
I don't know if/how often they still talk to each other or what, but now I'm wondering what it is with Carlitos and Italian boys
And since Luca too is gonna train in Alicante... The Italian "ex" is back in town? Right in front of Jannik?👀
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missadmyre · 19 days
Another fight, another trip to the Game Hole, that had been their routine since freshman year. Randy and Howard were walking to their favorite place to chill, the winds were blowing strong, and it was Friday.
Howard was leading the conversation, he hadn't noticed how Randy wasn't even listening and was looking up to the sky, thinking about something. Howard looked at his biffer, usually he was excited when going to the Game Hole though now he looks like he's about to threaten the sky, with how his eyebrows are frowned looking at it.
"Hey! You good there Cunningham? Surely the sky doesn't schloomp you in like the Nomicon?" Howard asked, trying to lighten the mood. Randy snapped back to reality to look at his friend, "Yeah no, just have a lot of things in my mind." Howard decided not to dig in deep, knowing how much his friend is holding up with the ninja stuff.
Once they reached the Game Hole, they then went to their separate games, though Howard still couldn't shake the unease that he knows his best friend is up to. He jabbed his hand into his pockets, checking if he has the money to at least buy Randy some nachos.
When he saw Randy distracted with a game, he went to the Food Hole and found out that Greg had been selling gravy nachos. He wanted to buy one for himself but he wanted it to be special for his best friend. He ordered it to be gravier and cheesier for Randy as he waited for it to be served.
Randy tried to distract himself, his enemies are getting harder and harder by the day and he hasn't had enough rest because of it, he is definitely seeking advice from the Ninjanomicon for that. "Man, I should hang out with Danny and Jake after this, this is getting wonk-" his thoughts were cut off when he smelled something tasty thanks to his heightened senses.
He turned around and saw Howard holding a gravy and cheese nachos? He wanted to take one but knowing Howard, it definitely wasn't his. He was about to turn his back when Howard nudged him, "Dude I bought these for you! At least taste it." His friend exclaimed, leaving Randy surprised as he faced him.
"Woah wait seriously? That's so bruce of you to do that! Thanks." Randy said, to which his best friend replied "Ah it was nothing, besides you seemed pretty out of it lately so for that I give you this." Randy almost teared up and grabbed a nacho, he was about to eat it when all of a sudden he heard the sounds of screaming and roaring happening outside.
He sighed in annoyance as he ordered Howard to guard his bag and nachos as he transformed into the ninja and went outside, throwing a smokebomb to signal his entrance. Howard, who groaned in anger because of the sudden monster attack, sat on the stairs that leads up to the Food Hole, munching some nachos and guarding Randy's bag.
He was just watching the fight when he heard his friend's phone beeping in the bag, with how long they had been friends, Howard was surprised that someone other than him had texted his best bud. After brushing his hand with his pants, he grabs Randy's McPhone to check who texted him.
He scrolls down to see new people that he doesn't know. Who's Danny? Who's Jake? Who the juice is naming their kid Tucker? They were names that he knows aren't in Norrisvillle, he would know because of how his sister keeps tabs with everyone for her news. He felt angry that he was being left out.
He checked the texts, they seemed pretty serious with how much they would discuss the monsters and ghosts that had been pestering them recently, how some of them are connected to each other. They also had planned a meetup in New York this weekend?! That's far, and Randy was going alone, without him. He grits his teeth, so he does keep secrets from him.
He heard a faint "Smokebomb!" from a distance, signalling his exit, he quickly puts his friend's phone back in the bag. When Randy came back, he tried to hide what he saw, he wanted to confront the information he had been left out on but he knew, with how hard he tried to keep those things out of Howard, he knew they were important in some ways.
"Hey Howard! Are those nachos still hot?" Randy questioned as Howard put up a front, "Yup, still there!". Randy thanked him as he sat beside him, his bag now between his legs. He grabbed a nacho and proceeded to tell him the story of what happened back there. "Just so you know, I'm actually going on a fishing trip tomorrow, so I won't be in the house until Sunday." Randy told him, Howard knew that was a lie, he read those texts and knew that wasn't the plan.
They left the Game Hole early as they walked together, talking like usual. Once Howard reached his house, he saw Randy sprinting to his house, he probably was packing for the meetup. He had to know what Randy's secret is, and he has to know, for he doesn't like being left out from it.
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futbolfanficpunk · 1 year
Trio of Ferran, Eric and Pedri
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Headcanon for a bromance fanfic of Pedri, Ferran Torres and Eric Garcia Author's Note: I already explained and posted this in another reblogged post but I made a new post so it's easier to find and tuned it a bit. Taking the initial idea of "trio of jealousy" from @peligrosapop
- Eric is the boss, the captain of the three -Gets excluded sometimes because he's a lame-o almost old dude who likes to chill at home, watch sports and hang out with his family, most days -He's secretly a slut, and dates influencers on the download, always being extra careful not to get caught by paparazzi. -Ansu calls him "folletis" because he's got mad game. ("Follar" is fuck/have sex in Spanish slang, so, kinda like fuckboy?) -Doesn't mind being on the bench as long as he gets to play for Fc Barcelona but keeps hustling for game time. - He's always scolding Ferran and Pedri to pay attention. -Complains and whines about being excluded from anything, he's been extra sensitive since Ansu started excluding him from things when Ansu started hanging with Gavi. -Loves to hike with his dad or his sister when none of his friends can hang out
-Ferran is the goofy guy, who makes funny faces and lame jokes, - Kind of femme guy with a girlfriend who is way too much in his head -Cares about pets and the environment, and would be an animal activist if he was not a footballer. -Loves working out on his own time and is confident about his body. -Wants to succeed so bad he fucks up all the time because he can't think straight. - The two others come to him for advice about girls, he's actually the sweetest of the three. - Acts dumb, is smart. -Thinks Ansu and Gavi should hang out with each other more so he can spend more time with Eric and Pedri but won't say it.
-Pedri is the jokester of the trio, always cracking jokes and making fun of the other two. - Always a showboat when it comes to football but not on purpose, everything is just easier for him. -Wants to hug his friends all the time, yet is shy with PDA outside of his family and friends. -Is great at talking to girls, is respectful, and gets ass often but is afraid of having a girlfriend will ruin his career so he just keeps it friendly with everyone and doesn't commit. - Thinks talking to Ferran about relationships might help later. - Always down to help others. Hates that he has to compete with Ansu for Gavi's time. -Loves the Sea. -Hates being called ugly
I think I should write more headcanons for this later or even a full blown series. MAYBE!
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peligrosapop · 1 year
Eric. Pedri and Ferrán eating pizza together
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screamingrath · 1 year
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Goro Akechi tries to deal with his feelings in a completely normal way: By sitting in the same jazz club as the two people he's telling himself he can't stand, and thinking about all their time together.
Royal Trio Week Day 6 | Ideal Reality. More specifically, my ideal reality.
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michaeljaystonfan · 1 year
The Power Game - Shape of My Heart
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pokegalla · 2 years
All Eyes On Me
A request by @octopus-is-octopus
I hope I did alright because this is my first character x character. I hope you like it! Sub!Nightmare x Dom!Error! (It’s not NSFW but there is tension.)
Debri went everywhere as Nightmare swung his tendrils at nearby buildings in an attempt to thwart the Star Sanses. They have been a pain in the ass for weeks already….attacking 3 times almost every week.
“Stop right there Nightmare! We’ve got you surrounded,” Ink shouted.
“We Will Stop You Right Here, Right Now-AHHHH,” Blue screamed as Nightmare flung a car at the two. They managed to dodge but got trapped in the process.
“Dumbasses….maybe if you idiots didn’t announce yourselves every time, I wouldn’t be able to see your location,” Nightmare grumbled.
He found it annoying that they try to play hero but forget they have to actually fight him. But still, 3 against 1 is a dangerous fight. Even if it’s against with these idiots, he is outnumbered and they are not to be underestimated. That’s when it clicked to him: Dream still hasn’t appeared. An arrow scraped his cheekbone and he hissed in pain. He quickly turned and managed to catch the rest of the arrows with his tentacles, although it burned just holding them.
“It’s over Nightmare….just stop this,” Dream said with his bow and arrow readily aimed at Nightmare.
Nightmare smirked, “Oh? You still think I can be redeemed? You never change, do you?”
Dream glared, “I’m not messing around Nightmare. Just give up!” Nightmare noticed something approaching and smirked wider.
“Eat shit,” Nightmare said smugly.
Suddenly Killer jumped in and knocked Dream unconscious. Killer was about to kill him but Nightmare stopped him when Ink and Blue were already trying to free themselves.
“Heh….they’re lucky. C’mon boss. Let’s get outta here before the Star brigade catches us,” Killer said.
They were about to teleport until Nightmare spotted a portal that suddenly closed. He was confused….had that always been there…? He shook his thoughts and teleported back to the castle before Ink and Blue finally freed themselves.
Multiple battles went by and Nightmare now can’t shake the feeling of being watched. Particularly whenever he was in battle. He’d spot the portal but it would close up as soon as the battle was done. At this point Nightmare was more focused on catching who the person was. So he hatched a plan on trying to ambush the Star Sanses with the Murder Trio….but once there was an opening, he’d go and find the person. He put his plan into motion the very next day and he finally managed to sneak away during battle. He turned goopy and swam through the shadows and he finally found the portal.
“Finally….now to see who has been spying on us….,” Nightmare thought to himself.
He creeped closer to the portal to look in without being spotted and could not BELIEVE what he saw. There sat Error, munching on popcorn while watching the battle from afar. Nightmare was at first confused but really once thinking about it, Error does this sort of thing ALL the time. He mentioned it was a hobby, especially that AU he watches called UnderNovela. But the confusing part was why was he watching THEM? He works with his gang. What would be the point in watching them fight?
He heard Error sigh, “UgH. THiS fiGHt Is boRing. No pOInt in waTChIng if hE’s nOt heRe.”
That sparked something in Nightmare. Something he didn’t expect at all. He knew Ink was missing from battle and he instantly put two and two together. Was he just watching for Ink? Why does he feel annoyed? He gritted his teeth and snuck away. He’ll talk to HIM later….but for now he has to make sure his idiots are still alive.
Nightmare fidgeted at his desk. He wasn’t nervous….just awaiting for Error’s arrival. He had hoped the feeling that appeared earlier would have gone away but it was still lingering, annoying him further. He hoped it would go away after this….he’ll just bare with it until it goes away.
A knock made him jump slightly. He adjusted himself and cleared his throat, “Come in.”
Error walked in and closed the door behind him, “YoU waNtEd to sEE mE?”
“I’ll get straight to the point. Why have you been watching all of our battles,” Nightmare asked.
Error’s eye sockets widen, “YoU saW mE-?”
“Don’t answer a question with a question. Just answer me,” Nightmare said sternly, “What are your intentions?”
Nightmare wanted to get to the bottom of this….but he also didn’t want to reveal why he wants to know. Yes Error is untrustworthy….but that feeling was still distracting him. He noticed Error was examining his facial expressions, making Nightmare shift in his seat unintentionally. His eye socket grew wide when Error suddenly smirked.
“oH? My inTENtiOns? wHy arE YoU so cONCernEd tenTAclEs,” Error teased.
Nightmare glared at him, one of his tendrils slowly started curling and uncurling as a warning, “Does it look like I’m in the mood?”
Error shrugged, “It’S NoT my fAUlt yOu’Re geTTinG aLl….tEnSe. I’m NoT dOiNg anYthINg wrONg. So wHy dOEs it bOthER YoU?” Nightmare felt his face warm up. How dare he talk so casually!
“Because you should me more focused on ME then that inky bastard,” Nightmare snapped. That….was NOT how he wanted it to come out. His face erupted into a purple blush. “W-wait no. That’s not what I meant-“
Error burst into laughter, “HahAHahAha!!! ARe yOu jeAlOUs?! Oh StArs thAt’S HILARIOUS!”
“HELL NO! Why would I give a shit,” Nightmare shouted.
But even he knew better….he was the embodiment of negativity. He knows what jealousy feels like….he just never expected HIMSELF to feel this way. Especially for an asshole like HIM. Hell he was still laughing in his face!
“Are you quite finished,” Nightmare asked looking very annoyed.
“YEah. I’m dOnE….,” Error said before suddenly cupping his chin, “YoU’rE juSt so FrICKinG adORAble~”
Nightmare blushed even more, “U-Unhand me!”
“YoU wAnTed mE to teLL yOu mY inTENtioNs. So I Am~,” Error said. He leaned in extremely close, just inches away. If he moved, they could easily kiss….”I oNlY….hAve mY eYes oN yOu, teNtAcLes~. NeVer fOrGet tHat~”
And with that he left the office, leaving Nightmare in a flustered state.
Nightmare blinked “….what just happened-?”
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
this suiyoubi, we attempt to answer the most pressing question, as seen in senpai.:
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tobias22nickless · 2 years
Chapter One: PILOT
Word Count: 0.8k (800 words)
Draco Malfoy x fem!Reader
Although it was sad to leave Hogsmeade after what seemed like such a short period of time spent there, it was refreshing to be back inside the warm walls of Hogwarts.
One of the most fascinating mysteries of Hogsmeade was the fact that it was always somehow snowy in the village, despite the areas around it experiencing normal seasons, including Hogwarts. Currently, outside of Hogsmeade, it was the last month of summer, and all students would be returning to school shortly.
To celebrate this, the start of a fresh new year and the congregating of the students again, there was a great feast to be held that evening.
I was so busy reminiscing the countless memories I have made over the years with my friends in the village that I didn’t realize the opening from under the painting of the Fat Lady had closed.
I collide with the border of the painting headfirst. Stumbling to the ground and clasping both my hands on my nose, “ouch,” I groan.
The Fat Lady lets out a bellowing laugh which echoes throughout the hallway. “That,” she laughs, “made my week.”
Continuing to my rub my sore nose, I mumble, “I’m glad. Flibbergibbet.” I stand myself up and collect my belongings from the floor as she reveals the Gryffindor common room to me, the painting swinging open.
As I climb inside, I scan the room for a familiar face, but Hermoine finds me first and shouts across the room to get my attention. “Y/n!”
My gaze sets on my friends who are sitting on a large, red couch in the centre of the room. Their heads turn in my direction and welcoming smiles spread on their faces.
“Show us everything you bought!” Ron says, nodding his head at my suitcase beside me once I’m standing before them.
“Don’t tell anyone else,” I say in a hushed voice, looking behind me to see if any prying eyes were upon us, “but I brought a bunch of lollies for us to share around.” I begin unzipping my weather-beaten suitcase to reveal a stash of acid pops, butterbeers, Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans, sherbet lemons, and many other tasty snacks.
“How did you get your hands on the butterbeers? They sold out before I could get there!” Ron exclaims, his mouth watering.
“Don’t worry Ron, I’ll share,” I say, patting the ginger on his back.
“Now that I think about it, I didn’t see you a majority of the time,” Harry points, raising his eyebrows impatiently.
“You seemed to be getting along with the Slytherins pretty well,” Hermoine added, “especially Malfoy…”
Ron ducks his head, muttering under his breath, “scumbag.”
Hermoine quickly snatches my hand and guides me away from the rest of the group, over to a corner of the red and gold decorated room. “Y/n…,” Hermoine whispers, “there’s nothing going on between you and Draco, is there?”
I am taken aback, frowning at her words. It is true; I did spend most of my time at Hogsmeade with Draco and his friends. But there was nothing remotely romantic going on between either of us; I was sure of it. I felt comfortable around him and his friends, but I couldn’t quite place my finger on why this was.
“Of course not! What would make you think that?” I chuckle awkwardly, curious to how it could have been perceived that way.
“Well, every time you hang around him and his friends, he would always have his arm around you and… he seemed to get quite close.” Hermoine gives me a concerned look and I scrunch my face from how serious the expression plastered on her face looks.
“Friends put their arms around each other too. I swear it wasn’t weird at all,” I say.
Hermoine doesn’t look fully convinced, which annoys me. “I’ll help you take your things to the girl’s dormitories,” she chirps, cleanly changing the subject, but still with a worried look on her face.
“Thanks,” I say, politely handing her the lightest item.
As we walk away, we can hear the boys in a heated debate about Quidditch, at which Hermoine and I roll our eyes. However, I can feel Harry’s eyes burning holes into my back.
Before I even realize it, six hours have passed. I had been thriving on the snacks that I had purchased the entire day. My stomach grumbled, yearning for real food.
“The feast is soon, don’t worry,” Hermoine says, not looking up from the book in her hands.
I groan and crawl into a ball on my bed, pouting, “not soon enough.”
A girl, who I do not recognise, abruptly pops her head in the doorway, “the feast is starting, we’re all going to the Hall.”
Hermoine smirks and gives me an ‘I told you so’ look.
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schumiatspa · 6 months
Lorenzo S ready to risk it all yesterday
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