#the highest point on a mountain road
yoooko-o · 1 year
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msafterhours · 7 months
Male Reader x Hwang Yeji
~3.1k words
This should be one of the best ways to spend an evening.  Winding through the curves of a familiar mountain road with the top down, sunglasses on as the sun slowly descends below the skyline.  The music's blasting louder than it probably should be, but you're unwilling to add anything to your currently empty list of concerns.
No, in this moment, as the summer breeze flows through your hair, you feel weightless.  It's honestly hard to believe how many things are going right in this singular moment of time.
Now if only the passenger seat wasn't empty.
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You’ll always remember the first day you met Yeji.  She found you leaning against the wooden railing of the pier, staring out at the shimmering reflection of the moon across the ocean’s turbulent waves as you desperately wished for answers to questions you didn’t know how to ask.  So, when the frigid winds picked up her words and carried her question over to your ears, of course you didn’t know how to respond.
"Didn’t you hear me?  I asked, what're you doing out here?  It's nearly midnight!"
Honestly, she could have asked your name and you would have drawn a blank.
It would quickly become a running theme, how much better Yeji was with words than you.  But in this initial moment, the start of something truly special, someone somewhere must have been looking out for you, handing you a response like a cue card.
"You know, I've been asking myself the same question for a while now.  Wanna help me figure it out?"
And when you read the sparkle in Yeji’s eyes as an invitation and offer your own by waving her over, you thank the stars above that she accepts.  And in the hours to come, as you huddle close, sharing stories and learning about each other, you thank them once again that she ends up staying long enough to watch the sunrise.
But you can’t help but wish for just the slightest bit more.  You can’t help but wish that she’ll stay forever.
Even with a gun to your head, you wouldn’t be able to tell anyone much about your first date two weeks later.  The only thing you’d be able to tell them about was the kiss.  Because while the rest of the night mattered, nothing but the kiss mattered.
Why would you focus on the color of her dress when all you could remember seeing is the fireworks show playing against the inside of your eyelids?  Why would you remember if your order was a good choice when the faint taste of strawberry was busy sending your mind into a tailspin?  Why would you care about literally anything else at all when the sensation of Yeji’s lips against yours felt like home?
The only other detail that stuck out was the sensation you felt after, when you arrived at your place and realized that you had no recollection of the drive home; when you realized that for the first time, your brain hadn’t treated the opportunity to drive as a priority.
Yet despite the novel sensation, you felt anything but surprised.  Because from the very first moment Hwang Yeji stood by your side, you knew that you had discovered a higher priority.  The highest priority.
One of the few things you two never could agree on was who said "I love you" first.  It’s admittedly hard to tell since you both said it simultaneously after an extended period of staring into each other's eyes, but as much as both of you were willing to compromise on most things, here, stubbornness reigned supreme.
Yeji tended to argue that she definitely said it first as she always had a quicker wit and was far more likely to have the first word (or three).  Your counter was always that you kept things simple, so there were fewer distractions between you and what you wanted to say.
It was, admittedly, the weaker argument.  Yet you stood firm all the same.
These conversations often tended to go around in circles, with each of your points being put forth, listened to, then promptly ignored.  And while neither of you were able to declare yourself the winner of these “battles”, you both left them feeling victorious.
Because the conversation always ended in the same place.  Where it always did.  Where it always would.  With those same three words.
In retrospect, it’s a testament to whatever meager bits of self-control remained within that you kept your hands off Yeji for so long.  However, a rainy night that left you both racing towards your apartment changed everything.
The door slammed behind her.  You felt that control begin to falter.  The rain traveled down her skin agonizingly slowly before falling to the floor below.  You loosened your grip even further.  She pushed you against the wall and crashed her lips against yours.  You conceded to her entirely.
For you both, it was a boiling point, a release of tension, an evolution in your relationship, a miracle, a feeling so fucking amazing that you both forgot how to breathe—
And as your survival instincts forced you both to break away from the kiss and finally satiate your need for oxygen, it wasn’t the scent of Yeji’s rose shampoo that made your heart find a way to shift into seventh gear.  No, it was the metallic taste seeping out of your lower lip.
It was the way she hungrily ran her tongue over those fangs that had marked you.
It was the predatory smile she gave as you audibly gulped.
It was the way she grabbed, spun, and pushed you back until you stumbled over the arm of the couch.
It was how she pounced on you, her prey.
And for the rest of the night, even hours later when your soaked clothes were long forgotten and your only defense against the raging storm was the heat emanating off of each other’s bodies, the cold was the least of your concerns.
Because you were together.
It was early in your relationship when you drove her to the jewelry store.  Early enough to not arouse suspicions.
For once, you played your part well, eloquently telling Yeji that you simply wanted to get her something special.  Something that would make her think of you.  And you told her no lies.
Thus, she was willing to oblige when you asked her to try on a multitude of options and simply enjoy herself.  And you truly did enjoy yourself, happily buying her the necklace Yeji chose as her favorite.  You just made sure to secure one other thing.  Her ring size.
Because you already knew.
Yeji didn’t have to use her words to tell you something was wrong.  You needed only look into her eyes to see the predatory edge gone, replaced by a lethargic malaise.  So you showed her your love in the best way you knew how.  Through action.
A quick call to her colleague secured the weekend off of work.  A second call got her friend to pack a bag of her things.  A third got you the weekend off as well, with the concession of promising to handle the upcoming project from hell you’d been avoiding for months.  And a final call secured you your venue of choice, with blessings from the owner.
Thus, with everything in place, you were ready to pick her up when she ended her day.  And despite your vague answers as to where you were taking her, she was more than ready to go along with you.
And so, you began to drive.
You took the turns slowly, methodically.  Anything to keep the ride as smooth as possible.  Anything to keep Yeji as comfortable as possible.  Anything to keep from ruining the perfection of this moment.  And though you did your best to keep your eyes on the road, you couldn’t help yourself from stealing glances at her every once in a while.  And as always, her eyes were a masterpiece worth a million words.
You saw the slightest bit of trepidation.  You saw a sense of excitement.  You saw relief.  Contentment.  Wonder.   Joy.  And when Yeji looked up at the rearview mirror and met your eyes, you saw a reflection of your own heart.  You saw love.
And you could only hope that your entire heart would be enough to repay it in kind.
The cabin made its presence known immediately upon entering your view.  It was tall, with the high ceilings and slanted roof making it look even larger than the floor plan would suggest.  With two floors, a deck, a path to the lake, and a multitude of unexplored rooms, it would likely have been more than enough for just about any couple staying there alone.  However, if Yeji’s uncharacteristically rigid movements were any indication, it still might lack enough usable surfaces to work out her tension.
But that was a problem for the rest of the weekend.  The immediate priority was the present, so you grabbed your things and the groceries waiting on the front porch, then went inside and began preparing dinner.  And while the dinner and coinciding conversation were nothing short of delightful, it was a moment during the preparation that you knew would remain imprinted in your mind forever.
Yeji insisted that you both wear aprons during the preparations.  A seemingly silly request, and one that you likely would have brushed off if asked by anyone else.  But when Yeji wrapped her arms around your waist to tie the knot, you were suddenly very glad to have acquiesced.
Because somehow, some way, it felt more comfortable than anything you had ever experienced.  It was more familiar than this cabin that you had first visited as a child.  And as you wrapped your arms around her and she melted into your embrace, you knew tying the silly apron was far from the priority.
So, you held her, far longer than you’d need to tie her apron.  You stood there, arms wrapped around each other, long enough for the silence to convey everything that you wanted to tell her but couldn’t find the words for.  And a while later, when you detached from one another and looked at Yeji through misty eyes, you prayed that the sparkle in her own was there to stay.
Yeji didn’t respond verbally when you asked her to close her eyes and follow your lead.  She simply slipped her hand into yours and allowed her world to go dark.  Thus, despite being able to traverse this route with your eyes closed, you methodically led her out of the dining room, through the living room, out onto the deck, down the path, and onto the dock that served as your destination.
And when she opened her eyes and saw the lake that defined your childhood, she found herself stunned, truly at a loss for words.  And it turned out that those couple seconds were all you needed to render her speechless once again, as you dived into the lake, fully clothed.
When you resurfaced, the first thing you noticed was the sound of Yeji’s laughter dancing across the glassy waters that you had just shattered.  The second thing was her gleaming smile that shined brighter than the full moon overhead.  The third was the uncertainty rooting her to the wooden planks of the dock.
But when you invited her to join you, she dove into the lake without the slightest bit of hesitation.  Because Hwang Yeji knew you’d be there to catch her.  And when she kissed you, it wasn’t a question.  Nor an answer.  It was a promise.
One you were more than happy to return in kind.
Less than an hour later, after the initial rush of adrenaline had worn off and the cold had begun to permeate through your bones, you carried Yeji back to the house and commenced your favorite way of staying warm.
But this time felt different.
Because when she looked up at you, staring directly into your eyes as she took you into her mouth, you found no traces of her regular ferocity.  You still saw desire, but you also found insecurity.  You found gratitude in her eyes.  You found fear, adoration, vulnerability.
You found her.
So, as Yeji continued sending shockwaves across your entire body, you needed no words to tell her exactly how good it felt.  Your clenching muscles and curling toes and quick inhalations said everything.
But you told her anyway.  Because you needed her to know.
And as the moon ascended to its apex before hurriedly descending back below the horizon, trying to hide from the absolute vulgarity you were committing between the sheets, you spent the rest of the night showing Yeji exactly how you feel.
You had always viewed alarm clocks as a cruel invention.  After all, who in their right mind would want to set a time limit on their dreams?
But when you shifted from sleep to consciousness and awoke late that morning, you found yourself merely shifting from one dream to another.  You found yourself holding Yeji in your arms, granted the perfect angle to observe her flawless visage as golden beams shone through the windows and cast a gentle light across her sleeping form.  And just as you began to doubt whether you were even awake at all, Yeji’s slow, hot breaths against the base of your neck brought you back to reality.
So, you held her, far longer than you needed to fully awaken.  You laid there, arms wrapped around Yeji, long enough for her to finish whatever dream she was experiencing.  And a while later, long after you had lost track of the time passed but well before she awoke, you realized you’d decided to stay a long, long time ago.
Unfortunately, you were reminded that dreams don’t last forever when your alarm clock began its cacophony that next Monday.  And even though you’d told Yeji the nature of the compromise you’d made, it didn’t make the following weeks any easier.  You had, after all, volunteered to manage this project.  And if you wanted to keep the job you had spent your entire adult life working for, you knew you couldn’t deliver anything but perfection.
So, you got to work.  And as the hours stretched on and the days began to blur together, the long days turned into long nights turned into long weeks.  And the strain on your relationship was impossible to miss.
Your sins started small, like not responding to a text until hours later or having to cancel a lunch date.  However, as the list of your transgressions grew, so too did their severity.  Yeji did her best to be supportive and might have acted as if it were okay that you didn't follow through with your daily good night calls, but the cracks in her voice allowed the truth to trickle through.
And as much as you wanted to be there to hold Yeji close and help her heal the wounds you had caused, you were terrified of the possibility of not delivering on this project.  Of losing the benefit of years of schooling and even more years of hard work.  So you soldiered on, assuring yourself that these short-term pains would be worth it in the end.  Surely a couple months were worth losing for benefits that would last years to come?
Unfortunately, your calculus broke the exact moment you snapped at her for calling you during a meeting.  And Yeji, the eloquent half of your relationship, left you in silence.
The first day was hell.
The second day was worse.
Each day was marked with the same routine, with you reaching out and asking for a chance to apologize and Yeji letting her silence suffocate your request.
Nothing was worth this.
But it wasn’t until a week had passed and you found yourself alone in your apartment once again that the calendar reminded you that your anniversary was in one week’s time.  And somehow, with the realization that you hadn’t even known how badly you’d fucked up, you hit a new low.
So, immediately, you broke down and sent her a flurry of messages, pleading for a chance to ask for forgiveness.  To your surprise, you received a response.  You received a location, the same restaurant where you had your first date together.  You received a reservation time and instructions to pick her up 30 minutes beforehand.  And, you received a date.  Your anniversary.
Realizing that you’d probably already said too much, you promised to be there.  And you waited.  7 days of pain.  168 hours of suffering.  10,080 minutes of torment.  604,800 seconds of agony.  But when the time came, you made damned sure you were early.
And so did Yeji.  She was there, leaning against a pillar and staring up at the sky.  Waiting for you.
But when she got in the car, Yeji refused to even look at you, not even allowing you the chance to begin your apology as she told you to drive.  So, you trusted her.  And did as she asked.
You began to drive.
Despite the frigid climate in the car, you couldn’t help but feel a warm relief at having this opportunity.  At having Hwang Yeji back by your side.  And though you did your absolute best to keep your eyes exclusively on the road as you deftly navigated the icy streets, you couldn’t stop your heart from stealing a few glances in the rearview mirror.  And when you saw the tiniest bits of moisture beginning to gather at the corners of those steely eyes, you couldn’t stop that same heart from manifesting the slightest bit of hope within your soul.
But until you earned the chance to apologize, you continued to drive.
You honestly should have seen it coming, but the anxiety threw you off your game just a little bit.  Just enough.
You honestly think you would have been alright with it all.  It wouldn't have been easy, but you could have accepted the fact that the semi truck over your right shoulder blew through the light as if it were merely a suggestion.  You could have dealt with the whiplash of the impact and the pain and the damage and the medical bills.
You could have dealt with it all.
If only the passenger seat was empty.
(My sincerest gratitude to @worldsover and @braaan for reviewing this piece, this fic wouldn’t be anywhere near where it is now without their help.  Also, much love to @okaylikesmomo, @capslocked, and @majorblinks.  I wouldn’t have finished this without your support.)
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firesmokeandashes · 4 months
Greetings, Tumblr dwellers. I am here today with a bunch of bkdk/mha incorrect/correct quotes. Because I, unfortunately, am lacking inspiration to write anything else at the moment :[
Please enjoy.
Izuku and Katsuki: *arguing about something*
Katsuki: "Stop yelling at me, nerd!"
Izuku: *starts powering up one for all and charges at Katsuki* "AHHHHHHHH!!!"
Katsuki: *powers up his explosions and charges at Izuku* "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!"
Izuku and Katsuki: *catches each others fists and begin making out aggressively instead*
Denki: "...."
Todoroki: *sipping coffee tiredly*
Denki: "So.... why were they fighting again..."
Todoroki: "Deku said he thought Bakugou was the better hero out of the both of them. Which made Bakugou extremely angry because he thinks Deku is the better hero out of both them, and it kind of escalated from there."
Denki: "...."
Izuku and Katsuki: *intense angry making out noises*
Todoroki: *continues sipping coffee out of his '#No.1 Wonder Duo Supporter' mug*
Katsuki: "...."
Izuku: *standing in a slightly burnt looking pile of paper towles and plates covered in hot chocolate and feathers*
Katsuki: *watches as a featherless and slightly disoriented duck imerges from the pile*
Izuku: "I may have made a mistake..."
Katsuki: "Actually, it seems you've made several mistakes all within the past 5 minutes while I was changing my clothes"
Katsuki: "Hey, Izuku! What'd ya say about coming with me on a road trip to the mountains for some hiking?"
Izuku: "I would say 'yes', but Im still recovering from the last road trip we went on"
Katsuki: "Izuku, that was ten years ago, and we were in high school!"
Izuku: "And you got kidnapped! And we had to come and rescue you!"
Katsuki: "That was one time, Izuku. ONE. TIME."
Izuku: "Yes, and I would very much not like to repeat the experience!"
Katsuki: "We're full grown-ass adults Izuku!"
Izuku: "I don't care! It was a traumatic experience that could still happen now that we're adults!"
Katsuki: "We're two of the highest ranking pro-heroes in Japan! WE FUCKING BEAT ALL FOR ONE! I highly doubt anyone is going to try kidnap either one of us!"
Izuku: "...."
Katsuki: *incredulous annoyed silence*
Izuku: "I'll go pack my bags..."
Katsuki: *silent contemplating look of disappointment at his boyfriend's ridiculousness*
Katsuki: "You have to make a decision."
Izuku: "I did. I've decided not to decide."
Katsuki: "We're in the fucking drive-through Izuku! You have to choose something to eat!"
Izuku: "I can't! It's too much pressure!"
Katsuki: "You're the fucking number one hero you live under pressure! And you can't decide what to eat at a drive-through!?"
Izuku: "That's different!"
Katsuki: "How is saving people from birning buildings less stressful than choosing a meal at a fucking fast food joint!?"
Izuku: "Because saving people doesn't involve having to choose between chicken nuggets shapped like dinosaurs or chicken nuggets shapped like space ships!"
Katsuki: "....."
Katsuki and Izuku: *staring at horribly disfigured homemade clay All Might figure with a hand(??) sticking out of his head and four legs 3 of which look like tree stumps, that they made the night before while partially drunk*
Izuku: "So.... Do you think we can fix it?"
Katsuki: "No. And Im not even going to try"
Katsuki: *walking around a hero gala, his PR agent dragged him to*
Izuku: *walking slightly behind Kacchan, following him*
Izuku: "Where are you going, Kacchan?"
Katsuki: "Towards the answer of all my problems"
Izuku: But Kacchan, you're walking towards the exit"
Katsuki: "Exactly."
Izuku: "...."
Izuku: "Can I tag along with you, then? Because I really want to go home and finish watching the final episode of Sasaki to Miyano, but my ride won't be leaving for a while."
Katsuki: "Sure. We can pick up some ramen on the way to your place so we can eat it while we watch those two idiots finally get together."
Izuku: "Yay! Thanks, Kacchan! You're the best!"
Katsuki: "I know, I know. Now, let's get going before my PR agent catches me and makes me go talk to more people."
Welp! That's all I got for now! I hope you guys liked them!
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mapsontheweb · 9 months
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This task in Finnish geography finals.
via u/PureRip3
Based on the map of the imaginary world source 1.A, choose the incorrect statement in sub-questions 1.1 to 1.10. There is only one incorrect statement in each sub-task. Some of the statements refer to items a-i on Map 1.A. Correct answer 2 p., wrong answer 0 p., no answer 0 p.
1.1 Land cover 2 p.
There is one lake in the area.
Only the northern parts of the area are marshes.
There are no surface waters in Mordor.
The area is mainly covered by forest.
1.2 Topography 2 p.
Mountains separate Mordor from the rest of the map.
Minas Tirith (a) is located in the river valley between the mountains.
Mount Doom (b) is visible from the town of Minas Tirith (a).
Edoras (c) is located on the lower slopes of the mountain range.
1.3 River network 2 p.
The Ringló river (d) flows down to the southwest.
The Ringló river (d) is not a branch of the Anduin (e).
Anduin (e) flows from south to north.
Edoras (c) is in the catchment area of Anduin (e).
1.4 Weather and climate 2 p.
The weather in the Lebennin area is often warmed by warm downdrafts.
The climate of the Lebennin region is wetter than that of the Anórien region.
The prevailing wind direction in the Lebennin area is from the sea.
The seaside balances the temperatures in the Lebennin area.
1.5 Road network 2 p.
The road from Minas Tirith (a) to Edoras (c) passes through the forest in two places.
The area between Minas Tirith (a), Morannon (f) and the northern parts of Mordor has the densest road network on the map.
The road from Edoras (c) to the Ringlo river (d) is longer than the road to Mount Doom (b).
The southern part of Mordor has a dense road network.
1.6 Interactions between regions 2 p.
The southern part of Mordor is peripheral.
Morannon (f) is a key transport hub.
Edoras (c) is the northernmost town in the region.
From Edoras (c) to Minas Tirith (a) there is both a road and a water route.
1.7 Air directions 2 p.
Minas Tirith (a) is located west of Anduin (e).
From Minas Tirith (a), the bay shown on the map is to the south-west.
Minas Tirith (a) is located east of Mordor.
From Minas Tirith (a), Mount Doom (b) is to the north-east.
1.8 Scale 2 p.
A proportional scale would be more appropriate for this map, which can be zoomed in and out.
The scale line indicates how much distance on this map corresponds to 100 km in nature.
The scale line indicates that the area shown on this map is about 350 kilometres wide in a south-north direction.
The scale line indicates that if the width of this map in the east-west direction were 45 centimetres when printed, its scale would be 1:1 000 000.
1.9 Distances and areas 2 p.
Minas Tirith (a) is about 100 km from Mount Doom (b).
The distance from Minas Tirith (a) to the sea by river is less than 400 km.
The plateau south of Morannon (f), surrounded by steep mountains, is less than 2 500 km2 .
Nindalf (g) is about 3 000 hectares in size.
1.10 Elevation curves 2 p.
The highest point of the Ephel Duath mountain range (h) is about 800 m above sea level.
Nindalf (g) is less than 200 metres above sea level.
The summit of Mount Doom (b) is about 200 metres above the surrounding area.
In the mountain area designated as site (i), the western slope is gentler than the eastern slope.
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lou-struck · 1 year
Beyond the Sunset
Katsuki Bakugo x reader
~ The two of you head up to the mountains to watch the sunset.
~This is one of the requested prompts for My Emoticon Expression's Event; check out the masterlist On my welcome page.
WC: 1.5k
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Ever since your coworker told you about the amazing lookout point they found the other day, you have wanted to see it for yourself. This little mountain spot is apparently breathtaking any time of the day, but the sunset is the most ethereal.
You have been watching the weather all week long, waiting for the best night to make the drive, the past few days have been cloud-filled and dreary, but tonight there is not a cloud in the sky. Perfect.
You pack the car with enough snacks to put a bear through hibernation and toss in half a linen closet's worth of blankets in the back seat before you check off the last important item on your todo list; you have to convince your Pro Hero Boyfriend to make the drive up with you. Katsuki may appear to be a grumpy homebody, but in reality, he would never say no to an adventure with you, especially when you bat your eyes at him so sweetly.
He wouldn't tell you this, but watching the sunset with you sounds heavenly, and he is over the moon about your little road trip. 
Even if you happen to be the biggest passenger princess, there is.
Your shoes have long since been slipped off, and your fuzzy sock-clad feet are crossed over the front dash. And even though you have the AC cranked on full blast, your seat warmer is on high, making you feel even cozier.
"Oi, get your feet off my dash before I throw you in the trunk." your boyfriend, Katsuki Bakugo, scolds. "I don't even know why I'm the one driving; you're the one who wanted to drive up to these damn mountains."
And you know he's only worried about your safety, and so you remove your feet. "you are driving because you are a terrible passenger." You tease, reaching over to ruffle his spiky blonde hair.
It's true; your boyfriend has always been a terrible backseat driver. Sometimes you have to remind him that your eyes work just as well as his. You can see the stoplights, and you can read the road signs. But on trips like this, when the road gets bumpy and twists every which way, it's much easier to skip the headache and let him drive.
He bats your hand away with a small smile, turning his attention to a rather large pothole. He navigates around it easily, and often the distance, you can see the beginnings of the sun starting to set.
"Are we gonna make it?"
"Course we are, Dumbass," he replies affectionately, the nickname making you giggle as you round the corner. You can see the whole valley below you; a wide river flows between the highest mountain peaks, and the lush greenery seems to go on for miles. Already a few cars are pulled over in some of the dirt-covered lookout and hiking spots. 
"looks like we're gonna have to get out and watch it from over there. "He says, parking into a spot a bit farther away from the viewpoint. 
"how about we go over there? You point unbuckling your seatbelt towards the large wooden fence posts and the distance. They look more than sturdy enough to support the two of you. 
"If I get any splinters in my ass, I'm blaming you." He jokes, opening the driver-side door and sliding out of the vehicle.
"Katsuki, Wait for me!" You call, trying to slip your sneakers back onto your socked feet. The first one slide on easily, but you can't find your other shoe.
"You're hopeless; up you go," he grumbles, opening the passenger side door and scooping you up effortlessly into his arms. Now that you don't have to worry about finding your other shoe, he carries you over to the sturdy wooden barrier overlooking the valley. He sets you down and joins you on the beam just as the sky fills with the majestic sorbet of oranges, pinks, and purples.
The two of you sit side by side, just watching the sky, too enchanted by the beauty of it all to say anything.
The orange fades slowly into a reddish-pink color as a flock of white birds disappears over the horizon. The sky becomes darker and darker until that beautiful purple color darkens into the rich darkness of the night sky. 
"This is pretty cool, huh?" You ask, breaking the spell and nudging him playfully.
"It was cool," he relents softly, eyes still fixated on the sky. I'm glad we came up here."
"Me too,' no hum nuzzling into his side. His naturally warm body makes you more aware of just how chilly it is now that the sun has gone down.
You start to shiver, scooting along the wooden post to get closer to your boyfriend.
"I told ya to bring a coat or somethin, but you didn't want to listen to me, did you?" he scolds, unzipping his black jacket and pulling it from his beefy arms."
You laugh at taking the garnet from him. And wrap it around yourself. "Only because you take such good care of me, you big softie."
"Only to you," he mumbles softly; he says it so uncharacteristically tender it is almost drowned out by the evening breeze that whistles through the valley below.
You wouldn't dare tease him when he gets soft like this; his words feel as if another lawyer has been tricked carefully over you. Surrounding you with his signature burnt sugar scent that reminds you of home. I
The two of you stayed at that lookout point long after the sun had set. The stars seem to go on forever on that mountaintop. Twinkling in a way that you would never be able to see back in the city.
"I think it's time we head out," he says, scooping you and his jacket up. "you're going to catch a cold out here."
"I-I'm glad we were able t-to come out here." You shiver to burrow deeper into his jacket. 
"You had a good idea." He says, plopping you down in your seat. "we can find your shoe when we get home."
With that, he pulls out of your parking spot and turns back down towards the road. All of a sudden, Bakugo stops. "Wait, what the hell?" he mumbles, "It's how the hell are we supposed to get back?"
"What are you talking about? Can't we just ride the road we came in on"
He shakes his head no, "It's a one-way; we must be stuck in a loop. We'll have to finish it to get back to the main road."
"That sounds like so much fun, "you chirp happily. Being the passenger princess you are is just happy to be along for the ride and completely unbothered by the current predicament that the two of you are in.
"I just don't know how long this thing will take." He sighs. You know he's not upset; it's just that he doesn't like being unprepared in case something goes wrong.
"Babe, relax. We have a full tank of gas, and we have snacks for days. Everything will be just fine." You soothe, reaching over and rubbing gentle circles into his back. His tense muscles seem to relax under your touch.
"We're good." He says, at last, staring up again and driving down the road. 
Bakugo's features relax, and you go through the late-night drive. He hums along to the radio and is completely at peace. You're so relaxed that you feel as if you are getting to be a bit too comfortable.
Just as you see the main road approaching, you let a big yawn, blinking your heavy eyes a few times in an effort to stay awake.
"M' feelin' kinda tired."
"Are you really gonna make me carry you inside when we get home?" His voice is steady, soothing, when he responds.
"Mmmmhmmm," you hum, sinking deeper into the seat. A happy smile tugging at your lips. You can barely keep your eyes open at this point. Not that you're trying to. 
Bakugo's warm heavenly hand grabs your own. His calloused thumb rubs soft circles into your skin. Your last thought: It's like he is trying to lull you to sleep.
As you sleep softly in the passenger seat, Bakugo looks at you affectionately. It would've made your heart flutter if you were able to see the doughy look on his features and the warmth in his crimson gaze.
Goodnight, dumbass," he whispers, stroking your hair with a free hand. "You mean so much to me."
Off in the distance, he sees that familiar split onto the man road. Just as he is about to turn, he glances down at the gas gauge. He notices that he has more than enough fuel. 
With a shrug, he turns in the opposite direction and goes back into the scenic loop to enjoy its beauty one more time. 
He may not be a night owl by any means, but these late-night drives with you make him want to stay up a bit later.
Tagging: @tokyometronetwork
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mountrainiernps · 10 months
Have you ever picnicked at Sunrise?
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Sunrise is a special place in the national park. It’s in the northeast corner of the park with access from State Route 410. The road to Sunrise is the highest elevation road in the park. It is also a seasonal road. Due to winter snows, winds, and weather, the road to Sunrise is plowed open typical by early July. The road stays open through the sunny, warm summer and into autumn. When the snow starts to fly and then pile up, the road to Sunrise closes to motor vehicles for the winter.
From State Route 410 in the park’s northeast corner, you drive south to the intersection with the White River Road. Turn right and the road takes you to the White River entrance booth and then up to the bridge over the White River and the White River Campground. There, you can follow the road to the right and climb up the ridge to Sunrise. It is not a short drive, but it is beautiful and worth the time.
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When you reach Sunrise, you are at the end of the road. Park in the lined spaces in front of the visitor center, restroom building, and day lodge. A number of trails start right from the parking lot. And there’s another special treat; the picnic area. If you go to the trailhead on the west side of the parking lot, just to the north of the restrooms, the trail takes off for Sourdough Ridge and many other destinations. You’ll also see a sign for the picnic area. Follow the arrow to the left, walk through the trees until you find the picnic area trails leading up the hill.
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Mixed in among short evergreens, you’ll find a plethora of picnic tables. Some are secluded amongst the trees and some are open to great views of the mountain. Picnicking at Sunrise gives you options.
When was the last time you picnicked at Sunrise?
Do you think it’s better for a breakfast, lunch, or dinner picnic?
What is your favorite memory of picnicking at Sunrise? ~ams
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For more information on the Sunrise area please use this link https://www.nps.gov/mora/planyourvisit/sunrise.htm For trail information in this area https://www.nps.gov/mora/planyourvisit/upload/2020-Sunrise-Area-Trails_access.pdf Please help preserve these subalpine meadows by staying on the trails. For more information see https://www.nps.gov/mora/planyourvisit/meadow-preservation.htm
Photos are from earlier times and do not represent current conditions. NPS/Spillane Photo. Access route to picnic area made of old pavement and gravel. Sign at Y says, “Picnic Area” with an arrow pointing to the left. Evergreen trees lined the path. August, 2023. NPS/Spillane Photo. View through tree branches of shady wooden and concrete picnic table. August, 2023. NPS/Spillane Photo. Wooden and stone picnic table with evergreen trees. Mount Rainier in background. August, 2023. NPS/Spillane Photo. Purple Cascade Asters in bloom in Sunrise picnic area. August, 2023.
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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Dalby Creek, BC
The first settlement on Highway 37 north of Gitanyov – Iskut – is reached at 406 kilometre. Just a few kilometres north, the approximately 1100-metre-high pass between Zechtoo Mountain (1782 m) and Mount Poelzer (2169 m) is reached, which separates the valleys of the Iskut River and the Stikine River. A viewpoint 17 km north of Iskut offers a beautiful view of the inactive volcano Mount Edziza and the slag cones in its massif. Shortly behind it, the descent to the Stikine River begins, which is crossed at 437 kilometres.
Beyond the river, the ascent to Gnat Pass begins (1,141 m at 468 km). The snow-covered lane headed east of the highway dates from a abandoned BC project to connect Dease Lake to the railway network at Fort St. James. The track bed was already built over long distances, but tracks were never laid. The road descents after crossing the pass, which is the highest point of the entire road, towards the Tanzilla River, which is crossed at km 479.
Some roads serving local mining projects and forestry depart shortly after crossing Dalby Creek in an easterly direction. The now following hill, whose peak is crossed at an altitude of 820 m, is the continental watershed between the Pacific and the Arctic Ocean. Only one kilometre further north, the village of Dease Lake is reached at km 488.
Source: Wikipedia
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mightywellfan · 6 months
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Bealach na Bà Hairpins in Winter
Bealach na Bà is a winding single track road through the mountains of the Applecross peninsula, in Wester Ross in the Scottish Highlands. The Bealach na Bà is just one feature on this road, being its highest point and site of several corries.
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hazygrains · 6 months
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December 16 - 17 | Mount Pulag, Playground of the Gods
After nearly nine years, I revisited Mt. Pulag. Back in March 2015, I climbed my first mountain with my family, but we only made it to peak #2. We were tired, but it didn't bother me much as I could already see the summit from there. Now, my work friends planned a Mt. Pulag climb, and not wanting to miss out and eager to reach the summit this time, I agreed.
We were a group of 12, and most of us brought our partners on the trip. Fortunately, the GA Outdoor package we had came with homestay accommodation, so camping, like the first time, wasn't necessary. Plus, we had the whole van to ourselves. So, we planned this trip in October, giving us 2 months to get ready. I even signed up for a gym membership just to be somewhat physically fit for the climb.
Anyway, we hit the road as soon as we were all picked up from our designated points at around 12 am on Saturday. By 8 am, we had already reached Bokod, Benguet. After stopping at a clinic for the required medical checkup and grabbing breakfast, we went to the DENR office for another mandatory orientation about the national park. Upon arriving at Baban’s homestay at noon, we were free to do anything we wanted until the lights-off schedule at 9 pm.
Our wakeup call was at 1 am the following day, and we were supposed to be geared up and ready at the ranger station by 2:30 am. Despite being the first group to start the trek, unfortunately, half of our members were not adequately prepared for the hike, allowing other groups to overtake us on the way up. Our group got split, with the first batch advancing ahead, and us lagging behind. As a result, we ended up being the last group to reach the summit. Even though the hike was initially planned as a 5-hour trek to the summit, just in time for sunrise, it took us almost 8 hours to reach the peak instead.
The struggle to reach the summit was no joke. The pathways were muddy, slippery, and rocky—all worsened by the rain and fog. The cold temperature added another layer of difficulty to the trek. Some of us almost gave up, but I was glad we kept going. We continued at our own pace, and it took us until almost 10 am to finally reach the top, with the first batch waiting for us at the summit for an hour. Imagine waiting in the freezing temperature. Anyway, the first batch told us stories of what happened at the peak when they got there. They said it was so crowded, and people were fighting over their turns to take photos at the Mt. Pulag summit board signage. Unfortunately, there was no clearing, so they had no view, just fog.
The moment we reached the summit, we were rewarded with a clearing. Now, we could see the blue sky and a clear mountain view. Though clouds and fog still came and went every now and then, overall, the weather improved. There was even a rainbow! We stayed there for almost an hour, enjoying the moment, the view, and the accomplishment of reaching the highest mountain in Luzon. And, of course, we took tons of photos. I was beyond grateful. The journey we went through is definitely one for the books, one that we will look back on and cherish.
The reverse journey took us 5 hours, and the descent was just as grueling. I was thankful for my knees for not giving up on me; they honestly hurt because the force I exerted on them while descending was much greater than on the way up. Additionally, my backpack, loaded with all my stuff, made my arms and back tired, and all I wanted was to lie down and sleep. Asis and I didn't pack any decent food; all we had were nuts and sour gummy worms. We should have brought sandwiches—imagine the pain, the hunger, and the struggle. Oh well. I was also thankful for the habal-habal ride on the last part of the trail. We all booked one each, and from there, they dropped us off at our homestay, saving us from another 3km walk. I just couldn’t continue anymore.
Once we arrived at the homestay at 3 pm, we immediately ate our late lunch, freshened up, and fixed our stuff because we needed to head back to the metro. We arrived home at around 1 am the next day, and most of us took a day off because we might end up dead if we still decided to work in the office. Lol. So yeah, I can now proudly say I’ve conquered Mt. Pulag—definitely a nice way to end the year.
By the way, we were also rewarded with another rainbow on our way back to the homestay. Additionally, the sunset on our journey back home to the metro was simply breathtaking. The vibrant, gradual colors of the sunset—purple, pink, orange—and the silhouette of the mountain range, it was truly a sight to behold. I was just in awe.
Photos were all taken using Olympus Superzoom 800 Film stocks: Kodak Gold 200 and Orwo Wolfen Color NC 500
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navibluebees · 1 year
im here once again! to taint your inbox
may I obtain some headcanons about running around with Spider? Just acting like silly little high schoolers/running around town being idoits? (Modern era plss)
Please read before interacting.
Absolutely you can! Spider would be a great friend. 🥹
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He strikes me as someone who always wanted to go get snacks after school or work. "You hungry?" Always.
Great to go see movies with. Not worried about being too cool to laugh or cry at the scenes. Always makes sure to clean up the trash after bc our boy cares about the people working.
On that note, he also regularly takes part in litter cleanups.
Lost his mind the first time he tried boba. Couldn't decide if he loved or hated the tapioca pearls.
LOVES to mini golf, it's a fact. When he was smaller, his dad kept having to tug him along because he always wanted to climb on the displays.
Really enjoys picnics and experiencing the day. When it started raining and you tried to pack up, he pulled you up to dance in the rain, running around like a little kid.
Stargazing is his jam. Wants to find the highest point to see them the best.
It might not be for you, but he gives off mountain climbing vibes and if you don't wanna do it, he will still convince you to come along and cheer for him.
He seems like he'd be really fluid between different friend groups and is that one guy to bring them all together.
When he was younger he was definitely guilty of playing ding-dong-ditch. (If you don't know what that is, you run up and ring a doorbell and run away before the person answers the door.)
Likes going for night drives with his friends, rolling the windows down and singing at the top of his lungs.
Finds animals on the side of the road all the time. One time he showed up to your house and had a kitten in his hoodie pocket.
He is a MENACE with laser tag. Do not cross him.
Same with paintball tbh. He morphs into a whole new person.
Loves sleepovers with popcorn and movies.
Will build a blanket fort to huddle under.
Gets distracted scrolling through TikTok and laughing at the edits of Lo'ak.
Best person to talk to about any kind of problem. When he finally opens up and confides about his struggle with his family, he told you how grateful he was to be your friend. (I'm just so soft on this kid, he seems like he'd be really rewarding to be friends with.)
In short, I am a Spider apologist and will defend him until my last breath.
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luke-r-gillespie · 1 month
May 12 - Hakone Day Trip
Another early morning today, I woke up at 6:10 to get ready for our 6:45 meeting. I arrived at the conference room at 6:45 on the dot (only around 1/5 of the class was there already so I definitely didn’t have to rush.) After our meeting, we left for the station 7:10. The first leg of the journey entailed riding a traditional train a few stops, where we would switch to a nicer, faster train with assigned seats. I ended up spending around two hours on this second train but I really didn’t mind. The scenic views of the Japanese country side and my music made for good company.
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After departing our second train, we boarded a THIRD train which had us ascending a series of hills towards our final destination of Hakone. After arriving at the final stop of the third train, we departed to board a cable car which took us up a ways. After reaching the top, we took some pictures then boarded the final mode of transportation required for our approach, a gondola.
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Due to all the sulfur (which smelled downright awful,) which is caused by Hakone’s volcanic activity, we were able to have a local delicacy… black hard boiled eggs. After reaching the highest point of our trip and learning some background about Hakone, we were given black eggs, pictured below (the actual egg inside is white but due to the eggs being boiled in the sulfur springs, the shell turns black.)
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All things considered, it was a pretty good egg. Our next stop in Hakone was Lake Ashi, which was potentially the most beautiful place i have ever seen in my life. The lush trees, rolling mountains and low hanging clouds seemed like something from a Ghibli film.
We viewed the lake from aboard a “pirate” ship, which offered amazing views of the surrounding mountains (it was also very cold at such an elevation, with not a single wind break on board.) After reaching the other side of the lake, we visited the Hakone checkpoint which was once used to keep certain individuals in and out of the emperor of Japan’s domain. Leaving the checkpoint, we visited a number of beautiful shrines, many of which were enshrouded by well maintained greenery.
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The final stop was the Hakone shrine where we lined up to take a group photo and then photos as individuals (we waited in excess of an hour, cool spot but not worth standing in the cold while being blasted by wind in my professional opinion.)
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After that, all that was left was to get home. To do so, we caught a bus which allowed us to bypass the last three methods of transportation used during arrival (the gondola, cable car, and the shortest of the three bus trips.)
Academic Reflection
The Hakone checkpoint that we visited presented a realistic reproduction of what the real checkpoint was like during the Edo Period, from the 1600s through the 1800s. These Sekisho, (or barriers as they are most accurately translated) could span multiple roads. The Sekisho had a few primary functions, they acted as toll gates, while allowing the emperor to regulate who entered and left the his domain. The Sekisho were used to check all baggage and luggage brought with travelers throughout Japan. This made it difficult to illegally move firearms and other contraband throughout Japan during this period but the gates main function was to regulate the people coming and going. Most notably, the gates acted to keep peasants out and the wives of Daimyos in. As previously discussed, the emperor would keep the sons and wives of his Daimyos in his territory when they were in their territories, this essentially allowed him to use them as hostages, making it difficult for his powerful Daimyo to rebel against him. The Sekisho would check all women who passed through to ensure that no one was trying to sneak any of these “hostages” through. The barriers were surrounded by large wooden fences, not strong enough to defend in the event of an invasion but strong enough to fend off peasant uprisings. To further discourage such acts of rebellion, all Sekisho also sported three gnarly looking weapons and a small military force. In this way, the emperor was able to use the Sekisho to maintain tight control over his domain.
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cntoesussie · 2 months
Papa Louie Concept pt. 2: The Town of Deer Creek
Population: only 23.
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Created this layout in Happy Island Designer, so it's a little rough. This place runs off of camp sites, road kill, and a K-12 school that's a catch-all for all the people living in the mountains.
The average income of a person living in Deer Creek is 18,056 USD per year. Due to low funding from the government, the town has been run down severely. Although it won't fix the problem completely, Papa's Roadkillaria may bring some money into the town.
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Here's the general site of the restaurant (just now realizing how similar it is to Maple Mountain).
For the school, they have a school baseball team named the Deer Creek Badgers. They aren't the best team (they've only won a real game twice in the 35-year history of the school).
The highest point is about 3,266 feet (995 meters) above sea level, locally known as the Foreigner's Point, since people often camp up there. The people here do not know much other than their home, due to the inability to travel and the lack of internet.
Winters are cold and dry, summers are warm and wet. The average temperatures go as follows:
January: 12℉ (-11℃) low, 25℉ (-3℃) high
February: 11 ℉ (-11℃) low, 26℉ (-3℃) high
March: 16℉ (-8℃) low, 36℉ (2℃) high
April: 27℉ (-3℃) low, 48℉ (9℃) high
May: 38℉ (3℃) low, 60℉ (16℃) high
June: 46℉ (8℃) low, 68℉ (20℃) high
July: 51℉ (11℃) low, 73℉ (23℃) high
August: 50℉ (10℃) low, 74℉ (23℃) high
September: 46℉ (8℃) low, 65℉ (18℃) high
October: 37℉ (3℃) low, 53℉ (12℃) high
November: 25℉ (-2℃) low, 40℉ (4℃) high
December: 14℉ (-10℃) low, 27℉ (-1℃) high
so yeah, that's me rambling.
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hazel-of-sodor · 10 months
What's Lost is Found
Ch.9 The Climb
Other Chapters
By the time Freda and Gwyn had retold the incident to Mali, with oh-so-helpful commentary from Blaidd as she swapped Screech's loaded cars for empty ones, Screech was more than ready to start the path to Argol. It didn't help that the whisper was preening at the retelling of the story.
Finally Screech set off back down the grade with the loaded cars and the workmen returned from their break. Children from the town had gathered by the trackside to watch her depart, cheering as her whistle blasted out across the valley as she pulled off into the forest. The points to Argol were just past the clearing, and it took several minutes for the workers to clean and oil them so they could be flipped the right way. Through the trees, Screech could barely make out the remains of the old dirt road running parallel with the line.
The work to clear the line was harder here, as the line had been closed longer, with Screech occasionally stopping to remove trees that had sprouted in the trackbed.
The line was also steeper, winding up the hills towards the village. A good number of the sleepers were rotten, so whenever they stopped for workers to resecure the rails, Screech would use her tendrils to cut the fallen logs that had been collected into makeshift sleepers.
As they slowly climbed, Mali told her of Argol.
"It was the home for all the miners and quarrymen." She explained. "A small narrow gauge line ran from the terminus of this line into the hills, the little engines would take the workers to the mines and quarries in empty wagons, then return with full ones that would be transferred to the branchline."
"And after the line closed?" Screech asked
"They tried using lorries, but the roads weren't meant for the loads. They were in need of serious repair even before the line to Glain closed."
'And what became of the little engines?' The whisper asked.
Mali frowned when Screech repeated the question. "I...I don't know..."
She turned and shouted, "Mam!"
One of the workers jogged up, Screech vaguely remembered the woman being in charge of the water for the workers.
"Yes, Cyw?" She asked.
"Do you know what happened to the engines on the Argol line?"
"The quarry line?" 
"Yes. Miss Screech asked and I couldn't remember."
The woman frowned as she walked alongside Screech, "I don't know." She said hesitantly. "I remember the other railway was asked about sending a train to collect them...but after that, I don't know. We were just trying to find jobs...I'm not even sure when exactly it closed."
"Thanks anyway, Mam."
"Anytime Annylyd." She said.
It was quiet for a moment as Screech focused on lifting a log from the line.
Freda spoke up, "I'm glad to see your relationship with your mother is doing better.
Mali frowned as she pointed out another limb for Screech to bat aside. "It's...alright. It's still really awkward though." She sighed, "Since she started working with the railway she's had more time for me but...we don't actually know each other that well."
"That is likely why she wants more time with you."
Screech mostly tuned out the rest of her crews and Mali's conversation, the nuances of human relationships had escaped her back when she was alive, and they certainly made no more sense now.
Finally, when the sun was at its highest point, Screech broke through the forest into a valley, high in the foothills of the mountains.
The tracks became a tramway, carving through the middle of the street.
On either side dilapidated buildings sagged and leaned under the weight of years. Many had windows smashed in and were exposed to the elements from collapsed walls. In the distance, a small platform and goods yard fared little better.
They had reached Argol.
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gravelish · 1 year
Alabama Hills (Lone Pine CA)
1 April 2023
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After two weeks in San Francisco, I’m on the road again, on my way to Arizona. I’ve got some ideas for rides along the way and this was one of them. Fortunately the weather cooperated, providing me a sunny, clear afternoon with the temperature in the low 60s.
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Lone Pine is in the Owens Valley, immediately east of the southern Sierras and Mount Whitney (which at 14,500’ is the highest point in the lower 48, although it’s only barely higher than Mount Rainier in Washington and Mount Elbert in Colorado). The Alabama Hills are weathered granitic knobs that protrude from the lower portion of the alluvial fans, just west of town, and have been the backdrop for many old western movies and TV shows.
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My ride climbed through the hills on Tuttle Creek Road and returned to Lone Pine on the main Whitney Portal Road. My two side trips were very different. The first was a long straight climb on Horseshoe Meadows Road to the gate that marks its current closure (a couple of miles before the first big switchbacks and probably where I would have begun seeing snow). The turnaround was right where the road reached the top of the alluvial fan and began climbing the mountains themselves.
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The second detour, but also the main reason for the ride, was riding out and back on Movie Road through the main part of the Alabama Hills. It was packed with tourists (only a few others were on bikes). I think the combination of the granitic soils (grus) and some recent road grading were responsible for Movie Road being awfully sandy in places and difficult to ride. It was closed to cars just a couple miles in, apparently due to some recent washouts (yup, it’s been raining hard everywhere in California this winter), but I continued for a ways before turning around. It would have been fun to explore more of the side roads, but the sand was deep and loose and I would have been walking the bike.
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1five1two · 4 days
The farzāna (“wise man”) Hurmuz (i.e., Hermes) once went up a mountain to worship God and saw a tortoise (Persian sang-pušt, lit. “rocky-back”) with dried sinews. He hung it up and the wind blew through the sinews, making music. Hurmuz wanted then to fashion an instrument he might play by himself, but all his attempts were unsuccessful. He went for a walk down the road feeling bad, and came upon an old man who just happened to be sitting there.
The old man, whose name was Hažrahman, arranged the tortoise shell with strings “in the likeness of the disposition of animate nature” (āmīzeš-i gōhar-i ǰānvar): “a stroke on the strings is like a movement in our body,” he explained. And that was the lyre. The Greek romance was evidently widely popular in the early Islamic period: Ibn al-Nadīm mentions in his Fihrist (the “List” (of the books in his father’s Baghdād book shop) an Arabic translation; and Birūnī knew a Persian prose version. The Persian rendering here of Hermes— Hurmuz— coincides with one form of the name of the good Creator God of Zoroastrianism, Ahura Mazdā, Middle Persian Ohrmazd. This can scarcely have been mere happenstance, and the Iranist Bo Utas suggested reasonably that at some point the coincidence offered an opportunity to make a point. The old man’s unusual name, Hazhraman, might be a scribal corruption or, better, an otherwise unattested form of the name Ahreman, the Middle Persian form of Avestan Angra Mainyu— the name of the Evil Spirit, Ahura Mazda’s co-eternal cosmic enemy. And Utas remarks, “even if sung for the highest purposes, poetry and music will need something devilish.” Hägg noted that Longus and Achilles Tatius attributed to Pan— the god of the “panic”, whom Christians early equated with the devil— the invention of the syrinx, a flute. Though the woodland god did this in a grief-stricken attempt to reconstruct the sundered limbs of his beloved, might the association of Pan and instrument also have perhaps inspired a transmitter of the tale along the way to ‘Unsuri to take up the theme of music as potentially demonic.
James Russell
The Lyre of King David and the Greeks
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skinks · 1 year
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spring roadtrip up to Torridon via Cairngorm with the lads @thewintermusketeer and @benevolentbridgetroll feat. desperately trying to keep birthday candles alight in a loch wind, hand-feeding reindeer, a 9 point turn on the UK’s highest altitude road in a snowstorm traffic jam, eagle sightings, red deer sightings, 19 hours worth of driving tunes, constant mountain-view-induced-hysteria, and an intensely prolonged bit about a vampire in a hostel
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