#the goddam cuties
knight-jar · 1 year
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a painting i took far too long on
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hellspawn-enjoyer · 2 months
Astarion and Karlach Being Adorable Neighbors In Camp
I was mainly thinking about how cute some of the camp setups are and how the companions are placed and since I adore Karlach and Astarion's relationship, I thought I remembered there being a few times they were next to each other in camp. So I looked and didn't realize how often they actually are next to each other or not too far off from each other with some being particularly cute when thinking about both their character! No particular order just gushing about these dorks...
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First of course is the main campsite in Act 1 I'm sure I need no reason here it's just cute that no matter the order you pick them up the fact that Karlach and Astarion are cool with being neighbors right off the bat is super endearing. Also, don't mind the blood Karlach certainly doesn't anyway.🤭
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Another favorite of mine is in The Grymforge in the Underdark. Now I originally thought that Astarion was by himself over here and found it really nice how he likes being near the light, but then I come here and see Karlach is right in front of him. Since I noticed Karlach also likes camping near sunlight (Which is understandable there's no sun in Avernous so of course she's a fellow sunlight enjoyer) I though it be cute if whenever one of them finds a nice sunny spot to camp the other comes to visit to sunbath together.
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Y'all are so rude for this one because why did no one tell me they set up their tents back to back in the Underdark! This one surprised the hell out of me like my god my memory is bad because I remembered Shadowheart and Astarion's tents were facing each other and thought that was cute, but never remembered Karlach's tent was right behind him like these idiots got each other's back in the Underdark! I can't with them! Anyway, this is my favorite realization...🥰
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They're just right across from each other in this one with Astarion being on top of the hill with Karlach being just below. Again I like to believe they chill in the sun together.
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The most interesting group! These guys are also grouped up in the Grymforge campsite just more spread out which is cute. The late-night conversations gotta be wild with this group.
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Look at these dorks! They're so comfortable and secure with the other around I adore them. Going through each campsite and getting these scene shots made me love them more and more.
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Okay, so they're a bit apart in this one but let me be delulu there still across the way from each other.
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This was another one where I thought Astarion was alone( Currently playing Origin!Karlach probably doesn't help because her tents not there so it just looks like he's alone sometimes), but then I came down and of course, Karlach was right there with him. My poor heart! These idiots are so cute camping in their own little spot by the goddam chasm no less!
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Cuties grouped up! Also very proud of Astarion for being brave enough to sleep next to not one but two magical bombs.
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uGH THEY SO CUTE! It's just interesting to think about little agreements of where they're setting their tents at different points in the story and even more so when you do an Origin run and consider where their tent would be if it was present. Just the brainrot that's forming right now I can't with them!
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Finally, my Durge waking up from sleeping in the stables and who's there across the way? My sillies being comfortable being near each other again. Astarion gets the pleasure of listening to Karlach gush about Jaheira I'm sure. They just like having the other nearby so often it destroys me to think about their relationship.
So yeah that's it this was fun going to each campsite and noticing how often some of the other companions camp near each other and who was cute. For instance, I didn't notice how often Shadowheat and Laezel camp near each other as well as Gale and Wyll. Astarion camps next to Shadowheat and Gale a good amount of times. So does Karlach with Lae'zel and other cute groups or pairs. All in all, I found these all adorable and thought it was fun to think about, anyway I'm done gushing over these dorks for now, hoped you enjoyed it!
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the-fiction-witch · 9 months
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Media Star Wars The Force Awakens
Character Petty Officer Thanisson
Couple Thanisson X Reader (Rebel)
Rating SMUT AF!
Concept Forced recruitment
Smut prison guard x prisoner / semi nonconsentual / grinding/ humping / nudity/ clothes ripping/ 'good boy' / 'cutie' / cockwarming/ breast play / raw sex / suggestive speech / edging / reverse cowgirl /
I sighed as I stood on the finalizer's shiny floors outside the prison cell, this is not my job! why am I doing it! I am a goddam petty officer why am I on bloody guard duty! probably because that last attack took out half the stormtroopers and this prisoner had a reputation or so I had heard we had lost many guards because of escape attempts so at this point they just throwing anyone to guard the door regardless of rank just because we don't have anyone else. It was just me standing in the dark boring corridor given the officer who was meant to be helping me got shot yesterday by a malfunctioning blaster. 
I saw a trooper approach and it was about prisoner dinner time and he even had the tray in hand I was going to let him in but he stopped and offered me the tray, Oh hell no! This is not my job! 
"That's an order," he says 
"I'm a petty officer I don't get my orders from you"
"Higher up says so now take it"
"No. it's not my job to deliver food."
"Look man, do whatever but I'm not going in there with her again"
"Why not?"
"She nearly cut my fucking dick off man."
"Ohh so my dick is expendable"
"Not like you use it thanisson" He says "I'm not going in there with her so you figure it out" he says handing me the food tray and heading off back down the corridor 
"dick" I sighed I opened the door scanning my hand and headed inside the door shut behind me and I scanned my hand again to open the second door revealing the small black prison cell with a red bed and chair. The prisoner was some rebel girl I don't know who she was, but she lay on the bed facing away from me in the usual prisoner red jumpsuit but this one was uhhh... I think a little too small for her because whoa, I could see her every curve and fuck that ass looked good. But I shook my head out of it, focus! unless you want you're dick nearly cut off. I headed inside the room and set the food tray on the table beside the small chair "Dinner Prisoner" I said but no response "I said dinner" Still nothing so I moved a little closer "Hello?" I asked at this point almost leaning over her bed 
"Ummmm" she moans turning over a little to lay on her back with her knee up, her long braid sprawled on the pillow her chest almost popping out the jumpsuit's zip 
"Uh" I tried to speak but nothing arrived "Dinner" I said again which caused her eyes to flick open and she tried to kick me in the gut but luckily I moved back just in time, she tried to bolt but luckily I grabbed her wrist and forced her against the wall with all my strength pinning her there, holding her wrists above her head
"Ughh! Let me go!"
"You think I'm stupid! after what you just did to me"
"I didn't mean to"
"Didn't mean to? you think I'm dumb don't you!"
"I didn't know it was you, I thought it was that fucking bastard General back again"
"General Hux?"
"yeah that ginger dick"
"Well, why would you be trying to escape if it was him?"
"I wasn't trying to escape you dumb ass, I was trying to get him away from me. the bastard keeps coming in here and putting his hands where they don't belong"
"Ahh... I see" I nodded I didn't want to say anything to her but yeah General Hux did have a habit of getting 'handsy' with the female prisoners I wouldn't be surprised if he picked out that jumpsuit for her on purpose for exactly that reason "So you won't try and bolt if I let you go?"
"You swear?"
"I swear"
"Alright" I nodded letting her go "Dinner"
"Thanks" she sighed heading over and starting to pick at it 
"You don't... seem all that dangerous."
"Thanks," she says 
"I mean, having heard you've gone through so many guards kinda thought you'd be a lot scarier"
"I wouldn't have hurt any of the guards they kept their hands to themselves"
"That's fair" I nodded "What about the stormtrooper he said you nearly cut his dick off?"
"What was he doing with his dick out around me?"
"Fair enough" I nodded "So you're not dangerous?"
"I doubt it, not even meant to be locked up in here I'm innocent"
"That's what they all say"
"I'm not a rebel. I'm a cargo haulier,"
"You were caught with a whole ship of rebel tech"
"Yeah, Hauling it. I didn't know what was in the boxes, I didn't ask, they didn't tell me. picked it up from some guy in Mere's port and paid me to take it to New Loslin."
"You didn't question it?"
"Why would I? People ship a lot of weird shit." 
"why haven't you just explained that?"
"You think you're bosses give a shit what I have to say? Especially when they all seemed to be like Lismen's in heat around here" She explained 
I did feel bad, this wouldn't be the first time stuff like this happens normal people have a habit of ending up in the first-order crossfire. Soon enough she finished eating and handed back the tray to me 
"No problem,"
"Hey, you gonna be on guard all night?" she asks going to sit on her bed 
"Yeah, rest of the night"
"Well, if you get bored out there and fancy a conversation, Just a conversation mind you. not like I'm going anywhere" she says 
"I'll think about it, uhh?"
"Thanisson" I smiled before I scanned the door it opened up and I stepped in she didn't try to come at the door she even gave me a little wave as the door closed, once it was locked I scanned my hand again and headed out letting it close up behind me I sent the tray back to the kitchens and returned to just standing guard.
 I stood for a couple of hours before I was beyond bored out of my mind so I scanned my hand and headed inside when the second door opened she seemed surprised to see me 
"Ohh Hello there" she smiled
"Hi, I'm not disturbing am I?"
"Uhhh no I'm not busy she joked"
"You don't mind? it's insanely boring out there"
"Sure, just to warn you it's equally boring in here," she says 
"At least it's someone to talk to" I shrug going and sitting on the chair we chatted about little things for a while and honestly it was nice she laid on her bed dangling her head off the end I did my best not to look too much as the small zip was pretty much the only thing allowing her tits to defy gravity 
"You know, you're kinda cute for a first-order boy"
"I-I am?"
"Ummm" she nods 
"Uhh thanks, you're pretty cute too"
"Yeah the jumpsuit helps I think"
"I mean I wasn't gonna say it but-"
"But yeah?"
"But yeah... Sorry, kinda been away a long time"
"it's fine, I'm sure you miss your pretty girl back home"
"Ohh I don't have one, The first order doesn't like us having people waiting on us it's kinda shit but what can you do" 
"You can leave?"
"It's not that easy" 
"I don't know seems it" she shrugs "Don't agree with it just leave what are they gonna do?"
"Hunt me down and torture me" 
"Cunts" she sighed "So? how long have you been stuck on here?"
"Six years"
"Awww you poor thing, and no... pretty ladies in that time?" she asked sitting up on her bed 
"No, first-order regulations."
"Awwww no wonder you guys have been going crazy" she says getting up and resting her hands on her hips "You know, I wouldn't mind helping you out" she smiled coming over
"wha- what!"
"I wouldn't mind, you're cute" she smiled running her finger suggestively down my pants 
"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh" was all that arrived at my mouth which made him giggle before she climbed onto my lap wrapping her legs around the chair sitting perfectly over my belt pressing her chest to mine and giving her tight jumpsuit and my cheap uniform... there wasn't much between us 
"Wouldn't that be nice Thanisson?" she cooed fixing my hair for me 
"uhhh yeah that uhh that would be nice" I blushed 
This is definitely not my job but I am not telling her no! 
she chuckled "You're so sweet" she cooes wrapping my arms around her and letting me sit my hands on her ass grinding herself against me and pushing her tits against me 
"Ughhhhh!" I groaned in shock from the overwhelming pleasure 
"Humm such a little cutie" she giggled kissing my neck 
"Ummm" I groaned relaxing into her sweet kisses 
"And stupid" she smirked 
"wha-" I began but I felt the cold of her knife from dinner against my neck 
"And utterly gullible" 
"Oh shit"
"Yeah, oh shit."
"You are a dangerous rebel girl aren't you?"
"Yeah" she nods 
"Oh damn it"
"Ohh hello Thanisson" she smirked "You guys really are repressed aren't you?"
"You sat on my lap! kissed my neck and called me cutie what did you expect!" 
"To not be impaled in five seconds" she laughs "Now be a good boy and unlock the door"
I knew I didn't have a choice so she forced us to stand and stood at my side knife to my neck I scanned the door it opened and we moved inside 
"what are you going to do to me?" I asked as it locked 
"Nothing providing you keep quiet" she warns 
I unlocked the next door and we headed out down the corridor she kept the knife close to my skin 
"docking bay 4. Lead the way Cutie" she smiled 
"Your ship won't be there, they'll have it down in impound by now"
"Fine, then take me to the nearest place I can get a ship" 
"Fine. But I don't know how you think you're gonna get away with this"
"Simple. anyone asks I'm a prisoner you're transporting me"
"That's not my job! I'm a petty officer. You'd at least have a trooper with you"
"Yeah well, short staff."
"No thanks to you"
"Now go" she demanded 
I did as she asked and lead her through the finalizer doing my best to avoid places I knew people corrugated and given how short-staffed we were got all the way to departure bay 2 without even coming across anyone, I hoped someone would see the cameras but she was damn smart as even I know its camera guard change over we'd be lucky to even be noticed 
"You lair" she whispered as she brought me over to a very small ship
"what is this thing?"
"This is the blackbird. My ship"
"You're ship! you said you were a hauler" I said this ship was smaller than even the tie fighters, all-black with a small but powerful landing gear I had seen similar like this used by rebels spy ships designed to sneak in under scans due to their small size and powerful shields and attach on to large ships like barnacles 
"Yeah I lied" she smirked "Now get in"
"I'm not going with you!"
"Yeah well, I don't trust you won't squeal cutie." she smirked "Relax I'll drop you off the first rock I find" she said forcing me inside the ship with her it was tiny some small equipment and one leather seat by the controls she shut the door but kept the knife on me "Now... how are we gonna do this?" she said more to herself she loosened the straps on the seat and forced me to sit there before then sitting on my lap herself this time her back against my chest before I could fight she had locked the straps around us "This is gonna bet bumpy, just shut the hell up and let me drive" she says starting the ship up it was almost silent putting her helmet on in order to actually fly it as there was no flight controls on the window meaning her visor of her helmet had to have them by now we had attached some attention but she tiny ship shot off like a bullet before anyone could do much of anything 
"You can't just expect me to sit here and let you kidnap me!" 
"Why not you seemed to be enjoying it" she laughs 
"I'll send a distress signal!" I said trying to touch the controls but she pushed me back mostly using her hips 
"Don't. touch. My. ship." she warns 
"Make me" I told her trying to undo the straps, press buttons, do anything I could to cause her as many problems as possible until she grabbed my hands 
"STOP!" she demanded "I think I've been really nice to you so far I could have cut you're throat when I got to my ship, I could have cut off your hand in my cell, I'm letting you live and when I get back to base you can fuck off wherever you want. but if you keep doing this I will not hesitate to kick you out the fucking airlock thanisson" 
"I don't want go to some stupid rebel base"
"You've been complaining all day about the first order,"
"So maybe try the other side for a bit maybe get a taste of freedom once in your life"
"No!" I pouted again trying to argue with her 
"Ughhhh! sit still!" She demanded
"I'll sit still when you turn us around and go back to the finalizer," I told her doing my best to be annoying 
"Ughhhh! Why don't I have anything in here to restain hands" she complained but she grabbed my hands and put them on her tits which I admit did stop me for a moment given she's sat on my lap with my erection between her ass and now my hands fully on her tits with only the jumpsuit between us "There happy now? if I let you keep your hands there will you shut the hell up?"
"I uhh I uhhh" I began trying to argue with her but my brain kinda turned to mush gently squeezing and rubbing a little feeling the weight of them in my hands gently fondling as she flew, ummmm boobs- No come on brain think for god sake! I know you're horny but we're being kidnapped! "No!" I argued moving my hands away "I cannot be distracted so easily!"
"Really because that was a good twenty minutes since you said anything"
"Twenty- oh my god what is wrong with me" 
"You're repressed thanisson. This happens to a lot of first-order boys you've been brainwashed to be soldiers you're whole life the first time you get a flash of skin it breaks your brain, relax rebels don't give a shit where you stick your dick. Go crazy"
"How do I know the rebels won't imprison me when we get to you're base?"
"Ohh they will, if you're being a dick about it. If you come willingly you'll be accepted with open arms especially if you have any intel" 
"So you'll use me"
"if that's how you wanna think about it" she says 
"Turn us around!" I complained kicking and trying to cause problems for her 
"My god you're like a freaking toddler!" 
"Turn us around and I might allow them to keep you alive"
"shut up and I might allow them to keep you alive. Hell I'll kill you if you don't shut the hell up"
"You can't silence me!" 
"Can't I?" she smirked as she set the ship up clearly to work mostly on its own and removed her helmet, she grabbed the fabric of my trousers hard so much so that as she ganked she ripped my uniform "Cheap ass first order?" she says "Whoa... Hi Thanisson" she giggled rubbing herself on my now exposed erection 
"I'm not going to be so easily manipu-" I began but she sat up a little and managed to rip her cheap jumpsuit at the crotch enough to expose her and as she sat back down she let me slip inside her "Oh holy- fuck"
"There, now you going to be a good little passenger thanisson?" she cooed gently moving her hips to ride me 
"Ughhhhhh ughhhh uuhhh" I moaned uncontrollably 
"I take that as a yes" she giggled "Now if you behave for me, I'll let my cutie cock warm me all the way to the base okay?" she cooes moving her hand back to stroke my hair 
"I uhhhh I ughhhh...okay" I nodded 
"Good" she smiled getting her helmet back on and continuing with things, she barely moved but she didn't need to just the feeling of sitting inside her feeling myself throb and feeling her tighten and wetten around me for a very long time so much so even just the little bounces and shifts she did was enough to almost make me cum,  I know I didn't exactly like being kidnapped by a rebel and being taken to a rebel base and all the madness that had happened over the last twenty-four hours but... she was breaking me, I think that was some of her intention not only to keep me quiet but to slowly manipulate me into melting for her which I was really struggling not to do! but so little of me had resistance against her now, maybe this is Stockholm syndrome? Ummm I don't care any girl that'll let me literally cock warm inside her for over two hours can't be all that bad can she? or if she is... I don't care! 
"Y/n?" I cooed nuzzling with her neck
"could I uhh? please?" I whined moving my hands in front of her chest 
"Will it keep you quiet?"
"Yes. I promise"
"Will you behave?"
"I will I promise"
"Alright then" she says 
I immediately took her tits back in my hands lost in my own world of slow and sensual pleasure having her ass against me, her tits in my hands and being inside her even if I was desperate for more but I milked it as long as I could enjoying us like this for another hour before I spoke up "Y/n?" I asked as sweetly as I could, rubbing my nose on her neck a little 
"Umm yes thanisson?" she laughs 
"I'll be extra good if maybe you bounced a little?"
"Would you now? would you give me some nice first-order secrets if I was to bounce?"
"Alright" she cooes gently moving on me 
"Ughhhh uuhhhhh!" I moaned trying desperately to thrust up 
"ah ah ah" she warns pushing her ass against me hard "Not too egar cutie"
"Uhhh y/n please, I'll behave I promise, I'll tell you anything you wanna know just - just let me cum"
"Too late" she smirked slipping off her helmet and I noticed we had landed- 
Oh. Guess I wasn't really paying attention she unstrapped us both and grabbed a different jumpsuit from a box behind us quickly changing which honestly almost made me cum just seeing a quick flash of her naked 
"Here" she says throwing me one too 
"Wait- you could have changed at any point on this journey?"
"Complaining?" she asks zipping hers up
"No" I sighed changing myself 
"Now, you can scamper off and find you're way back to the finalizer, or... my little cutie can stay here with me and help out the resistance?" she cooes wrapping her arms around my neck
"If I stay will we-"
"Yes, I'm more than happy to continue our snuggles thanisson if you stay."
"Well... I don't know the first order is my whole life"
"You can stay in my tent" she cooes kissing down my neck 
"for tonight?"
"for forever cutie" she cooes 
"Uhhhh ummmm tempting"
"Humm if you come with me and let us have you're first order intel I'll give you a very special reward when we get back to my tent?" she suggested rubbing her nose on mine 
"Yeah? what kinda reward? because my intel is very valuable I'm sure its a high market value to you rebel-" I began but she moved to her knees and licked my shaft through the jumpsuit while never breaking eye contact with me "uhhh yeah that'll do"
"umm good boy" she cooes grabbing my hand and basically dragging me out with her 
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asideofkimchi · 10 days
Gush about Yoosung for the ask game 💚
So I’ve put this off for days because…while this is FINALLY my chance! to gush! About the husband!! …i don’t know where to start. I’m definitely overthinking it, I know I am lol. And yet…!
Well, I’m on my way to the airport for my honeymoon rn. What better time than now to indulge in thoughts of the husband lol.
Hm… Yoosung and his route, I can confidently say that he altered my brain chemistry. I have several favorite characters, sure, we all have our little guys. But only two characters have ever fundamentally integrated themselves into my psyche, and goddam did Yoosung hit me hard. Without getting into too much detail (to try to keep this positive), my life was at an ideal spot to see myself reflected in Yoosung’s character arc. He charmed me with his silly but earnest personality and then the game hooked me with the realistic portrayal of his depression and loss. My emotional investment in this character was growing exponentially, and by the time he goes to Mint Eye, I started calculating the average times to expect chatrooms, I was so nervous for him! Legitimately anxious! Every chatroom moved me more and more, every sweet, genuine word he said went straight to my heart. I’m pretty sure I was tearing up, if not straight up crying, throughout this route, especially during his speech in the Good Ending.
Hm I mostly talked about the game and how it affected me. Let’s do some quick Yoosung bits that I love:
He dyed and styled his hair after Rika, after losing her. Characters who do that to remember their loved ones and keep them close, I eat that thematic shit UP.
Even when it’s not his route he has a mad crush on you, but he puts his feelings aside and wishes for you and the other person’s happiness.
I have SO many screenshots saved on my phone of messages with him. I don’t care if they’re the same thing over and over, every time I play I have to screenshot whatever sweet or hilarious thing is said.
I have so many screenshots because I play the game like about twice a year. It’s such a comfort game to me, and even when I should be trying to complete the bad endings (fuck you, Ray route bad ending 3), I just gravitate to Yoosungie.
So YOOSUNG is actually the reason behind Cutiefly being my favorite pokemon. When I first played moon I named my cutiefly Yoosungie, because of cutie-pie Yoosung. And that pokemon stayed on my team the entire time, all the way through becoming Champion. So me gushing about cutieflies is really me gushing about Yoosung.
He’s just so GENUINE about his emotions!! He’s not afraid to express any of it! He loves, he cries, he laughs, he rages, he doesn’t hide how he feels.
He’s so goddam cute and he KNOWS IT. He knows he’s fucking adorable!! And he isn’t ashamed of it! Others try to tear him down like no one wants a cute man but he owns it!
Man’s also bit of a freak and I want to devour him.
Speaking of devouring. His whole omelet thing. In the april fool’s dlc. Oh my fucking god. Oh my jesus christ. Picture this shitty meme I would make: me wearing a shirt that says “no vore kink” -> omelet!sung saying “i dream of someone tearing me apart in their hands and devouring me” -> my shirt “one vore kink”
SPEAKING OF april fools. I will never get over Punk!Sung. It was so fucking funny. Devastating that it never came back. I can’t remember anyone else’s deal but Punk!Sung is ingrained into my brain. I can never get rid of my icon. I’m stuck with it and I love it ..know what i’m sayin’?
Wait I’m going back to the omelet thing because he loves to COOK! He dreams of cooking his beloved delicious meals! He just wants a sweet and domestic life like that’s his big fantasy: Making a loving home environment through cooking and cleaning and doing laundry with and for his SO.
He feels bad that he doesn’t compare to like Zen or Jumin or Seven which is. Frankly ridiculous. Like he feels they’re more handsome and talented and rich and smart so there’s no way anyone would like him in comparison. But he is the sweetest, the bravest, willing to fight for his friends and put himself in danger and he’s happy to do so to protect his friends!! Wht the fucj!! He sees himself as some regular dude and still does this!! TRUE SUPERMAN YOOSUNG. BIGGEST HEART.
I am so sure I could come up with more but honestly. I started typing this at like 4am today and now it’s after 7pm, I’m heading to ANOTHER airport now after spending a day out with my husband, our honeymoon just getting started.
…also I brought Yoosung to the honeymoon with us. I suggested it as a joke but well. He was represented at our wedding last year, he’s joining us now for the honeymoon. I’ll try to take pictures of him later.
Anyway. I love Yoosung Kim, thanks for coming to my tedtalk. I’ll try to be more coherent next time.
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So episode 9 ripped me to shreds...let's unpack this rollercoaster...
First off, YiDiao Nation how are we doing? Bc I'm 50% dying and 50% living like...can Nat just fight in every show he so good??? I am rooting so hard for Diao this whole show and the way he conveys his anger, disappointment, worry, anxieties, sarcasm is just ?!?! *chefs kiss* 😤
I was screaming at the top of my lungs for the entire dinner scene like YES KING TEAR THIS MF APPART🤪
On a lil side note...how we feel about Diao's parents? Bc currently I'm so on the fence about it... also does this mean Diao DOES remember this "terrible thing" that happened? I need answers just like Diao needs em from Yi. The kitchen scene was short with little dialogue but it conveyed so much Nat's body language for Diao is absolutely spit on and is a different Diao from the start of the series (yes character progression) and Max's delivery of Max stuttering was the cherry on top. The dog scene had me confused like, Yi you think getting him a dog is gonna fix all your problems??? But maybe itvhas smth to do with this accident from the preview, well have to see...
On to KueaLian...listen...what the fuck. It was 90% the absolute cutes most wholesome shit I've even witnessed. I was so happy parts 1-2 and I was like "I'm sure noting could possibly happen even if its ep9" (*note absolute sarcasm) and of course it happend...*sigh*... But I'll get to that, first:
They have me in a choke hold - they chemistry is insane both in physical displays and just plain old romantic/platonic shit. The way Zee delivers Lian's bomb ass love confessions left and right just absolutely sell the idea that Lian absolutely adores Kuea through and through and shit this man is smooth AF I was squealing like a mF through out all their scenes their so fuckibg cute immmmm- 😭😭😭
The bath scene was so adorable and made me tear up with the discussion...too real man. 🤧😭
Side note Foei is amazing and Poppy breathes so much life into his chacter with legit just his facial expressions, I can't help but smile every time hes on screen. King shit👑
And then it all crashes down into a million pieces by something that's been foreshoadown for like the past 3 episodes; this whole thing with the lands and owner ships of Kuea's family fortune? (I dont think I understand it that well tbh)
Now on the one hand, I'm pissed that this happened bc Lian had been set up to do the proper thing and explain all of this to Kuea, bc there is no way in gay hell this wasn't done for him IMPOSSIBLE and then they said - "oops no he finds the papers" just on Lian's desk???"
Your telling me this man has hidden the fact he has low key high key stalked Kuea and all that jazz and he just leaves for smth tells Kuea to go to his office and leaves those there??? Mf are u stupid???
This is all gonna be a misunderstanding™ and I honest to god hate those bc its all just frustrating as hell...bc it even looks like his mom is aware of all this jumbo like...*bangs head against wall* 😫
On the other hand, by very little I'll add, this might be some good Kuea development in both bad and good. By the preview hes going to jump assumptions and think that Lian is using him for his money or some shit like that, which feeds into is insecurities yes very on brand and he's then gonna realize that he hurt Lian's feeling by thinking he would do such a thing or smth they kiss happy ending (can you tell I'm dreading his whole thing)💀💀💀
BUT I've decided to remain optimistic about it, 1) bc I'm invested anywyad but mainly 2) bc I'm hoping this gets resolved as quickly as the whole Kilen drama (relatively)
Please for the love of gay Jesus I just want them to be in a happy loving healthy communicating relationship is that too much to ask?? I already gotta deal with YiDiao's messy family drama 😭
Finishing off on a lighter note...SynNuer y'all Y E S ALL OF IT YESS. While their whole scene was short I'm really happy it was there. The whole football bit was hilarious gotta love the 3 lil Shit™ energy so fun and annoying in the best way possible. Nuer is a friend now and it seems both him and later on Syn realise shit is up with Kuea - straight up communicating through their gazes just AH they are so AH (Syn looking at shirtless Nuer okay👀👀👀) they just have such nice energy around then as a pairing I'm hoping they get some development even if were nearing the end...partially BC imma need a pallet cleanser if I gotta deal with YiDiao and KueaLian's shit next episode god dam...
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2 Blushing Oshu Brothers 😳
Cuties blushing bc of MC’s wedding kimono!! And Kojirou is in the middle of Masa and MC’s eye stripping 😂
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man, cutie pie's writing seems so fucking solid already, i hope the show can have as good a pacing as the trailer
also: the goddam hannah montana of it all, ugh, but, make it gay
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class1akids · 3 years
BNHA 301 - Thoughts
Well, we all thought that we’ll tune in to the next episode of the Keeping Up with the Todorokis telenovela - but boy, this is no soap opera anymore, it’s a goddam Greek Tragedy with hubris, jealousy and ambition, with mere humans playing god and paying the price in tears and madness and turning their firstborn into a cursed demon. (That fire demon halo / crown there is amazing)
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This chapter turns on its had many assumptions we’ve been holding onto since the Sport Festival, and no, it is not retcon - it’s just non-linear story-telling from different perspectives. 
So Enji and Rei met on some fancy Quirk Tinder, and while it does seem Rei’s family was really grooming her to marry well,  she did have some choice in the matter. She realized it was a quirk marriage and went ahead with it nonetheless. (Greek chorus murmurs in disquiet.) 
The flower is back again - and it seems it held something important meaning to Rei - maybe he hope that Enji sees her as something more than just her name and her quirk, but as an individual. The soft, elusive Rei all in white is a stark contrast to the woman in the present
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who is dressed in all black like an angel of death and comes in with a dramatic “stomp” and “whoosh” of her dress to tell her husband that she’s fucking not okay, because their son is a mass murderer who almost killed their other son, plus the family’s dirty laundry has been aired on national television. 
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Things are actually the opposite of fine. (I love this Rei!!!! She won’t melt anymore...)
In the meantime, Touya is hanging out in the little villain-dacha in the forest, on a ratty couch, doing that hand-staring thing that seems to be genetic among the Todoroki-men. Also, he spends a whole lot of time thinking about his dear dad he claims to hate so much. They are weirdly co-dependent. 
I recreated this panel with the honorifics, because it’s kind of telling how he talks of Fuyumi as if she was still a little girl, Natsuo gets -kun, which is weird for a brother, and Shouto is just Shouto. Yep. He does not like the little puppet masterpiece, if that was not clear until now. 
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Also I love this panel so much, with the tear of blood dramatically dripping onto the panel of his childhood home. What a fantastic image. 
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We are transported right back to the Ch. 291 timeline, where Touya first burns himself. In the meantime, he has a few extra white locks, and is extremely grumpy because he’s dad is not training with him (aka special father-son bonding time).
I just can’t with his little Endeavor-merch T-shirt and angry tmp-tmp. 
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and his little pout. OMG. How can anyone resist this kid?
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So Enji actually has a reason, because they are going to what looks like Central hospital to see a quirk doctor (who looks totally like Ujiko), who tells them tough luck, but Touya has a body built for cold-resistance. So yeah, not a good match for a fire quirk. Also, “quirk experimentation is kind of taboo” howls the Greek chorus in the back “quit while you still can”. 
Enji, the stubborn ass he is instead goes home and broods staring at Zeus All Might saving some ridiculously large number of towns, remembering how he told Touya that he can totally surpass All Might. That’ll be a tough discussion. 
Looks like stubborn is not only Enji’s territory. Because Touya will totally outstubborn him, and he continues to burn himself to get Endeavor’s attention back. 
Todoroki “Nom-Nom” Fuyumi (OMG!!! She’s adorable) is already the voice of reason in this family of crazy. Yes Touya, people who love you don’t wanna see you hurt.
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 Well, Enji will surely outsmart this 6-year-old, won’t he? Maybe offer to play lego or something? Go on a holiday and give him the idea to start a bug-collection?
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let’s have more kids to crush Touya’s spirit until he forgets about heroes.... Sigh... What a terrible way to deal with this situation.  And Rei goes along with a deep sense of foreboding.
OK, there is something good in this...because...
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Natsuo is born - and the contrast between Fuyumi’s sincere excitement and joy, and Touya’s absolute crushed expression (also the Endeavor merch has undergone a more sinister re-design, from a friendly flame to a frightening fire mask). It’s kind of telling that Enji is missing completely from this scene. (Natsuo wasn’t lying about Enji never even looking him in the eye...)
And then some years of Enji turning into an obsessed workaholic and it looks like Rei gives it another try - maybe desperate to calm him down and Shouto is born - doing the All Might pose in his little hand-me-down onesie. 
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And it seems like there is one look and the whole family knows he’s the one. Enji’s manic grin, Rei is relieved because she thinks the worst is over (oh little naive one, there is always a price for miracles - whispers the Greek chorus) and Touya is just fucking dead inside. 
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He’s so broken or he should be. But he keeps training, so desperate for Enji’s friggin’ attention and faith in him. It’s in a way an utterly banal story of older child being sidelined, but with the added burden of the original expectations, Touya’s stubborn streak to succeed, his insane need for paternal validation - it just makes it the perfect storm. 
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So Touya keeps training, despite his parents’ best efforts to crush his spirit. He doesn’t give up and keeps burning himself. 
And yes, Enji tries to tell him to go outside and play and see the whole world, but his words have no effect because everything in Enji’s own life says that there is nothing outside of hero stuff. This beautiful family with these amazing children wasn’t enough to cure his obsession. 
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And this panel here totally broke my heart - as Touya says he can’t understand:
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(I’m sorry, but I changed the translation on this one, because I thought this line hit better like this).  It’s so tragic that both Touya and Enji see how similar they are, that it’s a madness shared between them, destroying both of them. And they can’t help each other. 
It’s heartbreaking. 
Whew... let’s look at some adorable Todoroki-children as a breather says the Greek chorus. 
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Shouto is really just chilling there like his existence isn’t the cause of the crumbling of this entire family and eventually of hero society. 
Hi there cutie...
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Oh yeah, this is the moment that the demon-child is born ready to destroy the little puppet masterpiece usurper and he legit attacks baby Shouto in Rei’s arms. This kind of puts a whole new spin on the kids being separated from Shouto and the Rei attacks Shouto plotlines. (Also, it’s like the second time all the Todo-children are on the same panel).
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Rei also explains now her lines about regret from the previous chapter and takes some of the blame about Touya’s mental state. (oh, no, Rei, what did you do?)
In any case, Touya seems mentally to be at a really vulnerable state. So let’s say if he was taken to a quirk-based medicine health clinic, and he were to run into a doctor that promised him unlimited power, what are the chances he’d go for it?
To be continued... 
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punkshitposts · 7 years
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i’m questioning this selfie as much as I’m questioning my gender identity/sexuality😂
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tspultradeluxe · 4 years
Rating teddy bear emojis because I’m bored
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A cutie! They’re obviously a stuffed toy, but they still look really friendly! 7/10
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They’re so fluffy! Looks like they’d be really comfy. 6/10
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Microsoft. You are not fooling me. That is just a bear sitting weird. It probably does not want me to hug it. 2/10 because it’s still a cute bear
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Oh!! A baby! Making the :] face. A friend, though I feel it could be just a little better. 5/10
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This bear is fine, a good bear. However it’s shaded kinda weird and it’s not really making any expression? Odd. 4/10
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They are just. They are just sitting there. Very cute, though it leans a little bit into “real life bear territory” for me. 5/10
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Look at this gentleman!!! The texture, the kind expression, the bow tie... I love them. 9/10
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Quite cute! The stitching on they’re feet feels out of place though. Maybe if they showed they’re hands? 6/10
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Well. I see you found out what clipart was. Congrats. /s 0/10
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What the fuck is this thing. Why is it so goddam smug. It’s head doesn’t connect to its body right, and I don’t think it’s right leg is on properly. -10/10
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banabanabanabanaba · 3 years
⭐️ pspsps 👀
OMG YAY :))))))))))))) TY FOR ASKIG !!!!!!!!!!!!!
(i literally wrote a whole goddam fte here lol)
OKOKOK SO sadashi and twogo like to talk about being king and queen together (sadashi doesnt know kimg and queens get married and it makes twoger go like
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{lol cutie}) and they talk about how they'll tax the commoners together;
this would probably be part of part 2 of a 2-part fte with them (plus the courtier starring hajime lol)
S: "We should pay them instead...! Life is hard and it is only fair that they get a little extra for living in such a harsh society..."
T: "Unfortunately, that isn't how taxes work, Sadashi. They pay the government in return for the quality of public things... like roads and schools."
S: "W-why would the government need money... they are all big and powerful. C-can they not just print more?"
T: "That would cause the economy to completely shatter. Inflation rates would increase rapidly and-"
S: "This is all so complicated... it would be much easier to remove money completely. Money is the source of all the evil in the world, so without it we could have world peace!!"
T: "Such a silly girl... I've got to teach you more about economics. I'm sure they have books about it in that library. For now, though..."
T: "Hajime! If you'll excuse us... we have very important business to attend to. Right, Sadashi?"
S: "Hmmm... u-ummmmm... I don't remember anything..."
T: "Then, Hajime, I think it is time you go. It's getting late."
H: "It's 2:36 PM..."
T: "Late enough for you to go. Now move along!"
*Hajime leaves and free time event ends*
*After the free time event*
T: "Now, Sadashi... about that important business."
S: "H-hm...? What is it, Togo...?"
*Twogami wraps Sadashi up in a blanket and hugs her*
T: "You looked cold."
legends say they cuddled for 45 minutes
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daily-meme · 4 years
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Another goddam cuties meme
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noodleswamp · 4 years
100yq is so trashy, but goddam, this chapter was so good! Jellal finally overcame his guilt, in a well written sense I might add. I was worried he would just be like ‘yeah I got over it’ at the end, but when he’s on the verge of death he finally realizes that 1. He is not responsible for the crimes his body committed, and 2. That he needs to live for Erzas sake. A couple minor things I love, Ultear making another appearance(she is bae), I’m a sucker for the ‘enemy transforms into the form of protagonists lover’ cliche, I really like the panel after Ultear disappears and it looks like Jellal finally gets it. I absolutely love characters with character progression, honestly fuck all the people who hate on characters for things they did but are obviously getting over. I’d also like to say a special ‘in your face, fuckers!’ To all the people who said jellal wasn’t going to change. I absolutely love how jellal makes seigehart appear to make it clear, ‘this is who did the crimes, not me. I’m off scott free’. I hope jerza gets an emotional chapter soon. Also Erza being a cutie again, I love how everyone in the fairy tail usinverse ships jerza too. I love cliches like that too. In conclusion, jellal deserves happiness with his waifu. The end.
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thirstybtsthoughts · 3 years
So the videos were posted and let me tell u what i thought of them:
Namjoon gave us the most gorgeous video and goddd he looked so damn good and lets mention the fact that he did body roles and gave us a peek of his crotch and some views of what you’d see when you sit on his lap😏over all LOVED IT
Jin gave us the cutest video and the whole video he was just being a cutie I couldn’t find any thirst in it Lol😅
SUGAAA i swear that video was the softest like omgg he was sooo damn cute and i reallly couldnt look away from his lips they just looked SO kissable🥺🥺also his angle was just perfect pov when you are in lap🤭
Hobi he also gave us a lap view(lol I focused on that😅) aside from he looked so adorable but something about him in that white shirt and his neck showing did something to me🥵
JIMIN my focus was on his lips mostly and goddam i would kiss them for hours,and his collar and neck showing and its basically a masterpiece🥵and also when he leaned back against the sofa i lost it😩offf he is sooo hot
TAEHYUNG!Ohhh i loved it soo much cuz he was just staring at my soul the whole video and again my focus on his LIPS eyes and hands😩he is just cute yet sexiest
JUNGKOOK OMG idk what to say or where to start but he was just sitting there being the cutest human being his long black hair looking so soft just wanna run my hands through it,his eyes softly looking at the camera,that cute nose of his that i just wanna boop it so bad,AND his LIPS offff so pink and soft i could kiss it forever like i cant take it out of my mind😩😩😩🥺🥺🥺🥺
Lastly thanks for reading my thoughts (sorry it was too long)not much of a thirst but i just LOVED those videos🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥵-makne line hoe
I lost my mind over the videos, they all looked so good and I was a grinning/sobbing mess the entire time 😭😩. Jimin, Tae and Jungkook’s lips had me captivated, then there’s Jin looking gorgeous and Hobi serving us with looks and a lap pov. Yoongi aaahhhh my heart, he was so precious 🥰🥰. Don’t even get me started on Joon, his was the rudest, the body rolls, crotch shot, leaning back and being rude af 😩😩, ughhhh please let me suck that man’s dick already 😩🥴
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conduitandconjurer · 3 years
share five songs that represent ur muse! just repost, don’t reblog.
001 :  This Year | The Mountain Goats 
 I drove home in the California dusk / I could feel the alcohol inside of me hum / Pictured the look on my stepfather's face / Ready for the bad things to come / I downshifted / As I pulled into the driveway / The motor screaming out / Stuck in second gear / The scene ends badly  / As you might imagine / In a cavalcade of anger and fear / There will be feasting and dancing / In Jerusalem next year / I am gonna make it through this year / If it kills me / I am gonna make it though this year / If it kills me
002 :  Damaris | Patrick Wolf  
Black rain / Floods the downs / Ferrets burrow / Moles make mounds / Round your bones / Deep underground / But nobody knows / Nobody knows / How I wait for you / Summer, Spring / Autumn, Winter / Here perishing / Gypsy, stray / Bleak orphan / No one could say / The land you came from / But deep in my arms / You belonged / But nobody knows / No body knows / How I wait for you / Summer, Spring / Autumn, Winter / Here perishing / My god damned Damaris / Killed with last kiss / God damned Damaris / I loved you / Goddam these tears / And this religion / Thought I was more / Than just my father's son / Who says in limbo / Be where you've gone / But nobody knows / No body knows / How I wait for you / Summer, Spring  / Autumn, Winter / Here perishing (wait for me) /  My god damned Damaris / Killed with last kiss / God damned Damaris / I loved you / And now I kiss / I kiss the earth / Oh rise up / Rise up / Rise up / Now / From the earth / And I smash my fist / Into the earth / Oh rise up / Rise up  Rise up  / I loved you / Black rain / Floods the downs / The black rain / Black rain
003 :  Grapevine Fires | Death Cab For Cutie  
We bought some wine and some papercups / Near your daughter's school when we picked her up / And drove to a cemetery on a hill / On a hill / And we watched the plumes paint the sky gray / And she laughed and danced through the field of graves / There I knew it would be alright / That everything would be alright (burn) /  Would be alright /  And the news reports on the radio / Said it was getting worse / As the ocean air fanned the flames / But I couldn't think of anywhere I would have rather been / To watch it all burn away / To burn away... / The firemen worked in double shifts, / With prayers for rain on their lips / And they knew it was only a matter of time
004 :  Oh My Dear Lord | The Unlikely Candidates 
Here's my confession  / I've got a death wish / I'm in the fast lane / Addicted to excess / Living my best life / I was on top right / Sipping the limelight / A deer in the headlights / My future used to shine as bright as a diamond / Where did time go? / I was so high, it was frightening / I know I messed up, but there's no use in crying / (No use in crying) / Oh, my dear Lord / I've been running wild, had a good time / But I can't stop now / (Oh, my dear Lord) / Over my head in a landslide / Can you pull me out? / Oh, my dear Lord
005 :  All These Things That I’ve Done | The Killers 
When there's nowhere else to run / Is there room for one more son? /One more son / If you can hold on / If you can hold on, hold on / I wanna stand up, I wanna let go / You know, you know, no you don't, you don't / I wanna shine on, in the hearts of men /I want a meaning from the back of my broken hand / Another head aches, another heart breaks / I'm so much older than I can take / And my affection, well it comes and goes /I need direction to perfection, no no no no help me out / Yeah, you know you gotta help me out, yeah / Oh, don't you put me on the back burner / You know you gotta help me out, yeah /  I got soul, but I’m not a soldier / I got soul but I’m not a soldier / I got soul but I’m not a soldier / I got soul but I’m not a soldier / Over and in, last call for sin / While everyone's lost, the battle is won / With all these things that I've done
006 : St. Jude | Florence + The Machine 
Another conversation with no destination / Another battle never won / Each side is a loser / So who cares who fired the gun? / And I'm learning so I'm leaving / And even though I'm grieving / I'm trying to find a meaning / Let loss reveal it / Let loss reveal it / St Jude, the patron saint of the lost causes / St Jude, we were lost before she started / St Jude, we lay in bed as she whipped around us / St Jude, maybe I've always been more comfortable in chaos
Ok I cheated LOL.  Note: I am excluding like 50 songs from the Sixties because psychedelic rock is a little too obvious. <3 
tagged by: new garbage verse inductee, @nvmbcrtwo <3 
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marveliciousfanace · 5 years
My Star Trek viewing experience has been just an increasingly wild ride of "we will make you care about this non-human character."
Because like, I started with tos and they said "have some humans, and also one (1) alien for flavor but he's pretty human just emotionally repressed." And I said sure, great, he's my son and I love him.
And then I watched Enterprise and they said "okay so humans, another Vulcan, and the sweetest, most upbeat cutie pie you could ever imagine from a polyamorous pufferfish race." And I said great! T'pol is my daughter and I will protect Phlox from literally everything. This is good.
And then Next Gen. And oof, Next Gen said, "you'll love our ensemble of a half-human empath, a Klingon separated from his people, and an android who wants to be a person." And I cried and said okay. Because I adore Deanna and I adore Worf and I WOULD FUCKING DIE FOR DATA and its gonna be perfect.
And then. Then DS9. Those fuckers said "have a race of pretty normal humanoids but also the cutest and smartest spotted trans alien ever, some sentient slime, the butt-headed assholes of the galaxy, and the gayest war criminal known to man." And at this point I'm just like fine! Give me all of them! I love ever single one and you can't stop me!
I'm three episodes into Voyager and I've adopted a half-Klingon I'd let break my nose, my latest Vulcan child who is 100% done, an adorable not-Vulcan maybe-empath with also pointy ears, the most earnest chia pet of an alien to ever make a cheerful nuisance of himself, and a goddam hologram. Fuck it. Sign me up. I'm in too deep and I'm never going back.
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