#the force is over there like a soccer mom screaming ‘fuck yeah that’s my boy!!!!’
phoenixkaptain · 1 year
The scene of Anakin turning back to the Light and saving Luke is such a beautiful scene in so many ways, but especially from a character standpoint.
If you look at Darth Vader just in the movies, he doesn’t do things without a plan. He has a step two. Even if his step two is immensely dumb, he always seems to at least have some form of an idea where he wants to end up; he has a point B he’s trying to reach.
Part of what makes Vader a terrifying villain is that he always seems to anticipate what his opponent will do. He seems to know what they’ll do before they even think about what they’ll do. Very rarely is Darth Vader ever taken by surprise. Darth Vader is the character who proves how scary the Force can be. While Palpatine uses his Force lightning and can predict what his opponents will do, he never quite reaches the level Anakin is on, he never reaches that peak of knowing the next five steps his opponent is going to take, even as those next five steps change.
Palpatine doesn’t see Vader turning on him coming. Palpatine is not a Force user who can see the future, he uses the predictions Darth Plagueis made and he sticks to the outline provided by his former Master. He does everything he does and believes everything will be fine and has complete confidence in himself because Plagueis was just that good at predicting the future.
Darth Vader literally changes the future. He makes those predictions false. Him throwing Palpatine down a reactor shaft wasn’t in the books, him choosing his son wasn’t an option, the idea that a Sith lord as powerful as Darth Vader could turn back from the Dark Side is believed by the Jedi and Sith alike to be impossible. Darth Vader himself doesn’t even believe that he can turn back from the Dark Side. The only character who ever believes that Darth Vader can come back is Luke.
Darth Vader is fifteen steps ahead of his opponents. It’s very rare that he ever gets surprised. He always has a plan.
But when he saves Luke, he isn’t any of that. He leaps in without a plan, without any ideas of where he’s goung. He doesn’t know what will happen except that he’ll probably die. He doesn’t have a way out of this. This is the first time Anakin Skywalker ever does anything without already having a way out or immediately being able to come up with a way out.
Anakin was hotheaded and impulsive, yes, but Anakin from his introduction always has a plan B. And when he doesn’t have a plan B, he makes one. He is by far the most competent character in Star Wars, just from his ability to get himself and others out of trouble.
In the moment of turning back from the Dark, Anakin is listening to the Force. He’s listening to the Force as it tells him to save someone. The universal call to the Jedi, the inexplicable push that all Jedi feel and what ultimately led to the majority of Jedi dying, just because they couldn’t not listen when the Force told them to help. Anakin finally listens to it, finally answers it, he finally acts like a Jedi.
There’s no step two. There’s no way out. Doing this will end in his death. Darth Vader is already injured, and the only one who has the resources to put him back together is Sidious. To save Luke, Vader has to step into the lightning, which he knows all to well will ruin his suit. Choosing to save Luke is tantamount to choosing to die.
And he does it. He hesitates, but ultimately, he sacrifices himself for someone else. He goes in knowing that this won’t end with him being able to get out. He has no way out. There’s no plan B. His suit has gone from keeping him alive to being part of the reason he’s dying. He takes off his helmet accepting that he’ll die and being happy to die because he’s finally at peace, he finally feels the warmth of the Force, he finally sees his son with his own eyes, his son is finally looking at him with nothing but trust and worry for his wellbeing, he’s right where he wants to be.
He went from wanting to posess Luke to just being happy that Luke is there with him. That Luke is the one by his side when he dies, that he’s dying on the same side as Luke — Anakin is fine with this. He’s ready to die. He’s accepted it. He’s just happy that the last thing he’ll see is the product of his and Padme’s love for each other.
The scenes of Anakin in Return of the Jedi are beautiful. The title “Return of the Jedi” is so great for this movie, it’s perfect, okay, you don’t understand. It has so many meanings!! The Jedi returning could be referring to Luke, the main Jedi we follow, returning to the screen, or to Tatooine. It could be referring to the Jedi Order, since Luke takes on Yoda’s request to share his knowledge with others and, with Sidious dead, the Jedi Order has functionally returned, even if it is only one member strong. It could refer to Yoda returning, it could refer to Obi-Wan returning.
Or, Return of the Jedi could be referring to Anakin. Anakin Skywalker, the son of the Force. Anakin Skywalker, the only character powerful enough to change the future itself, the only Sith Lord powerful enough to stop being a Sith Lord. Anakin Skywalker, who has always done impossible things, who has always performed impossible feats, who is himself impossible. And he’s back. He’s returned. The Jedi returned.
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mellohidisc · 3 years
╰ ☆ ╮𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐲 - annoying coincidence ✰⋆
1.3k 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜 | 𝚜𝚕𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎, 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚌 𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏
cw: /pos mother/child relationship (?)
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 : 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘰𝘧 𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘯𝘰 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘰𝘯, 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺’𝘳𝘦 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘸𝘦𝘪𝘳𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘣𝘺 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘰𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘤𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘶𝘱 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦𝘴
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You squinted your eyes shut, arm draped over your face trying to block the sunlight. stupid fucking summer. it was hot...dreadfully hot. it had to be one of the warmest summers yet, and your mother forcing you to go to the beach wasn't much help either. you hated it. there is sand everywhere, girls and guys to be insecure around, and screaming children, and on top of all that, it was fucking hot.
"hun, can you grab me a water out of the bag?" your mom asked kindly, gesturing to the cooler bag that sat next to you.
nodding gently, you reached over into the bag.
"watch out!"
what. the actual. fuck.
you shut your eyes tightly, scared to open them. if you moved there would be sand in your eyes. you could hear your mother yelling, and the sounds of young boys apologizing. all you could really focus on was the pain of the sandy soccer ball hitting you in the face, and a frantic voice louder than the rest,
"Shit. shit. shit. fuck I am so sorry. Genuinely I am."
Wiping away as much sand as you could from your face, you managed to open your eyes to a tall fluffy-haired boy, worry spread across his whole face. He seemed genuinely sorry, but to say you still wanted to throw the ball back at his face was an understatement. Grabbing the ball out of your lap, you handed it to the boy.
"It's fine. Here."
He grabbed it cautiously, his blue eyes looking at you intensely with dread.
"Are you sure? I can buy you some...uh... ice cream or something to make up for it. Genuinely I am really sorry."
Sweet of him, but no. If you had to keep talking to him you might deck him straight in his jaw.
"No seriously. It's fine. I needed an excuse to leave the beach anyways."
His face flushed red with embarrassment.
Okay...apparently someone can't take a joke when they're panicked.
"Well no! I didn't mean to ruin-"
A taller gentleman with brown hair placed his hand on the smaller one's shoulder.
"Tommy, let it go, man."
"But Will-"
The older man looked you in the eyes, making you feel small. He was insanely handsome, the kind of guy you'd see in a coffee shop.
"Sorry for him being a bother. Have a good rest of your day love."
And off they went, the blonde one rambling and the brunette shoving him along.
You looked over at your mom, and she looked at you.
You both cracked a smile and started to laugh harder than you ever had.
"Come on hun. Let's pack up for the day." She said closing her book shut.
You pushed the classroom door open, making sure to hold it for the next person behind you before making your way down the hall. Your head was pounding, and the lovely bruise on your forehead didn't help.
You made your way to your locker and groaned, placing your bag on the floor. Of course, you had the bottom locker. It was such a pain in the ass.
After making sense of the puzzle of the locker combination, you opened the door. Pulling out the binders you needed for the rest of your day, and putting away the ones you didn't need.
You leaned back over to your bag, digging through it.
You groaned in agony, your side was throbbing. You opened your eyes and looked awkwardly at the blonde hair blue-eyed boy beside you. You went to open your mouth with a smart remark but realized he was way more mangled than you.
"Woah, are you okay?" You asked genuinely, standing up and reaching a hand out to him. Yes, your side was pounding, it felt like you just got kicked in it....which you did.
"Yeah, thanks." He reached out, taking your hand. You both looked at each other and it clicked.
"Oh my god." He said, staring at you.
"What is it up with you and hurting me." You teased him gently, hoping it didn't scare him.
He laughed loudly, a wave of relief washed over you.
"Well this time I got hurt in the process, so I think it was fair."
"No, because I've gotten hurt not once, but twice. You only got hurt once."
"But I was embarrassed both times, so it works out."
You two laughed.
You squatted down to close your locker back up. Grabbing your bag, you slumped it over your shoulder.
"Alright, well watch where you're going." You smile up at the boy and continued your walk back to class.
"Order for Jack!" You yelled, carrying a tray filled with burgers, fries, and some shakes that were a pain in the ass to make.
You walked around, looking for anybody standing up.
"Order for Jack!" You yelled once more, catching a man's attention.
"Oh right here sorry!" He came up and meet you halfway to his table, grabbing the tray out of your hands.
"Can I get you anything else?" You smiled at him.
"No, everything looks great. Thank you!" He said kindly, making his way back to the table.
You walked back up to the back counter, taking the next ticket out of the window to pack up on the tray. You repeated this same process a hundred times a shift. Put all the food on the tray, screaming people's names, hand it off, and go right back. It's not that it was a hard job, just boring as hell.
And the guest are very rude.
To say you were feeling quite irritable today would be an understatement. After school, your side still was killing you and you had to come to work right after.
So when a middle-aged dad comes in and screams at you for his "fast food" taking a long time, it doesn't really help improve your mood.
You finished plating up the next order, reading the ticket you found the name. Picking up the tray, you turned around to meet a familiar face.
"Oh." He said, shifting awkwardly.
You think you have had it up to here with this kid. Everywhere you turn he is there.
"What." You said coldly, putting the tray down.
"What do you need?"
He cautiously handed you his empty paper cup.
"Um, I just wanted a refill of my coke."
Fuck. He looked like a lost puppy.
"Hey, I'm so-"
"That's a pretty name." He smiled at you, as you took his cup.
"What?" You questioned, pushing the soda dispenser.
"Your name tag. You haven't told me your name yet, it's pretty."
"Well, now I feel like a bitch." You laughed, handing him his soda.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be snippy it's just been a rough day. Your name is Tommy right?"
The boy snapped his lid back onto his cup and shook his head.
"Yeah, or Tom whatever is fine."
You two stood there awkwardly for a few seconds. You decided to look down at the ticket to see whose name you would be calling next and looked up at the boy.
"This is yours." You smiled at him.
"Well, that's a coincidence huh?" He laughed, placing his drink onto the tray.
"Seems like we've had a lot of those recently."
Tommy picked up the tray, beginning to walk away. He stopped in his tracks and walked back up to the counter.
"Did I forget something?" You asked curiously.
"No, everything looks great but um, I don't know if this is weird or not but I'm hanging with some of my friends and I didn't know if maybe after your shift if you wanted to join us?"
You smiled at him, and then checked the clock.
"I get off in an hour and a half. Is that okay?"
"Awesome. Don't worry we won't like, kidnap you or anything."
"I would hope not, you've hurt me enough recently." You teased, causing you to both erupt into a burst of small laughter.
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holidaywishes · 3 years
then we‘ll start our life together
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  Requested: 👍
  Summary/Request: Freddie starts to spend time with Jackson and keeps pressing to tell him the truth; the secret finally comes out to Fred’s parents; (Y/N) has to make a choice.
  Warning: fluff, maybe a tiny bit of angst but I wouldn’t count on it
  Author’s Note: Can I first say how much I love this GIF? He looks so fucking good, I can’t stand it. He’s smiling, he’s got scruff, the maroon/burgundy hat looks A-MA-ZING on him 🤤 Anyway, moving on. This is the last part of the request that @kayleafs221​​ sent me a while back that started as just a two-parter. We worked on part three together and I think it turned out really well but they really wanted the reader and Freddie together -- they just didn’t know how to write it. Enter: me! As much as I love writing angst, and as well as I think I can write it, I’m a hopeless romantic at heart so a happy ending is always in sight when I’m writing. It’s sort of a long chapter because of everything that needed to be fit in for it to be a happy ending without just... cutting to the happy ending. I hope you enjoy it! Stay Golden, my loves! <3!
  P.S. I'm sorry this took SO long to get out. I started writing it a bunch of times and then things happened around the house that took and held my attention. BUT I'M HERE NOW! It's snowing today when it was +20 yesterday and I've got a bunch of goodies to keep me focused on sitting down and writing. It's like being back in University writing my god damn thesis again 😂😂 ENJOY! By the way, this is the dress I was trying to describe, hopefully it came through!
  the other masterlist
Freddie’s P.O.V
  When you found out Jackson was yours, you felt a lot of things. You were mad that you didn’t get to have those first six years, frustrated that (Y/N) didn’t reach out to you to at least tell you that he was yours, but you were also happy that you were able to see him grow up now. When she asked you if you wanted to finally meet Jackson, you nearly screamed over the phone; like a fangirl
  “Relax!” she laughed, “you can’t say anything. I just told him a friend of mine was in town and we were going to meet him for lunch. He doesn’t know anything okay? And you can’t let on about.. anything”
  “I know. I promise I won’t”
  “Oh another thing,” she added, “wear a hat”
  “A hat?” you scoffed
  “He’s a smart kid and if he sees that you’ve got red hair, he’ll figure it out”
  “Fine, I’ll wear a hat” you teased
  “Thank you.” You were sure that you’d be able to keep yourself together but you had downed two glasses of water before (Y/N) and Jackson even got to the restaurant. When the hostess brought them to the table, your eyes went wide when you saw the little strawberry blonde boy clutching the hand of his mother; a perfect mix of you and her
  “Hey,” (Y/N) greeted with a smile, “Jackson, this is Freddie. Freddie, this is Jackson, my son”
  “Hi Jackson” you smiled, standing up excitedly earning a glare from (Y/N) as the little boy hid behind her legs
  “Sweetheart, can you say hi to Freddie?” she asked
  “Hello” he whispered
  “It’s nice to meet you, little man”
  “Let’s sit down, huh?” (Y/N) smirked, directly Jackson and you back to the chairs, “who’s hungry?”
  “Me!” Jackson exclaimed, earning a laugh from you before you all scanned the menu. You could feel (Y/N) watching the two of you as Jackson started talking about his sports teams, going from Soccer to Baseball to Basketball in one breath, his excitement palpable
  “Have you ever wanted to try Hockey?” you asked
  “I don’t know how to skate” he mumbled
  “We live in California,” (Y/N) scoffed, “there’s not a lot of ice there”
  “There are always rinks” you added, catching her angry glare that you knew meant you were getting dangerously close to exposing the secret she’d tried so hard to keep. “I can always help you learn...”
  “No way! Really?!” he exclaimed, leading your eyes to catch (Y/N) biting her lip insecurely
  “Only if your mom is okay with it. And if it’s something you really want”
  “Mommy, please!” he begged, “it’s the only one I haven’t tried! I wanna try! He can help me, mama!”
  “How about we eat first and then we can figure all that stuff out later?” she laughed and Jackson nodded happily, sitting back in his seat. It wasn't long into the meal that Jackson continued to beg to learn how to skate with you and you could feel (Y/N) become more agitated with you
  "Hey, Jackson," you interrupted his excitement, "what's your favourite snack?"
  "Mmm..." he hummed as he contemplated his answer, "black licorice!" (Y/N) scoffed and shook her head before peeking up at you
  "I don't get it," she replied, "no one actually likes black licorice unless they're like a.. grandma or something"
  "I love black licorice!" you exclaimed
  "You do?!" Jackson asked and you nodded. "SEE MOM! I TOLD YOU I WASN'T THE ONLY ONE!"
  "I know you did, baby" she sighed before Jackson excused himself to go to the bathroom
  "He's so cute" you began to coo
  "You're the only other person I know who actually likes black licorice"
  "Should I not have said that?" you winced
  "I don't know... he could think it's just a miraculous coincidence"
  "Look," you smiled, "it's a Danish thing. We all eat black licorice like it's chocolate. Should we tell him that?"
  "I--" she started, stopping only when he came back, "Hey sweetie! everything go okay?"
  "Yeah, mom.." he sneered
  "One of these days I'm not gonna ask and you're gonna miss it" she joked
  "Yeah right," he scoffed. When you finished the meal, Jackson told you that they were heading downtown to go to the CN Tower before you left, "wanna come?"
  "I don't know... what does your mom think?" you smiled and turned your gaze to (Y/N)
  "Mom thinks it's fine"
  "Jackson..." she sighed, shaking her head while the three of you walked through the streets and made your way downtown to the city’s major tourist attraction. The ride up to the top, to the observation deck, was silent as Jackson got as close to the window as he could to look out at the city, letting you and (Y/N) linger near each other with each passing second. "He likes you" she whispered
  "He's a great kid" you whispered back and she smiled
  "He really is"
  "MOM LOOK!" Jackson pointed out to the city and she walked to him, kneeling down behind him so he could show her what he was seeing. You so wanted to be part of it but you knew you had to wait for her to say that it was time; she looked back at you with a soft smile before dropping her head against her sons shoulder.
  When you and Jackson got back to California, he had so many questions about Freddie
  “Why did we hang out with him all weekend?”
  “Did you date?”
  “Why is he so tall?”
  “Is he gonna teach me how to skate?”
  “When are we gonna see him again?”
  You had to take a deep breath to try to answer his questions, telling him that you two dated a long time ago, that you lost touch and that you might never see him again but that seeing him now was enough.
  “But is he gonna teach me how to skate?” he asked again and you chuckled
  “I can teach you how to skate...” you lied
  “He said he wanted to though!”
  “Jackson.. baby, we’re not close to him. Physically. We can find someone to teach yo—”
  “I WANT HIM TO TEACH ME!” he whined, forcing you to furrow your brow at him
  “Jackson!” you tried to sound stern but your surprise kept creeping in
  “JACKSON CALEB (Y/L/N)!” you yelled, “DO NOT YELL AT ME!”
  “I WANT—”
  “ENOUGH!” you shouted, “you cannot whine and yell and throw a temper tantrum and expect to get what you want. If you really want to learn how to skate, we can find someone but do not try to force me to do exactly what you want” you watched the corners of his mouth shift into a frown before his eyes brimmed with tears. “Baby, I’m sorry. I love that you want him to teach you but he’s so busy and he’s so far away, we can’t do it as easily as you think...”
  “Can’t he come here?” he asked softly
  “Sure he can,” you added, lifting him up onto the couch so you could kneel in front of him, “but it won’t be every day. It would only be when he’s here for work and that means he might not have a lot of spare time...”
  “But if we take lessons here then he’ll be able to see my progress!”
  “Absolutely kiddo!”
  “AWESOME!” he exclaimed, jumping off the couch and running to his room. You were left a bit in shock at the conversation but you could feel the need for Jackson to have a father figure creeping closer and closer. When your phone rang, you slumped onto the couch and answered it
  “Hello” you sighed
  “(Y/N)!! Oh my god!” Amalie greeted happily from the other line
  “Amalie? Hi... what’s going on?”
  “I saw the pictures of your little boy! He looks so much like Freddie. How come you didn’t tell us?!”
  “Hold on... slow down, what are you talking about?”
  “Fred called mom and told her the good news. We’re so excited to have another Andersen!”
  “He told you? About Jackson?”
  “Jackson, oh I love that name!” she cooed
  “I’m sorry, what exactly did he say?” you asked, curious how much Freddie actually said
  “He just called mom gushing about how he spent the whole weekend with his son. When mom stopped screaming with excitement, he said that Jackson,” she giggled as she said his name, “is great at sports but he doesn’t know how to skate yet, which my dad was shocked about” she laughed. “Mom had him on speaker obviously, so we all heard as he was talking to her. He was so excited to tell us about him. But, (Y/N)... why did you keep him from us?”
  “Look, no one else seemed to catch on that he was your son and that you and Fred haven’t seen each other in 6 years? But I did and I don’t get it...”
  “Freddie got traded and he had to hop on a plane and forget everything in California. I didn’t find out I was pregnant for another two months after he left so it wasn’t like I intended to... I thought about reaching out to him so many times but his life was so public and I couldn’t imagine putting my son through all of that without a choice”
  “But he’s Freddie’s son too” she countered and you could only shake your head to yourself. You were tired of explaining this to everyone
  “I know but I needed to protect Jackson above everything. Look, Fred and I discussed all this and we’ve agreed to let him get to know Jackson slowly”
  “And he’s okay with that?” you scoffed
  “He’s a little hesitant, sure, but he agrees that this is what’s best”
  “I just don’t want my big brother to get... cheated out of more time with his son”
  “He won’t”
  “I don’t want him getting hurt”
  “Amalie, I appreciate all of this. Honest, I do, but my job is to protect my son and sometimes that means keeping secrets from people...”
  “I don’t know, that doesn’t seem right”
  “I,” you started, calming your tone as you were starting to get agitated, “I have to go, Amalie. Tell everyone I say hi and I’m sure I’ll be talking with you all soon”
  “Bye!” You were almost fuming at the thought that Freddie went behind your back and told his family about your son
  “Hello” Freddie greeted from the other line
  “WHAT THE HELL FREDDIE?!” you shouted
  “(Y/N), what’s wrong?” he replied, playing dumb
  “You told your family???? I thought we discussed this, Freddie!”
  “I told my — I was excited. It slipped, I’m sorry” you dropped your head to your free hand and shook your head
  "I don't even know what to say right now..."
  "I promise Jackson won't know anything until you're ready"
  "Glad to hear it," you scoffed, "look, just run some of these things by me first. I'm not a huge fan of surprises, I'd like to be prepared if I have to defend myself okay?"
  "I get it, I'm sorry. It won't happen again"
  "Thank you" you smiled to yourself before dropping the topic. His voice calmed you down enough for you to take a deep breath and he spent the next 20 minutes telling you how much fun he had with you and Jackson and how he missed you already; you laughed and told him how much Jackson was pestering you about learning to skate
  "I'm sorry" Freddie said
  "No no!" you smirked, "it's okay, he's so excited. It's adorable. He actually yelled at me when I told him you couldn't teach him"
  "Really?" he asked, a lightness in his tone that brought you back to how the two of you used to be
  "Yeah," you admitted, "he really likes you. I think it's actually gonna be really easy to tell him; honestly, I think he'll be happy about it"
  "I'm happy to hear that," he replied, "so when are we gonna tell him?"
  "Don't push your luck, Mr. Goaltender. It's still gonna take some time" you weren't sure how much time but you knew you weren't ready for the truth to come out yet, no matter how well they were getting along.
Freddie's P.O.V
  After (Y/N) found out that you told your mom, who in turn alerted the entire family, that you had a son, you were sure she'd be too angry to let him spend any more time with you.
  "We finally found him a teacher," she said over the phone, informing you about Jackson's time on the ice, "he's a great guy. Really positive with Jackson, really encouraging. J seems like he's having a lot of fun -- he keeps saying he can't wait to go skating with you"
  "That's great!" you exclaimed, "when will you guys be in Toronto?"
  "We won't," she said simply
  "Oh... I don't understand?"
  "Fred, my job isn't like your job. I can't just fly off to Toronto with my son"
  "Even on the weekends?"
  "Yeah, even on the weekends" she scoffed
  "So, what then? How am I supposed to take him skating and see where he's at with everything? How am I supposed to get to know my son when I can't even see him?"
  "Come here," she blurted out, forcing you to keep silent and take a seat on your couch, "whenever your next game in California is, take some time and come see us. We can meet you somewhere, we'd make that work"
  "I don't think I'd have any free time..." you answered
  "Just tell us when you're in town and we'll make it work. Trust me, okay?" she said and you could hear her smile, "I have to go but I'll text you later"
  "Okay" you sighed as you hung up the phone. You thought about how exactly you could make this work, because you really wanted to make it work, but the schedule was packed; you couldn't see a time for you all to get together. You texted her when you were in L.A. and told her that you had some free time over the weekend if she was okay to meet you there and she was quick to agree. When the three of you finally met up, Jackson excitedly jumped onto the ice to show you his skills and you stood behind the glass with (Y/N) to watch him skate a little before either of you joined him. "Thank you for coming out here," you said and she nudged your shoulder before sitting down on the bench to put on her skates, "I'm serious. I know my schedule's always been a little crazy but I appreciate you at least giving me a chance"
  "You know I can't skate right?" she laughed and you realized that she was struggling to tighten her laces
  "Hold on, stop" you laughed, kneeling in front of her to help her
  "This is a disaster," she scoffed, "I probably should just let you guys skate without me"
  "No way that's happening," he smirked, "it's too late for that"
  "You sure no one is gonna find us here?"
  "I'm sure" you replied, looking up at her before clearing your throat and sitting back on the bench to put your skates on. Her arm grazed yours, eliciting a flush of heat from you
  "You have to tell him you're proud of him," she said, laying her head on your shoulder as she watched her son skate slowly across the ice and you looked at her. You kissed the top of her head and just sat there with her for a while
  "I will" you whispered finally, forcing her to take her head off your shoulder and her eyes met yours as she smiled
  "Good" she whispered, her eyes drifting down to your lips as if she was waiting for you to make a move
  "MOM! FREDDIE!" Jackson yelled, taking the two of you out of the moment you were having
  "And... saved by the kid" you joked, dropping your head, preparing yourself to get up but not before she laid a sweet kiss on your cheek.
  “You know, my dad taught me and my brothers how to skate and how to play hockey,” Freddie explained to Jackson as he helped you up from where you fell, “it’s a family tradition”
  “It is?” Jackson’s little voice asked, leading you and Freddie to smile
  “It is!” he replied
  “So why are you teaching me? Where’s your family?” you dropped your head in defeat
  “Uh, well..” Freddie stammered, looking at you briefly before turning his attention back to the boy
  “Baby, why don’t you skate ahead. Fred’s just gonna keep me from falling but we’ll be right behind you” you said softly while you continued to grip onto Freddie’s arm so you didn’t fall
  “I think it’s time to tell him” he laughed
  “He’s gonna hate me” you admitted, revealing the reason you hadn’t wanted to tell him after all these years
  “He’s not gonna hate you. You’re his mom, he loves you” he scoffed, nudging you with his elbow and you had to clutch onto him so you didn’t fall
  “Freddie!” you exclaimed with a laugh, “ugh. I’m gonna die out here, I’m sure of it”
  “We don’t have to tell him here, we could go out for lunch or ice cream. Go to the malt shop at the beach, anything. I just think we should tell him”
  “What happens when we tell him? What if it never.. what if it just always sucks after that?”
  “I’ll be there with you. Every step of the way. I promise, I won’t leave again”
  “You can’t promise that. Your career pulls you everywhere...”
  “But I won’t ever leave you. You can come with me, I would love nothing more, actually” he stopped and turned to you, holding onto your arms. “Live with me, travel with me. Toronto isn’t by the Pacific Ocean and it’s not always sunny but it’s a great place to be”
  “I don’t know... we’d have to talk to his teachers and make sure we find a school, a good school, where he could start at the beginning. You know, not like in the middle of the year...”
  “We can make that happen” he tried
  “What about his friends?”
  “We’ll make sure they all keep in touch. (Y/N), I want this to work. I want to be part of his life and I’ve always wanted to be with you. You know that, right?” your eyes danced between his as you prepared to answer him before you were interrupted by Jackson calling you
  “We’re coming!” you called back and let Freddie pull you toward him, letting you go when Jackson fell onto his knees
  “Alright it’s okay buddy,” Freddie cooed as you slowly drifted toward them, “you hurt?”
  “No,” he said proudly, “but I fell...”
  “Yeah you did,” Freddie continued, “but that’s okay. Sometimes you fall but you got back up, that’s the important thing” you smiled as you heard the two boys talking, feeling a sudden rush of love you had long since forgotten. “Wanna take a break and get some food?”
  “Mom?” Fred asked, outstretching his hand to you
  “I’ll do anything to get off this ice” you laughed. The three of you made your way to a retro-style Diner, complete with red vinyl booths, and waited to order some food; all the while, Jackson was glaring at Freddie, “Jackson!” you scolded, “it’s not polite to stare like that”
  “Why don’t you take your hat off? Is it like permently glued to your head?” he asked Freddie, tripping up on the word he’d heard you say on occasion, earning a scoff from you and a laugh from Freddie
  “No, it’s not glued to my head” Freddie replied
  “So you should take it off. Manners”
  “You’re right” he added with a smile
  “He’s right” you sighed, anticipating his reaction when he saw Freddie’s hair for the first time. As you expected, Jackson gasped when Freddie took off his hat, as if seeing another person with red hair was this miraculous thing — though you always thought there was more blonde than red to his shade.
  “Your hair is like mine” he smiled and all you could do was wait. How do I tell him? you thought to yourself, stealing glances from Freddie
  “You’ve got your moms hair”
  “She always said that my hair was hers and my dads put in a blender” he laughed
  “I did say that, didn’t I?” you chuckled
  “Mom, is Freddie my dad?” he asked, the words hanging in the air as you tried to catch your breath
  “Uhm,” you started, clearing your throat as you watched Jackson keep his head down and eyes on the table, “what makes you say that, sweetie?”
  “Is he?” he repeated
  "Well, buddy," Freddie started, looking at you before you nodded so he knew he could continue, "yeah. Yeah, I'm your dad..." You both waited for him to react but he just sat there in silence, still not raising his head to meet your eyes
  "Sweetheart?" you whispered, kneeling in front of him, "Jackson, can you look at me?"
  "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked quietly
  "She was just trying to protect you, Jackson" Freddie added, causing Jackson to quickly look up at him
  "You didn't know about me?" he asked again and you were finally able to see the tears roll down his sweet little cheeks
  "Why did you keep me from my daddy?!" Jackson yelled
  "Sweetheart, please, calm down" you tried but it was no use
  "NO!" he stepped back and kicking his chair in frustration, "everyone else gets a dad why not me?!"
  "Jackson!" Freddie tried when he noticed you had practically crumpled in your chair
  "NO!" Jackson repeated as he ran out of the diner
  "I'm so sorry everyone..." Freddie apologized to the group before you made your way outside
  "Jackson..." you whispered when you found him sitting on a bench a few feet from the diner
  "Go away" he cried
  "Baby, I know you're mad," you started, sitting down beside him before he moved away from you, "I loved Freddie, your dad, very much and he loved me the same. We met and, immediately, we clicked -- I always wanted to be around him, I missed him when he was gone and I didn't want him to ever leave when he got back. When he left, I was broken. Nothing really made sense anymore and I couldn't forgive him for leaving me like that. But then you came along and you became the most important thing in my life; you really changed everything" you smiled as he nestled into your side. "You deserve to have a dad, you deserve to know your dad, you're so much like him it's crazy" you chuckled before resting your cheek on Jackson's head. "Freddie's life is complicated. It's very busy but it's also very public; you don't have as much freedom to just... be a kid like you do with just me"
  "Is that why you didn't tell him?"
  "Sort of..." you replied, "I didn't think I'd ever see him again and my heart was so hurt but you are the most important thing in the world to me. I shouldn't have kept him a secret from you, I'm sorry"
  "So what now?" he asked
  "Well... I wanted to talk to you about something," you stammered, "Freddie and I have been getting close again, I still really love him. That kind of love is hard to forget, you’ll realize that one day, but he really wants to spend more time with you but his life is in Toronto..."
  "Yeah?" he said
  "Would you want to move there?" you asked, noticing him perk his head up
  "All of us would be together?" he asked
  "Yes and maybe you'll even get to meet Fred's family. Really get to learn the Andersen family traditions, the right way"
  "YES!" he exclaimed before hugging you tightly. "But mom?" he asked
  "Can we call him dad?" you laughed at his question before nodding in response. You headed back inside to where Freddie was and Jackson jumped into the booth next to him
  "Whoa, hey there! So, I guess everything is okay now?" he laughed
  "We're gonna move to Toronto to live with you!"
  "You are?" he asked, looking at you for confirmation
  "Not right away," you corrected, "we have some stuff to sort out first but yes, eventually we'll be there with you. As a family" Freddie smiled in return at the idea of the three of you being a family
  “Perfect” he said and you couldn’t help yourself; that happy little grin on his face made it near impossible not to want to kiss him, so you leaned over your son and pressed your lips to his before your son tried to pushed the two of you apart
  “EW MOM, DAD, DON’T BE SO GROSS!” he whined and you smiled against Freddie’s lips
  “Dad?” he whispered and you could see the pride cover his face
  “Dad” you whispered back
  “I like the sound of that” he smiled, sitting back in the booth and bringing Jackson into his lap and for the first time in a long time, you could picture your life with Freddie and Jackson.
2 Years Later
  “MY BABY BOY!” Charlotte greeted Jackson outside of the large, stone castle that you were to be marrying Freddie in a few hours
  “GRAMMA C!” he exclaimed, running to her so she could pick him up
  “Hey, Charlotte” you smiled, hugging her when she put down your son
  “Hi, sweetheart,” she said in your ear, “how are you feeling? You ready?”
  “Yeah..” you smiled to yourself, “I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life. Nothing has ever felt so right”
  “Why aren’t you upstairs?” she asked and you laughed
  “Jackson kept running around the castle and I didn’t want him to break anything so I told him that you were on your way and we should head out front to meet you,” you admitted, “so we came out here...”
  “It’s okay to be nervous,” she said, directing you back through the large wooden doors, “but he loves you and you love him and you’ve been waiting for this for a very long time. So have we” she laughed, guiding you back inside so you could get ready; draping your beautiful A-line Chiffon dress with a long train and a plunging neckline with a crystal encrusted v-neck back and buttons trailing your lower spine. You couldn’t help but spinning around to test the move-ability of the dress when Valdemar walked through the door
  “Oh sorry,” he stumbled nervously, “I didn’t mean to interrupt, I’ll ju--”
  “Valdemar, it’s alright,” you laughed, “come on in. I was just testing the dress”
  “You look beautiful” he cooed
  “Thank you” you replied
  “I was told to bring you this,” he said as he handed you an envelope, “it’s from Freddie” you chuckled when you finally looked at the envelope, seeing your soon-to-be husband’s handwriting
  “Thank you, Valdemar. Wait!” you said, stopping him before he left, “I have something for him to” you handed him your note and gave him a kiss on the cheek before he walked out of the room; leaving you in a separate part of the suite than your bridesmaids. As you read his note, all you could think was, I should’ve read this before I got my makeup done
  “Ready?” a voice asked you from across the room and you took a deep breath, turning to find Amalie standing by the door
  “I’m ready.” As you walked down the aisle, you noticed a smile glow brightly on his face and the same one was reciprocated on yours
  “We come now to the words Freddie and (Y/N) want to hear the most today,” the Officiant started, “the words that take them across the threshold from being engaged to being married. A marriage, as most of us understand it, is a voluntary and full commitment. It is made in the deepest sense to the exclusion of all others, and it is entered into with the desire and hope that it will last for life. Before you declare your vows to one another, I want to hear you confirm that it is indeed your intention to be married today. Frederik, do you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to (Y/N) in marriage? If so, answer ‘I do.’”
  “I do” Freddie smiled and the Officiant continued
  “(Y/N), do you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to Frederik in marriage? If so, answer ‘I do.’”
  “I do” you whispered back with a smile
  “Frederik and (Y/N), having heard that it is your intention to be married to each other, I now ask you to declare your marriage vows. Please face each other and hold hands,” the Officiant directed, “Frederik, please repeat after me… I, Frederik, take you, (Y/N) to be my wife”
  “I, Frederik, take you, (Y/N) to be my wife” he repeated
  “I will share my life with yours and build our dreams together” the Officiant continued
  “I will share my life with yours and build our dreams together”
  “Support you through times of trouble and rejoice with you in times of happiness”
  “Support you through times of trouble and rejoice with you in times of happiness”
  “I promise to give you respect, love and loyalty”
  “I promise to give you respect, love and loyalty”
  “This commitment is made in love, kept in faith, lived in hope and made new every day of our lives“
  “This commitment is made in love, kept in faith, lived in hope, and made new every day of our lives.” It was then your turn to repeat the same vows and then continued with the ring exchange until it was finally time to announce your new relationship
  “I am pleased to present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Andersen!” you smiled before you opened your mouth in surprise and turning to Freddie
  “We’re married!” you replied
  “We are” he returned as the two of you made your way back down the aisle into the castle. The reception was everything you didn’t know you wanted and Freddie got all of his Danish traditions that the two of you had discussed during all the months of planning and it was perfect. You danced all night, you drank too much and sang call and response songs with the guests, you spent most of the night in a pair of fuzzy slippers that Freddie surprised you with and you made sure to get as many pictures with everyone as possible; but the most important thing to you was that Jackson and Freddie were by your side
  “My two beautiful boys. My lovely men. I love you both so much. SO MUCH!” you drunkenly slurred as you kissed each of their cheeks
  “I think it’s time you get some water” Freddie smirked
  “That sounds good”
  “Mom?” Jackson asked as Freddie made his way to the bar to grab you a glass
  “Yeah?” you asked, moving his soft hair behind his ear
  “What happens now?”
  “You really like that question, don’t you?” you laughed, just as Freddie returned with an almost overflowing glass of water
  “Here you go, Elske” he said and kissed your forehead before taking his seat next to you
  “Thank you, husband” you cooed, leaning in for a kiss
  “You’re welcome, wife” he smiled before kissing you softly
  “Baby, to answer your question,” you turned your attention back to Jackson, “what happens now is that we start our life together. As our own little unit, our little family. We’ll go on adventures, you’ll go to more games and we’ll all celebrate the wins together and cope with the losses together. It doesn’t matter because we’ll all be together”
  “Does that sound good?” Freddie asked and Jackson nodded. You directed them out onto the dance floor for one final dance before Charlotte and Ernst had agreed to take Jackson upstairs so he could get some sleep. Guests started to make their way to you to say goodbye and, before long, it was just you and Freddie left alone in the ballroom
  “Hey,” you whispered as his fingers traced along your thigh, “wanna dance?”
  “Yeah” he whispered back before bringing your face to his, kissing you slowly but intensely. You tucked yourself close to his body, letting his heartbeat guide your movements before you were left alone in silence, not realizing everyone had cleared out. “Can you believe that we get to spend the night in a castle?”
  “Can you believe we’re married?” you giggled, your head still resting on his chest
  “I can,” he admitted with a laughed, “I just can’t believe it took us this long”
  “Good things come to those who wait” you teased
  “Yes they do”
  “I love you, husband”
  “I love you, too, wife.”
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La Squadra Backstories!!!! Stream of consciousnesss style!
So literally I just sat down and wrote down exactly what I thought. I have not edited these at all lmaooo. But I made long drawn out backstories for our underrated assassins so enjoy!!
T/W + C/W - idk I talk about people dying in a lot of ways. Child abuse, drugs, severe illness, dead cats. This stuff is a mess I really didn’t censor it. But nothing is described in detail cuz I’m too lazy for that.
Prosciutto cuz he’s at the top of my mind. Mmkay he and Pesci are brothers but not by blood. Pro was an orphan, I still wanna make him Russian, and pesci’s extremely kind and gentle family adopted him when he was like 7. They were like literally a garden catalogue family. Perfection. The parents died when pro was like 15, Pesci was 13?? Idk the age difference I’m just making shit up now. And Pesci had no fucking idea what to do, they didn’t have any other family, and pro was like “I’m still basically a hardened criminal from living on the streets of russia most of my childhood, so joining the local mafia should be a piece of cake”. It was.
Risotto..... fuck it. Polpo is risottos dad. I’ve seen that so much and fuck it I’m here for it now. Idk how I feel about the whole Mariah from part 3 being his mom that seems too coincidental. But either way, he is half Spanish. I don’t think he’s ever been in touch with his Spanish roots at all, but that’s what he is. Polpo had too much fun on vacay in Spain. But it was a once night stand and polpo, a skinny king back in the mid 70s, fucked off to do mafia stuff and didn’t know about this kid. Risotto never knew his father. Time goes by, about the time he’s 10, rizzo’s mom moves to Italy to find the man she once loved. Since the 70s, she has been married and divorced 4 times, disowned by her entire family, and she speaks only of Polpo, the man who swept her off her feet and then disappeared into the night. Leaving only this child with his matching eyes. So they live in Italy, risotto is about 13 now and his mom has been searching seriously for polpo for about 3 years. One day, she gets too close, mafia takes her out. Risotto is all alone in a country he has lived in for less than 3 years. So he decides to take revenge against the mafia. He goes to hunt them down. (I’m too lazy to write out how. Gets a gun. Basically the scene in part 5 where the kid is like “you killed my father and now I’m gonna kill you!!” But he chickens out???) yeah except rizzo didn’t chicken out, he stood firm and killed 2 of them. The other 2 surrendered, and immediately asked rizzo to take polpos test. He did. And he unknowingly met his father, the man his mother had died looking for. He stared into his fathers eyes, black sclera reflecting each other, and passed his test with ease.
Wowwwwwwwww alrighty then that was something. Let’s shake out those jitters because fuck that was intense and let’s move onto some happy shit.
Melone!! Always a bottle of joy. He was a phenomenal student, a perfect child. Perfect grades, perfect attitude, perfect looks. Onlyyyy tiny thing is he murdered cats and buried their heads in the back yard. But that was his only flaw. Aaaaaaaand mayyybe trying to use his extensive knowledge of molecular biology and genetics (even at as young as 11) to asexually breed said cats.
But, apart from that, absolutely perfect specimen of a young boy. And he kept that up until college. Until the rape accusation. Melone had no interest in having sex with her, he swore under oath in open court, he only wanted to “extract her essence” in the hopes of making her amazing genetics stay pure for centuries.
Due to his previously amazing school record, he was allowed to plead not guilty by reason of insanity (because the justice system is bullshit) and was released to his parents. During this whole process, Melone’s mother had begun to grow suspicious of her son, wondering if there was something wrong with him. This led her to explore the crawl space under the garage, more commonly known as “Melone’s childhood laboratory”. The cat skulls alone were enough to set her off. They allowed him into their home long enough to fool the court, but parole officers don’t pay attention, and they kicked him to the curb a month later. Broke, alone, and with no real skills other than his genius mind and gorgeous body, he became a prostitute. It was only a few months before he wandered up to a gigantic white haired man with angry eyes and asked if he wanted a date. Instead of declining, our good ol rizzo just knocked him out cold and brought him home. The rest is history. Literally because I can’t think of what would happen between that and Melone joining the mafia. I assume he was just their house pet for a little while before he decided he wanted a stand too.
Oh good lord these are getting insane. Better keep going. Okay I have no idea what’s about to come out of my head for ghia but oh Lordy. Might as well start. Ghiaccio wasn’t always quite as angry, but it’s actually gonna be a sweet story. Kinda. He used to act perfect, even tho he always felt the anger inside. He was forced to bottle it up and put on a happy exterior always. His mother was Belgian. (From experience, Belgian mothers (Flemish in particular) will beat you until your ass is raw if you talk back). Italian father, they lived in italy. He had 4 sisters, he was the middle child of 5. Around high school, he started acting out. Of course this was due to all of his bottled up anger from the past 15 years. 4 shattered sinks, 16 holes in the drywall, and one classroom fire later, Ghiaccio was expelled from school. His parents were too busy brimming with joy about the success of all his sisters that they didn’t take much notice to him. “If you’re going to behave in such a manner you might as well leave” his mother said. She was past the point of caring enough to beat him. So he left. 16 and with no where to go, he wandered the streets. After a year or so, Ghia had gotten used to that life, and was angry at everyone, sometimes when he wasn’t even angry. Anger had become his coping mechanism. Screaming was easier than talking. Until one day, he screamed at a blonde man in an intersection. Prosciutto was driving back to the squads hang out, boxes of takeout in the back seat of the car. He had chosen to not stop at the red light, just for fun, and nearly ran into our blue haired teenager. Ghia proceeded to cuss him out for a good 4 minutes in the middle of this intersection before pro cut him off. “Get in the back. “ he said, with his own special brand of brotherly love. “I know how you can put that anger to good use”. Ghiaccio, having no real reason to object, got in the back seat. Prosciutto was silent the rest of the drive and Ghiaccio yelled about all the take out food, now splattered on the backs of the seats due to the sudden slam on the brakes.
Y’all I don’t even remember the other la squadra members. Let’s do sorbet/gelato because they have zero backstory or personality so I can just ramble. *Clears throat* let’s begin. These fuckers. Friends since birth. Grew up together, always really close. They were both dirt poor, but because the only school nearby was a decent public school, when were able to slightly experience middle class living. They liked it. They wanted to see upper class, and once they did, they wanted to be there. These two were money grubbing bffs, I’m talking josuke and okuyasu, but like waaaaay more intense and also violent. They both left home around 14, together of course. Gelatos father had left them a few years prior, and his family were on the brink of starvation. Figuring they didn’t need another mouth to feed (and completely abandoning his post as family patriarch lol) he left with sorbet, who’s family had all died in various ways over the years. Most recently, his older sister being taken by some illness that was probably easily treatable, but with no means for a doctor, she died in days. The boys left home and school, and made a living by pickpocketing tourists and occasionally launching into larger heists. They made a decent living for themselves, but eventually started spending their money on drugs. It’s was sorbet first, heroin was really good to him for awhile. Gelato was against it, knowing it was the reason sorbets family had been so poor to begin with. His father was an addict, and despite holding down a job fairly well, spent all his earnings on drugs. Eventually he became too dependent, lost his job, and OD’d. But around this same time, when the boys were 16/17, they were starting to realize their feelings for each other. Confused teenaged minds full of budding love led to Gelato giving in, and soon their days were filled with heroin fueled ecstatic sex. They lived like this for awhile, existing in half reality, until one day they chose to set their pickpocketing targets on a short man with close cropped gray hair. The plan was perfect, sorbet bumped into the man and gelato passed by to grab his wallet, and suddenly they were the size of mere ants. In an instant, they were returned to size, left to wonder if it was real or just a hallucination from long term drug use. But they didn’t run. Formaggio introduced himself, with a loose handshake and a pause to spit out some tobacco, and promptly invited them to a “party”. Although, Formaggio was honest in his promise, this party did have drugs.
Cheese boys turn!! Seriously who am I forgetting??? Illuso my mirror man! Am I forgetting someone else too?? Idk. But shut up Kel it’s cheese boys turn.
So. Formaggio. Probably the most chill childhood. Lower middle class, pretty average, but he was quite gifted with sports. Soccer was his main, and also a fantastic competitive swimmer. (Okay I have a separate hc that Bruno is really good at soccer so hol horse up a moment so I can imagine those 2 playing soccer together in friendly competition. In my lil au where Bruno is in la squadra because I say BruPro exes rights please and thanks.) but anyway, he got really good at soccer and was offered a scholarship to play at a fancy pants private high school when he was 14. Of course his parents made him go, this has been the family’s dream for years, and formaggio’s as well. So high school is amazing, he’s starting to attract attention from universities even tho he’s barely in grade 11 by this point. And it’s all really amazing until he realizes. This isn’t what he wants. And it’s just that. He doesn’t want to play soccer anymore, he doesn’t want to potentially be famous. He just wants to be a kid. So he leaves school, he leaves home, he wants to start over. And he wanders into a diner and sees this small group of weirdly dressed men. At this point, it’s rizzo, pro, Pesci, and ghia. And he’s staring at them because they’re dressed like circus clowns but their aura is so murderous. And then the one who looks like a giant pineapple starts staring back. Pesci gets up and walks over to Formaggio. “I know you! You’re that amazing kid soccer player!!” And he just goes on and on about shit he read in the news (70% of it was false) until pro comes over and yanks his idiot brother away. Pro starts asking Formaggio questions, thinking he could be a good target. Stupid little rich kid. But to prosciuttos surpise, Formaggio is just a down to earth kid with no more money to his name than he needs to pay for this meal. Prosciutto takes him home after that. He doesn’t really offer any explanation.
(The rambling at the beginning of this paragraph actually happened lol so I paused for like 4 hrs oops)
Alright we are back. Had to leave to go to therapy and then scream at my mother and cry to my boyfriend but we are ready to go! Illuso and I really hope he’s the last one and I’m not forgetting one. Illuso was raised in an orphanage from infancy. No idea who his parents could even be. Fun fact: one of the nuns at the orphanage (cuz it’s an orphanage in Italy in 1980, they’re catholic.) nicknamed him Illuso because he was always pointing at things that weren’t there. As a tiny baby and a child, he would always be looking at things no one else can see (yes illuso is a natural stand user fight me). The nuns called him illuso as an insult, hoping to shame him into stopping. He never did. When he outgrew the orphanage, he decided to join the priesthood. He was 19, a priest in training, when the mafia came to the orphanage. They were collecting, and illuso knew they didn’t have the money this month. He tried to talk the mobsters down, but that went about as well as planned. 4 bullets to the chest, 3 open heart surgeries, and half a dozen resuscitations later, Illuso was released from the hospital. The orphanage had been shut down, and no one knew what had happened to the children or the nuns. With no where to go, illuso knew of one place that could use talents like his. The talents of steadily stealing money from the starving children of the church for a decade. It was during polpos test that illuso’s stand manifested. Not due to the arrow, but to protect its user from the other stand. Illuso was able to avoid Black Sabbath by hiding in his newfound mirror world until it was time to return the lighter to polpo (kinda cowardly but whatever.) he was assigned to risottos group by chance and was the last to join excluding Melone. But they loved him as if they had found him themselves.
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Title: Missing Person
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Gif credit @inconspicuously-me
Requested on wattpad.
Hope you all enjoy
Happy reading dollies
Fire PD crossover
Warning: Kidnapping, forced drug use, assault and attempted murder twice.
Kelly checked his watch for the fifth time in the last thirty seconds. He had just gotten off shift and called you to see what your plans were for tonight after you got off work but you didn't answer. That's very odd for you to do. You always answered. So he knew something wasnt right and he headed to the police department.
"Hey Trudy, have you seen Y/N"? Kelly asked the front desk officer.
"Haven't seen her since she came in this morning around eight. Why"?
"I'm off work and I called her but she isn't picking up. Maybe the unit is out with a case".
"The unit hasn't left all day. They've been working on a case that seems to be leading them on a wild goose chase". Trudy informed him. Now he was starting to get worried.
"Can I talk to Voight about this"?
"Yeah, I'll buzz you up".
Kelly walked up the stairs and saw everyone acting normal no alarms going off that Y/N wasn't there.
"Hey Kelly, what can we do for you today"? Voight greeted.
"Y/N, haven't you seen that she's not here"? Kelly pointed to your desk.
"She went on a run for coffee".
"How long ago? She hasn't answered my calls for two hours now. I know it doesn't take that long to get coffee".
"Adam track her phone. She's probably stopping to get something else and her phone died". Voight suggested.
"This is not like my sister. She calls to say she's running late even when her phone dies. Something is wrong". Kelly followed Voight to Adams desk. He tracked your last location but after that it was gone. Like you vanished.
"See. She's nowhere on here. Something happened to her and you better find out and bring my sister home safely". Kelly yelled at Voight, storming out. Voight sighed.
"Jay, Erin go to the coffee shop and see what you can find. Adam send them the address". Voight gave out orders and he went to his office. One of his members were gone right from under his nose and no one saw or heard a thing.
Erin and Jay arrived at the coffee shop, they talked to the manager and asked about the surveillance tapes. What they saw wasn't what they wanted.
"She was taken". Erin stormed in the squad room showing pictures.
"A unknown Male grabbed her from behind as she was putting the coffee in her car and took her somewhere off camera".
"Where's her car"?
"Towed away".
"Get Adam the video see if you can find anything. You two find the car. The rest of you call hospitals. No one tells Kelly. I dont want him going on a rampage and get her killed". Voight order his team. They all kicked it into high gear.
After hours of phone calls to hospitals  around Chicago they came up empty handed. Jay and Erin found the car but nothing looked out of the ordinary. The tow truck driver said he didn't see anyone near the car when he came to pick it up. That it looked like some soccer mom's spa day went to long and she forgot the timer.
"So we have nothing"? Hank questioned his team.
"Her phone is either destroyed or dumped somewhere. I'm not getting a signal at all". Adam said looking up from his screen.
"Damn it. We need to figure this out and find her. Kelly has been ringing my phone off the hook for hours. He's wanting to go to the news with this but I'm afraid that if the kidnappers see this they'll kill her".
"Think who would want to take Y/N"?
"Check to see if anyone got out recently that Y/N put away and made threats. Let's find her". Hank told his him.
That was three days ago and Kelly let's say he was about to rain hell on Voight and his team. He found out that there was a video and he car was towed away. He was pissed that Voight lied and kept secrets from him. It was his sister missing not some random from the streets. He wanted answers. 
Kelly parked his car and started walking to the front entrance of the police department as he was walking he passed by a alleyway. He's walked past it many time but something in him said go down and that's what he did.
He followed the trash littering the ground and under a pile of newspaper there was a foot.. Cold and white.
Kelly threw off the papers and saw it was his little sister laying on the ground. He checked your pulse and it was hardly there but it was there. You were covered in bruises. Your wrists had rope burns from being tied up. He took his jacket off and wrapped it around you picking you up and running to the station.
"Call an ambulance". Kelly screamed as he entered. Trudy rushed to see what happened. She stopped in her tracks as she saw it was you. "Call 911". She yelled to the officer at the desk.
A ambulance came and started working on you. Hooking up oxygen and a IV. Your pulse was weak and your blood pressure was low. They needed to get you to med and fast. Your life depends on it.
Kelly didn't go to the hospital right away, he had a bone to pick with Hank Voight. He stormed up stairs, he came to a desk and knocked off the computer. Causing a crash getting everyone's attention. Kelly had tears running down his face.
"I just found my sister in a fucking alley. If you would have done your fucking jobs this wouldn't have happened. If anything happens to her, I'm coming for you Voight". Kelly pointed to Voight.
"We know who it is".
"It's to late. Everything's been played out. You had your chance". Kelly gritted his teeth as he walked away going to the hospital.
When Kelly got there you were getting checked over by Will. The nurse said Will would be out as soon as he knew you were stable.
Kelly sat there on his phone calling everyone he knew in the police department that wasn't a fan of Voight and there were a few but he got the answer he wanted.
"Kelly"? Will came up to him.
"How is she? Is okay"?
"She's lucky you found her. Another night she would have been dead".
"What happened to her"? Kelly wanted to know but also he didn't want to hear the details.
"She has a few broken bones. A punctured lung. Hyperthermia. We ran some test and found drugs in her system. She's in bad shape but I see her making a complete recovery with the right support system".
"Anything else"?
"No. She's okay there". Kelly sighed a sigh of relief knowing that you was okay.
"Thanks, Will. Can I see her"?
"For a moment. We're trying to warm her up slowly so she's pretty out of it". Will lead Kelly to your room. You were hooked up to all sorts of machines. Your lips were blue and you didn't look good but you were a fighter and you would pull through.
"Can I get a second"?
"Yeah, I'll be outside if you need me". Will left leaving Kelly to sob. He held your hand. You were freezing.
"I'm going to make them pay. I'll rip their fucking throats out. Just get better, please. You can't leave me". Kelly kissed your forehead and left. He was on a mission of vengeance.
Kelly had the address in hand as he walked up to the house. A few guys sat on the porch as he went up the stairs.
"Is Romeo here"? He asked one of the guys.
"Who's asking"?
"James. My friend Mario said he could hook me up".
"Mario sent you"?
"Yeah, you want me to call him to verify ". Kelly went to pull out his phone.
"Nah, you cool". He opened the door and Kelly went inside. The house was filled with smells that Kelly only smelt when he had to deal with drug addicts. Cocaine, meth. You name it, it was probably there.
"Can I help you"? A voice spooked Kelly.
"Yeah. I came to get some coke. My boy Mario said you were the best". Kelly chuckled to cover up his nervousness.
"You came to the right place. Take a seat". The man pulled out a wooden box and put it on the coffee table for Kelly.
"Pick your sin". He laughed.
"Are you Romeo? Cause Mario said to deal with Romeo only".
"Yes, now where's my money"?
"I have it. Let me pick. I have a few lady friends coming over and they want some good shit". Romeo laughed as Kelly looked through the box.
"I know how that is. I had a woman a couple days ago. Cop. She loved to party. Couldn't get enough".
"Oh really"? Kelly tried to keep his anger under control.
"Yeah. Cute little Y/H/C. See we go way back. She put me away for awhile and I got her back. That the way I do it. You screw me, I'll screw you". Romeo slammed the box lid on Kelly.
"You know, you look a lot like the cops brother. She had a picture of them two together in her wallet". Romeo eyed Kelly.
"Only child. Mom's a CEO of a company  and dad's a lawyer".
"You sure"?
"You're right. I shouldn't lie, we just met. Dont want to get off on the wrong foot". Kelly reached in his waistband and brought out a metal baton. Cracking Romeo in the face with it. Romeo landed on the floor with a thud.
Kelly stepped over him. "I'm her brother and I'm the last person you'll ever see again". Kelly raised his arm again ready to strike but the door busted open and in came Voight and his team.
"Kelly, put the weapon down. I don't want to have to to shoot you". Hank warned pointing his gun at him.
"You need to leave and let me finish this. It doesn't concern you".
"It does. If you kill him I'll have to arrest you and I dont think you want Y/N to wake up with no one there by her side. So drop it".
Kelly was hesitant at first but he thought of you being alone, he knew he didn't want that. So he dropped his arm and walked off.
"Get out of here. No one will know you were here".
"Thanks". Kelly nodded and left. Voight and the team arrested Romeo and his crew. There was enough drugs to send them away for life not to mention the attempted murder of a cop, kidnapping and assault. They were looking at death row.
Kelly went back to the hospital and sat by your side. Since he left you were getting pinker and back to yourself. He watched as you opened your eyes and looked at him.
"Hey there sis".
"I'm sorry". You said with a tear running down your cheek.
"No need to be sorry. You're alive and well. Your here and getting help. That's all that matters. I'm with you every step of the way". Kelly squeezed your hand in supporting you.
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uncommoncold · 4 years
Feels Like The First Time
Summary: Does Yeosang really want Seonghwa to hurt him?
Word Count: 3k
Content Warnings: Dom Professor Seonghwa, Sub Kang Yeosang, Masturbation, Oral Sex
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Park Seonghwa was a beautiful, kind, and unusual man. Perhaps it was a strange way to think of your university professor but their relationship was turning into something… else. They had a very frank conversation about where they were going and what they would be to one another. Yeosang had the desire to be dominated and Seonghwa wanted to dominate him. He had even given him the option to be lovers or simply to learn. He had chosen lovers. The way he kissed him still sent shivers down his spine when he thought of it. He had never had anyone kiss him like that and he liked it a good deal more than he wanted to admit.
They spent the day together, Seonghwa cooked for him and afterward he asked him about his fantasies.
“I want to give you what you want. No matter what it is you desire, I assure you it won’t shock me, so you must always be honest with me and yourself.” Seonghwa leaned forward with his elbows on his knees then, “Tell me what you want Kang Yeosang. Tell me what you desire from me.”
It was a harder conversation than he expected it to be. He didn’t know himself. He wasn’t a virgin but he had never been with a man and the idea had honestly never crossed into his mind. Yet the idea of being with Park Seonghwa thrilled him. Every little touch the man gave him was almost as if he was putting his hand right on his cock. There was just something about him that drew him and fascinated him.
“What do you think about when you masturbate? Before you met me anyway…” There was a small smile and teasing glint in his eye. They had already well established that the last few days had involved a good deal of masturbation with Park Seonghwa as the subject of his fantasies.
“I don’t know, I never really gave it much thought until… You know.” It was ridiculous to not even be able to say it. He wasn’t even sure what to call it.
“Until I told you to take your clothes off?” Seonghwa asked.
“Yeah.” Yeosang licked his lips and shifted in his chair. He was hard as hell and had been almost since the minute he had set foot in the house.
“Are you uncomfortable?”
“A little.”
“Are you hard?”
Jesus. He swallowed hard and nodded. “Very.”
“Why?” Seonghwa looked as if he knew the answer to that question but just wanted to hear the answer.
“Because of what we’re talking about. I haven’t ever talked to anyone about things like this before. I didn’t even know that I was interested in it.” In truth, he was barely even aware it existed outside of erotica for American soccer moms.
Seonghwa cocked his head slightly to one side and peered at him, “What would you like me to do to you right now?”
“Touch me.” That sounded so simple and he was sure it sounded almost pathetic but he couldn’t think beyond the idea of Seonghwa’s hands on him. He didn’t even care how he touched him, he just wanted his touch.
“That’s a dangerous suggestion don’t you think?” Seonghwa stood up and walked around behind the chair that Yeosang was sitting in. He ran a hand over his hair, just enough pressure for Yeosang to feel the individual strands moving and the heat of his hand but little else. “I might not do what you expect. I might scare you. I might hurt you.”
There was something in the way that he said he might hurt him that made him think he didn’t mean accidentally. Normally, the thought of that should have scared the hell out of him but instead he felt his cock twitch.
Seonghwa leaned down to place his lips beside Yeosang’s ear, “What would you do if I hurt you? Would you run away? Would you cry? Would you beg me for more?”
His voice had lowered in timbre and sent a thrill down Yeosang’s spine. If he didn’t touch him, he might go completely insane. If he sent him home right now, he would have masturbation material for the rest of his life. But he didn’t want to go home, he wanted - no he needed to see where the rabbit hole would lead him. “I- I don’t know.”
“I do want you to know my touch.” Seonghwa ran the backs of his fingers down over Yeosang’s cheek and the side of his neck. “Sometimes I will want you to anticipate it, other times I might even want you to fear it but I want you to always find pleasure in it.”
Yeosang closed his eyes and exalted in the caress that moved over his face and neck. It traveled down over his chest but went no further before he pulled away entirely and moved back to his chair. “Take off your clothes.”
Unable to help the whimper that escaped him at the feeling of loss as Seonghwa moved away, he opened his eyes. He felt that same thrill as when he had been asked to take off his clothes before. He didn’t hesitate. He was still shy and he wanted to hide his rigid cock from view but he forced himself to keep his hands by his sides. He wanted Seonghwa’s eyes on him. He wanted him to see how much he wanted.
For the longest time, Seonghwa just stared into his eyes but finally his gaze moved downward over Yeosang’s body, taking in his rock hard cock with a smile. “Not hiding from me today?”
“No.” He felt somehow he wanted more, “I want you to see me.”
Seonghwa nodded, pleased with the answer. “I want you to show me how you made yourself cum when you left my office.”
He could feel the blush as he sat back down and reached down. He didn’t usually display himself and he never put on a show. Now he was doing both for a man he barely knew. Yeosang wrapped his hand around his cock and began to stroke. He took his balls in his other hand and manipulated them. When he left Seonghwa’s office, he had been so confused, there had been no understanding at all of what he felt and now he knew why he was so turned on. Now he knew at least a little of what he wanted but he knew somehow there was so much more.
I might hurt you
The memory of those words filtered in and he jolted.
“What are you thinking about?” Seonghwa’s eyes were riveted on him in complete and utter fascination.
“I-” He didn’t want to say because it made it real. But he promised he would be honest, it would do no good to start lying now. “I remembered when you said you might hurt me.”
“Do you like the idea of me hurting you? Do you like the idea of crying for me, of screaming for me? Do you like the idea of my hurting you with my cock?” He had an idea but he needed to know for sure.
Oh god… would he like that? It sounded so perverse but an image flitted through his mind of Seonghwa fucking him and tears rolling down his cheeks. He couldn’t quite summon up the feeling but the image made his balls tighten, his cock swelled between his pumping fingers. “Yes… I like it.”
“Do you want to cum for me now?” Seonghwa asked.
“Yes.” He wasn’t sure how much control he had over it but he wanted to cum so badly.
“Cum for me Yeosang.”
The commanding tone shot straight through him like an arrow. His entire body tightened and he came, sticky, sweet strands of cum shot up over his hand and his stomach. Now that he had cum, he expected the madness to roll back a bit and let him breathe but when he opened his eyes and saw Seonghwa watching him, he found nothing had changed. His cock twitched and he shuddered.
“Is that enough?” Seonghwa asked him curiously.
Yeosang shook his head, “No.”
Seonghwa clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, “What else do you want?”
“I want…” It was then he noticed exactly how hard Seonghwa was. He could see the outline of his turgid cock through the expensive material of his trousers. “I want to make you cum.”
“And how would you do that?” There was a slightly breathy quality to his voice. He wanted him, god how he wanted this beautiful boy.
That was a good question, he wasn’t exactly experienced in another man’s pleasure but he knew what he wanted and he had an idea about the basics. “I could-” He struggled with how to say it, “Could I suck your cock?”
Yeosang had no idea what he was doing to him. Seonghwa had trained a lot of people but he had never been this close to losing his composure. “Show me.”
“I’ve never-” No, that was just an excuse. Still wet with his cum, he slipped out of the chair and moved to the floor in front of Seonghwa. His heart beat a nervous staccato as he reached up to touch Seonghwa. It was the first time he had touched him and he was keenly aware of it. It felt like treading on holy ground and he wasn’t entirely sure he should. He watched Seonghwa’s face as his hands caressed up over his thighs and hips. His mouth was watering and he wasn’t sure if it was from nervousness or just the idea of taking him into his mouth. What would it feel like to have his cock between his lips? What would he taste like?
He unfastened his belt and then his trousers. Seonghwa just watched him, dark eyes riveted onto his every movement. Almost reverentially, Yeosang reached out to touch him through his underwear. He could see the outline of the sides, of the head pressed against the thin cotton. He licked his lips and peeled back the waistband. God he was gorgeous all over. His cock was absolutely perfect and as he watched, it jumped. He peeked up at Seonghwa and smiled shyly before licking his lips again and leaning down toward it. He pressed a hesitant kiss to the head as he wrapped his fingers around him.
It was taking all of his self control to let Yeosang go at his own pace and not just shove his cock into his mouth. He couldn’t remember the last time he had been so impatient. He watched enraptured as Yeosang slowly opened his beautiful lips and wrapped them around his cock. His breath caught as his heat enveloped him. How many times had someone wrapped their lips around him? Hundreds of times? Yet here and now, the awkward fumblings of his beautiful man and his genuine desire to please him was driving him crazy. He felt his tongue flick against him, caressing the sensitive underside of the head. He did his best to keep his voice even as he instructed him. Soon even that was too much for him, sweat trickled down, his breathing grew short and shallow. His hand drifted to the back of Yeosang’s head, guiding him. “I’m going to cum in your mouth and I want you to swallow every drop.”
Those words ricocheted through him, he never knew how much he could enjoy giving someone else pleasure. He braced himself, not quite knowing what to expect as the first wave of Seonghwa’s cum shot over his tongue and the back of his throat. It wasn’t unpleasant, the smell, the taste of him, he pushed down and swallowed. Seonghwa jerked and pulled away, his orgasm leaving him oversensitive.
Yeosang pulled away, lapping the last few drops from the head of Seonghwa’s cock.
Seonghwa gazed at him in wonder. He was so innocent of the world that he wanted to show him. He was so innocent of himself. He was almost loath to corrupt that innocence but he wanted him. He wanted him in a way that he hadn’t wanted anyone in his life. “Come here to me.”
Seonghwa patted his lap and Yeosang crawled up over him and settled himself onto his lap, straddling him. Reaching up, Seonghwa caressed his face, running his thumb over his still wet lips. He reached behind his neck and pulled him down, for a moment, their lips hovered mere centimeters from one another and then Seonghwa kissed him.
Yeosang gasped at the heat of that kiss. As he gasped, Seonghwa’s tongue slipped past his lips, coaxing his own into a sensual dance.
He pulled back slightly to look into Yeosang’s eyes. Seonghwa’s eyes glittered darkly with pure hunger and then leaned back in, consuming him.
Yeosang was left panting and breathless. He laid his head on Seonghwa’s shoulder and closed his eyes. He felt thoroughly ravaged and it had just been a kiss. No, there was no such thing as just a kiss with this man. He was intense, sensual, and deeply sexual. Kissing him was primal and it touched him in a way he had never been touched before. He clung to him, never wanting to let go. Seonghwa’s hands ran over his hair, and lazily trailed down over his shoulder and upper back. “Are we… Are you…” He couldn’t quite get the question out.
“Am I going to fuck you?” Seonghwa filled in the blank.
He hesitated a moment before answering, “Yes.”
“Eventually but not tonight, it’s getting late and as a teacher, I can't be held responsible for a pupil not getting his full eight hours of sleep.”
Yeosang couldn’t quite tell from the tone in his voice if he was kidding or not. He lifted his head and looked at him. Seonghwa chuckled and tapped a finger to the end of Yeosang’s nose.
“Do I have to go home now?”
“Do you want to?” Seonghwa asked.
“Then you don’t have to go home. You can stay here as long as you like but we will have to go to school separately if you choose to stay beyond Sunday.” What in the world was he saying? Se-ra was going to have his head for this and he wasn’t sure it wasn’t deserved. He was letting himself be drawn in and he really should know better. What was it about Kang Yeosang?
“I’ll go home Sunday.” He wanted to stay though, how he wanted to stay. However, as much as he liked the idea of staying, all of his things were at his apartment and he couldn’t quite justify staying with his beautiful professor. But if he could stay the weekends… “Can I stay next weekend too?”
“Of course.”
Yeosang breathed a small sigh of relief. He was a little afraid that he would send him away once he had his way with him but he had the feeling that Seonghwa wanted a good deal more from him than simply to watch him jerk off and have him suck his cock… which he wasn’t sure he was any good at anyway. The way the man looked at him, it grabbed him right around his heart and brought him to his knees, literally.
Seonghwa touched his face and ran his hand down over his chest, dragging his nails across a nipple. He watched the point harden, “Mm, you’re so sensitive.” He leaned forward and lapped at his nipple before giving a little bite and leaning back again. “I should send you to bed or I might never let you get any sleep and you’ll need it.”
There was something slightly ominous in the way he said that but Yeosang let it go. He had given him his own room but he wanted to sleep with Seonghwa. Still, he got begrudgingly to his feet. “Oh, is there something special I should call you?”
“Other than professor?”
“Not in class, I mean … here, with us? Like should I call you master or something?” He felt a little foolish saying that but wasn’t that how these games worked?
Seonghwa chuckled, “Is that what you want to call me?”
Yeosang opened and closed his mouth a couple of times, “I don’t think so… I think I want to call you… Seonghwa. Would that be alright?”
Seeming thoroughly amused, he laughed and stood up. He pulled Yeosang into a warm embrace and squeezed him for a moment before he pulled away to scoop up his clothes and hand them to him. “You can call me by my name when we are alone.”
He placed his arm around Yeosang’s waist and walked him up to his room. “Are you comfortable being naked around me now?”
“I don’t usually go around naked even when I’m home alone but…” He cleared his throat, “I like knowing you’re looking at me.”
“Then you shouldn’t wear clothes when you’re here. As much as you like my eyes on you, I like looking at you. You’re a beautiful man and one more thing, if you are alright with it, don’t cover up your birthmark. I think you are perfection and as it’s a part of you, I want to see it.”  
Yeosang looked stunned.
“Now, kiss me goodnight.” Seonghwa said as they came to the door of the room he had given Yeosang.
“Your lips?” As soon as he said it, he felt ridiculous.
“Where would you like to kiss me?”
Rather than answer, Yeosang caught Seonghwa’s hand and pressed a kiss to his palm before holding that hand to his cheek. He then leaned up and kissed his lips before turning and moving to duck into the room. Seonghwa caught his hand and pulled him back into a slow and lingering kiss before stepping away and gesturing him into the room. “Goodnight Kang Yeosang.”
“Goodnight Park Seonghwa.”
Links to my other stories can be found here Master List
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Ψ (`▽´ # )↝ Bounty Hunting Hell (Reaper) #01 Ψ
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📑 Table of Contents
Genre: Friendship, Family, Crack, Angst  
Word Count: 1,241
Pairing: OC (Alex, female) x Ben Gonzalez
World: Reaper
Author’s Note: I used to watch this show with my grandmother a long time ago and it was such an awesome show, so it has a special place in my heart. I recently rediscovered it and started watching it and, while going through episode one, I kept imagining how cool it would be to be Sam’s twin and experience things alongside him. So I decided to write this Yes, another series I started that I probably won’t finish, I have a problem okay. I mainly just wrote this because I wanted to have fun lol
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I stifled a yawn as I sat up in bed, rubbing at my eyes to get rid of the leftover sleep before grabbing my phone off the bedside table, flipping it open to check my messages. I had three unread messages from my boyfriend, Ben.
• ‘Good morning baby girl <3’
• ‘Happy 21st birthday! I’m bringing your gift to work with me, I hope you like it :*’
• ‘I love you so much’
It brought a smile to my face, instantly brightening my day. I responded by telling him thank you, that I loved him back and would see him soon. A knock on my door told me that my brother was awake, as well, and would be waiting downstairs. I quickly hopped into the shower before getting dressed in a pair of jeans and an anime t-shirt, throwing the blue apron on top.
“Crap, where’s my name tag?” I lifted up the covers on my bed, shaking them more violently than I needed to but it did the job, the name tag flying up into the air. “Gotcha!” With a grin, I pinned it to my shirt and headed downstairs where my twin was having some weird interaction with our parents.
“Happy birthday, buddy.” Dad grinned happily, lightly jabbing Sam in the rib. When he noticed me coming down the stairs, he did the same thing to me, much to my displeasure. “Happy birthday, amigo.”
Sam sent me a look and I knew he was feeling weirded out, but what did he want me to do? I just shrugged and he rolled his eyes at my lack of assistance. “Right… well, I’m gonna go get some breakfast.” When he tried to step past mom, she grabbed him into a bone crushing hug, her voice shaky.
“Happy birthday! I love you so much!” She forced herself away from him only to grab me when I tried to sneak past, hugging me with the same amount of force. “I love you, too, Alex, so much!” With an exhale, she pulled back, only to grab each of us by the arm. “I want you both to have a wonderful day… no matter what happens!”
“O-Okay, mom.” Sam chuckled awkwardly, slowing backing away toward the kitchen. I raised a brow at her before following him. He lowered his voice, sending me a look. “I think mom’s losing it.”
“Can’t lose what you never had,” I grinned, bumping my shoulder against his as I passed him up into the kitchen, hoping that our younger brother hadn’t eaten the last of the cocoa pebbles. The little gremlin in question was sitting at the kitchen island reading the newspaper.
He glanced up when we entered the kitchen, his voice devoid of emotion. “Hey, the two zombies are up before noon.”
“Hey, you’re an idiot,” Sam replied, catching the box of cereal I tossed at him.
“Really, Sam?” I deadpanned, pulling the box of cocoa pebbles from the shelf. “That’s the best you got? Come on, bro, at least put some feeling into it.”
“Who’s side are you on?”
“My own.” I stuck my tongue out as I poured the cereal into the bowl, only to scowl when I realized there was barely two spoonfuls left. “Damn it, Kyle! I told you to stop eating my cereal.”
He rolled his eyes, “I don’t see your name on it.”
“Real mature.”
Our parents entered the kitchen then, dad looking to his youngest child. “Kyle, did you wish your brother and sister a happy birthday?”
Kyle gave him a blank look. “They’re twenty-one, still lives with their parents, and wears an apron for a living. There’s no happy in that birthday, dad.”
I scowled, tossing a cocoa pebble at him. “Gee thanks, brat.”
“Don’t tease your brother and sister, Kyle.” Mom scolded, giving me a sad smile. Seriously, what is her problem today?
I munched on my cereal, glancing at Sam. He was staring, transfixed, at the television – it was a news report of a home fire that killed a family of four. Damn, that sucks. Wait, is that… screaming? Why would they include screaming in a news broadcast? It’s so loud!
My eyes shot over to Sam who had just gotten slapped in the back of the head by Kyle. The screaming was gone, but I couldn’t shake off the eerie feeling I had lingering in the back of my mind. Sam sent me an annoyed look before turning to Kyle, who was digging around in the fridge.
“Hey, uh, was that an envelope from Stanford I saw yesterday?”
Kyle tensed up as dad quickly turned to him, “You heard from Stanford?”
Why is mom staring at us like that? It’s like she thinks she’s never going to see us again. I mean, come on, it’s not like we have anywhere else to go. We’re suddenly going to just fly the coop – that shit takes a lot of money!
Kyle squared his jaw. “It was… a rejection letter.”
“Oooh,” Sam pulled a face, clearly happy about shifting the attention off of himself.
“Kyle, how is that possible?” Dad questioned, disappointment in his tone.
“Sam and Alex didn’t even go to college!” He cried indignantly, trying to shift the attention back.
Mom, who still hadn’t stopped staring at us as if we were going to vanish from in front of her eyes, quickly snapped back at him. “Yes, they did, Kyle.”
“For a month!”
“Excuse you,” I scowled through a mouthful of cereal. “I made it a month and a half, thank you very much!”
Sam scoffed. “Showoff.”
“We’re very proud of them for trying, it’s just that… college made them sleepy.” She replied just as the kitchen door opened.
Sock, Sam’s best friend, came waltzing into the kitchen like he owned the place. “Morning, Mrs. O, Mr. O.” He threw his arms around Sam, pressing a wet kiss to the boy’s cheek that made me cringe. “Birthday boy!”
He tried to grab me but I held the spoon out at him, smacking his hand each time he tried. “You kiss me and I will skin you and put you in the living room as a rug!”
The threat meant nothing to him as he threw his arms around me, crushing me to his bear-like body. “Birthday girl!” Thankfully, he didn’t try to kiss me. He sat down beside Sam, accepting the bowl I handed him. “Hey, Kyle, guess what? Don’t sweat Stanford, man. Heard it’s only the, uhh…” He held up four fingers. “Fourth best university in the U.S. Is that right?”
“You suck!” Kyle cried before turning on his heel and storming out of the kitchen, much to Sam’s delight.
“Hey, no shame in community college, K-Fed!” Sock called after him. “I almost went.”
I snorted, setting the empty bowl into the sink.
Dad clapped his hands and looked at the two. “So, big birthday plans, boys?”
“Nah, nothin’ too crazy.” Sam admitted with a mouthful of cereal.
“Oh, come on, Sam.” Dad responded, trying to express himself with his hands. “You’ve got to get out there and… cut loose! You’re only this age once, come on.”
“Dad, please.” I groaned, resisting the urge to smack my head against the counter.
“What? Am I wrong?”
“I like your thinking, dad!” Sock dropped the spoon so he could point at the older man. I just knew he was about to say something really fucking stupid. “I say we all get into the car, go get some smack, kill a hooker in Vegas.”
Mom’s face suddenly scrunched up, tears filling her eyes. With a muffled noise, she quickly turned and speed walked from the room, surprising the three of us.
Sock started to freak out, thinking he had offended her, which he probably did. “I-I-I mean, I meant patronize a hooker in Vegas! I would never kill a hooker in Vegas!” He lowered his voice, turning to his best friend for support. “I would never kill a hooker.”
I exchanged a look with Sam.
“Dad, what the hell is going on?”
“For real, dad, what’s up with mom?”
“Uh, uh…” He forced a smile, looking between the two of us. “Nothing, nothing! Um, Y-You just both have a great day, Sam, Alex. A great day!” And then he rushed out of the kitchen after his wife.
“What was that?” Sam questioned, looking between Sock and I.
I shrugged. “PMS, maybe?”
His nose scrunched up. “Gross.”
Sock looked at Sam before looking at the door they had just exited through, chewing loudly on his rice krispies. “Do you think they still do it?”
“But I’m the gross one?” I scowled.
“Yeah, they still do it.” Sock smirked, dodging the paper towel ball I threw at his head.
After dumb and dumber finished eating, we headed outside to Sam’s soccer-mom station wagon. For a moment, Sock and I paused just outside the house, staring at each other before taking off, shoving each other as we made a dash for the front seat, slamming into the side of the car at the same time.
“You got to sit up front last time!” I cried, trying to smack his hands off the door handle.
“Because I’m taller than you, shrimp.” He mocked me by putting his hand above my head.
“That has nothing to do with this!”
“It has everything to do with this!”
“It’s my birthday!”
“I wished you a happy birthday already!”
“Guys!” Sam said with a sigh of irritation. “Just play rock-paper-scissors.”
Sock nodded his head, sending him a wolfish grin. “You were always the smart twin.”
“What the hell am I? Chop liver?”
“No.” His hands found my shoulders and he sent me a serious look. “Don’t sell yourself short, Alex. You’re much better than chop liver. Like… a pickle!”
“Gee, thanks.”
“Now, let’s play!” He held out his hand, resting his fist against his palm and I mirrored the action. “Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!”
He showed rock and I showed paper.
“Yes!” I reached for the handle but he smacked my hand away, wagging his finger in my face.
“Nuh-uh! Best two of three, sister.”
“Oh, come on!” I glanced at my twin, but he was already settled in the driver’s seat, paying no attention to us as he fiddled with the air conditioning. “Fine! Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!”
He chose scissors and I chose paper.
Damn, it’s 1-1.
He smirked, tilting his body from side to side. “Can you handle the pressure, Oliver?”
“Of course I can, Wysocki.” I scowled, clenching my hand just a little bit tighter. I did not want to sit in the backseat again. It was always damp and smelled like moldy french fries. “Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!”
He chose rock again and I chose scissors.
“Ha, suck it loser!” Sock laughed, pulling open the passenger door before settling inside, the car shaking from the force he used.
With a groan, I begrudgingly opened the back door, scowling at the mess of fast food wrappers that littered the floor. First, mom acts all weird and now I have to sit in the back seat of this god-forsaken vehicle. Something tells me today is not going to go as well as dad hoped it would.
“Let’s roll!” Sock jabbed at the radio, cranking up the early morning rock station as Sam pulled away from the curb.
My phone buzzed in my pocket and I shifted so I could pull it out, smiling at the text from Ben.
• ‘If Sock gives you too much hell, let me know.’
• ‘I’ll beat him up for you ;P’
A chuckle bubbled in my throat, unheard over the loud screeching of the guitar solo blasting throughout the car. It was both funny and precious because Ben wasn’t a violent man and, even if he wanted to be, he wasn’t very strong, so the thought that he would try to take down the bear-like Sock was quite an amusing image. I doubted he actually would try to, but it was the thought that counted.
━━━━━━༻ (`∀´)Ψ ༺━━━━━━
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What We Lost and What We Have
Chapter 7:  Toddlers, tantrums, and a cartoon octopus
In which Dean broods petulantly, Castiel continues to scream internally, and Sam really hates Dora the Explorer.
TW’s for this chapter: Toddlers?
AU somewhat inspired by Episode 2x20 - What Is and What Should Never Be, and the season 14 storyline concerning Jack’s illness.
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March 22, 2002
Thirty-Nine days and counting.
And Sam was counting.
Thirty-Nine days left until Sam turned eighteen, until he instead of the courts could choose where he spent his days.
His mother and John’s divorce had been mostly cordiale. Mary hadn’t wanted to make things hard on her boys by drawing things out, she’d just wanted to move on, and John didn’t have the balls to fight her on that.
‘Or maybe he just knew if he made Mary fight him, after what he did… he’d be the one to lose everything.’
Part of Sam wished she had taken John for all he was worth, he’d betrayed them all. If wasting years and years of their lives building a family meant nothing to him, maybe taking his money or his shop would have.
At then at least Sam wouldn’t have to spend time at their old house, doing… this…
- I don’t get paid enough for this, - He texted Dean.
- Dad pays for babysitting? Shit wish I knew when you were a brat.-
Sam rolled his eyes, glancing over to make sure Jack was still preoccupied watching Dora and munching on goldfish or his fingers.
- It’s spring break and I’ve got like two months left of school, I should be out at the lake with friends or working on my senior paper. -
Dean seemed largely unsympathetic, - Neerrrddd. -
Sam violently snapped his phone shut as if Dean could feel his irritation through the screen and tossed it aside on the couch cushion.
Sam wasn’t even supposed to be here, he was only staying with John this week because Mary had some special teacher’s training during the break.
He did not agree to babysit the… well, baby, willingly, but Missouri Mosley had gone on vacation with her son’s family and John had guilted him into it.
John kept going on about how “he could stay home with Jack and not work all week, because shutting down a business was obviously better than leaving a toddler alone because his own brother refused to watch him.”
‘As if John could say shit about abandonment’
Jack wasn’t his “ brother ” he was a baby, all twenty-two-month-olds did was eat, sleep, and chew on their hands.
All Jack did was make the occasional not quite humming noise as he ate goldfish and mimick Dora’s “map!” a hundred times, interrupting Sam’s research.
‘John didn’t even have a computer with the internet or Encarta he had to do all his senior paper research with library books.’
“Am, am am!” Jack babbled around his fingers.
Sam did his best to ignore him and read more about solar powered lights.
“Am! Am!” Jack insisted. Sam heard him get up and stagger away from the tv toward him. Sam felt two sticky hands on his knees and jumped looking around his book. Blue eyes looked up at him expectantly from a face covered with orange cracker crumbs.
“What?” Sam huffed in irritation.
“Ora gone!” the baby guestured back to the tv looking alarmed.
“Then watch Oswald I’m busy…” Sam pulled his book back up and resumed reading.
He heard Jack’s footsteps prattle off again in the direction of the TV.
"Thirty-nine days…" Sam muttered to himself.
All was quiet for a few minutes except the noise of the overly condescending octopus on the TV.
Too quiet, there was no sound of goldfish munching or babbling Jack noises.
Sam looked up and with a jolt realized Jack's little plate of goldfish was abandoned in front of the TV.
He dropped his book back onto the couch and looked around for where the toddler could have gotten off to.
He ended up almost tripping over the toddler when he stood up.
Jack had gotten into Sam's open backpack and gotten his tiny hands on one of the smaller library books, pulling it open and leaving orange crumbs on the now rumpled pages.
He quickly pulled the book away from Jack who just giggled.
"What are you even doing," Sam sighed harassed dusting the book off and smoothing back out the pages.
"Am!" the toddler chortled.
Sam rolled his eyes sticking the book back in his bag and scooping Jack up, "okay, you know what, no more tv for you, you are just going to have to take a long nap until dad gets home."
“No!” Jack grumbled kicking at Sam's chest.
It actually kind of hurt, little kid shoes driven into his ribs without any regard for his own strength, making Sam cringe in annoyance and irritation.
"Stop it! Jeez…" Sam groaned holding him a little tighter before climbing the stairs, "do you want me to accidentally drop you?"
"Nooo!" Jack continued to complain, not listening.
Sam huffed and rolled his eyes carrying the toddler to his crib in Dean's old room.
Aside from a few scattered boxes filled with toys and diapers it still looked like Dean's room. Dean's old bed was pushed into the corner and any crap he hadn't taken when he moved out was just piled on top.
There was an orgy of evidence the room was never really meant to be a nursery, all the needed baby junk much like Jack himself just kind of shoved into their lives with little notice or time to prepare.
Almost as soon as Sam put Jack down and pulled up the side of the crib Jack was back on his feet tugging at the bars and looking at Sam like he’d just locked him in a cage.
"Nooo…" Jack cried attempting to wiggle away as Sam reached through the bars to remove his shoes.
"Yes," Sam insisted tossing the shoes in an open box and starting to walk away. Jack’s fussing just grew louder and by the time Sam was halfway down the stairs the toddler decided it was best to just start screaming.
Sam's frustration rose to a boiling point. This wasn't fair, none of this was fair. Sam had a life and college applications and finals to worry about, his dad had no right to force him to take care of problems that were his fault in the first place.
Sam huffed and trudged back upstairs.
The baby was still standing clutching the bars his face bright red and teary bottom lip sticking out.
"Why can't you just go to sleep?" Sam said exasperated pulling back down the crib bars to try and convince him to lay down.
But as soon as Sam got back near Jack he decided he no longer wanted to grab at his older brother and demand to be let out, he instead plopped down on his butt and scooted as far away from Sam as his crib would let him.
"No!" Jack pouted.
Sam rolled his eyes, "come on Jack it's nap time…"
"No! No Am!" Jack insisted kicking his blanket and glaring at Sam petulantly.
"Tell you what, one month and they’ll be no more ‘Am ever again." Sam spat frustration finally getting the better of him. "I'll leave stay with my Mom until I graduate and you'll never have to deal with mean old 'Am' ever again, how about that?"
He didn't know how much Jack understood of what he said, most likely it was just his tone, but the toddler went quiet after Sam’s outburst pouting and sniffling at him.
'Thirty-nine days'
Sam repeated the mantra over and over again to cover his guilt.
April 23, 2017
Dean got an early start working in the garage, five-thirty in the morning wasn’t hard to manage when you’ve been up since three.
He enjoyed the work, on the best days the cars and trucks he had up on the lift were an interesting puzzle to solve and even on the worst days the routine monotony of replacing brake pads and rotating tires was at least soothing.
Today the prospect of rebuilding an engine block was… exhausting.
Castiel was starting a pattern of dropping bombshells before the asscrack of dawn between his two am call the day before and his text of… basically, “they’re transferring Jack because his organs are frying” this morning.
Thankfully Dean had his own patterns to fall back on, he hoped carefully reassembling an engine block required just enough concentration to keep out the unwanted thoughts that kept him from falling back to sleep.
‘Fuck, the kid just couldn’t catch a break could he?’
He hoped the doctors figured out whatever the hell was going on with Jack he really did, kids… didn’t deserve this kind of shit. But getting involved was like watching a shitty Hallmark movie about a dying cancer kid on purpose. Like a weird middle-age soccer mom trying to feel something by forcing herself to get weepy. Jack wasn’t his problem or his kid, he was Castiel’s more than anyone else’s.
And that meant Castiel for all his bitchiness had the right to call the shots with the teenager, and he made it pretty clear what he wanted from Dean and Sam.
So Dean buried himself in grease and gaskets and continued rebuilding the engine like he promised Cesar and Jesse he would.
Or at least he tried until around eight o’clock on the dot.
“You’re going to head to the hospital like that?” Sam’s voice popped up behind him, making Dean jump about a foot in the air, the hand with the wrench swinging out on instinct making Sam jump back alarmed.
Dean dropped the tool almost immediately heart still racing, “Way to sneak up on guy, say something or… call next time, I could’a clocked you...”
‘Shitty hybrids and their silent engines, he hadn’t even heard Sam pull up.’
Sam huffed a laugh still holding up his hands in false surrender, “well you didn’t answer your phone and you weren’t at the house, so I figured I’d find you’d be here.”
Dean patted down his pockets with his cleaner hand, ‘shit… he must have left his phone in his hurry to get out of the house that morning…’
“Yeah well you found me,” Dean muttered bending down to pick up the wrench and returning to bolting on the head assembly.
He felt Cesar’s old jeep shake slightly as Sam leaned against it. “So you’re going to head to the hospital in a t-shirt stained with… monkey grease?” Dean could feel his brother looking him up and down making him roll his eyes.
“Yeah well… I have a job Sammy and like I said last night I have to finish this engine today…” Dean said not looking up. “Don’t you have to get back to your job at Douchebag INC.?”
Sam was quiet for a long moment, “Well… paperwork can be done from pretty much anywhere with a computer and secure wifi.  Besides… family emergency kinda trumps finishing a job. I’m sure whoever’s Jeep this is would understand if they knew your younger brother was in the hos-…”
Dean’s head finally snapped up and he resisted the urge to slam down the lid of the Jeep, “Okay, well, maybe half-assing your job would fly in LA, but I have one job and one garage, I’m not part of a small army of suit monkeys who can throw money at whatever pisses them off me keeping my word actually matters.”
Sam blinked at him in disbelief, “First of all, I don't live in LA, second what the hell’s gotten into you today? Did a bug crawl up your ass or something?”
“What’s ‘gotten into me’,” Dean snorted, “yeah, like you would know…”
Dean could feel the indignancy rolling off Sam in waves.
“You’re my brother I’d like to think you didn’t just suddenly turn into a massive douchebag without warning, turning your back on family? This isn’t like you Dean.”
Dean actually laughed, “because you care so much about family…”
Sam had the decency to look abashed.
“Before all this stuff with Jack, aside from our yearly little shindig in the graveyard, which by the way I haven’t forgotten you lied to me about, when was the last time we talked? Christmas? Mom’s birthday? We haven’t been close since you left for college,” Dean didn’t even have to raise his voice to make Sam wince.
Sam studied the Jeep’s side mirror, “Fine whatever, What does that have to do with Jack? What the hell does that have to do with anything?”
Dean went back to ignoring him walking over to the sink to scrub the engine grime off his hands, he could practically feel Sam’s self-righteousness seething over his shoulder as he trailed behind him.
“I thought you were going to help? Whatever happened to ‘being there’ for Jack, was that all bullshit?” Sam demanded.
“Oh I’m here, I’m right here, they know where to find me if they need me,” Dean smiled over his shoulder at Sam, the grin only making it halfway up his face.
“That’s not…” Sam sighed kneading his forehead with one hand in exasperation, "so you have no intention of going with me to the hospital?"
Dean shrugged, "do you know if they want us there?"
"Castiel said Jack was still asleep when I called this morning but I asked him to ca-…" Sam trailed off at the nonplussed look on Dean's face.
“What?” Sam half spat in frustration.
“That’s not what I mean… at all…” Dean said flatly.
“Then what the hell do you mean?” Sam said exasperated, “because I’m tired of playing twenty questions and you’re acting like a twelve-year-old.”
Dean took his time drying his hands on a paper towel and lining up his shot for a basketball toss into the trash before repeating himself.
“Do. you know. If they even want us there?”
There was a long silent moment before Dean continued.
“Because it seems to me like things are getting bad with the kid, and Castiel… uptight ass that he is has other things to worry about other than strangers barging into their lives when things are already going to shit.”
Sam took a moment to let that sink in, face changing from annoyance, to anger, to shame, before settling back on denial, “we’re not strangers Dean he’s…”
Dean cut him off, “he’s what? Our brother? Since The last time I checked, not counting yesterday I’ve spent a grand total of maybe forty-eight hours with the kid and you used to spend every moment you were forced to be around him bitching and moaning about how you’d rather be anywhere else!”
Sam seemed to sway back before landing his own defense angrily, “I was a kid, and I was pissed at Dad, not Jack.”
‘Could have fooled me…’
“Yeah well, result is still the same, isn’t it?” Dean said. “You don’t know him. And I’m sure that probably makes you sad, makes you feel a little pit of woe and worry in your tummy because that’s just like you, but maybe, just maybe, now is not the time to force all that baggage on someone else.”
‘The kid is sick, it was becoming clearer and clearer now that no one knew exactly how sick, but he had to be scared, and Castiel… Castiel was showing emotions he normally kept locked securely behind about ten layers of bitch face. Emotions Dean hadn’t seen since the very first time he’d met the man, right after his sister died…’
‘It made everything in Dean want to turn away… But Sam.’
“What if this is the only time we get Dean?” Sam said quietly.
Dean’s mouth opened and closed.
“Now you’re just being overdramatic,” Dean snorted, shaking his head and pushing away the stubborn tightness in his own chest.
Sam didn’t drop it, “Fine, let’s say you’re right, lets say Jack is fine, he recovers from whatever terrible bullshit he’s going through right now and he and Castiel go back to their lives in Indiana without a hitch. Then what? He thinks we didn’t even try to be there for him? Yet again?”
“Maybe what he thinks about you isn’t what matters right now,” Dean said simply, “he has Castiel, what makes you think he wants or needs either one of us. Because from where I’m standing, it seems like this isn’t about Jack, this is about you needing to play the hero and needing to make up for the past because you feel bad.”
Sam’s eyes narrowed and flashed before he huffed a petulant laugh, “Maybe you were right about us before, because you certainly don’t know me anymore if you honestly think that’s how I feel...”
Dean tasted bitterness on the back of his tongue, he swallowed and crossed his arms, “You know what, do whatever you think is right, you’re a grown man Sam that’s your prerogative… You know where I’ll be, right here, minding my own damn business…”
Sam shook his head, “Is that what you think you’re doing? Really Dean?”
Dean shrugged, “You see that’s the great thing about having already explained myself, I’ve already explained myself…”
Dean turned back on the tap of the work sink and began scrubbing the grime from under his fingernails, after a few more minutes, Sam left without another word.
Jack hadn’t woken back up since doctor Hannah administered the sedative in the night, Castiel figured it might be better that way, he still didn’t know what he would tell Jack when he did wake up.
Jack at least sounded peaceful while he slept, his breathing was easier, and there were no uneasy hisses of pain.
‘One glance over would show the tube still snaking across Jack’s face and the bruise turning a darker purple as it oxidized.”
The doctor told Castiel Jack was stable. Whatever had been sending the teenager’s body into a nosedive the last few days at least wasn’t any closer to shutting down his organs, at least… not for now…
‘It felt like they were just waiting around for the next thing to go wrong with no answers or solutions for what had already gone wrong in sight.’
‘At this rate...’
Castiel closed his eyes and sighed, pushing away the thought before the implications could scrub him raw..
The doctors were doing their best. They seemed to be drawing enough blood to supply a small red cross branch, and they kept coming it with more and more paperwork, tests they wanted to run, transfer orders, insurance questions.
Castiel tried to keep track of everything the doctors were saying and doing to Jack, what they were testing for what the results were. But things were quickly stretching above and beyond what he’d learned from his stint in nursing school.
That didn’t mean Cas wasn’t trying everything he could. He had run through every cough, nosebleed, and bruised knee he could remember in the last sixteen years of Jack’s life, hell he’d even been through everything he’d remembered from his sister’s childhood that he thought might be remotely relevant.
‘These things take time…’
But it felt like nothing the doctors were doing had a straightforward point or purpose, at least… not that he could see. It felt like they were still grasping at straws, rapidly running through and running out of obvious causes, ready to pass Jack off to other doctors in hopes they could do better.
Somehow the closer they got to noon and Jack’s transfer to Kansas University hospital the worse Cas felt. Even if the other hospital had better resources and going there was best for Jack part of him still didn’t want to accept that things had already gone far enough for that to be necessary.
‘He just wanted Jack to be okay…’
“Mr. Kline?” a cautious voice called him from his thoughts, doctor Hannah stood on the far side of the bed. Castiel hadn’t even heard the door open.
“We’re getting ready to move Jack,” she said gently.
Castiel blinked tiredly, “I thought we were… it’s only…” he fumbled for his phone.
Eleven Thirty-eight blinked back at him and he sighed rubbing at his face, “right… sorry, do I… do I need to sign anything else?”
She smiled kindly pulling the stethoscope from around her neck, “No, I just have to check on him and give the final okay for him to be moved.
‘That confirmed about five things at once.’
“So… we’re going through with it? There haven’t been signs of improvement?”
“The last blood tests we got back where the ones we took last night and they’re… unchanged,” she said carefully, listening to Jack’s heartbeat and breathing through the stethoscope her expression carefully schooled calm, “the ones from this morning won’t be back until late afternoon.
Castiel nodded understanding, mostly, “but you still don’t know what’s going on?”
She sighed looping the stethoscope back around her neck, “the university hospital has many more specialists and specialized care we can’t provide here.” She made sure to meet his eyes looking earnest before continuing “I did my residency there myself and I truly think they’ll have a better time making sense of what’s going on.”
‘Before things can get any worse…’
Castiel just nodded again and she moved on in her examination. When she reached to wrap the blood pressure cuff around Jack’s arm he twitched, face screwing up as he pulled away slightly.
“Jack?” Castiel called cautiously, not sure what kind of state the boy would wake up in. It took a minute, but Jack gradually woke up, eyes scrunching up before slowly, sheepishly opening fully.
“How… how are you feeling Jack?” Castiel asked cautiously, putting a hand on his shoulder, “do you need anything?”
Jack continued to look confused clearing his throat and cautiously pushing himself up on his elbows, “I’m kind of… I’m… hungry?”
Oof sorry this chapter is about a month late it's been a nightmare of a month, a lot of really awful stuff happened in my personal life and I was sick to boot which didn't help anything. :P 
Hopefully, we will be back to regularly scheduled programming soon as I am returning back to my old writing pattern.
Please let me know what you think if you have the time :)
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tjovalboy · 5 years
lmao the first one was so good so im sending another jsjsjs cyrus helping tj come out to his parents and tj raps it and cyrus is like ?? I didnt expect you to do it that way but alright
There was a lot Cyrus didn’t know about TJ.
He never mentioned his older sister in high school, his extensive vinyl collection, and his job at a children’s gym until far into their friendship, making it seem to Cyrus like he hid things. It was secretive, like he had this whole world buzzing inside him that Cyrus couldn’t get into.
The biggest problem came when he took action. He had ideas, bad ones, that Cyrus couldn’t predict until it was too late. His poker face was solid.
However, on Saturday night, he fidgeted in fear.
They sat on the edge of TJ’s bed, Cyrus rubbing his back comfortingly.
“Breathe. Everything is going to work out fine,” he assured him.
TJ’s eyes were locked outside his window. “You can’t possibly know that.”
“Well, you don’t know it’ll be bad, either,” Cyrus argued, shifting closer.
He remained silent, lost in thought.
“What are you thinking about?”
Cyrus bit his tongue so he didn’t scream at him and decided to change the subject.  “So you remember the plan we talked about?”
He nodded simply, and Cyrus stared at him until he recited it back. “We walk downstairs and ask them to pause their movie. I say ‘Mom and Dad, I have something important I want to tell you.’ to get their attention politely. Then, I just come out to them using words from my heart.”
Cyrus was fidgety, himself. How would TJ’s mom and dad react? Would they be okay with their son, the student athlete since diapers wanting to marry a boy? All Cyrus could do was help him learn the social cues of an emotional, serious conversation and hope to goes well. He gripped TJ’s arm, forcing him to look up.
“And you’re sure they’re watching some stupid comedy movie down there they wouldn’t mind you interrupting?”
TJ chuckled, laying a hand on his shoulder.
“Yes, Cyrus, they are. Trust me, okay. I’ve practiced for hours today, and I’m not gonna mess up any part of the plan, let alone the most obvious.”
Cyrus nodded and steadied his breath, trusting him for the first time in a while. Of course he knew what he was doing, he convinced himself. He’s coming out to his parents and he was always one to get the results he wanted.
“You ready to go?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
He tiptoed down the dark, wooden stairwell behind TJ, careful not to misstep and fall. Nearing the doorway to the living room, an indiscernible conversation played out between characters as soft lights flashed from the screen. Adam Sandler, he expected.
However when the screen emerged into full view, all the breath left Cyrus’s lungs.
Fucking Schindler’s List
Before he could yank the dumbass back up to the second story, the room lit up and the screen went black. His heart broke for TJ’s mother and father, curled up together on the couch, their faces wet with Liam Neeson induced tears, while TJ stood chest puffed out in front of them ready to take more of the touching moment and crumble it under his socks.
But the biggest shard to the rib was Jefferson Middle School offering Beginning Spanish as an elective that year.
“Madre, ‘Fadre’, I have something important I want to tell you.”
He imagined TJ chucking the script they wrote together in the garbage can.
“Honey, what is it?” his mother asked through her sniffles.
Cyrus’s heart hammered in his chest and he felt himself go dizzy thinking about what the next words coming out of his mouth would be. There was too much freedom in the plan; too much wiggle room for TJ to do something stupid. His parents were frozen, waiting expectantly.
Then, TJ took a breath.
It was a small and insignificant, but Cyrus recognized it. He had the same small inhale and exhale, along with the somber look in his eyes, months prior when he and Cyrus were starting to get close. It was one of the first of many unexpected talents he revealed to him.
And now, he was going to come out to his parents that way, and there was nothing Cyrus could do to stop him.
“Kaitlyn, Jenny, Clarissa, and Jane;
All the girls you used to tease me ‘bout like Lois Lane.
Had them whip-smart, pretty faces, home after school.
Now they dating round Jefferson with boo boo the fools.
I never really subscribed, never kept up with the drama,
But I’ve been hecka hearin’ Jenny’s hecka grounded by her mama.
Kaitlin’s in some trouble, Lester says she been suspended.
And Jane and Clary both got B.F.’s driving with no license.
Nothing ‘gainst the straight girls but I know that things be different
If I’d gone to dating them, my life would turn rebellious.
Yeah, they dummy influences, but that’s really not the point.
The problem is they female, and girls just not my type.”
TJ’s parents only gave each other warm smiles, still curled up between blankets on the couch.
“Lookit, Mom and Dad,
I’m gay and ‘aint no synonym
For the gritty love I got for you from L.A., York, and Texas, even
Cheering hard at soccer games
B-ball, football, frisbee winning
Got my C-plus on the fridge before I saw the grade, myself, last season.
I’m reaching for the boys living in all of little Shady County.
Cy and I are swinging crazy, but not the way you’re thinking, really.
I know it won’t be peasy,
But it’s dudes that make me cheesy,
And I know my folks believe me,
Cause they wake up every morning loving me like all the world is easy.”
TJ regained his breath and sighed in relief, baffled at himself. Cyrus watched as Mr. and Mrs. Kippen, looking nothing but proud, ran over to their son to hold him tightly at the same time, his arms locked down by theirs.
It appeared that there was no one method to do it, after all. Cyrus laughed to himself, thinking about the absurdity of his precious plan. TJ was one of a kind, and when there was no stopping him, it was probably best anyway that he let him do his own thing.
When TJ finally broke free, he jogged over to Cyrus and, surprisingly, hugged him, too. As he let go, he hoped he didn’t see his cheeks go red.
“Sorry, I made a few minor adjustments. I hope that wasn’t too weird or unpredictable for you.”
Cyrus laughed, because it totally was. “It was perfect.”
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Same Email, Different Day ~ Soulmate AU! Spierfield
A/n: So starting Fanfiction on tumblr for the first time, hope it goes well!! Wish me luck and I’ll try my best to make it look nice.
DATE: November 12, 10:46 PM
SUBJECT: RE: Hand Pulls
So, I’m sixteen, started feeling a weird tug on my hand, it was..well weird. I had told my mom about it and she told me soulmates were the real deal. She said that her and my dad were soulmates. After that I didn’t talk to her and just searched it up online. Did you know that ‘a tug on your hand’ is a common search result for the internet? Like do you know how much people that would be? Anyways, it said that soulmates can vary from each person. Some have a red string that tugs on their hand (which I think I have), wings, tattoos, a countdown on your wrist, or you have to kiss the person to recieve a mark. How do feel about the word ‘soulmates’ Blue? I’m sorry that if I sound like a hopeless romantic, but I think it’s cute, being destined to be with someone. What do you think?
Love, Jaques
DATE: November 12, 11:00 PM
SUBJECT: RE: Hand Pulls
It’s alright Jaques, it’s totally natural to feel a tug on your hand. I feel it as well, well sometimes. It only happens when I’m at school, which probably means that I’m soulmates with someone at OUR school. Yeah it’s kinda weird, knowing you have someone out there for you but you don’t know who they are. You should really talk to your mom more often, she’s smart. And you searched something up online? Please tell me you didn’t use Wikipedia, those things are untrustworthy. The word soulmates is just a word for me. My parents were never soulmates, they just couldn’t find their significant other at the time. Dad had left because he found his soulmate, but I’m not judging. And you are a total romantic. Talking to me on gmail AND giving me compliments every now and then, a complete romantic.
Love, Blue
Simon rolls his eyes as he reads Blue’s reply. He had no idea who Blue was but still felt a familiar tug on his hand. It happened every time Simon thought of Blue, or as well know, Bram. Yeah, cute soccer boy is the quirky, romantic, poetic Blue, didn’t see that coming huh?
Well he is and Simon had no clue, which made the tugging a little more weirder. Simon types up a reply before going to bed, thinking sleep was what he needed to not think of Blue.
DATE: November 13, 12:21 AM
SUBJECT: RE: Hand Pulls
Don’t worry, I didn’t use wiki. Nevermind, yeah I did. But I asked my mom for confirmation. She was happy to hear that I wouldn’t end up alone. And I guess we’re the same, it mainly happens during school as well. I kinda hate it because it could pull me so hard that I’d almost fall to the ground. I had told everyone around who had seen that I just tripped on air. And I am not a romantic. Don’t you remember my past relationships? Running away from kissing someone isn’t really romantic.
Love, Jaques
The next morning, Simon had gotten ready the best he could. He didn’t check his laptop, or his phone. But Simon looked at the outfit he had choosen, thinking it was fine. Blue jeans, olive hoodie, and his denim jacket, so the usual. He checks the time before running off outside.
He thinks, jumping into his car. He stops by Leah’s house, honking his horn.
“I’m sorry, I missed my alarm” Simon says, looking at Leah through the open window.
“It’s okay, you got here, now let’s go pick up the two love birds” she says, getting in the passenger seat. He drives to Nick’s house, him jumping in, before leaving to Abby’s.
“So Si, hows it going?” Nick says, leaning against the passenger and driver seat. Simon had came out to Nick, Leah, and Abby after the gay club they had went to.
“Pretty good, you-know-who is still talking to me, so I’m just a ray of sunshine” he says, not really wanting to say Blue aloud. It was just so that people around them wouldn’t overhear their conversation. Most specifically Blue.
Simon didn’t want Blue to know that he thought of him as his soulmate. Just think about it, it felt like fate that we met.
“You? A ray of sunshine?” Abby asks, earning a laugh throughout the whole car. Simon parks at school, already feeling a tug on his hand. Nick and Abby were soulmates, that was for sure. They had matching tattoos on their wrists and it flowed the first time they met. Leah hadn’t found her yet, claiming she had about one more week until she’d meet hers, having a clock on her wrist.
“So I have that red string thing, and it’s someone in this school” he confesses, his arm pulling to the passenger seat window.
“Oooh I bet it’s a guy”
“But what guy?” Leah asks Abby, smiling at him.
“Cal Price?” Nick says, tilting his head to the side in thought.
“Garret Laughlin?” Leah says, biting her lip as she thinks of the soccer player.
“Bram Greenfield?” Abby wonders, the name making Simon’s brain work. Green could be something, but wasn’t that part of Blue’s email?
“Earth to Si, we’ve gotta get to class” Nick says, snapping his fingers in front of his face. Simon shakes his head before getting up from the driver seat. Leah and Abby has already left, had been needing to get to their locker. Simon started walking inside the school when he felt a tug on his hand. He falls from the force, shrieking softly.
“Nick! Help!!” Simon pleads as his arm pulls him forward. There was no explanation for it but those who were sixteen knew exactly what was going on. Nick runs after him, grabbing the hand that wasn’t being pulled and pulls him up.
“Fuck that hurt” Simon groans, shaking his hand, wanting to stop the aching coming from it. Nick laughs and shakes his head as Bram and Garret walk over to them.
“That was sick Spier, wonder who your soulmate is” Garret says, taking a quick glance to Bram. He had been tugged as well but held onto his locker so he wouldn’t be dragged.
“Do you think it was you-know-who?” Nick mumbles at Simon but it wasn’t really quiet. Bram gave Nick a confused look before looking at Simon. He looks away as quick as he looked.
“Yeah, I wonder” Simon says before taking out his phone. He hadn’t checked it this whole morning and almost screamed out in joy as he sees a email from Blue, one from this morning.
“Oh shit, Nick, cover for me” he says before running to the bathroom, strangely feeling the tug on my hand.
Simon goes in one of the stalls before reading Blue’s email.
FROM: bluegreen118@gmailcom
DATE: November 13, 6:57 AM
SUBJECT: RE: Hand Pulls
Yeah, forgot about that...you really need to not run. Hasn’t your parents told you to not run from your problems? Every time I feel the tug on my hand, I’d hold onto whatever was closest. I’m surprised I haven’t grabbed another person before. My dad, when I visited last, told me that his friend used to do that and then next thing you know he grabbed my dad and pulled him all the way to the girl locker room where my dad’s friends soulmate was, it was hilarious when he told me. You know, sometimes, I wish you’d be my soulmate, since you already know more about me than anybody else.
Love, Blue
Simon’s heart beat grew fast as he read the email. Blue had felt the same. His smile grows as he types a reply.
DATE: November 13, 8:34 AM
SUBJECT: RE: Hand Pulls
That is quite the story. My mom and dad met when they saw each other’s wings. So, nothing special. My sister, she met her soulmate in collage with the clock on her wrist. They bumped into each other and spilled coffee on each other. They thought their clocks short circuited but it ended up then being soulmates. I wouldn’t mind if you were my soulmate to be honest. But I was wondering if you’d like to meet up?
Love, Jaques
Simon reread his email over and her again before hitting send. He puts his phone in his pocket before running to his and Nick’s class.
“So how was the words from the principal?” The teacher asked and he nods his head.
“It was good” he says, smiling softly before sitting down on his seat. Simon knew that time would fly so slow as he waits for another email and the day to end.
*time skip*
Bram breathed out as he sat on the lunch table during lunch. He had seen the email that Jaques had sent and was thinking about it the rest of the day. Did he want to meet him? Of course he did! Was Bram ready to meet the anonymous person he’s Ben talking to? Yes, yes he was. And after all of these thoughts, he decided to write a reply.
DATE: November 13, 12:38 PM
SUBJECT: RE: Carnival?
Your sister really is an amazing person. And to be completely serious, I’d love to meet you. There’s a carnival opening tomorrow. Are you able to come? I’d really really like to meet you
Love, Blue
Bram nervously looks at Simon, seeing his face light up when he gets a notification from his phone. Yeah, he knew. Simon talked the way he wrote. Bram thought it was cute, like his hair. Simon’s glasses, his personality, go he was the most cutest boy that Bram knew. He just made him shy and he never talked to him that much.
DATE: November 13, 12:40 PM
SUBJECT: RE: Carnival?
Yeah, it’s a wonder she’s my sister, I’m not like that at all. I’m free tomorrow and think the carnival would be a good idea. How will I know it you?
Love, Jaques
DATE: November 13, 12:43 PM
SUBJECT: RE: Carnival?
I bet you are an amazing person in real life Jaq. You’ll find me with a tug on your wrists. And if not, I’ll mind you.
Love, Blue
Simon’s heart raced fast as he looked at the email. Nick nudges his shoulder, have been reading over his shoulder and scaring Simon.
“Jesus Christ Nick, don’t do that” he says, almost instantly pulling the phone to his chest. He glares at Nick, earning a chuckle for the soccer player.
“I couldn’t help it, I just wanted to see what you and you-know-who were talking about. Oh and me, Abby, and Leah are going” Nick nods, as another (cute) soccer player was watching.
“Alright, I’ll give you guys a ride” Simon says, pocketing his phone. Oh how he wasn’t expecting the next day.
*time skip brought to you by Abby changing from Cleopatra to Wonder Woman*
“You looking for someone Si?” Abby asks, tilting her head to the side to look at Simon, who was sitting on the curb, facing the carnival.
“Yeah, wait how’d you know?” He asks, looking up at her, Nick’s arm wrapped around her shoulders. Leah had walked away with Anna and Morgan, going to the carousel.
“Your eyes are looking around, hope you find them” she says before walking away, leaving Simon to his thoughts. It was already 8:30, since the carnival was to close in a few minutes, he decided to go on the tilt-a-whirl. Using up his last ticket, he gets in a capsule. The tilt-a-whirl were round capsules with a wheel in the middle for you to spin yourself fast.
“Can I sit here?” Simon hears a familiar voice and looks up, seeing cute calf, Bram Greenfield.
“Yeah, go ahead” he says, smiling at him, scooting over so Bram could sit down. They put on their seatbelts before Simon starts to stare at Bram, realizing what was going on.
“Blue?” Bram perks up at Simon’s voice, looking up from his intent stare at the wheel in the middle.
“Hey Jaques, or should I say Simon?”
“You knew?”
“Well of course I did, you talk the way you write” Bram says, shrugging his shoulders.
“Oh” and thats when the ride started. Bram almost instantly grabs onto the bar, his knuckles turning white from how tight he was holding on. Simon, remembering the email of his nauseousness, holds onto the wheel, trying to make the capsule not spin. But it just kept spinning, as if it was programmed to. But little did the two know, the ride wasn’t the only thing spinning.
Simon’s head was spinning, have been thinking about Bram being Blue. Bram’s stomach was doing somersaults as he thinks of Simon knowing he was Blue.
Everything was okay, as it had always been between the two. One soccer player and one Dit.
And after one hand pull, they knew.
They were meant to be together.
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Part Two of the Four Horsemen Collab! 
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(gif credit dutsyharrington)
Summary: Reader struggles balancing her home life and school.
Welcome to the Four Horsemen collab fic! Each of us will be writing and posting parts of this story, but you never know who is going to post the next part, so keep your eyes peeled on all of our blogs!
Dot: @stevesdacre
Emma: @hairringtonsteve
Lidi: @letmeletmetrashyourlove
Rachael: @dacrethehalls
PART TWO (This one!!) 
“Like I said, no worries.” He grinned at me. “So how was your lunch?” 
        “It was fine.” I lied, adjusting the papers in my arms and rifling through the pile to find my schedule.
He must’ve noticed my shaking hands as he placed his hand on top of mine,
        “Hey. Slow down.” He murmured, his voice smooth and even.
        “Sorry,” I breathed, “I just am still trying to figure out my schedule and where all my classes are and I don’t know which room I should go to for this class because it says the teacher’s classroom is number 137 but it says to go to the courtyard so I don’t know if I go to the courtyard or the classroom because I went to the courtyard and nobody was there so I left but now I can’t find the class-” I blabbered, my mind running a thousand miles per minute.
        “What did I say about slowing down?” He cut off.
        “I was lost when I got here too, stop apologizing.” He reassured.
He raised his eyebrows at me,
        “Shit. Sorr- Dammit.” I sputtered, feeling a burning blush rise up on my cheeks.
        “Anyway. It’s Mrs. Danver’s English class. She’s some old hippie, so if it’s nice out, they hold it in the courtyard, but since it’s winter they’re having it in her classroom. Two doors down,” He directed, pointing over his shoulder.
        “Thanks.” I sighed, “Sorry for running into you. Shit. Dammit. Fuck.” I stammered, shaking my head. Stop saying sorry. Stop talking. Just stop talking and walk down the hall. Don’t embarrass yourself any more.
Billy let out a soft chuckle,
        “No problem, doll.”
I scurried down the hall and into the classroom. The teacher gave her “Please make our new student feel welcome” speech before allowing me to introduce myself.
        “Hi. I’m Y/N. I’m from California.” I recited, all but sprinting to an empty seat before the teacher could say another word. I sat down beside a floppy-haired boy,
        “Hey, I’m Steve. Welcome to Hawkins.” He greeted, showing me a lopsided grin.
        “Oh, yeah. You bought my lunch earlier… Thanks again, by the way.”  I whispered, tucking my hair behind my ear and pulling out my notebook.
I struggled to focus on the board and what the teacher was writing, but at this point in the day, I was thoroughly drained. Emotionally and physically. The pit in my stomach from the night before never really left and the stress of uprooting my life was catching up with me after several weeks of trying to force it down.
Murmurings of my name from beside me pulled me from my trance,
        “Huh?” I questioned, looking over at the brown haired, brown eyed boy.
        “I said you should come to the basketball game tonight. Make some new friends.  Pretty much the whole school comes.” Steve suggested.
        “Oh, I don’t know. I might have to watch Matty tonight…”
        “Oh. Sorry.” I shook my head, “My little brother. He’s six.”
        “Bring him along! He’ll love it.” Steve smiled.
        “He’s not much of a sports kid,” I smirked to myself, recalling the last time he tried to play soccer, he wept when the kid from the other team took the ball away from him. He was far too sensitive for his own good.
        “Come on, it’s at 6:30. You should come!”
        “I’ll think about it.”
The final bell rang and I darted out of the building, for once embracing the winter breeze through my hair. I breathed in the frosty air, filling my lungs a few times as I tried to calm myself. I continued up the sidewalk.
When I arrived home, Matty was sitting on the front porch shivering. His arms were wrapped around himself in an attempt to maintain whatever body heat he had left.
        “Matty!” I hollered, rushing over to him.
        “D-d-d-doors locked.” He chattered through cold lips.
I let out a groan, digging into my backpack for my keys. The car wasn’t in the driveway, telling me that mom wasn’t home. Her new job didn’t start for another week, god knows where she had run off to. I pulled the boy to his feet and ushered him inside.  
        “Go take a hot shower,” I instructed.
He stripped off his layers, running into the bathroom on cold, stiff legs. I let out a sigh, hanging his damp hat and gloves above the radiator to dry out. I remained by it for a few moments, rubbing my chilled hands together before digging into my backpack.
I pulled out my biology ‘notes’. And by notes, I mean the few sentences I had managed to scribble about how… the human body reacts to bacteria? I think? To be honest, I could hardly read my own handwriting.
Thankfully, we had already gone over it at my old high school so I dug out my old notes and began my homework.  
Matty returned from the shower a few moments later, his skin flushed from the warm water. 
        “Better?” I asked.
        “Mhm.” He hummed, making a beeline to the pantry and digging out a bag of goldfish. He crammed his face full of the crackers, leaving crumbs all over the counter.
        “Hey. Slow down, piggy.” I teased.
        “The cold makes me hungry!” He declared through a mouthful.
        “You have any homework, kiddo?”
He nodded, running to his backpack and pulling out a red folder. He dug out three pieces of paper, one on math, one on spelling, and one that was an ‘about me’ page.
I sighed as I looked at the papers, missing the good old days where I only had to do basic addition and know how to spell four letter words. 
I grinned at him as I watched the gears turn in his head, holding up his fingers as he added up numbers. His face would light up as he realized what the answer was.  
I continued to work on my own homework until I felt him tug on my sleeve. I glanced over at him to see him staring at his about me page in confusion.
        “Need help, bud?”
        “How do you spell giraffe?” He questioned, pointing to the line on his page that asked what his favorite animal was. 
“G-I-R-A-F-F-E.” I spelled out. 
He scribbled it down on his paper before glancing back up at me.
        “What about this part? Should I write down daddy?” 
The question was who he lived with. He wrote down Mommy, Sissy, and Gizmo (his imaginary friend). 
There was still no word of if dad was going to join us in Hawkins. My bets were on no, but Matty didn’t need to hear that, not on his first day at a new school.
        “Yeah. Go ahead.”
After a few more moments of silence, he sprang up from his stool and put his homework back in his bag.
        “Can I watch some cartoons now!?” He begged, holding his hands in front of him in a praying position.
        “Go ahead, munchkin,” I responded.
He grinned widely before taking off into the living room.
The front door opened, revealing mom standing there with a couple of paper bags. From the shape of them, I could tell they held bottles of liquor. Her eyes had faded from their bright red color this morning and instead, her exhaustion appeared in the bags under her eyes. 
        “Hey, mama.” I greeted, offering her a pitiful smile.
        “Hi.” She murmured, setting the bottles down on the counter.
She silently reached for a glass from the cabinet, pouring herself an entirely too large glass of whiskey. Straight whiskey.
        “Uh. Mom, you might want to take it easy.” I suggested eyebrows cocked as she downed the glass in a few brief seconds.
        “Mm fine.” She hummed, pouring herself more.
        “Mom,” I warned, dismay written all over my face as she filled up another glass and didn’t bother to mix it with anything. I hadn’t seen her this bad in a long time. I wondered if the call she had gotten last night was confirmation that dad wasn’t coming to Indiana after all. I decided not to press her on the subject, the discussion not being one that should be had unless she was sober.
        “Mommy!” Matty screeched as he came flying in from the living room, his socked feet slipping on the dingy linoleum floor. He threw his arms around her middle, nearly knocking her off her feet.
        “Hey, baby. How was school?” She inquired.
        “Good! I met this really cool boy named Arthur! He likes Scooby Doo just like me!”
        “That’s great, buddy.” Mom offered a feeble smile, pressing a kiss to the top of his head.
She and I had come to an unspoken agreement that we wouldn’t let Matty know what was going on with dad. To be completely honest, neither of us really knew what was going on with him either.
So we put on a brave face for Matty, he didn’t need to know the real reason that dad wasn’t here yet. Or that he might not ever show up. It was hard enough for the boy to be ripped away from his friends in California. The only home he’s ever known.
When mom found out that dad was cheating, she gave him a choice. She said that we’re moving out to Indiana for a fresh start, and he could either come with us or stay with the other woman, rip our family apart.
It had been months since this threat, and dad showed no signs of turning up in Hawkins anytime soon. He only called once a week, and only to talk to Matty. He kept telling him that he was gonna be here soon, but I just wished he would rip off the band-aid. Neither mom nor I could stand to do it. She didn’t want to accept that dad had made his choice and I couldn’t bear to be the one to break the news to Matty.
So mom started to drink every night, numb the pain and deny that dad was really gone. I recognized her struggle, but sometimes I just wanted to scream at her. Tell her that he was gone and she needed to pull herself together for Matty’s sake. He doesn’t need to see his mom getting drunk every night, hear her sobbing at two am, puking the whole morning from a hangover.
As the bottle of whiskey dwindled, so did mom’s capacity to pretend to be sober. She staggered into her bedroom before it was even five o’clock. I exhaled, calling it a night for my homework and tucking it back into my bag. I wandered into the living room where Matty sat on the couch watching cartoons. I sat down beside him, letting out a sigh as I watched the brightly colored characters go about their shenanigans.
        “Is mama okay?” He asked, looking up at me with apprehension.
        “Yeah, buddy. She’s just got a tummy ache.” I lied, ruffling his hair.
I glanced at the clock, rethinking Steve’s suggestion to go to the basketball game. It would do Matty some good to get out of the house, get him away from mom for a little while.
        “Hey, bud?”
He glanced up at me,
        “Wanna go to a basketball game with me?”
        “Basketball? You like basketball?” He asked, confusion all over his face.
        “No… I mean… I guess. A couple of my new friends play on the team.”
        “Oh…” He paused, looking back over to the TV as he evaluated his options. Stay home and watch TV or go out…
        “I’ll buy you whatever candy you want from the concession stand.” I bribed.
        “Hmm. Okay!” He exclaimed, surging to his feet and dashing to the door to slip on his tennis shoes.
         “Alright, kid. Pick your poison.” I instructed, picking up Matty so he could see over the counter. He placed his hand on his chin, deliberating his options for candy.
        “Can I get two?” He asked.
        “You can get one.”  
He pouted for a moment before deciding on Skittles. I paid the girl behind the counter before letting the boy slide off my hip and onto the floor. I clutched his hand as we entered the gym.
The team was already on the court warming up. I realized that Billy was also on the basketball team, running up and down the court with Steve.
        “Hey, are you Y/N?” A girl with rosy cheeks and dark hair asked as she bounded over to Matty and I.
        “Uh yeah… Hi…” I greeted.
        “Hey! I’m Nancy! Steve said you’d be coming and that I should keep an eye out for you.” She introduced, “Come on, I saved you a seat.”
        “Oh. That was nice of you.” I smiled.
Matty’s grip tightened on my hand as Nancy led us over to her second-row seat. In the front row were a bunch of kids, maybe in their early teens. Beside Nancy was a boy with sandy brown hair and an expression on his face that told me he’d rather be anywhere else.
        “This is Jonathan.” Nancy told me, “This is my little brother Mike. These are his friends, Dustin, Max, Lucas, and Will.” Each of the kids turned to wave at me.
I tried to keep their names straight in my head, but I knew I would likely forget by the end of the night,
        “I’m Y/N. This is my little brother, Matty. We just moved here from California.”
        “Max is from California!” Lucas beamed, nudging the red-headed girl on the shoulder.
        “What part of California?” I asked.
        “San Diego.”
A lightbulb went off in my head, recalling that Billy mentioned he was from San Diego.
        “Do you have an older brother?” I asked.
        “Yeah.” She replied.
The rest of the kids rolled their eyes and scoffed.
        “Billy,” Lucas growled.
         “The mullet headed prick.” Mike spat.
The game went by pretty quickly, although Billy had fouled out by the end of the second quarter. Hawkins got their ass beat, considering he was the only one making any baskets before he eblowed a kid in the face and nearly broke is nose. 
        “Thanks for letting us sit with you guys.” I smiled to Nancy, Jonathan, and the kids just as Matty pulled on my arm. I leaned over to listen to him as he cupped his hands around his mouth and leaned against my ear. 
        “I gotta go potty.” He whispered.
        “Okay, let’s go find the potty,” I murmured back, taking his hand and leading him out of the gym.
I waited outside the boy’s room, leaning my back against the wall. A figure appeared beside me, resting his hand on the wall behind me. I glanced up to see Billy smirking at me.
        “Enjoy the game?” He questioned, resting his hand on my upper arm and essentially trapping me against the wall.
        “I did… But I think you were playing football instead of basketball.”
        “Oh come on, those guys were totally faking it.” He chortled, passing his tongue over his bottom lip as he grinned down at me
        “Even the one with the nosebleed?” I rebutted.
Billy let another laugh, glancing over his shoulder as the rest of the team exited the locker room. Steve and I met eyes momentarily and the smile on his face dropped as he approached us.
        “Hey, is he bothering you?” Steve asked, looking between Billy and I.
        “If anything, Harrington, I would say you’re bothering us,” Billy countered.
        “I wasn’t talking to you, shit brains.” Steve snapped, stepping in closer to Billy and holding up an accusing finger to him.
        “No. He’s not bothering me.” I piped up, not wanting to be caught in the middle of whatever… this… was.
        “Are you sure?” Steve pressed.
        “You heard the lady, buzz off.”
Steve gave us another look up and down before heading off to talk with the group of kids that was sitting across from us.
        “What was that about?” I asked.
        “Nothing. Harrington… he’s… he’s just got a jealousy problem is all.”
        “Of you? What’s he got to be jealous of?” I teased, feeling an odd twinge of confidence hit me.
He started to reply when I heard Matty’s little voice from behind me. I stepped away from Billy to take Matty’s hand. He hid behind me as he stared up at Billy.
        “This is my brother.” I introduced.
        “Hey, little man. I’m Billy.” He greeted.
        “Hi.” Matty murmured, peering out from behind my legs.  
        “Don’t be shy, bud.” I encouraged.
        “What’s your name?” Billy kneeled down on Matty’s level.
        “Matty.” He replied.
          “Nice to meet you, Matty.” Billy smiled, holding his hand out for Matty to shake.
He cautiously put his small hand in Billy’s larger one. He gripped my brother’s hand in both of his, giving him a gentle shake.
        “You have fun tonight?”
Matty nodded,
        “It was awesome because Y/N bought me Skittles!” He perked up, gradually drifting out from behind me.
        “Skittles!? That is awesome!” Billy exclaimed.
I glanced up to notice every person left in the hallway was gawking at us. They all quickly looked away when they noticed I was observing them. Soft murmurs started as they went back to their conversations, but their eyes still darted from their friends back over to us.
Billy and Matty continued their discussion, but all I could focus on was the chattering.  What was it about Billy that made heads turn? Sure, he’s hot as hell. That can’t be denied, but there was something else.
Something that made Mike call him a prick. Something that made Steve ask if he was bothering me. Something that made the thundering hallway go silent when Billy approached Matty. And I couldn’t even begin to guess what it was.
        “Alright, kiddo. We better get home.” I sighed, shoving Matty’s hat on over his disheveled hair.
We both waved goodbye to Billy before starting our trek through the cold and to the car. I opened the door to the back seat, helping Matty strap in before closing the door and rounding the car to the driver’s side.
        “Hey, can I talk to you for a sec?” Steve asked, his breath turning to fog in the cold air.
        “Yeah, sure,” I replied, wrapping my scarf tighter against my face as the frigid breeze nipped at my skin.
        “Just… uh… Watch out for Billy, okay?” He murmured, resting his gloved hand on my upper arm.
        “What do you mean?” I questioned, tilting my head.
The honking of a car horn interrupted our conversation. Steve whirled around to look behind him. 
        “I’m coming, shitheads! Calm down!” He hollered at what I assume was his car. It was full of the kids I sat with during the game
        “He’s… He’s trouble, okay? And I… I just don’t want you getting hurt… finding that out the hard way.”
        “I think I can handle myself, Harrington.” I retorted, crossing my arms.
        “I know… I’m not saying you can’t.” He smirked, “But… Just… Be careful, okay?”
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nickrbockr · 6 years
Simon Vs Fan Fic: Chapter 4 - Trust your Gut
I landed early and Leah was there to pick my tired butt up from the trip (I can never sleep on planes). I told her it had to happen in Shady Creek and she was on board with it and that made me feel better. Our first day back was filled with catching up in between first day boring syllabus reviews in classes.
Freshman are forced to live on campus their first year and I had an interesting, but forgettable roommate. I have friends in the theatre department here, but starting sophomore year, Leah and I lived together in a nice (and affordable) apartment. Mom and Dad helped us with the rent, Dad being happy that it was the last year he had to pay. People kept telling us we were crazy to live with a friend, but since we’ve been friends for so long and Leah is…well Leah, who always spoke her mind, we never had any issues.
Luckily for both of us, we are great cooks at exceedingly different aspects. I am a stovetop master and handle dinners and savory breakfasts and Leah is a baking champion and handles sweet breakfasts and lunches. Yin-Yang of food: I wake up to waffles and Leah comes home to stir-fry. It’s a match made in love handles.
Ever since my best friend in the department caught on, Ian would come over from time to time to eat both breakfast and dinner, and we swore lunch because our peanut butter would mysteriously be consumed at a fast rate. Ian’s a diamond in the rough in the sense that is he one of the only straight men in the theatre department. This makes him a perfect ladies man because everyone assumes he’s gay when we go out together, girls talk to us, I tell him ‘Oh, my boyfriend’s calling me,’ and that opens the conversation to his heterosexuality and he leaves me with a wink and a finger gun.  I’d give it the ‘ol Leah exhale if Ian and I hadn’t perfected it so much.
Outside of that aspect of Ian, he’s a great actor and has, on the hateful occasions, defended me against some drunk country boys at the city bars. Leah calls me his ward and Bram found it too funny. It’s not that funny, but Ian is a guy I know I’ll be friends with for the rest of my life.
“Aaaaaaaaayooooooooo Si-Si,” Ian yelled as he busted in the door and bear hugged me.
“Ugh, I regret it giving him a key already,” Leah said, not standing from the dinner table.
“What’s on the menu tonight?”
“Chicken BLT with pesto mayo and rice.”
Ian glanced over at Leah, “The TA checks musta kicked in with a two course meal, Le Burke.”
Leah and I both paid equally for the food, but Leah was the one who did the shopping. Because she loved it. Also, she actually doesn’t mind Ian’s nickname for her because he gives it a French pronunciation. Also, and she’ll never admit this because it’s against everything she believes, but she maaaaaay have a slight crush on him.
“It’s our last year Ian, may as well live it up, right?”
We all ate and caught up from the summer. Leah regaled us of her TA duties by day, and wine-infused studying by summer night, I bragged about Bram & I’s historic Splash Pad attendance since Bram saw my minute abs I formed junior year and wanted to show me off, and Ian explained his summer back in South Dakota camping every weekend with his high school buddies.
“Dude, have you ever seen the stars without light pollution?” Ian asked, in a serious tone.
“Yes, Ian, Si and I have the capability of turning our head up.” Leah said sarcastically.
“Yeah, but when you did, were you within or outside of the yellow light of the city.”
“Come on, Ian, Midwest dudes aren’t the only dudes who can see stars,” I validate. It reminded me of when Bram and I took a trip this summer with Nick & Abby to an AirBnB beach house. All days were spent as a group, but once the sun finally set, it was hard to not sneak into our bedrooms at opposite ends of the house and do what couples do. I try not to tell Leah about too much as she gets mad FOMO (fear of missing out).
“Okay, so you know what that looks like when the sky comes to life and you see the billions of other starts that you normally can’t see and all it took was unplugging and going out on your adventure.”
“But you don’t need just to see stars to feel that way, Ian,” Leah claims.
“Okay Le Burke, fine, but we all have that place we can go that makes us emotionally unpack, and not in the lets talk about our feelings way, but in the I feel less pressure from society and what it expects of me way. Where’s that for you?” Ian points at her.
“My bedroom.” Leah states.
“Your bedroom? Really?”
“Yeah, what’s wrong with that?”
“I dunno, seems trapped to me.” Ian answers, helping himself to the last BLT.
“You’re an extrovert, I’m an introvert, I don’t see a cramped room, I see a space in the entire universe that is built specifically for me and my liking and it relaxes me!”
Ian took a big bite and replied with a mouth full, “You know what, you got a point Le Burke.”
“Enough time around me, you’ll find I always know what I’m talking about.”
“What about you, Simon?” Ian asked.
I hadn’t been listening the conversation. When Ian asked about the place where we can emotionally unpack, all I could think about was that night on the Ferris wheel with soft eyes Bram Greenfeld in his strong arms next to his soccer calves. Though many people were around us, that little carriage built for two felt the most weight lifting experience.
“Si? Earth-to-Si,” Leah said in a robot voice.
“The ring,” I start. “Would it be tacky to get a ring that looks like a ferris wheel?”
“I didn’t take you for the man jewelry type, Si” Ian laughed, taking another bite that was probably a bit too big.
“A ferris wheel would just look like a merry-go-round on its side and I don’t think that’s cute.” Leah replied. “Besides, it would be a statement engagement ring and Bram isn’t really a statement jewelry person.”
“Engagement ring?” Ian muffled out of his mouth. “Are you proposing to Bram?”
“Oh, shit. Yes, Ian, I’m proposing to Bram in January.”
Ian spit out the food onto his plate to the lament of Leah and powered over to me to give me another bear hug.
“Fuck yeah Si! That’s so fuckin’ cool congratulations!”
Ian is obsessed with Bram. On the occasions Bram visited me up here, Ian steals him away so they can talk about soccer. Bram loves it because it’s hard to talk soccer in Baltimore, so I usually have to peel Ian off of Bram. Ian always asks Bram jokingly if he has a sister and Bram always lets him know she’s only five.
He finally let me go and went back to his spit out food and put it back in his mouth to finish.
“Are you fucking serious Ian?!” Leah screamed.
“I don’t want to waste food on such a beautiful evening. We have to celebrate.”
Celebrating turned into shots and beers and the rest of the night we spent talking about the show line up for our senior year and which roles we’d want verses the one we may be assigned. Leah explained her classes and we got into brief sociology based debates. Around one A.M., Ian was asleep on the couch and Leah and I were in my room, head to head, just like in high school.
“So I was thinking and you’re right, I think the ferris wheel ring maybe too much.”
“Maybe a little.” Leah replied in a slight slur. “It could have been worse, you could have suggested an Oreo ring.”
She’s right, unfortunately. We both laughed a drunken laugh.
“Know of any cool ring shops in New Haven?” I ask. “I wanna start looking.”
“Si, don’t rush this. Let the ring find you. The one ring-”
“TO RULE THEM ALL!” We both finish.
“When I brought it up to Dad, he just said ‘do you trust me’ and so I don’t know if he’s helping me or not.” I explain.
“Maybe trust your Dad. You’ll be proposing in Shady C anyway, take a chance on your Jack Spier.”
We both chuckle and talk a few more minutes until Leah goes to bed and I’m left staring at my ceiling. I grabbed my laptop and began some drunken Google searching for engagement ring ideas and of course they’re all the most un-Bram like options.
But…like what could I get Bram that will scream us, but at the same time be elegant and show how much I love him? I am leaning towards no stone…I think Bram and I are simple folk with simple tastes. Bram tastes like…no, focus, get my hand out of my pants.
Should I put the ring in a sleeve of Oreos and have him open it? I mean, it know how tacky it sounds because it’s so tacky, but would Bram like how tacky it is and just think it’s cute? Where is the tipping point!?
Bram I hope you had a good first day! I’m assuming Ian’s passed out already? ;)
And just like that, my ring anxiety began to dissolve.
                                                                                               I did and he is!                                                             For a bro, he’s not much of a drinker
. .. … If you talk about soccer, he’ll drink you under the table. He runs on pure adrenaline when you bring up Argentina.
                                                           You know I tried, and it didn’t work                             I think I’m missing the Bram-factor in my conversation
. .. … I’m missing the Simon-Spier.
                                                           Strange, I thought you had my heart                                         Be sure you don’t lose it, it’s the only one I have
. .. … I keep it in the space mine was because you seem have taken mine.
                                                                                                                 <3              Above is evidence I have yours, show me mine so I know it’s safe
. .. … <3 It isn’t going anywhere. Oh, also, I almost forgot. Mom is going to be in New Haven guest lecturing for the...ugh, Women Sexual Studies Class.
Holy shit, this is perfect. I was going to call her but this is a thousand times better. In person, somehow, seems easier because I can see her reactions. Bram’s Mom and I get along great…I think. She allows me to call her by her first name, Tracy, so that’s a start. I just don’t think we’ve ever really had a chance to talk about anything but Bram, so our relationship is just a little one-note, but think we’re both okay talking about Bram that much.
                        Even after four years, Ms Every Time Including Oral strikes again!                                               That’s great, I’ll call her tomorrow to get the details.                                                                                                 I’ll make her dinner.                                             Remind me, her favorite dish is baked salmon right?
. .. … Yes. Simon, you’re too kind. You don’t even like salmon.
                                                                                               Yeah, but I love you.
. .. … <<33 That’s your big heart, still with me. I love you more.
I fall asleep and wake up to my alarm and more textual love from Bram. I roll out of bed, shower, and get Ian’s ass up for class. Leah already had an egg bake on the table with a note that said ‘Warm me for a minute in the microwave nerds.’ Ian stuffs an extra large portion in his mouth and straps on his bag. I pull us out the door and we jump into Ian’s beat-up Buick to Acting IV.
At lunch I call Tracy and she let’s me know she’ll be here Thursday night for a full day of lectures on Friday. She sounded excited to be asked to lecture and hopefully a good mood enough to hear me wanting to marry her son.
Tuesday comes and goes (for dinner it was just Leah and me and I made us homemade pizza with a cauliflower crust and actually. Actually it wasn’t half bad. Normal crust is always better, but it wasn’t bad).
Wednesday night Leah and I are in the library, me searching for monologues and she posting up to help the Intro to Sociology class students write a big surprise essay assigned by a notoriously hard professor.
“I hope the sociology professors see the irony in making me slave away helping their students cause they’re too lazy.” Leah scoffs, chewing a big piece of pink bubblegum.
“Isn’t that the gig of a Teacher’s Assistant?” I’m burning through stacks of books I stole from the shelves and have a few to photocopy of already earmarked monologues from actor’s past.
“Be on the right side of history, Simon. I’m supposed to assist the teacher, not the student. I got the salmon, by the way, I pulled it from the freezer this morning.”
I gave her a puppy dog smile and head tilt. “This is why you’re the Queen.”
“Damn straight. Know what you’re going to say?”
“No,” I reply. “But I’ve landed the best people in my life by going in without a plan…pretty much my entire life is that.”
“I’m not here to be your English professor, Google how to set up a works cited page!” Leah shouts at a baby freshman. He runs off and frantically types away at his laptop. “Trust your gut, Si, trust your gut. All of it except the part that thought a ferris wheel ring, though, throw that part in the trash.”
I scanned copies of the chosen monologues to work on and we went home. Abby and Nick Skyped us and we all caught up since leaving each other this summer. We planned trips and talked about classes and how Abby and Nick saw Benedict Cumberbatch walking in New York. I fell asleep that night as a usually do, texting Bram, and woke up Thursday morning to cook Leah and I omelets. The rest of the day flew by because before I knew it I was back at home prepping dinner.
I tidied up the apartment as Leah left to study at the library again. She was worried the students would still be there and ask her for helps so she, honest to God, wore a wig to throw them off. I chuckled as she sashayed out the door. Even though I don’t like to eat salmon, I’m a natural when it comes to cooking it and I had all the food ready as soon as Tracy knocked at the door. We hugged and exchanged kisses on the cheek as she presented a bottle of red wine. Then she flew past me into the kitchen and she checked the salmon.
After a deep inhale, she smiled. “Simon, I must say you know how to season.”
“Practice makes perfect, Tracy.”
We made small talk about her trip up here, which evolved into her career taking off. That quickly transitioned into the points she was covering in her lecture during the classes until we both finished eating, but she saw me playing with remnants of potatoes with my fork.
“So, Simon, what are your plans after college?”
“Oh, you know,” I started. “Bram and I were talking of living in New York for awhile. Professors here have some connections to companies there and if I pay my cards right I can get some steady work right away. Bram said he’d love to write for the New York Times, so it’s a perfect move. He mentioned a professor there is on the staff and wrote him a great letter of recommendation, so that’s exciting. Hoping to focus on having fun this year too before we have to be full-fledged adults.”
“Sure sounds like the planning part of Bram rubbed off on you. He gets that from me, trust me.”
“Yeah, Bram is, the greatest, Tracy. I actually wanted to talk to you about Bram.”
I swallowed hard and set my fork down. I was still formulating the words, so I covered myself quickly and picked up the bottle of wine. I got the nerves I felt right before an audition. This audition, however, I couldn’t afford to screw up.
Tracy nodded with a raised eyebrow and I topped off her glass.
“Seems you want me a little buzzed for this, Simon.”
The audition started. “Oh, no, no, not buzzed. It is custom to have a drink if you’re celebrating something.”
“Oh? What are celebrating tonight?”
Bram…Bram…Bram. Saying his name calmed my nerves. Picturing his lips and remembering his scent centered me.
“Tracy. I am so madly…deeply…overwhelmingly in love with Abraham. My life has been nothing like I could have imagined it or deserved it and it is because of him. I want to always be with him and, because of that, I wanted to make you aware of my intentions. Tracy, my intentions are to ask your son to marry me and before I do, I wanted to ask for your blessing as his mother.”
Tracy tilted her head in the way Bram does and covered her mouth with her right hand. A loud inhale through her nose told me she had an emotional reaction to the news, and I was hoping it was tears of joy. She dropped her hand and a large smile crossed her face (Bram got his smile from her. Definetely).
“Simon Spier. The fact that you...that you gave my son the courage…that you make my son happy…that you cooked me dinner and asked me…I see the way you look at my son and I see the way my son looks at you and even Elijah and I never looked at each other they way you both do. My goal as a mom was to give Abraham a great life and a better one than mine and it looks like this will be just another strong foundation to that claim.”
Tracy put her hand onto mind and squeezed it.
“Simon, you absolutely have my blessing.”
YES, YES,YES! With tears in both our eyes, we hug each other. I pour the last of the wine between our glasses and we chees to me, to Bram, and to us.
“Thank you, Simon. I know you didn’t have to do this, or ask, and it means a lot to me that you did.” Then she became serious for a minute. “Do you intend on asking my ex-husband?”
Is that…a trick question?! Audition not over.
“Yes,” I start wearily. “I wanted to be sure I can tell Bram both of his parents gave me their blessing. I wanted to be sure that you both know how much I intend to love and care for your son. I’m not sure I can fully explain or find the right metaphors to show to what capacity I care for him, but I will spend the rest of my life trying to perfect it into a simple phrase that, when I figure it out, I will tell you.”
Tracy smiled and burst into a happy, crying laughter.
“Simon, since the moment we met, I never had a doubt that you would marry my son. I’m so happy and excited for both of you.”
A tear dropped down my face. What an enormous compliment from a mother to another about her son. I smiled and went on to explain to her when I was planning on proposing.
“Of course, how perfect! Do you have a ring?”
“Funny story, Tracy. Dad said that he’d help me with that, and I’m going to put my bet that he will deliver. After twenty-one years, he has yet to let me down.”
“Wonderful, I can’t wait to see it.”
“Yes, so I was still arranging how I wanted to propose and one scenario has me doing in front of my parents and you and Elijah.”
“Such an old soul in a young man. Why so formal?”
That’s a good question. Maybe…maybe it’s because Bram and my middle school and high school experience wasn’t conventional. And that maybe there is a comfort in being a part of a conventional process. Plus, it’s respectful and is bound to earn me brownie points with the possible new in-laws.
“I trust my gut, Tracy. My gut told me formal.”
“Trust your gut, Simon. It’s made all sorts of great decisions. But I have one, very important question for you.”
I clear my throat. “Uh, yes, of course.”
“Do we have more wine?”
We laugh and Tracy explains it’s getting late and excuses herself back to her hotel room.
When I check my phone, I have a few missed texts from Bram.
Hey! I hope Mom is going easy on you. Be careful, she will try to judge how you seasoned the fish, but I’m confident you’ll pass. I taught you well. I can see you both eating the food right now and I’m super jealous I can’t be there. Well, not super jealous if Mom talks about her lecture, which she will. Text me when you can! I know you’re being courteous and won’t check your phone while she’s there. I’m so confident in that fact that I’m going to send you a picture.
Below that text was a well-curated picture of Bram’s nether region.
                                                                                                Bram! Scandalous! Though you were right, Tracy just left. We finished a bottle of wine, sorry I got her tipsy! You’re right, she did talk about her lecture, but it’s focused on female anatomy, something we needn’t worry. I love you Bram. I love you so much. And that picture, you better be careful or it may start something.
 . .. … Start something, huh? I’m not afraid. Show me what you got! ;)
You can imagine what the rest of the night turned into.
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cursedcandyroses · 7 years
My 5th Birthday Present To Macklemore & Ryan Lewis’“The Heist”
A gift like this isn’t something you wrap up all nice and neatly in the way some poor bastard working in a JCPenney’s around Christmas time would prefer to do it. This is one of those big gifts your parents drunkenly set up overnight in the backyard, slapped a bow on it, and the next morning said “Hey, go get your sister we have something cool for her”. My gift to “The Heist” is something that isn’t given often. It’s the gift of perspective, the gift of a defense, the gift of an explanation that may sway the still-salty Hip-Hop traditionalist inside of all of us. A gift that will be presented with dignity, grace, and by giving all the projects bed-time-story-book-level equivalents . “The Heist” rightfully won the Grammy for the best Hip-Hop album at the 2014 Grammy’s. Yeah, the Grammy they won over Jay-Z, Kanye, Kendrick and Drake. An album that came out in 2012 and became every soccer mom’s entrance into a world they stand out in (like Macklemore in most Hip-Hop events not attended by execs) Besides how strange is was that the award was given out in 2014, but thanks to the Olympics and the odd Grammy rules made it that way so we’re gonna sit down and like it. This was the year the little Seattle duo should have been honored to even be mentioned in the same breath as artists so many leagues above them. But there was a method behind the impending madness.
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Now as far as quality of the overall album, the only project nominated that year that was worse than “The Heist” was Jay-Z’s beautifully produced coconut of an album we call “Magna Carta Holy Grail”. Now since we’re on quality Kendrick’s “good kid, m.A.A.d. city” is in a different universe compared to “The Heist”. As far as other nominees went “Yeezus” was seen as one of the most polarizing albums since Kanye’s last experiment, 2008′s “808′s & Heartbreak”, yet was still critically acclaimed, and Drake’s “Nothing Was The Same” was seen as containing some of Drake’s best work to date. The win here goes to Kendrick, but Macklemore and company are no slouch. 
Round 1 Elimination: “Magna Carta Holy Grail”
Now we all know Kanye’s history with the Grammy’s, and that is something he may never be truly forgiven for in White America and the Committee’s eyes. If “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy” can’t win Album Of The Year while being one of the most raved about albums of ALL TIME, do you really think they’re going to give an award to something like “Yeezus” an album comparable to a silverback gorilla when woken from a very wonderful nap featuring a grand dream only to see that his shoes are being eaten by the weaklings of the jungle. As powerful as an enraged sneakerhead ape may be, it is again no match for the crushing strength of the Grammy Committee and its voters, which in this scenario we’re gonna picture as the Justice League if the Justice League was made up of guys who looked like Mitch McConnell and former winners.
Round 2 Elimination: “Yeezus”
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Now the Grammy’s have claimed for years in statements and in the description of what makes an “Album Of The Year” ( “ ..honor artistic achievement, technical proficiency and overall excellence in the recording industry, without regard to album sales or chart position.”) that sales have no influence on the future winner. Yet looking back at past winners of “Best Rap Album Of The Year” up until that year over 65% of the winners either had higher first week & total sales for the time leading to the award being given or more top 10 singles in comparison to it’s competitors. Oddly enough “The Heist” had the lowest first week sales of all the nominees with only 78k compared to 658k (Drake), 528k (Jay-Z), 370k (Kanye) and 242k (Kendrick). As far as singles went is where something strange happens. Kendrick had no Billboard Top 10 Hits, yet 3 singles moved into the Billboard Hip-Hop Top 10. 
For those unknowing of the difference between the different types of Billboard Charts here’s a quick breakdown.
Every genre of music has their own individual chart, making it easier for artists to compare themselves to their contemporaries. R&B songs will be put against R&B, jazz against jazz etc. Now there is the Billboard Hot 100 Chart. This chart is a comprehensive ranking of songs regardless of genre, to see who has the most popular songs whether it is a hip-hop record or a rock record. A key thing to realize is that just because you have the most popular hip-hop song, that doesn’t mean you have the most popular song over the entire span of music. For example Migos could hold the #1 spot on the Hip-Hop/R&B charts because it is the highest selling and highest played hip-hop song, but the #1 song on the Billboard Hot 100 could be a song by Justin Bieber. Now back to our regularly scheduled bedtime story. 
Yet compared to Drake and Macklemore, Kendrick was left in the dust. This is the part in the story where our hometown hero, picture Bruce Lee mixed with the great Achilles but way cooler and travels the globe in a balancing out level uncool mini-van, becomes stagnant in the battle for the hallowed Grammy, and by forces against his powers falls to the wayside.Young Kung Fu Kenny has failed himself, yet made his hometown so proud. So now the only competition Macklemore faces is the Lightskin Megalodon in a Raptors jersey we know as Aubrey “Drake” Graham. Drake peaked with his (at the time) second highest charting single behind “Best I Ever Had” (which peaked at #2) with what has become a staple wedding song in “Hold On, We’re Going Home” a track that peaked on the Billboard Charts at #4. Not only did Drizzy hit the Top 10 with the Majid Jordan assisted track, he also hit #6 on the Billboard Charts with the anthem “Started From The Bottom”. Both monstrous and inescapable songs during this time period. Yet the international outreach wasn’t really there. North America loves Drake, yet as far as international chart rankings “Hold On” peaked in the Top 10 in 9 countries. Now this is the part were most people wished they had had a warning before hearing. So here it is; shit’s about to get soul crushing. Macklemore & Ryan Lewis hit the Top 10 in over 20 countries with TWO different singles. Yes, those white boys took Hip-Hop across the globe with “Can’t Hold Us” and “Thrift Shop” (the later of which hit number 1, the absolute peak position, in TWELVE non-North American countries.) You couldn’t even avoid the annoyingly toxicating horns of “Thrift Shop” in Lebanon, a country Drake hit number 2 in which makes me wonder if Lebanon is either a) the ultimate hypebeasts of American music or b) a country of questionable taste, yet i again digress. The Drake-alodon (yeah that’s what we’re going with) has finally met it’s match.The only duo on Earth that, against all odds, can defeat any who stand in it’s way. Mack & Ryan are the Sam & Dean Winchester of this fabulous tale (and to those who have never watched “Supernatural” and don’t get this reference, like, what the fuck guys come on). Thought just mortals in a battle against beings much more powerful than them, they find a way to take down all in their path, though they aren’t motivated in the same “save world” type way most heroes have, it’s more in the “family business” type way. Forging their musical careers in the most ironic way possible, by literally starting from the bottom with no chance of ever making it this far, the tag team has found a way to come out victorious. 
Round 3 Eliminations (The Double Wammy Round): “good kid, m.A.A.d. city” & “Nothing Was The Same”
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Now yes Drake was pummeled thanks to the powers of a European and Pacific terrestrial radio fanbase, but by the grace of Wayne Gretzky Drake is given a second wind. Now we get a smidge serious and look into what led Macklemore here, in a less-then-story-book-level way. Another field Sir Mac crossed that Drake could not, is a message. “The Heist” was a vehicle carrying tales of pain from addiction, ideologies of equality, and being true to oneself over beats that didn’t fit the typical Hip-Hop mold. Though yes Kanye screamed in hopes of being accepted, and Kendrick crafted a story that comes to life to often, they didn’t meet the previous qualifications. Drake and Jay boasted their way threw their tracks with only glimpses into anything more than opulence and success, a characteristic Macklemore rarely touched, and heavily spoke down upon on tracks. A humble, conscious, loveable loser is a storyline the mainstream public can relate to more than a prodigy like Kendrick, a wealthy businessman (and a business, MAN) like Jay, an angry and disgruntled creative like Kanye, or an innovative powerhouse like Drake. That was the X-factor in what has become one of the most controversial Grammy moments in Hip-Hop history. A factor Macklemore and Ryan Lewis may or may not have intentionally used to leverage their way into the hearts and radios of America, and the world. Though the Drake-alodon seemed to have caught our heros by surprise by lashing back once again, they knew far to well to grow comfortable with success. With a final blow to the monsters impeccable beard, the monster was sent flying into the stars, not to be viewed again (at least for a few years anyway). Our heroes have finally reached the pinnacle, with their competitors left deep in the their dust. Now holding the Grammy in their hand, they feel as if they have finally done it. They have reached what they have dreamt of their whole lives, in a moment they’d never give up. At least Ryan wouldn’t want to give up, because within hours Sir Mac is sending a carrier pigeon to The Chosen One, a young Kung Fu Kenny to apologize about not helping him out. 
Final Round Elimination: “Nothing Was The Same” (for real this time)
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Now back to reality, where I tuck “The Heist” back into my CD holder and tuck it away for a while until i build up the want to listen to it again, which may or may not ever come back. By all official and unofficial qualifications the indie duo outshined its competitors in numerous ways. Don’t get me wrong “good kid m.A.A.d. city” is an album my GRANDCHILDREN will be given as a birthday present, probably more than once. But “The Heist” crossed international barriers and at the end of the day showed Hip-Hop to parts of the globe the Kendrick’s and Drake’s of the world have only just begun crossing into. Macklemore isn’t the best version of Hip-Hop i personally want the world to see, but he isn’t the worst. An indie artist who crafted legendary crossover songs is still an artist very much who gives props to his backpacker influences and inspirations such as The Hieroglyphics, Talib Kweli, Mobb Deep and Wu-Tang Clan. The duo of Macklemore & Ryan Lewis earned the Award of Best Hip-Hop album in 2014 by filling nearly every box, and leave a bigger check mark then their competitors. It isn’t groundbreaking work, it isn’t life changing work, but it is work that deserved the Grammy that night in January.
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onewfantaesy · 7 years
i know i said i would finish the asks i got for the other two aus first, but i wanna write this thing for dozen au before i forget it
So little fourteen-year-old Taemin has been spending most of his time at the dorms for SM instead of going home, and he still hasn’t even debuted yet. But right now, he’s hurrying home while he knows his parents are going to be there so he can give them the flyer for his showcase.
“Mom! Dad!” Taemin shouts as he runs into the house. 
“Move it, wannabe,” one of his older sisters says, pushing past him.
“Why don’t you go play your stupid clarinet, you freak,” Taemin spits back.
Taemin manages to make his way through two sets of twins and and his oldest brother in order to find his Dad in the kitchen with two other kids.
“Dad!” Taemin calls out, hurrying over to the counter. “Dad, there’s this showcase on Friday-”
“Your brother has a soccer game on Friday,” his dad tells him, putting food onto plates and going to put them in front of the kids sitting at the table.
“But he always has soccer games,” Taemin says. “This is the only time-”
“He told me first, you know how it works, Taemin,” his dad says, patting his head before going to check on the kids in the living room.
Taemin’s shoulders slump when his dad ignores him, and when one of his little sisters starts laughing at him from her place at the table, Taemin glares at her and shoves her head into her plate. He ignores her whining and goes to find his mom instead.
“Mom!” he yells. “Mom, where are you?”
“In the bedroom, sweetie!” she calls out, and Taemin hurries into her room.
“Mom! There’s a showcase this Friday, and Dad already-”
“Clarinet recital on Friday, sweetie,” she tells him. 
She smiles at him from where she’s folding laundry on the bed, and Taemin feels his stomach drop.
“But she always has clarinet recitals,” Taemin whispers. “She has one like, once a month, and who knows if I’ll ever get to do this again.”
“I’m sorry, sweetie, but she told me first,” she tells him.
“But this is really important for me,” Taemin whispers. “And I only just found out.”
He grips the flyer tightly in his hands, crumpling the edges as he tries to figure out how to make at least one of his parents come.
“Maybe next time, sweetie,” she tells him, moving around the bed to pat his cheek. 
Three of his siblings come in and start trying to tell their mom about something that happened in the living room, and others are crying from the living room to their dad. Everyone starts yelling or crying, and Taemin tries to get his mom’s attention as she hurries out of the room.
“Don’t you get it? There might not be a next time!” Taemin shouts. “Mom!”
“Not right now, sweetie,” she says.
Taemin goes to stand at the edge of the living room to see what’s happening, and two of his sisters who always fight with each other are screaming at each other as their dad tries to break it up. One of his little brothers is crying on the couch, two of his little sisters are yelling from their places behind the two who always fight, and the boy twins are wrestling each other on the floor. It’s complete and utter chaos, and Taemin is sick of it.
“Hey! Shut up!” Taemin screams louder than all of them, and they all stop to look at him. Taemin never screams.
“What do you want, wannabe?” his oldest brother asks.
“Stop calling me that!” Taemin shouts.
“Taemin, calm down,” their dad says.
“No! Why won’t anyone ever come to something when it’s for me?” Taemin asks. “This is the most important thing that’s ever happened in my life, but you’re gonna go to soccer game and a fucking clarinet recital instead?”
“Watch your mouth,” his dad warns him.
“No! It’s not fair! No one ever gives a shit about Taemin, it’s always about someone else!”
“Now that’s not true,” his mom says.
“Yes it is, no one ever cares what I’m doing,” Taemin says, his voice shaking.
One of his older brothers comes up behind him and shoves him and tells him to stop being such a crybaby, and Taemin turns around and shoves him right back. Taemin ends up elbowing him in the stomach and pushing him onto the floor. He crumbles up the flyer that was in his hands and throws it at one of his sisters who says no one cares because he’ll never actually be an idol.
“I hate this stupid fucking family!” Taemin screams. “I wish I was an only child, because then at least my parents would give a shit about me! I hate every single one of you!”
With that, Taemin runs out of the house and makes his way back to the SM dorms. When he gets back, he goes straight to his bed and pulls his blanket over his head, telling his roommates that he doesn’t want to talk about it and to please leave him alone.
That Friday, he and the other members go out to where everyone was watching after the whole thing ends. He sticks by Jinki’s side, his eyes downcast as Jinki’s parents tell them how great they were. Taemin smiles at them and thanks them, but it’s a little forced. When Taemin looks around, he realizes that all his members are talking with their families, and Taemin crosses his arms and looks back at the floor as Jinki talks with his parents.
That’s when two pairs of little arms wrap around his legs, and he looks down to see his two youngest siblings - twin five-year-old boys - gripping his legs and saying how cool he was. Taemin’s arms fall and his hands cup the backs of their heads, and he forgets how to breathe for a moment as he tries to figure out how they got here.
“What are you two doing here?” he asks.
Four more kids grab hold of him, and he’s yanked over to see all of his older siblings and his parents coming towards him. When he looks down, all of his little siblings are holding onto him and telling him over and over how good his dancing was.
“But, but,” Taemin stutters, looking between one of his older brothers and one of his older sisters who were supposed to have stuff going on that day.
“My soccer game isn’t until later,” his brother says.
“And my recital was two hours ago,” his sister tells him.
“You were so amazing, sweetie,” his mom tells him, and she comes forward to hold her head in her hands and kiss his forehead.
“Thanks,” Taemin whispers.
When his mom moves back, his oldest brother gives him a noogie and tells them he didn’t know he could dance so well. Taemin beams at him.
“It’s really not so hard,” Taemin says in a haughty tone of voice, but he laughs right after he says it.
“Yeah, you were alright, but that other guy is a better dancer than you are,” one of his older brothers says.
Taemin’s grin immediately falls off his face, and he shakes his little siblings off of him. Their parents and his oldest sister try to tell him off for saying something like that, but Taemin knows it won’t do anything.
“Bye, thanks for coming,” Taemin mumbles. 
Taemin turns to walk back over to Jinki, but his dad takes his arm and tries to make him stay.
“Taemin, wait,” he says.
“Just leave me alone,” Taemin mumbles, and he pulls his arm out of his dad’s grip.
He can feel thirteen sets of eyes watching him as he trudges right back to Jinki’s side, and when Jinki wraps an arm around his shoulders and pulls him closer to him. Jinki’s mom starts gushing again about how great Taemin was, and she pats his cheek and smiles at him, and it makes Taemin smile back.
Taemin doesn’t care if it makes his family feel bad that he’d rather be with a different family, because at least Jinki’s parents don’t lie right to his face about being excited for him. Sometimes Taemin pretends that he’s actually Jinki’s little brother, and that it’s just the two of them and Jinki’s parents.
Taemin wonders if it would hurt his family as much as it hurts him, sometimes. 
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