#the floor in pain and needed a hot water bottle or ice pack or medicine or whatever
nope-body · 10 months
#I hate how I don’t trust my parents to be okay with my chronic pain to the extent where instead of texting them to ask them to grab me an#ice pack I waited until I stopped uncontrollably shaking enough that I could limp to the kitchen and back using my cane and the walls#and while they probably would have gotten me an ice pack that would have been it#it would have been here’s the ice pack. maybe can I do anything else to which the answer is no and then they would have just left#if I texted them right when I was able to I would have been on the floor shaking and crying from pain.#their reaction would have been to walk away once they did what I asked#and I’m not saying this based on nothing. I’m saying this because that is exactly what has happened every other time I have been stuck on#the floor in pain and needed a hot water bottle or ice pack or medicine or whatever#I would get it and then they’d leave again and tell me to ask them if I need anything else#there’s never any compassion or trying to make me more comfortable or just being with me so I’m not stuck on the bathroom floor for who#knows how long alone and in pain and miserable. there was never any comfort or compassion#and it hurts so much more than the physical pain I’m in right now#and I don’t want to deal with that again#so I chose to go get the ice pack myself despite not being able to use one of my legs because the alternative is worse.#being actively left to suffer alone is worse than choosing to be alone and in more pain#and that sucks. realizing that sucks#and I’m out of water and I was already lightheaded and now I’m crying and I need to get more water but I can’t stand#for so many different reasons and I just want to live with someone I can trust. someone who will care
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wallflowerimagines · 3 years
If you're comfortable with this, could you do some hcs for the lords (but mainly moreau) with an s/o who gets HORRIBLE period cramps? Like they're literally writhing in pain and even after they take pain meds it's still miserable. Only do this if you feel comfortable of course, I totally understand if you dont want to do it❤
Hi, sorry folks, I bumped this to the top of the list, cuz I don't know if it's time sensitive for you, hope it brings comfort❤️ (Moreau's will have some extra)
TW: Period Mention, Reader is still Gender Neutral
Alcina Dimitrescu
Ah, she remembers those. She hasn't had to deal with one in a long while, due to her mutation, but even for her the experience was not pleasant.
This, however, looks very different.
Alcina cannot imagine the pain you must be in. You are curled into yourself on the couch, humming in an attempt to distract yourself from the pain, and you might try to hide them but she can see the tear tracks on your face.
Alcina takes care of you. Any of her day to day tasks can and will wait-- you are far more important. She doesn't leave the room unless you ask her to, and the Maids aren't let into the room unless it is to bring HER the things she needs to take care of you.
She will do whatever you need from her, no question. Cuddles, heated blankets, she will even read aloud to you as a distraction. Pro tip--her hands can get pretty chilly, and if you're someone who does well with ice packs, her hands work 100% better to cool off your skin.
Don't worry about her loosing control at the smell of blood--you are obviously in pain and she has far too much self control to let a little bit of blood bother her. (But depending on how hungry her daughters are, they might not be let in the room unless they have fed recently)
She will also use her contact with the Duke to find you a proper doctor. It's not normal for you to be in this much pain. Dearest, it doesn't matter if someone else has said there's nothing more to be done-- she's getting you a competent Doctor to get a second opinion.
Donna Beneviento
Donna is panicking.
Lady Beneviento is stressed the hell out by seeing you in pain--she hates it. You're lying in a pile of blankets on the floor, unable to be even the slightest bit comfortable because of the pain, and in such obvious agony that your hands are shaking.
Still, she's more than ready to make you feel better. Other than pain pills and more traditional treatment, Donna firmly believes in the power of distraction.
She will use books, movies, heck with your permission she might even use the pollen to craft a hallucination for you to help take the pain away.
(Ethan's encounter with the demon fetus was able to cause him enough harm that he felt it, Donna would definitely try to see if she could use her powers to trick your brain into not feeling as much pain)
She will also be attached to you at the hip, if you need space or can't be touched during your period, you need to tell her up front. She'll be very clingy when you are this miserable.
A little self indulgence here: while Donna does like her tea, she makes a KILLER hot chocolate. If chocolate brings you joy during your period, she has a constant, steady supply of it sent up to your room.
Salvatore Moreau
Salvatore engages Doctor mode immediately. For you to be in this much pain is both not normal and completely unacceptable. He's going to do his best to help.
This man absolutely used to be the Village doctor before his mutation, and as a result does Know His Shit. His siblings and mother may infantilize him to a certain degree, but that is mainly because Moreau's main issues are short term memory problems and his obsessive devotion to Mother Miranda that can make him regress. He's still competent as a doctor, and if he needs to reference anything, he still has some copies of medical textbooks.
He was also a Small Town Doctor, meaning he knows how to treat pain without access to traditional medicine, since often times he didn't have access to it.
It doesn't matter if you're not a tea person, you're still getting tea, made with herbs you don't know the name of and couldn't pronounce even if you did.
He doubles this up with more traditional pain relief methods like extra strength ibuprofen and heated compresses on the area. He might even talk you into doing a few exercises--it can help a lot with pain relief.
Still, when he's caring for you, sometimes he has to leave the room. He uses getting you a glass of water or another blanket as an excuse, but it's really so he can take a deep breath and center himself. Moreau is an empathetic man who loves you to pieces, and watching you cry silently into a pillow just...hurts.
Salvatore also does his best to distract you with anything he has on hand, mostly movies. While you two might normally playfully argue about which ones to watch, he will absolutely defer to you. I would recommend taking this time to watch a scary movie if you're a horror fan, there's literally no other time where Moreau would let you get away with it.
He is at your side constantly, and will only give you space if you ask for it. Even then, he will pop back in every few hours to check in.
Now for Fluff stuff: If you're not careful and watch him like he watches you, Moreau will run himself ragged trying to keep you comfortable.
The best solution to preventing this is coaxing him into bed with you. He might let out a couple of token protests, but one look at your pleading face takes all the fight right out of him.
He will cuddle up to you as close as possible and rub little circles into your back or stomach, whatever feels best. If you two are face to face, you can start to feel yourself relax in time with his breathing, and both of you slowly drift off to sleep together.
It's the best you've felt in days ❤️
Karl Heisenberg
Magnet Man is just... So lost...
You are writhing in agony in your bed, sobbing into a pillow, and so obviously suffering. He HATES to see you like this, because you're hurting and he doesn't know how to fix it.
Karl wants to hurt the things that hurt you, but when it's your own body rebelling against you and causing you pain...He wants to make it better for you but he can't.
He swallowed his pride IMMEDIATELY and called Moreau to the factory. Heisenberg might consider The Lord of the Reservoir to be a little slow in the head, but he used to be a doctor, and Karl is taking zero chances with your health.
He also pops by the Duke to pick up any kind of pain relief possible--Karl literally brings back 8 different brands of acetaminophen, hot water bottles, cocaine, opium, and enough alcohol to give an elephant a blackout. (Maybe he can get you to pass out long enough that you'll sleep through the worst of it?)
You will have to ask directly for cuddles if you want them--as handsy and clingy as Heisenberg is, he is so Bad At Feelings that he will just hover in the corner and work on projects to keep his hands busy. He doesn't know if you want to be touched, and is afraid to ask...but he really wants to keep an eye on you anyway.
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thequeenxofhearts · 4 years
Bloody Knight
Summary: Jason returns home from a night on patrol. He’s hurt and bloody, and it’s up to Y/N to take care of him.
Warnings: Mentions of blood, bruises and violence
The rain splattering on the window woke you up, but a familiar sound got your attention. You glanced at the alarm clock on your bedside cabinet, 2:49AM
You heard footsteps on the fire escape outside your bedroom window. It was probably Jason coming home from patrol, but in case it was never him; you knew Jason kept an emergency handgun in the bedside cabinets.
The window slowly opened, and you wondered if it was Jason or if it was someone else; someone attempting to break in, or kidnap you as leverage against Red Hood and the rest of Batman’s entourage.
The curtains were pulled back and Jason stumbled into the apartment. You were relieved, but only for a second as you noticed something was wrong with him.
You turned on the bedside lamp and saw him lying on the floor at the foot of the bed. He groaned as he tried to stand up.
“Jason!” You exclaimed.
“I’m ok.” He groaned. You climbed out of bed and went to him, he was bleeding. Blood was dripping onto the hardwood floor, and seeping through his clothes. Mud covered his boots and you saw blood splatters.
You quickly closed the window and drew the curtains so nobody could see into the apartment. Then you tended to Jason.
 You pulled off his hood and removed his domino mask, blood was splattered over his face, along with mud.
“Jay, what happened?” You asked, holding his face in your hands, you listened to his breathing and could tell he was struggling a bit, “Jay, calm down. Just breathe.”
Jason listened and tried to steady his breathing; it didn’t take him long to get it under control, he was used to this.
You wrapped your arm around him and tried to get him to stand, “Come on.” You said helping him get to his feet, he wrapped his arm around you and it was then you realised how heavy Jason was, it was taking all of your strength to hold him up. Sure, most of it was muscle, and the rest was the weight of his costume plus and the rain, blood, and mud that it had soaked up.
You took him into the bathroom and sat him on the closed toilet seat. You peeled off his jacket and dropped it into the bathtub. You saw bruises along his muscular arms.
Ignoring them for the moment, you pulled off the rest of his costume, and he helped with the bottoms. You threw the rest of his clothes into the bathtub, leaving him only in his boxers.
You looked at Jason, “Is it bad?” He asked, “It feels bad.”
Along with the bruises on his arms, Jason also had multiple dark bruises on his torso, a cut that was bleeding and what looked like a boot imprint on his stomach. He had cuts on his legs, but they weren’t that bad. It was mainly bruising that covered his body.
You shook your head, “No, I’ll just dab some alcohol rub on your legs and clean up that cut, it doesn’t look deep. And I’ll get some ice for that.” Pointed to his stomach. You stood up, but as you reached into the medicine cabinet, you looked back at Jason and the state he was in.
You sighed. Grabbing a towel from the rack on the wall, you laid it onto the floor and removed the clothes from the bathtub and dropped them onto the towel.
I’ll deal with that later.
And you began to run a bath.
“What are you doing?” Jason asked. “I’m not letting you get into bed in that state.” You replied.
“Y/N, you don’t need too.”
“I do.” You replied.
Whilst the bath was running, you grabbed the alcohol rub and a pack of cotton balls out of the medicine cabinet and began dabbing the cuts on his legs. Jason hissed as the alcohol stung his cuts.
You chuckled, “They are only little cuts, babe.”
“The little ones are always the most painful.” He commented, “Remember that paper cut you got last week?”
“Alright, ok I get it. But the next one is gonna be a more painful.”
You were lucky that you had picked up a few things from your father, who was a paramedic and volunteered to teach first aid at some of the elementary schools in Gotham City.
You grabbed another towel, a small one this time. You dipped it part of it into the bathtub, you brought it back to Jason and gently dabbed the cut on his torso, he hissed a little bit but you thought that the warm water was less painful than the alcohol rub.
Once the cut was cleaned of blood, you poured some of the alcohol rub onto the drier part of the towel and dabbed it against the cut, Jason hissed again and you thought about how painful it must be.
But it seemed that the pain had quickly began to subside, but you continued dabbing the wound until you were satisfied that it wouldn’t get infected, when you were done you fished in the first aid kit for a bandage big enough to cover the wound, and luckily enough to find several in the bottom of the box.
You ripped the packaging open and covered the wound on his torso.
You stopped the bath running and began to put the first aid kit away but kept one of the bandages out. “Take your boxers off.” You spoke.
Jason chuckled, “You’re very bold.”
“Jason.” You gave him a look that said, this isn’t the time for jokes
And it worked, he took off his boxers and kicked the to the pile of his clothes, you put the rubbing alcohol and the cotton balls back in the cabinet. The you helped Jason into the bath.
He sighed as the hot water touched his skin
The water quickly became a mixture of red and brown as the blood and mud came off his body. You quickly went to the kitchen and grabbed the measuring jug from the cupboard and when you returned to the bathroom, you filled it up with warm water and poured it over his dark hair.
The water washed blood out of his hair and it ran down his face. You poured another jug of water over his hair before you grabbed the bottle of Jason’s shampoo and squeezed a large amount into you hand and began to massage it into his hair.
Jason closed his eyes as the suds began to run down his face, and the bubbles had turned at red/brown colour from the grime in his hair. Then you rinsed his hair a few times before you were sure his hair was clean.
 You grabbed the sponge and the bar of soap that sat on the side, and you began to wash the grime off him, staring with his face. You wiped away the blood that had been washed from his hair.
“That’s better.” You smiled. Jason smirked at you as you continued to wash him.
“So, tell me. What happened?” You asked as you squeezed the soapy sponge onto his right shoulder.
Jason sighed heavily, “It was just supposed to be a patrol. Bruce hadn’t pick up any activity on the bat computer, but he was keeping an eye on it. It was quiet until I heard a scream, so I followed it. I ended up in Crime Alley.”
You rinsed the sponge in the water before lathering it up again.
“A woman was being mugged, and I stopped it but they got away with her purse, so I followed them. I followed them to an old factory a few blocks away, and I didn’t even realise it was the Joker’s old hideout.”
You stopped sponging his back and asked, “Isn’t the Joker in Arkham?”
Jason nodded, “Yeah he is, but Harley Quinn isn’t. Nor are the Joker’s henchmen. They jumped me as I entered the factory.”
You sighed, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, Y/N. It’s not your fault.” He reached for your hand and you let him take it. He brought it to his lips and kissed your knuckles.
“The three of them overpowered me, it was Harley who did this.” He said pointing to the injuries on his torso, “But I managed to get my gun, and I shot one of the goons. I didn’t kill him, just shot his shoulder. Then I broke the other guys leg and knocked Harley out. I couldn’t wait for Batman to turn up, so I called the GCPD and I left.”
You kissed his shoulder and pulled the plug out and let the water drain. You grabbed a towel and wrapped it around him as he stood out of the bathtub.
You let him dry himself whilst you went into the bedroom and grabbed a pair of boxers for him to wear to bed.
When you came back and he was dry, you threw him the boxers which he pulled on.
Carefully, you pulled the bandage off his torso and dabbed it dry. The replaced it with a clean, dry bandage.
“Go to bed Jay, I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
“Leave that until the morning.” Jason said as you gathered his clothes and put them back into the bathtub.
“No, it won’t take a few minutes.” You said, running the bath again. You planned to leave his clothes soaking in the tub overnight to get the worse of the grime out, then you could put them in the washing machine in the morning.
Jason wondered into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water for you both, along with a packet of paracetamol. He was in a lot less pain that he was when he had arrived home, thanks to you, but his bruises still pained him.
He laid down on the bed after taking two of the paracetamols.
When you climbed into bed next to him, he pulled you against his chest, “What would I do without you?” He mumbled, pressing his lips to your forehead.
You smiled, “That’s a scary thought.”
Jason chuckled, “I love you.”
“I love you too. Good night Red Hood.”
“Night babe.”
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theichabbieclub · 4 years
Slashers reacting to their s/o getting dizzy, lightheaded or passing out.
Your sleep schedule was all fucked up. Your asshole of a boss would always schedule you to close and then open the next morning.
You were so happy when your boss got assigned to another location.
That meant you were going to get a new boss.
The very first day you and your new boss worked together, you told them about what has been happening with your schedule.
They felt so had that they gave you the the entire week off. Now, you could catch up on some much needed sleep.
You were so exhausted that while on your way to you and Jason's shared bedroom at the cabin, you begin to feel lightheaded.
"J-Jason." You whispered.
Within two seconds he was right behind you. When you stumbled back, he caught you against his chest.
He made a noise of concern as he steadied your wobbly form, wrapping a arm around your waist.
"I don't- don't f-feel well, Jason." You moaned in discomfort just before you lost consciousness.
Once Jason felt you go completely limp, he immediately checked the pulse point at your throat as your head leaned back into his broad chest.
It was strong, but a bit slow. He then turned your body around so that you were facing him.
He kneeled on the floor of the cabin with your lax body.
Once you were both one your knees, your head lolling against his shoulder, your arms dangling limply at your side, Jason ducked his right shoulder down
He then carefully allowed you to slump forward onto his shoulder.
Jason then stood, with you slumped over his shoulder. He kept a gentle but firm grip on your thighs
He didn't want to hurt you, but he sure as hell didn't want you to slip.
Jason made sure to walk a little slow so he wouldn't jostle you as much
Once he reached the bedroom, he carefully deposited you on the mattress. He pulls a soft blanket over your sleeping form before grabbing your hand.
You awaken at around five and see Jason sitting at the foot of the bed, a look of concern sparkles in his eyes.
You let him hold you as you drift back into dreamland.
It was raining hard as hell outside. You had went to take out the trash.
You huffed in anger as you were soaked head to toe with fucking rain-water
As you were on your way back inside, you slipped and fell.
You hit your forehead on the cold wet concrete.
"Fuck!" You yelled as you got up.
As soon as you got inside you were greeted by Michael. He was watching you from the window and saw the whole ordeal.
When he saw you up closed, he eyes widened. You noticed.
"What?" You ask, clearly confused.
He pressed his hand to your forehead and you took a step back as you winced in pain.
You saw blood on his hand and that's when you realized that you were bleeding.
You felt yourself start to get a bit dizzy.
"That sucks..." You trailed off as the room started to spin slowly.
You were barely aware of Michael picking you up and placing you on the kitchen island.
Normally, you would protest, saying something on the lines of "We eat there. That's gross."
However you were too busy trying not to pass the fuck out.
You took a sharp inhale before slumping forward onto Michael.
He went stiff in response.
Did you just--
Your head lolled against his chest.
Michael poked you a few times, trying to see if you were like, dead or something.
He felt a small shift of weight as you let out a soft humming noise. You were awake, but clearly out of it.
Once you were a bit more coherent, he picked you up into his arms and went to the bathroom to take care of your cut.
It had been so fucking hot outside. You felt as if the sun's burning rays were directly aimed at you and only you.
You were super keen on helping out and what not.
You had been working your ass off for the better part of five hours.
Bubba knew that you were outside so he checked on you every fifteen minutes or so to make sure you were good. (Our worried smol bby)
When he checked on you again, Bubba freaked the fuck out.
You skin was pale and sweaty and your lips were damn near colorless, a clear sign of dehydration.
Bubba tore back inside, frantically getting a tall ice cold glass of water.
He was the only one downstairs at the moment.
His heart stopped when he came back outside. Once Bubba saw your lifeless body, he dropped the glass of water, not caring about the sound of glass, water and ice shattering against the floor.
In that exact moment, you were all Bubba cared about.
He gathered you in his arms, his eyes watering with a fresh batch of tears as he felt how hot your skin was.
He carried you inside, his heart aching at how you were dead weight.
Bubba immediately went to the kitchen. He needed to cool you down. He needed to do it right now.
He placed you securely in the chair at the kitchen table before getting a cold wet cloth and placing it gently on your forehead.
Your chest moving up and down was the only reason Bubba didn't break down. You were still breathing.
Even if your breath was a bit shallow, it was breathing nonetheless.
Bubba grabbed some frozen prepackaged slabs of meat from the freezer.
At this point, he was multitasking. He was getting the neccesary items needed to cool you off all the while making sure you didn't slip from the chair.
Bubba started placing the impromptu ice packs on your burning skin.
He waited nervously. A few moment later, you shift a little, leaning into the cold that you felt.
You let out a soft groan as Bubba lets out a breath he didn't even know he was holding.
Bubba sat down next to you before pulling you into his arms. He was careful to keep the "ice" packs on you. You still needed them.
Yeah, you're never going outside alone EVER again.
Allergies really suck. You were sneezing so much that it was actually starting to get a bit painful.
You need your allergy medication but your sneezes are quiet so it's a bit difficult to get Brahms' attention.
You can't even breathe, let alone think straight. You stopped counting at fifteen
You get a small break from your sneezing and you decided to use it wisely before everything goes to hell again.
"B-Brahms." You gasped right before you sneezing.
You felt a bit woozy from the intensity of your sneezing fit.
You didn't even realize that Brahms had came into the room until he wrapped his arms around you, pulling until you were snuggled against his chest.
A few moments later, he put a bottle of medication into your hands.
It took you a few seconds to realize, with your sneezing and all, that it was Benadryl.
Brahms also had a small glass of water to help you swallow the pills.
It was a bit hard for you to take the medicine but after a few tries, it was finally in your system.
You drank half the glass of water before closing your eyes, trying to catch your breath.
Brahms set the half full glass and bottle of medicine on the nightstand.
One of you will put it in its proper place later.
He panicked when he saw that your eyes were closed and that you were very still.
"Y/N!" His tone of voice sounded like he was terrified.
" 's okay, Brahms." You said softly, trying to reassure him. "Just a bit dizzy."
Brahms laid next to you on the bed, careful not to cause you to get more dizzy.
When you informed him that you were feeling alright, he held you tight in his arms for a few hours, only letting you up to use the restroom.
Don't be surprised if Brahms makes alarms for you to take your allergy medication.
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sukurarose92 · 4 years
Happy Birthday Celosiaa
@celosiaa Based off your favorite troupes ask, here’s a birthday gift for you. Sorry it’s a little late but i hope you like it. this is my first sic fic so please be gentle with me. 
Martin could hear Jon coughing from the bullpen, and he felt himself flinch with each sound. He knew that Jon wouldn’t accept his help, certainly not now that he was considering all of them prime suspects of murder. There was really nothing he could do but it didn’t stop him from feeling horrid each time that awful raucous sound came through the door.  
Tim looked up from his desk a couple times only to glower and look back down before turning up his earbuds to aggressively focus on his work. Martin had no such luxury. After a while it was too much. He quickly got up and retreated to the breakroom, intent on making Jon some hot tea with honey to soothe his likely horribly aching throat.  
Martin returned to an empty bullpen, Tim seemed to have packed up and went home, which wasn’t a rare occurrence these days, Martin tried not to let it bother him. He knocked quietly on the door receiving no response which only worried him more. He gathered his courage and knocked louder.  
“Jon, it’s martin... Oh yes, I mean of course it’s martin, you likely know my voice by now. But I... I uhm... I... I brought you some tea. May I come in?” He stumbled gracelessly over his words, swallowing down how much he felt like a fool. There was a weak response, but it was too quiet for martin to truly make out so after a moment of hesitation he entered the room.  
Jon was sitting at his desk, pale as death. the only color to him was in his ruddy cheeks that spoke of fever raging in his frail and shaking body. Martin set the tea down and rushed to Jon's side, checking his forehead with the back of a large hand.
“Jon, you’re burning up. You should be home!” Martin exclaimed, wiping the cold sweat off on the side of his pant leg as he fretted over the clearly ill man. Jon blinked up at him blearily and pulled away, swatting at Martin’s hand like a particularly irate kitten.  
“ ‘m fine. Go away” He slurred, eyes hazed and unfocused as his body slumped forward. Martin barely caught him in time before he fell from the chair and cracked his head on the concrete floor. He cradled the other as gently as he could and eased him down from the chair onto the stone floor.
“Jon you need to rest. Your fever is through the roof. You need to go to an A&E”  
Jon grumbled softly in response, barely coherent enough to try and push Martin away. Martin laid him down on the floor, pulling his hands from the other out of respect for his wishes but he worried that the other would only get worse if he left him alone like he was asked to.  
“Jon, I know you don’t want to be touched right now but I would like to take you to the bed in the record storage. Is that alright?”  
It took a moment before clarity seemed to bloom across Jon’s face and he gave a weak nod. Martin was as careful as he could be when he lifted Jon like a princess and carried him toward the record storage room. It felt like he weighed next to nothing and Martin found himself distressed as he wondered when the last time Jon had eaten a decent meal was. He wished, not for the first time, that he was a better cook and could offer him something nutritious to eat... although he was also painfully aware that Jon wouldn’t accept anything from him right now out of fear of poison or other means of foul play.  
Martin gently set him down on the bed and knelt beside him to remove his shoes one at a time, unlacing and sliding them from his socked feet. He eased the man down onto the mattress and covered him with the blanket, taking in with trepidation the way Jon wheezed for each breath now that he was laying down.  
Martin headed back to the break room, hoping to find some fever reducers in the first aid kit. What he found was low grade and there were only two left in the bottle. He would need to make a run to get him some supplies to take care of Jon. He decided then and there that he would not be leaving the archives tonight. He would stay and take care of Jon.  
Martin made his trip to the nearest convenience store as quick as he possibly could. he purchased a variety of gear meant to take of someone during a high fever and headed back to the archives, pulling his jacket tighter around himself. When he returned Jon was curled onto his side nearly hyperventilating. Martin worked quickly, pulling off the blanket and filling the thick silicone water bag with ice water. He relaxed Jon and placed it on his forehead, hoping it would help to lower his burning temperature.  
He ached with the wish that he could share Jon’s pain just to make it so the other hurt less, but he knew life never worked that way. He would have to suffer through seeing Jon in pain and do the best he could to relieve it. He managed to get Jon to sit up enough to take a dose of medicine.  
After that, all Martin could do was wait. He sat beside Jon, holding onto his closest hand as the man shivered and burned in the bed, soaking it with sweat over the next couple hours as he tried to burn through his fever only to heat back up and resume his heaving breaths.  
Martin watched over him as the hours ticked by, terrified to look away, afraid that something terrible would happen if he took his eyes off him for even a moment. Exhaustion tugged at Martin mind as the hours blurred and early morning began to sweep through.  
Martin passed out at Jon’s bedside around six in the morning, the last time he had checked, Jon’s fever had just broken.  
When Jon woke up, he was dizzy and sore but feeling better than he had when he last recalled being lucid. He looked around the room slowly, taking in the spinning scenery that made up record storage... and then focused in on the patch of soft curly blonde hair at the side of his bed. Martin was fast asleep, still holding Jon’s hand in both of his as if letting go would mean certain death.  
Jon felt something soft and warm blossom inside of his chest, there were medicines and other paraphernalia spread on a small file cabinet nearby that spoke volumes of what Martin had been doing all night. A small clock nearby read seven thirty. The archives would be opening soon, Martin had stayed all night taking care of him. There was a half full mug of water with a bendy straw that must’ve been purchased just for him considering there were several more poking out of a plastic shopping sack on the floor. He saw a package of baby wipes with several used ones wadded up nearby, a quick sniff of his skin told him that martin had taken the time to wipe the sweat from him when his fever was breaking.  
Jon had accused this man of murder, of plotting to kill him and yet when he had a perfect chance, he didn’t take it. Jon had been so vulnerable last night, he didn’t even recall any of it, Martin could’ve done anything to him in that state but instead he took care of him, he spent hours at his bedside nursing him to health and he was still there.  
Jon felt guilt settle into his stomach, how had he been so wrong about Martin, thinking all of his kind gestures was simply to throw him off the trail of his true intentions. He owed him an apology... and his gratitude. Jon took his time sitting up, sure that if he moved too fast, he would hurl, or worse, pass out. He reached out and gently shook Martin awake.  
Martin’s head lifted and he immediately jolted, checking Jon over and only relaxing when he seemed to realize he was alright.  
“Your fever broke. Thank god. You really had me worried.”  
Jon felt his own comments dry up on his tongue. Martin sounded so genuinely happy that he was alright.  
“y-yes. I seem to be doing better. I can’t say I'm in perfect health, but I shouldn’t need to be looked after anymore. I will be able to get some work done. You should go hom--”  
“now wait one minute!”  
Martin cut him off. Jon jumped slightly; he had never heard Martin use that tone.  
“Like hell you’re going to work right now. If you’re well enough to move, then you’re going home and resting until you’ve been fever free for twenty-four hours and you’re not setting a foot back in this archive until then or I'll escort you back home personally”  
He crossed his arms, staring Jon down with more backbone than Jon thought he had. Jon, for his part, was utterly flabbergasted. Martin had never spoken up to him like that and it was certainly something to behold.  
“Really Martin, I'm just fine. I can--”  
“not another word, Jon. You're going home. There is no argument to be had. I can and will keep you in this bed if you refuse.”  
Jon wasn’t sure what that would entail but he didn’t want to find out. He tossed his hands up and sighed.  
“alright. I'll go home and rest until tomorrow. Fine?”  
“Until you’re healthy again”  
“Martin, I haven’t been healthy since I was twelve. I'm coming back tomorrow.”  
Martin let out a soft sigh and accepted that this was the best he would get. He gave a nod and stood up, offering his hand to Jon. Jon accepted the help to get to his feet, only wobbling slightly.  
Martin gathered up the items and insisted on escorting Jon home to make sure he made it safely. Jon found himself thinking for a split second that Martin knowing where he lived wouldn’t be safe before he silenced that thought and agreed.  
The train ride felt like forever and Martin was kind enough to hail a taxi for the quick ride to the apartment complex. He took Jon up to his room and left him at the door with the supplies to look after himself.  
Martin didn’t realize until the next day when Jon didn’t show up how bad of an idea that was.  
Martin didn’t wait or think things through, the moment he realized Jon wasn’t coming he clocked out and headed right for his apartment. He managed to find the spare key and let himself in after calling for Jon several times with no luck. He found Jon passed out on the bathroom floor and called for an ambulance.  
Martin sat in the waiting room for a couple hours before he could see Jon. He headed back into the emergency room and entered the small curtained area.  
“Hello Martin, it seems I owe you once again” Jon said, his tone slightly miserable.  
Martin didn’t respond but instead held out a bag.  
“Whenever I'm feeling particularly bare, I wear something comfortable and baggy and I don’t feel so bad anymore.”  
Jon looked into the bag and found one of martin’s warm looking soft jumpers that would likely swallow him whole.  
“It helps when I can’t wear my binder”  
Jon bit his lip, fighting back the starts of stress sobs. Martin stepped outside of the curtain to give Jon some privacy and when the other called for him to return he was wearing the soft sea foam green sweater. Martin couldn’t help but think it looked better on Jon than it ever had on him.  
There was the barest of smiles on Jon’s face when he looked at him.  
“thank you, Martin. This means a lot to me... and thank you for sharing that with me. It's nice to know I'm not alone”  
He motioned quietly to Martin’s bound chest and then to his own unbound one. He was breathing far easier without the binder on, but he also felt so bare and vulnerable, something the jumper was fixing.  
Martin sat down next to Jon on the corner of the bed, his back ached from sitting up in a chair two nights back and he hadn’t gotten nearly enough sleep from worrying over Jon but the other would be alright now. His fever was gone and with some fluids pumping into him he would soon be getting released from the hospital with orders to rest.  
Jon looked Martin over.  
“You look exhausted.”  
“i feel pretty exhausted but I'm sure you’re feeling worse”  
Jon smiled a little.  
“I feel quite a bit better actually, I had two very lovely nurses looking after me, one in the hospital and another at my job. They took good care of me.”  
Martin’s cheeks flushed pink with color, and he grinned bright and happy. He stayed with Jon until he was released from the hospital before they parted ways and went to their separate homes.  
Jon was going to be alright. Martin had looked after him and now things were almost relaxed between them. They had shared such an important secret with each other and grown closer for it. Martin was almost giddy. When he got home, he collapsed face down on his bed with an exhausted smile.  
He never slept better.  
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fromthewifecage · 5 years
Kombatants nursing you/Kombatants tending to your wounds/illness
So this time it’s the Kombatant wearing a Nurses hat and a Drs white coat. (With or without anything underneath the coat.) Featuring Erron Black, Johnny Cage (both Younger and Older), Raiden, Fujin, Bi-Han, Mileena, Ermac and Kano (he’s last so if you don’t like him you don’t have to keep reading).
Erron Black: Erron’s been around a long time, and the man has seen most illnesses and has picked up enough tricks and tips to keep both him and a partner alive. He’s seen smallpox up close, so if you have a cold then don;t expect much sympathy, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care. For a tall man, Erron is extremely agile, and even when hurling himself forward, feet first, he pulls off a graceful landing without breaking his limbs. You however are not quite as graceful. You’re following him up the hill (“more like a fucking mountain” you grumble) to get to “this quaint ol’ spot I know where we can get a fire going, toss a couple a blankets on the dirt and get naked”. The hill is steep and covered in wayward branches and stones, and with Erron’s long gait, you can’t quite keep up and end up taking a tumble when your foot gets caught in some gnarled tree roots. You cry out and roll into a ditch filled with leaves and probably a billion bugs, your ankle throbbing like a bastard. Erron’s after you in a flash, plucking you from the ditch and cradling you in his arms. A quick kiss to the forehead and then he’s carrying you all the way back to the car where he gently unlaces your boot and gives you an even gentler once over. When he’s sure your foot isn’t going to fall off, he tosses you a water canteen and a bottle of pain killers, then drives you back to your place where you spend a long weekend being looked after by Dr Black. Once he knows the pain is manageable he’s going to tease you something rotten (but with genuine affection). He’ll leave the remote just out of reach, he’ll pretend you’ve run out of beer then walk past opening a new bottle. At the first sign of you getting sulky he’ll kiss your pouty lips and tell you he’s going to make it up to you before grinning and tugging down your pyjama bottoms.                            *************** More under the cut!******************
Johnny Cage: He’s played Doctors and Nurses before and not just on screen. He even has a pair of blue scrubs he wears if you’re hankering for some Dr Cage action. Younger!Johnny may have been a selfish git at times, but he wasn’t stupid and knew that looking after a sick S/O was always going to get him brownie points, and if it was serious he had enough money to get you any Dr from anywhere to get you well again. Older!Johnny got a crash course in paediatrics when baby Cassie had a bad case of colic. He would stay up with her, singing lullabies, rubbing Vick's on her chest and dressing teddy in a teddy sized nurses outfit when not frantically phoning Drs for their advice. Little Cassie was always getting into scrapes, coming in from the garden with bruises and scabby knees, and at first it would terrify him, but he mellowed when he saw how he was scaring by panicking. So he’d work on his tan in the garden or practice his martial arts, and little Cassie would climb trees or play on the climbing frames and obstacle course Johnny had installed. You’re at home, cleaning the bathroom, reaching up to get that cobweb in the top corner when you slip on the bath frame and land awkwardly, bruising your ribs and elbow. Johnny’s just coming in through the front door when he hears your yelp and it’s Nurse Cage to the rescue! He’s gentle and calm, asking if you remember where you hit, was it your head? Can you move? When he is sure you’re not badly hurt he scoops you up and carries you to the settee, gives you one of his most charming smiles, and fetches the ice pack and medicine box. Chuckling to himself as he wraps your elbow in 4 bandages (to make you laugh), he then gets you to lie back and keep the icepack on your ribs. He’s more than happy to look after you, more than happy to be your willing slave. When you’re feeling less bruised he makes you promise not to clean dangerously again. The Postman arrives with one of those cleaning brushes on an extendable pole. Nurse Cage has saved the day again. Raiden (and Fujin): Raiden might be the worst patient in all the realms, but he makes a pretty decent nurse. If you really need healing then he’s whisking you away to the Jin-sei, he’s not chancing it. If you’ve got a cold then Fujin is taking over, Raiden is not going through that again. Poor bemused Fujin stands at your bedside, wide eyed and fake smiling, pretending not to panic. After a very late night partying with Bo’ Rai Cho, Raiden turns up at your home only to find you still in bed. He checks the time again, then coughs loudly until you groan and pull the duvet over your head. Raiden is readying to teleport you both to the Jin-Sei Chamber when you blearily assure him you might feel like you’re dying, but it’s only a hangover. Disapproving Dad Raiden sighs, kisses your forehead then tucks you back into bed. He disappears in a muted flash (he’s careful not to be too bright knowing it’ll be painful), returning a moment later after a quick Consult (yup, he went there, Shinnok just laughed) with a basket full of juice and breakfast goodies. He slides into bed with you (he’s changed into some snazzy pyjamas) and helps you finish the breakfast, then pulls you to him and strokes your forehead. When you’re feeling a bit better he’ll draw you a hot bath, joining you if you’re happy for him to, and then have an afternoon nap together. He’d lecture you about the effects of alcohol on your frail human body, but he decides it’s your choice to make. Caring Daddy Raiden is the best. Bi-Han: He feels a bit awkward dealing with a hurt S/O. It brings back lots of unwanted and sad memories from childhood, also memories of looking after Kuai, kissing scraped knees when none of the Masters were looking, telling Kuai he was being “a good boy but not to cry loudly” when Bi-Han found Kuai tearily limping back to the dormitory. At the beginning of your relationship with Bi-Han, he disappears if you’re ill or hurt. He doesn’t mean it as a slight, but it brings bad memories he’d repressed or rather he could repress. He’ll send a bunch of last minute flowers as way of an apology, but it’s only when he truly feels comfortable with you that he’d feel able to stick around. He goes over the top. He almost kidnaps a Dr even though you protest it’s just a cold. A migraine and he won’t let you out of bed unless you plead you need the bathroom. The flu really does have him bringing medical staff in, and although he says he didn’t force them, they look scared enough that you’re anxious that the Police will kick down your door. It takes a while, but eventually his emotions calm enough that he won’t panic unless you’re gravely ill. He trusts you know if you really need his help, but it doesn’t stop him googling your symptoms. He still will sleep on the floor next to your bed, even if it’s just a sniffle. Mileena (featuring Ermac, yay!): Because she shrugs off most of her injuries and illnesses, at first she expects you to do the same. Edenians don’t get ill that often, neither do Tarkartans, and Shang Tsung made her to be the best of both so she doesn’t get a cold or feel crappy for no reason. At the beginning of a relationship with her she’ll think you’re being lazy or simply trying to avoid spending time with her, and she’ll get upset. Even though you’ve finally dragged yourself to your front door, dressing gown flapping, sweat rolling off your )not normally) green face, she thinks you don’t want to spend the day with her and angrily slams the door in your face. When you haven’t replied to her sulky texts or commented on her Instagram of her dancing lewdly with Tanya (Ermac rolling their eyes in the background), she tries to ignore the tickle of worry in her stomach. When its 3 days later and you still haven’t replied and she goes back to your door and lets herself in with the key she ‘borrowed’ (you’d have given her one but you knew she’d taken the spare one. Luckily Ermac had followed her because you’re half delirious with fever and Mileena doesn’t know what to do apart from cry. Several of their 10,000 souls were healers so they have Mileena go grab medicines and supplies and they nurse you back together. When you’re recovered you buy Mileena a little Nurses hat and have her wear it. It very quickly turns X rated. Kano: This man spits in the face of illness, and if it’s a casual thing, then he’ll leave you to the Lemsip and Vicks Vaporub. He’ll send a bunch of flowers if it’s more serious and if he trusts you and has known you for a while, he’ll pay any bills. If it’s serious and he can actually admit that his cold black heart of stone feels bigger when he’s around you, then his ‘baby’ gets the gold treatment. No Dr is too pricey or too far away and no treatment is out of reach. And if you get hurt on his watch - an enemy hurts you or someone targets him and you get caught in the crossfire, then he’ll scorch the earth to get you well again and to make that bastard pay, You were at the supermarket choosing something nice for tea when a faulty fridge explodes because a manager cut corners (again) and had an extra long lunch-break before reporting a sparking socket. You wake up in hospital, covered in bandages and slightly delirious due to Kano demanding you needed more pain relief (and who was going to say no? He’s fucking terrifying!). Kano is immediately holding your hand, giving you his biggest grin and taking the piss about you looking like a Mummy. You don’t mention his eyes look a little red and his voice wavers, but you’ll never forget it. The TV on the wall is on the news channels where all the reports are all about a Supermarket manager found skinless with their penis stapled to their forehead. Hmmm.
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rickssugarplum · 5 years
Sick as a Rick
Alright! Here is the fic where Rick is sick with a stomach ache and the reader takes care of him!! Thank you anon for this request! Hope this is okay! ❤
(Rick C-137 x Reader) SFW, Swearing, Rick is sick, Fluff
Rick suffers with a bad stomach ache and the reader takes care of him
It was a simple day on your couch with no one but you and your tv. You were watching some movie you were curious about. It was ok at best. Not much to rave over. Out of nowhere, your cell phone rings. Looking at your screen, you see Rick’s name and number. Naturally you pick up, curious what he could want. You pressed the answer button and placed the phone to your ear.
“Hello?” you answered almost giddy to hear Rick’s voice.
“Umm H-h-hi” squeaked a light timid voice that was nothing like the old man’s.
You were taken aback. “Oh. Morty! Is everything okay?” you asked concerned. It was unusual for his grandson to take the reigns in any situation.
He answered. “Yeah but I’m going crazy. Rick’s sick with a stomach ache and he’s being a pain in my ass. I-I can’t take it anymore. C-can you help him for me?”
That sounded like Rick to be a stubborn asshole when he was sick. Like a bratty child. This fourteen year-old kid shouldn’t have to deal with that. 
“Of course, Morty. Did you want to send him by the portal?” you asked as you also wondered how he would have the resilient old man comply.
“Y-yeah I’ll send him...” He said. A minute later, you hear the loud warping sound of the portal immit from your ceiling and Rick falling out of it landing roughly on your floor.
“Agh! Goddammit, Morty!” he shouts up at the disappearing portal. You get up from your couch to help him up. “C’mon, Rick” you try to calm him.
“Who does that little shit think he is?” he shouts.
You answer, “A kid who can’t handle his grandpa’s bitching at him over a tummy ache. Now sit down and I’ll get you medicine.”
He scowled. “The hell you are. I-I’m not taking shitty Earth pepto.” 
A big sigh escapes you. There are children who handle sickness better. But, you promised Morty that you would take care of him. Looking at him slumped on your couch, you could see his face looked a little sweaty and his skin was slightly paler than usual. You just wanted to get him to feel better.
“Then I can make you some eggs. It’ll be easy on your stomach. Okay?”  you proposed.
Rick simply grunted in confirmation and nodded. He couldn’t resist an offer of a meal, especially now. You let out a satisfied smile.
“Great! I’ll get you some water in the meantime.” As you plan to leave the room, you gave him a kiss on his forehead. Immediately your lips felt hot at the contact. 
“Oh my god, Rick!” Placing your hand on his forehead, he was hot to the touch. “I’ll get you an ice pack too. You’re burning up!”
Rick scoffed,“Thanks for the big breakthrough there, Nightingale.”
“I swear to fucking god” you thought as you left your living room into the kitchen. You made sure to give him water and and ice pack for his forehead as promised. When you were done with that, you grabbed your pan and cooked those eggs for him. You knew he liked them scrambled. As soon as they were done, you placed them on a plate, ready for your sick lover to eat them. Hopefully he would have a good mouthful.
“Here you go, Rick...” you say as you place his plate on the coffee table. He was laying down on the couch, holding on to his ice pack, keeping it on his forehead.
“Thanks.” He tried to sit up but immediately groaned in pain at the agony of his stomach virus. “Ow fuck” he hissed. 
You helped him lay back down. “Here, let me help.” You brought his long legs back to take up room, which you were just fine with. Rick was too weak to sit up.
Grabbing a blanket underneath him. you gently placed it over him. Luckily, it was big enough to cover his tall body. Tucking him in, you wanted to make sure he was comfortable.
“Here...” You took the plate and fork and eggs and put it near his mouth. Rick looked annoyed. It was so demeaning for him to have someone else feed him, but he was in too much pain to argue. Admitting defeat, he opened his mouth to take a bite of egg. You smiled slightly in relief. Piercing another piece, you slowly brought it to him again, where he once again complied, opening his mouth for another bite.
“Make sure to eat slowly. Eating too fast can make it worse.” you warned as he was chewing.
Rick swallowed his food before uttering, “Thank you, Mom.”
Rolling your eyes at his snarky comebacks, you just kept on feeding him. Making sure to appreciate this moment. You doubt it would happen again anytime soon, if ever. 
Rick let you know he was done for now, which was expected. One doesn’t have much of an appetite when suffering with a stomach ache. But, you saw he finished half of the eggs, so you were glad he at least ate something.
“C-can you pass me the water, babe?” he murmured. His eyes were closed, brow furrowed in pain. It ached your heart a little..
“Of course.” you grabbed the water bottle and placed it to his lips. Letting him take his time, he took a few good sips before he was hydrated enough for now. Your hand brushed his forehead, that has now cooled, even if just a little.
“Is there anything else I can get you?” you asked. You caught his faint smile at your touch. “Nahh, just...j-just stay with me..alright?”
“Oh, Rick...” You leaned down and kissed his lips. Hands on his face, you looked into his drowsy eyes.
 “Of course I will.”
Rick closed his eyes and took in your hospitality. 
You took one of his hands and gave it a gentle kiss. 
“Feel better, Rick.....” 
His eyes were closed, looking so peaceful. He knew he was in good hands with you. It looked like he was getting really tired. He needed to rest. Wanting to comfort him once more in that moment, you stroked his hair, leaning into his ear to whisper to him just before he drifted off to sleep.
“I love you...”
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satans-helper · 5 years
One Thing
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Pairing: Danny Wagner x (F) Reader
Word Count: 2570
Warnings: none; pure fluff
Written for @saywecanart <3 
You walked out of your doctor’s office with a prescription for ibuprofen and an even worse headache than when you had checked in with the receptionist. The slip of paper in your hand felt like a slap in the face--your doctor clearly hadn’t heard you when you told him about already taking ibuprofen and constantly pressing heating pads to your abdomen, trying to do yoga despite the pain radiating down your legs, and doubling over when the really bad cramps hit out of nowhere.
In your car you crumpled the paper and shoved it into the glove department, trying to ignore the sensation of a massive needle driving into your pelvis, and turned up the radio in an effort to distract you from the pain. You had to go back to campus--two more classes left in the day--and you felt awful. You grabbed your own bottle of ibuprofen from your bag and popped two of them. You didn’t want to over-do it but your whole body was aching incessantly.
Walking from your car to the atrium of the school was a little bit of relief for your body, although cramps were still radiating dully in your abdomen and your knees were aching, spurred by the cold air of November. You just wanted to get through the semester. 
No--you just wanted to get through the day.
Danny was already waiting for you at a small table by the cafe, tucked back near the hall leading to the technology department, with two coffees in front of him. You smiled when you saw him and after a moment he caught your glance, smiling back at you, and gestured to the empty chair in front of him.
“I put some milk in it,” he told you, sliding the coffee across the table as you sat down. “I forgot if you took it with anything else.”
“You got it right,” you assured him. “Thank you so much. I’ll get you back.”
“Don’t worry about it. How was your appointment?” 
You sighed. “A waste of time. I should’ve saved myself the gas--he just wrote me a prescription for ibuprofen.” You unzipped your bag and fumbled around, retrieving the bottle and placing it on the table. “As if I don’t already pop enough of those.”
Danny laughed a little. He didn’t mind talking about this stuff with you, in fact he asked you about how you were doing all the time. You two had been close for years but when things started to get really rough for you, he was the first one to ask what you needed.
“Did he say what might be wrong?” he asked.
“No, he really didn’t know,” you said cautiously. “Not that he was super thorough. I have to go see my gynecologist next week.” 
You were pretty sure you knew what was wrong. As all the symptoms had progressed, you had researched more and more and all of it had repeatedly led you to the same answer: endometriosis, something you’d never even heard of until your symptoms screamed at you to find an answer. Even your gynecologist had never brought it up before, not even with your lamenting about all the pain radiating through your body and the horrible periods, each month somehow worse than the last. 
When you read the sentence “endometriosis often gets steadily worse” you had wanted to collapse onto the floor and give up entirely. So what was the point of all the doctor’s visits anyway, if it would only become more awful? What could anyone do?
Still, you knew you had to find something, anything, to make it better. 
Danny looked at you sympathetically. “Cramps?”
“And that’s just the beginning,” you replied, managing a laugh. “But it’s okay--one day at a time, right?” Sitting down had exacerbated your abdominal pain and you shifted in the chair, trying to keep your knees from aching too much, the pain in your lower back getting worse too.
“At least you have Dr. Bisson to distract you,” Danny joked. “I’m sure her hijinks will make you forget all about it.”
You laughed again. “Oh, definitely. But how are you? Did you finish that music theory paper?”
“Yeah, finally. I was searching through the library database forever,” Danny told you. 
“When will universities learn that Wikipedia is a reputable source?” 
He chuckled. “Seriously.” He looked at his phone. “We should probably go. Did you still wanna see a movie later?”
“Yeah, definitely.” You stood up and Danny followed, giving you a quick hug. “I’ll see you later.”
Danny smiled. “Have fun with Dr. Bisson, honestly,” he said as he started to walk away, slowly turning away from you.
You thought the pain was bad before but, as soon as Danny was out of your sight, it seemed to get worse. You resisted the urge to double over in the middle of the atrium, but you did have to make a conscious effort to take deep breaths as you walked to class. You were so frustrated with everything--it had been months of doctors visits and going through bottles of over-the-counter pain relievers, herbal teas, oils, ice packs, heating pads and whatever other “solutions” Google gave you. You just wanted something. One thing to alleviate all the pain and anguish.
Your busy day had taken a toll on your already weak physical condition. You were home, lying on the couch with another heating pad on your abdomen, and a glass of mostly-untouched water on the table next to you. You wanted to go to the movies with Danny--even Sam said he would join--but you didn’t even feel able to get up and drive there, let alone sit in one of the seats, as comfortable as they were for other people. You knew you wouldn’t enjoy yourself. With an uncomfortable sigh, you unlocked your phone to text Danny:
I’m not feeling very well, I’m gonna have to pass on the movie.
Almost instantly he responded: What’s wrong? 
Same as earlier. Except worse lol.
I’m so sorry. I don’t wanna see the movie without you though--want me to come over?
You paused. Of course you wanted Danny to come over--he was the best friend someone could ever have. The fact that he even offered was enough to make you melt, especially in your vulnerable state. But you didn’t want to dampen his night. 
You should still go with Sam
Haha Sam bailed! 
You sighed again. You don’t have to. But that would be really nice.
I want to. I’ll be there soon okay, doll? 
You’re the best <3
When Danny got to you, he presented a full grocery bag, setting it down on the couch, him sitting on the far end next to it. You sat up and peeked inside. “What’d you bring?”
“Uh, well, a bunch of things,” he told you and pulled a DVD out of the bag. “The Breakfast Club. I didn’t buy it though, I’m borrowing it from my sister.”
You laughed a little. “Good choice.” 
He removed a bottle of magnesium supplements. “I read that this can help with pain. I don’t know if you’ve already tried it though.”
You were already blown away by the deep level of caring Danny had. He’d actually taken time to look up what might help you--more than even some of your doctors had done. “I haven’t.”
He handed you three different chocolate bars. “I know it’s not actual medicine. But chocolate can solve a lot, you know?”
“I think so,” you agreed, smiling. “You even got me dark chocolate.”
Danny smiled proudly. “I remembered.” 
You opened the bag more, peering into it, a seemingly endless plethora of gifts. “Danny, you got too much,” you said, pulling out a bottle of ginger ale and then a bottle of iced green tea. 
“Just enough, I think,” he replied, still looking very proud of himself. 
You leaned across the couch, the bag crinkling under you, and hugged him. “You’re seriously the best, Danny.” He wrapped his arms around you and his warmth and sturdiness felt so nice, so comforting, so much so that you struggled to make yourself pull back.
He got up and knelt in front of the TV, putting the DVD into the player. “Anything for you, doll. You’ve done plenty for me over the years.”
You smiled, then winced--a sharp, stabbing pain returning to your abdomen. You exhaled and leaned back into the cushions, pressing the heating pad over yourself again. You would much rather be out with Danny, having a good time like everyone else. You hated that he had to see you curled up and in pain, hated that he had to spend his evening with you in a state like that. 
As he sat back down you opened the bottle of ginger ale and the magnesium and swallowed one--you were still willing to give just about anything a shot.  Danny set the bag on the floor in front of the two of you and scooched in close, resting his arm around your shoulders. You immediately felt a little better and shifted so you were lying on your side with your head in his lap. He lowered his arm and smoothed your hair back from your face gently, his fingertips lightly grazing your temples and scalp. You loved the sensation. It was the first time you had felt relaxed at all in days and, for once, you felt like you could fall asleep right there in his lap. 
Another searing shot of hot pain, rushing from your abdomen into your hips, hit you. You groaned quietly and sat up, backing yourself into the cushions. You pressed the heating pad against you tighter and exhaled. 
“You okay, Y/N?” Danny asked, looking at you a little uneasily, one eyebrow slightly raised.
“I’m sorry. Sometimes it hits really hard and I just have to breathe through it. Like labor,” you said, laughing a little. What else could you do?
“I’m really sorry,” Danny said, and you could tell he meant it. You could see that he wished there was more he could do, although the care he was already giving you was a little overwhelming, mostly because you wished he didn’t have to care that much. You two had been through a lot together, but you still couldn’t imagine him hearing about your messed up uterus was at all entertaining. “Do you need something? Ice?”
The pain subsided a little, allowing you to relax back into the couch, curling back up and resting your head in his lap again. “I’m good. I’m going to break into that chocolate soon,” you told him. “When the cramps die down a bit more.”
Danny resumed stroking your hair. You still couldn’t concentrate on the movie much, as badly as you wanted to. The pain had dulled but it was still heavy in your abdomen and radiating down your legs, making everything feel sore; your lower back was aching so deeply it felt like a rake was being dragged down the muscle; not to mention all the bleeding. But that was a conversation you’d save Danny from. 
Another sharp wave of pain rippled through you and you groaned a little, turning your head and pressing your cheek against Danny’s knee. He slowed his fingers in your hair and then rested his hand on your shoulder. You thought that within the tense silence he would ask how you were again, but he didn’t--he gently rubbed your shoulder instead, running his palm down your shoulder blade and back up again, his fingers grazing your collarbone. 
You were grateful that he replaced the same futile question with his soothing touch. It really did help, although his kindness exacerbated your already heightened emotions. You felt yourself about to cry and the physical pain suddenly got worse, causing you to break down. 
You sniffled against his leg, trying not to let out all the tears, which made it worse. Trying to withhold your sobs only made the rising and falling of your chest more intense, and his hand paused on your shoulder blade. You just wanted the pain to stop. Even for an hour. You would gladly take an hour. It was just endless.
“I’m sorry, Danny,” you said unsteadily. You could tell he wasn’t sure what to say, and you couldn’t blame him. “This sucks. For both of us.”
He laughed quietly and you appreciated that he went along with the little bit of humor you could manage. “I feel really bad, Y/N,” he said. “I wish I could help.”
You sat up, wiping the leftover tears away with your sleeve. “You are helping. More than those doctors. More than anyone.”
He smiled a little. 
You exhaled, both from being exhausted by your tormented emotions and the cramps. “I’m pretty sure I know what it is. Endometriosis,” you said and, before Danny could ask, you continued. “Which is like, extra tissue growing outside the uterus. That’s the simplest way to put it.”
“It sounds rough already.”
You managed a laugh. “Yeah. Well, it gets worse--literally,” you said and, as you did, you felt yourself starting to tear up again. “It literally gets worse with time. I might not even be able to have kids.”
Danny’s face mellowed even more, his dark eyebrows relaxing and his eyes soft. “I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
“I mean, I don’t even know if I want that, ever,” you went on, fighting back the tears. “But not even having the option?”
Danny nodded sympathetically. “Do you think your gynecologist will know more?”
“I don’t know. I hope so. She never mentioned it before but--I don’t see what else it could be. Other than cancer,” you added, laughing.
“Don’t say that,” Danny replied, though he laughed too.
“I’m kidding. I just need something to help,” you said with a sigh. “But this helps a lot. It really does.”
Danny enveloped you in his arms, holding you tight against his chest. “I’m glad. You know I’ll always be here.”
You sighed again, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and resting your head under his chin. “Thank you.” You wanted to stay in his arms forever, or at least until all the pain went away. Danny’s gentleness toward you was one of the best remedies, as was his strong, warm body against yours. You felt like everything would be okay.
He ran his fingers through your hair as his other hand rubbed your back. “You know I’m gonna ask again--do you need anything?”
You chuckled against his neck, the scent of his hair washing over you. “I’m okay,” you told him and, for the first time in a while, you felt like it was true. “Just as long as you join me in eating all of that chocolate.”
“Oh, absolutely.”
You broke your embrace and reached down into the bag to take out the chocolate bars. Danny settled back beside you; you leaned against him, retrieving the heating pad and laying it against your abdomen, then unwrapped the first bar to break it in half, handing one to him. He laid his arm over your shoulder and you melted back into him, resting your head against his chest. It was definitely everything that was helping--the little bit of caffeine in the chocolate; the heating pad; the ginger ale; maybe even the magnesium--but ultimately, Danny was the one thing that helped alleviate the pain.
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Side To Side
Chapter 177: To Feel Alive
Characters: Ruby, Law Rating: Gen Warnings: Injuries, Blood mention Notes: sorry this was late! I’ve been busy for the past couple of weeks Full Story
Ruby had been through a lot in her life. Some (most) would say too much. She had aches and pains that sometimes were a lot to deal with. She had shaky hands and achy knees. She had an ever tense neck and a crooked toe. She had her shoulder, her chest, her collarbone, and her foot. All of which either hurt one at a time or all at once.
She was always able to get through it. It was just a little pain; something that she’s always dealt with. Her foot was the worst. It used to be her shoulder blade, seeing that before joining the Heart Pirates it was her only serious injury. After she joined...she seemed to get hurt far more often. She once teased Law that she joined the Heart Pirates because she was supposed to be safer. He looked guilty and she had to remind him that he was just joking.
“I know I told you you’d be safer with us but now you’re so full of holes you might’ve been safer on that island.”
“Yeah but I was depressed.”
“You still are.”
“More depressed.”
Most days she was fine anyway. She had her compresses, her ointments, the ice packs, and pain killers. She was perfectly fine most days. In fact, she did like her new way of telling when the weather was going to change.
Her newest, most gruesome injury, her foot, was the one that got to her the most. It was the one where she’d wake up in the middle of the night from the pain. Luckily, it has gotten better over the course of the few months since recovery. Law’s medical skills were top notch and he made sure everything was going smoothly and as painlessly as possible.
She still tried to wear heels. She’d complain about it and Law would complain about her complaining, but she still wore her heels. It was who she was! She was Stiletto Ruby! Who cares that she rarely actually went out in public?! It was the fact of the matter! And she didn’t let anyone know the amount of pain her foot was in at the end of the day. And she’s pretty sure no one noticed outside of Law, who really only knew because wanted him to massage her foot at the end of the day. (This is incorrect, everyone knew.)
Baths also helped. Long, warm baths with epsom salt. She, of course, wasn’t allowed to bathe alone. Law would sit at the edge of the tub with a book and a cup of tea, making sure she didn’t drown. She supposed that’s how it was going to be for the rest of their lives. She definitely didn’t mind it. Law already knew she liked the idea of living their lives together.
On a particularly cold morning, she woke up from the pain in her ankle and foot. She gritted her teeth and curled up into a ball, rubbing her ankle. Law stirred next to her and paused for a moment before rubbing her back. Did she say she liked her new way of determining the weather? By that she meant she hated it. She absolutely hated it.
“I’m sorry,” Law softly murmured to her. He leaned in and wrapped his arms around her middle and cuddled up to her back. He was a warm, wonderful contrast to the cold air that had infiltrated the Tang.
“It hurts,” she whispered.
“I know.” He held onto her tighter. He kissed her shoulder slowly. “Do you want me to grab your electric blanket?”
Ruby nodded and Law sat up. He tucked her in and got out of bed, walking over to the closet and rummaging through their things. He pulled out her electric blanket and walked to the foot of the bed, spreading it out over her. He fiddled with the small remote and turned it on before walking back to the side of the bed and getting in next to her.
“I don’t have to be up for a little while, so I’ll hold onto you.”
“Thank you.” She said rather pathetically. She knew she needed to be an adult and deal with the pain properly, but it was hard sometimes. She heard Law open his nightstand and pull out a bottle of pills; probably ibuprofen.
“Take a couple of these and try to get back to sleep.”
She sat up and he handed her two pills and her water bottle that she left on his nightstand. She quickly swallowed them and handed the water bottle back to him. She immediately laid down and pulled the blankets over her snugly. Ruby closed her eyes and sighed. Sometimes she wondered if Law had fought the bastard who did this to her, would he have had the same fate? She doubted it. Law was cool and calculating most of the time; and he for sure wasn’t afraid of spiders. In fact, he probably wouldn’t have even noticed the spider.
She was glad that it happened to her and not him, even though she was in pain and her foot would never be the same. She’s not sure if she could handle Law losing a limb. She’s not sure she could handle seeing him as torn up as she was. It’s hard to think of Law getting as hurt as she had. Usually, he’s good about getting injured, and when he does he acts like it barely even affects him. Law was strong, and he had her total confidence.
Law wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled the back of her neck. She’s glad he didn’t put up his tough guy front while alone with her. She liked him being like this with her. He wasn’t exactly soft, but he treated her gently enough. Especially on mornings like these where she was in pain.
The medicine started to kick in and she was able to fall asleep before she knew it. She was happy to fall asleep while stealing all of Law’s warmth while under her warm electric blanket. She didn’t awake again until Law pulled away from her to get ready for the day. She took in a deep breath and sat up.
“Are you going to get out of bed today?” Law said still sounding tired. He was getting dressed, pulling on pants. He didn’t seem affected by the chilly weather outside, he never did. Ruby was sure he was born in a blizzard seeing how he never got cold.
“I’m going to try.” She sighed and pushed the blankets off of her.
“Don’t think you have to go too hard today. If you need a break, don’t try to tough it out.”
“It’s not like we work super hard anyway. I dick around in my greenhouse all day until someone needs some sort of plant or produce from me” She admittedly was cranky this morning because of the pain. She was close to crying in frustration and didn’t want to admit she wanted to stay in bed all day while also being stubborn and trying to prove that she could handle the pain.
Law walked over to her, bent down, and placed a long kiss on her forehead. “Would you like me to make you hot chocolate?” Ruby sniffed and wiped her eyes. She nodded her head sadly and bit her trembling lip. “Alright, I’ll be right back.”
Ruby collapsed back on the bed when he left, crying in anger. She had become so weak and pathetic. When she was 17 she ran through a forest with a sea prism bullet embedded in her shoulder. She bled out while running, ignoring the pain. Why is it that this stupid injury is what got her now? She was older. She had more experience. She had a doctor now. What the hell was wrong with her?!
“Ruby,” Law called her concerned. “It’s okay.” She stopped crying and opened her eyes, frowning deeply at him. He placed her mug, the one that was powder blue and had roses on it, on the nightstand. He sat next to her and petted her head.
“What the hell is wrong with me?”
“You’re in pain.” Was his simple answer. He ran his fingers through her hair. “It’s okay to be in pain. It’s normal to experience pain, you have my word as a doctor.”
“I’m better than this.” Her voice shook. “I was able to take getting shot and the recovery from it with no problem. I started to work off my debt as soon as I could walk, why can’t I take this?”
“You shouldn’t have been put to work so early and I’m surprised there weren’t more complications from doing so. Are you telling me your stitches never ripped?” Ruby frowned but didn’t respond. “And your foot was ripped off. Think about that.”
“I was there.”
“I was barely able to reattach it.” He continued. “Just because it’s been a few months doesn’t mean the pain is going to disappear. I’ve told you before your foot will never be the same, and pain is part of that.” He sighed and stopped running his fingers through her hair. “I’m not here to baby you, but I know that you need to take it easy from time to time. And as your boyfriend, I want to make it easier on you. I don’t like seeing you in pain.
“So, if you want to get out of bed and spend all day in your greenhouse, I’ll support you. It will be good for you to go through a normal routine. But if you just want to drink hot chocolate, take it easy, and stay bundled up all day, I’ll support that, too.” Ruby moved to lay her head in his lap and he started to pet her hair again. “You’re not weak because you’re in pain, Ruby.”
“I’m frustrated at myself.”
“I know. You’ll through this. I’m sure there will be a day when you barely notice the pain.”
“Until I get old and everything hurts.”
“Don’t worry. I will be there, making you some hot chocolate to make you feel better.”
Ruby smiled as a tear rolled down her nose. She sniffed and wiped it off. She sat up and her legs curled to her side. She wrapped her arms around her lover’s neck and he patted her back. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, babe. I do love you and all.”
Ruby chuckled and pulled away from him. “I love you, too.” She leaned in and kissed him. It was soft and simple. Just their lips brushing against one another, but it made the pain disappear for the five seconds that her lips touched his.
“So, you going to stay in bed today?”
“I...I’ll get out of bed and eat breakfast, and see how I feel after that.”
“Good.” He kissed her forehead. “I’m going to finish getting ready.”
Ruby watched him get out of bed and walk over to the dresser before wrapping her blankets around her shoulders. It was still fairly chilly in her room and she definitely didn’t want her toes to hit the floor. She felt something soft hit the side of her head and looked over to glare at Law, who was putting on a shirt. She looked down at what hit her and saw a pair of fuzzy green socks.
She smiled softly and grabbed them, pulling them onto her feet. She stood up shakily, wobbling on her bad foot, and let out a breath. It was time to get ready for the day.
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thaiteastacey · 5 years
Traveling abroad while pregnant: 6 months pregnant all through Morocco and Turkey
So a little overview about this post
 I will be going over tips and my experiences traveling while 6 months pregnanct (I came back to Miami at 28 weeks and 2 days pregnant) I was traveling for a little over a month. Please also see your doctor before traveling while pregnant or taking certain things I took—each pregnancy is different.
 At the start of my pregnancy and well into the 5th month I kept throwing up pretty bad and well you can check those post to get a glimpse of how I felt! Thankfully I felt better a week before my flight so here’s some tips I recommend
 Wear compression socks! 
 This was a life saver for me because I get cramps really fast and the flight was extremely long from Miami to Istanbul. 
 Bring an empty thermos bottle! 
 Also another life saver for me (basically everything was but this was extra important!) i filled up my bottle at the Miami airport at one of their water fountains. 
 Drink lots of water while on the plane
 My doctor also recommended I drink lots of water in the plane to get up and pee as often as I can in order to prevent blood clots.
 Bring a travel pillow
 So I started getting sleepy around my fourth month of pregnancy and my head swung pretty bad in my car so I knew I needed a pillow plus you will use it if you are going on long road trips.
 Don’t forget Imodium (or anti diarrheal pills) 
 I get pretty sick when I get food poisoning and I definitely did not want to risk it. My doctor didn’t tell me about this but I asked her and she said it was okay for me to take while pregnant. She also said if it lasted longer and I got really bad to go get an IV at a hospital asap. I ended up using 1 pill when I went to the beach in Kenitra. We had breakfast there and it was a cheap restaurant so bad idea! I wasn’t the only one to get sick. I brought two boxes of pills so I had enough to share.
 Do not drink ice or from the faucet/ tap water. 
 The doctor did tell me this so I had to keep buying bottled water. Also this is where your thermos comes in handy. In morocco it was hard for me to find cold water especially down south (not ice but cold). The thermos will keep your water cool unlike plastic bottles. Just fill it with any cold bottles you buy. Also always make sure the bottles are brand new because some restaurants will fill them with tap.
 Bring extra underwear/pads
 So one new pregnancy symptom I got while in morocco was that I started to pee if I sneezed to hard or coughed! And sometimes it was ALOT! Pretty embarrassing but also if you are traveling cross country it’s bad when you have to change your underwear multiple times a day. I ended up buying underwear here but they weren’t that comfortable so do not forget.
 Bring sanitizer and wet wipes
 After going to the bathroom or just interacting with people or eating with your hands (before or after) try to always clean your hands/phone/items you touch often in order to prevent sickness. In Morocco lots of dishes are eaten with ones hands and it’s pretty easy to dirty your hands. Also don’t expect much from the restrooms. They have some old style restrooms that are basically a hole in the floor and no lie I kept getting piss splashing on my feet. Wet wipe came in handy because sometimes there’s no running water and most of the time no soap. Bring your own tissue if you need it.
  Bring comfortable bras 
 I brought 1 regular bra and 2 stretchy nursing bras. I don’t plan on coming back while pregnant or traveling for this long anywhere but just in case! I would recommend to bring more.
 Bring Tylenol 
 I used it a few times since in the start of my trip I did so much walking I was in extreme pain (lower back and legs). I also used it before arriving to the Sahara since I was really sick.
  Bring a copy of your marriage certificate 
 I honestly thought this was a bunch of nonsense when I heard that a hotel was asking for this. After all I am not from here and my husband already has citizenship in the US so why right?! But apparently I saw it on trip advisor and I probably missed it I my morocco travel book if not they really need to update.
I was fortunate to have my mother in law find mine and send us a photo. It really didn’t matter that I was pregnant and showing (little bump but still). 
 Buy fruit/snacks for later
 I didn’t each much during my pregnancy but I would wake up starving and having cookies/ fruit to calm me down was the best. The best snacks for the heat are nuts, cookies, and dates. I had a bunch of green bananas that browned in a few hours in the desert, hours....
 Don’t push yourself too hard
 I ended up pushing myself pretty hard with all the walking the first few days (11+ miles) and I started to get pain in my uterus area. Then I got a cold right before our road trip to the south of morocco. I went on a little hike but being extremely sick and pregnant didn’t help. We went later to Marrakech and I walked even more in the heat. Thankfully my hotel was wonderful and my stay there was the best. I took a day to rest up and left out seeing much of Marrakech to stay and rest but my health and the baby is first. 
 Do not go into pools/ hammams/ bath houses that look dirty
 I went to a hot spring that was extremely dirty and gross. Also I didn’t get in because that water was too hot but also think twice to not risk any vaginal infection it’s best to skip that. While there some women were advising me to not be in there because of the baby and my doctor also told me no but it wasn’t that hot for me. Also in my moms country they rinse people with COLD almost ice water so I got cold water and rinsed. Once I started to feel like it was enough I left. Don’t stay until you can’t. The one I went to wasn’t that hot at all since it was more like a medicinal water thing instead of an actual hammam. 
 Bring sneakers that are for walking with grip 
 Many places in morocco do not have the best side walks and especially the old towns can be slippery. So think of comfort and grip before fashion.
 Bring a belly support
 The road can get very bumpy in the car and it made my uterus HURT. Unfortunately I must have taken mine out of my luggage before I came but I know it would have been useful.
   Other tips I wish I would have known/taken:
   Be careful with medication here
  Even throat spray. I bought one and it made my heart rate go up. My husband thought it would be fine because Google says so but I never asked my doctor about it. Plus careful when buying headache medication here because it has penicillin (I’m allergic to that!). I went on to buy alcohol (scotch/whiskey mix) to gargle for my throat which made it better but either way it was a little too late and had to suffer with a stuffy nose, terrible cough, mucus in my lungs, and headache for around 5 days.
 Bring Vick’s and cough drops
 I couldn’t find Vick’s anywhere and when I wanted to buy it on Sunday everyone was closed. Strange for a Muslim country to close things on Sunday but either way that’s how it is so I never got my Vick’s. Vick’s will come in handy just in case you start getting sick it can help open your nasal way. 
 Don’t be cheap with your food
 What’s cheap to Americans isn’t the same thing as people living in Morocco. One family member tried to save us a bit of cash by taking us to a cheap breakfast place but it was 1 really bad tasting and 2 it gave everyone diarrhea. So make sure you use google or trip advisor or if you are in a area that doesn’t really have that just make sure your cups are clean and just see if the place looks dirty/flys on the food etc.
One thing I didn’t mind was honey bees all over my food. In many places you will see this. A honey bee isn’t dirty like a fly and i never got sick from them (i ate pastries/cookies that had been stood on honey bees and I was okay). If you want to stick to more fancier places it’s good too but sometimes you will get hungry on long road trips and those places are usually no where in sight for miles.
  How my trip went:
 Overall my trip has gone well so far minus getting really sick. And no I would never travel abroad for this long while pregnant. If you want to see only some of Morocco or anywhere for a short time and don’t plan on road trips I think it would be fine. Take into consideration the roads, the long hours etc if you are going to try and see the more natural parts of it too. 
 All the walking and the camel ride I had was uncomfortable for my belly as well as scary because I did not want to fall and going down the sand dunes with the camel was terrifying. I also wanted to have more fun and go up the sand dunes and take those cute pictures like some people on instagram do with their partners but I was so exhausted it was really hard to do anything. I basically crawled up with all 4 plus my husband pushing my butt to get up the dune. Then to sleep it was so hot in the rooms I slept outside on a sofa but my back was in even more pain. 
 At Askchour there are 3 waterfalls and I made it past the 2nd one and returned back to it to relax because the third one was another hour hiking. So again don’t push yourself too hard but remember you probably won’t be able to see everything you thought you would compared to if you weren’t pregnant (or sick or both). I wasn’t sick at this hike but I knew I still had to go back down and it was blazing hot. 
 I still have a few days left in Morocco (still sick) and then I will be heading to Turkey for 6 days. Remember that your partner has to be in this to the fullest and try to put on the shoes you are in. My husband was extremely helpful carrying basically all of my stuff everywhere and holding a back pack with my 40oz water and all the items I needed. He also needed to be extremely patient with me since I am holding our child! I needed constant food breaks, pee breaks, and belly massages/ back rubs. Also he had to slow down and wait for me to be able to catch up to certain areas or he would just not go if I couldn’t make it.  Your partner also has to remember that this will affect his vacation too and he has to be okay with that for it to work. 
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trekkingskiun · 3 years
Regarding outdoor first aid
Regarding outdoor first aid, it turns out you can do this Outdoors, unexpected situations are always prone to happen. What are the common outdoor accidents? How to deal with it? Is the first aid kit ready? What first aid items are required? Do you know that the items around us can be used as first aid items? What might happen outdoors Situation 1: Loss of temperature Loss of temperature must occur in a specific situation where the weather is bad, the surrounding environment is low in temperature, heavy rain, and wet, and the wind is strong on the mountain ridge or grass slope. It is easy to produce wind chill effect and water chill effect. Symptoms: tremor, decreased willpower, confusion, unsteady steps, slowed reactions. You can do this: find shelter from the wind, set up a tent, change your wet clothes, get into a sleeping bag, and use camp lights to warm the air in the tent. Recommended first aid items You will need to pack for loss of temperature (remember to put on dry clothes first): 1. Floor cloth/sleeping pad: Insulate moisture. 2. Sleeping bag: keep warm. 3. Water bottle: After filling it with hot water, it becomes a thermos bottle and puts it on the chest. 3. Warm clothing/headscarf/hair cap: heat storage. 4. Emergency survival blanket (aluminum foil reflective material): to improve warmth, it can be placed between the sleeping pad and the sleeping bag. 5. External account: In an emergency, you can isolate yourself from the bad weather outside and wrap your team in. The backpack is placed in a ventilation place to block the wind.
Situation 2: Heat stroke The cause may be that strenuous exercise generates a lot of heat and is exposed to high temperature environments. Symptoms: Heat death, heat explosion, hot to burst, too hot to stand, slow reaction. You can do this: cool down immediately, soak in cold water, spray water, fan, use evaporative cooling, replenish water (in the awake state), replenish body fluids, and evacuate. Recommended first aid items 1. Water filter bag/soft water bag: can be used as ice pack. 2. Water bottle: add ice water to add moisture.
Situation 3: Cramps The cause may be overuse of muscles, low temperature, and electrolyte loss due to sweating. How to prevent: Normally, moderate muscle strength training, warm-up exercises, salt supplements, and keep warm when resting. You can do this: rest (don’t endure cramps), ask your partner to do moderate muscle extension activities. Recommended first aid items 1. Energy replenishment package: precious mineral powder (salt supplement), calorie drink. 2. Water bottle: It can be used as a roller to soothe the stiff muscles.
Situation 4: Sprain, muscle strain The cause may be large terrain changes and incompatible shoes. How to prevent: Choose a pair of good hiking shoes, be familiar with the use of trekking poles, and don't be impatient when going downhill. Formula: 'RICE' (Don't let the affected area swell up) Rest-rest. Icing-ice compress (water can be filled in a water bag). Compression-fixed (available knee or ankle support). Elevation-Elevation (elevate when sleeping or resting). Recommended first aid items 1. Headscarf/towel/clothing: can be used as an elastic bandage, rolled into a strip to fix the injured limb. 2. Water filter bag/soft water bag: can be used as ice pack.
Folding up the clothes can also be used as a fixed triangle scarf for emergency use Situation 5: Blister The cause may be poor walking habits and poor hiking shoes. How to prevent: Do not wear brand new hiking shoes, wear wicking socks, and apply blisters as soon as you feel (friction hot spots). Recommended first aid items 1. Blister stickers. 2. Strong tape: A layer of cotton/toilet paper should be separated between the blister and the tape.
Strong tape is a must for many outdoor people. Case 6: Knee pain, twisted ankle Often occurs when downhill. How to prevent: Don't be anxious when going downhill, be familiar with trekking poles or knee pads, and usually do muscle training. You can do this: take care of rest, ice/hot compresses, and avoid second-degree injuries after it happens. Recommended first aid items 1. Water filter bag/soft kettle: can be used as an ice pack.
The soft water bag can be used as an ice/hot compress after being filled with cold/hot water Situation 7: Burns Be careful when cooking outdoors, especially in tents. Please use the gas tank 'correctly and safely'. You can do this: 'Delivery with a brewing lid'-No delivery on the mountain. Chong: There may not be so much water to rinse. You can pack water in a water bag and apply ice until the skin no longer heats up. Cover: Use clean gauze to protect against infection and cellulitis. Redness of the wound-take antibiotics first. Recommended first aid items 1. Water filter bag: filter the water to clean the affected area, and can be used as an ice pack. 2. Headscarf/towel/clothing: moisten the cloth with clean water and cover the burned area to soothe it. Situation 8: Falling Trauma is sometimes a clue to internal injuries, look at it from head to toe: Are there any bruises or lacerations on the head. Whether the neck is painful. Whether the thoracic cavity on both sides has trauma, whether it undulates symmetrically. Whether there is any trauma to the abdomen, whether there is tenderness. If you urinate, pay attention to whether there is blood. Whether there is swelling (fracture) in the limb. Recommended first aid items 1. Water filter bag: can be used as an ice pack (for swelling), clean water to clean the wound. 2. Accompanying medicines: muscle relaxants, analgesics, ask the pharmacy to evaluate and provide medicines before going to the clinic. 3. Headscarf/towel/clothing: can be used as an elastic bandage, rolled into a strip to fix the injured limb. 4. Trekking pole/egg trough sleeping pad: can be used as emergency supplies for fixing injured limbs.
For you who love the outdoors Outdoor activities are risky but do not mean danger. Be prepared and prepare and adjust first aid kits for personnel, time and features in each outdoor activity. Learn to be responsible for your own safety. Train your own physical strength and take small steps slowly to adjust your breathing. I wish everyone happy and happy to go home and return home safely!
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deerhunting2-blog · 5 years
8 Tips for Camping in the Snow
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Camping in the snow includes totally different fun and difficulties to an ordinarily routine camping trip. Clearly the colder and increasingly genuine the winter weather, the more apparatus you need to pack in. Telemark Skis, Skins, Snow Shoes, crampons, more layers, a thicker sleeping sack, the rundown continues endlessly and before you know it your pack gauges 80 pounds. Well tis the season for snow camping, so I set up together a few tips to help the beginner trying to camp in the snow for the first run through or give some new deceives to the wild vet.
1. Get ready for the most exceedingly terrible
With trails canvassed in ice and snow, you must determine how you are going make it to and from camp alive. Dissimilar to in summer when trails are obviously conspicuous, set apart with signs, and a lot of individuals on trail, winter has zero individuals on trail and everything is under numerous feet of snow. Before you even advance out the entryway, you have to do a point by point guide study and realize different prominent terrain highlights. Comprehend that despite the fact that it would seem that a winter wonderland, it can transform into Hellfire all around rapidly. This season tempests can white out the region within minutes and it's extremely simple to wind up confused. Thick overcast spread and tempests could likewise possibly lose a GPS, so having the old guide and compass prepared could spare your life. Try not to be terrified to dig in and hold up out a tempest. Individuals have endure different days building a snow cavern.
2. Getting to Camp-Skis versus Snow Shoes
When you are prepared to stroll through a snow squall in reverse, determine what strategy for movement you will utilize. Obviously we as a whole need to pick the snow versatile, however that is impossible and we are definitely not post holing our approach to camp. Crosscountry Skis/Alpine Touring skis or Telemark skis are the quickest method to get the chance to camp over genuinely harsh terrain. The back of the heel discharges from the binding allowing you to stroll in a sliding movement to climb a mountain. With skins joined to the base of your ski, you can without much of a stretch walk once you learn. You basically click the heel into the binding to ski downhill with AT skis. Teles are a lot harder to ski down slope and require a troublesome lunging strategy. Skis can likewise be utilized to hold down a tent or help fabricate a safe house. Albeit effective, skis can be overwhelming and hard to use from the outset. In the event that a ski or binding breaks, it likewise a lot harder to fix than a tie on a snow shoe. Ski boots are horrendous around camp, so you should pack in boots or your feet will solidify. Snowshoes albeit a much more slow approach to make progress, they are the most down to earth for camping in the snow. Snowshoes can be utilized by anybody, cut into any boot, have crampon bottoms, are a lot lighter than skis and you can even make a couple with a little ingenuity. Despite the fact that I favor skis and a heavier pack, I prescribe going with snow shoes for your first Snow camping trip.
3. Building the Ideal Camp/Safe house Tent versus Bivy
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Since you have made it to camp, you can't simply whip out the old tent and toss it on the ground like it's late spring. Keep in mind you are standing on various feet of snow. You have to pack down the snow or uncover it. This makes a pleasant strong establishment and for the most part squares wind. Utilize your skis, snow shoes or scoop to pack the snow down enough to where you can bounce on it without punching a gap. Or on the other hand find a territory with less snow, for example, close to the base of a tree and uncover the snow. Never rest legitimately on the snow, utilize a ground cushion! During the night the snow under your body will gradually liquefy and you will sink down. Well in the event that you chose to simply toss your tent down and move in, the floor of your tent could possibly tear out. Your tent will likely choose to tear out from under you at around 2 am. Presently the entirety of your rigging is canvassed in snow and your freezing cold. When you have the ideal establishment for a Bivy or Tent, plan for weather. Gather fire making material in the event that something goes wrong, even in spots where flames aren't allowed. Stake down your tent or cover tent lines in the snow. Fabricate a snow fence divider out of rocks or branches for wind blown drifting snow. It is an awful feeling and hazardous to wake up covered alive by snow in your bivy. It's a mix-up I will just make once. From my experience, a tent is extravagant and it's pleasant to be inside when the weather turns awful, yet I normally simply move with the bivy. It causes me cut down on weight and mass in my pack and it ordinarily makes me develop my campground somewhat better.
4. Trouble with Nourishment and Water
When camp is good to go up, it's a great opportunity to plunk down to a decent hot feast and refreshing drink of water. Then you open your Nalgene to a square of ice and your Stream Bubble won't light. Well simply like your filtered water needs to insulted, so does a Stream Bubble canister. Keep the canister close to your body while hiking in, and utilize a little froth ground cushion to cook on instead of placing the canister legitimately on the snow. Spot your water bottles topsy turvy in the insulating covers and the base will solidify before the top. Then you can take the remaining water to warm the solidified water or use it to dissolve snow. You should have a limited quantity of water to liquefy snow. On the off chance that you attempt to dissolve snow legitimately in a cooking stove it will simply consume the snow. You can likewise add Gatorade or lemonade bundles to your water to bring down the waters freezing temperature. Additionally bring a lighter to light your Stream Heat up, the ignitor on the Fly Bubble appears to have the most serious issues. Stream Bubble claims they work up to 26,000 feet. I've effectively utilized mine at 14,000 feet and it took around 4-5 minutes to bubble water. On the off chance that you choose to bring a mountain house, utilize the little genius paks, they won't extend at elevation. Additionally never eat snow on the off chance that you are parched. It will just motivation you to drop your center temperature and cause your body to stir more diligently to warm you up, in this way creating you to turn out to be progressively Dried out!
5. Deal with Your Apparatus and Your Rigging will Deal with You
It is critical to stop an issue before it even begins while camping in the snow or underneath freezing temperatures. In summer it's fine if your apparatus gets doused by rain, however in winter wet rigging can murder you. Down loses its insulating properties as it gets wet. Utilize a solid fiber dismiss to clean any snow from your boots, external layers of clothing, tent, and so forth. Snow will simply continue accumulating like earth on the off chance that you don't continue cleaning it off, and after that all your rigging winds up wet. Use vapor boundaries for your sleeping sack and boots. Using vapor boundary socks can shield your feet from sweating into your boots, on the grounds that the perspiration will make your boots solidify by the morning. A vapor obstruction for your sleeping sack can shield buildup from building up in your pack, and despite the fact that I've never experienced it, conceivably transform your sleeping pack into a solidified shake. Weather permitting turn your sleeping pack inside out regular and enable it to dry in the sun on top your tent or from a tree appendage. Get a dark sleeping sack and it will absorb the warmth all around rapidly. Change all your sweat-soaked rigging every night, particularly your socks, gloves and beanie. Keeping all your apparatus as perfect as could be expected under the circumstances and free of dampness will enable it to work productively.
6. Square the Sun and Wind
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Despite the fact that it is 10 degrees underneath, regardless you have to shield yourself from the sun more than in the mid year. In the snow you are being hit by sun beams from each course because of the snow reflecting the beams. Continuously wear shades or Goggles or you truly could go blind. Apply sunscreen in spots you wouldn't ordinarily think, for example, under your chin or without you even noticing. It is incredibly painful when the skin right in front of you ends up dry, broke, wind/sun consumed and you continue rubbing it with your glove cause your nose is running. Regularly, for the duration of the day, you ought to apply salve to your hands, face and feet to shield them from drying and cracking. Apply bounteous measures of lip medicine and wear wind defensive rigging, for example, balaclavas. Vaseline can likewise be utilized to trap warmth or go about as a wind boundary.
7. Keep the Snow Out
While you climb around throughout the day in the snow, the snow will attempt to find its way into your boots, gloves, neck zone, and so forth. Keeping the snow out will avert superfluous clammy socks, glove liners or thermals. Wear pants with a versatile base that additionally have a line to hold them down around your boots. Spot snow Gaiters over top and you will keep any snow from getting inside your boots. Ensure your external layer glove additionally has an attract string to keep snow from getting inside your glove while you work around camp. A neck gaiter and hood ought to keep snow from entering around your neck. Remain dry to remain warm.
8. Pee before Bed and Have a Pee Container
This tip may appear to be ludicrous, yet there is nothing more annoying than being totally packaged up and comfortable in your sleeping sack and after that you need to pee in the night. Not exclusively will you lose the warmth you developed in your sleeping pack, yet you need to put on boots to head outside. It's not the warm summer months, where you can rapidly pussyfoot unshod to a tree. Presently it's snowing with an enduring wind outside and you need to put on boots, snow shoes, gloves, and so forth just to pee. So having a distinct jug in your sleeping sack to pee in is a lifeline. Women I'm heartbroken, yet you may in any case need to leave the tent except if you have some incredible point.
Camping in the snow is a wild and liberating knowledge. I trust these tips help you go camping more during this season! Don't hesitate to share any tips or deceives you use while camping in the snow, I'd love to learn them. For more tips for staying warm this winter season look at my 5 tips to staying warm while camping in winter weather.
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wondersofwritingx · 5 years
Josie’s Discovery Part 4
Elaine's eyes opened wide when she saw her daughter on the bathroom floor. "Jo, you okay?" She asked, then was confused when Jo began laughing.
The medicine was making her loopy, but she clearly had concussion symptoms because she still wore her sunglasses and she seemed pretty tired and weak, especially at the moment.
Josie sighed softly as she nodded, wiping her eyes as she laughed. "Y-yeah. Sorry that- was funny." She giggled as she looked at her mom. "I got scared because of a spider and I dropped my phone." She mumbled.
Her mother looked at her weirdly and nodded slightly. "Uh-Um... okay... well, you should get back in bed." She said to her daughter.
Josie nodded and smiled at her mother as she messed with the velcro on her neck brace. She got herself up and cleaned her face up as she began walking back towards her room. She ended up running into a glass door because she forgot it was there and didn't realise it wasn't her room. Thud.
She began laughing again as she turned around and went towards her room finally, laying down and watching as her mother stared at her. The golden retriever named Carl was laying down at Josie's feet.
She looked at her mom and smiled slightly. "ummm... should I be worried?... I guess they gave you a lot of medicine or something because you're giggling a lot more than usual." She murmured. 
Josie nodded and looked at her slightly. "I'm fine mom. Don't worry. I'll be fine." She said.
Her mother sighed and finally let her rest. "Alright; call me if you need anything." She said before leaving the room and going down into the kitchen.
Elaine sat on the couch with a plate of macaroni and cheese, corn, and a small salad. She had a bottle of water on her lap as she held the plate and began eating. She glanced at the television screen and decided to change the channel. So she grabbed the remote and changed the channel to the news.
"There will be a fire warning in effect until Tuesday evening due to the higher temperatures and wind." The reporter spoke, Elaine sighed. She was worried about her daughter and wasn't sure what to do as she seemed unusually quiet lately.
Little did Elaine know, Josie was hiding the fact that she hadn't been feeling well for over a month now. If she were to tell her, her mother would freak out and she didn't want to do that to her.
Josie laid in bed with an ice pack on her neck and listened to relaxing music that played from her iPhones speaker. She smiled slightly as she looked out the window. She could feel the cool breeze from the fan above her and the heat from the sun shining on her skin. It was super hot in Texas, but she was thankful it was almost fall, which means it would cool down soon.
Elaine stayed on the couch for a few hours before checking on her daughter. She cleaned up her dishes and walked into Josie's room. She lightly knocked and slowly opened the door. "Jo?" She called out.
Josie winced slightly and was sat up as pain spread through her head and nausea filled her gut. She closed her eyes tightly as she scrunched her face in pain.
Her mother noticed this and rushed to her side, handing her a bag. She rubbed her daughter's back as she proceeded to vomit. She knew it was due to the concussion but she wished there was more she could do to help her daughter.
She gently began to braid her daughters hair as she laid beside her, trying her best to comfort her. "It's okay, I'm here." She said, "I'll be here until I have to go to work, okay?" She felt a head nod and smiled.
She held her daughter gently as she kissed her head. She ran her hands through her daughter's hair, feeling the soft, velvety feeling to it. It also had a lot of volume. When she ran her fingers through her daughters hair though, some chunks of hair came out and her eyes opened wide in shock, but she didn't say anything.
She couldn't say anything.
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warriorend · 7 years
completely scatterbrained tips from someone who’s lived in the desert her whole life:
-do not drink ice cold water if you have heatstroke or heat exhaustion. you’ll probably go into shock. go to the hospital, and if you can’t, i’d think that probably putting your hands and feet into lukewarm (NOT ICE COLD) water would help. also drink water. don’t drink things that have caffeine. heatstroke is connected to dehydration.
-if you get sunburned, use aloe vera gel or solarcaine. if you use solarcaine, do not be alarmed when it starts bubbling. that’s supposed to happen. aloe vera gel is good for cooling, solarcaine is good for easing the pain (as it has novocaine in it (which is an anesthetic) however, i don’t know how the two stack and would not try it.
-no. 1 cure for busted AC: wet cloth on the back of your neck. turn on a fan (maybe at medium strength)
-if a storm knocks your power out, go the hell outside and feel the rain (especially if you live in a place like Arizona, which doesn’t get rain often unless it’s monsoon season)
-on the same topic, if you’re down a river and a storm rolls up, don’t panic and get out of the boat, especially if the river is lined with rocks that are probably already slippery. find shelter in a place where rain and wind can’t really reach.
-drink a lot of liquids, preferably water. no, this is not for some sort of happiness. if you don’t drink a lot of liquids, you’re going to get dehydrated and that’s only going to make your day worse.
-i know it seems like a weird thing to say, but if you live somewhere where the weather is unpredictable and a storm can come up in a few minutes, don’t leave your windows open at night. it’s a bad day when you wake up and your room is soaked because it rained during the night.
-for the love of god get out of the pool if the staff is saying there’s a storm coming.
-also if you need to cool off, lay on the floor. convection currents, heat always rises. the hardness of the floor won’t matter if you’re too hot to feel the AC.
-eat salty things. gives you back your salt. which you need. (you lose salt in sweat)
(Fall, Winter, and Spring are under the cut!)
(those were all pretty much summer, this is going to be Long. 15 years of experience leads to some amount of instinct with how to deal with stuff)
-is it fall? are leaves falling? yes? get out your winter clothes immediately because there’s about a week of actual autumn and it goes by fast.
-be prepared for freezing cold mornings and hot as hell afternoons.
-carry water. seriously this is like a year long thing. carry a water bottle.
-it’s time to get out the blankets, folks.
-fall is a good time to crunch through leaves. also a good time to buy sudafed, benadryl, and cough medicine.
-don’t stick your hands in piles of leaves. chances are, something’s already there and it’ll be really upset if you stick your hands into its bed.
-good time to walk around. stretch your legs.
-don’t offer to rake up your grumpy neighbor’s leaves. even if he says he’ll give you 2 quarters (even if you’re like, 7 and think that 2 quarters is A Lot Of Money)
-school starts back up. take two (2) benadryl at 3 p.m. and crash at 8.
-you can use the leaves on the sidewalk to cover up an awkward silence if you’re walking home with someone.
-hug your local black cat. it’s better if you own one. try not to lose it around halloween. that’ll be a Sad Memory that just won’t go away
-go get a checkup if you can. Medical Issues and School Stress like to come up around the same time.
(now for winter)
-don’t bundle up too much. chances are it’ll be 70 degrees by 2 p.m. and you’ll be miserable.
-if you have snow and you want to go play in it, put on sunscreen and sunglasses! It’s Bad during the winter.
-please don’t put your tongue (or a wet finger) on a metal pole. please
-you’re going to feel miserable. you’re going to eat a lot. you’re going to feel like having candy every single second. you are not dying. that is what winter does to a person. the lack of sunlight and natural warmth really can make a serious difference in mood.
-your plants are not dead. your plants are sleeping. don’t be sad.
-playing in snow REALLY helps your mood. seriously. do it. bug a friend to come and play in the snow with you. coats are optional if you play for a while. your body heat will elevate. however, don’t think that you’re not getting cold.
-don’t look at the snow if you’re driving. you’ll get those spots of color in your eyes and you won’t be able to see until they go away.
(alright i think that’s all for winter)
-set up a hummingbird feeder. even if you rarely see humming birds near your house. they’ll come around sometimes.
-be nice to the birds that build nests in your porch.
-go outside at night and lay on a car hood. it’s so nice after winter to be able to go out and not have to have 3 coats on.
-your allergies will spike. so, probably, will your weight. the weight is because of all the food you take in during winter and its lack of sun, the allergies is because your plants are waking up and pollen is going everywhere.
-windy day? prepare to call in sick, because it’s miserable if you have a really sensitive allergy basis.
-do you feel like you’re dying? can’t breathe through your nose? hurts your throat to breathe through your mouth? Take A Warm Shower and breathe in the steam.
-heck. final tests are coming up. buy those mini kleenex packs and shove 5 of them into your bag.
-i personally somehow manage to get through my horrible allergies with minimal nose-blowing. therefore it is a rare day when my nose hurts.
-eyes burning? invest in eye drops
-everything is coming back to life, and as cheesy as it sounds, you are too. there’s probably a reason why you feel half-dead during winter. all i know is that when spring hits, you are Much Less Dead (feel free to still be pessimistic, though. i’m just saying that the endless eating, sleeping, and bad mood is pretty much not you, it’s winter being a pain)
-buy yourself candy for easter. do it. (especially if you’re an adult and no one is getting in your way)
-in the same vein, you’re never too old for egg hunting. it is the purest thing you can do in spring in my personal opinion. hard boil those eggs, dye them, and hide them. bug your friends to come egg hunting with you.
-spring is, in poetry, the time of rebirth. new year’s eve has nothing on spring. i have managed to keep more promises made in spring than on new year’s eve.
-Do Things. Spring is the one season that is truly enjoyable when it comes to temperatures.
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