#the first one is Freesia
erabu-san · 6 months
HI PERSON WHO DRAWS TIGHNARY, I know that this blog is about genshin and other interests of yours but Is it alright if I may see some oc of yours?
Specifically the oc you favor/represent the most, I would like to give you a humble gift, a drawing specifically, since you are an extraordinary, magnificent and the most scrumptious artists that I look up to.
(also may I have the opportunity to be 🎹 anon? Since I remembered that My friend's piano broke down last week. Now it just likes to stay low key.) hehe, happy winter!!!
LKDEKGFKDFG WOAAAAAH IT MAKES ME SO HAPY !! THANK YOU DEAR 🎹 ANON !! (I love how i can identify which anon is which like egg anon, prophet fremillei anon and now, piano bahaha !) I have a lot of OC, and to be honest, it is a bit hard to choose one... and the thing is.. I lose the original file of their design ! :SOB: Please, let me show you some Oc of mine and, choose the one inspire you the most !!
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(omg the one in the right is super old, I drew it when i was 16)
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irndad · 3 months
Flower prompt request for Spencer Reid please!!!
Arbutus combined with Freesia.
And if you wanna add in something suggestive or downright filthy, there will be no complaints! (Or just a heartfelt fluff fest)
Thank youuuuu! (Will totally understand if you aren’t interested though!)
hi!! this is sfw but here u go!! i hope you enjoy!! requests r open <3 flower prompts
Something’s wrong with her.
Not wrong, of course. Quite the opposite, really. She looks beautiful, a swipe of a purplish red on her pretty lips, a cowl neck dress wrapped around her form like a well-made glove. She’s a vision, and he adores looking at her- he doesn’t get the chance as often as tonight. While they get the chance to talk on the plane (when no one else is sleeping) or at the bar after cases, but this- this is an entire night she’s spent by his side. 
He normally doesn’t like when the FBI does these galas, but they’re fundraising, and now his beautiful coworker who’s a little more than that is drinking rosé out of a thin stemmed wine glass. He adores the sight of her.
“You okay?” He hears himself say, and there’s a beat of silence before she looks up from her beverage, and smiles a false grin at him.
“Right as rain, Spencer.” She grins back at him, leaning back on the table they were standing by.
“You’re acting different,” he says, “You’ve been quiet, and you seem distant from the team. You didn’t have any of the cupcakes Penelope brought in, either.”
“I didn’t want too much sugar in the morning!”
“Now, that is a lie.” He finds himself smiling at her when he says it. Things move naturally with her, have a flow of conversation that takes no effort, only gentle enjoyment. 
She really does look so pretty. This is a factual thing Spencer has noticed- a fact of her that he would be blind not to see. It’s evolutionarily advantageous to want to look at beautiful things. It doesn’t mean anything. 
She sighs fondly down into her glass, her breath causing ripples in the wine.
“Can I tell you something?” She says, and it shocks him. He feels a bit like an insider, and adores the feeling of being on the inside of a secret of hers. He’d like to be someone she tells things to. 
He nods, awaiting with baited breath.
“I went out with this guy who’s here tonight. 
Suddenly he doesn’t feel so warm. 
Except, it shouldn’t bother him- they’re not dating. She’s beautiful, all soft lines and curve, lovely blooming smiles and kind-heartedness, and he’s a pipe cleaner with eyes. It’s not a thought he’s entertained-
But still, in this moment, Spencer’s not blind to the image they’re projecting. Hanging back at a party, low lighting and hushed conversation, her in a beautiful dress and him in a rented tux- he could see how someone could mistake the two of them for- for something. 
Did he want that? 
“Spence?” She shakes him out of his thoughts, warm tone punctuated by her adorable head tipping to the side. Had she always been that adorable?
“Sorry, sorry,” he rambles, “You went out with an FBI agent?” His tone is incredulous. She jokingly slaps his arm, and he fills with affection.
“Don’t be mean! It was literally one date, it was before I knew how obnoxious Agent Bennet was. Believe me, he made me realize about ten minutes in.”
She tells him the story of their first and only date, and while he is sure it’s full of anecdotes that are effervescent and hilarious, all he can think about is date with her, date with her, date with her. 
He’d be on time, if they went out. He’d be well-dressed, put together and polite. She’s so lovely, so kind and so sweet and it’s only now he realizes that this is something he can want. 
“So you’d go out with another federal agent?” It’s clumsy and awkward of a question, but it seems the only time it would ever be appropriate to ask it. 
She shrugs, smiling at him.
“If it was the right person, sure.”
“And Bennett wasn’t?”
“No, I don’t think so. I like a different type of guy, you know. Kinda nerdy."
Even despite this, when Spencer spills his coffee on Bennett's legal pad the following week, he can't drum up even a little bit of remorse.
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thisblogisaboutabook · 3 months
Bad Idea, Right? - Part 8
Eris x Reader/Azriel’s Daughter
If things go according to plan, Eris and Y/N’s first official date could end in hot, steamy sex. Or, it could end in complete and utter chaos - because when do things ever go according to plan? Azriel almost has a good time, until he doesn’t. We also FINALLY meet Tamlin’s daughter.
Part 7 Part 7.5 Headcanon
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Warnings: Alcohol, language, smutty content, assault with non-consensual kissing, breeding kink (kind of)
An evening breeze blew through Velaris sending a slight chill through the champagne golden silk dress I’d chosen for the evening. A caress of warmth rose up from the fingers I’d threaded through Eris’, heat continuing up my arm and throughout my body, counteracting the mild chill.
When he’d shown up to my door right on time, dressed in a deep forest green tailored suit with the top unbuttoned and a turtleneck that was - For one, so perfectly molded to his torso that I practically salivated as fantasies of licking his abs flashed through my mind. And two, conveniently matched my dress perfectly - I almost said “Fuck the date.” and jumped on him then and there.
He’d arrived carrying three things. A bouquet of hydrangeas for my mother, symbolizing gratitude for her grace with the current situation. Freesia bulbs for my little sister to add to her Sprite garden if she wished, a symbol of friendship. I realized the double meaning of it, to draw in sprites with wishes for friendship but also to symbolize their new budding friendship. My mother smiled softly as she realized it too.
For me, he’d brought a “Fire Poppy”, apparently native to his court. His hesitance to express the meaning of the flowers, told me enough. Fire. Passion. But the incredibly faint dust of pink on his freckled cheeks left me wondering if perhaps there was something more.
Father only appeared at the last moment to kiss my forehead and likely give a seething look toward Eris while doing so that warned, Just because I haven’t killed you yet doesn’t mean I won’t. Eris paid no mind.
And now here we were, walking through the streets of Velaris hand in hand. Eris’ focus remained intently upon me as I pointed out various shops that I would frequent. I pointed out one that I loved as a child and Azalea still adored. The window was decorated with paint splatters of primary colors that blended together into a rainbow mirroring the Sidra and inside floated hundreds of miniature fae lights imitating the skies of Night Court.
Eris paused as we stood before the shop. “Can we take a look inside?”
“Why?” I asked, genuinely perplexed by his interest in this shop of all the ones we’d wandered past.
“It’s a surprise.” He stated.
Because why would anything with Eris be anything but secretive?
Eris read my responding roll of the eyes for exactly what it was. “Surely you realize there is a difference between a surprise and a secret?”
I couldn’t help myself. “Many of your secrets have left me feeling quite surprised, Eris. Certainly you would realize that?”
He huffed a silent laugh leaving me on the street to go into the store. Set in my stubborn ways, I refused to let him win and stood outside waiting.
Eris was back by my side eight minutes later with a small canvas bag. I raised an eyebrow. “What’d you get?”
“Ah, if you wanted to know, you could have come in with me. Guess it’s my secret to keep.”
“Mother spare me. You are insufferable.” I muttered stepping ahead of him down the street. His long strides caught up with mine within a few steps.
He once again wound his fingers through mine. “You love it.”
And I hated that it was true.
“You’re not going to tell me what you got?”
“Just a gift for a friend.”
Eris had reserved a table at Sevenda’s where Sevenda herself eagerly greeted us. She ushered us to a private section of the restaurant, lit with candles and within earshot of a performing pianist. She’d kissed me on the cheek and given Eris a respectful bow of the head before bringing out a mouthwatering appetizer of some delectable cheese sauce she’d recently added to her menu.
The secluded setting of our table, incandescent glow flickering off the candles, and soft melody floating in from the piano, all flowed together into a very intimate setting. Strange that I had bared myself to this male so many times, and performed every sexual act imaginable with him, yet I’d never felt so exposed to him as I did in this very moment.
Eris checked his blazer, and gods… I only ever wanted to see him in fitted turtle necks or absolutely fucking nothing again. The male was delicious and his gaze…. He was greedily drinking me in as if he’d splay me out on the table itself and feast. There was no way he couldn’t smell the arousal pouring off of me. I sure as hell could smell his, and it was far more mouthwatering than any of the glorious spices wafting through the restaurant.
Before I could give in to my instincts, Eris’ low tone interrupted. “If you keep looking at me like that, Y/N, I’m not going to make it through this dinner.”
“Maybe I don’t want you to.”
He audibly groaned. “You’re going to be the death of me.”
Just as our mutual eye fucking grew so intense that I genuinely wondered if Eris really was about take me then and there, our waiter approached with a bottle of the Inner Circle’s favorite wine. “Compliments of the High Lord.” Making eye contact with Eris, the male suddenly seemed to remember who he was in the presence of as he uncomfortably cleared his throat, “of the Night Court.”
Eris paid no mind and thanked the waiter. Surprise crossed the males face as Eris took the bottle from him and poured our glasses himself.
When the waiter took our orders and returned to the kitchen, Eris’ gaze returned to me. His eyes again roving over my body but lingering on my face. He smirked when he realized I was flushing under his intense eyes. “Are you nervous, little Shadowsinger?” He asked. His tone predatory.
I took the opportunity to send a shadow to caress the shell of his ear, effectively shutting him up.
“Now that we’re alone,” I ran my foot up the length of his leg, stopping the journey just short of where I so desperately wanted to feel him. “How long have you had an an apartment here and why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“Ahh yes, excellent talk for a first date.” Eris mused, raising the wine glass to his plush lips and taking a long, slow sip before continuing. “Perhaps, I wanted a place to see you without you having to travel through multiple courts to find me.”
“Do you not wish for me to come to the Autumn Keep any longer?”
Eris’ change in tone took me by surprise as it became stern, the voice of a High Lord and not the bedroom voice of my lover. “Don’t you dare think that for a second. There’s nothing mo-“
He stopped himself mid-sentence shifting uncomfortably. “I enjoy your presence in my keep, in my bed, Y/N. But I also like to have the opportunity to visit you in your home court.”
My heartbeat quickened at the power flowing off of him, the desire in his amber eyes.
“So, Rhys was totally fine with you having a place here, just to hook up with his niece?”
“Diplomacy, darling. It is far easier to have a place here for times that negotiations and other meetings run over. It also benefits him to be able to have eyes on a fellow High Lord, no? It was not a difficult matter to convince him.
And I was going to tell you, you just happened to pick up the hobby of drunkenly wandering the streets before I had the opportunity.”
“I was fine.”
I was not fine. He knew it. I knew it. I was borderline feral that night.
“It wasn’t you I was concerned about. It was the poor citizens running the other way, screaming of a rabid, shadow-creature roaming Velaris in search of its next meal.”
I smiled. “For the second time this evening, Eris Vanserra, you are insufferable.”
“And again, little one, you love it.”
I rolled my eyes and took a swig of wine.
She was fucking captivating. Eris drunk in every detail of Y/N like she was the wine flowing from her glass.
She had to know she looked like a goddess. Had he told her? She could read him like a well-adored book at this point. She read every look he gave her without him needing to speak a word. I want you. You’re perfect. I need you. You’re more perfect than I ever dared dream. I would kiss the earth you walked on if you only asked.
Shit, could she read that all on his face? Should he tell her how damned gorgeous she was or would she give him that all-too-enticing look of “Spare me the compliments, High Lord, you can strip and ravish me once we’re alone.”
And gods, he was going to. He had plans for his little Shadowsinger tonight, plans involving carefully undressing her and pressing kisses to her silken skin, replacing each bit of fabric slipping off of her body with a press of his lips. Instead of burning that lovely little number that was hugging her mouth-watering curves, he would proudly display it in the Autumn Court’s archives. He was a romantic, after all.
Of course, before putting it behind glass for safe keeping, he’d be binding those pretty little wrists behind her back with said dress. He was also a deviant.
As for his plans after that? They were far too filthy to fantasize about at the table.
“Your aroma is rather fragrant.” Her teasing voice broke him from his thoughts.
“And you’re rather intoxicating. We make quite the pair, love.”
And there it was - the little blush she always tried so hard to hide from him.
If just the term “love” brought that to her face, what lovely shades of pink would her cheeks light up with if he laid it all out right now? If he told her how she’d fucking ruined him for anyone else? That to taste her was to taste the nectar of the gods? That he was so hopelessly in love with her that there was no crawling out of this pit of desire, and he’d sooner drown in his need for her than ever swim up for air.
The urge to do just that frightened him. Why did he think this date was a good idea? As far as his self control went, it was a terrible idea. And as far as he cared at this point, it was the best idea. He was here, in front of her, and nothing else mattered.
Eris had always thought himself better than the primitive beasts fae turned into when it came to their mates. But he truly realized how wrong he was when after dinner, Y/N had requested to walk very slowly along the river until her stomach wasn’t, as she so elegantly stated it, “bursting at the seams.”
Given that after the wonderful meal they’d devoured, he too was struggling, he obliged her, draping his suit’s jacket as well as his arm over her shoulders. She pressed a hand to her very, very, slightly bloated abdomen, in an effort of easing the discomfort. Such a simple gesture that should have meant absolutely nothing but….
An inferno blazed within him at the thought of her glowing with a round belly, the mating bond’s most primal instinct roaring at him to winnow her away immediately and fill her so utterly full of him that there would be no questioning of whose she was. His.
He prayed to the mother or whomever would listen that the breeze would blow the sickeningly strong scent of his arousal far away.
The gallery was packed. Unsurprisingly, anyone and everyone wanted to come out to brush elbows with the Inner Circle and who could blame them? Unlike the other courts of Prythian, Uncle Rhys and Aunt Feyre actually interacted with their people. Well, the people of Velaris at least. Feyre was respected as High Lady but she was revered as an artist. Proceeds from her own work went directly back into the arts district.
“Beautiful.” Eris mused approaching a work of art toward the back wall but keeping his eyes on me. I sipped the champagne an attendant handed me upon arrival, needing it to get through the rest of this evening.
Especially needing it to get through the work of art he was approaching.
“This.” Eris motioned toward the piece, “is stunning.”
“It’s not for sale. Just a work from one of Feyre’s students.”
The art, featuring darkness floating upward from the bottom and a blaze falling from the top, intertwining with licks and whirls of flame and shadow in the middle.
“Cost is of no concern to me, little one. I need it.”
A sing-song voice came from behind us. “It’s magnificent isn’t it?” Feyre asked.
“What can I do to acquire such a fine piece of art?”
“You’ll have to ask the artist.” She nodded toward me.
“Aww, come on my lovely niece. Think of all the supplies it could fund.”
“You’re a busybody.”
She only gave an airy laugh before disconnecting the mental bond and returning to the attendees.
“Wouldn’t it look lovely displayed for all of my court to see?”
My gut lurched and I wasn’t sure if it was from imposter syndrome or excitement.
“Fine.” I’ll make a deal with you, Eris Vanserra. He raised an eyebrow. “This art is very personal to me. And despite the fact that it is hanging in the gallery, I want it to be for your eyes only. Do you agree to hang it in your chambers?”
Eris gave a faux pout. “And not show my lovely lady’s art for all the world to admire?”
My heart raced as I quipped too quickly, not allowing the time to change my mind. “Perhaps I only want to be yours to admire.”
Eris visibly gaped at the statement and my heart sank. Had I read all of his adoration wrong? Was I going to humiliate myself just as I had two years ago when he’d left me on the dance floor and I swore I’d never let him have that power over me again?
He swallowed a lump in his throat. His voice breaking slightly. “And your payment terms?”
“Oh you’ll be paying out the ass for it.”
He grinned. “As one does for the finest things in life. I’ll take it.”
A beat of silence.
“And I’ll take you too, if you’ll have me.”
And with that he leaned in to kiss me, soft and hard, fervently and slowly, wanting more yet only needing this.
A throat cleared behind us as father interrupted. He looked to me and to the art behind me.
“I never realized….” He spoke softly as he took in the work.
I flushed, the work now feeling far too intimate under his gaze.
My father turned to Eris. “You’re purchasing this?”
Eris nodded. “A worthy investment, yes?”
My father remained tense but something in his eyes softened. “A very worthy investment.”
Father leaned in to kiss my forehead. “Enjoy your night sweetheart.”
It was at that moment Adish appeared, his Day Court friends Hem and Apollo in tow along with Nyx and a female I’d never seen before. Nyx looked in my direction with a wink as he saw the piece Eris and I stood before, before heading with the group for glasses of champagne.
Eris spoke, “I’m going to speak with Feyre regarding reservation of the piece before anyone else tries to snag it out from under me.”
“It’s not for sale, Eris. Nobody else would be able to purchase it.”
He pressed his warm lips into mine. “I won’t risk a good thing.”
I blushed, dismissing him.
Nursing my champagne, I perused the various pieces decorating the gallery walls when a female voice came from behind me. “If you wanted your father’s attention, there are better ways than whoring yourself to Autumn Court trash.”
I turned around to see the female Nyx had entered with. Her dark hair and blue eyes fooling nobody. Clever little shapeshifter.
“And I didn’t realize your father was in the habit of allowing females to leave his manor.”
She grinned. “Oh come on, he locked her in ONE time...or at least that’s what he tells me. He really can be an overbearing asshole sometimes.”
I laughed. “I missed you so much, you bitch. Nyx needs to stop hoarding you.”
“Please” she scoffed. “I don’t need Tamlin and Rhys’ melodrama to complicate things.”
“Ha, I’m sure Nyx filled you in on all of the drama in my world recently.”
She lifted an eyebrow. “Oh yes, I’ve been living vicariously through your escapades.”
She leaned in to hug me. “So” I took in the brown hair she’d chosen for the evening. “Does the carpet match the drapes?”
“Why don’t you find out?”
“Mmm, as enticing as that would be. I prefer your blonde hair and green eyes. It does something for me.”
“It does something for Nyx too.”
I pretended to vomit before Nyx stepped in. “If you’ll excuse me, I’d like to spend time with my lady before she decides to leave with you instead and I get stuck with the fireling.”
“He’s quite fun, Nyx. I’m sure you’d enjoy the ride.”
Nyx choked on his drink and whisked Layla away with him, leaving me to take in the art in peace.
A few more minutes passed and my shadows grew restless as if contemplating the same thing as me: Eris should be back by now.
Feyre had returned to the gallery with no Eris in sight. I searched, passing Adish and Apollo, my parents and Azalea, Rhys and Feyre, Cassian and Nesta, even Amren, but no Eris.
Had he left? Did I scare him away?
No, his response was sincere. He couldn’t have. He wouldn’t, right?
I walked down a quiet hallway, stepping away from the crowd. “Eris?” I whispered into the quiet of the hall.
Two shadows returned with no information but another returned frantic. “Bad.” “Go.”
I hurried in the direction my shadows shot out, winding further and further down the hall.
My heart stopped. In front of me was the radiant, gorgeous Hemera, pressed up against my man. Lips crashing into his.
“Bad.” My shadow repeated. Whirling to show me something.
Eris saw me and his eyes blew wide, shaking his head.
Hemera turned, wicked grin contorting her gorgeous features into something cruel.
“Sorry, hon. He’s just so needy and so pretty. Can you blame me?”
Did this bitch really think I’d simper and turn away? Oh no. My shadows continued their whispers.
A sliver of silver caught the dim lights shining down upon them, a blade held to Eris’ neck.
Eris stared at me wide eyed as my shadows erupted into a frenzy around me in effort to distract the Day Court female.
She jolted and her blade knicked his neck and I felt a sudden spike of fear in my gut but the fear, it didn’t come from me. It was coming from…. Eris.
Holy shit.
Willing all of my power to the surface, my tone turned cold, dangerous. “I suggest you step away from my mate.”
The High Lord of the Autumn Court. Eris fucking Vanserra. My mate.
I gave a tug in return to his emotions. A gentle reminder that I had this under control and he instantly tugged back.
He knew. Holy shit, he had known.
I could be angry later, now I needed to save his ass.
A commotion came from behind me. Adish and Apollo rushing in. “What the-“ Adish started. “Sorry, friend.” Apollo spoke before the fucker cast a sedation spell on him.
Apollo towered over me. “You weren’t supposed to find them. For what it’s worth, you would have been a great friend.”
He moved, but I moved faster. Sending a blast of power knocking the male on his ass. My shadows binding him.
“You talk too much.” I spat.
Turning back to Hem and Eris she held him in front of her. “Don’t make me kill him.” She spoke. Now using him as a shield. With his front exposed, I could see the shackles around his wrists. “This could go much more easily if you let me leave here with him. Why do you want a cheating male? You deserve better than that.”
I needed time to assess. My shadows busy with Apollo. Fuck. This was bad.
I laughed. “I hardly call you forcing yourself upon him ‘cheating’, in fact most would call that ‘assault’. And I have no patience for those who force themselves upon others.”
Just then a flurry of shadows shot into the room, ripping Hem’s wrist and dagger from Eris’ throat. My father winnowed into the room. No, this wasn’t my father. This was the feared Shadowsinger, the infamous Spymaster of the Night Court. His tone promised death as he commanded Hem to step away from Eris. She fought his demand, shaking with fear as she remained in place. “Please, you don’t understand. My father is wrongfully imprisoned in HIS court.”
“And this is how you feel it best to approach?” Father stepped closer, a thick, violent air emanating from him. “I will ask you one final time to step away from the High Lord.”
Hemera knew she was no match as she dropped the knife stepping back away from Eris.
Eris ran to me, in an attempt to shield me from any fallout but there was no more danger as father’s shadows apprehended the female.
Rhys and Feyre raced into the room, Nesta and Cassian on their tail.
Rhys whispered to Feyre. “Let Elain know it’s handled.”
Feyre’s gaze went distant as she communicated to my mother.
Rhys commanded Apollo to remove the sedation spell from Adish as Cassian jerked the apprehended male off the ground.
Nesta’s eyes flared with silver as she stared down Hemera before apprehending her as well. My mother and sister rushed in as we followed Rhys down to the gallery basement toward an empty office where the two would be held until Helion arrived. Since they were denizens of his court, it was only right to determine the next steps with him.
As the group strode toward the office, Azalea began tugging at my sleeve. “Sissy.”
“Not now, Azzie.”
She gasped, her little legs trying to keep up. “Sissy, please.”
“Just a minute, Azzie”
I felt guilty for ignoring her but my mind was coming out of the adrenaline state it had been in and my heart racing with rage and shock as I processed the revelation that Eris was my mate. That he knew and didn’t tell me.
Ironic considering that I always found Aunt Feyre and Aunt Nesta to be overly dramatic for their reactions to finding out about their own mates.
They were good, loving males who had enough money to live in lavish comfort for all of their days, and were highly regarded among the people of Velaris. How terrible.
Yet here I was. Fuming. Humiliated. That this male, a gorgeous High Lord and a damn good one at that, with a far softer heart than he’d ever let the world see, courted me because I was his mate.
I thought he wanted me for me.
“Sissy-“ Azalea drew me from my thoughts once again. “What?” I finally asked, raising my voice. But it was too late as the door to the empty office was opened, only to unveil a half naked Nyx, trousers unlaced, his body pinning a no longer shifted Layla with the bottom of her dress hiked up, and breasts fully exposed.
Nyx gaped. Eyes wide and frantic. I sent my shadows out to shield them, my father’s following suit, my hand instantly covering Azalea’s eyes.
Layla only pulled her dress up over her tits as she let out a laugh. “Whoops, we thought this room was unused.”
“I tried to tell you.” Azalea’s little voice whispered.
Darkness erupted through the room as Rhys clenched his fists. “What the fuck?” He growled out to Nyx.
My father only grinned, not caring who saw the smug satisfaction on his face. Fully conveying the look of that’s how it feels, you pompous asshole. Get it now? How’s it feel to be humiliated in front of an audience by the unconventional partner your child has chosen to fuck.
Feyre only covered her mouth, stifling a giggle at the situation. Nesta and mother quietly giggling with her.
I used the distraction to remove the enchanted shackles that were still stifling Eris’ power and apparently his ability to speak.
Fury blazed within me, my restraint failing as I spat out my next words much louder than intended.
“How long, Eris?”
Guilt flooded his features, his head hanging low.
“How. Long? How long have you known that I’m your mate?”
My father choked. The shit-eating grin instantly fading from his face, jaw and fists clenching.
A pitiful sound escaped Eris. “Since the first night… in the alley.”
“Wow.” was all I could manage as the walls began closing in around me.
I stepped away but Eris grabbed my wrist. “Please, Y/N. Just hear me out.” his broken voice pleaded. I couldn’t think. I needed space. Needed to breathe.
“Mom.” I looked to my mother. “Can we go home?”
She gave an empathetic look to Eris. “Come on, Azalea.” She reached out a hand. “Sissy needs us.”
Azalea looked to Eris, letting out a “hmph” as she scrunched her nose and crossed her arms. “That was bad.” She scolded, little wings ruffling with each word.
His face crumpled further as his little friend glared at him with disdain, words failing as she stuck her tongue out and winnowed away with mother.
“I love you.” was the last thing I heard as I spirited away.
A/N: I have had so much fun writing this series! Part 9 will be the final chapter but I may eventually give our main character a name and add a few spin off chapters as well. If that would be of interested to you, let me know!
ACOTAR list: @lilah-asteria
Eris list: @angiedsv
Series list: @b0xerdancer-writes @myheartfollower @ang-taylorsversion @acotarobsessed @uniquecolorwizard @justasillylittlegoofyguy @thelov3lybookworm @starryhiraeth @5moremin @azrielsmate3 @coolepowersthings @isa1b2h3 @inloveallthetime @julesofvolterra @deeshag @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @courtofbatboydreams @yourmumsdumptruck @nebarious @glitterypirateduck @mybestfriendmademe
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nahoney22 · 3 months
Poisonous Thoughts***
Crosshair X F!Reader
word count: 1.6k
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Person A: go fuck yourself
Person B: fuck me yourself, you coward.
With your relationship already on the rocks, Crosshair’s jealousy about your friendship with Howzer only adds fuel to the fire.
warnings: NSFW, 18+. sexual themes and explicit language. Jealous Crosshair, name calling, angsty, slight spoilers for episodes 6&7, implied blowjobs, mutual pining, first kiss, enemies to friends to friends to enemies to enemies to lovers. This was pretty bad and messy and all over the place. Order 66 mention.
authors note: part of the TBB PROMPT EVENT by @arctrooper69, @dumfanting & @freesia-writes. Thanks for the tag 🤍 and seeing as most people wanted me to write for Crosshair in my last poll it seems only fitting to do this!
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Your relationship with Crosshair was chaotic, to say the least.
From initial animosity to a begrudging tolerance, and finally to friendship within a span of a few months, you found yourself developing a deep emotional connection with the Marksman. A very deep one. He was the kind of person who you would search for in a crowded room, wanting him to get you away from it all.
Your feelings for him left you in a state of confusion for quite some time, thoughts almost poisoned and fueled by a hope that perhaps he felt the same. There were signs—his genuine smiles reserved only for you, his seeking of your advice in moments of need, and the subtle shifts in his demeanor around you.
Then came Order 66.
When it began, you lost him. The moment it was issued, you felt his absence keenly not physically but mentally. He suddenly turned cold. And then he was gone.
And despite the anger that filled your heart for months, you almost found solace in considering his actions to be his inhibitor chip. There was a glimmer of hope but when Kamino fell, his unwavering loyalty to the new Empire blinded him.
The memory of that night alone in your bunk, crying until your throat burned, never faded. You even entertained the desperate idea of pleading with Hunter to turn back and bring him onboard, but deep down, you knew it was futile. Your love for him was over before it truly began.
Months later, as things spiraled from bad to worse, you found yourselves reunited. In that moment, your mind was a blank slate. You didn't know how to react or what to feel. Your emotions oscillated between love and hatred, a cycle that seemed endless. But there was a bitterness in you.
Each day brought another round of tiptoeing around Crosshair. While the others seemed to have moved past his past transgressions, eager to bury the hatchet, for you, it felt like starting over from square one.
He exuded the same coldness and distance that characterized your initial encounters, his silence speaking volumes. That is until Howzer spoke to you.
As you engaged in small talk with Howzer, Crosshair couldn't resist interjecting with his unwelcome remarks. You understood Howzer's animosity towards Crosshair, but what puzzled you was Crosshair's hostility towards him. You shot him bitter glares whenever he spoke out of turn, only for him to leave before any response could be made.
What was his problem?
This scenario repeated itself several times. From the corner of the room, you could feel the weight of that familiar glare from times past, and as your eyes met, Crosshair's stare remained unyielding.
One evening, yourself and Crosshair found yourselves aboard the Remora with Echo. "You and Howzer seem... close," his drawling voice came from behind you, causing you to momentarily freeze, shooting Echo an annoyed glance as he awaited your response.
"I speak to him the same amount as I speak to everyone else," you retorted, rolling your eyes after mustering your voice, refusing to turn around to face Crosshair.
"Funny," he began, "I don't recall you speaking to me that much."
Gazing out of the window, a slow realisation dawned upon you. He was jealous. The absurdity of it all almost made you smirk. Despite the flutter in your stomach wondering why he could be jealous, you relished in the opportunity to make him squirm first. "Perhaps he has more riveting conversational qualities."
Echo audibly inhaled a deep breath, seemingly perpetually caught in the crossfire of arguments involving Crosshair and someone else. Meeting Crosshair's gaze this time, a small scowl etched onto his face, you continued, "I have my doubts."
"No need to," you added, meeting his gaze squarely. "I don't see him wanting to talk to you anyway. And the same goes for me."
"Thought you grew up from being a brat?" His words ignited a fiery rage within you, prompting you to rise to your feet. "And I thought you had some more respect for yourself. But you're just a jealous little man," you shot back, your words laced with venom.
Echo swiftly intervened, positioning himself between the two of you. "Can you guys do this elsewhere? All this bickering is giving me a headache."
Crosshair's gaze shifted away from yours, his demeanor faltering. "Gladly," he muttered before stalking off, leaving you to follow in his wake.
Once out of earshot, you wasted no time in confronting him. "Got nothing else to say, huh?" you challenged. "Are you going to try and deny that you're jealous?"
"I have nothing to be jealous about," he snarled, plucking the toothpick from his lips and slamming it to the ground. "You're not mine."
You couldn't help but laugh, a bitter edge to your tone. "You're right about that. You had your chance, and you blew it."
For a moment, you watched as he froze, his expression betraying a hint of confusion. "What do you mean I 'blew it'?" he demanded, his voice tinged with incredulity.
Suddenly, the weight of your words hit you, and you found yourself looking down, shaking your head. "Nothing. I didn't mean to say that," you murmured, hoping to retract your statement.
"I don't believe you," he countered, stepping closer, his presence enveloping you entirely. "You never liked me."
A sudden pang of realisation struck your heart. With your stomach tied in knots, you met his intense gaze. "Is that what you always thought?"
He continued to stare you down, searching for any hint of deception, but to his surprise, he found none. Yet, his stubbornness refused to accept it. "You're lying," he insisted, his voice firm.
"No," you muttered, your voice trembling with emotion, "but I wish I was."
He scoffed dismissively, turning his back on you with a bitter twist to his expression. "I don't get you. If you had these feelings, why did you never tell me?" His voice cracked with frustration, his shoulders tense with unresolved tension.
"I could say the same," you shot back, your bravery tinged with desperation, clinging to the hope that maybe, just maybe, he felt the same way you did. But as his gaze met yours, a storm of conflicting emotions raged within you.
His frustrated glare softened briefly, revealing a glimpse of vulnerability before he turned away again, his back a wall of defense.
Memories flooded your mind—quiet moments shared between you, moments where unspoken words hung heavy in the air, suffocating in their silence. You remembered the times when he seemed on the verge of opening up, only to retreat into himself.
In that moment, a surge of resentment bubbled within him, fueled by months of unanswered questions and unspoken truths. "Go fuck yourself," he spat, his words dripping with anger and self-loathing. Yet beneath the anger and hurt, there lingered a flicker of longing, a desperate yearning for connection buried deep within both of you, waiting to be acknowledged.
“Go fuck me yourself, you coward.” The words tumbled from your lips before you could even process them, but in that heated moment, consequences be damned.
He whirled around, his gaze piercing into yours as he strode towards you with purpose, until you were backed up against the wall, his breath hot against your face. "Say. That. Again," he demanded, his voice laced with urgency, his eyes searching yours for any sign of sincerity.
It wasn't a threat; it was a plea, a desperate plea for honesty amidst the chaos of emotions swirling between the both of you. Did you mean it? Of course. Of course you fucking did.
Your breath hitched in your throat as tears threatened to spill from your eyes, your heart pounding in your chest.
"Crosshair, I..." you began, your voice faltering as you struggled to find the right words to express the tumult of feelings coursing through you.
"I know," he murmured softly, his gaze softening as he understood, as if everything that needed to be said had already been said.
Leaning down, he pressed his lips against yours in a swift yet tender kiss, his hands cradling your face gently, overwhelming you with a rush of warmth and longing that eclipsed both of your poisonous thoughts.
“Come with me,” he rasps against your lips, a gentle tug on your hand that had you willingly coming with him and far, far away from Echo’s ears.
He guides you through the ship until you both come to the refresher, both of you tumbling inside as your kisses become fervent, desperate and needy.
He pulls back for a moment, gazing down at you as if to see you were real and not a figment of his imagination before his lips latch onto your neck, sucking and bruising your skin. You whine in pleasure, keeling into his body as your hands move down to his crotch.
Softly, you palm against his erection, gasping as you feel the outline of his hardening cock. “I want you Cross,” you gasp as his teeth graze along your flesh.
He growls low and guttural, but understands, “I know kitten,” his hands travel up the underside of your shirt, fingers stroking against your breasts as his hips involuntarily jerk into the touch of your hand, “as soon as we get back to Pabu… fuck, I can’t even begin to tell you what I’m going to do to you.”
You grin, a sultry laugh parting your lips. “Perhaps you should show me.”
“Refresher isn’t big enough.” He grunts, “but I could give you a taster?”
His tone is suggestive and your core pangs with arousal at the possibilities. “How so?”
He gazes down at you, one hand now cupping your jaw with his thumb dancing over your lower lip. There’s a longing, a love in his eyes but unmistakably there’s one of pure lust too. “Get on your knees and find out.”
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More Crosshair Works
Tags: @thiswitchloves9904 @lulalovez @photogirl894 @whore4rex @imperialclaw801 @temple-elder @mysticalgalaxysalad @imalovernotahater @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @kaminocasey @marvel-starwars-nerd @ladytano420 @ladyzirkonia @thesith @raevulsix @mssbridgerton @cw80831 @knightprincess @crosshairlovebot @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz x @jesseeka @theroguesully @ladykatakuri i @jambolska-grozdova @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog @chrissywakingup @pb-jellybeans s @nunanuggets @sleepycreativewriter @erellenora @ezras-left-thumb @the-rain-on-kamino @the-bad-batch-baroness
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bro-atz · 2 months
freesia [flower garden — wooyoung]
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inspired by: stranger than friends — webtoon
in which: all wooyoung wants is someone to love him.
pair: college student!wooyoung/gn!reader
word count: 1.6k
content: fluff, childish and immature (but trustworthy) wooyoung, a lot of drunk wooyoung, mentions of alcohol and drinking, a lot of swearing
rating: PG/PG-13 | safe for work!
flower garden masterlist
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"I'm so over this! I hate love!"
"Jung Wooyoung, I swear to God—"
"No, Kang Yeosang, you don't understand! I am tired! I am tired of being alone! I'm tired of seeing the four of you dating and having the time of your lives while me? Wither poor fucking Wooyoung," a very drunk Wooyoung exclaimed at the top of his lungs.
"I think you're going to have a hard time because of, well, this," San pointed out— he thought he was being helpful, but he most certainly was not.
"Shut the fuck up, Choi San," the drunken boy mumbled before taking a giant swig from the shared vodka bottle sitting in the middle of the group.
"Sure, because none of us wanted more vodka," Yunho grimaced.
Wooyoung shot the boy a stink eye before falling to the ground. He was fine— he was just being dramatic and falling to the ground like a damsel in distress. The boys knew this routine of his at this point, and instead of console him like the had done countless times in the past, they just ignored him.
"Seriously, Wooyoung. I didn't find my significant other by acting like this," Mingi said with a gentle sigh. "You gotta change this attitude of yours."
"What attitude?"
"This one! This childish and immature ass of yours!" Yeosang blew up; he was honestly extremely tired of hearing Wooyoung sing the same fucking song over and over again for however long they had been friends.
"What, so I should act like fucking Mr. Prim-and-Proper over here? Or like Mr. Humble-Gentleman over there? I'm not a fucking flower boy," Wooyoung frowned as he pointed to Yunho and San respectively.
"No, you don't have to change who you are, but you could maybe try not acting like a spoiled brat and more like a grown adult," Yunho explained.
"But I'm not a grown adult. I'm a college student. We all are college students. You guys need to act your age."
Then, Wooyoung launched into one of his long rants, making the other four boys officially give up for the night. Talking to a drunk Wooyoung was like talking to an annoying, drunk wall. They just let him burn himself out and continued drinking peacefully amongst each other the second Wooyoung passed out for the night.
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The next morning, Wooyoung woke up with the most insane hangover— he had never had a hangover before, so he was honestly shocked and scared.
"I'm gettin' too old for this crud," he started that morning as he plopped himself in the barstool near the kitchen.
"Shut the fuck up. You're a college student," Yunho, who was the first one up that morning, retorted while making his morning coffee. "But you could ease up on the alcohol."
"Gee, you think?"
"Anyway," Yunho side-stepped Wooyoung's heavy sarcasm. "Do you remember anything from last night?"
"Of course I do," Wooyoung said without a hint of sarcasm this time around. "I always remember. I may be drunk, but I'm still mentally there."
"Right. Well, consider it. If you seriously want to be in a relationship, then not acting like a kid may help. People like more mature and serious guys."
"As if you know dating culture so well," Wooyoung scoffed.
"Mmm, considering I've been dating my significant other for five years, I'd say that I know how dating and relationships work by now. More than you for sure."
Wooyoung glared at the tall boy as he smiled smugly at him before heading out of the kitchen to start his day. Checking the time, Wooyoung grumbled to himself as he got himself ready for class. As much as he would love to skip the class he had, it was a lab, and he didn't want to screw over his lab partner. He might've been childish and immature, but you could always trust him to be there at least.
And thankfully for him and his blinding headache, this lab was a darkfield microscopy, which meant that the entire lab was going to be dark. Right before class, he popped a couple of painkillers and stepped into the room to see that they were assigned new lab partners. At first, Wooyoung was resentful because his lab partner was the literal best in dealing with him and his shenanigans, but the second Wooyoung saw who his partner was, he was thanking all the immortal entities in the universe.
He thought it could've been his drunk mind, but you were the most stunning person he had ever met. You were gorgeous with your hair tucked back, and even with the lab goggles on, you had the most beautiful eyes that Wooyoung could spot from miles away. Every single thing you did was so elegant and so graceful, and even though all you were doing was dropping blood onto the slide, it was the most magical thing he had ever seen in his entire life.
What he loved even more was that you would play into his antics. The lab was pretty quiet, so Wooyoung would whisper random jokes here and there to you, and you would respond with the most beautiful chuckle that made his heart swoon over and over and over again. Wooyoung was smitten, obsessed, and dare he say it—
"I'm in love!" Wooyoung cheered at the top of his lungs.
It was boys night again, and this time, Wooyoung was drunk, but he was happy.
"You're weirding me out, lowkey," San watched Wooyoung with wary eyes as he twirled around the dorm.
"San, you don't understand," Wooyoung sighed blissfully. "My lab partner is just... God, my lab partner is perfect. Also! Also, their name!"
He repeated your name, the syllables rolling off his tongue smoothly, your name leaving his lips like a knife cutting through warm butter. And for the rest of the night, that's all he could do. He just kept saying the name of the person he was completely in love with, pissing off his friends in a new way.
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Alas, the lab had to end, and Wooyoung feared that you would never speak to him again. You had shared a microscope for a solid two weeks, but neither of you thought to ask to exchange phone numbers. Wooyoung wanted to, don't get him wrong, but every time he thought about doing it, he would chicken out because his heart would be racing at a million miles an hour, and he didn't want you to reject him or for him to have a heart attack just because he was going to ask someone out.
"You just need to ask. It's so simple," Mingi tried helping Wooyoung before he had to go to class.
"Wow, it's as if I didn't consider doing that. Thanks," Wooyoung, using his signature sarcasm, replied.
"Just rip the bandaid off, dude. I don't know what else to tell you. If they reject you, then you just move on. If not, then hooray, your efforts paid off."
"Also, you usually have no shame screaming at the top of your lungs while we're out in public drinking, so why are you finding it so hard to ask someone out?" Yeosang asked.
"Are you saying I should drink then ask them out?"
"No!" both boys chorused at the same time.
"Fucking— Just be yourself, Wooyoung," Yeosang said with a deep sigh. "Just give them a fucking flower and tell them you like them with a dumb joke that you usually make."
"But, I thought you told me I should change? That I should be more mature because people don't like childish, immature guys."
"Don't make me punch you. Get the fuck out, go to class, and for the love of God, just ask."
With Yeosang's words in mind, Wooyoung did exactly that. He was confident and outgoing, so asking you out shouldn't have been as big of a task as he was making it. So, he summoned up all of the courage within him, and he vowed to himself to do it that day.
"Wait! Wait," Wooyoung stopped you after class one day. "I... I want to ask you something."
"What's up?"
"So... Oh my fucking God, I don't know how to say this," Wooyoung muttered to himself, unaware that you could hear him. "Why the fuck is it so hard for me to tell you I like you?"
"I like you too, Wooyoung," you helped him out.
"Oh fuck, you heard that?" Wooyoung covered his mouth, his face turning bright red. "I'm going to jump out the window I'm so embarrassed!"
"Oh my God, Wooyoung! I said I like you too! You don't need to do that!" you couldn't help but laugh when Wooyoung actually turned to look for the nearest window to fling himself out of.
"W-Wait... You like me too?"
"Yeah, I do," you shot him the cutest smile that made him clutch his chest and nearly fall over. "I just didn't want to say anything because... Well, I was unsure because you seem to be like this around everyone, and—"
"No! I'm glad that... That you like me too... And I was wondering..." Wooyoung started mumbling again, his nerves taking over once more despite knowing that his feelings were mutual.
"Here's my phone. Give me your number," you stepped in again, making him wonder if you were reading his mind or if he was talking loud enough under his breath or if you were his freaking soulmate.
Wooyoung's fingers trembled as he typed in his phone number and handed your phone back to you.
"I'll text you," you said, that beautiful smile of yours only getting bigger, your face only getting more sparkly. "Maybe you'll find better words over text."
God, Wooyoung was ready to fall over when you giggled and waved good bye to him, the lovestruck boy motionless in the classroom as he watched the actual love of his life glide out of the room.
"I'm so in love! I love love!"
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flower garden masterlist
flower garden taglist: @eyeryis @sinnarols @k-hotchoisan @khjoongie98
networks: @atzhouse @cromernet @cultofdionysusnet @newworldnet @wonderlandnet
175 notes · View notes
elliesbelle · 11 months
nobody compares to you
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chapter 10
pairing: ellie x reader
synopsis: you're in your junior year of college and at a party, you run into the girl who broke your heart: ellie williams. despite the time it took to reset your life, will you risk a broken heart again for her?
content warnings: modern college au, cursing, angst, descriptions of alcohol, straight men eww, unwanted advances, reader is implied to be shorter than both abby and ellie (if you think you're not, let's just pretend for a line or two for the sake of storytelling lol), descriptions of sexual harassment, descriptions of physical violence, minors do not interact
word count: 5.5k
chapters: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen
series masterlist
my masterlist
i have a ko-if if you like my work so much that you feel compelled to tip me ♡︎
the "nobody compares to you" spotify playlist
featuring the equal creatures song "waiting in the wings"
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Friday night came a little too quickly for your liking. After much consideration, you’d settled on a pink bomber jacket with a white corset top and black leggings for your outing at the Bow and Arrow. You contemplate wearing your usual black boots, but you decide for tonight to give your feet a rest from being covered with painful blisters. While you meticulously add finishing touches to your makeup, your phone buzzes furiously on your bathroom counter. You tap it to reveal a text from Abby.
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You allow yourself a tiny smile at Abby’s banter before setting your phone back down. 
After you decide that you’re satisfied with your appearance, you spray yourself with hints of a freesia perfume Tara had gifted you for your birthday last year. Normally, you’d wear your signature lavender fragrance, but you’d figured that even tiny advances outside of your comfort zone were a good, healthy first step to moving forward with your life. You wonder silently if Abby would notice and like it. 
You spend the next couple of minutes pacing all around your living room, occasionally bouncing up and down on your tiptoes in sheer nervousness. When you hear three gentle knocks on your front door, your heart jumps out of your chest. You breathe in deeply from between pursed, painted lips, just the way your old therapist taught you, before striding over to anxiously turn the doorknob and reveal Abby waiting expectantly. 
She was wearing a brown, button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up over her muscled forearms and the top two buttons undone. Her dirty blonde hair was in her usual tight braid and fell down her back. She has her hands tucked into the front pockets of her black slacks and upon laying eyes on you, her face breaks out in a wide smile. 
“Well, good evening, pretty lady,” She greets you. “You look very nice tonight.” 
“You’re looking pretty suave yourself,” You reply, ignoring the rising heat in your cheeks. 
Abby smirks. 
“You ready to go?” She asks. 
“Mhmm,” You murmur, reaching for your purse & keys from the entryway table before closing and locking your front door behind you. “Lead the way, Miss Anderson.” 
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You and Abby chat about your respective days on the way to the Bow and Arrow. You take the bus part-way, sitting next to her towards the back. It isn’t lost on you the way Abby’s hand twitches almost expectantly to hold yours, but you can’t summon enough courage in the moment to welcome the action. Though your body yearned for the physical intimacy, something else inside didn’t feel right just yet. However, you did at least allow yourself to take Abby’s hand for a few, short moments when she helped you out of your seat, and then again when she helped you hop off of the bus. 
The sun had almost entirely set by now, your shadows mainly illuminated by the lampposts and lights from the nearby shops and restaurants along the street. After several minutes of skipping next to Abby, you start to see the vague outline of the Bow and Arrow from a distance. Your fingers start to nervously fidget and you feel yourself chewing the inside of your lip in apprehensive anticipation. 
Making up an excuse to turn around and go home right now would be simple enough, though a little sudden and impolite. For the past day, you’d been trying to focus diligently on your schoolwork and classes so as not to dwell too far on what tonight could bring. However, the reality was starting to set in and your hands became clammier with every tentative step you took towards your destination. Perhaps it was a preemptively good idea not to take Abby’s hand earlier. 
You turn towards Abby, who hasn’t noticed your apparent restlessness. She looks completely at ease, confident as she always was. She oozes of enthusiasm, clearly looking forward to the night out. You sigh discreetly, resolving to at least make an effort to live it up, even just for a few hours. You make sure not to let your eyes wander too far towards the familiar, dark alleyway next to the bar. 
When reaching the entrance, you’d already pulled out your ID to flash at the bouncer, who lazily glances at it before handing it back to you and nodding you forward. The bouncer doesn’t card Abby and instead, gets up from their stool to clasp her hand and pat her back. 
“Yo, what’s up, Anderson?” The bouncer says in welcome. 
“Hey, Cam,” Abby replies. “Didn’t know you were working tonight.” 
“We’re not all doctors, man. Gotta pay those bills somehow.” 
“Not a doctor yet, dude.” Abby chuckles. 
“Yeah, yeah,” The bouncer waves her off nonchalantly. “You go enjoy your night.” 
You stand there and watch the interaction in both awkwardness and admiration. Abby really did know everyone around, even outside of campus. 
“Come on,” Abby motions you to follow her. “I think I see some of my friends here already.” 
You nod your head and trail after her timidly. 
Your wary eyes explore the bar, slowly taking in how it’s changed since the last time you’d visited. They’d added another TV among the line-up against one of the walls, and there were numerous amounts of low-lit string lights now hanging from the ceiling. You recognize a couple of the bartenders working tonight, in addition to a few more who seemed fairly new. They’d hung up a large version of the original rainbow Pride flag by a window in the front right next to the blue-pink-and-white transgender one. But even with these few new changes, the place looks generally the same. You secretly wish it didn’t, afraid that the daunting familiarity might trigger some unpleasant memories. 
Abby leads you towards a group of people gathered around one of the wall-mounted television screens where a Nintendo 64 was hooked up to. Three of them were engaged in an intense game of Mario Kart, all yelling at each other over both the race course music and a SZA song currently blasting through the bar’s speakers. Their spectating friends were heckling genially and cheering them on as the race ended with whichever player competing as Yoshi finishing in first place. 
“That’s how it’s done, bitches!” A guy who you recognize as Abby’s friend Jordan from the other day proclaims in triumph. 
“Whatever, asshole. You only won ‘cause I slipped on a banana peel during the second lap.” A girl wearing a black leather jacket to his left complains. 
“Excuses, excuses,” Jordan waves off, shaking his head mockingly. “Sounds like a serious skill issue to me.” 
“Leah, you better get your man right now before I beat his ass.” 
As you and Abby approach the group, one of her friends leaning against the wall looks up from the bickering to meet Abby’s gaze. 
“Yo, Abs, finally!” He says, beckoning her over. He was a tall, beefy man with his black hair tied up in a man bun and his face covered with a full beard. You knew he was one of Abby’s close friends, but you couldn’t remember which one he was. 
“You missed me that much, Alvarez?” Abby taunts, nudging him in the shoulder before grasping his outreached hand in greeting. 
“Cocky asshole,” Her friend chuckles. “Please save me from the torture of watching Jordan and Nora bitch at each other over this game all night.” 
“Why’d you even let them near this again after the last time we were here?” 
Abby and her friend jest for a moment or two before you’re eventually acknowledged. 
“So anyway, who’s this?” He asks. 
“Oh, right—” Abby says apologetically before introducing you. 
“Nice to meet you,” Her friend responds. “Manny. Have we met before?” 
“I’m not sure, honestly,” You admit. “I haven’t really been the most social or noticeable person of late.” 
“Pretty girl like you? Nah, I’m sure that’s not true.” Manny remarks boldly. 
You freeze at his unwanted flattery, which Abby doesn’t notice. You wonder internally what the hell her obviously and painfully straight guy friend was doing at this lesbian bar. 
Abby proceeds to acquaint you with the rest of her friend group: Jordan, Leah, Nora, Nick, and Jay. Jordan, Nora, and Jay were the three holding the controllers connected to the video game console, each either saying hello or nodding towards you in friendly greeting. The guy Nick who wore a black beanie raised his can of beer towards your direction when Abby introduced him before uttering a simple “wassup” to you. Next to Jordan is a girl with long black hair tied back in a low ponytail. Abby introduces her as Leah, after which she smiles sweetly at you. 
After she’s named all her friends, Abby turns towards you. 
“Wanna grab a drink?” She questions. 
“Yes, please.” You reply gratefully. 
You follow her to the semi-crowded bar where she settles on a somehow unoccupied barstool, you taking a seat on the one next to her. 
“What would you like, pretty girl?” Abby asks. 
“Umm, vodka cranberry, maybe?” You say. 
Abby smiles and nods before raising her hand to grab the attention of a bartender. After a few moments, she’s able to flag one down. 
“Can I get a vodka cranberry and a blue motorcycle?” She yells over the music, pulling out her wallet and handing over her credit card. “And start a tab?” 
“No worries, Abby,” The bartender smiles, taking her card. “Light ice on the motorcycle?” 
The bartender nods as they swipe Abby’s card on the POS system before handing it back to her and walking to the side to prepare your drinks. 
“So you come here a whole lot, huh?” You remark as you both wait. 
“What makes you say that?” Abby asks, turning her body to face you better. 
“Everyone around here seems to know who you are.” 
“Nah, I’m just that cool and hot and popular that just about everyone knows my name anywhere I go.” Abby teases arrogantly. 
You laugh, rolling your eyes at her cockiness. 
“You are so full of yourself, Miss Anderson.” 
“Anything to make you laugh, pretty girl.” 
You and Abby banter for a minute or two before your respective drinks are placed in front of you, the bartender additionally handing you each a napkin. 
“Okay, so what the hell did you order?” You inquire of Abby, eyeing her turquoise-coloured beverage. 
“You’ve never had a blue motorcycle before?” 
“Hey, I’m a simple gal; I know only like, four or five different names of basic alcohol. Two of which are vodka.” 
Abby throws her head back, laughing boisterously. 
“Oh, man, are you really that much of a grandma?” She teases you. 
“Absolutely,” You joke. “I just shape-shifted for tonight to give the appearance of a 20-something-year-old college student so as not to be judged for my wild, party animal habits.” 
“God, you are so nerdy,” Abby chuckles. “Good thing you’re really cute.” 
You roll your eyes at her once more before taking a sip of your drink. 
“How’s your very basic and boring vodka cranberry?” Abby quips. 
“Oh, fuck off,” You giggle. “How’s your weird, little smurf drink?” 
“Extremely delicious, thank you so much for asking.” She responds. “Want a taste?” 
You grimace. 
“What!” Abby exclaims, chuckling. 
“I’m not exactly the most adventurous when it comes to what I put in my body.” 
“Well, there’s a first time for everything.” Abby offers, sliding over her blue drink towards your direction. 
“What the hell is even in it?” 
“Oh, just try it, you fucking wimp!” 
You whine in hesitation before bringing the cup up to your pursed lips, taking the most minuscule of sips. 
“Oh, come on!” Abby complains as you place the drink back down. “That was barely fucking anything!” 
“You wanted me to drink it, so I drank it!” 
“Chug it like a fucking man!” 
“Are you trying to get me drunk tonight, Miss Anderson?” 
“Drink it.” Abby tauntingly asserts. 
You purse your lips once more before relenting to take a much bigger gulp from the cup. As you slam the drink back down onto the bar and slide it back towards Abby, you scowl at the mixture of different flavours staining the surface of your tongue. 
“What the hell did you just fucking poison me with?” You grumble, your mouth salivating in disgust. 
“Calm down, you big baby, it’s just some basic liquor with a bit of Blue Curaçao mixed in.” Abby chuckles. “You know, rum, tequila, gin.” 
“Oh god, tequila?” You anxiously chuckle. “Well, get ready for just about anything to happen tonight.” 
“Tequila is my sworn enemy and weakness.” You admit. “Never know what’s gonna happen when I’ve got that shit in my system.” 
“Is that so?” Abby asks, placing her elbows on the bar and her chin on top of her interlocked hands. “I’m very much intrigued to know more.” 
“I’m sure you are.” You say, taking a generous sip from your own drink. 
“Any other weaknesses that you care to share with the class?” She coaxes. 
You lean in close enough for her to hear you whisper pointedly, “I guess you’ll just have to find out for yourself, Miss Anderson.” 
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As the night goes by gradually and the more intoxicated you get, the more at ease you begin to feel. Abby’s friends eventually reveal that a local band was going to be playing a few songs live on the rooftop dancefloor later on, and you all liquor up in case they turn out to be an amateur disaster. 
Though they weren’t exactly your crowd, Abby’s friend group was generally amiable and sociable. She made sense amongst them, all of them having established a repartee with her and not being intimidated like a lot of people were. You didn’t care much for her guy friends, who were slightly crude & vulgar and all of whom you could easily tell were straight and who you felt had no place being in a lesbian bar. But with the rest, you generally got along well with. 
You piece together that the nice girl Leah is Jordan’s girlfriend from the way they stuck to each other’s side as much as possible. She was friendly, always including you in the conversations and acknowledging when you spoke.
Often standing beside her was Jay, who Abby at some point quietly whispers to you is her best friend. Next to Abby, she was the most outwardly lesbian-looking one in the group. She wore a sports cap backwards over her long, straight black hair and a grey hoodie underneath an old, dishevelled jean jacket. Her fingers were decorated with several silver rings, and you saw hints of tattoos whenever she would stretch her arms out and cause her sleeves to ride up slightly. Her rather short stature was dwarfed by her rambunctious character, often making you giggle at her drunken jabs at straight people. 
The girl Nora was who aroused the most curiosity from you out of the whole friend group. She was slim, athletic-looking, and very beautiful. Her dark, kinky hair was worn in a tight, high bun, apart from a few ringlets that fell effortlessly down the sides of her face. She wore a tight, black leather jacket that hugged her form nicely. From both her physical appearance and disposition, she gave off the vibe of the beautiful, mysterious love interest to the main character in a romantic indie film. She seemed to have this easy, welcoming banter with everyone, especially Abby. You wonder to yourself if there was something there between them before realizing that it was none of your business. 
You were surprised at how much of a good time you were having. Abby was by your side for most of the night, often nudging your shoulder playfully, explaining references, or whispering flirty comments in your ear. She paid for both of your drinks, to which you reprimanded her for the entire time, even up until she closed out her tab when you’d both had enough to drink. You were enjoying yourself to the point where you’d almost forgotten the significance this bar held for you. 
A little while before the promised local band were set to make their appearance, another friend of Abby’s belatedly joined the group. 
A gust of cold, autumn wind blew in unkindly from the outside when the front door of the bar opened to receive another patron. Your eyes unwittingly wander towards the movement, suddenly widening when they fall on the face of the familiar newcomer. 
Your ex-girlfriend Adriana strides into the bar, scanning the place for her friends. Your rattled and petrified state is short-lived when Jordan spots her as well and hails her over. 
“Yo! Adriana! Over here!” He calls. 
As Abby and the rest of her friends greet her and playfully berate her for her tardiness, you shrink behind the group as you attempt to compose yourself. Though it had ended amicably between you two, it had still been several years since you’d actually come face-to-face with Adriana. You’d never established a friendship with her afterwards despite it all, still feeling too much guilt for hooking up with her friend almost immediately after your breakup. 
Adriana leisurely makes her way through the group, greeting each one jovially. After she laughed at an inside joke Nora had uttered to her, you concede silently that you couldn’t avoid being seen by her any further, not without resorting to running to the bathroom and hiding for the rest of the night. You slowly step out behind Abby’s tall, burly figure, attempting not to draw attention to yourself and trying to ease back into the situation naturally. 
After a few moments, Adriana’s eyes fall on you. You see the recognition slowly setting in by the expression on her face and once you can tell that she’s realized who you were, she gives you a small smile. She doesn’t say anything to you and continues to engage in conversation with others, but you feel a little less awkwardness after you return her smile. Though your chest still feels a bit tight from the tension, you’re slightly more relieved and at ease knowing that Adriana still kept her word after all these years of having no ill will towards you. 
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Several minutes after Adriana’s arrival, you saw other patrons starting to head towards the rooftop, and your group eventually followed suit. Once you reach the next floor, you see a small stage where a few instruments were already in place and a couple of band members were setting up for the show. Your group chatters amongst themselves as you all wait patiently. 
Abby taps your shoulder at one point to let you know she was heading back down to use the restroom for a second. You giggle and tell her she didn’t need to let you know, to which she rolls her eyes humorously and promises she won’t be gone for too long. As she walks away, you realize that on her other side was Adriana and that you were now stuck standing side-by-side with each other. 
“H-hey, Adriana.” You say, giving her a slightly uncomfortable smile. 
“Hey. Didn’t know I was gonna see you here tonight.” She responds lightheartedly. 
“Yeah, Abby invited me out.” You explain. 
“Oh, I see. I didn’t know that you two still talked.” 
“Honestly, we reconnected only recently.” 
“Ahh, I see.” 
There was a moment or two of silence where you were unsure of how to proceed with the conversation. Luckily, Adriana seemed comfortable enough to continue speaking. 
“So how have you been since we last saw each other?” She asks you. 
“Oh, umm,” You begin slowly. You didn’t feel the most comfortable sharing the traumatic shit show your life has been the past two years with your ex-girlfriend, so you settle for a simple “same old, same old” at the moment. 
“That’s good.” She replies. 
“How about you?” 
“Swamped as fuck with all my courses. I honestly wasn’t gonna come out tonight ‘cause I was busy as hell trying to get some work done. That’s why I was late. But my partner is actually in the band that’s performing tonight, and I wanted to be supportive.” 
“Oh, that’s really sweet of you. I’m sure they’ll appreciate you being here.” 
“Just wanna be a good and loyal girlfriend, that’s all.” 
Another lull follows. Adriana seems perfectly calm and content with the silence, but you continue to struggle internally with overdue guilt. You decide that dealing with the discomfort for the rest of the night wasn’t worth it. 
“Hey, uhh,” You start. “By the way, I’m sorry about how things went down between us. You know, how we ended and all.” 
“Hey, ancient history.” She assures. “It was honestly fun while it lasted, but I still think it was for the best.” 
“Still, I honestly do still regret how I was back then.” 
“Nah, don’t be so hard on yourself. I don’t think it would have worked out regardless.” 
“Yeah, I guess so.” You hesitantly agree. “Probably should have put in more effort on my part, though.” 
“I don’t really think that was the case,” Adriana says. “It was just sort of obvious at one point that you were just way into someone else so much more than you were into me.” 
You cringe. 
Damn. Was I that bad at hiding how much I liked Abby back then? Sorry for being such a shitty girlfriend, Adriana… 
“Was I that obvious?” You ask remorsefully, grimacing. 
“A little,” Adriana chuckles. “But it’s okay. She was obviously more your type than I was.” 
“You think?” 
“I mean, I think Ellie Williams is a lot of girls’ type, at least around here.” 
Everything around you freezes immediately as you feel your heart come to a stop. Your throat closes up at the same time that your hands grow cold and clammy. 
Before you’re able to wrench yourself from your petrified state, Adriana speaks again. 
“Oh, I think I see my partner up there. I’m gonna move up closer, but I’ll meet up with you guys later on, okay?” 
She glances at you for half a second to give a short farewell smile before walking towards the stage where another band member with an electric guitar slung around their shoulders has joined the others. 
You remain suspended in the moment Adriana had left you behind with. The rest of Abby’s friend group was busy drunkenly conversing with one another to notice your near-comatose state. A deafening ringing resonates in your ears, the sounds of the expectant crowd and the tuning of instruments completely drowned out. 
Your eyes wander towards the middle of the dancefloor that is currently occupied by unfamiliar audience members. Without warning, you’re suddenly and unwillingly ripped back into your memories. 
“Look, I’m really not interested!” You yelled over the music blaring from the DJ station on the stage. “I’m sorry!” 
“Oh, come on,” A woman at least ten years your senior griped. “We’re just dancing! Doesn’t have to mean anything!” 
You attempted to tug her hands away that were clutching your hips far too intimately, but her grip was tight and unrelenting. 
“Please, just leave me alone!” You implored the handsy stranger. 
“Don’t be like that now!” She exclaims. “Let’s just see where this takes us and—” 
Her sentence was cut short by a sudden fist in the air colliding with her face. Even over the loud bass drops, you could hear a crunch that you were almost sure was the sound of the woman’s nose being broken. 
“What the FUCK, you fucking cunt!” She screamed. 
You looked over at your saviour assailant to see an outraged Ellie. 
“You like harassing innocent girls, bitch?” Ellie spat. “Don’t know how to keep your hands to yourself? Well, it seems like I can’t either.” 
You saw Ellie winding up to attack once more, and you quickly grabbed her right arm before she could move any further. 
“Ellie! Ellie, it’s okay, I’m fine! It’s not that—” 
“This bitch thinks she can do whatever the fuck she wants to you!” Ellie hissed towards the stranger who was slowly retreating into the crowd, cowering at Ellie’s growing fury. 
“It’s okay, I’m not hurt!” 
“It’s not fucking okay!” 
“Ellie, baby, please, let’s just move—” 
The rest of your sentence was cut off when Ellie angrily marched off towards the staircase leading back down to the main floor of the bar. 
You nearly tripped over your high-heeled boots trying to run after her. 
A firm hand on your shoulder transports you back to the present. You jump and look up to see Abby has returned, your hazy eyes meeting her blue ones. 
“You good?” Abby asks. 
“Oh, um, yeah, sorry.” You utter. “Just spaced out there for a second.” 
Abby chuckles and says, “Already lost without me even after a few minutes, pretty girl?” 
You give her flirty joke a half-hearted smile before turning towards the stage, realizing that the band is about to play. 
They start out with their own rendition of Paramore’s “All I Wanted,” and you note to yourself that they were actually quite good. But as they progress through the song, you find yourself unable to fully concentrate on their performance. 
Abby and her friends cheer and yell in support as the music comes to a momentary end. You barely register the lead singer introducing their next song, an original of theirs called “Waiting in the Wings.” 
You feel Abby move closer towards you, her body radiating heat onto you. At this sudden contact, you force yourself to be more present in the moment and attempt to push all thoughts of Ellie out of your mind. 
The song begins in a minor key, starting off slow as the lead singer begins to croon. 
🎶 There’s a million people in this room who want me more than you // There’s a million people who want me more than you 
There’s no one in this world who loves you like I do // There’s no one in this world who loves you like I do 🎶 
You watch as the crowd of people nod along to the song, some already preemptively whooping. 
🎶 Alone in a crowded room, I wish I was with you // Whether I’m here or there, it doesn’t matter to you 
But you don’t know what you have ‘til it leaves you // You don’t know what you have until it leaves you 🎶 
You suddenly feel one of Abby’s arms wrapping around your waist, pulling you in closer to her. 
🎶 There’s a line of people waitin’ for this to fall through // There’s a line of people waitin’ for me to leave you 
So please, baby, love me like I love you 🎶 
You can feel Abby’s piercing blue eyes gazing at your face, expectantly and determinedly. 
🎶 Someone here wants me, they want me more than you // Someone here wants me, they want me more than you 
There’s someone here who wants me, they want me more than you // There’s someone here who wants me, they want me more than you 🎶 
Despite this aching feeling bubbling in your stomach, you will yourself to meet Abby’s stare. 
🎶 There’s a million people in this room who want me more than you // There’s a million people who want me more than you 
There’s no one in this world who loves you like I do // There’s no one in this world who loves you like I do 🎶 
Abby begins to lower her face, her lips nearly touching yours. Her breath tickles your cheeks before you suddenly pull away from her embrace. 
The crowd is distracted as the song ends, applauding and sounding off in response. As their cheering eventually dies down, you watch as Abby’s face falls a little and an expression of slight regret is painted across her features. 
“O-oh, oh my god, Abby, I’m so sorry,” You quickly explain. “I didn’t mean to pull away like that; I swear to god, you just surprised me, that’s all.” 
You knew that it was all quickly strewn lies streaming from your lips, but you didn’t want to ruin Abby’s night by making her feel guilty. You pray that she believes your feeble excuses, and it thankfully seems that she does. 
“Serves me right for trying to sneak a kiss from you out of nowhere,” She says, smirking lightly. “I’ll do better next time.” 
“It’s okay, it’s just the tequila,” You laugh shakily. “Even just a few sips of it kind of makes my emotions a wild card.” 
“Well, you did warn me earlier,” Abby remarks, smiling. “No tequila next time; got it.” 
You chuckle nervously, biting the inside of your cheek. 
Abby begins to say something when Nora suddenly grabs her attention. 
“Oh my god, Abs, that’s the girl I was telling you about before,” Nora exclaims, pointing in a vague direction where it was indistinguishable who she was referring to. “See with the long ponytail?” 
“Holy shit, where?” Abby asks distractedly, looking away from you and towards where Nora's gesturing. 
Seeing an opportunity, you place your hand lightly on Abby’s arm before saying, “Just gonna run down to the restroom for a quick second, okay?” 
Abby turns back towards you and asks, “Do you want me to come with?” 
You muster enough bravado to jokingly say, “Believe it or not, I actually know how to pee all on my own like a big girl.” 
“Alright, alright,” Abby chuckles. “Hurry back.” 
You give her a noncommittal smile before weaving your way out of the crowd and towards the staircase. 
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The bar’s gender-neutral restrooms were your first choice in brief sanctuary, but that plan was immediately foiled when you see the long line leading towards it. You sigh and resort to walking out the front door of the bar to catch your breath outside instead. 
Though it was much later in the night, the weekend guaranteed plenty of college students noisily roaming the streets of the downtown area. Wanting not to be disturbed, you reluctantly turn into the dingy alleyway to the left of the Bow and Arrow. 
A couple of people pass through the dark street, but you feel safe positioning yourself underneath the closest streetlamp as none of them lingered for too long. 
Sighing as you lean against the cold, stone wall of the next-door building, you look up at the lamp post you’d chosen as your temporary companion. You place a hand on its cool, metal base, remembering the last time you stood underneath its dim luminescence. 
“Why, Ellie?” You asked her. “Why’d you take it to that extreme?” 
Ellie’s eyes bore into you, the unspoken truth threatening to overflow from the ocean green. 
“You know why.” She said softly. 
“I—” You began, your lips trembling in hesitation. 
“You do, don’t you?” Ellie whispers. 
You don’t respond. Without thought or consideration, you find your body pressed up against Ellie’s, your mouth instinctively finding that of her own. 
The moment your lips met hers, you knew you never wanted to kiss any other lips but hers again. 
Every knowing and deliberate look, every inside joke, every accidental brush of your hands led up to this exact moment. And yet nothing could have prepared you for the bliss, the euphoria of finally kissing Ellie. Her strong, muscular arms wrapped around your waist, nearly lifting you off of the ground to pull you closer. You surrendered to your body’s instinct, almost as if fate was guiding it. 
The meaning of life laid behind Ellie’s lips, and what other choice did you have but to fervently search for it? 
You didn’t remember when you’d wrapped your arms around Ellie’s neck, only realizing you had done so when you found your fingers clutching at her auburn hair so firmly that her half-bun updo threatened to come undone. The more Ellie moaned into you, the tighter your grip on her hair became. 
You’d both forgotten where you were and how you’d gotten there. You just knew that you were no longer standing in that dark alleyway next to the Bow and Arrow. You were suddenly in this completely separate universe, a vast yet secret galaxy that consisted only of you and Ellie. It belonged to nobody else but you two. Nothing else mattered anymore, only you and Ellie and your little infinity. 
But you didn’t exist there anymore. It’s two years later, and you no longer live in that bubble of romance and fantasy. 
You step away from the wall, staring up at the clear, black sky. You try but fail desperately not to find the intricate patterns of Ellie’s freckles replicated in the constellations above. 
That universe of yours and Ellie’s was no longer within your grasp. It’s a place you hadn’t allowed yourself to visit for an eternity. This present moment, lonely and nostalgic, is the closest you can find to it. It was like a narrow, cruel window that allowed only a glimpse at the heaven you once knew. 
You sigh. Reluctantly tearing your eyes away from Ellie’s celestial clones, you bid farewell to your brief, ill-lit hideout and exit back to the main sidewalk. You make your way once more towards the front door of the Bow and Arrow, knowing that you would make Abby worry if you lingered too long outside of the bar.
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author’s notes:
it's here it's here, it's finally here. can y'all believe i've really written TEN whole chapters of this fucking series? the word count is literally like, 40k. what the hell!
as mentioned and linked above, i created a playlist for this series if you wanna check it out! it's all songs that are either mentioned or included in the series, in addition to songs that i feel match the vibe of the story! i will continue to add to it as we progress (and if you pay attention, i may add some songs preemptively right before publishing a chapter that may have to do with that specific chapter)
again, if you lowkey recognize the lesbian bar i very, very loosely based the bow and arrow on, no you don't
jay is lowkey inspired by my irl ex-girlfriend adriana's friends back in college who had a similar physical description and i was lowkey more attracted to than adriana herself oops
the song in this chapter is by the band called equal creatures where my very good friend laurie is the lead singer! if you love me, please check them out!
sorry to make the creep hitting on the reader in the flashback a woman, but sexual harassment is not gender exclusive and i wanted to showcase that as well.
the line "the moment your lips met hers, you knew you never wanted to kiss any other lips but hers again" is heavily inspired by valerie's speech from the "v for vendetta" movie (if you haven't seen the movie, even if you have no intentions of actually watching it, please watch this scene, it's so fucking moving and it's one of my all-time favourite scenes in cinematic history, no joke)! the line is said at the 2-minute mark!
reader and ellie's first kiss is also heavily inspired by my first kiss with my ex (it was romantic as hell, ask me one day to tell y'all how it happened)
taglist: @lonelyfooryouonly, @elliesinterlude, @sawaagyapong, @peppesgirl, @iconsoft, @maybeidohaveadhd, @ellieswifee, @valiantllamapersonpony-blog, @nil-eena, @echostinn
@uraesthete, @softbunlvr, @cherriesxinthespring, @amitycat, @thefishymissy, @yevheniiaaaa, @machetegirl109, @bertandfearnie, @ximtiredx, @efam
@elliesnumber1gf, @digit4lslut, @tayyyystan, @emothurman, @livvy-2000, @abigaillovestoread, @gold-dustwomxn, @liabadoobee, @yuckyfucky, @qtefolleunpez
@libr4sonsa, @17luv, @robinismywifee, @villainousbear, @ashlynnnnnnnn15, @scarlettadore, @vianna99, @g0n3girls, @totheblood, @embermdk
@awyunh, @kenz-ee, @marvelwomen-simp, @eleactric, @simpforellie, @omgidksblog, @anxiouso, @nyrastar, @lillysbigwilly, @hopeless-y
@elliesbabygirl, @alexpritch, @thestarsanctuary, @aethelwyneleigh27, @cass00x, @mulan-but-gay, @carmellie, @destielcore, @tfuuka, @elliewilliamsmissingfingerss
@sagestuffing, @ewwitsbella, @igoferalforelliewilliams, @miaelliesgfxoxo, @saturnvalentine, @elysiagyaru, @asteroidzzzn, @gay4jinx, @97cityy, @joliettes
@p1llowthoughtss, @ellieslegalwife, @aouiaa, @lez-zuha, @ineffablefics, @peepshake, @lil-elliesgf
596 notes · View notes
xianyoon · 2 months
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. ݁₊🍃. ݁⊹ 🎐 ⊹ . ݁🌤️ ݁ . ⊹🫧 ₊ ݁. ݁ .🍃. ⊹🫧*ੈ⊹ . ݁ ˚👒. ⊹🌿
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🎐 this event is a celebration of springtime ! a celebration of fresh flowers that sprout up from the ground , of farewells to flakes of snow, of the emergence of freshness and sunshine and crisp air – soak in all that springtime loveliness, darling, and i hope you happily get to participate in all the festivities ! join the gathering in the field , and you'll see that there's a multitude of mini events for you to join . 🍃
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── event one : ꒰ flower crown crafting ! ꒱
a prompt collaboration event ! choose any of the prompts ( no min. nor max. ) to create for – all types of creations allowed ! this is multifandom and open to everyone – it can be oc works , selfship works , x reader works, or any kind ( fics, art, edits & music welcome ! ) all you have to do is to reblog this post and let me know which prompts you'll be taking ! ( you can use prompts people have already used too <3 )
✿ amaryllis –  spring flower crown making with them !
✿ begonia – asking them to be your partner/them asking you for a spring dance
✿ camellia – baking together for a spring picnic
✿ daisy – watching the evening sunset together amongst the wildflowers
✿ epiphyllum – shared kisses behind the willow tree
✿ freesia – going on a strawberry picking outing 
✿ gardenia – tending to the spring flowers together
✿ hamamelis – going on a spring cafe date 
✿ iris – winding down on a spring evening together
✿ jasmine – hosting a spring garden tea party 
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── event two : ꒰ mix 'n match mocktails ! ꒱
this one's only open to my mutuals ! i'll be doing matchups for you all – matching you up with a character . . . look below to see the rules and instructions ! for each matchup, i'll add a mini moodboard as well as a few headcanons ♡ i have 20 open slots for this !
send me an ask ! here's the list of things you need to include :
send me a 🌷 emoji to let me know you're entering this part of the event !
send me a brief introduction about yourself !
send me some characters you would not like to be matched with !
choose whether you'd like a platonic or romantic matchup !
and send me your favourite colour ♡♡
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── event three : ꒰ bouquet making ! ꒱
i'm opening requests !!! !!! ! ! this segment is open to everyone ♡ there will be 15 slots opened for this , so it'll be based off first-come-first-serve ! do look below to see the rules and instructions for the little fancy florist shop you're entering ! ♡
send me an ask ! here's the list of things you need to include :
send me a 💐 emoji to let me know you're entering this part of the event !
choose your ribbon : white ( fluff ) or brown ( comfort ) !
choose your bouquet wrap : paper ( romantic ) or plastic ( platonic ) !
choose your flowers ! select one prompt from the flower list from event #1 and send me up to three characters from genshin, please <3
i do not accept requests that are just " 💐 + white ribbon + paper + character a " , please be nice when requesting ! i have every right to deny your request.
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125 notes · View notes
freesia-writes · 1 month
Pets4Vets: Jesse (3/4)
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Word Count: 4.5k - Jesse x Fem Reader - chapter 1 ~~ chapter 2 Master List + FANART BY @arcsimper5!! :D
“Well isn’t that adorable,” Kix chuckled, picking up the impossibly fluffy little animal from the plush bed it had been curled in. It looked at him with large eyes, tiny paws tucked beneath its chin, and the medic’s face softened. “Okay, that’s adorable.”
“It’s ridiculous,” Jesse corrected, gesturing helplessly. “A bogling? I mean… what is this?” he touched one of its legs, bare of fur and covered in leathery skin. 
“It’s your new little friend,” Kix grinned, patting it fondly before handing it to Jesse, who held it awkwardly out in front of him. “Come on,” his brother goaded. “We both know you want to cuddle it.”
“It’s a her,” Jesse murmured, unaware of the knowing look from Kix at his side. “They named her Pookie but that kinda makes me want to throw up in my mouth a little bit.”
Kix laughed, “I mean, what are you gonna call her? Mortar Tank?”
“Fair enough,” Jesse said, tucking the bogling into her bed. 
“That clinic girl picked the perfect little Pookie for you.” It was a warm tease, but Jesse’s face drooped a little. “What?” Kix asked.
“She piled me off on some coworker.”
“Why?” Kix tilted his head. 
“She couldn’t bear to look at me after I saw her at 79s. She was pretty drunk. We danced for a bit. Then I walked her home.”
“And that’s it. I mean, she asked me to come up, but… I don’t know.”
“She did?”
“And… you didn’t?”
Jesse sighed. It was a question he’d asked himself a few times since then. He wasn’t sure he wanted to share, but he hadn’t ever really kept anything from Kix. If anyone would empathize or have good insight, it was him. 
“I don’t know,” he admitted, running a hand over the tattoo on his face. “It just didn’t feel right. I mean, she was totally wasted.” He considered further, then continued. “And I just didn’t want it to happen that way.”
“But you want it to happen?” Kix needled. “Well, I guess she has a pulse and a brainwave, so of course you want it to–” Jesse smacked him, and he blocked a few more blows before retreating into the kitchen. “Alright, alright. So you’ve got some standards.”
“Di’kut,” Jesse muttered, grinning fondly as he picked up the bogling’s bed. “Pookie and I are going to bed.”
“Never thought I’d hear you say that.”
“Join the club.”
* * * 
Blaster fire. Clankers all around. Rex’s voice yelling over the comms. Orders and changes. Clones falling all around. 
Utter chaos. 
They were getting swarmed. Separatist tanks were lining up in the distance, deafening booms shaking him to the core. He saw Kix run past him toward a brother whose leg was bent the wrong way. Artillery shells began to hit, sending dirt and bodies flying. An impending blast loomed above them, its shadow growing as it fell toward the medic. Jesse opened his mouth to yell, but he couldn’t make a sound. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t do anything, and it was about to hit–
He sat up with a gasp, chest heaving below the sheen of sweat that covered his entire body. Adrenaline was coursing through his veins and nausea was slowly replacing the alarm that had jolted him awake. Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, Jesse rubbed his face in his hands, one last shuddering breath his best attempt to calm himself. 
A small movement by his foot startled him, sending another wave of panic through his exhausted body. It was the bogling, staring up at him with her large, curious eyes. He sighed, laying down on his side and pulling his legs onto the bed. Pookie jumped up beside him, nuzzling between his arms and stomach until she’d made a perfect space for herself, then after circling a few times, she curled up against him. She radiated warmth and calm, and his pounding heart slowed a bit. Resistant at first, he slowly lowered an arm around her, pulling her a little closer. She took a slow, deep breath and let out a content sigh.
He slept peacefully the rest of the night. 
* * * 
“If no one is signed up for Acclimation Support this afternoon, I can go home early, right?” you asked, leaning over the receptionist’s desk with a hopeful look. 
“Yes… but it looks like you’ve got one.”
“Just one? Can we reschedule it for next week’s? Make it Tosak’s problem?”
“You can’t pile everything off on him, you know,” she grinned. You’d shared about your fumble with Jesse, and she’d been as amused then as she had when she told you that he’d been sent home with Pookie. That was a hilarious mental image you'd spent a little time indulging in. 
“Fine. Maybe it’ll be quick with just one on one.” 
“Hey,” she said, growing somewhat serious now. “Remember why you signed up for this. I know you’d love to just clean kennels and hang out with us all day, but you’re making a significant impact in these troopers’ lives. After all they’ve done for us… they deserve our best.”
“I know,” you said softly, nodding twice before looking back up at her. “Even though you’re just saying that because you got railed by one last night.”
She burst out laughing, palming her forehead then shaking a finger at you. “Why do I tell you everything? That’s not fair!”
“Completely fair!” you returned, giggling uncontrollably. “Besides, you were just giving your best, right?”
“Get out of here,” she snickered, jerking her head toward the door. With a saucy little salute, you headed back to the yard. It was divided into a few different sections, one of which was a small fenced area used for meet and greets as well as the weekly classes that each staff member took turns leading. In addition to pairing troopers with an ideal service animal, the shelter also provided–
“Acclimation Support?” a voice asked behind you, and you looked up to see no one other than…
“Hi,” he said, uncharacteristically sheepish. You took it all in – his broad shoulders and muscular arms, both of which framed a tiny creature that could not have been more stark of a contrast. Perhaps his demeanor was affected by the fact that he was cradling a bogling named Pookie, but either way, you couldn’t hide your smile. 
“Well hi cutie,” you cooed, stepping forward to pat her furry head. She’d been a favorite during her time at the shelter.
“I already said hi,” Jesse interjected, earning a snort from you. 
“Good one,” you stepped back, crossing your arms over your datapad. “I can’t imagine you need help with this perfect little angel… So don’t tell me you came back to ask for something bigger.”
“No,” he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck with the other hand. “I’m just thrilled with Pookie here.” The way he said her name was equal parts fond and mocking, a balance you were surprised he could strike. 
“So how can we support you then?” you said, adopting your best customer service voice. 
“I… uh… I was trying to read stuff on the holonet… and I asked my roommate but he’s useless…” The change in his behavior took you off guard, and you tilted your head curiously as he continued. “She doesn’t seem to like her bed a whole lot. And I’ve done all the stuff you said. And I got some… extra toys…” You could swear you saw a hint of blush on his angled cheeks, and you had to press your lips together to hold back a large grin. “She eats good and all, I just… I wanted to be sure she’s happy.”
“Well that’s… kind of you,” you murmured, softening by the second at the absolute vulnerability and care you were seeing. You cleared your throat, trying to focus. “Well, where does she sleep?”
“With me,” he admitted, quietly as though confessing a crime. “But I’m afraid I’ll crush her or something, and the instructions said to make sure the pet stays in its bed, so… is there a certain smell or toy I should put in there?”
You smiled, eyes shifting from Pookie to him. You’d heard about the various ways PTSD manifested as well as the options for it to be soothed. Your coworker’s words rang in your ears, and you were feeling disproportionately warm at how quickly he had let his guard down. Maybe he was trying to make you feel better for your own foolishness. 
“What’s that look for?” he asked, a touch of defensiveness in his voice. 
“No, sorry, no look,” you corrected quickly. “I was just thinking.”
“Do you always smile like that when you’re thinking?” His eyes searched your own, a slight smirk on his own handsome face. Handsome… Damn, he was handsome, in this new light especially. You wished you could remember more from whatever had gone down at 79s when you saw him. 
“Only when I’m thinking warm and fuzzy thoughts,” you ventured, blushing a tiny bit yourself. Were you actually flirting with him?
“About Pookie or about me?” He wagged his eyebrows, and despite his return to the confident swagger he liked to put on, something about it was different now that you'd seen a small glimpse of a bigger heart beneath it. 
“About this precious, sweet little thing,” you purred, stroking her silky back again then touching his arm. It felt familiar. That surprised you. “Oh, and about Pookie too.”
“Ha, I see what you did there,” he grinned. “So you get all hot and heavy with me once and you think you can just toy with me however you want?” You opened your mouth to reply, but he continued. “Because you can,” Now it was your turn to laugh, and you shook your head, stepping back to try to get your bearings. 
“Alright alright, enough playing around,” you said sternly, but he was having none of it. “As for your request, I think Pookie is happy as a clam. I’m not seeing any signs of stress, and I think she’s sleeping with you because you need– because she likes it. She likes you.”
“What do I need?” he asked, genuinely curious and slightly apprehensive. 
“Nothing, I fumble my words sometimes.”
He took a step closer, tilting his head and regarding you with a bit of a smolder that made your knees weak. What was happening to you? “I don’t think that was a fumble,” he pressed. 
You looked up at him, giving a little sigh and figuring you might as well share. “A lot of these animals are here because they are particularly good at sensing emotional distress. So, if she’s a little extra clingy with you, especially at night, I would imagine it’s because you’re… not feeling great.”
His eyes dropped, scanning the ground around you as though trying to decide just how honest to be. Your guess was dead-on. 
“Do you have nightmares?” you asked, even softer now. “A lot of vets do,” you added quickly. “It’s not really something that you can control or prevent."
His chest puffed a little, and you noticed that Pookie sat up in his arms a bit, reaching for his neck where she nuzzled in, making her tiny little sound. The trooper deflated in front of your eyes. 
“Yeah,” he admitted. “I do.”
You couldn’t resist. You touched him again, a light brush of your fingertips against his forearm. “And does she help with those?”
“Yes,” he said quietly. 
“Good,” you smiled. “That’s what she's there for.”
He let out a little sigh, then lifted his chin, trying to assume his usual demeanor again. “Well, alright. Thanks for… everything. And, uh…” he ran a hand over his head. “If you’re ever looking for some fun again… 79s is usually the place to find it. If you want to… let me know… if you go.”
You grinned, heart flipping in your chest. “Maybe I will,” you said coyly, and the spark in his eyes was all the reward you needed. 
* * * 
Your fingers hovered over your comm, hesitant to press “send”. You were anxious beyond belief, then angry at yourself for being anxious, which only made it worse. It wasn’t a big deal. You were just going out with friends and figured you’d drop him a line in case he was going out too. Not a date or anything. Without thinking any further, and to spare yourself any further misery, you tapped the button, putting the comm on the table nearby as fast as you could as though that would make it all better. 
Then you waited. 
You insisted upon only water as you and a couple friends made your way to the bar. They laughed and agreed, having watched your antics when you’d gone a bit overboard the last time. A rough hangover was no stranger to them either, and ultimately, everyone just wanted to have fun. You were trying not to keep your eye on the front door, but you couldn't help it. Every time it whooshed open, your eyes darted over to see who it was. After a little while of stranger after stranger coming in, you gave up hope, shoulders slumping in the booth you’d taken with your friends, who had added a few troopers to your group. Jesse hadn’t responded to your message anyway. Perhaps you’d been too forward, although that seemed right up his alley. So maybe he just wasn’t that into you. 
You returned to the bar for another glass of water, where a light touch on your back made you stiffen and turn quickly. There he was, looking more dapper than you’d yet seen him. Instead of the usual t-shirt or henley, he had a button-up over his jeans, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbows. Delicious. You didn’t realize how thirsty you were until you laid eyes on his forearms. And it wasn’t the kind of thirst that water would quench. 
“Hey,” he said, leaning in to be heard over the music. Holy Hutt-spawn, he smelled amazing. You felt a little dizzy despite having had nothing but water. “I’ve been looking for you!”
“What?” you exclaimed, clapping your mouth shut when you realized it had dropped open far too quickly. “I was… Where were you?”
“Got a table upstairs,” he gestured to the balcony, where a couple of clones were watching the two of you with zero effort to conceal it. “I thought I was keeping an eye out but apparently I’m not the best lookout. Although Fives wouldn’t shut up so I was unfairly distracted… Anyway… You, uh, with anyone?”
“Just some friends who are…” You turned to check. Yup. Both of them were now elbows deep in clone. Well, tongue deep, more accurately. Surprisingly, it stirred something in you. A bit of a fire in your core… 
“Quite busy,” Jesse finished, turning back to you with a grin. “Not a bad way to spend their time, eh?” His sharp eyebrows arched suggestively, and you allowed a laugh. “Although… I could think of a few better ways to spend it…”
You gave him a sardonic look, which he immediately responded to with that expression of angelic innocence that had charmed you before. 
“What!” he defended, picking up a few drinks from the bar without taking his eyes from you. “I meant in deep, intellectually stimulating conversation! What were you thinking, pervert?”
Now you were fully spluttering, a mix of indignation and giggles at the sheer ridiculousness. He tilted his head to invite you to follow him, a satisfied smile brightening his eyes. With one last glance back to your friends, one of whom was nearly horizontal on the booth seat, you continued up the stairs, trying not to look at the way his jeans hugged his legs… and failing. 
“It’s about time!” a clone yelled from the table as Jesse appeared with a few beers. “Save your schmoozin til you’re done being a delivery boy!” 
“Watch it, or your delivery is gonna end up all over your head,” Jesse returned, passing the other mugs around the booth, which was filled to the brim with troopers. He slid the last beer toward his ornery friend, then turned back to you. “I’m not going to try to stuff you in here with all of them. Want to find a table somewhere?”
“I don’t want to make you leave your friends,” you admitted, appreciating his considerate offer. 
“Oh, you want to meet them right away, eh? Are you going to introduce me to your parents next?” He soothed your shock by slipping a playful arm around your shoulders, and you had no issue with it whatsoever. 
“Don’t get ahead of yourself,” you chided, giving him your best attempt at a flirty look. 
“I would never,” he nodded somberly. “So look…” He pointed around the table. “Pretty boy with the luscious locks there is Tup. Don’t ask about the teardrop tattoo unless you want some emo sob story. The sharp-faced grump beside him is Dogma. Don’t ask him anything at all. Next you’ve got Echo and Fives. They’re a hoot. If you’re ever looking for a threesome… er, foursome... ech, nevermind. Next is Hardcase, who you’ve heard from already, and this dashing young man right here is Kix, who stinks up the apartment we’re so lucky to share.”
“Excuse me,” Kix interjected after a huge roll of the eyes. “Between the two of us, you’re gonna put that on me? With your gym crap everywhere?”
“I have never smelled bad a day in my life,” Jesse insisted, tucking you a little closer against his side and sending a wave of tingles down your spine. You had to agree… he smelled amazing. 
“No, but everything you own smells like you washed it in cologne,” Kix clarified, grinning and holding up his mug in cheers before taking a swig. 
“Bah. Don’t listen to him,” Jesse laughed, looking at you. “Do you think I smell?” 
“Yes,” you answered, completely straight-faced. A flicker of insecurity was quickly replaced by confident affront, and he eyed you incredulously, earning a giggle as you continued. “You smell fantastic.”
“That’s the spirit,” he laughed, touching your chin with a few curled fingers so briefly that it left you wanting more. “So… let’s get a table.” 
“Sit here,” the one called Echo offered, standing up behind the one you assumed to be Fives, considering the tattoo on his forehead. “We’re going downstairs. Fives got his eye on some Twi’leks.”
“I’ll have more than that on them in a few minutes!”
“Alright… Anyway, have fun with Jesse,” Echo nodded, clearing out of the way. 
Jesse climbed into the booth, scooting both Tup and Dogma over as he pushed his way in, ensuring a bit of space for you beside him. You perched on the end, doing your best to look graceful, but you were fairly certain you looked like some sort of awkward bird. 
“Ah, you’re half-cheekin it there, aren’t you…” Jesse muttered, pleased as you laughed at the phrase. “I mean… I’ve got a much more comfortable seat if you’re interested…” He patted his thigh, and you’d be damned if it weren’t the most appealing seat in the bar. Everything was going so well… Should you? “Don’t be shy,” he goaded, turning on that smolder that had a disproportionate effect on you. “We both know you’re not the demure little angel you’re pretending to be right now.”
“I am not pretending!” you exclaimed. “Can’t a girl be normal without being accused of–”
“Normal is boring,” Jesse interjected, pulling you up onto his thigh in one smooth movement. Holy kriff, he was strong. “There, is that so bad?” 
You couldn’t resist. You nestled into him a bit more, making yourself comfortable as you rested an arm atop his shoulders. Whether it was your imagination or just wishful thinking, you could swear you noticed his eyes widen for a second, a look of surprise and delight ghosting across his face before dissolving into the smug grin he wore so often. 
“Not bad at all,” you purred against his ear. His tiny involuntary shiver made you wonder what else you could do to make him come undone… But then again, you weren’t entirely sure how you’d like it to go down; he seemed the type that could make you see stars in eight different ways. You’d have to–
“Right? Did I get that right?” Jesse asked. Kark. He’d been talking and you’d entirely missed it, and now five pairs of brown eyes were on you, waiting for a response. 
“Um,” you paused, cheeks reddening without your permission. “Sorry, what?”
He laughed, shaking his head fondly. “I said your main job was to match the animals with owners, but you sometimes do classes and training on the side.”
Wow, he had indeed been listening to the few details you’d shared. You smiled at him, then tried to look breezy as you nodded at the others. “What he said!”
“So if that’s your main job, is it just your hobby to be flirting with troopers on the side?” Hardcase again. 
“No, I mean... He started it,” you snickered, tilting your head toward Jesse, who sniffed and shrugged. 
“What can I say… They just can’t resist me.”
“It seems they’ve been doing a pretty good job–”
“Stow it, Dogma.”
You laughed, enjoying a bit of wandering conversation with the others before falling silent to simply watch. The dynamics between them were wildly entertaining, and you found yourself settling into comfort quite easily. It was a habit of yours to mentally pair anyone you met with animals from the shelter, and you had to resist the urge to interrogate each one to confirm your suspicions. 
Eventually, the chatter died down, the weight of the late hour resting heavily across everyone despite the relentless thumping of the music downstairs. The loud volume was starting to feel more oppressive than enjoyable, but you didn’t want your time with Jesse to end. Fortunately, he didn’t seem to want it to end either. His arm had slipped around your waist at some point, holding you snugly against him from your seat on his leg, and you’d rested your head on his shoulder without a thought. It wasn’t til he turned to speak, his nose nearly bopping your own, that you sat up, realizing just how much you’d curled yourself around him. 
“Sorry, I’m probably crushing you,” you stammered, starting to climb off of him. He dropped his arm, watching you rise to your feet, then pushed his way out of the booth to follow suit. 
“First of all, I’d like to see you try.” A grin. “Second of all… You hungry?” 
“Maker, yes,” you sighed. “But I’m also exhausted.”
“I gotcha,” he assured, reaching for your hand, which you were more than happy to give. “A couple quick ronto wraps then off to bed.”
“Sounds perfect,” you smiled. 
“I know,” he winked. 
* * * 
You woke up feeling supremely happy, ecstatic that the night had gone so well with him. You’d enjoyed some conversation as the two of you walked to the food carts and continued it as he accompanied you home. Both of you had hesitated on the doorstep, you feeling unsure about inviting him up and him seeming to be formulating some kind of question. But neither was ready to speak up, so with some mumbled thanks and flirty sentiments, you’d parted ways. 
You had it bad for this guy. 
The next week found him at your work a couple more times, coming in under the guise of more questions about Pookie or referral procedures for his brothers who could use a service animal as well. You were delighted that he was going out of his way to see you, and the tenderness he’d revealed for both his pet and his fellow troopers was beyond precious. 
Then he asked you out. On a proper date, he said, but if it ended up being not so proper, he’d allow it. So you’d gotten dolled up a bit and agreed to meet him at a corner, where he appeared with a speeder bike. Twenty thrilling minutes later, after tearing through the mess of Coruscant traffic while holding onto his waist for dear life, you found yourself on top of an abandoned building, watching the mystifying array of twinkling lights in every color blink at you from across the horizon. 
Jesse stood behind you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. You reached up a hand, resting it on his forearm, and tilted your head against his bicep. There was a funny rhythm the two of you had fallen into – he would be cocky and boastful, you’d call him out, he’d reveal more of his soft side, you’d swoon at it, then the process would repeat. But beneath it all was some sort of effortless admiration and connection, and you couldn’t believe you’d gotten so lucky. 
“This is really pretty,” you murmured, content to lean against his warm body to fight off the chill of the night. 
“Sure is,” he agreed, nuzzling his head against your cheek. 
“I like you a lot,” you sighed. Your guard was down. You weren’t in the mood for games or teasing. He seemed softer than usual too, and you shuffled around to face him fully, still snuggled against his front. His eyebrows lifted a bit at your sudden closeness, and you tucked your arms around his waist. “Like… really like you,” you repeated. 
He smirked at first, but it quickly melted into a broad smile of genuine joy that made your heart swell in your chest. His eyes cast about for a second, as though searching for the right answer, and the mix of insecurity and delight pushed you over the edge. 
You squeezed a hand up between your two bodies and cupped his cheek, tucking your fingers behind his ear. Then without hesitation, you pulled his face to yours, pressing a tender kiss to his lips that was your best attempt to convey everything you felt. He inhaled sharply through his nose, tensing for a split second before his arms were around you firmly, face tilted as his lips melted into yours. Your head was spinning, thrilled at the softness of his mouth and the pounding of his heart against your own. It seemed to last forever, and when you finally separated for a breath of air, you opened your eyes to the sweetest sight yet. His own eyes were still closed, mouth curved in a small, dreamy smile. You stroked the side of his cheek, and he slowly opened his eyes, looking as blissful as you’d ever seen him. 
“This is the best,” he whispered, and you chuckled at his shameless delight. He stroked a hand up the middle of your shoulders, curving it around the back of your neck and nestling his fingers into your hair. “I think we need to try that again though… just… something like…”
And then he was kissing you again. Again and again and again. 
Best. Night. Ever.
Chapter 4 will be over on @spicy-clones because it's pure smut. ;)
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littlefeatherr · 4 months
Bad Batch Fanfiction and Fanart Recs #2
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The Flame by @moonstrider9904
One of Those Days by @isthereanechoinhere96
Confessions on the Marauder by @lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom
I Know. by @dystopicjumpsuit
Tech-ology Volume 1 by @apocalyp-tech-a
A Place Called Home by ilcuoreardendo
Unfinished Business by @apocalyp-tech-a
Batch and Beloved by TheWritingMagi aka @the-magi
Slip of the Tongue by @dickarchivist
Rinse and Repeat (Hunter x GN!Reader) by @letsquestjess
Tech's First Time by @spicy-clones
Observations and Analysis in the Galactic Empire by @apocalyp-tech-a
Omega trying to convince Tech it's time for an unscheduled study break with snacks by @jedizhi
the actual loml by @madsayo
@photogirl894 OC Kimber and Hunter commission by @lightspringrain
Crosshair by @laufxsons
Hunter and Omega by @catdoesarts
Crosshair needs a hug and a good cry by @queenjiru
Family by @gingerpines
You want her? You go through me by @zaana
Dark and broody outlaw adopting a kid that's older than them-Hunter/Omega and Din Djarin/Grogu by @kelstares
Because who needs sleep when there are feelings to be processed - Hunter and Omega by @lornaka
Hunter and Lyra by @amalthiaph for @freesia-writes
Brotherly Support- Crosshair and Hunter by @beetlecrest
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lightwise · 2 months
They Call Themselves The Bad Batch
Parallels between TCW S7 E1 and TBB S3 E11
Watching the latest TBB episode, I realized there are some striking parallels between the very first time we meet our boys in season 7 of the Clone Wars, and watching them be hunted down on Pabu after everything they’ve been through. I know this isn’t the last episode, but this is the countdown to wrapping up this part of their story. Let’s take a look at the first time we see them on screen vs. now:
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TCW: The Bad Batch is brought in to help find an algorithm on Anaxes that has been causing the GAR to lose tons of battles by “learning our tendencies and using that data against us”. Rex was one of the army’s best tacticians and he was being defeated by his own strategies being copied. 
TBB: CX-2 uses every tactic that the Batch possesses against them (tracking, data decryption, sniping, hand to hand, demolition). The Batch was the best the army had and they are defeated by CX-2 in this episode. 
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TCW: Cody asks his superiors (Mace and Anakin) to let him take a team and go behind enemy lines in order to try and find/defeat this algorithm. 
TBB: Omega convinces Crosshair to help her give herself up to go back to Tantiss so they can finally rescue the clones still imprisoned there. 
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TCW: Rex looks at a picture of his “family” - Cody, Fives and Echo. Also, this is where we get Cody’s famous line “sometimes in war it’s hard to be the one that survives”—which is exactly what the entirety of TBB has been about. 
TBB: Omega puts memorabilia of her family—Tech’s goggles and Lula—into the Archium for safekeeping and remembrance.
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TCW: Cody and Rex have a conversation about Rex’s theory that Echo might actually be alive. Cody’s response begs him to not have “misplaced hope. I need you to be focused on this.” 
TBB: Omega and Crosshair discuss their limited options as the Empire closes in on them on Pabu. “Think about the greater mission. I’m just a small part of it”. 
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TCW: Tech brings the Havoc Marauder brought in onto the platform with the infamous Tech turn. 
TBB: CX-2 has his ship brought in by remote with a menacing turn mid-air so the ramp faces them after capturing Omega.  
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TCW: Wrecker’s (and any Batch members’) first line - “The Cavalry Has Arrived”
TBB:  - The last episode of the series will be titled this. 
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TCW: Crosshair is introduced as being able to hit precise targets from 10 klicks away.
TBB: Crosshair misses the most important shot he could ever make.
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TCW: One of Wrecker’s first “feats” that we see him perform is rescuing Cody from a downed gunship before it explodes. Cody is then severely injured, flat on his back, and out of commission for the mission.
TBB: Wrecker risks his life and rescues Gonky before the Marauder explodes. He is unconscious and flat on his back for the rest of the episode.
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TCW: Tech tells Jesse and Kix that “maps can be wrong. Hunter never is”. 
TBB: Crosshair immediately notices when Hunter’s senses go off and asks “what is it Hunter?” “Not sure, but I don’t like it.” 
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TCW: Rex states “We should move out before reinforcements arrive. Our position has been compromised”. 
TBB: Omega tells Lyana that it’s safer if they leave, and Crosshair notes to Hunter that ships don’t blow up by themselves and therefore they’ve been compromised. 
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TCW: Tech is easily able to hack into the computer and give Rex a reading of the algorithm and pinpoint its location, in the process finding out that it is actually Echo on Skako Minor. 
TBB: The episode opens with CX-2 hacking into Phee’s ship and decrypting her data logs and flight patterns to Pabu. 
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TCW and TBB: The episodes end with ships flying off into the sunset with eerie red lighting, and the Bad Batch theme music playing is a somewhat melancholy version of their theme rather than the standard one. 
✨ Tag List ✨
@drafthorsemath @freesia-writes @ladyzirkonia @jedizhi @the-little-moment @sunshinesdaydream @the-bad-batch-baroness @heyclickadee @burningfieldof-clover @dreamless-daydreamer
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ghouljams · 1 year
The great meeting of the Darlings, their first one at least, because I’ve been noodling on it for a while. Sorry there’s not much of the boys in this one :/
“Welcome in,” You say not looking up from your paperwork. The store goes cold. You glance up from your work, this level of nonsense is something you’re not used to. It’s just some woman. She looks human, even smiles at you with the correct number of teeth when she sees you look up. She turns to look at a bundle of freesias and your blood runs cold.
What the fuck is that?
To say you jump over the counter is an overstatement of your abilities, it’s more accurate to say you nearly fall out of your chair in your haste to put yourself between the woman and the actual fucking specter of death that followed her in. 
The look that it fixes you with is one of pure malice. Its eyes are ringed with darkness and bone, you aren’t sure if it’s a mask or- no it has to be a mask, but it’s real. A real skull fixed over its eyes as it looks down at you with utter hatred, shadow swirls under its hood, viscous and unnatural. You think if you ever were to face down a lion it would feel like this. Inevitable.
“What.” It asks, black smoke spills from between its many teeth.
“Simon,” The woman behind you looks up from the flowers, and the grim reaper looks suddenly, startlingly human, he’s blond(it’s weird), “do you like these?”
“He has to wait outside,” You say quickly, holding a hand out to stop him from peering around you. You need him out of your fucking shop, you think he’s actually wilting the nearby roses. He glares at you. You stand firm. “My shop, my rules.”
“I’ll be outside, Love.” He says it like it’s her Name, you think for him it might be, “Just pick what you like.”
You watch to make sure the door is closed behind him before turning to the woman. Her brows raise, silently asking what the big fucking deal is. Of course she wouldn’t know, wouldn’t see him like you did. There is something dark tattooed on her skin, not just dark, abyssal. It moves, you try not to stare. It moves, you are really trying not to stare.
“So what’s-”
“Iron,” You say quickly, wincing at how insane you must sound. She blinks at you. “They don’t like iron, so that’s- you should get some.”
“Iron.” She repeats, not absorbing anything you just said. Not that you blame her, she probably doesn’t know the danger she’s in.
“For the monster that’s following you?” You don’t even sound sure. God this is embarrassing, you definitely sound insane.
“Oh!” She says, lighting up, “You mean Simon, no, he wouldn’t hurt me-” you so highly doubt that, “-plus I think we’ve reached a good point of mutually assured destruction. So…” She shrugs, like it’s nothing. Ok, good so you’re not the insane one, she is.
“König,” Ghost nods in acknowledgement to the shimmer pressed against the shop window.
“Ghost,” König grumbles, his obscura dropping him back into a visible spectrum. Ghost tugs a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, pulling one free with his teeth before shoving it unceremoniously back into his jacket.
“Thought you’d have left the city by now.” He mumbles patting his pockets, he’s got a lighter somewhere.
“You and your pet do not scare me.” König reminds him, unmoved from the window. Ghost raises a brow at him, glancing back into the shop. Something’s caught the big guy’s attention, he didn’t really get a good look around the shop before that little seer forced him out. Might be good to get some intel.
“What’s wrong with you?” He asks, Love probably has it, little thief. 
“I’m banned,” Ghost snorts, turning away from König to avoid laughing at the puppy eyes he fixes him with, “it’s not funny.”
“Of course not.” 
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marymunchkiin · 7 months
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Here is my first draft of TBB Echo for the Clones in Suits series! UwU precious boi deserves an all-out smile for everything that he is 🥰 <33 Tysm for waiting, hell week at work is over so I'm back on track for this series 🥳 :3
Outfit is subject to change on final output.
Taglist: @riinoaheartilly @mamuzzy @freesia-writes @amorfista @cloneloverrrrr @wolffegirlsunite @askwenjing @moonlightwarriorqueen @sunshinesdaydream @advisorsnips @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @fictionalmenjusthitdifferent @corona-one @wings-and-beskar @anxiouspineapple99 @flyiingsly @insertmeaningfulusername @jgvfhl @n0vqni @naganna418 @techs-goggles9902 @starrylothcat @and-loth-cat@doctordoombignaturals @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @stardusthuntress @n0vqni @fakegingerrights @stormyblue90 @greatshieldmaiden14 @echo-lover @yukikun336
*For a look at the finished portraits so far, see this post here UwU
**If you'd like to be added to the taglist, feel free to let me know in the comments and I'll add you. Thanks! 😘 <33
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dystopicjumpsuit · 8 months
Whoo hooooo! I think you would create magic as always with this prompt: the first initial kiss being a simple peck, then they immediately go back in for a stronger, more passionate one.
Could I request it with your choice of Tup… or post-stasis Kix… or Hunter? 🫦🥹💙
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A/N: Thank you for the ask @freesia-writes! I’ve been wanting to write a fic with a meteor shower for ages, and this was the perfect opportunity. I hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Hunter x Reader (GN)
Rating: T, but minors DNI as always
Wordcount: 740
Warnings and tags: fluff; sensuality; pop culture in my SW fanfic (it's more likely than you think)
Summary: You and Hunter watch a meteor shower on Pabu.  
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“I’m gonna turn in,” Wrecker said. “I’ll take the kid back to the house if you two want to stay and watch the show.”
“I told her she needed to take a nap if she wanted to stay awake long enough to see the meteor shower,” Hunter laughed quietly, passing Omega’s sleeping form to his brother.
You grinned. “In her defense, if my dad had told me to take a nap when I was twelve, I definitely would have stayed awake just to spite him.”
Wrecker let out a booming laugh. “Didn’t realize you were such a rebel!”
“Ssshhhh!” you and Hunter shushed Wrecker in unison.
“Oh, right,” he whispered. “I’m headin’ out. See ya later.”
You waved goodbye at Wrecker and then flopped back down onto the blanket you’d spread on the sandy beach of Pabu, staring up at the glorious night sky. Hunter soon joined you, not quite touching you, but lying close to your side so you’d both fit on the blanket.
“You’re lucky Omega’s such a great kid,” you murmured. “I was a holy terror at her age. I couldn’t even stand myself; I don’t know how my parents survived.”
“I find that hard to believe,” he chuckled. “The proper schoolteacher of Pabu?”
“Oh, you have no idea,” you replied. “I was a teenage dirtbag.”
“Is that why all the kids love you?”
“They sense a kindred spirit under my respectable facade,” you said with a giggle.
Hunter huffed a quiet laugh, and the two of you lapsed into silence as you watched the sky. It was a dark, moonless night, and for once, the sky was entirely free of clouds—a perfect night for stargazing. You could see the entire galaxy stretched out above you, the stars shining brightly enough that they reflected as pinpricks of light on the tranquil ocean.
“Look there,” he said, pointing to a section of the sky close to the horizon. “It’s gonna be a good one.”
Sure enough, a brilliant streak of light soon shot low across the darkness, its flash bright enough to illuminate the beach faintly. As it burned out, you turned your head to stare at Hunter.
“How do you do that?” you asked softly.
“I can hear them,” he replied.
He lay on his back, his eyes fixed on the sky, and you took a moment to watch his face in the starlight. “That’s amazing.”
It was difficult to tell in the darkness, but you thought he smiled. “There’ll be another over there.”
He pointed across your body to a section of sky far to your left. He propped himself up on one elbow so he could see over you, and you turned to the sector he pointed out just in time to catch the vivid burst of light. The meteor split in two as it hit the atmosphere, putting on a dazzling show, and you could hear the distant sizzling as it burnt itself out.
“Even I could hear that one!” you exclaimed, turning to Hunter in excitement.
He was much closer to you than he had been when he was lying on his back, and you caught your breath when you realized that your faces were almost touching. Your pulse began to race, and you silently willed yourself to calm down, knowing that Hunter would be able to hear your body’s reaction to him.
Another meteor shot directly overhead, its bright light illuminating his face, and you realized he was staring at your lips. On impulse, you reached up and kissed him. It was quick and light—barely a peck—and by the time it was over, the beach had plunged back into darkness, leaving you uncertain about his response.
“Sorry,” you whispered. “Was that—”
He cut off your question abruptly, his lips crashing into yours in a passionate, urgent kiss. His hand dropped to your waist, rolling your body against his as his tongue grazed your lips softly, sliding into your mouth. The moment he tasted you, he let out a short, desperate sound, almost a growl, as his hand slid possessively up your back. Overhead, a spectacular meteor burst into the atmosphere, its flash so intense that you could see the illumination even though your eyes were closed. You opened them just in time to see the light trail die out.
As your lips parted from Hunter’s, you whispered, “We missed that one.”
He kissed you again, softly. “I prefer the view down here.”
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crackedpumpkin · 1 year
Okay how about Cole dating f!reader and one of her ways of showing affection is by making flower crowns for him
Flowers and nature in general being one of her favorite things in life
Hello lovely!! I'll be real, this is the fastest ask I've ever written, with a record-breaking one and a half hours lmao
I hope you enjoy this!!! And thank you for letting me know because I didn't receive the ask the first time (Thanks tumblr.)
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|| ꜰʟᴏᴡᴇʀ ᴄʀᴏᴡɴꜱ || ᴄᴏʟᴇ ʙʀᴏᴏᴋᴇꜱᴛᴏɴᴇ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ||
Cole wakes up to flower petals tickling his nose. He lets out a loud sneeze, startling Kai awake. The fire ninja groans, covering his head with his pillow in an attempt to escape the rising sun. 
The earth ninja takes the flower crown you had snuck onto his chest in his sleep, a soft smile gracing his lips when he realizes you had probably put it there before you left for work. 
His fingers gently brush against the soft pink freesia, now wide awake as he sits up.
You usually went to work at five a.m. on the weekdays, but you only needed to stay there till three p.m. since your job was mainly remote. However, your supervisor was in a different country at another timezone, and you needed to be at the office to look professional.
You despised it, and so did Cole. 
He’d notice when you slipped out from under the covers, your side of the bed gradually turning cold. His arms felt empty without you, with your head snug under his and tucked into the crook of his neck.
You hated it too, leaving the comfort of his arms and bed the last thing you wanted before he woke up. So you resorted to leaving little gifts for him before heading off for work. Flower crowns, to be exact.
The habit had started before you, and Cole even started dating. You used to come over to hang out with Jay, the bubbly ninja eager to beat you in every video game he possessed. You had met him in a games store, ready to purchase the latest fighting game. 
You noticed a crowd around a gaming machine set up for demos and went over to look. That’s when you spotted the ninja in his blue gi practically smashing the buttons on his controller, earning himself a new high score. 
You couldn’t let him take your place as the reigning champion of the game, so you stepped up, challenging him to a match where you utterly destroyed him.
That’s when he invited you for a rematch, a friendly rivalry that sparked your friendship. 
When you arrived at the monastery for the first time, you were intimidated by all the ninjas, including their sensei. Though he was kind, it was slightly unnerving how he looked at you with a sense of foreboding.
And then you met Cole.
— — — — — — — — 
“Jay, what’re you having for dinner?” 
A deep voice startles you out of your concentration, but you don’t dare look up, too engrossed in beating Jay. 
“Uh, I dunno, anything, I guess. What’re you getting?” Jay says, eyes trained on the screen. You gnaw on your bottom lip in thought, mentally narrowing down who you had already met and whose attractive voice it could be. 
You had already met Zane, Lloyd, and Nya. So that only left either Kai or Cole. It couldn’t be the fire ninja, though, you had seen him being interviewed a while back, and his voice had a slightly higher pitch. This one had more of a baritone quality, a slight rasp at the end that made your stomach do funny little flips. 
So this had to be Cole.
You risk a quick glance, doing a double take. Your eyes unashamedly rake over the stranger’s muscular build, catching yourself ogling his biceps. You shake your head, cheeks flushing and praying that neither has caught you staring.  
Jay was still focused on the game, and Cole (you assume) was chugging down a glass of water. You find it hard to swallow, noticing how his skin has a glowing sheen from all the sweat. He had probably come back from a workout.
You tear your gaze away before he notices, still feeling the heat in your cheeks. You hear him set down the glass with a soft sigh, your body tense. 
Is your hair okay? Did you look homeless? Did he notice you staring?
Your mind races with thoughts until the words ‘Game Over’ flashes on the screen, a victorious shout from Jay snapping you out of your thoughts. You groan, tossing the controller to your side.
“Who’s this?” You turn, willing the flush in your cheeks and neck to subside. 
“Oh, I forgot to introduce you guys. Y/n, this is Cole. Cole, this is Y/n, my newest rival!” 
“Is that really what I’m being introduced as?” You grin in a joking manner, eliciting a shrug from your friend. 
“Cool. Are you sticking around for dinner? Zane might be cooking tonight.” Cole looks straight at you, waiting for an answer. 
You’re speechless, managing a nod. 
Were you just invited to dinner? With the ninja, no less??
— — — — — — — — 
“Here.” You place a flower onto Jay’s head, and he blinks several times before pulling it out of his hair.
“Is this mine?” He asks innocently, and you nod in response. 
“HA! Suck it, Kai! You’re gonna be the last to get one!” He shouts across the ship, holding it up triumphantly as you roll your eyes with an amused smile.
You had started the habit of giving flowers and little trinkets you found in nature to the ninjas. Zane was the first to receive one, a tiny acorn you had picked up during your walks in the park to recharge your social battery.
He had cooked a marvelous dinner, and you had randomly given it to him to express your appreciation. He had taken it with a confused yet thankful smile and proudly showed it to the rest during dessert. 
The rest of the ninjas became more invested in seeing who was the next one to receive anything. You had triggered their curiosity and anticipation once you had given Nya a beautiful piece of sea glass you had picked up at the beach. She treasured it like it was a diamond, keeping it on her dresser along with her jewelry.
Now, Jay had his small trinket.
Kai was next. He had made the time to help you go grocery shopping when your other friends were busy, driving you there and back in his car. He helped you unload the groceries, thinking nothing of it until you returned to your room for a brief moment, returning with a preserved amber leaf paperweight. 
“This is mine?” He asks, wide-eyed. He takes it from your hands when you grin, admiring the flickers of orange in the paperweight, the colours resembling the sparks of a fire. He wraps you up in a brief hug, excited to go home and show it off to the rest.
“Looks like Lloyd and Cole are the last to receive anything.” Kai chuckles, reveling in the fact that he had received it before they did. 
Your sheepish grin gives it away. His eyes widened. “Just Lloyd?” 
You shake your head with an embarrassed flush.
“Just Cole??” 
— — — — — — — — 
Truth be told, it was challenging to decide what to give the earth ninja. He was the most put together, the most vigilant of them all. 
And the most attractive. 
You had briefly considered a smooth pebble, its midnight shade reminding you of his gi. But that wasn’t good enough. You could imagine the disappointment in his eyes, comparing his stone with the other gifts you had gotten the rest of them.
Besides, it was too cliche. A rock? For the Earth ninja? 
You’d rather bury yourself six feet under.
You were sitting on a mat near the pond in the monastery, having been invited on a small picnic in the sunny weather. You had gathered an assortment of flowers in front of you, starting to absentmindedly weave together the stems into a flower crown. 
The ninjas were chatting away, and their senseis were sitting on the wooden floor of the small pavilion nearby, sipping on tea and watching their students fondly. You were almost done, looping the last flower through the stems.
“Is that mine?” 
Your breath hitches when you glance up, the shy yet boyish smile on Cole’s lips making your heart flutter. He sits down beside you, peering over your shoulder to get a better look at the flower crown you hold loosely in your hands. 
“Y-yeah.” You hope he doesn’t catch the stutter, though a slight upwards quirk of his lips suggests otherwise. 
“That’s a relief,” he laughs, leaning back with his face tilted towards the sun, “I was starting to think you had forgotten about me.” 
Your cheeks fill with a familiar heat, shaking your head with wide eyes. “No! I’d never forget.” You suppress an embarrassed groan at how your words came out, but you’re left breathless when you notice the soft dusting of pink on his cheeks.
“That’s good then,” He murmurs, peeking an eye open with a small smile. 
You bite down on your bottom lip in thought, summoning up all your courage to reach upwards and place the completed flower crown on the top of his raven-black hair, fingers brushing against his bicep. (Definitely not on purpose, of course. A total accident.)
He grins, sitting upright. 
“Nice crown, Cole!” Jay giggles, drawing the attention of the other ninja. 
“Why thank you, it was a gift.” He pauses to send a wink your way, but you look down quickly, flustered by the sudden action though you can’t help the shy smile that spreads across your lips.
You look back up as he saunters to the rest of the group, showing off his present. You watch how he laughs at something Kai says, your gaze soft as he glances back at you. You start like a deer caught in headlights. However, he doesn’t look away, nodding absentmindedly at Jay’s remark that goes unheard. 
Your mind is blank, a single thought floating around inside.
Flower crowns look good on him. 
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mandos-mind-trick · 10 months
Please Don't Be Gentle
Summary: You asked for it. He's more than willing to comply.
Pairing: Crosshair x reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, rough sex, blowjobs, rough blow jobs, hair pulling, slight choking, manhandling, the author’s glove kink showing back up, brief fingering but otherwise not much foreplay
A/N: I'm trying out something new before I get real busy. Just some short drabbles of varying filth levels. (There will be some sfw ones as well, I was just in a mood today.) I say short but it's like 500 words so...
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Your knees ache. Not that you could really complain with Crosshair’s cock stuffed in your mouth. You’ve been here probably too long, on your knees before him. He hasn’t cum yet, one hand wrapped firmly around the base of his cock, the other tangled in your hair. You meet his gaze, his eyes squinted as they always seem to be as he stares down at you. He loves your mouth. He’d told you before you started. 
He’d spent a long time kissing you, mapping your mouth with his tongue before you’d uttered the words that had put you in this position in the first place.
“Please don’t be gentle with me.” 
Crosshair’s lips had lifted in a smirk, eyes going dark before his hand wrapped around your throat and his teeth sunk into your lip hard enough to draw blood.Not long after you’d been forced into this position. Your jaw aches, and you know your voice is going to be hoarse tomorrow. 
Crosshair releases the base of his dick, the hand in your hair forcing you forward until you physically can’t take anymore. You grip his thighs to steady yourself, breathing through your nose as he holds you there for a moment. You choke around him and he releases you, letting you draw back off his cock completely. You take a deep breath, coughing a little at the irritation in your throat. 
He still hasn’t cum yet, cock hard and angry as he stares down at you like you’re nothing but dirt on the bottom of his boot. His hand grabs the back of your neck, dragging you to your feet and onto the table in the middle of the room. 
Your body hits the table with a thud, hard enough to draw a noise from you.. The hand on the back of your neck keeps you from moving, a booted foot pushing your legs further apart. You’re practically dripping, naked folds glistening in the low light of the barracks. 
Gloved fingers trail your folds, ghosting over your clit. You’re just far enough back you can’t use the table to your advantage, for any sort of friction you’re desperate for. A glove hits the table next to your face before two fingers are stuffed into your pussy. You moan as you finally get some relief. 
“Hear that?” He says, his words slithering under the squelch of your soaked pussy. “So wet for me.” 
“For you,” You gasp, hips pressing back against his hand. “Only for you.” 
He chuckles, withdrawing his fingers. “Good girl.” 
His fingers are quickly replaced by his cock, and he gives you no time to adjust as he sinks into you to the hilt. You whine at the discomfort of being stretched so suddenly, hands curling into fists where they rest against the table. 
“Still so kriffing tight.” Crosshair gasps, his free hand trailing over your back. “You’ve been neglected too long.” 
You whimper, pushing up onto your toes as he begins to move his hips, forcing you against the table as he thrusts into you. You moan and whine as he fucks you, legs trembling from how close you are already. You’ve been wet since he proposed this idea, wet at the thought of taking him, of letting him have his way. 
The hand on the back of your neck forces your face to the other side, your lips parting as you get closer and closer to the edge. Your eyes meet Hunter’s where he’s seated just mere feet away, secured tightly to a chair. 
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@kaminocasey @rosechi @mxkyrie @bobaprint @star-trekker-0013 @padawancat97 @bamfahsoka @rain-on-kamino @thrawnspetgoose @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @wolffegirlsunite @dukeoftheblackstar @starrylothcat @blueink-bluesoul @freesia-writes @anxiouspineapple99 @wings-and-beskar @dystopicjumpsuit @littlemissmanga @madameminor @eris-k @clio3kantarella @moonlightwarriorqueen @sleepingsun501 @originalcollectionartistry @maddiedrmr @idontgetanysleep @clonemedickix @523rdrebel @deejadabbles @starqueensthings @multi-fan-dom-madness @sinfulsalutations
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batterygarden · 2 years
even more bf Denji hcs
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Part 3; F!reader, suggestive moment MDNI, college age, very miscellaneous
m.list , part 1, part 2
One time you were complaining about your lower back aching all day and Denji was sick of it. “I could just crack your back right now and ya wouldn’t have to be hurting.” “Denji you’re not a chiropractor, it’s fine.” “A what? Here, just turn around.” You hesitantly faced the other way and Denji swiftly karate chopped your spine so hard it knocked the wind out of you. Then somehow your back did feel kinda better.
Animals absolutely love this man. Kids too. It kinda hurts your feelings that they seem to forget you’re there the second Denji walks in a room, but there’s just something about his energy that has them gravitating. Even your own kin!! Your own little cousins and family members. Like you’ll show up to a dinner without him and when they see you’re alone it’s all frowns and “Where’s Denji? Why didn’t he come?” 
Sometimes Denji’s openness with strangers leads to the wrong idea, and, occasionally, Denji will get hit on despite having a girlfriend. If no one else is there to notice, he honestly just gives a polite yet firm “I have a girlfriend.” in response. But on one occasion it happened while you were standing next to him, and, not wanting you to feel jealous, Denji crossed his arms and scowled. “Can’t ya see my lover standing right here?? Get lost, champ! I’d never be interested in you or anyone but her! >:-(“ 
The person promptly apologized and left. “Denji.. I’m glad you’re loyal but you didn’t have to do all that.” 
Denji has to mumble sorry in between kisses when he accidentally bites you. “No it’s okay, I like a little biting!” “Oh yeah?” He smirks then deliberately chomps hard on your lower lip. ”Ow! Not like that.” “sorry.” 
He is a talented sleeper! Before he met you, you could have named any location and Denji would have claimed to be able to nap there. Now that you’re in the picture though, Denji’s gotten a little more high maintenance. He still thinks he could fall asleep anywhere—but now it’s only if you’re there too. Denji feels your absence, he can’t relax the same way he used to be able to without you. So he has to be really tired and in a comfy bed to fall asleep somewhere you’re not. 
Speaking of sleep, napping together is one of Denji’s love languages. You have to be cuddling though, or at the very least holding hands, or else it isn’t the same. Denji’s favorite napping position is one where his head’s on your chest, listening to your heartbeat. He’s always happy spooning too. 
“Y’smell kinda nice.” Oh yeah? Only kinda? “No no very nice. Like, you smell like uhh.. that freezuh stuff you use.” My freesia perfume?? Thanks.
He’s a sassy texter for certain :(
You text him you won’t be home for another 30 minutes and he thumbs down the message and sends back “ugh! 😒” 
“If there was a zombie apocalypse I’d so die cause of you.” “Huh!” “I just know we’d be fucking scavenging in some old supermarket and I’d be getting us food and weapons and you’d be riskin’ it all to try and stock up on your see-rah vay face wash or somethin’” “You mean my Cera Ve cleanser??” 
He’d rent one of those electric scooters to ride around town and then immediately crash it. You have to make him wear a helmet next time. 
He narrates random things he’s doing. He did it all the time growing up with Pochita, and old habits die hard. You find it endearing! Sometimes it’s just mumbling “okay now I’m gonna get dish soap and put some on the plate… and now we gotta scrub it clean..” 
He’s careful as hell when trying out new kinks with you. He doesn’t want to hurt you and he cares so much that you’re comfortable!! Like if you’re asking for some bdsm he’s down to try! He is kinky too! But like… constant check-ins at first. And a safe word for sure. 
He will EAT UP some deez nuts jokes 😞. The day you were craving a Wendy’s frosty around him was the day you lost peace.
A mall trip with Denji… oh my god he’d have a ball. Getting Cinnabon and trying on a million pairs of shoes—there’s so much to do! Then you start tugging his hand towards the Victoria’s Secret and his cheeks almost burn off. He pretends like he’s been in there before and it’s no big deal but his brain is on red alert Where am I supposed to look??? 
Like he’s touched underwear before! While doing laundry and while looking for things in your dresser and most importantly while you were wearing it, but he can’t help but feel like a perv doing it in public. So when you ask him to “feel how soft this bra is,” he has to triple check no one is paying attention to him first.
This man is a board game CHEATER. And he’s never ever as sneaky about it as he thinks he is. He’ll ask you to leave the room to get something for him at the most convenient times and you’ll come back to missing chess pieces or your hand of cards laying in a different position. If Power is there she’s an automatic co-conspirator; you may as well give up and admit defeat the easy way. 
He’s convinced you have magic kisses—and maybe it’s a placebo situation but your lips do seem to carry healing properties for him. His headaches will go away. His sinuses will clear. He’ll get a boost of energy. You can always motivate him with them. If he was stuck in the desert for thirty days he’d take a kiss from you before taking water. 
kinda short but im thinkin im going to try and post csm stuff at least every csm tuesday! also sorry i've been slow on requests--I appreciate them and am working on them just slow bc im busy! I updated info ab those in masterlist <3
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