#the eye shape is satoshi’s
kkst0904 · 1 year
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going to live in my fantasy of kakisato lovechild forever
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vivipokedex · 7 months
I just discovered this blog and wow its really well done everything is super cool! I do wanna ask though, what was the thought process/inspiration for making the Gardevoir line insects? I like them but they're more far removed from the original Pokemon than you usually go so I was curious.
honestly for many of my interpretation of pokemon its based on an association i already had in my head, in which i see an existing creature or object and think of that pokemon. for example, when i see a white borzoi or afghan hound, i think, ohh, reshiram... when i see a small fuzzy dog whose eyes you cant see, i think, heehee, deino! of course, not all of them can be applied in this way (when i see a klm boeing 747, i think, ohh, thats latios!). and this makes it sound like i think about pokemon a lot--well, i do!
but in this case, when i see a green mantis, i think, oh, that's gardevoir. theyve simply always been somewhat mantis shaped in my mind, with some bird elements, especially owls, and white plume moths. the fun nature of insects is that theyve got all sorts of stuff going on. fur, plumes, hair, scale-like segments, appendages that imitate plants and other animals. you can really go crazy with them. which seems appropriate, since supposedly the whole idea of pokemon first originated from satoshi tajiri's interest in bugs.
thanks you for this question and im glad youre enjoying the art ^_^
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roselyn-writing · 5 months
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My OCs and Symbols/Shapes I associate them with!
A/N: Some of Symbols/Shapes meaning are made by me, I brainstormed my brain for these ideas and meanings. Also, pic isn’t mine, I found it in Pinterest.
Aliyaa Aepel: Circle, Heart, Black feathers.
Circle means: Unity, Heart means: Love and Compassion, Black feathers represent Darkness in Virginia.
Scylla: Triangle, Daggers.
Triangle means: Stability and Power. Daggers represent pure blood-lust in Virginia.
Arouj Roman: Demon eye, Yin and Yang, Trefoil.
Demon Eye: In Virginia; It represents demons and their ranks. Yin and Yang: Balance between two opposite things good and evil, Light and Darkness.
In Virginia Trefoil represents the seeker of redemption.
Simone Decrōnt: Rhombus/Diamond, Crescent and purple feathers.
In Virginia Rhombus represents Royalty and Prestige, Diamond represent power and Cresent represent the ‘good well’.
Purple feathers represent the reboundness of one’s soul An rising up against the odds.
Hadi Aepel: Square, Oval, Octagon. Arrow with Cirle.
Square means stability, fixed nature of matter, Strong foundations.
Oval represents: Immortality and infinity.
Octagon in Virginia represents good well and honesty. Arrow with Circle represents love for adventure and trips.
Eevie Al’shayle: Hexagon, Arrow, Pentagon, Decagon.
In Virginia, Arrow represents the change of one’s perspective of life; specifically, changes for the better, Personal growth, And the relentless pursuing of one’s true desires and goals.
Hexagon represents Harmony, Pentagon represents: Mutual recognition and good well. Decagon represents sincerity and innocence.
Selviya Levsloky: Infinity, Star, Key. Infinity represents immortality, Star represents hope and good well, Key represents liberation, never giving up.
Derek Monrik: Arrow, Hexagon, Spade ♠️.
In Virginia, Arrow represents the change of one’s perspective of life; specifically, changes for the better, Personal growth, And the relentless pursuing of one’s true desires and goals. Hexagon represents Harmony. Spade represents swords which represent strength and power. Spade In spirituality represents intellect, Action.
Ardin Kayuel: Four-leaf Clovers, Shamrock, Quatrefoil.🍀☘️
Four-leaf Clovers represent luck and fortune. Shamrock represents good well and mercy, hope and love.
Quatrefoil also represent good luck and fortune and well intentions.
Harumi Rose: Mystic Knot, Dragon, Yin and Yang too. Mystic knot represents: A harmonious flow of auspicious energy uninterrupted by any setbacks, misfortunes or accidents, This represents Harumi Rose so much.
Dragon represents: Strength, Wisdom and Power.
Yin and Yang: The balance between two opposite things Light and Darkness, Good and Evil.
Satoshi Hasashi: Chains, Torch, Pagoda, Yin and Yang as well. Chains: Represents connections and attachments, Imprisonment, A shared destiny and Eternity. Which resembles Satoshi Hasashi So well when he becomes the Grandmaster of the Shirai Ryu.
Torch: Freedom and liberty.
Pagoda represents: The path heightened awareness and heightened perception, Which Satoshi will learn later on.
Yin and Yang: The balance between two opposite things Light and Darkness, Good and Evil.
I will add more to this post!
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yandere-writer-momo · 10 months
Heart Shaped Wound:
Chapter 53
Heart Shaped Wound
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Author’s Note: welcome back! I made Katsumi a smut ending!
Enjoy Retsu officially competing for his spot!
       Satoshi anxiously bounced his leg up and down in class. The young boy cast a nervous glance at the men in suits that stood outside the classroom door. Over the last two days, these strange men have been on guard outside the door while his sensei taught.
       The students thought it was strange that the men brought them to karate sensei now. Katsumi looked so devoid of life and his smile was nonexistent. They had seen him try to get past the guards but to no avail. 
       Despite them being young, they understood that they couldn’t ask questions about the situation. It was a touchy subject. Their poor teacher even seemed scared… 
         Satoshi was quick to rush up out of his seat and collect his things. His dark eyes glanced over at his teacher who seemed so tired. Should he speak to her?
        Satoshi waddled over to her and tugged on her dress. The young boy held his arms out for her to zip up his coat, a smile enveloped her face. There it was! Satoshi was happy to see his teacher light up like a Christmas tree. She looked so pretty when she smiled…
        “Thank you, sensei!” Satoshi was on his best behavior as of late. He believed if he was a good boy then karate sensei and sensei would make up. Then everyone would be happy.
        He waddled out of the room and down the hall with the other students and the two guards. (Your name) turned to Yuki who remained in her seat. She colored in her coloring book without a care in the world,
        “Yuki? Are you parents late again?”
        Yuki looked up at (your name) with a smile. The young girl did little to conceal her giddiness. “Are you going to see the giant today?”
          (Your name) stifled a giggle at Jack’s nickname, Yuki’s blue eyes lit up at her teacher’s expression. There it was… she knew her teacher had a thing for Jack. He was the beast to her beauty after all…
        “I am…” (your name) softly told Yuki. Which was the truth. She was going to visit the blonde since he was the only one who has been normal since the whole Katsumi incident.
        Hanayama had been pushier and suffocated her with his overbearing presence while Baki now blew up her phone nonstop. 
      She couldn’t even see Jun because of Hanayama’s guards and Kureha had been quiet recently… she didn’t even have anyone to vent to because Zaria moved out… (your name) was alone…
         (Your name) shook her head and gave Yuki a smile. She didn’t need anyone to know she was in a struggle. Especially not her student.
         (Your name) helped Yuki pack up her belongings and lead her out the door. (Your name) paid no attention to Katsumi who tried to wave at her. If she looked up, she knew he’d have the expression of a kicked puppy… which she was weak to.
        The guards surrounded her once she was done with Yuki to lead her away from Katsumi. The karateka deflated like a balloon. Was there no way to get her back? Was she truly done with him? Katsumi didn’t want to accept it… but there wasn’t anything he could do. Especially with Hanayama in the picture.
       (Your name) packed up her belongings and made her way out of the school, the guards close behind her. It seems they would follow her to the hospital as well… a shame.
        One of the guards opened the car door open for her and shut it behind her. She quietly told them where she’d like to go, the men nodded at her request.
        It has only been a few days and (Your name) was already so annoyed with her lack of autonomy. She didn’t know how much more of this she could take…
      (Your name) sat beside Jack. The two men stood outside the door while she held Jack’s hand in secret. Jack frowned at her troubled expression.
       “What’s wrong?” Jack made sure to be as quiet as a mouse. His cognac colored eyes filled with concern. Was she in danger? He would be out of the hospital soon, he was able to get Kureha to mend the bone together for a quick recovery. Anything to get out of this sterile hell. “Are you… in danger?”
       (Your name) bit her lip. Should she tell Jack of her troubles? He seemed genuine in his concern and she trusted him… (your name) took in a deep breath.
      “Hanayama has his body guards around me 24/7 and everyone has been so strange lately…” (your name) bit her lip to try to prevent herself from tearing up but to no avail. A few tears fell from her eyes which shocked Jack. The blonde sat up to wipe them away with a frown. Had she been suffering in silence for all this time? “I am afraid, Jack. Everyone is scaring me.”
         Jack pulled her into his arm in the most awkward hug in existence. He wasn’t used to comfort, he never had any in his life before but he felt like he should try to comfort (your name). She seemed like she needed it… 
       Jack felt his breath hitch when she tightly clung to him. Her smaller frame held him close to her like a lifeline and he reveled in it. Yes… this felt right. It felt right for her to be in his arms… it’s where she was safe.
        Jack glared at the guards who stood outside the door, none the wiser to her quiet breakdown. Bastards… Jack hated that she had to go through something like this alone…
        “I feel so safe with you, Jack.” (Your name) whispered softly, unaware of the monster she just stirred. Safe… yes. She’d be safe with him. “Thank you.”
       Jack positioned his arms in a proper hug, a twisted smile on his lips.
        Jack would protect her from the others, he would keep her safe and far away from anything that could harm her… he’d have to start looking for that cabin in the woods sooner than he thought.
        It was time to start a life together.
      (Your name) walked down the streets in Japan. The body guards not far behind her.
      She felt a weight fall off her shoulders when she was vulnerable to Jack. The blonde held her tightly until she stopped crying which was something she desperately needed to do. She felt awful when she made his hospital gown all wet but he reassured her that it was alright. Jack’s cognac eyes held so much concern and adoration for her that it made her heart flutter a bit.
       (Your name) smiled at the memory. Jack was so sweet to her… it was wild to her that people were afraid of him. He was just a big teddy bear once he was acquainted with.
      “(Your name)?” (Your name) turned her head to see Retsu, the older man waved at her from up the street. He had a small bag of groceries in hand. He must have just gotten done with his shopping. How convenient.
      “Retsu! It’s nice to see you.” (Your name) smiled at Retsu who gave her one back. The older man approached her with seemingly good intentions.
       “I hadn’t seen you in awhile. How have you been faring?”
        “I’ve been… busy.” (Your name) didn’t want to drop the story of her insane life onto the poor man so she kept her response simple and truthful to an extent. She truly had been busy… busy with crazy men. “How have you been?”
       “I have been well.” Retsu then frowned, his forehead furrowed. “I hate to ask this because it may be a sensitive subject, but did something happen between you and Katsumi? He has been so depressed as of late. I can’t get him to eat nor can I get him to sleep.”
        (Your name) grimaced at the mention of the karateka’s name. She had been successfully away from the obsessive man for about a week now and he was doing that badly without her? She almost felt bad for the young man… if he and his family hadn’t drugged her that is.
       Retsu studied her expression in interest. So he was correct. Katsumi must have truly messed up things with (your name) for good. Perhaps he’d speak to the karateka about it… two minds were better than one after all.
       “I’m sorry about my friend. He… he didn’t do anything awful did he?” Retsu asked in a hushed tone. His chocolate eyes filled with concern and worry while his hands clutched the grocery bag to himself.
       “He… he did something awful. He broke my trust for good.” (Your name) whispered back, her expression full of betrayal. Katsumi had completely destroyed her trust beyond repair. She wasn’t sure if she could forgive him… “I am sorry. It’s a sensitive topic-“
      Retsu held up his hands, his face full of horror. “Katsumi had been a bit uncharacteristic as of late. I’m sorry that I didn’t see the signs earlier… I probably could have prevented it. I feel so awful for you.”
        (Your name)’s heart tugged at his genuine concern. It wasn’t Retsu’s fault Katsumi was insane. The man shouldn’t feel any guilt for the acts his friend committed. It had nothing to do with him… Retsu was such a good guy.
      “I’ll talk to Katsumi. Maybe I can set him straight. I can’t believe he would do something that bad.” Retsu ran his free hand through his hair. “You deserve an apology. I’ll have him on his knees for you-“
        (Your name) laughed at the mental image of Katsumi on his knees. She was positive katsumi would do that for her but she wasn’t quite ready to forgive him. “Thank you but no thank you, Retsu. I am not quite in a headspace where I could forgive Katsumi at the moment… and you don’t have to take responsibility for it. You had nothing to do with the way he acted.”
        “I just feel horrible that I couldn’t have helped you in some way…” Retsu sighed. “Is there anything I can do for you? Anything at all?”
       (Your name) smiled at Retsu but shook her head no.
        “Do you need a friend? I could be your personally therapist.” Retsu smiled warmly at her. “I’m a good listener.”
        (Your name) thought for a moment. She did need a friend… someone who didn’t have much of a connection with her and her dilemma. Perhaps she should take Retsu up on his offer?
      “I’ll take you up on that actually.” (Your name) held out her phone to him. “I appreciate this, Retsu.”
        Retsu put his number in and added a tea emoji beside his name. The man quickly handed her back her phone. “Anytime. I just hope you feel better soon. You shouldn’t stress so much.”
       The two exchanged a bit more small talk before they parted ways. Retsu had a victorious smirk on his face once he was out of sight of (your name) and the guards. 
       It was as easy as pie to become her friend. He was lucky everyone did all the work for him to isolate her already. Now all he had was wait… good things always come to those who wait.
Author’s Note: thanks for reading! I’m doing my best to finish this story asap!
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adobe-outdesign · 10 months
Could you review the polywag line?🐸
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Poliwag is pretty darn fun. It's pretty instantly recognizable with the black swirl on its underbelly, which is a nod to the swirl-shaped intestines of some real-life tadpoles.
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The eyes are adorable, the little mouth adds some color, and the heavy black and white contrast of the underbelly really helps to draw attention right to the swirl. It's a pretty simple design, but it works very well.
Also, pointless fun fact: Poliwag here is Satoshi Tajiri's (the guy who created Pokemon) favorite Pokemon. He has good taste!
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Poliwhirl... did not need to exist. It's got a few unique elements—namely the mitten-like hands, which ironically did have fingers in its earliest sprites—but overall, it doesn't feel like it brings anything to the table that Poliwrath doesn't. Poliwrath and Poliwag don't look overly dissimilar, so you could've just jumped straight from point A to B and not lost anything. Poliwrath's original design, discussed below, might've justified it's existence a little more, but only a little.
That said, it looks perfectly fine. The "gloves" help accent the white underbelly, and it loses the mouth entirely—a change I really love, as it really works to just imply a mouth around the underbelly area without literally showing it. I also like that the swirl changes direction as a subtle thing. All of these changes are also present on Poliwrath however, so nothing still would've been lost by just skipping this stage.
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(Side note: I think it's neat that Poliwhirl uses its swirl for hypnosis, even though it doesn't go anywhere. Guess they figured they didn't need another hypnosis 'mon with Hypno already running around this gen.)
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Poliwrath is a pretty neat evo. I like that it's more of a larger, more aggressive tadpole than a regular frog, and once again, the lack of mouth and gloves are welcome additions to Poliwag's design. I also like the overall body shape, which reflects its fighting-typing and is a bit distinct from either of its pre-evos.
My sole complaint is that I wish the swirl had the same bean-like shape that the underbelly now has; the circular shape leaves too much white space on the edges and a weird tension point at the top. Also, I do wonder if the feet could've also been white just for the sole purpose of differentiating it from Poliwhirl a bit more.
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Speaking of which, Poliwrath originally looked more like a goofy king than anything even remotely menacing, sporting a crown and white feet (or maybe just the undersides are white? hard to tell). According to the creators, this design was scrapped for "looking too weak", which is understandable. Ultimately the design we got was the better of the two anyway, even if this has its own charm.
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Oh, and Politoed also Exists. Not gonna lie, I consistently forget it's a part of this line, though I'm not sure why—maybe it's the sudden, jarring color change, maybe it's the lose of the black swirl, or maybe it's just that it's a much more generic frog than the weird semi-tadpoles we had previously. I don't dislike it or anything, but it does feel like it looses all of my favorite elements from the previous stages.
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(Little blue edit, mostly to satisfy my own curiosity)
Also, it doesn't really add anything to the line. It does have a vague "king" theme, possibly as a nod to Poliwrath's beta, but it's only really made clear though its evo method and 'dex.
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I will say that Politoed is pretty cute however, keeping the same eyes as Poliwag, and its definitely appealing to those who just want a more straightforward frog. It's also kind of neat how it now feels like the line either finally metamorphoses or doesn't depending on the final evo you pick. Also, the way the swirl on the stomach is integrated into the head hair is fun as well. Overall, it's pretty decent, but I do think it would've been better off as its own Pokemon.
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Politoed also has a beta, and in all honesty, I kind of like this design better? The black swirl is retained more clearly, but it also has a more abstract body shape that's still plenty frog-like while more closely resembling the rest of its line. I also love the expression; what a smug little creature. Like i said, what we got wasn't bad, but this definitely has a certain charm to it as well.
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So, to summarize: Poliwag is charming and Poliwrath is a pretty good evo, but Poliwhirl is mostly redundant. Politoed is a nice option for those who want something more frog-like, but ultimately feels fairly disconnected from the rest of the line and probably could've just been its own thing. Regardless, it's an enjoyable group of 'mons.
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odysseywritings · 6 months
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(Characters and premise by Satoshi Kon's unfinished Dreaming Machine and elements from the same titled song by Susumu Hirasawa)
Battery: 96%
3 robots emerged from the red sunrise in their apricot colored, sleek cruiser. Driving was the brains of the trio, a red dressed robot with a brunette hairstyle named Ririco. Behind was a blue behemoth named King, an older model with a keen eye for scanning and analyzing. Riding by the driver was the youthful yellow Robin, bouncing around and smiling at the neon trees in the mechanical jungle.
Robin looked outside the window, precariously close to falling out before King effortlessly yanked him back to his seat.
"So, how much longer until we find the," Robin said and stumbled with faulty memory.
"The Scalar Pool," Ririco said with a smile. "King knows the specifics, but it's a place where we can be fully connected. We won't have to scrounge for battery juice boxes anymore. And you," she playfully rubbed Robin's head and tapped his silver arm, "won't need to find replacement parts all the time."
"Right! And we'll be on the right track with our compass."
She held out a black box that opened up and revealed a magnet pointing north and closed it back up. Robin leaned back and looked at the sky with airplanes soaring together in a flock, circling in a synchronized wave, all blinking in a pattern. He looked down at his prosthetic arm with a grimace.
"I don't think having new parts is a bad thing. Maybe I'll find a jetpack or-or longer legs so I can run faster! Maybe I'll find arms bigger than King's!"
Robin turned and stuck out his tongue at King while Ririco giggled. She spotted a fork in the road and frowned as she looked ahead. Both paths were consumed by an immense violet cloud across the desert.
"This would be awful even if it was just a straight line. There's no telling if this substance will short circuit us. King, what can you scan?"
The giant rotated his head a full 180 degrees and a series of bassy whirrs oscillated.
"Wait, does that mean," Robin trembled, "we're lost?"
"Don't worry, Robin. We'll go as far as we can, and if things look too bad, I'll turn us around."
Robin nodded and tried putting on a brave face, but Ririco looked at the gas gauge and knew it would make things worse if they had to walk on foot. She turned on the low white lights and drove carefully.
King acted as patrol, surveying anything suspicious, but even his technology had difficulty piecing information with the growing veil surrounding them. A minute passed and they felt it was too far to return now, even as Ririco was tightening her grip on the wheel.
Robin looked out despite his nerves and he swore he saw shapes flying around. Weird forms like the bodies of him and his friends but darkened and vibrating. These terrified him and he grabbed onto Ririco's arm as these shapes came closer. His grip loosened as he looked closer at the figures and saw how they were animated, almost like they were doing an array of pleasant activities like dancing and meditating. He wasn't sure if he was making this up, since robots are supposed to be logical beings, or if he was seeing something the other 2 could not.
His fear became curiosity and he was smiling with open joy at the more complex rituals the shapes performed. They embraced, stretched, and one reached out to the startled Robin. Yet this blurry dark violet hand was slow and gentle, going along the speed of the car, and Robin cautiously held out his hand to touch back. He was mere centimeters away and could almost hit until it dissipated and vanished with the others in the mist as the trio came out of the other side unscathed.
Ririco exhaled in relief and King resumed his stolid placement. Robin felt calmer having experienced that, even if he was frightened at first, and he could not help wondering more about his strange non-metallic friends. Yet he was glad to see the other side of the mist with all the familiar and new machines and gadgets scattered across the fields. He thought the Scalar Pool must be like that every day. Never before had he wanted to find this promised land that turned his gears and all the fascinating marvels awaiting him.
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nerdferatum · 6 months
3 + 13 for the book asks please <3
Thank you for asking! <3
3. What were your top five books of the year?
In no particular order:
A day of fallen night, by Samantha Shannon.
Days at the Morisaki Bookshop, by Satoshi Yagisawa.
She who became the sun, by Shelley Parker-Chan.
This is how you lose the time war, by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone.
Señoras que se empotraron hace mucho, by Cristina Domenech (I don't think there's a translation of these books, but it could roughly be "Ladies who smashed a long time ago")
13. What were your least favourite books of the year?
I have to say "Under the whispering door", by T. J. Klune. The themes of the book aren't easy to talk about, and I do admit that my reaction to the book is deeply influenced by personal experience. Unfortunately, I thought that it was kind of underwhelming. It was full of speeches about death that wanted to be so deep, but to me were repetitive and superficial. I was willing to turn a blind eye to most of it, but at the end, for me, it lacked commitment. I also understand that the writing was shaped by the author experience with loss, so I don't want to be too harsh about it.
End-of-year book ask
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ninomiwaifu · 11 months
I don't even know why I'm writing this right now.. or to who.. it just hit me..
I've been off Tumblr for over 4 years, and now I'm back. I had an old account with the same name as this one, and I deactivated it in 2019, deleted everything from it, along with AO3, and just moved on..
I was a HUGE #arashi fan back then, and oh I loved them so much, so so much it was becoming a burden, a pressure, one that my mental state was not able to handle anymore, and just in a blink of an eye I snapped. Those were dark times for me, I can vividly recall the crying, the excitement, the love and adoration I had for these gorgeous 5 human beings that pushed me forward, helping me in my darkest days. Through them I discovered a lot about myself and my passion, and it shaped me into the person I am today. But at some point, everything became too much, they were an unreachable dream, and I couldn't help but spiral into a maze of self destruction and blame, pity.. I knew about them in 2014, during my last semester in college, and I will not be exaggerating if I say they pulled me out of an unknown darkness, and slowly, my love for them guided me to discover what I really want to be in the future, what I am now, and probably will be for the rest of my life...
August 28, 2019. The date is, and will always be engraved in my heart, the day I decided to cut all ties with Arashi.. I deleted all of their pictures, their music, posters, deactivated all accounts, and abruptly removed all signs of their existence from my life. Looking back now; 4 years later, I realized how I was never able to truly thank them; for being there when I needed them, for helping me in ways they're probably unware of. Selfish? Maybe I am, but even though they were deleted from my life, never, NEVER from my heart.. and soon after that, they announced their hiatus. I took it well, too well actually, and went on with my life. I slowly began listening to their songs again, following their news, but never like the avid fan I was before. It still hurts, thinking about those years I followed them, but I can say I'm glad, looking back, knowing they were a phase I needed to reshape my life and personality, and now, I'm back.. I'm not a fan anymore, I mean, not as I was before, but everytime I come accross them, there's a nostalgic smile painting my face and my heart.. They're not around as much as before, and it breaks my heart somehow; looking at the lack of news, the tours, the music... But it's okay, really, I know they're happy and successful, I know they are where they want to be, but I can't help it, missing them, after all these years, you know?
I don't even know if there are still active fans on this website, or on any other platform, maybe someone out there will relate to what I'm feeling at the moment, even if it's just one person, but it's okay.. I created a new account with the same name, and I probably would never be able to find all the fans I was following back then, but I guess I wanted to have a connection out here, even as small as an account, just to document things as simple as some random GIFs..
I miss you Ohno Satoshi, Sakurai Sho, Aiba Masaki, Ninomiya Kazunari, and Matsumoto Jun.. I miss you guys so much.. and I love you all so much.. I'm forever grateful to have known you, to have been a fan. Even if it's all now in the past, you still hold a special place in my heart, a place no one would be able to fill but you. Thank you for all the support and guidance, for all the good memories. I wish there was a way I can get my old account back, just to read that last post I wrote about leaving.. I can't remember any of the words I wrote, but I'm sure they were full of love and apologies..
I'm where I always wanted to be, I have my dream job, and I'm sure your presence was a part of why I was able to achieve that.
I love you so much.. stay safe..
AMNOS forever 💜💚💙💛❤️
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duelistkingdom · 9 months
No bc DM can just not exist in whatever au's goin on but Seto Kaiba will be DAMNED if he doesn't shape everything in his life like this fucking Blue Eyes White Dragon
its the autism. its his special interest. its like how ash “satoshi” ketchum would definitely own a bunch of pikachu plushies and have every pokemon game if you stuck him in the real world.
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divineprank · 1 year
I’m not really sure why Ganondorf’s ears keep showing up as talking points for me but here I go, overanalyzing otherwise uninteresting parts of this fictional man’s body that changes with every game we get with him in it. I could be a total simp and talk about his peepee length or something but you’d expect that from Ganondorf’s Biggest Fan and I gotta stay fresh. Y’know, by talking about the same thing all over again. 
Sorry I’ll stop being obnoxious. ANYWAYS, those piercings, in my mind, aren’t just what Satoshi Takizawa thought looked cool on Christopher Lambert’s face, (see “Kind of like a big brother in metal...”)  and I really don’t think Ganondorf had them done because he wanted to look edgy.  
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I feel like there’s some kind of personal reason for it? These piercings might mean something? As soon as he has the Triforce of Power, he maintains the double piercing. Interestingly, he keeps the heavier earring furthest from the bottom lobe. Which, I’ve been researching and I can’t find anything that directly talks about what a piercing’s position on the lobe should represent, I still can’t stop thinking about it. (Please correct me if you have more information.) It’s almost as though Ganondorf feels so close to accomplishing his true goal, but hasn’t quite reached phenomenal cosmic power. 
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Something that I find especially fascinating is how an interview from Thursday, November 26th 1998, talks about how in Ocarina of Time Ganondorf is, quote, “a pretty good man”. What catches my eye, specifically, is how script director Toru Osawa chooses to describe Ganondorf as, “a very distorted, complexed thief and servile human being”. We briefly see this with Ganondorf’s bow towards the King of Hyrule, but those of us who have retrospect know that all of this was a ruse concocted by said “complexed thief” in order to get what he wanted all along. Are the lobe studs from that time period a falsehood, a visual cue to the King to help paint Ganondorf in a less harmful light? Many character artists will definitely tell you how employing round and circular shapes is a good way to represent a “warm, welcoming, safe” character. 
Fast forward to Twilight Princess Ganondorf... (I’m so sorry Wind Waker Ganondorf, you’re my favorite and I always underutilize you but your beard is too long to make a comment on your ear pieerrrrcccciiiiinggggssss.)
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There’s been some speculation about the jewel in his earrings, with Breath of the Wild’s mention of protection against heat through the use of sapphire, that’s where most people are going to. But what catches me off guard specifically is that he’s missing the other earring... And this is the Ganondorf who was caught before the nastiness that happens in Ocarina of Time occurs. The pre-jacked ‘dorf.
We know that Twilight Princess occurs pretty much directly after Majora’s Mask in the child timeline. So something happened during his prosecution. He’s leaned totally into his bad-guy role at this point. The point of the “divine prank”, wherein he must have maintained his piece of the Triforce at the end of Ocarina of Time, just like Link does and presumably Zelda as well.
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Personally, to me, this seems like a representation of Ganondorf’s distance from his interest in his own people. Ganondorf started out as a good man, the developers even confirm it, long before The Wind Waker introduced us to the empathetic antagonist trope. Hence the circular, less dramatic earrings. But when we see him at the end of everything, when he’s finally dead and his puppet no longer allows him to feed off of him. We see an empty shell of a man who has lost his way. Defiant even in death, unwilling to kneel in the wake of his own power staring back at him in his last breaths. He barely resembles the “good man” he supposedly once was.
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He’s not remorseful, he’s not reflective. Ganondorf is obstinate. Just like the beast that we’re greeted with when he’s resurrected: a horrible, hellish demon that no longer knows nuance. He wants to win, he’s going to win and you have a gnat’s chance of harming him.
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He’s not pierced. 
This isn’t Ganondorf. He once was, long ago. But he’s very far removed from that moniker now. This isn’t the same man. He’s something completely different now.
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meistoshi · 1 year
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deep  breaths.     slow  exhales.     that's  how  satoshi  &  his  current  lineup  prepare  for  this  match.     it'll  be  similar  to  kyo's,  he  feels,  a  martially  trained  battler  inevitably  being  reflected  in  their  pokémon  &  battle  style.     or,  no,  this  will  be  much  more  like  his  battles  with  bea,  a  much  more  apt  comparison  due  to  specialization.
yes,  satoshi's  had  plenty  of  experience  against  a  powerful  fighting  type  specialist.     &  he's  followed  siba's  career  the  most  out  of  any  of  the  indigo  elite.     he's  surprised  at  himself  at  how  calm  he  feels,  but ...     maybe  it  makes  perfect  sense.     he's  known  this  was  coming  for  years,  one  way  or  another.
he's  kept  siba  waiting.     he  ought  to  honor  the  fact  that  the  elite's  remained  as  such  for  so  many  years.
" — to the battlefield : akiyoshi satoshi !! "
&  as  he  walks  out  into  the  arena,  lets  the  cheering  &  energy  wash  over  him  &  pikachu,  he  sees  their  anticipation  reflected  in  siba's  eyes. ❛  it's  taken  you  long  enough !!  have  you  had  time  to  prepare  yourself ??  ❜
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satoshi  grins,  straightening  up  as  he  calls  across  the  field :  ❛  yes,  sir,  siba - sensei !!   ❜
he  sees  siba's  own  grin  widen,  sees  the  distant  shake  of  his  shoulders,  &  he  knows,  the  wait  will  have  been  worth  it.
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in  the  end,  it's  luchabull  against  siba's  lucario,  &  satoshi  is  giddy  because  he's  had  nearly  every  one  of  his  pokémon  spar  with  each  other,  &  luchabull  in  particular  is  well  aware  of  the  little  nacks  to  battling  lucario  of  various  skill  &  temperament.
but  still,  just  as  he's  been  reminding  himself  throughout  this  whole  match,  he  cannot  let  his  guard down.     it's  still  an  elite  four  member  he's  facing.
they're  both  being  just  a  little  reckless,  for  the  fun  of  it  all,  &  their  pokémon  respond  to  it  well,  leaping  for  the  chance  at  letting  unabashedly  loose  as  they  throw  themselves  at  each  other  &  across  the  field,  up  close  in  one  moment  &  circling  one  another  at  a  distance  in  another.
but  it  all  has  to  come  to  a  head  at  some  point.     &  that  moment  for  them  comes  in  luchabull  diving  full  speed  at  lucario  as  the  latter  brandishes  its  aura  in  the  shape  of  a  staff,  moves  colliding  with  enough  force  to  raise  a  cloud  of  dust  &  sand  in  the  aftermath.
&  as  the  sight  clears ...     luchabull  stands  from  a  kneel  above  lucario,  disoriented  but  clearly  ready  for  more.     more  that  never  comes.
" lucario  is  unable  to  battle !!   thus,  the  winner  of  this  match  is  competitor  satoshi !! "
&  that's  three  down.     as  satoshi  rushes  across  the  field  to  sweep  up  luchabull  in  a  hug,  he  can  feel  the  trembling  excitement  in  his  bones  return.     just  one  more ...     one  more  &  then …
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fyeahiwatarikei · 1 year
Violet and KeiRio for the flower prompt :3
Flower Language Writing Prompts
Violet ◦ You thought I wouldn’t notice, but I did. Every time.
You can also read this on AO3!
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“I love you.”
Tired eyes looked up, devoid of emotion, stared at his face, as if he had simply commented on the indecent weather. He hadn’t expected any reaction, almost curious of what she’d come to respond to such an absurd statement – in the end, she decided to ignore him.
He didn’t mind. He already knew. He had simply thought the time had come.
Apparently losing interest, she turned her gaze towards the window. Her beautiful blue eyes almost got lost for a second in the vague mist that caught her more frequently as time passed, but they remained focussed, conscient. Exhaustion turned her traits gaunt, but she hadn’t reached her thirties yet. Youth still showed, revealed by the absence of the makeup she had worn for as long as he had known her. No red to age her chapped lips up, no perfectly drawn line darkening her eyelids. She didn’t have the energy anymore.
Hair spread around her head on the pillow, their curls a controlled mess, revealing that she, or perhaps a nurse, had combed them earlier in the day. Could Satoshi…? There was so much he did not know, so much she didn’t tell, so much he didn’t see for himself and, even if he knew this was the rule, he couldn’t help but feel the small, so familiar bite of regret.
He had cheated, bended, visiting her from time to time, when Satoshi wasn’t there, making sure he’d remain nothing but a stranger for as long as possible. He had caught glimpses of their life together – Satoshi’s changing toys, her new love for vinyl records, art projects left around to dry. Certainly not enough to fill every gap in his knowledge, but abundant enough for him to get a nebulous idea of their everchanging selves. Every time, she scolded him, in her own, silent ways, punishing him with the lack of attention he always found so charming.
But the time had finally come for him to leave this part of his life behind and take shape in their son’s mind. Everything was ready, from his own soaring career within the police to the boarding school Rio had (reluctantly) picked (with his guidance.)
“I know.”
Her voice came out rough, low, almost a whisper. Giving up on resisting, he reached out and placed one hands on hers. He needed to keep the moment a bit more, a tiny bit more, before he had to leave.
Everything was ready but his own feelings.
Part 1 ◦ Part 2 ◦ Part 3
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skekpen · 1 year
I’ve been told that I do a better job than most westerners at drawing stuff that has the “anime aesthetic”. I can tell you how I do it.
everybody already knows this, but of course first you have to practice drawing things with realistic anatomy and proportions and perspective and all that before you can draw anime/cartoons/stylized things that look good. read "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" by Betty Edwards for help with this. practice drawing from life/photos alongside drawing for fun. I spend about 10 minutes per day doing exercises and studies. the rest I spend drawing bullshit that I want to draw.
okay so,
Don’t try to draw something that looks like anime. Don’t think that way. Instead, try to draw a human being with as few lines as you possibly can, while still capturing everything you want your viewers to see. Then you pick and choose features you want to enlarge/emphasize or shrink/minimize. with anime, it's usually facial features that get distorted and stylized the most. there's a lot of stylized neoteny in anime, even in the ones that aren't trying to look cute.
for example - eyes are pretty, and they show a shitload of emotion. so you’ll probably want to draw big, expressive eyes that follow the visual logic of anatomically correct eyes.
another example - you can’t show much emotion or movement with a nose normally, so you might want to draw just the bare minimum to show the shape of the nose (I often just draw the shadow cast by the nose and none of the nose itself - something I picked up from late 80s anime)
now with this in mind, don't try to go for a generic "anime" look. that doesn't actually exist, and I think this is where a lot of people get tripped up and end up drawing that weird kind of "western pseudo-anime" for lack of a better term. find individual anime/manga artists you like, and see how they stylize things. try drawing like they do, and see what feels good. keep what works, and discard what does not. you'll eventually end up with a concoction of things you've stolen from other artists and then warped to your own tastes, which is what is known as "finding your style".
some artists I copy stylistic elements from are Masamune Shirow (Ghost in the Shell), Satoshi Urushihara (Plastic Little), Kamome Shirahama (Witch Hat Atelier), Toshihiro Kawamoto (character designer for Cowboy Bebop and Golden Boy), Ikuko Itoh (character designer for the Sailor Moon anime), and Kentaro Miura (Berserk). I've tried drawing all kinds of shit in their individual styles, I've traced and studied drawings of theirs so I could pick out how they constructed things.
I also do this with people who don't draw anime. Artists like Alphonse Mucha, Bill Watterson, Mœbius, and Alan Moore were as much of an influence on me as any manga artist. if you don't get inspiration from outside the artistic circle you are creating within, you'll never be able to construct a very unique voice for yourself. you may or may not give a shit about that, but I recommend that you do give some shits about it.
remember - you are not drawing anime. you are drawing stylized people/objects that you are warping to look most visually appealing to you. you just happen to think anime looks cool, so you're going to naturally gravitate in that direction. don't try to draw anime. try to draw something that looks cool, or cute, or scary, or badass, or whatever. and show it in a way that makes sense to you. it will probably take a few months of hard practice before you can do this well enough that other people will see what you are trying to show them, but it will eventually happen.
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Heart Shaped Wound:
Chapter 46
Author’s note: ENJOY! I’ve had the craziest week and it’s been difficult for me to envision chapters for this story. My muse for Zaria turned out to be a pathological liar that lied about their entire life (moving to a new city, you don’t know people but shame on me bro). I should’ve questioned things more but there’s no use being upset over spilled milk.
But the show must go on!
TW: Drug usage mentioned! Addiction addressed in this chapter.
    (Your name)’s Monday class went without a hitch. Her students were surprisingly well behaved, besides Satoshi and Yuki arguing here and there. She believed it was over something minor… at least she hoped.
   “Karate sensei!” (Your name) smiled as Satoshi shot up from his desk to run up to Katsumi. (Your name) noticed something was different about Katsumi…
      “Katsumi? Did you get a hair cut?” (Your name) asks the karateka who blushes as runs a hand over his fresh fade.
       “I did get one actually... do you like it?” Katsumi asks with a smile as he shyly glanced to the side.
       “You look very handsome.” (Your name) complimented him with a smile. (Your name) then turns around to gather up Satoshi’s belongings for him. Satoshi clinging to her cardigan with a laugh.
       “You’re such a mom, sensei.” The boy laughs as (your name) hands Satoshi his backpack that now had everything in it.
       “Now you can’t say you forgot your homework in your desk.” (Your name) beams, her hand ruffling Satoshi’s hair.
       Katsumi’s breath hitched at the sight. A stir began in his groin at the thought of Satoshi being his and (your name)’s kid. Would she be a good mother? Would she want children?
       Katsumi could feel himself slip into his imaginations as he imagined (your name) looking up at him with a swollen stomach. Her hands holding her belly as she took care of her students… Katsumi really desired that life with (your name)… that beautiful, domesticated life. They’d get married and have four children-
      “Katsumi?” (Your name) asked as she grabbed the karateka’s hand, drawing him out of his delusions. “Are you alright?”
       Katsumi gasped with a blush, his hand now gripping (your name)’s with a light squeeze. “I’m sorry… I…”
        (Your name) smiled as she waited for Katsumi to finish his sentence.
      “I just think you’re so beautiful…” Katsumi complimented (Your name) with a bright smile.
     The kindergarten students around them began to whisper. 
   “They’re in love!” Satoshi boasted to Yuki who had her arms crossed.
    “Nope.” Yuki argued. “She likes them big and scary.”
       Katsumi and (your name) smiled at each other before gathering up their students.
      “I’ll see you around, (your name).” Katsumi’s ears turned pink. “Maybe… later?”
      “Possibly.” (Your name) smiled at him. “If you really want to see me-“
      “I always want to see you!” Katsumi puts a hand over his mouth in embarrassment for being so loud. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to be so loud…”
      “It’s okay. You just got a little excited was all.” (Your name) laughs with a bright smile. “I’ll see you around.”
     “Yes… I’ll see you later.” 
     (Your name) continued cleaning up her classroom to drown out the excited chittering of her students. 
      Katsumi cast one last look back at (your name), his cheeks reddening when his desires flickered before him briefly. He imagined her with a swollen belly again… He wanted her to marry and have kids with him already…
       Once (Your name) finished up cleaning her classroom, she heard the door open.
       (Your name) smiled at the guest, her eyes widening when she saw Jun standing there. His usual cocky smirk on his face.
      “I made sure none of the kiddos were around. Or your little gangster boy toy. Or the guy with the bushy eyebrows. Or the giant blonde pit bull.” Jun answered all of (your name)’s questions before she even asked them. 
      Even after all these years apart, he could still read her mind… was she that obvious with what she was thinking?
     “Don’t worry, I work taint your reputation.” Jun gave (your name) a big smile. “Or get myself beat up in the process.”
       “I appreciate it.” (Your name) smiles at him. “You have always been so considerate of me…”
      “I’d hope so.” Jun laughs. He places his hands in his pockets and he struts over to stand in front of her. She can feel his body’s furnace like warmth from his proximity. “You’re the woman I love more than anything in the world… you know that right? That I never went a minute without you on my mind?”
         (Your name) blushes when Jun grabs her hand and gives it a kiss. His cognac colored eyes glancing up at hers as his lips lingered on the back of her hand. 
       “Oh how I’ve missed you, meu amor.” Jun pulls away with a sigh. “I can walk you back to your humble abode and then I can lead us to our date.”
       “How charming, meu querido.” (Your name) flirts with the suave man. Two can be smooth. “Let’s go.”
       Jun smirks as (your name) takes his hand in hers. Her small hand giving his large one a squeeze. Their hands were still a perfect fit…
      “Let’s go.” (Your name) smiles. 
      Jun smiled back. He was excited to start anew with (your name)… but at the same time, he knew her digging up the truth on her best friend was going to hurt. It was going to hurt so much, but Jun knew he couldn’t shield (your name) from the truth forever… she needed to learn that Zaria wasn’t actually her friend.
      Jun would be there for (your name) to cry on if it all hit the fan. And he swore if Zaria became physical with (your name), he’s hitting her. He doesn’t care that Zaria is a woman, he would. 
      The things she did to (your name), the manipulation was going to finally come to life.
      Jun glanced at the letters stuffed in his bag. Thank goodness he kept the physical truth or (your name) would never believe what she’s about to uncover…
       Jun and (your name) made it to her house. (Your name) opening the door to see Zaria on the phone with her family. Jun motioned for (your name) to enter the house.
      “I’ll be here in the porch if you need me.”
       “Just give me a bit longer, I swear I’ll get the money from her. No she doesn’t know that I got fired-“ Zaria turned her head to see (your name). The young woman scratching the back of her head nervously since she was caught in conversation. “I’ll have to let you go, my roommate is home.”
       Zaria hung up the phone before greeting (your name). But the other woman didn’t want to greet her.
      “Who were you talking to?” (Your name) asked as she slowly approached Zaria like a lion stalking prey. “You’re not… you’re not sending money to your family again, are you?”
     “No, I’m not.” (Your name) looked into Zaria’s blue eyes with a glare. Zaria nervously shifted her gaze.
       “You’re lying… why? Why are you sending the money I give you for necessities to your family? You said you were done with them. We’re supposed to start a new life here in Japan-“
       “I only came here with you because I was broke in Brazil!” Zaria covered her mouth in shock at her outburst. Her cheeks flushing red at the realization of what she just admitted. “I didn’t mean-“
       “Did you only come here to mooch off me?” (Your name) softly asked. “Or was it for new men to sleep with-“
        “You mean men you want to sleep with?” Zaria accuses. (Your name) is surprised by the sudden outburst. “I’ve always been the one that has men all over her but somehow, they chose you over me. I don’t understand it-“
       “Are you not happy for me?” (Your name) asked as she crossed her arms over her chest. “You’ve always wanted me to get a boyfriend-“
       “Not an attractive one!” Zaria hisses out, her true colors shining through. “Hanayama is fine. He’s ugly and scarred. But Jack and Katsumi? You’re hogging all the hotties. It’s just like back home. You always had the hottest guys-“
       “But I was with Jun-“ (your name) froze in realization. Zaria couldn’t have… she couldn’t possibly have been behind… “You helped my mom didn’t you?”
      Jun enters the house to try to diffuse the situation at hand. Zaria’s eyes widening when she saw Jun.
       “You’re seriously going to believe a criminal over your best friend-“
       “Zaria, I knew before I left for Brazil. I just didn’t want to accept it.” (Your name) sighed. “I had suspicions but your behavior confirmed everything I need to know…”
       (Your name) stood in front of Zaria. “I think you need to go back to Brazil.”
      “What? You can’t do that-“
       “Zaria, I own this house.” (Your name) sighed. “You’re not even paying rent or anything. I’m giving you two weeks.”
      “How am I going to afford going back-“
       “I’ll buy you a ticket. Don’t even worry about that.” (Your name) hissed. “It’s always money and men with you… I’m disappointed in you is all. Even when you’re confronted you still lie.”
       Jun grabs (your name)ms hand for reassurance.
        “(Your name), you don’t mean this-“
        “I do. Start packing your things. Two weeks is the deadline but I can always move it to be earlier. Be grateful.”
       (Your name) then sauntered to her room and shut the door. The young woman sliding her back against the door until she was sitting on her floor.
      What just happened?
Author’s note: drama go brrr. Thanks for the patience! ❤️
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meistoshim · 2 years
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name  :     satoshi akiyoshi. age  :     21 in main-verse & au verses.     27 in bad-end & frontier-brain verses. species  :     human, wave guiding variant. gender  :     trans man   ( he / him ). orientation  :     (poly) demi- pansexual / panromantic. interests  :     pokémon + battling, traveling, baseball, music. profession  :     competitive pokémon battler, research fellow + assistant.     in future verses, either un-official agent for interpol or frontier brain of the kanto battle frontier’s battle stadium.     in most non-pkmn verses, professional baseball player. body type  :     ectomorph, medium frame, athletic. eyes  :     deep brown. hair  :     charcoal black, chin-length, tufts of hair sticking out from underneath his ears, straight but thick. face  :     heart-shaped, soft cheeks, pointed chin & semi-strong jawline, twin lightning-shaped birthmarks on each cheek, faint scar lines across the entire face. height  :     5'1". companions  :     pikachu, lucario, + currently also gou & his current team. antagonists  :     primarily rocket gang, specifically musashi, kojirou, & nyarth, + sonans.     additionally a number of gangs & their leaders. colors  :     red, yellow, black, green, blue. fruits  :     apples, strawberries, oranges. drinks  :     water, juice, milk tea, soda. alcoholic drinks ?     none. smokes ?     no. drugs ?     no. drivers license ?     no.
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A Trap
January 1st, 2022 3:12pm Another ending I was working on before I scrapped it and cannibalized it for the actual ending. Things always get a little too real when Satoshi gets mentioned.
Warnings because sex.
Unused Epilogue
He was staring at the scars again.
Hanzo didn’t even have to open his eyes. If there was one trap Kuai Liang would always fall into it was this; the trap of a routine.
He had started waking up at around 4am. He would stare up at the ceiling, motionless. If he did move, his hand would trace idle movements across his chest.
He would get up after twenty minutes or so and stare into the mirror on the dresser. Most of the time, he would stare at his face. At first, Hanzo didn’t understand what he was looking at. Certainly, the former wraith could stare at his husband’s face for eternity, but Kuai Liang did not hold himself in that same regard.
It wasn’t until the cryomancer began lifting his shirt and running his fingers along the scar at his pelvis that Hanzo understood.
The wound had gotten infected, and Chiyoko had fussed at them for it. “How many times do I have to tell you two to stop using your powers to treat your wounds!”
Kuai Liang didn’t argue with her about it, but Hanzo had. It wasn’t even his fire that had been used. But he was adamant that Kuai Liang be treated in their home. He refused to leave him, refused to keep him isolated from his family. 
It wasn’t the only thing that needed to be attended to after his pregnancy. Chiyoko had given Hanzo the unpleasant task of massaging his abdomen throughout the night, to help his womb shrink to normal size. The first night, he had pressed a tad too hard, a tad too low, causing the wound to open again. 
Between the new scar, the sore abdomen, his general anxiety over Lì-Yán, and the fact that she wasn’t latching to him, Kuai Liang hadn’t been in the mood to talk to anyone, not even Hanzo. His scent had become bitter and weak and the Alpha had been trying to think of a way to support him when this revelation hit him. 
Today, Kuai Liang lifted his shirt, as expected, and slid his hand under the scar. That was part of his routine. What was new was Kuai Liang running his hand up his abdomen, his body tensing at his own touch, and rubbing his chest. 
With Lì-Yán having difficulty latching, Chiyoko was working with him on self expressing. He was doing his best, but he couldn’t tolerate the discomfort and he often returned home from these sessions frustrated and sore. Hanzo could see why now. Both pecs were red, swollen, and bruised in the shape of fingers, some impressions smaller than others. 
Kauai Liang ran his fingers over his chest lightly, carefully. Hanzo could hear his breath hitch as he touched his nipples. He turned his face away from the mirror and Hanzo’s line of sight but he continued touching his chest, holding onto as much as possible.
Hanzo couldn’t help but smirk that his chest was too much even for him. 
Hanzo could see the slight tremble in his body as he let his shirt back down and used both hands to brace himself against the dresser. He was staring down but slowly looked into the mirror again.
It wasn’t until he closed his eyes that Hanzo smelled the sudden shift.
The cool, refreshing sweetness he longed to smell again. He had aroused himself.
This was new.
Hanzo shouldn’t have gotten up. He should have stayed in bed and waited for Kuai Liang to actually say something. But before he knew it, he was behind his Omega, sliding his arm around his waist and using the other to pull his neck closer to get as much of his scent as possible.
“I knew you were awake,” Kuai Liang said as Hanzo buried his face in the crook of his neck. 
“You should have asked for relief rather than work yourself up like this,” Hanzo whispered. 
He slid his arm under the shirt and rubbed Kuai Liang’s stomach. The cryomancer flinched at the touch, but sighed and let his head fall back. Hanzo rewarded this trust with slow kisses along his neck. 
“Tell me how I can worship this beautiful body,” Hanzo purred.
He knew he wouldn’t get any words back, and preferred it that way. Kuai Liang turned in Hanzo’s arms and kissed him. 
Hanzo tugged off his Omega’s night clothes and pushed him down on the bed.
“Lì-Yán will wake up soon,” Kuai Liang mumbled.
“Are you concerned that she will walk into the room and catch us?” Hanzo asked, removing his own shirt.
Kuai Liang laughed and gods, it was a sound Hanzo had been sorely missing. He crawled over him and looked him in the eye. “I know that it is too soon…”
“Right… the… my… birth wound,” Kuai Liang acknowledged. “Chiyoko called it… the ‘smile’. But I need something, Hanzo.”
“I know,” he answered, kissing him again. “I will not leave you unsatisfied tonight, my love.”
He could already feel Kuai Liang against him, hard and leaking precum. His Omega was not difficult to please. He pulled Kuai Liang down so that his ass slammed into Hanzo’s own erection, only the thin fabric of his underwear keeping them apart. He worried that after weeks of no contract, his gesture was a little too rough, but Kuai Liang’s unrestrained moan assured him otherwise. 
Good thing his Omega was so fun to tease.
“What were you thinking of,  when you were touching your chest?” He asked, leaning forward and reaching under to keep a grip on his thighs. He began to rock against Kuai Liang, watching his husband grab onto his arms and try to keep his eyes focused. 
“I uh…” Kuai Liang’s brain ceased to function the second he felt the friction of his dick pressed against both of their stomachs. “You uh, your…”
“Is this fitting, for a Lin Kuei warrior to be so tongue tied?” Hanzo teased. 
He stilled them, wanting the answer to his question. 
“Wh-When you helped… with my… overproduction,” he finally managed. 
Hanzo chuckled and caught his lips as he resumed his rocking, thrusting against Kuai Liang’s ass. Though that memory itself was mortifying, he was pleased to hear the truth. He drew his face down to Kuai Liang’s neck, taking in the scent of his skin and relishing in the sounds of his panting. 
“Ch-Chiyoko- Gods- is r-rough.”
Hanzo increased his speed and asked,  “How so?”
“Sh-she… her fingers -ah. Y- you…” Kuai Liang groaned and grasped at the sheets as he writhed below. “Hanzo, please.”
Oh, he was begging. Hanzo moaned into Kuai Liang’s neck, making him shudder. He slowed his thrusting down,  but Kuai Liang insisted,  “No, faster. Faster, Hanzo,  please.”
“Yes, tell me exactly what you need,” Hanzo encouraged as he started up again. He had no plans of stopping again. Not when it had been so long and Kuai Liang felt so good, how did he feel so good even without them actually having sex?
He could feel Kuai Liang’s precum on his stomach, allowing the cock between them to glide over him much easier. He felt his own precum leaving a wet target, every time he pressed against Kuai Liang. 
“I’m dying,” he groaned. 
Hanzo shushed him and kissed him again. “Despite what you always tell me, you enjoyed having your nipples sucked.”
“Yes,” he panted. “Yes.”
“Enough to recall previous encounters while you pleasure yourself.”
“Yes, Hanzo. Yes, Alpha.”
His scent was sweetening and rising and Hanzo realized that he’d have to be careful not to make him turn. “Open your eyes, my treasure.”
He obliged, looking up at Hanzo, though almost shutting them again. “You look… Hanzo, you're…”
He almost stopped to give Kuai Liang time to focus on his words. Verbal compliments about his appearance from his Omega were rare. He was more free with his nonverbal desire now, taking Hanzo’s hand in front of others, the way he smiled immediately upon seeing Hanzo, no matter what mood the grandmaster was in. But expressing his desire in words was an event worth drawing out.
He didn’t stop but he stroked his cheek and encouraged, “I'm…?”
Kuai Liang yanked him down by his arms and growled, “Breathtaking.”
He kissed him then, urgently meeting Hanzo’s thrusting and groaning louder than he’d ever heard him. Kuai Liang held Hanzo against him and squeezed his chest, causing the Alpha to heat up.
“Hanzo, Hanzo!” He was almost yelling at this point, and Hanzo wanted to quiet him down for the sake of their sleeping daughter, but seeing him so unrestrained, so submissive was such a turn on, he couldn’t stop.
His face was pink from exertion, eyes shut tight and when he wasn’t calling Hanzo's  name, he was gasping and groaning. He pressed himself as close to Hanzo as he could get and the Alpha let go of his arms and held him as he continued thrusting against him. 
“I love you, Kuai Liang.”
He pulled Hanzo down by his hair and kissed him,  chasing his tongue into his mouth as he moaned and pressed as close as possible.
Hanzo could feel Kuai Liang cumming between them, the warmth hitting his chest and stomach. No matter how many times he felt it, he would always be captivated by his Omega cumming for him, from just the touches, the feeling of their bodies together.
He willed himself back off the edge as Kuai Liang let his head fall back, struggling to catch his breath. He tightened his grasp on Hanzo, then let him go.
“As beautiful as ever,” Hanzo told him, stroking his hair back.
Kuai Liang smiled but kept his eyes closed. 
“How do your muscles feel?” Hanzo asked, running his hand over the tender abdomen in front of him. His postpartum body had shed the excess weight quickly and the only visual evidence of his pregnancy was the scar on the soft skin at his pelvis. The physical evidence was how tender his entire abdominal area was. He still stiffened upon feeling Hanzo’s hand on him.
“I don’t want to move.”
“You do not have to,” Hanzo assured him. He pulled himself up and immediately looked at the scar. He used a sheet to gently dab away the sweat, offering apologies every time Kuai Liang flinched. He wiped off the cum, as quickly as he could, then tossed the sheet from the bed.
“Put it in with the rest of the laundry,” Kuai Liang demanded, keeping his eyes closed.
He obliged and slid back in the bed, holding onto his Omega, careful to touch the places he most welcomed contact. “What are you thinking about when you look at your scars?”
“The mistakes that caused them. What I did to deserve them.” Kuai Liang responded.
Hanzo was surprised that he received an answer, an honest answer, so quickly. 
“I do not understand what I did to deserve this one in such an intimate place,” Kuai Liang admitted. “Was it my ignorance of my own body? Was it because I could not convince you to stay with me?”
“My treasure,” Hanzo sighed, pulling him closer. “You are not being punished.”
“It keeps happening to me. The only good thing about this one is that Lì-Yán will never see it.”
“The same scar that is proof of your determination to bring her into this world.  You have nothing to be ashamed of.”
“Hanzo, I… I think she will be like me.”
“A cryomancer?”
Kuai Liang turned and faced him. “An Omega.”
Hanzo had also suspected this, though he couldn’t put his finger on exactly why. “That will not be an issue.”
“I should have been able to give you a son. A strong Alpha son,” Kuai Liang protested. “The firstborn of a Lin Kuei is always an Alpha boy. If I have no other use-”
“My firstborn was an Alpha boy.”
Kuai Liang lowered his head. “Of course.. I am sorry, Hanzo. I did not mean-”
“Now, we have a beautiful, healthy daughter. You are more than Lin Kuei, even more than my Omega, Kuai Liang.”
“Cyrax said that he can make the medicine for me again,” Kuai Liang said.
The medicine. The medicine that he made for him decades ago. To temporarily eliminate every trace of his Omega biology. 
“Is that really what you want?” Hanzo asked. 
“I thought… I thought that if I could abstain from your touch, we could both get used to the changes that would come if I were a Beta,” he confessed. “But it only made me desire my Alpha even more, in the way that only an Omega can please him.”
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