#the candle that burns twice as bright burns for half as long
luuney · 6 months
i’m home alone right now so why don’t you come over and we’ll invite who we want and then can our naked weapons be out and we duel but you stab me specifically and i watch your back as you run away because that’s what your friend tells you to do and i’m wondering if at any point you’ll turn back to look at me but i realise you’re long out of sight and i curse a plague on your house but what if we were honest and mayhaps what if you stay and hold me in your arms irrespective of what your friends say until the warmth of my blood pouring out onto your palms starts becoming cold
but no you only come back when i’m gone to try to get my friend to join me on my journey because you can’t admit that you don’t want me going alone yet even when i’m lifeless you’re too scared to hold me but you die instead or maybe that’s what you want because in the end we lie on that cold hard stage together as two performers cast in the wrong roles but maybe next time it doesn’t have to be so tragic
everyone in this play seems to run a little too late so i’ll be waiting for you to come over in each of the next eight of your nine lives and we’ll repeat this until we get it right
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starcrossedreaders · 1 year
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Authors Note: YALL ARE FEINING. Here's part three THE FINAL PART, Enjoy!
Here's part 1 and part 2
Warnings: sad coming home, mentions of thoughts of suicide, mental breakdown, FLUFF, AND NSFW (YALL FEINS ARE BEING FED) P in v, cock warming!
Fumbling with your house keys you fell into your quiet, lonely apartment. These past few weeks you have been living in a melancholic state of depression and solitude. Days have been short as nights have been long. Each waking second you spent crying or questioning what to do next with your sad lonely life. You were even questioning the 'what if's', even if the thoughts were not so great.
Although tonight was different. Tonight was supposedly 'fun' and 'exciting' as your friends took you out to the club. Despite going against your best wishes they came and drug you out of the house stating the alcohol and bright lights will "heal the soul". It in fact did not. Instead, it left you sitting at a table alone drowning your sorrows. You were upset because you could have been doing this at home without everyone around.
The mass amounts of alcohol you consumed left your legs numb and your heart even number. At this point you wouldn't care what happened to you, as long as you got to see Leon again you would be happy. But no, the universe had to be cruel to you. Like it has been your whole life. Leon was the only good thing that has ever come out of your 25 years of living, and yet. He was brutally taken away from you.
Your dark and messy apartment greeted you, mocking and mirroring your current state of mind. Slamming the door shut, you locked it as you treaded to your even messier room. Clothes were thrown everywhere, and your bedsheets needed to be washed. But, you were too afraid to lose the true musk and vanilla scent of your late lover.
But tonight, tonight was different. Your bed was made, clothes neatly folded and put away, and a candle was lit as the tv lit up the room. You had to rub your eyes, once, twice. Your brain wasn't playing tricks on you, and your room was clean and set up how.....
How Leon would keep it.....
That's impossible
Leon is gone
He will never come back. That's the exact thought that haunts you at all hours of the day. The exact thought that has left you in this state. The exact thought that has been pushing you to the brink of sanity and it just took its final shove.
You pulled at your hair as your breath got stuck in your throat.
He's gone.
Throwing your bag on the ground you paced your room.
He's gone. He's gone. He's gone. He's gone!
Screaming you rush and start throwing your clothes out of your closet and on the floor. Your throat hurt as your lungs burned from the lack of air.
"HE'S GONE," after throwing half of your closet across your room you turned to your perfectly made bed.
The white comforter and folded blankets pushed you even more. You swiped your arms across the large bed sending blankets and clothes across your room.
"HE'S GONE. HE'S GONE. HE'S GONE!" You pushed out the last of the air from your lungs gripping the comforter.
Before you could throw that a pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you into their warm strong chest.
"Shhh baby, I'm here. I'm home," That angelic voice.
The angelic voice that has talked you through so much. Has yelled and cried and laughed with you.
Your eyes widened as your body went limp in his arms. The scent of musk and vanilla floated to your senses. You gasped as everything you cried and prayed for was wrapped around you.
Your bottom lip quivered as a loud sob racked through your body. Your shakey hand rose to cover your mouth as your body shook.
"Oh my god...." your whisper was barely audible as you slowly turned around to face....to face...
Leon your home.
Leon your best friend.
Leon your lover.
Leon your soulmate.
Another sob racked through your body as your eyes met his piercing blue eyes. You really couldn't believe your eyes. You couldn't look away. Afraid that once you blink or look away he will disappear. Your brain has a knack for sick jokes like that.
"L-Lee?" He could only nod his head, as tears of his own slipped down his cheek.
Finally letting go you cried. You cried and cried. Hiding your face in his chest, soaking his shirt with your tears. Leon rocked your body hushing your shaking form as he rubbed your back.
You don't know how but you ended up on your bed with you in Leon's back.
"Y-yo-you're home," You hiccupped as you pulled back to look at Leon.
Your head was light as the alcohol from the night wore off as your throat ached from your yelling.
"I'm home," He dropped his head on yours connecting your foreheads as his hand came up to your cheek. His thumb rubbed back and forth as he look lovingly at you.
"I'm home...I'll never leave you again," More tears slide down your cheeks at his words.
"I thought I lost you. I thought-" You had to take a deep breath.
"I know love...I know." His grip around you tightened.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Your brittle voice was on the verge of breaking again.
"I'm sorry for everything I said to you that night. I never met them, I=I thought I lost you forever and I would never be able to say sorry and tell you... Tell you I love you. I love you for everything you do. I love your perfections and imperfections. Your weird sweet tooth. Your lous ass snoring, your protective behavior. I love all of you." You took in deep breaths as you finished your small rant.
"I love you to the Milky Way and back. I love your weird obsessions and weird cravings. I love the way you always have my favorite snacks, or how you always keep the apartment cold even though you hate it. How you can read my body and know when I want to go home, or how you make my lunches in the mornings. I love how patient you are with my job, how you understand and worry and care. I love you."
As the moon faded and the sun woke your bodies lay heavy as you slept in a deep slumber. This would be the first night you actually slept. Being pressed up against Leon's warm body put your body at ease causing you to drift off into a deep slumber.
Leon was happy to be home with his baby. He couldn't handle being away from you, knowing the lies that were fed to you. He would never leave you like that, ever.
Leon played with your hair as he admired your sleeping form. Purple bags sunk into your eyes, and a small crease lay between your eyebrows. That wasn't there before he left. Frowning himself, he brought his hand down, using his thumb to rub away your crease.
This small touch pulled you from your slumber. Fluttering your eyes open, you scanned your surroundings. Last night felt like a fever dream, you were scared to go to sleep afraid that your mind was playing a cruel trick on you. But, your body went against your best wishes and floated you off into a deep sleep. So when you opened your eyes you were a little shocked but very relieved to see Leon was still here, with you.
"G'morning love," His deep husky voice sent a wave of hot pleasure down your body.
"Morning," you smiled a little as you sat up to stretch.
"How did you sleep?" Leon's lazy boyish smile made your heart flutter.
That was the same smile that you first saw. The smile that caught your heart and will hold it in captivity until the end of eternity.
Leon wrapped his hands behind your thighs to guide you on his lap. Wrapping your arms around his neck you smiled. "I slept better now that you're back." You looked like a hopeless fool in love. Your hair was knotted as a faint blush painted your cheeks.
"Me too love," His thumbs drew small circles on your thigh.
Getting more comfortable you slightly ground on Leon semi-hard on causing a moan to leave the back of his throat.
"Baby- stop moving," HIs voice was stern and full of command.
"m'sorry," You mumbled. You just missed Leon so much, his touch was overriding your senses and all you wanted to do was fuck him.
"I missed you s'much, need you," Your whiney voice was filled with need as you ground your hips into Leon's, hoping for any type of friction.
Leon groaned as he shot his hands to your hips in a bruising grip. "Fuck- hold on love," He lifted your body up moving your underwear to the side as he fisted his cock out of his boxers. A shiny pearl sat atop his slit, but it wasn't enough, despite spreading it along his dick.
Bending over slightly he let a line of spit fall past his lips onto his dick. Rubbing it down he guided your hips down towards his. He teased your soaking hole by gliding his tip between your wet folds. Going back and forth a few times he finally gave in and dipped his tip into heaven. The feeling of Leon stretching you out had you gasping. Squeezing your eyes shut you laid your head on his shoulder. The further Leon went, the more stars blurred his vision. The feeling of your warm walls wrapping around him had him on a different planet.
Leon slid his hands from your hips down to the back of his thighs bringing you closer to him. Your warm cunt swallowed him whole leaving you guys to sit there in pure bliss.
Leon's hot breath ghosted over your neck as he ran his hands up and down your thighs. Wrapping your arms around his neck you sat there taking in his scent. Leon mumbled sweet nothings in your hair as he kissed the crown of your head periodically.
With Leon's hands roaming your body and him stuffing you full you swore your sleep could wash over, taking you under. Keeping your eyes closed Leon could feel your body weight getting heavier.
"Love?" The only response Leon got was a soft snore leaving past your lips.
Leon smiled slightly before he kissed your head. "I love you."
Taglist: @hermizery @alewesker @ballorawan740 @lastaceylia00 @lazycig @littledreamybeth @aussiepineapple1st @chunnies @sonicsolos
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being-luminous · 4 months
It's me, Purplewitch. I gotta ask about don't lose your head.
Hey!! Thanks for asking 💜
This one is inspired by the song don't lose ur head from six the musical. I've already shared a snippet here, but the premise is that Harry, looking for a bit of fun, gets way in over his head with the Dark Lord Voldemort
the tags from the original post put it well
harry: i'm just tryna have some fun 😇 voldemort, seething: let me burrow inside your chest cavity or i'll burn this whole fucking country to the ground
here's a snippet from later in the story:
Later, Harry sits in his room, a sputtering candle—charmed to burn twice as bright—his only company. Sitting before him is the same blank piece of parchment he’s been staring at for nearly half an hour now. He owes Ron and Hermione a letter, though it stings to admit.
A floorboard in the hall creaks, and he flinches, looks over his shoulder with wide eyes. But the door is still shut.
No one is watching him.
He breathes deeply, unclenches his jaw and lets the tension in his shoulders unspool. He picks up his quill before he can think better of it, sets it to the parchment. He’s crazy, he writes. He’s going to kill me. By the time he’s finished, there’s hardly any blank space left, and for a long while, he just sits there, looking down at the words in black ink.
There’s no way he can send this letter.
He knows his mail is being searched, because Voldemort told him so. It’s for his own good, he says whenever Harry protests. It’s to keep him safe. And it’s fine, he thinks as he folds the parchment into a neat square, then again. It has to be fine. He holds the parchment up to the candle. He’ll need to vanish the smoke later lest someone smell it when he’s done, but for now he lets it rise. He holds on until the flame begins to lick at his fingers, until his skin burns too.
Then he lets go, heals the shiny red skin with a flick of his hand, and grabs a new sheet of parchment.
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adorastarot · 7 months
Hello, I love your page so much!
Only answer this if you are come for table with it.
I saw a reading that said JK is prone to cheating in his relationships, is there any truth to this?
Thank you!
AHHHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH! You just brought the biggest smile to my face! I am so glad you enjoy it! I’ve been loving this blog so much and when I don’t have time to do readings it makes me so sad!
Thank you for being here with me and for being patient <3
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Is Jungkook prone to cheating?
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Temperance, page of cups, 2 of wands, the world
Ok so, hmmmm how do I say this? I think it depends on a lot of things. Is he prone to cheating when he is happy in the relationship that he is in? No, not at all, I just simply don’t see it! The man has hearts in his eyes when he is in love. However, when he falls out of love? Do you know how people tend to say that women tend to be emotionally disconnected from the relationship long before they break up with the person that they are dating? I feel like Jungkook is a bit like this, if he has fallen out with the person that he is dating and finds someone who he feels connected to then he is rather prone to making a move without necessarily breaking the old connection first.
He moves on rather quickly when he isn’t feeling it anymore. The candle that burns twice as bright, burns half as long. I sometimes get the feeling that Jungkook just wants to be loved and fall in love and that’s when these things happen. But I don’t think that he cheats on every person that he dates or that he is a big playboy or anything like that!
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calmcoldevening · 6 months
I need Eric fic where he stops reader from suicide.
Eric stops reader from the suicide
Tw: obsessive thoughts, thoughts of death, suicide attempt, self-harm, angst
Ps: english is not my native language, so sorry for misspells
Kitten, remember that suicide is not the best way out, you can always find another, safe way out. You need to contact specialists, they will help. If you need to talk to someone about your bad thoughts, my private messages are always open.
*Kiss and hug*
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You've been looking pretty lately.. strange. You used to be more cheerful and friendly, constantly telling something quickly or joyfully running around Eric, trying to get his attention. But that's not the case now. It's as if the once bright candle of life has gone out in your chest. And this candle smouldered and smouldered more and more before his eyes.
Eric watched you wither with severe pain. He tried to do something about it, give you gifts and cheer you up in every possible way. But you remained the same emotionless, empty. You could sit in a room for a long time and stare blankly at one point without blinking. You were clearly troubled by some thoughts. Eric often caught your gaze thoughtfully directed towards the window.
"Why don't people fly like birds?"
Eric has often noticed strange questions about you. All these words, behavior, pain in your previously warm gaze. His chest was bursting as he watched you die every day.
He tried to do something, but you didn't make contact. He wanted to take you to a specialist, but he didn't know how to gently push you to do it. The guy was afraid to break this fragile rod in your head, which has long been covered with cracks.
It was an ordinary evening, although you were especially quiet that day. Perhaps you had a special stress at school. Eric decided to leave you for a while, hoping to cheer you up if he buys you your favorite sweets and drinks.
The weather was cloudy and nasty. The sun had long since disappeared behind heavy black clouds. It was going to rain soon. The wind beat mercilessly on the half-open windows, the curtains fluttered violently under the cool gusts of air. Late autumn, cold season.
You felt a soothing coolness on your skin. It was a little comforting, but at the same time it instilled uncertainty. Your hands were shaking and your legs were getting wobbly with excitement. Did you want to...? Yes. Maybe. No, definitely definitely yes. You felt so bad, so hurt. It was all too much. It seemed that all the problems of the world fell on your young, fragile, unprepared shoulders at once. And it hit you so hard. Your heart was pounding in your chest. There seemed to be only one way out.
Eric is gone.
Has he decided to leave you? Your brain was no longer thinking soberly at all, generating the craziest thoughts and scenarios in your mind. It's been so hard lately, even though you've seen him watching. He was worried... Although, it's for the best. If he is not around now, it will be easier to do everything here and now.
You slowly went to the bathroom, extinguishing all the light in the room on the way and leaving only a blinking light bulb in the bathroom. Without thinking twice, you filled the tub with cold water.
And so your boyfriend's big shirt flies to the floor, leaving you in a dark T-shirt and thin black jeans. I didn't want to freeze completely, the chilling pain in my chest was already enough. You slowly stepped into the cold water. A burning cold instantly engulfed your body, sobering your thoughts and feelings. The heart accelerated its movement. You slowly sank down, gritting your teeth. The water seeped through your clothes, freezing your body. The damp cloth stuck uncomfortably to the skin. Your arms and legs were instantly covered with large goosebumps.
But there is no turning back.
You've been planning for too long, you've been patient for too long, you've been afraid for too long. Death beckoned to him in its soothing embrace.
You slowly picked up the knife you had prepared in advance with your trembling hand. A new, sharpened blade. Glancing down at your wrist, you nervously bit your lip. You had doubts, but the pain was worse. You dipped your hand into the water, hoping to reduce the coming pain. The blade pricked the skin unpleasantly. A moment later, an unpleasant, blood-curdling pain pierced your arm. It's like your hand was pierced by a sharp piece of ice. The blade entered the tender flesh unpleasantly. The water quickly began to turn a dark crimson color. Along with the vital fluid, the pain also went away.
Incision after incision, and now there is a painful ringing in my ears. You closed your eyes wearily, leaning your head back against the side of the bathroom.
But still, why is all this? Your head was throbbing painfully and your arm was numb, although you could still feel how fast the blood was leaving your body. Whether it was necessary... Maybe death is not the best option? Maybe you could find another way out, along with Eric. Eric would have helped. Eric... What will he think when he finds you like this? He'll probably be happy. At least now there won't be such a burden next to him that you have to take care of every now and then. You'll make his life easier by dying, won't you? But you would so like to see his face for the last time, to remember his smile and the warmth of his eyes.
Your vision blurred when you felt a hot pair of arms around you, gently wrapping around your weak body. Who would have thought that Death was so gentle. At least you'll be at peace now.
Eric carefully crossed the threshold of your apartment, not wanting to scare you. Quietly. The house was dark. Have you gone to bed yet? So why did you turn off the light? Eric remembered that you were afraid of the dark when he wasn't around.
The young man slowly took off his shoes when he heard a dull splash. His gaze immediately darted towards the bathroom, noticing the light burning in it.
The bag of sweets instantly fell out of his hands as Eric rushed towards the bathroom. His eyes widened in horror, and his chest was cramped with throbbing soreness. He could hear the heart in his ears. The guy instantly rushed to you, grabbing your pale body and pulling it out of the icy red water. The guy hugs you to him with trembling hands, desperately trying to keep you warm.
"Oh god.. No no no, baby.. please stay with me.."
His voice is trembling, and an unpleasant lump rises in his throat. Tears are blurring his vision. Eric reaches into the bathroom cabinets, pulling out some towels and wrapping them around your hand in the hope of stopping the blood. He can't look at that meat instead of your wrist. With trembling hands, he dials the ambulance number, mentally begging to come as soon as possible.
Eric is sitting in the living room, desperately clinging to your cold body and rocking you back and forth in his arms like a baby. His hot lips do not leave your face, kissing here and there. His whole world collapsed. The only sunshine that had been in his life was now slowly fading in his arms. The guy couldn't stop crying, hugging you as tightly as possible, hoping to give you his warmth.
"God, honey... Please wake up.. open those wonderful eyes for me.. I will never leave again, I promise, my rose. I'll be with you. Always.. just wake up, please."
His vision is blurry, it seems that his head was already starting to hurt. But he couldn't afford to sleep, not when your life was slowly trickling down his arms and soaking his clothes. The white towels turned red. It seemed like an eternity before the paramedics arrived. In fact, it was a miserable three minutes.
You woke up in the hospital. Your head was throbbing painfully, and you could hear some kind of machine chirping nearby. You slowly opened your eyes, your eyelids seemed leaden. The white light bit painfully into your tired eyes, and you squeezed your eyes shut.
Eric's voice was weak and a little hoarse. Finally you opened your eyes, looking up at him. His hair was disheveled, and there were dark bruises under those delicate eyes. He hadn't slept well in a long time.
"How are you feeling, baby?"
You bit your lip nervously, feeling guilty for his condition. Your heart is painfully squeezed.
"..are you mad at me?"
"No! Of course no. Not at all. It's not your fault, my rose. I was inattentive," he moved towards you, hugging you with his strong arms. It was always so cozy and comfortable in his arms. You knew you were safe, "I'm sorry, my rose. I'm sorry I wasn't there. You suffered so much, but I didn't notice. But now everything will be okay, I promise you."
• From that day on, Eric became more attentive to you, in the next couple of weeks he will absolutely not leave you alone for a second. The guy will take care of you in every possible way and give you love.
• He will send you to a psychologist and pay for all the therapy sessions you need.
• As soon as your scars heal, he will gently kiss them, caressing your hands and body. He loves you so much. Eric will do his best to show you how important you are to him, how much he loves and adores you. You are the light of his life.
• He will draw flowers or stars on your scars. Maybe later, if you want and your skin heals completely, he will support your idea to make some kind of cute tattoo on this place.
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gothicprep · 1 year
things i've learned on my travels, taken with the understanding that i don't always follow my own advice
yes means yes. no means no. maybe means no. you shouldn't be confused. the "if he wanted to he would" meme is real. men don't play hard to get. this is probably the most important piece of advice on this list.
when women like you, they're going to assume a lot of other people are pursuing you because she thinks they look at you the same way she does.
a lot of people are compulsive liars. don't let white lies slip, even if they're coming from a place of insecurity.
not having friends is a red flag.
you need varsity level patience to date addicts, and former addicts count here too.
convoluted dating advice is always a grift.
if you're constantly pursuing emotionally unavailable people, you're probably emotionally unavailable too.
predictable is good.
people who don't text you a bunch after a few hours or days of slow responses are a green flag. distance yourself if they start blowing your phone up outside of emergencies or heated arguments.
that said, double texting someone who likes you won't make them stop liking you. fifty? yeah. two? relax.
early in the relationship, pay attention to how they treat you when you're down. if they minimize your feelings, it's probably not worth sticking around.
people can only be fake for three months. that's why a lot of breakups happen at the three month mark.
you should only have weird sex because you're so into each other that you've run out of ways to say "i love you"
don't commit before you've seen them handle extreme amounts of stress.
"the candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long" is almost always true.
never date someone you wouldn't want to be seen in a restaurant with.
people say some bonkers shit during sex, including professions of love that they don’t necessarily mean. don’t hang onto it too tightly. that’s not a “receipt.”
they're not leaving their partner for you, and you don't want to be with them if they do.
you should like how they smell. no, really, it's extremely important.
hope is the last thing that dies.
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space-wizards · 30 days
Back when I still played (I got my 40 hours, I'm quite happy), I kept thinking about what this game would look like in "maintenance mode".
Helldivers 1 was designed to be an endless war from the get-go: The galaxy was randomly generated, and whenever Super Earth kicked out all three factions or failed the final defense, everyone would get the winner's or loser's outfit (respectively) and the whole thing would start over on a new galaxy. The servers are still up; you can still jump into the forever-war 9 years after release, 8.5 years after the last DLC drop.
Will Helldivers 2 make that transition someday? Can it make that transition? So much of the game's identity in the zeitgeist lies in a long, churning galactic war with a human GM directing both sides. You could hand that over to the computer, sure, but would anyone accept a Helldivers 2 where losing Super Earth amounts to getting a new cape?
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mdhwrites · 1 year
I'm sorry to vent about something Owl House related again, I imagine you're getting sick of it by now, but
Maybe it's just cause I love Lilith, but the duel in Agony of a Witch kinda bothers me because it feels like it invalidates Lilith as an equal to Eda.
With Convention, it felt like Lilith, while often mocked, was Eda's equal. Their duel feels evenly matched, maybe with a slight edge to Eda because she plays dirty and Lilith doesn't, but in terms of sheer power they feel equal.
Then Agony of a Witch throws that out the window by showing that Eda is so much more powerful that she can be dying from her magic-draining curse and still kick Lilith's ass with no problem.
And I know it's satisfying to see a hero wreck a villain, but it has the side-effect of making Lilith no longer appear as a powerful character, which is made worse because her only "fights" from that point on are punching a racist (which is cool but not really "apex of arcane power") and getting one-shot by the Collector. Retroactively it takes Eda's relationship to Lilith from "plausible threat" to "Just humoring her"
and not to compare two bad bitches because I do love these shows, I think Amphibia did this better with King Andrias. Despite being knocked around on occasion, and having plenty of humiliating moments, Andrias retains his menace in part because he's never actually beaten by the heroes. At worst he gets blindsided before composing himself and returning to being terrifying.
I dunno, maybe I'm biased by I would've liked it if Lilith got to remain a badass instead of being reduced to just comic relief. Make her duel with Eda more even, and have Eda ultimately gain the upper hand through cheating, dirty tricks, and being more desperate
(I don't mind the TOH asks at all. No one has even asked about Willow yet somehow so to say there is so much more to talk about this show is an UNDERSTATEMENT. Honestly, I just wish people would also throw story concept pitches at me from time to time too so I can actually remind people that I do writing as well. XD Not that I expect to write those stories but just how would I handle them and what not.)
I think the problem is more that last paragraph you bring up than anything else. Mind you, I actually do agree that it would have been cool to see Eda's strengths being more in cheating and dirty tricks versus years of training and secret knowledge only able to be accessed by an EC coven head but… Man TOH just kind of pushes the idea that you're born gifted or not. There is no real inbetween in power for most people and that really sucks.
I don't think the fight in Agony of a Witch is bad though, mostly in that I see it more as the emotions Eda is channeling effectively is overclocking her. If Lilith could last even another minute, it wouldn't be the curse that beat Eda: It would be running out of magic. A candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long sort of thing which works well for the emotional climax that's supposed to be happening there. Narratively, it works well.
Also, while Lilith is the definitive loser there, she doesn't come off as weak. It just finally feels like we're getting to see what Eda could have been without the curse. Back in Covention, we see what she is because of it. Does that suck for how strong Lilith actually is? Yes but Eda is literally years younger than her and back in school this was the same case where Lilith could just see "Oh… I'm fucked because my sister is strong… For reasons." It works for S1's tone, leaning into issues with the fantasy genre honestly (but remember, Episode 2 said no chosen ones so shouldn't merit, you know… matter? How much effort you put in?) but…
Then we get to S2 and Lilith is FRUSTRATING for me in S2. She gets such a good first episode in S2 with handling no longer having magic, dealing with the loss of her place in the world, her ambitions shattered and making a new friend. She stumbles a bit during King's episode but hey, it's okay for a character to be comedic for one episode. And she get's to actually represent the curse in Affearances!… Before being a joke for the rest of the episode about mommy issues until she turns into the Owl Beast.
And then when we see her next she has fully transitioned into "Look at me! I'm as bad as Hooty! Take me seriously? DON'T YOU DARE!" And it is… awful. There's no two ways around it. People go "Oh, but it's returning to better days for he-" No. No it's not. Every single portrayal of young Lilith wasn't funny or about history or anything like that. She was a driven young girl who wanted to be the best witch she could. She wanted to be the top of the class. She took pride in her effort and success. She had ambition and was more serious than her sister.
And now she's a complete joke. A complete joke that claims to have been bad at her job, even though she seemed so happy anytime she was inspiring people, mentoring them, seemed more than competent if not just amazing. She was the head of the Emperor's Coven and she seemed to deserve that position.
And then they did literally nothing with her in regards to that. There is a slight nod to the concept of her wanting to strike back at Belos for the lies and damage he'd done to her but it's instead framed as just a prank and kindness to Eda. Because that Scrying Spell should have been the start of her real arc. Her wanting to get back at the man who wasted so much of her life and learning that devoting one's self to only a single goal is unhealthy no matter what.
Personally, I still wish Lilith had harnessed Luz's anger about the petrification, the coven system, Belos, etc. and helped her be a rebel LOOOONG before Hollow Mind. Trying to be her new mentor in how to take down Belos and possibly corrupting Luz with her own anger and fixations until something goes wrong and both are taught to be more reasonable. To actually lean on others. To not only fixations.
Or, I dunno, we could entirely ignore the fact that Belos tried to murder three of them and wants into the human realm and instead just focus on a bad but sad boy who's now a main character instead of the SISTER OF EDA AND NOW REDEEMED VILLAIN LILITH.
When people tell me more time would have made the show better, shit like this makes me go, "No," because the writers had no focus, no idea of how to actually follow up their plot or character hooks and it's just a complete, fucking mess.
A mess that makes me very sad because focus could have made it so much more amazing than it was. Could have made it rival Avatar. But I guess you wouldn't get "Cool Aunt Lilith" so who am I to complain?
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bugcatcherwill · 9 months
Time for the feels: Imagine Ashen growing up and losing his non long life span friends he made from children from other races :( and visiting their graves
Like if brine was around since the era of wind waker… and that’s who knows how long from botw and totk
I don’t know why but as soon as I saw your how does age work with monsters I instantly saw adult ashen visiting his non long living friends or family graves
Augh that's a real hurty kind of hurt but that trope of "someone in the group has a lifespan far beyond the rest and outlives them" is such a good one because of the FEELINGS :')
Maybe Wizzrobe lifespans could be like "using too much of your magic shortens your lifespan" type of deal. A candle that burns twice as bright lasts half as long type of deal.
That'd also make Wizzrobe culture, while magic centric, very "celebration of life" esque. Like they know they could just stop using their magic altogether and they'll live for so much longer...but is that really living for them? If they're beings composed entirely of magic essence, why would they ever want to stop using it? And showing someone else their magic or having one of those "magical dances" is literally sharing a piece of your life with them...
Which also means Brine held off on its magic waiting for just the right someone to come across and it used its last bit of magic to help Rezek oh god where are these tears coming from
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yuiswaifus · 2 years
Tumblr media
The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long.
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robotawakey · 1 year
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darthnostra · 1 year
A candle that burns twice as bright, will last half as long in the night. But one candle's burn will later return to bathe our souls in the light. What am I <?>
Is this about Jesus? I hope not
My second guess is the moon
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galapagosvagrant · 1 year
I like it when death grips said they make tight shit the loosest, that's my attitude for art. Why not go beyond all the way. A candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long? Your mom will suck me long and lovingly too. Fuck outta here
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lacaraesbonita · 1 year
Not getting what I want when I want it can be a wonderful stroke of luck and remind me that the candle that burns twice as bright also burns half as long
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eldritch-twunk · 2 years
I feel very much like the candle that burns twice as bright. But not like actually twice as bright only about the same if not abit less then other candles but still only half as long
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cynfuldelights · 5 days
Hunted To Hell
I was gonna post this earlier and then i lost a pot of beans to a peppergrinder breaking and passed out after eating lots of pizza.
Anyway here's, Wonderwall [A very indulgent snuff-y petplay fic about a trans witch living the dream]
CW for: Snuff elements, Feral Furry elements, knots, petplay, mindbreaking, MC has a penis
Wanna read on Ao3?
Even as Elise was preparing the ritual she knew this would be the one. Something in how the sun set as she drove home from her crummy nursing job at the hospital, red cutting across a peachy sky like a slashed throat. A particular tension that occurred as she stripped her scrubs off in front of her rune-covered mirror (her version of a screen door over a window). The taste of the lavender incense smoke that drifted over her as she held her censor before her like a lantern to light her way down the halls of her small apartment.
Sacrificing her free time and some sleep the night before would be worth it if this worked. Painter’s tape and some stencils had helped with getting the lines on the pentagram consistent and this time she’d bought the obsidian from a reputable geology sample shop instead of Amazon. The leather collar and ring of tarnished gold were incredibly the easiest things to source but didn’t stop Elise’s face from turning red both when she ordered the collar and when she opened its packaging. But, that was everything, not counting the odd sundries like sulfur for aspecting and salt for the circles.
All she could do now was pray. Pray that it was those things and not the ritual info that let her down.
Or blaspheme. Elise thought, Definitely closer to that one.
But aspiring witches, those most burned by Heaven’s Light or having been subjected to Christian Bible camps, had few ways to gain enough power to survive and spit in God’s Eye. They gathered in the dusk aether of the Internet, invite-only online forums and IRC chats, discussing the best ways to bargain for what they desired. What rituals to perform, how to do them, and who from Downstairs they called forth.
Some sold their time; burn half as long, twice as bright. Some the breath in their lungs, the blood in their veins, the feeling of the sun on their skin.
Common Wisdom, this message had been stickied and jammed into the topics of every place she visited, if someone posts about a ritual and they don’t follow up, assume the worst.
They weren’t too difficult to find. Someone had done the due diligence of tagging and archiving them in a category labeled, UNVERIFIED/UNKNOWN OUTCOME. Subcategories included: CONFIRMED MISSING and CONFIRMED DAMNATION.
The thrill she felt when she clicked on CONFIRMED DAMNATION for the first time was knee-shakingly present as she entered her living room. The lights were dimmed, thirteen candles already lit: seven dotted around her circle of salt, six for the salt circle containing the pentagram.
Seven, commonly associated with luck, further aspecting her circle for protection-
Six, commonly associated with Hell, further aspecting the other circle for the summoning.
Thirteen, commonly associated with bad luck,
Elise stepped into her own circle, knelt to the ground at a languid pace, and settled the censor in the foot-wide gap between the two circles. Smoke wept from the porcupine quills of incense sticking out of it, ribbons of smoke filling the air catching the light like kites in the wind.
She took deep, steady breaths, allowing the air to bloom into her from the base of her stomach.
The rite began before she had third thoughts to go with her second ones.
“Muzzle red with lamb’s blood, horns twisted hellward,” Elise invoked eyes already shut, afraid of what success and failure looked like, “Claws that rend flesh asunder, a howl joined by a legion of others.” But she could already tell something was changing. The air felt stiller. Anticipation was climbing, like the Earth itself was holding her breath. “I call upon the Houndmaster, She Who Bites The Heels Of The World.” Her voice carried into the apartment far enough she was almost afraid her neighbors would hear her but there was no stopping now, “I welcome her and her hounds, for they are one and the same, one in name. One in every way that-”
*knockknockknockknockknockknock* A rapid pummeling at the door interrupts Elise and has her nearly running for her bedroom.
Sympathetic auditory hallucination, Sympathetic auditory hallucination. She thinks to herself like the pseudoscientific term for Weird Shit Happening makes her feel any better (it does, a little). Elise continues the formalities after taking a moment to breathe.
“You may enter the space prepared, no more no less. But we’re here to bargain, so that can change.” Elise invoked with finality, hoping it would ignore the lack of a rhyme.
There’s a sudden shift of air as the cosmos breathed something into this space that wasn’t there before. The smell of sulfur, the sensation of heat, and the faintest tinge of sweat and fur wash over Elise as she opens her eyes.
Two sets of slit pupils were there to greet hers’ with ferocity, each bound to a different creature now occupying the same summoning circle.
The Houndmaster herself, the actual demon, was sitting on the ground one knee raised one parallel to the ground dressed in a surprisingly modern band t-shirt and denim shorts. Her skin was deep cherry red which seemed to extend everywhere but the black of her nails and horns. Said horns curved up and around her head almost like a broken bony halo hung around a curtain of black hair that fell to her shoulders. Other than that she looked as humanoid as the average demon who conversed with humans.
The Hound in her lap was a completely different story though. If it weren’t for its eyes that seemed to dig into Elise’s soul or the horned skull mask adorning its head it could almost pass as an exceptionally large dog. Whatever space the Houndmaster didn’t take up in the 6-foot wide summoning circle was taken up by the massive charcoal-furred Hound. One that seemed to gaze at her much more intelligently than any animal getting pets should’ve been able to.
“Bargain?” The Houndmaster echoed. Her voice was like the smoke that filled the room, sweet and cloying. Enough to make Elise a little heady by the second syllable. She looked down at her Hound before she spoke again, “My price is considered steep amongst your sisters, witch.” She let her fingers play along the fur of its neck before she looked back up at Elise. “What do you so desire that you would bargain with a Hound?”
A fluttering quiver of a smile draws up and across Elise’s face like a radio picking up a faint transmission, “Honestly?” She sags at the shoulders slightly, “I’ve been thinking really hard about how to answer that question everyday for months. Heard enough horror stories about what happens when you aren’t careful about wording and intent, that kind of thing. But it wasn’t until this morning that I think I finally settled on it.”
“I…” Elise faltered as she began her heart fluttering like her smile, “I want a life free from want and worry. To be cared for and sheltered. To feel warmth and ardent pleasure without worrying about surviving.” She shook as she continued, “I’m… simply tired. Tired and…” She remembered the forum post she read, then looked back down at the Hound. “I know others who came to you felt the same way. Who asked to be made into...”
The Houndmaster smiled at the same time as her Hound’s tail started wagging. Her teeth looked as sharp as the Hound’s but only the dog was drooling.
“Poor creature...” The demon cooed, her slit pupiled-eyes wide and ablaze with possibilities, “if you’re already thinking like that then you really would be better off with a collar on you, wouldn’t you?”
Elise flushed red but said nothing else, just balled her hands. That got an even broader smile out of the demon.
“S-So what do I have to do? To become your Hound?” Elise asked, now trying to avoid The Houndmaster’s gaze. It slid down to the Hound instead, whose claws, she was beginning to realize, were carving channels into the cheap wood floors. All the while its gaze was laser-focused on Elise.
A bad feeling was setting into her stomach, one redoubled when She Who Hounds murmured, “First, you’re going to break these salt circles.” A wicked smile twisted her lips, “Then my pup is going to enjoy a treat.”
Her Hound almost seemed to smile too and rose to its feet still twisted up against the perimeter of the circle like it was an invisible wall, which to them it was. Elise swore as it rose to its full height of three-four feet which for something shaped like a dog was huge. Not to mention how long it was.
Or how long that something between its legs was starting to get. The realization was as stark as the red of the Hound’s cock against its black fur. Bizarrely it was shaped more like a horse’s at the tip but it still had an apple-sized knot at the bottom.
“Y-You can’t be serious!” Elise stammered out, initial gut reaction winning out over everything else. “I can’t fuck a dog!”
The Hound growled at that and the Houndmaster nodded in agreement, her horns casting myriad shadows in the candlelight, “This Hound was a lost soul like you seeking pleasure at the foot of Hell. Who are you to judge the form it took for pleasure when you seek to do the same?”
“Now break the circles.” The Houndmaster ordered, “And kneel.”
The sharp command shook Elise from the guilt she was beginning to feel for her initial reaction to the prospect. With another slight hesitation that was quickly punctured by the sound of claws against wood she dashed her hand across the salt line of her circle.
Then after another pause followed by a curse she broke the demon’s circle as well-
Then void swallowed the candlelight in one gulp, plunging the room into darkness.
Elise’s breathing was all she could hear as she brought herself into a kneel-
Before something big and heavy suddenly straddled her shoulders and pushed her forwards headfirst onto her hands and knees causing her to shriek in surprise. Its legs pressed on her shoulders, its coarse burnt-smelling fur and massive frame gave it away as the Hound even before its shaft slapped against her ass. Pretty much immediately the Hound started dry humping against Elise, the creature panting and whining above her as she moaned. Even Elise’s small shaft began to stiffen from the stimulation and intensity of the moment.
“Good girl~” The Houndmaster crooned, the demon’s fingers suddenly running through the base of Elise’s scalp. If the Hound started the job, Houndmaster finished it, because just the petting was enough to get Elise stiff as a board.
“Very good girl.” The demon continued, fingers lightly teasing and brushing at Elise’s shaft which caused the brunette to buck. “Sometimes it takes until after I break my Hounds in for them to respond like that.”
“B-Break?” Elise worried aloud before the demon’s pets drove the worry out of her brain again.
“There you go, you don’t have to think, sweet girl. Let it happen.”
Elise wasn’t left wondering about what she meant for long. The Hound above her soon became restless and antsy, obviously desiring the treat it’d been promised. A low growl emanated from its chest which made Elise’s heart leap. Its claws continued to gouge long marks into the wood. Its cock flexed and ground against hers between her legs, dwarfing it in size.
Then she felt the Hound draw its hips back. The broad flare of its horsecock first pressing against the back of her sack before the Houndmaster grabbed it by the neck and guided it to Elise’s waiting ass. The witch whimpered outloud as she realized that this was likely it. Demonic cock was said to be a pleasure few could come back from.
But Elise was ready. More than she realized. Excitement was causing her to twitch and squeal as the Houndmaster laboriously slid that cock up to nuzzle against her waiting hole. It was a battering ram, already slick as sin with all the pre leaking off of it. If it weren’t demonic she’d be worried about it killing her. Hell, as it began to press harder and harder against her she was beginning to worry it might. It was wide enough to spread her cheeks. It was wide enough to feel like it’d never end. It was wide enough it’d feel like it’d rip her apart if it went in.
But killing wasn’t what demons really wanted. No. One last coherent line of thought filtered through Elise’s brain through all the pleasure and euphoria, They wanted…
“Hound.” The Hound perked up and froze, ready to receive its instruction, “Ruin her.”
The Hound obliged before its Master could finish, but after Elise did. The cry that escaped her lips was almost as pitiful as the thin trickles of ivory driven out of her by the Hound’s shaft. Elise had barely noticed the cum leaving her, her body and mind being dominated by the Hound’s hunt for pleasure. She’d thought she’d seen the last of being surprised by size after her last girlfriend who’d been a girthy 7-incher.
But this Hound had a shaft at least two feet in length and a hellish amount more width. Wide enough that a raw scream escaped her lungs as the Hound growled and bucked its hips, going from initial insertion to crushing her prostate with barely any effort. Before Elise could voice any protest the Hound began fucking its cock deeper into her driving more cries and moans out of the witch. It’d been ages since she’d been treated like this. Before the double shifts and
“Good girl,” The Houndmaster’s voice drifted into Elise’s perception past the suffocating pleasure of Hound and cock. Her hand once again found its way to scratch her head but it was firmer this time, driving her face into the cool wood floor. “Down, down… Good girl~.” The praise left her giddier than the cock, “Arch your back? Good. Now lean back? Very good~”
With enough direction, Elise was left face-down ass-up, leaning back against the Hound, the angle now driving its cock downwards into her. Its size was intoxicating, driving Elise’s brown eyes rolling back into her head every time the Hound slid into her. Getting used to how big it was felt Sisyphean. It hadn’t even hilted into her yet and she swears she could feel the tip of it brush against her soul. Her tits and sack bounced along all the while both earning errant touches from the Houndmaster which caused her to squeeze down around her Hound.
“GA-RR-RRR”, The Hound emits a low smoky growl from the depths of its belly before it decided the best way to deal with resistance was with force. Elise suddenly felt a wide heavy paw press on her head, pinning her in place, before the Hound slammed its cock into the screaming witch.
Elise could do little else but cycle between conscious pleasure-wrung struggling and being limp as a doll as the Hound hilted into her. She wasn’t sure if her body was being torn asunder by it but her mind definitely was. The angle drove the witch to the tips of her toes and left her dripping long gleaming moonlight strings of pre into a pool below her. Only about a foot and some change of the Hound’s cock would fit it seemed. Even demons couldn’t get around the anatomy of a person.
But as it tried to force it in, Elise-
-felt like she was dying-
-felt like she was truly living-
As it did, a feeling of preternatural trepidation suddenly filled the room. Like a match before its about to catch, a key as it begins to meet the lock it’s meant for, the cosmos felt something begin.
“Inferna Petia.” The Houndmaster murmured, every candle in the room lighting all at once. In her glimmers of consciousness Elise realized she was in the middle of a new circle. One wider than before to encompass Elise and the Hound’s play, one that had the all of the candles rearranged around it. Instead of salt though, this circle was daubed in darker things; blood blacker than pitch that failed to glimmer in the candlelight.
The Houndmaster herself was not bound to any circle, instead the demon was performing the finishing touches on Elise’s. Six thin skewering lines were placed at each cardinal direction with the tip of the demon’s claw, carved straight into the wood. The witch’s eyes widened as she remembered where she’d seen them before. They were a common sight in investigation threads for summonings gone wrong. For the kinds of cases when there was nothing left to find because it was all given up willingly.
“By infernal powers promised to the Night,” As the demon began its invocation, Elise’s breath was driven out of her as the Hound hilted as far as it could again and again. Instead of scream or cry to try and interrupt the incantation, the witch’s tired bones just laughed. The ache of years of helping others earned her this much at least didn’t it?, “Do I lay claim to this mortal soul and her light.”
“B-By mine own will do I cast my soul to Hell!,” Elise cried out, her voice resonating with the magic proliferating in the moment. Parasympathetic effects, cabinets opening and closing, doors banging, the wind howling filled the room into a near deafening soundscape like the world itself was trying to stop her from plummeting off this cliff, “I forego the virtue of the Moon and give up my life as Elise Correl!”
As the final syllable rang out, the Hound dropped its body weight onto her, or more accurately, onto the shaft.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH-!” Elise screams twisted in pitch and with pain as she felt something give inside of her, twisting and tearing in order to make room for the Hound. The taste of copper filled the witch’s mouth as the Hound growled in her ear and with a hammerfall of its hips slammed its knot into Elise ripping through her insides. Through the pain and pleasure, the witch could feel its flare nestle against her raging heart and smothered lungs as the Hound finally came.
A flood of warmth filled the dying witch’s chest and stomach as the Hound rose to its full height with her still impaled on its cock. The taste of blood was quickly replaced with the taste of cum as both spilled out of her mouth and trickled down onto the floor.
Elise could hardly move or respond as the Houndmaster came into view. She could only track her with her eyes as she bled around the Hound and felt her lungs fill with fluid.
The demon had a sweet smile on her face as she leaned in to kiss Elise on the lips. In an almost motherly manner she then wiped up her face, “You’ll make a good Hound.” She murmured as she crawled underneath Elise, choked moans leaving the witch’s lips as the Houndmaster started stroking her cock with her makeshift lube.
Elise and the ritual reached its climax within six seconds, one last pitiful moan escaped her lips as she shot white strings of cum into the demon’s waiting hand. Elise’s eyes crossed and she muttered an unheard prayer to her abandoned goddess as her soul gushed out of her and into the demon’s palm.
“There she is~” The Houndmaster then said, more to the pearl-like stone in her hand than to… who was she again? “Good dog. You’re a perfect playmate for my Hound.” The demon cooed, patting her new dog’s head before she knelt down to pick the collar and ring off the ground. Somehow the pain in the Dog’s belly was beginning to fade. The warmth of the Hound’s seed drown it out like a warm salve. Some fading remembered the dangers of reaspecting on the soulless and how potent demon seed was-
But then the collar went around the Dog’s throat, tight as a promise, “Shhhhh you don’t have to think anymore, Dog.” The Houndmaster murmured in her ear as the demon started stroking her soft shaft again, “This is what you paid for.”
With finality she slid the ring over her soft shaft with a whisper of Daemonic. At the same time a searing flash of heat and light caused the Dog to yelp as the Houndmaster’s symbol was burned onto the ring and the Dog’s lower belly.
“Let’s see how you look after a few centuries and a few litters.”
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