#the anxiety is through the roof. but at the same time it is my life and I’ve always wanted to leave and sacrificing that for maintaining
immeganmaria · 6 months
PSA don’t become sick with an intense sinus infection and shingles simultaneously. 10/10 would NOT recommend. Especially with a 9 month old who has not been vaccinated for chicken pox and who loves to nurse and climb into your arms. I just wanna love and kiss on my babies 😢 I feel like I’ve been sick since August with like maybe a 2 week break at one point. Kaiser and I are besties now! 🙃
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serdtse · 2 years
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dreamofbecoming · 1 year
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shadyhouse · 2 years
i am not doing well rn
#this job isnt what i thought it was gonna be and i was up all night freaking out about my life choices#i think im gonna start applying to different jobs#its not that the job itself isnt what i thought. its that this place is shady as hell and i do not feel comfortable being a part of this#the owner does a lot of illegal shit that he can get away with bc its a 'private business'#like. i havent even met him yet. im meeting him today and all of my coworkers have terrified me#theyre like 'oh hes great once he gets to know you but hes gonna try to find a reason to fire you at first'#'he wants to make sure that you *really* want to work here' like what kind of shit is that???#like literally the past three days my anxiety has been THROUGH THE ROOF because ive been scared for this day to come#but also maybe theyre making it out to be worse than he really is??? but even my most responsible coworkers are afraid of him#idk what im getting myself into and i am just Scared. and im anxious about money too. bc i can only work 6 hour shifts at this place.#sure im paid weekly but its still a lot less than what i was getting paid before simply bc of the amount of hours they make me work#i just feel like i keep making mistakes :( and i cant get myself out of them no matter how hard i try#like im considering going back to my old job if theyll let me back in but at the same time why the FUCK would i do that!!!#that place was a mistake too but unfortunately also the highest paying job i will ever have :')
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medicinemane · 9 months
It's amazing how much having the roofer who put my roof in and have a direct monetary incentive to finding something wrong with my roof telling me it's fine other than some bruising lets me calm my anxiety about the rain
I'm still worried about whatever's causing the water to leak around that pipe (only when it rains so... I wouldn't think it's plumbing related), but... I can put that one aside if I know it's not a problem with the roof
It's just amazing though what solid information can do
#it's why I'm always using the phrase evidence; it's why I'm always talking about what evidence I do and don't have#here I have evidence I can present myself that says that my anxiety isn't about stuff that's really happening#and that means that I can stop from fixating and being driven crazy by it as much#I could probably totally get rid of it with this if I could give the same treatment to the few other things#that give me anxiety related to the rain right now#if I can feed my anxiety solutions or facts it tends to go away#the problem is I'm often totally in the dark on things#like here; I'm not comfortable going on my roof and I don't know what to look for; so I couldn't just find out myself; I needed help#and there's a lot of stuff like that where even metaphorically I don't know what to look for... so I can't find any evidence#that will prove my warped view of things wrong#this is what I keep trying to explain but... but honestly feels like it never gets through to anyone#...I often wonder if I'm just terrible at communicating#if maybe all my words just kind of come out garbled from what I think I'm saying#...it really does feel like that's the case some times; but... it's unlikely; isn't it?#still... functionally it describes what I experience a lot of times even if it's probably the wrong answer#I just don't know why nothing I say really ever seems to make sense to anyone or... or even be heard 99% of the time#not something new either; felt this way pretty much my whole life... so you see why I wonder if I just...#if I'm not saying what I think I'm saying; like if the words are the wrong words and are confusing everyone
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Safe With Me
Summary: Reader gets anxious when Eddie drives fast but is afraid to tell him in case he thinks she's boring.
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: insecurity, descriptions of anxiety, reference to a parent driving dangerously when mad
Please don't steal my work
Eddie always drives like a maniac.
His rickety old van was infamous around town, careening down quiet roads and scaring the life out of their residents. Hopper had issued more tickets than he could count but nothing seemed to deter him. Maybe it was the rush it gave him? The thrill of breaking the rules or maybe he was just reckless?
Whatever it was, it just wasn’t the same for you.
Driving always made you anxious. You could count on one hand the number of times you’d driven since getting your licence. Every time you tried your mind was flooded with all the things that could go horribly wrong. Panic set in your chest. Thoughts rushing so loud you couldn’t focus on the road in front of you. You didn’t even own your own car.
But it ran deeper than that.
When you were younger, you could always tell if your dad was mad by the way he drove. Always pushing the speed limit after an argument, getting just a little too close to the car in front and yelling out the window when someone got in his way. Your heart would race, breath hitch when he broke sharply, and your foot tap on an imaginary break when he didn’t slow ‘til the last minute. Thankfully, nothing bad had ever happened to you, but it frightened you all the same.
When you and Eddie got together a few months back, the thought hadn’t even crossed your mind. You’d had a crush on him forever! All it took was a push from Nancy and a shove from Dustin to find out he felt the same way.
Eddie was wonderful! The perfect boyfriend really. You couldn’t be happier.
But then he’d offered to drive you home.
You’d happily climbed into the passenger seat, smiling as he shut the door behind you. He kissed your cheek, flicked on the radio, and turned the key in the ignition.
It was all you could do not to gasp when he pulled out of the parking lot.
From the first lurch, your heart began fluttering like a bird straining against your ribs, desperate to be free of its cage. Eddie kept talking like nothing was wrong. You could barely make out his words over the noise of the radio and the rushing panic in your ears. You tried to smile and nod at what you hoped were appropriate times but adrenaline was coursing through your body, breath coming in sharp, shallow gulps.
He skidded to a halt outside your house and immediately hopped out to get the door for you.
‘Your palace, my lady!’ he grinned, helping you down by the hand with his usual theatrical flair. You smiled weakly.
‘Thanks Eddie.’
He kissed you goodbye and you did your best to smile and wave as he went tearing down the street and around the corner before letting a shaky breath out. Residual nausea beginning to dissipate as you stepped inside.
In hindsight, maybe you should have just talked to him. Told him how you felt, been honest. You know, the sort of thing you’re supposed to do in relationships but it was all still so new! You rehearsed the conversation in your mind a thousand times but it just sounded pathetic. Like you were making a big deal out of nothing. Maybe you were? ‘Just leave it!’ you thought, ‘He’ll think you’re so boring!’
So instead, you made excuses.
‘Sorry Eds, I can’t. My mum’s picking me up today!’
‘I want to bike home today. It’s so sunny!’
‘I’m going to Nancy’s, she said she’d take me.’
It was all going so well until the universe turned against you. Or rather, the weather did.
You stood under the bike shelter, staring up at the charcoal sky as fat raindrops fell hard against the roof. They spattered over the school parking lot, sloshing in puddles and trickling along the gutters while a bitter wind waxed and waned. Icy drips hit your knuckles, white as they gripped your bike’s handlebars. You sighed. Ten minutes since school ended and the sky had only gotten darker. The rain wasn’t stopping any time soon.
Tugging the yellow hood of your raincoat over your head, you ventured out into the deluge. You were busy dreading every second of the freezing ride home when your attention was caught by a familiar voice hollering your name. You couldn’t help but smile when you turned. Eddie was sprinting toward you, his own dark raincoat held over his head rather than around his shoulders while his scuffed-up trainers splashed along the ground.
‘No way am I letting you bike home in this!’ he scolded good-naturedly when he reached you, ‘Let me give you a ride home!’
Your smile faltered.
‘It’s okay Eddie…’ you searched frantically for a reason to refuse him, ‘I was just gonna call my mum!’
Sure, you were! Halfway across the parking lot, clearly heading away from school. The lie was so obvious, Eddie nearly laughed. ‘Don’t you remember? You said she was at work today!’
‘Oh yeah,’ Idiot! You cursed yourself, ‘Nancy then! We’ve actually been meaning to meet up and study.’
Eddie frowned a little, ‘She’s got that thing after school, doesn’t she? I saw her unlocking the darkroom on the way out.’
Strike two!
‘Yeah, I uh…’ your confidence crumbled, ‘I can just wait for her or something…’ The ruse was becoming thinner by the second. Eddie folded his arms.
‘What’s this actually about?’ he asked, ‘Why won’t you just let me take you home?’ His words weren’t angry or accusing, just confused, but a flicker of panic began to rise in your chest. ‘You haven’t let me drive you anywhere for weeks,’ he went on, ‘Have I done something to upset you?’
‘Then what is it?’ his dark brown eyes filled with worry as thunder rolled in the distance. Eddie’s arms ached from holding his coat, his fingers bitterly cold. The rain had seeped into his shoes and through his socks but he didn’t care. All that mattered was figuring out what he’d done wrong!
It didn’t make sense. He couldn’t remember anything he’d said or done that could make you pull away. You were just as content and affectionate most of the time but at the end of the school day, you couldn’t seem to lose him fast enough.
You wouldn’t look him in the eye now, your hands gripping your bike so tight he was afraid you might hurt yourself. How had he managed to screw up the best thing that had happened to him so soon?
‘Please?’ he was begging, the slight tremor in his voice betraying his fear as you bit your lip nervously, ‘Just tell me!’
‘I don’t like it when you drive fast!’
You just sort of blurted it out. No ceremony, no elegance. The words fell clumsily from your mouth, tugged almost involuntarily. Eddie didn’t say anything.
Now the words wouldn’t stop, tumbling out too fast, trying to justify. ‘I know, it’s stupid! Childish, I know!’ Despite the cold, you felt your cheeks turn warm. ‘But it just makes me really anxious and I-!’
‘Is that all?’
You stopped abruptly, looking up as an elated smile began to pull at the corner of his mouth. This wasn’t what you’d expected. His eyes held a mixture of gratitude, guilt, and hope.
‘Yeah?’ your voice came out uncertain but the smile only spread wider.
It was as though a weight had been lifted. Of course, Eddie felt awful that he’d scared you, even more so that he hadn’t even noticed. But this, this was something he could fix! He laughed a little, almost giddy with relief. ‘So then, I just won’t drive fast baby!’
You blinked in surprise, rendered speechless. Eddie shrugged his coat on at lightning speed, his hair already sodden by the time he was easing your bike from your grip. ‘Really?’ You hadn’t expected it to be that simple. He raised an eyebrow, tilting his head as though it was obvious.
‘Really! Now come on, you’re getting soaked!’ and without waiting for an answer, he turned and started wheeling your bike across the parking lot. You hurried after him, puddles splashing under your feet and wetting your socks.
‘You mean it?’ you asked when you reached the van. Eddie was pulling open the doors and stowing your bike safely in the back. He just nodded, opening the passenger side door next and helping you in.
He climbed in the other side, wriggling his coat off and tossing it behind him before turning the key in the ignition. You fiddled anxiously with your fingers. ‘You don’t think I’m being annoying?’ insecurity gnawed away at your stomach, ‘Or boring? Or silly? Or-? ‘
‘Sweetheart,’ Eddie interrupted, taking your hand and pressing a reassuring kiss to your fingertips. He looked up at you with those kind, warm eyes and melted your concern with his soft, tender voice, ‘I want you to feel safe with me.’
You sighed out. There was no deception, no hidden irritation or passive aggression. Eddie really meant it. He wanted you to be happy. Your peace was his priority.
‘Okay?’ he asked, still watching your face for confirmation.
You smiled shyly and nodded, ‘Okay.’
Eddie grinned back, pressing another kiss to your hand before dropping it and returning his own to the steering wheel.
True to his word, the ride home was as gentle as you could have wished for. You doubted Eddie had even driven this responsibly on his test… if he’d ever taken one. After five or ten minutes, you found the usual anxious knot that twisted in your chest had unwound. The tension in your muscles evaporated and soon you were laughing and joking with Eddie and singing along to the radio.
Before you knew it, he was pulling up outside your house. Funny, you thought, he’d been so cautious and yet the journey seemed to take half the time. You kissed his cheek and hopped down from the van.
The rain had stopped. Tarmac still dark and damp and small puddles were left here and there but blue sky and sunshine were breaking through the clouds, warming the sidewalk and glittering gold in the dew drops.
‘Can I pick you up tomorrow?’ Eddie asked, opening up the back to lift your bike out. He was tentative, worried he was pushing too far but you smiled and nodded.
‘Yes, thanks Eddie!’
You took the bike from him and turned to wheel it toward the porch when an indignant ‘Hey!’ sounded behind you. Eddie clutched at his heart, collapsing onto the side of the van gasping dramatically, ‘No goodbye kiss? Oh, cruel temptress! Is there no compassion? No mercy?’
With peals of laughter, you ran back to oblige him. He squeezed his arms around you, smiling so hard it was hardly a real kiss. This time, there was no barrier between you. No shadow, no secrets. Only the sweetness that honesty in love brings.
You walked your bike back down the garden path, waving to Eddie as the van pulled away. You watched him draw further and further down the street until he disappeared around the corner.
You smiled and rummaged for your keys. The weight on your shoulders had dissolved to nothing and somehow, you were even lighter than before.
Eddie Munson always drove like a maniac.
Until he didn’t.
Until you.
Thank you so much for reading! I really enjoyed writing this. If you liked it, please reblog and comment! I love hearing what people thought of my writing! Check out my masterlist for more!
Taglist: @sadbitchfangirl, @neewtmas, @ladymunson
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fuckmyskywalker · 4 months
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐝. — 𝐃𝐢𝐥𝐟!𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫.
18+. Smut. Cheating. Affairs. Dilf!Anakin. Female Reader | AFAB!Reader. Age gap. Minor sexist remarks. Tit sucking/play. | Word count: 1.2k (not proofread!)
This is a draft from like May 2023. I don't remember why I never finished it but here it is. Can't believe it's almost a year old.
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"Could you stop staring at them?" You ask with a frown, rolling up the car window. Anakin’s blue eyes hold a lustful intensity as they admire your bare tits, bringing his hand to his lips to remove the cigarette and exhaling the smoke outside the parked vehicle. 
"They're pretty," Anakin smirks, tired eyes almost glowing under the dim street lamps of the empty road. You have no clue where he brought you, but then again— you don’t ask too many questions about Anakin. "You have bigger tits than my wife."
"Ugh, you're fucking disgusting" You roll your eyes, looking away so he can’t see the ghost of a smile on your lips. As mean and hypocritical the compliment is— something about being approved under the eyes of a man who could easily be your father makes your stomach twirl.
“It's true,” Anakin continues pushing through, well aware that with enough sweet talk, you’ll fall under his claws… even his definition of ‘sweet talking’ leaves much to be desired. “Plus, yours are still intact, you know.” 
“Kids, idiot. Your tits don’t have stretch marks or are saggy,” Anakin replies as if it wasn’t obvious. The comment makes you give him a dirty look. Age won’t take the sexist tendencies. 
“I think stretch marks are hot” You reply with a mindless shrug. “You have stretch marks on your lower back.” Anakin rolls his eyes, flicking the burnt cigarette outside the window. 
“I didn’t ask for your opinion, did I?” He bites back, looking outside for a moment to hide the smirk on his lips. It’s hilarious how similar you two can be sometimes. Anakin throws the cigarette pack back in the cup holder and turns around, leaving one hand on the steering wheel and returning his eyes to your tits.
But you saw his little smirk anyway.
He considers smoking another one, but he can already imagine the lecture from his wife about the smell and he already showered this morning so he doesn’t want to sleep with damp hair.  Anakin notices how you twist your shirt on your lap, playing with the seams and the tag. You are nervous, which isn’t something unrealistic when you are with him. He can be so unpredictable and the whole thing of “having an affair with a married man who is old enough to be your father” already gives you enough of adrenaline and anxiety; Sometimes Anakin asks himself how the affair started, when did it changed from lingering looks and polite smiles to fucking you in the couch, after knowing you his whole life as the neighbor’s daughter who grew up playing dolls with Leia and hide and seek with Luke. 
It has been a couple of minutes since he asked you to remove your shirt, not really touching you, maybe edging you by waiting for his next move. Sneaking with Anakin is always like this. Finding a cheap motel every four days or so— because God forbids you to go to the same one three times in a row, that could be suspicious— eating some greasy takeout in the parking lot and then wandering around the streets. It may look that Anakin is prolonging the “date”, but you know better. He just dreads driving back home, he dislikes going back to his so-called perfect family. You know things are terrible under the tall, well-built roof. You hear it from him, read Leia’s texts, and wait for her when she has to stop his parents from arguing. Perhaps you are tangling yourself too much with the broken family… or tangling too much with his dick in your mouth and his fingers between your legs.
Your window is closed but not his. Outside isn’t particularly cold but you are shirtless. Your nipples are hard and sensitive and Anakin seems to enjoy the view. You can see the outline of his erection, choosing not to point it out. “Can I put my shirt on? I don’t want to die of hypothermia.”
“No,” Anakin simply answers. 
He doesn’t break eye contact with your chest when he speaks, as if he is in a trance. His hand cupped your left breast, not the gloved one that you know his wife hates, no— the flesh one, the one that is warm all the time. You relax under his touch, already used to being groped at any time. It’s oddly comforting. Or maybe it is the feeling of being desired.
Closing your eyes, you sigh, content with the minimal contact. A few seconds later his right hand joins and he is now freely palming your breasts, squeezing them softly, and rubbing your perky nipples with his palms. You don’t get why his wife hates his leather glove so much. Or is it the mechanical hand underneath? You would never know, nor you wish to— You can’t even bring yourself to think about anything else right now. His fingertips, calloused and rough pinch the tender nubs making you moan. 
He intercalates the groping and the pinching, taking his sweet time until you are breathless. Anakin can be patient when he wants to, not when he needs to. The constant teasing makes you press your thighs together, already turned on by his harsh touch.
Anakin continues torturing you until you are panting, closing your eyes and arching your back every time he pulls them softly. He even bounces them a little, licking his lips. He always knew he loved tits, but yours were his absolute favorites.
“Recline your seat” Anakin murmurs.
“What?” You snap out of your weak daze, looking at the older man with half-lidded eyes.
A deep chuckle bounces inside his car, you never cease to amaze him. “Brainless bitch,” He says with a tone that could be mistaken for affectionate. Anakin removes his hands much to your dismay, shaking his hand and clicking his tongue when you whimper in protest. “Shut up.” Reaching his hand towards your side, he pulls the lever of your seat. Reclining it and making you gasp. Your eyes meet the ceiling just in time for him to lower his face, attaching his mouth on your left nipple and sucking.
Your hand instantly touches his hair, running your fingers through the silky sea of blonde and gray. How can be so handsome in his late 40s? Only God knows. He sucks and bites, enjoying it a little too much. Anakin wouldn’t be Anakin if he doesn’t leave a couple of hickeys and bites, and you can’t complain. Seeing them the next morning when you get ready for school is always a blessing… and a gloomy reminder of the twisted relationship you are involved in— if you can even call it a relationship.
“What time is it?” He suddenly asks, lifting his head and licking his lips. 
You check your phone on the pull handle. “9:48, why?”
“My wife should be asleep. Look for another motel,” Anakin cradles your face, guiding your face towards his and kissing you, sliding his tongue between your lips and making you moan weakly from just a kiss. That’s the type of effect he has on you. “And call your parents, tell them you will be staying over in a sleepover with Leia.”
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forlix · 7 months
— "if you smell the same as someone, you'll have some peace of mind."
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words・1k pairing・felix x gn!reader genres・hurt/comfort, established relationship warnings・detailed descriptions of an anxiety episode
a/n・ inspired by this thing lix said in an ep of skz code and my favorite line from natsume souseki’s kokoro. i hope this can provide u with some solace; love u
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When you slip into your side of the bed, Felix feels a touch of cool air from the duvet being lifted off the mattress, but it’s quickly nullified by your body’s warm pressure against his as you tuck yourself into his side. He looks at you, shrouded in one of his old hoodies, glasses halfway down the bridge of your nose, one hand patting down the blanket around your legs and the other holding your phone to your face as you scan over a text.
This is far from the first time you’ve spent the night at his place, and even further from the first time his anxiety has made itself known beyond just its ceaseless simmering beneath his skin. Yet, it is the first time the two events have happened in simultaneity, and he finds himself wondering if he should tell you about the unmistakable tightness pulling at his ribs or the winding coil waiting to snap behind his eyes.
An answer follows as quickly as the question surfaces, though. You haven’t been dating long, but in only three days short of six months Felix has learned that he could cut his heart open over your hands and you’d still find a way not to spill a drop of his blood. That is the extent to which your love makes him feel safe, secure, sacred; the extent to which he believes in your ability to protect his soul, even when it isn’t something unseen and external bombarding his defenses but the most familiar enemy of all. One that bears his name and wears his face.
“Baby,” Felix says, and your fingers still over your screen. As does your heart, when you see his quivering lips and unblinking eyes.
Your phone falls upon the blanket with a soft thud.
Scrawled all over the lines of your face is the worry that Felix was so reluctant to cause, but the way your eyes soften as you look at him now is a perfect replica of how they did that time you took him stargazing on the roof of your apartment building, and breathing becomes marginally easier right away.
“What’s happening?” You whisper, your fingers swift but so careful as they find and slide over his wrist. “How can I help, angel?”
Shakily, blindly, Felix’s hand chases yours under the sheets, and your palms have hardly touched before you’re completing his unspoken sentence. You lace your fingers with his, their pads fluttering against the back of his hand, and this gives him the strength to utter, to plead—
“Hold me?”
Your free hand moves to graze the curve of his cheekbone, then to hold his nape. Then, with a flourish of movement that Felix hardly registers, you lift yourself to straddle his lap and tighten your arm where it curls around his neck, drawing him so gently into your embrace that he can all but evanesce against you.
Time ceases to exist. What proceeds is simply warmth: your hands and mouth pressing life back into his body with every sweep through his hair and “I’ve got you” upon his ear; his face gone in the cluster of fabric that marks the beginning of your hood, his hand pushing beneath the heavy cotton to seek out your bare back, his breaths timed to the quiet heartbeat he finds there.
The two of you spend what feels like multiple lifetimes locked together in this fashion.
It is somewhere towards the end of life number three that Felix realizes, dimly, arbitrarily, that you don’t smell like anything.
You’ve always come with something, be it the aromatic remnants of your childhood home that you’ve never quite outgrown, the fragrance you always dab behind your ears before leaving the house, or the telltale shampoo-conditioner combination you’ve been using for years. But right now, there is no discernible scent attached to your skin or your clothes; no olfactory indications of your person, your presence.
This surprises Felix so thoroughly that it seals his windpipe closed for a few seconds. It’s as if he’s lost something he never realized was precious until only after it’s slipped from his grasp, and the notion nearly sends him on a new spiral entirely, nearly undoes the progress that you’ve so tenderly helped him make since settling upon his thighs.
But then you shift, and, in a manner reminiscent of brushing thick, tangled vines out of the way to read an ancient stone plaque, Felix skims the tip of his nose over the hollow of your throat, and it is there that he finds the subtle scents of you that he thought he’d forfeited. And his next realization not only pries his lungs open again but brings a much-needed rush of oxygen back into them.
It is his bodywash that you used in the shower and his garment that you slipped into right after drying off. It is his blanket that you’re currently folded together in and his dormitory that you’ve carried a spare key to for weeks now. It's his hands and lips that dote constantly on your neck and waist and shoulders and anywhere they can reach like poppies vying for homes in cracked cement.
It’s not that you don’t smell like anything. It’s that you smell like him. 
Like us.
Felix knows well that anxiety is too fickle a creature to ever leave for good, but when this thought occurs to him he senses the foul apparition waver for once.
He starts to unravel himself from you after life number seven, and you expel your relief in the form of a sigh when you pull away and see the faint smile on your boyfriend's face; sense the stable in, out of the chest your hands rest upon.
The puff of air is quickly sucked back in, though, when Felix presses his lips to the underside of your jaw; to the point of your chin; to the apple of your cheek; and, at last, directly to yours. The kiss begins tense and unmoving, still riddled with the tonnage of his burden, but then his hand cradles your face with all the ardor of thank you, and his tears taste like the words I love you when they land on your tongue.
And it is perfect, as is he.
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🔖 (send an ask or reply to be added)・@astraystayyh・@like-a-diamondinthesky・@fire-08・@starsandrqindrops・@txtxlz・@laylasbunbunny・@strayghibli・@nuronhe・@seungminsapuppy・@vivisoni・@skzms・@moon0fthenight・@sweetpickledjins・@svintsandghosts・@nhyunn
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© 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐱 (est. 090323) · all works are pieces of original writing and all characters and relationships are purely fictional. please do not repost or reuse for any reason.
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fandomnerd9602 · 4 months
Her Valentine
Stepsister!Wanda x Male Reader
For @lifespectator and @aloneodi
Valentines Day Special
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“Are you crazy?” Your stepsister Wanda asked you but it was playful and with a slight giggle. She grabs the pillow on your couch and playfully smacks you with it.
“I don’t see the big deal,” you say with a smirk. “Mom and Dad want us to bring dates for Valentine’s Day dinner and I want to bring you”
“Detka” she moans and groans, “you really want them to know about us?”
“I have had the most amazing time of my life with you,” you caress your thumb across her cheek. “And I want the whole world to know about you and me”
Wanda giggles and collapses against your chest. “You’re serious?”
You kiss her forehead, “Wanda you’re my friend, my love, my very soul. I’m ready when you are”
“Okay” she smiles at you, “I’m ready to tell them”
It’s now Valentines Day. You picked Wanda up from her college dorm. She stands before you, dressed in a simple red blouse and cardigan.
“Wow” you whisper, “you look amazing”
Wanda blushes and eyes you up and down, “I could say the same about you, detka”
You lead her out to your car, pausing to open the door for her too. The drive to your childhood home was one full of anticipation and a little bit of dread.
“What if my papa is not happy with this?” Wanda asks you a little worried.
“We’re responsible adults now. I guess they’ll just have to be okay with it.” You shrug, “but I want his approval. Even if he wasn’t my stepdad, he’s still important to me too”
You approach your childhood home and walk arm in arm with Wanda. You can feel your heart beating out of your chest. You couldn’t tell if it was from being in her presence or the anxiety of what was to come.
Your mother was the one to answer the door, “(Y/N), Wanda! Happy Valentine’s Day my loves” she giggles before hugging the two of you. “Where’s your dates?”
You tried to answer but Wanda spoke up, “right here,” she gave you a playful jostle, “had to get Y/N’s head out of the books sometime”
Your mom gave a little roll of her eyes. Your stepfather Django was kind of shocked that you and Wanda didn’t bring any dates with you.
“I’m surprised at the two of you,” Django says, “Wanda you were telling me that you were dating someone nice.”
“I am, Papa” Wanda says with a little smile. “I know they’re the one I can’t live without”
“And what about you, Y/N?” Your mother said, “what can you tell us about your girlfriend? She didn’t bother to come”
“My girlfriend is amazing,” you sneak a little glance at Wanda. She gives you the go ahead. It was the moment of truth.
“I’ve loved her for so long. I was content before thinking all we could be was friends, close like siblings, but I know she feels the same…” you feel your resolve weaken just for a split second but then it strengthens again, “I did bring my date this year. And I know that Wanda is the only woman I will ever love”
Django’s eyes go wide. And so do your mother’s. Wanda’s hand moves across the table and clasps yours.
“Y/N is my detka,” Wanda smiles at you, “papa this was only recent. Y/N’s been there for me through everything. I love him and I don’t want anyone else.”
Django looks to you and Wanda but he says nothing. Wanda takes a deep breath.
“I love him and if that’s not alright with you, then I…I…”
“I approve,” Django smiles. “Y/N is perfect for you.”
“Really?” You look to your stepfather, he gives you a nod.
Your mother embraces Wanda, she gently says, “You’re the most amazing young woman, Wanda. Seeing you and Y/N grow together…it’s beyond words.”
Django hugs your mom and looks at you and Wanda. “Just no funny business under this roof” he gives you a wink. You try to hide a blush of embarrassment.
Wanda giggles and hugs you tight. “Of course, Papa” she answers for you.
Valentines Day. You were never really one for it. But now you look forward to it every year. A time for love. A time for joy. A time to remember the day you were able to admit to the whole world how much you were in love with Wanda Maximoff.
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terra-feminarum · 5 months
Usually I like to have more or less positive tone when I post about detransition. But I do admit, there are times when I don't know how to go on like this.
I know beauty doesn't matter, nor does it matter if I can blend in with "normal" people. But I don't live in a vacuum, but among other people, and I need to stay employed and I need connection with my fellow women. Life is not tumblr and sometimes I feel desperate.
I feel very aware of my differences when I'm at a zoom meeting and I see myself next to other women and I hear their voices and I hear my voice and wonder if they even understand I'm a woman. I wonder if people can understand my female masculinity (for lack of a better word) or whether they consider me the freakiest little twink they have ever seen. That's what T does to a butch, rather than make her handsome and masculine.
There is this feeling of having a nightmare and waiting to wake up, but it never happens.
Sometimes I miss my old body more than anything and I wish I could know how I might look like at this age had I not made the decisions I did. Would my breasts sag now? How my graying hair would look if I could grow it out? What my voice would be like? I don't remember my old voice.
Sometimes the grief and anxiety are so strong I don't know how to cope. But I'm alive and I just have to continue from one moment to the next, until one day I don't feel as bad, and that day always comes. When I feel the worst I try to remember what I do have, rather than what I've lost. Sometimes I try to remember so many people have to go through so much harder things than I hopefully ever will, this is such a simple problem in comparison. Returning to the basics help: I have good food on my table. I have a good roof over my head. I have good relationships with other people. Even when I'm so ashamed of myself and hate what I did to myself, I still have these things.
And when I feel the worst, I carry on out of spite. I'm not going to fade into some kind of non-existence and be quiet. I'm going to be fucking loud of what I've gone through. This shouldn't have happened. Other women shouldn't have to go through the same. On the worst days the best I can manage is to carry the body I hate as evidence. At least I can show people what misogyny can lead to.
It's not healthy and better days will always come and I will not hate myself later. Later I won't feel like a freak. But the worst days are real, too, and I need to somehow live through them.
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lavendermunson · 5 months
mistletoe - steve harrington
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day 13 of leia’s christmas tree farm
cw FLUFF. mentions of steve’s mental health. henderson!reader. preestablished relationship
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Steve isn’t a pretty big fan of the holidays because he doesn’t spend the night like the others. His mom pays someone to make dinner for her, she gets them out of the plastic containers and places them in expensive personalized dinnerware. His dad buys expensive whiskey and finishes the bottle in a couple of minutes along his friends.
He has grown to believe Christmas is just a holiday about showing off. Giving expensive gifts and seeing people use them for three days just to bury them at the bottom of their dressers.
That’s something his parents always did, brag about money and big houses instead of having a good time. He thought he deserved this, a life so soulless and unkind.
When he met Dustin, your mom, and you his whole world changed. He fell for you so hard, risking all for you and making sure you were always happy. You do the same for him, you always do.
You are his safe place.
It’s Christmas Eve. His family is having dinner with his dad’s colleagues and his mom’s loud best friends. He hates this, he hates that he has to put on a fake smile on his face while he feels miserable.
Steve wishes you could be by his side, but he couldn’t put you through this. His dad will ignore you and try to set him up with someone else. He knows his mom would love you but eventually side with him because that’s the way their relationship works.
Their marriage is stupid.
His parents are stupid.
This day is so stupid.
Surrounded by the stiffness of his room, looking at the pictures of him with you and the friend group. He feels like he could cry, he wants a good Christmas Eve just for once. He misses you all so much.
His head is heavy and his vision is blurry. He sits on the edge of his bed, tapping his foot against the carpeted floor and preparing himself for the night.
Then he hears a knock on his window. It’s you. Like he summoned you. His heart skips a beat when he sees your face, you are all dressed in black.
“What are you doing? My parents are here!”
“We are here to steal you, like a precious piece of art from a museum!”
He laughs, looking at you.
“I can’t, honey. I can’t leave, they are going to kill me!”
“They won’t because…” you hold your index finger in the air, waiting for your sign to escape. When you hear Steve’s mom scream you take his hand in yours, pulling him to you. “Your house is infested with cockroaches”
“What do you mean?”
“I’ll explain in a bit, let’s go”
You take a step back from the roof, Steve is impressed to see you climb his house for him knowing how difficult it is for him to get to your window. He escapes from his own room, his hands gripping the window frame as he gets out quietly.
When you get off the roof, you hold his hand in yours running with him towards your car. He opens the passenger door and sits down excited, ready to escape this hell of a house.
He did it. He is out, he is with you. The cold breeze hits his cheeks, he feels calm for the first time since he woke up.
“Dustin! Hurry” you scream at your little brother, he holds an empty box as he runs to meet you.
“Mission accomplished!”
Both of you join Steve in the car, you are quick to drive away from his house before their parents catch you. He misses his mom telling him not to come downstairs.
“You guys are crazy,” he says, anxiety slowly disappears as he rubs his abdomen. He looks back, noticing how his house disappears from his vision. “When did you come up with this plan?”
“Today” you answer, eyes focused on the road as you speed up to get to your house quickly.
“And why are you both dressed in black?”
“It’s our steal-a-museum outfit,” Dustin says, feeling Steve’s eyes glaring at him “It was her idea!”
“I couldn’t leave you there, I spent all day trying to come up with something for you to spend Christmas with me”
“Thank you, honey”
“And your parents freaked out when they saw the cockroaches, it was hilarious!” Dustin says, getting out of the car when you finally get home. Safely and with Steve by your side.
Steve holds your hand as you walk to your house, his fingers interlock with yours and he leans to the side, kissing your cheek before pushing the door open.
After opening the door, he sees a crowd of people cheering and screaming. Your mom, Robin, Eddie, Nancy, Jonathan, and all of his kids are there.
Steve smiles brightly, feeling his cheeks warm as well as his heart. Everyone comes up to him, hugs him, and welcomes him before they follow Dustin, who cannot stop laughing as he tells the story of how they got Steve here.
Your mom gets close to him, hugging him tightly.
“We are happy you are home,” she says. Steve holds back his tears, home. He finally feels like he has a home.
“Thank you, Mrs. Henderson” he smiles at her, his chest heaving up and down from the excitement. “I’m surprised you were okay with this plan”
“Oh Steve, who do you think got that box of cockroaches!” she laughs and you join her, both looking so happy that he is here. How is it possible? He feels like he is dreaming. It’s all just too good to be true. “I’ll leave you guys, you are under the mistletoe”
You look up at the branch of mistletoe that wasn’t there before you left the house. Steve looks at it too, then he wraps your waist with his arms pulling you to his chest.
“Thank you, baby”
“Don’t. It’s the least I could do, they are going home at ten but you are staying here with me”
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. I love you, honey”
“I love you too, baby”
You cup his cheeks in your hands, the feeling of your soft fingertips makes Steve melt. Pressing your lips against his, he feels in heaven.
He feels you, he tastes you.
The one who saved him from one of the worst nights of his life, he owes you everything.
His head falls to the side as you tangle your fingers in his hair. It makes Steve moan softly, feeling all his body warm and bubbly.
You spend the night together. Sharing jokes, laughing at Dustin’s stories, and drinking. He only gets more excited because he gets to sleep with you, maybe thank you for what you did, and wake up on Christmas to open his presents.
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reblog to support your creators! comments are appreciated !! ♡ thank you for following my christmas event, your support means so much to me 🎄
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jokeringcutio · 5 months
Stepdad!William Afton x Reader "Newborn" Mature/Drabble [3]
FNAF | William Afton (stepdad!) x (f) Reader | MATURE Summary: Imagine: You just had your stepdad's baby and mom still isn't allowed to know.
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AN: These drabbles are in no particular order and not necessarily related. But they are all Stepdad!WilliamAfton x !StepdaughterReader Universe. This could follow up on Christmas Present, Pregnant and Discovered (See Masterlist->FNAF->Stepdad William )
Warnings: talk about dub-con/taboo relationship, keeping it a secret, name-calling, William being mean, William calling you a slut, but also: William being emotional about his baby.
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The cold hospital air bit at your skin as your stepdad pushed the wheelchair, your weak body slumped in it. The weight of the newborn baby, a warm bundle in your arms, was both comforting and terrifying. Your mom rushed by your side, her eyes red from crying, still mourning the loss of her own unborn child just months ago. You know she should have been glad to have become a grandmom, but instead, she was disappointed.
"Look at you," William sneered, his blue eyes cold and unforgiving. "Such a young mom. Barely out of school and already bound for life.”
You tried to block out the sound of his insults. “A slut, that's what you are. Couldn't keep your legs closed, eh? Now we are stuck with this mess."
Your face burned with shame, but you clutched your baby tighter, refusing to let William's words affect you. You knew he liked to play dirty, twist things around to mess with people's minds. But this time, it felt too personal, too cruel.
“Thought of your poor mother? Thought it would be easy?” William continued, each word a sneer.
“Spreading your legs, that is easy,” he said as he had to halt for a moment to let someone pass. Then he pushed your wheelchair further through the hallways.
“But pushing the baby out. Now, that wasn’t so much fun, was it?”
You closed your eyes, biting back a sob. It had hurt so badly. And you were still smarting down below. That the bastard dared to make comments about it upset you greatly. But you also know he did it to try and please your mom. You knew how unhappy she was that you couldn’t name the father because you’d been ‘drunk’.
"Sweetheart, that is enough," your mother snapped, finally breaking her silence. She glared at William, her voice trembling with emotion. "This is my daughter we're talking about."
William held up his hands in mock surrender, but you could see the smirk on his face. He enjoyed pushing buttons, testing boundaries. It made him feel powerful, and you knew he wanted you to feel small, helpless.
"All right, all right," he said, guiding the wheelchair toward the car. And thank God you finally made it there. You couldn’t wait to be home in your own room and let things sink in.
"Let's get you two home," his voice still sounded harsh, but there was a gentler vibe underneath it now. You watched how your mother opened the front door and took her place in the passenger’s seat, while your stepdad opened the door for you and your baby.
The car door clicked open, and William's hand reached down to help you out of the wheelchair. It took every ounce of strength you had not to flinch as his fingers brushed against your arm. You held your newborn baby close, feeling his tiny body nestled in the crook of your elbow. He whimpered softly, and you couldn't help but feel a pang of anxiety.
"Careful now," William said, his voice low and smooth like honey. "We don't want any accidents."
You bit your tongue, careful not to let your anger get the best of you as you heard William put your bag in the trunk and then slam the lid closed. You heard him wheel the wheelchair away.
As you settled into the backseat, cradling your sleeping baby, you couldn't help but wonder what life would be like now, living under the same roof as a man who reveled in cruelty. How could someone so dangerous, so manipulative, be a part of your family?
But as much as you feared him, you also knew that you had no choice but to rely on him. And deep down, a dark, twisted part of you couldn't help but be drawn to his power, his intensity, and the danger that seemed to surround him like a storm. Hadn’t you loved every single moment of his touches? Hadn’t you been an accomplice in all of this? Eagerly spread your legs, warmed his cock, accepted the fact that he would dump his seed inside your womb whenever he so much as desired?
Your stepdad slid behind the steering wheel and took a moment, then he placed his hand on top of your mom’s leg and cleared his throat. His blue eyes met yours in the rearview window. “Are you all comfy there?”
Numbly, you nodded, clutching your child close to your chest. Your mother sat quietly in the front seat, her eyes fixed on the road ahead. Neither of them commented on the fact that you had decided to keep your baby in your arms rather than place him in the baby seat. You just weren’t ready to let him go yet.
The drive home was excruciatingly long, each passing minute stretching out like an eternity. The only sound came from the soft cries of your baby, his little fists balled up against his chest. Tentatively, you tried to feed him in the backseat, your hands shaking as you fumbled with your blouse. You already knew you weren’t a great fan of breastfeeding the little one – even though you had mentally prepped yourself for this task. Reality hurt like a bitch and wasn’t as easy as people made you think. But your mom had insisted that mother milk was the best, and of course, William had supported her in that. If they both wanted you to feed your child the natural way, there was no choice but to do it.
You closed your eyes when the baby’s jaw clenched around your nipple and bit your own lip to keep from making any sounds. The feeling was weird. You remembered the nurses in the hospital cooing how good a job you were doing and how happy they were the milk had started flowing so easily.
Easily. Yeah right.
"Take it slow," William advised from the driver's seat, his eyes flicking to the rearview mirror. "He'll get the hang of it soon enough."
His words felt invasive, a sharp reminder that he was always watching, always waiting for the right moment to strike. Your heart raced, but you focused on nourishing your child, trying to ignore the presence of the man who'd made your life that much more difficult.
Upon arriving home, William escorted you and your baby to your room, his firm grip on your shoulders making it impossible to slip away. You walked slowly, but luckily your room wasn’t far. Once inside, you sat down on your desk chair, cradling your baby protectively as you watched William with wary eyes.
"Let me make us some tea," your mom said suddenly, forcing a smile as she disappeared into the kitchen, leaving you alone with him.
The door clicked shut, and William moved closer. Warily, you watched him approach. His eyes glistened with unshed tears as they met yours. Was he… crying?
"Show me his hands and feet," he whispered, his voice soft and tender like it had never been before.
Tentatively, you revealed your baby's tiny fingers and toes, holding your breath as William counted them one by one. "Ten little fingers, ten little toes," he murmured, his smile genuine. "Everything is there."
You couldn't help but feel a flicker of relief, even as your heart hammered against your ribs. This was a side of William he hardly showed, a glimpse into the man he might have been if things were different. But you knew better than to let your guard down. With a man like William Afton, danger was always lurking just beneath the surface.
The weight of his gaze bore down on you, and for a moment, you almost forgot the cruel words he'd spat at you earlier. You studied his face, searching for any hint of deception, but all you found were real tears glistening in his eyes.
"You did so well, sweet girl," he said softly, kneeling down to your level. "I'm proud of you." His hand reached out, hesitating for just a split second before caressing your cheek with an unexpected tenderness. Your heart swelled in your chest, threatening to spill over as he spoke those words you'd been longing to hear.
“My good girl. Always my good girl,” he muttered before leaning up a bit to place a gentle kiss on the top of your head. You closed your eyes and enjoyed the moment, heart warm and full of adoration for the man who treated you this holrrible way. Yet, you couldn't help but feel for him. In your arms, your baby cooed.
"Look at our son," William continued, his tone a mixture of pride and wonder. "He's perfect, just like his mother." The subtle ownership in his words sent shivers down your spine, but you couldn't deny the warmth that spread through you at his praise.
"You will name him Evan," William declared, his voice firm but gentle. He didn't leave room for disagreement, asserting his control even in this tender moment. You watched as he carefully touched Evan's little hands and feet, his fingers tracing their delicate contours with a gentleness that seemed impossible for a man like him.
"Let me hold him," he whispered, and you hesitated, torn between fear and hope. But something in his eyes compelled you to relent, and you placed Evan into his outstretched arms.
"Hello, Evan," he murmured, cradling the newborn against his chest. "I'm your father. But ssh,” he shushed, “That’ll be our little secret.”
You flinched but couldn’t get yourself to look away. The sight of William holding his own son was mesmerizing. So wrong and yet in so many ways also so right.
“I'll always be here for you and your mother. No one else needs to know."
In that instant, it was as if time stood still. Your breath hitched in your throat, your thoughts racing wildly. Could you trust him? Did you have a choice? Was there a chance, however small, that things could be different now?
But as you looked into William's eyes, you knew one thing for certain: he was a man of many faces, and the line between love and obsession was dangerously thin.
AN: For more, follow me (:
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Was i the asshole for "insinuating" my friend's husband attempted to poisoned me?
I 26cisf have always, since I was quite young, had a fear of people tampering with my food and drinks. If I leave a drink or food in a room with others, my immediate thought when I sit back down is to taste test it to see if it tastes different or see if it looks different. If it dose, I immediately throw it away, wash or get a new dish/bowl/glass/etc and get a new serving. This fear isn't unfounded as, when I was 7 or 8, my dad spit in my bowl of soup and I caught him. He hated me so this wasn't unexpected. Later in life I had 2 different abusive partners threaten to drug me and as a result, all food is suspicious the moment it's left alone with anyone. I've done this to my husband on occasion and he understands.
Earlier this month, I, my husband 26tm, a friend of mine 25cf and her husband 53cm all had a nice dinner together at my apartment. Later on in the evening, our husbands went to play on his xbox in the living room while me and my friend had a drink in the kitchen. The kitchen "ends" right where the living room begins so they were on a couch about 15ft away from us, again, its an apartment. I've been friends with her since middle school so I have no reason to suspect her but her husband is creepy towards me and our mutual friends of our age and is much older than her. I put up with him for her sake and never made an ill comment other than a week after they started dating with concerns about their age gap. My friend and her husband dated for about 8 months and have been married for about 4 months. My husband and friend left so he could show her some break time levels from Mario wonder on the switch in our room while her husband sat on his phone on the couch. My husband mentioned it over dinner, my friend showed interest but wasn't sure so he offered to show her.
I felt ackward and had to pee so I went to the bathroom and when I came back, her husband had changed positions on the couch and I'm pretty sure my drink wasn't in the same place I left it by 2 to 4 inches. I was instantly nervous and took a sip and it didn't taste right. As I was pouring out my drink in the sink, my husband and friend came back and she saw me doing it and glanced once quickly at her husband. I barely turned my head so I'm not sure how she realized I suspected him a little. She knows about my fear and knew how I handled it a few times when I feared she had done something however.... Apparently doing this while mildly suspecting her husband was too far and she absolutely exploded on me out of no where.
She said I was implying her husband was a rapist or abuser or creep and that it was two faced of me to invite people over who I thought might poison me or fuss with my food. She said I always take that fear too far in public settings, which isn't true as I've never done this with groups of people bigger than 3 or 4 friends nor do I vocally accuse them. I just reset my food and move on as it eases my anxiety about it. Her husband got super defensive and started getting my face and my husband diffused the situation by sending them both home. My friend blew up my phone that night and eventually she blocked me for a week before coming back to apologize for her actions but asking me to apologize to her husband for making him feel bad. I told her it was her who made it seem like I was accusing him, not me for doing something she's seen me do a million times.
Eventually it went away but every time I see her, she asks if I'm going to apologize soon but I'm just not sure if what I did was really as offensive as she made it seem. I don't genuinely believe that he tried to poison or roofie me but if there's even a 10% chance, my anxiety is through the roof and I pass out if I just try to push through. No one else, after knowing this fear, has taken it personally as it's just the remains of trauma and fundamentally harmless. Once I'm reset, I often totally forget the scare and they've acted like nothing ever happened. Was i the asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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neighborlystudios · 6 months
Hi hi!
I saw you had written a bit for cp lh!rayman so if it's okay and if you're accepting requests, could you possibly do rayman flustering the reader in his suave tv host way?
・﹒・ suave host
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Summary: You were at a party for Eden's most elite, only there due to your friend. It was for Rayman, but parties never were your thing, so you opted for sitting away from everyone. The host seemed to have found you and taken interest in you.
Warnings: 18+, suggestive comments
Notes: Hey! Thanks sm for the request! Sorry this took a while to get to! Im sorry if this was really short, I hope you enjoy regardless though! :D
It was a party for the elite, those high in Eden's ecosystem that were rich, you were only here because your friend knew one of the producers of the Eden Late Show with Rayman. In fact, he was here right now, as this was his party for reaching his 30th season. You haven't seen him yet though, opting to stay towards the quieter areas of the roof as social interaction was not your forte. You had wanted to meet him for so many years now, but anxiety did not want to. Were you ready to accept the fact that you were not as boisterous as him or as cute as him, or well...as popular and rich as him.
Dressed all nice, you looked down at Eden from the secluded part pf the balcony you picked swishing a wine glass full of water imagining it as the namesake. You chose not to drink any alcohol and if you did, it wouldn't make your first impression any better if you did manage to meet him. Meeting all these people above your social status only made your anxiety grow, feeling like one wrong word would make them blacklist you from any jobs and ruin your life. Setting the glass down, you stood up and walked to the glass railing, leaning on it and crossing your arms.
It's not like you hate Eden, far from it, you just wished that you could be successful like all these people here, to be able to have that financial security and to be able to positively impact others. That's why you loved Rayman so much, just by hearing his voice made you happy and comforted knowing that he was here to give hope to everyone.
"You're looking lonely there" That same voice cut through your thoughts and caused you to look back in surprise. Eyes wide, you looked in shock as the Rayman walked closer to you with his trademark smile. Why was he here and not where the main party is? You realized you didn't say anything and was just staring. Coughing, you choked up a reply and hope you didn't look like a total idiot.
"Well uh...these types of parties aren't really my thing hah..." awkwardly chuckling as you cringed, yeah that was bad. He didn't seem detoured though as he only walked closer and stopped when he was right beside you. You knew he was short, but being right next to him really hit you for the height difference between you both.
"Why are you here then? Wanted to see handsom old me?" He winked, causing your face to warm as you stutter out denials, he wasn't convinced naturally. Honestly, that's one of the reasons you went, but it was embarrassing to admit, especially to the man himself. He chuckled and pulled a chair from nearby, up to the railing, pulling himself up and standing on it so he was eye level with you. You cracked a smile and laughed, he looked like a toddler doing that.
"What's so funny huh? You won't be laughing when I-" he then leaned closer, surprising you as his mouth was right next to your ear.
"Show you a good time" and you were dead. Face now on fire, you clamped a hand over your mouth as he pulled away, face painted with a smug smile. Was he actually flirting with you right now?
"Awe, so shy, its adorable. You gone mute...hm...I might know a way to make you talk" He knew exactly what buttons to press to make you melt, causing you to grip onto the railing to prevent you from falling as your breathing quickened.
"I am the most powerful man in Eden after all...imagine...having everything you could ever wanted and more...So. Much. More." Anymore of this and you would collapse, not knowing how to respond or what to even do. It didn't help that his hand started to caress your thigh, only increasing his advances. Never in your entire life would you believe for a second that THE Rayman would hit on you, yet here you were, him hitting on you. The moment didn't last though, as someone came out and called out to Rayman that a journalist wanted to do an interview on him. Pulling away, he said one last thing before leaving.
"This isn't over. Meet me here in the lobby tomorrow, seven pm sharp" and he was gone. Once he was out of sight, you fell to the floor and was left to process what had just happened.
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xmorguekittyx · 16 days
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Chapter 1 : 𝘽𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠 & 𝘽𝙡𝙪𝙚
master list
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Pattering, the sound of the rain pelting the windshield and the whooshing of wind kissing her windows had her heart feeling like it was in her throat. The pulsing of her heartbeat, she could almost taste it. "The National Weather Service has issued a tornado warning in these following counties-", shit. It never sees to fail that while she was the most nervous, things would continue to get worse and worse. Strikes of lightening lit up the soaked pavement, there was at least 30 more miles before she hit Raccoon City outskirts. She should've postponed heading out of town, but Desmond needed some Blood BeGone soap, which she had been sent to go deliver. The storm seemed to put everyone out of commission. It was a crying shame, honestly. "-IMPACTS... Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely.  You are in a life-threatening situation. Flying debris may be deadly to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be destroyed. Considerable damage to homes...businesses...and vehicles is likely and complete destruction is possible.", Jesus, could things get worse? 
    They could; the storm seemed to be a little bit before schedule, her headlights illuminating branches and twigs laid over the pavement. The rain blurring the image as she leaned forwards, praying that the branches would grant her mercy and not wreak havoc on her tires. Surely, one thing had to go right, right? Maybe the gods could pass on a little favoritism. The road had to be cleared, but she would have to make it across, her eyes squint to try and find some distinguishable marker for her calling the sheriff's office once she gets back to the morgue. They should be able to stop traffic at least for the night, hopefully nobody has had to come through- a small gasp part her lips. Between the trees sat a blue Honda, the car having the trunk popped and, absolutely, nobody around. A sick feeling of unease crept up her throat as she eyed the car, analyzing, again, anything she could remember to tell police. Part of her wanted to jump out and make sure everything was okay, but the lights were shut off, she could only see it as her head lights shinned past it. It was just unfortunate timing; she could feel the gusts of wind trying to sway her car. Hopefully they had been picked up and just forgot the trunk, as much as that would suck; that was the best outcome. Especially with how bodies had been piling up at her job. 
   The anxiety she felt from the storm and car hit an all-time high as she heard the beginning of Nobody by Avenged Sevenfold start to play from her cupholder, jarring her already frazzled mind. The photo of Leon Kennedy flickering in her screen, it was from when her father had still been alive, working at the same police station Leon did. He passed right when Leon joined, but that had been a few years ago. No matter how much it felt like it was yesterday, time was moving fast, but she felt like she was being left behind. Her eyes glanced up at the road before she slammed on the breaks, a doe running across the street as her tires locked up, squealing as her phone fell into the floorboards. Hands fighting the steering wheel as she tried to steady the car and her heart. "I'll have a damn heart attack before I even make it back.", she sighed, her chest expanding to take in all the air she could. Nobody playing once more, had her nearly jumping out of her skin as she scrambled with the phone, scooping it from the floor. "Hello?", she held the phone to her ear, sitting in the car, she couldn't bare driving right now. Afraid was an understatement, it appears the gods found no favor for her, this night. "Where are you?  Harvy has been blowing up my office phone demanding I start up a missing person's report.", his airy and slow voice drawled over the receiver. "Well...", her eyes went back through the droplet covered window. "The roads are getting worse, I've been having some trouble returning to the morgue.", she felt the air build up on her lungs before letting it out in a huff. "Hey- Leon?", she figured now was better than never to tell him all the shit that had gone on tonight. "There's a car up here on mile marker 37, trunk's open and lights are off. It's parked in the woods a little off the shoulder. You think you guys could come check it out and clear the road?", if they would tonight, would be the real question. "I'll head out first thing in the morning, it's unsafe to be out there right now. You said mile marker 37? There's a motel just a few roads south of you. If I were you, I'd stop in for the night, Kitty.", his voice sounded like honey poured on pancakes in the golden hour of sunrise. Hot coffee laying in the windowsill as the day started early on. Saying Katerina Visage had a crush on Leon Kennedy would've resulted in pink cheeks and embarrassed groans. Now, it left her wondering; what if? 
     "Yeah, I'll stop there for the night. I'll have to book it on foot, during this but-", her voice trailed off. "It's better than getting kidnapped or taken in a tornado in your car.", sometimes, he sounded like her dad. "It's... rough out here.", her voice was full of exhaustion. It felt like today had lasted the week, "You mind stopping by in the morning on your way to check things out? It would make me feel a little better just seeing you.", in all honesty, she was spooked. The storm, the car, the deer, the motel she'd never even heard of before. "Yeah, don't worry about that. First thing in the morning I'll be at that motel, waiting to take you back home. I'll get your car towed; Chief Iron's wouldn't want you paying for that.", he sounded like he was stretching, she was sure that it must've been a slow night for the men. The rain probably the only mischief Raccoon City had going on tonight. "Thank you, Leon. I don't know what I'd do without you.", her teeth sunk into the dead skin around her nails. "I guess I'm about to start walking, I'll message you once I get there, okay?", her voice was full of dread. The walk was not super familiar, especially in the dark with a nearly dead road. "Stay safe, Kit. Don't be afraid to call me if anything happens.", he had a soft tone with those words, Kitty remembered Leon being the rookie. She was 17 when she first saw the 21 year old, fresh from the academy walk into RPD. Her dad being one of the first to welcome him.
     "My daughter put up a banner for you, we've all been excited to have you join.", he waved to the circle banner that read. 'Welcome Leon', the 'e' in Leon was twisted but she was so proud of hanging it. Her smile wide as she also introduced herself to the man, starting a friendship that grew over a mutual shared space. 
     Her father's passing brought them closer together, her father was always close with Leon. He had been the one to train him on the job. "Just get there and pray there's a room.", she sighed, before grabbing her charger, her phone, wallet and keys. Her body had to tense as she placed her hand on the handle, taking a deep breath of warm air and dryness. She had to just hurry, it was just a coincidence the car was abandoned, right?
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vitaminseetarot · 2 months
Lenormand PAC: Messages From the Eclipsed Sun 🔆🌑😎
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Sup y'all. Welcome to my lil end-of-March reading! Thank you for voting in the polls for April's next PAC topic for the 1 year special, which will be coming up next. Also thank you very, very much once again for participating in my 2nd tarot game! I'm still answering feedback and I'm glad so many of you enjoyed it as I did. I'm looking forward to the next game in summer (possibly a Midsummer game? 🧚‍♀️🐈🎶☀)
I was shuffling my Alchemy Elements deck and noticed that three random cards I pulled out were from the Sun suit (the four suits in this oracle are Moon, Sun, Star, and Earth). I had no topic in mind, so I allowed different mystery messages to come through. These light messages will be relevant to you as you pass through the new moon solar eclipse and all through the next lunar month.
Pick which one of the three sun cards resonates with you:
Flower 💐 Animal 🐎 River 🌊
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Pile 1. Flower 💐
Gratitude, Bird of Paradise, Knowledge; Mountain, Astral Travel, Tower, Promise, Garden
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The world outside is calling you, pile 1. You can't smell the roses blooming if you keep containing yourself under the roof. The beautiful days want you to explore and wander like a child discovering nature for the first time. Perhaps there are flowers you've never seen up close, maybe it's been a while since nature gave you new things to learn and marvel. Botanical gardens are filled with surprises, as are concrete cracks in the city.
Your hands seem too easily tied up in the working world, fulfilling task after task as if every day was meant to be the same. I see a person staring outside their cubicle, wondering when they'll find the time to make it to the park. Wondering when they'll be able to go to that fair, or practice surf lessons. Wondering, hoping, dreaming of the day when the walls can come down, and there will be no separation between daily life and the life filled with endless creative possibilities, waiting to be picked and weaved into crowns.
The path is neither just up ahead, nor light years away; it's right in front of you now. Accept the moment you find yourself in, even if it's impossible, because the surprises you are looking for are already surrounding you. It may feel like you have to climb far to see any hope of change, but you're asked to find stillness and beauty hidden within the climb. Even if you're not wandering through a field of wildflowers yet, there may be chance blossoms within your reach. Be thankful for the present peace you find. Ivy wraps around ivory walls; nature will find a way to you.
Wherever you intend to go, you may need to leave behind the opinions of others that don't help or encourage you. Let them have their perspectives, for they have their own paths to walk. You have yours waiting just outside the door. The light outside may overwhelm you, but it beckons you to appreciate what it has in store for you. So much more awaits you. But what you have today is just as beautiful.
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Pile 2. Animal 🐎
Balance, Lenten Rose, Insight; Letter, Mirage, Heart, Bouquet, Moon
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I hope the sun brings you brighter days, pile 2. There are friends (including animal friends!) who want to bask under the warm luminous skies with you. This time encourage us to stretch our arms out, walk with an extra skip, and enjoy what tomorrow has in store. However, there is anxiety keeping you held in, preventing you from racing ahead. You are being called to expand, move your body, and find ways to embrace joyful freedom more.
Before email and mail trucks were a thing, we had pony mail, which could take weeks to arrive to your mailbox. The information you're receiving doesn't match up to the reality you're soon living in. By the time you're reading the newspaper you have, another one will be on its way, contradicting the one in your hands. Reading over and over can help us feel ready to take on the world, but does it? Or is it keeping you in a loop of confirming news that confirms the news that conforms to the news you're expecting?
Newsflash: the most important place, the space that occurs before it's recorded in the papers, is the place your attention should focus on. If you can meet up with your friends in person, try hanging out with them outside of chatting online. Allow yourself to experience life alongside someone, to feel the wind in your hair as they drive; if you have a pet, spend an afternoon with them on a long walk. A friendly person who can help you desires connection.
Life is a mix of bright and sunny days, mixed with cloudy and rainy days. There are days to be serious and days to be goofy. There are times to stay at home online and times to go out with others. There are moments to feel sadness and worry, and moments of humor and happiness. Take it easy on yourself, pile 2, and whatever topic has you fixated on it, allow yourself the chance to step outside, walk away, and feel the light of the sun and moon on your face.
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Pile 3. River 🌊
Desire, Cyclamen, Reminiscence; Tree, Protection, Animus, Star, Crossroads
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It's okay to not know everything about your path ahead, pile 3. You may be figuring things out as you go along, without any set marker. You're being reminded that whatever path you take, things will turn out okay. Many twists and turns can make a long river, but you will be prepared. It's safe to keep moving in the flow with the currents. When the rolling waves seem slow and steady, it's best to ride along with it, for you have more time than you think to row through.
At times you may desire to keep your boat docked, unable to leave the shore and its many amenities. You may look back on what you used to love (or perhaps found addicting) and wish it were easier to wave it away. Don't be afraid to take souvenirs with you, to remind you of the good times you had. It'll make the transition smoother for when it's time to depart to your next destination. Big changes often require carrying things lightly.
Your north star is shining its beacon out to you. To find it, you must make it; to make it, you must find it. You must set your course by getting clear on where you most want to go. No one else can make this choice for you, for it's your unique trip. The map is with you, provided to you by years of experience and growth. There may be many different distractions, and it's okay to stop to them first just to explore instead of making it to the end goal right away. It's all part of your grand adventure, and the many secrets and surprises make it all the more exciting..
When there's a wish, there's a way. You have the drive within you to set sail towards your greatest yearning in life. Even if it doesn't seem it, you are able to channel the bravery and passion from within. When the skies are dark and you cannot navigate with the stars, you can look to the light beaming out from your soul to find your own way.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2024, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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