#the ambience in this is... phew
DFFRG's pages 12 to 22 are here!
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(Also, sorry, this preview image is missing page 12 :'3)
Click on "Keep reading" to begin reading all of these 10 pages of my fan comic!
[Or click on this link to read the first 11 pages]
Tip #1: Remember to read panels from right to left!
Tip #2: This is the background music I've chosen to go along these pages: "Glacial Valley" by Thomas H. Curran.
[Link to the song in YouTube] [Link to "Rain Sounds" for Ambience]
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Tip #4: This is the background music I've chosen to go along these next pages: "Smoke and Mirrors" by RJD2.
[Link to the audio in YouTube]
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Phew! That's all I have finished until now! Golly, making these take forever, last post was months ago. I hope you continue to enjoy my fan comic, and thanks for reading <3
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hjh-ceilo-monster · 11 months
10th anniversary special : Lost & Found (ot7)
Summary : At the top of a quiet alley, somewhere in the town, an ordinary cafe had its legend. Once the clock ticked at midnight, the place took you to another dimension. 
What you lost always waited to be found.
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Inspo. photo : photo1 | photo 2 | photo 3 (pxfuel.com)
Inspo. ambience :   it's 12:04am, let's drive around the city with the radio blasting
Inspo. story : Dream on (TinyTan animation mv) | 5th muster magic shop vcr (sorry, I can’t find the official one🥲)  TW : Angst story
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Happy 10th anniversary for BTS and Army
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Author POV.
“I’m home.” 
A whisper left Y/n mouth as they unlocked the front door. The place was quiet as always. Ah well, they lived here alone. What could they expect after finishing all the work at their company? A bright room with someone waiting for them to return? 
All they could see was moonlight, a natural light source beaming into their room. The floor reflected some of it, thanked to their effort for waxing it last week. The room was alittle brighter at the edge to the balcony.
They had overworked themselves again. It was fortunate enough to buy this room before the other client or it would take another 3 hours to arrive their home. 
Who the hell build the city plan? They wondered. The city wasn’t that big, yet the road system was poorly manage. Building highways and undergrounds where there weren’t necessary resulted delaying hours of travel.
In their favourtie slipper, they walked to a fridge, searching for food. There was none in their sight, making them sighed in disappointment.
“Let’s take stroll today.”
The gentle rain made different ambiences here and there. A higher melody when it hit the metals while a lower one came from their umbrella and cement path. 
At this hours, there weren’t many place left open. Y/n could see locked shops mostly along her way. Well, it was their fault to not buy something before heading home. They forgot that here wasn’t a district for a night owl or an all nighter.
A strong breeze blew into Y/n face, stealing the umbrella out of her hand.
“Ahh...I’m broke right now. I don’t want to buy another one.”
Desperately, Y/n chased their umbrella, running up the hill. As if it was teasing them, the wind blew stronger. The umbrella flew higher and higher. 
Chasing with the eyes on the umbrella, their feets kept taking them up the hill until they met with tiny neon sign.
‘Special deal before midnight’
“Huh, nevermind. At least, I need something in my stomach.”
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The bell with a little whale mobile rang, catching everyone attention. 7 pairs of eyes looked at their new comer.
The two of them were wiping table.
The other three worked behind the counter. 
And the last two looked down from the second floor.
It was an ordinary cafe. 
A brick-wooden wall with the metal bars had some clothes hanging. 
The counter had some bakery displayed at the right. Fairy lights decorated the trim. 
The menu wrote nicely on all three pages of chalk board. Some photos pins on the cork frames at the bottom.
Lights hanged directly from the cieling, no fancy decoration. 
The place looked rustic and antique, yet it gave them a comfort. Y/n found this place cozy and warming.
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Y/n spoke to break the akward atmosphere. Suddenly, two men on the second floor ran down stairs and escorted them.
“Welcome. Sorry for making you wait. We didn’t think we will have any customer coming at this hour.” 
The tall man with his hair colored honey yellow, Namjoon, spoke.
“It’s closing?”
“Not at all. We just..didn’t expect anyone, despite opening till midnight everyday.”
They followed quietly behind the two who lead them to the bar. One of them pool a stool out and gestured Y/n to sit on it.
“Thank you.” 
They thanked them softly. Yoongi, the silver hair guy at their left, nodded and handed her a paper. Y/n looked puzzle at the white sheet in front of them.
“It’s our special deal. Write down what you want to eat, what song you want to listen, anything you want to do here...anything.” 
Hoseok explained and gave his heart-shape smile.
Y/n cocked her head to the side, still confused. However, daring to ask no question, they wrote down everything orderly. It took some minutes to finish. 
Jin, who dressed in his chef uniform, came and took an order himself. 
“You have such an easy request. A stire fried black noodle with soju.” 
Jin read the list. The others, after hearing the order, dispersed to their position and prepared for the next event.
“Ready guys?”
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Y/n was blind by the bright light for a moment. Opening their eyes again, everything changed.
This place...
A nostalgic feeling hit them hard. A familiar scene that surrounding them right now brought some tears to brim their eyes.
Sitting on the marble bench, they were in the middle of a garden. 
The orange-red bricks covered the ground nicely. To Y/n right side was a mini crystal clear stall for plants. There was a foundtain inside too, making the inside moisture and suitable for greenery.
‘My first home...where I born’ Y/n thought to themselves.
“Refreshing. It’s been long.” 
A little voice appeared behind Y/n, startled them from their seat. They looked behind and got surprise.
Little fairies were flying. Some of them looked awe with the scenery.
“V, you startle our guest.” 
“I did not. Look, Chim, they’re fine...right?” 
The little guy approached settled down on the round table and smiled at Y/n. The others soon follow him.
“Sorry for his behavior. He can get too excited sometimes.” 
Chim, must be him, spoke and gave a glared at V. 
One by one, the little fairies introduced themselves. 
Jhope and Koo started levitating again, telling Y/n they wanted to braided their hair. Suga, tired look fairy, borrowed your hand as a pillow and drifted back to sleep. 
V and Chim kept you busy by talking to you, trying their best to seek your attention. RM and Jinny, like parents, kept both of them from bickering each other. 
Y/n forgot everything inside her head. No questions needed to be ask. Nothing needed to be worry. Right now, all they want was enjoy this fantasy.
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“I hope they didn’t bother you that much, especially these two.”
A raven hair guy, Jimin, served Y/n her order before picking up V and Chim from the table.
“Hey...don’t touch me. I’ll tell papa.” 
V pouted and tried to wiggle out of Jimin’s finger tips.
“And here is your soju...Awe poor V, Jimin, you don’t need to be harsh with my baby.”
“Appa...Chim bully m-.”
“Did not.” Chim interreupter V before he spoke any further.
“Huh...like father, like son. Taehyungssi, you are interrupting our customer time.”
Koo, who was sitting on their head, flew toward the man. 
“Jungkookssi...you’re here.” 
Koo landed on his shoulder.
The rest followed behind before all of them stood in horizontal line in front of Y/n. Y/n took a look one by one. They finally noticed the different of their uniform. 
Now all of them were dressing in white, like angels.
“Welcome to the memoir.”
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Y/n glanced back and forth between their order and the hosts. Jungkook then stepped up and started explaining.
“The memoir is a magical moment that comes every midnight. If the customer enters and orders something around this time before midnight, they will get a grant from the shop.”
“This place grants things accordingly to your deep wish or desire. And it seems like you want to walk through your favourite moment again, starting from here?”
Y/n looked down at the table. They was surprised to meet a hazy reflection of them...as a kid again.
“Ready to find your lost?” Namjoon approached you and offered his hands.
“The time only stops for an hour so we need to be hurry.” Yoongi added.
Without hesitation, they took an offer.
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The first award they got in their life. 
A kid who was an outcast found their existent in the competition. Despite with little talents, their deligent brought them ,a courage, a wonder birthday gift for that year. 
However, it also brought them into a storm. 
Shadow was lurking. The achievement made them being an alien more than what they had been.
Their first identity then shattered.
A new chapter after their storm. Restarting everything, they evolved into a more assertive person who ready to fought for their goals. A group of people soon formed around them and walked side by side.
Music had become a major part of their life. Discover that new world made them become stronger after the past pain.
Yet, another storm crashed everything down.
Their identity was even more shattered.
A new persona emerged after what had happened. Coldblood was what people used to refer to them. Loneliness somehow become their friend, the most loyal friend ever. 
A group of people drifted away, leaving them in guilty. However, it was their plan to enter the deepest part of their life and then destroyed them from the inside.
Pain was their familiar, always reminding them how hurt they were and pushing them to the top.
Slowly and slowly, it consumed everything. Their persona finally took over their identity, ruling everyone with fear.
They thought everything was fine now. Everything was working itself out. They finally got what they wanted. A peaceful life was what they always want.
Well, it seemed not what they would get.
When death knocked their door...
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“Huh...huh...huh...give me a break. Why do I have to go through this feeling again?” 
Their chest tighten at the reel in front of them. Seeing themselves smiled for a moment and then became upset afterward flickered a deep pain inside Y/n.
Y/n looked at them with teary eyes. The anger, sorrow, disappointment, every negative emotion that burried deep down overflow into their system.
“But...it was...” Hoeseok tried to explained.
“I don’t desrve this. Why do I deserve this?” Y/n asked quietly to themselves.
“It must have been hard for you, must it not?”
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A familiar voice appeared, instantly took Y/n’s attention. She turned around and met with another surprised.
“You...you come...how?”
“I’m your hyung. Of course, I’m going to know everything about you. Guesing your thoughts wasn’t that hard.”
A man walked toward Y/n and grabbed their hands into his.
“Thank you for bringing them here, I’ll do as I promise.” 
The man bowed at the seven men behind his beloved sister. They then left the siblings to have a talk.
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“How’s the other side? Is it good?” Y/n asked, trying to sound cheerful.
“I’m not used to it yet, but it was nice. Now I have time to travel everywhere without waiting ships or airplanes.”
Y/n nodded. They were happy that at least their brother was fine. 
“Hyung...I’m sorry.” 
“I know. I’m sorry that I left you there, but time was up for me. It was not...”
“No, if I knew, if I was there, I would definitely help you. You know I can do it.”
Tears finally left Y/n eyes. The day that their brother died still stuck it Y/n’s mind. It was like yesterday when they recieved a call from his office.
“...He’s gone...by himeself...”
That one sentence crashed their existence entirely. 
“But...I can help...why don’t you *hick*...” 
Y/n was too overwhelm with sadness that it comeplately sut their sentence. The brother sighed.
And for the first time, he hugged his sister.
“I know as a siblings we both failed to support each other. It wasn’t your fault that they taught you to be my rivals, like they did to me. They forced you to grow when you were just a child. They taught me things in life with violence. It wasn’t our fault, Y/n-ah.”
“But, I still sided with them. I didn’t choose you. In the end, I...”
“Shhh...it’s ok. Like I say, my time was up. We couldn’t change the rule of time no matter how hard we try. You know that well.”
“As a siblings, we only got to knew each other for 7 years. It wasn’ t fair.”
“But, at least, you get to talk with me now. Here I am, fine and safe. Worry nothing and live your life, let the problem dissolve within my body.”
Y/n shook their head. They couldn’t accept the fact that he would soon be gone...for real.
“A bless from me to you, live your life well and keep fighting for your dream. I know you can do it. What you did for me was enough. Living your life as mine won’t make me happy. I want you to live your life as ‘your’ life, understand buddy?”
Y/n nodded, hugging tight onto their brother.
“The time is up. Remember what I say. I’ll be watching you from somewhere always so smile a lot ok?”
His body slowly faded. A smile was the last thing that they saw from him.
His very final moment.
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“Did you find it?”
Y/n opened their eyes. They was back at the cafe.
“I don’t know, Seokjinssi.” Y/n answered.
“At least, he gave you a hint. What you lost wasn’t something big. It somehow was small yet precious. Mayber this noodle might answer your confusion.”
Namjoon pushed a bowl closer to Y/n. Taehyung gave you the chopsticks. They then started digging into their meal.
“That’s my milk.”
“Who get it first get it.”
“You can’t win me when it comes to the arcade.”
“Try me, bro.”
“How about getting a pasrtner? Oh,,,wait, do I need to act as a protective brother?”
“No need to. You know my vibe wasn’t match most human.”
What a familiar taste.
All the conversation between them and him flowed into their head. Despite getting to know each other kate, Y/n can only be themselve when they were around him.
The missing piece of their life was in this bowl. Something important, but was belittle by their surrounding.
A tiny core of Y/n, the ‘y/n’ identity. 
Y/n opened soju and pour a shot.
‘Till we meet again.’ 
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“Guys, take a seat and drink with me. Drinking alone is no fun, y’know?” 
The hosts looked hesitate. However, seeing the first genuine happy expression, they dared not to reject the offer.
“Let me make some more dishes.” 
Jin and Yoongi went behind counter.
“Aye, how about we have a battle?” Taehyung proposed the idea.
“Then, I’ll be the judge with Joonie.” Hoseok grabbed Namjoon with him.
“It’s the younger trio vs our 2 big brothers....I’m in.” 
Jungkook got Jimin and Taehyung behind another part of kitchen.
An atmosphere was getting warm and cozy. The room filled with laughter and bicker. 
A reset moment started here.
In this small cafe,
where Y/n finally found what they lost.
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A/n note : Hi. It’s been long since I got my free time. The schedule was so hectic that I had to take a break. I intended to post this last month on the 13th, but my schedule had another plan for me🥲
The idea of this story was from ‘into the magic shop’. Despite having it in us, sometimes we need a guide toward the shop. For me, it was BTS.
This story is a tribute from me to them.
This story was personal. Well, during my haitus, I had many unexpected events. I poured down most of it into this story. Through difficult times, BTS was my guide to reflect on myself, learn about myself again and search for the best of me in myself. 
A month passed for the band’s anniversary and a few days for the fandom. All I want to say was thank you, not only to them, but also the fans. In this community and other social medias, I found a lot of inspirations. The amount of support you guys showed toward each other and sent to BTS was incredible. Thank you.
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We all have a magic shop in our heart. What you lost can be found there. The best of you is waiting ahead. Don’t give up.
Once again, happy 10th anniversary.
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trinoxtrinox · 2 years
Drone to the Ghost Zone
Ectoberhaunt 2022, Side Order. Prompt: Harvest
Summary: Jack and Maddie Fenton send a drone to the ghost zone in order to learn a bit more about it, when suddenly they come across a Blob Ghost.
“It’s time to send the drone to the other side of the portal to collect data. Care to do the honors Jack?” Maddie stood in front of the Fenton Portal holding a Fenton Drone in her hands, said drone was a normal model bought online that’s been modified to be able to send data through the ectoplasmic interference that’s commonly found in the Ghost Zone, reinforced with Fenton Ecto-Resistant material, a camera that’s been upgraded to zoom in great distances, a new filter with which some ectoplasm could be collected and, just to make sure, a small Ectogun to defend itself with while being controlled by the Fentons.
“On it Maddie!” Jack walked to her side and picked up the drone, turning it on and watching as the drone’s propellers slowly began spinning until it was able to stay afloat on it’s own. Being handed the controller by his wife, Jack slowly controlled the drone until it crossed the portal to the Ghost Zone, and after a little turbulence while crossing the veil tunnel to the other side, Jack and Maddie were finally able to see the Ghost Zone in it’s entirety. “I know we stand against ghosts and all they represent, but I still can’t get tired of this beautiful scenery”
“I understand you Jack, maybe one day we’ll be able to safely explore the other side, but that’s not today.” A green background, shearling rivers of concentrated neon green ectoplasms flowed over in the distance, the presence of stairs colored dark green and dark purple that lead to nowhere, doors of various sizes and decorations colored mostly by different shades of purple and the rocky formations right next to the portal that worked as some sort of platform or entrance towards the Fenton Portal. “Things are pretty empty near the portal today, so it should be safe to delve a little deeper.”
“I’ll check out behind the portal just in case, don’t want any straggler ghosts to gain an upper hand over us.” With that Jack turned the drone around and drove it above the portal, and after confirming that there were no ghosts hiding behind it, he began flying the drone forwards slowly, taking into view all the straggling ghosts that were wandering around in the far distance. After a few minutes of taking notes on everything that crossed the view of the camera, things began getting boring. “Should I do something else with the Fenton-Drone Maddie? I know we’re collecting data, but we can’t collect much from only the ectoplasmic air present in the ambience, and the recordings being done with the upgraded camera will take a while once we’re done to render well enough to be workable.”
“Mmmhh, maybe we should collect some samples of the rocky formation that’s near the portal. I know we have many samples of it already but I’d rather we keep collecting them and having nothing change than having something change and not know about it until it’s too late”
“Yeah, that’s a good idea. I’ll just turn around and-WOAH,” Jack recoiled, separating his face from the screen of the remote. “Did you see that Mads?”
“See what honey? What did you see?” asked worried the Ectobiologist and Ectochemist of the two, worried and letting her pencils and papers where she was reviewing some numbers down.
“I saw a ghost fly across the screen!”
“WHAT!?” Maddie practically flew across the room to stand next to the Ectoengineer and Ectophysicist, latching herself onto his arms as she tried to watch the screen for any movement. A few seconds passed and another ghost crossed the screen, this time a bit farther away, allowing the pair of scientists to see what ghosts was the one they crossed paths with, it being a Blob Ghost. “Phew, it was just a blob ghost.”
“Yeah, though I’ll be honest I didn’t expect one of those blob ghosts to appear so close to the portal, I always thought that they ‘lived’ farther from the portal.”
“Maybe there’s a reason for it. Would you mind turning the camera a little and follow the blob for a few seconds dear?”
“On it Maddie.” and after showing the blob ghost to the camera, Jack zoomed out a bit to showcase it’s surroundings as well. Strangely enough, there were only 2 other blob ghosts present as well.
“That’s weird, usually those blob ghosts travel in packs of between 7 and 12 of them, but here we have only 3…” Maddie was worried a second there about what the lack of blob ghosts could mean, however before she could give it more thought the blob ghosts present turned towards the camera and smiled, their glinting red eyes shining more than before.
“...What are they doing?” asked Jack, readying the gun on the drone just in case.
“...Jack,” whispered Maddie, looking straight into the screen as the gears of her brain began turning, “could you turn around please? I think they’re looking behind the drone”
Slowly but surely, Jack turned the drone around, and what welcomed them was the sight of a wave of green approaching them fast, way too fast for the drone to safely move away to a safe place, and as such had no choice but to brace the drone for the impact. Jack thought of using the gun for a moment, but after realizing that attacking what essentially looks like a huge wall of ectoplasm would be either useless or a bad idea, he chose against it and got ready for impact. Said impact never came however, the screen only turned neon green for a few seconds and then went back to normal.
“Hold on a second, are those…” Maddie took the controller of the drone from her husband’s hands and turned around the drone, focusing the camera on what now could be identified as a giant horde of blob ghosts, one that was about at least consisting of 150 blob ghosts, “they are! I’ve never seen so many blob ghosts together at once.”
“Neither have I Mads, I wonder why that happened? Maybe there’s some phenomena happening in the Ghost Zone that’s changing the properties of ectoplasm in certain places?”
“Maybe the Blob Ghost are imitating the behavioral patterns of living animals and are simulating a migration season?”
“Either way we’ll have to collect some samples of both of these, do you want to analyze the data brought by the filters of the drone or fish for some blob ghosts with the Fenton Ghost Fisher?”
“I’ll work on the analysis, I know how much you love fishing dear.”
“You’re right I do” kissing his wife in the cheek, Jack turned his back to the portal. “Would you mind measuring the distance between the blob ghosts and the portal and bring the drone back? I’ll go get the Fenton Ghost Fisher meanwhile.”
“Sure thing honey, be careful tangling the line.”
“I’ll get that fishing rod and then it’ll be time to fish for some ghosts!”
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simmillercc · 1 year
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I finally figured out how to make round paintings! PHEW!
I used 9 fairy castle images from CreativeFabrica.com and played with some colours, resulting in 36 swatches.
I hope you like them 😊
LOD0 - 816
LOD1 - 506
LOD2 - 348
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ibitsunahaato · 2 years
Summer Splash 6
Yuzuru: …I have found Hiiro-sama. He is over there.
Aira: You're right! As expected of Fushimi-senpai.
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Aira: Wait—HUH~?! He's waist-deep in the river..
He~y, Hiro-ku~n! Come back! It's too dark, you won't be able to find it!
This is dangerous! Hiro-ku~n!
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Hiiro: …
Aira: He ignored me… Is my voice not reaching him? HE~LLO!
Hiiro: …
Yuzuru: (...Rather than ignoring, it seems like he cannot hear any sounds from the surroundings.)
(As Shiratori-sama said, the river is dangerous at night. My prior investigations tell me that the water level here is at three metres at most.)
(Even if it must be by force, I should bring him back. I shall borrow a rope from the control office and…)
Hiiro: —I can see it.
Aira: H-Hiro-kun?!
Aira: What do we do? Hiro-kun has disappeared into the water…!
Yuzuru: Ugh, that decides it.
Shiratori-sama, please wait here. I shall swim and—
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Hiiro: …Phew
Alright. I have found the glasses!
Fufu, it was worth getting drenched.
…Huh, why are the two of you here?
Aira: I mean, if you ask why, we came running after you but…Uhh…
Yuzuru: You did well but… How were you even able to find it in this pitch darkness?
Hiiro: I was able to find it precisely because it was dark. When the sun was shining, the light reflected made it too bright and various things would catch the eye. So on the contrary, it was actually a hindrance to the search.
By sharpening my senses inside the darkness, I could immediately detect the glasses' presence.
Yuzuru: Ha… Their presence, you say…? Hiiro-sama's physical prowess is excellent.
Aira: You don't have to care about him, Fushimi-senpai. Hiro-kun is just your average weirdo.
Hiiro: But even you say weird things sometimes? Since we are both weirdos, let us continue to get along.
Aira: Don't put me in the same boat as you by calling me a weirdo! I'm normal!
Mika: Should I go there as well ‘n see what the situation's like? But I can't see well when it's dark since I'm nightblind.
Not only would I be useless, but I'd also drag 'em down. What to do…?
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Keito: …Kagehira, can you hear something from faraway?
Mika: Uhm… Ah, 'tis 'em! Hasumi-senpai, everyone's back!
Hiiro: We're back. Hasumi-senpai, can you give me your hand?
Keito: Like this? This feels like—My glasses? No way… To think that you would actually find them.
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Keito: …Hm? What happened, Amagi? Your whole body is soaking wet.
Hiiro: You see, the glasses had sunk to the bottom of the river. So I had no choice but to dive in.
Keito: You dived in? You shouldn’t do such rash things, good gracious…
Yuzuru: Hiiro-sama, leave the explanation for later and please change your clothes in the tent. It would be worrying if your temperature dropped.
Hiiro: Umu. Understood.
Time: Five minutes later
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Hiiro: Sorry to keep you waiting. Doesn't it feel strange when I'm the only one in casual clothes?
Yuzuru: Let us hang up your practice clothes later. They should be dry in the morning.
Hiiro-sama, please come here. Allow me to dry your hair for you.
…In the end, it is great that you were able to find them. But the river is dangerous at night. If you had to search, would it not have been better to wait for morning?
Hiiro: No. If I had waited till morning, they would have vanished.
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Yuzuru: …Are you referring to the stars?
Hiiro: Umu. Here you can even see stars that would fade away under the street lights in ES.
When I thought that we could only enjoy this view now, being in a camp surrounded by nature, I wanted to find the glasses no matter what.
All five of us together make "Keito Lectures". So I wanted to enjoy this moment with everyone, without leaving anyone behind.
That was all. Let me apologise for causing worry… I'm sorry.
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Yuzuru: …When Keito-sama lost his glasses, everyone was down in the dumps, and the ambience was not suitable for enjoying the starry sky.
Although it was dangerous and I can neither give you full credit nor praise you—This time, we were saved by Hiiro-sama's ability to take action.
Your conduct may be far from normal and sometimes lacking in common sense, but that is precisely why it can be helpful at times…
Hiiro: …I am inexperienced and will cause a lot of trouble even in the future, but I would be glad if I could be accompanied by you all as part of "Keito Lectures".
There is still a lot I want to know—About idols, about the city, about everyone, and about this world.
Yuzuru: If you are fine with me, I would be pleased to. Keito-sama also appears to have the same opinion.
Keito: Unfortunately, I seem to be surrounded by innumerable troublesome guys. The number increasing by one more new person is of no concern.
There are limits since we are in different agencies and units, but as long as you don't throw in the towel, I'll look after you in "Keito Lectures".
Hiiro: Umu! Once again, I'll be under your care.
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Aira: Is the convo over…? Hasumi-senpai, would you like to play with this?
Keito: Sparkler fireworks? Did you bring them all the way here?
Aira: Yeah. Since summer kinda means fireworks, so I thought it'd be nice if we could play with them together…♪
Mika: There's many kinds of 'em, huh. What's this?
Hiiro: It's shaped like a gun. Is this how you set it off?
Keito: Don't start yet, alright? It would be terrible if a fire breaks out. Let's move to the riverbed?
Yuzuru: Quite right. And just to be cautious, let me also borrow a fire extinguisher from the control office.
This is going to become a wonderful memory… Am I right, Keito-sama?
Keito: …Ah, certainly.
Writer: Yuumasu
← previous ✦ story masterlist
Proofing: mia
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bamboomusiclist · 1 year
1/22 おはようございます。Blaine L Reininger / Live In Brussels TWI637  等更新しました。
McCoy Tyner / Reaching Fourth as33 Doris Day / One Night Stand lp1020 Chick Corea / Trio Music Art Tatum / Footnotes To Jazz Vol2 Rehearsal fj12293 Edmund J Wood / Immanent Domain nq-3416 Ernestine Anderson / Never Make Your Move Too Soon Cj-147 Karin Krog / Hi Fly fidardo2 Soesja Citroen / Sings Thelonious Monk tpr30001 Julie London / Latin in A Satin Mood lst7278 Jean DuShon Ramsey Lewis / You Better Believe Me Lps-750 Astrud Gilberto Stan Getz / Getz Au Go Go  vlp9081 Milt Jackson / Memphis Jackson SMAS-93756 Joao Gilberto Antonio Carlos / Gilberto & Jobim st-2160 Brian Eno David Byrne / My Life in the Bush of Ghosts srk6093 Blaine L Reininger / Live In Brussels TWI637 Patrice Rushen / Posh 6e-302 VA / Ragtime 2 The Country RBF18 Abyssinians / Arise FL1019 Nolen And Crossley / Ambience 6003gla Claudia Lennear / Phew BS2654
~bamboo music~ https://bamboo-music.net  [email protected]   530-0028 大阪市北区万歳町3-41 シロノビル104号 06-6363-2700
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mysteriesmuse · 2 years
“You know, I think he finds a secret joy in watching me cram,” you comment.
A/N: Alright guys I know it’s finals time. I, frankily, started writing this at some point during mine and semi-forgot about it, but now that I’m done (Yay!!) I finished it up and checked it, so I hope you enjoy.
And If you’re still doing finals keep going you can do it! I believe in you!
and for those of you like me who just finished *highfive* 🙏 we made it! (and now we can relax phew) ——————— You’re currently surrounded by the gaggle of children who has adopted Douxie as their big brother, along with some of their friends. It’s a whole get together at the dinner before finals week and the end of the semester comes. A normal sorce of fun and relaxation in their life’s since the arcane order almost destroyed the world. Ya’ know that kind of recreational activity.
However, unlike these cuties your dreaded finals week was already upon you. The perks of being the only human college kid.
————— The entire trollhunters group took up two full booths at the diner. The children taking up one whole booth to themselves and then the adults and the “mystical beings much-older-than-adults“ to another.
Somehow you’d been regulated to sitting with the later at the “much older than adult table” along with Barbara. I suppose that’s what you get as the human fiancé to a changling. “How’s your studying going, Y/N?”Barbara asks, moving across the table to place a glass of water under your nose with a smile mumbling a, “Don’t forget to stay hydrated.”
“Oh thank you, it’s been going alright,” you reply bringing the glass up to your mouth, “I’ve got a lot handful of late work to turn in and I’m honestly worried about my history final,“ you sigh looking back up from your laptop and several piles of papers.
Barabara nods earnestly, “I remember finding it difficult to juggle all the studying for finals,“ she laughs, “but most of mine were about how to use a scapula.”
“History you say? Well, I could probably help you study for that one. Afterall I’ve lived through most of it!”
Her fiancé Walter Strictler snorts, taking a bite out of his meal. “- Now wait, I too have lived through a large portion of history, and I have all the more eyes to witness it!”
“Oh please, you may have lived it but you don’t live with the artifacts everyday.”
“Yes, may I remind you too both that I do teach history for a living. I have a degree.” “As do we both.”
“Well I would have a human degree if it weren’t for troll law, but the Gladricals are know for being the proper historians for trollmarket . . .”
You heave a sigh alongside Barbara the two of you shaking your heads before you fix your eyes on the screen before you.
The “much-older-than-adults” hosting a conversation about what historical events they lived through along with side notes from Nomura, Barbara, and Strictler giving their own anecdotes about their time in secondary education.
The conversation is light and it flows easily, not a particularly demanding conversation for yourself, something you’re easily going to take for granted someday.
For now it‘s the right kind of ambience for your studyin giving you the option to chrip in if you felt a tug at the conversation.
——————— “Alright well, I’ve got your socks here Blinky-“
“Why thank you,” Blinky adds taking the plate and a big whiff of it before swallowing on. ”- oh and hello everyone.” He chuckles.
“Hello Douxie!”
Everyone pauses to greet him as Douxie slides into the booth sitting on the edge right next to you, giving a gentle pat to your hunched over back as a greeting.
“How’s everyone been doing?“
“Quite well Mr. Casperan, but we do want to know what your thoughts are on the Boston Tea Party. It seems we all have different perspectives on it.” Strictler asks.
Douxie chuckles with a quirked brow, “Where were the rest of you then?”
“Trolls lived in the Americas at that time-“
“Well, Y/N’s working on some history right now,” Barbara interjects.
Douxie hums looking over your shoulder briefly at the screen, “She’s looking at some music theory chords right now.”
“That’s because I’m procrastinating studying for my history final,” You heave a sigh leaning back into your chair.
I mean, you can always study for your other test later.
“Ah right,“ he glances at your screen, “don’t forget to check for your chordal resolutions, love.” Douxie comments snacking some fries off of the plate he served you 10 minutes ago.
“Hey, Douxie why don’t you help Y/N study for history later. I mean, you also know a lot about it like these other trolls here.“
“Ah that, ah well I’m sure Y/N’s got it. She prefers studying alone anyway.” Douxie shrugs taking a sip of your drink now.
“Oh really,” Barbara says, “I’m sure she’d appreciate the help from her boyfriend.”
“Indeed, she was telling us earlier how much she has to cover for the exam.” Stricler adds, with a nod to Barbara’s point
“It is indeed quite a lot.” Blinky says. They’re all sharing that same glance. . . ‘Young love’
“Perhaps I can help you out later right Y/N?” Douxie nods, getting up, “Afterall I’ve got to get back to work now.”
You interject, before he takes his leave and gets too far, “You know, guys, I think he finds a secret joy in watching me cram.”
“Ah well look at the time I better be back in the kitchen-”
“He’s been milling about watching me study all day. I’m starting to think you enjoy it.”
Douxie sighs exasperatedly, “look you are nuclearly attractive when sitting working amoungst a pile of papers.”
“Ah isn‘t that what they all say to woo all the ed. majors,” Nomura jokes.
“That’s exactly what I think of when I see Walt grading papers. . . you know wording more or less,” Barbara shrugs taking a sip from her coffee. ——————-
The Obligatory, “Eeeww Mom,” from Jim in the other booth where’s he’s giving himself a slap and dragging his palms down his face defeated.
“There, there, Jimbo.”
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clockworkgraystairs · 4 years
There is no such thing as vampires #1 || Jurdan AU
Jurdan Smut Week 2020   •   DAY 2
The prompt was technically dagger play...it didn’t really worked that way but HEY more smut! (vampire smut cough)
@jurdannet​   @jurdannetrevels​
Rating: E (no I don’t mean ‘everyone’)
Warnings: Explicit content, mentions of blood, some biting (it’s a vampire au c’mon), swear words (just in case)
Behind me stands a tall, slender man dressed in black trousers and one of those puffy white shirts men always use in period TV dramas. Raven curls frame the sharp angles of his face and his pale skin resembles marble. I stare at him unsure if my eyes widen because of the scare or how good looking he is. Maybe both.
His lips curve as if he finds my reaction somehow satisfying.
Extra comments: Just because I’m extra af, I’ll leave you the ambience music videos I listened while writing this. In case you’d like to hear them while reading:
Rain in a forest at night - Haunted Mansion/rain/thunder/wind - Narnia Lullaby
Part 1 ||  Part 2
Masterlist   •   AO3
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“Please tell me again why are we doing this?” I ask for the third time, leaning to rest my head on my sister’s shoulder. We bounce as the uncomfortable van we travel in turns to a cobbled path, leading us deeper into the woods. 
“Because,” Vivi hisses back. “Your little brother is currently in his Twilight-obsession phase, and he just broke up with his girlfriend so we’re trying to cheer him up!”
“He’s 9! And they lasted like, what? Four hours?”
In that moment, Oak turns violently from the front seat, scowling at me. “First of all Jude, we were together two full days ok? She was the love of my life and suddenly she’s not sure about us anymore? Now I shall never find love again! I might have to become a priest. I expect a little consideration.”
Vivi ruffles his hair affectionately. “We absolutely understand, your sister here doesn’t have an ounce of romance in her veins but of course she supports the cause.”
That said, he returns to his place. I bite my lip hard, trying not to laugh. Typical Oak. I love my brother I really do, even if half of the time I can’t understand his dramatic outbursts.
Sighing, I stare through the window, to the heavy clouds gathering on top of us. Great. We are probably far away from the highway by now, nothing more than trees, rocks and occasional wild animals around. For some reason, our father had thought that there was no better way of fixing a kid’s broken heart than going on a quest in search of legends and hidden castles. 
The thing is that apparently, it works. Instead of an incessant whining about love being doomed, my brother spends the days throwing the most random facts about werewolves, vampires, ghosts and any impossible creature. To be honest, I don’t think wikipedia and the Twilight books are a reliable source, but if it makes Oak happy I could live a couple of days with it. And most importantly if I have to choose between this or spending the week back at home with my mother and twin sister going to tea parties for old ladies, well, the answer is very clear.
I remember reading a few books about myths when I was younger. When I turned fifteen, I developed a hard crush on Brad Pitt after I saw Interview with the Vampire, filling half of the walls in my room with posters of him. Even now ten years later, I actually enjoy talking about old folklore and legends, urban myths and stuff like that. 
What bugs me, are the fraudulent morons who want to take advantage of Oak’s naive curiosity to engage us in the most ridiculous tours that were obviously a waste of money. So far, we’d entered three “museums” where most of the so-called relics were made of plastic, and a haunted house with special effects so poorly done, father had discreetly asked for his money back. Only another two of the places we visited were actually interesting, but since the guides spent most of the time flirting with Vivi or me, it had annoyed our father. 
Now though, we are driving behind the car of an old couple who swore their ancestors owned a castle where true vampires had lived once. The sole mention of the word “castle” was enough to make Oak hang from our father’s sleeve begging to go.
I’m not going to lie, it is an intriguing idea. But I remain a little worried about how much money Madoc is ready to pay before he hurries his little son back to his fantasy books and videogames.
“Dad, did you know that vampires like to live in the woods because it allows them to make racing competitions without being interrupted?” Oak asks with enthusiasm.
Madoc gasps. “Do they? Is it because they’re so fast?” 
Okay, he might be willing to pay more than I thought. Next to me, Vivi muffles a laugh and keeps taking pictures for her instagram, occasionally asking for my help.
Upon arriving at the castle I have to suppress a curse. This, now, is a real castle. Nothing like the pitiful buildings we’d visited before. It is huge, made of pure stone and a modest wooden bridge that connects the entrance with the spot where the cars park. A slight fog covers the sides of the castle giving it a creepier look. 
A shiver goes down my back. I turn to find my family who are all equally gaping at the place in front of them. Oak is visibly shaking with excitement. Vivi shoots me an astonished look before taking my brother’s hand and following the couple across the bridge.  
The first thought that pops into my mind is that this place must have been taken out from a movie. Or set up for one. Maybe this is one of those pranks for TV. There is no other explanation for the massive room we find behind the giant front gate. Every inch of the walls is covered by paintings, several images barely recognizable through the dust. Aged furniture rests under dust and spiderwebs, pointing out they haven’t been used in quite some time. The illumination doesn’t help either. Electric lights hang from a few spots on the walls, though not enough for the big space, which I suspect is the reason that long candles are lit up too. 
My next thought is that I should’ve brought my sweater. The damn place is freezing. 
“Phew, sorry about the dust!” The old man says, flashing an embarrassed smile to us. “We were not planning to have any visitors yet.”
“You said this is going to be a museum?” Madoc asks, carefully surveying the walls. Next to him, Vivi tightens her hold on my brother’s hand to prevent him from starting to run around. I swear his eyes are about to pop out of their sockets. 
“It will indeed! This place has been in our family for generations, but since it’s hard to adapt it to modern technology it was abandoned.” He turns to Oak and winks. “Not to mention the creepy things that happen here all the time.”
His gaze widens. “What kind of things?”
“Well, some distant relatives used to try spending their vacations here. But after a couple of days they left in a big rush, claiming some strange force had commanded them to go away.” With a lower voice, he adds. “They also mentioned noises coming out from empty rooms and dark hallways. Steps. Shadows that followed them along the place.” 
For a second everyone remains silent. The only noise I can hear is the wind outside and the start of a slight rain. Somehow my hands are even colder.
“The legend says,” The woman, whose name is Marrow if I remember it correctly, continues while taking one chandelier with her hand. “This was the hideout of ancient vampires, how many, we don’t know. But they didn’t appreciate people trying to live within their domains.”
“So why come here at all?” Vivi asks. “Isn’t it dangerous?”
“It might be.” She shrugs. “But that’s half of the fun, isn’t it?”
“We like to think we’ve found a safe way to open this castle to the public without taking any risks. We will use a part of it as a museum, to show some of the family relics. But be aware, no one is allowed to go further than the marked area.” He signals at the yellow tape stuck on the floor forming arrows.
“If you please...” Marrow says, motioning at the stairs where the markings start.
They get me for a moment, not gonna lie. The surroundings and the way they speak are creepy enough to make me doubt my beliefs for a second. I shake my head to clear those thoughts away and walk behind my family. There’s no such thing as vampires or haunted castles.
We go through passages. Madoc has to remind Oak to not touch anything, constantly. From what I see, he’s living his best day. Several counters line up side by side against the wall. Some of them contain jewelry, others weapons, old writing pens among other things. Most of them carry a family shield, although it’s too blurry to properly identify what it says.
The rain thickens outside and Marrow keeps talking. She tells the story of her so called ancestors, whose family were big enough to fill all the rooms in the castle. Elwen, Eldred… something like that, and his many wives had once lived here. Along with his abounding children. I see in Oak’s face the intention to ask about how that family arrangement worked but Vivi gives him a slight pull of his hair. 
I would have thought our guides would try to keep a proud name for their so-called ancestors. But they don’t. In fact, she seems particularly interested in explaining how Eldred’s cruel and terrible nature brought him nothing but disgrace. His once prosperous castle and assets were gone little by little. He claimed he was under the effects of a curse, but no one dared believing him. At least not until people started disappearing.
I stop listening at some point, focusing my attention on the relics in front of me. I’ve always felt a significant attraction to weapons, but not the ordinary ones like guns or rifles. These ones though, such beautiful daggers and swords. I’d give a kidney just to hold one of them. 
On the next shelf books pile one next to the other, the dust around them a clear sign of how long they’ve been unbothered. All except for one. The navy blue cover has almost no dust at all, yet it looks like it would fall apart with a gentle blow of wind. The title is partially gone, probably through time. 
I turn my head to my family but they’re gone, probably to another corridor since I can still hear the muffled voice of Marrow and my brother. Would she care at all if I check out that book?
I bite my lip. As long as it doesn’t break it’s probably alright. Standing on the tip of my toes I reach for it.
“That is an excellent book.” 
I shriek and whip around, my hand flies to my mouth trying to cover the embarrassing sound. The book falls open next to my feet.
Behind me stands a tall, slender man dressed in black trousers and one of those puffy white shirts men always use in period TV dramas. Raven curls frame the sharp angles of his face and his pale skin resembles marble. I stare at him unsure if my eyes widen because of the scare or how good looking he is. Maybe both. 
His lips curve as if he finds my reaction somehow satisfying. “My personal favorite. Too bad the author was a poisonous bunch-backed toad.”
My mouth opens to apologize, but I only manage to let out a strangled. “Shit”
The stranger lifts an eyebrow and chuckles. 
“Sorry, I- that wasn’t what I meant to say.” I stutter. I feel as if my heart has jumped to my throat. “I wasn’t trying to steal the book.”
“I did not say you were.” He answers, his voice is like velvet.
I nod and take a deep breath. “I came in with my family. Marrow is showing us the place.”
His dark eyes wander down my body, but not like one of those rude men on the streets. No. Something in his gaze feels feral, like an animal sizing up his prey. A strange urge to run pools in my stomach, yet at the same time my muscles seem to have forgotten how to do so. 
He looks me in the eyes again and it’s all gone. I let go of the tension in my back and a breath I didn’t know I was holding. When he smiles again, I feel as if I could trust him. Why shouldn’t I?
“And are you enjoying the tour?” He bends to pick up the book I’d dropped before and puts it back on the shelf. His movements are fluid and carefree. I doubt I’ve ever seen such elegance in a simple action. It is unsettling as much as it is attractive. Then I realize I’m supposed to answer.
“Yes, this is amazing actually.” I look around and take in the aged stone of the walls and ceiling. In that corridor there’s only one electric lamp, the rest is only lightened by candles. I can see our shadows dancing along to the flames. “All of this really helps getting in the ‘mood’.”
“The mood?” 
I look at him and notice his tilted head. “Yeah you know, the mood of enchanted castles and old legends. This is well put enough that a credulous person would believe any story. Marrow is pretty good at it too.” Motioning a hand to him I add. “They even have their own actor.”
A thunder roars outside. “I beg your pardon?”
I roll my eyes and flash him a smile. “You don’t really have to keep the charade with me. I’m not some schoolgirl.”
“Yet I managed to pull a scream out of you, didn’t I?” The way he says it feels as if he was talking about an entirely different subject. Heat creeps up my cheeks.
“That was… not the same.” I mumble. “I didn’t hear you approaching. That could scare the living hell out of anybody.”
“I have been told I am quite sneaky, I concede you that.” He nods. “Why don’t I give you the rest of the tour? As an apology, of course.”
He’s doing his job, I remind myself, he’s not flirting with you. 
“You haven’t even told me your name.” I say. “If we’re roaming around a castle together I should at least know who’s guiding me.”
That sounded an awful lot like flirting. Dammit. 
“Cardan, at your service madam.” The tone he uses feels like a caress, he bows his head in a way I’ve only seen in movies. He takes his role seriously. I almost chuckle, but the sound dies in my throat. 
“Cardan.” I repeat, just for the pleasure of doing it. “My name is Jude.”
He straightens. “Delighted to meet your acquaintance.” He answers and offers me his arm. “Shall we, Jude?”  
I can’t believe how far away my family has gone. Cardan and I walk through a couple of corridors and still there is no trace of them. Did we take that long talking?
He’s an excellent guide, I have to acknowledge that. 
While Marrow uses a tone of suspense and mystery, Cardan has this melancholy in his voice that sounds as if he’s talking about a memory. It’s bewitching. He also drops the most ridiculous “facts” about the people on the paintings. I refrain myself from asking if inventing things is allowed for employees, because saying that the girl with the pearl necklace enjoyed to play on the beach while saying she was the Princess of the Sea, certainly sounds like it. 
“If you bite your lip one more time, I am going to do it for you.” 
My heart skips a bit and I let go of my lower lip. I hadn’t realized I was tugging it. It’s an unconscious habit. I turn to him and I find his gaze different, hungry. It sends a shiver down to a place I know it shouldn’t. He arches an eyebrow as though he notices it.
“Is that a thing vampires like to do?” I say, trying to lighten the mood. The last thing I want him to know is that for the last twenty minutes I’ve been listening to him speak wishing he put a different use to that wicked mouth of his.
His gaze doesn’t change. “It is a thing I would like to do.” 
I am pretty sure my expression is giving me up by now. Knowing my traitorous body, I’m probably flushed, my mouth open in awe. Desire coils inside me.
At my lack of answer, he continues. “Why don’t I show you something vampires really like to do?” 
He walks back without letting go of my hand. I notice he steps out from the marked section and into a forbidden corridor. 
The sensation returns, the one that is telling me to run. The problem is that I don’t know whether to run away, or straight to it. My mind wants both and my body, only one.
“You’re going to the restricted area.” I’m partially surprised by how breathless my voice sounds. “You can’t go in there…”
Cardan pauses and a confused expression crosses his face. A second later, it returns to his charming and teasing smile. “Are you afraid?”
I am. 
Yet, I don’t care. I walk into the shadows with him.
As we cross the passage darkened by the lack of chandeliers I tell myself this is a terrible, terrible idea. The way he devours my mouth the moment a door slams shut behind us, convinces me it is the best.
Cardan pushes me against the wall, the cold temperature of the stone goes through my clothes making me gasp. He takes the opportunity and kisses me harder, his tongue explores my mouth with such deliciousness I have to bite back a moan. 
My fingers are tangled in his hair pulling him closer to me, if such a thing is even possible. His hands are everything but still. They roam intensely from my breasts, down my sides and finally to my rear, where he grabs me, pressing me against his pelvis. I hear him groan and the sound makes something clench inside me. 
Before I can double-think about it, one of my hands lowers to rub his hardness, still hidden behind his trousers. His breath hitches. He pulls back a bit and whispers to my ear. “Needy little human.”
I frown a moment, something about his words not clicking inside my brain but whatever it is I forget it the moment he slides his cold hands under my jersey. I yelp at the sensation, not sure if what flutters down my back is a result of the temperature or the eagerness which he’s holding me with. When he reaches my bra I hesitate for a moment. Cardan pauses too and leans back to stare into my eyes. 
“Do you want to stop?” His voice is throaty and charged with desire. Still, he doesn’t make a move, waiting for my answer.
An instinctive part of me knows this is something I shouldn’t be doing. But that’s definitely not any close to me wanting to stop. Without removing my eyes from his I take the hem of my jersey to pull it over my head. The piece of fabric hits the floor, but neither of us pays attention to it. Once again Cardan’s gaze roams me in that predatory way. 
I don’t stagger this time.
When my bra falls to the floor too, I take his hand and guide it to my jean’s button. “Do I look like I want to stop?”
Without hesitation he yanks the button open and slides his hand inside to cup the apex of my thighs. The contrast of my warm skin against his coldness makes my hips buck. Cardan buries his other hand in my hair and tilts my head back. I can feel his lips nipping down my jaw and my neck. A moan escapes my lips as he swipes a finger along my heat. He hums in response, the vibrations of it against my neck makes my eyes roll back.
He continues his ministrations until he feels me wet enough to slide a finger inside, he curls and pulls out. Then back inside. My breath comes out in elaborated pants as he quickens his pace. My hands almost finish unbuttoning his shirt when he slides another finger through my folds, his movements turn fast and punishing. Wet sounds taint the silence around us. As pleasure takes full control of my body I cling to him like a life saver, trying to muffle my moans.
“Let go Jude, let go for me.” He breathes next to my ear. My back arches and I sob a curse, writhing down on his hand. 
He slows down as I come back from my orgasm, but never stops. Despite the freezing surroundings a drop of sweat runs down my chest. My heart beats as if I just ran a marathon. Cardan’s lazy moves continue, frequently grazing that spot that makes me mewl.
I hear him sigh. “You smell so good.” He claims my mouth one more time and bites me hard enough to make me wince. His tongue caresses my lower lip and a warm throb expands through my veins. He freezes and pulls back, releasing me. I stare at him in confusion, or at least as much as I can manage giving my current state.
He pants a couple of times before looking up at me. There’s a fiercess in his eyes that would’ve been scary under normal situations, right now, it only makes me want him more. He swallows before finally speaking. “If we go further, I won’t be able to stop.” His voice is like sandpaper.
My body seems to work on its own account, as I move to cup his face between my hands. “I already told you.”
“Jude…” He warns me, but I interrupt him joining my lips to his.
“I want this.” I breathe into his mouth. Cardan lets out a defeated groan before pulling my body back against his. Either he’s been holding back or it is until that moment that I realize how strong he actually is. He kisses me like a starved man and I can feel my pulse rise once again.
Soon his shirt joins my other clothing. My fingers trace his chest and torso, marveled at the softness of his skin. I mimic him moments before and kiss his neck. A low sound that almost resembles a growl comes out from his throat. My hands travel lower.
Somehow I manage to free his raging erection from his trousers, closing my hand around him. He hisses and then tilts his hips up to my touch. I start pumping him with unsure movements before gaining confidence to do it harder, tighter. Now it’s his turn to curse. Even though it sounds like something taken out from a Shakespeare novel, it makes my core pulse. 
Cardan grips the hem of my jeans strong enough that for a moment I fear he’d rip them away. 
“Take these off.” He demands instead.
I’m not sure of how I manage to do it. My mind feels blurred with a mix of sensations. Disoriented, not sure about exactly how my body is doing all of that, and the bliss of knowing I’m enjoying every second of it.
Before the air hits my skin, Cardan lifts me from the ground. My legs circle his waist in a reflexive move. His lips quirk in approval. Then my back is once again pressed against the wall, making me arch in a failed attempt to avoid touching the cold stone. A sound leaves my mouth, though it is not clear if it’s a protest or a moan. I hear him chuckle in my ear and I turn my head, searching his lips.    
His kiss is slower but still deep. I feel as if small electric sparks are tickling every single one of my nerves. More, I need more. Cardan holds me in place with his hips, letting his hands wander up and down my legs.
The tip of his shaft is grazing my core over the thin fabric of my remaining piece of clothing, with an aching slowness that is not enough to ease my thirst. More.
I might have said that out loud because Cardan’s hips grind faster against me. It feels so good. And yet, it’s not enough.
I whine his name like a plea. 
He continues for a couple of torturing seconds before reaching between my thighs again. There’s no teasing now as he moves my panties aside and immediately sinks his fingers inside me, pumping in and out with a pace that has me gasping in no time. He murmurs something I can’t understand and lines himself up to my entrance.
With soft, deliberate movements he slides through my heat, letting me feel every inch of him until he’s completely filling me. Then he stills. My muscles twitch around him, trying to adjust to the invasion. The exquisiteness of it is making my head swoon. 
Cardan grabs my jaw and locks his gaze with mine. I can imagine what he’s looking at. Hooded eyes and flushed skin, though he doesn’t let me think a lot about it as he starts to move. Slow at first, with careful strokes that quickly evolve into long and deep. My mouth falls open at the sensation and my eyes shut.
“I warned you.” I hear him pant. “That there was no coming back.”
A whimper escapes my lips. I’m not even sure I’m actually trying to say something. He doesn’t seem to care either and leans to whisper to my ear. “You are mine now, Jude.”   
There is something in the way he says it, his words carrying some compelling implication I can’t fully catch. His lips trail down my neck and I want to answer. To tell him that I am, that after the way he’s taking me, how could it be otherwise? 
That’s when I feel a sharp stinging pain on the base of my throat. 
I cry out and try to shake it away but whatever it is won’t let me go. Cardan’s words echo at the back of my mind, Needy little human. 
As if sensing my thoughts he grabs my thighs and opens them wider, he thrusts into me harder and faster. Everything mixes in sensation. Pain leaves as fast as it came, leaving behind it that throb in my veins I can’t really explain. It is more intense now, what I felt as warm now is scorching. My entire body feels like it’s on fire, I’ve never felt so exhilarated before in my life. I don’t want it to stop. 
Cardan sucks on my neck again and I moan his name. Without realizing it, I’m on the brink of another orgasm. I only realize it because he groans when my legs start to shiver around him. I cling to his neck and his hair. If I’m pulling too hard I can’t really know. A familiar swirl comes up from my core to the rest of my body as I spasm around him. It takes me a moment to notice the broken moans and sobs I hear come from my own mouth. 
He keeps going a little longer until his fingers tighten over my skin, surely leaving bruises on both thighs. Muffled moans ring against my skin as he comes, thrusting in a couple of times more before stilling. A warm sensation covers the place where we join together.  His mouth lets go of my neck. I grunt and shiver. 
He puts me down carefully, still holding my waist, which is good considering I don’t know if I’m able to stand by myself. I feel dizzy. Cardan lowers his lips to mine one more time. He’s slow and gentle as though he’s worried. There is a slightly metallic taste in his tongue but I don’t pay attention to it. I trace the fine features of his face with trembling fingers. Little by little my senses start to take in the surroundings, the cold. 
The place rumbles with another crack of thunder.
“You have to go back.” Cardan says, barely pulling his lips apart. Go back. I frown, then images of my family crash in my mind. I look around searching for the door, there is something  on the floor. I realize soon those are my clothes. Shit. The tour, Oak. How much time have I been gone?
I dress in a hurry, not really caring if I put on my jersey correctly. He does the same but with the calm an elegance he has.
Panic must be written in my face because he grabs my chin and turns me to him. “Hey. Calm down.” He soothes me. Then his tone changes, turns commanding. His eyes are darker too. “Listen to me. You are going to do exactly as I say, do you understand Jude?”
I want to ask why, but for some reason I only nod. Cardan grabs my hand and pulls me out of whatever room we were in. “You must follow this passage until you find a way to turn left. Then continue until you see a painting of a black snake then turn right, you cannot miss it or you will get lost. Walk straight, and you will be back to a safe area.”
“But-” I start. I don’t want to go alone. And I don’t understand why but I don’t want to separate from him either. Which is nonsense, I barely know him and still...
He interrupts me. “I cannot go with you, I have lost so much control already and I don’t think…” 
“Cardan, I can’t-” 
A growl echoes in his chest and he pulls me closer to him. While his voice is still hypnotizing it sounds threatening now. “You will not tell anybody about what you saw here. Now go if you intend to leave this place alive.”
Then he's gone. I can’t recall if I blinked or turned, because a moment before I could still touch him and now he vanished.
I take a deep breath and start walking. Focus. Go straight, then turn right. Or was it left? 
All passages look the same, some spaces don’t even have a painting or anything at all to help me differentiate them. Sometimes I whip around, thinking I heard a familiar chuckle behind me. Distant rain is the only sound that is a constant companion, but even with it I’m able to hear an echo of every step I give. It unsettles me more with every minute that passes. Although I feel more in control of my body than before, my knees falter constantly and a sensation of tiredness slides over my mind. 
I find the snake painting just as I’d started to think I would be trapped here forever. 
It’s huge, and despite the years that have probably passed the scales still seem to shine. The head is painted in an angle that gives the illusion of the eyes following the person looking at it. It doesn’t help that the candle’s flames also make the snake look as if it’s moving. Stalking. Before noticing, I start hyperventilating. I shut my eyes close and turn away. Something is terribly wrong with me, I need to get out. 
Turning right, I start running. I cover my ears fearing that if I don’t, I’ll start hearing the snake’s hiss behind me.  
I cross an arch made with the same stone and stop right in my tracks upon realizing somehow I’m back at the room where we first arrived. I blink to adjust my eyes to the change of light, since here’s where all the electric lamps are. The room is empty though. 
I’m not sure of what I am supposed to do now. Sit and wait? Go out to the car?
While I’m weighing my options, trying to choose any that doesn’t imply dropping myself on the floor to have a panic attack, I hear murmurs and steps getting closer.
“Jude!” My little brother yells and runs to me. Behind him, Vivi scans me like she’s trying to find something wrong. I straighten my back and put on my best calmed face.
“Where were you?” She demands. “We lost you hours ago! Are you ok? You look pale.” 
Always such a mother hen, I sigh. “I’m fine. I fell behind and lost y’all. Then... I guessed it would be better to just… return here.”
I try not to frown at my last words, since I didn’t fully intend to say them. You will not tell anybody about what you saw here. 
“Jude knows how to take care of herself.” My father adds. I could hug him, but we’re not exactly the affectionate type. So I just flash him a smile.
Vivi does not look convinced but still stands down. “I guess so. The weather did a mess with your hair though.” A flash of Cardan’s fingers pulling from it to gain access to my neck sends a shiver through my body. Had that really happened just minutes before?
Before I can answer, Marrow calls for us. We turn to find her standing next to a big set of paintings that apparently were covered with a curtain. “You cannot leave without meeting the royal family.”
The canvases are ordered to mimic a family tree. A man with a severe expression rests at the very top. Eldred, I assume. Just by looking at it I feel judged. I can’t imagine what was like to actually live with him. The pictures of his wives look all so different but under them, their sons do have resemblance to one another. A weird sensation tickles my fingers as my gaze continues travelling over the paintings. Finally, I get to the last one. Once more, I cover my mouth to avoid  an undesired sound.
Staring back at me I see Cardan. 
I don’t care if it’s a painting, there is no way I could not recognize those features. Those lips.
“A big family, I see.” Madoc’s words seem so far away.
Marrow hums in agreement. “The Greenbriars always felt proud of their vast offspring. Such attractive sons and daughters. It’s a shame the curse took most of their lives all those centuries ago.” 
“Did he…” I start, without knowing how to continue.
She approaches me to look at the canvas. “Ah, young master Cardan. He was the last one of Eldred’s children.” Then a frown appears on her face. “There was a lot of controversy regarding his death. Some say he died because of the curse, some others say he was the curse. The books all have different versions.”
“That sounds creepy as fuck.” Vivi says. 
“Creepy as fuck.” My brother mimics her, the thoughtful expression on his face makes him look ridiculous. We cackle as Vivi shouts Oak he’s not supposed to say bad words.
By the time we get out of the castle the rain has decreased to a drizzle. 
Madoc carries Oak on his shoulders, listening to his non-stop squeals of excitement after visiting what he calls ‘a real vampire hideout’. This time, I don’t find the words to contradict him. Vivi is the first one to get to the car, shouting back some nonsense about the Greenbriars needing a protection hex. 
The moment I step down from the bridge something shifts in my head and I feel as if I had just woken up. 
Perhaps it is me who needs a protection spell after all. 
Before closing the car’s door, I turn to the castle one more time. Marrow and her husband wave at us from the front gate. 
A dull ache throbs on the base of my neck and my hand flies to the spot. I retrieve it and see blood staining my fingers. 
My heart misses a beat when I lift my gaze to the upper windows, where a tall figure with white shirt and dark hair is looking right back.
Tags: @slightlyrebelliouswriter23​ @sweetlyvillainous​ @poeticbrownmermaid​ @aesthetics-11​ @thesirenwashere​ @jurdanhell​ @nightbringer​ @b00kworm​ @mysweetvillain​ @thefolkofthefic​ @yafandomsdotnet​ @vanessa172003​ @booksandothersecrets​ 
If you wish to be tagged/untagged (or if I forgot to tag you like an utter idot) please let me know!
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sopranokirstin · 3 years
messer ep - first impressions!
i usually do this with new ptx records, but since it’s mitch’s first solo ep i figured i could give it a go so you guys have my first reactions!:) been extremely excited for this and i know i’ll love it a lot.
angels pray:
i already love the job the production does for the ambience. it sounds... like crowded, like you’re a little bit lost and overwhelmed. REALLY cool.
ooooo the chorus feels VERY 80s inspired, and this also feels like an adam lambert track, for some reason? he just sounds a bit like him on this song
i adore how layered the vocals are in this song. little acapella guy has his own choir on this song lol
also, i wanna voice my appreciation for how unique and versatile mitch’s voice truly is. he sounds so strikingly different from his usual work and it’s something that fits perfectly in this record. he has such an attention to detail, both of the little production elements as well as the control over his tone!!
hauntingly beautiful! 7.5/10
couldn’t hold myself and had to listen to it before the ep came out lol i LOVE this one. i find it so genius melody wise and it’s such a surprise given the little teases of his music mitch has given before. it’s surprisingly upbeat and technically a love song, but he still manages to get a feel of melancholy across too. it’s beautifully sung and again the production is amazing too. it’s on my playlist and i love whenever it comes it! 9/10
boy in the pictures:
alright, this start is now more of what i expected from messer. very 80s inspired, quite [electronic emojis]
okAAAY. it’s hard to describe what i feel for this song. it’s deliciously aggressive, sort of uninviting, too. his vocals feel very raw too
the lyrics are like, the ideas presented on some superfruit songs, but also with more steps. VERY impressed with his songwriting so far!
this second verse...... PHEW
absolutely obsessed with his voice on the pre-chorus
i love the “you make me wanna surrender to you” line. it clearly has a sexual edge to it but the repetition makes it seem like a burst of unavoidable attraction, some sort of destined demised at the get-together. goes REALLY well with the rest of the song.
overall a great track!! 7/10
gasoline tears:
he sounds deliciously feminine on this verse!! again, his versatility is unmatched
this has more of a ballad flair to it?? that just makes me instantly like it less :/ but he sounds gorgeous in the chorus
okay nevermind the second pre-chorus happened and i’ve changed my mind. BOY that was beautiful
the re-imagining of the chorus melody in the bridge was a really nice touch
that ending was sexy!!!!!!!
alright. not really my taste, but still has GREAT moments! 6.5/10
wait why am i crying
“take my hand and touch yourself, i wanna look at you in the eyes” WOWOWOWOWOW. excuse me???????????
OH god. this one was an experience. the epitome of [rose emoji] and [chain emoji]. my ONLY complain with it is that it’s SO short. the production elevates the song beautifully and it’s just........ AHH. so daring with its lyrics too. very beautiful track!!! 9/10
um, in general i think i’ll like these songs even more on repeat (which i’ll be doing in the foreseeable future) but overall i LOVED the vibe of this album, mitch’s writing and of course his voice. it’s a gorgeous piece of work and i’m insanely proud of him and happy that the wait was worth it. wish him the best!!!
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unmanageable-day · 4 years
Come to me
previous chapter: 21
PART 21.5 - next
Summary. After what happened in a relationship in the past, you found it difficult to trust someone with the gentleman image. ‘Gentleman’ seems like merely a concept and it was probably impossible for someone to be a genuine one. Now that you’re stuck with the number one gentleman at campus for a group project, how would you cope with the one and only Joshua Hong?
Genre. College!au, non-idol!au / friends to lover
Pairing. Joshua x y/n x S.Coups
WC / warnings. 2k / soft makeout sesh (can you call it that when no tongues involved??? or maybe its more like pecks session)
TAGLIST. @samemagicpoint​​ @unravellyn​​ @nonuuu​​ @seventeeneration​​ @skylions-den​​ @wooziverse​​ @infinitemoods​​  —  [ send ask or dm if you’re interested to be added in the list! ]
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You found yourself being confused, sitting on a couch in a corner of a barbershop, flipping page after page of an outdated magazine mindlessly. Sometimes you stole a glance towards a man whose hair was getting cut and dyed. The man who dragged you there and made you accompany him. The reflection of him in the mirror threw a big smile at you.
"How do I look?" he asked as soon as he and you walked out of the barbershop.
"Just looking like S.Coups. What do you expect me to say?" You chuckled.
Grinning, he casually put his arm around your barely clothed shoulder. The direct contact to your skin simply got you flustered. This was the day you regret ever purchasing a skimpy top with spaghetti strap.
Early in the morning, a friend of yours, Somi, came crashing at your place, forcing you to go out with her. She even dug your closet to find an outfit that was not your everyday wear. And that was how the long forgotten floral sleeveless top was found. You cursed why it was found in peak summer season like this. It just made Somi so eager encouraging you to wear it. She even prepared a pair of jeans, mules, and a handbag that would match the top, according to her. And you can't say no when she looked at you with her pleading eyes.
"We will look awesome, Unnie. You see, the color of our top mixes so well together. We have to take pictures. I promise this cafe has the best ambience. You should update your insta, your feed is so dull because you shitpost too much on Twitter," she excitedly rambled.
You never wanted to go home so bad after Somi dragged you here and there until noon. The hot weather quite bothered you, especially that you felt more exposed than usual. Usually you would have your outer whenever you wore sleeveless shirt. Today was an exception because Somi hurried you and you couldn't grab an outer from the closet.
When Somi accidentally spilled some coffee and you may or may not have purposely wiped your hand that got chocolate sauce on your shirt, you thought it was a good chance to buy new clothes. The baby sister rushed you to the closest store, but you were wrong to think you could choose yourself. Because she immediately took 2-3 pieces of another sleeveless top even with spaghetti strap, pushed you to the changing room, and when you were done, she went straight to the cashier and paid the bill.
Wandering around the store before catching up on Somi, you intended to buy some outerwear. But your hands stopped as you were bewildered when someone called you. And it turned out to be Seungcheol shopping by himself. That was how Somi ditched you with a lame excuse because she got overly excited to see you with a fine looking guy.
"Afternoon snack? Boba milk tea?" Seungcheol offered with his gummy smile. He surely appreciated you waiting for him for more than 60 minutes at the barbershop.
These days you found yourself hanging out with him a lot. You surely remembered how flirtatious he was the first time you met him. He was definitely one person you wanted to avoid, or at least to not hang around with that much. Because, one, he was friends with Joshua Hong, and two, you can't stand him flirting and being cringey all the time. The weird thing was now you can't say no to him. This man strangely found his way to you and somewhat won a small part of your heart.
"Or maybe not?" you said as you looked up in the sky. The sunny day had turned into cloudy as the sky got darker. It looked like it was going to rain soon. The little handbag you carried cannot even fit a little umbrella you always brought anywhere anytime. Now you were panicking, already thinking to call a taxi to go home before it rained.
"I think it's wiser to go to my place since it's closer from here. I'll take you home when the rain stops."
"Your place?" you quietly asked, looking concerned. You remembered the three of them lived together. Joshua told you in the first weeks of your internship, about Jeonghan being sulky everyday because of how loud he was when the blender was working to made smoothies aka to provide your breakfast.
You were this close to running away with a taxi as little rain drops started falling and you could feel the cool breeze against your bare skin. Unfortunately not a single vacant taxi was sighted.
"Um.. nobody’s home. Jisoo and Jeonghan are going out," he explained, as if he could read your mind. The longer you took your time contemplating, the grey shade in the sky was getting more visible. Little rain drops started getting bigger and you were running out of choices. "Come on, we don't want you to get wet, do we?" Seungcheol gently took your hand and lead the way.
Again, you can't say no and you cursed yourself for being very indecisive. All you hoped now was this wasn't a bad idea, although you already had a not so good feeling about this.
"Phew, just in time," he remarked as the two of you reached the apartment lobby when the rain suddenly fell heavily. "Let's get upstairs, dry ourselves, and I'll lend you my jacket."
You shook, reassuring him that you were okay. "I'm fine," you said, wiping off the wet trace on your arms. But as soon as you entered the living room, you couldn't deny the chilly temperature that suddenly crept up your body.
"Towel?" he offered, handing over a pink colored fabric.
You muttered thanks as you continued wiping your arms and shoulders.
"Here, wear my cardigan." He tossed a black knit-wear before heading to the pantry to make some hot drink. "Don't just stand there. Go sit on the couch, turn on the TV or something," he chuckled.
You nervously made your way to the couch and sat up straight. Soon, Seungcheol joined you with two cups of hot peppermint tea. Seeing his cardigan crumpled in your hands, he took it and helped to put it around your shoulder. "Feel better?" he asked warmly as he adjusted his seat beside you. Nodding your head, you smiled back at him.
"The rain doesn't look like it will stop soon. Let's just wait a little bit longer, okay?"
It wasn't like you have other better choices anyway. Going home by bus or taxi and get drenched in the middle? No way.
"Is there anything you want to watch?"
"Not really. Just don't trick me to watch horror movies like Joshua did."
"He did that?" He chuckled. "That was messed up, I bet."
A nervous smile was curved on your lips. You were surprised yourself that you still remembered that one time watching movie with Joshua. That was something nobody ever knew. It just slipped off your mouth when Seungcheol asked.
His choice finally was a classic, award-winning movie. Seungcheol can't keep his mouth shut throughout the movie, commenting every scene or comparing with other movies. He subtly scooted closer, and the pointing gesture which he often does eventually decreased. His loud talking also started to become quieter.
"Why?" you spoke, noticing the sudden silent.
"Nothing." His lips pursed into little grin, his eyes finding yours. "Lean on me?"
At first you were hesitant. But there was something about him that always managed to mesmerize you. His opened arms, the warm smile on his face, and his soft gaze hypnotized you. The next thing you knew was you already resting your head against the crook of his neck, his arm looping around your shoulder, his hand fixing the oversized cardigan on you. You can smell his scent. Although the perfume did not have a strong aroma, it was quite fit to your liking.
The movie was reaching the end and post credit scene. Yet none of you did anything but enjoyed the silence with each other's company. You could feel Seungcheol's hand rubbing your upper arm gently. He clearly didn't have intention to release you from his embrace. In fact, he had never wanted to be as selfish as now.
"I wish the rain stops soon," you mumbled. You tried not to squirm too much. But not fidgeting at all didn't help to deal with the current situation. You started to wonder why you just threw yourself at him.
"I wish we can stay like this," he mumbled, almost whispering.
You pretended not to hear that. Suddenly you felt his lips slightly grazed against your forehead. You flinched but you couldn't go anywhere. His arm was still around your shoulder, securing you in place.
You knew this wasn't right.
"Um, we shouldn't.." you mumbled as you squirmed trying to sit up, hoping he would loose his firm grip but to no avail.
By the time you spoke breaking the silence, Seungcheol had readjusted his position, twisting his upper body so you were trapped between his arms. The back of your head stuck against the sofa, which you wished there was no headrest there so you could have escaped from this situation. Without warning but very slowly, he rested his forehead against yours, one of his hand creeping towards your hand that had your fingers curled into a fist. His thumb gave little rubs on the back of your palm, suggesting to be more at ease and also to open up so he could hold your hand properly. You could feel his minty breath as he leaned in closer and your noses brushed each other. In a matter of a second, his lips was pressed against yours then he slightly pulled away.
"I know I shouldn't.." he slowly whispered before going for another peck. Or two, which made you unconsciously gave in and shut your eyes as he sneaked his hand to hold the side of your exposed neck. And there goes another kiss. "But your lips.." Kiss. "So soft." Kiss. "And sweet." Kiss. "I think I could taste something like strawberry." Kiss.
You had no idea what had gotten into you accepting his kisses like this. You probably forgot how to breathe. If it wasn’t for the way he always took quick pauses between his kisses, you could have suffocated yourself. Not to mention, the way he gently rubbed the back of your hand, which somehow it worked to comfort you (and you probably will hate yourself for this).
What were you even thinking? Did he lead you on? Did you lead him on?
Slowly releasing your hand, his arm then made its way to wrap around your waist before finally planting the another kiss, a bit longer than the previous ones.
As he pulled away, you slowly opened your eyes and met his. The first thing you recognized was his long lashes and the thick brows. That was the first time you were struck by how pretty he was. Still holding you close, his hand traveled to tuck some hair strands behind your ear.
"Seungcheol, I..."
"Keep it." He cut your words with another peck.
"What do you think you're doing?"
Utterly shocked by the presence of someone else, you turned your head abruptly only to find certain someone to be as surprised as you were. "Jisoo.." you mumbled his name, your eyes quivering looking at him with the rest of the guys who dropped their jaws. You hurriedly released yourself from Seungcheol's arms and stood up. Yet you didn't know what to do. Should you explain what just happened? But then what is there to explain? And why should you?
Joshua didn't speak a word after that. He just locked his fiery eyes at Seungcheol, probably waiting for him to say something. Jeonghan and the other guys were nervous at the tense situation that they wouldn't dare to open their mouths.
You took a glimpse at Seungcheol. He was just standing beside you, one hand on his waist and the other one brushing his fringe. He looked like he did nothing. As if nothing just happened.
Jeonghan initiated to break the silence. "Y/n, it's still raining outside. Mingyu will take you home. Is that alright?" he asked you softly, approaching you then very subtly and gently pulling you away from Seungcheol.
You hesitantly nodded, not sure if you could just leave without saying anything. But what would you say at this point? Once again, you stole a glimpse both at Seungcheol and Joshua and weakly said, "Okay." before Jeonghan, Soonyoung and Mingyu escorted you out. 
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loudlyunladylike · 2 years
Excite!! I've never participated in music time before but I love the concept of it (and all the other ones as well!!)
• "Joyful" by Ginger and Pear (and/or their entire album 'Gardening')
•"Green Jewels" by Kriill
Ooo very excite hello!!! And oh oh ohhh I love both of these so much (especially the first one, will probably be listening to that whole album PHEW) like the general ambience at atmosphere of them both is so lovely lovely oh my god!!! Wonderful, great music time addition thank you <3
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aiwobonappetit · 3 years
hi before I knock out I think it's important for me to share how food is a strong symbol with TSG.. 💭
Satsuki and I go out to eat sometimes if Natsuki's busy. He feels at ease seeing me enjoy something for all it's components (meals) and has developed a comfort in the ambience of eating with someone he cares about. No holding back, just relaxing and enjoying it.
I even try to sit away from people if I'm feel particularly chatty. That way we can dine and be more open. He has all my attention (along w/ the meal)
Natsuki loves loves LOVES making food from his childhood to share. It gives Satsuki nostalgia and I get to learn about them both and the culture that shaped who they are. He's made a few dishes so many times that they're near perfect!
Buying the kinds of food each of us prefer for each other is such a love language. And seeing the other light up at being able to indulge in something unexpected yet delicious is the real treat
Back to the culture thing, I think 👉🏽👈🏽 there's something nice about seeing each other eat comfort food from our backgrounds. Like, not Americanized stuff—full on "these are my grandma's leftovers" kind of thing.
Natsuki and Satsuki being amazed at how I can hold super hot khao niew in my hand like it's nothing and wanting to learn how to do it too
couple's intimacy but it's me feeding Natsuki a meat with khao niew and he waits patiently then gets giddy when he gets to try it. A.
Not being embarrassed about the amount I eat is GREAT actually. Natsuki not having to worry about us not liking his food is SPECTACULAR. Satsuki learning to appreciate the acts of kindness behind his meals is AMAZING.
Nights with STARISH hanging out at our house are 1000% for daht seen. Satsuki putting food on my plate for me with a mumbling "If you want more, tell me." AAAA 😢😢😢😢 crying in my cry.
Long nights of the three of us binge watching a show or them joining my streaming is also good time for daht seen :)
Intellectual convos™ (/j) of Satsuki and I pointing out the differences in what Asian country a dish originated from (esp while we're eating it)
Natsuki works very hard to master Satsuki and I's favorite foods but I let him know that him putting his own spin on things is what makes it so wonderful in the first place 💛
Satsuki's not the best in the kitchen but I feel like he has really good knife skills and phew 👁️👁️ butcher me up like a meat sir /JJJJJJJ he also has pretty good judgement of flavors and can give good insight on what a dish needs
Natsuki encourages me to try recipes I find online and he loves helping me so it turns out good. It's a wonderful activity :)
Ah ...... Food. It brings the three of us so much joy..
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firespirited · 3 years
Bad hair
20 minutes in, i’m loving the foreboding ambience and cameos. The feeling that a natural feature you have is a curse is something I can relate to even though it’s not hair (Not that I don’t resent my hair for being two textured  -Don’t have single photo from childhood where I don’t have one or two “horns” sticking out- but it’s caucasian so there’s not the stigma of texturism.) it’s my big nose and dyspraxia something that people get oddly mad about even though it doesn’t affect them like “can you go two minutes without being so clumsy?” and you end up apologizing for your own injuries.
Anna is racking up the micro-agressions like ding ding ding.
Ok as a “tender headed” kid who had her hair chopped off twice a year because it hurt too much to brush, this scene is unlocking the body horror in a big way. Visceral stuff phew.
at this point i don’t see why the hair is “bad”, as it’s protected her from evil landlord. I mean ok it’s probably cursed but I can live with that if it eats bad guys. Venom style compromise.
Ok.Ok. that’s one way of saving on hygenic products and my brain went straight to female venom
sex scene with blood and stabbing but she’s wearing a bra. my eurobrain will never get used to that.
actually consulting the book of legends: smart. horror trope subverted. I liked that in Jennifer’s body too.
oh shoot, please say psych!
this could be so hokey, it is really hokey but the lead actress is really selling it.
best “girl with trauma haircut” ever.
So to recap it’s got daytime TV-ish 70s horror vibes but it’s fun. Also full of underrated actresses really hamming it up. Commentary on white supremacist capitalism still running the world just in a more discreet way. It’s cheese but so’s Evil Dead and The Brood and half a dozen other “classics”. I’m not sure how they could have made this without walking the tightrope between comedy and horror. Comedy alone sells it short, horror alone when your villain is hair? nah camp was a good choice. I mean you could make a very dark movie about misgynoir and colourism but the first half was really painful and if they’d ramped that up, i’m not sure anyone wants to see more black lady suffering unless they give her a full second half of the movie on a cathartic rampage against the whole chain of enablers then burns the farm or something.
The point is to walk the line that says this is a very unfair beauty standard without shaming those who get a weave because hair’s still a thing you can get fired for. I do wish we’d confronted the family a little for their role and had them and maybe other ladies be part of the fight. Hair care is a loving moment of parenthood, sisterhood and even intimacy (beween het & queer couples) and that part was entirely missing. Girl bonding though oiling hair, braiding hair, styling hair is a whole half of the picture not included. I used to redo my sisters ponytail (it has loops! can’t have loops!) and my vietnamese friend’s braid which would slip loose at breaktime. With curly girls its about heat and cream and having a friend hold your hair tight so it doesn’t pull while you brush it or vice versa. Maybe she could have healed the hair by giving it some tenderness.
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noctisfishing · 4 years
Hi, Noct! I'd like to ask questions 3, 17, and 18 for the Fanfic asks. (PS: one of my goals this weekend is to go back through your Taiora week fics and I am SO excited to read them!) Have a lovely Friday! 💕💕
Happy Friday! And AAAHHH The fact that you’re planning to read them makes my heart happy! <3
3. Do you prefer canonverse or AUs?
I have to say that I’m an AU girl. As I write more I realize that I do like writing things within the canonverse, but many of my longer fics are set in alternate universes. Especially with a large cast of characters like in Digimon Adventure, it’s fun to take the characters and put them in a different universe. It’s also fun to make ships happen. ;) 
Just to name a few : 
Wolf Transformation (Guess who’s the wolf ;P)
Future/Adults - although, this one could be considered canonverse as well...
17. Describe a fic that's still in the 'ideas' stage
There's a Sorato longfic plan sitting in my "Bunnies to Pet" folder. I want it to be a Romance/Drama about Yamato's journey to stardom and his relationship with Sora along the way. I think I’ll make it mainly in Yamato’s POV. 
On that note, this idea could potentially still be within canonverse :D 
18. Do you have a fic reading/writing routine?
My reading basically happens “when I am fully alert and free to do it” or “squeeze in my free time” which can be rare. I still have a backlog of fics to read!!
As far as writing. Usually I write after dinnertime in the evenings. This is the time when no one else in the house asks me to do things and they’re all doing their own thing - so it’s less interruptions for me. I’ll write earlier when I’m completely relaxed on the weekends. For most writing sessions, I will have a mug of tea. I’ll also need ambience, so I’ll play a stream of lo-fi or cozy instrumental in the background. Cooler weather and rain is in the forecast this weekend and oooh I am super excited for cozy writing (and maybe reading) weather!
Phew, busy day today. But I’m finally getting to answer these. Thank you for the asks! <3
Send me more Fanfic Asks!
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heysoup · 3 years
Fluffy February Day 4 - Halloween
Phew! I’m a little late, but I managed to make it while the day’s still here. This is day four of @fluffyfebruary and the prompt is Halloween.
Chapter 4: I’ll Be Yours
Pairing: Butch DeLoria/Male Lone Wanderer
Summary: During a Halloween party, Susie suggests that the group of teens play spin the bottle. Jamie isn't one for parties, isn't even one for socializing if he's honest with himself, and he definitely isn't excited to play this game. But Butch has been looking at him all night, and something in his heart tells him this might be different.
Ao3 Link
“Thanks for helping, Jamie,” Amata says from where she’s perched at the top of a step ladder hanging colorful streamers along the ceiling.
Jamie smiles up at her from his own task of making Halloween-themed snacks, “of course.”
She climbs down the ladder and brushes her hands off on the pants of her vault suit, looking up at her handiwork with an approving nod. Orange and purple streamers hang in delicate loops from the ceiling. Hanging among them are dainty origami bats – all handmade by Amata and Susie. They even found some old Christmas lights and strung them up along the walls, hoping that when the main lights were turned off it would create some kind of spooky atmosphere, even if they were red and green.
They’re preparing for their first ever Halloween party as ‘adults.’ Now that everyone in their class was eighteen, Amata had finally gotten her dad to cave and allow them to throw a party at the Mack’s apartment, since it was one of the largest. How she managed to pull it off, Jamie has no idea.
He finally finishes icing the last of his ghost-shaped cookies and walks over to join her, letting out an impressed whistle. “Looks great!” he says, and she smiles at him.
Susie and Wally walk out into the living room from the hallway – they’re wearing freshly pressed vault suits that are tailored a bit closer to their bodies than the normal ones, the blue and yellow fabric even more vivid than usual. Susie’s platinum hair is poker-straight and pulled back into a ponytail with a cherry red bow. Her lipstick matches the bow’s color perfectly. Wally’s hair is plain, but neatly combed – they look nice, but if Jamie’s honest, he doesn’t see how it’s supposed to be a costume.
Amata seems to think the same. “So… what are you guys going as again?” she asks, a sheepish smile on her face. Wally rolls his eyes and elbows Susie.
“I told you they wouldn’t get it!”
“Oh shut it, we just have to do the thing!” Susie pulls at her brother’s arm, who groans in response.
“FINE.” They both look at Jamie and Amata with their cheesiest smiles - Susie’s looking much more genuine than Wally’s – and give them a thumb’s up.
“Uh…” Jamie doesn’t see how that’s supposed to clear anything up for them.
“We’re Vault Boy and Vault Girl!” Susie snaps, crossing her arms. Wally huffs and shakes his head before walking over to the couch and plopping down, reaching into the pumpkin-shaped plastic bowl on the coffee table to shove some chips in his mouth.
“I could tell!” Amata says, trying to appease her. “You look great, Susie! I love the lipstick.” She grabs Jamie’s hand and twines their fingers together. “We have to go get our costumes ready now, but we’ll be right back. Party starts in thirty, right?”
Susie nods, changing into hostess mode once again. “It looks really good in here, by the way. You did a great job, Amata” She smiles and then says, as an afterthought, “uh and Jamie, too, I guess.”
Back in Amata’s room, she and Jamie busy themselves with changing into their costumes. Amata is dressed to the nines in a slim-fitting black dress with emerald green accents that she had sewn herself with her mother’s old machine. She has a pair of elbow-length black gloves made from leftover pantyhose and a pearl necklace around her neck that Jamie found in the lower levels of the vault. He kept the details of where he found it to himself. Her costume is pretty close to looking exactly like the original Mistress of Mystery, they've just taken a few creative liberties.
She’s sitting at her vanity, applying her makeup and curling her hair when she asks, “so, are you excited?” Jamie puts down the comic he’s reading and sits up on her bed. He’s already changed into his outfit – just a simple flannel, some jeans, aged brown leather boots that his dad had stowed away in his closet for some reason, and the closest thing they could find to a ten-gallon hat, which is currently around his neck and hanging at his back. A plastic pistol and a makeshift paper holster sit beside him.
“Yeah,” he settles with, trying his hardest to sound convincing. It’s not that he isn’t excited, he’s just nervous. He’s already kind of a social outcast, which is bad enough. What’s even worse is that Butch will be there, which was fine and normal, except for the fact that it wasn’t because just a last week they’d technically had their first kiss down in their hideout, which Jamie had freaked out over and literally ran away from, and then proceeded to pretend it never happened. Outside of work they’d been too busy to hang out recently, so this will be the first time he sees him in such a casual setting since. It’s not like he can ask Amata for advice – she doesn’t even know he’s friends with Butch for one and she’s unlikely to approve, and what if she asks about their hideout? It’s too risky, not to mention humiliating!
“Jamie!” Amata is snapping at him, a soft smile on her face. He blinks and laughs, feeling out of breath despite the fact that all his talking was in his head. What a mess.
“Hah, sorry. Just thinking. I’m kinda nervous, but you know how I am with people.” He shrugs, picking at his nails. Amata walks over and ruffles his hair.
“Hey, it’ll be fun!” she says, trying to sound encouraging. She takes his hands in hers and pulls him off the bed. “But if you get overwhelmed just let me know, we can just come back here and listen to something on the radio – I don’t mind.”
Jamie smiles at her and pulls her close, pressing a sweet kiss to the crown of her head. Man, he missed her.
It’s been about an hour and the party is going pretty well. The lights are all off aside from the string lights, which, as Amata predicted, create a pretty nice ambience. Everyone is chilling out and listening to music and talking amongst themselves. A few people are playing board games and enjoying snacks, some are dancing.
Jamie’s nerves have calmed a bit – Wally had the brilliant idea to bribe Stevie to leave them some beer, which Jamie is sipping on contentedly from his seat on the couch beside Freddie and Amata.
Everyone’s costumes turned out great too, Jamie thinks. Freddie came as a werewolf – he’d ripped the arms off his vault suit and used grease paint to draw brown hairs all over himself. He’d even given himself a little black dog nose and glued paper triangles to a headband that could pass as ears. It’s a little messy, but he put effort in.
Paul decided to be a vampire and he’s dressed almost as well as Amata, in a fancy white shirt, black slacks, and a tie – probably the same clothes he wore to prom. He has a long black and red cape wrapped around his shoulders. The fake teeth he’s wearing keep popping out of his mouth when he laughs, and Jamie grins at the sight of him fumbling to catch them across the room.
Butch is next to him, laughing his ass off, flask in hand. Apparently, he’s supposed to be a Greaser – he’s wearing his Tunnel Snake jacket and his hair is slicked into its usual pompadour. The only difference is he’s swapped out his vault suit for a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt, which he says are classic. He meets Jamie’s gaze from across the room and smirks, sticking his tongue out at the other boy. Jamie looks away quickly, his face red.
Christine is across from Amata on the other couch, chatting with Susie. She’s dressed in a long white sleeping gown with matching slippers. On her back, she has small, handmade angel wings. Their puffy feathers occasionally fall off and stick to every surface, leaving a trail all over the apartment wherever she goes.
Susie turns the radio down a bit then stands and claps to grab everyone’s attention. “Alright, ghouls and gals,” she giggles to herself, “I think it’s about time we started the real party!” Jamie quirks a brow at her and can’t help but notice Amata’s peeved expression.
Everyone who wasn’t already near the couches crowds around and Jamie jumps when he feels two hands clap down on his shoulders. Butch is leaning over the back of the couch, grinning down at him.
“Hey, Nosebleed,” he says with a smirk, leaning closer to his ear. “Cute costume. Who are ya, Calamity Jane?” He tips Jamie’s cowboy hat down into his face playfully.
It’s supposed to be a jab. They don’t typically act friendly in public; something still just feels off about that and they aren’t ready for their relationship to change that drastically. This feels different, however, and Jamie can’t help the smile that pulls at his lips. He hadn’t spoken to Butch all night, he wasn’t sure if the other boy would want him too, but somehow this felt like an invitation.
“Nice costume yourself,” he taunts. He can still feel the heat of the other boy’s body against the back of his neck even as Butch pulls away and stands up straight again. “You supposed to look like a knock-off James Dean?”
Susie clears her throat, shooting Jamie an impatient look. “Anyway, as I was saying,” she continues, the giddy smile returning to her face as she holds up an empty beer bottle. “We should play spin the bottle!”
Butch groans from behind him. “Come on, Susie, that’s such a kid’s game.”
Susie sticks her tongue out at him. “If you could let me finish! We’re going to play it with seven minutes in heaven rules, obviously. This isn’t middle school. We’re adults now.” She scoffs and rolls her eyes. “So, whoever it lands on gets to go into the hall closet. That more grown-up for you, Butch?”
Butch shrugs, “I guess.”
“I think it sounds fun!” Christine chimes in.” It’s harmless, anyway. Come on, let’s just play. Who knows if we’ll ever be allowed to have a party again?”
After moving some of the furniture and grabbing a few pillows for them to sit on they’re all crowded in a circle on the rug in the living room. Jamie is still next to Amata, then Freddie, Wally, Christine, Butch, Susie, and Paul. There’s eight of them, so the odds would be even, but Wally is related to both Christine and Susie – which he continues to complain is unfair.
“Oh shut it, Wally. If it lands on us, just spin again.” Susie snaps and sets the bottle in the middle of the circle. She leans back on her knees, a mischievous glint in her eyes. “So, actually, there’s two choices. You can either kiss whoever the bottle lands on in the circle publicly,” Christine interjects with a low ‘ooooooh’ and leans closer to Butch, who grins.
“Or!” Susie continues, “you can choose to go into the closet for seven minutes.”
Jamie’s gut twists uncomfortably. He really didn’t want to play this, anyway, let alone when he might be forced to watch Butch slobber on someone. But he’s here for Amata and for his dad, he guesses, who said it would be good for him to behave like a well-adjusted and social teenager for once.
They’re a few spins in and nothing incredible had happened. Wally spun on Susie twice before landing on Paul and the two went into the closet with their handheld games to pass the time. After, Christine landed on Freddie and chose a kiss – which was more of an awkward peck on the side of the mouth than anything else.
Butch rubs his hands together before leaning forward to spin the bottle, making eye contact with Jamie for a split second and shooting him a wink. Jamie’s heart leaps into his throat and he splutters mid drink, trying to hide his embarrassment behind a small cough.
The bottle spins around the circle once before slowing. For a split second, Jamie thinks it’s going to land on him, but it keeps going achingly slow past Paul and… lands on Susie. Christine claps, Amata wolf whistles, and Wally spits out a half-hearted threat about Butch touching his sister. Jamie sees Butch’s smile fade when he looks at Susie, but he catches himself quick and shoots her his most charming smirk.
“How’s about we hit the closet, babe?” he says, laying the greaser schtick on extra thick tonight. Susie blushes red as her bow and stands with him. They hold hands and both go down the hall and into the closet, the door closing softly behind them. Once they’re inside, Christine sets the egg timer they have to seven minutes and the murmur of conversation breaks out among the small group once again.
“How are you doing?” Amata nudges him gently. Jamie didn’t realize he’d just been staring at the bottle, his shoulders tense. He lets out a long sigh and shakes his limbs loose, leaning over to bump their shoulders together.
“I’m fine. This is fun, huh?” He says, trying to convince himself more than anything. He stares at the egg timer, trying not to imagine what could be happening in the closet. He looks back over at Amata and sees her smiling at him, a soft sadness behind her eyes – almost pity. Was he really that obvious?
“I’m gonna get another drink, want one?” he asks, standing up and stretching his arms above his head. Amata just lifts her bottle that isn’t even half empty, a sheepish smile on her face.
“No thanks.”
Jamie walks to the kitchen. He rubs his eyes, his face already feeling warm. He’d only had two, maybe three beers. He definitely isn’t even close to being as drunk as he was when he and Butch… he shakes the thoughts of that night out of his head, dropping his empty beer bottles into the garbage can with a bit more force than he’d intended.
Before grabbing another beer, Jamie pours himself a shot of vodka for good measure. Butch must have brought it from his mom’s stash. It burns like hell going down and Jamie almost gags – how could anyone drink this stuff?
“Yo, Jamie!” He hears Freddie call for him and he grabs his beer and heads back to the circle. Butch and Susie are back. Her lipstick is smudged and she’s fixing her ponytail while whispering excitedly to Christine. Butch doesn’t look much better – his hair slightly mussed up and a bit of cherry red still spread on the corner of his lip. Jamie thinks he might be sick.
The timer goes off just as he sits back down, and Paul walks out of the closet with Amata. He’s scrambling to put his vampire teeth back in his mouth, his cape crooked around his neck, and Amata’s face is flushed when she sits next to Jamie. He can’t help his snort and she slaps him on the shoulder.
“It’s your turn, spaz.” Wally says, kicking the bottle his way. He looks pissed, glaring at Butch. Jamie wonders if they’ll fight later because he played tonsil hockey with his sister. He almost hopes they do, just so Butch can get his ass kicked like he deserves.
Jamie reaches forward and gives the bottle a half-hearted spin, just wanting to get his turn over with as soon as possible. It twirls and lands immediately on Butch. He feels like he’s swallowed a rock.
Butch let’s out a theatric groan, “I ain’t kissin’ you, Nosebleed, so let’s just go to the closet and get this over with.” Jamie’s face is on fire and he slams his beer down on the floor.
“Get stuffed, Butch!” It’s my turn, not yours, so I choose what we do!” Butch quirks an eyebrow at him and barks out a laugh, joined by everyone in the circle – aside from Amata, who squeezes Jamie’s hand reassuringly.
“So, you’re sayin’ you wanna kiss the Butch-man?” Jamie thinks he’s going to die, then. Or kill Butch, and then die. Like a murder suicide. Him and his stupid fucking mouth; he didn’t even think about how that would sound.
“N-No!” Jamie practically yells, his voice a squeak. “Fuck you!” He stands, crossing his arms. “Let’s go, closet then. Get this over with before I kick your ass.” He storms to the closet. Butch gets to his feet and follows him with a smug confidence that Jamie wants to beat out of him.
Suddenly remembering who he’s dealing with Wally says, “Hey! No fighting in my closet. You get blood on my dad’s coats and I’ll pummel you both.” They both turn and simultaneously flip the other boy off before shouldering their way into the closet and slamming the door.
It’s more cramped inside than Jamie expected it to be. Darker, too. The darkness is perfectly fine with him – he doesn’t even want to look at Butch right now. Though, that doesn’t last long as his eyes adjust.
“Hey, Nosebleed,” Butch whispers, his voice and his smile infinitely softer than they were a moment ago. They’re close, really close and Jamie’s head is swimming. Their knees bump when they move and the heat of their bodies radiating through the small space is almost suffocating. He can just make out the details of Butch’s face – the handsome slope of his nose and the playful quirk of his lips. He tries to stay mad, but it’s hard. He wants to kiss him so bad.
“Fuck off,” Jamie breathes, but his aggression is lackluster. Butch’s breath is warm against his face and it smells sweet, like mint. Butch chuckles softly.
“Aw, you’re mad at me?” he coos, leaning in closer and practically pressing Jamie against the opposite wall. “You know I was just kidding, Jamie. C’mon, they don’t know what we do.”
Jamie gulps, wondering if Butch means them just hanging out together or if he’s referencing something more. “As if I’d take Susie’s sloppy seconds ,” he hisses, determined to hold his grudge. Ok, so maybe their first kiss did mean something. He’s pretty sure they’re both drunk again, but they definitely aren’t wasted like before – there’s absolutely no way for Butch to pass whatever happens off as a mistake later. IF something happens.
Butch pulls back a little and looks almost hurt. “Hey, it’s just a dumb game,” he says, tilting his head to try and catch Jamie’s gaze, who refuses to look at him. “I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, okay? You know how much of a crybaby she can be.”
“Well, I’m not a crybaby, so you can keep it in your pants,” Jamie snaps and crosses his arms, shooting Butch as convincing of a glare as he can manage. The other boy just rubs the back of his neck, his posture suddenly a bit more closed off.
“Dammit, Jamie, ya know that’s not what I mean!” Jamie’s heart is thundering in his ears and his chest is so, so tight. He swallows thickly. He does know what Butch means but fuck it if he isn’t going to make the other boy work for it.
“Maybe I don’t,” he states matter-of-factly. Butch clicks his tongue in annoyance and shoves his hands in his pockets. Jamie can feel the distance between them growing further and he panics, desperate to cling to whatever moment they’re having here.
“What do you want?” he asks finally, his voice barely a whisper as he offers Butch this olive branch. The intensity he finds in Butch’s gaze when their eyes meet almost knocks him over.
“You.” It’s a single word, spoken so softly that Jamie almost can’t hear it, but it steals his breath away, nonetheless. He doesn’t even stop to think when he reaches forward and grabs the lapels of Butch’s jacket. He pulls him close, his eyes closing as their lips crash together in a clumsy kiss. It’s just as good as the last, the other boy’s lips warm and inviting as he returns the gesture with enthusiasm.
Butch grabs the back of Jamie’s head, knocking his silly cowboy hat to the floor, and curls his fingers into his hair. Jamie grins into his mouth when Butch nips his lower lip and he grabs the collar of his shirt, playfully shoving the taller boy against the opposite wall.
“Ow!” Butch hisses when he hits his head off the shelf above them, pulling back for a second to make sure it wasn’t too loud. Jamie’s face goes white.
“Oh god, sorry!” he whispers, letting go and pulling back in embarrassment. Butch just laughs.
“S’fine,” he mumbles, unable to stop smiling. He reaches out and pulls Jamie close again, silencing the other boy’s concerns with his lips.
They continue like that for a while, breathless and excited, their tongues exploring each other’s mouths and their arms holding them close like their lives depend on it. It really does feel like heaven, Jamie thinks, an excited laugh escaping his chest.
They could have stayed there forever, lost in their own little world, but they’re interrupted by a sharp knock on the other side of the door. “Time’s up! You can leave hell now.” Wally is laughing out in the hallway.
Butch and Jamie jump apart, their chests heaving and their lips pink. Butch just grins at him, blue eyes shining with mischief. “Should we pretend we were fighting?”
Jamie laughs. “Sure, but that means you’ll have to admit that I won,” he teases, picking up his hat and turning to leave. Butch grabs his wrist and tugs Jamie back to him. There’s a very serious expression on his face all of a sudden and he's biting his lip like he's thinking before he reaches out to tilt Jamie’s chin up. He leans down and presses one more open-mouthed kiss to his lips and it feels almost desperate. Jamie’s breath is stolen away again, at least whatever was left of it, and when they part, he just stares, dumbfounded, at Butch’s adoring smile.
“Whatever you want, Nosebleed.”
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ethereal-galaxies · 3 years
This story made the pinkette squirm a little, the hairs on the back of his neck and arms standing on end, goosebumps plaguing his delicate skin beneath his hoodie. As the story's lore thickened, his expression slowly morphed into one of fear, and he clung to Dice, his eyes still focused on Gentaro, though he was clearly getting scared. "H-hold on, what is this story?" he quivered. In this forest? Th-they were in a forest with a monster? He tightened his grip on Dice, shaking now as the story was told.
The forest around them was quiet, nary even the chirp of a cricket interrupting the gloom that permeated the night. The sound of flickering flames provided an eerie ambience to the tale, the low light of the fire dancing across Gentaro's face. The wind whistled slowly through the trees, causing the forest to seemingly whine. It was indeed the perfect setting for such a dark myth.
A twig snapped in the distance which caused Ramuda to yelp and jump nearly a foot. He glanced at the treeline and saw a pair of eyes watching them. What was that? Another breaking sound was heard as a deer bounded past. O-oh. It was just a doe. Phew. "A-and what is his true name..?" he questioned, his voice wavering with each syllable.
Dice finally caved at the interruption by the animal, the noise and Ramuda’s fear adding to his own. He jumped back too, though he still hasn’t stood up yet.
Gentaro sighed, mock-acting a shamed concern. In his worried eyes, he looked to Dice and Ramuda,  “Alas, the name required has been lost to the ages. This name I do not know.”
Dice grit his teeth, smiling nervously, “Yeah, yeah okay, there’s no way that’s real, right?”
Gentaro closed his eyes. “If only your denial were true,” the storyteller set his hand over the fire. “Not everything is what it seems.”
And it was true. His own experience wasn’t as it seemed. His experience at the lake, which he was sure happened... Ramuda was there, wasn’t he?  He opened his eyes again to look at Ramuda. Nah, his dream state might’ve been enough to influence this story, but he shouldn’t be one to take it further than he should. 
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