#that’s cause it’s unnatural and satanic
inact-ice · 6 months
Seeing people call twitter X actually activates the viscerally transphobic old man in my brain
“What do you mean it’s going by X now??? It’s twitter and always will be twitter.”
“God created twitter and Facebook, all these newfangled sites are against his plan”
“X??? UM, you mean twitter?!”
“Ugh I didn’t realize you were one of those social media platform communists”
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obae-me · 1 month
I like to imagine an MC with ~Trauma~ (because same) that is just completely oblivious to how much all the other characters will back-flip and change entire habits for them. Like, I'm envisioning:
MC is just casually hanging out like usual when some of the brothers break out fighting in the house...like usual, and the shouting and sounds of things breaking causes them to tear up and panic a bit. Although they don't really notice that for the next month, none of them get into fights and when they start to do so, they end up taking it outside.
Or maybe MC avoiding the angels for a good while and no one can figure out why till they mention that they're not used to people treating them like that and it's very unnatural. "At least being around demons feels more normal." And none of the characters take this well. Even Diavolo has to sit down and stare at a wall for a while and reevaluate his whole outlook on things. Simeon tries sounding a bit more "rough" for a while and it flops terribly.
Or even:
MC: Oh, there you guys are, I was wondering where some of you went.
*A few of the brothers lift their head as the human enters the living room.*
MC: Is there something going on? Why are you all here?
Mammon: Sittin' here watchin' the races.
Satan: Reading.
Lucifer: Taking the time to catch up on old Devildom infrastructure.
Levi: Playing the newest Hell Souls!
MC: *A bit confused.* So you're all doing your own thing...in the living room?
Satan: That's typically what the living room is for.
MC: But...doesn't that make you uncomfortable?
*All of them realize they've never really seen MC come out of their room unless invited otherwise.*
Lucifer: *Physically vibrating in his seat trying to hold back the "Take Them Under Your Wing" urge he's started to experience at least once a week now.*
I just...listen I know they're demons but they comfort they would bring...
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koolades-world · 1 year
Obey me! height headcanons
This isn’t revolutionary but I couldn’t stop thinking about this, especially asmo’s. For reference, I’m 5’2 and almost all of my shoes have platforms or are raised in some way because I like pretending I am taller than I actually am 💋 although in this case I think I’m winning for once (please tall people let me know what it’s like, the tallest person in my family is my dad at 5’5)
While I half wanted to make them unnaturally tall but I kept them within human possibility since these were their humans forms
1. Beel
100% the tallest, a beefcake of a man. Perfect for a boost up high, like during hanging up decorations or cleaning. When it’s the twins birthday, it’s a struggle to hang up the decorations. Nobody is as reliable as him. I imagine he’s about 6’3 or 6’4. The best for using scary dog privileges, going anywhere with him guarantees elite treatment. It would be so easy for me to get piggy back rides cause he wouldn’t want to leave me behind
2. Lucifer
He can’t be that far behind. I imagine him at like 6’2. Part of the reason people are scared or HoL is because of his height. Me personally, I’m scared by anyone I have to look right up at and he definitely falls in this category. Lucifer would make me shit my pants. At least Beel isn’t consult scowling and yelling. Would definitely use his height to my advantage, like making him clear a path for my through a crowd or to tell the fast food worker I wanted no pickles on my burger.
3. Levi
I definitely picture him as a taller dude, but nobody can every guess because he has terrible posture and is always staring down. Like, tall Levi is doing something for me. Lanky little gamer guy that no one knew was actually like 5’10 because 95% of the time he’s at home and the other 5% is when he’s playing a game.
4. Belphie
Another one I picture as lanky, but is constantly asleep so people don’t realize. He’s always curled up somewhere. Another sloucher 100%. He still insists on being carried around by Mammon even though he’s taller. Probably 5’9 or 5’10
5. Satan
I feel like he’s the Mr. Average in the height department. He’s the only brother who’s a demon, so it makes sense to me that he’s the most normal. Not that being super tall or short is bad, but he would fit in the most (which is saying a lot). I think he’s about 5’8. Demons are probably tall since it’s harder to intimidate a human if they’re taller than you. Nobody dares to comment on this, though. If they’re not Mc, you’re probably going to die which lucky us!! we are mc
6. Mammon
Short king! Not the shortest but I feel like him being not super tall adds to his appeal as a tsundere. He’s just short and (pretending to be) angry. I think he’s 5’6 or 5’7. He gets made fun of his height by his brothers even though Asmo is shorter. I like to think he also likes shoes that make him taller, it seems very him. he’s just cute ok <33
7. Asmo
He’s not that short but he just happens to be the shortest in their family. I imagine him about 5’6 which is funny to me to think this twink is taller than my father. I’m foaming at the mouth thinking about sharing a wardrobe with him, and if you happen to been a similar height to him, then it’s like you just won the lottery. I’m dying to have a mini fashion show with him 😭 it’s kinda funny to me to think that Asmo, who I personally think is the shortest, is stronger than Beel, who’s universally agreed to be the tallest. Height isn’t everything is what I learned from this
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rashomonss · 1 year
Part X
previous part
taglist: @miridiums-writing, @zerchlia, @aeongiies, @xmoogx, @coffeeandtealol, @food-lover9000, @l0diluvs, @vichsy, @valeriele3, @entolomaeden, @acaribeau, @sillybeanzo, @jessiegerl, @capricorn-anon, @crescentworld, @g-l-1-t-c-h-3-r, @chumbinhoeba, @chaos-n-kindness, @strawberryfire17, @zenxvii, @misscaller06, @luminarysol, @simpinginthecorner, @your-next-daydream, @bontensbabygirl
a/n: let’s gooo!! this is officially the 10th chapter of a humans wrath! how are y’all liking the story so far? and don’t worry because there’s plenty more chapters to come! also I’m so sorry for making y’all wait this long life’s been kinda hectic right now especially since I got sick twice, but I seriously thought I posted this instead it’s just been sitting in my drafts… also we’re going back to the original timeline rn enjoy!
warnings: lesson 16 spoilers, choking, mentions of killing, angst
I’ll make sure you’ll know what it feels like
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“-don’t know what happened!”
“-.... some space”
“.... calm down”
They were all so loud. All the voices in your room sounded familiar….were they the brothers?
Opening your eyes you winced at the harsh light of your room causing someone to freak out and turn it off. Someone else then turned on a small lamp by your bedside.
After a few moments you sat up and tried to adjust yourself, slowly recalling what had happened; however some loud voices had soon interrupted your thought process.
“You woke them up idiot!”
“Ow! You didn’t have to hit me! Besides blame Asmo not me, he was hovering over them”
“Don’t put the blame on me! You're the one who freaked out when Lucifer said they fainted”
“Shut up! I did not”
“Did too”
“Did not!
“Did too”
“How would you both like to hang from the ceiling for the next five hours”
“Wait, we're sorry!”
“Would you like to join them, Satan?”
“I’ll kill you”
“Could you all quiet down, please” you said, grabbing your head.
The talking stopped and all seven of them turned to look at you. Concerned faces then turned into sparkling eyes as each of them threw themselves on you shouting your name.
It took you a second to register that six demons were now suffocating you. Once it did register however you yelled at them to get off, pushing some off in the process. A few looked at you with sad expressions and then looked towards the eldest brother.
“Don’t be upset, they pushed you off. After all, how would you feel after being rudely woken up?” He said, sighing.
The brothers then looked towards you and apologized, but you returned their apology with a blank stare. Even if it was a matter as small as this one you won’t forgive them.
“Let’s give Mc some space, once they’re good and ready they can come and get us” Lucifer then said realizing you were beginning to feel uncomfortable.
So he then corralled his brothers out of the room and shut the door behind them despite many protests and angry faces. After he made his way towards you, wearing a solemn expression.
“Let’s talk whenever you feel better. I’ll be waiting for you in my office” Lucifer nodded. Without another word he left, leaving you in the dimly lit silence of your room.
Sighing you rolled over in your bed and faced the wall. You didn’t really want to talk to the others, especially Lucifer for that matter. But for some reason a small part of you wanted too, which somewhat annoyed you.
The longer you laid in bed, the more you found yourself wanting to see them again. Which was unnatural because you’ve never experienced that before. This was probably an effect that voice had on you before fainting.
You’ll deal with it later, you thought. This feeling was becoming annoying and you were starting to get hungry. Turning over to face your bedside table you grabbed your D.D.D. and went to the messages.
And what you found were so many you never received before. So many conversations the you here was a part of. So many in which all the beings closest to them expressed just how much they loved them.
You were shocked because you had never really paid attention to the messages in this D.D.D. You only used it to contact the angels and sorcerer. There was much you did pay attention to, you then thought.
You sent Mammon a quick message before getting completely distracted, asking him to bring you some food. His reply was fast, it made you wonder if he was the type to have your chat with him pinned.
This you actually had a few pinned chats at the top of their messages. The first was the “House of Lamentation (New)”. The second and third were “The Royals” and “The Angels”. And lastly was “Lucifer, you S*CK” which made you laugh a bit.
As you continued to read through messages you found out a few more things about the you that resided here.
For starters, the brothers were always getting into trouble and you were always fixing it. Next was the fact that the brothers liked to message you about the most random and unnecessary things, but you still choose to humor them anyway. Why is that?
Third, was that you liked to visit the Lord Demons castle frequently for tea. And fourth was that the bond you shared with the brothers here was nothing more than something special to each of you.
A knock was suddenly heard at your door causing you to jolt and sit up.
“I’m comin’ in okay?” The voice said.
Before you had the chance to respond Mammon pushed open the door carrying a tray of food. When his eyes met yours he smiled and you gave a small smile in response.
“Here ya go. I didn’t know what ya wanted so I just bought a bit of everything” Mammon said, before putting the tray in front of you.
“Thanks,” you quietly said, then began to eat.
Mammon pulled up a chair from your table and sat in front of your bed watching as you picked at the food in front of you. Neither of you said a word but your eyes met his countless times, it looked as if he had something to say but for some reason he wouldn’t say it.
Once you finished he took the tray from you and placed it on the table, then he sat back down and looked at you.
Silence filled the room again, only this time it made you feel a bit awkward. Since he hadn’t said anything yet you spoke, deciding that here and now you would be serious with him in what you were thinking of doing.
“Mammon I want to tell you something”
“Oh what’s up? Ya know you can tell me anything” he smiled.
You looked at his smile, maybe a small part of you felt bad, but in the end you were still the same old you with the same old feeling of hatred for the brothers.
“I want to sever our pact.”
With that the color drained from his face and he stared at you dumbfounded. “What do you mean sever the pact” he said, finally managing to get out.
“I mean I don’t want a pact with you anymore, so let’s break it off. Besides, what kind of demon like you would want a pact with a human such as myself?”
“Wait Mc, let’s talk this over okay? Ya don’t need to be so impulsive with decisions like this ya know” Mammon said, frantically waving his hands around.
“But I’ve given this enough thought and I’m completely sure of myself. Unless you give me a good reason as to why I shouldn’t do this, then I will sever our pact myself.”
“I, I um, well.” Mammon said. His brain was running a mile a minute trying to think of something, anything to say to you. A part of him was upset because he knew that you weren’t his Mc, however he had to stop you before you did something you would regret in the future.
“Mc. Please don’t do this.” He begged, grabbing both of your hands.
The action alone made you want to gag, but unlike the first time he touched you while you were here, this was bearable.
“Is that all? That’s not much of an argument.”
“No, that's not what I meant!” He yelled. “I just don’t want you to do somethin’ you’re gonna regret later.”
You raised an eyebrow and narrowed your eyes at the demon in front of you. “Bold of you to think I would regret something as simple as this. Besides if the only reason you want to keep a pact is to show it off then we’re through”
“What? Where the hell did ya get that idea?” Mammon asked, baffled. The second eldest sighed and looked towards you again before talking.
“I don’t want to sever our pact okay. I don’t wanna lose that connection I have with ya…”
“I was your first man, remember? And as your first I promised to be there for you all the time so don’t go tryna get rid of me now, because it’s not happening ya hear?” Mammon said.
He tried to appear calm and collected as he spoke but in reality he was gripping his pants with all of his strength in hopes he could have persuaded you to not sever your pact.
His anxiety only shot up more when you gave him a blank stare after he finished.
You sighed and then laughed.
Mammon looked at you wide eyed and confused. Was something he said funny? Was it a good thing you were laughing? He didn’t know what was going on and frankly it scared him a bit.
“That was sweet” you thought.
Maybe you won’t sever the pact just yet, you could wait just a bit more. No later than a second an idea popped into your head. If you were to ask each of the brothers the same question how would they respond? You wanted to find out, to see the utter shock on their faces as they tried to come up with an answer.
So that’s just what you sought out to do.
“Alright you win for now.” You said to Mammon, who finally was able to breathe in response.
“Really?” He exclaimed. Mammon was so ecstatic that he was ready to hug you.
However as he launched himself towards you he saw the annoyed face you made as well as the way you flinched away from him. So he stopped and looked towards you.
“Can I…can I hug ya?”
Your eyes went wide as you processed his words, none of them had ever asked if you were okay with being touched before.
After the incident you made a no touching rule due to the sheer fear you harbored after the youngest killed you, but they always choose to ignore it and touch you anyway which resulted in you using the pacts. However, for someone to actually ask you if you were okay with being touched threw you off a bit.
You blinked a few times then nodded slowly.
Mammon slowly made his way towards you and hugged you gently, and much to both of yours surprise you returned the gesture.
After your conversation with Mammon you then went to speak to Levi.
When you told him about wanting to sever your pact he fell off his gaming chair and had a conniption. You’ve never seen him cry before until then, honestly it was a bit refreshing in a sense. But wait did that make you a sadist?
After you spoke to him about severing the pact he claimed that if you did he’d have no reason left to live, which you paid no attention to. However he did confess that he loved you dearly after you said that his previous statement wasn’t a good enough reason for you. It was embarrassing enough for him so you left it at that.
Next was Beel and his reason was actually the only one you felt somewhat touched by.
Beel had told you that he loved you more than anything or anyone. He did mention his love for his twin and brothers, but he said you were different. You were everything to him, so if you broke the connection you had with him then he expressed how upset he would be. But he was the first to say that it was your choice and if you really wanted too then he wouldn’t stop you. You thought that was a decent enough response so you chose to keep the pact with him for now.
Asmo in the end had the same reaction as Levi, the only difference was his mascara ran because he cried more. Like Levi, Asmo exclaimed that he couldn’t live without you, however what you didn’t expect was him to compliment you till you were red in the face. So along with the others your pact with him stayed for another day.
Finally you had made your way to Satan.
You hadn’t spoken to the fourth born much while you were here however he did feed off of numerous amounts of your wrath making you less angry than usual, instead he was more irritable.
You knocked on his door and after a second a quiet “Come in” could be heard. Upon entering you saw him chained to a chair reading a book, and when he made out your figure he narrowed his eyes just the slightest bit.
“Still angry? After being that upset for so long I would have thought you'd be tired by now.” He asked.
“And I thought you would have been set free already but it appears not.”
Satan raised one of his eyebrows then spoke. “I never knew that a human as sweet and tiny as you could harbor so much hatred for others. Sometimes I felt it truly rivaled mine”
You laughed then and continued as well. “ Oh you think so?”
“Please Mc, I haven’t felt that angry since I was born”
You laughed and looked towards him, and before you could even speak he said “no”.
“No?” You questioned, confused.
“I heard you were going around telling everyone that you were debating on severing our pacts. And my answer is no, you will not sever your pact with me.”
You nodded in response. “So that’s your argument? Honestly I’m surprised, I would have thought you wouldn’t have cared”
Satan looked a bit shocked then spoke. “Of course I care about you Mc. I care about you more than anything, hell I worry more about you more than anything.”
“You really do have a way with words,” you replied, all the brothers did. Each buttered you up when you asked them to state their reasoning for not wanting to sever the pact.
Satan didn’t know if that was supposed to be a compliment or not; well that was until he could feel rage boiling up inside you again.
“Mc, l-”
“Let’s leave it at that for now, I have someone else to go see” you said walking out before he could finish.
As the door closed you then made your way down the hallway, and the sound of things being thrown around again in Satan’s room could be heard.
Next was the youngest brother. You decided to go to him first before Lucifer because you didn’t want to see him just yet. In actuality you didn’t want to see Belphegor either but you’d eventually have to speak to him about your pact sometime.
Beel had mentioned his twin was in the planetarium the last time you spoke to him so that’s where you were currently on your way to. Pushing open the door you saw the youngest laying on a bench surprisingly awake at that.
Your heart was pounding in your chest as you tried to calm your breathing. There was always something going wrong whenever you would see Belphegor. For example your chest would tighten to the point where you won’t be able to breath so you’d leave before you even got the chance to talk to him. Or your voice would get very shaky and you’d feel your hands sweat whenever you would pick on him.
It was hard to even be alone in a room with him because of the constant fear you had of being killed again. That fear played a large part into how you acted towards the brothers now. If it wasn’t for that constant fear of being on the brink of death again then you wouldn’t be as strict as you usually are.
Maybe if you were never killed in the first place you wouldn’t be like this, you thought staring at the ceiling of the planetarium.
“Are you going to come in?” Belphegor asked, looking over the bench.
Your eyes went wide then you took a deep breath before completely walking into the room. sitting next to the bench he was sitting on. You made sure to put some distance between the two of you just in case of anything.
“Why don’t you feel comfortable around me anymore?” Belphegor asked. He wasn’t even surprised about it since his question came off as very blunt. After he asked you he sat up and faced you tilting his head waiting for your response.
“Take a guess, I’m sure you’re smart enough to figure it out,” you said, not looking back at him.
The demon in response sighed and laid back down, turning over to face the ceiling. “Is it because I messed up your bed again?”
“You’d think I’d be this upset over such a small thing? Well you're not wrong, however that is not why I'm upset.”
Belphegor knew what you were referring to, however he didn’t want to bring it up. He hoped after the whole thing happened you’d forget it, and you actually did to his surprise. It’s not like he didn’t want to apologize, he just never thought the time would be right. Maybe he shouldn’t have waited this long but he couldn’t help it. He was a coward.
Belphegor was afraid of what you would say if he did apologize. He was afraid to say anything to you because he didn’t want to acknowledge the fact that he killed you. You were someone so dear to him now, and the fact that he took away your life once was something he’d liked to forget.
However for you to now take out your anger on him and him alone because you remembered that one trivial event really took a toll on him. But maybe he did deserve it.
Maybe this was finally his karma being served to him, no matter the circumstances he didn’t like seeing you this upset.
He was going to apologize. Now was the time, even if it was too late he was still going to try, he thought siting back up to face you.
“Mc I-“
“Shut up”
Belphegor felt his mouth snap shut at your command.
Your eyes finally met his, and they were ones filled with pure wrath. So much so that it could even rival Satan’s own.
“I was going to ask you the same thing I asked all of your brothers, but being here in the same room with you has changed my mind” you said.
“You don’t deserve my attention”
As you said that you leaned closer to the Avatar of Sloth as he slouched onto the bench. He appeared to be trying to distance himself from you but you continued to close the gap by towering over him.
As you issued another command he jolted in place. This version of you was dangerous, he knew that much. But as you continued to stare him down only now did he truly feel helpless.
“I hate you, you know that? It’s because of you that I have panic attacks now. It’s your fault I get so upset. You are dead to me and you always will be.” You exclaimed lifting your hand up.
“I’ll make sure you know just what it feels like to be betrayed by someone you trusted so dearly.”
Reaching out you grabbed his throat with your right hand and squeezed. Belphegor made a choking sound in response as he struggled to breathe. Upon hearing that you put another hand around his neck then pushed him further onto the bench.
Belphegor was scared. He wouldn’t want to admit it but having you choke him without him being able to fight back really did terrify him.
Was this how you felt?
As you continued to squeeze his neck harder he felt himself become lightheaded, but what scared him the most was the look on your face.
You looked so happy.
So….relieved. You finally made him understand what it feels like. Why didn’t you just do this sooner? Well it doesn’t matter in the end, you finally got what you wanted you thought, as a single tear fell from Belphegor’s eye. His vision was becoming blurry but he was still able to make out your last statement before passing out. And it was,
“I am going to kill you”
Next Part
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ijustloveobeymeok · 1 year
Simeon: You killed them!?
Belphegor: Actually, I believe they died of natural causes
Solomon, checking the body: knife to the neck
Simeon: I thought you said they died of natural causes
Belphegor: There's nothing more natural than dying from knife to neck
Satan, nodding: What would be unnatural is if they had survived
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dragon-communion · 12 days
Okay so here's my wild speculation on the DLC.
The major fault in the current Golden Order, and what caused it to fall to shit, is the separation of life from death. Marika tries to hold the land in a ceaseless golden age, a ceaseless citrinitas, that is entirely unsustainable, though she supports it well with bread and circuses. That's the point of coliseums- turning conflict into entertainment, and her early reign was very characterized by war. Hence marrying Hoarah Loux, and then civilizing him into Godfrey to maintain her preferred image.
I digress.
Elden Ring has a constant theme of twins and duality. Malenia and Miquella. To a certain extent, Ranni and Godwyn. Marika and Radagon. But we know that there's something false and unnatural about Marika/Radagon, or else their children wouldn't have been cursed.
Here's my opinion on the childhood curses:
I think omen children come from making babies the "primal" way. I think Marika literally banged Godfrey, and the result was omen children. It's said that omens could happen in any family, and I really think that's because it's unnatural to have babies come from tree amber or flowers or whatever, so people would do it the animal way sometimes, and then omens would happen. Sex has just been... phased out of the Lands Between entirely by the time we get there, to the point that hugging Fia is "vulgar".
Marika and Radagon, no matter what the real origin of their duality, are incomplete somehow. They don't count as two people anymore. Children born of a singular god leave room for a second influence to attach to them regardless. We don't know what attached itself to Miquella. Based on the trailer, his "fate" involved St. Trina somehow, but we really don't know enough about what she is to him or what her real goals were. Malenia, obviously, had the metaphorical gap in her filled by Scarlet Rot.
Each of Marika's children has expressed a variation of Death. She excised Death from her Order- now Malenia presents with Rot, Miquella has some affinity for Sleep, Godwyn is the Prince of Death (yes it was Ranni's fault, but still), Melina has something to do with Destined Death and has that strange eye.
I don't think that's an accident.
I think the seduction/betrayal mentioned in the trailer involves Marika's own duality. Separating light from shadow, life from death. She's the light. The Lands Between are bathed in light. She tried to peel out the pips in Yin and Yang and deny that each exists within the other. And following Fromsoft's theme of endless light and endless life probably being a horrible idea, it's all breaking down now.
The Numen are stated to have come from a different land, possibly a different world. Marika's people. What if the Land of Shadow is where the Numen came from? What if it's only called the Land of Shadow because she tried to quarantine everything that would obstruct her light there, and then she left her most fanatic son there to play Satan and burn the unworthy forever in a hell away from her and her Order?
I'm not sure what Miquella is looking for there, though he obviously is searching, but I think it would make sense if he's looking for the Gloam Eyed Queen. Yes, he probably feels pity for everyone subjected to Messmer, and I think he would support the idea of helping the people there, but his chief motivation has always been his sister and their curse, and I think it would be a wild departure of character for him to abandon Malenia. His flesh, sure. His power, sure. But unless we're wildly mistaken about who and what he is, Miquella's interests involve defying the gods and fate so that he can cure his sister. And who would be more diametrically opposed to Marika than the Gloam Eyed Queen, the woman who specialized in killing gods?
She obviously might be dead, but death doesn't really seem to be stopping anyone from being present or causing problems.
I think Miquella is investigating the nature of Death and Shadow, because the existence of these things proves an existence outside of the Order and Light, and therefore something removed from the influence of an outer god. Hell, he has to make us his own sites of grace, from what it looks like.
What do you think?
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farfromstrange · 2 years
A random Matt Murdock x f!vampire!reader thought I had on Halloween [and I’m now dropping it a month before Christmas ‘cause I can]
Pairing: Matt Murdock x f!vampire!reader
Warnings: vampires, religious imagery, dialogue heavy
a/n: lmk if you want me to turn this into an actual fic!! I enjoyed writing this little excerpt so if you want, I can spice my profile up and actually write this idea out!!
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“This isn’t going to hurt me, you know?”
“Oh yeah?”
He stopped clutching the golden cross dangling from around his neck, building the perfect contrast to the crimson of his leather clad suit. The irony of the Devil’s horns paired with the religious piece of jewelry went straight past him, but never past the woman standing right before him on the steps of the small, abandoned chapel in the heart of New York City.
“Aren’t vampires supposed to burn at the sight of a crucifix?” He realized that burn might have been too strong of a word. “…or something equally as dramatic?” he added, the hint of a dark smirk gone lost in his voice.
She chuckled. The sound bounced off the high walls decorated with poison ivy and cobwebs, and the cracks in the stone were prove of the significant age of the catholic landmark. “That’s what humans like to believe,” she said. “In your pretty little heads it goes something like this: If the sight of Jesus on a cross can make the undead shake in their boots, God must surely be stronger than the evil lurking in the dark. I would know, I used to be like you once. A long time ago. But no, that’s actually a common misconception. The only emotion this crucifix elicits in me is pure, unbridled rage.”
“And you really think I’d believe that?”
“I would say take a look in the mirror, but,” she clicked her tongue, “I don’t think you are going to see anything. Not because the mirror would be empty but because you can’t see. That’s important to clarify.”
He chuckled. “Okay, I get it. You also have a reflection. You know, you could tell me anything you want, that still doesn’t make me believe you.”
“You don’t have a choice though.”
“Oh, I do. I always have a choice.”
“What, you want to throw garlic at me next?” The silence told her that he played with the thought. “Sweetie,” she cooed, condescension in its rawest form, “That’s not even going to leave a rash. Don’t like the smell or the taste, but then again, I do not require sustenance, so nobody cares that I don’t like garlic on my food.”
“So, no fear of crucifixes, no allergy to garlic and you have a reflection. Is anything they teach us about vampires real?”
“Fair question, but no. No matter how badly you want those myths to be reality, they’re just myths. Stories. Retellings. Children of the human imagination.”
“Bram Stoker’s Dracula.”
“Classic literature without meaning,” she said. “But it’s a good book, nonetheless.” He could hear the smile on her voice, which was about the only thing about her that was audible to his ears.
There was something terrifying about acknowledging the existence of vampires. They were dead, abominations, creation of Satan – vampires were unnatural, born from the deepest, darkest pits of hell.
Her lack of bodily functions made it almost impossible for him to anticipate her behavior and it had him right on the precipice bothering on insanity.
“You’re very educated, Matthew. I’m impressed. I like that I can talk to you on an intellectual level, although that outfit of yours is a disgrace hiding behind my favorite color.”
“Why,” he asked, “because blood is red?”
“Perhaps, or maybe it’s just because red looks good on almost everyone.”
He scoffed.
“Dear Matthew, I know I’m currently breaking your mind, but fear not! I don’t want to kill or eat you,” she said. “Not your blood anyway.” Her eyes trailed over his body. Needy they were. Aroused, even.
He caught up on it. The longing glance, the lick of her lips, letting the saliva drip from her tongue to her bottom lip. He didn’t need to see to imagine her wild eyes undressing him.
“What do you want?” he asked. The last thing he wanted was for her to get the wrong idea.
But that dangerous woman already had the wrong idea. In her head, it was the right one. An attractive man entering her temporary stay… she would be the last person to say no to that.
“Nothing,” she stated. “I don’t have an ulterior motive. I know you want to have a reason to hate me other than the fact that I stand against everything your little catholic heart stands for, but I can’t offer you that.”
He scoffed. “Yeah, right.”
“Myths, novels, folklore and everything else that even remotely borders on fantasy is something that feeds your human brain with things you understand. You want to believe what you know to be true in order to justify my untimely death if you were to drive a stake through my heart or something equally as dramatic. That way, you wouldn’t have to feel guilty for murdering me, but since you can probably tell that there is a faint heartbeat in my chest, it’d still be murder.”
“Untimely?” he scoffed. “I doubt that a vampire’s death could ever be untimely.”
“Three and a half centuries is actually pretty early for my species. Equals about the age of twenty in human years.”
“I don’t understand,” he expressed, desperate and he looked so small then, standing below her.
“My advice,” she said, taking a step down from her pedestal, “delete everything you think you know about vampires from lore or mythology and start making up your own mind.“
“Ask yourself this instead, why not? Why believe anything you can’t prove to be either false or true just because you have a gut feeling, or your world views are different? Isn’t that called prejudice?”
“Yes. I know big words too, Matthew. I mean, I am very old.” Her smirk told him she took this anything but seriously. “Well, you are catholic,” she said. “Catholics thrive off of prejudice.”
Matt shook his head. “You have no right to judge me.”
“I’m not judging you. I’m simply telling you to open up your mind to the possibility that there might be actually a power that’s even stronger than God. Just the possibility. Consider that. Rethink the world, rethink your religion, even. Rethink everything and reconsider what’s really important. Once you’ve done that, come back and have tea with me. If we’re still not on the same page then, you may drive that stake through my heart after all. I know you want to. God knows you want to. The only person who doesn’t know,” she said, tilting her head to the side as if she was talking cutely to a child, “is you, Matthew.”
“Deal,” he spoke before his brain even got the chance to think about it. “But don’t think for a moment that you’re in control of me. I can make my own decisions, and if I end up deciding to get rid of you, that’s my choice too.”
The vampire shrugged. “That’s fine by me. I do not fear death in the way you humans do.”
“Oh, sweetheart,” he chuckled breathlessly, “When I’m done with you, you’re gonna wish I’d been so merciful as to kill you.”
“Feisty, I like it,” she said, a smirk dancing on her lips in a heated salsa. “I look forward to talking to you again, Matthew.”
Her heels sounded faintly against the stone floor as she disappeared into the darkness of the abandoned church walls.
“You’re going to sleep in your coffin now?” he couldn’t help but toss after her.
The sweet sound of her usually so dooming laugh filled his ears. “Bed, actually,” she said, not even raising her voice from wherever she stood to stop and listen to him. “Coffins are so eighty-seven.”
Matt shook his head. He had always feared the creatures of the night, like the sisters at the orphanage told him to, and the priests at church always taught God’s disciples to be weary of Satan because Lucifer hides behind the most beautiful faces. The snake lurks in the dark and every person, male of female, represents Eve in the Garden of Eden, submissive to the silver tongue of the devil. That’s why you have to be on the lookout, they told them. He’s in people you don’t expect, and the creatures of the night wait for you to let them in so they can corrupt you.
Somehow though, this one was different. She was much different from what he expected and somehow, that intrigued him more than it scared him. She could have killed him but she didn’t. She could have eaten him but she didn’t. She had the opportunity, yet she chose not to.
He left the church instead of following his instincts to trap her and lock her away. He left and he decided to rethink everything, like she told him to.
What could possibly go wrong?
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helenesmusings · 2 years
bloodlust (obey me!lucifer x vampire!reader)
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summary: something's wrong with the exchange student
word count: 1097
warnings: blood
“Lucifer, I think there’s something wrong with the human!” Mammon called out, rushing into Lucifer’s office, Lucifer huffed, preparing to scold Mammon before the white-haired demon rushed out, “I ain’t do nothing this time, I swear!”
Lucifer got up from his seat, stomping towards MC’s room, Mammon trailing close behind. He had been unable to read his older brother’s expression in that moment. Was he mad at Mammon? Though it was improbable—was he concerned for MC? Was he stressing himself over how this would surely damage Lord Diavolo’s image?
The door to the human’s room swung open to reveal a frail-looking MC, lying alone on the bed, seemingly catatonic. Lucifer approached them with caution, peeling away his glove and setting the back of his palm gingerly against their forehead. Rather than what he’d been expecting—humans were more prone to fevers and colds compared to demons, after all—instead of having the feeling of heat radiating off the human, their skin was cold as ice.
“I—what?” Lucifer found himself dumbfounded at what was happening to MC. This was no typical human fever, but Devildom fevers would not cause their skin to grow this cold. If anything, their skin should have been burning up more and more until the heat grew to cause their blood to boil.
“So? What’s happening?” Mammon questioned, peeking over his brother’s shoulder. Lucifer froze for a moment, unable to answer Mammon’s inquiries.
“I—I don’t know,” both Lucifer and Mammon were shocked at Lucifer’s dumbfounded state. Mammon expected his older brother to know nearly everything, as Lucifer actually believed himself to have more than enough information on humans. Apparently not.
“What do you mean? You’re Lucifer!” Mammon huffed as Lucifer glared at him at his words, “Whatever, I’m going to go get Satan. Maybe one of his books has an answer.”
Lucifer only nodded at his younger brother’s remark before seating himself in the space next to MC on the bed. Now that he was this close to them, he could feel the frigid aura practically dripping off MC. Their cold skin, despite being buried under layers of blankets, left the bed a chilly temperature.
“MC, do you know what’s happening to you?” Lucifer spoke calmly, eyes still analyzing their shaking form. They nodded their head, hesitant.
“Well, would you care to tell me?” Lucifer questioned, taking their hand in his, “You know, it wouldn’t reflect well on Lord Diavolo if one of the exchange students got sick because of something in the Devildom.”
“Good thing it wasn’t caused by something from the Devildom, I suppose,” MC shrugged weakly as Lucifer’s eyes narrowed as he thought about their words for a moment.
“I beg your pardon?” he cleared his throat, his red eyes piercing into theirs. Instead, they remained silent, their hand running over his, settling on his radial pulse, their eyes shutting at the feeling of the celestial—his identity as a demon now didn’t affect that—blood running through his body.
They brought his wrist closer to their face, sniffing at the scent of his blood coursing through his veins, they nearly brought his wrist to their lips, then paused.
“May I?” they questioned, e/c eyes staring deep into Lucifer’s crimson red eyes. He took a deep breath, staring at MC in shock. He knew exactly what they were talking about and he didn’t quite know how to feel.
“MC, I—”
“Please,” they interrupted him, their voice reduced to a whimper as their eyes pleaded with him, tears lining them.
“Come here,” Lucifer ushered them closer to him, his unnatural warmth combating the cold of their skin as he placing his hands on their back, pulling them up so they were seated on his lap. They whimpered as their lips found their way closer to his neck.
“May I?” they repeated, looking to him with a look of need evident in their eyes now. Lucifer smirked, then looking MC in the eyes, nodding.
“You may.”
And with that, MC bared their pearly white fangs—just as Lucifer had expected this far into the interaction—and allowed them to sink into the skin of his neck, pulling his head to the side as they fed off of his blood. Lucifer, despite having his blood drained out his body, cradled their cheek in his hands, watching contently as they fed and fed. After all, MC had been in the Devildom for a long time, and not once had they fed off anybody’s blood. They were starved for blood and for once, Lucifer was willing to relinquish control over the situation, allowing them to take what they needed from him.
MC’s fangs then unlatched from the skin of his throat as they fell backwards onto their bed in relief, his blood still dripping down their chin.
Then their e/c eyes snapped up to meet his red once as theirs widened.
“I’m so sorry!” they exclaimed, putting their hand to Lucifer’s neck to stop the bleeding, though the sight of blood dripping through their fingers only made them thirst for more.
“Calm down, it’s fine,” Lucifer smiled at her reassuringly, peeling their hands away from his neck, bringing them to his lips, placing a soft kiss against their blood-stained hands.
“It’s not. I lost control and I-I drank from you!” y/n sighed, exasperated. Lucifer shook his head, sitting them back down on the bed, “I’m sorry.”
“Shh. It’s okay. You’re a vampire, aren’t you?” Lucifer questioned as MC nodded, “Ah, I should’ve known.”
“Why are you acting like this is alright, Lucifer? I mean, I could’ve just jeopardized the exchange student program, and yet here you are, acting as though everything is fine! Acting as though I didn’t just cut your throat open and drink from you,” they ranted on, earning a chuckle from Lucifer.
“It’s just that I thought you to be a defenseless human when you first came down to the Devildom,” Lucifer chuckled, “I wanted to fight the urge to coddle you as I did with my brothers when they were all younger. I now know this isn’t the case. It’s a great relief for me to know that you’re capable of defending yourself should the need to do so arrive.”
“Makes sense, I suppose,” MC mumbled, laying on their back, taking deep breaths of relief as their hunger had now been satiated.
“Though, I do promise you we’ll find a way to satiate your thirst before you ever reach this point again,” Lucifer reassured her, earning a nod from the human—well, vampire.
“Thank you, Lucifer.”
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inaducursehq · 2 days
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demons are servants of arcadius who follow his agenda as both his emissaries as well as torturers of the souls in hell. created from the accumulated misery and darkness born of the destruction of human souls, demons are universally malign and immoral in their actions and dealings. they are feared largely due to their power to possess living creatures. demons are also known to work on the personal level, animating and exploiting the greed and selfishness within individuals in order to manipulate them into contributing to evil and the destruction of humankind. humans, animals, and even supernatural beasts that roam the earth tend to be wary of demons, as the infernal creatures are known for their proclivity to engage in cruel and malicious attacks on any lifeform they believe to be weak and vulnerable.
demons can procreated with other demons and with human women. with how many demons are in hell, it most likely that either breed or are born in hell's environment.
demons may or may not also be considered to be devils: minions of the devil. in many traditions, demons are independent operators, with different demons causing different types of evils (destructive natural phenomena, specific diseases, etc.). in religions featuring a principal devil (e.g. satan) locked in an eternal struggle with good, demons are often also thought to be subordinates of the principal devil. as lesser spirits doing the devil's work, they have additional duties— causing humans to have sinful thoughts and tempting humans to commit sinful actions.
belief in demons remains an important part of many modern religions and occult traditions. demons are still feared largely due to their alleged power to possess living creatures.
SUMMONING: because of their inherent physical and mystical abilities, most known demons view themselves as superior to humans, and as such wish to rule over them. despite this, demons can be summoned and even controlled through magic, though this is highly dangerous. demons with a strong enough will is capable of either shattering the control the conjurer has over them, or twisting the conjuration spell in order to summon the would be conjurer to their demonic realm instead. some demons themselves have demonstrated the ability to conjure other demons, whether it be as reinforcements against the forces of good, or in order to summon some higher ranking demon in order to slay it and usurp its position within the demonic hierarchy.
POSSESSION. demons are particularly infamous for their ability to possess mortal vessels,. descriptions of possessions often include convulsions, fits of violence, and levitation, while other descriptions include the possessed individual having access to hidden knowledge (gnosis) and foreign languages (glossolalia), drastic changes in vocal intonation and facial structure, the sudden appearance of injuries (scratches, bite marks) or lesions, and superhuman strength. while an individual is possessed, their soul remains trapped within their own mind, imprisoned by some inner struggle that the demonic entity has managed to exploit in order to gain entry. to break free from possession, the person must be able to face their own inner fears and struggles so that they may expel the demon that has taken control. those who are strengthened in their convictions are able to repel a possession.
DEMONIC MAGIC. the user is capable of using demonic magic to achieve several feats such as creating, destroying and reconstructing anything, sometimes even to warp reality. this type of magic is usually used by a dark and evil entity or those related to them.
DARK MIRACLES. the user can perform dark miracles or unnatural feats or events to happen which are considered truly wrong to human understanding. they can make a terrible interruption of the natural laws, change things in a malefic way or simply cause horrible and unnatural occurrences and phenomena. the user of this dark power is unnatural and corrupt (or at least appearing so to those they are visited upon) always causing catastrophic events.dark miracles work in various but tainted scales and have effects like causing disasters to bring great harm to good people, healing the sick and dying only to leave them cursed and empty inside, resurrecting the dead but leaving them tainted and corrupt, any dark miracle can and will have a terrible cause and will tend to bring great harm to others, even if it looks beneficial.
HELLHOUND. hellhounds are those who inherite both parents werewolf and demon powers and abilities. they are uniquely called hellhound because of their natural instinct to hunt and stalk their prey. they are also known as the bearers of death because they curse their victims, greiving them with nighmares of their past sins, before killing them. after three sightings from the hellhound by it's victim, the beast would finally find and kill it's prey when they are that their peak in fear. something else unique about the hellhound is durning their transformation their body would burst into flames before turning into wolves, with both orange and red eyes. seeing one in their truest form leads to a person's death. these factors make the hellhound a feared symbol of bad things that are about to happen. hellhounds often attack evil humans, and or humans who are currently struggling with guilt. they are guards for cemeteries but they are often seen as helper dogs for those who are about to pass. but they also can show up to said loved ones and sort of inform them or a loved ones passing.
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hiswordsarekisses · 26 days
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“The realm of darkness is cheap and runs on a very tight budget centered around lack. One of its favorite tools is intimidation, where it dispatches a lying, deceiving spirit to fool people into giving up. This way, darkness can gain territory without incurring expenses.
To their chagrin, 2 Peter 1:4 states that we have become partakers in “the divine nature.” Of course, this refers to Jesus' nature in which we've been fully immersed. Because our nature is Jesus' nature, darkness is infuriated that we reflect the One they couldn't keep down.
Beauty corresponds to truth. Our physical bodies are a constant reminder to Satan of the image of God. For that very reason, the enemy has chosen the human body as one of his major arenas of battle because it's God's crowning creative genius. You're the best idea God ever had.
Our eyes and ears remind the enemy that we can see and hear God. This is why Satan seeks to cause blindness and deafness both physically and spiritually. We have been given a new spiritual nature, not a new logical nature. It is now natural to hope, and unnatural to be skeptical. Belief is natural. Unbelief is foreign.
Unlike God, Satan cannot create. He can only distort and twist that which has been created. One of the highest expressions of our new nature in Christ is creativity. Every time we create, it's an attack on the domain of darkness, which has no creative ability. To say we are not creative is absurd.
We are one with Christ. As we dwell in His nature, His fullness makes us complete and brings us into a place of authority and rule over the enemy.
New nature. New life. Divinely natural living.”
By Brian Orme
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charmante-mp3 · 10 months
Devilish Teaser - Prologue
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Hello Atinys of Tumblr! My brain has been wrapping around this x reader content for a while so I thought I'd release a teaser and see how it went before I continue. I've literally never had any content on Tumblr so oh well this is the first. I'm gonna go ahead and preface warnings before anyone continues: - This is a demon!Ateez x angel!reader (not for long however) so there is talk of religion. As an atheist I really don't refer to 'God' or Jesus but I do not mean any harm for religion in this writing while I use real religious names this is purely fiction! - There is a high chance of gruesome/slightly violent depictions, potential future smut (haven't really worked that out), def chance of suggestive themes. (Def not edited either)
Sharp (e/c) eyes snapped open, a faint yellow glow dispersing. The figure once lied in a white bed, now sat up taking in the surroundings. Their hands coming in contact with the fluffed feathers growing from their back. Eyes glowing in realization, they are a mere reincarnation of an angel before them. Yet, it differed from normal, the existence of their descent was entirely unknown.
The book felt heavy in my hands. The leather bounds indenting my hands. I sat in the library's corner’s restricted section, researching the opposite ends of our heavenly retreat. Certain closed off knowledge had piqued my interest recently, and they granted me access to this section. The eight hells are what us angels call hell’s leaders, while we have our higher power, they have the guard of seven sins. The eighth is a descendant of Azazel himself, a demon who almost caused the fall of my heavenly home, and they were plaguing my mind. 
Like myself and many others, the eight hells have descended from some of our greatest enemies. Lucifer was pride, Mammon was greed, Belphegor was sloth, Asmodeus was lust, Beelzebub was gluttony, Satan was wraith, and finally Leviathan was envy. I read on until I felt queasy, having my eyes on the terror they cause angels and humans all the same had sickened me. I quickly shut the book, stood up, and put it in its respective spot on the shelf. 
Once out of the library, I took notice of the darkened sky. Most of us would be asleep at this moment, but it was quite unnecessary. No one here in this realm truly needs to sleep, we don’t even have to eat or drink, but those from the lands below think differently. Angels, once humans, like to reminisce on the taste of foods and comfort of beds, so each home has bedrooms and we have stalls of food through our makeshift streets. My home is at the top of a tower, if you would like you can walk the treacherous steps, but I prefer to fly. Making use of the feathery wings on my back, I flew into my open walls I called home. Just as I landed comfortably, I was tackled down by who I could only assume was my friend. 
“Y/N! Tomorrow I start my training!” Ye’un said. Looking up at her unnatural golden eyes, I glared, disapproving her greeting.
“Sorry sorry,” She said, helping me up.
“Ye’un I’m happy for you, and I know you’re excited, but please spare me of the ground. I’m gonna be another early reincarnation because you’ll give me a heart attack,” I said as I regained my footing.
“That reminds me! Have you found out your origins yet?” She asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.
“Nope, there was nothing in the-” A dizziness halted my answer.
“Y/N?” Was the last thing I heard before darkness surrounded me.
I awoke in a place unrecognizable to me; it wasn’t my usual white and gold room. Instead, it was darker with golds and reds. To my left I could see a figure walk into the room, I was conversing with them but I heard no words. Something blurred their face and distinct features. It wasn’t until the figure wrapped me in their arms did I see the black scaled wings. I awoke once more with Ye’un looking down at me with fear in her eyes.
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jaymber · 11 months
First off I wanna preface this by saying I haven’t been in the CP2077 fandom for very long and I’ve been following you for even less time but I absolutely adore your ocs, and seeing them cross my dash makes me smile every time I also love reading the tidbits of lore around them..I truly love them and everything you do and I cannot wait to see more 🖤 -ps do you think you could maybe do a up close of gabby’s tattoos? I’m real curious about them
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Welcome to the fandom and thanks so much for your kind words! It means a lot to me!!!! 💜💜💜💜💜
And sure! I can do that, but keep in mind that I can't focus on modding more than like, an hour, so all their tattoos are rushed! Well, Gabby only has one technically, the other marks on their body are either supposed to be a birthmark or scars (I'll get around to make them into real scars eventually but... y'know...)
And hope you don't mind me rambling a little either! So here's a Keep Reading!
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Oops, had to make Gabby bald for that one hehe 🤭
I'm gonna preface this by saying I can't draw, all these were taken from free vector sites. These are four different filigree images I put together, plus the sign of Venus (♀).
The thorns filigrees are a reference to Jesus' crown. Gabby got their tattoo after being fired from Militech for blowing their cover as a double agent and left for dead by Arasaka assassins. It's a symbol of their rebirth, but also a symbol they rejected their father's power (he's a descendant of the founder of Militech) to join the "mortals", the lower class.
The two other filigrees I used are inspired by rococco art, which is known to be a pastel and irregular artstyle with too many details. It suits Gabby's personnality.
The sign of Venus is both a nod at their gender (they partially identify as a woman) and their essence as a cambion (half-succubus). Lucifer is the former name of the planet Venus. Their stage name is Venere di Luce, Venus of Light.
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Gabby has other markings on their body. Two scars and a birthmark.
Gabby's birthmark is a reference to the number of the Beast. I was inspired by The Omen. So, in some occult beliefs, the term "Antichrist" refers to all children born from a demon and a human, not just Satan. It's just another sign that Gabby isn't fully human.
Their scars are both branding marks made from hot iron and Holy Water. The one on their neck isn't as visible usually, I used Photoshop tools to make it clearer. It's the symbol for the Death's-Head Moth, a XBD "studio" who hired Gabby after they were fired from Militech since they cannot die, making them the "perfect doll" for them to play with.
It was applied to them shortly after they started hanging more and more with Maelstrom. Gabby had agreed for the scene, since they thought the mark would fade away pretty quickly. They didn't know the DHM's leader knew about their demonic nature. It's just there now. Forever. It'll always hurt a little bit.
The second branding scar is a symbol of Maelstrom. Gabby eventually broke their contract from the Death's-Head Moth to work with Maelstrom instead. They didn't want an initiation cause they like their face a little too much for that, so they chose a different approach to make themself an official associate of the gang.
They were publically branded by Royce, and yes, it was extremely painful. The scar looks right on some angles only. I'll make them into real scars eventually!
Also, I'm using your nice ask to say that I've changed Gabby's eyes to give them a more unnatural look! They're literally the goat now 🤭
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rmlarson · 2 years
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The corrupted and true appearance of the soul of Michael Tobacco.  His body died the night of his mauling and reborn into the hybrid he is, hence his youthful features.  The blood staining his clothes and skin does not reflect the blood in his body.  The flesh around the gaping bite wound on his neck has long turned gangrenous.  Some of the veins in his body have blown out and blackened from being used as travel passages by his parasites.  The worm-like parasites in his body look and taste exactly like gummy worms that can taste you back.  A stranger gifted Mike the opportunity to change his identity to Jerry Robert Willis.
Name:  Jerry Robert Willis
Real Name:  Michael Tobacco
Gender/Sex:  Male
Species:  Ghost
Age:  30 years old
Height:  5′10
Eye Color:  Foggy bright green
Hair Color:  Blood orange
Skin Color:  Ashen white
Occupation:  Malicious spirit
Designated Animatronic:  Willy Weasel
Cause of Death:  Severe parasitic infection
Spiritual Beliefs:  Satanism; Black magic
Alignment:  Evil
Crimes:  Kidnapping, stalking, coercion, identity theft, child abuse, mutilation, non-negligent manslaughter, aggravated assault/battery, sexual assault
Abilities:  Spell casting, invincibility, unnatural strength & agility, vocal impersonation, manipulation, magic induced Klown abilities
Likes:  Deborah Foxx (a lot), redheads, sugar, the Super Happy Fun Room, eating and sacrificing adults and children, blood letting, having more power over others, the thrill of hunting
Dislikes:  Deborah Stone and her group (a lot), his crew (a lot), the dark energy wandering the restaurant, Klowns, Eloise Lund and her goons, having his authority challenged, having his magic be messed with
Whereabouts:  Hayesville Willy’s Wonderland restaurant
Status:  Possessing the body of Willy Weasel
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czortofbaldmountain · 2 years
LaVey believes that Christianity has demonized human nature by defining natural instincts and emotions as sinful, trapping mankind in a perpetual state of feeling guilty that serves to ensure the church its power and influence (1969: 46-54, 82-83). This demonization and guilt inducement causes a large number of impediments to human emotions, sexuality, self-esteem, interpersonal relations, chances of self-realization, and health.
Further, the Christian 'Great Commandment' is reprehended for encouraging uncritical love towards both friends and foes. LaVey does not only consider this impossible and unnatural but also highly damaging. To LaVey, both love and hate are strong, vital and natural emotions, and only by recognizing and accepting both emotions can humans distinguish between them and use them constructively. Otherwise, humans will loose the ability to love those that deserve it, and the suppressed hate will lead to both mental and physical problems and diseases, or the suppressed hate may be directed at innocent people (1969: 64-65; 1989: 247-48).
Categorizing Modern Satanism: An Analysis of LaVey's Early Writings written by Amina Olander Lap in The Devil's Party: Satanism in Modernity edited by Per Faxneld and Jesper Aa. Petersen.
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monmuses · 2 years
He can do this. He can definitely do this. If anyone thinks he can't, then they'd be wrong... Okay. No, they can't ALL be wrong. Because God specifically said that He didn't think Pip could do this. And He is never wrong. Which would mean Pip can't do this... But Pip chooses to ignore that lapse in logic. God isn't wrong. Merely misinformed. If He knew how much Pip was capable of, then He'd think the smallest of his Seraphims could do this. And He'd be right.
Because Pip can do this.
That's what Pip reminds himself as he lands in a place that he'd merely heard stories of. Stories of great sin and hardships, but also great devotion and blessings. Not nearly as cut and dry as Heaven or Hell. No, earth is far... messier. But that's alright. Pip can handle messy. He can handle anything if it's in the service of the one who granted him existence. So, with that in mind, he swallows the lump in his throat and lands on the powdery snow. White soon giving way to green, cold to warmth, and death to life. Flowers and grass blooming with each uncertain step.
Sucking in a deep breath, Pip then calls out a question he's replayed over and over in his mind since this idea first came to it. Voice echoes unnaturally, shaking the very snow in the trees down to the desolate ground, ❝ WHERE IS THE ONE CALLED DAMIEN? ❞ Perhaps not the most polite method of asking... but the way he's disturbing the entire town doesn't cross his mind until it's already too late.
Whoops. - (( *SHOVES a lad* ))
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UNPROMPTED ASKS - Always Accepting
     ...well, that was one way to wake up to this absolutely lovely morning in South Park.
     For Damien, he had treated just about every day as he expected it to be - with him in the background from time to time. He was one to cause a little bit of trouble if he felt like it, but never to an extent where it was a center for attention. Mostly for a laugh or two, but that was it... mostly. With arriving outside to do another round-trip, he did not expect to hear a booming voice shake the town with ease. It took him a second, blinking and processing it all...
     “...wonder what this is gonna be about,” he thought to himself.
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     Firstly, he had to find the source of this voice. No other human could shout THAT loud, nor could it shake across the town in such a god-like way. The only two perpetrators he could think of was maybe Jesus and Satan, but those two were nowhere around... nor did he really care for them. However, whoever shouted his full name... it wasn’t a demon’s voice. Now, he was curious.
     In the snap of a finger, he made his way to town and nearby where his name was called. A cup with some kind of fizzy drink was in his hands, loudly slurping it behind the said Seraphim that called for him. Huh... some kind of angel? The power was strong, he could sense that easily, and he was no demon. What was he doing here of all places?
     “You called?” He asked, raising a brow as he finished his slurp. “What’s your business here? I don’t recall getting some ‘personal’ angel to greet me like... that. Whatever you just did.”
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#you think you've seen anger? think you've experienced revenge? you aint seen nothing until you've suffered at the hands of nico belladonna
My Top Posts in 2022:
My toxic trait is thinking any of my favorite characters would even want to date me in the first place tbh
71 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
❝𝐉𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐮𝐱 𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞, 𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐫.❞
This is a (one day late) birthday gift to my beloved, wonderful, amazing girlfriend @winters-witch-bitch. I hope you enjoy it mon amour; I love you so so so much, and I can't wait to spend as many more birthdays with you as the universe will allow me to.
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91 notes - Posted May 7, 2022
ᴀʟᴍᴀ ᴘᴇʀᴇɢʀɪɴᴇ | ʟᴏʀᴅ ᴋɴᴏᴡꜱ ɪ ʙᴇʟᴏɴɢ ᴡᴀʏ ᴅᴏᴡɴ ʙᴇʟᴏᴡ - ɪɪ
sorry about taking an actual century to update this bitch oh my gods 😭💀
oh and the bits between the '~' are in Alma's pov because....flustered bird woman. :D
finally, yes i changed the pov--people complained and peer pressured me into doing it /hj *cough* @merci-bitch *cough*
ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ
title source: "heaven knows" by the pretty reckless
warnings: slight angst, light swearing, arguing
word count: 7.7K
taglist: @teddybear-named-george, @consciouschunkofmoss, @winters-witch-bitch, @holly-fire, @mxbeezkneez, @fxoehy, @evagreensimp, @crime-ninja, @vintageolives, @darlingimlostwithout, @vykanya, @missfalcon, @peregrine21, @feartheclipse, @inlovewithbilliedean, @nonbinary-cryptid-baby, @another-fantasy-world, @evil-feather, @aaron-despair, @badussy69, @marvels-writings, @thebijesus, @ahoy-gays, @jojalie, @sythaerin, @vintageolives, @iamawriterorsomething, @emiliaisdead, @sapphic-stress, @whutisthus, @when-i-miss-you, @sarahp-stan, @lexi1109, @spilled-ink-like-spilled-wrists, @picnicmic
if you'd like to be added to the taglist, please fill out this form! (it helps me keep everything organized <;3)
enjoy xx
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After the night that Horace's dream had caused issues with you and Alma, your relationship had been...rocky at best, and obstructive at worst. Alma never raised her voice, which was a relief, but she was especially sharp for at least a month. With everyone besides you, she was completely normal, but anytime you asked her anything she'd tense up and her response would be unnaturally professional and snappy. Each time it would annoy you and you'd usually end up snapping something back, which would either end in Alma glaring at you, walking away, or it would begin an argument. Again, she never yelled, and neither did you, but her tone was enough to be intimidating and you could stand your ground without being loud.
Now, over a month later, you lean against the inside of your door, fists clenched and knuckles white as you hold back tears. The door is locked but you know that Alma is still on the other side as she mumbles "Y/n please, I'm sorry." You scoff, replying "If you were sorry you wouldn't have said it, Miss Peregrine," purposefully using her title instead of her name, knowing it'll bite more than if you call her Alma. It works and you hear her hiss quietly. A faint shuffling can be heard from the other side of the door before another sigh and a quiet "I'm not leaving until you let me in." Rolling your eyes you silently mock her words to yourself, grumbling under your breath. "Don't you have a house to run?" Alma doesn't miss a beat before replying "Everyone is outside, and the sooner you let me in, the faster we can get this over with." You consider her words, knowing she's right but also not wanting to give in, forever stubborn. Your mind returns to your latest argument, the one that had caused this whole problem, and another few tears burn in your eyes.
The day was going decently, you'd helped Emma with her squirrel and watched Enoch mess about with his dolls, before returning upstairs and going to the kitchen to try finding something to nibble on. You remembered seeing some apples in the fridge, so you padded over to it and began searching for them. A minute later you caught sight of one and with a noise of victory, snatched it and gently closed the fridge door, standing up with your prize in hand. But you jumped back with a gasp when Alma appeared out of nowhere, leaning against the counter behind the open door. She glanced over at you indifferently, but didn't say anything even as you stared at her for a moment longer. You honestly expected her to make some snippy remark, but she did no such thing, and eventually you hummed and also leaned on the counter across from her, not making eye contact even as you felt the woman watching me.
Finally she spoke; "And what might you be doing?" You let out a heavy breath, chewing the piece of apple that was in your mouth and swallowing before responding. "Oh you know. This and that. Nothing you'd care about, anyway," you said, staring intently at the pattern of the floor. You heard Alma huff indignantly and snap "Why are you always so...sassy with me lately?" This time you did raise my head, leveling her with a disbelieving glare. "Me? I'm the one with an attitude? You're the one who's constantly starting arguments over literally anything!" Alma's eyes hardened significantly and you saw her fingers tighten around the unlit pipe she held, muttering "I do not start arguments. You turn conversations into arguments." "Oh please!" you scoffed, setting your apple down and taking a few steps closer to the ymbryne. "I can't say anything without you biting my head off, Alma." At your advancing, Alma did the same, discarding her pipe and standing straight, using her height to her advantage.
But it didn't deter you, and you held yourself high and confident as you stared each other down. Before, you wouldn't have dared to speak like this to the ravenette, but by this point you were sick of her attitude. "You've really lost it now, haven't you?" Alma hissed and you smiled wickedly, replying "If I've lost my mind, then you're out of yours," eyes sparking. You heard the woman pull in a sharp breath and she stalked towards you, but you refused to let her get too close and began backing up, trying to keep some distance between the two of you. But Alma didn't stop until you were backed up into the counter, and even as your resolve stayed strong, the proximity still made your heart skip a beat. It was the closest she'd been to you in weeks and you were almost unused to it. Before you could think about it too hard though, Alma snapped "If I hadn't taken you in you'd still be starving and most likely dead by now." You took a deep breath, swallowing dryly and hissing "And I'm sure you regret it every day."
You said this, yet didn't expect Alma to reply "Maybe I do." Your face fell, lips parting in shock and eyes going glassy. Your brows pulled together tightly, staring up at Alma in betrayal, hurt beyond words. She realized what she'd said a moment too late and pulled away, already apologizing frantically, but you weren't having it--and without anything more than a "fuck you," you stormed out of the kitchen and up to your room, locking yourself in and sliding down to the floor in tears.
"Yeah, that's not gonna happen," you finally say once the memory clears, and Alma growls under her breath, spitting "Dammit y/n, I'm sorry! I've never regretted helping you, I was just upset and not thinking straight!" The laugh that bubbles up in your throat is derisive and sharp, and you shake your head, mumbling "Clearly." Neither of you say anything else for another long moment, but your resolve slowly begins to crack and eventually you whisper "If I let you in, will you leave me alone?" Quickly Alma says "Yes, I just need you to know that I mean it." You heave a great sigh, filling your lungs to capacity before letting it out in a pained exhale, and stand up, hesitating just a moment before finally undoing the lock. You leave it up to Alma to open the door, which she does as soon as she hears the click, and the instant it's open she's pulled you to her body and holds you tightly. You choke on air, at first trying to pull back, but she's stronger than she looks and eventually you give up, relaxing in her arms and loosely returning the embrace.
You breathe in her perfume and it calms you down, so when she murmurs "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry,” you believe her. You nod slowly, tightening your hold just a bit, which seems to relax Alma as the tenseness of her shoulders fades. With one last squeeze, the woman finally lets you go, but doesn't step back as she brings both hands to your face. The genuine emotion in her eyes make tears threaten to fall, but you blink them away and nod again, mumbling "Okay. Okay, I believe you. But can we just..." You taper off, unsure what to say next. Alma encourages you quietly, and you finish with "Can we go back to how it was before? I don't--I don't want to keep fighting, Alms." The nickname, though not official as it's only the second time you've used it, softens Alma's gaze even further and she presses her forehead against yours, breathing "Of course. Of course we can, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to get out of hand, I was just overwhelmed."
Understanding, you hum in agreement. You stand there for a moment longer, one of your hands coming to rest on hers, which she removes from your cheek and instead threads your fingers together, holding your hand tightly. But eventually you have to separate when you murmur "I think it's almost time to eat. I'll help you." Alma sighs and the little breath blows against your lips, before she nods and pulls back with one last peck to your forehead. She doesn't let go of your hand, instead using it to gently pull you along with her down the steps and into the kitchen. She finally has to let it go in order to start working, but the little smile she throws over her shoulder makes up for the loss of warmth. You return it, though she's already turned her back, and silently begin helping. The air between you is no longer charged as it has been for the last month, instead it's returned to the warm familiarity that it had once been. You move fluidly around the kitchen, mumbling quiet words to each other every so often, and you manage to make some sort of inappropriate joke that makes Alma blush and laugh loudly, having to support herself on the counter.
You beam at the woman, laughing quietly along with her, but more just enjoying seeing her laugh again after so long without it. When Alma finally calms down, brushing a nail over her cheek as she still chuckles through her words, saying "That--That was brilliant. But I don't want you saying something like around to the others." You press your hand against your chest, dramatically exclaiming "I would never! What do you think I am, a heathen?!" Alma gives you what could be a scolding look if she wasn't still biting back another smile. You finally let a grin of your own break out, dropping your hand and turning around with a shake of your head to continue cutting up these vegetables for supper. You hear Alma shuffling about behind you but ignore it as you make sure not to slice yourself. You've been known to be clumsy when faced with sharp objects, so cutting yourself is a very real threat. "Did I ever tell you about that time when I just about killed myself?" You glance over your shoulder, the shock value of the statement making Alma's head snap to face you.
But you just smile teasingly and say "I was trying to help my mom with lunch and the knife slipped and caught my wrist. I ended up needing stitches but it just barely avoided hitting that big vein." Absently, Alma sighs and mumbles "The radial artery, yes." You nod, continuing your cutting while you state "But yeah, I was fine in the end." Alma hums quietly, and it's more tense than before, so you pause your repetitive slicing to set the knife down, coming over to stand at her side and leaning into her a bit, murmuring "I'm more careful now Alms. Don't go all quiet on me." The woman sighs heavily and casually tilts her head to the side so it can rest atop yours and replies "I'm sorry. I just...you had me worried for a moment." You shrug, understanding her worry. "Yeah, I guess I could've worded it a bit better. I just wanted to see your reaction honestly." The truth makes Alma grumble under her breath, miffed at the casual manner in which you speak, but her head doesn't move and she doesn't scold you.
Still, after a few minutes you pull back with a little nuzzle into the woman's shoulder that makes her let out a little huff of laughter, and return to the opposite side of the kitchen. The rest of the meal gets finished soon and without anymore bumps, until everything is on the table and Alma lets out a heavy sigh, rubbing her hands together anxiously. She checks her watch, as she's been doing incessantly for the past two hours, and you watch her stare at it with a tense expression before slipping it back into her pocket with a soft hum. You raise a questioning brow when she looks back at you, but she just brushes it off with a smile and softly asks you to get the others inside. You nod, brush your hand against hers as you pass her to head outside. Rounding up the kids doesn't take much effort, and they all run inside to get ready for dinner, changing if they're dirty or fixing their hair, etcetera. You do the same, changing into a nicer dress that's tight against your waist and chest, but loosens around your legs.
You smile to yourself as you make sure your hair is neat in the mirror, before skipping downstairs and entering the dining room, where Alma stands against the wall waiting for the rest to appear. She smiles over at you, and her eyes drop down to check out your outfit, smile softening into a teasing smirk as she mutters "That's a bit short, don't you think?" You notice the playful tone of her voice and a matching smile lifts to your own lips as you walk slowly towards the woman, replying "Only if you want it to be." Her eyes return to yours, amused. "And trust me, I have shorter. Maybe I'll wear one of them someday--although you might like that too much," you purr, winking with a grin at the shocked, then flustered expression that settles onto her face as the statement's double meaning registers in Alma's mind. As soon as it does she goes to say something, but you quickly cut her off with "It's almost time to eat, isn't it?" The woman lets out an annoyed noise, but checks her watch and, once finding out that you're correct, approaches the table and rings the bell that sits atop it's dark surface beside her seat.
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110 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
Y/N: *slams fist into their wall in frustration*
Alma: Y/n! Don’t do that!
Y/N: >:(
Alma: How would you feel if I slammed you against the wall?
Y/N: I’m...I’m not sure you always understand the consequences of your actions or words.
129 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
thinking about her again <3
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159 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
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