#that last bit was about snotlout
rosiethedragongeek · 2 years
RTTE as OFMD quotes bc I'm obsessed with both of them rn P 2/?
Atali: We've decided you pose no threat to our people
Atali: Only to yourselves because you're mediocre dragon riders
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home-of-renn · 9 months
One thing that I wished they kept throughout the franchise was Hiccup being the smallest Viking. I wish they kept him scrawny and stringy and shorter than Astrid and the rest of the gang.
Hiccup was ostracised by his entire community for many reasons, one being his weak build and small stature.
Snotlout may be shorter than Hiccup in the movies, but he's got bigger muscles and puffs himself up. He makes up for it by acting like a proper Viking, being loud and obnoxious and always ready to start a fight - that and he can actually lift a weapon.
The name Hiccup is meant to mean small and frail - the runt of a litter or the black sheep. I want Hiccup to be the absolute epitome yet antithesis of his name. I want Hiccup to be small and unassuming and shorter than the rest. But I also want him to be Great. I want him to be brave and stubborn and hard to kill. Awkward and sarcastic at the worst of times but still kind and friendly and always dependable.
I want him to be everything a Viking is and isn't. I want him to be a peacekeeper and a warrior, an adventurer and an inventor, the son of the chief and the hiccup of his tribe. Someone who can't wield the same weapons as his tribesmen so he makes his own. Someone who wants to uphold the traditions and culture of his people yet always thinks outside of the box. The representation of this new age that's fast approaching, the line in the middle where old and new clash.
I want Hiccup to dress like a Viking, talk like a Viking, eat, sleep and walk like a Viking yet be the very last thing anyone ever thinks of when they think of a Viking. And most of all I want there to be absolutely nothing wrong with that.
I wish they hadn't made him tall and appealing in the end. I wish they'd kept him the way he was. A Viking born too early and too weak in the middle of one of the harshest winters ever experienced by the barbaric archipelago. A Viking who beat the odds and survived. He's braved every terrible winter since his birth and lives in a place where it snows nine months of the year and hails the other three. He can endure bone-freezing chills and frozen oceans but never fails to catch the common cold. He's always been a bit sickly, ever since he was a child, but he always bounces back. He's got scars and a missing leg and his hands are filled with callouses, cuts and burns, but he's soft-spoken and loves to read and never skips a meal yet can never seem to get any bigger.
I wish they could have kept Hiccup the way he was. I wish they didn't have to change him in order to have him become a worthy hero.
I wish the entire village could look at their little runt of a chief and still crack jokes about his long-overdue growth spurt. I want them to look at him and be filled with pride, cause despite the fact that he hasn't grown an inch since he was sixteen, there isn't a single person on Berk who can look at him without seeing just how far he's come.
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oncewhenalongtimeago · 3 months
The Jealous One pt 4
Pairing: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III x Fem!Reader
Words: 1515
Hiccup is passive aggressive. You’re mad. He doesn’t do anything about it (yet).
Tags: fem!reader, silly, ambiguous timeline, Snotlout Jorgenson, Ruffnut and Tuffnut Thorston, Jealous!Hiccup, Post RoB/DoB, Pre-RTTE
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“I don’t think Snotlout realizes he can like Ruffnut yet, but Fishlegs definitely likes Ruffnut,” You said confidently, pulling up pond weeds with your hands.
Your trousers were rolled up to your ankles, one side of your skirt tucked into your waistband as your toes dug into the silt close to the shore.
Hiccup was beside you, wading in a similar fashion, although it was a bit difficult to hike up both his pantslegs when one was otherwise occupied with his prosthetic. 
The trees were incredibly tall around you, enough to block out all light around the pond. Just a few beams filtered through the topmost leaves, filling the forest floor with a heady yellow glow, mites and other things filtering through them, dancing like fairies to a tune only they knew, lighting up the dark waters.
Behind you was an old, abandoned dock, small and molded and falling apart, and besides that, a bucket which you used to toss aside weeds. 
Indeed, you were deep, deep in the forests around Berk, where only mystical and mysterious things ever seemed to happen.
“Really-?” Hiccup asked, voice high as his spirits seemed to be, “There’s a large one to your left.” 
He indicated with a nod as you glanced over towards him, once again dipping your arms with your rolled-up sleeves into the water, sifting around until you found what he was motioning towards. 
A long, dark-green frond of something which pulled easily from the mix below.
“...Is this what you and Fishlegs were talking about before?” You asked, also noticeably, to yourself, a lot less gloomy. You too had been feeling high of spirits, enough to make you feel as if you had broken your old moping patterns, “The weeds.”
It was a pleasant surprise, when Hiccup had come to you asking for help picking weeds from the water.
You wondered which plant was the subject of his interest or his ire now? What plant had the dragons been interacting with this time, to pull his attention? Was it the Rush, or the Pendula? Maybe another plant, one that ended up being from the forest floor instead? 
You felt bad still, for not meeting him by the Great Hall.
You knew he wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between them, the same way he thought most skulls looked the same.
“Not really?” Hiccup tried, rubbing his hand down his shirt before ruffling the hair at the back of his own head as he tossed a long bunch of wet weeds back, the water sloshing around his ankles, artificial and otherwise, “Not specifically.”
“Specifically?” You took a moment to stare at him with your eyebrow raised.
“Barf and Belch.”
You hummed casually, though you had your ears perked.
You didn’t care at all to keep track of the Twins’ dragons so this was news to you.
“Belch hasn’t been able to fly straight with his other head in a while. Not always, but they’ve been sneaking off to who-knows-where. In short, we think he’s hallucinating. He had… Something, in his teeth. He was hanging around the water the last time- he was dripping wet. Not salt water. Tuffnut… tested that.”
You winced at the mention, “-So you think whatever it was that caused him to act stupid’s been floating around in one of these ponds.”
“Right,” Hiccup nodded.
“Sounds easy enough,” You nodded in return.
“Yeah, so…” Hiccup tried, half-joking in a way that made the invisible hairs on your back prickle, alert, “I’ve been… Meaning to ask. What’s been going on with you and Snotlout? And the others? I’m pretty sure the Jorgensons are getting ready for the two of you to get married.”
“I’d hope not,” You rolled your eyes at him wearily, beginning the slow slog back to the docks behind you, legs pushing through murky water. You were half afraid it would end up making you sick, “I wouldn’t marry him.”
Really, though, why did he care?
“So… You’re not interested in him?”
“Never,” You scoffed, “Not in a million years.”
You were glad that he wasn’t angry- he didn’t seem it, anyways, not at you for accidentally ditching him… if he remembered anything about your plans at all. You didn’t want to bring it up in case he did and that reminded him of anything, pulling up memories like a sharp tripwire. Some things were better off just left unspoken.
You still felt bad, though.
He finally sat down to pull up his own prosthetic, tugging aside the soggy pants leg just above, stitched to cover his stump like a sock.
“Well, that’s not what everyone else thinks,” He said as he turned away, moving continuously with a certain lilt to his voice that made it sound sort of final.
Tuffnut and Snotlout and Ruffnut usually said the same in a voice that seemed more sing-song, though you were certain Hiccup couldn’t ever hold that sort of tone without it sounding weird, or out of place.
“What are you getting at?” You sniped, stomach dropping, “Are you feeling fine? You’re not mad, are you? About before?”
Hiccup’s shoulder’s seemed to jump, nose wrinkling as he grimaced.
“Yup, great… You left me behind, remember,” Hiccup said sarcastically, drily, “So, you know, I’m feeling so warm and fuzzy and loved. So, how are you, by the way? I never really got an explanation for that.”
You grimaced, resisting the urge to bristle at that, knowing in half that he was just baiting you. 
You finished pulling up your boot, stuffing your pants leg into the fur lining, feeling incredulous.
You finally understood what it meant for the others, when they said they were annoyed by Hiccup. His sarcasm didn’t seem so funny when you were on the other end of it.
Now you just felt bitter and annoyed.
Well, if he wanted something to scoff at then he’d get something to scoff at.
“Oh, thank you,” You nodded sarcastically, hand braced against your knee, in an action that was more Astrid-like than you would have preferred it to be, “I’m great.”
Hiccup scoffed again, and you felt another spike of irritation in your chest that you weren’t inclined to smother.
Instead, you yanked on the handle of the bucket, tugging it upwards and nearly wrenching your arm with the force of it, and the weight of the bucket, made heavier by the plants and water inside, and dumped it over his head.
“I-uh, ah-ha!” His voice started normal but hitting a higher nasal as it peaked, the contents of the bucket dumping over his face and pasting his hair to his cheeks, water-darkened and tangled with pond plants.
Hiccup stopped for a second, choking on his spit, looking at you incredulously, astonished and definitely upset. 
How things could have gone so sour so fast was lost on you.
You glared at him, “Having fun picking that up all on your own.”
Then you marched off, kicking back through the undergrowth as you made it your mission to get as far away as possible.
“You messed up, dude,” Tuffnut spoke with faux wisdom, with words supposed to trigger something in you like you cared at all what he thought, or agreed that somehow in some way he might have known better.
Twins had a certain air about them. They took themselves more seriously than anything else, a level of self-involvement that made it seem like their words had merit whenever they said things of the soul-searching. Most people put their advice above all others, some even vyed it, not that the Twins would ever help anyone on purpose.
You thought they were just stupid.
You’d long since ceased to be fond of it.
It was obvious he had no idea what he was talking about, and it just made you mad.
You missed when you were miserable, because it made everything else feel duller.
“Yeah, well, how do you think I felt?” You asked, incensed, “After he spent all that time blowing me off to hang out with you guys?”
You shouted frustratedly, a nonsensical thing, as you grabbed at the air.
“It was well something well deserved and if he can’t pull his head out of his- if he can’t pull your helmet horns out of his ass long enough to see it then I don’t need it-! You-! Him. The whole lot of you!” You snarked, feeling incredibly hostile as you marched off for the second time that day.
Hiccup stood, rubbing his chin with his hand, leaning against the wooden side of a hut feeling slightly stressed.
He’d… Overheard your shouting.
You’d seemed fine, but then again, your fine was kind of… not. He thought you’d have found someone else to hang out with. 
It hadn’t seemed like that big of a deal at the time. He’d always talked about wanting to be friends with the others, and you’d never said anything against it. You hadn’t. But he got it now. The shoe was on the other… prosthetic.
It was all karma.
He really did mess up, didn’t he?
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westwindy1 · 3 months
To put it lightly, and in the most gentle set of terms possible, the Berk Vikings have a very 'communal' sense of humor in the sense that it's kind of like when you are with your friends and you've done something stupid, and they laugh, and all of the sudden it becomes a thing and now you're feeding into a stupid little joke, and even if you do know better now, you say as much as you can in order to keep feeding into it so your other friends can keep laughing and judging and joking about it, with the understand that that's exactly what you're doing.
However, this cycle of only really works for you if you're operating under a very specific set of rules.
If you're good at what you're doing, and you're less prone to doing things people think are weird, it's expected that you mess up less and are therefore going to be the butt of the joke less often.
However, even if you're good at things, if all you do is judge and joke and make fun, then people will start thinking you're a jerk and annnoying (Snotlout, because even though he is the butt of the joke a lot, he also is very good at a lot of things that you're supposed to be good at on Berk).
People who are really good at things can avoid that last bit by just not being the type to joke around at all, removing themselves from the mistake and joke-making cycle and from the line of fire completely, which also has the side effect of making them seem sort of untouchable (Astrid, Stoick).
It's also a way of socially chekcing someone, be it consiously or subsonciously telling them that 'hey, we think this thing that you're doing is not supposed to be a thing that you're doing.'
It's why certain people end up being the butt of the joke more often and feeling worse/left out because of it even if they don't necessarily indulge in the judgment part (Fishlegs), but it's also something other people use to their advantage, and it's one of the ways some people curate a reputation for being funny (The Twins).
It's the way a lot of people in general in social situations are able to grow familair with each other, and the way it turns out, if you can't operate within this system then you end up othered.
(Though for a lot of people, it's a subsoncious process, meaning that even if you tried to put them on the spot about it, a lot of people probably wouldn't be able to tell you anything substantial about what they're doing or why.)
So why, in a world where supposedly strength and aggression are valued overall, where Astrid and the Twins share the same sort of build as Hiccup (when the first movie takes place), is Hiccup a complete and utter social reject?
I mean, even thought he might have been a runty baby, he's clearly made up for it at least in part- I'm sure that with a bit more exercise, he'd be able to do at least something. We also see the other Riders also make incredibly stupid decisions that have incredibly serious consequences all throughout the duration of the series. And, well, if there's one thing to know ever, it's that you don't necessarily have to be good at anything to fit in, so then why was it okay for them to mess up when it wasn't okay for Hiccup?
We know that Hiccup has the judgy part down -"Could use a little less feeding-", calling Gobber a meathead, etc- but we don't often see him doing dumb things the way we see other Vikings doing dumb things and indulging in it. A good half of the sarcasm that we see is him speaking defensively- acting out after he messes up.
The reason I think people get mad when this happens is that he speaks without realizing that what people expect is for him to be cool about it, ie to help feed into the joke, so when he's being dry, he's spending social currency he doesn't have, and people are annoyed at him because of it.
He can't hold his own yet never has 'good humor' about being the butt of the joke.
He interrupts the flow of conversation. He's never speaking to the right script. He's a 'buzzkill.'
I actually don't think that this is a trait that looks bad on him or is something that stems inherently from who he is on the inside, nor do I think that anything that happened to him was right for multiple reasons.
The Vikings on Berk are incredibly, overly judgemental when it comes to Hiccup- he's the blacksmith's apprentice, he takes care of most of their weapons even if he doesn't want to and is kind of lazy about it, he is funny despite the innapropriate timing.
He has all the right parts, he just didn't have the social faculties to manage his own reputation.
And this is, in part, because of his Dad. Stoick wasn't ready to be a father, but he had a kid. He lives with this kid.
As Chief, he doesn't seem like the kind of person who would joke around at all. He takes things seriously and is also good at everything he does anyways and he is in charge, which earns him kudos he doesn't usually take the time to spend, so there's nothing for anyone else to be bitter about.
Of course, Stoick himself is 'other' as Chief, except things have always fallen into place for him, at least socially, because he's so large and battle-hungry. Because of that, he clearly doesn't take the time to foster Hiccup's social abilities the way Hiccup needs because he and Stoick function on an inherently different level when it comes to everyone else, made all the worse as Hiccup seems to have existed separately from growing up, developing apart from his incredibly small peer group as the son of the Chief. And again, Stoick wasn't ready to care for a kid. To him, however, regardless, he's done his job. As far as he's aware, taking care of Berk is taking care of his kid.
If there's no food on Berk then there's no kid.
Thay's why Hiccup falls to the wayside and Stoick feels justified in his disappointment whenever Hiccup isn't up to scratch, and therein lies the deterioration of their father-son relationship.
Stoick making Hiccup Gobber's apprentice early on was probably a quick reaction to some kind of percieved failure, a choice he made because he had to put his kid somehwere and make him work so he might whip the boy into shape somehow. I mean, he obviously wasn't going to be Chief, but he did need to be useful.
As such, with all the time Hiccup spent in the forge and the headstart he lost out on being Stoick's son, missing out on an early childhood he was supposed to have spent making friends and figuring out how to socially navigate, which also probably agitated Stoick, seeing his son flounder so hard, and acted as a form of confirmation bias for everyone else.
Which, I mean, clearly sucks, because from what we see in httyd 3 from what was in the movie the storyboards, Hiccup was a pretty sweet kid.
I think his judginess stems from him trying to adapt the humor he's been kind of living around, to try and be 'cooler' by speaking like the people who, in the moment, seem to have the upper hand, and finding that yeah, being sarcastic really does work for him and he's actually pretty good at it and if not anything else, he at least makes himself laugh.
He mixes up his Dad's need for him to be physically capable with why he'd being iced out, and so ends up constantly trying to prove himself, messing up and pissing people off when all they really want from him is for him to calm the fuck down.
So then, since a lot of social navigating is something that people do unconciously, no one is going to take a step out of their own way to try and figure out why this kid is so weird and someone they for sure don't want their own kids hanging out with, and so Hiccup is stuck floundering trying to make up for his personal failings without confronting the reason people are so harsh on him, which he is unable to recognize because hasn't been given the tools he needs to function well in society.
We don't see Hiccup really settle in until the TV series where he has time to acclimate and other people have time to get used to him and he actually becomes more competent.
It's just a really unfortunate cycle of 'not getting it' and people sort of failing Hiccup all around which I think is what led Hiccup to be the way he is.
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eemoo1o-tfrmoo · 9 months
FanFriday #1: Fanfiction and the art of Snotlout and Hookfang.
For our first FanFriday, I will be looking at one of our arguably best rider-dragon duos: Snotlout & Hookfang! This post was originally going to be a one off, made around the 7th of this month, but I decided to make it into our first instalment of FanFriday instead.
Today, this list (one of many surrounding the duo, I’m sure) will only include works with just the Hookfang & Snotlout tag, so we won’t be covering fics with them as the main focus but other relationships tagged here.
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It Aches So Bad by WhoIsWren — This is the first in a Snotlout and Hookfang based series titled Hook, Don’t Sink. This particular piece concerns the RoB episode Viking for Hire. In Snotlout’s POV, it accounts how Snotlout feels about his and Hookfang’s developing distance due to Hookfang’s toothache. It, as well as the rest of the work series, also involves Spitelout’s pressure on his son to be the best, and the author puts stress on Hookfang’s species as that applies to Spitelout’s demands. We also have some wholesome, platonic soulmate-esque cuddles once all is resolved and that makes everything bittersweet, though mostly sweet.
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Loyalty At Heart by WhoIsWren — This is currently the last work in the aforementioned series. Here, it is in Hookfang’s POV during his panic when Snotlout goes missing in Sandbusted. The premise is sweet, and the writing is sweeter, and you get to see how Hookfang truly feels about his rider when he isn’t around and in danger.
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How To Care For Your Dragon by TulipFluff — This fic is short but sweet, just like the last, but we return to Snotlout’s POV to account how Snotlout grooms Hookfang and how Hookfang lets him (an act of appreciation). In the background, Snotlout’s Terror, Pain (now named Lockjaw), from Worst In Show also makes an appearance. It’s always nice to see the inner-workings of these two’s relationship, even if the work itself isn’t psychoanalytical. What a lovely read!
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On Trust by piratesPencil — This fic has a very unique approach to Snotlout and Hookfang’s relationship: Hookfang being glad that Snotlout is one short potato. Accompanying this insight is reflection on how Vikings used to treat dragons in comparison to now. This work is perhaps the sweetest, maybe even my favouritest out of the bunch, because of how interesting the base concept is. If you’re only going to select one out of this list, I think it’d have to be this one.
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Gift of the Monstrous Nightmare by sarahenany & Thursday26 — This fic is a bit long, but it is definitely worth the read! Here, it includes emphasis on Spitelout and Snotlout’s relationship (as well as some mention of Spitelout’s treatment towards the wife), but mostly involves Snotlout and Hookfang. Hookfang here also speaks Dragonese written in broken English and he and Snotlout do have some conversations back and forth which is a signature theme in sarahenany’s works. It can be a bit distracting, but I think the broken English was done in just the right amount for a fic this length. Overall, this fic includes some great Snotlout and Hookfang moments, and righteous Spitelout slander. (Plus some sweet Fishlegs moments and some Gothi musings.) What a delightful read!
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hiccupbutpurple · 10 months
Dragon God Hiccup and Winter God Jack AU - Headcanons
- Basically Hiccup came to Earth to help bring peace between Dragons and Humans (plus the red death being a threat to his non-evil dragons).
- Gods can still come down they just can’t stay for prolonged periods without risk of hurting themselves. Jack visits Hiccup often and causes mischief obviously
- Toothless can see Jack but no one else can at first
- Jack was his lover who initially stayed the God realm - I’m thinking something bad happened last time Jack tried to be human (like him drowning in a lake in canon) and so Hiccup didn’t want to see him go through anything like that and took precautions to stop that from happening when he decided he needed to be human for a while (which Jack didn’t like and they have a convo about making decisions for each other at some point)
- He knows Hiccup is bad at lying so he’ll try to interact with him while the other riders are around just to be a shit and laugh as Hiccup tries to explain why he had been pouting or playfully pushing the air
- Initially I was thinking the twins would figure it out but I kinda like Fishlegs being the first and having the ‘holy shit my bestie is a God’ and try treating Hiccup like a God for a while. Eventually he realises Hiccup is already fond of him and doesn’t mind being treated like a mortal. He struggles to keep it a secret though because he worries about offending Hiccup and being smited or something
- Snotlout is a little frightened but soon overcomes that in favour of joining the twins in asking Hiccup to show off his powers. He has to be reminded not to boast about being friends with a God.
- Astrid and Hiccup developed feelings for each other like in canon and Jack knew but obviously Astrid didn’t which was a factor of why Hiccup was hesitant to date her. Once she finds out and she meets Jack they discuss it and are happy to share him.
- I like the idea of the Gods being disconnected from humanity on occasion, basically being corrupted by their powers. Since he’s been mostly separated from his powers once he starts using them he initially goes on a bit of a power trip arc (maybe Toothless got captured or something and he was having a bad day and got pushed over the edge - pun intended) and Jack is the one to calm him down. - I have a whole scene of it based on the ‘nothing left to lose’ song from the tangled series, I may get around to writing
(A lot of this is obviously inspired by the multitude of God-like Hiccup and Jack content in this fandom (and just the Hijack content in general too) btw - the main one probably being @mdoodlerfandomart’s AU for Dragon God Hiccup)
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doofus-and-dragons · 2 months
As promised, I'm back on my httyd bullshit. Here's a list of things that don't make sense unless you watch the shows (idgaf if they're cannon or not, they should be for the background of small details!!!)
1. Grump.
Grump is Gobber's Hotburple in Httyd 2 and 3. But not in httyd 1. So this begs the question: Where and when did Gobber get Grump? The answer? Race to the Edge S3 E12, "Last Auction heros." Gobber and Snotlout go to Viggo's dragon auction undercover, and Grump is one of the dragons for sale. Without that episode, Grump is just a dragon they shoved into the second movie for shots and giggles.
2. Inferno
Inferno is a blade that Hiccup created himself that lights itself on fire using monstrous nightmare gel and can eject and ignite zippleback gas. To the casual watcher, he just showed up with it in the second movie. But Inferno is ALSO from rtte! Inferno's first form comes from S3 E9, "Tone Death." Hiccup then works further on it, but Inferno as we know it is actually based on a version of the blade that VIGGO GRIMBORN, the villain for most of RTTE, made.
3. The Deadly Nadder(? Looks like a nadder) plushie
Although this is a small detail that is only seen in the background of the later Httyd movies, it is still a detail that first appears within the SHOW'S cannon lore. According to S1 E17 of Riders of Berk, the toy was made by Valka when Hiccup was a baby. However, tiny Hiccup was so scared of the toy that he threw it in the ocean. Trader Johann managed to get ahold of it, and the episode was about the riders trying to save with mystery item because something happened to Johann's ship. I don't remember what. Something about smoldering smoke breaths, I think.
4. Skull Crusher
Skull Crush is Stoick the Vast's Rumblehorn in Httyd 2 and 3, who is later inherited by Eret, son of Eret upon Soick's death in Httyd 2. But again, where and when did Stoick get Shullcrusher? Because it seems like he just appeared. Well, I have that answer! Skull Crusher first appears in S1 E8, "Crushing It." In the episode, the gang is tormented by a Rumblehorn who keeps destroying their camp. Hiccup asks his Dad for help, and his Dad is able to train and befriend the wild dragon.
5. Hiccup's flight suit
In Httyd 2 and 3, Hiccup has/is trying to perfect a flight suit attached to his armor. Now, this could just be seen as Hiccup being a silly inventor off-screen, but it ACTUALLY shows up in Race to the Edge! S1 E12 "The Next Big Sting" actually opens with Hiccup trying out his first design for the flight suit. He does it many times, each time having to be saved by Toothless before he crashes into some form of rock/sea stack (much like in Httyd 2).
6. Hiccup's aging
I saw a post either on here or on tiktok the other day where someone was complaining about how different hiccup looked between 1 and 2. In 1, he's like...what...13?15? Where as He's about 20-21 ish by Httyd 2. To fans who don't obsess over something and consume all the media like I do, this would be a bit of a shock. I mean, you go from this:
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Immediately to this:
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Where as fans of the shows had this progression:
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Much easier to swallow.
7. The Bewilderbeast
This is, again, something that could be choked up to the writers wanting more than just 7 species of dragons. HOWEVER, this dragon is actually the center point of the last few episodes of Race to the Edge. We learn a little bit about the dragon over the corse of the last season, which takes place just a year or two before Httyd 2.
I watched Race to the Edge long before I watched Httyd 2, so I had 0 clue the Hiccup's mom was still alive or what her mask looked like. But in the last bit of the last episode of race to the edge, guess what we see?
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In conclusion, these show's should be considered cannon to the HTTYD universe just as much as fucking Homecoming should or what ever. These are amazing and fill in so many continuity
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sure-i-exist · 11 months
Something I find interesting is how the dragon riders and the rest of Berk interact. And my main takeaway? None of them really fit. And they’re only really cared about because of their dragons.
Let’s go through it one-by-one.
I’m starting with him ‘cause he’s actually what got me thinking. And if you watch the shows it’s obvious he’s not liked much by the general people of Berk. He’s obnoxious, he’s annoying, etc. But what’s interesting is that, out of all the dragon riders, he’s the main one that exemplifies what a “proper Viking” is… and yet he still falls short.
Let me be clear, he’s one of the only ones group who looks most similar to the other people of berk (the other is fishlegs), he has the appearance of a Viking (broad shoulders, stout, muscular). And similarly, he’s the one who acts the most like the others of Berk (boisterous, stubborn, kinda dim at times). But for some reason, he just doesn’t fit in with everyone else, no matter how he tries.
Ruffnut & Tuffnut:
I’m putting them together here because the rest of Berk generally sees them as one duo rather than two people. They’re seen as troublesome, mischievous and a pain to deal with (all undeniably true), which I would assume makes people less comfortable hanging around them. Additionally, these two don’t act or look at all like typical vikings, which I find interesting. They’re both lanky and skinny for the most part, unlike Berk which generally consists of people who’re much bulkier, and they’re just happy to cause trouble. The rest of Berk on the whole seems tired with them. They’re not outcasts, but they don’t quite fit.
Now, Fishlegs, like Snotlout and indeed moreso than him, looks pretty like the rest of Berk, like a “classic” Viking. But his personality is what singles him out. In his case, although people respect his intelligence they tend not to respect him as an individual since he doesn’t care so much for fighting or stubbornness (in Big Man on Berk we see the rest of Berk liking him much more as Thor Bonecrusher and when he returns to himself they’re disappointed). I almost feel like people would see Fishlegs as more of a disappointment than the others because he could be a great “proper Viking” with his strength and size, but because that’s just not who he is as a person he’s more content for the quieter things in life and typically doesn’t see the point in trying to change himself (with some exceptions to this, of course)
Astrid both before and after the first film is seen pretty positively - she’s courageous and stubborn and fights for what she believes and can sometimes be a bit rude but that’s alright. Really, the main differences between her and the rest of Berk is solely in her appearance - she’s thin and small (“small” comparatively to the rest of Berk and even the other dragon riders to an extent as the series goes on), and of course theres a reason for this in simply that Dreamworks would not have a big girl as the love interest/one of the main characters (and here when I say “big” I mean either fat or muscular or both, cause none of it was gonna happen unfortunately). Overall, Astrid is the least out-of-place compared to the rest of Berk, to the point where I will gladly say that in canon she is just straight up the only one who really fits, but I do have my own headcanons against that.
Hiccup is the most obvious one that doesn’t fit, hence why I left him for last. In the first film he doesn’t fit at all, in riders/defenders of Berk he’s growing into his place and Berk is growing into him. By the time or rtte or the second film he’s well-established as his person and his worth, but he still has that history of not fitting for most of his life, and realistically there’s still that underlying feeling of his difference.
So, I’ve gone through all of them individually. Now, what do I mean that they’re only cared about for their dragons?
Well, once again I can go one-by-one.
Hiccup: I’ll be real, he’s cared about for more than just him bringing about the dragons (just think about his inventions for one other thing). But the main thing? Bringing the dragons. People love him for that
Astrid: She created the A-Team. I think people would care a lot about that. Like Hiccup, she’s one who is actually cared for more than just her dragon-riding.
Fishlegs: Here’s where things actually get relevant. We’ve already established people cared more for him as Thor Bonecrusher than who he actually is. Just Fishlegs tho? Well, he’s useful for his dragon knowledge. And that’s kinda it in terms of how Berk as a collective views him
Ruffnut & Tuffnut: Tbh I think people would hate that they’ve got a Zippleback of all dragons, just for the sheer chaos, but in general? Dragon riding itself is respected, making the twins respected (to an extent) for being dragon riders.
Snotlout: Same deal as the twins really, the people hate he’s got a monstrous nightmare because fire hazard + Snotlout = bad news. But again, he is a proficient dragon rider, and that earns him some level of respect. The only thing that gains him respect or admiration.
So, that’s it really. While typing this out I think I realised that while Astrid and Hiccup are respected for themselves and fit (although imperfectly) in Berk by the end of rtte, but it’s the others (fishlegs, Snotlout and the twins) who just simply aren’t. Which wasn’t my original point but it still kinda works
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piareia · 5 days
The Fire Tides Chapter 6 - Maelstrom Metamorphosis
Since I've been away for so long, it's only fair I get more chapters done hehe! Here's chapter 6, where Hiccup and Toothless get separated from everyone and the plot begins for The Fire Tides. This was quite a challenge to write, especially since it's filled with a lot of visuals of the maelstrom so I tried to give it my best shot! Hope you guys enjoy it!
“Are you cold?” Hiccup whispered to Astrid, shuffling closer to her.
“The winds are quite strong for some reason,” Astrid wrapped her arms around him, “It’s quite strange.”
“Astrid’s right,” Valka approached the two huddled up, “There’s something a bit peculiar about the wind levels right now.”
“Perhaps it’s the night’s calling? They do tend to get very strong in the evening hours,” said Hiccup.
“Maybe. Although, it would be best if we fly south-east for now. Just to steer clear of the gusts,” Valka walked to the Foreverwing’s head.
“Yeah, we can change our direction once the wind levels have calmed down a bit.”
Astrid glanced at the others all snoring, lying in a little coup. They really were worn out from all the mead; it was insane how easily they fell to their knees. She turned her head upwards; the stars seemed to not be as visible even though it was practically nightfall. With the shadows consuming them all, she felt the wind against her face, harshly and strongly, almost in a mocking manner. Astrid stiffened. Something just didn’t feel right. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it but there was definitely something up.
“For Thor’s sake,” Hiccup wrapped his arms tightly around her as the gusts grew stronger, “The gods seriously are rethinking whether to keep you with me!”
Astrid looked down in unease, holding onto him tightly.
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
“I don’t feel too good.”
“Oh,” Hiccup looked at her in concern, “Are you feeling really cold?”
He began rubbing her arms to try and warm her up; the last thing he wanted was for Astrid to end up with a fever once they arrived at Berk.
“No, I just feel like something’s not-”  
A thunderous quaking arose. The lightning struck the waters with a sharp current, stealing any surviving glimmers of the stars and shaping it into a singular electrifying flash. Right beneath them, the tides began to spiral, sharply and intensely, coiling into a foaming and tumultuous pit of anguish - a crater in the seas mined by Njord himself. The quaking grew louder. And gradually, the strong winds that struck the riders from above began to, instead, intensify from below, with the prodigious hole releasing its fumes in a strong desire to absorb any forms of life like a blaring suction machine. “A maelstrom!” Valka instantly leapt onto Cloudjumper, “Everyone get up!” Hiccup stood up in an instant, jumping onto Toothless, “For Thor’s sake! Not now!” “Guys, wake up! On your dragons!” Astrid yelled, finally realising what her gut meant. The Foreverwing cried, feeling itself being pulled in by the gyrating waters. Harshly, the lawnlike dragon jostled itself with all its might in an attempt to avert the whirlpool. In doing so, it ended up jostling its passengers awake as well. Snotlout screamed as he went flying across the Foreverwing’s back, slamming into one of his high trees.
“Aarghh!” He yelled in pain, “Why is it that whenever I try to get some beauty sleep, I always end up opening my eyes up to a precarious situation?!“
“Hey! Snotlout, watch out!” yelped Fishlegs, as Meatlug nearly collided into him.
Hookfang caught his rider in an instant, speeding past the timber and bushes in irritation. The monstrous nightmare huffed loudly, heating up and covering himself in boisterous flames. Barf and Belch also managed to make a quick rescue of their riders too, sighing in defeat as they began to hear the exasperated mutters of the now awoken twins.
“Sister, are you seeing this or am I simply dreaming?”
“No Brother, this is reality.”
Ruffnut and Tuffnut widened their eyes in shock as their smiles grew. “A maelstrom!” They both cheered in ecstasy.
“This is of such a beauty that our eyes are not worthy to behold, do you see the speed at which those waves spin?! The foam that so effortlessly builds up right in the centre?!”
“You are not mistaken Brother! And that quaking noise! It sounds way better than the lava pit that Throk showed us back at Mala’s!”
“Oh Thor, please let it be! Let us be swooped in by those strong currents, let us feel the gusts slap our face and the tides mess up our hair!” cried Tuffnut in pure unaltered worship.
“No, let us not have to deal with any of that Thor!” called Hiccup, as he adjusted Toothless’ tail fin to give them more altitude.
“It’s too strong Hiccup!” Eret nudged Skullcrusher to push even harder against the current.
“We have to stay in the air! C’mon guys, push through!” The riders all thrusted against the engulfing winds, forcing past the suction of the pulsating seas. Their efforts were, however, dying in vain. Much more vigorously, the waves convulsed and pounded against its own body of water, swinging and thrashing like a bloody diseased merchant gasping for air. Astrid felt her grip on the saddle loosen by the sheer velocity of the wind. The tight coldness slammed against her wrists and she felt her body being shoved off by the sudden squall of wind shooting right at her waist.
Hiccup noticed the agitated squawking of Stormfly. His eyes widened as he saw Astrid plummeting from her dragon, nearing closer to the maelstrom.
“Astrid!” He cried, pushing Toothless towards the whirlpool, “I know bud. But we can’t let her get dragged in!”
“Hiccup! Don’t-” Astrid struggled to get her words out with how powerful the winds were.
The Night Fury and the Deadly Nadder were both at a very perilous spot. The eye of the maelstrom glared at the two in envy, wishing to split them up like the flying debris that it was currently slicing in half. Desperately, Hiccup and Toothless dove towards Astrid.
“Hiccup!” Valka cried, seeing how close he was to the spiralling hole.
Hiccup gasped as the wind tugged at his lungs and twisted his stomach. Shakily extending his arm out, he stretched his hand down towards her, challenging the gravitational gale that was pushing Astrid to her descent. With tear-induced eyes, she slowly held her hand up in response, thrusting her arm against the burning current that was ramming her down to the depths of hell.
They both held each other’s gaze, tightening their eyes in solemnity. He couldn’t see the glow of the stars in her pupils any longer. Toothless’ tail was sliding off. The thunder became deafening. And by nature’s will, the spiritual strings connecting their fingertips within that monumental gap was sliced by a final gush of wind, incontestably severing the remaining fusion between the two. Like a drill in the ocean splicing the central unit, the whirlwind spun its threads to close off any remaining gaps and released a powerful striking blow that propelled each of the riders to their own solitary ends. Their screams were overpowered by the thunderous roars and, slowly yet softly, clusters of raindrops began to fall - a dire attempt to calm the fiery tides.
So, things have turned completely upside down now! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, this is where things start to go haywire and we'll see a lot of Hiccup development, as well as the development of the other characters in the upcoming chapters. I'm really hooked in writing this and I thank you guys for being patient and appreciating my work, it really means a lot as someone who's planning to release her own novel in the future! I'll continue to make this project the best that I can and continue to improve my writing! :)
@babynachoearthquake @tabbyakadragon @allthefandomsyoucanaskfor @sorushing @oncethereweredragons-httyd @drippingindazzle @limesandcoconuts @rosiethedragongeek
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clovermarigold · 8 months
Daggers & Daffodils Chap.25
Dagur x Reader
Sorry for the wait guys! As recompence I give you an extra-long chapter! Enjoy!
"So, this is your workshop?" Heather looked around your room and the pile of papers, herbs, and pestles covering your desk. "Somewhat. Sorry for the mess, I didn't exactly have time to clean up" you said, gathering things off your desk. "It's nothing, really" she held up her hands with a smile, "I've been living camp to camp for these past few years, this is nothing".  
After convincing Heather to come back to the edge you had thought everything was going great. The others fawned over Windshear and Heathers newfound intensity. Or as Astrid liked to put it, 'hardcore'. Regardless, however, Hiccup insisted that he would still have to address why she was attacking ships. 
"Heather, we should probably talk" Hiccup approached her in the dragon pen, nearing sunset, "Sure. about what?". "About the ship that you and Windshear destroyed" Heather pet her dragon with a guilty expression, "Oh... That ship". "Heather, what are you doing out there?" your brother pushed. "I'm just taking care of business. It's nothing you need to worry about--" Hiccup interrupted, "Yeah, but I do worry about it, Heather. If dragons are attacking ships, I worry".
"Look, Hiccup, a lot has happened in the last few years. We're not kids anymore. Everything's. changed". Hiccup walked closer, "This can't be you, it can't be". Heather crossed her arms and avoided eye contact, "Well, it is now. The last time you saw me, I-- Never mind. If, if you want me to leave--", "I didn't say that. No, whatever it is you're going through, we can help. All of us. There's always another way". Heather pulled Hiccup into a hug, "You're so sweet. Thank you Hiccup. You've always been a great friend to me".
A sharp stabbing followed by large weight on your stomach stole you from your peaceful sleep. "OW what the--" blearing your eyes open you are met with large yellow eyes. "Silver Tongue, what are you doing?" you sigh, partly from relief as he steps down from your stomach. The sound of yelling from the clubhouse tells you enough. "Ugh, we can't have one normal day where nothing happens, can we?" You hop on one foot, struggling to put a boot on the other. 
"We trusted you" Snotlout says, not yelling, but irritation present on his tone. "Look, I'm sorry I locked up your dragons. I just didn't trust that you guys would let me go after Dagur" Locking your wide eyes with Hiccup at the mention of your fianc-- Dagur, "I'll fill you in later".
"Trust does need to be earned with people and dragons" Fishlegs says sympathetically. "Thanks for understanding Fishlegs" Heather says tucking her hair behind her earning a fake gag from Tuff. "I don't really trust these guys either, Heather" Snotlout chimes in.
"You know we can hear you" Astrid says with a hand on her hip. "Jealousy in an ugly quality, Astrid. But clearly, I understand where it comes from" he says snidely, causing both you and Astrid to roll your eyes. "The point is, we have your back, Heather. You're one of us" Hiccup places a hand on her shoulder. 
"Yeah, I stocked Windshear's stable with buckets of sea slugs" Fishlegs said, Snotlout quick to put a handout Infront of him. "And I made room for you in my hut". Both you and Astrid groaned in disgust at the thought of having to share a hut with Snotlout. "And I've made it clear to Snotlout that you're not staying in his hut" Heather gave a smile of relief.
"Even though YOU were the rogue dragon rider, and YOU sabotaged our dragons, and YOU snuck away in the dark of the night. Wait, why do we like you again" Tuff said with his hands on his hips.  Heather put a hand to her chest, face sullen, "I'm truly sorry, Tuffnut".
"Woah! That was... sincere. What am I supposed to do with that?" he began to breathe heavily, "I'm feeling a bit flushed and overwhelmed. Little help here? People!". "And if you need any help with Windshear--" Snotlout was quick to interrupt Fishlegs, "Why don't I show you around the Edge? I'm basically chief". You roll your eyes at Snotlouts poor attempt at showboating. 
"Ok!" Astrid quickly grabs both yours and Heathers arms, "Let's go have some girl time". "Thank Thor, yes" you close your eyes with a breath. 
"Ha!" the two axes were wedged in their targets at nearly the exact same spot. "I don't know it's cutting it kind of close. Y/N, you judge. Which is closer?" Inspecting the two, your answer was only inconclusive. though it made you create a mental note not to get on their bad sides when an axe was within reach. 
"Hmm, well. Two axes are better than one" Astrid held up two fingers. "True", Heather agreed, "Unless you have one of these" she held up her double-sided blade made from Windshear's scales. "You really have to show me how you made that" Heather smiled. "Sure, but I prefer close combat to throwing. So, I can stare my enemy in the eye". "Not a bad tactic" you hummed, "Buuuut" you threw three of your daggers at the tree behind her, perfectly missing her sides. "The element of Suprise. I like that" you laughed. "It's one of Hiccups favorite tactics, those two are way too alike" Astrid said retrieving her axe. 
"So, you two are a thing, right?" She asked causing you to snort and nearly double over when you were trying to pull your knife from the tree. You turned quick to see Astrid with a near invisible sheen of pink tinging her face, and if you hadn't known her for so long, no doubt would have missed. Similar to her axe, which widely missed her next target, almost hitting a night terror. "What? No, just friends" she waved her hands fast. "Pfft" she shot you a steely glare, though it did nothing to stop the wide smile that had taken control of you. 
"What? Is he not good enough for you, Astrid?" you asked in mock offence. "He's kind of cute" Heather said, stoking the flames. "I guess. If you like that unassuming, heroic, dragon rider type". You gasped, "Astrid! That is my brother you're talking about. Think of the girl code! Platonic thoughts only!" she punched your side making you clutch your ribs, both from pain and laughter. "Wow, Astrid. I thought you were better than that" Heather put her hand on her hip with fake disappointment. 
"Huh... Now, you and Snotlout, that's a match made in Valhalla" the three of you broke out into laughter. "I don't know whether to thank you or to feel sorry for you". "I can handle Snotlout" she said, "And besides, I'm not into the macho Viking type. I like a little smarts. Like Fishlegs".
"Fishlegs?" Astrids voice was humorous, "Seriously?". "What? I think he's funny and cute". "We're talking about Fishlegs, right? The guy with the Gronkle?". "And rock collection he alphabetized" you added. "Okay, all right. Enough boy talk. what else do you do for fun around here?" the three of you began to walk towards the cliffs, you and Astrid sharing a look, and the same thought. 
"Keep up!" Astrid yelled as the two of you ran past Heather, jumping off the cliff. The two of you fell through the air, basking in the freedom before grabbing onto your dragon's tails. "Wahoo!" the sound of Heather's cheers was unfortunately short as Windshears wiry and thin tail slipped through her fingers. Thankfully, however, her dragon's quick reaction speed made up for it, grabbing onto her shoe, just before she could hit the rocky floor. 
"Wanna go two out of three?" Astrid asked, still adrenaline high. "Um, no" Heather said, gracefully still in a good mood, despite nearly being flattened. "I want to show you guys something. If you can keep up" Windshear took off into a soar. "Get 'em Stormfly". "Oh no" you were quick to grip onto your saddle, just before, Silver Tongue, ever the competitive dragon, rushed to catch up, nearly throwing you off in the process. 
"What are we doing back at your campsite?" the three of you landed on the familiar small island, "Did you forget something". "Nope." Heather said, in a more serious tone, walking confidently through the site. "Oh, it must be here" you and Astrid shared a look. 
"You gonna clue us in on what we're doing here?" Astrid asked, watching as heather searched. "I'm looking for something" the slight rustling sound that came from the bush to your right tipped you off. "Looking for something like--" in a swift move you grabbed whatever was in the push and pulled it out. "Trader Johann?" Astrid asked looking down on him, with her axe pointed his chest. "Miss Astrid! Miss Y/N! So lovely to see you again. Would you mind, please, lowering your axe so my frightened soul might be granted safe passage back to my body?".
"Johann! Thank Thor" Heather was quick to help him back up. "Oh, Miss Heather! I'm overjoyed you're not dead. When the terrible Terror returned with the message I sent you, I was sick with worry. Then, when I arrived here and saw your campsite had been abandoned, I feared the worst".
"Alright! Someone needs to tell me what's going on" Astrid spun the axe in her hand once. "You see, Miss Astrid, if you need exotic spices from a foreign land, or one-of-a-kind cured leathers, or incredibly-difficult-to-obtain information detailing the exact whereabouts of a certain dastardly Berserker, " He pulled out a map with a number of red x's, one of which was circled, "Trader Johann is your man".
"Dagur" the two of you said in sync, albeit yours more worried than Astrid. "And if you need a warrior to take care of that dastardly Berserker..." with a flourish she swung her double-sided axe into the ground, "I'm your girl". You swallowed, "So he's got the info and you've got the axe. Now what?" Astrid asked. 
"Dagur is set to purchase a fleet of new ships from a group of salty undesirables in the Sea of Despair. But be wary. These new ships for his armada are outfitted with powerful anti-dragon winches and catapults! After the deal is done, I won't be able to find him again. Dagur will be back in the wind. Adrift, like a leaf in a stream. And I've used my last grapevine, so I won't be able to offer my invaluable, yet expensive information".
"Got it. Thanks, Johann. Come on, guys" Heather nodded with a smile to the man. "Wait, were not actually considering this, are we?" you asked Astrid when Heather turned away. "If we leave Heather to do this by herself, she could get seriously hurt" She was right, based on what Hiccup had told you happened last time, she had nearly gotten caught. You could barely stomach the thought of what would have happened to her, and worse, Windshear. "I don't like going behind Hiccup's back" Astrid nodded, "It's just to keep her safe".
The idea of you flying into a growing armada without your brother, led by your crazy ex-fiancé was definitely not comfortable. But you would most certainly be less comfortable with the idea of Heather and Windshear doing it alone. "Ok, but no killing. It's one thing to go after Dagur alone. Killing him without giving anyone else a say is too much" Astrid nodded.
Flying back to the edge, where your brother was still gone, the others were standoffish to the idea of going after Dagur. "We gotta go now. Dagur won't be out in the open for long" Heather reasoned. "Wait a minute, you wat us to battle Dagur and the Berserkers without Hiccup and Toothless?" Fishlegs asked. 
"Guys, I wish Hiccup and Toothless were here, trust me. But they're not. And we can't wait. Dagur's ships have dragon-proof chains and grappling hooks. And the ships he's buying are even more powerful. But with all of us attacking at once, Dagur won't know what hit him".
Fishlegs rubbed the back of his neck, uncomfortable "Uh any arial assault of this magnitude would be foolish without Toothless. He's the most powerful dragon in our arsenal" a number of the dragons, Silver Tongue and Hookfang namely, let out a growl of disapproval. "And I mean... Y/N, you of all people should feel the most uncomfortable with this righ--" you shook your head quickly to cut him off. "What does he mean by that?" Heather asked.
"I'm just not used to not telling my brother about things like this" you lied. The last thing you needed was for Heather to know about your engagement. Previous engagement! "Well it's not like we need Hiccup and Toothless" Snotlout interjected. His obnoxiousness for the first time being useful and taking attention away from you. 
"You heard Johann, Astrid. This is our last chance. Tell them" She looked from you back to Heather. "Well... Look Heather--" Heather's face dropped before twisting into hurt. "You too? Just forget it. All that stuff about trust and having my back, I guess that was just talk" she turned and walked away. "....Akwar--" you elbowed Snotlout un the stomach making him keel over. 
"Looks like it's just you and me Windshear" heather saddled her dragon outside the clubhouse, now packed and ready to take off. "Hey" Astrid called the rest of you and your dragons included. "If we're gonna do this, it has to be a capture mission, not a kill mission. Agreed?". "Agreed" she smiled, "We'll sink Dagur's armada, drag him back to Outcast Island. Let him rot there". "Okay, then we're with you--".
"You can thank me!" Snotlout said boisterously, "I was the one who rallied these guys". "Thats not how I remember it" you say. "As soon as she left, your lips started to do that cute little quiver thing" Fishlegs mocked. "Quiet fish face! Thats a tic!". "So, what's your plan" Astrid asks, "Hit him when he least expects it".
Dagur sighed enjoyment as he stretched in the sun. "Ah, it's a good day to strengthen my armada. Then again, it's always a good day to strengthen my armada". Savage approached his chief warily, "The gold is ready for the exchange sir. Should we move it to the deck--".
"Leave it down below" he said with finality, barely attempting to even look at the thin man. "But. sir, when they arrive with the ships, they'll be expecting our gold". "YES--" he screamed before stopping himself, putting a hand up like an annoyed father would, "And instead of our gold, we'll give them our steel".  A wicked smile grew on the old Outcast soldier. 
You looked down at Dagur's ships, "There he is". "Alright let me guess" Tuff said to Heather, "You want to attack like the rogue dragon rider that you are. A full-frontal assault!". "No" Heather said, turning to you, "Element of surprise?". 
"Dragon's incoming!" one of the Berserkers called as they spotted Snotlout, Ruff, Tuff, and Fishlegs flying towards them from the front. "Prepare the grappling hooks!" Dagur called. He looked at the four laughing, "It's hunting season".
Team diversion stayed just high enough out of reach that the Berserker's weaponry couldn't reach them, every so often taking a quick shot that would miss. This of course infuriating Dagur to no end, "What are they doing up there?" you almost found it cute, with how he sounded genuinely confused. You, Astrid, and Heather, along with your dragons had crept up the sides of the ship and snuck into the deck of the ship Dagur was currently on. One by one, you singled out and knocked out each of the Berserkers on board. 
A large rock in the ship from the ripples of one of the others missed shots was the tipping point for Dagur who grabbed one of the chains to throw himself. As Dagur threw the chain back, Astrid interrupted its path with her axe, allowing her to pull him back. You were quick to tie him by his wrists, using the full weight of your body pressed against him to hold him down long enough, and to keep him from thrashing. "What the--" he looked up to see Astrid and Heather standing smugly in front of him. "Ugh, you two" he grimaced. "Surprise, Dagur" Heather pointed his axe at his head. " Two axes are better than one". 
"And twelve ships trumps two axes." the shrieks of your dragons were quick to change his mind. "Heh, should've seen that coming" it came out almost child-like before his eyes locked on Silver Tongue which made the realization pop into his head. "Y/N" he smiles, struggling to angle his head back to see you. You got off him quick, just long enough to flip him onto his back and cover his mouth before he could say anything. Though his eyes were saying more than enough, and you were thankful that Heather was angry enough to not notice the wide puppy love excitement he had in them. "Windshear finish it".
"No!", "Heather, don't. You promised us a capture mission" Astrid pleaded, while you looked up at your friend whose narrowed eyes were scorched in rage at the man beneath you. "Sorry. I changed my mind. Dagur didn't 'capture' my village. So this ends here" she wielded her axe and swung it towards him, but paused as you were still in the way, and on top of him. 
Dagur began to break out into laughter, "If you kill me Heather, you'll never know--" you covered his mouth again. "Y/N, get out of the way!" Windshear screeched to your left. "Heather, I can't let you do that" you were panicking, Windshear, having heard the call of her rider was trigger happy. And at this point, Heather was too. "You know what he did to my village! Yours too! Why are you defending him!?", "I just can't let you do this!" sensing your distress Silver Tongue became tense, now screeching at Windshear as if to tell her to back off. The two dragons were similar to their riders. 
"I trusted you!" Heather shouted, in tandem with the howls and snaps of your dragons. This was too much. Your anxiety spiked, the yelling, the dragons, the squirming of the man beneath you... you were going to have another panic attack. Your realization of this fact however was too slow, your brain throbbing as the world began to become too fast. Dagur's movements stopped entirely as he felt your hand loosen. In an instant he threw you off, flipping you over so you were in front of him while he supported your frame from behind., the two of you still on your knees. "Dagur! Don't you touch her!" Heather yelled at him brandishing her axe. 
"Deep breathes" The world was still spinning, and you struggled to make out what was happening. Choosing to listen to the voice you focused on your breathing, though in hindsight you should have recognized Dagur's voice relatively easy. Dagur continued to hold you up and rub your sides. 
"Heather don't!" Astrid yelled as Heather went to strike the Berserker before a purple blast knocked it out of her hand. "Stop! Heather stop" It was Hiccup, landed and quickly jumped off of Toothless to rush in-between you, Dagur, and Heather. "Move Hiccup" she picked up her axe "You promised me there would be another time, and this is it!". 
"Look, you told me your father gave you this" he held up a horn, "Yeah. he did but what--", "This is my father's Chief Seal". Her face twisted in confusion as she took the horn out of Hiccups hand, lowering her axe. "Stoick's seal is carved in my horn? What are you saying?". Your breathing leveled out and your vision began to focus, Dagur still focusing all his attention on you. 
"Years ago, Stoick gave this horn to the Chief of the Berserker Tribe, Oswald the Agreeable as a gift for his newborn daughter. You were that newborn, Heather. Oswald the Agreeable is your father. And he is also Dagur's father". Heathers face dropped as she looked at him, "no". Dagur shrugged as if it were common knowledge. "Heather, Dagur is your brother. You can't kill him" she was shocked turning to you then Astrid. "I--" a rock in the boat interrupted, as the rest of Dagur's ships had learned the truth of their deception. 
"Heather, we have to go!" the other ships boxed you in, beginning to plank over. She dropped her axe wordlessly. Dagur, having learned you were cognitive, had finally broken out of his ties and stood up completely, after propping you up against the ship.
"I have to admit, you never disappoint, brother. Or maybe you're actually my uncle. Who knows in this crazy world?" he broke out into a deranged laugh. The Berserkers began to board the ship and your brother called out to Heather "Heather, we have to go!".
"Heather, I'm the only family you've got left." Toothless was quick to jump in front of her, keeping him from getting any closer. "Join me sister. Don't fight destiny. I know you feel the Berserker blood flowing through your veins". Heather gave a twisted smile, eerily similar to that of Dagur, psyching him to believe she would consider his offer before leaping over him and pulling you up from the ground and helping you onto your dragon. The two of you took off, leaving Dagur to call out to you, "Come back, sis! Heather the Unhinged has a nice ring to it, no?", "Y/N, come on! You'll have a sister-in-law!".
Heather turned to look at you, confused. One look at you was enough, however as she pieced everything together. Her face twisted, and instead of saying anything she chose to speed up, flying past you. "You'll be back, and I will welcome you with open arms" Dagur finally called. And you looked back at him with a glare. Dagur watched as the two of you flew off. "We'll have to wait on that reunion, pity" a whistle from behind him caused him to turn only to be knocked to the ground by Toothless. "I should've seen that one coming, too". "Alright gang, back to the edge" Hiccup said.
Well, there went any chance of Heather teaching you how to make an axe.
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poibynt · 7 months
This is a really long-winded work up to a fic idea/vague character analysis BEAR WITH ME.
this'll be the last HTTYD meta post of the night. It's hard to pinpoint when Cowell fully created the later book's storyline (The seeds really start getting planted in 5, but of course 8 kicks things off, but was that the book when she first truly knew? who knows) but it's obvious the end game plot wasn't conceived by the start of the series. Cowell manages to transition from mostly episodic style adventure books to an overarching plot pretty well but there's some occasional wonkyness. The most fascinating weirdness to me is how the earlier books treat dragons and their societal standing.
I am doing a very out of order re-listen rn so I could be very wrong but while dragons are treated as 'creatures to own' from the start the slavery and mistreatment of dragons by humans starts to really become more textual rather than messy implications by like the 3rd and 4th books. But I don't think Cowell knew if she wanted to Unpack All That Right Now just yet when writing those books, so we get this weird ground where the mistreatment of dragons is there and explicit but none of the characters linger or reflect on it. Specifically in book 4 Oneye is all very "y'all are fucking pig slave drivers" and Hiccup doesn't object or anything but does not think about or engage with Oneye's rhetoric at all. This was a tad jarring coming off of listening to Hiccup giving a massive impassioned speech about how slavery is disgusting and needs to be eradicated in 10 to Hiccup meekly telling Snotlout not to whip dragons for fun in 4. Of course, Hiccup is a child and very rarely do elementary schooler age members of the oppressor class fully understand the abusive systems they profit off of (and obviously Hiccup not standing up to Snotlout is a whole other thing bc Snotlout is a horrible little shit. I'm not condemning Hiccup for not doing much here). Hiccup has all the groundwork of becoming the little leftist abolitionist revolutionary he ends up but he isn't there just yet.
This should have been ground for a bit of a character arc. And yet, it sort of wasn't?? Kinda?? It is but isnt. I think by 7 Cressida knew where the series was going enough to know that Hiccup needed to have a personal reconing with slavery & that's what the Northern Wanderers were for. Hiccup has a close brush with human slaves, gets marked as a slave and comes to see their humanity and dignity despite the rest of his friends and his culture not respecting them or their personhood. On paper, that's decent. Maybe not very good indigenous rep, but decent plot wise. However, it doesn't entirely work. Firstly because Hiccup should already know that captial S Slavery is Bad because of 5. That's a large part of 5. And yet I do not remember Hiccup ever really having much dialogue or internal introspection about slavery and the horrors of it & how it has effected Windwalker and those around him. The narration drills in it's awfulness but Hiccup sort of...doesn't super acknowledge it. Which is weird bc Hiccup is so pro dragon and such a good person you think he might be a bit angry or have some shit to say about Lavalout island or what happened to Humongous (I think there was some 'wow that's awfuls' but nothing much more then that. Or maybe I'm mis remembering grain of salt) 5 should have already done this, but again in 7 we don't get any introspection! The wanderers say a lot of things to Hiccup. They call him a devil, they say that all of history is against his kind, they think that he is inherently irredeemable and should be killed before he himself does harm. Hiccup doesn't think about any of this. And so the attempted arc kind of...falls flat for me. But cool Hiccup is in theory like yeah capital S slavery is bad. Then 8 is what REALLY starts off on Hiccup's abolitionism. Hiccup saves Furious, empathises with the chained monster against possible best judgement, and is disgusted by his torture. He wants to free all the prisoners, everyone locked away on Berserk. This is finally when Hiccup starts having a bit more of a reaction to slavery and imprisonment, and then he starts truly pushing against it out of his own accord and disgust and anger at it.
And yet. Not much inner monologue or reflection or dialogue about slavery outside of Hiccup's talk with Furious. It stays that way until book 9, where Hiccup faces the concept of being a king for the first time and then fights his father for the throne, knowing his father won't do the right thing. So, character arc! We get all the beats but I feel like we sort of don't get the development that goes along with the beats so it doesn't totally feeel like a character arc. Why the internal radio silence? Truly it's probably something about Cowell not wanting to make the books too depressing too early on by lingering on the messed up stuff too hard or something else but. I think there's a very in character and plausible explanation for Hiccup's arc around slavery. And it's all about his father.
The Hooligans are later named as one of the 'kinder tribes' who don't engage in slavery and don't agree with it morally but turn a blind eye to rampant slavery happening elsewhere. Slavery seems to really not be discussed much on Berk, but Hiccup and the other Hooligan boys his age probably grew up with some vague sense of pride in being 'the better ones', for having more honour and morals, something shared by the older tribe members. But this inaction is immoral and even though the Hooligans and other tribes aren't slave fairing, they do abuse and exploit dragons on a daily basis. Book 9 is about Hiccup finally acknowledging what has stopped him from thinking too hard or engaging with the enslavement and mistreatment of dragons. The Hooligans are still in the wrong, doing the wrong thing, upholding a bad system. Which means his father is. Stoick is the HTTYD equivalent of a neo-liberal. He dislikes the disdainful messy bits of capitalism, but he ultimately upholds the abusive and violent capitalist system while helping put down leftist organising. And seeing that in your beloved father, for someone as impassioned as Hiccup, is a fucking bitch. It's what makes their fight so heartbreaking. Hiccup couldn't let himself start down the path of unpacking the suffering of dragons and other humans until it was VITAL to do so because I think he knew things would lead back to the feet of his father, and also Hiccup's own. You don't grow up in an abusive system as a member of the oppressor class without being at least a bit complicit in violence and oppression, and I think that eats at hiccup.
ANYWAY fic idea what if I actually fleshed this all out through fic via like snapshots of Hiccup's various radicalisation moments which then focuses on the gap between 9 and 10 where Hiccup is in the woods for like a year with nothing but dragons, anti war domestic terrorism/sabotage and his thoughts for company while showing more anti war rebellion groups bc surely Hiccup and Cami were not the only ones. Cami's team getting a spotlight. ....thuggory pov??? I have vague fic soup rn and it's threatening to engulf me so I had to get this out somehow.
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rosiethedragongeek · 2 years
Out of curiosity which rider do you think has the least common sense? Cause all of them have a pretty good case let’s be real, cause we’re not saying intelligence or smarts we’re talkin common sense
This is literally the hardest question I've ever been asked. Like ever. How do I even begin to quantify this???
Okay, let's look at them one by one.
Hiccup -
Despite the fact that he has a dragon, he attempts to make a flight suit and throws himself off of a cliff several times
When his suit fails or breaks several times, he just builds a new one
Has a price on his head and more enemies than any other teenager like,,,, ever who are more than willing to bring him in and tells nobody
Tries to block the arrows being shot at the skrill with his body
To prove that lightning is attracted to metal (especially at high altitudes) he climbs the mast of a boat with a metal spear in his hand
Saw a Night Fury and decided to let it go and befriend it
Knows to be wary of blue oleander but did NO RESEARCH on any other kind of oleander??? So Viggo was able to trick him????
The entire scene in ‘Family on the Edge’ where he tries to get Heather’s opinion on Dagur/get Heather to leave
Astrid -
Blocks an arrow headed for Stormfly with HER LEG
And then she tries to lie about it
Forces them to take Garf everywhere bc she likes him
Punches a Slitherwing to get it's venom DESPITE being shown to have the stealth skills to get the venom without needing to PUNCH A DRAGON THAT KILLS YOU INSTANTLY
Gets scratched by one of the living corpses on an abandoned ship and doesn't think it's relevant to mention
Intentionally puts herself in the direct path of a hostile triple stryke while blind
Snotlout -
Transforms Fishlegs back into Thor Bonecrusher just because he has a crush
Anti heroic
Sells all of his non-essential clothes and spends all of the money he has on chicken feed for a chicken that isn't even his
Uses all of the Nightmare gel they have to defend the Edge (in a time where it very much needs defending) to make a big explosion just bc he can
Loses the super important Jorgenson family axe because he’s playing around with it
Grabs an entire speedstinger to lure away a pack of speedstingers
Fishlegs -
Sleeps with a pack of wild (hostile) dragons
Closes himself in the dome with a wounded singetail
Every scene (I think there are two) where a quaken is rolling at him full speed and he just stands there trying to train it
Goes off looking for an island of dangerous dragons alone (dramillions)
Announces himself in front of a huge gathering of bloodthirsty dragon hunters as someone who is going to try and free the dragons they are going to hunt
Despite Hiccup telling him that Thor Bonecrusher was dangerous last time and it’s better to find a better work around to their problem (and that the other side of the argument is SNOTLOUT) he still lets SNOTLOUT turn him back into Thor Bonecrusher
Ruffnut -
Uses all of the Nightmare gel they have to defend the Edge (in a time where it very much needs defending) to make a big explosion just bc she can
Paints Tuff onto a WILD changewing (presumably the one that ATE HIM) and spends all her time with it (again, wild, dangerous dragon who may or may not have EATEN HER BROTHER)
Instead of putting the dangerous speed stinger in a cage before they fly around with it, she ties it up with ropes like??? ALSO DOESN’T SECURE ITS TAIL IN ANY WAY
Takes Snotlout around letting him get bit by wild, giant dragons and poisonous animals to try and prove a point and figure out what bit Tuff (she basically would’ve killed him if someone hadn’t stepped in
Tuffnut -
Instead of flying the extra distance to Berk to safely fix Macey, he flies to the dangerous Northern Markets to do it a little faster
Fakes his death to allow Ruffnut to pursue a romantic relationship when they could easily just have a conversation
Convinces himself that he is turning into a dangerous dragon after getting BIT BY A WOLF (seriously how did he not see it when it bit him like)
Clings onto the bottom of Toothless when Hiccup takes off and hangs on upside down for a significant amount of time
When threatened by a feral night fury, his response is to throw less than an ounce of salt at him
Uses all of the Nightmare gel they have to defend the Edge (in a time where it very much needs defending) to make a big explosion just bc he can
I’m sure there’s stuff that I’m missing for each of them, and while some of the gang may have more/less bullets than each other, not all of them are equally bad lol. I think that overall, given this list, Ruffnut generally has the most common sense so long as Tuff isn’t in danger/dead.
I’d say it’s between Hiccup, Snotlout and maybe Fishlegs for biggest fucking idiot though lol (the amount that Hiccup had surprised me)
(This took literally forever to answer, I’m sorry. I actually started answering this pretty much right when I received it and then I saved it as a draft and forgot about it lol)
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quiet-art-kid · 8 months
some Httyd (book) au ideas
Bonfire au
Fishlegs gets tired of being treated like trash and sets Berk on fire as revenge 
ghosts au
The ghosts of Hiccup 1, Hiccup 2 and Termagant are keeping watch over the adventures and doing whatever they can to help 
Golden au
Hiccup decides to claim the treasure of Grimbeard immediately, becoming fabulously wealthy but also more vain, greedy and unempethetic in the process. 
Dragonmarksist au 
The loss of dragons when the jewel is broken by king Alvin upsets the balance of the ecosystem causing a famine, which allows Hiccup to cause a communist revolution, and install a dictatorship with him at the forefront 
Feral au 
Hiccup in his outcast days grows more resentful towards humanity, eventually joining with furious to destroy them. 
Cult au
After being kicked out of the tribe at only ten, Hiccup has to find a way to survive. Luckily for him, he still has his wits, and using them he is able to get the other viking boys to worship him as a false god.
zombie au 
The dragon Jewel is broken, but instead of killing the dragon, it turns them into zombies. 
new world au 
Hiccup makes it to america and spends some time exploring the geography, learning the languages and studying the native dragons before heading back to a devastating surprise. 
possession au 
Snotlout is possessed by the ghost of Thugheart. 
Valhalla au 
Hiccup low-key dies, but is having none of it, so instead he straight up fights god and wins. 
happily ever after au 
Snotout doesn’t throw the stone and everything works out well without a war. (Wouldn’t that be nice) 
reborn au
Hiccup the third is literally the reincarnation soul of the previous two Hiccups 
Mob au 
Hiccup may not be very strong, but he is good at organization and leadership…organizing and leading a crime ring that is. Remember just because Hiccup is a bit more proper, polite and intelligent than the other Vikings, doesn’t make him any less violent. 
interview au 
Grimbeard is curst to wander the Tomorrow as a ghost, this is however excellent for Hiccup, as he can get useful information out of him. 
rose-red rage au
Due to stress and fear caused by the war, Hiccup slips into a coma, finding himself in a strange, distorted, wonderlandish versions of his reality. 
erased  au 
Hiccup does not regain his memory after losing it in book 12. 
Hurricane au
Hiccup gains the ability to control the weather, so you’d better watch out. 
lucid au 
Everything Hiccup has ever experienced, has all been part of some long dream, only he is not the one sleeping. 
Tall-tale au 
In his old age, Hiccup ended up getting a lot of facts about his childhood wrong. The true story ends up looking a lot different. 
shapeshifter au 
Is he a boy, or is he a dragon? The answer is both. Hiccup can shape shift.
Hobbit au. 
Hiccup is enlisted by some dwarves to help deal with a dragon named Smaug. 
Last choice au
After the deaths of both Hiccup and Alvin, Fishlegs becomes King (he is a direct descendant of grimbeard after all)
Third choice au
Similar to last choice au, but it is Snotlout who becomes king. 
swap au
Alvin really is a poor but honest farmer, Hiccup is a little psychopath, Fishlegs is his stonecold and music hating right hand man, Stoick is mild mannered and shy, Snotlout is a kind hearted pacifist, Old wrinkly and the witch’s roles are basically reversed, Exeter.   
star au
Fishlegs tries out being a bard, he ends up being a huge success and becomes a famous celebrity 
ballet au
Hiccup’s father told him that he has to pick out a sport, and Hiccup already has something in mind, his father never did specify which sport…
Robbin hood au
“Rob from the rich, give to the poor!” has been the moto of Hiccup and his friends for as long as they can remember.
Outcast au
After being exiled from berk Hiccup finds himself in the island of the outcasts. He ends up being adopted by Alvin, after proving he is willing to do whatever it takes to survive…
Hanahaki au 
Camicazi loves Hiccup with all her heart, unfortunately to Hiccup, she will only ever be a friend.
Band au
Fishlegs, Hiccup and Camicazi start a band. That’s it, that’s the au. 
Angle au
Hiccup is born with a pair of feathered wings that nobody can explain. 
mermaid, faerie, princess au
Hiccup is the princess, Camicazi is the faerie and Fishlegs is the mermaid 
Slavic au 
Literally the exact same thing as the original story, but instead of being nordic it’s slavic. The (I’m Slavic so don’t blame me for wanting this)
The ghosts of exiled children past are back…for revenge 
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oncewhenalongtimeago · 5 months
May I ask for a continuation of "Sorry, but I Think I Lost Your Plot." <3 thanks !
Sorry, but I Think I Lost Your Plot pt 13
Pairing: Onesided!Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III x Modern!Fem!Reader
Words: 3,009
Hiccup tries to ‘nice date’ you.
Tags: Time Travel, Reader into Movieverse, Dragons: Defenders of Berk, Tunnel Vision, Hiccup POV, Reader Pov, Switch POV
<Previous - Next>
You watched with mild interest as the Riders made hurried efforts to trap Gobber. You tried to stay out of their way, which was especially important as they chased down a madman with an axe.
You had been avoiding the forge a little bit and not just because of Hiccup. Gobber stank. You couldn’t avoid the thought that Berk needed a plumbing system.
You held a poster you made earlier advertising that people take a bath more than once a week at least in the summers, letters scratched in clumsy Norse. You weren’t sure if you had any real intentions of posting it but you had made it and it had taken a long while. So, for lack of anything better to do with it, you carried it around with you.
You sighed, eyeing Fishlegs as he tried and failed to pull any water from the well. Berk had been on water search for a while. At least a week, since the last bath day. You doubted the other teens noticed; they were lucky enough to live up to the Chief, and to benefit from all the privileges that afforded.
You were supposed to clean the railing and caging around the arena, though you had no idea how you were going to do that without any water. Maybe oil? Phlegma said something earlier about water and rust, anyways, so it was probably for the best.
A plumbing system would really help with that. You took a note to go wander down towards the Arena later. Maybe then you’d figure out what to do.
“Okay, we need to figure out a way to keep Berk's supply with water, until a new well can be dug,” Hiccup paced back and forth, arms crossed as he glared down at the cracked stone below. 
He held in a nervous grimace. They expected him to do something. They expected him to do something when no one had looked to him for anything for… Ever. Not before the Red Death. Not before Toothless. He’d been taking the lead a lot lately, and he’d have to say he’d done well all things considered but now he was left scrambling for ideas.
He turned, suddenly, looking at the other riders lined up before him before pointing, “Ruff, Tuff, strap on the washtub and head to Lars Lake to fill it.”
“Okay, that thing’s pretty big,” Tuffnut dropped his crossed arms, bouncing in place before gesturing back towards Ruffnut, who scoffed at him, “I mean, it’s bigger than Ruff's butt, it can take a while, maybe a week or two.”
Hiccup winced, choking down the small part of him that found that sort of funny as Ruffnut turned to look down at her butt, looking slightly put off in a way that was uncharacteristic. 
She then reared back to land a hard punch to her brother’s head. Ouch.
“I was assuming you would use your dragon,” Hiccup said flatly, gesturing as Tuffnut pulled himself off the floor. 
Tuffnut scoffed, “Why would you think that?”
“Right,” Hiccup said, “Astrid, Snotlout, head to the mountain streams and fill as many canteens as you can.”
“Mountain streams…” Snoutlout began, before continuing in a voice just above a mumble, scooting closer to Astrid and trying to rest his arm over her shoulder, “Romanti- Ow!” 
His voice cut off as Astrid grabbed his arm, twisting it wickedly, kicking his begin the knees.
Hiccup winced again, sort of glad he wasn’t Snotlout, before his train of thought seemed to sputter to a stop. The Mountain streams.
His shoulders stiffened. The cove pulled water from one of the mountain streams. It was nice, and green, and really, really empty. The water was fresh and it was pretty quiet. A great place for… for a romantic date.
Maybe Snotlout was right.
Fishlegs looked at Hiccup exhaustedly, face flat and Hiccup shot him his own stormy mild scowl. He didn’t think anyone else picked up on it. He hoped not.
Then Hiccup started.
Looking up, he was greeted to the sight of you, by the top of the cage. You held onto the bars with both hands, looking down into the ring.
Why were you here? His heart picked up a little bit more as you spotted him and gave a small wave.
Sometimes he wondered if it was really time to take down the chains and bars, not that he had the resources and time to do that. It was a miracle his dad hadn’t made Hiccup himself repair the hole Toothless blew into the top after rescuing him from Hookfang on the day of the battle against the Red Death. 
Good will and victory only went so far, after all. He still made Hiccup take out his boots on Boot Night, despite his pleading and begging and leveraging.
“Actually, on second thought, I’ll go get the canteens. Snotlout and Astrid and Fishlegs, you’re all on well duty. Figure out what happened. Toothless and I are faster anyways. We’ll just…” Hiccup laughed nervously. 
He kept his eyes off to the side, rubbing his arm as he imagined the others rolling their eyes. A blink later, though, and you were gone.
He exhaled stressfully. He had one chance.
“What?” Tuffnut asked, while Ruffnut sighed out a long, “Lame.”
Chores. It was always chores that brought you to places you should not be.
You looked down at the Riders talking together in the arena and squinted down into the Arena below as the Riders scrambled for their dragons.
You just got done with your break, which you spent carving. 
You watched Hiccup quickly slide onto Toothless’ saddle, jumping around the others as they siphoned out of the arena and into the sky.
It had been a little awkward, whenever you’d come close enough to Hiccup for there to be any sort of tension. You had been, admittedly, a little avoidant.
You were mildly surprised when instead of taking off like the rest of everyone, Hiccup instead waited till they were a speck in the distance or making a touchdown on Berk to bound right over to you on Toothless.
You started as Toothless stopped suspiciously close, slightly infringing on your space to a level that was slightly unnecessary.
You watched as Hiccup scrubbed the back of his neck, “So…”
You bent down, crouching as you dipped the tip of the canister into the pond, half submerging it and listening to it gurgle as it filled with water.
You watched as the waterline by your feet bobbed slightly. You got as close as you could get to the stream and fall that funneled water into the cove, hoping that the closer you were to running water, the higher quality the water would be, somehow. 
You had a hefty basket next to you and rows of filled canisters lined up by the cove’s packed dirt beach.
Hiccup had been helping earlier. 
The last you checked, he’d half tangled a large blanket back behind you on the grass, checkered in light tan squares and a darker brown almost reddish color. Like a picnic blanket. He seemed to pull it out of nowhere. 
You wondered when Toothless got a satchel. Saddle bag.
You helped him straighten it out quickly and quite clumsily too and shuffled around a bit nervously after.
Hiccup’s dragon seemed to take great joy in staring down Hiccup as he fussed.
You had faith in the fact that what he was doing was good, even if you didn’t know what it was. You weren’t inclined to criticize him when he had taken a back full of flesh-burning acid for you, and also he was the protagonist.
You stood up, scuffing your feet against the dirt to peer into the large basket at your side. No more canisters.
You shrugged your shoulders, looking around.
It was nice to have time to think for yourself for just a moment. Even if nothing was said outright, there was something familiar about the area and you weren’t not going to read between the lines when the things between were cool.
This was where Hiccup and Toothless became friends. 
You wondered if he found this place as important as you thought.
It felt a little sacrilegious being there even though you knew objectively Hiccup and Toothless couldn’t have been the only Viking-Dragon duo to exist here, especially after every other Viking started to pick up dragon riding as a hobby.
You tried to figure out which rock was which- as if you could somehow recreate the movie in your head but in live action. But there were a lot of rocks.
You sighed. It didn’t matter, anyways.
You looked back at Hiccup, who, it seemed, had straightened everything out.
Though for some reason you thought the world would have looked much nicer if the sun had been low on the horizon, washing everything in something sort of orange.
“I finished filling the cans,” You said as you walked up to Hiccup, who was rummaging around in Toothless’ saddlebag.
Hiccup started, a bit disheveled, “Already?”
The drawstrings by his collar hung slightly open, twine undone from the first few holes. You wondered when that happened. Probably in between mumbling to Toothless and something about Snotlout.
“Yup,” You shrugged, popping the ‘P.’
“Everyone will be happy to hear that we got some water back, I’m sure.”
"I’m actually hoping we’ll get back before they notice,” Hiccup shrugged sheepishly.
Toothless snorted, and Hiccup shot him a skeptical, unimpressed glance in response, before focusing his attention back at you.
You took a step back to give him more space to move and settled backwards as he gestured to the blanket of the floor, lips stick in a thin line, shifting back and forth on his heels.
You were slightly confused, expecting in half to start flying back to Berk to help distribute the canisters of water, though if Hiccup wasn’t worried, it probably wasn’t that urgent.
You squinted, “You’re probably a little late for that.”
If chaos was something Hiccup wanted to avoid, then… You knew a few people who had gotten into fit fights over it lately. You were lucky enough not to have to tussle for any water, yet. Everyone else was draining the lakes and streams and anything else they could get their hands on.
You wondered how long it would take for someone to get sick off it. Still water, and all that. As you did, toothless ambled his way off to the other side of the clearing.
 “It’s been on the low for a while. Since the last Bath Day.”
Really?” Hiccup grimaced, adjusting his tunic, green, “How’ve you been getting it?”
“I’ve just been boiling it out the sea,” You admitted, “I got someone down by the docks to fire their Nadder and I’ve just been using the sand glass to collect the condensation.”
It was very time and resource consuming which was probably why no one else had done it. And it was only really good for drinking water and salt, which you used a lot of. 
You’d annoyed plenty of other Vikings by hogging some of the fires down by the Great Hall anyways, though no one had thrown out your pot and glass set up yet.
“The condensation?” Hiccup asked.
“Yeah,” You nodded, “It’s sort of drinkable. Learned how to do that in science.”
You let your head fall to the side, where Hiccup was waiting for you to keep talking. They probably did have a word for it, if the way Fishlegs talk about dragons was any indication. Of course they had a word for it. You weren’t sure how to describe it, though.
“Like from the scientific method. Hypothesis, testing,” You shrugged, resting your chin on your knees and you let your arms rest around your ankles, “I don’t know the Norse word for it.” 
“I think I get it,” Hiccup nodded, anyhow.
Your hands drifted up to feel at a pocket in your sleeve, hastily sewn in by you the day before, perhaps trying to gather whether or not you’d lost the thing you’d put there.
It was a simple bead, wooden with just two lines going around the ends with a small sketchy likeness of Toothless’ face. It was so small, it had taken you forever to carve out. 
It didn’t feel right to keep on your own, somehow.
You rolled it between your fingers, it’s polished, oiled yet bumpy surface feeling tingly underneath your fingertips.
You slipped it out absentmindedly. It was nice to have something to fiddle with, and you were still really proud of it.
“A rose by any other name is just as sweet-would smell as sweet, or something,” You scoffed.
Then you frowned slightly. 
Shakespeare wasn’t actually the best literature had to offer. It sounded sophisticated enough to most people, though that was probably because it was hard to understand half of what Romeo and Juliet were saying, so it was hard not to take most of it seriously, even if some of it was meant to be funny.
And though you tried to ignore it, it was getting more and more difficult to switch between your language and the Vikings’.
“What does that mean?” Hiccup asked. As he let one leg rest flat against the ground and he leaned back against his hands, you couldn’t help but find yourself a little bit bothered by the twine hanging from his shirt.
How did he usually tie it, anyways? 
You tilted your head and turned the bead in your fingers over one more time.  The twine looked thin enough and the hole of the bead large enough to slip through. 
“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet,” You mumbled, embarrassed, “It’s from a romance novel, I think. Romeo is telling Juliet how he’d-... like her, no matter what her name was.”
“Wow,” Hiccup said, “That’s...”
You nodded.
“Hey, Hiccup,” You leaned forward slightly, gesturing to his neck, “Your… The string is untied. By your neck.”
Hiccup glanced down with a grimace, face reddening with embarrassment. He rubbed one hand down the side which had the effect of smashing his cheek oddly.
“Let me…” You said, taking the opportunity to swoop in, scooting closer and grabbing one of his loose tunic strings. 
You realized a bit late that you were a bit too close to be comfortable, but it was too late for you to back down now. You could have put it on his wrist though it would probably fly off when he was riding Toothless, anyways.
You threaded the bead through and tied his loose drawstrings together in a messy bow.
Hiccup looked down at it with bewilderment, bringing up a hand to pull the bed on a string into view, “A bead.”
He looked incredibly embarrassed.
“You don’t like it?” You asked, wringing your hands nervously, “I made it in my free time. It’s just been sitting around, so I thought… I mean, I didn’t… Plan it, or anything, but…”
“No, no, I-ah,” Hiccup coughed, though it sounded a lot like a choke. He spoke in a way which made it obvious he was trying not to squeak, “I really like it.”
“Yeah,” You nodded, glancing out over the small pond, rubbing your hand down your neck and shoulder, “So, anyways… Have you… I mean. I’ve been meaning to ask.”
“Yeah?” Hiccup asked, looking like he was holding his breath.
You weren’t sure what he was listening for, though you didn’t stop to think much about it, very much a girl on a mission.
Hiccup didn’t have a crush on you.
You had something important.
“Have you ever considered building, like, a reservoir? Or a plumbing system or something? With a boiler, I mean, and closed pipes, and all that,” You suggested, thinking about the makeshift system of funnels and dragons Hiccup had come up with before, “You could fill the well pretty good with that, after some water proofing, probably.”
Hiccup looked mildly disappointed.
You pretended you didn’t feel the hot nervous sweat beginning to build in your closed palms.
You should have just put up the poster.
“I mean, infrastructurally, it would probably change a lot,” You started, “You already did something like it, and we had something like that back at home. I’m not very fresh on the details- it’s never been my thing.”
“...I guess we could use Nightmare Gel to keep it going,” Hiccup started. 
You nodded.
“If you think about it, we don’t need a lot to keep a strong fire for a long while, so if we just took a little, then… Dragon spit would work too. And one of the Nadders-” You were gleeful as Hiccup caught on, and listened to Hiccup ramble for a bit with a bright, self-satisfied smile; about what he was doing in the forge, Toothless, and other things, shifting on the blanket below.
He definitely saw the potential, Hopefully the Chief would too. Finally.
Warm bath water.
You never thought the structural integrity of Berk was something you’d ever have to worry about.
You shifted your arms, full of water cans, mouth open slightly.
The village was in chaos. Vikings running around waving weapons, the Riders swooping clumsily around the sky as Whispering Deaths wrecked the island, spiking huts and tearing up farmland.
You turned to stare at Hiccup, whose eyes were wide as Vikings off in the distance shouted something wild about taking cover.
Hiccup sighed as Toothless settled heavily down next to him, basket strapped to his back, smacking Hiccup in the head with his wing, “Ow.”
A viking man, heavy and covered in brown furs burst through the wall of the hut nearest you at the edge of the village, hollering.
Off in the distance, you heard the shout of Hiccup’s name from someone who only could have been the Chief.
He started, dropping a few of the water canisters piled up in his arms.
Hiccup balked out something between sigh and an awkward laugh, “Duty calls, I guess.”
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hermesserpent-stuff · 2 months
@lirabuswavi and I’s convo about the mystic misunderstanding au
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
Au premise: in which hiccup being a runt would have made him revered in the hunter tribe and when they find out they start giving him offerings.
this post focuses on the other riders in general!
L stands for them and H stands for me.
L: Ah, but the other riders… not so much, muahaha.
H: They find out about it because hiccup tried to be sneaky and succeeded for a bit but then failed. Snotlout and Astrid are hated especially by the dragon hunters for how they yelled at hiccup in front of him
L: Snotlout: Tries to shoulder check Hiccup. Hunter that wants their marriage blessed, and will get it through any means necessary: Tackles Snotlout. Hiccup: Can't decide whether or not it's funny, settles on prying them apart because they're fighting like terrible terrors over the last fish head.
H: The hunter, slightly bloody: so there's this girl I've asked to marry me and it'd mean a lot to me if you came Snotlout:??? Why would you want him at your wedding?? The hunter: why would you not??? Shut up? Don't ruin this for me??? *Sshole???
L: Astrid's like, yeah, he has that effect on people. But also, Hiccup! What if it's an assassination attempt? Hunter: We would never! Maybe we should be more concerned about YOU assassinating him! Astrid: Starts rolling up sleeves. Hiccup: Okay! Let's just put a pin in the fighting thing, yes I'll come to the wedding, just give the invitation to Toothless and he'll make sure to get it to me. Hunter: Thank you wise one! Astrid: Yes, thank you, 'wise one'.
H: Hiccup tries to avoid the hunter's island for a bit to stop the harassment of the other riders, aside from the promised wedding. He even refuses to ride toothless/stops operating the fin. This leads to issues. But Astrid's happy cause hiccup’s not vanishing as much.
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useless-moss · 1 year
Okay. Why do I never see any wholesome trans Hiccup stuff? Like?? The fluff and angst and hurt/comfort possibilities alone are so perfect, not to mention the domestic stuff!
Imagine Astrid or Fishlegs helping him put on his chest bindings. Helping him get his desired appearance while also reminding him that he doesn't have to be completely flat.
'No guy is completely flat anyways! Just look at Snotlout.'
They work together to keep track of how long he binds and remind him to take breaks and make sure he takes the bindings off before going to sleep. The guys teach him 'bro code' stuff and give him voice lessons and, eventually, Fishlegs finds some natural ways to increase testosterone levels with herbs or something like that. The girls help him out with the stuff that comes with being AFAB and can't really be avoided (iykyk) and remind him throughout that he's still a man. When Hiccup and Astrid get together she makes sure to tell him how handsome he is multiple times a day. He's her handsome, strong, amazing boyfriend and she constantly reminds him of that.
Imagine when Hiccup first came out as a young kid and Dagur found out. He's confused at first but then doesn't think twice about it. Starts religiously calling Hiccup brother to reaffirm his gender and has physically fought people who even try to misgender him. Dagurs tormenting even developed as a way to try and help Hiccup 'man up' a bit more. It's misguided and kinda toxic, sure, but he's trying his hardest damn it!
Now imagine Viggo finding out Hiccup is trans. Maybe Hiccup gets shot in the shoulder with an arrow and gets captured and when Viggo is tending to him he sees the chest bindings. He pauses for a moment and then moves on, acting like he didn't see. He doesn't comment on it but from then on, whenever he has Hiccup captured for an extended period of time, he casually asks if he's okay.
'Can you breathe alright? Do you need a break? When was the last time you even took a break? '
It's relatively subtle and Hiccup doesn't even notice or connect it to Viggo seeing his bindings at first. When he does connect it he almost cries because he never expected anybody outside of Berk or his close friends and family to be so calm and accepting about it, let alone his enemy. It's such a simple but heartwarming moment that could then turn the unofficial start of Viggos redemption.
There are so many other scenarios but these are just off the top of my head. We really need more trans Hiccup content
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