#that is if you read it all which of course there's no pressure to
042502 · 8 hours
𝐓𝐈𝐊𝐓𝐎𝐊 ıllı — christopher sturniolo. ༅ ⢗
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↷ ˊ- pairing: chris sturniolo x f!reader.
↷ ˊ- summary: you are tiktokers and of course your boyfriend chris has to be part of this.
↷ ˊ- content: Tiktoker reader! Trending videos of couples, couple jokes, drama, humorous content, established couples.
↷ ˊ- pris's is writing: My first language is not English. There will be two parts of this because it has been too long for me. I leave you the masterlist below so you can read more.
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Video context: Nick was recording a tiktok, which was about treating you badly in front of Chris to see how he would react.
In the video you and Nick appear sitting in front of the camera and Chris is standing behind.
"Hello little monsters, today we will see who knows more about Chris, if I am his brother or well... she who is huh your girlfriend"
Chris gave his brother a confused look, but continued.
"Matt ask the question and we answer" Matt was behind the scenes helping.
"What is Chris' favorite color?" Matt asks.
"The black one" Nick says and Chris denies.
"The orange one," you reply and Chris says that's right.
"Lie, that's not it" Nick looks at you and uses a colder tone of voice.
You were aware of tiktok, but Nick was really good at acting and you weren't, so you laugh and continue.
The following questions are only answered by Nick and they are all correct.
"Hey, you have to answer, you're supposed to be his girlfriend, something you have to know" he again speaks with a cold and distant tone.
"Yes, I will" you speak and settle into your seat, Chris's hand is present on your shoulder.
Three more questions pass and this time you answer but you do it wrong. Nick sighs exaggeratedly.
"It's just that she doesn't have the will, I'm answering everything myself and she seems stupid!" Nick raises the tone of his voice. "No, what the hell is wrong with him that he doesn't talk?"
"Nick, can we continue please?" Chris speaks with an exhausted tone and a serious expression.
Chris had his hands in his pants pockets, and remained serious.
"What's Chris' favorite drink?" Matt asks.
"I know the answer" you respond enthusiastically. "Pepsi"
"Your finally answer something correctly" Nick looks at you and you don't say anything.
Chris bites the inside of his cheek and crosses his arms in annoyance. The questions continue and you keep answering wrong or simply not answering.
"I'm asking you seriously, do you know my brother or why the hell are you answering absolutely everything wrong?"
Chris couldn't take it anymore and pulled Nick's chair so he could look at him. His face was frowning and he raised his hand to point his finger at his brother.
"Stop your shitty attitude with y/n! She's here trying and you're just being a jerk!" The tone of voice that Chris had was very serious and full of rage.
You grab Chris's arm and pull him away from Nick as you both tell him it was a joke, Chris was confused and when he manages to understand what they were saying, he puts his hands in frustration and shame to his face while hiding behind a wall.
Matt focuses on it and you and Nick hug him, Chris tries to push you away but you hug him even more.
"We're sorry!" You say smiling.
"I thought you would react before" Nick speaks when they distance themselves, Chris hugs you protectively.
"I was close to breaking your nose"
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"Hello everyone, today again my victim will be Chris" you laugh maliciously. "I'm applying bronzer to my palm and then leaving it on Chris's skin and calling him hickeys," you explain your plan.
You leave the camera in a strategic place so that Chris doesn't see it. You wait anxiously for him to arrive, when he comes in he walks up to greet you.
They hug for a long time and then distance themselves, Your hands caress their faces and then slowly go down to their neck where you apply a little pressure so that the product passes through.
"What the fuck!" You shout pushing Chris away from you.
He was confused by your sudden attitude, he tries to approach you and you reject him.
"Who have you been seeing? Do you want to see my stupid face? Please Christopher"
"What are you talking about? I didn't see anyone."
"What are those marks on your neck?" You point to your own neck and Chris was even more confused.
"In my neck?"
"Look at you" you point to the mirror in the room and Chris walks towards it examining his neck where he actually had two large hickeys. He looks at you with his blue eyes wide open.
"I swear to God I don't know how that's there."
You burst out as he brings you closer to hug him, you couldn't contain yourself. He looked so cute and scared.
"It's makeup" you show him your hands with the evidence.
"Oh shit, you scare me, my heart is beating uncontrollably" he puts his hand to his chest and you laugh at him.
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Everyone was gathered, waiting for you to prepare something delicious to eat. Nick was recording while you say hello to Chris.
"Don't you see anything new?" You ask your boyfriend and he sighs and looks at his brother recording.
"Don't record this," he points out and Nick just laughs.
"Chris, don't you see anything different?" You call him again and he looks at you smiling. But he shakes his head slowly to the sides, his eyes were fixed on you looking for something, but he doesn't see it. "Oh really?" 
"I swear" 
"Christopher, look at my face," you ask him now, using a serious tone. "There's something I did today" Nick zooms in on your face and then focuses on Chris again.
Chris walks over to you to get a better look. But he couldn't notice the change that you told him about.
"I mean, your hair looks different," he tries, but you let out an incredulous laugh.
"Chris," you laugh but quickly turn serious again. "Does your hair look different?" You stroke your hair.
“Okay, good” you smile. "What do you notice different about him?"
"It's... Combed" he responds insecurely.
You sigh and take your boyfriend's hands, giving him a small squeeze.
"Christopher, please look at me" you ask him.
"I don't know, it's wavy," he shrugs.
“Chris, I have fucking bangs,” you reveal the change.
"Oh was that?" After Chris's words, you and Nick burst into laughter.
You hug him laughing, but inside you want to kill him. When they walk away Chris asks again if that's the case and you tell him yes.
"But put some emotion into it!" You ask him and Chris opens his mouth wide and brings his hands to his head.
"Wow! I can't believe it!" Fake an excited tone.
"I left him after that," Nick says from behind the camera.
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vee-goggles · 11 hours
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I have been working on this project for a week now, here are some screenshots of the game. Details below.
Also, I'm trying to find a suitable name for the game, if you have any suggestions please let me know!
My current plan for the game is to make it a friendship simulation that is played through events rather than linearly. Each character will have their own favorability progress and events.
It will take a long time to complete the game. As I mentioned before: the game programming, painting, and story are all done by me.
Some questions:
[ 1 ] : Why are the figures so poorly drawn and why is there no background?
The story and the painting are in progress at the same time. The characters and backgrounds you see are placeholders I used to quickly show the effect in the story. This makes it easier for me to advance the script.
[ 2 ] : Why are these screenshots so different from the visuals?
In the future, these UIs will be changed again, but I think the current general style looks neat and easy to read. Of course, you can always give me better suggestions.
[ 3 ] : Will the final release be in English?
Yes, I will be looking for a translator when the whole game is finished. English will definitely be available as a option in the final release.
[ 4 ] : Is this game related to another TF2 dating simulation game that is in production?
No, After I started making it, I just found out there was another project in the process. There is no relationship between the two.
[ 5 ] : Will you open partron or ko-fi for support?
No, absolutely not. At least not during the development of the game. I'm very excited to make this game, and I don't want to feel pressured by it. I made this game purely out of love for TF2 and I have 100% control over it. You can support this game by making suggestions for story scripts, which is why I publish the progress online.
Questions from askbox:
[ 1 ] :
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Creating a route for each of the nine people is already a huge project. Sorry, but there won’t be multiple endings per merc.
(I'm sure there are a lot of questions I've missed. You can always come to my askbox to ask me more questions about the game (anon is on). I will answer them every time I release the development progress.)
Anyone with suggestions for art, story, or gameplay is welcome. I'd love to hear anything.
The above text is translated by Google Translate. If there is any inappropriate remarks, please contact me.
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bookwyrminspiration · 4 months
i have now finished the ruin of kings… it was sooo much information i genuinely don’t know how i’m going to remember everything when there are FOUR MORE BOOKS! but also i’m very excited to keep going especially bc the first book was such an interesting writing style but we’re all caught up!! we’re in the present tense now!! who knows what’s going to happen!!! anyway thank you for posting about the series so much and inspiring me to read it. also i can’t pronounce anyone’s name and that’s the true hallmark of a great series <3
FUCK YEAH!!! don't worry it gets easier, but also there's literally. so many resources in the back of every single book specifically so you can try to keep everything straight. except the family trees are so fucked that even with them you gotta decipher the thing that helps you decipher the series--also book 5 (4?) literally starts with like. a 2 page preface explaining what's going on and where we're at i LOVE how complicated everything is. genuinely
book 1 is basically just a giant set up for everything else, laying all the pieces. and then it can all come together!! well, it starts to come together around book 3, I'd argue, because book 2 is another set-up. and also covers a big swath of time, with a bit more time switching, but less confusingly so, I'd say. sidenote: I think it's so funny how much time and confusion is dedicated to kihrin's parentage in book one because later on its like. he's got so many worse problems I can't believe we were ever concerned about THAT
I'm so excited to reread this series--I'm waiting until spring break so I can just go back to back and it WILL fundamentally change me as a person. i'm glad you enjoyed!! favorite series of all time I can't wait to see what you think of the rest of it :)
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camellia-salazar · 1 year
Sup guys. I gots to ask y'all something. My birthday is coming up this month and I would like to do something with some of my mutuals for it.
You know the hit TF2 video called Heavy is Dead? Well, I would like to do a collab with you guys on it, specifically the ones who I end up summoning, ok?
So my plan was to have you three mutuals and I draw/animate bits for the video. We will get 2 mercs each and draw/animate those mercs for the collab.
Here's how I planned this, but it could change to make you guys feel comfortable to do it if you want. For now I chose characters that you guys used the most.
I will animate Spy and Scout.
@cage-cat-yt would animate Heavy and Medic.
@fandomandangstlover would animate Engineer and Soldier.
@giddlygoat would animate Sniper and Demoman.
To be honest Giddly I was considering you to have Scout instead because you draw him the most but I wanted you to have the chance in having a merc that stays alive longer (Sniper) as well as the one who doesn't (Demo).
Same thing with the rest of you, I chose a merc that stays alive long and the one that doesn't for you just to be fair.
And no fancy background is required, you can use a blank white canvas, it's just better that way I'm sure.
This collab doesn't have to be done on my birthday, it would be cool if it did but you could take as much time as you need. It would still be for my birthday. Hell, not even that! it could just be something fun that we can do together, no pressure.
Also if you felt like you can't animate just draw some expressions and poses and what not so I can edit it in. As long as it fits the original idc. Also it doesn't have to be a recreation of it, it's just meant to be silly.
If you guys want to switch mercs that's fine, just let me know first so I can discuss it with the person who has the merc previously. Or better yet talk to each other about it (I was gonna suggest the discord server but I just remembered that Giddly left it, so I guess you can talk about this by using the comments in this post).
If you wanted to switch with me then give me reasons to and I will gladly switch.
If you guys don't want to take part of this collab that's fine too, I don't mind as long as you can tell me why. I'm not here to hold you at gun point and tell you to take part.
I want you guys to have fun with this. If you guys would rather do something else, or your too busy, or stuff is going on right now and you can't handle this atm that's fine. I just thought it was a fun idea to have and create something fun together, that's all.
Let me know if you want to be a part of this so that I can discuss it with each of you. Thank you for your time. 😁💖✨
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safyresky · 1 year
HOW DO YOU DO FELLOW HUMANS, HUMAN FELLOWS. How we feelin after episode 4? Feelin like uh, we have MAYBE seeeeeen a takeover of the North Pole before? Albeit very different??? Still missing our frosty mans?!?!!?
Frostmas? you say. I see it mentioned, in passing, in Crystal Springs, which I have definitely read since you pinned it and offered it to us in a trying time! You say.
That's sweet, I reply. You can be honest, it's okay if you didn't read it!
Okay good, you say, because life gets busy and I'm fucking tired and it's so niche. There's barely any B-Man! Where is the B-Man!
I get it, y'all are B-Man stans. What's a Jack stan to do in this economy.
In TTYoF, commonly referred to here at SafyreSky Industries as Frostmas, Jack poofs to the moment the sleigh descends (because I said so) and starts his reign as Santa, the long way round. Of course, when he arrives, Bernard (YAY!) is like "well this is fucking WRONG" and summons the Council.
Unfortunately, Jack grabbed the coat; so now he's Santa. But then...who'll be Jack Frost?
Well, his Legate (remember that? From the Crystal Springs plug?) of course! His lil sister! My OC, Jacqueline Mother Fucking Frost!
Seems good for Jack, right? He's Santa, Jacqueline is taking care of his old job? WRONG. BECAUSE MOTHER FUCKING JACQUELINE FUCKING FROST REMEMBERS THE ORIGINAL TIMELINE
Join her retelling of Jack's reign as Santa, which she has dubbed "The Twelve Years of Frostmas", and watch how Jack takes the Workshop from tradition to CAPITALIST HELLSCAPE! Watch as he slowly descends into "maybe we should get the guillotine" territory, and how the Workshop we know and love comes to be the capitalist hellscape we see Scott disassociate in in the film.
AND MAYBE a narrative in which an unhinged woman gets a villain arc and becomes her worst fear, while the not quite a foil foil (I forget the other word ): realizes that this isn't at all what he wants, and watch how it all unfolds! Wow!
this isn't a good sell but it's 12:30 am and I've had like, the equivalent of 7 shots and APPARENTLY 7 shot Dani is like, wow, i am a wordsmith. everyone should read this shit. wow.
So, in conclusion. Reasons to read The Twelve Years of Frostmas by safyresky:
Jack as Santa
Jacqueline Mother fucking Frost gets to be unhinged and maybe a bit antagonistic (a lot if ur Jack)
Bernard's there! (YAY!)
Also, Bernard is there! (YAY!)
Did I mention Bernard? (YAY!)
Reasons to NOT read Frostmas:
(i kid)
it is 1st person perspective and also features an oc prominently, so if either of those things aren't your thing, please disregard this long post and go about your midnight happily not reading 1st person or OCs
tho idk why anyone wouldn't like ocs
they're a whole bucket of fun!
[We here at SafyreSky Industries would like to give viewers and potential readers a warning about the Frostmas Effect, which may affect you if you choose to read. Frostmas is a bop, however, it is massively, massively long because our CEO, SafyreSky herself, is a slut for aesthetics and one chapter is always one year. The word count goes from 4-5k, to 8-10k, and suddenly 20-30k. Please use Frostmas wisely. We recommend frequent breaks. Please see a doctor if prolonged use of Frostmas keeps you up at night. We here at SafyreSky industries waive any and all responsibility to your emotional wellbeing after you embark on your reading journey. thank you for your time, be safe, and enjoy the descent into madness that is The Twelve Years of Frostmas.]
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orcelito · 2 years
Me dropping in the last discussion questions that I am Not Straight (for the sake of talking about "muted groups", something that i think there is validity in, tho from my brief study of Kramerae's take she seemed to support a very bioessentialist view of it in that women are fundamentally more emotions-driven than men, etc etc, smth I straight up called hogwash in one of my posts lol)
Honestly, the professor is probably not going to be surprised, considering I've consistently been anti-military, anti-patriotic, & just in general very uhh. You Know. Challenging in my ideas.
I kinda enjoy being able to just express all this lmao
#speculation nation#on the surface i agreed with Kramerae bc women are definitely silenced by men in many contexts#but the way she insisted that women using men's language (as men are the ones who established language) limits them#due to the fundamental differences in biology or whatever that lead to women being emotionally driven unlike men#(that 'unlike men' straight up being a part of what i read)#it just rubbed me wrong. a very terf-y take. i would not be surprised if it turned out she was a transphobe lol#listen you can support feminism & acknowledge the ways society lifts men up and stamps women down#Without resorting to the bullshit idea of men and women being fundamentally separate creatures or whatever#that kind of idea honestly infected my mind when i was young. i remember being honestly surprised when i found out men cried#which that's a societal thing. the pressures on men to be Strong and the cultural assumption that theyre unemotional#to the point where men are neglecting their own emotional needs & thus in large part becoming emotionally disjointed#& that's where a lot of those 'men arent emotionally driven like women' things come from#bc theyre literally taught from a young age to stifle their own emotions#growing up and getting to know all sorts of people. of course i know it's bullshit.#men can be frustrating on the best of days. and i certainly am still terrified of men i dont know.#but for all that society stifles them. theyre people. just as capable of love and goodness as anyone else.#i hate what terfs have done to the name of feminism. the fact that i have to always be critical when i see a 'feminist' take#for fear that it's one of those bioessentialist fuckheads spewing their bullcrap in the name of feminism#idk i have a lot of thoughts about this. i wish i'd had more time to expand on these thoughts in my discussion posts#but i was doing them in the last hour lol so i had to be quick. oh well.
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catboybiologist · 2 months
“As a biologist, the terms biological woman and man don’t make any sense to me” okay then you’re an idiot and a terrible biologist. I swear to god, morons like you only become biologists just so you can hold it over others, when in reality, if biology deniers like you can become biologists, then being one really doesn’t mean much anyway. But this probably just gave an autogynophile like you a boner to read, anyway.
Oh fun! Haven't gotten one of these in a while. Disregarding the fact that you somehow think the qualification for being a biologist entirely hinges on defining womanhood, I do need to ask some clarification. I know I'm feeding the trolls here, but here we go: does your definition of "biological woman" mean:
Sociological woman? Eh, context dependent, I'm not fully out of the closet, but oftentimes, I am and present femme. So let's call that one 50/50.
Psychological woman? Because I am one.
Neurological woman? Because I am one [1].
Physical woman? My soft tissue redistribution is handling that well.
Hormonal woman? My blood tests are within cis female ranges.
Transcriptional woman? As a signalling molecule, the downstream effects of estrogen have broad transcriptional effects, completely changing the profile of gene expression and functional genomics of my cells. [2]
Genetic woman? I mean, see my above point- as far as my genes that are actually active, I have all of the same transcripts being produced, controlling which genes are expressed.
Karyotypic woman? I actually have a few signs pre-HRT that might point to a non-XY chromosome pair, but I haven't had a karyotype. We'll put that down as unknown. And hell, even if its XY, there's plenty of cis women who are karyotypically XY, with suppressed sry or complete androgen insensitivity. Interestingly enough, a completely androgen insesitive woman can go her whole life without knowing- and functionally, is very similar to a trans woman, actually. Fancy that. [3]
Reproductive woman? I can't produce an egg cell, but neither can significant fractions of cis women. Also, this is all gonna change soon, which is fun. [4]
There's also a lot of understudied aspects to the biology of HRT and even pre-HRT that are emerging, largely demonstrating widespread cellular and genetic remodeling of trans individuals undergoing hormone therapy. The field is a bit behind due to constant political pressure to revoke funding, but a lot of the results are extremely exciting in both testosterone and estrogen hormone therapies. I'm sure that, as a self professed biology As someone who presumably has a lot of expertise in biology, I'm assuming that you're aware of all of this cutting edge research, and are keeping up with modern papers, including but not limited to these cool findings:
Trans men on HRT exhibit significant genetic and transcriptional changes that make them biochemically male. [5][6]. It's a good hypothesis that the same happens with estrogen treatment, but those studies don't exist yet- I'm sure you're reserving judgment until more publications exist, of course.
Trans men on HRT develop male cell types and tissues. [7]
Trans women experience muscular and blood cell changes that align with cis women moreso than cis men [8]
And many, many more! This is an exciting, underserved, and groundbreaking field of research, and I'm sure you're keeping up with the latest in scientific journals about it.
I'm sure, of course, that you understand that it becomes impossible to draw a distinct line anywhere in here, and that words like "woman" are shorthand for the myriad of traits that invisibly synthesize in our mind and in society to represent a concept? I'm sure you understand that science is fundamentally descriptive, not prescriptive? I'm sure that you understand that these findings, while really cool and interesting, actually don't mean jack shit about what the word "woman" means or not?
As someone who is the ultimate decider in what a biologist is, I'm sure you know that bioessentiallism is a childish mindset that completely ignores and disregards the constantly changing, dynamic nature of biological systems, something that extends well beyond biological sex and its relation to gender.
I'm sure that also, that you understand that beyond just this, that the role of science in society is to advise how to achieve our moral principles, not create moral principles in themselves. And I'm sure that understanding means you know that trans affirming healthcare and supportive societal treatment leads to reduced mortality and increased happiness for everyone, right?
So great to talk to someone who is surely a scientist on this. You are a biologist, if you're talking like this, I assume? I assume you're not going to spit complete misreadings of scientific language from the background sections of these papers that only reveal you've never read a scientific paper in your life if you're thinking this way? I assume you have experience interpreting data like this?
Also, imagining my genitalia while writing this? Ew. Please stop projecting your fetishes into my inbox.
Works cited:
Kurth F, Gaser C, Sánchez FJ, Luders E. Brain Sex in Transgender Women Is Shifted towards Gender Identity. J Clin Med. 2022 Mar 13;11(6):1582. doi: 10.3390/jcm11061582. PMID: 35329908; PMCID: PMC8955456.
Fuentes N, Silveyra P. Estrogen receptor signaling mechanisms. Adv Protein Chem Struct Biol. 2019;116:135-170. doi: 10.1016/bs.apcsb.2019.01.001. Epub 2019 Feb 4. PMID: 31036290; PMCID: PMC6533072.
Gottlieb B, Trifiro MA. Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome. 1999 Mar 24 [Updated 2017 May 11]. In: Adam MP, Feldman J, Mirzaa GM, et al., editors. GeneReviews® [Internet]. Seattle (WA): University of Washington, Seattle; 1993-2024. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK1429/
Murakami, K., Hamazaki, N., Hamada, N. et al. Generation of functional oocytes from male mice in vitro. Nature 615, 900–906 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-05834-x
Pallotti F, Senofonte G, Konstantinidou F, Di Chiano S, Faja F, Rizzo F, Cargnelutti F, Krausz C, Paoli D, Lenzi A, Stuppia L, Gatta V, Lombardo F. Epigenetic Effects of Gender-Affirming Hormone Treatment: A Pilot Study of the ESR2 Promoter's Methylation in AFAB People. Biomedicines. 2022 Feb 16;10(2):459. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines10020459. PMID: 35203670; PMCID: PMC8962414.
Florian Raths, Mehran Karimzadeh, Nathan Ing, Andrew Martinez, Yoona Yang, Ying Qu, Tian-Yu Lee, Brianna Mulligan, Suzanne Devkota, Wayne T. Tilley, Theresa E. Hickey, Bo Wang, Armando E. Giuliano, Shikha Bose, Hani Goodarzi, Edward C. Ray, Xiaojiang Cui, Simon R.V. Knott, The molecular consequences of androgen activity in the human breast, Cell Genomics, Volume 3, Issue 3, 2023, 100272, ISSN 2666-979X, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xgen.2023.100272. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666979X23000320)
Xu R, Diamond DA, Borer JG, Estrada C, Yu R, Anderson WJ, Vargas SO. Prostatic metaplasia of the vagina in transmasculine individuals. World J Urol. 2022 Mar;40(3):849-855. doi: 10.1007/s00345-021-03907-y. Epub 2022 Jan 16. PMID: 35034167.
Harper J, O'Donnell E, Sorouri Khorashad B, McDermott H, Witcomb GL. How does hormone transition in transgender women change body composition, muscle strength and haemoglobin? Systematic review with a focus on the implications for sport participation. Br J Sports Med. 2021 Aug;55(15):865-872. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2020-103106. Epub 2021 Mar 1. PMID: 33648944; PMCID: PMC8311086.
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pucksandpower · 1 month
Charles Leclerc x reporter!Reader
Summary: after two years as a paddock correspondent, you’re convinced that Charles Leclerc hates your guts for no apparent reason … but maybe everything is not what it seems
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“Wake up, Y/N. It’s race day!”
Your colleague, Natalie, bursts into your hotel room without knocking, as usual. You groan and pull the covers over your head, not ready to face the chaos that is sure to ensue in the paddock.
“Come on, sleepyhead! We have to be at the track by seven this morning for pre-race meetings,” Natalie says, yanking the duvet off you.
“Alright, alright, I’m up!” You grumble, slowly swinging your legs over the side of the bed. “What time is it anyway?”
“5:30. Which reminds me, I need coffee,” Natalie says, already headed for the door. “Meet me in the lobby in 20!”
You spend the next 19 minutes hastily getting ready — putting on minimal makeup, throwing on your favorite jumpsuit, and frantically gathering up notes and gear for the day. You take one last glance in the mirror, trying to smooth down your bedhead, before resigning to just throw a cap on over the mess.
Hustling down to the lobby, there’s a rush of personnel all around — mechanics, engineers, PR reps, and media darting about with coffees and laptops and headsets already in place. You spot Natalie nursing a large black coffee and beeline over.
“Ready to do this?” She asks with a grin.
“As I’ll ever be,” you reply with a shrug. The truth is, the nerves are already bubbling up in your stomach. You love your job as an F1 reporter for Sky Sports, but the pressure and scrutiny is immense.
The two of you pile into a car with the rest of the broadcast crew and head to the track. On the ride, you glance over your meticulous notes on the teams and drivers one more time, paying special attention to Ferrari.
Ever since you started covering F1 two years ago, one driver has basically refused to give you the time of day — Charles Leclerc.
For some reason, whenever you are around, he bolts in the opposite direction. When you have attempted interviews, he literally turns and speedwalks away without a word. Other drivers will chat with you, joke around, and give thoughtful answers to questions.
But Charles? Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
You can’t figure out why he hates you so much. You’ve scoured your past comments and coverage looking for anything that could have offended him, but come up empty.
Is it something personal against you? Were you mean to him in a past life or something? It hurts, to be honest. You try to stay professional, but his obvious disdain for you still stings.
Sighing, you put your notes away as the car pulls into the paddock. It’s going to be a long day.
After hair, makeup, mic checks, and a final meeting, it’s nearly time for the broadcast to go live as cars start lining up on the grid. Nerves buzzing, you watch Charles warm up with his performance coach across the pit lane, headphones in and clearly in the zone. As always, he walks right past you without a flicker of acknowledgment.
Your heart twinges, but you swiftly push the hurt aside. It’s showtime.
The next few hours are a blur of rushed interviews, sound bites, stats flashing across screens, and organized chaos. After the race finally ends, there are more interviews, podium ceremonies, and press conferences to wade through before you can take a breath.
“Man, that was brutal!” Natalie huffs as the two of you finally plop down in chairs in the media room later that afternoon. She cracks open a Red Bull and takes a long drink. “You hanging in there?”
“Yeah, I’m alright,” you reply half-heartedly. The truth is, you’re drained — physically and mentally. And of course, the interaction with Charles, or lack thereof, is weighing heavy.
“Why do you let that pompous twerp get under your skin so much?” Natalie says with a frown, seeming to read your mind. “He’s a rude, stuck up jerk who isn’t worth the energy. Forget about him.”
You shake your head with a sigh. “You’re right, you’re right. I just … I don’t know, I never did anything to the guy, and it still stings.”
Just then, the door to the media room swings open, and Charles himself strides in. You inadvertently tense up as he approaches the couch, looking calm and confident in his usual Ferrari polo, and folds himself down between Max Verstappen and Lewis Hamilton, who rounded out the rest of the podium.
Here we go again, you think with an internal eye roll. Just gotta get this over with.
“Hello,” Charles says with an easy grin as he settles into his seat, “What have you got for us today?” Various reporters immediately start firing off questions, undoubtedly looking to get a headline from the race winner.
You gather your courage, take a breath, and call out “Charles, Y/N with Sky Sports here. Can you walk me through your thought process behind that daring pass on Lando in Turn 12?”
To your shock, the second Charles hears your voice, his whole demeanor shifts. He seems to freeze, shoulders hunching slightly, grin dropping from his face as his cheeks instantly flush deep red. He looks panicked almost, eyes darting around the room, before landing briefly on you.
“Uhh … b-bathroom. Need to go. Bye.”
And with that, he leaps up from the couch and practically sprints out of the room.
A stunned silence falls over the space as everyone stares, stunned, at the empty space he left. You feel your stomach drop through the floor, tears of embarrassment and humiliation prickling at your eyes.
What did you do wrong? Now he’s made a total spectacle, running away from you in front of your peers. Mortified, you shakily stand up, chair clanging backwards, and rush from the room as well. Needing air, you bolt outside until you find a secluded spot out back of the paddock, leaning against a wall as the tears flow freely.
“Hey, hey … what’s going on? Are you okay?”
The soft, concerned male voice startles you, and you gasp looking up. There stands Charles, looking alarmed and guilty.
“I-I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to freak out like that. Please don’t cry!” He moves closer, though still keeps his distance.
You blink rapidly, beyond confused. “What … what are you doing out here? I’m clearly the last person you want to be around.”
He sighs heavily, rubbing the back of his neck. “This is really hard for me to admit but … I like you. As in, I have the biggest crush on you. That’s why I get so flustered and basically black out anytime you talk to me. It’s pathetic, I know.”
Your jaw actually drops open in disbelief. “You … what? You like me? Is this a joke?”
“No! No, I swear, it’s the truth,” he says, face turning red again. “I know I come across like a total jerk, I just freeze up around you because honestly? You’re just so stunning and brilliant, and I get unbelievably shy and nervous. The words won’t come out. It’s like an out of body experience! I chicken out and run away like an idiot every time.”
You stare at him, trying to process this. All this time, all the hurt and embarrassment … it was just because he developed a crush?
“I’m so sorry for how I’ve treated you. I know it must seem like I despise you. The truth is, you make me feel like a stuttering teenager with my first crush again,” Charles continues, looking at you beseechingly. “I understand if you think I’m a total tool, and I have a lot of work to do to make this up to you. But I swear, I really do like you, Y/N.”
At this, his face splits into a sheepish grin, eyes twinkling with mirth. You feel a laugh bubble up in your chest as relief washes over you.
He doesn’t hate you. In fact, it’s quite the opposite! You appraise him, really looking at him for the first time. From his twinkling green eyes to his adorable dimples to the lock of chestnut hair falling across his forehead, he’s unbelievably charming.
You shake your head, smile growing. “So this whole time, you’ve just been acting like an awkward schoolboy instead of giving me any indication of your true feelings?”
Charles laughs self-consciously. “Embarrassing, I know. Look, I promise I’ll do better-”
“Yeah, you’ve got a lot to make up for,” you say, crossing your arms and giving Charles a playful but pointed look. “All the grief and heartache you’ve put me through the last two years? This calls for serious groveling, mister.”
Charles immediately drops to one knee dramatically. “Y/N Y/L/N, light of my life, apple of my eye. I am but a humble driver, unworthy of your affection. But if you would do me the extraordinary honor of allowing me to court you properly, I vow to spend every day showing you how enchanted I am by your wit, your beauty, and your strength.”
You can’t help but giggle at his over-the-top chivalrous display. “Oh get up, you goofball!” You grab his hand and pull him back to his feet. “I’m just teasing. Well, partially teasing. I do expect you to apologize to me properly. Take me to dinner or something.”
Charles visibly brightens. “Dinner? Really? Yes, absolutely! In fact, let me take you right now. We’ll go to that little trattoria down the road. You deserve to be wined and dined for putting up with me.”
You consider this for a moment, taking in his eager, handsome face. The truth is, despite his past behavior, you find yourself captivated by Charles now that you understand what was really going on. His confidence, talent, and intensity are wildly attractive. And the way he’s looking at you now, with softness and admiration in his eyes .... it sends tingles down your spine.
“Alright, lead the way, hot shot,” you say with a wink.
Charles’ grin stretches even wider, if possible. “After you,” he gestures forward with a flourish, then falls into step beside you as you head towards the exit.
“I really am sorry for being such an idiot around you,” Charles says quietly after a moment of walking in comfortable silence. “The way I’ve acted was totally unacceptable. You deserve so much better.”
You glance over at his earnest expression and feel a little pang in your chest. “It’s okay, really. I get it now. Just think how close we could have been this whole time though if you’d just … I don’t know, talked to me like a normal human being!”
Charles chuckles ruefully. “Oof, so true. Honestly, I’m impressed you didn’t write me off ages ago as a complete lost cause. Clearly you’re far more patient and forgiving than I deserve.”
“Yes, I really am,” you agree teasingly, giving his arm a playful shove. You both laugh as you reach the paddock exit and emerge out onto the bustling street, taking in the energy of the crowd.
You jokingly elbow Charles’ side. “Still though, as dashingly handsome as you may be, don’t think you’re completely off the hook! I expect to be wooed and romanced properly going forward. No more running off scared like you’ve seen a ghost!”
“It’s a deal,” Charles says easily, looking thrilled. “Romance and wooing, coming right up.”
Reaching the charming little restaurant, Charles opens the door for you with a sweeping bow. You grin and step inside. Somehow, you have the feeling this is going to be the start of a wonderful evening.
No more misunderstandings. Just the two of you, getting to know each other properly over a delicious meal with the slight chill of the evening settling in around you.
And you can’t wait.
The next few race weekends are a whirlwind as Charles seems to do a complete 180 in his behavior towards you.
Gone is the shy, nervous wreck who could barely look you in the eye. Instead, he goes full-steam in the opposite direction, seeking you out constantly and showering you with attention.
It starts the following week after Friday practice. You’re standing in the paddock scribbling notes when you sense someone approaching. Looking up, you see Charles striding over, helmet in hand, usual calm confidence exuding from him.
“Ah, Y/N, just the reporter I was looking for,” he says with a warm grin, sidling up beside you. “Walk with me?”
Flustered by his forwardness but flattered, you quickly nod. “Uh, sure!”
Charles immediately links his arm casually through yours and starts leading you away down the paddock, journalists and crew members glancing over with raised eyebrows. You catch Natalie’s eye and she mouths “WTF?” at you with a stunned look. You just give a tiny shrug, feeling your face heat up.
“So tell me, what did you think of my lap times today?” Charles asks once you’re a few paces away from the crowd.
You blink, surprised he’s looking for actual feedback. You decide to give an honest assessment. “Well, I think you were sliding the rear end quite a bit too much through Sector 2 and losing time. The car didn’t look fully settled-”
“Brilliant analysis as always, Y/N. I knew I could count on you to give it to me straight,” Charles interrupts with a respectful nod. You feel yourself preen slightly at his praise. “Some changes to differential settings should sort that out, I think.”
He then launches into a surprisingly technical explanation of his plans to adjust the setup. You find yourself nodding along, captivated, as he outlines the various weight transfer issues and how he aims to mitigate them.
He’s speaking to you like a true engineer, not just a reporter. You realize with a jolt that he’s never gone into this level of detail with you before in any interviews.
“Sorry, I’m rambling a bit here, aren’t I?” Charles says sheepishly when he pauses. “I don’t want to bore you with too much technical detail. But you just have such a good eye and ask such insightful questions, I find myself wanting to really dive into this side of racing with you.”
He gives your arm a soft squeeze. “Anyway, let me know if you have any other observations or advice. I trust your analysis completely.”
Before you can properly respond, the two of you round a corner only to nearly walk directly into Sergio Perez, who’s heading the opposite direction. He does a comical double take at seeing the two of you arm-in-arm together.
“Ah, hello Checo!” Charles says breezily, not releasing you or missing a beat. Sergio looks hilariously confused.
“Uh … hello?” is all he manages before Charles is steering you onwards.
“See you around, mate,” he tosses over his shoulder with a wink.
You glance back to see Sergio frozen in place, staring after you both looking utterly bewildered.
The weekend continues in this vein, with Charles constantly pulling you aside to chat at length about setups, strategies, even asking your opinion on development directions for next year’s car.
He treats you with the utmost seriousness and respect, like you’re one of his most trusted advisors. It’s shocking and flattering after the cold-shoulder treatment for so long.
Whenever the broadcast crew has a break, Charles inevitably finds you and whisks you off to look at telemetry data together (which sends a poor PR officer chasing after the two of you with an NDA after the first time Charles decides to pull you into the garage) or watch video, going into painstaking detail to get your thoughts.
By Sunday, it’s become a bit of a running joke among the team, with people exchanging amused glances whenever Charles appears to disappear with you once again.
“There goes Loverboy Sharl, dragging poor Y/N off yet again to pore over spreadsheets and onboard footage,” Natalie jokes with an eye roll during a break, making the crew laugh. “How does that man ever find time to, you know, actually race?”
You shoot her a heatless glare, though you have to admit — as sweet as it is having Charles’ undivided attention, as a reporter the over-accessibility is becoming a touch much.
When the race concludes later that afternoon, Charles immediately finds you amid the chaos of the media scrum.
“Y/N!” He beams down at you, still sweaty and in his racing suit with the top half unzipped. “Come take a look at the race data with me? I want to walk through my lap times and tire deg, see if we can spot any areas to improve ...”
“Actually, I’m sort of totally swamped right now,” you gesture at the sea of people around you. “But maybe later?”
His face falls slightly. “Oh. Well I suppose I did already monopolize a lot of your time this weekend. No rest for the media?”
He gives you a lopsided smile but there’s a flicker of disappointment in his eyes. You feel a little stab of guilt.
“Tell you what though,” he continues, brightening again. “Come find me later before we fly out. I’ll have a surprise waiting for you.”
“A surprise?” You ask with a raised brow. “What does that mean?”
“Ah ah ah, no hints!” Charles laughs, wagging a finger. “Just trust me. Don’t leave without seeing me first, okay?”
With that, he leans in and unexpectedly gives you a swift peck on the cheek. You freeze, eyes going wide, feeling your face flame. Pulling back, Charles winks cheekily at you before turning and sauntering off.
Dazed, you lift a hand to touch the spot he kissed, feeling the heat radiating from your cheek. Did he really just … right out in the open like that … with the cameras recording live?
Glancing around, you see Natalie and a few other crew members staring with mouths agape. Toto Wolff is even giving you an amused look as he walks past, one eyebrow arched knowingly. Utterly mortified, you duck your head down and hurry off to find a quiet corner to collect yourself.
The next race sees the flirting and PDA ramp up even higher. Charles can’t seem to resist finding any excuse to drape an arm around your waist, stroke your arm, or playfully tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear. Every interaction has an undercurrent of flirtation and innuendo. And the cheek kisses become almost routine, pressed on you in front of other drivers, team bosses, cameramen, you name it.
“I can’t take you anywhere, can I?” You finally say in flustered exasperation after he ambushes you with a very public, lingering kiss on the cheek in the paddock one day. You struggle to sound annoyed, but a pleased grin tugs at the corners of your mouth as you say it.
“Sorry, ma chérie, I just can’t seem to resist around you,” Charles replies, absolutely zero shame in his voice or demeanor. “You’re lucky I have more self-control than to start making out right here in front of everyone!”
You gasp and slap his arm, scandalized, as he just throws his head back and laughs heartily.
Meanwhile, the double-takes and stunned looks from everyone around just keep coming. Even the normally straight-faced Fred Vasseur can’t seem to hold back smug grins whenever he sees the two of you getting cozy.
“Go on and get a room already, you two!” He finally chuckles one day as Charles passes by in the paddock with his usual arm draped around your waist.
“Don’t tempt me!” Charles quips back without missing a beat, giving you a roguish wink.
Soon, literally everyone in the paddock and broadcast team is aware of and commenting on the developing romance between you and Charles.
He makes no attempt to hide it whatsoever.
“Honestly, I think they’re the most nauseatingly adorable couple I’ve ever seen,” Jenson Button jokes to the rest of the broadcast team one evening as they all watch Charles throw his arm around you yet again and plant a smacking kiss on your temple.
“The honeymoon phase never ends with those two,” Natalie agrees in a wry tone, rolling her eyes. “It’s like they’re a pair of horny teenagers making out behind the bleachers.”
You just shake your head with a bashful smile and accept the good-natured ribbing. The truth is, despite Charles’ very public displays of affection causing some embarrassment and teasing from your colleagues, you find it hard to truly mind.
There’s an earnestness and joy in his demeanor whenever he’s with you that makes your heart swell. You’ve never seen him so openly happy and carefree as these past few weeks. Gone is the tightly wound, intense competitor. In his place is a warm, playful soul who can’t help but let his delight in your company shine through.
And you’d be lying if you said you didn’t find his romantic attentions flattering and thrilling. The way his gaze smolders when his eyes meet yours, the tingle of electricity you feel whenever his hand brushes yours, the butterflies that erupt in your stomach when his lips graze your cheek — it all makes you deliriously giddy, like a lovesick teenager yourself.
So you endure the good-natured eye rolls from Natalie and jokes from the broadcast crew with an easy smile. Because the truth is, you’ve realized how deeply you’ve fallen for Charles in return.
“You’ve got me utterly love drunk, you charming fool,” you murmur against his chest one evening.
The two of you are tucked away in a quiet corner, Charles’ back against the wall with his arms wrapped around you as you stand embraced, soaking in a few stolen moments of intimacy together.
“The feeling is mutual,” Charles replies easily, resting his chin on your head. “I’m not sure I’ll ever recover from this madness.” He pauses, absentmindedly stroking your back. “Honestly, I half expected you to get sick of me hanging around all the time by now.”
You pull back to meet his warm green eyes. “Are you kidding? I love having you around. I still have to pinch myself that you actually want to be with me after the way you treated me for so long!”
A flicker of regret passes across Charles’ features. “I truly am sorry for being such an ass before, Y/N. I hope with time you can forgive me.”
“Already forgiven,” you assure him softly. “We’re here now. That’s what matters.”
Relief blossoms on his face and he leans in to nuzzle his nose against yours. “Thank you, ma belle. For being the most patient and kind woman on earth.”
You grin, eyes fluttering closed as his breath tickles your skin. “Mmm, I wouldn’t go that far. But I guess I do possess some super-human tolerance for broody and aloof superstar drivers with commitment issues.”
Charles chuckles at that and you can feel the rumble of it against your body. “Lucky for me then, or I would still be utterly lost.”
His mouth finds yours then, soft and intoxicating. You melt into the kiss, savoring his warmth, his scent, the gentle stroke of his fingertips along your jaw. All semblance of poise escapes you when you’re pressed against Charles like this. He never fails to make your head spin and body thrum with want.
A polite cough from nearby causes you to break apart abruptly. You blink, dazed, to see Natalie standing with an eyebrow arched sky high.
“Hey lovebirds,” she says in a wry tone. “Sorry to disturb the sunset groping, but they’re calling for final broadcast checks in 10.”
Face flaming, you duck your head and extract yourself from Charles’ embrace. He just shoots Natalie a cheeky grin, entirely unabashed.
“Better get going then,” Charles says cheerfully, giving you a quick peck on the cheek. “Wouldn’t want you to be late because of me … again.” He winks.
Natalie rolls her eyes hard. “Oh I’m sure that would be a first. See you in 10, Y/N.”
With that, she turns on her heel and heads back towards the pits. You glance up at Charles shyly.
“I should … uh ...” You gesture vaguely.
“Yes, yes of course,” Charles says, squeezing your hands affectionately. “Work calls. Don’t worry, I’ll be waiting around the next corner to steal more kisses as soon as you’re free.”
You laugh and give him a playful shove. “Go on then, you impossible man! I’ll see you in a bit.”
Heart fluttering, you watch him saunter off before heading for the pits yourself, still feeling delightfully dazed.
This is really your life now. Surrounded by racing, the thrill of competition, the roar of engines … and consumed by budding love every time Charles Leclerc is near.
As far as dream jobs go, you think with a lovestruck smile, you’ve really hit the jackpot.
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kenntolog · 16 days
𝝑𝝔 an: i don’t really like this much :( im feeling so sick ngl reader is me i am reader, just need me a boyfie like sukuna here :((( anyways, i posted this because i felt the pressure to do it sk bare with me please!! i love you all <33 read more about cool bf sukuna x loser gf reader here!!
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so you’ve been silent through the whole day, which has been bothering sukuna whenever he was reminded of it. nervously checking his phone at practice every chance he got, which got his teammates interested in whatever the hell happened that got him so invested in his phone(only toji tbh). his mind being focused on you instead of the upcoming game which reflected greatly on his practice and made everyone worried.
sukuna just waved them off and continued calling you with no results and texting you, which also got him nowhere. so of course, he decided to check on you after being done with university.
no one answers your door, radio silence, which leads sukuna to taking out the poorly hidden spare keys from under the fake plant and going in, still uninvited but determined to find you. he calls your name a few times, walking around the rooms with a frown on his face. the sight that greets him when he enters your room is even more confusing than your silence throughout the day.
a big pile of blankets on your bed. the longer he stares at it the clearer he can see the faint movement of it — slowly up and slowly down, up and down. he approaches it, looking over only to find a tuft of your hair peeking out from under it.
“what the hell..?” he mutters under his nose while his hands tug down the blanket to reveal your face.
even in your sleep you manage to frown and you only do that when you’re not feeling well, so sukuna leans in closer, sensing the heat radiating from you, and touches your forehead with his lips, eyes widening at how hot you feel. “the fuck happened to you?”
you blink sleepily before opening your eyes and looking up at him for a few seconds. sukuna sits down by your side, hands caressing your face gently as he inspects your condition quickly, “what’s up, loser?”
you say his name, yet he can barely hear it before you start coughing and turn away from him. he can see your face scrunch in pain; his heart squeezes in his chest when you lie back and this time your lips wobble slightly as you mouth his name, barely audible, “‘kuna~ think ‘m sick~”
“yea, no shit.” he rolls his eyes with no real annoyance in them. “let’s make you feel better, yeah, baby?”
you nuzzle into his palm and he smiles gently at you… until you unintentionally sneeze right into it, leaving slimy boogers and gross spit, and sukuna’s eye twitches as he tries to contain his curses.
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of course, first thing sukuna does — calls his older brother jin, because the former doesn’t even remember the last time he got sick and jin always knows what to do, especially in a situation like this since little yuuji hasn’t developed the best immune system yet.
“are you sure you can take care of her properly?” jin asks worriedly from the other end of the line, causing sukuna to roll his eyes.
“have some faith in me, will you?” jin only sighs, barely listening to him as he writes down the list of various medicine and things he must buy to make you feel better. yet, he still catches his younger brother’s almost incoherent mumbling. “i can take care of her like no other.”
“then do just that.”
sukuna hums and presses end call, continuing to look through your kitchen cabinet full of different medicines in hopes of finding whatever the hell jin sent him.
you’re not a very obedient person when you’re sick though, he notices. sukuna can tell you’re still a bit hazed from the high body temperature and trying to sleep it off without any care, yet the sickness makes you more stubborn than ever.
and he can’t find it in himself to push you around when your body is hurting and muscles are sore from spasming in an attempt to warm up. so he just lets you sit on the chair in the kitchen, wrapped tightly in your blanket, dazedly watching him make you some soup.
he feeds you the soup himself, too, agreeing a little begrudgingly of course. you whine a bit with that pitiful broken voice of yours and he just gives in because your eyes are watery and your lips wobble, and he is just a weak man around you. don’t judge him!
sukuna is so caring, though, it makes you fall in love with him all over again. he’s a bit clumsy when it comes to cooking you stuff and making you curing beverages; rough around his the edges about his timing and maybe a little too annoyed with your childish antics, yet never showing it directly like he usually does.
watching your favourite movies and shows with you, when he’d usually just shit on your taste and choose something of his own(which you also eventually like, but nonetheless get angry at him). getting invested in them too — just so he can entertain you afterwards and take your mind off of your ill state.
not commenting on your messy state; sweaty hair sticking to your forehead, complains about cold when changing your equally sweaty shirts to clean ones, whines about the tea being too hot or the syrup being too gross(okay, that one kinda angers him he just shoves the spoon in your mouth to make you drink it since you wouldn’t do it yourself).
he also sleeps with you later that night, ignoring your warnings about him getting sick too :(( holds you tight, shares his body heat and wakes up every now and then to check if you’ve sweated any more.
needless to say, you feel a lot better the next morning!! all thanks to sukuna.
(also he gets sick a day after, but don’t ask about that pls heh).
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cherubfae · 3 months
holding hands || hazbin/helluva boss x reader
With Alastor, Lucifer, Husk, Angel Dust, Vox, Blitz, Loona, and Striker
tags: fluff, shy!gn!reader and implied masc for Angel 💕 crushing/mutual pining, pre-established relationships, blitz's relationship/intimacy issues (but we gonna get that healthy growth we need), striker's is a bit suggestive!
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You weren't sure the barrier of touching Alastor would ever be something that would be crossed and you told yourself that you didn't mind. You chose to revel in the moments of when he sought out affections and physical closeness be it dancing or if he suddenly tugs you in to tell you something. Alastor is not very privy to other people's space and Heaven forbid someone enter his without permission. Quite the contradiction.
Now, if he notices you're purposely not trying to give him any sort of touch or affection, he will get rather annoyed. You, darling, are the only one who he doesn't mind touching him. Has he expressed this? No. Will he? Maybe. Did he expect you to be able to read his mind? Quite possibly.
Alastor hoped to have made a smoother transition rather than just outright grasping your hand. Even he seemed surprised by his own action, static feedback chirping from him. His ears flick and the slightest sliver of a blush creeps from beneath his suit collar.
"I don't mind if it's you, dearest. I... I don't detest your touch as much as the others." Alastor clears his throat, his large hand briefly covers your smaller one. Giving your hand a little squeeze, he stands abruptly and disappears into shadow and darkness.
You'd never seen Alastor embarrassed before. How cute.
He's a pretty affectionate guy, especially once he's comfortable around you! His heart warms as you mindlessly play with your fingers, eyes looking everywhere but at him. The more you feel his stare, the more the blush darkens on your face.
"Take it easy there, sweetling," Lucifer's soft tone eases your senses. Pressing a light kiss to your forehead, he pulls back. He offers his hand, palm upwards, giving you time to back away. His gentle smile deepens when you slip your hand in his, his thumb brushing along your knuckles. Tugging you to his side gently, your shoulders brushing, you continue on the sidewalk towards Hell's finest local café.
While not one for PDA, Husk doesn't mind affection behind closed doors. Preferably out of sight of anyone who may mock and tease him for it.
He didn't however expect you to be sitting on his bed, thumbs lightly pressing into the center of his paw watching his claws go from being exposed and then retracting thanks to your gentle manipulations. He snorts lightly, as silly as you were, he couldn't be mad at your fascination.
"You're lucky you're cute, hun. If you were anyone else I may not be as nice as I am with ya." Husk smirks. Maintaining complete eye contact, you raise his paw to your lips and give it a soft kiss, grinning as Husk jolts with a huffy mrow. "Sneaky brat," he sighs, falling back on his bed with an arm over his eyes.
Angel Dust
You want to hold his hand? Which one, babe? He's got six! :) Angel is understanding of your shy nature, though he hopes you'll be able to be more bold with him in the future. He won't pressure you, of course, but he wants you to know that you can trust him. That he is capable of taking things slow.
"Is this okay?" Angel asks, softly grasping your hand in his gloved one. When you make no move to pull from his touch, a happy wobbly smile wiggles onto his face. He lightly leans his cheek against the top of your head, a brief sign of his affection. He can snuggle you more later, but for now, he wants to enjoy the day with his favorite person.♡
Intimacy of all sorts isn't foreign to him, but he's not used to someone so good, so pure. And he's certainly not used to that attention being directed at him. Any time you touch him, even if you only accidentally brushed past him, it leaves him buzzing. Craving for something more. He wants your sweet smile to be directed at him and him alone. It takes everything in Vox not to scream when you give his hand a small squeeze only to pull back, muttering apologies. Soon, he's reaching for you again, taking your hand in his.
"I didn't say that I hated it." Vox whispered in an uncharacteristically soft way. His eyes flicker up to your face, then back to see where his hand has dwarfed yours. With his free hand falling to your hip, lightly stroking circles there, he pulls you to stand between his legs. Your other arm slides to rest on his shoulder as his clawed hand curls around the back of your knee. Intimate but not forceful. There's no aggression in his movements. Including your head towards him, even sitting down he's much taller than you. Vox's eyes hold a silent question, one that you answer with that smile he loves so much and a nod, and his lips press to yours with your hands still joined.
Romantic gestures are a big deal for him. Big in the way that he struggles with them, but that he doesn't want it to be something that holds him back. Familial and platonic he understands, but Blitz is pretty damned confused with the fact that you want to even be near someone like him. He doesn't want to inadvertently hurt you by acting how he does. He doesn't wanna fuck up, but goddammit, he really does want to be near you. He wants to be able to give you everything you could need and more, he just doesn't know how. How to unfuck himself.
"Sl-slow," Blitz's voice betrays him with a crack and he swallows thickly, taking your hand in his. Ever grateful that you're the ones in I.M.P right now. This is different. Intimate. He's shaky, palms sweaty. His brain feels foggy and it's suddenly hotter than normal. He feels dizzy and like the floor may break beneath his feet and swallow him whole. The second you start to withdraw, he's tugging you back to him with a soft, raspy, "No."
Facing him now, your other hand slides up to his. Both your palms are pressed together. Blitz keeps his gaze on the floor, unable to help how fidgety he feels, even as he laces your fingers together, and leans his head onto your shoulder. He's not gonna let you pull away. Not yet. Please...
Lighting up a cigarette, Loona leans her back against a wall of some dingy alleyway in the human world. You had chosen to wait with her, both dressed in your human disguises, hoping that any second Blitz and M&M would return with the mission completed. Your sole purpose tonight had been to guard Stolas's grimoire and open the portal when everyone was ready to return home.
Blowing her smoke towards the sky, Loona hummed softly. "At least it's a nice night, huh?" She smiles lightly, grateful her tail was hidden in this form when you leaned against the wall beside her. You looked great; you always did.
A vast blue sky with billions of twinkling stars smiled down on you two. It was a nice change of pace from the hellish red glow of your home. This particular area of Earth was quiet. Peaceful, even. Nodding your head you smile at her, Loona swallows.
Her pinky finger lightly brushed your own, a gentle startled gasp leaving you. But you smile, albeit shyly, your hand taking hers. Not many words were exchanged, none needed to be. Just Loona smoking her cigarette and looking up at the stars.
Ain't you just the cutest little thing? You think he doesn't notice how worked up and shy you get when he's just finished wrangling in some dinner, with his bare, sweaty muscles on display. It's a direct, unvoiced invite for only you and yet you haven't taken him up on anything yet. Why?
"You scared of me, sugar?" Striker drawls, flicking his cigar butt into the dirt and crushing it with the heel of his boot. You look up at him with those big, beautiful doe eyes and adamantly shake your head that you weren't. "Then what is it, darlin'? Spit it out." He smirks, gold tooth glinting.
Cheeks heating, you gnaw on your lower lip. "I'd like to hold your hand." Striker blinks, clearly taken aback. That's it? You're getting so worked up like a nervous virgin begging for a thick cock because you want to... Hold his hand? He stops himself from laughing, he can tell that it's really bothering you. Heaving a sigh, Striker plops down beside you. Pulling you into his lap, his arms slide around your waist and he offers both his hands to you. He hides his reddening face at your back, the sound of his blood rushes in his ears, unable to focus on anything but how soft your hands are. And how well they fit into his. "Jus' do it then, they're yours to touch, ain't they?"
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sflow-er · 10 months
So many thoughts on the fabulous Barbie film, but especially on how anyone who thinks it’s “hateful towards men” clearly isn’t getting the message.
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[Credit for both gifs goes to their makers!!]
I mean... Ken’s arc is secondary to Barbie’s, and rightly so. This is her film, and her message deserves to be the main takeaway.
That being said, I just find it really sad that the people who could’ve definitely used the point of Ken’s arc just let it go right over their heads. Maybe it’s because they aren’t great at reading subtext, or because they just balk at anything presented as feminist, I don’t know.
Because to me, Ken’s arc is about as far from “hateful towards men” as you can get. It’s a multi-layered depiction of how restrictive, outdated views of masculinity can hold men back and make them susceptible to harmful ideologies that promise easy solutions for all their problems but only make those problems worse and hurt others around them.
The first layer is an allegory for real men don’t show their feelings. In the movie, this is represented by Ken’s need to look tough and cool all the time, and to keep his insecurities and sadness bottled up. Barbieland is a utopia where being happy is a social norm, and the main Barbie also starts to struggle with that. The difference is that she eventually tells her friends, and they all support her. Ken just puts pressure on himself not to look weak - in front of Barbie, or in front of the other Kens.
Which brings us to the second level: a competitive and inherently hostile view of the other Kens, aka. toxic male relationships. Some of them are friends, and all of them work together for a while to build the Patriarchy, but they don’t actually bond for real. Even their boys’ nights are mainly about getting back at the Barbies for all their girls’ nights (which really were about bonding). When push comes to shove, the Kens still see each other as competition, which is one of the reasons why the Barbies are able to play them against each other.
Another reason is the third layer: the idea that Ken only has value if Barbie loves and admires him. It starts out as unrequited love that makes you feel sorry for him...until he turns bitter. He basically starts on the path that could lead him down the incel/mra rabbit hole and into a mindset where Barbie owes him love and admiration and the relationship he wants in exchange for his devotion to her. He decides that everything would be better if Barbies were subservient to Kens, but of course that’s not true. None of the Barbies’ newfound admiration for their Kens is real, and his own Barbie still rejects him.
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All this is of course underpinned by the final layer, which is Ken’s lack of self-respect and sense of purpose. He’s got a pointless job, he’s not particularly qualified for anything, and he just feels kind of lost in Barbieland - a society run by successful Barbies who are living up to their full potential. That’s why he gets so caught up in the idea of the Patriarchy, which is supposed to make him successful, get others to respect him, and give him a sense of purpose. (This can be generalised to all kinds of harmful ideologies in the real world, e.g. the alt-right movement.)
However, the success he achieves is superficial and not based on any real passion; he even admits that he wasn’t happy in his new position and already lost interest in the ideology. The (forced) respect of others does feel good for a while, but it only goes so far. At heart, the whole thing is still mostly about his feelings of inferiority and unrequited love for Barbie, and instituting this harmful new system did not resolve those for him.
So what does? In essence, breaking out of all these harmful patterns and internalising the idea that he is enough.
He ends up reflecting on his feelings, finally puts them to words (or rather, song and dance), and manages to connect with the other Kens through those feelings. He even cries in relief and acknowledges that it doesn’t make him weak. He and Barbie finally have a proper talk, he lets go of their (non-)relationship, and he listens when she says he needs to figure out his real self. He starts to see himself not through his job, his girlfriend, or even his competition with the other Kens, but as just Ken, who is enough.
I honestly can’t think of a less hateful message to send men and boys.
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lixiepixiedust · 7 months
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Peach to my Mario
pairing — idolbf!leeknow x f!reader (From the Unveiling Love series!)
word count — 2.7k words
warnings — she/her reader, tiny bit of angst, stress, tooth-rotting fluff
summary — Minho always avoids showing affection to you in public which makes his friends and members worry about his relationship, thinking it might not be healthy. However, in private, Minho’s a completely different person. One day, he comes home early and takes the chance to invite you over. During a little gaming sesh, his members accidentally walk in on him being overly sweet with you.
It was just part of Minho's nature to avoid PDA. He never showed affection when you were out with friends, and he wasn't the type of guy to show you off or post you on social media, even on his private account. When you first started dating, you went out to dinner with Minho and some of his members and their partners. It was the first time you were out with him around other people. Whenever you tried to initiate any contact with him, he'd gently push you away and give you a look that said, "Not here," which, at first, bothered you.
This constant habit didn't go unnoticed by his members. They saw how he acted with you around them, which made them worry about your relationship. Some even talked to Minho, suggesting he show more affection, but he always replied with, "I know what I'm doing." This left them wondering, "Are they even a happy couple?" because that's all they knew. They were never shown the real side of Minho in a relationship.
You eventually got used to it over time, as he had a way of making up for it. When you two were alone, he was the sweetest. He showered you with love, and he wasn't afraid to show emotion. It was fascinating to see how different a person he could be depending on the setting, and as his girlfriend, you somewhat liked this duality. When he'd get home from an outing with you, he'd immediately pull you into a hug and smother you with kisses, becoming a completely different person than he was a minute ago.
You didn't complain about the lack of PDA anymore because you were grateful that Minho saw you as someone he could be vulnerable with. He wasn't afraid to share his struggles and ask for your help, and you appreciated the connection you had with him in this way. It was so rare for him to have such a bond with someone, which made it so precious.
One day, Minho arrived at his dorms earlier than usual, and it was a particularly stressful day. They were approaching a comeback, and the choreography needed to be finalized with a tight deadline. A professional choreographer was scheduled to review their dance, and they had to have it perfected by then. The pressure was especially heavy on Minho, as he was responsible for everything, being the main dancer in the group. Comeback season always brought a lot of stress for all of them. The producers had to handle the tracks, and they had to attend numerous meetings discussing potential concerts and promotions.
Usually, during this stressful and overworked period, he would be staying late at the company, leaving little time at home. So, it was rather unusual for him to arrive home early. When Minho reached the door of his dorm, he tossed his bag onto the couch and slumped into a seat. He unscrewed a plastic water bottle and downed it in a few gulps. Minho buried his face in his hands, threw his head back, and released an exasperated sigh.
He took his phone out of the front pocket of his backpack and texted your number.
"y/n, do you have a minute?"
right after he sent it out, it showed as "read," with an icon popping up indicating that you were typing. 
"yea, of course. is everything alright?"
"i just wanna see you. and no one's home yet."
It shocked you that he was home already. You hadn't seen him for two weeks, given how busy he had been and how little time he had for himself. So, to you, it was surprising that he had texted you. You responded with a simple "kk" before getting up and preparing to leave. You were wearing gray sweatpants and one of Minho's shirts, but you decided not to bother changing, as it looked presentable enough. After all, it was just Minho.
You grabbed Minho's keys and phone, locking your own door as you left your apartment. Even though you had a car, navigating the busy downtown Seoul intersections often took longer than walking. Luckily, Minho's dorms were only a few blocks away, making it a short five to ten-minute walk. Upon reaching his building, you scanned your keycard at the lobby and opened the door after hearing the click. Minho had given you an extra keycard so you could visit him, although his roommates were unaware of this, as it wasn't something they would necessarily know.
You rode the elevator up to his floor, which was located quite high up, just one floor below the penthouses. Minho's apartment was notably larger compared to the others in the building, as he shared it with three of his group members. You went down the hallway and stopped when you saw his unit number.
You gently knocked on the door, not wanting to startle him. There was silence, so you decided to try the doorknob, and it turned out to be unlocked. You entered, taking your shoes off at the entrance before quietly making your way to the living room. As you entered the room, you found Minho sitting on the couch, staring blankly at the floor.
"Minho" You called out.
He jumped, snapping out of his thoughts and turned his head towards you. "You scared me"
"Did you not hear me come in?"  You chuckled.
Minho shook his head, a small smile forming on his face. "I guess I was too lost in my own world."
You walked over and sat beside him, giving him a gentle smile. "Long day?" He nodded and leaned into your touch.
You wrapped your arm around him. "What can I do to help you relax?"
Minho sighed, looking at you with gratitude. "Just being here is enough. I missed you."
You smiled, feeling a warm flutter in your chest. "I missed you too, Minho. "
"Thank you for coming," he said.
"Anytime," you replied, snuggling closer to him. "Why are you back so early, hm? Where's everyone else."
"They're still at the company, working on their own stuff now. I needed a break from the choreo, I couldn't think straight anymore," Minho confessed, rubbing his temples.
It was rare for him to take breaks for himself so you were glad he reached out to you in this moment. You continued to comfort him, running your fingers through his hair soothingly.
"You know you don't have to carry all the weight on your own, right?" you reassured him.
Minho nodded, appreciating your support. "I know, it's just... sometimes I forget."
"Well, that's what I'm here for – to remind you," you said with a soft smile.
Minho leaned into your touch, his shoulders relaxing as he let out a deep breath. "I'm lucky to have you," he murmured.
The two of you sat in comfortable silence for a while, letting the weight of the day slowly lift off Minho's shoulders. You could sense the exhaustion in him, not just physical but also the mental strain of the responsibilities he carried. 
I gave a him a gentle squeeze. "Wanna play something?"
Minho looked at you, exhaustion still lingering in his eyes but a genuine smile playing on his lips. "That sounds good."
You made your way to the Nintendo Switch (Felix's, obviously) and powered up Mario Kart. As the game loaded, you handed Minho a controller, and soon, both of you were engrossed in the competition. The colorful characters on the screen and the playful banter between you and Minho helped to lighten the atmosphere in the room.
As you played, you couldn't help but notice the transformation in Minho. The stress lines on his face seemed to fade, replaced by genuine smiles and occasional laughter. It was moments like these that made you appreciate the private side of Minho that he rarely showed to the outside world.
"You're gonna lose so bad, Y/n, you don't know," he teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Yea sure," you shot back, a smirk playing on your lips.
The races became more heated, with Minho throwing himself into the game, making exaggerated gestures as he maneuvered his virtual car. Every time you pulled ahead, he'd let out a theatrical groan, clutching his heart.
"I can't believe you'd do this to me!" he'd exclaim in horror, slumping dramatically in his seat.
You couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Come on, Minho, it's just a game!"
But for Minho, it was more than just a game. It was a battle, a challenge that he took very seriously. When the races got particularly close, he'd lean in closer to the screen, his eyes narrowing in concentration. And when you crossed the finish line first, Minho faked his death right on that couch. He'd plopped onto your lap and stick out his tongue.
As you and Minho continued playing, the atmosphere lightened, and the stress from earlier seemed to dissipate. The room echoed with laughter as the two of you engaged in a fierce Mario Kart competition. 
However, little did you both know that the other boys had finished their work and were on their way back to the dorm. As two of them approached the door, they exchanged glances, wondering if Minho was still immersed in his work or if he had finally decided to take a break.
As the door creaked open, Minho was in the midst of a loud cheer, having won a close race. Your lips formed a fake pout, teasing Minho for his impressive gaming skills. Before you could utter a word, Minho grabbed your face and planted a sweet kiss on your lips. With a satisfied grin, he plopped back down onto your lap, his eyes shifting to the TV which displayed his victory.
His eyes were fixed on the screen, and he didn't notice the entrance of his fellow members. Seungmin and Felix stood frozen for a moment, taking in the unexpected scene before them.
Minho, still admiring his victory, suddenly felt a shift in the atmosphere. His eyes flickered from the screen to your face, and then he followed your gaze to the open doorway. There, standing in various states of shock and amusement, were his friends.
Minho's cheerful expression faltered as he registered their presence. He quickly disentangled himself from your lap, clearing his throat awkwardly and avoiding eye contact.
"Hey," he mumbled, attempting to regain his composure.
Minho's sudden change in behaviour didn't go unnoticed by them. The two exchanged puzzled glances, silently communicating their surprise at witnessing a side of Minho they had never seen before.
Seungmin smirked. "Didn't know playing video games could be so... intimate."
Minho's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he tried to brush off the situation. "No, just taking a break from choreo. Y/n happened to drop by."
You offered a friendly wave to the members, trying to diffuse the tension. "Long time no see."
"Didn't know he had such a soft side for you." Felix looked in your direction.
Seungmin raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, Minho, you've been keeping this hidden from us."
Minho avoided making eye contact with anyone. "It's not a big deal. We're just hanging out."
Felix interjected, "Alright, alright, let the man breathe. Maybe he's just trying out a new gaming strategy."
Seungmin smirked, "Yeah, because everyone knows that cuddling enhances your Mario Kart skills."
Minho sighed, realizing he was caught in a situation he couldn't easily escape. The members, still amused, decided to join the gaming session, pulling up chairs and grabbing controllers. The atmosphere lightened up again as everyone got immersed in the races. Amidst the gaming chaos, you felt a subtle shift beside you. Glancing at Minho, you noticed a small smile playing on his lips as he looked at you. Seizing the opportunity, you casually leaned against him, and to your surprise, Minho didn't pull away. Instead, he subtly wrapped his arm around your shoulders, bringing you closer.
Felix, ever observant, caught the moment and exchanged a knowing look with Seungmin. A mischievous grin spread across Felix's face as he nudged Seungmin, who raised an eyebrow in response. It seemed like the members were enjoying this unexpected revelation of Minho's softer side. Minho's hesitancy towards PDA seemed to going away slightly. He didn't shy away when you rested your head on his shoulder, and he even tickled you a little during one of the races. 
The night turned into a fun and lighthearted gathering, with laughter filling the air as everyone bonded over Mario Kart. The initial surprise at seeing Minho in a more vulnerable and relaxed state slowly faded, replaced by acceptance and genuine enjoyment of the moment. As the clock ticked away, the group decided to take a break from gaming and sat together in the living room, sharing stories and enjoying the dinner Jeongin had eventually brought. It was during these moments that you could see a different side of Minho showing the side that wasn't afraid to be affectionate in front of his friends.
The members of Stray Kids, who had initially been concerned about Minho's reserved nature in public, began to see the depth of his relationship with you. They witnessed the way he looked at you, the way he smiled, and the subtle gestures of affection that spoke volumes about the connection you shared.
After dinner, as the night wound down, the members bid their goodbyes, as you went over to the door to leave. Minho stood up, indicating that he would walk you home. The others exchanged knowing glances, teasing smiles playing on their lips. 
As you and Minho stepped out of the dorm, the cool night air greeted you. The city lights illuminated the streets as you began the short walk to your apartment. The atmosphere was comfortable, a companionable silence settling between you and Minho.
"I appreciate you coming over," Minho said, his tone sincere. "It's been a hectic few weeks, and tonight was exactly what I needed."
"I'm glad I could be here for you," you replied, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. "You don't always have to carry everything on your own, Minho. It's okay to lean on others, especially those who care about you."
He nodded, a grateful smile on his face. "Thank you,"
"Anytime," you replied, giving him a soft smile. "It was nice spending time with everyone."
Minho nodded, his hand finding yours. "I guess they know now," he added with a hint of playfulness.
You chuckled. "Well, it's not a bad thing. They seem to like this side of you."
He smirked. "Yeah, yeah, I can't escape their teasing now. They're gonna tell the other dorm all about it"
You squeezed his hand. "You'll be alright. Besides, it's nice to see you letting your guard down a bit."
Minho leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "I guess you have that effect on me."
As you reached your apartment building, you turned to face Minho. "Well, this is me. Thank you for tonight."
Minho smiled, leaning in to press a lingering kiss to your lips. "No, thank you. I needed this more than you know."
You both exchanged a loving gaze, the unspoken understanding between you deepening. With a final goodnight, you entered your building, watching as Minho waited until you were safely inside.
As you settled on your couch, you decided to check your social media accounts before getting ready for bed. As you scrolled through your feed, you noticed a notification on Minho's private Instagram account. It surprised you because Minho rarely posted anything on his private account, and he had never posted a picture of the two of you before.
Opening the post, your heart skipped a beat as you saw a candid shot one of his members must've taken from tonight. It perfectly captured the essence of the night – both of you smiling at each other, a shared blanket over your laps, and controllers in hand. 
The caption read: "Peach to my Mario"
Feeling a mix of emotions, you couldn't help but smile at the post. It was a small but significant step for Minho to share a piece of your relationship with the world, even if it was just on his private account. 
"Photo credits?" One of the comments read, from Seungmin.
As you liked and replied to a few comments, you couldn't shake the feeling that this marked a subtle shift in Minho's approach to PDA. Maybe, just maybe, the night had not only been a release for him but also a realization that sharing moments of vulnerability with you and his friends wasn't something to be afraid of.
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youraverageaemondsimp · 5 months
“Seven Above.” // Highly Religious Dark!Aemond Targaryen x Wife!Reader
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DD:DNE ;; Reader discretion is heavily advised.
WARNINGS: noncon & dubcon, forced breeding, forced beliefs, breeding kink, religious themes and psychopathic aemond, dark!aemond, misogynistic views, pressure to fit into the gender norms, forced pregnancy, multiple orgasms, brainwashing(?), mindfucking, + not proofread. PLEASE BE EXTREMELY MINDFUL OF THE CONTENT WARNINGS
Block the tag #MAE:DARK!CONTENT to refrain from seeing my dark works.
WC: 2.1k
A/N: fic contains dark content, do not proceed to read if you are easily triggered or find the topics mentioned above triggering. // dividers by @cafekitsune
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Aemond was a man of the faith of the seven
He was extremely religious, his mother’s belief in the faith has also made him follow it, though he studied about dragons and old gods of Valyria, he didn't particularly follow them. His need for impressing his own mother, followed by his grandfather made him follow this faith more.
The only problem? He was way too religious and strict, but also hypocritical, he had shamed Aegon for being married to Helaena, but also desired her for himself, he would taunt his nephews for being bastards, yet also had one for himself with a common whore he could not remember the name of. He doesn't acknowledge them as sins however, saying that they are forgiven by the gods as he visits the sept daily.
Alicent did not know what to say, for when she would speak to him about what he's doing and points out his wrongdoings, he simply ignores her and tells her that her job as a woman isn't to judge, but rather understand and nurture, to which she couldn't argue against. So she remained silent.
Everything was going the same as usual, until Aemond was summoned by his grandfather, who had selected a proposal for him.
“The woman is Y/N of the L/N house, a woman loved by many, it will benefit us if we formed an alliance with her family, what do you think of it Aemond?” His grandfather questioned, to which Aemond nodded, saying it isn't too much of a bad match considering they had more to gain than lose, and so the proposal was quickly made.
Aemond only saw you on the day of the wedding, when your house arrived in the throne room, where Aegon sat in the middle, handling the matters. You had not shied away from looking in his eye, to which he was caught off guard by, his mind quickly realising how you are the feisty type.
The ceremony went well, Aemond refused the bedding ceremony and took you to your martial chambers before bedding you. He was gentle of course, he didn't do anything that was too painful.
One thing about Aemond is that, you should never get on his bad side, he is cruel just as he is lenient, you heard of what he had done to his own nephew, to riverrun, to the strong house, leaving absolutely no one alive from that bloodline, no woman or bastard was spared.
The first month flew by quickly, Aemond had gotten to know you better, and he quickly realised that you both don't share the same ideologies on most of the stuff, you even dared to speak back to him, to which he excused you of. Arguments with him on small things have started to happen, his opinion contradicting yours, and his refusal to understand your point of view made you extremely unaccepted, yet you still tried to convey your feelings to him, hoping somewhere deep down in your heart that he'd understand. After all, you had grown to love him a little. He was far better than any husband, most of them didn't even let their wife speak to them.
That was until the topic of children had come when you were dining together.
“Wife, Have you gotten your moon's blood yet?” He asked and you nodded, “Yes, husband, it passed a few days ago and it is regular.” you tell him confused as to why he is asking this, “Are you perhaps barren?” He asks, which makes you feel shocked, and quite offended, “No! Why would you ask such a thing like that?” You ask, eyes slightly wide with shock. “Then why aren't you with child yet?” He questions as if you had any control over anything that happens after intercouse.
“It is only the second month, and besides….” You bite your lip and he raises an eyebrow, “What is it?” You sigh heavily, “I do not know how to ask of you this.” You tell him honestly, “What is it that you need wife? Dresses? Jewellery, do not be shy to ask, I am your husband after all. It is my duty to provide.” He rests his hand on yours, squeezing it in a reassuring way.
“I–” you take a deep breath, “I do not want children, at least, not yet.” you spit out.
It's almost as if everything had frozen in place, the air becomes silent with only the crackling sounds of the fireplace being heard. The tension becomes more imminent in the air as the Aemond continues to remain silent and not do anything, except directly stare at you.
His grip on your hand suddenly tightens, making you wince and you look at him pleadingly, “Have you gone mad?” He stands up, forcing you to stand up as well and you grip his arm tightly, not wanting to fall before balancing yourself, “Please- I am not yet ready, let me prepare myself mentally first.” You beg him and his other hand grabs you by your throat and pulls you closer to him, his grip on your throat begins to tighten, causing you to lose bloodflow to your head.
“I have done nothing except do my duty, be the ideal husband, provide for you, all while allowing you to express yourself yet it seems I was too lenient on you.” He growls, “Because here you are, asking me, to allow you to not have children. It is your sole duty as a wife and a woman, and you could not even provide such a thing?” He let goes of your throat, making you engulf a huge amount of air as you tried to calm down.
“Every woman is the image of the mother, she should have a natural nurturing personality towards anyone, especially to their own children, yet here you are refusing to be a mother to your own child or rather having one of yours, it is disgusting.” He says meanly and you glare at him, “I never said that I never wanted to be a mother, I asked you to give me time to which you are– hmmgh!” You are dragged by Aemond to the bed and thrown on it, you quickly lean on your elbows, fear gnawing in your stomach as you look at Aemond who seemed so furious at you, your heartbeat accelerated as he just stared down at you, like a predator staring at its prey.
“Your sin is forgiven, wife, I remembered how some women think they do not want children until they do, and then they become the best mothers and perfect wives known to man, maybe you are of that same category.” He keeps on talking, and you stare at him, confused and in fear, what in the seven hell was he talking about?
“It is no surprise if that is the case, luckily, there is a cure for that, and that is to get you pregnant, and I shall do just that, simultaneously fulfilling the duties as your husband.” He leans down and caresses your cheek. Your eyes widen when you catch his expression in the illuminating moonlight. He was smiling, yet the smile did not reach his eyes, Your stomach began to churn as goosebumps arose on your skin, he doesn't seem like the man you married anymore.
Before you could make an escape, Aemond pounces you and pushes you down onto the bed, you thrash in his hold trying to push him off but he holds your hands together and pins them up before grabbing your cheeks harshly and spitting on your face, “Behave, I'm treating you.” You began to tremble knowing he had gone completely mad.
“Let go of me! Aemond!” You scream and he pushes his hand over your mouth, “Shut the fuck up.” He tells you before grabbing your dress and tearing it off your body, the bodice coming along with it, causing your tits to spill out. He gropes and squeezes them, “I wonder how nice they'd look when they swell with milk hm?” He coos, before descending his lips onto your nipple, you use your now free hands to push him away but he doesn't budge, you try to pull him by his hair but he bites harshly onto your nipple causing you to let go of his hair in pain, he pulls away and looks at you angrily.
“Behave.” He says sternly and you flinch, never having heard Aemond use that specific tone before, it was extremely scary. “Aemond, please.” You plead him but he doesn't care, simply ripping off the remains and pushing you up the bed and prying your legs open. “You'd look so beautiful, all round with my child in your belly, I pray to the mother to bless us with a child.” He undos his breeches and your eyes widen in horror, knowing what is about to come.
You watched in silence as he lined himself against your entrance, prodding the tip at the very beginning of your hole and began to push inside, you shut your eyes tightly and clenched the sheets below you, a pained cry leaving your mouth at the stretch of your cunt by his cock, unprepared.
He soon fully sheathed himself inside you, and wastes no time before beginning to thrust, whines and gasps leave your mouth at his actions, you grip onto his shoulders as he jerks you up and down, you felt ashamed when it started to begin to feel good, your body in dilemma where you push him or pull him closer.
However that sense of choice is taken away from you when he grabs your hands and pins them above you, all while pistoning his hips into yours, “Seven above, I pray that the mother blesses my dear wife with a child in her womb so she may be cured of her sinfulness, I pray that the maiden guides her into realising how she should truly perform her duty as a woman, and may the crone remove useless thoughts and guide her to the correct path.” He prays closing his eyes and your eyes widen in pure shock, shocked by the fact on how he can pray in a situation like this?
His thrusts feel so sinful, and you're convinced you've lost your mind because of the fact that you are getting pleasure from this, his lips find yours in a passionate kiss as he ends the prayer, kissing your forehead afterwards and pulls back, “You'll make a good mother, I'm sure of it.” He coos in your ear before pressing a kiss to it as well.
You soon began to recognize the familiar feeling of a rope tightening in your abdomen, the telltale sign that your peak was nearing, Aemond's hand groped your tits, pinching your nipples and rubbing his thumb over them, providing you with additional pleasure, and before you know it, you are toppling over the edge as your peak hits you, arching your back and moaning out his name loudly.
He too finishes inside you, filling your hole with his seed, before pulling out, his face hovers over your stomach and you watch as he presses a kiss on the location of where your womb would be located, “May the mother bless us.” He mutters.
You thought that would be the end, yet you were wrong, you gasp when you feel his finger scooping up his seed which leaked out and push it back into you, essentially beginning to finger you, he takes you by surprise again when you feel his warm tongue on your clit, causing your hands to fly out and grip his hair as you breathed heavily.
His tongue and finger worked simultaneously, introducing you to a sensation of a new type of overstimulation, making you peak once again.
Time blurred together and yet Aemond did not stop, you've lost count of how many times he made you peak and how many times he finished inside you, but at the end of it, you surely felt full and fucked out, your mind filled with nothing but the thought of having his children, which he kept muttering over and over again, causing you to pick up on it.
“You'll be a great mother.” He pulls you into his arms as scoot closer, burying your face in his chest, “Yes, Husband, I'll give you as many children you want.” You mutter before finally drifting off to sleep.
Aemond smirks, knowing that he has now achieved his goal, now he can slowly start shifting you into the type of wife he wanted in the first place.
It was no surprise when you found out that you were pregnant with a child, only for you to give birth to triplets.
“A blessing from the mother.” Alicent beamed, yet that sentence only made you flinch.
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— !  ݈݇- thank you so much for reading! i hope you enjoyed it <3 comments and reblogs are appreciated greatly ♡
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sunkissed-zegras · 17 days
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❪ requested -> "please I need something about riding caitlins abs its taken over my brain" ❫
─ pairing | caitlin clark x fem!reader
─ warnings | blurb length. nsfw under the cut, read at your own discretion. ab-riding (gasp 😱), dirty talking, mention of being loud/kinda getting caught??? not really??
⇨ missing out on updates? check out my wcbb masterlist!
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your legs were sprawled out on each side on caitlin's sides, your cunt rubbing against her toned torso. her hands were gripping your hips, guiding your movements with ease as you let out soft whimpers, trying to quiet down.
you were both on an away game, and sharing a hotel room with caitlin made you unexplainably needy. everything she did, every little touch seemed to set your skin ablaze with longing. from the way she brushed past you to grab a towel, to the gentle squeeze of her hand as she handed you a water bottle, each interaction sent shivers down your spine.
and of course she noticed it, you could see the cocky expression on her face and the twinkle in her eyes whenever she caught you staring. caitlin was perceptive like that ─ she always seemed to know exactly what you were thinking, even when you couldn't find the words to express it yourself.
you tried to focus on the task at hand, to distract yourself from the overwhelming neediness that threatened to consume you every time she touched you. but every time you looked at caitlin, your resolve crumbled, replaced by a burning hunger that demanded to be sated.
so that's how you ended up here, rubbing yourself against her toned abs, desperately trying to cause friction as caitlin watched with hungry eyes. her hands gripped your hips tightly, keeping you in place as you snapped your hips against her torso like a bitch in heat ─ but again, you couldn't help it.
"fuck, keep going sweetheart. feel good, huh?" caitlin's words came out as a soft groan as she watched you closely, slowly wetting her lips in concentration.
"oh yes, cait," you moaned quietly. you tried to keep your noise to a minimum, knowing how thin the hotel walls could really be. your teammates were just in the other and you really didn't wanna be teased in the morning.
however, caitlin had different plans for the two of you. her fingers slowly inched closer to your stomach, slowly dropping down to your cunt as she began rubbing circles against your clit.
and that was all you needed to let out the most loudest moan you could muster, that surely echoed through the walls. your back arched in response, your body slowly edging toward your orgasm as caitlin smirked in response ─ you hadn't even processed what had happened yet, you were too caught up in your head.
"oh fuck, baby. you like that, huh?" caitlin's finger rubbed against your clit harshly before you felt the knot in your stomach thin, the pressure from her abs and fingers slowly accumulating.
a few seconds later you get hit with an intense wave of utter bliss as the knot snapped, harshly. it almost knocked you out, letting out another shuddering moan which prompted caitlin's hand to quickly cover your mouth to try and stifle the noise.
your hips slowly stopped, collapsing on top of tall brunette as her arms immediately wrapping against your body. she pulled you closer into her chest as she caught her breath, her hands finding your hair as she began to softly run her fingers through it, sending a cascade of tingles down your spine.
lost in the moment, you leaned into her embrace, craving the closeness and the intimacy that only she could provide. her heartbeat echoed in your ears, a steady rhythm that matched the pounding of your own heart.
before you could relish in the closeness any longer, you heard your phone buzz beneath you. caitlin sighed and pulled it out, putting on speaker as she answer with a breathless hey.
"you guys fuck really loud," jada's voice was loud through the speaker as caitlin smirked. you could hear some of your other teammates giggle in the background, feeling a rush of embarrassment. "like, i'm pretty sure you woke up the entire floor,"
"sorry jada, she can't help it," she responded before you could. you gave her a glare as she shrugged, the smirk still evident on her face.
jada's laughter echoed through the phone, teasing. "it's okay, cait. just try not to break the bed, okay. oh and remind me never to room next to you guys, like ever again."
you buried your face in caitlin's chest, mortified by the unexpected interruption. but as she wrapped her arms around you, pulling you closer, you couldn't help but smile despite the embarrassment.
"got it, jada," caitlin replied with a chuckle. "we'll keep it down. see you in the morning."
as the call ended and caitlin set the phone aside as you shared a knowing look, before bursting out into laughter.
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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i-am-hungry-24-7 · 1 month
I've just re-read my previous requested fic for tf 141 x reader with high pain tolerance, and I think we could extend this prompt (and as always you can take it or leave it, no pressure a yea 👍🏻)
What if TF 141 almost lost F!Reader again, this time she got caught by enemies and got tortured for crucial/classified information. While being tortured, you can't help but feel a little grateful that you have such an extreme pain tolerance. You finally managed to get out that place by your own (and of course after unaliving your enemies) and got back to your team. Men are worried as hell cause 1) you look like shit, like someone has just crawled out of hell (which in your part it isn't wrong), 2) the fact that you have extreme pain tolerance just make it worse
And when you finally got evaluated by medics, including clothes off, that's when they knew you'd have it worse than what they've imagined. Black-ish bruises almost every where, broken bones, dislocated joints, dried blood etc. It's heartbreaking seeing you like this. Probably some will have self blaming, guilty, rage, and other mixed emotions. Hmm imagine the heavy angst but also the massive comfort after that.
Thankskie 🦈
Summary: high pain tolerance F!Reader get tortured, after you getting rescued, enjoy the FLUFF between you and TF141
cw: very slight gore (interrogation), canon swearing, canon violence
blahaj, FLUFF, TF141*F!Reader
last req about high pain tolerance F!Reader
Oh, This isn’t great. You probably going to die this time.
You licked your chapped lips, the bitterness of iron is obnoxious, making you regret the motion and go back to try to piece together your memories again.
You counted the time when you first got caught, but after endless rounds of interrogations, your mind is too hazy to keep up the measurement.
With your hands bounding tightly on your back, chains and steel bars preventing your legs from moving, all you can do is just prey for your teammates to come.
At least you aren’t afraid, no fear of death, nor fear of pain. It’s always these moments that you feel grateful for having almost no feelings of pain, it makes you keep composed and adamant.
Well, starving kind of sucks though, you guess you’ll even devour those vegetables you hated and shoved into Kyle’s plate if it’s presented to you.
Your mind wanders, from your pudding hiding in the deepest part of the fridge in case someone (Soap) eats it, to how Price will scold your ears off for being too reckless when you’re back, until the footsteps outside the door remind you to concentrate.
Damn, you need to get out alive if you want to listen to your dear Captain recite the rules.
The door creaks open with the broad man stepping in and his dogs tailing after with weapons.
The cool water gets splashed on your face when the man stands still in front of you.
“New toy, yeah?” you spot the machete in the man’s grip
“Glad to see you awake, sergeant?” The man laughs “Seems like the mouth still works pretty well, I hope your mind is clear too so we can cooperate perfectly today.”
“Sober enough to tell you ‘no’, I guess”
Red pours from your shoulder the second after your taunt, and you frown slightly at the little sting.
“Fucking bitch still has a sharp tongue after these wounds...” He eyes down at you with a bit of disbelief.
Even though you can’t see yourself, you know you look like shit either. Burnings from the lighters, slash wounds from various tactical knives, dark bruises forming on your thigh and other parts after countless punches and kicks.
All you need to do is buy time, but even if you barely feel pain, you still will die from blood loss if this keeps going.
The rest of the interrogation is just adding more injuries to your broken body, and your consciousness starts fading.
You really want to take a nap... but will you wake up again? you’re not sure especially when another smash lands on the back of your head.
Just about minutes before you sure will pass out again, you hear the noise. Gunfire, yelling, screaming of a massacre.
They arrived...
“Go check what’s wrong.” The broad man gestures, and one of his subordinates walks out to
“Guess your saviors have come... now” You look straight into the man ’s eyes when he puts the muzzle between your eyes. “No time for playing, one last time, tell me the people gave you the intel.”
The chaos outside is getting louder and closer. Buy time, you tell yourself again, so you whisper
“Okay... Okay... I will tell you, please don’t kill me, please...” You sniff, and start sobbing while your head stays lowered.
“Finally giving up, huh? Tell me, I need their name, who do they belong.” The smirk on the man’s face gets wider, god, you really want to punch his face.
“It’s...” You murmur, and the man leans closer to hear clearly.
“It’s go fuck yourself, you bloody bastard.” You spit the blood on his face and grin like a maniac.
and the door swings open, the gunshot splatters the man’s blood on your face, but you don’t care.
You win.
“Hey, guys, long time no see.” You smile at your teammates after the man collapses beside you.
“You’re fine now, don’t worry, we got you.” Soap rushes to your side “Price is calling the exfil, Ghost and Gaz are outside making sure everything’s clear.”
“Thanks...” You melt into Soap’s arm when he unties the rope and carries you.
“I tell the bastard to go fuck himself, hehe.”
“Stop talking, bonnie, ye need to rest.”
“Did I do great?”
“Yes.” The gravel voice of Soap’s becomes softer as he answers.
“May I rest now?” you blink slowly.
“Of course, lassie.”
Getting the confirmation, The warmth radiating from Soap is too soothing, you want to tell him how much you miss them, but those words are unable to come out as you get dragged into a coma instantly.
Your eyelids flutter open, the familiar white ceiling is the first thing you see.
“Morning, bonnie, how do ye feel?”
“dizzy as fuck.”
“Sometimes I think you’re not human...” Soap laughs, but he’s worried, or worried can’t describe his mood when he saw your wounds as you were sent into the infirmary.
That day when they back to base, all of them followed you, and didn’t pay any mind about getting their gears off first.
You looked like someone who just found her way out of hell, beautiful face swollen, large bruises spread across your skin like some nasty paintings, and the situation was worse than they expected after the medics cut your clothes off and started their evaluation.
Soap couldn’t forget the rage swallowing him like flames when he saw what you went through in those days, the more wounds they spotted, the more tension in the air became more insufferable.
Gaz and he cursed when they saw the huge burn on your back, skin obviously inflamed, and when the deep cuts that exposed the bones revealed from the cover, he noticed Ghost clenching his fist to suppress anger.
Price stormed out of the infirmary and called Laswell between the medics surmising how many of your bones were broken.
“Wait...” your voice pulls Soap back to reality “blahaj! 4 blahaj! Where do they come from?”
“Price gave them to you, as rewards for your hard work. He said you keep rambling about wanting to have one.”
“awwww” Soap grins as he watches you struggle to hug all of them at one time.
“There ya go.” He helps adjust the plushies so you can get them all in your arms.
“Oh yeah, where’s others?”
“Price’s on op, will be back in a week. Ghost and Gaz will visit you soon.”
You caress one of the blahaj’s head and turn your face
“Thank you.” you grin “For coming to save me.”
“What are you talking about?” Covering his hand on yours, he looks into your eyes, without those playful glints in his azure ones.
“We’re a team, or more than a team. Ye think we will throw ye there and do nothing?”
The seriousness on his face infatuates you, you meet his gaze without darting, and finally, break into tender giggles.
“yeah, sorry, you’re right.” You chuckle “You know what? In that basement, All I wanted was to get out of there and come back to eat my pudding.”
“Yeah, I have one in the fridge.” nodding in excitement, you continue “I should ask the doctor if I can eat it.”
“Wait that’s yours?!”
“What’s wrong?”
“Ehhh...” Soap’s smile freezes on his face under panic “I ate it.”
Soap MacTavish gets kicked out of the room with a new mission: buy 10 puddings.
When Gaz knocks on the door and steps into your ward, you are staring out the window, but turn to him immediately when you hear his arrival.
“Hey, Kyle.” You wave with your better hand.
“Feel better?” The sugar-coated smile he has always provides you with energy, your mood lights up as he takes the seat beside your bed.
“mmhmm, not that dizzy anymore.”
“loves those sharks very much?” He points at the blahajs you squeeze close to you.
“Damn, they’re my new babies now.” You show Gaz each of them.
“This is Pricey, this is Ghostie, this is Gazzy, and this is Soapy.” Proudly introducing them to Gaz, you give the sharkies a few pats.
“Such Innovative names, hm?”
“I don’t think Gaz is some special name too, Kyle.”
You both giggle at the stupid names you granted to the sharks, while Gaz lands his eyes on your arm hanging mid-air, his laughter gradually comes to a halt.
“Hey.” He watches you raise an eyebrow when he calls you “Sorry.”
“Sorry for what?”
“Just...” His eyes stay on your bruises, traveling along them, and he hates that they lead his gaze to roam your whole figure. “We should be there faster.”
His brown eyes are full of distress when they meet yours again.
“Garrick, come closer.” You beckons, and he follows suit.
“Don’t apologize. When I saw all of you on that goddamn chair, I knew I was safe now.” You cradle his cheek in your palm “You guys are my shelter, my home, and I never thought the chance that my team wouldn’t save me, Soap said it yesterday, and I’m sure you’re the same, yes?”
“Of course.” His eyes soften, and you return him a reassuring smile when
“Time for you to go train the rookies, right?” Shooting a glimpse at the clock, you ask.
“yeah, time to deal with those troubles.” He stands up from the chair and looks down at you “See you, lovie.”
“see ya.”
You watch him walk towards the door, but stop after a few steps.
“Why does Soapy have a huge dent on his head?”
“Oh.” You pout “He ate my pudding, so I punched his shark since I can’t spar with him now.” another punch hit Soapy when you finish speaking.
Gaz mourns for his brother’s future with his whole heart.
“Still awake?” The gruff yet gentle voice floats into your ear the moment the door slides open.
“Been sleeping the whole day, LT.”
Ghost watches you shift, and lies on your side to face him.
“How’s the day, Ghost?”
“Shit as usual.”
“How about seeing me, feel better?”
“Feels worse.”
“Hey, honesty is a virtue but not here.”
He scoffs at your retort as he observes your face.
“The bruises on your face look smaller.” Ghost indicates.
“Oh yeah, my face! How does it look like?” You point at the hand mirror Gaz brings you, and after Ghost hands it to you, you open the lid.
“Jesus Christ!” you shout when the reflection shows you how shit you look like “I’m so ugly right now!”
“We all know.”
“Damn, if there’s an award for honesty, you will be the winner, Simon.” You throw the mirror back into his grip.
“Will you congratulate me?”
“I will give you an ‘I’m a winner’ sticker for you to paste on your mask.”
He chuckles at your banter, but you can sense his exhaustion, from his limp body to his half-lid eyes.
“You’re tired, Simon. Go back to rest.” You coo softly.
“I’m not leaving until you sleep.”
“but I’m not that sleepy now.”
“Should I sing you a lullaby, sergeant?”
“I’m afraid that my ears don’t have the honor the hear your beautiful singing, Sir.” you feign an ‘oh hell no’ face to him, but your eyes light up when an idea comes to mind.
“Hey, how about you lie on my bed? it can fit 2 people.”
“I don’t know you’re such an active woman.”
“Fuck you, Simon. If you want me to fall asleep then get on the bed right now!”
Sighs in compromise, Ghost rises from the chair and sits on the edge of your bed with a grunt, and you scoot inward to leave him more space to lie down.
“You’re like a bear, Ghost, I’m gonna squash into a pie by you and the blahajs!”
“Then throw those bloody sharks on the floor.”
“No! they’re Tf141 blahaj!” You pet the one in your arms when Ghost gives you a confused face. “This is you, Ghost.”
“The real Ghost is beside you and you choose him over a fake one?”
“I don’t know you’re that active, lieutenant.”
You smirk at him, he’s only wearing a balaclava, so you’re able to see the corner of his eyes crinkle at your words.
But Ghost must have some magic, you grow sleepier under his presence, maybe it’s his steady breath sounds like a lullaby, or it’s because safety he always generously offers to you.
“Sleepy now?” He speaks slowly and quietly as if he’s fear of scaring your sleepiness away.
“a bit...” A big yawn answers the question better than your slurry voice.
“Close your eyes then.”
You secure the Ghostie blahaj in a tight embrace as you follow Ghost’s command.
you feel light pats on your non-injured part, and you scoot closer to the bulky man, letting him lead you into a peaceful sleep.
Ghost watches you fall asleep, and he moves off the bed as gently as he can.
“Sweet dreams.” He chants in a low voice, and he takes other sharks in his hand, placing them closer to you.
Making sure the sharks are cuddling you, he leaves like a ghost in the serene silence.
You look down at yourself, ankles tied to the chair, blood dripping from the knife that’s barely in your sight.
Aren’t you already out of that basement...?
Is it all a dream? In reality, you’re still getting interrogated?
You try to fixate on the noise outside the door, but you feel the cold metal touching your forehead.
Am I never going to see them again? I want to see them again...
I want to hear Price’s praises, want to hear Soap and Gaz fighting over the last biscuit, want to hear Ghost’s annoyed voices at my frolic.
Tears gather in your eyes when you hear the click from turning off the safety of the gun.
“... geant...sergeant... sergeant.”
“Ahh!” You let out a yell as you snap your eyes open, which are wide with horror.
“Cap-Captain...” You pant whilst you recognize the person pulling you from your nightmare.
“Yes, it’s me, love. You’re safe now, you’re in the base, infirmary, remember?” He caresses your hair to calm you down.
Oh, yes, you aren’t in that basement. You’re back.
You’re with the people you love.
“Why are you here, Captain?” after you breathe steadily again, you notice it’s 1 am, and the aisle outside is silent.
“Just came back from the op, and want to see you.”
“You should have some rest, Price.”
“You mean I leave now even when you just woke up from a nightmare?” He crooks his eyebrows.
“Be selfish, love. I will stay here.”
“You don’t blame me for being too stupid and getting caught by the enemy?”
“Things went south sometimes.” He shakes his head “It’s not your fault.”
“Say it, luv.” He encourages you when you hesitate.
“I...” “I thought I was not afraid of anything... at least in that basement, pain’s not a big deal for me, starvation is bearable, and death... if that means I won’t lose to those dorks, then it’s nothing to me.”
Price gives you a grunt as acknowledgement, so you continue.
“but... I think I’m still afraid of dying...” You fidget your fingers “I want to see all of you again... I want to come back to you.”
“I don’t want to die...”
You haven’t noticed tears staining your cheeks until Price’s finger — calloused yet warm — wipes the tears away.
“We all know you’re brave, kid.” Price cups your face, hand barely touches your skin, must be avoiding trigger your pain, but you don’t care, nor you can feel the pain, you shove your cheek in it and earn a chuckle from the man.
“Your high pain tolerance makes you look forward to your target without worrying yourself, but keep in mind.”
“Don’t make us worry, you need to come back to us, we can’t lose you, just like you can lose us. Understood?”
“Yes, Capt.”
“You want to go back to sleep?”
“If you tell me a bedtime story, then I will.” the mischievous grin returns to your face.
“Greedy, eh? I thought those sharks could satisfy you.”
“I want your bedtime story too.”
“How about I tell you a story about how to become an attentive soldier?”
“Fuck you, Captain.”
You hit Price with the plushie, which he catches easily, and put it on his lap, letting you give the shark little punches to drain your excessive energy, as he starts telling what happened when he met Soap the first time.
You aren’t afraid of pain, and you become an undaunted person on the battlefield. Yet still, you now keep in mind that there are people who love you, and are worried about you.
You all are a team, a home, and a haven for each other, always by each other’s side, or waiting for others to return safely.
and it’s really nice to be able to come back home.
a/n: thanks for reading! and thank you sharkie for the request, I hope you will like it (or not too disappointed) !! :D
Have a nice day/night, everyone!
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Yandere platonic obey me brothers with younger sister reader please?
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Youngest Sibling Reader | Yandere Obey Me!
Before Lilith’s passing and the war that sent them to the devildom they’d been prepared to raise a new member to their family. Through much deliberation you do join them in their new life in the devildom but seeing as you are the youngest there’s a lot more pressure on you:
Whether you appear when they are in the devildom or within the celestial realm you are considered the youngest 
Especially with your generally smaller size 
Satan and Belphegor are considered older in every which way
“As the youngest of us (Y/n), you have to trust that we know more than you.”
“Which means you need to rely on us, so trust your older brothers.”
They can’t have you do anything on your own
What should stop you from also meeting some human or other being and trying to run off with them
They often don’t listen to you at all
Specifically Lucifer, Beelzebub, and Mammon
Like you’ll say, “Hey I can do my own laundry!”
And they’ll be like “No you can’t. Your tiny hands and tiny brain can’t comprehend such a difficult task.”
It’s just too easy for them to write you off 
Your cute little face and your tiny little nose and the little pitched voice that sounds like a toddler
They always come up with some logic that just doesn’t allow you to grow in any way
And then you have the others that can’t understand you because they just don’t hear you
You’ll say,”I read in an article about our monarchy being extremely barbaric despite the…”
But all they hear is “Goo Ga Ga. Can you pwick me up bwig brother?”
“Awww of course I’ll pick you up! An then we can dress you up in something to match me!”
“Hey what’re you even talking about?! Stop it!”
“Wow I wish I had a camera! These years go by far too fast!”
“Ugh Levi! Are you even listening?!”
Sometimes they’ll hear you…but don’t expect them to actually respond to you in any coherent way
Asmodeous and Leviathan are just automatically going to somehow misconstrue anything you say
They think you’re a baby after all
The only ones that seem to actually understand you is Belphegor and Satan
Both of which who seem to have gone through what you did or actually notice that you’re as independent as you are
“I kept trying to ask him but he just said I wouldn’t understand any of it. Even though I was the one to bring it up.”
“He’s an idiot. You can’t expect him to pick up on your genius. Which is why I tell you to only talk with me.”
“Yeah, but it’s folly to have only one person’s opinion.”
“Says scientists but I for one love only talking with you.”
That doesn’t mean they don’t tend to baby you too
“Can you blame me, you're a cute little calf. Pampering you comes naturally.”
“But can’t you see how exhausting it is. I’m old enough to want to have intelligent conversation.”
“I know you do…which is why I’m always going to be willing to listen.”
It’s a pain
But thanks to a nosy ruler that keeps the worst brother at this busy
There are so many chances to grow and maybe get away from these overbearing brothers of yours
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