#that cannot possibly be butter because that's butter over there in that egg shell
doggiefooditems · 1 year
Can Dogs Eat Fish Balls? Dogs can consume fish balls based on a variety of variables. Fish balls' safety depends on several factors. The dog should also be fed suitable fish balls. Fish balls may contain harmful ingredients or contain fried ingredients. .As a general rule, most canines can consume fish balls. Fish balls do not cause stomach or intestinal issues in dogs. Fish balls should constantly be introduced slowly and in small quantities. As a result, your dog will adjust to the new food more quickly, and there will be less risk of digestive upset. Fish does not harm animals or harm their health. Cooked fish can cause GI upset and pancreatitis in dogs. Seasoning can be toxic to dogs and extremely dangerous. Is it okay for animals to consume uncooked fish? Animals cannot be given fried fish. Can a dog consume fish meals? The amino acids, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids in fish meals help reduce residual fat. How long can a canine consume fish cakes? They are all beneficial for their health (although some may not agree). My dogs will enjoy it as a special treat. Dogs should never be fed raw salmon. Many salmon poisonings are caused by parasites called Mercophelea helminthoeca. Salmon contains small bones that can choke your dog. Cooked fish is only recommended for dogs if it is cleaned, deboned, and thoroughly cooked. Salmon eggs should not be given to dogs. They can contain much salt. Your dog may have difficulty digesting salmon eggs because they are high in protein. As a high-end product, caviar must also be restricted. Can Dogs Eat Fish Egg Sacks? Partially cooked fish eggs are an outstanding supply of nutrients for a canine's diet. A dog can suffer from nutritional deficiency. Fish eggs contaminated with food-borne illnesses should be avoided. Riboflavin and selenium are among the amino acids in eggs. It is possible to increase the protein in dogs with digestive problems by feeding them eggs. You can benefit your dog's health by adding eggs to its food. The raw egg white may cause a biotin deficiency. Instead, cook the whole egg. Rottweilers can be fed an egg daily to provide variation to their dietary needs. A yolk is an outstanding supply of amino acids, vitamin B2, and selenium. It may be beneficial to feed dogs eggs if they have digestive upset. Instead of raw egg whites, cook whole eggs to prevent biotin deficiency. Protein, riboflavin, and selenium are excellent sources of eggs due to their high digestibility. Dogs who suffer from gastrointestinal discomfort may find relief from eggs. Biotin deficiency may result from eating raw egg whites; cook whole eggs instead. Are dogs able to eat mackerel roe? The canine can consume mackerel as a meal. Besides offering your dog a wide range of vitamins and minerals, this fish is rich in oils and fats. Whether it's an additive or a delicious snack you give your pooch, mackerel can assist them in keeping a healthy diet. Can dogs eat sardines? Additionally, sardines are a healthy supply of nutrients and essential fats for canines. Sardines are abundant in nutrients, dietary fiber, and essential fatty acids. Fish like sardines are high in protein and fat, both beneficial to your health. Can dogs eat certain fish? Salmon smoked over an open fire is a popular seafood. Since shellfish feed on filters, they can contain toxic and heavy metals. Fish that have been deep-fried or fried in bread can have harmful oils and butter, which can contribute to nausea, vomiting, and pancreatitis). King mackerel, sharks, tilefish, swordfish, and swordfish are plentiful. Dogs Love French fries But Beware of Their Nutrition. It is best to avoid giving your French dog fries as they are a tasty treat, but make sure they are cooked thoroughly to avoid any potential health risks. Do dogs eat fish shells? For the prevention of gastrointestinal pathogens, uncooked shellfish should be boiled first. Shells must be removed from your dog before they can be eaten, tiny ones.
Fatty acids found in fish may reduce swelling and improve your well-being. A dog who consumes too much oil-cooked fish may suffer from GI upset and pancreatitis. There are various fast-growing fish that are frequently included in packaged canine food. A dog is at risk from fish bones due to their small size, brittle nature, and thin composition. Animals can enter your canine's throat, trachea, and gastrointestinal tract. Listeria and Salmonella can be present in uncooked fish. Additionally, it may hurt you and your loved ones’ friends. Fish consumption may lead to overweight in your dog; consult your veterinarian about suitable serving size. In moderation, dogs are safe to eat fish, whether plain, cooked, steamed, or grilled. Maintain portion control for your pet by limiting treats to 10%. Can dogs eat fish? It is safe for dogs to eat almost all fish, but certain fish may be more nutritious than other fish. For instance, the essential fatty acids in salmon can improve your dog's coat and skin. Mercury-free fish, such as tilapia, are also good for dogs. Depending on their needs, dogs can consume fish as snacks or in their commercial dog food. Fish should be a portion of your canine's nutrition. As a result, it has many nutritional benefits that support their health. A veterinarian may suggest giving their patients fish-based diets if their dogs suffer from food allergies or upset stomachs. When prepared correctly, fish may replace meats like poultry and beef . Dogs on a low-fat diet should eat fish on a low-fat diet. A canine that consumes uncooked fish may become ill due to pathogens and bacteria. It is not a good idea to feed your dog fish. They require a balanced diet to function correctly. If your dog wants to eat fish, you should feed it commercially prepared dog food. If you feed your dog fresh fish alongside his usual food, do so in small portions. Your dog's body may accumulate mercury from tuna, causing long-term health problems. Fish that have been fried or battered is safe to feed your dog as long as it has not been seasoned. Sardines are a good treat for fish since they contain a lot of oil and are high in omega 3. You may have to worry about your dog developing health problems if he consumes less fish or isn't prepared or fed fish. Raw fish contaminated with bacteria can make dogs sick, including salmonella. Frequently Asked Questions Can puppies eat fish balls? Providing the fish is prepared correctly, without bones, and cannot contain too much mercury; you can feed your companion fish. Can you eat fish balls? As with fishcakes, fish balls are made from fish mince, salt, tapioca flour, cornstarch, or potato starch .Asia eats fish balls as a snack or adds them to soups or hotpots. Conclusion Fresh Scandinavian fish meal is used to make the fish meal balls and whole eggs. In addition, omega fatty acids and quality protein are very nutritious for the dog’s skin, coat, and general health. Potato flakes are good for digestion and provide energy.
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samwisethewitch · 4 years
Earth-Friendly Witchcraft
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Whatever religious or spiritual tradition they identify with, most witches agree that there is something sacred about the natural world. We draw our power from the earth beneath our feet, the sky over our heads, and the air in our lungs.
And yet, many of us live in societies that are actively contributing to the destruction of the natural world. Most developed nations have a linear economy, which means resources are extracted and then sent on a one-way trip to consumers who will use them and then throw them away. This leads to overflowing landfills, air and water pollution, and quickly disappearing resources. The World Economic Forum predicts that, if our habits don’t change, there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050. And I dearly hope that by now we’re all familiar with the reality of climate change and its devastating impact on global ecosystems.
I’m not trying to scare you, but I do want to point out the hypocrisy of drawing power from the Earth in our magic while simultaneously contributing to her destruction. If we truly want to consider ourselves spiritual allies of the planet, we need to make an effort to live our lives — and practice our magic — in ways that are less harmful to her.
You don’t have to become an environmentalist or switch to a zero waste lifestyle, but we can all make little changes for a more sustainable life. There’s lots of information out there about how to live a more Earth-friendly lifestyle, so in this post I’ll be focusing on how to apply that same philosophy to your witchcraft.
Steps to a more Earth-Friendly Practice:
Limiting your consumption will automatically lower your negative impact on the planet. Follow my previous guidelines for avoiding consumerism to start shrinking your carbon footprint.
Avoid plastic as much as possible. According to the WEF, 70% of our plastic ends up in a landfill or in the world’s waterways, and according to Julia Watkins, author of Simply Living Well, only 9% of household plastics get recycled. Plastic (unlike glass and metal) cannot be recycled indefinitely — it can only be recycled a handful of times before it becomes too degraded to be repurposed any further. There really is no way to make plastic safer for the planet, so it’s best to just avoid it altogether. Look for tools made of metal, wood, or glass instead of plastics, and try to order things shipped in paper and cardboard when possible.
Create spells that won’t leave leftovers. One of the big contributing factors to our current environmental crisis is that we just produce too much waste. You can avoid this in your magical practice by crafting spells that won’t leave you throwing away a big ball of candle wax, herbs, and paper. Kitchen magic is a no-brainer for this, since kitchen spells are meant to be eaten. If you want to do a candle spell, use small candles that will burn up completely — I find larger candles are more likely to leave leftover wax. Making magical bath salts is another great option for leftover-free spells — just make sure everything you include is safe to go down the drain and won’t contribute to water pollution!
Forage for your own spell materials. One of the best ways to avoid plastic packaging and cut down on emissions from shipping is to use materials from your backyard! Learn about the plants, animals, and minerals native to your area, and take regular nature walks where you can gather what you need. Remember to only take as much as you need and to be careful never to damage the plants you harvest from. Make sure to carefully disinfect any animals bits you pick up — you can do this by burying them in salt for a full moon cycle and/or setting them in the sun/under a UV light for several days. If you find a dead animal and want to strip and clean its bones for use in ritual, this is a much more involved process and will require special research, equipment, and lots of time. And, of course, never eat anything you have foraged unless you happen to have an advanced degree in botany.
Keep a magical garden. Another great way to connect with the planet and shrink your carbon footprint is to grow your own herbs, vegetables, and fruits. You can, of course, grow food for your kitchen if you have space, but even if you live in a tiny apartment you can grow a handful of magical herbs in pots. For a list of common houseplants and their magical associations, check out this post.
Shop for spell materials at a local farmer’s market. Buying local is a great way to avoid the environmental impact of shipping produce, and it allows you to support small farms. Farmer’s markets also typically carry seasonal produce, which can help you align your magical practice with the cycles of nature. Farmer’s markets are a great way to find seasonal fruits and vegetables for kitchen magic, but you can use the produce you find there for other types of spells as well.
Trade paraffin wax candles for beeswax or soy wax. Paraffin, the material used for most cheap candles, is a by-product of crude oil, which is not only highly unsustainable but contains carcinogens (chemicals that may cause cancer). Beeswax is a sustainable alternative, and beeswax candles produce a “clean” burn, meaning it does not negatively affect air quality. Soy wax is a slightly pricier, vegan-friendly sustainable option that also produces a clean burn.
Use undyed, unbleached paper for your written spells. The bleaches and dyes used in most commercially available paper have a toxic effect on the environment. Colored paper cannot be recycled or composted because it will contaminate everything it touches. Use plain, unbleached paper for your written spells, especially if you plan to bury them in the ground or dispose of them outside.
Make sure your essential oils are ethically harvested. Essential oils are tricky — although they are marketed as natural, many of them are produced through unsustainable methods. Because essential oils are concentrated, it may take thousands of pounds of plants to produce a single pound of oil. This can have a devastating impact, especially for endangered plants like white sage or palo santo. Look for ethically-sourced, wild-harvested essential oils — these are oils that are gathered from the wild in ways that don’t hurt the local ecosystem. Mountain Rose Herbs and Eden’s Garden are two brands that are committed to sustainable essential oil production.
Instead of burying a spell in a jar, bury it in a hollowed-out fruit or vegetable. Many traditions call for spells to be buried in the ground. Items like jar spells and witch bottles are traditionally buried on the witch’s property. The problem with this is that plastic and glass bottles do not biodegrade, and will remain in the ground for years. Instead of putting these materials in the ground, bury your spells in a hollowed-out fruit or vegetable. As a bonus, you can choose this item to support your intention. For example, you might use an apple for a love spell or a spicy pepper for protection. Just make sure everything inside the spell is also biodegradable!
Keep a compost pile as an offering to your local land spirits. Compost is an easy way to reduce food waste, and it gives your garden a boost! Even if you don’t have your own garden, you can give your compost to a fiend who does or look into donating it to a community garden. When composting, it’s important to maintain a balance between carbon-rich “brown” ingredients (leaves, undyed paper, cardboard, etc.) and nitrogen-rich “greens” (fruit and veggie scraps, coffee grounds, egg shells, etc.) — you want about four times as much brown as green in your compost. Start your compost with a layer of brown — preferably twigs or straw to allow good airflow. Alternate layers of green and brown materials as you add to the pile. Every time you add to your compost, verbally express your gratitude to the land spirits. Your compost should be moist, but not soggy — you’ll know it’s ready when it’s dark and crumbly and smells like soil.
Make your own tea blends with loose herbs and a reusable tea strainer instead of buying teabags. Witches and tea go together like peanut butter and chocolate, but the individual wrappers on teabags create a lot of waste. On top of that, since many of these wrappers are dyed, they may not even be recyclable. Keep your teas earth-friendly by buying dried herbs in bulk and blending your own teas. Making your own blends is not only better for the planet, but also allows you to choose each ingredient for a specific magical intention.
Find ways to use your trash in your craft. This one is pretty self-explanatory. Instead of throwing things away, find ways to use them in your magic! Use food scraps from cooking, like carrot greens and potato peels, in spells. Turn an old shoe box into a travel altar. Add your coffee grounds to spells to ground them and manifest results in the physical world. You get the idea. Be creative!
Research different models for Earth-friendly living, like the zero waste/low waste lifestyle, sustainability, and the solarpunk movement. This will give you more ideas for a sustainable lifestyle, as well as a sustainable magical practice.
The funny thing about Earth-friendly living is that, the more time you spend taking care of the planet, the more connected you feel to it. I encourage you to try some of the ideas on this list — you’ll be amazed by how quickly you develop a deeper relationship with the Earth and all her creatures.
Of Blood and Bones by Kate Freuler
Simply Living Well by Julia Watkins
“By 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the world’s oceans, study says” from The Washington Post
A Sustainable Mind podcast
Practical(ly) Zero Waste podcast
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hadestownmodern · 4 years
Whole Foods and Grilled Cheese
You got Eurydice and Persephone at Costco. Here is the prelude to that: Orpheus and Hades at Whole Foods. This was such a wild thing to write and I hope it brings someone a bit of a smile in these hard times. -A
The bustling of the grocery store was not a welcome sight to Orpheus who had not expected the action filled morning when he called his uncle the previous night. 
“She’s been staying a lot..”
“Orpheus, I don’t want to know about your late night antics with that girl-”
“No no thats not- I’m not trying to talk about that!” Orpheus stuttered though he knew his blush was not evidence through the telephone. “She doesn’t eat well and she works so much- I wanted to try to make her some things.”
“Make her some things?”
“I want to learn to cook. Can you help me?”
“....” Silence, so Hades could hide the slight pride in his voice. “I’ll be there in the morning.”
The 8 a.m. knock on his apartment door, with his uncle demanding to get going for a ‘long day ahead’ had not been what he was anticipating when he rolled out of bed scrambling for pajama pants. 
The morning was nothing short of exhausting. Hades dragging Orpheus through the busy streets to a high end department store and making a beeline for the kitchen department. A long lecture on different pots, pans, and cooking utensils ended with Hades buying ‘one of everything’ and having it promptly delivered to Orpheus apartment so they could continue on their day. 
By afternoon, after Hades spent a small fortune to equip Orpheus with “the best of the best” for cooking, he would not relax on the ride to the local Whole Foods. 
“Amma says you should buy from Farmer’s markets…” Orpheus had commented, between drinks of a free sample smoothie that was a rather unsettling shade of green. 
Hades tried to hold back the sharp retort, biting his tongue and gesturing Orpheus forward in the store. “You can go to the farmers market once you have pantry staples, Orpheus. But you need a solid base. Spices, rice, pastas, flour.. Spices especially. Eventually you can make most of it yourself. You can make broth and pasta but for now, we’re starting easy. You need a solid start. A pasta dish, a chicken dish, some sort of eggs.. We’ll get to soup later. We’ll cover steak next week.”
“Next week?” Orpheus squeaks, eyes wide at the assortment of fruits and vegetables around him. His fingers lingered on star fruit a few extra moments before Hades deep voice pulled him out of his reverie.
“Yes, Next Week, do you want to impress the girl or not?” Hades is perusing a meat case, conversing with the butcher in words Orpheus cannot comprehend, taking brown paper wrapped packages and placing them in the cart. “We’ll start easy today. Scrambled eggs. Maybe a nice red sauce. Simple things…. What can you make now?”
“I can...heat up frozen chicken nuggets. And make grilled cheese! With tomato Soup!”
“Is the tomato soup from a can, Orpheus?” He isn’t even looking at him as he examines a dozen of eggs and places them in the shopping cart as well, before grabbing a few cheeses. 
“Then thats not cooking. What kind of cheese do you put on the grilled cheese?”  
“The little slices that come wrapped one by one-”
“Thats not even real cheese. Okay. No red sauce today. Eggs. We do eggs.” He loops back to grab an extra dozen.
Hades directs Orpheus through each aisle, taking time to pause and teach Orpheus about all the possibilities. Different types of pasta for different sauces (Light sauce with spaghetti, bolognese with rigatoni), types of beans to use for different fillings, how different flours affected baked goods. 
They were in the spice aisle, a deep discussion on the values of garlic salt versus garlic powder when Orpheus asked a new question. 
“So you need garlic and onion powder, but can add your own salt. I really suggest you use real garlic and onion but on grilled cheese or eggs this is easier. I also think freshly cracked black pepper makes a difference-”
“When did you know you wanted to marry Persephone?” He asks, looking up from his notebook full of spice notes. 
“...not after six days, Boy, back to the spice. Now bay leaves are quintessential to a good soup base..”
“I bought a ring!”
“And you should use real homemade broth, Persephone used those bouillon cubes as a nausea quick cure but- I’m sorry you did what?”
“I bought a ring! Yesterday. I love her so much, I just..I know she’s it for me. Amma always says you know and I know!” He has an innocence in his eyes that Hades doesn’t want to crush, but innocence too closely accompanies naivety. 
“Orpheus. You met six days ago. You don’t marry a girl because she took your virginity!”
Orpheus’ face turned the color of the canned tomatoes in his hand, the poet losing his words. “No! I love her! I know I do! She makes the world have color and reason and I look at her and see the whole world. I just imagine waking up next to her and holding our babies and-”
“Six days. Six days ago. You met her six days ago, stop talking about babies and marriage and focus on, I don’t know, getting to no her as a person with clothes on?” He grabs a handful of jarred spices and pushed on through the store. “Two years, Orpheus. We were together two years before I even thought about it. Now come on, we need to start cooking.” He ended the conversation, gesturing Orpheus towards the checkout. 
They stopped at his apartment to drop off and properly store the frozen ingredients, a lesson all in its own of proper pantry filling and food storage, before taking the car to Hades townhome, where Orpheus was already spending so much of his time. 
“We’ll do Eggs and grilled cheese. Scrambled eggs, you can’t do an omlette yet.” Hades decided as he keys into the front door, grabbing the mail on his way in. 
“Is seph home? Is she gonna try it-”
“Of course. You don’t have to impress her though. Even if it tasted like garbage, that woman would never hurt your feelings. It’s Junie you need to impress-”
Just then Hades pushes the door open, and within seconds tiny yet quick footsteps were audible, getting closer by the second. 
Junie, in her little purple tutu, ringlet curls bouncing as she ran, flew into her father’s legs with her arms in the air. “Daddy! I miss-ed-ed you!” 
He chuckles lowly, scooping her onto his hip and kissing her cheek as the toddler wrapped her arms around his neck. “Hey, Princess. Where’s your mother?” 
“If she’s the princess, does that make me the queen?” Persephone appears, long curls falling loose around her face. She somehow looks put together even in a sweatshirt far too big for her and flannel pajama shorts left over from last years christmas. “How was your shopping trip?”
He kisses his wife, tugging her closer by the fabric of her shirt. “You were the queen long before she was the princess. And it was eventful. He uses prepackaged cheese.”
“Well, I ate cups of ramen noodles and you loved me anyway.” Persephone winks, holding a hand out to Orpheus. “I hope he didn’t scare you, it’s sweet, that you’re learning to do this.”
“Well I want to be with her forev-”
He is interrupted by Hades voice, as he bounces Junie once “Hey Junie, why don’t we go set up to cook. Come, Orpheus.”
“Yeah, come on Ophie!” Junie gestures for him to follow, as her father carries her to the kitchen. He sits her on the chair at the island, before Persephone sits beside her and pulls her into her lap. 
“Why’s Ophie cookin’ daddy?” She asks, kicking her little legs before pressing her back into her mother’s chest, snuggling into her. 
“Because he’s trying to impress a girl, Junie.” Hades says off handedly, placing a loaf of bread on the table top. “Remember, Junie, if a man can’t cook, he isn’t good enough for you.”
“Noone’s good ‘nuff for me, Daddy.”
“Thats right, baby. Thats right.”
“Are you tryna impress Princess Rydice, Ophie?” The little girl asks, craning her head to look at him, standing in the doorway looking suddenly horrified. 
“Oh, Yes I am Junie, I love her so much and I want to make her happy!” He has a dreamy look in his eyes, looking off in admiration. 
“Are you gonna marry her?” Junie inquires, cocking her head.
“I want to, so badly!”
“Now Orpheus, we talked about this-” Hades grumbled before his wife cuts him off. 
“What are you making us tonight, my little culinary masters.” Persephone teases, resting her chin on Junie’s head. “I’m in the mood for glazed salmon with-”
“Eggs. We are making eggs. And grilled Cheese.” Hades shoots her a look, signifying that even this may result in ordering takeout late in the evening. He grabs butter and an assortment of cheeses, a carton of eggs, and some other small ingredients. 
“Thats not a real meal, daddy. Wheres the veggie?” Junie questions, resting her little face on her hand. 
“Orpheus has to learn not to burn his house down before we can teach him to blanch veggies, baby.” Hades shakes his head, but hands Junie a handful of grated cheese to munch on in the cooking process. 
Orpheus looks stunned as an egg is placed in his hand, and a small glass bowl is given to him. “Do i just..”
“Crack the egg Orpheus.”
Orpheus slams the egg into the bowl, shell going everywhere in both the yolk and on the counter top. “Oh..”
“Try again.” 
They do this half a dozen times before Orpheus can confidently crack an egg, and learns whisking skills with a fork. He learns to add milk and butter, salt and pepper. He burns the first try, and under cooks the second. The third try is plated, and slid across the island to Junie and her mother. 
Persephone gives Junie a bite before taking one herself. Persephone, either being overly kind or with overly low standards, gives orpheus a thumbs up. 
Junie, however, stares at the pale eggs and shakes her head. “Ophie you aren’t impressin’ any-body with this. You need salt.”
“Juniper! Be nice!” Persephone lectured, but hid her face in her corkscrew curls to laugh to herself. 
“I just telling the truth! It’s bland!” Junie defends, looking to her dad. 
“She’s not wrong..Just use a little more salt and you’ll be golden Orpheus. Eat your eggs then we’ll try the grilled cheese.” 
The grilled cheese does not go any better. 
“For the love of god Orpheus, you put the buttered side on the pan, and the cheese on the inside!” 
“He’s hopeless, Daddy.” Junie pokes in, eating the still uncooked cheese set out on the island. “ Rydice will marry you anyway Ophie, it’s okay if you can’t cook! Mama can’t cook either!”
“I made you, thats close enough to cooking.”  Persephone teased, poking Junie’s stomach and making her erupt into brilliant giggles. 
Orpheus is distracted by the sound, suddenly drawn to a future where it is a dark haired little girl laughing in the arms of Eurydice as he cooks a meal for his own family.  He is so distracted by the thought of Eurydice’s dark eyes on a child that he doesn’t hear Hades in the background. 
“Orpheus...Orpheus...ORPHEUS you are BURNING the toast.” He takes the spatula out of Orpheus’ hand and tosses the offending blackened sandwich away. 
“I’m sorry i’m usually not this bad...I don’t burn my own grilled cheese.”
“Because you use fake cheese. Now remember. Butter bread. Butter side down. Gruyere. Cheddar. Mozzarella. Bread Butter side up.” 
Orpheus follows the instructions, and this time, successfully develops a golden crust on the bread, with cheese oozing out just right. 
He cuts the sandwich in half and presents it to his niece/pseudo sister with pride. “Here you go Junie B.”
Junie eyes him carefully, examining all of the sandwich. “Pretty color..smells good…” She takes an apprehensive bite, then another. “It’s good, Ophie...but..”
“Whats wrong, Junie?” Hades muses, leaning down to her eye level. 
“If you were on chopped, you’d be chopped. But thats okay. My Daddy’s just better than you.” 
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Disney goes Veggie!
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Hi Guys
How many of you have a favorite Disney movie? Or have been to Disney land? Or have imagined yourself as a Disney channel star?
The Walt Disney company is one of the largest, most prolific companies in the world and chances are you’ve interacted with them in some way. Most of us watched their movies as children and dreamed about a day at an amusement park in a pair of mouse ears.
Now as adults, or almost adults, Disney world may not be as available a dream but you can always get nostagelic with some food directly from Disney movies.
Here is a list of foods to recreate from your favorite Disney movies
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Ratatouille was an obvious addition to this list. This is personally my favorite Disney movie. I even got a Remi plush for my birthday the year it came out. Ratatouille it’s self is an inherently herbivore friendly dish. However what Remi actually makes is not traditional ratatouille. But you can still make it. The following recipe is courtesy of onesweetappetite.com
1/2- 8 oz can of tomato sauce
1/2 onion chopped
2 tsp garlic past
1 small eggplant sliced
1 small zucchini sliced
1 small yellow squash sliced
1 red pepper sliced
1 yellow pepper sliced
4 Tbsp. olive oil
1/4 C. fresh grated parmesan cheese
salt and pepper to taste
Preheat your oven to 375 degrees.
Thinly slice all your vegetables using a sharp knife or a mandolin
Stir together your onion, garlic paste, and tomato sauce. Spread into the bottom of a 9 inch pan.
Line all of your chopped veggies in your dish. I started on the outer edge and worked my way in. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Cover your veggies with a piece of parchment paper slid just inside your baking dish. Bake for 30-45 minutes, or until your veggies are tender. Sprinkle with cheese and serve.
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Gopher’s Succotash
Winnie the Pooh, Winnie the Pooh, dah duh dah dah...
Ok so I don’t actually know all the lyrics but if the general tune doesn’t start playing in your head then you didn’t have enough Winnie the Pooh in your childhood. Now Gopher’s Succotash may not be the food that comes to mind when you think of Winnie the Pooh but gopher seemed to be the only one with any kind of workable diet. No friends, you cannot live off honey alone. Recipe courtesy of camillestyles.com
Summer Succotash
1 red bell pepper, chopped
1/2 red onion, chopped
1 1/2 cups fresh or frozen corn kernels
1 cup shelled edamame
1 small avocado, peeled and chopped
1/2 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
6 sprigs thyme
2 tbsp mint, minced
2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
3 tbsp olive oil
salt & pepper, to taste
In a cast-iron or nonstick skillet, heat 1 tablespoon of the olive oil.
Add the bell pepper and red onion, and cook over medium-high until crisp-tender, about 3 minutes.
Add the corn and edamame, and cook until the corn starts to caramelize, about 2 minutes.
Turn off the heat, and add the cherry tomatoes, avocado, thyme and mint.
Toss with olive oil, lemon juice, salt & pepper.
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Kronk’s Spinach Puffs
Well Fuck you Ezma. Kronk may not have much but he has those spinach puffs. Spinach puffs are and have always been a party favorite. Make this and enjoy before tossing a meddling old man out a window for throwing off your groove. Recipe courtesy of handletheheat.com
Spinach Puffs
1 (10-ounce) package frozen chopped spinach, thawed
1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese
1 small onion, minced
1 garlic glove, minced
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon chopped dill (I omitted because I dislike dill)
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 large eggs
1 sheet frozen puff pastry (from a 17.3 ounce package), thawed, rolled out into a 12" square, kept chilled
Preheat oven to 400°F. Spray a standard size 6-cup muffin tin with nonstick baking spray.
Squeeze out as much water from the thawed spinach as possible, too much water will make soggy puffs. Mix the spinach with the feta, onion, garlic, olive oil, and dill (if using). Season to taste with salt and pepper. In a small bowl beat the egg to blend before gently stirring into the spinach mixture.
Cut the puff pastry into 3 equal strips. Reserve 1 strip for some other use (such as Nutella Palmiers). Cut each remaining strip into 3 squares for a total of 6. Place a square in each muffin cup, pressing into the bottom and up the sides, leaving the corners pointing up. Divide the filling evenly among the pastry cups. Fold pastry over filling, pressing the corners together to meet in the center. The pastry cups can be covered and refrigerated up to 3 hours ahead of time.
Beat the remaining egg to blend in a small bowl. Brush the pastry with the egg wash. Bake until the pastry is golden brown and puffed, about 25 minutes. Transfer the muffin tin to a wire rack to let the puffs cool in the tin for 10 minutes. Run a sharp paring knife around the edges of the puffs to loosen before turning the puffs onto the rack to cool slightly before serving.
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“Hi Dad” Soup
How could I have chosen this over the leaning tower of Cheese-ah? The world may never know. Nothing will ever top the dancing Bigfoot from A Goofy Movie but the comforting taste of this soup may give it a run for its money. Recipe courtesy of serenabakessimplyfromscratch.com
Vegetable Alphabet Soup
1 tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/2 whole Large Onion, Diced Fine Or 1 Small
3 cloves Garlic, Minced
6 cups Vegetable Stock
2 cups Water
5 stalks Celery, Diced
2 cups Carrots, Diced
1 1/2 cups Potatoes, Peeled and Diced
1/3 pound Green Beans, Cut In Bite Sized Pieces
1 cup Peas (Fresh or Frozen)
1 cup Corn (Fresh or Frozen)
29 ounces Stewed Tomatoes, Diced
1 teaspoon Granulated Garlic
1 tablespoon Italian Seasoning
1 teaspoon Rosemary, Chopped
1/4 teaspoon Sea Salt
1 cup Alphabet Shaped Pasta
Salt and Pepper to Taste
Heat olive oil over medium-high heat and add onion. Sauté onions until starting to caramelize. Add garlic and stir until softened and fragrant.
Add all remaining ingredients and stir until well combined. Bring soup to a simmer and reduce heat to low. Cover and cook for 20 minutes or until potatoes, carrots and pasta are tender.
Season with additional salt and pepper as needed.
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Cheese Soufflé
This one was really tough. I mean you have porridge, you have the mysterious “grey stuff”, you have a whole musical number to pick from. But Cheese Soufflé seems to be the internet’s most commonly copied dish from the movie so who am I to disagree. To bad I can’t get you a recipe for a dancing candle stick to go with it. Recipe courtesy of thekitchykitchen.com
Cheese Soufflé
6 tablespoons (3/4 stick) unsalted butter, plus more to butter a 6-cup gratin dish
6 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 cups cold whole milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
5 extra-large eggs, beaten
2 1/3 cups grated Swiss cheese, preferably Gruyere (about 6 ounces)
3 tablespoons minced fresh chive blades
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees
In a medium sized pot over medium heat, melt the 6 tablespoons of butter and add the flour, stirring and cooking for about a minute, until it smells nutty.
Add about 2 tablespoons of milk at a time, whisking to combine. At first it’ll be super thick, but just keep adding liquid and stirring. You should end up with a thick, velvety sauce. If a little thin, cook and stir it for a few minutes until it reduces, or if too thick, add a little more milk.
Take the sauce off the heat and season with salt and pepper. Taste and adjust if needed.
Add the eggs, the cheese and the chives to the white sauce, and mix well to combine.
Pour into the buttered dish and bake for 30 to 40 minutes, or until the soufflé is puffy and well browned on top. Serve immediately.
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So there you have it, I’d love to do more so let me know if you’d like a part 2. I could also do some studio Ghibli food or anime or whatever you guys would like to see.
Let me know!
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gallantgautier · 4 years
That Gautier Family Meta That No One Asked For
I’ve been thinking about the Gautier Family on and off for the last few weeks. Dribs and drabs of little details that slowly but surely have been coming together into something cohesive. Today I wanted to spend some time collecting all of those headcanons together to give myself a nice little piece to refer back to, and maybe some fun reading for others. As always, I welcome any and all questions!
Margave Gullan Adán Gautier
Naming Inspirations
as a boys' name is of Old Norse derivation, and the meaning of the name Gullan is "battler, warrior". Gullan is an alternate form of Gunnar (Old Norse): from Old Norse gunnr "strife". Going with Rai’s Headcanon that the Fraldarius territory is loosely based upon Norway (albeit only geographically,) I looked to Scandinavian names for Sylvain’s father, as well as keeping similar “ahn” sounds at the end of the name. (It’s worth noting that “Sylvain’s” name in localisation fits better due to the inspirations for his name. However, in other languages his name is actually pronounced more like Sil-vahn. Just a fun tidbit)
 Another reason for my name choice comes from; “The surname Gullan was first found in East Lothian, where they held a family seat on the English/Scottish border. After the Norman Conquest of England many of Duke William's rebellious Barons moved north. The border became a convenient but turbulent no-man's land where the persecuted Many were given land by King Malcolm Canmore and later by King David of Scotland. Some were native Scots. In the 16th century they became known as the 'unruly clans'. The name was first recorded in Scotland in Gullen in the parish of Dirleton in East Lothian.”
Quite simply, the Spanish form of Adam. As I mentioned briefly in another post of Sylvain’s middle name being that of a biblical figure and translated into its Spanish form, Gullan’s follows that trend.
On the surface, Gullan is a seemingly cold man who never says more than is necessary. Each and every one of his words has purpose and motive, and he is not the type to lay praise on thick unless it’s either warranted, or strategic.
His purpose is to defend the border, a task he takes so seriously that his devotion to it can often come across as boastful. There are likely those who believe he ‘showcases’ the worth of his house, ever eager to ‘prove House Gautier’s usefulness.’ And indeed, Gullan is happy to allow that attitude to continue rather than spend time attempting to change minds that can instead be spent ensuring his troops are ever ready for another assault from Sreng.
Much like his youngest son, Gullan has a tendency to put up a front, to be as unshakable as the border defences. While this serves his purpose well at official business, war councils and formal functions, it does hurt his ability to be a father. This trait runs so deeply that he always put his duty before his family, which extends to ensuring his son can take up the mantle after him, and thus his reliance on his family Crest. (See “Crest of Gautier, Lance of Ruin and other details” further below.)
 Margravine Eloise Ambre Gautier
Naming Inspirations
I didn’t think too deeply about choosing this name. I just like it. Sue me.
Personality/details of note
Eloise is a person of striking contrast to her husband. She is softly spoken, warm and kind-hearted. That said, in regard to her family and the expectations placed upon them, she often finds her hands tied in what she can actually do for her children. She would have loved nothing more than to coddle them but knew that would only harm them in the long run.
Eloise’s health has never been the greatest, little energy and of low appetite. Pregnancy and childbirth were great ordeals for her, which is why they stopped having children after Sylvain. A family that places such importance on passing on their Crest wouldn’t reasonably – I believe – stop at only one.
 Miklan Anschutz Gautier
Naming Inspirations
Sadly, after much googling, I can’t find anything. This appears to just be a case of “let’s make a name similar to yet distinct from his brother” style of name choice.
Not to copy paste some previous things I talked about but “North German (Anschütz): occupational name for someone whose job was to keep a dam or pool filled with water (German anschützen ‘to fill up’), especially a dam above a water channel serving a mill or mine.” TL;DR: He’s a placeholder.
Personality/details of note
Long story short, Miklan was a monster before he got his hands upon the Lance of Ruin.
Short story lengthened; Miklan is a jealous, entitled person without much in the way of a moral compass. There is only one reason he hates his brother, the fact that Sylvain has a Crest and he does not. Children of noble families are tested upon birth to see if they bare one, at least, that’s what Sylvain tells us. It’s possible that only his family does this, and he believes all families are like that, or that some or many families do that, but not all. Still, it’s reasonable to believe that at least House Gautier tests their children for Crest Inheritance at birth.
What kind of person hates a baby? Enough to want them dead and even attempt to kill them himself? Someone who lacks a moral compass.
On that same train of thought, Miklan was disinherited (not disowned) only three years prior to the events of the game. This means that, while he would never be the head of House, he was still in line to inherit something. Perhaps not lands and prestige, but he would have been able to live comfortably. He would have this regardless of being Crestless, and yet, the fact that he wouldn’t have everything is enough to drive him to multiple attempts to murder his brother. It’s difficult to think that this man has any redeeming qualities, considering that fact.
 Sylvain Jose Gautier
Information regarding the origins of Sylvain’s name and its meanings are all over both the wiki and this blog, as is the case with aspects of his personality, so I’m not going to get too into detail about those. Instead, I’m just going to list some fun tibits about his early life.
As a very young child, Sylvain was actually very shy, he was often found hiding behind his mother’s skirts. He didn’t like the way people would look at him, though at the time he didn’t understand it was because of his Crest. It was largely Glenn’s encouragement that got him out of his shell.
 For a long time, he didn’t really know how food worked. That is, he thought all you had to do was place the ingredients in a bowl, put it in the oven, and five minutes later, out comes food. The kitchen staff once caught him trying to place a glass bowl full of flour, too much sugar, an entire stick of butter and three whole eggs (yes, whole, 100% intact) into the oven. He wanted to make a cake for his mother’s birthday.
As seen in Etude and Learning the Melody, Sylvain took piano lessons as a child and had no small amount of talent for it. He gave it up though, believing his family’s encouragement came only from a place of wanting him to have whatever he wants on account of his Crest and not from a place of love.
 Crest of Gautier and the Lance of Ruin
The Crest
Crests are often seen as a status symbol in Fódlan, and it would be reasonable to think that House Gautier is of the same opinion. This is an attitude that Gullan perpetrates in order to secure a successful marriage for his son to pass on his Crest. In truth, however, the importance of the Crest of Gautier is solely to ensure that the Lance of Ruin can continue to be wielded.
Lance of Ruin
Heroes Relics are weapons of incredible power, and the Lance has been used to defend the border with Sreng. The reliance on the weapon to do the task stems from how the Lance has likely become a symbol of ruin to the Srengi people. In fact, the question has been asked; “Why is it that all the Relics have actual names like Areadbhar and Failnaught, and yet only two are Sword of the Creator and Lance of Ruin?” While I cannot speak for the Sword, I believe that the Lance once had a name that was slowly lost to time, gaining its new moniker some years after the formation of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus when it was brought to bear against Sreng.
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hookedonapirate · 6 years
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A Birthday Surprise
Summary: It’s bad enough Emma was goaded into helping her college roommate throw a surprise birthday party for her boyfriend who Emma hasn’t gotten along with since they’d met. It’s even worse when he accidentally walks in on her in the shower thinking she’s said roommate. Talk about a birthday surprise he’ll never forget…
A/N: This was meant to be a birthday gift for my dear friend @rouhn and it’s way early, but I decided to post the first half to cheer her up. I hope it at least makes you smile, and I hope you can find inspiration to finish your story, Lydia!
Thank you @resident-of-storybrooke and @teamhook for taking a look at it and for all of your help!
Starts with Millian, but definitely ends with Captain Swan.
Rated: Explicit
Also available on: AO3 FF.N
Part 1/3
“Crap! We’re out of milk.”
Emma casually shrugs in the entryway sipping her mug of cocoa and cinnamon, indulging in the sugary hot liquid as she watches her roommate frantically run around the kitchen making pancakes. Milah’s trying to at least.
“How can we be out of milk?!”
There’s butter smudged on the countertop, there’s white flour dusted all over everything, including her angry friend and a spot on the floor where Emma can assume Milah tried to clean up a broken egg based on the smeared yolk, glop of egg white and remnants of egg shells.
“Do you need any help?”
“No, I told you I can do this on my own!” Milah shrieks in vexation. “I don't need any help. It's Killian’s birthday and I'm perfectly capable of making him chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast on my own, without your assistance,” she insists, adding some ingredients in the bowl, her pale features twisted in disapproval at her unfinished concoction. “I just need to get some milk.”
Emma responds with an eye roll, because how could someone forget an important, yet basic ingredient such as milk? Okay and there may be several other reasons to be annoyed.
For weeks, Milah’s been droning on and on about doing something special for the guy she's been seeing for four months now. And although Emma's been helping her plan his birthday party, adding her input with every last detail—the decorations, the food (not to mention the pirate ship cake she picked out), the invites and even what gift to get him (she unfortunately knows the man better than his own girlfriend does)—Milah won't let Emma help make him breakfast. Don't ask her why because she has yet to fathom a reason.
Milah can't even cook a box of macaroni and cheese, which is why the task of making most of the meals is always left to Emma. But Milah wants this day to be special, and absolutely insisted on making pancakes by herself. So, Emma just leans back and watches her roommate make a complete fool out of herself.
“You know, you could've just made pancakes from a box. They probably would've turned out better anyways,” Emma teases waggishly.
Milah flashes a scowl and sets the mixing spoon down to pick up a rag and wipe off her mess from the counter. “I'm going to the store to get some milk. Killian’s supposed to be here in twenty minutes, but if he does arrive before I do, I'm sure you could occupy him until I get back?” Milah drops the rag and approaches Emma, clasping her hands together, her lips forming a pout. “You two can get along for two seconds, right?”
Emma emits an exasperated sigh as she turns around, making her way out of the kitchen. “Consider him occupied,” she assures her roommate, and at the same time, she's anxious to hop in the shower because she really doesn't want to be seen by him in her current state. She may hate the man's guts but the thought of him looking all gorgeous and cleaned up while she’s in her bathrobe with no makeup and her hair a disheveled disaster—well, she just can't give him that kind of satisfaction.
“Oh, and can I take your car? Mine’s on empty.”
“Go for it. The keys are in my purse,” Emma replies dimly and proceeds down the hallway, wishing this day would fly be as quickly and painlessly as possible.
“Thank you, Em! I'll be right back!” Milah calls out, and with the jangling of Emma’s keys and the door flying shut behind her, Emma is left to her own devices and traipses into the bathroom, turning on the shower.
Seriously though, is the guy worth all of this trouble? He's just a man Milah will probably grow sick of after a few more months anyway. During the year she and Emma have been roommates, Milah has gone through five short-lived relationships that ended badly (on his end at least). Milah is always way less involved in the relationship than the guy is, so when she cuts him loose, she wipes her hands of him and literally has another man in her sheets the very next night. So really, Emma doesn't know why her roommate is going to all this trouble for this one guy. And if Emma is being honest, she feels sorry for Killian even though she cannot stand him. He's smug and cocky and overall a huge pain in the ass. He hangs around the apartment way too much and she can't understand why they don't go to his place more often. And the reasons she hates him has nothing to do with the fact that Emma had met him before Milah did. No, she had reasoned a while ago that she hated him the moment she’d met him.
• • • •
It’s a Monday morning during her second semester of junior year at the University of Camelot as Emma hurries across the campus with her bag of textbooks slinging over her shoulder. It had rained overnight, so the grass is slippery and wet, and there are puddles scattered among the parking lots in front of the various buildings. In retrospect, she should've rethought her outfit as soon as she walked outside and stepped onto the wet concrete, considering she’s wearing her favorite sweater—a white Camille that her mother had gifted her for Emma’s nineteenth birthday—but she takes her chances and plunges through it, her long, golden curls bouncing behind her. The boots she’s wearing are receiving the rough end of it anyway, collecting mud around the edges, but they’re old and tattered so she’s not too concerned.
She’s crossing a small parking lot in front of Cricket Hall, the psychology building, when she's nearly run over by a motorcycle, dodging and falling in a puddle and dropping her bag in the process.
Emma curses, utterly humiliated as she struggles to get up, but the sound of the motorcycle cuts off and there's suddenly a hand being extended to her and bright blue eyes looking down at her. All of the air leaves her lungs and she can't do anything but take in the black leather, dark unruly hair and rough scruff on the sharply shaped jaw of the man who has almost run her down with his stupid bike.
“My apologies, love. I didn't see you.” His sultry British accent and kind words tear Emma from the trance she's fallen into and she shakes it off, not accepting his help as she tries to push herself up. But she's all wet and the ground is too slick, so she falls again splashing in the mud and huffs in frustration. This time, she reluctantly accepts his assistance because, well to be blunt, her dignity’s already been thrown out the window, and she's covered in mud so there's really no way to amend the situation at this point. She takes the offered hand, and the contact sends a bolt of electricity through her body.
He pulls her up as she grumbles under her breath, and when she's finally standing, she quickly releases his hand and peers down at herself to assess the damage. Her favorite sweater is completely ruined. “Shit! Look what you did! I'm covered in mud, my bag and the sweater my mother gave me are ruined and I was supposed to be in class two minutes ago! How am I supposed to show up late, or at all for that matter, looking like this?!”
Emma's expecting another heartfelt apology or for him to at least sound like he's sorry for ruining her clothes or her bag (Shit! Her books are probably ruined too!), but to her chagrin, he only picks up her bag, a scowl settled in his handsome features as he holds it out for her to take. “Like I said, I didn't see you.”
“Yeah, well maybe you would've if you were watching where the hell you were going.” Emma snags the bag from his hand and unzips it peeking inside and pulling out a book that is now drenched from the mud puddle.
The guy only shrugs and replies with, “Yeah well maybe you should watch where you’re going,” before he leaves her fuming with anger.
“You owe me two new school books!” she shouts after him, but he keeps walking away, “and a new sweater!”
“I’ll get right on that, love!” he calls back, increasing the distance between them.
Emma is furious as she watches him casually sashay across the lawn, as if he didn’t just almost run her over with his damn motorcycle.
“I’m not your love!”
He whips around and lifts a flirty brow, throwing a wink and that big stupid grin as though to argue with her statement before turning and proceeding his trek.
• • • •
Stupid bastard.
He never did replace her books, Emma thinks resentfully. Untying her robe, she lets the satin fabric fall from her naked body and hangs it up on the hook before stepping into the shower. It’s hot and steamy, but it feels soothing on her skin as she dips her head back to get her hair wet, running her hands through the golden tresses.
Flashbacks of her early encounters with Killian flicker through her mind as she appreciates the peaceful shower time that doesn’t involve annoying roommates barging in to steal her hairbrush or blow dryer and then using the items in the bathroom while Emma’s still showering. Needless to say, Emma appreciates the quiet moments.
The campus is not even that big, considering the small college town, but Emma had managed to run into Killian several times after he’d almost taken her down with his bike—the library, the cafeteria, the student center—and neither of them were any more pleasant.
“Oh look; it’s the douchebag who hit me with his motorcycle,” she would remark, and he’d always respond with a sardonic grin and make the comment, “Oh look; it’s the lass who couldn’t watch where she was going. I better steer clear and make way for the enchanting princess,” he always teased, whirling his hands around in a worshipping gesture to which she reacted with an exaggerated eye roll.
For the better part of the previous semester, Killian was like a moth to a flame or one of those annoying gnats buzzing around in her ear that wouldn’t go away, but somehow he’d managed to grow on her. Not that she would ever admit it to his face. She guesses it all started when she’d helped him get rid of a girl he wasn’t interested in by pretending to be his girlfriend for a whole five minutes at a party.
• • • •
“Well, well, love; I guess you are good for some things after all,” he taunts sarcastically as Emma removes her hand from his and pushes him away, while cursing under her breath. She really needs some alcohol right now. To think, she could've had the luxury of being in her own home, studying for finals, but instead she went to this party in hopes of forgetting about her upcoming exams on a Friday night before being holed up in her apartment, studying all weekend.
Heading for the beer keg, Killian is hot on her heels, following behind her like a lost puppy dog begging for a bone. She accepts a red solo cup filled with beer that she’d watched one of the guys pour for her and takes a big swig, wiping her lips as she leans back against the wall.
“You owe me,” she mumbles, and he flashes one of those heart-stopping smiles that she absolutely hates.
“Aye, love. I really do.” His eyes are bright and full of warmth, and it’s the most sincere she’s ever seen him, and maybe it’s the alcohol in her system talking, but she kind of likes him like this. “I am truly sorry for ruining your sweater,” his voice is soft, every word laced with apology, and she loses a sharp breath when he steps closer. Their eyes are locked, and Emma gulps, feeling the heat between them as he licks his lips. She definitely does not feel the loss when he takes the cup from her hand, and leaves shortly, bringing her back another beer. “Almost running you over and ruining your things without making it up to you was very bad form on my part.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Emma brushes his words off with the flick of her hand before taking the drink, their fingers brushing in the process. Her heart flutters (just a bit). Raising the beer to her lips, she downs the bitter liquid in one graceful gulp before releasing a not-so-graceful burp. When she lowers the cup, Killian’s eyes are on her, and he appears to be genuinely impressed and rather amused.
“You may look like an angel, but you drink like a pirate,” he chuckles.
Yep, his intense, stormy blue eyes definitely require the liquid courage she just doesn’t possess in order to engage in any sort of civil conversation with this guy.
And it’s working.
Emma’s actually having a decent time, which she didn’t even think was possible when she was dragged to this place by her roommate, Milah, even though Emma insisted they both had to study. But of course, Milah talked her out of spending a Friday evening working on “boring school shit" only to ditch her for some guy the second they walked through the door, like she did pretty much every week since they’d moved in together
It was nine months prior, the start of junior year, when Emma had offered her small, two-bedroom apartment to the raven-haired coed; they had met in Visual and Cultural Communication class (if Emma told someone she knew what that meant, she'd be straight-up lying) where they sat next to each other complaining about their looney professor. Emma had been low on funds at the time, and was desperate for a roommate to alleviate the financial pressures of college life. The building she’s staying in is located in the heart of the area’s collegiate life, but it’s far more expensive than it’s worth. Plus, she was lacking a female companion before Milah moved in, so it was much more lonesome being on her own than dorm life was during freshman and sophomore years.
“Em, there you are!” Milah’s words sound in her ear as she strides over, swinging her arm around Emma’s shoulder.
Emma can tell her roommate had indulged in a couple drinks as a lazy smile curves her lips, eyes dull and glossy. “I've been looking everywhere for—” Milah cuts herself off when she looks in front of her, seeing Killian standing there with a charming grin on his face. Her mouth gapes open, hazel eyes dancing with intrigue as she stares at Killian like he’s a fucking Greek God or something.
Emma can’t comprehend the effect he has on the female population. Okay, she kind of gets it. The guy is smokin’ hot and makes even the popular, attractive college boys look like a disgrace to the male species.
Killian's hair is artfully disheveled and he has those blue bedroom eyes that definitely do not have a swooning effect. And what is with all the leather he wears?—she has no clue, but if he’s going with the cliché biker look, he’s succeeded and she may or may not have told him that a couple of times when she had to see his stupid handsome face around campus. He certainly wears the leather well, with his sinfully tight pants and his black jacket with a skull and crossbones on the back, which completes the outfit.  
“Em, aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?” Milah asks, towing Emma from her thoughts, and she blinks a few times, gesturing between them.
“Milah, this is Killian—the guy who almost ran me down with his bike—and Killian, this is my roommate, Milah.”
“Ah, so my reputation precedes me.” His smile widens as he chuckles and takes Milah’s hand, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand, his eyes connecting with hers.
And Emma does not feel the smallest pang of jealousy in her gut. Certainly not.
Milah’s breath is stolen, and she tries to gather words, never taking her eyes off of the British man. Milah’s doing her best to stay calm and collected, but it’s clear to Emma that it’s an internal battle, which is quite strange because normally Milah is very confident with the college boys. She normally runs the show, so to speak, when it comes to the opposite sex. “I—Umm—Em here has mentioned you,” she finally musters.
Emma watches them intently, glancing between the two of them, and she can see that there’s a bit of interest buzzing in his eyes, but he’s also torn as he averts his gaze, staring at Emma and gulping thickly.
She watches as her roommate flirts with Killian, Milah’s cheeks flushing as she laughs at his attempt to make jokes.
Deciding two glasses of beer is just not enough, Emma disappears briefly, but not before Milah hands Emma her empty cup and throws her a wink.
“Thanks, Em. You’re the best.”
Emma grumbles under her breath as she returns to the keg to acquire some more beer.
Killian shares a few drinks with them, along with some laughs and playful banter, but neither he nor Milah drink as half as much as Emma does.
She doesn’t know exactly why, but she’s pretty sure she drank her body weight in beer—she doesn't even like beer. She can barely stand, and is starting to get tipsy when she foolishly attempts to climb on a table to dance, but instead she starts to fall before she's even up on the surface, landing safely in a pair of strong, warm arms with an “oomph” flying from her mouth.
Grabbing his shirt and clutching onto him like he's a life source, she looks up seeing Killian peering down at her. A lazy smile pulls at her lips. “Thank you for catching me,” she manages, her words breathy and slurred.
He flashes an adorable grin in return. “Thanks for being a great catch,” he quips, his words making her heart stutter.
She’s vaguely aware of her roommate or anyone else in the room as they stare into each other’s eyes. His strong, spicy cologne is fogging her already inebriated senses as she presses her palm to his chest, feeling the soft hair tickle her skin, her thumb brushing over the opening of his buttoned shirt.
“You smell very nice,” she mumbles, her smile never fading, eyes never leaving his.
Killian chuckles. “And you’re being awfully nice. I think you’ve had a wee bit too much to drink, love. Why don’t we get you home?”
Emma doesn’t argue; everything around her starts to spin, so she wraps her hands around the back of his neck, tucking her face into his chest. Even though his body is firm and tone, he’s surprisingly soft as she snuggles her cheek into the fabric of his shirt, luxuriating in the warmth radiating from his body and the unsteady heartbeat buried underneath.
Milah covers Emma with her jacket so she doesn't catch a chill in the coolness of the night, and Killian effortlessly carries Emma back to their apartment.
He delicately deposits Emma into her bed when they reach her room, and she immediately curls into a ball, trying to stave off the urge to vomit as she's draped in a sea of blankets.
“I’ll get her some water,” Milah states before leaving the room.
Emma feels the bed dip and the press of Killian’s warm lips on her already heated forehead, but his kiss somehow manages to send a pleasant chill down her spine. “Get some rest, love. You’ll feel better in the morning.” His words are soft and sweet, causing Emma's breath to catch in her throat as she idly ganders up at him.
He’s still hovered over her, so she takes the opportunity to raise her hand to his chest, and the room is dark but the moonlight is draping into the room and she can see Killian’s mouth as she keeps her gaze there, contemplating how those lips would feel on hers. He cups her cheek in his hand, and his touch warms her belly as he smiles down at her. “I think I like you this way, Swan. I should get you drunk more often,” he teases, caressing his thumb over her the apple of her cheek.
Emma’s consumed in his gaze—his touch—and she almost thinks he might kiss her (if he did, she might let him).
“Here you go, Em.”
Suddenly, Killian is pulling away from her, and Milah is offering a glass of water, so she gulps it down, trying to forget the fact she really wants to kiss him.
It’s definitely the alcohol speaking.
Killian stands from the bed, and Emma watches as Milah places her hand on his bicep. “Thank you so much for helping me bring her back. This is the first time I've ever seen her drink so much.”
“It’s not a problem, love.” Killian flashes a smile, and Emma feels the pang of jealousy in her gut, but she doesn’t know why.
“Maybe we can hang out again soon?” her roommate suggests in a flirty tone, fluttering her lashes at him, her eyes full of hope.
To Emma’s dismay, he offers a soft nod. “Aye, definitely. I look forward to it.”
Milah bites her bottom lip, attempting to contain her excitement as she grabs a pen from her purse and takes Killian’s hand, scribbling down what Emma assumes is her phone number. By the time she’s finished, Killian is blushing as Milah kisses him on the cheek. “Great. I can’t wait.”
Suddenly, all of the blood has completely drained from Emma’s face, and she quickly gathers the strength to yank the covers away and removes herself from the bed, feeling the urge to vomit. “I'm gonna be sick.” Emma stumbles and starts to fall, but Milah rushes over, helping her up.
“Emma, let me help you to the bathroom.” She pulls her arms around Emma, holding her up.
“Do you need my assistance?” Killian asks, his voice full of concern.
“No, that’s okay. I can take it from here,” Milah replies and they say goodnight before Killian leaves the apartment.
Emma doesn’t make it to the bathroom and pukes all over Milah’s shoes.
The next morning, Emma is groaning as she slowly drags herself out of bed. Thankfully Milah had closed the curtains so Emma couldn't be blinded when she woke up, but still, her head is pounding and it feels like someone is continuously pounding her brain with a hammer.
She carefully makes her way to the kitchen and slides into a chair at the table where Milah is quickly attentive, and gives her some water and aspirin.
“Morning sunshine.” Milah’s voice is bright and cheery, and it sounds like nails on a chalkboard.
Emma vaguely remembers what had happened last night and how Milah took care of her, but she’d been hoping it was a dream. “Did I really vomit on your shoes?” Emma mumbles as she takes the aspirin and glass of water.
“You did,” Milah replies casually, taking the seat across from her, “but luckily I was borrowing yours.”
“Oh good,” Emma mutters, and is very grateful at the moment, practically throwing the pills in her mouth and guzzling down the cool liquid.
“Emma, can I ask you something?”
Oh, fuck.
Judging by the tone in Milah’s voice and the way she’s staring at Emma with her bright hazel eyes, she knows she’s in trouble. She swallows the water down her parched throat and sets the glass on the table, placing the pads of her fingertips to her temples, trying to dull the ache of her throbbing head. “The room has finally stopped spinning, so you can ask away, I suppose.”
Milah draws in a deep breath and stretches her arms over the table, grabbing Emma’s hands and take them into hers. “Look, I’ve been thinking a lot since last night… and I just wanted to make sure it was okay if…” Milah pauses, eyeing her with uncertainty, and more memories of last night flash through Emma’s mind, so she has an idea of what her roommate is about to ask her. “I gave Killian my number last night, but then after he left, it hit me… you always complain about him whenever you see him, but when I joined the two of you at the party, you both seemed… pretty chummy…”
Emma arches a brow, glancing at Milah in confusion.
“It occurred to me that you might actually like Killian, and I don’t want to intervene or steal him away if you have feelings for him.”
Emma would have laughed if she didn’t feel so nauseous. “Are you kidding me? The guy’s a huge pain in my ass. Of course I don't like him. I was only being nice to him because I had alcohol in my system,” Emma makes sure to express adamantly. “I mean, you know I never drink, but I had to in order to put up with him. So of course I don't mind you going out with him. You should.” Emma regrets the words as soon as they fall from her lips. “You’re both single and I could see you were both getting along pretty well.”
A slow smile takes over Milah’s face, excitement lighting up her eyes, and Emma’s throat grows dry again. “Really? You don’t mind?”
Emma shakes her head. “Of course not. You should definitely go for it.” She doesn’t know who she’s trying to fool—Milah, or herself. “Besides, you don’t need my permission. You can date whoever you want.”
“Come on, we are friends; at least I’d like to think so, and I don’t wish to step on your turf or do anything to make you upset.”
“You are right—we are friends—but I promise; you won’t be stepping on any toes,” Emma assures, offering a forced smile.
Milah stands up and hurries over, pulling her into a suffocating hug. “Thank you, Em.”
Regret is coursing through Emma as she lets her eyelids fall shut, sighing deeply in Milah’s hold. She realizes in that moment that she has to stow away any or whatever feelings she holds for Killian. It’s simple. Emma was being honest when she agreed and acknowledged that Milah was correct—a friendship really has blossomed between them, and that is something rare for Emma, so she doesn't want to let her friend down. She wants Milah to be happy. Besides, with her friend’s reputation, Emma figures she’ll be dating Killian for a week before letting him loose like she’s done thus far with other guys she’s dated.
• • • •
Emma could have kicked herself every day since then. She still despises him, but every now and then they're still able to engage in decent conversation like normal human beings, and she is constantly reminded what a huge mistake she’d made every time Emma's breath catches in her throat when he's around. Her pulse speeds up and she wonders what would have happened if Milah had never prevented that potential kiss from happening. Emma's confident that if her roommate would’ve seen them kissing, she never would've given Killian her number or asked Emma if it was okay that she went out with him. Emma muses she would have had more time to realize her feelings for Killian, and more time to accept them. Now it's too late.
Emma sighs exasperatedly as she lathers soap all over her body with a loofah, thinking about what she has to do today. She needs to make sure everything goes as planned for Killian’s surprise party. His friend, Victor, was taking him out for drinks after class to buy Emma and Milah some time to make the final preparations for the party. Then Victor would bring Killian to their apartment so they could surprise him with all of his friends and family.
When Killian pulls into the parking lot of the student apartments and takes off his helmet, he's a bit confused when he sees that Emma's car is gone—he was under the impression that she’d be there—but he's not complaining. He's looking forward to having some alone time with his girlfriend on his birthday. He's a tad earlier than she had told him to be there, but he figures she won't mind.
Using the key Milah had given him a few weeks ago, he unlocks the door to the ladies’ apartment and enters, shutting the door behind him. He goes into the kitchen, seeing the mess on the floor and the countertop, and peeks inside the bowl. He guesses Emma had been making pancakes and left to get milk, so he doesn't think much more about it. Emerging from the kitchen, he looks around the empty apartment and makes his way towards Milah’s bedroom when he hears the shower running.
A small smirk is tugging his lips as he quietly walks over to the bathroom door, gently cracking it open and hoping to surprise her.
The air is thick with steam as he shuts the door with a soft click, locking it just in case. He unbuttons his shirt and starts peeling away his clothes, trying to be as quick as he can. Normally shower sex was not an option for them because her roommate was always there when he was over, and he always tried to respect the fact that she lived there as well. He and Emma may have gotten off to a rocky start, but he likes to think of them as friends. She can put up a mean front on occasion, but she seems to always be there when he needs her. Milah is great but she is always too distracted doing everything she can to enjoy college life before it's over.
He has a lot of fun with her, but he doesn't see her as the type of lass he'd like to marry. And Milah is certainly not the type of lass to be held down.
Fully naked, Killian grabs the end of the shower curtain, and his heart is racing; he hopes he doesn't piss her off too much by scaring her, but he's hoping to make it up to her. Taking a deep breath, he braces himself before quickly pulling back the curtain and jumping in, stepping behind her and grabbing her hips.
“Morning, sexy.” The sinful, throaty words barely leave his mouth when she whirls around and screams for dear life, and he sees green eyes and wet blonde hair, realizing the woman in the shower is not Milah.
It's Emma.
"What the hell are you doing in here?!” She shrieks furiously, her face white and eyes blown with shock. Killian is stunned in his spot, but before he can move, Emma’s flailing her arms around, frantically trying to push him out of the shower. He stumbles in the process and grabs the slippery shower curtain, pulling it off the hooks and taking it down with him… along with Emma.
They both groan as he lands on the tub floor with a thud, protectively wrapping his arms around Emma's very wet and very naked body. Pain is shooting through him, and the water from the shower head is beating down on them as she struggles to push herself up, almost kneeing him in the groin in the process.
“Careful, love.”
This only pisses her off further and she sinks into him, hitting him in the chest out of frustration. “You stupid bastard! Why the hell would you think it would be okay to join me in the shower?!”
“Swan, it was an accident,” he tries to assure as he gently takes her hands in his, trying to calm her while playfully wagging his brow. “Not that I don't enjoy being on my back, attacked by a gorgeous naked blonde,” (more specifically by Emma, because bloody hell he does) Killian razzes, earning a deadly scowl. “I saw Milah’s car parked out front and I thought you were—” Before he can finish, Emma snags her hand away, pressing her index finger to his lips to shush him. Losing a breath, he's pretty sure his heart actually skips a beat as she looks down at him. He’s quickly pulled in, getting lost in her steely gaze; he finds himself drowning in it. And as she removes her finger and runs her hand down his jaw and his neck and then his chest, slowly sifting her fingers through his matted hair, there's no longer anger in her depths, but still a fierceness hidden underneath the emerald surface. A fierceness that he’s enjoyed since the first moment they’d met. He can also detect the vulnerability and honesty lingering there.
There are no words, only the sound of the water cascading over them, hitting the porcelain tub, and the sounds of their heartbeats and wobbly breathing. He’s vaguely reminded that they are both naked when she shifts ever so slightly and his body is quickly reacting to hers as his hands find her hips, giving her a gentle squeeze. Emma gasps and her mouth is parting softly as they get caught up in a challenging stare, both of them trying to see who’s bold enough to make the first move.
Swallowing thickly, he wonders what it would be like to kiss those soft, wet lips; he's often dreamt of this with no intention of acting on his desires. He licks his lips, and before he can even act, Emma’s cupping his jaw in her hands, crushing his mouth with hers and pressing her body into him. A rough groan rips from his throat as he finally feels her soft wet lips; she tastes more decadent than he'd imagined. And she smells like strawberries and cream and tastes like cinnamon and chocolate. Her tongue sweeps across the seam of his lips demanding entrance that's he's more than willing to give her. He wraps his arms around her, parting his mouth invitingly and letting her tongue dance wildly with his.
He knows this is completely wicked and wrong, and he's going to hell—she is not Milah after all—but he's high on all of the sensations and feelings and emotions coursing through him. Everything he's harbored inside for this woman has suddenly bubbled to the surface, and the unspoken desire that has sizzled between them for many months has popped and is now speaking volumes.
Her naked breasts are pressed to his chest, pink nipples erect against his hair as they devour one another, completely consumed. Emma's tongue is insistent, greedily exploring his mouth, her hands clutching onto him as she writhes in his arms, ignoring the water hitting her back.
Killian playfully nips on her bottom lip and she responds by grinding into him, pressing her center against his groin to egg him on. Groaning roughly as her wet folds are continuously gliding along his length, he’s completely overtaken with pleasure. His hands begin roaming her slippery body on their own accord, pulling her closer and caressing her back, her hips, the sides of her breasts, feeling the beads of water pooling underneath his fingertips. Emma moans in delight, feeling his shaft harden against her, and that's when he forces himself to rise from the cloud of lust he's caught up in.
He gently pushes her away, tearing his lips from hers and catching his breath as his eyes widen in panic. “Emma… we can't do this.”
Shallow pants fill the air surrounding them, and Emma's lips are swollen and her eyes are painted with lust, but she offers a reluctant nod. “I know.”
With that, Emma carefully pushes herself off and grabs Killian’s hand, helping him up. They try not to stare at each other directly, for fear of giving into temptation again, but Killian is still hard as rock… and apparently Emma is not finished with him yet. He tries to avert his gaze but he can feel the burn of Emma's lustful stare seeping into his bones, and before he knows what's happening, Emma is on her knees, her hands sliding down his hips, reaching his thighs and she’s running her tongue up his length.
“Oh fuck…” Killian melts a little, trying to keep his knees from buckling underneath as Emma curls her fingers around his erection and starts stroking him up and down, dragging the skin and muscle in her endeavor as she tightens her hold, causing him to harden further.
“Just relax,” she murmurs in a soothing voice.
His breathing is moving in a slow, shallow rhythm as he peers down at her, catching those beautiful glowing eyes clouded with lust.
“You don't have to do anything. Just let me take care of you.” Again, she slides the flat of her tongue along his fully hard cock, her eyes locked with his.  
“Emma…” he attempts to argue, but his mind is foggy with heat, the water is cascading down her perfectly rounded breasts making his cock twitch and he’s too aroused; Emma's tongue feels way too good.
“Shhh shhh shhh…”
His pupils are dilated as he watches her intently, his hand affectionately caressing her cheek, but he doesn't stop her.
Firming her grip on him, she slowly moves her hand up and down, squeezing slightly at the base before relaxing at tip and repeating over and over again. His dick is throbbing painfully in her hand as she smirks and kisses the velvety head. “Just consider this a birthday present,” she insists; her voice is seductive—completely wrecked with desire—her emerald eyes piercing through his soul as she awaits for some sort of signal of approval.
Deciding that he doesn't possess the willpower to resist her, no matter how wrong this is—he is dating her roommate and best friend for crying out loud—but he has longed to be with Emma for quite some time, and finds himself nodding to her request.
Emma grins mischievously before wrapping her red, swollen lips around him, suckling idly on his belled tip and lapping at the slit with her broad tongue.
“Bloody hell.” The whispered words are cracked with desire as his body shudders, surrendering to this striking blonde goddess who’s kneeling before him. He leans his head back against the shower wall as she takes him in her warm mouth, slowly devouring his length.
“Gods, that feels so good Emma, keep go—keep going” he grunts roughly before gently sinking his fingers into her wet tresses.
Increasing her speed, Emma loosens her jaw even further, massaging his balls gently with her hands and bringing him closer to the edge. “Bloody hell, woman. You're trying to kill me with that wicked mouth of yours,” he whimpers, and begins rocking his hips, tangling her wet golden strands around his fingers without forcing her on him as he hits the back of her throat. He's so caught up in her wonderful mouth, her amazing tongue dragging along his length; he completely loses his mind to the pleasure she's bringing him.
Sensing he is almost there, she starts humming around his cock, creating vibrations and is rewarded with a deep groan. His eyes roll to back of his head, feeling his orgasm approaching with rapid force as she takes him over and over, drawing his cock in her throat as deeply as she can. The pressure’s building, and his body is overwhelmed with heat; he's completely unwound as he lets himself go and thrusts his hips at a maddening pace, his hot come exploding into her mouth as he curses her name.
“Fuck, Emma…” He can barely manage the strangled words as he slumps against the wall, attempting to catch his breath and waiting for his heartbeat to slow. His hips are stuttering, his body wincing as Emma sucks on his tip swirling her tongue roughly around the head and licking the last remnants of his orgasm. Killian clutches onto her shoulders for extra balance, trying to keep his wobbly legs from collapsing underneath him as she rises and presses her lips to his ear whispering, “Happy Birthday, Killian.” Emma steps out of the shower, and he quickly feels a shiver from the loss as he tries to gather his wits.
Bloody hell.
Happy birthday, indeed. He's so fucked, but what a birthday this is already turning out to be.
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familycuisinee · 3 years
how to eat boiled eggs boxer | Family Cuisine
<figure><img src="https://ift.tt/3A7JNyu" alt="Can Boxers Eat Eggs" /></figure><p>You must agree with me that a dog with all the above traits is just amazing and deserves the best treatment. Like most dogs, Boxers has its basic needs to stay healthy and strong. This would definitely include Nutrition. </p> <p>The right nutrition matters a great deal and this brings us back to the question; ‘Can Boxers eat eggs?’ </p> <p><strong>Yes, Boxers can eat and should eat well-prepared eggs which are excellent for strong and active dog breeds like Boxers. Eggs supply essential nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, and minerals for their everyday activity.</strong></p> <p>In this article, I would be discussing the advantages of including eggs in your Boxer’s meals and how they are beneficial to your dog’s health and growth. </p> <p>As you read, you would come across the best and healthy ways to serve your dog its eggs. </p> <h2>Benefits of Eggs for Your Boxers </h2> <p>Let’s take a look at the many reasons you should begin feeding your Boxers with eggs, or for you to continue if you do.</p> <ul><li>Eggs make a very tasty lip-smacking meal for your Boxers. Your dog would not need to chew much to take one and finish a meal with a taste of cooked or boiled eggs.</li><li>Eggs are a source of essential amino acids, the building blocks of protein. Remember, protein is one of the major classes of food for you. It turns out your dog needs it too!</li><li>Eggs are also rich in essential vitamins such as Vitamin A and B12.</li><li>Eggs supply calories, needed to stay strong, active, and vibrant.</li><li>Feeding your Boxers with eggs also supplies it with other nutrients such as fatty acids, iron, folate, iron, selenium, and riboflavin.</li><li>Eggs also contribute to a healthy coat and improved skin condition for your Boxers.</li><li>Eggs are also able to help in settling your Boxer’s upset stomach.</li><li>Eggs can be used in preparing nutritious homemade meals for your dog. Eggs are considered very safe for consumption for your dogs.</li><li>Eggs are relatively cheap, hardly scarce, and very easy to prepare. </li></ul><p>The above nutrients are very beneficial for Boxers to grow and strong healthy bones and teeth.</p> <p>The claim by some that eggs are a high source of cholesterol and would not be healthy for dogs should not be a source of concern. According to Nutritionists, dogs are not at risk of the type of cholesterol-related diseases that we as humans suffer from. </p> <p>This is because the effect of cholesterol in dogs is very different from the kind of effects it has on humans. If for any reason there should be a source of concern, it would be observed in its weight first. </p> <p>As a matter of fact, eggs should make up for about 15 percent of the total calories needed by your dog daily.</p> <h2>How Frequent Should You Feed Your Boxer Eggs?</h2> <p>Consulting with your vet on this issue would be a great move. However, if your dog is overweight, you must apply caution on feeding your dog so many eggs, considering that it is rich in fatty acids. You won’t want your Boxers to develop other health issues such as obesity.</p> <p>Overfeeding your dog with eggs can also put it at risk of other illnesses such as Salmonella. As a matter of fact, eggs cannot be used as a primary source of nutrition. </p> <p>You only need to just incorporate eggs into your dog’s meal. Your dog deserves to be served a complete and balanced diet, as you would love to.</p> <p>It is recommended that your dog should be fed eggs a few times weekly but this would also depend on your dog’s health status, weight, activity level and of course your dog’s age. Whatever the case may be, just ensure it is done moderately.</p> <h2>Serving Your Boxers Eggs</h2> <p>In time past, wild and free dogs were known for snatching eggs out of next and consuming them like that! However, these days, it is not recommended for domestic dogs to eat raw eggs. </p> <p>Feeding your dog or letting it consume raw eggs place your dog at risk of certain illnesses, especially when done frequently. </p> <p>Though some may argue that serving eggs in another method other than raw like cooking or boiling, eliminates most of the nutrients contained in the eggs. </p> <p>There are also those who go further to insist that the dog is made to eat even the shells! It’s said it is a source of calcium and phosphorus.</p> <p>This is especially for those having problems chewing bones. It is suggested you dry them out, grind them as powder and sprinkle them on your dog’s meal.</p> <p>They further argued that eggs have to be taken in very high quantities to get these diseases, which is most unlikely. Besides, the dog’s immune system should be able to effectively handle any bacteria found in raw foods. </p> <p>It is also said that egg yolks supply enough biotin to make up for the effects of Avidin, an enzyme in egg whites. As such there should be no concern over this effect.</p> <p>Though these arguments can seem very logical, I still do think I love my dog too much to put it at any avoidable risk!</p> <h2>Possible Risks when Feeding Your Boxer Raw Eggs</h2> <ul><li><strong>Salmonella Infection: </strong>Do you know both you and your Boxers can get Salmonella infection from eating raw eggs? This disease is accompanied by symptoms such as vomiting, fever, diarrhea, low appetite, fatigue, reduced activity level. If this ever happens, contact your veterinarian so your dog is placed on antibiotics and you should dispose of those poisonous raw eggs!</li><li><strong>E .coli Infection:</strong> Your Boxers can also be infected by this bacteria by feeding on raw eggs. Though rare too, it is still possible. Bacteria have to be cooked to about 145 degrees F to be gotten rid of from your dog’s meal.</li><li><strong>Biotin Deficiency:</strong> Another health concern is that raw egg contains Avidin, a substance that inhibits Biotin. Biotin is a vitamin that helps in your dog’s metabolism, digestion, and improved skin condition. This substance prevents the absorption of biotin into its body. </li></ul><h2>Simple Tips for Preparing Eggs for Your Boxer</h2> <p><strong>It is best you prepare your Boxer’s egg meal by boiling or cooking it.</strong> You can also make egg scrambles! Just avoid using oils, butter, spices, salt, cookie, and other additives, your dog would not react to these additives the way you do.</p> <p>Remember to make this part of its meal and not a primary source of nutrition.</p> <p>Whether raw or cooked, check your dog’s reactions after feeding it the first time to see if it has stomach problems. </p> <p>You would need to make necessary adjustments if this happens. Note that except if done excessively, farting is quite normal for your dog after feeding on eggs.</p> <p>Also, it is advised you get your eggs from organic healthy chickens or pasteurized eggs from the grocery store. After purchase, ensure you store them properly. Storing in a refrigerator can also be very helpful.</p> <h2>Final Thoughts</h2> <p>So we see that Boxers can actually eat eggs! For the very same reasons, you would love to have this very nutritious and tasty food in your own meals. Especially if they are prepared and served right. </p> <p>If for some reason, your Boxers have not had eggs in a long while, we both must agree it is time you get them bought and stored up!</p> <h2>Related Questions</h2> <p><strong>How do I prepare scrambled eggs for my Boxers?</strong></p> <p>First, break your egg and pour the content into a bowl and stir it. Then, heat a frying pan and pour the content into the pan. Use a little water to prevent it from sticking since you would not be using oil or butter. </p> <p>You can choose to split into smaller pieces or just serve your dog whole. Do not use other additives as well.</p> <p><strong>What part of the day is the best time to serve my Boxers its eggs?</strong></p> <p>Since breakfast is the most important meal o the day and it is advised you serve him just once daily, several times a week, then make it a part of its breakfast. If for any reason you skip breakfast, you can still make it a part of its meal at any time of the day.</p> source https://familycuisine.net/how-to-eat-boiled-eggs-boxer/
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r1-fitness · 3 years
What And How To Store In The Freezer
You bought a lot of fresh vegetables so they don’t go bad. It is important to learn how to store them correctly. There is another solution – use the modern method – freeze vegetables.
Frozen vegetables can be delicious. Frozen vegetables are often even better than fresh vegetables, especially if those “fresh” vegetables have been sitting in your fruit and vegetable drawer for several days.
Frozen vegetables are instantly frozen at their peak freshness, but they are often blanched first, which stops various enzymatic actions, helping them retain color and maximum freshness while maintaining their firm texture.
Even so, you cannot use frozen vegetables in the same way as fresh ones. Here are some of the most common mistakes people make when using frozen vegetables.
More details@https://fitnesstudy.com/2021/06/08/what-and-how-to-store-in-the-freezer/
How To Properly Defrost Vegetables
Unlike other frozen foods such as meat or poultry, frozen vegetables do not always need to be thawed before cooking.
Most frozen vegetables can be added directly to any recipe you cook without first defrosting. You can even sauté frozen broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, you just need to double the cooking time.
The exception to this rule is leafy vegetables such as spinach. Unlike quick-frozen vegetables like corn and peas, frozen spinach is packed in solid blocks, which means you’ll need to defrost it first. However, if the vegetables you are cooking are not frozen in a solid block, skip the defrosting step.
Steaming, Boiling, Or Microwave Cooking
Do you steam fresh vegetables, boil them in the microwave? Hopefully, the answer is no. (If so, this is another cooking mistake you can make.) You don’t cook fresh vegetables like that, why would you cook frozen vegetables like that?
As with fresh vegetables, dry heat cooking methods such as stewing and baking do wonders for frozen vegetables, caramelizing them and revealing flavors that are not possible with wet heat methods such as steaming in the microwave. oven or when cooking. So when it comes to frozen vegetables, ditch the microwave or steamer and grab a skillet.
Don’t Store Vegetables For Too Long
The fact that frozen vegetables last longer than fresh vegetables does not mean that you have to store them in the freezer for several months. Especially if you have already opened the package. This is because frozen vegetables dry in the freezer.
Ice crystals are often found on frozen vegetables. They form due to the evaporation of moisture from vegetables as they seek the coldest spot in the freezer. While ice crystals do not harm food and are easy to wash off, they reflect the loss of moisture in vegetables, which means a loss of freshness. This happens over time and will eventually happen regardless of whether you keep the bags sealed or not.
So instead of thinking about frozen vegetables for months, for best results, try to use them within a week or two.
A Large Assortment
Assorted vegetables – not the most difficult operation, but we can say with confidence that in the 100 years that have passed since they became frozen vegetables, the process has improved significantly. In the frozen food section, you will find many types of wonderful vegetables that you would not even expect. Don’t just go for peas or beans.
Foods such as butternut squash, collard greens and other mixed greens, asparagus, eggplant, cabbage, mushrooms, beans, and even chickpeas. The range of frozen vegetables is constantly expanding.
What And How To Store In The Freezer
You find yourself looking in the freezer, confident that you have frozen berries, but cannot figure out where you hid them? It’s time to organize what and how to store in this freezer!
Whether you have a top, side, or bottom freezer (or a dedicated freezer in your garage or basement), organizing and packing it will not only be economical – it will make your life easier. Unlike a refrigerator, the freezer must be full, with sufficient space for airflow. An empty or half-empty freezer uses more electricity to keep items cool.
It is important to keep your freezer at or below -18°C. Monitor the temperature with a reliable refrigerator or freezer thermometer. If you experience a power outage, do not open the freezer door until power is restored.
The door is the warmest part of the freezer, so it’s a great place to store nuts, whole grains, butter, and baked goods. Meat, vegetables, prepared foods and food leftovers should be stored on the shelves.
What Can You Freeze?
Many foods and leftovers can be frozen, but there are some exceptions.
High moisture fruits and vegetables such as melons, tomatoes, celery, cucumbers, and tender leafy greens are great if you plan on using them in soups or casseroles.
The sour cream, yogurt and mayonnaise will separate, and the freezer will change the texture of cream cheese and other spreading soft cheeses. If you need to freeze cream cheese, use it to make cheesecakes and other baked goods.
Cooked pasta dishes can be frozen, but for best results, the pasta should be slightly undercooked.
Boiled potatoes freeze well, but don’t store them raw in the freezer – they will turn black.
Never freeze food in unopened jars: jars can explode when liquids inside expand. Instead, empty the contents of the jars into freezer containers or bags.
The eggs will expand and explode when they are frozen in their shell. Remove the eggs from the shell and beat them; freeze the beaten eggs in ice cube trays and then place the cubes in the freezer.
Fried foods do not freeze well, they lose their crispy texture and any breading becomes soft.
Correct Packaging For Freezing
When you carry any food into a container, be sure to label it with a name and the current date or the date “best to use”. When freezing meat, poultry and seafood, add the weight on the label.
Plastic containers: Sealed plastic containers are lightweight and economical, and they can seamlessly transition from the freezer to the microwave. When buying plastic containers, make sure they are BPA (bisphenol-a) free and freezer safe. Some plastics break in the freezer.
Glass: Safety glass containers are environmentally friendly and can be placed from the freezer into a refrigerator or oven. Tin cans are also a good option, but to avoid breaking the glass, make sure you leave space on top of the food so that the food has enough room to expand. Choose jars with a wide mouth and leave at least 1 cm of free space. Tins with a narrower opening will need extra space. Some manufacturers place an embossed freezer fill line on their cans.
Wraps: Plastic wrap, foil and freezer paper are suitable for meat, meatloaf leftovers, bread and seafood. Double packing provides insulation.
Bags: When freezing food in bags, whether vacuum or zippered, flatten the food as much as possible for faster defrosting.
The Order Of Use Of Food In The Freezer
Label foods with the date they were stored in the freezer and keep the oldest (first) foods on the front or top so they can be used first. This ensures that old food does not remain at the back or bottom, which can reduce quality and taste over time.
How To Prevent Frost Burn
Frostbite is not dangerous, but it can significantly alter the texture and taste of food. Excessive air around food causes some food to have this frosty, freezer-burnt appearance. A vacuum sealer is ideal, but if you don’t have one, there are several alternatives.
Here’s one easy way to remove air from a zippered bag. Fill the bag and close it to within 1 cm. Dip the bag of food in cold water, just to the very top; the pressure of the water flowing around the outside of the bag displaces excess air, pushing it out through a small opening. Seal the bag quickly, dry it, and freeze it.
The next best way to avoid scalding your freezer is to pack food in perfectly sized containers or bags. Alternatively, you can wrap food freezer paper or two sheets of heavy-duty foil tightly before placing it in a bag or container.
For some foods, such as meatballs, lay them out on a tray and freeze until firm, then transfer them to a vacuum sealer, freezer, or container. Some leftovers can be frozen in ice cube trays and then sent in bags for longer storage.
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sashagilljournalist · 4 years
Embrace Your Freezer
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I think you have heard this far too many times – stranger times are afoot. Stockpiling is a particular point of aggression for me, because there is simply no point in buying far more than you need. If supply is an issue, the answer lies in simply utilising the best appliance at your disposal. Yes, I am talking about your freezer.
There is a multitude of food that behaves rather well if you plunge it into the icy-cold depths of your freezer. But, as always, the question of food safety arises. Here is a crash-course into what freezes well, how to fight the devil that is freezer-burn, and what is a freezer-flop and must be avoided at all costs.
Bread I place this at the top of my list simply because I believe that far too many people have been chucking their Hovis slices into the compost when the slightest bloom of mould appears. Bread is the king of freezer foods. If you buy your bread pre-sliced, you can chuck whatever you believe you cannot finish by the sell-by date into the freezer. If you are a better person than I am, and get those crusty loaves à la Gail’s, make sure to slice them into neat pieces before freezing. Whenever the need for toast arises, no thawing is necessary. Pop it straight into your toaster. You can’t imagine a thing better since frozen bread.
Fruit Sure, you can buy pre-frozen fruit, and there is nothing wrong in that. But if you think you have far more than you need fresh, you can freeze whatever excess you have. Most fruit freezes remarkably well. And while in some cases (I am looking at you, citrus) the texture does deteriorate, if you are using it for baking/smoothies/juicing – no one would be none the wiser. A point of note: pitted fruit does best if you remove their stones before the freeze – trying to pry it out with a knife sub-thaw is not much fun. Avoid the peach equivalent to the millennial avocado injury. Citrus, forgiving my previous dig, is OK if you are using the pulp for a recipe or smoothie – but the zest reigns supreme. Zesting a frozen wedge of citrus fruit is easy peasy. And if you happen to need the flesh of citrus without the skin, just freeze it for whenever you may want to make a casserole calling for that tablespoon of orange zest.
Herbs We are all culprit to buying a pouch of rosemary when a recipe demands it, and leaving the remainder languishing in the produce drawer. If you have far too many fresh herbs than you know what to do with, freeze them (spoiler alert). Herbs are best if frozen in some kind of fat, so what I do is portion them out in an ice-cube tray, a teaspoon per well, and top each up with a glug of olive oil. If your next pasta sauce demands 2 teaspoons of fresh rosemary – pop out two cubes straight from the tray and toss them into your pan.
Soups and stocks I am a fan of the Kallo stock cube. But there have been times (i.e. mid-risotto making) when I have had far too much ready than I need. Instead of chucking it away, freeze them in portions (I like to go for a cup per container), so you know exactly how much to thaw out the next time you need it.
Leftovers I wrote an entire article about leftovers, and it seems particularly prescient to not let whatever you have spare to go to waste. Stews and curries fare particularly well from being frozen – just make sure you portion them according to how much you need for a meal.
Vegetables The list of vegetables that do well from freezing is far longer than those that do not. Onions, garlic, hard veg (squash, root veg, peppers)… Spinach and kale, while of the leafier variety, do well if you plan to deploy them later in a cooked dish and not in a salad. Skin your tomatoes before freezing – by slitting an X at their base, boiling them for 2-3 minutes, then immediately plunging them into a bath of ice-cold water. Their skin will start to shrink back – so peel off whatever remains with languorous ease and pop them into a freezer bag or Tupperware. While most root vegetables fare well, but potatoes do not. Only waxy potatoes do relatively OK, but I advise this only if you want to use them in some sort of stock, as their texture does change. Just parboil them before freezing. As a general rule of thumb – veg with a high water content either should not be frozen (i.e. iceberg) or needs some treatment. Hardier veg is much more resilient.
Tofu Even if food shortage is not an issue, I am a proponent for freezing your tofu.
Baked Goods Do you know how some people have eyes much bigger than their stomachs? I bake much bigger than my stomach. Most baked goods can be frozen. Banana bread, cinnamon rolls, cookie dough – it’s all good. Just make sure to portion them accordingly for future ease. To bring them back to their former glory – a whirl in the microwave is all you need.
Butter FREEZE YOUR BUTTER. I use non-dairy butter, but the rule withstands. And, hey, if you happen to be the sort that makes your own shortcrust – pre-frozen butter is a godsend.
Yoghurt and milk Yes, I am aware that some dairy comes with a warning emblazoned on the side of it – DO NOT FREEZE. But if your intention is to use your dairy in a dish, frozen shouldn’t be a problem. Freezing yoghurt or milk (or non-dairy equivalents) changes the texture of it – no longer silky and velvet but rather (urgh!) lumpy. This resolves itself if you throw it into a biryani or a pasta sauce, but not have any intention of consuming it as you would fresh. Just try you freeze whatever you do not think you can finish as soon as you can – anything a day or so near its sell-by date is risky business.
Eggs Don’t freeze your eggs in their shells. Crack them open, beat them and portion them in containers labelled with how many eggs lie within them.
Cheese Hard cheese freezes well, soft cheese less so. If you find a bit of mould growing on your wedge of parmesan, it is completely fine (and safe!) to cut it off with a generous margin, and freeze whatever remains. Soft cheese should not be frozen at all costs – and if you find yourself in the unfortunate circumstance of finding a bit of mould on your mozzarella. Chuck it. It isn’t worth any risk.
Flours Wheat, rye, spelt, buckwheat, oat… they are the superstar of the freezer. Whenever you need any for a bit of baking, scoop it out and proceed as you would normally.
Nuts and seeds I grew up in a hot climate, so all of our nuts and seeds claimed residence in our fridge or freezer. Nuts and seeds possess a fat that can, at times, go rancid in warmer temperatures. This poses less of a problem if you buy small bags of the stuff that they sell at Tesco. But, if you are a bulk-buy fiend, pop whatever you think you will not employ in the next few months in the freezer. It will save you a lot of money, and heartache.
Cooked rice, grains and pasta Yes, you can freeze these. Rice can be tricky, but be sure to cool whatever excess you have ASAP and pop it into the freezer once it is at room temperature. Pasta can be frozen, but please, only if it is just shy of al-dente. You will need to plunge it onto some hot water to revive it, and if it is already slightly over, you will have a soggy, gloppy mess.
Meat Freezing meat can appear to be a risky endeavour but if you follow a few rules, you’re golden. Freeze it as soon as possible, portioned as you would need per meal. When freezing meat, air is the enemy. Wrap each as much as you can in plastic wrap (or leave it in the vacuum pack it came in) and a further insurance of foil or Tupperware to discourage freezer burn. When thawing (which will be discussed below) – you can either leave it in the refrigerator for a day (smaller portions) or more, or in a tub of slightly-cold water. DO NOT leave it on the countertop, DO NOT microwave it. The 3-month rule applies here for maximum quality, and while a few months shy of that should be okay, the quality of it does deteriorate significantly.
Safe-Freezing Tips
You are now a freezing aficionado. But here are a few final tips about the longevity of frozen food, and just some general freezer-related housekeeping.
How long is it good for? This depends on the food. And while there are a whole list of websites and charts demanding you follow a strict schedule, if you have frozen the food as close to fresh as you can, a lot of it will be OK. But, for the wary, here is a good guide.
How should I freeze? A rule of freezing – minimise air contact. With meat this is crucial, but otherwise, try to use freezer-safe bags or tubs with airtight lids. Label EVERYTHING – with its contents, portions, and date of cooking/freezing. Always try to freeze according to your regular portion size so you can thaw exactly the amount you need.
What should I use to freeze my food? You can buy freezer bags, and containers – but avoid freezing any glass or metal. Glass is particularly tricky as it can shatter (yes, even the freezer-safe ones). Especially if you put anything slightly liquid inside, as water can expand and create cracks your glass container.
How do I thaw my frozen food? You have a few options. You can thaw it in the refrigerator, which is the safest, but also takes a fair amount of time. To speed things up, you can leave it in a bowl of cold water on your countertop, or in the microwave on the defrost setting. Meat, however, should never be let near the microwave in the effort of food safety.
How do I prevent freezer burn? This happens over a period of long freezing, when food loses its water molecules and they rise to the surface and crystallise as ice. Small ice crystals do not pose much of a problem, as they melt fairly quickly. But once larger crystals form, this usually indicates the deterioration of whatever you have had frozen. It is usually still alright to eat this (with the exception of meat and dairy products), but just be prepared for it to be a little subtracted in its original quality.
Image Credit: Theo Crazzolara, Flickr Creative Commons
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paleorecipecookbook · 7 years
The Food Lover’s Guide to Paleo Snacks
When folks are first starting down the Paleo path, one of the top questions they have is, “Are there Paleo snacks? Can I have snacks on a Paleo diet?”
The short answer is, yes—snacks are allowed on a Paleo plan! This is a complete guide to all of your Paleo snack options, including homemade and store-bought.
Whether or not you should be snacking on your diet is up to you and your hunger levels. When people are transitioning to the Paleo diet, they may find themselves hungrier than usual, and some people just need to eat more regularly to maintain steady blood sugar and energy levels.
So if you find yourself getting hungry between meals, then by all means have yourself a Paleo snack! Having Paleo-friendly snacks on hand can help to sustain energy levels throughout the day. Our PaleoPlan meal plans include optional snacks that can help a lot of folks to more easily transition to the diet.
7 Tips for the Best Paleo Snacks
1. The need for eating snacks varies from person to person based on their activity level, metabolism speed, genetics, current health level, and more.
2. In general, just let your appetite guide you, but keep in mind that when you’re transitioning your diet, it’s not uncommon to find yourself hungrier than usual.
3. Be sure that you’re snacking for the right reasons (i.e. not because you’re bored, tired, emotional, or anything other than genuinely hungry).
4. Keep in mind that thirst is often disguised as hunger! Make sure you’re drinking enough water each day and not mistaking thirst for hunger.
5. If you find yourself snacking all day long, there may be an underlying issue that needs addressing.
6. Some folks need to eat more often than others to maintain steady blood sugar and energy levels. Growing children, athletes, people with impaired digestive function, fast metabolizers, pregnant women, folks healing from illness, and others may benefit from snacking between meals. These individuals may also need to eat more carbohydrates throughout the day, and include more carbohydrates in their diet overall.
7. If you’re trying to lose weight, opt for snacks that are lower in carbohydrates and higher in protein and fats.
3 Rules of Thumb for Snacking on Paleo
When we’re used to eating pre-packaged snacks like granola bars, chips, and baked goods, it’s hard to imagine going without them. Since most pre-packaged foods are not an option when you’re eating Paleo, you’ll have to think ahead and plan your snacks in advance. Let’s start with some basic rules of thumb for snacking.
When you’re stocking your fridge and pantry with Paleo snacks, be sure to include a variety of protein, fat, and complex carbohydrate options.
Choose proteins and fats over carbs. Proteins help to stabilize blood sugar, balance mood, and reduce sugar cravings. Healthy fats promote satiation so you don’t feel hungry as often.
Choose non-starchy vegetables over fruit and starchy veggies.
Small Snacks
Don’t over-consume carbs or calories in any one sitting. It’s way too easy to binge on fruit and starches, but the reality is that our bodies can only uptake so much glucose and calories at any one time. Excess food eaten that cannot be used by your body for immediate energy gets turned into fat tissue and food for pathogenic gut microbes.
Avoid snacking on carb-rich foods in isolation (i.e. don’t eat fruit or starchy foods alone). Eating carbohydrates without a protein or fat can trigger a blood sugar roller coaster. First the blood sugar spikes, then it falls, which can trigger hunger, fatigue, crankiness, and cravings. This cycle then causes a desire for more carbs.
Eating a protein and/or fat with your carbohydrates slows down the delivery of glucose to your bloodstream. Also, protein and fat do not spike blood sugar as quickly or as drastically as carbohydrates do. The blood sugar roller coaster can set you up for decreased insulin sensitivity and diabetes down the road.
Is Fruit Okay for a Paleo Snack?
Fruit is definitely Paleo, but be mindful that consuming too much fruit can interfere with weight loss and contribute to high blood glucose levels because fruit is sugar too! Try keeping your fruit intake to a couple pieces a day (or less) and eat it in the later part of the day to help control your blood sugar levels.
Rotate the types of fruit in your diet to ensure a variety of vitamins and minerals. In general, berries are best because of their nutrient and antioxidant content. I generally recommend that people steer clear of dried fruit, as it’s even more concentrated in sugar than fresh fruit. Mainly, you want to avoid getting stuck in a rut eating the same fruits over and over, like bananas and apples.
23 Best Homemade Paleo Snacks
Here are some delicious and easy Paleo snacks to take on the go, or to just nibble throughout the day. You can get even more snack recipes from our Paleo recipe gallery.
Roasted Cauliflower with Tahini Sauce
No-Bake Energy Bites with Golden Turmeric
Beef Jerky
Paleo Granola
Coconut Oil Fat Bombs
Bacon Wrapped Dates
Maple Bacon Wrapped Peaches
Crunchy Chicken Fingers
Cajun Oven-Baked Pickles
Endive Salmon Poppers
Berries + Coconut + Lime
Berries with Balsamic Vinegar and Almonds
Homemade Sour Strawberry Gummies
Ants On a Log
Prosciutto Wrapped Scallops
Guacamole Deviled Eggs
Creamy Eggplant Spinach Dip
Garden Fresh Zucchini Bread
Kale Chips
Paleo Hummus
Muffins and other Paleo baked goodies
Spiced Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
Paleo trail mix
20 Quick Paleo Snack Ideas
When you’re hungry or busy and just need a quick on-the-go snack, any of these options will fill you up.
Dinner leftovers
Make extra dinner (or batch cook big portions of meals and snacks) so that you always have something on hand. Our meal plans help people save a lot of time and money by frequently using leftovers for snacks and meals the next day.
Leftover meats
Poultry legs, thighs and breasts, pork chops, burger, bacon, or any kind of leftover meats make a protein-rich snack that’s especially delicious with avocado or guacamole smeared on top.
Pre-cooked meat strips
I always have a rotating variety of marinated and cooked meat strips (beef, chicken, lamb, pork, etc.) in the fridge that I snack on when hunger calls.
Hard-boiled eggs
Easy to make and super portable, there are many variations when it comes to jazzing up boiled eggs! Try them with salt or spices sprinkled on top or topped with guacamole or salsa. You can make a quick egg salad by chopping up boiled eggs and mixing them with Paleo mayo and spices. I hard-boil a dozen eggs each week to have on hand for various uses.
Homemade or store-bought, jerky is a great snack to eat on-the-go! Be careful though, because many jerkies out there are not Paleo. Read the labels to ensure they’re gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free, and fully Paleo friendly.
Not only are they delicious and totally Paleo, but olives are also a source of healthy fats including oleic acid and phytonutrients that act as antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties.
Avocados are delicious snacked right out of the shell with just a dash of salt and pepper, but there’s also a ton of ways to prepare avocados to keep things exciting. Try these 9 Ways to Stuff an Avocado for a quick and healthy snack!
All the Veggies
Try them chopped and blanched or raw, dipped in a delicious Paleo dip. Remember, stick to non-starchy veggies and pair them with a protein or fat to increase snacking satiation.
Paleo dips
Paleo dips are perfect for adding some extra energy to meats, veggies, or fruits, or you can even try making your own Paleo crackers.
Sea Snacks
Wild smoked salmon, canned sardines, sashimi, and other sea snacks are a great way to get enough anti-inflammatory omega-3 in your diet.
Sliced into rounds, this is a super-portable snack that’s also a great addition to your bento box. Just make sure you look for a nitrate-free version.
Paleo-friendly deli meats
A lot of deli meat out there is not ideal, due to the addition of nitrates and other preservatives and non-Paleo ingredients. Be sure to read ingredients, but Applegate, Simple Truth Organic, and Diestel Turkey are good brands of healthy deli meat to try. Deli meats are delicious when eaten alone or rolled around avocado slices or veggie strips. Turkey deli meat rolled up in a leaf of lettuce with onion and guacamole is one of my favorite snacks!
Sweet potatoes
Keep a few pre-baked sweet potatoes in your fridge, but be sure to add fat when you snack on them! Try them smashed up with coconut oil, cinnamon, and sea salt.
Fruit slices with nut butter
Apple or pear slices with portable nut butters and/or coconut butter are a great on-the-go snack. Bonus: kids love them, too!
Smoothies are a great snack, fast to prepare and easy to take on the go. Be sure to add a fat (like avocado or coconut milk) and/or protein (like protein powder or collagen) to lower the glycemic response. Focus on vegetables over fruit. Use the entire vegetable or fruit when possible, since the fiber slows down the delivery of sugar from the fruit juices.
Paleo muffins
Make a big batch of Paleo muffins or other Paleo baked goodies and keep them in your freezer. Then you can pull a few out for a snack when you need them and they’ll thaw in 10-20 minutes.
Paleo yogurt
Made from full-fat coconut milk, Paleo yogurt tastes just like your favorite dairy-based product and is delicious topped with Paleo granola/muesli.
Have these Paleo crepes pre-made in your fridge and simply add some almond butter, coconut oil, or coconut manna to them for a quick snack.
Bone Broth
Sipping on a cup of bone broth is extremely nourishing and contains all sorts of gut-healing nutrients, healthy fats, and about six grams of protein per cup!
Nuts and seeds
Nuts and seeds are a wonderful and portable snack on the Paleo diet, just don’t overdo them. Nuts and seeds contain anti-nutrient chemicals like phytates which can trigger inflammation when eaten in excess.
Nuts and seeds are also a source of omega-6, an inflammatory fatty acid. For these reasons, it is best to keep your nut consumption to a small handful per day or less. Also, rotate the types of nuts and seeds that you’re eating in your diet, and don’t get stuck on one type.
Be careful when buying nuts because many brands have been roasted in non-Paleo oils like peanut, canola, safflower, sunflower, and other “vegetable” oils. Your best best is to get plain roasted nuts salted or unsalted with no oil or to buy raw nuts and soak them in water overnight before eating. Soaking or “sprouting” nuts and seeds helps to reduce their anti-nutrient content—just be sure to rinse them well after soaking and do not drink or use the soak water!
The Best Paleo Snack Resources
To find even more awesome Paleo snack ideas, check out these helpful resources.
PaleoPlan’s Snack Recipes
How to Pack a Paleo Lunch & Snacks To-Go
6 Paleo Snacks to Fight Cravings
Paleo Sweet & Savory Snacks – A Paleo Snack Guide
PaleoHacks Snack Recipes
Are Store-Bought Paleo Snacks Okay?
Thanks to the rise in Paleo popularity there are actually a lot of Paleo snacks and foods sold online and in health food stores. As you start exploring, you’ll see products like “Paleo cookies” and “Paleo crackers.”
While some Paleo purists like to argue that foods like cookies and crackers aren’t Paleo, I think there’s a time and a place. As a Paleo nutritionist who works with people every day struggling to change their diets, I assure you these foods can be really helpful for folks who might otherwise not be able to make Paleo a reality.
Having said that, some of these pre-purchased snacks are more Paleo than others, and you’ll have to read the ingredient labels to determine whether or not you should be eating it. If you don’t recognize or can’t pronounce an ingredient, it’s probably not Paleo! You can always reference our Paleo Shopping Guide from your smartphone while you’re at the store to help figure out if it’s Paleo-friendly.
15 Best Store-Bought Paleo Snacks
1. PaleoLife Box
Paleo Life Box is a monthly box of Paleo snacks delivered to your door, with shipping available to the United States and Canada. I love the variety and tasting experience that I get in my box each month, and it’s a great bang for your buck too. Expect a mix of meat snacks, bars, cookies, veggie chips, granola, chocolate treats, seed and nut mixes, dried fruit, and more.
2. Bubba’s Fine Foods
Bubba’s carries grain- and preservative-free snacks and “un-granola.” Their Original Snack Mix tastes just like the Original Chex Mix!
3. Pili Nuts by Hunter Gatherer Foods
These wild sprouted pili nuts have the highest levels of magnesium and healthy fats and oils, as well as the lowest levels of carbs of any nut. Pili nuts are reminiscent of a macadamia nut, but less bitter and even better.
4. Grass-fed Collagen Bars by Primal Kitchen
These decadent and delicious bars contain more collagen than a cup of bone broth! Available in four flavors: Dark Chocolate Almond, Coconut Cashew, Chocolate Hazelnut, and Macadamia Sea Salt.
5. Bacon’s Heir Pork Clouds
Made from dried pork skins cooked in olive oil and lightly seasoned with herbs and spices to create a perfect crunch experience sans carbs! Available in four flavors: Malabar Black Pepper, Rosemary and Sea Salt, Habanero Pepper, and Cinnamon Ceylon.
6. Jilz Crackerz
These delicious crackers are made from nuts, seeds, and spices and are available in three flavors: Mediterranean, Tuscan flavor, and Cracked Pepper/Sea Salt.
7. Muffin Else
Want a Paleo muffin in two minutes? Just add water, microwave, and enjoy a single delicious Paleo muffin in a cup! Available in several flavors.
8. Vital Choice Wild Seafood
Smoked sockeye, king salmon candy, wild salmon jerky strips, and other wild seafood and meats are omega-3 rich snacks for the brain and body.
9. Simple Mills
Crackers, muffins, and other boxed baked Paleo goodies that are easy to make, and even easier to eat!
10. Siete Tortilla Chips and Tortillas
You won’t miss tortilla chips or tortillas on your Paleo diet ever again. In fact, these taste better than any grain-based tortillas you’ve ever eaten! They’re my favorite.
11. Epic Snack Strips
These meat strips are the perfect protein snack to take on the go. Made from quality wild meats and ingredients, they’re available in four flavors: Wagyu Beef Steak, Smoked Salmon Maple, Turkey Cranberry Sage, and Venison Sea Salt Pepper.
12. Paleo Mom’s AIP Protein Snack Box
This sampler snack box is filled with Paleo protein-rich snacks which are also AIP (Autoimmune Protocol) approved. The AIP On-The-Go Box is another great snack option for folks eating either Paleo or AIP.
13. Artisan Tropic Plantain Strips
Plantain chips are starchy, slightly sweet, and rich in fiber. These plantain chips are sturdy enough for dipping and crunchy enough to satisfy those cravings! Available in four flavors: Sea salt, Naturally sweet, Cinnamon, and Spicy cayenne.
14. One Stop Paleo Shop – Bar Box
There are seriously too many delicious Paleo bars available these days to not mix it up! This bar box sampler includes the “best of” Paleo bars, from sweet to savory. All are totally Paleo and free from preservatives and other junk.
15. Paleonola
This delicious Paleo granola is made from nuts, seeds, and other Paleo ingredients. Available in six flavors: Original, Chocolate Fix, Maple Pancake, Apple Pie, Pumpkin Pie, and Pina Colada.
Bottom Line
As you can see, there’s a ton of super healthy options when it comes to snacking on Paleo, from easy to complex, from homemade to store-bought. With so many options available, it’s easy to find healthy snacks that will help you stick to eating Paleo when hunger and cravings arise.
The main point to keep in mind is that preparation is key. Since you won’t be dining out of vending machines anymore, you’ll want to have your snacks planned out in advance.
The best news is that many favorite non-Paleo snacks can be recreated using Paleo-friendly ingredients and a little creativity.
Your turn: Leave a comment below and share what your favorite healthy snacks are. Got questions on how to hack your favorite snack to make it Paleo? Ask away!
The post The Food Lover’s Guide to Paleo Snacks appeared first on Paleo Plan.
Source: http://ift.tt/10qRbxJ
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pinkdestructr · 7 years
Listen up
Tagged myself because nobody wants to know about me haha
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
THE LAST: 1. Drink: Energy drink 2. Phone call: My boyfriend last night (I think?) 3. Text message: My friend a photo of my cat laying in my way 4. Song you listened to: BTS - 21st Century Girl 5. Time you cried: Uhhhh...I’m too dehydrated to cry today
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: Yeah... ...yeah...  7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Yupperooni! 8. Been cheated on: Hahahahahaha ...yes. 9. Lost someone special: Ten down and counting... 10. Been depressed: Forever. 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: It’s too expensive for me to get drunk.
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: Turquoise, spring green, vermilion red.
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: Luckily! 16. Fallen out of love: Yes, I’m actually relieved.  17. Laughed until you cried: Yupyup 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Well yeah, not surprisingly. 19. Met someone who changed you: Yes, but I’m always changing. 20. Found out who your friends are: I’ve always known. 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Uh...I guess technically?
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Most.  23. Do you have any pets: One tortoise shell cat, Maggie. 24. Do you want to change your name: My last name, mostly. 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: Went to Little Tokyo to celebrate becoming too old to be a kid anymore. 26. What time did you wake up: I dunno, the light outside was on. 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Drawing, I think. 28. Name something you can’t wait for: Becoming a real artist. 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: A few minutes ago. 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: My brain. 31. What are you listening right now: Daughter - Landfill 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Not a physical being, no. 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: My exhaustion and depression. 34. Most visited Website: Tumblr, I guess?
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: A lot all over. 36. Mark/s: A scar between my shoulder blades, and one on my right knee. 37. Childhood dream: A comic artist. 38. Haircolor: Right now it’s dirty blonde with streaks of bleach and teal.  39. Long or short hair: Yes. 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Yes, one I’m dating. One has no idea I exist haha 41. What do you like about yourself: My sheer willpower, I guess? 42. Piercings: Size 2 gauges in both lobes, two secondaries on both ears, snakebites on my lip. 43. Bloodtype: I have no idea! But based on personality, I guess AB? 44. Nickname: Nene, Octo, Mutt, Passum. 45. Relationship status: Two months in, so far so good. 46. Zodiac: Fire Tiger/Capricorn 47. Pronouns: She/Her/They/Them 48. Favorite TV Show: Criminal Minds, TWD, GitS:SAC, I dunno I watch a lot of shit sometimes. 49. Tattoos: None yet. Planning on binary code tattoo, watercolor flowers all over my back and shoulders, my signature on my chest, and more. I’ve designed and planned a lot haha 50. Right or left hand: Right hand, working on getting my left trained. 51. Surgery: None. Had an infected spider bite lanced several times, tho. 52. Hair dyed in different color: I’ve done a lot. Neon red, deep blue, neon green, black, teal, white, I plan on more. 53. Sport: Hahahahaha what? 55. Vacation: Since I don’t have a real job, I’ve never really had a vacation? 56. Pair of trainers: None?
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: Noodles, rice, eggs, peanut butter, sweets, anything sour. 58. Drinking: Tea, boba, coffee, I like a lot. 59. I’m about to: Get back to work on commissions and comics. 61. Waiting for: Too many things. 62. Want: A Cintiq tablet, and a place to call home. 63. Get married: If someone can stand me for that long. 64. Career: Comic artist and illustrator.
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: Kisses. Soft and delicate, hard and hot. 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes, deep and full of dreams. 67. Shorter or taller: Taller, I can’t reach the third shelf. 68. Older or younger: I don’t really care about age either way, but I prefer people who are more mature. I can’t take care of others forever. 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Nice arms, but mostly because I love hands. 71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive, I need more empathy in my life. 72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship, I don’t understand untangling so easily from people. 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: I enjoy a combination of both. Life is more interesting that way.
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: Yes. They stopped being a stranger soon after. 75. Drank hard liquor: Yes. I don’t care for beer or wine.  76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: I’ve misplaced my glasses several times. 77. Turned someone down: For several things. 78. Sex in the first date: Actually yes. Which was really unusual for me. 79. Broken someone’s heart: I guess? I’m not sure if I really did or not. 80. Had your heart broken: Many times. But then again I love too much. 81. Been arrested: Not yet. 82. Cried when someone died: I am still mourning, still crying over so many. 83. Fallen for a friend: Yes. I felt like a failure, for possibly betraying their trust in me.
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: No, I know how much of a disappointment I really am. 85. Miracles: They are far less frequent than people believe. 86. Love at first sight: To the degree that things are not coincidental. 87. Santa Claus: You mean the Christrian God? Huh. No thanks. 88. Kiss in the first date: If it feels right, then yes. 89. Angels: Spirits, ghosts, beings of energy, forces and entities we cannot understand. But not necessarily “Angels”.
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: Bridgette. Then there are the ones who are now just my family. 91. Eyecolor: Hazel grey-blue, everyone tells me they are a different color. 92. Favorite movie: Pacific Rim, I guess? There are too many that have influenced and changed me.
If you want to do this, you can say I tagged you. I want to learn about you, and maybe learn about me.
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ecotone99 · 4 years
[SF] The Extravagant Execution of Edward Ernesto Ellington de Manuel - Part II
(Link to first part found here.)
The ice melts in the night and in the morning he makes me clean again. He pours the water out and brings me fresh cut cubes daily. He is cautious and careful, but he has spilled my tray twice already. For two nights I have had to go without ice, without breath. Because of it, I have heard the sounds of another world—like foxes in the night. And yet, he is quite fond of me; he feeds me many tasty treats. I have no need for it (for I am full-grown), and yet, I thirst, I hunger. Mastication brings me much pleasure.
Yelling is futile. For this, I give him credit. If I scream, he locks me up. And if I cry, he starves me. I have tried to whisper when he feeds me, but he is keen even to that. He keeps his fingers on my lips and studies me. After supper, it is back on with the towel.
She comes to see him in the night, skin pressed upon skin. Have they no shame? She is old enough to be his mother. She seems not to mind his wound. She presses her thumbs against the mango, loosening up the fruit, until a hole she bites at one end. Then she drips it down his throat.
At night, I dream of walking: great long dreams where I am walking with long stride down green pastures. Mountains rise in the distance and my arms swing freely beneath warm sun. There is not a person around me, but I am not alone. I am walking and I am walking and I do not know where. When I wake, I am sure of movement. I reach for the dark in front of me, but my arms are not there. My legs neither.
I should like to record my thoughts. I cannot write them, but I can think them. Like this, I shall keep them.
For the fourth time in half as many days, Edward struggled to get a hold of the doctor on the ward. And this was not for lack of effort. If nothing else, Edward was a resilient and hardheaded individual, the combination of which had undoubtedly contributed to his lengthy stay at the hospital, after his repeated insistence that it was the voices in his head that had told him to grab that butter knife and lunge across the breakfast table at his grandfather on that fateful winter morning and not his own will.
It was Dr. K however, the chief psychiatrist of the building, who remained an elusive man on the wards, seen only in moments of great crisis, or to use the back door when traveling from the fourth floor to the ground floor to escape the lascivious looks of one Miss Aldine Hutchinson, perhaps the eldest patient on the whole campus who was convinced of her betrothal to Dr. K and was always eager to remind him quite audibly in the hallway, in full detail, of their passionate and lengthy lovemaking affairs in the back of her father’s red Ford Ranchero.
But now, Edward had the doctor in sight. He was attending to Benedita Benedita, a small old woman who was almost taller in width than in length, and seemed to balance on the floor with the delicacy of an egg atop a kitchen counter. Behind the wall Edward stood watching her however, there was hardly a soft-shelled thing about her. True to the telenovela style, she was weeping and screaming about her cheating ex-husband and lamenting about the men she could have lain with, but had not, out of pious virtue to her savior Jesus Christ. And now, in a vain attempt at retribution, she was stripping her clothes off in the middle of the hallway to see if she might make up for lost time.
“Sex,” she said, dragging her fingers down her outstretched leg, “was all he eva wanted.”
Dr. K did the honorable thing in that moment and stepped up to the front of the group of men surrounding her in the hallway, all of whom were equipped with gloves and ready to restrain her if necessary, and all of whom were doing their best to avert their eyes as she started to pull up on her dress, revealing more and more of her pale old body.
“Benedita Benedita,” said Dr. K, approaching her with a smile, “we’re going to give you some medication now, is that okay?”
“Go ahead,” she said, suddenly aware of her surroundings, “this is just a body.”
Her fingers walked all the way down towards the bottom of her dress where fringe met air before she grabbed at the fabric and pulled the dress up over her head in one fluid motion until she stood naked in the hallway. Edward could not see it, but he could feel the silence emanating from the crowd.
“And a body,” she said, throwing her dress to the ground, “is not nothing.”
Dr. K gave the signal and the men went in, two on the arms and two on the legs. She pushed her body down towards the ground and swung her weight out to make it difficult for them to carry her, but they wrapped their arms tight around her and lifted her down the hall.
“You need mind!” she screamed out beneath their grip. “Clean, pure mind!”
“Thank you Benedita,” said Dr. K as they carried her into the seclusion room.
“He knows!” she continued. “He knows!”
After the door closed, Edward knew he didn’t have much time before Dr. K made his exit out the back door. And so Edward headed straight for the door, knowing full well that Dr. K would soon be there himself. And he was.
As Edward’s hand reached for the door handle, he bumped shoulders with Dr. K.
“What?” said Dr. K, continuing for the door without looking up.
Edward reached into his pocket and pulled out a letter he had written, but Dr. K was too busy operating the keypad on the side of the door to notice. So he creased the end of the letter with his thumb and forefinger and hit Dr. K on the arm with it, hoping to grab his attention. But that too did not work.
“Not now Edward,” he said, pushing the letter away, “not now.”
Not wanting to waste any more time, Edward pushed himself in front of Dr. K and stood in front of the doorway, arms out stretched across the frame, preventing Dr. K’s escape.
“What?” said Dr. K, looking up at him for the first time.
Edward handed him the letter, and after a long, steady pause, Dr. K took it.
The immediate blunt salutation caught Dr. K’s attention and demanded he bring this letter closer to his eyes for a further and more detailed examination.
I understand you are a very busy man these days with work and family life, and so for both your convenience and mine, I will make this as brief as possible: I have cut off my own head.
The doctor stopped now and looked up at Edward to inspect him. Edward felt this too, the cold stare of inquisitive medical eyes, scanning his body for any deformities, any peculiarities. It made him uncomfortable, but Edward did his best to maintain a rigid and erect pose, allowing the doctor to appreciate his headlessness once and for good. After what felt like only a cursory look however, the doctor went on.
Do not be alarmed. I have taken all necessary sterilization precautions and I can say with full confidence that the amputation was a success. Blood was lost, but life was gained.
At times, I thought that only by self-destruction could I hope to rid myself of the relentlessly advancing voices within me, in my eardrums and in my pulse. But I was wrong.
Gone are the debilitating thoughts that kept me the prisoner of indecision and paranoia for most of my adult life. I am no longer tormented by the voices that have either pressured me into acting irrationally, or stymied me into cowardice. I feel confident. I am confident. I have made positive choices for myself—choices that I believe will help me lead an independent and successful life in the outside world.
For these reasons, I am requesting my release from this facility. I no longer need hospital services because I have successfully removed that which has afflicted me.
I understand that my case needs to be reviewed by the board before any decision be made, but I wanted to speak with you directly first, hoping that you could help me campaign for my release.
I hope this letter finds you well.
In good health,
E.E.E. de M.
Dr. K stood staring at the repeating ‘E’ of Edward’s signature, spiraling down the page with speeding abandon, for quite some time before folding up the letter and tucking it away neat inside his left breast pocket.
“Come,” he said.
He led Edward in to the small treatment room down the hall and sat Edward on a black stool in the center of the room before examining his crusted stump beneath tight-fitted gloves and a snow-white surgical mask.
“Hmmm,” said Dr. K, adjusting the light’s arm until Edward could feel the warmth of its glow beating against his healing skin. “How, simple.”
Though he could not see it either, the colonies of pale lobate microbes were still there on his neck, replicating and dividing with exponential rapidity, visible only as a faint streak of yellow, masked mostly by the luminance of Dr. K’s bright light.
“And how it smells!” he said, pulling his head back from Edward’s neck, the sight of which had gotten much worse as tender brown scabs started to form over the wound.
Dr. K stood up now and took Edward’s arm between his own hands, running his fingers into his palm.
“Now when I press down, you push up. Okay?”
Edward did not understand the meaning of the question, but he understood the interrogative and nodded his neck accordingly.
And when the doctor pressed down on Edward’s arm, Edward pushed up out of sheer instinct.
“And when I push up, you press down.”
And so Edward did again.
“Very good.”
He let Edward’s arm rest back down at his side as he took two steps back to analyze him. He held his chin between his two forefingers for just a moment before pulling off his gloves and tossing them into the trash.
“You have a very unusual case here, Mr. Ellington.”
Dr. K walked over to the desk and pulled out a small notepad and pen.
“Now I am not going to make you any promises,” he said, uncapping his pen, “but I think we might have a chance.”
Edward stood up straight from his stool, walked over to Dr. K and shook his hand. Something about the tone of his voice communicated a sense of optimism and hope for Edward, the likes of which he had not heard for some time.
“Until then,” he said, handing Edward his note, “lots of ice, and lots of rest.”
Edward took the doctor’s note and walked out the door. For the first time in many years, he felt proud. He was beginning to feel capable again, capable of executing and following through with his plans, no matter how absurd or daunting they might have seemed to him initially. He had much to be happy about. He was not there yet, but he was on a path.
The length of Edward’s fortuitous path was cut short and hard as he walked back to his room and discovered that his once treasured head was now missing. He looked on top of the bed, under the bed, along the sides of the bed, behind his nightstand, inside of and outside of and on top of and underneath his tall wooden cabinet, in the small spaces between the walls and the floor of his room, going so far as to scour the ground on his hands and knees, feeling for any traces of dried blood but finding none at all, before finally accepting that his head was truly gone. And it was.
Escape was out of the question. He had treated the head well, given it a good home, cleaned it, fed it, and even shaved it when its beard grew past its lips. Apart from a few minor incidents, the head had never complained to him once. He had no reason to believe that the head wanted any type of life for itself other than the one he had given it. Instead, he thought for certain that someone had stolen it.
It was not unusual for things to go missing on this ward or on any ward in this hospital—pens, pants, pills, socks, shoes and skirts, spools of yellow masking tape, magazines and necklaces, earrings, headphones, pillows, pillow sheets, fitted sheets, bed sheets and paper sheets, all had a long history of unequal distribution amongst the patients on this unit, whether their proprietors allowed it or not. A commodity as unique and interesting as a live severed head would have undoubtedly been a high prize for any feasting eyes.
Edward was surprised he had not anticipated this earlier. Though he always made sure to lock the cabinet every time he took the head out, he had no reason to believe that anyone would come snooping around his room ever since that night almost seven years ago when, after stepping out to the bathroom, two other patients decided to ransack his room and discovered that apart from his single pair of brown leather shoes, Edward Ellington had no possessions of any real value. Since then, petty thieveries were but a distant memory.
With the severed head, however, things were different. Someone could have easily heard the head screaming down the hall and stumbled into his room and come to investigate without his ever knowing it because he lacked the necessary eyes and ears to be a vigilant watch. He was an easy target now and he had slipped.
He checked the cabinet once more, but all he found was the warped aluminum tray, now filled with lukewarm water, sitting in his cabinet behind an undamaged lock. Somehow, he must have left it open. Retrieval would not be easy for Edward, especially without his eyes and ears, but it was a task he needed to undertake, and one in which he knew exactly with whom to speak first—The Hunt.
Part of The Hunt’s named derived from his ability to do just that—hunt. He had a penchant for late night shopping in patient rooms and he was a well-known hoarder, collecting almost anything he could pick up, from hair clips to pen caps, just to have it. To a man locked inside a psychiatric ward, ownership was a status symbol. It indicated competence and sound mental acuteness, no matter what the object was, and was always worn proudly for all to see, no matter how incongruous it looked. As Edward started down the hall towards The Hunt’s room however, he was interrupted by the faint familiar sound of Lynda Carter’s pure silver anklets dancing about her feet.
“Mr. Ellington,” she said, taking a step towards him.
Edward had grown suspicious of Lynda. She was still very kind to him, bringing him fruits in the night and even singing to him when lonesome bouts hit hard, but she had still not said one word to him about his headlessness. In some ways, he appreciated this— her acceptance of his new-formed state without any question or ridicule—but he wondered why she had never once asked him about it. Such silence was suspicious.
“Your tray is getting cold, sir.”
Despite this, there was something comforting about her tone that Edward could not help but enjoy. So he followed her into the day hall where dinner was being served and sat behind the big round beveled plastic table that stood in the center of the room.
“Cranberry or apple?” she asked, after bringing him his tray of stuffed sole and steamed vegetables.
A slow stream of blood dripped down Edward’s neck and landed onto his tray.
“Oh I forgot,” she said, after watching the drop splatter across his broccoli, “you’re not talking.”
It was not uncommon for patients to go days, weeks and even months without talking to a single staff member or peer. Depression was common on the ward, and in its worst moments, it afflicted patients so severely that many walked down the halls with their eyes rolled up the ends of their sleeves and their lips bunched up in the bottom of their pockets, just to avoid those brief passing pleasantries in the hallways, even with those they once enjoyed speaking with. Because of these episodes, Lynda Carter always carried with her a pen and paper in case any patient was bent on being silent.
“Let’s try it again,” she said, laying the pen and paper out in front of him, “cranberry or apple?”
Edward took the pen, grabbed the paper and wrote down in large block letters: “I LOST MY HEAD.” He capped the pen and, together with the slip of paper, handed it back to Lynda Carter who, after one quick glance, crumpled up the paper between her fingers. Delusions and hallucinations were so common on this ward that this message struck her as nothing but ordinary.
“Excuse me,” she said, suddenly turning towards the room of patients awaiting their dinner trays, “has anybody seen Mr. Ernesto’s head? It has black hair, brown eyes, and a big crooked nose.”
A few patients laughed. One woman thought that she heard her name called for dinner and had to be repeatedly informed that in fact her name had already been called ten minutes ago before a thin young woman in jeans piped up from the back.
“Nobody wants to fucking hear it,” she said, getting up from her seat. “I got enough damn problems with this big bitch crawling up my back that I don’t need any god damn missing heads to think about, alright?”
Her harsh tone cut the laughter in the room as she paced up and down the day hall, running worry up the tips of her fingers.
“Yes ma’am,” said Lynda Carter.
She pulled up a seat next to Edward and, taking a plastic knife and fork in hand, cut up his food into finely chopped pieces.
“Here,” she said, pulling back the washcloth covering his neck, “open up.”
His esophagus spread open like some amphibious creature and she scooped in the pieces of stuffed sole without the least bit of hesitation.
“Smells like pig’s feet,” said the pacing young woman.
“Mmmm,” said Lynda Carter, “I love pig’s feet.”
As the food descended down Edward’s esophagus in short, strong bursts of smooth muscular contractions, The Hunt appeared in the day hall carrying his tray against the soft glow of the setting sun, seen through the barred windows behind him.
“I’d take out me left eye just to spend a night wit you, Miss Lynda Carter,” he said, taking a seat at the table next to Edward and her.
Though just as common as the fantasies and the delusions circulating the halls, The Hunt’s thinly veiled sexual comments were greeted with neither joke nor wit, but a lone middle finger, standing tall and proud from Lynda Carter, for The Hunt to see in a language she knew he understood.
“I wish I had two tongue, two mouth, and two head,” he said, unmoved by her defense, “just ta lick ya up wit.”
Bursting out from his sorrow-shrunken frame, Edward stood up from his seat and walked over to The Hunt, convinced that he was making some snide remark about his own lost head.
“Wat you want?” asked The Hunt, looking up at Edward who was a good foot taller than him.
Edward wanted to scream, to yell, to say something to him to find out where his head was, but he couldn’t. Instead, he grabbed The Hunt by his shirt and picked him up from his chair.
“Get off!” yelled The Hunt.
He lifted The Hunt off his chair and held him a good two inches above the ground. As he stood there, watching The Hunt squirm beneath his fingers, he realized that he would have never dared to approach, much less grab The Hunt, had his head been still fixed atop his shoulders. But now, lacking that vestigial appendage, he was incensed and inflamed to act on first instinct, without long ponderous thought, that heavy burden that weighed him at every turn, and, according to Edward, never served him much good at all. This newfound energy was a rush of relief that invigorated Edward down to his core. But before he could revel in his newly discovered powers, he felt another deep rumbling within his chest—the whining swell of the emergency alarm ringing from the loudspeakers overhead.
He worried. In his years at the hospital, he had heard and seen the alarm go off for several patients on the ward, but never for him. Edward was well behaved and, apart from his own delusions, he never harmed anyone or caused anybody any serious problems. Grave moral questions started to surge through his blood as he let The Hunt go and started to walk backwards, unable to see or hear anything around him, save the rumbling vibrations felt in his chest as the emergency alarm system rang overhead.
But soon, he felt them. They came down from the stairs with their gloves ready and gathered around him like birds of prey. He was backed in and, fearful of what might come next, grabbed one of the plastic trays and threw it out across the table. Pieces of chopped carrots and salted broccoli landed all across the table as the tray sailed across to the room. Then he was taken down. They lifted him up and carried him in to the restraint room without much of a fighting chance.
When Edward came to his limbs were bound up, red against white, white against blue, blue against red. It was a long and narrow room, not much wider than the width of the bed he was strapped up to, which was made narrower by the encroaching anxiety that bore down on him from all sides and seemed to slither in between the straps, pressing up against his skin. The same advancing fears and voices that plagued him for so many years still ran through his blood.
As he tried to wrangle himself free from the restraints, he heard the sound of strange and unfamiliar footfall approaching in the hallway. Of the quality of the shoes, he was certain. They were the black wing-tipped shoes of Dr. K, evinced by the low, deep sound of the slightly elevated back heels as foot hit ground. And yet, the rhythm was off. It was not the short, small, quick steps of the Dr. K he knew; they were slow, long, drawn out steps that were uneven and unfamiliar.
The steps grew louder and louder as they walked up to the door of the restraint room and stopped, creating an unsteady silence that rushed over Edward’s body.
“Mr. Ellington,” said the voice.
Stranger than the unfamiliar rhythm of the footfall was the hauntingly familiar sound of the voice that moved through the air and seemed to linger over Edward in that oppressive room. It was a voice he recognized well, but one which he could not identify exactly from where he knew it.
“I took you,” said the voice, approaching Edward with those long, drawn steps, “naked and hungry as you were.”
Even the cadence of his words, the way his tone rose, swelled and lingered on the hard stresses, was all familiar to Edward as the voice took seat on a stool beside his bed and sat looking over Edward’s body.
“And I cherished you,” he said, cleaning the few streaks of running blood from Edward’s neck with the dry end of the washcloth.
Edward was sure of this voice, he knew he knew it, but he was not accustomed to listening to it as he did now.
“But perhaps,” the man went on, “too indulgently.”
And then it hit him. The way the voice drew out the sound of the consonants was very familiar to Edward because that was the way he spoke. The sound, the tone, the cadence, they were all patterns Edward used in his speech. Indeed, he recognized it now; the voice emanating from this man was Edward’s own voice.
“Is it this which makes you so rebellious towards me?”
Edward lunged up in bed, but his arms and feet were still tied down so that only his headless torso shot up, the surprise of which startled the man and sent his back straight up against the wall.
“You have no right to complain, Edward,” said the man, now smiling.
Blood pumped through Edward’s body as his arms and legs fought against the straps.
“For too long, I provided you with an abundance of my powers.”
The man approached the bed once more, undaunted by Edward’s fighting body.
“But now,” said the man, approaching even closer, “it is my pleasure to draw back my hand.”
Edward pulled at the straps with such force that the bed shook beneath his arms, but he could still not break free from the restraints.
“Who’s that making all this noise in here?” said a small young nurse, shuffling into the room.
“Please,” said the doctor, letting his eyes fall to the ground, “this man has cut off his head.”
A look of terror drew across the nurse’s face as if suddenly, for the first time, able to see that Edward had in fact cut off his own head. And she saw it now, the gruesome and graphic sight of his swollen, infected neck as the blood ran down his shoulders.
“He needs immediate attention,” said the doctor.
The nurse took off down the hall in search of more assistance while the doctor turned back to Edward who was busy trying to free his left hand from the strap.
“Here,” said the doctor, unfastening the strap for him, “feel it.”
He freed Edward’s arm and took his hand in his, letting him feel the contours of his own face on another’s body. The crooked nose, the shrunken eyes, and even the thin-penciled lips, were all Edward’s. He traced his fingers along the neck, searching for any stitches or cuts, but there were none. It was a perfect transplant.
As his fingers walked along the head’s neck, Edward started to close his grip around the man’s neck. His thumb wrapped around one side of the neck and his forefingers came around the other until he made a strong clamp around the man’s neck.
The doctor tried to pull away, to push Edward’s hand away, but he was confined to the short and feeble body of Dr. K, pitted against Edward’s large and powerful hands that wrapped their length around his neck.
The doctor hit out at Edward with his other free hand, punching and punching Edward’s chest until specks of blood sprayed out of his neck, hitting the wall behind him, but Edward still held on.
His grip tightened around the man’s neck and the airway started to close, crushing the cartilage beneath his fingers.
He wanted so much to see this, to witness the strangling of his own head as the face started to purple and blue, but it was then that the nurse came running back with more men for assistance and pried Edward’s fingers loose from the doctor’s head.
“The injection!” cried the doctor, recovering his breath.
The nurse pulled out the small syringe and with the help of the men holding down Edward’s limbs, delivered him the injection. He writhed and fought under their weight, kicking and moving, but it was not long before the medicine worked its way through his system and slowed his heart to a calming rhythm.
He lay in bed now, unsure if he was dreaming or still awake, feeling the rumbling of his ribs as the voices crowded around him in bed and seeped down his limbs and into the tips of his fingers until he felt them close tight around his chest.
Time ran on. At every turn, Edward was met with the calculated strength of Dr. K and his newly affixed head, always eager to advocate for locked seclusion and more injections after any of Edward’s outbursts, which were becoming more and more frequent as he tried to explain to patients and staff around him that this doctor was not who he said he was, that he was an impostor who had taken his head and attached it to Dr. K’s body. But, like all other delusions on the ward, this too was cast aside and locked away.
From staff and peers, he was treated as just another invalid. He was catered to as much as any other patient was, given fair and adequate attention, but nothing ever above or beyond ordinary. He was put on a chopped diet, iced four times a day, and even given neck massages to soothe the pain down his back, and yet, he was certain that he was being talked about. He couldn’t hear them or understand what these voices said, but he knew they were slandering his name. He felt it in the way they helped him, in the long pauses after he asked them for more food, or the sudden silences after he asked them for help in the shower. And when he asked them for more medications, he was sure they took him for a fiend.
His infection only worsened. The pale lobate microbes had spread and killed much tissue, causing the area around his neck to turn black and green with necrosis. He wore a large bandage of gauze over the wound, but it did little to mask its pungent odors. This only isolated him more from staff and peers who did their best to avoid his sight, his smell.
Nobody seemed to care for him except for Lynda Carter, who still came to visit him at night despite the smell of his wound. Sitting there now by his side in bed, watching as the infection spread across his body, she raised one hand up over her shoulder and rested her arm atop her head, letting her fingers fall loose around her ear as if in warm embrace. With her other free hand, she pointed at the large diamond ring on her finger and sang to him a small song in a small voice.
“I love my diamond ring, I love my diamond ring.”
submitted by /u/One-Smell [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/33kf2VY
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sherristockman · 6 years
Eggs Cannot Be Defined by Law Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Eggs, organic and pastured, are among the healthiest foods you can eat, and discussing the definition of an egg seems, on the surface, to be a rather moot point. That is, until you learn a curious fact about the legal definition of an egg, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). While the FDA wasn’t shy about legally defining egg whites, frozen egg yolks and liquid eggs, regular eggs — the kind in the shell (as though there were any other kind — have no such definition. Stranger still, the FDA has a rule on the books that forbids it, stating “no regulation shall be promulgated fixing and establishing a reasonable definition and standard of identity for the food commonly known as eggs.”1 One can only speculate why the FDA would go to such a length to avoid pinning down a definition for eggs, but one thing the lack thereof allows is for restaurants to pass off “eggish” products as real eggs, with no obvious distinctions to consumers. So it’s not surprising that food chain Panera, which is launching a breakfast sandwich made from “100% real eggs,” submitted a petition to the FDA to eliminate the “no definition rule” and asking for eggs to be defined to “reflect a food made from a cracked shell egg without addition of additives or further processing” — the exception being pasteurization or other treatment to destroy salmonella.2 As the saying goes, truth really is stranger than fiction, and although Panera is clearly seeking to legally define eggs in order to bolster profits, it seems to be a worthwhile endeavor nonetheless. As Modern Farmer noted, “[I]t seems that Panera has actually stumbled on something bizarre and worth digging into. What possible reason could the FDA have for not only declining to define an egg, but for going a step further and actually passing a rule that specifically forbids anyone from defining one?”3 Egg Sandwiches Often Made From ‘Egg Products’ Instead Eggs play a starring role in most fast-food breakfast sandwiches, with many taking for granted the notion that an “egg sandwich” contains real egg. This is where the FDA’s strange egg loophole rears its ugly head, as an egg sandwich may actually be made with a heavily processed “egg product.” Ironically, fast-food giant McDonald’s — hardly known for wholesome food — is among those that touts the use of a whole cracked egg in its breakfast menu, but only on its McMuffin (which still does not make it a health food). Most of their other egg sandwiches contain “folded egg,” which is a mix of eggs, nonfat milk, modified food starch, salt and citric acid.4 Other food chains are similarly guilty of passing of unappetizing egg concoctions as simply “eggs” on its sandwiches. Dunkin’ Donuts’ bacon, egg and cheese sandwich, for instance, is made with an “egg patty” that includes soybean oil, cornstarch, xanthan gum and natural flavor, among other ingredients.5 Even Starbucks, many people may be surprised to learn, uses a “puffed scrambled egg patty” on its sausage, cheddar and egg breakfast sandwich, made with soybean oil, modified food starch, butter flavor and guar gum, to name just some of its ingredients.6 The moral of the story is that if you choose a fast-food breakfast, there’s a good chance the egg it contains is a far cry from the kind you could, just as quickly, whip up at home — although Panera is trying to change that. The company wrote in a press release:7 “In developing its newest breakfast sandwiches, Panera discovered that current FDA regulations do not establish a definition or a standard of identity for eggs. Without this, companies can sell and advertise items that contain multiple additives, such as butter-type flavors, gums and added color, under the generic term ‘egg.’ Panera’s goal in petitioning the FDA is to better support and inform guests in the absence of a true definition for the term ‘egg.’” Further, Panera’s director of wellness and food policy Sara Burnett, explained, “After discovering the FDA’s lack of definition for the simple term ‘egg,’ Panera began exploring menus from other companies in the food industry to better understand what’s in their ‘egg’ sandwiches. Panera found that 50 percent of the top 10 fast casual restaurants that sell breakfast have an ‘egg’ made of at least five ingredients, often more.”8 Fake Eggs an Actual Problem in Asia In Asia, fake eggs are taken to another level entirely, with whole egg lookalikes appearing on store shelves since about the mid-1990s. Circa 2005, it was said that fake eggs cost about half as much to make as real eggs, whereas other reports suggest 10 fake eggs cost just 2 cents to produce,9 hence the attempts to pass them off to unsuspecting consumers. Made with strange combinations like calcium carbonate and paraffin wax for the shells, resin, coagulant, pigment and sodium alginate for the whites and yolks, the fake eggs appear eerily similar to the actual thing, although with ingredients linked to liver, brain and nerve damage.10 An investigation by the Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) in Malaysia revealed slight differences between real and fake eggs to watch out for. The fake eggs, CAP said, were rougher on the surface and larger than real eggs, with yellower yolks and no chalazae, the ropy strand of egg white that holds the yolk in place. Further, fake eggs smell different from real eggs, with some having no scent at all, and, if shaken in the shell, you’ll hear liquid sloshing around, as opposed to a more solidified sound from a real egg.11 Reports on social media suggest the eggs become rubbery when cooked, with yolks that may even bounce on the floor. In speaking with a reported 10-year veteran in the fake-egg industry, on investigation with the Qilu Evening News, reported by the Epoch Times, explained more unsettling details about how the fake eggs are created:12 “The eggshell is created in a mold; stirring the calcium mixture and applying it evenly is crucial in creating a convincing fake. In 10 minutes, the egg is complete. To reduce the strong chemical smell given off by the compounds that comprise the whites and yolk, the eggs are treated with aquarium water to recreate an authentic odor. For added effect, traces of chicken droppings can be placed on the eggs.” Beyond Eggs for US — Ultra-Processed Isolates Backed by Gates A different type of fake egg has already hit store shelves in the U.S. Dubbed “Beyond Eggs,” the pea-based egg replacement was created by Hampton Creek, a food startup backed by Bill Gates, aiming to replace animal foods with plant products.13 The Beyond Eggs product was intended to be used only in baking, but the company is hoping to soon release another plant-based artificial egg product made from mung beans, called Just Scramble, and intended to replace other egg replacement products used by schools and universities. Along with the fake eggs, the company also makes a plant-based mayonnaise and is working on plant-based ice cream and butter, along with a lab-grown meat product. It’s the latest lineup of ultra-processed food created from isolates and cultures that is being passed off as healthier than the real thing. The “Beyond Meat” Beyond Burger is another example that’s already sitting on U.S. grocery store shelves. Made from a heavily processed concoction of ingredients like pea protein isolate, canola oil, gum Arabic, modified food starch and cellulose from bamboo, it’s far from health and a far cry from real food. The Impossible Burger, a meat substitute made from soy, wheat, coconut oil, potatoes and plant-based “heme,” the latter of which is derived from genetically engineered (GE) yeast, is another example of the fake food fad that seems to be rising in the U.S., as is the meat substitute known as Quorn, a fungus-based ferment that hit the U.S. market in 2002. It’s important to remember that a key feature of healthy food is being as natural and unprocessed as possible, and meat alternatives such as the Beyond Burger, Impossible Burger and Quorn involve the highest level of processing imaginable. These products are manufactured from start to finish and involve the use of man-made ingredients. Even more importantly, real, whole food such as meat and eggs contain a complex mix of nutrients and cofactors that you cannot recreate by an assembly of individual components. As a general rule, man-made foods are vastly inferior to natural, whole foods and always will be. Real Nutrition Comes From Real Eggs Getting back to eggs, if you’re interested in real nutrition, forget the fake egg patties, powders and replacements and opt for the real thing instead. Eggs became largely vilified over recent decades, in part because of misconceptions regarding their cholesterol content. In reality, eggs, particularly the yolks, provide valuable vitamins (A, D, E and K), omega-3 fats and antioxidants. They’re also one of the best sources of choline available. Choline helps keep your cell membranes functioning properly, plays a role in nerve communications, prevents the buildup of homocysteine in your blood (elevated levels are linked to heart disease) and reduces chronic inflammation. Choline is also needed for your body to make the brain chemical acetylcholine, which is involved in storing memories. In pregnant women, choline plays an equally, if not more, important role, helping to prevent certain birth defects, such as spina bifida, and playing a role in brain development. According to a study published in the journal Nutrients, only 8 percent of U.S. adults are getting enough choline (including only 8.5 percent of pregnant women).14 Among egg consumers, however, more than 57 percent met the adequate intake (AI) levels for choline, compared to just 2.4 percent of people who consumed no eggs. In fact, the researchers concluded that it’s “extremely difficult” to get enough choline unless you eat eggs or take a dietary supplement. One egg yolk contains nearly 215 mg of choline. Why else are egg yolks good for you? They’re rich in the antioxidant carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which are beneficial for vision health. Egg yolks are also an excellent source of healthy fat and protein, while providing you with vitamins that many Americans are lacking. Eating egg yolks may even be an ideal way to resolve other common nutrient deficiencies beyond choline, including vitamins A, E and B6, copper, calcium and folate.15 Free-range or "pastured" organic eggs are far superior when it comes to nutrient content, while conventionally raised eggs are far more likely to be contaminated with disease-causing bacteria such as Salmonella. You can usually tell your eggs are pastured by the color of the egg yolk. Foraged hens produce eggs with bright orange yolks, and this is what most people who raise backyard chickens are after. Dull, pale yellow yolks are a sure sign you're getting eggs from caged hens that are not allowed to forage for their natural diet. Where You Get Your Eggs Matters Since the FDA currently does not allow eggs to be defined, be aware that “egg” dishes may take on a variety of processed forms in restaurants. You can easily avoid falling for this fake egg loophole by being choosy about where your eggs come from and preparing them yourself at home. Unfortunately, loopholes also abound in terms of eggs sold in U.S. grocery stores, allowing CAFO-raised chickens and eggs to masquerade as "free-range" and "organic." The Cornucopia Institute addressed some of these issues in their egg report and scorecard, which ranks egg producers according to 28 organic criteria. It can help you to make a more educated choice if you’re buying your eggs at the supermarket. Ultimately, however, the best choice is to get to know a local farmer and get your eggs there directly. Alternatively, you might consider raising your own backyard chickens or picking up organic, pastured eggs from a local farmers market or food co-op. This way, there’s no confusion over what’s a real egg and what’s not — regardless of what the FDA definition ultimately turns out to be.
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