#thanks baz for the prompt :)
artsyunderstudy · 7 months
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“I lean over the pool, let him sink back and run his fingers across my horns. His eyes shimmer as he studies them, his mouth tweaked in fascination. He’s so beautiful.”
What Remains After the Storm by @hushed-chorus
Carry on Countdown | Day One: Creature
This year I decided I wanted to honor the incredibly talented fic writers of this fandom, so I chose one fic per prompt to do an illustration for. I didn't double up on authors so that I could do this for as many people as possible. I realized while planning this that there are way too many fics and authors that I love, and even after having picked 30 of what I consider some of my very favorites, I could have easily kept going. Please check the fics out if you haven’t, they all come highly recommended.
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tizniz · 1 month
WIP Wednesday 🌙
Tagged by @wikiangela & @theotherbuckley 🩵
I told myself I was going to work on Recovery this week until I realized that with how my mental health is going, it's best if I stay away. So instead I started on a really fun prompt idea from Baz. Letting myself have fun with this one. Here's some of what is is fondly being labeled as Pampering Eddie until I sort out a proper title :)
“Didn’t you just yell at me for standing?” Buck, the little shit that he is, rolls his eyes. “I didn’t yell. I sternly told you to sit your ass down because you were definitely going to try and hobble out on your own.” “I—” Eddie closes his mouth as Buck quirks an eyebrow. Instead of replying, Eddie sticks his tongue out. Buck rolls his eyes again, “Do you want to shower or not?” “Yes.” “Are you going to accept my help?” “Are you going to keep being bossy?” Buck chuckles, cupping Eddie’s face and ducking down to kiss him sweetly, “I’ll keep being bossy if you keep looking at me like that.” “Not sure I like this change in dynamic.” Eddie lies, like the liar he is.
NP tagging: @hippolotamus, @actualalligator, @actuallyitsellie, @perfectlysunny02, @bidisasterevankinard, @spotsandsocks, @fortheloveofbuddie, @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove, @daffi-990, @jesuisici33, @cal-daisies-and-briars, @exhuastedpigeon, @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming, @monsterrae1, @epicbuddieficrecs, @elvensorceress, @eddiebuckley-diaz, @eddiebabygirldiaz, @wildlife4life, @evanbegins, @devirnis, @loveyouanyway, @smilingbuckley, @watchyourbuck, @loserdiaz, @excuseme-greentea, @scknight05, @dangerpronebuddie, @kitteneddiediaz, @underwaterninja13, @bigfootsmom, @princessfbi 🩵
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rimeswithpurple · 6 months
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Carry On Countdown Day 27 - Gift
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onepintobean · 6 months
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COC day 9 | pride
I had not known you a month before I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry.
- Pride and Prejudice
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gadzooksgalore · 2 years
📚 Gib Toko bed time story (Bonus points if it's Baz or Gerdie doing it)
(So...I ended up writing something a bit silly for this, and it kinda veers from the original prompt. But I hope you enjoy it anyway!)
“All settled in?” Gerdie asked, lowering himself to sit on the edge of Toko’s bed.
The young girl nodded despite squirming under the blankets. “Yep! So what’s the story for tonight?”
“Well, it’s actually a new story…but it might even seem familiar.”
Gerdie cast a very subtle glance toward Toko’s door, his expression souring for a moment, before turning back to the expectant youngling. He cleared his throat.
“Once upon a time, there was a huge, terrible monster with a voracious appetite. So voracious in fact, that he ate all the clearly-marked leftovers in the fridge—“
The mechanic was promptly interrupted by a loud groan from beyond Toko’s room. A large shadow appeared in the door frame not a moment later.
“Seriously? You’re still hung up over that?” Baz sighed.
Gerdie turned, his previously calm expression now a mixture of annoyance and exasperation. “What do you mean ‘still’? Of course I’m hung up over that! You ate my food!”
The captain scoffed in reply. “Gerd, that was over a week ago. I said I was sorry, remember? Can’t you just let it go?”
Like the flip of a switch, Gerdie’s aggravation melted into confusion. He gave Baz a puzzled look. “What? No, I’m talking about yesterday.”
“Yesterday?” Baz repeated. “I didn’t eat your food yesterday.” Gerdie furrowed his brow, anger completely fading. “What? Then who—“ As if a light bulb went off in their heads simultaneously, the two turned their attention toward Toko. The girl had huddled down lower under the covers while they were going back and forth. Now only her head was visible, and she smiled sheepishly up at them. “…Oops?”
Gerdie’s jaw dropped and he simply stared at her in disbelief, Baz’s thunderous laughter booming behind him.
“Miss Toko!” he finally exclaimed, finding his voice. “How could you?!”
Toko winced at the accusation. “I’m sorry! I was hungry so I looked in the fridge and saw the takeout box from the diner a couple days ago and the food inside smelled really good but I knew it wasn’t mine so I was gonna ask if I could have some but then you left to pick up fuel for the ship and I was still hungry and…I couldn’t help myself, okay!”
Gerdie sat in stunned silence during her explanation, still reeling over the fact that Toko had stolen his food this time.
Baz’s laughter was the only sound filling the room for a brief moment, but it eventually died down. The captain’s crap-eating grin had yet to disappear, however. “Nice one kid,” he chuckled.
At this, Gerdie shot him a bitter and somewhat smug look. “Like father, like daughter.” That shut Baz right up. A faint blush suddenly painted his cheeks, though it was barely noticeable in the dim light.
Now that the captain was in his place, Gerdie turned back around and found that Toko had retreated even farther into the covers. His expression softened and he sighed. “Look, I’m not actually mad about what happened. Just…in the future, don’t take things that aren’t yours without asking first. Okay?”
Posture relaxing, Toko slowly reappeared and nodded. “Okay…sorry about eating your food.”
“It’s quite alright,” Gerdie replied, smiling. Then he turned to look at Baz. “You know, you could learn a thing or two from the youngling.”
Baz frowned. “What, like getting out of trouble easily because she’s cute?”
Gerdie and Toko stared at him in surprise. Suddenly realizing what he’d said, Baz scrambled to reclaim his dignity. “It’s, uh…an unfair advantage, is all I’m saying.”
A beat of awkward silence passed before Baz walked out of the room, bluntly urging Gerdie to “tell the kid her bedtime story so she can go to sleep.”
Shaking his head and smiling, Gerdie glanced at Toko. “Well, how about a real story? Captain’s orders.”
“Yes please!” said Toko, nodding enthusiastically.
Gerdie laughed at the young girl’s excitement. “Alright, one story coming up! Once upon a time…”
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krisrix · 7 months
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Inktober Day 31 ⁘ Fire
Happy Halloween! Here's Simon and Baz as Calcifer and Howl~
These books give us so many ways to fill a prompt like "fire". I really wanted to finish Inktober off with a bang by doing a comic page, but dwindling energy and a big work deadline made that impossible. So here's a silly Halloween thing instead, 😊
Thank you all for supporting me throughout this wild month! Can't believe this is my 5th year of Inktober! It's a draining process, yet fulfilling, too. Even though I often don't have the energy to respond to comments, please know they're so very appreciated, 🥹🖤🖤🖤
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Brandy Dazzle shimmering ink by Diamine
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oyabun-draws · 16 days
Congrats on 2000!
Prompt: Simon and Baz dancing together 💜
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thank you for the prompt! this inspired me to redraw this drawing that i made in 2017 :3
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secret-gallavich · 6 months
was struck with inspiration for this weeks after burnout from whumptober SO thank you @dynamic-power for this weeks @galladrabbles
prompt: room for more
Ian knew this day would come but it still tugs at his chest to see it in the flesh. He's come home from a day of shopping only to find Mickey in bed with someone else.
"Mickey" Ian stands in the doorway, and watches as Mickey startles awake. "Why is he in the bed?"
"He wanted to sleep in here" Mickey mumbles, giving Baz a scratch between his ears.
"Does he have to sleep on my pillow? He's drooling on it"
"He likes your smell" Mickey pulls the covers back and gives the bed a pat "C'mon, room for more"
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leithillustration · 6 months
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The Vampire Knight and The Chivalrous Dragon
Rating: M
Words: 3,493
Chapters: 1 of maybe 3
Sneaking in just before the deadline for @carryon-reverse-bang 2023, I’m so so thrilled to present my artwork and the accompanying first chapter of The Vampire Knight and the Chivalrous Dragon written by the talented @scribble-tier.
My idea was based around the English legend of St George and the dragon- an excuse to live out my dreams of putting Baz into shiny armour to match his glossy hair. Jude ran with it and is giving us a slow burn fic filled with class division, familial obligation and sword fights!
The artwork is only half of the original image I’d intended to create, so the final full piece will be released later on, accompanying whichever chapter feels most appropriate. I can’t wait for you to see the full thing and I’m so excited to read the rest of this story. Thank you @scribble-tier for picking my prompt, it’s been great working with you (: Hope you all enjoy!
Basilton Grimm-Pitch is set to be a knight of legend and renown, with a powerful bloodline and training like very few knights before him. But when he's tasked to slay the beast setting fire to the kingdom, he grapples with how to decline without tarnishing his image or going up in flames himself.
And then Simon Snow is one of the missing.
(Tags under the cut)
Big thanks to the lovely supportive folks in the CORB discord, sorry if I’ve missed tagging you, I am terrible at this stuff and have no idea what I’m doing 98% of the time 😅
@artsyunderstudy @cutestkilla @knitbelove-draws @rimeswithpurple @larkral @melodysmash @youarenevertooold @alexalexinii @katatsumuli @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @iamamythologicalcreature @squidamalink
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stylespresleyhearted · 8 months
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I am feeling so so emotional over this, I’m gonna cry. I can never thank Baz enough for doing this for us Elvis fans, we’re going to be getting new Elvis footage 🥹🥹 Baz, a million thank you’s, thank you for loving and appreciating this man as much as we do! Baz had no reason to do this he is doing it for us I can’t wait ❤️
@precious-little-scoundrel @endearing-lil-scoundrel @prompted-wordsmith @thatbanditqueen @elvisabutler @eliseinmemphis @crash-and-cure @ab4eva
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nightimedreamersworld · 4 months
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A Charity Case
Is this what happens at the end of a successful date? Do people go home together and fall into each other’s arms, inevitable like gravity?
Status: Complete!
Word count: 18.5k
Baz is forced to take part in the Old Families' yearly charity auction. He thinks he's going to spend the evening wining and dining a rich older lady and pretending not to be gay, but Simon has a lot of family money now and is out for revenge. (Or is he?)
This was originally written for a prompt from the blog @carryonprompts. It's finally done! Major thanks to my beta, Em @bookish-bogwitch, for sticking with me after so long.
Read the last chapter on AO3!
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I seen your ask/prompt message!
I gotchu girl!
My ask is how many nicknames do reader and austin have for each other?!
They're so cute! I love themmmm!
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Summary: Austin puts in a rather odd request that leads to a cute exchange of information.
* This installment directly follows the events after Special*
Contents: LOTS OF FLUFF. Little tension. My two favorite goofballs being adorable.
A/N: Hi Anon! I hope you’re well! Thank you so much for the ask. I adore them too 🫠✨I hope you like this!
P.S Feel free to always comment, reblog, and send me a ask/letter!
Once the two of you were inside you greeted a happy Magnus who wagged and snorted at the sight of his two favorite humans.
Tossing your gear to the side you made your way to the kitchen to grab all of the needed ingredients to make your killer three cheese blend grilled cheese for the both of you.
You had finished it up pretty quickly while Austin was in the living room picking his choice of movie.
Turned out he wanted to watch the nineteen ninety nine version of Romeo and Juliet, which also happened to be the version BAZ directed.
“ A throwback. I remember when this came out. My sister and her friends went to go see it in theaters. My mom took them.” He recalled as you set the plates of grilled cheese and chips on the coffee table.
“ Thank you, baby. “ Austin pressed a kiss to the temple when you finally sat down.
You mumbled a quick “ You’re welcome.” Before snuggling up into his chest just enough so you both could still comfortably devour your food.
It wasn’t until you’d gotten to the part of Mercuatio’s long and terribly drawn out death scene that Austin was the first to speak.
“ Hey.” He spoke.
“ Hmm?” You sleepily hummed.
“ This may sound weird….” He started, “ But I didn’t like the way you said my name earlier. And I’m putting in the request for you to actually never say it ever again.” He finished pushing his face into your neck.
Your eyebrows rose and a giggle escaped you, “ Why? That’s your name. Admittedly, I know that it may have come off harsh that time when I said it. I’m sorry. But I like your name, Austin. And I like saying it....and moaning it.” You coyly squeezed in the last part that made him give a toothy smile.
“ Yeah it was and you only do that when I’m in trouble or you’re annoyed. Always sounds sharp when you say it. Doesn’t sound all warm and sweet like when you call me my other names.”
“ Your other names?. Like what? What other names do you have? “ Your laughter coated in curiosity.
Austin’s cheeks began turning a rosy color and his lips upturned at the corners,
“ You know. I’m Aus, babe, or baby, honey-dew, sometimes I’m poppa, I've been called Aussie poo on occasion, Sweet Baboo is pretty standard, Mr. Handsome," He began while you listened in fascination.
"Oh! I’m plant-bae , Sexy Sam, Sir peanut butter, or your most recent favorite…I’m your googly bear.” He listed off all the ridiculous pet names you’d come up with over the last couple months, and it may you smile and laugh so hard.
Truth be told you didn’t know you’d given him that many, but it was too adorable seeing him blush while talking about it.
You could tell he liked them.
“ I see. And out of all of these names.” You added on, “ Which one is your preference to be called? “
“ Hmm.” He thought for a second and then pulled a name, “ I dunno’. I guess I just really like it when you call me, babe.” He confessed. " Basic I know. But it sounds good to me the way it rolls so easily off your tongue. You say it with this feeling of real endearment behind it.” He added, “ I love that.”
“ Awe, BABE.” You goofed grabbing his face and leaned up to plant a fat giggly kiss on his cheek.
“ What about me? What are your nicknames for me?
“ Let’s see. Well, first and foremost you know you're baby. You’re babe too. You’re my sugar mama, sweetheart, sweet thighs.” He said reaching his hand to give your partially exposed thighs a squeeze. You instantly felt tingles.
“ You’re also my baby-girl, honey, madame peach, the wiggly monster, lady jelly, light of my life, my schmoopsie-poo. “ He tickled your sides.
“ But above all else, you're my best girl.” He finished by leaning down and pressing a kiss to your lips.
Heat pooled to your cheeks, “ Really?! I’m your best girl.” You coyly teased.
Austin smiled, “ Really. You’re my best girl. You’ll always be my best girl. You know that.” He leaned his face to hover by yours.
“ You sure? No one else? Just me? “ Even though when you asked you were still teasing, you secretly knew that part of you wasn’t.
Though you knew Austin’s nature and morals made you positive he wouldn’t allow himself to step out on you and break your heart that way. You still couldn’t shake the feeling sometimes that he could go out and find someone more appealing or better suited for him. That he was too good for you.
As if he could hear the gears turning in your mind he leaned down and placed a long sweet and semi- sloppy kiss to your lips. You had to contain yourself a bit when you felt his hand come to rest at the back of your neck and his thumb rub there.
In return yours traveled to his hips to pull him closer to you.
You felt him slightly groan and then pull away from you so that your faces were mere inches away from each other. “ No else. Just you. Repeat it.” He added a edge to the tone of his voice.
“ Say it baby. Tell me.” He encouraged.
You had to find the air to come in your lungs so you could speak, “ No else.” You breathed, “ Just me.”
He smiled rubbing your cheek, “ That’s right. Only you.“
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tizniz · 10 days
for my darling @kitteneddiediaz — thank you for the prompt, Baz. Enjoy Eddie being pampered 🩵
also posting this and promptly disappearing because life and season finale. be back after.
Treat You Right (3.3K)
“Let me take care of you. Just for today. Then tomorrow, you can go back to being the very independent, very very stubborn, and very capable man that I know you are, injured ankle and all.” Eddie waits until the shampoo lather has been rinsed away before he opens his eyes and looks over his shoulder once more, smiling softly at Buck. “Okay. You can pamper me today.”
OR: Eddie gets pampered for the day by his boyfriend.
Sharing is caring: @hippolotamus, @actualalligator, @actuallyitsellie, @perfectlysunny02, @bidisasterevankinard, @spotsandsocks, @fortheloveofbuddie, @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove, @theotherbuckley, @daffi-990, @jesuisici33, @cal-daisies-and-briars, @exhuastedpigeon, @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming, @monsterrae1, @epicbuddieficrecs, @elvensorceress, @eddiebuckley-diaz, @eddiebabygirldiaz, @wildlife4life, @evanbegins, @devirnis, @loveyouanyway, @smilingbuckley, @watchyourbuck, @loserdiaz, @excuseme-greentea, @wikiangela, @dangerpronebuddie, @incorrect9-1-1, @underwaterninja13, @bigfootsmom
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cariantha · 6 months
Talk is Cheap (2/2)
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Sawyer Brooks) Rating: General Warning: Mentions of pregnancy Category: AU; Angst (with a happy ending) Word count: 2.7K Prompt: What would have been the outcome if Sawyer had discovered that she was pregnant whilst Ethan was in the Amazon? A/N: The theme song for this fic is “Go Get Her” by Restless Road.
Part One
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It took Sawyer two days and ten chewed up fingernails to work up the courage to call. And it took three unanswered calls to realize that her heart wasn’t done breaking. 
“Ethan, it’s Sawyer. Please call me as soon as you get this message. I really need to talk to you.”
Ethan listened to the message several times. There were only two possible reasons for her call: something was wrong, or she wanted to talk about them. The only clue he had, her shaky and hesitant voice, was not enough to go on. Worried that weeks of strategic silence and self-inflicted loneliness would be for nothing, he determined that the safest course of action was to call his mentor. Speaking to Naveen would rule out several of the “something wrong” scenarios that were racing through his anxious mind. 
Ring, ring. “Hello, Ethan. It has been a while,” Naveen answered. The two hadn’t spoken since the video call that ended with Sawyer darting away from his office in tears.
“Naveen. How are you? How have you been feeling?”
“I’m fine, son.” 
“Did you have your check-up with Baz this month?”
“I did. My labs were normal.”
“Good… that’s good… uh, how’s the team?”
“They are managing quite well, and June is taking full advantage of her time at the helm,” Naveen chuckled.
“I don’t doubt it. And the interns? Have they killed anyone while I’ve been away?”
“The interns?” Ethan’s attempt at small talk was already suspicious, but asking about the interns was a dead giveaway. “Or one in particular?” Naveen pressed. 
Giving up his pretense, Ethan confessed, “She left me a vague message. I was concerned that something had happened. That one of you might be sick or hurt.”
“I think it’s safe to say she’s hurt, Ethan,” Naveen challenged. 
“You know that’s not what I meant. Is she okay? Has there been any more backlash from the trial? Has Nash been harassing her?”
An exasperated Naveen sighed, “I don’t know the reason for her call, Ethan. And even if I did, I would tell you to speak with her yourself. Tell me, how are you planning to work together if you’re not on speaking terms?”
“Our relationship will return to that of a strictly professional one. Working together on your case, sharing that secret… the lines got blurred and I let things go too far. It was the result of heightened stress and frequent exposure to-”
“Bullshit,” Naveen interjected.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. We both know if that’s all it was, you wouldn’t have bothered to call me. You wouldn’t care this much. Now, swallow your pride like that over-priced whiskey you drink and call her.”
The following day, Sawyer stood outside of Naveen’s office. “Hi Danielle, any chance the chief has some free time in the next day or two?”
“Let me check his schedule, Dr. Brooks,” the assistant answered, clicking her computer mouse.
“Sawyer? Is that you out there?” Naveen called from inside his office. “Come on in.”
Sawyer offered a thankful smile to Danielle and then stepped into Naveen’s office, closing the door behind her. “Thanks for giving me a few minutes.”
“I can always spare a few for my grand-mentee.” He gestured to one of the seats in front of his desk. “What’s on your mind, dear?”
Sawyer took a grounding breath, then proceeded. “A lot actually. I, uh…” She paused, nervously biting her bottom lip. Then as if ripping off a Band-Aid, she came right out with it. “What is the policy for taking a leave of absence? And if I did, how would that impact my fellowship?”
Naveen pursed his lips, mentally diagnosing the situation. “Well, that depends on the type of leave being requested.”
Sawyer hung her head for a moment, and when she looked up, her eyes were glassy. “Maternity leave.” 
He followed her eyes when they shifted to a picture displayed on the hutch behind him, confirming his suspicion. Naveen hoped that Ethan had taken his advice last night. With a sympathetic air, he leaned forward and folded his hands. "Does he know?"
She shook her head and bit her lips, trying to prevent the spill of tears. “He hasn’t returned my calls," she finally managed.
“I’m so sorry, dear. Is there anything you need? Anything I can do for you?”
Sawyer reached for a tissue. “I just need to know what my options are.”
He nodded.
“And if it comes to it… the process for transferring my residency.”
He couldn’t help the frown on his face. “Of course.” A short while later, with a hug and another offer of support, Naveen said goodbye to Sawyer. 
"Danielle, would you mind letting Dr. Cyrus know that I am running a few minutes behind?" Closing his door for privacy, he retrieved his phone from the pocket of his white lab coat.
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Later that night, in his tiny studio apartment in Atalaya, Peru, Ethan sat on the edge of the bed and scrolled through his phone contacts. He stared at Sawyer’s profile picture for a long while, gathering the strength to stay firm in his resolve, while also preparing for the worst. If she was sick, he would call in every favor he was owed. If she was moving on with someone new, he would hate it, but wouldn’t interfere with her happiness. If she was quitting… leaving… he would break. 
With his thumb hovering over the call button, he was startled when the phone pinged. Tapping on the notification, he read the incoming lines of text and quickly realized that he had not anticipated this scenario.
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In her bedroom in her Boston apartment, Sawyer paced back and forth. The word “Read” appeared after the last line of her text message and she anxiously chewed on her thumbnail waiting for any kind of response. Preferably a call, but she would settle for three bouncing dots and a few lines of text. A half hour later, accepting the silence as his response, she powered off her phone and tossed it aside. Curling up in her bed, she cried herself to sleep.
In those same thirty minutes, Ethan stared at the sonogram picture and choked back tears. His knee bounced up and down nervously, carefully considering what to say and do to make things right. When he finally pushed the green call button, he immediately heard her voice on the other end of the line. “Hi there, you’ve reached Sawyer. Leave me a message.” He redialed several more times, but each time it went straight to voicemail. “Dammit!”
Ethan stood and raked his fingers through his hair in frustration. He spun around taking in his humble surroundings, considering his current obligations. “To hell with it.” After calling for a ride, he tossed his phone on the bed and began shoving his belongings into his open suitcase.
An hour later, from the backseat of a taxi, Ethan made another call. “Dr. Stehl, it’s Ethan Ramsey. I’m sorry to do this, but something has come up back home in Boston. A family emergency. I’m on my way to the airport now…”
After twenty-four hours of cramped bus rides and connecting flights, and a quick stop at home to freshen up, Ethan stood outside of Sawyer’s apartment door. Taking a deep, calming breath first, he knocked.
Elijah greeted him a half minute later. “Dr. Ramsey? I didn’t know you were back.”
“Yes, just. Is Sawyer here?”
Elijah moved backward and gestured for him to enter, assuming that Sawyer was already expecting him. It wouldn’t have been the first time she entertained Dr. Ramsey in their apartment, after all. It would also explain why she passed on going to Donahue’s with the other roommates for “Ladies Night” half-priced drinks. “She’s in her room. You remember which one, right?”
Ethan nodded. “Thank you.”
“By the way, I like the beard,” Elijah remarked, closing the door. “Maybe I should try to grow one so my patients won’t think I’m fifteen anymore.” 
“Hmph,” Ethan huffed in amusement as he moved deeper into the quiet apartment. 
He inhaled and exhaled slowly before gently knocking on the last door at the end of the hall, the door to Sawyer’s room. Though light emanated from underneath the door, there was no answer. He knocked again, and when she still didn’t answer, he carefully turned the doorknob and peeked inside. 
Sawyer was fast asleep, hugging a pillow close to her body.
Quietly shutting the door behind him, he softly padded to the side of her bed and carefully sat on the edge. Her laptop lay open behind her. On the screen, an application for residency at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona, which made Ethan’s stomach sink.
Odds were she hated him at this point. Despite the risk, he reached out to touch her. Tenderly skimming his fingers along her hairline, he brushed a few loose strands out of the way. “Sawyer,” he quietly said her name. When he repeated it, she finally began to stir and then opened her eyes.
Shocked, she bolted upright and backed away, nearly knocking her laptop to the floor. “W-what are you doing here?” she asked, trying to get her bearings. 
“I came to talk. To apologize. To try to make things right.”
“Ethan, I–”
Sensing her distrust, “Please, give me a chance,” he implored. “I know I don’t deserve it, but will you please hear me out?” When she didn’t protest, he continued.
“I have been so selfish, Sawyer. When Naveen appointed you to the diagnostics team, I feared a scandal if people discovered we were together, especially with the ethics trial still fresh in people’s minds. I could never, in good conscience, put you in a position like that. You worked so hard and earned this fellowship. It’s a rare opportunity that I don’t want to get in the way of.” His eyes begged for understanding. “Please believe me when I say this… I want to be with you. So much so that I considered stepping down as team leader. Hell, I even considered resigning from the team altogether.” He ran his hand through his hair and took a deep breath. “As much as I care for you, Sawyer, I couldn’t give it up. I have spent my entire career preparing to one day fill Naveen’s shoes. It’s all I’ve ever wanted, until you. But everything between us happened so fast. It was still so new-”
“Ethan, I would never expect you to make that kind of sacrifice. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if you did,” Sawyer firmly cut in.
“I know, Rookie, and that’s why I told myself the only way forward was as colleagues, and nothing more.” He made a point of looking her in the eye. “But the problem is we’ve never just been colleagues, have we. There’s always been something more between us. I took advantage of the distance, hoping that if we cut ties for a while, the connection would fade and make it easier to leave what we had in the past.” 
Sawyer shook her head in frustration. 
“You don’t have to say it. I can probably guess what you’re thinking,” Ethan acknowledged.
“That you’re an idiot?” she quipped.
“Yes, and you’d be right to think so. I had convinced myself it was a solid plan. As long as we still worked together, I would still get to see and talk to my best friend without the constant worry of holding you back or jeopardizing your career.” Sawyer followed when he tipped his head to the laptop screen behind her. “Knowing how badly you wanted to be at Edenbrook, and how hard you fought for the fellowship, I hadn’t considered the possibility that you would leave. When you said you might move back to Arizona, I realized my plan backfired.” 
Ethan gave her a moment to process.
“Why didn’t you call or write me back after I told you about the baby?” she demanded an answer.
"I know this will be hard to believe, but I swear I was just about to call you when I got your text. You can blame me for a lot, but you can’t blame me for the sudden shock of learning that I was going to be a father. It took me a while to catch my breath and find my words. When I finally got my shit together, I tried calling. Several times. But I kept getting your voicemail.” Ethan absent-mindedly stretched his hand toward her. “Sawyer, we both know words without action are meaningless. You mean so much to me and-”
“You have a real shitty way of showing it,” she interjected.
"And I'm here now because I want to change that. You deserve better than a phone call, and certainly more than a text message. You, Rookie, have the unnerving ability to read me like an open book. I want you to be able to look into my eyes and see the truth in my words when I tell you how I feel."
Protectively clutching her pillow to her chest, she braced herself. “And how do you feel?”
“About you?” he paused, his eyes darting between hers. “I am hopelessly in love with you, Sawyer Brooks.” 
She swallowed, nervously anticipating his next words. 
“How do I feel about this baby?” He sighed softly. “I’ll be honest, I never pictured myself settling down or having a family. I’ve spent the last twenty-four hours on buses and planes alone with my thoughts, and they were consumed with the idea of becoming a father. For the first time in my life, Sawyer, I could picture it… a family of my own... but only because you were with me in that dream. And I’m worried that I’ve fucked it all up.”
Overcome with emotion, Sawyer hid her face with her hands and sobbed.
“Arrrrrgh,” she growled into her hands before lowering them. “I’m still furious with you… I’m not sure where we go from here… how to trust that you won’t walk away again.” She wiped her tears away. “But I guess we have a lot to figure out…” she said, her voice cracking, “because despite myself, I’m still in love with you, too.”
A wave of relief washed over Ethan. There was hope, even if the space between them made it feel like they were still on different continents.       
“How are you feeling?” he asked, looking her over.
“I’ve had a little morning sickness, but mostly I'm exhausted.” She opened her mouth to say more but stopped herself. 
“What is it?” 
Her bottom lip quivered when she continued. “I’m scared to death.” 
Ethan gently removed the pillow barrier and drew her near. “Come here.” He pressed a kiss to her temple and murmured, "It will be okay."
“You’ve said that before,” she mumbled into his chest.
He pulled back to look her in the eyes. “I’m sorry for letting you down before. I know that it will take time to earn back your trust. But I promise you, Sawyer, I’m here for you… for both of you. You can count on me,” he assured, his fingers twining with hers. “I will be the man... the partner… that you need me to be.”
They held onto each other in comforting silence for several minutes.
“I missed you, Asshole,” she whispered, then lifted her head to really look at him. 
Ethan smiled. “I missed you, too, Rookie. Every minute of every day that I was away.”
Sawyer ran her hand over his scruffy beard, then over the soft leather of his jacket. “We’ve got ourselves a brand new Ethan Ramsey,” she assessed.
“This jacket’s been through a lot with me.” 
“It suits you.”
Scratching his cheek, “And the beard?”
She studied him for a moment, then with the playful smile that he had missed so terribly, she teased, “You look like a dad.” 
Seven months later…
Ethan stared in awe at the carefully wrapped bundle his wife held in her arms. The newborn’s tiny hand wrapped around the tip of his finger. Without letting go, he carefully nestled next to his wife on the hospital bed. Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he leaned in and pressed an appreciative kiss to her temple. When he pulled back, she turned to him with a smile, soliciting another kiss but this time on her lips.  
“I love you. How are you feeling?” he asked.
Before she could respond, there was a gentle knock on the door. Two older men bearing flowers, balloons, and teddy bears quietly entered. While the silver-haired man exchanged cheek kisses with Sawyer, the dark-haired man in the sweater vest moved to the other side of the bed and placed a hand on Ethan’s shoulder.
“Dad. Naveen. Let me introduce you to your grandson,” Ethan announced. “Brooks Winter Ramsey.”
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seiya-starsniper · 6 months
17 for the drunk confessions. I snorted out loud reading that one. 🤣🤣🤣
I can be mean and ask you to continue the SnowBaz + Dreamling fic. But I will once again leave it to you. Go wherever your brilliant mind tells you to go. 💜
17. "I’m not drunk. Can a drunk person do this?" "You’re not doing anything." "But… I sent you my love. Did you… did you not get it?"
This was SO MUCH FUN TO WRITE you have no idea ahahahahaha. I did modify the prompt just a smidge for maximum comedy. And of course, I set this in the SnowBaz Human AU 💖💖💖
[Part 1 Here!]
Hob isn’t sure what deity he’s pissed off to end up in his current situation, but he’s fairly certain somehow it’s all Baz Pitch’s fault.
“You’re such a greeattttt friend,” Morpheus Endless slurs right before he stumbles over a crack in the sidewalk and falls forward. Had Hob not already had his arms around the other man's shoulders, he’s certain Morpheus would have face planted right into the concrete. 
“A better friend would’ve cut you off before you got this drunk,” Hob grunts as he hefts the raven-haired man back into a somewhat upright standing position. For someone so rake-thin, Morpheus was an absolute dead-weight while plastered. He’d also been very good at faking that he had a higher tolerance when they’d gone shot for shot at The New Inn to celebrate the end of their respective finals. 
“ ‘m not drunk,” Morpheus mutters, completely unconvincing. Hob snorts.
“Sure, sure, and I had the queen of England over at my place this summer,” he jokes, playfully jostling at the other man.
“I’m serious!” Morpheus insists, huffing and puffing out his cheeks out at Hob like a small child.  It’s absolutely adorable, if not absolutely terrible for Hob’s balance because it nearly causes him to stumble and drop both of them to the ground. What a pair they must look like out in the middle of a freezing December night.
“Sorry, don’t believe you, my friend,” Hob replies, laughing at the absolutely offended harumph! Morpheus lets out.
“Well—could a drunk person do this?” Morpheus asks pointedly, right before he slams his forehead right into Hob’s in quite possibly the world’s most painful headbutt.
“Ow!!! Fuck!!!!” Hob yells, letting go of Morpheus and clutching his forehead. There is a distinct thud as Morpheus practically crumples to the ground beside him, but Hob can’t be arsed to care right now. He’s seeing stars behind his eyelids and the brittle cold and alcohol coursing through his system is not helping.
“What the bloody hell, Morpheus?” Hob demands once the pain subsides. “What did you do that for?”
“...Did you get it?” Morpheus asks, and oh looking at him sitting so pathetically on the ground, his head right at crotch level, is a mistake. Morpheus’s bright blue eyes are brimming with hope as he looks up at Hob, as if he truly believed he’d passed on some important information via unhinged violence.
“Did I get what, a concussion?” Hob asks incredulously, holding his hand out for Morpheus to take to help him back up. 
“No I—” Morpheus bites his lip as he hauls himself up off the ground. He seems a bit more steady now, at least. “I sent you my love. Did you not receive it?”
Oh, this man was absolutely bad news for Hob’s poor heart. Not only is Morpheus staring at Hob like a kicked puppy, his cheeks and lips are both flushed cherry-red from the cold, the most color Hob’s ever seen on the other man since they met. It was a really good look on him. A very tempting look.
“I—I’m pretty sure your boyfriend wouldn’t appreciate you sending your love to other men,” Hob stutters breathlessly. He really needs to remember that no matter how cute and tempting Morpheus looked, Hob wasn’t a homewrecker. Even if Baz would have thanked him for it and written Hob a check for enough money to pay the rest of his rent and tuition.
Morpheus was drunk anyway. He probably had no idea what he was saying.
Morpheus furrows his brow at Hob’s words. “Boyfriend?” he asks in confusion. “What boyfriend?”
“Don’t tell me you’re so sloshed you forgot about Simon already,” Hob jokes, desperately trying to keep his poor heart from leaping into his throat. He knows they haven’t broken up, Baz wouldn’t have shut up about it if they had. And even so, Morpheus was way outside of Hob's league anyways.
Morpheus’s head snaps so fast in alarm that Hob feels his own neck cramp just looking at him.
“Oh. YES! SIMON!” Morpheus practically shouts in his face. Hob winces, and Morpheus has at least enough sense left in him to look a little bit ashamed for his outburst.  
“You’re absolutely correct,” Morpheus continues, pushing past Hob  and suddenly in full control of his legs. He’s speed-walking now, seeming to have found new motivation to hurry to their final destination. “Simon Snow. My very real and not make-believe boyfriend, love of my life—yes that Simon Snow. His apartment is right over there.”
Hob stares at Morpheus’s rapidly retreating form in utter confusion for a few moments before his brain restarts and he rushes to catch up with the raven haired man.
Did Morpheus…think Simon was a made up person? Or…had the other man really forgotten they were dating? Usually people didn’t forget that sort of thing when they were drunk. 
Hob is still mulling over Morpheus’s confusing behavior when Morpheus stumbles again on a patch of ice and yelps. Hob silently thanks every single rugby practice he’s had over his entire life, because he’s quickly able to get to Morpheus and grab him before he runs headfirst into a tree. Watching over a drunk Morpheus was a full time job, that was for sure.
Somehow, Hob manages to haul both of them the rest of the way over to Simon’s apartment, which is thankfully on the first floor. Hob doesn’t even want to think about how obnoxious it would be to drag Morpheus up a flight of stairs in his state.
“Special delivery!” Hob declares, when Simon answers the door. Hob may have rang the doorbell more times than perhaps strictly necessary but he never said he wasn’t drunk too. 
“SIiiiimoonnnn darling!” Morpheus exclaims, disentangling himself from Hob and practically rushing into the red-haired man’s arms. Hob tries not to take it too personally. Simon is Morpheus’s freaking boyfriend after all. But still, there’s a massive cold spot now at Hob’s side where Morpheus’s body had been just seconds ago.
“Holy shit, Morph, your smell like a liquor store!” Simon laughs, wrapping his arms around Morpheus’s waist and pulling the raven haired man flush again him. “How much did you drink?”
“I’m not drunk!” Morpheus declares, and it’s not any less believable now than it was when they’d left the pub.
“Is that so?” Simon asks, a teasing note in his voice. “So I guess you don’t want any hot cocoa to chase away the booze then?” 
Morpheus instantly perks up. 
“I’m absolutely blackout drunk,” Morpheus replies, instantly changing his tune. “Are there marshmallows?”
“Of course,” Simon answers, before he turns back to face Hob. “Thanks for bringing him back, Hob. I’m sorry he’s such a mess when he’s drunk.”
“Not a problem at all,” Hob answers, smiling through his jealousy at their easy intimacy. Hob had had plenty of partners, both male and female, but he’s pretty sure he’s never been nearly as comfortable around them as Morpheus and Simon seem to be around each other. 
“Did you want to stay for a bit?” Simon offers. “I made plenty of hot cocoa.”
Hob shakes his head. “No, I’m dead tired,” he replies, faking a yawn to make himself more convincing. “Think it’s best I get myself to bed.”
Simon nods. “All right, get home safe,” he says.
“Tell Basil we say hello!” Morpheus adds, while Simon lets out a dramatic sigh.
“Good night, Hob,” Simon says with a finality, pulling at the door before Morpheus can say anything else.
“Night Simon. Morpheus,” Hob replies, waving as the door shuts closed. He stares at it for a few moments, then sighs as he turns to make the lonely walk home. 
He really was an absolute idiot. 
Behind the closed door of Simon’s apartment, Morpheus is wailing his embarrassment into a mug of hot chocolate that is mostly marshmallow.
“I have made a fool of myself!” Morpheus cries dramatically into Simon’s sweater. “He probably thinks I am some cheap harlot who would throw himself at any man!”
“I’m pretty sure he doesn’t think that,” Simon replies, patting Morpheus on the back. “Actually, I think he somehow fell even more in love with you. You sure you don’t want to just end the fake relationship now so you can have a real boyfriend for Christmas?”
Morpheus shakes his head.
“Not until Basil retracts his head from out of his ass and confesses his feelings to you,” he says, steadfast in his conviction.
Simon sighs. “Morph, he’s not going to, Baz obviously just hates—”
“Hush,” Morpheus interrupts him. “I will not have my fake boyfriend speaking badly of himself. Besides, he is enamored with you, even if he has an absolutely stupid way of showing it.”
“O–kay, if you’re sure then,” Simon replies. “Want another mug then?”
Morpheus nods eagerly, holding his mug out. “Please.”
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cattocavo · 7 months
Inktober day 11: wander!!!
(Hii im catching up with inktober! This caption is copy pasted from instagram bc i didnt wanna write entirely new captions😅)
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Its an ‘Over The Garden Wall’ AU!!! I thought the prompt wander fit the cartoon so well, and since I’m only doing CO related stuff, an AU was the obvious solution💅
This AU is so great bc Wirt and Greg are half brothers and Baz and Swithin are half brothers. Plus Wirts got a crush on someone whose name starts with an ‘S’ that he knows from school, AS DO BAZ. I imagine Beatrice is penny and idk 🤷 this AU just works
To all those wondering who the little boy is, its Swithin!! I aged him up to match the show, so Swithin went from the baby to a little boi! I love him, hes so cute. I bet baz loves his baby bro as well, as he loves all his siblings. (Baz being a brilliant big brother was the best thing that happened to the world, thank you Rainbow Rowell😔🙏)
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