#thank you this was actually a great praise❤
the-kingshound · 5 months
i hate you and your silly little writing, stop making me feel feels
No I won't :)
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flowersandbigteeth · 2 years
Hello there, how is your day?? Can I ask for one fic for drider boyfriend series where he made reader wear his web silk (as a dress) which is very rare in his community as it shows that the person wearing it is their mate and so far the humans are only kept as pet by drider community......and reader is looking so sweet and cute wrapped up in the web silk that whole community is cooing and praising them for being a good human mate??? I found ur works yesterday and I'm obsessed.... really u are great!!! Thanx ❤
My day was good, thanks for asking! I had a cup of tea and my cat is sleeping on my lap. This is actually a long one because I like this idea a lot <3 Your drider boyfriend also gets a name in this one ^_^
Word count: 1.5K
W: sfw monster fluff
Fluff Masterpost
Tip Jar
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“Oh no,” your drider grumbled as he cradled you on his chest. He’d made a little hammock for the two of you and you were curled up on him listening to his heartbeat while he knitted. You weren’t sure what he was referring to until you heard a scrabble that usually meant a drider was coming. 
“Vass!” a soft voice filled the darkness and another set of eyes, these glowing yellow hovered nearby. 
“Uh…hello Strix, what brings you here?” Vass asked, but he didn’t sound like he was really very interested. 
The other drider tossed a wad of silk at him and he had to grab you with two legs and pull you away to avoid getting hit with it. His knitting tumbled off of his lap and ended up tangled over some threads. He examined the fabric in his other arms, fingering the material. 
“You haven’t been practicing your weaving Strix,” he said, frowning, “this is very rough. Do you want me to help you fix it?” 
He shook out the fabric and it appeared to be some kind of garment made of white silk, but the neckline was all crooked and the stitching was visible in the uneven sleeves. The intruding drider looked horrified. 
“No!” he snapped, “it’s for the mating ceremony…f-for…for you!”
All of Vass’s eyes narrowed. 
“No means no Strix!” he growled, “I don’t care what my mother says, I’m not mating with you!” 
“B-but she said you just needed some time…and a romantic gesture…I don’t understand…she said…” his tone got harder, “I already worked this all out with her! She said you would learn to love me and you would return to the castle with me so we can rule!” 
Vass tossed the garment back at Strix. 
“I haven’t spoken to my mother in ten years,” he snapped back, “and I don’t appreciate having my life meddled with. I told my mother that when I left, and I’m telling you now. I don’t plan on mating a drider and becoming regent. I want a simple life here in the country. Nothing you or she says or brings me is going to change that! Tell her if she wants you to rule, she can adopt you! Now you need to go!” 
Strix looked like he was going to argue but Vass grabbed a knitting needle and brandished it, so the drider thought better of it and scuttled away. 
Your drider huffed, examining his ruined knitting and tossed whatever he had been working on to the side. It was tangled beyond salvation. 
“I’m sorry about that,” he said, brushing your cheek with his thumb, “I thought my mother had given up on controlling my life…but I guess not…”
You gave him a sympathetic nod. You would give him some words of encouragement, but he still kept you gagged except for when you were eating. A look of affection and then determination crossed his face as he traced your nose with the pad of his thumb. 
He patted your head and hung you back up on his web, out of the way, while he set himself to weaving something new with his silk. You could only watch his back muscles flex as he cut and sewed fabric. You fell asleep watching him work late into the early hours. 
You woke early the next day to the drider humming happily. He smiled at you with a knowing look while he fed you your breakfast and was practically skipping over the threads of his web while he cleaned your face and body. He spent especially long braiding the threads of your hair into an intricate style. Finally, with a big grin he tugged your clothes off of you like you were just a doll, pulling something soft and silky over your head. 
“Do you like it?” he asked, stepping back so you could inspect what he’d dressed you in. 
It was a lovely dress, the silk delicate but still crisp forming a bell shape around you. He’d somehow woven texture into it and a slightly raised pattern of vines and flowers covered you from your neck to your knees. He pushed your feet into some soft booties to match and spun you around in his arms. He seemed very pleased with his outfit and you couldn’t help but share in his joy. It was very pretty. You felt tiny and delicate next to his larger, more rugged form.
“We have some place special to go today,” he said, “you don’t have to wear a collar if you promise to hold my hand and be very good and quiet.” 
You nodded. It was very unlikely you were going to escape this city of driders who seemed to like to keep humans as pets. If you got away from Vass, someone else would take you as their own or you would be sent to a shelter. It was depressing, yes, but you’d had some time to digest the information and Vass kept you full and warm enough that it started to bother you less and less. His face, which had once frightened you, had gotten familiar, handsome even with his many soulful eyes, despite his large teeth. 
You’d promised to hold his hand, but Vass carried you in his arms to the large plaza where many other driders were gathering. Like you, many of them were dressed in beautiful robes. They weren’t all white, but it kind of made you proud that yours was. It stood out, not just because of the color but because Vass’s craftsmanship was far beyond any of the others. They seemed to all be organized in pairs, except the ones around the edges of the area who were fanning themselves and lounging in the shade. 
“Did you dress your pet up for the ceremony?” an older drider cooed at Vass, “They look so sweet, just like a mate!” 
Vass had a very smug look on his face. 
“I’m mating them,” he announced and your eyes got wide. 
The drider chuckled and waved her hand. 
“The youth today,” she laughed, “what will they think of next?” 
You got a few strange looks as Vass made his way through the crowd, but mostly driders stopped Vass to compliment your robe and try and pinch your cheeks. 
“I’m here to register my mate,” Vass said to the drider standing behind a large open ledger at the front of the court.
His eyes didn’t even look at you. 
“They have to be present to sign their name,” he said evenly. 
Vass pushed you forward. 
“They are right here,” he said, patting you on the head. 
The drider’s eyes widened almost imperceptibly but he shrugged and handed you a pen. 
“Sign here,” he said. 
You had to lean up on your tiptoes to scribble your name next to Vass’s. 
The drider took the pen back from you and smiled. 
“It is awfully cute when they pretend to be like us,” he admitted, “with their two little legs. How can they even walk?” 
He fished around in a basket and pulled out a ribbon, fastening it in your hair and then waved at another drider. 
“Arad come see this! This guy has his human dressed up as a mate, it’s so cute!” 
Vass lifted his nose, but let them lift your arms and spin you around to look at your outfit. 
“Dumpling is my mate!” he grumbled indignantly. 
The drider held up his hands apologetically. 
“Whatever makes you happy, friend,” the drider said, “I have to say this is my first mating ceremony with a human mate, but it's pretty precious. You’re going to start a trend.” 
He leaned down to your level and patted you on the head.
“Do you want to light the fire, little one?” he asked. 
His friend grabbed his shoulder. 
“Delphon, really? This is a religious ceremony,” he scoffed, but the drider waved him away. 
“Come on, it’s harmless and it’ll be cute! Look how pretty it is in its little dress and its even wearing the mating ribbon. Who’s gonna object?” 
That’s how you ended up shaking, standing in front of a hundred paired driders holding a candle after Delphon delivered the mating speech declaring you were linked to the drider until death. You had to stand on your tiptoes again to hold the flame up to the ceremonial pyre symbolizing the start of the futures of all of the mates gathered, including your own. 
A round of applause went up signaling that you’d completed the mission and you turned around to find Vass beaming at you. He swept you up in his arms and spun you around.
“That was perfect, dumpling!” he said, smooching you on the head.
You would have happily head home to go back to your warm snuggle, but the driders swarmed you. Everyone wanted pictures with the adorable human mate that lit the mating pyre. Finally, as the sun set, Vass carried you home fast asleep on his back, flipping through the pictures he took of the two of you on his phone with a smile on his face.
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mo0dy-succubus · 9 months
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Wordcount: 3.5 k (new record???)
Sugarmommy!soyeonxfemreader, Squirting,multiple orgasms,use of toys,oral sex (both give and receive),fingering,scissors,Praising, roughsex,lingerie,aftercare,fluff???,pure smut/filth
You sigh as you take of your study glasses rubbing your eyes before stretching with a yawn. You looked at the time. 1:30 am. You groan before cutting your desk lamp of and hoping into your bed. Your roommate fast asleep way before you while you were up studying for your finals.
You roll over checking you phone one last time as if you already haven't stayed up long enough. You scroll a bit until you noticed a message from a familiar name.
Jelly💖: Are you still up?
You: yeah I just got done studying and in about to head to bed. I've been working and studying non stop
Jelly wasn't her actual name, her name was Jeon Soyeon your sugar mommy, it's still embarrassing to think about that you had to come to these terms to pay off your classes for college, but she was different, she made you feel happy and comfortable and the amount of money she leaves you is always surprising to you. You turn your phone off until it pings again.
Jelly💖: aww poor baby
Jelly💖: I'll tell you what I'll pick you up after classes and we can go shopping, my treat!
Jelly💖: Now get some sleep see you tomorrow ❤
You smiled before turning off your phone one last time for the night.
You wake up feeling groggy as you find your alarm clock button to turn off the annoying noise coming from it. You notice that your roommate is gone for her 6 am morning classes but left you breakfast with a note on it to eat before you head off to class. You laugh at her cute gesture before eating what she left you in the bag.
You still had time left to shower, brush you teeth and get dress before walking to your first class of the day.
You let your professor blab on and on about an essay coming up due by the end of the week. You couldn't care about it as much as you were pretty good with essays and writing them. You get a message from soyeon saying she'll be here soon to pick you up. You smile, happy that it was your last class.
After your two hour class you got up to head to the front of your university. There you see a hot red Lamborghini pull up infront of you. The window rolls down and you automatically smile at the sight you see.
"Hey babe"soyeon said smiling softly at you. You smiled shyly before pulling open the car door and getting in. "Soooo how was school?" Soyeon said putting the car in drive and pulling off. "Ugh where do I even start..." you say, groaning at the thought of your upcoming work assignments you have. "Haha yep that's college for ya, I can get you a tutor if you want" she says looking at the road ahead of her.
"No thanks it's fine really you've already done enough for me" you say blushing. "No no I insist really" . "Soyeon, the shopping spree is fine enough I can assure you!" You smiled sweetly. Soyeon parks the car arriving at the mall and kisses you before unlocking the door.
You step out and begin walking to different stores in the mall picking up anything you found cute and stylish, you would even have to pick it up half of the time soyeon would just notice it for you and would buy it with just the swipe of her card.
Store after store you the bags piled up, you were having a blast, stress-free and relaxed you and soyeon were laughing and having such a good time. "Hey is it ok if we go somewhere I've been meaning to buy something from Victoria secret" soyeon says "I promise one last stop then we can leave theses heels are killing me from walking around so much" she said with a small laugh.
"Sure of course, I just want you to know that I had a great time with you" you say following her. "No problem" she smiled softly before kissing you on the lips. God her perfume was so intoxicating you wanted to kiss her more and more but soon pulled away from the pda that was happening.
You follow soyeon in curiosity in the store she wanted to go to and there you saw it. A lingerie store. Of fucking course. The store she chooses is the store made to make women like you feel insecure. The Victoria secret model like bodies made you nervous about your own looks. Soyeon must have noticed your worried expression because she spoke. "you don't have to go in I just need a new pair of panties and a bra". "Oh no! it's fine! It's just- well- I'm not use to it that's all.." you say walking in. "We won't be here long promise! Like 10 minutes top!" You nod following her just scrolling down while soyeon checked out the store.
You saw her pick up things here and there and go to the counter to pay for her items before signaling you that yall can leave now. You look at the bag of item she just bought curious about what she got."Soooo what did you get?" You say. "Not much just a few things, nothing special" she said. You pout a bit from the lack of response but ignore it. You and soyeon put the bags in the car before driving off to her place.
You only been over at soyeons place a few times but the size of her house always amazed you. You both scramble in through the door setting down the loads of bags you had down in the living room. "Phew...that was a work out haha" soyeon said taking of her glasses and putting her car keys down. "Are you hungry, do you want something to eat?" Soyeon said. "A bit ill eat whatever you want!". "Ok! Give me a moment I'll be back" soyeon said grabbing her phone to order take out before coming back to where you were.
"It's gonna take a while they said ugh people are so slow" she said. "Hey, can you do something for me, I picked out some stuff I wanted to try out and I want your opinion" soyeon said. "Sure I would love to see what you picked out" you say excited to see designer clothing. "Great I'll be back! Ok?" Soyeon said hastily grabbing all the bags with items she got for herself.
You wait on the couch to see what clothes she got always interested in her fashion choices. You waited a minute or so before soyeon called out. "Ready???" You close your eyes excited to see her. "Yep!!". Soyeon walked out infront of you and you opened your eyes.
Automatically taken back by the sight you saw. No no no this was not a clothing haul this was more of an undergarment one. The matching panty and Bralet set she had on made you hot deep inside your core. "You like it??? It was only half off!!" She said her voice excited to show you almost as if she was oblivious to your horny gaze on her.
"Ok I'll show you the next set I'll be back in a jiffy" soyeon said leaving you but couldn't help peaking over the couch arm to watch her ass jiggle with each step she took. "Fuckk..." you sigh rubbing your thighs together the heat in your pussy growing more making you burn up. "Ok here is the next one" she said, it was like the outfit just got Sexier and sexier. "It's very soft and sweet plus it's yellow my favorite color too, but I think the last one is my favorite!" Soyeon walks off before you could even comment on her outfit.
Dazed and overwhelmed with a blush spread across your face the throbbing sensation in your pussy couldn't be satisfied. With a shaky hand you reach down to your clothed clit giving it a firm rub. You let out a small groan feeling some relief. You wanted to keep going oh so bad only to be intrupted and the sound of a doorbell chiming. "Y/n can you get that I'm not decent yet" soyeon shouted from the room.
"Y-yeah I got it!" You stand up frustrated from lack of touch before opening the door and receiving the food you ordered. You thanked the guy and bowed slightly before closing the door only to turn around and see soyeon more exposed then before. You look her up and down noticing her new out she 'loved oh so much'.
It was a pearl G-string and "bra"(considering it has no cups, isn't even a full bra she was basically borderline naked leaving her perky breast in full view). "I-w-ow" you say. Soyeon smiled walking over to you and grabbed the bag of food in your hand and put it down on the table before dragging you by your hand back you the living room. There she pushed you onto the couch before straddling your lap kissing you deeply. Who are you to deny a sexy older woman coming onto you and kissing you. "I saw you eyeing me you dirty girl~" soyeon said her voice wicked and sultry like.
"Fuckk I can't resist your body you are so hot I-". Soyeon cuts you off kissing you before pulling away "Let's just make love already I don't know how much I can wait" the eagerness in her voice only turned you on more. You begin kissing soyeon sloppily moving down to her neck almost gripping every inch of her body. Down to her exposed breast down to her ass. You tug on the g- string causing the pearls to rub against her bare clit causing soyeon to moan out. You felt the wetness from her pussy dripping in your thigh from anticipation.
You pull down the straps of her top biting her shoulder and nipping at her breast. You flip soyeon around so that her chest is up against the couch and her back facing you. You take a long lick of soyeon. Licking and Biting where she had her lotus tattoo to the back of her neck, to the back of her ear kissing, Licking and biting her ear lobesending chills down her spine. " Oh fuck..." soyeon said. You slowly grinded your clothed bottom half against her trying to create friction between you two of you.
You step away allowing soyeon to get up and watch you as you strip down being almost as exposed as she was. You begin kissing her soft lips again as you slowly inch down more and more between her legs. Soyeon bites her nail smiling a bit as she feels you slip the G-string to the side allowing you more access to her cunt. You lick your lips as you see a string of arousal connectioning from the pearl G-string to her pussy.
You smile looking at her sopping wet cunt pulsating in need of touch. Her pussy glistening in the light from the living room lamp. You kiss her thighs leaving soft bites on her smooth silky legs. You let out a sigh of air against her clit and a small shudder. Once you felt like you done enough foreplay and teasing you took a small lick of her sex going up to her special bundle of nerves. "Mmm.." soyeon said her mouth letting out a small whimper. You do your best cleaning the clear slick pouring out of her tight hole before using your tongue to prode at it.
"Fuck baby don't stop~..." soyeon letting out and low but audible groan. Your nose presses up against soyeons clit sending more pleasure throughout her body leaving her legs trembling for more. You pull away, the arousal from her soaked cunt connecting to your tongue only getting you more horny for her, like her juices were an aphrodisiac for you. Soyeon lifts her hips slightly allowing you to fully take off her G-string and to toss it to somewhere irrelevant for now before diving back in kissing her clit and licking her leaking cunt. Soyeon then trembles in your mouth before cumming unannounced
You climb ontop of her kissing her before circling a finger on her clit before slipping it in. Soyeon moans into your mouth before biting your bottom lip softly. You stick in another finger stretching her out more surprised by how tight she was. You remove your fingers admiring her clear and white-ish fluids she left on you before lifting one of her legs up to nuzzle in-between her legs, you positioned yourself accordingly so that your clits come into contact with each other.
You moan a sigh of pleasure as your sensitive bud rubs against hers. "Soyeonie~" you moan out as she takes initiative to hold your hips down and to move against your body. "God this feels so amazing~" soyeon say, her face in complete bliss. Since soyeon was more of not laying down while you were over her it gave her perfect access to your exposed tits.
She kissed all over your soft chest, her lipstick staining your tits, leaving gentle bites,marks,and kisses, claiming you as hers." You are so cute covered in my lipstick baby~" she whispered seductively into your ear. You man in pleasure, both yours and soyeons wetness mixing together. "Keep going~" you beg out reaching your climax. Soyeon rubs against your clit a bit more harshly essentially ripping an orgasm out of the both of yall. You came squirting on soyeons pussy and inner thigh as she returnedthe same."Ahh~" you moan feeling the tension that built up in your stomach calm down a bit before moving off of soyeons shaking body.
"I want more,your body is so beautiful" soyeon said, she held your hand leading you to the bedroom. Soyeon pushes you down on the bed. "Shh~ stay here I'll be back~" soyeon says kissing your lips a few times before walking into her closet. The rush of sexual adrenaline courses through your veins craving her touch more by the second thankfully it wasn't to long before soyeon had came back. Ah that familiar strap-on the one she always used, the one that would fill you all up completely making you feel full making you moan in pleasure. The one you were forced to gag on and take whole.
"You know what to do baby girl~" she said. You dropped to your knees without her having to say anything to you. You lick your lips the begin bobbing your head back and forth getting your sugar mommy's strap all wet with your spit. Soyeon played with your hair gently as you looked her at her with big doe eyes for her to use you. She grips the back of your head shoving her cock to the back of your mouth causing tears to flow from your eyes and saliva to gather at the corners of your mouth.
The silicone tool forcing its way back you choke and gag around her a bit more before she finally pulled away. "Aww my baby sucking mommy off like she has a real dick in her mouth such a slut for me hmm?" . You nod at soyeons comment, your heat growing from her use of words on you. You get up on the bed before turning around and lifting your ass up as high as possible making your best arch (which was relatively good).
Soyeon strokes her cock before pushing into you without leaving any inches of her cock left out of you. "Fuckk~" your eyes flutter open and closed feeling her fill you up so fast. Soyeon smirks before moving her hips into your cunt. God she felt amazing. You clamped around her fake cock basically trapping her inside you
"You are so tight holy shit" soyeon said moaning like it was really her you were clenching around. Soyeons thrust only because faster to break free of your powerful grip. "hahh~" you moan out feeling soyeons tip kiss the entrance of your cervix. It was like soyeon knew what your body needed because she was always good at any sex position she had you in. Your hips began to match up with soyeons as she kept delivering you backshots like there was no tomorrow.
Soyeon rests a firm grip on your ass as well for support and a better leverage to smash into you. "M-ommy~ don't stop~" you say feeling your second orgasm. Soyeon goes faster your ass colliding with her thrust.
Soyeons hands travel all over your body, squeezing your marked tits and tweaking your nipples. "H-holy shit~!!" You moan out trembling as your orgasm finally washed over you. Squirting over soyeons cock as she continues pumping into you helping you ride out your orgasm. "Ha~ haa~ fuckk~" you says as your orgasm and trembling body subside. Soyeon steadily pulls out of you carful not to over stimulate you to much before flipping you over and speading your thighs open for her tongue to lick your wet folds.
"Mmm~" soyeons moans against your clit sending powerful vibrations of pleasure through your body. "S-oyeonie~" you whimper out. "I-it's too m-much~" you say extremely overwhelmed and overstimulated. " I know baby just hold out a bit longer" she says her words innocent and sweet but her eyes shrouded and covered with pure lust and desires. Soyeon pulls back to remove the strap on before slipping her tongue back into you.
Soyeons hand travel back to her own heat as she rubs her clit a bit before slipping her middle and ring finger inside herself, the pleasure of her being filled up causes her to moan into your clit while she ate you out causing you to mewl and whimper again. Soyeon soon tires to ease the pain by kissing your inner thigh lovingly before going back to tongue fucking you. Pleasure soon becomes constantly as you grip onto her hair pushing her down more into your pussy.
Her fingers moving rapidly in and out over her while her mouth is still fixated on your cunt. "Fuck~! fuck~!! fuck~!!!" You say reaching your orgasm way faster this time before squirting onto soyeons face cumming harder than ever before tonight. Soyeon managed to catch your fluids in her mouth before pulling away and standing over your tired and exhausted body before spraying directly on your face as you open your mouth trying to get in all in your slutty mouth.
A loud moan is ripped out of her as she continues squirting directly onto you. You are a bit taken back by hard she was cumming right now but soon her orgasm stopped and soyeon got from over your face. The fluids from soyeons body you got in your mouth you soon snowballed into her mouths as she let out the last bit of her bodily fluids in her mouth onto your tits kissing it a few more times before lying down beside you.
This was probably the best sex you had in a while you were disheveled but were relieved when you wasn't the only one who looked like a wreck. Soyeon looked just as bad if not worse than you, her lipstick smudged,her bangs clinged to her forehead from sweating. "Damn..." soyeon huffed out catching her breath still. "That was..amazing" you say your face completely flushed red not sure if it was you blushing or because your body was hot.
Soyeon rolled over to you holding you so you can snuggle into her chest. The room was silent as yall both just laid their exhausted and almost dead to the world. Soyeon soon got up and walked to the bathroom. You waited and watched her as you heard water running from the bathroom. Soyeon came back and helped you to the bathroom, and there you saw the tub filled up with whole bunch of bubbles and suds. "You can get in I'll be back in a second" soyeon says before leaving. You turn around before getting into the tub full of bubbles.
Soyeon came back with two glasses of wine and the food yall ordered on plates, you assumed that she most have warmed the food back up as it would be nearly impossible for food to still be hot after how long yall had sex for. Soyeon rest the two glasses on the side of the tub before getting in with you. You pick up your plate of food and ate the meal. Happy to have something in your stomach after a while. Soyeon bring the chopstick she was using to eat with towards your mouth giving you a bite of her food. "You eat so well baby" she smiled softly. "Thank you" you say between chewing.
You smiled at how gently she could be during aftercare being carful with you like you were a porcelain doll. Soyeon helps clean you up after she gets done with her self so she could focus more on you. She gets out and gets dressed and changes the sheet while she was at it. After she was done she helped you get dress and go to bed too. Soyeon kisses your lips softly as yall both rest after a long day.
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asingleietsist · 9 months
I get some people raise an eyebrow on how you write Bowser in this au but can I just say hes gotta be one of my favorite Bowsers out there!! ❤
Like no shade to other Bowsers but he's such an interesting and complex character to me I want to learn more about him in this au!
Like it's strange & interesting to me how he can neglect to raise his own imperfect creations yet be willing to take in other imperfect & abandoned koopalings, It makes me wonder about whether it was him being naive to parenthood in his younger years as well as seeing his own imperfections in them.
I actually like him doing poorly at being a parent the first time around but doing great with most of the next set of kids since these things do happen in life and it makes me want to know more about his relationships with not only his kids but their relationships with each other and how it effects everyone, like I'm curious about Bowser's mindset and what he regrets in his life and if he ever considers trying to mend broken family relationships with his older kids, I'm also very curious about how Luigi handles this info and if he calls him out on some things later on when he kinda has the right to do so as a queen and step parent
Im a huge fan but also super shy so sorry for this being anon but your story leaves me with questions and cravings for more it's so good and not just black & white keep up the great work!❤
After reading all of this, thank you 💚
I don't dislike other Bowser interpretations (heck I envy how simple or even more complex others make his character). However thank you!
I've also shared a few times that just because I've written a morally grey or black character, doesn't mean they're terrible overall or stay that way. It gets frustrating having to explain this over and over again especially when the version in my au gets compared to someone's personal version of him or another au. I have nothing against either.
Anygays, what a rant- moving on 😭
I'll reveal more on the Koopa Kids in the next post and I'm excited to share more of their personalities. 🎉 Surprise 🎉 they were the ones the new animatic is going to be about. It'll flesh out their lives a bit more.
As for Luigi's response, there's a comic planned for the confrontation so I won't spoil much outside of that. Just know it gets pretty messy.
Also for anyone doing the math, yes, Bowser wanted an heir at the age of 16, he was royalty AND the only other large koopa species. Kamek is a nice father figure, but he wanted company he could tend to. He was also naive in thinking about how fatherhood worked and Kamek spoiled him, so no wasn't really an answer he would take.
I genuinely found canon Bowser's treatment of different types of the younger koopalings over the years interesting. He praises Junior a lot and most of the others are an after thought (just like how Nintendo treats them...)
I know 10 is a lot of children for him (I've been told this before), but he's 34 almost 35 in my au. He has most definitely will and has fucked up whether it be with his children or his relationships with others.
It's good to know that there are people invested in the au though and don't worry about being anon 😌 I appreciate the support n luv ♥️
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Here are these two goofs eating spaghetti. 🧡
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blondie-drawings · 7 months
I love your tlt drawings so much + I noticed in the tags ur often worrying abt Which Side Is Ianthe's Bone Arm (the old zuko "the scar's on the wrong side!" Fear I know it well), and I thought I'd drop in to let you know, if this helps you remember, it's on the right side. So if you don't want to draw it wrong, draw it right. On the right.
Sorry I don't know if my little memory concept is translating here but you know, right=correct=also the opposite of left...
Anyway really cool really funny art, made me exclaim out loud multiple times "no, literally! Exactly!!!" Which is high praise I promise you. Anyway ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for sharing you art and I hope u have a great day!
also i'm happy my silly memes are in-character, i was actually very picky with which ones went with who ahsjabdjhlbdhl
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eirasummersart · 4 months
So I said I would offer you some of my ocs for possible ships and here I am... (haven't found sexualities on the bios so bare with me if I mess up)
For Dillon I wanted to offer Erena or Eve mainly cause Erena could go on fun adventures with him and would know well with is boundaries and Eve... is very smart and still wants to learn lots about humans...
For Dalia... either Kome or Mellow Mellow is also more art focused and gets kinda nervous around cute girls, he would be interested... while Kome has lots of stories to tell and has a love for literature which could be a nice combo.
For Domas... Carol could guide him in a better direction while giving him a good fill of praise, she is also stressed a lot so extra help be fine. Gilly might find him more entertaining than annoying... might also be pointing him in a better direction to help others
Akshaya... most of my "Strong people" might be old but... Zariyah might be a good pick... she wants to be a hero and keep people safe... and she is very patient with people so...
Lastly for Szilárd is really hard but... Dragiselle could be maybe an option.... Flynn maybe too... thoughts behind this is moreso that they are moreso been through hardships and know to deal with similar problems... and Flynn can match some drama... but this ideas are more loose
Hope you liked my little talk maybe something comes out of this.^^
Hello!! Thanks for this ask~ ❤
It's fun to find good interactions between OCs, so let's hope we can get something out of these 👀 And sorry it took me a while to get to it, I've been busy and tired lately, and I wanted to take a proper look to these and make sure I got it all right! It's long, so continues under the cut~
Also, about the sexualities, I don't have that in their info posts, my bad. I have talked about them in the past but I understand that would be hard to find just looking at the basic infos for them! A fast list would be: Dillon: some sort of demi-bi (it's hard for me to grasp his XD), Dalia, Domas, Oriol: bi, Yuuki: Ace, Szi: Gay (can be lesbian if I genderbend, I don't mind doing that, but always has to be the same gender as Szi), and Akshaya not sure 🤔 I'd go with demi-bi too.
Anyway, now for the actual answers!
Dillon: I think both could have good dynamics with him, for sure. But with Eve it might be more of a friendship 🤔 But Erena would definitely get along a lot with him. They have a bunch of similarities (actually, Luffy was one of my inspirations behind Dillon hahah just little things). Also, he's GREAT at swimming, so he could help her out if she ever had problems with that~ Idk, just the picture of them going to adventures together seems quite cute and fun 😌💕
Dalia: For her, I think the two you said could work. With Kome they'd have lots of fun playing chess or other board games (Dalia really likes games that you play with logic and strategy). They could also debate or Kome could tell her about her stories. Also, just in aesthetic, I think their colour palettes would look nice together 💕 And with Mellow, if he's all nervous and shy with girls, he'd have lots of fun teasing him. And she'd find him adorable hahah But they could also bond over art and, aside from her teasing, she'd be really nice and gentle with him, so maybe he'd feel more at ease/less insecure around her afte a while?
Domas: For Domas, I am leaning more towards Carol, to be fair. Gilly is cute and they seem like a fun combo for Domas haha But Carol being much more down to earth seems like a better fit for him, so it doesn't end in full chaos xD Also, Carol's motherly vibe can go along well with his want to help people too, so they'd get along. But she'll need… A LOT of patience xDD Also, the pixelated food part made me laugh, since he's a great cook. Maybe he can help her cook more… nice looking food? xD OH, and the part where she gets flustered and shy easily, Domas is all sweet and gentlemanly, so he might make her blush a lot, which would be cute 🤭 (Also, apparently Domas has a thing for people with glasses, it seems /hj)
Akshaya: Aww, Zariyah seems super cute and nice, I like her. If she goes on about wanting to be strong to help other and/or to be a hero, Akshaya would definitely like her and want to be her friend. If she's all friendly open, she'd make Akshaya blush for sure too, but she'd like it. I guess it turning to ship would depend on how the situation goes from that point 🤔 it could also end in platonic, but I can see some ship potential!
Szilárd: First about this, don't worry, Szi is a complicated guy and it's hard for me to think of relations and frienships for him sometimes too hahah So I get it. Now, for the options you gave me, I'd say I don't see Flynn as much with him 🤔 I'm not sure how I'd approach the relationshi, Szi is just so mean, he'd just scorn him I think hahahaha I'm sorry, Flynn, it's not you, it's Szi being an asshole XDDD But with Dragiselle I can see it more! Well, in this case I'd go with fem!Szi from what I told you earlier. But she's all strong and cool. Maybe they could clash a bit at first (again, Szi's fault for being like he is XD), but I can see Szi seeing the good parts she has, her strong magic, her dedication and all, and wanting to be closer. Also, both have had isolated childhoods (for different reasons), so they can also find a common ground with that~ And since they're both "arts inclined" they might be able to bond over that as well. Idk, she's pretty too(?) that's a plus hahah
Ok, I think that's all I can comment on rn, until I hear your side of this C: Let me know what you think from this too, if any you like more in particular! :D
And of course it was fun to think all of this and try and figure out relationships <3 Thanks for the initial hard work at looking at possible maches too~
I hope you didn't mind my long answer either hahah
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the-flaming-nightmare · 4 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Thank you so much for the tag, @snowviolettwhite! ❤
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 108, but I really only have 105. There are three Prodigal Son fics on there that my best friend wrote for me and gave me permission to post on my account.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
416,503 words (so far 😉).
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Black Butler
Prodigal Son
9-1-1: Lone Star
The Last of Us
Criminal Minds
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
My Hero Academia
Sailor Moon
Death Note
(There are still MANY other fandoms I plan on writing for one day tho lol)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
"Agere Ficlets/Dabbles," "In Need," "Not Alone," "Papa's Here," and "Little Boy Green."
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I LOVE to respond to comments! Granted I do sometimes get a little overwhelmed with all of the praise and don't always know what to say right away, but I still always do my best to respond.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This was a tough choice, but ima have to say "Shattered." It was a Supernatural vent fic I wrote after my grandfather passed back in 2020.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uhhhh... I can't decide lmao. I feel like I have WAY too many to choose from. 😅
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've been very fortunate not to get much at all tbh. The only time I received blatant hate was on my Criminals Minds fic. Some anti was "triggered" by the breastfeeding in that fic, even tho they were forewarned by the tags what the story contained. 😑😒
9. Do you write smut?
Sure do~! Not a lot of it, but the ones I have written are pretty stellar, if I do say so myself. 😏
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not yet, but I actually have one in the works currently: a 9-1-1/9-1-1: Lone Star agere crossover with Little!Buck and Little!TK (and daddies Bobby and Owen, of course).
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Unfortunately, yes. Twice. From the same person.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yup! A couple of them. It's been so long tho, so I can't remember which ones they were. I think one or two were Black Butler, and one or two were Supernatural.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I would like to one day.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
Wincest and Sebaciel. I can't just choose one of them lol.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I'm staying confident that I'll eventually get all of my WIPs done lol.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I suppose that would be my ability to I guess really get into the head of the character I'm writing; like when it comes to their dialogue and the way they think and act in certain situations. Especially when it's a character from a show I really like and have watched multiple times over.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Describing shit. I've been complimented on it before, but from my perspective it's never all that great in my eyes. I also have a bad habit of comparing myself to other writers I look up to, so maybe that's really where my true weakness lies. I'm trying to better myself in that area, but it's easier said than done. 😮‍💨
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't do it often, but when I'm writing Latin characters or characters of another Nationality/language I like to have them use nicknames from their language to have them refer to their children or partners as. It's really fun and also gives the character a more authentic feel to them.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Black Butler.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I feel like I've had many favorites, but the first that comes to mind is my Black Butler fic "Fatherly Love." It's one that I hold a great deal of pride for, and even tho it was originally written during a rough time in my life, I still have a lot of good memories from that time too. Specifically the days and nights I would spend on here in the DMs talking with my best friend about it and throwing ideas/headcanons back and forth with each other.
Tagging (if you wanna): @angelique-of-the-volturi-guard, @snarkythewoecrow, @tomwise, @deevotee, @bat-to-da-robs, @sinninghowlter and anyone else who wants to join!
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booksandabeer · 1 year
Hi heloo!! I was just checking through your reclists and TYSM FOR MAKING THEM OMG?? The fandom needs people like you, you've become one of my favorite blogs on here in like the last half day haha! But also while I was reading through your asks and the lists you made, I couldn’t help but notice how LONG most of the fics are? Like there's oneshots with 10k words and so many series and one fic has 300THOUSAND words and is still a wip somehow?? Which don't get me wrong, I love long fics as much as the next guy and won't complain for people writing so much about stucky. Like imagine the kind of time it takes to do that, blows my mind every time. BUT ALSO (and this is where I get to my point lmao sorry for spamming you) how do you have TIME to read ALL THAT and take notes on all of it and sort them into that system you talked about and like.  HOW??? I envy you. I admire you. I fear you a little <3
Hi hello to you too!!
First of all, thank you for your lovely words, I'm quite overwhelmed by the praise & enthusiasm. ❤ Believe me, there's absolutely no reason to fear me.😜 The rec lists are really just my way of trying to give back to a fandom that has given me so much joy (and pain, but I kind of asked for that, so it's ok--one has to be a bit of a masochist to be a Stucky shipper).
I definitely have a preference for long, character-driven stories and slow-burn romances, which by definition, you can't really do in a 5K oneshot. That's not to say that shorter fics inevitably lack depth--not at all! There are writers who are absolute masters at creating whole worlds in just a few thousand words, and indeed it can be a bigger challenge (and a skill!) to tell a decade-spanning story in fewer words and to decide when something does not have to be spelled out in great and sometimes unnecessary detail, and to just trust that your readers will get it. But yes, in the end, we all have our reading preferences, and I just really love to get lost in a long story. If you offered me a well-written fic that features all my favorite tropes and the exact kind of characterizations that perfectly align with my headcanons and you'd say "hey, you want the 5 or the 50K version of that?", I will almost always go with the latter option.
Still, I've actually gotten much better at reading shorter fics over the past year... maybe I should do a rec list for Great Fics under 10K... would anybody care for that?
Now as to your question how I manage to read ALL THAT. I don't know? Honestly, I'm certain there are people who read way more than I do, but yeah, I read A LOT of fanfic, it's true. The funny thing is, I'm not even a very fast reader, or no... the reading itself doesn't take up a lot of time, but thinking about fics, taking notes, writing comments does. The whole spreadsheet insanity was not only born out of a desire to track my reading stats, but also to put down my thoughts and to really ruminate on what I'd just read. Before I got more actively involved in fandom, I didn't really have anybody to talk to about this, but the thoughts and feelings still needed to go somewhere. And now that I've started making rec lists, I'm so glad that I did this because I can pull from them when I'm looking for specific tropes/genres/etc.
Finally, ever since I started beta-reading, I've gained a WHOLE new appreciation for how much thought and heart and time and--yes!--work goes into a fanfic. And all that with little to no guarantee for recognition or even any sort of response at all.
Fanfic writers are goddamn heroes. To borrow your words: I envy them. I admire them. I fear them a little.
Fanfiction Forever. ❤
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shytastemakerthing · 2 years
Can I please request a romantic TWST matchup! I am veryyy outgoing. I make friends really easy and overall I’m a people pleaser. I do get very anxious and overwhelmed easily, which can cause panic attacks. I dont like sports, but I do like studying and my grades are something I take pride in. I overwork myself a lot and I make myself crumble. I thrive in environments where I get to help people. I tend to fall for possessive people because it makes me feel like someone actually likes me, even though they’re toxic. I get a long with people pretty easily though a lot of people have taken advantage of me because I’m naive and overly kind and I do anything in my power to make sure that people like me. I crave validation so I love being praised and takes care of, it makes me feel like I’ve done something right. I really enjoy video games and puzzles cause they challenge my brain. Its very easy to get me to do anything- just tell me “if you do _____ then I’ll be so proud of you.” And I’ll do it-. I am a little chubby with stretch marks and surgical scars. I’m very insecure in my body and I would like someone who would hold me close and let the world fall away. I love the idea of someone rough and tough getting soft and snuggling with me. I have some sensory issues that can cause panic attacks, like loud places/crowds. I prefer someone tough and dominant, but on the quieter side. I crochet and I recently finished making a blanket! Thank you!!!
A/N: Thank you so much for your request! I re!lly hope that you like this! On another note, if you ever feel like you need to vent or talk about anything, my messages are always open😊. I am in no means a therapist of any kind, but I know just what a lot of what you stated feels like and I've been there myself 😊. Continue to be amazing!!
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I match you with........
Riddle Rosehearts
• Now, there are a number of reasons as to why Riddle won in terms of this matchup, and I'll touch on several of those points.
• This is a man who has always seeked validation, mostly for it to come from his mother despite how toxic she truly was for him and to him. Once he was able to look past that in his life, seeing just how she was for him, he began to find that validation in other things. He greatly helps you in that as be knows that you need it.
• He will praise you when you do well, and bring tea and tarts to celebrate. If you're falling behind in classes or not quite sure on a certain topic you are studying, he is there for you all the way to help you through it. He takes great notice of your cues if things are beginning to be too much, if you need a break, if you're hungry, or if you finally understand what js being taught.
• He knows what it's like to be around toxic individuals, mostly his mother, and he will certainly help you. Yes, they gave you validation, but they also hurt you for their own benefit. You do not need not need. Come over to Heartslabyul for an unbirthday party. You will be guaranteed to find and make new good and healthy friends there *cough* Trey *cough*.
• Beijg a people pleaser is okay, but bot when jt comes at the risk of hurting yourself. You can't make everyone happy, and then also expect yourself to be happy as well. He is gentle when telling you this. It's okay to tell people no, it's okay to let them down. It's all a part of growing. If they can't see that you did try to help, or redirect them to someone who can help them better, than that's their loss.
• He is someone who takes his relationship very seriously. Words of affirmation seem to do wonders for you, and he gives you plenty. While among his dorm members, he can be still quite strict, though not as bad as his time in overblot, there is still that nature to him. Once it's the both of you behind closed doors? Pajamas are on, and the both of you are curls into one another and he whispers praises to you and you to him. You're each other's greatest moral support.
• Make him a blanket and he melts, he loves it❤. Honestly, you'll see him using it every night within the confines of his room. It's usually going to be very nearly folded on his bed, it's either being very delicately washed, or maybe he's studying at his desk and it's being used to keep his legs warm. Can he.... possibly have a couple more?
• Overall, this relationship is built on trust, care, love, respect, admiration, gentle words, and care. He may not be perfect, but he promises to be there when you need him the most, no matter what. You're his darling rose, and he wishes to see you bloom.
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raylex · 1 year
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THANK Y'ALL FOR THE ASKS! hope both of your weekends are going good!!! NOW. RAYMAN. let me take you on a JOURNEY through the years, powered by my autism.
let's start off by asking ourselves a question like we're french philosophers. who is rayman?
rayman is the creation of a man named michel ancel. ancel had always loved videogames, and he had spent much of his life doodling little characters and coming up with ideas for them. around 1992, ancel created his favourite character: rayman!
rayman ended up being left with no arms or legs in order to be easier to animate due to, y'know, several technical limitations at the time. this ended up being a fantastic decision, because not only was it unique and creative, but it opened up for so many more possibilities than normal in regards to his moveset! ah, but i'm getting ahead of myself.
around that same time, development began on a game starring ancel's new character. at first it was planned to be released on the super nintendo, but this was scrapped and it got reworked into an atari jaguar game instead. and such, in 1995, the world was introduced to our platforming limbless wonder ❤
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following the release of the first rayman game, it was quickly realized how much potential this series had for its future. tons of edutainment games were created, the game got ported to a whole bunch of different platforms, and eventually, a sequel was developed for the n64 and pc in 1999. i present to you, rayman 2: the great escape!
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i would insert a joke here about "Rayman had a rough transition into 3d" but that couldn't be further from the truth. rayman's transition into 3d got nothing but praise! this game has been included in multiple lists for the greatest games of all time. suffice to say, this is a common favourite among rayman fans, and for good reason!
a fun fact about this game is that it has been ported to basically every console imaginable. it's like the doom of platforming. you could probably play rayman 2 on your calculator. rayman 2 microwave speedrun when?
anyways, during this time, a tv show was also in production! it unfortunately only got four episodes in before it was cancelled, but it's still great fun. billy west voices rayman, it's hilarious, i recommend giving it a watch. it sort of follows the scrapped plot that the original rayman 2 had.
before we get to my BELOVED rayman 3, i want to point out one port of rayman 2 in particular that's interesting: rayman revolution, released in 2000!
rayman revolution is the ps2 port of rayman 2, and let me tell you, it's got, like, hours worth of more content than the original game did. it SLAPS. in my opinion, it's my favourite version of rayman 2, but some people feel it's a bit over-bloated with all the new added content. i think it's awesome though. it's got an openworld hub world and everything!
anyways, moving on from rayman 2, we get to my FAVOURITE game in the entire franchise. i love this game so much, i could gush about it for HOURS. RAYMAN 3: HOODLUM HAVOC.
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I LOVE RAYMAN 3 SO MUCH, Y'ALL. IT'S INSANE. i literally have practically the entire game memorized in my head.
so for this game, michel ancel actually wasn't directly involved with a lot of it. he did, however, help out with a new redesign of our titular main character! this was 2003, everything had to have that early 2000's edge, and rayman was no exception. so he donned a hoodie, got some sick new kicks, and got a fresh sharp new haircut. and he looks SO GOOD Y'ALL but i'm not going to go into how handsome i think he is because i'm gay enough already. BUT SERIOUSLY, COME ON, JUST LOOK AT HIM, HE'S SO BADASS.
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MY LOVE ❤❤❤❤❤
although rayman 3 didn't do as well as rayman 2 did, it wasn't considered a BAD game or anything (i will fight anyone who thinks this is a bad game 😤😤😤), and so the franchise continued... and we got, uh. rayman raving rabbids, in 2006.
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i'm using an older ps2 cover here purely because i think it looks cooler but the game was primarily developed with the wii in mind seeing as it ended up being a party game. initially, it was developed as rayman 4, and it was supposed to be a platformer like the others (i could rant about the scrapped prototype for a WHILE) but they tossed that concept aside because they wanted to incorporate the wii playstyle into it.
i am not a huge fan of the rabbids. they're like the minions before the minions existed. i actually didn't even know they were in the same franchise as rayman until i got into the rayman franchise, because they ended up branching off and ubisoft favoured rabbids games over rayman... so he sort of got abandoned for a while. in the period between 2006 to 2011 we got some rabbids games. i'm not going to go over them because 100% honestly i do not care for them a whole lot HAHA.
well, 2011 rolls around, and our boy rayman is back in the spotlight with RAYMAN ORIGINS!
despite its title, it's a direct sequel to rayman 3, not a prequel (though it was originally supposed to be, and it was gonna detail rayman's past and how he grew into the hero that he was, but that idea was put aside last minute).
rayman's returned to his 2d platformer roots and he's here to just go through goofy shenanigans and kick some ass and i can respect that!
in 2013, we got a sequel to rayman origins, rayman legends! another great game. i played this one with two of my friends and i had so much fun.
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both really good games!
anyways for the next near-decade we just got a bunch of mobile runner games that recycled origins and legends assets. they're fine, nothing noteworthy.
nowadays, ubisoft hasn't paid much mind to rayman anymore, despite him being the mascot that got them where they are today, and they still seem to favour the rabbids, considering that they got in a game with MARIO before rayman did. but it seems like ubisoft hasn't completely forgotten about their old friend... :D
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let me tell you. 2023 cannot come fast enough.
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zipegs · 1 year
So I just finished reading the book of jonah and first of all, it was so good I nearly had a breakdown at the end of it. It was terryfingly breathtaking. Secondly, it reminded me a lot of the Supernatural fic A Complete Kingdom by komodobits, which is high praise. One of the best horror fics I ever read. If you haven't read it already then I strongly recommend it. I think it's right up your alley, what with the unreality and everything else. Prepare to get absolutely fucked tho. And thirdly, ❤
Ahhhhh oh wow thank you so much! It means a lot that you took the time to hop into my inbox 🥰 I haven't written a horror fic in a while, so it was like all the pent-up fucked-up juice in me just kind of exploded out into the book of jonah 😂 I did put a lot of work into it, so I'm really glad to hear it paid off for you!
And yeah, that is high praise!! I was absolutely in the Supernatural fandom off and on for a long few years! It's actually what got me to start writing fic in the first place, funny enough. Komodobits' work is fantastic and I remember loving A Complete Kingdom, although I haven't revisited it in a long time—maybe it's time for a reread!
I'm just a big fan of psychological horror and unreality stuff in general, and I think it works great with Hannibal, especially in light of and in relation to Will's encephalitis struggles. I also highly recommend And So I Raise Me Up From Sleep by bendingsignpost if by chance you haven't read it, which also does a lot of fun unreliable narrator stuff.
But thank you again! This ask definitely made my day (:
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
Hi my Queen, I hope you're fine 🥰.
I miss you here and now that you're on your well deserved break I get aware of how much I miss you. It's the right time to tell you how much I appreciate you here.
I adore your one shots...there is one for every mood 💚❤️‍🔥💔💘❤️‍🩹🖤💞. I'm deep in love with your series and I'm always hooked with them 💚💙🤎🖤❤️‍🔥💔❤️‍🩹❤
I love your writing, I love every Loki you've ever created, he's always lovable and desirable, even when he's mean. I love every y/n because she's always so relatable. I love the way you work out a plot, the way you give the characters a background, they way you let them grow, fail, stand up again and how you let them get stronger and how you let them express their feelings. You're a great observer of life and people and an artist in putting it into words and plots.
I love every cliffhanger in your series too. They always make me so excited and every time it's so hard to wait for a next chapter.
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For me the way you describe all the smutty parts is perfect and hot and there's always a little space for my own fantasy and I love you for that.💚❤️‍🔥
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Reading your stuff is like watching a film or a series and it's not easy to write like this. You're really amazing, dear. You were, are and will always be my favourite writer. And you deserve every attention, interaction, comment and reblog here....it should be hundreds of them🥺🤗
When you're back here one day, I hope it's your comfort place again, you're inspired again and you're willing to share your wonderful, excellent work with us again. I'm looking forward to that day and until then I will read your stories again and again.
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Love you Queen 👑 and I wish you a wonderful week, my friend ❤️
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You know how to make me cry 😭🥹You praise me too highly and it makes me feel worthy, I don't feel the best about my writing especially now, I never was and never will be a writer but reading this made me feel that no matter what I actually do write, it has made someone happy and nothing could feel better than that so thank you for always being kind and supportive always. Not just to me but to other writers here as well, we don't deserve you to be honest ❤️🤗
I'm only still here because of you and some other folks (they know who they are ..well I hope that they do) and I'll continue to be here as long as the inspiration runs and as long as loki is my muse. Love you so much my dear, you beautiful bean ❤️
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bitchkay · 2 years
Okay okay okay I know a lot of us don't like Guy and Jasper as they are but imagine being sandwiched between these two? Let's say in a not so far off AU universe these two are unabashedly being the villains they are. They're trying to convince MC to lend Guy their power. They've tried everything but the Cage™ at this point. It's time to rely on seduction. It works flawlessly. Little do they know MC was getting off on the chase and finally decides to indulge. It was supposed to be just Guy/Jasper but MC is having none of it. They're either both about to lay the pipe down hard or they can hit the bricks. Eh, fuck it. Why not? It's something new for them for sure. And it'll be a great way to sample their powers at its height. The hottest threesome ensues. Trapped between two teasing doms? Trying to give Jasper "CPR" from below while Guy's spanking you from behind? MC would have to be a sub rope bunny like no other to keep up with these two
the way I read every single word of this like my jaw wasn't on the floor from simply seeing the names Guy and Jasper💀💀
bros flabbergasted.
I had to sensor Jasper for the sake of my sanity /hj
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anon you freaky bitch.
Why'd you go hard tho like damn😳💀
For anyone else I'd be moaning arching my back scratching my pillows bouncing off the walls screaming foaming at the mouth orgasming shaking crying taking off my clothes writhing in pleasure
If I was sandwiched between Guy and J*sper I'd literally start crying
This is not a J*sper safe zone.
Guy I can take, obviously he's not my favorite but I'd still have sex with him tf
I feel like I'm being disrespectful-
Anon: *writes this long ass ask abt being absolutely fucked in the best threesome of their life by Guy and J*sper*
Me: actually no thank you
However I will not let this ask stay in my inbox, so I have to answer it, this is something I'd reply to, characters be damned it's so like... like yea, imma add my two cents😌😌
Imagine this(except its against my will /j):
I had this thought really early on in my indulgence in court of darkness, back when I was just getting to know the characters and had only really read Lynts route. Ya know back when my view on Guy was on based on the princes path(which is objectively worse) and when my view on J*sper was neutral. I know crazy right anyway-
Cucking + Voyeurism
Guy wouldn't trust a soul with his beloved paramour other than his dear valet. This being put into practice. Finding pleasure in your absolutely fucked out expression as you were being split open on another mans cock. Making eye contact with Guy as he fisted his cock at the sight you gripped the sheets below you as your back was pressed into an even deeper arch. Sharing really is caring. J*sper fucking into you from behind preened under his masters gaze, a sense of pride bubbling up in his chest as you writhed beneath him proof of his more than adequate performance. "Tell him how much you like it." "Don't go on getting cocky, she's still mine." "Look at him while you do it." "Cum. Let me see it." "A beautiful thing you are when you're getting fucked." After being thoroughly spent, you feel the slight rustling of sheets. Opening your eyes to see you paramour above you. "Guy? What are you..?" "Did you think I'd be fully satisfied by simply watching you?" And before you could even process his words, he plunged into you, a mix of yours and J*spers messy cum spilling out of you. Dismissing his valet with a nod Guy fucked into your used cunt mixing up your insides already filled to the brim with cum ready to stuff you with more.
Oh I hated writing that so much😊
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Did you like it tho🥺❤ /gen (praise me I deserve it, this was emotionally distressing /hj)
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kdd-works · 1 year
Hi! I saw your bots on CAI and I just wanna let you know that 1. I LOVE them !!! They are so in character and hardly ever break out of them. I'm so glad there are people on that site that actually work hard and pay attention to details in terms of character personality. and 2. I agree with the whole nsfw filter being absolutely doodoo. Even if you dont plan on engaging in nsfw things with a bot, the filter prevents the characters from responding in character!! It'll try too hard to work around the filter that it will eventually start saying some stupid things. Anyways. Thank you !! You're so cool
Really??? That's such high praise! Thank you so much! I try my best to make each character the best I can, which includes filling out a loooot of details about the characters to make sure they're as accurate as possible. Tbh, in the case of the JoJo bots, I found that the only times I needed to flesh out the character's way of speaking was in the greeting, short description, long description, and maybe an example sentence in the definition to make sure the formatting of the chat stays the way I want it to be. The great thing about CAI is that it does a tremendous amount for me due to the data having a lot of knowledge of the source material. (I saw this when I put the Prosciutto and Pesci bots in a room together, and…)
I'm still waiting for the day someone asks me to do the PHF characters because of reasons…
And yeah, the filter isn't even solely an NSFW filter at this point… it's just a generalized filter that does nothing good whatsoever.
But I really appreciate your kindness and praise! Thank you so much! ❤
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shittingtears · 2 years
hellooo! can i request hcs for sova, chamber, and cypher overhearing their s/o trying to learn their native language but have terrible pronounciation? (ty in advance if you do this xx)
Sova, Chamber, Cypher x reader
Sure thing! Thank you for requesting ❤ I've actually recently been using Duolingo to learn Spanish and French 😂
P.S I used Google Translate on anything that isn't in English here
Hope you enjoy!
• The way his heart did a double back flip and a barrel roll.
• Didn't expect you to be learning his mother tongue.
• Gets excited and all giddy about it.
• "You're learning Russian I see? My babushka told me not to brag, but I'd say I'm a great teacher."
• Expect a more bold Sova, he’s more confident when speaking in Russian.
• Non stop praising whenever you learn a new word.
• "Let's have a break, you did well."
• Motivational talk when you're frustrated and wanting to give up.
• Is not wrong about being a great teacher.
You were taking this course seriously.
Pen and note book next to you and the app opened on your phone.
Having had made past the levels that were multiple choice, you reached one that required speaking.
You look confused at the words on the screen, holding back from taking a peak at your notes.
You scratched your head and tapped your pencil, deciding to give it a try you pulled your phone closer to you.
"где молоко?" You said in the most botched accent.
You heard a voice behind you say the same word perfectly.
That caused you to almost jump off your seat.
"Sasha!" You yelped, face going red in embarrassment.
He gave you a cheeky grin before hovering over you to see your work.
"Your writing is great love, pronunciation... not so." He said eyes scanning through your notes.
You shut your notebook closed with a groan.
"This is humiliating." You hid your face in your arms.
Sova pulled you back up and opened your notes again.
"Let me help you, my babushka told me not to brag, but I'm a great teacher."
He pulled another chair next to yours and an extra pen.
His eagerness to help you made you feel less embarrassed.
"Okay, okay, fine."
"When will we get to the cuss words?"
• Honored that you're learning his language.
• Things he can't express in English will soon be understood.
• Understands learning a new language is hard, so is willing to help you out for something in return.
• Will start talking to you in French at random times and will expect a reply.
• Mixes French and English together to make it easier on you (for now).
• Would probably say something 🤨.
• Finds it cute when you try to pronounce a complicated word.
• Proud whenever you master new words.
You were walking down the hallway, unware of anyone that could be around you.
Too busy on revising last nights lesson, you didn't catch yourself saying the words out loud.
"Bonjour, hello, Comment vas-tu?, How are you? Now what was 'where is the dog?'..."
You were just about to pull out your phone to check until you heard an all too familiar voice behind you.
"Bonjour mon amour, learning French I see? It's comment, not comment by the way. You'll get there."
He caught up to you, snaking his hand into yours.
You looked away, embarrassment all over your face.
Of course he had to hear all that.
"There is nothing to me ashamed of my love, we all start somewhere. I can help you, but let's make a deal."
You sighed, less embarrassed. You looked at him with an eyebrow raised.
"It's a good deal, I teach you French, and you give me a kiss after every lesson." A dumb smile was plastered on his face as he said that.
You chuckled at that, "Fine, it's a deal Mr. businessman."
"Now repeat after me, 'Vincent, ta cravate est superbe et tu es si beau.'"
You just face palmed.
• Sees this as an opportunity to tease you.
• Is a terrible teacher, but is willing to answer any questions you have about the language.
• Would secretly record your botched pronunciation.
• Loves that you're learning his language, it brings back fond memories.
• Although he can't teach you, he will give you advice.
• Makes you study around him so he can help you correct mistakes.
• Supportive all the way.
You sat at the back of the protocol library.
You are dedicating today's lesson on pronunciation, so the library is the perfect place.
It has dictionaries and it's quiet.
Plus, no one ever really comes to stay here other than Sage and occasionally Brimstone.
"Kayf hali what?" You groaned in frustration, having had been stuck on this word for awhile now.
You were about to pick up your things and go, but your phone dinged.
A voicemail from Cypher appeared on your screen.
You brought it up to your ear to hear it clearly.
'It's 'كيف حالك؟.'
Your jaw dropped open, and you wanted to jump off the building.
You threw your hands over your face in embarrassment, slumping your body against the couch.
'Ding!', another message.
'It was cute though really.'
You got even more embarrassed.
You looked around for wherever he could have a camera set up, and there it was hiding in the corner of the room.
"You've been watching me this whole time struggle, and only now do you say something?"
"Amir, what did you mean by 'لماذا أنت جميل جدا' I still don't get it."
His face went red, luckily he still had his mask on.
This finished a bit later because as soon as I finished for Chamber and Cypher, I accidentally pressed something on my mouse that reset the page 😢 but it managed to redo it so here it is
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cptspiegel · 2 years
I saw you asking for Kenpachi requests! I love him and we've been seriously lacking in content. ❤❤❤❤ Can I get Kenpachi falling for someone who he keeps beating in fights but they come back for more every time. Bonus points if they're in the 2nd division. Thank you!
Please consider me your local Kenpachi content spot nonny 😌💙 great request!
Warnings: mentions of fighting & injuries, Ken shows affection in an odd way
You didn't necessarily sneak up on him, but he was certainly surprised. Your clothes immediately indicated you were with squad 2 so Kenpachi assumed there was a hit out on him... naturally
"If someone wants to kill me tell them to do it themselves." That was the first thing he said to you, but you didn't respond.
Instead you used flash step to close your distance and strike.
Kenpachi blocked your zanpakuto with his hand. His head leaned to the side to see your face while he held that infamous smile.
"So you're a challenger? Lucky for you I need to stretch my legs."
That started it all.
Kenpachi loved how quickly you moved, even though he'd always catch you.
Obviously you couldn't break the skin on the first hundred or so attempts at cutting him.
And honestly Kenpachi started waiting around for you to come and spar with him.
Many days he'll already be waiting outside of his quarters his head resting on one hand. A grin plastered on his face as soon as you appear.
Kenpachi loved the company. We're you slashing at him with all your might? Yes absolutely, but Kenpachi found it amazing.
It's the fact that you're so committed and though you hadn't cut him (yet) you were strong. He could smack you down time and time again, but like clockwork you came back. That sort of dedication can go a long way.
So he praises you...a lot
Literally spoils you with compliments.
"Great swing." "You were already fast and getting faster." "Your uniform is always in pristine condition; my men could learn from you."
You stop and just kind of look at him. Of course he's got a blank look on your face, but you like it. He's so tall, his features are so distinct, and when you actually take the chance to listen Kenpachi is hilarious.
"Are you flirting with me captain?" The stealth force has a very forward approach when words are involved.
"Flirting?" Kenpachi let out a deep laugh. "Don't be silly!"
Yes, he was flirting & he was doing it hardcore.
Then one day you finally did it. You cut Kenpachi.
It wasn't deep, nor was it long. Just the tip of your blade got him and it was only the second time you two paused fighting.
You'd reached your goal and Kenpachi didn't like it.
In fact he hated it because that meant your fun was over.
"Do you like sake Captain?"
That was an odd question. "Yes."
"We should go for drinks sometime." You told him and then poof, you were gone.
A whole new chapter of fun was starting now. Of course you still sparred but it was only when Kenpachi didn't have you glued to his side.
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