#thank you for tagging me! ♥♥♥
wilsons-journey · 3 months
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Happy birthday Valefor!
It all started with this lil post - here. I can't believe it's only a year.
Thank you.
Let me get cheesy / emotional under the cut,....
Well,... where do I start? I have so many words in my head - I don't know where to start.
Maybe,... maybe I keep it short and simple this time.
Thank you so much my boy, for opening this door for me,... You will forever be my very special boy. With you I found my creativity again and most importantly - I met so many wonderful people along the way ♥
Life has changed - I was able to opened up more and more. Getting out of my little shell of fear and self hatred. First just Tumblr, then ArtParty and lastly Discord,... it all helped so much.
I still have to tackle many fears day by day. Many mean head demons that tell me I should go - leave everything behind because I'm too much. Too annoying, Too weird,... too emotional? ... idk. I'm much more confident with myself now, yet I still deal with a lot of self doubts.
I'm really thankful for everything - for everyone that had entered my life and is so patient and wonderful to me. Some patient enough, to get me out of my comfort zone - dragging me more and more into this lovely community. Motivating me.
I still have a long way to go - but,... I feel I'm on a good path.
I know it sounds cheesy, maybe a little bit stupid, too. But I'm in tears and so incredibly happy and thankful.
Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart, for this journey! I really can't believe it's only a year.
- ♥
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artemisyates · 11 months
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Edward Hyde, Victorian gremlin man, I love you so. ♥ This ended up looking a bit like concept art for an animated movie art style wise, and that just makes me sad there isn't a cutesy animated classic disney musical type Jekyll and Hyde movie because that would be amazing.
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morkofday · 5 months
Every month of 2023 ✨
Post your most popular and/or favorite edit/gifset for each month (it’s okay to skip months!)
thank you so much for tagging me zey [x] @smileytharn, mj [x] @forcebook, jessi [x] @daymork, and antania [x] @raypakorn ♥ it was so lovely to look through all of your creations! you've all worked hard during the past year and i hope i get to see more creations from all of you throughout this year ^^
i'm collecting my creations for each month under the cut but let's look at some fun statistics at first! (inspired by antania's post ♥)
i created 68 edits
additionally, there were 5 photo collabs (jimmysea photoshoots)
and 4 text post meme posts (for last twilight)
the most edits i made in may (due to our skyy 2 episodes)
most of my edits were related to vice versa (13 in total)
the second most popular ones were bad buddy (8 edits) and last twilight (10 edits)
most of my edits were either lovely/warm or angsty
i got deep into episode edits this year
and also took inspiration from other than poetry and lyrics
thank you so much for being part of all this!
my most popular edit was this vegaspete set i made for @spicyvampire ♥ i actually like it a ton! but my personal favorite from this month is my bad buddy characters + the real 5 love languages set. i like the meme a ton and i loved how the set turned out (+ for me, it's super funny).
my most popular edit this month was the toddblack differences edit i made for @i-got-the-feels ♥ it was a very different type of edit and i'm very happy ppl liked it this much. personal favorite is this jimmy(sea) set for the varitda mv he/they appeared in. i loved the aesthetic of the mv and i feel like i captured that very well.
the most popular edit in march was my akkayan + one direction piece dedicated to @fitfmybeloved ♥ i think i need to make something else with a similar style sometime. my favorites would be the puen & talay's top 10 outfits edits which technically happened in february and march. i had a ton of fun with them and i honestly adore looking at the results.
my birthday month! the most popular creation was my beyond evil edit which was interesting to make according to @nongnaos's request ♥ i had never edited this show (or any kdrama) before and i also struggled a bit with figuring out the layout. it's a very simple set but felt fitting. my favorite this month would be this puentalay set made for you antania ♥ it took a lot of time, especially all the coloring, but it was worth every second! (special mention for my sea bday set which i still cannot believe the bday boy actually saw and liked on twt ;; i love him so much!)
i think it's very deserved that my most popular edit in may was this puentalay one for my our skyy 2 episode edits series. it's for the first vice versa episode and tbh also my personal favorite out of all those episode edits i made ^^ the coloring just worked super well there. my true favorite of the month was the pran's life anthem edit i made for @pransobrave ♥
as is fitting for pride month, my most popular edit and also my personal favorite was my our skyy 2 couples edit where i tried to describe all of their different loves through the colors of a rainbow. it was a lot of fun to do!
the most popular edit this month was the pran set i made for @punpunsutatta ♥ i had a lot of fun with this one bc i got to try some new things with it. personal faves and my peak as an editor (in my own opinion) were the two puentalay edits i made this month. this sam smith song inspired one i made for you zey ♥ i adore the layout and the colors, it makes me think about vintage images and letters. and this other one was born bc the quote haunted me. i love the pink in it a lot, it's so soft.
for august, i felt like i was making a ton of things even if i didn't have the energy or the time. in reality, i didn't make that many but i made a couple of very big sets. one of them and the most popular one this month was my winteam set made for @jimmysea ♥ making it took some research and then i had to go through the episodes a little while i searched for the fitting scenes. personal favorite was this akktheo set bc it turned out looking very cute. i think it captures their feeling as a couple and their story well. special mention for my jimmy bday set bc i poured my heart into it ♥ i love this man so much (and i currently wish he is fine and gets well soon, he's apparently in the hospital ;;)
things got hectic in september as i started my internship and had to travel around a lot. i was too tired to do much else but work and study and watch dramas without any brain. that's why i only made two edits. my most popular set was my last request edit for my event. it was patpran with the lyrics from ford arun's song come closer and made for @celestial-sapphicss ♥ i love the colors in this so much. personal favorite, only barely, is still my puentalay + 8 types of love set. i had a blast making it as a kind of collab with @dimpledpran who made the patpran version!
made only two edits (or well, one cut into two parts) in october too due to being very busy and tired. they were quite big tho bc i used a long while gathering material for them. it was its own type of research project when i wrote down all the times puentalay told each other 'i love you' without saying those exact words to each other. i struggled with the layout too as mimi can probably remember :'D but i love these sets a lot so they're both my favorite and most popular ♥
finally in november last twilight came to save all of us and so it's no wonder i created a lot for that during this month :'D i honestly wished to make more but i was still mostly busy with my internship and with starting my thesis. my most popular one was this last twilight trailer edit. i think it was fun to kind of make it similar to my mock trailer edit all that time ago. my personal favorite is the mork + linkin park edit that probably caters to only myself lol. am honestly obsessed with each song mentioned in this bc i can see it with mork so well. it was a relief to get that one out.
haven't really had the time to dive as deep into last twilight and make as many edits for it as i'd wanted due to using most of december to catch up on sleep and all the studying i couldn't do during my internship, but hopefully now i'll have more time to devastate yall ♥ the most popular post was this last twilight + random tweets thing and my personal favorite is the only morkday quote edit i've managed so far. i love the colors and the whole concept to bits, and cannot wait to make more ^^
thank you if you read this far! i'm not sure who hasn't been tagged yet bc i'm a bit late with this one but if you have done this already, you can always send it my way! i almost demand you do. i love appreciating all your art ♥
tagging: @dimpledpran @jimmysea @moonkhao @chinzillas @khaotunqs @pranink @dengswei @taeminie @psychic-waffles (i'd love to see your art!) @yilinglaozu @eohachu @difanghua @mooninagust @namchyoon ♥
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s1ithers · 10 months
Self-Rec Tag Game 🌹
Rules: share five of your own fanworks (fic, art, etc.) Then, tag five more people to share the things they've made.
thx @ghostwise for the tag! I'm so late getting to this I think almost everyone's done it, but I'll throw out a tag if you haven't yet <3
1. Something you absolutely adore:
Ablutions —my smutfic about Anders coming home from an action and Hawke giving him a bath. Very little of what I write ever makes it to completion, but I'm still really happy to have pulled this one out. I think it nails a lot of what I wanted to say about these two and their relationship, and what's stuck with me & been so meaningful about the game. Not everything! There's so much I'd still like to articulate & get on paper, but if I could choose one work to be my sort of calling card in the fandom, this would be it.
2. Something that was challenging to create:
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Got into some deep cuts going through my tag for this, but I'm so nostalgic for this picture. I am always wanting to do more complex scenes and then not doing that 😭
3. Something that makes you laugh (or smile, if that fits more comfortably):
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stupidlaughed drawing that no.2 pencil
4. Something that surprised you (in how it turned out, how much other people liked it, etc.):
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didn't expect this one to take off the way it did. it seemed to strike a chord though, I'm glad it did something for people
5. Something you want other people to see:
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please....view them.... <3
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respondedinkind · 3 months
3-5 things associated with your muse.
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emotions / feelings:
1. Confidence 2. Sadness 3. Arrogance 4. Devotion 5. Softness
1. "Hello." 2. "Good morning / afternoon / evening." 3. A quiet hum and an intense gaze. 4. "Name." (whichever name the other person has) 5. A nod of acknowledgement
1. Blue 2. White 3. Black
1. Warm Vanilla 2. Herbal tea 3. Something slightly spicy & masculine 4. 'Clean' (skin and fabric) 5. Coffee
1. Turteneck shirts (black, gray, blue, muted colors) 2. Starfleet undershirt in black 3. Long coats in dark, muted colors 4. Accessoires (gloves, scarves) 5. Comfortable but sturdy boots
1. PADD 2. A teacup 3. A pen 4. A book
vices / bad habits:
1. Sassy 2. Being arrogant 3. Fluent in Sarcasm 4. Anger management issues / explosively emotional 5. Being stoic
body language:
1. The subtle motion of knitting brows and a tilted head 2. The subtlest of squints 3. The subtle curl of the corner of his mouth (smirking) 4. Fingers picking along the edge of fingernails (nervous) 5. Straight spine, square shoulders, lifted chin
1. A fireplace 2. The dark night sky, scattered with thousands of stars 3. A sunny, bright winter morning, thick snow covering every surface 4. A chair standing in the middle of an empty room 5. A stack of hand-sketched blueprints and notes
songs (in no particular order):
1. Everybody wants to rule the world - Lorde 2. Ready, Aim, Fire - Imagine Dragons 3. Behind Blue Eyes - Limp Bizkit 4. Seven Nation Army - The Glitch Mob (The White Stripes remix) 5. King of my castle - Wamdue Project
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tagged by: @onlybonesleft (thank you!)
tagging: @ssolessurvivor @sxbaist @bloodstainedstar @darehearts @oceansfirst (any muse ♥) @noblehcart and you! ♥
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rabbithexrt · 2 months
the lovely @enchantedvistas tagged me, thank you so much ♥ rules: pick a song for every letter of your URL and tag that many people Rule the world by Skott Anoana by Heilung Be all things by Chelsea Wolfe Blood in the wine by Aurora In my feelings by Lana del Rey Tuletoits by Kerli Harpy Hare by Yaelokre Eat your young by Hozier X by System of A Down Ritual by Nytt Land The unwanted animal by The amazing Devil tagging the amazing @sugaryewscythe @sailorsparkle @xjackiethedevilx @cuttlefishbones @untetheredspirit @the-thimble @ambrosineee @snowandsage @gloryfore @freshpickle and whoever reads this and wants to do it ( pls tag me, so I can see ♥ )
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qinghe-s · 1 year
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not nearly enough gifs of XIAO HUA (4/∞)
(id: two gifs of xie yuchen from episode nine of the lost tomb 2. the first shows him turning towards the viewer with a slight frown that deepens a little. in the second one his expression has turned to surprise, and he chuckles. there's a slight blue-pink-white gradient at the outer edges. end id)
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rosenfey · 1 year
— oc tag game;
↳ was tagged by the ever so talented @jozstankovich​, thank you so much! ♡ incredibly pretty picrew credit here! ♡
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(as of right now) FEYLITH ARUNVEL • eso
I’ve been on an eso hyperfixation for a while now and Feylith makes me so happy, she is currently my main comfort oc and I am rotating her in my mind like in a microwave at all times. She is actually a part of an extensive family of ocs I made for eso and its youngest member (age-wise) as of now. Raised in a Telvanni mushroom tower by two mothers and being the youngest of three sisters, she is generally shy and aloof, but has a kind heart. She is a trained mycologist and alchemist and loves travelling across Tamriel cataloguing foreign fungi and flora; yet she always finds herself entangled in some adventure or another. She is my main eso oc and I ship her with Verandis because he deserves some happiness in the world. :3c
+ more under the cut!
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Speaking of the Arunvel family, Selene is Feylith’s aunt, a powerful mage and a member of the Psijic order. She specializes in researching dwemer time magic and she married a noblewoman out of Shornhelm, Rivenspire. Her manor is often a summer holiday destination for her sister and her daughters.
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ELINOR LAVELLAN • dragon age: inquisition
She is technically not my oldest oc, but I don’t really talk about my old original novel on here anymore. She is the oldest video game oc that I still keep even though she has been revamped a couple of times. She is a necromancer and a usually lone and withdrawn scholar. She never really fit in with her clan much, keeping spirits and forest animals as her company. She romances Solas because I love suffering and I am all here for the big bad wolf / soft and kind woman vibe I just want to punch Solas in the mouth and also kiss him.
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ODETTA D’PAVENSEI • tyranny + original verse
It’s not that she is mean by choice or intent, Odetta simply cannot stand fools, tardiness, or incompetence. She has a direct goal in her mind that she will follow no matter what, even if it means leaving a sea of corpses in her wake. She is brutally honest, follows a personal code and has a sense of lawfulness around her. She believes she is doing the right thing and she has no time to consider other people’s feelings. She is also a very hot evil mommy and she can step on me anytime.
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FAERENE ROSENHALL • pathfinder: wrath of the righteous + original verse
She is my go-to oc and an inspiration behind a lot of others. In fact, she could be considered as a base source I base a lot of my other pink soft and gentle ocs around or a multi-verse oc. She is a fey abandoned at birth and raised by a mortal family. It goes without saying that in p:wotr she chooses the Azata mythic path. She has been known for having very vivid dreams and Desna often contacted her through visions, leading her towards Kenabres and her destiny. Faerene’s story is a story about self-discovery and realizing one’s self-worth. In a way, she is an inspiration to myself as well.
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DOROTHEA LEFEBVRE • dragon’s dogma: dark arisen
I don’t talk about Dorothea much, or dragon’s dogma for that matter, but she is very dear to my heart. She has selective mutism and often keeps to herself. Known as The Lady of Moths, she has a peculiar ability that allows her to speak to moths (specifically, and only moths) who often whisper the events happening around the world to her. She and Grigori, the big bad dragon, are both connected souls and partners destined to clash together again and again, only to earn a brief respite in the afterlife before the Cycle begins anew.
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FAY TEMPLETON • fallout 4
It’s not that she is actually dumb (she is a quite smart mechanic but there are different types of intelligence, obviously), it’s the stubbornness and the absolutely crazy and strange drive which propels her to dive into any dangerous situation with her head forwards, guns blazing. Fay has strong determination to not let the Wasteland break her and her enthusiasm is contagious. She is here to turn the Commonwealth into a better place and helps people in need without thinking. Also, she is physically impervious to flirting and Hancock needs to blatantly tell her he likes her only for her to go “Ah he is just nice.”
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Alethea is one of my favorite ocs of all time. She is a plant-based necromancer and a healer who lives in a witchy cottage in the middle of the woods. Ostracized by her community, she has been keeping to herself for several centuries, only her undead ancestors keeping her company. She has used this time well. Being a seeker of knowledge, Alethea managed to collect a lot of books and scriptures on a variety of subjects. Despite being a necromancer, she is quite a talented healer as well, folks seeking her for her remedies from time to time.
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➺ OC YOU’D BE BEST FRIENDS WITH IRL: I feel like I would get along well with all of them but especially Feylith, Farene and Alethea sound very much like me.
↳ tagging, if they want to: @fantasmagoriam​​, @cryptcombat​​, @theviridianbunny​​, @brujah​​, @swanfey​​, @sephiratales​​, @shadowglens​​, @indorilnerevarine​​, @leviiackrman​​, @florbelles​​, @nokstella​​, @elluvians​​, @hermaeusmoras​​, @nocticulas​, @baldurians​​, @nokstella​​, @lavampira​​, @aragorngf​​, @ehlnofaey​​, @lyriumrain​​ + you!
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mindfighters · 1 year
Hi! Since Shadow and Bone Season 2 premieres tomorrow, I'm looking for blogs who create or reblog Grishaverse content so I can feel our collective excitement (!!!!).
If you do, even if your blog is multifandom or you blog of multiple things, please like this post so I can follow you!!!
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daily-kanda-yuu · 5 months
hi! I'm sorry but where do you read the manga? thaks for all the content, it's a blessing truly ♥︎
Hello! So very sorry for answering only now, I've sort of abandonned the blog as life got busy on my end (I do plan on coming back, though!) To answer your question, I personally read it all when the physical volumes come out as I've been collecting them for over a decade now. (I'm french so we get the volumes earlier than the peeps in America). However, you can find all the chapters here: mangadex
The kougeki team has been translating the newest chapters for the past few years now. However they are severly understaffed and need all the help they can get!
Lastly, if you are wondering where I get all the panels for my blog, I mainly use the ones provided by Viz as they upload good quality scans (their translations are shit tho so I wouldn't count on them for that)
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lanistas · 7 days
Tagged by @sarcasticsciencefictionwriter to make myself with this Picrew - thank you!! I love picrews ♥
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Tagging (no-pressure) @tinknevertalks @misscrazyfangirl321 @theleotorrio @ellefantii @electricrogue
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medicus-felini · 6 months
tagged by: @ferromagnetiic tagging: Whoever wants to do this and was not yet tagged u///u ( just steal it ♥) [ `♡´ Link to my full Linn Playlist ]
◯ Me and the Devil   —   Soap&Skin 
◯ Enjoy the Silence   —   Depeche Mode
◯ Dark Entries   —   Bauhaus
◯ I Am The Dog   —   Sir Chloe
◯ Cyдно   —   Molchat Doma
◯ Unearth   —   Sidewalks and Skeletons
◯ Swimming Pool   —   Marie Madeleine
◯ Fahrradsattel   —   Pisse
◯ Embrace   —   Pastel Ghost
◯ Little Dark Age   —   IRONTOM
◯ Is She Weird   —   Pixies
◯ Nobody   —   Mitski
◯ Im Yr Dog   —   Richie Woods
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morkofday · 4 months
people i wanna know better tag meme
thank you shannen @icouldhyperfixatehim for thinking of me ♥
last song?
Just Being Friendly - My School President OST
started my msp rewatch tonight and instantly got addicted to the ost once again, this show truly knew how to create a bunch of earworms that have me hooked (hah!) time and time again
favourite colour?
💜purple & blue🩵
currently watching?
on top of the msp rewatch, i'm following the sign, pit babe, and cooking crush. also started love for love's sake! planning on finishing cherry magic th once it has stopped airing and also rewatching vice versa for valentine's day like last year ^^ starting that on friday.
last movie?
a korean movie called Silenced from 2011
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watched this bc of a youtube video that talked about the real life case this movie is based on. it was a very brutal experience, and i am not surprised that this movie caused an uproar in korea back when it was released. made me both lose and restore my faith in humanity.
definitely spicy 🌶️🔥
relationship status
current obsessions
jimmysea and everything related to them. am more vocal about that particular obsession on twt haha, here it's mostly their shows. another obsession would be liu yuning, both as a singer and actor. finished a journey to love last weekend and i need to add it to the pile of cdramas i absolutely adore. probably my favourite hetero romance i've ever witnessed on screen.
last thing you googled?
uuuhhh. probably something uni related? spent today there and there was a lot to do.
selfie/another picture you took?
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took this for the last twilight final ep fan project while walking on the ice, it was a pretty but very cold day ;;
tagging: @smileytharn @taeminie @jimmysea @celestial-sapphicss @jimmyysea @mooninagust @moonkhao @raypakorn ♥
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capn-twitchery · 7 months
wip game!!
I was tagged by @waterlogged-detective & @eddie-dearest (thank you!!)
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
(i don't know anyone who hasn't been tagged yet,,, i was too slow !! if anyone is readin this who hasn't done this yet, you are tagged right now)
i know this isn't exactly the rules but i have to admit i've only drawn these ocs a handful of times so far!! so i only have this one single wip sketch of twitch getting attacked by a blemmigan. enjoy
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bearer-of-anguish · 8 months
Lower One’s Eyes x JinYui
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For context, Jin is the name of the one with dark hair and glasses- my OC, that I ship with Yui. The song, Lower One's Eyes / ロウワー by nulut / Lanndo has been on my brain lately and it's just occured to me how perfectly they fit into it so... brainworms took over
I'm planning on doing October art challenges this year, so I'll be redrawing this at the end and hopefully by then I'll improve!
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...His mind wandered to the window sill, how far would he fall until Lamb's arrow pierced his heart? He craved it. An escape from this nightmare...
Just like water, you carry your readers in a new world, and they just can’t do anything but follow. Your poetic writing allures the readers in with beautiful words, just for them to find themselves on the deepest oceans floors, where you make them taste pain in its sweetest form. Water writers are the gentlest liars, they show the readers a small stream, and no one can see the waterfall at the end. If you were a tag, you would definitely be ‘Everything is Beautiful But Everything Hurts’. Cliffhangers are one of your strong points that, mixed with your incredible versatility, make you a great writer. Your stories have a deep meaning, and never miss to leave traces on your readers hearts. You don’t limit yourself, you like to explore the deepest parts in the human soul, and that’s why readers can sometimes find MCD in your stories. Your endings tend to be sad or open, and your stories have the power to drag your readers with you, from the highest waves of a storm, and to the darkest secrets of the ocean.
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Tagged by: @misstantabismuses @saviourofzaun Tagging: @bells-of-black-sunday @deathfxnds @agonizedembrace @windchaser @astartorn @hemoplagued @curtain-cxll @piltover-sharpshooter @chainedwarden @aquatic-hybrid @existence-overwhelming @manufactoredxbyxdesign @mxlevolence @burntscars @nameaprice @kalijhomentethi
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