#tasty treats for duck friends
yutaan · 2 years
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Papercraft commission of Aziraphale and Crowley (and a duck expectantly awaiting bread)! I loved seeing the huge variety of fashion these guys got to wear throughout their long history, but I admit I do have a particular fondness for these outfits in particular. A classy, clandestine meeting by the duck pond!
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hexbimbo · 1 month
DBD Favorite Food HC:
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Dwight Fairfield
Cheese Pizza.
No more no less.
Thinks pepperoni is “too spicy.”
Pizza What! Had 25% lifetime employee discount.
Meg Thomas
Doesn’t particularly care about her diet as much due to her active lifestyle.
Probably needs more calories than the average person because she’s always on the move.
A good hearty veggie burger is enough for Meg.
Claudette Morel
Ham and Cheese Sandwich.
No crust, untoasted, on white bread.
Toasted bread makes her teeth hurt.
Cut into triangles for maximum efficiency.
Jake Park
In the ~lore~ he is shown to have affinity for Korean Barbecue Ribs.
Really enjoys smoked meats and canned veggies
Canned Artichokes. Boom.
Nea Karlson
Energy drinks.
Probably consumed with some rock candy for extra ✨sizzle✨.
Has attempted to down a can and crush it with her forehead (failed)
Laurie Stroade
Apple pie.
Something all American and sweet.
A nice dollop of vanilla ice cream too please!
Ace Visconti
Would probably tell you some fancy name that makes you feel broke.
More likely a home cooked meal by his Mom
Thinks that high rollers shouldn’t be associated with low class dishes of a foreign country.
I’ll go with Alfajores. Especially the ones dipped with a little chocolate.
William “Bill” Overbeck
Tv dinner with a cold beer
Preferably a Salisbury steak one 🔥🔥🔥
Over boiled canned peas with a slice of buttered bread ain’t bad either.
Feng Min
Candy and chips seems too obvious yknow?
~Lore~ also mentions her being an alcoholic but that’s not really a “favorite” is it?
Probably sponsored a limited edition soft drink that she really liked.
David King
Toad in the hole.
“Classic British “cuisine””
Surprisingly not a fan of a good chippy
Too much oil for his diet
Quentin Smith
Yknow those hard candies in strawberry wrapping old people give on Halloween?
Those 💯
Especially ones with little soft center
David Tapp
Chinese food.
Crab Rangoons was always his go too.
Especially slathered in duck sauce. (Sweet and sour)
Kate Denson
Sun flower seeds.
Perfect snack for wildness jam seshs.
Would be trail mix if she didn’t only eat the chocolate.
Adam Francis
Connivence store meals
Have you see the pre-made meal game in Japan?
~Lore~ mentions that he enjoyed spending his weekends at high end restaurants too.
Big fan of Japanese food.
Jeffery “Jeff” Johansen
Pancakes. Maybe with some blueberry if he’s feeling fancy.
Nice slab of butter in between each layer.
Likes the syrup to soak into a the pancakes for a bit.
Beard definitely catches the sticky crumbs.
Jane Romero
Grilled Chicken and Beet Salad.
Sprinkle some walnuts and goat cheese for extra yummy flavor.
Probably enjoyed with a tasty raspberry or apple vinaigrette.
Ashley J. Williams
Relax kid! He’s just joshing ya’!
Cow tails are pretty groovy.
But he wouldn’t say no to a few special brownies.
Nancy Wheeler
She looks boring as hell
Vanilla ice cream with cherry shell.
Not that flavorful but sweet enough it’s a treat.
Steve Harrington
Root beer float.
Mid tbh.
Enjoys the idea of sharing it with someone via two straws at a sleepy diner.
Yui Kimura
Street food.
Takoyaki to be specific.
Her gang spent a lot of time muscling about in the narrow streets of Tokyo. Easy access to cheap and piping hot food.
Likes eating with her hands.
Zarina Kassir
Felt like she wasn’t as appreciative of her “foreign” lunches as she could’ve been as a kid.
Makes an effort to recreate her childhood meals but lacks the “mom touch.”
Always on the move for the next big story, this film maker enjoys celery and carrots.
Cheryl Mason
Dry Cereal.
Just something to pick at through out the day.
Not too sweet either. Something whole grain works for her.
Felix Richter
Heavily salted potato salad.
Boil some proses till tender, throw in some mayo, lemon juice, parsley, dash of sugar, salt ‘n pepper and you, my friend, have got it ON 🔥🔥🔥
The side dish you’re forced to try but end up digging.
Élodie Rakoto
Hachis Parmentier. Served with a cucumber salad.
“Classic French “cuisine.””
About as tasty as you would expect.
Easy to prepare and easy to eat. (Kinda)
Yun- Jin Lee
Fancy foods for the fancy lady.
Western food has a soft spot in her cold, unfeeling heart.
Mushroom risotto and seared scallops.
Jill Valentine
BLT hold the mayo.
Wavy chips make a good side.
Maintains a firm diet.
Leon S. Kennedy
I raise you one: Ham, Cheese, Egg croissant.
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner all in one.
And available at many fast food places.
Had one with a runny egg yoke and - lord.
Mikaela Reid
Lavender Matcha Boba.
Her tastes buds soared.
Too bad it was a limited time promotional item.
Jonah Vasquez
Caesar Salad Wrap with Ranch.
Maybe with a small lil fruit cup.
Overall very healthy 👍.
Yoichi Asakawa
Hamburg with cheese.
I don’t really know a lot about him tbh.
Seems like he has a well balanced diet.
Probably eats it with a cabbage garnish.
Haddie Kaur
Fried eggs served over spiced watermelon rinds are 👌.
Can’t go wrong with an eggs and cheese.
Ada Wong
I can’t really imagine her eating??
My mind says she probably collects antique wine but I can’t really picture her drinking either.
I’ll go with mussoli.
Rebecca Chambers
Expensive? Yes. Shareable? Also yes!
“Oh! Those look just like a smiling hamburger!”
Vittorio Toscano
Cheese and bread.
Maybe- MAYBE a little watered down wine.
Not like a charcuterie board. More Skyrim “going ham on a wheel of cheese and bread”.
Thalita Lyra
Grilled Pineapple.
Dusted with some brown sugar and grilled on an open flame is 🤤.
Likes it tender. Undercooked, firm pineapple makes her sad.
Renato Lyra
Rice. Rice never changes.
Goes well with cheesy stroganoff.
Wash it down with a fizzy drink.
Probably doesn’t eat much else tbh. Classic ‘Tism 😎
Gabriel Soma
Due to his memories being fake it’s hard to tell if he actually likes the food or just THINKS he likes it.
Probably likes hotdogs.
His Mom would always get him some to nom on during baseball game.
Hates pork hotdogs.
Nic Cage
Apparently is irl favorites are KFC and champagne.
Sounds about right.
Seems like a memer and would get a baja blast if his kids suggested it.
Ellen Ripely
Freeze dried ice cream sandwiches.
Or crackers.
Likes the crunch and long shelf life both can provide.
Alan Wake
Scrambled eggs, buttered toast, and black coffee.
You ever such a rough morning you gotta process what’s on your plate for 10 minutes?
Likes his eggs salty.
Sable Ward
DIY spooky treats!
“Mummy Dogs” are croissant wrapped hotdogs and “candied eyeballs” are tangulu grapes.
Probably had an edgy phase of “only liking black coffee.”
“How can you even enjoy the natural taste of coffee with all that sugar and milk??”
Evan McMillian
Boiled Dinner.
Throw some cabbage, pastrami, and bacon in bag with some seasonings.
(Read: salt and pepper).
Delicious for 1800 palettes.
Phillip Ojomo
Canned beans.
Eating them straight from the can hit different after a long day of crushing cars.
Knows how to open any can with a spoon alone.
Max Thompson Jr
Biscuits and Gravy.
Was usually served the slop version as a kid.
Tries to re-create it a bit more “not bad”.
Sally Smithson
Johnny cakes.
Probably also likes food with not okay names.
Like “Injun Bread” 🫤.
Micheal Myers
Chips and Cola.
Eats more to survive than for comfort.
A lot of victims tend to be teenagers relaxing on Halloween with an assortment of junk food goodies.
Chips in bowl and a half empty cup of cola are very tasty snacks when he’s on the move.
Lisa Sherwood
I’m not sure if it’s ever explicitly said but I head-cannon her as being from New Orleans.
Craw fish is tried and true banger.
Even in her “Hag” form, she enjoys slurping them up raw.
Herman Carter
Black Coffee.
Wakes up early to enjoy some time alone with his mug.
Maybe dips a crostini in.
Anna likes her food in a very particular way, almost OCD with her eating habits.
Refuses to eat until she “earns” the right to eat.
Bear is the perfect challenge.
Bubba Sawyer
Add a dollop of cheddar jack cheese on top for a pop of color.
Likes dipping bread into it.
No spoon required.
Freddy Krueger
Apple slices.
A nice juicy apple was refreshing on a hot summers day working in the garden.
Now, the juices sting his skin.
Amanda Young
Fast food.
If you ever worked the morning shift at a fast food place yknow the crack heads be jonesing out in the corner booth.
Post Recovery, I think greasy fast food helps settle her stomach.
Jeffery Hawk
Corn dogs if he’s mad, cotton candy if he’s sad.
Or both if you wanna meet an early grave.
Either way, eats way too much for his body to properly digest and often is constipated.
Rin Yamaoka
Sticky fermented beans beloved by Japan.
Kinda icky but it’s a staple there.
Frank, Julie, Susie, Joey
Frank likes hot chocolate.
Julie likes loaded fries.
Susie likes sprinkles.
Joey likes red slushies.
Mutton and dates.
A holy meal for a holy woman.
Not too sure if the Babylonians had honey ( I think they did) she’d probably slather it on.
Danny Johnson
French fries.
Perfect finger food while typing up the next big story.
Tries dipping it in the blood of his victims to be “edgy.”
Decided against it as it could implement him to the crimes (credit card, receipts, DNA etc).
Enjoys nibbling on plants.
More of a sensory thing than taste.
They tickle all the right places in its mouth.
Kazan Yamaoka
Pickled Veggies
Great for traveling and very nutritious .
Probably would be a meat dish but I’d imagine he was very disciplined with his diet.
Caleb Quinn
Lambs Fry.
Also likes snacking on bar peanuts.
His favorite part is the eye ball.
Pyramid Head
I don’t think he can eat.
Doesn’t he have a tongue??
Likes flicking it over the inside of his helmet.
Likes the metallic taste of rust.
Talbot Grimes
“Classic Scottish “cuisine””.
Would cry eating it as child.
Also likes hibiscus tea for the anti oxidants ☝️.
Charlotte and Victor Deshayes
Food was hard to come by growing up.
Survived off of scraps.
One time they were lucky to come across very tasty meat.
Their mom said it was “honeyed” whatever that meant.
Ji-woon Hak
Definitely pours it over himself to watch it stream through his abs.
Enjoys dropping a fruit in to dive after.
Nemesis T-Type
Nemesis is technically a meat suit being piloted by a parasite (that’s what his tentacle thing is.)
Kinda feeds off the body it’s piloting.
Like a fungi to a tree (which is bananas, look it up.)
Elliot Spencer
Especially likes the thicker variety that peel clean off.
Bonus points if it’s has that soft, goey white stuff in it.
Carmina Mora
Caldino de congrio.
Hot as fuck.
Eel hits different.
Sadako Yamamura
Nothing special.
A plain bowl of rice lightly salted is a good meal in itself.
Maybe a peice of unseasoned fish.
Enjoys chewing on its “hands” and hearing that sweet, sweet crunch.
Sometimes chews on the fingernails of deceased survivors to see if it can taste what they’ve previously eaten.
Albert Wesker
Sultans Delight.
A creamy eggplant mixture topped with some braised lamb.
Doesn’t really take the time to enjoy it.
Give him 7 minutes tops.
Tarhos Kovács
Preserved fish.
The extremely salted filets cook up real quick for a tasty dish.
Was always a treat when he found a barrel of them in his raids.
Adrianna Imai
Enjoys it especially as a mixer.
Her mini fridge is always stocked with some.
“Eating” is an organic thing.
No thanks.
Does have a favorite type of electricity.
Enjoys the smell of carbon.
As an apex predators, Aliens enjoy killing everything that catches their eye.
I imagine our Alien in particular developed a taste for human flesh.
Charles Lee Ray
Swedish Meatballs.
Some meatballs are better than others.
But they like, gotta be seasoned super well. Not like a dash of Italian herbs and you call it day.
Bone marrow.
Likes to suck them out of chicken bones.
Or human bones.
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lafflanes · 17 days
a couple things i noticed about the new baker npcs in each playground is that the Throw gags they hand out are in order of gag level, and that their names all either start with M or P!
Baker Pinky (a cat) resides in Toontown Central and hands out Cupcakes
Baker Mo (a dog) resides in Donald's Dock and hands out Fruit Pie Slices
Baker Meadow (a rabbit) resides in Daisy Gardens and hands out Cream Pie Slices
Baker Patty (a deer) resides in Minnie's Melodyland and hands out Whole Fruit Pies
Baker Mac (a duck) resides in The Brrrgh and hands out Whole Cream Pies
Baker PJ (a horse) resides in Donald's Dreamland and hands out Birthday Cakes
they also have unique dialogue, which ill put under the cut!
Baker Pinky: "Hi [Toon name]! Recent news reveals that more Cogs than ever are dodging Toons' pies in battle. So, the Toon Council is hosting a grand Pie Toss for Toons to perfect their pie-throwing skills - taking place today! My baker friends and I have been busy baking tasty treats all week for the occasion. Meet us in every playground, grab our sweet goods and lob them at the Cog Dummies you'll find there. Ace your throwing technique and you might even win some jellybeans! Take these freshly-baked Cupcakes to begin. Careful, the pastry's still hot. Good luck, and have fun flinging those pies!"
Baker Mo: "Greetings! I've baked some Fruit Pie Slices. I handpicked the cherries myself! Have these Fruit Pie Slices. They smell sooo good."
Baker Meadow: "Hi [Toon name]! I'm handing out Cream Pie Slices. They're my signature recipe. Take these Cream Pie Slices. Mind the frosting doesn't drip."
Baker Patty: "Greetings! I've got a pile of my best Fruit Pies. I used my secret syrup in them! Here are some Fruit Pies. They're very sticky, mind."
Baker Mac: "Hi [Toon name]! I've baked lots of classic Cream Pies. All my sugar is now gone! Here's some Cream Pies for you. They're the best I've made."
Baker PJ: "Greetings! I've got enough cakes for all Toons in town. Every day is a Toon's birthday, I say! Take these Birthday Cakes. Don't blow out the candles!"
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oxnardsart · 5 months
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Owliversary Year 2
Hoo-ray! Well, it's a month late, but this is what I wanted to draw for my second Owliversary - and this is why this year I want to focus on my own work, since this should have been in December. nvn I've really enjoyed being into birdies ever since running into Berdly, and I really appreciate tons of birds now! 2023 had a lot - from Tulin and Penn in Zelda, pokemon with the Quaxly line, and Hoothoot and Ducklett added to the DLC (I want to make a group pokemon picture too but that's separate.) Pip and Freddy from T.O.T.S. is still a big thing I'm into - and Flamigo and Eiscue in pokemon reminded me of them! Kazooie got me into CBT, Kuru Kuru Kururin was a fun game I've always been into - and shortly after buying it, it came to NSO and I beat it. nvn My Bird-Day cake and sticking candles in everyone's tasty butts was a treat - Daddy Ducky, who stemmed from my obsession with Yosh-E-O's nakie dad duck, had a bunch of fun stories and art I made and stuff. :3 Baby Huey was a funny weird bird to get into with a fun cartoon and movie. Oh yeah and the King Penuin from the Mario Movie was a new fun surprise character. :3 There are others not mention - Mario Wonder had cool birds in it too! But, I'm blathering. nvo Thank hoo-ever in feathers I've had fun with this last year too. nvn And maybe a NSFW version added to the proper places later. My other birdy collage from last year was meant to have my actual bird friends in it so - maybe next time~!
Posted using PostyBirb
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Running on Empty
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fluff, pure fluff.
And you have cooking skills. :)
Today's battle was different, he could feel it.
There was a noticeable spring in his step and the sun seemed to shine even brighter than the days previous. The sounds of bullets being fired and screaming only fuelled his fighting spirit and positive attitude.
Running across the battlements with twists and turns, artfully dodging and weaving he reached his destination. Too bad it was occupied, but not for long.
"Hey hey, fellas! Guess what?"
The blue Sniper and Heavy didn't even have time to look up before their heads were bashed in and sent to respawn.
"My best friend made me some awesome snacks~ too bad ya both are dead. "
Scout's teasing fell on deaf ears, deciding not to stay in one place for too long he ducked around the nearest corner and hid behind a crate big enough to hide
The breakfast he had today was good, but nothing compared to your amazing cooking skills. The smells, the different colors-and the FLAVOUR~! -You are a genius when it comes to cooking. Thinking about all the amazing food that you made his stomach gurgle.
"Oh geez, that was so loud the whole stinkin Blu base coulda heard that."
Reaching into his little side pocket he pulled out a napkin and unfolded it to reveal a small pastry; if he remembered right you called it a cannoli.
"Thank you (y/n), your the best." Whispering your silent praise seemed only fitting in this situation.
With an uncharacteristically small bite, he bit into the end of the pastry and melted into the wooden crate pushing against his back.
'Wooden splinters be dammed! I earned this treat!'
Sooner than he expected his tasty treat disappeared. It was disappointing, but the smile on his face and the promise of more pastries after the battle made today's war worthwhile.
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serpentmythos · 5 months
Do you have an oc or a bit of your writing you’ve been thinking about or wanting to talk about lately?
Xiaolan Matsunade was born in the Yoshiwara district to a courtesan of the Kyogoku House and one of her many clients. Her mother passed away shortly after birth, and she has no knowledge of her father. She was raised by the courtesans and elderly manager of the Kyogoku House, referring to the courtesans as her sisters and the manager as "Grannie'. While growing up, she was trained in a variety of classic entertainment arts like dancing, reciting poetry, and playing the shamisen. However, her favorite thing to do is perform the traditional tea ceremony for her sister's clients.
Xiaolan is a kind and soft spoken young woman, who's years of being raised in the red lantern district taught her to be hyperaware of her surroundings. Shockingly perceptive, she's stolen potential client's hearts with the way she would cater to their whims while her sisters worked, bringing snacks, refreshments/alcohol, paper and ink stones, whatever the men may need in that moment without being told. A twitch of a finger, curl of the lips, a stolen glance at an object, Xiaolan has learned to interpret each one with startling accuracy. Despite her skills, she had yet to service a client in the brothel herself, instead acting as a lady-in-waiting to the oiran there.
Xiaolan took after her mother in terms of looks, sharing the woman's deep violet eyes, fair complexion, and balanced, just-curvy-enough figure developing as she grows up. However, she has her father's indigo black hair, which she normally keeps styled in a loose bun. Regardless of style, her hair is almost always held in place by her mother's favorite accessory, a long silver hairpin accented with a blue crystal butterfly charm.
Following the battle with Daki and Gyuutaro in Yoshiwara, Xiaolan joined the Demon Hunters as part of the Kakushi, hoping to one day meet the Demon Slayers who helped save her adopted family, and the people of Yoshiwara.
And a 3am shower thought that has consumed my brain:
Xiaolan meeting Inosuke when he's disguised as an oiran, fully believing him to be a girl at the time given his more effeminate facial features. Of course, this pisses him off, but for the sake of the mission, he can't blow his cover. So Xiaolan treats him as any girl would treat her friends. They talk and spend time together helping around the brothel, maybe Inosuke coming to "tolerate" (we all know he'd never admit to liking something outside of fighting and food) her hanging out with him.
One night, Xiaolan wakes Inosuke up to ask if he wants to join her in sneaking out of the brothel to visit a night market taking place outside of the walls of the Yoshiwara District. They sneak out, and Inosuke actually enjoys himself, eating tasty street food and watching Xiaolan swindle free trinkets by flirting with any young men manning the stalls. They come to a perfume stall, and the owner tries to sell some to the two "girls". Xiaolan is torn between two scents and asks Inosuke to pick between the two of them for her. Whichever one he picks is the one she gets. But wait, shit, she's too short on coinage, and the stall owner doesn't fall for her flirtations. After a few seconds and seeing Xiaolan's disappointed expression, being the King of No Impulse Control, Inosuke just yoinks the little pot with the perfumed oil in it and fucking BOOKS it, yelling for Xiaolan to run. They spend the rest of the night ducking in and out of the rows of vendors, hiding from the perfume stall owner and the night market guards before sneaking back into the brothel just before sunrise. He gives her the perfume, and she surprises him with a small wooden carving of a boar she got from one of the vendors, as a thank you for nabbing the solid perfume for her.
This all happens before the battle with Daki. Xiaolan makes it out of the chaos safely, but she never saw Inosuke again. She was heartbroken, looking for him afterward. He wasn't with the line up of bodies following the demon battle, so Xiaolan fully believed her friend was still alive out there somewhere, despite the Kyogoku survivors saying otherwise. "She" had to be alive, "she" was too stubborn and clever to die like that! They never recovered a body, after all, right?!
Eventually, the damage is repaired, and life in the Yoshiwara District returns to normal after a time. That's when she hears rumors from the other courtesans about the Demon Slayer Corp saving everybody that night. Maybe they knew something about her friend, or at the very least they could give her a lead! So she joins the Demon Slayers as a member of the Kakushi, to see if she can figure anything out. Years go by, nobody knows anything, or if they do, they weren't willing to tell her. So eventually, her goal of finding out what happened to Inosuke fades, and she falls into the rhythm of her duties as a Kakushi.
Until one day, almost 10 years after their run through the Night Market, Inosuke is brought in after a mission to be treated at the Butterfly Mansion for injuries he sustained. He wakes up in the usual hospital bed, but something is different this time. There's a faint, but DISTINCTLY FAMILIAR scent filling his nostrils through his mask, forcefully YANKING almost-forgotten memories from his early years in the Demon Slayer Corp back to the forefront of his mind...
Where did he remember this crisp, floral, and woody scent from? A scent so reminiscent of spring on the mountainside... Why was it tugging at his heartstrings, and filling him with such a deep sense of loss and longing for something? No, not something... SomeONE. Finally the muffled sounds of voices outside the room catch his attention, and he grits his teeth against the pain in his limbs as he pulls himself to his feet, aiming to demand whoever was out there if they could smell it, too. Ignoring the cries of the attendants Kiyo, Sumi, and Naho of how he needed to lie back down, to think of how upset Lady Aoi would be if he didn't heal properly! He all but rips open the door to see Shinobu speaking with a Kakushi woman, carrying a wrapped bundle gently in her arms. The Insect Hashira simply gazes up at him with the same soft smile she always wore, but the sudden slamming of the door made the Kakushi woman jump, gazing up at the peircing blue eyes of his mask with her own deep violet ones. Inosuke opening his mouth and then shutting it again as the gears in his head turned over and over again.
The scent was eminating the strongest off of her.
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40sandfabulousaf · 7 days
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大家好! I returned to Song Yue, the restaurant Pa introduced me to, with LL, the expat friend from China, in tow. Both Song Yue and Din Tai Fung serve dishes from Taiwan island, but they couldn't be more different. The latter is famous for la mian xiao long bao (handpulled noodles and soup dumplings); the former specialises in jia chang bian cai (homestyle cooking). We had pork ribs and radish, poached cabbage with fish maw and egg floss, as well as ginger duck, their specialty dishes. LL especially loved the pork ribs and radish, as did I, although everything was excellent. I also collected the Legend Age moisturiser and eye cream which I'd ordered. LL included a foundation FOC for me to try, as well as a facial mask sheet. Yay!
A new stall serving Western-style meals opened near our office and they offered a promotional price for teriyaki grilled chicken to mark their opening: $6.90 (regular price $9). SC, ML, MI and I decided to try it. I asked for teriyaki sauce on the side but ended up not touching any: the dish was tasty on its own. The chicken looks large but it's pretty flat and quite crispy whilst remaining tender and juicy. The meal came with 2 sides: 4 onion rings and buttery mashed potato. This was undeniably good, but $6.90 good, not $9 good. I won't be ordering it once the promotion ends. The quantity of chicken doesn't justify the price tag.
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Another week, another bowl of zha jiang mian (pork noodles in bean sauce). The stall I was at seemed to be owned by Malaysians rather than China nationals. I decided to give them a try and requested for additional vegetables to go with my noodles. Instead of shredded carrot and cucumber which are usually served with this dish, there was... a mound of lettuce. I was disappointed but tucked in anyway. Honestly, it wasn't bad. The noodles were quite smooth and slurpable and the tasty sauce coated each strand without being too salty. My main gripe is, the soybeans were too hard and chewy instead of soft and palatable. It isn't something I'll specially return for, but it was decent. I'll try their tomato egg noodles next time if I happen to be within the vicinity and have a craving for some.
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I'm not a fan of coleslaw because many places add too much mayo and the mixture ends up gloopy, but I needed my veggie fix during WFH lunch this week. Coleslaw was the only veggie menu item at the stall serving local western style meals near my home, so I ordered it along with chicken spaghetti. The portion was pretty reasonable for $3 and it was actually good! The thinned out mayo didn't overwhelm the crunchy sweetness of fresh carrots and cabbage. I polished off the little dish before tucking into the chicken and spaghetti. This still isn't my favourite way to eat vegetables, so it will remain a last resort. On the bright side, I know where to get some coleslaw that isn't gloopy now!
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It's been another eventful week as more nations signal their displeasure against the war in Gaza, from Chile joining developing countries rallying behind the genocide case against Israel at the ICJ, France banning Israeli companies at a weapons exhibition, Maldives banning Israeli tourists to Ghent University severing ties with all Israeli academic and research institutions. I hope this brings some comfort to Palestinians in Gaza, where children are once again suffering from malnutrition following Israel's invasion of Rafah. The above video shows very disturbing images of sickly, emaciated children. One can only hope their nightmare ends soon and this war finally comes to an end. Stay strong Gaza! 下次见!
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marryjojo · 4 months
Can Ducks Eat Sunflower Seeds? Diet Guide Included
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Thinking about whether ducks can eat sunflower seeds? It's a common question, and the answer involves a bit of care. Ducks, like us, enjoy treats, and sunflower seeds can be on the menu. But before we start sharing these tiny snacks with our feathered friends, let's explore the facts and find out how to do it right.
Sunflower Seed Portions for Ducks
When it comes to feeding ducks sunflower seeds, moderation is key. While sunflower seeds can offer nutritional benefits to ducks, it's important not to overdo it. A small portion as a treat is ideal, ensuring that it complements their overall diet without causing any imbalance.  Consider providing shelled sunflower seeds and, if possible, unsalted ones to promote their well-being. Ducks enjoy the occasional addition of sunflower seeds to their diet, but it's crucial to strike a balance with other nutritious foods to maintain their health and happiness.  Always keep fresh water available, and observe your ducks to ensure they are thriving with their varied diet, including the occasional sunflower seed treat. What Part of the Sunflower Can Ducks Eat? Ducks can eat the inner part of the sunflower seed, which is the edible kernel found inside the hard outer shell. The outer shell is tough and difficult for ducks to digest, so it's better to provide them with shelled sunflower seeds.  This ensures that ducks can easily consume the nutritious part of the seed without any potential digestive challenges. Offering shelled sunflower seeds as a treat in moderation can be a delightful addition to their diet, providing essential nutrients and contributing to their overall well-being.  Always observe your ducks to ensure they are comfortable and thriving with the treats you provide.
Advantages of Feeding Sunflower Seeds to Your Ducks
Feeding sunflower seeds to your ducks can be really good for them! These tiny seeds are packed with important stuff that helps keep your feathered friends healthy. Sunflower seeds have special things like nutrients and fatty acids that make their feathers shiny and help with their eyesight.  However, it's super important to give them the seeds in moderation. Too many seeds might not be good, as they have a lot of fat.  So, when you share these tasty treats with your ducks, make sure it's just a little part of their overall diet. That way, they can enjoy the benefits without any problems!
Types of Sunflower Seeds to Feed Ducks
When choosing sunflower seeds to feed ducks, opt for varieties that are safe and beneficial for their health. Shelled sunflower seeds without any added salt or seasoning are the best choice. The inner kernels of these seeds are nutritious and can contribute to the well-being of ducks. Avoid providing sunflower seeds with shells, as the tough outer layer can be challenging for ducks to digest.  Additionally, unsalted sunflower seeds prevent ducks from consuming excess sodium, promoting a healthier diet. Offering these types of sunflower seeds in moderation as part of a balanced diet ensures that ducks can enjoy the tasty treat without any adverse effects on their health.  Always be mindful of the quality and nutritional content of the seeds when treating your feathered friends. Seed Protein Fatty Acids Mineral Carbs Antioxidant Sunflower High yes yes yes yes Pumpkin moderate yes yes yes Yes Flaxseed high yes yes yes yes Chia seeds moderate yes yes yes yes Millet moderate yes yes yes yes Quinoa high yes yes yes yes  
What Other seeds You can Feed to Ducks
You can feed a variety of seeds to ducks as part of their diet. Some safe and suitable options include:
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Cracked Corn Pumpkin Seeds Millet Chia Seeds Flaxseeds Quinoa Sesame Seeds Hemp Seeds Barley Wheat Berries Ensure that the seeds are given in moderation and are free from added salt or seasonings. A diverse mix of seeds, along with a balanced diet of grains, vegetables, and appropriate treats, contributes to the overall health and well-being of ducks. Always provide fresh water and monitor their diet to ensure they receive the necessary nutrients.
Caution About Feeding Sunflower Seeds to Ducks
While it can be tempting to share sunflower seeds with ducks, a word of caution is essential. Sunflower seeds, though enjoyed by ducks in moderation, come with a cautionary note. The seeds are high in fat, and excessive consumption may lead to an imbalance in their diet, potentially resulting in health issues such as obesity.  Additionally, the hard outer shells of sunflower seeds can pose a choking hazard and digestive challenges for ducks. Therefore, when offering sunflower seeds as a treat, it's crucial to do so sparingly and preferably provide shelled seeds to ensure the safety and well-being of the ducks.  Always be mindful of their overall diet and observe their health to make informed decisions about treats and snacks.
So, in the world of ducks and sunflower seeds, the key is balance. Yes, ducks can eat sunflower seeds, but it's crucial to keep it in moderation. Just a little treat now and then can make their day without causing any problems. Remember, a happy duck is a healthy duck. So, go ahead, share those sunflower seeds, and enjoy watching your feathered buddies delight in this occasional snack!
What seeds are safe for ducks? Ducks can safely consume a variety of seeds, including but not limited to sunflower seeds, cracked corn, and pumpkin seeds. It's essential to offer them in moderation as part of a balanced diet. Can ducks have sunflower seeds with shells? Ducks should be given sunflower seeds without shells. While ducks can eat the inner seed, the hard outer shell can be challenging for them to digest. What is the best thing to feed ducks? The best diet for ducks includes a mix of nutritious elements. Suitable options include duck pellets, grains, vegetables like lettuce and peas, and occasional treats such as mealworms. Always provide fresh water. What can ducks eat nuts? Ducks can eat certain nuts in moderation. Safe options include unsalted peanuts, chopped into smaller pieces. However, it's crucial to avoid giving them nuts with added salt or seasoning. Can I feed ducks rice? While uncooked and plain rice is generally safe for ducks, it's better to offer them more nutritious options. Cooked rice can expand in their stomachs, posing potential health risks. Opting for healthier alternatives is recommended. What foods can ducks not eat? Ducks should avoid certain foods, including bread, salty snacks, sugary treats, and anything processed. These items can lead to nutritional imbalances, obesity, and various health issues in ducks. Read the full article
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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National Peking Duck Day
Juicy, succulent, and bursting with flavor, Peking duck is a mouth-watering Chinese dish that will tantalize your taste buds.
Many people find roast duck to be a dish that is delicious but often saved for a special occasion. But what kind of occasion could be any more special for eating roast duck than celebrating National Peking Duck Day?
Take some time on this National Peking Duck Day to learn about, celebrate and enjoy everything that has to do with this delicious dish that hails from China!
History of National Peking Duck Day
Very few culinary dishes can claim as long an ancient history as Peking duck. Dating back as long as 700 years, this dish has a rich history that comes from the Northern parts of China and it is specifically named after the city of Beijing.
The first printed recipe for Peking duck can be traced back to the year 1330 when a rather complicated recipe called for roasting the duck inside of the stomach of a sheep.
In modern times, Peking duck has continued to evolve in style and the way that it is cooked. Most notably, the dish has changed from being cooked in a closed oven to cooking the ducks by hanging them in an open oven.
Peking duck is often sliced into very thin pieces that are served with a pile of thin pancakes. The meat is rolled up into a pancake and then dipped into a sweet sauce. It’s a delicious way to enjoy this tasty treat.
In classic and iconic restaurants in the Chinese city of Beijeng, Peking duck is served as a specialty dish. Some of these restaurants have been around more than 100 years and still are running today. One of these most famous restaurants is the one called Quanjude that has had tons of different famous political guests over the years.
National Peking Duck Day offers a delicious opportunity to celebrate and enjoy the hundreds of years of history that come along with this dish and the Chinese culture that cultivated it.
National Peking Duck Day Timeline
500 BC
Duck is roasted in China
As a predecessor to Peking duck, ducks are roasted over open fires in the Northern and Southern dynasties of China.
1330 AD
First recipe for Peking duck 
Written in the book, Yinshan Zhengyao (The Proper and Essential Things for the Emperor’s Food and Drink), an early recipe for Peking Duck appears.
Bian Yi Fang restaurant serves Peking duck
This restaurant in Beijing is one of the first to start serving Peking duck on their menu.
New style of cooking Peking duck
After traditionally cooking Peking duck in a closed oven (menlu), a new style of hanging the birds inside an open oven (gualu) begins.
Quanjude restaurant opens in Beijing
Peking duck becomes famous at this restaurant and has even been credited with positive relationships between US and Chinese governments.
How to Celebrate National Peking Duck Day
Culinary days are some of the most delightful and fun days to celebrate because they always come with delicious and tasty endeavors. Consider some of these amazing ideas for getting involved with National Peking Duck Day:
Enjoy Peking Duck
In honor of National Peking Duck Day, the clearest way to get started is to head out to a favorite Chinese or Asian style restaurant with some taste buds that are ready to celebrate! Order some Peking Duck from the menu, complete with pancakes to roll the thin slices of poultry into. Then, dip it into the special sweet sauce and get ready for a flavor explosion!
Learn Some Fun Facts About Peking Duck
Raise awareness and spread the word about National Peking Duck Day by letting others know about it. One delightful way to do that is by memorizing and sharing fun facts with family members, friends and coworkers.
Get started with some of these bits of trivia that are related to National Peking Duck Day:
Peking duck is named after the wrong city Although Peking duck is named after the city of Beijing (another name for it has been Peking), the dish’s actual origins come from the then-capital city of Nanjing, which lies hundreds of kilometers to the south of Beijing.
Quanjude restaurant has grown significantly In its more than 150 years of operation, the famous Peking duck restaurant, Quanjude, in Beijing, has expanded and grown so much that it has franchises in places as far away as Australia, Canada and Portugal.
Quanjude has its own Peking Duck Museum Opened in celebration of its 150th anniversary, the Peking duck established the museum which contains all sorts of educational information, golden duck sculptures, art displays depicting the duck roasting process and much more. It also has a picture of US President Richard Nixon eating Peking duck with chopsticks in 1972.
Peking duck takes many steps to prepare There are up to 20 steps in the preparation of the dish, one of which is pumping the bird full of air to separate the skin from the body which, ultimately, makes the skin taste much crisper and more delicious.
Take a Trip to Beijing, China
Follow National Peking Duck Day to the extreme and get the most original experience of Peking duck, by taking a trip to China! Since Beijing is the place that the dish is named after, this capital city in the north would be the perfect place to start the Peking duck adventure.
While there, the first order of business, of course, would be to visit a restaurant and order up the Peking duck. If possible, try heading over to Quanjude’s spot, the famous restaurant that has served Peking duck to famous names such as President George Bush, Richard Nixon and Fidel Castro. In addition to their main location, Quanjude has venues that cater to visitor hot spots all over the city, in the Silk Market and other places.
While in Beijing, consider taking a guided tour, and don’t forget to check out some other amazing sites of this 3,000 year old city, including places like:
Great Wall of China. This section sits just an hour’s drive north of the city and can be experienced with a hike or a gondola during its 12-hour opening time each day.
Beijing Summer Palace. Located in the suburbs of Beijing on the northwest side of the city, this site provides a beautiful oasis that includes a tower, hall, pavilion and gate, plus the impressive largest imperial garden in the entire country.
Imperial Palace (Forbidden City). Also called The Palace Museum, this attraction is situated on the north end of the famous Tiananmen Square and has been a place of wonder and intrigue for more than five centuries.
Nanluoguxiang Neighborhood. Get a feel for the culture of the city by wandering through this incredible neighborhood that boasts boutiques, vendors and market stalls. Of course, this might be a great place to enjoy some tasty Peking Duck!
National Peking Duck Day FAQs
What is Peking duck?
Peking duck is a celebrated dish named after the Chinese city of Beijing (formerly Peking).
How to cook Peking duck?
Peking duck is roasted on a wooden skewer and after the skin of the duck is marinated in white sugar or other flavorful agents.
Where did Peking duck originate?
Peking duck originated in North China in the imperial court during the Yuan dynasty, at least 500 years ago.
How to pronounce Peking duck?
In English, Peking duck may be pronounced “pee-king duhk”.
What does Peking duck taste like?
This dish has a strong, red-meat sort of flavor that is more gamey than chicken. The crispy skin offers a sweet balance.
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animalwiz · 7 months
How to Choose the Right Dog Treats for Your Furry Friend
When it comes to rewarding your furry friend, choosing the right dog treats is crucial. Treats can be an essential part of your pet's diet, used for training, positive reinforcement, or simply to show your love. However, with so many options available at AnimalWiz.com, selecting the perfect treat for your pet can be a daunting task. In this guide, we'll walk you through the key factors to consider when choosing dog treats, and we'll showcase some fantastic products available at AnimalWiz.com to help you make the best choice.
Size Matters:
Small dogs: Opt for smaller treats to prevent overfeeding.
Large dogs: Look for larger treats or treats that can be broken into smaller pieces.
Product Recommendation: Blue Buffalo Truechews : These bite-sized treats come in various flavors, making them suitable for dogs of all sizes.
Dietary Needs:
Grain-free: Ideal for dogs with food sensitivities.
Limited ingredients: Great for dogs with allergies.
High protein: Ideal for active dogs.
Product Recommendation: Merrick Lil' Plates Grain Free Bitty Beef Dog Treats - Perfect for dogs with dietary restrictions, these treats are grain-free and packed with protein.
Purpose of the Treat:
Training treats: Small, low-calorie options for training sessions.
Dental treats: Promote oral health and fresh breath.
Chew treats: Keep your dog entertained and mentally stimulated.
Product Recommendation: Greenies Teenie Original Dental Dog Chews - These dental chews are not only tasty but also help maintain your dog's oral health.
Check the ingredient list for high-quality, natural ingredients.
Avoid artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives.
Product Recommendation: Merrick Power Bites Soft & Chewy Dog Treats - Made with real meat as the first ingredient, these treats are a delicious and nutritious choice.
Age and Health Considerations:
Puppies: Select treats suitable for their developing teeth.
Senior dogs: Opt for softer treats that are easy on aging teeth.
Product Recommendation: Zukes Mini Naturals Dog Treat - These small, soft treats are great for puppies and senior dogs alike.
Allergies and Sensitivities:
If your dog has known allergies or sensitivities, choose treats that cater to their specific needs.
Product Recommendation: Loving Pets Nature's Choice Sweet Potato & Duck Meat Sticks - Ideal for dogs with food sensitivities or allergies.
Selecting the right dog treats for your pet is essential for their health and happiness. By considering factors such as size, dietary needs, purpose, ingredients, age, and allergies, you can make an informed choice. Explore the wide range of high-quality dog treats available at AnimalWiz.com to find the perfect treats that will keep your furry friend tail-waggingly happy.
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madmaryholiday · 9 months
getting better sleep with the CPAP machine has thankfully not stopped my weird-ass dreams.
here's a collection of bizarre shit i dreamt recently:
(content warning for suicide mention, brainwashing, self-harm, general surreal horror.)
my dream self as a teen, going to some kind of summer camp. i had fun, but there was a weird vibe about the place. camp ended early, though, because one of the kids killed himself. staff blamed it on kids bullying him, but it turned out the staff had taken his wheelchair away (idk if it was as a punishment or to try and force him to walk), and the stress and humiliation had become too much.
myself and a friend were called into the admin office while everyone else boarded buses home. a lawyer blandly informed us that we had been accused of slander by the owner of the camp and that he was suing two 14yo children.
a glass-blowing factory near the office catches fire, and rivers of molten glass flood the building. we try to escape, but the lawyer insists we stay in the office. it's on the third floor, so we should be fine, she says. besides, the owner of the camp will be there soon.
what started as watching a sci-fi movie turned into exploring an old labyrinthine mansion. we tried to evade capture by mysterious men in suits and sunglasses.
upon reaching the lobby of the mansion (it was like a cinema lobby with a snack counter along the back wall), we exited into a sunny outdoor gallery. the men followed, so we ducked into a museum nearby.
suddenly, an ear-splitting screech. everyone around us began convulsing. we had earplugs and were able to avoid the worst of the effects, but i could still feel it in my bones. the screech was all around us, and after a bit, we realized it was coming from every speaker and TV in the area.
jump forward, and we're in a bunker under the museum. everyone who was affected by the screech has become brainwashed, all wide smiles and unblinking eyes. only a few lucky ones managed to get away before the brainwashing took hold.
because the brainwashing is triggered by sound, i briefly consider trying to deafen myself so that whatever is doing this can't take me. but earplugs actually work pretty well, so long as you can evade capture, so i shelve the plan for now. it's an unspoken and very valid option should i be captured, though.
we discover that a specific brand and flavor of canned frosting can break people out of the brainwashing, so we dispatch a handful of our sneakiest members to offer tasty treats to victims without being noticed. as people break free, they are brought back to our bunker for counseling and first aid.
whatever is brainwashing people discovers the bunker and mounts an attack. we each carry packets of the frosting with us as an antidote should we be exposed to the screech, and we fight back.
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superpaws478 · 10 months
Discovering the Delight of Absolute Bites - A Paw-some Pet Treat Experience
Welcome to the world of Absolute Bites, where pet happiness is the priority! As a passionate pet owner, you know how crucial it is to provide your furry companion with high-quality, nutritious, and tasty treats. Absolute Bites understands this too, and they have made it their mission to offer premium pet treats that are both healthy and delicious. In this article, we will delve into the world of Absolute Bites, exploring their commitment to excellence and why their products are simply the best for your beloved pets.
Why Choose Absolute Bites?
All-Natural Ingredients: At Absolute Bites, only the finest all-natural ingredients are used in their products. Their treats are free from artificial preservatives, flavors, and colors, ensuring that your pets are not exposed to any harmful additives
Single-Ingredient Treats: Simplicity is key. Absolute Bites offers an extensive range of single-ingredient treats, which means you can easily monitor and control what your pet consumes. Whether it's 100% real meat or fish, you can rest assured that your pet is getting a wholesome treat without any hidden surprises.
Grain-Free Options: For pets with dietary sensitivities, Absolute Bites has a delectable selection of grain-free treats. These treats are perfect for pets with grain allergies or those following a grain-free diet, promoting better digestion and overall well-being
Gently Air-Dried: The treats are gently air-dried to preserve their natural flavors and nutrients. This process ensures that the treats retain their delicious taste without the need for any artificial enhancers.
Suitable for Dogs and Cats: Whether you have a feline friend or a canine companion, Absolute Bites offers a variety of treats suitable for both dogs and cats. Their versatile range makes it convenient for multi-pet households.
Absolute Bites Best-Sellers
Absolute Bites Freeze-Dried Salmon: Packed with omega-3 fatty acids, this treat is a nutritional powerhouse. It supports healthy skin, a shiny coat, and overall joint health, making it a favorite among pet owners.
Absolute Bites Air-Dried Beef: Tender and flavorful, this single-ingredient beef treat is perfect for rewarding your pets during training sessions or simply showing them some extra love.
Absolute Bites Chicken Heart: High in protein and low in fat, these chicken hearts are an excellent alternative to traditional treats, making them a hit with health-conscious pet owners.
Absolute Bites Duck Liver: A delicious and nutritious choice, duck liver treats are not only enticing but also rich in essential vitamins and minerals for your pet's well-being.
When it comes to pampering your pets with the finest treats, Absolute Bites stands out as the go-to brand for pet owners who value quality, nutrition, and overall happiness. With their dedication to using all-natural ingredients and providing a wide range of single-ingredient treats, Absolute Bites has earned the trust of countless pet owners worldwide. Treat your furry friends to the absolute best with Absolute Bites, and witness the joy it brings to their wagging tails and contented purrs. Choose Absolute Bites for a paw-some pet treat experience like no other!
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kinkedtailed · 1 year
Dry food (daily)
Special cat (chicken & turkey) with purified water - for kittens (below 1 year old)
Special cat (chicken & turkey) mixed with Special cat urinary (alt. Vitality catcare) ratio 1:1 - for adults (1 year old and above)
Cuties catz or Nutricare (any flavor will do) - for strays (all life stages)
Other brands to consider
Monello kitten (salmon & chicken)
Monello adult (salmon & chicken)
all cat food are for all life stages (kitten and adult) unless otherwise specified
Cat grass
Seed mountain barley, wheat, and/or oats seeds
Table food (daily)
- cooked meat (chicken, duck, turkey, lamb, pork, beef)
- unsalted egg and yolk
- deboned fish (anchovy, mackerel, salmon) shrimp, and squid
- vegetables (moringa, pumpkin, carrot, cucumber, cabbage)
- seedless fruits (apple, banana, watermelon, strawberry)
- plain rice
Food to avoid (toxic): chocolate, coffee, alcohol, onion, garlic, cherry, orange, grape, raisin, nut, etc. (check list here)
Food topper
Glam furry friends chicken liver (with moringa) sprinkles
Glam furry friends duck meat floss
Wet food (table food alt.)
Monge bwild
- chunks (with veggies) in gravy
- any flavors except buffalo (for large breeds)
- for different life stages
- in pouch (85g)
Monge grill
- chunks in jelly
- for different life stages
- in pouch (85g)
Oasy gravy
- chunks in gravy
- for different life stages
- in pouch (85g)
Oasy mousse
- for different life stages
- best for senior cats
- in can (85g)
Brit premium
- chunks in gravy; fillets in gravy; fillets in jelly
- for different life stages
- in pouch (85g)
Vitakraft poesie
- fillets in sauce; fillets in jelly
- for different life stages
- in pouch and heart tray (both 85g)
- chunks in gravy
- for all life stages
- in pouch (85g)
- chunks in gravy, pate with chunks, and pate
- for all life stages
- in pouch (85g) and can (200g)
more canned goods...
- loaf, fillets, flakes in gravy and jelly
- fave: tuna pumpkin & carrot
- for different life stages
- in pouch (70g) and can (85g)
- flakes in gravy only
- also available in pate
- fave: pumpkin and carrot toppings
- for all life stages
- in pouch (50g) and can (70g)
Dentalight tasty+ freshest
- flakes in jelly
- fave: chicken & pumpkin/carrot
- for all life stages
- in can (80g)
Nurture pro longevity
- flakes with fruits and veggies
- for all life stages
- in can (80g)
Cindy's recipe original
- flakes in broth
- base: chicken (not tuna)
- for all life stages
- in can (70g)
- flakes in broth
- base: chicken (not tuna)
- for all life stages
- in can (70g)
Kit cat complete cuisine
- flakes in broth
- base: chicken (not tuna)
- for all life stages
- in can (150g)
Kit cat deboned
- flakes in broth
- base: chicken (not tuna)
- for all life stages
- in can (80g)
Kit cat gravy
- flakes in gravy
- base: chicken (not tuna)
- for all life stages
- in can (70g)
Kit cat mousse
- best for senior cats
- in can (80g)
Kit cat kitten
- flakes with aspic/jelly
- in can (80g)
mousse is best for senior cats; while jelly is for kittens and hairball issues
Veterinary diet
Monge vetsolution (100g)
Brit veterinary diet (200g)
Happy cat vet (200g)
DIY cat cakes
- pate is ideal for cake base
- must be for all life stages
Brit premium in nature (200g)
Cindy's recipe complete (400g)
Snacky pate (400g)
Treats (occasional)
- maximum once a day
- not food substitute
- as comfort food
- as reward/motivation
- while clipping claws
Liquid treats
Inaba or Ciao churu - crowd favorite
Ciao apetito - fave mini version
Dentalight cavia (chicken / duck)
Catit creamy (chicken & liver)
Kitcat purr puree (chicken & fiber)
Kitcat purr puree plus - adults only
Soft snacks
Inaba juicy bites (chicken & tuna)
Ciao churubee (sasami)
Dentalight catnip (ocean fish)
Carnilove soft snack (chicken)
Britcare semi-moist snack - adults only
Little brutus crispy cat bites (chicken & seafood)
Kitcat breath bites (chicken)
Champion cat cookies (chicken)
Fruitables (chicken)
Britcare superfruits (chicken) - adult only
Britcare superfruits (kitten)
if you wish to introduce a new diet, make sure that it's corn- and grain-free 🌾
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iloveitwhen · 3 years
Would you be willing for some fluff damianette ?
This was in my WIPs for the. longest. time. I hope this is fluffy enough!
Marinette with Alya, Nino, and Adrien were at the beach near Gotham University on a nice summer day. Alya and Adrien were visiting Nino and Marinette before school started again and they all agreed to head to the beach. It was a rare sunny day and knowing Gotham the weather would be back to doom and gloom tomorrow so they scrapped their plans for the day and were decked out in swimming trunks, bikinis, summer dresses, and sunglasses headed straight for the ice cream. 
“Eh, not as good as Andre’s,” Alya complained but Adrien, who had a look of pure ecstasy at his cherry and blueberry serving retorted, 
“It doesn’t even matter though, cause ice cream is ice cream and nothing can stop me from devouring this tasty tasty treat,” he said with an almost evil look on his face causing them to all laugh at him, he ignored them and focused only on carefully consuming his treat. 
They wandered along the boardwalk looking for an open spot on the beach when Nino stopped the group. 
“Hey Marinette, isn’t that the guy you hang out with?” he pointed further down the walkway to a taller dark haired man with deep tan skin holding up a poster. 
“Oh yeah! I want to introduce you guys, come on.” She began heading over to the boy with the others following close behind until she was about twenty feet away then she abruptly stopped. 
Alya lightly bumped into her and cursed under her breath but Marinette was too staring at something in shock. Her jaw was practically on the ground and Alya quickly snatched the ice cream in her hand before it fell to the ground as well. 
“Girl, what? Are you ok?” Alya followed her gaze to the boy Marinette wanted to introduce them to and she stifled a laugh. The boy’s poster read:
Kiss me, I’m desperate.
No way. 
No way.
Marinette could not believe Damian fricken Wayne was standing in front of the beach holding a poster that said kiss me i’m desperate. What bet did he lose? Damian never loses bets. This is precisely why Damian doesn’t lose bets. Because his brothers do this to him. 
Damian looked extremely uncomfortable but still had his scowl that warded off most teens who found him attractive, not the ones who were closer to their age though. She watched in utter fascination as a girl approached him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek to which Damian stiffened and scowled even deeper, admittedly her stomach flipped uncomfortably and her chest tightened. Apparently she didn’t like when other people kiss Damian. 
“Holy shit” she says softly, ignoring the others’ shock at her use of a curse word and instead swivels around looking for his brothers hoping she’d recognize them by Damian’s description of them alone. She spots three rather attractive men varying in age, the youngest was lean with long hair and looked tired, probably Drake, the tallest had a tuft of white hair, definitely Todd, and by order of elimination the third would be Grayson. She contemplated what to do, force them to end Damian’s embarrassment or join in the teasing for a bit. She decided to approach Damian first seeing as the brothers didn’t know who she was given Damian’s paranoia. She stood directly in front of Damian while the others stayed back for a bit to watch the show. 
“Hey Damian.” His head shot up from looking at his watch and a dark shade of red cascaded onto his cheeks. 
“Dupain-Cheng,” he said crisply, trying with all his might to sound like his dignity wasn’t being torn to shreds. 
“Watcha doing?” she asked casually, biting her lip to keep from smiling. 
“I have unfortunately made a wrong calculation and lost a bet.” 
“Aaaand what was the bet?” He huffed and looked away, still dutifully holding his sign up. 
“How long it would take my father to notice the increasing amount of rubber ducks appearing throughout the manor. I overestimated his detecting capabilities.” Marinette’s raised an eyebrow, 
“Yes. And I still have-” he checks his watch, “-forty six minutes and eleven seconds left.” He looks back up to find Marinette holding back a smile. “Does my predicament amuse you Dupain-Cheng?” 
“Yes.” She pulls out her phone and snaps a picture before putting it back and continues, “so is there another way out of your so-called predicament or will you have to stand there for forty five minutes holding that sign, which I might add doesn’t look good on you, Wayne.” Damian scowls at her. 
“Rude. Yes there is another way but it’s not like I would let it happen anyway, so I will stand here for the next forty five minutes and forty six seconds.” 
“Are you going to tell me? Maybe I can help out.” Damian looked past her and leveled a glare at his brothers. 
“To get out of this… embarrassment, they have ordered me to get kissed… on the lips or stand here for a complete hour, there is no limit of cheek kisses,” he brings his gaze back to her, he isn’t glaring anymore but the slight scowl remains, “And I refuse to have a complete stranger get anywhere near me like that and I highly doubt you’d like to “help me” with that.” Her stomach fluttered and she grinned. She did find herself daydreaming about “helping” him lately and faked an interested look after glancing back at his brothers and giving them a small wave. 
“Well, Damian Wayne, I would love to help you out if you would allow me to.” She crosses her arms, a clear challenge. Damian gapes at her, scowl forgotten and lips parted in shock, which just made her eyes linger on that part of his face for a bit too long. 
“Seriously?” he asked before suddenly straightening his back and clearing his throat. “There is no need to take pity on me, Dupain-Cheng.” 
“No no no, I want to.” She nods her head in affirmation, she was extremely nervous of being rejected and his reaction wasn’t a great sign but even if he didn’t like her like that they could always think of it as a favor from a friend.  
Damian continues to stare at her and narrowed his gaze contemplating his options. Marinette began to fidget when he finally spoke up. 
“Ok?” Marinette was honestly a little surprised but Damian nodded his head. 
“Ok,” he confirmed. Marinette smiled and held out her hands for the poster which he gave her hesitantly while glancing at his brothers then snapping his head back to her when he hears ripping. 
“HEY!” Marinette looks over her shoulder to find Todd leading the other two boys, all red in the face, to Damian and Marinette. She gave them an innocent smile and turned back to Damian. 
“It’s now or never Dames,” she reaches up, grabbing his collar and tugs him down. 
His lips were as soft as she imagined and the kiss was even more exhilarating than she ever hoped. Before she could pull away Damian deepened the kiss and pulled her towards him, setting her stomach fluttering again at his actions. 
When they pulled back they were both breathing a little shorter trying to make up for the lost oxygen and beating hearts. 
Marinette laughed lightly, “Well, Wayne, I didn’t know you were that desperate.” 
“My hand was forced.” 
“To my waist?” she teased, she wanted to kiss him again but she didn’t know if it was appropriate. 
“What the FU-”
“Jason!” Dick admonishes. 
“No, really, what the FU-”
“Alya!” Adrien admonishes. 
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prettybirdy979 · 3 years
Fic: Aziraphale/Crowley - Lavender Fields
Please feel free to send me any prompts. More of my fics here. This prompt comes from a private list made by an amazing group of friends from the Ace Omens server as a birthday gift to me, which I am filling in a random order.
When Aziraphale had declared he wanted to go see a lavender field, Crowley hadn’t been quite sure why. Sure lavender isn’t one of the plants he grows, but it can't be too hard to do it, right? Okay sure, it’s not happening instantly unless Crowley uses a miracle but he could still have lavender here soon. 
Okay, soonish. His new garden is… not going as well as he expected it to, full of slackers that make Crowley want to scream more. So it might take a while for him to have lavender but he could!
But no. Aziraphale wants to go out today to see a field of lavender, so here they are. At a lavender farm.
Crowley didn’t even realise those were a thing until Aziraphale had gotten out the piece of paper with directions, never mind that Crowley’s phone would’ve done a better job at navigating.
‘We’re here, aren’t we? I did a fine job.’
‘It took us three hours to do a drive that should have taken half that!’ Crowley grumbles as they wander past the farm house and cafe - Crowley already having ducked in to get Aziraphale a tasty treat of lavender shortbread to nibble while they walk around.
‘Only because you drove too fast,’ Aziraphale says around his mouth full of shortbread. ‘By the time I could tell you to turn, we were three miles past it.’
Crowley goes to mock the angel but they round the corner to the lavender fields and his words disappear in his shock. Rows and rows of lavender plants are lined up, varying shades of purple flowers shivering in the breeze. The whole place smells like a relaxing bath and every single plant he can see looks amazing.
But no. That can’t be. There must be flaws in these plants. Crowley suddenly itches with the urge to stomp down the rows between the plants and inspect them.
Something of his thoughts must show in his face because beside him, Aziraphale starts to grin. ‘Have fun dear,’ he says, taking another bite. ‘Put the fear of you into them.’
With a delighted look at his bastard of an angel, Crowley marches off to inspect the troops.
Four hours later he finds Aziraphale in the cafe, sipping some lavender tea. ‘You had your fill?’ he asks the angel, fingers tightening on the pot of the plant he picked out of the onsite nursery; the only one worthy of returning with him. 
Aziraphale smiles at the pot but thankfully says nothing. ‘It was a delightful day, but I am ready to go home. How were the troops?’
Crowley growls as he climbs into the car. ‘Lazy slackers, the lot of them,’ he snarls. He’s almost pleased to realise how well behaved his new garden is compared to the slackers he saw. Puts it into-
‘Oh you bastard,’ he growls. ‘Perspective!’
Aziraphale just smirks and pats the pot he’s holding in his lap. ‘Hold on tight dear one,’ he tells it as Crowley guns the engine. He continues being reassuring the whole way home.
Oh well. The plant will learn soon enough. 
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thedragonnerd · 3 years
my soul may be damned, but my heart is still yours
(Concept Art AU 1/2)
Raya meets Namaari when she is seven years old, at her first Council of the Five meeting. Her Ma has recently passed, and Ba is reluctant to let her out of his sight, so he decides last-minute that she will accompany him to Fang on their diplomatic mission.
‘The lands of Kumandra may have been divided for 500 years,’ he tells her as they set out for their neighbour’s land, a large group of Royal soldiers surrounding them. ‘But the Council of the Five has ensured for centuries that trade and diplomatic discussions are still carried out, so that our lands do not fall into war and our people are protected. You are Heart’s Princess, and one day, these meetings will be yours to attend.’
To her disgust, Raya is provided a bodyguard for protection; this may be a mission of peace, but clearly Ba does not trust those no-good binturis in Fang even so. She resigns herself to an incredibly boring three days, where her father will talk with other adults for endless hours, and she is sat alone in a corner…But then, when they arrive in Fang and are greeted by the host delegation, she spies another small girl around her own age, peering out from around Chief Virana’s legs.
‘I’m Raya,’ she says, as soon as the adults are distracted. The girl gives her a small wave.
‘Namaari, Princess of Fang,’ she introduces herself. Around her neck lies a pendant in the shape of a dragon – Sisu, to be precise. Raya decides in that instant that her and Namaari will be best friends.
Indeed, they spend the first hours of the day in deep discussion. Namaari has been attending these Council meetings since she was five years old, and she’s a useful source of information, such as when the best food is brought out, or when the adults are too busy to notice small children sneaking away. At dinner later that evening, Raya slips handfuls of sweet desserts into her pockets, and grabs Namaari’s hand, ducking through the legs of everyone around them in order to lose her bodyguard. They sit in a dark corner and eat their stolen treats, laughing over silly jokes and their combined love of Sisu and all things dragons.
Being the Princess of the land, Namaari also knows amazing places to visit, and even better places to hide from the adults. Instead of three dull days, Raya spends them all with her new friend, talking, playing with serlot kittens, or getting into all sorts of mischief.
She can’t help but feel upset when it is time to return home.
‘See you next year in Heart?’ Namaari asks shyly, when Raya’s delegation is about to leave. Raya beams at her, scooping her into a hug before running after Ba.
They don’t speak in the interim year. Although Raya feels like Fang is now the land of new friends rather than binturis, the political situation is far more complicated than two young girls wanting to talk.
Raya thinks about Namaari often though, and when the first Council parties begin to arrive at Heart’s palace, she half leans out the window to see if she can catch sight of the other girl. Her frustration mounts as Spine and Talon are greeted by Ba, and then she sees in the distance the shining white of Fang’s uniforms, and almost falls out the window in her haste to go down to meet them.
She’s worried that Namaari might not remember her, or that their brief friendship didn’t mean the same thing. But as soon as she enters the courtyard, Namaari is already waving her over to say hello.
Later on, they are sat in Raya’s bedroom, talking non-stop until their voices start to crack, when Namaari pulls a small package out of a pocket, and thrusts it towards Raya.
‘A gift for the Heart Princess,’ she says, a light dusting of red across her cheeks. Raya takes it reverentially, and opens it to find a golden dragon pendant, with a shining blue stone in its center.
‘I love it,’ she clutches it in her hand for a moment, and then eagerly hangs it around her neck.
‘It’s so we can be matching forever,’ Namaari reminds her, holding up her own pendant.
Raya wears the pendant always. After the last Council meeting, her Ba and Chief Virana had agreed to allow letters to be passed back and forth between their daughters, and so Raya writes diligently to Namaari at least once a week, telling her of her lessons and training, of tasty food she’s enjoyed, of silly things Ba has said or done. It’s difficult to make friends as Princess, and the other children are wary of her when she wants to join their games, too concerned about causing offence by mistake. It seems to be similar for Namaari, from what Raya can glean from her own letters, and so they share their thoughts with each other instead, pouring out their young hearts in their correspondence.
Their meetings in Spine, Talon and Tail are similar as before. Raya is annoyed to see that Namaari is growing at a much faster pace, but besides that, it is wonderful to be able to hug her friend and hear her voice. And in the months between the Council meetings, they continue their letter writing, sharing their thoughts, their fears, and their hopes for the future.
‘I hope Kumandra can be reunited again,’ Raya writes when she is eleven, and frustrated with the amount of time left before she can see Namaari again.
‘When we are both leaders of our land, we will be the first to take that step, dep la,’ Namaari promises in her reply.
When Raya is twelve years old, the Council meeting should be hosted in Fang once more. But a week before the gathering, Raya finds Ba rushing around, throwing out orders to everyone in his vicinity.
‘Is there a problem, Ba?’ she asks, surprised at how stressed he seems.
‘Fang can no longer host the Council of the Five this year, so we are instead,’ he replies, before rushing away to organize more details.
‘Food is scarce, this season,’ Namaari had written in her last letter, and Raya re-reads it with more understanding this time.
She resolves to ask her friend more details when the Fang delegation arrives, but when she first catches sight of Namaari, there are no smiles sent her way. Namaari instead stands staring straight ahead, adorned in more formal clothing than Raya is used to seeing. As soon as the diplomatic greetings are held, the parties start to walk back to the palace together, and Raya deliberately falls back so she can walk with Namaari.
‘Alright?’ she asks her friend. She sees Virana grip her daughter’s shoulder tightly, and then Namaari is sending a fake smile in her direction.
‘All is well,’ she tells Raya, but her eyes say differently. Raya wants to question her there and then, but first comes the large feast where everyone must attend. At her age, she knows Ba will notice if she misses it, but she is almost tempted to forgo manners and drag Namaari away.
‘I must speak to you,’ Namaari whispers at her when they are finally sat with their food. ‘But in private.’
The meal feels the longest Raya has ever had to sit through, so when the food ends and people start to split off into groups for discussions, she gestures to Namaari and they run out the side door.
‘Let me take you somewhere private,’ Raya says, hooking her arm with Namaari’s and pulling her up the pathway. ‘I’ve been waiting to show you this place for ages anyway.’
It is forbidden to take outsiders to see the Dragon Gem, and as its newly-appointed Guardian, Raya knows she should act in a more sensible way. But this is Namaari, her dragon-nerd-in-arms, and she’s been wanting to share this special place with her for several years now.
When they cross the threshold and enter into the glowing chamber, Raya can see her friend’s eyes growing wide at the Dragon Gem shining brightly before her.
‘It’s beautiful,’ Namaari breathes, and then her expression turns serious. ‘Raya, this is what I needed to talk to you about. I need to warn you…I think Ma has something planned in regards to the Gem – I heard her speaking to-’
She stops speaking abruptly. The hairs on the back of Raya’s neck prickle, and she knows before she turns what she will see. The sounds of weapons being drawn confirms her fears.
‘Leave her alone!’ Namaari calls out to the Fang warriors, trying to step in front of Raya. But Raya is a Guardian of the Dragon Gem, and she steps into fighting stance, determined to protect both the Gem and her home.
She is only a child, however, and no match for a group of seasoned Fang warriors. She takes one strong hit, and falls to the ground winded, struggling to stand again. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Namaari pull out a flare and shoot it into the sky, and in what feels like the next instant, Ba is beside her, followed by a large crowd of Fang, Spine, Talon and Tail delegates.
Yelling ensues, and then there is nothing but chaos. The only thing Raya can focus on is the fight for her life.
‘The Gem!’ she hears someone cry suddenly, and time seems to slow down as she watches the Dragon Gem topple to the ground. The crash echoes through the chamber, and everyone pauses in their fighting.
‘It’s alright, it’s alright,’ Ba is saying, on his knees and with his hands hovering over the Gem. For a split second, Raya believes him; then there is a *crack* and a small fracture starts to run up the side of the Gem. The room’s glow turns from a serene blue to a sickly shade of green, and people start to scream and run away as the ground begins to tremor.
The Gem is now alit with green flames, which grow larger and wilder as something tears open the ground beneath their feet, and Raya sees a large mechanical arm reaching out of the darkness, attached to a monstrous body. The movement dislodges the Gem, and it rolls towards her, a flaming ball of now corrupted magic. Raya tries to scramble away, but the ground is still trembling and she falls backwards, watching in horror as it comes closer.
‘Raya!’ Ba cries in the distance, and she closes her eyes.
Then there is a warm weight on top of her, and a terrible, terrible sound fills her ears. Raya drags herself forward with her hands, her fingers getting scratched and bleeding in the dirt, and she pulls her legs out from under whatever is pinning her down. Twisting around, she finds Namaari lying on the ground next to her, screaming in pain. Namaari’s left hand is clutching the Dragon Gem, and Raya watches as the green flames dance across her fingers, a green glow emanating from her veins.
‘Raya, we have to go!’ Ba says, just as she is reaching out to help Namaari. He scoops her up by her waist, and starts to run in the opposite direction.
‘’Maari!’ Raya screams, trying to fight him off and get back to her friend. Ba’s grip is too tight however, and she watches helplessly as she’s carried away.
The last thing she sees before being dragged from the chamber is Namaari, writhing on the ground in pain as several mechanical Druuns crawl closer to her prone form.
Her Ba does not make it that night either. Instead, she watches as he is touched by one of the cursed Druun, a green light flaring in his eyes before he is turned to stone, frozen in his last moment of pain and terror.
It takes Raya two years before she can bring herself to return home. The Druun have moved on, searching for more populated areas, but she can’t shake the trauma witnessed that night. She wouldn’t go back at all, but her supplies are running low, and of all the places she knows that should be filled still with well-preserved food, it will be the kitchens at the palace.
She aims for a quick in-and-out mission, but once she has collected the food and packed her bags back onto Tuk Tuk’s saddle, she can’t help but hesitate and glance over her shoulder.
‘I’ll just be a moment,’ she tells Tuk Tuk, patting his nose when he grunts at her in concern.
Her first visit is to her father, still suspended in time leaning over the bridge’s wall, his face contorted into one final call of her name, and his arms reaching out. She still remembers seeing his face as she fell into the water, and she hopes she was the last thing on his mind also in those final moments, rather than the fear of the Druun.
After she sits with him for a while, she takes a deep breath, and turns to go to the very location where it all started. Her feet drag as she nears the entrance of the chamber, but she steels her nerves, and ventures inside.
The image before her is even worse than she recalls. Debris is littered across the floor, tossed aside when the Druun emerged back into the world, whilst every corner of the room is full of stone people – all those who were too slow to escape, or too stubborn to back down from a fight.
And there, in the middle of the room, on her knees with one arm reaching out, she finds Virana. The fear etched onto the Fang Chief’s face sends a shiver down Raya’s spine, but when she turns to follow Virana’s eyeline, she sees nothing. Namaari isn’t there.
‘I didn’t expect to find you here, dep la,’ comes a voice from behind her.
Raya whirls around, her hand flying to her father’s sword. There is a subtle movement from within the shadows, and then a figure steps out into the open.
‘Namaari?’ Raya whispers, shocked at the sight in front of her. ‘I thought…When did you…How did you..?’
She can’t even finish a question, and Namaari chuckles bitterly at her surprise.
‘How did I avoid turning to stone?’ she asks, her gaze drifting from Raya and towards her mother instead. ‘It would have been better if I had done so.’
And then Raya sees it – her left arm, no longer human but metal and shining with the same sickly green of the Druun’s magic.
‘What happened to you, ‘Maari?’ Raya asks, taking a step forward and holding out her hands. She pauses when Namaari backs away, shaking her head.
‘Don’t come any closer, Raya,’ she warns. ‘I’m not safe to be around. I’ve…I’ve been cursed.’
‘The Druun cursed you?’ Raya demands, confusion in her voice. ‘Why would they do that? HOW did they do that?’
‘Not the Druun – the Dragons,’ Namaari thrusts up her left arm, and shakes it twice towards Raya. ‘This is what I get for touching the Dragon Gem. I guess being a traitor from Fang would do that…even the Dragons didn’t like us.’
‘I don’t believe that,’ Raya says softly, and she inches forward slowly. Namaari’s eyes are unfocused as she stares into the distance, and so she doesn’t notice Raya until their fingers brush. She flinches away.
‘You saved me,’ Raya continues, ignoring her reaction. ‘That shouldn’t mean you’re cursed for it…the Dragons wouldn’t have judged you so.’
‘Well, there’s no longer any dragon magic to place judgement anyway,’ Namaari informs her, and their eyes meet for the first time in years. ‘It’s inside me, Raya…I can feel the power of the Gem burning. And they’re in here too.’
‘The dragons?’
‘The Druun…I can hear them calling. They’re looking for me.’
At this, Namaari suddenly grabs Raya’s shoulder with her human hand, opening her mouth to say another warning, and Raya can see the moment she is distracted by something.
‘You kept it?’ she asks instead, and her hand goes to cover the pendant around Raya’s neck.
‘We said forever,’ Raya jokes feebly, fingers rising to hold Namaari’s wrist in support. ‘Namaari, let me help you, please. You saved me once, let me save you now.’
They pause for a moment, staring at each other, and then an unearthly shriek pierces the air.
‘They’re here,’ Namaari breathes instead. ‘Run.’
Namaari disappears into the shadows in a split second, almost as if she were a ghost. And for the second time in her life, Raya finds herself fleeing from Heart’s palace without Namaari beside her.
PART TWO tomorrow...
OK, so this was meant to merely be a Concept Art headcanon list as suggested by an anon, but it kinda ran away with me, and I found myself writing endless 'childhood friends' points to build up to the moment Namaari even got cursed, let alone to the point that everyone wants to actually read where they have a showdown later on. Woopsie. It then went from ficlet to...sorta fic, so I will have to post the rest tomorrow since it is late in my timezone. I know lots of other people have been doing amazing fics, headcanons and art for this concept, so this is just my lil contribution.
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